#i mean she sounds basically just like her character. so it just sounds like luisa is talking about it
mbat · 2 years
im still thinking about the voice clip of luisas VA talking about camilo having internalized homophobia. we live in a day and age
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cloudyskyeee · 2 years
Songs that remind me of mphfpc characters
Girls - MARINA
Burning pile - Mother Mother
Always Forever - Cults (it makes me think of her first relationship with Abe and how she thought he was going to stay with her forever)
First love/late spring - Mitski (this one makes me think of her relationship with Jacob)
Nymphology - Melanie Martinez
Boys will be bugs - Cavetown
Jar of hearts - Christina Perri (do I even need to explain?)
Treehouse - Alex G, Emily Yacina ("except you, you can stay" is about Horace, you can't tell me I'm wrong)
Death - Melanie Martinez (thank you to the person that suggested this idk why I didn't think of it earlier lmao it makes so much sense)
Lunchbox friends - Melanie Martinez
I can't handle change - Roar
Mad Hatter - Melanie Martinez
Good old-fashioned lover boy - Queen (he's a good old-fashioned lover boy I mean)
Surface pressure - Encanto soundtrack (Luisa and Bronwyn are the same characters in different fonts)
Running up that hill (A deal with God) - Kate Bush (... Victor...)
Loverman - Ricky Montgomery (*cries*)
Running up that hill (A deal with God) - Kate Bush (yeah ik I put it twice but it fits too)
Talia - Ride the Cyclone soundtrack
Dandelions - Ruth B. (I don't have any explanation lmao)
Runaway - Aurora (again, no explanation)
Sex with a ghost - Teddy Hyde
Ancient dreams in modern land - Marina
Liquid smooth - Mitski
Milord - Edith Piaf (yes it's just because it sounds like his name)
Miss P
Que sera sera (whatever will be, will be) - Doris Day
I know my tastes in music are very basic (I mostly listen to kpop ngl), this is just for fun don't take it seriously!!
Also if you have any suggestions, I'll add it :)
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ichayalovesyou · 2 years
El Hotel De Los Secretos Ep.10 Reaction
Oh boy, Isabel missing from dinner and Teresa and Diego are noticing. What Is Gonna Be In La Casa de Pascual amigos?
Ugh! And they got me! After seeing that the houses is absolutely stricken and trashed compared to his room at the grand hotel. Someone had already been here.
That was WEIRD, Andrés just said “don’t worry, I’ll help you” to a client in English and like, I’ve been listening/watching Carlos Rivera’s work for a while and let me just say it was JARRING to hear him say anything at all in my native language. I wonder if the client was/is American or something?
Oh boy, here comes Belén with her “your mom is so mean to meeeeee she’s talking shit around the other maids even though her concerns are 100% valid and even if you’re willing to glaze over it she’s not because if it turns out my baby daddy is a dangerous man (HE IS) she wants to be able to protect you. Waaaaaah” UGH I hate you so MUCH girl!
Diego and Belén have noticed Isabel’s unusual absence from her room now, I’m worried about the consequences for her.
Okay, first of all, I find the fact Andrés snores incredibly endearing. Second of all, gotta love his frickin “somebody is upset” spidey sense. I straight up have no idea what Julio would do without Andrés putting up with and taking care of his constant deuteragonist-in-distress ass.
You know what? I’m starting to think as much as they bicker Ángela and Lupe are actually quite fond of each other when the chips are down. They’re both single parents to sons who are foolish in love. They’re both in positions of authority that still suffer under the boot of rich assholes. I wonder how this relationship is gonna evolve 👀
Jeez here we go again with Teresa basically telling Diego to abuse Isabel to keep her from asking questions jfc. Teresa where the hell did you get all these nasty oppressive attitudes toward your own gender?? Certainly not from your husband, judging by his attitude from Isabel’s memories of him.
Time #24354 that Andrés has either been hurt or accidentally hurt himself because of Julio’s crazy bullshit. I’m sensing a pattern (I’m wondering if he and Felipe were like that as kids, difference being Julio gives a shit). Wait what?! The BARKEEP owed Cristina money?!
“Mr. Clock won’t give you a break twice” 😂is that an Andrés-ism or is that like an actual saying?? I can’t find it. Sounds like something similar to “a broken clock is right twice a day” but not quite the same meaning. “You’re gonna get fired!… he’s gonna get fired :(“ TE AMO ANDRÉS! 💕 gotta be up there with “I can’t talk I’m a pole.” ❤️
I think we got introduced to a new main character and I love her. Her name is Mercedes, she REALLY likes the food at the Grand Hotel. She keeps using unhinged war/music metaphors for the food, while Andrés looks like he’s screaming internally. Talk about a great impression! 🤣 Andrés has escaped third wheeling this bizarre monologue unscathed!
Poor Alfredo is worried about hurting Sofia since she’s clearly still unwell after the surgery. Julio is in trouble for being missing again big surprise. More poorly hidden Sofia miscarriage drama ensues as Felipe starts making eyes at Mercedes, I pity that girl already. Damn Elisa (NOT Luisa my mistake) really doesn’t want Alfredo staying around the Alarcóns.
Julio and Isabel’s meetings are getting riskier and riskier as Diego closes in. Julio needs a permission off of work to go to the bar (thank god he didn’t go THAT morning, I was worried Benjamin was gonna fire him again!) Still I feel like something like that is gonna tip Montejo off and we know how violent he can be. I’m scared for her. Ew, now he’s telling Jacinto she’s not allowed to take the car anywhere without his permission.
Mercedes is a military girl, I’m starting to wonder if she just might be exactly what Felipe needs to get a reality check. Something tells me she won’t put up with his usual bullshit like his shitty mom abuses him for or the prostitutes are paid to tolerate. O SHIT she made the move before Felipe did 😂 she’s insane and I love her.
The confrontation with the barkeep did NOT go well. Poor Julio needs to seriously develop more skills than punching people and things, there’s only so much you can do with that amigo. Jacinto kept Isabel from getting involved. We leave our stupid (affectionate) scrappy deuteragonist with barkeep having a gun pointed directly at his head.
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piracytheorist · 3 years
Since the first thing that strikes me about re8, story-wise, is that it seems to be all over the place? Again, I’ve no idea how it ties to previous games but it feels like this parental/mother-child theme is just hanging there with no resolution at all? I mean yes, Ethan saved his daughter, presumably breaking some sort of abuse cycle, yay, congrats, but what about his wife/gf? Isn’t she supposed to be like the main protagonist of the story of a mother bereaved to the point of tyrannical madness
Or rather, this specific story is not the right choice for his character since there’s SO many ethical and philosophical issues and questions implied but never properly explored because of Ethan’s ‘fuck you, idc’ attitude (which is completely understandable in those circumstances but adds virtually nothing to the plot and arguably even ruins it a bit). Heisenberg could’ve been an excellent ally with fascinating grey morality (provided the writers wouldn’t push him to the point of absolute insanity and let freedom, not power-hunger be his main goal and motivation for rebellion).And again, aren’t the lords supposed to represent child development stages? In which case Ethan what? Kills the possibility of some evil version of Rose? Or his own chance to experience fatherhood throughout all of those stages? Either way, it seems a bit… weird to have a Parent destroy multiple people whose main relevance to the plot is that they’re children of an abusive antagonist in a storyline so extremely focused on parent/kid relationships.
I feel like the main theme of re8 is not just parenthood/motherhood, but the relationship itself of the parent to the child. There's a lot of mentions to "children being used". Miranda kidnapping people, experimenting on them and mutating them and then treating them like they're her kids; Miranda kidnapping and practically killing Rose; Dimitrescu making daughters out of reanimated corpses she experimented on; Heisenberg wanting to use Rose's powers, etc etc.
And it's important that Miranda is at the center of this. There's something very interesting she says to Ethan in her boss fight:
"Why do you interfere? Surely you have no need of Rose now, so close to death?"
And that's where her mistake was. Ethan wasn't doing all that because he needed Rose herself. He was doing it to save her, fully aware that he wasn't going to be a part of her life cause he knew he was dying. Miranda was way too dependent on her love for Eva - and like, I honestly get it that losing your child can devastate you (if anything my fear of that is one of the reasons I don't want to have kids) - so much that her life literally revolved around her child. Once Eva died, Miranda wanted to die. Once she found the Megamycete and discovered she maybe had a chance to bring Eva back, she dedicated her entire life and ruined multiple others to do just that. Her one and biggest need was to get Eva back. It wasn't a simple want or wish. It was a need. She'd get her child back, damn everyone else - including other people's children.
Miranda had no-one to blame directly; Eva had died from the influenza, it wasn't like she had any chance to change things. Ethan's case was different; he had people to blame, particularly, the one who kidnapped Rose and dismembered her, and her lackeys who kept said parts and fought him for trying to take them back.
So on one end, you have a parent who lost her child due to a tragedy, and ended up destroying other - innocent - lives in order to get her back. On the other, you have a parent who lost his child due to a crime, and ended up going after the criminals responsible in order to get the child back. Like, it wasn't even revenge, and it wasn't that he "needed" Rose in his life. He simply wanted to save her and ensure she'll be alright.
I fully agree it could have been Mia as the protagonist in re8, and that it was a wasted opportunity to simply fridge her and have her in the sidelines angsting over her husband. But whether it was Mia or Ethan as the protagonist, I feel like the theme that I explained above does offer a resolution, showing the opposites of Miranda and Ethan, and ending Miranda's tyrrany of her "need" to have her child back through Ethan's determination to ensure his child's safety and happiness - even if he doesn't get to be a part of any of that later on. Miranda showed obsession; Ethan showed dedication.
And this is how I see the abuse cycle breaking and the resolution is reached; an obsessed parent hurt a good parent's child to bring their own child back - the good parent's dedication stopped the former, allowing the former's tyrrany to end and their child to grow up safe.
Seeing as this is a horror game, I don't tend to focus on the morality issues (if I'm interpreting your second message correctly). Like, the developers are making a grant effort to put us in Ethan's shoes, first-person POV, plain character protagonist and all; our child got kidnapped and practically murdered, and we have the chance to bring her back. We'll absolutely raise hell to the people who are responsible for it and we will get our child back, fuck any moral dilemmas we might have. When someone is threatening your life, you have the ability to kill them to defend yourself. In the case of a caring parent, that ability may multiply by a lot when the threat is towards their child. And I feel that this is what the game explored in the end. Though the whole survival issue is taxing on Ethan, he doesn't give a damn about who he has to kill if it means saving his daughter - but again, it's only the responsible parties. We see how watching all the people at Luisa's house die affected him, and even before Elena died, he wanted to ensure her safety before he went searching for Rose; he is sympathetic and morally rational, but also capable of cold-blooded murder if someone is threatening his child. To a lesser extent, we saw that in re7 too. With his life on the line, he killed Jack (multiple times) and Marguerite, and at the end he recognized how they were actually victims of Eveline. But they were still actively trying to murder him so he wasn't given the chance to help them. With Zoe, he promised to send help, and he did, even wanting to talk to her once she'd been rescued by her uncle and Chris. The same applies to re8, but as I said, it's multiplied since it's his daughter who's in danger, and the end of re8 proves he cares for her safety more than his own.
Now, all that said, I think it's important to note how it's stil a Resident Evil game. I haven't actually played or watched any playthroughs of other games, but the basic concept in these games, from what I understand, is that the player shoots zombies; ex-human beings who have lost any human mentality and will just come for your throat if you don't kill them first. They're not humans anymore, they can't be reasoned or sympathized with. It's not really an issue of morality, ethics or philosophy. Your life, and the life of your child in the case of re8, are in danger. You don't give a shit. You just start shooting and hope for the best. Again, I don't know if the morality issue is explored in other RE games, but to be honest... Resident Evil doesn't sound like the kind of franchise that's thematically into going super deep into the morality of shooting zombies to save your life.
I have to admit I haven't thought of the Lords being representative of child development stages. I think they could be put as Moreau being a toddler, fully dependent on their parent - funnily enough, the Greek word for baby is "moro", pronounced almost exactly the way "Moreau" is pronounced in the game - Donna as a child, Heisenberg as a (rebellious?) teenager, and Dimitrescu as a late teen/young adult (if anything, Dimitrescu seems to behave like the eldest child of the bunch). But I'm not sure the connection that has to Ethan as a father, if anything because the bosses are fought in complete random order of age, if my analysis is correct. Like, I understand the symbolism behind the Lords' behaviours, maybe as you said they represent the obstacles Ethan had to overcome. In one single day and with his life on the line, instead of in the course of Rose's entire childhood and adolescence, but that's exactly why he hated being a protagonist of a horror game, lol.
Anyway, yeah. All in all, I don't think Resident Evil is a franchise where we should expect to sit down afterwards and ponder whether we were right to shoot the zombies that were trying to kill us. Again, I'm not the right person to ask this, since I don't know anything about other RE games, but that's the conclusion I'm making in a meta-thinking way.
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Elves (Kyle’s Story/HD/DHaF Universe)
So, since I’m the one that created elf characters for the roleplay/DHaF/HD world, my friend left it up to me what elves are like in our world...
That being said, I KIND OF went a little crazy developing them... so... here, have what elves are like in our world... also, it’s under the cut because when I say I “kind of” went crazy... I mean I really went crazy. So, enjoy!
Elves cannot drink more than 2-4 shots of liquor, depending on the elf, without dying of alcohol poisoning
When the elves realized this, they started experimenting with different things to see if they could get a buzz off of anything
Eventually, they found that they could get buzzes off of certain poisons
The poison will kill any other species
There are a few different types of elven liquor
One is a green drink called kumir
This drink causes giggle fits and tequila-like effects
Lots of elven babies have been born after the parents drank this drink
If another species drinks it, this drink causes explosive diarrhea and vomiting until they die of dehydration
As of now, there is no antidote for this poison
One is a bright orange drink called luuha
This drink is usually the cause of bar fights, so most elves tend to steer clear of this one
It can also cause an elf to see bright colors they otherwise wouldn’t normally see
If another species drinks it, this is the most painful of the poisons to drink
This poison is used in poison darts when an elf is trying to slay an enemy to not only kill them but also to disable them so that they cannot attack back
As of now, there is no antidote for this poison
One is a pale yellow drink called luisae
This drink causes contentment and over-affection
Lots of elves have professed their love for friends and crushes under the influence of this drink
When an elf drinks Luisae, it causes a tingling sensation along their whole bodies and makes kissing and holding each other a lot more enjoyable for most
If another species drinks this drink, it causes dizziness until they fall asleep… and never wake up
Elven scientists have been working on an antidote for this poison but have not found one yet
One is a bright blue drink called Rusta
Pronounced “ROO-STUH
This drink causes rowdiness and otherwise quiet elves to become much chattier
This drink is known as the Poison of Truth because it makes the inhibition disappear so that an elf can truly speak their mind
When another species drinks this poison, it causes them to foam at the mouth and die almost immediately.
This is the least painful of the poisons, though it does cause an… odd sensation
There is an antidote for this poison, but you only have 4 seconds to drink it before it’s irreversible
One is bright pink called Hoopa
Hoopa is known as the Dead Man’s Poison because it causes elves to fall right asleep
This is one that elves that have difficulty with sleeping will take
This particular poison, when taken by another species, is very painful but will just make the drinker fall asleep and never wake up.
You can usually tell when someone is poisoned with this poison because all of their veins will turn black
Has a connection to the earth that no other elves do
When an elf puts their ear to the ground, they can hear the “earth’s heartbeat”
No one else can hear it, so the other species refer to elves as the “schizophrenic species.”
Elven mages can use nature to revitalize their magics and boost them
Elven mages can do certain things with nature, like boost a flower’s lifespan or cause one to grow early
Elves have a special connection to other magic-using creatures
Elven mages feel it more strongly
Elven mages feel more connected to other nature magic-users
Magic-using creatures such as…
And familiars
Elves have royalty
There is a king and queen of the elves
The royalty is not always chosen by bloodlines, though 99% of the time, it is
If the elven people do not like a royal family, they have the right to kick them out of their position
Most elven royalty have been very good to their people
In the elven world, the queen has more power than the king
Most elves pray to have a daughter, but they will love and cherish their children no matter what sex
Female elves are spoiled and usually have a “nature room” where they can soak up that wonderful feeling of being close to nature
Female elves are even more connected to nature than the males
Elves do not typically participate in human activities or go to human places
They have their own stores that are similar to human grocery stores, only they are filled with mostly hunting supplies with just enough food to feed those elves that don’t wish to or are bad at hunting
At the end of every night, these stores will hand out food to the needy elves
They also have buildings that are like indoor forests, as a means for revitalizing the elf’s body and chakras and kind of like their form of relaxation therapy
Elves are a big believer in the healing power of colors
Being as they are beings of nature, most of the colors they believe in are nature’s colors
They believe that pink flowers will heal wounds
They believe that blue flowers will heal the mind
They believe that laying in a field of grass and staring up at the blue sky will put you in a trance that will also heal your mind
They believe that red flowers will bring back your passion *nudgenudge*
They believe that orange flowers will bring you peace
They believe that black flowers will poison the soul
They believe that the brown of tree trunks (and other parts of nature) will bring great pain
Elves have their own pantheons, all based off of different parts of nature
The goddess of all gods is the goddess of nature, or as humans call her, Mother Nature
Her name is Elais
She has long, flowing green hair the color of grass freshly rained on
She smells like your favorite flower
She has beautiful eyes that change color depending on what she wants you to feel when she talks to you
She has a voice that sounds like a soft breeze
The god of fire and the ocean (yes, fire and water) is Leonari
He has hair made of fire
He has eyes that look like an ember, glowing in the middle of an otherwise empty firepit
When he’s angry, his eyes turn from a soft ember to a roaring fire
He has a temper but he also is great at calming others in the middle of a rage
He curses the most out of the other gods and goddesses
He’s also seen as the god of depression
Not that he causes depression, but he helps elves to be able to deal with their depression
Elves with high tendencies toward depression tend to worship and pray to him the most
The god of the flowers and trees (plants, basically) is Gerardi
His hair is short and spiked
It’s rainbow colored and the colors shift every time he moves
His eyes, much like the nature goddess, change color, but his eyes reflect your soul and your intention in the world
If you’re “evil,” they turn red
If you’re “good,” they turn purple
If you’re “neutral,” they turn green
The goddess of weeds and other “undesired” plants is Magis
Her hair is green, short, with yellow tips
Her eyes are also green
She has pale skin that changes color depending on what species the person that is looking at her is
If a witch, her skin is like a pale grey
If an elf, it’s a pale green
If a werewolf, it’s white
If a vampire, it’s a pale brown
If a siren, it’s a pale blue
If a djinn/genie, it’s a pale pink
She has a look in her eyes that calms people when they are in the middle of a panic
She is the goddess that people with high anxiety tend to worship and pray to the most
Elves typically prefer to wear as little clothing as possible
The less clothes they wear, the more connected they feel to the world
The buildings I mentioned earlier with “nature rooms” are clothing optional
In fact, they encourage you to go in nude, like a spa
Most elves prefer to wear like… basically a bikini
Just enough to cover the vital places
Elves see the body as a holy temple of Elais
They eat specific berries that will boost their connection to the earth
These berries also cause hallucinations where they will see Elais
They are very big on natural exercising and going on runs out in nature
Lazy elves (yes, they do exist) are looked down upon because they’re seen as being careless toward Elais’ temple
Elves live about 300-400 years
This is partly due to their diet, but it’s also partly due to the fact that they’re connected to the earth
When an elf picks a berry from nature, that berry has a certain magic in it that boosts their lifespan
Just like how elven mages can boost the lifespan of plants, plants can boost their lifespans as well
Most elves are excellent hunters
As I said earlier, those that don’t, there’s a special section of the store for them
Most elves live in 3 places across the world
Most elves prefer the cold over the heat, but they also love LOVE tropical rainforests
When an elf is turned to a vampire, it turns into an entirely other creature
Elven mages don’t typically share their given names
If they do, they lose their power
The only way after that that they can use it again is if in nature while using it or if the person who knows gives them permission
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mazqueen · 5 years
i’m trying so hard not to get frustrated because i really just want to enjoy these last few episodes but it’s so hard like. it’s so damn hard?? like it’s really, really nothing against brooke and i know i sound like a broken record but why tf is she getting so much screentime? whose idea was this? there are a lot of characters we’re way more invested in, characters we’ve basically been begging to see more of for years now and instead we’re getting river, and pond, like wtf?? with an incredibly pointless storyline because let’s be real, this moving to new york nonsense will work itself out anyway? just like we all knew that there was no way mateo was actually switched out? they’re spending so much time on river, and introducing so much of these new sub-dramas that have no actual effect on the overall story and it’s so frustrating because?? we’re so near the end, it’s not like we have 4 more years for these things? like in 5x16 specifically, they could’ve maybe used all of rogelio and river’s stuff to focus on rose?? and luisa? like this could’ve been a rose/luisa centric episode, i would actually really love to get into rose’s head a little bit more like. she’s the big bad villain of the entire forkin series and we’ve seen a total of 10 minutes of her from s3-s5 lol. and it’s not as if bridget and yara are unwilling? they LOVE being on jtv. if jennie can move her schedule around brett and rosario, can’t they do that for bridyara? and throughout s5, river’s basically been stealing screentime that i feel like should’ve been xiomara’s. so instead of xo having storylines, she’s basically a side character to rogelio and river’s story, like wtf is that? hello? even her cancer remission was centered on river being into ro (yet another pointless plot we had) like why. tf. is. everything. about. river. like i mean nothing against jaime either but i do kind of feel like he gets so much of the side screen time (as in there’s jane, who is the main and rogelio is easily second to that) and i do love rogelio/jaime but i feel like it’s so off balance especially with xo... who literally like?? she gets nothing ! !  ! like even when she does have plots they’re intertwined with rogelio’s. have we actually ever seen xiomara in a scene without ro/alba/jane? LOL. and there are seriously, so many other characters aside from luisa, rose and xiomara they could’ve given all that river time to. jr. darci. krishna. esteban. (idk if this could work out but i would’ve loved to see ro and esteban working in a telenovela again but with a different dynamic this time around now that things have changed but yk they’re so focused on chasing after the american dream lol). like i deadass don’t understand why a character nobody cares for... and new characters introduced 4 episodes before the series ends ... are getting more screentime than all our beloved characters who DON’t get screentime. like it’s not as if we’re getting a lot of these other people? i mean even with petra there’s still so much i want to know and she gets relatively more screentime than most of these listed characters. they could’ve used river’s screentime to maybe delve into petra’s past. raf’s depression. like... there’s legit so many options and they really chose this. what a waste. this entire season is nothing but a waste.
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deincs-main · 6 years
Tumblr media
NAME: Luisa Alver
AGE: 41
MORALITY:  lawful / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true
RELIGION: spiritual (ashram yo) / neutral / no faith / questioning
SINS:  greed / gluttony / sloth / lust / pride / envy / wrath
VIRTUES:  chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice
KNOWN LANGUAGES: English, Spanish, Italian, a little bit of German (”I’m not interested in you, but I’ll have sex with your wife!”)
SECRETS: her hallucinations of carla and subsequent time at the mental hospital during her residency (and when we say secret. we mean that when she talks about all the things, she does not talk about this.  but raf knows.  and raf told petra who told her mother who told petra’s twin sister and the guy they hired to be another hallucination.  and raf told jane.  so it’s not really a secret.  (and to be honest, she probably has talked about this with rose.)  pretty much anytime she’s been in a relationship with rose, it’s been a secret.  fairly well-kept, too.
BUILD:  scrawny / bony / slender / fit / athletic / curvy / herculean / pudgy / average
HEIGHT:  5′5″
SCARS  /  BIRTHMARKS: unknown, other than mental scars.  likely she does have a birthmark, some darker shape of skin on the small of her back on the right side, but nothing interesting in the shape of maps or horses or anything like that.
ABILITIES  /  POWERS: she can out drink you.  yes, you.  it might not be healthy.  but she probably can.
RESTRICTIONS: luisa tries really hard to not drink as she is a recovering alcoholic.  this does not always work.  but she tries.  she also suffers from at least major depressive disorder (although she gives me bipolar vibes, i’m still not certain on that) and, when stressed, can hallucinate (this has only happened twice - once prior to the series during the second year of her residency right before she got her medical degree and license and once during season one, in episode fourteen, when rafael was explaining that rose was sin rostro and she asked you mean the drug lord who kills people? (paraphrase) and rafael became rose and said only people who deserve it (again, paraphrase).
FOOD: rice.  it’s so mult-purpose!  you can get a bunch of different kinds and you can mix it with beans and meat and vegetables and, yeah, it’s kind of super bland on its own, but it’s a really good mixing staple!  so really she doesn’t necessarily like rice but it’s used in a lot of foods she does like, so that counts.  right?  no?  uh, okay, you’re right, pick something that’s actually good by itself, can she pick cinnamon flavored ice cream, does that count as food, because honestly, give her a pint of that and a good romantic movie, and she’s good to go.
DRINK: vodka.  but really, anything alcoholic.  outside of that, probably lemon water or some of that lemon flavored carbonated water.
PIZZA TOPPING: she’s basic and likes cheese.  you can’t go wrong with cheese.  unless it’s that fancy cheese.  pizza is pizza it’s not supposed to be fancy, although yes, she will like those little tomatoes on top and when pizza hut did that taco pizza special with the refried beans and the taco meat and the onions and tomatoes and TONS of lettuce mmmmmm, yes, that was good but otherwise specialty pizzas are for rich brats.  like her brother.  let luisa be basic on this one.
COLOR: blue.  one hundred percent blue.  (preferably the shade of rose’s eyes, but you didn’t hear that from me.)  just like, honestly, luisa’s affinity for blue in her outfits is off the charts.
MUSIC GENRE: club music.  luisa likes club music.  she really likes britney spears, but she particularly likes her circus album.  but honestly.  club music.
BOOK GENRE: magic realism a la one hundred years of solitude (which i haven’t finished but she keeps bugging me to try again and read).  also medical textbooks.  also let her make fun of fifty shades of grey it’s great.
MOVIE GENRE: romance.  dramatic romance.  (she is not ashamed to say she was one of those people who watched titanic way too many times in theaters.  how many is too many?  maybe she should add that to the secrets part.)
CURSE WORD: fuck.  because it’s got multiple uses!
SCENTS: roses.  vanilla, lillies, honeysuckle, oranges and citrus and a little bit of ginger.  spicy smells.
BOTTOM OR TOP: yes.  she’s a switch.
SINGS IN THE SHOWER: yes.  badly.  not entirely off-tune but just enough that you can tell and it sounds off but you can’t pinpoint why.
LIKES PUNS: she’s neutral towards them.  she didn’t like them much, but then rose was a fan of wordplay, so.  she’s gotten used to them and is now neutral.
tagged  by: @bitofthisandthat tagging: @thefacelcss, @neko-shadow, @pulitzerpanther, @inze
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