#i made hot chocolate only to become hyper focused
mossywizard · 1 year
If… you were the notoray on history… where would you be?
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toonblabbers · 3 years
Getting high with the bois
 Warnings: recreational drug use, sex under the influence, heavy foreplay, deep throating, oral sex (both receiving), creampie, overstimulation, orgasm denial, dirty talk
Pairings: Suna x Osamu X GN! Reader, Kuroo x Bokuto x GN! Reader
Rating: M (mature)
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Suna and Osamu:
·         These 2 smoke together almost every night. It helps them sleep after a stressful day
·         Suna’s the man with the goods and hookups: pens, oils, pipes, blunts, bongs, edibles, you name it
·         There’s an ungodly amount of sexual tension when he rolling or offering to shotgun for you or Osamu
·         Can’t really tell when he’s faded unless you make him move from where he’s sitting or when you get him to laugh. He’ll get this dopey grin on his face and struggles to stop giggling
·         Please be aware of where Suna because he can and will lay down in the most inconvenient places. He doesn’t learn even after you tripped over him going to the bathroom when he was laying down in the middle of the hallway
·         Osamu is obviously in charge of the snacks when the munchies hit. His homemade edibles are better than any store bought one, hands down
·         Osamu is also very touchy when he’s high. Touchy like it’s a requirement for someone to be sitting in his lap or for someone to be running their fingers through his hair
·         His sex drives also goes through the roof so be prepared for him to randomly start grinding against you or the couch
·         Typically you’ll just end up sleeping in a pile either in the living room with a bunch of pillows and blankets or whoever’s bed you made it to
All you could do was whine helplessly as large hands pet over your heated body; your mouth occupied by Suna trying to get every last taste of the chocolate edible you just ate. Osamu busied himself with covering your neck with kitten licks and nibbles while pawing at your sex. It was just enough to drive you mad, but you couldn’t voice your frustrations. Right when you thought he would pull away to give you a breather, suddenly Osamu was there taking his place moaning into the sloppy make out. His tongue meshed against yours lazily before he pulled back to bite on your bottom lip, diving back to repeat the process.
“You’re so sweet” Suna chuckled into your ear, the sound of him licking his fingers adding to your arousal. You failed to notice when his hand had replaced Osamu’s down the front of your underwear. You moaned desperately against Osamu’s tongue as your hips bucked into Suna’s teasing touch. Suna Guided Osamu’s hands to play with your nipples while he moves down your body, pulling your underwear off as he goes. He nips at your calf slowly towards your inner thigh before switching to the other leg, giving it the same slow treatment. You finally snap when Osamu pinches your nipples at the same time Suna sucks at the sensitive skin where your thigh and hip meet.
“Please, please, please! Rin, ‘Samu I need you- need you both! Please just fuck me already, I need you both to fuck me!”
They smirk at each other after hearing your sweet pleading. Who were they to deny you any longer? They maneuvered you so you were on your knees with you face rubbing up against Osamu’s hard cock through his sweats. Suna sat himself comfortable behind you and began to devour you relentless; fucking you open with his tongue and fingers. Osamu takes advantage of your mouth hanging open to slide his weeping cock in, letting out a deep moan at the feeling of your mouth wrapping around him. He lazily thrusts his hips until you lips touch the light dusting of his hair; his cock throbbing each time it slide down your throat. They took their sweet time with you, but boy did they deliver once they had their fill of your delicious body.
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Kuroo and Bokuto
·         Arguably the hottest duo to get high with. Sex is also a guarantee so bring something sexy to wear. Or don’t; the clothes don’t stay on that long anyway
·         They usually reserve smoking to special weekends when everyone has a few days off together, so their tolerance isn’t as high as the last duo
·         That being said, it doesn’t take much for them to get high quickly
·         If you thought Kuroo looked like a lazy, scheming cat before, he definitely becomes one when he’s high. Once he lays down, it’s hard to get him back up. He does it on purpose because he loves to annoy you
·         Kuroo becomes stupid good at video games. Any kind too which pisses Kenma off to high (lol) heavens. His concentration increases tenfold because his brain reduces the amount of things he focuses on
·         Needs to be touching something warm. Says his hands are cold even though he’s only lounging in some low hanging sweatpants. You know, the kind that do little justice to hide his dick print
·         He uses the lame excuse that his hands are cold just to have them on someone’s tits, ass or genitals. He honestly not doing anything but resting his hands on you or Bokuto but it’s enough to start a rise in you both
·         Speaking of Bokuto, please keep him in the house. He’s already a naturally warm person but when he’s high he just can’t keep his clothes on for the life of him. You and Kuroo have gotten use to his whole ass dick out
·         Bokuto is also the opposite of Kuroo: he is almost always moving. Swaying with the music, doing a little dance in the kitchen while he’s raiding anywhere that has food, bouncing his leg when he’s sitting down.
·         The only time he’s not moving is when he is literally koala’d around someone. If Bokuto has you in his arms he is not letting go unless something else captures his attention.
Kuroo’s hyper focus is both a blessing and a curse sometimes. Right now it was a curse as his long cock was practically piercing into your sweet spot over and over again. You tried to muffle your cries into the pillow you were holding onto, but it was a futile attempt. Kuroo knew how good he was pounding into you by the way your mouth hung open and tears streamed down your cheeks. A sharp slap to your already reddened ass cheek forced a sharp squeal out of you making Bokuto groaned. He was sitting on the floor in front of the couch with his fist tightly around his cock. He had to wait his turn after smoking the last pre roll without sharing. Both he and his cock were drooling at the sight of you being overstimulated by Kuroo. Bokuto wanted to cum so badly but wanted to do so with you clenching around him. Just the thought was enough to pull another strained groan out of him.
“Aww look at how desperate you look Kou. Go on kitten, look at how badly he wants to be fucking this hot, tight body of yours”
Kuroo grabs a fistful of your hair and pulls your body flush with his as his hips slow down just a tad bit. Through your haze you can see Bokuto’s body: sweating and shaking with need, his thick cock an angry red and covered in a thin layer of his own precum. His muscles pulled tight as he watched Kuroo drag another orgasm out of you; your voice cracking as you screamed, body shuddering as your thighs were coated with both you and Kuroo’s cum. Kuroo was no better with his head thrown back, moaning out your name loudly as he pumped more cum into your weeping hole with each shallow thrust. As your body flopped back down on the couch below, Kuroo sat back as he watched his cum drip out of you and onto the cushions. He was suddenly yanked back and Bokuto was on you in an instant, rutting his hips against yours like an animal in heat. His entire body engulfed your as he whined in your ear. You only managed to whimper his name before your felt his cock stretch you out. Even after being fucked open by Kuroo, Bokuto was still bigger than him; it’s always going to be a tight fit. With the way Bokuto was already slamming home, you knew you wouldn’t be moving properly for a few days.
Admin notes: Still new at posting smut so feel free to let me know if I missed anything in the warnings. If you have any other Haikyuu duos you’d think would be fun to get high with, let me know!
Taglist: @chaotickatts​ (send me a dm if you want to be added)
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bombyxluna · 4 years
Hewo! I’m not sure if ur taking requests, but I have one fo ye. How would the brothers +the undateables react to mc (somehow) being turned into a toddler? I just thought of this, idk y, just did.
This one is so cute anon, and I was so happy to write it! Thank you for the adorable request, I think I’ll post a follow up to it: MC taking care of the brothers and the undatables if they become toddlers! 
PS: I don’t think Satan was ever actually a toddler or a child or something, but I felt like it works for this hc because it’s funny jahsjhjsha
Brothers + undatables react to: MC turning into a toddler
He just knows Diavolo is behind this. what did he even do this time? Pick up on some old magic again? Try to shake things up so everyone gets along? Ask Barbatos to go back in time and pick up you as an actual toddler, just for the lolz? He doesn’t know and he doesn’t have time to care because toddlers are a handful and you’ve tried eating his quill three times now and he is panicking. Hard. He puts the quill and the pen on top of a shelf and when he turns around, you’re gone. He sighs, looking for you on every corner of the office, just to find you hiding behind the curtain. When he finds you, you scream and start running.
Oh, how he doesn’t miss the days Satan was like this. At least you are way less fussy than he was. As he watches you hide behind the couch, however, he can’t contain his smile nor the silly monster voice he makes as he announces he’s coming to find you. He manages to catch you this time and pretends to eat your arm with his hands, making exaggerated chomping sounds. On the third time you hide, though, he has to be honest: he’d take Satan’s mini developed anger over your climbing skills any day. How did you even get on top of the shelf? He blinked. That’s all he did. He blinked. And now his quill is in danger again.
He is completely spent at the end of the day. He hasn’t felt so tired since Diavolo decided changing the color of every single lamppost in the Devildom would be good for “morale” and he had to do the paperwork. He ends up dozing off holding you. When he wakes up to find that little project of human being cuddling to his neck, he smiles to himself. Sure, he’s worried about what happened, but maybe he can enjoy this for a bit more. 
No one knows who’s screaming anymore: if it’s you or him. It’s probably both - it’s definitely both. He thinks the witches got to you or something, and he is going nuts, not only because what the fuck why are you like so small now and how is he supposed to take care of you? 
He ends up staying home instead of going out as he planned. Mostly because you refuse to leave his room and keep hiding under his car and in every corner you can find when he tries to get you to leave with him. Once he starts pretending he can’t see you and you giggle and run away from him, he melts a little inside. You play peek-a-boo for a while, but he gets worried easily. His room isn’t exactly the most childproof place in the house, so he takes you to the living room instead - to his surprise, you have no complaints about that.
As the day progresses he somehow gets the hang of taking care of a toddler again. Satan had been a handful but he was much calmer than you were when it comes to playing or tantrums (though if he is honest, Satan’s tantrums were terrifying). He finds an old coloring book in one of the many bookshelves around the house and steals Asmo’s markers for you to play with. You make him sit down to color with you, and he does. The rest of the day is spent with him listening to your made-up stories about the characters in the book. By the time dinner is ready, you’re already tired, and he has to carry you downstairs in a piggyback ride - he complains about it but in reality, he’s having the time of his life. 
Honestly what the fuck. He has read about this in manga before but what the fuck. Couldn’t you have turned into something easier to deal with? A cat? A lobster? Anything else? 
He doesn’t know what to do. Giving you an unplugged controller for his video game did not work as planned. You got tired of it easily and whenever he tried to ignore your whining, you’d cry. He thinks about taking you to someone more cut out for this - he remembers mammon being good with children and Beel too, but his envious side doesn’t want to lose to his brothers. 
so he’s stuck with you. somehow he manages to kee you away from his figurines, giving his Ruri-chan plushies to play with instead. He has to admit you’re cute but by the end of the day, he is grateful it is over. As it turns out, he finds out he’s not ready to have children just yet, but maybe in the future? 
He doesn’t seem fazed in the slightest. After all, this is a side effect of the book he lent you. He thought you had read all the rules before giving it back to him, but it seems that you didn’t - rookie mistake really. 
He feels somewhat guilty about it though, so he does his best to take care of you during the day. He’s a little awkward and unsure of how to engage in your plays, but he does his best. Ignoring his brother’s snarky comments over it being his turn to take care of a baby, he just takes you to his room so he can keep a closer eye on you. You end up asking him if he could read you a story and he breathes in relief - that he can do.
It turns out he can’t. He doesn’t have any books that would be appropriate for children, so he resorts to the internet instead - thank Diavolo for how useful DDDs are sometimes. He finds a small book about a little girl in a red hood, the parts with the big bad wolf seem to scare you, but he lets you cling to his arm and hide your face on his side. At the end of the day, he is okay. The day went by as peaceful as possible, and you both had enjoyed the story. For the entire following week, he finds himself wondering what it would be like to have a child of his own. 
He holds you in his lap as he dials the phone. “Solomon what the fuck did you do”. He didn’t do anything, no one really knows what happened, it’s a mess. Asmo doesn’t care much about it though, because you’re a little cuddle bug and he is happy to give you all the smooches and put a bunch of cute bows on your hair. 
He manages to keep you calm the whole day. You don’t even have time to think of throwing a tantrum, because he already has a next activity planned to entertain you. he lets you do his hair as well, lets you paint his nails, and takes so many pictures of you in thousands of different outfits you get a little dizzy about it. He is by far the most careful when handling you and you have a joyful day in the safest environment possible. He lets you take a bubble bath and even if he’s in constant fear of the water being too hot or too cold or you drowning, he powers through. 
He watches cartoons with you when you’re getting sleepy because it’s a more quiet activity. He even teaches you how to tidy up the room and you both go downstairs for dinner wearing matching outfits. When the magic (curse? who knows) wears off and you’re back to being a grown-up, he is pouty. He shows you all the pictures he takes and says you’re the cutest toddler he’s ever seen - satan is a little offended by that. 
This is unusual. You are much smaller than you normally are. He doesn’t really know how to act when you climb on his lap and push your tiny hands on his cheeks, but he laughs. He ends up taking you to the kitchen with him since it’s his favorite room in the house. 
He keeps you away from the stove at all times, but is willing to let you participate in the cooking process - it’s his turn to make dinner after all. He starts by making cookies for a snack, then another batch of cookies for dessert. Then a final batch because he ate the ones supposed to go for dessert. He melts every time you giggle at his antics, and when you end up with chocolate smeared all over your cheeks, he can’t resist taking a picture and showing to his brothers. 
He is careful when handling you because you’re so tiny now he’s even more scared of accidentally hurting you. He ends up caging you in his arms whenever you get too close to the edge of the kitchen counter, and then just giving you a piggyback ride throughout the entire house while you wait for dinner to cook. When the day is over he isn’t sad because you’re back to normal, but he is happy that he got to enjoy a day with you - he likes children a lot. 
Well, this is inconvenient, to say the least. you’re staring back at him with huge questioning eyes and to be honest, all he wanted was to sleep. He picks you up nonetheless and sets you down on top of his pillow. Though he tries, talking to you about the importance of naps has zero to none effect on your antics. Instead, you pick up another of his many pillows and hit him with it, screaming about a pillow fight. 
He chuckles, yawns, and picks up a pillow as well. Maybe this will tire you down enough for the nap conversation to make a comeback. It doesn’t work. You just got more excited and hyper. He played himself. 
He thinks about leaving you with Beel but he’s making dinner and lord knows how weirdly focused he gets. leaving you with Levi or Mammon isn’t an option either, and he’d prefer to avoid Lucifer whenever it’s possible. He has no idea where satan or asmo are, so truly, he is stuck. He whines about it to you, and to his surprise, you hug him, asking if his booboo is better. He chuckles again. maybe this won’t be so bad. 
“Barbatos look at this.”
“Barbatos, MC is tiny now isn’t it wonderful?” 
“Barbatos, look at how cute they are - cancel all my plans I’ll spend the day with tiny MC.”
You’re not sure what’s going on but Diavolo is fun to play with so who cares? He indulges in all of your makeshift stories and he doesn’t care if you climb his furniture and go wild. He laughs with you, picking you up and making airplane noises as you “fly” around the castle. He is ecstatic.
He encharges Barbatos with the mission of taking pictures of the two of you playing together and being silly. He never had many opportunities to be around children so he will cherish this to the last minute. You play house, play with legos Barbatos has no idea where Diavolo found, walk around the Devildom together to look at the flowers. The students of RAD are confused because ?? No one knew the prince had a child wtf??? He thinks it’s cute that you’ve been labeled his kid so he goes with it, introducing you as the future ruler of the Devildom. Barbatos warns him it might be a bad idea, but he is sure is nothing Lucifer can’t handle. 
He is calm. This isn’t anywhere different from the situations you have to deal with when you can time travel, and nowhere near as stressful as babysitting being the butler for the demon prince is. He handles you with care, but he is not too attached and doesn’t participate much in your plays. 
He does answer all your questions and allows you to tag along wherever he goes. Patient as ever, he will explain what every single object you point to is. At some point, somehow he is roped into picking you up because you got tired of walking around the castle. Your hands go directly to his hair, playing with the skeleton wings coming out of his head. He doesn’t mind it, only explains to you what they are and let you try to make them expand and close. 
When you find out he has a tail, he doesn’t mind letting you hug it and touch it. Your curious eyes are adorable and at least it keeps you distracted. When you giggle as he picks you up with it, he thinks maybe he should have filmed that to show Diavolo later, he’s sure he’d appreciate it. He gives you a small plastic tray they have laying around in the kitchen because you want to be like him and carry your own tea - it’s actually juice. Overall, it’s a nice change of pace from his usual days.
Whatever magic this is, it’s weirdly insistent in staying put. He tries making you turn back but ends up giving up because he doesn’t want to accidentally hurt you in any way. He is not the best with children but he does what he can, keeping you away from his room and all his potions as soon as he realizes you’re stuck like this for the time being. 
He ends up taking you to one of the gardens around RAD. He entertains you by making the flowers dance with his magic, and giving you butterfly wings - though making you come down from the tree once you flew over there proves that to be a dumb idea. He sends a bunch of pictures and videos of you to Asmo, who is now in urgent mode and willing his class to end as fast as possible so he can hang out with you as well. 
He gives you ice cream and chats with you about your favorite cartoons - being human has its perks, he knows them all by heart. He even sings some of the opening themes with you. When you start to get too tired, the games on his human phone solve all the issues. Sure, DDDs are great and all, but despite it not working on the Devildom, a human phone has its advantages. 
He is used to this. He is always near the younger angels in the Celestial realm so it’s really no surprise that he is so good at handling you. He doesn’t understand how you got turned into a toddler, but he will protect and take care of you until you return to normal. He has many ideas on how to keep you happy, and they all work. Collages? He will get you magazines. Drawing? He has multi-colored markers at your service. Hungry? He knows the recipe to the perfect pancakes - and you can decorate them yourself. 
You don’t cry or throw a tantrum once under his care. he is delicate when dealing with you, and always listens to all your stories and complaints, comments on them and offers easy solutions. He doesn’t understand some of the references - who is Hello Kitty and why on heaven does she have no mouth? But he does his best to engage with you. 
By the end of the day, he has issued Solomon’s help on finding out how to properly work his phone camera, if only to film a little bit of you and Luke playing together. he is glad you’re okay when you turn back to normal, but he confesses he enjoyed taking care of you all day. 
“There can only be one”, he says before he charges at you with a foam sword. It makes no effect but Simeon has never been more confused. 
He ends up enjoying being able to boss you around and act like an older brother, telling you to color inside the lines and about the proper colors of the sky and the sea. He doesn’t understand what’s so cute about the two of you playing that Simeon just has to take a picture, but he lets him do it anyway. 
He complains when you’re back to normal because he was truly enjoying not being the only child anymore. 
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shwazzberryswriting · 3 years
Head On Collision, Part 2
Splitting up the editing duties made things go by quicker, but it meant she had to finish her editing 10 minutes earlier than Byounggon. She’d agreed to pick him up before going to Nectar to finalize their documentary. As she was double checking on the working title card to make sure it was a hard cut and not a crossfade there was a knock on her door.
“I brought you eclairs from that French bakery you like!” she heard Piti’s voice say loudly.
“Hey sis,” she greeted once she’d gotten up to open her door. “What brings you here?”
“BX said you’re both busy editing, so I wanted to bring you some fuel.” Piti held up a square box with blue printing on the lid of the box. “I snagged the last of the eclairs.”
“Thanks,” she replied, walking to sit back at the kitchen table. “I’ll eat it when I’m done editing. I do appreciate it, but I have a lot of work to do. What’s up?”
“Would you tell mom that you and I are going to Las Vegas together next weekend?”
“No.” Her attention focused on her laptop screen.
“Suchin! Please? My friends and I just want to do a triple 21st birthday celebration. You know mom won’t get it. But if my responsible older sister is the one I’m going to Vegas with, mom won’t be checking in on me every 5 seconds.”
“I won’t tell her about your birthday celebration, but don’t make me lie that I did anything with you. Is that the only reason why you’re here? I don’t want to be a bitch, but I’m busy.”
“Sis,” Piti sat down next to her and took her hand, “don’t overwork yourself? Your stresses have made you impatient.”
“You sound like Yuta,” she replied mindlessly, typing a response to Byounggon on her phone. He had just texted to inform her that he finished editing and was taking his dog out for a bathroom break. How was it possible that he was ahead of schedule and she was behind?
“Oh, how is Yuta?” Piti asked, her voice sounding lighter than usual.
“He’s failing 2 classes, and he hasn’t even started on his final essay. What’s your point, Piti? I only need to edit the last bit.”
“Rush, rush, rush. Do you...um, like him?”
She paused, looking up to see Piti pulling out a fat chocolate eclair from the patisserie box. Piti took a large bite, staring expectantly at her. Suchin picked up her bottle of water before taking a drink. She and Piti didn’t talk about Yuta much - Piti was always more interested in her own social life which Suchin only ever half listened to - and Suchin didn’t quite believe whatever it was she had with Yuta would be considered dating.
“He’s fun to be around,” she said with a casual shrug. “Are you into him? I can put in a good word.”
“No thanks. Yuta doesn’t interest me. Wouldn’t it be something if you ended up destined together? That would make me, like, your fairy godmother.”
“Piti, I need to work.”
She chose to go with the simple route in dealing with her sister’s antics. If she wasted energy telling her sister to stop with the childish teasing, she would never get work done. It was easier to brush her off until Piti was bored enough to go back home.
It only took her another 5 minutes of semi-ignoring her sister for Suchin to get Piti out the door. As soon as she was alone, there was a phone call from Yuta. She tried her best to resist temptation and let it go to voicemail, but picked up. Piti was correct to say that she needed to relieve some stress, and Yuta’s stories were good distractions.
“Hey, I’m editing your concert into the documentary right now,” she said as a greeting, putting the call on speaker.
“I trust that you’ll make me look my best,” he said, his voice calm. “BX said you were the TA in Mrs. Nasri’s Metaphysics class-”
“-During my senior year for my undergrad,” she interjected. “Yuta, if you need help, come to me at the library while I’m working. I can point you to resources, I’m not going to help you cheat while I’m doing my own schoolwork.”
“It was worth asking.”
“Have you heard back about the 5 week tour in the South West?”
He’d auditioned to join a small indie tour during the middle of the summer months of June and July. The pay wouldn’t be great, but the exposure would be good for his music, but especially for his branding if he wanted to network with various brands interested in sponsorships. Most of all, he just wanted to live his life creating his music, and she couldn’t help but be supportive of his dreams.
“I’ll find out maybe next week.”
“How are you feeling?”
“Good. The sponsors told my manager that they liked my aesthetics. I think that means I’ve got it in the bag.”
As Yuta talked about his manager struggling with his desires to get sponsors with cannabis companies, she focused on the video editing, knowing Byounggon was the sound guy. He’d become confident with sound mixing and editing music. Yuta had connected him to some of his friends who worked in media. She glanced at the time and sighed. She had to leave for Byounggon’s soon.
“Is this a real story or are you making this up?” she asked, finding the brand “Stoney’s” a little too on the nose.
“Have you ever been to a dispensary?”
“I have. It’s a lot like a liquor store, but you know, it’s pot. There are a million brands, I can’t keep up. Stoney’s sounds too juvenile.”
“What do you think would make for a good pot brand, then?”
“Perhaps Green Mary’s? Keef N Things? Those have to be brands, already, right?”
“You should have gone into marketing.”
“Gross, Yuta. I would never.”
She packed her things as Yuta kept her on the line, trying to explain the premise to the latest manga he’d been reading. It was about a human-like assassin robot. His voice always seemed to take on a tone she could never get with him when they were speaking person to person. It only appeared when they would talk on the phone and she was doing research or editing, and he would talk about whatever was on his mind.
Letting him know that it helped her focus on work would inflate his ego so much she’d be able to charge people for hot air balloon rides. So instead, she picked up his calls and let him talk about whatever was on his mind. He knew that she found his voice comforting, sometimes uttering, “ASMR” very slowly until she cursed at him to stop messing around.
With their current conversation, he somehow shifted the topic to pancakes. One of his roommates had made some and she groaned as she locked up the door to her place, throwing her backpack over her shoulder. It would be easier if she hung up with him, but he was talking about strawberries. She didn’t want him to stop talking.
“It was so red,” he said. “A bright red! But it tasted like nothing, so Doyoung told us to sprinkle sugar on it.”
“Yuta, I have to let you go,” she said, walking toward her car. “Byounggon and I will have a late night session at Nectar.”
“You want company?” he asked.
“I want cheese and spicy tteokbokki, can you make it happen?” she replied, throwing her backpack into the passenger seat. They finally finished their call with each other as she started the car.
Byounggon looked comfortable greeting the waiter when they arrived at Nectar 20 minutes later. He found a large booth at the west end of the diner to set up his laptops. Lucas was tall and friendly, always one to ask Suchin if she needed a refill on her drinks. According to Byounggon, Lucas was musically gifted too but he was more interested in acting and opening a pizza shop one day.
“Do you want orange juice or water?” Lucas asked Suchin when she was setting up her laptop across from Byounggon.
“One of each, please,” she replied. “Is Yuta here?”
“Always thinking about me,” she heard him say from behind her.
“Bro, can you show me your cake slices?” Byounggon asked Lucas immediately. Suchin wanted to tell him to stop making her interactions with Yuta so uncomfortable whenever he was around them, but he never allowed her the opportunity. Lucas grinned from ear to ear as he looked from Yuta to Suchin, slowly following Byounggon to the front counter.
“Given that you’re one of the subjects to my documentary, obviously,” she said, shrugging. They learned to ignore Byounggon’s interruptions together. “Yuta, were you able to make the tteokbokki happen?”
“It’s happening,” he replied with a nod as he sat down next to her, throwing an arm over her shoulder. “The only thing is, if you want to eat it, I’ll feed you. You need to focus on your project.”
“You and Piti have been reading the same manga series, haven’t you?” she asked, feeling heat hit her shoulders as he gave her a gentle hug. “Don’t feed me.”
“So you want me to take you to a place where they serve creme brulee for dessert? Fine, I’ve made reservations for dinner at Olivier’s next Thursday. All I need is for you to accept my invitation.”
“I didn’t hear it in the form of a question,” she said, connecting her laptop to the diner’s WiFi.
“Suchin, will you let me take you out on a date?”
“So long as you promise not to feed me,” she replied, making him give a dry chuckle.
The French restaurant, Olivier’s, had been good, and though they could have gotten creme brulee for dessert, Suchin opted for a slice of chocolatey Opera Cake. It had been a good slice of cake, so much so that Yuta ate the majority of the slice she ordered. She was licking the last bit of frosting off the fork in her hand when Yuta paid for their dinner.
“If I was to guess,” she said as Yuta gently wrapped an arm around her waist when she stood from her chair, “you’re in a rush.”
“What makes you say that?” he asked with half a grin, pulling her body closer to his as they walked out of Olivier’s.
“You’re walking faster than usual,” she said, half trotting in her platform heels. Yuta had parked near the front doors; there was no reason to rush.
“All that sugar in the cake is making me hyper,” he said, a bright smile appearing as he opened the passenger door for her.
“Can I drive us home?” she asked. Wordlessly, he held the keys to his blue Acura ILX out to her.
Amazed by Yuta’s trust with her, Suchin took off her yellow heels before adjusting the driver’s seat. Yuta placed her shoes in his lap when she started the car. Her dad taught her how to drive both automatic and manual cars, emphasizing that not all places will offer the luxury of an automatic shifting car.
“I had to swear to my dad that I wouldn’t use any of the lessons to teach my cousins how to become better street racers,” she said when they were stopped at a red street light.
“Your cousins are street racers?”
“This was when I was 16. They likely grew out of that phase. If they haven’t, we certainly don’t talk about it anymore at family functions. Did you learn how to drive in Osaka?”
“I did. My dad also taught me how to drive. It’s not a necessity but he loves cars, so he taught me.”
She’d pulled up to park at the front of her complex. Right when Yuta opened up a little about himself it was time to say goodnight. Even during their interviews for the documentary, Yuta hadn’t said much about his home life. He’d only talked about his father inspiring his love for football, and that his parents supported the choices he’d made in his life.
She turned to look at him and brushed the loose tendrils away from his forehead. As her eyes drifted to his lips, she knew that she wanted to kiss him. Unable to be brave enough to make the bold move, she leaned forward and kissed his cheek. His hand touched her chin as he shifted to capture her gaze.
“I don’t expect anything from you,” he said, his eyes staring at her lips as he tilted her head up to bring their lips closer together, “but I want you so much right now.”
“Yuta,” she breathed against his lips, the heat from his breath sent shivers down her back. He released her chin, and she fell forward against his body, pressing her lips against his.
Her hand slid down the side of his body as she felt his lips capture her lower lip, sucking on it. His hands grabbed her wrists, breaking their kiss as she’d begun to push her tongue into his mouth.
“Is something wrong?” she asked, out of breath. She felt her chest heaving as she took in deep breaths. Her body was growing hot, and she wanted to pull her leather pants off as they made her thighs sweaty. The lace fabric of her bra was beginning to irritate her, and she squirmed as she felt an itch on her back where her bra strap was rubbing against her shoulder blade.
“Am I hurting you?” he asked in response. “You’re squirming a lot. We can stop if you want.”
“Do you think I’m a prude?” she asked, locking eyes with him. “I mean, I’m not as experienced as my sister, but once I find a partner I think I’m a good lover.”
“What’s your specialty?”
“You mean, what I’m most confident about?” The left side of his lips quirked up into a soft grin. His hold was firm and he was completely still as he waited for her response. “I’m good on my knees.”
Yuta directed her hand to his crotch, and he gave an audible sigh as she pressed her hand against his growing erection. She’d never had a partner so easily turned on. A sharp shiver rode up her back as he reached up to touch her face. She smiled and bit her bottom lip as she realized that the adrenaline coursing through her body was pride at turning him on in such a way.
“What’s your specialty?” she asked, pulling away from his touch. He grunted as she stopped touching him to sit up straight.
“My tongue,” he said, touching her hand gently.
“Bold,” she replied, out of breath, feeling blood rush up her head. She turned his car off and handed the keys back to him. “Put your money where your mouth is, then, Rock Star.”
As soon as they were inside, Yuta pressed his body up against her back, pinning her front against the front door. She moaned as she struggled to lock her door, his hands gripping her hips and his lips kissing her neck. He began thrusting against her in desperate, feral motions, no pattern to his thrusts. His hardened cock was heating up against her ass cheeks, and she shivered in anticipation of feeling him inside of her.
“Clothes off,” he ordered when she’d flicked the kitchen lights on. He took her hand into his as she tried to switch the kitchen lights off and turn the living room lamp on instead. He was less concerned about the lighting, so they sat in semi darkness as she fell onto her couch.
She moaned into his mouth as he kissed her, his tongue invading her mouth. His hands groped her breasts for a moment before reaching down to pull her shirt off. When they broke their kiss she reached over to help him unbutton his shirt as he tossed her shirt aside. She shut her eyes as she licked his ear, flicking his earlobe with her tongue as her fingers popped his smooth buttons out from his silk shirt.
“What turns me on the most about you?” Yuta asked, taking her hands into his hold. He pulled them apart so they would look at each other. “Guess.”
“That I’m a smart ass?” she replied, unsure with what Yuta wanted. Her mind was focused on getting him naked.
He laughed, his smile so big his teeth shone in the illuminating dark. He had her stand between his legs, his erection pitching an obvious tent against his baggy jeans as he poked against her stomach. Their eyes were connected as he looked up at her, and she rested her hands onto his shoulders as she looked down at him.
The whites of his eyes were the only parts of his body she could make out clearly as his face was hidden in shadow. She pressed her body against him as she felt his fingers graze over her ass cheeks. He slid his fingers up toward the small dip of her back, and then back down slowly toward the curve of her ass cheeks. One hand squeezed her tight, kneading her ass.
“You’ve got a smart ass and a beautiful one,” he replied, kneading both of her ass cheeks with his hands. She felt blood rushing to her groin, making her squeeze her thighs together as she dug her nails into his shoulders.
“You’re an ass man?” she asked, smiling down at him. He returned the smile, refusing to break eye contact as he kissed the cleavage of her chest. His lips were wet and his tongue licked the spot he’d just kissed.
“I’m an everything man,” he said before nipping a soft bite against the exposed skin of her right breast. She jumped gently with a yelp as the pain felt like a shock hit her spine. She slapped his shoulder with a soft laugh. “But it’s hard to deny that it’s your ass that eats up my mind.”
She bent down and kissed him gently before reaching down to unzip her pants. It took both of their hands to pull her sticky leather pants off of her, her sweat causing her pants to cling to her skin. Blood rushed up to her head, making her dizzy as Yuta turned her around so he could get a complete view of her ass in her red lace hipster panties.
His finger hooked under the lining as he slid his finger down her ass cheek before pulling the fabric away and releasing it, letting it snap back against her skin. She shivered, her right hand holding onto the arm chair of the couch for support. His hand pet her ass cheek before his lips kissed the bare skin of her ass cheek. His fingers pulled her panties up to reveal more skin as he continued to kiss her ass cheek. His lips were soft and warm, and she licked her bottom lip before biting it as she felt his tongue begin to press against her skin.
“What do you want to do to me, Yuta?” she asked as he pulled her panties down, rolling them down her thighs to her knees.
He had her face down on his lap as he sat back on the couch, pulling her panties off before his hand slapped her ass in very gentle pats. “But harder,” he said as he cupped her ass with one hand, giving it a firm squeeze. His hand returned to caressing her ass gently. “We’ll have to talk about that later, but tonight, can I play with you?”
“Yes,” she replied breathlessly.
He slid his hand between her legs and she moaned as she felt his middle finger tease the entrance to her cunt. His finger circled around her entrance a couple times, making her shiver. His finger slid up along her slit before pressing against her clit. She gave a soft sigh of approval as she felt his finger softly brush her clit and against one side of her labia, sending deep sensations of heat into her body.
“You’re so wet already, darling.”
She whimpered at the affection in his tone as he called her “darling”. None of her partners before could carry the sophistication needed to carry a pet name so adoring. Her face flushed in red heat, both embarrassed and proud at the way he was giving her affection.
He pushed his finger into her and she bit her bottom lip as the pressure of his finger invading her insides sent a new rush of heat up to her head. She could hardly feel the weight of gravity against her body as she felt like she was floating. She moaned as she felt his finger slide in deeper while the pad of his thumb rubbed her clit. She arched her back as she felt her slick heat rush out to coat his finger.
She reached her hand back to scratch his arm as he finger fucked her with one hand while his other teased her ass. His hand kneading her ass cheeks felt nice, and contrasted well against the pushes of his finger inside of her whenever she’d buck her hips against him.
“You’re leaving such a mess on my pants, darling,” he said as his fingers left her body. He pulled her up, and curled up in his lap, her ass gyrating against his lap.
“I want to come,” she said softly, grabbing onto the front of his shirt as she rested her head against his shoulder. “Are you going to fuck me, Yuta?”
“Fuck,” he groaned as she felt his dick twitch under her. He kissed her neck. Her hands slid under his shirt to touch his hard body. “That foul mouth of yours works well on my cock too.”
“Put that hot cock inside of me, then,” she demanded as she grinded her ass against him.
“Filthy cock tease,” he said with a guffaw as he shifted them around, throwing her front down onto the couch. “Let’s see how good you really are on your knees. Face down, ass up.”
Dutifully, she planted her knees down on the cushions with her legs spread out. She placed a throw pillow under her to hold onto as she rested her head to her left side. If she tilted her head just right, she could look behind her to see Yuta standing behind her. His eyes were focused on her ass as he sat down behind her.
She shut her eyes and panted heavily as she felt Yuta’s tongue push into her cunt, his hands massaging her sweaty ass cheeks. The sensations of his tongue licking along the walls of her vulva made her buck her hips gently. She moaned, feeling his tongue slide down toward the outer folds of her labia. The way he was eating her was new as she’d never been eaten out from behind. All that came out of her mouth was his name; the only thing her mind could focus on was Yuta.
His tongue was warming up her insides, and his teeth and lips found her clit a treat worth sucking on endlessly between wet licks. The feeling of his hands massaging her ass encouraged her to moan as loudly as her vocal cords would allow her as blood coursed deep into her groin. Her fingers hurt from fisting into the throw pillow beneath her as she tried to find her release in all the pleasures Yuta was giving her.
“Don’t stop,” she panted as she felt his tongue assist his finger in fucking her pussy. She thrust herself back into him as his tongue flicked against her vulva, wanting more friction.
“I have to fuck you,” he breathed out, his hands grabbing her hips as he got onto his knees behind her. He grabbed her ass cheek with one hand before releasing hold of her. She groaned as she heard him move around.
“Do you need a condom?” she asked, pushing herself up. “I have condoms in my bathroom.”
“Don’t take long,” he said with a nod.
Her eyes had difficulty leaving him as she stared at his firm body glow in the dimly lit living room. Yuta’s slender hips were wet with sweat, and his well toned chest and shoulders glowed as the fluorescent lights from the kitchen lit him up.
When she returned, she stood between his legs as he stood on his knees on the couch. She gave an appreciative sigh as she felt him wrap his arms around her body, reaching up to unhook her bra. His lips kissed her sweaty shoulder, and his tongue licked the sweat on her neck before sucking on her skin. She shut her eyes as she tried to focus on her fingers unrolling the condom down his shaft.
“Your focus is unmatched, holy fuck,” he guffawed into her neck as his cock twitched in her hands. Her fingers massaged his balls for a few moments, rewarding him for letting her cover him up.
“As a public servant I understand the importance in praticing safe sex,” she couldn’t help joking. They kissed, and she nodded as Yuta gently pushed his tongue into her mouth. Her sex tasted good mixed in with the taste of Yuta in her mouth.
“Filthy darling,” he called her before pressing his tongue against hers.
He broke their kiss to turn her around again. She got onto her knees with him on the couch, letting Yuta press his front to her back for a moment as one hand cupped her breast. Wordlessly, she fell forward, placing the throw pillow under her. She planted her knees shoulder width apart with her ass up in the air again.
She bit her bottom lip as she turned her head back to see Yuta’s eyes focus on his cock entering her from behind. He pushed himself deep into her, his grip on her hips firm as he pulled out and pushed back in roughly. She shut her eyes as he continued his deep, slow pushes, every motion of his cock inside of her lit her nerves on fire.
“Yuta! Please,” she moaned as she felt his hands grab her arms. “I want to come.”
“Are you getting tired?” he asked, a teasing smile appearing as she turned her head over to make eye contact with him. He licked his lips before he helped her up. “Lay against me and I’ll fuck you comfortably, darling.”
He kissed her arm as he directed her to wrap her arm around his neck with her back pressed to his front as they stood on their knees. She shut her eyes for a moment as she felt Yuta thrust into her from behind while one hand rubbed her clit with two fingers. Her whole body was filled with too many pleasurable sensations as he kissed her neck and his other hand wrapped around her body, gripping onto her breast as his fingers teased her nipple with gentle pinches.
“Yuta, I’m going to come,” she said through shaky breaths. It was a blend of his cock hitting her deep as his fingers flicked her clit in soft circular motions that made her come. His mouth sucking on her earlobe encouraged the orgasm to reach a higher peak.
It was a strong orgasm as he bent them forward, resting her front against the side of the couch. He thrust into her in hard, fast pushes. Hot flashes of unfiltered pleasure coursed through her body as his fingers continued to play with her clit, his mouth grazing against her ear as he muttered, “Come all over my cock,” in desperate need.
Every push of his seemed to drive harder into her as he chased for his own release, his hips snapping harshly into her from behind. His muscular body slapped loudly against her thick ass cheeks as she tried to focus on clamping her walls down against his cock as hard as she could. The high she felt was incomparable to any other orgasms she’d ever had, her mind was filled with such euphoria she could hardly let out a noise.
She could only manage his name out in weak pants when she felt him still, balls deep inside of her. He grunted before finally withdrawing from her. Before she could work up the energy to move, still standing on her knees, she felt Yuta sit back down. His hands were gentle as he pulled her onto his lap.
“Let me massage you where it hurts,” he offered, his fingers massaging her right knee before switching over to her left one. His touches relaxed the tension she felt in her knees, softening the ache on her muscles.
“That feels nice,” she said, resting against him. “Do you hurt?”
He smiled and kissed her gently on the lips.
“A little,” he replied, “but we can take care of each other in a little bit. I want to make sure you can walk, because if you can’t, I’ll carry you to your bed.”
“You’re not going to dip out like a jerk, are you?” she asked, running a hand over his chest. His musky scent was addicting. She was resisting the temptation to kiss the wet droplets of sweat off his chest and neck. “If you don’t want anything beyond this, you can leave.”
“Such a pessimist,” he said, touching her cheek. He kissed her. Her back shivered as his lips sent surges of sharp heat into her nerves.“If you don’t like me, just tell me to get out of your place.”
“I want you to stay,” she said, wrapping her arms around his neck, resting her head against his chest to listen to his heartbeat. “It’s not my fault you NCT frat boys have that fuckboy reputation, you know.”
“I’m officially dropping out of my Masters program tomorrow,” he said. “Frat boy no more.”
She sat up and looked at him. Caught up in their lust, she’d forgotten about the rest of the world, including their own personal lives.
“You’re going on tour?” she asked. He nodded.
“Go with me,” he said, reaching a hand up to touch her elbow.
“Go on tour with you?” she said with a laugh. She hadn’t thought what it would mean to date Yuta as a musician. Their dating schedule was likely to be abnormal.
“It’s only 5 weeks,” he said with a serious tone, taking her hand to kiss it. “We’d get to know each other even better as we travel the South West. There’s a concert in Baja, Mexico, out of the country. That’d be romantic. It won’t be for weeks, so give it some thought.”
“This is your pillow talk,” she said, resting back against him. Planning a future, even a short one, with her had brought out the tone she’d never gotten from him outside of the phone calls. “I like when you talk to me like this.” He moved to kiss her. “I’m not saying yes to your road trip, but I am saying I’m interested in a future with you.”
They kissed before finally getting up to get more comfortable in her bed.
End Part 2 | To Part 3
15 notes · View notes
a-portable-snack · 4 years
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@writer-who-cant-write135​ Thank you so much for your ask! Wanna take a stab at what city I live in? 
Detroit and Chill
Kai looked at the rubber duck sitting next to his computer. He just read his entire code out loud to said duck but it still won’t run properly. And the duck didn’t warn him it won’t.
“Ugh! This doesn’t work.” He tossed the duck behind him.
Kai turned to realize he didn’t hear Adam come into their dorm… which is somehow impressive on Adam’s part for being so quiet and Kai’s part for being so focused.
“Sorry, man. This code is driving me insane. I want to send it over to Reeve to look over but I also don’t want to send it over and have him be like ‘This is 100% wrong’” Kai rubbed his neck and turned back to his computer. He knows its probably a simple thing he’s missing and he doesn’t want Reeve to find it.
Kai went to start typing but his chair was suddenly pulled back. Adam stepped in-between Kai and his computer and started typing something.
“Adam! Don’t mess with the code! I know you’re smart but I know you know NOTHING about code.”
“You’re right but Reeve does. I just sent it to him and you’re taking a break with me while he looks it over.” Adam turned back to Kai.
“You had no right to do that!” Kai stood up so he was eye to eye with Adam “Just because you seem to be ahead on your work and are bored doesn’t mean you can get between me and my work!”
“I’m sorry” Adam put his hands in the air to surrender “but it’s definitely the only way you’ll step away. I’ve been here for 20 minutes and you didn’t realize I came in. You’re hyper-fixating, overworking, and getting nothing done. I know I stepped over a line but I will do it again if it means you won’t work yourself to the ground!”
Kai knew he was right. Last year, Adam never stepped between Kai and his work and Kai’s perfectionist tendencies and ADHD had him almost to the hospital from overworking. Adam was just trying to help and take care of him. But Kai can still be mad.
“So,” Adam caught Kai’s eyes. “We are going out to do something fun. We’re going distract you until Reeve emails back saying what you’re missing and it’s ok that you needed help because Robotic and Megatronic engineering is hard as fuck.”
“Fine, but you’re fucking wining and dining me asshole.”
“Valid” Adam smiled and grabbed his coat. Kai had to change his close because his Pokemon pajama pants won’t cut it. Adam was on his phone searching for something when Kai came out of the bathroom.
“Let’s go!” Adam’s eyes were bright as he grabbed Kai’s hand. Adam pulled Kai all the way to Adam’s car.
“Adam! Not all of us are in perfect shape. SLOW DOWN!”
“Dude I’m so excited about this! It’s going to be so much fun” Adam jumped into his car. By the time Kai was in the passenger seat, Adam was buzzing. Adam’s excitement was infectious and Kai just smiled as Adam started driving. Kai couldn’t look away as Adam sped through the streets of Detroit.
Detroit is such an interesting place to live because there’s so many different types of people all smashed into southeast Michigan. So Adam could be taking him to anything between a cool tour of some car museum to Mexican Town having a deal on tamales. Kai really hopes its the latter. Adam’s mom has set standards for tamales that only Mexican Town can compete with.
When Adam followed the highway to the Riverwalk, Kai started to think they were heading to the GM building. But Adam turned away from it.
“Are we heading to Campus Martius?” Kai asked.
“Kind of! We’re going to Lafayette Coney then we’re heading to Campus Martius” Adam parked next to the historical coney place and Kai excitedly jumped out.
“Yes! I need a good coney! We can walk to Campus Martius from here. I’ll cover parking” Kai pulled this wallet out to put in the coins.
“No no no! Wining and dining remember!” Adam stood in front of Kai and took his wallet out of his hand. Adam reached around and put the wallet into Kai’s back pocket.
“I-i was joking” Kai couldn’t stop the blush from spreading across his face. Adam noticed and smirked at him.
Adam didn’t know what to do with Kai. The boy was adorable and smart and god they worked together so well. They’ve lived together for 2 years now in the dorms and they are a well oiled machine. It was almost impossible not to fall in love. But Adam truly did try. Adam tried to limit how much he talked with Kai over the summer so he could get some distance. Adam thought he had gotten rid of his feelings. He started to open up communication again and was ok with their relationship. Then Adam sent a snap of Captain America saying ‘My type of man’ and you want to know how this motherfucker responded?
I guess I need to work out. I GUESS I NEED TO WORK OUT. WHAT THE FUCK?
So Adam has feeling still and doesn’t know what to do. But here they were. On something that could be considered a date. Just, vibing.
“Let’s walk and eat” Adam said after he paid for the hot dogs. “I know the line at Campus MArtius will be long”
“Why?” Kai asked, mouth full.
“It’s the first day that the ice skating ring is open!” Adam put his hands up in excitement. Kai seemed to shrink down little.
“O-oh! That sounds fun! It’ll be great” Adam noticed the hesitance and feared he made the wrong choice.
“If you don’t want to ice skate we can do something else! I know there’s heated huts that shops rent out, the Riverwalk’s open, there’s a bar or two…”
“It’s fine! I’ve just never ice skated before so I’m kinda nervous” Kai fiddled with the wrapper on his coney.
“Don’t worry,” Adam snuck an arm around Kai’s waist and whispered in his ear. “I won’t let you fall.”
For moment, Adam thought Kai was going to jump away and blush but he was surprised. Instead, Kai leaned into Adam and said, “You better not.”
It was Adam’s turn to blush and become a flustered. Adam can usually serve out flirtatious comments like nothing but the moment they come back at him, he’s a puddle. And receiving flirting back from Kai, who usually shies away? Nope, Adam isn’t emotionally prepared for it.
Kai laughed and laced his fingers between Adam’s. He seemed hesitant at first but when Adam firmly held his hand, a smile spread across his face.
“Let’s go get in line”
They finished their coneys and ran to rent skates. There were already a bunch of people on the small ring but Adam was ready to get out there.
“Ok! This doesn’t look too hard!” Kai watched people going around as he laced up his skates.
“You think so?” Adam smirked.
“Yeah! I’ll be fine.”
He was not fine.
Adam hit the ice and skated right off. He was able to file into the crowd nicely. He was graceful and obviously knew what he was doing. Kai on th other hand put on foot on the ice and immediately lost control. He gripped the rail like a life line tried to figure out his feet. They kept seeming to go in every which way.
Kai looked up and saw Adam rounding the corner to come back to him. He held himself up against the wall and pretended he wasn’t struggling as much as he was. Adam skidded to a stop next him.
“How’s it going?”
“Oh you know! It’s simple. Just gliding” Kai tried to brush off the fact that he could barely hold himself up.
“Come on. Let me take you around” Adam offered a hand with a small smile. Kai smiled back at his and took his hand. Kai pushed off the rail and immediately lost his balance.
“Adam, why is this so hard?” Kai clutched Adam’s arm like it was a life source. Somehow Adam was just skating like it was walking. Fuck him.
“Ha, for some reason physics doesn’t work when it comes to ice skating” Adam laughed. Adam pulled away little and Kai pulled him closer.
“Don’t you fucking dare.”
“Don’t worry!” Adam was trying so hard not to laugh at him. Adam held onto Kai hand and flipped around to skate backwards and pull Kai along.
“You just wanted to show off you could skate backwards”
“Maybe” Adam smiled “It’s also the best way to learn. Just focus on holding your hips steady and switching your weight from left to right. When you switch, give a gentle push.”
Kai followed Adam’s instructions, watching his feet and focusing on his weight. Kai found a rhythm as they made it around the ice rink at a reasonable pace. Adam smiled at Kai, unable to hold anything back. God, if only Kai knew what he did to Adam.
“You got it!”
“You’re right! This is easy.”
Kai looked up at Adam and he saw all the love and excitement. It was overwhelming. Suddenly, Kai completely lost all since of control and was falling. Adam wasn’t ready for it and fell with him. So there they were shocked, laying on cold ice, in the middle of a crowded rink. Suddenly and eight year old skated by with the grace of a figure skater.
“Tsk, lame”
Adam and Kai look at each other in shock then burst out laughing. Of course they would get called lame by an eight year old. Adam shift to get them up. Kai felt like a baby horse trying to find his legs on the ice. This rink really does seem to say fuck physics.
“Now that our pride is throughly bruised, can I interest you in a hot chocolate?”
Adam led them to the edge and they stepped on to normal land.
“Is it bad I’m tempted to kiss the ground?”
“Definitely, this is Detroit. We have no idea what is going on down there.”
“Valid, not doing that.”
Adam was still holding onto Kai as they ordered their hot chocolates. They sat in the warming tent at a table. They talked and drank hot chocolate. They were completely lost within each other. Loudly talking about dumb teachers, and new Netflix shows, and that one kid on their floor who they swear is a wizard.
“No, I’m joking. He has a pet centipede in his dorm. I’m pretty the RAs are letting him keep it because they don’t want to have confiscate it. It freaks me out.” Kai laughed.
“There’s no way. I had a FISH they took away! I had to pull out a handbook to prove I could have him.” Adam shook his head.
“I’m sorry,” the girl that was working behind the counter came up to them. “It’s time for us to close down. You need to return your skates and head home so we can close.”
“Oh my god! I’m so sorry! We’re leaving right now!” Adam and Kai picked up their stuff and quickly left Campus Martius.
“Sorry I kept you out so late.” Adam said when they got to his car. He rubbed his neck nervously. Kai grabbed Adam’s free hand and pulled .
“Don’t be sorry. I should be thanking you. I really needed this. I would still be hunched over code, probably crying, if it weren’t for you. So, thank you.” Kai leaned gently into Adam with a soft smile.
Kai was suddenly kissing Adam. Kai wasn’t 100% what convinced him to do it but he couldn’t get the look Adam had on his face in the ice rink out of his head. Adam immediately leaned into the kiss and used his free hand to hold Kai’s cheek. Kai pulled back with a smile on his face.
“I’m so happy you kissed back because the drive would have been so awkward.”
Adam started laughing. He pulled Kai in for another kiss. His wide smile made it very difficult to properly kiss. Kai wrapped his arms around Adam’s waist. Kai pulled away and buried his face in the crook of Adam’s neck. Adam held him close.
“Let’s head back to the dorm.” Kai said. “I have a bag of popcorn and an illegal download of Mutant Spiders Paradise calling our names.”
“Sounds great” Adam unlocks his car and they went home.
170 notes · View notes
Unforseen Chasm(part33)
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Part 33 of Unforseen Chasm
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together. Word Count: 3359 Warnings: fluff finally! enjoy it while it lasts!!!! *evil smirk*  Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my other fic series). first major Collab with my best friend @thorne93​ what was first a simple “what if” moment turned into a two year writing session and I’ve never been more prouder of myself than when i started my first series. goes through most of the MCU plots there are some changes to accommodate for what we wanted and there is a bit of a crossover between the MCU and other characters. I hope you guys enjoy reading this just as much as I enjoyed writing it
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Tony and Shannon needed a break from everything. They hadn't had a vacation together in over two years, not had really had a vacation at all. 
Until Tony had been hell bent on getting everyone some time to go out wherever they’d like and he could finally pop the question to Shannon. He’d waited a good long while to make sure that they were back to being happy and not having problems. 
Fury was a raging ball of disbelief when he had been informed that none of the Avengers would be of help for the next month, but had relented saying that they deserved it to help themselves.
Tony had everyone's flights booked the same day, each destination different. He had planned to head down to a little cabin in Alaska that he’d had made six years ago for when he needed to get away and hide from everyone. Now he had other plans for that cabin. 
“Shannon, are you all packed for our trip? Maybe bring that camera I got you three Christmases ago?” he said from the bathroom. He was very nervous about how he’d ask her to be his wife. He’d asked Bruce for some tips, seeing as he was the only person who he could tell about the proposal. 
“Tony, I’m not even sure what to pack… you won’t tell me where we’re headed,” she said, completely confused as to what to grab. She stood in the walk-in closet looking at all her options. She felt guilt bubble up in her stomach because she’d gotten back on track to fixing things with you and her leaving would be as if she didn’t care about leaving you in an inescapable cell. “At least tell me how long we’ll be there! So I know how much to pack,” she yelled so he could hear from the bathroom. 
“Babe, relax. It’s not long, just a month,” he said, wrapping his arms around her waist. “You need to pack warm for where we're going. You’ll need your snow boots.” He had turned her around in his arms love shining in his eyes. 
“Help me pack then?” She looked up at him through her lashes. “That's the only way we’ll get my bag done fast.” She winked hoping he’d get the hint behind her words. She kissed his cheek. 
“Oh you bet I’ll help you pack,” he growled, showing her he knew what she was up to. “How about we start with the lingerie?” he teased, going to one side of the closet and looked for some simple yet comfortable outfits. 
“How about I pull out some outfits and you tell me yes or no?” she suggested, hoping to get things packed faster. “And I promise not to tease you this time.” She smiled going to some of the already prepared outfits.
The rest of that morning was spent packing and by midday they had already made their way to one of Tony’s planes. The whole team had left together, wanting to leave at the same time. They each were able to get their own private plane to their destinations. Bruce pulled Tony aside for a moment just before he and Shannon boarded their plane.
“So do you plan on popping the question soon? Or two weeks into the vacation?” he asked, wanting to keep things good for calm and happy on the flight to Alaska.
“I want to ask her soon but I think I’ll find the right moment,” he said while holding the box in his pocket. “Wish me luck, big guy.” He patted Bruce’s shoulder and walked away. 
“You don’t need luck!” he said loudly to reach him as he had already gone a decent distance.
“What was all that about?” Shannon asked him when he came back to her side.
“What, that?” He pointed at Bruce. “That’s nothing. He’s just being dramatic,” he said sounding calm even though his nerves were on fire. “Shall we head to our destination?” He held his hand out to let her into the private jet first.
“Why thank you, kind sir,” she giggled seeing how sweet he could be. 
“Anything for you, my dear.” A smile reached his eyes from seeing her laugh. “Off we go!” He ran in after her.
“Tony!” she shrieked as she went to the back of the jet, he caught up to her and tickled her sides. “Stop... Stop, Tony, I give!” she said between laughs.
“Okay… okay I’ll stop, on the condition that you sit in my lap for at least part of the flight.” He smirked but it softened to a genuine smile he had only for her.
“Like I’d ever say no to spending some time with you.” She turned around hugging him close.
The flight was spent with the two of them watching movies. She had fallen asleep in his arms, he had pulled a blanket over the two of them. Feeling the sleep take over, he let his breathing match hers and they both slept. They hadn’t slept that well in what felt like months.
Once the plane had landed, the pilot announced that they had arrived. By then Tony had already woken up and was randomly searching through the channels. Hearing the pilot say they got there, he looked at Shannon’s still sleeping form and woke her up by peppering kisses all over her face. “Babe, wake up, we’re here.” He moved some hair behind her ear.
“Five more minutes…please.” She hid her face in his chest. Feeling that the plane wasn’t moving, she sat up. “Wait, are we here?” She looked to the windows but could not see a thing, they had all been closed.
Watching her look around to guess their destination was adorable. She looked like a kid on Christmas. 
“Yes we’re here. Come on, the car is waiting to take us to where we’ll be staying.” He motioned for her to stand up and the captain had come to the back, holding out her jacket to put on.
“It’s a bit cold here, Ms. Shannon, you’ll need this.” The captain lifted the jacket so she could put her arms through the sleeves. He was holding a poofy looking jacket and had an equally poofy one on his arm for Tony. She moved to the side and watched as Tony got his jacket on too, it was comical seeing Tony wear a marshmallow jacket.
“You look ridiculous, Tony, like the Michelin man.” She laughed looking at him turn around.
“But there’s one thing different, I rock this look, he doesn’t.” He looked so proud of himself. “Come on, let’s get going.” He helped her get out of the plane. 
To her surprise she saw the vast mountains of snow everywhere. She looked around in marvel. Her eyes were shining with awe, slowly turning to take everything in. Tony took the chance to snap a picture of her and how beautiful she looked with nature behind her.
“Tony, it’s beautiful here… I’ve always wanted to come to a place with lots of snow!” She walked back to him and giving him a tender kiss.
“Then wait till you see where we’ll be staying.” 
They walked to the car waiting for them. Getting in, the driver had quickly driven off to get to the cabin that was a short drive away. The ride there all Shannon could do was look out the window and point things out to Tony. He was mesmerized with how much this was exciting her.
The car stopped and she got out quickly, not believing the sight she had in front of her. It was a big rustic looking cabin. She saw there was a small opening next to the main entrance. Looking closer she saw it was actually a doggy door. Confused, she looked over to Tony to ask about it when she saw him whistle and out came Lucky running through the entrance and jumped onto her knocking her down with his speed. 
“Hi, Lucky, it’s good to see you too.” She laughed as he licked at her face and was running around. Tony walked over to help her stand when Lucky jumped on him too knocking him down right onto Shannon. They both laughed and stayed there for a moment, she looked up and saw that Tony’s eyes were filled with so much love that it made her melt because she never imagined that she would ever get this chance to be with him and it still felt like a dream she never wanted to wake up from.
“Here, let me help you.” He’d stood up and reached down to grab her hand. Once they were both on their feet, they walked into the cabin. It looked a lot bigger to him, but it could be the same seeing as it had been years since he’d been here. The driver had brought all the bags in and had left so it was just the three of them.
“When did you get Lucky here?” she asked as she walked around, memorizing where everything was so she wouldn’t get lost.
“The same time we got here, I just had someone drop him off here so that he could get used to his surroundings.” He walked over to closet to put away their jackets.
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They spent most of their time skiing or out walking the trails. He mostly went to watch Shannon become hyper focused on the things she took pictures of. The little quirks she made when she was trying to get the perfect shot, sometimes not even aware of her surroundings unless he moved her out of the way.
They’d been at the cabin for about three weeks now and Tony was beginning to get anxious about popping the question. He’d figured out now was a better time than ever so he told her that he had the whole day planned for the two of them. He’d found a little nook somewhere in the cabin where the view of the mountains was spectacular, then followed by a dog sledding ride, he planned to have someone head into town to get some things for them for dinner. After dinner it would be seeing the aurora borealis. He hadn't told her that they were staying in Barrow, Alaska where it's one of the seven known places to see these lights at night. To end the night by the fireplace all cozy with hot chocolate, he would ask her to be his.
“Tony, I still can't get over this little slice of heaven being all yours!” she said while they were out in the little area near the cabin. “We should come back another time, maybe even invite the others?” The last part sounded like a question. 
“I would love to come back here with you.” He watched her skate in the ice of the little pond. “Although I'm not sure about bringing the others here, specifically. Maybe I can find a bigger cabin for all of us?” He had been thinking that the others would like to come to a place like this to relax, maybe even to celebrate Christmas together. 
“There’s already a lot of room here in the cabin. I don't see why you’d want to find another place.” She looked over her shoulder at him before turning to skate backwards. 
“I want this to be just our get away, imagine it, just you and me.”
“Don’t forget Lucky!”
“And of course Lucky too, maybe even get a little friend for him to play so he’s not so lonely?” he suggested. 
To be fair he had always loved dogs, just never had the idea to get one because of his busy life but once Lucky came into the picture he realized how much he had missed out on. 
“That would be cute! Maybe get him like a little sister or brother?” They’d began walking back to the cabin by then. That got him thinking about having kids, he never thought about it but then again he thought about ever getting married but here he was about to propose to the woman of his dreams. 
“Why don’t you go upload your photos onto the computer to edit while I get started on dinner?” He had everything in the kitchen ready for him to start cooking. Not that many people knew he was really good in the kitchen back at the tower. 
“Sure, it’ll give me something to do since you won't let me help make dinner.” She stuck her tongue out at him while heading to the office. 
“I already told you it's a surprise, so run along, babe.” He shooed her away. Dinner would consist of her favorite foods, he’s gotten some of the recipes from her mother. And the others were of things he’d gotten her to try. 
Time flew by while both of them were busy doing things. She had stopped editing photos for a while and had gone to the living room to sit down at the piano to play one of her favorite pieces by Beethoven. It was a very popular piece on every classical piano cd. She could play it all day long if she wanted to. Tony could hear how she poured her heart into playing that song. 
Once everything was cooked and ready he set up the table for the two of them. 
“Dinner is served,” he said coming into where she had begun to play Bella’s Lullaby on the piano. She was so focused on the music that she hadn’t heard him coming up behind her he rested his hand on her shoulder. “Babe, come on, the food’s ready.”
The touch startled her. “Oh! Tony, I must've gotten sucked into the music again.” She looked up at him. 
“Come on, my talented woman, it's time you get some food in you.” He laughed intertwining their fingers together.
“Tony, look at all of this! It’s amazing. You have all of my favorite foods.” She looked at the table with the food her mother used to make for her. “What’s the occasion? I didn’t forget any anniversary, did I?!” She looked over, worried she’d maybe missed something special for the two of them. 
“None at all, babe. Just showing you how special you are to me.” He smiled while he pulled her seat out for her. 
They were both dressed comfortably and once he had her sitting, he went to sit next to her. They had dinner, comprised of some Puerto Rican food her mom would make. There were a few comfort foods they both enjoyed and he had learned to make a dark chocolate mousse sprinkled with white chocolate shavings and inside the mousse was a bit of caramel. 
“I’m glad you got me to go on vacation, Tony. These past few days have been amazing not having to worry about work or projects or things we’ve been working on.” She entwined their hands together. 
“I’m just glad that I convinced you that it would be nice, I feared it would just be me and Lucky,” he joked and patted Lucky when he walked over from hearing his name. “I think we all needed some time away from working and make time for ourselves.” He looked up at her with loving eyes.
“You’re right. Everyone has been too wound up from everything that's happened in the past two years.” She drew circles on the back of his hand with her thumb. 
“Babe, us here has been the best moments of my life.” He sounded honest, making her look up at him. 
“All the best moments are when your at my side, Tony, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.” He could hear the adoration in her voice. 
The rest of dinner was spent with casual chatter, at one point Lucky sat in one of the chairs and it made them both laugh and they set a plate for him to eat with them. She felt that it had been an amazing night and couldn’t think of any way it could get better. Little did she know her whole night was about to get better once it hit time for the hot chocolate after watching the Aurora borealis. 
“There’s two more things I want to show you.” He led her to the back deck where he had set up a cozy looking area. “Come here, it's almost starting.”
“What’s almost starting?” she asked as she sat down next to him and she felt his arm go around her shoulders. 
“Just look.”
“Okay, okay.” She turned over just in time to see the northern lights begin to appear. “Tony, look! It’s beautiful.” The shock and awe very visible in her face.
“Surprise! I was hoping to show you this soon.” He was admiring the light but kept turning to look back at her. He knew that right this moment was exactly when he should ask her. “Hold on, I’ll be right back.”
“Come back quick so you don’t miss this!” She pulled out her camera taking the opportunity to take a few shots so that she could save this with her memories.
He ran quickly to grab the hot chocolate and making sure he had the ring in the little box in his jacket pocket. “Here goes nothing, Lucky. Wish me the best!” he said to the dog who had been laying on the couch. “Okay, I'm back,” he huffed, a bit out of breath from running inside. “Here’s some hot chocolate.” He handed her a mug once she set her camera down.
“Thank you...mmmm, this is really good,” she hummed while sipping on the warm drink.
“Actually there’s something that has been on my mind for a while now.” He put his mug down and turned to face her.
Hearing the slight nervousness in his voice she turned around. “Well you know you can tell me anything right?”
“That’s one of the many reasons that I love you. Because we can tell each other everything.” He moved his hands into his pockets and she noticed, thinking that he’s getting cold.
“Are you cold?” She started taking off her gloves to give them to him.
“No, no I’m not cold. I just want to get something from my pocket.” He pulled his hands out but she couldn’t see what he pulled out.
“Okay if you say so,” she said, sounding unconvinced of his hands being cold.
“Listen we’ve known each other since you were a college student and we got together just short of two years ago.”
“Tony, you big sap.” 
“I’m not done yet, Shannon.”
She nodded understanding and let him continue talking.
“In the span of these two years I’ve realized that you’re the person for me. I never thought about settling down until I met you...” He stopped to take a moment, looking at how surprised she looked. “I knew that there’s no one else but you.” He had gotten off his seat and got down on one knee.
“Tony…” She had no idea that he had been feeling this way. She never told anyone but she felt the exact same way.
“Shannon, will you marry me?” His eyes were full of hope and a bit of worry seeing as she wasn’t saying anything.
“Tony, I..I don’t know what to say. I’ve always dreamed of this happening,” she was babbling.
“I’m hoping you’ll say yes.” He laughed nervously.
What he wasn’t expecting was to have her land on him, landing them both in the snow. He laughed.
“Of course I’ll marry you, Tony!” she exclaimed, looking down at him and moving a bit of hair out his eyes. “There’s no one else I’d rather spend the rest of my life with.” She moved to kiss him and they spent a few moments simply kissing until the cold finally got to them and they both got up heading inside.
“Here, let me put the ring on your finger.” He grabbed her hand and was able to slip the ring on  her finger with ease seeing that it was the perfect size.
“It’s beautiful,” she said as she admired the simple engagement ring. 
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Unforseen Chasm Tag list- @reigningqueenofwords @oldfreakything @weclassygirl @adefectivedetective @dontbetooobvious
Tag list- @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you @winchester-writes @winchesterenthusiast @georgialouisea​ @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog​   @sammysbuttcheek @misz-adrii @sandlee44 @womanxofletters @natsuccs @childishhoebinoo @expecteddifferent @girl-next-door-writes @fanaticfanfiction @dakotapaigelove @sassy-spn-knight-of-hell
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artificialqueens · 5 years
trainwreck (Branjie) chapter 2 - PinkGrapefruit
chapter 2. trainwreck headed for us but we never think of runnin’
[lesbian fake dating AU]
A/N - for linda because you were drunk when i wrote this and honestly it made it so much better. And also thanks to @freykitten for teaching me apostrophes and dealing with my tense hopping, you are way too patient x
She’d spent hours on this outfit but even now, sitting in her mom’s Toyota Corolla, she’s unsure if she’s made the right choice. The green of the silk sits nicely on her collarbone, the deep v showing just enough cleavage to still feel sexy whilst being grandparent-appropriate. Her mom’s non-committal noises and pleasant smile told her enough when she’d gotten in but she still feels like it’s all a little too much. She’s fake dating a girl she might have a genuine (but very much ignorable) crush on and she’s about to meet the parents. Too much.
As she gets out of the car, feels the soft Tampa breeze against her exposed legs and lets it muss her hair a little, she starts to realise just what she’s gotten herself into. She’s standing in front of a large, expensive looking condo, beachfront view and all. The garden seems to give way to sand in some places and the rose bushes, god, the rose bushes look exquisite. She nudges the door closed and grabs the small purse she’d balanced on the roof before watching the black car roll back down the driveway. Brooke gulps. Heart beating at a mile a minute, she slowly makes her way up the front path, heels catching on the neat gravel as she tries (and even with her dancers’ grace, kind of fails) to hold her poise. Later, she’ll laugh about it, joke the tall emerald heels were against her - for now, she waits cautiously by the door, trying to find the confidence to knock.
The door opens by itself. Or at least that’s what she thinks as she hyper-fixates on the door knocker, elaborate gold roses securing a snake biting its tail. In reality, a short girl with caramel skin and warm brown eyes opened it and resigned herself to staring at her guest intently. She’s dressed in a red mini dress, thin cotton barely skimming her mid-thigh. Her height is less impacted by Brooke’s heels but more by the lack of her own, looking tiny against the 6’3 ballet dancer standing before her. Vanessa laughs, and it’s warm, dripping like melted butter in Brooke’s ears. “Well, don’t just stand there babe, come in,” the low voice sounds playful and Brooke just smiles, thinks that this could be okay, and walks in.
Any confidence she thought she had falters immediately when met with the expectant faces of 15 Latin-American elders.
Vanessa is grabbing her hand, reeling off names left, right and centre and rubbing slow circles into Brooke’s palm, not that she notices. Instead, she closes her eyes in a silent prayer to whatever god decided this would be funny and tries to plan an escape. She is not fast enough. “-is my girlfriend Brooke,” is all she catches of the shorter girl’s spiel before a warm, sticky kiss is planted on her cheek. She curses herself for not paying attention, always seems to miss the most important part of the story even when it turns out to be her.
“Thank you for doing this, you look great,” comes the low voice again, this time a soft whisper into her ear. She feels her entire being blush as she lets Vanessa affect her.
She kicks off her heels before going to take the seat clearly meant for her. She seems to be next to a relatively calm looking old lady with a kind smile and even kinder eyes. Vanessa will be sitting on her other side, and opposite, she’ll have Alexis. Her newly lifted spirits plummet once more as she realises she’s going to spend the entire dinner seated in front of her fake girlfriend’s mother. It takes a lot of effort not to let her perfectly painted face fall straight onto the table in front of her. Luckily, the Latina girl sits next to her quickly and Brooke fights her instinct to grab her hand under the table, funnily enough, feels like she has to hide the ‘relationship’ even when there’s not really a relationship to hide. Vanessa does not share the sentiments, grabs her rough palm with her own soft fingers and intertwines them loosely on her lap. She thanks the lord she’s ambidextrous.
They’re ten minutes into the dinner Alexis has prepared, the lobster is not a typical Sunday dinner but then again, Vanessa’s family don’t seem particularly focused on being typical. It melts in her mouth and Brooke’s not sure if lobsters are supposed to be this good but this one sure as hell is, and then the questions start. “So,” Alexis puts down her fork and glances between the two of them,” how did you meet?” Brooke’s panic must have been evident to Vanessa who starts softly stroking her thumb up and down Brooke’s hand. “We met at that firefly comp, that one a few months back, three or so? Babe?” comes Vanessa’s response, succinct yet oozing a charisma she must have been honing for years. “Yeah, three,” Brooke shoots back, nerves biting at her throat like when you swallow ice water too fast. The woman on Brookes left starts to chuckle, her laughter bouncing off the deep red walls of the dining room. She sinks her toes into the plush carpet and prays for the end of the meal to come as quickly as possible. Instead of an end though, Brooke gets a small foot hooked around her ankle, cold flesh on warm skin. It grounds her as they fend off questions from every relative Vanessa has (although she’ll later discover that these are only the ones Alexis likes enough to have in her home).
“Why have we not met sooner?”
“What kind of dance do you do again?”
“Are you any good?”
“Remind me when you decided to be a lesbian?”
That one stings Brooke a little. It’s not directed at her but it manages to slide in through the cracks in her armour, find a hole deep in her lungs and bury itself there. Her old scars are not sprouting flowers at this moment, but instead, feel like they’re going to split open and pour out all of her secrets for the world to see. She needs to escape.
She shakily pushes away from the table, mumbling something about a bathroom and, as fast as her legs can take her, runs up the stairs. She doesn’t know where she is, and can barely see two feet in front of her from tears clouding her vision. She’s sure if she checked, her mascara would be rolling down her face like rain but she can’t bear to look at herself right now. She’s ruined the meal, ruined Vanessa’s cover.
Brooke finds a room, one with a plush cushioned chair in the corner and a stack of classic novels balanced precariously on the uneven floor. She decides this is where she will stay, curling into the armchair like it’s one of the ones from home. Picking up the top book, she leafs through it, finding it’s one she’s read before but quickly becoming engrossed in the smell of old books and the Orwell’s words. The tears fall a little slower.
Maybe that’s why she doesn’t hear the hesitant knock on the door or the quiet footsteps across the room. She doesn’t notice a small body perch on the arm of her chair. In fact, Brooke doesn’t even notice the hand on her shoulder until she smells Vanessa’s perfume (sandalwood and pink grapefruit).
“What was that about?” asks Vanessa, quiet and cautious - like she’s afraid Brooke would break if she probed too hard. The taller girl shifts in the armchair, turns her body a little so she’s not quite facing her, but almost. She sighs as she sets the book down. “That question, the one about choosing to be a lesbian,” she closes her eyes a little as her voice falters. “It threw me a little I guess.” The Latina must pick up on the hidden baggage because she doesn’t ask any more questions, simply rubs small circles into Brooke’s left shoulder. “There was a guy, at my old school. Back in Canada. He- he wasn’t the best.” her voice breaks into shakey sobs, breathing ragged and hot onto Vanessa’s hand where she laid her head. It feels heavy, full of fluff and repressed emotions. She doesn’t like how quickly she’s fallen apart but the soothing hums of the other girl seem to be slowly putting her back together.
Once she deems herself a little more stable (or at least a little less likely to spontaneously burst into tears) she raises her head and looks at Vanessa. For the first time, she really looks into the warm chocolate of her eyes and feels overwhelmed by gratitude toward the smaller girl. “I haven’t exactly had the best reactions,” she mutters, low and gravely but still somehow comforting. Brooke smiles weakly, trying to convey all of her emotions into a fragile expression. Instead of continuing the conversation, Vanessa just kisses Brooke on the forehead. It’s like sunshine after a rainstorm, a little glimmer of hope in the shadows. It’s waxy and warm and definitely leaves a mark but Brooke leans into it a little. Both girls are unsure of where they stand with each other, the circumstances are uncharted territory and neither has a map.
“Thank you V,” says Brooke, she really means it. She is grateful to have someone who, even though they barely know her, will follow her and calm her down. “Anytime babe,” replies Vanessa, before leaning in a little. Brooke follows, eyes flicking between warm chocolate and fiery red. She closes the gap. If she was a little more cliché she’d say it felt like fireworks or coming home. She’s not, and instead, it feels like picnics and seaside days out - carousel ponies and hot summers. It is a whirlwind on her lips and she is sure they will tingle for days to come. Vanessa smirks into the kiss like she wanted it to happen all along. She tries to deepen it but the taller girl stands her ground, nibbling on her bottom lip a little before pulling away.
Brooke flushes, something akin to strawberries and summer, before tilting her head a little. “Why do I feel like we’ve done this a little backwards?” she jokes, pushing a strand of hair back behind Vanessa’s ear. She giggles a little, it’s melodic and Brooke might be a little smitten. “I really like you, Vanessa, do you want to go on a date with me?”
She doesn’t get an answer, only a kiss.
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If Only In My Dreams Chapter 2
Chapter 2: Please Come Home for Christmas (I'm Feeling Blue Without You Here)
Chapter Summary: Patton is struggling through a season of loneliness after being the only one of his friends to stay in their hometown after high school graduation. He can’t wait to reconnect with his best friend Virgil, who is coming down to Florida for Christmas break. Except, it grows increasingly apparent that might not be the case anymore.
Pairings: platonic prinixety & platonic moxiety
Word-count: 3106
Warnings: abusive parents, homesickness, misunderstandings, crying, loneliness, hurt/comfort
Inspiration:  this ask right here
AO3 LINK, Chapter 1 , Chapter 3
I can’t believe I forgot to post this on tumblr! Again, this is a part of the winter bang hosted by @sanderssidesbang. Many thanks to them for hosting this and also thank you to the lovely @theeternalspace for beta’ing this for me <3
If you asked Patton Hart whether he preferred either the cold or the heat, his response would be the same if one had asked whether he liked cats or dogs the best.
“Both!” He would cheerfully say, rocking back and forth on his feet before explaining his reasoning, “I like the cold because you get to drink hot chocolate and wear warm sweaters! Back in Minnesota my house was on a hill and my siblings and I sled down the driveway all the time after it snowed.  I also like when it’s hot outside also because you get to go to the beach and play in the water and make sandcastles--oh! And eat popsicles! Cherry’s my favorite popsicle flavor! What’s yours?”
Patton was prone to rambling, jumping from topic to topic and making connections that might seem unrelated to an outside perspective. It was one of the many symptoms stemming from Patton’s ADHD.
Patton was a glass half full kind of a guy, and that was applicable when it came to his thoughts concerning ADHD. He liked to think that hypo-focus was his superpower that allowed him to concentrate and get tasks done. Just like all super powers, however, there was weaknesses that came with it. Such as hypo-focusing on cartoons instead of doing his homework.
Imagining himself as a superhero who needed to defeat the evils of Homework to save the city helped direct his energy in a more productive manner. Sure, maybe it was a bit childish, but he still very much felt like a child at heart. It was wild to think in a few months on his birthday it’d be a year since he had become a legal adult on his eighteenth birthday. Shucks, he had a hard time not referring to other older adults with a Mr. or Mrs. in front of their name. It felt wrong!
But that wasn’t the biggest thing he was struggling with in his new-found adulthood. It was the aftermath of high school, where all his friends scattered to the four winds. They all promised to keep in contact, that they’d remain best friends forever. But Patton knew how it went, having gone through something similar when he and his family moved from Minnesota to Florida when he was twelve.
Everyone promised they’d keep in contact, but sooner or later the text messages and emails would stop coming. Patton knew that there wasn’t anything malicious behind it. People, including himself, got busy with their own lives. It was natural for friends to drift apart with diverged interests and increased distances.
So it wasn’t a big surprise when the fall semester started and communication with his old high school friends drastically dropped. As they started university, they all became busy with school and work and new friends--and well, there wasn’t any room for poor Patton who stayed home and attended community college.
There was nothing inherently wrong with attending community college of course. It was a more affordable way of education, with many of the classes on the same level as both the private and state universities. There was just an unfortunate stigma surrounding it. Patton lost track of how times people asked him why wasn’t he attending a real college or telling him he was missing out on the true college experience.
He was lonely, he hated to admit it, but he was. Virgil once asked him if he ever understood the feeling of being lonely in a sea of people. He hadn’t, at the time. But now, he understood. Patton went from his early morning classes to work at the mall back to home and slept until he started his routine all over the next day. All the while he was surrounded by people, but people are different than friends.
Patton tried making new friends among his work and school, but he wasn’t stupid. He could read the atmosphere enough to know what they thought of him. He was too loud, too flighty, too childish . Sometimes they actually verbally expressed this.
It caused Patton to spiral further into his hyper-fixations as a coping method. But even his favorite shows wasn’t enough compared to actual human interaction.
That was why he was ecstatic when Virgil told him he was going to be in Florida for the break. Out of all his friends, he’d kept in contact with Virgil the most. It made sense--they’d been best friends for years. Sending memes and cute animal videos had become their primary method of communication. The latter was mainly Patton, but Virgil sent the occasional one. He always seemed to know just when Patton needed them, too. Their schedules didn’t mesh well, but they tried to face-time one another whenever they could. If he was being honest, those snippets of contact with Virgil was the only things that kept him sane through a stressful semester and drama at his workplace.
He hadn’t admitted to Virgil that he was lonely. He couldn’t do that, when Virgil was over a thousand miles away from home in an unfamiliar setting. Patton knew how that felt--he’d at least had his family, Virgil had no one. He was completely surrounded by strangers. Patton didn’t feel like it was fair for him to complain when he at least had stayed in the same town of the high school they’d graduated from and there was still familiar faces around.
So he kept it to himself, slipping back into old habits by keeping a smile on and skirting around the topic. Some part of him wanted Virgil to be suspicious, to demand the truth. But he knew it was unfair of him to think that way when he’d deceived Virgil in the first place. No matter how many justifications Patton tried to tack on, at the end of the day it was just that.
Virgil and him planned to spend what felt like practically Virgil’s entire stay together, starting directly after Christmas. Patton was bouncing in excitement at the thought of it. He was finally going to see his best friend again, after going months unable to meet face to face. He was going to be able to actually hug Virgil instead of sending text messages with GIFs as a poor substitute to the real thing.
Except it was December 27th, and there was no hide nor hair of Virgil Raine in the town of Loving, Florida.
He stared at the last text sent to him by Virgil, trying not to sniffle. It was from December 19th, a couple days before Virgil’s flight was scheduled to leave. It wasn’t anything meaningful, really. Just a mundane text about the weather.
🌩️ Virgil 🌩️: I saw some snow flurries on my way home from work today.
Patton sighed, scrolling down a bit through his own replies.
Patton Hart💙: Ooo exciting! Florida still hasn’t gotten the memo that summer is over--it was almost in the eighties today!
Patton Hart💙: [Image Attached: It was a photo of Patton grinning as he held up a potato chip]
Patton Hart💙: I value our friend-chip
Patton Hart💙: Hey Virge, I heard about the nasty winter storms up north--did your flight get canceled? I hope you’re somewhere safe! <3
Patton Hart💙: Merry Christmas! 🎅🎄🎁
Patton Hart 💙:  ...Virgil are you okay? Are we still on for Mel’s today?
There was a half page more of his own messages, but still none from Virgil himself. It was normal for communication to go silent for a few days due to the busyness of life. But he started having an uneasy feeling when Virgil didn’t respond after the first few messages he sent. That feeling only worsened when he tried calling Virgil yesterday and it went right to voicemail.
Patton always tried seeing the positives in life. Virgil was rather the opposite. He often saw only the negativities in life. Their friendship was one of an immovable object meets an unstoppable force. No one expected the social butterfly to make friends with the antisocial emo. Especially the latter. But Patton never let others’ expectations dictate how he acted, or rather who he was.
Patton was just Patton--he didn’t try to be what others wanted him to be. He felt it was unfair to both others and himself if he tried pretending to be something he wasn’t. So when the kids at his lunch table started snickering about the “creep all alone in the corner,” Patton didn’t join in. He stood up with his lunch tray and marched over there. The creep in question was a seventh grader just like Patton. He didn’t look scary like the others said. If anything, he looked scared with the way his shoulders were hunched in and he avoided eye contact. His figure was swallowed up by a hoodie two sizes too large for him.
“Hi!” Patton grinned, “My name’s Patton, mind if I join you?”
The other only grunted, avoiding direct eye contact with Patton.
It wasn’t a no, so Patton sat down and began talking. The other preteen only made the occasional grunt to let him know he was listening to Patton. It was like that for the whole week. Patton would ask to sit with him, and hold one-way conversations--never pushing for the other to talk.
Patton never minded. He talked enough for two whole people, after all. He sat with the kid to keep him company, to let him know he wasn’t alone.
On Friday of that week, the bell rang signaling the end of lunchtime and Patton stood up from the table.
“Well, see you later, kiddo!” Patton said. He walked a few paces when he heard the kid murmur something. He stopped abruptly, turning around to face the other kid.
“What’d you say?” He asked, unable to contain his excitement.
“M-my name. It’s Virgil.” The kid in the hoodie stammered, taking Patton’s excitement to mean something else.
Patton’s eyes widened. He hadn’t known his name until this moment. He tried asking him once, but let it drop after it clearly made him uncomfortable.
He’d referred to the other as just “kiddo”. It was a strange habit leftover from his toddler years when he was still learning how to speak. His father had so often used the word in reference to Patton and his siblings, that baby Patton had started calling everyone young and old kiddo.
This continued in elementary school where he’d often play the Dad when the girls his age played House. He liked pretending to be a Dad, because it meant he got impersonate his father--who was a hero in his eyes. He wasn’t fond of the more violent make-believe games that the other little boys liked to play. The girls were much nicer and considerate, even when they played games like Warriors Cats.
Sometimes, other kids had made fun of Patton calling others “kiddo.” Patton tried his best to ignore their taunts.
He had tried imagining what the boy in the hoodie’s real name was in the span of the few short days they’d known each other. Virgil wasn’t one of the names he’d guessed, it was different...but he liked different. It fit the boy in the ways Patton’s imagined names hadn’t.
“Virgil. I like it.” Patton grinned, “see you later, Virgil.”
They’d continued hanging out during lunch, and eventually outside of lunch and even school. Their friendship stayed strong into high school. Patton was there for Virgil during what happened in high school the same way Virgil was there for Patton during his break-up senior year. The two had been together through thick and thin.
Only...things were different since the two had separated. Patton knew it would happen, but it didn’t change how much it hurt. He spent almost six years as Virgil’s best friend, seeing him on a daily basis. He hadn’t seen Virgil since before he left in late July for school.
If there was one thing the two had in common, it was that they both didn’t like change.
Virgil told him things were fine over there. But what if he was lying just as much as Patton was? What if things weren’t fine?
Patton generally kept his chin up even in the most difficult circumstances. But he couldn’t help but feel dread and concern about what had happened to Virgil. He wasn’t responding to any of Patton’s texts or calls.
His mind kept going back to the terrible winter storm and wondered if it held any implications about Virgil’s whereabouts. Patton grew up in Minnesota. He knew how dangerous storms could be. This was Virgil’s first winter in a northern state--what if he was caught unaware by the storm and something bad happened?
It might not be that , a small voice in the back of his head said, he might’ve broke his phone or something.
But if he broke his phone, he would’ve tried contacting you some other way . Another voice argued.
He’d at last gathered enough courage to call Virgil’s mom and ask about him.
Patton tapped his fingers nervously against his desk while the phone dialed.
“Hi Mrs. Raine!” Patton said, mustering as much warmth into his voice as possible, “It’s Patton here. I was wondering if Virgil’s home? We were planning to get together over the break but he hasn’t been responding to any--”
“I’m sorry,” Virgil’s mother briskly interrupted, “but Virgil isn’t here. He’s still up in Massachusetts.”
“W--what?” Patton asked. It shouldn’t have been such a surprise. So why did it feel like he was getting slapped in the face with a fish? Not a dead fish, mind you, but a wiggling very much alive fish that didn’t want to collide with your face anymore than you did.
“I said, he’s still in Massachusetts, honey.” She repeated her words, Southern gush in full force.
Patton liked the friendliness of Florida, but he wasn’t a fan of the “Bless your heart” Southerners that inhabited parts of Florida. He hated when people pretended to be nice when they were really being passive-aggressive. Patton preferred out-right honesty above all.
He’d never gotten good vibes off of either of Virgil’s parents. Even though they always acted like the model parents to Virgil in front of Patton. Virgil had a hard time sharing things even after Patton gained his trust. But the things he did share, made Patton question if they were truly good people or not.
“Can I ask why he’s still in Massachusetts? Did something bad happen?” Patton asked, once he regained his voice.
“Oh heavens no!” She laughed, “His flight was canceled by bad weather and all the next available flights were booked up. Virgil and us agreed it’d better if he just stayed there and saved his money--with last minute flights being expensive and all.”
That...didn’t sound right to Patton. Who didn’t want to see their child for the holidays--even if they happened to miss Christmas? The holidays was a time of fellowship with friends and family. Wouldn’t anyone move heaven and earth so that their child could be with them? It wasn’t like Virgil’s family was hurting for money, either. They had more than enough money to fund Virgil’s college education as well as go on a few cruise trips a year.
Later on, he’d wished he would have given her a piece of his mind. But in the moment he’d been too shocked to say anything of the sort.
“Oh, I see. I guess I was just really worried since he hasn’t responded to any of my texts in like a week. Do you know if he broke his phone or something?” Patton laughed awkwardly. Virgil’s mother didn’t join in.
“No, I don’t think so. I bet he’s been hanging out with his friends all week that he’s been too busy to respond to your text.”
Patton’s breath hitched. That could be a possibility, couldn’t it? It wasn’t like Virgil wasn’t allowed to have friends other than Patton. But would he really do that to Patton? Ignore him completely to go hang out with his new friends? That wasn’t like Virgil at all.
People changed a lot in five months. But they didn’t change that much, did they?
Admittedly those words had been uttered by Virgil’s mother, out of all people. Who knew if that was the truth. But whether knowingly or unknowingly, those words had pierced his heart. Patton was too emotional to think logically about it.
Quickly he thanked Virgil’s mother before ending the call. Which what led him to now, staring at his and Virgil’s text conversation. Tears blurred his vision. Should he send another text? He didn’t want Virgil to be annoyed by him being too clingy. He didn’t want to lose what little remained of their friendship.
Yet at the same time, he couldn’t handle the fading friendships where both pretended everything was fine, that their friendship wasn’t dying. He’d done enough of those during this year. He couldn’t do it with Virgil, his bestest friend.
Patton Hart 💙: Hey kiddo...are we still friends?
Patton Hart 💙: It’s okay if we aren’t!! I know how you are, Virge, you don’t have to feel obligated to remain friends. Seasons come and go, y’know? Not everything lasts...and that’s okay. I still cherish every memory we spent together. But if you want me to stop meownoying you with texts, I’ll understand.
Except, despite those words he sent to Virgil, he was a huge freaking hypocrite. He sat there, flitting with the pop socket on his phone, sobbing. Loud, ugly sobs. He was thankful he was alone in his family’s house so he could suffer in solitude.
He didn’t want to lose Virgil even more than he hadn’t wanted to lose any of his other friends. Virgil was his best friend, after all. They’d done everything together. Patton knew sooner or later he’d be able to make new friends. This season of loneliness wouldn’t last forever. But knowing something didn’t mean his feelings ceased from existence.
People always placed romance having more importance over friendships. But Patton, having gone through a breakup, couldn’t understand that view. Relationships and friendships were equated in his mind. Friends were important. Often the best romantic relationships start off as friendships. He’d prefer friends, even if it meant never loving in that way again.
Once he finished crying for the most part, he went downstairs, clutching a blanket over his shoulders. It dragged behind him on the floor, a sad excuse for a cape.
He opened the refrigerator, reaching for the ice cream, when his phone went off. He fished it out of his pocket, hands trembling. It was a skype call. From Virgil.
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doodly-doods · 6 years
Valentine’s Day PT I
Ketchup dipped water sausages.
That’s what Frisk came up with for Valentine’s day. She crossed her arms glaring down at her concoction slumped on the cutting board. There was no cute way to package it. It felt like a prank from Sans, himself. Too bad she couldn’t blame her lack of creativity on him.
She released a deep sigh, unaware she was holding. Frisk picked up a small white, draw-string baggy she purchased from a hobby shop and looked it over. She brushed her finger over the suede red heart she stitched on the center. Frisk smiled softly. Despite how silly her gift felt, it was important he receive it.
Somehow, Frisk needed to keep the sloshy ketchup juices in the bag, and make sure the cut up wieners didn’t become soggy — he’d actually want it doused, soaking in ketchup.
Under the shade of the darkened living room, Chara watched his twin from afar. He tilted his head curiously, and briefly glanced his phone’s lock screen. Ah, that’s right. A perk to his lips, he sauntered into the kitchen and belted out, “Greetings!” startling his younger-by-five-minutes sibling. In her fright, she tossed the bag filled with the savories into the air with a squeak.
“Chara!” Frisk swiped at her brother who dodged her slap easily. “Don’t make me get the frying pan!”
Chara hunched forward in a mock-cower, “Not the paaaaaan~!” He straightened looking up at the ketchup stained ceiling. “If you’re gonna grab a pan, get a sauce one. I like my chocolate freshly melted, thanks lil’ sis.”
Frisk growled and caught his stare upwards. She jumped. “Look what you did! It’s ruined!”
“Silly Frisk. I wasn’t the one pitching food at the ceiling. Which,” his eyes narrowed with disdain, “I might add, food that should’ve been pitched into the trash. What were you thinking, Frisk? Trying a new diet?”
Frisk puffed out her cheeks, “dummy! It’s not for me! It’s not…something I’D eat… either way it’s not going in anyone’s stomach from up there!”
“Pfft. Perhaps a Muffet would, but I think they have working tastebuds.” Chara scoffed, bored of teasing his sister looking at the cutting board. In their argument, he failed to notice, the small, now stained, drawstring bag discarded by the sink in its descent.
“Who’s the lucky guy?”
“Monster kid.” Frisk cursed inwardly realizing how quickly she answered. Chara’s eyes narrowed. “That runt likes,” he paused to sniff the air, “hot dogs that much to receive it as a gift for Valentine’s day?” He watched her smugly as she snatched up her bag from the countertop, rinsing residual condiment stains from the fabric.
“He might.” Frisk flushed at her pathetic reply. Did her brother know about her now-obvious crush on Sans? “Shouldn’t you be emptying grocery bags in hopes to fill it with chocolates from your fan club?”
Chara scoffed, “the only thing I hope is for my darling baby sister to make me some chocolate pie from that recipe Miss Toriel taught her a month ago.” He reached over and pinched Frisk’s cheek. “I don’t see any cake boxes lounging around, so where are they hiding?”
She swatted his hand away, successfully slapping his hand to his surprise. She frowned at him and haughtily shrugged her shoulders, “there aren’t any! Go away, Chara, I’m busy.” She turned around, facing her cutting board collecting the tarnished slices of water sausage. She went to her pot that had been filled with extra, uncut wieners and scooped them up with her ladle she left beside it – for times like these where she messed up.
At his sister’s dismissal, Chara faced away from Frisk. He made his way to the living room, casting a last glance over his shoulder. His eyelids lowered, seconds ticking by.
“I’ll give yours tomorrow, after history class.”
Chara snorted. Forever forgiving, she was.
Frisk barely kept her eyes open. She stayed up most of the previous night, packaging Chara’s chocolate pie, a cute little tail-sock for Monster Kid, Papyrus’s spaghetti scarf (which she might add was a challenge! She never crocheted in her life!), and of course, Sans’s Valentine. She sat in her first class ticking off her tasks of the night before with a sense of relief. All four of those guys were very precious to her – one of whom had a gaze that bored onto her from the seat beside her.
“dogged night?”
Her ears perked, unsure if she heard right. Glancing towards her skeletal classmate, her face etched in confusion.
“sorry, i meant ruff night?”
Her eyes lit up in understanding, though her tiredness delayed her reaction further. She bit her lip to prevent a snort from escaping. She nodded, hyper-aware of how, in-the middle-of-class they were, conversing. Frisk’s heart raced. The entire morning she made sure not to see Sans around campus until she was ready. Frisk shooed Chara off to school, so she could change her routine. She luckily made it to class with four minutes to spare, with even Sans’s absence appearing to be a blessing.
She also griped at the idea that he had stayed home from school. Various thoughts bounced in her head. It weighed heavily due to her lack of sleep, and anxiety of finally giving her gift to Sans.
Frisk didn’t realize Sans came to class today until he started speaking. As if he teleported at the very last minute.
Breaking out of her reflection, Frisk nodded to Sans, idly flipping the page in her textbook to appear she was listening to the teacher. After confirming her teacher turned her back to the class she whispered, “yeah. Math is not my strongest suit. So it took me all night to figure out this one, little equation.”
Sans eyelights dimmed from its usual intensity, or so Frisk may have imagined. “could’ve called me. would’ve helped ya find the square-root of your problems.” He shot her a wink, before facing front as soon as the teacher returned her attention to the class.
They both played diligent students until once again, their teacher returned to the chalkboard and scrawled a sentence.
“I can’t do that Sans. I gotta figure it out for myself sooner or later. I don’t think the nation needs a codependent ambassador.”
Sans chuckled softly, “determined to save the world on your own, but not enough to give your ol’ pal a call when ya need a lil’ help?”
Frisk grinned, “who says you have to wait for me to call when you need a lil’ somethin’?”
She watched his entire body jolt and if she focused hard enough, powder blue bloomed on his cheekbones.
Frisk blinked her sleep-dried eyes; no sign of color but white on his face.
Just her imagination.
After class, Frisk and Sans made a beeline for her next subject. Both blessing and curse, she and Sans did not share this period together. She could definitely use this time to regroup and strategize.
“Ah, smiley-trashbag. So nice of you to drop my sister off. You are free to return to the school dumpster, now.”
Unfortunately, she shared history and literature with Chara.
Sans sniffed, “sure thing. just as soon as you climb back into your hole.”
Chara chortled, “feeble comeback for a comedian. What even kind of hole?”
“jerry’s ass–”
“Sans, Chara, that will be enough.” Heat radiated from the history classroom’s doorway. “Hello, Frisk, dear.” As soon as the goat monstress’s eyes set on the young human teen, the swelter magically dissipated.
Miss Toriel.
“Good morning, Miss Toriel. Ah, I’ll see you later, Sans.” Frisk darted into the class, but not before thrusting a thumb behind her, “come on, Chara.” Toriel followed after her, but not before shooting a warning glare at the boys in her doorway.
Without turning his head, Chara plastered an empty smile and trained his eyes on the skeleton before him. “Be there in a sec, sis.” His eyelids lowered; his blinks were measured. “I just want to give you a tip: whatever you’ll plan to give to Frisk for White Day will quickly end up in the garbage where it rightfully belongs. That is all.” Chara swiveled and barely took a step forward before catching Sans’s baffled expression.
“whaddya mean? white day gift? isn’t she supposed to give me something to be repaid? are the rules different now?”
Chara’s face blanked. He stared off but before inwardly smirking. “What’s this? Did she not give you anything for today? Oh, pity. I apologize. I figured if she had given something to your manchild brother and even Monster Kid, she would’ve given you a sock or a twig. My mistake. She made me a lovely mini-chocolate pie. It was exquisite.” Without saying anything further, Chara slid the classroom door closed in San’s face. Leaving Sans to recollect on the implications of Frisk’s gifts – or lack thereof.
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Flickering Insanity - AfterDeath - Chapter Two, An Eventful Morning. Maybe.
Geno, a skeleton monster, is a klutz. He's gotten into so many situations where he's almost died, and is only in his thirties. But, Geno also knows something about why he's still alive. He's figured out that he can't die, but still has no clue why. On the other hand, there's Death, who is another skeleton monster, but is completely different. He's an insane(But not overly insane, mainly just very unpredictable and strange) murderer. The two meet in a very nerve-wracking way one day, and things just go on from there. Get ready for a wild, unpredictable ride.
My Wattpad- uwu
Please read Flickering Insanity on Wattpad if you want to be able to access the next chapters faster!
Death awoke, the events of the day before replaying in his mind, before his gaze drifted to the adorable sight of Geno sleeping next to him. Death chuckled, licking the smaller's face.
"Wakey wakey~" Death purred into Geno's ear, licking his face again.
Geno groaned, wiping his eyes. "I-It's morning already...?"
"We went to sleep at two, Gen. It's probably past lunchtime by now."
Geno suddenly sat up. "No. Fucking. Way. You're kidding. Right..?"
Death glanced at the clock that was on the bedroom wall. "Apparently...it's about eleven, pfft, I was way off."
Geno breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank god...there's still time for breakfast..."
"Geno, we have all the time in the world. We can do practically anything we want. Getting breakfast is something most monsters do every day. You don't need to worry about that. And anyway, there's always brunch." Death laughed quietly.
"W-Woah...can we have breakfast like, all the time!?" Geno sounded like a hyper child.
"No. Well...maybe. If it makes you happy or whatever...but, I mean...you might get sick of it."
Geno gasped, sounding offended. "I'll never get sick of breakfast! Who the fuck do you think I am, you ass-"
"Shut it. Shut your mouth before I shut it for you."
"Well fuck you too- mmph-!"
Death had kissed Geno deeply, slipping his tongue into his mouth. Geno's eye widened, his face lit up in a deep, strawberry red blush. Death's tongue pressed against Geno's, and Geno's only seemed to twitch. Death forced his tongue in deeper, choking Geno slightly. Geno made soft noises, a slight glow forming in his pants. Death broke the kiss, smirking a little.
"Hmm~? What's this?~" Death placed a hand on Geno's crotch, and squeezed his obvious boner through his pants.
"A-Ah~! N-No-" Geno protested, and managed to pull away from Death before he could continue.
"Hehe~ you're so cute...~" Death purred, and quickly gave Geno a kiss on the cheek. He then stood up, and began walking downstairs.
Geno just watched him leave, his face still red as ever. He wasn't kidding when he said that his ways of showing affection were somewhat sexual. Geno shivered, biting his lip. Damn, he's hot...how can he be so ho t ? ? Geno wondered, flustered.
Death was preparing breakfast at this point, though he couldn't help but wonder how Geno was doing. He shook his head slowly, and continued frying up the bacon that was in the pan on the stove, beginning to hum a little tune to himself as he did so. Once the bacon was finished cooking, he slid it onto the plates beside the stove, evening the portions out. He continued to hum. His humming had eventually become louder, but before he could finish the song, Geno came running down the stairs, his footsteps thumping against the carpeted floor.
"DeeAAAATHHHHH!" Geno yelled, running toward the skeleton in the black hoodie.
Death turned around, one eyebrow raised. He gasped as an excited Geno leapt into his arms, who was giggling mischievously.
"Is breakfast ready yettt?" Geno seemed far too excitable for someone who was horny just a few minutes before. Then again, maybe not.
"Yeah yeah, only just. I'm guessing you could smell it?" Death's brow was still raised.
"Yep." Geno laughed a little, calming down. "Sorry for jumping at you like that." He got out of Death's arms, sticking his tongue out a bit.
"Uh, it's fine." Death went back to dishing out the food.
A little while later, the two had sat at the table with their food. They were struggling to make conversation, though. Or, at least, Geno was. Although he loved breakfast as much as he did, and Death's cooking was surprisingly very good, he wanted to talk to Death instead of focusing on eating breakfast like he usually did.
Death seemed to notice the look of struggle on Geno's face, and spoke up. "So. You wanna go out somewhere today? I mean, we have forever."
"Oh! Yeah, okay." Geno smiled.
"Alrighty. Well, how does going out for some ice cream sound?" Death asked, smiling a little.
"Ice cream? Death, it's still cold."
"So? Ice cream's good. What's your favourite flavour?"
"Hmm...I'd have to say Scottish tablet is mine. What's yours?"
"Huh...well, I like mint choc chip, the combination of the mint, the coldness of the ice cream, and the chocolate is amazing." Death smiled more.
"Wow, really? I've never actually had that flavour before."
"Uhh, yeah. I don't have ice cream much, okay?" Geno laughed nervously.
"Oh my god. You have to try it."
Geno laughed again. "Okay, okay, I will. But, before we go out, what'll we do? I mean...I don't think any ice cream places will be open at this time, but I don't know."
"Well, before that...how about I show you some love?~" Death purred, smirking.
"Wh-what? No. N-Nooooooo."
Death stood up, and cleaned up the table. He then went over to Geno, and pulled his scarf down, before kissing his neck. Geno flinched, not sure about this. He whimpered softly, but Death only began to nip at Geno's neck.
"D-Death, please...not now."
"I do what I want, when I want. Okay?" Death licked and sucked on Geno's neck, before his tongue suddenly extended out, revealing that it was much longer than it had seemed at first. Geno jumped at this, yelping.
"Wh-what the hell!?" Geno shouted, confused as anything.
"Shh, this is the real length of my tongue, don't worry about it." Death spoke, before wrapping his tongue around Geno's neck. Geno flinched, and moaned softly.
"D-Death! Stop...~"
"Fine, fine." Death pulled away, his tongue going back to the way it was before. He pet Geno, smiling.
Geno shivered, blushing. He then stood up. "I need new clothes for today, do you have any that I can borrow?"
"Oh, yeah, I think so. I'll go check."
With that, Death left to go look for clothes that Geno could wear. He searched his wardrobe, taking out a cute, black and white, lengthy hoodie, with cat ears on the hood, and a tail on the back, right where it was supposed to be. Death smiled, giggling to himself. He then took out some short, black shorts, and thigh-high socks, which were a sort of mauve colour.
He went back downstairs, giggling. "Hey Gen, take a look at what I found!~"
Geno took one look at the clothes, and shook his head. "Can you wear those?"
"Oh! Okay. Well, they are really cute..." Death purred, before going back upstairs, finding clothes for Geno, then getting changed into the ones he had for himself.
Meanwhile, Geno waited for him downstairs. Eventually, Death came back down, with clothes in his hands for Geno, looking adorable.
"Do I look okay? It's been a little while since I last wore these."
"...Oh my god. You look fucking adorable. What the hell-"
"Th-thanks, Gen!" Death blushed, looking away.
"I'm just being honest. Anyway, I need to get changeeedddd." Geno took the clothes from Death, went upstairs, and got changed in Death's room, though, he almost tripped over multiple times. Once he was ready, he ran back downstairs, and took Death's hand.
"Come on! We need to go do shit." Geno giggled.
"Yeah! Let's go, Gen."
And so, the two left the house together.
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