#i made this same comment on his instagram and it got 50 likes in 10 minutes
human-too · 2 years
every day i wake up, see matty post some random bullshit, question my sanity, and move along with my day like it never happened
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feelingofcontent · 3 years
DNP Rewatch: The Top Dan Memes of 2016
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Date video was published: 01/14/2017 (X)
DNP Main Channel Rewatch: 332
Dan’s first video of 2017 and the second of his “top memes” videos. It follows the same format as his first one from the year before. He asked for suggestions on Twitter and then promoed it on Instagram once it was posted too.
0:08 - yes, accurate description, yikes
0:36 - “2016 can fuck off” sounds about right
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0:44 - wow the 2015 memes video really did get a lot of views
1:08 - he says “obtained” which makes me wonder if he didn’t pay for it but got sent it or something. I actually don’t hate it that much
1:21 - he did wear it in his first not-memes video of 2016...okay it does look a bit like a potato sack
1:44 - he did spend a ton of time traveling and filming for that. (I have never actually watched the full documentary.)
2:04 - poor Dan; he tried to tell them...and he was right
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2:47 - okay these made me laugh 😂
3:07 - and there it is. honestly their joke craft videos are some of my favorite content
3:19 - part of these not dying is their own fault...still
3:25 - DNP also constantly use “protip” in videos after that
3:42 - that wasn’t exactly untrue that some other YouTube/internet people thought DNP’s fanbase was annoying...I think we’re better now
3:51 - just glossing over the whole TATINOF thing
4:08 - the ironic smile as he does another one, lol
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4:30 - yeah I’m gonna go with disturbing
4:50 - I do feel this. I also have no idea how to pose in photos and I would hate to have to take that many all the time. He had posted some other peace-sign vs. sad outtakes on Instagram as well
5:32 - the picture he chose for “whitest” ...yep
5:41 - okay this is hilarious 😂 poor DNP
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5:57 - of course they were too awkward to ask, haha
6:16 - “let’s just not talk about Phil” ...Dan looks so dead behind the eyes in this clip and Phil looks so proud of himself 😂
6:32 - the annotations here kill me...he’s right though those do not look like weed leaves at all
7:09 - there are a couple pictures of the bowl method in DAPGO. 
7:24 - this art is great actually
7:58 - this is hysterical...his dramatic reading and facial expressions are great. and here’s that Instagram selfie...where a ton of comments are just “disappointed, janice” ahahaha
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8:32 - “well shit Janice, I have been told” is a line that runs through my head at random points
8:47 - getting hairspray in your eye accidentally is the worst
9:39 - clip from the TATINOF documentary...Phil is trying so hard
10:17 - “remixes...kind of” 😂
10:38 - this was at the DAPGOOSE thing in London that Dan had uploaded to his channel
11:10 - “sometimes I don’t upload videos for a few week” ...understatement of ever?
11:15 - ah, Dan’s diss track
11:32 - “way too real” yep, I have vague memories of the reaction to that video dropping and it was a lot
11:58 - ahahaha, wow. he had tweeted some about that when it happened too
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12:18 - the amount of times he is saying “joke” and you can hear the quotes in his voice...and the clip from Louise’s video where she looks shocked and Phil is just nodding 👀
12:48 - how do you even get into those “various situations”...I feel like this one is on him
13:09 - this compilation is too much
13:23 - it’s so hard to tell with Dan sometimes but it would make sense for him to choose that to joke about if that’s true
13:30 - “exposing Phil” alrighty then
13:48 - he is so happy about this...and that photo set is absolutely fantastic
14:06 - aww the cute koala pictures again...and then not so cute, hahaha
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14:39 - this was from ISG 8...he had to know what was going to happen; he can’t just throw a hashtag out there
15:06 - he talked about the horror of teen magazines in the last memes video too
15:18 - these are horrific 😨
15:35 - wtf
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16:00 - I can’t deal with BONCAs talk
16:16 - I low-key love the sparkly suit jacket 🤐
16:40 - this is not quite as bad as the missing eyebrow one I don’t think. the memes for this one made me giggle
17:06 - I love that this is his favorite
17:30 - time for very dramatic Dan 
18:16 - this story is great
18:28 - that must have been such a surreal experience for Dan
18:43 - “me and Phil”
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18:56 - that tweet especially with the icon he had at the time 😂
19:07 - that is so horrifyingly creative and really does sound like something Dan might tweet. I love Phil so much
19:31 - the dramatic conclusion
19:57 - that goes way to well with the previous tweet...definitely more disturbing
20:22 - ah, shittywatercolour!
20:57 - the starter pack ones are pretty good
21:14 - cannot deal with hello internet
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22:09 - “you will never be able to escape your mistakes” too true
22:30 - he was excited about the new year, and then...
22:56 - Dan’s 2017 live shows are all still public on his side channel
The meme videos aren’t my top favorites, and I still think I like the 2015 one better, but this one is funny too! I think I care less about the meme bits and more about just hearing Dan talking about different moments from the year. Dan felt the need to clarify in the comments that he’s not actually upset in the comments because some people were worried about him, whoops.
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horansqueen · 4 years
You & Me : chapter 45
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his -4k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- notes: please take note that this is mostly a filler chapter, just like chapter 46 and 47 will be. I have everything planned for 48, 49 and 50 tho. and then the story will be over :( if you want anything added to the filler chapters, please message me. tbh i would love you so so much lol! so yea, im super stressed about ending this story, i cant even explain. ALSO: time will pass quicker in the last few chapters so check the dates!
if you want to be on the list of blogs i notify when this is updated, just message me :)
requests! : the 2 requests added will be posted at the bottom of this post to avoid spoilers!!!
Chapter 45 : His chapter
August 16th, 2018
I didn't know exactly what woke me up but I just turned around in bed, wrapping my arm around Liv's body and moving a bit closer before trying to fall back asleep. Unfortunately, my phone started vibrating on my bedside table and I groaned when I realized I forgot to put it on mute before falling asleep. I couldn't remember how long how making love session had lasted and I couldn't even remember when I actually fell asleep.
I grimaced and sighed before turning around and reaching out for my phone, searching for it with my eyes closed. My fingers finally gripped it and I decided to sit up, rubbing my eyes as I tried to read the message I had received. I noticed Louis' face next to the message and I frowned. It's not that Louis never texted me but I was still surprised to see that notification, especially so early in the morning.
'Had fun last night? 😏' was all he had sent me along with a link.
I turned to look at Olivia who was still deeply asleep, laying on her stomach, with the covers just over her butt and I finally got out of bed slowly and gently, making sure I wouldn't wake her up. I walked to the kitchen, letting out a yawn as I passed my hand in my messy hair, and decided to make coffee as I clicked on the link.
I frowned when I recognize my living room and I saw myself get up from the couch, suddenly realizing it was my instagram live from the night before. i frowned more, wondering why Louis would send me the link since I couldn't remember saying or doing anything remotely bad but when Olivia's legs appeared in the screen, I realized my mistake. I had probably not stopped the live properly and my heart jumped in my chest, trying to remember what exactly we had said and done right after.
I heard my girlfriend tell me I was a good person and groaned low again when I heard myself ask her if it turned her on. No one could see us kiss since the laptop was placed on the coffee table and we were standing up but even if I was whispering, the words "I'm gonna miss you so much." could easily be heard before she replied that she was going to miss me more.
"Fucking hell..." I whispered as I blinked a few times, staring at the screen where we could clearly see me leading Liv in the hall as she stepped back, our lips attached to each other's as we made out.
She hit the wall and we both laughed as I let out a 'clumsy ass!' the way I always did before an 'I love you' escaped my lips. I felt my heart jump in my chest knowing so many people had actually witnessed something so personal and I swallowed before sighed and passing my hand in my hair again. We disappeared from the screen as the sound of a door being closed could be heard and I realized the video lasted 4 more minutes where nothing could be heard or seen. It had probably been about an hour since I started the livestream which was why it finally cut and I put my phone away and closed my eyes, wondering what exactly would be the repercussion of this video. I didn't want to go on twitter to read what people were saying but I knew that I would at least have to tell Liv about it.
I poured myself a cup of coffee and my lips curled slightly when I heard my girlfriend yelled from the bedroom.
"Okay, she already knows." I whispered to myself, taking a sip from my hot drink and leaning against the counter.
It took her only a few seconds but I saw her appear in front of me, her hair even messier than mine and wearing only my shirt. I wanted to be stressed by all this but when I saw her, my lips curled in a fond smile.
"Did Louis send it to you too?" was the first thing that got out of her mouth and I just nodded before turning around and grabbing a mug to pour her some coffee too. "That's it? That's all I get? A nod?"
I took the time to add sugar and cream in her coffee and finally turned around again to hand it to her. She stared at me for a few seconds before her eyes fell on the mug and she sighed, taking it from my hands.
"Is there anything else to say?" I just asked, shrugging a shoulder. "I mean it's on the internet probably forever and honestly, we've been lucky, especially thinking about all the times we actually just fucked on the couch I mean, this video could be so much worse."
She looked away and her eyebrows raised before she grimaced. "Yea, I guess that's some way to see it." she let out before taking a sip. "I just... Gosh I don't know, I feel violated."
"I'm sorry. Honestly, I feel like shit too. It's my mistake and it's a very bad one." I admitted, raising my nose up. "I'm sorry, petal."
Her eyes met mine and she took a step closer, tilting her chin up to keep her gaze locked with mine. I stared at her back as she blinked a few times and her thin lips curled into a fond smile.
"You're forgiven."
I let my eyes roamed on her face, knowing it was a big thing to be so easily forgiven for something like that, especially that we were both aware she would get a lot of hate because of it. I bent down slightly and let my lips brush against hers before closing my eyes and bringing my hands up to her cheeks to deepen the kiss. When we stopped, she kept hers lips pressed against mine and sighed low.
"I'm gonna turn off my notifications on twitter for a while."
I raised my nose up in a grimace and groaned. "Me too." I kissed her lips again. "We can just ignore the comments together. I promise we'll be fine."
"I know." she whispered, her lips brushing against mine. "I trust you."
I felt something stir in my heart at her words, knowing I had lost her trust last year and I had worked hard to get it back. Still, despite my efforts, she didn't have to give it back to me again, but she had, and I couldn't explain how much it meant to me.
"Thank you, pet."
August 17th, 2018
I woke up around 10am, knowing I should have been up before. I had a concert on the same night and even if it was barely a two hours ride, we had to get there early to rehearse and make sure everything was in place. I was surprised to realize my girlfriend was not in bed anymore as I reached my arm on the mattress, my hand only meeting the cold sheets of the bed.
Quickly, I opened my eyes, blinking a few times, and stretched before getting up and dressing up. I walked to the kitchen only to see Liv and her lips curled when she saw me. I frowned, still surprised that she was already up, and took the mug she was handing me. I liked this habit that we had to prepare coffee if we were the first one to wake up. We had never talked about it but we just did it naturally and it was one of the many small things that made this whole relationship stronger.
"You're up early." I just pointed out before taking a sip.
"Will you miss me?" she asked quickly, ignoring my comment and making me frown.
"You know I will, petal, why are you asking?" I chuckled, taking a step closer and raising my eyebrows.
The truth was, I didn't want to leave without her but at the same time, I didn't want to force her to come with me. I knew following me on tour was not as fun as it may sound and I also knew she was busy. Of course, the fact that she was done with the season of her show gave her more free time, but the Olivia I discovered after being away from her for over a year was more independent than the Olivia I broke the heart to. She had also been right the last time we had a discussion about being away from each other. She had said it would bring us even closer and stronger together, and it had. We had spent a lot of time texting, facetiming and talking on the phone and I couldn't hide that I had missed her like crazy, but when we finally got to see each other again, it was intense. Besides, nothing would ever stop me from seeing her if at some point, it became too hard to be apart.
"How bad are you going to miss me?" she asked, once again ignoring my question.
"Pet, if I could, I'd put you in my bags and bring you with me."
This answer seemed to satisfy her as her lips curled more and she licked them before putting her mug away. I took a sip in mine but quickly, she grabbed it too and put it next to hers before taking my hand and pulling me with her.
"Are you bringing me in bed for a good fuck or something?"
This time, she laughed and the sound of it made me smile. She brought me to the hall and my lips parted when I saw her luggage in the lobby, laying near the door. I turned to her after a few seconds and she raised her eyebrows.
"If you don't want me to come with you, I'll definitely understand." she just said, shaking her head. "But I've had enough to be away from you. I miss you too much. What do you say?"
I felt my heart jump in my chest and let out a low chuckle before bending down slightly and wrapping my arms right under her butt to lift her up. She let out a short scream and a laugh, making my smile grow.
"Fuck yes!"
"Niall! Put me down! You're gonna hurt yourself!"
I did as she asked and as soon as she was back on her feet, I pushed her against the wall and looked down at her with a smile. She looked up and licked her lips before nibbling on her bottom one, her eyes never leaving mine and a smile still spread on her face.
"I didn't want to force you into coming with me, but fuck, I wanted to ask you to follow me again." I whispered, bending down slightly to brush my nose against hers. "Thank you for coming with me. It makes me so happy, darling."
"I was not sure if you still wanted me to come. I don't want to be annoying, or dependent. I just want to be with you."
My happy smile turned into a fond one. I didn't want her to ever believe she bothered or annoyed me. I was not the kid I used to be when I broke up with her, I didn't see things the same way, and I had learned.
"I always want to be with you. Your presence is a gift for me, I want you to always remember that, okay?" I murmured, feeling my lips brush against hers as I talked. "Don't ever try to be someone else. I love you best when you're just yourself."
She chuckled. "Did you just quote your own song?"
I sent her a smirk and shrugged, my body still pressed on hers. "It's my words, I can use them whenever I want. Besides, I wrote it for you, so."
"Okay but, can I really show you my heart? You promise you won't break it again?"
I rubbed my nose gently and slowly against hers again, making her eyelids flutter slightly.
"I swear." I breathed. "You're everything I want."
September 12th, 2018
When I walked back in the hotel room after the show, my lips curled when I noticed Liv coming out of the bathroom, her body wrapped in a fluffy white towel. She looked surprised for half a second and finally sent me a smile while tilting her head. I took a few steps closer and placed my hands on her hips but she quickly took a step back and shook her head.
"Nooo, nop!" she let out, making me raise her eyebrows. "You're all sweaty and shit. Take a shower first!"
"I thought seeing me all sweaty made you horny." I argued, my lips curling into a smirk.
"Watching you all wet turns me on too." she admitted, pressing her lips together. "Go shower and I promise to stay naked, deal?"
This time, I smirked even more and waggling my eyebrows, making her laugh. "Can I get a glimpse?" I asked, pulling gently on the top of the towel and letting my gaze drop in her cleavage.
"No!" she argued, slapping my hand slightly and chuckling. "Hurry!"
I groaned and rushed to the bathroom, getting quickly undressed and starting the shower. I let out a sigh as I tilted my chin, feeling the warm water fall in my face and wet my hair. The past months had been exhausting, mentally and physically, but I could actually say that I was in the exact place I wanted to be. I didn't feel this hole inside my chest anymore. Somehow, it was filled with something that I desperately needed without really realizing it. It was not only the love we had for each other that mattered, it was also the friendship, the history, the trust, the hope and the need we felt toward the other... all of this filled everything that needed to be filled. She was my home, and I was hers. I had never felt like that for anyone else in my life.
I quickly got out of the shower and dried my body and hair before wrapping the towel around my waist. When I walked back in the room, my lips parted slightly and I stopped dead in my track. She was laying in bed, on her stomach, her headphones on as she seemed to read something (a book or a magazine, perhaps?), still completely naked. I stared for a few seconds at the back of her head before my eyes moved down to her ass. I didn't know if she did that just to turn me on but it definitely worked. I took the towel off and let it fall next to me before grabbing my cock in my hand and stroking it gently.
She started humming a song low and I was so focused on her naked form that it took me half a minute to realize it was one of mine. It made the left corner of my lips raise up and I let my free hand run down to my balls as I got harder.
Being able to have sex with her every time I came back to the hotel room was one of the perks of having her on tour, along with many others, of course. I normally prefer to be alone but when it came to Olivia, everything seemed different. I didn't feel stuck in this relationship, or smothered by it. I still wanted us to be private and couldn't wait until people would stop mentioning that video or us after my livestream but at the same time, It didn't bother me the way it would have before. After all, I was dating her, and for the very first time in my life, I wanted it to last forever. Just that thought seemed crazy to me and my heart skipped a beat.
I took a step closer to her and without thinking, I straddled her quickly and stared down as I pushed my cock inside her. She tensed and I felt her walls press around the tip of my cock, making me groan.
"Don't move, baby." I whispered before realizing she probably couldn't hear me.
I kept looking down as I slowly pushed myself more inside her until I was balls deep and moaned low. She felt amazing, as she always did, and my whole body started throbbing. I leaned closer to her, holding myself with my hands near her shoulders, and moved my hips back before thrusting in her again.
The way she whimpered made me smile and with one hand, I took her headphones off and it fell off the bed, making a soft sound as it hit the carpet. I bent down slightly and brushed my lips on her ear.
"I don't think what you're reading is as interesting as what I'm doing to you, is it, petal?"
I watched her eyes flutter closed and her lips part before laying on top of her and slipping one  of my arms around her. My hand reached for her neck and I pressed my fingers on her throat as I tried to hold myself with the elbow of my other arm, making sure I didn't crush her or hurt her.
"Is it?" I asked again, a little louder this time.
"Mm, nothing is better than what you're doing to me." she admitted in a whisper, making me smile more.
"How much do you like my cock inside your pretty little cunt, pet?"
She moved her ass up to feel me deeper and I breathed through my teeth at the amazing sensation, remaining motionless for a few seconds. She started wiggling a bit and my grip tightened around her neck.
"So.. so much." she whimpered again, gripping the sheets of the bed with both hands.
"You're so fucking impatient." I whispered with a chuckle, letting go of her throat and sitting back on her legs. "Didn't think I'd find you laying on the bed naked like that, just waiting for me. You have no idea how hard that made me."
I stared down at my cock moving slowly in and out of her as I moved and enjoyed the moans coming out of her mouth every single time I was completely inside her.
"Fuck, Niall, please."
I looked up and grabbed her hair, pulling on it a bit as she let out a louder whimper.
"Fuck, you're so wet." I whispered, gripping her hair tighter. "I want to cum inside you, petal."
I watched her move a bit, her body twisting as she slipped one of her arms under her body to reach for her clit. She rubbed the tip of her fingers on my balls, making me groan, and finally started touching herself, making her ass grind up. I started fucking her harder and faster, in motion with her ass moving up and it only took a minute or two until she started shaking beneath me. The sight was amazing and I groaned as I came too, pushing her hard despite myself in the mattress.
"Jesus Christ." I whispered before going limp on top of her.
I heard her chuckle and my lips curled too as I brushed them on her shoulder. She shivered and I smiled even more when goosebumps appeared on her now damp skin.
"I love having sex with you." she admitted, making me laugh lightly.
"Oh darling, I love having sex with you, too."
I trailed kisses on her neck and shoulder and after a while, I moved next to her, laying on my back and staring at the ceiling. We were on the wrong side of the bed and I felt my heels lean against one of the pillows.
"And I love spending time with you. I love being close to you. I love that you followed me here. I love that you're still my best friend after all this time. I love that we get along so well, that we grew up together, that we're even closer than we used to be." I confessed slowly in a soft tone. "I love that you love me. I love that I love you. I love the team we make. I love you, Olivia."
I turned my head her way and she was staring at her. She seemed on the verge on tears but I knew they were happy tears and I sent her a fond smile before moving on my side to see her better. I brought one of my hands to her cheek and pushed a lock of her hair behind her ear.
"The truth is, I can't wait to marry you, to start a family with you, to grow old with you."
Her eyes roamed on my face and she swallowed hard. We both remained silent for a while and she pressed her lips together. It was so endearing that I smiled more and let my fingertips run on her shoulder and down her sides, until her waist.
"You..." she started, stopping herself again for a few seconds before her eyes met mine. "The first time we dated, it was everything that scared you about our couple. That's why you broke up with me, remember?"
I held my head with my hand, my arm on the mattress, and she moved closer, licking her lips and waiting for my answer. Of course I remembered, how could I not?
"I know." I replied, nodding lightly. "I was a fuckin' idiot. I mean, I still am." I shrugged with a chuckle. "But I'm an idiot who will never make that mistake again. I don't want to be with anyone else. And I don't want to be away from you."
"For someone who supposedly suck at expressing his feelings, you're doing quite well." she pointed out with a big smile.
I laughed too and shrugged again. "I've been thinking about what I was going to say for days." I admitted, glancing away before looking back at her. "I almost wrote a song instead."
"You could have," she whispered, reaching for my hand and squeezing my fingers. "I love hearing you sing."
I smiled again and pulled her closer to me to feel her body against mine. I lied down on my back again and she cuddled my side quickly. We stayed quiet for a while and every time she'd tilt her chin up to kiss mine, it would make me smile. It made me realize I had everything I needed, everything I wanted... I had everything I didn't even know I needed, and didn't even know I wanted.
"Do you still want to elope?" I asked randomly after a while.
"It's still a dream of mine, yea." she replied in a gentle tone. "But I know you'd prefer a normal wedding with our families and friends. I'm okay with that."
"I'm sure we can make a compromise."
She moved her head up to look in my eyes and frowned a bit. "This is... hypothetical, right?"
I let my eyes roam again on her face and something stirred inside me. I had no idea it was possible to love someone so bad. I didn't know it was possible to love someone so much you that you'd be ready to change your life plans for them. But here I was, staring at the only woman I ever fell in love with, knowing that I'd do anything for her, and that I would never stop loving her.
"Of course, we're just talking." I lied, my lips curling more. "So we'd elope and get married in Vegas, and then make a big party with our friends and family. And then what?"
"Honeymoon? If we're not too busy..."
"We'll make time." I replied firmly. "Bali or Bora Bora?"
She laughed and turned to lay on her back, my arm still behind her neck, and she finally shook her head. "I don't care where we go, Niall. As long as I'm with you."
the requests
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aerial-aspie · 3 years
An Autistic Point of View 27
Hi there! It's Hazel and I have a huge update of things to talk about today.
First of all, I had my trial day for the patisserie on Saturday, I was there for about 3 hours and completely messed up, I wasn't good at spontaneously doing anything, I went quite quiet and mostly stayed in the back corner doing the washing up, because I didn't know what else to do other than stand around.
I tried my best to be chatty when I needed to be, but I guess being a quietish person with anxiety really doesn't help me. There really isn't much space for mental health in the workplace I found. This experience prompted me with a book idea, I want to write it in the style of a kids book and I want to call it 'The Mouse Who Tried To Be An Elephant' about a mouse, who is a shy person or has anxiety or any other mental health problems and how they struggle even comparing to a cat which is a small animal, but is way more confident than them. But the cat tells the mouse that she's going to get nowhere by keeping on being a mouse and that she should evolve to be an elephant, the most confident and well off of all the animals. This is to show the hardships of keeping up a confident front when you aren't.
Next of all, was the highlight of my school holiday, I want to my first ever comic con since July 2019 and it was one of the best days ever. I went dressed as Venti from Genshin Impact by a majority vote from my instagram followers. The other character in the vote was Monokuma from Danganronpa (both outfits I never have worn out yet because of covid) and I'm so glad I didn't go as Monokuma because there was at least a minimum of 10 people all as that character, whilst I was one of 2 Genshin cosplayers, the other being Hu Tao.
I had missed conventions so much and was dead excited to finally go to one, but sadly none of the people I already knew could go, so I went alone. However, I made so many new friends and talked to so many people and was significantly more confident than I normally am because being in cosplay and being a convention with like-minded people make me become a new person.
One of my highlights of the day was being shot in the head by a Squid Game guard. Why? Because I walked past and yelled at them 'haha you can't kill me, I have no debt' then had a realisation that Venti is a broke God who has far too many tabs at Diluc's Taven (Angel's Share) and then proceeded to get shot in the head.
I also had a group of people who would yell 'Barbatos' at me, every time I walked past them and then I would do a whole spiel about how I am Barbatos in the flesh, descended from Celestia.
I also entered the cosplay competition, I was on the reserve list from 10:45am and the con had early entry from 10am. I went and bothered the guy running it just before the competition started to ask if anyone had dropped out and if I could still take part and he said it was a 50/50 chance.
I did get into the competition and when I first got on stage, the same guy said something like 'see, you did make it' into a microphone, in front of everyone, I was mortified. However, I kept up my Venti style charisma and managed to get through my introduction and pose with great confidence. However, when I finished, the guy said 'you're not getting paid extra for that' and that's when I knew it was game over for me in that competition.
It was definitely 100% rigged in the results, the boy who won the under 14's knew the man running it, the girl who came second in the over 14's (which I was in), also knew the guy and had gone to many of these cons before. The first place was a guy in a home made armour, which they made sure the whole audience knew and third place was a furry. Somehow, the guy asked one furry if their outfit was home made and they said no, which the guy then made a comment about them being cheap, but didn't ask the furry in 3rd place until after they'd won, which made me suspicious. However, there were some lovely people who came up to me afterwards and told me that I put on a great show and should've won which was really sweet of them.
Last thing about this con is my shopping spree haul, I bought:
A set of metal wire elf ears,
A plaque that says 'I can't adult today, I'm a unicorn',
A Squid Game badge,
A Yanfei acrylic standee,
A Hatsune Miku print,
A Hatsune Miku sticker,
A Hatsune Miku water bottle.
The con really motivated me to get back into cosplay making so I scrapped my project that was too hard and have started a new, easier one of Gloxinia from 7 Deadly Sins.
Thanks for reading and see you next time!
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officehrs · 3 years
i had a dream about r that felt so real. 😔 VERY long post excuse me ,, if u read, feel free to analyze or tell me to shut up fkfnkfnfd
i dont remember anything about how it started but the first thing that really happened was that i was on a site on my laptop in his class, solving some sort of "riddle",,,, i read it to myself aloud very quietly trying to process it, when r came up from behind me and whispered a small fragment of the sentence into my ear so breathily and slowly?? like "hmmmm [breathes] how how how [breathes] do we do thisssssssss" ... i mocked the gesture back to him when he was done (bc admittedly it WAS super weird for him) as he sat down. its important to note he acted cold towards me in a way, and seemed really different.
he asked me "so, what is it youre doinggg", the same way he said stuff before. i read to him the context of the question on the site and he understood somehow. immediately, he pulled out his phone (which was an older black samsung instead of his iphone??) and began typing an email with all the answers and an explanation. while he did, i subconsciously leaned myself against his shoulder and his whole left arm, before he began to adjust his shoulder as if to shake me off. i sat in the back of my chair, slightly saddened by his gesture, but i didnt want to push boundaries.
it only took 10 seconds and when i checked my email, it was at least 6 pages worth of text. i was super confused as to how he typed so fast!! but he didnt really say anything about it. i scrolled to the end and found he wrote about "forgiving" (idk what to call it, i didnt do anything bad HFKFJFJF) something i had done in real life, hence why this dream felt so real. he gave me an extra assignment in the email and wrote it on a white board on the wall, with a smiley face next to it 🥺 i didnt notice it until later though
i dont remember the context but HE STARTED BRUSHING MY HAIR?? it seemed like he didnt think anything of it, so in my head i was like 😳oh my god ,,, AND I WAS THINKING OF POSTING ABOUT IT ASAP ON MY ACCOUNT GJFBFNF it felt incredible and i didnt want him to stop, and he didnt for some time ,, he played with my hair a little and kept brushing bffnndn and he said stuff while he brushed in that same breathy tone and it made me Lose My Mind
then, he stopped and some stuff happened idk but i sat back down at my usual desk,, he had put a movie up on the big smartboard at the front of the class, and somehow sent us a multi-pic instagram post to look at, which was a quote from some revolutionary about going against our oppressor (🧍NDNDNDMDM) ,, i found some problematic part at the very end, which at this time he walked past my seat, walking around the class as usual. i subconsciously looked to be in deep speculation, and i felt him look down at me, and my screen?? but i didnt look up, as he seemed to be breathing in the same kind of deprived tone as before. he was still walking, though very slowly. it was somehow quiet in the class except for the movie, so his footsteps boomed throughout. somewhere at this time is where i noticed the smiley face on the board, and thought it was very sweet!!
then, the final bell rang for the day. everyone got up, including me and r. i grabbed a black acoustic guitar he just had on display in his class, and went to the cafeteria, waiting for my ride to get here (which i dont do irl?? anyway) ,, on my way there, in the hallways people were talking about the movie they watched in class, and some people were sad they missed out on seeing the insta post ,, i noted it in my head, and i kept on my way to the cafeteria.
i made it there, and found a corner to stand in. the whole place was kinda packed?? i guess it was bc some teacher/staff person was giving a speech right as i was walking into the cafeteria. he said, verbatim, "he said 'im just gonna get a whole fuckton of money and then save it all' and now look at him! hes dead! that motherfucker is dead because he didnt know how to save his shit!" which i found very weird, of course. everyone was quiet during this, and it may have been out of shock too. i was most particularly shocked by the fact that a bunch of staff was lines up near this lecturer, but didnt twitch or bat an eye at all. like they were ok with this???? something very different from irl
when the little rant ended, everyone went back to talking to each other. i began quietly playing the guitar, as i had no one to speak to, even though i did know the person i stood next to. the people who stood around me stopped talking after a few seconds, most of them watching me. unintelligibly, the person i knew asked "you play the sgrhgsuejfk?",, i assumed they had said "guitar" and after careful contemplation for like 10 seconds, i said yes. they didnt reply, so i kept playing as they watched.
some person to the left of me, standing kinda far started annoyingly asking questions towards us. they wouldnt stop, and started targeting people to ask their dumb and strange questions to. i quit playing and walked right up to their face, saying repeatedly "if you're gonna harass anyone, let it be me. why dont you harass me instead? go ahead, ask whatever. harass me, not them." i dont think they were genuinely harassing people post-dream, but thats how i felt and thats how i stated it anyway. after 10 seconds of shouting at them, the person started asking me the question, and as i was about to answer, i looked down at my phone (which read 7:50) and said "i gotta go anyway" ,, i needed to return r's guitar back to his class, so i left the cafeteria, with the person i knew following me, i think.
the hallways seemed much different. i was looking around for r's classroom, confused, and it seemed to become a maze of sorts of unlabelled, windowless doors. instead of looking for his classroom, instarted looking for r himself, wandering around. and i found him!! but he gave me a cold glance as he looked behind himself before closing the door he just opened. as a result, i went to a door parallel, across the hallway. i opened it and it lead to a dark, dimly lit hallway full of several other doors. i was very disoriented, and kept going through random doors. i found r again several times, only for him to enter through another passage of doors, coldly. eventually i found my way out of the maze, and the person i knew reappeared to the right of me, talking to me. we conversed about our day, as i tried to figure out how to get to r's classroom. the school seemed to have a different layout, one that was continuous, unfamiliar, and yet i felt as if i had a sense of direction. the person didnt comment on it, only they followed me wherever i went. we went up and down floors, made it back to the cafeteria, and as we were going up again to try to find his classroom (realizing we went the wrong way) the dream ended.
this was very strange 🧍
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treadmilltreats · 4 years
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Who this president truly is
'Being president doesn't change who you are, it reveals who you are.” Former First Lady Michelle Obama has said.
This is such a powerful statement, especially in these times. One of my favorite quotes is from Maya Angelou "People will tell you who they are" 
So America, are you listening?
We got 2 days left for the biggest decision of our lives, this is literally the vote of our lifetime.
At this moment, we know that #45 has definitely revealed who he is, and what he stands for. There are so many things he has said, that came out of his own mouth, that definitely isn't fake news, no matter how much his supporters want to spin that.
Well...where do we start….
How about that Women are pigs…
On Carly Fiorina
"Look at that face. Would anybody vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president? I mean, she's a woman, and I'm not supposed to say bad things, but really, folks, come on. Are we serious?" [Sept. 9, 2015]
 "Why does she keep interrupting everybody?" [Nov. 10, 2015]
On Jessica Chastain
"She's certainly not hot." [February 2013]
On Stormy Daniels
"Horseface" [Oct. 16, 2018]
On Halle Berry
 "I love her … upper body." [February 2013]
To the removal of our beautiful statues and monuments. 
In a speech from Trump Tower, Trump said there were "very fine people" on both sides of the protests.
White supremacist leaders, including former KKK leader David Duke, have praised Trump for his "honesty," while critics have slammed him for putting neo-Nazis and anti-fascist resisters on the same moral plane.
Laziness is a trait in blacks
“I have black guys counting my money. … I hate it,” Trump went on to say “The only guys I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes all day.”
 "He's a war hero because he was captured, I like people who weren't captured"
Trump, who never served in Vietnam, and who received multiple deferments to avoid service, had this to say in July 2015 about U.S. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., a naval aviator who spent five years in a North Vietnamese prison camp, where he was tortured.
 "Jeb Bush has to like the Mexican illegals because of his wife"
 Trump retweeted this - and then thought better and deleted the post, on July 4, 2015.
'The Japs'
In a 1989 interview with Time magazine, Trump dropped this doozy when he was asked to ballpark his total wealth.
“Who the f knows? I mean, really, who knows how much the Japs will pay for Manhattan property these days?” he said, employing a common racial slur for the Japanese.
'There was blood coming out of her wherever'
Trump made these remarks after he was manhandled during a primary season debate by former Fox News host Megyn Kelly. Trump also denounced Kelly, a respected journalist as a "lightweight,"
 'I am the least racist person there is'
Simply not supported by the available evidence and truly laughable.
'No need to spill the beans'
In 2016, Trump retweeted an image negatively comparing the looks of his wife Melania Trump, a former fashion model, and Heidi Cruz, the wife of then-primary rival, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas.
Cruz went on offense, defending his wife: "Donald, real men don't attack women. Your wife is lovely, and Heidi is the love of my life."
'She was bleeding badly from a facelift'
So what is it with Trump and blood anyway? He directed these offensive comments toward MSNBC anchor and "Morning Joe" co-host Mika Brezinski. As The New York Times reported:
"The president described Ms. Brzezinski as "low I.Q. Crazy Mika" and claimed in a series of Twitter posts that she had been "bleeding badly from a face-lift" during a social gathering at Mr. Trump's resort in Florida around New Year's Eve. The White House did not explain what had prompted the outburst, but a spokeswoman said Ms. Brzezinski deserved a rebuke because of her show's harsh stance on Mr. Trump."
YES - they really did go with the "she was asking for it" defense.
'Grab them by the p***y'
Trump has said some pretty terrible things about women during his 71 years of wandering this Earth. But these remarks to a former "Access Hollywood" host might be the sine qua non to understanding his attitude.
'Some, I assume, are good people.'
The racist gaffe heard 'round the world: Trump said of Mexico. 
"They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."
These are quotes and tweets this man who is supposedly running our country has said. How great have we've become in these last 4 years? Were we having more racial unrest than ever? When black men are being hung once again? When he stirs the pot by saying "Stand by and stand tall" 
When he calls people who are not like him names, when he belittle and demeans women? When he is trying to divide us instead of bringing us together?
This man is out for himself and his "white friends" he doesn't care about anyone but himself. He literally wants us to go back into the 50's where blacks had no rights, women had no choice and the LGBT community were in the closet. Instead of moving us forward, he is moving us backwards.
So today my friends, remember all of this when you vote but more importantly remember this if you are not voting, if you think your vote doesn't count, if you are undecided, this is what you are voting for. This is the character of the man who wants to run our country for four more years.
This vote is literally depending on you, it is your life. Your vote affects the women in your lives choice, if you're black or of color this could mean life or death for you and your loved ones. If you are LGBT or know someone that is this is a vote to keep them free and living how they want to.
Please, please... I am begging you to vote as if your life depends on it because it does.
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
**Now released my latest book**
The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
***Now available***
My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 
Selling on my website
And on Amazon.com
My weekly Youtube page, please subscribe:
Twitter: treadmill treats 
Instagram: treadmilltreats
Facebook :treadmill treats
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jse-egopocalypse · 5 years
2016 Egopocalypse Detailed Timeline
now that you got the gist of the egos, we’ll get to the 2016 egopocalypse (from FNAF sister location to Say Goodbye)
so again, i’m putting every video (with time stamps and links to the said video) on this post and some pictures and screenshots that are important and from varies of social media.
(video playlist for this entire timeline is at the end)
Click keep reading to view
1st video: THE START OF THE NIGHTMARE | Five Nights At Freddy's Sister Location #1
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timestamp: 4:28
this is the first video anti appeared in. it was for a few minutes until he showed himself in the video.
more anti apperances timestamps:
8:20, 15:29, 20:19, 26:25
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he also said his first line: “Get the fuck back there or i’ll fuck you back there”
33:23, 34:10, 35:29, 36:52, 39:27
and then the outro music was very distorted.
in the description though, there was a weird zalgo text.
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“You’ve waited a long time Now I wake”
2nd video: THEY HAVE AWOKEN... | Five Nights At Freddy's Sister Location #2
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timestamp: 0:01
the first second of the video and anti already wants to pop in to say hi.
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timestamp: 1:19
there’s a very subtle face behind jack.
more anti apperances timestamps:
4:00, 9:09, 9:13, 9:20, 12:55, 16:27, 17:09, 17:12, 18:08, 19:01
then the outro music is still distorted
and another zalgo text was in the description
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“Follow the signs release me”
3rd video: SOMETHING INSIDE | Five Nights At Freddy's Sister Location #3
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timestamp: 0:02
2 seconds in and anti’s already showing up.
more anti apperances timestamps:
1:13, 2:35, 5:27, 5:31, 8:22, 8:25
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anti either said: “I am near” or “I am here”
10:43, 10:46, 14:31, 14:42, 17:27
and yet again, the music is more distorted.
there are more zalgo texts and it looks like it’s getting out of hand
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“I see you understand now keep watching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfgFNd6D408″
and you see that link right there?
4th video: Sͮ̏̿ͯ̈͐̈́̚̚͏͖͔͞ǫ̆͋͂̈ͯ̂̉҉͕̪͈͎̙o͊҉̛̜͔͚͓͔͈̗͠n̾́͂̾ͦ̓ͥ͏̪̖
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it’s just this with creepy noises and MORE zalgo texts:
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“Very good you may be worthy”
and then anti put up a comment:
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“I’m glad I have your attention now”
5th video:  The Temple Of No!
the first 10 mins was very chill and fun until...
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timestamp: 11:12
and sean looked into the camera and said: “we all know about anti don’t we?” and the facecam glitches.
in 20:37, there was no glitches but he did say “god, there was a weird sound...ticking in my ear. I thought it was in my room...now im weirded out.”
6th video:  PLEASE DON'T KILL ME | Hello Neighbor #2
just almost 10 mins in the video, he showed up randomly.
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timestamp: 9:45
and then the game crashed twice.
7th video: MERGED TOGETHER | Five Nights At Freddy's Sister Location #4
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timestamp: 0:00
and not even a second, anti already glitched the facecam.
more anti appearances:
1:18, 2:40, 3:15, 5:14
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timestamp: 7:30
and he said: “I’m near”
10:05, 10:12, 10:24, 20:11, 22:00
and then the outro...again. was more distorted than the last one.
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after the outro, he said: “oh, i don’t feel so good”
the facecam slightly glitched and...
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he just appeared in full screen in a few frames.
and the description still has the zalgo texts
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“We are together as one now in Five Nights At Freddy’s Sister Location”
“It’s almost time I grow stronger”
8th video:  CHOOSE YOUR OWN GOAL | ClusterTruck #16
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timestamp: 12:41
anti appeared when sean said “thank you to everyone who made a level for me or in commemoration of me...commemoration sounds like im dead”
9th video: GRANNY DAB | Stuntfest #1
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timestamp: 8:34
sean said: “im out, im free, im d e a d”, anti appeared.
10th video: SWIMMING IN POOP | Pipejob (HTC Vive Virtual Reality)
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timestamp: 12:17
“hi there, my name’s jack” and he glitches then smiled.
11th video:  ROBOT WARS | Manual Samuel #3
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timestamp: 21:33
the orphange house in the game got blown out and you could hear laughter as he glitched.
12th video: ALONE AND AFRAID | Layers Of Fear - Part 1
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timestamp: 20:30
there was a bit of a glitch...
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timestamp: 20:33
“i don’t like the double face thing”
and there’s anti
more anti appearances:
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timestamp: 22:08
the facecam glitched as the rat ran into the fire. anti laughed and sean said: “what the hell was that weird sound?”
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there’s something in the description though
it says: “it’s time to say goodbye”
13th video: SORE FROM LAUGHING | Stuntfest #2
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timestamp: 2:19
anti showed up as sean coughed and asked: “the hell was that?”
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timestamp: 5:00
as anti glitched, sean said: “ah my eye is twitching.”
14th video: BULLETPROOF CHEST | Mr. President #3
anti appearances:
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timestamp: 11:15
the WHOLE game glitched out including the face cam whilst anti was chuckling
after the outro music
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timestamp: 15:50
he appeared with that iconic grin as sean said: “i like how it gives you smooth jazz in the background, so you don’t wanna kill yourself anymore.”
15th video: SCARIER THAN IT LOOKS | The Cubicle (HTC Vive Virtual Reality)
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timestamp: 1:40
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timestamp: 3:47
anti appeared in a single frame...
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timestamp: 3:49
and then anti turned around to look at sean
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timestamp: 7:26
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timestamp: 7:27
after sean said:“what just happened to me?” anti sang: “one...two, anti’s coming for you, and he’s dead” and then the facecam disappeared
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timestamp: 7:32
again, anti appeared just for a split second and disappeared.
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timestamp: 9:16
and then, he just faced us and said: “i have come” and jack just said: “i could have sworn i just heard something.”
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there’s another zalgo texts that says: “tomorrow ends him”
16th video: THE SIGNS ARE THERE | Layers Of Fear - Part 2
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timestamp: 4:39
more anti apperances:
7:51, 7:55, 10:21
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timestamp: 13:03
anti winked at us
20:12, 26:03
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another zalgo text in the description that says: “it’s almost time”
17th video: S̺͍͉͔͉̞̪Ḁ̸̰̮͝Y̶̪ ̳͇̭͍̥̭͉ͅG̕҉̡̦̲O̤̫͖͎̗͜͞ͅÒ̴̬̠̺̪̥͉̳͉̥͝D̨̺̦̯͙͙͔̯͚͠B̸̬̻̝͉͍̻̀͝Y҉̫̝̖̹̝̠͠E̲̩͟͝ͅ
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timestamp: 2:19
sean heard a weird sound, stood up and said “the fuck was that?” and strated to slightly glitch.
he opened the door to his far left and said: “hello?”
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and then he appeared...
more anti apperances:
2:32, 3:18, 3:41
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timestamp: 4:22
sean said: “this smell isn’t making me feel well” and he got a nosebleed.
4:32, 5:32, 6:35
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timestamp: 8:07
“it’s time...to die!”
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timestamp: 8:28
he got quiet and listened to the thud sounds he heard. stood up and said: “i swear to god, i’m hearing something. that is fucking freaking me out.”
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timestamp: 8:43
he appeared again but with black eyes.
and then proceeded on saying: “maybe it’s just the neighbors i’m hearing. sounds like something’s walking around or something like stomping or banging, christ. maybe i’m just paranoid ‘cause it’s halloween” 
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timestamp: 9:09
the video slightly glitched when sean said: “but if you wanna make him look like he’s rotten or decayed”
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timestamp: 9:49
the video slightly glitched again before anti’s shadow appeared
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timestamp: 9:50
and then sean glitched
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timestamp: 9:51
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timestamp: 10:36
before sean finishes his sentence, anti cuts him off and took over him.
- tw: blood and gore -
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timestamp: 10:47
anti slits sean’s throat and killed him.
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timestamp: 11:03
and now, anti has fully taken over sean...with a voice saying “help me”
and then he proceeds with his monologue that we have to say goodbye to sean.
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in the description though, it says: “You wanted me.....well here I am��
- E N D -
moving on to the other social media, before the ‘say goodbye’ video, anti has been taking over sean’s instagram and twitter.
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i know he also took over his tumblr but it has the same vibes as his twitter. (bloody icon and zalgo bio)
and that ladies and gents, is how he died and now he’s in a coma.
coma? i’ll tackle more about that during the 2018 egopocalypse post soon!
HERE’S THE PLAYLIST TO THIS POST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5wG46uK8MEOkOZFY4k9x9tSGECzF9l8z
i hope this is helpful to anyone who didn’t get to experience this or just forgot about what happened during that time of year.
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womenofcolor15 · 4 years
‘Sex and the City’ Is Back For A Reboot - Without Samantha! Here's What SJP Has To Say About Their Beef & Why Folks Are Demanding Diversity
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“Sex and the City” is getting the reboot treatment (that some are wondering if we really even need). And one character – Samantha (played by Kim Cattrall) – is notably missing. Lead star Sarah Jessica Parker addresses her former co-star’s absence in the upcoming rival. Find out what she said inside….
Yep. You heard right. One of the biggest television series is making a comeback!
”Sex and the City” is getting the reboot treatment, following the show’s initial run (that wrapped up in 2004) and two movies (2008 & 2010). The 2nd film didn’t do great at the box office, but that’s not stopping a revival of the hit television series.
The reboot of the hit series will return as a limited series titled, “And Just Like That…”
According to THR, the 10-episode, half-hour show will debut on HBO Max. It’ll follow the original ladies Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker), Miranda (Cynthia Nixon), and Charlotte (Kristin Davis) navigating life in their 50s. Lord. Charlotte & Miranda will be parents to teen boys, while Carrie should be living in marital bliss with her husband Mr. Big. However, we wouldn't be surprised if they got a divorce in the reboot.
However, Samantha (Kim Cattrall) is NOT involved with the project. No surprise there. In the past, Kim said SJP is a MEAN girl and that she would never work with her again. All of that tea was spilled when SJP reached out to Kim in 2018 following the death of Kim’s brother.
        View this post on Instagram
                      A post shared by Kim Cattrall (@kimcattrall)
  ”My Mom asked me today 'When will that @sarahjessicaparker, that hypocrite, leave you alone?' Your continuous reaching out is a painful reminder of how cruel you really were then and now," Kim wrote in an Instagram post in 2018. "Let me make this VERY clear. (If I haven’t already) You are not my family. You are not my friend. So I’m writing to tell you one last time to stop exploiting our tragedy in order to restore your ‘nice girl’ persona."
After she unleashed that lashing on SJP, fans KNEW a "SATC" reunion including Samantha never happening.
Despite Kim’s absence, the reboot is still happening:
Sarah, Cynthia and Kristin all posted the same “SATC” reboot promo on their social media accounts:
        View this post on Instagram
                      A post shared by SJP (@sarahjessicaparker)
  In the comments, fans questioned SJP about Kim’s absence and she responded:
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"Happy to see you back but will miss Kim/Samantha," one commenter wrote, to which SJP replied, "We will too. We loved her so. X."
”OMG it’s happening. Something is happening. Imma miss Samantha but I’ll take anything right now,” another commenter wrote.
”She will always be there. And we are so excited. X,” SLP responded.
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In another response, she addressed the rumors that she doesn't like Kim.
"No. I don't dislike her. I've never said that. Never would," SJP wrote. "Samantha isn't part of this story, but she will always be part of us. No matter where we are or what we do. X."
SJP kept her responses classy and drama-free, which is good because Kim seems like the type that would respond.
“SATC” series creator Darren Star will not be returning as well. Director Michael Patrick King — who won an Emmy for his work directing on the original series — will serve as the reboot’s Executive Producer. Production will kick off in NYC later this year.
Now, the big question is will they DIVERSIFY the reboot? Inclusion has been a huge issue for “Sex and the City,” especially since the show is set in New York City, which is one of the most racially and economically diverse cities in the world. “SATC” hardly had any diversity other than Charlotte’s adopted daughter Lily and Jennifer Hudson when she starred in the first movie as Carrie’s assistant from St. Louis. "My very own Louis Vuitton?!" Chile....
Folks have been sounding off on Twitter about adding some diversity to the cast for the reboot:
why are they doing a sex and the city reboot without Samantha when they could just do a more diverse (non biphobic & transphobic LOL) version of the series with a new cast ? Sex and the City is one of the few shows that SHOULD be redone better
— Shannon (@vsillyanddumb) January 11, 2021
You know I loved sex and the city just as much as any other gay but like can we leave these senior citizens in the 90s/2000s. It’s time for a reboot with a diverse cast.
— Femme Cholo (@mrjld20) January 11, 2021
I won’t be watching the ‘Sex and the City’ reboot unless the casting is much more diverse, they eliminate the stereotypical depiction of gay characters, and present transsexuals with respect and love instead of mocking them and making them targets of jokes. Do better this time.
— Mike Sington (@MikeSington) January 11, 2021
People often forget that Sex and the City 2 was one of the most anti-Arab and islamophobic movies made in recent years so I hope the writer's room of the new series has far more diverse voices this time around. At the very least!
— Hanna Ines Flint (@HannaFlint) January 11, 2021
petition for @hbomax to recreate Sex and the City with a diverse set of main characters instead of the same three white women we’ve seen too many times
— pinksweet (@pinksweet) January 11, 2021
Also, “SATC” fans are NOT here for the reboot without man-eater Samantha!
We have a feeling the reboot will probably be more diverse for the limited series, and not just when it comes to race. Class diversity may be present as well. If it doesn’t, we’re sure cancel culture will kick into overdrive!
Could Samantha be re-cast? Will they add a new friend to the circle? Will she (or he) be of color? We’ll just have to wait and see. Are YOU here for the reboot?
Photo: vipflash/Shutterstock.com
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2021/01/11/%E2%80%98sex-and-the-city%E2%80%99-is-back-for-a-reboot-without-samantha-but-will-it-be-an-all-white-nyc-
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gukptune · 6 years
user: 95mochibuns → jimin
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↠ Pairing: jimin x reader
↠ Genre: camboy!au, streamer!reader, smut
↠ Warnings: explicit language, cute but dangerous jimin, masturbation, teasing, edging, more of a clean smut
↠ Words: 3.3k
↠ Plot Summary: not much could be said about a camboy who gets himself into trouble with a streamer he admires.
↠ a/n: possibly a part 1 of 2. This has been sitting in my draft for a long time. Hope you enjoy it, it’s not GREAT but it’s cute. Second part will be much better!
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Frustrated, infuriated and annoyed, all these words meant the same thing but they’re the only things that crossed your mind but of course you couldn’t show it not right now.
“Honestly, I knew this game was difficult and no, I will not wear the chicken hat. Never,” you announced, your voice coming right back at your from your mic to your headphones.
Keeping that quick witted and mischievous persona that all your viewers came to you for.
Comments rolled in with tips and tricks but of course most of them weren’t helpful, your eyes were automatically glancing over the sexual comments and what not, saying shit like your aspirated groans and whines at the game was hot.
Then a tip rolled in and that wasn’t normal by any means, your tips were of high price ― 20 for a tip was just ridiculous but it stopped a lot of stupid kids commenting. You had loads of subscribers and make a lot from this yet streaming and gaming wasn’t your job. You didn’t want to make it seem that way either because you were still in the end a student.
The tip popped up with your tip icon, blinking with the sender’s icon ― a bunny? 
“All these kids commenting that you suck should fucking stop commenting anonymously like the fucking *shilantropussies* they are.”
You were looking at the sender as you chuckled, “Exactly, jbunnyjeon.”
Of course it was nice to point out people’s names when they tipped because funny enough most of the tippers live for that shit. You were streaming one of the less popular games mostly so you could play it because well you don’t stream for other people but for yourself.
Playing Metal Gear Solid could’ve been a mistake, since this game was a drag in time and effort. Yet, a whole lot of male viewers loved seeing girls play ‘manly’ games, whatever.
“Anyways, I still don’t get why we need this guy with us but I got him,” you commentate as your character, snake, hauled your capture onto the back of your horse.
Finally, you got past the stupid robot. 
“Congrats :( that part took me *days* ― legit was about to kill myself.”
A comment by a fellow streamer, it popped up larger than most since you both were mutuals.
“Jeez, you fucking suck Tae,” You teased, imagining his reaction to everyone seeing how you played better than him. Since, he was a self proclaimed pro-gamer.
You leaned back in your chair, watching yourself on the screen to your left through the cutscene. Seeing all the comments which made you chuckle and respond to some through text. You weren’t one to talk through cutscenes at all.
As things seemingly were going smoothly a buzz through you phone made you groan, if someone was fricking texting you at 9 pm you were about to kill them because there were multiple and they were loud.
Out of frame of the viewers you flipped your phone over, it immediately unlocks and you scroll to see the notification.
95mochibuns is going live!
95mochibuns is going live in 10 minutes!
Your eyebrows furrowed as your eyes lock at the time. It was really 9 but fucking 9:50.
95mochibuns announcement! 
Hey guys! A spontaneous live coming up, something special - feeling horny and fucking hard. Hope you can all join me tonight! 
Entry is at 10 on the dot, only those who click in time can view. Testing out something new, maybe you guys will like it. I’ll be able to see your comments easier since it’s exclusive and limited.
Did I mention there’s only 35 slots, :) I love you all.
Oh fucking hell. Were you really going to drop your stream to watch his. Were you going to pretend to have a great reason to stop the stream now, lie to your audience to watch this camboy jack himself off.
Fuck yes.
Letting out a cough, you turned back to face the camera as your phone slips up into your hand, “Urgh, hey guys― I think I’m getting tired.”
"I’m so going to have nightmares about this game tonight, hope you all enjoyed,” you smiled softly, giving your audience the best worn out expression you could. Waving your hand at the camera, seeing comments of those saying ‘goodnight’, or saddened emojis and you know the typical ‘don’t go’ or some mean comments.
Winking at the camera before you shot hearts, “Thank you so much for tuning in on tonights stream! Metal Gear Solid Ep. 24! See you all, next time. Much love!”
Clicking off you let out a sigh, stretching out your back and feeling the cracks moaning at the release. Shit, you’ve been sitting in the same spot for hours, your back was killing you. Twisting and turning trying to pull out all the cracks and tightness you peered at the time on your desktop.
9:54 it was. You had 6 minutes to get on his page and wait, you knew it was going to be war and you were going to be refreshing like your life depended on it.
On the cam website and app, called ‘weheartcam’, it was one of the best in your opinion. The website only took amateurs and didn’t take companies or businesses streaming on their site, only independent streamers, how lovely.
Though Jimin, 95mochibuns, was one of the most popular boys apart of this camboy trio. Made up of himself and his two friends, though you only watched Jimin― something about him makes you just drool.
His fluffy blonde hair, muscular thighs, ripped body- fuck, he was just a korean boy who knew his ways around people of all countries. His english was amazing, he slips his native tongue every now and then, making him even hotter. 
95mochibuns is going live in 5 minutes!
Holy―fricken―fuck. Was it anxiety, you were going to cry if you didn’t get to watch. You ended your stream for this boy, you felt like you were trying to get concert tickets or something.
You clicked on the bookmarked page you had favourited, that directed you right to his page. 
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On the videos page, you propped your leg up hugging a knee close to your chest to get comfortable.
Seeing his array of very explicit thumbnails, of which one of them was blurry― for tonight. Plastered over the image, ‘Coming Soon’. Oh yes, he was going to be coming in many ways.
Here you are, playing the waiting game. Being a well traverse streamer of course you internet connection was legit and you had faith in yourself... as much faith you could have when you know at least ten thousand people would want to be watching. He gets at least millions on each of his streams and well whenever there was a live he had more than a hundred thousand watching when it’s on. Though, there were the occasional people who joined instantly and that was the ten thousand super fans.
You wouldn’t say you were a super fan, you didn’t really have a fan page just a random one you used to comment and tip Jimin. You didn’t like all his posts on instagram... you always a bit busy. But well, you’ll have to try― at least.
9:58, nine―fucking―fifty eight. Hearts racing, in the spur of suspense. Your eyes were burning a whole into the clock as your finger on your mouse hovered over the video. Did this seem like you were being too much, no, fuck no.
Time blinks away as you finger immediately taps on the video when it game on. Being delighted by the cute face of Jimin himself, smiling at the camera as he watches the number of streamers go up. Each of the streamers were tagged with a number, you were number 26, fantastic.
Which always made you question how the hell did anyone have better connection that you, especially when you’re pretty sure you pressed right on the dot. Some sort of wizardry bullshit, or bots of course. Yet, these kinds of streams were only for members, of which you definitely were.
You laughed, thinking of the thumbnail he had. He must’ve posed for it in the same outfit before he started the stream.
“Hey guys!” Jimin flashed his ultra pure smile. 
Fluffing up his hair as he seduces his viewers through the camera, “Slots are full, hmm, I’m glad you’re all here.”
They way he speaks is husky, breathy, his eyes were dim and blinking more often. He even moans, holy fuck. He was laid back on a couch, from what you could see. The lights were more dimmed now, neon lights peaking from his left shining on his face.
He must’ve had what you think was the television on, as it was flashing against his face. His camera was still, must’ve been on a tripod.
“Yea, I’ve been busy―argh, sorry for the lack of stream this week. I was actually going to go to sleep, it’s really late here,” he speaks casually, smiling at the camera as he reads through the messages― the non-spamming one. You weren’t commenting though, you were more distracted by what he was doing.
He was wearing a dark sweater, his right shoulder was flexing. Maybe it was your gamer instincts to notice everything, observe everything. He was not just sitting around.
You felt ridiculous, were you actually imaging. No one else was pointing out his erratic breathing, for flustered cheeks. Everyone was asking him what he was doing today, how his day was― innocent things.
Opting to do it yourself you began to type.
peachbubbles: you’re cute when you’re blushing ;’)
Which apparently catches his eye as the side of his lip curls into a smirk, he chuckles patting the back of his nape, “Hmm, you’re observant, huh?”
“Peachy,” he winks at the camera. You felt awfully exposed at that moment, it was clear he was directing that to you.
He made you squirm and blush from the mere look on his face and the way he speaks. This was more than a stupid crush, you’ve been watching him for years and hell, he’s changed since the beginning. He’s so much more confident with himself now.
Since he’s noticed you, but doesn’t really know who you are you commented again.
peachbubbles: why don’t you show us what’s going on downstairs? <3
He seemed to see your comment again, which was easy to spot as yours mentioned a completely different topic from everyone else’s occasional ‘i love you’.
He shook his head humorously, “Downstairs,” hissing through his teeth, “You’re too smart, unlike most of the fans here. You actually think― with your head.”
He grins, reaching forward to the camera, making your heart race from how close he was, it felt realistic from your huge screen. He zooms out.
Your breathing hitches when he pulled back and relaxes on the couch. Everyone’s reaction was well, pretty similar to yours.
He has his legs sprawled out wide, his sweatpants pushed down. His hand fisting his own cock, he bites his lip reading all the lewd comments. Pulling at his balls with his other hand.
“I’d give you a prize if I could, darling,” He teases, flashing his perfect smile again.
His eyes perked around reading the comments, he picked out one in particular to read out.
“Ah... You’re all wondering why I chose to do this random stream, uhm, honestly. This may come as a surprise but I don’t think it is,” He pauses, mumbling a few words, cocking his head back and forth, “I got hella turned on watching, uhm, one of my favourite gamers.”
“She’s pretty hot, she was aggravated by this game, ugh, it’s pretty fucking cute,” you had a sense of jealousy, he was jerking off to the thought of a hot gamer he’s watched, fuck, she was be hot as fuck.
“Anyways, sadly, she had to end her stream before I could jack off to her,” sad indeed, though of course you felt kind of relieved that you won’t be watching your ultimate crush jacking off to some gamer that could be your rival.
If anything, you had just came off your stream.. right? Hell no, Jimin wouldn’t possibly be referring to you, no.
His face was now redder than it was before, he must’ve read the comments spilling with assumptions that he was dating them, having a crush and etc.
“She’s a great gamer! You might know her, she just passed a huge robot level on this game...” as if time had stopped, you awaited what he had to say. Holy fuck, maybe he was talking about you.
“Metal gear solid? Is it? I don’t know much about games like that but it seems cool, I mainly watch those streams for her,” he explained, rubbing his face shyly, “I don’t even watch the gameplay, just her face.”
“Fuck, that sounds creepy doesn’t it? It doesn’t? Thank god,” he sighed, relieved that most of his fans commented how they’d be grateful as fuck if he’d jack off to them.
Jimin leans into the camera, as if he’s whispering and telling a secret, “Hmm, I nut to her nearly everyday.”
He chuckles, leaning back onto the bedframe. His eyes reading through the comments before he playfully huffed.
“Her name? You guys want me to expose her? Hell no!”
He chuckles with an amused tone, shaking his head, “Well, if anything maybe you guys will like her more than me.” 
Damn. You don’t even know how to feel anymore, knowing that your ultimate crush is getting himself off with the imagery of you―you. You didn’t know if you should say something, hell no, if you did you’d get attacked by his raging fans.
God, look at him though. His eyes half shut, euphorically pulling at his balls and jerking himself off― you got so wet just staring at his face, not to mention the sight of his thickened cock in his hands.
Then rolls the comments.
parkhearts: you’re famous! slide in her dms, maybe you’ll get to slide in elsewhere too
babymochi: omg, get together! I ship.
bunbuns: She’s cute, omg, I watch her. Didn’t think she’d be his type, she’s so... cunning haha
iloveprkjm: She’d totes dom him honestly.
jiminsgirl: she’s not even that cute wth are y’all on
Jimin must’ve caught those comments because he sighs, stopping himself for a second as he responds, “She’s way too good for me. But hey, ‘bunbuns’. I’m pretty cunning too, that makes her and I compatible right?”
“And yea. She seems like a total bad girl, and yes, ‘iloveparkjm’ thank you, she could totally pull off a dom look and well I’d let her choke me any day.”
Your breath hitches. His tone was so serious, he wasn’t even laughing it off. He was just grinning like the cute ass he was, knowing well enough that whatever he said made everyone cream their pants.
And cue the thirsty comments.
itsjustpark: i’d let him choke me to death
berrychu: imagine sub jimin tied up though...
perkie: i’m so jealous
chimsgirl: here comes the thirsts and the jellys
More and more comments scrolled their way rapidly down the screen, Jimin’s facial expression was the same as yours―shocked but not surprised. He knew what he said and what would happen, god he loved the attention.
“You guys! Relax, it’s not like she knows I exist,” He laughed, before eyeing the camera and smirking, “I won’t cheat on you guys.”
Did you just cringe? Probably, god he said things that made all his girls die and squirm. You could probably feel the same as them but at the moment all you could think about was the fact that he just told the world he jerked off to you― indirectly but some fans caught on.
jiminsbitch: you guys could make a sex tape... that’d be pretty hot, ____’s hella hot.
heartsforhim: so it is ______
jiminsmine: _____? who’s this hoe
honeybuns: holy fuck imagine seeing him fuck someone.
perkie: i bet minnie knows the motions of the ocean ;) 
You god damned imagined the same thing. Shit, you got off on him too. What’s to stop you from actually messaging him... his fans or your pride.
“Geez, guys please focus on me and not your imagination of me right now,” Jimin teased, still going at himself.
Pushing your ridiculous thoughts away you focused on the now.
peachbubbles: i’m sure she’d love for you to fuck her
Jimin’s eyebrow quirked at your comment. What, he saw it through the floods of other comments, that’s ridiculous. 
“Welcome back from the dead peachy, thought you left,” He said, grinning to the camera as sweat begins to trial down his face.
You continued typing to him.
peachbubbles: are you close~
Jimin hummed, “Close enough.”
He read your comment again, it wasn’t just a coincidence then. You didn’t understand. Maybe you didn’t see other people commenting the same thing.
You began to type something else, maybe something he would do― at least that could solidify if he was actually focusing on your comment.
peachbubbles: i’d love to see you with a cockring
He didn’t respond. Maybe it was too forward or weird... maybe some guys didn’t like using toys. God, why’d you just ask him that, it’s kind of personal right. It’s definitely more daring, maybe he’s just weirded out or just didn’t see it.
He stares down at his cock, slick and wet. Pursing his lips and biting them as he nears his end.
“You know, I’ve never considered getting one,” He says, not looking back at the camera, “Also, aren’t cock rings more of a thing couples use.”
“Pleasures the girl as well as yourself,” Oh christ, why is he doing this to you.
He does enough by just looking into the camera as if it was a real person. His moans and whimpers, he was so shameless with sex and it was glorious. He tugs and rubs himself so well, quick yet stable. His forearms flexed all the way even though his hands were gently touching himself.
Then you could hear his quiet mumbling, “Maybe, ____, likes cockrings.” Chuckling to himself as he shakes his head.
Jimin smirks out of the blue, changing the pace, “Urh, I’m gonna cum. Fuck―uh.” He’s leaking. It’s hot, wet and sexy. 
He always wore the most sultry expression, his one eye half shut and the other completely. Trying his best to look at the camera as if it was a person, whilst his head jerks back in pleasure at his release. His white thick cum creaming out of his cock, all over his hands and thighs, with a name lingering on his lips.
“_____, shit― I fucking h-hope she knows I exist. I’d fuck her―so hard,” his breathing was erratic, he groans through his words, “I’ll take your advice guys―”
He chuckled, “I’ll text her.”
He was going to... to text her― that her was you. Oh god, what are you suppose to do. Play it cool, no way, that’s just fake. Tell him that you’ve been watching him all this time and would love for him to fuck you so hard, no way, that’s just pathetic.
Jimin cocks the camera back up to his face, with a knowing grin― a knowing grin that all his fans fucked themselves to him.
“I’ll see you guys in the next stream, wish me luck,” He smiled boyishly, before pointing a finger at the camera, “And please, do not send her hate or I will hate you.”
“Goodnight!” He waves towards the camera as the stream ends.
You mindlessly waved back. He seemed very serious about texting you―too serious, maybe he’s just playing with your emotions, you as in the fans. He loved causing a storm, though he wouldn’t bring attention to someone so... mindlessly.
Leaning back in your chair, fuck, you didn’t even get off. Rolling your eyes before tapping exit on his page. Getting your ass back onto twitter and reading the comments from your fans as always. Pretending that whatever just happened, never happened.
And then as the world seemed calm and happy.
A buzz killed the air. You furrowed your eyebrows, looking over to your side at your silenced phone. A message? God, who is it.
There wasn’t much you thought about, probably your friends begging you to go out with them for a fun night.
Peering over at the lit up screen your breath comes to a stop at the name. Instead of being your friend wanting to party and hang out―
parkjimin: heyyy~
It was him. Right, maybe you’ll just die.
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c. 2019
1K notes · View notes
whiskynottea · 5 years
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An Interruption in the 1st Law of Thermodynamics.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27,  Chapter 28, Chapter 29, Chapter 30, Chapter 31, Chapter 32, Chapter 33, Chapter 34, Chapter 35,  Chapter 36, Chapter 37, Chapter 38, Chapter 39, Chapter 40, Chapter 41, Chapter 42, Chapter 43, Chapter 44,  Chapter 45, Chapter 46, Chapter 47, Chapter 48, Chapter 49, Chapter 50, Chapter 51
A huge thank you to all of you for sticking with me! And, as always, thank you to my beta, @theministerskat!
Chapter 52. Michigan Writing
Sassenach: I juuuuuuuumped!
My hands were trembling. It took me more than one try to write the message without mistakes. My fingers seemed to have a mind of their own, sliding on the screen, adding a stray H and two stray Os before I could command them not to. The moment the message was sent, I calculated the time in Michigan. Six-thirty. Still too early, but the first thing I wanted to do once I had land under my feet again was to share that moment with Jamie. Now, when my heart was still trying to escape from my chest -- as if I could share the feeling with him through a simple text message.
Bungee jumping was amazing. Better than I thought it would be. Even now that I was standing still, I could still feel the adrenaline running through every tissue of my body. Waves were crashing against my skin, fighting for release, making me invincible.
All due to those scary, exhilarating sixty seconds when I felt I was challenging death. Trusting a rubber band to keep me alive and feeling my heart beating wildly, the blood rushing through my body, my voice leaving my mouth in shrill cries. The wind rippling through my hair.
Elation. Freedom.
I had to do it again, but next time with Jamie. I needed to see his smile splitting his face when the crew would pull him up. To see happiness reflecting in his eyes the moment they found mine.
Sassenach: We’re definitely doing this together, too.
Louise’s voice pulled me from my thoughts and I looked up from my phone. The crew was working fast to ready her, not leaving time for second thoughts. Louise, however, was looking at me with panicked eyes. “I’m not sure about this…” she murmured, a question hiding behind the words. Should I not do it? She was close to backing out just before the jump.
“It’s awesome Louise!” I encouraged her, unable to erase the grin that was still on my face, lingering there from my own jump. “You’ll love it!”
A few moments later she was screaming “Merde!”, but I could hear the laughter in her voice.
Looking around, I saw Robert chuckling silently, while Jeremy was standing close to the edge, excitement clearly written on his face. Margaret, on the other hand, had shrunk into herself, standing as far as she could from the crew, as if they would suddenly grab her and throw her off the bridge without so much as a question.
“C'est magnifique!” Louise’s laughter interrupted her words, her hand secured over her heart as she stood again amongst us. “Best thing I’ve done in a long while!” she added, ecstatic.
A weird sound came from Robert’s voice that made Jeremy laugh. We were all aware that Robert was one of the things Louise had done lately, but it was nothing more than one drunken night, so none of us had mentioned it.
“No matter how good you are, mate, I don’t think you can really compare to bungee jumping.” To the challenging glance shot at him by Robert, Jeremy added, “No offense, St. Germain.”
Another sound came from Robert, but he didn’t reply to Jeremy’s comment. Jeremy turned to the crew. “Okay, my turn!” he said. “I’m so excited!”
“Can’t tell,” Robert drawled, looking bored.
“Oh come on!” I said, disbelieving. “You can’t pretend to be calm about this! It’s not called an ‘extreme sport’ for nothing.”
“Oui!” Louise agreed with me, pulling her hair up into a sleek bun, still smiling. “This feels so good!”
“I know,” he said plainly.
“You do?” I asked, surprised.
“I’ve done this before,” he deadpanned.
“And?” I couldn't hide the smile from my voice. It was as if he had resigned to showing no emotions at all, and it was getting ridiculous.
“It’s great, okay?” he said, his face stony, but his eyes grew wide, as if he had surprised himself by admitting it.
I smiled triumphantly, but didn’t continue the conversation. Jeremy was almost ready, and he was looking at me with a wide smile, waiting to take his picture so he would post it on Instagram.
“Got it,” I winked at him and smiled, and his grin became wider, if that was even possible.
Thirty minutes later, we arrived back at the volunteer house. Robert had jumped from the bridge in the most nonchalant way, but even he couldn’t control the grin on his face when the crew pulled him back up. Margaret had decided that she didn’t want to try, even though we had repeatedly assured her that the jump was perfectly safe and felt amazing. Robert had walked with her back to her room while the rest of us had stayed behind, having an animated conversation about seeing the ground coming closer and closer, and wondering where the hell the rope was that would stop us.
Jamie hadn’t mentioned my letter in any of his texts or during our calls, and I, wanting it to be a surprise, didn’t inform him of my old-fashioned means of communication. So I could hardly believe in my eyes when Robert gave me the crisp white envelope with my name written on it in Jamie’s beautiful penmanship.
“Mr Darcy sends his regards,” he said with a slightly raised eyebrow, but I didn’t have time to spend on his mockery. That he, of all people, would be the one to read Pride and Prejudice and use references from the book to tease me. Or maybe he had watched the movie. Having Jamie’s letter in my hands, I didn’t really care either way.
I ran to my bed, lay prone propping myself up on my elbows, and tore the envelope open.
My Sassenach,
A letter? Really? John is now calling me Napoleon and it’s all your fault. He says Napoleon was sending steamy love letters to Josephine and he’s sure that’s what we’re doing as well. If I’m going to live through that, you have to increase the level of naughtiness in your letters, babe. We have to live up to John’s expectations (and that’s the only reason I’m asking this of you, as I’m sure you very well know).
“Yeah, sure, Jamie Fraser. The one and only reason,” I  murmured, grinning. “I wonder who you’re trying to persuade with this.” Shaking my head, I continued.
What you also need to know, is that Hector has left two fake letters on my desk this week -- one featuring hearts of all shapes, the other full of ridiculous declarations of love. And a bit of sex talk. Really bad sex talk, if I may say so. We should have never helped these two get together. They are insufferable, and I have to endure their silliness all by myself now that you’re gone, Sassenach.
“You’re a ridiculous human being,” I whispered, smiling, although my heart clenched a little reading his words. I knew he was joking, I knew it, but I also knew he did wish I was there. My eyes glanced back to his words.  
To be honest, I never expected to get a letter from you. It was a nice surprise, reading you, though. Maybe I’ve read the letter more than once. Maybe I read my favorite parts every night. Maybe.
The groan left my lips before I could control it. Why does this man have to be so sweet? All of a sudden, my arms felt extremely empty.
I never expected to tell you that I’m happy you’re there, Claire, but I am. I am happy because you are. Because I can see the way you smile in the pictures you send. Because I can even read this joy, squeezed into the tiny white spaces between the crammed words in your letter, flashing as if it were written with fluorescent colours.
I can’t really explain it, but it makes me happy and sad at the same time. It feels like an ache in my chest. I’m happy you’re doing what you love, but I want to be there, with you. I have this constant feeling that I’m missing something really important, something we were supposed to live together.
But then, if I followed you everywhere, maybe you’d get sick of me and ditch me the moment you got bored. I’m staying here to make myself unattainable, that’s what I’m doing.
Here is where you say, “I’d never get bored of you, you fool.” (I do hope you’ve said this. Or at least thought it.)
R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S. “I’ll never ever get bored of you, you fool,” I said, feeling that I owed him that much. It was the truth, after all. Jamie’s letter continued in a more serious tone.
I know we need to make some memories that are ours and ours alone, mo chridhe, but I don’t want to. I want to be there, to see wild Africa as you see it, the people, the landscapes… To see you healing others, getting ready to become one of the best doctors in the world. I want to be there, to smell you at night when you lie in my arms, to feel your skin soft and warm against my lips. To feel you getting wet, as I run my fingers across your body.
My heart thundered inside my chest. Living up to John’s expectations, my arse.
Anyway. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I miss you terribly.
“I miss you too, you oaf. Why do you have to make this so hard?” My whisper was soon lost, as Jeremy burst in, laughing at something Louise had said outside. I swallowed hard, trying to master my feelings.
Things here are pretty much as you left them, Sassenach. Classes are relatively easy and the winter term ends next Tuesday. Coach has started pushing us harder. Training is exhausting and I often have no stamina to do anything more than go to classes and to the pool. I’m getting better, though. My time underwater is so much longer now! I still need to improve my turns, and coach says my back doesn’t have quite the right arch when I jump at the start. In Edinburgh, my coach had said I had the perfect start -- it appears not.
I could almost see him rolling his eyes. My poor swimmer, straining for perfection.
Other than that, we usually gather over at Hector’s for beers twice a week, as you already know. You remember Jim from when you were here? The complete arsehole? He’s starting to open up now, and he’s really not that bad. Oh, and I just hung up with Jenny. She told me she’ll send you some pictures of Lallybroch, to entice you to return home. Lallybroch is beautiful in the spring, remember the pictures I sent you last Easter? I’ll send you some pictures of me, to make you come here. Fraser measures, we call them.
Jenny said she misses you a lot, but she’s proud of you. She said I’m a lucky bastard to have you -- I needed to remind her I am her family, and not you. I talked with Ian, too. He has started looking for apartments in Edinburgh, so Jenny and he will live alone come September. He wants to find a job too, so he can pay for it, but Jenny has no idea about his plans. He’ll get her on a trip to Edinburgh so they’ll decide together which one they like once he narrows down their choices to three or four apartments. I told him that he’s making the rest of us seem inadequate as boyfriends, but he merely chuckled. He is, though.
Don’t get any ideas in that pretty head of yours. Ian is only one, taken by Jenny, and I’m the best boyfriend you can ever get. Right? Right?
You’re the best I can ever get, that’s for sure.
Your team of volunteers seems nice. Tell Louise I said hi! And keep a safe distance from the guys, okay? (I’m kidding. Or not. Okay, I am, stop staring at that piece of paper as if you’re going to put it on fire.)
I don’t know when this letter will be delivered to you. I’ll make sure you get enough of me through texts till then. I can’t wait for the weekend, so I can see and hear you again.
I love you. And I miss you. And I want you. God, I want you.
Time will pass and I’ll have your obnoxious curls getting in my face again. I can’t wait.  
Your beloved Scot.
I pressed the letter against my chest, breathing long and deep. A letter from Jamie -- who would ever have imagined that happening. I grabbed my phone, checking the time. He should have woken up by now.
Sassenach: Where are you, my sleepy Scot?
Seeing that he wasn’t online, I tucked the letter between the pages of my book and went outside to sit with the others. Louise gave me a sweet smile, and nodded towards the only empty chair, between her and Margaret.
“Happy?” she asked in a low voice once I was seated.
“Yes,” I said, but it was more of a sigh and less of a word. “I miss him.”
“I know.” She pressed her lips together, and her glance traveled to her phone. Charlie was back in France and he hadn’t taken Louise’s decision well. He blamed her for leaving their perfect life to go on an adventure without him, and they had broken up a few days before she left for Zambia. But she still loved him.
At least Jamie understood.
When the rest went back in the house, Robert and I were left alone basking in the sun.
“So,” I said, leaning towards him. “Pride and Prejudice? You?” I asked in a low voice, making sure I raised my eyebrow in a challenging way.
Robert looked at me for the briefest moments, then averted his eyes. If I didn’t know he had been lying under the sun for the past thirty minutes, I would swear he had blushed. With his gaze fixed on a puffy white cloud, he shrugged.
“You would make a nice Mr. Darcy yourself, you know,” I said without really thinking about it. Or, more specifically, thinking about his money and arrogance.
His eyes found mine, and the openness I saw there surprised me. “It was my mother’s favourite book.” He ran a hand through his hair, fixing his gaze on the cloud again.
I froze at his use of past tense.
“I’m sorry, Robert.” I reached out tentatively and squeezed his hand, feeling his fingers pressing hard against the arm of his chair. “I know how it feels like.”
He looked at me again, wide eyes glazed with unshed tears. He nodded, gulped as if to swallow the words and feelings that overwhelmed him, and stood abruptly. A moment later he left the house.
My gaze was fixed on the road for a while after Robert disappeared at the turn, thinking how proud and prejudiced I had been in my assessment of him. Everyone carries their own baggage, some people hiding their limping better than others.
Chapter 53
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aprilssschild · 5 years
1. Why don’t you have a driving license?
— Becauee I’m afraid.
2. Best moment of 2019?
— New Year. I love New Year and I spent it in Moscow, at home, that’s why. I was on tv twice at the same time!
3. Do you listen to Putin’s speech?
— Oh, of course.
— Putin’s been here all Zhenya’s life.
— Z: Well, yeah, btw
4. Best invention of humanity?
— I’ll be ordinary and probably wrong, but Iphone, telephone.
5. If the name Evgenia didn’t exist what would be your name?
— Alisa. There were two options how to call me: Alisa and Evgenia.
6. The coolest number on your phone?
— I have Sergey Zverev’s number! He also gifted me earings!
7. The most famous person you’ve ever told to sod off?
— I can’t answer this question because I don’t remember. No...wait I can, but I won’t .
8. The most expensive thing you’ve ever bought?
— A Louis Vuitton bag. A big one, for luggage. 1500$. But it was a gift so I payed only half of the money.
9. Best place you’ve ever been to?
— Japan.
10. Where would you live if not in Russia?
— Only in Russia.
— But what about Canada?
— Well, I live there now, but after I retire I’ll return home.
11. Say something in Japenese.
— 私はとてもおなかがすいています
— What does it mean?
— I’m very hungry.
12. Do you know any Japenese swearings?
— 地獄
— And this means?
— Shit. I’m not a specialist, but I want to learn Japenese very much and I will. And as far as I know, they don’t have a lot of swearings.
13. Your favorite Russian swearing?
— I try not to swear but I say “вашу мамашу!»(a very light version of motherfuck) especially when I’m confused
14. And what about Canada?
— Oh, shit or what the fuck.
15. A movie that made you sobbing?
— “A Star Is Born”. That last scene where she were singing. There were boys with is and they were trying to hold on but I was sobbing.
16. Describe your life in Canada in 3 words?
— Calm. Boring. Productive.
— Why everybody says that it’s boring in Canada?
— Because my practices finish at 4pm and I have absolutely nothing to do. Thankfully I stopped eating meat, fish and dairy so to eat properly I have to cook
17. Justin Bieber or Ryan Gosling?
— Who? Justin Bieber!
Kovtun or Kolyada?(Max unexpectedly sits into the car and starts asking questions)
18. 3 things which are better in Canada than in Russia?
— Cricket Club, constantly smiling people and the third one...well it’s hard but let it be food.
19. What would you bring to Canada from Russia?
— Maxim Kovtun.
20 Olympic Gold or being always young?
— Olympic Gold. Olympic Gold! I don’t want to be forever young.
21. Tatiana Tarasova in one word.
— Great.
22. What tattoo would you like to get?
— Most likely a little moon somewhere on my wrist.
— M: How about a skate? Javi’s got one on his leg.
— Z: Wait, are you serious?
— Int: Guys see it in their locker rooms or maybe he sent it to Max!
A song you have on repeat?
— Billie Eilish “Bad Guy”. And the Russian one...I have a friend Yura and I promised to piar him somewhere so Haru, hi! Also Монеточка “Каждый раз» and NOIZE MC.
23. Your best friend unfollowed you on Instagram. Your actions?
— I will ask wtf and unfollow her back.
24. Your favorite clothes brand?
— Nike.
— And the most expensive thing in your closet?
25. Your unexpected talent?
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26. You told Masha Komandnaya that during flights you write and draw...
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I’d like to create something with such print. A sweatshirt, maybe
27. What’s harder football or figure skating?
— Figure skating.
28. Tell me why fs fans are sometimes more cruel than Spartak(lol) and CSKA fans during the derby?
— In the last two years figure skating has become incredibly popular, like bever before. Among every 100 people there are 1-2 unnormal. And I don’t know why but they go crazy and write so a lot of comments that it seens like there are many of them
29. Describe Alina Zagitova in one word.
— Hard worker. I remember how we worked before the Olympics. And I can say that she works like crazy.
30. Describe Liza Tuktamysheva in one word.
— Funny. She’s really funny and never cares about some little things. I try to learn from her.
31. Now describe Yuzuru Hanyu in one word.
— Winnie the Pooh.
32. Why everybody says that you and Yuzuru are a couple?
— I don’t know. It’s not a mainstream already, not cool. I’m so used to the fact that fans are trying to find me a husband that sometimes they offer me some options and I’m like “why not?”
33. How strong is Putin’s handshake from 1 to 10?
— 8 but maybe it’s because I’m a girl.
34. What annoys you the most in people?
— A lot. Sometimes people and their existence in general. But seriously, laziness.
— And in yourself?
— I’m too open. Sometimes it bites me back.
35. What would you change in your appearance if you could do it in a snap if your fingers?
— Nose, please nose.
— What’s your opinion on plastic surgeries?
— It’s normal.
36. Tell me about meeting with Denis Glushakov.
— We talked about sport. He asked a lot about figure skating, about the Olympics. A lot of things were goung on in my life that time so yeah.
People hate in Glushak a lot at the moment. What advise would you give to him as a figure skater?(I’m not Zhenya but he shouldn’t have cheated on his wife and be a rat towards his coach, idc).
— When there was a lot of pressure on me I deleted Unstageam. It helps. Now I have it again. I gained the immunity. I don’t care what people say abot me. I open it, laugh and close it. But before Worlds, before the start of the season I deleted my Instagram and read books.
37. Instagram or VK?
— Instagram.
— Iphone or Android?
— Iphone.
—WatsApp or Telegram?
— Telegram.
— Sobchak or Dud’?
— Sobchak.
— Dud’ or Urgant?
— Urgant.
— Dzyuba or Ovechkin?
— Ovechkin.
— Kharlamov or Batruha?( Russian comics)
— Batruha.
— Sushi or Borcht?
— Borcht.
— Puppies or Kittens?
— Puppies!
— Kristian Kostov or Brad Pitt?
— Kristian Kostov. What a silly question.
— Zagitova or Tuktamysheva?
— Both.
— Batman or Superman?
— Superman.
— GoT or Sailor Moon?
— Haven’t warched GoT so Sailor Moon.
— Go partying or have some sleep?
— Well...
— To be a leader or to follow?
— To be a leader.
— To write to your crush first or wait for their actions?
— I always write first. It’s awful but I do. I’m not afraid to make the first step.
— K-pop or Russian rap?
— K-pop.
— You are ambassador of k-pop in Russia. What does it mean?
— That I love k-pop. It’s becoming more and more pipular.
— Yeah, even Ed Sheeran...
— Oh, I love Ed Sheeran!
38. An actor you had or still have a crush on?
— I was 15, maybe 16 and I watched “Flash” so it eas Grant Gustin. Ah, god, it’s just...
— Wrote to him on Instagram?
— No, but I have his autograph. A fan gifted it to me. Idk, how this happened but I was like “Aaaaah!”
39. The most beautiful man except relatives?
— Chan from EXO.
40. The most fashionable woman?
*points at herself*
— Ok, it was sarcasm of course. But to say seriously in classic stule it’s definitely Lady D. Maybe it sounds very boring but it’s true. At the moment I love what Billie wears. It’s something new. She always wears something big. And I love big clothes! I feel so tiny!
41. When was your last date?
— Two days ago.
— Rate it from 1 to 10.
— 8.
— Just like Putin’s handshake.
42. Who should pay on a date?
— I always protest, but I think the guy should. But I always feel very awkward when they dio it. I feel ashamed when I get expensive gifts or when someone pays for me at a restaurant.
— What’s your perfect date ideas?
— I’m a romantic, and I’m sentimental so the best idea is Red Square in New Year’s Eve.
43. What annoys you in girls?
— I think a girl should be a little bit envious, a little bit tricky and even bitchy. It’s in our nature. But I hate when they are like: “Weeel, I don’t know...I think I won’t go...” Idk how to call it.
— Mannerism.
44. How to understand if a guy is in love with you?
— I don’t know. At the moment I really don’t. I’m to young!
45. Your source of strength?
— Faith. Faith in something. In your bright future, your relatives, your friends. Faith in good things. But at the moment it’s faith in myself.
46. Have you ever written a love poem?
— In my life I wrote like three poems. I’m very sorry but I don’t love poetry. For me it’s weird when someone speaks in rhymes. It’s unntural. But 1 of that 3 poems was romantic. I don’t jnow how many pages there was but it took 10 minutes to read it.
47. What doesn’t let you sleep at night?
— Instagram!
48. Last philosophical subject you were thinking abot?
— What happens to a planet when it gets into the dark hole? Does it become smaller? Does it vanish? I know that I can google it but it’s not interesting that way.
49. Random fact about space.
— My fans gifted me a star certificate so there’s Medvedeva flying somewhere in space.
50. There is a sport term “MVP”. So who’s the MVP of planet Earth right now?
— In total, not only in sport? Come one, there’s no such person.
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clubdolan · 6 years
#DolanBaby 2
I don’t know why the weird symbols replaced ‘ at certain parts. Ignore it. lol
To fans, the twin’s lives still seemed the same. Snapchats of acai bowls, Tuesday videos, surfing Instagram posts, & annoying each other on Instagram stories. A video or picture of their girlfriends randomly appeared as usual, never focused on Val’s stomach or shopping for a crib but showing that their lives were continuing as they were.
Val’s blog still had a post every other day, beauty must-haves of the season, a haul from Zara, and a weekend trip to the beach with her friend. But also, her newest maternity haul; as her belly continued growing she received product from many companies.
She had gotten past the point of looking like she had just gained some weight to not being able to hide it. Her hands constantly were touching her stomach, she found herself organizing Ethan and Grayson’s office while they filmed, Grayson’s girlfriend Izzy took her out for a burgers at 2am, and her least favorite part; she vomited, a lot.
Then Ethan started showing off his adoration of the bump. He liked to balance things on it and take a video on snapchat, he liked to talk to it rather than Val (just to annoy her), he then started posting pictures, fans saw them in public and snapped pictures themselves.
ethandolan: She keeps complaining her favorite pants don’t fit & apologizing for eating cupcakes & cheese slices (together). I don’t care what she wears or what she eats.. she’s a pretty hot momma. 😍😉
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graysondolan: @/ValerieRose keeps eating cupcakes WITH cheese on top. It’s not good. I tried it. She also put jelly on a dorito earlier.
At 22 weeks Val made the trip to the doctor for an ultrasound, ultimately to find out the gender of the baby. But as Ethan and her friend Emily sat next to her, Grayson sat on the other side of the room filming, knowing he would be leaving the hospital as the only one who knows the gender.
“So I’m dropping these two off to a lovely lunch while we go back to the warehouse and plan the reveal.” Grayson said as Emily pulled up Val’s car to an In N Out before the screen faded.
“Just kidding, we took them to a nice place, it’s going to take them a while. Emily came back with me and Iz, Bryant, James, and Ian are already at the warehouse getting ready. They have no idea I have so many people helping me out.”
“They’re going to be so irritated.” Emily said, pulling the car into the warehouse where everyone stood with a pile of boxes behind them.
For 3 hours they scattered boxes around the warehouse, 50 to be exact. All the same shape, all the same size, all filled with 2 balloons. One box had 2 blue or pink balloons in it, but where that box was, no one knew.
“Really, we have no idea where the box ended up.” Emily explained, showing off their job from the balcony above the foam pit. “It was in a certain place but it got moved.”
The camera was pulled from her hand and Grayson took over, “We have the other two balloons thrown away already, we bought 2 of each color so only I know still and then did 5 trips to get the rest of them.”
“We?!” James yelled from below the balcony, “I remember that Emily and I went on 5 car trips, not you!”
“Okay, they did.” Grayson shrugged, “Ethan and Val are on their way back, they told me to keep it simple” he laughed to himself.
The camera went black, showing off the room in random clips, silver balloons piled in the office, confetti canons ready for when the right balloon popped up, extra cameras surrounding them.
“You can walk in sideways, but don’t turn around.” Izzy said, guiding them into the warehouse, “And before you ask, this was all Grayson’s idea.”
“It’s a great idea.” Grayson said, stepping in front of the camera. “In a few seconds you both will turn around and see something, and in the something is a something that is a color of the something.” He pointed to her stomach.
Val and Ethan gave him rude looks, “Turn around!”
With hesitation they turned around, looking around the warehouse at every box in place. “Are you fu--
The camera cut off and went on a montage of them opening boxes one-by-one. Music stopped every once in a while for a comment by someone. Grayson followed with the camera, everyone else watched from the balcony.
“It’s going to be like the last box.” Val sighed, tugging another open.
“I mean then we will have used every box and balloon to it’s full potential.” Izzy said, “At least it wasn’t the first box.”
Another montage started, Ethan tearing boxes, Val following. Box count sat at the bottom of the screen, 38.
“Grayson it’s almost been an hour.” Ethan complained, the camera shifted over to show their friends sitting down on their phones.
“You have 12 boxes left.”
“I told you to just do 1.”
“Well I did it 50 times better than you were expecting.”
The final 10 were pushed into the same area. Their friends were behind them, most of them on facetime with Ethan and Val’s families.
They both went to the box in the middle and held the flaps before pulling them open. Silver balloons.
Then the next box, then another. “Out of 50 you would think we would have gotten it by now.” Val sighed, opening another box where pink balloons flew in the air.
There was a moment of silence as everyone took it in before the crowd in the warehouse and the crowd via phone started celebrating. Confetti canons of pink and purple went all over and Grayson pulled a string from the ceiling where pink balloons fell all around them.
Of course, Bryant was there, capturing the moment in pictures.
Ethan and Val hugged, Val cried, she hugged Emily then went back to Ethan. He let go of her and wiped her wet cheeks off, picking a pink balloon up off the ground.
Everyone hugged. Everyone took pictures. Everyone facetimed everyone. Everyone helped pick up but Val, who asked for Chipotle and fell asleep in the office while eating.
Ethan tweeted a picture in black and white; him and Val looking at each other with excitement as friends, balloons, and confetti surrounded them. ‘Tuesday’ was the simple caption.
Again, the internet went crazy with, #DolanBaby.
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hiyabradley · 6 years
“If you call me Daddy, I’ll call you baby girl!” (Part 1/3)
Masterlist|My Wattpad
A/N: Sorry if this imagine isn't to everyone's taste and involves way to much smut. I promise that they’ll be something else for you guys who aren't really fond of imagines like this! :) x
Warnings? Strong language/smut
Words: 2700
Requested by: @imcalledshannonxoxo
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I was so bored of sitting in home, I really wanted to go out but I didn't know where. I then unlocked my phone and started scrolling through Instagram and saw that the local nightclub near me was opening at 10pm. I looked at the time, it's was only 7pm, perfect that'd give me plenty of time to get ready.
I went and hopped in the shower. After my shower I went and looked through my wardrobe to find an outfit that was nightclub appropriate. I pulled out my favourite dress and heels. I dried myself off and slipped into my dressing gown for now. I dried my hair and curled it, then applied my make up a bit more dramatic than usual. I looked over at the clock it was 9:30pm. I put on my dress, heels and my favourite perfume, I then grabbed my handbag and put all of my essentials inside. I was ready to go.
I got into the nightclub at around 10:30pm and made my way over to the bar. I ordered myself a pink gin and lemonade. I turned around and looked at the dance floor, that's where I wanted to be. Dancing was one of my biggest passions, but right now the dance floor was absolutely jam packed with people so I decided to stay at the bar.
After a few more pink gin and lemonade's, the dance floor had cleared up a bit. I went to get up and leave then I walked into somebody. I almost fell flat on my ass, but luckily they was there to catch me.
"Woah there! You alright?" He spoke. I looked up to see a guy with brown curly hair, brown eyes and the most beautiful smile ever.
"Holy fuck, you're beautiful!" I muttered.
I just released what I said aloud. "Nothing!" I smiled at him. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine! Are you?"
"Yeah I'm good!" He helped me back on the stall I was previously sitting on and then sat on the stall next to me.
"So!" He began. "What's a beautiful girl like you doing here all alone?"
"Oh god, please don't tell me you're one of those guys who chats up a girl, takes her home, fucks her and then chucks her? Because that's normally what most guys who just wanna do that start with!"
He laughed. "No, I'm not like that, don't worry! Normally I get way to scared to come and chat a girl in a club up, but it was actually my friends who told me that I should come and speak to you. Considering I've been watching you since you arrived!" He pointed over to where his friends where sitting and they gave us a wave.
"Oh right. Or did they dare you to come and speak to me?" I raised my eyebrows at him.
"No! God no! I've been wanting to speak to you for the past hour but haven't found the courage to until now!"
"Um. Fair enough!" I went to order myself another drink.
"No, let me!"
"I'm capable of buying my own drink you know?"
"I know, but I insist!"
"Okay, well in that case I'll have a pink gin and lemonade, please!" I smiled at him.
"I didn't strike you as a gin drinker?" He laughed and then ordered our drinks.
"No?" I turned around and looked at the dance floor, it only had a few people dancing away on it. I sighed.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
I took a sip of my drink. "Nothing, I just really wanted to dance, that's all.
"That probably explains why you've been looking at the dance floor for most of the night then?"
"Yeah, dance is one my biggest passions!"
"You're a dancer?" He smirked.
"Yeah!" I smiled as all the memories of the dance competitions I entered came flooding back. "That's what I came here to do really, have a few drinks, then maybe a dance, then leave!"
"Well do you wanna dance?"
"With you?" I looked at him.
"Yeah, I mean I'm not much of a dancer but sure why not?"
I instantly grabbed his hand without second guessing and dragged him to the dance floor!
After what seemed like forever dancing with this guy who I still didn't know the name of he came up behind me and placed his hands on my hips.
"Damn, you sure know how to dance don't you?" He whispered into my ear out of breath.
I turned around so I was facing him, I slid my arms around his neck. "This? This is nothing, compared to what else I can do!" I winked at him.
"Damn, now I'm even more intrigued!" He looked me up and down until his eyes fell on my chest. He bit his lip.
"Hey! My eyes are up here here! Not down there!"
"Sorry...” He trailed off then shook his head. “Wait, I don't even know your name, what is it?"
"It's Y/N! What's yours?"
"What a beautiful name, for a beautiful girl! I'm Brad!" He smiled.
I blushed. "Thank you Brad!"
"You're welcome Y/N!" He pulled me closer to him, he then rested his hands on my waist.
We danced some more, I could feel his face getting closer to him, until his lips where upon mine and our hands where roaming each other's bodies. I pulled away for air.
"Wait, wait, wait!" I said out of breath.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"Um, this is gonna sound wried but do have Instagram?"
He laughed. "Did you really just break a really good make out session to ask if I have Instagram?"
"No, I needed air! Plus I've been wondering it for most of the night!"
"Fair enough, yeah I do actually! I don't really use it that much as I'm not one for social media, but I do post on there every now and then!"
"What's your username?" I pulled out my phone and opened up the Instagram app.
"It's bradleywillsimpson, what's yours?" He got out his phone and opened up the Instagram app as well.
"It's simplyY/N, yeah how creative!" I laughed and then typed his username into the search part of instagram. "Is this you?" I showed my phone to him.
"Yeah, that's me! Is this you?" He also showed his phone to me.
"Yeah!" I then resorted back to phone and looked at the three recent pictures he had posted:
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"bradleywillsimpson Tonight with the lads should be good 💃🏼👍🏼"
2,293 likes / 14 comments
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"bradleywillsimpson Queen."
2,092 likes / 20 comments
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"bradleywillsimpson Da burfday was a fun times. Can't believe I'm 23, I'm an ol' man 👴🏼"
3,291 likes / 50 comments
I followed him and liked his three recent photos he had posted, wow he was absolutely fucking beautiful, photos didn't do him as far enough justice! I then turned to him to see that he was still on his phone.
"Damn!" He muttered. "Wow!... Holy fuck she's beautiful!... God da -"
"Brad?" I interrupted him.
"Oh sorry!" He blushed!
"It's okay, I was just doing to exact same thing, but not out loud!" I laughed.
He put his phone away and then stared at me for a while. Before we knew it, we had resorted back to back we was doing previously. He pulled away for air.
"Maybe we should take this where else?" He suggested.
"Yeah, maybe we should!" I said out of breath.
"You can come back to mine if you'd like?"
"Well, I live just around the corner so it'd probably be easier to go back to mine?"
"Sure! If that's where you'd prefer to go?"
"I don't mind, anywhere's good!"
"Let's just go back to yours!"
Here’s part 2!
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alittledizzy · 7 years
:08 - Dan is proud of how bleak they are. (Later tweets that their style is darkfuzz core.) 1:05 - Phil brings out the reward and Dan shames him into eating a marshmallow just because. 1:57 - Dan making Phil laugh in the middle of a sentence. 2:28 - Phil says the next one is Dan - the next one is a crying man. Really adorable sheepish (?) grin from Dan, while Phil just unashamedly laughs. Phil being able to joke about Dan and Dan being depressed now is such a nice transition from the awkwardness when Tom joked about Dan being depressed in the Truth Bombs video. I definitely feel like this is more the humor Phil uses with Dan when it's just Dan. 2:47 - Painful virginity losing part - full on repressing priss face Dan smile there, what kind of recall was going through his head? 3:48 - Phil immediately declaring the couple in the picture as not old, lmao. Feeling that recent birthday, eh? 3:58 - And clearly on date night what they do is "have a few drinks and just... chat over the breeds." (Further proof: Dan says they can relate, with the Ribena on ice.) 4:38 - Phil dismissing the entire 'how to be an educated man' wikihow as boring, because those aren't things Phil does. 4:44 - Phil says one of the drawings is Dan. Phil is correct, total throwback to 2009-2011 Dan with the festival bands and the straight emo fringe. 5:21 - Meme pop quiz; Phil demostrates how to block out the haters. 5:44 - Dan demonstrating his makeup knowledge by talking about highlighter to make 'anime eyes.' 6:00 - Dan ignores his own gut and goes with Phil's gut, which is wrong. Phil growls and bites the nearest object; I mean, I guess it wasn't his slipper at least? Or Dan's slipper. 6:28 - Phil had an interesting reaction to the gay and lesbian part. He seemed nervous but unlike most other moments in videos where something kinda gay is happening, he actually looked like he was trying to think of something to say instead of just going full poker face. It was nervous, but not uncomfortable-nervous, and he did actually say something. ("Wow. Yeah. That's how to understand it.") I think if Dan hadn't moved on Phil might have actually made a second comment? And he's got a tight but obvious smile even after Dan moves on, too. 6:38 - Cute little Dan voice asking Phil how he dances in a night club. Phil never wants to go to a nightclub ever again in his life. 6:56 - Dan calling Phil out for stalking Joe Sugg's instagram story. I love that mocking tone from Dan, and it definitely makes me think Phil's made comments about Joe Sugg (privately, to Dan) before. 7:06 - Phil is afraid of the sad questions, pulls his shirt over his mouth - then lets his shirt drop when he realizes it's not actually a sad one. 7:29 - I want to shoot this moment right into my veins, it's so fucking cute. It's nonsensical and Dan and Phil are their weird brain-twin best. I also love how natural Phil's voice and hand gestures are here. (ba-ba-ba-badook) 8:30 - Dan and Phil contemplate 'how to touch a girl.' 8:41 - Phil is offended by Dan's chest poke and how it lacked passion; nipples are apparently now fully safe territory for them to go after? 8:42 - Dan's office stare right after is great, too, since he's got the tiniest of little smiles happening. Yes, he did just poke Phil in the tit, and there's nothing we can do about it. 8:49 - Dan quotes Aristotle. 9:03 - How to Draw Art for your Dan and Phil Fanfic: the wikihow article someone is definitely gonna write now. 9:15 - Dan makes a brief attempt at arguing that the answer could be phone sex. Phil is firm: this is not phone sex. 9:34 - Dan slamming every redditor for their internet history re: how to be the type of nerd that girls love. 9:50 - Dan offering genuine advice. So many jumpcuts here. 10:11 - Dan says roleplay as Pinocchio; Phil goes back to the mpreg place even though this question has nothing to do with actual babies. 11:23 - Phil goes straight for the sex joke, talking about throwing bombs all over the bedroom - while looking directly at Dan, who has a momentary wide eyed panic look (11:25) before he recovers smoothly. 11:29 - And oh my god! This part! I think I've watched it like 20 times. Because in recent history what we've had is Phil making innuendo while looking at Dan or talking directly to Dan, and Dan ignoring the innuendo. To me this says that Dan usually just isn't prepared or doesn't know quite how to meet Phil's boldness head on. But here! He fucking! Does! There's a span of about 2-3 seconds of silence and he gives the explosive oral line. Phil immediately says "Stop." while still grinning. 11:46 - Dan says shoot a cheating boyfriend. Mmm you sure bout that. 11:53 - Phil singing Lion King. 12:00 - Brief moment of their voices sounding really good together. 12:18 - Phil says the next picture represents him. Dan's already got the same sheepish smile from earlier when Phil did the same thing for Dan and got the crying man? I think he saw the cat with the moustache picture and his mind went to furry RIGHT away, and was doing that repressed smile at Phil being a furry. Genuine Phil smiling too, not covered with his hand. 12:22 - They jump cut past the first answer (how to spot a catfish) only to include the second one (how to accept your boyfriend's interest in pornography) and don't bother even reading the rest of the answers out loud. What a statement that is? Dan says "FURRY" and then won't make eye contact with the camera.  
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gordonwilliamsweb · 3 years
Will ‘Dr. Disinformation’ Ever Face the Music?
Earlier this month, Dr. Rashid Buttar posted on Twitter that covid-19 “was a planned operation” and shared an article alleging that most people who got the covid vaccine would be dead by 2025.
His statement is a recent example in what has been a steady stream of spurious claims surrounding the covid vaccines and treatments that swirl around the public consciousness. Others include testimony in June by Dr. Sherri Jane Tenpenny before Ohio state legislators that the vaccine could cause people to become magnetized. Clips from the hearing went viral on the internet. On April 9, 2020, Dr. Joseph Mercola posted a video titled “Could hydrogen peroxide treat coronavirus?” which was shared more than 4,600 times. In the video, Mercola said inhaling hydrogen peroxide through a nebulizer could prevent or cure covid.
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These physicians are identified as members of the “Disinformation Dozen,” a group of top superspreaders of covid vaccine misinformation on social media, according to a 2021 report by the nonprofit Center for Countering Digital Hate. The report, based on an analysis of anti-vaccine content on social media platforms, found that 12 people were responsible for 65% of it. The group is composed of physicians, anti-vaccine activists and people known for promoting alternative medicine.
The physician voices are of particular concern because their medical credentials lend credence to their unproven, often dangerous pronouncements. All three continue to hold medical licenses and have not faced consequences for their covid-related statements.
But leaders of professional medical organizations increasingly are calling for that to change and urging medical oversight boards to take more aggressive action.
In July, the Federation of State Medical Boards, the national umbrella organization for the state-based boards, issued a statement making clear that doctors who generate and spread covid misinformation could be subject to disciplinary action, including the suspension or revocation of their licenses. The American Board of Family Medicine, American Board of Internal Medicine and American Board of Pediatrics issued a joint statement Sept. 9 in support of the state boards’ position, warning that “such unethical or unprofessional conduct may prompt their respective Board to take action that could put their certification at risk.”
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And the superspreaders identified by the center’s report are not alone. KHN identified 20 other doctors who have made false or misleading claims about covid by combing through published fact checks and other news coverage.
For example, at an Indiana school board meeting in August, Dr. Dan Stock claimed the surge in covid cases this summer was due to “antibody mediated viral enhancement” from people receiving covid vaccines. PolitiFact rated his claim “Pants on Fire” false.
Dr. Stella Immanuel, a member of a group America’s Frontline Doctors, which has consistently made false statements about covid, said in a video that went viral in July 2020 that masks weren’t needed because covid could be cured by hydroxychloroquine. Immanuel’s website currently promotes a set of vitamins, as well as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, as covid treatments.
Two of the doctors mentioned by name in this article responded to requests for comment. Mercola offered documents to rebut criticisms of his hydrogen peroxide covid treatment and took issue with the center’s “Disinformation Dozen” report methodology. Buttar defended his positions, saying via email that “the science is clear and anyone who contests it, has a suspect agenda at best and/or lacks a moral compass.” He also pointed to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Vaccine Adverse Event Recording System, considered inconclusive by many experts.
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Since the onset of the covid pandemic, misinformation has been widespread on social media platforms. And many experts blame it for undermining efforts to curb the coronavirus’s spread. A recent poll showed that more than 50% of Americans who won’t get vaccinated cited conspiracy theories as their reasons — for example, saying the vaccines cause infertility or alter DNA.
Some physicians have gained notoriety by embracing covid-related fringe ideas, quack treatments and falsehoods via social media, conservative talk shows and even in person with patients. Whether promoting the use of ivermectin, an anti-parasitic drug for animals, or a mix of vitamins to treat covid, doctors’ words can be especially powerful. Public opinion polls consistently show that Americans have high trust in doctors.
“There is a sense of credibility that comes with being a doctor,” said Rachel Moran, a researcher who studies covid misinformation at the University of Washington. “There is also a sense they have access to insider info that we don’t. This is a very confusing time, and it can seem that if anyone knows what I should be doing in this situation, it’s a doctor.”
While covid is a novel and complicated infectious disease, physicians spreading misinformation generally have no particular expertise in infectious diseases. Dr. Scott Atlas, who endorsed former President Donald Trump’s unproven statements about the course of the pandemic, is a radiation oncologist.
Traditionally, the responsibility of policing physicians has fallen to state medical boards. Beyond overseeing the licensing process, these panels investigate complaints about doctors and discipline those who engage in unethical, unprofessional or, in extreme cases, criminal activity. Any member of the public can submit a complaint about a physician.
“The boards are relatively slow and weak and it’s a long, slow process to pull somebody’s license,” said Arthur Caplan, founding head of the Department of Medical Ethics at New York University. “In many states, they have their hands full with doctors who have committed felonies, doctors who are molesting their patients. Keeping an eye on misinformation is somewhat down on the priority list.”
To date, only two doctors have reportedly faced such sanctions. In Oregon, Dr. Steven LaTulippe had his license suspended in December 2020 for refusing to wear a face mask at his clinic and telling patients that masks were ineffective in curbing the spread of covid, and even dangerous. Dr. Thomas Cowan, a San Francisco physician who posted a YouTube video that went viral in March 2020 stating that 5G networks cause covid, voluntarily surrendered his medical license to California’s medical board in February 2021.
Dr. Humayun Chaudhry, president of the Federation of State Medical Boards, however, said it’s possible some doctors could already be the subject of inquiries and investigations, since these actions are not made public until sanctions are handed down.
KHN reached out to the medical and osteopathic boards of all 50 states and the District of Columbia to see if they had received covid misinformation complaints. Of the 43 that responded, only a handful shared specifics.
During a one-week period in August, Kansas’ medical board received six such complaints. In all, the state has received 35 complaints against 20 licensees about spreading covid misinformation on social media and in person. Indiana has received about 30 in the past year. South Carolina said it had about 10 since January. Rhode Island didn’t share the number of complaints but said it has taken disciplinary action against one doctor for spreading misinformation, though it hasn’t moved to suspend his license. (The disciplinary measures include a fine, a reprimand on the doctor’s record and a mandate to complete an ethics course.) Five states said they had received only a couple, and 11 states reported receiving no complaints regarding covid misinformation.
Confidentiality laws in 13 states prevented those boards from sharing information about complaints.
Social media companies have also been slow to take action. Some doctors’ accounts — specifically those among the Disinformation Dozen — have been suspended, but others are still active and posting misinformation.
Imran Ahmed, CEO of the Center for Countering Digital Hate, said social media platforms often don’t consistently apply their rules against spreading misinformation.
“Even when it’s the same companies, Facebook will sometimes take posts down, but Instagram will not,” Ahmed said, referring to Facebook’s ownership of Instagram. “It goes to show their piecemeal, ineffective approach to enforcing their own rules.”
A Facebook spokesperson said the company has removed over 3,000 accounts, pages and groups for repeatedly violating covid and vaccine misinformation policies since the beginning of the pandemic. Buttar’s Facebook and Instagram pages and Tenpenny’s Facebook page have been removed, while Mercola’s Facebook posts have been demoted, which means fewer people will see them. Tenpenny and Mercola still have Instagram accounts.
Part of the challenge may be that these doctors sometimes present scientific opinions that aren’t mainstream but are viewed as potentially valid by some of their colleagues.
“It can be difficult to prove that what is being said is outside the range of scientific and medical consensus,” said Caplan. “The doctors who were advising Trump — like Scott Atlas — recommended herd immunity. That was far from the consensus of epidemiologists, but you couldn’t get a board to take his license away because it was a fringe opinion.”
Even if these physicians don’t face consequences, it is likely, experts said, that the public health will.
“Medical misinformation doesn’t just result in people making bad personal and community health choices, but it also divides communities and families, leaving an emotional toll,” said Moran, the University of Washington researcher. “Misinformation narratives have real sticking power and impact people’s ability to make safe health choices.”
KHN (Kaiser Health News) is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation). KFF is an endowed nonprofit organization providing information on health issues to the nation.
This story can be republished for free (details).
Will ‘Dr. Disinformation’ Ever Face the Music? published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
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stephenmccull · 3 years
Will ‘Dr. Disinformation’ Ever Face the Music?
Earlier this month, Dr. Rashid Buttar posted on Twitter that covid-19 “was a planned operation” and shared an article alleging that most people who got the covid vaccine would be dead by 2025.
His statement is a recent example in what has been a steady stream of spurious claims surrounding the covid vaccines and treatments that swirl around the public consciousness. Others include testimony in June by Dr. Sherri Jane Tenpenny before Ohio state legislators that the vaccine could cause people to become magnetized. Clips from the hearing went viral on the internet. On April 9, 2020, Dr. Joseph Mercola posted a video titled “Could hydrogen peroxide treat coronavirus?” which was shared more than 4,600 times. In the video, Mercola said inhaling hydrogen peroxide through a nebulizer could prevent or cure covid.
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These physicians are identified as members of the “Disinformation Dozen,” a group of top superspreaders of covid vaccine misinformation on social media, according to a 2021 report by the nonprofit Center for Countering Digital Hate. The report, based on an analysis of anti-vaccine content on social media platforms, found that 12 people were responsible for 65% of it. The group is composed of physicians, anti-vaccine activists and people known for promoting alternative medicine.
The physician voices are of particular concern because their medical credentials lend credence to their unproven, often dangerous pronouncements. All three continue to hold medical licenses and have not faced consequences for their covid-related statements.
But leaders of professional medical organizations increasingly are calling for that to change and urging medical oversight boards to take more aggressive action.
In July, the Federation of State Medical Boards, the national umbrella organization for the state-based boards, issued a statement making clear that doctors who generate and spread covid misinformation could be subject to disciplinary action, including the suspension or revocation of their licenses. The American Board of Family Medicine, American Board of Internal Medicine and American Board of Pediatrics issued a joint statement Sept. 9 in support of the state boards’ position, warning that “such unethical or unprofessional conduct may prompt their respective Board to take action that could put their certification at risk.”
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And the superspreaders identified by the center’s report are not alone. KHN identified 20 other doctors who have made false or misleading claims about covid by combing through published fact checks and other news coverage.
For example, at an Indiana school board meeting in August, Dr. Dan Stock claimed the surge in covid cases this summer was due to “antibody mediated viral enhancement” from people receiving covid vaccines. PolitiFact rated his claim “Pants on Fire” false.
Dr. Stella Immanuel, a member of a group America’s Frontline Doctors, which has consistently made false statements about covid, said in a video that went viral in July 2020 that masks weren’t needed because covid could be cured by hydroxychloroquine. Immanuel’s website currently promotes a set of vitamins, as well as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, as covid treatments.
Two of the doctors mentioned by name in this article responded to requests for comment. Mercola offered documents to rebut criticisms of his hydrogen peroxide covid treatment and took issue with the center’s “Disinformation Dozen” report methodology. Buttar defended his positions, saying via email that “the science is clear and anyone who contests it, has a suspect agenda at best and/or lacks a moral compass.” He also pointed to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Vaccine Adverse Event Recording System, considered inconclusive by many experts.
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Since the onset of the covid pandemic, misinformation has been widespread on social media platforms. And many experts blame it for undermining efforts to curb the coronavirus’s spread. A recent poll showed that more than 50% of Americans who won’t get vaccinated cited conspiracy theories as their reasons — for example, saying the vaccines cause infertility or alter DNA.
Some physicians have gained notoriety by embracing covid-related fringe ideas, quack treatments and falsehoods via social media, conservative talk shows and even in person with patients. Whether promoting the use of ivermectin, an anti-parasitic drug for animals, or a mix of vitamins to treat covid, doctors’ words can be especially powerful. Public opinion polls consistently show that Americans have high trust in doctors.
“There is a sense of credibility that comes with being a doctor,” said Rachel Moran, a researcher who studies covid misinformation at the University of Washington. “There is also a sense they have access to insider info that we don’t. This is a very confusing time, and it can seem that if anyone knows what I should be doing in this situation, it’s a doctor.”
While covid is a novel and complicated infectious disease, physicians spreading misinformation generally have no particular expertise in infectious diseases. Dr. Scott Atlas, who endorsed former President Donald Trump’s unproven statements about the course of the pandemic, is a radiation oncologist.
Traditionally, the responsibility of policing physicians has fallen to state medical boards. Beyond overseeing the licensing process, these panels investigate complaints about doctors and discipline those who engage in unethical, unprofessional or, in extreme cases, criminal activity. Any member of the public can submit a complaint about a physician.
“The boards are relatively slow and weak and it’s a long, slow process to pull somebody’s license,” said Arthur Caplan, founding head of the Department of Medical Ethics at New York University. “In many states, they have their hands full with doctors who have committed felonies, doctors who are molesting their patients. Keeping an eye on misinformation is somewhat down on the priority list.”
To date, only two doctors have reportedly faced such sanctions. In Oregon, Dr. Steven LaTulippe had his license suspended in December 2020 for refusing to wear a face mask at his clinic and telling patients that masks were ineffective in curbing the spread of covid, and even dangerous. Dr. Thomas Cowan, a San Francisco physician who posted a YouTube video that went viral in March 2020 stating that 5G networks cause covid, voluntarily surrendered his medical license to California’s medical board in February 2021.
Dr. Humayun Chaudhry, president of the Federation of State Medical Boards, however, said it’s possible some doctors could already be the subject of inquiries and investigations, since these actions are not made public until sanctions are handed down.
KHN reached out to the medical and osteopathic boards of all 50 states and the District of Columbia to see if they had received covid misinformation complaints. Of the 43 that responded, only a handful shared specifics.
During a one-week period in August, Kansas’ medical board received six such complaints. In all, the state has received 35 complaints against 20 licensees about spreading covid misinformation on social media and in person. Indiana has received about 30 in the past year. South Carolina said it had about 10 since January. Rhode Island didn’t share the number of complaints but said it has taken disciplinary action against one doctor for spreading misinformation, though it hasn’t moved to suspend his license. (The disciplinary measures include a fine, a reprimand on the doctor’s record and a mandate to complete an ethics course.) Five states said they had received only a couple, and 11 states reported receiving no complaints regarding covid misinformation.
Confidentiality laws in 13 states prevented those boards from sharing information about complaints.
Social media companies have also been slow to take action. Some doctors’ accounts — specifically those among the Disinformation Dozen — have been suspended, but others are still active and posting misinformation.
Imran Ahmed, CEO of the Center for Countering Digital Hate, said social media platforms often don’t consistently apply their rules against spreading misinformation.
“Even when it’s the same companies, Facebook will sometimes take posts down, but Instagram will not,” Ahmed said, referring to Facebook’s ownership of Instagram. “It goes to show their piecemeal, ineffective approach to enforcing their own rules.”
A Facebook spokesperson said the company has removed over 3,000 accounts, pages and groups for repeatedly violating covid and vaccine misinformation policies since the beginning of the pandemic. Buttar’s Facebook and Instagram pages and Tenpenny’s Facebook page have been removed, while Mercola’s Facebook posts have been demoted, which means fewer people will see them. Tenpenny and Mercola still have Instagram accounts.
Part of the challenge may be that these doctors sometimes present scientific opinions that aren’t mainstream but are viewed as potentially valid by some of their colleagues.
“It can be difficult to prove that what is being said is outside the range of scientific and medical consensus,” said Caplan. “The doctors who were advising Trump — like Scott Atlas — recommended herd immunity. That was far from the consensus of epidemiologists, but you couldn’t get a board to take his license away because it was a fringe opinion.”
Even if these physicians don’t face consequences, it is likely, experts said, that the public health will.
“Medical misinformation doesn’t just result in people making bad personal and community health choices, but it also divides communities and families, leaving an emotional toll,” said Moran, the University of Washington researcher. “Misinformation narratives have real sticking power and impact people’s ability to make safe health choices.”
KHN (Kaiser Health News) is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation). KFF is an endowed nonprofit organization providing information on health issues to the nation.
This story can be republished for free (details).
Will ‘Dr. Disinformation’ Ever Face the Music? published first on https://smartdrinkingweb.weebly.com/
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