#i love them so much even if they screech at me every time i walk down stairs
sidetongue · 2 years
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our little curlew family. they moved away a few months ago because harold accidentally squished their eggs, but they have since moved back with their new children. for 3 years they have raised their babies on our front lawn!
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merthosus · 26 days
Damn Brisket Five...
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Summary: You stumble into a deli filled with multiple versions of Five, including one called Brisket Five, who urges you to choose a fresh start with him instead of forgiving your unfaithful Five. Both versions of Five plead for your affection, leaving you torn between the past and the possibility of something new. You're faced with a decision: forgive your Five or embrace a different path with Brisket Five.
Here a sexy poster from Five I fell in love with! With every purchase you automatically support me :) https://amzn.to/3yGK6Fm
"Can I keep her?"
The first time you put a foot up the train-station stairs, your heart was racing. It felt like you were paralyzed as you tried to read the instructions of the railways. Trying to decipher the Minecraft enchantment language you would have found easier. The different colors, which should make it better to understand wasn't helping you either. So your impatient self, thought it was a good idea to just get into one of the trains.
"No risk no story", you always told yourself, but now standing in uncountable of different train stations, you needed to admit to yourself, that this was the worst proverb you could've used in your situation. After clutching yourself on one of the train rods, you watched yourself leaving the station you were. Looking at the display boards didn't help you either to locate your current position.
It feels like a fever dream, every station looks the same, every train looks the same, every fucking thing is identical to the other. White tiles, dirty walls and brightly colored train cards. After your first encounter with a cockroach you stumbled back into the train and made some involuntary pull-ups as that thing was following you. After getting into the fourteenth train you stopped to count. Every train station was empty, no Five in sight.
Instead every time you set foot at a station you were welcomed with mind rotting flickering light and the screeching sound of brakes, which belonged to the train you just got out. Suddently you asked yourself if someone was steering the train, but your fear of see something you didn't want, kept you from it. An hour and twenty minutes after (yes you counted), you had enough. You liked Five, everybody except him saw that, but being trapped in an infinitive translation was too much, even for you.
"One last time", you promised yourself as you waited the doors to open. Suddently Five walked by. You couldn't believe your eyes and hammered onto the glass. As the door opens you squeeze yourself through them and run after him. As he saw you he suddently began to run and vanish behind a corner. "FIVE!!", you screamed madly. All of that searching only to get rewarded from him running away?
You came to a halt as bright led lights blinded your eyes. "Max's Delicatessen", you read. You no longer think and open the door, a loud bell announced your entry. The first thing you saw was Five. And Five and Five and another Five. Your mouth fell open. Three of them surrounded the one you chased, he was standing with the back turned. "Guys you will never believe what I just saw!!", he exclaimed to the others. All of the three stared at me, as the others did too. "Guess we will Five, don't worry", one of the three said.
Even though your wettest dream just came true you didn't know if you liked what you just saw. At least fifteen Five's looked at you, inspecting every move you do. "This is a dream right?", you ask out loud. A few of the Fives smiled. "It's not", you heard a voice in the back. A different looking Five came out of the back, he wore an apron and a white shirt. "Your Five already said that you would eventually show up. You know he Is one of the asshole ones", he says. You still were very confused as he comes to you.
"What the hell is going on here?", you asked. You thought that you already saw the most fucked up shit but this was a different level of fucked up. You heard a few Fives in the back mumbling. "Why is she here? Did her Five lost her?", one asked. As the five with the apron looked into my kind of intimidated eyes, he turned around. "Listen to me dipshits! Continue doing whatever you were doing! I am gonna explain it to her", he said. Most of the Fives listened to him.
Making a documentary about them would certainly be entertaining, I wonder which five had to be the herd leader of the group. "Why do you get her?!", the drunkly looking Five in the back screamed. "SHUT UP DRUNK FIVE!", everyone screamed at the same time. "I am brisket Five by the way", Five exclaimed as he turned back to you. You took his hand and shared it. "I am Y/n", you introduce yourself.
Brisket Five smiled. "I know sweetheart", he said, while guiding you to one of the tables. You began to get red so you tried to hide your face to him, by putting your hands on your cheeks as you sit down on the table. Brisket Five took the seat infront of you and just looked at you, you could read some pity in his eyes. "So... Your Five told me that you were gonna search for him", he began to speak. "Yes! Do you know where he is?", you asked curious, still wanting to find him. Brisket Five took your hand, Butterflys forming into your stomach.
"I hate being the Five who tells you this", he begins as he suddently let go of your hand as drunk Five bumped against the table. The sound of his flask fall against the hard wood made you flinch. "He fucked Lila!", he said slumber. As his last word fell, your heart arches. All the searching was only to find out that he fucked with Lila? "Have you ever heard about sensitivity?", Brisket Five asked him. "Look she's gonna be sad anyway, why being sensitive?", he asked.
"Do you have some baskets in the back", he looks at him, while getting into the kitchen and argue with another employee Five. "You have no idea how much I hate this guy", he tells you, but as soon as he looked into your eyes again he stopped talking. "Look we are all different variants from him. Everyone in here is coming out of a different timeline, everyone tried to fight the apocalypse and everyone horrible failed", he explained to you.
"And every one of these Fives lost their Y/n. You are the first one that got lost in here. So don't mind the reactions from one of them here", he sightly looks into the direction of drink Five. "Their Y/N?", you ask bewildered. A few Fives laugh at the table beside us, they were currently eavesdropping on our conversation. "Your Five is the only Five out of the 23 quadrillions, that didn't had the balls to ask you out. You know your Five is popular by the name scaredy-cat Five. Moste of us don't like him", he says.
You can't help yourself but laugh. "You know if he asked you out before he stepped into this fucked up train it would have never happened. I am sorry that you are the first and hopefully also the least Y/n that has to go through that", he says, while looking down onto the table.
Brisket Five notices the change in your expression. He leans forward and takes your hand again, this time with more firmness and urgency. "Listen," he says softly, "I know it hurts, but maybe this is a chance for something different. Your Five… he’s messed up, and sure, we all have our flaws. But you don’t have to be tied to his mistakes. You deserve someone who sees you, who’s not afraid to fight for you, someone who’s willing to be there without making excuses. I could be that person, Y/N."
Just as you gather the courage to respond, the door to the deli opens again. Another Five walks in, but this one is different. His clothes are disheveled, his eyes look tired and worn. It's your Five. He stops dead in his tracks when he sees you. For a moment, time seems to stand still. The other Fives in the room fall silent, glancing between you and your Five with curiosity. Your heart races as you look at him. "Y/N..." he begins, but you cut him off before he can continue. "Why?" you ask, your voice calm but cutting.
"Why did you do this Five?" Five looks you straight in the eye, and you see a depth of regret and despair in him that you’ve never seen before. "I made a mistake," he finally says, his voice almost breaking. "I thought I could control everything, that I had it all under control. But I was wrong. Lila... that was a mistake, a moment of weakness. But you... you were never a mistake." Brisket Five leans in, his gaze never leaving yours.
"But Y/N, think about it. Do you really want to stay in this cycle of hurt and apologies? I know I can’t erase what he did, but I can promise you something better. We don’t have to repeat his mistakes. We can start fresh, build something real, without all the baggage." Your Five looks between you and Brisket Five, a mix of panic and realization dawning on his face. "Y/N, please… I know I’ve messed up, but don’t let that push you away. I can make this right," he pleads, but his voice lacks the certainty it once held.
The room is filled with tension as both Fives wait for your response. Brisket Five’s hand tightens around yours, a silent promise of something new, something different. Everything now depends on you. You have the choice to forgive your Five and try again, or you can take Brisket Five’s offer and explore what could be a less complicated, more honest relationship. Maybe you’re wondering if you’re ready to continue with a man who made such mistakes, or if you should embrace the chance for something new with someone who’s already shown he’s willing to fight for you. You take a deep breath as you make the decision in your heart.
Let's be real who would you choose?
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solaarbeeam · 1 month
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SYNOPSIS — a look into your relationship with the furin first year six.
CHARACTERS — sakura haruka, suo hayato, nirei akihiko, kiryu mitsuki, tsugeura taiga, and sugeshita kyotaro
A/N:: i’d like to formally thank callum for getting the brain juices flowing cause DAMN i got SHIT TO SAY abt these five. ALSO!! nonnie if u find this, i did it <33 also! reader ks a member of bofurin, and is gender!neutral
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— Oh my lord I’ve got a whole bunch of shit to say about this one.
— Please help this poor man out, he’s stressing over this so much.
— He’s already been voted grade captain, told that he’s formally trusted by the top dog of his school, and now he gets a significant other? He’s gonna break soon honey, if he hasn’t already.
— Expect that he has an issue with you getting hurt in fights even though you are a formal member of Bofurin and he has seen you fight long before the both of you got together. He knows you’re good at it and you can take care of yourself. He’s just a very worried softie :(
— Made Kiryu teach him how to use his phone in order to text you more often, even if you do see each other every day.
— Friendly spars! Fighting gives him joy and he’s a happy camper when he sees that you enjoy the sparring.
— Doesn’t know much about being a boyfriend but he always shares food with you even if you don’t ask for it.
— Lowkey ashamed to be out in public with you because of how he looks. He doesn’t want people looking at you weird because of him.
— Thought you were pranking him when you told him you loved him. He very much ran away. You had to go and chase him down for two hours to get the point across.
— Avid sleepovers at your house! He has the most peaceful sleeping face. Your wallpaper on your phone is him sleeping peacefully against one of your pillows.
— He absolutely screeched when he saw it too, by the way.
— Has major separation anxiety because of how he grew up. He needs you to be in eyeshot or somewhere he can easily find you.
— Has his location on all the time because why wouldn’t he? This man is loyal.
— Is the type to let you wear what you want because in his mind, you’ll just beat up whoever it is who’s bothering you. He’ll jump in if you want to jump them too.
— Nighttime walks. Even better when the stars are dotting the skies. It’s peaceful, and it makes him feel like he’s doing a good job with the whole boyfriend thing.
— Tugs on your Furin Jacket when he wants your attention.
— You absolutely sneak other clothes into his closet. His lack of opinions and choices are very concerning to you.
— Aquarium dates! He really likes sea life a lot and it’s cute to see him blushing from awe at all the dolphins and fishies!
— You have attempted to beat up his foster parents when they came through Makochi once. You, unluckily, didn’t get to because Suo and Nirei pulled up with the rest of the first year to run them out of town. He cried in your bed because he never thought people would care about him like that.
— His wallpaper is you and him holding hands on one of your night walks.
— Has let you put makeup on him before and let me tell you, Sakura Haruka is the prettiest man on the planet.
— You like to call his eyes pretty a lot. Like gemstones. No matter how many times you tell him, he still violently blushes and hides his face.
— The Grade Captain of Class 1-1 has a significant other, and he wouldn’t trade you for the world. No matter how much shenanigans you get into.
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— Hm. The teasing gentleman. Let’s see..
— A certified back hugger. Mans does not care about PDA. If he wants to hug you, he will.
— Teaches you about his style of fighting sometimes, even though you fight similarly to Kiryu.
— Lets you wear his tassel earrings when you ask for them. He thinks they look adorable on you.
— He was so tempted to show off at the Tournament with Shishitoren just so you can see how good of a fighter he is.
— Will rant about tea flavors, although he doesn’t classify it as ranting. You do though, because that’s what it is, and it’s adorable to see him tall about the differences between flavors.
— He can’t cook for jack shit but let me tell you, that man can bake. Best believe you are a pastry taste tester for all his little baking experiments.
— You have absolutely pranked him with Natto in his food. This was the first of rare times you will ever catch him off guard.
— Beach walks. On the sand, on the coast line. That’s all I have to say.
— Can absolutely ballroom dance. He has ballroom danced with you at his house and is absolutely hoping you and him are forever so he can ballroom dance with you at your wedding.
— You sit on top of his desk at Furin whenever you can’t find a seat and drag it over.
— Absolutely almost flipped Tsubakino over because he thought he was trying to flirt, even though the both of you are first years. He was just caught off guard! All poor Tsubakino wanted to do was compliment you :(
— Kisses the back of your hand, similarly to princes in most modern royal media.
— Once again, this man does not give a flying fuck about PDA. If he wants to kiss you in front of the person taking your order at a fast food joint, he will and what are they going to do about it?
— Your wallpaper is him sitting on beach sand in the sunrise.
— His wallpaper is you doing something stupid. What can I say, he’s a tease. To himself, he’s a genius.
— He’s saved as Leonardo Dicaprio in your phone, for shits and giggles.
— Does the sidewalk rule expeditiously, even if your reflexes are better than most.
— Keeps his hand on the small of your back once you’re in big crowds
— Do all of us a favor and never team up in a fight, because the result? The opposing fighters are the finished.
— Assuming that under his eye he has a grotesque injury, you have very much kissed that injury senseless. Keep doing it, it makes him feel all warm and gooey inside.
— You baked gingerbread cookies together for Christmas. Umemiya came to raid them soon enough though.
— His mother loves you.
— Has already given you a promise ring. You wear it around your neck to prevent it from breaking while punching someone in a fight.
— If (more like WHEN) you get married, you were the one who got down on one knee and proposed to him. It was the closest he’d been to crying ever.
— Newsflash, he did cry.
— Will sling you over his shoulder no matter how much you weigh to assert dominance. He’s just a cheeky little shit.
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— Okay but all jokes aside, reassure this man because he feels like dead weight to you all the time and he doesn’t want to be.
— Has a special page in his notebook just for you! Well, it’s more of a section really..
— He’s a cuddle bug. Give bro a bed, some blankets, a decently sized pillow and one order of you and it’ll be the best cuddles you’ve ever had.
— Texts you pictures of all the animals he sees when he’s doing solo patrols with Suo and Sakura.
— Your wallpaper of him is him petting one of the dogs in the neighborhood.
— Is the type to claim that you can and will beat someone in a fight whenever a non-Furin person claims they can fight.
— Do not, and I mean DO NOT, play tag with Nirei. You will lose. That man is a trackstar.
— Wash Day is your day, okay? That mam can and should be a licensed hairstylist. He will leave your hair looking gorgeous no matter what type you have from 1A all the way to 4C.
— His name in your phone is Pookie Bear. He died when he saw it.
— Your name in his phone is Heartie with multiple heart emojis after it.
— Lets you wear his hairclips and necklaces. He’s got too many to even comprehend.
— His love language is words of affirmation. You will never feel insecure with this boy (in his mind, that’s his job)
— Feels bad for forcing you to protect him all the time in fights but he’s always there to patch you up after.
— Speaking of patching up after, make this man a doctor as well cause the way you will NEVER, and I mean NEVER get sick when this man’s around is absolute.
— Is the fun fact king and will send you random, silly fun facts about anything and everything, it’s so cute.
— Amusement Park dates. Need I say more?
— He will share his food without asking. He wants you to try!
— His wallpaper is a collection of polaroid photos of the both of you after a Carnival Date.
— Nose kisses!! All day every day!!
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— Matching PFPs with you on every gaming platform you can think of. Is matching pfps with you on social media as well.
— Lets you pick out the piercings he wears during the day.
— You play with his Furin Jacket sleeves because their always drooping to a degree.
— You stare into his eyes as a pastime because they’re so??? gorgeous???? He has most definitely blushed because of it.
— Both of you are speed-based fighters so having the both of you tag team an opposing side is lethal work.
— Teasing. He’s not as bad as Suo but we’re not going to sit here and say that he’s not a tease.
— Makes a point to match with you when it comes to outfits to some degree, even if you don’t have the same style or taste.
— His wallpaper is you leaning back in a chair at Furin, with the sunrise hitting your face just right.
— Your wallpaper of him is him playing one of the many games on his phone.
— Speaking of phone, he has a separate album in his phone that’s full of pictures of you doing absolutely anything and everything.
— Is the type to egg you on into versing him in a game knowing he’s better just to see you get all pouty when you lose. He thinks its cute until you legitimately crash out.
— You’re in his pinned on his phone.
— Most definitely has a moodboard of the both of you, mostly shenanigans the both of you would get up to, but the rest of it is legitimate sweetness.
— You are saved in his phone as ‘My Player #2’. I don’t make the rules, you just are.
— Boba!! His favorite kind of dates are when you go around trying different foods and drinks. He’ll always get your favorite eventually though.
— Buys funny shirts on purpose to make you laugh. He also buys funny hoodies and puts them in your closet on purpose. That’s right, you don’t even have to ask.
— Lets you paint his nails. He’s a pretty princess, all he needs is to have it shown on the outside.
— Also lets you use his hair clips a lot! You and h have matching ones you wear with designated outfits.
— Matching phone cases on the month of your anniversary. I know I’m talking about matching a lot, but I think that matching with your significant other is a very Kiryu-coded thing to do.
— Karaoke nights with him are the absolute best.
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— Yall. I have feelings about this one.
— Uses kisses as motivation to continue on with his workout routines. Yes, if you slide under him while he’s doing push ups, he will kiss you.
— Is a weighted blanket personified. In winter time you can and will be cozy.
— Love languages are words of affirmation and physical touch. However, he’s aggressive with the words of affirmation, the opposite of Nirei.
— Piggy back rides all day every day. Doesn’t matter where you are or who you’re around. As long as he’s got two arms, shoulders, and some upper body strength? Piggy back rides.
— It’s literally canon that he wears shorts in the winter. Do with that what you will.
— Gym couple gym couple gym couple!! Instagram and TikTok love them some of you two. You set weight-lifting goals together.
— Unstoppable Push and Immovable Force-coded.
— Most definitely asked what your aesthetic and virtue was when he first met you.
— You and him are often called the parents of the group because he’s the oldest first year.
— Intertwines his legs with yours when hand-holding isn’t an option.
— Gives you his bandanas after he’s washed them because he thinks they make you look so cute.
— His wallpaper is his arm wrapped around your waist in the gym mirror after a difficult workout.
— Don’t get hurt in a fight, please. He knows you can take care of yourself but that man is a brawler-coded fighter so pray for whoever managed to catch you off guard.
— He knows how to rollerskate so he’ll take you to roller skating rinks as dates! The rinks that he picks out always have the best food too.
— He canonically wears shorts in the winter, but sometimes he does to purposefully annoy you or get your attention. It works, but he’s being adorably stupid.
— I personally think that he would have you saved as your nickname, but it a cutesy way. He doesn’t see the point in making it elaborate when he can show you how much he loves you in real life.
— Is also a manhandler but most of the time it’s not on purpose. He’s just a very excited overgrown puppy man and sometimes he can’t tone it down, give my baby a break, okay?
— Charm Bracelets!! Whenever he works out, he takes them off because he will feel the absolute worst if they break. You will not be able to console him.
— He smells like tropical fruit by the way. It’s very pleasant, he blushes every time you tell him you smell good.
— Is also an avid sidewalk rule follower. In public, he’ll put one arm around your shoulders.
— Eventually the both of you get manipedi’s together because what’s the point of him having his dogs out all the time if his toes aren’t done?
— He is a TDI junkie and absolutely believes the theory that Chris MClain slowly loses his sanity throughout the show, and that Izzy was actually raised in the forest where Camp Wawanaka resided. You have heard and witnessed enough rants for several lifetimes.
— Is a huge fan of the goth duo from The Ridonculous Race because they apparently remind him of Suo because of how nonchalant he is. You cackled when he first told you.
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— If I’m going to be honest, him and Sakura are in the same boat in the sense that they do not know how to boyfriend.
— But it goes a little like this.
— He’s touch starved to no end so you have to fo at your own pace with him. Sometimes he’ll lean in, sometimes he’ll stand away at a certain radius. He loves you, you just gotta be patient.
— He doesn’t have preferences for anything, as stated in canon, so you often take him out so you can find his likes and dislikes and his absolutely no-go’s whatsoever.
— He, like Tsuge, will not save you as anything really special or cutesy in his phone because that’s what you have him in real life for.
— He fell in love with you by realizing that he gave more of a shit if you got hurt while fighting than the rest of the first years, Anzai included.
— Remember when I said that Nirei should be a licensed hairstylist? Well, Sugeshita over here might as well be the god of anything that has to do with hair.
— He has matching hair accessories with you too. It’s subtle, but he likes it that way. It makes him happy.
— Umemiya is practically his dad, just know that Umemiya approves.
— Only lets you play around in his hair. He does NOT play about his hair, lemme tell you that right now. It’s a sign of trust.
— Speaking of fighting, he prefers protecting you than to you fighting with him or beside him. He knows it’s somewhat wrong, because you’re not a member of Bofurin for nothing, but he has enough confidence in himself to protect you.
— It also makes him feel better about being a boyfriend, he doesn’t want to let you down in any way, shape, or form.
— You paid for his hair treatment once for his birthday and he actually almost cried.
— He is saved in your phone as “Kyo 🩷”, yes, he did lash out but it was very much adorable.
— Bought the both of you those matching Pandora puzzle necklaces. He flicks it at people in fights to assert dominance. He fiddles with it a lot with soft expressions. He loves you a lot, okay?
— On that note, sometimes the both of you absentmindedly flick your pendants at the same time as a way to say “yes, they’re mine, and yes, we will both beat your ass” on some telepathy thing.
— You took him out shopping till you dropped for his birthday and he almost cried in the middle of the restaurant.
— Lets you style his hair all the time. Half up-half downs, full ponytails, braid backs, and very rarely, he’ll let you curl his ends.
— He’s besties with the other first years because you pushed him to get some social interaction in. However, he’s an introvert and antisocial at heart so you know his social battery can only take so much.
— Matching hoodies. That’s all.
— His wallpaper is you in one of his graphic hoodies. He was super-duper happy about it. He really is a softie at heart.
— Doesn’t like traditional stuff all that much so instead of a regular date at a restaurant for Valentine’s, he did a rooftop date.
— “Why do I have to be like everyone else? I’m gonna be different.” - What he told Tsubakino.
— Is a sucker for bear hugs. Please bear hug him, he will melt like chocolate.
— Loves getting his hair brushed. Please do it for him. He’ll melt even more.
— He’s a biter. He bites to show love. He’s a chewer. Let him chew.
— Obsessed with self-care so he’ll make days for the both of you to do it together. Sometimes it’ll even be a date, especially when both of your individual products and the products you share are almost finished.
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© solaarbeeam 2024.
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rrinkyoo · 3 months
and only then can i see my eternity.
♫ now playing – love… wave to earth
in which you experience your first kiss w/ haikyuu boys
includes: kageyama, tsukishima, akaashi, suna, kuroo, & iwaizumi
a/n: requested by anon! ty guys so much for all your amazing request! it may take me some time but i promise to reply to as many as i can! :)
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kageyama would be so awkward
i feel like he'd be the type of person to put so much thought into it to make ure it's absolutely perfect and make it tomewhat unforgettable. he's a very determined person, on and off court, so think he'd approach the first kiss in the same manner.
but then again, he's awkward. the days he spent planning to get it right going to complete waste due to his nerves, and he's barely able to mutter out a complete sentence.
the sun set long ago, and the sound of cicadas and screeching of sneakers from inside the gym were the noises y/n heard. it was almost a daily routine for the freshly new couple to walk home together. y/n would wait outside with a couple of snacks for the both of them, he'd take his share and walk them home while occasionally rubbing his hand against their own, then they'd go their separate ways for the night.
usually they'd engage in a casual conversation discussing their day, but kageyama had been oddly silent throughout most of the walk. "are you okay?" they questioned after a long time of awkward silence. kageyama simply nodded while continuing to look at his feet as they walked. y/n thought maybe he was stressed about practice or an upcoming tournament, his face looked like he was going to hurl.
they finally arrived at y/n's residence and turned to face each other to say their final goodbyes for the night, but kageyama still couldn't keep eye contact. he fiddled with his hands as his eyes darted everywhere but them. "are you sure you're okay?" they questioned again, a look of pure concern jow stitched onto their face. kageyama had spent days planning this, weeks even it now that the moment has come every detail of his well-prepared plan slipped his mind.
all he could think of was just how beautiful y/n looked with the shine of the moonlight slightly glistening on them.
"i- uh." he started, but anything he wanted to say couldn't leave his mouth. deciding not to waste any more time, kageyama grabs onto their shoulders and pulls them in, pressing his lips on the soft plush of heirs. he didn't even give them a second to respond before pulling away and running his way back home, leaving y/n in utter state of shock.
".. i'll see you tomorrow?!" she yelled. but it didn't seem to reach the ears of the raven- haired boy who had already turned the corner.
tsukishima would attempt, keyword attempt, to be nonchalant about it.. but the blush on his face says otherwise!
tsukki is known for being relatively emotionally distant and tends to use sarcastic humor as a way to hide it.
i think that'd he would use this humor during the kiss to deter away from the fact that he's showing his more soft/vulnerable side
"oi, pay attention," tsukishima teased as he gently tapped y/n's head with the pen he held in his hand. "the answer is practically right in front of you." the two sat on the floor of tsukishima's bedroom, studying for an upcoming exam in the subject y/n struggled in the most: math.
y/n groaned and leaned back until their back hit the floor, running their hands all over their face in agony. "i hate this! i don't wanna do it anymore!" they complained once more for what tsukishima felt was the hundredth time. he rolled his eyes at his partner's behavior, grabbing their hand and lifting them to make them sit back up.
"it's not that bad, you're just not trying." he retorted. y/n pouted at their boyfriend's words and slouched as he continued to go on and on about the lesson in front of them. but as he kept talking, the sound of his words was completely drowned out and all they could think about was how pretty he looked right now
he was wearing a hoodie that y/n finally returned to him, sweatpants, and talking about whatever blah blah blah nonsense he was saying. they always did find intelligent men attractive. the thought was sudden, but now that they thought about kissing him it wouldn't leave their mind.
tsukishima was still distracted from explaining the lesson to them to notice that they were crawling towards him until he felt a hand touch his cheek. he looked up with a raised brow, and before he could even react y/n was pressing their lips against his.
tsukishima stared at them almost wide-eyed after they pulled away. "tuh, what was that?" he muttered before looking down at the papers sprawled on the ground. it may have sounded like he didn't care, but the redness on his face and the tips of his ears gave it away.
the calmest of them all honestly.
i don't think he'd pre-plan like kageyame but he would choose the perfect setting and itd turn out amazingly. i think he'd be the type of partner to read his s/o's ody language perfectly.
akaashi would make it a comfortable situation for both him and his partner while never being too brash nor too nervous.
the serene, dimly lit surrounding followed by the soft blue hue of the water provided for an instant relaxation upon y/n and akaashi. the two walked hand in hand as they explored the aquarium, looking at all the cute fishies and the rest of the sea animals. y/n always had a keen interest in these type of exhibits. the ocean was always intriguing to them and they made this well known.
akaashi took this opportunity to bring them to a nice aquarium in tokyo. it was small, but that didn't matter. akaashi was okay with anything as long as they were there too. "are you having fun?" he asked them softly. their eyes were practically stars as they continued to observe every corner of the aquarium, and he couldn't fight the small smile that stretched onto his face.
his question goes unheard as y/n takes in the view of everything, running to the fish eye tank they spotted feets away. akaashi chuckled slightly as he followed closely behind them and eventually took a seat beside them. "it's pretty, isn't it?" they murmured as they stared off into the tank, but akaashi's eyes never left their figure "it's gorgeous."
y/n turned to face him, and his cerulean eyes bore into theirs as he gazed at them lovingly. "what?" they asked. but akaashi said nothing and shook his head. he softly cupped their face and pulled them in as he leaned in to meet in a kiss. it was tender and slow but it was enough to show how much akaashi truly cared for them.
another one that is extremely calm
similar to akaashi, i don't think he'd pre- plan. however, he'd do it more spontaneously. maybe his body reacts before his mind does while he presses his lips against yours.
i think he'd also tease similarly to tsukishima, but a bit more dialed down.
suna crashed onto his bed as he kicked his shoes off and rested his forearm on his forehead, y/n-also kicking off their shoes and crashing next to him. the pair had an extremely long and tiring day at school, and a nap was very much needed. they both turned on their sides to face each other, their eyes threatening to close.
"i'm so tired." y/n mumbled. suna couldn't even utter a sentence, he simply nodded while his blinks slowly got longer and longer. he grabbed y/n by the waist and pulled them into his chest, tucking his face away in the crook of their neck. his hold on them tightens as he feels their small exhales on his neck. "so am i." he finally spoke.
suna and y/n would always take naps together. but today was different. the stress suna had from volleyball practice and the one y/n had from studies, the two could go into hibernation right now and not wake up for months if they could. but it was impossible, so for now they just enjoyed the warm embrace of the other.
they both stretched and entangled their limbs together as they got ready to take a nap. y/n closed their eyes and was on the verge of slipping into slumber before they felt a small press against their lips. opening their eyes abruptly, they see suna staring back at them with a sly smirk on his face. ".. what was that?" they uttered with their eyebrows furrowed in disbelief.
"a kiss silly," suna teased. "you looked so cute i couldn't help myself." the two just stared at each other, blinking slowly waiting for the other to say something "why?" they asked confused. it was such a random place to have their first kiss. but suna simply shrugged. "i don't know." he answered.
"..wanna do it again?"
this man will be straight up and not hesitate.
i think iwa would be more abrupt. like you guys would just be talking and all of a sudden he's smashing his lips onto yours. he wouldn't doing it harshly though. in a very firm but gentle way.
he'd do it based on his gus instinct. if he elt that it was the right place and time to have your guys' first kiss, then it's right.
the gymnasium boomed with thunderous cheers and claps as the final blow of the whistle sounded. aoba johsai had made it to nationals. as the team came to embrace each other on the court, iwaizumi scanned the crowd, looking for that one familiar face. as they made eye contact, he could see y/n standing there looking down at him with a bright smile on their face as they screamed joyously.
5 minutes later, the team exits through the doors of the gym to the hallway, and iwazumi is met with the sight of his partner standing right in front of him with open arms. he rushed over to them, grabbing them by their thighs and lifting them in the air as y/n squealed in surprise. "i'm so proud of you!" they praised.
iwaizumi put them down and hugged them tightly while breathing heavily, still out of breath from the intense match not long ago. his face was tucked securely into the crook of their neck as he swayed them both side to side. "thank you." he murmured into the skin. y/n couldn't fight the tears welling up in their eyes as the amount of pride they held in their boyfriend was too much
but before they could react, iwaizumi was pulling away and smashing his lips into theirs, y/n letting out a surprised squeal before melting away in the kiss. his calloused hands caressed their face as he poured all of his passion into it.
he would be extremely confident during the first kiss.
kuroo is calculated. this helps with his self- assurance and the way he initiates/reacts during the kiss. he would start off by lightly teasing his partner before initiating the kiss.
he is also highly observant, and is able o read his s/o's body language in the same way akaashi does.
a first date at the science museum seemed ike an odd pick. but for kuroo and y/n there couldn't be anything more perfect. as the two walk hand in hand, they both drag each other to different parts of the exhibit and list off random facts that weren't listed on the descriptions
"it's fascinating, isn't it?" kuroo said. he was intrigued with the 3D model of kinetic energy that was presented in front of him. y/n couldn't help but admire how eager their boyfriend was. both of them had an interest in science, but kuroo's beat hers by a long shot.
they couldn't help but trail their eyes over his face, taking in the smaller details. like the wrinkles in the corner of his eyes, the way his eyes sparkled when he was doing something he liked, everything was admirable. and his lips slightly glistened and they couldn't help but wonder what his lips would feel like on theirs,
kuroo noticed this, of course. how could he not? he couldn't ignore the feeling of their eyes on the side of his face and the way they'd fiddle with their fingers as they continued to observe every inch of his face except for the views in front of them. if it was anyone else, he would've been annoyed. but y/n? he found it endearing kuroo turned to her and chuckled as they tensed when he caught them staring. "do you want to kiss me?" he asked abruptly, teasing them softly.
their eyes widen as their muscles tense up, stuttering out mutters explaining how they weren't staring but kuroo didn't buy it. he continued to tease them as he stepped closer, grabbing the back of their head softly without them even noticing. kuroo connected their lips, blurring out their surroundings. in his mind, it was just him and his lover sharing their first of many more.
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lild00td00t · 1 year
Hi, I hope you are doing well! Can I request headcanons on how Crocodile, Buggy, Mihawk and Doflamingo would propose to their s/o or how they would react if their s/o was the one to propose to them? (Which ever you feel like is fine! :))
Have a great day!
One Piece War Lords: Proposing to their S/O
This was so adorable thank you for requesting the War Lords!! I’ll have to write a part 2. Buggy was honestly my favorite for a bit… 👉🏻👈🏻 but these are gonna be so HELLA friggin cheesy. I’m a hopeless romantic.. so please… COURT ME LIKE WE’RE IN PRIDE AND PREJUDICE.
• He’s so nervous, his hands are clammy, even on the inside of his gloves sweat is lining along the fabric of them. He’s talked it over to himself multiple times, rationalizing the best and worst case scenario.
• He can’t help but melt when he sees you with the promise ring he gifted. He sweats bullets when you tease him about getting married… at dinner he nearly choked, and poor Mr.3 nearly had a heart attack just trying to dislodge the food that got caught in his throat. But he felt like that a majority of the times you discussed it. Like something was lodged in his throat and cutting off his air.
• So when you’re watching the crew bring a haul back on the ship, hands on your hips in a relaxed stance, you barely notice when he slips a ring on your finger, and he discreetly prays you don’t say anything about it until you screech and throw your arms around him, his body probably splits in 2 out of shock- this poor man -
• “ How does it feel knowing you’re going to be married to the future pirate king ?! Flashy ?! As it should feel?! “ Then the second you romanticize over the idea he practically hemorrhages 🥲
• The most poetic. God - he probably leaves you little poems every where, and they’re all based on you <3
• Your dates are so adorable. Like picnics, or going on row boats. It’s so quiet on the water, so you don’t notice when he slips down on one knee, clasping your hands in his while presenting a ring.
• You nearly flip the boat when you finally comprehend what’s happening but luckily your better half is much more calm and collected.. he was prepared for this reaction.. atleast he thinks he was -
• He kisses your knuckles, then overlaps your hands with his and holds them to his heart
• “ It seems as though the love saga of my poems will continue until death do us part…“
• Posessive..
• He truly is materialistic and is telling the truth. You genuinely will get what you want. But he can see it in your eyes that you’re not after his money, or his valuables or even his status. He can see the way you adoringly look up to him when he talks. And he’s not used to such an innocent form of love you offer.
• He feels that you must be protected, for what you make him feel is vulnerability. Which scares him. Because no one has ever made him feel that way before. So when the time is right, most likely on a starry night when you’re on a walk he’ll stop, just long enough to kneel and pull out the box, just long enough for you to realize what he’s doing. And with that, he confesses his love
• “ With this ring, you are mine.. whatever you want you can have. You will always be treated with my respect and my love, nothing will ever be enough to satiate how I feel for you. No amount of gold compares to that ring on your finger, for it holds the greatest power in all the world.. my promise to you. “
• Like crocodile he’s possessive.. but with a sweet?? Spin ?? To it ???
• The moment he slips the ring on your finger he brings your hand to his lips for a sweet kiss, giving you that bone chilling smile while keeping his lips pressed to your skin.
• He doesn’t make a big, fancy show out of it. Because he knows that you don’t need everyone to know. It’s obvious that you’re his
• You listen when he talks. You’re never put off by his nightmares or bad moods. You urge him to talk about his brother and family. You talk about starting a new one… as a second chance.
• “ A second chance for the Heavenly Demon.. “ he thinks to himself, lost in thought. You weren’t scared to say that he was flawed, but it didn’t matter, because you could work on it together
• “ As long as you are mine, you will be taken care of and no one, I mean no one, will ever mistreat you ever again, lest they want my wrath… “ And he means it. He means every word of it. He would wage wars in your name, bring cities to the ground, and split the ocean in two if he could, unlike crocodile, who is alittle more materialistic with his promises. <3
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only-luce-the-goose · 4 months
A/N: it’s a little short, I’m sorry. My requests are open, I’m going to start writing for all Formula (Prema too).
Arthur Leclerc x Norris!reader
Warnings: upset Lando, making out, little swearing, indicated to smut (none tho)
Based off this comment ⬇️
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@barcelonaloverf1life thank you!! 🫶🏻
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You had followed Lando around your whole life, he was your big brother. You love him to pieces. Some might say you were more excited that him when he was announced as an official Formula 1 driver. You came with him to every race, getting to know a lot of the drivers very well. Becoming close friends with a Spaniard, which led to a Monegasque, which led to a certain younger brother.
That was three years ago. Now, you and Arthur had been secretly dating for over a year. You expertly hid your relationship from your brothers, especially Lando. You know Charles wouldn’t have too much of a problem with his brother dating you. You also know that Lando was explode if he knew you were dating the impulsive idiot from Oscar’s Prema days.
It was time, once again, for the Monaco gp. One of the very few times a year you could publicly be seen with your boyfriend for a good reason. After making sure Lando was busy getting ready for the race, you slipped over to the Ferrari garage. Arthur was leaning against a wall, talking to his brother and an engineer when he spotted you. He clapped his brother on the shoulder and took off towards you.
It had been way too long (a couple days) since you had last seen each other and all you wanted to do was kiss him. Which you couldn’t, because you were in public. “I have an idea” you said as you turned to him. You snuck him through the McLaren garage and into your brothers driver room. You knew he wouldn’t be coming back until much later so you knew you had time.
You closed the door and pushed Arthur into it. You gripped his broad shoulder with one hand and tangled the other in his hair, bringing him down to your lips. You both began feverishly making out, tongues fighting. When Arthur won, he pushed you into the wall next to the door. His hands slipped under your shirt to play with your tits through your bra, his knee moved in between your legs and applied pressure to your clit. You started grinding on the knee, letting out little whimpers until the door to the drivers room opened. “WHAT THE FUCK”
Lando grabbed Arthur’s shirt and yanked him backwards as Oscar rushed in “what happened?” “Your prema mate was eating my sisters face off” Lando said as he kept prattling on “this is ridiculous. And in my room for fucks sake! Why now y/n? Why the sudden interest?” Lando asked. Arthur moved to answer, immediately being glared at my Lando. If looks could kill, Arthur would already be six feet under.
Lando looked at you, waiting for your answer. “Actually, Lando, Arthur and I have been dating for over a year. We didn’t want to tell you because we knew how you would react” Lando’s jaw hit the floor. “I’m getting Charles” he grumbled. Charles walked in five minutes later, we were both sitting together on the floor. “Finally got busted?” He laughed.
Lando looked at him, dumbfounded. “You knew?!!” He screeched. “I had my suspicions, until I walked in on them making it. They didn’t even know I was there” Charles admitted “come with me” he said afterwards. Charles took Lando outside and had a long talk with him. When they came back, Lando announced “I have a deal to make little Leclerc. Make my sister happy and I won’t murder you. Break or hurt her in anyway and you will never think about racing again”
Arthur nodded, agreeing with Lando. After everyone left the room, you turned to Arthur and said “I can’t believe we finally got busted. I thought it would have happened way sooner!” That made Arthur laugh.
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serawritesthings · 1 year
summary: you were Arthur’s own slice of heaven in a world where it felt like everything he did brought him a step further to hell. pairing: arthur morgan x fem! reader tags: content 18+ minors dni, unprotected piv sex word count: 6.1k
a/n: hello, lovelies! I'm finally done with my first fic; I hope it's worth a read. Please let me know what you think; I would much appreciate it!♡
Most nights at Horseshoe Overlook were quiet, ignoring Uncle's snoring and the girl’s quiet gossiping. Often, you joined them, finding their conversations amusing. You discovered that Mary-Beth, Tilly, and Karen had a wild imagination and a wilder sense of humor.
Unfortunately, they decided you would be the object of their gossip lately. More so, you and Arthur. Your relationship appeared to be very interesting to them, and they weren’t shy of making it known as they teased you for the man’s apparent infatuation with you.
Because of that, you remain behind a tree by the horses, mulling. You had no interest in speaking to the girls tonight, scared they would bother you. You didn't wish to be the center of gossip instead of the one chitchatting.
Sitting alone for the first time in a while allowed your thoughts to take over. You worried for him immensly, just like you always did when it came to Arthur. It wasn’t like your concern came from nothing, finding that trouble always followed him.
More times than not, he came home bloodied and bruised, and sometimes he didn’t come home at all. It made you feel useless to only stay in camp and think of every what-if that could happen to the unpredictable man, but you couldn't help it.
There was a lingering feeling of certainty when you met Arthur. You knew you were the same - you bruise a little easier than most, though in different places. The hurt manifested somewhere far inside of him, a place where his walls were so high you weren’t sure even he could put a crack in it. But something about him wormed itself into your heart and manifested the passage that led to your deepest thoughts and feelings.
"Whatcha doin' out here, honey?" A voice strapped with roughness spoke out behind you, surprising you. You glanced at Arthur towering over you, granting him an exasperated stare, although your heart sang at the sight of him in one piece.
"I'm hiding." He raised his eyebrow, looking entertained, settling his hands on his belt. 
"Now, what are you hidin' from?" A smirk appeared on his lips while he shook his head.
"The girls." A melancholy expression appeared on your face.
"Your hiding from… the girls?"
"Well, yes. It seems gossiping about us has become their favorite amusement." To speak about it made you scrunch your nose. You knew it was childish, but you were too irritated to care.
"I guess women never change, eh?" He studied you with a knowing smile while crouching down, touching your knee tenderly. You only scoffed at him.
"You gonna stay cooped up here like an angry little ball of fire all night?" He offered you his hand, snickering.
"Yes." Peering forward with sharp eyes, you avoided his hand.
Arthur chuckled as he gently placed his hand under your chin, gazing into your eyes. Your pout made him frown, and swiftly he tossed you over his shoulder and began walking.  
"I ain't lettin’ you linger out here all night. " You gasped, eyes facing the ground, feeling his shoulder jab into your stomach with every step.
"Now, just what do you think you're doing?!" A screech escaped you while Arthur only laughed, giving your rear a playful slap. 
"They'll see us!"
"They're drunk and asleep; calm your horse's missy."
Your eyes grew small at his comment, and you tried thinking of a way to make him release you. Lifting your hands, you grabbed the back of his pants, trying to push them down his hips. He chuckled at you and kept walking.
"Now, what do you think you're doin´?" He readjusted your squirming frame against his broad shoulder.
"It's okay, though; I like you a little feisty." 
"Oh, I'll show you feisty." You continued trying to push his pants down further.
You kept bickering on the path to Arthur's tent. He was correct; there wasn’t a single person awake. You could see the smug smirk on his face when he realized he was right, but he focused on keeping his pants up, which proved futile. What a sight you two were. 
He chuckled as he placed you on his bed, standing tall over your small frame. Amid your anger, now forgotten after your lighthearted bickering, you had failed to remember how much you missed him. Arthur had been away for a long time, leaving you to worry about him constantly. It made you feel useless, never knowing where or what he was doing. But he was here now, which instantly lifted your spirits.
Raising the corners of your mouth into a soft smile, you looked up at him through your lashes, grabbing his gun belt and bringing him closer to you till you felt the chilly surface of his buckle against your cheek. Putting your arms around his waist, you rested your cheek against his middle and sighed.
"Are ya done trying to pull my pants down now?" Arthur only raised his eyebrow, wondering where the feisty girl went.
"Mm." The fabric of his jeans silenced your voice as you relished in what was solely Arthur.
"I missed you so much." Your tone suddenly wavered, and you wrapped your arms tighter around him. It felt like he would disappear from you.
Feeling his coarse hand land softly on your head, he ran his fingers through your hair that was soft under his palms. Arthur wasn't good at feelings and often found himself tongue-tied when you spoke to him like this. His heart churned at your sudden display of emotions.
He missed you more than you could possibly know and spent most of the chilly nights in the wilderness, missing your soft voice and warm hands he had grown accustomed to. Before you, it didn’t matter where he was since his home was where he put his bedroll.
Now, though, his home was in your warm embrace. The ghost of your eyes tormented his every move, prodding him to return to you so the glimpses he thought he caught of you would become a reality. 
How well you knew your Arthur. He was always quick with words but never with you. When you started paying attention to one another, dragging the words out of him required much effort. Stubborn as a mule, he was.
"Ah, I missed ya too, honey." His voice grew rough as he looked down at you. A warm feeling coursed through you at his words, pressing your cheek further against the cloth of his jeans, face illuminated by the lamp on the worn bedside table. The light bounced off the closed tent, creating a warm atmosphere.
Keeping close to Arthur, you looked up at him and staring back at you was a man with warm, soft-blue eyes and tousled honey-blond hair escaping his hat, looking slightly longer since you last saw him. Your chest tightened at the look he gave you, making you feel like the most precious thing he had ever seen. 
Now, standing between one of your legs, you felt small beneath his tall frame. He felt many things watching you beneath him, face resting on the side of his hips, face too close to his guns for his liking, but he didn't move away. He felt all his limbs grow heavier when he observed you, finding only you to have this effect on him. 
Your palms grazed the guns at his sides, being careful when lifting them from the holsters. They were heavier than you expected, not familiar with holding the weighty metal of a gun. The coarse leather of his gloves grasped your hands and lifted them with you, putting them on the bedside table.
A shrill ran through you, watching him grab them. He looked intimating, handling them like second nature compared to your unsure hands. It reminded you of the kind of man he was, or rather the man he had to be.
He could tell you felt wary; a familiar feeling of protectiveness he always directed towards you surging through him. You smiled slightly and stared at him through your lashes, palm stroking his thigh gently. He could feel himself melt at your behavior, realizing you were teasing him; testing the waters.
Most times, being intimate together went about the same way as you were inexperienced, and Arthur not wanting to make you uncomfortable. But he could feel the air had changed, making him stiff with intrigue and curiosity.
The tension in the tent was searing as you unbuckled his belt, letting it fall to the floor with a heavy thud. You were used to him taking control, but you felt unusually bold in his presence this night. Suddenly, Arthur suddenly lifted you to stand on the bed, making you tower over him as a breathless laugh left you.
Putting both of your hands on his stubby cheeks, he wrapped his arms around your middle, breathing in your sweet scent as he pulled you closer. Your stomach churned at having him this close, feeling his warm breath fan over you, making your nipples stiffen against the closeness of his mouth.
Slowly, he enclosed his mouth around your nipple, covered by the fabric of your blouse–being this close it proved hard for him not to. You closed your eyes at the sudden feeling, thumbs gently stroking the scruff of his beard as he grazed his tongue over your clothed bosom wantonly.
You lifted your trembling leg to rest at his side, his arm immediately coming to rest on your backside, bringing you closer to him. He caressed you tenderly as you felt him press his tongue over your thin blouse, making you moan slightly under your breath. 
Opening your eyes, you looked down at him, the sight more erotic than anything you have ever seen. He held your gaze through hazy eyes, his reddening lips glistening slightly with saliva, resting on the now wet patch on your shirt. You lifted your hands, grabbed ahold of the hat almost falling off his head, and dropped it to the ground.
Running your fingers through his tousled hair, you brushed the wild pieces behind his ear, unkempt by his hat. He rumbled appreciatively at your action and you felt the rough leather from his gloves sneaking under your shirt that was folded into your skirt, finally touching your skin.
You were always so soft, and most of the time, he felt undeserving to touch something so perfect with his rough, unlawful hands, roughened by the hardship his life had brought onto him. Never should anyone who has done such malicious things put their hands on you–yet here he was, soiling you.
Your soft skin felt heavenly under his rugged palm as if delicate hands sculpted it with adoration so stout there couldn’t be a more beautiful creation than the one standing before him. He felt shameful but didn't have the strength to pull away; he never did. It felt too good to touch you, almost bordering on torture, the way he kept crawling after you like a starved man never getting enough.
Arthur tightened his grip on you, paying attention to your other side with his mouth, moving slowly as your breath hitch. You let your head fall over him, resting your cheek on the top of his head that you now cradled, enjoying the moment while wishing you could be in his arms forever.
Running your hands over his broad shoulders, you suddenly felt something wet touch your fingers. You perked up, looking at your hands. Covering your fingertips was a dark red substance. It was sticky like it had been there for a while.
"Arthur." You murmured, a light worry detectable in your voice. He didn't answer you, instead grabbing your thighs and hoisting you up his waist, burying his head in your chest. You wanted to giggle at him and probably would have if concern didn't seep into your mind.
"Arthur" Your voice was low, this time sounding more collected. 
"It ain't my blood, darlin’," he mumbled, voice muffled by the fabric. You felt yourself relax, content no one had hurt him, but it left you wondering whose blood it was. "Don't you worry your pretty little head bout that," he said, like he could read your mind. 
Arthur sat on the bed and it creaked under his weight, keeping you on his lap with your legs at either side of his thick thighs. He pushed your hesitant hips snugly against his, letting out a hum of appreciation, finally feeling your weight where he wanted you most.
Lifting his head from your chest, he gave you a look-over, and what a sight you were. Blush covered your cheeks as you looked at him with blissful but still worrisome eyes, a slight pink shade running down your neck into the cleavage of your blouse.
You brought your face close to his, feeling the roughness of his beard scrape against your cheeks as you leaned in, the worrying thoughts long gone as you felt his large hands slither into your skirt, kneading the soft flesh harshly under his palm.
You squeaked quietly, surprised by the sudden contact, your lips pausing, barely touching as you breathed in each other's air as your head spun in anticipation. The feeling of Arthur's warm hands so close to your exposed core made heat form in your lower belly and in your moment of bliss, you suddenly felt his lips on yours.
"Arthur." You whimpered against his mouth. Hearing his name from your mouth so pleadingly made the ache in his chest cramp at his heart, feeling the familiar warmth of pleasure spread. Amid his tongue massaging yours so sweetly contrasting the harshness of his hands, you lowered your hips softly.
The roughness of his jeans touching your center made a shockwave of rippling pleasure spread through you, making you choke out a mix between a moan and a cry. You lifted your chest slightly, leaning your head backward, making your hair fall in waves behind you.
Hugging Arthurs's head to your bosom, you felt his mouth on your breast once again. The feeling was too much, making your whole body tense as you tried to bring him closer. He hastily grabbed your blouse, dragging it out from the top of your skirt, and seeing he couldn't lift it over your head without unbuttoning it, he held the fabric in the middle, ripping the buttons quickly and exposing you to him. You wanted to complain, but feeling his mouth wrap around your now-bare nipple made you lose your train of thought.  
They grew hard under the assault of his tongue; Arthur was sure he would’ve bitten them if he didn’t control himself. You were breathing frantically over him as his mouth moved against you, and he could hear how fast your heartbeat was.
He nuzzled the soft flesh, teeth grazing on the round bottoms of your breasts until he sucked on the peaks. You unknowingly motion your round hips in his lap, clearly getting worked up from his touch. His hand engulfed your hips, helping you rock back and forth on his lap.
The added pressure his hands brought made the rough material against your undergarments feel delicious as he moved his hips with yours, pushing you down every time you met his pelvis. The action was desperate, a silent plea for the bittersweet pleasure you sought within each other. His hands ran up your back, caressing the soft skin that shivered. Despite the chilly night, you were warm under his hands, calling for him to put his hands on you. You were beckoning him closer.
The moment was tender but filled with desperation that always seemed to linger around you. You ran your hands over Arthur's back, feeling the rough fabric of his worn-out shirt you knew so well. His broad shoulders bulged under your soft caresses as you could see his muscles tighten at your touch, his movements growing bolder as he once again placed his hands under your skirt, letting the fabric rest above your hips, exposing you to him. You felt him knead the warm flesh under his palms as he pushed you against him harder than before, pushing his crotch into yours, feeling the delicious warmth of your core against his bulge that strained against his pants. You could feel him under you, your face growing hot as his prominent member sat hard against you, pushing against its confinements. 
"Oh," You could not help letting out a quiet moan as heat traveled through your body when you felt him. He stopped and looked up at you, leaving a string of spit between your breasts and his swollen lips. The look in his eyes made your breath hitch, his eyes hazy with a glint of warmth in them. 
"Something wrong, honey?" His voice was low, almost sultry, and his hands softened against your bottom, no longer continuing his harsh treatment. The blush warmed your cheeks, realizing how exposed you were next to the fully dressed man. Having been lost in the moment, you hadn't noticed. But you did now. Arthur did, too, and praised the almighty; he didn't care if Colm O’Driscoll himself came and shot him right at this moment because he could die happy. 
"No, I…" You tried to explain, but he seemed more focused on removing the ruined blouse from your arms, unable to help himself as he placed a few more kisses on the underside of your breasts. “I… uh…” The words were stuck in your throat, turning your brain into mush. 
He took your hand, placing it on the lower side of his stomach, showing where he wanted your touch. You were timid, careful, and softly caressed the part over his waistline. You could tell he was growing impatient. His hands returned to your backside as he placed more kisses on your neck, slowly inching closer to your warmth while lifting you slightly, leaving room for your hand to travel further down. Cold fingers ran along the sides of your throbbing heat, teasing you and making you stiff with anticipation. Reaching your mouth, he placed his chapped lips on your soft ones, humming as he claimed you in the kiss. Thinking he would finally touch you, he suddenly lowered his hands and caressed your inner thigh, running his hands up and down. He then grabbed your hand, fitting it against his rigid member.
A relieved sigh left his body as he felt your small hand finally touch him. The relief only lasted so long before he felt the immense pleasure striking through his body at your soft caresses, hands leisurely moving up and down. They were unsure as they caressed him, but oh, they felt so good. Arthur felt his body go limp, almost like his muscles turned into heavy stones, as he rested his head in the crook of your neck.
You let out a breathless giggle as you grew more confident when you saw his desperation for your touch. Hugging his head to your chest with one hand embedded in his hair, the other continued to move against him. Slowly, you took one finger and stroked the tip that strained against his pants. A heavy groan left his throat when you touched the sensitive spot, although the feeling felt muted from the layers of clothes.
You looked down beside his head to unfasten the suspenders holding up his jeans. You let them hang over his shoulders as your hands unzipped his jeans, unbuttoning a few buttons on his union suit so you could wriggle your hand inside.
First, your fingers touched a patch of hair under his belly button that led down to his member, the muscles tensing in his stomach. You followed it down, feeling Arthur’s warm breath against your shoulder. 
"Christ alive!" The words wormed their way from his throat, sounding strained. You had winded your nimble fingers into his pants, fingertips feeling over the ridge beneath his cock. The touch alone sent a white flash of pleasure through his whole body. Smiling sheepishly, you rubbed your thumb up against the frenulum of his member, coaxing harsh noises from the man.
His head lay limp on your shoulders as his now sweaty hair tickled your skin, your actions turning his brain into mush. Your hand leisurely pumps his cock, going as slow as he can take it as you feel something warm start sliding down the back of your hand.
Curiously, you tried to look between your tightly knit bodies, leaning slightly away from Arthur for a moment. Although you didn't get the chance to look before his arms wound around your waist, bringing you closer to his broad form yet again. He lifted his head like he had woken from a deep slumber, lids heavy as he spoke.
"What kind of spell do you have me under, woman?" He rolled his hips up to meet your hand as it descended at the base of his cock. You readjust on his lap, scooting back slightly to gain more leverage for moving your arm. Arthur's eyes shut tight; his brows furrowed as you brought your other hand to his cheek, caressing it lovingly with your thumb as you gazed at him with warm eyes.
Being this close made you see him more clearly: the slight sunburns on the tall places on his face from being out in the sun all day, the lines on his forehead permanent from his constant frowning, and the thin layer of dirt covering his skin from the endless hard work he put up with. Too focused on what you were doing, he didn’t notice your stare, but his eyes found yours already looking at him when your hand slowed down. 
At that moment, his lust drowned in his love for you.
Sometimes, he found you looking at him like that, and it was safe to say it baffled him. The tenderness in your eyes made him tense, unsure. He wasn't used to your affection, but your every move was an act of pure fondness for him. Although it puzzled him, he craved your attention at him at all times and boasted at having such a woman at his hands. A woman no doubt many men surely dreamed of for the rest of their lives if they ever got the chance to lay their eyes on you. 
He felt your hand release the grip on his member, letting its now red, swollen tip rest against his stomach. Nimbly, you unbuttoned the other buttons on his union suit, your other hand sneaking under the fabric to touch the revealed skin, caressing his chest slowly as you reached the last button.
Running your hands from his chest to his shoulders, you let the fabric fall on his arms as you stroked over the broad muscles of his thick arms, appreciating their size. He noted that your wandering hands had grown bolder and relished in your touch. You leaned into him, his arms tightening around you to help you closer as you scooted up in his lap so you could reach his neck with your lips.
You heard Arthur grunt as your exposed cunt made contact with his cock when you raised your hips slightly, dragging your wet folds to his tip, letting it rest there as your warm lips put nimble kisses on the sweaty skin under his jawline. His shaft twitched when the muscles in his stomach clenched, the tip dripping precum on his skin as he felt his sack tighten.
"Do you want to kill me?" Breathlessly he spoke to you. Smiling through your kisses, you relished the power you seemed to have over him. "Maybe." You giggled against his skin, continuing to place timid kisses along his neck and pretending to bite him with your teeth. He scoffed at your playfulness, grabbing your bottom and grinding you over his swollen head.
A startled moan left your wet lips, surprised by the sudden contact. The pleasure that shot through your body was sweet but laced with a sharpness that made you quiver in his grasp. It felt delicious; the anticipation of the movement filled every inch of you with deep shivers that racked through your already shaking body.
Your mouth was left gaping against his shoulder, your lingering kisses paused by Arthur pushing you against him in small motions so he could feel the delicious friction your swollen lips created against his rigid member. 
"You want me to touch you, darlin'?" His gruff voice spoke. You mewled against him, all traces of the dominance you thought you had for a second go, and he didn't even have to try. It made you realize he only let you because he wanted to.
Calmly, his fingers eased toward your wetness that now almost seemed to drip down your thigh in complaint at being untouched for so long. Two of his fingers parted to stroke either side of your lips, almost throbbing as you clenched around nothing. The strokes continued, never touching you where you wanted him to. You were going crazy. How could he tease you so?
"Arthur." Your voice was quiet and begging, an undertone of wholehearted want seeping through. He hummed against you, lifting your head to place his lips on yours as his fingers finally disappeared beneath your wet folds, gliding toward your clit and resting there. He began drawing small circles that blur your vision as your eyes rolled back, letting out ungodly sounds muted against his lips. His lips continued to move against you, but when he noticed yours weren't, a low chuckle escaped him. Seeing you sitting on top of him with your blouse discarded and skirt lifted to reveal the tempting flesh to his eyes, as your face showing nothing but pure pleasure, drove him mad. The pads of his fingers are rough against your delicate parts, only adding to the bliss surging through your body. As he stroked you gently, your back arched as your hands frantically grabbed his arms. You feel your hands shake, your grip tight on his biceps as his two fingers sink into your hole. You gasped at being filled, clenching your walls tight around his fingers. The stretch burned, his fingers thicker than yours.
Sweet moans reach Arthur’s ears as he moves against your spongy walls, the squelching sound of him entering you filling the quietness of the night. Knuckle deep in you, he bends them expertly, causing your breath to hitch, making you spread your thighs wider for him as you grind down on his hand. His motions were rapid as he dove deep into your heat. Your thighs contracted as you felt your whole body tense, his arms moving underneath your touch.
“Oh, Arthur, please.” You spotted his warm eyes staring into yours when you turned your gaze up at him. Your eyes were pleading with him to take you, tears brimming at the intense feelings he filled you with. He knew what you wanted but had to ensure you were ready, knowing you would hurt otherwise. 
“I know, honey, just a little more.” Arthur caressed your hair softly as his jaw clenched, sweat dripping down his forehead as his eyes were stuck on you. He felt hopeless when you looked at him like this. You could get him to do whatever you wanted when looking at him like that; hell, Arthur would even kill for you if you asked. He was wet with your slick, his fingers jamming inside you as you lifted your legs, trying to escape his assault. The sudden change of pace made the pleasure unbearable. Not a single sound left your mouth as your eyebrows furrowed and your mouth hung open. He grabbed your hips, bringing you down against his fingers so you couldn’t escape.
Arthur hoisted you up, fingers leaving your dripping heat as he placed you over his throbbing head. Feeling your wetness wrap around him made his vision blur, ears ringing from the blood that rushed from his head. You leaned back, placing your hands on his knees as his hands found your hips. You sank slowly, watching his member disappear between your folds. The unison makes your heart swell, the thought of your body becoming one running through you like warm whisky, setting your blood afire. 
Arthur’s breathing was heavy, his hands shaking slightly from the intenseness of the moment. Every movement was a silent plea for the moment never to end, wanting to stay connected for all eternity in each other’s embrace. The world disappeared around you,  becoming a blur. The only thing you saw was each other as you moved over him, feeling him lift you to the top to lower you so you could hug him warmly. Your walls clamped down on him, his mushroom head prodding deep inside your spongy walls, eliciting whines from your open mouth. Arthur was used to being quiet, but you were struggling, terrified someone would hear. You wouldn’t be able to stand the humiliation if you were.
“Come here, darlin’.” He placed his brawny arms under your thighs, his member leaving you as he stood up and laid your back gently on the bed, his hand under your head. Always so careful. Your arms reached for him, seeking his solace and safe embrace as he returned to you, putting his weight on you as close as he could without hurting you. He entered you again as his head rested in the crevice of your neck, panting. He stuffed you full, fuller than you’ve ever been. Your cunt stretched obscenely around him, lips sealing around his cock with a snug, velvet grasp. He set the pace this time. His muscular frame was going slow, but his strokes were hard; your body was being pushed up the bed from the harshness of his thrusts. He brought you deeper into the mattress whenever you felt him dive back inside. Your legs found their way around his waist, bringing him closer to you. Arthur loves how you cling to him, helping you by holding you close as he prods you deeper. He takes your hand, bringing it to your chest and placing it between your breasts as he murmurs something in your skin. You’re too blissed out to hear what as his voice melts like honey at the base of your neck. 
“Oh god!” You cry out between his thrusts, moonlight seeping through the folds of the tent and splashing his skin. His palms tremble against you from the effort. He cooed at your noises, shushing you by capturing your lips with his. You had messed up his hair in your blissful frenzy, and his eyes were glossy with lust. His hands ran down the side of your body that arched underneath him, grabbing your thigh and pushing the plush skin up to rest beside you so he could bury the whole cock inside you. You almost felt him in your guts as he prodded against your flesh, leaving you to mumble nonsense into his mouth between the gasps that escaped you from the force of his thrusts. The slide of his length against the silky, slick clench of your cunt is nothing less than ambrosial.
Arthur breathes heavily between clenched teeth as you tighten around him. He slowed his pace to draw himself almost entirely out of you before filling you again with a languid thrust. The coil inside him was tightening, threatening to snap. He was holding you so close now, shielding you from the world as you lay underneath him, eyes glazed with a faraway look. Each caress from his hand said the words his sex-addled mind couldn’t make his mouth form.
I love you
He wrapped his arm under your waist, supporting your arching body, pistoning you now with brutal efficiency. Still, affection lingered in everything he did. He never gripped you too hard as his rough hands remained gentle. For you. Only for you. His hands slipped down the planes of your stomach to apply gentle pressure to the hooded bundle of nerves, sending a shock through you like a burst of electricity. Whatever words you tried to speak came out as little more than a garbled cry as he teased furious circles over your still swollen clit, arms tight against his neck.
“Please.” Lust-filled sounds left you as you begged. You didn’t know what for, his assault leaving your thoughts in shambles. He doubted there was a more beautiful sight than the woman he loved unraveling under the force of his thrusts. Your walls clenched around him, contracting as you sucked him more profoundly into your cunt. 
“I love you!” You cried into his ear; Arthur’s eyes shut tight as his hips spluttered, pumping deeper inside you, noises he let out erupting from his lips in a sound that could only be likened to a primal whine. With a final uneven snap of his hips, the coil inside him snapped, and his release spilled inside you. His forehead rested between your shoulder blades as he trembled, your hands resting in his hair lovingly amidst the tremors running through your body. Arthur’s hips snapped up into you one last time, pushing up into you as far as possible to continue feeling the warmth and tightness of your cunt. His cum spurted out, coating your walls and escaping your entrance that he was stuffing with his cock. He gripped your thighs, moving his hips languidly, basking in the sharp pleasure running through him as his vision faded.
You could feel him relaxing in your grasp, heavy breathing leaving him as he gently kissed your trembling skin. You hummed over him at his touch, a pleasureful little sound that, despite being wholly spent, had him wondering if he could muster up the energy to retake you as his head lifted to claim your lips, tongue flickering lazily out to tangle with your own. Arthur grabbed your thighs that were wound tightly around his waist as he scooted down the bed, pressing them to flush against the mattress. He spread you wide, your body covered in sweat and cum, exposed before his eyes as he wasted no time putting his mouth on your puffy cunt. His tongue was warm as he entangled it in your wetness. Your hands tried to grip your hair, sheets, and headboard to find stability until they rested in Arthur’s hair. He could feel you pull on his roots, the feeling making him groan against you. The sound created vibrations against your sensitive clit. It felt like his mouth was eating you whole as he nuzzled as close as he could, sucking ferociously on your tender flesh. His tongue entered you, making you dizzy as blood buzzed in your ears. You looked down at him, breath hitching as you found his hazy eyes already on yours. It felt sinful to keep eye contact with him as he performed such a sensual act on you, but his admiring eyes left you searing with pleasure. You couldn’t look away, not yet. You felt him wind his arms under your thighs as he gripped your inner thighs, sitting up so he was resting on his heels. 
“Arthur!” You exclaimed at the sudden motion. Your head rested on the bed as Arthur lifted you off it, his arms wrapped around your stomach, hugging you tightly against him as he buried his head further into your cunt. The air left you from his actions, your legs hitting his back to escape the frenetic torture he put you through. Wet noises filled the tent, Arthur’s dark eyes gazing down at you. You looked sinful, he thought. Usually so innocent, but at this moment, with your hair spread out on the messy sheets, a pink flush covering your cheeks, and dazed eyes staring up at him, you looked like he had corrupted you and filled every inch of you with pure ecstasy. He lifted his mouth from you, the lower part of his face glistening wet as his fingers found your clit. They stroked you gently as he hummed at your quiet mewls.
“Gettin’ close, honey?” Arthur cooed as you stared up at him with glistening eyes, brows furrowed in pleasure. Your expression told him enough, so he lowered his head again and extended his tongue inside you, massaging your walls. It felt good, so good that high-pitched whines started leaving you. His one hand found your mouth, muffling the sounds. Your hips began twitching, moving against his mouth as you struggled between putting distance from his lips and pulling him closer. His fingers were relentless, rubbing you faster to where you heard ringing in your ears from the searing pleasure you felt coursing through you. The fire pooling low in your abdomen started spreading, leaving a burning trail as it flowed through your every vein. Your head rolled back against the sheets, mouth open wide, but no noise left you as hot tears fell from your eyes. The world slowed down, your orgasm shattering your body. Rippling through you, it made you tense up, your walls pulsing around Arthur’s tongue as he slowly massaged your insides, intensifying your orgasm. Your hips started jerking against him, his arm holding you still as he hummed against you while observing you underneath him. 
The world before you was blurred when your eyes slowly opened, the ringing now faint as you felt Arthur kiss the inside of your thigh, his hand rubbing your stomach soothingly. He lowered you onto the bed as your eyes gained focus. He could feel you gaze at him as he lifted you to lay your head on the pillow, caressing your cheeks. It was quiet; the only thing cutting through the air was your frantic breathing, both of you trying to catch your breath. Your eyes locked, a silent understanding between you as your trembling hand brushed his sweaty strands behind his ears. 
“I love you,” He mumbled against your skin, eyes peering up at you. There was a look in his eyes you hadn’t seen before, and it took a few seconds for you to recognize it. Remorse. “But I don’t deserve you.” He sounded defeated, eyes staring absentmindedly like he was off somewhere else. It was a rarity for him to be this honest with you, but his words rang true. He didn’t deserve you; he knew it, you knew it, and everyone around you knew it. But he had you, body and soul. He had every part of you, even the parts you wanted to shield from both him and the world. His arms wrapped around you, covering you in his safe embrace, and your heart ached inside you when gazing at the man in front of you.
Before you could speak, he placed his lips against yours. There wasn’t much to be said anymore, your hearts speaking the words your lips couldn’t utter.
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haikyu-mp4 · 5 months
word count; 1346 – f!reader
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Kageyama was always persistent when he set his mind to something, and most of that dedication had always gone to volleyball. However, something else had been taking over his perfect concentration ever since the day he first talked to you. He’s in his second year at Karasuno, and it’s his first time experiencing something that feels like a crush.
You’re in Karasuno’s volleyball club, a starting player on the girls’ team. More specifically, you play in the position of setter. This year’s new captains for each team agreed that doing a joined practice would be a fun way to strengthen both teams, and this fuelled a competitive spark between you and Kageyama. You both quickly realised that Kageyama was much better than you, but that just gave you even more opportunity to learn from him. Instead of competition. it turned into friendship.
After that you kept stopping by each other when the other had practice, giving each other both teasing criticism and helpful tips, also making it very obvious that you were there to watch each other. There is no way the other members of your teams wouldn’t notice how you two were drawn to each other, but no one really witnessed any decent flirting.
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Kageyama came to practice looking particularly bothered one day, making Ennoshita laugh at the pout on the youngest second-year’s face as he encouraged him to get to practising. No one dared poke the bear. No one except Hinata.
“Poutyyama!” he screeched, dancing around the taller player with a smile. “You were annoyed even before you saw me today, what’s up?” he asked, obviously aiming more at teasing than helping. However, Kageyama finally fell into a state of desperation. He kept glancing angrily between Hinata and the volleyball in his hands. He mumbled something under his breath that no one could pick up on, everyone in the gym slowing to a stop to watch as the boy didn’t immediately kick Hinata’s butt. This made Kageyama’s blush spread from his ears over his temples. “What was that?”
“I don’t know how to flirt,” he mumbled, this time a bit more audible. A snort came from behind him, where Yamaguchi and Tsukishima covered their mouths so Ennoshita wouldn’t yell at them.
“Flirt?” Hinata repeated loudly, looking absolutely horrified at the concept. “Who are you trying to flirt with?” This made Kageyama finally react, pouncing on his friend in aggression. Tanaka came walking over to separate them, Nishinoya trailing close behind with his chin held high.
“Obviously, it’s the pretty setter from the girls’ team,” Tanaka announced.
Nishinoya nodded. “It’s so obvious, now listen to the love doctors,” he said, putting his hands together like he was praying and catching Kageyama’s attention. “How have you advanced so far?”
“Well…” Kageyama takes a moment to think, lowering his shoulders. “I told her that her spike serves were great, showed her how to make the set curve and stop, or tried to but she didn’t really get it, and I bought her an extra box of milk when I went to the vending machine,” he listed. The rest of the boys blinked silently at him for a moment. Not exactly romantic, but it could be worse.
Tanaka put an arm over his shoulders. “Have you asked her to go out with you? Marry you?” he suggested as if it was the greatest tip ever. Kinoshita scoffed, rolling his eyes.
“You can’t just do that right away. We could ask someone on the girls’ team if she likes him back first?” he suggested, a bit more shy about romantic advances than his friends.
“That’s not a bad idea,” Ennoshita said, but he looked hesitant. “But there is something sweet about telling her you like her. It seems to me like she likes you too.”
Kageyama looked at his captain with hopeful eyes, clinging on to every word. “It does?”
“Hopeless…” came from Tsukishima along with a sigh.
“Well, what else did you expect,” Hinata added and crossed his arms, narrowly dodging Kageyama’s punch.
Yamaguchi chuckled but engaged nonetheless. “You can ask her to hang out outside of school and club,” he suggested, which was actually the best option presented to him so far. A couple of murmurs went around the room in agreement, and then Ennoshita clapped his hands.
“Let’s get back to practice! If she likes Kageyama, she’ll like whatever he decides to do.”
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Kageyama was staring at a message from you with a weird smile and a calculating mind after getting home for the night. You wrote him saying you look forward to the joined practice you had scheduled after school tomorrow. What is he supposed to do? How does he return your energy, as he read in that one article he got through before getting bored of reading?
Ennoshita thinks you like him back. Maybe he should just combine all the tips he got into one. That has to make it a failsafe. As long as he leaves out the marriage part…
He slowly types it out, making sure there are no spelling errors before sending it and finally putting his phone to the side so he can try to sleep.
I like you, will you go out with me? We could do something outside of school and club activities.
Oh boy, did his teammates have a field day with his chosen tactic when he told them about it at morning practice. You hadn’t answered yet, but Kageyama wasn’t too worried about it as it was still early.
The third years looked especially pale, while the second years were mostly laughing.
“You did all of it, how creative!” Narita said in the most positive manner he could manage, making up for the others who were sitting quietly in their guilt over saying anything yesterday and then leaving him to his own defences. “Let us know when she answers.”
Kageyama nodded with a decisive smile, still pretty happy with his solution. Practice commenced and the team mostly forgot about the situation for a few hours until they returned to the locker rooms all sweaty. Kageyama was pulling on his clean shirt when there was a vibration on the bench below him. His phone.
Meanwhile, you had arrived at school half an hour before that, gathering as many of your friends as you could for help. You were practically buzzing with excitement, as Kageyama was the last person you expected to be this forward about such a topic. The girls squealed, and even a teacher hushing you in passing couldn’t calm down your energy levels. You all spent a while deciding on what to answer and then you chose to add the smiley at the end yourself, butterflies in your stomach as you sent the message.
That sounds great, actually :D
Kageyama didn’t even notice most of his team looking over his shoulder with loose jaws as they read your response, as he was too busy freaking out over it himself. “Yamaguchi!” he yelled, yelling again in surprise when he turned around to see the guy standing there already, along with a few of the others who were more shameless in their snooping. “Help.”
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It took some work, but you two were finally enjoying your first date, going for ice cream in the sun and getting to know each other more. 
Hinata and Tanana were ready to pretend they had no idea this was where they went for the date in case anyone caught them spying, but were amused to bump into three of the girls from your team as well, who were also trying to find the best spot for watching you without being spotted. Their precious setters, somehow mastering communication when it was with each other. When you got home, you would blame your red cheeks on a sunburn, for sure.
But it was actually from Kageyama awkwardly kissing your cheek before leaving.
You see, Kageyama had texted Sugawara last night for tips, and he told him that if he felt like the date had gone well, he could kiss your cheek before he left.
/I imagine Yachi wasn't there when they gave him tips and when Hinata told her everything she got so stressed out on Kageyama's behalf, she's so precious
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thought--bubble · 8 months
Dreamin of You
Modern Dark Actor Aemond X (Non-Famous GF Reader)
Warnings below
Word Count: 3065
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Modern Aemond Masterlist
Full Masterlist
Banners by @arcielee
Warnings:: Jealousy, possessive behavior, obsessive behavior, Dubcon, insecurity, unprotected sex (p in v), oral sex (F receiving)
Based on THIS request
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"Aemond! Over here!" You cringe at the noise, a man with a camera nearly screeching into your ear.
Aemond shields his eyes, trying to block out the flashing of the cameras as he tightens his arm around you, pulling you through the crowd.
It has been about a year since he got his big break. The leading man on a hit show that streams on Netflix. One of this year's biggest hits.
His life entirely changed nearly overnight, changing yours right along with it. You could no longer go out in public with him. You would be swarmed by cameras and people reaching out and grabbing at him. Women yelled out to him that they loved him.
Oh, how the women scream for him.
It doesn't surprise you. He is handsome and charming, not to mention tall, with a jawline that could cut diamonds.
Aemond used to be a quiet man. Hiding in the shadows. Shy and self-conscious. His disability made him bow out from most social situations unless you were there.
You had met Aemond back in primary school. Growing up beside him, you knew him better than anyone else. Or at least you used to.
The man standing beside you now, curling you up in his arm, is not the same man he was just one short year ago, and the realization hit you recently.
You had accompanied him to a photo shoot as you often do. Watching him flit about the place, shaking hands and charming them all with that beautiful smile. The two female models on set hanging on his every word. One being so forward as to brush her hand on his arm. Which he allowed.
Every day, you felt the pressure of his newfound fame start to squeeze into every facet of your life.
You had never been an insecure person. Never. Now you found yourself constantly comparing.
Aemond had been approached by models, a fellow actress, and even a pretty popular musician, and when you look at them and then at yourself, it's obvious that there is simply no comparison.
He is going to leave you or cheat on you at some point, which has you constantly on edge. You had been denying this, but what man wouldn't? What man would stay with his average before fame girlfriend when he could have a lingerie model? A pop star?
You know that he loves you and you love him too, but sometimes love is just not enough.
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That's how you find yourself here. Standing in his living room, watching him update his Instagram after fighting your way through a sea of photographers.
Your stomach feels sick as you watch him, trying to build up the courage to say what has been bouncing around in your head for weeks.
"It's time," you whisper to yourself.
You clear your throat as you gently shake out your limbs. "Aemond? I....I need to talk to you."
"Course." He doesn't lift his head from his phone, no doubt jumping on every notification coming from his social media accounts.
"It's important"
He lifts his head and furrows his brow.
"Everything alright, love?" He turns his phone screen down toward his lap to show you that you have his full attention.
You open your mouth to speak and immediately the anxiety of what you're about to do hits you like a tidal wave. Am I doing this? Really doing this?
Aemond can sense the panic that is coursing through you and stands up and quickly walks to you, taking your hands.
"Don't be afraid, love, tell me what's going on," He squeezes gently. His tenderness makes this all so much more difficult.
"I think it's...... Aemond? I..... I'm leaving" the relief you feel at finally telling him is soothing, it's done. You've said it. No take backs.
"Leave?" Aemond grips his phone tightly, his knuckles turning white as he turns his head from you. "Leave where? Go where? For what purpose?"
"Aemond..... I mean leave..... us. This" You turn your head in an effort to avoid that eye. You know you shouldn't look away. It's you who is doing this to the both of you. What right do you have to be sad?
The gentleness on his face is replaced with shock, and he turns his back to you, taking a few steps away. His silence is deafening, but you want to be fair. Give him a moment to process this.
"I... I just don't think we fit anymore, I'm so happy for you, Aemond. You're so talented, and all this that's happening to you? You deserve it, and i want you to have it." You recoil slightly at your own words. You've been thinking it for months, but saying it out loud, saying it to him. It's so painful. So final. "But, there's no room here for me anymore"
As you feel the all too familiar sting in your eyes, you watch his form turned away from you. You want him to look at you. Let you know that he understands that you don't want to hurt him. That this is what is best for both of you.
Instead, he chuckles, and you're hit with a wave of confusion before he turns around and stalks toward you. "Leaving? You think you're leaving me?" The smirk that creeps its way onto his face sends shivers down your spine.
He clicks his tongue as he reaches you, pulling you in tight against his chest.
"You don't get to leave." He coos. "No, my darling, you'll stay right here." he gently runs his fingers through your hair, the movement comforting and menacing.
The little hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. Who is this? This isn't the Aemond you know. Kind gentle, Aemond.
No, this person is someone else.
His lifts your face to him by your chin and kisses you gently. The way he moves between loving and domineering so seamlessly, it's as if there are two of him.
"You are mine little dove." He chuckles again as he looks down at you, the gleam in his eye, conveying a message that you are having trouble reading.
"Things have changed yes, we will figure out how to make you more comfortable, but one thing remains constant and that is you."
"You don't get to decide that." You wanted to say this with conviction but it comes out weak and feeble. You and Aemond have hardly ever fought and when you do, he wins every time.
Aemond sighs and smiles. "But I do. See i decide if we stay together. Me, and i have decided that we will. Now if there are things that we can work on to make you more comfortable I am happy to do that" He pushes his face into the crook of your neck as he whispers, " It's what's best for both of us"
You push him back, his arrogance finally pushing you over the edge.
"Who are you? Huh? This isn't you! This arrogant, entitled twat!" The dam that was holding back all of your frustrations fully bursts and you can't help yourself from offloading.
"You flirt with models right in front of me, you-"
"IT'S AN ACT!" He explodes, and you jump back, his voice unrecognizable.
"You think I want them? Those vapid cunts?" He grips your arm tight and shoves you down onto the sofa. The movement jarring.
"Don't shove me!" You move to get up but he leans down caging you in with his arms.
"When I sleep, I dream of you, when awake, I dream of you, when I do anything, I dream of you. There is not another for me, not in this lifetime or the next."
You push your body back on the sofa, trying to put a little distance between the two of you. He glares at you for a moment, lowering his arms from the sofa and bringing them to your shoulders.
"If you leave, I will find you, and I will drag you back to me" He slowly drops to his knees in front of you, sliding his arms down the length of your body in the process. "I'll always find you."
Your eyes widened slightly in fear. His love has always been expressed in gentleness, kind gestures, and soft caresses.
"What happened to being partners? Since when have you owned me as you seem to think?"
"I always have." He looks at you, not with malice, not with hubris, but with a look that tells you he takes this to be simple fact.
He pushes your skirt up, and begins trailing kisses up your thigh.
"Aemond.... we shouldn't. " His grip on your thigh tightens, but he doesn't stop. Your mind is telling you to push him away, stop him but your body is succumbing to his dangerous allure, like a lamb to the slaughter.
The closer he gets to your heat, the faster you lose your resolve. He's always had this effect on you. When he kisses you, touches you, loves on you, you all too quickly fall to your knees.
He slides his hand up your other thigh, slipping it under your skirt until he reaches your hip, gently squeezing at the flesh there.
You close your eyes and lean back on the sofa as he continues to lick and nip at your thigh. Every touch of his skin to yours sending currents of electricity through your veins.
"We're gonna be fine darlin" His voice is hynotizing. Just a moment ago you wanted to punch him in the face and now you are spreading your legs wider to give him enough room to fit his face between your thighs.
"That's a good girl, such a good girl" He moves his hand from your hip to your heat gently caressing you through the thin fabric of your thong.
"For someone who thinks we shouldn't be doing this you are very very wet" You feel the embarrasment rush to your cheeks but are unable to stop yourself from gently bucking your hips upward.
Aemond chuckles and clicks his tongue. "Is that was this was all about hmm? Have I been neglecting you sweet girl?" He moves your thong to the side and brings his finger to the wetness pooling there. "Hmmm seems I have, you poor poor thing" He mocks with fake sympathy.
You sigh as he grips your thighs dragging you to the edge of the sofa. pushing your skirt all the way up and exposing you to him.
"So fucking pretty" He leans forward and flicks the tip of his tongue on your pearl. Your leg twitches in response and he pulls his head back.
You groan at his teasing scooting your body closer to his face, as he starts to chuckle.
"Now, now sweet girl. I'm going to need you to admit, that you aren't going anywhere." He lightly scratches at the sensitive skin on your thigh with his thumbnail. You were supposed to break up and leave, This life with him was making you miserable. "Give me what I want, and I will return the favor" He again leans forward and flicks the very tip of your clit twice.
The teasing is starting to drive you to madness, you came into this room with conviction and a plan but it looks like you would leave this room with shame and satisfaction. "Fine! I'm not leaving, I'm not, I promise, I promise!" You feel a mix of discomfiture and arousal coursing through you but at this point you just don't care.
"Mmmmm" is the only sound he makes before again leaning forward and taking your engorged nerve into his mouth and sucking on it harshly.
"Fuckkkk Aem" You bring your hand down and grip his head, pushing his head closer to you and he is more than happy to oblige.
He slides a long course finger into you while he continues to swallow at your pearl. The sensations have your legs shaking uncontrollably, and as if your hips have a mind of their own, they buck gently against Aemonds face as he gives you everything he knows you want.
His finger crooks inside you, rubbing at the pad inside, gently calling your orgasm to him.
"Oh fuck ahhh!" Your whole body stiffens as he quickens the pace of both his mouth and finger.
As you tumble forward into your peak, you squeeze your legs around his head, the blood rushing to your face heating up your entire body. Is this heaven, or have you been tricked into hell?
After you finish sitting dumbstruck on the sofa, Aemond wastes no time. He slides towards you on his knees, wrapping his hand around your waist.
You rest your exhausted head on his shoulder and wrap your legs around his hips. With just one arm he lifts you slightly off the couch and slowly rises to his feet, you feel the muscles in his chest and shoulders tighten as he lifts you and himself from the floor carrying you into the bedroom. His hard cock pressed against you.
"Have I got you all stupid for me, sweet girl?"
You make some incoherent noises as he gently drops you onto the bed and climbs on top of you.
"I love you" He breathes the words directly into your ear, the sadness in his voice not lost on you. He slots himself between your legs tightly gripping your thigh and pulling it up against him.
"You can't ever leave ok?" He roughly kisses you before you can respond while he pulls you closer by the thigh pushing himself up tight against your core. "Not ever".
Aemond ruts against you, still fully clothed. "Can't live without ya." His voice sounds strained like this is taking everything out of him. "Won't live without ya." His movements become more rough, more desperate.
He pulls back from you just long enough to get your panties off, disposing of his boxers and trousers in the process, before slotting himself back between your legs.
He slides an arm under your back, bringing his hand to the back of your neck, raising your face to his.
"All I want is you. All I've ever wanted is you." His lips meet yours in a searing kiss, a kiss that screams don't go.
He pushes himself against your entrance, begging to be let in. You lean back further parting your legs and he pushes forward slowly.
"Fuck, I love you, oh gods I love you" He moans as he fills you up. Once he reaches the hilt, he lies down on top of you, sliding both of his arms under your shoulders before he gently starts to move against you.
Your bodies are pressed together so tight. You can hardly tell there are two separate people here.
"I'll never let you go, I'll never let you go," he repeats this over and over as his speed increases, his voice changing from desperate to domineering.
He grips your shoulders tightly, holding your body in place as he ruts up into you. "Do you understand now? You can never leave. I love you. You're mine. " his thrusts are slowly getting harder, as the heat again builds up in your abdomen.
"Fucking mine. Always mine. Forever mine," he growls the words at you as he bites into your neck.
"I'm gonna fill you up." He bites into your shoulder, pushing himself as far into you as he can get, but pushing ever still. He can't be close enough to you. He can't be far enough inside. Everything feels like it's just not enough.
He pulls back from you, has his speed increases, and his rhythm falters.
"Cmon cum for me sweet girl" He licks his thumb and brings it to your nub pressing down harshly on the nerve, his movements furious.
You whine out, your legs trembling as you feel your lower stomach growing tighter and tighter, the feeling overwhelming but so good. "Aem." You whimper, "ohhh gods"
"No baby, it's just me." He watches in wonder as you reach your peak for a second time, arching your back and yelling out loud.
"That's good. That's a good girl. Fuck yes baby" His movements become sloppy and he grips your hips tightly as he chases his release. "Say you love me," he growls his hips smacking against your skin with a loud slap sound as you moan out riding out the top of your pleasure.
"Fucking say it" he grunts as he tries to hold back his climax, "Please baby say it." His face is contorted somewhere between pleasure and pain until you acquiesce.
"I love you." The words flow from your mouth so delicately, so naturally. There was never a question as to whether you loved him. The question is whether that love is enough.
Hearing the words from your tongue immediately sends Aemond into the climax he was fighting as he screams out like some kind of feral animal thrusting into you harshly as he rides out his high, collapsing onto your chest leaving himself sheathed inside.
"I love you too"
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You wake up the next morning to the alarm on your phone going off and grumble, turning it off and rolling onto your side, looking at a sleeping Aemond. Feeling ashamed of yourself for giving into him last night.
As you slide out of the bed to get ready for work he reaches out and grips your wrist tight.
"Where are you going?" His eyes are still closed and his body hasn't moved the only thing alerting you to his consciousness being the hand tightly gripping your wrist, and his voice.
"To work?" You move again to get out of the bed thinking the matter settled.
"Oh, no we are sending your letter of resignation today" He opens his eyes and shifts in the bed stretching but not releasing your wrist.
"Aemond, i'm not quitting my job!" You can't believe he would even think that was an option. You love your job. Why would you quit? Why would he even want you to? You look towards him in utter confusion as he slightly tightens the grip on your wrist.
"You can't go. You might not come back." He yanks you back into the bed crawling on top of you.
"Like I said before. You're gonna stay right here"
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wosoamazing · 8 months
The Call Up
Summary: Leah's sister chooses a different national team and she isn't happy
Warnings: IDK, angry Leah??, if there is more let me know and I will add them.
A/N: Hey guys, this is my first fic, I'm thinking of turning this into a series I guess, kind of following Leah's sister and also Leah. I'm open to any feedback and also please send in any requests. I hope you like it. Also thank you to @girlgenius1111 for giving me the confidence to post this.
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You and your sister were sitting in your living room, surrounded by your team-mates, having a mini team bonding day, it was mostly filled with phones ringing and “I’m in”s. Today was call up day for the senior international break that was coming up, everyone in the room had gotten a call except you, but you weren’t expecting a call, at 16 you were lucky to be in the Arsenal Women’s team, a senior call up was not something you expect. So, when the activities of the room were interrupted by a phone ringing everyone was confused no one else was let to get a call. Their eyes all darted the room checking they hadn’t forgotten someone before they all landed on you.
You sat there holding you buzzing phone, “I guess I better take this”, you stood up and walked out of the now silent room swiping to accept the call.
“Hello, this is Y/F/N Williamson speaking” you answered, every time you answered the phone differently you received a lecture from your sister, so answering the phone this way was now habit.
“Hello Y/N, it’s Tony Gustavsson, the Matilda’s head coach,”
“Yeah, I know,” you heard him chuckle, shit you said that out loud “Sorry, I’m really sorry I shouldn’t have said that”.
You were sure this was a call up, it wasn’t necessarily the call up you expected but secretly it was the call up you always wished for.
“No, no it’s all good. I’m just calling to ask if you would like to join me and my staff and the Matilda’s on international break, you are really quite talented, and we think you could bring a lot to the team.”
“Oh my God, yes, yes, yes, I would love too! Thank you so much!”
“I’m glad, you’ll get an email soon with all the details you’ll need, I look forward to seeing you”.
“Thank you, bye”.
“Bye” he said as he hung up.
It was an unexpected call up but a warmly welcomed called up. You had lived in your sister’s shadow for years; yeah sure you were 16 and in the Arsenal Women’s team but you couldn’t help feel that your sister had something to do with it. Everything you ever did was because of her, your parents put you in football because she played it. You were an avid Arsenal support because that was her team. You always knew one day you would have to choose a national team, but you didn’t expect it so had never actually talked to anyone about it. You had spent your whole life living in England however you were born in Australia which meant you were a dual citizen and could play for either team. You had just chosen which team would be your national team forever without even a second thought.
You were in shock as you walked back into the room that held all the girls, you were on cloud nine, but soon you would fall from that cloud.
“What’s wrong” Leah asked.
“I got a call up”.
“What but under 18s call ups aren’t until next week” you were always called up to the under 18 Lionesses even though you were still eligible to play in their under 16s, so it was fair for her to assume the call up was for that team. There was a silence as you slowly nodded, a small grin appeared on her face growing larger by the millisecond until she screeched “You’re coming on international break with us!”
“Um… Well not exactly” She lost her grin immediately. Was this the right choice?
“What do you mean?”
“I’m not going on international break with you, but I am going on international break with a senior team” you replied as you looked around the room everyone’s faces were plastered with absolute confusion, expect for one, Steph Catley, in this moment she held a small barely noticeable smirk on her face, she seemed to know something the rest of them didn’t.
“Well-“, you continued however you were cut off by your phone ringing, “Sorry I should take this” you say as you walk away, you knew who this was, you had remember this number off by heart.
“Hello, it’s Y/F/N Williamson speaking” you answered.
“Hi Y/N, it’s Sarina Wiegman, I was wondering if you would like to join me and the team for international break, my staff and I have been watching you and your quite the powerhouse.”
“Um, I’m really sorry Sarina, thank you so much for the offer but I’m going to have to turn it down”.
“Oh okay-“, she was cut off as you hung up on her. You stood there for a minute soaking it all in before starting to walk back in.
“So?” your sister questioned, you were about to speak but your sisters phone rang “Sorry its Sarina,” you wished you could just disappear, that second, you knew exactly what Sarina was going to say to her, Leah had already received her call up and it was no coincidence that Sarina was calling her just after you hung up on her.
“Hi Sarina, how are-” it seemed she was cut off, “Okay. Oh. Yep. Thank you. Will do, bye” and just like that the call was over.
“Um why did Sarina just call me to say you turned now her offer for you to join us on international break, and worse hang up and not listen to her fish?” The girls’ jaws dropped simultaneously in disbelief, expect for Steph whose smirk had grown larger.
“Because I’m already going on international break like I said” you reply.
“But with who?”
“I think you’re all forgetting something” Steph chimed in. Leah flashed her a glance, Steph’s grin caused Leah’s confused, annoyed and shocked mix of a face to turn into one of almost disappointment and anger.
“What.” you nod, she had realised and there was no turning back now “No.” You smirk “You didn’t. How could you. You know what I don’t even care anymore,” and with that your sister stormed out of living room down to her bedroom and slammed the door, but it opened again “If I was you I would find a place to stay for tonight, and maybe ever,” the door slammed again.
A tear rolled down your check and you let out a shaky breath. “Hey, come here it’s alright,” Steph said softly, holding her arms out gesturing to you. You climbed onto her lap and she embraced you in a tight warm hug.
“Wait, but can someone catch me up, I’m still so confused” Beth piped out, causing some of the girls to giggle.
“Do you want to tell them, or do you want me to?” Steph whispered to you.
“I will.”
You shuffled in Steph’s lap so that you were facing the girls. “I um… well, the first phone call I got was from Tony.” you took a deep breath, Steph gave your shoulders a reassuring squeeze “Tony Gustavsson. He, um, he asked me if I wanted to join him and the Matilda’s for their international break, and um, well I-I said that I would love to….”
“Wait, but how are you eligible?” Beth asked, if she’d forgotten they must have all forgotten.
“I was born in Australia, Dad was posted at one of their army training bases by the UK military, because of some agreement between Australia and the UK in terms of training or something. Leah was about 10. Mum fell pregnant with Jacob and I and we were born there, but we moved back here, to England, when I was about one and have lived here ever since. But it does mean I’m a dual citizen meaning I was eligible for both teams”. Jacob was your annoying twin brother that’s all there is to say about him.
“Wait but is Leah?” “That is so cool” “Congratulations” “Don’t worry about Leah she will get over herself.” the girls all spoke at once.
“No Leah isn’t but Dad, Jacob and I are”, they all came over and gave me a big hug.
“We might just go check on Leah if that is okay” Beth, Kim, Viv, Katie, and Lia said. I nodded at them, and they turned around to go find Leah.
“We’re going to head off, if we want Amanda to be packed in time to go to camp, we better get her home now” Stina said “Hey,” Amanda replied as she was offended. Majority of the team followed them out, Caitlin showing them out before locking the door and coming back to join Kyra, you and Steph, positioning herself in the middle of where you and Steph were placed on the couch and where Kyra was sitting on the floor, by sitting down on the end of the couch.
Kyra still held the huge grin on her face that had appeared earlier when you said Tony called you. Her cheesy grin going ear to ear and knowing what she was thinking about made you giggle slightly. At this Steph and Caitlin looked over to her, when Caitlin playfully hit her. “Hey! What was that for?” she said like a child.
“You’re not going to be allowed to cause mischief in Aus, Sam won’t let that fly, you know that”, Kyra dramatically pouted with an “Oh” which caused you to giggle again and the older two to chuckle.
“You excited bug?” “Do you want us to help you pack?” “It’s going to be so cool having you on the team” they all stated. Another tear rolled down your check at these words, however this time it wasn’t a lone tear, it was followed by another and another until suddenly you were sobbing. “Hey, hey, hey,” Steph calmly said as she turned you back around to face her and wrapped you in a nice warm tight hug, in efforts to calm you down. Caitlin scooted closer to you and Steph and started to rub your back. Once you had calmed down slightly Steph let go of you and wiped the tears from your face whilst also slightly lifting your head, so you looked at her.
“What’s up?” She questioned.
“I-I,” you stuttered as another tear rolled down your face, which you wiped away with your hand, you went to put you hand back towards your chest in efforts to keep the tight ball your body had formed, but it was intercepted as someone else took it in their hand. You looked up and it was Kyra, she must’ve moved to sit next to you guys when you were crying. Kyra gave you a warm smile to which you returned before you turn your head to face Steph again. “W-What, if, this isn’t,” another shaky breath left your body before you could continue “What if this isn’t the right decision, maybe I just decided this in spite of Leah and not for me.” You spit out, the tears start fall faster again.
“Oh baby, it’s okay to be unsure, but I know that you know this is the right decision. I remember you telling me you wanted to be on my team on your second day at Arsenal, I replied to you ‘well that dream came true’, to which you looked at me like I had three heads and said ‘No, I want to be a Matilda’.” All four of you giggle before Steph continued “I think that was one of the first, actually no it was the first thing you said to me, and you were so admit and sure about it, it was what you wanted to do, and it still is, and maybe part of you wants to do it to go against Leah and prove to yourself and to Leah and maybe even your family, that you aren’t Leah’s Mini Me, that you are, you, and not her shadow but even doing it for that reason doesn’t mean you’re not doing it for you” you hum in reply, as you soaked in everything Steph had said and thought about it.
“Does Leah hate me now?” you ask thinking back to her initial reaction.
“No, no she doesn’t” Caitlin spoke this time.
“She might,” Kyra added food for thought, “Oi Kyra don’t,” Steph told Kyra off “No she doesn’t hate you, she just overreacted that’s all, and I think she felt a bit caught off guard, after all no one else knew you were thinking about choosing the Matilda’s over the Lionesses.” Content with her answer you nodded, leaning back in for a hug, that’s how you four remained for the next few minutes, you in Steph’s lap, her hugging you, Caitlin’s hand still on your back and your hand holding Kyra’s. That was until you were interrupted.
Soft footsteps were followed by Beth’s voice “See I told you she was, and she would be fine” you could even hear Beth’s ‘I’m right’ smirk in her voice.
You lifted your head and turned it around to see you sister standing there surrounded by your older teammates, her tearstained, red slightly puffy face matched yours. As she walked towards you, Caitlin’s hand left you back. Letting go of Kyra’s hand you glanced at Steph who nodded before you once again found yourself shuffling in her lap, this time turning around to face your sister. She bobbed down in front of you taking both your hands in hers.
“Bug, I’m really sorry, I shouldn’t have behaved like that.”
“It’s okay,” you mumbled as she glanced up at Steph who gave her a reassuring smile and said, “It’s okay, she’s okay, we will look after her”, you watched your sister sit down on the couch and gesture for you to come over to her, with that you left Steph’s lap and climbed onto your sister’s lap.
Steph, Caitlin and Kyra communicated silently before standing up and following the others into the kitchen leaving you and your sister alone in the living room. You could hear that the others were speaking but you couldn’t hear what they were saying, you just continue to sit in your sister’s lap enjoying her warm embrace for a moment before looking up to her, and saying “I love you.”
“I love you too bug, so so so much” she said as a tear rolled down her check, “and I’m really sorry for the way I reacted, I-I, I just didn’t really expect it and was caught off guard slightly, but the girls helped me realised I never actually heard you say you wanted to join the Lionesses, we never spoke about it, it was just something that I assumed, something I thought was a given, but it was never a given, you were always eligible for two national teams, and it does make sense as to why you choose them. But I shouldn’t reacted that way and I really regret saying the things I said.”
“It’s okay” you said as you smiled at her.
“But bug it really isn’t, and I am very very sorry.” you nodded burying your head in her chest.
“Bug,” you looked up at her whilst rolling your eyes, how many times does she have to say bug in one moment. Bug was her nickname for you (there is a long story behind how it came about) and whilst you didn’t mind it she was the only one allowed to use it generally, you didn’t mind if the other girls used it when you were upset, or sick but in general it was prohibited, however maybe she needed to be prohibited from using it too. She chucked at your reaction before continuing “I am really proud of you, you know that. Getting a senior call up at 16, to a different team than your youth national team, that really is something bug, and I’ve never said it, but you really are amazing you know that, you are so talented and driven-”
“That’s a lie” she was cut off by Katie, to your surprise the rest of the girls were now standing in the living room, you were so caught up in the moment that you didn’t realise they were there, and by her slight jump neither did your sister. They handed you and your sister some water before sitting down around you two. You looked at Katie, who realised what you were ‘saying’ and continued “Well the never said it part is wrong, the amazing talented part is just straight facts,” you smiled at Katie, “but honestly, I don’t think a training goes by where she doesn’t say something along the lines of you being amazing.”
“Yeah honestly, it’s always like ‘did you see that?’” Viv spoke up before the rest joined in mocking your sister.
“Oh my God, she really is good isn’t she”.
“She might be better than you”.
“That was amazing”.
“I don’t think I was that good at her age, well maybe I was but you weren’t”.
You laughed at your sister’s expense. “But she is not wrong,” your captain Kim said before the room fell to silence, your head lay on your sister’s chest.
“Well, we best get going” Lia states, the others responded with many yeahs before getting up. “No stay,” you quickly spat out whilst they were all gathering their things to leave, you looked up to your sister, who after today’s events melted at your pleading little face, she looked up at the girls who were all looking at her awaiting a response.
“Guys, I mean you’re welcome to stay if you want, we are more than happy for you to stay, but if you have anything important on you don’t have to stay” she sighed.
“What else would we have on?” Kim questioned as they all sat down, someone turned on the TV causing some of them to have a heated argument over what to watch, you would normally be the ringleader in these arguments however today you just wanted to stay in your sister’s comfort, feeling slightly tired. You felt the slight dip in the couch, as someone sat down next to Leah, if anything slightly oddly close, but a familiar sent met your nose and you knew who it was and so you were content, the scent belonged to a person who had be coming over to your house more often recently, you didn’t mind her presence though, she made your sister happy and she could actually cook.
The sudden knock at the door woke you from your nap, you rubbed your eyes as the girls all looked at you some of them cooing. You heard another knock at the door followed by your sister’s “Oh Shit”.
“What?” one of the girls questioned.
“It’s our parents and the evil twin” you said not bothering to move from you position on your sister, however your position was different to the one you were in before your nap, she must’ve gotten up at some stage.
“I forgot they were coming over,” she said whilst trying to get up, her movement was only to be met with your grumbles. Lia went over and let you parents in. Once they stood in the living room you decided to get up and go greet them.
All the girls said hello to them too before Kim said, “Well we best head off, we will leave you to your family night.”
Your Mum gave Kim a tap on the arm before saying, “no nonsense you girls are welcome to stay, you’re family after all, just in a different way. And plus, Leah clearly forgot we were coming”.
“Oh okay, thank you. We’ve just had a bit of a tough day, most likely why Leah forgot.” Kim stated trying to help Leah’s case.
“Yes, I gathered that, anyone mind getting me up to date” Mum replied.
“I got a senior team call up!” you said excitedly.
“That’s fantastic!” “Well done sweetheart” your parents reply “Well, it’s official I’m the failure of the family” your twin brother joked.
“I’m going to be a Matilda” you said slightly more cautiously, there was a moment of silence, and you were unable to read your parents faces.
“Well, I did always like the Aussies” Your Dad remarked.
“That’s amazing sweetheart” they both pulled you in for a hug whilst looking around the room still a little confused, having a senior team call up wouldn’t be the reason their youngest daughter was fast asleep on their eldest’s lap when they got not, nor does it explain Leah’s guilty face, it wasn’t a I’m sorry I forgot guilty face, it was something else.
“Why don’t I take you to the kitchen, so you can grab a glass of water,” Kim said as they followed her in, whilst they knew where the kitchen was, they knew there was an implied meaning to what Kim had said, and apparently Jacob did too, “Wait for me, I want in on the tea” Jacob yelled running after them.
Jacob came running back in, your parents and Kim following shortly after. “High five” Jacob yelled as you high fived him. “What was that for?” You asked.
“For pissing of Patsy over there” you chuckled at his reply. He insisted on calling you sister Patsy.
“Well, I’m thinking Pizza and maybe a beer in celebration, anyone else?” You Dad asked, everyone in the room cheered.
The rest of the night was spent eating, drinking (one beers each as you all had training tomorrow), watching TV and just chilling. You soaked it all up, the moment, the feeling, the love, as your family, both blood and chosen, celebrated in your honour.
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lieslab · 2 months
Don't let me go
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꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎
Pairing: og8 X gn reader
Summary: After being miserable in your room, you're dragged along to a beach vacation and the guys will do anything to get you to laugh.
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1.6K
A/N: This was requested quite a while ago, but I finally did it. I sat on this one for a while because honestly, I didn't know how to write it properly. Now that it's here, I hope it makes you laugh as much as it made me to imagine it <3
_ _ _
“Do you know what time it is?” Your voice came out groggy as someone grabbed your wrists. You were dead weight as they shook your body over and over again. 
“Get up! Get up! Get up!” Hyunjin’s voice broke you out of your sleep. “Come on!” 
“Leave me alone.” 
“No! Trust me, you’re going to want to see this.” 
“He’s right!” Felix commented. You opened your eyes and glanced over to find him sheepishly smiling at you. “Just trust us, you’re going to love this.” 
“You know what I love?” 
“Me?” Felix guessed. 
“Sleeping without being woken up.” 
Hyunjin groaned and tugged you harder. “Get up! Come on! Don’t make me drag you all the way there!” 
“I don’t even know where we’re going.” 
“So then get up, so we can show you!” 
With a huff, you allowed Hyunjin to yank you onto unsteady feet. Exhaustion clung to every part of your body. You had been tired for a while. Life was hard and lately it had been sucking the soul out of you. 
“Do you know what time it is?” You mumbled. 
“Definitely not after midnight.” 
He grinned and jerked you over his shoulder. Felix laughed behind him as you screeched and kicked your legs. “Put me down, you ferret fuck!” 
You whined and complained as he walked through the cottage. They all pitched in to rent a cottage on the beach. It was supposed to be their vacation, but they dragged you along. They couldn’t pass up the chance to take you with them. 
They didn’t know what was going on with you, but they knew you were struggling with something. You didn’t want to respond to their messages, pick up their calls, or hang out with them. You didn’t really decide to go on this vacation with them. 
It was more like you were ambushed one day and before you could decline the offer, they were already storming through your place and packing for you. They were shoving shit into the suitcase that you had hidden in your closet. It was supposed to be for work trips. 
Privacy was unheard of between the eight of them. The blush on your cheeks didn’t seem to matter as they dug through your dresser and tossed underwear into the suitcase. Clothes were grabbed, not necessarily matching, and tossed into the bag. Jeongin attempted to make outfits, but it was overshadowed by Hyunjin and Minho shoving handfuls of garments into the suitcase and calling it good enough. 
Chan and Felix threw your items from the bathroom into a plastic bag and that was seemingly that. Han was the one that grabbed your toothpaste and hairbrush. He lectured the guys on the way to the car and you? You felt like a walking zombie. 
Life was just hard. There was no other way to put it. Things stacked up and you felt lonely. It was difficult trying to flip the switch and make yourself feel better. When you hid away in the room with your curtains closed and blocked out the sun, it made everything so much worse. 
It was overwhelming and then there they were, all eight of them. Beaming, grinning, smiling, smirking. Popping the bubble of personal space. Poking the rounded flesh of your cheeks while trying to get you to smile. Booping your nose, trying to make it scrunch. As much as you wanted to hate it, you couldn’t. 
You loved the attention and the affection, even no matter how small and how silly it seemed. It kick-started your heart again, reminded you why you were still alive. You cherished this, these friends, this family, this love, and this life. Yes, it was hard, but they were always there. You’d find your footing again and they were always there cheering you on. 
“Don’t drop me!” 
“Don’t move and we won’t have that problem.” Hyunjin continued carrying you out of the cottage and into the dead of night. Behind him, Felix continued to laugh and practically skipped behind you. 
“Well, well, well, would you look at that?” Seungmin teased. “Guess who finally was dragged out of bed to come hang out with us.” 
“We missed you!” Han cheered excitedly. 
Hyunjin dropped you down and the smell of salt reached your nostrils. The sound of gentle lapping waves pulled you from your thoughts. The sand coated between your toes. Instinctively, your bare feet wiggled into the grains of sand. 
“Where have you been?” Chan’s arms wrapped around yours and he placed the point of his chin on your head. “We’ve been hoping you’d come out, but you went into your room and stayed there.” 
“I was sleeping.” 
“You never go to bed this early, is there something wrong?” 
You shrugged and Chan knew what that meant, but he didn’t want to press. “I’m happy you came with us. The guys and I have been-” 
A shriek came from across the way. In the faint moonlight, you could make out Jeongin rushing away from Changbin. His arms were outstretched and he was giggling as he chased him down the bank. 
“Get away from me! Go away you freak! Hyunjin, save me!” 
“I want Innie cuddles too!” 
Hyunjin grinned and took off after him. Above you, Chan chuckled and the rest of the guys burst into laughter. Your hands gently cupped the warmth of Chan’s arms. “What’s this about?” 
“Well, we might have gotten a bit of a special surprise. Minho was the one that remembered that you liked the beach. We all missed the beach too and this was the perfect time to bring you here with us.” 
“Guys, I got them!” Something jingled as Minho shook it. “Come get some!” 
“He’s right on time.” Chan pulled away from you, gently slid his hand in yours and led you towards Minho. 
Felix and Han were there first. They each took a few sticks and cracked them. Your eyes widened as they began to glow. “Woah,” you uttered softly. 
Felix attached the neon orange hoop around his wrist and cracked another. Han connected the bright red strands and hung it around his neck in a necklace. “Ta-dah!” He beamed. “I call that fashion.” 
“It’s ugly,” Seungmin chimed in. He reached over to the canister and pulled out a few sticks. Electric blues and soft pinks filled the air. “See? That’s more like it.” 
“What are these for?” 
Minho jingled the can of glow sticks and held them out to you. “For fun. We can play tag in the dark or hide and seek or something.” 
“Red rover!” Changbin cried. 
“That’s not fair, you’ll kill us!” Jeongin disagreed. 
When he began to whine, Minho grabbed a glow stick and threw it at his forehead. He blinked in shock as it bounced off and hit the ground. “Hey, what the fu-” 
“Put your glow stick on and stop whining, you big baby. Here you go!” He held the can between you and Chan. The two of you each took a few of the sticks and cracked them. 
The electric blue in your hands seemed to pulse as it came to life. You glanced at your body before you ultimately decided to place two of them around your ankles. 
“Donatella would approve,” Hyunjin mumbled beneath his breath. He shoved his hand, cracked a few green ones, and placed them around his own ankles. “Get me on the runway.” He puckered his lips and posed. 
“The runway for the train tracks,” Seungmin corrected him. 
“You asshole!” 
For the first time in days, a laugh broke through your lips. Chan and Felix made eye contact across the sand and the pair smiled. They were happy you were easing up and starting to relax. 
A loud yell across the way shattered the moment. “Hyung! Hyung! Hyung! There’s a crab!” Changbin cried. Two pink glow sticks were wrapped around his ankles. A red and blue were on two different wrists. “Help! It’s after me!” 
He sprinted and raced towards Han. Han shrieked and ran towards the water with his hands up in the air. A choke came from Minho as he tried not to laugh. 
“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” Jeongin grumbled. 
“Maybe he just wants a glow stick?” Chan offered. 
“I’ve got it,” Seungmin stepped up to Minho and grabbed a glow stick. He cracked it and began to trudge toward the crab with the yellow stick. “Changbin, stop running!” 
“He’s gonna get my toes! My piggies!” He shrieked and sped up. 
Upon the approaching sound of footsteps, the small crab paused with its pinchers half opened. Beady little black eyes glanced in every direction. Seungmin marched up with the glow stick stretched out. 
“Bad crab!” He bent down and softly thunked the crab on its back, right between its eyes. “Keep your pinchers to yourself.” 
“Did you just…” Felix trailed off. 
“Discipline a crab?” Minho finished. 
Seungmin ignored them and reached behind the stunned creature. He scooped it up and stuck the yellow glow stick between the two of its pinchers. Feeling the force, the crab instantly tightened its grip. Seungmin let go and victoriously held the crab above his head. “All hail the mighty king crab!” Silence filled the air and his face fell. “Since you don’t like that, who wants a new piercing?” 
Before anyone could respond, he took off running towards Han. Han shrieked and splashed through the water towards Minho. “Help me! Save me! Hyung! Tell him to stop!” 
“You can’t stop us!” He grinned and kept running. 
It was so bizarre and so stupid, you couldn’t help, but burst into a fit of giggles. In the middle of the beach, with all your friends and alongside a crab with a glow stick, you remembered that it was moments like this that kept life worth living. 
When it all seemed pointless, when you wanted to hide inside your shell, all you had to do was step out and glow. 
| ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ |
Taglist: @lina-linny @straykidsstanforeverandever @seungnishi @stellasays45
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fandoms--fluff · 2 months
Poly Mikaelsons with a Little Reader Headcannons
A/n: your wish is my command
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You'd call him Daddy, and not any other, unlike some of the rest of your mommies and daddies
Like there'd be no reason for needing to call him anything else
Except the couple of times you copied Kol by saying 'Nik'. Which ended in Kol almost getting smacked by Klaus if freya hadn't intervened during those times
He'd definitely spoil you, not caring about Elijah's protests on the matter
He shows you his hybrid eyes to calm you down from a nightmare or a crying fit
^works like magic every time
This beautiful daddy is protective of you like nobody's business
It might as well be his full time job
He'd be the most possessive of you, especially when you regress into basically a baby, not being able to pit together a coherent sentence and just want to snuggle.
^which he would happily comply because even though it may not seem it, he'd be one of the biggest cuddlers, his wolf side playing right into it even moreso.
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You'd call him Daddy and sometimes when your tired or really regressed, call him Dada
But it's not an every day basis thing
In a very close 2nd place of how protective he is over you, to Klaus
To get you to go down for a nap, he'd walk around the abboiter's endless hallways while gently bouncing you in his arms until your snoozing peace and quietly
Would most likely buy and set up a baby monitor in your nursery to have even more reassurance of your safety even though his vamp hearing is way more reliable than the little machine. But none of the others say anything against it and let it be.
You'd sit with him in his study, coloring a sheet of paper with crayons, sat in his lap, as your Daddy reads through paperwork and boring adult vampire stuff
He'd be very soft with our that no one outside the family has seen or knows of. He'd sit with you in his bed or on the couch or in your nursery on the rocking chair and read you a story - mostly fairytales.
Paces kisses on the crown of your head
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You'd call him Dada and nothing else - he's Dada and will always stay that way to you.
When kol acts childishy himself (as he often does), he seems more like a best friend than a caregiver to you in those times, so then you'd call him Koly
^the rest of them may or may not be waiting for the moment where it's clear he's also a little cause like c'mon- but that's a discussion for another time
Would definitely be the one to go all out while playing with you, whether that ne setting up massive race tracks all around the abboiter for hot weel cars or creating high pitch voices for your barbie dolls and stuffed animals
He'd blow raspberries on your stomach, sending you into a fit of screeching laughter
Would 100% be labeled as the 'fun daddy'
He'd be the most disappointed when Rebekah banned them from ever dressing you again. He himself thought his outfit choices were incredible.
Would give you smooches all over your face, making you burst out into gleeful laughter
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You'd call her Mama and Momma. Mama is used more, but you interchange it depending on your regressed state.
She'd treat you like a princess and almost spoils you as much as Klaus
She'd love buying you cute dresses and jewelry that's safe for you so you won't choke on it or hurt yourself.
She'd ban Elijah, Klaus, and Kol from ever dressing you after witnessing the horrendous outfits they put you in.
^ "this is a fashion nightmare what on earth were you thinking?!" Is a line said to all of them at different moments before she got them all together in a room and declared they're banned from dressing you any longer.
Would do your hair up in the cutest hairstyles, especially the ones with multiple braids
^it's calming for both you and her
She loves just laying with you on her bed. You snuggled into her closet and head nuzzled into her surprising warm vampire chest.
Suckling on her boobs before you're laid down for your bedtime or naps
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You'd call her Mommy and sometimes Momma when you're more regressed. But she's your Mommy through and through.
She loves holding you in her arms and gets a tad disappointed when she has to put you down
^she'd 100% buy one of those adult wraps to hold you against her body
Would cast a protective charm on you so nothing happens to hurt you.
Having Mommy and Mama days with her and Rebekah>>>> they'd be the best!
Freya's the only other one who can still dress you without Rebekah going all 'power mad' (Kol's wording) because she knows her older sister has got the fashion sense that their brothers don't contain.
She'd place Kisses all over your face in the morning after you'd just woken up
Would sway you in her arms and sometimes she doesn't even realize she's doing so
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 8 months
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[5:36 pm]
"They're kind of annoying aren't they?" Haechan asked. His eyes were locked on you and Renjun across the space. He didn't care that people were walking in front of him, people complaining that he wasn't moving, people bumping into him. No, he was staring at you and Renjun standing at some clearly rigged basketball game. Renjun was shooting the ball and missing every shot because the hoop was rigged.
"They're not annoying, they're just... shy," Jaemin offered. His look was less annoyed and more one of admiration. He liked to see you and Renjun interact. It was innocent and cute. All the lingering glances and brushes of the hands. It was guaranteed that if you weren't together, one of you would be staring at the other with hearts in your eyes. It was cute.
You and Renjun came back, hand in hand. Renjun had a pout on his face. You reached your friends and dropped Renjun's hand and his pout intensified. You smiled brightly at your friends, "We should get on some rides!"
Haechan's eyes sparkled with mischief, he was up to something, "We should get on the Ferris wheel! Let's go!"
Before you knew it you were all being ushered to the line. The line went by quickly, soon enough you were being seated in a double seat with Renjun. Haechan and Jaemin joined the seat that followed.
The Ferris wheel went around 3 times, all the while you and Renjun laughed, taking pictures of the bright, colorful lights below you, selfies of the two of you, even pictures of Haechan and Jaemin behind you.
On the last rotation, you laid your head on on Renjun's shoulder with a content sigh as you looked out at the view, "Thank you for inviting me, baby."
Renjun rested his head on top of yours, answering quietly, "I would do anything for you."
Haechan looked on intrigued, "what do you think they're saying?"
"Leave them alone! And be quiet, we're not even that far away," Jaemin chided in a whisper yell.
You could hear the two of them chattering behind you incoherently. They were funny, but Haechan had been acting strange, always making sure you and Renjun ended up alone at some point of you all hanging out. He always asked you what you two were up to while they were away, what you talked about, if anything had happened.
"Don't kill me for being cheesy, but I really want a picture of us kissing on the Ferris wheel. Do you mind?" Renjun asked. He was shy, you could tell from his pink cheeks that were much brighter and not just from the cold.
You looked at him with a soft laugh, "You're so cute, Jun. Of course."
He waited until you were at the top of Ferris wheel, people from the bottom were climbing off and a new pair of people were climbing on. Renjun held his phone tightly, face heating as you reached over and cupped his face with your cold hands. The camera was open as you both leaned in and kissed. His lips were soft and cold from the winter weather, but his kiss was loving and warm.
"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Jaemin take a picture! This is the best day of my life!" Haechan screeched.
Jaemin obliged, watching on with admiration at his friends being loving. He was able to snap a few pictures before Renjun looked back and glared coldly at Haechan.
The Ferris wheel came to a stop and you both climbed off, waiting off to the side for your friends to join you. Haechan was shaking with excitement, pulling on the bar keeping him in his seat only to get his hands swatted away with a scowl from the attendant. He jumped right over Jaemin and practically skipping over to the two of you, "So? When did this happen? Oh my god, best friends to lovers! I love it!"
You looked at Renjun with a quizzical look, Haechan didn't know? You don't even know when the transition from best friends went from friendship to something more. One day it was lingering brushes of your hands and the next it was kissing. You both hadn't even taken note of the change until you were both laying in your bed, tangled together and cuddling when Renjun asked, "we should probably make this official right?"
You hummed, thinking of your answer, "Like six- almost seven months ago."
"Months?! You guys didn't tell me?" Haechan asked after he gaped at you both like a dying fish.
"I didn't realize you'd be so involved or concerned," Renjun answered with his brows pinched.
"I've been trying to get the two of you to confess all this time! For nothing! Did you know?" Haechan ranted, stopping when he looked at Jaemin.
"Wasn't it obvious? They didn't need to tell me," he shrugged, pulling you and Renjun in to nuzzle both of you, "my little cutie patooties."
"I miss when you guys acted like you didn't know. Get off of us!" Renjun grumbled, pulling on your hand to move away from your friends.
Haechan wiped away a single, fake tear, "They grow up so fast."
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 11 months
Pretty like the wind
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a/n part nine! Sorry, for the wait y'all, life is a bit all over the place and my shoulder is killing me. But please do enjoy!💨✨ Once again thank you so much for all the love. ✨🤍🫧
warning: kids, past trauma, blood, mention of puking, wounds, Illyrian camps.
Azriel had no idea why this was the first thought that struck him after his knees bucked for the very first time. Time. Time and how much he hated it now. How greedy he was for a chance at getting more. Somewhere deep within, he had a feeling that you two were timeless. You had to be. You lingered around him. Azriel felt you even when you weren't around. As if his senses had been affected by your presence that much. Then came the emotions. Your emotions. He felt it through himself. But all that time, he pushed the thought of it away. Because it couldn't be. There was no way, and Azriel couldn't open up his heart one more time. Could face the weakness.
The spymaster knew it after the kiss. It struck him so fast and deep that his lungs had forgotten how to welcome the air. He had searched your features after. With the hope of catching a glimpse of the same knowledge. The realization. But there was nothing there. The bond that snapped for Azriel didn't snap into place for you. When you two walked into his mother's house hand in hand, he wondered why there was no dread in his chest. Why wasn't he scared or nervous about the fact that you had no idea? But the spymaster found the answer fairly quickly. You were his, in your own way. Not how most mates were, but you two were heading there slowly. Other things were clouding your mind. The new place. The fact that the kids had to face a whole different world now. So much worry, so much stress. No wonder something so delicate would slip your senses.
So Azriel had opted to hold you for the night. Make you smile while he spun Zofie around. "Higher", she screeched, her cheeks pink from the laughter. Axel stepped up to pull at your hands as well. Spinning long into the night. And then the two little ones had fallen asleep while Cordelia was telling everyone a story about how Azriel had nearly burned the house down while trying to bake cookies for the very first time. Azrie had carried them both upstairs to his bedroom. Carefully cradling them against his chest. Tucked them in before he turned to go downstairs, only to find you leaning against the doorframe. The glow in your eyes was enough to make Azriel light up with happiness himself.
"They had fun", you muttered, right as a yawn slid past your lips. "They are out cold", Azriel had laughed, his eyes darting to the sprawled-out children. "Did you have fun?", however the spymaster's attention was almost immediately back on you. You stepped closer, lowering yourself to his lap. It had felt so natural and right. Azriel's hand slipped to cradle your lower back. You only hummed in response, brushing your fingers over his lips softly before leaning in to kiss him once more. Oh, how Azriel felt as if he was on fire from the amount of emotion bubbling within him.
Odd as it was, he even went as far as thinking that this could be his forever. That he wouldn't have to face his cold and empty apartment ever again. Every time he would come home, there would be laughter. Little feet running around. He would never have to know how cold and suffocating a night could be. Wouldn't have to drown in darkness. "Can I hold you?", he had asked, nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck. Daring to go as far as to kiss your collarbones ever so slightly. He felt the laughter rippling through you even before he heard it, "You are holding me, silly". Azriel snicked himself before he lifted his gaze. "Through the night", he specified. Something completely different chimed in your eyes. There was that heartbeat that you took to make up your mind. Even if Azriel was sure that he knew the answer, "Yeah, yeah, you can", you muttered quietly, and so he did. Holding you as close as he could without making it weird between the two of you. All he could feel was you. The way you felt pressed against his chest. He just held you. Running his fingers slowly through your hair. He held you until his mind finally stopped rushing.
The sounds that left Azriel as he tore through the group of males were out of this world. His mind swirling with the memories you two shared. Gone was his rational thinking. The need to keep at least one of them alive for later use. Those thoughts were so long gone. So overthrown by the intensity of losing you, all Azriel could think and do was eliminate anything and everything that might cause you any more harm. His shadows worked almost on their own as they crawled all around the males, seeping deeper within them and making them choke on the darkness. Their veins turning black. Azriel moved in ways he had never moved before. Crossing the distance between you two in heartbeats.
The crimson that painted your hands and chest made Azriel's stomach twirl. Then his arms were on you. Holding you up. He was torn between clasping his hand over your throat and your hands. The fuckers only nicked the delicate skin on your neck, thankfully. Azriel had eaten through their souls before they could do any mire harm. He watched your frightened eyes before his sanity clicked back into place.
"Slow your heartbeat", Azriel's broad frame covered the bodies left behind him. "Azriel", you mumbled his name so quietly. As if it was the only thing left on your mind. He wasn't sure if you were horrified by him or if your pale skin was mainly caused by the blood loss alone. "Y/N, slow it down", each word seeped through the spymaster's gritted teeth. You trembled in his grip. Your vision slowly growing blurry. The coldness of the wind made you sway. You tried to plunge back into your inner self. Tried. Only to be met with a steel wall. The venom. Whatever was twirling in your bloodstream now was blocking your powers. "I can't", you whined. The only thing you could focus on now was the steady stream of blood dripping from your wrist. Azriel cupped your face between his hands. He felt that initial flinch coming from you, making him grumble deeply. "Focus on me", Azriel muttered, reaching to pour the strength and adrenaline he felt through the barely simmering bond. Your eyes flickered immediately. You swallowed the first two gulps of air greedily. Azriel felt it rather than saw it. The way the thudding of your heart grew deeper. You watched him through it all. "Good job, sweetheart. Now hold on, okay, hold on for me", you let out a sigh at the spymaster's words. Blinking once. Twice. Before your own body got too heavy. Azriel was quick to catch you. Wrapping you up in his embrace, he winnowed you to the only place and person he could think of at the given moment.
Scorching pain pulled you out of your slumber. Ripping you out of the dull thudding of your heart. You jerked up, trying to sit up, right as the most painful sob echoed. For a moment, you weren't even sure if it was you who was screaming. Just the pressure of hands on your shoulders quickly pulled you down. The hands felt like fire. Whatever was touching you was hotter than the flames of death. You tried to move from beneath it. Get away from the suffocating pain.
"Keep her still for me, boy", a female's voice rang around you. From where you couldn't tell, there was too much fuzziness all around you. You felt something sharp twisting in your palm, making you roar in response. As you tried to pull your body away, shrink into yourself. "Bloody hell, where is she getting her strength from", a male's voice filled the room. Male. Males. Panic ripped through you. Had they gotten to you? But Azriel was there? Or was he? Was it just your imagination? You tried to withdraw from the grip unknown hands seemed to have on you.
You wanted to tell them to let you go. You didn't know anything. What you did that night was pure self-defense. You had to. But all you could do was shriek. Drown in pain. Until a blanket of coldness was drawn over you, "You're safe", the voice called right in your ear now. You trembled. "Madja needs to pull the iron out of your palms, love", a cold hand ran over your forehead. Love. Azriel. You tried to blink. Rip your eyelids apart but to no avail. Then there stood a moment of silence before Azriel spoke again, "Open that side of the bond that you called to me from", back was the soldierly tone. A man who knew rules and regulations "Direct all the pain you feel to it; I'll take what I can from you", you wanted to protest. You had to. You didn't want him to feel your pain, but the moment the scorching misery shot through you, subconsciously you grasped the bond with both hands as you roared into it. Azriel only gritted his jaw harder. He knew what he felt was only a fraction of the pain that you felt, but that alone made his knees buck.
"Do it faster", the spymaster barked out, snarling at the healer, who was already moving quicker than he had ever seen her before. Cassian grumbled a warning from beside Azriel. The general had been holding onto your hand ever since Azriel had lowered you onto the medicine table. Trying to keep it steady so Madja could do her thing easier. Your back arched off the table as you choked on another sob. Azriel leaned closer. The mere need to hold you down like this made him sick. Let alone watch you suffer. Oh, how he wished he could pull the bastards from their deathbeds and slowly kill them all over again. Azriel leaned closer to you, nuzzling closer to your shoulder. He was way past caring that you were drenched in sweat from the fever or that you still had crusted blood all over you.
He quickly plucked all of his emotions out one by one. Shoving them down the unbreakable walls deep within his head, Azriel had to be a sea of calmness for you. He had to turn into that gentle breeze that cooled one down on a hot summer day. He had to suppress the agony, change it, and mold it into something that would soothe. The spymaster placed a loving kiss on the side of your head, right as you cried out once again. His shadows slowly brushed across your skin, delicate and cooling the aches. He continued to kiss your tears away until the moment your body sagged. Till he could swear you had muttered his name. Till the sound of the iron arrows hitting the tray filled the room.
"You're in charge", Azriel said bluntly, continuing to wipe his bloody hands. The room had been quiet for over an hour. Cassian had practically dragged Azriel out so the shadowsinger could clean himself up. He hadn't realized how much filth was on him until he saw his reflection in the mirror. "Aj, aj, captain", Cassian saluted. Azriel knew that out of the three of them, Cassian used humor to cope with whatever stressors surrounded him. There was no male beside him and Rhys that Azriel would ever trust with his woman. His whole world...
"I'll look after her; if a hair falls off her head, you can sit me down on a dagger", Azriel huffed at Cassian's remark. Even if his chest felt too hollow, your screaming still echoed in his brain. It felt good to have at least one thing Azriel was familiar with around. The spymaster stepped closer to the bed you were carefully tucked into. Brushing a strand of hair away from your face. The fever had dropped the moment the iron was out. But it left an unconscious body behind. "She might sleep for days; might wake up in a couple of minutes", Madja said as she bandaged your hands up. You didn't wake up. Too worn out from all that had happened.
"I'll just go see them for a bit. Make sure they...", Azriel turned back to Cassian, who stood right behind him with a knowing look on his face. "Don't rush it. Stinkers need you. I've got your girl", with a tap on Azriel's shoulder, Cassian turned to pull himself a chair. His girl. The words lingered. Azriel wondered if you would roll your eyes at that. Would you scowl? You were mad at him after all. He had upset you in a way. Now all he wondered about as he spared you one last glance was whether it would all have been different if you hadn't been upset.
Only when Azriel was standing right outside his mother's door did he realize just how tired he was. He knew he had a family to lean on. He knew that Rhys had promised to take care of the interrogations in the camp. Find out who planned this. Who ordered this. Who targeted you. He had Cassian looking after you; his brother was mind tap away if something changed, but it was still not enough. Azriel needed to see the two sets of deep golden eyes. He needed to feel their wild and young heartbeats to ground himself fully. Know that the second half of his family was safe and sound.
"Azriel", the sound of that high-pitched voice, made the coldest that surrounded the shadowsinger melt away almost instantly. The pitter-patter of the tiny feet rushing was enough to make him let out a sigh. But that blissful delight was cut off almost immediately. A firm grip. A tug. And the girl was left standing in place. "No, stay back", Axel pulled her back, and Azriel had never seen a look like this on him. Not an ounce of love or adoration. Pure steal. Anger. As if the little boy had been crushed.
"Axel", Azriel tried to call out softly, but the boy only tugged on Zofie harder. The poor girl looked up at her brother with her big eyes. "Don't come close", the boy said, pointing a warning finger at the spymaster. He had no weapon. Azriel could easily march to him, but he knew that if a line like that was crossed in a delicate moment like this, he would end up losing them forever. "Bud, why...", Azriel tried once more but, even more frustration bubbled, "You hurt YN! She said you weren't one of us. So back away", Axel's words ripped at Azriel's soul. Not one of us. But he was. He wanted to give it all to you all. He...
"Darling", Cordelia gently placed a hand on Axel's back, "We all make mistakes, and whatever happened must have been a misunderstanding". Azriel met his mother's gaze. It was warm and loving, but it was hard to ignore the questioning plea. "Where's Y/N?", Zofie asked, shifting the atmosphere in the room, "I want to see her". Her voice was so small and trembling. Azriel went stone still. How do you tell the kids that their guardian is lying unconscious after an assassination? Someone had tried to kill her. "Yeah, where is she?", Axel pressed.
"She's... She's seeing a healer", the kids stilled instantly. Axel's hand drooped. The sight alone could kill Azriel, hence why he added quickly, "I'll take you to her as soon as I can". The kids just watched him. Zofie tugged on Axel's hand firmly, and the boy instantly furrowed his broken wings out. Wrapping one around the girl, as he pulled her into his arms. He shouldn't have to. Both of them should be far away from all of this pain. From needing to be strong like this. From needing to be so grown up.
"Why don't you two go check on the soup for me?", It's Cordelia who gently pressed a loving kiss on Axel's head. "You both worked hard on it. Y/N will love to have some". Leave it to his mom to mop through his mess, Azriel thought. Leave it to her to provide a distraction for a moment. Azriel tore his head up, trying to fight the angry tears as the kids slowly turned away from him.
"Azriel...", the gentle sound of that loving voice was enough to make a choked-out sob slip past the male's lips. Azriel never cried. He just didn't. And if he did, he always cried in the presence of his mother. "Sweet boy, look at me", Cordelia's soft voice was followed by her palms guiding her son's head down, so he would meet her gaze. "I fucked it", Azriel choked out, "I just went and did it again". Cordelia shook her head quickly, "Oh, my boy, I'm sure it's not all...", but Azriel pulled away abruptly. "She didn't want to see me, and now the kids...", his breathing was becoming rigid. He couldn't lose you all. He couldn't picture a word where you all weren't linked in some way. The idea of never... "They are kids, and they are scared", Cordelia tugged firmly onto Azriel's shirt. She could tell that he was spiraling, and she was not going to let him stroll down that path once again. "Axel is scared, as is Zofie, but they do not hate you", she gripped his chin tenderly, "They need you, son".
Azriel leaned to rest his head on his mother's shoulder for a moment, bathing in the comfort of her, just like when he was a boy. "She's my...", and Azriel couldn't bring himself to say it out loud. Not until he had spoken those words to you first. But Cordelia only smiled up at him, cupping his cheek. "Oh, I know. I had a feeling. Call it mother's instinct", she bit her lip, shaking her head softly. "Now you listen to me. I said it to her, and I will say it to you. You were meant to find one another", Cordelia tapped her hands against Azriel's chest a couple of times. "Whatever happened has to be a misunderstanding. And you, my boy, will find a way to make it right once again," she said, turning and padding towards the kitchen.
Azriel sat by your bed for what felt like years afterward. Double-checking the way your chest fell and rose back up. Adjusting the blanket. Refilling the water in the glass beside your bed. Madja said that your hands might not even scar, considering that you had healing magic running through your body. The bandaged palms were a cruel reminder of how much Azriel had failed to protect you. Yet it didn't come close to the red mark on your neck. The cut on your delicate skin there made him want to pull a bucket out and hurl. If he had been even a second more late... but he made himself look. He looked until all he could see were your scars.
"Was it a lie?", the words made Azriel jump slightly, head-turning straight to your partly opened eyes. He quickly hurried to lean closer. "What", he muttered. Azriel was trying to grasp just what you were referring to. "Was this all", you ask, looking down at yourself and then back at Azriel, "Was it a lie?". And mother, the fact that your voice was so weak made Azriel want to scream from the rooftops.
"No,", he said, shaking his head quickly. But would a word so simple ever be enough? "Did you just need a distraction?", And then it hit him. It hit him so hard that if he could, he would slap himself. The way he jumped up for Elain and the way they embraced. He was banished to the sanctuary because he was perusing that woman, and back at the dinner, he pushed you aside to once again reach for someone who would never be his. And he didn't even want her to be his. Because now he knew what he he truly wanted.
"I fucking lo-like you; none of it was a lie", Azriel hated the way his voice had risen. It was way too stern. Way too demanding. He wanted to reach for you, but the look on your face said it all. "I don't want to accept it", and these six words disarmed Azriel so quickly that he had to lean against the chair for a heartbeat. He saw the way your eyes filled up with tears as you tried to keep your breathing steady. "That's okay", Azriel said bluntly, as if all of this hadn't just shattered him completely. If his heart wasn't breaking because of these words. What were they taught back then? Wasn't there a story about a male gone mad because his mate had refused his love? Had suppressed the bond so hard?
"I... This just doesn't feel right, I need...", but Azriel quickly lifted his hand, silencing you. "There's no rush. I can wait. I'll wait for you however long it takes, and if you never want it, it's okay", he blurted out, shaking his head as he moved to grab the door handle. You shook your head in return, clearly trying to reach for him. Make him stay. Make him properly listen. "Azriel", you breathed out, trying to catch his attention, but all he did was back away. Azriel muttered a quiet, "It's okay" before he disappeared into the dark hallway. Turning away. Leaving you alone. Wanting nothing more than to drown his own heart.
Taglist: @naturakaashi @hoemadegrace @just-m-2 @thereadinggremlin
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bitchinbarzal · 7 months
Sunday | M Barzal
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summary: sunday is your favourite.
Sundays were soft.
Sundays were spent at absolute bagels to get the exact order you had got every week.
Sundays were spent holding Mat’s hand while he whispered sweet words to you.
Sundays were spent in Central Park, eating bagels with the love of your life.
You loved Sundays, you loved them more with Mat.
The sun was warmer than it had been in previous weeks, early March was showing a glimpse of what spring in New York had in store.
Mat needed this, you knew that. It was getting closer to the seasons end and the islanders weren’t in a position to clinch yet.
Mat knew he had to put the effort into this team, he didn’t want to let them down.
“You know we didn’t have to do this today, I know the guys are doing a voluntary practice” you mumble, pressing a kiss to mat’s shoulder.
He smiled softly “And miss Sunday in the park with my girl? Absolutely not!”
You laughed “Another Sunday to convince you my bagel is the best…”
Mat rolls his eyes, poking at the breakfast sandwich in your hand “No! It’s not! This-“
He holds his bagel up
“This is the best!”
“I’m just glad they don’t do the Barz-agel this side of the river”
“Hey listen your boyfriend is so famous he has a bagel named after him, you’re a lucky woman”
“Har-har” you muttered, biting into your bagel “The best!”
Mat rolled his eyes again, just smiling this time at the way you smirked still with food in your mouth. Even now, you were the most beautiful person he’d ever seen.
Your bagels were finished, with one more argument about whose order was best you took his wrapper and headed towards the closest trash can.
On route back to where he was standing you stopped
“Oh my god, mat have you ever noticed this?!” You screeched.
Mat frowned, walking over to see what you were looking at.
The two of you stared at the golden plaque on the park bench, leaning closer to read the inscription
“Oh that’s so cute! To my beloved Sammy… Mat they were in love” you exclaimed, watching him walk to the next bench along to read that inscription.
“This one says ‘they love this walk, this park but most of all each other” he read and you pout
“That’s so sweet! Can you imagine someone buying you a bench? I wonder how much it costs..” you wonder aloud, pulling out your phone to google it.
The two of you start walking again while you google “Ten grand! Holy shit!”
Mat laughs softly at your tone “Maybe if you’re really nice to me I’ll buy you one”
“Hmm does that mean I have to agree with your bagel choice?”
His eyes brows raise “Well now you’ve mentioned it…”
You smirk, pulling on his hand “Buy me a bench and we can talk!”
“Daddy come on!” Mat chased after the little girl through the park
“Woah slow down princess you’re gonna get lost!”
She turns to look at him with that cheeky grin “Not if you catch up”
He rolls his eyes as her sass “What are you even running for?”
“Look! The seats have words!” She exclaims, pointing to the park benches golden plaque.
Mat crouches down beside her, on her level “yeah? What do they say?”
He watched as she narrowed her eyes, standing closer to be able to read it “that one says a dirty word!”
She Saunders along the benches, reading them all one by one.
She stops abruptly and gasps “Daddy! This one has your name on it!”
Mathew smiles softly, walking to where she is “Yeah?”
“Yeah.. look! It says I love Sunday with you - Hey! That’s my name!”
Mat smiles, kissing the side of her head “It sure does babygirl”
She cocks her head to the side “Daddy read it for me, please?”
“It says, Y/N I love Sundays with you forever, Mat”
She looks at her dad, matching the sad look on his face
“Hey daddy?”
“Is that mommy’s bench?”
“It is, that’s mommy’s bench” He nods, squeezing her hand.
“Can I sit? Be with mommy?” She points to the seat with sad eyes.
He nods “Let’s sit together baby, we’ll eat our bagels” shaking the bag.
Sunday smiles “mommy’s bagels!”
Mat rolls his eyes “My girls and their bad bagel choices…” pulling her up under his arm while she delved into the bag of breakfast food.
With the bagel in hand she looks at mat sadly “Daddy… I wish mommy was here”
“Yeah me too babygirl, me too”
Sundays were soft.
Sundays were spent holding Mat’s hand while he whispered sweet words to you.
Sundays were spent in Central Park, eating bagels with the love of your life.
Sunday was the only thing Mat had left of you.
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flowersandbigteeth · 2 years
Hey sorry if this isn't your sorta thing but could I request a dragon that collects humans with special magic powers falling for reader?
I love this idea! Sorry it took me so long to get to this ^_^'
Dragon (Felix) x female reader
Word Count: 3k
W: yandere dragon behavior , some threats of violence, sfw fluff
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Felix had dedicated his life to hunting the most miraculous humans, the most beautiful, the most powerful, the strongest, and the most magically inclined. He was fascinated with what made them tick. Humans shouldn’t naturally have magic. In his personal opinion, it was a bit of an abomination actually. Humans were meant to be servile, toiling around in the dirt with no wings or fins or fangs to protect them. That they should be dominated seemed to simply be the nature of things and he had no intention of fussing with that. 
No, really, what he had was morbid curiosity and perhaps nothing else to do. Dragons' lives were very long and they had few natural enemies. Felix was a scholar at heart and something drew him to collecting. Over the years he’d captured and tamed hundreds of powerful, talented humans. Some cooperated with his experiments and lived in relative luxury in his castle; others had far too much pride, in his opinion, and had to be locked away for everyone’s safety. 
Each one was more miraculous than the next. One man could draw fire from his hands like a fire fairy, but tests revealed he had no fire fairy blood in him. Another person could screech so loud they could break glass. Their vocal chords were fascinating to study. It seemed to be a totally natural phenomenon. 
Still, after years and years of collecting he hadn’t found…perhaps the human he was looking for? Something still drew him to scouring the planet looking for…something. So naturally, he was quite surprised when he found you simpering and sniffling in a corner of his castle with tears on your face. You were just a maid. You had no special magic, you weren’t exceptionally beautiful, and your biggest talent was that you could make a boiled egg better than any of the other kitchen staff. It came out perfect every time with your technique, but that was it. 
“Why are you crying little one?” he asked, perhaps because he was bored. Otherwise he would have probably walked right past you. He’d never noticed you before, though you’d worked in the kitchen peeling potatoes and boiling eggs for a few years. He’d had your famous boiled egg for breakfast every day for a long time without even knowing who cooked it. 
You lived in a small cottage near the castle and came to work in the kitchen every day from sunrise until everyone had their last meal. Then you hurried home to the safety and comfort of your old hay mattress. 
Our eyes filled with terror when you realised the master of the castle was talking to you and you quickly righted yourself, trying to rub the soup one of his talented humans had dumped on your head off of your face. 
“I-it’s n-nothing my lord,” you stammered, trying to slip past his huge form. 
He was just scraping nine feet tall, not including the silver horns emerging from his head. You tried not to let your eyes linger on the glittering scales that clung just above his cheekbones and along his jaw or his silver eyes. 
“Stop right there,” he said, grabbing your shoulder with his big hand and swinging you back around to face him, “answer honestly when your master asks you a question.” 
You blushed, unsure what to say. You didn’t want to tattle on Mira, the talented human who’d waited too long to eat her soup and threw a tantrum when it was cold hours after you’d delivered it. She was far more important and interesting than you, despite her temper. She could lift objects with her mind. You could boil an egg. You were not the same. 
“I need to get Miss Mira more soup,” you decided to say, ignoring the glob of meat that wetly slid out of your hair and smacked on the floor with a splat. 
“I-I’ll clean that up, right away,” you assured him, bending to wipe up the mess you were making with your apron. 
The dragon frowned looking you up and down and tapping his chin. There was something about you that he liked. He wasn’t exactly sure what. You certainly weren’t remarkable and you looked a mess covered in red soup with bits of vegetables and meat in your hair. Regardless, he was curious about you. 
“Do you have running water at home?” he asked. 
You blinked and looked up at him for a moment, before catching yourself and looking back down to the soupy footprints you were trying to mop up. 
“Erm…no my lord, only the castle and the merchant’s manors have piped water,” you explained. 
You were not looking forward to hauling bucket after bucket of cold water to your bath to wash all of the food out of your hair when you got home. Only the rich could afford the metal pipes and enchantments that would bring warm water indoors. 
He grunted down at you.
“Come with me,” he said simply, turning on his heels and marching down the hall. 
You didn’t know what else to do, he was your boss, so you shuffled after him. 
“My lord, perhaps I should get another maid to help you,” you said apprehensively as he led you into his personal quarters and bathroom. You hovered uncomfortably at the door, wondering what he wanted you to clean while covered in soup. You were making an even bigger mess wandering around the castle dripping wet. 
“Don’t move an inch,” he said over his shoulder as he started the tap. 
You started to tremble, unsure what was going on. This was highly unusual, working in the kitchen you hardly ever saw the master. Nothing good could come of him bringing you to his personal quarters. You had no romantic illusions about some noble lord taking an interest in you. You’d seen maid after maid chewed up by the male talents Lord Felix had in the castle. They went through them and then tossed them away like toys, leaving them penniless, without a job, and heartbroken. All you wanted to do was come to work, do your work, and go home without being molested or covered in soup. 
You watched him pour a sweet smelling soap into the water that reminded you of the scent of peaches and made lots of bubbles. 
“Go ahead and undress,” he said, as he sprinkled some kind of salt as well. 
“No, my lord,” you said with fleeting confidence. 
You were an employee, not a toy. 
He turned to you and his eyebrows went up. He was handsome and very large, all things that were attractive to you, but you had some shame. 
“No?” he repeated, scoffing. 
“I don’t feel comfortable…” you said, your confidence waning. 
“You’d rather spend the day covered in stew?” he asked. 
You plucked a thread at your dress. 
“No, my lord, but…” 
He snickered at you as he crossed the room, looming over you and yanking the wool dress you were wearing over your head before you had a chance to fight him. 
“How do you plan on stopping me?” he teased you as he pulled the chaste white panties you were wearing off and removing the bra you had on. 
He wasn’t rough with you, but he also didn’t hide his strength, pinning you easily with one hand while the other worked on removing your clothes. 
“My lord!” you sputtered, “this isn’t fair!” 
He shrugged as he picked you up like you were just a kitten and carried you over to the bath water. 
“It really isn’t,” he agreed as he gently set you in it, “but such is the way of the world.” 
To your dismay he unceremoniously dumped a pitcher of warm clean water on your head so instead of fighting him you were busy wiping water out of your eyes. 
“That’s better isn’t it?” he asked drizzling a swirl of shampoo in your hair. 
This was probably the first time in your life you’d been fully immersed in warm water except maybe when you were an infant and the sensation was hard to pass up. It was warmer than you could ever get your water at home with just hot rocks heated in the fireplace and your skin felt smooth and soft from the salts he’d added. 
If you wanted to argue, you didn’t have a chance, because he was quickly scrubbing his large, strong fingers through your hair, massaging your scalp.
“Mmmm,” you hummed reflexively and he smiled, gathering a comb up to run it through your hair and remove all of the bits of vegetable matter. 
“So have I softened you up enough to tell me what happened?” he asked, as you let your eyes shut, leaning back against the smooth back of the tub. 
You tender bits were all covered in piles of bubbles, which eased your shyness. 
“Miss Mira just has a bit of a temper,” you mumbled in total bliss, the gentle scrape of the blunt comb on your skull relaxing and soothing years of built up tension, “nothing to be concerned with, my lord.” 
He chuckled at how a simple bath relaxed you and loosened your tongue, reminding himself to deal with Mira later. He didn’t tolerate badly behaved humans under his care, especially now that he’d taken an interest in you. No one would be dumping any food on you again under his watch. When he’d gotten you satisfactorily clean he pulled you from the tub and wrapped you in a fluffy towel, ringing the bell for another maid. When she arrived her eyes widened as she saw the condition you were in, shooting you a questioning look when Felix wasn’t looking. You shot back at her with a shrug and a pleading look indicating you had no idea what was going on either and begging her to do something, though neither of you had any idea what she could possibly do to save you. 
“Bring…” he glanced down at you to get your name but you kept your mouth shut tight. 
Frightened of angering the lord and to your dismay the other maid gave him your name quickly. He smiled. 
“Bring (Y/N) another dress, something pretty,” he said. 
“Yes, my lord,” she replied, tossing you an apologetic glance before she disappeared. 
“Now,” he mused, looking back at you with his finger tapping his chin, “there’s something about you…”
He lifted a lock of your hair, before smoothing his clawed fingers over the column of your neck. 
“You seem to be a normal human,” he murmured, “but I can’t seem to keep my eyes off of you…even for a moment, they are always drawn back to you…do you know why that is (Y/N)?” 
You quickly shook your head because you really had no idea. He picked you up and you stiffened in his arms as he carried you to his laboratory. Terrified, you tried to fight him when your eyes grazed over the bottled body parts he had lining his shelves. Of course it was hopeless, he was far too big and strong. 
“Don’t be so worried, little one,” he chuckled, “I have no intention of dissecting you. I’m only going to run a few tests.” 
He set you on his work table before producing what looked like a doctor’s kit. While you shivered in terror, odd drops of water dripping from your hair down your neck, he took some of your blood and tapped various pressure points with some kind of tool to stimulate your reflexes. 
You watched him hum and wrinkle his brow as he tried to sort out what made you so special, examining your blood sample under a microscope only to find your cells were perfectly average human cells. 
“I assure you, my lord, I’m just a normal human. There really is nothing unique about me,” you said when you’d calmed down enough to catch your breath. 
“I’ll be the judge of that,” he informed you curtly and you shrank back. 
There was a knock at the door and the maid appeared with a dress in your size. He took the dress, waving her away and carefully pulled it over your head, letting you slide your arms through the sleeves. To your surprise he very adeptly braided your hair and secured it with a pin.
“Follow me,” he said, pulling you down off of the high counter you were sitting on, onto the floor. 
He took you to the male’s quarters and with a shout gathered all of the male special humans from whatever they were occupying themselves with. 
“What do you think of this human?” he asked them, pointing to you. 
Most of them looked bored, while a few looked a bit interested. 
“She’s just a pretty girl,” one of them said. 
“Not that pretty,” another commented. 
“Yeah, she’s not really my type,” someone else said. 
“I think she’s pretty, in a sort of farm girl type of way…” someone piped in. 
“Hmm,” Felix said, pushing you behind him and considering the data he’d collected. 
For some reason, he didn’t like these males looking at you, assessing your attributes, even though that’s what he’d asked them to do. 
He led you back to his laboratory more confused than before. The males of the castle seemed to think you were a normal human. You didn’t have any sort of excessive seductive powers. So why did his heart flutter when his eyes met yours? Why were his hands sweating like he was just a schoolboy? While the other men seemed relatively ambivalent, when he looked at you, your skin seemed to glow and your smile made him want to press his lips against yours. 
“My lord, don’t you think I should get back to work?” you asked, hoping his curiosity was satisfied and he would let you go. 
“No,” he said, “you’re not to leave my side. I’m adding you to my collection.” 
You gasped. You did not want to be one of your master’s collection. You were a maid, an employee, not a doll! You didn’t know what else to do, so you ran…or at least tried to run, but you only got a few steps before he hauled you back to him. 
He pulled you up to his eye level and glared at you with his reptilian, golden eyes. 
“Do NOT do that again,” he snarled, curls of smoke leaking from his nose. 
The idea of you running away from him was infuriating. You were his. He was sure of it. 
“I don’t know what it is about you, but you will not get away from me. Try to run again and I will remove your legs,” he snapped. 
You nodded your head quickly, trembling in his arms. 
Pleased that you understood, he led you to the other side of the castle to find Mira. 
“Oh, hello Master Felix,” she cooed when he entered her room, batting her eyelashes at him, “I’m so pleased you’ve come to see me.” 
Her eyes focused on you in your fine dress and she frowned. 
“What’s she doing here, bringing me more cold soup?” 
Felix snorted and a small flame burst from his nose. 
“I’ve found a new use for your talents, Mira,” he informed her, “from now on you will work in the laundry washing linens…I think your skills can be useful to the other maids.”
He rang the bell in her room and a different maid appeared, her eyes popping at your dress. You gave her another confused shrug, before she had to turn her attention to your Master. 
“Bring Mira a maid’s uniform,” he spat and she hurried away. 
“You can’t be serious!” Mira shouted, various items in her room levitating around her, “I’m not a maid! I’m special!” 
“(Y/N) is special,” he said, glancing down at you, then back up at her, “you are nothing more than a biological anomaly that apparently needs to be put to more productive use.” 
While Mira shot daggers at you with her eyes, you tried to return her look with the most contrite, sympathetic face possible, but that didn’t stop the shower of hair brushes, hair pins, and makeup that came sailing in your direction with murderous intent. 
With a wave of his hand the sundry items dropped to the floor with a clatter, just before they reached you. 
“Try that again and you’ll be dissected and pickled,” Felix growled. 
Mira blanched and the maid returned with one of the plain wool dresses you used to wear. 
“Change and report to the laundry, the other maids will tell you what to do…if I see your face out of the laundry again there will be consequences,” he hissed, scooping you up like you were a treasure and carrying you from the room. 
You blinked up at Felix, feeling bad for Mira. You were an employee, you had the ability to go home, but Mira was a captive…and now a servant. 
“My lord,” you gasped, “are you sure you’re not being too harsh? I’m really nothing special…” 
His eyes sparkled and he chuckled at you. 
“That’s where you are wrong, my darling,” he said, “I think you are the human I’ve been looking for.” 
“Looking for?” you murmured. 
“Since I started this project of collecting humans I could never find the one that would sate my hunger for searching…but with you in my arms…I seem to have lost the desire to collect them at all…I would rather spend my time studying you.” 
You blinked at him and swallowed thickly. 
“I am not a doll…or a biological anomaly or whatever you said,” you pouted, using your last bit of pluck. 
He turned your face to him and his golden eyes searched yours. 
“That you are not,” he admitted with a smile that revealed his sharp teeth, “but you are still mine and I have no intention of letting you go. From now on you will be my companion.” 
You blanched. His companion? You weren’t sure you liked the sound of that, but there was nothing to be done about it if you wanted to keep your legs attached to your body. 
“Now,” he said with a sigh, smoothing his fingers over your soft cheek, “let’s have a nice day, shall we? No more silly attempts to escape and no more bowls of soup on your head, hmm?” 
Your heart fluttered a bit, you were unsure if it was from fear or interest, but you accepted his words with a nod as he carried you off to the garden to enjoy the sunshine and your new life.
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