#i lover punkflower so so much like
k-kroomie · 10 months
Miles: Do you have a dollar, I'm short.
Hobie: No but I have a hand that is short of your hand.
Miles: That's cute and all but I still need a dollar. I'm hungry.
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weirdfishy · 11 months
not-quite-yet 3
nqy 1 - 2
. my ko-fi 💛
ao3 link
it's a freeing thing, being spiderman. super strength, speed healing, enhanced awareness, taking your fears and shoving them out the window, downdowndown from up on high.
a mask.
give a man a mask, yk? spiderman's sarcasm and light, quick wit pours thoughtlessly from his lips, evasiveness n fight like a buried memory-- confidence in his bones; one second miles is stammering over his sketchbook (edge to edge with his muse, page after page) n the next spiderman's mask is pulled on n he's high in the sky, whoops and cheers alongside his muse's full, deep laughter, dancing through the air, around each other, to the top of the nearest high rise.
spiderman's muse (in other worlds, they're called lovers, but miles- spiderman- the gwen he knows is from another universe n he wasn't "supposed" to be bit at all, so he'll take muse, he'll take best friend) joins him at the top of a spire, base plate barely big enough to hold their shoes n the wind whipping around them, neither of them feeling the chill (it comes with the second skin, with the uniform and the abilities-- it's learning to make your suit warmer)
they've taken the arm closest and draped it over his shoulder like usual, miles wrapping his own across their back, hand squeezing them closer, settled at their hip, a mere look at each other before they're free falling backwards, still clinging to one another, other hand out, air between fingers and mouths pulled taut into wide, toothy smiles. then miles is nudging their shoulder, hand poised for rock-paper-scissors, which they return in kind (oh, miles can almost see the smirk beyond the mask, knowing full well none of those three options will be used by his opponent), miles making a rock with his fist, a peace sign made in response. "peace over war, love," then they're webbed to another building, swinging into the bottom of their curve in the direction of downtown, for whatever spot the other spider feels like eating at, and on and on the night will run, swinging up, down, around n around, across alleys and the sides of buildings, through crowds n noise but always focused on each other, leading then following, following and leading in turns, twisting, spinning, leaping, falling, catching and climbing, over n over until the duo is on the roof of miles' dorm at 5 am, sitting shoulder to shoulder on the edge, masks off- sipping from two different cups n switching every so often, calm n quiet; existing with each other, spider n spider, miles n hobie.
(miles doesn't need his mask when he's with hobie; freedom is easier to reach, with them)
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
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Okay cool!!!Thank you so much everyone for encouraging my dumbassitude,this is all the motivation i need to actually make this post and try to come up with a Bleach x Spiderverse tag🤞🏼🤎
So the main thing that made me come up with this one was that like Hobie,the protagonist of Bleach is a dude who's an actual punk instead of just EdgyTM but is also even edgier than him in a way because he's also goth
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Ichigo Kurosaki AKA objectively the best shonen mc because he has actual satisfying character development and logical power ups,as well respecting women especially his love interest instead of being a weird pervert or treating her badly :] A big chunk of the series' cast are part of a military system but Ichigo never even considers joining it because he thinks it's bullshit and only sides with members of it when it comes to helping out innocent people or he's manipulated into it(Actually same thing now that i think about it).If you're a Hobie stan and/or simp,i guarantee you'll love Ichigo too!!And if you're a Punkflower lover like me
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I can't pinpoint exact moments parallels because one of them has SO MANY that it's hard to remember exact ones BUT Orihime is a lot like Miles and that includes how highly Ichigo thinks of her and him having her back all the time and them being super goofy together and really important to eachother,both in the feelings sense and character arcs wise!Fair warning that Orihime and Ichihime get a lot of bad faith critisism and straight up hate due to her being autistic-coded like Miles but with the addition of her also being an extremely feminine teen girl who's conventially attractive(and it's worth noting this is never used against the other girls in the series which makes it worse,although this could be because Ichigo never liked anyone except her).And!!!For people who have Gwen or Jess as their fave:
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^^^Rukia,The deutragonist who's got a found siblings relathionship with Ichigo and can be described by that post i made that said 'Ideal gender:Femme but with the personality you'd expect from a tomboy' and his mentor,Yoruichi,who's canonically blasian with extremely realistic characterization for a black woman.I should state that Bleach came out in 2001 and ended in 2016 so sadly there is some dated stuff in it but it's definitely worth the read!!Keyword being 'read' because the og anime is an awful adaption in multiple ways and the only one i'd recommend is the ongoing 2022 one that's taking on the final arc!Hope this convinced you to at least look up Bleach things but if not then that's completely okay🙏🏼
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k-kroomie · 11 months
Doodle me a Heart ♡
By. Niko and Sunnie♡(or Margo if you're from Discord)
[very short]
A Punkflower one-shot based of my headcannon:
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Enjoy the cuteness of my favorite people♡♡♡
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Miles was doing his math homework at his desk while his boyfriend laid out on his bed with one of his sketchbooks and some of his markers.
"Hey, luv, what ya, think 'bout a dog with 3 eyes in ya art book?" Hobie asked, making Miles look over at him. "Hm, I wouldn't mind. You just draw whatever you want, Hobie. I'll either add to the page or leave it alone," Miles said with a smile as he turned back to his homework.
Hobie smiled and looked down at the sketchbook page, "Alright thank ya, sunflower." He said before flipping to the first page and seeing a self-portrait that Miles drew of himself. That's when he got to work, draw on the white spaces of the page, and he never drew the same thing twice. He smiled at his little doodles before flipping to an empty page and drew out a picture of him and Miles.
Time skip♡
"I'm sorry we didn't get to spend a lot of time together Hobie, this vision work is sumping me." Miles said as he watched hobie slip his boots on, "It's fine sunflower," Hobie said, sliding his mask over his hair and eyes. "I love just being around you." Hobie said before kissing Miles forehead and climbing out his window. Miles smiled before shutting his window and walking over to his bed where his sketchbook and markers sag.
Miles picked up his sketchbook about to lay it on his desk when he saw the drawing of two stick people in the middle of a page with a heart in the middle of them at the bottom of the page it said, "A punks flower" Miles smiled at the page before picking up his pencil and a few markers. He then began to sketch out the faces of both him and Hobie. Keeping a distance between his sketch and his boyfriends art, not wanting to ruin Hobie's art.
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k-kroomie · 10 months
Hobie yo boyfriend is a lil slow...
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