#i may or may not explore it in the fanart hmm
greenliar · 9 months
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gee guys i think my man might have body dysmorphia the way his "powerful" versions are portrayed like . this. lot to think about
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illicien · 1 month
What drew you to winterbaron as a ship? What kind of content do you read? Is it different from the kind of content you write? Would you like to rec a few winterbaron works? My friend is into the ship and I'm trying to see if it's something I might like but all the fics they've recked me are kind of the same in tone so I'm looking for others opinions for some variety.
Hmm! I've sort of answered some of this in the past so sorry to my moots getting this rehash.
A friend of mine dragged me into WinterBaron (kicking and screaming!!!) rather simply, actually, though what kept me here was the more grand implications of her simple origins. I'm kind of a sucker for a true power bottom, and fanart my friend kept sending me implied the fandom saw Zemo as such, and I was at least a little bit intrigued there. Enough to take a deeper look, at least.
The better discovery wasn't that the fandom had decided he was a power bottom, but that there was a strong push and pull of power in their dynamic. Bucky has all the physical power between them, it's a big thing, he's strong as hell. On the other hand, Zemo is just a guy, and yet despite that Bucky should logically have all the power between them, Zemo's intelligence and knowledge tend to leave him with an edge. That continues to be the fascinating concept about Zemo to me, but that's a different matter.
So for me, it's the manipulation, the push and pull of power, it's Bucky trying to break free of being the Winter Soldier and Zemo trying to decide if Bucky's just like every other super soldier. But it's also about understanding that Zemo knows Bucky in ways most people alive don't. He knows and understands Bucky's history as the Winter Soldier both through his research, and as a man who did horrific things on behalf of his country. And that thought can sometimes lead to softer moments of understanding, I think, that can be enjoyable in fic.
As for content I read vs write: I generally gravitate towards dark fic with these two, though there's plenty of really good stuff that isn't. There are some excellent explorations of kink in the fandom for them which is refreshing. I don't really write them as dark as I read them, since I enjoy writing the power dynamics more than the overt manipulation, but if you're looking for more tonal variety I'm sure I can make some recommendations! (Under the cut!)
** Please make sure you read all of the tags thoroughly. What I enjoy in fiction may not be to your taste, and I respect that, but the best I can do is to link to the site with the tags. 💜
Recs (under 20k words)
Just A Little More by @six-demon-bag epitomizes a lot of what I've said above, and if I didn't start out with it on the list here I'd be doing myself a disservice for how often I reread this.
Bucky goes into a painful rut and Zemo seizes the opportunity to sink newer, more subtle hooks into him.
Breathless by @zsparz is one I like to return to whenever I'm looking to feel sad but don't have a lot of time to read. I can't explain why this one hits me so hard but holy smokes does it make me weepy. Sparz is great at making me cry, though, so like - anyway.
The water kept rising. Bucky could hold his breath a long time underwater, and he remembered vividly how he’d acquired that knowledge. Sam might find him in time.
But Zemo would be long dead by then.
Past Indiscretions by @sagegarnish makes me laugh, genuinely. The whole idea of it brings me a lot of joy, and the execution is delightful.
Bucky and Zemo are trapped in 1941.
Unfortunately Bucky's past self is the only one who might know where the missing Pym Particles are that they need to get home.
When young!Bucky pulls Zemo into an alley, Bucky is forced to watch as a drunken forgotten night from his past becomes a lot clearer.
Recs (20k+ words)
That Which You Fear by @spintwinwb is a trilogy that starts off feeling like an AU and turns into something really fascinating imo. Lots of extra goodies here for comics fans, too.
Instead of freeing the people of Westview, Wanda pushed out across multiverses to get her brother back, and the entire world was caught in the crossfire. Cast in a new, peaceful life in upstate New York in a world with mutants, no Avengers, and no HYDRA, Bucky Barnes struggles to reconcile memories and dreams that no longer make sense with what he thinks he knows about himself.
One Two Many by @six-demon-bag is sweet and fun and complicated, and I really did try not to double-up on authors here but agh. What am I supposed to do??
Bucky and Zemo meet on an anonymous dating app and find a deep connection in each other. In the meantime, they grow closer in person without realizing they’re falling in love online too.
Too Good To Be True by AnadoraBlack is really one of those fics where the tropes are used so well, imo. A very enjoyable read.
Bucky wakes up with no recollection of where he is, how he found himself there, and what the heck is going on. There's also a ring on his finger, and time lost. What the living FUCK?!
The Original Sin by @zsparz because I might as well completely fail at the "only one per author" in spectacular fashion. This sits here because it sits on a very peculiar line between canon and AU and just... like I said. Sparz makes me cry. This isn't a departure from that fact.
Bucky and Zemo keep meeting over the course of several lifetimes. Zemo remembers everything. Bucky doesn’t, but there’s an eerie impression of familiarity he can’t shake — an old pain he can’t explain, with roots too deep for him to reach.
AU Recs
Removing Bucky and Zemo from the context of their complicated history in the MCU can highlight different aspects of their characters that are really interesting to explore, as someone who finds their unique characters quite interesting as well, though I also know it isn't for everyone. Neither of these recs are short so if you don't mind an AU, set some time aside for these ones.
It Started Out With a Curse by Thorny is a fun AU I never really expected to find in this fandom. I personally have a history of writing in fantasy settings so this one has a special place in my heart.
What happens when the King and Queen of a human kingdom slight a powerful fae Lord known only as "The Baron"?
Enter a world of FairyTale/Fantasy Shenanigans as Prince James navigates his deadly curse and his confusing feelings for one (seemingly) cold and untouchable fae Lord. Meanwhile, something sinister is afoot trying to gouge a rift between the feywilds and the human kingdoms...
A Gentleman and a Scholar by EternalBeta is a no powers exploration of their dynamic that's... Beautiful. It also tackles a lot of things about kink that it feels like most fic and stories generally seem to ignore. There's also an amazing sequel series.
(this series doesn't have an easy summary available so I uh... I'll give it a go here: college student Bucky has a thing for his professor, and a whole series of bad decisions behind him. The trouble is, Bucky is impatient, and Professor Zemo doesn't fuck students. So Bucky better hurry up and graduate.)
Many of the writers above have at least a few WinterBaron fics, and I do highly recommend checking out their collections. Sparz and Six-Demon in particular have some really widely varied concepts and stories they tackle, and if you're curious at all I'd also recommend checking out Sholio who has some excellent Sam/Bucky/Zemo fics! I didn't toss recs here because they weren't the heart of the ask, but I gobbled those up easily for some very sweet treaties.
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Another lukewarm take:
It doesn't really matter if a fanfiction or fanart is "ooc". That sounds stupid, I know, we're reading for these specific characters and worlds, doesn't staying aligned with canon matter? Bear with me, alright?
Your interpretation of a character is different than mine. I might see a character as irredeemable, you might see them as someone deserving of redemption. I may headcanon a character to be trans, while you may headcanon them to be cis.
Our interpretations of a character aren't incorrect, they're just different. Maybe you relate to a character and you see them differently than the fanon interpretation, or you enjoy imagining them acting in a specific way that wasn't explored in canon.
My point is, we often see people citing "it's out of character" as an excuse for a fanfiction being "bad". And sometimes, the criticism can be justified (for example, a lot of older slash fanfiction tended to feminize the bottom, regardless of their canon personality). But other times, the criticism is invalid because two people just didn't interpret the character the same.
In a similar vein, I also find that recently, fandoms are scared to explore outside of canon. Don't get me wrong, I do understand that a character is best understood in their medium, but sometimes fanfiction doesn't need to abide by canon.
For example, canon didn't really expand on Celia's home life. We got some hints here and there through her dialogue and character description, but not an in depth view. What her morning routine was, her favorite food, her night routine. Did she drive herself to work, and if so, what car would she have? Did she grow up poor? Was she middle class? Does she cook her own meals, does she hire a chef, does her husband cook, or does she get takeout?
If I said "I think if she went to a fancy restaurant, she'd be tempted to order a medium rare steak, complete with sauteed onions and grilled vegetables. But I think she'd feel as though she'd be judged for eating something 'unladylike', so she'd order a salad instead," my interpretation isn't out of character just because I thought about a scenario that wasn't shown in canon.
Obviously, I understand that some people want to add to a conversation, but I feel as though "that's out of character" could easily be replaced by "hmm. That's not my interpretation but that sounds interesting. Could you explain what made you think this way?"
However I believe, unfortunately, that the majority of people that go "it's out of character" as a response want to make the other person feel bad for their headcanon. Especially if it doesn't go by the status quo.
Maybe I'm misinterpreting it, but I feel as though fandom has too much of a black and white view on characters. Maybe Lawrence knows how to play a bassoon, maybe Ren is great at soccer, maybe Mason makes his own soap using the fat from the animals he hunts. These headcanons, while not as dark as the source material, are not inherently "wrong" because canon didn't show them.
It's a completely different story if someone is claiming their headcanon is canon, but imagining a character to be multi-faceted isn't harming anyone. It's alright to disagree with others, just don't smother their thoughts.
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oblivious-aro · 4 months
for the director's commentary ask - what's something neat about Where the Sky Meets the Sea that you wanna talk about?
Hmm... what to talk about...what to talk about...
Here's something let's see where this goes:
Back when the fic was still in its planning stages, I wasn't super sure if I wanted Nya to reciprocate Jay's romantic interest.
My initial instinct was to keep their relationship platonic (which I did ultimately go with), but I hesitated, wondering if I had some biases that kept me from exploring an interesting story option.
Because there is something there about Nya wanting to be in a relationship, but denying her desire because she knows that'll further encourage the public to define her by her gender, something that's already been made clear to be a massive problem for her this season.
While it'd be a neat (and basically cacon) concept to dig into, considering society's general struggle with amatonormativity and rape culture (I know that feels like a heavy word for a lego show, but Jay does canonically spend the season continuing to pursue Nya after ahe says 'no' without facing any consequences, and is in fact ultimately rewarded with the relationship he wanted, which...definitely isn't encouraging feminist thoughts in kids), I ultimately just couldn't end a story where someone says 'no' to a romantic relationship with her getting into that romantic relationship anyway in good conscience.
You may have noticed that the ending to Where the Sky Meets the Sea is in fact very anathema to the idea of obligatory romance. I love how the ending turned out, and I love the idea of the events of Skybound bringing Jay and Nya closer together, but very clearly not in a romantic way, and the characters end up better and happier for it. I love the message Jay growing out of needing romantic validation and learning to check himself sends to the audience. I love how that narrative validates Nya's choices and struggles, something both the Ninjago show and fandom often fail to do.
And I'm not the only one who liked the ending. I've gotten some great comments from people talking about how much they REALLY liked the ending (some of them are even from Jaya shippers, which is super flattering), and it's really awesome to see a platonic version of the main Ninjago ship enjoyed by my audience as much as I enjoyed it.
Bonus fun fact: When I was writing the scene where Jay and Nya rowed up to the lighthouse, this fanart by @penofwildfire was a major inspiration:
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I think it's straight-up replaced the actual scene from the show in my brain. It really captures the bleak hopelessness of their situation so well. The show uses a similar colour palette, but the dialogue kind of kills that mood. That scene works so much better in silence.
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noys-boise · 7 months
literally every single question for fuckin zombie saga and/or &j idk if it's meant to be specific to a fandom but whatever
for &j
list 3 positive things about your current fandom(s)
clever writing, great characters, banger music
a headcanon you weren't sure about at first but have come to like!
yeah trans Romeo as well
a character that fandom has helped you appreciate
Romeo, i liked him before too but i mean i think we really made him more better
say something nice about a ship you don't ship (it can be another ship in your fandom, a mutual's OTP, etc)
hmm tough. i guess Anne and Angelique could work. like in another universe. love gay people.
something you see in fics a lot and love
i mostly read your fics and you write maycois dialogue so arorably
something you see in art a lot and love
shapes. &j fanart always has fun shapes somehow
your favorite tropes to read/write/draw
this is going into zombie saga territory but if focused specifically on &j uhh i love to write Frankie being soscared because i mean he always is
you hope more people will come to appreciate ___ (a ship, a trope, an episode, etc)
hmm idk. just like the show in general. if i were to say something specific i guess Anne, she's kind of the hidden main character to me this has nothing to do with my Betsy bias /hj
a ship that isn't your OTP but that you enjoy
langelique. I'm very casual about them
a blog (mutual or one you follow) that has made your fandom experience brighter
well. yours. also just like the rp blogs
if you're a writer or artist, what fic or piece of art are you proud of making?
all of it, duh. for non saga because I'll get to saga after these, the one where i drew Juliet and May in those them coded clothes
compliment someone else in your fandom
you! you're the amperstan ever
the ship that always makes you smile
maycois and jumeo, they cute
the character that always makes you smile
like all of them? but i guess I'll day Frankie rn
a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate
okay not to be negative in the positivity asks but i want more people to do the opposite of appreciate for the ue ue ue ue you KNOW what I'm talking about. no one else talks about it.
the thing in canon that everyone loves and that you also love
the "it's super dope" quote let's be real we all say it all the time now
the fandom friend you've known the longest
of &j definitely you
how has fandom positively impacted your life?
honestly it's seeing it live that did most. it was lifechanging
and now for saga in general:
list 3 positive things about your current fandom(s)
it keeps my creative thinking active at all times, it's deliciously angsty and it's so self indulgent
a headcanon you weren't sure about at first but have come to like!
like saga related? i guess in brighter timeline Del's whole arc. I'm glad we did that now because the character exploration of it is very fun. also lesbitaly (it really grew on me)
a character that fandom has helped you appreciate
i feel like all of these characters grew so much more on me than ever before. special shoutout to Fletcher for being lifted higher on my list of characters i care about
say something nice about a ship you don't ship (it can be another ship in your fandom, a mutual's OTP, etc)
is there any valid saga ship i don't personally ship? i doubt it
something you see in fics a lot and love
well these are our fics. Caroline's continuous agonies though. love torturing my fave
something you see in art a lot and love
there's barely any saga fanart so the mere existence of it
your favorite tropes to read/write/draw
i love writing conflicts that are not even zombie related it's just people being mad at each other it's fun
you hope more people will come to appreciate ___ (a ship, a trope, an episode, etc)
maroline!! I'm spreading so much maroline propaganda all of you are obligated to like it now
a ship that isn't your OTP but that you enjoy
delbed and lesbitaly. I'm casual about both (still love them)
if you're a writer or artist, what fic or piece of art are you proud of making?
weirdly it's all my most fucked up chapters. the one where zombie Richard killed Frankie. the one where Caroline killed Frank. the latest opposite deaths I wrote
compliment someone else in your fandom
i have to say you, this whole series wouldn't exist if it wasn't for you
the ship that always makes you smile
at the end of the day it'll always come back to richaline in brighter timeline. as much as i love these other ships for them
the character that always makes you smile
Caroline, Mary, Richard, italiAnnie in the timelines they're in. at the end of the day you can always tell I'm biased towards them
a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate
the fact that I've referenced a Betsy Wolfe character in my last chapter for every timeline. also that I've been putting Harmony references all over the place especially in brighter timeline. you could miss some of them
the thing in canon that everyone loves and that you also love
just. all the angst
how has fandom positively impacted your life?
i feel like I've explored my favorite pieces of media in a unique new way through the saga and it keeps productive and creative which is important to me
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kylermalloy · 2 years
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#she didn’t hunt. she didn’t go out and kill things she just sensed ghosts (and affairs apparently) and that’s not! synonymous! with hunting!
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Don’t mind me just freaking out over The Originals again
16 notes - Posted May 19, 2022
😂🙅‍♀️😜🤔 <3
Hello Yuki dear ♥️
😂 What’s the funniest comment someone has left on a fic of yours?
Funny, huh? Well, this one is more funny because of me than the commenter trying to be funny, but—
Someone recently commented on my eruri fic that my Erwin was very hot, and that made me laugh, because…I didn’t do that on purpose.
I don’t write eruri in a way that’s attractive to me, so it’s always very funny when readers do find my cold, take-what-I-want Erwin hot. Thank you, by the way, dear commenter! 😘
🙅‍♀️ What is one trope you refuse to ever write?
Never say never, isn’t that what we always find? We start out talking about a trope that I hate, but by the end of the conversation we’ve found a way for me to like it!
Like, I was about to say weddings, because I’m not interested in writing them. BUT WHAT IF…an arranged marriage, and not to the people they actually want to be with? I’d write the heck out of that angsty scenario!
So I cannot tell you a trope that I’ll never write, because odds are I simply haven’t found the right characters for it yet.
Maybe mutual pining? I’m not a huge fan of that. Or amnesia. Or any form of miscommunication, I guess.
😜 Describe a current WIP without using character names. (Points if your followers guess who the fic is for.)
Okay—I actually don’t have many WIPs right now, but here’s one.
Ella Enchanted AU. Character A has been cursed to obey any order given to them, which is both a huge inconvenience and a huge danger. Character B finds them working as a mercenary for hire and decides to make them their own. Character A’s obedience doesn’t make them subservient. Character B is determined to change that.
🤔 What’s one genre you’ve never written that you’d like to try?
Hmm, genre is a tricky word. I’ll use the broadest definition and talk about a fanfic genre—the zombie apocalypse AU.
In anticipation for The Last of Us HBO series next month, I’ve started consuming a lot of TLoU content—playthroughs, video essays—so zombies have been on my mind. I’d honestly love to explore how characters would thrive (or not) at the end of society in a world that’s trying to kill them.
Send me an emoji!
17 notes - Posted December 11, 2022
First Line
@evanescentdawn tagged me to post the first line of my WIP—thanks, Yuki darling! 🥰
Rebekah misses the life she carved for herself at court—the pretty things, the attention of men.
Who to tag…who else even writes lol. @ whitedahlia13, @ konekowrites, @ gey-beans, @ lilxxbrainrot, @ caranfindel, @laertez, and anyone else who wants to share!
18 notes - Posted June 11, 2022
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I will not elaborate
21 notes - Posted June 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
187 notes - Posted December 15, 2022
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iida-zine · 3 years
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We've got a tellonym for answering any questions you may have about the zine! Q&A will be below the cut, and we'll try to keep them updated. You can also access the latest info on our Carrd!
Can we submit excerpts for the writer apps?
Absolutely! Please feel free to choose just a portion of an existing fic for an application piece. We do ask that you make sure it is cohesive as a stand-alone piece, so we can judge it based on plot/flow/clarity. (Also please feel free to link to the full version in the doc in case we wanna read the rest for fun :3 But that's not required. )
Can application pieces contain manga spoilers or should those be avoided?
We're fine with spoilers in applications! You can mark them by putting "spoilers" in the file name, but that isn't necessary.
Can I illustrate and write a fanfic?
You may apply for as many positions as you'd like, but unfortunately, each person will only be chosen for one role. It is possible we could allow both down the road - for instance, if someone drops - but we want to give more people a chance to contribute to the project :)
Do our applications need to contain pieces with detailed backgrounds?
If you are applying to be a page artist, please have at least one example with a detailed background. It could be environmental or decorative, but should demonstrate your ability to create an interesting composition. If you are applying to be a merch artist, you don't need examples with backgrounds, but you should have completed merchandise designs of some sort in your portfolio.
Will there potentially be stretch goals? Would shipping be from the USA most likely? Thank you for such a great idea!
• We are hoping to have 2-3 stretch goals! :) • Shipping will be from Minnesota in the US • Thank YOU for your interest and support! <3
maybe a theme?
Our theme is the brothers & their familial relationship :) Aside from keeping it gen, we want to allow contributors to explore AUs. If this project goes well, Mod Atlass really wants to run another that has more of a limited theme :D
Can I make a comic for the zine?
Thanks for asking! We discussed this, and we will consider some applicants for making comics for the zine. 2-4 pages will be allowed per comic. Please show at least one example of previous comic work in your portfolio.
Hmm, can I show bits of my progress?
Yes! Please make sure you keep it to very small bits at once. A paragraph or two if fic, 1/4 - 1/5 of the work if art or cosplay photography. If you're wondering if something may be too much to show on socials, just ask the mods in the ask-a-mod channel or shoot one of us a DM ^^
Should we only include MHA/Iida related content in our portfolio's or are other examples welcome?
Your more than welcome to include examples from other fandoms, or original ideas! (Original ideas are great :D) We just request that (1) piece is MHA/BNHA. It does NOT have to include the Iida bros, but if you've got one that does, please show us! You can find all our app guidelines > HERE <
Can Original and Canon characters be included in the portfolio?
Yep! OCs are just as welcome as canon characters!
What exactly will the Iida-zine be and how can we gat it ?
Hello! The Iida zine will be a book filled with fanfiction, fanart, and potentially cosplay photography from various creators in the fandom. There will be merchandise (possibly stickers, prints, keychains - things like that) that can be purchased alongside the book, and there will also be a digital PDF version available! Thank you for your interest!
Will the Iida-zine cost money ?
Yes, it will. Since we are planning to make physical products, we need to charge money for it in the shop in order to get those items produced.
I missed the Interest Check.can I still participate in the Iida-zine ?
Absolutely! We do the interest check to see how many people there are that are potentially interested in purchasing the zine or applying. This helps us to know how many contributors we can invite and helps to get an idea of our budget! It is absolutely NOT required to fill the Interest Check in order to participate! We fully encourage you to apply if you are interested :D
Will there also be a version where you don't need money ? I'm sure that also miners would like to have one but maybe their parents or other family members won't buy it for them.
With projects like this, our contributors work very hard, so we'd like for them to be compensated for their work! We're really sorry for the inconvenience. There ARE some fandom zines out there that are offered for free. You can check twitter users like @/faneventshub or @/atozines - they share a bunch of projects to help signal boost and are a really great resource.
Is there something we have to do to participate in the Iida-zine ?
We are taking applications starting tomorrow! You will need a portfolio of past pieces - art for artists, fics for writers, and photos for cosplayers. At the end of the application period, our team of moderators will go through all applications and choose who we will invite to the project. You can find all of the application details and further info on the zine HERE
Do we need a certain age to participate ?
We require for page artists, merch artists, and writers to be at least 16 years of age. For cosplay, we require that you are at least 18 years of age to participate. You can find more details HERE!
Is there a limit to how many people can particular
Yes, there is a limit to participants. We will have approx. 40-50 contributors. (I wish we could have a thousand bc these boys deserve the content, but budget :') - Atlass)
Hi. So I'm a writer from Germany and would like to participate in the zine. But, since English isn't my frat language, I sometimes have some grammatical mistakes in my writing. Can I still send in a Portfolio ?
Absolutely! Grammar is always something we can help with during beta-ing. What we view as most important is the plot, pacing, and characterization.
Will the Iida-zine come out weekly once per month ore all 3 or 6 months ?
Hello! These fandom zine projects take many months to put together. ^^ This zine (IidaTenBros) will come out this fall, and is a one-time project. Mod Atlass hopes to do more Iida zines in the future - however, nothing is set in stone. You can see our creation & production schedule HERE
I really hope that there will be kre then one. I just love these brothers so much
;w; They deserve ALL the love.
If there's a fic one is writing, does it necessarily need to have both brothers, or can they be focused on just one?
If you're talking for applications - it is NOT a requirement to have either of the brothers in your pieces. We do like to see how you represent them, if you have the content - but not having a Tenya or Tensei piece will not hurt you. We only want to see one BNHA piece as a requirement :) Now, if you get accepted into the project - the zine piece can center on ONE -or- BOTH brothers. You can just do one. Hopefully I answered your question!
I'm excited for this zine and believe the Iida's are truly underated characters however I saw it's a requirment to have at least one bnha sample and alhtough I have drawn for BNHA none of it is my best work as I've been currently drawing for JOJO. Is it possible to apply for the merch artist position using a non merch bnha piece as my representation of it?
Sure thing! If you have non-BNHA merch pieces, we do want to see how you do merch, but we're very happy to see full illustrative works as well. A good scope of abilities is always nice to see. Hopefully this helps!
Can one be both a page artist and a writer?
As of right now, we will only be accepting applicants for -one- position. You can definitely apply for both! If it comes down to it, you could potentially be a pinch-hitter for the one you don't get accepted for. If there is one position you'd prefer over the other (if it comes down to us having to choose where to place you) you can always leave a note of your preference in the "any other questions" area. There may be opportunity to create additional content rather than the singular required piece, so please feel free to apply to multiple positions so we have your work on-hand :) The reason for the one-position-per-person is 1) make sure you have suitable time to dedicate to your work + regular life things that come up, and 2) allow more people the opportunity to join in the fun. I hope you understand!
Is it okay when I put a title, summary and warnings to my stories? It may then be a few more words that 2,000 because of it.
That's perfectly fine :D Warnings and such are very appreciated.
Hey. So I have a favourite written piece, but it has over 3,000 words. Can I still put it into the portfolio?
If there is a way you can take just a few scenes from it to fit the 1-2k, then that would be the best route. But if it's a piece you're very proud of and passionate about, it would be best to include it. We wanna see your best work, after all :) Just try to still aim for the total between all pieces to be around 6k.
Can we send in our written work as a Word document?
You can upload the Word doc(s) into Google Drive and then provide the drive link in the portfolio! Drive will automatically open Word docs as Google Docs - the formatting just looks a little different.
Is it okay to put "x reader" works, in our portfolio ?
Please avoid "x reader", if possible! Thank you for understanding!
Can we use works with a OC ( pwn character ) ?
Including original characters is just fine! If you do have an example or two of content that includes canon characters, we WOULD like to see how you interpret them.
Can we use writing with ships like Eijiro Kirishima x Mina Ashido ?
Ships are fine for the portfolio. Please do try to include some platonic interactions so we can see how you represent that, though, if you can! Also if possible, please list ships at the top of the document :) (lil info like that won't count toward your word count)
Hi. So I have a story where x reader is just mentioned. Could I use it?
We would prefer that x reader is avoided if possible, but if you really want to use it for your portfolio, please include CWs at the top of the document for us ^^ Thank you!
What are CW's ?
CW means content warning! Similar to when movies warn about excessive violence or swearing or something, along with the rating.
for writer’s samples, may they contain spoilers from other media?
That is fine! Please put spoiler warnings at the top :D Thanks for asking!
Shall we just put our writings in the portfolio or also a description of us ?
Just the fics is fine for a portfolio. ^^
Do we need to give a few informations about our OC, when we use a fic with them?
If you want to, but it isn't necessary.
Can we put future fic ideas in our portfolio so you can see what we write in the future and if it is something interesting for the Zine ?
I'm sorry I don't quite understand - do you mean plot ideas that you have not written yet, but plan to?
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heavens-bookshop · 3 years
Fic Asks Game!
I was tagged by my lovely friend @princip1914​ and decided to give this a go while I’m procrastinating on working on a fic (the circle is complete)
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
I'm up to 26 now apparently!
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
78,636 (one day I will make it to 100k)
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
I’ve only written for GO since it was the thing that made me want to write fic for the first time.
4) What are your top five fics by kudos?
Frayed (5k E) - Aziraphale struggles to process 6000 years of repressed trauma
Dreading the winter's near (2k, T) - Crowley has a hard time with cold weather on account of being a snake
Apicius (3.2k, T) - Aziraphale and Crowley go on their first date post-Armageddon
Vipers that cannot be charmed (5.1k, E) - Crowley's venom has sex-pollen like qualities, and they use it to act out a fantasy Aziraphale has harboured for centuries
Treasures of Heaven (2k, T) - outsider POV, a moment between Crowley and Aziraphale as seen from the POV of a waitress in a coffee shop
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I try! I used to be very good at it but I lost my way a little while back. I would love to work through the backlog tbh
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Hmm, I haven't actually written much angst (despite enjoying a good angsty fic) so I am not really sure I have a good answer for this. In some roundabout way, it might be The Bible Project purely because it's a historical fic and therefore doesn't end with the two of them together. But the fic itself is lighthearted and silly so that's probably a dumb response. Maybe it's Pink and Poppy? A little ficlet I wrote that's set during The Night At Crowley's Flat and overall has a more melancholic vibe.
7) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I have not written a crossover! I think they're super fun to read but my brain cannot write them, it's like my writing needle has to be in a specific groove and really protests jumping between others. But there are some great GO crossovers out there!
8) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Thankfully I haven’t
9) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes, yes I do. Still something of a novice but I do really like using sex as a way of exploring some aspect of character or their relationship. I find it super fun to plot the smut like that!
10) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not a fic, no!
11) Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don’t think so
12) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
As Princip said on their version, we co-wrote a little ficlet where Crowley and Aziraphale are algae! (Elaborate-On-That-No.gif)
13) What’s your all time favourite ship?
Aziraphale/Crowley for sure, I’m hopeless
14) What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Hmm, well I hold out hope to finish all the WIPs I have currently published on AO3 (however misguided that may be). I have a very sad WIP that I worked on when I was Going Through It™ where Aziraphale is killed by hellfire and explores Crowley’s grief. I would really love to finish it but I also think working on it takes a lot out of me.
15) What are your writing strengths?
Oh dang what a good question. I think I’m good at constructing a narrative, I think I use words fairly efficiently, and I think I can sometimes write interesting or funny dialogue between Crowley and Aziraphale.
16) What are your writing weaknesses?
I am resisting the urge to be immediately self deprecating and say “a lot“ (GROWTH.JPG). Realistically, I think I still struggle with structuring my writing. I’ve got a lot better at it, but when I read back some of my first several fics, I can see that I was definitely stuck in Science Writing Mode since that has been my only writing experience for the last, like, decade. I think I’ve managed to make things smoother and flow better for fiction, but I still get stuck. I also think that I struggle to make transition scenes interesting, and I’m sure I do a thousand other things that writing advice columns always tell you not to do.
17) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I think Princip’s answer to this was pretty identical to my feelings, which is that, much like writing dialogue in a dialect, it can be used to great effect when done sparingly. I think if you start writing too much of the dialogue in another language or with a thick dialect, it starts to a) become hard to follow, and b) runs the risk of turning your character into a stereotype.
18) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
I mean, when I was 11 I used to write stories where me and my brother had our own Digimon and we’d go on adventures and stuff. But other than that I used to be a strictly Fanart Only creator up until GO!
19) What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
Gosh another good question... I think I’m definitely proud of several of the fics that have already been mentioned here, and certainly Frayed and Vipers cannot be charmed have a special spot in my heart. However I do really really love the SFW fic I wrote for the snake zine, Let Sleeping Serpents Lie. I think I got a good mix of soft and funny, and I also got to work with a super talented artist!
I have no clue who has or has not had a go at this point but I’ll tag @racketghost and @fremulon and @theoldaquarian and @forineffablereasons case none of you have done it yet! If you’re reading this and haven’t done it yet, feel free to fill it in and tag me!
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pransesdp · 4 years
Hmm... so it’s come to my attention that I’ve been leaving this blog pretty barren af compared to others, despite me trying to steadily get back into the show (+plan a bit more revamping for my next gen verse, though my current priority went back to my The Three Mages original stuff rn). So, to start over fresh and reintroduce myself for the new year: *late as that may be*
Hi, my name is Purfect, or just Purf/Pranses for short. I’ve been into Danny Phantom for quite a few years, though not quite to OG stan levels since I didn’t fully get into the show til I was in my teens (long after the show ended). If you couldn’t already tell by my blog, my favorite (and lowkey comfort) character from the show is Sam Manson 💜 and most of the fanart ideas I have tend to center around her and a couple other characters that don’t usually get as much character exploration on their own (ex. Desiree, Walker, Johnny 13, etc.). My main ships are usually on the “normal” side (DxS, Johnny x Kitty), but I do have a couple other otps that kinda feel a bit “out there” I suppose (ex. Walker x Spectra, Nocturn x Desiree), and I’m open to a couple other underrated pairs like Kwan x Sam for the fun of it~ 😊
My main DP OCs are most of my main next gen cast, currently in the middle of revamping since they kinda got a lil outdated after awhile (due to changes in ships and whatnot). I don’t really have any “non” next gen OCs, but that doesn’t mean I’m not willing to think of any if the inspiration strikes someday~ 😜
Aaaaaand yeah! That should about cover it as far as general intros go... welcome to my blog, any and all those new to my DP content 💚👋
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1-800-i-ship-it · 4 years
*distant cackling* khunbam and zukka for the ship asks!
hello anon (SORRY THIS IS RLLY LATE BTW) jhasdljf u didnt specify which  questions so here we go, im doing the ones i want to xD: 
i wrote this like a few months ago and now im editing it again lmao im so sorry anon it took me so long it was buried in drafts,,,idek if u follow me anymore but whoever reads this, hope u enjoy ^^ 
what was your first ship, and what fandom is it from?
hmm i think percabeth from pjo would count as my first, but for like discovering fandom content, it would be fourtris, from divergent haha which is actually how i discovered fanfiction (i searched up alternate endings for allegiant bc i hated the ending...and found fics LMAO), but my first big phase was probably more like thg & everlark 
explain why do/don’t ship [pairing]
khunbam: they would die for each other and also make such an amazing team?? (hello wave controller and light bearer combo) and just ugh theyre so good for each other if i keep going im gonna go on a tangent haha 
zukka: i just think zuko and sokka work well together and idk i know like maiko is canon but i dont think they would be very healthy for each other? and just like, idk they went to boiling rock together and like sokka actually tells zuko about yue and jahljdf they’d just be gr9 together 
how did you start shipping [pairing]?
khunbam: at some point i was like YOUR HONOR THEYRE GAY somewhere in s2 i just had the realization like, wtf theyre totally in love 
zukka: after i finished atla and poked around fandom, and i found i really liked the zukka ship 
is there a ship that you used to ship, but don’t anymore?
hmm okay probably catoxkatniss, i think i read it bc a friend recced to me? and so i read a few fics on it but i always felt bad when peeta was made out to be the bad guy or whatever so yea i would say i dont really ship that anymore, and for others i would say i just kinda lost my hyperfixations rip lmao but i still ship them 
what’s a ship you like that most people don’t?
uhh idk, but (forgive me) karoomba 
what’s a ship you hate that most people like?
ehhh i wouldnt say i hate any ship that most people like? but i would say i dont really fancy zutara, but its not like i hate it or anything
what is the most underrated ship, in your opinion?
hmm i dont know honestly haha, maybe daniel & jay from lookism or hangang & jasmine from zero game, tho its prob mostly bc i havent went and explored stuff yet and gotten involved haha 
what is the most overrated ship, in your opinion?
bam x endorsi 
do you prefer [pairing] as an otp, brotp, or notp?
khunbam & zukka otp! 
why do you think [pairing] is so popular?
khunbam: they have chemistry its there!! literally gay for each other from the start i swear and just how they act around each other vs other people
zukka: theres a vid i watched on why zukka is so good but like yeah idk why? i think mostly fandom haha and boiling rock, and i think they would complement each other really well 
why do you think [pairing] isn’t popular?
dunno about this one haha i think most of my pairings r popular? ig prob the underrated ships above i listed, tho that may be due to like again me not actively seeking content for those haha; khunbam and zukka r pretty popular already
rate [pairing] from 1-10 and explain why
khunbam: 10+++ bc i love them 
zukka:  10+++ bc i also love them
sorry head empty no brain 
hyperfixation for these 2 actually kind of slipping now actually lmao rip 
what’s your favorite headcanon of [pairing]?
khunbam: they’re both moronsexuals for each other, hm and wear each other’s clothes haha 
zukka: bi sokka gay zuko, also idk if this counts but zuko talking to turtleducks about his problems in the garden haha  
what’s your favorite canon moment of [pairing]?
zukka: BOILING ROCK when they talk about plans and both of them dunno what to do xD
favorite AU ideas for [pairing]?
khunbam: soulmate, artists, coffee shop 
zukka: college au 
realistically, do you think [non-canon pairing] will ever be canon? why or why not?
khunbam: maybe???? very very very slim chance tbh imo ig bc apparently bam will have a female love interest but im not entirely sure about that 
zukka: not really since maiko is basically canon haha 
have you ever written fanfiction/drawn fanart of [pairing]? would you consider it?
khunbam: i wrote poems for them and i have a few wips, so yes i would consider it! it just sucks im kind of losing my hyperfixation rip but maybe i can get it back by writing lmao 
zukka: no i havent, i did have some edit ideas i think but idk if i will get to them haha 
also i am tempted to try and learn to do art but idk if i have the time to lmao rip 
thank u for the ask!! this was actually pretty fun to do, hope u dont mind i skipped a few questions haha 
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theoniprince · 3 years
If you had to pick one name/alias/moniker to go by, fandom-wide, what would it be?
Where, besides Tumblr, can people find you doing fannish things? (Obviously only mention sites and usernames you actually want to be found at. Don’t expose your secret identities on my account.)
What other names have you gone by on these platforms, including Tumblr, if any?
When did you join the IT fandom? And what got you into fandom, to begin with?
What are your favorite ships, or characters, if any, and why? What do they mean to you?
In what ways do you participate in fandom? (ex. Posting memes, reblogging/commenting on content, writing fanfic, making fanart, creating fanmixes, etc.)
Do you have any in-fandom inspirations? Other members of the community that drive you? (And if you have the time/energy, in what ways do they inspire you?)
Name and link some of your favorite works, please!
Do you have any works of your own that you feel particularly proud of, or wish more people would’ve consumed? Please provide links if possible.
Have you ever participated in a fannish event (ie. IT Week, a fic Big Bang) or applied to be a part of a fanzine? If so, which ones, and can you please link them?
Without any form of bashing or lashing out, what is something you feel this fandom is missing?
First of all thank you so much for asking me!!! 8D It was a pleasure to answer all these questions. During this I got quite emotional (haha Stanpat, Eddie). It showed me again how much I love this 8DDD
( I apologize in advance for all misspellings and my sloppy English =_=)
If you had to pick one name/alias/moniker to go by, fandom-wide, what would it be?
Oh, what a start XD I'm not that into nicknames. Generally people using my first name to address me or my username which is mostly onyprince (in reference to a character from Hakuouki) ID Sometimes they say Oni or J(ay) (Nickname for my first name). Do as you wish (though I like ‘J’ the th most) 😉
Where, besides Tumblr, can people find you doing fannish things? (Obviously only mention sites and usernames you actually want to be found at. Don’t expose your secret identities on my account.)
Twitter. But everything I post there is also here. Feel free to follow my account, but you don’t have to. https://twitter.com/oniprince_
What other names have you gone by on these platforms, including Tumblr, if any?
Oniprince_ (Twitter) yeah… you see, I am pretty boring XDDD
When did you join the IT fandom? And what got you into fandom, to begin with?
Actually 23 years ago (haha I am old XD) When I was eleven I saw the miniseries with my cousins for the first time. The horror factor wasn't that important to me or maybe I didn't see it that way. It was more like an adventure story with an unfunny and nasty clown. A group of friends who had to endure an adventure. In any case, it entertained me well, even if I was not aware of some elements like that it’s a story about growing up, friendship, love and all these issues around becoming an adult XDD Then with 13 I read the book. It was a  new experience, and I loved every single word. Over the years I talked with friends and Kingsianer (XD) about it and read it for a second and a third time. At this point I could start a list with things I don’t like about the movies, but I’d rather mention on thing I really appreciate about them: they are a good opportunity for a new generation to explore this universe. Every adaption like the book itself is a reflection of a specific decade and what is more yeah… immortal, universal and diverse than a story about growing up. It was a discussion with a dear friend about book to movie adaptions some weeks ago that probably brought me back to this fandom
Nevertheless there are things from the book I would have loved to see in the movies. Let’s be honest at this point if you want to adapt such a brick of a book you simply have to cut some elements. You can’t please everyone
What are your favorite ships, or characters, if any, and why? What do they mean to you?
Stanpat - orz q__q they are such a sweet couple and it is so heartbreaking, they never ever had a real chance to become parents. They would have been excellent parents. Imagine them on a beautiful summer day. They have a picnic with their children and Stan would watch birds with them. He would tell them all about the birds and keeps a journal about their observations with his kids
Reddie - Despite the constant teasing their realtionship seems like a natural, casual und easy thing from the start. And Eddie likes the nicknames. These secret names are like another identity. He can be someone else. They take care of each other. Their relationship is a deeper friendship that runs mostly on an emotional level and is sometimes expressed through small, physical gestures. The chemistry between them is indescribable. It is cute when 90s Eddie immediately starts to giggle as soon as Richie makes a dumb joke at their reunion. And thing about the little moments when Richie pokes Eddie and calls him cute. I am won’t quoting this one passage in the book that leaves much room for speculations, but there is no doubt their special bond is official. In any case, the decision to make Richie gay in the movies gave the ship another push. I don’t complain. I love it. Though I still think Eddie would have been a better option. There are already some scenes in the book which are like an invitation to speculate about his sexualityTheir chemistry is very obvious and believe me, there is nothing I would more appreciate than a happy end for them Q__Q
Benverly  „Your hair is winter fire
                   January embers
                  My heart burns there, too
This is one of sweetest things I have ever read in a book and that is all I need to explain why I love this ship.
Fav, Characters:  Hmm when I read „IT“ for the first time I had a crush on Bill. He ist the born leader and in my childish, pre-teen way found his stuttering cute. There is something about him that cast a spell on you. It is perfectly understandable that he was a role model and an inspiration for his friends – especially for Eddie. In my personal opinion book!Bill ist the best Bill.
Richie - I love this chaotic megane dude. He is this silly type who use jokes, pranks to protect himself. His voices are like safe heaven (the same goes for Bill, whose stuttering almost disappears, when he pretends tob e someone else). He hides himself and his insecurities behind them. It is a shame that he doesn’t know what an impact he had on his friends. Richie seems to never ever shut up and sometimes his trashmouth is still talking, when he better should be quite. And I am famous to fall for funny characters. He can lights up the mood immediately ( and OMG…. I love Harry Anderson in the miniseries. A real entertainer, BUT BILL HADER…. Bill Hader…just to make it clear BILL HADER  did such an amazing job. He rocked the movie and I still think, not just because I love this dude since over a decade, without him… the movie wouldn’t  have been so entertaining)
Eddie - He is in these abusive relationships. First with his mother, who keeps him small and makes him believe that he is weak. At the end her own fears of beeing left behind prevented her son from becoming a self-confident adult. Eddie always thought he is weak and fragile. Although he knows that he doesn’t need all this medication, his childhood experience were the reason for his coping-behavior as an adult – he still uses his inhaler. He married a woman who is like his mother. Mike's call was something of a turning point. Until this call Eddie could not overcome his fears and had to face them again as an adult. I can remember. While reading the book there were several moments of silence and I stopped reading and thought: poor Eddie.
Ultimately, his story is about a hero who surpasses himself, overcomes his fears and by sacrifice himself he protects what is most important to him - his friends. It just touched me. Eddie gave his life for his friends and I think you can say he's my favorite character. His death may be a tragedy, but it was necessary for his character arc. My theory is that Eddie represents someone who has lost track in his life and prefer to stick on old but unhealthy patterns.It is almost like Eddie stands for missed opportunities, but at the same time it is never to late to change something. He is a hero. There are so many things I would like to talk about, therefore I should start an own thread XDDD
Oh and Bev - I could always identify with her (not bc of abuse or domestic violence. My childhood was amazing). She is the only girl around the losers and I was the only girl in my  favourite clique too. We spent most of our time outside  - it was great. Of course I had other friends (female) as well, but with my boys… it was always special).. As you know as an adult she falls back in old patterns. Her husband is tyrannical man like her father. Again Mike’s call is a turning point.  Maybe the Benverly arc is the most satisfying. I was… I am very happy that Bev got her happy end.
Last but no least - I like Ben, Mike and Stan too. They have all there unique character treats and you sympathize with all of them. The Loser’s club is bunch of adorable idiots who just doing their best to become adults. I think it is normal that their friendship feels more intimate in the book – I highly recommand the book.
In what ways do you participate in fandom? (ex. Posting memes, reblogging/commenting on content, writing fanfic, making fanart, creating fanmixes, etc.)
Mostly fanarts, but recently I thought about posting my own theories and sharing my hcs and random stuff about the characters and the different relations.  
Do you have any in-fandom inspirations? Other members of the community that drive you? (And if you have the time/energy, in what ways do they inspire you?)
The fandom is full of amazing artists and writersand actually it would be a, but i want to name those who inspired me the most (mainly artists – hopefully I copied the links correcty):
https://slashpalooza.tumblr.com/ ( you have to check out ‚Loose Ends‘)
(oh.. the list got longer than expected IDDD)
Do you know this?
Have you ever seen something as cozy and cute before I///D? – me neither XD
Trust me they are all worth a visit and I am sure most of us already know them 8D
Do you have any works of your own that you feel particularly proud of, or wish more people would’ve consumed? Please provide links if possible.
My art I provide on tumblr can be found here:
Honestly I like these the most:
Have you ever participated in a fannish event (ie. IT Week, a fic Big Bang) or applied to be a part of a fanzine? If so, which ones, and can you please link them?
Oh… unfortunately I am not feelin‘ very confident about my own artworks. Sometims I have the feeling I am not creative enough and that my ideas are more or less boring. Nothing special ID Totally dumb – I know. As I mentioned before I came back lately to the fandom… I guess I missed many amazing IT weeks. I participated in some weeks/mainly shipweeks in other fandoms (Yakuza/Ryu ga Gotoku, FFXV) If I find an interesting annoucement I can imagine to participate in the future ; )
Without any form of bashing or lashing out, what is something you feel this fandom is missing?
In general… the fandom is really friendly – I hope so. Lately I have seen some salty comments on different stuff, topics… and well.. I have just an advice: life can be exhausting enough and time is always running. Don’t spend time on things you don’t like. Discussions can esclate quickly and worde can hurt too. So, just thing about before you jump in.
Thanks again! <3
(Special lil sketchy piece of art I did for this ask)
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suggable · 4 years
hmm it's been v enlightening to read what designers have to say on the matter of the logo esp when it comes to spec work ....tbh i dont think jae had any bad intention he was just unaware of this being an issue.  it never ocurred to me that this may be a problem....i only have experience in architecture n contests r a v common thing in this field hell we even have to pay a fee sometimes to take part in ideas competitions....also at least in my country lots of public contracts go thru competition...ig i saw this logo thing the same way i do fanart....as a side project that allows me to improve on and explore other design and artistic aspects outside my professional work.....tbh i didnt mind spending my time working on my designs.....it's what i do with fanart anyways. but i also understand the other side of the argument n esp professional designers have every right to speak up....i really appreciate them informing jae n everyone else abt these issues rather than going oh no u did nothing wrong we’d do anything for u uwu like some others....anyways looking back jae could have proceeded in a better way, posting some guidelines or details abt compensation beforehand.....but ig we all can learn sth from this n be more careful in the future!! ❤
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purfectmlpblog · 4 years
How about FlashShimmer and/or SunAria for the ask game?
I’ll do both! :3
Ship It
What made you ship it? Cute fanart + past-explorative headcanons + their overall dynamic of being exes with a history but slowly learning to warm up to eachother as time went on ❤️
What are your favorite things about the ship? I like the little “role reversal” in having the girl (Sunset) being the one who was a former jerk and learning to better herself from the past, whereas the guy (Flash) is the one who’s alot softer, patient and understanding enough to try and give her a chance when others probably wouldn’t 😊
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? I’m not sure if this is completely-unpopular or not, but I honestly don’t think Sunset was "only dating Flash for popularity” as some may claim, especially when you look back on that brief scene of her looking genuinely sad of him leaving (plus their little heart-to-heart moments in “Legend of Everfree”)... idk, it just gave me too many vibes that there were some true feelings lingering deep down (even if Sunset didn’t fully realize it back then due to her being stuck on her bullying ways awhile ago)
Ship It
What made you ship it? Alot of the cute fanart and fics that helped flesh out both Aria and the potential dynamic she’d have with Sunset if they ever got to know eachother post-RR :3
What are your favorite things about the ship? I love how it not only brings two of my favorite girls together, but it also helps to provide some genuine development for Aria to finally feel appreciated as her own unique person (instead of just some “backup” in a trio), whereas Sunset is able to potentially get back a bit into some of her “rebel” roots without fully turning evil since she’d have the convictions to keep both her and Aria’s acts in check ^^
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? Hmm, I’m not really sure what kind of “unpopular” opinions there are about them considering they’re not really that widely-shipped as is... I guess in general I’d like to see a bit more sweeter/romantic fluff instead of just “angsty ex” scenarios I’ve seen commonly crop up between them? Idk, maybe that’s just me ^^; not that I’m complaining against said angst, mind you... but it doesn’t hurt to explore some differing avenues from that like with other pairs imo 🤷‍♀️
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bensiskos · 4 years
star trek asks!! 1, 2, 4, 14, 17, 20, & 25
:00 kit thank u ♥️,, I fuckin love Star Trek
1 - whose your favorite character throughout all the series?
Hmm for ds9 probs sisko, just because well I love him. Tng maybe Deanna or uhh Guinan. Voyager is def Tuvok. He’s so cool. Ent is a toss up between t’pol and hoshi. Lower decks is just. All of them but especially tendi ♥️♥️♥️♥️
2 - is there a series you can’t stand, Why?
Well I can’t say I hate enterprise but like. It’s not the best. It has so many bad moments and the ending was hoo boy..
4 - tell us your favorite scene or memory from the series or fandom
Uhh I guess my favorite scene would be any scene from ds9 where they’re just having family fun, take me out to the holosuite, that one scene where sisko is cooking and bashir is being iffy about the beets.
14 - if you could write a episode or book on the series what characters would you pick and what would be the plot line?
Okay so, what the fuck happens after odo goes back to the link?? Does he reverse the policies the dominion has on everything?? What does he do? I’d write a book exploring how he handles attempting to change an entire institution that’s been around for 2 thousand years oppressing everyone,, like how do u do that
17 - character you can’t stand?
Okay so. Dukat is a fun character, love to hate him, but I hate Fanon Dukat.... just. Ew. Other then that not rly
20 - do you have any fanart, fanfic that you would share with followers?
... I may have some art of The Founder if anyone would like to see... I’ll post it if u guys r interested but I will warn you it’s extremely self indulgent
25 - if you could cosplay as someone from the series who would it be?
I actually went as a low effort Kira nerys for Halloween 2 years ago! But probs either Ezri Dax, or maybe Keevan? He seems fun.
Kit I love u btw/p
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afterspark-podcast · 5 years
Transformers (2007): Transcript
Episode Show Notes
[This can also be found on AO3!]
O: And now I'm just imagining him showing up at this little old grandma's house, ripping up the house and being like, “HOW DARE YOU!?!”
[Intro Music]
S: Welcome... to hell!
O: It’s time.  It’s time for the Bay movies guys.
S: [sharp intake of breath] Welcome to our first anniversary special with the 2007 Transformers film!
O: Shall we talk about giant robots? [dissolves into laughter]
S: Yeah.  Let's talk about giant robots, though we may be very unhappy by the end of this.
O: So first, an info dump, for what is most likely a refresher for the majority of you folks but a- the live-action Transformers movie was directed by [deadpan] Michael Bay and uh, starring Shia LaBeouf.
S: The movie did incredibly well at the box office and introduced a lot of people to the franchise and um, these people may have been unaware of it [the Transformers franchise] before or hadn't seen a prior but it was an introduction at least for most.
O: Which is probably the most positive thing that we can say about this movie.  The movie franchise is likely the main reason we got the Transformers Prime TV series and even brought more readers to the first IDW comic run.  Which maybe wasn't super great at the time the movie came out, but got way better! [laughs]
S: Yeah, I mean, IDW also had comics based on the movie, in addition to the main IDW G1-
O: And I haven’t read those yet, but yeah.
S: I don't think we've made our disdain for this movie a secret but just in case, neither of us enjoy this movie.
O: Like, at all.
S: So if you personally like this movie this episode may not be for you.  Um, we're sorry guys.
O: [laughs] We are, actually, because I- I know there are people out there who like it.  We're not those people, but we will be back for a normal G1 schtick later, so uh, please join us then.
S: That isn't to say that there hasn't been excellent fanfiction based off of this.
O: Eh, fanfiction, fanart-
S: Um-hm.
O: Oh my god, there- there was this one I saw the other day where somebody did like, a Transformers Animated of ah, Last Knight Megatron-
S: Oh!
O: -and I was like, “I legitimately like that!  Good job, you!”
S: There’s some excellent fan work based on these movies.
O: Yeah, like, just hands down, but um...  Well, down to brass tacks Specs, what was your first experience with this movie like?
S: Hmm, ah, well let's go back in time, shall we?
O: [makes woo noises]
S: So I didn't see it in theaters.  Ah, my first experience with this movie was getting it for my birthday... yay.
B: [laughter]
O: Yay.
S: I watched it and um, and was like, “Okay... that was a thing.  It exists, um, Bumblebee peed on a guy.” And I watched this with my parents, I'll have you know!
O: And it- it's way funnier when you know her parents, who are extremely Catholic and her mother who is extremely Irish Catholic and imagining them watching this movie with her is hysterical .
S: My mom doesn't like sci-fi to begin with-
O: Yeah, right!  And then, all of this was happening!
S: Yeah, my- my dad probably enjoyed it more because he likes explosions and stuff.
O: [laughs] He's a nice guy but he is- he- he, he's a simple man.  He has simple criteria for the things he enjoys and I can respect that.
S: He actually really likes Terry Pratchett but let’s-
O: Oh, yes.
S: -let's get back to this.  Uh, I don't think I uh, rewatched it for a while because uh, high school was happening and I had better things to be doing.  You know, like reading fanfic or doing homework. Homework was more enjoyable than this.
O: [laughs]
S: [sighs] So I found the movie mostly just disappointing.  While it did breathe new life into the fandom it seemed like most of the pre-existing fans that I- you know, knew or followed or was aware of, were disappointed by the designs and the story on like- specifically on the forum that I was frequenting at the time.  Other people loved it and I mean, it did create a new influx of fans, so... that's a positive thing.
I was also super annoyed by the lack of Arcee because there was a decent toy of her and I own it.  It's the only Bayverse toy I own, and then they had Arcee and two other characters that shared the same mold show up in the second movie and then die.
O: And- and these were not the same mold as the toy she [Specs] owns.
S:  Yes.
O: To make this even weirder, like, Arcee did have a design apparently [in the first movie].
S: Yes, she was a nice motorcycle.  She had legs in the first- for the first movie toy and then… then she was a unicycle thing-
O: Mm-hmm.
S: -in the second movie and then they all died.  And I don't own any other toys from ah- from the Bayverse franchise, so let's go over to you.
O: Eh-heh-heh-ha!  So, to my memory I first saw this in high school.  I want to say it may have actually been something they showed at school?  [My SO seems to remember the same thing, so this was probably the case. ~O]
And in direct contrast to Specs, I went to public school in a rural area, no one gave a shit, so...  I- I saw the second one in theaters, but I legitimately do not remember where I saw the first one. Uh, for the record, I thought it was fine!  I had zero reference, beyond a foggy memory of Beast Machines- not even Beast Wars guys, Beast Machines.  And hadn't seen G1 at all.  I very vaguely knew who Optimus Prime was and pretty much nobody else.
No, it would take over a decade before this film franchise filled me with seething rage.
S: And you didn't even get into the fandom, when I tried interesting you in it.  You got into it by yourself!
O: [laughs] I know!  She tried! She tried in college! [laughs] Which is why, I was like, “Hey, I want to watch Beast Wars!” It was like, not looking where I was going and walking off a cliff!  [laughs]
S: Pretty much, and then I just threw TV shows at you.
O: She just like, thew DVD’s down the cliff at me! [continues laughing]
S: And comics.
O: Which I mean...I didn’t really mind...but I love that description so much.
S: [laughs]
O: But, uh, all of this aside, I will be saying my media recommendation for the day here, instead of at the end.  I strongly recommend watching Lindsey Ellis’, “The Whole Plate.” Which is a series about film studies through the lens of Transformers.  Not only is excellent breaking these movies down in the context of film, and film theory, but it's informative and done by someone else who clearly loves Transformers.
Pretty sure her favorite is Starscream, but I also think I saw a Wheeljack in the background of one of her videos, but do not quote me on that.  Uh, it is at least partially due to Lindsey I started watching G1. Uh, the other YouTube culprit I'll likely recommend in a different video, heh, but needless to say she certainly didn't hurt.  I'd been watching her, “Whole Plate,” series since 2017 so... over a year before I made that so fateful decision to borrow Beast Wars.
This recommendation also comes caveat: Because I've watched her videos, I know I've been heavily influenced by them and... it is likely I will talk about some of the same points that she's made... while we're going through this movie.  So just, if- eh, this is me so this is me, um, cite--this is me giving you my citation for ah, my work, essentially.
Go watch Lindsey Ellis’ videos, they're fantastic.
S: And I suppose to counterpoint, I haven't seen any of her videos.  So anything that I talk about that ends up accidentally being something that comes up in here is an accident.
O: The only- I think I showed you the- the Megan Fox video.
S: You might have, but at this point it's been so long ago that-
O: [quietly]  That’s true..
S: -that I probably don't remember, or almost certainly don’t.
O: Fair!  Anyway, definitely go- go, uh, watch her, because she's interesting.  I-I feel like there’s- I’ve seen posts that like, seem like at least some people don't like her.  So, I don't know what's going on there and I don't really want to find out. So if it’s not your thing, it’s not your thing and that's fine.    Well! Ready for the movie?
S: Say it isn't so, but yes, yes I am.
O: [laughs] Here we go!
S: [sighs]  We open with some opening narration by Optimus Prime played by Peter Cullen of the da--
O: -of Optimus Prime? [laughs]
S: Well, I was gonna say, “of the days of old.”
O: [laughs louder]  Okay, fair! And I don't- I don’t care if he mostly in a cartoon voice over work, he is too good for this fucking movie!
S: He is.  He gives us the backstory for Cybertron and the Autobot/Decepticon war and I think, you see someone spearing someone else with something in this…
O: It wouldn’t shock me.  Something called the AllSpark is super important and they send it off planet to keep the Decepticons from getting it.
S: The Autobots couldn’t keep track of it either.  They did not think this through.
O: Of course, it landed on an unknown planet, Eii-arth!
S: [snickers] Megatron apparently followed the AllSpark but pulled a Skyfire and got frozen in the Arctic, where he was found by a team of explorers led by Captain Archibald Witwicky.  Doesn't that just sound like a manly man.
O: [laughing]  He is!
S: The part of Skyfire will be played by Megatron in this movie.
O: Make sure to properly chill your Decepticon warlord for at least a couple of decades before serving.
S: Don't you mean a couple thousand years?
O: Shush!
B: [laugh]
S: Meanwhile, Skyfire’s sir not appearing in this picture.
O: Also, don't be fooled by the opening guys!  Sure, Optimus may be talking now but it won't last.  It'll be like, what? An hour before we get any more giant robots talking?
S: Probably.  We cut to the Middle East in the um, ‘present’ day.
O: Well, present day ten years ago anyway.
S: It's soldiers doing transportation stuff on a military base... and a guy wants to eat alligators.
O: Fuck yeah, America- am I right!?!
S: It’s cuisine.  The military partially funded these movies if anybody was unaware this really helps explain their presence in the movie series.
O: That and Bay's HUGE fuckin’ boner for ‘em.
S: The soldiers here are some of the better characters in the movie.  They're funny, they work well off each other, and you know, [gasp] feel like they’re friends.
O: What a concept.  An unknown helicopter lands at the base, transforming into a giant robot and starting to destroy said base.
S: The Decepticons apparently want US military codes or they're trying to find the AllSpark location, or something.
O: I can't help but think of Soundwave was here this would have been done so much more competently.  Even Soundwave- even movie Soundwave is still competent.
S: Oh, probably.  Uh, the Decepticon is Blackout by the way, who- I'm not sure we ever see or hear him talk?
O:  Yeah, like, we might hear him talk in Cybertronian at the very end of the movie like, when it's like, doing the all the Decepticons gettin’ ready.
S: Hmm.
O: Um…
S: Maybe.
O: He never really is a character, um, but I hope you're ready for shaky cam video of this robot and not getting a good look at him!
S: Oh!  Flying tanks, how novel.
O: [laughs] They fail to fight off the Decepticon and a small group of soldiers manages to escape the base, but not without being followed by Scorpinok.
S: Who is released by, um, Blackout cuz apparently he's his pet or something-
O: Something like that.  The only thing you need to remember about this is that the main soldier is Lennox, and he is leading the group.  The other characters have names. I had to look them up.
S: Yeah, they aren’t very big characters, unfortunately.  It would have been more entertaining if-
B: -they were.
S: [sighs] And then suddenly we're at a high school.
O: Following a teenage boy who's gonna try to hawk his great-great-great-something-grandfather’s shit in the middle of class.
S: [sighs] Why is he hawking shit?  Because he wants to seduce the hottie by getting a car, either that, or that is merely a side effect of getting a car that he hopes will happen.
O: Mikaela is way too good for him.
S: She is.
O: He blabs on about how his something-grandfather, Captain Archibald Witwicky was the first man to explore the Arctic.
S: Never mind that there were already people living there.
O: He was the first white idiot to make it up there and not die?
S: Possibly.
O: [laughs]
S: We're introduced to the glasses of plot here.  They're not particularly relevant right now, but they will be later!
O:  Notice those weird etchings on the lenses?  That's- that's a thing!
S: Keep these in mind.  Put a pin in it. But right now, Sam is talking about selling his stuff on eBay.
O: ~ Ladies~ he takes Paypal. [laughs]
S: The bell rings and the rest of the class leaves as Sam talks to his teacher.  Proceeding to be a total freaking dumb ass by guilting his teacher into giving him a better grade than he deserved, because otherwise his dad won't help him buy a car.
O: And remember, this is supposed to be the character we’re identifying with.  Thanks! I hate it.
S: [sighs] You know, and after meeting Sam's dad, his behavior makes a lot more sense.  Clearly he gets dickish behavior from said dad.
O: His dad drives him through a Porsche dealer to make him think he's buying Sam a Porsche, which just kind of seems like a dick move.  They proceed to show up at a used-car lot with, uh, Sam spying a mysterious Camaro, which is Bee in this.
S: Like, Bumblebee was actually following them into the car lot which is kind of funny-
O: Yeah, but- but they didn't really see him until he parked in the car lot.
S: Yeah, I guess uh, they had to make him cooler for the 2000’s.
O: You know, I always liked the little Volkswagon bugs when I was in high school around this timeframe.  I still do, they're adorable!
S: They're cute.  Unfortunately, they're not sexy enough for a teenage boy in the mid-2000s.
O: [sighs] No, but they were sexy enough for a teenage boy in the 80’s.
S: [laughs] Yes, but that was when he knew it was his- it was friend shaped.
O: [laughs] Oh-
S: Bumblebee is-
O: G1 Bumblebee is so friend shaped.
S: He is.  He's friend shaped to everyone except Megatron, really.  Well, all of the Decpti-
O: No, he’s friend shaped to Megatron in the comics too!
S: Oh god, well, are we talking IDW comic or the original?
O: I was talking about the- I was talking about the- the plot in IDW, yeah. [laughs] Mostly I just thought was funny because his design is very, very similar in that toG1-
S: Yeah-
O: And I was like, yeah that’s pretty funny though.
S: Yeah, you're right he was very friend shaped in that.
O: He is friend shaped to everybody.
S: But in the Marvel Comics he's not friend shaped to the Decepticons.
O: Oh no, nobody's friend shaped in the Marvel comic. [laughs]  Are you kidding me?
S: Ah, ah, Bee’s been following this kid around for a while and the car salesman clearly has never seen this damn car in his life, but he's still gonna try and sell it.
O: I-I mean given that it is his car lot, I can’t- I’m not sure I can fault him on this decision really? [laughs]
S: Well, it’s not honest.
O: [laughs] No.
S: And he's like, “I'm honest- whatever.”  I think he has, “honesty,” actually on a sign somewhere.
O: [continues to laugh]
S: I don't know, it's not- it doesn't really matter.  And, um, there's also an ostrich here. Why is there an ostrich!?!
O: I think he has a petting zoo or something, I don’t know.
S: He is down to make that dough.
O: Very.
S: Bee also comes with racing stripes.
O: We all know that makes him go faster, Specs!
S: [snorts]
O: [laughs]
S: Amongst other things, Bee contains a bee air freshener, that says “BEE-OTCH,” a small disco ball, and a weird lion bobblehead, that I thought was a small taxidermied animal at first.
O: [laughs] And we didn’t even see it till our second walk- er, watch through either!  Just to make this more ridiculous!
S: Yeah, it vanishes so I gather Spike didn’t- oh god, not Spike-
O: No, this isn’t Spike, it would probably be better if it was!
S: Yeah.  Sam didn't think it was too hot either.
O: Yeah, but uh, this whole bit, just feels creepy.  Sam's gonna buy Bumblebee, a living, thinking, being, whose intelligence definitely surpasses his own.
S: And let's compare this to Charlie from the Bumblebee movie, who's trying to rebuild a car by herself with no support from her family and then there's Sam.  And I mean, okay, yeah, she does get Bumblebee, basically- basically in a transaction. She does kind of buy him, but when she realizes that he's a person, she treats him like a person.
O: Exactly, and Sam is just this entitled little rich kid living in a nice house and has everything handed to him in Southern California!   I don't know what his parents do, but clearly they make good fucking money!
S: I don't know what they do.
O: Me either!
S: Bee is even parked next to a VW Bug, an old one.  Which he will then proceed to wreck.
O: I feel like this is the start to Michael Bay being like why do you like, “Why do you like that nerdy shit?  Come look at boobs, tits, and nice cars. These are the only things that are really important.” This will be the hill I die on.
S: [sighs] I don’t understand Michael Bay.
O: If you didn’t like this, why did you do it!?!  I know the answer is money.
S: Money is-
O: But you can at least do it enjoyably!
S: Yeah, well, money is the root of a lot of... stuff.  Speaking of, Bee is... very much a dick here. He destroys this guy's entire lot of cars, or at least all their windows.  Because he emits a supersonic noise and you know, busts all the windows in an effort to get Sam to buy him or get the guy to sell him to Sam-
O: For a cheaper price, basically.
S: Yeah.
O: Cutting to the Pentagon, the Secretary of Defense is briefing a team of technicians who will be attempting to decode the Decepticon signal they got from Blackout earlier. (Kind of.)
S: One of them is a very intelligent young woman named Maggie.
O: Who will proceed to be shot like another piece of tits and ass, like all the pretty woman in this movie.  Oh, and if you're not young and pretty in this movie series you're basically just a harpy.
S: [sighs] And after this movie we will never see her again.  Which might imply that she has more longevity than Sam.
O: Smart girl.  At Sam’s house, we’re introduced to his mom, his dog, and some casual sexism.
S: We're not allowed to put girl jewelry on a male dog in this house, are we?
O: Of course not!  What would the men think?  That jewelry is awesome and they're totally allowed to wear it.  Yeah, actually let's do that- that sounds way better.
S: [sighs] But don't worry if you think Mojo [Sam’s dog] is emasculated or something.  Later movies will have him humping absolutely everything.
O: Yeah, because that's what I want to watch in a movie about giant alien robots!
S: Admittedly, these movies aren't particularly about giant alien robots.  They’re-
O: No, they're like- about Sam's love life and explosions [snickers].
S: Or whatever the human lead’s love life.
O: [quietly] True.
S: That's- that’s typically how it runs. [sighs] Back to the army guys again.  They're still attempting to escape Scorponok. Except they don't know that Scorponok’s following them.
O: No, but they're like, trying to get away from the base.
S: They're trying to get somewhere where they can contact help, I think? So they're making their way through the desert, with this young kid that showed up at the very beginning of the movie and was like, “Hi!  You're my friends, I'm bringing you something.” And he escaped with them.
O: Yup.  They decide they need to get their intel back to Pentagon as soon as possible.
S: And in our other movie, Sam's friend is a moron, and Mikaela's boyfriend is a dick, just a beefier dick than Sam.
O: So infuriating, this should be relatable.  I was the weirdo in high school! But no, I still just want to strangle Sam with my bare hands.
S: And- well, honestly, Miles (Sam's friend) isn't really a moron.  He's just acting like an actual teenage boy.
O: [laughs]
S: [huffs] He's climbing trees and entering cars through the window and then in the next scene when we see that, the door is open?  So he like, dived through the door?
O: Continuity.  Continuity is not a thing, Specs.
B: [laugh]
S: [sighs] Sam proceeds to bait Mikaela's jock boyfriend to satisfy his own ego, but just barely manages to avoid a knuckle sandwich.
O: UNFORTUNATELY.  Said boyfriend then proceeds to treat Mikaela like property.
S: He won't even let her ride in the front seat of his truck.  She knows significantly more about trucks than you do, you asshole!  She could probably-
O: Oh, she could run circles around this asshole.
S: Well no, I was thinking she could probably you know, set something up so that his truck killed him.
O: Ah-ha-ha, there we go!  That's the movie- that's the movie Mikaela should have been in.
S: Well, I mean, Megan Fox- she is apparently good in Jennifer's Body.  Sam boots his friend out of Bumblebee so that he can offer... Mikaela a ride home.
O: It’s shitty to strand your friend like this, dude.
S: It's especially shitty, because the car has backseat.
O: And he couldn't shove his friend back there.
S: [quietly] Yeah.
O: Mikaela reluctantly accepts and Bee has decided to become Sam's wingman, apparently.
S: I'm assuming he knows what teenagers do in cars, but really, does he actually understand what teenagers do in cars!?!
O: [while laughing] Um, I'm-I’m not sure to be honest.
S: Well, considering they apparently learned English from the internet.
O: Yeah, you’d think there’d be some porn thrown in there.
S: I’d assume so.  Um, he breaks down causing Mikaela to open his hood and check the engine.
O: And what kills me, is that she's saying relevant things throughout the scene but the way she's shot, she's not treated like a person, she's treated like a-a-an object to be viewed essentially, and it is very frustrating. I know we could assume that it's from Sam's perspective, but boy does this get old.
S: It gets really old.  Sam asks her about why she hangs out with her boyfriend.  Of course, he phrases it like, strongly hinting that she should hang out with him instead.  And Mikaela can totally tell that he's doing that so she's like, “I'm out,” and starts walking off.
O: But Bee suddenly starts working again so Sam's able to convince her to at least let him finish driving her home.
S: She'd have probably had a better time walking home, let's be real.
O: Probably.
S: Except she might have had really uncomfy shoes...
O: Eh, except like, it was sunset, and it was night by the time they got home.  So I have to ask, how far out of town were they?
S: That's a good point.  Um, and then we get Sam saying uh, [sighs] that, “There's more than meets the eye,” about the Mikaela.
O: Why does this just feel like another slap in the face of the original series?
S: Probably because it is, and on to Air Force One.  Frenzy, who's apparently someone's carry on here, because he's a boombox in this and was actually under someone's seat.
O: Or!  You could choose to imagine him walking onto the onto the plane himself.  Just thing about this little radio, who’s got teeny tiny little legs, and walks on the plane.  It's way funnier!  Also, did he steal Soundwave’s alt!?!
S: That is a fun thing, but yeah.  Hello president who is obviously Bush!  Whose face we don't see, but unfortunately we get to see his besoc- besocked feet.
O: He wants a ding dong.
S: [sighs]
O: Betcha do!  Uh, Frenzy attempts to get data from the military database by way of Air Force One, but he’s caught while doing this, and so the Secret Service shoots at him.
S: The Secret Service apparently didn't get the 4-1-1 on what you don't do on a plane.  You don't shoot shit on a plane. You really don't wanna do that. It just leads for a bad time, for everyone, very briefly.
O: [laughing] Yup!  Very short lives!
S: Either that, or they're lucky and they manage to make a safe landing but... you don't want-
O: Do you really- do you really want to risk that?  No.
S: No, you don't want catastrophic decompression on a plane.
O: No you don’t.
S: I mean, who knows, maybe Air Force One is better... built?  Once they uh, basically, they end up taking the plane down, uh, in an emergency landing, because shots fired or whatever.  Then once they bring the plane down, Frenzy is able to sneak off the plane through the a- he goes down like, the doors that the wheels go out and then it's just funny.
O: It is.
S: Yeah, he goes over to Barricade after that.
O: Barricade’s a police car.  He will be more relevant later, but uh- you have any doubts that this little thing was Frenzy, you just need to see that little walk off the plane and you will know.
S: Cuz he- he's got like, his hand up to hide his face.
O: Yeah, like he’s- he’s like, trying to be nonchalant.  Like, after they thought he was trying to kill the president it is delightful.
S: Mm-hmm and Frenzy is smarter than the- the Secret Service on this plane because he had like, shurikens.
O: Yeah!  Once he's in Barricade he pulls up the eBay listings for Sam's Grandpa's glasses and says, “We must find LadiesMan217!”
S: Why did he pick that username?
O: I don't know, but I legitimately find it hilarious every time a Cybertronian has to shout it in this movie.  I know he said it in like, Cybertronian there, it is still great.
S: Oh Sam’s ego, but yeah, it is really funny anytime a robot shouts that.  At Sam's house, Bee apparently has got places to be. So he just, you know, turns on his own ignition and then drives off by himself.
O: This awakens Sam, who then goes chasing after his own car on his bike.
S: And call- he calls the police.  Sam calls the police to report that his car is being stolen.  Going so far as to remind them that his dad is the head of the neighborhood watch.
O: Well, if you needed a another reminder that Sam is a rich white boy, there you go.
S: [sighs] Yeah…
O: Sam finally catches up with Bee, who's standing some distance away beaming the bat signal- I mean the Autobot signal some kind of signal-er, some kind of signal into space.
S: Sam starts recording all of this on his shitty flip phone, and thinking that he's going to die the first words out of his mouth are, “Porn’s not mine, it's Miles’!”
O: Oh yes, that's the last image I'd want to leave my own mother with. Talking about your erections, lovely.
S: Considering one of the conversations that happens later…
O: It may be were relevant than I want to imagine, yeah.  Mm-hmm. Moving on!
S: Yeah.  Sam is then chased by some good doggos, who managed to get free of their uh, basically they weren’t very well contained.
O: Yep.
S: But the poor puppies are denied their midnight snack as Bumblebee bursts in and save[s] him and you don't really see the dogs go away.  They just start aren’t there anymore.
O: [laughs] And despite thinking his car’s alive, he shouts something that they, “Can keep the car!” and chunks his keys at Bee.
S: I don't even know what the building they're in even is, cuz he goes into a building and then suddenly it seems like they're not in a building anymore and it's... what's going on?
O: Yeah… Um, Sam's arrested when the cops show up for making a false 9-1-1 call because his car is obviously right there.
S: Yep, and it's not like there was any evidence of other people around.
O: There weren’t.
S: At the Pentagon with some assholes, including the Secretary of Defense and our- Maggie, our pretty lady analyst.  Maggie proceeds to sneak into a very high up meeting basically to say, “The system is alive!”
O: Which is completely insane in any other context, except this movie, where she is technically right, but it still sounds like a pretty insane context-
S: Yeah.
O: Er, sane- sounds like pretty insane an idea.
S: She kind of gets kicked out... of the meeting.
O: Yeah.
S: But she's right, and she will be vindicated later.  And, um, I hate the color balancing in this movie everything is so orange and blue.  It looks like everyone's skin tone is basically, you know, orange and like, they all have really bad spray tans?  Or at least all the white people do. None of the black people in this movie really have to deal with looking like an orange.
O: They may still have orange light on them, but it's not quite the same way.
S: Yeah, and now it's police time.
O: Where we've made Sam do a pee test, and then they hold up a bottle that says, “Mojo,” on it and they're interrogating him about it.  Mojo, as previously stated... is his dog and it is very likely that the bottle would say, “canine,” on it because that's how it worked when I had to pick up medication for my cat from the pharmacy. [Well, the cat’s was labelled ‘feline,’ but you know what we mean.]  So they're just being assholes.
S: And I mean, that looks like a legit prescription bottle.
O: Yeah.
S: So, I don't think most people keep their illegal drugs in legit prescription bottles.
O: [laughs] Fair, fair.
S: I mean, I have no personal experience but… [sighs]  And back to the Middle East with the soldier boys.
O: Scorponok attempts subtlety, only narrowly missing killing Lennox.
S: He does however succeed in killing the oblivious glasses guy, or maybe he doesn't kill him, maybe just badly injures him?  I don’t know.
O: I’m pretty sure he's dead because we don't see him for the rest of the movie.  If I'm wrong I apologize.
S: Okay, that's a good point.  The soldiers all book it and take shelter in and around these bombed out buildings.  Which is apparently the young boy's village. [sighs] They have brought hell down upon this small village and this will never be addressed.
O: The dad of the kid that's been helping them seems awfully nice, considering they have brought a giant mechanical scorpion to the front door.
S: Yup, that poor man does not deserve any of this shit.
O: Nope!
S: And here's one of the few legitimately funny scenes in this movie.
O: Lennox, has to call the Pentagon.  Which involves Lennox having to go back and forth with the most bored guy in a call center ever, but he also needs a credit card because it's a long-distance call.  A really long distance call.
S: He's able to get that credit card from Epps, one of the soldiers in his squad.
O: And this is all happening, while they're in the middle of a firefight.  So they're having to yell to be heard and stuff. Epps is also shooting at Scorponok, so Lennox has to grab the wallet off of Epps.
S: And so their conversation on how to navigate this is effectively a something like.  “It's in my back pocket!” “Which one!?!” “Left cheek! Left cheek! Left cheek!” All while firing at Scorponok.  And apparently he's like- eh, Lennox is like, “You have like fifteen pockets!”
O: [laughs]  Which I feel like is legitimately funny!  And I just kind of wish I just didn’t have to like, be concerned, is this racism- with the call center guy looking and sounding Indian and I don't know, because that seems like something Michael Bay would do.
S: Yeah… yeah.  Jets and other military things have apparently been quickly scrambled and show up.
O: Including a military drone, just like what Soundwave turns into in Prime, so I was chuckling.
S: Explosions happen, and miraculously they don't appear to hit any civilians, somehow.  And then there's more shooting and more explosions-
O: And I get very bored.
S: And they're able to shoot off a part of Scorponok's tail, while the rest of Scorponok conveniently gets away.
O: They definitely thought this is important.  The music swells, things are happening in slow motion… you should be paying attention to this.
S: Basically, uh, the military guys get rescued and presumably no one does anything to help repair the damage that…
O: They've done to this village.
S: Yeah, we never hear about the young child again.
O: Nope!
S: [sighs] And back in America, Maggie has stolen intel from the Pentagon and uh, shows up on her friend Glen's doorstep.  And she- she hides it in her makeup case.
O: Which is pretty clever.  Also, he's apparently a master hacker!
S: Yup.  He pulls out some bullshit program that basically auh, you know, pulls, “It's alive!” from the Decepticon audio data Maggie brought over.
O: Which is about the point the feds show up with the SWAT team and arrest them both.
S: Yeah.  Bee shows a back up at Sam's house presumably just to fuck with Sam which at this point really does seem like a Bee thing to do in this movie.
O: Yeah… Bee’s kind of a dick.
S: Sam escapes on his mom’s bike.
O: Why does his mom have a bike that looks like it belongs to a five-year-old!?!  I mean, like- look, I'm not saying don't do you, cuz do you, but- but- but… his mom confuses me.
S: Apparently, she's just a very girly girl who... has a basket that needs to have a pillow in it.  Maybe she takes Mojo for bike rides?
O: I would believe that.
S: I could see her doing that considering that she does put jewelry on him.  She makes him a handsome boy.
O: She does.
S: [sighs] Oh god, so now Sam is running away from his own car, like a crazy person and then uh, runs into Mikaela who's out apparently having lunch.
O: A day, yeah.
S: Well, lunch with her friends.
O: Yeah!
S: She has normal friends, and Sam proceeds to look like a crazy person.
O: He thinks his car is chasing him.  The fact that he's right doesn't really play into how this looks right now.
S: Cuz yeah, he's- he's riding a very pink bike that--
O: Saying his car is chasing him.
S: Yeah.  Bee was definitely driving on the sidewalk, and probably on people's lawns for parts of this.
O: It was funny  Mikaela hops on her scooter because clearly she's like, “I guess I go- I guess I better go help this dumbass.”
S: Mikaela was just a very nice, responsible person.  She's- she's kind.
O: Yeah, she’s not the- like yeah, you don't really see her being mean.
S: She-
O: Even to Sam, even when Sam is being kind of a jerk earlier she's never outright mean to him.  She's done, very done, but you never really see her being mean to him with- unless he kind of deserved it like later.
S: Mikaela is a very kind person and unfortunately she doesn't- her character just doesn't get the recognition that she deserves.
O: No, she doesn’t.
S: [sighs]
O: Barricade catches up with Sam.
S: The police slogan on the side of his police car says- or his police car alt mode says. “To punish and enslave”.
O; What about being undercover, dude?
S: Well, be honest most people don't really pay much attention.
O: [quietly] True.
S: He dicks with Sam for a bit before transforming into robot mode and yelling, “Are you LadiesMan217!?!”
O: Really quickly, and it's amazing.  Sam runs away and knocks Mikaela off her scooter.
S: Sam, you dumbass, you could have really fucking hurt her, you jack ass.
O: Pretty much. [singing] ~Here Bee comes to save the dayyyyyy!~
S: Sam proceeds to pull a, “Come with me if you want to live,” to Mikaela, which... At this point, considering that he has now uh, conflated her with himself to the Decepticons probably- is probably true, yeah.
O: Fair.  They have a high-speed chase, somewhere in Southern California.
S: Bee gets them somewhere relatively isolated before dumping the two of them out and transforming to fight with Barricade and... is this still the middle of the day?  I- no this is at night, it’s night now.
O: It keeps kind of swapping, it's weird.  And then Frenzy hop-
S: How long where they… ?
O: I don't know how long this was going on, because it was like- it looked like it was mid-afternoon and they don't get dumped out till night, like the sun has set, night.
S: Like, jeez.
O: I don't know, heh, but Frenzy hops out of Barricade and attacks Sam and Mikaela.
S: [sighs] Sam manages to lose his goddamn pants in this altercation.
O: Of course he does.  Mikaela, being the badass that she is, grabs a fucking power tool and attacks Frenzy with it.  Cutting him into pieces!
S: Mikaela kicks ass, and she would have been a far better protagonist.  My heart weeps that this wasn't actually the reality.
O: Eh, that's okay they kind of did it in the Bumblebee movie.
S: Yeah.  Sam shows his bravery by... bravely kicking Frenzy’s head away.
O: Frenzy, using a second set of legs coming from his head... walks over to Mikaela’s purse, because she dropped it earlier, and then disguises himself as her cellphone.
S: After stabbing her, you know, her real cellphone.  Presumably to get data from it or something?
O: I would assume?  Yeah.
S: Otherwise it's gonna be a very bad disguise.  She opens it and is like, “Where are all my god damn contacts?”
B: [laugh]
O: Yeah, fair.
S: And then there's some crack about Bee being Japanese, once Sam finally gets his actual introduction to his, you know, ‘not a car’.
O: This should be a tongue-in-cheek reference to the original toys being created by the Japanese company Takara, but given Bay’s track record, I really have to wonder.  I know I keep bringing that up, but like, parts of this movie feel very uncomfortable to watch-
S: [quietly] Yeah.
O: -and certain racial stereotyping that he does not only in this movie, but even worse, honestly, in the sequels... just makes me feel really uncomfortable.
S: [quietly] Yeah. [normal volume]  They ride off in Bee, both Sam and Mikaela and not wanting to sit in the driver's seat because Bee is driving and... that wouldn't be polite somehow.
O: I'm not even going to comment on what I'm actually thinking.  Sam tries to pull off a slick move, telling Mikaela she should sit in his lap because there's only one other seat belt.
S: That's bad, if you're in an accident you're both gonna die.  Though, I mean, considering they’re both in a giant alien robot…
O: I mean their driver is a sentient alien robot, who's used to being a car, so hopefully that doesn't happen, right?
S: Mostly I'm just imagining that a giant alien robot car isn't going to have the same sort of, you know, safety tests-
O: Oh, safety precautions!?!  Ha! [laughs]
S: [trying not to laugh] Safety test results that an actual car-
O: [continues laughing]  That’s fair!
S: So who the hell knows how this would work!  Bee takes offense at being called a ‘piece-of-shit Camaro’.
O: Leading to him dumping them out, driving off without a driver, and then driving past a very conveniently placed newer yellow and black Camaro with the exact paint job he wants.  Because Michael Bay cares about very few things in this movie. Tits! And you, yes you! Driving a nice shiny car, because you are a man. A virale, sex having man!
B: [laugh]
O: Or at least that's what he's assuming!
S: Oh, and the way Bumblebee scans this car is kind of ridiculous cuz he’s- he’s up on two wheels driving like half on his side so he’s-
O:  Yeah, like on his side!  So he’s got to scan it with something like, on the bottom of his car mode???
S: Yeah, on his undercarriage and it's weird and silly.
O: And it’s just like, yeah, nobody saw this.  Sure!
S: Like, they're driving in a tunnel, there were definitely other people around, cuz people-
O: There definitely were!
S: Cuz people honked at them, people honked at them when Bumblebee dropped them off.  But yeah, let's go. Bee picks them up and they're like, “Oh wow, you could have done this anytime?” and then Bee precedes to take them trespassing so they can meet new people.
O: Where even are they?
S: I don’t know!  I don't think anyone knows.
O; Valid point.
S: Who knows, maybe they're in Oregon now.
O: [laughs] Yes!  They drove north. Very far north!
S: They could have if they were driving all day, I don’t know!  Either that or they were going around goddamn circles.
O: I'm willing to bet that actually.
S: And finally we're going to get more robots as um, meteorites rain down.  These robots being our Autobots.
O: Who will still not improve this movie enough to matter.
S: Which is so depressing.
O: It really is!
S: Mikaela and Sam hold hands because as uh, movie logic dictates- if you have a man and a woman who spend more than a few minutes uh, with one another they will be in love by the end of it.
O: Who cares!  The Autobots seriously fuck some shit up when they land on Earth!
S: Oh they do.  And not a single fuck was given, because they seriously have no idea what the fuck's going on.
O: A bunch of people are running around at several of the crash si- sites recording things too.
S: Um-hmm.  Recording stuff, and probably putting it on YouTube-
O: I would assume.
S: -or whatever in-universe equivalent of YouTube.
O: I think it's just YouTube, based on a sequel, but don't quote me on that.
S: Who knows, we even see Ratchet’s weird ambulance mode in the background of some of these shots.  So we can see where and when he scanned it.
O: Apparently, according to the TF Wiki, this is supposed to be a Hummer H2 rescue vehicle.  So not even technically an ambulance.
S: And then we see Jazz at a Cadillac dealership.
O: Isn’t he supposed to be a Porsche?
S: Yep.
O:  I mean, [sighs] why start being accurate with alts now, right?
S: Well, I'm going to assume that Cadillac paid for this product placement.
O: [laughs] Yeah…
S: Whereas, Porsche probably didn't give a shit.
O: And Porsche was already in there so they did pay money, but the Cadillacs probably paid more.
S: Probably, I don’t know. He's- yeah, he's not even a Cadillac.  Jazz is a Pontiac Solstice, so why are we even had a Cadillac dealership?
O: Money.  Ironhide however, is a huge fucking truck now.
S: A GMC Topkick.  He also apparently, uh- a little girl mistakes him for the tooth fairy.
O: It’s pretty cute actually. I gotta give them that.
S: Yep. Optimus lands on scams a conveniently placed semi.
O: [It] kills me that they copy the paint jobs.  I think I’d prefer if the paint jobs were something that were like, inherent to them, to their biology.  But no! There's another truck out there with blue paint and orange and red flames on the side, are you shitting me?
S: I mean…
O: Or on the front.
S: [snickers]  It's likelier than you think.  Does this mean that there is another cop car out there with, “Punish and enslave,” on the side, or it- was this some civilian’s idea of a cop cosplay?
O: [sighs] Well, we do see little details change like the Autobot signals [symbols] on Ratchet’s paint job.  So maybe that was a small enough detail to be changed. The only reason we even know the semi-truck’s paint job is because we saw a drive by.
S: Yeah. Uh, the Autobots show up in an alley where they meet up with uh, Bee, Sam, and Mikaela.
O: Optimus transforms, he's a Kenworth W900 truck in the live-action series.  Which looks somewhat different from his design from the cartoon which was based on a Freightliner WFT-8664T.
S: To make this more confusing they used an entirely different [truck] model while filming, but we're going with uh, Hasbro’s official answer here.
O: Namely, the Freightliner was a cab over truck and the Kenworth isn't.  It's a more traditional semi that you see stateside anyway.
S: He introduces the rest of the bots and their robot modes are also terrible.
O: Jazz apparently learned to speak from the Internets and knows the lingo.
S: Well, presumably they all did.  I think Jazz is the one who actually paid attention.
O: Yeah.
S: Ironhide, our weapons expert.
O: “I blow shit up!”
S: And [uneasy laugh] welcome to one of our least favorite lines ever and it's Ratchet’s introduction no less.
O: And I quote, “The boy’s pheromone levels suggest he wants to mate with the female.”
S: [quietly] Oh god.  Ugh...
O: I'd like to remind you all that Ratchet is uh, Specs’ favorite G1 character.  So this is particularly ughhh. [laughs] I’m so sorry.  Not like my faves really go- are handled any better to be fair, except maybe Soundwave.
S: We've also got to make it clear that he can't fix Bee.  So Ratchet zaps him with something or whatever.
O: They just need Powerglide to fix him, obviously!  With his magical ray of healing.
S: Yeah that'd probably do the trick.  Optimus puts on a laser light show to explain the plot to Sam.  And I mean, the laser light show was cool but... this seems like a really weird-
O: Weird place to do it?  But uh, he's Optimus Fucking Prime, he does what he wants.
S: This is all funnier to listen to once you realize just how young the Bayverse versions of Transformers are compared to their counterparts in any other continuity.  Optimus is like 10,000 years old, tops? Compared to the G1 versions, where everyone's like, millions of years old.
O: I would love to see G1 Megs’ reaction to us.  “You're how old!?! Sparklings! Why are sparklings in charge!?!”
S: Why are babies fighting?  Oh my god it's the baby war.
O: [singing to the tune of Muppet Babies] ~Robot babies!~ [laughs]
S: Oh god, the fact that there are actually, at least, a few crossovers that's basically Transformers babies.  Where they basically took a concept of Muppet Babies and did it with Transformers.
O: Oh lord, oh lord. Uh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh.
S: Cause it’s- yeah, Megatron is Meggy.
O: [sighs]
S: I read those-
O: No.
S: -way back-
O: No.  I refuse to believe those exists.
S: [starts laughing]
O: I live in a world where those don’t exist because I haven’t seen them yet, and I don’t have object permanence!
B: [laugh]
S: Unfortunately, I can introduce you to things that will make you regret this fandom.
O: You would!  YOU WOULD! [laughs]
S: I’ve in this fandom since like, 2002!
O: You’re like, “Bitch, I been in this fandom for decades!”
S: Well, definitely more than decade at this point.  It will be two decades of-um, in like three years.
O: [laughs]
S: Optimus continues to explain that Megatron basically destroyed Cybertron.
O: Oh sure, blame Megatron for this.  Nevermind what we learn about Sentinel Prime later.
S: And in any case it takes two to tango, so…
O: Uh-huh.
S: It may not have been good if they've just rolled over and let Megatron do whatever the hell he wanted but…
O I don't really trust this Optimus either, soooo, you know.
S: Yeah.  It’s a war, both sides are going to do... a lot of shit.
O: Yup.
S: We get a bit better look at Megatron's design in the flashback, as Optimus continues to explain.
O: Thanks!  I hate it.
S: Megatron here just looks like a bipedal bag of knives.
O: And that sounds like the world's worst cryptid!
S: Optimus tell Sam um, that he may be Earth's only hope.
O: Help me Whitwicky, you're my only hope!
S: What a depressing hope.
O: Definitely!  So now it's time for the plot glasses, which apparently were imprinted with the coordinates for the AllSpark when Sam's great granddad whatever found Megatron.
S: I don't understand the mechanism that did this.
O: I don't either, just roll with it.
S: [sighs]
O: The movie is.
S: [groans] You know, the Decepticons could have literally just bid on the fucking auction for the glasses.
O: And I refuse to believe that, that is not exactly what Soundwave would have done if he was here, because that is the perfectly reasonable plan.
S: Or you know, literally just sending Frenzy to infiltrate his house.  Anything would have been better than what actually happened.
O: Pretty much.  But eBay!
S: That would have- it would have been way funnier if Soundwave had done the, you know, bidding on eBay robot- the robot war is literally a bidding war.
O: Yeah, and less things would have blown up. Michael Bay would have died from lack of explosions, but I- I think that's the price I'm willing to pay.
S: [sighs] Maggie and Glen get brought to the uh, Pentagon... maybe?  They're in some sort of holding cell waiting for interrogation.
O: Yeah... I get- I- I think it's the Pentagon, I'm not actually sure.
S: And then Glen proceeds to eat all the doughnuts that were left in um, left there.  And they're delicious, delicious looking doughnuts.
O: [Homer Simpson intonenation] Emmm, doughnut.   And now driving through a quiet suburban neighborhood, late at night- all of the Autobots!
S:  [sighs] Sam tries to convince the Autobots to stay outside and stay quiet, while he goes inside and tries to find the glasses.  And he's actually um, reasonably polite and respectful about this, considering the situation.
O: Eh... but the Autobots are super impatient.
S: [sighs] And Sam’s dad continues to be an asshole.  Basically moaning about how he spent all his money on a car for Sam, and now Sam gets home late and he had to do all of Sam's chores.  Like the KIND person that he is.
O: So instead of you know, just doing something nice for your kid you're going to just- stand out here, at the screen door, having a dick-measuring contest with your teenage fucking son.  Granted it is pretty fucking hysterical that Optimus and the rest are sneaking around the yard while Sam is desperately trying to be like, “No dad, I got this, you don't need to come out here, it’s fine!”
S: [sharp intake of breath] God, if Sam's dad had actually gone outside.
O: [laughs]
S: How the hell would that have worked?  I mean if he'd had booze or something or he had-  he has like-
O: He just looks at the wine glass and walks back inside.
S: [sharp intake of breath] “I've had too much to drink, I'm going to bed.”
O: [laughs]
S: Cuz all of the Autobot stuff is in the background.
O: Of course, they're stepping on things, knocking things over, the whole works.
S: Why didn't they just stay in car mode?
O: It’s a valid question.  I really don't think Optimus would be this much of an idiot and it makes the Autobots all look like assholes who aren't listening to the person who's trying to help them, and what he's asking them to do.
S: And then to make it worse, Ironhide pulls out his gun and aims it at Sam's dog.
O: Which is what, the equivalent are pulling at a freaking pistol cuz a bug landed on you?  What the hell, man!?!
S: Though Ironhide saying, “Bad mojo!” after Sam prompts him is pretty funny.  And the reason why he pulls out the uh, the big guns is because Sam's dog... pees on him.
O: Yep!  But seriously, this is the dumbest plan guys.
S: Yeah, the Autobots have been waiting all this time and apparently they can't sit still for five minutes, because they're all like, giant toddlers.
O:  [singing to the tune of Muppet Babies] ~Robot babies!~ [laughs]
S: [sighs] Transformers babies.  I- I am seriously debating finding that and throwing it at you.
O: You're just- you just want to hurt me.
S: I showed you good stuff!
O: Anyway, Optimus lifts Mikaela up into Sam's room and they both began rummaging around his room to find the glasses.
S: Sam shoos Mikaela away from a certain area in his room and um-
O: That's his porn, that's his porn stash.
S: [sighs] So I guess that's what he was referring to earlier.
O: Probably.
S: And now all of the Autobots are in car mode, in the backyard.  Except they've already done a shitload of damage.
O: Um-hm.
S: Except apparently Ratchet... isn't in car mode.  Cuz he uh-
O: Or he transforms from car mode?
S: Yeah cuz he, uh... he walks into a transformer, a power transformer.
O: Ugh, I'm just not fond of the VA they picked for him here.  I know Prime wasn't out yet, but that guy, we need that guy [Jeffrey Combs] here.  I love [that] Ratchet’s voice.
S: So when Ratchet walked into the power transformer, he knocked out the power.  He fell down I was like, “Oh! That was a kick, that was fun.”
O: [laughs]
Because apparently getting shocked for Transformers feels all tingly and fun.
O: [laughs] I mean…
S: Uh, and so- so at this point, the power is out, Sam's parents think that there's an earthquake cuz Ratchet fell down and made you know, shit happen and then they duck under- well, Sam's dad ducks under a table.  His mom is just like, “How did you get over there so fast?”
O: [laughs] I do enjoy that they're like, “Bring the wine!”  Cuz if they're gonna die, they're gonna die happy.
S: They’re all a little slooshed up at this point.
O: They- they are. [laughs]
S: And then Sam's parents uh, head upstairs to check on Sam and bang on his door.
O: And we present to you, the most awkward conversation ever captured in cinema!
S: Sam's parents are like, “Hey, uh, why was your door locked?  There aren’t- no doors are locked in this house,” and uh, decide to assume uh, masturbation was what was going on.
O: I did not need. [Clears throat] I did not need, or want to hear his mom call it, ”Sam’s special alone time”!  Just no. All the no. NO-NO-NO-NO-NO!
S: Ironhide asks Optimus if you can shoot them.
O: PLEASE!!!  [dissolves into laughter]  Optimus is like, “No, what's wrong with you!?!”
S: Yeah, and then all of the Autobots are trying to avoid being seen.  So, it's like they're attempting to do a Jenga with the house and they're all scrunched up- around and under Sam's window listening in and it's actually a pretty neat shot.
O: It's pretty funny.  Mercifully, Mikaela saves us from this insanity by stepping out and introducing herself.  So yeah, I think they're just gonna assume they were doing the horizontal mambo, if you know what I mean!
S: His parents apologize that she may have heard their ‘family discussion’.
O: Oh, is that what you're calling talking about your son’s WANKING OFF HABITS!?!
S: [sighs] Your son’s sex life, or lack thereof.
O: Why did you do this to me movie!?!
S: And this is where the federal agents come in.
O: OH THANK GOD!  And we have our main asshole FBI guy- oh sorry, I mean Sector Seven guy, Agent Simmons, JOY.
S: Sam's parents take issue with all of this.  Particularly his mom, who's mad that they're messing up their plants. Oh, and at some point, the father looked outside and was like, “Ah!  The earthquake destroyed all my shit!”
O: [laughs] Cuz he thinks the earthquake did it.
S: And at this point I think Sam's mom's gonna be really unhappy when she realizes just how much damage the Autobots did…
O: Yeah, Optimus stepped on her flowerbed.
S: Yeah.  And then the Sector Seven people want to take Sam away.
O: Personally, I think they can just, you know, have him!  Can we follow Mikaela for the rest of the movie instead, please?
S: Unfortunately, Mikaela gets brought along too.
O: Sam, his parents, and Mikaela are shoved into some cars by the Sector Seven guys.
S: Oh, and the reason that the uh, the Sector Seven people know to take Sam is that they have some sort of uh, thing that reads radiation and Simmons-
O: And he dropped his cell phone, or the cops still had it, so they [Sector Seven] now have his cell phone.
S: That's true.
O: And his recording of Bee, and him talking.
S: Yeah.
O: And him saying his car is alive.
S: Yeah, but they also have a thing that like, reads the radiation.  So Sam and Mikaela unfortunately, are now probably irradiated... somehow.  Which may or may not give them a very good life expectancy. And oh, Sam's terrible eBay user name gets mentioned again.
O: And you totally see Mikaela roll her eyes at it too.
S: Oh yeah, and they apparently have Sam's phone as you mentioned.  Which is how they tracked him down, and when asked about his ‘stolen’ car Sam says, “It came back.”
O: Right!  Doesn’t your car come back when it's stolen, Specs?
S: No, it's not a boomerang.  Though I suppose if a thief stole it [and] they decided it was super shitty they’d return it because-
O: I feel like they wouldn't even return it.
S: Or it just turns up again, like a block away.
O: I would be more willing to believe that.
S: I think I've seen stuff about that happening, but I don’t know.  Agent Simmons decides to lord his authority over them by uh, showing his badge and declaring it a, “I can do whatever I want and get away with it,” badge.
O: More like an asshole badge!
S: He also starts uh, to threaten Mikaela's dad.
O: Because as previously stated, he is a fucking asshole.  It's not even like Mikaela's got much to do with any of this to begin with.
S: People with power are just assholes-
O: Pretty much.
S: -a lot of the time.  And of course, it's um, prime time to bring up Mikaela's criminal record, because fuck you Simmons.
O: And Sam has the nerve to be horrified when finding out about this.
S: Sam you jackass.  You privileged, rich, white boy.
O: Yup.
S: And then the car is picked up and the- the uh, roof is ripped off by Optimus, once they’re in a suitably isolated area.
O: Optimus then kneels down, has an entire conversation with agent Simmons and Co.
S: He gets mad and tells them to get out of the car.
O: What’s left of it you mean?
S: I mean, it probably runs, maybe?
O: [laughs] He took off- like, the entire top half of it off!
S: Yes, but that- that's a not the part that keeps it from running.
O: And dropped it quite a ways.
S: Yeah... that's true, I don't know.  Mikaela finally tells Sam off for shitty comments about her criminal record earlier by asking him, “When have you ever had to give up anything in your perfect little life?”  Mikaela has a criminal record because she wouldn't rat out her dad.
O: Yeah, which- and depending on how old she is this should not have really even been legal to begin with.
S: Yeah.
O: Like, this like, I’m- I'm assuming this happened sometime between when she was 8 and 12 and it means that somebody chose to basically to prosecute her at a higher age bracket.  [My logic for this is that there’s a comment about him not always having been able to afford a babysitter for her so I assume she wouldn’t have been old enough to stay home by herself, but take that with a grain of salt.  ~O]
S: Yeah.
O: Which is shitty.  But, that statement, that line, is the most accurate description of Sam.  Here is a person who comes from privilege, he stumbles upon events that bestow him even more privilege and he acts entitled- so, so very entitled, during it all.
S: Yup, and then we get the part where Bumblebee pees on Agent Simmons.
O: [sighs]
S: [sighs]  It’s just like, whyyyyy?
O: Does this mean he's low on those fluids now?  Is Ratchet gonna have to top him off later? And why is that there?  I mean why does it exist at all sure, but specifically, why is it where a dick would be on a person!?!
S: Yeah, why is it framed like that?  From the perspective of the person being peed on?
O: [sighs] I don't know, but now that his friends are here Sam is going to be as douchey as possible because he orders Simmons to remove his pants.
S: And according to his under clothes or at least his undershirt, Sector Seven sells or has branded clothing items available for their agents.
O: The Autobots leave but, oh no!  They [the agents] were on the phone the whole time.
S: [sighs] Meaning, backup arrives shortly thereafter and the Autobots proceed to hide under a bridge.  Optimus carrying Mikaela and Sam in his arms.
O: Just putting this out there, but I too would like to be carried in Optimus’ big, strong arms.
S: Carried in his gentle, strong hands.  Though I mean, preferably G1 Optimus, or one of the other Optimuses.
O: Yeah, yeah, just not this Optimus.  I want the Optimus from Prime, he seems like a very calm, kind guy to give me a ride on her shoulders, that sounds nice.
S: I'll take G1 Optimus, he's a- he's very dad shaped.
O: He is the most dad shaped.
S: I'd also accept Animated Optimus.
O: Yeah... yeah, he seems nice.
S: Maybe Cyberverse, well I don't know.
O: He seems like, unsure dad shaped, and I can deal with that.
S: Yeah, and I'll leave out all the other Optimi.  Though maybe Optimus Primal might be good for a hug.
O: He would be great for a hug.  Unfortunately, they're not that much bigger than people so it would not be the same kind of ride in his big, strong arms.
S: [laughs] He’s more-
O: It still sounds nice but-
S: -more of a piggyback ride.
O: Yeah.
S: And to get away from our uh, hugging and carrying uh, discourse- there's just so many explosions happening right now.
O: Sure, don't worry about those roads or infrastructure, this is fine.
S: Oh no, Sam and Mikaela almost fell, but don't worry Optimus has slowed their descent with [laughs] his nice soft foot.
O: I guess that this is the one thing they kept from G1, huh?
S: Yeah.
O: [laugh]
S: And apparently Cybertronians are weak to ice and electricity now.  Except... didn't Ratchet think that the power-
O: Think that the electricity was nice?  I don't know, but Bumblebee gets the crap beaten out of him by the Sector Seven guys.
S: Oh my god, maybe Ratchet’s… [starts laughing]
O: Nope, nope, I think I know what went through your head and we’re not going there.  It was disturbing when Bee got hurt, okay!?!
S: [continued laughter with increasing volume]
O: [laughs] I mean I’m sure Drift would be into it, but that’s not the point!
S: [sustained laughter continues]
[The laughter is abruptly cut off as the screen cuts to a purple image with Starscream and Megatron getting caught up in an explosion, overlaid with the Decepticon logo variation used by Afterspark Podcast, with text reading, “WE ARE HAVING TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES, PLEASE STAND BY.”  Elevator music plays in the background.]
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[The screen returns to the normal screen with the episode information on it.]
S: [high pitched laughter continues]
[The laughter is cut off, and the same technical difficulties message and elevator music from before returns.]
[The screen returns to the normal screen with the episode information on it.]
S: I am under control again. [laughs]
O: ANYWAY, Bumblebee gets the crap beat out of him by the Sector Seven guys, it's more than a little disturbing.
S: Keep in mind that before this we really only had uh, G1 and Beast Wars as like, the main well-known Transformers things.  I mean maybe Beast Machines?
O: Eh, Beast Wars, Beast Machines, I end to count them together, since they're in the same continuity even though they're different series, but- but I know what you mean, sorry.
S: Yeah, it's just those ones would have been the ones that most people- that would have stuck out in like, the main- I don’t know, cultural hive mind, probably.  Cuz I don't think like, any of the animes would have made that much of a dent.
O: Yeah.
S: So uh, hopefully you enjoy watching your fav get tortured by the US government.
O: And the way this is framed, because Bee doesn't have a working voice box, really comes across that they're like, taking something from Sam.  Not that Sam is worried about his friend! Bee is just treated like property, by both the plot and the framing. And this is in such a stark contrast to the Bumblebee movie.  Where even though he couldn't talk, even though he was a CG character, he still felt like an actual character.
S: Yeah, in the Bumblebee movie, Bumblebee actually had an emotional arc.  When Charlie first sees him, she treats him like a person that needs care and kindness.  He- he still couldn't talk- like, he was immediately showing recognizable and understandable emotions.
O: And body language.
S: Mm-hmm, and then there's Bumblebee in this one where he can't talk, but he's just an asshole and he's gonna pee on things.
O: And you're my new best friend, and I'm gonna keep you safe, you know- just like a fucking guard dog.
S: [sighs]
O: Bee, story wise in relation to Sam, is treated more like a pet, and it is weird.
S: Yeah.  Simmons catches up with the two of them and Bee, continuing to be an asshole and taking another pot shot at Mikaela as they're being taken away.
O: And they're just going to ignore the other Autobots in the distance apparently.
S: Yep, they're still hiding under the bridge.  They're all tucked away under that bridge, which is apparently uh, enough to keep them from being spotted by helicopters.  Oh, and apparently the um- while the Autobots couldn't be bothered about the flower beds before, Optimus can see and gently pick up the plot glasses that Sam uh, well basically Sam lost them when they fell and Optimus caught them with his soft foot.
O: Yes.  And then army talk, army talk, army talk, boy let me tell ya... just how much I do not care.
S: And then the Secretary of Defense was apparently unaware of Sector Seven’s existence until now because he didn't need to know about them.
O: You know, copying Independence Day only with him instead of the president.
S: [sighs] Sector Seven is a special access division of the government created by President Hoover.  Hm...
O: And at Nellis Air Force Base, Lennox and his team are intercepted before they can head home.  Basically they're voluntold they're gonna help with this alien robot crisis.
S: Yup.  And the Secretary of Defense's meeting with the Sector Seven guys and intends to bring Maggie with them.
O: This whole scene feels very much like, “Yes, and…”  The Secretary of Defense wants Maggie to be his adviser, but when Glen asks if he is coming too and the Secretary of Defense asks, “Who is this?” Maggie just responds “He's my advisor,” and he [the Secretary of Defense] just goes with it, brings Glen along too.
S: Glen's getting the ride of a lifetime.
O: Yup!
S: I guess.
O: And finally, we get some of our separate plot threads to come together as Sam, Mikaela, Maggie, Glen, and the Secretary of Defense are now loaded up in the same helicopter and head to the Hoover Dam.
S: Weren't Maggie and the Secretary of Defense and Glen in goddamn Washington DC?
O: Yes.  Yeah.
S: Kill me now.
O: [laughs]
S: [sighs] Poor Mikaela, she just looks so tired and done with everything.
O: You just know she hasn't slept all night.
S: Honestly they probably got shoved in a holding cell, so no.
O: Yeah, and then shoved on a helicopter.
S: Yeah, here's some more Bumblebee tortured before cutting back to the Autobots talking about how they must go on and they can sense that the AllSpark is near.
O: With what?  Your bullshit radar!?!
S: Maybe they can sense it with their pheromone detectors.
O: Ratchet, what can your robot eye-
S: [laughs]
O: Ratchet what can your robot nose smell?  Frenzy is tiny, and up to shenanigans.
S: It's time to break into the Hoover Dam!
O: So just getting back to this, because the movie really, really wants to bring this home, Sam can't possibly go out with someone with a juvie record.  He wouldn't you know, want a date below his class, or marry below his class, or god forbid fuck below his class, right?
S: Sam you asshole.
O: Yup!
S: And boom, we have a Megatron.
O: Thanks, I hate it.
S: Still frozen, and presumably unconscious and offline.
O: Sector Seven’s been keeping him on ice for a while apparently.
S: Yeah, and apparently a good chunk of modern technological advancements since the thirties has been due to humans studying Megatron.  Oh god, now I'm just thinking about mechanical television. Did mechanical television come from Megatron?
O: Sure.  Sure. Why not, why not?  “Yes, and.”
S: Simmons continues to antagonize the group.  Who...who isn't a jackass in this group?
O: [sighs] Like, look, I don't like Sam but maybe Simmons, as the fucking adult needs to get his dick out of his hands and stop getting into Sam's personal space.  It's creepy!
S: Honestly, a lot of the adult men in this movie are just creepy.
O: Yeah.
S: I mean, Lennox and Epps and the soldiers-
O: Aren’t-
S: - don’t seem to be creepy but...
O: Yeah.
S: Most of them, most of them-
O: Yeah, like his dad is shitty like... well- I guess Glen and the Secretary of Defense aren't bad?
S: Yeah, but they don't get a whole lot of screen time and also one of them's over 60.
O: That’s also true.  Anyway, it is explained that the AllSpark was hidden and that they built the Hoover Dam around it.
S: How did the Native Americans in the area not know about it?
O: Maybe it was underwater?  If it was visible they absolutely would have but I wouldn't put it past the Army or Sector Seven, or whoever, to conveniently ignore that fact.
S: But, um, would have been a river before the dam was put in and-
O: Obviously, Specs, you’re forgetting how deep rivers are.
S: The fact that you actually spent time looking to attempt to look this up-
O: I tried, and I could not find a straight answer! [laughs]
S: Well, it’s not exactly like they were going around do river measuring in that time period is it?
O: No... I’m still sad I couldn't find a straight answer though.
S: And I mean, who knows, maybe they accidentally made it a huge afterward.
O: I- I do think that would legitimately be funny, is like, some scientist poked it the wrong way and now it's like, “Oops, it just takes up the entire hanger now, sorry guys.”
S: [laughs] It’s like, “Oh shit.  Oh shit, I'm glad it didn't crush me.”
O: Yeah.
S: [sigh] The AllSpark just has random powers.
O: Frenzy now has a body again.
S: Yeah, Frenzy, uh- Frenzy was taken along this entire time in Mikaela's bag, I think?
O: Yeah, pretty much.  Like, he got out of her bag and sort of crawled into Hoover- the Hoover Dam.
S: Yeah, and he's able to signal the rest of the Decepticons with the Megatron's location and then we get to see them finally begin to mobilize.
O: And now, an hour and 40 minutes into this movie, we have a Starscream.  There is no power on heaven or Earth that can make me believe that that is his holoform.  Mark my words, I don't care if IDW never gave him the holoform, but his holoform form would be female, and no one can stop me.
S: [sighs] And then more on the AllSpark’s plethora of abilities, apparently they can use it to turn random electronics into Transformers.  Which... the Autobots would probably consider kind of horrifying, because these are babies and now the babies are dead.
O: Yep.
S: Simmons proceeds to demo this for us by taking Glen's cell phone and zapping it's to life.
O: I will forever be confused for this, why does it seem like the AllSpark always makes stuff that's evil?
S: I mean it's a baby.
O: I know, but it has red optics, I feel like we have to assume it's a Decepticon.
S: Maybe the Decepticons are the last people who had it if they'd programmed it for red optics-
O: [laughs] So you’re telling me it’s stuck on the make evil setting?  Got it.
S: It’s possible!  I don't know how this works, and it’s not like we're gonna get a demonstration of it later, considering what happens.
O: Yeah, yeah…
S: And Simmons proceeds to kill this little phone Transformer by basically electrocuting the shit out of it.
O: We create life, then we kill it, but we're the good guys remember!  And now, finally, Dorito-scream has been achieved!
S: It's just so triangular.
O: I don't know why Starscream looks like a giant flying Dorito in this-
S: It might-
O: -but I find it hilarious.
S: It might be his color scheme… partially.
O: He doesn’t really have a color scheme.
S: Yes, but-
O: It’s just he’s so triangular!
S: Yes, but he's also kind of beige.
O: Eh, you’re right, that doesn’t really help things.  Uh, Frenzy manages to take out the power for Sector Seven’s facilities.
S: How does a dam lose power considering in generates power?
O: I don’t know, Specs.
S: Sorry, I mean, I guess it's possible that he could, like basically prevent water from going through the dam by freezing something, but…
O: I think he actually just started destroying the mechanical stuff, so like the generators and stuff.  It's now time to defrost our Decepticon warlord on high.
S: Frenzy is getting busy in the control room again- again blowing all of the shit up, and then all of the scientists in the main bay when Megatron is being held seem like, super unfazed by the deep thaw that's starting.
O: You guys need to run.  I have zero doubts that Megatron won't kill you out of sheer spite.
S: Yup.  Did you know that there was a whole armoury of bullshit under the Hoover Dam?  Because of all- the soldiers are like, “Pass the guns! Give me that buffet of guns and ammo!”
O: And Lennox is kind of done with Simmons, because uh, yeah uh, violence is uh, implied. I'm so glad that this movie is all violence, no character development, or emotions, or feelings  We don't have feeling Specs, because we are sex having heterosexual men! Hetero men who have sex with women, never mind that G1 is one of the least straight things I've ever seen in my life!
S: To be fair to the soldiers they did not sign up for this bullshit, and then they got dragged into and all they wanted to do was go home.
O: And-and look, I would be pretty upset about being shoved into the same room as Agent Simmons.  So yeah, I can't blame them too much.
S: Yeah.
O: They go to retrieve Bumblebee.
S: And Sam's like, “Stop electrocuting my car!”  Not even, “Stop electrocuting that guy.” “Stop electrocuting my car.”
O: Of course!  And Bumblebee just gives a him a look like, “Dude, I have had the shittiest day.”
S: Yup, and poor dude is like, super jumpy and paranoid but I mean who wouldn't- who wouldn't be?
O: I- yeah, I mean considering he was tortured all night- he's got ever right!  I still legitimately don't know what catching Bee accomplished!
S: I don't think it accomplished shit except getting him to this location, which I guess was the plot contrivance.  And now we've got the magical size changing cube.  As Bumblebee touches the AllSpark and like, pokes it a bit and then suddenly it is like hand-sized, for him.
O: Even their spark of life can mass shift apparently.
S: Oh god. [snickers] It's from a planet of shapeshifters.  Apparently mass shifting is just what this stupid thing does.
O: Apparently.
S: Everybody can just understand Bee now, this is fine.  And, oh, Bee’s been talking in like, radio and music references this entire time, and I don't think we ever mentioned that.
O: [laughs] You're right I don't think we did.  He isn't talking normally, he's using recordings.
S: He talks TV, basically.
O: Pretty much. Well, asshole’s up!  “This is not where I fell asleep, I'll have you know!”
S: He’s a lot less uh, he's a lot less of a morning person than Skyfire was.
O: [laughs]
S: Skyfire was much more genteel about the entire thing.
O: [laughs]
S: Megatron's a jet in this, so we’re- you know just so we're all on the same page here.  He meets up with his second-in-command Dorito-san.
O: [laughing] Dorito-san!?!
S: [laughing] Sorry... He meets up with his second-in-command, you know, the Dorito.
B: [laugh]
O: There's some groveling that happens.  Megatron tells Starscream he's disappointed in him and all I can think is- he didn't even do anything yet!
S: Apparently he couldn't find Megatron, which I guess is what he's disappointed in.
O: I guess?  “Do you realize I had to listen to... Francois talk about his- his terrible wife for three weeks, do you realize that [Starscream]!?!”
S: Simmons, the Secretary of Defense, Maggie, and Glen uh, remain behind when everyone else heads out to go to... stuff.  So while everyone else is going and doing stuff the- [sighs] the dam crew, that's what I'm going to call them.
O: [laughs] Okay, okay, I’m here for this.
S: They attempt to contact the Air Force, to try and get some you know, backup for Bee and company.
O: They do this by using some very antiquated equipment, because the Cons have knocked out most communication worldwide.
S: Which is not explored in this movie, let alone any others.
O: Yeah, because this would be like a thing that should affect everybody.
S: Yes, there goes-
O: Or at least everybody in the in the US.
S: Yeah, frankly I'm kind of- well, no, apparently landlines don't work and I don't understand why.
O: I don't either.
S: But yeah, cuz this- this would have wiped out... literally every communication except apparently shortwave radio.  But apparently, yeah, shortwave radio will still work. Which is what they're attempting to use here. They get the brilliant idea to hotwire a computer to transmit a tone through a radio signal, while they're trying to hold off Frenzy who is trying to get into the room that they're- that they’ve holed themselves up in.  Which... it's a weird, weird room.
O: It is, but now back to how sexy the cars are!  Look at the car, so sexy!
S: Why is everything so orange?  I will bemoan the orange!
O: We can’t have no girly colors in here conveying emotions, Specs!  Look at the cars!
S: [sighs] And the Autobots immediately join up with Bee, it's convoy time!
O: [attempts to sing] We're gonna roll this truckin convoy- oh god that’s the right tune.  I even looked it up!
S: Oh!  I've got it on my phone.
[The audio cuts and “Convoy,” by C. W. McCall plays]
B: [singing] “We have a little ol’ convoy, burning through the night!  Yeah, we got a little convoy. Ain't she a beautiful sight? Come on and join our convoy!  Ain't nothin' gonna get in our way. We gonna roll this truckin' convoy 'cross the U-S-A. Convoy!”
[The audio cuts as a record scratch noise plays]
O: That’s enough of a music break!
B: [laugh]
S: Ah, Maggie and company began to arm themselves with some of the older guns um, from the display cases in the room they're stuck in.
O: Oh yeah, I'm sure those will shoot just fine!
S: Where did they even find the ammo or…?
O: Yeah!  Because why would the ammo be stored with most of the stuff that's on display?
S: I mean that thing- I mean like, having the ammo for interest but yeah, why would they have ammo or even gun powder in this room?  [quietly] I don’t know. [normal volume] And then it's back to Bee again.
O: Wow, I just don't care!  Even the G1 episodes, where they were constantly swapping back and forth between a bunch of different scenes, are better than this.
S: Those typically have more things happening in them.
O: Surprisingly, yes.  I'd much rather watch Megatron throw shit at Starscream.
S: Honestly, that's more cohesive.
O: And that is saying something.
S: Okay, so one of the Decepticons, Bonecrusher, catches up with the Bots and Optimus transforms into a robot mode to protect the others.
O: He just seems like such an asshole here, they're literally fighting on a highway.  There are so many people that must die here!
S: Yeah, I mean, I'm kind of amused by how it looks like their roller-skating but that doesn't exactly take away from the- oh, there's a terrifying robot deathmatch and so many people are dying.
O: Yeah and but- but thanks Bay!  I'm so glad that this one kid and his mom survived.  Thanks for that.
S: God, so many people probably need therapy in this universe.
O: I would think so.
S: Frenzy is now in the vents.
O: Good boy, you go get ‘em!  Even if the B team is definitely the better… group.
S: He comes out and falls so straight onto a glass case, uh-
O: That's my boy!
B: [laugh]
S: Like, he's using shuriken things, like he was using a shuriken things before, but now he's been like boomerang- boomeranging shit around and he accidentally beheads himself with his boomerang shuricane- shuriken thingy.
O: That's my boy! [laughs] So interestingly (to me anyway), it seems like this- the movie series uh, kind of made the whole- the whole integrated weapon thing for the Transformers more common.  I know you saw it a bit in G1, but it seemed kind of inconsistent in either how it worked or what weapons they had. Ironhide, just Ironhide, right?
S: Mm-hm.
O: Um, but- but this made it more consistent, like especially in Prime you- you saw that consistency and thought applied to the weapons and how that- they access them throughout the entire series, which was really nice.
S: It was also pretty consistent with Animated, which I think came out around the same time as this movie though I don't remember if it was prior to the movie being released or afterward.  
[TFA was released in December of 2007, whereas the first Transformers live action film had been released in July 2007. ~O]
O: Well, and I mean, either, or- either the movie borrowed from it, or it borrowed from the movie with Megatron kind of being that thing that advanced tech for-
S: Yeah.
O: -for humanity, which was just kind of weird, but yeah.
S: Or they both borrowed it from the comics, and then just made it consistent because they do have pretty integrated weaponry in the original Marvel comics.
O: That- that's true I-I meant- I thought you meant the uh, Megatron being- being why we had any technological advancement-
S: Oh-
O: -and I was really confused for a good minute.
S: No, no, no, no, sorry, just the-the integrated weaponry.
O: Fair.
S: Though [laughs] Animated did that Megatron’s the reason that they have-
O: Yeah!  That- that like, New Detroit or Detroit has like all this like, amazing tech.
S: Our convoy enters Mission City, and prepares to hold off the Decepticons to prevent them from getting the AllSpark.
O: Why did they bring this into a city?
S: I don't know, no one explains their shitty decisions here.
O: It gets weirder because apparently, when they were writing or making the movie there- they originally have thought to have the climax in the Grand Canyon.  Which seems like that would make a lot more sense? Like, sure, there's less coverage per se, but way less civilian life in danger!
S: It would have also involved like, immense environmental destruction but that’s not something they would have been concerned about.
O: I just don’t see- I don't see how that would have been more work then the city.
S: They may have had issues actually getting- well no, they could have done it all in green screen but…
O: Anyway, we've contacted the Air Force, so the dam team has succeeded.
S: [laughs]
O: Uh, Lennox and his dudes communicate what they need.
S: Oh honey, that's not the Air Force.  That's really not the Air Force.
O: But only Ironhide seems to realize it's actually Starscream that's approaching.
S: Bee uses a random... well, it's got a Furby on it, so it's the Furby delivery truck as cover.
O: Starscream shoots said truck and send everyone flying.  Everyone else is covered in dirt and grime here- and I mean technically so is Mikaela, but she has an almost angelic glow about her when she wakes up in a pile of rubble looking at Sam.  Sam also has an angelic glow because remember, he gonna hit that.
S: [sharp intake of breath] Uh-huh, Bumblebee has lost his legs in the last attack.
O: And Bumblebee is basically half a bot, let's keep that in our back pocket for later shall we?
S: Yeah.  Mikaela being the badass lady that she is like, “ We're gonna move Bee!  We're going to get this done!” And proceeds to break into and hotwire a tow truck to do just that.
O: Go Mikaela. Bee gives the AllSpark to Sam and conveys to him that he should go on without him basically.
S: And then another Decepticon um, Demolisher, shows up and uh, Ironhide, Ratchet and Jazz engage him.  And I think Demolisher’s a tank?
O: Yeah… and I think that one [the tank] was Demolisher?  I think this is something that really frustrates me about Sam though,  so much what happening- what is happening around him seems rooted in the sense of self sacrifice, but yet he doesn't ever have to sacrifice anything?
S: Like, the only things that he might theoretically have to sacrifice could be his life.  And he never does that, he's never even like, even remotely close to doing something like that except by accident.
O: Exactly.
S: By like, falling off a building.
O: Yeah, like it's never, “I'm going to-,” it never feels like, “I am going to choose to do this thing.”
S: Yeah, and then random boob and ass shot from some random lady who's in danger.
O: And I'm not judging her for what she's wearing, but you just know she got put in that outfit and put into that shot for one reason which was titillation and I'm like, did you have to?  In a movie about giant robots, did you have to?
S: It's only theoretically about giant robots, you know it's about Sam-
O: [sighs] Yeah...
S: and his boner.
O: [quietly] Boner of fate.
S: [high pitched laughter]
[The laughter is abruptly cut off as the screen cuts to a purple image of one of the Conehead Seekers in a t-rex’s jaws, overlaid with the Decepticon logo variation used by Afterspark Podcast, with text reading, “WE ARE HAVING TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES, PLEASE STAND BY.”  Elevator music plays in the background.]
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[The screen returns to the normal screen with the episode information on it.]
S: Megatron lands, and you know, shouts his own name.
O: Why are you- why did he do that!?!  Is he a Pokemon now? “Megatron! MEGATRON!” [laughs]
S: He’s got to announce his presence.
O: [still laughing] Obviously!
S: Poor Jazz attacks Megatron, and Megatron grabs him before flying off and landing on top of a building.
O: And then he rips Jazz in two.
S: Poor Jazz will not survive this.
O: Remember what I said earlier?
S: About Bee?
O: Yeah. [sighs] You- you brought up a good point prior, technically Bee only lost his legs from the knee down, but I'm just gonna say, they are giant fucking robots and I still don't feel like Jazz should have died here.  Also, according to the TF Wiki there was some point during development when Megatron was going to literally, not figuratively, literally, eat other bots’ sparks, so if that had been what had happened- Jazz being dead would have made a lot more sense!
S: How in a movie about alien freaking robots does Bay manage to kill the metaphorical black guy first?  Why?
O: I don't know why he killed anyone here!  We've barely gotten to see the robots at all!
S: Apparently, we have to make uh, make there be some sort of... I don't know, people are dying, this stuff is really real.  Except... no, they use the guy who's- basically Jazz's speech patterns are close- are I don't know, AAVE? American… African-American Vernacular, I think?
O: Eh, it’s- he's coded African American because of his speech patterns-
S: Yeah.
O: -is probably, how I would know-
S: The way, yes-
O: -the best way to say it?  And I'm just super sorry if that's not accurate.
S: Yeah, we- we apologize if this is inaccurate and offends anyone.  It isn't our intention.
O: Yeah.  But- but yeah, like effectively, [sighs] he, ugh, it’s just literally he- he killed the black guy.  I know he's not literally a black guy, but- but that is how he has been characterized.
S: That's just... that's how it feels.
O: Yeah.
S: And back to Dumbass McGee.  Sam is tasked with taking the AllSpark to the top of this building, so that they can hand it off to the Air Force.
O: Did they miss the whole Megatron and Starscream have jet alts bit?
S: I'm gonna go with, yes.
O: Apparently, okay.  Just checking.
S: Everyone is a very, very disrespectful, like they're fucking disrespectful as fuck to Mikaela and no one gives Sam shit but Mikaela trying to get Bee out of the way invites comments.
O: Golly, I wonder why!
S: And Optimus finally arrives.
O: What took him so long!?!
S: He got lost!  He fell off a highway and wasn't sure which way everyone else went, and also, with all the you know, internet and Wi-Fi and everything knocked out, he didn't have any GPS.
O: [laughs] That is the best excuse- that’s the best explanation I've heard. Headcannon accepted!
S: It’s not like he's driven around there before, and I don't think he has Ratchet’s nose. [laughs]
O: No, no, no, nope, uh-hm-
S: [continues laughing]
O: - nope that’s it, I’m leaving!
S: [continues laughing]
O: I’m done, I’me done! [unintelligible] -of Ratchet’s nose!
S: [continues laughing]
[A door slams]
S: [continues laughing]
[The laughter is abruptly cut off as the screen cuts to a purple image of Soundwave being thrown into a rocket, overlaid with the Decepticon logo variation used by Afterspark Podcast, with text reading, “WE ARE HAVING TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES, PLEASE STAND BY.”  Elevator music plays in the background.]
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[The screen returns to the normal screen with the episode information on it.]
S: And then Megatron shows up, transforming into robot mode.
O: So I don’t hate his alt exactly, but I just can't help but think Prime did this better.  Of course his voice was better too, but what do I know!?! Sorry, is my salt showing? Seriously though, I find it funny that both damn times that go to make a Transformers movie, they- they get Cullen to do Optimus, but they don't get Welker to Megatron.  Only to have Welker either return to do the character in the TV show or later in the movie series. Although it's kind of funny cuz they took him out in the movie and had somebody else play Galvatron and it's the exact opposite in the live-action, where once Galvatron shows up Welker is doing him.  The irony.
S: That is funny.  And then Megatron and Optimus fight.
O: Finally!  We get some of that homoerotic fighting this series is so known for!  He's sitting on Optimus punching him, yep.
S: Except a lot of this is done in a shaky cam so..
O: Yeah, so it's still terrible but eh, I mean, at least we're getting... sexual tension now?
B: [laugh]
S: And Sam is somehow running faster than the robots, how???  They have a wider stride.
O: Dunno, but it’s the return of Dorito-scream!
S: And Ironhide tells Sam to run, like he wasn't already doing that.
O: Mikaela however, is a stone cold badass.
S: Her and Bee enter the fray, with her driving backwards and Bee doing all the shooting and fighting.  “I'll drive, you shoot,” indeed.
O: I really feel like they bond here, but we never get to see him be as good friends with her as he is with Sam which seems really shitty.  This scene had actual feelings! Emotions! Characters vibing with each other, dammit! Mikaela's like, “I'm scared, but I can help you and I know you want to help,” and I am here for that.
S: Yeah, they're actually working together instead of Sam who so far has uh, either been chasing the car, or being chased by the car, or possibly driving the car.
O: But not actually driving the car, like all movie.
S: Yeah.  Sam gets up on the roof and uh, manages to set off a flare.
O: But Starscream is RIGHT THERE, so the helicopter gets shot down before they can retrieve the AllSpark.
S: God, there is such a body count in this movie.
O: Right!?!  But it's fine because Sam and his penis, I mean hec-
S: [laughs]
O: Sam and his boner, I mean Sam and his not girlfriend survive.
S: Ugh, Optimus attempts to reach Sam.
O: And doesn't try to stop the falling helicopter at all.
S: It doesn't have the thing he wants.
O: [It’s] so fucked up.
S: Megatron reaches the roof and demands that Sam hands over the AllSpark.
O: Megatron then asks if it's courage or fear that compels him, which I will say- fear!  Obviously! The man has never known courage in his entire life!
S: Sam is- well, ok, so the entire time this exchange was going on, Sam was like, holding on to like, the front or back of this statue that's up on the roof.
O: Mm-hmm.
S: And, uh, basically Sam, and I think the statue, get knocked off the building.  But don't worry, Optimus catches him with his big soft hands.
O: Obviously.  Also, we see Optimus’ battle mask, it's something that was kind of neat.  An interesting idea when done WELL, like say, Prime or even Animated! You can pray this soap box for my COLD DEAD HANDS.
S: It's also not bad Cyberverse, but that's significantly newer.
O: Yeah, but it would be pulling from the other two.
S: Yeah.  And, um, how are people still driving around in this city?  Wasn't- well, I mean, there wouldn't- well, okay, I guess... there may be people who haven't gotten the memo about the giant robot war.
O: I just feel like, maybe they would have seen the smoke, or the explosions, and decided driving would be bad, but I don’t know…
S: I don't know how well sound travels in this city.
O: Who knows.  Optimus and Megatron both hit the street and seem to need a few seconds to shake the fall off, despite Sam being perfectly fucking fine.
S: That makes zero sense.  Humans are, uh... special.
O: [sighs] Optimus tells Sam that if he can't defeat Megatron, then Sam needs to push the AllSpark into Optimus’ chest- to make sure Megs doesn't get it.
S: Like, this is actually something that I think Optimus has said before?
O: Yeah, he- he said it to the Autobots earlier and- and Ratchet was like, “That might kill ya both!  Dumbass.”
S: Yeah.
O: Only without the dumbass-
S: I think-
O: -that’s my addition.  I know how to write Ratchet talking better than this movie does.  Fight me. [laughs]
S: Optimus just seems kind of suicidal at this point.
O: I mean… yeah.  He does not seem happy.
S: Yeah.
O: I mean, like, look, I can't think anybody would be happy in the middle of war or anything, but at least feel like G1 Optimus probably has moments.  Prime Optimus probably at least loves his team, to some capacity. Animated Optimus loves his team. As for as much as they drive him nuts.
S: [laughs]
O: This Optimus?  I don't think there's a single thing, a single spark of joy in this mech’s life.
S: Yeah, and back to the Decepticons, it’s Blackout time.
O: I kind of like how its rotors look like a cape when he transforms.
S: They wiggle.
S: I- I enjoy the wiggly cape and it-
O: I do too!
S: And it’s- it’s helicopter rotors are like that.
O: Yeah, like, you kind of see with Blades a little bit in Rescue Bots too.
S: Yeah, he's a wiggly boy.  Lennox and company are able to defeat Blackout with some help from the Air Force.
O: Do they kill him with shot to the crotch?
S: [laughs] That’s entirely possible.
O: [laughs]
S: Lennox, I think, ends up taking... I don't know, the thing with- cuz-
O: They like- he slides underneath him and shoots.  So I’m like, “Did you kill him with a shot to the robo dick?”
S: [laughs]
O: Really?  Is that the Decepticons’ weakness?  That’s good to know. Optimus, aim there!
B: [laugh]
S: Oh, um, and so... basically, there's apparently a particular type of round that they have to use. Tha- it's like, a Sabot-something or other at that-
O: I don’t remember.
S: Yeah.
O: And I didn't- I didn't actually write it down because it was not important enough to me, sorry.
S: Yeah.
O: [laughs]
S: Starscream takes out a good chunk of the military reinforcements and so like, at one point one of the soldiers is like, “Friendlies don't fly under building height,” or whatever.
O: They proceed to fly in the building height a few scenes later.
S: Yeah, while…
O: Starscream is transforming in and out of jet mode to take them out.
S: Yes, so yeah, there's- god, there is so much mortality going on here.  Cuz there's like, multiple planes going down-
O: Uh-huh
S: -in the middle of this inner city area.
O: And like, I will say, and we both comm- or I think you commented on like- it is a- it's a good fight like, for how Starscream would fight.
S: Yeah.
O: Because he’s sort of constantly shifting back and forth.
S: Yeah, I think he's choosing good aerial tactics for what he is.
O: He is and it’s really neat, actually.
S: Yeah, that was pretty cool.  From a mortality from human perspective point that's horrifying but...
O: That’s true.  Elsewhere, Megatron and Optimus continue to fight but Optimus is definitely losing.
S: Yeah, and so, Sam's been underfoot I guess, the entire time?
O: And he hasn't been squished.
S: Yeah.
O: Pity.
S: So instead of shoving the cube into Optimus’ chest he shoves it into Megatron's, because apparently Megatron’s spark is just out there on display… somehow?
O: Shit!  We don't know what that does!  What if he accidentally gave him immortality or something!?!
S: Apparently that didn't happen, cuz it seems- apparently that killed Megatron and like destroyed the cube???
O: Ahh?  [laughs]
S: And now Ironhide is walking around carrying both halves of Jazz's corpse like... babies in the crook of his arms.  Before handing them all over to Optimus.
O: That’s not awkward at ALL! [laughs]
S: Sam, Mikaela, and Bee reunite.
O: Exposition by the Secretary of Defense lets us know that the President has ordered the end of Sector Seven and all the Decepticon remains have been dropped into the Linares Trench where the cold and water pressure should keep them entombed.
[I don’t know if we misheard this when we were watching the movie or what, but according to TF Wiki it was the Laurentian Abyss, I’m really not sure where we got Linares from. ~O]
S: [sighs] Later, at yet another sunset, um…
O: [laughs] There's so many of those in this movie!  Optimus Prime closes out the movie, leaving us with a message of questionable hope and alerting any remaining Autobots that they may come to Earth.
S: We'll see some of them in the next movie.  Um...
O: But this is all while Sam and Mikaela are getting hot and heavy on top of Bumblebee’s windshield.
S: Yup.  That's- that's a person guys!  Maybe don't make out on top of him unless this is some sort of really weird three-way.  Which, ok, maybe not so weird if they're into that, but I don't think they discussed it.
O: [laughs] All the other Autobots in the background are totally watching too, so it just sort of feels like, extra level of creepy.
S: Yeah.  It really does.  I'm just shaking my head.  And um-
O: That's this movie in a nutshell, man.
S: The credits roll as the incredibly soothing tones of Linkin Park uh, they- they play and they escort us out of this movie.
O: So let mercy come, except for Decepticons because they don't deserve it according to this movie.
S: A few other scenes are cut into the credits.
O: Mostly involving Sam's parents.
S: It's really unimportant.
O: We do see Starscream escape into space though.
S: So, what are our conclusions?
O: Watching the Bumblebee movie and the entirety of Transformers Prime will get you everything that was pleasant about this movie and be a more enjoyable experience.  Maybe go do that instead? The Prime designs even seem at least loosely based on some of the live-action designs, you know some of the elements [of them] that I actually liked.  Real talk? It introduced some interesting concepts, but overall I hated it pretty much the entire time I was watching it. Specs?
S: I would have preferred to see a different movie, perhaps involving some of these characters but not all of them.  Um, specifically I would have liked to see something starring Mikaela, Maggie, Glen, and Miles. Miles would have definitely been like, just you know, the random straight man who has no idea what the hell's going on.  While the other three are hyper- well they're all hyper competent at something, and then the soldiers could have been interesting secondary characters too.
But you know, there were really too many characters in this movie for anyone to have a complete character arc. So it would work better with a smaller cast, maybe just focusing on the first four that I mentioned?  Either that or having a TV series with the soldiers coming in as liaisons with the military kind of like Fowler from Prime. Some sort of buddy comedy with the first four or just a more- actually, something with more of the tone of Prime as a TV series-
O: Yeah.
S: - would have- would have worked well.
O: So like, what robots would you want to see in that?
S: Uh, I mean, if I was going to keep the Bayverse robots... I just want to see more characterization from them and better writing.  But if I could have any character, G1 based Ratchet, uh, maybe Hot Rod or Bumblebee for you know, kid appeal.  If I was gonna pick between live-action Bumblebees, I'd go with the Bumblebee [movie] Bumblebee.
O: Yeah, he was definitely better.
S: A G1 based Wheeljack, Cyberverse Grimlock.  Uh, if it was something that was gonna be more lighthearted, maybe the Rescue Bots, particularly Blades.  Cuz I would like a flight frame in there.
O: Yeah.
S: And… so- Optimus, even if he's only someone who shows uh, sometimes?
O: Periodically, yeah.
S: Optimus would be good.  If this was going to be a heavier thing, keep the Rescue Bots off.  And, I mean, if we're going- going back to the Bayverse thing, if we're going to stick with Bayverse Autobots, just give them screen time and character development.  And also Bayverse Arcee, specifically, the design for the toy from the first movie, even if she was pink.
O: Fair.
S: But as it stands, [sighs] the Bayverse Autobots in this movie are just... Optimus is impatient, Ironhide really likes his guns, Rachet is tactless, and Bumblebee is immature.  And then Jazz is the only person who seemed to actually learn about human social customs in some- in some manner. He doesn't destroy as much shit as everyone else.
O: Yeah, Jazz was definitely the best one.
S: He was!  And then he- then they killed him, he died!  It’s just like, why did you do that?
B: [sigh]
S: If you're going to have characters, please give them screen time and don't kill them.
O: What a concept!  I guess that leaves me to fill out the Cons for this cast.  Uh, Megatron obviously, uh, G1 or Prime. Probably Prime if I had to pick one because they- again, I feel like the Prime characters lend themselves reasonably well to a more, kind of realistic plot.  Soundwave, probably Prime, again feel like he fits better into this. Uh, he needs some of the cassettes though, which Prime didn't really have, but I definitely want Ravage, cuz I love Ravage. Uh, Knockout because he's fun, and snarky.  Um, it's not Cons without a Starscream, so Starscream. But similar what you said, I would literally take just fleshing out the Cons in the Bayverse, because they had so little screenshin- screenshine?
S: [laughs]
O: They had so little screen time, and just no personality, and it was just... depressing!
S: The most screen time that we had for any of them would be Blackout at the beginning, where he's basically just shooting things-
O: Yeah, but he didn't even have any lines!
S: Yeah, and then…
O: Like, in fact, so few of them had lines!
S: Yeah.
O: Like, the way- even the Decepticons, most of the time when they talk, they talked in Cybertronian even.
S: Yeah.
O: And it was translated, it was just like, “On our way,” or, “Megatron has been found.”  It wasn't even- it wasn't character, it was just a statement!
S: Yeah, like none of them had personality and that’s just so disappointing.
O: It really is.
S: [sighs] And it's- we have fanfiction recommendations.
O: Yeah, I know we didn't do this with the other specials but because there is actually fanfic based on the live-action stuff, we kind of thought it was more applicable here.
S: Alright, so the first one is, “The Princess is in Another Castle,” by Bibliotecaria_D.  It's in the mov- the Bayverse continuity, obviously. Uh, rating, PG-13. It's got- it has past slash, so it's not a general fic.  Parings, uh, past Mikaela Banes and Sam Witwicky. Um, characters, Mikaela Banes. And in summary, “Mikaela Banes is waiting” That's- that's the long and short of the summary folks.
O: [laughs]
S: But it's really good!  It’s-
O: It's basically... what did happen to Mikaela, after her and Sam broke up?  And it- and it feels like this very good character development thing for her and it feels- it feels good to read.  Like it feels like- yes, this feels like something the character would have done and it it really gives her more depth than the movies ever did.
S: More depth and agency.
O: Agency, she has goals- that aren’t Sam oriented.
S: Um-hm.
O: It's really nice, I really recommend it.
S: I should reread it it's been a while.
O: I do recommend it like, I’ve read it multiple times because I thought it was really good.
S: Yeah.  So the the rec for it is Mikaela and it's a one shot.  And so our next one is- would you like to talk about it or would you prefer me?
O: I'm gonna talk about it, and I'll kind of explain why I maybe can't give the best in-depth explanation of it.  But uh, our other fanfic suggestion is, “Towards Peace”. It is by ariealbots, the continuity is Bay movies, if- they bring in elements of IDW, it's rated T.  It is slash, but believe me when I say I'm not gonna read this entire list. I'll just tell you kind of the top ones are Megatron/Optimus, Megatron/Ultra Magnus, Optimus Prime/Shockwave, Mikaela Banes/Bumblebee/Sam Whitwicky- so they actually are a trine in this like, they're- they're a poly relationship-
S: Um-hm.
O: -as far as I can tell.  Um, characters... there are so many!  I- like, it would have been absurd for me to try to list them all but basically the Bayverse cast, you get elements of some of the IDW characters thrown in, like Verity.  You get some of the Bumblebee characters thrown in like you actually get Charlie. Um, and they're pairing up essentially with all the bots that are still on Earth and it's really- it's really great cuz I think Charlie gets uh, teamed up with Skyfire?  So like, the- the Russian jet not like the Skyfire from G1.
S: Oh, the guy for the second movie?
O: Yes!  Like-
S: That’s Jetfire.
O: Jetfire, thank you!  I knew the name wasn’t exactly the same and I kept forgetting.  Skyfire actually shows up as a separate character in this and he's more based off G1 and IDW.  But yeah, she- she sort of is paired up with Jetfire and- and it's really lovely and I like it. [laughs]
[Okay, to make this all the more confusing, he’s called Jetstorm in this particular fic, so I just got this wrong in all the ways.  ~O]
S: Except he's not Russian in the second one he's an SR-71 Blackbird.
O: He has a Russian accent.
S: Ah, ok.
O: I don't know why-
S: Well-
O: Like- like it it makes more sense when I read it but-
S: Okay.
O: But anyway in summary, heh, “At the climax of the Battle of Mission City the AllSpark is pushed into Megatron's chest and instead of killing him it does what it was made for, it transforms.  After millennia of slow descent into madness brought by programming corruption the Lord Protector Megatron finds his mind suddenly restored but the memory of what he's done cannot be washed away.  With the war brought to a violent halt both Autobots and Decepticons must learn to coexist if they want to reunite their civilization and restore their dying world.”
S: I like that summary.
O: It's... good and obviously it's because, Bayverse, and it took place right after the first movie so I wanted to recommend it here.  Um, it is multi chapter, it's still ongoing, which is kind of my caveat usually I don't like recommending things unless they’re finished.  And I actually have a hard time following this one- reading it, partially because I have a hard time telling any of the Bayverse bots apart.
Like, I think, I'm actually gonna have an easier time reading it now, now that I had to like, sit down and fucking disect the Bayverse movie, so I'm gonna be really happy to go back and read it.  Um, I think it's pretty safe to assume a bunch of the pairings are like past and stuff, because like, I- I haven't seen hide nor hair of Ultra Magnus yet. Um, but- but anyway it's- it is good and like, the stuff I've read I described it as like, having this very kind of sweet pervasive kindness to it and softness to it which was really nice.  Uh, it was done as part of a Big Bang, I think?
S: Hmm…
O: The Big Bang event.  Like I said, they're not finished yet but I'm interested to see what they do and- and I'd liked a few of the like, characters and relationships particularly kind of with the humans and whatever kind of bot or bots they're kind of closest with.
Like I said with Charlie I'm pretty sure it was uh, Jetfire.  I think Verity might have actually been with Barricade, don't quote me on that because I could totally be wrong but- but I liked it, like it was good on that level.  Um, it's just I'm like, I haven't finished it yet and I haven't even read the most recent stuff so I'm always a little hesitant to recommend stuff I haven't finished reading so you know, with a grain of salt.  But I like what I read.
S: I’m going to have to go look at that, because it does sound nice.
O: It- it- just… I love that a concept.  God forbid, I cannot keep the Bayverse characters straight to save my life.  Uh, Jazz comes back to life though. [laughs]
S: Nice.
O: Because Megatron basically start- like he- he touches Jazz and so Jazz is better now.  “I got better!”
S: [laughs]
O: Uh, but- but he can also sense where like, a lot of the living Cybertronians are so like that's how they actually- they actually go get Skyfire who is in the Arctic in this uh, fanfic so you know, but- but it's good.  Uh... oh! Thundercracker and Skywarp are in it so you have the full- you have a full Dorito trine. Um-
B: [laugh]
O: I like my Doritos in multiple flavors, thank you very much! [laughs]
S: Cool ranch and I'm not sure what the hell Skywarp would be.
O: Uh, cheesy?
B: [laugh]
O: Anyway, happy holidays everyone and thank you for tuning in.  It's been a wild year and we're excited to keep talking about these ridiculous robots.  We will be taking a break for the rest of this month and January to enjoy the holidays but we'll be back in February with episode 26, “Attack of the Autobots!” Oh god, the Ark's only got two beds and there's about to be problems.
S: Oh my god, they were all roommates.
B: [laugh]
S: They are!
O: You’re not wrong, per se...
S: And that just about wraps it up for us today.  Remember to check us out on Tumblr or Pillowfort as Afterspark-Podcast for any additional information, show notes, or links we may have mentioned.  You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter at AftersparkPod (all one word) and various other locations by searching for Afterspark Podcast, such as AO3, iTunes, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and Youtube, just to name a few.  Till next time, I'm Specs.
O: And I’m Owls.
B:  Happy holidays!
S: Toodles.
[Outro Music]
[Ending Stinger]
S: Welcome to our first anniversary special with the 2004 Transformers film.
O: That is the wrong year.
B: [dissolve into laughter]
S: God dammit.
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I always wonder why people who make it very obvious they hate fandom, and have a deep loathing for fanfics (specifically fanfics, never see this level of hate for fanart) always think their views on fandom/fanfics are somehow the most valid, when they make it obvious they don't even go in depth about the topic at all, and it's all just their personal bias against it for whatever reason. (Like no one is forcing anyone to read fanfics)
yeah ikr? like, I explained my stance in the post itself, but the literary, film, show, radio, theatre, and etc, tradition of adapting, retelling, being a lot or a bit inspired by, and etc, older media, or even your own media (sequels, prequels, I may have to give up on listing soon, rewrites, those same characters in a different world, etc etc) is older than even written media. fanfiction is way less of a new thing than people think, it's just a mass thing now - it's not a few dudes around a campfire retelling an old myth with liberties, it has become a website with thousands of those retellings. do people really think nobody in the history of the world went "yeah but what if the two muscle men fucked?" or "what if the scary monster was actually a hot lady?" or any of the icky bad fandom mishaps? because if so I'd like to direct your attention to greek plates and the retellings of greek myths by roman poet Ovid. I cannot fathom the number of blind spots you'd have to have about human history to think that sexualising characters is a new phenomenon a fandom culture spawned that denigrates those precious source materials. can somebody edit the astronaut shooting meme to have a picture of greek plates with the guys saying "so it's the fandom making the characters fuck?" and then "always has been", so I can throw it at the folks who don't understand that this is not new. the source material is not some pure precious stuff you can't make icky, that's the copyright law in the modern world corrupting your brain, you're the ones with the weird new standards. and all of that isn't even getting into that most fanfics are character studies, they're genuinely meant to explore the work, even if the person doesn't articulate that they're doing that, even smut is generally written to be in keeping with how the characters behave in the source material, what they are like as people, it's literary analysis, but that's more the case with the rest of fanfic, I've barely seen genuine fans actually lack any post on their blog that's deeply analysing motives, a personality trait, a line, etc. god, these people seem to think engaging with media means you read Shakespeare and go "hmm yes, the depth of the human experience", bros I hate to break this to you but Shakespeare was writing for the masses, there's loads of dick jokes and there's more slapstick than you could count, and half his work is gay poetry (no, I mean homosexual, that man was almost certainly bi, he wrote for other bi/gay poets of the time and was likely in relationships with some of them, about half of his sonnets were for men). you guys don't even engage with Shakespeare in genuine ways, it's just to flex that you're a snob. and don't get me wrong, I love Shakespeare, I think some of his works are beautiful tragedies and some are fun romps through the woods, full of shenanigans and hijinks. but Shakespeare essentially wrote real person fanfic sometimes you dumbfucks. I am going to exhaust myself repeating this, but you know jack shit about literary history if your stance is that fanfic is new and icky and dumb.
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