#i love wingdings and how caring they are and i appreciate them so much
helios-fallen · 1 year
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northwind4 · 5 years
Dearest WingDings(20)
*It's a story about HandPlates! Gaster and Wing! Gaster
*I’ll appreciate it very much if you point out the mistakes I made in the translation, all kinds of help are welcomed!
*previous & next
*Handplates by @zarla-s
Wing!Gaster by me
“Till the end of line”
The light of Gaster Blaster tore the darkness. Wing was almost hit, the blaster glanced off his body, and he heard the fluid creaking under the high temperature.
*HP: 665028/666666
W: Ugh...it hurts
W: Considering his ATK now...I must be careful
*You asked the lost soul if he remembered you
*He tried to ignore this question
G: Just...forget me.
*HP: 665028/666666
W: Good I dodged successfully this time
W: My dear, you make my heart hurt so much
*You told the lost soul that you would be with him through everything
*He looked in great pain
G: What you do makes no sense.
*HP: 664322/666666
W: ...
W: Really?
*You persuade the lost soul to eat and rest on time
*He was silent for a long time
G: It’s none of your business.
*HP: 650320/666666
W: Ouch...well I guess you don’t really like these words
*You invited the lost soul to solve a puzzle that combined chessboard and cube
*He almost moved forward
G: Some things are born with no solution.
*HP: 632045/666666
W: I insist that nothing has no solution inherently, my love.
*You told the lost soul that you still owed him a dance
*He is trembling
G: The past will not change.
*HP: 581623/666666
W: But now and the future belong to us, isn’t it!
*You described the real rain on the surface to the lost soul, and you told him that he could see it soon
*You couldn’t see his face, but you saw the tears falling
G: I don’t care...I don’t care!
*HP: 507724/666666
W: Oh no please don’t cry...you make me want to cry too
*The more you didn’t want to fight, the more vulnerable you would be
*HP: 456820/666666
*As you approached the lost soul step by step, his attacks became stronger and denser
*HP: 400086/666666
*There would be no more gaps in the next attacks, you had no place to dodge any more
*HP: 332561/666666
*For your safety, giving up was the best choice
*HP: 150547/666666
*HP: 90685/666666
W: Let me lie down and catch my breath...
W: It’s close...I can make it
W: It will be really embarrassing if I am killed in such a place heh...
W: Not to mention we have said that we would go to back to the surface—
He stood up again and looked towards Gaster.
W: There are so many wonderful projects, so many fantastic puzzles
The black monster walked step by step.
W: You said, you said that you were going to make another edition of the "Skeleton Encyclopedia"
Tears flowed along the cracks on his face.
W: And—and we will go to see my world, meet my Sans and Papyrus—
His eyes were burning.
W: I promised to watch stars with them...
The next attack was ready.
*You came forward against the attack of the lost soul, he tried to push you away desperately
*The lost soul was crying, you guessed that he might think of something
*HP20159 / 666666
*You called the name of the lost soul, your voice was so broken
*You thought you might not survive
*But you never gave up
*At the last moment, you rushed and hugged the lost soul tightly, you two fell together in the dark
*You felt the lost soul trembling in your arms
*You told him—
“I love you.”
*At that moment
*Memories flooded back.
G: ...Uh...
Gaster woke up, startled when he saw Wing lying on him.
G: What happened...you...God, how did you—? !
G: Did I do it? It seemed...I...
Wing tried to raise his head.
W: Ah...look at me
He smiled, with his face covered with blood and tears.
W: Although only a few minutes passed...
W: No one knows how much I miss your face
W: I can feel that the child is about to succeed
W: Honestly I’m exhausted...shall we take a break before leaving?
Gaster held Wing in his arms.
G: My bones may be too hard to lean on...
But Wing fell asleep quickly, and even made some comfortable purring sounds.
His HP was quickly recovering.
G: Did you just say anything to me?
Gaster asked Wing when he woke up.
W: I said too much
W: Which one do you mean?
G: You should have said it...that’s why I wanted to talk back
G: But I’m not sure...?
G: ...
G: Forget it. You must have said it.
He leaned down to be closer to the other one.
“I love you too.”
The sunlight made Gaster a little dizzy.
G: I almost forget what the sky looks like
G: After all these years...it is still so beautiful.
W: Hey, congratulations.
G :?
W: You succeeded.
G: What...?
Wing looked towards those kids in the distance.
W: It was the two children who accompanied and guided the human child all the way. They are indispensable for this victory.
W: In a way, we can say that they saved everyone
W: And this is you...your creation, this is your original intention, isn’t it?
W: Congratulations, you made it.
Gaster stunned for a long time.
G: ...
G: I think—
G: ...I...
Wing wiped away the tears that kept flowing.
W: There, there
W: We all knew Dr.Gaster could do it
Gaster blocked his face, presumably because it seemed strange to smile and cry at the same time.
This time the smile and tears were different from before.
It was a joy of relief.
W: Well
W: What do you plan to do next?
G: Continue scientific research...I need to know how far the human technology has developed
G: There are still a series of problems waiting for our king. I will do my best to provide him with every support.
G: If you ask something else...
G: I want to look around.
G: Those world-famous mountains, oceans, all kinds of vast places
G: I also want to...go back to where I lived, if I can find it
G: ...
G: Together with you.
Wing looked at the distant sky.
W: Sure.
W: I’m looking forward to it.
They stood on the hillside, covered in the gold light from the sun.
The sky was clear. They could see so far, they could see the rivers, lakes and mountains. They could see the high-rises in the cities, and the shining sea horizon.
They saw the endless future.
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wellthatjusthappend · 5 years
Hey, first off, I really like your writing, it's always so touching or captivating, and second, if you take requests, could I ask for one where Jaspn has a Type(TM) that's pretty dangerous (like Slade, Ra's, Roman, Talia, whatever) and Dick finds out and starts intereferring when Jason butts heads with them and Jay is just over there like, The fuck,Dickhead? That's my fight! Because he doesn't realize that those dangerous older people are actually flirting with him
Thank you so much! 
This was a fun prompt! Usually it’s Dick with a haram of semi-villainous older men and women. Jason does have his few too though, and he’s much more oblivious to their attentions. 
“Red Hood…” Black Mask purred, eyes trailing over Jason just a little too predatorily, “I was hoping you might show up.”
Dick gritted his teeth. 
“What can I say?” Dick could hear the grin in Jason’s voice even through the voice mod of his helmet, “I heard you were having a party and just had to swing by. You know I love spoiling your fun, Mask.”
Bodies of Black Mask’s men lay all around, but Dick knew more would be on the way. He wasn’t technically supposed to be there- Jason certainly wouldn’t appreciate it- but lately he’d been worrying about Jason. 
First there was Talia and the familiar way she felt free to touch Jason. Then there Scarecrow and all the creepy psychological crap he’d had to say about Red Hood and all the ways he could bend and break under the right hands. How he might even submit himself to the abuse willingly. Since then Dick hadn’t been able to ignore that Jason seemed to attract a Type… specifically villains that would hurt him. 
Worse, Jason seemed to respond to them. 
Black Mask was not the only one who had showed an interest since Dick started to pay attention, but he was by far the worst in Dick’s opinion. In his nightmares he sometimes dreamed up terrible scenario after scenario that a sadist like Roman would want to put Jason through. It brought up a fierce and all encompassing protectiveness in him. 
“Oh, Red, if you wanted to be my bitch, all you had to do was ask,” Roman said, pulling what was definitely not a standard gun and pointing it at Jason. Dick didn’t want to find out what that was. He didn’t think, just jumped in and threw a wingding at the hand gripping the gun, fury pounding in his head. 
Whatever Roman was planning for Jason, Dick wasn’t going to allow it. 
“Nightwing- what the fuck?” Jason was snarling furiously. 
Dick was much more focused on the retreating villain before them.
“Oh Hood, I didn’t know you’d invited friends,” Roman said rubbing his hand and glaring back at Dick.
“I didn’t,” Jason said pointedly at Dick.
“Stay away from him,” Dick growled, ignoring him. 
Black Mask paused before a pleased and somewhat lecherous look flitted over his face. 
“Ah… I see. You’re much smarter than your brother dearest here. Prettier too,” Black Mask said, confirming what Dick feared. 
Dick could feel Jason boiling with anger behind him. He was going to get an earful later, but so long as Black Mask turned his attention elsewhere, he didn’t care.
“Unfortunately, I don’t have much interest in your type. Pity,” Black Mask said starting to back away even as he turned back to Jason, a refreshed gleam in his eyes, “Hood, next time let’s keep it... private.”
Dick wanted to beat the shit out of him.
He didn’t catch whatever Jason’s sassy comeback was because Black Mask’s men were suddenly pouring into the room and both he and Jason had to beat a hasty retreat. Once they’d fought their way out and were safely on a nearby rooftop, Jason tried to round on him.
“What the fuck was that?” Jason spat. 
“Not here,” Dick snapped, gesturing to the swarming false-facers who were still hunting for them below. He could tell Jason was glaring at him, but to his surprise he didn’t put up a fight in being led back to one of Dick’s safe houses. Jason tossed his helmet on the couch and flopped down on the couch with an expectant look. 
“You need to be more careful,” Dick started to lecture. 
“Oh fuck you, I didn’t need your help,” Jason rolled his eyes.
“He was about to do something to you,” Dick snapped, “I wasn’t about to stand by and watch.”
“You shouldn’t have been watching in the first place,” Jason snapped, “I would have handled whatever it was. I always do.”
It was somewhat tempting to say something about the Joker, but that would have been way below the belt and Dick still managing to hold onto his temper. He wasn’t angry at Jason anyway.
“I don’t like how he looks at you,” Dick said instead. 
“So he wants to shoot me full of bullets, what else is new?” Jason rolled his eyes, “He’s a villain Dickhead, he’s supposed to have a fucked up way of looking at me.”
Not like this. Dick wasn’t sure he wanted Jason to know that Roman wanted him that way though. What if he tried to use it to his advantage? What if he went and did something stupid the next time any of the Bat’s pissed him off?
“Leave Black Mask to us,” Dick said instead.
“You’re so fucking-”
“I’m worried about you.”
“‘Worried’ my ass, you’re just being a controlling asshole just like him,” There was no question of who he was talking about. Dick didn’t think he was being quite as bad as Bruce but dammit, sometimes Bruce had the right idea with things like this. He didn’t think Jason would appreciate hearing that though. 
When he didn’t immediately defend himself, Jason made a disgusted sound and tried to walk away from him. For some reason, that made something rise in his chest and Dick found himself taking a step forward and grabbing at Jason’s jacket.
He wouldn’t let some villain have Jason. They’d hurt him and maybe even please him and then hurt him even worse. It was all against the rules. 
“He can’t have you. Promise me Jason you won’t let him,” Dick hissed jerking Jason close. 
“I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. Back off,” Jason warned, flashing teeth, “You’re acting like a jealous shithead or something.”
Dick went very still. Too still, because suddenly Jason’s eyes were widening.
“Wait- seriously?”
“I’m not jealous,” Dick snapped. 
“Holy shit…” Jason was staring at him like he’d never seen him properly before and Dick hated it. 
“Shut up-” Dick shoved him.
Jason tried to grab him again and Dick caught him in the cheek with and elbow. Jason hissed but kept coming. Soon they were sparring awkwardly and knocking over the sparse furniture of the safe house. They weren’t even properly fighting, but Dick knew it would be bad to get caught. Dick should have maybe run, but that would have made it look like Jason was right. Which he totally wasn’t. 
If anyone asked, it was Jason’s fault. He tried to headbutt him and so Dick grabbed his hair and yanked and Jason made this sound that had Dick’s brain shorting out in a second. 
The next thing he knew he was kissing Jason angrily. It was all his fault for stirring up all of this in Dick anyway. 
Jason made a surprised sound, but quickly kissed back with all the competitiveness that still betrayed his youth. He was also still obviously not very experienced yet, something that filled Dick with satisfaction. 
So maybe Talia hadn’t gotten her claws in quite as deeply as he’d feared. 
Jason was pushing him down onto the carpet and Dick went willingly. He was glad he did when Jason threw a leg over him and pressed close, never breaking their furious kiss. It would have been almost innocent if either of them had been able to keep their hands to themselves. 
There was a part of Dick that was panicking about all of this; that he shouldn’t be doing this. He didn’t know what Jason was to him on the best of days, but he had a feeling that he definitely shouldn’t be about to have sex with him on his safehouse floor. But there was another part of him that wanted to draw blood. Wanted to bite and push and breach. Wanted to see the way Jason crumbled under his hand… how he’d gasp and groan. 
Something in him was positive it’d be a beautiful sight. 
Dick flipped them and pinned Jason down with his own weight, bending back his legs and making Jason shiver. He wasn’t nearly as flexible as Dick, and forcing him back into the position made his muscles strain and tremble a little. It made Dick very aware of the heat between his legs and how vulnerable Jason was to him in this position. 
Or maybe just in general. 
It made Dick feel almost monstrous. It also made him want to push Jason even further. He shouldn’t want to see what Jason’s eyes looked like streaked with tears, but... he also really really did. 
Maybe Jason saw something of that in his eyes because his legs flexed around him as he said almost cautiously, “Dick…?”
Dick was almost grateful that his his comm chimed. 
“Nightwing, come in,” came Bruce’s voice. 
It was like being drowned in icy guilt. Dick drew away from Jason hastily as he reached up and answered.
“Nightwing here, what’s up?” Dick said, trying to ignore the way Jason sneered at him as he lowered his legs. 
“You’re needed on a situation at the bank on central and 8th,” Bruce said shortly. 
“On it,” Dick said, already adjusting his suit.
He was too embarrassed to look at Jason, hoped he realized too that this had been a mistake. Before he could head out the window though, Jason’s phone rang. 
“Hey Slade,” Jason said, “I was about to call you.”
Dick froze. 
“About that offer for some more hands on training,” Jason met his eyes challengingly, “I’ll take it.”
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angelia-dark · 7 years
Spoiled Sweet
A Sugardaddy AU commission from @decaffeinatedleafwater, who wanted a one-shot off from my fic An Unorthodox Offer, done just in time to finish off the year!  Hope you like it!
If there was one thing Sans hated about his brother being gone, it was the silence.
He heaved a sigh for the umpteenth time and pushed his laptop away from him, tired of alternating between trying to focus on his work and staring at the facetime program to see if Papyrus was on.  It was distracting at best, but he couldn't help it; he missed Papyrus.  Sure, it had been a month since his brother went off to college but the time was making the loneliness worse, not better.
Well, he couldn't really claim LONELINESS...he still had Wingdings.
Sans knew that his lover was taking the absence of Papyrus hard too, sometimes even worse than Sans.  Sans couldn't blame him though; Papyrus was a ray of sunshine that lit up any humdrum day.  And although Papyrus had left, they still had each other.
It was a comfort that seemed almost distant, come to think about it. Sans was under no misunderstanding that Dr. Gaster loved his brother more than him, far from it.  The doctor had proven time and again that he loved the brothers equally, and Sans understood that the absence of one was hard enough as it was.  All the messages and facetime in the world were poor substitutions for the sunny young Skeleton, and it was obvious for both of the elders.
Sans laid back on the couch, staring up at the ceiling and debating on a nap when he heard a soft knock on the study door.
"Sans?"  Dr. Gaster leaned into the room, giving Sans a soft smile.  "Are you alright?"
The younger Skeleton sat up with a mildly-forced smile.  "Yeah, I'm fine, 'Dings," he replied.  "Just a little tired, y'know?"  Dr. Gaster walked into the study with a sad knowing smile, sitting down next to his lover.
"Oh?  From which one?  The blank thesis paper, the staring at the ceiling, or worrying about Papyrus?"
Sans blushed.  "That obvious, huh?" he asked, rubbing the back of his skull.  "A mix of all three, I guess."  He leaned back against the couch with a sigh, Dr. Gaster silent next to him for several moments.
"I miss him too, Sans," the doctor finally said with a sad smile.   "Perhaps a bit too much."  He reached over and tugged the smaller Skeleton into his lap.  "After all, I fear I've been neglecting you, my dearest."
"What?"  Sans turned his head, glancing up at the doctor.  "No, you haven't been neglecting me, 'Dings -"
"Shush."  Dr. Gaster continued to nuzzle Sans's skull, his hands massaging lightly into the younger's scapulae.  "I HAVE been neglecting you this past month, my dearest Sans.  It was foolish of me to leave you so lonely, when such is most definitely a violation of my duty toward you."
Sans's blush darkened, being almost pleasantly reminded of circumstances that began the relationship in the first place.  "Duty, huh?" he mumbled good-naturedly.  "And what would that duty entail?"  He squirmed in the doctor's lap, feeling the elder's soul fluttering against his back bone.
"Hmmm....let's see....."  Dr. Gaster's hands wandered to Sans's front, toying with the buttons of his shirt.  "My duty to spoil my precious little sugar skull."  He pressed a kiss to Sans's temple.   "With kisses, and treats, and pleasure, if my memory serves well."
Sans felt a shiver of anticipation quivering up his spine.  "Serves my memory well enough," he replied with a grin.  "But you don't HAVE to, 'Dings...you know that -"  He was silenced by a sharp nip on his neck bone.
"Oh Sans...you should know better by now that if I don't want to do something, I won't do it."  Dr. Gaster scooped Sans up into his arms, standing from the couch.  "Likewise, when there IS something I want...I do very much want to have it.  And I VERY much want to have YOU, my dear."  He smiled as he carried Sans out of the study and walked quietly through the mansion toward his own bedroom.
It really had been awhile since they'd shared a bed together, he thought as he walked.  After the initial first couple of nights where they simply slept together to stave off the loneliness of Papyrus leaving, they had thrown themselves into personal projects and work to keep busy, and intimacy took a backseat to anything else going on.  It was unacceptable, Dr. Gaster decided.  Sans needed affection now more than ever.
The doctor nudged his bedroom door open and walked over to his bed, depositing Sans onto the duvet and began undressing him, letting his touch linger whenever he could.  The little shivers accompanied by a flush of blue from where his hands touched Sans were little thrills to him, making him happy that these minor things could still make his darling lover come undone.  Sans always was the more receptive of his two lovers, still a tad shy in bed despite all the time they'd been together.  It was endearing, the doctor decided.  Endearing and absolutely adorable.
He finished undressing Sans and dropped the clothing to his floor, looking over the smaller Skeleton's frame lovingly before pressing a kiss to Sans's skull.  "Make yourself comfortable, dearest," he purred. "I'll be right back."  He gave Sans an almost sultry smile before gliding silently out of the room.
Sans felt a blush over almost his entire frame as he scooted back further onto the bed, shifting the duvet around to enjoy the feeling of silk on his bones and allowed himself to enjoy the sensation, wondering why he even stopped sleeping in Wingdings's bed to begin with.  While the doctor was good enough to his lovers, Sans had to admit that the eldest Skeleton had the best bed in the mansion, and absently pondered over it being intentional or not.
He went with intentional.  Anything to get two virile young lovers to come to him, Sans thought dirtily with a shiver of thrill of up his spine.  A night in this bedroom was almost always a guaranteed trip.
Dr. Gaster returned several minutes later with a box, giving his smaller lover an appreciative once-over before walking to the bed and sitting down on the edge.  "Is my darling lover ready for a treat?" he asked, delighting in Sans's dark blue flush as he plucked a fudge square out of the box.
Sans nodded, parting his jaws and hardly caring for the small trail of saliva that trickled from between his teeth in anticipation for the glorious treat. Dr. Gaster obliged, feeding the savory bit to his lover and absolutely delighting in the barely-contained moan of pleasure the smaller Skeleton attempted to smother. Positively adorable.
Dr. Gaster pulled Sans's skull into his lap, petting it lightly as he continued to feed him the fudge squares. It never failed to bring a thrill of joy to his soul seeing his darling Sans so utterly open to being pampered like this. Sans once told him how odd it was that THIS was what it took to get him off sometimes, but Dr. Gaster didn't mind. He'd always been odd, anyway. What was another strangeness to him than having a kink for pampering someone? It was how he became involved in his two darlings in the first place.
In any case, this was still just as much as a treat for him. Sans rarely allowed himself this level of pampering other than special occasions, though Dr. Gaster couldn't for the life of him figure out why. Sans was more than worthy of being treated like a little prince, and Dr. Gaster felt he was overdue for it.
Dr. Gaster fed Sans the fudge until the box was empty, running his phalanges over Sans's skull. “I'll have to buy a share in the company to keep you satisfied with these, won't I?” he said with a smile. Sans blushed dark blue, squirming with mild self-consciousness.
“Not my fault it's so good,” he mumbled, mostly to himself. Dr Gaster grinned, tipping Sans's skull back.
“Is it really?” he asked. “I'll have to taste for myself, then.” He leaned down, kissing Sans deeply, his ectoplasmic tongue not sparing an inch inside Sans's mouth. Sans flushed darkly, forming his own tongue to kiss Dr. Gaster back, reaching up and curling his arms around the doctor's neck bones.
Dr. Gaster scooped Sans into his arms, giving the smaller's teeth a final swipe with his tongue before leaning back. “I do believe you're right, Sans,” he purred. “That WAS rather delicious.” He leaned Sans back on the bed, looming over him. “In fact,” he continued, trailing a phalange tip down Sans's sternum and over his pelvis, “I'd like to taste more.”
Sans's rib cage almost heaved, his soul pulsing hard and eyelights quivering as he watched Dr. Gaster's tongue slither out and drag slowly over his ribs and sternum, the magic tingling over his bones somewhere between a sting and a tickle. The effect alone was already arousing without the intent behind it, knowing exactly what the doctor had in mind. He was proven right when Dr. Gaster's hands parted his femurs and the licks trailed lower to Sans's congealing magic.
Sans barely had time to prepare himself before Dr. Gaster's tongue went right to work with as much enthusiasm as was had with his mouth, if not more so. He couldn't even TRY to muffle his yelps and moans, his hips bucking hard and hands clasping down on his lover's skull.
Dr. Gaster kept a firm grip on Sans's femurs, keeping them parted as he worked his tongue hard, keeping his eyelights pinned on Sans's expression. It had been SO LONG since he'd seen Sans so undone like this, without a care in the world besides his own pleasure. He'd keep Sans like this forever if he could, but a few hours of today would suffice just fine.
Sans writhed on the bed, panting hard as his hands groped around for something—anything—to hold onto, his soul pounding wildly in his rib cage. He couldn't form a coherent sentence, let alone word, but it didn't stop him from trying to egg Dr. Gaster on, begging for more more more PLEASE MORE—
And more he received, as Dr. Gaster let go of his left femur to instead use his hand to push two long fingers into Sans to join his tongue, delighting in the loud squeal the smaller Skeleton let out. Absolutely darling, he thought to himself, able to tell just from the wild quivering in Sans's soul that his small lover was almost there. He worked his fingers fast, curling them inside Sans just right...
Sans's hips arched off the bed, letting out a loud, drawn-out keen of ecstasy as he came. His bones locked up for a moment before going lax, collapsing back on the bed in a hot, shaking mess. Dr. Gaster stroked Sans's femurs lightly, licking his teeth in satisfaction as he looked on at his beautiful, undone lover.
“Feeling better now, love?” he purred, running a hand over Sans's rib cage. Sans let out a satisfied groan of affirmation, giving the doctor a shaky smile.
“...n...never better, 'Dings,” he replied, wiping at his perspiring skull. Dr. Gaster gave him a grin, reaching up to undo his clothing. “...uh....wha...?”
“Oh, you don't think we're finished here, do you?” the doctor asked, tossing his shirt onto the floor. “That was merely foreplay, my dear...” He ran a hand over Sans's jaw. “...and a full meal is MUCH more satisfying than a mere snack, don't you think?”
Sans's cheekbones went blue, his soul quivering in his rib cage again. “...if you insist,” he replied, squirming as Dr. Gaster loomed over him.
“Oh, I do.”
Sans stared up at the ceiling, unable to do much else but contemplate the lovely tiled work and enjoy the lazy strokes of the hand on his head. “....if you ever call yourself a 'tired old man' again,” he mumbled, “I'm gonna bring tonight up and never let you forget it.”
Dr Gaster smiled, a pleased purple dusting his cheekbones. “You flatter me so, Sans,” he replied, shifting the smaller Skeleton closer to him. “I didn't overdo it, did I?”
Sans snorted loudly. “No, Wingdings, you did it just right,” he said. “Or rather, you did ME just right.” He smiled when Dr. Gaster laughed, leaning his head against the older's rib cage. “...thanks,” he murmured earnestly. “I really needed this.”
Dr. Gaster smiled softly, pressing a kiss to Sans's skull. “Believe me when I say 'anytime', Sans,” he replied. “It's what I'm here for...what we're here for together.” He curled both arms around Sans, hugging him tightly. “Stay with me tonight?”
Sans sighed, relaxing in Dr. Gaster's hold. “You don't even have to ask,” he said, settling down for a doze.
Papyrus and his computer would be waiting for him tomorrow.
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robotspiderrampage · 7 years
Letter to Rebecca Moseley
Ashbury, 19 July 1887
To: Rebecca Moseley, 1 Old King’s Way, Caladon
I hope this letter finds you well, and I also hope that you remember how to read this. I have also enclosed a similar message for your father.
[The rest of this message is encoded in a series of pictographs, essentially Wingdings.]
Dearest sister, I apologize for the coded message. Though I personally have no more need for subterfuge, I’m sure that Dad would appreciate the gesture, given the sensitive nature of some of the things I plan to tell you.
I’m sure that at this point, you’re aware that I’m alive. I survived the crash of the Zephyr. I’m sorry for any grief I may have caused you before word got back to you. You were the only person who knew I’d left on the Zephyr initially, and I’m sure it wasn’t easy dealing with the aftermath when it crashed. I should have written you, but unfortunately, circumstances prevented me. 
You see, the crash of the Zephyr was just the beginning of the convoluted mess that I find myself finally nearing the end of. I found myself thrown unwillingly into a plot so inconceivable that you’ll probably think me mad if I tried to tell you all of it. But, given that this may very well be my last communication with you, I feel that I can risk you judging me as mentally infirm in addition to being physically infirm.
The Zephyr didn’t crash from mechanical failure. It was shot down in an effort to kill one of the passengers: a dwarf named Stennar Rockcutter. The reasoning behind this treacherous murder plot is even stranger. You see, Stennar was a member of the Black Mountain clan of dwarves, a clan that disappeared 60 years ago after Gilbert Bates revealed mechanical plans for his patented steam engine based on their own to the public. The cause of the clan's disappearance? Abduction. A group of Dark Elves (elves who defected from the main body of elves after the Age of Legends), masquerading as emissaries from Quintarra, lied to the leader of the dwarves, stating that Bates’ inventions had led to the destruction of uncountable elven forests and that the Black Mountain Clan was responsible for the damage, as they had given Bates the plans. They demanded that the clan be banished to the Isle of Despair, a prison island off the coast of Ashbury. As it happens, the Clan wasn’t banished to the Isle. They were banished to the Void. Yes, that Void. The same one that people tend to go to when they die, according to the Panarii. You know, the funny humans in robes that we used to see scurrying around Caladon? Those Panarii. I’ll be touching on the topic of the Panarii again in a moment. They’re pretty important to this story. Anyway, the dwarves were banished to the Void so that they could build some sort of device to break an individual stuck in the Void out. The individual in question? None other than Arronax, the villain of the Panarii holy book. See? I told you I’d get back to the Panarii. It turns out that the Panarii actually prophesied Arronax’s escape, and in their prophecy it was stated that their god, the elf sorcerer Nasrudin, would return and fight him, defeating him once and for all.
At this point, you’re obviously thinking two separate thoughts. First, that I’m insane and spinning conspiracy theories. This… is a fair assumption. Second, you’re probably wondering what any of this has to do with me, and why I didn’t just come home after the crash. I thought endlessly about doing just that over the last two years. The problem was that I and the other survivors of the crash were erroneously identified as the reincarnation of Nasrudin. A young Panarii monk, Virgil, told us that because we had survived the fiery crash unscathed, that we had been “reborn on wings of fire”, just as the prophecy stated for Nasrudin. We tried to debate the validity of that statement, but Virgil's mentor, the Elder Joachim, agreed with him. Even the Dark Elves seemed to think of us as a new potential threat, as well, sending waves of assassins after us from the moment we clawed our way out of the wreckage. Admittedly, in their case, they probably considered us a problem due to our brief conversation with Stennar before he passed on from the injuries he’d sustained in the crash. From that point on, my fellow survivors and I have had no other option than to unravel the plot that I spun you above in an effort to figure out why everyone either thought we were a god, asked us to handle a difficult but relevant situation, or wanted us dead, all the while avoiding contact with our loved ones out of fear of you being used against us. However, as we worked to untangle the twisted knots of intrigue, we found even more complications. 
First, the Dark Elves had been led to believe that the Device that they had kidnapped the Black Mountain clan to build would be used to break Arronax out of the Void. It turns out that Arronax was never in the Void at all! He lives, alive and well, off the coast. Now, before you exclaim “but wait!”, don’t worry. He’s not the bastion of evil that the Panarii made him out to be. We met him. He’s just a sad old man struggling with daddy issues. Magick was able to extend his life to the present day. You may ask why the Device was built, then. It seems that Kerghan, the terrible necromancer that had been banished to the Void for crimes against sentient-kind in the Age of Legends, managed to trick the Dark Elves into thinking that he was their idol, Arronax. The Device exists to break him out. It uses the souls of the dead stuck in the Void to power itself.
 Second, the Device is ripping holes into our world. We’ve encountered many such rips and they allow the terrible creatures of the Void, demons, beasts and the like, to enter our world. The rips also destabilise reality, and if the current trend continues, there may be enough to end reality as we know it. 
Third, the monk that originally clued us in to the Panarii prophecy has far more to do with the situation than even he initially realized. He left us a year ago, angry and depressed from the stress of the quest and of us, and ended up in one of the rifts… and therefore the Void itself. He encountered the Device, but since he was alive when he did so, it couldn’t use his soul for power. Instead it shattered it. The shards were able to retain sentience and some were able to escape. Saint Mannox, the man who wrote the Panarii holy text, and therefore the prophecy that pulled us into this mess, was one such shard. The Panarii elder who mentored Virgil and encouraged him to stick with us was another. All of them seem dedicated to engineering our involvement in these rather unbelievable events. 
Fourth, it seems that the only way to stop the world ending and possibly save poor Virgil from the Device is to get into the Void and stop Kerghan. We have plans to do just that. Hopefully we’ll succeed, but there’s a very low chance that we’ll make it back out alive even if we do.
Rebecca, I’ve done and seen so much on this journey… and I don’t just mean the absolutely hairy series of unfortunate events that I just laid out for you. I roamed the continent. I got engaged and then (sadly) broke his heart. (Which, by the way, my ex-fiance is apparently in Caladon now. My companion, Thaddeus, mentioned to him that I have siblings, so… I’m sorry if you have a random new suitor.) I stood up to Councilman  Babcock and (accidentally) made a rude gesture at him while dressed as you (which you probably heard about and I’m sorry if that hurt your reputation, though I know you and you probably thought it was hilarious). I was arrested half a dozen times. I met the king of the dwarves and the leader of the elves. 
Best of all, I made friends. Real, live friends that aren’t related to me. Against all odds, I managed to fall in with a group of weird, funny, awful, lovely outcasts and… I have friends.Thaddeus, the human, is a fellow technologer, a practitioner of medicine, and possibly one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. He can be awkward and naive and frustrating occasionally, but mostly he’s just unflappably kind and the most loyal friend I could ask for. He’s known about Tarant as the Pervert of Tarant, but don’t listen to a word of it. He wouldn’t know a set of genitals if it bit him, He’s certainly no Pervert. Waltera is a quirky halfling who loves both love and other people’s stuff.  Utvald was a half-ogre that traveled with us for a short time before settling in Tarant. Last we saw him, he was in a rather dangerous situation. I hope he’s okay. Pog the Garringsburg’s half-ogre joined us for a while, too. He seemed quite smitten with me, but he eventually found acceptance at the University in Tarant. Wolf is a Dark Elf (!!!) who defected from the rest. She’s exceedingly odd, constantly nude, and occasionally a danger to herself and others, but I find her more pleasant than I may let on. Her sister Zan also travels with us, and she’s the calm, rational counterpart to her sister. She and I are of a like mind on many matters and I appreciate her greatly. Straf is… well he’s Straf. He was an elf, but thanks to a series of magickal shenanigans, he’s now some horrible salt golem/dragon hybrid. Don’t ask how. I really can’t explain it. He’s an awful person, a loudmouth, a bigot, and quite possibly the worst person I’ve ever met… But he’s also loyal and has saved my life more times than either of us would care to admit. Magnus, a dwarf, is intelligent, a fine craftsman of armor and weapons. He’s kind and just the right level of sarcastic and is also quite handsome, if I do say so myself. And last, though certainly not least, was our dear friend, Virgil. He was sweet, kind, and never missed an opportunity to be helpful. He could be surprisingly strong-willed when he wanted to be. He wanted to rise above his childhood of pain and poverty and make a difference in this world. Unfortunately, we pushed him to the breaking point. I miss him keenly, Rebecca. I hope we can save him.
Lastly, before I sign off on this letter, I have some news involving our father, Doc, and the reason I left. I’m sure, given all the other nattering on that I’ve done in this letter, that you thought I’d forgotten my goal. I didn’t. I found out exactly what happened to Doc. He’s still alive, Rebecca. Dad didn’t kill him, and he didn’t die of natural causes. He’s alive. Dad had to fake his death to protect him. It seems that Dad is the exact opposite of what I thought he was. He’s not a callous businessman exploiting a race of people for his own benefit. He’s helping them. He’s saving the half-ogres from the other gnomes. The Industrial Council is forcibly breeding half-ogres for use as unpaid labor. Dad knows and has been quietly trying to stop them. I met with him a few weeks ago and discovered the truth, after I had located and destroyed the facilities at one of the breeding colonies. Dad kept everything from us because he wasn’t sure he could trust anyone, including his own children. That made me angry, at first. After all, I had been pretty open with him about my views on the subject of half-ogre subjugation. Yet, he let me run off into danger that he was apparently fully aware of, given how much he knows about my exploits. I thought it was short-sighted or selfish. I thought maybe he was just doing it for the glory. But the more I think about things, the more I realize that that’s not the case at all. He didn’t think he could trust us. He put the needs of the many, many half-ogres over the needs of us. Yes, he let me amble off into danger. I might have been hurt or killed, but honestly, if I’d proven untrustworthy and he had told me, I could have doomed hundreds, possibly thousands of half-ogres. As much as it hurts, he was probably right. Their safety outweighs mine. This realization makes what’s to come in my own quest more bearable. I’m willing to walk into the Void if it helps save everyone else. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
But, sis, I do have one need of my own to fulfill before I go. We have to acquire one last thing before we’ll be able to take on Kerghan in the Void, but once we get it, we’ll head to Roseborough to be sent to the Void. It’d like to see you before I leave. If you head to the Roseborough Inn after you get this letter, we may be able to see each other before I go. If you don’t wish to do so, then I understand, though.
Love, Dyna
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Phil’s Merch
Tw: I guess an almost panic attack? Not really but better safe than sorry
Phil's thumb hovered over the button. Dan was watching him with caring eyes as his breathing steadily increased the longer he put off actually pressing his thumb down that half a millimeter. "Hey." Phil looked up into those eyes. "They're going to love it. They've been waiting for it, yes, and you won't disappoint them, because you're you and you could never do that. Everything's going to love it."
Phil softly smiled as Dan talked him through it, inching closer as he did so, until his arm was around his shoulder and his head rested in the crook of his neck. Phil laid his head on top of Dan's. "I know logically you're right. Everything's going to be fine. But... but..."
"But that doesn't stop it from being terrified you'll disappoint someone. I'm telling you now that that's impossible. Now come one, do it with me." Dan placed his hand over Phil's gently and slowly pushed down. "Three... two... one."
And there it went. Phil's merch was now live and anyone could see it, buy it, see the pictures of him posing in it, and oh no that smirk on his face was too stupid, his ears stuck out far too far, everyone would notice, he couldn't do this, he just couldn't, I mean it was all too much too fast. Without his knowledge his breathing picked up again and blood was pounding through his head.
Dan noticed and hugged him a bit tighter, whispering and kissing softly into his neck that everything would be fine. Slowly Phil came back. He suddenly realized he was exhausted after worrying about this for so long.
"I... I think I'm going to rest my eyes for a bit." Dan smiled. "I think that sounds wonderful and will do you some good." Phil laid down and Dan helped him pull up the covers. "Do you want me to stay or go?"
Phil was still anxious and probably would have appreciated Dan staying until he fell asleep, but he didn't want to be the reason Dan put off working. And so, he faked a small smile and shook his head. "No, you can go. You probably should work on some things. I'll be fine." Dan frowned a little. "You're sure?" He asked. Phil gave a slightly wider more real smile at his worry. "Yes. I'm sure. Go run the world."
Dan leaned over and kissed him for a moment, softly and sweetly. When he pulled away, Phil felt a little better, for real. "Ok, if you're sure. Get some sleep Philip." Phil chuckled slightly at the name. "Yes mum. I promise I will. You go get some work done you." Dan stood up. "Alright then, I'll see you in a while after I've actually been productive. Ugh." And he left the room. Phil's eyes sparkled as he watched Dan's retreating back, and closed as Dan shut the door behind him, leaving him in partial darkness besides the slightest glow coming from behind his drawn drapes.
Dan actually was productive. He was incredibly proud of what Phil had achieved, but also felt slightly guilty of his own contributions these days. He knew quite a few people were getting impatient for him to DO something, and since they didn't see progress with their own eyes, or how much he does a day, that obviously means he does nothing all day, right? Wrong, but still, he wanted to do his absolute best to appease everyone.
After actually doing things for about two hours, Dan inevitably found himself on Tumblr. He smiled to himself as he scrolled through the millions of people losing their shit over what Phil had accomplished, and became almost teary-eyed at the people explaining how proud they were of him-although Dan knew for a fact he held the lead for that.
Once he was done trolling through Tumblr and having what he saw threaten to break his depressing blackness and death typicalness, he decided to check on his boyfriend. He really had him worried earlier, and Dan hoped he had gotten some sleep and that it had helped him. He opened the door as quietly as he could... and froze at what he saw on the other side.
Phil was lying on his side with tears streaming down his face, staring at his phone. He hadn't even unlocked it, but he had Twitter notifications on, and was just scrolling through the multitudes of them, not even seeing what they said, both from how fast they were moving down his screen and from the water flooding his eyes. For a split second Dan had hope the tears were happy ones from seeing how happy everyone was with his creations, but one look at his face told him otherwise. Phil's eyes were slightly squinting in pain at staring at a screen in the darkness, his mouth was tightly closed into a line, and all in all his entire body was tensed, as if against a physical attack.
In a moment Dan rushed to his side, deftly taking the phone with one hand and squeezing Phil to him with the other. He set the phone down on the bedside table quickly and adjusted to hold Phil tightly to him. After a few seconds Dan could hear him whispering almost silently. He bent down slightly to listen. "It's too much, there's so many of them, I can't do this, I can't do it, I can't..."
Dan's face turned stricken. Phil didn't deserve to feel this way about what he had done. "Hey... you don't have to do anything. They're loving it. Everything's positive. Nothing's wrong and you don't have to say anything, in the very least, not yet." Dan hesitated for a second before asking. "Would you like me to take over everything for you for a bit?
Almost imperceptibly Phil nodded into his chest. He shifted until he was completely curled into Dan, took a deep breath, and gave a sigh of relief. Dan hated seeing him so small, his 6'2.9 boyfriend was anything but small, but right now he was emotionally 2 inches tall. "Ok. I can do that."
With Phil's head still resting right below his breastbone, Dan stretched his arm to grab the phone off the small table. Going into Phil's phone, he put on some of their favourite music to calm Phil down a smidge and began to sort through the social media mess. Dan showed him the glow ups people had done, the memes of how they were giving Phil all their money, the millions of tweets saying how much they loved him, all of the people who had changed their names to a series of Wingdings no one could read as a tribute. Dan replied to many comments on the original post about the merch, always making sure in some way they had Phil's approval first. After about twenty minutes Phil's body had lost the tense quality keeping it captive, and had begun chuckle at some of the funnier posts. He still wasn't 100%, but he was much better.
After a while Dan realized they needed to address the fact that the socks were out of stock. He looked down at Phil who was staring at him with puppy dog eyes as if he was his one true savior. "D'you think I could tweet from your account about the sock thing?" Phil nodded, still watching him with attentive eyes, watching his every move as if each one could fix the world.
Dan leaned over to quickly press his lips to the top of Phil's head before swiftly typing up a tweet about the out of stock socks.
"Oh wow the socks are already sold out! So happy you like them they'll be restocked soon🌵🧦"
Dan glanced down at Phil's sleepy eyes watching him. As he looked, Phil smiled softly at him, leaned up, and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you Bear."
Dan's eyes crinkled up as he smiled back. "No problem Lion." He clicked the tweet button.
It took only a few minutes before Dan realized he had slightly fucked up. It was the comments that told him that. The indistinguishable series of shapes quickly flooded the replies with variations of the words "PHIL! Smh, missed the perfect opportunity for a pun, come on man." Dan scrolled quickly to see what exactly had slipped by until he saw one that expressly said what play on words could have been achieved here.
"Missed opportunity to say reSOCKed." And a really below saying "PHIL HOW".
Dan burst out "Oh for fuck's sake!" In a flash Phil sat bolt upright, blinking blearily down at Dan and the phone, Dan realizing belatedly how that might have scared him. "What? What's happened? Did something break? What-" He was cut off by Dan tugging him back down. "It's nothing."
"It's obviously something or you wouldn't have said anything!" Dan sat up at this, leaned his back against the wall, pulled Phil into his lap, and tucked his head into his neck, holding him close. "I only meant it was nothing terribly important. In response to the tweet people were pointing out we missed the opportunity for a pun, and I felt a bit like a twat for missing the mark on your brand. Relax. Everything's fine, I promise."
Everything was quiet for a few moments. And then Phil burst out laughing. Dan looked at him questioningly and Phil got out. "I- I was so scared haha, but you were just annoyed at our subscribers for besting you!" Dan looked down at him, and started laughing too. They went on like this for several moments, before collecting themselves. Phil relaxed in Dan's arms, turning back around and taking his phone back, ready to face it all. Dan wrapped his arms around his waist as Phil looked through everything, taking a deep inhalation into Phil's hair. Soon enough he hear Phil start giggling.
"What?" Dan questioned, a half smile appearing on his face at just the sound of Phil being happy. "Read this one."
"'Dan didn't promote his bo- his friend's merch smh' oh my god." Dan joined his fri- boyfriend's laughing. "I suppose they don't know I spent the entire day promoting your merch from the inside."
Phil smirked up at him. "Yep, just like a spy you were, while also being my entire support system at the time."
"Well I guess I am pretty awesome," Dan said sarcastically. Phil suddenly got a lot more serious, smiling softly up at his boyfriend. "You really, really are." Dan grinned at him, and Phil poked his dimple with his thumb, while also pulling his face closer.
They kissed softly, but for a long time. Together the duo got up and went to brush their teeth, still holding contact even if it was just their arms brushing or holding hands in between. And together they went back to the bed, laid down, and pulled the covers up, ready to sleep after their long day.
"Thank you. I was just so overwhelmed, and you... you fixed everything." Phil whispered.
"I'll always be here when you need me Phil. I'm proud of what you did today, it was big. Good night. I love you Phil. Always."
"I love you too Dan. Always."
And... there we go I guess. I wasn’t really planning on doing my first phan fic today but it kinda happened so yay.
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northwind4 · 5 years
Dearest WingDings(12)
*It's a story about HandPlates! Gaster and Wing! Gaster
*I’ll appreciate it very much if you point out the mistakes I made in the translation, all kinds of help are welcomed!
*previous & next
*Handplates by @zarla-s
Wing!Gaster by me
“No no no no NOT YET !”
Wing snapped his fingers, lighting up a small magic lamp in the dark room.
“Nightmares again?”He reached out and wiped the eyes of the skeleton who just woke up.
“The past?”He asked again.
Gaster avoided his hand.
G: The future.
W: That’s not true, nightmares are all fake.
G: ...
G: Or predictions.
He wrapped himself in the quilt and turned over, but couldn’t stop the all-pervasive black fluid.
W: Don’t be so pessimistic.
W: At least we can do something to prevent it from happening.
Gaster was silent for a long time, and Wing wondered if he was asleep.
G: What do you think...
G: ...no.
G: They will never forgive me.
G: That’s what kind of person I am...that’s what I deserve.
These words seemed to exhaust all his strength.
Wing put his arms around Gaster, he felt the trembling bones.
W: The only thing I can say is
W: Action can defeat fear.
Two days later, as Wing was going to walk through the wall again, Gaster stopped him.
He seemed to have very important things to say.
W: So you are going to formally introduce me to the outside world
G: Correct.
G: After the remaining punctures in Sans and Papyrus’ hands heal, I will take them out too.
W: Sounds great. Glad to see you make this decision.
W: Do you have any special requirements for me_(:з」∠)_
G: ...just be yourself.
Wing watched his liquid body carefully.
G: What are you doing?
W: Picking clothes
W: What should I wear to pay the formal visit to the king?
Asgore gave Wing a big hug after listening to the explanations of the two Gasters.
Asgore: So to speak
Asgore: We now have one more talented scientist!
Asgore: Welcome you on behalf of this world! Another WingDings!
This was an overly hug, which made Wing do his best to maintain his form, making sure that he would not melt suddenly and scare the fluffy nice king.
W: Glad to meet you, Dr. Alphys.
Alphys: I, uh, uh
Alphys: Hello...hello, another...Dr. Gaster?
Alphys: Uh, I wanna ask, that
Alphys: In another world, I, uh, how...?
W: Sorry Doctor Alphys, I hadn’t meet the Alphys in my world before I fell into the core
W: But I’m sure she must shine like a star like you.
G: I didn’t know you are so skilled at sweet talk
W: I didn’t know you didn’t know so since I talk to you everyday
W: Isn’s it a common skill of Gasters heheheh
Wing wondered whether it was his illusion, he felt that Alphy looked a little strange when she looked at them.
Until one day he found some PWP written by anonymity.
A few days later, the appearance of the little skeletons made Asgore feel that the entire underground world was lighted up. The king held the children with great care.
Asgore: What a beautiful little miracle
Asgore: Oh my god WingDings
Asgore: Why didn’t you tell us earlier?
He almost cried.
W: All developments are better than expected, right?
G: ...
G: It was really beyond my expectations.
W: Emmmm...me too.
They thought that Asgore would ask the origin of the two little skeletons for details, but he just looked at them with gratifying.
They didn’t even expect that Sans would say nothing about what Gaster had done in past.
Wing walked into the hall full of golden flowers.
W: Good afternoon, Your Majesty.
Asgore sat at the tea table, the easy-going leader poured two cups of golden flower tea.
Asgore: Just sit down
Asgore: How’s the life in this world?
W: Great. Thank you for your concern.
Asgore: Actually...I don’t have very big reasons to meet you alone.
Asgore: Just regard it as the satisfaction of my old curiosity.
W: My pleasure.
W: Besides, you are not old, Your Majesty.
Asgore smiled.
Asgore: Well, let’s come straight to the point.
Asgore: In your world
Asgore: Did everything happen like here?
Wing certainly knew what the king meant.
W: I’m sorry to say, Yes it did.
W: This happened in almost every world.
W: There could be some differences—sometimes The Queen was on the throne, and you went to the ruins—but the general direction of the story was mostly the same.
W: Forgive me, but it’s like...some kind of rules that had been arranged.
Asgore sighed.
Asgore: Did you see the ends of them?
Asgore: You know, after absorbing 7 human souls, this will definitely be a war without winners.
Asgore: Honestly I don’t want to hurt anyone
Asgore: I just...I want to see my wife and children again.
He covered his face.
Asgore: Please tell me...tell me if there is a way.
W: ...
W: I have seen it.
W: The barrier is gone, no one sacrificed, including you.
W: The underground even get a new friend.
Asgore: Well you don’t have to lie to take care of my emotions...
Asgore: ...
Asgore: Is this true?
Asgore: So how can we make it?
W: The only thing I can say is...
W: Stay determined, Your Majesty.
W: And never give up hope.
The tea got short toward the end and Asgore filled the cups again.
Asgore: One more thing
Asgore: About...WingDings—yes, the Gaster in this world.
Asgore: Toriel and I brought him back from the battlefield, and he was like a child to us.
Asgore: Over the years he has done so much for the country...so much for me. He is my important friend and family.
Asgore: It may be hard for you, but I want to ask—
Asgore: You just talked about the rules
Asgore: What are the “rules” of you?
The skeleton in black smiled bitterly.
W: Not something very happy, Your Majesty.
W: Moreover, I don’t believe in it. I kept fighting against almost every destiny of mine.
W: And I can promise
W: I will do my best to avoid those bad things happening to HIM.
It seemed Asgore wanted to reach out and pat his head.
Asgore: I want to say thank you...
Asgore: Your presence really changed him a lot.
Asgore: He said that you were always persuading him to eat and rest on time. Oh you have solved my headache
Asgore: He looks a lot better now, I’m so glad to see you are together.
Wing felt as if there was something odd.
Asgore: And those little angels
Asgore: Honestly I didn’t expect him to have a child, and he didn’t seem to be really ready for it...
Asgore: I think you affected him
Asgore: I can see that you are a very good father!
W: Uh...thank you?
Strange things became more.
Asgore: Ah, I always forget to stop when I start talking about the children
Asgore: All in all, my request is
Asgore: Please take good care of him
Asgore: There may be some...difficulties, but he is really a very good kid, he deserves all of this—
He seemed to think of something, and then laughed.
Asgore: Too careless, what am I talking about?
Asgore: Two monsters who have fused the soul never need any preaching from anyone, right?
Wing finally got the point.
W: Your Majesty
W: About the fusion of souls, we, uh
W: Our relationship has not reached that point.
W: I’m really sorry for making you misunderstand
Asgore got frozen for some seconds.
Asgore: Ah?
Asgore: But those two children
Asgore: Aren’t they the achievement of your love?
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northwind4 · 5 years
Dearest WingDings(19)
*It's a story about HandPlates! Gaster and Wing! Gaster
*I’ll appreciate it very much if you point out the mistakes I made in the translation, all kinds of help are welcomed!
*previous & next
*Handplates by @zarla-s
Wing!Gaster by me
“The angel from the surface”
W: Just an armor, it will not make them dangerous
W: ...
W: Well...
W: If a monster doesn’t want to fight, their ATK and DEF will drop. They will be more easily to kill or spare.
W: I think humans are same as us.
W: That kid, we saw them coming so far
W: They don’t want to fight. They fled, they was injured, they even almost died several times, but they still didn’t hurt anyone.
W: They still...treats every monster with their greatest kindness.
W: They kept the promise with the snowman, they cared about the statue in the rain, they saved the monster child on the bridge in Waterfall, they tried to remember the name of the little flame.
W: Facing me, a untouchable strange black monster, they gave me their only candy.
W: (*smiled)I should give something in return, right?
Gaster sighed.
G: You know, I will never trust humans again.
G: They did never hurt anyone. I think many monsters will like them.
G: But they can’t avoid fighting forever. When they have no way to escape, when they find that their goodwill never get reward, what will they choose?
G: They fight, or they die. How long can their kindness last? How long can their life last?
G: Does what you do really make sense?
W: ...
W: I think that kindness and love are mutual.
W: The child showed their mercy, then they deserve the kindness of the monsters.
W: You are right, we don’t know how long they can keep their kindness, we don’t know if they will die in the next fight.
W: But at least we can make them hurt less
W: At least we can make this mercy last as long as possible.
The blocking bones disappeared, and Gaster walked in the opposite direction.
W: Where are you going?
G: Go to the Spider Bake Sale to buy a donut
He sighed lightly.
G: —in the name of this human.
W: A ten thousand G dessert.
W: It must taste like coins
Gaster handed him half of the donut.
Wing didn’t take it, but wiped the cream on Gaster’s mouth with his fingers.
W: Tastes so sweet
G: HEY we are in public!
W: The dogs rub their noses while fighting
W: They’re Royal Guards!
W: So why can’t the Royal Scientists!
G: Just shut up please
G: Alphys’ robot seems to be out of her control
W: Or was he never under her control?
G: What does he want to do now?
W: I don’t know (´・ _ ・)
W: Anyway, let’s help raise the audience rating.
They turned on all the equipments that could receive program signals in the laboratory, and the sound of the dynamic music on the stage came from all directions.
W: The music is not bad
W: Shall we also have a dance?
G: ...
G: I prefer slow-beat ones.
G: In the traditional dance of skeletons, two skeletons hug together and step slowly. They put one hand on the other’s ninth-or twentieth spine, to express love and loyalty which even beyond life and death.
G: I remember watching them dance...I was very young at the time
Wing pressed on the back subconsciously.
W: Without the shaping magic I may not have a spine to let you put hand on...
W: But I can promise you the love and loyalty—600,000 love and loyalty
Gaster didn’t realize he was smiling.
G: Then we can try it when we have time.
W: Is there anything more embarrassed than [being seen by the one you love when you are practicing to confess your love to her]?
G: Probably it is [being watched by the human, Papyrus and you and me at the same time].
W: Heheh yeah.
W: It seems that when a scientist is trying to confess love
W: The language ability will break down.
The two Gasters looked at the Amalgamates in the secret laboratory.
W: ......
W: So when she saw me melting
W: The expression is so complicated
G: No...no NO!
G: She’s so good and so young...she shouldn’t take on such work—such responsibility!
G: Oh my god, how much pressure she is shouldering,the-that kind of character will push her to...
G: I should have known this, why didn’t I notice it earlier? What was I doing that time—
He suddenly thought of something.
G: It was because of my state of mind that the King did not let me join in this project...?
G: It’s all...because I...
G: I really don’t want her to suffer from this, it’s all my fault, I-if I could hide better, I—
Wing hugged him from behind and stopped the wrong-going thought.
W: Shh...Stop.
Alphys finally decided to sent those monsters home.
G: Alphys...she made it.
G: ...it looks like I owe that human a word of thanks.
W: Look, it’s not that difficult
G: ?
W: To make up with yourself.
W: Things will always be OK by doing so.
W: She doesn’t have to worry about losing us at all. On the contrary, we all care about her.
W: But fortunately she didn’t push us away—
G: Stop.
G: Please stop.
He seemed to need a hug, and Wing was very good at it.
W: Go straight, take the elevator, then...
G: The Throne Room.
W: ...
W: Hey, don’t be so depressed, I think—
Gaster grabbed his collar.
G: Look at my eyes and swear to me
G: You have really seen the possibility of not sacrificing anyone.
W: I—
The cellphone rang, it was a call from Papyrus.
G: Papyrus, I don’t have time to—
G: ...what?
This was the first time Papyrus hung up the phone first, and it seemed he was really in a hurry.
G: This is...
Wing looked into his eyes.
W: This is the One.
Everyone reunited in the throne room.
G: Her Majesty...
W: It’s been so long
G: ......
He had too much words but there wasn’t enough time for him.
W: Go Alphys! Kiss her! Let them see we scientists-oh blocked hahaha
W: It looks like the king and queen have child again
G: ...
G: I hope they won’t make them sad this time.
G: So this is the good end-
G: WHAT? !
G: What is this? The flower? He stole those six human souls!
W: The FLOWER...then...
W: Watch out! He wants to absorb all the souls!
G: What did you say—
They couldn’t escape, the huge force was like a storm, engulfing all souls into the center of the vortex.
Wing woke up in the boundless darkness.
W: Where am I
W: What just happened...That flower-the prince...Asriel, and...
W: He absorbed all the souls, so my soul should...
W: Mine is still here?
W: Was it because mine was too broken? = =
W: Then I can try to find other people
W: Where are they...Wingdings——? Can you hear me—
W: Ah here you are, great, I thought you—
W: Wingdings? !
W: ...
W: Oh my...you...
Gaster stood there, with his face covered under some...white light, looked like thick fog or pale flame.
*Lost soul appeared.
*W.D.Gaster, HP666666, ATK66666, DEF66666, the Royal Scientist.
*Forgotten by everyone, as he thought he deserved to be.
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northwind4 · 5 years
Dearest WingDings(18)
*It's a story about HandPlates! Gaster and Wing! Gaster
*I’ll appreciate it very much if you point out the mistakes I made in the translation, all kinds of help are welcomed!
*previous & next
*Handplates by @zarla-s
Wing!Gaster by me
“The little one from the surface”
The seventh soul came all of a sudden.
Just when everyone began to doubt if there would be no more humans, the little figure walked out of the gate of the ruins.
They looked full of determination.
Gaster was more nervous than ever.
G: That human is approaching Snowdin!
G: We need to take Sans and Papyrus away-no, evacuate all the monsters!
W: Calm down dear, it’s just a child, not even as high as your knees
G: This is the result of my serious consideration. I have thought about it for long. I can’t let that kind of thing happen again. I can’t let any human approach my family.
W: But you look at screen—
G: I’ll go alone since you don’t want to help. I shouldn’t have told you this. I’ve wasted so much time. I—
W: Sans is shaking hands with the child.
G: WHAT? !
Two Gasters hid in a tree in Snowdin.
W: You see, that is just a friendly little one, they don’t want to hurt anyone at all.
G: Who knows what they will do next.
W: Just in case, we can follow him closely.
G: Very closely.
W: You see, even if they are chased by dogs everywhere, they never hurt any monster.
G: What if they hurt?
W: hmmm
W: Then let’s strangle this little trash alive and then [——], [——] and [——], and also [——]
W: Then we delete its saved items and then smash its folder and then hack it on Steam and various websites
W: And kill its system, burn its graphics card, delete its manuscripts and papers, and—
G: Although I don’t know what you are talking about
G: It sounds feasible
W: Look! The puzzle designed by our kids!
G: A puzzle which can be solved by pressing two switches.
W: Oh come on don’t be so strict
W: This one looks great
G: Well, it’s okay for an elementary puzzle.
W: Hey, look at that kid.
W: Are they...asking our little angel for help?
G: What?
G: Papyrus? What is he doing? He is helping the human? !
W: Don’t get angry—
G: ...
G: I’m not angry
G: (*sigh)Actually I have known that he would do this.
W: Hmm...this puzzle
G: “Must be from Sans”—do you want to say this?
W: Heheheh
W: Do you think that child will choose crossword puzzles or word finding games as the more difficult one?
G: Everyone will choose the former.
W: You see he chose the word search game hahahahaha! !
W: I won
G: ? I don’t remember we have bet—
W: Let me think about what I want...I want you to smoke less
G: ...ok.
W: Yeah~Snowdin is fine~!
W: The child even made friends with the Royal Guards
W: Now they’re going to Waterfall—
G: Oh gosh this is killing me
G: I have to grab their soul firmly...Never let him get closer to Papyrus
W: Rest assured
The black monster got his magic ready.
W: They won’t have that chance.
W: ...
G: ...
W: ...is it OK?
W: It seems the child is going to be killed by the bones.
G: They won’t die.
G: This is Papyrus’...determination.
W: I have a question
W: This child has lost so many times in a row
W: Why are they keep flirting?
G: ...don’t you think their date more confusing?
W: DATE? !
W: Dad doesn’t agree ahhhh (´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
W: Oh just eating spaghetti
W: Good, human
W: Eat it up
W: EAT·IT·UP ^_^
W: They finally leave for the waterfall
W: Actually I’m a bit...worried
W: This little guy can’t even handle the basic bone attacks
W: Undyne won’t stop in time like our child
G: You care about the human?
W: ...yes.
W: After all, they’re so small, and they don’t want to fight at all
W: They would rather run away than hurting others
W: They didn’t do anything, but so many monsters want to kill them
W: After getting hurt, they must be...aggrieved
W: After crossing this path there is the bridge
W: Undyne will probably be there waiting for them
W: ...
W: The child seems
W: Lost
W: Finally found the exit? Good
W: Okay, now run! Right, left, then stop! Avoid the magic spear!
G: Is it safe for us to hide in these reeds?
W: What’s the matter?
G: Those spears may fly over—
W: Ahhh wait wait WAIT! Ouch friendly fire! Why are there so many spears it seems that our great hero has become stronger chejchsicbjsbewk
G: It’s over
G: The human you care about is still alive
W: Oh, yeah
W: But can you do me a favor first?
W: A spear stuck in the crack in my head
W: Don’t laugh be serious(♯`∧´)
W: Look this gray door, I made a hidden room here
G: Then why is the door handle moving?
W: Oh, maybe it is discovered.
W: ? ? ? The human find it? !
G: You said this was a hidden room!
W: The probability of being found is only 0.33%!
G: Can you make it higher? !
W: It can’t be lower anymore now they’re coming hurry and come here—
W: OK, they went out
G: (*coming out of Wing’s magic shadow)
G: Did they do anything to you?
W: No, they can’t touch me.
W: But they...
W: Left me a candy?
*After the human put the umbrella, the music box in the statue started to play.
G: ...
W: You seem to like this song
G: Yes.
They listened together quietly.
W: Wind—is—howling—
W: Blacky—is—blown—away—
G: What are you doing?
W: Standing in the wind and shouting hahahaha
G: ...how old are you
W: Heh
W: (*mouth being covered) HmmMmm
G: The human is coming
W: Mmmm(You are blushing)
W: Look
W: They are really a very kind child
G: Why
W: Will you get water for someone who tried to kill you all the way?
W: I don’t think I will.
Under Papyrus’ assistance, Undyne finally shared a room with the human.
Undyne: Scientist? Those are all nerds
W: Objection!
W: You must admit that some scientists are super cute! ! !
Undyne: ? !Who is talking!
Undyne: (*blushing)But it’s right.
Papyrus found the Gasters outside the house.
The two quickly held him and made him silent.
W: Shhh—be quiet sweetie
P: ?
P: !
G: ...yes
MTT broke in and broke out.
W: Wow!
W: Dr.Alphys’ robot is getting more and more personality
W: Even a little, mm...out of control.
Gaster stared at the door where Alphys entered.
G: She goes there more and more often, and the time she stays in is getting longer.
G: Do you think it’s really a“magic dressing room for female scientists only”, like she said?
G: Can a dressing room be so frustrating?
W: Your worry is reasonable...Just this kind of place is not suitable for walking through the wall and have a look
W: Maybe she wants to hide something, such as her secret te...task, or something else. Obviously it isn’t very good.
Wing knew what this would remind Gaster, and he reached out and rubbed his shoulders.
W: It’s okay, she is such a good person
W: Or we can ask her later
W: No matter what she is doing, we will stay with her, don’t we?
The human child fell asleep beside Sans’ hot dog stand.
W: They look tired
G: But still dangerous. Sans shouldn’t be so close to them.
Wing looked at the sleeping child. The little one breathed quietly with the burnt pan under their head. They still had some abrasions, which made them let out an unconscious sob.
W: I remember there sells the good armor in Temmie Village
W: Maybe I can cloth them while they’re sleeping
Bones blocked Wing’s way.
G: I don’t want to doubt you
G: But what in the world do you want to do?
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northwind4 · 5 years
Dearest WingDings(21)
*It's a story about HandPlates! Gaster and Wing! Gaster
*I’ll appreciate it very much if you point out the mistakes I made in the translation, all kinds of help are welcomed!
*previous & next
*Handplates by @zarla-s
Wing!Gaster by me
“It’s raining here.”
W: WingDings...WingDings
G: ...
W: Wake up, my dear
G: ...?
The skeleton hiding in the soft quilt didn’t want to move.
G: What time is it...?
G: ...
G: Hey...the coming holiday shouldn’t be the reason that you woke me up at 2:00a.m.
He heard the sound outside the window.
Wing helped him put on his glasses.
W: It’s raining.
The summer rain has so much enthusiasm.
Unlike the condensed water in Waterfall, or the fantasy made by Wing, this was the real rain, which could never be replicated or substituted.
They sat on the wide porch.
G: This seems to be the first rain after we got back to the surface.
W: That’s why I wake you up(。・ω・。)ノ
W: Are you tired now?
Gaster leaned on Wing’s shoulder.
G: Someone forced me to sleep 6 hours every day.
G: I have never been so energetic
W: How does it feel to work with humans?
G: Don’t expect me to believe them.
G: Except this...honestly...
G: Not bad.
Their return to the surface went better than expected. It seemed that most humans had realized that the hard-earned peace should be protected. Monsters showed their unique resources and magic, and expressed the wish of peaceful coexistence.
Together with it, there were advanced scientific technology and the strong self-protection capabilities.
The Royal Academy of Sciences and the top scientific organizations of human shared the research results. And the huge amount of data made everyone fully occupied. The monster scientists ran between various kinds of lectures and laboratories almost every day.
The days were full of busyness and vigor.
G: They seem to be admiring of my body structure
G: Saying it’s...convenient?
G: And also “cool”, the most evaluation I have received
G: Why can’t they just turn their attention away from these irrelevant matters to my outstanding scientific achievements
W: Oh come on you have won almost all the science prize for the next ten years
W: And you looked happy when they said this
Gaster changed the subject quickly.
G: Asgore asked me if I was going to get a child with you “in a natural way”
G: This kind of obsession is really difficult to understand...
Wing thought for a moment.
W: Two monsters in love fuse their souls and give birth to a new life
W: But my soul has...broken
W: I’m really sorry that we can’t have a baby skeleton in this way
G: God, I NEVER feel sorry.
G: Babysitting may be more difficult for me than believing humans
G: Besides, we already have two...four-
G: Ah, sorry...
He asked cautiously.
G: Is there any progress in the research of space&time cracks?
W: ...
W: Strictly speaking, no.
W: The disappearance of the barrier seems to have some effect, but I haven’t found what it is.
W: But at least this is a change. It’s OK...I think success will come soon.
Gaster looked at him, and Wing avoided his gaze.
Here again, Gaster thought, the standard Wing-style optimism. The black monster seems to smile forever and always have confidence in the future. The person like him can always bring everyone hope, but no one knows how much he is bearing, and no one knows which smiles are forced and which are from the heart.
The two Gasters who seemed to be completely opposite are similar actually, and the initial favor might be born from this kind of sympathy.
Gaster often tells Wing that it is not necessary to do so, don’t force it if you don’t want to smile. You can show some fragility, just like what you say to other people—to me. You can ask for something, such as a hug, or more.
Gaster wanted to do something, which seemed to be driven by some subtle emotion. Wing’s thinking is usually extremely rational, so Gaster was a little curious what this black monster will be like in the face of pure emotional problems.
The “common skills of the Gasters”, heh, he mocked in mind.
It was a different kiss. Gaster reached into the black fluid, he touched one of the soul pieces, and his love trembled under this action.
Wing certainly understood that expression, and he separated from Gaster a little before responding.
“Hey...” His breath became heavy as he spoke, “Are you sure?”
Gaster gave him a winky smile.
“Don’t tell me you’re scared.”
Something in Wing’s eyes was growing, like danger or expectation.
“Don’t regret it.”He said finally.
I have nothing to regret, immersed in the hug, Gaster thought.
It’s rare for me to follow my heart.
They embraced and got lost in love, feeling the resonance from each other’s soul. For a moment Gaster felt like he was going to sink into the black fluid. In this deep hug he opened his eyes, and saw countless tiny soul fragments glowing in the darkness.
Like the stars shining on the sky.
Wing kissed his love on the right eye. He always took extra care of this unopened eye, like what Gaster did to the unhealed cracks on his face.
“What does this color mean?”Wing asked Gaster as they lay together with tiredness and satisfaction.
“Mm?”Gaster rested on Wing’s arm.
“Your eyes are glowing, a color I haven’t seen before.” Wing looked at him, with his eyes filled with treasure and love.
Gaster smiled.
“It means I am fascinated by you incurably.”
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