#its nightmare player. in your dreams. you know the one!
merklins · 11 months
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rosedom · 5 months
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"you have invited KAMISATO AYATO to play . . . take a break, sweetheart
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✦ㅤㅤ gn!dom!reader, ftm!sub!ayato, rabbit vibrator, overstimulation, (implied) squirting, praise praise praise .
i love me an overworked man with a pretty cock to overwhelm
"is that correct, [PLAYER]? press KEEP READING to confirm."
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The Yashiro Commissioner gets no breaks.
He works when he wakes, and he works until he sleeps again, and, sometimes, he works half asleep—many a time, you have had to stop his hand from writing even as dreams overtake his exhausted eyes.
"My lord," you softly say, calling out to the Commissioner from where he is wrapped in a nightmare. He jerks awake, dazed, before his tired, violet eyes fall on you, and his body damn near follows the same trajectory, collapsing down into your arms.
"Oh, Ayato," you coo, so quiet, as if Ayato were nothing more than a timid kitten. You've even dropped the gimmick: no more silly My lord—nothing ridiculous and fictitious like that belongs in your private conversation.
You easily heave Ayato up as if his body weighs nothing—and it likely hardly does, to only you, securely held in his lover's strong arms. He thinks, briefly, that your arms could protect him—protect him, and destroy him.
Destroy, ruin: same fucking difference.
He sighs your name, a breathless thing, and looks up at you so—so innocently. Whenever he looks at you like that, it's always a play, a way to get in your pants and end with him sprawled over the chabudai or flat on his back on the tatami mat.
But something is different, tonight; it's something about the way his eyebags are so much more prominent than usual, the way he blinks, slow and sluggish, the way his shoulders are sagging—so unlike Mister Prim and Proper he portrays himself as to others.
Ayato is bone-tired.
"C'mon, darlin'," you murmur, carrying him the short distance to the futon in the corner. The whole room is mean to be his bedroom, but he has naturally brought work even into his solitary moments. It hurts your heart to see him put himself last—to not even be able to rest unburdened by policy—, but you know he has no choice but to trudge on. He does it for Ayaka, for Inazuma, for you—for everybody but himself.
Baby-steps does it, you suppose. Maybe one day, he'll put himself first; but for now, he continues to put you before him—it works in your favor, this time, as you're able to push him down onto the futon, his pale hair fanned across his soft pillow, and kiss the frown off his plush lips.
You kiss him deeply, tongue pressing into the seam of his lips, before you pull back. "Rest, Ayato."
He groans, before: "Later," he murmurs, lethargically reaching up to tug you back into him. "Not when you've left me like this, beloved."
You only giggle, having been caught. "Is that such a crime?" you ask, peppering wet kisses down the length of his jaw. "Let me take care of you, and then you will sleep."
"No buts." You nip at his throat and grind down into him, your groin knocking against his; you're both still clothed, though, and you see to rectifying that as soon as possible. "You will rest, and you will be taking tomorrow off. Goodness, Ayato—the Yashiro estate has many a trained worker; let them do their jobs."
And that, of course, leaves you to do your job:
Destroying and ruining the Yashiro Commissioner.
"Good boy," you must coo, lathing your tongue across his throat. "Feelin' good, darlin'?" But you don't actually let him answer; instead, you turn the dual vibrator you have nudged deeeeeep inside him, its delicate rabbit-ears pressing into either side of his cock. His abdomen clenches as he harshly pants, a high, keening mewl ripped from his chest.
"P-please, too much—"
"Too much?" you ask, leaning back from the myriad of marks you've left across his neck, collarbones, shoulders. "But sweetheart—" you make a small tsking sound as you press the vibrator further into him, harsher now on his overly-sensitive cock, "—you can give me one more, can't you? You've been working so hard, Ayato. Let yourself feel good."
Fat tears begin to spill out from the corners of his pretty violet eyes, and you simply can't help yourself ! It's not your fault he's such a pretty crier, eyes turning puffy and red just like his poor cunt. But he nods vehemently still, lips parted on a continuous gasp.
You repeat, "Good boy," while you lean in to kiss that enticing mouth, the only sound in the room his panting moans and the rather loud vibrations of the toy.
Soon enough, his thighs begin to jump: he's close. "You've been so good, darlin'. Just feel. Cum whenever you're ready, and then—" but it appears you've timed him wrong as his eyes squeeze shut and his back jackknives off the tatami mat: he's cumming.
You pay no mind to the rush of sticky-thick wetness that covers your palm and the vibrator, adjusting slightly to soften the vibrations until you turn the toy off completely. Ayato sniffles, thighs still jerking, as you gently pull it out of his positively ruined cunt; and, oh, you cannot resist thumbing around his dripping hole. With a lick of your lips, you spread his puffy labia wide to expose the soft twitching of his hole—utterly wrecked but entirely satiated.
A soft whine pulls you of your revere, Ayato's strong hands coming to grab for you. You chuckle lightly but go easily, batting his hands away and tucking him into your arms.
You both know you'll need a bath soon, but, for now, you're content to simply hold the destroyed and ruined Yashiro Commissioner in your arms <33 To think, it only took some gentle words and a dual vibrator to turn the smart man's brain into mush.
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finals week . . . bleh. hope this is enuff to tide u over (⁠˃͈⁠ ⁠દ⁠ ⁠˂͈⁠ ⁠༶⁠ ⁠) ,, and to the anon who requested: it's in the works !!
JAN. 16, 2024. @rosedom, rosey .
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if-whats-new · 2 months
What's New In IF? Issue 3 (2024)
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By Erika, Marjorie, Axelle, Zach and Noi
Now Available!
Itch.io - Google Drive - Keep Reading below
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A proper (re-)introduction
As mentioned in our first edition, this zine became a thing after a 2am- fuelled frustrated rant. We were just so excited with the idea that we ran with it without thinking properly about a format or rules or even…
Doing a proper introduction.
So, two issues later, we're hoping to remedy that…
Hi! We are Erika, Marjorie, Axelle, Zach, and Noi. A tiny groupe of IF fanatics wanting to bring something to the community, and hoping to help it connect more together.
We're not authors (this is as far as you will read our writing) or coders (except Noi, but not IF) or illustrators. We're just avid readers/players wanting to talk about what's out there. A big dream, a lot of will, and a bit of sillyness.
If you want to know more facts about us, check out this post!
We hope you enjoy this issue!
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The game mentioned as Midnight Market is actually Night Market. Apologies to @night-market-if.
31st March, midnight was not made in Ren’Py, but in Unity. Apologies to Prof. Lily.
It was also pointed out to us that we have been writing Ren’Py wrong all this time…
"THE TORTURE AUDIENCE IS NOT SERVED IN TODAY'S ECONOMY" is a recent interview with Porpentine, formatted in Twine.
Phantasmagoria: Nightmare’s End (CScript) released Chapter 5 and part of Chapter 6 (Forum).
Wayfarer (Twine) released a new Route for its Alpha Build (announcement). @idrellegames
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Spotlight on: The Text Adventure Literacy Jam
VERB + NOUN makes the world go round!
The TALJ is a yearly parser-based text-adventure competition, where participants have to create a text-adventure suitable for players with no or little prior experience. It is part of the TAL project.
The goal of this competition, and the project as a whole, is to encourage authors to create games targetted at beginners, be more inclusive in game-making, teach new generations the skills needed to play text-adventure games (and potentially inspire them to create their own!).
Each game submitted to the competition must be a parser text-adventure, with clear instruction on how to play the game, include a tutorial, have at least five puzzles, and should not lead to a losing ending. Some games will go even further, including a hint system, a walkthrough or other type of help.
This year, the optional theme was “Fairy Tales”, which was followed by more of the 10 entries submitted to the jam, ranging from old folk tales, mythology, and, of course… fairy tales!
You can play the entries and vote for them with an itch.io account until the end of May. The competition is looking for beginner players!
You can now register for the Narrascope! It is happening June 21-23, in hybrid. They've also released the schedule of talks!
Only one week left to vote for your favourite games of the Spring Thing! Since the votes are still pretty tight, they are looking for players and voters to help determine the winners!
[And the Text Adventure Literacy Jam too!]
On the Choice of Game Forum, the Diversity Jam is running. They accept any CScript game… as long at is not in ENGLISH! The deadline is already tomorrow!
As well, the deadline for the BITSY JAM, is coming up in a few days! The theme is No Dialogue!
The Really Bad IF Jam has just started. For if you're tired of always making great games. Come make a terrible one instead! The worst you can!
If Spanish is in your wheelhouse, the Spanish IFComp (Rayuela) also started this week! You can submit a game until the end of June, with the themes Es un s��lo botón and/or Conexión.
Also started this week is the ParserComp, which are looking for parser games, both with a classic feel or a more experimental approach.
If you are looking to make a Visual Novel, the Otome Jam will be looking for entries for the next two months.
🔥 Fuck Capitalism Jam 2024 🔥 is also a fun jam to participate in, where you can submit stories critiquing capitalism (as a whole/aspects of). (We know it's not technically IF, but they took IF entries before)
The annual Grand Prix has announced its winner. Congratulations to all participants!
The Dialogue Jam by the Neo-Interactives (@neointeractives) group ended just a few days ago. Check out the three dozen entries released!
Another jam that ended this week was the Amare Games Festival 2024, with 34 entries all about love!
The Interactive Fiction Showcase is still running, with new submissions, since last week! It is happening on itch!
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009 Lives (Ren’Py) is a short VN about how far we can go to save a friend. (@lavendeerstudios).
Offseason 7.75 (Twine) is an interactive piece set around a collection of lost reports (@rogercheetoofficial).
The Tulip Field (Twine) is a calming slice-of-life short story, with maybe just a hint of something is not all right there (@shytulipghost).
ATLAS (Twine) is a sci-fi game about succession science, where your goal is to restore a planet to a natural state. (@if-30x30).
Velocity: The Race Begins (CScript) is a YA slice-of-life project about street racing.
The Underdog (CScript) is a slice-of-life project about highschool.
Halls of Sorcery (CScript) is a high-fantasy project where you play as a young mage, with great power at your fingertips.
HBreaker Hub (Twine) is project about internet communities, interactions and relationships.
A Hero's Start (Twine) is a slice-of-life project (@beanmochiii).
Children of Iseir - Book One (CScript) has added three new scenes.
Speck (CScript) has added five chapters.
Chains of Destiny (CScript) added an update with 27k new words (@chains-of-destiny).
Voiceless: A Siren's Song (CScript) has included its first chapter to the demo.
Agents of Lucifer (CScript) has added chapter 6 and 7 to the demo (@aprismaticodyssey).
The Bureau (CScript) has completed its Fourth chapter (@morbethgames).
Summer of Love (Twine) added one chapter, of 86k new words (@summeroflove-if).
Wings of Ink (Twine)'s demo was updated with the release of Chapter 3 (@wings-of-ink).
The Story of Sin (Twine) completed its most recent chapter (@devilishmango).
Vice Virtue (Twine)'s demo has has new content added (@dam-peace).
Signal Hill (Twine) is back from hiatus, releasing 4 new routes (@signalhill-if).
Dragon of Steelthorne (CScript) is now officially released through Hosted Games.
THE SPIRITED: ORIGINS (Twine) is back, with a public relaunch of the demo (@yuveim)
In Game-Making related news, Golmac (@golmac) is continuing his Inform7 for beginners article series. You can find all the tips and tricks for Inform 7, with the # I7 for beginners.
We apologize if we missed an update or a release. We are but volunteers trying to find as much info as possible, but sometimes news pass through the cracks.
Please, let us know if something should have been added to the zine, and we will shout it out next week!
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A couple of games that we thought were cool.
Sweetpea by Sophia de Augustine (Twine) @thesophiades
“A true Twine hidden gem. Simple but freaky. Sweet and super sad. The contrast between the rude reality and the surreal dreams gave me a whiplash, but I couldn't take my eyes away from the screen. Outstanding horror indeed!”
submitted by [anonymous]
Lesson in Fear by @epykslion and @junibu-art (RenP’y)
A twist on the take of the yandere trope, this short VN mixes different kinds of horror, from psychological to body, showcasing the true potential of unreality. It crawls through your skin.
recommended by [anonymous]
The Familiar by @groggydog (Adventuron)
A short and sweet parser where you can play as a witch's crow familiar, on a quest to save your ailing master, a terrible hex having been cast upon her.
Aside from the cute story, it has amazing pixel art!
recommended by Clark
Your favourite game here?
Do you have a favourite game that deserve some highlighting? Tell us about it! A old or recent game that wowed you so much you want to spam it to everyone? Tell us about it!
We'll add it to the page!
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Before we end this issue, we would like to thank:
Clark, @kris-mage-fics, @manonamora-if, Sola, Vik, and all you six anonymous posters!
Your shared news, helpful tips, cool links, filled form, written Sheet line, sent emails… all these little attentions toward the Zine has helped us tremendously!
We also would like to thank all of you who told us of cool recs that didn't appear this edition. We'll try out best to fit them in next week!
And a final thank to all of you who not only read our zine, but liked it, shared it with others, left a little sweet reply or dm, or even rated it on itch! Those little bits of support really help us so much!! Thank you for cheering us on this journey!
As a final parting word, we have a little challenge for you all. If you enjoy a game or project, or find an author cool, why not send them a little message of appreciation? or leave a nice comment on their page?
A little kindness goes a long way! It is the best motivator!!
See you again next week!
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queenimmadolla · 2 years
hope you're taking requests cause hear me out: what about reader waking up from a nap and eddie goes to hug her and realizes that she's really angry because she had a nightmare where he cheated on her with another girl. He's like wtf and she's like yeah you know what you did asshole (except he doesn't). Pls i am so in love with joseph quinn that i've been thinking about this all day 😩
I can't blame you, I think about him all day, too. This one was quite easy for my fingers to runaway with. Hope you like it!
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𝐈𝐧 𝐌𝐲 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬
(Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader)
warnings: little bit of angst, imagined infidelity, plenty of comfort and fluff.
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Your eyes glare daggers at the back of Eddie’s head, simultaneously willing him to look at you while also kind of wanting his hair to spontaneously combust into flames. You were curled up on his bed, bundled up in blankets with your head pressed into one of his flat ass pillows. You’d been awake for a good ten minutes, having ‘accidentally’ fallen asleep when Eddie brought you over after school and you immediately settled into his bed with the excuse that you were simply resting your head and would not fall asleep on him, fully knowing that was your intention from the moment you’d sealed your fate last night and watched The Dark Crystal again. You’d stayed up until almost 3:00 a.m. to finish it. But it wasn’t your fault! You couldn’t be blamed, it was due back at Family Video and your mom planned on dropping off the rentals on her way to work so you had to squeeze in one last watch, for Fizzgig.
You were regretting it now as a mixture of anger and anxiety swirled deep in your stomach, you’d had a bad dream, a nightmare. Not anything gory or violent, although you thought you may have preferred to have Freddy make a shish kabob out of you or even Jason shanking you with his machete, anything over seeing Eddie cuddled up with a girl who most definitely wasn’t you. The longer you stare at the back of his head, at the frizzy mess of curls while he scribbles fervently in his DnD notebook on the ground, back leaning up against the bed, the more you think about the evil scene you’d been forced to witness in your own damn dream. It felt so real, and you hated it.
You’d been on your way out of the school, easily maneuvering through the crowd also headed for the school entrance to flood out into the parking lot where you knew Eddie would be waiting for you by his van. Only he wasn’t waiting for you. He had Roxy Campbell—the pretty, stupid Volleyball player who made her interest in Eddie ridiculously clear despite the fact that he was yours—pressed up against his van. It was obviously an intimate moment, you could see her stupid, pretty blue eyes staring coyly up at him through her lashes as he pressed his forehead to hers, whispering something that made the corners of her lips curl up into a flirtatious smile as she reached a finger, you wanted very desperately to break, up to twirl a lock of his hair around before she grasped the back of his head and yanked him down to meet her in an open mouthed kiss.
Your eyes had shot open the moment you had felt your dream heart plummet from its place in your chest to a deep, dark cavern you didn’t know existed in you. Your actual heart was beating wildly, tears already prickling at your waterline regardless of having just woken up. And despite your biggest fear coming true in a hellish nightmare, your Eddie wasn’t making out with Roxy by his van. Yet.
You’d allowed yourself to just lay there as your anger brewed, mind racing with various scenarios regarding what the dream could have meant; all of them coming to the conclusion that Eddie fucking sucked. The girls on the Volleyball team were well known for their asses, mainly because of those ludicrously tight, booty shorts they wore, but your ass was significantly better than Roxy’s and you both knew it. Along with being with Eddie, it was one of the reasons why she despised you and you were proud of that. So why would Eddie want her instead of you?
Think of the devil, Eddie glances over his shoulder, his dumb beautiful, baby cow eyes lighting up the moment he realizes you’re awake.
You scowl back and hiss out, “Bitch.”
Then you yank the blankets up just below your nose and roll onto your other side, leaving your back to him.
Eddie’s mouth drops open, eyes wide in disbelief at the sudden anger you were directing at him. The fuck did he do?
“Excuse me?” He closes the notebook, before tossing it and his pen aside as he stands and leaps onto the bed. You pay him no mind, scowl deepening as you’re jostled by his actions. Eddie doesn’t let that stop him; despite how tense you forced your body to be, he drags you into his arms, attempting to cuddle you.
“I didn’t quite catch that, wanna repeat it for me?” He mumbles, nuzzling his face into your neck as he presses a kiss just below your jaw. You refuse to budge, aware that he’d heard you in the first place. When you don't respond, Eddie just keeps pressing kisses to your skin, nose brushing up against your neck as he begins to trail kisses up towards your ear. “I said say that again, baby.”
But you refuse to comply, it was obvious he was daring you to repeat your insult, goading you to give him a reason to snap. Normally, you loved to play his games, but you weren’t in the mood now.
“‘Lemme alone, don’t act like you don’t know.” You demanded, voice muffled by the blankets but you knew he heard you when he went taut and then he pulls away, a ring covered hand grabbing your shoulder to press your back to the mattress, forcing you to stare up at him.
Eddie’s eyebrows were pulled together in exasperation as he glowers down at you. In any other circumstance, you’d find him and your current position ridiculously hot but right then you could only feel satisfaction at having got on his nerves. Serves him fucking right.
“Okay, what the fuck is your problem?” Eddie cuts straight to the point. He’d tried playing nice, but he knew you; knew you wouldn’t succumb to his seduction, encouragement or coaxing and he knew he didn’t have the patience to wait around for you to eventually tell him what had you so upset because you were prone to holding everything in, happily hanging on to any grudge you could develop, so there was a legitimate chance that you’d just never tell him and hold it against him instead of working it out. You loved to self-sabotage but he wasn’t about to let that happen.
“You!” You lower the blankets, reaching a hand to push him off of you. Eddie was much stronger than you, though. He didn’t budge, still glaring down at you as you try to wiggle away.
“Me?” Eddie’s annoyance morphs into confusion, nose scrunching up as his eyes squint, “What did I do?”
“You kissed her!” This time when you shove at him, Eddie’s body gives away, he allows you to scurry off the bed, though you didn’t do much but crawl towards the dresser, back pressed up against it as you turned to face him, expression still set in a scowl. Despite your current brattiness, Eddie couldn’t help but think about how fucking cute you looked all worked up. Your hair was a mess, but that just made him want to tangle his fingers in it, and your lips were pursed in a pout that he was fighting to not kiss away.
Speaking of kisses, “What?! What are you talking about? I haven’t kissed anyone but you!”
“Roxy!” You spit out, body heating up with your anger.
“I have never, ever kissed Roxy. Nor do I want to, where is this coming from?” Eddie moved to sit on the edge of the bed, legs spread out as he leans his elbows on them, watching you with careful eyes.
“You kissed her in my dream,” you knew the moment you said it, he’d probably think you were being irrational but you didn’t care. He wasn’t the one that had to imagine the person he loved kissing someone else.
Eddie’s exasperation returned, “You’re mad at me for something I did in your dream?” See? You knew it! He was making it seem like you were being childish and maybe you were but, again, you didn’t fucking care!
“How am I supposed to control that?! It was just a nightmare!”
“If it was a nightmare, then why did it hurt my feelings?” You snap back and Eddie softens, he had chalked this all up to you being bratty but it was obvious to him now that you were genuinely upset about it. He could see how glossy your eyes were, and now he could make out the hurt beneath the rage. You’d had a nightmare about something you were insecure about, you were hurt by a version of him—trusting and loving all versions of him—so you lashed out and here he was being an asshole instead of comforting you.
“Dreams mean things, Eddie! This one was a-a bad omen! Or something! Clearly, you want her or you’re interested in her, or there’s some sort of underlying issue!”
“Oh, there’s definitely an underlying issue,” Eddie sighs and stands, making his way over to crouch near you and you tensed further, like you were waiting for him to confirm that you were right and that makes him feel even more guilty, “the love of my life believes there’s a chance that I’d want someone else when I’d rather die and go to my own personal hell where I’m forced to watch a cheer squad composed of clones of Principal Higgins’ in a pep rally, that never ends, than be without her.”
You want to be angry, you really do because the moment your anger is gone you’ll just feel silly but you can feel the tension easing away from your body and you play with your fingers, refusing to meet Eddie’s eyes, “. . . Really?”
Eddie hooks a finger under your chin, tilting it until you’re forced to look at him and you can see the sincerity and love in those pretty, chocolate eyes. You’re positive you’re melting. “I’m in love with you, only you. Told you I’m gonna marry you someday, and I mean that. Besides, Roxy tries to steal Jonathan’s seat in front of me during History sometimes and I’m now keenly aware that she doesn’t wear deodorant or any alternative so I promise you, baby, she is not and has never been your competition. No one compares to you. Even if she did smell decent, you’re the only person I’ll ever want, ‘kay?”
You launch yourself at him and both you and Eddie go crashing to the floor behind him, though he breaks the fall for you, arms winding themselves around your waist to hold you tight against him as you pepper kisses all over his face. When you pull away, you admire the kiss stains, left behind by your lipstick, that map his face and he’s staring up at you, looking absolutely love sick, if he were a cartoon character, his pupils and irises would be heart shaped. You were wrong; Eddie doesn’t suck. He’s the most loving boyfriend to ever exist, and he’s yours. And your Eddie, in the flesh, is better than any Eddie that can exist in your dreams.
“I love you.” You smile, leaning down to nuzzle the tip of your nose against his before giving it a kiss.
Eddie’s hands finally get to tangle in your hair as he angles you down for a kiss, if it can even be called that. He’s smiling too much for you to even do it properly but you don’t really mind. “And I love you. I’d fuck up that other Eddie though, no one hurts my girl’s feelings and gets way with it.”
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arthenaa · 6 months
ikaw at ikaw (only you) — mizu x f!reader
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synopsis: 4 times your team lead chose you and 1 time you chose her.
content: modern!au, office romance, you and mizu are creatives, specifically in the character and concept design department in a very very famous gaming company (take a guess), she is your creative director and lead designer and you are the concept artist, 4+1 format, FLUFF, work relations, dynamic, and position might not be accurate, forgive me, this is basically just me projecting yet again.
a/n: this is requested by @andieperrie18 ! the answer shit isn't letting me edit my answer so ill be @-ing you here. TYSM FOR ENJOYING MY WORKS !! means a lot ... u also chose pasilyo 🥹🥹🥹🥹 sunkissed lola is the best
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Being part of the creatives team was a nightmare.
To tell you the truth, the position for a Concept Artist with a specialty in 2D design wasn't actually all that bad. The monthly benefits and wage were something you're quite lucky to receive considering the constant side eye other departments have with the admin's treatment of the artist employees. This was also your dream job—having had to play their games, specifically, VALORANT, left you in awe and gearing to apply once you were ready for an Internship. After your OJT course, you were accepted for a position in Character and Concept Design and are considered one of the team's most beloved artists (Your followers on Twitter reckon so).
In short, the work environment was great. A solid 15/10 experience—I mean how can you beat a company that caters not only to you as an artist but also as a player? Nothing can beat that feeling of satisfaction once you see your work displayed on various monitors all around the world.
It was more of ... the relationships and interactions with that work space environment that left you grasping at a chance to breathe.
People think you're overreacting but you think it's completely reasonable.
"Yes, you are overreacting."
Your face falls at Taigen's words—watching as he plays a round of unrated in the company's leisure space decked with state of the art PC builds that could definitely beat your poor touchscreen fridge with just a move of its mouse. You could hear the familiar voicelines of Jett from VALORANT as he uses the character's abilities to swiftly enter the site and take a hold of the defenders' positions.
Taigen is part of the Gaming Development Department in the VALORANT Team. He often does routine user gameplay checks and one of its perks is that you literally just have to play the game and get paid for it. You think its unfair but then again, its Taigen. He's always unfair.
"I think you're just saying that to be mean," You frowned, eyes trained on his face—the lights reflecting back on his stupid, stupid, clear-skinned face. Taigen rolls his eyes but not an ounce of his focus leaves the game.
"Being honest equals to being mean, got it." Taigen's voice comes out in a sarcastic tone. You kick a speck of dust on the cement floor, twirling in the gaming chair you're seated on.
"I just think its a reasonable thing to complain about!" You throw your hands in the air in an attempt to get him to look at your side of things. "You're completely unfazed because your team lead has the patience of a mother with 7 kids."
You hear the familiar cue of an ACE kill as Taigen hits a headshot on the last player. The game's interface shifts to the winner screen and finally, he turns to you, pulling his headphones off and giving his best deadpan stare.
"You're freaking out over Mizu sighing over your concept design proposal for Neon and overanalyzed even the way she drank her coffee because you're obsessed with her like that." Taigen arches his eyebrow to make the situation all the more ridiculous. Your mouth closes and opens like a fish out of water. "Am I right? Wait no, don't answer that. I know I am."
"What the fuck?" Your voice comes out in a desperate attempt of self-defence but it ultimately just sounds defeated. Taigen chuckles as he turns back to his monitor to take a look at the game stats.
"Look," Taigen tries to be empathetic but you're pretty sure this is just to get you off his back. The queue for competitive is already up and running. "As your friend, I say this with the love that I have for you and your works but please, Mizu is just one woman. If my mind process went like yours, I would've assumed Akemi hated my very existence and this is coming from someone who IS dating Akemi."
You purse your lips in thought as he raises his eyebrows in exaggeration. You're not exactly sure why you approached Taigen with this problem but he was the only familiar face that you saw after walking out of the meeting room in a hurry.
But then the question in this situation is who exactly is Mizu?
Well, there were a lot of things you could associate with the familiar blue-eyed director. Mizu is your boss—the creative director for Concept and Character design for the VALORANT team. She oversees character ideas, map visuals, detailing, and the final approval for character and asset ideation before it's sent for building in the 3D and VFX departments. She is your employer but you can also consider her your friend, albeit a highly respected one (she did the character design for Jett and Yoru).
It's not that you were obsessed—Taigen is wrong, he's always wrong—it was definitely because you respected her very much. Being a Riot Design Lead is basically fucking God. You create and give life to ideas. She's part of the original team that worked on the pre-release of VALORANT during its early stages and got to see the whole thing unfold. Something you wished to see back then but glad that you were able to become part of the journey despite being a few patches late.
You respected her enough to always want to be on her good side. I mean, who wouldn't? She's talented and very... youthful-looking and one of Riot's youngest leads, you honestly think that being worried over her approval like this is just a matter of respect and definitely NOT obsession.
"You're doing that thing where you space out and I have to assume that it's probably because of Mizu, yeah?" Taigen's voice intercepts your reprieve and suddenly, a curl of your eyebrows creates a look of annoyance on your face.
"I am not obssesed with Mizu," You reiterate, but this time with your mouth. "I just... respect her."
Taigen leans back on his gaming chair, nodding as if you just told him that he didn't need to double double-click everything.
"That's the most unbelievable shit I've heard today," Taigen finally replies with a scrunch of his nose. Your jaw falls open.
"I do not!"
"Do too."
"Do not."
"Do too!"
"Do fucking not—Stop it."
Taigen purses his lips, and makes a motion of zipping his mouth and shaking his head. You huff in anger. Taigen was never going to believe you.
Just as you were about to chastise him again for being mistaken, a knock on the glass doors notifies you of a new presence. You turn by instinct and your eyes widen in shock and probably, dread—who knows.
"There you are," Mizu's voice filters through your ears like classical music on a good Friday evening. You stammer slightly as she enters the area, eyes trained on you through those tinted orange specs. Mizu momentarily greets Taigen who only raises his hand in greeting before turning towards the screen (only you can see through your peripheral vision that this motherfucker is laughing). "I've been looking for you."
"You did?" Your voice comes off quiet. Mizu furrows her eyebrows.
"Uh, yeah?" She replies with a confused tone. "I had your concept design for Neon approved, it was more direct compared to Matt's. I wanted to tell you in person since you just bolted from the meeting room."
You fall silent at her words. She looks a bit concerned as you try to make sense of the information.
"You seem in shock—Are you okay?" Mizu asks, eyes glancing towards Taigen who looks at her before shrugging.
You feel your heart speed up. You momentarily calm yourself before finally responding. "Y-Yeah, sorry. Just didn't think that you'd approve it."
Mizu tilts her head like a fucking cat and you're quite sure you would drop dead then and there. "Why not? It's your work."
You're not sure what she means by that but a sudden shiver runs through your veins at her praise and suddenly your cheeks are flushing.
"Ah," You're voice fills in the silence, awkward and quiet. "Thank you?"
There's a pause of silence before Mizu chuckles. She heaves a breath before pulling the glass door open.
"I'll see you at my office, Y/N." She smiles. "Great work."
The silence further pushes you into the void as you and Taigen watch her exit and disappear into another hallway through the glass windows. Just as you were a few minutes ago, you lean forward to slouch over your knees, hands on your face as you meltdown from what just happened. You hear Taigen chuckle beside you.
"Give it a few more months and she'll give you a ring on your finger with a bent knee on the ground."
You sob into your hands as Taigen erupts in heaps of laughter.
Oh my fucking God.
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The release for Neon was a hit. An all-time new duelist originating from the Philippines, your concept design took off without a hitch. It's safe to say that your hard work paid off as you stood over the central common room—leisure areas decked with your coworkers trying out and celebrating the release. A sense of satisfaction fills you.
"I hear you spearheaded the design concept for Neon," A voice infiltrates your sense like a lure. You can't help but smile at its familiarity. Akemi wraps her arms around your waist, chin on your shoulder as she continues. "Marketing was thrilled with the positive response. Good job."
You turn around, her arms loosely accommodating you. "Akemi," you coo.
The girl grins wide and pulls you into a hug. You return the affection in a grander gesture of squeezing her tight against you.
Akemi's part of the Marketing Department for Riot. While she often creates publication material for VALORANT, she also has cross work with League of Legends for its various strategic releases (ie. KDA).
"I just want to say that I already predicted Neon would be a sure hit, it's your work after all," Akemi pulls away from the hug with a smug smile. She grabs your hands in hers, swinging them slowly. "Marketing it was like a breeze in the park."
You laugh softly at her enthusiasm. "You give me way too much credit."
Akemi rolls her eyes affectionately. "Humility is a disease—live a little."
You shake your head at her quips, opting to smile in response. A member of your team passes by, eyes widening in recognition of you before giving you a thumbs up. Akemi watches the interaction—eyes trained on that person's figure as they walked towards Mizu who was busy talking to other creative team leads. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion at her prolonged silence.
"Who are you—?" Your words trail off as you turn to look at what she's so focused on before turning back at the sight of Mizu. "Nevermind."
Akemi raises her eyebrow with an amused look on her face. "Taigen always has a penchant for exaggerating but I didn't think it was this bad?"
Your face falls at the information. "Taigen told you?"
Akemi gives you a 'duh' look—eyebrows raised and eyes half-lidded. "Taigen's a loose lock if you pry hard enough. He basically can never keep a secret."
You give her a deadpan stare before shifting in your position. Akemi crosses her arms over her chest as she eyes you up and down—filled to the brim with amusement. "I'm fine, stop making a big deal out of it."
"Uh huh," Akemi squints her eyes playfully. You could only glare back in response.
The loud cheering at the front catches your attention as resident workers, interns, and newbies alike begin to tune in at the commotion. Akemi and you move to the sidelines, eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you tried to find out what's happening.
"What's happening?" You ask the person to your front. He turns, eyes beaming with excitement.
"The creative director for C&C got pulled in a 1v1. They're playing against Beckham."
Your breath hitches at the information. Akemi nudges you with her elbow, overhearing the conversation. The two of you move to the side, finally getting a glimpse of the two team leads focused on a custom game of VALORANT. Your eyes zone in on familiar raven locks seated on the right monitor.
A live stream of their game is projected on the monitor up front and suddenly you feel sick from the amount of butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
She's playing Neon. The character you designed.
Oh God. You watched her take kill after kill, headshot after headshot as she sprinted across the map—zapping characters with Neon's electric abilities. You've never seen someone look so fucking hot playing an FPS game before. It's doing things to your brain.
Just as you expected, the winning banner appears on Mizu's screen and the C&C Team erupts in cheers. You become entranced at the sight—a few of your co-workers patting her on the back before she erupts in smiles and laughs. This is not healthy for your heart.
And just as you think the night couldn't get any better, one of the people from the Marketing departments begins stirring up an interview.
"What made you choose Neon on the character pick? You usually go for Sentinels, no?"
Your eyes meet and suddenly you could feel your heart skip a few beats. Mizu chuckles.
"Wanted to do a duelist around for a spin," Mizu replies. "The design and character visuals for Neon was amazing and I ought to pay the artist who did it a homage."
Suddenly all eyes are on you—some of them even "ooh-ing" for being praised by Mizu. You pale at the attention before doing a hesitant bow in gratitude.
Mizu pulls the headphones off her head and smiles. "Congrats, Y/N. Hope you liked the win."
You feel Akemi stir up beside you, chuckling at the interaction.
You're going to die. You can feel it and its all because of your boss.
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Okay, maybe admitting that you were a little bit obsessed and crushing over your employer was a bit overdue. You weren't exactly the type to parade your feelings around the office but if people were to zone in on you acting sheepish and awkward around Mizu, there was a 55% chance that you could tell based on that alone.
It wasn't like your admiration for Mizu started on a whim. As said countless and countless times, it had a foundation of respect until Mizu started trying to get to know and interact with you and those same feelings of admiration started to change. What else were you supposed to do? Mizu is a fucking all-in-one holiday basket—you didn't have it in you to resist the charms.
It also didn't help that over the past few days, Mizu seems to have her undivided attention on you. Showering you with praises, asking if you wanna spearhead a certain project, revel in your work—all that shit. It's messing with your productivity and mindset and that's not a good idea.
The Head Director for the VALORANT Team had decided to call a night out for drinking to reward the team for the positive feedback for the latest patch. You were quite thankful for the opportunity as this was a way for you to get a moment of rest from Mizu's constant attention. Not that you were complaining, it's just a little... too much.
You were seated at the far right booth of the restaurant, keeping to yourself as you watched Ringo and Taigen begin to have a debate about team composition. Akemi grumbles beside you, clearly not enjoying whatever the fuck these two were talking about.
"Look," Taigen holds his hands out in front of him, trying to make a point. "All I'm saying is if you keep putting DPS builds on your team comp, how in the hell will you be able to maximize their kit? Supports are there for a reason."
Ringo rolls his eyes. "It's called enjoying the game, Taigen. So what if I want to put dick 1, dick 2, and dick 3, together?"
Taigen's jaw drops. "Do you know how much skill point dependent they are? I'm even surprised you could bust a skill out." The raven haired man pauses before continuing with a face contorted in disgust. "And stop calling them dick 1,2,3? It's Dan Heng, Blade, and Jing Yuan."
"Of course you'd police that as well. You look like that fucking emoji." Ringo raises his prosthetic hand, imitating pushing up a pair of glasses. "Um, actually—"
"You are as annoying as my grandmother, do you know that?" Taigen snarls, eyes pulled into a glare. Your tall huggable co-worker only grins and bats his eyelashes.
You begin to tune out the two as Akemi excuses herself to take a cigarette break—already having enough of their banter. You eye the glass of beer in front of you, watching as the liquid sloshes around with each twirl of your wrist.
You had hoped to end the night with silence but alas, you can never get everything that you wanted. You feel a pair of eyes on you—direct and unashamed. Already having a feeling on who this was, you looked up and met the reflection of the ocean.
'You okay?' She mouths, concern overflowing her features. It's subtle enough for people to not notice her sudden shift of attention but enough for you to understand her. Your cheeks flush as you nod back with the same softness that she had thrown your way.
She nods in understanding, sending a soft smile your way before turning back towards her conversation with the Head. You hang your head down, wishing that the night would end faster so that you can finally have the moment of peace you have been wanting ever since this morning.
It was as if the world decided to cast hell upon you and revoked you of your rights to peace at the arrival of yet another problem.
"L/N!" The Head Director's voice encompassed the whole area—eyes turning towards him then at you in amusement. "You're one of the star employees and yet you haven't touched a single speck on that glass of yours!"
His hearty laughter follows—giggles and cheering from you co-workers following suite. You sweat drop, eyes darting to Taigen and Ringo who both looked away at your glare before turning towards the window where Akemi sends you a gracious thumbs up, a cigarette hanging from her lips. You groan.
"I-I'm fine," You wave your hand, laughing it off. Your eyes connect with Mizu, an unreadable look on her face as she takes a sip of her chosen beverage.
God decides to punish you more as the team lead beside Mizu chimes in. "Oh c'mon! You're a great asset to the company! I suggest drink up!"
One of your team members passes a full pint of beer as the others begin to urge you to drink up. You hadn't felt the intensity of peer pressure ever since your dance recital on 10th grade and that wasn't even as half bad as this. You weren't feeling on drinking yourself to death as well so trying to down a full pint of beer was a ticket for you to the afterlife (ie. you on your bed with puke all over the floors). The previous pint you had was enough.
You tried to decline as humbly as you could, afraid that this might be the instance that you could finally be fired off from Riot. You knew that if they kept pushing a 3rd more of their attempts that you'd probably give in for the sake of never doing this again but while the need hasn't yet arisen, you'll try fighting off the urge to be a people-pleaser.
Just as you finally begin to decline for the nth time, a hand emerges to your right—pushing the pint of beer in your co-worker's hands. The table falls silent. Your breath falters as the familiar scent of lavender and probably a hint of sunlight begins to seep in from behind you.
"Stop pressuring her like that," Mizu's voice sounds so close —your heart hammering off your chest. Your co-worker gives Mizu a sheepish smile.
"C'mon Mizu, let your team live a little!" The Head laughs once more before leaning forward with a smug smirk. "Unless you'll save this one yet again?"
There's a pause of silence as your co-workers darted between them—back and forth. You feel Mizu sigh behind you before her arms encase you against the table, one arm placed on the beside you each. Your breath hitches.
"Sorry," She mutters as she reaches for the pint. You stammer, turning towards her as you reach out to her wrist by instinct. Mizu blinks with her eyes wide open, suddenly surprised by your actions.
"Y-you don't have to!" You murmured, trying to keep your voice low. Mizu's eyes are unreadable. "You don't drink—!"
The woman chuckles before patting your hand and gently pulling herself off your grasp. "It's okay." She says.
You watch with stammering breath as she gulps the pint in one go, others cheering as she did. The Head claps.
"Didn't expect to see Mizu downing a beer today but here we are," The man bellows in laughter. Mizu chuckles, wiping the residue off her lips. You could only stare at her in shock.
Mizu glances down at you with a smile before patting your head then walking off. Your gaze trails on her and somehow the hammering within you becomes all the more intense.
Oh, Lord.
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It was supposed to just be a little game—a past time that the others decided to force you along. You really had no qualms joining games like this but if it concerns the people around you, especially in your work place, somehow you feel the risk of being outed for liking someone in you work space.
"If you guys wanted to date someone in the office, who'd you pick?" Ise leans forward, eyes squinted as she gives you and Akemi a smirk. The three of you were currently lounging in the cafeteria during you lunch break. There weren't many people present due an event going on in one of the building's sectors, so having a conversation like this somehow was less anxiety inducing.
"Taigen, unfortunately," Akemi deadpans. Ise rolls her eyes.
"I mean! Besides him," Ise whispers excitedly. "There's a newbie from marketing that looks cute but kinda quiet, maybe he's nice."
"You mean Takayoshi?" Akemi raises an eyebrow as she takes a sip of her tea. You glance back and forth between them.
"Is that his name?" Ise watches Akemi nod in response. "Well, I'll just have to go get his number then."
Akemi shakes her head at Ise's musings and you had hoped that the conversation would end there, but Ise suddenly turns to you with that mischievous look in her eye.
"What?" You whisper out, eyebrows furrowed in innocence. Akemi side glances you, the corners of her lips upturned in a smile. God, she was enjoying this too.
"What about you, Y/N?" Ise props her arm on the table, placing her cheek on her palm. "Got someone you're interested in?"
You avoid eye contact. "No."
Ise leans forward with a gasp. "You do!"
"I don't!" You reiterate with urgency. You turn to Akemi with a frantic stare. "Tell her I don't."
Ise turns to Akemi who smiles. "She doesn't."
"Bullshit." Ise deadpans. "The moment I'd believe Akemi with a smile on her face is the moment I'd die," Akemi flashes her middle finger at her to which Ise returns generously. Finally, the girl turns to you—chair scooted over to your right as she flashes you her doe eyes. "So? Who is it?"
You Akemi chuckle against her cup as you stammer in front of Ise. "I don't really like someone though?"
"Lies," Ise declares. "We might not be that close but you got that twitch in your eye that already tells me something. Who is it?"
"Ise," You plead, eyes darting around the space. Somehow, saying it out loud meant that you're solidifying the fact that you liked Mizu—an occurrence you'd like to keep to yourself as much as possible. You loved Ise, you really do. You worked with her hand in hand in bringing Neon to life (You worked on her design while she worked on the 3D build) and have become tremendously grateful for her critique and contributions to your work. But this, this was something else. You could feel your heart speed up as she started listing some names.
"Is it Beckham? That piece of shit always too full himself." Ise places a hand on her chin in thought. "Or Ringo? Nah, he's way too focused on content map-building."
There's a pause of silence before an 'aha!' look spreads through her face. You prayed that she would get it wrong but this is Ise we're talking about.
"Is it perhaps," Ise pauses, eyes darting all over your face. "Mizu—"
"What about me?"
The three of you tense, eyes darting behind you as you turn to find the familiar stance of your boss. She leans forward, a hand on the back of your chair as she gives the three of you a curious glance. You hadn't heard her at all, and something about Ise's frantic glance towards you says she didn't expect the same thing as well.
"W-we we're just listing people we found attractive," Ise laughs uncomfortably under Mizu's stare. The creative director glances at Akemi who raises an eyebrow at her. Somehow there was a silent conversation going on between the two that left you confused.
"Really?" Mizu asks, the ends of her words trailing off as she glances back at Ise. "Who said I was attractive?"
"It was Y/—"
"NO ONE!" You exclaimed, cutting Ise off with a jump. You flush under Mizu's wide gazed, surprised at your interference. Somehow, the way you said it implied that no one found her attractive at all, and that was way too wrong so you caught yourself before you delved into a pit of despair. "I mean, w-we haven't started and was just listing people off."
Mizu nods slowly in understanding, eyes examining your face for any slip-ups. You looked away from the intensity.
Ise finally saves your ass. "Yeah. What she said."
"What about you, Director?" Akemi chimes in from your left and both you and Ise turn to her with wide gazes. She simply smiles over her cup, face contorted in a mischievous look. You couldn't read Mizu at all. You had expected Akemi to drop it—after all, she wasn't even joining in on Ise's incessant need to know everything about everyone. "Who do you find the most attractive in this office, hm?"
You can feel Mizu shifting behind you before a chuckle pulls out from her lips. You turn towards her in curiosity as she flashes a smile towards you.
"I'd pick Y/N, of course,"
Akemi rolls her eyes, somehow already expecting the answer. Your jaw drops at her response as Mizu turns to Ise who already has a knowing look on her face.
"She's just that reliable," Mizu looks back down towards you, those shades of blue peeking from her tinted glasses. She pinches your cheek in a flash before pulling away. "Cute too."
You turn away, afraid that the flush on your cheeks might've given you away.
"Anyways, I just dropped by to see what's happening outside the event," Mizu sighs, pushing her glasses back up the bridge of her nose. "I'll see you girls around."
Your interactions always end up one sided somehow. She gives and then leaves—resulting in you malfunctioning from whatever she's left for you to deal with.
Ise turns to you with a mischievous grin when Mizu finally turns the corner. "You and the Director huh?"
"Shut up, oh my God."
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"Why do you always do stuff like that?"
"Like what?"
"Like you're not leaving me any room to process the shit you do?"
Mizu lets out quiet laughs from beside you. 10:47 pm. Normally, work hours in the office end at about 9 but you've learned that staying late is where the good things happen.
"I literally just told you 'good job' the other day and you malfunctioned in front of me," Mizu giggles, leaning forward as she tapped you on the nose with the pen to her digital tablet. "And I heard everything by the way. Quite adorable of you to deny everything."
You flush under her affectionate gaze. "Everyone's so gossipy. You can't blame me."
Mizu turns her chair towards you, arms reach out to take a hold of your own before pulling them close to her side. You lean back at her sudden proximity.
"Well you can't blame me either when you're this adorable," Mizu grins. You furrow your eyebrows, finally leaning close as you cupped her cheeks within your palms.
"You even drank beer," You whisper, tone apologetic. "You don't even like alcohol."
Mizu leans into your touch. "And you don't like being pressured into something you don't want to do. I can sacrifice a little bit of something I don't like just for you."
You melt at her words, eyes darting over her softened features. "Thank you," You whisper, grateful.
"Anything for my girlfriend," Mizu teases. You roll your eyes before pulling her into a soft kiss. She kisses back instantly, hands gripping the arm chair as you take lead of the kiss. After a few pecks and chaste kisses here and there, you finally pull back—reveling in the soft flush across Mizu's cheeks.
"Also," You chime in. Mizu raises an eyebrow. "I was the one who pursued, not you. Correct that when they catch on."
Mizu chuckles at your words. "Right on. Akemi threatened me the other day, saying something like, 'I forbid you from dating Y/N Y/L/N, Mizu Tagawa!' Funniest shit, I've heard. If only she knew."
You pinch her cheeks, giggling at her words. "Of course, she's say that."
There's a pause of silence before Mizu turns to her work, a sketch of VALORANT's newest agent displayed on screen.
"Want to help me with the new guy?" She nudges towards the screen. "Heard he's French."
You turn to her monitor, dozens of details sketched on the edges with a version of her idea of the new agent. You grin, placing a kiss on her cheek.
"You could've just asked me to marry you." You tease. "Also, sure."
You turn towards the table and pulled her tablet towards you. Mizu scoffs as you take over her work.
"And if I actually did?"
"Sure, Mizu, sure."
"I'm serious!"
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a/n: hey guys!!! this was so fun to write and honestly i was just inspired to do this request bc ive been drafting an office romance for mizu after the roommate thing. hope yall enjoyed ! if yall arent familiar with valorant, here are the agents mentioned or referenced (neon & chamber (french guy)). also mizu's last name is derived from master eiji's va! cary-hiroyuki tagawa!
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magical-mascots · 1 year
Magical Mascots AU Character sheets ahoy~
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Okay so first up we have Sun - hope his nervous energy shines through because he has a lot to spare! So Sun is an overstretched mascot who can make balloon dogs and paper plates and all sorts come alive before your very eyes (much to every parent’s delight I’m sure)! In the end, he ended up taking on pretty much all the tasks at the play park once Moon was found to have …issues that seemed to come about as an unexpected side effect of his dream weaving ability. He’d sooner explode than admit it but it hasn’t been easy for him. Outside of Moon he doesn’t have a friend in the world, and to top it all off he was decommissioned and left to rot in the once busy soft play area following a mysterious incident, which has taken its toll on him. He would love nothing more than to be best friends forever and show you all the things and possibly keep you in his pocket!
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Next up is Moon. Moon is difficult to read at the best of times, but all the more so since his role was cut down more and more at the theme park and he was forced to reside in the mindscape he shares with Sun for most of time. Moon has been basically starved of all interactions in the real world for the longest time which has left him extremely elusive and wary. You’ll mostly only see him in doll form until you get to know him because he’s been kept away from people for so long he’s unsure of how to interact with them. He is playful, but it mostly seems to be on his own terms for the time being. Moon actually spends a lot of his time hanging out in the dreamscape and it’s in your dreams (or possibly your nightmares depending on whether you’ve been good or bad) where you’ll find him most.
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Aaaaand that brings us to our third major player …y/n! No stranger to fixing up toys and mascots in your brief time as Freddy’s handler at the theme park, now you’ve found yourself in the strange position of needing to fix yourself before you fade into oblivion. Ever since you woke up in the hospital following an unexpected incident with Freddy, your body has been glitching and fading on and off at the worst possible moments, and it’s starting to feel like you’re neither here nor there. A mysterious counsellor has promised a cure, but the only problem is it’s locked away in a dusty old corner somewhere along with one (or was it two?) apparently decommissioned mascots who are looking to be a lot more alive than you’d been led to believe. Will they be your best bet at getting the cure to your affliction or will they literally turn out to be your own worst nightmare?
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Your childhood friend has always dreamed of the big scene, of the crowd singing your lyrics, of a world tour. Max always wanted for your bands to succeed together. Until...
Well, it is was all a big stupid joke.
The real world caught up to you: you are no longer the naive child you once were. Writing a Grammy worthy album isn’t as easy as it seems and the big scene is nowhere to be seen. You navigate through life as you can, you party with your friends every Saturday and write music all week. You enjoy each one of your gigs – big and small. Your burning love for music doesn’t seem to fade. Your band brought together a solid community that crosses borders. You have fun with your band and it’s all that matter.
But you can’t help but fantasize that, someday, you’ll be at the top of the world…
Big stupid joke, right?
You thought 2020 was the end of us, uh?
You couldn’t be more wrong!
The worldwide known music contest is finally back!
We carefully chose the mentors of our beloved participants. This year will be all pink…
Make way for Pink Riot!!!
Application open to foreigners (check our website)
TW: explicit language, (occasional) violence, transphobia (one character is misgendered but just in one scene), use of alcohol and drugs, (soft) sexual content, parental abuse (flashback), depression, self-harm (warning will be in the "next" button), mention of suicide (same as self-harm)
– Customize your MC’s appearance and personality. You decide of their public image and persona.
– Your choices will define your band’s public image and popularity. Are they loved? Do they make underground or mainstream music? Are they the parents’ worst nightmare? The reference of rebellious kids?
– Decide your band’s aesthetic. Do they have one to begin with? Or do they each dress in their own style?
– Write your own lyrics!
– Engage in romantic affairs…
– ...or don’t, your choice!
– Are you going to help the people that cross your path or do you only care about yourself?
Of course, this story is set on Earth.
Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, islamophobia, antisemitism and fatphobia will get you in court.
You are not very well seen if you do one of those things and, if you’re a celebrity/politician/public figure, it can (and will) ruin your career.
I know that this isn’t realistic at all but I need to believe that, one day, this will be real. My characters have and will go through enough trauma and bad moments, I want to give them some peace.
And it feels really good to make a world where those things will ruin the oppressor and not the oppressed.
THE HERMIT — Diesel Di Angelo (they/them)
Diesel is the soul of the band, they bring a sort of osmosis. Their calm energy somehow has a place on stage and is liked by everyone.
Diesel took their first steps in the music world with Max and MC. It was just the three of them before the band grew bigger. Diesel is a talented guitarist, they worked hard to get where they are and they don’t stop improving. They are quite reserved and don’t talk about their feelings… Who knows what lies beneath their shell?
THE MISCHIEVOUS DRUMMER — Roman Lupin (he/him)
If MC is the backbone of the band, Roman is its beating heart. He has no problem to make the public jump from the back of the stage. He’s a spark that will light a bonfire.
Roman learned to play drum from his mother. He went to the conservatory but he didn’t stuck with it. Since a young age, Roman wants to have a band and to perform all around the world. Roman is full of life and he’s the human version of a sunshine. Is there something behind that smile or is he genuinely happy?
THE LITTLE MERMAID — Isra Wafa (she/they)
Isra brings magic to the band. Her mermaid low voice is unique and enchants the public. If you think you’ve heard good bass players, just wait until you see Isra on stage.
When Isra was a child, their parents let them chose an instrument to learn and to their surprise, she chose the bass. They fell in love with this low instrument. They navigated from band to band before settling for this band her boyfriend was part of. Isra keeps ignoring their responsibilities toward her family. For how long can they pretend it doesn’t exist?
THE REBEL ANGEL — Archibald “Archie” de Beaumont (they/he)
Even with a classical training, Archie managed to switch to their band’s genre without too much troubles. All the members affirm it: Archie is a gift from the universe.
Archie popped out of nowhere to audition to be the band’s keyboardist. He was the most talented person they saw all day and the chemistry was very much here. The band doesn’t know much about Archie, but it doesn’t matter. They are a good person and a dear friend. It wouldn’t change anything to learn about their life before the band. Right?
THE MANAGER — Cal Bremont (he/him)
Cal works in the shadow to make the band shines under the spotlight of the biggest stages. The band claims it, he is the best manager you could hope for.
Cal takes his job very seriously, he has a perfect work ethic. Maybe he is a bit too close to his clients and they may not just be clients… But, well, no one is complaining. Cal is very secretive about his personal life, he never mentioned his family or anything else. Can he maintain his relationship with his friends and still keep his life a mystery?
THE RISING STAR — Max Larash (she/her or they/them)
Max moved their band to the other side of the world and they managed to impose themselves on the west coast scene. We’ll keep an eye on them as they’ll compete against their former friends…
Because of artistic divergences, Max decided to leave the band when Isra and Roman joined them and they created their own band with high school friends. Max had big dreams for Sleep Walking and their friends in MC’s band, but it didn’t turn out as Max has hoped. Sleep Walking left the country for the USA without their friends and they intentionally lost all contacts with them…
THE MUSE — Olivia “Ollie” Madden (she/her)
You may have never see her face but, as a comics fan, Ollie Madden is a name far from unknown. None other than the comics artist and writer of the most followed comics, Ollie is still a mystery to her fans.
Olivia works for Blue Pegasus, a major comics book publisher, since years. She was the comics artist on a lot of books, it took her a lot of hard work to finally publish her own series. Olivia isn’t only a famous artist, she also is a single mother. She’s taking care of a lot by herself and it often leads to forget about herself. There is nobody to remind her she’s human and not a superhero…
THE PRINCESS — Katharina "Kat" Deluca (she/her)
We don’t need to present Katharina Deluca anymore. Success and awards seem to follow every movies our Lady K touched. She confessed that her break from the cameras and greens screens was to be present for her best friend… Athena Pierce.
Also known as the Princess, Katharina is one of the biggest actresses of her generation. Between two roles worthy of an Oscar, she is also a model and the face of the infamous designer brand: Beaumont-Griffin. She is in the industry since she was 12. But, behind closed doors, Kat doesn’t seem to have a joyful life… What is she hiding from the world?
GODDESS OF MUSIC — Athena Pierce (she/her)
Athena is a legend in the industry. Everybody wants to work with her and Pink Riot. Her voice will shatter your world, there is a before and an after Athena Pierce.
Athena is the lead singer and front woman of Pink Riot. She was a star child and charmed America with her angelic voice. But, with the creation of Pink Riot, Athena is no longer the little angel of the USA. She’s now known as a freaking rebel and she is quite provocative. She flirts with the limits all the time. Her persona is loved all around the world, but who is the real Athena?
You can customize a lot of things regarding your MC and your band. But there are a few things that are canon.
— MC is born and lives in France. Where exactly is up to you. The only place MC can’t have grow up in is Paris. (I headcanon them growing up in Perpignan or Montpellier)
— The names of MC parents can’t be choose. I tried to make them as common as possible so you can choose their origins. MC is French but their parents can be from wherever you want!
— MC's age can’t be choose.
— MC is friends with Max and Diesel since they are 6. They were in school together.
— MC’s first band is with Max and Diesel.
— During high school, MC met Roman and Isra. They joined MC’s band but Max didn’t like the kind of music their band was into so they formed their own band with other high school friends (Sleep Walking).
— The OG band (MC-Max-Diesel) exist until the fateful break up.
— MC’s band and Sleep Walking always were there for each other and gave mutual support. They also create songs and musics together, some are only instrumental and other are with vocal.
— MC speaks French and English. Feel free to add a third and even a fourth language.
— MC lives with Isra and Roman since they finished high school.
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kana-de · 11 months
★ summary: wanderer x gn!reader. cuddling headcanons.
☆ cw: sfw. fluff. a LOT of fluff. 525 words.
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wanderer is really vacillating in offering AND receiving cuddles/hugs whether in public or in a closed space where no one sees you.
he'll go like "get your hands off of me!" without any insults, because... it's you. he can't really insult you since you can take it to heart too often.
but then will let out the most dramatic sigh you'll ever hear and rest his chin on your shoulder, one of his arms lightly scratching the scalp on your head and the other hand taking its place around your waist.
if you'll try to call him "hat guy" while cuddling he'll push you off the bed/couch without any hesitation. just so you know.
wanderer quickly discovers that you sleep really bad when no one's here to cuddle you, tell you a "sweet dreams" or give you a goodnight kiss on the forehead, so he often takes advantage of that (in a good way). wanderer can often find you restless, scrupulously working on some papers, but as soon as he proceeds to wrap his arms around you from behind, you realise that you can't resist your sleepiness anymore (and his cuddles, too).
he WILL offer to dance a medley (absolutely spontaneously) just because you have a vinyl music player in your bedroom that is already dusty as hell. no, not because he wants to feel your stupid human warmth coating all his being while he loses himself in your deep eyes. no, of course not, how could you even think that, you lowly-
after several categorical refusals to your "let me brush your hair" he agrees, but says no to "i want to braid your hair". and even stoically ignores your pouting puppy eyes.
yet, wanderer ends up lying on top of you, hugging you while you slowly run your fingers through his indigo hair, feeling how soft, even if it's - most likely, since he's a puppet - artificial, it is. you listen to his slow, quiet, appreciating humming against your chest. he falls asleep then though, and you decide that it's in your best interests to nor wake him up for now, and let the poor boy rest, even if he often rants about "i'm not like these humans, i don't need sleep."
he knows about where to touch you while your cuddling session and where to not; knows a lot about your insecurities since you always end up being cuddled by him if he notices you overthinking.
when at night he wakes up from another nightmare, wanderer lets you hug him and kiss his wet from tears cheeks, wiping them with your thumbs. he willingly tightly hugs you - and when i say tightly i MEAN IT. he grabs and clings onto you like you're his life vest, pressing his face onto your chest. neither of you care about if your clothes will get soiled in snot and tears. his sobs seem to slowly die down when you hug him back, tracing slow, careful circles on his back.
hums some cradle song he heard from a random kid on grand bazaar while being the big spoon for you to help you fall asleep.
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intothegenshinworld · 4 months
Fate’s Destiny ~ Chapter 11 || Four people, one destiny
You somehow, not being able to explain it, had fallen into the Genshin world you know oh-so-well. You were no new player and had explored most of the nooks and crannies of the world. When you first had woken up in Windrise you wondered; it might be a dream, after all, you were behind your screen usually, and now- here? It made no sense, and the world was keen on keeping it that way.
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Warnings: Spoilers for main story.
Word count: 2.7k+
Auteurs note: My health is worsening. This chapter has been prewritten and queued in advance because of it. I hope you can enjoy it
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A resounding crash jolts you from your slumber. It’s not a sound you’d expect to hear in the middle of the night, nor is it something you can pass on to your imagination, and so it plunges your mind into a primal fight-or-flight.
Without a second thought, your body jumps up from the sleeping bag, ready to combat the suspecting intruder. When the moment passes, you realize there never was one. Silence fills the night once more until you hear Lumine call your name, gentle concern lingering in her voice. 
You blink your eyes to adjust to the darkness. A few meters ahead of camp, you see branches stacked in a pyramid formation, set ablaze to keep its company safe and warm. Around it, comfortably on the grass, sits Lumine. She faces camp, and although the shadows obscure her expression, her body is visibly relaxed.  
“Are you alright,” Lumine’s voice, a mere whisper, breaks the night's silence. “Did you have a nightmare?”
You look around the area. Nothing seems out of the ordinary. The world is quiet aside from the occasional winds brushing against the ruins and trees. Even the nocturnal animals and insects seemed absent in this moment.
As you remain unsure of what had awoken you, the person next to Lumine causes concern. “Who is that?”
The stranger is facing away from you and towards the fire. He has to turn his upper body to look at you. Once he does, you‘re able to make out his blonde hair and dark clothes. Half of his face remains hidden—an eyepatch, maybe? And the only thing that stands out is his cape full of shimmering stars. 
While an unsuspecting party member isn’t your favorite way of waking up, Lumine’s relaxed composure makes you feel safe. You move to sit upright more comfortably in the sleeping bag.
“I apologize if either of us stirred you.” Lumine turns her head to the stranger, gesturing at him. “We happened to run into each other and we decided to catch up.”
The stranger lightly nods his head in your direction, now turning around to properly face you. “My name is Dainsleif. We have met before.” 
Your first memories in Windrise appear vividly in your mind. The soft zephyr brushing against your cheeks, the crystal butterflies, Dainsleif.
Then, in Mondstadt, another muddled memory. You recall talking with him, but the topic of conversation is no longer clear to you. He appears to be more focused this time. His eyebrows furrow together and his lips are pulled in a thin line, leaving you to guess how he felt at that moment. 
Another memory breaks free. You remember the cape on his shoulders, and trying to dip your hands into the fabric, wanting to break the stars free. You recall how safe it made you feel when the world started to turn dark, unlike the night, and more like nothingness.
Dainsleif turns his head away from you. With his new position, you only see the back of his head and the black side of his cape. Your mind leaps from side to side, making sense out of nothing and confusing the things that once made sense. Up is down, down is up, under is right, up is wrong. 
You furrow your eyebrows. 
Lumine turns her head to the male next to her. She lifts her shoulders before they fall again. The night hides her face but you notice the change in her expression. She normally seems so neutral, calm, and put-together—but now her eyes seem to scream at you.
You hear the male, Dainsleif–why is that name so familiar—whisper something before Lumine replies in the same hushed manner. Then, the stranger stands up. Without a goodbye, the mysterious man walks away. The further he goes, the more he blends in with the darkness of the night. 
You look at Lumine.
Her voice is gentle as ever, “Try to get some more sleep,” but her eyes scream louder and louder. Something is telling you to run. “I’ll protect you throughout the night,” she says.
You move your eyes towards the darkness once more. 
What had awoken you again?
You decided to listen to Lumine. 
Peacefully, you let your world succumb to the same darkness that swallowed you whole so many times before. The distant crackling of the fire lulls you to sleep and casts a protective warmth over you, though, it might have been Lumine who made you feel this safe—even with the increasing darkness.
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Sunlight cuts through the white clouds in the blue sky and paints the ground with warm hues. Yesterday, the start of your journey to Mondstadt started with your departure from Liyue’s main city. You had set out towards Guili Plains, but with your current pace, and the fact you’d been avoiding the main roads, it’d take a few more days before your arrival. 
Right now, you are making the final preparations for your second day on the roads. Up till now you hadn’t encountered anything noteworthy. Hilllichurl camps seemed sparse, there were little to none adventurers present in the wilderness, and the animals seemed more absent-minded—not bothering to run when Lumine had been hunting for dinner.
Perhaps it was a stroke of good luck after misfortune. Perhaps it was the calm before the storm.
You weren’t going to wait to find out which of the two it’d be.
“Good morning!” Paimon greets you with a warm smile, only to cross her arms right after. “Wait a minute, Paimon thinks you look tired. Did you get any sleep?” 
She accusingly points at you, which makes you laugh in the process. “Really? I slept like a rock. It’s as if I caught up to all those restless nights from before, I’m feeling better than ever.”
Paimon hums, not attempting to argue back. You sling your bag over your shoulders as you stand up. Without a mirror it’s hard to check your appearance, however, you don’t doubt that the little pixie began to see what you’ve been seeing the past few weeks. Even at this very moment when you stretch out your bare hands, you seem to fade away. 
You pull your cloak over your head, turning to look at the pixie. “Have you seen Lumine yet?” 
She makes a stressed sound. “She went out to check the surroundings, to make sure everything is safe for Paimon and you, but… she hasn’t returned yet.” 
The little pixie turns her head towards the treeline, whispering below her breath how it shouldn’t take much longer, no doubt a bit worried about Lumine’s delay.
“Oh, Paimon forgot to ask.” She turns her body back to you, “Did you end up reading the book that Paimon and Lumine bought for you in Liyue?”
The bag begins to feel heavier at the mention of the book. Your hand instinctively moves over, and when you graze over the fabric, you feel the item within. When you fish it out, a heavy book yells out the contents of the story through a title. 
‘The Divine Creator’s Demise & the End of Teyvat’
Paimon’s smile falls into an agonized frown, her eyes casted onto the cover. The picture appears to represent the Creator, you, with a star-hilted sword in the back. It gives you an unsettling feeling.
You are quick to force it back into the bag, safe and out of view. “I don’t think I’ve read it yet. It’s been quite hectic, even when it was just me and the gnosis in the inn.”
“Paimon understands. When you first asked for a book, Paimon and Lumine were surprised to only find such a dark one. They should make happier stories for The Creator, y’know!”
You try to recall the moment when you asked for a book. However, nothing comes to mind.
You get ready to defend your past actions but you are interrupted by a familiar voice calling out both your and Paimon’s name. From the treeline, Lumine appears with a stranger by her side. When the two stop in front of you, Paimon puts her arms on her hips. The pixie is quick to recognize the man, calling him by his name, to which he responds with a curt greeting. When Paimon doesn’t further react to it, you realize that they must be well acquainted. 
Your eyes inspect the stranger whom Paimon called ‘Dainsleif’. 
His outfit consists of a black jacket with blue details, a grey vest, and black pants. He seems to be wearing black armored gloves and boots, but you’re not too sure about that since the right side of his outfit was laced with a blue veiny pattern. And while his outfit already made him an easily recognizable figure, his cape seemed to catch all your attention. The stranger’s black cape had a beautiful starry, space-patterned interior that seemed to reflect the night sky, shimmering and dancing behind him. 
Something like that, you’re bound to remember. The way the small stars shimmer and fade, even with the daylight blinding them, has you mesmerized. After a small moment you look over at Lumine for guidance.
“This is Dainsleif,” when Lumine mentions his name, the male offers another nod in your direction. “He felt your aura. That’s how we encountered each other. He offered to join us while we head towards Mondstadt, but only if you’re okay with it.”
An uncanny sense of familiarity wafts over you. “Join us?” 
Paimon floats closer and clings to your arm. “Dainsleif might not seem approachable at first, but Paimon knows we can trust him. After all, he helped us with finding the Adepti.” she quickly adds to it, “Plus, he knows a looot of things. He might be helpful to you as well!”
You take another look at him. He appears a bit stiff, but not in a threatening way. He genuinely seems to have no idea what to say or do. An understandable thing, considering you were The Creator. “I’m pleased to finally make your acquaintance in this world.” 
“As am I,” you reply. You’re surprised at how easy the words fall out of your mouth. While you’re not thrilled to have a stranger join you on your journeys, you put your trust in Lumine and Paimon’s judgment. “So we’re all going to Mondstadt together?”
Lumine puts one of her hands on her hip while shifting her weight onto one foot. “With the help of Dainsleif, we could once again use the main roads. If you’re exposed to people who are unable to sense your aura we might land in a troubling situation, but considering how slow our current journey has been, I’m willing to take a chance.”
“Paimon thinks it’s a great idea. We can travel on the road during the day, and set camp further away!” The pixie exclaims her idea with pride. 
You think about the proposition. The gnosis concealed by your cloak is no longer a cause for worry. Ever since you set out towards Mondstadt, it stopped glowing. While its lack of power caused concern, you no longer needed to worry about someone seeing the light it usually radiated. 
Furthermore, on multiple occasions, your cloak had proven sufficient capability of hiding your face. With Dainsleif traveling alongside you, your group had grown big enough for everyone to feel confident with your current camouflage. Unless another aura-sensitive person showed up, you’d go unnoticed.
You can’t help the way your lips curl upwards with excitement. “Sounds like a plan.”
Paimon cheers, floating a little higher as she kicks her feet in the air. While both Lumine and Dainsleif remained neutral, you sensed something different from the latter. He kept looking around him as if he was busy with something else and absent from the conversation. 
You’ve only known him for a few minutes, so you’re unsure if this is another part of his ‘not approachable’ appearance. Thus, you decide to not comment on it. 
When his eyes land on yours, you notice the star-shaped pupil. 
It reminds you of Kaeya.
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Paimon’s snores during her evening nap are enough to keep you distracted from your book. 
When you finally decide to stand up for a fresh breath of air outside of camp, you’re met with the sight of Dainsleif well on his way to start a fire. He sits on a fallen tree trunk, having found the perfect spot for everyone to sit once Lumine returns with dinner. 
While sitting, he throws another log onto the pyramid of already burning ones, carefully nurturing the fire until it crackles loudly and has enough fuel to last the entire night. 
He is clearly a step ahead of you and Paimon. The latter had fallen asleep once you finished setting camp with her, and then yourself, gazing in stupor at the new companion with a book in hand.
For a moment longer, you observe his actions. 
His cape flutters behind him onto the grass, the stars within fluttering with each movement he makes. For the first time, he averts his attention from the fire. You instinctively follow his gaze. 
Dainsleif’s blue eyes turn from the treelines, towards the open field with the makeshift camp, until they land on you. Eye to eye, you stand still in your place until you decide to give him a wave. He hesitates but ultimately sends an equally awkward wave back into your direction. 
While the interaction could’ve gone better, it’d be even more embarrassing if you were to turn back to camp, so you approach him.
“Can I sit next to you? Paimon fell asleep after we finished making camp and she snores too loud for me to read.” You lift the item in your hand as you approach him, the cover shining brightly; ‘The Divine Creator: world walker’.
"An interesting title. I did not expect that ‘The Creator’ would read stories about themselves, much less any praising ones." His tone remains the same but his words seem to silently tease you, acting as if he’d known you for a longer time. You smile, sitting yourself next to him at a comfortable distance. You’re close enough for it to seem friendly but far enough for it not to be awkward. 
"It's a study read. I can't sit idle while everyone is working hard to regain my memories. And who knows? I might look like a self-centered god but maybe the book will have answers," you respond.
His eyes stay focused on you. "What makes you confident that the contents are all factual and not made up?" 
When he sees you raise an eyebrow and open your mouth to defend yourself, he adds, "Here is another question. How can you be certain that you are, in fact, 'The Creator' without any memories to support it? Have you ever entertained the idea that ‘The Creator’, as a concept, never existed prior to your arrival?”
Despite the outlandish question, you find yourself trying to answer his questions. After all, your lack of memories have been raising doubts. A troubled sigh leaves your lips when you realize that they have from the moment you entered Mondstadt, up till this very moment. And while he was right on the fact that you’d never be able to confirm anything without your memories, it’d be absurd to doubt the many people who do have memories of you, right?
The fire in front of you dances as thin strands of smoke twirl around. Above the horizon, the sunset was slowly merging from bright colors into a solid dark blue. You’d lose the light to read fast, but you feel like you’ll get more answers from Dainsleif than anywhere else. And thus, you entertain his thoughts.
"If the creator didn't exist before my arrival, it's another thing I won't be able to confirm without my memories. Regardless of what is and what is not true, I have to continue forward—trying to find my memories as I do." You look at Dainsleif, resolve filling your mind as you grow more confident about your past choices. "I will go to Mondstadt, and I will find out the truth. Furthermore, I’ll accept that truth as it is, with or without me being ‘The Creator’."
Dainsleif's lips curl upward for a split second. The moment is so fleeting that you doubt it ever happened at all. You do notice how his shoulder relaxes. Dainsleif lets out a breath that feels like a burden he'd been carrying for a while. Then he turns to the fire once more, poking the stick in his hands against the charred ones. 
He speaks to you, "Then it'll be my pleasure to accompany you once more, so-called creator of ours."
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If you liked this chapter and think I deserve a comment, please leave one behind! I appreciate it a lot and it'll make me more motivated to write in the future ♡
© intothegenshinworld. Do not copy, repost, translate or take heavy inspiration from my content. Thanks for reading.
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calicough · 8 months
maybe if – hazel callahan
— maybe if she did things differently.
angst. architecture student!hazel.
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hazel's hands never left the paper laid on top of her drafting table while she took a sip of her coffee. the tip of her pencil gliding and making strokes across the surface, erasing and redrawing the lines that she wasn't satisfied with, keeping in mind her professor's criticisms on her concept design. her project was "too ambitious" according to her professor, but a "refreshing idea" nonetheless. hazel understood where her professor was coming from. designing a cafe that drew inspiration from japanese, baroque, and modern architecture was bound to look... messy. she settled with a modern japanese cafe, afraid to risk her grade with her modern baroque idea.
hazel callahan was not scared to take risks. that word was never a part of her vocabulary. i mean her high school life consisted of broken noses, sore ribs, dead football players, and tiny explosives that she loved creating. but that was until you left her tear-streaked face standing by the sidewalk. the streetlights illuminated your shaking figure, head down and arms wrapped around your body. you grew smaller and smaller until hazel can no longer see you.
feeling her neck starting to cramp, she placed her pencil down and cracked her fingers before stretching her neck and her entire body to release the tension that accumulated in her muscles. she picked up her notebook that was on her bed and flipped through its pages to look back at her drafts, gathering inspiration on how the cafe's interior should look like. after stopping on a certain page, she noticed a doodle drawn at the lower left-hand corner. it was a doodle of one of your favorite characters. they were the only thing that you could draw. hazel chuckled as she gently caressed the drawing, afraid that it will disappear.
she remembers a portion of that night, a month before graduation. "hazel..." your voice wavered as you sucked in a breath. "i think it's time that we end this."
"what?" was all that she could muster out after a long silence. hearing those words felt like her heart jumped off a tall building, shattering into million pieces as it hit the ground. the tears forming in her eyes was blurring her vision of you. what did you mean by that? this has to be some kind of a joke, right? "are you serious?" she looked straight into your eyes, searching that mischievous glint that would appear whenever you're pranking her. but it wasn't there. you were actually serious.
"i don't want to pull you down with me," you told her. hazel didn't understand it back then. she thought it would be a nice surprise to let you know that she'd be enrolling in the same university as you. she thought that you'd be delighted if you learned that she rejected the offer of one of the top architectural universities in the world just because she wanted to spend her time with you and be near you. but you weren't happy. and she understands that now. she would also be angry if you didn't grab the opportunities laid out in front of you, if you didn't follow your dreams. "i don't want you to risk everything that you ever hoped for and dreamed of just for me."
hazel closed her eyes as you walked away from her and prayed that it wasn't real. that in any second, you would wake her up from this nightmare. that when she opens her eyes, you are right in front of her with that golden smile that adorns your features. as she opened her eyes, she was greeted by the walls of her dorm room. of course you weren't there.
hazel did accept the offer two days after you broke up, hoping that it'll somehow magically fix your relationship. but the damage was done and she is now staring at your doodle in her notebook. smiling to herself, she placed her notebook down on the table and returned to drawing, hoping that you're doing well wherever you are. that you're happy.
if only she had done things differently back then. maybe if she didn't outright reject the offer from the university. maybe if she took her dreams a little more seriously. maybe one day, if by some chance fate decided to bring you back together, she'll show you how much she had changed. hopefully, she'd be able to hold you in her arms and never let you go again.
aahhh!! this was inspired by the kdrama our beloved summer and the song maybe if by bibi. i rlly like the idea of architect hazel hihi she'd look so cute carrying that big blueprint tube. anyways, i hope you guys enjoyed this one! and thank you for all the love on my first work, it rlly means a lot to me :] <3
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gachabastard · 2 months
Limbus Company Sinners as Fallen London Companions
Smashing my two hyperfixations together like dolls and making them kiss. What I'm seeking (lol) to do here is not to conflate the Sinners to existing Companions, but rather create Companions based off of them instead. If you know both things then this won't take any explaining.
For people who know Limbus Company but not Fallen London: Fallen London is a browser game made by Failbetter Studios. It is an alternate history of an 1800s London that has sunk deep below the earth into a subterranean cavern known as the Neath and is now overseen by the mysterious Masters of the Bazaar. You begin the game as a Surface-dweller who has recently descended into the Neath for certain reasons, which you are able to decide for yourself and act upon as you progress through the game. Companions are "equipment" of sorts that you can equip to increase (or lower) your character's stats. A full write-up of FL's mechanics could be another three separate posts on its own, so I recommend the wiki's Beginner's Guide and other resources therein to understand the mechanics I'll detail here. If you enjoy the writing in LCB you will most likely also love FL's writing. Please play it, it is awesome. (And lmk if you do, I'll add you as a friend and definitely not stab you in the back)
For people who know Fallen London but not Limbus Company: Limbus Company is a mobile game made by Project Moon. It is the third in a series of games, preceded by Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, which are both available for purchase on Steam, though Limbus Company can be played independently of these if you want; the player avatar is an amnesiac so things are generally explained as needed (though Lobcorp and LoR are also very good and I recommend them, but you do have to buy those, so). The game centers around a department of the titular Limbus Company, the Limbus Company Bus Team (often shortened to LCB), the twelve individuals referred to as Sinners who make up the team, and their amnesiac Manager named Dante as they brave the ruins of the old branches of Lobotomy Corporation to retrieve strange objects known as Golden Boughs. All of the major characters in LCB are based off of classic literature (for example, Dante is based off of Dante's Inferno). If you like FL's writing you may enjoy LCB, but it is a gacha game which turns a lot of people off. For character info you can visit the Fandom wiki (yeah I know, it's a Fandom wiki), and if you want to read the story so far without playing the game you can check out this github page which contains all of the story text.
And if you don't know either...I don't know why you're reading this, but I hope my explanations and provided resources are enough to help you understand it regardless.
Okay, wall of text out of the way, let's get into the actual point of the post. This isn't meant to be balanced or anything this is just for fun because I'm diseased. Also LIMBUS SPOILERS THRU CANTO VI sorry.
Starting off with Sinner #1, Yi Sang:
Mirror-Marred Litterateur In the Mirror's glass, he observed endless possibilities. One such possibility observed him back. Watchful +4, Glasswork +2, Bizarre +1
Reasoning: Honestly? I thought about Sang Yi chilling in Parabola and that colored my whole concept here. But for real the whole Mirror thing is too perfect. Yi Sang defines Glasswork.
Sinner #2, Faust
Hell-Touched Engineer She hasn't the eyes of a devil, but builds infernal machinery previously unseen outside of Hell. Claims to know all outcomes, but shares precious little. Dreaded +2, Artisan of the Red Science +2, Decreases Nightmare build up
Reasoning: Something something Faust something something Mephistopheles something something her base EGO heals SP.
Sinner #3, Don Quixote
Dreaming Knight The only weapon stronger than a dream is delusion. Dangerous +5, Mithridacy +2, Increases Scandal build up
Reasoning: DQ is so skilled in Mithridacy she's got herself convinced of untruths, man. She's also allowed little a Scandal. As a treat.
Sinner #4, Ryoshu
Bohemian Blademaster Her masterwork blade is her brush; her enemies, her canvas. Legend has it that even the Boatman respects her work. Dangerous +4, Dreaded +2, Monstrous Anatomy +1
Reasoning: I feel like this one's pretty self-explanatory. I added a point of MA since I feel like she'd want to be a bit knowledgeable in monster anatomy for Art Reasons
Sinner #5, Meursault
Chained Stranger "The Neath is a prison," he says matter-of-factly, "And I am here because I am meant to be." Despite this, one could swear they saw the sun reflecting off his eyes. Persuasive +2, Respectable +3, Reduces Scandal build up
Reasoning: Hehe did you see what I did there. I referenced the thing. Anyway aside from being pretty blunt, he's probably the best candidate out of the whole group for Respectable.
Sinner #6, Hong Lu
Bright-Eyed Debonair New to the Neath, from an affluent Surface family. The Neath's many delights confuse and excite him. Persuasive +2, Shadowy +1, Kataleptic Toxicology +1
Reasoning: I think Hong Lu being new to the Neath fits with him being sheltered in canon. Also +1 KA cuz you know that boy is hittin that Honey. The Honey-Dens of Veilgarden already know him by name.
Sinner #7, Heathcliff
Bereaved Ruffian He knows the backstreets of London like the scars on his hands. He remembers that which the world does not, and waits. Dangerous +8, Shadowy -3, Chthonosophy +1
Reasoning: Oops Canto VI colored the fuck out of this one oops oops oops. Happy Firmament Day btw have some Chthonosophy. :)
Sinner #8, Ishmael
Zeefaring Pathfinder She's hunted the most feared creatures known to the Zee, losing her way to chart a path for her mad captain. Her compass will see that she never loses sight of her path again. Zeefaring +2, Monstrous Anatomy +3, Increases Nightmares build up
Reasoning: Ishy-Fishy you were made to embody Zeefaring and MA.
Sinner #9, Rodion
Lacre-Drowned Cardshark Born in a run-down corner of London where the Lacre falls thickest at Sacksmas, she knows a thing or two about cards. She wouldn't mind teaching you...for a price. Persuasive +4, Watchful +6
Reasoning: Heart's Desire vibes. That's it.
Sinner #10, Dante
Timepiece Manager An infernal timepiece ticks away where a head should be. They have no memories of their own, but they can never forget again. Chthonosophy +2, Steward of the Discordance +1, Dangerous -5, Reduces Wounds build up
Reasoning: Congratulations Dante on being the only bitch to not have the Discordance because the Discordance isn't real. Ummm I went off vibes here but tbh I think Dante should decrease your Dangerous by way more actually. Hell, let's make then decrease Dreaded too. Let's make them a Weasel of Woe.
Sinner #11, Sinclair
Unrealized Prodigy Young and anxious, jumping at every shadow. His potential is very promising. Dangerous +6, Dreaded +1, Increases Wounds build up
Reasoning: Sinclair may be baby. But he is Scary Baby.
Sinner #12, Outis
Commanding Oneironaut She's led the forces of Parabola to victory more times than you could count. Don't ask her any questions. Dangerous +8, A Player of Chess +2, Glasswork +1
Reasoning: Everybody shut the fuck up Parabolan War General Outis is everything to me, you hear me. EVERYTHING. She favors the Chessboard, obviously, with that +2 to APoC.
Sinner #13, Gregor
Metamorphic Veteran A large insectoid pincer sits where a right arm should be. He'll talk about pretty much anything but the details around that. Seriously, be careful around that thing. Dangerous +5, Shapeling Arts +3, Bizarre +2
Reasoning: You had to know Gregor would be the only bitch to get Shapeling Arts. Look me in the eyes and tell me he wouldn't. I wanted to give him Persuasive due to his amicability but also he actually. Sucks at being persuasive like canonically, so. Dangerous it is.
BONUS! Vergilius
The Red Gaze The most feared Fixer in the Neath. Whatever could you have done to strike up an alliance with him? Watchful +30, Shadowy +30, Dangerous +30, Persuasive +30, Greatly reduces Nightmare build up
Reasoning: He's the Red Goat I ain't gotta explain shit.
anyway hope you enjoyed even though you definitely didn't. i have a headache now so i'm gonna go consume painkillers and caffeine and go run mirror dungeons in lcb for that limbus battle pass.
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Can I please get a nice fluffy Fred Weasley one shot please? As fluffy as you can possibly imagine. I'm thinking like an 'over the years' type thing, where like it's when they first met, to their first quidditch game and their first date and so on. Fem!reader please <333
Nightmare ✨🌙
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Lupin!fem!reader
Description: When reader has a nightmare, Fred is the one to comfort her.
Warnings: nightmares/flashbacks, a little teeny bit of cursing, angst but fluff at the end, a little bit of gore.
Words: 662
Prompt: “You’re alright, love. You’re okay.”
A/N: Anything for you Eden, hope you like it bae <3 I know this isn’t exactly what was requested but Eden and I talked about it beforehand and she said it was okay to change the prompt, so here’s what all of my Freddie whores get!
“Lock your door, sweetheart, and remember, don’t come out until morning. 9 AM, sharp, we’ll have pancakes,” He told her, his face twisting in a feeling that y/n didn’t quite understand. Remus knew the moon would be out soon, and he could feel himself changing already. The tingle in his spine and the stretching of his skin would indicate that. In a hurry, he shut y/n’s door, a little too hard.
Y/n knew that she had to stay in her room. Ever since she could remember, once a month her father would tell her to go in her room, lock the door, and turn on the television as loud as she could tolerate. He told her that if she got bored of the TV, she was allowed to use the record player to play her favourite songs and have a dance party for as long as she liked.
Y/n liked these nights because it was the one night a month she was allowed to stay up as long as she wanted. She never could stay up all night, though she always tried.
After she had turned on her favourite show and settled into bed, she heard a strange noise coming from the room over. It made her grimace, it was an animalistic sound. Something must have slipped into the house while her father was going to sleep! She had to protect him.
Against her better judgement, she unlocked her door, and peeked her head out into the hallway. The growls were louder, borderline shrieks. She knew her father was in trouble now, there was no way he could be making those sounds!
As she got closer and closer to the door, her heart rate quickened. What was she supposed to do, she thought. She didn’t know a bit of magic, and she was far too small to fight off an animal. Maybe, she thought, if she could find out what was attacking her father, she could call for help.
She opened the door, her heart beating faster than ever. She saw a tangle of matted fur and claws, but most of all, sharp, yellow teeth. She shrieked, trying to run backwards and falling over in the process. The animal snarled and ripped the door open, pouncing on the little girl and shredding her skin with its claws.
Y/n screamed for help, begging for her father, wherever he was, to come help her. She screamed and screamed and screamed-
“Y/N!! Wake up!” A groggy voice woke y/n, making her nearly jump out of bed.
“Help! Help...” Y/n continued, still half in her dream. She kicked and punched, and Fred had to wrap his arms around her so that she would stop trying to pummel him.
“It’s me! It’s Freddie! You’re alright love, you’re okay,” Fred said, panic surging throughout him, making his stomach churn. Since y/n had moved in with him when she graduated, she had a few nightmares like this. She never told Fred what they were about, but it scared the shit out of Fred every time.
“Fred...I didn’t...mean,” Y/n said in between pants.
“It’s okay love, it’s okay,” Fred said, stroking her hair and letting her bury her head in the crook of his neck.
After she had taken a few deep breaths, and her heart rate had turned back to normal, Fred took her by the shoulders and looked her in the eyes.
“This is the third time this week, my love. You don’t have to, but if you want to talk about it, I’m all ears. Unlike Georgie”
“Not tonight,” Y/n shook her head. If she was completely honest, she didn’t know why she didn’t want to tell him. It wasn’t like she was trying to keep secrets from him. It just felt like it would be a lot, and she didn’t want to overwhelm him.
“Fair, but remember, I’m here for you, my love.”
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its-the-sa · 11 months
I'd love to hear your interpretations on those dreams at the end of artificer's campaign, the ones where you're trapped in a hallway with a scav and you have to kill them.
Personally, it's very interesting to me that in some of them, the player is the one controlling the scavenger (imagine a dream where you're someone else and it's you that's the killer, that's fucked up). I like to imagine that they began as basically arti's bloodlust carrying over to her dreams, but over time they got more complex, more detailed. Less of a violent fantasy and more of a reoccurring nightmare, maybe a symbol of her regret or a general disgust for senseless violence.
I have a headcanon where the dreams eventually make arti so sick to the stomach at the idea of violence she decides to give it up entirely, only fighting to kill something to eat. It's how I felt after finishing her campaign- I was so exhausted from the fight with the chieftain that once I won, I didn't have it in me to go around killing any more scavengers. I just felt bad for them and watched them run away from me. I couldn't do it anymore.
THIS THIS THIS!!! seriously, so many people seem to think that arti just genuinely enjoys murdering scavs, and... i mean i kinda get where theyre coming from, but to me it seems pretty clear that she is just constantly re-traumatizing herself.
like yes, she is consumed by rage, and im sure she does get satisfaction from killing them in the heat of the moment. but afterwards, i think it definitely haunts her. i imagine she tries to tell herself that 'they're all the same' and 'they deserve it', but she knows deep down that isn't true. she just keeps choosing violence because it's easier than accepting her loss. just like some people try to drown their sorrows in drugs or alcohol, arti tries to drown hers in blood. it's a self-destructive coping mechanism. as long as she is out there fighting for her life, finding enemies to hate and kill, she doesnt have to sit with her pain. but, once she goes to sleep, she cant run from her demons anymore. she has to relive her trauma and her grief, and she has to face the twisted monster she's allowed it to turn her into. theyre called 'nightmares' for a reason, after all-- they aren't fantasies about something she enjoys doing. even in the ones where she is still 'herself', she is trapped as surely as the scavenger is. theres no going back at that point. she has already dug herself into a hole where there is no choice but to keep killing.
and the ones where she is dreaming from the scav's point of view? that is like... the most perfectly brutal representation of repressed guilt i have ever seen. it shows that she on some level sympathizes and identifies with the scavengers she kills, that she's horrified at what she has become, and that she is inevitably destroying herself. all just by simply changing who the player is controlling. its freaking brilliant tbh.
anyway, i think that ultimately arti just feels guilty. she blames herself for not protecting her pups. she didnt watch them closely enough, she dropped them when she was running away, she didnt realize the blue pup got left behind at first, and she couldn't dive in the water to save the green pup. she feels like she failed them. so i think that once she took revenge on those toll scavs, the only person she had left to punish was herself. and she did it by going on to project her guilt onto every scavenger she saw. she chose to become a monster because thats what she felt she deserved to be treated like
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brokehorrorfan · 9 months
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World Champ Game Co. has released five new horror roleplaying games: Stab: The Roleplaying Game, Ever Dream This Man?, Press Play, How to Summon a Spirit, and No Future.
Created by Adam Vass (Cybermetal 2012), they’re available individually for $16-21 or together in the Trick or Treat Suite bundle for the discounted price of $69. More details on each title can be found below.
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Based on the ever-popular "Stab" movie franchise, Stab: The Roleplaying Game allows you and your friends to tell your own murderous survival stories where most of you will die, one of you is a masked killer, and no one knows who it is until the end! In No Future, a group of punks lamenting and celebrating the hardcore scene in your small town on one fervent night as you keep dying. Loop through time over and over and try to fight your way out of the loop before you sell out and leave this place forever. In Ever Dream This Man, you explore your dreams and nightmares constantly invaded by one ominous being who you will watch, evade, fear, and eventually confront in your sleep. Players work together to describe and define this being in ever-changing dreamscapes influenced by tarot cards and a collaborative playlist you create during play. In Press Play, we collect and review unexplainable events caught on tape while also seeing how our proximity to these tapes brings us closer to a shared fate. We explore haunted footage which itself haunts us. How to Summon a Spirit is a storytelling game wherein you create your own murderous mythology and supernatural rituals to evoke the dark. Both the history and the associated ceremonies change as time passes, information is uncovered, and culture warps around its mystic magnetism.
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dreamsclock · 2 years
hero c!tommy vs villain c!dream are vicious enemies, but civilian mode c!dream runs a cute little book shop with an apartment above it and civilian mode c!tommy is a kid he found living on the streets and decided to rent a spare room to for a dollar a month (bc he wouldn't accept it for free). the twist? c!tommy knows. c!dream does not. c!tommy will do whatever it takes to keep things that way.
For one of the most terrifyingly clever villains Tommy has ever faced, Dream is surprisingly dumb.
That’s what scares him at first. When he puts the clues together, when he adds two and two and finally makes four, his first, horrified thought is: Dream knows.
Because of course he had to. Dream, alias Nightmare, alias Green Bitch (Tommy’s choice — he’s proud of this one), is ten steps ahead of every other player in Manberg City. He’s intelligent, he’s cunning, he plays people like a game of chess, and he most certainly must have known Tommy’s secret hero identity when allowing him to stay in his (surprisingly nice) apartment.
Tommy waits on tenterhooks for three weeks, refusing to eat any food Dream provided, refusing to sleep without a knife under his pillow, and refusing to leave his room without checking extensively for traps first. Dream takes it onboard a little bemusedly—
“You’re so— paranoid,” he tells Tommy one day, brow wrinkling in confusion, “you act like— like you expect someone to come and murder you the minute your back is turned. Are you okay?”
TommyInnit, alias Golden Boy, alias Theseus, alias Most Fucking Poggers Hero Around (his own choice), does not squeak in terror when Dream speaks from behind him. He also does not pull out a knife, because he’s civilised and totally not traumatised, thanks, and can hold a normal conversation with his worst enemy while undercover perfectly fine, obviously.
“What the fuck?” Dream complains. “Where— Do you just constantly keep knives in your pockets? What is wrong with you?”
“What’s wrong with you, bitch?” Tommy demands viciously, heart slamming against his ribs. “You’re ugly and you’re stupid and you’re dumb and you’re a bitch and you’re green, man, who the fuck is green? You’re a green bitch and—”
…TommyInnit, alias Golden Boy, alias Theseus, is a calm, rational hero, capable of keeping secrets even from the worst people. Usually. He decides to chalk this slip up — revealing he’s aware of Dream’s villain identity via the green costume he always wore — down to a bad day and shit coffee. Gulping, swearing internally at his blunder and hoping his powers are charged enough to survive Dream’s wrath, Tommy prepares himself for the worst from Dream.
The man scoffs, sounding vaguely resigned. “Look. There’s nothing wrong with my cardigan. Green is— It’s a nice colour. A good colour, even. I don’t see why you’ve got a problem with it!”
Is Dream playing tricks on him? Is God merciful? Is the universe deciding to give him a break, for once in its very long and very merciless existence?
Tommy stops prepping his powers, and turns back to stare at Dream in undisguised shock. Dream blinks back, bemused. He doesn’t look evil, or villainous, or remotely insane, like he had when he’d been threatening Tommy with… what had it been? “Revival-and-then-death-and-then-revival-and-then-death-and-then-revival-and-then-death”? Something like that. No, Dream (with a Kiss The Cook apron on which he wears whenever he’s baking) is staring at him looking slightly concerned and slightly exasperated, hands on his hips and expression open.
And that’s when it hits him. Dream doesn’t know.
Tommy wants to laugh, or maybe cry. He chooses to do neither, and instead, very heroically, drops the knife on Dream’s foot, causing the older boy to squeak in pain.
“Have your knife back, bitch,” he declares, as suavely as he can, “you are so fuckin’ dumb.”
“Nice,” Dream grouses, but the utter relief on Tommy’s face seems to have softened something in him, “I’m so glad I let you stay, Tommy. Who else would stab knives into my feet if you weren’t here?”
Slightly hysterical, silently thanking whatever God or higher power that exists, Tommy snickers. “You should thank me by giving me lots of money, dickhead. And compliments.”
Dream offers him a rueful little grin. “How about you watch a movie with me tonight instead?” He offers, and Tommy grumbles an acceptance.
And things… shift. Just slightly. Because it’s easier to relax now that Dream doesn’t know, and it’s easier to mess around and argue now that Dream doesn’t know, and Tommy settles into life easier, with a silent breath of relief. He can use this to gather information, he tells himself that afternoon, lying in his bed and scribbling down thought after thought into his journal. He can find out Dream’s weaknesses and his vulnerabilities, his strengths and how to avoid them, his loved ones, his loved things. To defeat him in the end, it’s gonna take all the information he can gather.
But time passes, and Tommy finds himself… Wilbur would have said compromised, if he’d still been alive. Tied down by a begrudging friendship and a strange loyalty to the maskless version of this man who had shown him nothing but kindness and cheerfulness. And it’s sitting at their weekly movie night, half asleep on the couch listening to Dream’s complaints about the existence (or non-existence) of ghosts, that Tommy realizes with some horror that he’s not going to be able to use this as information. Because he’s comfortable now. He’s relaxed. The most heroic thing he’s done in months is save someone from a burning building, and he hadn’t even gone out since because Dream had seen his burns and scolded him and wrapped them up and looked after him until they’d healed.
He can’t use any of this against Dream because fuck it, Tommy actually cares about the bastard now. And that’s the most terrifying part.
Maybe, he tells himself, that’s okay. Because Dream hasn’t been out doing villain-y evil things for almost a month, too tied up in Tommy and the struggles of childcare — not that he’s a child, obviously — and Tommy hasn’t had need to fight him yet. Maybe this has changed things. Maybe they can be happy. Maybe—
And then a week later, he wakes up to hearing the door slam shut.
When he climbs out of bed, Dream is nowhere to be found, there are shrieking sirens on the street, and Tommy knows exactly where his brother friend enemy is.
(And his heart shatters.)
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tyran-the-tyranical · 4 months
Hope Dream Theory Pt.2 (Just a rant tbh)
Ok, so I’ve been racking my brain thinking about the NOT CANON taming hope part 3, I’ve never been so happy to be wrong, but now I cant stop hypothesising what’s real and what’s not.
Look I understand it’s non canon but the building blocks of what it’s saying to the player is already in game, you can still kind of assume that maybe Hope wasn’t being physically tortured but just mentally, and as a result believes it 100% in her head that she looks awful ect etc. and that means it is real, or was, because its what she genuinely believes.
But, If Hope wasn’t tortured physically, what else is real? Did Raphael really kill a kid and some family in front of her? And what about the boudoir? Dream theory could explain a kid dying and a family in that they were possibly just nightmares but if it was specifically Raphael doing the deed, it seems less likely, that goes for the boudoir as well, it’s too specific to be a random nightmare. (Look, dream theory can only go so far lol)
A few people did bring up that whether is was physical torture or not, Hope believes it was 100% real so, it basically became real anyway. The only thing it really does is make Raphael or korilla feel better about what they’re doing. (I want you all to realise that I am coping so bad rn, the cope is real) I understand that if taming Hope part 3 is ever actually implemented in game it may soften Raphael’s character a lot, that is if you believe that everything he did to her wasn’t physical but mental, it’s easier to swallow, though still deplorable.
It’s my personal headcanon anyway, and look, the guy is never gonna be good but anyway to soften him up is great, I mean if his half brother Magadon can do it, so can he alright (sorta). Though I do feel like this explains alot, since Hope honestly feels like she only exists to give the player a reason to want to kill Raphael, otherwise he’s just too charming and no one would bother to kill him.
It will annoy me endlessly that there isn’t more in game information, I appreciate vagueness as it leaves room for theories but I’m dying for answers Larian 😭 because right now I’m going crazy over an entry that isn’t even in the game, just the files AHDKSJSKS LIKE- Look I would love a way to have my cake and eat it too, free my girl Hope but like, NOT KILL THE DEVIL BOY, that would be great, cause tho she’s hella under cooked and under utilised they made her too bubbly and likeable, that or I’m just weak.
This is turning into less of a new development to the theory and more of a rant lol, and though I would like an answer, I also think I would die if it’s just he is super evil like his dad and did all those things to hope, because some of the things that’s been said that he’s done to hope feels way too much like edgy evil things just to be evil (like his father has done, tho I know he hates him but still ends up being like him lol) one reason I like Raphael so much is that he’s nuanced and honest to the player (also why I have beef with how strict the DnD alignment system can be) he isn’t like Mizora that comes across as your typical devil, Raphael (purposefully) is different and yea that’s sort of his manipulation, it’s still refreshing to see, but I guess oh woe is I.
Like for instance, the boudoir dialogue that Hope hints at- WHAT DOES SHE MEAN, because yes, I think we can all guess what she means but also what does that actually mean in context? That she’s been (yknow) or she’s forced to I dunno watch ? If she has been (yknow) does Haarlep have her form? If so, why even bother trying to break her if he’s such the “hopeless romantic” (also not canon) if that’s what he was after.
look even as I’m typing this I realise how I sound, this is definitely a rant, but I can’t stop thinking about these pixel people lol, but the whole Raphael and Hope thing will never not bug me, for multiple reasons; it’s undercooked, vague, and didn’t really get the attention it kinda deserves especially since it’s probably one of the dark parts of the story (one of many to be honest) like the content matter leaves alot to the imagination.
Bleh, I love my girl Hope, especially the letter we get if we free her, and it’s actually sad to see her state in game, she’s all over the place, I just have so many questions about their entire dynamic, like I can understand how it might’ve happened, she’s a cleric who probably wanted to save her sister and didn’t know much about Raphael other than he’s a devil, and he just happened to gain a sick curiosity or obsession with her, but everything after that, after the first two entires, WHAT HAPPENS?! I’m hooked, I need to know the full context, was it just nightmares or was some of it real? Did he actually love her or did he grow to hate her? Is she actually Hope or has she just grown to believe that herself? If so, How could Korilla stand all that?
I guess for now I’m just stuck with Headcanons, but what do you think? What’s your take on it all?
Sooo, I just wanna add a few things extra here, Raphael is not rlly redeemable, and I really don’t want him to be BLEH good.. he’s is 100% lawful evil aligned, but like I said, I’m not a fan of the strict alignments in dnd, I think from a narrative perspective it’s more interesting to add nuance and maybe soften him a tiny smidge, and Raphael definitely shows that and the only time it ever tips the scales to completely abhorrent is when it’s what he’s done to Hope.
He doesn’t need to become his brother lol, but you’ve gotta admit how interesting it would be to see something other than a stereotypical devil, because he’s a devil can help you out for their own benefit, but they will never defer from their “nature” but I think It’d be cool to see him have an arc similar to the companions, breaking their cycles and change for the better (or worse)
His story wouldn’t even have to be convert him but something akin (a controversial take here) to Astarion. Astarion has a lot of reasons to why he is who is at the start of the game that Raphael really doesn’t (from what we know) but there’s so much you could do with his character, even as a non companion. I mean, he’s a sadistic asshole, (just look at his debtors) but what was it like being Mephistopheles kid? He was a child once I mean, and who was his mother? He must still have a human part of his family somewhere, unless they’re all dead.
This is all unnecessary stuff tbh, not even some of the companions get this much revealed about their history, but even just ignoring his possible past, how is he even going to take over the hells? He says that his father and Co. are coming to see him and “negotiate” or something but how’s that gonna turn out, huh? Like he says he’ll be knocking at our door but is he even gonna make it that far? Coz what I’m thinking is, he’s gonna get nerfed bro. Now a dlc could answer this but ehhhh, that’s not for awhile, if at all anyway.
This edit is going way away from dream theory but also dream theory or in Le head theory is frustrating, (for numerous reasons I know) because it’s the default explanation for anything isn’t it? Oh it was all a dream or coma or blah bleh blah, while it can explain a lot,it removes just as much, it makes Raphael soft, (YES ITS STILL TORTURE) but it’s easier for an audience to swallow. I don’t want to throw this theory out just to make him seem less villainy or whatever, I kinda just want it so Hope didn’t have to actually watch some kid or family die, or whatever happened in the boudoir, real to her but in reality no one had to die or whatever, love that girl bro, she rlly got the shit kicked outta her fr, but then again that’s why you can side with her and kill Raphael.
It’s so weird that I’d want this sorta theory for a character who is so blatantly evil aligned but hey a girl can dream, ok? 💅 like I said the coping here is real, and at this point of the rant I just seem like a crazy person, (so true) so I’m gonna end it here, STILL WOULD LOVE AN EXPLANATION LARIAN, taming hope part 3 will forever haunt me lol
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