#i minor in italian
bigfatbreak · 10 months
Does Chloe tone down her direct bullying/harassment of Marinette after that day to just the dead mom jokes out of guilt, or is it more that Marinette now being homeschooled means Chloe just lost access? Also, does Lila try the whole lying/sabotaging thing on Marinette and just fail or does Marinette just not care?
Lila has no reason to sabotage Marinette because Marinette isn't threatening her little empire she wants to build. In fact, she really wants Marinette on her side BECAUSE she's not apart of the school, so she doesn't need to keep up an elaborate web of lies! She can just try to befriend a talented girl who makes AMAZING food and try to get freebies~
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meanwhile, with Chloe, things got really complicated after the pool incident...
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Tom was not in the mood to put up with this crap.
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saintedseb · 9 months
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Saint Sebastian Tended by the Pious Women (c. 1624) - Rustichino (Italian, 1592-1626)
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yakourinka · 2 years
lappland's dad would like to give you an orange. do you accept
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linguenuvolose · 2 months
I should learn about Galician
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sifilide · 2 days
All of this would be easier if my mother had given me a real name that would immediately communicate to people that there is something extremely crazy people in mastro don gesualdo about me like I could have been a Maria Cruz but no. A person big on the Italian Renaissance had to birth me.
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I kind of really don't like how the Risorgimento in Hetalia is framed as a thing done solely by Veneziano and how it supposedly came as a surprise to Romano. First of all, it was kind of a long process, so it's been boiled down way too much, but I can forgive that because it's meant to be funny.
What I can't really forgive is that Romano is made obsolete in the comic, despite how influential the South actually was in making the Risorgimento happen. Just based on the Wikipedia page (I don't have the energy to go through an actual history book rn), there was the Carboneria formed in Southern Italy, not to mention that the unification happened under the House of Savoy, which admittedly was northern, but they first gained the title of king when they took over Sicily, and later exchanged it for Sardinia. Previously, Savoy ruled over duchies, but it was first when they gained the title King of Piedmont-Sardinia they started to consider uniting Italy. Those two are just the most obvious examples, but there's plenty more if you look into it.
It's not so much that South Italy did not want the Risorgimento or had no hand in it, it's rather that the results of it ended up being a betrayal, not just to the South, but anyone who was not Piedmontese – however, that betrayal was felt especially by the South. At least that's how I'm reading it. I'm sure I still ended up simplifying it a lot, and if anyone wants to expand on this, please do so.
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skiddo-xy · 4 days
I actually need to get back into watching Bollywood movies. For a period my sister's Urdu was better than mine since she likes Bollywood movies and I personally do not but long story short I have been struggling with wanting to learn Urdu these days and feel like my progress has been stagnant so maybe this will remotivate me IA
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thehousehouse · 12 days
im going to be meeting up with my school's italian club at the local art museum next week. cool.
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carcarrot · 3 months
normally i always love the deductions columbo makes because 99% of the time he will notice something incredibly stupid the murderer did or make a connection that reveals an important clue about the murder but making the leap from "this guys shirt smells like garlic" to "clearly he must have dined at a french restaurant" is something i cannot get on board with
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mrsterlingeverything · 7 months
Italian emergency vehicle sirens sound so stupid.
Also, fr I’m not kidding there’s actual fascist in Italy again..like I’m not joking it’s kinda unsettling.
Just read about her... that is crazy and scary and i want to add that its insane how little you hear about things like this in the US when its not something that will directly impact us...
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smute · 3 months
i really would give a limb or a vital organ perhaps in exchange for the ability to roll my Rs
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mike----wazowski · 11 months
kiryu learning about ai in gaiden i'm cackling
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dankovskaya · 3 months
ok so im a huge huge massive huge sopranos fan and I MUST know what are you're feelings on it? do you have any favorite characters yet? :D
Omggg I'm enjoying it a lot so far I think I'm 2 episodes into season 3? My faves are Christopher and Adriana at the moment I just always love when either one of them is on screen. Also love Carmella.
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non-un-topo · 4 months
Got inspired to make original fiction at the worst time because I'm too busy and can't draw my silly little guys (gn). I'm suffering.
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barnbridges · 5 months
every time i hear someone be like "im eastern european" and then they never talk about their home country or culture with any sort of pride or belonging im like are you actually an american bot thanks
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ethereal-hollow · 2 years
Body language "experts" be like: if someone does these things they're actually a lying murderous psychopath :) *proceed to list things I do because of my autism, other mental issues, or culture*
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