#i moved deky
the way luka voted for the fifa the best awards winners tho:
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mayhiems · 2 years
The illustrations for the endings of the Your Throne visual novel game (?) thingy sucker punched me
Psydea won't let me go gaddam it.
'Cuz of that tho I ended up on another forum and ugh. I'm glad I can't remember my passwords or usernames in them apps cuz oof.
Anyways friendly reminder,
Eros was a jerk from ep1 stop forgetting that please (of y'all like em red flags is cool, just don't say they aren't red flags when they clearly are),
Medea's change to more "masculine" clothes is cuz it's more comfortable and practical (have y'all worn corsets and those dam layered dresses?! Unless the place has airconditioning I ain't wearing that sht) +it's a good sign that she has power and can finally do what she wants,
Love isn't just about romantic feelings fam,
Psyche only got released into the world for four years...so she can't possibly interact perfectly when it comes to other people (look what 2 yrs of the pandemic and lockdown did tsk),
Helio pretty much thought Medea aiming for recognition for her very notable acts (like strategizing for the wars, winning over kingdoms thru her father, etc.) was pointless and not important (in simple terms he's saying plagiarism is fine, it's not) he also thinks Medea should just settle down (weyt spoilers I forgot it's not freely available yet),
Perion is a bit too radical with his justice (I mean suddenly getting in someone's moving carriage? Boi could've hurt innocent bystanders),
Dekis is a good boi. Yes he left Medea, but he tried to give her a way out too and unlike Helio he learns not to brush off Medea's goals and dreams (he even came back to help),
In short, Eros, Helio, and Perion are not lover/husband material (if we're talking about healthy relationships).
Dekis is the only dude you could get married to and actually be happy (again, only if we're talking about healthy relationships)
Psyche is also a green flag.
Dekis and Psyche are the only green flags.
Medea would be a good partner tho (like if she actually loves her counterpart), she's territorial and protective but not to the point she would get in her SO's way without talking it out first (basis and proof is her more recent interactions with Psyche) Medea would annhilate anyone who tries to harm or insult her lover tho so uhhhh
I cant tag properly :-; words and letters keep repeating when i press one key dam it ;-;
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just-my-fandom · 3 years
Heartache (Shouta Aizawa x Pro-Hero! Reader)
A/N: Ooo-kay, finally back from my month long, needed break from writing. I’m kinda attached to MHA at the moment, so that is what I am taking requests for.
Summary; The two times where two of UAs teachers nearly lose their lives to protect their students, mindful of the child they have at home.
Request; Can we have some pro hero love where reader (pro hero) and Mr. Aizawa have a daughter and Thirteen who is readers best friend is said daughters god mom while Present Mic is the god dad plz
Akari- Japanese name meaning “Light”. Readers quirk is the ability to send large waves of energy a selective distance, and shield herself with said energy.
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Two months prior- U.A.
“Alright, everyone,”
Shouta Aizawa seemed well too calm this early morning. Too calm despite the fact that he is holding a child on his hip, who looked all too like him.
“Today’s lesson is simple. Based on communication,” He starts, “Communication when it comes to citizens. This lesson will teach you how to comfort an injured or scared citizen during an attack, specifically women and children,”
“Uh, Mr. Aizawa?” Denki Kaminari was first to speak up, hand half raised in confusion, “Why do you have a baby?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” Mina leans forward, eyes wide and gleaming happily, “That’s Mr. Aizawas and Neutron Shields baby! She looks just like him,”
“Lets not jump to conclusions,” Shouta hums, but the barely visible smirk on his lips lets his class know that the toddler is, indeed, his own, “I brought Akari here today for the lesson that will be taught. You will all need to learn and know how to comfort a child during an attack if the child has been separated from its parents,”
“Only, however,” Shoutas eyebrow raise causes his students to watch as his daughter leaned against his shoulder and glanced outward to the class, “Akari does have a quirk. It is similar to her mother’s, as Mina predicted, Neutron Shields. Meaning if she were to get defensive, you would have to calm the child from harming herself more, or you,”
“So we’re fighting a little brat,” Bakugou mumbles, rolling his eyes so when he looked back up to his teacher, said mans hair had raised and his eyes glowed red,
“Insult my daughter again,” Shouta threatens, instantly dropping his intimidating act when Akaris hand reaches up to pat his face. With a deep sigh, Shouta looks away from his daughter to his students, “No. Youre not fighting her. Simply consult her into comfort so she knows you’re not a threat. Akaris been taught how to control her quirk on demand,”
Lowering the toddler onto the floor, Shouta steps back as soon as his daughter began to tear up, twisting to reach for her father with quiet sniffles.
“Well?” Shouta eyes the students, when Akari hiccups and looks back to the teenagers, “She’s distressed,”
“I got this,” Kirishima is first to push out of his desk, hands out and steps slow as he approached the child, “Hey, Akari, it’s okay,”
Akari is swift to shake her head and twist her upper body away from the red head. On cue, a purple bubble surrounds herself, Bakugous brows pinching as Dekis mouth dropped, hand reaching over to pat Todorokis shoulder in amazement.
The bubble then expands to hit Kirishima and throw him off his feet, landing hard on his back so Akari blinked and giggled, loudly, the bubble then vanishing.
“Me next!” Mina exclaims, Akaris eyes flicking from the red head and to the pink skinned girl, who knelt down next to Kirishima and opened-closed her hands.
Hesitantly, Akami leant forward onto her hands and knees, ready to crawl up to the girl, but instead blinked so a bubble formed around Mina, the bubble suddenly shrinking so Mina shrieked and pressed her hands to the sides in an attempt to stop the shied like bubble from crushing her.
“Akari,” Shouta speaks up, his daughter blinking so the bubble vanished, her eyes shifting to her father before looking back to the class, Mina exhaling in relief and backing away.
“Come on, shit for brains,” Bakugou scoffs, standing to his feet so Akari stared at him, “We’ve trained with Neutron Shield before. The brats no different,”
“Akari is a child,” Todoroki reminds, on his own feet and stepping forward so Akari instantly reached up, the fire and ice powered male pausing to stare at her.
Her whine when he makes no move to pick her up causes him to do so, Shouta smirking as Akari stared at Bakugou and stuck her thumb into her mouth.
“It seems she has a favorite,”
USJ Training Facility
You weren’t sure what happened. As soon as you were in line of view, two of Shoutas students- Uraraka and Ashido- immediately began to panic from where they knelt down next to Thirteens collapsed figure.
“Mrs. Aizawa!” Mina cries, tears in her eyes as her hand rests on Thirteens shoulder, “Thirteen- she took a hit-!”
You are quick to move next to Ochaco, hand opposite of Minas so Thirteens head turned and her eyes weakly looked up at you,
“Thirteen,” You call, softly, “Hey. It’s okay,”
“I tried to protect them,” Thirteen murmurs, and you nod, sliding your arms beneath hers to heave her to her feet, Mina and Ochaco quick to stick their hands out in case she fell,
“You did,” You promise, “You did amazing, Thirteen,” Your eyes flick to the class, “Where’s Iida?”
“Getting help,” Mina heaves, shakily, “What- what’s going to happen to Thirteen?”
“Shes going to be okay,” You reassure, and shift Thirteens arm around your shoulders so she fell slump against your side, “I’m going to make sure of that,” Your eyes shift to your best friend, “Do you hear me, Thirteen? Akari needs her godmother in her life,”
“I’ll always be here for that angel,” Thirteen breathily laughs, watching as you looked over in alarm at the sounds of fighting, “Eraserhead. He stayed behind,”
“He can hold his own,” You murmur, but the doubt in your tone causes Thirteen to grasp the back of your suit,
“Go help him,” Thirteen demands, extending her free hand for Mina to drape at her shoulders, “I’ll be fine,”
You hesitantly peel away from the pro-hero, glancing between her and where the fighting could be heard, before you sprint down the steps, looking up in time to see Noumu, Shigarakis weapon, on top of your collapsed husband.
“Hey!” You call, raising your hands so a bubble surrounded you, expanding in a rush to hit Noumu so he stumbled off his feet, a good distance away from Shoutas figure.
Protect him. Protect him now.
With quick steps, you throw out a hand that forms a bright (Favorite/Color) bubble, which you slide under and next to Shoutas collapsed form so the bubble shielded both you and him.
“I always wondered when I would get to fight the famous Eraserhead and Neutron Shield at once,” Shigaraki speaks, your eyes shifting over your shoulder where he stood at one end of your bubble, while Noumu stood opposite of his leader,
“But defeating them both?” Shigaraki chuckles, “A dream come true,”
The first punch Noumu sends against your bubble creates severe damage to your shield. It cracks beneath his fist, giving the monster the confidence he needs to continue punching and clawing at the barrier,
“Mrs. Aizawa can’t take them both- not on her own,” Midoryia heaves from his spot in the water, where he, Mineta, and Asui hid a good distance from the battle.
“She has shields!” Mineta reminds, shivering in a panic, “She’ll be fine!”
“Ribbit, her bubble can only take a certain amount of damage before it breaks,” Asui states, “And the damage her shields take, her body takes,”
Where’s All Might when you need him?
With a weak breath, you slide your hand beneath Shoutas head, resting it in your lap as your muscles screamed for you to drop your shields.
“Honey,” You call, pleadingly, free hand resting over Shoutas chest- thankful to feel a heartbeat, “Baby, wake up. Please,”
Looking up, you watch as the top of your bubble cracks and shrivels in defeat, Noumu stepping back enough for the shield to drop and leave not only you, but now Shouta, vulnerable.
With a startled gasp, you raise your hand as Noumu then lunged at you, the shield only protecting your face, so the punch Noumu sends forces you feet back, tumbling backwards and onto your front, leaving Shouta out in the open yet again.
Fingernails grabbing at dirt, you moan out in pain, forcing your arms to push you to sit up, raising your head in time for Noumus claws to latch at your shoulders, shoving you onto your back, his weight forcing you to gasp for air at the pressure of him on your chest,
Raising a hand that clawed at his arm, you are quick to throw a shied, the edge slicing Noumus face so he only jerked back then growled down at you.
With wide eyes, you look over to Shoutas form, then up, at a distanced- “I am here!”
Noumus weight lifts as he departs, your lungs expanding as you gasped, coughing as you sit up, slowly moving up to Shoutas form.
“Help me get him up,” You demand, when Tsuyu and Mineta rush next to you, “Please,”
“Mrs. Aizawa- you’re bleeding!” Mineta stammers, your hand raising to your mouth where blood dripped.
Shaking your head, you allow All Might to take your hand and help you stand, “I’m not worried about me. Get him out of here,”
Camp Attack
Why were you struggling so hard to fight a girl with a knife? Maybe it was because you just couldn’t stomach the thought that your students- your husband were still somewhere in these woods, being attacked by someone else.
Your breaths are shallow by the time you pull yourself from your thoughts. With a hand grasping Togas wrist that held the knife, your eyes wildly search behind you, landing on two of your students,
“Asui, Uraraka, go,” You heave, grunting when Toga shoves at your front, “Go, now!”
Uraraka gasps in fear when Togas foot skillfully hooks around your ankle, jerking so you fell on your back with a pained grunt. Toga is quick to pin over top of you, knife held against the skin of your neck.
“Aren’t you supposed to be a pro-hero?” Toga grins, voice high as you narrow your eyes and suck in a deep breath through the nose, “You’ve gotten weak after having that stupid baby of yours,”
“Do not ever mention my child,” You heave, raising a hand so a shield formed, that instantly vanished when Togas knife slid across your neck, startling you to gasp in quick breaths,
“Mrs. Aizawa!” The two students shriek, your eyes pinching shut as you form a small bubble around you, successfully pushing Toga off of you so you could sit up and cough, hand covered in dark red blood.
You look over and form a bubble around Asui and Uraraka, looking back up at Toga when she giggles, dragging the blood covered knife across the bubble,
“You think a small bubble can stop me from getting what I want?” With a quick jab, the knife plunges into the bubble so you flinched and raised a hand to your neck.
Vision blurry, you blink, the bubble shattering so Toga giggled and lunges forward, not before a tongue shoots out and wraps around her, tossing her to the side and into a tree nearby,
“Mrs. Aizawa!” Uraraka quickly moves next to you, eyes wide as she watches you slowly lower back onto the dirt in defeat, “Mrs. Aizawa, stay awake!” Uraraka looks to Asui, alarmed to find Toga gone, “Tsu, go get help!”
“Uraraka, Asui!” The two girls look over, to find a group- consisting of Midoryia, Todoroki, Bakugou, Shoji, and Tokoyami- rushing towards them, “Come on! We’re heading back to the Camp!”
“Our pace will be slower with two injuries,” Todoroki states, eyes flicking to Midoryia on Shojis back, before he moves to help lift you up, your arms around his and Urarakas shoulders, “We need to find Mr. Aizawa, first and foremost,”
“They said we can use our powers to defend ourselves, and now we have two injured, one being a teacher,” Shoji states, “So don’t let anyone stop you,”
“You shouldn’t be moving around so much,”
You hum through a light laugh, lifting your head from where you rocked back and forth on your feet, your daughter curled against you.
“I’m not dying, Shouta. I’ll be fine,” You feel Akaris hand graze across the stitches at your neck, as you turn to face your husband.
“That’s nothing to joke about,” Shouta steps up, sliding his hands under Akaris arms to peel her away from you and against his own shoulder,
“Just thought I’d give a little pay back for the heart attack you gave me during the USJ incident,” You shrug, frowning at Shoutas glare, “Okay. Sorry. But honestly, honey, I’m okay. Recovery Girl said I should be fully healed by next week,”
“Until then you should be resting,” You roll your eyes at Shoutas statement, turning to then pluck a shirt from your pile of laundry to fold,
“Take your own advance, honey. You haven’t slept a full night in three weeks,” You turn, hand at your hip, “Why don’t we call Hizashi and let him take Akari for a day or two? Give us time to rest?”
“If you want another kid, just ask,” Shouta smirks, your lips parting as he moves around you, laying Akari in her own bed in the corner,
“That’s not what I meant, and you know it,”
“Do I, though?” Shoutas hands rest at your hips, and you smile, hand at his jaw to pull his lips against yours.
“Seriously, though,” You hum, “Hizashi would love to see his god daughter. I promised Thirteen I’d help her with her own recovery,”
“I swear you love Thirteen more than me,”
“Oh, definitely. No questions asked,”
“Fine, go ask her for another kid,”
“Nah, I like my kids to have your attitude,”
“Oh, sure,”
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pamgkrthwrites · 4 years
Can we have reader realizing Katsuki's saying okay to everything and tries to tease him by asking something he wouldn't be I'm with? And he says okay until his brain realizes what she said and he tries to backpedal?
I’m not taking requestions as this time, but because this is to mention of my joke post, so I will respond. 
Plus I’m in the middle of moving and the only thing I’m looking forward to is finding my Bakugou Shirt so....
I tried to really think about it and laughed at him saying okay to Y/N using a strap on him, but when I thought about it, what if he was INTO that? Like, I can see him saying yes some days and no the other days. If he is saying okay to tease Y/N then he would be in the mood to say yes to that. So I started thinking.
And came up with something evil.
Warning: NSFW mentions.
Bakugou had been in a good mood recently, to the point he was saying okay to anything. You thought he was getting bored of you until you realised it was him showing how much he loves and trusts you. He loves you enough to do anything for you but also trust you enough to NOT ask really dumb shit.
So, you decided to tease him.
He caught on of course that you were trying to tease him.
“Can I buy a strap and use it on you?”
You thought that would break him.
Yet all he did was continue what he was doing with a smirk as he said ‘okay’.
It took you by surprise.
That's not to say you didn’t have a fun time that night. 
You tried to think of so many things.
Nothing worked.
It was another day going through a list of things. Kirishima, Kaminari, and Ashido were there as well. Kaminari found it funny that Bakugiy said okay to everything, Mina laughed at some the things you requested, and Kirishima was just happy to be there.
“Can we get a dog?”
“Could we go to Australia for Christmas?”
“Can we buy a new house?”
You sighed and leaned back in your chair. The joke was getting old, and it felt like Bakugou wasn’t paying attention right now. He was doing reports right now so his main attention was on some pieces of paper.
“Do you love me?”
You glared at him. Mina looked over with a sorry smile, and so did Denki.
“Can I have a threesome with Todoroki and Midoriga?” 
The three friends snapped their heads around to you.
Y/N what have you done? written all over their faces.
Not even a second rolls around until Deki and Mina are laughing their heads off.
Bakugou’s snap wide as he just released what he said.
“Oh FUCK NO Y/N!” Bakugou turned and yelled.
You burst into a fit of laughter yourself.
“You just said okay so-”
Eijiro tries to calm down Bakugou as the you, Denki and Mina laugh.
“Dude! You should of been paying attention.” Denki laughed.
“Bro! Shut. Up!” Eijiro hushed.
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hisgoodpuppy · 3 years
bnha birthdate fun facts
i looked into the cancer birthdate facts out of curiosity and actually found some funny and accurate stuff for these boys. i just think it’s a fun little thing. i’m open to doing more of these 🐾
featured: kaminari deki, shinsou hitoshi, midoriya izuku, mirio togata
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kaminari denki - june 29th
birthdate facts:
ruled by emotion and refuse to give up their idealism even in the face of facts and realism. yet they are more determined than their nature makes them seem.
they often lack confidence in their ability to succeed. they are unselfish and are always involved in some activity that brings hope or inspiration to others.
friendly people with a cheerful character
innate charisma & charm”
they are able to be content with little and do not pursue personal gain. they enjoy nature, love to sing and dance. they are active, move a lot, radiate cheerfulness and always bring a lot of noise with them, wherever they appear.
shinsou hitoshi - july 1st
birthdate facts:
believe in deep emotional connections with people rather than general socializing
they attract everyone’s attention with their conversation and demeanor
very sensitive natures, easily find an approach to people and quickly adapt to new situations. it is easy for them to make new acquaintances and communicate in unfamiliar companies, as they are very kind, nice and open people
often experience stress related to their internal state. if they do not feel understanding and do not hear praise from the outside for his labors, he may feel anxiety and rejection. even if he is on the crest of a wave
insightful, intuitive and imaginative
listening to music may also be extremely therapeutic
are their own worst enemies
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midoriya izuku & mirio togata - july 15th
they are highly emotional and incredibly caring with people around once their own affection needs are fulfilled
power is not exploitation, but a real action, which is aimed at establishing harmonious relations with others (BOTH)
are responsible for their loved ones and relatives, for their friends, there is an assumption that their magnetic influence on others is very large (BOTH)
they are capable of much, therefore, in order to always be in shape, they need to relax
have a powerful effect on others and a rare ability to exert their influence positively to help others move forward with their lives
desire to achieve and make a positive difference in the world can extend to all parts of their lives
have a great sense of humor and they might appear as shallow but this is only they way of taking things lightly some times. this allows them to relax and recharge their batteries while connecting casually with others because the rest of the time they are very analytical and observant
power is not exploitation, but a real action, which is aimed at establishing harmonious relations with others (BOTH)
are responsible for their loved ones and relatives, for their friends, there is an assumption that their magnetic influence on others is very large (BOTH)
with the help of their natural charm, they can smooth out all heated conflict situations.
aspirations and desire to share their luck, prosperity and material profit with other people
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most info pulled from birthdaypersonality.org
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croatian-nt · 3 years
Domo podcast
Alright, I am posting my podcast translations here. Idk how often I’ll be able to post them, but I’ll make sure all 26 of them eventually end up here. So first one had Domagoj Vida and  Ndermin Redžaj (who will be refered as Deki through the text) as first guests. Translation below the cut bc this will be long
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Tomislav Pacak, one of two hosts, does an introduction of the podcast and says it will feature each day one player and one member of the staff for 26 days.
Host: Or goal here was to introduce or get to know the players and members of the staff who are part of the team better. I see our first episode, with Domagoj with a physiotherapist Ndermin Redžaj will be fun. Although very challenging for me, a host
 Domo was asked about the end of his season in Beskitas. His was talking about it and at one point he said "of course, we over complicated things for ourselves, the way croatian nt does usually"
Then, Domo and Deki(who is a Domo's physiotherapist) talk about how they know each other for a very long time.
Domo: Yeah Deki is a very good friend and colleague. Along with massaging me, he also cooks very well
Deki: oh Vida cooks even better. He puts us all in the car and takes us to the nearest restaurant
 Host: How does your wife handles the fact that you are in mostly men's company?
Domo: oh, she handles it well. We can also always leave them to handle David for a few hours and we go out alone
 Host: What memories do you associate with your time in Russia in 2018?(directed at Deki)
Domo, cutting in: Bunga, bunga!
Deki, trying not laugh: Well, I definetly remember the atmosphere
 Host: What about you Domagoj?
Domo: Well, for me, I mostly remember what we did in our free time. How we had fun, and most fond memories come from massage room where the whole team often spent a lot of time
 Host: During doček you were hanging from the bus few times right? Who kept you up again?
Domo: oh yeah, I hanged like a ceiling lamp. Suba and coach held me up. But generally, that whole day is one of my most fond memories. Whenever I am at hard point in my life, I turn on doček on youtube and I instantly feel better
Domo: It's weird you know? People still tell me „Thank you" even today as they did on doček
 Host: How was it with all the mixed feelings after the final? Were you all proud immediately after or was there some bitterness at first?
Domo: well, it all depends on people individually. For me, it hit ne hard. We were so close to winning and I was crushed. Everyone kept telling me "keep your head high, we should be proud". It was only after we came back to hotel and started celebrating that the good feelings started to come back
 Host: Alright, first card break. These are which one would you choose
Domo, under his breath: pancakes
Deki: *laughs *
Domo: don't laugh at me dragi! Don't. Oh *looks at first card * you should have pulled out this one. Beer or wine?
Deki: depends on a moment
Host: okay what about...after the win against England? Deki: beer. Definitely beer
Deki, to Domo: sand or pebbles(on a beach)
Domo: sand. I don't like pebbles. They hurt my-
*He cuts himself off, everyone laughs*
Domo: ...my feet
 Deki: Batman or Superman? Domo: what was the first again?
Deki: Batman
Domo: *burts out laughing * there are cameras here!
*both laughing *
Domo: inaudible from laughter in the mouth
Domo, finally stops laughing, makes a straight face: Superman
Domo: just because of...you know *laughs again *
Deki: okay, okay, yeah
 Deki: burek or ćevapi
Domo: ooof. ćevapi. I am sick of burek from Istambul, I eat it every third day.
 Host: Pick three cards in which you'll choose one of your teammate
Domo: Livaković *pointing at something off camera *
Host, turning around: I see he came to watch since it's turn tomorrow
Domo: yeah, he came to watch me break the ice. Watch and learn son, watch and learn
Domo, to Deki: which teammate would you let change your tire
Deki: Livakovic
*all laugh *
Livi, off the camera: you won't go far!
Domo: it's because you have golden hands
 Deki: which teammate would you choose for a partner in show potjera(hunt)?
(So in the show, there are 4 people who signed up to be there and they form a team. They need to go through three challenges to leave with money, and "the hunter", has to try and catch them by answering more questions than them. It's a bit more complicated than that but that's the gist of it)
Domo: Badelj
Deki: which teammate would you let cook you dinner?
Domo: ufff. I don't think anyone here know how to. Hmmm *thinking for thirty seconds *
Deki: Kale, maybe?(Kalinic in case someone doesn't understand our dumb nicknames)
Domo: no, he has good prosciutto, but that isn't cooking
Deki: Sluga?
Domo: Sluga! Yes, he is good!
 Domo: who would you trust with a secret?
Deki: Domagoj Vida
Domo: that-that's. Well. I guess you don't have many of them
 Deki: who would you choose for business partner
*they make eye contact and burst out laughing *
Deki: he isn't here!
Domo, still laughing: Lovren then!
 Host: one of the players you worked with privately, even outside of national team is Mario Mandzukic. He is very popular but he has this sort of untouchable image. How is he in his private life?
Deki: he is only like that in public. He is like the rest of the team. For me, they are firstly good people, and only then good players
Deki: we all know what Mario is like. He seems like he is no good but he is actually a very good man(direct translation is he is a soul of a man which is a term used in croatian)
Domo, in a bit silly voice: soul
Domo: a good man but...no I am kidding. He is a good man and we miss him here in nt. I think he retired too early but it was his choice and we respect it. The two of us(he and Deki he means) used to spend time with him more than the others and he is truly a great man. And he is always ready to help, not just those he is on good terms with but everyone
 Host: you said yourself massage room is very important in national team. Is it the same in your club as well?
Domo: well no, not as far as I noticed. People from foreign countries have different rituals, but I noticed this is very important to people from balkan. It's very important for atmosphere. After training and all the activities for the day are done, 10 or so of us guys will gather there for massage and since you go in one by one as you wait there will be fun and joking around and stuff like that. So that's very important for atmosphere, which we saw in Russia how important that can be
 Host: round three of cards with questions
Deki: what's your favorite part of a training
Host, jokingly: it isn't the breaks?
Domo: ufff. So, I like the most when a day before the actual game, older play against younger and it's the very end of the game. With centre shots between two people
 Deki: Favorite jersey?
Host: That isn't Croatian
Domo: Beskitas. Of course
 Deki: favorite club when you were a child?
Domo: Barcelona
 Host: Domo, you are nt's dj from what I heard
Domo: I suppose-
Host: so, what music do you play before and after games and what in the bus?
Domo: well, mostly narodni radio. But I mostly gave up that role to others now. To Šime Vrsaljko, and there was Jedvaj before, too
Domo: and I think during this time we'll get Livaković to do it too. He is young and he will have a long career in nt, so we should teach him how it's done
Host: you already answered this for UEFA, but I was wondering if you could repeat it. Who is the best dancer, singer etc of the team?
Domo: I am not sure I remember what I said
Host: I can remind you. You said Livakovic is the best dancer
Domo: oh, yes, true! He is the best dance he has these moves *moves side to side with hands and body * and does everything with his hips
Host: And the best singer?
Domo: there is no best singer. We sing the best all together
 Host: Do you still watches Osijek games? Since it was your first club
Domo: yeah, of course. I am glad to see they are doing well. I also watch Dinamo games since I have friend-
Host, half laughing: Livakovic?
Domo, grinning: Livakovic, our dear octopus, and Bruno and Orša...
Domo: but I'd like them to slow down a bit, leave something for Osijek you guys. Although they have been very good this year too
 Host: Last card break. It's „who in the national team...“
Deki: Who gets mad the fastest?
Domo: Broz. But he also stop being angry the fastest
 Deki: Who is the best at public speaking?
Domo: oh, coach, definitely. But from players, Badelj
 Host: so which clubs and players do you love to watch and some maybe that you used to love to watch before?
Deki: well I used to love watching Milan during Boban's time. Today, I love watching Real Madrid. And for players Luka of course. Benzema-
Domo: oh god
 Host: so how is now with Corluka being a coach when he was your teammate only a short while ago?
Domo: well, it's only the first day so we didn't have much time to talk. It's a bit weird with Carli being a joker and a gentlmen both in one. We are used to joking around but during training now that isn't the case because he is the coach and he should be treated as such. After it though, we can relax a bit more and talk
 Host: that's all guys, thank you for this and thank you for breaking the ice in this show. Although you put the bar pretty high, I guess we'll see tomorrow if Livakovic can outdo you
Domo: I am sure he will, you'll have two goalies tomorrow
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iidascalves · 4 years
The Sorcerers’s Cabin (Shinsou x Reader fantasy au)
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Hello! So I’ve been a little unmotivated lately to write but I hope to change that soon lol. Don’t be shy to send me an ask! I’m thinking of writing for some other animes besides BNHA but there’s so many I’m having a hard time choosing. Let me know if anything comes to mind :)
“Bakugou! Mina! Wrap it up, we need to get out now!” You yelled to the rest of your team as your blade clashed against the rusted, chipped daggers of the goblins you were escaping.
While traveling through a dense forest en route to a town being disturbed by a gang of petty thieves. With the thieves getting more and more aggressive, Bakugou decided on leading you guys through the woods as a shortcut. However, as you, Bakugou, Kirishima, Sero, and Ashido were cooking stew for supper, you noticed Denki hadn’t returned from his toilet trip. Sero offered to check on him and walked the surrounding trails until he found pieces of Denki’s elaborate outfit. He called you and the others.
The scattered belts, feathers, and vials led to a small dirt cavern entrance in the base of a large tree. The smell coming from the hole was putrid. The smell of rotting food and perhaps remains made you pinch your nose closed.
“You guys think he’s down there?” Mina whispered.
Bakugou grunted and pinched his nose tighter.
“Smells like shit. Why would he be down there?”
“Judging by the smell and his shit being thrown around, I’m guessing he was snatched by goblins.” You whispered to the group, your eyebrows furrowed in concern.
“These bastards are nasty. We’ll have to move fast.” Sero’s body was tense. He was ready to pounce down into the caverns and retrieve his friend.
“There’s always a lot of them down there so stay alert and take out as many as you can.” Kirishima and Bakugou were the main battle strategics of your posey. Although Bakugou was strategic in battle, his hot headed nature often led him to make rash decisions.
“Let’s get the fuckers.” Bakugou practically growled as he descended into the cave.
The smell became more and more intense as you descended. You tugged your handkerchief over your nose and listened to the nearby sounds of celebration. There were growls and screeches of excitement. You soon saw what the goblins were ogling over.
The five of you crouched and peeked from a corner as a horde of goblins picked at the outfit of an unconscious Denki. Out of everyone in the group, Denki had an elaborate outfit than all of you put together. He always sported fancy hats and handkerchiefs. Before stealth missions he had to take off the numerous noisy belts and clanking potions from his person before preceding. None of you knew why he dressed so flamboyantly. But after traveling together for a good two years, you had all gotten accustomed to it by now.
Denki was passed out behind the bars of a log prison, fashioned from materials in the forest. There were piles around the cavern dedicated to different treasures such as swords, vials, and coins.
The frenzy of grabby hands halted when torches were lit and illuminated a large figure in the middle of the crowd.
A grotesque, giant goblin stood soaking in the praise from the others. You looked to your group. Their faces were filled with both worry and determination. Your eyes met with Bakugou and you knew his signal was soon to come.
“My subjects!” The many chins of the slimy had goblin giggled as his voice boomed from his throat. “We will treat this feast as any other. Celebration and distribution of goods will happen after our catch is stripped and devoured.” Cheers echoed from the crowd, causing the large goblin to take a pause to soak them in. “I promise you will all get a piece.” Before the colossal goblin could reassure his people any more, Bakugou sprung from his crouching position and forced his exploding fist into the goblin’s face. Once Bakugou acted, you all sprung into action.
Sero and Kirishima made a path over to Deki and wrangled him from the greedy arms of the goblins. Mina and Bakugou went wild, taking out as many goblins as they could.
You made sure to keep the exit path clear. The last thing you needed was to be blocked by a wave of little smelly bastards right before your escape. After Denki was secured, Sero hauled him out of the cave along with Kirishima.
“Kiri! We have to get far away from here! These tunnels run deep. More will be here soon.” Kirishima gave you a stoic smile and nod as he ran out of the cavern. Kirishima had the task of shifting into his dragon form. This would allow you all to make a quick escape.
“Bakugou! Mina! Hurry it up!”
Bakugou was still ravaging the goblins in his usual bloodthirsty manor. Mina shot balls of acid from her hands as she began making a path through the mass of creatures.
“We’re coming, (y/n)!” Mina shouted as she marched through the crowd. Bakugou followed behind her, still beating the shit out of the army.
Once out of the sea of flailing swords, Mina and Bakugou ran towards Kirishima. He had transformed into his ginormous dragon form. He snorted, urging you three to hurry up. You held the grimy beasts off as Mina and Bakugou passed you and mounted Kirishima.
“(Y/n), get the fuck on, dumbass!” Bakugou screamed at you from the back of the massive crimson dragon.
You were walking backwards, trying to evade the attacks of the three goblins closing in on you. With all the strength you could muster you swung your sword as hard as you could against the blade of the closest goblin. Upon the sound of the two blades colliding, you turned and bolted towards Kiri.
“Go!” You shouted as you were sprinting towards your crew. The leaves on the forest floor stirred from the wind of Kirishima’s wings. He pumped them up and down, his large clawed feet slowly leaving the ground.
You desperately leapt for the bottom of Kirishima’s tail. You landed on the hard, scaly skin with a slam and hugged the muscular tail with all the strength your arms possessed.
As you felt the air around you quicken, a sudden, sharp pain came upon your right calf.
You head swung over your shoulder. Through your waving hair you could see a rusty dagger plunged into your leg. Your entire calf seared in pain as you tried to hold on to Kirishima’s thick tail as you gained altitude.
“Hold on, (Y/n)!” You heard Mina’s voice over the screaming wind. “Sero! Grab her!”.
The panic in her voice made your heart pound. Your arms began to lose their hold on the tail.
“This fucking wind!” You looked ahead to see Sero shooting tape from his elbows, just for it to be blown away by the swirling wind. You began to panic even more. You were several hundred feet above the ground at this point. If you fell you might die. Or at least break several bones. Your limbs acted by themselves out of panic. You scrambled for something, anything to grip onto. You slowly began to slide off the slippery scales.
You forgot to breathe as your world turned clockwise and you felt your body slide off the scales.
“(Y/n)!” A panic chorus of your name was all you heard as your hands disconnected from the smooth crimson scales and wind whipped around your body. A harsh whistle filled your ears, and your hair whipped violently into your face as your vision focused on the blue sky before going completely dark.
It was dark. Your sheets were soft and clean. Your head shifted on the soft pillow that cradled your head. Through your closed eyelids, you sensed a light. Had Mina forgotten to put out her candle again? Was Mina in the room? What about the others? Where were they?
You suddenly remembered falling from Kirishima and your body jolted with panic. Your eyes snapped open to be greeted with the interior of a pleasant cottage. A fire was crackling next to your bed mat. Dried herbs hung from the ceiling and pickled plants and products in delicate jars adorned the shelves.
You pushed yourself up on your elbows to get a better look of the room.
A black cat was sitting on a large red chair in the corner. His yellow eyes watched you as his tail swung back and forth behind him.
You began to hear footsteps on dirt behind you. Someone was approaching the cabin. You looked for your sword. Perhaps your captor took it. Your captor was approaching the cabin. Was he your captor? You weren’t restrained in any way.
You braced yourself to face them as the metal latch clicked. You turned to look over your shoulder at the door as it opened.
Your eyes found those of the man entering the cabin. His eyes were an enchanting, soft purple. His matching hair was messy and stuck up from his head. The whites of his eyes grew for a second upon seeing you.
“Oh. You’re awake.” His voice was deep. Almost enchanting. “Mind telling me who you are?” The stranger set a bag of sticks and small logs by the fireplace and squatted next to your bedside. A lump festered in your throat. You were unprepared for the intensity of his stare.
“W-who are you?” You pusher yourself up more so you were now sitting upright on the mat. The stranger paced over to a nearby stool and sat. He laced his fingers and stared back at you.
“I suggest you answer my question first.” His legs widened their stance as he leaned forward to loom over you. He was goddamn intimidating. But you weren’t going to let a stranger rattle you like this. You decided to challenge him, wether it was to be stubborn or just to challenge his control of the situation.
“And what if I do-.” The remaining words were stuck in your throat. His violet eyes twinkled as his lips pulled into a smirk.
He decided to supply an explanation when your blank eyes remained wide with panic.
“You see, I am a sorcerer. Although I am a pretty good healer, I specialize in a certain ability: brainwashing.” He shifted on his stool, crossing his legs before continuing. “So I’ll ask again. Who are you?”. Damn this smug bastard. Before you could even think to stop yourself, words began escaping past your lips.
“(Y/n). I was separated from my party when we got attacked by goblins.”
“I see.” His eyes narrowed. “Are you with the league?” You knew what he was talking about. A group of powerful individuals with abilities who have been causing trouble throughout multiple kingdoms.
“No.” You responded flatly. His smirk molded into a kind smile as he sat himself back upright.
“Alright. You seem okay to me.” Suddenly you snapped back into reality. Control over your mouth and body returned to you.
“What the fuck was that for?” You glared at him with a furious look.
He shrugged and smirked once again.
“You weren’t giving me an answer.” His smirk faltered under your spiteful gaze. “Don’t give me that look. I’m the one who dragged your ass back here and healed your fucked up leg.”
Your eyes drifted to your leg that was tucked carefully under the blue blanket you had been given. But, your eyes returned to his face, still glaring.
“Let me introduce myself.” You softened your glare into a slightly judge mental gaze and let him continue. “My name is Shinsou. As you know, I’m a sorcerer. I’m a loner who likes to take in stray cats and garden.” A soft smile began to appear on your face. He returned it and tilted his head towards your leg. “How’d your leg get so fucked up?”.
You appreciated this newly found warm energy. He seemed more kind and inviting.
“I got shanked by a goblin when I was escaping their lair.” He nodded while his face held a surprised expression.
“That explains the stab wound. But why did I find you in a tree?”
“Well, my friend is a skin-changer. He transforms into a dragon.” Shinsou’s eyes widened. “And because of my leg, I couldn’t get a good grip on him as he flew away and I fell.” Shinsou remained surprised at your story. Perhaps it was because you were so nonchalant about both being stabbed and having a friend able to morph into a dragon.
“Oh.” He was quiet for a second. “How do you think you’ll find them again?”
“We were on our way to a town that was being disturbed by a gang of bandits. I’ll head there when I’m able.” You patted your leg. “How long until I can walk on it?” He smiles at your positivity and eagerness.
“I’d give it about four more days. The wound wasn’t that deep but I want to make sure it’s not getting infected.” His playful smirk returned as he saw you huff.
“What am I supposed to do until then?” You huffed and flopped back onto the bed.
“You can always help me around here. Sorting herbs, organizing texts and books, helping me cook. There’s plenty to do.”
So, with that you spent the next four days helping Shinsou around his house and property. He would carry you out to the garden so you could pick fruits and vegenatbles, he would have you cut up different ingredients for his delicious soups and stews. You enjoyed his company and calm lifestyle.
After dinner on the fourth night you and him were sitting in front of the fire. His large black cat curled up on your lap. A cup of tea warmed your hands as you breathed in the comforting smells of Shinsou’s cabin for what may be the last time. Your eyes admired the cabin. The colorful herbs hanging, the shelves cramped with papers and large books. Your eyes eventually found Shinsou’s handsome face. He was staring into the fire calmly. His violet eyes reflecting the bright flames. His soft gaze was enough to make your chest hurt. His messy hair was sticking up in all directions, as if he had just rolled our of bed.
“What if you came with me?” His head turned to you.
“What?” Shinsou was startled and confused by your sudden proposal.
“What if you came with me? To the village. Meet my friends. We can travel together.” You remained calm and determined.
“They wouldn’t like me.” He looked back to the flames. You scooted closer to him and rested your hand on his forearm.
“They would. I didn’t think I’d like you. But here we are.” You smiled at him.
“Hey!” He frowned at you jokingly. Not sure wether to be offended or not. You laughed and patted his arm.
“Just think about it. You can place a spell over your cabin so no one will bother it. I know my friends would like you. You’ve helped me so much. An invitation to travel with us is the least I can do.”
Shinsou was quiet. His eyes remained fixated on the flames. He was deep in racing thoughts.
“Okay.” Shinsou’s eyes returned to you.
“Really!” You squirmed on your bed mat and grabbed his arm in excitement.
He groaned and his face flushed pink.
“Yeah, don’t make me change my mind.” He tried to cover his smile with annoyance, but you saw through. The flames flickered light onto his soft smile. You hugged his arm close to you and set your head against his shoulder. The two of you watched the light of the flames dance and listened to the crackling wood. In between the crackles of the fire, you could hear the deep, calm breaths coming deep from within Shinsou’s chest. You allowed the calming breaths and crackling flames to lull you to a deep, dreamless sleep. Your head rested comfortably on Shinsou’s shoulder until the sun rose, signaling the start of your new journey.
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bakugous-bakahoe · 4 years
It’s a bike not a truck (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader)
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The image is not mine
Warning: A bit of a manga spoiler
Next up: Denki Kaminari x reader (Requested)
Summary: Bakugou and the reader go on a date but in the middle of the date the Bakusquad interrupt their date.
Bakugou POV
This date was going great (Y/N) is having fun, I was getting toys for her every chance get. I wanted to get a big ass stuffed animal but this fucking games are fucking rigged.But i did get her a bunch of little ones that she had to hold them all in a bag. Now we were walking around seeing all the roller coaster, games, food stand and a giant ferris wheel. 
I could noticed that  she was staring at the ferris wheel and the she started to talk to me.”Can we go on the ferris wheel?” she looked up at me while pointing at the machine. I looked up at the machine and started to say.
“How about we eat something before we go ride it.” I said to her 
“Okay, what should we eat? There a lot of stands around here.” She asked has she grabbed my hand and intertwined her fingers with mines. When we got close the section of the food stand. (Y/N) looked around and pointed at one of the open tables. When we sat down and i started to say.
“Well, we got Pizza, tokoyaki, funnel cake and some other shit. What would you like to eat.”
“How about we share some tokoyaki with that spice sauce you like.” I raised my eyebrow.
“Okay, be right back” I went to the shop that was selling the type of food and ordered the plate with a couple of drink. Wile i waited i looked around my surrounding. There a lot of people tonight good thing i bought the tickets in advanced if not i think they would have been sold out. The worker called my order and i picked it up the tray and started to walk back to the table.
The second that i could start to see the table i saw yellow, red, pink, purple and (H/C). God damn it, no, not now, not here. Why are you idiots here. I got closer and i could hear laughter, I walked further and (Y/N) saw me and pointed to to her side. When she pointed at her side everyone turned around and saw me. I place the tray on the table and sat next top her.
“Baku-bro! What are you doing here?” Said Kirishima all excited.
“It’s non of you business.”
“There an even greater question at hand. What are you guys doing here together?” Mina questioned has she looked at me while on the other side of (Y/N).
“It’s obvious they are on a date” Kaminari said with a shit eating grin on his face.
“WHAT!” Yelled Mina, Kirishima and Sero. While Shinsuo was just stoic face.
“Baku-babe, you finally grown some ball.” Said Raccoon eyes while sticking her tongue out at me.
“Katsuki, calm do--”
“Finally going to get your dick wet, and not be so god damned mad all the time.” Knock off pikachu interrupted. I could give a shit right now because what he said made me even madder.
“Deki!” Sero yelled.
“Sero can you tape his mouth?” Shinsuo asked and he just gave him a thumbs up and proceeded to take some tape of his elbow.
“Wait no.” Sinsuo grabbed him and Sero taped his mouth.
“(Y/N), why didn’t you tell anything to us girls?” Mina said has she wrapped her hands around her arm.
“I’m sorry, Mina. We were trying to keep it a secret until we were sure.” she confess to her best friend. “But anyway, Katsuki let’s eat the food going to get cold”
“W sat back down and decided to eat out meal. After we ate out food Mina decided to take (Y/N) to play skee-ball. While the guys decided to pull me away to go play bumper karts. I was even more pissed this date was turning out to be horrible. Why in the hell did this idiots have to interrupted. So, i took out my anger out my smacking into Denki. 
“C’mon, bro. Why are you so made?” Kirishima yelled at me while he bumped into Sero. 
“Yeah this amusement park is cool as hell.” Pikachu yelled has he bumped me and i got even madder and bumped into Shinsuo.
“His just mad because Mina stole his girl.” Shinsuo said and before i could say anything a bell went off alerting us that our time was up.We got off the karts and went on our way, i went faster then the rest of them.
“Bakugou don’t leave us.” Sero yelled, I just kept walking further away from them until I spotted the girls and went their way. When I got closer to them the saw me and stopped. The girls had bags of candy and when Mina spotted the other boys she took tiny bags full of hard candy, gummies, lollipops and other types candies.
They took their bags and start to open it and eat their candy. When i looked back at (Y/N) was eating cotton candy, she looked up at me and moved her hand forward has asking me if i wanted any.n. I shake my head no and i could see that her other hand was full with bags. She moved her hand forward and i said no agan, That is when she swallowed the piece of candy that she had in her mouth and started to say.
“Babe, i’m asking you to hold it i want to give you something.
“Oh.” I grabbed the base of the sugar treat and she starts to search in one her bags, She took out a orange plastic bah with decorating on it. The bag was filled with candy just like the other but she was about to give to me she said.
“I bought this candies just for you the shop owner told me that this are spicy and i got them for you.” She said with a smile on her face and placed the bag on myu other hand.
“Thank you.” I took one of the gummy candies and ate one. I could feel my cheeks getting warmer, I could also feel eyes on us. This was getting embarrassing, just leave, I turned around  and started to yell.
“WHAT ARE YOU STARING AT!” I grabbed (Y/N) ans stated walking way from them. I could start to hear them yell at us.
“Bakugo is finally a man. He’s finally a man.”Kirishima said with tears coming out of his eyes.
“Keep it PG, Bakugo.” Yelled Mina has she waved at (Y/N), has she waved back.
“He’s definitely going to become a man now.” Said Kaminari.
“Kaminari do me a favor.” Shinsuo asked him,
“Yea-” The second that Kaminari responded his eyes were frosted over meaning that he was under Shinsuos control.
“Now Kaminari, punch your self in the face.” When he said that Kaminari punch himself square in the nose.
“Really, Kaminari. Are you a dumb-ass.” Sero said, then he took his tape and wrapped it around Kaminari who at this point was bleeding from his nose. We just kept walking away from them.
We were far away from them, so i stopped and grabbed (Y/N) hands correctly and intertwined my fingers with her. I looked down at her and she was looking at me with a smile that very much like. We kept walking and we were around a lot of rides but i was interested in one in a particular ride that was at the end of all the booths.
“Bakugou, where are we exactly going?” She asked me with curiosity all over her face.
“Just wait until we get there.” I said with my normal tone voice. That is were we saw it the ferris wheel. Luckily the line was empty, so that was great.
“We’re going to the wheel!” She said all exited, looking up at me.
“Yeah, i told you we would go once we finish eating.” I said without looking at her, because i know that if i looked at her i was going to blush even harder then I already am.
Once we got to the front of the line the worker asked for out ticket and i gave them. When the workers small door for the ride and (Y/N). Before I got in I asked one of the workers if he could stop the ride at the very top. Once i got in she sat on the opposite side of the cart. She started looking at her surroundings.
This is the only time i could sit down with out getting made fun off. How the hell did i get so fucking lucky. She is sweet, caring, nice and very soft spoken. So, how the fuck did get to be with someone so fucking nice. I still don’t understand.
“I’m sorry.” For the first time in my damn life. God i feel fucking weird, (Y/N) was even more surprised. Because she had her eyes widened .
“What do you mean you’re sorry.” She raised her voice.She stood up and sat next to me."
“This most be the worst date you've ever been to. I wanted this to be something special but it’s not” I was looking down at my hands. She grabbed the side of my face and turned my head to face her. I was now looking at (E/C) orbs.
“Katsuki, just because our friends found out that we are dating it doesn’t mean that it was a bad date.” (Y/N) said while pleasing her other hand on the other side of my face.
“Are you sure? Because that walking charger doesn’t know when to shut his damn trap.” I said angrily.
“Katsuki, if we take what Kmainari says to heart, we might as well be idiots like him.” She said while laughing. I smirked. The ride stopped  signaling us that we’re at the top, we look out the window and we could see the whole park. Her eyes were shining from all the light of the park. 
“You might be right” I turned her face to face me. We were close enough that we could feel each other breath. I got a bit closer and kissed her. The kiss didn’t last that long.
“Have I ever mentioned that your kisses are great?” She said
“Ha, Of course they are great.” I said with a bit of a smirk.
“You say that has if you ever had a girlfriend.” 
“OI!” She just laughed 
Tag list: @cuddlesslut​, @myrelizlely​, @vixenpen​, @lemonlordleah-shinzawa-kitten​
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cherriesradio · 4 years
Dear Y/n,
(Might make this a small series? I dunno, I liked writing the Shinso one and would love to do it with other characters. Also, you guys seem to like it so let’s have a go.)
Background: You and Kirishima have had a on-again-off-again relationship for a good amount of time. Now your about to go to college, and he feels like he can’t handle that.
Kirishima Ver.
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You sigh as you walk onto your driveway, your parents sent you to get the mail as normal. It was usually just stupid bills and taxes taht got you worried about the future.
You open the squeaky mail box, greeted by the familar pale yellow and white letters. As you walk down the drive way you look through the letters, am done of them has your name?
You put the letter in your pocket. Once you get inside you set the others on the kitchen counter and go to your bedroom.
You open the letter. It’s from your boyfriend, Kirishima. Why would he send a letter? He has your number. You open the letter onto your desk, and quickly notice the dried up tears.
On eggshell white paper, it read…
“Dear Y/n,
Hey Y/n! I know you live pretty close an di could probably text you this, but I feel like I should say this here, on a letter. That makes it more important.
I should probably get to the point. We’ve admittedly had a big on and off again relationship. And you’re going to college! And I’m so, so, so proud of you!
But the thing is, I can’t barely handle when we’re off. The times when we aren’t together because of arguments or something, I always feel like there’s a hole in my heart.
And I know that during college, it’ll be so hard to stay together since it’s so far from here. And I don’t wanna move away from all my friends, like Bakugo and Deki! I love you, I love you so much, but I feel like I’ll get hurt.
You know how much I hate getting hurt. I worked so hard for so long to love myself, yet when your gone it feels like I’m in that depressing state all over again.
So, even if it doesn’t seem logical, I’m breaking up with you. Officially.
I don’t want to relay on some else for my happiness. I don’t want to only be happy if your there too. It’s plain unhealthy.
I know that I’ll be really sad for a while after this. Because I’ve felt it before. Many times. Maybe after college, we could get back together? Unless we’ve gotten over each other.
I don’t know what else to say. I want to say that I love you, and that I’ll miss you forever, but that will make you want to stay. You already want to stay. I know it. So, I’ll leave it with this.
You don’t need me. I’m a good person and I know it, we both do. But I’m not a need. I’m a want, and you can live without me. And you will.
New tear drops fell onto the paper, matching with the old ones.
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angst-king · 4 years
I didn’t ask for this pt1
(Trigger warning, Rape against a minor. Mention of selfharm, teen pregnancy, not graphic but well we’ve all got our own versions of ‘graphic) (i don’t own BNHA or any canon characters)
Kaminari was on his way back to UA from his boyfriend's house, even though his lover offered to walk him Kaminari refused. Sure it was dark out but Shinsou's house wasn't too far from UA. Grabbing his shoes and putting them on he gives tator-tot and nacho one last 'good bye' before he stood up to kiss his lover. "I'll see you on Friday Toshi, I love you." He smiles standing on his toes looking the witch in the eyes, Shinsou smiles back kissing his forehead before hugging him. "Are you sure you don't want me to walk with you, its late love." Denki chuckles softly "Toshi I'm not a child I don't need you to walk me to school, I'll text you when I get back to my dorm, I promise Hitoshi." "alright then, have a good day at school." With that the door opened and Kaminari left to head back to UA.
Shinsou watched the other leave as the kittens did so too, when the other was far enough. Shinsou sighed and closed the door. Picking up the kittens he takes them to go and play with them in the bedroom. As Denki walked a man came from behind as he passed and alley. the man remained quiet, his footsteps unheard even as his pace quickened until he grabbed Denki from behind! Denki yelped and thrashed "the hell man let go!" lighting up a little. The man dragged him deep into the alley way where he shoved a cloth gag into Denki's mouth with a smirk on his lips he darkly chuckles "I might just keep you awake during this" he says while grinding his hips onto him. Continuing to thrash and cry out, Denki's yelling was fruitless but did start clawing and hitting. The man grumbled and groaned "I usually like a fiesty bottom but, this is too much." Using his quirk, a hand traced up from Denki's waist to his neck. His fingers had an orange padding that left hickey like burns on Denki. A soft whispered 'fall' which would spread a feeling paralysis to Denki's legs and arms, scrambling his brain into nothing. Keeping him conscious but unable to move, the man held Denki in a way to keep him up while he did as he pleased with the teenager. When he was done, the man left Denki in the alley way. Pulling up his pants and casually walking off, leaving the young blond in his mess on the ground. Denki would be able to wake up with some feeling in his body. Denki was knocked out cold. Waking up about an hour later, a ton of emotions hit him like a truck, he....he really did inside!  Breathing quickly and shaking heavily, the young Kaminari was having a panic attack which lasted a whole twenty minutes before he was forced to calm himself down. He called the first person on his emergency call list, ...Aizawa. Aizawa was asleep with Yamada when his phone went off. He grumbled waking up to it and answered, "what is it?" he didn't sound too pleased to be woken up at this time of night.. Still groggy and half asleep he yawned sitting up in the bed.
"S-Sensei hic...” Denki was crying and sniveling. “S-sensei pl-please I-I need you“ He could barely hold back his sobs, this instantly woke up the teacher. Quickly shaking to wake up his husband next to him who shot up out of his deep sleep. "huh what?" Aizawa was already getting out of the bed "We're on our way Kaminari sit tight. Come on Mic we need to go now!" "wh-what's going on?" Asked the sleepy blonde, Aizawa told him that one of their students needed them urgently. So Hizashi put on some clothes, grabbed the emergency bag while Aizawa grabbed his binding clothe in case anything escalated. When both men were ready to go, they headed out of the dormitory and to Kaminari's location that Aizawa asked for before they'd hung up.
A sickening sense of dread filled the raven haired male, he would rather this be a prank than be right about something terrible happening to one of his students. Hizashi asked what Kaminari told him which wasn't much help but they were at least close by. When the reached near the place Kaminari gave them, the teachers began calling out to the first year student. They didn't need to hear the other to find him, turning on a flash light Hizashi gasped upon what he saw through the light. A curled up blonde who's hair was a mess, various bruises, blood drawn from harsh scratching and pushing. Covered and dripping with visible semen, his clothes ravaged on the ground leaving the small Kaminari bare and naked. "Oh my god" Eyes wide at the boy's state the teachers hurry over and kneel down. They could see Denki was shaking, not only from the chill of the night air but from anxiety and fear. Tear stained cheeks, white knuckles digging into his bicep.
"Oh Kaminari, we're here now its gonna be okay. Does anything hurt?" With a small whimper Denki stammered to them as Mic went through the bag. "I-I f-feel numb s-sensei" Pulling out a thick blanket, Hizashi draped it around Kaminari. "What feels numb Kaminari, what happened to you?" Aizawa didn't wanna be right with his suspicion, his thoughts swam as he noticed all the slick of the man's doings. "I-I" Kaminari was terrified and Aizawa knew that what just happened to him must've traumatized him. The boy shook harder as tears rained down from his cheeks, eyes darting around until Aizawa lightly put  hand on his shoulder which made him jump. 
"Denki shhh its gonna be okay, we just need to know what happened so we can help you kiddo." Denki stuttered out an explanation of what happened, hearing this, Aizawa and Yamada both share a horrified look. "Oh Kaminari we're sorry you had to go through that kid but. We're here now." Encouraged Yamada in a soft parental voice, with a small sniffle Kaminari whimpered and nodded but then grabbed his head wincing. "does your head hurt bud?"  Aizawa earned a nod "okay why don't we get you to recovery girl and get you checked out, cleaned up, and resting yeah?" Denki had never heard Aizawa speak this softly to him, but it was comforting. Aizawa then leaned down and picked Denki up. Holding him on his hip and letting the blond's head rest on his shoulder. Standing up fully, Aizawa adjusted the blanket and told Hizashi to call recovery girl as they walked back to the dorms. Soft sniffles, whimpers, shakes, and sobs, Kaminari felt like a child as he clung to Aizawa. Aizawa wasn't the best with feeling and comfort in certain scenarios but, right now he knew that his student needed him emotionally. Something in his brain clicked, the students and staff recognized that Aizawa always had some what of a fatherly side when his students needed him. This was happening again, Aizawa's parent mode turned on. While they walked he rubbed the blond's back, hushing him, gingerly combing his fingers through Denki's hair to sooth him just a little.
When they got to UA, Hizashi opened the door for Aizawa, they both head to a tired recovery girl's office. Coming in, Recovery girl has the exam bed ready, which Aizawa placed Denki on. Holding the blanket to cover himself up, Denki made a small sound as Recovery girl approached. "Kaminari dear, what happened?" Denki could barely say "I-I d-didn't wa-want this" It broke them all, Recovery girl sighed. Aizawa told her what Deki said earlier and she was just as terrified as much as she was disgusted. Recover girl the asked Denki if she could examine him, he quickly shakes his head and curls up. She sees him wince and hold his head so she asked. "Does your head hurt Kaminari?" Kaminari nods "can I see?" another nod, so Recovery knows she'll have to take it slow with the electric blond. She sees that he's traumatized and doesn't really want to be touched, but she's breaking down small bits of his walls. It takes some coaxing and reassurance from his teachers but they got Denki to let recovery girl help him. She bandaged up the multiple cuts, abrasions, bites and other injuries. Giving him medicine for the pain, Recovery girl gave Denki his space now. "Well Kaminari, for the time being everything seems to be okay physically. Please take these antibiotics until you finish the bottle okay and if you start to feel sick or your chest or something isn't acting right come to me." Denki had barely said a word since her first question still only nodding to answer her. She then turned to the teachers and motioned them to speak privately. 
They followed her to the far side of the room and spoke quietly. "We should have the police investigate this matter, maybe warn the students when it comes to going out during the night times." Aizawa folds his arms over his chest "I agree, but I think we should keep Denki's situation out of our mouths. Its his decision on who he tells and if he wants to. Still we need to start an investigation and we will need him to speak but if he's unable to do so in person then I will speak on his behalf." Hizashi spoke up "I feel terrible for him, if I were in his shoes I probably wouldn't be able to articulate much to authorities....this was just like Yuu's situation but, for a girl now you at least were taken a little more seriously than a boy would." Hearing the memory of their fellow pro hero's pass predicament from their late high school days. "True she ended up pregnant and carried her little girl to full term though.. I fear that Kaminari may have the same fate but not handle it like Yuu did." Recovery girl explained, the pro heroes frowned "I've heard that the rate of young males being pregnant and surviving at Denki's age is low.. I read it in an article I'd saw online a month or so ago. They die from depression, anxiety, isolation or a combination of things in those wheel houses." Aizawa's tone seemed dull yet serious but his eyes held a hidden rage of a thousand suns. Mic gulped nervously eying his student who was bundled in the warmth of the blanket. "We should keep an eye on him shouldn't we?" Inquired the long haired blond, the two other heroes agreed. Coming back to their student who was curled up in a ball, wrapped in the blanket Mic had put on him as a cover up. His eyes closed with tears staining his flushed face, his body limp and bandaged in various places. When they noticed he was asleep, Recovery girl had told the adults to head back to their dorm. She ensured them of the young Kaminari's safety but Hizashi still had to drag Shota away from the nurse's office.
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lichamonae · 7 years
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Anon, come on, even Modric is part of corruption. then. Lovren just testified during Mamic's trial for corruption. He was asked about his transfers and fees.
I feel like if we’re talking about the Mamic stuff it’s def time to move on.  If Deki and Luka did do anything shady then so have many other footballers, I’m sure, and it’s nothing compared to the gross level of the Mamics.  
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bnha-dumpster · 5 years
Day 1: Threesome
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Pairing: KamiSero x Fem!Reader Tags: Threesome, creampie, jokes, poly relationship, best friends love their gf
“Why do you get to get to fuck Y/N?” 
“We went over this Denki. We played rock, paper, scissors and I won. Next time, you get to.” 
You’re between your boyfriends, the two of them bickering over who gets to actually fuck you this time. They have this habit of arguing whenever you decide to have sex. You suggested that they play rock, paper, scissors, but even that hasn’t calmed them down. 
“Denki, Hanta.” They finally look at you. “If you don’t get started, I’m going to leave.”
With that, the blond captures your lips, his hands roaming to settle on your breasts. He pinches your nipples, sending a small shock through them. You squeak and Denki grins against your lips. Fingers circle around them and he takes his time to tease you, leaving your nipples alone for a bit. His tongue makes its way into your mouth, devouring all the whines you make. Despite how sweet his lips are when he kisses you, his tongue is demanding. You lift your arms to tangle your hands into his hair, keeping him close.
Sero keeps his hands on your thighs, squeezing the skin as he kisses the skin of your stomach. He trails down to your hips and skips down to your inner thighs. Kisses and nips are interchanged as he focuses on the sensitive skin. You squirm a little when his teeth gently graze and nip at you. With his grip on your thighs, you can’t move away. He’s holding your thighs in place and even if you were to get free of his hold, you’d end up squishing his face between your legs.
Quickly, a mouth latches onto your clit and you sigh. Sero lifts your legs over his shoulders and buries his face into your heat, lapping at you clit. You let go of Denki’s hair to hold onto Sero’s head, pushing him further against you. 
Denki pulls back and lazily draws circles around your nipples, looking down at you. Your eyes are closed and you keep letting out pleased noises. The blond grins, “Hey Sero. What do you call a lesbian dinosaur?” 
Sero looks up at him and hums in response, making you squirm a little.
“Lick-a-lotta-puss.” It’s not even that funny, but Sero begins to laugh against your cunt. The vibrations get you squirming a lot and pushing his head away from you, attempting to glare up at Denki. Of course, you don’t look all that serious. A blushing mess isn’t the most intimidating of appearances. 
“Denki!” You give the male a good whack on the head and Sero pulls away, sitting up with your legs still over his shoulders. He laughs, nearly cackling. You lay between them, pouting as they laugh together. There’s no way that you’re leaving now, not when Sero has you wet and ready for more. You kick your legs against his back and grab his face, yanking him down. 
“Fuck me or I’m going to leave you high and dry for the rest of the year.” That’s enough incentive for him to align himself with your entrance and push in. Sero fills you with his dick in one motion, groaning when you tighten around him. A breathy moan leaves you and you hold onto his arms for support. Denki feels left out so he moves to sit next to you, petting your head.
“Give her a minute, dude.” 
You open your mouth and let Denki guide you over his length. The slow thrusts into your pussy allow you to focus on running your tongue along his dick, relaxing your throat. He might not be as big as Sero, but he’s big enough to where you needed to work on your gag reflex to take all of him in your mouth. Denki’s gently holding your head, fingers in your hair and tugging lightly. The moans you make as Sero slowly fucks you vibrates around him and he groans. 
Sero does his best to go slow so you don’t choke on Denki. But you’re tight and he’s horny so he can’t help how he snaps his hips against yours. A loud, strained groan is muffled on Denki’s cock and the blond ends up bucking his hips into your face. Both hands hold your head and he begins to fuck your mouth with earnest, biting his lip to keep back his own moans. 
You continue to moan around Denki as Sero pounds into you without a care, the male bending you almost uncomfortably. Your eyes are closed to you can hear the sloppy kiss they share over you, the two of them barely able to meet each other despite their leaning. 
They pull away from each other and you find yourself beginning to gag on the cock in your mouth as Deki tries to shove himself even further down. He lets out a string of curses before keeping your head still against his body, cum coating your throat. You swallow it all, licking the shaft clean as he pulls out of your mouth. With a final lick at the slit, you look up and grin at your boyfriend. Sero was kind enough to stop so Denki could ride out his orgasm. But now, with the blond laying back and breathing heavily, he goes back to plowing into you. 
Greedy lips meet yours and Sero goes to taste the remains of Denki’s cum in your mouth, teasing your tongue with his. He focuses on ramming his cock into you at an angle that hits the part of you that gets you screaming. With your lips covered, you’re unable to let out the full pleasured screams you usually let out. Your body writhes instead, tightening around him and trying to keep him close. 
Pleasure washes over you and you cum, walls tightening around Sero and body tensing. He follows close behind you, impulsively sheathing himself fully and cumming inside you. If you weren’t riding out your orgasm, you would have noticed the choking noise behind you and the bed dipping. You do notice the heavy steps and slamming of cupboards as you and Sero realize that Denki’s no longer in the bedroom with you. He pulls out of you and the two of you know what he’s doing. 
The blond almost runs into the room with a glass of water and a small pill in hand. Sero snorts and you giggle a little, taking the items from him. He looks so worried. 
“Denki, don’t make that face.” You give him a small kiss as you untangle yourself from your other boyfriend. “Didn’t you say last week that you’d rather have a pregnant girlfriend than a girlfriend on her period?”
You and Sero laugh at the sudden, horrified face he makes. 
“I’m not ready for kids, okay?!”
His only reply is more laughter from his lovers, the two of you laughing and holding onto each other.
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bnhainsert · 4 years
Sound Out
Here is part 3 of my story
Chapter 3: Recitative
Jiro and Hado were both up pretty early, ready to get a start on this case. They both looked through the files given to Jiro before they left for the briefing. Seeing the photos of so many missing people made Hado’s blood boil. She only hoped that they were still alive to rescue.
The two arrived in their hero costumes ready to get started. Hado’s costume wasn’t too complex. Her top half bore a crop top with long sleeves. It was flowy so that She could get deep breaths to project her voice to manipulate those soundwaves. Her bottoms were comfortable black pants with the same blue wave patterns as on her crop top. They were supposed to be soundwaves, but she knew you couldn’t see soundwaves, so she went for a visual representation that most technology could produce. She had her signature black and white headphones to help both cancel out and amplify sound. Attached to the headphones was a very small mic that people could only see if they tried hard enough to find it. Around her waist was a belt with small grey devices that allowed her speak through. If for any reason she couldn’t get too close to a target, she would slap one of them down, get a decent distance away, and speak into her mic, causing the sound to come from the device. If she bent the soundwaves just right, she could sound like anything, or anyone, that she has heard before.
The two heroes sat at the conference table. Hado looked around at other heroes she may or may not have known. She clearly recognized Deku. He was studying the case notes very intently. Hado could understand. She looked just to Deku’s right and saw what looked like a knight in shining armor. Literally. Hado wracked her brain for who this hero was. “Oh yeah! That’s Ingenium! The hero with the built-in engines” She remembered. Ingenium was looking over Deku’s shoulder at the notes as well. The two seemed close.
Jiro leaned over to whisper to Hado. “Most of the heroes here were in class A together. It’s why we communicate so well and why we are so hellbent on catching these villains” She explained. Hado nodded in understanding. She continued to scan the table as more heroes arrived. She started to remember the hero names she had read about before. Uravity was here along with Froppy the frog hero. They were both probably good at reconnaissance for this particular mission. Hado remembered that they would team up quite often.
She was shocked to see Ground Zero here as well. She understood that they were probably in the same class but Ground Zero seemed a little scary and a little too loud for this mission. She kept scanning so as not to make eye contact with him. 
There was Tentacole, the hero who had dupliarms as a quirk. Creati was also present, which made a lot of sense to Hado. Chargebolt managed to take a seat to jiro’s left side. He started chatting her up. Hado decided to stay out of that conversation. “Who else is here....let’s see” .
Eraserhead was here! It had been awhile since she had seen that sleepy face. Jet-black hero Tsukuyomi was here. Tape hero Cellophane was also here. Before she could continue to look around at familiar faces, a detective cleared his throat and started the briefing.
“Thank you all for being here so early. We are trying to piece together this case in a way that makes sense, and helps us advance to some kind of rescue. Most of the upcoming missions will be reconnaissance just to give us any more possible information so that we can surprise the enemy” the detective stated. “I’ve worked closely with most of you now, but I would like to welcome Vocaller to our investigation. She is a hero from a small town but her quirk is incredibly useful”.
Hado stood up and bowed. “Thank you for this opportunity to serve. I hope I will be of use” She said and sat back down. 
“Wait wait but how does your quirk work? How is she going to be helpful?” Chargebolt interrupted, genuinely curious. The detective looked at Hado, seeing if she was comfortable enough to divulge that information to the large group of heroes in the room. Hado sighed and stood back up. “I can manipulate soundwaves. If there are soundwaves present, which unless you live in space are always going to be present, I can bend them to create different frequencies or amplitudes. By doing this I can mimic sounds of things or people I have heard before. I can also basically stop the sound waves in an area to deafen anyone there. Having a quirk based on sound also made me train my ear so I have an acute sense of hearing as well” she explained. “That enough for you sparky?” she jeered.
“Um yeah. That was a lot more than I expected” Chargebolt responded.
“Ahem...anyway Vocaller will be helping us get any kind of new information to help us really crack this case” The detective continued.
The detective turned on the projector, clicking through slides of information. Hado watched as faces from the case file flashed across the screen. They all were different ages and different genders. It was suspicious though that one of the first people ever kidnapped had a quirk that essentially keeps small groups of people hidden. “Were they using this quirk? And if so how? Did they voluntarily do it? Were they held at gunpoint?” Hado thought to herself.
Jiro bumped her with her elbow. “Yo are you okay? You look incredibly confused and upset” Jiro whispered. “I’m just.....I’m stuck on the first person they kidnapped” Hado responded a little louder than a whisper.
“What do you mean you’re stuck on them” snarled Ground Zero.
Hado momentarily jumped from the intense voice directed at her. “I mean....Look at that quirk. A quirk with the ability to keep a small group of people hidden...Don’t you think a villain would jump at the chance to use that quirk? And if they are using it, How are they using it? Is this person doing it voluntarily? Are they holding them at gunpoint?” She explained. “I was wondering the same thing” Deku spoke up. “There’s also someone with the quirk ‘Reset” which can reset an area back to the way it was 5-10 minutes before. It only effects inanimate objects so the people would still be there, but it would be pretty convenient for a villain” Deku continued.
“Those people that were kidnapped are probably being threatened into using their quirks for them” Ingenium interjected. Hado felt a pit in her stomach. “If that really is the case it is incredibly important that we get this job done without being detected. If they find out we are trying to track them they may hurt those that have been kidnapped more than they already have. Chances are they are not dead because their quirks would prove to be very useful. We have to do this right” the detective replied. Most everyone in the room nodded in agreement.Hado looked over to Deku who shared a knowing glance with her. 
“We are splitting you guys into smaller groups and spreading you out across the city to look for suspicious activity. We have several spots that we think may be of interest to them. That where we will station you guys. Vocaller! You will be in the area where we are most certain they will appear” the detective explained.
“Oh god oh god what if I fuck up oh no” Hado’s internal monologue had her sweating and shrinking into herself.
“I’ll go with her” Deku said confidently.
“Why should you get to go where the enemies are most likely to show up?” Ground Zero growled. “Look Ka-...Ground Zero, I think I would be able to work well enough with Vocally that if the need arose, we could use my quirk to fight undetected thanks to her” Deku elaborated. 
“Yeah I think it would be hard to control the soundwaves of a bunch of explosions. Plus I mean....you would see them so it would be a dead giveaway” Cellophane added.
Everyone got their assignment and were told to start scouting at around 11p.m. that night. Everyone started moving to leave when Deku called out to Vocally. Hado looked at Jiro and Jiro gave her a knowing nod. “I’ll see you later so we can prepare for tonight okay?” Jiro reassured her. Hado nodded but the pit in her stomach had just grown bigger.
“Do you mind if we had another chat?” Deku asked Hado. She couldn’t really say no.
The two pro heroes stayed in the conference room, knowing that it would probably be one of the safest places to have a discussion about the case.
“I saw your face during the briefing. You think something is off too. You think something worse is happening don’t you” Deku pushed. “Woah hold on. Please give me some time to breathe. I’ve just been told that I would be put on the front lines here with the big time criminals. I’ve only ever fought your run of the mill thieves and crooks” Hado said frantically, sitting back down to try and catch her breath. Her chest started to tighten. “Oh god a panic attack? Right now? In front of this incredible pro hero...no please stop...”.
Deku’s face flashed with a realization. Hado was having a panic attack and he had probably caused it. He sat down next to her, took her hand and told her to breath in and out with him. They took a few deep breaths together. “I apologize. I may have pushed a little too hard there. I’m just....just so frustrated” Deki said clenching his fist around Hado’s hand. He looked like he was about to cry.
Hado felt the pressure he was putting on her hand and it helped her calm herself a little bit. “You’re probably the most frustrated one here. I can empathize with that. I know that if people were disappearing in my town and I couldn’t stop it myself, I would feel pretty awful” She told him trying to help with the anxiety plaguing them both.
She pulled her hand away and patted Deku on the back. “Look here’s what I know...”.
They discussed how weird the first few disappearances were. They talked about how it made them feel sick to their stomach, unsure of what was actually happening to these people. Objectively the combined powers of the quirks talked about would probably be why they were so hard to catch or follow. They tried to come up with strategies to get information without alarming the crime syndicate. Hado knew how to sneak around and gather information but this seemed a bit above her pay grade. She was relieved to have Deku there who seemed to know the ins and outs of everything involving heroes.
“So you can deafen people with your quirk, you can manipulate sound waves to make them sound like people or things you’ve heard before,You can amplify the sound waves to push yourself to increase your mobility....Is there anything else you could do that might be helpful in this situation?” Deku questioned her.
Hado went through her quirk in her mind. He had just about listed everything she could do. She was impressed by how observant he was. She tried to think hard about her power. “Creating different sounds at once has been a bit of a struggle for me considering I need to have an idea of both sounds at once happening in my head. The training that takes just to adjust your ears to be able to seperate sounds and analyze them is rough....but it can be done. I’ve done it maybe once before when the situation looked really bleak. I had to close my eyes and concentrate really hard, but it was doable” She revealed.
“Would you be able to make those two sounds happen in two different places?” Deku asked. “Oh....I might be able to do that. Hold on. Let me see if I can try in this small space”.
Hado closed her eyes and thought of 2 different sounds in her mind. She thought of the frequency and the amplitude they would need to be put in opposite corners of the room. Two things she was very familiar with. She had to think. Her voice would be one and her keyboard would be the other. She knew what they each sounded like and visualized the soundwaves and where they would happen. The sound of her voice saying “We will save these people” rang at one end of the room while the faint sound of a piano playing a simple melody barely made itself known on the other side.
Deku’s eyes widened with surprise. “That’s incredible Vocaller! You did it!” he praised. Hado let out a huge puff of air. It gave her a headache to do this much work. Focusing on one sound and manipulating waves in the same area was fine. Working in two different places with two different sounds was a whole new ballgame. “Yeah I did it.....but it took a lot of effort and the piano was no where near as loud as I was hoping I could make it” Hado said clearly disappointed. “But this is so useful! If we need a quick last resort distraction, you can make 2 sounds happen in different areas! It’s perfect!” Deku continued to gush.
Hado gave a small laugh. “You sound like a small kid discovering heroes for the first time” Hado jested. “Well I’m a pro hero and I don’t know everything there is to know about every pro hero. I learn something new every day and I hope that never stops” Deku smiled a bright genuine smile. It made Hado feel warm and safe. His attitude toward his heroing duties made her feel like she could do anything herself as a hero. “Is this what Jiro was talking about?” She thought.
The two sat and talked just a little bit longer before going their separate ways.”Oh hey! Deku!” Hado turned around and shouted to the green hero. “None of this is your fault. We’ll figure this out tonight”
Deku looked surprised again watching Hado as she left. He smiled and nodded to himself. They could do this.  
Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 4   Chapter 5   Chapter 6
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Touya here! I want to request some ansty angst, dabi, iida, shoto, bakuboi, annnd deki finding out that their s\o is being abused for being trans (im okay)
I’m so happy your okay Touya, if you need to talk to anyone, my dms (on Tumblr and Discord) are always open
How Dabi, Iida, Shoto, Bakugou and Kaminari would help their Trans s/o deal with and abusive situation
- murder
- no other option just murder
- will let you vent to him and he’ll try to make you feel better by calling your absuer insulting names
- will let you cuddle up to him and vent
- will insist on helping you move out of that toxic environment
- will never leave you alone with your abuser
- will definitely call authorities if he thinks it’s going too far
- just a good boy trying to protect you
- knows very well wat abuse looks and feels like
- will not put up with your abuser’s excuses and will take you out of the environment immediately
- will not let your absuer contact you unless you say it
- will comfort you whenever you say you need it
- will immediately try to blow your absuer to kingdom come
- gives them a whole ass speech about how amazing you are and to respect your new identity because if they don’t, he’ll beat their ass
- will cuddle you and mumble into your hair about how much of a shitty person your abuser is and how much he loves you
- it may seem like he doesn’t care from the way he makes jokes when the mood seems to get too dark
- But he absolutely understands how serious this is and he’s doing his best to make you feel better
- will ask his friends to help you move out and will let you stay with him for as long as you want
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hanak0toba · 5 years
Lyrics Translation: BAD HOP - KAWASAKI DRIFT
*this song contains some explicit lyrics in English
This song is from their BAD HOP HOUSE album (2018).  Side note, I was a little more casual and used more slang than I usually do when translating, but it fits the song style better.
[HOOK: YZERR] Kawasaki matagari zenkoku HANDORU kiri Low kara TOP Kinou no ore furikiru kyou AKUSERU zenkai de ikou Machi no fame, kane ni CHENJI Suruze kono Flow Kowasu chain, fukasu ENJIN Machi wo DORIFUTO
[Verse 1: Vingo] Machi kara kuni e daishibashi no ue Tokyo kara Kawaski-koku nakama no moto e Tokyo ga ore PAWAASUPOTTO Notteru Iketa oto Majime dattara deki ne Orera zenkoku muteki menkyo? Hi wo fuku MAFURAA mitoreru onna Hayasa wa Kawasaki Ninja H.2.R Mieru ore wa toughboy Nokosu TAIYAkon Hisshi ni senaka otteru dake De omae no tabi wa long way Susundara kaerenai Home e Yasunde mo tomaranai tokei Kagami ENEMY Yasumanai oretachi Furikitta mukashi no DASAkatta ore
[HOOK: YZERR] Kawasaki matagari zenkoku HANDORU kiri Low kara TOP Kinou no ore furikiru kyou AKUSERU zenkai de ikou Machi no fame, kane ni CHENJI Suruze kono Flow Kowasu chain, fukasu ENJIN Machi no DORIFUTO
[Verse 2: G-k.i.d] Skrr skrr SATSUyori saki ni Skrr skrr MAFIA ga ugoki Mata yobidashi Naru phone ga mezamashi Chi de chi arai shigaramu machi Furyou kara mananda SHINOGI ni reigi HAMAtteta BARI kara ongaku ni CHENJI Highway kazakiri wataru hashi Mirror utsuru Kawasaki ghetto city
[Yellow Pato] Ima ja kanshi KAMERA no naka tobidashi SUTEEJI no ue shashin wo torareteru oretachi ARAsagashi ni Hater wa hisshi Ogame toki na gamen goshi ni Saki ga nee sarumane dake no fake Tsuruma nee subete ga masayume Orera wa yasuma nee Wakate chuuken karaku okizari KYASSHU de omoi BAGGU Sekai no KAWASAKI
[HOOK: YZERR] Kawasaki matagari zenkoku HANDORU kiri Low kara TOP Kinou no ore furikiru kyou AKUSERU zenkai de ikou
[Verse 3: Bark] Mata dareka ga tsubuyaku Kono machi kara derenai Yokubou ga machi uzumaku Dedokoro na ikegami Gang bitch yokome fukasu weed ni AKUSERU NEZUMI no you CHEDAA ou KIDS tachi no yume ni naru Hi wo fuku Ninja KAWASAKI
[Tiji Jojo] Jamamono tachi furikiru Flow Orera no mae ja subete ga Slow SUPINsuru TAIYA agaru kemuri Kozeni ni surane seikatsu nukete mukau TOP Sodatte kita machi tobitatsu GARUUINGU Antei nante iranai tataka nee ishibashi Yogore teru te de hoshii mono zenbu ubau JENGA no you kane tsumiageru
[Benjazzy] Dou kirinukeru Machi no jiken wa taema nee Dare ga mukashi KATAGI de Katae atama to KORUKU METTO Hayaji ni shite YATSUra no sonae Te wo nobasu furousha to onaji DNA Orera kakuse nee Kenami kara chigee MISUrya ato ga nee GAKI no akogare Mi kara deru sabi de sabita katai chain Tsunagareru nariagari no tameni Orera tomaranee
[HOOK: YZERR] Kawasaki matagari zenkoku HANDORU kiri Low kara TOP Kinou no ore furikiru kyou AKUSERU zenkai de ikou
[Verse 4: T-Pablow] Doromizu kara champagne KAPPU men kara ROBUSUTAA Kawarazu owareru mi Shounen A kara SUPERSTAR Tsugi ni okumanchouja naru RAPPAA dare Mochiron sore wa ore (pablow) Mochiron sore wa ore NINJA hiku RAJIKON Nintendo FAMIKON Ore no machi de wa sugi ni hagare sabite kusaru PACHIMON Kawasaki-ku de yuumei ni naritakya Hito korosu ka RAPPAA ni naru kada ARU PACHIINO janakute ARU KAPONE Yakudzukuri janakute kore wa ikizama I’m a trouble man
[HOOK: YZERR] Kawasaki matagari zenkoku HANDORU kiri Low kara TOP Kinou no ore furikiru kyou AKUSERU zenkai de ikou Machi no fame, kane ni CHENJI Suruze kono Flow Kowasu chain, fukasu ENJIN Machi wo DORIFUTO
KAWASAKI DRIFT English Translation
[HOOK: YZERR] Kawasaki takin’ over the country Swervin’[1]  from down Low to the TOP Today I’m shakin’ off my past Gonna take off with the accelerator at full throttle My Flow is gonna change This town’s fame and my fortune Breakin’ the chain, revving the engine Drifting [all over] the city
[Verse 1: Vingo] Heading to our hometown from the city over the Daishi Bridge From Tokyo to our native Kawasaki back to the place we all began Tokyo’s my power-spot Riding that sound I can do it if I really try, [2] ya know Can we get a nationwide license to do what we want[3]? Ladies so attracted to the flames shooting outta my tailpipe Our speed is like a Kawasaki Ninja H.2.R[4]  I look like such a toughboy Leavin’ behind tire tracks All [you see] is my back as you desperately try to keep up But you got a long way to go [to catch up] If you keep moving forward, you may not ever make it Home Even if you stop to rest, the clock won’t stop ticking The ENEMY is in the mirror So we ain’t never gonna rest [Til] I’ve outraced my messed-up past
[HOOK: YZERR] Kawasaki takin’ over the country Swervin’ from down Low to the TOP Today I’m shakin’ off my past Gonna take off with the accelerator at full throttle My Flow is gonna change This town’s fame and my fortune Breakin’ the chain, revving the engine Drifting [all over] the city
[Verse 2: G-k.i.d] Skrr skrr [stayin’] ahead of the cops Skrr skrr the mafia [5] is on the move Another call comes in Blowing up [6] my phone Their bloody feuds are tied to this city Because of the gangs, I learned how to survive But because of those snags that tore at me, I became a musician Blowing down the Highway crossing that bridge My Mirror reflecting Kawasaki ghetto city
[Yellow Pato] Now we’re busting out of the surveillance cameras And they’re snapping photos of us on the stage Haters always tryna find fault with us While they worship us through the screen First off, yo they ain’t nothing but fake imitators It’d be a dream come true to never have to deal with them Yo, we ain’t ever gonna stop Leaving those trivial, mediocre kids [in the dust] Our wallets fat with cash [That’s] world-famous KAWASAKI
[HOOK: YZERR] Kawasaki takin’ over the country Swervin’ from down Low to the TOP Today I’m shakin’ off my past Gonna take off with the accelerator at full throttle
[Verse 3: Bark] Someone’s bitchin’[7]  again Ain’t never getting out of this town Desire [for more] flooding the whole city My birthplace, Ikegami[8]  Glancin’ at that Gang bitch smokin’ weed as I fly by Chasin’ after that cheddar like a rat Becoming the dream of all the KIDS My fire-spouting Ninja KAWASAKI
[Tiji Jojo] Leavin’ those lame-asses in the dust with my Flow Everything in front of us is movin’ so Slow Raisin’ smoke with my spinning tires Heading towards the TOP to a lifestyle where money ain’t no thing In this town where I was raised, them gull-wing doors [9] going up Don’t need no predictability; I just go for it[10]  Snatchin’ up everything I want with my grubby hands Stackin’ up that money like [I’m playin’] Jenga[11] 
[Benjazzy] How you gonna survive? The trouble in this city is endless [Honestly,] who’s that out of touch with reality[12] ? So hard-headed [it’s like they’re wearing] a helmet[13]  This goes out to all those guys who died too young Reachin’ out my hand to all you outcasts [14] with the same DNA We ain’t gonna hide We can’t change who we are It ain’t no mistake We’re what little punks [15] aspire to be We’re like family[16]; sendin’ this out to all the young wannabes Rust rubbing off on their skin from their tarnished chains We ain’t gonna stop
[HOOK: YZERR] Kawasaki takin’ over the country Swervin’ from down Low to the TOP Today I’m shakin’ off my past Gonna take off with the accelerator at full throttle
[Verse 4: T-Pablow] From muddy water [17] to champagne From cup-noodles to lobster Unrelenting in the pursuit of my true self [I went] from “Boy A[18] ” to SUPERSTAR And then which rapper was it who turned into a millionaire? It was me, obviously (pablow) It was me, obviously Runnin’ you over with my R/C[19]  NINJA [got my] Nintendo Famicom[20]  My town used to be a cheap imitation, rusting and peeling But I’ve gotta become famous in Kawasaki ward [The only way to do it is] to become a murderer or a rapper Like Al Capone instead of Al Pacino[21]  This ain’t about having influence, it’s a way of life I’m a trouble man
Kawasaki takin’ over the country Swervin’ from down Low to the TOP Today I’m shakin’ off my past Gonna take off with the accelerator at full throttle My Flow is gonna change This town’s fame and my fortune Breakin’ the chain, revving the engine Drifting [all over] the city
Translator’s Notes:
 [1] This uses a phrase that basically means “cutting the steering wheel” (ハンドルきる/HANDORU kiru).
 [2] He switches back and forth (as do a few of the other guys) between singular 俺 ore / rough-sounding “I” and rough-sounding plural “we” (using ore with suffixes tachi or ra).  I did my best with the pronouns in a couple places, but it wasn’t obvious if he was saying “we” or “I” in this line.  He said “I” in the Tokyo power-spot line, and then “we” in the certified invincible line next so…
 [3] This seems to be a play on 無免許 mumenkyo, meaning unlicensed (driver).  無敵 muteki means “invincible, unrivaled, undefeatable,” so basically, a license that can’t be taken away or a license to be whatever they want to be without limits.
 [4] The Ninja H2R is a hypersport motorcycle produced by Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.  It’s apparently only intended for closed-course racing and is not street-legal (so you can’t drive it on public roads or highways).  It’s hella fast, with a quoted max speed of 240mph/380kph, and since it doesn’t have to meet sound ordinances for public-street use, it’s also super loud.
 [5] Kawasaki has a yakuza presence and is the home grounds of the Yamakawa-ikka syndicate.  More info here, though the page is only in Japanese.
 [6] The word used is 目覚まし mezamashi meaning “alarm clock” or “keeping oneself awake.”
 [7] The word used is つぶやく tsubuyaku, which could mean either “to tweet (as in on Twitter)” or “to mutter/grumble.”
 [8] Ikegami is a city in the Kawasaki ward.
 [9] Gull-wing car doors hinge at the roof rather than on the sides, so they open upwards.  Some older-model cars (Mercedes Benz from the ‘50’s and ‘70’s) had gull-wing doors; as far as I know the only recent-ish model with them is the Tesla Model X.  This could also refer to the style of door on many Lamborghinis, which open on an angle rather than a real gull-wing (also called scissor doors or Lambo doors.) More on cars with gull-wing doors here and scissor doors here.
 [10] This seems to be a variation of the idiom 石橋を叩いて渡る / ishibashi tataite wataru which is literally translated as something like “inspecting the stone bridge [for damage] before crossing.”  The English equivalent is “look before you leap,” meaning, think about what you’re going to do and weigh the consequences before proceeding.  The way he’s phrased it (叩かねぇ石橋 / tataka nee ishibashi) has removed the verb for “crossing” but turned the verb for “inspecting” to a negative as well – so it’s literally something like, “I’m not even checking that bridge,” which in turn means he’s not being cautious or careful, but just doing what he wants without really thinking about it too much.  More info on the idiom here (in Japanese only).
 [11] Jenga is a game of physical skill where players take turns trying to remove and replace wooden bricks from a stack which becomes increasingly unstable as the game progresses.  More on Jenga here.
 [12] 昔カタギ mukashi katagi literally means “old-fashioned spirit, old-fashioned way of thinking,” which is the kind of thing you’d say about someone who is stuck in the past and doesn’t see what’s going on around them.
 [13] He says コルクメット KORUKU METTO, which is literally “cork helmet.”  Specifically, pith helmets are made of cloth-covered Indian cork, so I assume that’s what it’s meant to refer to.  More about pith helmets here.
 [14] This is a little loose.  The actual word is 浮浪者 furousha which means “vagrant, vagabond, tramp.”  
 [15] This is the noun ガキ gaki, which is a kind of derogatory word for kids.  It’s usually “brats, urchins, little devils” and the like, not typically well-behaved children.  The kids in the tough neighborhoods where they grew up want to be successful like them; they’re not necessarily saying the kids themselves are bad, but the area they’re from is not the greatest, so they’re all kind of assumed (by people who don’t know them) to be punks and hoods.
 [16] This isn’t family in the traditional sense – 繋がれる tsunagareru is defined as “to be tied together, to be connected to, to be related to” but not necessarily in a blood-relative kind of way.  This is like, “We understand where you’re from because we’re from there, too.”
 [17] So, 泥水 doromizu can mean either “muddy water” or “red light district.”  I’m going with water, because these lines are saying “We used to be on the bottom, now we’re on top,” or “We went from rags to riches.”
 [18] The only real references to 少年A / Shounen A I found online were in relation to the Kobe child murders (the murderer was given the nickname Shounen A since he was too young to have his name released in the media) – but I think this is just meant to mean, “I went from being from some no-name kid nobody knew to being a superstar.”
 [19] ラジコン / RAJIKON is short for radio-controlled, often abbreviated R/C.  This is usually a toy (typically a car or other vehicle) that you can control with a joystick or buttons to drive it around.  From the “Ninja” reference, and the references to the Kawasaki Ninja motorcycle earlier, I’m guessing he’s talking about a radio-controlled motorcycle toy.
 [20] 任天堂ファミコン Nintendou FAMIKON was the original Nintendo “Family Computer” platform that was remarketed and exported as the Famicom or simply N.E.S. in the US.  It was one of the best-selling game platforms of all time.  More info here.
 [21] Al Capone (also nicknamed “Scarface”) was a notorious American mafia gangster. Al Pacino is an American actor who plays a lot of gangster-type characters in movies (including a few loosely based on Al Capone), but is not, in fact, an actual gangster.  So one is (was) way more dangerous than the other, who is only acting like a gangster.
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