#its punkflower because i love them and it is
k-kroomie · 1 year
Miles: Do you have a dollar, I'm short.
Hobie: No but I have a hand that is short of your hand.
Miles: That's cute and all but I still need a dollar. I'm hungry.
435 notes · View notes
nogodsnomorales · 1 year
Know that I am going to get pretty serious here, as this post is about Punkflower. I am going to talk about the age situation, the blatant racism ABOUT this ship, and to also talk about the ship itself*. There is also some talk about the shippers/non-shippers + Punkflower antis in general.
[*nothing negative! just like.. discussing it as a whole, because everybody needs to be aware of some important things. the shippers, non-shippers/people on neutral ground, AND the haters/antis.]
There is a BIG wall of text incoming, but all of it is organized to its very best at what I could do!! I first wrote this in docs, I did my best to make it not a whole chaotic mess to read through. It's a big post, but there's a lot of spacing and some text is coloured, so it will be very easy to read.
This is a very detailed and THROUGH post, so it is slightly recommended to read on computer for the best viewing experience.
[It's not needed as you can still just read on your phone/etc, I do want you lovely people to have the best viewing experience possible.]
There will be an expand button, so I will not clog your feed and the tags.
Dear punkflower shippers,
punkflower shippers, do not live in fear no more, for I am here now.
tumblr user: godunforgiving
Edited Note (06/21); FYI, I am muting this! Read the edit change log at the end of this post for more information. If you have any concerns or inquiries regarding this post, do not hesitate and feel free to DM me!
punkflower talk/analysis(?) + talking about Hobie’s age
This entire post is a discussion of various things, of my own thoughts and opinions! Some of the talk is about the posts + comments I have seen other people say about this ship [mainly questioning and worried ones.] All of the pieces of information that I knew were scattered, so I wanted to gather all of what I could find, and put it in a singular post for those still worrying.
[Also where others can actually just refer to this post and just read thru here first, instead of having to spend a lot of time going through the Punkflower tag to desperately find info!]
I would have gotten this finished and posted days ago, but you know, usual IRL things slowed me down, and I had to spend my day in the ER yesterday, lol.. I’m okay as of now! Just have to take it easy, but I really did want to finish writing my ass off with this post, since I know it’s important to me and for many others out there.
Take your time to read through this, and please absolutely feel free to add any of your input/extra knowledge/anything that I should add onto this post. DMs can be the best, or just through the comments can suffice, because I can and will edit anything into this post [that is accurate aka there is backed up evidence/sources to go along with it.] If you do want to see something added here, just tell me and I'll see if I can manage!
I genuinely hope that this post can be helpful to you, as it will be helpful for me!
Please know that; I will directly quote from many people, as all of them will be credited properly by being mentioned down below and leaving their username (that is linked back) with their respective quotes, because their own pieces of text really helped build this post! I cannot thank each person enough.
Do not be a piece of shit and go after or ‘witch hunt’ any of them. Respect their own privacy and being.
users mentioned (IOOA): @comfortingnightmare, @luvvnobo, @ghostspider-isms, @saltylemonade13, @artisan-is-bored, @bellamer, @uglynavel, @peachypea0ny (fyi, site is not allowing me to tag), @crownecromancer, @raspberryjars, @spideyzpoolsp, @hamiltonforpowerpoint
[If you are one of the mentioned people, and you want yourself to be removed or become anonymous, please let me know ASAP!]
If you are colourblind (some of the text is coloured fyi! colours used are blue, pink, and purple), or have difficulty reading text due to it being too small, or can't read the font, etc, please let me know! I can give you a google docs link of this entire post that is best suited for your needs. No, you will not be a burden to me. Your needs are very important, and I will want to assist with the best that I can do with that!
I, godunforgiving, am on a mix of a positive + neutral ground on the topic of shipping Punkflower. I absolutely adore the comic!Punkflower, and I am fond of ATSV!Punkflower with the way I view it. Reason why I said neutral, know that I am not against the ships by any means!! But I guess why I say that is because there wasn’t a lot of canon media to consume [ATSV!Punkflower], and I want more [Also note that I have NOT seen the movie yet.] I don’t usually ‘do’ shipping when it comes to various franchises, I guess it’s mainly just not my thing? But I do know that I’ve come to like Punkflower.
I do not ‘do’ discourses, nor do I intend to actively join them! This is my first time doing something like this / this being my first ‘discourse’, yet I hope for it to be my last. I made this post with the pure intention to help the Punkflower shippers. Do know that!! I know that many people do not like the topic of discourses, but this one and the problems I’ve seen revolving around Punkflower, I just have to say something. Bc idk if anybody else is going to [with the way I did this post], considering the mess that occurred days ago, but someone has to and has to do it properly.
I am autistic, so I may process words + information differently, or even ‘incorrectly’. So if a sentence doesn’t make sense, due to perhaps my misuse of grammar, etc, please do not hesitate to ask/reach out, and I can do my best to re-explain it to you.
Negative comments [and comments directly to this post where the person is actually spreading misinfo], will be deleted. Know that if you decide that you disagree with this post, then okay! I am not bothering you, just as I hope that you will revert to ignoring me, instead of hating on me. Please have the common decency to just be kind or even don’t say anything at all, and carry on with your day.
If you have any concerns regarding this post, do not hesitate to reach out to me.
this post was originally inspired by a friend, then originally created for @feuille-morte, but it is finished for the rest of the punkflower fans, ily all. take care of yourselves!! anything for these cute silly little guys ok (and the entire punkflower nation)
let’s get started with an introduction.
“what is Punkflower?”
Punkflower is a slash [aka queer] relationship between two black male teenagers, Hobie Brown and Miles Morales. Usually, it is perceived a romantic relationship, as some other people only see the pairing as a platonic duo and such. I do not know more forms of Punkflower, but I will use the 'main' two forms in this post. Comic![SG!]Punkflower [SG is Spider-Geddon, a comic series first released on Sept 2018], and Across the Spider-Verse aka ATSV!Punkflower.
Think of it as the same ships with the same characters, but in different fonts.
Comic!SG!Punkflower has existed for nearly 5 years now, likely first existing sometime in late 2018 to early-mid 2019. Both Miles and Hobie are very close in age in the comics, at around 16 to 17 years old. Away from Spider-Geddon(?), but still on the topic of comics, Hobie is still 16-17 in the comics.
“people are saying Punkflower is a problematic ship!”
The main [and probably only] source of this misinformation, is from a clip that was cropped to be posted with the intention of spreading heavy misinformation (We will get into that next.) So, as far as I am aware, and know; Punkflower antis are throwing around p/do allegations, because they hate the ship and they are outraged with people enjoying it. This hate is clearly rooted with racism, and homophobia. So, no, Punkflower is not a minor x adult ship!
“the interview talk, what happened, and what is actually real?”
If you’ve watched the interview, you can easily see that they were talking about the brainstorming process of developing Hobie's early ideas for his character. A director mentioned that in the early concept stage, Hobie was originally going to be 19-20 [This wasn’t even our Hobie, but Prowler Hobie.]
A person cut a very small clip of the mentioned interview, and uploaded it, a clip that was EXTREMELY out of context. 
The uploader cut out the part explaining that Hobie’s ‘original’ age had changed as his character was being developed.
So from this, and no context given, a lot of people were instantly quick to hate; since it was on purpose to make the entire ship, AND those who enjoyed the ship, look extremely bad. What happened was not okay, yet this disgusting behaviour is at an attempt to be justified [and those people are trying to justify literal racism and homophobia.]
“19-20 thing that the directors mentioned were Hobie’s early designs ideas but those eventually changed as his character changed. Even one of the directors said its up to interpretation plus even his VA was all hinty towards Gwen and hobie so honestly its up to you what his age is" - comfortingnightmare
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As soon as the clip came out, I had started to see a number of people saying that, apparently, Hobie looked like he was in his 20s to his 30s** (while also throwing subtle/discreet hits towards the Punkflower ship), but this was after the clip came out.
**Literally saw someone on Tumblr say that he looked like 28, and trying to shut down the idea of Hobie being a teenager. Like be completely serious with me right now..
Things don’t quite add up here. This was because of WHAT Hobie only looked like, and now it just has to be racially motivated, as there are no solid explanations or reasonings for their behaviour and disgust. Those people just look bad [as they should.]
So, no, Hobie is not 19-20. Another director had confirmed that Hobie’s age is UP TO INTERPRETATION.
[TLDR; The interview got taken completely out of context from a clip that made people start throwing SERIOUS accusations left and right.. Since more people actually later found out that the clip was taken out of context [instead of doing research], the situation died down, but people are walking on eggshells now. The haters were being desperate likely because Punkflower is a black queer/mlm relationship, since there is no solid explanation for this hating.]
“So.. what can we interpret Hobie’s age as?”
That is where I come in! I have many reasons that can help you decide what Hobie's age is to you. And those many reasons are speculated on Hobie's age being 16-17, as many users already guess that Hobie's age is equivalent to a teenager's age. I also believe this idea, as there are many things that already support this thought process.
[But if you like.. (god, I hope nobody does) go through this list and conclude that Hobie is 18+ and continue to ship that Hobie and 15 yr old Miles (or any of the minors).. GTFOH.]
1. Hobie Brown in other media (I’m talking about the comics for instance) is commonly shown for Hobie to be a teenager at either 16 or 17 years old.
“Hobie is in fact labeled as ‘badmouthed teenager’ since 2014 and is 16-17 in the comics and that just because he doesnt have a confirmed/canonical age in ATSV, hes still in the age range of a teenager (16-18)" - luvvnobo
2. Topic of the spider-bite. 
ATSV!Hobie is likely to be 16-17 years old (18 at the latest), meaning that he would have been bit at the ages of 13-15. So IF Hobie was bit 3 years ago / at 14 years old, then he would be 16-17.
Realistically, this really could have happened, considering Hobie’s living conditions! [aka what led to Hobie getting bit by a radioactive spider in the comics.] If he indeed gets bit at 14 years old (like how Miles and Gwen got bit at that age for example), then either 16 or 17 yrs old.
Again, with how he lived; if he got bit at 13 = 15-16 years old in crrnt events of ATSV. [If you don’t know of Hobie’s conditions, in the comics I’m pretty sure he, like, basically lived on the streets as a homeless teenager]
“During the "Spider-Verse" storyline, the Earth-138 version of Spider-Man is revealed to be Hobart Brown, originally operating as Spider-Punk. He is a homeless teenager who was transformed by a spider that was irradiated as part of President Norman Osborn's toxic waste dumping.” - Spider-Punk: Wikipedia
The topic of the bite / needing to know if Hobie was (x) age when he got bit, isn’t very serious, as he is already grouped with 3 kids.
3. It would be unlikely (and also weird) for a four man crew to be 3/4 teenagers and 1 adult;
WHILE ALSO implying that the mentioned ‘adult’ and one of the mentioned teenagers could’ve had something going on. [Even if nothing really happened (keyword = implying), and how Pavitr treated it in that way, implies that Hobie isn’t that much older than the three.] [I would have kept this reason combined with the Spider bite topic aka reason No.2, since it’s actually referenced off of pastelnightgale’s post, just that this paragraph alone is solid enough as a separate reason.]
4. Hobie’s mannerisms.
Note, I haven’t seen the movie, but I have seen many clips. From those clips, he’s definitely a teenager at least, it made me feel like Hobie was 16 or 17 years old. I’ve asked two of my brothers; they said that he definitely was their age [both being 17.]
“my two cents on the age debate is like. hobie doesn’t have the vibes of an adult even if his age is up to “interpretation”. like i’m eighteen and bro has definitely gotta be younger than that. he makes my “stupid younger sibling” sense go haywire." - ghostspider-isms
5. If you look up “how old is hobie brown”
You will already see many people speculating that Hobie is likely to be around the same age range as Miles and Gwen [if not a bit older.]
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Again, Hobie is already 16-17 years old in the comics. 
“in the spiderverse, we have seen that it is common for most spiders (gwen and miles specifically) to get bitten around 14. hobie states he’s been spider-man for three years, meaning he’s most likely 16-17." - artisan-is-bored
6. “Like if Hobie is really 19+ then why is it only a problem with Punkflower?? Wouldn’t the whole love triangle thing be a problem????" - saltylemonade13
Yes. It would be a SERIOUS problem. It also would make the other ships [Chaipunk, others with minors in them] very problematic and illegal ships. But Hobie isn't 18+.
7. Ageing down process happening to various characters in Spider Verse, and Hobie non affected?
If Gwen and the other spiders are aged down in Spiderverse, then it doesn’t make sense that Hobie was not aged down like the others.
8. Hobie literally hangs out around teenagers.
If an adult is constantly hanging out with other children, then that obviously would be the first problem. I wouldn’t really need to keep talking any more about this one. Because if a 19-20 year old was spending a majority of his time around young teenagers, ages ranging 15 through 17, and not really with anybody else his age or above, then yes, that’s already weird.
“it’s also implied that miles is jealous of gwen and hobie. why would the directors make a key plot point of the story be that hobie is a grown ass man hanging out with a bunch of teenagers? and that he might have a thing with one of them???" - artisan-is-bored
9. Genetics do not matter within age.
This is one of my most common quotes by now. Hobie is indeed very tall at almost 6 ft, yes. No, it does not mean that he is above 18+ years old. Hobie can be over 6 ft tall and still be 16-17 years old.
I have seen so many teenagers at drastically different heights, but still be the same age. Many of them being over 6 ft [180 cm], and still being in my age range, and having met a 5’10” 8th grader [aka 13 yrs old] years ago. Both of my previously-mentioned brothers are 6 ft and over 6 ft, yet they are only 17.
“people can look one age and be another." - artisan-is-bored
“hobie’s description as a character. hobie is a foul mouthed TEENAGER. that has been his description for the past five years." - artisan-is-bored
10. “how do i tell them Punkflower has been a thing since 2018 or 2019 and they have interacted in the comics (they are close in age)" - luvvnobo
11. “He has to be an adult, because he goes to pubs!!” Let’s be absolutely HONEST here.
“dude is BFF’s with the Riri of his universe, she can probably whip up a fake ID in no time and even if Riri isn’t in the Spiderverse, he still gets around and knows people. he’s definitely cool with someone who makes fake ID’s." - bellamer
What bellamer said. To add onto this, a pub is different from a BAR as well.
If you look up “what is a pub vs bar” your first result will be this.
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To also add, all bars in England aren’t considered pubs.
“If you’re 16 or under, you may be able to go to a pub (or premises primarily used to sell alcohol) if you’re accompanied by an adult. However, this isn’t always the case. It can also depend on the specific conditions for that premises. It’s illegal to give alcohol to children under 5." From the official GOV of the UK website
But literally, let’s be honest here, Hobie would already know at least one person who will help him get in a pub, if he cannot do so himself. If Hobie is constantly going to pubs, then that does not mean he is getting drinks 24/7 when he is there, unless stated otherwise. Pubs focus on serving food and to give drinks [upon request] to go along with the meal.
Before 1995, children under the age of 14 were NOT allowed in pubs in England and Wales. And Hobie is definitely by no means 14. He is likely 16, or 17. He can already drink, with adult supervision, at 16 in pubs. But we know that Hobie is no law-abiding Spider-man.
12. “Hobie wouldn’t be able to own his own place!”
“it’s a key part of hobie’s comic backstory that he used to be homeless. once again, the breaking the law point still stands. wouldn’t be surprised if hobie bought an apartment with a fake ID, was squatting, or was staying in some sort equivalent of the community center that he used as his main group’s operation headquarters in the comics.” - artisan-is-bored
I do not think that another director/anybody who worked on the movie will come out and say that Hobie is actually 18+ at this point. I CAN be wrong in the future, but right now, he is not, and there are my reasons for why I strongly agree with the idea of Hobie being a teenager.
ALTHOUGH, even IF a director comes out and says that ATSV!Hobie is actually 18+, obviously all of the ATSV!ships with him and the other minors should STOP RIGHT NOW. But as of now [06/13/23 (when I first wrote this)], and from what we already know, I do not see anything wrong with ATSV!Punkflower and my views.
The racism revolving Punkflower is disgusting.
I’ve seen a lot of people bashing Punkflower when the whole misinfo-hobie-being-19/20-situation occurred, but ONLY with Punkflower [from what I’ve seen.] I didn’t see any of this happening to the other ships that Hobie is in / shipped with Gwen, and Pavitr.
I have not seen any, quite literally nobody, complaining about any other ship that isn’t Punkflower, and it’s insanely overwhelming and confusing?? People don’t complain when it comes to Hobie x Gwen, but if it’s with two queer black boys? Huge problem all of a sudden.
“Love how when it was Hobie and Gwen no one batted an eye but as soon as people started shipping two black males together all of a sudden everyone’s disgusted and outraged” - uglynavel
“none of y’all had a problem w gwen and hobie, but when hobie started getting shipped with miles and pav? y’all got pissed. get your racist and homophobic head out of your ass. even if hobie IS an adult in the movie, that still doesn’t mean that shipping him with miles in the comics suddenly isn’t valid. newsflash, gwen is MUCH OLDER than hobie in his universe.” - artisan-is-bored
Other quotes, that I wanted to point out, but I didn’t sort them into a spot;
“There are a lot more weird problems in the ATSV fandom, yet people are worried about Flowerpunk and whether Hobie is of age, or not. Those problems are full on grown ass people sexualizing Miles, Gwen, and likely more. There’s already stuff about Peter B. and Miles ship, and THAT is an active problem on hand. More people need to worry about all of that instead of a guy who has an up-to-interpretation age (but is strongly, likely, a 16-17 year old if not an adult.)” - peachypea0ny
“I can’t even enjoy comic versions of punkflower without me being called a pedo or having multiple fucking comments telling me over and over that punkflower is a proship.” - uglynavel
“I’m sorry it’s just really not fucking fair what In THE ACTUAL MOVIE it can imply something between Gwen and Hobie but the SECOND people started shipping two black boys together then it became a huge fucking problem, here’s the thing if Hobie is actually older and they never say that in the movie but imply something to the audience that him and a sixteen year old girl could possibly have something between them THEN THATS GROSS I DONT CARE HOW GOOD THE MOVIE IS! But Hobie is always, in other crossovers and his comics he is around 16, he has met Miles before in canon the ship’s not new, it was just small.” - crownecromancer (Edited to make sense, by me, godunforgiving.)
“punkflower is originally a comic ship, its been around for ages before atsv, its normal for shippers to crossover into different areas where the same characters are. he doesnt have an age on his wiki and why would he be said to have a love triangle with gwen if he WAS 19/20, idk why ppl have such a problem with punkflower but not with hobie and gwen??” - raspberryjars
“this is what happens when you believe in misinformation on the internet. no, there is no age gap, because hobie does not even have a canon age. if you watch the interview, instead of 10 seconds of it, he says it was early concepts of hobie. another director has confirmed his age is up to interpretation.. so. yall rlly need to stop with this, its weird asl. this whole thing was rooted in racism and homophobia, stop spreading misinformation I BEG.” - spideyzpoolsp
Another disclaimer/notice;
IF it’s a piece of information that could be misinformation revolving around Punkflower or Hobie Brown, or anything, DO find out if it is real or fake asap!
I’m using a method that I remember from my elementary school that was constantly talked about [can’t believe I’d bring it up in a post about a ship years later], however it really does pay out and work anywhere else tbh. The “Stop, Think, Act method”.
STOP = Pause, if it distresses you; then take a breath to calm down, avoid doing anything on impulse aka don't do anything without thinking carefully beforehand.
THINK = Instead of the “what is the problem, what are the options, best path forward?” in the method itself, we will reuse this but change stuff up that can apply directly to this post. So after stopping and calming down, we will think carefully and review what we already KNOW. If it’s where the piece of information is easily seen/known as misinfo, then you are good. If the piece of misinfo is affecting something that we already know, then we move onto the next step.
ACT = “Proceed with the best option. Act carefully, and revise if needed.” The best option forward from thinking, is to do research, and make sure that it is actually real, and not misinformation with lies laced within. IF it is indeed misinformation, then it is the best to alert others, with proof.
If you are thinking “But why even mention that method??” The best example to use this method is with the age discourse blowup. A LOT of people believed in the misinformation very, very fast. What should’ve happened is that the mentioned method should’ve occurred early, to help prevent most of the freak out and its damages. But many users may not have thought of that, or even know the method, so it is okay. At least it calmed down a lot as of now, just that people are now likely afraid.
[Note; I am NOT blaming anybody!! I also freaked out a bit too, but I stuck to what I already knew, until I found more information. At first I heard “Hobie is 19-20!!!!” I figured that it must’ve been misinfo through what I already knew, because adding all of what I knew and this uproar of info, it just didn’t add up from what I alrd knew. but I still researched and did my homework!! Just that more people should naturally second-guess things that they are suspicious of and also be aware of that method and to apply it online, as it is already useful in real life!]
Wrapping this post up, finally.
It’s sad to see different Punkflower fans fight each other. But it’s also outrageous and annoying to see the plat!Punkflower shippers, who see Miles and Hobie strictly in a brotherly relationship, to throw the term ‘!ncest / pseudo-!ncest’ against the romantical Punkflower shippers.. Like holy shit, that doesn’t make you any better. Can people, please, stop throwing serious accusations against other people so nonchalantly?
These accusations are SO serious and life changing, even if it's pointed at the wrong person. But people are just too ignorant to realize that unfortunately.
“You see him (Hobie) as 19/20 who’s a big brother to the other spiders? Cool! You see him as 16/17 rebel teen amazing!” - hamiltonforpowerpoint
End post.
Reblogs, likes, and comments of your own opinions of this post are so welcome!
Again, ily all and take care of yourselves!!
and again, if anything you think that should be added onto the post, let me know! have a great day everybody
A friend asked what’s up with the discourse, asked me to make a post, after hours of research - I absolutely fucking DELIVERED. Love you guys.
Edit #1 (06/15); had to reformat some things since it just looked broken to me! Using the editor on mobile is a PAIN.. 0/10.
Edit #2 (06/16); an edit update! I rewrote some things (to hope to make the post sound more better), added some stuff in the notes section and some throughout the post itself, updated the crediting so the quotes used are credited and linked back to hell!!!! bc crediting others is awesome! and the post is also def over 4.2k words lol
Edit #3 (06/17); An anon told me that I was “misusing” the 'proship' term, so I edited the post. Proshitters can go to hell for all I care. To clarify, I am talking about problematic shippers. Edit #4 (06/19); oh my god 600+ notes?? i hope all of you are having an EXCELLENT month okay.. i love you guys <3 /plat
Edit #5 (06/21); I am muting this! I saw some people reply to this post, but I just do not have the ability to respond to them (Selective mutism), I did write “drafts” to them, but I do not feel like polishing it and responding. Just busy with other things, honestly! I may end up responding some time later, so yeah. If you have any concerns or inquiries regarding this post, do not hesitate and feel free to DM me!
Every once a few weeks I may check up on this post as well, until I stop altogether.
2K notes · View notes
4ngelnicky · 1 year
PUNKFLOWER headcannons because it's pride month and i love them.
Hobie handsews designs into shirts and beanies for Miles and gifts them to him, and is always pleased to see Miles wear it the next day. Hobie always somehow sews in his own spider symbol or an H.B on it.
Miles gets his first piercings from Hobie after he mentions how much he likes all of Hobie's piercings.
Hobie writes songs about Miles, but keeps them in a very well hidden journel that nobody but him knows where its at.
Miles is very insecure about his role as earth's 1610s spider-man and has lots of incidents of pushing himself to hard, Hobie likes to just hold him or praise him to help with Miles' insecurities.
Hobie hates most music that isn't Punk-Rock, but when Miles sends him a playlist he made for him combined with all of the music styles that he likes, Hobie does not dare change his music to anything else. ever.
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st4r-wh0r3 · 1 year
Punkflower ⭐
Inspired by @roughscribs on here 🫶🏾
High school AU
ignore any grammar mistakes pls i dont understand commas 😭
“I’m absolutely not doing that!”
“But why not!? He’s so obviously obsessed with you!”
Miles looked at Gwen with the coldest side eye he could muster at the moment. Walking towards his desk chair he slumped down and sighed frustrated. How could she be so sure of something that wasn’t even remotely simple!? I wasn’t like this was a crush on some random girl in his class. This was a crush on Hobie. Fucking. Brown. The coolest guy he knows!
Miles spins his chair away from her,“No! Nope! Absolutely not!”
“You don’t see the way he looks at you dude!” Gwen spins him back around to face her. “Hobie looks at you like you're the sun, moon, and all the stars. Hobie looks at you like he prays to you every night.” Miles just shakes his head and forces himself back around.
“If what you're saying was even close to the truth-”
“It is.”
“IF it was what makes you think writing him a fucking love letter would be a good idea?” Gwen dramatically flops on the bed, hand landing on her forehead, eyes closing. “Imagine, you put the most heartfelt, tooth rotting, stomach turning letter on his desk and after school he runs up to you and kisses you like you are the oxygen he so desperately needs.” She turns to face him and is met with the most disgusted and disappointed face she's ever seen.
She can’t help but start barking out a laugh, gripping her stomach as she rolls around his bed. Miles rolls his eyes and kicks her. “See! Even you think it’s dumb!”
“No I swear I really do think it's good!” She proclaims sitting up quickly.
“Even if it’s a little corny and cliche I’m sure Hobie will love it dude!” Gwen looks at him with true sincerity. Miles looks back at her looking for any indication that she’s messing with him. Once he finds none he sighs, glancing at his notebook.
“Do you really think he would like it? I mean what if he doesn’t like me like that?”
“I promise you he will.”
Miles pauses and thinks about his options here. He could 1.) write Hobie some romantic ass letter to confess his feelings, or 2.) don’t say anything and live with the knowledge that Hobie would never truly know how he felt. Either way he would be beyond stressed.
He eventually huffs for the thousandth time and slowly nods his head.
“You’re gonna do it!?” Gwen jumps off of the bed filled with pure joy. He looks back to her slightly laughing at her excitement. She grabs Miles' shoulders and shakes him harshly. “This is so amazing! I thought you were never gonna tell him!”
“Well if I’m gonna be stressed I might as well be stressed and have my feelings be out there.”
She snickers and releases the others shoulders, staring him down, “I’m really really glad you decided to tell him how you feel.” Miles slightly shoves her in response.
“You're only saying that because you’re tired of hearing about him.”
Gwen chuckles and shoves him back. “No! I’m genuinely happy that you can get this off your chest. I think this will be really good for you.”
He smiles up at Gwen and pulls her down into a hug. “Thank you Gwen.”, he whispers to her. All she does is hold him tighter. They stayed like that until Gwen glanced at her watch and saw the time.
“Oh shoot, I have to go! I have a study session with Margo in like ten minutes!” Gwen quickly goes to retrieve her bag, rushing to get out the door.
“Bye Miles! Tell me how the letter goes!”, and with that she was gone.
He shakes his head at his friend. That girl could never be on time.
Slowly he looks back at his notebook. He can already feel the anxiety creeping its way up into his stomach. So much could go wrong with this and the worst one would be getting rejected.
Miles and Hobie had been friends since freshman year when Gwen introduced them. It was almost an immediate connection between the two, even though they were so different. They would be clinging to each other everyday, hanging out in Mile’s dorm when Ganke wasn’t around, tagging abandoned buildings, going out to dinner, ect. So Gwen wasn’t surprised when Miles told her he liked Hobie.
Coincidentally around that same time Hobie started to be more excessive with touching Miles (not that he minded). A constant arm around his shoulders became a normal thing very quickly. Soon followed by random shoulder messages, hand holding, and other passing touches. It drove Miles insane knowing that Hobie was just doing this as his friend. He wanted it to mean more so bad.
Hopefully he would achieve that with writing this letter (even though he wasn’t very hopeful).
Dragging a hand down his face he picks up the pen and notebook, moving them to the middle of the desk. He cannot believe he’s actually doing this, Uncle Aaron would be so disappointed. Miles was gonna have to text him about this later.
Shaking his thoughts away he finally picks up the pen and starts writing.
—--------------Next Day—-----------
To say he was nervous is an understatement.
Miles was shaking so much he could barely hold his extra notebooks. Including a graffitied envelope with Hobie’s name on it on top of the stack.
Walking to his first period class Miles tried to take deep breaths to slow down his mind. It wasn’t like he was putting his relationship with one of his closest friends on the line or anything.
Oh he was gonna pass out at least once today.
How could he possibly have agreed to this!? There was no way that this was gonna end well. Knowing Hobie even if he didn’t like him back nothing would change but, Miles would have to live with the fact that his feelings weren’t mutual.
That thought alone made the pit in his stomach grow even wider.
Being too wrapped up in his thoughts Miles forgot that today was Thursday, meaning his first period was with Hobie. He also failed to acknowledge that Hobie was walking towards him, a mischievous smirk resting on his face.
“Oi! Miles!”
He quickly glanced up at his name. His eyes immediately met the others.
“Heyyyy Hobie….”, Miles winced at the shake in his voice.
Once Hobie had reached him he wrapped his arm around Mile’s shoulder looking down at the other’s anxious face. He couldn’t help but notice how shaky the boy was.
“You doin’ okay there? You looked really zoned out jus’ now”, he commented raising his eyebrow.
“Yeahhhhh I’m just nervous for…”, Miles’ mind couldn’t even think of a good excuse as it was too focused on the arm wrapped around him. “..For…..yeah.”, He decided that his silence was better than making up some obvious lie.
Hobie’s eyebrow raised even more at the silence. He looked over the boy again looking for a real answer. In his search he noticed the graffitied letter. This just made him even more confused that he already was.
“Watchu got there Miles?”, Hobie asked with genuine curiosity.
Miles froze in his spot, eyes going wide. Hobie looked back at the boy, noticing his sudden stillness. He glanced back down at the letter, his head reeling in what it could possibly be.
Then it clicked.
His face suddenly broke out into a grin. He removed his hand from his pocket and reached to grab the letter.
Miles finally breaking out of his trance, noticed the movement and snatched it hiding it behind his back. He nervously smiled up at Hobie, deciding that he probably couldn’t get a coherent sentence out even if he tried.
Undeterred, Hobie smiled back and moved his face closer to Miles. His arm that was previously wrapped around his shoulder sliding down to meet Miles' chin pulling his head up even more. “Is that a love letter?”, He teased. Smiling like a mad man.
Miles thought he was actually going to pass out. His face felt like an oven and he could already feel the shaking intensifying ten fold.
“No!”, He said with a shakier voice than he would’ve liked. “This is just- umm- a homework assignment that I need to turn in today!”
He mentally rolled his eyes at his own excuse. Homework? Really?
Hobie just chuckled at the blatant lie, releasing the other from his grasp. Turning to continue to their class before they were late. Still in shock Miles took a moment to follow the other.
The two continued to walk in silence together, taking glances at each other when they could. When they finally arrived at their class Hobie stepped in front of the door blocking Miles from getting in.
“What are you doing man?” Confusion seeping its way onto Miles face.
Hobie ignored his question, instead opting to lean into the others' space just as he did earlier. Looking him dead in the eye as he began to speak.
“When you want to give me that letter….” He paused to admire the panic wash over the shorter’s features.
“You can just leave it in my locker.”
With that Hobie walked into the classroom, leaving Miles at the door to process what the fuck just happened.
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silent-raven13 · 11 months
Hobie, baby
Miles happily walks over to his boyfriend at HQ, he happily giggles, "Hobie, baby!"
"What is it, luv?" Hobie turns pink with pretty heart patterns when he looks at his darling. He got up to see his Sunflower being so happy.
"Nothing, just like calling you that." Miles took his boyfriend's hands with his fingertips gently massaging the punker's palm, "Kiss?" He got on his tiptoes and pucker his lips waiting for his boyfriend to kiss him back.
Hobie chuckles lowly with a smile on his face, he leans over to kiss his Sunflower. "Mwah!" Miles happily giggles before trying to kiss his boyfriend again. "Mwah!"
The punker happily stood enjoying all the attention and love from his gorgeous Sunflower. "Wow, look at you lovebirds! No wonder, Miguel had to make sure Lyla have you two behaving!" The couple looks over spotting a Spider-woman holding a tablet being amused at the sight.
"Lupe!" Miles said out loud at the Spider-woman being a bit bashful, but Hobie quickly wrap his arms around Miles' neck being protective. He turned a bit grey, a sign he doesn't like their time together are being interrupted.
"Wow, easy Spider Punk. I come in piece! I'm signing you two on a mission with my team." She sync her watches with the information, "I think you two will enjoy it."
"Mmm, a mission being separated without my Sunflower," Hobie rested his chin on Miles' shoulder then rub his cheeks against his cheeks.
Miles look at the world, "Ah, come on, bae. Its been awhile since we went on a mission together!"
"We're always on a mission together!"
"But with a group." Miles cutely pout. Hobie loves it when it's just them two. They seem to get their mission done faster.
Lupe giggles, "Well, it's either you're coming with us, Brown. Or... your bf is gonna go alone and meet another Hobart Brown."
Hobie already became jealous. Miles nervously chuckles, "Hehehe, aye. Hobie, don't worry! Nothing-" Lupe hums pushing the punker's buttons, "Oh this Hobart is the Prowler and he is quite the dashing young man. I wouldn't be surprised if he would flirt with-"
"How about no! Me and him rather go-" Miles pouts at his boyfriend, "Hobie! You gotta relax, bae. I'm sure will be fine. Besides, if your coming with me then we wouldn't have a problem!"
Lupe giggles, "Yeah, besides it'll be fun. This one you two can go undercover..." She sweetly hums at Hobie, "Miles could be the girl."
"Huh! Why me?"
Hobie quickly accepted the mission through their watches, "Okay."
"Huh! Wait, that's it! Because you wanna see me in a dress!" Miles shouted out loud.
Lupe giggles, "Miles, you look good in a dress. Anyway, thanks. I'll leave you two lovebirds alone." She happily went off.
Miles turns to his boyfriend, "Really!"
"Because you want me in a dress?"
"Yup." Hobie's body turned pink with cartoon blushes on his cheeks. "I would want you to wear a red dress."
"Oh pfft! Hell nah! Last time I was the girl! You should be the-" Hobie snorted, "Darling, you have amazing legs to be the woman."
"Oh, so now your sticking to your gender roles?"
"I don't believe inconsistency, Sunflower." He hums. "Perhaps, you should wear black stilettos and-" Miles huffs, "You wish!"
"Awe, come on, darling don't be like that." Hobie wraps his arms around his boyfriend's waist. Miles tend to be so cute when he's mad. "Who's your baby, Sunflower?" He rubs his cheeks to his Miles like a cat.
"You are." Miles mutters.
"I'm your baby?"
"Yes, you're my baby! Hobie, baby!" Miles gave a small smile, "But I'm not wearing black stilettos. I'll probably wear gold."
"Ohh, fancy. I like, Sunflower." Hobie gave kisses at his boyfriend's cheeks then blew raspberries to tickle him. Miles giggles being happy again.
(Ya'll thought I stop on the punkflower, huh? Hell nah! Just business with It's Over story! Anyhoo, Lupe is my Spidersona.)
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weirdo09 · 1 year
what to name this jess x rio x jeff au? 🤔 eh it ont need a name rn
anyway i’mma just make a list of ideas
they’re all married
jess is miles’ other mom (because i say so)
miles’ jess and jeff’s child
billie’s jess and rio’s child
jada’s jess and rio’s another child
they’re a happy family
miles, as the oldest, is protective of his baby sisters.
jada n billie always ask for miles as much as he plays with them
jada is a february baby
miles (canonical but i’m addin it away) is a august baby
billie’s a june baby (idk her canon birthday but late june - early may seems right for her)
jada has 4c hair, billie has 3b hair n miles has 4a-4b hair
all of them except for jada are tenderheaded
they all have thick hair tho
jada’s clinger with jess than with any of her other parents (rio fake pouts about this because “my baby doesn’t spend as much time with me!”, the two women laugh it off tho, lil jay’s left oblivious)
the babies are a year apart, jada’s the youngest.
since miles is 13-14 years older than the babies, he likes to act like they’re his babies.
jess is trusted with the kids’ hair most days because of rio’s work schedule and jeff can’t braid.
rio and jess mostly speak spanish amongst themselves and the kids, jeff is left out convos most times but he doesn’t care too much as his wives are just so beautiful when they speak spanish.
rio is transfem (to me 😭😭) and her partners are widely supportive, she began to transition once miles was born.
(if we’re talkin bout transfem miles) rio would be absolutely estatic once she told her that she feels more of a girl than a boy (transfem genderfluid miles has my heart 🫶🏽) she still dresses ‘masculine’ and uses her name n he/him pronouns (genderfluidity at its finest, can you tell i’m slightly projectin?)
jess and jeff would be excited as well, they’d have a party n everythin (he would be shocked how all out they went from her)
(closin transfem miles section)
hobie comes over from time to time to see billie and jada, jada’s his favorite (jkjk, they’re both so lovable)
(punkflower thingy) once rio, jess and jeff heard about miles dating hobie, i’d say jess was the most accepting. she loves the kid, he kinda reminds her of herself so obviously her favorite boyfriend of miles’ (the only one *cough*)
(miles and miles 42 as twins) miles is older by 10 minutes, myle gotta big head and miles would tease him relentlessly about it when jess told them the birth stories. (actually i’mma add this to the au !!!)
myle n jada just clicked when she was born, same with miles n billie but they all love each other equally (or do they? /j)
(au where miles’ spider man and myle’s the prowler) they didn’t know about their secret identities until they went home one night and found each other in their suits. there was a lot of questioning after.
(punkflowerbyte au) jess was really happy when she heard that her son’s dating a black girl (let’s be so honest, black queen’s his type fam) along with his childhood friend who she loves like a son. she was really keen on getting to meet margo, the two hit it off instantly and they’re like best friends (miles sometimes jokes how his momma stole his girl, hobie agrees)
that’s all i gots now, more may be added. i really like this au, it may stay talked about from me really. i’mma def make oneshots on ao3 about it <3
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jklesbianjk · 1 year
Punkflower music prompt
miles is latino and yes he loves his post malone and metro boom music buuutttt what if he listened to emo music. specifically pierce the veil. you might ask, user lesbianjk, why pierce the veil?? well because he is latino and pierce the veil is mexican. other latinos know what its like to become interested in something just because it's latino.
so one day hobie is like let me go visit my friend who i also have a crush on. and he climbs through miles window and picks up on the song miles is playing. which doesn't sound like the usual stuff mles listens to. it's edgy almost punk. so he questions miles and miles is like oh its this emo mexican band. hobies like i didn't know you liked rock music. miles is like it's not usually my thing, but got into them cuz theyre latino.
miles puts hobie on pierce the veil. hobie is a little unsure cuz its different from the punk music hes listening to, but hes also from a different dimension so gives it a chance for miles and they bound over emo music.
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drenched-in-sunlight · 7 months
I found you because of your PunkFlower fanart and I'm actually quite literally IN LOVE with your art style and like the way you make it so... So like full of emotion and the colors and everything it just really made me love your art a lot. I don't want to assume you're over ATSV, because assuming is mean. It's fine to be into something else. But the way you drew them was just- chef's kiss. PunkFlower is more of a comfort ship for me, that I admit because there's a whole war going on with Hobie's age and what not so I can't say I HEAVILY ship it but the way you like- drew them and just made these cute little scenarios and everything I just couldn't be more obsessed with it then I already am.
I feel in ranting too much but I honestly love your art style ❤️❤️
don't worry about ranting, i love it when ppl are enthusiastic about discussing my work! :D there's no better source of motivation <3
and thank you for your kind words, i still like spiderverse (its impact on my art could be seen very apparent in my ac6 art / design). once the next movie is out, im sure i'll revisit the characters again :D
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urfavnegronerd · 1 year
I just found another Miles smut
They literally “aged them up” because it was like hcs ig and said that MINORS WEREN’T ALLOWED TO INTERACT
Literally barfing
i hmm this is such a convo
bc which miles? comic miles (ew)? itsv/atsv miles? PlayStation miles? i lowk hope it was play station miles bc that one is 17, and while he still is technically a minor, in a lot of places 17 is considered an adult. its still gross but slightly less gross? i'm-- so many thoughts about this.
its not like i don't condone smut, its just hard to figure out where the disconnect is with smut writers. below 18 in the u.s is considered a minor, however in different places its different. for example, in s. korea 19 is adult, not 18.
so likeeee very multifaceted in the sense that laws are different everywhere, and atsv was released in most countries.
bc i was born in the united states w a v rigid view on adulthood, yes this shit is fucking disgusting literally let him be a black boy not a fucking man. that's gross and rooted in racism bc i fine boaf miles' fine but i ain't never once thought about fucking them hello?!? i am also fairly certain that the people writing them are either a) sheltered or b) white. the sheltered thing i can understand because im first gen and my version of the sex talk was when i was really young at an art museum w some paintings of nudity with my aunt (who attended catholic school) who told me to 'hold an aspirin between your thighs', and i also didn't get sex ed in school. so i understand the 'draw' of writing taboo shit and consuming it but. baby. come awwwnnnnn. like yeah, good on you for acknowledging ur very human sexual desires, but what the fuck miles is a minor please stop.
i love love love that this fandom has opinions/ visions for characters but yall needa chill. that 'hobie is in love with miles because he turns pink!' is cute when its just your opinion, however the color doesn't necessarily dictate his emotions (at least we don't know for sure, we don't know much abt hobie), and he also turned from yellow to pink while holding mayday. the pink can symbolize adoration if u will. that's not to say you cant have ur punkflower hcs, js don't PUSH it yall. ur human, okay? a lot of people have sexual desires which is cool but stop pushing ur horny on a minor and animated character. its not cool, does not pass the vibe check.
unrelated but in the same vibe as the previous rant-- gwens character. there's a lot of discourse rn about her possibly being trans WHICH IS COOL but I've seen people attack others for politely disagreeing. i love that a lot of people are feeling comfortable and recognized with possible hints towards peoples identities, but please calm the fuck down. it was never that serious, never that deep babes i promise. because, yes, representation is quite wonderful (speaking as a queer black girl) but it doesn't always spark change, sometimes it causes the latter. and in this instance of yall projected ur opinions to the absolute max, is not inciting change. its inciting anger, disagreement, and toxcity. i'm not gonna lie, i'm on the side of lets js leave things where they are until animators disclose something. but rae their color schemes-- yall do know that pride flags were also created with aesthetics in mind, right? blue, pink and white go pretty together, AND they compliment lighter skin tones (like gwen). purple blue and pink go good together too, and we see a lot of that in miles' palate. BECAUSE IT COMPLIMENTS MELANIN. i love love love how people are incorporating themselves and their identities into this movie, shit i even do this, but can yall CHILL? for the love of god.
moral of the story: stop and think for a sec, okay? i promise your brain has good thoughts, but not everything has to be shared with the world.
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k-kroomie · 1 year
PunkShock/Punkflower!College AU
PunkShock: Hobie x TransFem!Miles(Marilyn)
Little skits♡
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Marilyn: Hobie, where are my neon yellow Go-Go boots?
Hobie who wore them for his show last night and got them all messed up: Gwenny came by and took em earlier.
Marilyn gasping dramatically because she knew he is lying: I can't believe this!
Hobie: I know right!
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Marilyn: Hobie were you paying attention during the lecture today?
Hobie: Yes
Marilyn: oh then can you give me the notes you took?
Hobie: No
Marilyn: and why not?
Hobie: Cuz I lied-
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Miles drawing Hobie, but he keeps changing colors: Hobie, babe, if you want this to turn out right, you gotta stay in one font and one color.
Hobie still changing: That's boring Luv! Wan be every color and every font!
Miles shaking his head: oh lord this is gonna take a minute-
Hobie: Good, get to spend more time with my Sunflower.
Miles: You're so corny
Hobie: luv you cannot be talking
Miles: Shut up.
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Ganke half sleep: uh huh
Miles is taking his phone out, showing Ganke Hobie: Bro, look
Ganke is looking at the picture now fully awake: So, uh- when he is coming over
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Marilyn first time talking to Hobie: So uh, uh... wan like uh go to the and uh
Hobie shrugging and grabbing her hand: yea sure luv let's go
Marilyn very happy: yea okay cool :>
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Miles swinging around his universe by himself: -ou'er a sunflower.
Hobie appearing literally out of nowhere: I think your love would be too much!
Miles running into a pole: Hob-
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More will be added<3
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