#i love u blurr...
starheavenly · 4 months
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Just got back from Vacation. I was drawing a lot of Blurr in my sketchbook so I decided to do a rendered piece!
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peachesfrompluto · 5 months
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"First of all, the name's not 'Zippy'!"
present for my dear friend of their human design of Blurr (TFA) 💙
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bumbleblurr · 2 years
I gotta hold myself accountable to when I'm making content that's not really based on canon at all, so I remain self aware & whatnot, but I still occasionally think things like "but blurr should be arcee's number one fan 🥺.... bc i said so........"
#🐝 could you repeat the last part? 🟦#i make a good effort to stay self aware bc i dont want to lost in fanon delusion. i cant let that happen to me#also it would be hypocritical of me to go ''i dislike this fanon it has no basis in canon''#when i also like making up shit if it's interesting#so i make it clear that im just picky abt hcs and stuff like that#for me to enjoy them they gotta contribute something interesting to the source material but not come out of left field#and i dont rlly care for edgy stuff if it doesnt rlly serve much purpose#so i dont rlly care for hcs like ''bee is ACTUALLY megatrons great nephew once removed !!!!!!!!!!!!''#they do nothing for me i just go ''man i dont care'' and turn around#like thats just personal taste though and im a notoriously particular & picky person so. who cares what i think u get what i mean#though u should care abt arcee fanboy blurr bc its good and awesome alright /hj#IT THINK ITS FUN AND CONTRIBUTES AN INTERESTING TAKE ON CANON ...#bc blurr admiring arcee 1) makes sense bc arcee is genuinely a badass & literally worked in the same division he does#2) brings more focus to the parallel between them about how they got seriously injured in ways that impact their most notable qualities#(arcee having her memories wiped when her mind is one of her most important qualities as a school teacher & intel agent)#(blurr having his body damaged & handicapped when speed achieved by his physical athletic ability is a defining part of his character)#3) solidarity in that trauma baby. and arcee can be blurr's gramama (applause amazing brilliant we love to see it)#and also who doesnt love to see blurr having girlbosses idols. arcee inspires him to be a girlboss too#see this is how ridiculous i am i have to have these detailed thoughts abt hcs i cant just go stupid#no i cant change this about myself btw#i am pretentious at heart i have to be like this with media i enjoy#but still i always try to indicate that i am aware that my hcs are just fan interpretations of stuff so i dont like#accidentally come off as me forcing my ideas of canon onto other ppl like. this is just my lego city that im building i know of my bullshit#though i still do draw deep lines for things like . blurr being social (shudders)
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skywarpshydroflask · 2 months
now that we're passed halfway thru season 3 of rescue bots i feel like the show is starting to annoy me a lot less im having a lot more fun now
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vscabarca · 3 months
could u do something really angsty with ferran torres
the Ibiza incident - Ferran Torres
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summary: Ferran cheats on you during vacation, but tries to fix the mess he made.
genre: angst
warnings: cheating, swearing
a/n: anon you made it really hard to write something angsty about ferran lol, I just see him as fluff in person.
Your throat grew tight, your eyes started watering. This couldn’t be true.
You just came home from work, absolutely exhausted, wanting to relax in your shared home when your friend, Lucia, send you a TikTok link.
Not knowing what you were about to see, you opened the link, putting your feet onto the coffee table in the meantime.
It was a video recorded by a random girl, showing a guy a few feet away heavily making out with another woman. At first you didn’t understand why your friend would send you this, not until you looked at the hashtags. #ferrantorres #eltiburon #cheater #y/nandferran
Your heart stopped. Could this man really be your boyfriend of four years? Like hypnotized you rewatched the video about ten times until you finally spotted the tattoo on his upper arm. It really was your boyfriend, sticking his tongue into another girl’s mouth.
Ferran had told you he would go to Ibiza with a few of his friends, just enjoying his freetime. He had actually asked you to tag along, but due to work you couldn’t come with him. You trused him, you always had. There was never a time where you didn’t trust him, your relationship seemed to be healthy until now.
You felt sick, your head was spinning and tears were flowing freely.
"I‘m so sorry, I‘m already on my way.“ Your friend texted. You just laid there on the couch, head in your hands while you sobbed uncontrollably. You didn’t even realize your friend entered the shared apartment, not until she engulfed you in her arms.
„I thought he loved me.“ You sobbed, clinging onto Lucia’s sweater.
„I‘m so sorry Y/n, I don’t know why he would do something like that.“
That night ended in a blurr, you were so tired from all the crying that you just passed out on the couch.
The next morning came crashing down and you woke up to numerous texts and phone calls from Ferran.
„Baby answer me please“
„I know it looks bad but I can explain“
„I love you“
„please don’t ignore me baby“
7 missed calls by fer💕
„I‘m coming home today“
„we can talk things through“
The tears were already welling up in your eyes. How could someone who swore their love for you, who bought you a promise ring, who you experienced every firsts with, just throw all away for some minutes of pleasure? Lucia came with a cup of coffee and helped you calm down again.
„He doesn’t deserve you, you’re too good for him.“
You just sniffled but agreed with what she said.
„How about you spend some time at my place? I‘ll prepare everything and you pack some stuff to take with you, then I‘ll pick you up again.“ She suggested. Lucia really was a lifesaver, you didn’t know what you would’ve done without her.
You broke down again in the bedroom while putting some clothes into a small luggage. All those moments spent here, were it intimate nights, early morning cuddles or just napping together, it felt like your heart was ripped out of your chest once again.
The pictures of you two on the wall didn’t make it any better. Your fingers traced over a selfie of you and Ferran. It had been the night where he asked you to move in with him and of course you said yes.
The door of the bedroom suddenly was pushed open and a distressed Ferran stood in the doorway, the travelbag thrown onto the floor.
„Baby what are you doing?! I can explain.“ He stumbled towards you, but you only backed up, the tears flowing freely again. Was he really thinking you would forget what he had done?
„What the fuck do you think I‘m doing?! Why Ferran? I thought it was going well between us.“ You sobbed, clothes clutched tightly in your hand.
„I‘m so sorry, I messed up. She means nothing to me I swear. I love you.“ He tried to come closer but you just pushed him away.
„Who is she?“ At least knowing the truth would be nice.
„Just a random girl from instagram, she texted me to meet up and it just happened but-”
„How long? How long had this been going on?“ You interrupted, not believing any of this was really happening right now.
„Three weeks, but it only happened once in Ibiza, then I realized what a mistake I‘ve made.“ Only three weeks.
You didn’t listen to any of his bullshit but brushed past him, not really knowing where to go.
„Baby I swear I‘m so sorry.“ He chased after you, trying to grab your wrist to stop you from walking away.
„Don’t fucking touch me. You‘ve been cheating on me for three weeks, texting random girls. Did you sleep with her too?“ If he would answer yes, it would’ve been over for good, no „let me explain“ and „I only love you“ shit.
„I took her back to our house, yes“
You felt like you were about to faint, starting to cry once again. With an impulsive decision you slapped him across the cheek. It didn’t seem to hurt much, but he still couldn’t bare to look at you.
„We‘re over. You’re a fucking asshole and don’t try to apologize if you don’t mean it, otherwise you wouldn’t have cheated.“
You looked at him one last time, pulling off the ring he gifted you and placed it on the kitchen counter. You grabbed your luggage and walked through the door one last time that day.
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ppnuggie · 7 months
can you do a haedcanon of a fem human just drinking SO MUCH COFFEE like cup after cup an she is litery shaking in her seat her entire body is like a maraca an she she swerves bar so can u do headcanons for this for first aid, perceptor, brainstorm, chromdome an cyclones just teacting to this madness
      LOST LIGHT x fem reader
    『 first aid ,, brainstorm ,, perceptor ,, chromedome ,, cyclonus ,, female reader 』
  -> reader who drinks too much coffee and gets really hyper
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, crack ,, magnus is forever suffering
  — here you go !! :3 tysm for requesting !! tried to make it funny 🫡 hope you enjoy it <3 i loved writing this one but be warned as i dont drink coffee nor rlly know much for the side effects or smt from drinking it 😭😭 even though im literally working at dunkin rn and they only rlly got coffee
- first aid
| • he'd be worried at first with the amount of coffee you've consumed ,, having learned about humans and other things concerning them incase of an emergency
| • in this case ,, itd seem the knowledge he learned wasnt too helpful
| • bouncing all around the medbay and just hyper in general was quite a pain for first aid to deal with
| • but he didnt want to be too rude to you ,, and gently coaxed you into spending all that energy of yours running laps around the edge of the medlab where you wouldnt get too hurt
| • though when you finally wear it off ,, he'll be quick to scold you ,, holding his digit in front of your face and waving it side to side in a 'no no' motion before taking you to his habsuite and laying you down for a nap
- brainstorm
| • he honestly doesnt know better okay ? you could tell him anything and suddenly he wants to put it to the test
| • so when you said you could drink a bunch of cups of coffee and wouldnt bat an eye ,, he was immediately like bet and then that led to the current situation
| • perceptor is facepalming and immediately making brainstorm take blame for encouraging you to do this ,, because now theres a hyperactive human running around the lab
| • i mean you're practically flying around with how much coffee youve drank ,, hell you could probably beat blurr in a race
| • official you wouldnt say that out loud because lord knows some of his fans to be a bit crazy and would immediately be on your case saying "no you wouldn't !!" and maybe a few death threats involved as well
| • dont mention it in front of brainstorm either because hes already calling blurr to set you up for a race
| • hes no help ,, dont ever tell him your ideas or encourage his crazy ideas unless you wanna end up in magnus's office ,, having him scold you like a dad does to their child who drew on the walls and is trying not to laugh at the situation
- perceptor
| • thanks to brainstorm ,, you chugged too much coffee than your body ever really needed ,, and with perceptor as your not-so-official-but-official-in-his-mind-protector-slash-guardian-slash-alien-robot-boyfriend-slash-fun-killer he just sighs and takes you out the lab
| • he doesnt have the patience to deal with any acidic spills from you bouncing off the walls left and right
| • nor does he really need you getting hurt in any way shape or form
| • lets just say its an awkward trip to the medbay to see if ratchet has anything to help with your situation
| • and when he comes up empty handed ,, percy resorts to scolding you whilst the caffeine starts to wear off
| • it taught you better than to listen to brainstorm again because bro was yapping at 100 words per minute you swore he couldve talked faster than blurr at that point
| • bro was an absolute chatterbox just yapping and yapping that you fell asleep
| • never again would you do that ,, or think about doing that because the headache afterwards when you woke up was so not worth it
- chromedome
| • he also doesnt know any better ,, but he's definitely more responsible than brainstorm is
| • he'd know to at least keep a lot of caffeine or high sugar products out of your reach ,, just hiding it on your top shelves or above your cabinets like parents do with their kids' halloween candy
| • though when you accidentally made too much coffee ,, and didnt really feel like wasting it ,, you drank it all in one go ,, or well multiple big ass gulps
| • and then rewind walks in on the scene and sees how hyper you are and is honestly thinking youre sick with some make-a-person-crazy-illness-virus-disease-thing that he swears is somewhere in his database
| • and now chromedome has to play dad and parent you the whole time
| • bro probably put your ass on a leash ,, locking it in so the rope only goes so far and just stands there as you run around
| • this is what he gets ,, he thinks to himself ,, its the last time hes putting something so low in your reach again
| • at this point ,, hes just gonna store all your unhealthy and junk food away in a desk in his habsuite
| • he'll leave you fruit and vegetables but if you want coffee ever again youre gonna have to behave really good to get it
| • and its only a spoonful ,, as a little treat
- cyclonus
| • so you just trying to show and answer tailgates crazy ass questions that youre not even sure where he got them from
| • he probably got them from his ass at this point ,, asking if the coffee gives you super powers and you have to explain thats not true before he spreads lies around
| • and if that happened ,, you shivered at the thought of magnus banning your coffee aboard the lost light
| • that was pure trauma to even think about right there
| • anyways you made too much ,, and instead of storing it away or pouring it down the drain ,, tailgate dared you to drink it all
| • and well ,, momma aint raise no pussy but she did raise someone who makes bad decisions
| • because the moment you get your spurge of energy tailgate runs to cyclonus and tells him all about it
| • bros going on and on about how youve lost your mind and he thinks youre gonna die and cyclonus had like 600 heart attacks right then and there
| • he busts in like hes the damn swat team ,, door kicked down and pieces of it flying everywhere as you're running around like a wild banshee
| • he's looking for the demon and meanwhile youre out here acting like a damn demon ,, almost frothing at the mouth from how insane you are from the coffee
| • lets just say it makes magnus ban tailgate from ever daring you to do anything ,, bans you from having your coffee ,, and bans cyclonus for ever kicking down a door like that ever again because it was so unnecessary
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sakuraryomen01 · 8 months
Valentino /Sukuna Ryomen x Reader/ .o9
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warnings: asshole sukuna, college prep. school (aka bitch u at an expensive ass school), former friends to lovers, slow burned love, yuji is sukuna's little brother, Gojo getting a drink of water and healing up his cheek, soft! sukuna, fairly fluffy morning with sukuna and gojo, gaming with geto, a new pov!
reader: female reader; 23 years of age, college prep.
plot: It's been years since you've moved from country life, since you've forgotten about all the things you used to love about your hometown and where you grew up from... you didn't think it'd chase you to college in the city after almost a decade..
words: 4.256k
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fanfic masterlist: .o1 .o2 .o3 .o4 .o5 .o6 .o7 .o8 .o9 .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 .16 .17 .18 .19 .20
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a/n:: not only am I starting to cook something up in my lil pea brain, i am making more fanfictions on wattpad as well! i don't know if i've let y'all know that yet but i felt i needed to tell you! there's going to be some only-wattpad reads on there (unless taken down ofc) that are hopefully gonna be good!
. . .
Thank you for reading this! Enjoy!
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. . .
At first, Gojo thought that the night had started pretty decently.
He got a few new numbers at a party with Geto, aka his best friend, and a quick blow job from a lil blonde in the bathroom. He can’t exactly recall where the loo was since he was just a smidge drunk. Normally, his head would be throbbing from the alcohol within a few minutes, but it was just a light buzz. Either way, the end of the night didn’t turn out that way sadly.
He had waddled on home after Geto dropped him off at the male’s dormitory to go park, his bunned up hair and silver rings flashing in the lamplight of a pole before he spun off to the student’s designated parking lot.
Gojo had started walking back, fumbling with his keys and phone. A drunken smile on his face while he hiccuped and a coo eliciting his throat, although he looked up and saw a very sexy silhouette walking his way from his base of origin. Quickly though, he saw that it was just you, a very flustered little mess walking from the building in your casual attire. Adorable.
Messing with you was like Gojo’s favorite pastime.
He stumbled over as best he could towards you, seeing just over his shifted sunglasses with the smallest of smiles on your face. But, it disappeared and changed into a concerned gasp. Gojo felt a soft hand on his forehead, though was somewhat shocked that you had the potential to reach such a height. Though he was leaning forward, sloppy and dirty this Satoru was.
He heard you speak, but the first half was blurred. You had asked him a question out of concern. “..Are you high, drunk, or sick?”
“My girl, you're judgy so muchy~ Let me live without demands!” Gojo said in a very matter of faculty way, at least that’s what he thought. Although, he was more curious as to why you were at the male’s dorm. It wasn’t a tutoring night, was it? Oh?
Maybe something else was happening? Hm? Sounds exciting and gossip worthy.
Sadly, there was very little to offer as you fixed him up before patting his shoulder and parting ways. Well, at least that’s how it was going until a pink haired blurr rushed over and there was a loud crack sound. There was also a thump sound, but Gojo’s eyes had already closed and a groan was leaving him before everything went black.
⇦ 🃍 🃎 ⇨
“You’re kidding me, right? You had to knock his ass out?”
What..?? Who?
“He was kissing your cheek, what was I supposed to do?!”
Oh, so like a pervert? Huh, I wonder who that is..
“It’s Satoru Gojo, he’s not that big a pervert, idiot! Honestly, now he’s going to have a sore jaw or something worse!”
Gojo’s hearing was definitely coming back, there was no ringing anymore. That’s a win. And there’s two people fighting over him, one of them was a girl– he could tell. Also win. The other was a guy. Still a win, but it depends on how he looks. Either way, Gojo’s eyes slowly began to open and the light of the tv was starting to register for him. The room he was in was a living room, with a blanket poorly draped over his middle and left leg.
It wasn’t that big a deal though, seeing as he was tall as fuck and not many blankets covered him now.
“..Mghh..” He grumbles, pressing his brows together and lifting a sore hand up to his cheek. Feeling the damage, there was just a sore ache and a bump. But thankfully, whoever found him gave him an ice pack for the swelling. “Wha’s goin’ on?”
“Oh he’s awake?” A man’s voice rings through Gojo’s ears and there’s a sudden twinge of annoyance with it. “Finally. He’s stinking up my couch.”
“You’ve gotten really dramatic,” A woman’s voice spoke back, a sigh of annoyance before stepping over to check on the currently disgruntled Gojo.
Gojo’s eyes managed to adjust to the light and landed on you, smiling and reaching up to pat your thigh. “Oh, so you are the one fighting with some guy over me. I’m touched.”
You chuckle at this before removing the ice pack, checking his jaw and cheek before returning it to its spot. Looking over at the man at the kitchen counter, Gojo recognized the pink fluffy hair and sat up. Seeing a very ruffled freshman with drooping eyelids and resting his cheek on the palm of his hand. Eyes glued to Gojo and you being close with a slight annoyance on his face.
I mean, of course he would. You’d be mad if you knocked someone’s lights out and they were moved into your living room to recover.
“So, can he go now?” Sukuna muttered, pressing his brows together and letting out another sigh of annoyance. Clearly Sukuna didn’t like having other guys over. It’s giving, no friends?
“Just relax,” You said, giving Gojo’s head a pat and huffing. “He’s not that bad of a stay.”
A dark look crossed the pink haired punk's face at the mention of Gojo, but it quickly faded as he made his way over to the kitchen’s fridge. He pulled out what seemed to be either a beer or a soda can and cracked it open, taking a sip and walking over. Letting his free black nail painted hand sit comfortable on his hip, looking down at the situation with a disapproving glare.
Gojo chuckled weakly at this and sighs, rubbing his jaw and returning the glare. “What~ Don’t trust me?”
“Not really,“ Sukuna replied flatly and grumbled, lowering his drink from his lips and nodding towards his room. “Either way, she’s gonna be sleeping in there. You.. You just stay there. I’ve heard about you and your moments with girls.”
While you sat there, watching the obvious alpha vs alpha moment– total cringe by the way– you laughed and grabbed some blankets and pillows that decorated the couch and started getting the space ready for two men to sleep in. 
“Boys,” Is all you said while you roll your eyes, taking the bundle of warmth into the next room while the said boys continued their little staring contest.
You quickly made a place for Gojo and Sukuna to both sleep in the living room, although everything in your mind said to just switch with Sukuna instead. You couldn’t go into Sukuna’s room, it’s too embarrassing and personal wasn’t it? For him at least?
Nonetheless, you finished setting up your bed and quickly making sure with Sukuna that it was absolutely alright to sleep in there, you badgered him into watching three different horror movies with Gojo. Picking between the three though, it was a little tougher than you had planned it to be.
“Friday the 13th is one of the dumbest horror movies,” Sukuna said, arms crossed on his end of the coffee table.”I like seeing tits as much as the next guy, but Nightmare on Elm Street has more story.”
Oof, you got him there, Sukuna.
“At least Friday the 13th is better than Halloween!” Gojo whined in response, lifting up the movie’s case and shaking it. Pointing at the label, right under the “uncut” bit of it. “At least it’s not this garbage! This has almost no plot other than a psycho chasing after his baby sister like a weirdo.”
True, true..
While the boys continued to rant and grumble, you stood from your cushion on the floor and grabbed the movie you had chosen. It was fairly recent, kinda creepy and gross, and with a dancing clown. Opening the case, the crack caught the attention of the two guys at the table and you pop in the DVD. There was a triumphant smile on your face as you made your way to the kitchen and grabbed three bowls and spoons.
“What did you put in?” Sukuna asked, his brows furrowed in obvious annoyance. “We agreed we would be coming to a decision together.”
You shrug and pull out a big tub of ice cream you had purchased earlier when Sukuna had gotten sick. “Y’all keep bickering so I decided to choose mine. It’s a little spooky, a little gross, and has a clown in it.”
The white haired, blue eyed, slightly drunk Gojo shuddered and pressed his brows together. He had seen this movie with Geto before and the fear inside him made him cringe. “Really? It? Did you have to choose that creepy movie?”
Sukuna waves a hand, watching you put ice cream into the bowls from the massive tub you had bought. “Hold on, is it the 1990 version or the 2019 one?”
You sigh and shake your head as you finish putting up the ice cream and make your way over to the table. Placing the bowls on the table and making at least one of the boys smile, while sitting between them and lifting the remote to skip through the previews that were already playing. Sukuna grumbles under his breath, something he appears to be doing often, and you play the movie. The scene starts on a thundering day in Derry, the gray sky giving an ominous feel to the already creepy music that was playing. The camera pans to a large and abundant home that held two brothers, Billy the oldest, and Georgie the youngest. 
The pair are currently working on a paper boat, Billy smiling once he finishes and turns to his little brother. Asking him to go and get some wax to finish their little paper boat, but Georgie complained until he was finally convinced to go get the wax.
During this, Gojo had managed to scoot his way over to join you and face the TV screen. Actively scooping his ice cream with a childish gleam in his eye as he watched the movie, while Sukuna sat somewhat farther away, side eyeing the both of you with a huff and an upset look on his pouty face. While you wanted to tease and make fun of the face, you stayed quiet as the movie played on.
The iconic 2019 scene with Georgie and Pennywise started, the clown being played by the fabulous Bill Skarsgård. You smile and look between the two men before smirking and announcing suddenly;
“Bill is really pretty.”
The sudden confession earned you a confused side eye from the boys, their brows raising in perfect harmony. “Sorry?” Gojo started, still sucking on his cream covered spoon between his pink lips. You chuckle at the dumbfounded looks and stay quiet, letting their minds fester in confusion until the scene where Pennywise and Georgie meet and start to talk.
Sukuna’s tongue clicks at the cgi that plays later, making you giggle and lean back against the couch, continuing to munch on the ice cream and snuggling into your blankets. Smiling as the boys also got comfortable. Sukuna puts his bowl on the table once his dessert is gone, Gojo’s already on the table since he finished a while ago.
While you wanted to stay up and watch more movies with them, your eyes started to slowly close. And while the main group of the movie started getting hallucinations of Pennywise, and their darkest fears, you had fallen asleep. Head resting on Sukuna’s shoulder and thoroughly surprising him. 
Gojo glanced over with half his face behind the blankets and chuckles, smiling slightly at the cutesy scene before him. “Aren’t you two snuggly~? Kinda cute of you to act like that, punk.”
“Says the punk,” Sukuna grumbled back, brows pressed together in a quiet attempt to regain some dignity. Though, that didn’t come back as he lifted you into his strong and warm arms, biceps flexing under the weight. “I’ll get her to bed. You just.. don't touch anything."
Gojo lifts a hand and uses his other to make a cross across his chest, turning his attention back to the movie and letting Sukuna take you to bed. (But once Sukuna got back, he was definitely convinced that Gojo used it as an excuse to get more ice cream.) The trip wasn’t long, and Sukuna couldn’t help but glance down at your sleeping face before entering his own room, seeing your cute little lips still as plump as before. Doing that same pout they always did whenever you slept. 
The pink haired bad boy wasn’t particularly proud that he remembered your sleeping face from years ago, but he still did. It doesn’t matter anyways. Sukuna didn’t want to get cuddly anymore.
He’s not the kid he once was, the one that followed you around during school so that he could keep an eye on you. To protect you from all the other snot nosed fourth graders that dared side-eye you a certain way. That wasn’t the same Sukuna Ryomen that was carrying you to bed right now.
Once he had placed you on the mattress, he let his mind wander for a moment and he brushed his fingers lightly against your cheek. Pushing some stray hairs behind your ear with a small hum– he didn’t want to enjoy it, despite all the little holes inside him begging to.
With much restraint, Sukuna’s hand removed itself from your cheek. There was a weird twinge in his chest at this, his hand even clamping up and turning into a fist as he stood. Patting his shorts off though, the feeling soon left. But he felt it linger in his heart when he left the room and closed the door, walking back into the living room to see that Gojo had already claimed the couch and was nuzzling into a pillow asleep.
Woe is the one with no bed to slumber..
With a sigh, Sukuna gathered the empty bowls and went to wash them up in the sink. Letting the warm water from the faucet wash away all the bubbles and cloudy thoughts in his head. Watching the suds foam around his fingers and the sponge, wiping away the ice cream residue on the bowels and spoons. The urge to get a beer and fall in bed with you though was powerful, so all his restraint was holding him back from doing so.
“What the hell..” He muttered to himself, letting one of the spoons slip from his grip and clang in the metal sink. “Ah, shit..”
When did he become so soft? It’s been a month, hasn’t it?
Sukuna stills, squeezing the sponge lightly in his grip. Realizing that it took just a month– maybe even a few weeks– for you to already worm your way back into his heart. He didn’t want that, he didn’t need it. That little childish promise he made all those years ago was just some little dream he once had. It had no real meaning, no need to further investigate.
“..That’s it..” Sukuna says quietly to himself, rinsing off the bowls and spoons before putting them on the rack. Wiping off his hands and going to get a spare change of clothes quickly, making sure to keep quiet as best he can to not wake you or the punk on his couch.
He got his coat and his shoes, grabbing his keys and taking one last glance back at his now full dormitory. Grimacing at the pervert on his couch, and the girl in his bed, he left and locked up the apartment. Rushing down the hall, despite it being almost twelve at night, to find a girl willing to release himself on. Sukuna had to get you out of his head, he didn’t care how, he didn’t care who.
Letting you control over his heart was something he didn’t want you to do to him again.
⇦ 🃍 🃎 ⇨
After you had woken up in your childhood best friend’s bed, you were quick to clean up the room as best you could before leaving to ask to borrow the shower. What you didn’t expect was to find Sukuna missing from his sleeping area on the floor. You were curious but didn’t want to call him, seeing as he was an adult and could take care of himself.
While you were anxious about using it without permission, you stripped in his room and got a towel to wrap yourself up in. Putting your dirty laundry and undies into the washing machine before heading into the bedroom to use the shower. You went to work washing your body, making sure to take care of your hair and face properly, even though you didn’t have your face washing items with you on hand.
Then again, you didn’t plan on staying the night at Sukuna’s dorm.
Now that you thought about it, sleeping in Sukuna’s bed was a lot more embarrassing than you thought. Letting your thoughts wander, you started to remember how warm the bed actually was. It was comfortable, with sheets as soft as clouds, and a pillow that hugged your face and relaxed your neck throughout the spine.
Blissfully remembering your sleep and the peaceful dreams that clouded them, you got out of the shower and dried off. Wrapping a towel around your chest, taking special care to make sure the slit of the towel was covered before leaving the bathroom only to be startled and slam the door closed just as quickly as you had opened it.
Sukuna. Behind the door.
“...What the hell?” His voice croaked out after a second– once you had finished screaming your heart out of course. “What are you doing in a towel?!”
There was more silence between you two, before you cracked the door open to see Sukuna rummaging through his drawers for something. Completely shielding his view of you, which made your heart throb slightly. Doki Doki? You got out of the bathroom and squirmed in your spot by the door before Sukuna tossed a large shirt over his shoulder at you and grabbed some shorts as well. 
His brows pressed together with a gruff tone to his voice. “Go on, put them on.”
“Ah, Sukuna..” You blush slightly at the gesture, shaking your head when you catch the shirt. “R-Really, I’m okay–”
“I’m not letting you walk around with your pussy out. Put it on.”
The vulgarity in his words make your face flush bright red. Steaming so badly you swore you heard the sounds of a kettle whistling in your head. With a shaky sigh, you lift the shirt over your still damp hair and turn to face the bathroom. The cool fabric touches your skin, sending small waves of goosebumps across your arms and legs. Once the shirt was on fully, you pulled the towel out from underneath the shirt and patted down the bum portion and front a little before looking back to Sukuna.
“..N-Now the shorts.” He says calmly, averting his attention from you and tossing over the shorts, sitting on the bed with a hand covering a good portion of his face. “Hurry up. The breakfast I got for you and that twink is gonna get cold.”
“Oh? That’s where you went?”
Pulling up the shorts over your legs and waist, Sukuna nods and slowly starts making his way out of the room. Face still covered in what you could only imagine as pure embarrassment of the situation. Sorry Sukuna..
You made yourself look normal, drying your hair out and applying some lotion you got from the bathroom, before getting out of the room and into the main living area where Gojo was already up and rubbing his sore and sleepy eyes.
“Morning,” He said, a pout to his lip at the sudden disturbance of being awake. “Shower? You smell nice.”
You nod and pet his head, chuckling before heading over to the counter and looking at the breakfast Sukuna claimed to have brought home. He lifts a bag with a bright label and begins pulling out platters. The see-through lids reveal hotcakes with other assortments of breakfast items and some syrup. Sukuna placed these platters on the counter while you stood next to him and watched his movements.
Personally, he thought this was kinda cute. He wouldn’t tell you that though. He’s not that kind of guy to get all mushy over feelings.
So, he settles for a small pat on the head, a ruffling of your still damp hair and hums. “Grab a platter and some utensils. It’s messy too so get a few napkins.”
You raise a brow and look over at the pink haired man, pursing your lips. “I’m not a messy eater, you know that!”
“That’s not what the younger you would say,” Sukuna teases, sitting at the couch– practically crushing Gojo’s legs– and flipping through channels on the TV until he found the news station. Letting your broil in your own embarrassment at the mention of your childhood eating habits.
“Y-You.. Just.. shut up.”
There was a triumphant smirk on his face. He won.
You gathered the remaining food and sat on the floor between the two, handing Gojo a platter as well and starting to eat. Giving thanks for the food before watching the TV as well, grumbling to yourself. “Can’t we watch some cartoons or something? It’s a Saturday!”
“Cartoons are for babies,” Sukuna responded while shoveling down a pancake. Whole. Like a damn snack. “I want to see the weather at least.”
“That’s so old of you,” Gojo huffed. “Be cool for once.”
Sukuna returned with an authoritative grunt and quietly watched the screen as the weather analysis was brought up. “Silence and eat.”
The forecast predicted sunshine during the morning and afternoon with relatively calm winds and decent heat. During the evening though, there was a slight chance of rainfall or a mild thunderstorm. It didn’t matter much to you, seeing as you’ll be at your dormitory gaming with Geto later.
“Nice, now you know what’s gonna happen,” You say, turning your attention back to Sukuna. His maroon eyes turned to you, glazed over with some kind of annoyance. You smirk and lift your hand over your shoulder for the remote, wiggling your fingertips slightly. “May I, sir?”
He takes a deep breath and hands over the remote and slowly goes insane as some cartoons were flipped to. Their annoying intro songs playing and driving him even deeper into a Hell he didn’t wish to go down.
⇦ 🃍 🃎 ⇨
That day during your classes, they felt like a fever dream.
You couldn’t put your finger on it. Everything went by in a blur, and you kept replaying the events of this morning in your head. Seeing Sukuna in such a calm state, it made your chest ache. You felt a small twinge at the thought of how he was every morning. Borderline obsessing over it. 
It wasn’t until you had a talk with Geto did you clear your head.
Kicking someone’s ass at Mario Kart was every child's gamer dream.
Geto’s fingers tapped at the buttons, as did you. Focused on the screen as you discussed your struggling, somewhat creative love life– slash friendship recovery. That’s what it was supposed to be in the first place.
“So.. what you’re saying is..” Geto trailed, turning a sharp corner on the rainbow bridge and grumbling. “..Sukuna saw the goods?”
Your cheeks burn a little and you pout your lips, clicking the toggles and buttons. “No.. He just saw me from out the shower in a towel. He also got breakfast, and then drove me to classes today too.”
Geto side eyes you with a small smile and hums. “Interesting.”
“And then he says to not worry about it and that he’ll return my clothing once they’re done by tomorrow ‘cause he’s going to the gym and he’ll swing by. Swing by? Not only does he do things like this for me, but he also let me keep one of his old shirts! He’s sending mixed signals all the time! He’s more confusing than most of my history homework.”
Geto nods, still focusing his game, he listens with a smirk to his face. His brain worked overdrive just imagining all the drama that was going on. To him, he knew what the problem was. No one told anyone anything, letting the problems arise and fester. Letting their feelings just bubble in their chests but never say anything.
Such a troubled couple. Just talk, not that hard.
“Well, my advice is to relax more around him,” He says quietly, rushing over the finishing line and turning to look at you. “If you let your guard down a little, he’ll open up more– I think anyways. Sukuna’s a tough person, just let him lean on you. He clearly needs that.”
You stare at Geto in silence, somewhat stunned by the advice before nodding a little.
Geto nods and stands, heading to the kitchen and grabbing a drink to have before heading off to his dorm and going to sleep. You had turned off the console you both played on, removing the game as well and giving your goodnights. Geto returned the pleasantries and headed out, leaving you and your already sleeping roommate alone in the home.
You got to bed rather quickly, showering quickly and putting your things away, changing into your pjs and folding Sukuna’s clothes neatly into your chair. You rolled around in your bed before facing said chair and staring at them, fiddling with your pillow casing and pressing my brows together.
“Sukuna.. What are you thinking..?”
. . .
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a/n: how is y'all doing today? i hope you're doing good ^^;; i am currently struggling with my gen psychology class, it's nothing fancy rn but omg does my brain hurt. anyways, if u guys read the top, i have a wattpad now! there's nothing special about it right now since it's got the current fanfictions on there but yeah wanted to lyk!!!
a/n (.2):: i finished my gen psychology class with a B! i'm literally so proud oml but now i gotta struggle with history ~~;;; also, i'm trying to get back into thr groove for writing my drabbles again ~~;; lmao i'm literally so used to writing for fanfictions right now XD
Chapter Song Theme: — Play Date / Melanie Martinez / lyric video
taglist: @mageyboo, @mzladyd , @mysticwonderlandangel, @sukunaspersonalflashlight, @kawaiipenguin20, @k-indie, @okkotsufav, @cafeinthemoon93, @pulchritxde, @bontenbunny, @deepinballs, @kleeboomed, @fiierytearzx, @wo-ming-bai, @instantgalaxysheep, @watyousayin, @z3r0art, @sukunaobsessed, @lik0, @sukunasfirstlove, @princesstiti14, @nemoyr, @ladywolf44005, @cat-mak20, @coffee-on-a-rainyautumn, @hxlalokidottir, @domainofmarie, @the-moongoddess, @dark-n-dirty-duchess, @agentdedf1sh, @sukunastoy, @lyn-soso, @bao-yu-sarah-morningstar-wang-9, @heyitstacy, @lost-in-tokyo, @marksassybanana, @bozos-r-us , @p-3-4-c-h, @chaoticqueen33, @dxxny-loves-u, @l0tus-in-l0ve , @jiordeci, @opossum0-0, @gumisgirl
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altraviolet · 9 months
Do you have any concept art of what Mirage and Skywarp look like in both of your stories?
⚠️ ETA the next morning: I just realized this says "both of your stories." I have a lot of stories with those characters :u I somehow missed that part of the ask and answered with just Echo Garden in mind. SO that's what the below answer is for, just Echo Garden. Sorry. If you want to ask again and specify the stories, I can give you another answer :) Face The Past has a slightly different answer, if you were referring to that fic. ⚠️
HEHEHE thank you for asking 8)
For Mirage, I really like his frame as seen in IDW1, but not in MTMTE, rather the sister comic running at the time "Optimus Prime" or later "Robots In Disguise." (or the other way around idk). I imagine this frame with fancier plating (fluted edges, sort of a 'fairy tale' look, if that makes any sense. Have you ever seen PretentiousFork's fairy tale Rodimus pic with the lil frog Minimus? Kinda like that, lovely little details) and, of course, his endorements (gold "tattoos") and inset gems. He has wheelwings and a G1 style helm and I love the design for his torso. There aren't a ton of refs for it but here's what I have:
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Just to contrast, this is what he looks like in the MTMTE/LL comics. I don't care for this design as much. The helm has swept back thingies and the shoulders/arms are kinda weird to me:
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As for Skywarp... there's one design that I have in mind while writing, but even then it's a bit modified from this:
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The fic mentions pointy bits poking off his wings and limbs and the above wing pointies are what I mean. I imagine the Skywarp of the fic to be a bit more handsome in the face to be honest xD But overall I like this build. Like Mirage, 2938 Skywarp just starts at a fancier level from 0001 mechs, so his armor would also be... fancier... more "fairy tale." More elegant than the above but still kinda scary. Ha ha so helpful. UM. And of course, he's covered in Megatron-related designs, because he was a servant of Megatron.
Here's another shot of him from Spotlight Blurr:
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Here's Blurr elbowing him right in the crotch LOL:
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Here are some more Skywarp designs I really like. Hearts of Steel Skywarp in particular has a great aesthetic, and if anyone wanted to mentally substitute something more like him in the fic, I wouldn't be mad xD
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👆 so gorgeous. I have 2 of those figures lol
I also quite like the design seen here, which is from the RID comics. I've heard it's based on a video game design (??) but I don't know specifics:
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Actually know what? Now I totally regret not using HoS Skywarp in the fic. Heck maybe we'll just change it to that.
Anyhoo, hope that helps =)
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Rescue Bots: Heavily neurodivergent vibes as someone who is neurodivergent myself. I personally see Blades having ADHD. My mech speaks and gets sidetracked often. However, he also is quite inquisitive about anything and everything.
The 'Bots overthink everything.
It usually is just because they are aliens on a planet, but rather they are not aware of how to act around certain people or even people in general.
I wholeheartedly agree that Chase seems calm externally, but in reality his Processor is aching with thoughts about every little thing. He will take an interest and notice every fragging thing, but he would never actually try them out. . . unless?
He makes lists. He makes lists of everything.
Boulder is oh so gentle. He loves and cares for everything. He has this fear that something may go wrong, and the reason would be because of him. He thinks—no, believes— if something goes wrong or someone is hurt, that he could somehow have overcome it. He has anxiety, so he draws to render his Processor elsewhere.
Heatwave is very uptight, but the 'Bot has a good Spark. He has some form of PTSD based on the war. In many different adaptations in the comics, he always seemed to have that harsh characteristic, but he is genuinely loving. He is just terrified that something may occur.
Blurr feels left out. It is the worst feeling. He thinks he is left out. That could be another form of PTSD as well, so he always attempts to get people's approval; despite the fact he cannot control his speaking patterns in different continuities. (I apologise if this offends anyone-)
thank u sm, sorry this has taken so long for me to respond!!
alright so first off blades gets very very emotionally invested/involved in little things. he cares too much about things being perfect. he also gets distracted pretty quickly.
chase takes everything way too seriously. he doesn't know how to interact with others in a calm environment without being extremely stilted/awkward. he also overthinks, but does a decent job of regulating it in most situations.
boulder has so much love and passion. he wears his heart on his sleeve, and gets hurt very easily. he's nice to everyone, and doesn't know how to react when people are mean to him. he's also very forgiving, which has lead to him getting betrayed repeatedly.
heatwave only feels emotions in the extremes, and one at a time. he can't regulate himself very well, and has a hard time recognizing self-destructive behavior. he has a disdain for authority figures (including optimus to an extent) and has gotten in trouble over that often.
blurr either tries too hard or doesn't try at all. he's very impulsive at an extreme level, which has hurt him and others around him. while he's getting better about it, the tendency to go first, think later will never really leave him.
salvage can get very apathetic. he loves being around the other bots and the humans, but sometimes he just doesn't feel anything. he has low empathy but his respect and compassion make up for it. his collections are very important to him, and he gets defensive about that.
hightide has ptsd. he doesn't trust anyone and can't express positive emotions like, at all. he's very afraid of change, and gets overwhelmed by others. it's why he tends to stay by himself, and doesn't make many friends.
quickshadow has empathy, but because of her work she has learned to repress it. she doesn't connect well with others, and similar to hightide prefers to be alone. this is mostly self preservation, as she does get very lonely.
hope my response suffices!! send me an ask whenever you wanna talk about rescue bots, or anything else :D
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uselessmicrowave · 1 year
Could I request some TFA Shckwave x Bee x Blurr? If you'd rather go for two just shckbee works too,,, any theme works but cuddly n touchy sex is my fave...
hhhhrhhhgghhtouchy sex is my FAVORITE to write for i love u anon. have all three of em.
Shockwave’s large frame overshadows both the blue and yellow bots under him. Shockwave wishes he had an intake so that he could press soft kisses onto Bee’s neck cables, but he’d settle for pressing his servos against Blurr’s abdomen and chassis against Bumblebee’s spinal strut.
Blurr, impatient as always, wouldn’t wait for Bee to start fragging himself on both of their spikes. Blurr grabs at Bumblebee’s waist, he thrusts up into the smaller bot’s valve. Blurr’s spike rubs up against the ‘con’s, the movement makes Shockwave groan against Bumblebee’s audial sensor.
Poor Bumblebee, stretched and filled up more than he’d ever thought he would be, panting heavily. His servos and arms shaking, but steadied on Blurr’s shoulders. Bee is already so close to overload and they’d barely began to start.
Blurr pulls Bee’s helm down to his own, making their dermas meet. Shockwave abruptly shoves his spike into Bee, and puts one of his clawed servos around the yellow bot’s chubby spike, making Bee gasp. All three of them knew this was going to be a long, lustful night.
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bettathanyou · 1 year
Hi again!! Ik it's too soon but cedric ×reader fic where shes the shy castle librarian and cedric makes frequent unnecessary visits just to see her bcs she hardly ever goes out? And obv the royal family notices this and starts teasing tf out of cedric to the point he stops visiting her bcs hes a petty mf but she thinks she did something wrong so she visits him at his workshop one day and is all shy and boom! Confession!!!! Thanksss
Thank u sm for another ask!! It feels amazing to have people here in the year of our lord 2023 who still love Cedric.
I apologize for the ask being late, the night I was practically done with it my phone powered down and I made the mistake of not saving my drafts :')
Also your ideas are so gosh darn cute, please keep sending in asks when u can <3
I know this isn't explicitly part of the ask, but I wanted to include the library!reader's first ever introduction to Cedric bc the idea is stuck in my brain and I must write it out, lest my brain be consumed by rot.
Cedric x Shy! Librarian Reader~
"Oh, come on.... Please!" You begged, fingers barely touching the spine of the books you need. Against your better judgement, you stand on your tiptoes to give you an extra inch or so for your prize. Your fingertips made contact with the dusty leather binding of the book, and you let out a squeal of joy.
However, the dusty coating of the neglected book made it hard to maintain a decent grip. As you struggle, however, you almost don't notice the way the ladder begins to lean backwards.
With your heart catching into your throat, you rest your body weight firmly against the ladder again. You feel the ladder shake from the sudden movement, but it finally rests "securely" on the tall bookshelf.
Biting your lip out of frustration, you slump against the rickety ladder in a defeated groan.
How am I supposed to reorganize and archive these ancient tomes if I can't even reach them? You grumbled internally, your eyes gazing along the multiple shelves of books you need to work on.
"Well... I suppose I'll just have to find a longer, more stable ladder elsewhere." You sighed, beginning your descent. You get about a quarter of the way down when suddenly you hear a loud snap! as you rest your foot on the next step.
Letting out a silent scream, your grip tightens on the splintered wood before you lose your balance. Your breathing turns ragged, and your heart crashes against your ribcage in fright. You shakily take deep breaths, counting numbers in your head until you've calmed down a little.
After gaining a semblance of composure, you try to think of what to do. However, you quickly deduce that you have no other options; you have to make an effort to climb down.
Cursing to yourself, you attempt to place your foot onto the next step. You try to stretch your dangling leg towards the foothold, but your hip creaks in protest. Letting out another curse of frustration, you ignore the pain and just focus on where you're trying to reach.
In this futile effort, you once again don't notice the subtle way the ladder begins to slide from its place. You feel a shift in momentum as you feel the ladder begin to buckle underneath your body.
This time, you let out a strangled cry as you realize you're about to hit marble flooring from at least a few stories high. You close your eyes as you scream, fully prepared to accept whatever fate lies at the end of your fall.
"I've got you...!" A voice cried out from your right, and you feel a jolt as your body stops mid air. You feel an intense wave of vertigo hit you from the sudden change in momentum, but you manage to force your eyes open.
Below you, the ladder lies ruined in pieces. Your stomach churns as you realize that could've been your fate as well. You swallow hard, thanking your lucky starts someone rescued yo-
Panic rushes through your veins again as you realize you're hovering mid air. You dart your head around anxiously looking for the source of your plight. With blurred vision, you see a person in dark purple clothing standing to your right.
Making eye contact, the person speaks again.
"A-a-are you okay? Ar-Are you hurt anywhere?!" The male voice called to you, anxiety racking his voice.
"I think I'm fine...! But, can you put me down, please?" You respond, eager to feel solid ground again.
"Right, o-of course!" The man replies, and with a wave of his hand you feel a force slowly making you descend until your feet touch the ground.
Whatever force that enveloped your body moments ago leaves, and so too does your composure. Your knees wobble, and as you take a step forward you tumble to the floor in shock. You let out a small noise of surprise, and suddenly tears are already falling from your eyes.
Your rescuer scrambles to your aid, slender gloved hands reaching out for you. You keep your eyes glued to the floor, too embarrassed to look him in the eye.
"Are you sure you're alright? I can take you to the royal infirmary, it's-"
"I'm fine."
You choke out, your voice coming off more harsh than you intended. You see the man shrink away from you in your peripheral vision, and you feel a pang of regret strike through your heart.
"I-I mean. Thank you, but I'm okay. I'm sorry, I was just... shaken up." Your voice wobbles as if to prove your point, and you pull your arms closer to your chest in shame. You wish you could just disappear in this very moment.
Tears rise again like the tide, but you will them not to fall. You bite your lip, your eyes tracing the marble pattern on the floor to ground yourself.
"Right, of course... My apologies." The man shuffled awkwardly in place, unsure of how to approach you. He didn't want to leave you alone until he was sure you were okay, but he wasn't sure if he was really helping by staying either.
His eyes shift nervously, landing on the heaping pile of splintered wood that once was a ladder. He turned, sighing in resignation as he muttered a spell to clean the mess and rearrange the fallen books.
You watch wordlessly as the sorcerer cleans up, and without thought you feel yourself springing to your feet. You rush to join his side, the blood rushing to your ears.
"Oh, you don't have to do that... It's my mess, after all!" You reassure the sorcerer, holding up your hand in protest.
"Oh, nonsense." The sorcerer waves you off, shaking his head. "If anything, this is the King's mess for leaving it neglected for so long." Rolling his eye, the man clicked his tongue in disapproval.
"This old library was quite the mess long before you; and without a proper librarian, it'll only get worse."
The sorcerer sighed again, dusting off another book before putting it back into its proper resting place.
You smile at the man's care for the forgotten books, your heart melting just a touch. Seeing this as a perfect opportunity to properly introduce yourself, you speak.
"Well, I sure hope it won't come to that. I have more than enough work on my hands already." You chuckle to yourself, bending down to grab the last book on the floor.
"Wait- what?" The man exclaimed as you rose with the book in your hand.
You turn to meet the sorcerer's widened eyes.
"I'm the new Royal Librarian. My name's (y/n)." You smile awkwardly, hugging the book to your chest. You watch Cedric's bright brown eyes swim with surprise, but a smile quickly blooms on his face.
"I'm Cedric; royal sorcerer of Enchancia. It's a pleasure to meet you, (y/n)." Cedric replies, dipping his head to bow respectfully towards you.
"The pleasure is mine, Cedric." You reply graciously, responding with a curtsy.
If we hadn't met today... I don't even want to think about what could've happened to me. You think somberly, your eyes softening as you took in Cedric bowing before you.
Silently, you thank your lucky stars for your chance meeting today; and a tiny seed of hope is sowed within that you'll meet again.
Cedric rises to meet your gaze, and you flash him a genuine smile.
Cedric pauses for a moment, taken aback; slowly, he returns the gesture with a shy smile of his own. It makes his whole face soften, and you feel something stir deep within.
As your smile fades, you take a moment to get a good look at the sorceror.
The last rays of the setting sun reach through the window nearby, casting Cedric in a heavenly rim light. His silvery bangs create a halo around him, with ebony hair neatly combed back. His skin was noticeably fair, with darkened eye bags to contrast against it. You can relate to many sleepless nights yourself, so you find it quite endearing.
His eyes were the color of mahogany, and with the sun peeking from his hair they shone like pools of liquid amber. His face was made up of all sharp edges and angles, but remembering that soft and sweet smile he gave made your skin feel like electricity.
You both soon realized you were staring for a second too long, so you clumsily looked down at your feet in embarrassment.
Cedric fidgets with his robe sleeve, his eyes shifting around the room. After a minute of you both regaining your composure, Cedric speaks.
"You know, you should talk to King Roland about the uh... Incident, today." Cedric scratches his neck awkwardly.
"I-I'm sure if we catch him now, he'll have new equipment for you by this time tomorrow!" Cedric exclaimed, his brows raised in delight.
"But we must be quick about it- once supper comes around he is very hard to find." Cedric mutters to himself, tapping his chin.
He turns his attention to you expectantly, waiting for an answer. His eyes held a conviction you didn't notice until now, and your heart melted just a tad at his thoughtfulness.
You look at the now darkening sky, realizing you do indeed need to be quick.
A part of you just wanted to crawl in bed and forget that today even happened, but you also knew if you didn't get it done now then you'd procrastinate on it until the problem got exponentially worse.
With your decision made, you nod to Cedric in agreement.
"Okay, let's not waste any more time." Your eyes lock onto Cedric's and he gives you a confident nod.
"I like the way you think, my dear. Follow me, if you please." Cedric purred, turning and walking briskly to the entrance doors. Your stomach did a flip from him calling you 'dear', but you couldn't process much before Cedric was already ten paces ahead.
You hurriedly follow along, thankful for his company so you wouldn't have to confront the King alone. You realize you should probably verbalize your gratitude.
"Thank you, Cedric, for joining me to speak with his Majesty. I honestly feel pretty nervous." You say in a small voice, keeping your eyes trained ahead of you.
"Don't worry- King Roland is very adamant about his people's safety. I can't see a reason he'd do nothing about your plight." Cedric replied, his voice confident and holding a tinge of pride for his King.
You feel a little more at ease, and continue walking with your unlikely friend.
You're time in Enchancia was already shaping up to be an interesting one.
Time Skip Time!~
Let's set the stage <1 year after your initial meeting. I'll do a brief summary of the events that lead to your current day friendship.
After that fateful night, Cedric had made it a point to routinely visit you in the library to perform 'maintenance inspections' on the new ladders installed in the old library. At first, you really were convinced he was a concerned acquaintance- Cedric did witness you almost fall to your death, after all. So you thought some extra precautions weren't much to think about.
However, as the weeks went on, you started to notice Cedric lingering around more. As reading is part of his profession, once again you didn't want to jump to any conclusions- even though in your heart of hearts, you knew Cedric was mainly visiting the library to see you.
Regardless, you had no complaints.
You found out you enjoyed the company, and chatting about your favorite books with Cedric quickly became ingrained into your weekly routine.
Your chats about books slowly became more in depth exchanges, and Cedric's visits transformed into easygoing whole day hangouts; sometimes you two would talk for hours, and other times Cedric would silently assist in your work around the dilapidated library.
His presence was such a common occurrence, you would have castle staff or members of the royal family who would pop in ask if Cedric was with you.
Your eyes shift towards the clock behind you- Cedric should be here any minute. You pick up another book from the stack beside you, hurriedly scanning its contents so you can organize it properly.
You quickly realize in your hurried state this was the book Cedric first recommended to you. It was a fascinating read for sure, and it was shockingly easy to follow even though your magic knowledge was little to none at the time.
You sigh fondly, tucking the book away within arms reach. You try to reach for another book in the pile that needed organizing, but the giddiness of Cedric's arrival was making it hard for you to concentrate.
After a few fruitless attempts to push through, you quickly abandon your work in favor of rereading the book you previously tucked away.
You figure that you could get away with a quick chapter or two before Cedric arrives, so you lay back in your chair with a huff of contentment.
As the minutes tick on by, you realize you're almost on to chapter four, with Cedric nowhere in sight. You feel a seed of unease plant within you, but you give him the benefit of the doubt.
You manage to coax your concentration back to your book, but not without glancing up at the entrance hall every couple of paragraphs.
In the time it has taken you to finish chapter four, Cedric was still MIA.
This worries you. Cedric is an annoyingly punctual man who sticks to his plans very deliberately, unless an important matter comes up. Even so, he would at least stop by to let you know what was happening. Not once in knowing the sorcerer has he ever been this late before, in the already rare instances he was late at all.
You glance worriedly at the large oak doors that led to the outside, your brow creasing with your growing anxiety. Your eyes fall back onto your book, and suddenly the words on the pages all become blurry.
You blink rapidly to regain your focus, but you struggle to maintain it. You writhe uncomfortably in your seat as the worst possible outcomes start shuffling through your mind.
What if he had an accident with his potions? Was he hurt? Was someone else hurt? The questions blazed through you like wildfire, and you feel yourself start to sweat.
Something isn't right, but admitting it felt even more terrifying. You shake your head, trying to block out more doubts about Cedric's safety.
Whatever has happened today, there must be a good explanation. You nodded your head in affirmation, ignoring your gut feeling of wrongness; surely, he would show up tomorrow and you would both laugh about it- whatever "it" was that was holding him up from seeing you.
Your decision to put your faith in Cedric was now made; now the next daunting task was to find something that would adequately distract you until tomorrow.
Quick POV change to Cedric!
His hand rested on the door knob leading to your dusty sanctum, his stomach churning. Cedric sighs bitterly, the mere thought of one more person asking about (y/n) making his blood pressure rise.
That's exactly why he liked being around you in the first place; it was the few reprieves he had in this castle, no- his life, really. His job was always that of constant strain and humiliation, up until recently. He still wasn't quite used to the newfound respect and acknowledgement, so Cedric wanted nothing more than a place to hide when he was overwhelmed.
But instead of finding a mere hiding spot, he found true solace in your company. Hours felt like minutes, and he truly never felt like none of it was enough time with you.
Yet, it seems like everyone says the opposite- it's all he ever hears from anyyone who's in the same room with him. Even Sofia had started asking incessantly about you! That's when his breaking point was reached.
Cedric sighs in defeat, his head resting against the sturdy double doors to the library. The words Roland said yesterday flashed through his mind:
"C'mon Cedric, you need to tell her how you feel! At this rate everyone except her knows..." Roland laughs, clapping Cedric heartily on the back.
"Your Majesty... May I speak freely?" Cedric asks through gritted teeth, his tight smile feeling more like a grimace.
"Well of course, old friend. Although, I have an idea of what you might say." Roland chuckles, leaning onto the rail of Cedric's terrace.
Cedric huffed in frustration, trying to find out how to word "leave me the hell alone" in a less insulting way. He pinches the bridge of his nose in concentration, trying to regulate his emotions.
A beat of silence passes, then Cedric looks Roland square in the face.
"You manage this kingdom; not my... lo-love life." Cedric cringed as he forced himself to indirectly admit, out loud, his feelings for you; to King Roland, no less. His oldest friend and once greatest enemy.
Roland however, was eating up Cedric's struggle with expressing his feelings. A raised brow was Roland's only response, so Cedric continues.
"I don't need your kingly advice as much as you think I do. So, don't speak to me about (y/n). I will ignore you." Cedric finished in his most confident voice, shooting his friend daggers with his eyes.
"I see, then. Alright, from now on my lips are sealed!" Roland motions a lock and key at the corner of his mouth, and Cedric hums in approval. With the conversation now at a close, they turned back to the view from Cedric's tower.
They both stand in the sun in a moment of peace, both silently watching the sky in their own thoughts. Roland finally turns to Cedric, a peculiar look in his eye that Cedric can't nail down.
"Can I give you a word of advice- not as a king, but as a friend?" Roland asks quietly, the characteristic confidence he carried now replaced with hesitation.
Cedric stared at the ground as he weighed his answer, but eventually he nodded in agreement.
"In matters like these... Waiting for the right moment leads to you losing your chance at all."
Cedric feels his heart drop, and grips the ledge of his balcony until the metal digs through his thick leather gloves.
"I truly do believe you should go for it... I mean, you really have nothing to lose here!" Roland exclaims, a loud laugh leaving him.
Cedric turns to Roland with narrowed eyes.
"What do you mean by that?" Cedric asks defensively, crossing his robed arms around him.
Roland scoffs at the lanky sorcerer in a mix of shock and exasperation. His eyebrows shot up as he stared at Cedric, brow crinkling in disbelief.
"You're hopeless, that's what I meant." Roland shoots back, shaking his head with a weary sigh.
Cedric deflated at the comment, but had nothing to say in response because they both knew it was true.
Now, Cedric stands idly by as he battles within himself to not open your doors. His skin itches from the pent up anxious energy within him, and his mouth feels dry as ash.
"I promise, I'll be back within a week- Just enough time for this gossip to subside. Thankfully, rumors around here seem to change with the tide." Cedric murmurs to the door in front of him, wishing that he was talking to you instead.
A toxic mixture of dread and guilt swirls in his stomach, making him feel sick. He pries his hand from the door knob, slowly backing away from it.
With the last of his resolve, he sharply turns and dashes towards his tower. He already felt winded from the sudden change of pace, but feared that he would turn back if he didn't keep moving.
Finally after trudging up his staircase in exhaustion, Cedric flops on his mattress with a breathless sigh.
Running his hands through his hair in anguish, Cedric stares up at his ceiling in a daze.
"This is going to be the hellish week of my life." Cedric whispered to himself, squeezing his eyes shut in pain.
Back to your POV! Promise this is the last pov switch, I hope it wasn't too much!
A week went on since the last day you've seen Cedric. The anxiety had been consuming you from the inside out, and increasingly lost sleep was starting to make you a bit paranoid.
Whenever you left your library, your ears would prick up whenever you'd think you would hear his name. You'd crane your neck to catch the gossip of servants and royals alike, trying to not look too obvious.
You had deduced that nothing bad had happened to the sorcerer, and in fact it sounded like he was doing well. But strangely enough, you couldn't find him anywhere you'd look.
With a heavy sigh, you knew that to figure out what was going on, you'd have to be alot more direct than you'd like.
Showing up to Cedric's workshop was the very last plan on your long list of ideas, but this was the only option you had left.
You have gone to Cedric's workshop a couple times, but the idea of going up to his dwelling uninvited and confronting him made you feel viscerally ill. Even so, just waiting in that decrepit library doing nothing but waiting was already wearing thin on your mental and physical health.
Nearing the library's entrance doors, you reach for the knob. Suddenly, the door creaks open from the opposite side. Your heart leaps in your throat as you let out a strangled cry of surprise.
Stumbling backwards, all your mind can go to is the hope that it was Cedric.
However, the flash bright pink and purple satin quickly demolished your hope. The youngest princess of the royal line, Sofia, was staring just as flabbergasted as you from the outside.
The princess recovers first, bowing in apology for scaring you.
"I'm so sorry, (y/n). I didn't know you were there... But it's nice to see you again!" Sophia said cheerily, flashing you a kind smile.
"Y-yes, you too, Princess." You stammer, quickly bowing in respect towards the young teen.
"How can I help you today?" You ask hesitantly, eager to get the princess out of your hair asap.
"Oh, well, I just needed a few books for my homework assignment." Sophia responds plainly, shrugging her shoulders casually.
You resist the urge to sigh in frustration, your focus going towards keeping your tone and facial muscles neutral.
"Are you sure you don't want to use the main library...? I'm afraid the books here are fragile, and many are... Outdated." You glance back at the maelstrom of neglected books behind you in emphasis, hoping the princess will take the hint.
"Oh, that's okay! That's exactly what I'm looking for, actually." Sophia responds sweetly, making her way into the library.
Her heels click softly against the marble flooring, her brightly colored dress giving the dreary place a touch of life.
Seeing her standing there suddenly gives you an idea. Before the princess can wander any further, you call out her name.
"Princess Sophia! Can you help me with what I'm looking for?" You gush quickly, your heart hammering against your rib cage.
Sophia looks at you puzzled, but agrees with a quick "mmm hm!".
"Do you know where Cedric is right now?" You ask tentatively, your body breaking out into a sweat.
"Oh! I just left Cedric's workshop. He should still be there." Sophia stated, tapping her chin thoughtfully.
"He even recommended I come see you for the books I'm looking for!" Sophia replies with a cheeky grin, her eyes bright.
"I... I see. Thank you, Princess Sophia. I'll be back shortly after I speak with him." You turn your back before you can hear her reply, bursting through the heavy doors and out into the hallway.
You stand there, processing the information just gleaned from Sophia. If Cedric wasn't hurt, wasn't busy, wasn't away from the castle on an assignment, then there was only one possible reason for his absence.
Your stomach does flips as the realization crashes down on you. Before losing your nerve, your body begins moving of its own volition towards Cedric's tower.
Ascending the staircase leading up to his door, each step brought you closer to a full blown panic attack. You stop to catch your breath, leaning your body against the cool stone wall beside you.
After collecting yourself as meagerly as you could, you stand in front of Cedric's door. With a gulp, you timidly knock on his door.
A few moments pass before you hear familiar foot falls from the other side. Filled with trepidation, you stare at your feet as you hear the door open.
You glance up at widened amber eyes, Cedric standing completely slack jawed at your presence. In any other scenario you would have found it cute, but now it just confirmed your earlier suspicion.
"Hi," you begin, awkwardly waving at Cedric. "It's been a while, yeah?"
Cedric sputters out something in response, but it's so jumbled you aren't sure exactly what was said. You look on in confusion, your heart cracking at a dangerous pace.
"(y/n)... I... I didn't expect to see you." Cedric finally responded, his entire body tense.
"Yes, I did come by unannounced. But I was worried about you- you've been gone for a week." You say bitterly, your fists clenched tightly at your sides.
Your eyes bore into Cedric's for answers, but he shies away with a shameful look written all over his face.
"I know. If you'd like to ah- come in, I can explain everything." Cedric offers, his eyes meeting yours again; this time, there was a desperate pleading look in them that simultaneously made you cave and scared the hell out of you.
With a silent nod, you enter his workshop. The place hasn't changed the last time since you visited, and you sigh in relief at the one familiar sight.
"Would you like some tea? I had-" Cedric gets cut off harshly by your words, shaking your head violently.
"No, Cedric. Just answers, please." You say curtly, wrapping your arms around yourself.
"Right." Cedric slumped, fidgeting with his robe sleeves. You knew that meant he was nervous, but you still kept your guard up for whatever he had to tell you.
"Have you been hearing what anyone has been... Saying lately, about us?" Cedric asks you meekly, his eyes shifty.
"What?" You ask in confusion, the question throwing you off.
"Has anyone been alluding to.. you know..." Cedric gestures his hand towards you, a shade of red overtaking his ears. You feel butterflies flutter in your gut, but you felt too nervous to confirm if you were correct as to what he was alluding to.
You both stand in suffocating silence, your own skin starting to match Cedric's reddened ears.
Cedric coughs, breaking the tension in the room.
"Well, there's been people constantly asking me about you- I mean, us, I suppose." Cedric choked out a self conscious laugh, wringing his hands together.
Everyone has been talking for weeks about if we're... courting." Cedric squeaked out, almost wincing as he said it. "Or when we will be, is more accurate I guess." He added quickly, his voice small.
"I don't understand why that's relevant for why you disappeared on me." You say flatly, your eyes catching his.
You both stare at each other for a moment; you weren't even sure there was a word to describe what you were feeling; and you knew of many. Cedric had an equally complicated look etched on his face, and he sighs while running a hand through his silver bangs.
"I... It's-" Cedric huffs again, turning away from you as you see him rub his eyes in frustration.
Seeing Cedric turn away from you so easily triggered something within you. The long week of being worried, angry, heartbroken, sleep deprived over a man who just seemed to fall off the face of the earth on a whim made you feel like you were spiraling fast into the abyss.
At this rate, your heart that was barely keeping it together now feels like it's being cruelly ripped apart from the seams. A flash of icy pinpricks makes your whole body shiver, and without thinking your voice cuts through the room.
"Is the idea of it that shameful to you? That you can't even look at me?" Your voice breaks, mirroring the brokenness of your heart within you. As the words leave your mouth, you instantly regret them; but even so, you felt like you were compelled to have an answer.
"What..? No!" Cedric whips back towards you, bridging the gap between you in an instant. You go to step away, but Cedric nimbly caught your arms and squeezed them tightly in his hands.
What once only seemed like a dream to be held like this by Cedric, now felt like a nightmare. A lump quickly forms in your throat from the contact, making you go mute. Your eyes are fixed to the floor, and you feel physically unable to look at Cedric anymore.
"(y/n), please don't ever think that to be the truth. I promise you, it couldn't be more opposite...!" Cedric pleads with you, his own voice wavering.
You shake your head in protest, your throat still closed off from speaking. Your eyes started to sting, but you bit down on the inside of your cheek to distract you from the tears forming in the back of your eyes.
Cedric begins to panic as he realizes you are about to shut down completely. He knew that whatever he said next, would determine whether or not any semblance of your relationship could be saved from his stupidity.
"I know what I did was wrong- I'll never deny that. I was stupid, and arrogant, and careless. My ego has always been my biggest flaw, and it seems I never quite learn my lesson when it comes down to it." Cedric spoke swiftly, fighting to keep his voice steady.
You swallowed hard, but still said nothing. You exhale a shaky breath, and against your frozen bodily state you will your eyes to slowly meet Cedric's.
They were slightly bloodshot now, his pupils blown out to max capacity.
"I promise you, (y/n), I have no shame about how much I love you." Cedric proclaimed breathlessly, his breathing ragged. Yet, his tone was clear and steady, and in his eyes you found nothing but truth and a blazing conviction that set you on fire.
The lump in your throat finally began to dissolve, and with a croaky voice you respond.
"Then why did you leave?" You murmured quietly, your hands bunching up in the plum color silk of Cedric's robe.
Cedric lets out a painful sigh. "I suppose in everyone else's mind, they were just trying to help me. But it began to feel like everyone was just turning my feelings for you into a joke. I couldn't leave my workshop without servants giggling under their breath, or the royals trying to ask me questions about you to add fuel to the rumors." Cedric scowled, his face pinched in anger.
You go to open your mouth to speak, but Cedric continues on.
"At first, I did try to ignore it. But it was like no matter who I turned to, they'd inevitably bring it up. It felt like I was being watched, constantly; and I didn't want me, or especially you, to be anyone's spectacle." Cedric's eyes lock with yours, silently begging for your understanding. You could feel his body trembling from underneath his robe, and his usually slouched posture seemed even more tightly bound.
You feel the remnants of your anger leave you, now replaced with empathy for the man in front of you. Your hands gently release from their grip on his sleeves, and Cedric follows your movement. You see his eyes begin to fill with panic, so you rush to take his hands into yours.
His fingers felt clammy and ice cold to the touch; regardless, you squeeze his hands tightly to share your warmth. His eyes search your face in confusion, but a flicker of hope brings the light back to his amber orbs.
"I don't know if I can forgive you just yet," you begin, shooting Cedric an almost apologetic look.
"I'm surprised that the option is still on the table..." Cedric mutters darkly, shrugging his shoulders.
"Well, I'd... Rather process everything first, before we would make our courtship official." You say slowly, a small smile blooming across your cheeks.
Cedric stops, his breath catching in his throat. A choked sound escapes him, a broken smile of his own pushing through the disbelief on his face.
"...Are you sure?" Cedric finally asks, his face full of worry.
"I've been sure for about a year now, yes." You reply with a smirk, giving Cedric a knowing look.
"I... I feel so undeserving of your grace. It doesn't feel like it should be this easy." Cedric confesses, his expression heavy with shame and fear as the realization settled in that you returned his feelings.
"Well... It won't be. Not any relationship is. But if this is going to work, you need to tell me when things are bothering you. Not avoid me on a whim." You say sternly, catching Cedric's chin to make him look at you fully.
"Ye-yes, of course. Consider that lesson learned." Cedric chuckled dryly, looking down at you with the softest, most loving look you've ever seen.
You now become acutely aware of how close you both are, and you quickly retract your hand from Cedric's face. Blush was already creeping up from your neck and onto your cheeks, and your whole body felt hot.
"Even so," Cedric spoke, his fingers gently cupping your blazing hot cheek, "I know I need to make this up to you. What do you need me to do?" Cedric's thumb skimmed the surface of your cheekbones, his voice soft but full of eagerness.
You stare up at Cedric dumbfounded for a moment, your brain fried from the intimate contact.
"W-Well, for starters... Never do that again." You blurt out, laughing despite yourself. Cedric pauses for a second, then joins in your laughter. You lean into him closer as you laugh, your arm snaking around his lower back.
"Noted. Definitely noted." Cedric nods, still chuckling.
"And..." You trail off, wracking your brain for more.
"I want us to talk to the King and Queen; they should know that we'll be official. It seems like that's what they've been wanting to hear." You muse, bittersweet feelings arising from your core.
"Yes- I'm sure they'd be delighted." Cedric said wryly, and you giggled in response.
"Ah, but- I think it's also important they know the impact those rumors had, as well. We should tell them what happened." You say somberly, looking to Cedric for approval.
You see hesitation in his eyes, but to your surprise he agrees.
"Yes, I'll tell them what I should've said at the start; Fuck. Off." Cedric enunciated, his eyes glowing with that mischievous look you've come to adore.
You burst out in full laughter this time, and Cedric flashes you a big smile. As you slowly regain your composure, you lay your head affectionately against Cedric's chest.
You feel lanky arms pull you in tighter, Cedric's hands resting perfectly between your shoulder blades and the small of your back.
You return the embrace with gusto, squeezing Cedric's lithe body flush against your own. You inhale his scent, a mix of soap and dried herbs coupled with the musk of old books.
Cedric dipped his head into the crook of your neck, inhaling deeply as well. His breath is warm and light on your skin, and his face rests neatly into the grooves of your body. It was like you both were custom made to fit together perfectly, and it felt like bliss to finally be this close.
"I had only dreamed of this, you know. I never thought that this could be real." Cedric whispers, his lips grazing your neck as he speaks.
"I'm having a hard time believing it myself." You whisper into his chest, your pulse speeding.
"Maybe we should pinch each other, just to make sure?" Cedric pulls away from you, a cheesy grin on his face.
You snicker, but freeze as an even better idea pops in your head.
You try to contain your coy smile, but it was poorly masked. Cedric catches on, giving you a slightly confused grin in response.
"What if we kissed instead?" You squeezed out, almost wincing from the suggestion being said out loud.
Cedric's eyes became saucers, and his red tinted cheeks were almost crimson. The poor man almost looked like he was going to pass out in front of you.
"Ah- I was just kidding, Cedric. We don't hav-" Your sentence was then cut short off by a pair of lips connecting to yours.
You stood frozen for a second, unable to process what was happening. Cedric's hand came up to cradle your face, holding your cheek as if it was the most delicate crystal that could shatter at any moment. His lips were somehow even more gentle, barely brushing against your own.
You feel your body pull towards Cedric, your lips now fully enmeshed together. Cedric's hand trembled against you, and you brought your hand up to still his own. Your thumbs brush against his gloved knuckles, trying to provide him a sense of ease.
Cedric made a low hum in this throat, his face turning to capture more of you. His hunger in turn fed your own, until you both were left breathless. Your heart soared as the kiss lingered, your blood sending waves of fire and electricity throughout your body.
You eventually break apart, your breath uneven and heart skipping multiple beats.
You both look at each other at the same time, Cedric's half lidded lovesick gaze matching your own. A smile curls up from his now slightly bruised lips, and you give Cedric a bashful grin in return.
"Was that how a kiss was supposed to feel?" Cedric questioned in a daze, his voice low.
"Like magic?" You offered, your eyes crinkling as you smiled up at the sorcerer.
"No magic has ever made me feel like... That." Cedric scoffs in disbelief, shaking his head while smiling ear to ear.
"I'm afraid you're an entirely different force all together, my dear." Cedric purred, bringing your hand up to his lips. He gave your knuckles tender kisses, bangs falling into his eyes as he dips his head.
You swear you almost melt right on contact. Since when was Cedric so smooth??
"I'm glad you were there that day I fell from that ladder." You speak softly, your hand tingling from Cedric's kisses.
"Me too- I don't know if anyone else could've caught you in time. Then we never would have met." Cedric says with a bittersweet smile, his eyes lingering on you.
"I think I knew from that very first day we met that I'd fall in love with you." You confess, your cheeks burning like hot coals.
Cedric's entire face softens at your words, his eyes shining with love and adoration. A dopey grin grows on his face, and he starts to turn his head away from you in bashfulness.
You chuckle at his reaction, your hand covering part of your face in embarrassment as well.
You watch Cedric slowly gain back his composure, finally being able to face you again.
"Would you like to join me for dinner? I think we need to make up for some lost time." Cedric looks on at you hopefully, almost giving you puppy eyes to say yes.
"That sounds wonderful, Cedric." You purr, roping your arm together in his.
"Then it's a date!" Cedric whooped, twirling you around in excitement.
Cedric watched the joy unfold on your face, realizing his true goal in this life was to make sure that smile would always be there.
As you spun around Cedric's workshop, you feel more at home than you've ever been anywhere else.
This is it, you thought. This is where I'm meant to be.
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starheavenly · 1 month
TF Zenith brings me so much happiness. I've been just thinking today how much I LOVE the idea of Arcee and Blurr being siblings. the veloceety twins if u may 😭🥺
Thank you!! I'm so glad people like my silly AU!! I love these robots and seeing them silly and happy and healing is very important to me. Plus I get to just add stuff I like, like Arcee and Blurr being twins. Love them!!
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vodid · 7 months
HI HI I MIGHT HAVE SOME INPUT ON TRACKS (based on fanfictions but we don’t talk about that—)
Ok so from what I know from fanfictions and stuff, he would probably interact with other nobles like himself and not particularly like to stray away from them, so he probably sticks to the same group and doesn’t go away from that much. I don’t exactly know who he would hang out with, as the only ‘nobles’ I know that are maybe for sure nobles are him and Mirage, and that’s it.
His TF wiki also does say that he is a total narcissist according to the other Autobots, and always makes sure to try and be the centre of attention.
THOUGH, from what I’ve seen from the show, with his relationship with Raoul, he can be polite and kind, especially to people who give him the attention he craves and adores, but if they are rude, he’ll definitely be rude back.
He loves to keep his appearance stylish and maybe doesn’t like getting into fights or arguments with others and that would lead back to how he would stick to mostly the same people he hangs out with.
I don’t know much other ‘nobles’ or people who would be nobles other than Mirage, unless we sort of look at other characters who weren’t nobles and make them nobles. But if that was the case, I would think definitely the seekers (the Elite Trine, or at least Starscream), or someone like Blaster or Blurr (Blaster is famous for his music and/or radio show, Blurr a famous racer?? I’m just thinking of things at this point)
He probably wouldn’t like to interact with mechs or femmes who are disrespectful or dismissive of his ideas or input about things, or people who just judge him based on his status and frame. Even though he can be an aft, he does probably have some smarts and is really good at knowing about different types of good paints, detailers, wax, etc. Also maybe how to see how someone is being genuine/someone who is not?
Tracks would, at least in my eyes, interact best with those who have similar interests as himself, and are interested in what he has to say and if they give him respect, he’ll give it back genuinely.
To me, he just kinda seems lonely. But that’s just my opinion and observations based on what the TF wiki has said and the fanfictions I’ve read of him aidhsidhej sorry for this whole rant, hopefully it uh,, sorta helped somewhere in this long thing and answered a few questions?? o(-( maybe lol
ghsdfsdfs fanfic is a valid form of reference. fanon tends to make up for a lot, like a lack of depth into canon traits
thank u vex very helpful (and sorry for late response, concert took up a lot of my time lol)
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bumbleblurr · 2 years
blurr is so asian. To me
#ok to be clear to ppl who may nof know i am chinese sjhdkfjfk#mixed race asian actually but im not. discussing that on my robot blog this is not the place for that#i just think asian blurr humanformer is swag bc... heehee hes just like me fr :]#seeing white man blurr it just. it doesn't feel right to me#ESPECIALLY when they make his skin so pale its literally paper white like does this man ever go outside-#i understand that blurrs robot design does have literal white plating for his face but consider this. who give a shit#some of them have literal purple & blue faces we're not playing this game#besides the fandom already has this problem of considering white to be the default#legit saw. this exchange on twitter#abt someone calling out an artist for making the majority of their humanizations white while only. jazz was the only non white person#i think they even made windb1ade white which. :| ok#and another person defended them by saying there ''arent even that many poc characters''#like wdym theyre all robots how can u say theyre white . its you who is defaulting them as white bc u think thats the norm :///#anyway thats my off hand rant of the day#summary. blurr is asian bc i want him to be and i think its cool :]#other characters that have the asian badge of honor to me (that i can remember rn): pr0wl‚ j@zz‚ shocky‚ w1ndblade of course#dare i say. roddy also :]#OH wheeli3 too hes my little cousin who loves dinosaurs#(i actually have a little cousin who loves dinos so i think of wheeli3 in the same way)#my interpretation of him is largely based on my lil sis & my lil cousins so he has to be asian as a result. sorry i dont make the rules#ok ok thats all im going to say on this its already becoming incoherent#🐝 could you repeat the last part? 🟦
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bluekat12345 · 10 months
Rescue Bots as Pokémon
Animated Prime
A mutual of mine got certain ask that I just had to answer. This is part 1 of this little project.
@gelu-the-babosa-multiversal @cf8wrk4u-us hope you guys enjoy! Be prepared for more soon!
Pokémon: Pangoro
Moves: Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Body Slam, Close Combat
Reason: Originally, I was thinking of making him Water or Fire, but after research, this Pokémon suited him better since they are very similar. Like Pangoro, Heatwave can be seen as scary, aggressive, and they both like to fight, but they are both kindhearted and fight against bullies and bad guys, protecting their home and those they care for.
Pokémon: Watchog
Moves: Detect, Foresight, Return, Hidden Power
Reason: This was honestly the only Pokémon I can truly see him being, since this is basically a Pokémon cops would most likely use, Watchog take their jobs seriously, similar to Chase, and they are both alert to any danger or wrongdoing, not matter how small it may seem.
Pokémon: Dragonite
Moves: Agility, Safeguard, Protect, Fly
Reason: Hear me out: Blades mentioned not have been able to fly before coming to earth, and in Dragonite's evolution, it starts out as a Pokémon not being able to fly until it becomes a Dragonite. And this Pokémon is considered very kindhearted and loving, similar to Blades. And they're both orange!
Pokémon: Torterra
Moves: Synthesis, Sunny Day, Grassy Terrain, Earthquake
Reason: There were a few possible choices for Boulder, but in the end, He's a Torterra because of his interest in Earth life, plants, and gardening, and Torterra pretty much has a patch of land on its back. Plus, Torterra's jaw kind of reminds me of Boulder's jaw, and they're both strong and green.
Pokémon: Gyarados
Moves: Surf, Waterfall, Rain Dance, Outrage
Reason: This was honestly the only choice in mind since when I look at that bot, he just gives me major Gyarados vibes, his attitude and aggressive nature reminds me of this Pokémon.
Pokémon: Zebstrika
Moves: Agility, Quick Attack, Wild Charge, Swagger
Reason: Not a flashy choice, but I wanted to focus on a Pokémon that had high speed, since Blurr is a racecar, and I wanted to use a Pokémon you wouldn't expect on a rescue force since a racecar isn't really a rescue vehicle and Blurr wasn't really rescue bot material at first.
Pokémon: Garbodor
Moves: Stockpile, Recycle, Swallow, Spit Up
Reason: Not much to say since this was the obvious choice. Salvage likes to go through garbage and recycle stuff, and Garbodor is literally made of garbage.
Pokémon: Inteleon
Moves: Snipe Shot, U-Turn, Acrobatics, Taunt
Reason: Quickshadow is basically a spy and Inteleon is a spy Pokémon. Need I really say more? Just look at them, really look at them and I'm certain you'll agree.
Consider the moves as a little bonus. Look them up and you might understand why I chose those moves. If not, feel free to ask why I chose them.
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w0nderw0mansw0rld · 2 years
Hold My Hand
A Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw ficlet
A/N This is the very first thing I started and! finished writing and feel brave enough to share. Usually I am only on the reading side. But apparently, my obsession with TG and listening to the playlist on repeat sparked this little something. I highly recommend listening to the song while reading. Feedback is appreciated. Thanks for betaing @princessmisery666 - love u <3
Words 700 - no warnings
It's rare that Bradley and you have a whole weekend to yourselves, so whenever that was the case you made the most of it.
This weekend you went to the farmers market on Saturday morning, had lunch in town, did a little shopping and finally relaxed, goofing around at the beach until the sun was down.
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On Sunday you slept in and Bradley surprised you with breakfast in bed. You went on a walk, then prepared dinner together and put it in the oven for later.
Now it's Sunday afternoon and Rooster is sitting at the piano in the corner of your living room, learning a new song you know he wants to show off at The Hard Deck next weekend when meeting with your friends for the annual Dagger Mission reunion.
You're laying on the sofa reading, sipping wine and listening to his progress. Checking the clock you notice there are only 10 minutes left before you have to get dinner out of the oven and you tell Bradley. He nods and watches you over his shoulder. You hold eye contact for a moment and wonder what's on his mind until one side of his mouth turns up in a grin and he turns back to the piano.
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He starts playing totally different notes and you recognize the song immediately. You’re catapulted back to the best day of your life almost three years ago. You can nearly feel the warm sand between your feet, when you close your eyes, enjoying the music and letting the memory consume you whole.
You're barefoot in a beautiful, white, long, flowy dress, a handmade crown of daisies  loosely braided into your hair with a matching bouquet of daisies and other white wildflowers in your hand as the piano version of Hold My Hand by Lady Gaga starts to play and you're making your way down the sandy aisle. 
His watery eyes are on you and only you, as your very handsome and very soon-to-be-husband Lt. Bradley Bradshaw is waiting for you in his navy blue full dress uniform at the makeshift wedding altar on Breakers Beach.
Once you reach him you take the bouquet of flowers in one hand and he is taking your other in his much bigger one, gently rubbing his thumb over your knuckles. Bradley is taking you in and you squirm under his intense gaze.
"Hi," You whisper almost shyly. 
"Hi." He exhales and adds with the biggest smile on his face, "You're so beautiful, babygirl." You blush and he loves it.
The formalities of the ceremony are only a blurr, but you remember you only have eyes for each other and your cheeks hurt from smiling so much.
What you'll never forget is his vow. "I can conquer the whole world with one hand, as long as you hold the other." He squeezes your hand tightly. "I will always love you, baby." You've never felt stronger or more loved until this very moment.
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The song ends and you open your eyes, tears threaten to spill as your husband is making his way over to you. "What's wrong, baby?"
His voice is laced with concern when he sees you up close. He sits beside you and caresses your cheek with his palm. "Just happy tears, honey. You know what that song does to me."
You smile up at him and lean forward so he can embrace you. "I get it. I love to play that song and remember the day you became Mrs. Bradshaw, became mine. It was the best day of my life."
He places a kiss on your temple, then helps you up from the sofa. But you stop him, hugging him tightly and tell him, "It was the best day of my life as well. I love being your wife. You make me so happy, Roos. I love you."
While gazing at each other you both have the same gigantic, lovestruck smiles on your faces just like the day you got married.
"I love you, too." He kisses your lips softly. "But let's get you fed, babygirl. You always get emotional when you’re hungry." He teases already halfway into the kitchen as you chase after him.
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