#i love u captainnn
mynqzo · 1 year
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annabelle chedder!!
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tooweirdforyou · 4 years
hi!! it’s me again the Luffy lover hehe i thought of something really cute/funny. lets say luffy’s s/o is usually the calm/mature one in the relationship, imagine if the roles reveresed once luffy’s s/o is drunk for the first time with the strawhats at like a bar & luffy is the one that has to be the mature one and make sure she doesn’t do something out of control it would be so cute and funny!! do you think you could do something like that? if so, thank u! i love ur writing
Luffy + His Fem! S/O - Role Reversal
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a/n : ah, this was actually pretty cute, thank you for requesting again! :)) hope you enjoy!
note : I literally could not think of another title. I didn’t want it too long but I couldn’t come up with any creative.
Summary : Luffy, who is goofy and immature, ends up having to look after his female significant other one drunken night.
Dragging out his name with a slur, Luffy smiles softly at the sight of you sprawled against the bar counter, next to him and Zoro, the latter drinking to his hearts content.
Nami was gambling away in the corner with Franky and Robin watching, Sanji somewhere surrounded by the women in the bar, Usopp was on the verge of passing out, Chopper was outside relaxing and Brook was playing his violin and singing.
The whole bar was a chaotic, loud and crazy mess but it was all fun regardless.
Honestly, Luffy didn’t think you were such a light weight, but he found it pretty funny when you were drunk.
First of all, you tried to out-drink Zoro, which resulted in your drunken state in the first place, and Zoro laughing his ass off at you for trying.
Second of all, you kept embarrassing yourself in front of the bar by singing along with Brook and screaming the lyrics to your hearts content.
And third of all, you were quite the emotional drunk.
Hearing you call his name once again snapped him from his thoughts and watched as you sniffle and rubbed your nose.
You then latched yourself onto him and clung onto his arms tightly. “Luffy, this place doesn’t have cookies!” You wailed out, completely uncharacteristic of you.
You lost all strength in your limbs and was now just flailing and all your weight was onto Luffy.
Luffy blinks at you and your cry before a laugh erupted from his lips. “Shishishi!~ You’re so drunk, [Name]!” He was entertained from just watching you.
“Captainnn! Can you get me some cookiesss?”
You drag out in a pleading tone, looking to Luffy with the best pleading expression you could muster, quivering lips from your cries.
Luffy chuckles softly at you and wipes your tears away, exhaling a bit as he shook his head at you. “There’s no cookies, [Name].”
Now, Luffy wasn’t really one to get drunk, and this bar didn’t have any meat for him to eat either so he was kind of just hanging around.
But now that you, the one who was always looking after him and the crew during their adventures and troubles, was drunk as hell and couldn’t even stand up straight, Luffy couldn’t help but be amused and find this all too entertaining.
Of course, since he was the only one nearby that wasn’t drunk, it was also his duty as captain to look after you this time.
And boy, you were quite the handful.
“But Luffyy, I want cookies!”
You childishly pout, hugging his arm tighter and nuzzled your face against his skin.
“Get me cookies now! I order you to!” You demanded, pulling back from Luffy and gave a small glare to Luffy.
“Oi, I’m the captain!” Luffy then sighs, almost in disbelief at how different you were drunk and just grins to himself a bit. He found it extremely adorable and cute of you.
“Come on, let’s get you back to the ship, okay?”
Luffy suggests, getting up from his stool on the counter and dusted off his clothes, before holding out a hand for you.
Luffy stared blankly at you turning away with a huff, planting yourself straight onto the counter with your back facing him.
Luffy then smiles to himself and stretches his arms, wrapping them around your torso and pulls you towards him with ease, a small shriek escaping your lips.
“Oi, Zoro! Watch the others, you hear me? I’m heading back to the ship!” Luffy calls as he began making his way out of the tavern, Zoro nodding. “Roger.”
“Oi! let me go!” Tears began to stream down your eyes at Luffy’s grip, you squirming around.
“Oi, [Name]! It’s me, Luffy! Im carrying you!” Luffy quickly remarks, walking through the quiet street, watching as you suddenly became quiet in his hold.
“...oh..” suddenly feeling weak, you snuggle closer into Luffy since he was carrying you bridal style in his arms.
Luffy carefully moves one of his hands and wipes your tears away and stares down at you closely.
“Hey... Luffy?”
“Yeah, [Name]?” Luffy questions as he glances from you to the pathway, the moonlight as his guide of vision.
“... did I ever tell you how much I fucking love you?.. you’re so lovable... caring about others and.. being there for your nakama... and positively thinking about everything..” Slurring your words a bit, you continue to drag on your explanation for your love of him.
Luffy could feel his heartbeat picking up a hit, his cheeks unknowingly pink as he grins warmly to himself and chuckles.
“I love you more, [Name]!” He hums cheerily, which made a sleepy smile form across your lips. “Yay..! You love meeee....!”
Feeling content and satisfied with how peaceful you were feeling, you sniff the air randomly before leaning closer into Luffy.
“...you smell like meat.”
You blurted unexpectedly, Luffy unable to contain his laughter from your comment.
“Shishishi! And You smell like alcohol.” He grins at you, seeing the small curl of your lips as you close your eyes.
You could sense your vision darkening as you eventually closed your eyes and your consciousness fading away.
A slow exhale escaped your lips.
“..Thank you, Luffy..”
Seeing you slowly relaxing and the steady and slow breathing from your lips being heard, Luffy’s expression softens as he sighs gently towards you.
He tightens his grip and pulls you closer into his chest, making path to the coast to arrive at the ship.
“Of course, [Name].”
“Ugh.. my head..”
The throbbing headache seemed to worsen as you slowly sat up, feeling weight and a pair of arms wrapped around you.
Rubbing your eyes, you glance down to see your familiar rubber lover laying on top of your legs and hugging your waist, fast asleep.
You glance beside you to see the time but instead found a glass of water and a shot glass of medicine to ease headaches, along with a note.
Gladly taking the shot glass and water, you gulped both down with ease before exhaling out in satisfaction.
Then turning to the note, you pick up the card and read it aloud.
“To [Name]. You’re funny when you’re drunk. It’s cute! - Luffy. Ps. You’re a bit of a pain to take care of tho”
Glancing from the note to Luffy asleep on the bed, you only smile slightly and shake your head.
“I wasn’t even that drunk..”
Sure, you couldn’t remember a thing, other than partying with the crew and then suddenly waking up in bed on the ship, but you knew you weren’t THAT drunk.
Turning your attention to the sleeping Luffy on you, you smile to yourself and pat his head.
“Thanks for taking care of me, Luffy.”
As if he heard you, Luffy’s snoring seemed to have quieted a little bit and a small smile began forming on the boy’s lips.
a/n : ahhh, I hope you liked this! :))) 🤍 I wanted to get at least one post out so I apologize if this seems rushed!
I apologize if it’s not what you expected either, I had different ideas for this but I couldn’t really come up with as specific one 😅
It sucks I only have free time / motivation late at night and I’m exhausted too ;-;
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