#i mean that was the plan originally......then i got distracted (💀)
devotion-disorder · 7 months
i wanna continue doing yandere drama cd reviews tbh
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kooktrash · 9 months
may i have a drabble of electra heart where oc is in a very bad mood and started crying bc she had a fight w her dad and tae just coax her in the most affectionate way possible 💞💞😩😩
okokok i kinda did more of a sad oc with daddy issues 💀who just needs someone to hold her bc in the original fic tae was always very aware that she kinda skimmed over her problems with her dad
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anywho. warnings: none. 1.1k. just Tae being a boyf
When he first got involved with you it was only on a whim. He had been going through a break up where he was cheated on and he held a lot of resentment toward his ex for that. He let it get the best of him at the time and when he met you, he wasn’t necessarily in a place to meet anyone romantically and when you came along… he didn’t plan to fall for you, it just happened.
At first he never truly understood the hype around you or why you seemed to have even one of his closest friends as an admirer [once again, sorry Jimin], but once he got to know you, he understood. On the surface you seem like the average rich daddy’s girl that his ex painted you as, someone mean and spoiled but once one gets to know you, they know you’re not entirely like that.
Yes, you can be a bit spoiled at times but that’s because of the nature you grew up in. You’re actually a sweetheart no matter how many times you try to paint yourself as anything but. Your dad does get you everything you want but you’re far from a daddy’s girl. He belittles you and treats you like property, hell he couldn’t even respect that you wanted to be with Taehyung. That is why Taehyung has been so worried and distracted today.
“So where’s Y/n?” Namjoon asked as he walked into the lunch room with his two friends. It was the middle of the day and they’ve finished all of their morning classes but you had left your last one in a hurry just before lunch. Jungkook and Mira were sitting with them despite being your besties and not Taehyung’s but at this point in your relationship, your friend groups have combined into one big one.
Taehyung stood in line with his friends, “Having a lunch meeting with her dad.”
“A meeting?” Jimin asked with furrowed brows, “… With her dad?”
He nodded his head, not interested in talking about it anymore because then he would have to explain the relationship you have with your father and despite being your boyfriend he doesn’t feel like he has the right to talk about your personal familial issues.
A few hours had been added before you reached out to him and that’s how he knew something had happened. Usually, you respond to him immediately, even when you’re busy you always make time for him the way he makes time for you. He decided not to bother you on your lunch today but he had hoped you would let him know when you weren’t busy anymore so he could see you but you haven’t talked to him. Now he worries that something possibly happened on the lunch that had made you go quiet.
Once he finished with his last lecture and had yet to get any sign of life from you, he rushed over to your place to see what had happened. The two of you are so connected nowadays that all he needs is one small change in your mood or routine for him to know something was up. He’s just that in tune with you and he’s always been.
At this point there’s no need to hide when he gets to your apartment, the receptionist knows him well by now and made no fuss in letting him up to see you. He even brought out his key card and put in the code to let himself in only to be immediately blasted with loud sad music. He looked around your large and vacant apartment, “Y/n?!”
He didn’t get a response right away which sent her m into a small fit of worry that had him going straight to your bedroom wondering where you might be, “Babe?”
“Tae?” Your voice was slightly groggy as you spoke from under a mountain of blankets on your large king sized bed and Taehyung didn’t need much of an explanation to know the lunch didn’t go well. He could hear it in your voice as you said that single word to him and from the way you were hiding from him he had a feeling you weren’t feeling well now. With a small sigh of worry, he dropped his book bag on the floor and went to you, crawling up the large bed and over you hearing your groan at the sudden weight. He began to peel layer after layer of blanket off of you, “Where are you? Stop hiding.”
“No,” you said with a small sniffle, “I’m sad.”
Taehyung made a small pout once he finally found you with a red puffy nose and teary eyes, “What’s wrong? Tell me what happened.”
You hid your face in your pillow, “Nothing, just the usual. I’m not good enough or smart enough to do things on my own. All I’ll ever be good for is using my looks, spending his money and dating people like you. I’m sorry he’s still a piece of shit toward you.”
Taehyung shook his head as he finally got the blankets off of you so he could snuggle up to you, “I don’t care what he says about me, I care about what he says about you. I know he’s your dad, baby, but he’s so mean to you and I hate that. You deserve so much better after everything he’s done to you and it kills me to see you cry because of him.”
You sniffled, moving to lay on your back and look up at your boyfriend who took the new change in position to wipe away some stray tears. He sat up lifting an arm of yours to motion for you to get up as well and instantly, he was pulling you onto his lap, arms around your waist as you buried your face in his neck. He was practically cradling you in his arms as you hugged him, “He’s not a… y’know he’s not a bad dad. He’s not as mean or—“
“I know, but not being as bad as other dads doesn’t make him a good one. It’s okay to acknowledge that he’s done things to hurt you in the past even if you don’t think they’re as big of a deal. Telling your child that they’ll never be good enough and trying to control them in every way they can isn’t okay,” Taehyung said, running a gentle hand over your back, “I hope someday he takes the time to realize that he’s hurt you and see that you’re an amazing person who deserves all the love and support a parent should give. Until then I want you to know that I will always be here for you.”
You nodded your head unable to find the right words to say to him but he just looked at you with stars in his eyes and a loving smile on his face.
permanent taglist: @notmyfaultbutours @rerefundslocals @fandems @sugaluvmyg @guvgguk @kimyishin @libra04 @kooromiwrld @classycreationcupcake-blog @alwaysdreamingnotsleeping @cherrymonlightt t @nikkiordonez12 @asking4-sanity @thvlover @saweetspoiled @uwu2rawr @shaybts-blog @babycandy111 @tearyjjeon @joons-uparupa @jeonninja @yellowcupid08 @02010802faves @knudsenheggedel @skzthinker @unnatae @aurorthi @beautywine @95ene @taekookstata @lilliankoo @shescharlie @annenakamura a @lesoleile @burnahtsw @babybella337 @kooloveys @ku-ku @chaelvrx @minnie-mouser22 @Imeneghd @whoa-jo @evajeonsworld @marvelbun @sunnikthv @kochycooky @heyhowyoudoin3 @acielelyseen @giselleswifeee @jeonjk25 @ilikeitlikethatt @bangmechanpls @lvr2seok @badbyeyoongi @jaerisdiction @watermelonjuice15 @artmsmaid @xyahrinx @angeleen777 @jooniesxbby @brillantdarling
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softshuji · 6 months
omg hi i’ve been seeing ur account for the past few days and i love ur content honestly its pretty cool lol😻 and i’ve got something to ask… what do u think of hanma with kids yk.. i think it’d be wholesome even tho he hateess to admit 💀
hiiii!!!! thank you so much! welcome to my humble chaotic blog lol
hmmmmm hanma w kids? Thank you for this lol, I absolutely picking his brain apart lmao
I am so sorry for long this random analysis became
I think, if in all honesty, the idea of having kids scares him a bit at first. I think he's the type to say he doesn't want them, they're a distraction and he's not interested in what he calls 'brats' running around, but part of me feels like that comes from two things, and that is a) an awareness that there are many irresponsible parents out there and too many kids without parents too, and he is self aware enough to know (in his head) to believe that he can't be the type of parent that a child might need. Plus he likes the fast life and the concept of being a father terrifies him when he is very much a danger - or at least his lifestyle is. Besides, why give up what he likes? The cars, the danger of his lifestyle.
However I think the second reason he might be averse to kids at the start might have something to do with his own upbringing, or rather lack of. I have always hc'd him as the child of a mother who left him (this is something I minorly explored in my Coin Lockers fic here- it's a concept I absolutely adore thinking about and if you do get time please do go read Coin Locker Babies by Ryu Murakami which is where I originally got the idea from) but to me, his aversion to kids might come from both of these reasons. I feel like he tells himself often that he doesn't need 'any of that shit' partly because it's just easier than to admit he holds resentment that he assumes he shouldn't. He has virtually no ties to anyone or anything- to me this has always been evident in him hanging out with Kisaki despite him not being so nice to him all the time, a willingness to let himself be used for what he can offer if it means experiencing something- being kept around for usefulness because it is better than being left. Of course this is just my own thoughts, and lmao I do have a reallllyyyy particular version of Shuji in my head. He plagues me daily lol.
I feel like this changes once he meets someone he loves though.I think it would take LONNNGG time for him to warm to the idea of family and if i'm honest I think the whole kids thing would come as an accident rather than something him and his partner talked about, I don't think he would plan something like that at all. And I do think it would freak him the hell out to find out his partner was pregnant, scare the daylights out of him to actually be responsible for a whole 'nother human. BuT, I think he'd actually make a good father, and I think his willingness to try is why. He's aware that he's a danger, that there's tonnes he has to learn and honestly, there are habits he's not going to change and many mistakes he's going to make- but I also think he has the tenacity to keep attempting to do things. I think he makes conscious efforts to be gentler even though he's so rough around the edges especially with his partner. He's learned how to be softer and a bit more attentive, being observant by nature definitely helps here but there's also a lot you have to teach him about both partnership and parenthood. But he tries and tries, and that's the best thing about him. But don't ever tell him he's softened up a bit or he'll just deny it. Cutie pie.
Plus the idea of him with kids and as a dilf makes me want to eat my own arm lol so there's that too.
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femboi-rayne · 10 months
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Let's do this.
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First up: Tamarin.
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1. Tamarin would rather forget a lot of things. His childhood was a garbage time for him altogether, with the only good thing being his cousin who would periodically show up and be an infinitely better guardian than his actual parents. He hates being reminded about his parents and buries most of his emotions about them, leading him to lash out at anything even slightly related, so he would rather just forget about them entirely.
2. He is actually a way more capable villain than he appears, he's just too stupid to make good use of the skills he has.
3. I had to Google what "fatal flaw" specifically refers to and, if I'm understanding the term correctly, I don't think he really has one.
4. In most situations, Tamarin is a fighter when scared, he's a rulebreaker through and through, but there may be specific times where he will fawn instead. He originally followed every rule he was given, after all, being too scared to stand up for himself. Though maybe he's grown so much since then that he would never go back. That seems more likely.
5. This question is a bit complicated, since his wants are usually pretty vague and can waver and be manipulated easily. He will try to follow a plan until the end, but he often gets distracted through various means and his goals shift so much that it's hard to say how far he will go.
6. Tamarin, being very susceptible to reverse psychology and bribery, is very easy to convince to do basically anything, - especially since he's specifically trying to be evil - however, he does actually have a line that he refuses to cross. He will not assist in anything endangering his own pokémon/friends or anything that causes too much collateral damage, but he will not ask questions, so it's not too difficult to just hide that kind of stuff from him.
7. He hasn't changed much at all since I created him, the only thing is his steenee got replaced with a togekiss and morpeko got replaced with larvitar. Despite having been made 4 years ago, he's exactly the same as he was before, I just write him better.
8. Genuinely can't figure out what this question means, so I will be skipping it from here on out.
9. I have an entire playlist made for him, but the songs I associate with him most heavily are 'Karma' by OR3O and 'The Villain I Appear to Be' by Connor Spiotto.
10. An AU I often think about with Tamarin is an AU where he goes through with the pokémon ranger school that his parents forced him into, instead of running away and becoming a villain. I have affectionately nicknamed this Tamarin "Pizza Ranger" to differentiate them.
11. He is his own weapon.
12. The way he bottles up all his emotions and pushes a lot of people away is self-destructive.
13. If we met he probably would not like me, but I don't think he would hate me.
14. He really wants to be taken seriously and treated like a real threat. People often mistake him to be younger than he actually is and talk down to him, which bothers him a lot.
15. Nope.
16. His pain tolerance is pretty high, as both a person living in the pokémon world and being a fusion of a slurpuff.
17. The worst thing I've done to him is his entire backstory. I gave him a total of one lifeline and then took it away.
18. He is extremely talkative most of the time, he's that villain rambling about his ice cream flavor preferences as he's fighting, but he isn't trying to make friends at all and usually doesn't consider people friends even when they're helping him out constantly.
19. He's very confrontational when angry and may bully the people who made him angry. He is guaranteed to bully any pokémon ranger he sees.
20. He doesn't typically get jealous, but I can for sure see it happening if people are prioritizing another enemy over him. He may try various tactics to attract attention, like verbally bullying the people ignoring him or doing even more crimes within close proximity.
21. I didn't give him any specific disorders or anything intentionally, but he probably has some. Especially since I'm autistic and don't always know when something is an autism thing.
22. Chaotic Evil, maybe Chaotic Neutral(?).
23. Despite his resentment, he still has some homesickness--not for his house, but for Pueltown and kind of Almia in general, which is hard for him to process with the mixed feelings he has about Almia.
24. His alternative life path would be Pizza Ranger. He would be way more miserable and have quite a different team, as well as never having been fused with slurpuff DNA.
Emrys and Edris.
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(drawn by and design assistance by Whimsy)
1. I can't think of one for Edris, but the memory for Em immediately came to mind. Their shared fear of the ocean used to be just an Ed thing. Emrys attempted to help him conquer his fear, but he ended up getting electrocuted by a stunfisk hidden in the sand, which scared Em away from water too.
2. I don't know what information about them would be considered surprising at this point, they have been deeply and thoroughly engraved in my brain for nearly a year and I'm just so used to them.
3. Their fatal flaw is definitely how paranoid and mistrustful they are of everyone other than each other. They try to handle everything with just the two of them because they believe that anyone else will have ulterior motives.
4. They both flee first when afraid, looking out for their own safety first, except when it comes to each other. They will absolutely fight if the other is in danger.
5. Em and Ed are willing to go through just about anything for each other. They have a very strong relationship since they're pretty much all they have.
6. It would be very challenging to convince either of them to do something against their morals.
7. I haven't had the M&Ms for that long, so they have no changes yet.
9. These two were created after I saw "she asked for no pickles." and thought of weavile and sneasler in that meme.
10. I haven't thought much about any AUs for them yet.
11. Edris' weapon of choice is a baseball bat, which he does actually have. If Emrys had absolutely no limits, she would want to attack people with a giant cartoon hammer (completely harmless), but that isn't very realistic, so she is uninterested in having a weapon. Though if she drew a persona for herself, she would have a halberd.
12. I don't think either of them are very self-destructive.
13. We would most likely get along, assuming Em and Ed wouldn't dip out and go do their own thing immediately.
14. By this point, he's way too mistrustful of others for it to happen, but deep down Edris really wants people to think he's cool and popular. Although, he would prefer if that popularity happened to be caused by people mistaking him for a ghost or other paranormal entity. Emrys is thoroughly uninterested in most strangers' opinions of her, with the exceptions of Ingo and Emmett, who she hopes think of her as memorable at the very least whenever they meet.
15. No for either of them.
16. Both of their pain tolerances are actually pretty average for pokémon trainers, except for Ed's right hand, which is more sensitive to pain due to minor electrical burns.
18. They are more cold and detached to people, while plenty friendly to pokémon, as long as they aren't mind readers or stunfisk. Edris also doesn't like most bug types, Emrys doesn't care though, she likes many bugs.
19. Edris often becomes unresponsive when very mad, having speech loss. He'll still be aggressive, he just won't talk. Emrys is never a confrontational person, but may act passive aggressive depending on severity.
20. They don't get jealous particularly easily.
21. They're both on the autism spectrum. Some of the symptoms they share in common, some of them are completely different. While they are both aware of having autism, they don't really know what it means and they don't care to check. They almost exclusively speak to each other, so they don't think of themselves as weird in any way because they never hear anyone thinking any differently. This also results in them assuming other kids also think everyone is out to get them though, which can confuse them if they discover someone who doesn't think that.
22. True Neutral. They're both looking out for themselves, paying no mind to any rules that they may or may not be breaking.
23. They don't struggle much with their own emotions, they're very expressive.
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1. If given the choice, she would rather forget everything. She has a lot of regrets in life and all of her broken relationships being her own fault makes even the supposedly "good" memories miserable. In reality if she forgot everything, she would only make the same mistakes again.
2. I don't think most people could tell she has a deep interest in music, although she's often too busy to pursue this.
3. Her fatal flaw is definitely her lack of self control. It has led her to nearly every bad decision in her life.
4. She will either flee or fawn, based on her assessment of the danger and which will put her in a better position.
5. She is willing to do a lot for money or even just to put herself at an advantage. She has not reached a limit thus far.
6. Basically the same as 5. As long as there's shinies on the table, her morals don't exist.
7. She's one of my earliest ocs, so she's had a lot of changes. Nearly every detail of her character now wasn't a thing originally, apart from her basic personality. One/a couple changes are that she didn't used to be a Pokémon Mystery Dungeon oc. She was originally part of a duo with a regular colored purrloin where they were largely just mischief makers.
9. 'Epoch' The Living Tombstone I associate with her pretty heavily.
10. My personal favorite of her AU iterations is one where I made her a delta purrloin. She was way more relaxed as a ghost, even a bit lazy. I love her as is, but it's fun to play as a version of her that stays exclusively on the protagonists' side.
11. Other people. She usually convinces others to fight her battles for her or protect her since she's actually really weak. She's just fast and evasive, which is why she relies so much on manipulation.
12. She is extremely self destructive. She constantly pushes everyone away if they try to get close or make a genuine connection with her.
13. Likely not, she was already kinda hard to befriend, now she intentionally pushes away anyone she gets close to.
14. She wants everyone to see her as the 100% evil person she thinks she deserves to be called. She wants those she knows personally to view her as uncomplex and evil through and through and give up on her, so they can move on with their lives and she can stop feeling bad when they try to reason with her. She is thoroughly broken, your honor.
15. No.
16. She has a somewhat low pain tolerance, but she's not necessarily fragile.
18. She's not typically friendly to anyone she isn't already close to unless she's trying to be manipulative.
19. She's highly aggressive and a little feral when enraged.
20. She can be made jealous fairly easily, which can manifest from being mildly annoyed, near unnoticeable, to outright trolling them for it.
21. I'm not sure what you would call it, it's something I made up for her specifically, but I would say her sparkly tunnel vision thing she has should probably be classified as a mental illness or disorder or something. It's absolutely not her doing, shiny objects just trigger something in her brain that makes her need them desperately. I mostly came up with this due to the pokédex entries of meowth and purrloin saying things like "It loves round and shiny things. It can't stop from picking them up." and I thought it would be a neat character choice to take that 100% literally.
22. Neutral Good - True Neutral. It is a little complicated since she frequently ignores her morals entirely, but again it's not totally her fault.
23. Even if she feels it very strongly, she has a hard time expressing remorse.
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2. I think most people can tell what he's about by his looks.
3. He sometimes gets ahead of himself and jumps to conclusions due to his emotionally driven behavior, which could be considered a fatal flaw.
4. When afraid, his go-to is to fight, but he flees when startled, usually stumbling backwards.
5. He is personally very determined to see his business through to the end, despite how dangerous it may be. He won't force others to join him, he'll even refuse to let them if he considers it too dangerous, but that won't stop him.
6. As long as he believes whatever option is breaking his morals is a lesser evil, he will probably take it. Besides that, it would be very challenging.
7. He wasn't originally so clumsy, that's a much more recent thing.
9. Not that I can think of.
11. His weapon of choice is naturally his scalchop. If he somehow managed to lose it and needed a replacement, he would try to find a similar sharp, dagger-like object.
12. His only self-destructive tendency would be the times when he pushes himself too hard because he doesn't think he's doing good enough.
13. I think we would get along. We're both high energy and love exploration very much, plus we have some similarities in music taste.
14. He wants his parents to be proud of how far he's gotten and at least one person to be inspired by their efforts.
15. No.
16. His pain tolerance is just a little higher than average.
18. He's more on the friendly side, though this doesn't mean he's looking for new friends. He doesn't want to be alone all the time, but he likes being on his own for the most part.
20. He does get jealous of other exploration teams' accomplishments, though it only manifests in increased motivation and maybe a little rivalry.
21. He might be ADHD coded unintentionally, but I'm in no way against that interpretation.
22. Neutral Good.
23. It's a little challenging for him to express any amount of fear he has, since he's supposed to be brave.
24. If Jax had never agreed to let Ian join his team, he wouldn't have gone anywhere with his exploration team dreams for a long time. He might find another partner eventually, but his skills are in his attitude, puzzle solving, and fighting. His lack of knowledge and planning greatly impedes his ability to succeed by himself in this field.
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2. I don't think people would immediately guess that he has a rock collection.
3. I don't believe he has a fatal flaw.
4. Ian tends to freeze in extra stressful situations.
5. He puts in a lot of genuine effort towards his goals and is willing to face his fears; at least that's what he'll say beforehand, though in the moment it's way harder to go through with it.
6. Threatening him in any way when he has no one to defend him is the easiest way to convince him to go against his morals.
7. I haven't changed his character much since his inception.
9. I don't have a quote for Ian.
11. He doesn't typically use weapons other than the occasional iron spike or similar throwable spike item if the situation calls for it.
12. He is somewhat self destructive, he usually attempts to act like someone else to make the people he cares about like him more, but that doesn't happen as much with Jax.
13. If we met, our dynamic would be similar to Ian and Jax's relationship, where we're chill with each other and kind of friendly, but he would annoy me when he's being needlessly mean.
14. There are a lot of wishes he has for how people view him. He wants to be more likable to other people, mainly Jax, but he understands that's going to take his own effort first. He wants people to think of his interest in plants as something cool and helpful, like he thinks it is, and to be seen as brave and strong. He wants to be an inspiration to someone like Jax was to him.
15. No.
16. His pain tolerance is pretty average.
18. On the scale, he's more cold and detached towards others, yet he wants to be friendlier, inverse of Jax.
19. Rage is not really his thing. His anger isn't very strong even when he does get mad, he's mainly just defensive.
20. He's not easy to make jealous. The only thing that gets to him is other people's relationships, then he puts them down to feel superior, which makes people not like him and then it's harder for him to make friends. He basically dug his own pit /metaphorical.
21. He definitely has RSD (rejection sensitivity disorder) at the very least, possibly also some form of anxiety.
22. Neutral Good/True Neutral. I'm struggling to determine which fits better.
23. Ian has trouble expressing any form of love to someone, be it platonic or romantic, due to his fears of rejection.
24. If Ian hadn't asked to join Jax, his mental health would definitely suffer for it. He would still have no friends because of his insults and he would be left with the feeling of being called out as terrible by his crush. He would be pretty equally motivated to be nicer, but it would be on a more sour note. It would be harder for him to face his fears, since Jax is usually the one to motivate him with his high spirits and asking to join was a major step for him to being brave. He might've eventually left home on his own, which wouldn't go too well for him either.
Thanks, Ancient, I hate you. /not serious /affectionate
(Seriously though this was really fun to have stuff to ramble about with my characters.)
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inkyvendingmachine · 2 years
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Stop Trying To Poach JDS Employees They Already Have A Job Playing Music For All Eternity They Don’t Need A Cult Membership For That Season 3, Episodes 7
💀 Call of Cthulhu: Haunted Hijinx Masterpost 💀 🎶 Call of Cthulhu Season Three Masterpost 🎶
Warning: This campaign is an edited version of Call of Cthulhu: Song and Dance scenario from the Tales of the Crescent City book. While a lot has been changed, there IS spoilers for it throughout these posts. 
I had fun this episode.
ART CHANGES THIS SEASON!! @inkdemonapologist​ and I are collabing on all the art for these summery posts!! Shazz does lines, and I compose and colour the pieces.
Sammy and Jack have been thrown into some kind of very cold truck and driven off into the night. Peter has been able to keep up with them well enough, tracking the truck back to some restaurant where it looks like they’re going to hold the two for now. Or… do something to them there. Not the original place they had headed out to, oddly enough, but that didn’t mean they had any more time than before. Somewhere along this ride the boys managed to wake up some and even talk with Peter… Sammy included. The detective passes along a simple plan from Joey, which Sammy confirms that he was let in on already when Joey visited his dream, as well as an instruction to stall for as long as possible, before he hightails it back to his body to call up Joey and let him know where the music boys are being kept.
Meanwhile, said boys are finally escorted out of the truck, and the first question they’re met with is, “Aren’t you two composers?”
Sammy gives an off-handed “Sure,” but doesn’t really respond more than that. Neither of them are very aware right now, as they have just been pulled out of a pitch black refrigerator truck into a bright enough lit room that they’re thoroughly disorientated. Saxophone backs them up though, insisting of their skill. (He is not looking too hot after what Joey did to him before though.
Of course, words alone aren't gonna cut it, so Sammy and Jack are given the opportunity to prove their compositional skill. And... Sammy knows he'll be a lot better at stalling with music than words, so, with a small upright piano already in the room, he just goes and does what he does best: He plays music. He composes songs that have been digging their way into his head and plays them with such amazing skill that the entire room, filled with musicians, gangsters and even waitstaff, stops what they’re doing to just listen and stare. Jack is able to keep up with a borrowed violin, though takes Sammy’s amazing performance to try and scout for more info: he notices that a cultist who was showing up with… what looks like might have been a yellow book is waved off. The man in the room who’s dressed up the nicest kind of looks related to Y, but also is older. Perhaps the father we had heard about. And there’s only two exits; out some large garage doors, or through a different pair of heavy doors into an unknown building.
Sammy continues playing. He does not stop playing. He’s got them entranced, might as well make a distraction out of it. Also… it’s a nice distraction for himself too.
Meanwhile, Joey has gotten the information from Peter about the restaurant the boys are apparently being held at, including an idea of the layout. He tells Peter to meet him there, and instructs him to dress closely to what the wait staff look like, if he can. If he can’t… well uh,,, dress nice then! We need to at least get you through the door. Meanwhile, he likewise gets Henry dressed up, including concealing a gun on his person, and then calls up Allison to ask her to go, uh, somewhere completely different.
Basically, he now knows Y has the address of the last known place the three girls were staying. He needs Allison to get there first, beat them to the address and recover anything she possibly can. Or even better, warn the girls if they’re still there. But also like, if Joey doesn’t call her back in a few hours uh maybe can you swing by this place downtown and make sure we’re not all captured by the mafia? Great fantastic okay byeeeee,
The boys (Henry, Peter, and a Joey+Bendy combo) head to the restaurant. Peter is… over dressed for wait staff, but dressed well enough. Except for his hair. Joey fixes that.
The three manage to get in rather easily and grab a seat at a table, as Joey uses his words to talk the wait staff around into thinking they’re just some lucky dudes celebrating their success that night. Once sat down, he even orders a round of drinks and some appetizers, making sure the staff is clear of the table before starting to give his plan.
Basically, he’s going to make a big distraction. When that starts, Henry and Peter are going to do their best to blend in with the wait staff or use the confusion and slip to the back. Henry will go first since he can actually blend in somewhat, Peter will follow once there’s a grand amount of confusion started because it’s more likely he can just push past. And if everything is successful, Joey should be able to join them quickly. But if not, just grab Sammy and Jack and get the hell out of there. He can force his way out if he needs to.
While explaining all this, the trio notice the very well dressed man who looks related to Y make his way through the building and out into the street, followed by some lackeys. Alright, they don’t have much time left if someone like THAT feels like he’s no longer needed here.
With plan in place, Joey snatches up the untouched alcoholic drinks on the table, one in each hand, and puts on his mask. Playing the part of someone who might have already had too many drinks, he starts circling the room demanding why such a beautiful stage set up of instruments is being left so empty. What they need is some live music! Surely there’s a musician in here, a singer? Anyone? 
He starts pushing drinks into people's hands and drumming on tables and humming beats to popular songs… and it works. People can’t help but get into the music, anyone who’s even slightly musically inclined currently has a compulsion to follow along. Joey gets people dancing, singing, just covering all the bases, and soon has a musical riot at his fingertips.
With the staff scrambling to get the situation under control, Henry manages to slip to the back no problem and find the garage where Sammy is still playing his music. While he managed to visually blend in, when it comes to acting, he falls a bit short, usually more reliant on Joey being around to do the talking. Other staff show up and, without realizing it, back him up Henry’s claims; informing the band members that there's a whole musical shebang breaking out up front, and their instruments perhaps have been taken over by that crowed. It manages to get the room is cleared out down to the two music boys, Saxophone and one other mafia lackey… and Henry is on the chopping block again, with Saxophone is getting suspicious about why he’s still here.
It doesn’t help that maybe he wasn’t warned about the guy’s face melting off and reacted… not great to seeing that for the first time.
Peter is also able to sneak back in all the hustle, and once Joey feels like he has something that’s going to last started, he starts sneaking around to the back as well. The two make it to the heavy metal doors, looking out the window just in time to see Henry being approached by Saxophone… and not in the nicest of ways.
As soon as the melted man reaches out to grab Henry, rather sure now that he is NOT actually part of their cult, Sammy hits the most horrible chord he can on the piano and goes to jump up and punch the guy, though whiffs and is pushed to the side–
As Joey takes the musical beat as his cue to burst through the doors, immediately transforming into some new demonic version of Bendy’s original lurkery forms, but sculpted by Joey’s overactive imagination and new attachment to the stone… an ink demon, you could call it.
Nobody is uh, happy with this actually except for Joey and Bendy. But he does manage to get between Henry and the other guy while the rest of the group loses a good cut of sanity from seeing Joey transform into a monster of a toon. Of course, Saxophone isn’t pleased about this either, and when Joey goes to attack him, he manages to ink his way onto Joey instead, somehow pushing his goopy arms into Joey’s shoulders and starting to infect him with Yellow. Henry pulls out his gun and attempts to threaten him, but he really doesn’t seem to care. Okay, good to know. Gun might not do anything to these… yellow ink musicians…The other lackey that was still in the room is thoroughly not into Gun, and scooting towards the doors heading out through the front though! Basically just have Saxophone and his weird infectious Yellow to deal with now!
Sammy and Jack are joined by a Peter, and they run over to one of the garage doors to try and get it open. Jack struggles with it at first but gets the mechanical pull working. Sammy yells at the others to follow, let’s get out of here already! Peter has the locations of the cars so he can guide them and they start making their escape, though they’re distracted with the fight Joey and Saxophone are still mixed up in. Joey decides he’s no longer interested in playing with this man, and attempts to splat him with his claws.
And that’s exactly what happens. He turns into nothing but a yellow puddle on the ground, and the Ink Demon maniacally laughs at it, declaring how they should have listened before and to not touch what’s his.
Nor are they doing well with watching Joey melt back down into person shape while chasing to catch up to them. But with the door crinkled down behind them, and the last goon having run off, they manage to run out into the muggy night. Joey and Bendy manage to slip back down into a person-shaped form before they exit the shadows of the alleys, Henry scoops him up as he immediately starts to falter in keeping up with the rest of the group, and they get back to the cars unfollowed… and soon they’re all safe back to JDS.
Except… those wounds, from the claws, on Joey and Sammy? Do not look well. They look very yellow. And Joey is not doing well, suffering from the extreme pain the entire ride home curled up in the back over the music boys, biting into his sleeve to keep himself from crying or screaming in pain. Sammy ends up finding his mask and putting it back on during the ride, as well as info dumping in more and more incoherent rambling about the yellow king things they learned tonight.
Back at the studio, Jack attempts to help the boys… but he’s not doing too hot himself. Looking at Joey’s wounds, he manages to do a pretty good job at patching him up while he’s lying curled up on a cot. But perhaps this is only because he knows he can’t do too much to Joey right now. Bendy manages a pretty quick pop out of Joey, and also has some marks on his arms… but isn’t hearing music or feeling things to the extent that the other boys are?? So uh. Shrug, probably fine. Sammy on the other hand is now being haunted by this music once more… the wound isn’t super bad actually other than the Yellow, and Jack ends up thinking that maybe he can get some of the Yellow out of him? It’s a much smaller wound and, and Sammy’s arms are so important he needs those to work, getting it out now might be better in the long run…
It doesn’t go well. Sammy eventually gets a bandage, but his arm is perhaps more torn up than it was before… and there’s still yellow in it.
Joey has now had enough time to recover that he’s able to… talk. He gets Henry to call Allison and check in, let her know they are actually not captured by the Mafia. She’s managed to stop by the address he gave her, and has… quite a lot of stuff to talk about, but is also in no condition to chat tonight. Which is fine, neither is Joey. They’ll talk in the morning.
Also, if all the Yellow is still really in their heads in the morning, Sammy is going to ask if Henry can try and purify them like he did with the sign before… Or perhaps ask Prophet to see what he knows. It has been a while since they last talked with him…
Peter and Henry start to get themselves collected up to head out. Jack and Sammy talk about heading back to Jack’s place, but Joey refuses to leave the studio. After putting so much of himself into the Stone, he needs to be near it to be at his full mental strength. He is thoroughly convinced if he steps out of the one place where he has the entirety of his mind, he’s not going to be himself anymore, that the Yellow will seep in and take him over completely. Jack and Sammy end up staying with him, in his hidden room behind his office, where a proper bed has been made for all his late nights at work. Radio in background, lights left on, Sammy only manages to get to sleep because Joey promises to perform the dream spell and try to make sure they don’t completely suffer the entire night.
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