#i love the fact kuro is insanely old
nihilara · 6 months
@paramythas asked: "If you're hungry, there's ramen in the bottom cupboard next to the fridge." Which is odd, because Io doesn't... eat food. "If you make a mess though, you're cleaning it up."
𝐊𝐔𝐑𝐎 𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐓 𝐀 𝐁𝐈𝐓 𝐓𝐎𝐎 𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐆𝐆𝐘. but he managed well enough; getting to his feet so he could wander to the kitchen. which, is stocked with just enough food that kuro can remain happy when he stays here. it's not lost on him that io doesn't eat the things he does. and it isn't the first time she's done it. she'd even provided him with pots and pans to use for cooking. " ahh thanks-- " upon looking, he realizes she has also gotten him brands he really enjoys. was it an accident? kuro thinks so, but a small part of him would like to think it was intentional.
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as he preps his pot, and gets it on the stove... he imagine io going to the store to pick these things out. the vampire really doesn't strike him as someone who shops for things often. a moment later-- his head pokes out of the kitchen, a slight tilt to his head. " i know you have to drink uh... blood. but-- can you eat? like, food food? just to enjoy it if you wanted? " he really hasn't ever seen her eat, aside from. well. which makes plenty of sense. " like uh junk food. " a pause, the question feels dumb.
-- but he may as well " or would that kill you or something... "
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sakumasmut · 2 years
imagine kuro getting flustered bc his child asked for a younger sibling😳
imagine the two of you picking your 4 year old from preschool. as the three of you walked home together, your child told you how one of their classmates recently got a younger sibling. after you and kuro tell your child to pass on your congratulations to them, your child immediately asked if they could get one too for their 5th birthday— which is in around a month from now.
the question left both of you flustered, you could still answer their question by promising you'll give them one as long as they behave nicely. your husband on the other hand, was too flustered that he couldn't even say anything. he doesn't mind having a second child obviously, but the fact that it was his child that asked for the addition makes him melt.
after you teased him the entire week about it, you two decided to accept your child's request. after dropping your child off to chiaki's house for the weekend, you two immediately get into action.
him praising you as his cock plunged deep inside you, saying how he can't wait to knock you up again per his beloved child's request. he would definitely prefer you riding him during this session, seeing your reaction everytime he talks about impregnating you drives him insane.
your entire weekend would just be filled with him making love to you and cockwarming you to make sure you're pregnant. the two of you would go several rounds, as the sight of your cunt dripping with his seeds turns the two of you even more.
you would break the news during your child's 5th birthday like you promised to your child that day. making your child jump in excitement as you give kuro an all knowing eye.
you two definitely plan on having more.
(guess who's writing this instead of working... it's worth it tho i fucking love writing soft smuts <3)
— crocsnon
aww I always do think it’s funny when kids ask for younger siblings, not realizing what it means for their parents.
kuro just keeping his cock inside you the whole time to plug all his seed up…god what a dream
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geges · 2 years
I am not sure if you are feeling okay, but you can respond when you feel better. Thanks to you I was able to get into the Onmyoji Mobile Game and play it. It requires a lot of grinding and I spend a lot of time leveling up my Shikigami.
Also I see that you are a fan of Kidomaru. Netease does not seem to be doing much with him right now despite the fact that he was Shuten Doji's son and Orochi's grandson in Japanese Mythology and the fact Orochi seems to play an major role as a villain in the story too so it could establish connections between the characters. It is controversial to say if changing the character's lineage from his mythical counterpart is all right or not even though this has not been confirmed or denied in the game. I also heard that they will not let him interact with Seimei or he will barely interact with Seimei despite the fact that they are both mixed race and share a past together and his supposed love interest Enmusbi is travel with Seimei.
NOOOO IT MAKES ME SOOOOOOOO MAD KING YOU DONT UNDERSTAND. most of my circle hates kido so i just kind of sit in the corner and fume about him but NE did him so fucking poorly 😭😭😭😭 his parallels and past with both kuro and shiro seimei is the most interesting fucking dynamic in the game. i go fucking insane thinking about his experience as a mixed race, non-passing person being villified and ostracized until he conforms to their expectations vs seimei as a "passing" mixed race person succeeding as long as he is able to suppress his identity and kill that half of himself. then he ends up fucking blowing up and splitting himself in half anyway to cope w the trauma and suppression that he had to force onto himself. there are a lot if hills i will die on about this game but the "kido isnt actually evil" hill is a lot taller than the rest. hes a fucking FASCINATING case study on racial alienation and how it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy like they fucking reinvented the racial pipeline with fantasy racism and every time someone calls him horrible or evil i want to attack them like a wild dog. sure he did some fucked up shit. i will accept calling him evil ONLY if we hold Every Single Other Character in the game to that standard. who is going after seimei for this shit. why is tadayuki blameless. who is calling shuten a mass murdering freak for his actions. taishakuten committed atrocities that make kidomaru look like a 2 month old puppy in comparison and we STILL have 284729 tai apologists crawling out of the woodwork to explain that He Isnt Evil Actually. shit is just frustrating!
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asoulofatlantis · 1 year
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That has to be one of my favorite optional-dialog moments of this game and I love reliving it XD
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The fact that, despite Rean making all of us love him far too much, we can all agree on that he still managed to mad us made multiple times XD
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Honestly? After the Sky-Saga was over, I was pretty sure we would never see Josette again, as she was simply not important enough in Sky to become a recurring character in later games. So it is always amazing to see her again here in later games.
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So far it seems that bringing Jusis along is only for meeting Rufus later, I think it is a bit disappointing that there is hardly any difference between how things go, despite the fact that the game forces you to choice EITHER Alisa or Jusis. But that is something that is easily noticeable in CS4, they tried to not change too much, no matter who you take along with you. Wish is the reak reasin they always make sure that you bring certain people along, because those people usually carry the heavy dialogs.
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I am not Junas biggest fan, as you all know, but I still got a bit teary eyed here. I think that are my maternal instincts speaking. I think if you have a little empathy, its easy to imagine what a mother would feel if her child went “missing” (not to mention being basically a wanted fugitive) in a country that just started a war.
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Realizing the fact that this guy shows up in way too many games, for being such a... annoying character. Seriously, at the point of Kuro 2 you are no longer surprised about him constantly switching sides. One moment you fight against him, the next you fight with him and then you fight against him again and then he actually helps your team... and at some point it is not surprising or entertaining anymore, but simply only getting old.
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No matter how much I have struggled through certain parts of the Sky-Saga as well as both Crossbell-Games (especially Zero) I will still NEVER regret playing those games because it wouldn’t feel the same to see Estelle and Elie (and later the other again) if I hadn’t. Also... I get that our “main Heroes” - Cast is far too big for this at this point, but I would honestly love for the final Kuro game to reunite us with Rean, Estelle, Joshua, Elie and Lloyd once more. It would make my day. (And I guess they can add Kevin to the mix, if they have to - the fandom wants it and its time for the dominions to do something about a certain someone and her organisation so... chances are high.)
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Lechter has always been a character that you can not hate, but sometimes really wish you wouldn’t like either. And given how he stands next to Campanella who also somehow manages to worm his way into the “not exactly hated” - characters, this is a weird but really fitting mix ^^’
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I know he is probably under an insane amount of medication and strong painkillers right now, but seeing him sitting there smiling, makes you think for a moment that he isn’t as much in danger as he actually is. (I want to say with this that Falcom should have tried a bit harder here.)
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The fact that I got a chance to see that Jusis followed the cue, as expected XD Seriously, after Musse and Juna talk about the Ferris-Wheel being a romantic place and all, you have Alisa thinking of Rean. So it makes sense that Jusis thinks of Millium as well - DESPITE THE SISTER-ZONING.
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The fact that I totally forgot that Lechter just spoiled one of the biggest plot-points behind Osbornes motives and that so early in the game.
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D-Did Jusis just snap? Never thought I see that day.
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You know what really sucks? That this damn assholes of a literally backstabbing traitor gets the best redemption Arc the Trails-Saga has seen. This man, for once, actually earned his redemption. Rufus, of all people. Grrr...
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undertakerslxt · 3 years
of soul collections and crimson smiles | grelle x reader
title; of soul collections and crimson smiles
warnings; the usual for kuro.
summary; you’re a reaper-in-training assigned to grelle sutcliffe. . . it’s a night you’ll certainly remember.
song inspo; looking at me slowed (sue me, this is literally grelle talking to the reader here)
word count; 1.4k
note; your girl is sick with covid, and so is the rest of her fam, so like. . . enjoy this draft. also, i may write a part two with a little more spice because i just adore this version of grelle. 
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"MY, MY, SO YOU'RE THE new recruit William speaks so highly of."
You jumped at the sudden voice next to your ear, and your eyes widened as a crimson-haired woman circled to face you. You knew who she was instantly; she was, undoubtedly, the most infamous Reaper of the London dispatch.
Grelle Sutcliffe. Reaper extraordinaire, as she liked to style herself. Her signature grin was fixed firmly on her lips, showing off razor sharp fangs. She looked ready to pounce on you. You swallowed back your fear, knowing that any sign of weakness on your part would only provoke her. Grelle was infamous for not only her unabashed love for bloodshed and chaos, but the way she was the most difficult senior Reaper to impress. No one really could figure out how she graded her juniors; some received outstanding grades from her. Others with similar results were failed miserably with a snarled Get out of my sight.
The senior Reaper's eyes glinted at you with malicious amusement. That was the thing, you'd learn so very quickly upon your arrival to the Association -- most Grim Reapers had a vicious streak that could make a demon run for cover that they hid behind macabre humor. And Grelle was no different.
In fact, you'd heard that Grelle Sutcliffe was the most dangerous Reaper in this dispatch.
Perhaps that was why your undead heart beat faster as she leaned in, the faint scent of roses mingling with the tinge of rusted old blood drifting off her. She raised one hand to your chin, sharpened nails digging into your skin hard enough to leave a mark. Grelle seemed to assess you through cold phosphorescent eyes. You didn't blink. Please don't reject me, you thought to whatever deity might be out there.
You were acutely aware of how cold Grelle's fingers were against your chin, and of how she had you cornered in her office. You could even hear her heartbeat.
She released you abruptly, but something had shifted in her eyes. You couldn't quite place it, or whether that shift boded well for you.
"We have plenty of souls to collect tonight," she mused. Grelle stretched her arms above her head, before shrugging her coat over her shoulders. "Our shift is about to start, and I absolutely refuse to work any ghastly overtime. A girl's got her limits, you know? We must stand up for ourselves."
"I - uh, yes," you stammered out. You let out a giant breath you didn't even realize you'd been holding, shoulders slumping slightly. It seemed you'd passed whatever first test she'd put you through. "Do you get overtime a lot?"
"Ugh, you have no idea." She left her office, you in tow. "The amount of times I've had to cancel my spa days because some disaster happened is ridiculous. It's always the new Reapers too. You lot are always underestimating a human's will to live. Well," she turned back to glance at you briefly, "I suppose none of us could understand that sort of will."
That comment stung.
And yet Grelle was completely right.
She studied you again, her expression almost thoughtful. For the infamous Reaper constantly getting into trouble, she was surprisingly calm. Despite all of her seemingly insane exploits, you could see that Grelle was an incredibly smart woman. She was the sort of woman you thought you'd rather have with you than against you.
Grelle began striding down the hall again, leading you out into the rainy night encompassing London. You'd been assigned to shadow her for a night to see reaping firsthand, something your dorm mates had been equally impressed by and jealous of. It was well-known that such a high-ranking Reaper was your mentor because Director Spears saw great potential in you. Now, if you could only prove him right.
And maybe befriend her.
You couldn't deny the fact that you'd been both thrilled and anxious to learn of the news. Grelle was a legend in her own right, and you. . . well, you'd always found dangerous women exciting. Attractive. And it didn't help that Grelle was breathtaking. Half of her department pined for her. She never seemed interested, however; any romantic interest of hers was directed at either the director himself or some demon named Sebastian.
Grelle took you to the top of a three story apartment building, her long crimson hair swaying gently in the London wind. You leapt to her side from the ground, glancing to her. "Oh dear," she sighed, rather melodramatically. "Looks like we are right. . . on. . . time."
As if on cue, a gunshot rang out.
You looked down to the street below you, wrinkling your nose slightly. It exuded a foul smell from even this far up, though you supposed that might just be due to your enhanced sense of smell. You narrowed your eyes as you crouched down, studying the scene down below. Grelle chucked from above you.
"Greedy men," she sneered, and the words sounded like an insult.
A man had fallen to the cobbled street below, clutching his abdomen. Above him stood another man with a gun clutched between his fingers. He aimed for the first man's head again, shouting something about money and drugs. You adjusted your spectacles.
"He's still alive," you pointed out to your senior.
"Right. Of course he is, darling. Until we drag his soul out of him, he will be alive."
A hand grasped your shoulder, and Grelle's voice dropped an octave. "Go on, then. Put him out of his misery, hmm? And watch for that Cinematic Record. Humans tend to resist their own inevitibe fates."
You stood back up, turning to her. She winked at you, before making a shooing motion with her hand. You drew the Death Scythe holstered at your hip, and as your fingers closed around the hilt, adrenaline rushed through your veins. Your very being shivered, and you couldn't help the fanged smirk.
Your very first collection.
You pushed off from the edge of the roof, soaring through the air. Your feet made barely any sound as they connected with the cobblestone below. One glance above you showed Grelle's silhouette against the moon. Something inside you burned fiercely at the thought that the Reaper you so admired, so loved, was watching you so closely.
You'd make Grelle proud.
You brushed past the human man nearby, and without hesitation, swung your scythe down at the other. The tip pierced into his body, and from his wound spilled not blood, but strips of memories. His entire life, and it was all in your hands. His memories played out in front of your eyes, and you watched as he grew from an infant to a boy to a young man, and finally, to the middle-aged man caught unawares in a dangerous part of the city. You almost pitied him. He'd have lived if he had just taken a different turn.
Heaven it is.
The second you thought it, you realized something was wrong. His Cinematic Record reared its strips above you, before plunging down. You barely managed to parry it with your scythe, leaping back. A hiss escaped your lips as you felt something wrap around your ankle.
This is why they tell Reapers-in-training not to collect souls yet.
You sliced through the tendril around your ankle, but another snagged your wrist next. You grunted as the Record came diving at you again, and managed to dodge its strike. Was it trying to kill you? Implant its memories in your body? Souls were such fickle things, and you had no idea what this one wanted.
You would not let Grelle down.
You sliced through three tendrils at the same time before cutting straight through the main Record floating from the man's body. As you did so, the light emanating from him vanished, and the street quieted. You stumbled back a step, dragging in a breath. Dear God, that was difficult.
"Bravo, my dear," a familiar voice rang out from behind you. You turned to be greeted by the sight of Grelle's wide smile. "And you were so much faster than your classmates," she added. "They took their time, but you. . . Well, I must say, I understand why dear Will is so interested in your potential."
Grelle barely looked at the body of the fallen human as she came closer. Her eyes glowed in the darkness of the alley as she leaned in close to your face for the second time that night. Your undead heartbeat sped up again, and you blinked.
"You may just turn out to be an excellent Reaper, after all."
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emikochan · 4 years
How would yandere 2p Japan deal with an s/o who has gone insane?
I took this as a call for part 2 of the previous Yandere!2p!Japan ask~
Were you running a fever?
Your eyes stared blankly at the dark ceiling of your bedroom. You felt sweat slowly running down your face and the skin on your shoulders get all itchy and chilly from the heat and the occasional cold breeze, that escaped through the tilted window into the room and brushed you ever so slightly. Your face hurt and you just wanted to get cleaned up again.
Your eyes darted to the right, where your self-proclaimed husband Kuru Hondai was fast asleep and didn't even notice your misery- as always.
He didn't move for the entire three hours that you have been awake for now and probably wouldn't notice it if you left the futon... what more did you have to lose?
You threw the covers off and slowly rose from the floor. The moon was your only source of light on this quiet night in a July, that hasn't been enjoyable for a long time.
How long has it been since you enjoyed a summer in freedom with Kuro? Two years? You couldn't even remember.
Your feet carefully tippy-toed on the cold wooden floor to the room, where Kuro left all of his katanas, bokken and other weapons to display, and for you- to use now. Watching him practise Mugai Ryu and Kendo most certainly turned out to be good for something. All the playful fighting you two did in the beginning of your relationship taught you where to hit in order to end your opponent the quickest way possible, so you took the sharpest katana off the wall and examined it in the moonlight.
The blade reflected the distant moon and you knelt down to take a few more breathers before you decided how exactly you'd proceed.
A quick stab through the heart should do the trick, so you removed the saya and placed the kissaki on your chest-
"You are out of your goddamn mind, woman"
Through the darkness of the room you could barely make out Kuros sillhuette standing at the door.
"Put the weapon down. Now." he ordered, but you could only glare at him with dead eyes.
"We are going to end this tonight and either you bite the dust or I do." you expained.
"What will it be?"
Kuro chuckled internally, being incredibly amused by your little tantrum. Did you really insist on a play fight at 3am? He would rather have a good night's sleep with you but if playing is what you wanted then fine.
"Let's fight then. Give me my favourite, please."
You rose to your feet and handed Kuro his favourite katana; an old and very ancient blade, that was passed down to him by the dying leader of an old family that excelled in kendo.
"I expect a fair battle." you took your stance, ready to draw the katana.
"Of course you do." his smirk was hidden by the dark and he took the opposite stance.
Within seconds the blades were crushing against each other, you pushed your weakened body to it's limit and though you were a bit rusty you put up a good fight.
Kuro, of course, let you slash him a few times because he didn't want to not ruin your fun too soon. It's been so long since you two fought like this. The only thing that was missing was your laughter, but you two were married adults now. So who could blame you for getting a bit more ser-
"Any last words?"
When Kuro stopped being lost in thought he found himself with his back on the wall and a very sharp blade against his throat.
"How on earth did you-"
You pressed the blade further against his throat to signalize him that he should better save his sweet talk.
"(y/n), my flower." Kuro whispered with the smooth voice he used when he complimented you back then. It struck something deep in your heart, that you thought was lost long ago.
"Whatever you do, you know I adore you. If killing me helps you, do it."
You lowered your blade with the same expressionless facade that he always pulled. He wasn't sincere with this selfless crap he tried to pull now and you knew it, but seeing him like this after the fun you had fighting with him just now ignited something entirely new inside you.
What would happen if you killed him? You'd be charged for murder. You are clearly the victim though, the evidence is literally written on your face.
Even if you were to let him run free, you'd never truly live without him. He left his marks all over you, damaging you mentally and physically. Whatever you did, wherever you went, Kuro would always be with you and this repulsing fact digusted you to know end. His ownership and the damage couldn't be undone with his death.
You directed the katana back at your own chest and stabbed yourself. "The hunted got only one triumph, he can determine the time of his death himself", and in your case, you gave Kuro a good beating and now stole the thing he "loved" most on this earth: you.
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zyalahmiscfandom · 7 years
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My thirteen year old self was singing as I drew this, she was obsessed with Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler and with the new movie being out I decided to get back in to one of my first outings in anime.  I previously sketched the Undertaker here on my other blog but that wasn’t enough to satiate my Kuro thirst, so I dug through my old sketchbooks and found my original design for this character, so after a little revision and a lot of chuckling at my 13 yr old self for her mary sue character I present Isabella.  Isabella was born on December 2nd 1868 and she “died” on December 18th 1888. She did not have a happy life, but such were the conditions of Victorian London, if you weren’t filthy rich there was an absolute certainty you would suffer. Sure the middle class couldn’t complain, they had enough money for food and shelter, but the further down into the gutters you got, the less likely you were to live very long. Isabella was born from a forbidden tryst between her scullery maid of a mother and a snobbish spoiled Duke.Her mother was foolish and young, she thought she was in love, but nine months later she found herself out of a profession and a home.  Isabella tried her best to support and help her mother, at age five she was working in the bakery, she would deliver bread to local customers. At age 10 she helped the old couple who owned the bakery make the bread. Her mother kept her job secret from Isabella, often not coming home until the wee hours of the morning, tired and often crying. Isabella would always do her best to make her mother smile, she would sing for her, draw for her, and also sneak the best bread she had made for her, she was Isabella’s only family after all, and she wanted nothing more for them both to be happy.  At age 15 her mother died of consumption. Her wasted corpse leaving nothing for the grieving child, nothing but an empty void and a sudden lack of home.  Isabella thought that the sweet, kind and caring elderly couple would help her, they had often told her how they wished she was theirs. She was positive they would allow her to stay in her home. But alas she was let go, they told her they couldn’t be associated with her mother “type of work” and had they known they never would have allowed Isabella’s filth into their bakery. It was then Isabella found out she was the daughter of a whore.  Suddenly she was lower than filth, she was looked down upon by everyone who laid their eyes upon her, which when you live on the streets is a lot of people. She tried her best to find work in her part of London Town, but everyone knew she was the bastard child of a whore, and they didn’t want to sully their “good” names, and if they did want her to work for them, it was not for her baking skills, she gave up on trying to find work very quickly thereafter.  On her 18th birthday, and one of the coldest winters London had ever seen, a saviour appeared to the cold and ill Isabella. Johnathan Micheal Ainscough. He was the benefactor of a new hospital that had opened up in Isabella’s part of the town. He took her to his hospital, he fed her, clothed her, gave her a warm place to rest her head, in exchange she became a maid in the hospital. She thought her luck had finally turned. But she should have known better.  It was 6 months to her 20th birthday, when she noticed patients going missing. It was also around that time that she was forbidden to go into the basement floors of the hospital. She should have known better than to snoop around, but when a young boy and his butler started investigating the disappearances, she felt it her duty to the patients to speak up and tell them all of the things she had noticed whilst living in the hospital. The only thing she wanted for recompense for her help, was their word, that if Isabella should get into trouble for her assistance, they would help her in return.  They lied. No more specifically, the Boy. Ciel Phantomhive. Lied. She was found snooping in the basement floors, her curiosity getting the better of her. She found the missing patients, what was left of them. She couldn’t tell whether they were being sold into the black market, tortured, or some kind of sick attractions. She came to find out, all three was the case, when Johnathan, her saviour, turned out to be the perpetrator of this sick little playground.  She waited for them Ciel and his butler draped in black, to return, to find her and help her like they promised. She waited. Her hate grew. She endured. And her soul turned black. Every torture she was subjected to, every humiliation she was the star of, only fanned the flames of her near insanity. She wanted nothing more than to subject the people who had done this to her to the same unyielding pain. The nobles who frequented the Playground, Jonathan Micheal Ainscough himself, but most importantly Ciel and his dog Sebastian, for leaving her there. She’d never once dreamed of hurting a child, but as the day’s turned into weeks, she felt her morality slipping and her mind growing darker. She found herself no longer praying to the heavens for salvation, but begging the depths of hell for retribution.  On December 18th 1888 her pleas were answered. A monster appeared from the darkness, taunting her, mocking her, but also giving her an out.  “I can give you what you desire...but it comes at a price.” It’s voice both harmonious and ear splitting at the same time. Without hesitation Isabella agreed, no price was too much for her revenge. But as the monster came closer and freed her from her bonds, it hesitated, and to Isabella’s horror, it laughed.  “There is nothing left to sell.” It’s glowing eyes shined even brighter as Isabellas’ own widened in shock, as the monster turned to leave. She lunged at it, grabbing it’s almost gaseous arm in a vice like grip. She screamed at it, rage taking her over, venom poured from her mouth as she demanded her revenge. She bellowed at it, her desire to rip their souls from them as they had her, she refused to take another defeat. The monster was impressed, it knew that fire that had replaced Isabella’s soul, as it too had once felt that rage. A rage that not even a demon deal can satiate. It knew there was one option, the same option that had given birth to it, so many years ago.  “You’re more demon than I am now.” Those were the last words Isabella heard before the blackness took her over. She didn’t know whether she was dead or not, all she cared about was her revenge and the fact that she was suddenly insatiably hungry. 
Image is a redrawn screen cap from Kuroshitsuji.
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Hey quick updates: Johann hasn't been on in 35 days, I've been one shitty thing away from killing myself, bucket and I started a comp tf2 team uhhh that's about it let's all point and laugh at this idiot I got into kuro discourse with
A blog entirely about kuroshitsuji and the wonderful ship of Ciel and Lizzy
Hate is not allowed here
Lizzy is our precious sunshine goddess and no one should hurt her
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Chapter 132 and “the spare” comment
So people are flipping the fuck out over the fact that a) Frances called our!Ciel “the spare” and b) Vincent taking it all in stride, joking they may as well give up the Watchdog title should our!Ciel find himself at the Phantomhive helm. Was it particularly tasteful of them to address our!Ciel in such a blasé, brusque fashion? No. Did they mean it maliciously? No, no they didn’t. They don’t have the gift of hindsight that we as readers do. To them our!Ciel was a young, sickly child who couldn’t even go outside for fear of triggering an asthma attack—who couldn’t even have fencing lessons with Frances because of his weak constitution. (Please note I am NOT disparaging our!Ciel, but even the most devoted Kuro fan will have to recognize this actuality—our!Ciel is not the most robust child out there, as exemplified in canon by the Circus and Campania arcs.)
Furthermore, being the Queen’s Watchdog means executing orders that are both ruthless and necessary. We now know that our!Ciel can behave in such a fashion but back then when the twins were 7, 8 years old? Remember earlier in chapter 132 when Vincent took the twins to inspect the Phantomhive domain? The first thing real!Ciel says after Vincent finishes explaining the duty of a lord is that these tenants will need incentives to keep working the land—a hardline, pragmatic insight befitting a future earl. Yet our!Ciel, once he learns that a lord must “maintain his estate so tenants can be free to devote themselves to their work” worries about keeping everyone satisfied (granting their “wishes”) before wondering how many tenants live on the land. There is a startling difference between the twins in terms of mindset—real!Ciel thinks like an efficient, practical man of business while our!Ciel shows more compassion and thoughtfulness.
A more empathic, gentle approach.
…But these are the exact same sentiments that will get you killed if you’re the Queen’s Watchdog. To Vincent (and probably Frances, since she is Vincent’s sister and he has entrusted her with the training of his heir), our!Ciel probably seems far too softhearted and humane to ever fit the merciless, cutthroat role of Earl Phantomhive. I mean can you really blame Vincent? All his life (up until the fire) our!Ciel has been sweet, caring, obedient, and delicate—he’s shy around strangers, lacks the extroverted charm of his older brother, and his greatest dream is to open a toy shop so he can give joy to other young children.
Does this really sound like the type of kid who could one day kill with impunity, watch others bleed to death before him, and burn down an entire mansion filled with lobotomized children? Vincent and Frances are not trying to be spiteful, cruel, or demeaning—they’ve simply observed the twins, recognized their strengths and weaknesses, and are now discussing the very real possibility of what would happen if real!Ciel were to die. Morbid? Yes. But this was 19th century, lifespans were short and Vincent’s occupation as the Queen’s Watchdog leaves no room for error.
And, in a strange, inconspicuous way, Vincent may also be trying to protect our!Ciel. We know Queen Victoria is a dangerous individual not prone to softer emotions of forgiveness or understanding (i.e. Murder arc) and Vincent, who’s had direct contact with Victoria (thus giving him a chance to observe, catalogue, and analyze her in person), knows that the Phantomhives are disposable tools of the crown. If one of his sons were to mess up then they’d be eradicated and mercy—that odd, human concept—wouldn’t even be considered.
We as readers know our!Ciel is capable—probably more so than real!Ciel—but three years ago, when happiness was still possible and the Phantomhive twins were devoted to one another? The wickedness of what will one day come to pass seems not only farfetched but cruel—for why would you ever force a child like our!Ciel to abandon his innocence in favor of pitiless indifference and demonic power? We cannot fault Vincent and Frances for speaking of our!Ciel in those terms (“the spare”) because, in many ways, Vincent and Frances were also right. Undertaker explicitly says in the Weston arc that our!Ciel is different from his ancestors—a fact that our!Ciel proved when he rescued Joanne Harcourt even though such a task was both unnecessary and foolish. He put his life on the line to rescue Lizzy even though it meant drowning in the cold Atlantic current. Heck he stared death in the face with Madam Red, in the throes of anger, grief, and insanity was ready to stab him to death and he ordered Sebastian not to hurt his aunt.
Even after going through hell and back, there is still compassion inside our eyepatch wearing protagonist, he is still capable of pity, sentiment, and warmth. Our!Ciel has elevated himself beyond the scope of what his father and aunt thought possible, he has achieved momentous triumphs and committed unspeakable acts of horror but we CANNOT judge Vincent and Frances’s comments—made more than 3+ years ago—as hateful or heartless. In their eyes, they were assessing the shy, soft-spoken younger twin—not the tenacious, sharp-tongued, unflinchingly clever Queen’s Watchdog we know and admire.
199 notes | 12:22am 22 Sep 2017 Tagged: #vincent phantomhive #frances midford #our!ciel#real!ciel #ciel phantomhive #sebastian michaelis #elizabeth midford #madam red #joanne harcourt #chapter 132 #spoilers #in defense of papa watchdog and our badass sword queen#please be kind guys #understand where they're coming from #THEY ARE NOT TRYING TO BE MALICIOUS VILE CRUEL OR HATEFUL #they don't have the gift of hindsight that we do#mod Nina
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your-lovers-and-drifters said: I really don’t think “the spare” comment was meant to connote inferiority. It’s just the way high society/nobility operated. To acknowledge one’s second son as “the spare” wasn’t seen as derogatory—it was just a fact of aristocratic life. To us, it may look like Vincent and Frances were belittling our!Ciel but this appellation of birthright was just a product of patrician privilege. @asthmaticastre​ @fraternaltwin-andidiots​ - mod Nina
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Unfortunately we just have to live with all this extra nonsense.
Okay, so first of all, let's just point and laugh at this blithering Morton who thinks that """" just cause they meant well makes it okay""" (read in the most snotty voice possible) and that "oh it was just a fact of life" and "its pokay, they didn't realize that he would grow up to be the way he is!!!"
Like, you stupid motherfucker! PH my god! The issue isn't did they mean to hurt him, or they meant well, or it was true, its that THEY SAID SOMETHING SO FUCKING HORRIBLE ABOUT A CHILD. A CHILD. at the risk of using some kinda logical galaxy, my mom doesn't "" mean"" to hurt me by insulting my friends and yet! Its still a shitty thing to do!! The issue! Isn't if they're right or not, they're still treating a child like shit! Holy FUCK
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virginieboesus · 6 years
7 Of The Highest Earning Esports Players
So I’ve been looking at eSports a lot more recently, as a fan and viewer, which has led me to look at the prize pools of the different tournaments, as well as the players themselves. Because of that, I started to wonder who are the best players in eSports. So, I wanted to look into who the most successful players are in terms of the earnings they have gotten.
Interestingly, considering I recently wrote about Dota 2, the majority of the highest earning eSports players focus on Dota 2. Today, I wanted to bring attention to 7 of the highest earning esports players, just so that you can see how much of a big business eSports really is! Let’s get started.
7. GH – $3,087,344
Known by his gamer tag of GH (real name Maroun Merhej), the seventh spot in this list featured this amazing player from Lebanon. GH currently plays for the eSports team called Team Liquid, focusing on Dota 2 as his game of choice. His “heroes” of choice in the game are Io, Keeper of the Light and Earthshaker, who he uses with great skill. Interestingly, he is reported to be a very down to Earth type of guy, and even studied Law!
GH got his start in competitive gaming with Counter-Strike at just ten years old! When I was ten, I was too busy playing single player RPGs to even think about competitive gaming… Although, come to think of it, when I was ten, broadband was still a new and emerging technology, so I wouldn’t have been able to do it anyway.
6. SumaiL – $3,285,914
Sumail Hassan, who actually uses his real first name as his gamer ID, is a young professional gamer from Pakistan. Part of the Evil Geniuses team for Dota 2, he has proven himself to be a very formidable player, racking up a huge amount of money from prizes. Sumail started playing Dota 2 when he was just seven years old, visiting internet cafes to hone his skills and turn himself into a professional at the game.
In fact, he was considered a rising star in the American eSports scene at the young age of fifteen! That’s just incredible and shows the dedication that he has put into improving his skills.
5. Matumbaman – $3,468,116
Coming from Finland, Matumbaman (whose real name is Lasse Urpalainen), plays for Team Liquid alongside GH. At present, he plays the carry role in the team when playing Dota 2, with his preferred heroes being Lone Druid, Lycan and Gyrocopter. One really nice thing to note about Matumbaman is that he’s known for his positive attitude. He will often joke and play around with others, making him one of the more entertaining personalities during interviews.
Interestingly, Matumbaman actually plans on saving up his winnings in order to pay for some additional education after he retires from competitive gaming and eSports.
4. MinD_ContRoL – $3,484,411
Known to his family and friends as Ivan Ivanov, MinD_ContRoL hails from Bulgaria and, once again, plays for Team Liquid (they have quite a few people on this list, don’t they). In the team, he plays the Offlaner position, typically using heroes such as Dark Seer, Nature’s Prophet and Beastmaster. Like Matumbaman, he is known for his smile and generally happy demeanour before tournaments, despite the amount of pressure on the players.
MinD_ContRoL also enjoys playing table tennis and chess in his spare time, with a friendly yet competitive spirit shining through in everything that he does.
3. Miracle- – $3,701,337
Amer “Miracle-” Al-Barkai is yet another Team Liquid player, which just goes to show how incredibly successful Team Liquid really are! The Jordanian professional gamer takes the Mid-Laner position in the team, but can also run as the Carry position too. Interestingly, he was also the very first Dota 2 player to reach 9000 MMR, surpass w33 in ranks and has also won the eSports Rookie of the Year 2016! So yeah, you can tell just how good he is when it comes to competitive gaming!
However, he doesn’t spend all of his time in front of the PC. He is also a big fan of football, having played it in the past. This has, reportedly, helped him with discipline, teamwork and strategic thinking that has helped him secure such high spots in eSports.
2. N0tail – $3,735,055
N0tail, known outside of the Johan Sundstein (or Bigdaddy) comes from Copenhagen. He has only been playing Dota 2 since 2012, yet he has already risen up the eSports ranks. In fact, his goal is to be the top Dota 2 player out there, and he has come pretty damn close, don’t you think? N0tail currently plays for Team OG, being known for his char and humour. He plays the Solo middle role using Juggernaut.
Aside from gaming, N0tail is a huge fan of Marvel as well as a variety of TV shows like Fear The Walking Dead. One great thing to note, however, is that N0tail starting gaming back on the almighty Gameboy!
1. KuroKy – $4,128,926
And so, we come to the (currently) highest earning eSports player out there; KuroKy. KuroKy (real name Kuro Takhasomi) hails from Berlin in Germany and is the action captain of Team Liquid, meaning that they hold the large majority of players on this list. KuroKy has taken part in 92 different tournaments so far, amasing an absolutely insane amount of winnings! At just 24 years old, you can instantly see just how quickly he has risen to the top ranks.
KuroKy’s love for gaming actually started with Nintendo, before he eventually branched out into competitive gaming when he grew up.
And That’s All Folks
Those were the 7 highest earning professional eSports players at the time of writing. It’s crazy to see how much money they have earned, don’t you think? But that just goes to show how skilled they are when it comes to competitive gaming.
Have you ever thought about trying out eSports? Let me know in the comments below!
from More Design Curation https://www.16bitdad.com/7-of-the-highest-earning-esports-players/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=7-of-the-highest-earning-esports-players source https://smartstartblogging.tumblr.com/post/181018415295
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smartstartblogging · 6 years
7 Of The Highest Earning Esports Players
So I’ve been looking at eSports a lot more recently, as a fan and viewer, which has led me to look at the prize pools of the different tournaments, as well as the players themselves. Because of that, I started to wonder who are the best players in eSports. So, I wanted to look into who the most successful players are in terms of the earnings they have gotten.
Interestingly, considering I recently wrote about Dota 2, the majority of the highest earning eSports players focus on Dota 2. Today, I wanted to bring attention to 7 of the highest earning esports players, just so that you can see how much of a big business eSports really is! Let’s get started.
7. GH – $3,087,344
Known by his gamer tag of GH (real name Maroun Merhej), the seventh spot in this list featured this amazing player from Lebanon. GH currently plays for the eSports team called Team Liquid, focusing on Dota 2 as his game of choice. His “heroes” of choice in the game are Io, Keeper of the Light and Earthshaker, who he uses with great skill. Interestingly, he is reported to be a very down to Earth type of guy, and even studied Law!
GH got his start in competitive gaming with Counter-Strike at just ten years old! When I was ten, I was too busy playing single player RPGs to even think about competitive gaming… Although, come to think of it, when I was ten, broadband was still a new and emerging technology, so I wouldn’t have been able to do it anyway.
6. SumaiL – $3,285,914
Sumail Hassan, who actually uses his real first name as his gamer ID, is a young professional gamer from Pakistan. Part of the Evil Geniuses team for Dota 2, he has proven himself to be a very formidable player, racking up a huge amount of money from prizes. Sumail started playing Dota 2 when he was just seven years old, visiting internet cafes to hone his skills and turn himself into a professional at the game.
In fact, he was considered a rising star in the American eSports scene at the young age of fifteen! That’s just incredible and shows the dedication that he has put into improving his skills.
5. Matumbaman – $3,468,116
Coming from Finland, Matumbaman (whose real name is Lasse Urpalainen), plays for Team Liquid alongside GH. At present, he plays the carry role in the team when playing Dota 2, with his preferred heroes being Lone Druid, Lycan and Gyrocopter. One really nice thing to note about Matumbaman is that he’s known for his positive attitude. He will often joke and play around with others, making him one of the more entertaining personalities during interviews.
Interestingly, Matumbaman actually plans on saving up his winnings in order to pay for some additional education after he retires from competitive gaming and eSports.
4. MinD_ContRoL – $3,484,411
Known to his family and friends as Ivan Ivanov, MinD_ContRoL hails from Bulgaria and, once again, plays for Team Liquid (they have quite a few people on this list, don’t they). In the team, he plays the Offlaner position, typically using heroes such as Dark Seer, Nature’s Prophet and Beastmaster. Like Matumbaman, he is known for his smile and generally happy demeanour before tournaments, despite the amount of pressure on the players.
MinD_ContRoL also enjoys playing table tennis and chess in his spare time, with a friendly yet competitive spirit shining through in everything that he does.
3. Miracle- – $3,701,337
Amer “Miracle-” Al-Barkai is yet another Team Liquid player, which just goes to show how incredibly successful Team Liquid really are! The Jordanian professional gamer takes the Mid-Laner position in the team, but can also run as the Carry position too. Interestingly, he was also the very first Dota 2 player to reach 9000 MMR, surpass w33 in ranks and has also won the eSports Rookie of the Year 2016! So yeah, you can tell just how good he is when it comes to competitive gaming!
However, he doesn’t spend all of his time in front of the PC. He is also a big fan of football, having played it in the past. This has, reportedly, helped him with discipline, teamwork and strategic thinking that has helped him secure such high spots in eSports.
2. N0tail – $3,735,055
N0tail, known outside of the Johan Sundstein (or Bigdaddy) comes from Copenhagen. He has only been playing Dota 2 since 2012, yet he has already risen up the eSports ranks. In fact, his goal is to be the top Dota 2 player out there, and he has come pretty damn close, don’t you think? N0tail currently plays for Team OG, being known for his char and humour. He plays the Solo middle role using Juggernaut.
Aside from gaming, N0tail is a huge fan of Marvel as well as a variety of TV shows like Fear The Walking Dead. One great thing to note, however, is that N0tail starting gaming back on the almighty Gameboy!
1. KuroKy – $4,128,926
And so, we come to the (currently) highest earning eSports player out there; KuroKy. KuroKy (real name Kuro Takhasomi) hails from Berlin in Germany and is the action captain of Team Liquid, meaning that they hold the large majority of players on this list. KuroKy has taken part in 92 different tournaments so far, amasing an absolutely insane amount of winnings! At just 24 years old, you can instantly see just how quickly he has risen to the top ranks.
KuroKy’s love for gaming actually started with Nintendo, before he eventually branched out into competitive gaming when he grew up.
And That’s All Folks
Those were the 7 highest earning professional eSports players at the time of writing. It’s crazy to see how much money they have earned, don’t you think? But that just goes to show how skilled they are when it comes to competitive gaming.
Have you ever thought about trying out eSports? Let me know in the comments below!
from More Design Curation https://www.16bitdad.com/7-of-the-highest-earning-esports-players/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=7-of-the-highest-earning-esports-players
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