#i love their relationship so much. i wish dazai got hit by a car
hesbianyaoi · 10 months
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osarina · 1 month
CARINAAAA HAPPY BIRTHDAY🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
Sooo, somehow I managed to not notice you answering my ask?? Literally how, I have been stalking your blog, idk how I missed it 😔😔
But anywayyy I'm going to yap to you abt my trip to Vienna since you kindly asked, and I have yapped so much to my bestie abt it, she hit me </33 😢😢
Soo, it was a 10 days and 9 night vacation and it started with a 12+ h long car travelling. 12+ h. And i forgot my headphones at home. It was horrible. I will never forget them at home again.
We (aka me, my mom, my dad, my older brother and his gf) stayed at my aunt's. But, the problem was that, that there was only one (1) bedroom. Which my aunt and my uncle used, so they slept there now too. Me and my mom slept on a inflatable mattress, my brother and his gf slept on the couch and my dad slept on a mattres on the balcony 🤣🤣
But as every family vacation, everyone argued with everyone so it was quite funny (for me at least)
We went to 3 different beach, we walked almost the whole city, we visited the Schönbrunn Palace, we went to a big as fuck zoo-like park, the swans chased me, we went to the amusement park where I tried almost everyone. There were dance thingies at night, we went and watched those too and went to 2 concert. So, basically we did everything expect resting. Which was, btw, the whole vacation's main essence.
Anyway, subject change-
I hope you period will or is kind to you too. Oh how I love being a woman 😔
Btw Rinaaaaa
I had a very very very bad dream today ☹☹
I'm currently reading a dark era/15 era dazai x oc fic on wattpad and I dreamt abt ittt
But it was not some lovely-dovely dream, no, i had to have a damn nightmare.
So, I outline what it was:
Me and I think 16? yrs old dazai were dating and in a happy relationship and dazai bought some ultra luxury house which had a whole floor that was a pool. And there were different slides that were life-threatening. And there were many ppl there as well, I think it was a party or something. And the whole day I was in the pool and somehow I got a very very bad feeling. And somehow I found out from Dazai's friends (who were not odasaku, ango or chuuya) that he was CHEATING ON ME. AND WHEN I WENT TO FIND OUT THERE WAS SOME BITCH HUGGING AND TRYING TO KISS HIM. AND WHEN I CALMLY (seriously, i was actually calm. but how, idk) HE JUST IGNORED ME????? LIKE THE FUCK????? But at least he didn't let that slut kiss him. But didn't said no to her or tried to take her hands off him. And then I broke up with him.
And now time skip-
I somehow ended up trying out one of the deadly slides and he sat behind me. It was roller coaster and a slide mix, i can't explain better. And when I thought I'm gonna die (seriously, THAT THING WAS HORRIFYING) I accidently screamed his name and THAT MF IGNORED ME AGAIN. HE WAS RIGHT BEHIND ME. I WAS SHOUTING WITH ALL I HAD. THE AUDACY?!?!?
And then time skip again-
Somehow me, dazai and a bunch of ppl were in an underground tunnel that was made of rocks I think. And we had to climb up idk why. And when I asked everyone to please help me EVERYONE DIDN'T GIVE A FUCK AND OSAMU WHO WAS RIGHT NEXT TO ME STARTED TO CLIMB FASTER IGNORING ME 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I hate this dream. This was my first dazai dream AND HE FUCKING CHEATS ON ME?!?!?!??!?!
Anyway, so sorry for this enormous ask, I'm a yapper at heart. And sorry for any mistakes again, I was diagnosed yesterday with dyslexia 😔😔😔
Have a fantastic day, much love,
- 🍄
OMG i am SOOOO jealous - i was supposed to study abroad there over the summer during college but it got cancelled because of covid </33 i was so upset over it. i would simply DIE if i didn't have my headphones for a 12h car ride. AND IM DYING OVER UR DAD SLEEPING ON THE BALCONY LOLLL THAT'S SO FUNNY
NAURRRRRR MUSHROOM NONNIE </3333 if the cheating wasn't bad enough the blatant ignoring when you were in dangerous situations would have actually sent me over the edge LOL that's awful i would actually cry.
BUT don't you worry our dazai would never cheat on you. he simply thinks you're the most lovely and treasured person to have ever come into his life, that man would rather DIE than look at anyone but you. that was simply an IMPOSTER dazai.
DON'T APOLOGIZE, I LOVE IT HAHAHAHAH i will always be the listener to people's yapper, i love listening to people yap
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starglow-xx · 4 years
owning a bakery and being discovered by the ada & port mafia (part 1)
platonic! edogawa ranpo x f! reader
type of writing: head canons !!
this is part of my head canon series, flour & fluff !!
tag list is open !! go to this google form and fill it out to sign up!
series synopsis: owning a bakery at 20 is tough; even more so when you have to handle members of two opposing organizations! this is your journey to meeting these fools and creating an unlikely bond with each of them! but only at the cost of your peace and sanity. 
fandom: bungou stray dogs
content: fluff & platonic stuff
author’s notes: this will be a multiple part series of head canons and this is only part one! this series will include both the agency and port mafia members, and then something special for the end. maybe i’ll even write a real one shot/scenario for it. if there’s enough interest, i might open up a tag list for this! i hope you all enjoy!! <33
also, ranpo is 25 in this part; kenji, atushi, kyouka, and the tanizaki siblings aren’t part of the agency yet, only yosano, kunikida, and dazai are, but in the next couple parts, it will be established that the tanizakis are
and (n/n) means nickname :)
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meeting the greatest detective
your bakery, Sakura’s, which you named after your late grandmother (who was also your guardian), went into business when you were 18 right after graduating high school
who needed a culinary course when you were trained by dear ol grandma?
your grandmother died when you were 16, just as you started your second year of high school
you were devastated of course, but you knew she wouldn’t want you to wallow over it too long
so in those last two hard years of high school, you took part time jobs at other bakeries and saved lots and lots of money
by graduation, using your life savings, the money your grandmother had left for you, and all the money you earned working, you were able to buy the small building—with a reasonable amount of money left over to survive— you and your grandmother had been eyeing back in her hometown, yokohama, to start your bakery
the building was a bit run down, but you were planning to give it a makeover anyways
it was a bit smaller compared to other buildings around, only having two stories, but on the plus side, the second floor had taller ceilings and was an apartment
is that realistic? probably not but bare with me here 
you finished putting your bakery up in about 4 months, then finished up your apartment 2 more after
you opened Sakura’s at 7 in the morning then closed at 8 in the evening
when you first started, you did quite well!!
especially with those who went to work on early mornings and families
the time when you first opened was the most peaceful, but you admitted that it was a bit boring, and you wished for a bit more excitement
and boy, the day edogawa ranpo stepped into your bakery was the catalyst for the chaos and excitement that was soon to come
not that you knew that
if you did you would’ve never let him in
you were 19 when ranpo discovered Sakura’s, and it was completely accidental
he finished solving a case and was on the way back to the agency, and he—not surprisingly—got lost and then it started to rain really hard
it was pouring; there was even the cliche thunder strike and everything
you saw the brown clad man across the street and you ran out with two umbrellas (almost getting hit by a car mind you) handed one to him and practically dragged him inside
with the heavy rain on the forecast, Sakura’s was empty, so you gently pushed him down on a chair and you rushed away to find towels
even though the two of you had umbrellas, the two of you were still soaked 
finding said towels, you quickly dried yourself the best you could then you draped your towel over your back and rushed over to give him his as well as a warm pastry and your special hot honey lemon tea
ranpo laughed as you placed down the refreshment and snack, thinking that you knew who he was and was giving him special treatment
poor bby blinked and went :0 when you said you didn’t
“you don’t know who i am?”
“no. am i supposed to?”
the 25 year old blanked and you worried that you broke him and started to apologize profusely 
he cut you off claiming that he got over it he didnt but seeing as the bakery was empty and it was pouring pretty badly, he demanded you give him all your attention sit with him so he could tell you all about himself and what he’s done
the two of you got along quite well
you were amazed with all the stories he’s told you 
you honestly acted like a cute little kid listening to fairytales
he told you that and in response you threw a napkin at him
“wow ranpo-san! that’s amazing!!”
“you look like a little kid”
cue the napkin
he was happy with all the attention, praise, and sweets you gave him
the agency gave him praise sure, and made sure he had a lot of snacks but it was refreshing to have someone give him this much and your treats were the best he’s ever had
after he told you all his most interesting cases, the two of you just rambled about the most randomest things; going from the best desserts and snacks to the stupidest things his coworkers have done
you guys were on that last topic for a while
you two talked and rambled for hours, and when it hit hour two and the rain was still pouring, you just went ahead and slipped the “we’re open” sign to “closed” even though it was only 2 o’clock
you thought that this was probably the loving goofy older brother relationship that you missed out on
“ranpo-san, you’re kind of like the brother i’ve never had”
“and you’re still like that little kid”
cue another napkin to the face
don’t worry, he already adores you <3 
he just likes to make fun of you </3
*cuts you off as you’re talking to squish your cheeks* “(y/n) you still have a lot of baby fat and you’re pretty short...are you sure you’re still not in high school or smth??”
*incoherent talking due to pressure on cheeks* “ranpo-san you have 3 seconds before i kick you out”
at around 6, the rain came to a stop and by then, the both of you were all dried up
before he left, you gave him a map so that he hopefully wouldn’t get lost again and gave him a couple boxes of treats for him to have and to share with his coworkers
you closed early so you had to give away at least some of the remaining treats somehow
he wanted you to go to agency with him so he didn’t have to carry everything but you declined saying that you didn’t want to bc you wanted to rest
and for payback for calling you a little kid
you were 19 goddamnit
you already placed everything neatly into two bags so it was easy to carry but this bitch still had the audacity to pout and whine at you
and he calls you the little kid, jeez
you never told him but, you almost gave in
you never told him. but he probably already knows
ranpo san knows all after all; even you knew that by now
the two of you had also exchanged phone numbers and when the two of you showed each other what you each put for a contact name along with the note below, the two of you broke out into grins
you named him “the greatest detective <33″ & put the note “new nii-san <33 & bully </3″ and he named you “cute bakery girl” with the note “best follower, sweets supply & annoying little kid”
when he left, you properly closed the bakery and taped a sign to the door saying that you closed early for personal reasons
when everything was cleaned up, you marched up into your bedroom, plopped on your bed, and took a nap
you deserved it
at the agency not too long after that, ranpo had arrived and when he opened the door, everyone rushed towards him in concern asking if he was okay
he waved them off and walked towards his desk and plopped down in his seat
he placed the two bags in front of him and took out a box of cream puffs and started to snack on them
his coworkers watched him blankly as his scarfed down one after another
after finishing that box, he rummaged through the bags to look through the different kinds of pastries you’ve given him 
noticing that there were people still staring at him he paused before sighing in exasperation
he began to whine at his coworkers saying that no one told him it was gonna rain and that they were lucky that he happened to be in front of Sakura’s
“why did no one tell me?! it was pouring and i was soaked! you guys are lucky that (n/n)-chan’s bakery was right there! you would’ve probably lost me! how would the agency even function without me here?!”
no one wanted to be the one to tell him that they had no idea who he was talking about and that they did in fact tell him that it was gonna pour
they can save that, and their questions for another time
next >>
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leonawriter · 4 years
My Personal Takes on Stormbringer:
Without a full and accurate translation to go through in one sitting, it’s still hard to get a handle on things properly. That said, thank you to everyone who’s working on it. 
(please note all quotes are my memory of translations I have read, and are not verbatim.)
-Asagiri, please, you do not need to make so many coding analogies with regards to Chuuya and Verlaine. They don’t work.
-It often feels - not just in this book but also in 55 Minutes, where there are tight restrictions on a time travel ability - that Asagiri limits abilities based on how scientifically accurate they are. However, this doesn’t make sense! why should it! Literature should be an expression of freedom. There should be rules - the same way the Page has rules - but in the sense of Magic A is Magic A. You make up the rules and then you don’t break them in future. Why have Kunikida able to create something with a mass heavier than a piece of paper out of a page of his notebook, but then say you can’t do [x/y/z] because it’s scientifically unviable?
-I have no issue with how skk treat each other. they are chaos teens. let them be. like... this is the beginning of their actual trust. they’re also in the mafia, and in a dark time in their lives. it’s fine. (it isn’t, but at the same time, it kinda is.)
-I feel like Chuuya taking things from other people and making that thing “his” fits him as a character? he had nothing before, so when you have nothing, all you have is what people give you. If someone gives him a bike, then that bike is his now. He has to learn to look after it, love it, and respect it, and he’ll remember that friend by it. Same goes for pretty much anything else. Also, it’s a show of how well Chuuya adapts to things, and what things he chooses to pick up.
-The hat. I do not like how the hat was treated. Making it into the key that helps Chuuya be able to activate Corruption cheapens the meaning and weight of having been given the hat as a memento of the first person who told him to live as a human being. Why not have the hat be a reminder of his humanity in a purely sentimental way? I’m going to ignore anything canon about this and just say it’s sentimental. Which, like, it could have been a safety blanket type thing, not pseudo-science.
-The coding in Chuuya’s body is a bit... of a reach? How do you put that in there? I don’t get it. Just say that there’s a possibility he might die if he uses Corruption, or that he’ll never become “Chuuya” again. That he’d lose himself utterly. The log history can be either on a chip (insert Dazai making “lost dog, if found return to the mafia” jokes here) or on something else that could easily be destroyed during the course of the story (or not).
-Dazai living in the shipping container reads to me like an extreme version of “I do not want to be found I do not want to be helped I am worthless trash and what’s the point in having an actual home if I plan on dying any day anyway.” Verlaine asks what drove him there, and Dazai says “you” and tbh that offers up so many questions (like, was the shipping container thing recent, was it temporary, or what). There’s the possibility that Dazai doesn’t always live there, because otherwise he’d suffer from hypothermia and get pneumonia in the winter! But above all, Mori had nothing to do with this. He was probably terrified to go too close in case he got killed. Stop saying Dazai lives here because “poor baby was abused :(” that sure was not it.
-Dazai goes all this way - plotting for ages, since before the beginning of the book, having been number one on Verlaine’s hit list, just to get the truth about Chuuya’s humanity and to preserve it - because “I want to see Chuuya suffer as a human being” is him saying he doesn’t want to see Chuuya become like him, or inhuman, because that’s not Chuuya. (dude, there ain’t a straight explanation for this...)
-following on from the previous, Dazai refusing to just let things be the moment he realises that it’d mean double suiciding with Chuuya. I personally see that as a shippy moment because Dazai had already given up on Chuuya being alive (if I read the translation right) and in that case, dying would just be letting go. But Mori says “yeah but I don’t think he’s dead yet?” and that, along with the “double suicide” thing, makes Dazai go “absolutely NOT.”
OK a related thing - as far as I remember, when IRL Dazai attempted double suicide, right up until his actual death it would result in either a failure or... his partner dying and him surviving. The cold potential of this happening in BSD if Dazai had just given up reminded me of that.
-Regardless of my thoughts on how it was handled, Stormbringer reinforced my previous ideas about how Chuuya basically IS Arahabaki. It also suggests that Arahabaki was more of a sentient ability than a true “god” but... that’s fine. For me, all I cared about was that all those “Arahabaki is an evil being that is constantly trying to take over Chuuya and Corruption is Arahabaki being let out” takes are not true. It’s... basically Chuuya taking the lid off his power. I joked at one point that Corruption is Chuuya going “I’m so pissed off I’m gonna kick the door open and throw away the key” and Dazai going “go for it babe, I got your key.”
-Rimbaud and Verlaine are... very complicated characters? They’re not easy to get a handle on. I sometimes find myself liking them and sometimes find myself disliking them, and that’s something that’ll be easier when I have a full translation available - and one of Fifteen. Rimbaud was held back by seeing Chuuya, at first, as nothing more than an empty vessel to Arahabaki’s power, while Verlaine was so taken over by grief without understanding how to handle that, that he became a monster up until the end of the story. Neither of them were good people. That said, their relationship to each other? It’s very complicated and reminds me of their IRL selves to a point but without the skeevy nature and without it going so far, so kudos to that.
-Adam. Knowing his creator was a ten year old girl makes so much sense when you look at the things he says and does. He doesn’t get so much. He’s very logical, but doesn’t understand that a game of billiards isn't as much of an icebreaker as he thinks it should be. Surprised by bubble gum. Games like “strange things humans do” are very much like the word games kids play in the car. 
-Verlaine being the fifth executive was something I did not predict at all, whatsoever, and I can’t stop thinking about it. Like... how did he get to that point. Only so much can be said in a few paragraphs (it seems) of “this is [x] number of years in the future where Chuuya’s an executive now.” 
The last we see of him, he’s overcome by grief, hatless, and he seems to have only just realised how much he wished he could return what Rimbaud gave to him. (Ironically, by being able to grieve like that, it shows that he is capable of what he thinks he can’t do - same as Dazai.)
But how does he become an executive? Do they come to him slowly at first, and they gradually build up trust? Does he stay in contact with Chuuya? Do they see each other properly as brothers now, or not? I can’t help but feel that as it’s a long time - six years, in fact - between Stormbringer and canon, some bond of trust must have been built. The mafia protects Verlaine from the authorities and from the outside world just the same as Kouyou says that she wants to do for Kyouka, and the same as they’re there for Chuuya, too. So. A Verlaine who trains the mafia’s best assassins not because he’s forced into it, but because he feels the same loneliness as Chuuya, and finds that it helps? A Verlaine who learns slowly that he can care about more people than just Rimbaud and Chuuya? Holy shit yes please. A Verlaine who is loyal and protective and who you should be glad is in a (probably) gilded prison of the mafia’s basement, because otherwise he would actually do so many things to those who would harm his family.
Let’s just say - if I think of Arahabaki as a guardian or protector god who is just plain destructive because it can’t help that, then Chuuya and Verlaine looking and acting in similar ways because they share that same “parent” in a sense, makes sense. They are no longer just Arahabaki, they’re “Chuuya” and “Verlaine” - but they also share traits such as “Papa Wolf” and “lonely” and “violent,” among others.
-At least twice, pre-Soukoku Dazai and Chuuya refer to how they’re constantly thinking of each other. No, they don’t mean in positive ways, but they’re chaos teens and it’s still strong emotion. Chuuya mentions how he’s thought of at least 190 ways to punish Dazai for the things that he does (which also implies how their relationship is equal, and Dazai doesn’t call all the shots, and doesn’t get away with everything scot-free), and Dazai says that Verlaine can’t possibly win against him, because Dazai “spends all of his time, waking and sleeping, thinking of ways to annoy and harass Chuuya,” (quote not perfect.) 
We also have Chuuya having Dazai appear to him first in his hallucinations, which I see as Chuuya’s inner Dazai-voice saying all the worst things, and ironically not actually saying or meaning things that would get across what real Dazai would want him to feel; in other words, that’s Chuuya’s view of him, or his mind searching for the one person he’d believe it to realistically come from.
As well, Dazai saying “there’s no way Chuuya could be an artificially constructed personality, because no one could create a personality that I [hate/that annoys me] so much.” Which, like... sure... you tell yourself that, kid...
Basically, they’re all the kinds of things that teenagers who don’t really get how strong feelings like these work yet, who are still figuring themselves (and their orientations, probably) out, would say if they don’t even like that other person that much, but they’re still attracted to them. A strong “why does it have to be THEM?” haha. And yet, as others have pointed out, Chuuya seems more on the oblivious side than Dazai, since as said, Dazai goes to all this effort and seems fond (but only when Chuuya’s not looking, dumbass) but Chuuya just... doesn’t get it.
A shorter summary of my thoughts and feelings?
Chuuya suffers, but is ultimately happier for it no matter whether he’s one of the clones or whether he’s the original (it’s arguable either way, and I don’t mind either way) as he’s still Chuuya. His bond with the mafia is also stronger than so many people think it is. They’re literally his adopted family. Even if he chose to leave, he’d still see them as family. I can’t see him leaving. He’s just... they’re family... don’t tear them apart...
The skk is strong, no matter what people say, because this is the start and it’s the end of their first year in the mafia and it’s not supposed to be a healthy time, for fuck’s sake. They’re both all sorts of messed up. They’re allowed to be. This is a time when that’s kinda the point of the book. But yeah, the trust and the bond is real.
Verlaine. I am now fascinated by Verlaine. I was so sure before the spoilers and translations came out that I’d hate him. I no longer do. He confuses me but I NEED TO KNOW MORE. 
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Nanbaka 17 | ACCA 3 | ReLIFE 7 - 13 (FINAL) | D Gray Man Hallow 2 - 6
(Nanbaka 17)
I bet the fandom makes, “Something is breaking. It’s my heart,” jokes from now on. Or something similar to that. Fandom is corny like that.
I only just realised, but the green numbers that appear at the start of the OP are cell 13’s prisoner numbers. D’oh.
Couldn’t you just grab the shackles, Rock?
Chibi Hajime? Never seen that one before.
It just occurred to me that Qi may have done this.
There seems to be a patch of purple on Jyugo’s torso…for some reason.
Upa did it…?
Hey, that Bruce Lee quote came back…! There also seems to be a Bungou Stray Dogs vibe going on, not really being helped by the fact Yuto Uemura is Atsushi and Jyugo. Tsukumo is Yuri from Yuri on Ice, which is kinda funny.
I…accept your man candy! LOL.
Kiji and Uno are crazily on the same wavelength…
Oh wow, Uno just pulled out the Dazai stops.
“10 minutes later…”
CGI doors…what a pain in the butt.
The eye style on Uno makes me LOL too hard.
(ACCA 3)
Oh, so the OP’s red bird is an acca. Okay.
Potato gratin on toast. Never tried it, but I like potato gratin on cheese and cheese on potato gratin.
Bar Tattler. Perfect name for a place to spill secrets.
Wow. Formal dress isn’t that different to ACCA wear but it makes people look completely different.
There were huggggggggggggggge strawberries last time, remember?
Ooh. Things are getting interesting thanks to Mauve and the 5 General guys.
(ReLIFE ep 7)
Isn’t that Windows 7 Yoake has?
I never asked this, but what happens to failed subjects?
Hmph. They say in Japan that a guy and a girl sharing an umbrella is romantic.
ReLIFE really addresses the difference between personal involvement and work involvement.
Yoake really does remind me of Dazai sometimes.
LOL, Onoya, Yoake. Meanwhile, is that a pink computer? Don’t think I’ve ever seen a monitor that’s pink, although I have seen a pink brick phone and a pink laptop.
Arata’s senpai’s tale matches Yoake’s relationship with subject 001, now that I think of it.
I wanna know more about Amagase-san.
Love bubbles and sparkles, LOL. You are one strange character, Yoake.
You can easily tell Arata’s saying sumimasen , even if there are no subs.
Why did “I don’t have a car!” make me laugh so much?
I think there was an excess “and” in the subs somewhere when Yoake was reporting near the end of the ep.
(ep 8)
The animation on Oga’s hand was unnatural (as in, his second and third fingers were too far apart) when he waved.
“In the pink of health”? Never heard that one before.
“Appetite” is probably the wrong word for it, Amatsu-sensei.
He didn’t react by laughing at Tamarai’s, but I guess that would’ve been misinterpreted and/or impolite.
The final year of high school is all about going all out…
Is the pill in the eyecatch always blue? I saw it was orange last ep.
There appear to be English dictionaries on Inukai’s shelf.
You can see the bags under Tamarai’s eyes.
Revenge of the CGI balls, LOL.
You can see how much Asaji wants to help when he reaches out but then he takes it back. Huh.
Update: I was familiar up to about this part in the manga.
(ep 9)
Omurice. I like that word. Omurice. Omurice. Probably because “omelet rice” sounds weird…Omurice.
Do you think ReLIFE would benefit if its fandom had more memes? Because bees. The Bee Movie seems to be pretty popular as a meme subject these days.
Is this why people always want younger people to enjoy their youth? So they don’t have their dreams crushed later?
The three line eyebrows are distinctive, but they look a bit weird.
Oga, you innocent butt. Blinking ever so innocently at Kariu.
How ironic of you to say, “The last thing you need is a fall”, Oga.
Hishiron can’t be a soccer nerd. “Gooooal” doesn’t suit her.
Doesn’t Kaizaki have any better clothes than black and grey shirts?
Hishiron has her school bag.
Bullying is a Big Deal in Japan, where you’re not meant to pick on people at all. Western cultures wish for outgoing people, so for someone like me who sits more on the introvert side, life kinda sucks.
Seriously, An and Yoake, get together.
*facepalms* What a dork, Kaizaki. Hitting your head in you panic like that won’t get you anywhere.
That’s a weird way of putting that, Hishiron. “[G]et revenge with someone,” that is.
About the entire plotline: It’s easier to “regress” when it comes to writing stories but harder to “regress” when it comes to real life. It must be because of how used to living and growing up people feel.
(ep 10)
At the top of the staircase, Hishiron looked so confused (after she said that she’d watch the tournament).
“Of course I know.” – (Chorus: Of course Yoake knows.)
You’re too darned strong (regarding the door), Kaizaki.
I heard there was an English dub of ReLIFE. Hopefully they can sell the Hishiron voice well enough.
The first time, I was wondering what came after this.
(ep 11)
Why do people say stuff like “I’ll come with”? I’ve said it before, but never questioned it until now.
I actually think Onoya’ll be really grumpy when she wakes up.
I guess it’s the hairstyle, but I look at Yoake and I’m seeing Dazai…again.
I bet Arata will be sad once it ends, LOL.
Black companies – corrupt businesses filled with salesmen and women who can’t escape. That’s basically what I’ve picked up from Osomatsu-san, anyway.
Notice the pill is normally white/blue. This time it was black/blue.
There’s a very Western feeling to this. No wonder the West likes this more than Japan itself. It’s also quite the sociological study. It helps that this was one of the only two shows I watched in summer 2016 the first time around (the other being Boueibu s2) – I can see “One Wish They Never Wanted” reflected in this, and knowing me and the hard times I went through at the end of the year, it was most likely deliberate. After all, they do carry similar themes.
(ep 12)
I think there was a central institution uni applications go through in Japan. In my country, they have something similar.
I shipped Kariu and Oga so hard during these last two eps. It helps that I almost never take the shows with the ships.
Ow. That burnt so much, Arata.
Such a convenient hole in the wall.
Kamioka’s hair looks a little puffy.
You jerk, Arata. You didn’t think “the same thing”. You thought nothing of the sort!
Why is Arata a fish? Probably because Kaizaki means “ocean peak” (or something like it).
What’s up with that statue?
August 10th, 6:30 pm onwards.That’s when the fireworks festival is.
Arata’s got his own harem~! (Neener neener…and so on.)
(ep 13)
Why are only the girls in kimono?! (Update: Or is that yukata?)
You suave, suave player, Yoake.
The white figures really aren’t helping their case…
The blue and yellow sign tells you there’s a traffic obstruction due to the fireworks.
They’ve got some heavy focus on the earrings in a certain shot. It’s such good news for the ship.
Holding hands is a much bigger deal in Japan than it is in the West.
Of course Tama is such a target for mozzies. She’s so big in that region.
The fireworks look so lifelike in this anime!!! I said that for Showa Genroku too, though.
Like an ephermeal flower, a fireworks exists…or some other weird Yoda stuff like that.
Arata’s seems to be blue, while Chizuru’s seems to be green for the sake of colour coding.
Onoya’s fan says “festival” on it.
The pill background looks kinda like footsteps. It must’ve been deliberate they used such a pattern.
Off model at its worst (when the duo sat on the bench).
LOL, lookit Hishiron’s creepy face.
Nothing is better than a properly-pulled-off bookend.
Welp, that’s the end of that. Hopefully we can meet again sometime, for some other show.
(D Gray Man Hallow ep 2)
Every time I see this ep, I think of a song. It’s this one, to be precise about it. Never mind about the music video, the lyrics and title suit it too well.
Poor Tim.
Ooh, macaron cake!
I forgot who Phantom Thief G was the first time. Then I checked him up and I remembered.
Wrong “throw”, subbers.
This scene where Link is crying is…very odd. There’s a lot of logic that really should be obvious that gets bandied about here.
Really? Fanservice?
If he has Innocence, Timothy’s guilty (in a sense). How ironic.
How do people even evaluate the Akuma’s level on sight?
(ep 3)
“Soul mate” is probably overreacting a little too much.
What a weird butt Galmar is. I can understand his reasoning for what he thinks though.
(ep 4)
People can never seem to agree on how to spell Tyki’s name.
Renny? Seriously, I laugh too much. “Lenny” would’ve been a proper name, but that’s a guy’s name. Then again, this is anime we’re talking about...
Tim’s so cute with the ZZZs.
That burn, Allen. So deep.
“This is the order of the Pope.”
“Hunting Exorcists, huh?”
(ep 5)
Everyone spells Alma’s name as Alma Karma, but the book cover says Alma Carma (sic). Huh.
Sometimes I question the need for a science section in the middle of an Akuma vs Exorcist war.
What the freak, Earl? Don’t scare me like that!
Improper poses? That’s so threatening. (sarcastic)
Unnecessary fanservice, number 2…? (Specifically the “you perv” bit.)
(ep 6)
A-hey. Young!Kanda animated in such a way that it invokes humour…it looks like Yurio. Lots of things remind me of Yurio these days.
How do they know exactly how many seconds it’ll take until the Seconds regenerate?
It’s bunny!Hoshino!
Such gallows humour. That’s why the novelty wore off on this show.
I think the word they mean is youkai instead of sprite.
The jackets come off…kinda sorta.
Is it “dreamed” or “dreamt”?
Can people even hear using stethescopes? I’ve never tried it myself, but I want to know.
Sometimes you forget Allen’s there.
How’d blonde guy (Edgar) get that blood around him?
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leonawriter · 5 years
It Takes Two To Make A Mess Like Us
Also on AO3
Fandom: Bungo Stray Dogs
Characters: Dazai, Chuuya, Mori, Odasaku, other background.
Pairings: Dazai/Chuuya, (temporary) Chuuya/unnamed background OC.
Summary: Dazai gets a surge of anger when he hears that Chuuya has got a date, because Chuuya's his dog. He isn't meant to be going on dates, isn't meant to spend that much time on anyone other than him.
Chuuya, meanwhile, has his own problems. And all of them begin with Dazai.
Other notes: Set prior to Dead Apple/Dragon’s Head Rush. Mention of underage drinking.
It comes - at least to Dazai - completely out of the blue. 
"Ugh, Friday? Sure, sure..."
Mori looks up, brows raised in slight surprise. 
"Is there a problem, Chuuya-kun?"
Chuuya sighs, and then, he says it-
"Nah, I'll just have to reschedule my date, that's all."
And those are the words that keep circling around in his head, that he hasn't been able to get rid of.
Chuuya? Date? 
The idea that someone would want to date Chuuya?
When Chuuya was his dog, and should have been at his beck and call from the start? When he should be able to lift a single finger and have Chuuya appear?
The idea of it - of Chuuya spending so much time with someone who wasn't even Mori or Kouyou, was worse than a simple affront, but was purely offensive. 
A hand waves in front of his face. The ice in his drink has started to melt, watering down the alcohol. Odasaku looks... concerned.
"Hello? Earth to Dazai. Everything okay?"
Dazai sighs, and feels that at least the bourbon glasses are sturdy. Bandages on each of his fingers from broken glass would have been awkward to say the least, even if just because it'd affect how he fired a gun - not to mention, the use of his own ability, which was one of his main uses in the mafia.
"...my dog is being disloyal," he said darkly.
Odasaku blinks, clearly confused, even though he's talked about Chuuya in such terms before. It's hardly new. 
"Your... dog? I didn't think you liked dogs."
But then, this is Odasaku. And his odd way of looking at things is part of the reason Dazai likes him.
"I don't," he says, quieter now, and reminded of why he doesn't like dogs in the first place. "Although, I should have known it would turn out like this. Dogs do have a tendency to turn on you and show their true colours when left to their own devices too long. It isn't really that different."
Odasaku sighed, and looked back to his own drink.
Chuuya groaned, relieved not for the first or last time more than he felt that familiar sting of envy of being replaced, that Dazai had chosen to go out drinking with his new friends again.
It hadn't worked. 
It hadn't fucking worked, and all he'd done was make things worse. 
How many times did he have to go through this? It wasn't as though things didn't start out badly. The guy was cute, they'd hit it off well enough, and he was closer to Chuuya's age than not, which meant he could try and act on these feelings rather than tell Kouyou he'd sent another idiot to the hospital.
It'd lasted two weeks, this time. Two entire weeks. Which was longer than most of his relationships put together.
A few conversations here and there, finding lunch between missions a couple of times, and then an actual date, and-
"Look, I just - can we just stay as friends? I don't think this is working out. Don't get me wrong, but - I can't read your mind, and it keeps feeling like you expect me to. If you want me to know things, you need to tell me, not just assume I'm going to know even before you do."
He knew that. 
He knew, damn it.
It was what he always criticised that damn Dazai for, after all, never telling him anything-
Which was what pulled another groan out of him, as he let himself fall from leaning against the dorm door, to sliding down it, hands on his face and hat falling off in an unholy mixture of despair, frustration, desperation, and depression.
What was he supposed to say, though? Who was he supposed to go to? Kouyou? Mori? 
Hey, just so you know, I'm starting to think I might be getting too attached to Dazai, please separate us before I do something stupid.
He could just imagine that going down well. He'd probably be laughed at, and they'd do nothing. And telling Dazai himself was entirely out of the question. He wasn't even sure that someone like Dazai could even return those sorts of feelings in the first place.
To love is to be human, he'd read once, and he couldn't help but snort in ugly laughter, at that. Of course he'd be the one to fall for a heartless bastard like Dazai. Of course he would.
Chuuya realises that his laughter has started to sound wet, and that just makes things so much better, doesn't it. He barely cares about most things enough to cry about them unless it's one of his subordinates getting themself killed, and here he is, crying over this.
He pulls himself up and pushes away from the floor and forces himself not to use his ability, because the last thing he needs in this state is to lose control, and he doesn't think he could deal with Dazai having to save his life because of his own shitty bad decisions. Not to mention needing a new dorm.
His eyes are still red when Dazai finally gets home, looking slightly flushed himself but otherwise he can barely be called drunk, and that just pisses him off even more.
"So," Dazai says flatly, "how did the date go?" And then, after getting a better look at Chuuya's face after he'd looked at Dazai to glare at him, he tilts his head somewhat. "That bad, huh? Did the chibi get dumped already?"
"You know what, Dazai? Fuck off. Just fuck off."
"Ah, I see. That bad. It just goes to show how-"
"Either shut up or get out."
Dazai shuts up, single eye blinking owlishly. He seems to purposefully sit down on the other bed of their shared dorm, bring his game out, and put the volume up aggravatingly high.
It wasn't even the other day, that he'd seen Dazai flirting and putting on airs and graces as if he wasn't some suicidal maniac who couldn't understand the basic decency to spare his partner's ears the sound of virtual cars crashing into each other when he had a headache already. The other week it'd been someone else. A month ago, at least he'd had the excuse that it'd been for a mission. Two months ago, and he'd had to console a crying girl who'd come to him and said Dazai'd flirted with her, and made her feel like maybe she was seen as someone special, and then days later he was talking like that with someone else.
Chuuya honestly couldn't get what it was about his partner that everyone else saw. Sometimes, he wondered if they were seeing the same person at all.
And yet - somehow, he'd just gotten himself so accustomed to Dazai just being his asshole self, the Dazai that he had to drag out of rivers and drag away from the worst of his ideas, the Dazai who drove him up the wall, the Dazai who... was the only one alive that he trusted with all of his past, and who was the only one he'd trust with his life.
Even just a year ago, he'd have laughed at himself - or anyone else - who suggested such a thing.
I'd have every right, he thinks. It's a stupid- who the hell in their right mind would choose Dazai? 
Which just drove the fact home, that maybe it wasn't a choice at all, along with all of those failed dates, because if he could've just moved on to someone else, he would have by now.
Instead, he's left wishing he wasn't here, that he was out still, that he'd chosen to get shitfaced drunk in one of those mafia-run places that let you drink underage, and not finding himself relaxing in spite of everything, just because that asshole is losing his damn game for the third time since he came home.
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