#i moved to a bigger house because my parents told me they would help me pay rent in exchange for having a place to stay when they come visi
chocolaytte · 6 months
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밤 (night) - i
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cultofdixon · 1 year
You’ll always be important to me
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • When you and Daryl started your own little family, Judith thought that meant everything was changing. But she will always be a part of their family • ANGST/SFW • TW: Pregnancy & Birth Mentioned / Anxiety / Sleep Deprivation / Minor Injuries • Commonwealth canon re-written
Requested by: Anon
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“Run that back?”
“I’m pregnant, D…”
Daryl looks at his wife a bit taken back by what she said. The silence ate Y/N alive when he didn’t say anything in response after she stated supposedly good news a second time.
Then she was suddenly brought into his embrace feeling the archer tighten his grasp on her carefully.
“We’re gonna be parents…holy shit. We’re havin’ a baby” Daryl lets out a chuckle as he held her close feeling her latch onto him.
“Our family is getting bigger…”
“She’s having a baby?” Judith questions once more to Daryl watching the man nod as she gave him a blank stare followed by silence.
Before he could even question what could be going on in that mind of hers, the young Grimes went in for a hug that he happily returned.
“You and Y/N are going to be great parents”
They kind of…already were because the two took in the Grimes kids when Michonne left on this unknown journey that only Judith knew was to find Rick. Daryl was always Rick and Michonne’s first option when it came to taking their kids in any way. Judith has always been the archer’s adoptive daughter in a way that everyone knew, and Y/N has told him every time they just thought about having kids of their own that he will be great because Judith was his first kid.
She always will be
Even when she has her doubts
The first two months into pregnancy were a bit stressful because Alexandria had just suffered a herd going through it and the news of this new community surfaced. Which lead to a possible ally ship that Eugene, Ezekiel, and Yumiko were being the voices for Alexandria to acquire such. Of course Carol will help in her own way to make sure this community wasn’t going to stab them in the back in any way, but for now their promise of helping Alexandria rebuild itself sounded promising. They even offered housing in their community for those who wanted it until their community is rebuilt. As long as they did their part.
Which is only fair. But it wasn’t going to be easy to try and convince an already anxious person to move into unknown territory.
“But Y/N—-“
“I’m pregnant! It’s an unknown community! My brother is here, my family is here, why would you—-“
“Jude and RJ are comin’ with us. And Aaron will visit but he’s takin’ lead from the Alexandria’s side on the rebuild”
“Why can’t we help—-“
“Because you’re pregnant and Commonwealth has the resources”
“Resources?! We have—-“
“NOT IF SOMETHING BAD HAPPENS TO YEA!” Daryl yells, which was met with instant regret given the flinch that he drew out of his wife. “I’m sorry…I’m really sorry for snappin’. I just. I can’t lose you…I can’t. Lose. You.” He tried his best to contain his anxiety that was picking at him to get him to sob as Y/N brought herself close bringing her arms around his middle.
“Daryl…Nothin’ bad is gonna happen to me. Or our baby. Or our kids…we’ll be safe…”
“Please Y/N…we don’t have to live there forever. Just until Alexandria is rebuilt…Aaron will come and get us when it’s done.”
Y/N held her husband while all his anxiety continued to radiate off him as she rests her chin on his chest looking up at him.
“Yes…but I’m not raising our baby in the Commonwealth. Once we are both fit, and Alexandria is back in working order…we come home”
“I promise, sunshine” Daryl presses a kiss to her forehead before her cheek ending with one on her lips. But he wasn’t letting go of her anytime soon. “Yea think they’d try anythin’?”
“I trust our people who found the community when they say to put some trust in this place. But I’m just. If something were to happen, Carol won’t leave us in the dark. None of them would”
“I’ll burn the place down if anythin’ happens to my family”
His wife laughs to such even if it were true that the archer would do such if it came to that. But thankfully, the entrance into this new community wasn’t too bad and that they would be updated occasionally on the rebuild by Y/N’s brother Aaron.
Their temp apartment was a bit small, but once Daryl finished training they put the family of five (including Dog) into a bigger place. One where Judith and RJ shared the other room and the adults obviously got their own.
“I look ridiculous”
“I think…as long as it protects my strong handsome husband from walkers…I think you’ll look fine” Y/N smiles waiting for Daryl to step out of the bathroom in his armor while she waited, Judith came in in the new dress she picked out when getting clothing for school. “Oh my god. You look beautiful! Come here look in the mirror!” She got up from the bed directing Judith into the full body mirror smiling even more when the young child started to smile.
“You think I’ll make friends?”
“Of course I do! You are a wonderful, smart, creative young woman that who wouldn’t be your friend?” Y/N smiles holding Judith close as she held her arms until she felt safe to let go or at least until Daryl stepped out in his armor.
“I really feel ridiculous” Daryl states joining the two in the mirror watching them both look at him. “What? You agree?”
“You look like a stormtrooper”
“What’s a stormtrooper?” Judith questions making Y/N laugh to herself forgetting she was born in the apocalypse.
“It’s what Uncle Daryl is. But Uncle Daryl is on the good side while stormtroopers were bad guys”
“Yknow. There’s a rental video place. I bet yea they’ve got Star Wars…Aunt Carol has a TV”
“I swear. This is a rare sighting, Daryl actually offering to watch Star Wars” Y/N elbows the man while letting go of Judith a moment.
“Never said I’m watchin’. Y’all can watch it with Carol”
“Sounds good. Carol is a better cuddle partner anyway” Y/N playfully jokes resulting in a glare and a scoff from the archer.
“Nah. You and I only cuddle”
“Jealous aren’t we Uncle Daryl?” Judith giggles a bit before leaving the two to make sure her brother was ready to go. Daryl felt the embarrassment upon admitting such bring the heat to the tips of his ears.
The woman laughs herself before bringing her husband in the mirror with her holding him from the side. He wrapped his arm around her bringing his lips to her temple.
“Wanna see something amazing before you take the kids to school?”
Daryl felt her pull away he always hated that feeling and watched her pull her sweater back enough to show that she popped.
“Now how the fuck am I supposed to go to work and focus when that’s gonna be on my mind all day” Daryl instantly brought Y/N close listening to her giggle as he gently rests his hand on her bump.
“You make it look like nothing”
“It’s somethin’, sunshine” Daryl smiles bringing her back into his embrace as she kept her face away from the armor not liking the new plastic smell.
This was nice. Experiencing the good domestic life…something people since the outbreak happened have longed for. The kids were enjoying school, Daryl was slowly rising in his job resulting in his family moving at least two more times in the new place, and given all the medical resources Y/N was healthy and so was their baby girl. Carol did more research and learned that the community did have an intense leader type before they joined and she was taken down by her own assistant who now helps run more of a council system like what they had at Alexandria. So the overwhelming anxiety about their safety lessened but it was still there.
“You’ve been put on bedrest for a reason”
“Did Daryl tell you to come here and just to tell me that?” Y/N scoffs letting Carol into their place.
“I don’t think you should be questioning when you’re not listening to doctor’s orders”
“Daryl left early and forgot to make lunches for the kids…so I had to. All I remember him telling me was you were going to take the kids…now you’re back”
“Cuz well he told me to keep an eye on yea and make sure you were in bed”
Y/N started to ignore her as she tiredly sits on the couch resting her hands on her belly. Carol brought herself in the kitchen to grab Y/N a glass of water before noticing the letters on the counter from Aaron. They weren’t anything bad, just what was promised of him to update her on Alexandria. And updates on Gracie, Maggie and Hershel adjusting,…their family back home. She was getting homesick and didn’t tell Daryl about it because of how great this place is and how he at least wants the baby to be delivered in a place built for it because Commonwealth did have a hospital. She’s just been keeping a lot of her feelings to herself which led to her stressing and the OB telling her to stay in bed.
“You know once the baby is here we get to go home” Carol assures her as she hands the glass while sitting beside her friend. “Once you two are strong enough, we’ll pack up and head home. I know Aaron will be excited to meet his niece”
The silence was killer and Carol couldn’t help but sense there was much more to it.
“Y/N…I won’t tell Daryl anythin’ you don’t want me to” and that prompted Y/N to finally make eye contact with her before quickly looking away. “Hun…”
“I don’t…I don’t want our kids feeling like, we don’t care about them when she comes. I…I know she’s going to be a priority but I’m just worried…”
“Y/N…Judith and RJ are so loved by you and Daryl. It would take killing the both of you to stop such. Even then I doubt you’ll ever stop. You’re bringing a baby into the world. They know it’ll take time to go back to the old routine. But even then, you love so much and I mean so fucking much. They’ll never forget it”
When the baby finally came, Carol brought the kids to meet her once it was okay to do so. And of course Daryl was hogging their baby because when the three entered the room also being greeted by Ezekiel, they noticed Daryl protectively holding his baby.
“I swear D. Has your wife, aka the baby’s mother, even got a chance to hold her?”
“Yeah” Daryl scoffs. “When she came out” he adds and that led to a bit of laughter to fill the room as he brought himself over to Judith and RJ kneeling before them to show the little girl sleeping peacefully in his embrace.
“She’s tiny” RJ comments as he looks at the child shocked on how the fuck this little human came into the world.
“What’s her name?”
“Robin” Y/N tiredly replies from the bed as Carol approaches her side smiling and brushing the loose hairs out of her face.
“You did good, mama” Carol smiles sitting with Y/N on her bed watching the display of Daryl with all three kids. “They’re going to be inseparable”
Robin Dixon was SWARMED when they finally returned to Alexandria. For Daryl’s anxiety, they waited for her to be a month old before moving back. Maggie and Aaron instantly went toward the child, as Aaron took said child from Daryl and before he could even try and get his daughter back Maggie cut between them.
“It’s our time with the newest addition”
“No buts! You took my sister away for almost a year and now I’m making up for that time with my niece”
“You’re gonna take my kid for almost a year?!”
“No! An hour at most” Aaron scoffs followed by a smirk as he knelt down to show his kid her cousin while Maggie showed Hershel their new family member.
Y/N felt overwhelmed with joy, fear, anxiety…all kinds of things. But she was happy to be home…even if some part of her fear was triggered by worry. Especially when she noticed Judith try and get Daryl’s attention when it’s so focused on this little baby. His baby.
Hours passed…the Dixons and Grimes were back in their house putting everything away and Y/N was thankful for the nursery being finished when they arrived. By help of Maggie. As Daryl started to get Robin to calm down to sleep, Y/N went to check on the Grimes kids. Finding RJ already passed out in his own bed, leaving her to check on Judith who sat on her bed looking at Carl’s hat in her hands.
“You happy to be in your old room again?” Y/N smiles leaning against the door when she noticed a few tears in the young girl’s eyes. “Hey…” her smile faded as she brought herself in closing the door not all the way before sitting beside Judith. “Love, what’s wrong?”
“I miss my mom…my dad…Carl…” Judith sniffled as she carefully hugged the hat while Y/N wrapped her arm around her shoulder. “I know change is normal and all…but I just. It’s been a month already and I feel like I’m just going to be forgotten about”
New baby. New environment. Y/N was still in that weird haze of unwelcome emotions do to hormones as she brought Judith close resting her head on top of hers.
“No one is going to forget you. You are very important to a lot of us. You are so loved and you are a huge part of why a lot of us got together. You are a big piece in our family, Jude”
“Hm? What is it?”
“I know she’s bright and shiny, and his blood…but I just. Don’t think I’m that important to Uncle Daryl anymore”
Right before Y/N can assure her of anything, the door pushed open finding a semi tired RJ that was eavesdropping but also the archer standing behind him. The display made both girls think that RJ heard Judith was in distress in some way that she needed an adult. Which was the truth but he was looking for Y/N first, and found Daryl.
Now they’re here and Daryl felt awful hearing such as he enters with RJ who instantly sprinted to Y/N when he started making his way in.
“You are very important to me, Jude.” Daryl brought himself to sit on the opposite side of her as all of them were on the bed now. “Yeah, I’ve got a baby now…but in a sense, she’s not my first kid. I helped raise yea. Took care of yea. Made sure you had some sense of a childhood in this hell of a world…and did my best not to let you feel an ounce of abandonment when Michonne left. Same for RJ. Yeah…your mom will come back after she finds whatever she went out there for. But you’ll always be my kid”
Judith couldn’t contain the tears anymore as she sobbed into Daryl when he brought her into his embrace. He held her protectively…the same feeling…
Like when he first held her
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babygorewhore · 1 year
Crossed Lines. Kai Anderson Smut.
Holy shit y’all. Here it is. My longest fic so far. Over 3,000 words lol. So this is something I came up with in my deranged head after watching YOU on Netflix. I hope you enjoy, my little princesses. WARNINGS! Slapping. Spanking. Attempted assault. (not by Kai) Toxic relationship. Brutal violence. Fingering. Oral! Male recieving! PnV! Unprotected sex. Injury.
You had it.
Kai was downstairs screaming nonsense at his members. You started packing your bag. You both had gotten into a terrible fight because you refused to participate in killing someone.
“It’s time you prove to me your loyalty.” Kai had said to you.
“Prove my loyalty? For gods sake Kai. I’m not going to kill someone!” You responded back sharply.
“Perhaps I didn’t make myself clear. I’m not giving you a choice.” He said coldly. You balled up your fists.
“I said. No.”
He slapped you in response. After the shock, You slapped him back. You both stood there in silence before you marched away. Never would you allow someone to put their hands on you. You couldn’t go lower than you already had by being with him. He had taken your virginity two weeks ago, left you in a sweaty, aching pool in bed. He hadn’t even pleasured you. Just took it and left you laying there. You teared up at the memory as you continued packing and finished shoving in your last shirt.
You were wearing a black sweatshirt and jeans, your sneakers hit the floor as you slammed the bedroom door behind you and you walked down the hallway. Passing his dead parents room, you heard rushing behind you and you turned, ready to scream at Kai for chasing you down but instead you found winter starting at you in horror.
“What are you doing?” She questioned you and you pointed to your backpack.
“What does it look like?” You snapped at her and she looked around nervously.
“You can’t leave. Kai won’t let you. If you try, he’ll hunt you down and bring you back here. I don’t want him to hurt you.”
You chuckled humorously. “He already has.” You started to move away but she grabbed your arm.
“I’m begging you. Don’t leave. I promise I can try to help you here. But just stay. He won’t rest until he finds you.” You jerked out of her hold and left the house without another word.
You stayed at a friends house, your childhood best friend who you hadn’t seen in several weeks after getting together with Kai. Who called your phone over 100 times when you left that night. You had to get a new phone with some of your stolen cash you took from the house. You imagined the horrible text messages he no doubt sent you, threatening you and telling you how pathetic it was that you left.
“Are you sure you don’t want to go out with us tonight?” Your friend asked with sad eyes. “I don’t want to leave you here by yourself.” She told you.
“No, it’s okay, y/f/n. I’ll be fine. He won’t find me here.”
She left blowing you a kiss and you quickly put on your only pair of sneakers and you left the house in the opposite direction. There was a book store open late and you were dying to get your hands on a book, to distract you from what you’d done.
As you walked down the street, that’s when you paused in fear.
Someone, a man, stood yards away from you, wearing a clown mask. You knew it wasn’t Kai, his mask was different but you knew in your gut it was part of his cult. You gasped and ran back to the apartment, slamming and locking the door behind you.
But Winter was standing there in the living room. Her expression down as she came to you. Holding a knife. You backed away from her, holding your hands up. You were bigger than her, you knew you could force her away from you but she had a weapon. If Kai demanded her, she would do whatever he asked.
“If you just come back calmly, we won’t have to hurt you.” She said, desperate for you to listen. “Please, Y/n, come back peacefully. I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Really? Is that why you stand by Kai and his insanity? You’re all fucking crazy!” You yelled at her.
“Just calm down. Please. He’s been even worse without you. He sent us to come get you and bring you back. He’s not going to hurt you anymore.” She pleaded, coming closer.
“He never should have hurt me in the first place.” You replied to her.
The door burst open and the other clown came in. He was Holding a pair of handcuffs. He lunged at you. You ran to the other side of the kitchen, grabbing the kitchen scissors. Winter neared you as well. You swung them wildly at both of them. “Get the fuck away from me.” You said to both of them, hating yourself for almost crying. “I’ll call the cops and tell them everything.”
“Shut your mouth.” The male said, growling at you as he pulled out another knife.
“Fuck you. And fuck Kai.” You screamed. “How did he know where I was?”
“He always knew where you were, he just waited for the right time.” Winter said.
You took off in a run, the bedroom had a large window you could escape from. You darted inside the room, yanking open the window but before you could climb out, a large hand clapped over your mouth and yanked you back. You moved rapidly, kicking and then you bit down on the hand.
“Fucking bitch.” The male said and threw you on the bed.
He tore off his mask. He was a new member you hadn’t met before. “Enough of this shit. Kai doesn’t get to have all the fun.” He lustfully looked at your body and you shrank back in fear.
He sliced off your pants with the knife, cutting your skin as he ripped them off. “Help!” You screamed but he hit you hard across the face.
“Stop it! Kai will kill you!” Winter screamed at him as she tried to stab him with the knife but he was stronger than both of you.
He yanked your legs apart and started to grind down his erection on you. You clawed at his face, scratching and you hit him as hard as you could. He winced and gave you the opportunity to try and run. But as you made to run, he grabbed your ankle and dragged you back. He flipped you on your back, aiming the knife above your face. You covered your face with your arms.
“No!” A new voice came and you all stopped fighting each other. You looked up, still pinned to the floor.
Kai stood at the door. Wearing all black, just like you and his eyes were burning with rage as he saw the mystery man holding onto you. Your pants sliced off and blood dripping down your legs.
You blacked out from fear, everything going dark.
You came too, unsure of how much time had passed and you knew where you were. You were in Kai’s basement on the couch. Your bare legs were scratched and a hand print circled your ankle. You were alone.
You burst into tears. You never wanted to see inside this basement again.
“No need for tears, y/n.” Kai’s voice interrupted you and you whipped around to see him standing in a dark corner. He came out, wearing a button down shirt and black sweatpants. He was holding a first aid kit.
“What the fuck are you doing?” You said to him, hating how your voice was breaking from crying. He came over to you, ignoring how you tried to disappear as he sat next to you.
He took you leg but you yanked it back. “Don’t touch me.” You shrieked at him and he paused.
“You’re hurt. These need to be addressed.” He said matter of fact.
“Then I’ll do it myself.” You said sharply at him. Holding out your hand for the kit. Blood dripped from the lacerations on your thighs and Kai shook his head, disappointed.
“No. Let me do it. And then we’ll talk.” He pulled your leg back, more forceful and both your legs were across his lap. You stayed silence as he gently padded your wounds with saline, it only stung a little.
His fingers expertly wrapped you in bandages, and he secured them with tape. He had never been this gentle with you before. You stilled as he leaned down and pressed kisses along the white bandages, you weren’t able to move as he moved over to you. His hands gliding over your arms and shoulders. “I thought he was going to kill you.” He whispered, his lips finding your cheeks. And nose. He continued kissing your face, as they grew sloppier.
You hated yourself for not moving away from him quicker, hating yourself for loving the new affection he was giving you. Kai’s lips moved towards yours and you finally moved away, getting up, standing and limping a few feet away.
“I can’t stay here, Kai.” You stood your ground, forcing yourself to be strong.
Kai’s mouth pressed into a line and you could see his patience was wearing thin. “you already left me, Y/n. You tried to hide from me and look what happened. You got hurt. What would have happened if I hadn’t stepped in?” He reminded you.
“You’ve hurt me, Kai! You hit me! You give me no attention. You never hug me. Kiss me. Or anything. You just used me one time for sex and you just left me laying there like I was just something to fuck! You hurt me more than he did!” You screamed at him. “Of course I left. I couldn’t take it anymore.” It felt so good to let it all out.
“Is that what this is about?” His tone was short. “Just because I don’t hug you enough?”
“You didn’t listen to a word I fucking said.” You almost ripped your hair out at the root. “Let me go. I don’t want to be apart of this insanity.”
Kai stood up quickly and met you, you tried to cower back but his grip firmly locked on your jaw. “You can’t leave, little lamb. You mean too much to me.” He whispered.
“Bullshit.” You tried to move away but his hold was too tight, nearly bruising.
“Losing you only made me realize how much I want you. You deserve to be treated like a queen, lamb. You know that? Let me prove it to you.”
“How?” You said, exhausted from fighting.
Kai whistled. Several seconds later and all his members came flooding down, dragging the man who attacked you by his elbows. You jerked away from the man, and Kai lightly held you by the arm.
“Gentlemen, bring this traitor before me.” He commanded and they at once brought the tied man to his knees before Kai. His mouth was gagged and his arms and legs were tied with thick rope.
He shook violently as he tried to get out. Kai chuckled and you gasped as he pulled out a long blade from Speedwagon.
Kai knelt down, meeting the man eye to eye. “You really fucked up, didn’t you? Trying to touch what’s mine? Hurting her? I had to bandage her delicate flesh. You spilled her blood. Now, I get to spill yours.” Your heart hammered as the man screamed behind his gag.
Kai lunged forward, stabbing him multiple times, you wanted to cover your eyes but you couldn’t as Kai grabbed him by the head and slit the blade across his throat. Blood gushed from his neck as he fell over, dead within seconds.
Kai turned towards you with a sick smirk on his face. He dropped the blade. “Leave us. Reflect on what happens if anyone of you dare come close to touching what belongs to me.”
Everyone left, taking the body with them. You trembled. Kai had just murdered for you. Was this all part of his manipulation? His previous gentle touch. Was that all part of his act he was so good at?
“Was that supposed to make me stay? Just because you murdered him?” Kai clicked his tongue and his thumb wiped away a free falling tear on your cheek.
“Stop talking about leaving. You belong to me, y/n. We will always be together.” You shook your head and Kai’s jaw tightened.
“Stop doing that. Stop fucking denying me.” He was getting louder. You flinched back before you could help it.
“Stop it, Kai. You can’t just get what you want this way.” you half expected him to scream at you more but instead, Kai dropped to his knees beneath you.
His hands rubbed up and down your bare thighs, grazing the band of your underwear. Your stomach dropped as his head rested on your stomach.
“No. I’m not going to lose you.” He said quietly, you felt his mouth on your bare skin as he lifted your shirt. “You’re right…I should have treated you better.” His hot mouth peppered kisses along your hips and you couldn’t pull away as he gripped the back of your thighs.
“What are you doing?” You half moaned at the end as he started sucking your skin.
“Don’t you see? There’s not a line, in the world, that I wouldn’t cross for you.” Kai pleaded, looking up at you with dark eyes.
You wanted to give in, despite how wrong it was. Your hands settled on his shoulders and kai took the opportunity to lift you, forcing your legs around his waist as he carried you to the couch. He set you down, your legs straddling his waist as he sat down. You atop of him.
Kai leaned forward as you settled on his lap. His lips finding your pulse point as he kissed your neck, his tongue finding your sensitive spots as you shuddered. His hands pulled your sweatshirt up, exposing your torso and bra. His mouth found the valley of your breasts as he started tearing your bra off, yanking the sweatshirt over your head.
Kai moved with urgency as he wrapped his lips around your perked nipple, sucking gently and your head fell back. This felt so good. This was what you wanted secretly. His lips on you. His teeth pulled at the bud, and you moaned as he rolled his clothed dick into you.
“See, how much I want you, princess?” He whispered. His mouth found yours in a feverish kiss. He opened his mouth, forcing you to the same and he shoved his tongue in your mouth. He had never kissed you like this, never with such brutal passion. His left hand wrapped around the back of your head as he deepens the kiss by sucking your lower lip.
Your hands went into his hair as he continued kissing you, sloppily as your center grew wetter and wetter as he thrusted his hips up. “Kai.” You whimpered.
Kai shoved you face forward on the couch, you gasped as he slapped your ass. You heard his belt undo and you heard him fumble with his pants as he yanked them down. His hands found your neck as he pressed the tip inside you as you were on all fours.
Your body jolted with wetness as he started slamming into you, deep enough that your walls clenched around him. You felt full as pleasure grew in your belly. His other hand found your hair as he shoved his fingers inside your mouth. “Get them nice and wet for me.” He said, you obeyed. Licking his fingers and he pulled them out and started playing with your clit.
Your breath constricted. He hadn’t touched you like this before. His fingers circled your clit rapidly, as he slammed his hips against your ass. Both your bodies moved against each other. “Kai, I’m close.” You groaned.
“Cum for me. Show me.” He slapped your ass again and you nearly screamed as your orgasm overwhelmed you. Your body halted as you felt him empty inside you, you didn’t worry as you were still on birth control.
Seconds passed and he turned you around, his swollen cock in your face. “Open that pretty little mouth.” You leaned forward and licked the tip to the baseline of his dick. “I want you to taste how good we are together.” His head lolled to the side as you started sucking gently.
Your teeth very lightly grazed the tip and he moaned deep within his chest as you bobbed your head up and down, the tip brushing your gag reflex.
“That’s it, choke on daddy’s cock, little lamb.” He encouraged and pulled your hair back, too hard but you didn’t mind the pressure.
He moved into your mouth and you gagged, your jaw tightening as he filled your mouth. “Fuck. Fucking shit.” He muttered as you licked him again.
He pulled back. “Your turn.” You didn’t have time to think as he pushed you back, pushing your legs open. He knelt on the floor. Grabbing the back of your ass as he pulled your pussy to his face. He wrapped his lips around your clit, you let out little gasps as he laid his tongue flat against you, your folds convulsing as he lapped at your pussy, diving inside you and then dragging his tongue back to your clit.
You rode his face as he licked you, “You taste so fucking good,” he praised you. “You’re such a pathetic little slut, you know that? So wet for me.”
Your pleasure grew as it was about to burst.
Kai didn’t let you come, stopping right before you exploded. You let out a whine as he crawled over you, shoving his cock inside you, filling you up to the brim. “Come on, you can moan better than that.” He said, thrusting deep inside you.
Your hands flew to his shoulders, your nails digging into his skin but he couldn’t care less. Your head pressed against his shoulder as he moved, his cock touching the deepest parts of you.
Your release came in a wildfire, you let out a loud scream, panting as he came to his finish. Spilling into you, both of your orgasm merging together as he let out a loud moan. He shook as he emptied inside you. You both tried to catch your breath as he stayed inside you for several seconds. He finally pulled out.
He cleaned himself up with a rag, he dragged the cloth over you as you mewled at the feeling.
He slid his boxers on and you put your underwear back on. You expected him to leave but he laid next to you on the couch, pulling your body near his as he pressed your head against his chest. You were quiet as his fingers lightly traced your bare skin of your back.
Soon, your eyes drifted shut, and you felt a uncharacteristic light kiss on your forehead. You looked at him through your lashes and he met your gaze. He stayed silent as you reached up, pressing a kiss to his lips and he finally let you, letting his guard down.
Tagging. @spill-the-t
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sunflowergirl522 · 4 months
Benches and Questions
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Mom!Reader
Summary: Eddie helps you set up the girls playroom.
Word Count: 3001
A/n: You have to see the vision with the bench yourself.
The Twins Masterlist
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Saturday afternoon your parents come to pick up the girls to get them out of the house so you can set up their playroom. You dropped the last few boxes off at Steve’s parents house before work on wednesday letting them be their problem now. Your girls have enjoyed the room being empty, they’ve been running around it or putting on their roller skates and just going in circles. They especially loved when Eddie brought the couch cushions in for them to play hot lava.
The cushions are the first things that go while cleaning what few things are in it out after they leave. Next are the skates and Primrose’s big wheel she brought in to drive around while Callie was watching a movie the other day.
“I thought you were gonna wait for me to do all this?” Eddie asks as he enters the house and toes his shoes off while seeing you in the hallway with the broom and dustpan in your hands.
“I’m pretty sure I never agreed to that. Besides, it wasn't even that much to clear out.” Eddie may have helped make the mess but he’s helped you so much more than he could even imagine that you didn’t care cleaning up after him. It did warm your heart at how adamant he had been about you letting him help though.
“Alright, you want me to start bringing their toys and stuff down while you sweep?” He figures the least he can do is save you the trips up and down the stairs since he was the main reason the room was a mess.
“That would be great!” You beam at him and Eddie swears it lights up the whole room. “You can leave the kitchen and bigger toys up there though, I can help bring that stuff down.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Eddie stopped fully listening once the word leave left your mouth already halfway up the stairs. If you thought he was actually going to leave you anything then you would be sorely mistaken. You wouldn’t even have to go up one single step if he’s able to have his way. And he’s sure he will, Eddie has a way to get you to let him do things for you that you wouldn’t let even Steve do. Like helping with dinner or letting him make you a plate of whatever you made or dishes or even just cleaning up in general. You could just recognize the urge, the desire even, in his voice to take care of you and your girls. It was one of the things that had you falling for him so quickly.
While you sweep the area you hear some rummaging from Edde moving up and down the steps. When you finish and leave the room to help or start going through boxes you find the Little Tykes kitchen sitting in your entryway. 
“Edward Munson, I know you didn’t purposely bring this down when I told you not to.” Your hands go to your hips as you look at the man coming down the stairs with the box marked toy food.
“So what if I did?” He shrugs before putting the box down and standing in front of you, arms crossing across his chest. “Your mom tone isn’t gonna work on me so don’t even try it.” He interrupts before you can even say anything. You stare up at him refusing to break eye contact and lose this small battle the two of you are having. He quirks an eyebrow up and a huff comes out of your nose before you reluctantly look back at the toy kitchen.
“Now why don’t you go put some music on because I know you’re dying to do it.” He was right you had a hard time doing anything without music or something else on in the background especially when the girls weren’t home. “I’ll bring a couple more boxes down and then I have something for the room in my van.”
“Don’t worry, it’s nothing big.” He waves a hand to dismiss whatever fight you would’ve started over him buying something for the playroom and heads back upstairs to escape it even more.
You just shake your head and walk over to pick a record to play before deciding where to put the kitchen. You decide to push it into one of the farther corners and you’re dumping out the box of food to organize it when Eddie comes into the room two more boxes of toys in his arms. You nod at his ‘be right back’ and start organizing the toy pile in front of you into food and pots and plates and so on. You’ve started putting food in the fridge and the dishes in the little cupboard above it when he comes back inside, placing whatever he’s brought down in the middle of the room. 
You stand before looking over at it and him. When you do your mouth drops and you’re left speechless as you walk over to stand next to Eddie and get a better look at it. 
“It’s not much, I thrifted the bench itself and then painted it in my freetime.” He rubs the back of his neck not being able to tell if you like it or not. “And look, it’s storage space too. I know you can’t get enough of that with these two.” He lifts the seat up to show the empty space inside and your hands go to your mouth. 
“Eddie…” You can’t seem to find the right words, any words really, as you take in all the delicately painted primroses and calliopsis over the bench and the two fairies that look like your girls. “This is just…this is perfect. They’re going to love it.” Your voice is soft as if you can barely get it to come to the surface and your eyes tear up at his thoughtfulness.
“Do you love it?” Obviously he cares if the girls love it but he knew they would, he really needed you to love it though. If you didn’t then he would repaint it over and over again until you did. All you do is nod before hurriedly bringing him into a hug to show your gratitude. A kiss gets planted on his cheek before you part leaving him pink and smiling.
“We can put this against that wall.” You point to the one with the windows in front of the two of you and he knows immediately that you’re gonna want in under one of the windows itself. “I wanna put their train table right here.” Here being the middle of the room.
You continue with telling him where you want things to go. The table they normally use for arts and crafts and board games in the corner to the left of the door, the chalkboard on the wall across from it on the right side, the Barbie dreamhouse in the far right corner across from the kitchen and their container of dolls next to it. He makes note of all of it, wanting to make sure the room turns out exactly how you’ve imagined it.
With Eddie’s help you’re able to get the room set up in no time. He brought everything down while you organized it all. He only let you help him bring the train table in from the garage because you were being stubborn about it. 
“It looks great Princess.” Eddie says as the two of you stand in the entrance taking your work in. “The girls are gonna love it.”
“Yeah.” You’re smiling wide looking at the room that’s bound to become a mess almost as soon as they get home. You lean into Eddie’s side nudging him with your elbow. “We make a great team, the best one really.”
“Yeah, we do.” Maybe it’s how you looked up at him as you said it. Maybe it’s the truth behind your words, the way you actually believed the two of you are the best team. Or maybe it’s because this moment just feels right because Eddie decides that he’s gonna ask you out right then and there. 
“I’ve been wanting to ask you something.” His voice is soft and he turns to face you completely to find you facing the room again. You feel him reposition himself and glance over before turning completely to properly meet his gaze. You’re almost breathless as you do, the adoring look in them seeming to punch you in the gut.
“I was wondering if maybe you wanted to-”
“Mama! We’re home!” Callie’s happy voice interrupts Eddie and she’s crashing into your legs as soon as the door opens enough for her to rush in.
“Hey Callie darling! Where’s Rosie?” You send an apologetic look Eddies way before crouching down to block her view of the playroom she has yet to notice.
“Why don’t you go get her and I’ll show you the surprise Eddie and I set up for you.” She nods excitedly before running back out. You stand and face Eddie again ready to tell him to keep going but Steve comes in before you can get a word out.
“Hey there cuz!”
“Hey! What are you doing here Stevie?” You let him bring you into a hug feeling bad about all the interruptions to whatever Eddie was about to ask you. 
“Your mom and dad stopped by the store to say hi and let the girls pick out movies but then he got called into the office, there was some sort of emergency or something, and I said Robin and I could drop the girls off after our shifts were over. Did that give you enough time to finish the room?”
“Thanks to Eddie.” You nod before looking towards the door just in time to see your girls come in with Robin behind them. You’re crossing the entranceway to crouch in front of them both while they take their shoes off in no time. “You girls know how all your toys have been stored away?” They nod in response without looking up at you. “Well Eddie and I made the front room into a playroom for you two.”
“Really?” Rosie perks up first followed by Callie’s wide eyed stare soon after. They share a look before standing up and rushing to go see it hand in hand. 
“Woah! You guys did such a good job in here.” Robin says as she follows the girls in and looks around. 
“It was all mainly her, I was just the muscles.” 
“You helped plenty Eddie.” You nudge him with your elbow as you stand next to him again and watch the girls look around. “You should go point out the bench to them. Otherwise they might not realize till you’re gone.” He nods, stepping back into the playroom and getting their attention.
“What bench?” Steve asks, swinging an arm around your shoulders and bringing you into a side hug while you both observe the interaction.
“Eddie thrifted a storage bench and painted it white with their flowers all over it. And on the front he painted the two of them as fairies.” Your throat constricts while talking about it still not over how utterly kind and thoughtful the whole thing is.
“Damn looks like I need to step up my gift giving game.” He adds as they start to excitedly squeal upon seeing the fairies gaining Robin’s attention who had been flipping through one of their coloring books. “They’re gonna start loving Eddie more than me.” He fakes being close to tears, pouty lips and all and you shove him away laughing.
“You’re unbelievable. Are you guys staying for long?” 
“Nah, I’m having dinner over Robins tonight so I have to drop her off at home and get ready before going back. So we should head out soon.” You can only nod in understanding before Rosie is calling you over to look at Eddie’s painting.
After Steve and Robin leave you finish making the dinner you started in the crock pot earlier while Eddie plays with the girls. The whole time your mind is plagued with the thought of what he could’ve been about to ask you. You could just be hopeful and imagining it but it seemed like he might’ve been about to ask you out. The very thought of it makes you giddy and you don’t want to get your hopes up but oh do you want that to be it.
“Girls, dinner!” You announce loud enough for your voice to break them out of whatever game they’re playing with Eddie that’s causing them to be so loud and giggly. You get their bowls ready and take them into the dining room as Eddie comes in both of them hanging onto his back. The smell of the food has them wiggling to get off and you hold in your laughter at Eddie trying to make sure they get down safely and not react when his hair gets tugged on.
“Alright I stand corrected, they are excited.” Eddie says when they cheer as you put their food down in front of them.
 “I told you, they love buffalo chicken pasta.” When you told him this is what you were making tonight he was skeptical that they actually liked it. When he was a kid he hated anything even mildly hot and he still can’t get Jeff to even touch a hot wing. So when you told him this was the girls favorite meal he had a hard time believing you. He should’ve though.
“Sit Princess, I’ll go get our food.” Eddie pulls out your chair for you, placing a hand on your shoulder briefly when you sit smiling down at you before heading off into the kitchen. Your heart swells at how domestic it feels, something that seems to be happening a lot recently. Normally during meals but sometimes when you’re all watching a movie or you’re both playing with the girls.
“What were you guys playing in there?” You rest your head in your hand as you ask. You watch the girls light up again and can’t help but smile at it.
“Out to eat!” Callie answers.
“Eddie was our customer and Callie was the server and I was the cook.” Primrose continues.
“They kept messing up my order.” Eddie comes back sitting next to you and across from Rosie and setting your bowls down. “I was getting, oh what’s that word. Girls?”
“Disgruntled!” They both answer before bursting into giggles and Eddie smiles fondly at them while you watch in shock.
“Did Eddie teach you a new emotion word?” You’ve been trying to teach them different emotions so they can express themselves easier when something has upset them or is bothering them. So it means the world to you that Eddie would teach them one through play. “That’s so great.” You add once they nod and go back to eating. The beaming smile you send Eddie has him filled with pride that he was able to do it. Honestly he was nervous they would’ve forgotten it and his ploy to show you what they learned would fail.
The girls fall asleep later while watching The Muppet Movie and Eddie helps you take them to bed once it’s over. He rewinds the tape and takes it out while you wash the popcorn bowl and then you walk him to the door like you always do when he leaves.
“Thanks for all your help today.”
“Anytime. I’m always here to help, you know that.” He smiles up at you from where he’s crouched to put his shoes on after he talks.
“And thanks for teaching them a new word. You have no idea what that means to me.” 
“Oh that.” He shrugs it off like it’s no big deal while standing up. “That was nothing. I just saw an opportunity and took it.”
“So, what were you gonna ask me earlier?”
“Oh, that? That was uh.” He trails off rubbing the back of his neck and looking away from you. He’s lost some of that confidence he had earlier. He doesn’t want to claim it was nothing because it’s not nothing it’s actually so insanely important to him that the thought of you saying no has him wanting to tuck his tail behind his legs and run away like a dog. 
“You don’t have to ask if you’re uncomfortable now. I don’t mind waiting till you’re ready to ask whatever it is again.” You meant it from the bottom of your heart because as much as you’re dying to know what it is, you also want, need, Eddie to feel comfortable around you.
“Do you wanna get dinner with me Friday night?” Something in the way you tell him he doesn’t have to ask you anything has him blurting it out. “Like as a date?”
“I’d love to!” You don’t think about it as you enthusiastically answer. “I’ll see if someone can watch the girls that night and let you know if we’d have to reschedule or not.”
“Perfect.” Eddie can’t tell if his, what he’s sure is goofy, smile is more from you saying yes almost before he could get the words out or from your own beaming one that he swears could light up the darkest corners of his room at night. “That’s perfect.” He lingers in the doorway ready to get home and sleep before his early and long shift tomorrow but not quite wanting to cross the threshold and leave this moment, leave you, behind. “I’ll call you tomorrow after my shift.”
“Okay.” It’s silent then between the two of you, neither one wanting to say goodnight just yet. “Goodnight Eddie.” You pull him into a hug as you speak Eddie can’t help but feel at home in your arms.
‘Night Princess.” The two of you stand in the embrace for a while before Eddie places a kiss on your head and heads towards his van.
Eddie Taglist (32/40): @sadbitchfangirl​ @notbeforelong​​​​ @navs-bhat​ @emotionaldreamer​ ​​​​​  @gaysludge ​@eddiethesexy @mazerunnerrose @midnightsgetawaycar   @mushroomelephant @saramelaniemoon @nojamsonmytoast @vintagehellfire @esoltis280 @spikedhe4rt @siriuslysmoking @toobsessedsstuff @alana4610 @gretavanfleas @sparkletash @aactuaaltraash @spookyemorockbabe @jesssssmaybank @tlclick73 @eddiemunsonslittlemetalhead @bl4ckt00thgr1n @eli-flower @canyonmooncreations @witchwolflea @emxxblog @chaoticgood-munson @loves0phelia @nightfiress @moonnooon
Everything Taglist: @matchamunson​ @bubsonnobx​ @practicalghost​ @katsukis1wife @crustyowos @yourfavdummy @protecteddiemunson4vr @kennedy-brooke @m00nkn1ghts @rory-cakes
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 2 years
Steve and Eddie were hanging out again, a thing that's been happening since Steve carried Eddie out of the Upside Down. Usually, it was Steve, Eddie, and Robin, but it was date night with Vicki, so it was just the two of them. Just like with Robin, Steve had no problem getting so close with Eddie, but with him, it was different because Steve had fallen madly in love with Eddie. He was planning on telling him tonight after dinner and the movie he had picked out, but there was a bit of a problem. Eddie had completely conked out on his shoulder, snoring and drooling away.
It was amazing how sweet Eddie looked when he was sleeping in Steve's arms. Steve didn't want to move, but he needed to go to the bathroom. He went upstairs and went to use the bathroom in the master bedroom, the one furthest from the living room. He had begun using that one since his parents had given him the house due to the fact that the bathtub was bigger and he loved taking baths. Not only did he need to use the bathroom, but he also needed to practice what he was going to say to Eddie. Why were his hands sweating all of a sudden?
"Steve?" Eddie called out when he had woken up and found Steve was gone.
Eddie was very confused and very worried. He couldn't find Steve anywhere in the house. He hadn't looked in the master bedroom, though. Steve had told him he didn't like going in there, so why would he be there? He headed towards the bedroom, and that's when he heard Steve’s voice. Eddie frowned and entered, but there was still no sign of him. That's when he saw the bathroom light was on. He moved forward and saw that it was slightly cracked. He peeked in the crack and saw Steve talking to himself in the mirror. Eddie shook his head. He shouldn't listen to this. It would be rude. He froze, however, when he heard his name.
"Okay, come you can do this, it's just Eddie. You can tell him. I mean, what's the worst that can happen? He would say no. . . Or, you could lose his friendship forever. Yeah, that sounds swell," Steve sighed and ran his hand through his hair.
Eddie grew even more concerned. What could be so bad that Steve would be worried that he would lose him?
"Okay, so here goes nothing. Eddie, I found out some things about myself. Something that you made me realize. Uh, I like girls, but I also like guys. I also really like your personality and your face, just the whole thing, really. Ugh, no, that's fucking stupid," Steve said. "Come on, Harrington, you're smoother than this."
Eddie grinned, hiding his face behind his hair. Steve was practicing what to say to him, Eddie Munson, about said feelings for said metalhead! Oh, he should really come out of hiding now, but he also wanted to hear what else Steve might say.
"Okay, this really shouldn't be this hard. Speaking of hard, whenever you wear those crop tops and when you put your hair up. . . Oh, baby, you make me super hard," Steve said and winked in the mirror. "Nope, nope! That's stupid, too!"
Eddie stuffed his fist into his mouth to stop the giggles from erupting. Okay, he really should come out now. Hah! Come out!
"Okay, Eddie. . .I'm a huge dork, and you're a huge dork. . .let's be dorks together," Steve said.
Okay, Eddie couldn't help himself. He burst through the door, causing it to bang loudly against the wall. Steve shrieked and clutched his hands to his chest.
"A thousand times yes, baby!" Eddie exclaimed. "Oh, shit, sorry. Are you okay?"
"You scared the fuck out of me?!" Steve asked. "Were you listening the entire time?!"
"I did say I was sorry. Holy shit, that's a huge bathtub," Eddie said, getting distracted.
"Yeah, wait, did you say yes?" Steve asked.
"Yeah, very much in love with you - oooh! Bubbles! Can we, Steve?"
Robin groaned as she walked through the door of Steve's house. Frowning, she grabbed a beer from the fridge and went to look for Steve.
"Steve! I opened my big fat mouth and said something stupid now she's mad at me!" Robin exclaimed. "Our first fight as a couple. I am both happy and sad. Stevie, where are you? Let's get drunk and be dinguses together. Steeevee???"
That's when she heard the sound of two male voices yelling. It sounded suspiciously like Steve and Eddie. Oh God, did those two finally figure things out? Was she about to walk in on the aftermath? Why was she still walking towards the sound? Because she is a dingus, that's why. Robin entered the master bedroom and could hear their voices more clearly.
Robin burst through the bathroom door and gaped at the sight. Eddie and Steve were sitting in the tub, bubbles up to their chests, with a box of toys beside the bathtub. Steve was sporting a bubble beard while Eddie had a ring of them on his head like a halo. Steve was holding a little plastic toy man in his hand while Eddie held a large red dragon. They froze at the sight of Robin standing in the doorway.
"What the fuck?" Robin asked. "What are you doing?"
"Taking a bubble bath with my dorky boyfriend, what are you doing?" Steve asked with a scoff, and Eddie giggled.
"I had a fight with Vicki," she pouted.
"Aw, sit down. Tell Mommy and Daddy what happened," Eddie replied as he put the toy dragon down.
"I am NOT calling you guys that," Robin scoffed and sat down on the lid of the toilet, taking a sip of her beer and passing it to the guys. "So, anyways, we were talking about - wait. . .BOYFRIEND?!"
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hannyoontify · 1 year
[23:01] you glanced around your best friend's empty apartment in confusion. vernon had sent you an urgent text 15 minutes ago, asking you to come over to his apartment asap and when you asked why, he responded with a vague 'it's important'. when he said that, you had scoffed since vernon's definition of important could range from him almost losing a finger while trying to cook to him finding a cute ladybug on the windowsill of his bedroom.
regardless, you had dropped everything you were doing and left your house in hurry because more often than not, vernon's emergencies were more on the ladybug spectrum, but you never knew. you had basically barged into his place, almost breaking down his door in the process, only to find his home empty.
you looked over your friend's disheveled apartment again. there were groups of opened and unopened moving boxes scattered around his living room, its contents spilling out and onto the floor. you were profoundly confused. vernon's lived in this apartment for almost 4 years now and you knew he had no plans of moving anytime soon, so why the boxes?
as if to answer your rhetorical question, you heard a loud thump by the foyer and you nearly jumped out of your skin in surprise. you made your way to the entrance, ready to fight off any intruders with the 3 weeks worth of knowledge of taekwondo from your middle school years.
'nonie?' you called out cautiously. at the doorway wasn't vernon, but rather, a tall stack of boxes. 'vernon?'
a familiar head of fluffy brown hair peeked out from the side. your best friend flashed you a bright smile, evidently very happy to see you. 'name! you came quick!'
you smiled and took the top box. 'yeah, cuz you told me it was important. what's going on?'
vernon gave you a knowing smile. 'something very, very, very important'
good lord, you thought to yourself with a small smile as you set down the box you were carrying. straightening your back, you analyzed the maze of cardboard boxes scattered and covering almost every square inch of the living room floor.
'are you getting a roommate? what's with all the moving boxes?' you asked. you already knew vernon wasn't going to any of your questions, but you couldn't help it. you needed to know what was going on.
vernon ignored your set of questions and made climbed his way to his couch and motioned for you to sit down next to him. despite being wildly confused, you did as he asked and cuddled up against your best friend, who busied himself with digging through a nearby box. you held back the (very strong) urge to ask any more questions and sat quietly, patiently waiting for vernon to do something.
'nonie, i swear this better be worth my time-'
vernon sat back up with a stack of familiar looking books in his hands. and he was smiling. brightly, almost stunningly. you felt your breath hitch. 'it is! i promise'
you gave him a questionable look but nevertheless settled down next to him as he pulled the first book into his lap. it looked like an old magazine, with tattered, worn paper. you could tell it used to be the coated glossy paper fashion magazines used back during it's prime time.
it took you a minute to recognize the image on the cover.
'is this-?'
if it's physically possible for vernon's gummy smile to grow any bigger, it most definitely did as he nodded at you. 'yeah, it's our elementary school yearbook from 5th grade'
you covered your mouth with a hand, the other hand too busy flipping through the dusty pages to do anything else.
'how did you-?'
'my parents are moving out of their current home and into a smaller one, and i was helping them get rid of old storage when i came across boxes full of old photo albums and yearbooks from our childhood. mom said i could take them so..'
vernon trailed off, losing his train of thought when he saw the way your eyes sparkled and lit up with joy, the corners of your eyes crinkling up whenever you smiled. your pupils would disappear and your eyes would crease, forming small crescents that made his heart melt a little.
'do you remember this? this was field day and i ate shit during the 100 meter race so you lost the race for me and walked me to the nurse's office' you pointed to a picture joyously, small giggles spilling out of you. the two of you weren't the focus of the picture, but you could clearly see two small kids walking in the distance, their arms wrapped firmly around each other's shoulders.
vernon smiled at the memory. 'yeah, i remember' he said softly. you sighed and leaned against his now much more broad shoulder as you flipped through more pages.
'you wanna see something fun?' vernon asked. he already knew what your reaction was going to be, but still, he thought it would be funny to see it in person.
you looked at him expectantly as he pulled out a much bigger, thicker hard cover book. he handed it to you and you accepted it with a quiet 'mmph' at the unexpected weight.
once you caught a glimpse of the cover, you covered your face and groaned loudly. 'nooo not our junior year of high school..'
vernon chuckled as he took the yearbook out of your grasp and started flipping through the pages as you complained about how bad your school's photographer was and how the printer did your face so dirty.
he wordlessly flipped to the page where you were and he barked out a sharp laugh, causing you to whine even more. 'I'M TELLING YOU I DIDN'T LOOK THAT BAD I SWEAR IT WAS JUST THAT ONE DAY'
your so called best friend was now on the floor, gasping for air as he wheezed uncontrollably. you couldn't help but also crack a smile and you took the yearbook back into your lap and began flipping through the pages frantically as vernon slowly began to calm down.
'oh man, i know i've been friends with you since elementary school but oh my god..' vernon giggled again as he wiped away a stray tear. you ignored him and stopped when you finally found what you were looking for.
'aha! nonie, look'
vernon tucked his chin on your shoulder and peered over, curious to see what you found. oh. until he wasn't.
'you were like, a bit foreign. eyes beige, darkish blondish. shorta than meh' you sang in a nasally voice. immediately, vernon fell over and off the couch again, covering his bright red face with his hands.
'STAWPPPP I WAS 16 YEARS OLDDD' he wailed dramatically. you cackled maniacally, happy to get some kind of revenge.
vernon had joined your high school's rap club as a sophomore. it was only a hobby he had and he thought he needed at least one extra curricular under his belt, so he signed up.
you giggled as vernon collected himself but his face remained a bright shade of red. ''s alright nonie, we all have some kind of dark past'
he grumbled and sat down next to you. he reached over and flipped a few pages and pointed victoriously at a new photo and you felt your blood run cold. smack dab in the center of the yearbook was a big ass picture of you and your high school boyfriend, your arms wrapped around each other and cheesy smiles around. you weren't hungry but you suddenly felt yourself losing your appetite at seeing your ex's face.
'and you have yours' vernon said smugly. he paused for a moment before continuing. 'i hated him, by the way'
you blinked at him. 'really? i thought you liked him'
'yeah, i liked him for you. because you liked him. i thought he was a dick but if you liked him, that meant you saw something in him, right? so i trusted him' vernon scooted closer to you, his warm body now flush against yours. from where you were, you could smell his aloe vera shampoo and aftershave. you wondered if he could hear your heart thumping from where you were sitting.
probably, right?
'yeah, i thought you deserved better' he said in a much quieter voice. you leaned in, curious if he had anyone else in mind. 'no i'm not telling you who'
'pleaseeee it's been almost a decade, i can handle it'
'did i know them?'
'were they one of your friends?'
'... i guess you can say that'
vernon scoffed. 'minwoo? that prick only cared about hitting a joint at exact 2 hour intervals'
you giggled and cuddled up against him, your head laying on his chest now as his hand slowly stroked your hair.
'hmm i wonder who else'
'seokmin? seungkwan? minghao?'
'no, no, and no'
'you?' vernon nearly choked on nothing as he fought for composure but he was 10000% sure you heard his heart pounding when you laid your head on his chest. 'oh my god chwe hansol are you being serious?'
vernon fought for words, any words. he just needed something for damage control but he basically had nothing. your jaw dropped open when you saw him nervously fidget and avoid eye contact.
eventually, the silence got too quiet for vernon, a rare occurence.
'okay, yes, i've had a crush on you since maybe sophomore year of high school. that's when i started writing songs about you. hell, maybe even love. you care so much for me and you always make sure i'm eating my meals and checking up on me and fuck you're my best friend, how am i not supposed to fall in love with you. i laugh with you the most, i cry with you the most. i spend the most amount of time with you and i fell in love with you somewhere in between those moments'
you fought the urge to cover your mouth with your hands. vernon was looking everywhere except for your direction, until you said four soft words, making his head snap towards your direction.
'i love you too'
'yeah, since the day you lost your race to take me to the nurse's office on field day'
vernon was now looking at you, searching your eyes to detect any lies or insincerity but all he saw was your bright eyes sparkling at him.
'thank god. i don't know how much longer i could've gone without telling you' he gave you a cheesy grin before inching closer, his face now centimeters away from yours. his hands rested on either cheek, the cool skin of his palms sending a small shiver down your spin and you thought your heart was going to leap out of your throat.
'can i kiss you?'
you smiled and a single tear fell off your lash and landed on your cheek, which vernon almost immediately wiped away. 'you better, i've been waiting since we met under that mistletoe our junior year of high school'
vernon chuckled and pulled you in closer, capturing your lips with his.
'of course, i could never break a promise'
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WIBTA if I don't want to contribute to paying for furniture for the house?
1/3/2024, Names changed. Sorry, this is a little long.
I (26) live with three roommates: Kay (22) who is my sister, Sam (22) who is Kay's high school sweetheart and fiancé, and Andy (25) who is Kay and Sam's best friend. All of us are autistic, queer, and neurodivergent in some way or another.
Background info; Kay, Sam, and Andy had had plans to move in together for several years with Andy moving cross country to do so. Kay and I both moved out of our parents house within a month of each other in Summer 2022, with Kay and Sam moving in together, and me moving into an apartment by myself. Early 2023 due to issues with my apartment and landlord and being unable/unwilling to stay there past my lease when it was up in six months, with some encouragement from our mother Kay asked if I wanted to move in with the three of them because Kay and Sam's lease was up around the same time mine was and they were already planning on getting a bigger place to live with Andy when he got here. Due to the aforementioned apartment troubles and having a hard time mentally living alone for the first time, I accepted. We found a small house and the four of us moved in Summer 2023.
Now we've butted heads a good bit the last couple months (especially me and Andy because we had barely known each other before moving in together and we have very different personalities), including a few very loud fights, but we have thus far managed to eventually talk it out and work it out and kept things mostly under control. I admit, there have been times where I was definitely the asshole in situations, but I've acknowledged that, apologized, and tried to improve my behavior since then. Anyway, this ask isn't about all those times.
A lot of my issues in the household stem from my depression and lack of motivation to get things done. A big contributing factor to that is that I am painfully aware I wasn't part of their original plan, and that leads to me not feeling wanted as part of this house. The three of them often do things without me like playing D&D, and hanging out/going fun places without me, while things I want to do with all of them just kinda never happens, like playing a video game or board game with one of them, or going out somewhere fun I want to go. Some of me not being included is completely justified like Kay and Sam's date nights, and some things while they do still sting a bit to be excluded from make sense why (like their D&D games that can get very NSFW, and I'm a sex-repulsed asexual. also being Kay's sister would make it extremely awkward regardless of my sexuality. I only found out about the NSFW nature of their games two weeks ago though), but certain things it doesn't feel like as good a reason for me to not be included or it's not actually communicated to me why I'm not invited to be part of something.
A REALLY big thing that contributed to these feelings I have was the day we got the keys to our house, as Kay and Andy were showing it to me, Kay told me "Just so you know, this isn't permanent. You're going to get your own place again eventually" with a soft deadline of two years because that's when another of their friends graduates college and might need a place to stay after. Over the last few months we have had several conversations about my feelings of being unwanted and Kay has apologized saying that what she meant that day came out wrong. What she meant by that statement was they all want to help me become more independent so that I will be able to move out and live on my own again one day when I'm ready since the first time didn't go so well. They were not/are not planning to kick me out, and the other friend moving in is just an idea that may not even come to fruition anyway. Even if it was partially a misunderstanding and there is no set time I need to be out of the house by, knowing that there is an end in sight has made it much harder for me to settle in because I don't feel like I can get settled since I'll just have to leave again at some point anyway even if that time is literal years away. Sorry if that doesn't make sense but that's the best way I can phrase it.
With all that background out of the way, I'll get back on track now. Kay and Andy have spent months planning on how to decorate the house and want to make the whole first floor (kitchen, living room, and shared craft space in the front room) themed like a medieval tavern. I haven't been able to give much input on how the house gets decorated outside of my own room. I've been trying to at least make my bedroom feel more homey since it's where I spend a lot of my time, but the common areas are much harder for me to feel comfortable and like I belong in because I don't have much control/input in how they will look. Which again, I know I'm not going to be here super long term, so it makes sense but it still sucks.
Now onto the actual situation here. There is a dining table set that Kay and Andy picked out that costs over $400 that Kay said on 12/25 she wants us all four to pitch in to get for the household for her birthday in a couple months. I am hesitant to contribute to this set, because I am not going to live with them forever. Obviously I pay my part to the household. I pay my fair share of rent, utilities, and food (though I will often make mini grocery runs throughout the week and I rarely if ever ask for money I spent back because I feel awkward about asking for money from any of them). I have already contributed towards furniture for the house but that is either things that are explicitly and exclusively mine despite household use (a tv stand I already had, a bookshelf I bought to display my things) and will come with me when I move out, or something that was a gift for someone else but still not ridiculously expensive (a $40 secondhand curio cabinet the rest of us got for Kay as an early Christmas present and various other small decorations for around the house).
There was another interaction today that has me a little upset. We've been thinking of getting a second TV for the living room so we can play online co-op games together. Who pays for the TV, determines who gets to keep the new one and who takes the old one when I leave. If the three of them want to keep the new TV, they're going to split the cost and I get the old one, however if I want the new TV I will have to pay for the whole thing myself. 1 person vs 3 people paying for something just feels unfair to me.
But the dining set feels different because it's a lot of money and I won't get to take any part of it with me when I eventually leave. With the TV I'd at least get to keep it. I feel guilty about not wanting to help pay for it, especially because Kay has said she wants it as a birthday gift, but if it almost feels like I'm just buying furniture for someone else's house. Honestly, I'll probably end up sucking it up and contributing anyway because I really don't like confrontation and tend to keep my feelings to myself anyway, but I just want to know other people's opinion on the situation.
Money has been a growing issue for me lately. I'm the only one with a stable, salaried job (barely pays above minimum wage though so it's not like I'm rolling funds), while Kay and Sam are hourly and Andy is between jobs right now. Like I said, I feel awkward about asking for money from any of them. Honestly I don't mind paying a little extra here and there to help out since I'm not much help with the cooking and cleaning, but the amount I have been contributing with no compensation has been eating away at my savings the last few months and I've been keeping silent about it because I don't want to make them feel guilty about it and make it awkward.
TLDR; I'm insecure and have trouble feeling wanted around by my roommates, and am expected to eventually move out. WIBTA if I don't want to help buy a dining set for the household because I won't get to take any part of it with me when I move out?
PS- If it's not too much trouble, could you please tag @aita-roommates-furniture so I am notified when this gets posted? Tumblr won't let me submit asks from a sideblog. If not, no worries! I'll just keep an eye out for it
What are these acronyms?
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darling-i-read-it · 1 year
Not Fun Dreams
Dalton Lambert x fem!prophet(esc)!reader
Word Count: 6.1k
Warnings: insidious 5 spoilers, some angst, canon level events/violence (descriptions of the readers visions as violence and never being good), shared trauma, a lot of unedited fic lol 
Author’s Note: This ended up a LITTLE LONG good lord lol. I just kept going! I hope you enjoy love, it ended up being a little less angst then I wanted to have some sort of preunderstood relationship. ALSO i made up the art school dalton goes too because I couldnt’ find the name or remember if it was mentioned. When will this movie be available to watch whenever i want smh. Anyway, enjoy!
Requested: by anon, your dalton fics were amazing and if you’re still in the mood to write for him i got an idea! dalton with a prophet esque reader. maybe not full out but maybe they have dreams or in certain places they can see what will happen there but doesn’t get the full event ( mostly negative/horrific things because this is the insidious universe and nobody can have nothing). id imagine they’d be more reclusive than dalton because even though they’re both obviously very traumatized reader constantly has to see these horrific things and not know how to stop them. knowing possibly from a young age where you and the people you love will die. the trauma bonding. the protectiveness. imagine the drama if she knew the whole time he could astral project and didn’t tell him, like being childhood friends and going to the same college as you saw something in a dream (one of the dorm scenes) and are trying to prevent it. i’m an angst girlie through and through and this movie made me worst. please don’t feel pressured to write at all, and i hope you have a great day/night! 
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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When you were a kid it was much more simple. It made far more sense to you when your imagination was stretched as far as it could go. It was clouded by the guise of childhood, never knowing what was supposed to happen and what wasn’t. You figured that when you went to sleep and pictures flipped in your head piercing like a migraine, everything was normal. Your parents told you it was just dreams, even when the dreams started to get darker. You saw flashes of people’s faces, drenched in fear as they faced something unknown. The nightmares got worse. You insisted they weren’t nightmares. Children dealt with weird things all the time. 
It helped when the boy next door flew away in his sleep. 
Everyone must have these little gifts then right? All the children had a perk that slightly scared them, one they told their friends about that their parents didn’t pay much attention to. 
You’ll never forget the day Dalton moved. He left the house he had grown up in so that his parents could move somewhere bigger, somewhere to raise the new baby. You remember his little face, matching yours. You had never had a friend you cared for so much. It felt like the world could be taken on when you were with Dalton. 
“Are you sure you have to go?” you asked, quietly. You knew the answer to the question, even then. You had had an awful nightmare the night before. You had seen flashes of Dalton in bed, tubes surrounding him, IV’s in his arm. 
“My mom says so,” he muttered. You were hunched together in the corner of his house. Now empty, it seemed much larger. You didn’t like being in places that seemed to be experiencing change. You saw enough change. 
“But I’m worried,” you whispered. “Something might happen to you in the new house.” Your voice was hushed. Even then, you knew it was no use in telling his parents. No one would believe you. But you had to warn him because if anyone trusted you, it was Dalton. 
“Maybe it’s just another one of your not fun dreams,” he said quietly. He had gotten used to protecting you from them. You were often shaky when you woke up. He had seen it after a sleepover, cold sweats dripping down your petrified face. “Not one that would come true.”
You had known the lady down the street would trip down the stairs and die three weeks prior. But no one cared to check with the little girl who had silly prophetic dreams. 
“But what if it isn’t.” You pouted, a genuine pout. Dalton put his hand on yours, in a way only children could do. The most innocent of gestures. A sign of good faith. 
“I’ll be okay.” Even then he didn’t believe his words. He had been wandering further and further out in his dreams. You told him to stop, that it scared you. He insisted they were nothing like your dreams. His weren’t real. 
“You ready to go guys?” Josh Lambert asked. He walked up behind you, carrying a book at his side. 
“You’ll call right?” you asked quickly, suddenly overcome by emotion. Dalton nodded eagerly. 
“We’ve got your number, don’t worry,” Josh assured you. “We won’t be that far, right Dalton? Just down the road.” Dalton wanted to disagree but he didn’t. He just nodded, not ready for you to leave his house. Not ready to leave it himself. 
“I’ll call everyday,” Dalton promised. 
After a couple weeks he stopped calling. Your parents wouldn’t tell you why. Just that he couldn’t come to the phone. You could see him in your dreams, desperately lost and you had no way of helping him.
You woke up with a start. 
As you grew up the dreams started to become less violent. They were always violent in nature but sometimes you could wake up and not feel panicked. You looked at your bedside table, the orange bottles staring back at you. Some were for panic attacks, some were for general anxiety, some to help you sleep. You debated taking one, wondering if you could stick it out for the day. The thought was quickly dismissed. 
You had dreamt of Dalton. 
You hadn’t dreamt of Dalton since you were a kid, since you lost touch. The memory of it became so blurry over time. There was no way you could have blamed him for it. In hindsight you blame your parents and the cycle of time. You went to different schools and there was no reason to stay in touch because you couldn’t ever see each other. 
You grabbed your phone off the side of your bed. You hadn’t seen much. 
Dalton. Older, taller, handsomer. A full man now, though you weren’t sure why you were surprised. A school, the name of the school just barely on the tip of your tongue. You wrote down everything you remembered furiously. The feeling of dread. A familiar creeping of darkness that you couldn’t quite place. Your dreams were sporadic. Whatever you had dreamt of could still be months out. 
You got out of bed and walked down the hallway. You were packing for school yourself, eager to leave by the end of the week. The car was almost packed with most of your things. 
You reached for your parents phone book. They kept it beside the fridge, even though it was ancient and most of the numbers were outdated. You had given them grief about it before. Everyone had numbers saved to their phones now, what was the point of a phone book?
You ate your words as you flipped through the pages, looking for Lambert. Sure enough, both Renai and Josh were separately listed. You reached for your phone, trying Renai first. 
It rang for a while, leading you to believe the number might’ve been wrong. Then there was an answer and a kind voice spoke on the other end. 
“Hi! Is this Renai Lambert?” 
“This is her. Who is this?” 
“Hi Mrs. Lambert! This is kind of weird but my name is Y/N. I used to be friends with Dalton when we were kids?” There was a beat of silence and then a laugh, one you remembered well. You had always liked Renai. She was endlessly kind, always offering you lemonade when you came around. You could still hear her playing songs on the piano while you and Dalton ran around their house. 
“Y/N! Oh goodness, it’s been a while hasn’t it? Why are you calling now?” You smiled, happy she remembered you. 
“I just randomly dreamt of Dalton last night and hadn’t seen him in years. I was wondering if he still lived with you or if I could talk to him?” 
“For sure! Gimme one second.” She moved away. You could hear a muffled call for Dalton. The phone returned to her ear. “How have you been?” 
“I’ve been good! I’m going to art school at the end of the month,” you offered. 
“Really? So is Dalton! Oh, here he is!” There was a moment as the phone was passed along. You cleared your throat. 
“Dalton?” There was another beat of silence. You thought maybe he didn’t remember you, which would be slightly awkward. You would have to re-explain everything before he would even believe a word that came out of your mouth. Then he spoke. 
“Y/N?” You let out a breath of relief. 
“Yeah.” He scoffed and you could picture him shaking his head in disbelief. 
“What’s up? Are you okay?” Still the same protective boy he had been when you were kids. 
“I had a dream about you last night and I wanted to call, see if you were okay.” Another moment of silence. You wondered if Renai had left the room.
“A not fun dream?” he asked quietly. You nodded, looking down. 
“Yeah.” You could hear Renai in the background. 
“She’s going to art school too.” 
“Really? Where are you going?” 
“Western. Not far from home, at least, where home used to be.” 
“Me too,” he breathed. “Who would’ve thought?” You bit the inside of your cheek, wondering what it would be like to be back with Dalton again. You had never felt so understood like when you were with him. 
“When do you leave? We should meet up for lunch.”
Dalton Lambert had gotten tall. You noticed that first when you saw him. He stepped right out of your dreams and onto his dorm room flooring. You had just missed Josh who had eagerly scurried away. Your parents had left you too. Now you and Dalton were finally in a place where you could hang out away from adults, which was a weird feeling when you were together. 
He had texted you his room number and you knocked on the door. When it opened, he hugged you. It wasn’t awkward or weird. In fact, it felt like you had finally come home. 
“How are you?” you asked. 
“I’m okay,” he promised. He ushered you in. “I’d be better if you told me what your dream was about.” You shook your head. 
“It was just you being here.” 
“You have good dreams now?” You shook your head. 
“That’s the whole thing.” He gestured for you to sit at his desk or at the empty bed beside his. You sat down on his bed anyway, putting your feet up to your chest like you were a child. “I don’t. But I remember feeling bad when I woke up, like something was coming.” You looked over at him. “How are you? How are your dreams?”
He paused for a moment, like he was glitching or buffering. You tilted your head. 
“My dreams are fine,” he answered finally. “Not nearly as interesting as yours.” You nodded slowly. That wasn’t exactly the answer you were expecting to get but you trusted him to open up when he was ready. “So do you think somethings gonna happen?” 
“I don’t know. I think I’ll know more later,” you promised, though you only half believed it.
“The last time you dreamt about me I went into my coma,” he said quietly, cautiously. He opened up to you quickly, knowing what it was like to be friends with you when you were a kid. There was something so special about being known before you even knew yourself. 
“I know. That’s why I found my parents' phonebook and called your mom.” 
“At least you’ll be closer this time around,” he suggested. “You’re welcome to hit me in the head if I start drifting off when I’m not supposed to.” You laughed gently. 
“Good to know.” You looked up at his wall. He had started to put drawings up. His mom was in the one above his pillow, at her piano. She looked just like you remembered her. “How is she?” you asked. Your eyes scanned the room. “Oh man, how is Foster? Cali?” 
“Good, good, they’re all good,” he promised, laughing a bit. “My parents got divorced a couple years ago. My dad is slightly losing it.” 
“As all dads do.” Your eyes scanned the wall. There was a picture of his brother. Another of his grandmother, who you only met every once in a while. Above her was a picture you recognized. It was you. You when you were a kid, in a room you no longer remembered. “Is that me?” He cleared his throat. 
“Your call had me looking through pictures.” You glanced at him, smiling a bit. 
“I loved your house so much. It was like a second home to me.”
“It was a first home to me.” You rolled your eyes. 
“We have so much to catch up on. Tell me everything. I have nowhere to be.”
Dalton’s room became a second one to you. It was serendipitous, moving from swapping houses to swapping dorm rooms. The transition felt comfortable and seamless. His roommate Chris moved out because she was a girl so you mostly got the room to yourselves. 
A couple weeks in, he started to have nightmares. Nights where you recognized the look on his face when he woke up. It was the same look he had after he had wandered too far, daring you to go with him. When he woke up he looked just like a kid still. Big wide eyes, confused. 
You sat on the spare bed. Dalton had fallen asleep half an hour before but you couldn’t bring yourself to leave. There was nothing wrong with just falling asleep there. You had done it before and you would do it again, waking up to his alarm for his early class. 
You laid your head down on the pillow, scrolling on your phone. The night had fallen, indicating that you should let yourself drift off into sleep. You raised your head a bit, wondering if you could easily find one of Dalton’s shirts to wear to sleep instead of your uncomfortable day one. You should’ve asked him before he fell asleep. You stood up lazily, rubbing your eyes. The room was only illuminated by the nightlight at Dalton’s side. He had fallen asleep with a pencil still in his hand, his sketchbook still out on his side.
You groggily slipped the pencil out of his fingers, putting it on the desk. You grabbed his sketchbook, looking at what he was looking at. It was still just lines on a paper, soon to be something beautiful. You put it aside. You were about to turn around when he woke up with a start. 
He lifted his head completely, almost ramming into you. You jumped, startled. 
“Woah!” you exclaimed. He was breathing heavily. He looked up at you, eyes wide. You met his gaze, almost positive what had just happened. “Did you wander off?” 
“In your sleep. Did you project?” He was silent for a moment, still trying to catch up on whatever it was going on in his head. He didn’t say anything for a second, staring at you with bewildered eyes. “Dalton?” 
He finally opened his eyes up to speak but was cut off by a loud screeching. You put your hands over your ears, wincing. The fire alarm was going off. Dalton scrambled out of bed, looking at the door. He rushed forward, pushing it open. 
Down the hall, all the other students were leaving their beds. Most were still muddled with sleep, wearing nothing but their pajamas. You peeked your head out behind him. He grabbed your arm and started to bring you down the hallway to the stairs. It was too tight for everyone so his grip was iron tight, weaving through the confusion. You pushed through the door to the stairs, moving with the herd down. You glanced back, trying to find the source of the confusion. 
You emerged outside into the night. It was freezing. The group dispersed into the courtyard, everyone looking back to the building you had just left. You brushed against Dalton behind you, who had finally let go of your arm. You couldn’t see anything in the building, nothing to indicate a reason everyone was leaving. 
“Do you see anything?” you asked him. He shook his head. 
“No.” You shivered, suddenly very aware of how cold it was. 
“Maybe it was a drill,” you suggested. He nodded slowly, not wanting to argue as his eyes scanned the building. 
Someone was yelling something in a megaphone you couldn’t make out. You tried to find the source of the voice to no avail. 
“What are they saying?” 
“False alarm,” he said, like it wasn’t a question. You furrowed your brows. 
“How can you hear that?” 
“I pulled it,” he said, finally. You turned around to look at him. 
“How? You were right there with me the whole time.” 
“I did it in my sleep.”
“If you knew it was a false alarm, why did we come out here?” 
“Because I wasn’t sure.” His voice sounded far away. You looked back at the building, completely safe in the backdrop of the night. You turned back to him. His look was dreary and unreadable. “You should probably go back to your room,” he said, voice still far away. You tried not to take that badly. It just seemed random. 
“Okay,” you said quietly. “Are you okay Dalton?”
“Yeah, yeah I’m good.” You nodded slowly. People started to pass you, going back inside. 
“Want me to walk you back up?” “I’m okay,” he assured you, some of the life returning to his voice. 
“Alright…I’ll see you tomorrow?” He nodded quickly and started to walk into the crowd. 
The next morning you woke up in a daze. You couldn’t quite remember what happened the night before, all of it glossing over your memory like a blur. You grabbed your phone off the side table, your roommate still snoozing away. You had a text from Dalton and a text from Chris, his old roommate. 
Taking Dalton to that frat party tonight. Wanna come? 
You opened that one up first. Dalton at a frat party? You almost snorted. You hadn’t been back in his life for very long but it didn’t seem like his vibe. You opened Dalton’s text next. 
Sorry about last night. Had a weird dream and woke up weird. 
You texted him back immediately. 
No worries. Are you really going to the frat party tonight? 
Almost immediately a little bubble showed up in the white box. You laid your head back down on the pillow. It felt like you had only taken a nap because of the weird in between moments. A text came from Dalton. 
Supposedly. Chris wants me to go. Do you wanna come? 
You glanced at your calendar. 
I have a test in the morning, I think I’ll pass. Thanks for the invite tho :) Try not to get too drunk! 
You opened Chris’s texts back up too to answer her as well. As you were typing out your response, Dalton texted you again. 
Are you sure??? I could get lost, drunk and suggestive. Who would protect me from the onslaught of potential girls? 
You rolled your eyes harder. 
Chris will! 
You turned off your phone to get ready for the day. 
You sat on your bed in your dorm room. Your eyes were dropping off to sleep, phone down on your comforter, computer open as you looked at reference pictures. Your sketch book was open, though it didn’t have anything except the bare bones of some sort of idea. You hummed to the music coming from your phone, mind wandering from your work. 
Your roommate had gone to the same frat party as Dalton. You were by yourself tonight as the sun dropped. It was becoming more clear that you just wanted to go to sleep tonight to wake up rested for the test. You picked up your phone, pursing your lips as you tried to decide if giving up homework was worth it for the night. You had no new texts from Dalton or Chris except a picture from Chris’s phone of the two of them there. You smiled a bit. Dalton looked awkward and out of place. It was good that he was branching out. 
Finally you set your things aside. There was no use in trying to do any more work when you were still catching up on sleep from the night before. 
As you placed your head on the pillow a simultaneous pierce through your skull erupted. You grabbed your head at the familiar feeling. Usually you only got visions when you were asleep, waking up to some sort of horrific memory. 
A bathroom. It felt cold, like ice, like the ground hadn’t been stepped on by humans in years. A boy was there, his face shrouded by the toilet. He gripped the sides but his hands didn’t look real. Something was wrong with him. You couldn’t tell what it was. The sound of the door opening, a creek, a sudden stop. 
You dug your nails into the skin on your forehead, willing it to stop. It had been so long since you were awake when this happened. 
Before it subsided you could see Dalton in the doorway. The dread returned, the same dread you had when you were a kid and he was moving away where you couldn’t protect him. You let out a breath that you had been holding. Your hands were shaking. 
Usually you wrote down what you saw, quickly jotting down things you could remember. Typically nothing would stand out for you to take immediate action. This time you jumped out of bed, quickly putting on slip on shoes. You were wearing shorts and a hoodie, clothes to sleep in, when you ran down the stairs. You had never been to the frat the party was at tonight but there were still fliers everywhere and you assured yourself you would find one. 
Thankfully, right on the pole outside of the building was a green poster with the address. You knew where Greek Row was, not more than a five minute walk from your dorm. You turned towards it and started to run. 
By the time you got there you were already exhausted. You crashed through the door, entering a chaotic scene. There were people everywhere, ramming into each other, sloshing drinks on people’s clothes, too drunk to care. You scanned the crowd. You pushed through people, to the staircase. There were people hanging out there, leaning against the railing, leaning against each other. You walked upstairs, searching for a bathroom. The doors were mostly locked. 
You ran right into Chris, leaving the bathroom. You peeked inside but it wasn’t the one from your vision. 
“Woah! You decided to come after all! What are you wearing?” 
“Where’s Dalton?” She gestured to a door down the hall. You rushed towards it, almost tripping over yourself. You swung the door open. Dalton was on the ground, half under the bed, face filled with fear. “Dalton!” He snapped his head back up at you and then back in the air. There was nothing there. “Did you..did you see that?” 
“There was something-” You fell to your knees beside him, helping him out from under the bed. 
“What did you see?” 
“A kid in the bathroom. There was someone in the bathroom and he was-”
“Dead.” Chris emerged at the door frame. 
“What are you guys talking about?”
“Have you been astral projecting lately?” you asked him, voice low and serious. His eyebrows furrowed. 
“Have I been what?” You stared at him for a long time, unsure what he meant. Maybe he just didn’t want to say anything in front of Chris. 
“Dalton come on.” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said and he felt honest. He grabbed your hand, willing you to believe him.
“When we were kids you could walk around in your sleep. Your soul left your body or whatever.” You paused, trying to read his face. “You don’t remember?” 
‘No,” he said, honestly. 
“What are you guys talking about?” Chris repeated. 
“We should go,” you said quickly. “We’ll talk back at the dorms.” You helped Dalton up. 
Though she protested, Chris left the two of you alone in Dalton’s dorm. The explanations coming out of his mouth weren’t something she trusted and she trusted you to make sure he went to bed alright. Though she did feel bad for dragging him along, unsure if the drinking had something to do with his abnormal reaction. 
“We have to call your parents,” you said as he sat down at his desk. He shook his head. 
“I can’t.” 
“Yes you can. They know what happened here and why you don’t remember it.” You hadn’t known everything about Dalton being in a coma but you didn’t expect him to remember nothing of it completely. He detailed not even remembering being sick. They moved into the new house and then the rest of the year was nothing but a blur. 
“I wouldn’t believe you if I hadn’t just seen it,” he breathed. You grabbed his phone off the table, opening it up. “Wait-” 
“No wait. We have to call your mom. She’ll know what to do.” 
“But this could just be something completely normal. You said I could do it before I went into my coma.” 
“And then you went too far, Dalton. I don’t actually know how far too far is but I know you’re already too close to it.” You held up the phone for him. “Call her.” He looked at you, eyebrows knitted. He looked at the canvas at his desk, completely covered in black, a red door created at the edges. There was something at that door he couldn’t remember anymore. He set his jaw and grabbed his phone. 
“I don’t think this is gonna help.” 
“Put it on speaker.” 
The phone rang for a moment but no longer than that. Renai answered quickly. 
“Hello? Dalton?” 
“Hey mom.” 
“It’s nice of you to call,” she said, half jokingly. “How are things there? Are you settling in nicely?” 
“Yeah mom, that’s not really why I called.” He gave you a look as you sat beside him eagerly. “I’ve been having these dreams and Y/N said you might know something about that.” 
The line was silent for a moment. 
“What kind of dreams?” 
“I can see my body when I leave it. Like I’m walking around in this other world.” 
“Is Y/N there?”
“Right here Mrs. Lambert.” She paused again. The tension seeped from the phone. You met Dalton’s eyes. 
“Maybe I should just come up there and talk to you in person. Can Y/N stay with you until I get there?” 
“What? Mom, you don’t need to come all the way up here.” Shuffling came from the other line.
“It’s too hard to explain over the phone. I’ll be there in the morning.” 
“No, mom.” He took a deep breath. “What happened? Tell me now.” His hands were wrapped tightly around the phone. He had grabbed your hand. You couldn’t remember when. 
“You and your father don’t know,” she said quietly. “We made it so that those memories were suppressed. I don’t know how it came back.” She shuddered. “When you were in the coma you went somewhere Dalton. For three months, we lost you.” 
“A place called The Further.” Her voice was gravely serious. He stared at the ground. The name sent shivers down his spine, like all that repressed childhood fear came back. “You got lost there and things tried to take your body. Your dad went back to find you and…something else came back instead of him.” Dalton looked at the door painting on his desk. 
“How do I stop it?” 
“I don’t know honey. I’m coming down.”
“What about dad? What if he’s going through this too?” 
“I’ll get your father. We’ll come together.” Dalton had nothing to say to that. It must be serious if they were going to stay together for a long period of time like the drive up to school. “Stay with Y/N.” There was a beat. “I love you Dalton.” 
“I love you too mom.” 
She hung up the phone. For a long time you just sat there in silence. You hadn’t ever gotten those answers before, the ones you had only gotten glimpses of when you were a kid trying to sleep. 
“I remember the demon trying to get you,” you whispered. “He was dark…with red,” you said. “I had nightmares about him for months. I kept seeing him get closer and closer but no one believed me.” 
Dalton looked over at you, his look unreadable. 
“He’s trying to get me again,” Dalton muttered. “I can feel him.” 
You shook your head. That was the last thing you wanted to hear. You stood up, letting go of his hand. 
“This is bigger than us. There’s this whole other world and you’re going to it and it’s so close-” 
“But if I don’t go to it then-”
“Are you gonna stay awake? Forever?” Dalton shut his mouth. “Repressing the ability didn’t work so what else is there to do but enter the place?” You shivered. Just the memory of your visions sent chills down your spine. “I haven’t seen the demon recently. I’ve just seen you.” 
“Maybe that’s a good thing.” You nodded. You paced, unsure what to do with all the fear in your body. “We just have to wait till the morning, then my mom will be here.” You both knew that might not solve anything. Still, you nodded. There was nothing else to do but wait.
 “I’m staying here with you.” 
“I don’t wanna be alone anyway.” He shook his head, voice far away. This dorm had started to become a safe haven, despite the places your brain went when you were asleep. It felt much better than your own dorm with the roommate you hardly knew. You’d likely be getting a text from her in the morning, wondering where you were again. 
You sat back down on Dalton’s bed. 
“Are we gonna try and stay awake all night?” He shook his head. 
“If I wake up I’ll just stay right where I am.” 
“That sounds easier than it will be.” It was already late, nearly midnight. You were tired and your heart was starting to slow down now that the problem didn’t seem as pressing. You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes but it didn’t do much.
“Are you ready to sleep now?” he asked. You nodded. 
“I really thought I was gonna go to bed early tonight. Looks like I’ll be skipping the test in the morning.”
“I don’t want you to do that. I’ll be fine by myself.” You shook your head. 
“No way. I’m staying here until your parents show.” You yawned. “But I should probably go to sleep soon.” He glanced at the bed on the other side of the room. He knew you would go there automatically if he didn’t say otherwise. He couldn’t exactly explain it but he would just feel safer if you were closer to him. 
He could explain it but suddenly that feeling was scarier then wandering off into The Further. 
“I’ll take that b-”
“You could sleep with me.” You raised an eyebrow at the suggestion. Without so much as a beat you answered. 
“Okay.” He let out a breath. You got up. “Scoot over then.” He looked up at you and your willingness to be so close to him.
“I’ve gotta change.” 
“Then change.” He stood up, walking to his drawer. He shuffled around in there for something acceptable to wear. Usually he just wore his boxers and a shirt but suddenly that felt so revealing. He could see you in the corner of his eye, getting under the covers and getting comfortable. 
You tried to pretend it wasn’t a big deal to you that he asked even though your heart was in your throat. 
“Don’t look,” he said. You made a dramatic gesture of covering your eyes. He took his shirt, facing away from you. You peaked between your fingers, admiring his back as he quickly slipped the other shirt back on. When he undid his belt you covered your eyes again. 
“You can stay awake,” you offered. He turned off the lamp on the desk, leaving only the nightlight. He moved the blankets aside so he could sit beside you. 
“I’m exhausted from finding out my memory was erased.”
“It sounds so dramatic that way.” 
“What would you say?”
“Hypnotism.” He put his head against the pillow, facing you. It was rare you were at eye level. 
“That’s dramatic too.” 
You sat there in silence for a moment. You hadn’t seen his face so close to you since you were kids. It was just like the sleepovers you had when you were a kid, just a little less innocent. 
“Are you scared to fall asleep?” he asked, voice a whisper now.
“Sometimes. Tonight I am. I don’t wanna dream about you.” He should be feeling awkward, being so close to you. Instead he felt more comfortable than ever. 
“Then don’t.” 
“I’ll give it my best effort.” Your eyes were so heavy. They closed without you even thinking about it. 
“I’m gonna be awake a little longer. I think I’m gonna sketch.” 
“Okay Dalton,” you whispered and it sounded so incredibly childlike. He sat up a bit, leaning against the headboard. He grabbed his sketchpad off the table. You nuzzled your head into the pillow. “Do you mind if I use you as a pillow?” you asked quietly. 
“No. Not at all.” 
You moved forward a bit and then your head was on his lower chest, arm over him. He put his hand over your back and suddenly sketching seemed much less important than making you comfortable. 
“Goodnight Y/N.”
Neither of you had set an alarm. 
Renai and Josh showed up early at 7 the next morning, the sun still slowly coming up. Renai knocked on the door, antsy to see her son. She had explained everything to Josh on the way over. He was pleased to find he wasn’t crazy. 
The knock went unanswered. She took a deep breath and knocked again. 
“You don’t think it’s unlocked do you?” she questioned. Josh tried the doorknob. It opened with ease. They shared a look. 
The other bed was still unused. Laying in the other bed was you and Dalton. You were on his chest, a pencil lazily in his fingers. He was hugging you with both arms, cheek pressed against your head. 
Renai couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief. 
“They’re okay,” she whispered. Josh nodded. He wanted to smile at the sight. It felt right. 
“Should we wait for them to wake up?” 
Renai couldn’t help but feel unhappy when Dalton slept. Even years later, whenever he slept in, she was checking on him constantly. 
“They’ll understand.” She approached him, sitting at the edge and nudging his shoulder. He groaned. He was okay. He was there. You nosed your face further into his chest. 
Neither of you had any nightmares that night. Your sleep was as black as it should be, consumed by each other's arms.
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stephstars08 · 1 year
Cover Girl
Jack Champion x Reader
Warnings: Insecurities, Negative Thoughts, Self Doubt, Body Issues, Anxiety, Adult Language, Eating Disorder, Angst, Fluff, Arguing, And Jealousy.
Summery: Y/N and Jack have been best friends since they were toddlers. They grew up together always having each other's back. Jack continues to be there for her even when he is away filming a movie but what he doesn't know while he is away is that Y/N is hiding something from him. As Y/N got older she started to feel insecure about the way she looks and her body but another thing is that she started to develop feelings for her best friend as well. Jack also has a secret that he is planning on confessing to her while they are on a beach trip with two of their other best friends. Will Y/N confess her secrets to Jack on the beach trip of will she continue to hide her dark thoughts from him?
Inspired by Cover Girl by Big Time Rush
Word Count: 3,335
Author's Note: Hello Everyone! BEFORE YOU ALL READ THIS I JUST WANT YOU ALL TO KNOW THAT YOU ARE PERFECT AND BEAUTIFUL JUST THE WAY YOU ARE! This one shot does have some sensitive content so I would definally read the warnings before reading! This one shot includes one of Jack's real life best friends named Romeo. This was inspired by the big time rush song but also inspired by the beach trip Jack took with his friends. NEXT WEEK THERE WILL BE NO NEW STORY SINCE I WANT TO TAKE A SMALL BREAK WITH POSTING SO I CAN CATCH UP ON MY WRITING! I hope you all like this one shot and don't be shy to tell me what you think!
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Y/N was at home sitting in her room looking at a Vogue magazine. She was lying on her bed on her stomach. As she flipped through the magazine those negative and insecure thoughts started to flood her mind once again. Y/N hasn’t always been insecure about the way she looks. It all started when she hit high school, that’s when it all changed. She couldn’t help but compare her looks to the way all the other girls looked at her school. Once she graduated, she then started to compare herself to celebrities like models and actresses. She especially compares her image to her best friend, Jack’s female co-stars.
Y/N and Jack have been best friends since they were toddlers since their mom’s actually grew up together. Jack had got into acting at a young age. It all started when Jack turned fourteen and got a tiny roll in Avengers End Game and that same day, he got a bigger role in Avatar the Way of Water and since then he’s been in so many big movies including Scream VI and a new movie with Liam Neeson called Retribution that is coming out in August. As the movie rolls kept coming Jack still found a way to be there for Y/N but he doesn’t know about her insecure thoughts.
As they got older Y/N started to develop feelings for her best friend which scared the shit out of her. Does she want to be more than friends with Jack? Hell yes! Will she ever make a move? Most likely not! The reason for this is because Y/N doesn’t think that Jack is into girls that look like her. She looks at the girls Jack stars in movies with and she has no shot going up against them. They wear pretty and glamorous outfits while Y/N normally wears t-shirts and baggy jeans. Sometimes even baggy sweatpants. She also thinks that way too because she doesn’t come from a wealthy family.
When Y/N flipped the page to the magazine she saw three models posing in bikinis. “Why can’t I look like that in a bikini?” Y/N mumbled to herself. Before she could turn the page, someone came into her room. “Hey girl!” Stella said with a big smile walking over to Y/N with Romeo following her inside the bedroom. Y/N shot two of her other best friends a glare for barging not just into her bedroom but into her house. Yes, when Y/N is home alone she keeps the front door locked like her parents tell her to do but her friends know where the spare key is outside.
“How many times have I told you two to knock?” Y/N said in an annoyed tone closing the magazine. “You can chew us out later because we have a surprise for you in the living room.” Romeo told her which confused her. “What?” Y/N asked in a confused tone. “C’mon lazy ass!” Stella said, grabbing her arm and pulling her up off her bed. “Close your eyes!” Romeo told her with excitement. “But- “Y/N started to say but Stella cut her off. “Y/N will you just relax and trust us!” Stella told her. “Fine! If I bump into anything I’m going to beat both of your asses.” Y/N told them in a warning tone and closed her eyes.
She let Stella and Romeo guide her to her living room. They made her stand in the middle of the room and backed away from her standing behind her. Y/N didn’t feel Stella or Romeo’s hands on her arms and hand, but she did feel a present of someone standing right in front of her. “Can I please open my eyes?” Y/N asked, starting to get annoyed again. “You can open your eyes now, Y/N/N.” She heard a familiar voice tell her which made her heartrate speed up.
When she opened her eyes, they went wide in surprise. “You going to hug him or what?” Stella asked her, which earned her a nudge from Romeo silently telling her not to ruin the moment with her big mouth. “Come here!” Jack said wrapping his arms around her tightly. Y/N wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head against his chest. She let out a little squeal when he picked her up off the floor. It seems like he missed her more than she missed him. “Jack!” Y/N squealed with a laugh as he spun her around. He laughed as he put her back down onto her feet.
“Aren’t you supposed to be on a movie set right now?” Y/N asked him letting go of him. Jack has been away for weeks filming a movie called ‘Everything’s Going to be Good’. This ain’t the first time Y/N and Jack have been away from each other but while he’s away filming, they always text, call, and facetime but it’s still hard on them for not seeing each in person. “We got to wrap a few weeks early.” Jack told her with a smile so happy to be back home with his best friends again. Jack loves his job and being on a movie set, but he does get homesick, missing his family and friends. “That’s great!” Y/N said with a big smile on her face. She hasn’t smiled this big in a while.
“You know what else is great?” Romeo asked her. “My grandparents are letting us stay in their beach house for a whole week!” Stella answered Romeo’s question before Y/N could guess which earned her a glare from him and Jack. “Oh, so we’re going to be going to the beach together. For a week?”  Y/N said as her smile wiped away from her face as those insecure thoughts quickly took over her mind. She doesn’t want to show anyone the way her body looks in a swimsuit, especially Jack. She broke out of that thought when Romeo spoke. “Yeah, we figured why not celebrate Jack finishing up another movie by going on a beach trip!” Romeo explained. “Oh, I don’t know.” Y/N said as she looked down at the floor. “What’s wrong?” Jack asked her with concern. “Do we have to go to the beach? Can’t we go somewhere else to celebrate?” Y/N asked still staring down at the carpeted floor. “Why don’t you want to go to the beach?” Romeo asked which Y/N just responded with a shrug. Stella knew why but just stayed silent since it wasn’t her place to say it.
“Please come Y/N/N.” Jack said taking both of her hands which made her look up at him. “It’ll be fun.” He added as he gave her his signature puppy dog eyes which work on her every time. “Okay! I’ll come.” Y/N said giving in. “Yay!” Stella said with an excited squeal as she jumped up and down. “Awesome! We’ll pick you up tomorrow morning at around eight.” Romeo told her with a smile. “We’re heading home to go pack.” Jack told the girls. “See you tomorrow.” He said to Y/N and gave her hand a kiss. She’s always used to Jack giving her hand a kiss, but it always makes the butterflies in her stomach go into a frenzy. Jack and Romeo walked out the front door just leaving Y/N with Stella. Stella lives in the house right across the street from Y/N, so the boys first came to her house and then they walked across the street to Y/N.
“Wanna tell me why you don’t want to come to the beach?” Stella asked her as she folded her arms over her chest. “You know why.” Y/N told her with a sigh as she walked over to the couch and plopped down onto it. “Y/N, you need to stop looking at those stupid fucking magazines.” Stella told her in a stern tone as she sat down next to her. “You are beautiful just the way you are.” Stella added, which just made Y/N roll her eyes. She’s heard that like a hundred times and she’s over it. “I need to go pack.” Y/N said standing up and walking back to her room which made Stella sigh in frustration.
Y/N was sitting in the back seat of Romeo’s car with Stella while Jack was sitting in the passenger seat. Before they hit the road, they stopped somewhere to get breakfast. Everyone got something to eat but Y/N. She just got something to drink. Jack questioned her about it, but she told him she ate something before they picked her up. They had been on the road for more than an hour and the girls fell asleep.
“You know a beach trip is a perfect time to tell your best friend that you’re in love with her.” Romeo told Jack, which earned him a glare. “Dude!” Jack hissed, which made Romeo laugh. “Bro, relax! Her and Stella are passed out back there.” Romeo reassured him as he kept his eyes on the road. “You really think I should tell her?” Jack asked him. “Hell yeah!” Romeo told him, nodding his head.
Jack has always seen Y/N as his closest best friend till he recently found out that he loves her more than a best friend. When Jack is away filming a movie, he craves for Y/N. When he’s facetiming her, he wishes they could stay on there all day. When he first started feel like that he flipped out. The first person he told was his mom which told him that he’s starting to fall for Y/N. It brought tears to his mom’s eyes when he told her since his mom already sees Y/N as a daughter. The second and last person Jack told was Romeo who agreed with his best friend’s mom.
“How should I do it?” Jack asked him in a curious tone. He’s never told a girl that he’s falling for her. “Take her for a walk on the beach. Do it when there is barley anyone there.” Romeo told him shooting him a quick glance and then back to the road. “Okay, sounds good.” Jack said with a nod as he looked at the review mirror at Y/N peacefully sleeping. He felt like his heart was going to beat out of his chest and just the sight of her.
When they arrived at the beach house it was around four in the afternoon so after they put all of their belongings away, they decided to go on the boardwalk. As they walked the boardwalk, they went into many stores. Y/N and Jack were in a sunglasses store trying on a bunch of random glasses together. Both of them couldn’t help but take a bunch of pictures with each other with some funny looking sunglasses. Everything was going great till one of the young girls who worked at the store came over and started to flirt with Jack taking his attention away from Y/N. She could tell that Jack was completely oblivious to the girl’s flirtation, but it still made Y/N’s blood boil in jealousy.
Y/N let out a heavy sigh as she put the sunglasses she was holding back onto the rack and walked out of the store. She took a seat down onto a wooden bench. “Hey Y/N!” Stella said walking up to her with Romeo by her side. “Where’s Jack?” Romeo asked her. Y/N pointed in the direction of Jack and the girl. “Who’s she?” Stella hissed, looking the girl up and down in disgust at how desperate she was acting. “She works there and just walked up to Jack and started to flirt with him.” Y/N answered as she glared at the girl who was now helping Jack out at the counter. Jack decided to buy a nice pair of sunglasses that were gold and black with blue lenses.
He walked out of the store and over to the group. “There you are.” Jack said to Y/N. “Why did you leave?” He asked her. She still had a dirty glare in her eyes. “Oh, sorry I thought you would rather speak to Ms. Pretty by yourself.” Y/N answered in a snappy tone as she stood up from the bench. She wasn’t just jealous of the girl taking Jack’s attention, she was also jealous at the way the girl looks. “What?” Jack asked confused and shocked by the tone in her voice. Romeo and Stella knew that Y/N was jealous but again, Jack was oblivious.
“Can we just go back to the fucking house.” Y/N snapped and started to walk away. Stella and Romeo shared a look and followed her. Jack was still shocked and confused by Y/N’s sudden burst out as he followed his friends. For the rest of the night Jack kept asking Y/N what was wrong, but she kept avoiding the question or telling him that she’s fine or just tired.
As the week went on Jack has been worried about the way Y/N had been acting. Whenever they are on the beach together, she just sits on a beach chair just wearing the bottom of her swimsuit and a long T-shirt. Jack kept trying to get her into the water and swim with everyone, but she would just shake her head saying no. He was confused since when they went to the beach when they were kids all the both of them would do was swim in the water. When they would go eat out somewhere Y/N would barely eat anything. All she would eat at a restaurant is a salad. And again, when Jack would mention something about it, she would tell him that she isn’t really hungry.
Y/N was sitting in the room she shares with Stella lying on one of the beds flipping through a Cover Girl magazine. When she got to one page, one of the models looked like the one girl from the sunglass store. They weren’t the person, but they had so many similarities such as their body type. Of course, those insecure thoughts appeared again in her brain which made her eyes start to tear up. “Hey Y/N can I- “Jack started to say as he walked into the room, but he cut off his sentence when he saw tears in Y/N’s eyes. “Hey, what’s wrong?” Jack asked with concern, startling her as he quickly walked up to her. “Nothing!” Y/N said quickly sitting up and wiping the tears out of her eyes. “Why won’t anyone fucking knock!” Y/N said with frustration and annoyance in her tone.
“Okay, what the fuck has been up with you?” Jack asked with frustration now in his tone, finally having enough of Y/N’s attitude. “It’s like ever since we came here you barley eat, you don’t want go into the water, and you are always looking at those stupid magazines!” Jack explained to her with annoyance. “IT’S BECAUSE I DON’T LIKE THE WAY I LOOK OKAY!!!” Y/N yelled at him as tears quickly returned to her eyes. Jack’s eyes went wide in shock since he wasn’t expecting her to yell at him since she’s never raised her voice at him. He’s actually never heard her raise her voice. “I want to look like those models in those magazines. I want to look like those actresses that star in those movies with you. I want to look like that girl that was flirting with you in that sunglass shop.” Y/N told him as hot tears ran down her face. “But Y/N you are- “Jack started to say but she immediately cut him. “Just fucking forget it!” Y/N snapped standing up and pushing pasted him, running out of the room.
Jack was completely stunned by what Y/N just told him. He had no idea that she was being completely hard on herself. He had no idea that she didn’t like the way she looked. Jack couldn’t help but think that he’s a bad friend for not sensing that something is going on with her. He should’ve known that she was feeling down on herself by her actions.
Jack quickly made his way downstairs into the living room. He only saw Stella and Romeo in there watching TV. “Hey, do you guys know where Y/N went?” Jack asked, getting their attention. “She told us she was going to go sit on the beach.” Romeo answered. “She said that she wanted to be alone.” He added. “Is she okay? She looked like she was crying?” Stella asked him with concern in her tone. When Y/N walked into the room she told them that she was going to go sit on the beach and she wanted to be alone. Before she or Romeo could say anything, she was out the door. “No, I need to go tell her something important.” Jack said and walked out the front door.
Y/N was sitting in the sand watching the waves crash on the shore. The sun was setting on the horizon. There were some people walking closer to the shore just letting the waves go over their feet. “Y/N!” She heard Jack say her name behind her. “Leave me alone!” Y/N told him in a stern tone as she continued to stare out into the ocean. “Why didn’t you tell me that you were feeling bad about yourself?” Jack asked her in the same tone she used now standing next to her. “Because you have your own life to live. I don’t need you to be worrying about me.” Y/N told him with frustration still not looking at him with tears streaming down her cheeks. Jack let out a sigh as he sat down next to her.
“You were the only person that I had on my mind when I was away filming.” Jack told her which made her finally look at him. “While I was away all I wanted to do all day was facetime you so I could see your beautiful face.” Jack told her. She felt her heart skip a beat when he called her beautiful. “You think I’m beautiful?” Y/N asked as she stared into his brown eyes. “I think you’re the most beautiful girl in whole world.” Jack told her as he took one of her hands into his. “But why me? I don’t wear all of those glamorous clothes your female co-star’s wear.” Y/N said as the frustration inside her came out again. “I don’t give a fuck about that.” Jack told her in a stern tone.
“Y/N, you are beautiful just the way you are. Just because you don’t wear expensive clothes doesn’t mean that you aren’t beautiful in what you wear. What you wear is your style and I love your style.” Jack told her letting go of her hand, putting his hand on her cheek wiping away her tears with his thumb. “I’m falling in love in with you because I love everything about you.” Jack confessed which made her eyes go wide. She was completely stunned because he just told her that he feels the same way she feels. Jack leaned in and connected his lips with hers. Y/N completely melted into the kiss. Their lips fitted just like a puzzle piece. When they released from the kiss they stared deeply into each other’s eyes.
“Since tomorrow is our last day here, how about we spend the whole day together for our first date?” Jack said to her. “I’d love that!” Y/N said with excitement as a big smile formed on her lips. Jack returned the big smile as he wrapped one of his arms around her shoulders bringing her close to his body. Y/N rested her head onto his shoulder. “Thank you for always being here when I need you.” Y/N said in a soft tone as he rubbed his hand up and down her arm in comfort. “I’m always here for my girl.” Jack told her and gave her a soft kiss on the top of her head which made her giggle. Y/N and Jack stayed in that position as they watched the beautiful sun set.
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Tags: @athenalive
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telekineticseance · 1 year
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kinktober day five: sweat
pairing: doug remer x f! reader
summary: you have an attraction to your neighbor who walks his dog every day
genre: smut
word count: 2062
cw: fingering (f!receiving), unprotected sex
author's note: finished this at like midnight last night because i procrastinated so much on it
Moving to Milwaukee was one of the worst decisions you could’ve made. I mean you grew up there so deep down it was home, but when you finally moved away it was like fresh air. Only for you to be stuck moving back when you realized living in a bigger city would be too much on your own, so your parents helped you find a small rental house and helped you move back home.
The most interesting part about moving back, although you hated to admit it, was the fact that you could sit outside and watch your neighbor walk his dog every day. You didn’t know his name but around the same time every day, your neighbor from a few houses down would walk his rottweiler around the block, giving you a chance to sneak a peek at him. Sometimes he would walk him with a tank top, sometimes a baggy shirt, but most of the time because of the Summer heat, he’d walk shirtless.
Over time you started to get less secretive when you would wait for him to pass by. What started as the occasional peek through the blinds, became a sitting on your porch pretending to enjoy the fresh air.
You’d watch as he’d walk by, usually with a pair of headphones connected to a walkman as the brown curls on his hair bounced with every step. Sometimes he’d whistle so you were able to know what he was listening to but others he’d walk in silence.
You always thought about maybe going over to introduce yourself, or making it so you would have to talk to him some way or another, but mostly you just watched. But today you decided to try something different.
The temperature was pushing 100 degrees today so you decided to walk out to your yard in nothing but the smallest bikini you could find in your drawers before taking a towel and laying it on the grass, sunbathing on top.
You lie on your stomach, pretending to read a book through your sunglasses, constantly looking between the pages and your watch, checking the time anxiously.
And then, there he was. White basketball shorts that sat low on his hips, no shirt so you could see his waist. and his lower back dimples when he’d turn around. You continued to pretend to read from your book as you glanced over the pages, watching him.
It didn’t take long before he noticed you too, practically stopping in his tracks as he didn’t hide his staring. You decided to make a show of it, putting down the book before sitting up on your knees, stretching your arms as you did so.
When you opened your eyes from the stretch you suddenly saw his dog, charging full force at you making you squeal slightly before the dog jumped on you, smothering your face with dog kisses. You started to giggle as you pet the dog before your neighbor ran across the street yelling the dog’s name as he did.
“I’m sorry about him. He doesn’t really like people except for me and my roommate.” He told you, laughing as he grabbed the leash to his dog. “Oh it’s okay he’s nothing but a big sweetheart. What’s his name?”
“Mr.Yes.” He told you proudly, making you raise an eyebrow.
“Long story,” He paused as the dog pulled away from you, standing next to the man’s legs before he crouched down meeting eye level with you, “I’m Remer. Well Doug Remer but everyone just calls me Remer.”
Doug Remer.
“Nice to meet you, Remer. I’m Y/N.” You introduced yourself, holding out your hand for him to take. It didn't take him long before he took your hand in his, giving it a firm shake.
“I haven't seen you around before. Are you new to the area?” He asked, looking around slightly before returning his gaze back to you.
“Milwaukee? No. The neighborhood? Yeah I just moved a couple months ago. Kind of keep to myself. After all, I do live alone.”
“Alone? No boyfriend in the picture?”
You shook your head in response, subtly playing with one of the strings on your bikini top that ties it in the front, “Nope. Just me all by myself. What about you? Girlfriend?”
Remer took his attention away from your chest, not doing the best at hiding his stare, “No just me and my roommate Coop. Not that we’re together. He’s a guy and I’m not into guys in that way.” He scoffed lightly at the end of his sentence.
“You should definitely come over some time then. Maybe we can have a drink and get to know each other?” You asked, biting your bottom lip, letting your eyes roam his torso. I mean if he could stare at you, then why couldn’t you do the same for him.
“Well if you’re free today I can finish the walk for him and then come back over. If that’s okay with you of course.” He asked, slowly standing up before you followed, standing up straight as well. “Sure that sounds great actually.”
“I’ll see you soon then.” He responded, giving you a big smile as you noticed the large gap in between his two teeth. Not that you minded it was actually cute to look at.
“See you soon.”
You watched as he turned around, the occasion glance over his shoulder as he walked away continuing his walk.
You didn’t take long after Remer left to go inside and clean yourself up a little before changing into a pair of shorts and a tank top. Shortly after you were finished getting ready and tidying up, you heard a knock on the door.
You took one last look at yourself before you walked to the door and opened it to reveal Remer. The look of him made you freeze for just a moment. It was clear he finished the walk and headed over without even putting on a shirt. You couldn’t help but stare at the beads of sweat that rested on his chest, the way his skin glistened ever so slightly.
“Come in.” You quickly told him, trying to peel your eyes away but you found it hard to.
Remer walked past you as you shut the door behind him, “You have a pretty nice house. I like the decorations.”
You watched as Remer looked around, occasionally pausing for a moment as he looked at a different picture before shrugging and moving onto another.
“How long have you lived in Milwaukee?” You asked, moving to the couch before sitting down. Remer turned to look at you before walking over to the couch himself to sit next to you, “I grew up here. Me and Coop, my roommate, grew up being close to one another so after high school we ended up moving into our own house. Not as easy as we thought it would be though.”
“You’re telling me,” You spoke softly with a small laugh before looking at Remer again, seeing the confused look on his face, “I moved to a bigger city for a little bit before realizing it wasn’t the best and moved back here.”
“So you’re kind of like a city girl then?”
You giggled slightly, “I guess I am. Or more like was.”
He shrugged, “I for one really like city girls. Or past ones.”
You felt a blush rise to your cheeks, “Oh really?”
He nodded, a smile on his face as he looked at you. You quickly adjusted yourself on the couch slightly, grabbing the remote. “Do you wanna watch a movie or something?”
“Or something..” He mumbled under his breath but just loud enough to where you could still kind of hear him.
“What was that?” You asked, turning your attention back to him. He continued holding eye contact with you, shrugging a bit as he looked at you. “Or something.”
You watched as his hand moved slightly closer to you, causing your heart to race. It didn’t take long before you felt Remer move close to you, caressing your face before putting his lips to yours.
The beating of your heart felt like it was beating so fast that it would explode. You felt Remer’s hands run down to your waist, pulling you closer to him as the two of you kissed. His tongue ran across your lips, begging for an entrance in which you granted, allowing his tongue to roam the inside of your mouth.
You let your handles tangle themselves into Remer’s hair, the curls wrapping around your fingers, getting close enough to him so your chests were pressed against one another.
Remer leaned you back on the couch, keeping your lips attached as he hovered over you, moving his hand from your waist to your thigh, gripping it as his other hand moved to the arm of the couch above you, using it to prop himself up.
He pulled away, keeping his eyes locked on yours, “I um..did you wanna stop?”
You shook your hand, moving your own hands from his hair to his face, caressing it as you felt the stubble underneath your palms, “No I want this.”
He nodded with a small smirk before leaning down to kiss you once more, letting his hand trail up to the waistband of your shorts before giving them a small tug, pulling them down to your ankles.
His lips started to leave kisses along your inner thighs as he looked up at you, “You know something?” Remer asked before he used his hand to slide your panties to the side, using his fingers to rub at your clit.
“W-What?” You moaned out, gasping under his touch.
“I’ve seen you watching me on my walks. I just didn’t know how to talk to you.” He spoke before dipping his fingers in between your folds, making you arch your back. You felt almost embarrassed by the fact he noticed you but too overwhelmed now to have any other emotion than what was going on in the moment.
He curled his fingers causing you to arch your back slightly, letting out another moan. As Remer pulled out his fingers you let out a small whine but it didn’t last long before he soon pulled off your panties completely, quickly pulling off his shorts to reveal the lack of boxers from underneath.
You couldn’t help but look at his length, you watched him as he wiped off the bit of precum off the tip before stroking himself a few times.
He kneeled between your legs, positioning his tip along your entrance as he stroked himself a few more times, before he slid his length in. He gasped as he slid in before letting out a soft whine, the sound of him sending chills throughout you.
He started thrusting slowly and carefully, pinning your arms above your head. Your toes curled from the feeling as he continued thrusting, him pausing every few thrusts as he would hit your g spot.
“Fuck,” he whined out, putting his lips to yours once more. The two of you were moaning messes into the kiss.
You wrapped your legs around his waist as his thrusts quickened. The room started to smell from the two of you, your sweat building up with the quicker he went, your face starting to heat up as you saw Remer’s curls stick to his forehead.
His eyes were scrunched together while his mouth parted, his grip still tight on your hands above you.
“Doug I’m so close,” You breathed out, your body heat just growing more.
“Come for me.”
It didn’t take long after that before you came. Your toes curling once more, as your back arched, the feeling of his thrusts starting to slow as you came around his cock.
Remer pulled out shortly after, pulling his hand away from yours as he stroked himself a couple times. You watched as the liquid spewed from his tip, the drops landing on your stomach as they did.
Your eyes flicked from his cock to his face, seeing the way he whined, the way he shuddered as he came.
When he finished, his eyes fluttered back open as he looked at you, the sweat beads dripping down his face and body, his chest rising and falling rapidly.
“That was…”
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eufezco · 2 years
This is because I saw that photo of Joseph wearing the Hellfire t-shirt without Eddie's wig and I thought about adult Eddie Munson and agh 😵‍💫 I'll be writing a part 2 and probably 3 so if you wanna be tagged please let me know (part 2 is gonna imply smut) ❣️
english isn't my first language
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You arrived at Hawkins a month before the reunion. You bought a house in the midwestern town a couple of years ago, when you started making real money out of your artworks. You thought it would be a good idea to have a second home in some remote location and what better place for that than your home town. The house was big, probably bigger than you needed it to be and it was decorated with some of your pieces of art, trusting that the solitude of Hawkins would keep your works safe. Plus, the house was located really close to your parents', who after the earthquake and everything that happened after that never really left Hawkins but strongly encouraged you to leave as far away as you could. Your parents could see your house from theirs, and they could tell if an intruder had broken into it looking for your worldwide coveted artworks. Also, after your horrendous break-up a couple of months ago, they wanted to have you around. But at some point you would have to get your life back, you couldn't let this hold you back for the rest of your days.
Your friend Nancy had been planning this reunion for months now, it was her idea to get the crew back together after more than ten years, and after most of you had followed different paths. The chosen place for the reunion was her own house, the Byers’ house. Nancy and Jonathan married not so long ago yet it seemed like they had been married since the first day they started dating. Nancy and Jonathan worked together at the biggest newspaper in the entire state of Indiana. She, as the ambitious and perfectionist teen she used to be, ended up as the newspaper director and editor, Jonathan was the main photographer and subdirector of it. They had covered every one of your exhibitions in their newspaper and you couldn't be more thankful to them because they have always had nice words for you and your art. Out of everyone in the group, they were the only ones remaining in Hawkins and you weren't quite sure if they actually lived here, but you knew that they did spend a lot of time in Hawkins because Joyce and Hopper wanted them close to help them with the first years as a married couple and during Nancy's pregnancy.
Joyce and Hopper also got married, which could not make you any happier after all they had been through. They also had a house in Hawkins but you were sure that they spent most of the year in Lenora because Hopper was surprisingly tanned when you saw him in the supermarket, and thanks to El and Mike being in college, they made the right decision moving to a better place.
Will told you that Mike and El went to the same college, along with Dustin and Suzie. By this time, you assumed they should be finishing their degrees or already applying for jobs. Mike studied psychology, El decided to study biology, and Dustin, of course, chose physics. And as far as Will told you and by his facial expression when he did, El and Mike were still dating. Dustin and Suzie did too. They both were studying physics which was great because they could spend more time together. How cute, you thought when Will told you.
Will was happy. Well, most of the time. He was happy when he was around you or when he wasn't having an existential crisis which made him paint more and somehow create better works. He also was happy when he was around that cute boy he claimed to only be friends with. Liar, you thought. You basically addopted him after he was accepted into one of the most ambitious art colleges. Well, of course you didn't adopt him in the literal sense of the word, but it was almost as if you did. He was your pupil, you helped him with his college work, teaching him new techniques, different points of view of one piece of art, new ways of processing colors... He accompanied you to your exhibitions, posing with you for the newspapers and magazines, and always giving him a space in your galleries for his works so people could admire his art and Will could start gaining some recognition, not only as your protegé. Will lived with you and your fiancé. Well, now it was only you and Will, but your fiancé used to adore him. He used to say that Will would be the one to continue your artistic legacy which was a strong relief because you knew he was talented as fuck.
Lucas and Erica Sinclair attended one of your biggest exhibitions in New York and that was the last time you saw them. Lucas got a scholarship to play basketball and quickly became one of the most promising basketball players of all time and Erica was nothing less than his trainer. They both built prestigious careers on their own and now every elite athlete wanted to train with Erica Sinclair, and every brave-enough-basketball player wanted to play against Lucas Sinclair.
Steve went to college as his father had always wanted him to and yet Mr. Harrington wasn't happy with Steve. He didn't pick business nor law as his father wanted. Instead, Steve studied education. Deep down he always knew that he had to do something related to kids. He never stopped working hard and started saving money to leave his parent's house. Robin wanted the same for her so they moved in together when they got the money. You went to visit them a couple of times, getting drunk with cheap alcohol and talking all night about stupidities. That was probably when you saw them for the last time. Robin took a fashion design course and Steve worked in a kindergarten. Steve met a cute girl who was a single mom and with whom he fell in love immediately. Her daughter adored teacher Steve. They always spent at least a quarter of an hour after the classes finished and all the parents were finally gone talking about the little girl that bonded them, the little girl not wanting to leave Steve's side until her mom said it was time to go home. They eventually moved in together and now they had a beautiful daughter and were expecting another one. Next to Steve's kindergarten was Robin's boutique. She lived with her friend, a girl that she met in the fashion course and with whom she seemed to be very close friends with.
You were the happiest knowing that your friends were living a good life.
You arrived late to the reunion. Everyone was already there, well, at least you thought everyone was already there when you and Will got to Nancy and Jonathan's house. Your face was decorated with a big and bright smile after seeing all your friends reunited again. You started by hugging the two hosts, noticing how Nancy's belly was getting bigger. You asked her to remind you how far along she was and she let you touch her belly to feel the baby kicking. Cute, but not for me, you thought. Then, you hugged everyone else, a wave of memories taking over you every time someone wrapped their arms around you. Being all together again was like when you go on a trip for a really long time and then you come back home to find your comfy bed and not just some random matress in some hotel. It was a hot coffee on a winter day, it was walking in the rain, enjoying the raindrops but not getting wet thanks to an umbrella, it was spending Christmas at home and it was waking up in the morning because of the sunbeams.
Will went to talk to Mike, El, Dustin, Lucas, and Erica who were enjoying Nancy and Jonathan's expensive wine while sitting and laughing on the living room couches. Seeing them with glasses of wine was the most shocking thing ever, they were still kids for you. You were talking with Robin and Steve. Both of them seemed very happy. Steve pulled from his wallet a picture of his little girl, showing it to you like the proud dad he was. The baby was chubby and her hair was tied in two pigtails, a big smile on her little face. You were about to compliment the baby when someone knocked on the door of the house, were you expecting anyone else? Maybe it was Joyce and Hopper who decided to join, maybe it was–
"No way." Dustin said, standing up from the couch and raising his hands to his head. Lucas and Mike let out a surprised chuckle, also standing up from the sofa. You looked at the door, where everyone's eyes were focusing after Jonathan opened it. Your eyes opened wide, your mouth dropped, and your glass of wine almost fell from your hands when you saw Eddie Munson entering the house followed by Max Mayfield. Everyone approached them and hugged them, you just stood there, waiting for everybody to get out of your way so you could wrap your arms around the rockstar. Before you could, he approached you, his big arms opened and a bright smile on his face as he walked towards you. You smiled at him and you left your glass on the living room table so you could hug him properly. His cologne was intoxicating and his hand rubbing your back gave you goosebumps.
Eddie Munson was the guitarist of Corroded Coffin. Yes, that small band that used to play in Gareth's garage was now worldwide famous. Tours, interviews, photoshoots, fame, concerts, recognition, fans, money... Eddie Munson had everything he once dreamed of. And so did Max. Even though it was a metal band, they still needed a lyricist and a manager and Max Mayfield was the best at her job. You had followed their music career, you had seen them on the cover of the Rolling Stones magazine on many occasions. They reminded you of you and Will, Eddie had Max under his wing. You went to hug the redhead girl and she hugged you back tightly, so happy to see you again.
Will and Max sat together during dinner, throwing glances at you and Eddie who were sitting in front of each other at the big table. Your eyes and Eddie's couldn't help but look at each other every five seconds. If he was handsome when he was a teenager, now he was even more handsome as a grown man. He let his beard grow enough to make it sexy and not to make him look older. His hair was shorter but his curls remained there as well as his rosy lips, just as you remembered them. Eddie took his time to check you out as well. You had become a grown, independent, and beautiful woman. He had followed your artistic career too, how could he not? You were the most successful out of them all. Not the basketball player, not him, not the lyricist but you. Everyone talked about your paintings although now you were on the cover of every gossip magazine. Yes, he knew about that too.
You noticed that your glances with Eddie weren't the only tense ones, everyone could feel the tension in Max and Lucas' eyes staring into each other and you thanked it was bigger and stronger than yours and Eddie's so you both could go unnoticed. The rest of the people at the table talked but you only could pay attention to Eddie chuckling after looking at his redhead friend sitting by his side. Her cheeks were red and her eyes were now focused on the food in front of her as she nudged Eddie. If someone had told Max before she arrived that tables would turn this way...
Eddie ran his fingers through his hair before lighting a cigarette. He had to park a few blocks before getting to the Byers' house, and now they had to walk to the house. Max followed him, her hands in the pockets of her leather jacket.
"You know that she will be there, don't you?"
Eddie hummed, taking a long drag of the cigarette. "And you know he will be there, don't you?" He asked back to his friend. Max rolled her eyes. Lucas was water under the bridge to her. Eddie didn't believe so. He had seen the lyrics she doesn't show to anybody and those words were not written by someone who has gotten over her ex.
"You're single now." Max pointed out. Eddie nodded his head, letting the cigarette smoke out of his mouth. He was single now, but even when he was married, Max's songs about first loves and how you never really get over that first person hit too close to home.
During dessert, everyone talked about how their lives were and some cute and funny memories were brought to the conversation by Dustin and Will. You all laughed remembering all the things you did when you were teenagers and used to live in the same town; from falling in love to fighting demons and emerging victorious in the process. When Jonathan and Steve started pouring the drinks, everyone's bodies started to heat up. Eddie took off the blazer he was wearing, revealing the tattoos on his arms and the veins running down them until they found his hands, which you noticed were decorated with big silver rings. All of you got up from the table when you were done. Jonathan put a vinyl on the turntable when you moved to the living room, everyone kept talking but you decided to turn your back to them and stare into the painting on the wall, taking short sips out of your glass of wine.
"Is it yours?"
He stood behind you. Maybe closer than he should be because you could feel the warmth of his body against yours. You nodded to his question, pressing your lips together, you weren't quite proud of this one for some reason. "It's good." Eddie confessed. You turned to look at him with your eyebrows raised.
"Since when Eddie Munson knows about art?"
He chuckled. Suddenly he seemed to be closer than before. "Since never. But he knows a pretty thing when he sees one." Your cheeks and ears warmed up as you took another sip out of your glass and he did as well, after subtly looking up and down on you with suspicious smile on his lips
"How was your breakup?" A playful and devilish grin appeared on his lips after asking. You rolled your eyes but decied to attack back.
"How was your divorce?"
He laughed while bowing his head. "Touché."
His engagement appeared everywhere and also did when not even a year after the couple decided to split up. Eddie and you talked long enough during the night about nonsenses that really helped you escape that awful topic that had been haunting you everywhere for the last months. He was the only person that could joke about your breakup and yet you would know that he cared about how you felt about it. You didn't want to talk about it anymore, people had talked about it enough for you, making up the most random assumptions and spreading false rumors about why you had broken up months before you walked down the aisle. But, luckily Eddie asked you about a lot of other things, probably knowing that you didn't want to talk about that and he also talked to you about what future plans and projects him and Max had.
Mike approached you both, interrupting a sweet conversation you were having about how you two should see each other as much as you used to do. "Nancy is too tired already so we're heading to my parent's basement. You know, relieve old times. Are you two coming?"
You looked at each other and Eddie took one last sip out of his glass. "Yeah, sure." He answered for both of you. Mike nodded, and walked away.
"Actually, we could go to my place instead." You suggested, the words came out of your mouth before your brain could process them. The man who was ready to join the rest turned to you, his eyebrows raised, surprised by your offer.
"You have a house here? In Hawkins?"
You nodded to his question.
"And you wanna show it to me?" Eddie took a few steps toward you, a playful smile on his lips and his body almost towering over yours. He had always known how nervous that made you. It did back in high school and it still did now more than ten years later. Him being taller than you and having to look down to stare into your eyes, his tongue getting his lips wet, his hot body that close to yours... He was so close that you could see through the thin silky fabric of his shirt the tattoos decorating his chest. You shook your head, emerging from the trance in which his scent held you, you rolled your eyes and smacked his shoulder. Eddie laughed and separated from you. He didn't ask questions like why were you only inviting him nor why the color of your irises had disappeared thanks to how big your pupils were because probably the same thing had happened to his eyes. Your eyelashes fluttered slowly as you waited for his answer.
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hayffiebird · 1 month
Taste of Strawberries, chap. 47
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Hayffie Post-Mockingjay Multi-chapter, Rated M
Four years have passed since the end of the war when Effie returns in to Haymitch’s life once again. An old friendship is renewed. Will it lead to something more?
Meanwhile Panem has entered a new era. The rebellion’s over, the borders are open but in the shadows, anger and mistrust are smoldering. Something that will affect Haymitch and Effie’s life in a way they never saw coming.
Author's note: You get a canon character returning in this chapter. Yay! Three guesses who? 😉
I hid the title of a young Woody Harrelson movie in this chapter, just for funsies. An Easter egg for you fans out there. Kudos if you found it! Tell me on the comments if you know which movie I mean!
Chapter 47, Tickled pink (or green?)
The shiny doors slid open. With a steady hold on her coffee-to-go, Effie pushed the double stroller into the elevator.
There were many places to get coffee in a city like the Capitol. Any way you wanted it. Latte. Affogato. Café au lait.
But none of them, not even the pancake house, held a candle to the Forum’s long black.
It was a poor substitute for sleep. Obviously. But as of late: the only consistent fuel to keep her going.
She pressed the ground floor button. Glanced under the hood of the stroller. Amy and Ian’s sleeping faces, shadowed by the mosquito net.
Sweetlings, she thought, adjusting the boy’s arm so he’d lay more comfortably.
She’d pay for it dearly later. The fact that their nap routine was so out of whack.
The twins had had something of a regression ever since they left Eleven. They used to sleep through the night. Mostly anyway.
Now, that was hardly ever the case. Well, yes. They fell asleep. They just didn’t stay under.
And every day, without fail, business started at the crack of dawn.
Yes. She needed those espressos.
Sometimes, when the children were completely inconsolable, she brought them into bed with her.
Her own mother would have shuddered.
“They will grow too dependent on you”, she’d say. “Next thing you know, they won’t ever sleep on their own.”
But Effie dismissed her mother’s voice in her mind. You couldn’t over-coddle one year olds. She knew Haymitch felt the same way.
But when she lay there in the dark next to them, lips close by their silky skin. Hand against their soft downy hair, passing the time by listening to the little noises they made in their sleep – she couldn’t help but wonder.
Which most of them needed the comfort?
The twins or their mother?
She still waited for his call.
A proper ring. One that counted.
“I’ll send over some money”, he’d told her answering machine. “Call me if you need anything. Anything at all.”
Need something? she thought to herself. How about my co-parent? My co-pilot.
The time registered on the machine, told her he left his message while she was still on the train.
She couldn’t escape the nagging feeling that it was not an accident. Him calling her when he knew she couldn’t pick up.
All so that he didn’t have to deal with anything she might say.
Apparently, he stayed over at Sae’s for now.
Made sense.
Wasn’t she doing the very same thing herself?
Pushed this stroller, up and down the pedestrian streets, because she couldn’t stand being at home.
The house. Those empty rooms. As morning turned into night and morning anew, they only seemed bigger. Vaster. While she herself grew small.
Downtown, at least there was the open sky. The green parks and gardens. Swans bathing in the glittering blue of the Barrage.
Those getaways, those … distractions, escapes, if you will – provided crucial pockets of air.
Space to breathe. Deep belly breaths as compared to the short, shallow ones that barely moved your chest.
Outside, it was so much easier to just cast off the dashed hopes – the constant disappointment – like a suffocating overcoat.
The ball’s in his court now, she reminded herself. When the need to speak to his children is greater than the need for a drink, he’ll call.
And while she waited for that moment to happen, she filled the twins’s days with love and attention and play.
Poured from every inch of her being – to compensate for the fact that their father wasn’t around.
The elevator slowed to a stop. Broke her thoughts. Well, paused them really. Like a bookmark of a particularly depressing must-read.
Her mind had no sooner registered it was not yet her floor before the doors dinged open a second time.
The young, plump woman hurried inside. Caught completely off guard, Effie all but started, instantly recognizing her, but the girl didn’t notice.
Distracted, eyes not on Effie but her own bulky purse she pressed the already lit button – all the while digging through her belongings with a stressed hand.
A stressed, green hand.
Standing so close, the scent of her perfume curled into Effie’s nostrils, bringing back vivid memories, despite months and months of no contact. No contact at all.
Octavia on the other hand, had yet to see her. The elevator resumed its journey downward and she sifted through the content of her bag, more and more panicky each time.
Hair ribbons and strawberry bubblegum. Tampons and bobby pins. Squares of wet tissues, breath mints, nail varnish the same beetroot color as her hair. They all passed through her fingers.
It wasn’t until her hand closed around a tube of mother pearl lipstick, still in the box, that relief flooded her face. Her brown eyes flitted up.
Looking straight into Effie’s.
Such Déjà vu.
Her former co-worker, her once friend, paled – then immediately blushed a basil green.
Same as last time they crossed paths with each other. That one time by the Fountains of Youth.
The prep team coming in one direction. Haymitch, herself and the twins from the other.
Meeting halfway.
A far-off glimpse of Amy and Ian – just a few weeks old at the time – buckled up in their car safety seats was all it took. The prep team had hurried ahead, eyes downcast, without saying hello.
She couldn’t run now. Octavia. Not instantly.
But not for lack of motivation. Her gaze dropped to the stroller, the twins sleeping inside, and she gave a small gasp. Turned her back, swiftly.
“Hello Octavia”, Effie said softly. She had to at least try. “How are you? It’s been a long time.”
Octavia pressed the button in response. Once. Twice.
“I just swung by to get a coffee”, Effie continued. “But really, we’re heading for the playground. The Children’s Castle, you know? The really big one.”
Now the girl was positively assaulting the button. Like one would a candy machine after it ate your money.
“I spent so much time there when I was a girl”, Effie said. “Climbing, jumping, going down slides. Proper little girls weren’t supposed to, mother and father told me, but I sneaked out anyway. This’ll be the twins’s first time.”
“We shouldn’t be talking”, Octavia whispered through pressed lips. “I’m not supposed to talk to you.”
“Why not?” Effie slipped her coffee in the stroller’s cup holder. “I thought we were friends. Well … I always considered you one.”
Octavia’s bottom lip quivered.
“Things aren’t what they …”, she mumbled. “We can’t … I can’t …” She shook her head. Pressed a well-manicured fingertip into the ground floor button, desperately. Long and hard.
And the elevator slowed. Slowed, slowed, slowed to a stop.
Heavy-hearted, Effie waited for the ding. For the doors to slid open, allowing Octavia’s escape.
But they didn’t. And they still didn’t.
It was eerie how quiet the compartment had gotten.
Too quiet.
“What?” Octavia whispered. “No!” She tried the button again. Then a different one. It lit up at her command but that was it. No moving up or down. “No, no, please no!”
Ian moved sleepily, but Octavia didn’t notice. Breaths growing short, frantic, her eyes darted to the display above the door. The one with the current floor number.
“Oh God, this is not happening! It’s … we’re going to …” Her gaze darted around the elevator. As if searching for something to use for a ram. Coming up with nothing, she shrieked and dashed for the doors.
Tried to pry them open with her bare hands.
“No, wait.” Effie stepped forward. A gentle hand on Octavia’s shoulder. “Don’t do that. Hold on.”
And she pressed her own finger against – not the floor buttons but the big yellow one. For emergencies.
“Oh, for crying out loud, Timmy”, a male voice barked on the other end. “I’ve told you a hundred times, stop messing with the buttons! I’ll tell your mama on you.”
“Um, hello”, said Effie.
“Who is this?”
“Me”, she replied and swiftly added, “I’m calling from the Forum. Seems like we’re stuck in here. The large one, close by the main entrance.”
“Uh-huh. How many are you?”
“Four. Two grownups and two toddlers.”
“Right.” A tapping sound followed. Like someone typing on a computer. “Don’t worry. We’ll send someone down as fast as we can, lady.”
And the line disconnected before she could say neither “great” nor “thank you”.
In the short span of time that Effie’s attention was elsewhere, the young beautician had backed herself into a corner.
Bag at her feet. Palms sprawled back against the cool surface of the walls, Octavia’s chest heaved. Fast. Way too fast. Nothing but short, sharp gasps. Catch-breaths.
“We will die in here!” she squeaked, so worked up the whites of her eyes showed. Eyes like a horse when a snake slithered across the sand. “Who’s going to feed my mice if I die in here?!”
“No.” Effie shook her head, hands up in a calming gesture. “No, dear. No one will die here today.”
But the words fell on deaf ears.
“They’ve sealed us in like a tomb! Just like Thirteen when they dropped those bombs on us!! The air … I can’t breathe!”
Ian squirmed by all the commotion and from the stroller came a piteous whimper.
Hand against the handle of the stroller, Effie bounced him, face still toward Octavia.
“It’s going to be OK”, she said, voice as tender as if she’d spoken to Amy or Ian. “Follow my finger. Do you see that?” She pointed high on the wall. “Vents”, she said. “That’s where the air comes in. All the time. Doesn’t matter if the elevator is operating or not. These things are built for emergencies. You’re safe here. Safe as can be.”
“That’s what they said about Thirteen!” Octavia gasped. “And they shackled us up. They beat us and they left us! They left us!”
Effie bounced the stroller. At a loss. Four seconds passed. Five. Her mother heart wanted to just wrap her arms around her. Hold her tight.
But she didn’t want to corner the girl. Frighten her more than she already was.
Her gaze dropped to the beautician’s bag.
“I really like the new lipstick”, she blurted.
Octavia stopped, mid-breath. The brown of her irises little more than pinpoints.
“The tube of lipstick you just bought”, Effie continued, encouraged by the way in. Slim as it may be. “Such a lovely shade! I wish I could remember what it’s called. Peach? Um, apricot?”
“Mother of pearl?”
“Exactly!” Effie beamed. “I bet you have lots of gorgeous lipsticks and lip glosses at home. What are they?”
“What are what? I … I don’t know what you mean?”
“The colors. Which are your favorites?”
“I … I don’t …” Confused, scattered, her eyebrows came together. Cheeks still hectic, breathing still shallow. “Azure?” she said. “One’s azure.”
“That’s nice. What else?”
“E-eggplant.” She stumbled a little on the word, but her voice was growing stronger. “And … mustard: the perfect middle way between yellow and orange. Cinnamon of course. And magenta. I like magenta.”
“Me too.” She dared reach out her hands now. The girl’s palms were slick with sweat. They trembled. Just like Haymitch’s might, coming out of a nightmare.
Effie gave them a soft squeeze.
“You’re going to be OK. I promise. Try and take a big breath. You’ll feel better. A big, deep breath, like this. In … and … out …”
They did it together, hand in hand. Octavia’s eyes hung on to Effie’s, all throughout. Like a child not quite believing it but trusting you enough to follow suit.
“Good. That’s perfect. And again. Breathe in …”
Four breaths later, the beautician had visibly calmed. Eyes heavy-lidded. Hands slack and still.
“I feel a little bit better now”, she said. Voice small but steadier.
“So glad to hear it”, Effie said. “Why don’t we have a seat, you and me? While we wait for them to come get us?”
Octavia’s eyes immediately went to the floor. Her nose crinkled.
“It’s filthy”, she said. “I can’t sit where it’s filthy.”
So, Effie crouched by the stroller. Reach inside the storage basket between the wheels where she kept things like toys, food and the picnic rug.
She spread the latter over an empty spot. The pretty checkers facing up.
It wasn’t until they were already seated, sitting opposite each other, that Octavia’s eyes flitted back to the twins. As if now first remembering that they were there.
A shadow clouded her face, by the sight of their chubby legs sticking out from the stroller.
No, it was more than a shadow.
Wariness. A watchfulness so unlike her. Almost like … fear.
“Why don’t you tell me what’s the matter?” Effie said. ”It’s just us here.”
Octavia’s eyes fluttered her way, then down. She fidgeted with the hem of her orange dress; lights reflecting off her long, painted fingernails. She mumbled something.
“What?” Effie said. “Sorry, I didn’t catch that.”
“It’s dangerous”, the girl repeated. A little louder this time. “They’re dangerous.”
“Who?” Effie glanced to the stroller. “The twins?”
Octavia nodded.
“They’re one year old”, said Effie softly. “How can they be dangerous? They’re just children.”
“But they’re not”, whispered Octavia. “They’re no ordinary children. They’re cuckoo chicks.”
Effie was quiet. Absorbing this new piece of information.
“What are you saying?”
Octavia drew a deep breath. Spoke to her hands still, but she spoke.
Now, Octavia was no wall flower. Neither of the preps were. Effie had heard her speak from the heart plenty of times. Many dinners. Many train rides across the country.
Things that excited her. Fixer-uppers like Haymitch Abernathy or, for that matter, Katniss Everdeen. Their wells of latent potential – if only they would remember to bring a bucket.
Or her pet mice. She could talk about them for hours. How smart and funny and affectionate they were.
“And so different from each other!” she’d beam, eyes brimming with pride. “They have such distinguished personalities. All of them!”
Things that didn’t excite her. Like bodily odors, body hair or an especially anti-climactic party.
Yes. Octavia had opinions. Same as everyone.
But this … this was different.
The more she spoke, the more she sounded like – not a woman convinced, but a child reciting something in class.
A passage in a textbook, learnt by heart because someone told you to.
“The cuckoo birds are parasites”, Octavia said. “They look innocent enough. Soft and gray with a cute sound. Cou-cou! But at the core, they’re tricksters. Charlatans. Frauds who prey on others. Uses them for their own benefits.
Like the little reed warbler. She builds her nest, lays her eggs and what happens? The moment she’s elsewhere, the cuckoo bird arrives. Not to steal. Not to eat. No. She has only one thing on her mind. One plan: to lay an egg of her own.
She sneaks it in, hides it among the others. Just like her mother did and her mother before her. Not a single cuckoo bird has ever cared for their own young. They just make other birds do it for them.
When mama warbler returns, ready to sit on her eggs again, warming them so that they may grow and hatch – she doesn’t realize she’s been duped. That there are now four eggs in her nest instead of three. She simply can’t tell the difference between her own babies and the killer among them.
Because they are killers. From the moment they crawl out of their egg. It’s in their genes. Their DNA. Natural born killers.
Every time the mother flies off, looking for food, the cuckoo chick seizes the chance. This blind and weak, featherless little newborn now wiggles and squirms about the other eggs. Dead set on getting rid of the competition. Because she won’t share. Not the cuckoo bird. Not ever.
She tries again and again and she won’t stop until she’s forced all the other eggs over the edge of the nest.
Her own siblings. They plummet to their death and the mother … she doesn’t even understand what’s happened. Let alone who to blame.
She cares and nurtures and protects her children’s murderer, thinking it’s her baby. Someone just like herself, who will carry on her legacy.
But it’s not. And they won’t.
This poor mother, she feeds her and feeds her and feeds her but it’s never enough. And the chick grows bigger. And bigger.
In just a couple of weeks she’s almost four times the size of her foster parent. So large that the nest may even break apart from under her.
Even after she’s left her birthplace, old enough to care for herself, she still demands to be fed. And come Spring, she too will fly over the high grasses, the trees, looking for a nest to lay her egg in.”
Octavia paused. Maybe to catch her breath.
“That’s what’s happening right now”, she said. “All around us. Imposters, usurpers, are hatching left and right. Now that the borders are open, people from all around the country travels here and for one purpose and one purpose only.
To breed. District women sleep with clueless Capitol men and return home with babies in their bellies. District men seduce Capitol women with false promises of love and devotion, all so that they will carry and birth their offspring.
There’s a war coming, and they’re creating an army. Programmed to destroy us. Every man, woman and child who carries a Capitol pedigree. That’s their plan, their dying wish, and before we realize it, what they are capable of, it’ll be too late. Unless we do something. And fast.
We must throw them out, before they throw us out. We were here first and unless we close the borders – once and for all – with the biggest chains we can find, they will sack this city for themselves. They’ll torture us. Enslave us. Kill us.
Especially those of us who … who worked in the Games. Because they’ll never let us forget what we did to them. To their forefathers. And this new generation of people … they’re all so much more dangerous than any of us alive.
Because they have the wits and brains of the Capitol but the black hearts of the districts.”
It was very quiet, once Octavia finished. A lot to take in.
Finally, Effie wet her lips. Had to ask the question, despite being quite certain she already knew the answer.
“Who told you that?”
“Gloria Highgrass”, Octavia said.
Effie nodded. Of course. She should have known. Who else could create such a massive pile of hot, stinking garbage? As Haymitch would have said.
“Gloria says what she does because she's deeply unhappy”, Effie said. “She wants someone to blame for her own misfortune and it's a million times easier to just be furious than heartbroken.
But she makes things up, Octavia. She lies. The girl hasn’t set foot outside this city. Not once. I don't think she's ever even had a real conversation with someone born in the districts.”
She reached her hands out. Curled her ringless fingers over Octavia’s green, adorned ones.
“Let’s just think about this for a moment”, she said. “Like the sensible women we are.”
Two years ago. Well, almost two years, when the roundness of her belly left no space for further speculation, people had acted like fishermen around a sinking ship. Rowing their boats as far away as possible, so as not to go down with it.
The Peaseblossoms. Flora. Mrs. Q.
But Katniss’s prep team? After all their years together. After everything that happened. The revolution. The war. She was certain they’d stay. Certain. Octavia, Flavius and Venia wouldn’t stand idly by, while the wolfs tore her apart.
So, when they deserted her. When they joined the masses against her, just by staying quiet – it hurt. Hurt more than she could possibly imagine.
They may not spit or throw rocks or even slander her with rumors, as far as she knew, but in a way, them putting their head in the sand was all so much worse than anything the others did or said.
So, when she told Haymitch she couldn’t get through to them – not like Cinna – that wasn’t altogether true.
Not a lie per se, or if it was: she lied to herself as well.
She just didn’t want to. That was the plain, unpainted truth. Couldn’t deal with any of it. All that painful stuff. Not then. Post-partum. Still healing. With two babies so new, the carton of eggs in her fridge (bought before their birth) was still fresh.
But sitting with Octavia today. Right here. Right now. How different was it really, from sitting in a ring in class, talking with her students? Girls who had also been spoon-fed “facts”, based on people’s fear and ignorance.
She squeezed her friend’s hands.
“Come”, she said, with a nod toward the stroller. “Come say hello to my two little ‘warriors’ in here.”
Octavia paled.
“I … I don’t want to.”
“Please. I promise you, it’s going to be alright.”
Standing on her knees, Effie carefully brushed the edges of the mosquito net aside. Revealing their sleep-soft faces.
Half-hidden by Effie’s shoulder, Octavia peered at them. Still cautious. Still watchful. But at least she did it.
“Don’t worry, they won’t bite”, Effie said. “Well”, she added with a smile. “They might, but they hardly got any teeth yet so it’s mostly just wet and sloppy.”
She brushed a strand from her daughter’s forehead.
“Their names are Amy and Ian”, she said. “But I suppose you already know that. They just celebrated their first birthday, about a week ago. Back in Eleven. Lots of chocolate cake. Before the day was out, they were all but covered in it. Same as I was, a couple of years prior. As you’ve probably heard by now?”
“Naturally”, murmured Octavia, eyes locked on the twins. Like they were a couple of sharp-teethed dogs that might yet strike at any given moment. “It was all over town.”
“Yes”, Effie said. “Naturally.” Little crow’s feet appeared by her eyes when she smiled. “They carry both our names”, she said. “Trinket Abernathy. They haven’t said their first proper words yet, but they’re really getting the hang of crawling.
If I want to get anything done now, I must put them in the playpen or else they’ll shoot across the floor and not always in the same direction. Before I know it, they’ll figure out how to pull themselves to standing and it’s: goodbye potted plants.”
Octavia didn’t respond. Tense and awkward. A little crease between her elegant, plucked eyebrows.
“They love playing with letter blocks”, Effie continued. “Or when we blow raspberries on their bellies. They love bathing, peekaboo, dada playing them songs on the piano. They’re exploring their world, little at a time, and they do it without hate in their hearts.”
She hesitated.
”It is true”, she said, softly. “People on ‘opposite sides’ have procreated since the end of the war. Children with a Capitol father and a district mother and vice versa.
But I promise you, it’s not for the reason Gloria has you believe. It’s all just a natural consequence of peace. Of the way we people function. For the first time in forever we can travel around the country safely. Free to get to know people outside our own birthplace if we want to. Friendship and even love … they are bound to grow in such a soil.
If you read some of Haymitch’s history books, you’d find it’s actually quite common. Even in the middle of bitter conflicts, bloody wars that last for decades, people have a way of finding each other, finding common grounds, no matter what. Despite the fact that they’re supposed to be mortal enemies.”
She caressed Octavia’s hair and down her back.
“You’re so much wiser than Gloria”, she said. “And unlike her, you have friends from the districts. Think about the people you know. Katniss for instance. Does she have a black heart?”
Octavia’s brow furrowed. She shook her head.
“Of course not”, she said. “She saved us. After the people of Thirteen imprisoned us, Katniss got us out of there.”
“But she’s from the districts, isn’t she?”
“Yes. I mean, um …” Octavia wavered. “Yes, but … not when it counts.”
“How about Peeta? What can you say about his heart? Is it black?”
“Oh no”, Octavia said in a hushed voice. “Not Peeta. Peeta’s heart could never be black. It’s full of all the colors. Just like his paintings.”
“Well, that leaves Haymitch”, Effie shrugged. “If anyone’s got a black heart, it’s him.”
“How can you say that?” Octavia’s eyes welled up with tears. “You wouldn’t even be alive if it wasn’t for him! How can you say something like that? And in front of them”, she whispered, pointing to the twins.
“But he’s district”, said Effie. “All three of them are. Same as Primrose. And Posy. Their species is so evil, they pass their bloodthirst down through their genes.”
“M-maybe not all of them”, Octavia said. Uncertain. “Some are different. Katniss and Peeta and Haymitch … they’re different.”
“But are they?” asked Effie. “Are they really? Or can it be that you just know them better than you did the other tributes?”
Octavia’s eyebrows came together, trying to make sense of it.
“If there’s anything I’ve learned these past few years”, Effie said, “it’s that we really aren’t that different. Not at the core. Capitol. District. You’d be surprised how much we have in common.
Sure, there are always people who will behave like asses. Every group has them. I can’t speak for everyone but this I know: When I was at the bottom, my absolute lowest, people were there for me. And some were from the Capitol and some were from the districts.”
Octavia’s eyes found the floor.
“It’s alright”, said Effie and she meant it. “But just think about it. Really think about it. If you met a man. A sweet, kind, thrilling man that you had a really great time with. Someone who made you laugh. Made your heart flutter.
A man who thought you were hands down the best, most wonderful girl in the world. Who never failed to make you feel special. Loved. Would you really care where he came from? If he was district, would it matter?”
Misty-eyed, Octavia didn’t reply. She brushed the edge of Amy’s footrest with an absent-minded finger.
“We didn’t have the twins as part of some greater scheme or plot”, Effie said. “Neither did Lysistrata Vicker’s grandson or his wife.
We never even planned it. I got pregnant simply because Haymitch and I made love, followed by a birth control mishap.
That’s all. And I’m so glad we did! Because I cannot imagine my life without them. Neither can Haymitch. It’s not about vengeance, Octavia. It’s about love.”
All throughout, Effie had kept her voice low – so as not to wake the two in the stroller. And she didn’t.
It was the silence that drew a reaction.
Ian stirred again. Stretched his little body as far as the seat allowed. From Octavia came another gasp, but it sounded more like being taken unaware than frightened. As if nervous, he might ask why she saw fit to break his slumber.
The boy blinked at them. No cries or rages. His gray eyes just moved between Octavia and Effie.
A gurgling sound came over his lips, and he reached for mama.
Effie clicked him loose and lifted him out.
“Hi handsome”, she said and kissed his cheek. “Did you enjoy your nap?”
She settled the boy on her lap and Ian’s face turned swiftly to the other grownup in the room.
“Buh?” he asked his mother, questioningly. Pointed his finger out, as always when something piqued his interest.
Effie kissed his strawberry hair.
“Ian … I’d like you to meet my very good friend, Ms Octavia Haze.”
Octavia’s lips curved into a nervous smile. She gave a small wave of her hand.
“Hello”, she said. “Nice to meet you.” Her eyes met Effie’s. “Goodness. He looks just like Haymitch, doesn’t he?”
Effie smiled.
“He does. So does his sister. Especially when they’re laughing. They have Haymitch’s smile.”
“Haymitch laughs and smiles?”
The question pinched her heart, but she nodded.
“Much more than he used to.”
Octavia’s gaze returned to the child. You could still trace a slight vigilance in her manners, but it was quickly melting.
“He … he doesn’t look dangerous. I mean, as far as I can tell. And I’m a great judge of character. Says Venia.”
“No, he’s not dangerous at all.”
“Gloria doesn’t know everything in the world.”
Ian cooed. As if to second that.
Octavia’s eyes softened.
“Such a little jellybean, aren’t you?” she said. “Little guy.”
“Would you like to hold him?” Effie asked.
“Oh”, said Octavia, startled. “Well, I … OK. Yes.”
Effie helped the child over and soon the boy had settled on Octavia’s lap.
Ian wasted no time. With the bold, self-righteous hand of a toddler he grasped for her nose, her cheek.
“Oh!” Octavia gave a chuckle, somewhere between amused and alarmed. “What’s he doing?” she asked as he poked and kneaded her.
Effie grinned.
“Sorry.” She reached out, lowered Ian’s hands from Octavia’s face. “Got to be careful, sweetheart. Play nicely. I think he likes the green of your skin”, she said.
Octavia’s face brightened.
“He thinks I’m pretty?”
“You’re always pretty”, smiled Effie. “We tried our hands at finger painting a few months back”, she explained. “He was over the moon. And then there are the shiny things”, she added, when Ian grasped for Octavia’s earring next, nudging the pretty gemstones with his fingertips. “Haymitch says he was probably a magpie in a previous life.”
Octavia giggled. She gently removed the boy’s hand from her ear, but she didn’t let go.
“Well”, she said. “Let me just tell you, Ian: You have great, innate taste! This shade is called emerald green. I get it done at Aphrodite’s Beauty Spa.  She is pricy but she’s the best in town. Well, until the day Flavius and Venia and I have included it in our services, of course. But, I don’t think”, she added, unsure, “I don’t believe you’re allowed to get a full body tan if you’re just one year old. I can ask for you, if you want?”
Effie gave a brilliant laugh. Octavia looked up, surprised, then allowed herself a small smile.
“You hungry?” asked Effie. “I brought some for the park but since it seems we’re going to be stuck in here for a while … I’ve got pasta salad. Banana muffins. Some yoghurt with mashed blueberries. It’s not homemade but …”
“Yes please”, beamed Octavia.
When the repairman finally arrived to get them all out, Octavia sat with both twins on her lap.
It was with near reluctance she returned them to their mother.
Free as birds, the four of them headed for the main entrance together.
“I have to be at the salon”, Octavia said, once outside. The sun glinted in the purple of her hair. “Flavius and Venia are probably worried sick.”
“I get it”, said Effie. “Tell them I said hi.”
They kissed on both cheeks.
“If you ever feel like a visit”, Effie added, “you're more than welcome to come over by the house. Any time.”
Octavia nodded eagerly.
“I will.”
Author's note: I wish I could tell you I came up with the cuckoo bird metaphor myself but that's actually from the 2016 movie version of "The Jungle Book". The chapter words are all mine but I drew inspiration from one of their scenes that start with: "But the one you have to watch out for is the cuckoo bird. Do you know how the cuckoo bird survives? By preying on a mother's weakness."
As a writer, I thought it was an absolutely brilliant way to manipulate someone younger and/or more trusting and so I wrote my own take on the idea, putting Octavia in the role of the wolf pups and Gloria as Shere Khan. 😉
Lastly, this chapter would not have come to fruition if it weren't for a comment I received, about a year ago. I won't put the reader's name on here in case she (you) doesn't want me to but I'd still like to talk a little about the power of feedback.
This reader had a hard time seeing that sweet, loving Octavia (and the rest of the prep team) would treat Effie so poorly. Octavia's heart is just too big for all that and either way, it would instantly melt as soon as she saw the twins in person.
Now, I always planned for the prep to change their minds about Effie and the kids but: much further into the story. Near the end. I hoped that Effie's comments that someone unknown was manipulating them and "pouring poison into their ears" would be enough of an explanation until then but then I read this review and thought "Hm, maybe not. Maybe some more background info is needed."
So then it was back to the drawing board, fleshing out new ideas cause I love Octavia's character so much and HATE the idea of her coming of as cold or shallow or, for that matter, OOC.
This elevator scene came to mind and with it, several others that also included the prep.
So, thank you for the feedback! Now, instead of just two more prep team scenes at the end of ToS you get at least half a dozen chapters, several of them starting now. I hope you'll like them!
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Tommy Shelby- Old Love Pt5
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It's been 6 months now since we moved back to Small Heath and things have been going well. Tommy convinced me to move back permanently, although we don't live together. Tommy and Charlie's relationship has been getting better day by day and I have to say, I love being back in Small Heath. I missed my parents, but my feelings for Tommy have just been solidified more and more as each day goes by. This has just been making me more and more confused.
I walk through Polly's front door, Charlie running straight to Tommy who picks him up
"Hi Tom" I smile walking over to him
"Hey. I thought Polly could watch Charlie for us, I want to show you something" frowning I reply
"What do you want to show me?"
"It's a surprise" Tommy smile
"Ok. Well baby looks like your spending the day with Aunt Poll"
"Yes" he exclaims making Tommy and I laugh. Tommy puts Charlie down and he runs off to find Polly. Tommy gets his coat and we get into his car.
"Ok close your eyes"
"Tommy are you going to murder me?" I laugh
"Of course not"
"Then where are you taking me?"
"Your full of questions today aren't you?" Finally I feel the car stop "keep those eyes closed" I hear Tommy get out of the car and walk around to my side. He helps me out and we walk for a little bit "ok open" I blink a few times to adjust to the lighting and I now see we're stood in the middle of flower field, but not just any field, the one Tommy and I first started to court one another in, the one where he proposed, the one where I told him that I was pregnant
"What are we doing here?" I turn to face Tommy
"Like I told you months ago. I never stopped loving you. I want you to move back home, our home, I want us to get married again, I want more children with you because I love you YN" I look into his blue eyes searching for something to tell me to say no, but I can't find it
"I never stopped love you either"
"So let's start over. This time we communicate with each other, we're partners"
"I'd like that, where do we start?"
"I think we already have, but how about we buy a new house together. A bigger one, one where we can have more children"
"Tommy we can't afford a bigger house"
"Actually we can. So what do you say?"
"I think we should ask Charlie first then decide what to do"
We arrive back at Polly's house, Charlie is watching out of the window with a huge smile. We open the front door
"Mummy, daddy your back. Where did daddy take you?"
"Hi baby. He took me to a very special place, somewhere that means a lot to both me and your dad"
"Really? Can I go?"
"One day we'll take you. Now how would you feel if we all lived together again?" Tommy says bending down to Charlie's level
"Really? You'll live with me and mummy again"
"Yes. And I thought we could get a bigger house"
"One with horses?"
"We can have as many horses as you'd like"
"Can we mummy can we?"
"As long as your happy, yes"
"We're going to be a family again" Tommy picks Charlie up with one arm and wraps his other around my waist pulling us into one huge hug "my family" he places a kiss on both Charlie's head and mine.
2 years later Tommy and I remarried, I also got pregnant and gave birth to a little girl, we named Lilly. Things have been good between Tommy and I. We learned to communicate with each other and Charlie is just ecstatic that we all love each other and we're once again a family, even if he now has to share.
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bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 116. brb x oc
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a/n: so good news is im seeing some changes in the app version of tumblr. PC is back to normal??? Anyway, hope it stays that way...also I know I said smut for this chapter but my mind went somewhere else entirely uwu. Reblogs and comments are so welcome! Thanks for liking my fic!
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none.
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @dhwanishah09 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva
“Bah bah bah!” Nicole was still bouncing a bit on Beatrice’s arms as they get inside the house, sleep nowhere in sight, “Bah bah bah!” followed by the monkey twinkling as she shakes it, vigorously, so much that the dogs turn to look up at her curiously.
Beatrice smiles before kissing their daughter’s head, the little girl still moving and wriggling, “My God, did your nonni give you sugar or something? You are so wriggly tonight!” she hears the sound of the doors being locked followed by Rooster’s grunt as he places Marcus’ gifts by the staircase. She wanted to help, she even voiced that she could but Rooster was relentless in saying that she should just keep those ‘soft hands of hers’ holding up Nicole.
His footsteps soon entered the kitchen, the sound of fabric ruffling followed and another heavy sigh left his lips. She turns around just in time to see him rolling up the sleeves to his elbows and unbuttoning the shirt even more to reveal his defined chest for her eyes to see…but she held back the commentary when she noticed his face, “You okay?”
“I’m fine.” he rolls his neck, a ‘crack! crack!’ echoing in the kitchen as he does so, “I should’ve just done that tomorrow.”
“I told you I could help.”
“Listen,supermodel.” he smirks when she blushes, “You can’t be busy picking your gifts, that’s my job.It’s in the ‘Bradley Nicholas Bradshaw’ contract.”
“Wha-since when?? I don’t remember signing that up anywhere.”
Rooster just laughs, dropping his head for a few seconds then lifting it back up as he approaches his girls, hugging Beatrice from behind to kiss the back of her neck, ‘Ah,gorgeous, you don’t have to sign that. It comes with the whole package.”
Beatrice giggles in front of him, which makes Nicole laugh as well, turning her body to look at her father with her chubby cheeks appearing even fuller because of that adorable grin, “How about you,Nikki? You aren’t sleepy?” Nicole just touched his chin, tapping the skin there then gently petting his mustache, all the while with her eyes wide and mouth parted open with pure amazement.
“I think she’s just excited to see us again,” Bea smiles, kissing Nicole’s cheek, “She’s so happy, aren’t you, honey?” more monkey shaking, more noises and more bouncing from Nicole, “God, she’s getting so big.”
“Wel she is six months old,gorgeous.”
“I know but…” Bea tsks, “She can stay a baby a while longer, you know? I know I wouldn’t mind it at all…would you?”
“Nah,I wouldn’t.” 
Ah, the fear that every parent had to go through: their children growing up and getting bigger in a blink of an eye.
Both of them could finally understand that.
Nicole kept on babbling, this time her focus was on her mother’s necklace and braid, well,mainly on Beatrice’s braid. Her pupils enlarged so much Bea was worried they might pop out of her eyes, but Nicole was so enraptured by the hairstyle, it was absolutely precious.
Probably because she had never seen her hair like that before, Beatrice usually let it loose or in a bun or even in a ponytail and it was so strange for a six months old baby that she had to touch it…several times, maybe even nom it-
“Okay, okay, not going to eat mommy’s hair.” It was Rooster who stops it, gently pulling the strands of hair from Nicole’s mouth and picking her up from Beatrice’s arms, kissing her cheeks when she whined in disagreement, “Well, missy, you can’t do anything you want, especially eat hair…and while mommy’s hair smells delicious, it’s not edible.” and he pokes her little tummy, just enough to make her giggle and hug his neck, “She’s not sleepy at all.”
“She’s not.”
“Well…that complicates things.”
Beatrice arched her brow and tilted her head towards her husband, smirking at him with her arms crossing, “Oh?”
“Yeah…there were things I had planned but…I can pause them because of my baby girl.” he smiles, lifting Nicole over his head and letting out an ‘ah!’ to match hers, bringing her down to kiss her cheeks, “I can wait.”
“You should,because she still needs to take a bath. And so am I.” Beatrice says, running her hands through her bangs, “Maybe the bath will make her sleepy, you know she loves water, it can tire her out.”
“i guess.” Rooster replies, gently holding that minuscule hand to bring it to his lips, kissing the small fingers and then the tip of her button nose, “I mean, but I wouldn’t mind if she stayed up a little while longer…we can watch more cartoons.” 
“See? She agrees.”
Nicole had him in her little palm and Beatrice loved it. Because whatever Rooster had in mind, clearly it was the same thing he had when he looked at her during the party, was long gone and spending time with Nicole was much better. “Well, let’s wash her up first, then see how she gets.’ Beatrice says as she gets closer,kissing his jawline, “How does that sound?”
“Sounds good, doesn’t it,Nikki?” and he bounces her in his arm, her happy giggle echoing around the room, “Do you want to set it up?”
“Yeah, I don’t mind.” because she just wanted to see the two of them having fun together. Beatrice kisses him one final time before she walks up the stairs to their bedroom, inhaling happily as she recalls everything that happened that night.
It was a great night.
And her anxiety sickness was nowhere in sight, maybe it was good she didn’t feel like drinking alcohol, it’d only make her feel worse.
Now all they had to do was celebrate Christmas and then go to Virginia before the New Year! Simple!
She really wanted Brad to have another good time while in the holidays, she knew how much he liked it and now with Nicole he’d want her to enjoy the celebrations just as much! Beatrice bites her lower lip, running her thumb over her wedding band as she thinks about his Christmas gift…it was a bit of a callback, she had to admit, but now that she was getting back to Tiff’s class, she figured why not?
Plus, it’d certainly make him feel…energized before their trip.
Beatrice shakes her head with a smile, “But that can wait.” she whispers, “I need to set everything for Nikki.” she disappears into their daughter’s nursery to get one of her onesies, only for a sudden growl coming from her stomach interrupt her, “Wait…did I eat?” she blinks trying to recall if she snacked on something or just had drinks during the night, too excited to eat?
She was too excited to eat because she remembers eating something small and then ntohing else.
And she was starving. Another thing in the way of Rooster’s plan.
She pursed her lips into a little pout, holding the onesie to her chest and turning around just in time to see Rooster watching her from the door, “Hi gorgeous.” he smirks, “Got her outfit?”
“I did.” she pauses, “Roos I don’t think I had dinner.”
“I-I think I was too excited to eat.”
Rooster’s smile turns into a worried frown, “Gorgeous…you can’t do that. Come on,supermodel, you have to eat.”
Beatrice’s cheeks flushed just a bit, “I know…I-I was just really overwhelmed…can we order something after? I-If that’s okay?”
“Of course it is,why wouldn’t it be?” he asks, kissing her forehead when he gets closer, “Baby…I can wait, believe me,I can control myself…when I have to.” she laughs against him, letting him kiss her head again “After Nikki’s bath we are going to order something and you’ll eat.”
“I’m sorry…”
“It was a crazy night, I know.” he smiles, “But don’t do that, pretty girl, worries me so much…okay?”
They genuinely thought that Nicole was going to be sleepy after the bath, she usually did, but something tonight only made the little baby even more active. So now they were all in the living room, sitting on the couch, Nicole was being held against Rooster’s chest and the two of them ate pizza.
And watched cartoons.
At midnight.
He couldn’t wish for anything better, especially since the dogs were lying around the couch, watching the tv just like they were, Eleanor sometimes sniffed the pizza but Jolene ‘boofed’ in warning so the pup lied back down. Rooster looks down at Nicole, just in time to see her looking right at the cheesy slice of pizza, mimicking the way he ate by opening and closing her mouth, “Sorry,birdie. But you can’t eat this yet, you got no teeth.”
“Ah!” she sounded upset!
“Hey,come on now,” he raises the slice higher when she tries to reach it, “No, mama already gave you food.I know it’s not what you wanted but it is what you can have for now.” she made another indignant sound, “I know,I hate it too.”
Beatrice watched the interaction with one hand holding her head up, her cheeks curving into a smile as Rooster talked to Nicole as if she was ten years old, no baby talking at all. It was the cutest thing ever, “You know,” she begins, “I think this is a great way to end the night.”
“Yeah, us, together, watching tv and having pizza? It’s amazing.”
Rooster swallows his bite to give Beatrice another grin, “Well…yeah it is pretty good. Core memories for Nikki,” he lifts his slice again when he sees Nikki’s hand moving upwards, “And for us.”
“Yeah…” her stomach was still fussy but she was eating slowly, she knew it could be nausea from something but she couldn’t pinpoint what. Maybe the whole excitement,maybe that was too much for her to handle and her stomach was taking the toll of it, “I like it…and thanks for joining me too.I know it’s late…”
“I never say no to pizza,” again his hand gets even higher and Nicole’s high ‘aah!’ reaches his ears, “And spending time with my family.”
Beatrice’s smile is nearing hurtful by how stretched her lips are, even if she’s still chewing her own slice. She sighs softly, looking back at the tv with her brows low, feeling another hint of nausea coming up in her stomach but she tried to hold it back as best as she could, lying down just a bit more on the couch.
She felt Nicole’s little hands tapping her bare calf, then her daughter crawled over to her stomach, “Nikki!” she did this without any of them noticing and that little girl had such a good balance she didn’t even rolled to the side, “Baby girl, don’t do that, I know you are strong but-”
“Ah!” she slaps her hand on her mother’s chest a few times before dropping her head on top, huffing angrily.
Beatrice looks over at Rooster, who’s still chewing his pizza, “She’s mad at you.” that made him stop and look over at his wife in pure horror, “Because you didn’t give her a bite.”
“She can’t even bite!”
“She doesn’t know that.” she didn’t want to show how Nikki’s weight, as minimal as it was, was making her stomach feel even more nauseous, she just adjusted herself on the couch while holding Nicole close to her chest, kissing her brown head, “You can’t be mad at daddy, you can’t eat grown up food baby girl.”  she sits up a bit more, “Don’t be silly, oh Roos, she’s pouting!”
When she looks up so is her husband.
“I don’t want her mad at me!”
“Brad,she’s a baby.” she says sweetly, holding up Nicole so she looks over at Rooster, “She doesn’t hate you, you know that.” Beatrice scoots over to where he was so the two most important people in her life could look at each other, “She doesn’t get it.”
Bradley’s eyebrows were low as he frowned, looking back down at Nicole whose light green eyes only appeared lighter because of the light above their heads, “Maybe she’s just sleepy.I know some babies get fussy…and it is pretty late.”
“It is.” Beatrice agrees, clearing her throat when the nausea hit again. Stronger this time, “Oh wow.”
She couldn’t hide it now, “I feel a bit sick.” she says, “Like my stomach is messed up, I think.”
Rooster’s pouting face disappeared and turned into worry, “What are you feeling?”
“Just…a bit nauseous, that’s all.” she tries to distract herself by bouncing Nicole in her arms, the little girl’s pout disappearing as her eyes struggled to keep open because it was obvious she was tired now and her anger was because of sleep “I think it’s because I was so excited tonight. Has to be.”
Bradley’s eyebrows furrow and he frowns a bit more, looking down at her stomach then back at her, “Baby…can you eat?” he nods to the half eaten slice, “You barely ate anything.”
“Oh no,I will…I just need a few seconds.”
Rooster grabs Nicole from Beatrice’s arms and tilts his head at his wife, “Do you want to lie down a bit?” she shakes her head negatively, “Do you want tea?”
“I…no, it’s fine, it’s just hunger.” she didn't know if it was hunger but it did feel that way. It felt just like that time she ate chili and felt bad for hours, it was extremely similar. Beatrice knew there was something off but she couldn’t pinpoint what…was she allergic to something now?? Maybe tomatoes? Was she allergic to tomatoes? “I’ll be fine.”
“Are you sure?”
She nods with a small smile, “I just need to relax a bit…that’s all Roos.”
“If you are sure…”
“I am.”
But her husband knew her and he knew that if she felt bad it’d take some time for her to say it to him, which he hated but he couldn’t force it out of her. He sighed, kissing her head before he stood up, “I’m going to put Nikki in her crib,” he looked down at their daughter who was now peacefully snoozing against his chest, “I’ll be right back,okay?”
Beatrice nods with a little smile,watching him walk away and up the stairs, leaving her and her raging thoughts to herself. Why would she feel this way? She didn’t eat anything strange, she’s eating pizza for crying out loud! She chews her lower lip, trying to remember if there was any way she could really be developing some sort of allergic reaction to food.
She gently rubs her hands on her stomach, the nausea coming and going…strangely it reminded Bea of the time during Nicole’s pregnancy. Although the nausea was so much stronger than and–
“No.” she whispers, “There’s no way, I took my birth control shots.” she could feel the anxiety rise up, “This is not what I’m thinking, it can’t be. There’s absolutely no way it’s that…there’s no way.” she did take her birth control shots, she remembers going to the clinic and seeing the lady there, the same lady as before.
She remembers the shot, she remembers feeling down in the dumps for a few days. “I’m just imagining things,” she whispers, “This is nothing more than a bad stomach day. That’s all.” but she continues rubbing her stomach, “...that’s all.”
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astroluvr · 2 years
“I thought I could trust you.”
alright, what if i added an au twist to this? say, college!jack...
"Have you seen Jack?" you asked some random guy who reeked of weed. Chances were, he probably didn't know where he was himself.
"Uh, which one?"
"Oh, man. Just saw him go upstairs, I think. Guy with the super curly hair?"
"Yeah, I was coming to drop off his essay. Left it at the library." you held up the thick stack of papers in the dark living room.
You weren't sure why you told him that, maybe because for Jack's sake you didn't want for rumors to spread about him being with you- instead of one of the other girls that he threw his arm around more publicly.
"Yeah, he's upstairs." the guy nodded, taking a long swig of beer.
"Thank you." you mumbled before making your way towards the stairs and the helpful man held his bottle in the way.
The party was a lot bigger from the top of the stairs, and you had no idea how so many people could fit in a two story house rented out by four college guys just a mile away from campus.
You were sure you should have knocked before opening the door, but his voice, as muffled as it was, had the same calming affect it always did.
"... Y/N, I see you with her all the time." you stopped short instead of opening the door all the way, you looked through the little crack that allowed you to see a girl with long hair in his soccer team tee shirt straddled on his lap while she looked down at him from where he sat up against his headboard.
The same way he always did. The way he did when he got tired of hearing you struggle to talk about analytics in his presence, when he would make out with you and get you right where he wanted you. Right where he had her.
"That's nothing serious. I just hang out with her because she doesn't really have anyone, you know? I felt bad when she told me about why she moved all the way out here." your heart pounded as you leaned closer, not wanting to believe that Jack was sharing your own secrets. "Y/N's parents, they-"
You couldn't stop yourself from opening the door. It would've been easier to just walk away and take the essay with you, to pretend that Jack was still the sweetheart you had behind closed doors. You had to let him know that he hurt you, that he used you, it felt out of your control when you dropped the thick paper on the dresser next to his door.
"What the fuck?" the girl shrieked and clambered off of his lap, leaving Jack to stare at you with a guilty look on his face.
"There's your essay."
"I didn't say anything. I wouldn't have done that to you." he pleaded, standing up quickly to snatch his sweatpants from the floor by his bed. "Y/N!"
"I shouldn't have told you anything to begin with. But that's my fault. I thought I could trust you."
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isa-loves-you · 1 year
How you meet and realizing you like them | The group chat.| Pt.3
-Larry Croft-
Your day had started off pretty crappy when you woke up doing your dog chewing on your couch and got a call from your latest client saying she was canceling today's session which meant no money for today or the rest of the week since you had no other appointments. You were a photographer that had just moved to austin where your friend had convinced you that the natural light was always good but it was a big fat lie, the only thing about austin was that it was hot as hell. You were looking through your camera roll trying to see which picture you should try to promote on your story so hopefully you could get some new clients, maybe you could get some cool clients usually you get first time parents wanting pictures of their baby or highschool kids wanting insane grad pics that either they cant pay for or have really bad attitudes that you can't deal and end up stopping the shot.
You get a call from your friend Amanda asking if you want to go to an art light show? Whatever that means, you said yes because you need to get out of the house and you can get some cool pics, you grab your camera and your keys and meet your friend at the art light show. You see Amanda outside the door waiting for you “wow you actually came, i'm surprised” “well you did make it sound dumb over the phone but i need some pictures so i can make rent next month so you get to look pretty and i get money, it's a win win.” you open the door for her and you so you can just get this over with. You two looked at some of the stuff they had displayed but then stopped at this little part of the building that had white lights hanging down from the ceiling “oooo stand right there this is the best” you had directed Amanda what position to stay in. “make sure that when you post these you tag me in them so i can get the compliments' ' amanda said while fixing her hair for the picture, you had gone to take the picture but you noticed the three men acting like idiots in the background of the frame. You couldn't help but laugh at the gestures they were making towards each other, but the one that really caught your eye was the shorter one with longer black hair “will you please stop drooling over at that dude and take my picture”. You didn't realize that Amanda was standing next to you also looking at your camara “I'm not drooling at him I'm just simply admiring him, he's very photogenic” you could tell that Amanda was seeing through your lie by the look of her face. You were trying to move on from the conversation about the beautiful stranger by pretending you were fixing your camera settings, but you look up to see Amanda walking towards the three. “Hi im so sorry to bother you but my friend over there with the dumb look on their face is a photographer and was wondering if you would mind modeling for them?” all three of the men share a look at eachother “really us?, why us?” said the bigger guy with an arm tattoo. “Well they said you guys had a good sense of style, especially you. She said that you had a photogenic face,” Amanda said, pointing at the guy you were staring at. You just kept freaking out about what amanda was saying to them but started to freak out more when they all started walking towards you.
“hey your friend said that you wanted some pictures of us for your work, and were totally fine with it as long as we get sent the photos too” “oh yeah of course thanks for saying yes”. You had dragged the boys and Amanda through the art displayed, taking their pictures, and also striking conversations with them about what they did for a living; it surprised you once you found out that they were youtubers and how popular they were. It was great for your business. “Thank you guys again for helping me so much, and i will tag you guys in the post and dm you the picture.” All the boys said thank you as they got into their car “see i told you it would be a good day, you got some pics and met some cute dudes'' amanda said shanking your arm slightly while you smiled “also i kept seeing that larry guy stare at you and laughed at all your joke” “really? Because I didn't talk to him at all, I tried but he just nodded his head or smiled whenever I spoke to him”. Amanda just shrugged at what you said but had a smile on her face the whole walk to her car, you got to your car and drove home to see what your dog chewed up now. You woke up the next morning deciding to lay in bed and upload the picture you took last night to instagram; after tagging everyone and adding the link to your website you put your phone down while you made breakfast without thinking about what was going to happen. After you made something to eat and feed your dog you look back at your phone to see your post having thousands of likes and comments about your pictures being out of this world, you even got messages from other youtubers and semi popular clothing brands asking you if you would like to photograph their models. You couldn't believe you got all this attention from those goofy guys, you stopped jumping up and down to message Larry to say thank you for the popularity and to also see if he would actually talk to you this time.
Y/n: Hey this is y/n from yesterday. I just want to thank you and everyone else for the boost. It seems that everyone likes my pictures because of you guys. I also want to offer my services for whenever you need any more pictures taken!.
Larry Croft: hey y/n!. That would be awesome because I am actually doing a merch drop soon and need some pics, you seem to make me look pretty good. How about we meet up for lunch or something to talk more.
Wait, is he serious? He wants to have lunch with me. Your heart was racing, and you started to smile like an idiot, you texted Larry back saying that you would meet him anywhere at any time. That's it you just got a date with one of the hottest men you've ever seen,well not a date more like a work meeting. But you were still high on a cloud about seeing him again. Did you like him?.........maybe? but who cares he's a cutie.
I am so sorry that this is so damn long. I'll try to make my next ones short.
original word count: 4,762
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