#i love utsuro and this is my love letter to him
yu-sigao · 5 months
I just finished Gintama and I'm still in awe. It's been a day and I still don't know how to collect my words of how deeply this anime struck me.
Utsuro was a beautiful villain. The way I interpret him is that he is almost pure yin - cold, dark, destructive, and all consuming, like, well, an 虚 ("utsuro", void.) But in East Asian cosmology, while yin is death, it is also fertility. It is the feminine component of the universe and required for land and animals to reproduce. So within a field of yin, there will always be a seed of yang.
This seed of yang is of course, Yoshida Shouyou. Just as yin inevitably grows yang, Utsuro talks of Shouyou's emergence as inevitable in episode 328.
"The one that hated humans, the one that feared humans, and the one that longed to be human... They were all me. It was inevitable that he would appear to stop them. The only Utsuro that stood up to Utsuro."
He even usually wears white compared to the black of Utsuro's cloak. Shouyou is warm, kind, nurturing, and active; it's said he never stopped fighting against Utsuro, even if at first he lost. And arguably that fighting is what got him killed. Utsuro slays him internally as Gintoki slays him externally, and when his body is burned in fire - a classic symbol of yang - Utsuro reemerges. The seed has sprouted, grown, withered, and returned back to fertilise the earth. Yang flows back into yin.
What I find interesting is the decidedly feminine metaphors that Oboro and Utsuro himself use to describe the formation of his different personas. He is said to have "given birth" to countless versions of himself (again also from episode 328), which further strengthens the association between Utsuro and yin.
This is not the first time a birthing/maternal metaphor has been used in Gintama. Consider Shouyou's speech to a child Gintoki:
"There's no difference between a monster and the child of a monster. They are both inhuman beings that are only born within a bloody pool of sin. And a monster's sword cannot cut another monster. So, Gintoki, stop trying to grow stronger by imitating me... You have to grow stronger than me by using your own sword, the sword of a human." - (episode 317.)
If in this metaphor, Utsuro is the parent and Shouyou is the offspring, then what does that make Shouyou? Shouyou subtly implies he considers himself a monster. Is this true? If you view Shouyou as a parental figure to Gintoki, Katsura, and Takasugi, then what does that make them?
Gintoki was called a corpse eating demon as a child, and by the time he was fighting in the Joui wars and forced to execute Shouyou, he had not shed that reputation. He instead became known as the Shiroyasha - white demon. Clothed in the colours of yang like his master who longed to be human, but a monster nonetheless. And a monster's sword cannot cut another monster. That is why when Gintoki kills Shouyou, Utsuro is born, and the cycle starts anew. It is only after 300+ episodes of character development that he becomes human, and can put an end to Utsuro.
"The people here must be what you were to me. Just as the eternal monster from that day became human by meeting you... Meeting you kids, the little monster with sad eyes from that day has also become human, hasn't he?" - (Shouyou to Gintoki in Gintama: The Final.)
But the cycle is never over. A baby implied to be Takasugi's reincarnation is born in the Altana gates at the end. At first I thought this was a cheap trick, and that Sorachi only did this to keep fans happy, but it does fit the theme of eternity and neverending cycles.
Gintama, to me, is about cycles, and the difference between productive and unproductive cycles. The Naraku's name refers to a sort of Buddhist hell, and they dress like Buddhist monks. The relevance of the Buddhist theme of reincarnation in regards to Utsuro's story should be obvious. But instead of a march towards enlightenment, Utsuro's numerous lifetimes are more like an ouroboros eating it's own tail. He did unto others what was done unto him, escalating into a plot to destroy Earth, which got him nowhere but perpetuating pointless samsara. He destroys himself as he begets himself, experiencing moral degradation and isolation as he shies away from even his other selves.
Or a cycle can be like making a philosopher's stone, which is what Gintoki experienced: a process of continuous refinement that produces objects of further and further purity. To use Buddhist terms, enlightenment is an ongoing process. The work of becoming human takes as long as your life will. And Gintoki is made human by his relationships with Shinpachi, Kagura, and every single person he met over the course of the story, while Utsuro remained so focused on himself, he destroyed his other selves.
Utsuro recognises his mistake upon his death:
"Humans are hollow beings. But because they know that, they take root in the heart of others, never fading, even after death, and continue to live forever, is it?" - (Gintama: The Final)
His hollowness and eternity did not have to mean all this pain. He denied the version of himself, Shouyou, that went against his omnicidal death wish, and was life giving instead. In giving life, Shouyou became mortal, and was given death. In death, Shouyou became more influential and powerful than Utsuro, having touched the heart of people who would come back to defeat him. The immortal becomes mortal becomes immortal. Yin flowing back into yang flowing back into yin.
In the end, everything goes back to where it started, yet everything is new again. The Yorozuya are back, and Edo is still Edo, even as Tokyo looms on the horizon. I can only hope for the baby we see at the end, that if they are immortal, they will have a kinder life than Utsuro/Shouyou did. That they will be more human than monster. The monster's child became human, after all.
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dranother-memory · 2 years
About: Utsuro
Five children.
"Master Utsuro... I was the first of us all found. While I don't remember much of what happened prior.. There was a big building on fire, I lost everyone and everything. Then suddenly there was someone behind me. It was Master. He didn't seem to have any sort of reaction other then staring at the fire with me.. Eventually he picked me up and we began wondering around for awhile together. I've been loyal to him since then and don't plan on changing that at all." 
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"...Master Utsuro huh..? Well, believe it or not, I didn't exactly have the best of health growing up. Now don't you go taking that as a sign to be entirely lazy an not take care of yourself! I was fighting tons of things even back then you hear? I was originally out with the genie... A last wish, when Master Utsuro had found me and well.. while I was technically stolen from them, I don't have any regrets about it. I didn't want to accept that all that was left for me was death in the first place. Albeit I was in a wheel chair, Mikado had pushed my chair for me under the lead of Master Utsuro and we traveled together.. Overtime, I overcame my sickness an got better." He hated the feeling of calling Utsuro that, but it was a name they used in public either way and he wasn't about to be the one to step out of line to change it. 
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"Master... No. Just call him my father please. Long story short, I ran away from home... He took me in and while there were two other boys before me, he still cared for me deeply. Alongside his care, there was another lady... Miss Taira, She never really let us call her by her first name but truthfully me and the younger two sometimes do when talking to each other. She was more of a mother to me then anyone else. She taught me many things about girls that I wouldn't have gotten to know... and I've taught as much as I could to Iroha after their leave. All of us in one household while it is occasionally chaos, look out for each other and remain stable in the situation."
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"While there's a lot of info that could be talked about... None of that is what I'm willing to exchange for so you're out of luck if you think you're going to learn about my past. After I was brought to the house they tried to treat me like the baby of the family though. Most of the time while I ignored them and just wrote things down as I observed... I guess I started to open up. Instead of speaking, for awhile I would just write notes to others and send them to their individual rooms like personal letters from myself. I didn't get one back most of the time... but they understood what I was doing none the less. The one thing that would constantly happen that I disliked though was Master Utsuro and Miss Taira would love to pat my head as they either passed by me or we were going to leave. Seriously... that gets annoying after awhile."
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"You.. want to know about papa and mama..? Ah... W-well, when I first met them.. There was actually a break in going down at home.. I would've been locked in my room but.. they had guns and my parents instructed me to run away even with all the security guards that were constantly around me..! I don't really know what all went down that day... but I ran as far as I could before running into papa. I couldn't really see him at the time but he held me close.. It was the first time I've ever been hugged! I told him about home.. and he decided I should go with him and I moved in with papa, mama and the rest of my family! They were all really nice to me though even with my limited movement.. We didn't exactly have much.. but I didn't have much back home either... I say it's home but really.. its... it was more like a prison!"
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Can I request another Utsuro x Akane for white day(?). I just realized I never said this before so 8'll say it now, thank you bery much for doing my request ^o^ your work is really amazing. I hope you're doing okay 💖
What a fun day, Akane had! Utsuro actually spent time with her, and she was having the best she could ever hope for! Ah, that would replay in Akane’s head for days to come.
Akane has her hands behind her back, with a pep in her step. The despair maid had recently received a letter from Utsuro, asking her to meet him in the cafeteria, her mind was running on the various possibilities on what Utsuro wanted from her.
There were several thoughts that ran through her mind, some making her giggle, and others making her turn a faint shade of red at the mere thought.
Anywho, once Akane did reach she looked ahead and see that the doors were the only thing that stopped her. Shoving whatever nerves were in mind, she opened the door and walked inside. “Darling? Where are you?”
“Over here.” Spoken by the lucky student, as he rested his head on his arm, which was propped onto the table. A lazy blink, but he did stand up moments later. It was then that Akane could tell that Utsuro had put some effort into dressing up for the occasion.
Still, she didn’t have the slightest close as to what day it was, jeez this girl was honestly quite obvious but if Utsuro went out of his way to dress in all white. Then surely it had to be some sort of special day! “ You usually don’t get dress up darling, what’s the special occasion..? I-If you don’t mind me asking! Of course!”
Utsuro let out a soft sigh, and here he was thinking that she would have known at of all people but still. This did make the gift exchange much easier and surprise her more as well honestly so there was that. “It’s White Day..the day where guys give gifts to girls. Kind of Valentine’s day, but mainly focused on girls. And since you got me something..I figured why not get you something in return..” Utsuro held out a bag to her looking away. “If you do not like it, then I will exch-mmf!” The lucky student was cut off by a sudden hug from the maid.
“ Thank you, thank you! “ She exclaimed with happiness laced throughout her voice a smile of glee spread across her face. Utsuro gently wrapping an arm around and returning the embrace somewhat. “Save the hugs and stuff for later..just open it alright?”
Pulling away, Akane nodded with a bright smile on her face slowly opening the gift since it came from her darling after all! She wanted to be as careful as she could be with it! It’s the least she could do after all! Once she had placed the packaging down onto the table along with the different types of candy she saw the teddy bear. Her eyes widening quickly snatching it up in her arms and hugged it close beaming from ear to ear. “Darling this is amazing! I love it!” A faint smile appeared on Utsuro’s face. “I’m..glad, happy white day...Akane.”
Yep, it’s White Day! And your girl got you covered! Also, don’t mention it. I really like the ship, so I’m happy to write for them! I’m doing so, so, but I’ll bounce back! There might just be a delay in requests since I have quite a bit. ^^;;
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cutesuki--bakugou · 5 years
Surprise Girlfriend
A random quirk affect makes things a little more... interesting. 
Rating: Explicit Warnings: Sex, cursing, dildo use, just naughty things in general Pairing: Fem!Bakugou x Koge (OC) (and regular Baku, too, a little) Words:  8,571
a/n: This was an idea that I’ve had for a long time and finally decided to just... go for it, even tho it’s super kinda weird and naughty. But y’know, I had fun, it was difficult and different for me so I think that was good to help me with my... funk, I suppose. I decided to stick with masculine pronouns for Bakugou during this, so sorry if it seems a little confusing or off when I describe him. There are some other quirk related accidents that can turn out in different ways that I have in mind, too, that I may be able to do eventually. Either way, enjoy. Also enjoy these horrible awful gross sketches that I did, even tho I don’t like them much I though I’d include them anyways lol. 
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BTW, please blacklist the tag cutesuki-lemons if you do not want to see this content from my blog. I will no longer be tagging with specific keywords for this type of content.Thank you~
Due to the nature of this post, the characters are 18+
Full story under the cut~
Cutesuki 6:09 PM: koge. im coming home. i want to hear NOTHING about how i look. NOTHING. 
Koge was pretty sure that a text had never confused her so much in her entire life, especially not a text from her lover. Many things about it didn’t make sense, but the fact that he used her first name along with capital letters made her increasingly nervous. What could possibly be the problem for him to send her such an ominous message? Had he gotten hurt? Was he covered in dirt and grime from a particularly difficult mission? Was he missing a limb? 
Me 6:11 PM: What in the world are you talking about Katsuki? (⊙_⊙) What’s wrong? Are you okay? (⋟﹏⋞)
Cutesuki 6:15 PM: im not hurt if that’s what you want to know, but i am not okay. i fucking mean it. one word and im getting a hotel for the next 24 hours. 
Me 6:16 PM: Whatever it is, it can’t be that horrible. (´・・`) Why don’t you just tell me, so I won’t be so surprised when you get home? (・ω・)b
Cutesuki 6:18 PM: no! you just had better act like nothing is different! nothing! 
With an annoyed grumble, Koge pulled her legs up onto the couch, adjusting her blanket over her chilled feet. If it was truly as serious as Bakugou was making it seem, there would be no possible way for her to just ignore it. She knew that she would end up saying something, as the words would just spill out of her mouth involuntarily, as they had a tendency to do anyway. At least it seemed to be something temporary, according to what he had said along with his threat to avoid her for twenty four hours. That put her at ease a little, though her curiosity was unquenchable. 
I wonder if he got turned into a cat person like I did not long ago. Though that ended up being fun. If he’s this upset about it, I think having fun is definitely going to be out of the question. 
Deciding to practice at pretending that nothing was going on, Koge dropped the topic and went on discussing normal, mundane things with him as she awaited his arrival home. Bakugou took to the normalcy well, not making a fuss or seeming off in any way. The only thing he seemed frustrated about discussing was the movie night they had planned, as he seemed quite set on just going straight to sleep. Even eating dinner brought about a frustration that Koge couldn’t understand just yet. It was as if he wanted the day to be over, to sleep as soon as possible. Perhaps sleeping was the way to get rid of what was ailing him? 
Eventually, the sound of rough and angry knocking reverberated through the room, prompting Koge to stand. Nervous butterflies rattled about in her stomach all the way to the front door of their apartment, and as she unlocked all the locks, they nearly burst out of her. As the last one was undone, she took in a deep breath, preparing herself to not make a scene. 
All of her preparation was useless. The instant she laid eyes on her lover, she gasped out in shock, instantly covering her mouth in an attempt to stop anything else from escaping. The person before her was indeed her lover, the man that she had grown up with and loved with every inch of her soul. But he was no longer a… he. A woman stood before Koge, dressed in the clothes that Bakugou had left in that morning with his familiar duffle bag slung over their shoulder. Although Bakugou’s regular height hadn’t changed, the clothing hung extra baggy off the figure of the woman, making it nearly impossible for Koge to see exactly what they looked like. Those particular points paled in comparison to their face, which was absolutely lovely, if not for the glare and typical snarl that arose when Koge let out her squeak of surprise. 
“Damn it, Utsuro, I told you not to act up!” The feminine growl of Bakugou’s new voice was foreign to Koge’s ears, leaving her in stunned shock as the stranger shoved their way into their home. Swallowing her shock, Koge shut and relocked the door, waiting until she was done before even attempting to speak. 
“Katsuki… I’m sorry, but you have to tell me what happened first. Was this done by a quirk?” She took the duffle bag as it was shoved into her arms, watching her lover curiously as he stripped off his shoes, not even bothering to put on slippers. Once shoes and jacket were removed to be left at the entrance, Bakugou stormed off towards the bedroom, hands shoved into his pant pockets. 
“Of fucking course it was a quirk! And it wasn’t even a villain! It was a pedestrian I helped get out of a fight zone, and she was so scared she activated her quirk on me. They didn’t need me there so I fucked off the instant it happened, so the media couldn’t see me. I’m fucking pissed about it!” 
Following the fuming blonde into the bedroom, Koge put the bag in her hands down in its usual spot, though she didn’t even get a glance at Bakugou before he was in the bathroom. The door slammed shut so loudly it made Koge jump, and she was sure the entire 40 story tall apartment building could feel it. “Did she at least tell you how to go back?” 
“I have to either sleep or sweat it off. She said that if I sleep it off, it will take longer, but it will go away within a day. If I sweat it off, it will be gone sooner. So my ass is going to do an intense workout, until I’m sweating my balls off, then going to bed!” The sound of shuffling clothes was mixed in with his voice, only making Koge curious again as to what this new body looked like. 
“But Katsuki, you don’t have any balls.” 
“Shut up! Get me my fucking tank and shorts out of the dresser!” 
Giggling, Koge made her way over to the commanded destination, pulling out Bakugou’s favorite black tank, loose workout shorts and a pair of boxers. She was unsure if these were even going to fit this new mystery figure, but she knew that none of her stuff would fit either. Bakugou was still much taller than her, and Koge doubted that the new feminine figure was any less muscular than normal. So, she brought the clothes over, knocking on the bathroom door lightly. “Here, love.” 
The door peeked open barely enough for Bakugou to peek out at Koge, his hand reaching through. Still, Koge kept the clothes close to her, peering up into that crimson glare she loved curiously. “Can I see you?” 
“What?! No, you can’t see me, give me that shit.” Bakugou’s cheeks flushed dark red, snapping his fingers to command the delivery of the clothes. “I mean it, I’ll fucking leave and go get a hotel if you keep bothering me!” 
With a roll of her eyes, Koge plopped the clothing into the slender waiting hand, which vanished back behind the door before it shut. “Honestly? I’m your girlfriend, you shouldn’t be scared to show me yourself. What am I gonna do? Take pictures and post it all over the internet? Laugh at you? You want me to act normal, but you’re the one acting like a spaz.” 
“I think I have every fucking right to act like a spaz, Utsuro! I was just turned into a fucking chick! Damn it, my tits are too big for this shirt!” 
Koge instantly began to laugh, though she covered her mouth to try and stifle the sounds as to not upset her lover further. “Well, that tank does fit you tight, even when you’re normal. You want just a normal big t-shirt instead?” 
“Everything’s too big, Utsuro. Even my damn boxers!” 
Beginning to actually feel bad for him, Koge tapped her finger against her chin, wondering what she could do. “You could just go without boxers, and wear the shorts. It’s no different than freeballing as a dude.” 
“It is different! I have a cunt now, it goes up inside my body, that’s gross! What if it gets all infected or some shit.” 
“Okay, now you’re being ridiculous. I’ve gone without underwear plenty, and you are well aware of many of those times. Have I ever gotten an infection? No. Just don’t go rubbing your pussy all over weird shit or shoving stuff up in there.” 
Bakugou groaned out loudly, a sound Koge knew well to be an expression of frustration and defeat. With a small tap of her fingers on the door, Koge sighed. “Come on, Katsuki. Come on out and I’ll help you find clothes that fit. You can’t avoid me all night. I’m not trying to make fun of you or anything.” 
After a long moment of silence that almost had Koge giving up, the door finally opened, revealing Bakugou in all his red-faced shame. He couldn’t even look at Koge, fiddling with the shorts to try and tighten the string to keep them as snug as possible. “I don’t like this, Utsuro… I feel fucking weird.” 
Comforting smile on her lips, Koge reached out and took Bakugou’s hands gently, leading him out into the bedroom. “Just remember that it isn’t permanent, love. It will go away, sooner than you think. If it helps at all, you’re seriously one smokin’ hot lady.” 
Face flushing darker, Bakugou scoffed, snatching his hands from Koge to cross his arms over his chest. “Tch, fuck off! You think I wouldn’t be?!” 
“Katsuki, you’re so beautiful as a man, there’s no way you’d be any less beautiful as a woman. Your boobs are even bigger than mine!” Tenderly, Koge reached up and cupped his cheeks, which were hot against her chilled skin. “Come here. I missed you today.” With a gentle tug, she got him to lean in for a kiss, pushing herself up on her toes to meet him halfway. She did have to admit that it felt different, his lips softer with just a hint of that characteristic roughness she was familiar with. It was still her Bakugou, and that fuzzy, warm sense of love filled her like it did any other day. 
He didn’t quite seem to agree, the furrowing of his brow hinting that he was still uncomfortable. “That doesn’t… bother you?” 
“Hm? No Katsuki, not at all. I mean, your lips are way softer but that’s it. Why would it bother me?” Koge sneakily wiggled her way into an embrace, her arms around his neck while he nervously locked his arms around her torso. 
“But, I’m not… I’m a fucking chick right now. That doesn’t make you feel weird?” 
“No. You’re still my Katsuki. I love more than just your body, you know. Everything about you is still the same. Just… you’re a lady right now. And that’s fine.” 
“But you’re not attracted to women.” His hands moved to caress her sides. “It has to be strange for you.” 
Koge gave a small roll of her eyes, pushing herself up on her toes to kiss him again. “It’s not! Sure, I’m attracted to your normal body, but that doesn’t make a difference. I love you for being you. Man or lady. Even if this was permanent, nothing about how I love you would change.” Her comforting words only made his cheeks somehow flush darker, a scoff leaving his lips before he shoved his face into her hair, squeezing her against him in his embarrassment. Smiling, Koge stroked his hair softly, glad to see that the texture and style of it hadn’t changed much at all. “Don’t stress out about that. It’s just temporary.” 
“I’m fucking glad it is. I don’t know what I’d do if I ended up a woman forever.” Bakugou peeled himself from her, making his way over to his dresser to dig about for clothes that might fit him better. It was obvious that he needed it, as the shorts would have fallen without him holding on and it was clearly uncomfortable. “I don’t think I have anything that will stay on…” 
“Hmmm.” Koge followed him over, stopping at her side of the dresser to dig around as well. “I might have some shorts, but they are like… girly shorts. And some normal underwear, too. Nothing frilly or… thong-ish. You could try them?” Pulling out the mentioned clothing items, she took a second to look over Bakugou’s body, trying to gage his size. His new figure very closely matched hers, with a soft athletic frame that was quite curvy. The only difference was really the height, so she figured that the shorts and underwear would probably fit. “I know you’d prefer your boxers and all, but if you’re worried about not being covered, these would be the most comfortable.” 
Bakugou glared at the clothing out of the corner of his eye, clutching a pair of his own shorts in his hands tightly. The reluctance was obvious on his face, but Koge could see that small spark of realization behind it. A new body required different clothes, and though it was clear that he didn’t want to succumb to his new female figure, it was something he’d have to suffer through. Roughly shoving his clothes back into the drawer, he shut it harshly with his knee before taking the clothes in Koge’s hand. “And what if they don’t fit?” 
“They should. You’re taller than me, but your figure isn’t all that different. If they don’t fit then we’ll… figure out something else. We can both just walk around naked or something.” Koge couldn’t resist a smile at the blush on his face, though she was happy to see that he only went to the bed instead of going to hide in the bathroom. “Ooh, not scared to be around me anymore, huh?” 
“Well don’t fucking watch me change! Fuck, Utsuro, keep it in your pants.” Bakugou glowered at her over his shoulder, waiting until she huffed and turned her back to him before letting the baggy shorts and boxers fall to the ground. Pout on her face, Koge crossed her arms over her chest, listening to the sound of shuffling clothes and the familiar snap of underwear band against skin. 
“Any luck?” 
“I suppose… How can you stand this stuff so tight against your skin? It’s irritating! Like having a permanent wedgie.”
Koge giggled, unable to resist a glance over her shoulder. She got a peek of his backside as he pulled the shorts up into place, and from the looks of it, they fit just fine. A little tighter on him than they were for her, but they still fit better than the loose shorts. “Well, we don’t really have anything hanging in the way, so it’s normal. Those look good on you!” 
Glancing at her with cheeks still as crimson as his eyes, Bakugou scoffed, adjusting the tank to try and pull it further down to hide himself. “Shut up, I don’t want to hear that… I just want to work out and go to bed so I can be rid of this.” 
“But you haven’t even eaten dinner yet. You’ll make yourself sick doing that without food. C’mon, let's cook dinner first and then we can work out together.” Koge smiled at him, gently taking his hand as he approached her. “You gotta get used to your body first before you start working out, anyway. I can tell you’re fumbling a bit with the boobs.” 
“They’re so in the fucking way… I hate them.” 
“Aw, I like them. You’re at least a double D, Katsuki. They’re super pretty and perky without a bra, too. You haven’t squeezed them or anything yet?” 
“No! I am not touching myself in any way, don’t be perverted.” 
“I’m not being perverted. I just assumed that most guys, if they suddenly had tits, they’d want to touch them. You like mine so much, I just assumed you would have given them a squeeze.” Koge reached up and squeezed her own breast, pushing it up a bit. “I’m kinda jealous of yours…”
“Don’t start. Let’s just eat some fucking food so I can get on with working out and be done with it!” 
Cooking, eating, and cleaning up afterwards went about as normal as any other day, though Koge could see that Bakugou was struggling. He had issues holding chopsticks, more than normal, and cursed every time he dropped some rice down between his breasts. Koge couldn’t resist her giggles every time he had to fish it out, nor could she resist teasing him when his nipples became visible with the cold. He didn’t react as badly as she would have expected, merely covering them with his arm or pulling his long legs up into the chair to pull his knees to his chest. He may have not liked it, but Koge found him to be ridiculously adorable. 
As they finished cleaning up after dinner, Koge gave a sigh as she hopped up to sit on the counter, patting her full belly a few times. “Man, I’m full! That was delicious as always, Katsuki. Thank you.” 
Bakugou only gave a grunt in agreement, currently drying his hands off on a small towel they kept hanging next to the sink. Once he was done and after placing it back into its spot, he turned his crimson gaze towards her. Koge could see his tension soften as it usually did when he was calm, so she beckoned him over with open arms, which he responded to instantly out of instinct. Wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her to the edge of the counter, he kissed her sweetly, making Koge’s heart flutter. She let her own arms wrap around his neck, legs hooking around his waist to keep him close. 
He was so soft and sweet, kissing and caressing her body with that familiar touch that she couldn’t resist. Eating may have been a problem, but showering her with such sweet affection obviously wasn’t, not missing a beat in the way he kissed her. If it was a normal night, she knew very well that he would have scooped her up and took her to bed, but as his lips left hers with a frustrated sigh, she knew she wouldn’t have anything more. 
Grumbling, Bakugou rested his forehead onto hers, his crimson gaze locked onto hers with that familiar haze of lust. “This fucking sucks, Utsuro…” 
Koge caressed his cheeks softly, giving a quiet hum as she stroked his skin with her thumb. “I know… I will admit, I’m missing your dick right about now. I’ve been waiting for you to get home all day, after that teasing you gave me this morning and left me hanging. Unfair.” 
“I can’t do anything about it… And I sure as hell am not putting on a strap on.” 
“We don’t even have one. I mean… I have other toys-” 
Pouting, Koge let her hands fall to rest on his chest, running her fingers along his collarbone. “No? Why no?” 
“I’m not going to have sex with you while I’m like this. In any way. It's not happening.” 
“Why? It could be fun. A woman’s orgasm is completely different from a man’s, y’know. Aren’t you curious about what it feels like?” Her fingers traveled up and across the soft form of his jawline, waiting for that flicker of contemplation to cross his face. “You have to be, at least a little bit.” 
“You do realize my body is probably set up like a virgin, right? It wouldn’t be as fun as you’re thinking.” Bakugou gave a small shake of his head, his cheeks flushing at the thought. “It’d probably just fucking hurt.” 
“I’d treat you nicely, Katsuki. Nicer than you treated me.” 
“I treated you just fine! You weren’t even physically a virgin, you just hadn’t even been with a man before. You were the one telling me to fuck you harder, don’t even try to make me seem like an ass.” 
“I’m not! What I’m saying is that I wouldn’t go all out on you… at first. Until you’re ready. And if you don’t want anything up in there, I can just play with your clit instead.” 
Bakugou’s face was dark red by the time she finished, glowering down at her with reluctance. “You don’t even know how to fuck a woman.” 
“I get the concept. And I know how to use toys. That’s something you don’t know about.” 
“Not happening.” 
With a huff, Koge shoved her face into his chest, enjoying the soft plush swell of his breasts. “Meanie. I bet you’re super wet just from kissing me.” 
Bakugou stroked the back of her head softly, a hint that he truly did feel guilty that he couldn’t give her what she wanted. “Yeah, and it’s fucking uncomfortable. Not as bad as having a boner, though…” 
Koge kissed Bakugou’s skin softly, trailing her lips and soft kisses up to his neck. “You have a lady boner. That throbbing and aching…” She let out a small, airy sigh, caressing the side of his neck. “Mm… I’ve been feeling that all day. It can be unbearable sometimes…” 
Bakugou moved his hands to her hips, his fingers edging under her shirt to feel her skin. “I get that Utsuro, but there’s just no way.” 
“Katsuki… You aren’t scared are you?” Koge smirked against his skin, feeling his grip tighten on her. “Or is it… You don’t think you’d be good enough? I bet you just wouldn’t know how to handle me as a woman…” 
Bakugou brought his hand up, digging it into her hair and gripping a handful, tight enough to bend her head back and make her squeak out in a mix of pain and pleasure. “You’d better watch your mouth, Utsuro. You’re the one that wouldn’t know how to handle me.” 
“Wanna bet?” Koge let her fingers slip under the rim of his shorts, feeling her cheeks flush from the grip on her hair. “I bet I could have you wiggling and panting. I can already tell that you’d make the cutest expressions while cumming… C’mon Katsuki. Just because you have a pussy now doesn’t mean you should be one.” 
“I’m going to kill you.” 
“Do it. Pussy.”
Koge let out a squeal as she was scooped up off the counter, laughing when she settled over Bakugou’s shoulder as he headed towards the bedroom. “Wow, you’re still strong enough to carry me like a sack of potatoes!” 
“That’s because you are a potato.” Bakugou landed a firm smack on Koge’s ass, making her yelp and wiggle to escape. 
“Ow!! Mm, do it again-- oof!” Koge was denied her request as she was tossed down onto the bed, her body bouncing with the impact. She didn’t have time to move or react as Bakugou straddled her torso, sitting firmly down onto her lower stomach to keep her in place. With a huff, Koge glowered up at him, her hands gripping his thighs. “Well this is new.” 
Smirk on his lips, Bakugou reached behind him, his hand finding its way between her legs to rub and tease her clit on the outside of her shorts. “You really are just a horny little slut, Utsuro.” Free hand wrapping around her neck, he squeezed with just enough pressure to make Koge wiggle, and though his hands weren’t as big as normal, they still had a good amount of strength. “Soaked through your shorts and taunting me until I decide to fuck you. You’re going to regret it.” 
Struggling to breathe or make a single sound against the grip on her throat, Koge nodded, digging her nails into the skin of his thighs as she wiggled beneath him. “I’ll never regret it. I’m not the only one.” She slid one hand up, pressing and rubbing her thumb against Bakugou’s clit. “You’re just as wet as me. In fact, I think you’re worse. I can feel it on my stomach.” 
Bakugou couldn’t stop the furrowing of his brow or the slight rocking of his hips, confusion flashing across his features at the feeling. The clit and the head of a penis were decently similar, that much Koge knew, but she was also positive that they had a totally different sensation. He had grown so used to being the one to pleasure her, to taking control and turning her into the cock hungry bitch that she was. But now, he didn’t have that, and Koge was very curious to see how he was going to handle all the new sensations and pleasures that he was unfamiliar with. He may have known what places on the female body prompted reactions, but he had no idea how it felt. That would be Koge’s ace, her way to turn it around and make him the one to twitch and writhe. 
She wanted to see it so badly. Sure, Koge loved to be dominated by him, to be used and teased until she was filthy begging mess. But to tease him the same way, to use his temporary body to send him into the same bliss she felt was something she couldn’t resist. “Already wiggling your hips, Katsuki? I’m barely touching you.” 
“Shut up!” Bakugou’s middle and third fingers found their way into her mouth, gagging her to silence her teasing. That didn’t stop her fingers, however, which moved in rhythm with the way he was stroking her own clit. What she couldn’t mimic, however, was the direct contact that Bakugou was able to achieve, his hand shoved into her shorts and underwear. “That’s it, you bitch… suck on my fingers while I make you cum.” 
Although she wanted her chance, Koge couldn’t resist his demands, sucking and licking his fingers as if they were his member. Even though his hands weren’t as big, he didn’t lose any sense of technique, his fingers alternating from slipping into her cunt to rubbing her clit until she was moaning and squirming beneath him. She had completely forgotten about touching him, her hands once again gripping his hips as she had nothing else to anchor herself to. What she did notice however, was the way he grinded his hips against her stomach. It was just a slight movement, but it was enough for Koge to know exactly what he was doing. He was completely getting off on this, and that only turned Koge on more. 
Soon enough, Koge did just as he had said, cumming hard on his fingers as her teeth clamped down around the others. Removing his hand from her shorts, he gave her cunt a firm slap, making her squeak and gag on the fingers still knuckle deep in her mouth. “Fuck, Utsuro, you’re so sexy. And such a little horny slut, cumming so fast.” As he set her mouth free, Koge took a moment to cough. 
“How unfair, pinning me down so I can’t do anything to you. Still scared I’ll one up you?” She still didn’t have a chance to move as Bakugou shifted his body back between her legs, ripping her shorts and underwear off before gripping her legs behind the knee. With a push, he bent her legs over her body until her knees were on either side of her head, displaying her wet and throbbing cunt to him. 
“I have to let you know what you’re up against.” He gave her thigh a harsh bite, making her whine. As his lips and teeth continued to leave marks and kisses along her skin towards her dripping sex, he groaned out in frustration, eyeing every inch of her. “Fuck, I want to sink my cock into you so badly. I know what it feels like and I can’t fucking have it.” Tongue reaching her clit, he sent her into another round of pleasure and senseless moaning, her fingers digging into his hair. 
“I-I have a cock for us, Katsuki-- a-ah!! We just- oh fuck!” She gripped onto one leg as he released it, his fingers going in to pleasure her. His tongue on her clit and his fingers in her cunt drove her wild, making her nearly cum instantly again. “We have to p-pop your cherry first with s-something more- ah, something smaller.” 
Bakugou became increasingly aggressive with his movements, as if he didn’t want to give her a single chance to talk. Sure enough, Koge was silenced by her moans, until he brought her to yet another body shaking ograsm. Panting and already feeling her body becoming sticky with sweat, she ignored his chuckles of smug victory, focused instead on the feeling of his hands sliding back up her thighs. Even with more slender hands, his touch sent goosebumps across her skin, as did his snarky commentary. 
“Utsuro, you’d better have a fucking idea about what you’re doing. Because I haven’t been this fucking horny in a while, not since I fucked you in my office that last time.” 
Smirk crossing her lips, Koge put her feet against his chest, giving him a rough push to force him to fall backwards. Ignoring his grumbles of protest, she moved to straddle his body as he had her before, plopping down to sit on his lower stomach. “What’s that, Katsuki? Are you actually begging?” 
Snatching onto her thighs tightly, Bakugou glared up at her, though his face flushed with the feeling of her hands sneaking beneath his top. “I’m not begging for anything! I’m just fucking warning you, don’t even start this if you don’t think you can make me cum.” 
“Don’t worry,” Koge leaned forward and kissed him sweetly as she pushed his tank up over his breasts, lightly trailing her fingers against the soft flesh. “One way or another, I’ll get you there. And if not, then when you’re back to normal, I’ll let you do whatever you want to me.” With another, more passionate kiss, she assumed that the way he kissed her back as a positive response. Becoming more excited with his silent approval, Koge did her best to mimic the way he played with her breasts. She lacked his roughness, but her tender touch is what she knew he liked, anyway. The hardness of his nipples and the way he gasped into the kiss with each roll or pinch beneath her fingers told her that she had to be doing something right. 
After a slight nibble to his bottom lip, Koge moved her kisses down across his jawline to his neck. They soon joined her hands at his breasts, making him gasp and tense up as her teeth clamped down around one nipple while the other was pinched between her fingers. Koge became rougher with this positive response, sucking, biting and rolling his nipples beneath her tongue. Shifting her body over to sit beside him instead, she continued with the attention to his breasts while one of her hands slipped beneath his shorts and underwear. 
The first thing Koge noticed was how hot and wet he was. Without bottoms on to catch the liquid, she was positive that he would be nearly dripping. She hadn’t expected him to be this turned on, but in relation to the way he acted in his normal body, she guessed that it was a pretty even reaction. Before she touched him, she moved her lips back up to kiss him, wanting to watch his expressions. “Are you ready, my Katsuki?” 
As he caught her gaze, Koge felt an intense fluttering of her heart and stomach, unable to believe how absolutely beautiful and flawless he was. His flushed cheeks and concerned furrow of his brow only made her want to pleasure him more, and as his face contorted with the first roll of that fleshy button beneath Koge’s fingers, her excitement only further boiled within her. His entire body trembled with just this delicate touch, and so she increased the pressure and speed of her rhythm, feeling the heat in her own body flare at the sweet moans that escaped him. 
It was obvious to her, however, that he was trying very hard to not seem overwhelmed by the feeling. The way his body tensed and how he held his breath were clear indications that he wasn’t letting loose, and Koge couldn’t allow that. 
With a quick kiss to his lips, which he seemed reluctant to let go, Koge changed up the direction of her fingers. In that moment of distraction from the kiss, Bakugou let out a sharp moan, before quickly trying to subdue it. Giving a small shake of her head, Koge kissed his cheek softly, before shifting her body between his legs. “That’s naughty, Katsuki. Don’t try to hold yourself back, that messes it up.” 
“I don’t want to sound like a desperate horny bitch, Utsuro.” He shifted his hips up so Koge could slip his shorts and underwear off, not even bothering to be embarrassed about hiding himself. “I already hate the way I sound.” 
“Don’t think about that.” Koge softly kissed her way down his stomach, giving him little bites and nibbles where she pleased. “Don’t hold your breath and don’t try to be quiet. No one can hear you but me. And I love the way you sound.” Hooking her arms beneath his legs to grip his hips, she ran her tongue along his sex, focusing all her attention on where her fingers had been before. Again, she used what he had always done to her as an example, instantly breaking his tough attitude into dust. His fingers dug into her hair as his body arched up into her, moaning without restraint. 
“F-Fucking hell, Utsuro, take it easy!” 
Giving a light nip to the swollen clit she was abusing, Koge couldn’t resist a smirk from crossing her lips as she gazed up his body. “This is me taking it easy, Katsuki. I think you’re just an extra sensitive woman. So cute.” Koge went right back to it, ignoring his choked complaint for her to not call him cute. 
This was something completely different for her, but just like when she would suck his cock, her only goal was to pleasure him. If she could turn him into a groaning mess then, she could do it now, and from what she could tell she was doing just that. She loved the feeling of his fingers digging into her scalp, his body rocking against her rhythm and thighs squeezing against her head when there were sudden spikes of pleasure. She loved him, and no matter what he may look like, all she wanted was to make him happy. 
In her moment of focus, her hand moved on unconscious impulse, adjusting her position just a bit to be able to slip two fingers into him. There was no resistance or pain as she expected. Instead, he gave an adorable squeak-like moan at the feeling, his body shuddering as his core squeezed her fingers. At first, Koge paused, worried she may have upset him until she felt a rough tug on her hair. 
“Don’t stop, Utsuro, for fucks sake!” 
Deciding not to punish him for being so demanding, she instead gave him what he wanted, continuing to pleasure him with her tongue and fingers. Within minutes, she could tell that he was getting very close, with the way his body moved and voice hitched. 
“F-fuck, I-- Koge--,” Bakugou couldn’t talk behind his moans, his body beginning to give those taletell signs that he was about to cum. Without skipping a beat, Koge pushed him all the way over the edge, until his entire body with jerking and twitching with the onslaught of his first female orgasm. It was as if he lost all control over himself, his fingers affectionately stroking through her hair as he calmed, sweating and trembling. Smiling and licking her lips, Koge sat up from him, removing her fingers from within his still throbbing cunt. 
“Mm… How was that, Katsuki?” Bringing her fingers up to her lips, she licked his essence off her fingers, finding that she quite liked the taste of him. Bakugou propped himself up on trembling arms, glaring up at her with obvious annoyance at her smug attitude. 
“You know damn well, I’m not going to say it.” 
“Do you want to be done?” Koge tenderly ran her hand up and down his inner thigh, watching his chest for a moment as he struggled to catch his breath. Bakugou’s brow furrowed at the question, his eyes glancing over at the nightstand which housed Koge’s collection of toys. He knew which one she had wanted to use, and now that it was quite obvious his body could accommodate such a thing without pain, he seemed… curious. 
“What would you want to use?” Sitting up all the way, Bakugou caressed her cheek softly, moving some of her hair out of her face. Cheeks flushing from the tender touch, Koge turned her lips into his palm to kiss it softly before looking over at the nightstand as well. 
“Well,” Koge placed her hand over is, her body tingling as his other hand moved up her thigh. “You know I have that one I bought on accident… That doubled ended dildo that I thought was like.. Two separate ones for some reason when I bought it.” 
“Hm…” Bakugou urged her closer until she was straddling his lap, his arms around her petite body in a comforting embrace, his lips exploring her neck. “Is that what you want?” 
Koge couldn’t resist a soft gasp at the feeling of his teeth nipping lightly at her skin, hiding her face into his hair as the fire within her grew stronger. “Katsuki, this has been and felt amazing as always, but I… I miss your cock so much. I miss feeling you inside me. A toy still can’t compare, but I think I need it to be satisfied… for now.” 
“Then get it out. I can’t let you go unsatisfied, Utsuro. You know I refuse to let that happen.” Bakugou’s hands slid up her sides, taking hold of her shirt and pulling it up to remove it. His tank was removed shorty after, leaving them bare. “Unless I have plans to tease and edge you like crazy before leaving you hanging for a while.” 
“Like you did this morning.” Koge kissed him sweetly before reluctantly peeling herself away from him, moving to the edge of the bed to dig through her nightstand drawer. Soon enough, the bright blue doubled ended and very realistic anatomy wise dildo appeared from the collection. “I got this one because it was so similar to your size. Widthwise, at least. But I didn’t realize it was like this.” She held the semi floppy toy out towards him, unable to resist giggling at the way he leaned his body away from it. 
“My dick doesn’t look like this, Utsuro.” With some hesitation that Koge couldn’t quite understand, Bakugou took the end of the dildo that was pointed at him, giving it a squeeze to test its firmness. 
Koge scooted in closer to him after she snatched another item from the nightstand, though she left it off to the side for now. “I didn’t say I got it for the way it looks. I got it for the size. How realistic it’s made is nice, too. Except for the color of course.” 
“Why do you even want this when you can have my dick whenever you want?” Bakugou glowered down at her, seemingly quite offended. “What’s the deal?” 
“You’re not always around, Katsuki. You have your business trips that can be up to three weeks that you’re gone! I get horny and lonely! What do you think I’m using when we sext or have phone sex, a pencil?” She snatched the toy from his grip, before giving him a punishing smack on the boobs for his stupid question. “I can barely get off using my fingers anymore, I need you, a dildo, a vibrator or a combination of the three.” 
“You’re just a-” 
“-A cock hungry slut. You’re right, I love dick. Your dick, to be specific. But,” With a sigh, Koge leaned back on one arm, picking up the other item she had pulled from the drawer a moment ago. Flicking the bottle open with her thumb, she squeezed a bit of the lube onto her hot and waiting sex, before using the dildo to spread it about and get a decent coating itself. “I’ll just have to use my imagination. Now come here, sit like me. Put your leg over mine, and I’ll put mine over yours… There.” While Bakugou got situation like instructed, Koge slipped the toy into her as far as it would go, her body tingling with the feeling of being full. 
Once settled, Bakugou watched her with a flushed and almost confused expression, as if he were unsure how to go about this. “This is weird.” 
“I know you’ve seen your fair share of lesbian porn, Katsuki. Here.” Koge shoved the lube into his hand, which he accidentally squeezed too hard in his embarrassed frustration, sending an excessive amount pouring over his inner thigh. Giggling, Koge ignored his frustrated cursing as she wiped up the liquid with her hand, leaning forward to kiss him as she spread it across his sex, unable to resist a bit of teasing to his clit. “You missed. It goes here, silly.” 
“I fucking know where it goes, bitch.” Digging his fingers into her hair, he gripped it roughly, swallowing her gasp as he kissed her with a more fierce passion. His impatience to move on overshadowing hers, Koge scooted her body just a tad closer, letting him take control. First, he focused on moving the toy within her, making her moan and gasp into the kiss as she clutched onto his leg. 
“Put it inside you, Katsuki,” Koge broke the kiss with her words, catching his gaze. “Please… I want to feel good together.” 
Bakugou couldn’t take his eyes off her eyes as he complied, shifting his hips to allow his end of the toy to slip inside him. Koge smiled as she watched his expression contort, pleasure and confusion fighting to take control. It was as if he couldn’t resist it, beginning to rock his body nearly the instant it was fully in place. After sharing another kiss, Koge leaned back on her hands, following his rhythm. This was something that she had never experienced before, but the feeling of the toy moving within her and watching him crumble to the pleasure only further spiked her own. 
It was clear that he didn’t know what to make of it, but was enjoying it nonetheless. Not just a little bit, either. He was taking full control of it all, setting the pace and even moaning without restraint. 
“W-what do you think?” Koge found a moment to speak, beginning to feel that bubble growing inside of her. Instead of answering her with words, Bakugou surprised her with a sudden change of position, grabbing her by the neck and forcing her down onto her back as he hovered his body over hers. Clutching his arm, the new pressure around her throat and sudden increased speed sent her pleasure spiking. Now, she was completely at his mercy, which was exactly how they both preferred it. 
“Yeah, I know you like that, you little horny bitch. Cum all over this cock, Utsuro.” 
“Y-you first.” A sly smirk crossing her lips, Koge reached down to grab the middle part of the dildo that wasn’t going into them, clicking a hidden button three times to set it to it’s fastest vibration. Bakugou’s tough front instantly faltered, increasing the speed and roughness of his movements. 
Koge had to admit, even though it was different, it was pure bliss. She never took her eyes off of him, if she wasn’t watching the way he moved than her eyes were on his face. The look of absolute desperation to reach climax and all willpower crumbling at the mercy of pleasure was something she could not only relate to, but also something she would never forget. 
“I-I’m going to cum! Katsuki--” Her nails digging into the skin of his arm, she did her best to hold off, noticing that his movements were becoming erratic and almost stiff. “Cum with me!” 
“S-shut up! I-- ah, fuck!” The way Bakugou’s voice squeaked as his body shuddered with his orgasm made Koge smile with her own, allowing her body to release the built up pleasure. It rolled across her body in strong waves, the vibrations only prolonging the experience. Bakugou couldn’t seem to take the excess stimulation, removing the toy from himself and thus from within her, pushing it away as if it were causing harm. Koge giggled softly at the action, reaching up to caress his cheeks. 
“Come here, you adorable thing. Love of my life.” She wrapped her arms around Bakugou as he rested himself down onto her, though he kept most of his weight on his arms. With a tired groan, he buried his face into her neck, giving Koge easy access to run her fingers through his hair. 
“No more,” He grumbled against her skin. “How can you have five or more of those in a session.” 
Koge gave a small shrug, prompting him to shift himself back up to look down at her. “I’m used to it, I guess. And you just make it so easy, just by being your amazing sexy self.” 
“Damn right.” After sharing a kiss, Bakugou let his lips trail across her cheek and to her neck, caressing her body to his with a tender touch that sent Koge’s heart fluttering. As he moved them to lay on their sides, Koge nuzzled her face into his chest, soaking in the warmth and soft plushness of his body. 
The time spent cuddling was short lived as Bakugou suddenly pulled himself from the bed, snatching his discarded clothes off the floor and putting them back on. Curious, Koge rolled over onto her side to watch him, though she quickly understood what he was doing as he pulled his arms up over his head to stretch. “You’re still going to work out?” 
“Fuck yes I am. I didn’t sweat nearly enough form that fuck, I have to sweat more to get this quirk out of my damn system.” 
So he did, working out until he was quite literally dripping with sweat. He did so for about an hour and a half, with Koge watching from the comfortable confines of their bed, her fluffy fleece blanket wrapped around her from chin to toe. Once he was satisfied that he had worked himself to the limit, he hopped into the shower with Koge, whom spent most of the time under the water playing with Bakugou’s breasts. At this point, he was so tired that he gave up after slapping her hands away a couple of times, letting her do whatever she wanted. 
Squeaky clean and dressed for bed, the couple buried themselves beneath the blankets. With a bit of juggling of positions and figuring out how to lay down comfortably with his breasts in the way, Bakugou squeezed Koge to him tightly. Koge couldn’t resist the smile on her face as he nuzzled his face into the side of hers, placing a firm yet affectionate kiss on her flushed cheek. “Mm, someone’s really sleepy. My sweet Katsuki…” Turning her head a bit, she caught his lips in a kiss, caressing his cheek softly. Bakugou returned the affection without question, though he did scoff once their lips parted. 
“Shut up, Utsuro. Before I kick your ass out of bed.” 
“You’d never.” Her fingers trailed along his jawline softly, keeping her gaze locked with his as she smiled against his lips. “Besides, we both know you like it when I’m all lovey towards you. Admit it.” 
“I couldn’t be in love with you if I didn’t.” 
Heart fluttering, she gave him one last kiss before cuddling herself in for sleep, her head resting comfortably on the swell of his breasts. “Mm… Boobs really are comfortable.” 
“Well enjoy them, because I expect to be normal by morning.” 
“I’ll have my big strong man back. Though, this is something I don’t think I’ll ever forget. Such fun.” 
“It wasn’t fun, Utsuro.” 
“Lies. You had fun. It wasn’t as fun as when I was a cat girl, but I still enjoyed it. And I know you did, too. At least a little.” 
“Whatever… Shut up and go to sleep.” 
“I love you.” 
With another affectionate kiss to the top of her head, Bakugou kept her close, filling Koge with such a strong sense of pure adoration. “I love you, too, Koge. I can’t wait to be back to myself in the morning…” 
The couple fell into a deep and restful sleep, with no alarm and no sense of urgency waking them up. What did pull Koge into consciousness, however, was the sudden pleasurable feeling of being full. A familiar form within her core sent that blissful tingling across her skin, forcing her to clutch onto the sheets and moan into her pillow. On her stomach, she could feel the weight of her lover at her hips, straddling her legs as his manhood filled her. How long he had been playing with her, she didn’t know nor did she care. All she could do was lift her hips up into him, feeling him reach into her depths like no toy on earth ever could. He was so hot and eager, his burning palms on her ass sending fire through every inch of her body. 
“Someone’s finally awake,” That deep growl of his voice made Koge’s heart flutter, opening her eyes to peer up at him over her shoulder. Bakugou was indeed back to his old self, his gorgeous muscular body looming over her. “I nearly had you cumming in your sleep just from fingering you.” 
Nearly feeling like he was reaching all the way into her stomach, Koge’s entire body was aching for him to move. “That’s mean, Katsuki… Not even waking me up to enjoy the fun.” 
“Who says I didn’t try? It’s not my fault you sleep like a fucking rock.” With that, he began to rock his hips, slowly and teasingly working himself within her. Unable to resist, Koge arched her hips up a bit more, an airy sigh of pleasure leaving her lips. 
“You just couldn’t wait, huh? Not that I can blame you… Fuck, it’s so hot… So deep--” A sharp moan interrupted her as he gave a rough thrust of his hips, picking up his pace as he leaned his body over her. After pressing a rough kiss to her cheek, he moved his lips to her ear, his voice nearly making her cum already. 
“Shut up, Utsuro… Now that I’m normal, it’s time for me to get you back for all that bullshit you put me through yesterday. So… tell me how good my cock feels inside you, and maybe I’ll give you what you’ve been missing.” 
98 notes · View notes
suchine-toki · 5 years
Wow, your point about gintoki's state in the ending is pretty good and one that I never thought about until now. You'd think that after 700+ chapters gintoki would at least be able to share his sorrow of losing a loved one with the yorozuya, but nope, it's still the same old gintoki drinking alone and crying on the inside while pretending he's fine in front of everyone else. The only person seen comforting gintoki was sakamoto, an old friend, through his letters. (1/2)
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Gintoki is my favorite character not only from Gintama, but every series I’ve seen so far, so I’ve spent a lot of time reflecting on his character and journey. As the series went on we learnt he had a huge burden on his back as he had to deal with the consequences of his past actions. It was never confirmed, but we have many reasons to believe Gintoki had PTSD, the guilt, fears, nightmares, detachment, demotivation, just to name a few that could be seen. Besides that, his alcoholism and gambling addiction were signs that things were not going well, even if they were used for gags most of the time. What was prevously mentioned is also connected to depression. Gintoki has talked about feelings of emptiness, worthlessness, cowardice, regret, among others through the series that give us an insight on his mind.
Whether Sorachi did it on purpose ot not, Gintoki was, little by little, overcoming his depression. From SA arc it’s possible to see it more clearly, tough. In that arc Gintoki is forced to face the consequences of his decision through his battle with Takasugi. The later even tells him to “don’t avert his eyes,” which is what he has been doing all this time. Then he finally speaks, after 10 years, and explains why he made that choice. In FS arc he encounters Utsuro but is capable of confronting him, and he gets to redeem himself in a way by saving both Kondo and the Shinsengumi. In Rakuyo arc he reunites with his past comrades and is able to say out loud how much he cares for the people that are now on his life, so he doesn’t feel empty anymore. In the first part of SS arc he’s about to give up when the Shinsengumi comes up to save him, as well as everybody else, helping him realize once again he’s not alone.
In the second part of SS arc Gintoki talks about how he has got back the things he lost, referring to Takasugi, and how he doesn’t want to lose them. However, three chapters later (½ hour real time?) he’s ready to accept Takasugi’s death because he will continue living in his soul. It’s a beautiful way of thinking but pretty sudden all things considered. He also accepts Shouyou’s death with even less trouble, which leads me to question how he does it, or why, taking into account there’s a person behind who writes it. Maybe Sorachi wanted to show how he has become stronger mentally and emotionally, the problem is, that’s not how it works. The fact that you learned to overcome the death of a loved one doesn’t mean that nothing will affect you in the future. What’s strange is that he was doing it right until that moment.
In regards to the epilogue, where everything goes back to normal, I get Sorachi did it with the purpose of having a statu-quo type of ending. For that Gintoki needs to be fine, as always. But if we want to go with introspection once more, I think he’s in denial, acting as if the recent painful events didn’t happen. That would also explain why he doesn’t want to search for Takasugi like he did for Shouyou, he’s avoiding it. It’s also mentioned how Shinpachi hasn’t seen Gintoki in a while and how he was out drinking again, leading to believe he has been drinking more than usual. However, I doubt this is what Sorachi had in mind. To him it’s just about getting back to normal. Still, he’s aware that he can’t draw Gintoki with a big, heartfelt smile since that’s not how Gintoki is feeling, in fact he wrote Gintoki had a “lonely smile.” It’s pretty sad.
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junonreactor · 5 years
 okay so i’m. done reading now and 
gonna start with the stuff that i liked (if that’s...the right word for the emotion i was forced to feel there):
- zura seeing shouyou on the screen... “the brightest prodigy of my school” “i know i can count on you” “i want all of you to live”. i’m gonna tear my heart out can you fucking imagine being zura. everything is terrible i’m gonna cry again
- shouyou giving up his life to protect the future that gintoki has worked to build for himself and his loved ones is killing me. shouyou and takasugi having been so stuck in the past and both of them dying knowing that gintoki is looking to the future is going to legitimately kill me. i don’t necessarily like that this was the way shouyou gets resolved (it was a hell of a revolving door appearance) but i. appreciate...
- literally zura sitting there with that smile on his face saying “i cannot move from this spot” punched me in the throat. i made a Noise. 
- the whole fucking. the fucking. the monsters and humans thing. i cannot express with human words what that did to me emotionally. the follow-up with gintoki calling him “shouyou” and then gintoki and the yorozuya supporting shouyou and just. y’all. 
- honestly, soyo and nobume are incredible. just, imagining the dynamic between the two of them in private and in public is so much fun to me. i know they were introduced as being a team before but seeing them in action for even a couple of panels is Good
- sakamoto’s entire letter... i’m soft. he invites gintoki out to space and tells him that he’s sure shouyou is watching out for his students, still. he’s meeting up with zura. he updates gintoki on things zura is doing because zura sure isn’t going to tell gintoki that he’s doing this stuff. 
-  “it is my belief that there are no such things as miracles in this world. and that all things that happen in this world have causes and happen for logical reasons. so i do not think your being saved was a miracle. and i do not think that a master protecting his disciples is a miracle. i believe that is something only natural” sakamoto i would die for you
- honestly the fact that takasugi’s death, shouyou’s death and the potential resulting grief aren’t really addressed directly are things i’m personally :( about but just. even indirectly knowing anything about the aftermath is good. zura following up with the kiheitai and keeping tabs with sakamoto really gets to me. i’m crying again
- i’m gonna be honest i practically started bawling at “we are always with you beneath your sky”. i can’t believe it’s over????? gintama really is a series near and dear to my heart and i’m really. 
like i’m gonna have to give up on the “reread the past couple arcs thing” and just dive in and reread the whole thing instead. i really, really love gintama a lot actually. i’m experiencing waves of emotion right now
i do have a few things i personally was kind of :/ about in this chapter though, admittedly:
- did zura have?? any other direct confrontations/conversations with shouyou besides this moment where shouyou announces that he’s dying again? i mean i said this after 703 too but i think i really would have preferred it if zura got some more active involvement in the shoka sonjuku thing. 
- what was the rest of the cast...doing...? this may just be me being totally unable to remember the plot that wasn’t directly related to joui/shoka sonjuku conflict but like. i have no idea what they’re doing or why they’re gathered like that at all
- also i kind of felt like the events of 703 should have had more impact than they did? maybe this is just me, and i know there’s limited space to turn the mood around for something like this, but the emotional weight of that whole confrontation just dissipating into thin air is a little unsatisfactory for me. perhaps this is because i cycled through Grief and i wanted to watch the characters also Go Through It. i’m in no state to say
- so i was skipping around chapters trying to figure out how exactly the fuck altana works and this chapter still. ?? ??????? what the FUCK is going on. like i’m trying to connect kouka with utsuro and shouyou and then figure out how the immortality/mortality thing works and how exactly it’s connected to the planet and the people who absorb it and. What
- i’m in general very :/ about shouyou’s appearance in this arc in general because. i mean he was there for like 2.5 chapters and then sacrifices himself? we had a couple of really nice pages with Themes (monsters and humans, past/present/future, found families etc) but overall? in the end we had that rehash of gintoki making a choice between his friends and his teacher but the benefits of that scene are arguable to me (just, personally? i guess i can see that this brought takasugi the closure and ending that he wanted and i guess it could have brought gintoki acceptance/resignation but idk. i think i probably had my own expectations set too much for this going differently). and zura barely got to participate in the actual shouyou bits, so even though that “brightest prodigy of my school” line hurt it also kind of felt cheap? i don’t have all my thoughts straight yet but shouyou burst into the plot and he+utsuro left gaping holes that just didn’t get patched very well i think
- actually the fact that zura has this one (?) interaction with shouyou and then his lines to gintoki are like “sensei may not have known, but he did have more than two students” is so hggfgfddfdfsf zura i’m so sorry. i’m laughing but also that’s legitimately tragic i’m so sorry
- i think in general this arc wasn’t entirely necessary, is the thing. we could have wrapped up before all this and it would have been perfectly good. we left off at a good spot. mind you there were some Really Good moments in this arc (partly because i’m a sucker...for joui 4 and shoka sonjuku brats....i’m sorry...) but they kind of have end up being good isolated from the plot surrounding them? if that makes any sense? this arc reopened a lot of old wounds but didn’t really stitch them up afterwards, and in some ways the ending feels a little out of place now. 
bonus because i don’t necessarily hate it or like it but just. at first impact, the idea of baby takasugi is so funny to me. can you imagine??? you go through All That with your friend/rival/enemy/object of projected self-loathing/etc and in the end he dies in your arms but after you (presumably) come to terms with this whole thing and have announced that he lives on in your soul, he’s like. he’s a baby now. a fucking baby. i would lose my shit. i would kill him myself. 
all in all i do Love Gintama and it just. means a lot. and i can’t believe it’s over. i think i said all three of those sentences multiple times already but i’m not over it, and i’m definitely going to be rereading this series (in bits and pieces or all at once maybe - not sure yet). thanks for 10+ years of my favorite found family content sorachi
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lunar-tear · 5 years
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@rike-with-love @username-janai-katsura-da @coolthingtrash
1. What got you into Gintama?
A friend told me about it! I was interested because of the parodying (plus Japanese history, I’m a nerd). Also he showed me a picture of Gintoki and I died
2. Do you like the anime or manga better?
I guess I can’t choose, since i started with the anime first? but I love the manga as well, plus there’s a lot of details that weren’t animated so I always made it a point to read!
3. What was your first thought about Gintama?
I saw the introductory special at first and I was confused as hell, but when I got to the ACTUAL first episode, I fell in love with the stupid samurai who caused a riot because his parfait fell.
4. What do you think about Gintama now?
My entire life revolves around it at this point tbh
5. Who’s your favorite character?
Gintoki, Kagura, Tsukuyo, uhhh I’m gonna end up naming all of them lol
6. Who’s your favorite villain?
Oboro (anti-hero?), Utsuro
7. Mention 5 things you hate about Gintama.
The fact that it’s getting over. That is all. 
8. Mention 5 things you love about Gintama.
Only five? aahhh okay let’s see
a) the character designs 
b) relationship development
c) the writing
d) Sadaharu
e) humour!
9. Name your crush from Gintama.
uhhHHHHHH Gintoki and Hijikata
10. Name your OTP. 
11. Name your favorite couples.
Okikagu, Gintsu, Hijimitsu, Katsumatsu
None of them are canon tho ;-; 
12. What character do you feel more related to?
13. Strawberry milk or Mayonnaise?
Strawberry milk 
14. What’s your favorite weapon of choice?
Either sword or kunai
15. If you were a character in Gintama, where would you belong?
(Ninja clan, Yorozuya, Shinsengumi, Kiheitai, Joui, Amanto, Mimawarigumi etc)
16. What did Gintama teach you?
Gorillas will always be gorillas, either police or mangakas
17. What’s your favorite quote?
“If you have the time to fantasize about a beautiful death, why not live beautifully until the end?”
18. What’s your favorite episode?
first part of the confessional arc, the episode where Sadaharu takes care of the little dog, the two-parter that features Kagura and her umbrella, the two parter that introduced the neo armstrong cyclone jet armstrong canon, Madaodog Madaonnaire
19. What episode don’t you like?
Maybe the one that had the water Amanto who wanted to protect the lake? It sort of bored me, but it’s not like I hated it or anything 
20. What would you like as a pet Sadaharu or Elizabeth?
Sadaharu <3
21. What’s your favorite scene?
In the Silver Soul arc, when Gintoki is watching Kagura and Shinpachi sleep and he talks about the fact that they stuck by him all these years. Hurt my heart
Also when Sadaharu was stopping the main Altana fissure and having yorozuya flashbacks, I cried for like the entire 25 minutes that episode lasted, and then some
ALSO one of the Valentine’s episode when Kagura says she doesn’t need chocolates to convey her planet sized love for Gin and Patsuan 
22. If you could ask Sorachi to revive a character, who would it be?
23. What moment is the saddest ever for you?
The Joui war flashback, when Gin is about to behead Shouyou and he thanks him. Also Kamui lying on Kagura’s lap after they fight, the Shogun’s death :(
24. What episode makes you laugh no matter how many times you watch it?
All of them :D 
25. What character do you think shouldn’t exist in Gintama?
Can’t answer this. Every character played a significant role in Gintama and it would be incomplete without any of them.
26. What is the most badass moment in Gintama?
27. If you could tell something to Sorachi, what would it be?
I’d thank him and tell him he literally changed my life. 
28. What is your favorite opening?
Know Know Know- DOES, Sakura Mitsutsuki- SPYAIR, Pride Kakumei- CHiCO with HoneyWorks (y’all didn’t really think I could choose just one, right?) 
29. What is your favorite ending?
Hikari Shoumeiron- CHiCO with HoneyWorks, Glorious Days- THREE LIGHTS DOWN KINGS, Acchi Muite- Swimy, Destiny- Negoto
30. Favorite character with glasses.
You mean favourite glasses with the character, right? Shinpachi 
31. Favorite d*ck scene.
32. Name five characters you love.
*Proceeds to name 99% of the Gintama cast because I can’t do math*
33. If you lived in the Gintama world for a day, what would you do?
Meet as many people as possible!!
34. Shinsengumi team or Yorozuya team?
Yorozuya, because I would actually die at the hands of the Kyokkuchuu-Hatto
35. If you could write a letter to ShigeShige, what would it be? 
Mostly just me talking about how much I miss him? ;-;
36. Describe your feelings about the ‘Shogun assassination arc’ so far in anime or what you thought of it in manga.
100% destroyed me
37. Describe your feelings about the current manga arc and what would you tell Sorachi about it.
Since Gintama is ending... I’m indescribably sad, but at the same time so happy to have been able to be a part of this journey.
38. How would you like Gintama to end?
Just let them be happy, that’s all. 
39. If you could meet Gintoki from the past, after the war but before he met Otose and the kids, what would you tell him?
It gets better, and one day you will be loved by so many wonderful people. 
40. If you could meet a character in real life, who would it be and what would you tell them?
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razberryyum · 6 years
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Gintama manga chap 695
Dear Gintama gods and Sorachi-sama,
I knew it, the gorillas DO save the day...though with plenty of help from Sakamoto of course. It was great seeing him in functional form again and more importantly, reunited with Mutsu. I must say also, I actually quite like the scruff around his chin, I think it makes him look older and slightly wiser. In fact, he should just go for it and grow it out even more so that he has a proper, trimmed beard. And even though his efforts were not enough to neutralize the Tendoshuu’s ship, he definitely made a difference in the battle by holding them in place long enough for Kondou’s Hail Mary save. At first, I did find it odd that Shijaku was the one to enlist Sakamoto’s help and that Zura didn’t even think about him and his airships at all. Since Sakamoto was back with his crew, I can only assume that their falling out was just for show, and it would have made sense if Zura set it up to be that way as well. I know Shijaku met and worked with Sakamoto briefly during the war, but I would think that he’d would recruit off-world folks to help out, such as the remnants of the Liberation Army who might be Earth-friendly, or better yet, the Harusame or Renho, whom I hope we’d get to see again before the end, especially the Harusame since that means we would see Kagura’s idiotic big brother and his husband long-suffering vice captain again. Then again, Old Legolas is more acquainted with Sakamoto so I guess it is more reasonable he would ask for aid for someone who actually is of Earth and could be found more easily. I am definitely glad that Sakamoto got to lend an important hand in saving Earth and his precious comrades...even though he was up in space and the other three were on Earth, it was like having a Joui 4 reunion once again.  
Of course, it’s ultimately all thanks to the gorillas and their King of Gorillas for their (accidental???) sacrifice of their ship and well-being. That was definitely a risky move, crashing their banana ship into the Tendoshuu, since both could have spontaneously combusted. I was quite relieved that Kondou was able to get dressed in his Shinsengumi uniform during such an ordeal and step out of the wreckage virtually unscathed. I know it’s nothing short of a miracle but it’s a miracle I will gladly accept and not question the logic of it, especially since it brought our gorilla back to his Shinsengumi family and Tae-chan's orbit. Just when I was resigning myself to accept the Kondou/Bubbles final fantasy, I am so grateful that my KonTae dream can still live to fight another day. I know there’s not much time left and you still have more pressing issues to cover next—after all, if Kondou and the gorillas were able to easily survive the crash, obviously so did the Tendoshuu and their many minions—but oh how lovely it would be if we were able to get just one real moment between Kondou and Otae where their feelings for each other can finally be properly addressed and resolved.  If after all that he has gone through and all that he has done is not enough to win her heart, really nothing else would, but I just want them to come to terms with that so that Kondou could move on, even though such an outcome would simply break my heart. At the same time, knowing you, I am also aware that there is always a chance you would leave their relationship unresolved, especially you have indicated many times in this last stretch that you don’t want to turn Gintama into a shoujo series where the romance outweighs all else. Frankly, considering what has happened with past series that I used to love, I would also be fine with that. The lack of a resolution is equivalent to hope since we could then use our imaginations to color in the rest of their lives for them. Either way, ultimately, I just want them to share one final serious moment together, that doesn’t involve Otae beating Kondou or him craping his pants. Just one...before we never get any more moments with them ever again.  
I’m still trying to come to terms with the fact that we truly have only five chapters left at this point...I think it wouldn’t be a wild guess that you would probably spend at least two or three of them resolving the conflict with Tendoshuu and settling the problem that is Baby Utsuro. That leaves really only at most the remaining two chapters for wrap up once all the dust is settled. I wouldn’t even be surprised if the very last chapter is actually yet another timeskip. I’m both excited and scared and sad about that prospect because I would like to see how the gang and their world are five, maybe ten or even twenty years from now, even though I’m a little worried about what I MIGHT be seeing as well. Hopefully the terminal will once again be rebuilt and explosion-proof in the future. I’m actually starting to feel bad for that thing since it seems to take the brunt of battles: Earth winning the war made no difference to its safety whatsover.    
I just revisited the first chapter that started this final arc tonight and out of curiosity, I also revisited the letter I wrote to you at the time when that chapter, Lesson 596, came out. I had asked if you would be so kind as to take a year or two to actually reach the end of the series despite the Silver Soul arc being the last. Chapter 596 was published on July 26th, 2016, so it has now been actually a little over two years since then and we’re only finally counting down to the end. In other words, you once again did grant my wish, Sorachi-sama. Of course, now I regret just saying one or two years, I should have said five at least, but that’s just me being greedy as usual. I was reminded again of just how much you have given me, nay, have given all of us Gintama fans, so even though I am of course completely sad that the end is finally near, I am still very, very grateful to you that we had so many years with Gintama. I will continue to say this until the end: thank you from the bottom of my heart, Sorachi-sama. Thank you to you and the generous Gintama gods as well.  
Yours truly,
A silly fangirl with yaoi dreams
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cutesuki--bakugou · 5 years
Sea Legs
Ch. 13 - Last Day
Warning, Naughty Chapter: Sex
Boku No Hero Academia / My Hero Academia Quirkless, Mermaid, Modern AU
Rating: Explicit | Excessive Fluff, Blood, Wounds, Nudity, Sex, Cursing and Vulgar Language
Genre: Romance / Humor / Angst
Main Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Koge Naegi (oc)
A trip to her grandmothers beachfront home was something that Koge had done every year of her life. This time, an unlikely discovery would change her life forever. Who knew explaining how to be a human could be so hard.
That time flew by in what Koge felt was a blink of an eye. The following months were spent completely focused on each other, not a single word of their separation mentioned the entire time. That is, until Koge got a phone call from her mother, one which Koge had originally ignored while getting ready for a shower. But, when her mother called again immediately after, Koge decided to answer, letting the shower run to get warm. Tapping the green display button on the screen, she then set it to speaker to talk easier.
“Hey there, stranger. Have you enjoyed your vacation?”
“Yeah, mom, it’s been… really great.” Feeling her stomach begin to bubble nervously, she didn’t notice Bakugou come stand in the bathroom doorway, intrigued by the sound coming from the phone.
“I’m so glad you had fun! You have your plane tickets ready, right? Remember to be early to the airport, since you’re leaving on a weekend it will be packed.”
“Yeah, I have them.” Holding her towel tighter around her body, Koge looked down at her feet, the burning in the back of her throat making it nearly impossible for her to talk. Three days… All I have is three days. What are we going to do?
“Good! I can’t wait to see you Koge, your dad and I have missed you. Well it sounds like you’re about to shower? I’ll let you go so you can enjoy your last few days. Just let me know when you’re getting on the plane, okay?”
“Okay, Mom. Love you.”
“Love you, too! Bye, now.”
With that, the call ended with a couple of repetitive beeps, and Koge could finally release the breath she was holding. It came out trembling, just like the rest of her body, prompting her to clench her eyes shut tightly to try and restrain her emotions. The strong arms that wrapped around her from behind was the thing that broke her resistance, leaning back against Bakugou’s chest as she hiccuped in her attempts to speak. “I-I can’t believe it’s already here… I don’t want it to be.”
Resting his chin on the top of her head, Bakugou stood there and allowed her a moment to recover. Taking her hand, he stroked her skin gently, a heavy sigh leaving his lips before he spoke. “We knew it was going to come.”
Koge took deep breaths to calm herself, leaning her head back against his chest. “I don’t want this to happen… I don’t know when I’ll be able to come back. We don’t even know if you can change yet.”
“We’ll worry about that later. Let’s… get you in the shower.” With a tender touch, Bakugou pulled her towel loose, letting it fall to the floor before he ushered her into the enclosed glass shower. Koge didn’t argue, turning her gaze up to him once she was inside. “Can’t join me?”
A deep furrowing of his brow was joined by a shake of his head, shutting the door for her. “My legs… I can’t stand up like that right now.” As he left her, looking just as dejected as she felt, Koge’s heart ached for him. On top of their time together coming to an end, he had begun having difficulty and pain in his legs that she couldn’t understand, nor could a doctor pinpoint. She knew exactly what the problem was. His body was ready to change back, to return to the ocean, and it was obvious that he knew this. He had refused to visit the beach since the pains began or even take a bath, worried that submerging his body fully in any water would prompt a change he wasn’t ready for.
The thought of seeing him off made her nearly want to vomit, turning her attention to washing herself for a distraction. To describe how she felt as being miserable would be a horrific understatement, barely even finding the will to move her arms. He said that he would wait for me to come back… That he would be here. But what if I can’t? Or what if something happens to him while I’m gone? Should we… even try to come back to each other?
It would just be the same situation over again, and if Koge was honest with herself, she didn’t know how well she was going to be able to handle the unknown. She couldn’t call him or send letters, she couldn’t travel down every weekend or make any type of trips. It would happen over and over again, until Koge would either be able to move down here or they could no longer see each other. All of it ripped her to shreds, and by the time she was done showering, she was sobbing. How long she stood there sulking was unknown to her, until she heard Bakugou’s voice call to her from the bedroom.
“Utsuro? Do I have to come in there and get you?”
“N-no.” Turning off the water, she forced herself out of the shower, picking her towel up off the pristine white floor to dry herself. She felt as if her body weighed a ton, head pounding and mind blank with no other emotions but sadness and regret. These feelings only grew as she walked into the bedroom, one towel around her body while she used another to dry her hair. Sitting on the bed waiting, Bakugou looked up at her, a new frown crossing his lips at how miserable she looked. It was a complete turn around from how she had been that morning, chipper and happy with a bright smile on her face. Living in ignorance had made them blind to reality, and now they had to suffer the consequences.
“Come here, Utsuro.” Bakugou held his hand out towards her, drawing Koge to him like he was magnetic. Dropping her hair towel to the floor, Koge took his hand, using his touch to guide her to his lap. Straddling his legs, she sat facing him, resting her body against his chest as he hugged her tightly.
“You promise… You promise you’ll be here?”
It fell silent between them, Bakugou stroking Koge’s damp hair softly as they both came to terms with what was going to happen. He was going to leave her today, to finally return home to the life he had unwillingly abandoned. There was no other choice.
“I already told you that there’s nothing that will keep me from coming back here. I do what I want to, no matter what anyone says, remember?” Putting his hands on her shoulders, Bakugou pushed Koge up a bit to look down at her. “And there won’t be anything that will make me change my mind. I’ve already chosen you…. Mentally and physically. Unless you die, I don’t think there’s a single fucking thing that can make me change my mind. C’mon, get that look off your face.” His hands moved to her cheeks, squishing them together in a rough, playful manner. “You’re making me say all this sappy shit, I don’t want to be fucking sad my last day with you!”
Koge couldn’t resist a soft giggle, placing her hands over his as the solemn smile returned to her lips. “I promise I won’t cry anymore if you promise that you’ll be here.”
“I promise I’ll be here, you stupid girl. Now,” Bakugou kissed her softly, wiping the remaining tears away with rough fingers. “I think that towel needs to go.” Their lips exchanged kisses instead of words as Bakugou pulled the towel free, tossing it aside before his arms replaced its presence around her body. Pressing her nude body tightly against his, Koge gladly picked up on the hint, already feeling that all too familiar tingle rolling through her body. By now, making love had become a frequent and nearly daily occurrence for them, with Bakugou helplessly drawn to her. Koge was more than receptive, feeling as if their connection with each other only grew stronger with every moment. She had enjoyed teasing him that it was because his body, driven by natural instinct, wanted to do nothing more than get her pregnant. He couldn’t confirm or deny such a thing, though her birth control she had been on for years prevented such a thing so far.
“What? Want to get one more in before you have to wait a whole year?” A soft moan followed her tease as he squeezed her backside, pressing her hips tighter into him so she could feel his hard member beneath his shorts. Sliding her hands down his torso, she worked to unbutton them and pull his already aching cock free, letting it rest between them until she was ready. Bakugou gave her lip a nibble in retaliation, his hand moving to tease her sex from behind. “You shut up. That’s not what I want to hear, you brat.”
Using a hand to guide him, Koge shifted her hips, slowly starting to lower herself down onto him. She gasped and moaned softly as her hips met back with his. As she began to grind them, she cupped his cheeks softly, smiling against his lips.
“I know what you want to hear, Katsuki… but I have something to say first.”
“Then say it.”
“I… I love you.”
The level of passion that Bakugou kissed her was something that Koge had yet to experience, a soft gasp escaping her lips as he scooped her up and lied her down beneath him. She felt so close, so deeply connected to him that she immediately found herself breaking her promise of no crying. The way he held her, caressing her and gently thrusting himself within her immediately brought tears to her eyes, and his words that followed set her down the path of no return.
“And I love you, Koge. I never thought I would feel that for anyone, let alone a human. But I swear… I’ll never let you forget it.”
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razberryyum · 6 years
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Gintama manga chap 667
Dear Gintama gods and Sorachi-sama,
Except for a few noticeable individuals (more on that later), everyone whom Gintoki holds near and dear to him are finally present together, working as a united front against Utsuro and his undead forces—and I cannot be more happy or more worried.  
Happiness first: I cheered as soon as Umibouzu and Kamui appeared and then cheered even more when the three Shinsengumi boys showed up. Even though all of them looked worse for the wear, I was just relieved that they were in good enough condition to still fight, especially Kondou, Hijikata and Okita. The fact that they three of them, who do not have the advantage of Yato blood, can still stand up is already an amazing feat since Utsuro did some serious damage on them. Still, despite their injuries, every one of them is willing to basically put their life on the line in order to help out their friends, to save their planet, and I just love them all over again for that. I'm also happy that Utsuro's weakness—his past humanity and the humanity before him now—is indeed impacting him, in a potentially game-changing potential way. Of course Sadaharu's continuing sacrifice of his own existence to control the dragon vein is helping too, but with everyone already greatly weakened by their injuries at this point, the Shouyou ghost of Utsuro's past could not have reared up at a better time to haunt him.  
But the question remains, is that enough? And that's why I'm worried. Because everyone is already at the end of their ropes, so if Utsuro is able to somehow overcome his sudden doubt and fear and regain his strength, it literally will be all over them.  As I mentioned at the start of this letter, there are a few individuals still noticeably absent—four, in fact: Takasugi, Zura, Sakamoto, and Oboro—and their absence is what is giving me a morbid sense of hope that maybe Utsuro won't be defeated so soon yet. While I did mention weeks previously that I can accept the possibility that they might not be the ones to actually defeat Utsuro, I still think they should at the very least be present to witness his defeat since they also need some closure to their past as well. For Utsuro to die without seeing Shouyou's students together before him one last time feels somehow...inappropriate. Or perhaps incomplete would be a better word. I guess you can always have the four of them appear at the very last moment, right before he draws his last breath, but I feel that they all deserve a more extensive scene with him than that, considering all they have gone through over the years because of him...both versions of him. I think we as an audience also deserve to see a more extensive farewell scene as well, for our own sense of closure and satisfaction.
Therefore, unless the four of them find a way back on Earth pronto, I don't know if I could believe Utsuro's defeat is as imminent as you seem to be indicating. Which brings me back to worrying my feeble head off. I'm truly torn between wanting to see Utsuro die RIGHT NOW so that he won't have any further opportunities to kill any of the characters I love, and wanting him to live just a little longer so that we can get a better and more satisfying ending. When I think about his defeat might also mean Gintama coming to an end, I almost wish he would find a way to escape for now so that everyone can regroup and then have a more proper fight against him later on when they've all recovered from their injuries and they're back to full strength. I sometimes feel like the Ouroboros, forever locked in this vicious cycle of my own making. I am so troubled.
I both dread and look forward to what the next chapter brings; you would think I'd be used to those contradicting emotions by now when it comes to Gintama. At the very least, can you please at least let us know how poor Yamazaki's doing. His absence was noticeable too and now I'm even more concerned about his well-being, so I hope you will spare just a mention of him, in a positive way, next week.
Yours truly,
A silly fangirl with yaoi dreams
PS: they had no actual scenes together, but the fact that Gintoki and Hijikata are once again within the same vicinity was enough to make me elated since that means there is HOPE they might eventually share a moment together. For that, I thank you.
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razberryyum · 7 years
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Gintama manga chaps 656 & 657
Dear Gintama gods and Sorachi-sama,
I am going to just say right off the bat that this last chapter was unbelievably difficult for me to get through: I felt every stab that pierced through Sadaharu as if I was the one being attacked. By the time he found his way back to the Yorozuya and his old box, I was pretty much near a sobbing wreck. You see, I blame myself for Sadaharu's condition. I had been asking you in each of my recent letters to please not hurt the puppy too much, but then I lapsed in my writing and ended up grouping these last four chapters into only two letters and thereby reducing my prayers by two. I know I should be counting my blessings that you didn't straight out just kill him for my failure to sufficiently uphold my part of the bargain, but trust me when I say watching him being turned into a puppy pin cushion by Utsuro and his Tendoshuu zombies was punishment enough. I absolutely hate Utsuro for hurting Sadaharu that way, and I hope he gets stabbed a dozen times more by Gintoki and the other Joui boys as retaliation.  
I'm glad that Sadaharu was at least able to make it back home and I hope they are able to give him strawberry milk to his heart's content so that he could heal from his injuries. Sorachi-sama, you cannot kill him. If the next chapter consists of Sadaharu's farewell death scene, you will literally destroy me. I am positive I cannot bear it. Please don't crush my heart like that. I know there has to be more fatalities as a result of this war and the eventual battle against Utsuro, and they have to be fatalities that we care about, but killing Sadaharu would simply too much of a gut punch. To be honest, I might have to take a break for a while in order to recover from such a shock. I don't think you are that cruel...or rather, I HOPE you are not that cruel, but then again, if the "last" character poll is any indication, we might very well be nearing the endgame (I am still trying to dissuade you from that by the sheer power of denial at this point), so any deaths from here on forth will have to count and have meaning. What better way to turbo boost everyone's resolve than by sacrificing one of the most lovable and adorable character of the bunch.  I would hate that we have to go down such a gut-wrenching path, but I would begrudgingly understand it. My only true hope at this point is that we might still need Sadaharu to close the dragon gate. Even though I had previously ruminated over the possibility of Umibouzu's non-terrestrial crystals playing a role in that task instead, now that Sadaharu's life is seriously on the line, I hope he and Komako-chan will still end up being the heroes that put the dragon to rest.  
And though I joked about Hasegawa receiving no credit whatsoever even if he does succeed in saving everyone on the Amenotori and ergo Earth, I hope at the very least Hatsu ends up believing what he had accomplished and finally, permanently, gets back together with him. He deserves that much, and maybe his old job back officially, even though I doubt immigration will be high on the government's priority list considering the amount of rebuilding that would have to happen first. I'm glad he came up with an actually sound plan that wouldn't requiring sacrificing everyone on the ship. Luckily the remaining Liberation army finally woke up and decided to defect to the side of Earth; I doubt Hata's fleet would have done much to slow down the Amenotori since they lack the numbers to have much of an effect. There was something rather familiar about the formation of the Liberation Army's ships and shields however, which made me wonder if you were inspired by the Guardians of the Galaxy movie and most of those guys will end up perishing in their efforts, much like the Nova Corps fleet did when they tried to prevent the Dark Aster from crashing onto their planet. It will be an honorable death at least, probably more honorable than most of those Liberation Army idiots deserve considering they had a hand in perpetrating this entire mess. I am grateful though that I don't have to worry about the safety of Zura, Sakamoto, Takasugi, and the others for now: at least there's a good chance they can escape from the ship before it's blown into smithereens to prevent it from plummetin destructively into the planet.
Even though in a few days I will find out exactly how bad Sadaharu's condition is, I will still like to take this one last opportunity to ask you to please, spare him. Let him be revitalized in time by the elixir that is strawberry milk.  The same goes for Komako-chan. I would like for them both to remain well and alive so that eventually one day, when the conflict is over and the dust has settled, they can get together and produce more adorable inugami puppies to help guard the dragon gate so that the Altana stream will never get out of control again.
Yours truly,
A silly fangirl with yaoi dreams
PS: while the two of them weren't anywhere close together, the fact that Gintoki and Hijikata have remained side-by-side at the top of the character popularity poll is enough for me to rejoice (and Gin-chan is even looking at Toshirou!! Double yayyy!). I would love if their poll positions were to translate into the finality of the series, but that will most likely remain only wishful thinking on my part. At this point, I really will settle for simply more scenes of the two of them interacting before we never get to see them anymore. Ugh, that thought is already enough to make my stomach turn over in sickening anxiety. Anyway, I should thank my fellow Gintama lovers for making such wise polling choices. I also want to agree that I am completely not used to Shinpachi Shinshichi being a #7. There IS something very wrong with that and as much as I love our dear Pachi-kun, he should have remained in his 8th place forever. Unfortunately, I guess we loved him just a little bit too much.  
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razberryyum · 7 years
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Gintama manga chap 650
Dear Gintama gods and Sorachi-sama,
How can I even begin to thank you? You made me so unbelievably happy with this chapter!  Sometimes in my more delusional moments, I almost start to believe that you are reading my letters and granting the wishes I have asked for in them accordingly. I know, that is clearly my insanity at work, but you sometimes craft such perfect scenes that seem so tailormade for my shipper heart to go all aflutter, the simple explanations of misinterpretation or coincidence just do not seem to be enough. Now, before I make you projectile vomit with my rabid fangirling, I must first say how truly grateful I am that everyone I care about on Earth in the Gintaverse is well and accounted for. After so many weeks of fighting and mourning and suspense, it was definitely a big relief to know that in addition to the rest of the gang being thankfully alive, the threat from space is finally over, communication between the terrestrial and space gangs have been re-established thanks in part to the cessation of Gengai’s nanomachines, and most importantly, our wonderful dragon hole guardians have finally reunited and are ready to do something about those pesky yet destructive Altana geysers popping up all over Edo.  In a word, PROGRESS! Yes! Although, I probably shouldn’t be too happy about that since it’s just one step nearer to the final showdown, but I also have a dreadful feeling that you plan to throw a monkey wrench in the proceedings somehow and we will most likely get punished emotionally for that one step forward. As I mentioned previously, I do not like the fact that Utsuro knows about the guardians’ existence, it makes me extremely nervous and a little scared, especially for the safety of our beloved Sadaharu and that adorable Komako. I can only hope even you think they are simply too precious and cute to be seriously harmed in any way.
And now to the parts which made my heart sing the most: first of all, I was already happy enough last time thinking that Kamui pulled Gintoki from the rubble, but to find out he actually saved Gintoki from his foolhardy attempt at going against Utsuro alone just made their moment that much better for me. I’m glad Kamui hadn’t given up on him being his prey yet; even though I don’t exactly ship them anymore, I am still pleased to know that as long as Kamui’s around, Gin-chan might have himself a pretty useful bodyguard, even if the said bodyguard is prone to cause the most harm to him and may eventually prey upon him. I know we probably don’t have the time and proper setting for that, but I would still love to see the two of them go at it once again.  
Speaking of going at it, Kamui, Kagura and Sougo!!! I screamed in happiness for almost too long to be considered normal. I’ve waited for this moment for what seems like an eternity! I never wanted it to end, but at the same time, it was also just perfect the way it is! I can’t stop staring at those two panels and just grinning like an idiot. I must confess, for just a split second, I was briefly torn because here I have OkiKagu before my eyes but then I also have OkiKamui as well whom at one time were also my ship. However, I quickly decided I had to be faithful so it was back to celebrating Okita and Kagura together in front of stupid big brother Kamui. Please let us have more moments like this before the end? The journey to this point took so long—especially for the two siblings to act like siblings in front of Sougo, who could very well be part of their clan one day when he marries Kagura (if she’ll have him)—I don’t want to have to live off of just that brief bit of perfect cuteness forever.  Forgive me for being greedy but if you’d next consider having the three of them team up and fight together against someone…something, anything…I would be ever so grateful.  
As if that wasn’t enough, you even gave us that touching conversation between two old friends-comrades-enemies, Gintoki and Takasugi. Of course I also wished their moment could have lasted longer, but at the same time, what needed to be said was said, and I loved it so much because again, the journey to that point took so long and therefore the end result was completely earned.  I’m just worried about the condition that Takasugi is in, I hope you will give him time to heal properly so that he is in prime condition join his three Joui brothers to confront Utsuro once and for all.  
I would have already loved this chapter with just all of the above in it, but then you even threw in a beautiful, lovely, delicious, wonderful Gintoki/Hijikata moment! As if just for me! I was seriously getting light-headed from sheer joy. It’s almost been a while since they were last within proximity to each other, but I love that you more than made up for that by having Hijikata automatically know that Gintoki had arrived. Ok, I know Kagura and Shinpachi were there too, but I’m sorry, he addressed Gin-chan specifically and even threw his phone at him without looking. It was…again, PERFECT. I loved it so much. Thank you thank you. I cannot thank you enough. I could also live off of that for a while but I sincerely hope in your infinite generosity, you won’t make me do that.  
Oh and lest I forget, as for Matsudaira and Ane…well, I’m just glad he’s ok too, and obviously in a healthy enough state to be thinking of his nether regions. I hope he survives through this battle so that one day he may once again be cajoled by Ane into buying bottles of Dom Perignon at the Snack Smile, if it ever gets rebuilt.  
Yours truly,
A silly fangirl with yaoi dreams
PS: THANK YOU SORACHI-SAMA!!! [insert incoherent squeaky noises of glee here]
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razberryyum · 7 years
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Gintama manga chap 651
Dear Gintama gods and Sorachi-sama,
I think from now until I am certain that Sadaharu is safely out of the danger zone, I will start each letter by asking you to please spare the big puppy’s life. Seeing Utsuro appear behind Ane, Mone, Komako, and Sadaharu made my teeth clench so hard I was giving myself lockjaw. I hope Kagura and the others make it in time to save them; I can only imagine how horrible Kagura would feel if anything were to happen to Sadaharu since it’s obvious she already feels guilty for motivating him to spring into action. That intensely worried expression on her face as she was trying to race to his side really hurt my heart. For her sake, I sincerely don’t even want one single strand of fur to be harmed on his fluffy body, but if you are feeling a bit brutal, then all I ask is that you only inflict a non-life threatening eye injury on him—that Utsuro would only be able to cause such a minor degree of damage. Not that I wouldn’t be distressed from seeing him hurt, but at least Sadaharu could survive an eye injury and plus, he’ll look pretty cool with an eyepatch so it wouldn’t be a completely bad thing.
The second person I want to ask you to spare is Abuto. That moment when he departed from Kamui filled me with a sudden sense of foreboding because his words were almost too meaningful. They felt like final parting words, and Kamui’s response of immediately taking them to heart and acting upon them to protect his family only reinforced my misgivings.  Even seeing Kamui get injured didn’t waver my concern for Abuto; Kamui has sustained even worse injuries than that from his own little sister so I have no doubt that the stab wound is little more than a pinprick for him. I sincerely hope I’m just being overly paranoid about Abuto because if we have to see another precious partner/right-hand man die, I would just be completely crushed.
But putting all my anxieties aside for now, let me thank you for letting our beloved Yato clan come together! When Papi appeared at the end there, I jumped up and cheered. I cannot wait to see this family fight together as one united front. I almost wish there wasn’t such a rush to action in order to rescue Sadaharu and the others so that the Yato clan can have a proper reunion with prolonged conversations. What further excites me is the potential meet up between Sougo and Kagura’s family; it’d be the equivalent of the future son-in-law meeting his future in-laws for me. Better yet, I hope he fights alongside them or at least gets to see up close their combined combat powers and be completely impressed. Again, I cannot tell where he is geographically speaking, but I hope it’s close enough to the Yato family’s location that they will cross paths.  Even if we get only a brief scene between them like last time, I would be more than gratified because I know you will make it super sweet and awesome.  
With Umibouzu’s reappearance, does that also mean that he’s found a way to defeat Utsuro? I’m sure Gintoki can use all the helpful information he could provide since physically, he’s in no state to even fight his old teacher at full strength. All the Joui boys look in dire need of some down time and I hope that you can somehow provide them with a short reprieve from the fighting so that they could recover from their many injuries. I sense that everyone will eventually meet at the terminal, and I completely look forward to the mult-group reunion, but I hope that once they are able to stop the Altana from flowing out of control, perhaps Utsuro will back off for a period of time just so we could all catch our collective breaths. A break from being constantly worried for everyone’s well-being would be most appreciated so I hope you will have mercy on us and consider my humble request.  
Yours truly,
A silly fangirl with yaoi dreams
PS: my beloved Gintoki and Hijikata were once again separated but I am still thankful for this very sweet moment between Kamui and Abuto. I especially love how endearing Abuto looks as he advises his bratty little rabbit leader. 
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razberryyum · 7 years
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Gintama manga chap 637
Dear Gintama gods and Sorachi-sama,
Just as I was being lulled into a sense of joyful serenity, with only a few panels you were able to cruelly take it all away, and now, I’m left feeling just stunned and…steamrolled, really. I honestly can’t even come up with better words to describe how shocked I am.  
While watching everyone battle the liberation army, I had completely forgotten about the ticking time-bomb that is the destroyed Altana tower since I was distracted by the ticking time-bomb that is the Hinokagutsuchi and the entire enemy fleet in space. While Utsuro was always at the back of my mind, I was starting to think you would save him until the Liberation Army was finally defeated. That we would get some kind of peaceful break before the Big Bad of Gintaverse shows up again. But you not only had him show up now, while everyone is still pretty much in the midst of the Lib Army battle, I can’t believe that you even went so far as to have him trigger the ticking time-bomb that is Earth, now that its Altana supply has been destabilized. That bastard opened up all the Altana gates with the arm-keys he acquired from the Tendoshuu, didn’t he? Seeing just the start of the destruction, especially with Kondou so close to one of the explosions, made me physically ill. How are they even going to get out of that, Sorachi-sama? I mean, defeating Utsuro would be the obvious answer but dear gods that’s like a close to impossible feat as it is, but with earth blowing up left and right besides them while they’re trying to do that? The tower of cards you have stacked against them is just inhumane. I think I’m going to be sick again. I would cry, but I feel almost too helpless and crushed to even produce tears this time. I hate that we have to wait a whole week to find out what happens, who survived those blasts, because this fist that is currently gripping my heart is really making breathing, hell, functioning difficult.
And things started out so wonderfully too. I was actually starting to wonder if it was Christmas or my birthday considering the way you’ve been showering me with wish fulfillments. First you had Kamui return to help out Kagura, then you had the two of them team up, followed by Okita and Kamui crossing paths, and as if that wasn’t already enough, you finally have Sougo show up in front of them so that he could witness their badassery. I almost couldn’t believe it when you further sweetened the deal by introducing the idea of Kamui’s harem. I thought I would never stopping grinning like an idiot from that. Heck, you even threw in a miniature Tower of Babel after I just mentioned it in my letter last week! I was so, so happy, Sorachi-sama! And sure, I was a little bummed that Naraku showed up to crash the party, followed right after by Utsuro, the even bigger party pooper, but never in a million years did I expect him to bring all the doom and destruction with him. Until the last moments of the chapter, I was actually more concerned about the final battle with him happening way too soon; I can’t believe I was going to grumble about that. Right now, I would rather Gintoki and the gang be facing him rather than facing complete annihilation due to their planet being obliterated.  
Ugh, the fist is tightening further. You were not kidding when you said the final despair has begun; it definitely has taken hold of me. I will continue to hope that things are actually better than they looked, but I will also beg you to please spare those we love the most, and Kondou is definitely one of them. He already has a scar on his face, please don’t melt off half of him in order to make Otae finally love him.  
Yours truly,
A silly fangirl with yaoi dreams
PS: thank you for letting Gintoki and Hijikata be within close proximity to each other, even though they didn’t share one panel together. I will try to also cheer myself up with visions of Kamui’s harem until next time.  
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