#i missed all the frigay shows
mysterygrl20 · 7 months
me being insanely busy does not coexist well with wanting to consume every media possible
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heretherebedork · 7 months
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bengiyo · 6 months
What Did You Eat Yesterday? 2 Ep 10 Stray Thoughts
Last week, Hiro returned from Vietnam to let Kenji know he was promoting him to manager so he could open up a salon in Vietnam. Kenji was home less with all of his new responsibilities, and we got to watch Shiro miss Kenji this time. After weeks apart, they finally managed to enjoy fried food together, and Shiro decided to also take on his increased responsibility at work. Meanwhile, Tabuchi got back together with his girlfriend and helped her learn to cook more, eventually discovering that she has a knack for baking. I cried when she got to see someone enjoying her food for the first time.
I'm so proud of Shiro for taking on the leadership of the office.
Oo-sensei got him an induction stovetop! She knows how to make Shiro accept gifts, too!
Shiro is gonna meet Kenji's mom and sisters!!!
What is going on with this old lady and the strange compliments on the hair?
Of course Shiro would pick a restaurant that's convenient for everyone else to reach.
Kenji's sisters are so funny. I love them gushing over Shiro immediately.
This multi-course dinner looks so good.
There has been so much discussion of death and mortality in this season, and yet this show continues to make it a point about tenderness and care. I love Kenji's mom reacting immediately to her worries for her son by organizing a meeting with Shiro to tell him directly that they are family. This is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.
Uchino is doing such a great job with these actresses. They feel like siblings where the oldest brother is femme.
This farewell with the mom was so touching. She's clearly fond of Shiro. I'll be thinking about how she and Oo-sensei said the same thing about Shiro.
I was not expecting the hot pot dinner to call back to the ramen moment from last week. I thought we just had Shiro making do with ingredients that last a long time.
You know Shiro likes Kenji's family because he's trying to work out the logistics of their future meals.
I'm so glad Kenji feels more secure with Shiro and his family that they can joke about how much easier it was with Kenji's family.
Yes, Shiro, praise Kenji more! Don't just distract him with ice cream!
I love this show so much. I cannot overstate how healing it was for me to see Shiro get to be admired and appreciated by Kenji's family. He had two older women he has so many reasons to respect tell him how important he is to them this week. What a wonderful way to end my Frigay.
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dribs-and-drabbles · 1 year
Mainly for me to keep track so I don't miss something... but here's my current and near-future watch list:
Frigays -> My School President | 609 Bedtime Story (a week behind)
Saturgays -> GAP the series
Sungays -> Between Us (cut version)
Mondays -> *recover?*
Tuesgays-> Choco Milk Shake (2 more) | Never Let Me Go (13 dec - 10 eps)
Wednesdays -> 10 Years Ticket (14 dec - 16 eps - yes, I know it's not bl)
Thursgays-> Happy Ending Romance | 10 Years Ticket (15 dec)
Other shows in the wings waiting to be watched (which I thought I could get to over my Christmas break but looking at the above I'm not sure I'll get through them all 🤦🏽‍♀️):
Semantic Error movie version (9 dec - Viki)
My Tooth, Your Love (Viki)
Big Dragon Series (Viki)
Eternal Yesterday (Viki - if it sounds like a happy ending)
Oh! My Assistant (Viki)
Ai Long Nhai (youtube)
Remember Me (youtube)
To Sir With Love (youtube)
And the Midnight Series when they come out...
I think I've missed a gl that's airing atm - any gl recs happily received! - and I think another Japanese bl will start on Viki soon...
(*I know The Warp Effect will also start soon...but I don't think I will like it. Plus GMMTV have now put the trailer behind a sign in page so if they do that with the series I won't watch it anyway)
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gunsatthaphan · 1 year
I went from wstching like 5 shows per week to nothing... I have yet yo start anything but at the moment nothing really sparked my interest, I also have to first finish a couple of things to my mental peace! then I'll try to start ABAAB or Bed Friends or even Chain of Hearts even tho the subs are shit! or the new GL which name I can never remember... but I still miss the shows that are over!
I feel you anon. we all feel empty in these trying times djkghf
folks at gmmtv really let all these shows end at the same time lmao rip. but all of these were 2022 leftovers so starting monday they're back to their regular schedule so it's gonna be more quiet. which on the one hand is nice as the monday-friday lineup was crazy lmao but then again I got used to it so it's gonna take some time to adjust lmao. that is if midnight museum doesn't turn out to be a banger lol.
ABAAB is whatever lmao but at least we got our FriGay serotonin fix. that's all I need lmao. Bed Friend is a nice little gem imo, it's nothing fancy but mandee productions are just always nice to look at lol. Chain of Hearts has not captured my interest at all so I'm gonna pass on that one.
In the course of making my monthly BL updates I have an overview of what shows are airing and I usually take a look at them but there's absolutely nothing that intrigues me at the moment. the only one I'm thinking about starting is Love Syndrome but the reviews are mixed to not good lol. I might just stick with bed friend and the gmm stuff while I wait for our skyy 2 and only friends lmao.
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mikuni14 · 9 months
Frigay really spoils us, there's Thai Dangerous Romance and I Feel You Linger In The Air, it's also Korean Love Class 2 and Japanese My Personal Weatherman. Only Taiwan is missing for full happiness 😊
My Personal Weatherman oh this series is so cute. I enjoyed their date so much, Yoh is me when with my fear of heights I thought it was a great idea to ride on the London Eye (unfortunately there was no bishounen to hold my hand so I blacked out) . Yoh is actually a professional baka, but I'm not surprised that Mizuki is crazy about him, gosh, he's so cute, and pretty and hot :) Yoh has such a pretty smile, ahhh, first on Thursday Choi Jun delighted me with his happy smiles, on Friday it was Yoh, and today I hope Charn will make me happy with his 🥰 I like that sex is treated so openly in their relationship. However, they could talk to each other more, but oh well, they are Japanese who probably think that if they talk to each other, they will surely die, just like I was 100% sure that I would die falling from the London Eye 🤷‍♀️
Love Class 2 I like this series even though it has some flaws. All couples are unique and interesting in their own way, although the show was stolen by a girl lol The couple that seemed the most childish has the best relationship, the couple that seemed the most mature, in the end acted like children. Two good kisses, one dead-fish 😑 The scene on the roof was the most exciting for me. I like that they're all so... disaster gay 🥳
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invisiblegarters · 10 months
Be My Favorite Ep 10
Ah, here we are again, friends and neighbors! Happy Frigay!
NOW KISS. Sober, for once.
(they do not kiss. But I have to say Krist has Kawi's starry eyes down)
Ugh Not. Fuck ooooooff. Every single time that I feel like he's been as awful as he can be, he's like "hold my beer." I hate him so much.
And good on Pear for eviscerating him.
I feel like I say this every week, but Kwan. Girl. Love yourself more. She really is just too nice to him and he never, ever deserves it. This impressed me before, but now I just want her to stay away from him. That's a dude that, no matter how much love you pour into him or how much decency you try to show him, it will never be enough. If they try to redeem him in the eleventh hour I will scream. He can change, but ffs, not in two episodes.
Man you know you're an ass when even your awful friends don't want to be around you.
I really like this conversation between Pear and her dad. Interesting how Pear and Kawi are very similar in that they want to make everything perfect, but the way they go about it is different. It makes me wonder what Pear would have done with a magic time traveling crystal ball. To be fair I think that we all want perfection, or something like that. It's just how well we cope with the realization that it's never going to go down that way that differs.
Oh, Dad, You're breaking my heart. Kawi's too. All this time Kawi has been feeling like he's failed his dad and his dad has been feeling the same way and they just don't have the time to really make it better. That's what hurts, the same way that that song Cat's in the Cradle does. That painful realization of all the wasted time. AUGH I'm not crying you're crying. I do love that his dad made him promise to live his life to the fullest, though. That's sweet. I am glad they did get one final moment.
Hahaha poor Pear having to listen to these two try to make her blame them so she doesn't blame the other.
She's being very mature about this. I love her so much. I love that every opportunity that this show apparently gives her to be the worst, she turns around and is the best instead. If only everyone else could learn from her. NOT.
MAAAAX! I missed him so much! Hi never miss an episode again. He's enjoying Kawi's discomfort too much, just like any decent best friend should. Oh hell this episode is gonna be the one with al the feelings everywhere, isn't it?
Oh no, mom's back. I can just tell she's going to be shitty about Kawi and Pisaeng. Is that where the drama in the final act is going to come from? Because I feel like she's very much the type to go after Kawi if Pisaeng refuses to play ball with her.
The thing with Pisaeng's mom is that she's so freaking insidiously awful. She says things that are not untrue on the surface - you know it will be hard for you being gay, you can't know if your relationship will survive, etc - but in a way that is meant to plant doubts and shame, not remind Pisaeng of her love and that she is there for him. She's thinking of herself first and foremost, and it shows, and it's awful and I don't like watching it, or watching Pisaeng have to go through it. Honestly it would be better if she just came right out and said she doesn't accept him, at this point.
Him going to Kawi for comfort is sweet, though. And okay I really like how Kawi is trying to be supportive. Too bad Pisaeng is more a "bottle it up until I explode" kind of dude.
Please show don't do the blushing maiden routine here. Please. It's not as bad as when Between Us pulled it with Team, I guess, but come on. We don't need that.
...Kawi what are you doing?
Huh. Okay that was kind of unexpected from mom. I want to believe that her awfulness comes from a wrongly expressed place of care and concern but I'm having a hard time with it.
Although I will admit Pisaeng going "I can use this to get affection" is kind of amusing. But also he could just ask for affection? They're together now, after all.
Max is my kinda dude.
Hm, okay the sex thing. I'm not sure that Kawi is sex repulsed, but he might be on the ace spectrum. If so, I really hope that at some point we see that actually get navigated because I think that it would be interesting to see, and I am mostly okay with this being the show to tackle it because for the most part it's been able to tackle other subjects with sensitivity.
Either way though this could be cleared up by talking, probably. Come on, Kawi, where's that forthrightness of yours now?
When Pisaeng tried the crystal ball thing I almost lost it. What if it had worked? Pisaeng think things through please dear god.
Heh. Love that Kawi knows all he has to do is whine at Pisaeng and he'll get whatever he wants.
Oh are we really doing a rollercoaster as a metaphor for sex? Are we doing that right now?
Yes. Yes, I'm pretty sure we are. And Kawi is saying nope. No thank you sir. But I bet he chooses to have some sort of ride by the end of the ep (I said it and I'm not sorry).
Whee, a sober kiss. And a decent one, too. Followed by that ride I was talking about.
...did Pisaeng actually travel in time and we just don't know becuase when someone travels the other person doesn't see it the same way? Because Kawi traveled right in front of Pisaeng and Pisaeng had no clue...but Kawi returned to that moment. It does not look from the preview as though Pisaeng will be doing that, if in fact that's what happened.
Well my brain is fired up right now. Not that anyone will know because no one can see these right now, apparently. Time to unleash all my wildest theories on myself!
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Current theory - Pisaeng time traveled before this and that twist of the globe was him going back to his timeline. For maximum fuckiness.
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grapejuicegay · 2 years
Reveal your Watch & Rewatch drama list
I got tagged by @dribs-and-drabbles which,,, hi 🥰
Currently Watching:
Gaya Sa Pelikula (hi @babyneedsabinky !)
Cupid’s Last Wish (the first ep was fun. I need certain things to be addressed at some point to fully enjoy it but I liked the potential!)
ATLA (technically a rewatch but it’s been forever)
Starting Soon
Enchante (it’s so funny I got too busy and missed the entire run of the show)
Cherry Blossoms After Winter (I had mixed feelings about the manhwa when I first read it but I’m interested to see how they’re adapting it)
Semantic Error
Star In My Mind (it looks cute!! and i miss frigays)
KinnPorsche (!!!)
Heartstopper (!!!)
These are just the ones I’m starting soon but I stumbled into BLs less than 6 months ago kind of accidentally and just latched onto Bad Buddy. So most of all you guys’ favourite shows? They’re in this list for me and I’m so excited
Rewatch List:
Bad Buddy (also hopefully dragging some friends along for the brain rot)
He’s Coming to Me
Haunting of Hill House
Doctor Who (me on tumblr always means an inevitable rewatch. it happens every time)
and because I’ve been missing some magical girl goodness in my life
Ojamajo Doremi
Tagging: feel free to ignore this! @isvisomewhere @faillen @actually-yikes @transpat @babyneedsabinky
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bengiyo · 2 years
War of Y Ep 10 Stray Thoughts
Let's finish off Frigay with the soap opera drama. I'll be relieved when this managers fighting is over, and I'm not sure I'll be continuing next week.
Last time we were here, we learned that Bew is likely not just a victim in all of this, and either has become or always was a player as well.
I'm going to miss these shorts once we're done with this pair.
I am glad Sprite gets to be in this show and have fun.
I do like the dramatic posing and framing. Curious how this payoff will blow up.
Glad to see Gus and Bew not qualifying their queerness as a couple and being direct about it, and contributing to the call for marriage equality. Super refreshing.
Ah, Sprite's character is talking to Toon. Small industry.
Oh, are we going to fuck on the counter? Pran would be proud.
Oh, Bew was the one who didn't want a formal contract? How long has be been plotting to bail on Toon?
It's time for the drama! Stefano is back and ready to swap some babies!
Yes, dramatic rain and lightning. Give us ambience!
Honestly, I'm tired of accounting for all the provocations and escalations. It's all too much.
(For a variety of reasons, I had to pause the episode here on Friday. We are resuming now on Sunday morning.)
Bew is definitely still an actor. Pla is not playing anymore and snatched that phone back.
Damn, now Gus has the moral high ground?
Okay, we need to talk about music translation and where we place this in our shows. It baffles me that we still haven't figured out how to let music subtitles appear elsewhere in the video with the uploaded subtitle files these services use. I like knowing what the singers of songs used in dramas are saying, but squeezing it between dialogue is so frustrating.
"I want to end all the rumors." Me, too, Toon. I'm ready for this entire plotline to end.
Oh no. Can we not script people touching their chests when we literally have mics strapped to them???
An airport goodbye in the age of security theater? It's more likely than you think.
I feel like I need to read some deep dives into FC culture.
Why is Bew taking this picture in portrait mode??
I'm enjoying this tentative reconciliation.
Love that BL and other dramas have made me emotional about a head pat.
I do like that both parts have ended on a hopeful romantic note. That's encouraging.
Next week looks kinda fascinating in that they're doing a reality competition show. Can't guarantee I'll continue. I didn't like these guys in the little we've seen, and I'm not sure I have enough Days of Our Lives jokes to make it through ten more weeks.
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years
~ Monthly BL Breakdown: April 2022 ~  
Disclaimer: ALL shows can be streamed here or here, as well as on Dailymotion and Youtube. For more info on where to watch what, check out this post!
New updates coming at the end of every month - feel free to add stuff! -> previous breakdowns
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What came out this month? (green tick = seen or currently watching)
🌟 KinnPorsche - April 2nd (Thailand) 
🌟 Make a Wish - April 4th (Philippines) 
🌟 Saneha Stories 4 - April 7th (bl sideplots, Thailand) 
🌟 Star & Sky: Star In My Mind - April 8th (Thailand) ✅
🌟 Cherry Magic: The Movie - April 8th (Japan)
🌟 Kissable Lips: The Movie - April 8th (South Korea)
🌟 What Zabb Man! - April 9th (Thailand) ✅
🌟 Meow Ears Up - April 12th (Thailand)
🌟 Plus & Minus - April 15th (Taiwan)
🌟 Triage - April 18th (Thailand)
🌟 Unlucky-kun Has No Choice but to Kiss! - April 22nd (Japan) ✅
🌟 The Promise - April 22nd (Vietnam)
🌟 That’s My Candy - April 24th (Thailand) ✅
🌟 Ocean Likes Me - April 26th (South Korea) ✅
Monthly likes/dislikes
❣️ Star In My Mind - I’m so happy that this is meeting my expectations exactly lol I’m loving it so much! 🥺 I was looking forward to it and it’s exactly what I was hoping it would be. And though the plot seems like something you would find in a 2016 bl, it still has a lot of modernity to it and is a lot of fun to watch. I definitely missed the Gmmtv FriGay madness lol and it's good to see Joong again. Kluen and Nuea are adorable and a shoutout goes to the friend group because they’re iconic lol. 12/10 I’m obsessed. 
New series announcements
🎥 Phupha and Plawarn - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 Love Class - Coming May 13th (South Korea) 
🎥 Ghost Host, Ghost House - Coming August 2022 (Thailand) 
🎥 Even Sun The Series (starring BounPrem) - Date TBA (Thailand) 
Other news from the bl world
❗️The second season of Korean BL “To My Star” has been announced to air in June. Furthermore it has been announced that there will be a connection to the Korean BL “Blueming”. 
❗️Perth Tanapon (Love By Chance, The Stranded) joined GMMTV.
❗️Leo (VIXX) will star in the upcoming Korean BL “Happy Ending Outside The Fence”.
❗️Filming for the upcoming Thai BLs “Vice Versa” as well as “Unforgotten Night” has started. Vice Versa is set to air later this year, Unforgotten Night airs on June 22nd. 
❗️Krist P. revealed in an interview that the upcoming BL “Be My Favorite” was supposed to be his and Singto’s comeback project, however due to schedule collisions, Singto could not participate and Mike was cast instead.
❗️Yoon Seobin and Kim Jiwoong (Kissable Lips) will be the leads of “The Circumstances Of Pungdeok Villa Room 304”
❗️After being released solely on AISPLAY in Thailand, Love Stage is now finally available internationally on Youtube. 
❗️Workshops for the upcoming Thai BL “Middleman’s Love” have started. 
❗️Shortly after announcing that “Triage” won’t be having an international release, TVThunder release a followup announcement where they stated that it will be available internationally on the AISPLAY Youtube channel starting May 2nd - however only for the time window between 11PM and 1AM Thai time. 
❗️BounPrem starred in the music video to ผู้รอที่ดี (Till The End) by GRXXNKRITS. 
❗️Official trailers for the upcoming Thai BLs “Check Out”, as well as “Close Friend 2″ have been released. 
❗️The upcoming Thai BL “Love Mechanics” is rumored to air next month.
Upcoming series & movies for May
☝🏻 Clik Clak Clok - May 3rd (Philippines) 
☝🏻 Close Friend 2 - May 5th (Thailand) 
☝🏻 Love Class - May 13th (South Korea) 
☝🏻 Gameboys 2 - May 22nd (Philippines) 
☝🏻 Sing in Love - May 27th (Japan, theaters)
☝🏻 My Secret Love - May 28th (Thailand) 
☝🏻 Love Mechanics - May TBA (Thailand) 
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heretherebedork · 3 years
I miss all our good Nitiman boys so badly today! They were so good at communicating with each other! And they loved each other and had good friends who supported each other and the drama was always resolved! Sigh…
I do miss Nitiman, it's true. How can I not? The softest boys, the gentlest boys, the vanilla ice cream of the BL world. Seriously. They were the new Tossara and I appreciate them deeply AND the episodes are being uploaded on youtube now! Very glad. May rewatch as they're released. We'll see. My darling boys.
But there are still good shows, at least, and some are even soft as well.
Nothing quite like those boys of amazing communication... but they're out there.
Frigay is sadder for the less of Nitiman, though. Hopefully we get something else that can help out with this now.
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