#i miss you my friend
gemstarb · 3 months
Watch "I miss you, my friend." on YouTube
So Heartbreaking!!! Pearlsnappy and KK were so Awesome together when they were Protesting. I loved KK's smile and her sense of humor.
I have tears dripping on my books and pillows. Such a tragedy. 😭💔💔💔💔
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pixarina · 7 months
James Blunt - Dark Thought (Lyric Video)
You made me believe you were strong
I wish you had called me and told me something was wrong.
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xcziel · 8 months
wishing i had someone to celebrate guy fawke's day with this year
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ceruleanblueshells · 10 months
I can see you in the old sticker book that we started filling but never finsihed. You're always there.
I can hear you when I look around and I feel alone and I remember how you never made me feel that way and how I used to count the days to come play with you. You're always there.
In my old toys. In my childhood movies. On the carvings on my backyard trees. In my fondest dreams and dearest memories, you're always there.
We reached our peak at nine. Why did we stop hanging out ? Why is there this awkward silence between us, where once were pillow fights and card games and sweet juice and sweeter laughs.
Sometimes, I forget you. But then my mother borrows your white shirt from your mother because they're still friends and because I need it for my debate,and it reeks of you. And once again, you're always there.
Do you feel the same way? Do you remember we promised to fight with swords when we turned twenty four , under the shade of the banyan tree ?
I do . I'll wait for you. I hope you come.
I'll take a sword fight over a forgotten past.
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chimeride · 2 years
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J 🖤
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allsassnoclass · 2 years
Ask game!! First memory would probably be working on set and then getting wraps after for lunch- I know we must have met before but that’s the first solid memory. Guess who?
@doomeddiabetic GREGORYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY i was thinking about you yesterday!!!!! you made set crew so enjoyable and i loved getting lunch with you <3
describe your first memory of me
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I just woke up from a dream with Mische in it😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
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jack-o-cel · 2 years
Elden Ring Spoilers
RIP Blaidd
I didn't want to kill you, but i couldn't let you suffer in madness. A madness you resisted for so long.
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Last convo we had Q~Q:
I hope to see you again in ng+ Q~Q
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utsukushiiyume · 3 years
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my neighbour rang my doorbell early this evening to let me know that she had my friend Ginger put to sleep.  she hadn’t been doing so great the last several times i saw her, not getting up when i’d go to greet her which wasn’t like her.  i’ll miss her, she was a wonderful friend and the best of girls.
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soulnottainted · 3 years
*An envelope slides into your inbox. Your name is scrawled across the back in clean, black handwriting, and has been stamped over with an official-looking S.H.I.E.L.D. seal.*
My dearest Kelsey,
I write to you from my imprisonment at the raft, for where else would I be? I certainly would prefer to be many other places than here, but I've been making do.
Although I always look forward to our monthly phone call, I'll be honest in the fact that I just couldn't wait until then to contact you again. There is much on my mind, and though I can't share it all with you, (or the kind agents who I am sure are reading this letter before it is sent,) I take comfort in knowing I can write to you anyways.
Often these days I find myself reflecting on my past and my motivations. Some say that's the first step to turning a new leaf, but I'd hazard to say that anyone who thinks that of me is a fool. However, you see the best in me. You look past my ever-spinning moral compass and you choose to love me anyways. I thank you for that. It's more than I could ever ask for from a friend, and far more than I deserve.
I know you miss me as well. Though I wish I could be there to comfort you myself, my hands are quite tied here. Should you ever want to return to my residence, you have a place there, my treat. Say the word and I'll call my butler to pick you up. I have many spare coats in the master bedroom's closet, which you are more than welcome to help yourself to, and more Turkish delights than I could give away in a lifetime.
I can't wait to hear your voice again. I hope this letter finds you well. Take care of yourself.
All my love,
Baron Helmut Zemo
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sloppy-butcher · 4 years
😳 Ew stinky, stinky poopy 🥵 😎
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you always know exactly what to say to me uwu
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natural-singularity · 4 years
hi maddie! the one thing i want to know about you is how you're doing these days 💕
nicole you angel. i’m alive! i’m just bein me ✌🏻
wish i was better but ive definitely been worse lmao
Inbox me (1) thing you want to know about me.
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taurusrising · 4 years
I could cry right now. I wish I had realized sooner that some people loved me a lot more than I thought they did, but I just never realized it. Looking back it was right there in my face, it was just their way of showing it was different from what I knew and how I expressed it so I never interpreted as their way of showing affection. Love shows itself in many many forms and I’m sad that I’m only just now realizing that. I can’t believe I was so blind to it!
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jungwooswift · 5 years
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It’s been 730 impossibly long days without you, Jjong. I’ve missed you every second of the last 2 years and though it has gotten a little bit easier, I don’t think it’ll ever be easy. K-Pop hasn’t been the same since December 18th, 2017 and neither have I. But you left behind a legacy that can never be erased, a beautiful glow that will never diminish or fade. In just 27 years, you managed to leave a profound mark on this world and that mark will forever live on in the hearts of the people you touched.
I love you, Kim Jonghyun, and though it still cuts so deeply to know you’re gone, I will be forever thankful for the music, the laughter and the joy you brought to me and to everyone who was lucky enough to know you. Today, I hope you’re someplace warm, smiling and singing your heart out. And if I’m ever lucky enough to see you again when this life is over, I have serious questions about how you managed to turn the moon pearl aqua that one time... 🌕 널 영원히 사랑할거야  
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bailaconox · 5 years
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the sweetest little kitty paw ever 🐾
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