#i made splinter and yoshi into separate characters
theelvishscribbler · 11 months
Op please tell us more backstory surrounding your tmnt and sonic crossover splinter and shredder being friends where the boys come from this all seems really cool you took two of my favorite things and smashed then together into a cooler looking thing!!!
Hello! There are so many ways to do crossovers between Sonic and TMNT, they just work so well together. I really would love to see other interpretations,,, and aaaaa i have been thinking about this silly little au so much, thank you for the opportunity to talk about it!!!
The world/setting is based off the sonic adventure games. Both Humans and Mobians exist, although the mobians are a lot fewer in number thanks to a conflict in the past.
Hamato Yoshi and Oroku Saki grew up as childhood friends (close as brothers), but they grew apart and lost contact after high school.
Yoshi graduated college with a degree in mechanical engineering and, after many years, became well known for his work. One year out of the blue, he was contacted by his old friend. Oroku Saki had grown a very successful business and wanted to hire Yoshi to fix a persistent problem one of his labs has been running into.
In said lab, Yoshi stumbled upon something he wasn't supposed to. Baby turtle mobians connected to some mysterious ooze contraption.
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He, of course, instantly adopted them all in his heart and broke them out of the facility. The authorities and Mysterious Figures hunted him for weeks, the chase ending in his plane being shot down somewhere over the ocean.
He woke to find the turtles and himself stranded on a mythic moving island in the care of the old rat mobian who protects it.
This is a very tiny bit of the notes and ideas I have written down XD, I got a bit carried away with writing the backstory for the tmnt bits.
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scatterbrainedbot · 6 months
Rat Sons AU: Character Introductions
Hamato Tang Shen
(aka the love of my life)
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more ramblings & doodles:
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(so do yall remember how in the 03 series Tang Shen was kinda just like a passing thought with no like actual characterization besides 'is pretty' and 'dies'?? and that both the boys she grew up with fell in love with her despite being raised as siblings?
yeah we're ditching that)
meet Hamato Tang Shen, official adopted daughter of Hamato Sho (and notably his only child.) Shes an absolute mountain of a woman, buff as all get out, stubborn and quick with a comeback, and a fully trained master of ninjutsu and the mystic arts.
Despite the death of her biological father when she was five, Tang Shen's childhood was largely a happy one. Hamato Sho, being a friend of her fathers, brought her to his ancestral home in the mountains after the tragedy. Sho did his best to nurture and encourage her, in all the ways he felt his own childhood lacked— with kindness and humor, free of any burdens of destiny or namesakes.
Of course, being raised by a the snarkiest old man alive who also had a major problem with authority, Tang Shen was perhaps a bit too bullheaded a child for most of her peers growing up. She didnt mind much — the Hamato farm was home to so many loud and opinionated critters, she rarely felt lonely at all. She loved spending time with the animals, and spoke to them constantly. Especially Yoshi, the family's pet Spurred African Tortoise, who they nicknamed "Splinter" after Tang Shen made a friend at school with the same name and the confusion of it all got old. She also took to calling the tortoise Jiji, as he was even more an ancient old man than her father.
By the time Tang Shen was approaching twenty, she had settled quite happily into the life she had on the farm, content with the company of her father, their animals, and, on more days than not, Yoshi, her cute best friend (/boyfriend??).
Unfortunately, no matter how hard they tried, the Hamato family never could escape destiny for very long.
lol this is way too much for a character that is mostly ever gonna be seen in sporadic flashbacks but yall i love her sm u dont understand
did u notice its all past tense :(
[rat sons masterpost] [more Hamato family lore]
(easier to read/separated contents below the cut! (super long))
Page 1:
Pronouns: she/her
color motif: forrest green
Born in China, moved to Japan ~age 5, moved to New York State ~age 28
Daughter of a badass mystic warrior (a Guardian?) who was a close friend of Sho
Taken in by Sho after her bio father was killed in some major important mystic conflict (Sho later formally adopted her)
She grew up on the Hamato's familial land on the outskirts of a small mountain village (Gifu Prefecture??) which Sho was partially using as a small dysfunctional farm, and partially letting become overrun by nature
This overrun area became a sort of training grounds for a young Tang Shen, where Sho taught her first basic self defense, then later all forms of ninjutsu and even the mystic arts.
When she was young, she enjoyed helping Sho raise their assortment of animals: chickens (her favorites), two pigs (Sho's favorites), an old steer, a horrible peacock (Sho's sworn enemy), and, of course, the Hamato's ancient pet African Spurred Tortoise, Yoshi
As a child, she befriended a boy, also named Yoshi, whom she immediately teased for having the same name as her family pet. They became inseparable.
She was rather ostracized by other children her age growing up, both because she was a foreigner, and because she was considered too outspoken/opinionated and known to stir up trouble when she felt something wasn't fair
Other young girls, in particular, would also bully her for her appearance, since she was taller, more muscular and broad-shouldered than most of her peers. (Sho never wanted to throw hands with eleven year olds before, but here we are)
Later on, she and Yoshi (the human, that is) fell in love
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Page 2:
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When she was small, Tang Shen loved learning to care for all the different types of animals living on the farm— even ones that weren't necessarily meant to be there, like the occasional rat, trying to establish a nest in a quiet corner of the barn.
Sho would help her catch any such critters she found, and they'd journey together into the woods or up the mountain to find a good place to release them, since they couldn't be allowed to stay on the farm.
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(It was during one of these journeys that a newly-fathered Sho finally began to find his footing and connect to the young girl he took in. He had brought along some extra feed and an unneeded towel to give the rat a decent chance at settling in wherever they brought it to (and hopefully prevent it from finding its way back to the farm). But Tang Shen, five years old and only abstractly aware of why her life had recently changed so much, insisted there was a lot more the rat would need. She spoke of how lost and frightened it must be, having been just scooped up and taken to some place new so suddenly. Sho listened.)
Tang Shen developed a love of rats in part because of these little adventures she shared with her adoptive father.
As an adult, Tang Shen (having discussed it previously lol) was gifted a pet fancy rat by Yoshi.
She named the rat Miko and carried her everywhere.
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aristoltekitsune · 10 months
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Sketches of characters from various tmnt and rottmnt aus with various types of flowers. I will try to outline and color them later.
After sketching some of the tmnt idw characters I decided to do some practice sketches of flowers, this then lead me to sketch some of my favorite characters from various aus from rottmnt and tmnt in general. I also created a original character in the process.
The first sketch is @coffinpal / @0ddbugs tang shen who is responsible of taking care of the turtles do to the death of yoshi. For the flowers I reference one of her comics, where she was overwhelmed after the fact that couldn’t find her yoshi.
The second sketch is @darth-sonny Kirby. In Prime Leo, they are Leo’s child, they are very shy and is good kid that is going through a lot as of late .I also sketched an character that made up on the spot, his name is hiroshi who is a sibling to Kirby, which and isn’t official canon in the au and a character that I may use later down the line in a separate au from prime leo . For the flowers I referenced the Floriography book from Jessica Roux, which is a bouquet for new beginnings which includes: Lilacs, baby’s breath, wheat, daisies and crocus.
The third sketch is @somerandomdudelmao Donatello. In cass apocalyptic series, it explores the timeline of events where Casey endure the losses and pain of his New York 2044. In the au Donnie plays one of the major roles of keeping the resistance tech afloat while dealing with the physical ramifications. The flower that I used for that sketch is the heathers.
The fourth sketch is @daedelweiss Leonardo. In Life mission, Leo is the only child that splinter was able to save and he makes it his mission to save and reunite with his brothers. The flowers that were used are cosmos.
The fifth and last sketch is @68spidey Raphael. I’m not to sure what the full story of it but I believe it is a mixture of the timeline of the tmnt 2012 series and the original movies. The flower that I used are chrysanthemums.
Anyway I’m apologize on for having some of the summaries being this long, but I hope that you will check out some of the aus and other content that these creators make. I will probably make a poll later for which one of the sketches I might color and outline separately.
But all in all I hope that everyone is doing great and I to everyone to have a good day.
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postgameroutesix · 1 year
oh yeah i started watching tmnt 2003 also so im watching that + the 1987 show side by side BUT thoughts so far on the two from a guy who knew essentially nothing going in:
already the 2003 ver of splinter sorta feels like a wiser approach to the character just in that it avoids that underlying racism unintentional it may be with him being a japanese man turned into a rat. instead being same as the turtles in originally just being a normal rat. from context clues im guessing hamato yoshi will be weaved into the story later as a separate character so hes not entirely omitted just reworked
though beyond the unfortunate implications associated w aspects of his character concept i do rlly enjoy splinter as a character + think his relationship with the turtles and april in 1987 is very sweet like man hes really just their dad….in 2003 how he saw these lost baby turtles + just thought Well i guess im a father now despite being completely different species is so 😭😭 the little nest he made for them….
i LOVE!!! the turtles theyre actually SO skrunkly theyre my best friends…..i love them all theyre very special to me. particularly 87 raphael and 2003 mikey have immediately latched onto my brain the absolute silly of these critters everything they say is like cocomelon shit to me. i love them SO VERY!!! dearly <33
i love aprils attitude of fuck around + find out i think shes a very fun character. ive seen ppl refer to her 1987 iteration as being a “damsel in distress” but i dont really agree with that at all lol bc she doesnt just get kidnapped she actively gets herself into shit for a news story…its the same issue i hold with people referring to daphne as such tbh. also wrt her 87 character i love how similar to 2003 splinter she meets the turtles and is freaked out for like a few seconds b4 just being like Well i guess im a big sister now
the difference in style + tone b/w the two shows is immediately evident lol like for example 87 is largely episodic bar the first five episodes really where instantly 2003 is set up as having an overarching plot. and just by the artstyle its clear 2003 will intend to have a more serious plot at that compared to the more overall lighthearted yet earnest 87
i havent met casey jones in 87 but wrt 2003 help ….whats wrong w this guy i need to see more of him NEOW! i really liked his introductory episode his dynamic w raph is sweet i like how raph sees himself in casey + thus wants to help him. all about balance….
donatello CARRIES rhe team in both these versions my goodness. he deserves the world hes so funny
2003 raphs brooklyn accent kills me every time he speaks. thank u
speaking 👆 of 2003 raph i really love his + mikeys relationship so far especially. really enjoy dynamics where one of the characters annoys the shit outta the other one frequently intentionally and while the other gets angry over this its clear that its rarely serious + they care abt each other very deeply. interesting foil situation being set up too i think maybe? mikey seems to have this natural talent but little desire to train where raph is the opposite going simply by their sparring scene in ep4. love how they reunite after that scene too the absolute sillies:
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i think its interesting already the differing takes on the characters which manifests a lot in how i think their ages are portrayed? like obviously theyre all the same age but theres still the Vibe of an age order that appears mutually agreed upon by the characters. in both versions leonardo is unequivocally the eldest + the leader ofc. but then in 87 for me i get the vibe that michelangelo is the second oldest, followed by donatello, followed by raphael (which is funny i think. 87 raphael is just a little hater) whereas in 2003 it goes leo -> raph -> donatello -> mikey and that then seems to become the constant for the rest of the franchise (bar rise of the tmnt i think? where raph + leo swap). theres just interesting dynamics to be had there in how due to this higher emphasis placed on an age order for example 2003 raph seems to be portrayed as more protective + authoritative compared to 87 raph who is more laidback and just a little hater as opposed to having genuine anger issues
i have run out of things to say. UHM anyway overall im really enjoying it!!! i love the turtles a lot. little guys who r beginning to live in my brain…..
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hopeaterart · 1 year
Okay, I love all your tmnt AUs despite having no idea the differences between them. But seriously what’s the main story???
First of all, thank you!!!
After that, I only really have one AU: From the Hidden City, which is more of an iteration than an alternate universe.
The basic plot is that the Turtles were raised on the road by Splinter's brother (Saki) instead of in the sewers by Splinter. Once they're fourteen, Saki suddenly drives all the way to New York, tells them they have to separate, and then gives them cryptic information on how to find a hidden city in the sewers and then their uncle Yoshi in said Hidden City, then disappears. They find their uncle, now a rat man called Splinter, and start training to be ninjas under him.
The plot of the first season starts out as pretty episodic, focused on the turtles getting accustomed to life in the Hidden City, living in Splinter's clinic, and training with him. There's also a vague plot of them trying to find their dad in New York, and encountering other mutants along the way. The second half of that season sees the introduction of April and Casey, who then get them mixed up in a plan to stop the Purple Dragon gang, led by Hun. They stop him, get him arrested, and then Karai shows up in the last five minutes to shoot him in the face.
Second season follows the episodic nature, with now a new objective: make a retromutagen. Mostly focus on Donnie, as we see him build Metalhead and start beef with Baxter Stockman on Twitter. They also bond more with April and Casey. Then, haldway through, Splinter informs the turtles that they're broke, and they react to those hy entering the Battle Nexus tournament. We meet a lot of important characters, including Big Mama, both Raph's and Leo's love interests, Zia, and the Shredder. Shredder beats the shit out of Leo, Mikey wins the tournament, and the myth arc starts kicking into gear.
Third season is basically the Turtles starting to contend with the Foot Clan and how they improve over them. Leo has a depression arc. The first actual arc is about them finding out their origins, which includes Draxum's introduction and Zia joining the main cast. The mutants get un-mutated, there's two arcs in the middle that properly introduces the Animal 5 (this verse's Mighty Mutanimals, her composed of Slash, Leatherhead, Mona Lisa, Mondo Gecko and Jennika), Rat King, Renet (joins the Hamato clan here), and Bishop, we properly meet Karai and see the more human side of the Foot Clan through her. Baxter Stockman continues being a problem and gets recruited by the Foot Clan. Raph gets a girlfriend. Last episodes drops a massive bombshell: the Shredder is actually a possessed Saki.
Fourth season is about saving Saki. Raph is temporarily made leader for the first third while Leo recovers from said depression arc. We meet Ronin, which is a future version of Mikey from a disastrously apocalyptic future. Baxter Stockman stops being a problem after he gets mutated for joining the Foot Clan. Bishop continues being a problem. We meet Krang through Karai's eyes, and he's essentially the "god" of the Foot Clan. Leo gets a boyfriend. Donnie, April and Casey all start dating each other. The season ends with Karai defecting from the Foot due to a crisis of conscience and helps the Turtles with exorcising their dad.
Fifth season is about wrapping up the mess. We find out that the ghost who was possessing Saki was Oroku Higa, his ex husband he accidentally killed during an adrenaline-filled moment. Karai completes the redemption arc she started at the end of Season 4. We meet Habiki, Splinter and Saki's mother, who made them go through horrific training as children that most sane people would consider abusive (she regrets doing that immensely). Karai succeeds in getting her gang to also defect from the Foot with some conflict, the Foot succeeds in getting some scrolls to start opening a portal for the rest of the Utroms, Ronin probably kills someone, I'm still working on that part of Season 5. Also, April has an arc where she finds out that her father has a magic crystal that can bring drawings to life, and grapples with the fact that she might be a drawing. The conflict ends with the Hamato Clan storming the Foot, the turtles tackling Krang, and Krang almost killing them, and only being foiled because Ronin finished opening the portal for him in exchange for their lives, before jumping Krang, throwing the both of themselves in the portal and closing it from the inside. His last words to the turtles are that Krang is not the end of things, that he loves them, and to know peace. The actual last episode of Season 5 is the denouement of the first five seasons, and originally served as the finale before I decided to expend beyond it.
The movie marks the beginning of the post-timeskip. The turtles are now eighteen, and have more-or-less fully recovered from the Foot and Krang. The movie's plot is basically about the Fugitoid/Dr. Honeycutt crashlanding on Earyh and the Triceratons attempting to invade the place as a result. The turtles stop them, Leo kills the leader and has a crisis about it, it's great. Also serves to establish that everyone is doing fine after the timeskip.
Season 6 is still mostly in the works, but I already have a few arcs planned: Raph and the Animal 5 going to Mona's planet to help, Mikey and Renet encountering a bunch of time travellers who turn out to be Mikey's niephlings who have the mission to foil Renet's shitty fathers, Zia and the Animal 5 (minus Mona who's still recovering from space travel arc) permanently taking down one of the biggest mafia boss in the Hidden City, Zia getting in her first relationship and it ending badly, and Leo grappling with the fact that he killed someone. I don't know what to do with April, Donnie and Casey yet, I'm thinking that Casey gets an arc about his sister and preventing her from reforming the Purple Dragons.
Season 7 has three main arcs: Karai meeting the Hamato Clan and witnessing how dysfunctional they truly are, crossover arc with Danny Phantom where Saki goes to Amity Park with April and Casey to investigate the ghosts, and Usagi having to grapple with his family's killer, Jei, is back , and the turtles + Splinter helping him. Hamato arc ends in Karai being named the heir and getting into a fight to the death with someone about it (she wins and spares him), DP arc ends in Higa almost being brought back and he and Saki doing the closest thing they can to making peace, and Jei arc ends in the Turtles and Usagi banishing Jei from the mortal plane for good.
Season 8 is still a bit all over the place as I haven't finished outlining it. All I know is that Draxum unhides the Hidden City, that Zia gets in a relationship with someone who wanted to use her position and she ends up dumping them, that Donnie has an arc with April and Casey about them going to college and how he would like to follow them, and that Ch'Rell is there.
There's obviously a tone of other info you can find by browning my tmnt:fhc tag, like my Turtles Forever idea, or more on the other characters.
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amingethia · 2 years
what does your url mean?
Buckle up, babe, its time for a story!
(TLDR, a character name I made)
(Actual Translation at the bottom)
When I was a wee lass, about middle school, a show some of you may know called Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles came out in 2012.
Now I was already sort of acquainted with the ninja turtles, but when I actually watched the show, my little mind blew like Mikey trying pizza for the first time.
I was also a gifted writer. I’m actually pretty talented at writing and letting words flow on a page, and I already had a VASTLY rich imagination. So naturally, I made a self-insert OC.
Now I decided I wanted to be close to the turtles so I made the OC their little sister. I was 11 at this time and they were 15, so she was 4 years younger than them.
Then I had to name this OC. I went through a variety of ideas, from Italian to a female renaissance painter to the French word for turtle (Tortue Marin) but eventually I decided since Yoshi is Japanese, he’ll have chosen a Japanese name. So I settled with Ming.
So I had an 11-year-old, blonde, blue-eyed, white OC named Ming.
Yeahhhhhh… I wasn’t great at names back then but moving along.
I think originally she WAS Asian, because I wanted her to be Splinter’s daughter. Then it was revealed KARAI was Splinter’s daughter, so I settled with adopted self-insert.
Buuuuut then I got bored.
It wasn’t enough for Ming to be just a ninja who was raised by mutants, no no no! I gave her powers. At first, just water powers. Then shapeshifting, then ALL the elements, then mainly fire and rock.
I also bounced around the idea for her “alter-ego” because, yknow, she was a superhero!
So, lame as it sounds, I basically took Cat Noir and Catwoman, without actually knowing either of them, and made CatGirl. Lame. But she dressed all in black and had a tail and claws. That was cool. She also had fangs.
THENNNNNNN I got bored again. This was about the time the 2016 Out Of The Shadows movie came out. By this time, I was head over heels in the franchise. I’d even made a best friend because of it, and shared my OC and fanfictions with her.
So I figured, since the turtles were 15 in the first movie, and the second came out only a year later, making them 16, Ming’s age was 11 in the first and 12 in the second. And I had made a special plan for when she turned 12.
(Spoilers, btw, for anybody following me on fanfiction.net (Starblood666) and hasn’t finished reading Little Sister, Secret Weapon)
I decided Ming would meet her true family. I was already playing with the idea of my father being the Devil which is a WHOLE other can of worms for a different day. So why shouldn’t Ming’s father be the Devil, too?
At first Ming was an only child with black hair and cat eyes in her demon form. Then it changed. I decided if the Devil had kids, his wife would, logically, be an angel. They would have to be permanently separated and of course, duh, they’d have twins!
At first it was, one twin would be an angel and the other a demon, but then it changed to both being demons. Ming’s twin brother was named Damien. (Of course. I’m so lame at names)
But that meant Ming couldn’t be her REAL name if she had a REAL family. So I started trying to think up a long pretty sounding name for a demon princess. I wanted Ming to be sorta in the middle so it was a nickname option. Damien still called her Ming.
At first it was Almingthea, but the L felt awful on the tongue and tbh, I sorta forgot that name for a couple months until it was fanfiction time again.
So I reinvented it to Amingethia. Long, random, pretty sounding, Ming in the middle, and the best part? If you googled those letters exactly that way, and turned off the “Did you mean…” nothing came up. It was an identity that felt like it was really and truly MINE.
But a long name isn’t enough without a translation. So I made one.
What does my name mean?
Ami means weak. Ingethia means powerless.
Amingethia means Weak and Powerless.
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hamatoclan76 · 4 years
Examples of Raphael's inferiority complex in Tmnt 2012
1) One clear example is in the first episode when Splinter chooses Leo to be the leader of the team.
Leo raises his hand and asks if he can lead the team, Raph is immediately upset by this and claims that he should be the leader since he "kicked Leo's butt" at the start of the episode.
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Seconds after Splinter chooses Leonardo to be the leader, Raph seems to be really hurt by this.
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Leo feels sorry about his brother and tries to say he has nothing against him.This shows that Leo is aware that Raph wanted to lead the team, is just Splinter thought that Leonardo was better suited for the role since he's more mature in some ways and knows how to carry the burden better.
This only makes Raph leave the dojo, he's clearly affected by this, even when he pretends he is not.
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This scene is what motivates him to constantly annoy and question Leonardo in the series, specially at the start of season 1.
One of the reasons he usually doesn't follow Leo's orders is because deep down he really thinks that Master Splinter loves more Leo than him, which is not true: Hamato Yoshi loves their sons equally but Raph doesn't feel this way.
One could argue that this comes from growing up with a single father and three brothers, which can lead to compete for their father's approval and love. This can happen unintentionally, the father may try to spent as much time as possible with each son but sometimes competition between siblings is inevitable.
Splinter doesn't approve this type of behaviour at all and usually tries stopping the turtles when he notices they aren't fighting just for training or fun. (See "Mousers Attack!" As a good example of this)
2) "New girl in the town"
The episode starts with Leo and Raph arguing about who should be the leader, Raph blames Leonardo for letting Snakeweed get away, in return Leo blames his brother for not following his orders like he's supossed to.
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Tired of Raphael's attitude, Leo lets him be the new leader and leaves the team.
Unlike "Follow the leader", "New girl in the town" seems to focus on their sibling rivalry since is what made Leo leave in first place.
The episode ends with two brothers coming to a mutual understading of what means to be a team, how being a leader is not always an easy task and not everyone is ready to be one. (In Raph's case)
This one is another good example of Raph thinking he should be the one giving the orders, implying he's jealous of his brother and thoughout the episode he tries to prove he's better than Leo.
3) "The good, the bad and Casey Jones"
This episode starts pretty much the same way that Rise of the turtles does: With the turtles training. The difference here is that this time is the one Leonardo who beats Raphael.
And Raph doesn't like it one bit.
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This is his expression after Leo wins the game, which reads as him holding a grudge against the other turtle.
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What makes him really angry is watching Leonardo sitting in front of Splinter, making him believe that his brother is somehow "stealing" his father's love from him again.
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This implies that one of the roots of Raphael's anger issues is caused by his feelings of jealousy and inferiority that come from this sibling rivalry.
I say is *one*, not the *only* reason. Raph is a very emotional character who feels emotions intensely, is very hard for him to hide them and his family know this very well.
After realizing how destructive his anger is, he later awkwardly apologizes to Leo for getting carried away in the match, which is quite impressive considering Raph is quite stubborn when it comes to admitting he did something wrong.
4) "Riddle of the Ancient Aeons"
In the planet of the Aeons, there's dark aura that makes the protagonists bring their darkest thoughts to the surface and fight against each other.
In one moment Leo and Raph start arguing: Leo tells Raph how "he has always been jealous of him", in response Raph says this: "That's because your were always Splinter's favourite"! And then he tries to fight Leo using his sais.
Instead of fighting him, Leo stops his hot-headed brother by giving him a hug and reminding him of how much he loves him.
This was one of the few times Raph was very explicit about his inferiority complex, most of time he tries hiding it from his family and only drops subtle hints about his real feelings.
Leo's reaction to Raphael's outburst is really unexpected as well, it mades me think that Leonardo didn't know that Raph's insecurities were mainly caused by him feeling he was less important or thinking he wasn't good enough for their father.
He hugging and telling Raph: "I love you, bro" could be read as him trying to say that he doesn't hate Raphael and he didn't mean to make him feel "less loved" by Splinter.
For those who were paying attention to Raph's character, him being jealous of Leonardo is nothing new. What is shocking is actually listening to Raph admitting how he really feels (or felt) in front of his family and friends.
He usually prefers to keep his personal thoughts to himself rather than talk about them with another person.
As for Splinter, he doesn't like watching his sons fighting over him or for no reason. When he saw that Raph and Leo started fighting in "Mousers Attack!" And weren't taking their training seriously, he stopped them and asked them to work together as team.
When it comes to Leo and Raph, Splinter just wants them to get along despite their differences. If they get carried away in their matches, Splinter would ask them to stop or intervene to separate them.
It's not that he "loves Raphael less", is that he thinks Leonardo is more responsible to be the leader of the team. He doesn't have a "favourite son", he really loves ALL of them.
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