#i love this form. he's matching his friends in the planes!
yo-yo-yoshiko · 1 month
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Woooo! Little fire guy!!
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bkgml · 1 year
phone calls with kats !!
you’re rudely awaken by your phone going off like it’s nobody’s business.
“ugh.. fuck off.” you groan, hand tapping at your nightstand in search of your phone.
once you finally grab hold of it your eyes scrunch up from the blinding light of the screen.
you whine lightly, eyes adjusting and clicking the green ‘answer call’ button.
“hello?” you croak out.
“…hey.” you hear from the other line.
you jolt up from bed.
“katsuki?! why are you calling? did something happen? are you okay?!” your mind races a mile a minute. he wouldn’t call you at this hour unless it was important.
“i’m fine, sweets. ‘m sorry for making you worry.” he says quietly.
you pause.
“why’re you calling me kats, did something happen?” you say, now calmed from your previous panic.
you hear a sigh from the other line. it sounds tense and tight in his throat, almost painful.
you let the words come to him, knowing forming words to match his emotions isn’t one of his strong suits, yet.
“just missing you.” he sighs again, to stop tears from forming in his eyes (but he won’t tell you that part).
“i miss you too, suki. you just gotta keep working, yeah? this missions important.” you soothe.
“uh huh.” he says, voice cracking ever so slightly.
“i love you. my big strong man protecting everyone. makes me wanna give you a big kiss as thank you when you come back to me.”
“yeah? you think i’m the strongest, huh? city would be nothin without your man, right?” you hear his grin through his response.
“oh the way to a man’s heart, his ego.” you laugh lightly.
he stays silent while listening to your laugh fizzle out.
stays silent while he listens to your breathing.
stays silent as he listens to you laying back down into the comfort of your bed.
“wish i was there with my sweet girl though.”
you smile lightly, trying to keep him motivated.
“i know, baby, but it’ll feel better after catching your bad guys, more rewarding.”
he goes quiet once more as he thinks.
“i guess you’re right.” he admits begrudgingly.
“i am.” you smile.
he hears you yawn.
“i shouldn’t have woke you.” he frowns.
“i have the day off tomorrow, and even if i didn’t i’d be happy you called, i’ve been missing you too.”
“yeah?” he replies, sounding more longful than he hoped.
“course, kats. love you more than anythin. i should let you sleep though.” you say.
“wait.” he says, urgently.
you do and he sighs.
“can you stay on the phone until i fall asleep?” he grumbles.
“uh huh!” you smile.
“do you wanna facetime so i can see that handsome face?”
he doesn’t reply but you get a request to switch the call to facetime pop up on your screen.
“hi, pretty boy.” you smile.
you watch his brows furrow slightly, faking disgust.
“don’t call me that shit.” he frowns.
“shh. you’re supposed to be going to sleep.”
his frown deepens and he sighs before closing his eyes.
“only a week more. you’re gonna spend your days kicking ass and taking names kats.” you smile as you ramble on quietly.
“my man is going to protect the whole country. all my friends at work are going to be soooo jealous.”
you see him smile slightly, keeping his eyes still closed.
“and then when you’re done doing the job you love you’re going to get on a plane and come see me and all your friends. i might give you a big welcome back party with your friends from high school and your parents.”
you see him frown lightly and you can tell he’s trying his best to listen to you but he’s drifting off so fast.
“but i don’t know, i might have to be selfish and keep you all to myself your first night back. maybe i’ll cook you a nice dinner, your favourite. i could make it extra spicy just for you. or we could order takeout and cuddle up close on the couch while we watch a movie you make fun of the whole time, even though i know you’re enjoying yourself.”
you see his consciousness fade away as you ramble on about all the things you’ll do together when he gets back.
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harlowcomehome · 8 months
Long distance decisions:
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Things had been growing increasingly hard for you and Jack, you had been dating long distance for the past year and the conversations about moving were becoming more intense.
You sat alone in your one bedroom apartment, thumbing over Jacks contact in your phone for what felt like the hundredth time.
A few hours prior to this, you and Jack had been on FaceTime for hours, it had turned into a screaming match and you said plenty of things you regretted.
You wanted to call him, apologize, make things right but you knew this time you had taken it too far.
The idea of moving away from your family, friends and everything you had ever known for a man usually wouldn’t be appealing to you but you loved him. You were head over heels in love with him, and you knew that you wanted to be with him.
You packed up as many clothes and personal items as you could, shoving them into your biggest suitcase. You looked for flights, realizing there was only one seat left on the flight leaving in just a few hours.
You bought the last seat and rushed to the airport, worried security would take a long time.
You called Jack when you were waiting for your plane to get to the tarmac, he ignored your call purposely, which you felt was slightly deserved.
You were boarding the plane when a text came through from Jack, letting you know he’d be calling it an early night. You knew he was hurt and upset when he didn’t say “I love you.”
The flight to Louisville felt like it took days, and when you landed you practically flew to the ride share area yourself.
The drive to Jack's place was long, agonizing, and full of anxiety. You constantly tapped your foot on the dirty floor mat.
You quickly got your luggage from the trunk, making your way inside Jack's place quickly.
He was sat in the living room, a blanket covering his entire body as his bloodshot, exhausted eyes continued to watch the show in front of him.
“Urb- I’m fine dude” he sighed without looking.
“Baby?” You whispered; your voice trembling as he practically broke his neck to turn to you.
“Babe? What are you doing here?” He threw the blanket off of him and shuffled over to you, nearly sliding out of his slippers.
You started to cry, leaning into his chest as he wrapped himself around you. The warmth of his body provided you with a level of comfort.
“I’m ready, I can’t lose you. I’ll move here. I just want to be with you.” You started to nervously ramble into his chest, he patted your head softly as a form of reassurance.
“We don’t have to make any decisions right now” The pit of his stomach felt guilty for pushing you earlier in the day.
“I want to make this decision, I’m choosing you.” You pulled back to see his face, showing him that you meant what you were saying.
You brushed his curls out of his face, realizing he had most definitely been crying the majority of the night.
“Are you sure?” He mumbled afraid to get overly excited, he wasn’t sure if you meant what you were saying.
You bent down to unzip your suitcase, pulling out a stuffed plushie poodle that Jack had won you on your first date from a claw machine, holding it close to your chest.
“You brought Ralph? You are serious!” He chuckled, and you realized his nose was stuffy from crying.
You stood on your tip toes, covering him in kisses.
“Ralph and I are very sure” you smiled, using the stuffed dog's paw to wave at him making him laugh.
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siempre-bucky · 2 years
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x fem!Reader
Summary: Jake's in love with the girl across the street, the one who always brings him fresh fruit from her family's farm before every deployment. He finally confesses in the form of a letter.
wc: 3.4k
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“Clara, my dear, what do you have for us today?” Jake smoothly asked as he joined the long line of men and women in the mess deck. The older woman looked at the tanned blond and his friend beside him like they were the last people she wanted to see, well at least Jake was. He smirked and twirled his toothpick in his mouth, making her narrow her eyes more in displeasure. 
“Same as always boys,” she sighed, dramatically pointing to the array of off-colored food. Jake and Javy grimaced at it, silently questioning if it was edible. 
“I got an MRE in my back pocket we can share,” Javy snickered quietly. Jake looked at him and flashed a smile, slapping him backhandedly on the chest. 
“You don’t eat my food, you don’t eat at all,” she scolded, waving her dripping red ladle. “There’s a surprise for you.” 
Jake’s eyes followed the drops of transparent red until they stopped at a metal tin of strawberries. His eyes softened, his expression falling. This was a rare moment that Jake slipped out of the Hangman persona, Jake Seresin slipped into a memory—a beautiful memory about the girl who lived on the farm across the dusty dirt road. 
While the Seresin’s were known for their horses, the Y/L/N’s were known for the fruit grown on their lush farm. You once claimed Jake was only your friend because you brought him and his family the freshest fruit from the harvest. Jake was friends with you because you were one of the only people who could deal it as well as you could take it; you never put up with his shit. It was that and the fact that Jake Seresin was utterly head over heels in love with you. 
“We gotta get to the airport man, I’m not looking for a court marshall,” Javy sighed in annoyance from the Seresin’s kitchen table, his cheek resting in his palm. Jake kept pacing the wood floor, checking his watch every ten seconds; she was supposed to be here at 7:30 on the dot. It was 7:32. His mother Augusta and Javy shared a knowing look while his father George rolled his eyes as he took another drink of his bitter black coffee. 
“We’ve got time,” Jake shot back, not looking back at them. He’s seen the looks before, he didn’t care for their knowing looks. All that mattered was seeing you before he left for the four-month deployment. A gentle knock on the patio door sent a shock of electricity through him. Jake coughed to compose himself and briskly walked towards the door. 
His heart melted the moment he saw you standing there in a yellow sundress, your hands behind your back. His lips formed a smile as he noticed the small silver strawberry pendant on a delicate silver chain around your neck; it was his Christmas gift to you last year. “Hey,” you breathed, voice hitching. 
“Hey,” Jake greeted, his tone matching yours. 
Javy behind him rolled his eyes. 
“I’m sorry I’m late, there was a problem with the watering system,” you explained hurriedly, knowing where Jake had to be. 
“You’re not late,” he smiled softly. His green eyes flickered upward to meet your stare, “got somethin’ for me?” he asked, turning on the charm. You rolled your eyes and pushed past him and walked into the kitchen, greeting the three before returning your attention to your friend. 
“Here,” you giggled, pushing a small mason jar of freshly cut strawberries towards him. Jake reached out, his fingers brushing yours as he took the jar. “I only gave you a little so you could have it before getting on the plane, and I know your mama likes the jars,” you told him kindly. 
All the aviator could do was stare and run his fingers over the satin ribbon you tied around the lid, the little bow in the front made him smile. He noticed that you only had one jar with you this time, normally you brought a small basket for his parents and a small bag of things for Javy if he was with him. You only brought one for Jake and a sudden heat was rushing up his neck. “Gonna miss food like this,” he said, trying to fight off a blush. 
“Well, hopefully, your iron stomach will hold up,” you mocked him, recalling how he lied to you while he was at flight school. You asked him if he threw up in the plane and he responded: “No, Y/N, I have an iron stomach.” He didn’t. 
He was about to come back at you when Javy stood up, “We really have to go, Jake. I’m sorry.” 
You and Jake looked at each other with a mixture of fear and sadness, lips suppressing three little words that were dying to be said. He hugged you tight, “Remember to call, text, email—write.” You added the last bit timidly. Jake never wrote to you while he was at sea, it left you jealous of his mother and sisters, hell even your little sister got a handwritten letter. Jake, you assumed, had his reasons which was why you never pushed. 
“I’ll be back to annoy you soon.” 
Jake was broken out of his trance by a harsh jab to his side. He looked around at the room, he was no longer in his kitchen and you were no longer handing him fresh strawberries. “You’re holding up my line,” Clara huffed, slapping a ladle full of the questionable strawberries and hurried them along. 
Javy mockingly chuckled all the way to an empty table, ignoring his best friend's death glare as they sat. “You thinking about her?” he asked even though he already knew the answer, his shit-eating grin was enough. 
The blond stabbed his fork into one of the strawberries and held it up to inspect it, “They look like shit,” he grumbled, slowly spinning it. 
“Well they have been dethawed and frozen about five times,” Javy smirked. 
Jake reluctantly popped it into his mouth, forcing himself to chew it. It was nothing like the ones on the farm. Picking them straight from the plant as you and him laid out on a blanket in the field. You let him judge their quality while he got to be spoiled rotten, feeling like a king as you fed him. You stopped instantly when it got to his head, he’d switch roles until the red juice leaked from the corner of your mouth and he had to force himself away from you, covering a blush redder than the berries, his pants suddenly a size too small.
 “Gross,” he frowned. 
“Have you talked to her?” Javy asked a while later, their meals nearly finished. 
"Emailed her the other day, and left a voicemail. The usual," Jake responded plainly.
"Have you written to her?" Javy raised a single brow, the smirk on his plump lips undeniable. 
"She doesn't want me to write to her."
"She literally told you to write to her," Javy shot back instantly. 
Jake exhaled deeply and looked around the room, trying to avoid his friend's burning glare. His throat suddenly felt like it was going to close and it wasn't from the food. "I can't," he choked. 
The other man formed a face. Jake wasn't about to get vulnerable around his team, he still had a reputation to protect. "Can't," Javy echoed with a snicker. 
The two scarfed down the remainder of their lunch and Jake closely followed his friend out the doors and back to their room. Jake plopped down on his bed while Javy sat casually at the metal desk in the corner. 
"Will the world come to an end if you send her a letter? 
It would, because telling you about his day-to-day would just end with him telling you his biggest secret. "Yeah," Jake sighed in response, shrugging his broad shoulders. 
Javy laughed, causing Jake to turn his head and look at him with an annoyed face sprawled on his chiseled features. "So you can call, text, email with no problem, but writing her a letter is your demise, Hangman?" 
"When I call Y/N I'm in control of what I say even when I miss her. I can erase a text and an email—a letter's more permanent. I can't take it back." 
Silence lingered in the small room, gently rocking side to side from the ocean outside its metal walls. Javy stood and opened the desk, noisily putting a piece of paper and a pencil with an unused eraser on top of the surface. Before he left, he gave his best friend a grim reminder: "She's not gonna wait forever, not even for you." 
He didn’t know what scared him more, the fact that Javy was right or that he might come home to see you in the arms of another. Jake let it fester, the pit of his stomach only deepening as night fell. The sounds of Coyote’s snores kept him awake, or at least that’s what he told himself. 
Jake put his head in his hands as he sat at the desk, the blank piece of paper staring at him as if it was taunting him. Rolling his neck, he finally began to write about his mundane life on the ship and in his jet. ‘I love you’ was screaming in the back of his mind until it became hoarse from trying to capture his attention. “Fuck,” he cursed with a growl in his tone. He flipped the pencil over and aggressively erased the page until there was nothing but metal left in its wake. 
He opened the drawer and pulled out a note card, as he wrote the screaming came to a stop. The aviator breathed heavily as he put the pencil down with a small smack; he finally felt relief after so many years of yearning. 
“What do you have for me today, Dolores?” you hummed as you knelt down in front of one of the cubes, pulling back the pink gingham privacy curtain. The golden-colored hen stared at you with black eyes, her beak ready to peck at your hand “Oh don’t be like that,” you cooed sweetly, maneuvering her to reveal three large brown eggs in the center of the hay. 
Dolores clucked and hastily walked out of her room, shaking her tail feathers at you dramatically. “Thank you,” you giggled, placing the warm eggs in your wicker basket that had a blue ribbon weaved through the handle. Jake made fun of you endlessly for it when you told him you had a different basket for each of your tasks: robins egg blue for eggs, red for strawberries, and purple for blueberries. He only stopped after you punched him in the arm hard enough to leave knuckle-sized bruises on his bicep. 
You stared down at the bucket full of eggs, eyes mindlessly scanning them. Your thoughts quickly drifted to the aviator as sat on the dusty floor with a fond smile and tears brimming your eyes. You looked around the old barn, remembering how he paraded around, and confidently picked up your favorite hens, spinning them around like dance partners. 
“Put my chickens down, Jake,” you’d always huff. 
“Fine, fine—you make a better dance partner anyway.”  His one-liners echoed in your ears, the thoughts of him only making your heartache worse. You smiled as if you were watching a movie, Jake twirling you around in the center of the barn, kicking up dust and the place would be filled by your and his laughter. It was like he was right there. 
“Y/N! Y/N!” Maggie called out as she came to an abrupt stop. She panted and hunched over with one hand on her knee and the other holding white envelopes in the air. 
“What are you doin’?” you fought back a laugh, putting your fingers over your lips. 
“You got mail!” she exclaimed, waving the letters. A wave of annoyance crashed into you, the mail when Jake was deployed only brought false hope. Never a letter from him, no matter how many hints you dropped before he left. 
“I don’t need to consolidate my debt,” you huffed as you stood up, returning your attention to the coop, “and I don’t need to switch car insurances.” You scowled as you reached inside, snatching the eggs from the inside and putting them gruffly in your basket, not caring if they broke. 
Maggie looked up with wide eyes, her eyebrows knitting together softly. “But it’s a letter,” she mumbled, her tone weaker. 
“Already registered to vote,” you hum in annoyance, “jus’ throw them away Maggie.” 
“It’s from Jake.” 
You smiled, the barn falling silent, even the hens stayed quiet as if they all knew. 
“You sure?” you questioned quietly, turning around while trying to remain composed. 
“Lieutenant Jake Seresin. Right on the front,” Maggie read his handwriting as she crossed the room, slapping the letter in your shaky open hand. You looked down and read the words she just spoke for confirmation. The envelope had seen better days, black streaks littered the front as if it was run over a bunch of times, the corners slightly dented. 
“Can I- uh, be alone please?” you ask, a clear waver in your tone. Maggie nodded and silently left you be, her fingers crossed behind her back. 
As soon as the teen was out of sight, you let out the breath you didn’t realize you were holding in your chest. Jake actually wrote you- oh god he might be hurt, writing from a hospit- no, you thought, instantly clearing your thoughts. Jake would’ve texted or called if he was hurt. Could be a practical joke? Coyote might have put him up to it. He was always the funny one of the duo. You stopped pacing and sat on the stool next to the workbench resting on the side. 
You couldn’t tear it open fast enough, the envelope tearing perfectly as your pointer finger dragged through the glued paper. A note card fell into your lap unknowingly as you held up the piece of folded lined paper. You inhaled deeply, your eyes fluttering closed as you said a silent prayer to the universe or whoever would listen to your pleas for his safety.  “Alright, asshole, what do you want?” you whispered, opening up his letter. 
The words were faded on the paper, but you managed to pick out some consultants and adjectives here and there. You managed to read a couple of sentences about the carrier and how Coyote snores when he sleeps. They weren’t faded from wear, you noticed as your eyes kept frantically scanning. They were erased, Jake wrote all that just to erase it; there were still little fragments of the eraser clinging to the page. “Nice joke, douchebag,” you grumbled angrily. 
You crumpled the poor excuse of a letter and tossed it to the ground below you, your hens running to inspect the new object. Looking at your lap, you saw the white notecard. Perhaps one of his friends drew you a jet or something. With a heavy sigh, you flipped it over. 
‘I’m in love with you’ 
The sentence was written dead center in his best handwriting and right below it was a doodle of a strawberry. It looked like he erased the drawing once or twice before he got the perfect shape of the fruit. Your jaw unclenched only to tremble as tears sprung to your eyes. “I love you too,” you whispered, wiping your eyes with the back of your hand. 
The summer months had flown by, Texas had finally begun to cool down as Jake’s deployment came to its end. Neither you nor Jake mentioned his letter in his correspondence, you wanted to tell him how you felt when he was in front of you and— well, you didn’t know why Jake failed to bring it up. 
You sat with your family in the early afternoon, the kitchen buzzing with your mom trying to cook while your father bugged her for samples. “I got it!” Maggie yelped as he heard the front doorbell ring. 
“Ears of a dog,” your mother sighed, rolling her eyes from the stove. 
You smiled and went back to your phone, scrolling mindlessly. “Y/N, it’s for you!” your sister shouted. 
“Is Jake home already?” your father asked. 
Your heart began to race, “His plane doesn’t land for another hour,” you answered unsurely. You walked to the door, the nerves in your body only getting stronger as you saw Augusta standing on the front porch. 
“Hi, sweetheart,” she greeted you motherly as she pulled you into a hug. She pulled back and held your hands; it was like she knew. “I jus’ came ‘round to see if you wanted to come to the airport with me to pick up the boy.” 
A wide smile broke out on your face as you eagerly nodded your head, “I’d like that very much,” you chirped, your heart finally beginning to calm down. You pulled away to step back inside grabbed your bag and took a look in the small mirror that hung near the door. You could see the smiles on your family’s faces in the reflection. “I’ll be back!” you called before slamming the door shut. 
Jake scanned the occupants as he walked through the airport, his duffle bag hanging off his shoulders. He politely smiled and briefly responded to the older men who praised him and thanked him for his service but kept walking towards the exit. His green eyes were locked on the departures and arrival boards, a common place his family would be whenever they picked him up. 
He didn’t see them this time. 
He saw you. 
He saw you standing in the middle of the room in the red sundress he mocked you for. All he wanted to do now was to tell you it was his favorite. You didn’t see him at first, you were still looking for the tall blond in a khaki uniform. Jake never thought he’d get one of those cliche moments in an airport when all at once the world slowed down with the person of his desire the only thing in focus. He’d never forget the moment when his eyes locked with yours, your searching expression turning gleeful. 
“Jake,” you called his name happily to get his attention. 
“I didn’t expect to see you till later,” he chuckled, finally putting down his bag. 
“Your mom…” you trailed off, motioning towards the coffee shop. 
There was a small pause before he stepped closer into your space, his chest nearly touching yours. “Did you?” he asked, trying to keep it vague. 
You bashfully looked down, fiddling with your fingers. Jake always noticed your habits, he took your hands in his to get you to stop. “I got the letter…and the note card,” you answered him quietly, not trusting your own voice. 
“I meant it.” 
Removing your hands, the shakingly reached up finding the lapels of his shirt, fingertips tracing the golden pins at the ends. “Good,” you breathed, “because I love you too. I’m in love with you, Jake.”  
That was enough for him to cup your face, bending down to kiss you. It was one of those kisses filled with passion, desire, and longing. A kiss that would make most people turn away and fan themselves. The two of you couldn’t help it, that kiss was years in the making. “Love you,” he mumbled after finally pulling away, his hands cradling your face. 
You leaned into his touch and hummed in satisfaction, “Love you too” you responded. “I hate to break up the moment but you should go say hi to your mom.” 
Jake pecked at your lips a few more times before reluctantly pulling away from you. Instead of walking toward his mom, he opened up his bag and took out a small cup. “Got these on the layover, they don’t compare to yours, but I wanted to return the favor,” he explained, handing you the cup and kissing your cheek. 
Looking down, you lovingly looked at the cup of cut strawberries, a small black Sharpie heart drawn on the center of the tin lid. You looked up to find him hugging his mother, but his beautiful green eyes were looking at you, sending a charming wink your way that instantly made you weak in the knees.
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kirain · 2 months
I know you've said you're not into shipping, but if you HAD to ship bg3 companions (you do, I'm saying you have to😝) which npcs would you ship them with?
Well, since you're forcing me. 😅
...This was actually harder than I thought it would be, since I don't usually consider ships. But I think I'm happy with my choices.
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In my opinion, Lae'zel and Varsh Ko'kuu would make a fantastic couple. Personally, I prefer the ending where Lae'zel returns to the Astral Plane to usher in a new age for the githyanki, hopefully turning them from their violent and conquerous ways. To do that she'll need support, hence her call for rebellion. I like to think Ko'kuu would be one of the first to join her, as the Narrator tells us he's grown "tired"; likely of his people's brutal and callous ways. He's clearly diplomatic and maternal, as well as open-minded enough to trust an outsider with his young, so he'd be a perfect ally. As he becomes Lae'zel's righthand man during the civil war, they would naturally form a bond that blooms from respect and admiration to romantic. He would also make an excellent father to Xan.
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This ship I don't think I even need to explain. Karlach and Dammon are absolutely perfect for each other. They respect each other, they like each other, they understand each other's struggles, and they're both kind, caring, optimistic people. Karlach not only fantasizes about Dammon in her origin run, but they also have an adorable handholding scene once he upgrades her engine. So in relation to her somewhat disappointing ending, I like to think Dammon discovers a cure for her condition and follows her to Avernus, where they break into Zariel's forge, construct a permanent upgrade that negates the deadly heat inside her, and then escape back to the material plane. After that, the two would become inseparable. They would start a new life in Baldur's Gate, with Dammon continuing his work as a respected blacksmith and Karlach becoming an avid defender of the city.
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This ship was actually my friend's idea, and I believe she's planning on exploring it further on her own blog. As we discussed it, we both agreed Sebastian would probably hate Astarion and want blood, even knowing he had no choice but to follow Cazador's demands; over a century of misery and torment leaves little room for forgiveness. After his release, I think he'd track Astarion down and try to kill him in a blind act of revenge, but hesitate, failing the task. Still a sweet and delicate soul, he'd fall to his knees in tears, lamenting everything he's lost. Plagued with guilt upon seeing his broken state, Astarion would comfort Sebastian, knowing what it's like to feel nothing but fear and hatred. Things would be rocky at first, slow, messy—but eventually Sebastian would forgive Astarion, falling in love with him all over again. And with that closure, Astarion would finally be able to forgive himself.
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To me, this ship makes the most sense (and may also be the sweetest), as Shadowheart and Nocturne already have a shared history and they've both suffered under Shar. When we meet Nocturne, she implies she's grown wary of following the dark goddess and her cult, but she's too afraid to leave. So after defeating the Absolute, I like to imagine Shadowheart rekindles her relationship with Nocturne, eventually turning her away from Shar and convincing her to leave the sanctum. With her once best friend's guidance, Nocturne would adjust well to the world outside, growing close to Shadowheart once again and rebuilding her lost memories, as well as making new ones. Together they would travel the world, forever wrapped in each other's loving embrace.
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I fell in love with Exxvikyap the moment I met her, and I think she'd be perfect for Wyll. He needs someone who can match his excitable, charismatic energy—and she definitely would. Whether Wyll follows in his father's footsteps or follows Karlach to Avernus, at some point I like to think he'd return to Baldur's Gate. Once he does, he'd find himself visiting the Rivington General for a new weapon. As she helps him find a sword best suited to his fighting style, they'd strike up a conversation. Wyll would find her warm and bubbly personality both infectious and endearing, which would lead to him visiting the shop again. And again. And again. And again. Slowly, he would begin courting the sweet dragonborn woman, and she would happily accept his advances. Eventually she would quit, joining Wyll on his many adventures and defending the Sword Coast from any who would threaten to harm it.
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This ship I waffled on for a while, because personally I didn't see it; especially since I think Gale needs someone who's compassionate and affectionate. But then I realised Rolan is both of those things. At least by Act 2. He's sassy and snappy and self-important, but he loves his siblings—to the point that he was willing to risk his career to stick by them at the Grove, and enough to risk his life by searching for them in the Shadowlands. He also saved the orphans, even though he whinged about it. He wants to be independent, but he later learns to accept help, which leads me to Gale. At some point, I like to think Gale visits Ramazith's Tower, looking for a book. He bumps into Rolan, who's struggling to cast an advanced spell that summons a hoard of angry mephits. Chaos ensues, causing Gale and Rolan to team up and reverse the damage. Rolan would beat himself up over the incident, but Gale would encourage him, teaching him the proper way to cast the spell. From that point on, their relationship would blossom in ways neither of them expected. Together they would find a perfect balance, propping each other up while also keeping each other humble.
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cosmicanakin · 3 months
tides of change | prologue.
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pairing. james kelly x female reader.
outline. returning home to new orlean's help your mother with funeral arrangements and grieve the loss of your sister, lauren. you find solace in your niece and nephew - her kids.
contains. angst, death of a loved one, grief, & emotional distress.
authors note. this is basically an introduction for the series! but don't worry james will make his appearance very soon <3
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the sky was overcast and dreary as you looked out the window of the plane, matching how heavily your heart felt in your chest. you had gotten the frantic call from your mom just a day ago, unintelligible sobs coming through the speaker as you struggled to make out what she was trying to say. once you had managed to calm her down enough, the words still rang in your head - your older sister lauren was dead.
shot down in the middle of the street on her way to work, a senseless act of violence that had ripped another loved one from your life. you and lauren had always been close growing up, her taking on more of a motherly role for you after your dad passed when you were young. the news had devastated you, a raw ache settling deep in your bones that only growing distance from new orleans could numb. but now you were returning, having to face the painful reality you had tried to escape for so long.
the cab pulled up outside the familiar green house you had spent your childhood in. everything looked the same yet felt wholly foreign now. you paid the driver and got out, dragging your suitcase behind you as you walked slowly up the weathered wooden steps of the porch. you could hear noise from inside - no doubt your mom was surrounded by friends and family offering their condolences. steeling yourself, you rang the bell and waited.
the door swung open to reveal your mom, her usual brightness dimmed by tired eyes puffy from tears. "oh honey," she breathed, pulling you into a tight embrace. you hugged her back just as fiercely, both of you finding solace in the comfort of family. after a few moments, she pulled away, dabbing at her eyes with a tissue. "come in, sweetie. everyone's been expecting you."
you nodded, following her inside. the living room was filled with more people than you could count, all turning to offer you sad smiles or hugs as you made your way through. your mom led you to the kitchen, putting on a pot of coffee. "i'm just so glad you're here. it helps to have you for lauren's children."
at the mention of them, a fresh wave of grief crashed over you. aiden and lily, your beloved nephew and niece, who had just lost their mother in the worst way. "how are they doing?" you asked gently.
your mom sighed. "as well as can be expected i suppose. aiden tries to be strong for lily but i know he's hurting inside. they're upstairs if you want to go see them."
you nodded, giving her shoulder a squeeze before heading to the steps. you climbed slowly, dreading the pain you knew seeing them would bring but needing to be there all the same. stopping outside lauren's childhood bedroom, now occupied by her kids, you took a steadying breath before knocking lightly.
"come in!" came aiden's voice.
you opened the door to find them sitting side by side on the bed, coloring books and crayons scattered around. lily's eyes lit up when she saw you. "auntie!"
you managed a small smile for her sake, coming over to sit on lily's side and pulling them both into a hug. "i'm so sorry i couldn't be here sooner."
aiden just nodded, ever the serious eight year old. but lily clung to you, always the more openly affectionate of the two. "mommy's in heaven with grandpa now, right?"
a lump formed in your throat at her innocent question. "yeah sweetheart, she is. and i know she'd want you both to know how much she loves you."
you talked with them for a while, trying your best to comfort the grieving children as they grieved the mother they would never see growing up. eventually, though their growing tiredness became evident, and you put them both to bed with soft kisses to their foreheads before retreating back downstairs.
the crowd had dispersed some by then, leaving your mom washing dishes in the kitchen. you moved to help her dry. "how are the kids holding up, really?" she asked cautiously.
you sighed. "well they're alright? i guess. aiden seems to be shouldering a lot though, trying not to show how sad he truly is. and lily... she just misses her mommy." your voice broke on the last words.
your mom pulled you into her side, rubbing your back comfortingly. "they have you now though. and i know your sister would be grateful to have you here for them."
you nodded mutely, not trusting yourself to speak. the weight of responsibility for lauren's kids now rested heavily on your shoulders. you couldn't imagine their pain at such a tender age, having the stability and love of their mother ripped away. but you were determined to be there for them, to honor your sister's memory by helping to raise them the best you could.
the following week, preparations blurred by in a haze of funeral arrangements and grieving relatives. you focused your energy on aiden and lily, keeping them entertained and trying to give them as much normalcy as possible through the sadness. the service was a sombre affair, tears falling freely as lauren's casket was lowered into the ground beside your father's plot.
after, you helped your mom host the gathering back at the house. old friends regaled stories of lauren through watery smiles, no doubt wondering how someone so full of life could be taken so prematurely. as the crowd dispersed in the evening, a heavy tiredness settled over you. all you wanted was rest to escape the grief for a while.
"why don't you go on and get some sleep, hon. i've got things handled down here," your mom insisted, ever perceptive of your drained state.
you gave her a grateful hug. "thanks, mom. i love you." you head upstairs and collapse onto the bed with a tired sigh. the soft mattress enveloped you in comfort, lulling your mind towards sleep.
just then there was a soft knock on your bedroom door. "come in," you called quietly.
the door opened to reveal your niece lily, clutching her favorite stuffed animal tightly. her eyes were filled with tears as she looked up at you. "i had a bad dream, auntie y/n. can i be with you?"
you gave her a gentle smile and opened your arms. "of course sweet girl. come here."
lily hurried over and climbed into bed next to you. you wrapped her in your embrace, rubbing her back soothingly until her tears subsided. "it's okay, you're safe now. i'll be right here all night to keep the bad dreams away."
eventually, her trembling slowed as exhaustion overtook her small body once more. you placed a soft kiss to her forehead, watching as she drifted into peaceful slumber curled up against your side. finding comfort in caring for lauren's children helped dull some of the aches in your own heart. for now, sleep was what you both needed most. and so with lily's quiet breaths filling the silence, you closed your eyes and surrendered to rest at last.
tags — comment or send an ask to be put on the taglist!
@starlitblair @emotionallybruisedx @anakin-pilled @spcncershasting @freezerbride95 ୨୧ ⋆ ˙ ⊹ ˚ ⋆
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rhoorl · 5 months
Turbulence: Part 2
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Pairing: Frankie x reader (will turn into an OFC)
AO3 Link
Word Count: 2.6k
Summary: Following your flight, you decide to grab a drink with Frankie at the airport bar as you both wait for your rides. It’s going to be hard to say goodbye to this handsome stranger. But is it really goodbye for good?
A/N: This is a continuation of Turbulence, but I think could be read as a stand-alone. I’ll share more about this story at the end 🙂
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“Here, let me help you with that,” Frankie reached his arms above me to grab my carry-on bag down from the overhead compartment, his shirt slightly riding up. “About that drink,” he cocked his head to the side, the faintest dimple forming on his cheek as he smiled, handing me my bag.
“There’s a bar I always go to, just in the concourse. Wanna go there? You didn’t check any bags did you?” I said over my shoulder, walking down the aisle of the plane to the exit.
“Nah, I packed light. Was just a few days,” he came up beside me as we made our way up the jet bridge. 
Once we set foot in the concourse, I spotted it, my barstool. For as much of a routine as I had when I flew out of Atlanta, I had another routine when I was home in Tampa. I always visited the airport bar for a pre-flight drink, and sometimes a post-flight drink too. I’d made friends with the various bartenders over the years. I spotted my favorite one, Mac, behind the bar today, so I eagerly ushered Frankie over.
“Cigar City Brewing, huh, I didn’t realize they had a bar here,” he looked up at the sign as we sat down.
“Yeah, I love this brewery. You ever been? Hey Mac!” I waved as the man sauntered over.
“No I…I don’t really go to breweries, just bars…well…really just my friends’ house at this point,” Frankie chuckled to himself. His eyes twinkled again as he talked about his friends.
“Hey there missy! Haven’t seen you for a while,” Mac leaned over the bar to give me a quick hug.
“Yeah, I know. It’s been a while. Here for a wedding this weekend.”
“Oh, yours?” He could barely say without busting out laughing.
“Ha ha. Very funny, Mac. No, my cousin.”
“The one dating that government guy?”
“That’s the one.”
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Frankie’s amused look taking this in like it was a tennis match.
“Hmm. Interesting. You’ll have to tell your aunt I said hello,” he winked. “So, who’s your friend,” he motioned over to Frankie.
“Oh, him? He’s my husband,” I said matter-of-factly. Apparently, I was more convincing than I gave myself credit for because Mac’s eyes bulged out of his head as he searched my hand for a ring. I could hear the soft chuckles coming from Frankie. “I’m just kidding. But he did play my husband for a hot second. There was a creep on the plane trying to sit next to me and Frankie here saved the day,” I looked over to him with a wink.
If I didn’t know better it looked like Frankie was blushing a bit. He scratched the back of his neck, ruffling the curls that poked out from under his cap. 
Mac, meanwhile, gave him quite the up and down. We’d grown to have a bit of a father-daughter relationship over the years. And, being a bartender, I ended up spilling my guts to him on more than one occasion. He knew about all of my failed attempts at dating and I gave him some tips on how to navigate the dating apps once he decided to get back out there again.
“Saved the day, huh?” Mac slowly tilted his head from side to side. 
“Uh…” Frankie’s eyes sought mine and I gave him a reassuring smile. “Yeah. I guess you can say that.”
“Hmm…well, she’s a shit flyer so you probably need a drink too, huh?” He looked at Frankie with a smirk. “What’re drinkin' kid?” Mac slid the drink menu over to Frankie, who took it and squinted a bit as he held the menu a bit at a distance. 
“Can you give us a minute, Mac? Maybe some water?”
“With lime,” Mac winked. “I’ll be back.”
I turned to Frankie who was still reviewing the menu. “D’you need glasses?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.
“It sucks getting old,” Frankie shook his head with a lopsided smile. 
“You aren’t that old. Besides I’ve been wearing glasses and contacts since middle school, so I’m not really one to talk about my eyes.”
“Well, I think they’re beautiful.” He held my gaze and for a moment it felt like everything around me faded away and it was just the two of us.
“Two waters. Here’s your limes. What else can I get?” Mac’s deep baritone voice pulled me out of the trance I was in, lost in Frankie’s eyes. We both laughed, looking down a bit shy. Was he feeling what I was? Surely, right? There was something there.
I cleared my throat and started to talk before Mac cut me off, “I’m just going to bring you two a flight each. Cool?” I nodded. “And the pretzel too, missy?”
“Thanks, Mac. Is that good with you?” I looked over to Frankie for confirmation.
Now that I was on solid ground, I felt a lot more relaxed as we chatted about a bunch of random things. Funny what happens when you don’t have the threat of impending doom in the way of unexpected turbulence looming over you. I also noticed that slowly but surely, Frankie inched his bar stool closer to mine. Our knees were flirting with each other as much as we were. 
I could feel the heat radiating off of his body and when our knees finally brushed against each other, I felt a shiver down my spine. He was so witty and funny but in an unassuming way. And he seemed to think I was funny too. After I landed a pretty good joke, he leaned forward, putting his hand on my thigh as he cracked up. We stayed laughing and carrying on until Mac butted in with the large pretzel, an effective barrier between the two of us.
Sitting and talking with Frankie felt so…natural. Even though I was nervous as shit because he was really hot and seemingly into me. Right? I mean, he had ample opportunity to leave at this point and he hadn’t. And I didn’t want our time together to end.
He took his hat off and ran his fingers through his hair. It seemed like a nervous tick, something to do with his hands. Speaking of his hands, they seemed capable of so many things…and his fingers were so thick… I had to press my thighs together and try and get some relief because in reality, all I wanted to do was haul him into a bathroom and … well, I don’t know what, but I wanted his hands on me now. And his mouth.
My phone ringing snapped me out of what was no doubt going to be a spiral I was not equipped to deal with in public, no less around Frankie. 
“Are you going to get that?” He motioned to my phone with his chin.
“Uh, oh, yeah…sorry. One sec,” he gave me a soft smile as I unlocked my phone and brought it to my ear. “H-hey mom. Oh ok,” I nervously looked over to Frankie who made eye contact with Mac and motioned for the bill. “Uh, yeah, probably circle around maybe once or twice. I’ll let you know when I’m out there. Yeah. Our usual spot. Ok, love you.”
“Your ride’s here?” I couldn’t really read the look on Frankie’s face. He gave me a tight-lipped smile like he was trying to hold himself back from saying something. His eyes were really where I was focused. It’s like he was looking at me like it was going to be for the last time. 
And for that instant, time stopped. The hustle and bustle of the terminal. Mac’s boisterous laugh as he entertained another patron. The muffled overhead announcements. I’m left drowning in the beautiful brown eyes staring back at me, noticing the way they crinkle at the edges.
“Yeah, my mom’s here,” I replied with a tight smile of my own. Frankie nodded and pulled out his wallet. “Wait, no, you don’t have to pay for this. It’s my treat, you’re the one who helped me. I owe you one.” I reached for the bill, but he covered my hand with his.
“You…ah, you’ve helped me too, please I insist,” he squeezed my hand, effectively quelling any urge I had to argue with him. I’d literally do anything he’d asked for at this point. 
He handed the bill and his credit card over to Mac, who I knew was trying his hardest to suppress a smile. He did, however, manage to wink at me as he turned around and headed to the register to cash us out. 
“Thank you, that’s very sweet of you,” I reached out to squeeze Frankie’s hand, a move I didn’t even realize I was doing until it was too late. “It’s been…nice…talking with you.” 
I let go of his hand and swallowed hard. Why the fuck was I being so awkward and making this weird. Frankie looked down, rubbing the palm of his hand down his thigh. 
He bit his lip and cleared his throat as his eyes found mine again, a shy smile coming across his face, “I..uh..”
“Okay, you’re all set young man. It was great seeing you again missy. When you flying back out?”
I wasn’t expecting Mac back so soon, but he had a bar to tend to. “Uh…Monday. I fly back Monday, early. You working?”
“You know it! I’ll have an extra spicy Bloody Mary waiting for you,” he winked. “What about you?” He motioned over to Frankie. 
“Oh...ah…I live here. Probably not flying anywhere for a while,” he averted his eyes from both of us as he settled the bill. 
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw he left Mac a very generous tip, which made me melt. 
“Hmpf. Well, I’m sure I’ll see you around,” Mac winked. “See you in a couple of days missy!”
“Uh, I’ll walk you to arrivals. Unless you wanted to…uh…” He rubbed the back of his neck again, his eyes evading mine.
It was cute to see him a bit flustered, and truth be told, I was not about to say goodbye to him here. I wanted to squeeze in as much time as I could even though I could feel my heart sinking the longer we spent together.
We walked quietly down the concourse. It wasn’t awkward, really, it was just like we were both trying to simultaneously enjoy this last bit of time together while also figuring out what to say. I finally mustered up the courage to say something and just as I was about to open my mouth, so did Frankie. We both laughed and made a joke about the timing, but I urged him to say whatever he was about to.
He adjusted his hat, “I…uh…if you need some help calming down before your flight back, you can shoot me a text or a call or something. I’d answer,” he looked over a bit cautiously but with some puppy dog eyes that nearly made me stop in my tracks. The corners of his mouth curled up into the cutest little smile.
I stopped and moved us out of the flow of travelers making their way to baggage claim. “Frankie, if I didn’t know any better I’d think you were angling for a way to see of picture of me in that dress I so vividly described to you during the flight,” I smirked, surprised by my boldness.
“I…ah…” he was starting to blush as he looked down and rubbed the back of his neck.
“Here, gimme your phone,” I laid my hand out, waiting for his phone which he quickly fished from the front pocket of his jeans. He unlocked it for me and placed it in my hand. I typed my number in and glanced up at him quickly as I went to save my name. I couldn’t help the mischievous look coming across my face as I handed the phone back.
Seeing the phone, he chuckles, “Wifey, huh?”
“Well, we have to keep up appearances, Frankie,” I let out a nervous giggle as he took the phone and arched his eyebrows as he typed on his phone. Within a few seconds, I heard my phone ding and I saw a text message come in from an 813 number I could only assume was Frankie.
Hola Wifey. It’s your esposo.
I smiled, looking up briefly to see a big grin on his face as he scratched the stubble along his beard. I saved him in my phone as Frankie ✈️.
“Well, now that that is taken care of, shall we?” I motioned to the walkway as he nodded.
The rest of the way we filled in the time chatting about random things, like his weekend plans which included some time at a birthday party with his friends. 
When we finally got outside the humidity hit me like I just poked my head into a warm oven. Atlanta gets hot, but not like this. I dropped my carry-on to the ground and turned to Frankie, wishing I didn’t have to leave. This honestly felt like a movie because this kind of shit doesn’t happen to me; it was probably too good to be true. But there was something about Frankie. I just knew I’d see him again, I don’t know how to articulate it other than, I had a feeling.
He was about to say something when I saw out of the corner of my eye my mom driving up in my lime green Kia Soul, letting out a honk when she parked. Frankie looked down and let out a small sigh.
“Um, I…guess my ride is here,” I hoped my lopsided grin was doing enough to mask my true emotions. “Thanks again, Frankie. For everything. You made this trip home…really…nice. Can I give you a hug?”
He nodded and opened his arms and I reached up for his neck on account of him wearing a backpack. This was the closest I had been to him yet and I just wanted to bask in his scent. It reminded me of the beach or the way the air smells after a thunderstorm. I took in a deep breath as I felt his hands circle around my back, pressing firm, even pressure. This was a hug I could get lost in, I just wanted to stay here, wrapped in his warmth. 
I don’t know how long we stood there, but it was another honk of the horn that pulled us both out of our embrace. We awkwardly laughed as I looked over to see my mother gawking at the sight in front of her. 
“Well, I…guess…I should go,” I curled one side of my mouth up in an attempt to smile, but I knew my eyes told a different story. 
“Yeah. Get home safe. I…ah���I hope you have fun tomorrow. Try and have fun tomorrow. And…I’m here if you need me,” he smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes.
We said our final goodbyes and hugged one last time before I turned to grab my bag and head to the car. Thankfully my mom popped the trunk open, I couldn’t bear her getting out and trying to say something right now. I threw my carry-on in the back and headed for the passenger door before turning around and giving Frankie an awkward wave as he smiled. I felt a pang in the pit of my stomach hoping this wasn’t the last time I would see him again.
As we started to pull away, I looked in the review to see Frankie’s gaze following our car. He rubbed the back of his neck again before looking down to the ground and turning around. 
“So…who was that?” My mom sat upright, her hands at 10 and 2 on the steering wheel. Underneath her seemingly calm demeanor, I just knew she had to be bursting at the seams to know who that was.
“Oh ah…he’s a friend.”
“He was very handsome,” she glanced over with a smirk as I looked out the window. 
“Yeah he was, wasn’t he.”
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A/N: So for anyone reading my Triple Frontier AU fic Delta Landscaping, Turbulence is connected to Frankie’s storyline there. I’ll post one more part before these two get wrapped up in the larger story (although I may do more drabbles down the line).
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slafkovskys · 7 months
How does older reader reacts if Juraj ask about meeting his friends? Maybe not everyone, just a couple of guys from the team like Arber. He thinks she is so amazing that he needs his closest friends to meet her.
she’s already in the passenger seat when he comes to open the back of the car to put his bags in. she has a lazy smile on her lips, heart swelling as he leans over the center console to press his lips to hers. she runs a quick hand through his tousled hair, “you look sleepy. are you sure that you don’t want me to drive?”
“took a nap on the plane. is a short drive,” he mumbles. he pulls away and gives himself time to take her in. it was almost three in the morning and she still looked beautiful, in the team issued sweatpants she had stolen from him and a sweatshirt that didn’t match. he could tell that she was in those ridiculous platform slippers he always poked fun at, but she swore were comfortable and even had on her thick rimmed glasses that always drove juraj crazy.
this- this was the woman that he loved.
“are you hungry? i set out some leftover pasta before i left,” she traces the exposed skin of his wrist. she can hear the slamming of car doors around her, his teammates getting into their own vehicles to go home, and she was thankful that her windows were tinted so they could be in their own little world for the time being.
he shakes his head, wrapping his finger around a strand of hair that had fallen out of where she had it pulled back, “i have a question.”
she nods, “i have an answer.”
he pauses before clearing his throat, “can i show you to my friends?”
and oh.
though it wasn’t spot on, she knew what he meant.
she wouldn’t lie, there was a part of her that enjoyed sitting by herself at the games. taking time to respond to emails sent after she had already left the office and was on her own time, informing the sender as such in the concession line for her obligatory nachos and beer in between periods. but it would be nice to have friends that understood what it was like to have a partner gone so often, to cheer with at the exciting parts of the game and to complain at the low points because honestly, there had been the broaching thought in her mind that she was tired of being so secretive. of hiding.
eight months with juraj had flown by and she wasn’t falling any slower than she was that first night.
she hums, “that would be nice. just let me know when and where, j.”
the grin that breaks out on his face is something she wished she could’ve captured somewhere besides only in her mind. it was so bright, so wide-eyed and happy. he plants a final kiss to her lips before shifting the gear into drive and tangling his fingers with hers.
she stares at the window as the city passes by, mind running wild at the possibilities of what was to come. was meeting his friends a good idea? what if- no.
this was good. they were good. she tries to reassure herself as she brings their hands to her chest and squeezes, her own form of reassurance and he chuckles, “you okay, láska?”
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theraggedygirl11 · 2 months
Baš ja, koji nisam verovao da za nekim biću lud
Bojan's POV
Kris' POV: AO3 - Tumblr
SUMMARY: In a world where Heaven and Hell exist, angels and demons are constantly fighting and killing one another. What if a demon easily dominated by his emotions falls in love with a stoic and cold angel trained to kill demons?
PAIRING: Bojan Cvjetićanin/Kris Guštin
WARNINGS: swearing, blood, implied violence, hurt/comfort, implied suicide, emotional rollercoaster, enemies to lovers, hint of jance in the background
NOTES: Hello! Welcome to my first ever BoKris fic. It all started from this post by @arctixout and that damn tag (for reference: #stoic angel!kris and demon!bojan who's slave to his emotions and then they somehow fall in love wait who said that). And what could I do? It was too juicy to not write something out of it! So here we are.
Besides, as you can see from the title, I used Bluza (Youtube video and lyrics+translation) as my inspiration (and background music while writing), and this songs plays a role in the plot too 👀 yeah, I know we all think this is a BoJere song, but in this fic it's a BoKris fic, you'll understand why
Also, thanks to my beta @anxious-witch!
Last but not the least, I did this aestethic/moodboard trying to match @arctixout gifs
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“You should talk to him.”
“Why? He's a demon. He's impure, a damned soul.”
“And you love him.”
“Angels can't love. He started corrupting me.”
“Angels can love and they must love. It's not corruption.”
“How can you tell it's not his corruption, Jan?!”
“Because I fell in love with a demon too. And I accepted it. Go to him, speak to him. He’s singing for you.”
When humans think about demons, the mental image they have is that of a terrifying creature, maybe with huge bat wings, a tail with an arrowhead at the end, claws, horns, red skin, maybe even hooves instead of feet.
Well, we do have a tail, and wings, and claws, but nothing alike of what you see in those pictures, and not every demon has them. We own a human form, just like everyone on this planet, that we use to roam among mortals. We have feelings, desires, hobbies, friends and families. Our only drawback is being born a demon from demon parents. We are guardians in Hell, we just watch over the damned souls who doomed themselves to suffering.
Heaven knows this, angels too, but they deliberately chose to not see this, to hate us, and they kill us with no hesitation when they find us on Earth. They think we are impure beings that don’t deserve to live.
And this is what led me, a demon, to meet the most beautiful creature ever seen on every plane of existence. I fell in love with an angel, I don’t even know his name, but I will discover it.
He almost killed me, I was terrified for my life, but he stopped when our eyes met, the sharp point of his dagger barely touched my throat. Something exploded in my chest, my heart was beating so fast. I've never felt something similar to what I felt at that moment.
And since that night I find myself staring at the sky so often, during both daytime and nighttime. Am I a hopeless romantic that waits for his angel to come and get him? Oh yeah, you can bet on it. And I'll wait for him to appear for eternity, if necessary.
* * *
“Bojan, come on!” Shouts Nace, one of my dearest demon friends. “We are late!”
I turn my eyes in his direction. I was staring at the sky, again. As always, no signs of my angel. He will appear, I’m sure of it, but this is not that day. I sigh, then reach Nace and Jure.
“Still looking for that feathered ass?” Jure asks.
“I…yes. I’d like to meet him again.”
“It’s better if you forget him, he will try to kill you again the next time he sees you,” says Jure while looking me in the eyes.
“He’s different. I’m sure of it. He didn’t kill me.”
“No, but he was about to,” replies Nace. “You know better than us that those winged assholes can’t be reasoned with.”
I lower my eyes, aware of the truth behind Nace’s words. We lost so many of our demon friends because of angels. But maybe…maybe he’s not like the other angels. I saw something in his eyes, something different, this sparkle.
With this thought in mind, I followed Nace and Jure to our destination: there’s a concert of a human band we all like, so we decided to go. We enjoy music so much, we also joke about forming a band together and tour together on Earth, among mortals, but that would put too much attention on us. It’s too dangerous. But at least we can enjoy concerts and gigs!
I’m dancing, taken away by the rhythm of the songs, when my gaze meets familiar eyes in the crowd, two amazing blue-green seas. I completely stop, and so does he. The music and every other sound disappears along with the people around me.
We stare at each other for moments that seem to last decades, blue into brown, light into darkness, Heaven into Hell, a perfect but forbidden combination, something that should never exist.
This magic spell breaks when I feel a hand on my shoulder and immediately after a tight grip. I turn and see Nace on my side, who is harshly staring at my angel. Jure appears on my other side.
I turn again towards my angel and I see two other people near him, one of them with dark and long messy hair and a beard, the other one with shorter hair but well combed and a trimmed beard. They are definitely angels. And they know we are demons.
The guy with messy hair steps in our direction, but my angel stops him, raising his hand and using it as a barrier. The dark-haired angel steps back and quickly glances at his friend. No one says a word.
“Bojči, let’s go,” Jure whispers into my ear, then grabs my arm and pulls me away.
I keep looking at my angel until I can no longer see him in the crowd.
In the next weeks Nace and Jure forbid me to go to the surface, but I sneak out. Every other demon could tell that my self-preservation instinct got fried because I want to talk to that angel, at all costs.
I keep looking at the sky, searching for him. Waiting for him to show up. And every single time nothing happens. But I’m stubborn, I won’t give up.
Tonight the sky is clear, stars are shining bright, and there's a small crescent moon. I'm lying on a patch of grass in the middle of nowhere, around me only trees and mountains. 
Suddenly a shadow partially covers the sky above me.
“What are you doing here all alone?”
I startle and stand up immediately, recoiling scared. When I recognise the person in front of me, I wide my eyes and open my mouth in surprise.
“Angel,” I whisper.
It’s dark, but I can sense his piercing blue eyes on me. He’s tall, taller than Jure and Nace too. His cheekbones are prominent, I can for sure cut myself while stroking them. Maybe I’m a masochist, but I want to touch them and feel them under my hands and bleed for him. He’s standing straight, rigid like a soldier, or maybe a general, I can’t tell his celestial rank.
“I repeat, since you seem to not understand my words, what are you doing here all alone?”
Shivers run down my whole body, his voice is…ok, this might sound cheeky, but yes, his voice sounds angelic, a slow caress of a lover on my back down to my waist. 
“I was looking for you.”
“For me?” He’s surprised.
“Yes, for you. I wanted to talk to you, angel.”
Now he’s confused. Well, not every day a demon comes looking for an angel. I go closer to him, moving slowly.
“I’m not armed,” I show him my hands. “You can check on me. This is not a trap.”
His eyes follow every single movement I do, even more carefully when I’m in front of him. I stare at his face, stunned by his beauty. I lift a hand to touch it, but I stop mid-air. No, I can’t touch him, my dirty hands can only ruin his perfection.
“Why do you want to talk to me, exactly?”
“I…I want to know you, angel.”
“I beg your pardon, you want to know…me?”
“Yes,” I nod. “You are amazingly beautiful, angel,” I let slip this comment, without realising. 
I notice a weird red-ish colour on his face. Did I just make him blush? I chuckle, he replies with a shy smile. Oh, he’s so wonderful! That smile almost made me melt on the spot. 
“Would you like to…I don’t know, come grab a coffee or anything else to drink?”
Who said that angels and demons can’t get along well? They must have never met an angel, then.
My angel, whose name is Kris, is a pleasant company. Well, he’s still a little bit rigid, but since that night when we had a couple of drinks together in a bar he became much more open and relaxed and he smiles so much now! Oh, I adore his smile. And his laugh too! 
We started going out together here and there, but every time it happens, my heart almost explodes out of joy. I can’t wait to see him again and again and again. Jure and Nace are worried for me, but I feel safe around Kris. He’s not like the other angels.
Our “dates” are pretty diverse. Sometimes we just hang out in some park or in the middle of wild places; once we sat on a cliff for hours, we talked and we observed the environment, at least Kris, I was too busy looking at him with heart eyes. Some other time we choose a city and we explore it, we can just appear anywhere in the world, a perk of being supernatural creatures!
This night though is special. Tonight I will confess my feelings to Kris. By now we have been seeing each other for some months and I’m completely sure about my love for him. Yes, I, a demon, fell in love with an angel, I’m not afraid of saying it, I want to shout it from the top of a building.
I’m putting on some makeup. I’m in front of the mirror in the bathroom of a small apartment I rented for when I’m roaming around on Earth. Jure and Nace are with me in the room, they are still worried for me.
“Are you sure of what you are about to do?” Nace asks.
“Yes, never been so sure in my long demonic life,” I reply.
“But he’s an angel, Bojči,” Jure whispers. “He’s dangerous. What if he’s playing with you?”
“He’s not, Jurček. I see how he looks at me, he…I think he’s in love with me too,” I glance at him through the mirror. 
“Angels are sly creatures, you can’t trust them,” Jure adds.
“They say the same stuff about us, you know?” 
I smile at my reflection. That black eyeshadow with glitter is perfect for me, my eyes are shining. “I love him, I’m going to tell him this. Tonight will be a special night, nothing can change this.”
We hear the sound of wings in the living room. He’s here.
I almost run in the room, a huge smile appears on my lips when I see him. He’s wearing beige trousers, a shirt with light colours and floral designs and a silver jacket. He’s from Heaven, no one can be mistaken. And his clothes collide with mine: I’m wearing black trousers and a black t-shirt, when we’ll go out I planned to wear a bright red leather jacket. He’s the good boy, I’m the bully, the bad boy.
“You are stunning, ljubavi .”
“You…too, Bojan.”
I notice his eyes passing over me. I turn and I see Jure and Nace.
“Oh, yeah, these are my dearest friends. This is Jure,” and I point to the blonde demon. “And this is Nace,” I move my hand towards the tattooed demon. “They are safe, they won’t hurt you. I ask you to do the same.”
“...fine,” he grants. His eyes turn back to me. I notice hesitation in him.“You put on makeup.” 
“Yes, just for you. Do you like it?”
“You…look good.”
I grab his hand. “I have a surprise for you. Close your eyes and follow me.”
I practically pull Kris to the bathroom, where I make him sit on the edge of the bathtub.
“What are you trying to do, little demon?”
“I told you, it’s a surprise,” I reply while I take the palette I bought the other day. I start putting makeup on his face, I chose a wonderful golden eyeshadow for him. I admire my work.
“You are otherworldly, ljubavi . Open your eyes.”
Kris opens his eyes and looks in the mirror. I observe his reaction: I can read astonishment in his face.
“Gold is your colour. It suits you perfectly.”
“I-It does,” he whispers.
I smile and kiss him on the cheek. “We can go, then. I have other surprises for you, my angel.”
Our first stop is at a wonderful restaurant where we had already eaten so many times because it’s Kris’ favourite. I let him order whatever he wants and then pay for the whole dinner. We talk about many topics, but Kris is weirdly more silent than usual.
“Is everything ok, ljubavi ?” 
“Yeah, sure, don't worry. I…had a rough day in Heaven, that's all.”
I smile fondly at him, then gently grab his hand and slowly stroke its back.
“Now it's time for you to relax, then. Enjoy this night out.”
Our eyes lock. I see him relaxing a bit, the shadow of whatever happened retreating.
Once dinner is finished, we take a long walk into the city centre. It's almost summer, the temperatures are pleasant, so many other humans are around. We blend in, looking like a proper couple, even because we are holding hands.
When we arrive at our final destination of the night, I bring Kris to the top of a building, so we can be alone and closer to the sky, his home.
“Why did you bring me here?” Kris asks.
I shake one hand in the air, around us many candles appear and some slow music starts spreading, embracing us. I turn towards my angel and offer him my hand.
“Would you like to dance with me, Kris?”
He looks at me, confused, but then takes it. I lay my other hand on his waist and smile at him. We start dancing, slowly. My angel is a bit embarrassed, but he tries to follow my lead.
“Just let the music flow over you. Hear it inside of you and allow it to take control over your body,” I whisper to him with a tender voice.
A few seconds later Kris is more relaxed and we are dancing more fluidly, following the rhythm and the melody. I can’t stop smiling while I look at my angel. He’s so beautiful, so ethereal, so perfect. I can see stars reflecting into his eyes, an entire galaxy in which I could lose myself, bewitched by its beauty.
We keep dancing along with the music, but the more we dance, the more I see a shadow coming back in Kris’ eyes, until he leaves my hands and takes two steps back.
“We can’t go on doing this, Bojan.”
“Why not? I don’t understand.”
“Because we can’t! You are a demon, and I’m an angel. We are not supposed to…mingle.”
“We are not mingling, ljubavi . This is a romantic date between two creatures who have feelings for each other.”
I grab the angel's hands and look him in the eyes.
“Kris, I'm not the monster Heaven teaches you to despise. You saw me, you got to know me.”
“You are still a demon, Bojan, no matter how you behave or what you do.”
“And so? What does it change between us?”
“I'm a freaking angel! We are supposed to fight each other, not…doing this, dancing alone like two teenagers in love!”
“Only because we are not human teenagers? Because we come from two different places? Because others tell us that we should hate each other?” I clutch his hands between mine. “You know me,” I repeat. It’s the truth, we have been seeing each other for some months now. I bring one of his hands on my chest, right over my heart. “This heart is yours, ljubavi , and no one else’s.”
“Bojan, this is wrong .”
“Kris, I love you. What's wrong with that?” I feel my heart sink into my chest. “You…don't love me?”
“No, Bojan. I don’t love you. Let’s stop pretending.”
My heart stops beating in that exact moment and I feel my head spin. The ground under my feet is crumbling. I’m falling even if I’m right in front of Kris, my angel. I struggle breathing.
“I-I’m not pretending.”
“Don’t lie, Bojan. You are a demon, all demons do is lie. You know who and what I am, you saw weakness in me because I didn’t kill you that day. You are corrupting me because you want me to lose my wings!”
“I know you are an angel and nothing else! I-I don't want you to lose your wings!” There’s panic in my voice, and maybe it’s showing on my face too. “I’m not lying!”
“You want to bring me to the path of perdition! You want me to fall, just like Lucifer.”
I let Kris' hands go and recoil, stuttering. My heart is clenched, it can’t beat.
“I-I’m not, Kris. I-I don’t want to-”
“Stop lying!” He shouts and his eyes begin shining out of celestial power. “You are a filthy demon. You don’t change, you just want to destroy us.”
I recoil again, scared, I even fall on the ground. I stand up then turn and run away as fast as I can. Tears sting my eyes violently, they want to come out and a few seconds later they manage to do so. My makeup is for sure ruined and dripping down my face. 
I feel like an idiot. I hoped that Kris would be different, but what was I thinking? He's an angel, those creatures are heartless killers when it comes to demons like me. Their hatred for us is blind, almost innate. I just got another proof.
Nace and Jure were right. Angels and demons are not meant to be together. Then why did I, a demon, fall in love with an angel? If we are supposed to be mortal enemies, then why was I destined to lose my reason for a celestial creature that would slaughter me just because I am what I am? Just why? Will I ever get an answer? 
I’ve been locked in my room in a building in Hell for…who knows how much time. I don’t want to see anyone, neither Nace nor Jure. I keep crying, stopping the tears coming out of my eyes is difficult, or dare I say even impossible. My heart is shattered.
Why are demons born with such intense feelings? Why can’t we control them like angels do? Or are we cursed to be dominated by our emotions exactly because angels don’t have them?They teach us that the universe needs balance, so if angels can’t feel, someone else must feel double the time. 
I wrap my body with my arms, trying to look smaller. My tail is out, wrapped around my leg. It’s a pathetic endeavour to not feel so alone and abandoned. 
I wince when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I open my eyes and see Nace sitting by my side. He’s visibly worried.
“Bojči, what happened?”
I sob. “Y-you were right about him. He-he’s a heartless angel, just like anyone else of them,” I stutter, my voice is trembling.
Nace lays on my bed, facing me, then pulls me over to hug me. I plant my face against his chest. I feel his hand running up and down my back.
“Not every angel is heartless.”
“He is, Nace!” I shout, utter despair in my voice. “He is! I showed him my love and he accused me of trying to corrupt him! I-I gave him my whole heart and he laughed at me, he stabbed it with his ice dagger and killed me-” I stop. I can still hear his words in my mind. “H-He called me a filthy demon, Nace. After all I did for him and showed him, I-I’m still a filthy demon to him.”
My friend says nothing, he just stays there and cuddles me, attempting to make me feel a little bit better. 
And since that day I kind of started feeling better. Well, it’s more of a euphemism. Let’s say that I was barely surviving. I came back to my chores as a demon, but now I don’t smile anymore, or very little. I’m quiet. I prefer to stay alone than in the middle of a crowd. With me I have a small notebook in which I write my thoughts, ideas, feelings, and also lyrics. I can’t be a singer in the human world, but no one can stop me from writing what I feel, what I experience. 
This is how I wrote a song about my angel and how I fell in love with him. It has a stupid name too. I can write good songs, but I’m not able to name them. I will find a better one, one day. Hopefully.
“What are you writing in that notebook?” Asks Jure while sitting next to me.
We are in the human world, more precisely in a park. We needed some fresh air and some sunlight. 
“It’s nothing…” I answer.
Jure leans forward to read. “Is this about him?”
I nod. There’s no one else in my mind. I don’t like his presence, he’s haunting me, my mind is working against me. 
“It’s really intense,” Jure whispers. “Do you really love him?”
I nod again. “I know I’m a stupid demon. I should move on, forget him, but I can’t. He doesn’t love me back, he said it,” I sigh. “I’m just hoping to forget him as soon as possible. Maybe writing this stuff will help me process this stupid feeling.”
“Love isn’t stupid!”
“My love is absolutely stupid. An angel, Jurček! I’m a freaking demon and I fell in love with an angel.”
“You are not the first one.”
“Yeah, and how many of them survived? Are they here to tell their love story? No, Jurček, because angels killed them. I’m lucky I’m still alive.”
Jure pushes me with his shoulder. “Don’t lose hope, Bojči. There’s always time to change.”
I look at him. I don’t believe his words. Months have passed since my last moment with my angel, his shiny eyes are still impressed in my mind. He was about to kill me that night. 
No, he won’t change. Kris is an angel, full stop. He’s born to despise demons like me. I just need to accept that, but it will take time.
Is this despair that is guiding my actions? Possibly. Will I regret my decisions? Almost certainly. But if I can’t be with my angel, then I’d rather be dead, maybe slaughtered by him directly. That would be pretty ironic, wouldn’t it? A demon executed by the angel he’s fallen in love with. There’s poetry behind all of this. Maybe demons will use me as an example to the younglings to warn them to not fall in love with angels if they want to live.
I tried to forget him, move on, but every time I close my eyes, I see him. He's haunting me. And with him also the lyrics of the song I wrote for him. 
I’m in the middle of an abandoned industrial area. I prepared an amplifier with a microphone and a computer. I recorded some music for my song and I will perform it for the first (and last) time here, hoping that my angel is listening to me and will come to…I don’t know, to do anything. I’m ready for whatever he will decide to do to me. Included death.
I test the volume and the music. Everything sounds good, so I play the music and I start singing, looking directly at the sky.
“ Stolicu primakni, ruku mi dotakni, noćas ti si moja muza, ja u ritmu tvoga bluza ću da plešem bez prestanka .”
Nothing. The sky is blue, there’s not a single cloud, not a single sign of feathered wings. I continue singing.
“ Soba nam je mala. Ja ko pijana budala, a ni čaše nisam popio. Ja mislim da sam se zaljubio u tebe. Baš ja, koji nisam verovao da za nekim biću lud. Za tebe, kao u pesmama i filmovima ljubavnim, staviću zvuk .”
Still nothing. But I won’t lose hope, I will keep singing for him. He will show up, eventually. I just need a sign, Kris, please, I’m begging you.
“ Samo se okreni, baci pogled prema meni. Preći će tišina sama kilometre među nama dok jednom srce otkuca .”
Now it’s again time for the refrain. Some tears started running down my face, but I continue singing, I must, even if he won’t appear. I need to take these feelings out of my heart or it will explode. Maybe it will be my heart to kill me and not my angel.
“ Soba nam je mala. Ja ko pijana budala, a ni čaše nisam popio. Ja mislim da sam se zaljubio u tebe. Baš ja, koji nisam verovao da za nekim biću lud. Za tebe, kao u pesmama i filmovima ljubavnim, staviću zvuk .”
I see something in the sky, then the clear sound of wings hits me. I lower my eyes and I find Kris right in front of me. I see his three pairs of wings. A seraph, I should have guessed. Of course, I fell in love with one of the most powerful angels in the sky. When I do something, it’s always something big or I’m not happy with the result.
I kneel in front of him. Now I’ll sing the last part of my song.
“ Ne palite još svetla, još samo jedan tren da se nagledam lepote te. Ne palite još svetla. Ne prizivajte dan. Spasite me, smislite neki plan. Ako svane sunce, ostaću sam .”
The music stops. I’m looking at my angel, finally here for me. I’m breathing deeply, my heart is racing in my chest. My hand that’s holding the microphone is shaking. I’m afraid of what might happen, but at the same time I’m relieved. 
“You came,” I whisper.
“You called.”
Silence falls again between us. Kris slowly approaches, his facial expression is cold, hiding every emotion. I have pure angelic power in front of me, a deadly machine trained to kill my kind, and I’m looking at him in adoration.
“You know I should kill you right now because you are on Earth and not in Hell, right?”
“Then do it. I won’t fight, I won’t run away. If I can’t be with you, I’d rather be dead.”
Kris averts his eyes and presses his lips together, then talks. 
“You are an idiot, Bojan.”
“Yeah, I know, ljubavi . Love made me lose my mind in a way I didn’t think possible.”
“You said that in the song.”
I chuckle. “Maybe it’s just one of the many flaws that make us demons so imperfect in front of you angels. I was so unlucky to fall in love with you, but I don’t consider myself unlucky. I had the best moments of my life with you, I don’t want to change this for anything else in this world, not even a place in Heaven, if this means that I will lose my ability to love so strongly.”
I let the microphone fall on the ground and grab Kris’ sword, he has it in his hand, then I lay his sharp point right on my heart.
“You are here for this, no? Killing another impure soul that doesn’t follow the rules.”
Kris looks at me, finally. I smile, those eyes are so cold and so beautiful at the same time.
“Don’t make me do this, Bojan.”
“It’s ok, ljubavi . It’s ok. It’s…it’s your nature, you have been trained to do this your whole life.”
My voice trembles with emotions. Tears keep running down my face. No, I realise I’m not ready to die. I want to live, to be with him, but I know I can’t. It’s not allowed.
I feel the point of his sword pressed against my chest. In a few seconds it will reach my heart, and it will stop beating. I close my eyes.
But nothing happens. I’m still here, alive, breathing. I hear a metal sound against the ground, then two hands cup my face and I feel warm and soft lips pressed on mine.I open wide my eyes. Kris is kneeling on the ground in front of me and he’s kissing me.
I close my eyes again. I kiss him back, desperate to feel him, to make him feel my love through that act. I gently grab his wrists. 
When we interrupt the kiss, I touch Kris’ forehead with mine. I keep my eyes closed, trying to process what just happened.  
“Please, let it be real,” I whisper, without even realising it. “Please, please, let it be real.”
Kris chuckles. “It’s real, Bojan.”
I open my eyes and part a bit from him, just to look him in the eyes. “Real-real kind of way or…real-I’m-in-some-sort-of-Heaven-for-demons-because-I’m-dead kind of way?” I ask.
My angel gently strokes my cheeks, then leans forward to kiss me again. 
“This kind of way, my little demon,” he whispers against my lips. I shiver thanks to that lovely nickname. I hate being called little because it reminds me of my lack of height, but I’d let Kris call me whatever he wants, just to hear his voice again and again.
“I’m your little demon, then?”
Kris nods while looking me in the eyes. He caresses my lower lip with his thumb. His touch is so gentle, shivers run down my spine again.
“What made you change your mind?”
“Your song. I had feelings for you, they developed pretty early, but I…wasn’t acknowledging their existence because I never had the chance to fall in love with someone.”
I jump on Kris to hug him, sending us both falling to the ground, so I end up on top of him. I burst out laughing.
“Well, now you have someone right here.”
My tail appears behind me and shakes in the air, showing my happiness. I kiss him on the cheek, then giggle when I see him blushing. A couple of tears run down my face, but this time they are out of pure and simple joy.
* * *
I've been a demon my whole life. I grew up fearing angels, but nothing could have prepared me for what fate had planned for me. I fell in love with Kris, an angel, a seraph. Our relationship began with the worst scenario possible, with him trying to kill me. And yeah, I might be dumb, because I fell in love with him in that moment, but now we are happy together. And I wouldn’t change a thing about us.
Heaven and Hell finally united thanks to the love between an angel and a demon.
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the-travelling-witch · 11 months
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summary: zhongli and his lover take a walk around liyue harbour
pairing: zhongli x gn!reader
warnings: angst, no comfort?, mention of death
genshin impact masterlist
can be read as a continuation of a million miles away
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The ocean air carried the scent of salt into the streets of Liyue Harbour as cries of seagulls mixed with the chatter of the people perusing the assortment of wares to be bought. Street vendors were enticing potential customers to try their delicious dishes and children were weaving through the crowds while their parents frantically called for them to slow down.
Your bright laughter, clear as a bell, filled his ears and warmed his heart, the turn of his head as welcome as it was reflexive. Even against the bright displays of the shops, you shone much more radiantly with the sun illuminating your skin, highlighting the curl of your lips and the crinkles forming around your eyes with your amusement. It was a sight Zhongli would never tire of.
And then you turned your head towards him, eyes finding his and speaking of a love a thousand poems could not put into words. The former archon was certain he would never grow accustomed to the way your gaze mirrored the affection he felt for you, not if the irregular beating of his heart was any indicator.
As you intertwined your hand with his, Zhongli could feel the pressure of your wedding ring through the material of his glove and it made him starkly aware of the metal resting against his left ring finger. The thought brought him a sense of comfort, reminding him of the day you swore your oaths to one another and the home you shared, how his existence on this mortal plane finally had a true purpose anchoring him there.
Passing by Bubu Pharmacy on your way to Yujin Terrace, the quiet whisper of the ponds enveloped you both in tranquillity as you left the bustle of Feiyun Slope behind you. Instead of street food, the scent of silk flowers and glaze lilies accompanied the slow descent of the sun, whereas Zhongli and you ascended the flight of stairs as if to meet it on its endless journey.
With his arms resting on the parapet overlooking the Harbour, he had a magnificent view of Chihu Rock being dipped into the amber colour of dusk as the vivid foliage of the sandbearer trees lining the streets seemed to glow from within. Even the vastness of the ocean didn’t go untouched as it stretched on endlessly and waves of liquid ruby crashed against the docks of the city.
Over his long life, Zhongli had seen great a many sunsets and sunrises, yet, ever since coming up here with you, he found himself far more fond of them than before. Instead of regarding nature’s artistry with Liyue as its canvas, he watched as the last rays of the day painted your face in golden light, speckling your eyes with bursts of colour one would only notice on closer inspection. A privilege only he had the honour of enjoying.
“Still coming here, I see?” A familiar voice broke the silence settling over Yujing Terrace. He needn’t even tear his eyes from the scenery to know who had stepped next to him.
“Habits are hard to break once they have formed. Especially for beings like us,” he mused. “Is it not so, Streetward Rambler?”
“I’m well aware, Rex Lapis,” the woman chuckled. The light-heartedness, however, was short-lived as his old friend sighed, clearly wanting to say something. “It has been quite a while though. As someone who has known you for much longer than most, I cannot help but worry.”
“I appreciate your genuine concern.” Finger slipping under the collar of his coat, Zhongli pulled out a delicate necklace which he cannot remember ever taking off. On it dangled the wedding band matching his, twinkling in the light of the evening. Gently taking hold of it, he pressed the metal against his lips; when he closed his eyes, he could trick himself into believing the warmth it radiated still came from you, not himself. “Yet there is nothing you need to be concerned about.”
“It is said that the God of Contracts had an impressive memory, able to recall the face of every person he met,” he began. “Though, I am not sure whether this is a blessing or a curse. From their laughter to the feel of their hand in mine… I can so vividly picture these scenes, the memories seem to take on a life of their own. This way, even from wherever they are now, they still manage to stir these emotions within me. On days such as this, it is easy to foolishly extend my hand into the golden sunlight as I see them return to me.”
Watching the former archon grasp the aureate ring within his palm, the adeptus next to him reached out to put her hand on his arm in a hopefully soothing gesture. “I am very sorry. Although farewells are never easy, losing the person you cherished most leaves us feeling more forlorn than anything.”
“Even if I tried, I do not think it possible for them to leave me. Not when birds sing the melody of their laughter and afternoon tea is the temperature of their embrace.” Slowly, the glow of the sun dimmed and dwindled from sight. “No, it is the nights devoid of this golden warmth which are the loneliest of them all.”
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© the-travelling-witch 2023 - do not repost, translate, copy or edit
if you like my content, reblogs, comments and asks are always much appreciated ♡
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ironwhoore · 2 years
hiya! I don’t know if you’re still up for writing? but if you are I have this one request with eddie x reader
in which they’re best friends (in love with each other) and reader and him are polar opposites? And that’s exactly why he likes her but one day a new student shows up and is an exact copy of eddie (metalhead and all) and they start spending more time together than eddie and reader? and well things are a bit angsty but it all ends with fluff?
yes this is really cute and im always up for writing eddie fluff 😩
summary: you've had feelings for your best friend for a bit but when he starts hanging out with another girl and drifting away from you, you don't know if he even wants to hang out with you anymore. (also i added chrissy, eddie, and reader as a friend trio because we were robbed of the eddie and chrissy dynamic)
warnings: jealousy??? (idk if that needs a warning but there you go)
pairings: eddie munson x jealous!reader
"but eddieeeeeeeeeeee!" you whine, you've been trying to coerce him into letting you try some of the 'special k' that your guys' best friend chrissy said made her chill out quite a bit,
"no! you get high as fuck after like 2 hits of a joint! this shit will make you feel like you're in a different plane of existence!"
"you gave some to chris!"
"she told you about that? ugghh she can't be going around telling people that i sell ketamine!" he groans,
"eddie all three of us are best friends she's gonna tell me you gave her ketamine. oh and here's a golden idea, maybe you shouldn't be selling ketamine?" you say with an obvious tone,
"i have to make money somehow!"
"eddieee pleaaaseeeeeeeee?" you look at him with puppy dog eyes, "i'll pay double for it even!"
"i am not giving you ketamine."
"chrissy said it helped her a lot and that she wants some more!"
"if chrissy finished that bag already she needs a lot of help," eddie jokes, "look, we have movie night tomorrow right? ask if she'll bring what she has left and we will all have some. because i am not dealing with you high as fuck alone."
"ugh whatever edward." you pout,
"pouting doesn't work with me, sweetheart. you can have some tomorrow."
you rode to school with chrissy ranting about how excited you were for movie night, she couldn't believe eddie was actually letting you have some ketamine, but she wanted to see what your reaction would be.
when you two pulled into the school parking lot you jumped out of the car excited to bug eddie, so you grab chrissy by the arm and drag her into the cafeteria where he usually sat with hellfire before classes started. eddie was there with hellfire, but there was a girl who sat to his left, laughing. in the spot you usually sat in. you look over at chrissy, "who's that?" jealousy blooming through your veins, you shouldn't be jealous because you and eddie were just friends. but you've had feelings for him ever since last year, and this girl was a complete match for him. black sabbath t-shirt and tattoos.
"uhh i dont know, maybe she's new."
you both walk over to the table "hey eds!" you sit in the chair on his right.
"hey y/n! this is adelaide!" eddie introduces you to the girl and she puts her hand out which you reluctantly shake,
"hey adelaide." you grit out, and you notice the venom in your words was noticeable as the girl and everyone else's faces drop.
"you alright?" chrissy asks,
you turn to her and form a tight lipped smile, "mhm," you hum, "i'm good. golden!" your jaw clenches in jealously, this goes unnoticed by you but chrissy notices and grabs your arm muttering a quick ‘excuse us for a second’ pulling you aside,
“what’s up?” she asks,
“you look like you’re going to jump across eddie and murder adelaide, what’s wrong?”
“nothing.” you grit out,
chrissy quirks and eyebrow at you, you’re a bad liar.
“i’m just jealous.” you mumble,
“y/n, eddie just met adelaide you don’t need to worry about her, i guarantee she’s nothing to worry about.” she tries to soothe, which makes you feel a little bit better. eddie just met this girl so there was really no reason to be so jealous.
“yeah okay.”
you went back to the table and conversation flew by and it was time to get to first period, which went with you eyeing eddie down the whole time. which led to the predicament you got yourself into in 4th period, he grabbed your arm and dragged you to the janitors closet,
“what the hell is your problem y/n?”
“excuse me?” you say taken aback, what was your problem? “eddie you were practically making heart eyes towards that new adelaide chick at breakfast today!”
his mouth adopts a bit of a smirk, “okay? why do you care?”
“don’t fucking smirk at me like that!” god he was so hot annoying, “i don’t care eddie,” lie. i really don’t i just-it’s just you can’t-“ you start stammering trying to find a valid reason to be so upset with him,
“if you can’t find the reason you’re pissed at me and tell me by the end of today i’m not coming to movie night.” he says sternly, well that was one way for you to find the courage to tell him what was wrong. he storms out of the closet leaving you alone.
the next time you see him was in the hallways with adelaide at his hip. then you see him at lunch and he was sitting with adelaide again. she was in your spot. her hands are all over him, she literally just fucking met him. that’s the part that pissed you off the most, she just met him and she’s all handsy.
you walk up to the table and clear your throat, “hey eddie sorry to bother you right now since you’re uh-“ you look over to adelaide who’s rubbing her hands down his chest, “can i talk to you?” you grit out, “alone?”
“i’m bus-“ he’s trying to get a reaction out of you, that son of a bitch.
“now.” you say without thinking, “it’s important.”
“mhmmm yeah one second-“ you glare at him to which he rolls his eyes and stands from his seat and follows you into the janitors closet you two were in earlier,
“what’s up?” he asks,
“edward munson i sweartogod why are you letting her all over you?”
“why do you care y/n? you can’t get mad at me for simply hanging out with her.” he’s teasing you now. just trying to piss you off at this point, you know it.
“y’know what eddie? i was gonna tell you what my ‘problem’ was but if you’re gonna be a dick i’m not saying anything don’t even fucking bother coming tonight.”
to this his face grows serious, he thought you were a bit jealous but you seem pissed,
“hey i was just joking what’s up y/n?”
“i just- ohmygod eddie i-“ you didn’t think he would actually stay in here he’s usually stubborn as hell, “eddie i don’t know why but i don’t like seeing her all over you like that, it-it drives me fucking crazy.”
he’s smirking fully now and you wanna slap that smug look off his face but you keep talking,
“i think it’s because i wanted it to be me.” you say the last part quietly,
“because what?”
“it’s because i want it to be me!” you say loudly looking down at your feet, “i want to be right next to you in the hallways and i want to have more things in common with you, i mean she’s literally just like you eds!“ his face softens at the nickname, “and-and we barely have anything in common! so you’re probably bored of me and-“
“bored of you?” he says,
“yeah.” you look up at him,
“why would i get bored of you? you’re amazing and sweet and you’re gorgeous. yeah we don’t have much in common but that doesn’t mean i’d just up and leave because i met someone who likes the same shit as me.”
“you think i’m pretty?” you tease,
he grabs your chin and his face gets close to yours, “the prettiest.”
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besthimbomachine · 1 year
my love when it counted . masterlist
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this thing is getting so big that I think it deserves its own masterlist for an easier navigation, here you'll have chapter with their own summaries and warnings if needed. this is reachable through the general masterlist by clicking on the link in the my love when it counted title
my love when it counted
When Kenny’s ex girlfriend is hired to work at AEW he is forced to face his mistakes, his feelings, and the mess he’d made of something he once treasured. Trying to fix a bridge he burnt and show he’d become a better person, even if you wouldn’t forgive him for it.
(there was no abuse, violence, or cheating in their previous relationship)
chapter 01
When Kenny’s ex girlfriend is hired to work at AEW he is forced to face his mistakes, his feelings, and the mess he’d made of something he once treasured. Not an easy thing, but pretending each other don’t exist in some backstage cold war really wasn’t going to help. warning: light angst // wordcount: 3.3k
chapter 02
Kenny accepts he has to try and make amends, and with Matt’s help he finally manages to talk to you. But feelings are complex, words often not doing them justice, and things are usually far more complicated in reality than they are on paper. warning: heavy angst // wordcount: 6.7k
chapter 03
When Kenny returns home after his failed apology, he tries to keep himself busy with random tasks to keep the pain at bay. However, when looking through his things one day he finds something he should have left buried, and it sparks a fire in him that he knows he shouldn’t feed. warning: smut with very little angst by the end // wordcount: 3.9k
chapter 04
The company Christmas party rolls around and when Kenny sees you with a certain cowboy by your side, he can’t stop the jealousy from burning within him. Returning to his usual plan, he tries to avoid you, but can’t keep his eyes from going back to your form. However, just as he is about to leave, something else happens that shakes his night completely. warning: drunkenness and very light angst // wordcount: 8.3k
chapter 05
After the party, Kenny makes the drive back to your hotel, but on the way there a mistake on your part shifts the situation. With no other place to go, you end up having to spend the night at his place as he tries his best to help you with your injuried ankle. warning: drunkenness, light angst, very brief description of a swollen ankle // wordcount: 6.7k
chapter 06
In the morning after the party, both Kenny and you have to deal with the fallout of hat happened the previous night. Through the confusion of all that happened, fate opens a door for Kenny, and he knows it might be his only chance to properly apologize for the things he did. As if this wasn't tense enough, the situation forces him into a heavy realization. warning: some angst // wordcount: 8.6k
chapter 07
With the approach of Wrestle Kingdom and his match with Ospreay, Kenny has to deal with both his feelings for you and his fears that his glory days may have come to an end. However, when he is leaving to Japan, he gets a big surprise as he sees you on the same plane as him. It just so happens that you too were going to Wrestle Kingdom. warning: angst, mentions of blood, general wrestling violence and post match wounds // wordcount: 8.4k
chapter 08
After New Year Dash, Kenny goes to the NJPW staff party, the same one Mercedes was taking you to as her guest. The night starts of well enough only for his fears and anxieties to come crashing back into him when he spots Will Ospreay flirting with you. Though, not all things are as they seem and the night still had more in store for him. warning: slight angst, heavy drinking // wordcount: 8.4k
chapter 09
With Wrestle Kingdom done both you and Kenny return to your daily lives. Now no longer in a cold war with each other backstage you both grow closer, becoming friends getting used to each other’s presence as part of your routines. So, when Kenny’s injuries flare back up, forcing him out of the ring again, you use a match close to his home as your chance to drop by for a visit. warning: very slight angst, smut // wordcount: 8.4k
chapter 10
When you showed up at his house to see him, Kenny didn't expect for you to stay the night, let alone for a simple visit to turn into something more. But you gave him an opportunity, and he couldn't dare turn it down. So he ends the night with you in his arms, sharing a moment he could only dream of for the past few years. Even if it would last just this one night, even if it would be gone by daylight, he still chose to take this chance. Any later pain would be worth the pleasure. warning: smut, no angst this time // wordcount: 7.6k
chapter 11
Things settle into a weird new normalcy between you and Kenny, one he isn't fully happy with, but is still too much of a coward to back out of. So he just lets it continue, and tries to enjoy what time he has with you. Though, one day, while watching one of your matches, he is forced into a heavy revelation. One that only grows heavier when you get hurt, and he goes to visit you at your home for the first time. warning: blood, vague descriptions of violence, smut, angst // wordcount: 8.1k
sponsored by: @xladyxfatex @wanderbreadsworld @madds-97 @morgan-bucks @tahiri-veyla @slut4kennyomega @of-twilight-and-moonshadow @himbos-hotline @moondust-imagines @madqueenpartna @adriswrld
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
Maybe Baby - Joe Velasco x Reader
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Tagging: @houseofstratton @plaidbooks @misscharlielulu @witches-unruly-heart @shay-o-fiction @kimm4710 @ednastvincent @storiesofsvu @magic-multicolored-miracle @rosaliedepp @cycat4077 @crazy4chickennuggets @cixrosie @202rosebudd @im-just-a-mississippi-girl​   @themisunderstoodblackswan @mysoulisasunflower @kabloswrld @xoxabs88xox @sideeye123 @legit9thlunaticwarrior @mydarkestsecretlol @bbyxoo @the-adzukibean
It was two in the morning when you finally crept into bed alongside of Joe wearing nothing but a black vest top and matching boy boxers. You were exhausted, all you wanted to do was curl up next to him and sleep the rest of the night away.
The past twelve hours felt like they had been the longest in your life. When your best friend had gone into labour a couple of weeks early, you had been there in lieu of her husband who was stuck in Toronto. The baby had been delivered a few hours ago, mother and son, healthy and happy, it was everything you could have wished for.  
Joe was lying on his stomach when you slipped underneath the sheets. His face was buried in your pillow, his arm clasping it to his chest. He was completely naked except for the clinging blue boxer shorts that hugged his ass just right. You reached out, your fingertips trailing lightly across the scars embedded in his flesh. White rivets carved into his skin from the nights his father had taken a belt to his back. You had kissed every single one of them. This man was yours and you loved every single part of him.
Joe was already stirring; he didn't sleep well when you were absent from his bed. He reached out for you, his muscular arm wrapping around your waist and drawing you into the shelter of his inviting form. He buried his face in the curve of your throat, his stubble grazing along your sensitive skin as his lips ghosted up along the line of your jaw. His feet rubbed along your dainty ones in attempt to heat them. Your legs entwined with his as you settled into the embrace.
"They ok?" he murmured.
You sighed at the gentle press of his lips against your skin. Your fingertips chased over the planes of Joe’s chest before you placed your palm over the white splatter shaped scar on his abdomen.
"Donnie made it to the hospital as I was leaving." You told him as your fingers traced the shape of his athletic form.
"You want one." Joe uttered, his nose trailing along yours so that you were staring into each other's eyes, your lips inches apart.
"Jose..." You pleaded as you gazed into his knowing green eyes.
"Baby." Joe returned, using his thumb to smooth away a stray strand of hair away from your cheek. "I know you and I can feel how much it hurts."
"I thought I'd come to terms with it." You admitted quietly, your delicate hands cupping his cheeks. "But seeing the way the two of them were with that baby..."
He knew how that could twist someone up inside, how much it could damage someone's psyche. To hide something as important as this, Joe always believed in honesty even if it came at a cost.
"I'm sorry." You whispered into the darkness.
"You’re not the only one that wants it." Joe reassured you, his lips kissing your closed eyelids with a softness he reserved only for you. "Maybe it’ll happen for us.”
"I don't know how long I can wait." You told him quietly. "I have this feeling deep down inside as if I'm waiting for something and I just can't place what it is. It feels like something's missing."
"I feel it too, it's like all the pieces are in the right place but there's this gap right here..." Joe uttered, using his fingertip to circle the place where your heart resided.
"God, we're so broody." You found yourself smiling. "The first sight of a new baby and this is what we end up talking about."
"It's good to get these things out in the open." Joe told you before he stole a long, sweet kiss from your mouth. "Besides it doesn't mean we can't practice."
Love Joe Velasco? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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siempre-bucky · 2 years
golden barn lights
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Reader
summary: After your elopement, you and Jake head to Texas for his family's ranch party. You keep your relationship a secret, not wanting to steal his mom's thunder, but Jake finally gets you alone for a dance outside.
wc: 2.2k
an: wow, look at me not giving jake daddy issues....enjoy.
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Jake was thankful for the traffic on the dirt road that led to his family’s ranch. His hand rested on your thigh, his fingers tapping along to the Patsy Cline song coming from the speakers, emerald colored eyes flashing between the car in front of him and the changing colors of the trees. The traffic meant more alone time with you, delaying the arrival of the town’s prodigal children.  
“You have a pretty voice,” you said warmly, your head resting against the glass. You watched the fall colored leaves fall from the trees that blocked the golden sun, smiling to yourself as a rust toned leaf got stuck in the window. 
His pink lips upturned in a genuine smile, you always knew by the soft lines that formed around his mouth. You turned your head to look at him, and just as you figured, a soft pink blush dusted his cheeks. “You did that on purpose, darlin’,” he groaned, his eyes catching your smug grin. 
“I suppose,” you responded nonchalantly, the smirk you wore told something different. Jake grimaced as the long line of cars started to move. Shifting in your seat, you moved his hand off your thigh and intertwined your fingers. Goosebumps formed on his arm as the cold gemstone of your engagement ring grazed the bare skin of his finger. All you could do was smile and place loving kisses on his knuckles. 
Every year, for a few weeks in October, the Seresin Ranch would open its large iron gates to the public. The pumpkin patch and hayrides were something out of a cheesy romcom, and Nora Seresin ate it up. She made sure the grand opening night would be over the top as soon as she found out her beloved son would be coming home just in time, his best friend right beside him. He recalled something about a new fall themed garden from one of their phone calls. The town was buzzing as soon as word spread. 
Oh if only the town knew. 
“Ready?” Jake asked as he finally pulled into the garage, the truck’s engine a soft rumble. 
The solemness in his features didn’t go unnoticed, and neither did yours. His gaze was trained on the silver band that wrapped around his ring finger. “I’m not ready to take it off,” you matched his glum tone, looking at the slender silver wedding band on yours. 
It was a couple of weeks of bliss; Jake running from his plane, wrapping you in his arms, and begged you to marry him after the almost suicide mission. At first, you thought it was the adrenaline and the cheering crowd on the carrier that boosted his ego, but then he pulled out a ring when the moon took its place in the sky. With phones turned off and lips sworn to a temporary secret, you and Jake shared promises and a loving kiss in a quaint courthouse. 
Jake removed your rings and you removed his before he placed them carefully in the glove compartment. “We’ll tell them tomorrow,” he repeated his promise as the two of you exited the truck. You smoothed down your sundress (you praised mother nature for the perfect Texas fall weather) giving Jake enough time to round the vehicle and guide you to the barn across the path. 
“When my family comes over for breakfast,” you added, smiling at the people happily roaming the ranch. 
“Ma will kill me if I ruin her moment,” he chuckled. It was common knowledge that no Seresin liked their thunder stolen, and what a doozy would it be to announce the elopement of childhood friends. 
Jake’s hand itched at his side as you two walked, his fingers twitching at the feeling of your empty hand next to him. He’d grown accustomed to having you close, fate being an unlikely friend and placing you beside him at every point in your Navy career. He’d always known you, it was hard not to in such a small Texas town. Typically, the whole town would cheer for a pair of best friends falling in love, mothers would roll their eyes and shake their heads while fathers would playfully place bets—it never happened to the two of you. No bets, no playful remarks, surely it came out of nowhere like Jake’s plane emerging from the clouds to save Rooster and Maverick’s lives. 
The large red barn came into view, golden light pouring from the open doors and windows, lively country music coming from the band inside. “Save me a dance?” you asked him playfully as you spotted your parents speaking with his own. 
He grinned and shot you a wink, “Sure, baby.” 
It didn’t take long for a pair of joyous squeals to ring out. You and Jake stood in front of the doors for a whole two seconds before your mothers hugged you and squeezed the daylights out of you. “Hi, mom,” you managed to get out, patting her back. 
“Son,” Jacob Seresin Sr. laughed pridefully, clapping a large hand on Jake’s shoulder. “Good to see you back. I’m proud of you son.” A warmth spread through him, his heart probably couldn’t feel fuller in that moment. His wife wrapped in the arms of his beloved mother, his father speaking about him in such high regard to everyone that would listen—he took a moment to soak it in. He’d lie if anyone asked why his eyes were glossy. 
“Sweetheart, I’m so happy you’re here,” your mother cooed, cupping your face to check for cuts and bruises. 
“Me too, mama,” you giggled, playfully shaking your head to get out of her motherly grasp. 
“Enjoy the event, kids,” Jacob chimed in, raising his amber colored bottle in the air and pointing in the direction of the interior. 
Jake was about to pour out a string of compliments of the event, but then an older woman rushed over; rushing as much as she could for a frail eighty year old woman. She looped a veiny arm around Jake’s and dragged him with a surprising amount of force, muttering something about spiked punch and her granddaughter. He looked back at you with a dramatic pleading face, making you giggle and bite down on your lip to prevent a wide grin. 
Much to your and Jake’s disappointment, that was the last time you interacted the entire evening; whisked away by military veterans dying for a good mission story and older women trying to set you up with their sons and daughters. The band’s country music reverberated off the walls, you smiled, and the mix of elegance and coziness that Jake’s mom was able to achieve. 
You were having your ear talked off by some of your old high school girlfriends, gushing about recent engagements and promotions. Their words sounded fuzzy, your attention was set on the corner of the room which was occupied by a few guys in flannel. Normally that corner was home to loose hay covering the floor; Jake kissed you there for the first time when you were younger, a few days away from leaving for flight school. He threw you into the hay, and you grabbed his wrist to pull him down on top of you. You managed to recall every shade of green and fleck of gold in his irises as he looked at you longingly until they became blurry from how close he got. Your lips still managed to tingle in remembrance. 
He’s alone, you thought happily as you caught his stare, his eyebrows raised hopefully. You uttered a lame excuse and started to cross the large floor to him. The blond started to rise from his seat, ready to give you that dance. An older woman patted your arm, pivoting your direction as she guided you. 
Jake sat back down. 
You shrugged and weakly smiled. 
The dances continued, and the same stories began to shift and change as exhaustion set in. You and Jake almost gave up in trying to find each other after the fourth line dance. His patience wore thin when he reached for your hand but was grabbed by another, and that string almost snapped when the lady with hair as high as the heavens said her daughter was single. Doin’ this for ma, he thought bitterly to himself with clenched fists and gritted teeth.  
There was an ocean of people between you, the opposite walls of the barn holding the two of you up. His eyes locked with yours and your body began to relax. He motioned his head towards the back door, a small smirk on his handsome features. Eagerly nodding your head in response, he walked with urgency towards the wood door. 
Jake finally drew in a breath of relief as darkness covered him like a comfortable blanket. The cold air soothing his lungs, he looked to the sky, breath stolen by brilliant stars. Nothing could compare to the stars in a cloudless Texas sky, not even the ones on a carrier in the middle of the ocean. 
“Jake,” you whispered into the night. His lips immediately turned upward, his gaze looking for you in the dark. He could always pick you out in a crowd and even in the dark; he knew the way you walked, how you held yourself, and your silhouette was something he prided himself on memorizing. 
“You know,” he spoke confidently, making you jump at the volume, “I’ve been waitin’ to get you in my arms all night.” 
He heard you giggle shyly, then he felt your hands press against his chest and slid them down his abs, nails gently dragging along the material. Your hands finally rested on his back, the side of your face pressed in between his defined pecs. “I got three marriage proposals, what about you?” you murmured ss he began to sway from side to side. The same Patsy Cline song he heard from the car now being played by the band, he hummed along before he replied. 
Jake laughed and pressed an amused kiss to the top of your head. “Five. I’m in demand, baby.” 
You shifted in his embrace, worming your arms around his neck and he instinctively gripped your hips. “I have competition,” you joked, looking up. His features were barely visible in the darkness. 
He scoffed jokingly, gently slapping your hips. “Far, far from it. You’re the only one that could get a ring on my finger.” 
“Sap,” you chuckled, rising on your tiptoes to kiss him. Hours without one of his sweet kisses felt like years to you; blame it on the newlywed bliss. His warm hand slid upwards, leaving goosebumps in its wake before he managed to cup the nape of your neck. Your eyes fluttered close, focusing on his touch.
Something illuminated the darkness, making your nose crinkle. Golden lights flickered on, before finally lighting up the space behind the barn. You and Jake’s lips finally parted, still wrapped up in each other's arms as you observed. Fairy lights littered the space, wrapping around large sunflowers and corn stocks while larger lights were hung in the air like a big top tent. Before the fear set in, you thought your husband looked beautiful and he thought the same of you. 
He looked towards the barn, blood turning cold as he saw his mother with her dainty finger on the light switch. Her signature Seresin smirk was displayed proudly, the shake of her head made a heat rush to your face. “Ma-” 
“Save it,” she snickered, waving him off. “I got eyes, son.” 
Jake sheepishly pulled away from you, his fingers twitching. “There’s something we gotta-” 
He was cut off once more, this time by you, “We weren't ready to tell anyone.” He looked down at you in surprise, his lips slightly parted. He was more than ready to tell her about the elopement. 
“Can’t say I’m surprised,” she sighed with a smile, nodding in understanding. “When Jakey came home from his first day of sixth grade talkin’ about a girl in math class. I just knew you were bound to go steady.” 
You and Jake chuckled. “This is still her moment,” you whispered, “We’re not ready for one of her stern talking tos.” 
“Y’all have a nice night,” she winked before going back to the party. 
After a few breaths of relief, Jake took you back in his arms. You hummed at the warmth and nuzzled your face back into his chest, smiling at how fast his heart was racing. "We could have told her," he mumbled. 
"I kinda wanna savor this a little longer." You responded, holding him a little tighter. Jake laughed and put the side of his face on the crown of your head, gently moving you to the music. 
"Till breakfast?" 
"Over your mom's pumpkin pancakes." 
"Married!" Your mother's exclaimed at the same time. The table stood still as you and Jake stood at the head of the table, rings displayed proudly on your hands. Jake caught his father slip your dad a fifty-dollar bill, and you watched your siblings share knowing looks with Jake’s sisters. 
“When did this start?” Your dad asked with a grin. 
“Before flight school,” Jake’s older sister answered. 
“In the barn,” his younger sister added. 
“Y’all needed a better hiding spot,” your sister snickered in between bits of her food. 
Nora got up from the table and held your hand, her free one lovingly stroking Jake’s cheek. “We didn’t wanna ruin the party ma… you know how you get,” Jake said lightly. 
 “I see why you didn’t tell me,” she chuckled. “Welcome to the family, sweetie, officially.”
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acespokerclub · 8 months
Hero sits down on the warm picnic blanket. He can feel the spikes of the grass poking against his back, but he doesn't mind. Kel, Aubrey, Basil, and Sunny run off into the gardens, though Mari remains next to the picnic basket.
"Hey, Hero!" Mari greeted, a large smile across her face. Hero sat up and looked at her. Her beautiful, long black hair draped over her shoulders. Her shining black eyes that carried warmth and love. Her carefully chosen clothes that matched her character perfectly.
"Hey, Mari," Hero said, a smile beginning to form on his face as well. Mari and Hero sat there for a few minutes in silence, watching their younger friends play.
Mari clasped Hero's hand in hers and rested her head on his shoulder. Hero accepted both gestures, a happy, tingly feeling entering all of hid bones.
They weren't exactly dating. Mari's parents, for one, would rather die than let Mari date Hero, anyways. It was more of a standby relationship - waiting for the couple to be accepted.
Hero grinned. "I thought of a pickup line," Hero told Mari. Mari looked up, surprised. Then, she quickly changed her expression to a grin. "If planes were attractive people, you'd be an airport," Hero said. Mari laughed. "Aw, Hero! That's so old fashioned," Mari countered. Hero chuckled and scratched the back of his head.
"I've got a better one," Mari declared. Hero raised an eyebrow. "You think you can beat my ultimate cheesy pickup line?" Hero challenged. Mari nodded and held back a laugh. "What's cookin', good lookin'?" Mari said slyly. Hero laughed. "And you thought my pickup line was cheesy?" Hero thought aloud. Mari snickered.
Mari glanced around, examining their other companions. They were a distance away, most likely not in earshot of the two. Mari turned to Hero calmly. "You want to know what makes me love you?" Mari asked Hero. Hero's face turned bright red. Words didn't come out of his mouth, and there was a sudden thirst for the answer. You could see his eagerness in his eyes, his burning passion for Mari suddenly engulfing his mind.
Mari smiled and gave a kiss to Hero. Hero didn't expect it, but he wasn't complaining. It was short, but it was all Hero needed to crave for more. Mari lifted herself up and joined the others, leaving Hero sitting alone on the picnic blanket.
"Oh, Mari.." Hero sighed, the flushed look he was wearing a second ago flooding away as he stared at the blue sky sleepily.
I Love You, Mari
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blysse-and-blunder · 10 months
in lieu of a bachelorette party
10pm, sunday, aug 6, 2023
we're officially in the period of the summer that has been planned out since months and months ago, in the lead up to some dear friends' wedding; time is telescoping in a very odd way! after traveling the past two weeks, my re-entry was good but hard; i came back from my trip thinking i'd be all revitalized and looking around me with new eyes, which in a way i did, but then i was also pretty wiped. i didn't really want to spend all week hibernating, but i guess it was good to recharge my batteries since i also had five different party/gathering-type things (three this weekend, including the aforementioned bachelorette).
reading can't forget to mention finishing carmen maria machado's in the dreamhouse, which was gripping and devastating and still beautiful somehow. the experience of reading it was so...i couldn't stop once i got started, you know? short fragmented chapters, some funny, some incredibly sad. every once in a while there would be a detail or an allusion to something i could relate to, punctuating the intense surreality / unreality used to talk about the abuse with a sudden concrete reality that was. striking. loved the device of the footnotes, pointing out where certain things are matching up with folklore tropes? as a form of foreshadowing and ironic, devastating commentary? inspired. that's just one detail, but it's one i can sum up.
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abrupt tonal shift and getting back to fantasy / adventure, a.k. larkwood's the unspoken name has been very engaging this week too. part one was...fresh but in a comforting sort of vein, with a young protag escaping a bad fate under the protection of a new mysterious mentor, who then helps her get an education, martial arts training, before he sends her out on a mission--reminded me of half a dozen beloved fantasy novels, with the addition of some fun details! for example, neither is actually described in much detail, but our main character and her mentor are clearly not Human; she has grey skin and tusks (my mind went right to a dnd-style orc?) and he has mobile, elongated ears, which seem to telegraph his emotions much like those in the goblin emperor and was an *immediate* delight to envision. just about a third of the way through this one now; it feels like a locked tomb book with a slightly different magic system, and i'm really enjoying it.
watching plane movies while returning home:
the battle of the sexes (2017) -- entertaining more because i didn't know the history and always enjoy the depiction of historical women's sports and sports teams; emma stone is great but has virtually no chemistry with either of her romantic counterparts, painfully straight energy overall. i was too entertained by watching steve carell and sarah silverman in their respective period hair and makeup . kudos to whoever was the tennis stunt doubles, it was legitimately fun to try and follow the games.
banshees of inisherin (2022) -- people who talk about the overdone stereotyped blarney-filled hollywood depiction of ireland in this one are missing the fact that it's an intentional (ironic?) depiction; see, the imprecision when it comes to year/time passing / calendars and whatnot. sort of waiting for godot-y in its heightened reality / absurdity. my lukewarm take is that it was definitely meant to be a play, and would have worked a lot better that way. not sure i'll watch it again, not sure i *got* it, but it will certainly live in my brain rent-free.
finished strange world (2022) as a palate cleanser-- i wanted to support it, the box office and overall reception to this was pretty disappointing but it's fine! like it's a cute kids' movie! you know, disney's first gay character, thinly veiled climate analogy lesson, absolutely gorgeous animation and colors, what's not to love.
the first three episodes of season 1 of the white lotus . hypnotizing like a train wreck, but i'll wait until i've seen more of it to give a real write-up.
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listening you ever watch a viral video and then realize you're captivated by both the cute videos of people dancing and the soundtrack? (and recognizing the background scenery, and it turns out i was right!!) anyway i went and found these two tracks courtesy of just this experience, so thanks to youtuber thoraya i guess?
UPDATE: saw hadestown live today!!! the original broadway recording didn't prepare me for how much i would love it, how dynamic and captivating the live band and incredible ensemble would be-- and of course i was crying almost immediately, and was clutching my chest during 'wait for me' both times. but then again, the performance i saw didn't include this one instrumental track i love and had on my semester playlist all spring, so here:
playing finally got the cut-scene celebrating my community center completion in stardew, hell yeah. had two great dnd sessions; one campaign successfully defeated a monstrously-oversized jaguar and decided which faction we're going to attempt to win over first, while the other group went shopping and spent some downtime at base and gathering info on some individual plots! napoleon did exist in this world and was a gnome, and our organization assassinated him apparently??, also this just feels like a good time to mention that their resume also includes '1841 – Controlled controversy riots when “Dinosaurs” suggested as a creature alongside and separate from “Dragons” ', which sent us into absolute hysterics when the DM shared that.
making it's summer, so i crowdsourced a ratatouille recipe and could not have been happier with the outcome. saving it here for posterity!
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working on i was very diligent with RA work this week, since it feels like i always neglect it over the summer for absolutely no reason, especially since it like. pays me. but i also have been using it as productive procrastination since i'm actively dragging my heels in sending the last few students their essay feedback and grade breakdowns from the summer course. it means confronting my judgments and math and possible mistakes from earlier in july, and trying to either defend or amend them as necessary, and i just have been. napping rather than actually do it. which is silly, and also stupid since i have actual work to be doing! just get this over with, and you can be free!
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