#i love this concept yaaaaaa
mirabella96 · 28 days
This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans ep 8
I still cannot believe it only has 8 eps!
Plawan I know you have problem with braincells but it did not click for you that Kluer showed sth to Chef what should have influence his decision. like he told Oab loud and clear about some clip
You had so much time to tell him did you really thought that will never come to light
To Plawan defence he burned that last dish on purpose
This is way sadder that Plawan and Oab
TOLD YAAAAAA! HE DID ADOPT HIM. I was never so happy to predict sth!
WHY is he running! Or maybe HOW
Nab is the best character in this whole series
This is kinda brilliant in this story
JJ must like Plawan way more that we saw
OH ohhh
They should do like a spin-off series "Wan and JJ adventures"
Oh Auto's back. And JJ is in an apron
Prodigal Son is back
I am going to pretend that this is not happening he should have gone to Paris (or did he went and came back???)
This whole concept is so stupid it's hard to believe
Like did they have do fire a screenwriter and this was written by five yers old
back to normal
the 4 of them in this scene and this context are so funny
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saltpepperbeard · 1 year
How about: Hurt/comfort. Enemies to lovers (and Friends to lovers). Only one bed. ✌
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Me being like "HEEHEEHEE WHO WILL FIND THE KEY :3c" in my tags only for Marlena to roll up with a Triple Critical Hit. LIIIIIKKKE LMAO-
Hurt/Comfort is one of my favorites, if not my absolute favorite. It's one of my favorite things to read, and one of my favorite things to write. I think I'm just a fan of taking characters who have been through a lot, and giving them the opportunity to feel safe, to breathe, to have someone there who actually understands. Does that say something about my psyche? mmMMmmmMMM 🚶 JSKDLLHSLK. But yeah so-
A: Love it. Spend my time combing AO3 for it. (And would honestly give it an A+ lbr)
Enemies to Lovers is lovely, but I feel like all my ships have never really fallen into that category? I DO love the concept though, especially the classic "They 'hate' each other until one of them gets hurt and the other whips out the 'who did this to you.'" LIKE SHDJKLSS YAAAAAA IDK HOW CLICHE IT IS I ADORE IT. But because it's a little less familiar, I'm going to give it-
B: Like it. Not one of my bigger cravings, but it can scratch a certain itch if I’m in the right mood.
FRIENDS TO LOVERS ON THE OTHERHAAAAND L M A O...Probably another top contender. And again, does that say something about my psyche? Or my demisexuality? OR BOTH??? PROBABLY HSDJKLS. But man, the foundation of trust and happiness and comfort being right there, only to beautifully transition into a different type of love? Especially if the feelings have been simmering for a bit?
A: Love it. Spend my time combing AO3 for it.
And you know what, for as popular as the One Bed trope is, I haven't encountered it as often as I'd think! But the premise is everything (AND GENTLEBEARD MIGHT HAVE FALLEN INTO THAT WITH THERE BEING ONLY ONE BED IN THE CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS WHICH MAKES ME FOAM AT THE MOUTH TO THINK ABOUT HSDJKLS. COUCH? WHAT COUCH). So I say it falls between an A and a B for me!
A: Love it. Spend my time combing AO3 for it.
B: Like it. Not one of my bigger cravings, but it can scratch a certain itch if I’m in the right mood.
Give me a fanfic trope and I'll grade it!
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harryfeatgaga · 11 months
i love how harry concepts are back💝💝😍
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lihikainanea · 3 years
i really wanna talk about tiger and bill watching porn together again. bill being freaked out because he’s woke and tiger just wants him to enjoy himself. but this time, what if bill shyly, pink cheeks and anxiously scratching his neck, asks tiger to watch something with him. she gives him the biggest kiss and lets him do whatever he pleases.
Okay okay okay, so Bill watches porn and tiger catches it, right? And she thinks her Big Dude is just so sweet, all worried if she’s offended. It takes awhile but eventually she convinces him that not only is she not offended, but that she likes it. She wants to share this with him. She enjoys it. It really does take Bill awhile to warm up to the concept, but oh god, the first time he initiates it? Oh it would be precious.
Maybe he saw something he liked, or something he’d like to watch with her. And one afternoon he just shuffles in so shyly, his cheeks tinged pink, rubbing his pinky over his eyebrow (Bill has tells, friends. Watch his interviews). He’s stuttering already, and he probably opens with something lame.
“Are uh...” he stammers, “Are you having a good day?”
Tiger just quirks a brow.
“Come on bud,” she says, “Out with it.”
“I found something and I thought maybe tonight, we could...watch it. Together,” he peeks from underneath his brow, “Only if you want to, though. Because you said you wanted to. But if you’ve changed your mind since then, that’s fine too. We don’t have to. Hell I don’t even have to. You know what? No. it’s gross. I won’t--now I don’t even want to--”
And she just stands, takes his face in her hands and pulls him down for a kiss.
“I want to,” she murmurs reassuringly, “In fact, I would love to.”
“Really?” he says.
“Really,” she says with a laugh, “I’ll be done with all this around 6. Have the martinis ready, and we’l have some fun big guy.”
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oliverpdaniel · 4 years
Let’s talk about casual homophobia.
I wanted to share a transcript of a TikTok video by a minor celebrity (I won't do them the honour of identifying them, but suffice it to say that this individual thrives mostly on controversy and poor publicity), to demonstrate what day-to-day homophobic language looks like. Many of these questions have been asked to me, or tell of real things that I've experienced, due to a generally callous view of queer folks. The quoted parts are the actual video, the unquoted responses mine.
Note in advance that some of these questions are clearly oriented towards gay men, but I am responding from the perspective of a bisexual man. Anyway...
"Okay, these are my questions for the gays – sorry, I was on Straight TikTok for a minute; what?"
Or, as you might like to call it, TikTok. For those unfamiliar, "Gay TikTok" is a small subset of the TikTok community that makes videos primarily revolving around in-jokes and shared experiences of the queer community. Thus, "Straight TikTok" is only extant in contrast, a joking reference to certain, overwhelmingly heteronormative parts of the TikTok community. While I'm not a big fan of the idea of 'ownership' or deciding who's allowed to say what, this (obnoxiously straight, in every sense of the word 'obnoxious') celebrity is trying somewhat unceremoniously to insert themselves into a narrative not their own here. Not off to a great start.
(1) "Would you care if your partner was bisexual?"
Whelp, this is one I can't really answer, can I? But, this still does lean into the old "gold-star" ideology of homosexuality, which makes it off-putting from the jump. For those unfamiliar, a "gold star" gay/lesbian is one who has never had sex with the opposite gender. This is a completely silly distinction, that fails to take into account personal circumstances, as well as – y'know – the fluid nature of human sexuality. TL;DR, even if you're exclusively into one gender, you shouldn't care about your partner's sexual orientation (other than, y'know, making sure it includes your gender) because, leaving aside the absolutely rad underworld of polyamory, they're only going to be into you while they're with you.
(2) "Have you ever been with someone of the opposite gender?"
Ah, more gold-starring! A great way to start. "You're trans? What's your deadname?"
(3) "Do you take offence when a girl calls you her Gay Best Friend?"
The Gay Best Friend is an expendable, non-threatening fount of femininity in masculine form, someone to go clothes-shopping with and who will give you sassy advice on boys. God forbid, however, that the Gay Best Friend try to be vulnerable with you about the difficulties of LGBTQIA+ life; they're only there for sashaying and making out with at parties, right? The Gay Best Friend is an incredibly harmful notion to men on both sides of the sexuality spectrum. Gay (and ESPECIALLY bi/pan/poly) men already know to fear the label, because of the dismissive treatment and expectation of performative homosexuality that comes along with it. Straight men should fight against it, too, because it's a symptom of the present hegemony of heterosexual relationships, which revolves around sexual transactionalism and a healthy dose of gender-role-fuelled intimidation[1]. (If you've never heard any of those words, you're probably the target audience here.)
(4) "Be honest – how many times has a straight person tried to hook you up with a gay person based solely on the fact that they're gay and no other compatibility requirements?" (with a devilish smile, into full blown "oh guuuuuurl" laughter)
This is a real thing that happens to people, myself included, all too frequently. It tells us that when you look at me, you don't think "Oliver", you think "Gay", and next time you meet another gay guy, that's the word ringing through your head. It's not funny. It's hurtful. If you're going to recommend a partner to me, make sure you actually have faith in a connection forming. As someone who ended up in an abusive relationship as a result of overzealous matchmaking, it's not something to be taken lightly; relationships, especially gay relationships and all the societal friction they inevitably entail, are not here for your endearment.
(5) "Are you down to hook up with someone who's 'just curious'?"
MORE gold-starring! God, could you imagine the uproar if a lesbian approached a straight person and said that they "missed dick" and/or wanted to experiment!? Oh, wait, that's already common in straight porn to the point of cliché. Gag; and not the good kind of gag.
(6) "Do you proudly wear the rainbow flag, or are you kinda against it because it kinda segregates?"
...what? When I first found this video, it was being duetted (TikTok's side-by-side video response) by a queer person, and at this point they took the opportunity to say, "I don't like you." I echo the sentiment.
(7) "Are you a 'yaaaaaas kweeeeen' gay or are you, like, 'fuck that shit what the fuck?'"
WE ARE NOT HERE TO PERFORM QUEERNESS FOR YOU. Leaving aside the sociolinguistic aspects of queer language and its intersection with (read: theft from) African-American Vernacular English, if people want to act flamboyantly gay, THAT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. If people want to act "normal" (read: heteronormatively!!!), that's NONE OF YOUR GOD DAMN BUSINESS. Queer people are fucking people, they act differently in different scenarios, and it's not for you to fetishize or to find "too much sometimes". When you accept a queer person into your life, you're accepting every facet of them into your life, for them to live and love unapologetically – not just the parts you find entertaining.
(8) "This might be a dealbreaker for me: do you like musical theatre?"
Yes. But even if I didn't – if I liked drinking beer and watching Nascar (sorry dad), but wish I had a boyfriend to do that with, guess what? That's my own fucking business. And, again, if your idea of a "dealbreaker" when engaging with a gay person is whether or not they like musical theatre – probably one of the most tired stereotypes about gay folks – and not, I dunno, if they're fun to be around and respect your boundaries and opinions, then maybe you're not looking for a gay friend for the right reason.
(9) "Be honest – do you still go through the Chick-Fil-A drivethrough and get that spicy chicken sandwich or those nuggies?" (big, face-scrunching smile.)
This is the one that REALLY got me. This displays just how tone-deaf this person is and how deeply they've objectified the concept of homosexuality for themselves. Chick-Fil-A is a massively homophobic organization from the top down, and they donate millions to organizations that want to bring into question my very right to exist, morally and legally.
As a straight person not affected by these issues, it's easy to say "well, I know I /shouldn't/ go to Chick-Fil-A because of the 'gay stuff', but oh IT'S SOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOD!". It's easy to momentarily forget one's morality because hey, it's not like you're directly hurting anyone, right? But, as a queer person who has to walk by the brand-new Chick-Fil-A at Yonge and Bloor every day on my walk to class, seeing the lines wrapping around the block lets me take direct measure of who, and how many, are willing to forget about me for just long enough to enjoy a fucking chicken sandwich. Go literally anywhere else. Eating at Chick-Fil-A is a choice, and it's a choice that informs me that you care less about my right to live than your own personal enjoyment.
(10) "Do you get upset when they have straight actors portray gay characters?"
This is a whole other debate, so I'm not going to get into the actual subject matter of this question. But hey – maybe, in an industry literally overrun with queer people, maybe we can stop converting a significant and pernicious problem in entertainment into a cutesy debate topic? Something really tells me that this person isn't going to start whipping out the intersectional feminist literature to explain their argument here. In all likelihood, it'll sound more along the lines of "but Eddie Redmayne looked so GOOD in that dress!"
(11) "And what's the GAYEST thing about you?'
Nope. Shut up and choke. I hate you.
Never tell me for a second that homophobia is "over" in Canada/the West/wherever. Never tell me that it's a distant issue, remaining only in far-off religious backwaters. This is what it can look like. Fetishization; dismissal; turning struggles for human dignity into pseudo-intellectual debates.
I'm not here to be your Gay Best Friend.
I'm not here to date your new gay acquaintance.
I'm not here to repeatedly explain to you my need to have rights.
I'm here for the same reasons you are.
I want to live and love, not to be treated like a toy.
[1] Okay, I'm obviously not saying that all straight relationships are built around sexual transactionalism and intimidation, nor am I saying that non-comphet relationships are not. But, in my experience as a reformed Gay Best Friend who has had to provide counsel to cishet friends over some INFURIATINGLY stupid relationship/courting issues, I would argue that a full ninety percent of them could be resolved if the experiencer simply viewed their partner/interlocutor/'tyng' as another human being, rather than being from the mysterious species that is The Opposite Gender.
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lizortech · 4 years
#what a man amiright U RIGHT. (eye candy is one of the shows that I am STILL upset was cancelled. like it wasn't even That Good but it was setting up something really cool and it deserved at least one more season).
omg yaaaaaas ally DEFINITELY it was for sure like Trash but the good kinda cliche trash and tommy/lindy makes me wanna scream???? and i just loved and enjoyed the concept so much (even tho it stressed me tf out) but it’s honestly like networks get scared by the potential of some shows while simultaneously being too lazy to ~continue them (did someone say sweet/vicious, deception, forever etc omg)???? like stop playing with my emotions dammit you can’t get me Invested and then take the show from me
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Hey! Just wanted to come off of anon & tell you that I was the one who put in the concept of George in a tank top & eating ice cream & I'm so glad you like it! And I'm defo gonna write something with this. 🤤
it’s an amazing headcanon, thank you love omg
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linphd · 5 years
Do you ship? You never talk about the ships you like slkdjskld
I like kiribaku the most
but I don’t mind seeing some todobaku and bakudeku like I see the concept
I like kamijiro and dekuocha!!!!
The only one I don’t like in 1A ig it would be kacchako but I mean do I enjoy the fanarts and comics??? yes so I’m not hating it I don’t like the ship but I love the content djsksl
however I saw that iida and hatsume had a ship and I was like YAAAAAAS
I like erasermic a lot as well
weirdly I ship toga and dabi for some reason??? like toga’s a baby rn but I like the concept of her going crazy and dabi’s like « lol chill??? » but I saw some twice and toga in manga spoilers I was like OH 🙃🙃
and yeah I don’t talk much abt ship cause idk I don’t hate any ship and I’m not obsessed over any ship none of them is canon so yeah??? I like a lot of fanarts though even when I don’t ship sjsksl
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saturdayjorts · 5 years
idk if u do aus but. patbri camp au. fake dating au. royalty au. etc etc, all things that keep me up at night
camp AU where they go camping, I’m assuming? I feel like Pat’s pretty good at it, he’s worked at national park before, I believe. He’s probably got the skills to know a thing or two about camping and such. Brian seems like he’d also be pretty good, he’s talked about working in rock climbing in a facility he used to work, I wonder how that translates to actual mountains and such 🤔
BUT SINCE THIS AN AU, I’m sure he’s skilled at it and teaches pat the ropes of it all. Pat’s pretty terrified, but brian assures him he’ll be safe, he’s done this countless times before, it all takes patience and practice, gives him reassuring kisses and encouragement, praises him when he’s doing well
and omg fake dating 👀👀👀
That reminds me of that one g/n/g episode where they were creating text messages to send to their moms
Remember how brian’s mom thought he wanted to invite pat over to thanksgiving dinner? Imagine if they went through with that, brian’s mom thinking they were dating and having to go along with it, like OH YES, I BROUGHT MY MANS
and just having to pretend the entire week until they eventually realize OH, this isn’t so bad after all, I like this? and ending up actually dating in the end 😏
I’ve talked about this a few times with friends, but brian being a prince and pat being his knight !!!!!!!!
maybe brian isn’t feeling all that great, he’s stressed, tries to relax, so he goes to hang out by his balcony and stares off into the distance, tries to let the cool air ease his mind but it’s not really helping. 
Pat’s still out and about on his horse, notices brian looking upset and so he goes up to him, calls out at him, asks him what’s wrong?
brian briefly tells him he’s not doing so well, can’t get his mind off work and his princely duties, so pat asks him why not come outside and he’ll take him somewhere away from the castle for a bit, might ease his mind
brian’s a bit hesitant but agrees, sneaks out and goes to meet up with pat
theyre both on pat’s horse now, brian’s arms wrapped around pat’s waist and holds on tight as they ride off somewhere far away from the castle
they end up on some hill or something, pat helps brian off the horse and they walk towards a spot they decide to sit on for a bit
brian finally starts to feel better as he gazes up at the sky. he lies back and pat joins him and listens to brian ramble off about the constellations and their meaning behind it all 
pat could listen to brian all night, he adores him so much and wishes he could just pull him close, kiss him gently
brian’s never felt more at ease, his heart feels full being with pat by his side, scoots closer towards him, wraps his arms around and whispers how grateful he is to have him in his life
pat’s just a blushing mess now bc he can’t believe the prince is this close to him, confessing such things to him. He can feel his heart pounding hard in his chest as brian leans up and presses a soft kiss on his cheek, giggles quietly
pat hesitantly wraps his arms around brian as well, pulls him up on his chest and they gaze into each other’s eyes. pat’s blushing bad, can’t believe they’re doing this. Brian doesn’t mind, though. He’s always adored him, loves him, leans forward and gently presses his lips against pat’s and they share a gentle kiss. It’s quick, brian parts first and giggles quietly, closes his eyes and rests his head on pat’s chest. They’ve both never felt happier
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murfeelee · 6 years
Sims Ask Tag
I saw @unbridledsims do this here, and I’m killing some time, so whatevs!
1. What is the first Sims game you ever played? The Sims 1 basegame.
2. What is the first Sims game you bought? The Sims 2 -- I got Apartment Life & Night Life at the same time.
3. What is the last Sims game you bought? I bought a bunch of TS3 titles during one of Origin’s big sales (cuz I never buy anything from EA at full price; eff them) -- Uni, IP, Pets, & MVSP. They were all like $10 each or something -- boo yaaaaaa!
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4. What sims game are you currently playing? Technically I’m playing Showtime, since my sims are in Starlit Shores right now, going house-hunting. (Yes, it’s my Nagron sims, shaddup!) My Moon Medicine gameplay’s in an empty 3rd-party world I customized myself.
5. What is your favorite world? Shang Simla, from World Adventures. I also love Midnight Hollow, Monte Vista, and Dragon Valley -- the Store worlds were SO MUCH BETTER than the EP worlds, it’s a TS3 phenomenon.
6. Who is your favorite pre-made family? Midnight Hollow’s Sombre household. I also use the basegame’s Martinez family from the bin a lot, when I need quick bases for my new households.
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7. What packs do you wish you had in your game? I have all the packs I wanted to buy. What I DO wish the game had was more unique and original kinds of packs, like WA, ITF & SN. Looking at the direction The Sims has been going since TS4, I think the game as a concept is getting incredibly dull -- it’s always the same thing, series after series: dates, celebrities, parties, woohoo -- over and effing over again.
Where are the creative hobbies and skills? “Creative” as in things sims can CREATE -- actually putting all those collectibles/harvestables to good use to craft things like knitting/embroiderers/weaving (at a loom or spinning wheel would be great -- to tie in with shearing FARM ANIMALS), or carpenters/lumberjacks (I’m so jealous TS4 got flower arranging, I really wanted that in TS3 for gardeners), or blacksmiths or cobblers or something. Effing laundry? Really? Really.
Then as soon as something cool does get added, y’all wanna front as if just because The Sims is a life simulator that it ever intended to represent REAL or REALISTIC life -- as if we can become best friends with the Grim Reaper or have ghosts in our households and servos/simbots eating our microwaves. Please. Do y'all even remember TS1? o_O Cuz Makin Magic was NOT realistic.
People keep asking for the same exact packs (like the inevitable SSNS, UNI, Pets holy trinity, whoopie), yet there’s never any real innovations added, unless it’s something we already had way back in TS1/2. But where’s the Hogwarts school of magic? Where’s controlling the weather and summoning lightning from the fingers like Sith Lords? Where’s new pet types like monkeys, rabbits, goats & other farm animals, and tropical/exotic animals like peacocks, or hell, even fanciful pets like the Store dragons (just better)?
This is why I laughed my effing head off when TS4 Pets was JUST cats & dogs, then EA charged extra for the rodents in a separate pack. Cuz their mediocrity just keeps getting a pass, as simmers keep throwing their wallets and their panties at them, and the packs get more lame by the year; cuz the numbers say it’s ok for AAA game companies to be lazy AF, then charge people’s eyes out for nothing.
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8. Who is your favorite sim you made? My favorite male sim is Nasir ibn Hema from my Nagron gameplay. My favorite female is my avatar sim, Sakura Rain, a cherry tree faery witch plantsim hybrid.
9. How many years have you been playing the sims? Omg 19 years, since TS1 came out in 2000. But I’ve only been part of the online community since 2008, when I registered at the old TS2 Store. Then I registered at the TS3 officials in 2009, and joined MTS & TSR in 2010.
10. When did you start your simblr? 2013, and I’ve loved every year, and hope for plenty more. (*3*)/
I tag everyone!
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rkdaehwi · 6 years
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                                  MGA Season 4 ;; Episode 2
Contestant #4020 Lee Daehwi Performing Latata by (G)I-DLE { 0:00-1:30 } Skills displayed: Dance ;; Song ;; Singing while dancing Outfit { First picture }
It had been with much excitement that he had watched the first episode air. Mildly speaking Daehwi had enough confidence to last him a lifetime, but there was always that “what if”. If asked he wouldn’t hesitate to state that of course he expected to pass, but in the end even he knew that he was only one amongst many, many hopefuls that aspired to reach the top. Getting anywhere depended on luck, skill, and charm. He liked to believe he had the latter two, and apparently the first was also on his side, for when he stepped out on the screen an immense sense of pride had filled him. His parents had prepared a really good meal that day -- for the superstar they had joked, it was really a bit embarrassing -- and Dowoon had been so proud of him it made everything worth it.
But in the end, it was only the beginning. This was nothing compared to everything that was going to start now. The competition was going to become intense from here on out, and he had to be careful to not fall behind. That meant constantly evaluating himself and thinking of ways to break expectations and stand out from the crowd. He was already lucky enough to have received relatively much screentime compared to some others, and he did have his online fanbase already (at least he hoped that some of his subscribers would root for him in this, and if not he always had his family) so in a sense he was already a bit ahead. But it was too early to count his blessings. 
Today was the day, and Daehwi appeared at the area clad in all black for his next performance. The cloth around his neck was a nice touch he himself believed at least -- it was important to have accessorizes to match an outfit, and since he didn’t have pierced ears he had to think of other ways to add to his clothes. Appearance was very important to the young teen. Of course his outfit was going to be ruined by the name and number tag he was obligated to wear, but upon accepting the sticker he wasn’t upset in the slightest, but rather gave an excited wiggle of his body and let out a little squeal of joy. He was simply too happy to be here on this day to pay attention to the fact that his apparel wouldn’t be 100% perfect.
As he prepared to enter he could feel his heart beat fast in his chest and the boy was jumping a bit on the spot, shaking his hands to try get some of that energy out. Even with medicine, an experience as overwhelming as this was bound to get him fired up, and it was very hard to contain all the excitement he was feeling. With one last audible exhale he stepped into the room, and immediately his mouth went wide agape. Somehow this all just seemed more official, like it hadn’t truly been real until now that it was right before him. Daehwi’s eyes glanced from the seats that would belong to the audience to those of the contestants, locking upon each and every nervous person in the room. The giant he had been compared to in the video was there already, and somehow seeing him up close like this, his gaze remained upon the guy for a bit longer than the rest. How on earth was he so tall? It shouldn’t be allowed. But Daehwi had brought a secret weapon with him today.
Sitting down in his designated seat there was nothing left to do but wait (and of course wave eagerly upon spotting both Somi and Donghyun amongst the contestants). His parents had instructed him to get there early to make a good impression and thus he had done, but with nothing to do he quickly became kind of bored. Rocking back and forth in his chair he eventually started chatting up Somi who was sitting right next to him -- an amazing coincidence -- until suddenly the cue to begin was given and Daehwi jumped in his seat in surprise from not paying attention. 
Yet again Daehwi’s mouth opened wide as the five biggest people in the world he wished to step into presented themselves in the room, and with eyes locked tightly upon them, he grabbed Somi’s shoulder and started shaking her. “Oh my god oh my god it’s really happening, isn’t it?” he let out with a gasp, and with an introduction and instructions it was indeed truly happening. There was going to be quite a while until it was his turn to perform, but there was absolutely no time to be dozing off. The other contestants made sure of that. Upon spotting another familiar face that he had taken notice of in the first episode (how could he not with all the sparkles?) Daehwi let out an “ah!” as Jang Moonbok stepped up on the stage to perform his piece. It seemed he wasn’t the only one who was interested in the male with the most impressive hair this season. When the older was done he gave an applause and leaned in to give a comment to Somi. “That guy there, that Moonbok hyung, he’s really kind!”
With every performance he made sure to give an applause for he truly was amazed with the other people , but the biggest reaction was given to Donghyun who was an old upperclassman that Daehwi could only think about how much he had missed now that they both were on the show, as well as Somi who even got a standing ovation. Embarrassment? What was that? And then his turn finally came. With bouncy steps and a huge smile on his lips, the young teen stepped onto the middle of the floor and bowed to the audience. Fiddling a bit with the mic, he introduced himself.
“Hello! My name is Lee Daehwi and if you think that I’m taller than last...” He wriggled his feet for emphasis. “It’s because I’m wearing extra big insoles today. I won’t fall behind in anything whether it’s height or my dancing!” His words were meant as a joke and to grab people’s attention, but he actually was wearing much bigger insoles. The soles of his shoes were also much thicker than last time. He still had plenty of time to grow taller, but being compared to the older Lai Guanlin had made his confidence take a blow. It was just unfair to point out that much of a difference.
For a moment he stood there, grin still wide with anticipation, but the moment the music turned on Daehwi’s features turned entirely serious. If there was one thing he knew how to do it was to control his expression while dancing, which might have come as a surprise to most people who knew him usually. But this was a captivating and fierce song so there was no time to be grinning like an idiot. If anything it had been the effects added to him in the first episode that had influenced his song choice. He could have continued the refreshing and cute baby image for certain, but would sticking to one concept make him stand out in the end? No way.
He had intentionally picked the version from the music video which had an added 10 seconds in order to push his allowed time to the limit and after the first “I love ya” Daehwi began his dance. In the beginning it had been tough. His voice had been incredibly unstable when he tried to combine the twain, but eventually he got a sense for letting out his vocals whilst moving provided that the tune he had to sing wasn’t too long. Singing wasn’t his forte, but he definitely wouldn’t call himself a bad singer. Inexperienced maybe, but Daehwi believed himself to have a good singing voice, and such was also what he had heard from others. Thus he had no hesitation to let it out for the nation.
With you like this on a long night With you during this long time In the darkness, there’s a red light My eyes go left right, walking on the light The starting point is coming near, what’s there to be scared about?
Fortunately for him the first chorus was pure song, for although he had confidently stated that he could rap, he also knew that it wasn’t one of his better skills. But hey, he didn’t have to ace everything to get somewhere, right? It was just a matter of doing what he could do to get better as well as perseverance. With such a sentiment he continued into the prechorus.
Uh oh, how much deeper can it get? The addicting scents get mixed together So we can burn it up even more There’s no tomorrow
As he let out the second “I love ya” Daehwi whipped his hand over his head and stepped straight into the footwork for the chorus while his voice still resounded in the microphone. The dance itself was one he had learnt at least a month ago, but combining it with the song was something he had spent the past week straight practicing to the point of making his throat sore every evening. But he had to say that he was satisfied with the result now that he stood here. Letting out several “latata”s in a row, he let his hands run up his body, moving a bit with every beat. Many other boys his age would probably have been embarrassed to do a song like this on national television nonetheless, but such was no problem to Daehwi. 
Executing the dance break, he finished off his performance with the last “every day, every night latata,” as the music came to an accurate halt exactly where he wanted it. If there was one thing he had to praise Mnet for it was accuracy. Not even breaking a sweat from such a short performance, in an instance Daehwi’s expression turned from its fierce gaze to the previous bubbly attitude he had carried as he gave an exaggerated bow and returned to his seat with another wriggle and both hands raised into the air as he let out a “yaaaaaa~” completely forgetting his surroundings.
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tellywoodtrash · 7 years
ishqbaaz 11.08.17 lb
plain text version here.
pinky’s back home and being all uncharacteristically familial with rudra?? 😕😕😕
daaaaaaamn, rudra isn’t in the mood tho. rudy boy, you savage! 😗😗😗
... no but really, pinky is usually quite cutting with rudra, but she’s being kinda... like... how to explain? she’s acting like lovingly reproachful choti maa from the days of yore, when she used to be kinda affectionate with omRu... oh pinky, please revert to those days. i miss that pinkyyyyy. 😔😔😔
chota mooooh, badiiiiii baaat. 😐😐😐
news mili nahi hai, toh bataana kya hai? 🤔🤔🤔
my godddd, anika, honestly. this hugging his clothes thing is getting a little TOO much. go spend time with sahil, to keep your mind off things. 😑😑😑
i haaaaaaaate when ppl see you crying and ask RO RAHE HO???? y u gotta make shit awkward like that???? 😒😒😒
standard “aankh mein kuch chala gaya hai” excuses have been given. 🙄🙄🙄
awww, rudra distracting with pari ka feeder. (why they call it that and not a bottle, idgi.) 😊😊😊
god i love rudra so much. what a cupcake. this boy’s love for anika truly knows no bounds. 😚😚😚
and anika KNOWS it. 😘😘😘
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excuse me: why no rakshabandhan special for these two????? 😞😞😞
gosh i thought that was pinky skulking in the bg, but thank god it’s bhavya. 😐😐😐
ok, reallyyyyy fucking awkward editing, that anika was in the room, and now SUDDENLY back in the mandir? like... you could have shown us the rudra/anika scene yest and the whole of the mandir scene today? what the fuck is even wrong with the editing team of this fucking show? 😟😟😟😖😖😖
ouff gauriiiiiiiiiii, yaaaaaaaaaaar. matlab vishwas koi sweater toh hai nahi ki jab chaaha cupboard mein se le liya, jhaad liya, aur pehen liya. 😣😣😣
lo the Star Plus waala Dramatic Dhaarmik Music™ has started. 🙄🙄🙄
ok, won’t talk about this scene anymore, you can read my thoughts about it here. meanwhile, fwding. 
Awareness™!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😯😯😯
(i’m already sobbing btw 😭😭😭😭)
again, explain to me why she’s running down the stairs, when the mandir is on the lower level of the house. matlab, kuch bhi. 🤔🤔🤔
(goes back to sobbing. 😭😭😭) 
and the award for the most dramatic entrance into OWN damn house for 2017 goes to.... 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
imma enter my house like this when i return from work every day from now on. let’s see how the mother and cat take it. they better be this amazed and wowed and grateful to see me. 😎😎😎
lol look at his face, the fucker, koi emotion hi nahi. as if he just went to the kirane ki dukaan to buy a pack of smokes and came back. 😐😐😐
ok girl, calm down with the verbal diarrhea. 😕😕😕
okaaaaaaaaay, she just damn near confessed everything! WHY IS THIS FUCKER SO NON REACTIVE THO? IS HE OK? KAHIN SAR-VAR PE CHOT TOH NAHI LAGI? 😟😟😟
yo bro, sayyyyyyyyyy something. 😧😧😧
he’s still on this BS. even after she said everything that she said rn????????? 😧😧😧
lmao vikram be like “kahaaaaan phas gaya main yaaaar.” 
boy be looking fireeeeee in all black though. mmmmhmm. 😏😏😏
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shakti - eternal optimist and #teamAnika. 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
still the hope in his eyes - hoping she’ll say NO. 😥😥😥
ouff sahil, chamchagiri bandh kar. yahan pe sab bigaadne waala yeh tera SSO hi hai. 😒😒😒
he doesn’t even know they’re divorced. how even are they gonna pull this shit off without him knowing? 🤔🤔🤔
meanwhile, sobbing because:
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whoooo boy. private mein confrontation. 😬😬😬
“ek mauka diya tha maine tumhe...” 
my god this vengeful bastard. 😧😧😧😡😡😡
“rishta hum dono ka tha. decision tumhare akele ka nahi ho sakta.”
oh right, as if you asked her before signing those divorce papers. which btw, why were you still holding on to??? don’t try to paint yourself as the ONLY victim here. 🙄🙄🙄
my god this fuckerrrrrrrrrrrr is soooo fuckkkkkkingggg blinddddd. i s2g i want to slappppp the blinders off him. 😡😡😡
i hope rudra is storming in there to beat the sense into bhaiyya. 😡😡😡
ugh i really dgaf about these two. i realllllllllly hope svetlana murders them. 🙄🙄🙄
yaaaaaas, rudra CALL. HIM. OUT.  👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
“aansoon khushi ke bhi hote hai.”
yeah those really looked like khushi ke aansoon. esp that part where she asked you to STOP THIS FUCKERY. yeah, now i have zero sympathy for this fool. i want anika to actually marry vikram and go cheer him on in his marathons, instead of wasting her life with this loser. 😒😒😒
btw, this asshole used to be the one who used to be like MAIN TUMHARE AAKNHON MEIN KABHI AANSOON NAHI DEKH SAKTA. today he’s perfectly okay with it. i’m so fucking done with you shivaay. 😑😑😑
god, that “haq” thing realllllly fucked him over. 😭😭😭
pft, yeh kya apna stupid defective heart follow karega. idiot. 😒😒😒
oh. sahil knows. 😐😐😐
bulbul here, to make a valiant second try.  may the force be with you, bulbul. 🤘🏽🤘🏽🤘🏽
oh my heart, shivaay expresses himself naturally in english, but he’s translating all the english into hindi for her. i can’t. i just can’tttttt. i love these two together soooo muchhhhhhhh. 💖💖💖
le, yeh ittu sa bachcha bhi samajh gaya, lekin yeh do idiots... khair chodo. nothing more to be said. 😒😒😒
ok tearing up at sahil baandhofying rakhi for anika. 😭😭😭
“baandh sakte hai na?” *biggest, most earnest bulbul eyes* 
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“poonch kyun rahi ho?”
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“main waise bhi tumhari koi baat taal nahi sakta tha; ab toh bilkul bhi nahi taal paaonga.” 
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bulbul laughing through her tears at “maayke waale” like... what even is this chemistry between these two... i just want to set everything on fire from how perfect it all is. 😫😫😫😫😫😫😫
how quickly these obros switch over to bhaabi/devrani sides, lol. bhai jaaye tel lene. matlab bros before hos ka koi concept hi nahi hai is ghar mein. 😆😆😆
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oh god, her face and voice, so heartbroken and small, as she says “woh haq toh hai hi nahi humare paas.” i legit died. 😢😢😢
oh god shivaay, pehle apna shaadi aur biwi toh sambhaaaal. ouffff. tang aa gayi hoon main is ladke ki samaaj sevak mentality se. 😣😣😣
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HP number plate? not in mumbai anymore? 🤔🤔🤔
wow, a vacay in manali. WHEN YOUR HOUSE AND FAMILY IS ON FLAMES BACK THERE?????? 😧😧😧
waise yeh bhi theek hai. matlab, if you wait for things to settle down there, you’re never gonna get to go anywhere. so why NOT now??? 😌😌😌😌 
isn’t this the same house used for the hacker bhavya went to visit? also the same house that anika came looking for dobin during her amnesia track??? also it may have been the cabin shivaay and anika stayed in, in the jungle???? 🤔🤔🤔
ok it’s fucking august. how cold can it even be? 🙄🙄🙄
lol you two gonna fucking dieeeeeeeeeeee. 😈😈😈
yaaaaaaaaas, bulbul to the rescueeeee. LIKE ALWAYS!!!!!!!! 😇😇😇
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greywindys · 7 years
YOU WENT AHEAD AND ACTUALLY WROTE MURDOC AND 2D PAINTING EACH OTHERS NAILS. :D I didn't think you'd do but yaaaaaas so glad you did. And the musings of how 2D always seems to be wandering around in Murdoc's room. Loved it! Thanks for the little drabble. ^^
Ahaha thanks! I don’t consider it an actual fic though (but if you enjoy it that way, that’s perfectly okay!), more of a “fic outline that will never be fully realized due to time constraints but here’s a concept, it’s one of many” but omg, again, ty for the compliment!
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harryfeatgaga · 4 years
I love how I started talking about Chris on here so long ago I even sent in a concept where you tell Harry that Chris is hot and Harry is jealous and now everyone hopped on the Chris Evans train 🦘🚂
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harryfeatgaga · 4 years
imagine having your hair in two french braids and big head just comes and gives one of them a little tug and you're like 🙄
Anonymous said: the way he says “ma baby” 🥺 ugh he’d always say shit like that to you in silly voices 😔
Anonymous said: Fourth date concept sent me that was written so well wtf I’m so horny
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harryfeatgaga · 5 years
sooo this one time I was kissing a boy standing up and he grabbed my butt with both hands and was like “god damn, can’t believe this is real” and kept squeezing/grabbing booty and hips and it was just 🥰 to the anon sending in thick girl concepts, ily and ur appreciated and made me think of this experience
Anonymous said: I have big boobs and why does it turn me on so much to know that harry would constantly love on them and praise them👀
Anonymous said: That side by side photo of baby harry and grown up Harry.....I AM SCREAMING THIS IS WHY HARRY WANTS NOTHING DO WITH USSSS
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