#that i need to lose weight exercise more stop eating this or drinking that
chocolaytte · 6 months
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fatphobiabusters · 1 year
I explained to a fatphobe today the documented fact that has been known for decades of how there is no scientifically-proven way to lose weight long-term and that dieting doesn't work. His response was to tell me that I need to try for "longer than a week."
I did. I tried for years, probably longer than he ever managed to keep a single friend around to listen to his assholery. The only time I ever had any "success" had also been due to me dieting for longer than a week. Two weeks to be exact. Where I lost 20 pounds.
That's over 9 kilograms, if you measure weight that way.
I lost the same amount of weight as a watermelon. A car tire. A lawn mower. An office chair. The weight of an entire patio table.
In two weeks.
If you want more numbers, that was 2 and a half hours of exercising on exercise equipment at levels dangerous for my body. Every day.
14 days of a self-imposed famine. A salad here or there when I couldn't take the pain in my stomach anymore. And then, of course, going right back to starving.
My mom who had helped teach me to hate my body for not being the width of a pencil had even managed to notice how much weight I lost and how fast. She forcibly weighed me, not that weighing me accomplished anything. She didn't know my previous weight.
I saw my childhood friend for the first time in quite a while after losing the weight of two newborn babies in half a month. The first thing I asked her is if she noticed I was thinner. I had always compared myself to her growing up. She was naturally thin, needed no effort at all to stay barely thicker than her bones. She would only eat a few bites of food, slowly, and only if it was to her taste. For many years as a kid, she was the single person I knew who ate baloney, let alone as one of the handful of foods she was willing to consume. I grew up thinking thin people ate nothing more than a bowl of steamed broccoli for dinner because nothing I did ever made me as small as her.
When she told me she noticed, I smiled. I was proud that I had so severely abused my body, that I had lost an extremely alarming amount of weight in such a short amount of time.
The only time. The one instance I had ever managed to lose a noticeable amount of my body. My fat genetics and PCOS don't really help in that regard.
I'm now nearly double the weight I had starved to as a teenager. My story follows the research studies to a T.
By the end of high school, I had already gained back the whole 20 pounds. And after high school, I gained that "and then some" so many people experience. 95% of people who try to lose weight end up gaining the weight back within 3-5 years, most becoming bigger than the weight they started with. I didn't "willpower enough" into that 5% success rate. Abusing my body those two weeks so I could be an entire shopping cart lighter and then obsessing about my weight throughout my high school years wasn't enough "willpower" it seems.
I gained more weight afterwards due to medicine, mental disability, untreated PCOS, a pandemic, more attempts at starvation, being bedridden in a tent for two years, and my body, like many bodies, wanting to grow into those fat genetics of mine now that I was no longer a teenager.
I did, in fact, try longer than a week. Now it's time to reciprocate and try treating fat people like human beings for a mere seven days. Here's an app for you to log all of the fat people you didn't tell to die, and make sure you use all your willpower. I have a neighbor whose sister's boss managed to not tell fat people to die for two whole years! They're still refraining from doing so today. All her boss needed to do was stop drinking sodas and have the willpower to succeed.
Have you tried that?
-Mod Worthy
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tgandc · 2 years
things i’ve learned in 14 years of ed life and need to remind myself every once and awhile: (really it’s been almost 18, but the most severe years were between the ages of 14-28)
1. don’t set a date to lose weight by. you’ll sabotage yourself. instead, set a goal weight, and a plan to meet that goal, and give yourself time to meet it.
2. don’t punish yourself for slipping and eating. you’re human. you need food to survive. you’re starving yourself. you’re going to break your fast one day. or “forget” you’re restricting one day because you saw something that looked sooo damn good and you ate it without even realizing. you’re going to go over your calorie limit once and awhile. you’re going to binge. it’s inevitable.
3. learn how to curb the binges. just cause you start, doesn’t mean it’s too late to stop. if you eat 100 calories, don’t turn it into 1000. you can burn off the extra 100-500cals way easier than 5000.
4. learn your triggers. avoid them.
5. just exercising doesn’t work well. just starving yourself doesn’t work well. you need to restrict AND work out. seriously. the results are in and i just lost 35lbs in 3 months. like my drs MA that weighed me saw the red line and exclamation mark that i’d lost 20% of my body weight in 3 months and she flipped out. my weight loss has slowed a little the last 2-3 weeks and it’s 100% because i stopped exercising as much when school started. i usually walk 3 miles every morning on the track after i drop my son off at daycare. it’s my lifeline. if i don’t walk the track every morning now i get super pissy, shit gets bad, and i either gain weight or plateau. restricting and working out work wayyyy better if you do them together.
6. drink water! i know everyone says this. but everyone says this for a reason. it keeps your tummy full so you eat less food, it helps flush everything out, it helps keep your digestive system running, it helps keep your face clear, it helps keep the headaches down, it helps you lose weight… water is just super good for you and you should drink it. but don’t drink too much. if you dilute your body too much, you can kill yourself. literally. if you drink too much water (e.g. 2-3 gallons in under an hour) you’ll die. so don’t drink that much. but, ya know… a gallon, or a gallon and a half spread out over a day is good.
7. allow yourself a treat every once and awhile. not a binge. not an unhealthy treat. it doesn’t even have to be a food treat. but give in once and awhile. get your nails done, take a fun class, make something, draw something, have an ice cream cone. do give yourself the opportunity to indulge in something. or else you become bitter and resentful.
8. once a week, up your calories by at least 200-500. it’ll kickstart your metabolism and you’ll lose weight faster. just don’t keep up the higher calorie count for more than ONE DAY or you’ll start gaining again. but one of those days every couple weeks is great to avoid a plateau.
9. when your clothes start getting really baggy, buy a smaller size. there’s nothing quite as rewarding as going from a large to a small. i just made the switch a few weeks ago and it’s amazing.
10. feel your b0ne3. rub your hands over your r1b3, your h1pb0n3s, your c0llarb0n3s look at your thigh gap.. get on tumblr, look at th1nsp0, it’ll keep you motivated.
11. take lots of pictures. it’s great to look back and see the progression from fat and gross to being skinny and beautiful 🥰
12. stay safe ♥️
all pics in this post are me ☺️
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You would think that by now (nearly 55 trips around the sun) I would have accrued a fair understanding of health and fitness; anything that would make me healthier. With age comes wisdom right? Wrong. With age comes age.
I’m not so arrogant that I can’t admit I’m wrong or woefully undereducated when it comes to what is truly best practice for ensuring I am as healthy as possible. I was, just like probably the majority of you out there, under the impression that managing food, exercising and cutting out the shitty stuff would equate to being fit, and if I went hardcore - maybe even thinner. I was wrong.
For many many years, I’ve had a love/loathe relationship with food, my body, the scale, mirrors, exercise and my overall aesthetic. Dysfunctional is probably more accurate. Diets, cleanses, and calculated fastings. Paleo, Atkins, Whole 30, intuitive eating, and on and on. I’d see results for a while and then succumb to cravings, binges, make excuses, feel guilty af, lose any gains and more likely gain all my weight back plus some. Mentally, I’d feel beaten, hate myself and vow that next time it will be different. I’d read blogs about new and amazing fitness regimes, seek out trainers and experts, make vision boards, post accountability pics… you name it, I’ve probably tried it. Weight loss, portion control, and micromanaging macros became a daily practice. I felt my confidence - my worth - tied to my weight. Thinner tied to happiness. But since it inevitably doesn’t work (or at least meet my bloated expectation), it was a roller coaster of feelings; yo-yoing between miserable and proud of myself. I had been drinking the diet culture Kool-Aid for so long, it was incredibly difficult to accept that I am what I am. I will never be thin. Period. I will always be the shape I am, always have a natural set point that my body wants to wobble around, and I will always be struggling with making peace with that. And that’s okay.
Having a partner that encourages me to own my shit, inspires me and accepts me has helped immeasurably. I’m grateful. I still believe that exercise is good for you. That will never change, but my perception of food and diets needed to be addressed. And has been. Food isn’t the enemy. I’m not preaching go eat anything and everything, but for myself, I need to stop vilifying carbs, sugar, and fats. I’m tired. I’m tired of struggling to hit a number. I’m tired of feeling defeated. I’m tired of comparison. Tired of fighting biology, my hormones and negative headspaces.
Acceptance, learning, and joy - these are my new aspirations.
It took me 50+ years to figure this shit out, I plan on enjoying the next gaggle of days I have left. I’m giving myself permission to be happy. You should try it.
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mightymizora · 1 month
CW Weight loss and ED talk under the cut
So I have hit a brick wall with my medical care and they're refusing to continue with investigations into my numbness in my hands and feet and lightning headaches/hearing my heartbeat in my ear/passing out when lifting above my head until I lose weight.
They've referred me out to "lifestyle" and I have had my first chat (which went surprisingly well, they listened to how I eat and didn't immediately call me a liar like other people have) and then been referred onto a third party management system that's obviously a cash grab and like.
What annoys me about all this is there is no consideration of my history with anorexia and bulimia at all. I KNOW what I have to do to lose weight - I'm not one of those people for whom small changes make big differences, I need to bulk eat vegetables, eat 3 small meals and 3 small snacks for consistent energy release, and monitor everything I eat, but this puts me at huge risk of falling into compulsive behaviours around calorie counting and limiting.
I put a decade of work into being able to accept my body post-disability, and adjust how I move and exercise. But now I've become more disabled, I can't safely lift weights, so the only option is this heavily limited way of eating.
I don't drink alcohol, I don't eat ready meals, I cook from scratch and eat vegetarian 3/7 days. I DO like to go out to eat as it's my only social activity, I do get takeout every couple of weeks, I do find I get incredibly tired because I have fatigue issues and I drink too much caffeine and know my portions are too big. Because I'm HUNGRY. I'm craving protein all the time because I'm pushing my body all the time!
I KNOW how to fix this. But I also know I will lose the last remaining pleasures in my life because contrary to their beliefs, it doesn't decrease my pain levels or improve my energy levels. Exercise still hurts and leaves me fatigued, and the more I do, the more I end up in bed.
So I'm doing it. I'm anxious as hell because I know this pattern. It's exciting at first because I love the patters of it, and then it becomes all I think about, and then it stops being fun. But I'm learning more and more that everybody, EVERYBODY, cares more about you being thin than being okay.
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fandomwe1rd0 · 3 months
Wrote some Rick and Morty Angst, not feeling good.
Morty was looking down, he bit his lip and looked at Rick, "Rick...am I fat?" Rick looked at him incredulously "Fat? Are you fucking kidding me? Yo-*burp*-u're a fucking stick." He narrowed his eyes while he looked the boy up and down until his eyes fixed on Morty's face, more specifically his cheeks "You do have chub-*burp*-by cheeks though. Looks like you still have baby fat in 'em" Rick shrugged and took a sip of his flask. Morty felt his cheeks, they did feel round...how did he not notice it before? He stole a glance at Rick. His face from so thin. Everything about him was. Rick gave the young teen a side look, which Morty quickly looked away, Rick took another drink from his flask "What the fu-*burp*-ck are you staring at me for?" Morty shook his head "Nothing."
Rick just ignored him and Morty walked to the bathroom. Morty stared at himself in the mirror for what felt like hours. He kept touching his cheeks. They were so round....he saw how fat his face looked. He wanted to lose weight...he needed to lose weight. And he needed to lose it quick, he could ask Rick to make something...but that would make him thinner, but how would he even begin? And his face flushed with embarrassment just thinking about how he would even begin.
"Hey Rick, your fatass grandson is feelin' bad about being a fatass, could you whip him up something that could make him skinny like you?" Yeah, great fucking plan.
Morty berated himself. Rick has more important things to do with his time then to help a fatass like you anyway. He needed to find a more realistic method. He considered eating healthy and exercising. He attempted that for about a week, exercising around an hour a day and eating healthy, y'know like salads and stuff.
After about a week, Morty saw that he only lost one singular pound. Fuck. He couldnt stop being a fatass anytime soon if he kept doing this. He scoured the bathroom with his eyes for a possible solution.
Then his eyes fixed on the toliet. Morty bit his lip. He couldn't believe that he was considering this. He heard that you could make yourself vomit to lose weight, but could that really work? Morty went to the toliet and dropped to his knees and attempted to, but to no avail. He just ending up gagging and have teara form at the corner of his eyes.
He cleaned off his face. Morty went to his room and opened up his laptop. If anyone knew how to lose weight fast (well, besides Rick,) it'd be the internet. After getting past all of the scams. He saw a website that claimed too be "pro-ana" he didn't know what that was, and didn't care to. Maybe this website would have what he needs! And he can finally be skinny! He looked and the website was full of skinny people with tips on how to become skinny yourself! This was it! Morty was beaming.
One of the tips was to stop eating and to exercise more. Could it really be that easy? Morty thought about his chubby cheeks and knew he had to do it.
At dinner Jerry made a big dinner and called everyone to eat. Morty sat down and looked at the food. He knew he couldn't eat it. Jerry looked at Morty "Is everything ok kiddo? You hardly touched your food!" Beth also turned her gaze onto Morty "Yeah, you're usually starving, what gives?" He even Summer looked up at her phone, and Rick giving him a sideways glance, thinking nobody would notice. Morty would've gulp, but his mouth felt dry. He felt a lump in the bottom of his throat. "I'm just not too hungry...I feel kinda sick." Morty lied in his most convincing voice.
Everyone turned their attention back to their meals, all except for Rick. Who stared at him. Morty nervously darted his eyes away. "Morty if you're sick I can fix it like" Rick snapped his fingers "That." Morty looked away "You're just worried that it'll impact your adventures...look it'll pass, can I just be excused?" Jerry sighed "I don't know why my food has to go to waste..." Beth shot Jerry a look that could kill, and turned to Morty "Yes, goodnight Morty." Morty put on what he hoped was looked like a genuine smile and went to his room. He still felt Rick's gaze on him.
He saw Rick's eyes narrowing out of the corner of his eyes. Fuck. Morty ran as fast as his legs could manage to his room. He collapsed on the bed. He needed to get out of there. The tension was thick.
Not too long after, he heard footsteps. "Ok, what's really going on?" Ugh, Morty knew that voice, and the scent of alcohol and cheap cologne that came with it. He sat upright and saw Rick leaning on the doorframe. His attention fixed on Morty. Morty looked at Rick, his skinny arms, his long legs, damn it, why did Rick get to be thin? Why couldn't he be skinny like him? It wasn't fair. IT WASN'T FUCKING FAIR. Morty squeezed his eyes tightly. Calming himself down.
After he did, he responded, looking at his solar system carpet, "Nothing. I'll get some sleep and this will blow over. It won't get in the way of your adventures." Rick scoffed "Bull-fucking-shit. You were fine all day and now you're suddenly feeling sick? You're lucky the rest of family are idiots, but Grandpa's not." Morty crossed his arms and turned away "It's nothing. Can you just go away?"Rick started venturing towards Morty, his voice low and gravel "Morty..." He reached his hand out and Morty slapped it away violently, leaving a red mark on Rick's hand. He recolied once he saw what he done.
He saw Rick jolt his hand away and then narrow his eyes "Wanna deal with whatever the fuck you have going on by yourself? Fucking fine by me. But don't blame me if you get yourself fucking killed." Rick replied, glaring at Morty, Morty felt goosebumps and bent his head down, hoping Rick wouldn't see the tears forming in his eyes and that he wouldn't notice his voice cracking "FINE! GO! LEAVE ME ALONE!" Rick scoffed and left the room as Morty cried softly, knowing the perfect spot in his pillow to muffle his cries. Why did he have to be so fucking weak? Why couldn't he be like Rick? Why couldn't he just not care? Why did he have to be...like this? He stayed in his room for the rest of the night. 
Beth knocked on Morty's door "Kids! Breakfast and school, if we don't at least pretend like these things matter, everything falls apart." Morty got up and put his clothes on. He still looked as fat as he did yesterday. But he knew that he had to stay the course. That's what the posts said. He sat at the table and pushed some food around so it looked like he ate some.
He saw Rick looking at him whenever he assumed nobody else was looking, why was Rick so invested anyway? It's not like he cared. He doesn't care about anyone but himself. When Morty thought it looked like he ate a lot he told Beth "M-mom I uhm couldn't eat it all...sorry..." Rick's eyes narrowed "Sure." Morty gulped, luckily Beth didnt seem to know it. Morty knew it was because she didnt care. Beth shrugged "It's fine. You ate most of it. Your dad's gonna get kinda upset though, he doesn't like it when people don't finish his food." He saw Rick open his mouth to say something, but he sped out of the door before he got the chance, not even taking his backpack.
He felt so tired and lightheaded at school. He needed to look up ways to fix this. Rick didn't come to drag him out of school for an adventure...guess he really was mad. Knowing Rick, he'd get over it in a few days, or replace himself with a robot, or trap Morty in a matrix...
Yep. Rick did all of those things before.
Morty was starting to get hungry, and drunk some water to crub his hunger. It helped a little. Morty made a mental note to research how to curb his hunger when he got home. Ok so that's two things he needs to research. His stomach kept grumbling loudly. Fuck this was embarrassing. Why did he have to be so goddamn greedy?
When he got home, he saw Rick staring at him "Eat anything at school today, Morty?" Rick asked with an edge of sacarsm to his voice. Morty nodded a little too excitedly "Yep. Totally. Gonna go to my room now!"
He rushed to his room and began to do some exercises to get rid of belly fat and searched up ways to feel full without eating. Apparently if he swallowed cotton balls, he would feel full without eating. Perfect. He took some cotton out of his pillow and swallowed it, and it worked! Awesome!
He made a plan to just pretend like he was asleep, then he would throw away the food they saved for him, pretending like he ate it. This went on for week, he gradually became skinner and skinner. Morty was happy whenever he saw his weight go down. He didn't want his family pretending like they cares, so he didn't talk to them, leaving whenever he was in a room with them so they couldn't bring up his weight. Wearing baggy clothes to make it look like he weighed more than he actually did.
He thought he looked amazing. He was finally becoming skinny! This was like heaven. 
Until all hell broke lose. 
Morty was getting ready for school, but it was annoying. Everything felt so heavy, he could hardly move, everywhere was so sore and moving was like a chore. But he didn't want anyone to suspect anything, so he went anyway. He felt so light-headed and his teeth were starting to rot from the cotton he's been swallowing. But at least he finally felt good about how he looked. He proudly stood in front of a mirror, you could his ribcage, his boney arms, his extermely thin legs, his chubby cheeks were long gone by now, being replaced with thin cheekbones. Perfect. In his mind, he looked perfect, as much as he would LOVE to show this off and make everyone in his family jealous, he didn't want anyone to pretend to care. He knew Rick was suspecting something, so he would continue using the baggy clothes, he just wanted to admire himself for a bit. His thighs weren't even touching!
It did take a lot of time to maintain though, he spent 2 hours each day exercising, and of course he had to hide it from the family. He didn't want anyone to force him to eat and turn him fat again. He also felt exhausted all the time, coffee became his new best friend, but a lot of the time it didn't help much. He also constantly felt dizzy and lightheaded. 
He reached for the doorknob, but all of all sudden, his legs felt unable to hold him, and he collapsed to the ground, his vision blurry, he heard the panicked voices of his family members and saw them running towards him before he passed out.He woke up in a hospital. He heard a doctor say "He's awake, he can have visitors, be careful though, he hasn't been eating for a long time, so he's very fragile and it will take a while before he's able to move around like usual, but his metabolism slowed down significantly, so he'll be more likely to gain weight."
He woke up in a hospital. He heard a doctor say "He's awake, he can have visitors, be careful though, he hasn't been eating for a long time, so he's very fragile and it will take a while before he's able to move around like usual, but his metabolism slowed down significantly, so he'll be more likely to gain weight." He saw everyone in his family burst through the door. He saw Rick glaring at him with his arm crossed. Beth with her eyes filling up with tears, while Jerry was crying. Summer was shaking with her eyebrows furrowed.
Rick knew!
Holy shit he knew!
Morty was about to open his mouth to speak, but then Beth gave him a bouquet of flowers and hugged him, sobbing "Oh sweetie are you ok!?" Morty froze "Uhm I'm-" Beth took his face in her hands, grabbing onto his thin cheekbones "You've gotten so thin! I can't believe I never noticed this! I'm a terrible mother!" Beth hiccuped and starting crying, holding onto Morty. Jerry pulled her off of Morty gently and hugged her. He looked at Morty "I'll do anything you want, just please, never do that again!" Morty felt like he was about to cry, he didnt want to make his family upset, he just wanted to look good, but now he fucked it all up. Summer yelled at him "Morty! How could you do that to yourself!? We all saw your ribcage!" Summer looked away to hide the tears in your eyes "Don't you trust us!? Did we do something wrong?!" Morty blinked "I- uhm-" He couldn't find the words, he saw Summer's bottom lip trembling, her fists clenched. Rick walked over to him, Morty blinked "R-Rick- I-I'm so s-" Before he could finish his sentence, he was wrapped up in a hug, he could tell Rick was holding back on hugging Morty tightly. Morty stayed still, even if he wasn't frozen from shock, he was still too weak to hug back. He heard Rick's voice cracking when he said "Don't ever fucking do that again you piece of shit. I almost lost you." Morty stayed quiet "Rick...I'm-" "Shut the fuck up. I'm listening to your heartbeat." "Rick I-" "Shut. Up." Morty stayed quiet while Rick was still hugging him. After a few minutes, Rick let him go. "How long?" Morty gulped "N-not long..." Rick's gaze narrowed "Bull-fucking-shit. Don't fucking lie to me Morty. How. Long." Morty sighed "A...a...uhm...like...10 weeks...b-but it's not that bad!" "You fucking passed out!" "Rick you're overreacting! I ju-" "Do you have any idea how I felt!? I thought you fucking died! What do you think I would do if you died!?" "You don't even care about me!" Rick pinched the bridge of his nose "You're a fucking idiot...you're eating as soon as you get home. " Morty sighed "Rick please don't make me-" "I won't lose you." Morty stayed quiet and nodded. The rest of the family stayed for hours, Beth called off work and everyone gave Morty their full attention, encouraging him to eat as soon as possible, they left when there was 30 minutes left of visiting time, but Rick stayed with Morty as long as he could, yelling at anyone who he deemed as annoying Morty or crowding Morty, urging them to give the kid his personal space, which was rich considering that it was coming from Rick. He was embrassing Morty to no end, but Morty was too weak to argue with Rick. Eventually the hospital staff made him leave, which he did eventually do with a lot of complaining and yelling of course.
Morty just stayed in the hospital bed. He felt lonely. He felt weak. Every part of his body was as heavy as lead. He was finally starting to look good and it was all ripped away from him. And, with all the strength he could muster, a single tear streaked down his cheek, it didn't help that he heard his doctors whispering about him outside of his room, talking about how he needs professional help. His stomach hurt. All he wanted was to go back to his family and for everything to go back like how it used to be. But deep down, he knew it was impossible.
All he could do, was lay in the hospital bed, with an iv tube connected to his frail arm, and wonder what was going to happen next.
What would happen next?
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byfulcrums · 2 years
When I say that I like MariChat I don't mean that I want them to date. I need the platonic BFFs who hang out almost everyday and pull pranks on eachother
Chat Noir is genuinely invested in Marinette's designs, and he lets her ramble about them while also encouraging her to make more
Sometimes they're so bored they chat for hours
They try to play videogames but That's claws make it hard for him to use the controllers
Marinette gives Chat stuff she gets from the bakery. Chat loves it and eats all of them everytime because he doesn't really get to eat sugary stuff at Adrien Agreste and God knows that he needs to gain a little more weight
Chat once mentioned how annoying his diet is (without saying why he has to follow it) and how since he actually exercises a lot more than what people think he does, he finds himself losing way to much weight for it to be healthy. Ever since then, Marinette makes sure to give him as many food as she can whenever he drops by. (She did the same for Adrien after he complained about his diet to Nino while she was right beside him)
Chat Noir will never shut up about Ladybug until Marinette accidentally mentions her crush on this guy who goes to the same school as her. Now, he's always trying to get her to talk about him
Marinette uses a small laser to entertain Chat when she's annoyed with him. She had to do it more carefully when Chat, trying to chase the red dot, accidentally fell out of the window and caught her parents's attention with the trash
Chat tries to help her with homework
Marinette swears that if she ever finds out who Chat's dad is, she's going to beat him to death
Chat once laughed while he was drinking milk and it came out of his nose. It took him twenty-five minutes to calm down and it was very hard for Marinette to explain to her parents why they could hear uncontrollable male laughter coming from her room
When things are too hard with his dad, Chat runs away and sleeps on Marinette's balcony. He said he'd stop doing it after Marinette caught him, but now she just invites him to her room and has a small sleepover with him
Marinette will *never* stop mentioning the time where Chat Noir accidentally rubbed his face on catnip and went to her house high. Chat is still embarrassed
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dionysianchub · 1 year
Fatty liver anon here. Did they say why you have it specifically? Its very rarely caused by just being fat, it's usually health issues that can also make you gain weight. If it's alcohol related that's an obvious fix (harder in practice of course), if not there are a few different routes to go down
I'm 5'6 and 240lbs (gained 70lbs so far intentionally after gaining 35lbs from pcos, learning you can't just lose pcos weight with diet and exercise, and realising just being a feeder wasnt what I needed) and while they did say it can sometimes help to lose weight it's more about the pcos which caused insulin resistance and high cholesterol (for other people it can also be from diabetes, underactive thyroid, high blood pressure etc).
As I said I take inositol for the IR but I did also make a lot of lifestyle changes. I've had improvements whilst also lowering how many simple carbs I have and eating more complex carbs and fats instead (dairy isn't great for insulin resistance so I eat so many avocados, nuts and other plant oils as well as oily fish), taking those little cholesterol drinks containing plant sterols, and upping my fibre a lot with both oat bran and psyllium husk. I swim, go on walks, lift weights, and do some of Dr la thoma's YouTube functional bodyweight workout videos+stretches (being specific cause I do rate them for fat people, shes tiny but most are about functionality and ability over athleticism— We aren't in her mind but it's adaptable and useful) for general health/wellbeing and to hopefully keep the visceral fat % and liver fat lower as I gain. I also take milk thistle tablets because some studies show it's good for repairing and protecting the liver. I can't say what specifically has helped the most but I'm keeping it all up because it's working, you'll probably end up doing some experimenting. It sounds overwhelming written out like this but it really wasn't
They said I should try weight loss as well of course but I explained "it would be bad for my mental health so tell me what you'd tell a skinny person" and they dropped it. They tell me I'm obese every time I see them of course because I'm fatter every visit but accept it's not the sole or best treatment option. If you have an ED history they can be more understanding about avoiding WL. I'm personally willing to do anything except lose weight unless I get big enough that I can then lose the 5% recommended (visceral fat goes first, or so they say, and that's around what people can reliably keep off) and still feel good about my body.
One nurse tried to say something about me being on testosterone and only stopped when she realised the gel doesn't metabolise the same way, I'm sure you know what they can be like just don't be surprised if someone decides to blame T. Trans broken arm syndrome strikes again.
Sorry this is long and very ()()()(), I hope it's helpful enough to compensate.
This is wildly helpful! My doctor hasn't even called me since testing, this is just what I've seen from the results of the ultrasound and MRI, but I do know that at the time my liver values were evaluated they did discover I had an underactive thyroid. I've been placed on a synthetic thyroid hormone for the last month or so. Hopefully that helps? I also know that prior to my diagnosis I was eating a ton of sugary foods and carbs, so I've been trying to cut those and eat a more mindful diet. I'll look into the supplements and videos you mentioned as well! Thank you so so much for all your advice!! 💜💜💜
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foolishjudas · 1 year
I need help. I’ve been ⭐️ving for like 17 days straight (<300 cals per day) and literally gained 3 lbs. I’ve tried more protein, more fiber, only eating fruit for days, drinking more water, avoiding all the things that make fasts easier, yoga and Pilates rather than regular exercise, eating small amounts over extended periods, eating one big meal and nothing else, cutting out my maintenance days completely, NOTHING has worked. I’ve hit those points where you stop losing weight before, but during those times I’ve only ever maintained the weight I had. I’ve never gained back weight like this and I’m fucking panicking.
any advice, explanation, anything from anyone would mean the actual world. I’m so freaked out I can’t think straight. If you have anything to say PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me.
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As many of you know, I lived in a frat house in college. What you may not know is that our house bled so much money that we stopped vetting people. As a result, I spent the worst 3 years of my life in a building that was eventually condemned. It was Lord of the Flies in there.
Read all options carefully before voting. Names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent.
Levi: Has apparently never worked a dishwasher in his life. Possibly unfamiliar with the concept of showering. Will offer to cook for the entire house, then will wipe dirt off his foot and go back to handling meat without washing his hands in the process. Is completely fine with the roaches in the microwave.
Connor: A hedonist by nature, Connor's goal in life is to sleep with as many men as possible. His room is a revolving door of guys ages 19 to 45. Has a drinking problem and falls into a weekly trap where he will drink too much, pick a fight with someone at random, and then start crying. This makes everyone at the party uncomfortable.
Harlow: When diagnosed with several mental illnesses, Harlow said, "I don't need therapy, I can exercise 5 hours a day and that will cure me." It did not work. She tried to steal my ADHD meds because she heard they could make you lose weight but instead she stole my mood stabilizers and we found out who the crazy one was. Every month or so she'd try to kill someone in the house, but she was pretty bad at it, so it was an inconvenience more than anything.
Topher: Topher will not move out of the basement, because doing so would require him to get a job. Instead, he's an amateur bootlegger who has contracted every infectious disease known to man. You will come home semi-regularly to find that one of his projects has taken over the entire dining room.
Katy: Katy has not consumed any media in the last 5 years besides Harry Potter, which she religiously rewatches and rereads. Possibly as a consequence of this, Katy does not believe that the humanities are important and will outright call you stupid if you do not study STEM. She also harbors a vendetta against the Irish, cat people, and baseball fans.
Mark: A sheltered only child, Mark does not know the common courtesies of living with other people. He will occupy the bathroom for 45 minutes in the morning without telling anyone else or asking if it's a good time. He will leave beard trimmings over every sink. He will eat your food, and you can no longer hang out in the living room, because he and his 12 closest friends are down there smoking weed and watching anime between the hours of 4pm and 2am.
Dani: Dani might be an unfair option, because Dani does not technically live in the house. She lives with her boyfriend, but if her parents found out about that, they would disown her, so she rents a room in the house and has her name on the lease. Downside: Dani will block you if you ask her to pay rent or utilities because "I don't actually live there." For the purposes of this exercise, you do not make enough money to cover her share.
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softcore-bitch · 11 months
~ tips for losing weight the wrong way
(first and foremost, im not encouraging this or agreeing that this is in any way safe, healthy, or okay. just stating things that i do. please do not push yourself to the point where you end up in hospitals, you’re malnourished, or suicidal. my dms are open for discussion if you need to talk. yes, i eat less and exercise frequently to lose weight, but i do not starve myself completely to the point where i’m unwell or can’t enjoy cravings from time to time, and neither should you. <3)
• if you struggle with binging:
- brush your teeth when you’re craving; the mint taste will ruin the taste of snacks
- try more hobbies to fill your day instead of eating when bored
- maybe start by choosing one day to binge and the others to eat regular meals
- stop eating after 8 pm until you wake up
• instead of starving yourself completely…
- try at least eating soup, fruits, salads, low calorie snacks
- don’t go below 1000-1200 calories a day (might sound like a lot, but anything lower is psychologically considered total starvation)
- look up safer diets/eat healthier foods instead of cutting off food completely
- at least eat full meals 3-4 days a week
• more not so great tips that i do
- talk a lot during meal times to distract others from how little im eating while cutting up the food and waving it around my mouth (at least eat half)
- if a large portion, i’ll eat half and get a to-go box to “eat” the rest later
- pretend i’m sick to eat less and only eat soup and crackers
- cut out sweets every other week or every two weeks (but not completely don’t torture yourself)
- track your calorie intake
- sit-ups in bed
- invest in a waist trainer
- if you already ate a lot and have cravings, chew the food then spit it out
- increase water intake
- don’t drink your calories, eat them
- eat ice when craving
~ for now, that’s all i have, but i’m going to stress this again: please do not completely starve yourself, and at least eat a full meal once a day. don’t torture yourself by never eating things you like. it really really does get better, just don’t get weak succumb to your disorder the way i have done now. your body is beautiful, my body is beautiful. you just have to believe it.
reminders: a malnourished brain can kill you. don’t hide food in your room, it attracts bugs. you risk your ability to have kids. your body will develop more hair to make up for the loss fat in your body. you’ll start to not even recognize yourself.
i’m well aware of my hypocrisy and the fact that i also clearly have an eating disorder, i just want to make it a bit safer for my fellows who are choosing the most dangerous options. stay safe, discussions are open. <3
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flyingfitandsugarfree · 3 months
Coming back to this blog
I think I'm about ready to try and have a healthy relationship with food. As I mentioned on main, I've had some ED struggles, which is why I've not been active on here. I still have a bit more weight I'd like to lose, but I want to do it in a healthier and more sustainable way.
Some things I'd like to work towards (trigger warning for ED behaviour):
Not binge eating. This has been the bane of my existence for years, and it recently worsened into binge-purge or binge-starve patterns. It's draining and makes me hate myself and I don't want to do it anymore, I absolutely need to get a handle on this and it's my top priority.
If I do binge: not compensating with fasting.
Start eating proper meals again. My meals shrank in size as I divided my portions smaller and then cut out the carb part of my meal. But recently I've not been eating meals at all, instead just buying a protein bar or some dried fruit and calling that my lunch/dinner. I want to go back to having actual meals, even if my portions are small, and work my way up to having proper portions again.
Start exercising daily again. I've barely exercised at all for the past month because I've not had the energy.
Eat around my BMR's worth of calories ±200 daily. I don't really like the idea of eating that much, it makes me uncomfortable, so I don't want to push it. But I need to stop aiming for such low numbers as it triggers binge behaviours when I go over.
Drink less coke/pepsi zero, oh my GOD this has got SO OUT OF HAND, I drank four litres of the stuff yesterday, I have a fucking problem
Have a healthy, balanced diet with plenty of fibre, fruits & veggies and protein.
Allow myself a daily treat. Because otherwise I just binge all the things I want to eat in one go.
Eventually, I'd like to be able to buy multipacks of chocolate/sweets etc and have them in the house for when I get peckish/need an energy boost. Right now I can't do that because knowing it's there stresses me out or I just end up eating it all in one sitting (or I'll stress about it for several hours until I end up binging it just so it's all gone). Might take me a while to get there though.
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healthy444 · 8 months
How can I lose weight without dieting?
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Losing weight without following a traditional diet can be achieved by making sustainable lifestyle changes that promote a healthy and balanced approach to eating and physical activity. Here are some tips to help you lose weight without strict dieting:
Eat Mindfully: Pay attention to what you eat, and savor each bite. Avoid distractions like watching TV or using your phone while eating. Listen to your body’s hunger and fullness cues. Stop eating when you feel satisfied, not overly full.
Choose Nutrient-Dense Foods: Opt for whole, unprocessed foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats. Prioritize nutrient-dense foods that provide essential vitamins and minerals without excess calories.
Portion Control: Be mindful of portion sizes. Use smaller plates to help control portions and avoid overeating. Pay attention to serving sizes listed on food packaging.
Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Sometimes, feelings of hunger can be mistaken for dehydration. Limit sugary drinks and opt for water, herbal tea, or other low-calorie beverages.
Regular Physical Activity: Engage in regular exercise, incorporating both cardiovascular activities (like walking, jogging, or cycling) and strength training. Find activities you enjoy to make exercise a sustainable part of your routine.
Get Enough Sleep: Lack of sleep can disrupt hormones related to hunger and stress, potentially leading to weight gain. Aim for 7–9 hours of quality sleep per night.
Stress Management: Chronic stress can contribute to overeating. Practice stress-reducing activities such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises.
Incorporate Healthy Habits Gradually: Make small, sustainable changes to your lifestyle over time. This can include gradually increasing your vegetable intake or reducing added sugars.
Social Support: Share your goals with friends or family, and consider joining a supportive community or group to stay motivated.
Be Patient and Realistic: Weight loss takes time, and it’s important to set realistic goals. Focus on overall health rather than rapid weight loss.
Fiber-Rich Foods: Include plenty of fiber in your diet by eating foods like whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables. Fiber helps you feel full and satisfied, reducing the likelihood of overeating.
Eat Regularly: Aim for regular, balanced meals and snacks throughout the day. Skipping meals may lead to overeating later on.
Limit Processed Foods: Minimize your intake of highly processed and packaged foods, which often contain added sugars, unhealthy fats, and empty calories.
Healthy Cooking Methods: Choose healthier cooking methods such as baking, grilling, steaming, or sautéing instead of frying. This helps reduce the overall calorie content of your meals.
Stay Consistent: Consistency is key. Stick to your healthy eating and exercise habits even on weekends or during special occasions.
Enjoy Treats in Moderation: Allow yourself occasional treats or indulgences, but practice moderation. You don’t need to eliminate your favorite foods.
Track Your Progress: Keep track of your meals, physical activity, and progress. This can help you stay accountable and identify areas for improvement.
Set Realistic Goals: Set achievable, realistic goals for yourself. Celebrate small victories and use setbacks as opportunities to learn and adjust your approach.
Mindful Eating Practices: Pay attention to hunger and fullness cues. Eat slowly, savoring each bite, and be aware of the taste and texture of your food.
Build Healthy Habits Into Your Routine: Integrate healthy habits into your daily routine, such as taking the stairs, walking more, or preparing meals at home.
Diversify Your Workouts: Keep your exercise routine interesting by incorporating various activities. This can include walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, or trying out different fitness classes.
Hydration Before Meals: Drink a glass of water before meals to help control your appetite. Sometimes, thirst can be mistaken for hunger.
Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself. Weight loss journeys can have ups and downs, and it’s essential to approach them with self-compassion rather than perfectionism.
Remember, the key is to adopt habits that you can maintain in the long run. Sustainable lifestyle changes are more likely to lead to lasting weight management compared to short-term, restrictive diets. If you have any existing health conditions or concerns, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet or exercise routine.
P.S: Want to know the best solution to lose weight without leaving your favorite food, just check this out here!
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hozaloza · 7 months
Ryan Angst Oneshot (TW!! Eating Disorder?, Vomit)
🛑TW- Vomit, eating disorder
Ryan stared at the food, grimacing at it before he pushed it away. He sighed as he got up from the table, picking up the plate full of food, then throwing it in the trash. His stomach growled, but he felt repulsed by the thought of food. Just thinking about the weight he could gain from it put a knot in his throat. So, he apt to drinking more water, then forced himself to bed.
His stomach pained him all night. He could barely sleep at all. But it was definitely better than getting fatter. 'Can't make fun of my weight now...' he thought, turning to his side. Ryan groaned as he curled up into a ball, holding his stomach. It was so unbearable, so painful... but he wasn't giving up yet. 'Just a few more pounds...' is all that ran through his head, over and over again.
The next morning, the raven-haired boy got up groggily, rubbing his eyes. He felt completely worn out, but he had to get ready for school. Hesitantly, he got out of his bed, walking to the bathroom. He took a shower, brushed his teeth, got changed, then got his bookbag, walking out the door. 
"Hey Ry-Ry! Woah, you look like a mess! Didn't get any sleep last night?" Thomas asked, clutching his bag strap as he began walking with him. Ryan stayed silent for a moment, thinking up an excuse. 
"Yeah... I was up finishing some homework." He lied. Thomas chuckled, then went on about how he could've just asked him for the answers. Eventually, Jasmine caught up to them.
"What's up idiots! How are my favorite knuckleheads doing??" She asked, wrapping her arms around the both of them. Ryan didn't react much, sighing annoyingly at the annoyance. But he took notice of Thomas's face turning red, chuckling nervously at the loud-mouthed girl. "I brought y'all some snacks, hope you guys enjoy it!" She stated, handing them both donut balls. 
"Yoo! Thank you so much! I love these." Thomas happily said, immediately eating one of his. However, Ryan stared at the small bag, not wanting to eat it. 'I'll gain weight...' he thought. The raven-haired boy handed the bag back to Jasmine, forcing a smile.
"Thanks, but I had a big breakfast." He stated. Jasmine gazed at him for a moment, possibly looking past his lie, but regardless, she shrugged, swinging her bookbag off to shove the donuts into her bag. 
"Alright, if you insist."
 As the group chatted at lunch, Ryan couldn't help but feel extremely worn out. It was only 4th period, and he was ready to die. His friends kept asking if he was sure he didn't want to eat, and he kept saying he wasn't hungry. But he was, he very was. The pain and growling really gave it away. It had been like this for a week now, and so far he lost 5 pounds. It may have been good for other people, but to Ryan, it was barely anything. How could he only lose 5 pounds? Maybe he had to exercise too...? Yes. That was what he needed. So, when he got home from school, he immediately began working out. His body was weak, but that wasn't stopping him. He had to lose this fat, he had to... 
Another 5 days passed, and he now had lost a total of 13 pounds. Yet his appearance barely changed. He still had stomach fat, and Ryan began to get frustrated with himself. Once while his parents were away, he kept beating himself up, a punishment. 
"You. fucking. fat. bitch!" He yelled, hitting himself with a belt. Ryan screamed, throwing the belt across the room. Panting heavily, he walked back to the bathroom, hovering over the toilet. Ryan began gagging, making an effort to throw up. After 5 minutes, he finally managed to puke something up. He felt nauseous. His body felt tired. His bones were weak, no longer wanting to hold himself up. Ryan slowly got up, walking towards his bed. He immediately fell down on the pillow, softly crying himself to slumber. 
He was tired.
He just wanted to eat.
But he couldn't.
Because all food was disgusting. 
He was disgusting.
I posted this on Wattpad as well.
Sorry if the eating disorder isn't accurate in this. I'm not very knowledgeable about this topic, that's why I put the question mark next to it)
Also, I'm currently obsessing over Ryan rn, and I have this weird thing where I make my favorites suffer,,, uh.
Hope you liked this angst.
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heatherdiariez · 8 months
Some advice I found on Reddit <3
REPEAT AFTER ME: This year I WILL get skinny. No matter what it takes. What you EAT in private you WEAR in public.
Tips not to eat:
-Think about how much eating has caused you sadness as a result of ur weight!
-Think of something to kill ur appetite, like remember a comment someone has made on ur body, look at pics of urself, look in a mirror, look at people who are heavier than u and remember you don’t want to turn out like them!
-Think about ur partner’s exes or crushes. Ur so much uglier than them, right? So much fatter. Don’t you want to make sure they actually love you? How do you know that if they have never been attracted to ur type of body before?
-Think about how many people will want you. How many men will have to resist trying to touch you. That’s what you want, right? The attention? To be taken advantage of? You won’t get that at your current weight, fatty.
-Eating makes u feel upset and disgusting and regretful, don’t do that to yourself!! ):
-Not eating for a few days actually feels good so keep going!!
-Ur skin will look soo much better drinking so much water and not eating all that disgusting grease.
-You are strong enough to push thru the hunger. U deserve to love yourself and feel beautiful for the first time in ur life. Don’t you want to finally be beautiful?
-Do u wanna keep getting fatter, pig? No? Then ignore the urges, ignore the cravings. Don’t be so fucking weak LOL. Don’t fuck this up for us. Put the fucking food down, go drink some water n go do something actually productive with ur time. U will never get a flat stomach and a thigh gap if u keep fucking pigging out all the time. Absolutely pathetic. U say ur strong enough to not eat and then you go binge whenever u can. Ur so weak you use DID to ur fucking advantage! When ur tired of starving yourself u let someone who wants to eat in front bc ur too weak to stay. Ur too weak to get the body of your dreams. How could you even say u have an eating disorder when ur so fucking fat? Yeah disordered eating cus u eat so fucking much and never stop like goddamn. People stare at u because ur so fat and gross. Imagine if people stared at u because they’re in awe of how beautiful and small u are. Don’t you want that? Don’t you want to be like them? U will never get there if u keep letting food control u, pig. Fucking fatty. You’re so pathetic you can’t even exercise for more than 5 minutes. Push urself. Push urself until u fucking pass out because it’s what u deserve. U abused ur body to get this fat now you need to abuse it to get skinny. Stop making fucking excuses and get your weight under control. Ur not special. So many people have lost weight. It’s not that fucking hard. Fast, restrict, work out until you feel sick, do whatever you need to do to get rid of that disgusting belly of urs. You think ur thin enough to eat that? You’re delusional.
-U think u can eat all that and still be thin? U know the minute you put that in ur mouth ur gonna regret it. You'll gain and gain and you'll be the same pig u always were. Once a pig always a pig! Do u like being the fat friend? The fat girlfriend? The one that everyone will always look at and think, damn, how did they ever manage to score such a hottie? A fatty like her doesn't deserve a bombshell like them. Just look at urself in the mirror. That should be enough motivation for u. You don't need that scoop of icecream. You don't need that brownie. U look fucking stupid thinking u even deserve calories like that at the weight ur at lol. U think if you keep up with this u will ever reach ur gw? Keep fucking dreaming! Why do u even have a gw? It's not like u will ever achieve it you fucking whale. Every time I see u ur eating again. Do you really let food run ur fucking life like that? How sad. Maybe if u didn't eat all the goddamn time you could lose a few- hell, u could probably lose a lot! Do u always want people to see u as the fucking beer belly bitch with no ass? If ur gonna be fat at least be curvy. But ur NOT. You look like every bitch on my 500 pound life. Disgusting. Stop eating. All i see is ur goddamn stomach. Ur new diet is water. You want to get thin? THEN. STOP. FUCKING. EATING.
-U rlly gotta stop thinking about that fast food. You don't need that shit, look how fat u are. Do u wanna be a pig? Food doesn't control you. Snap out of it. You want something sweet? Oh, you want one cookie? I fucking know you, you slob. One cookie turns into two, into three, into four, into the whole fucking bag. U have no self control. It's better to starve yourself. It's just like the fucking nicotine. You couldn't cut it out gradually. So u had to go cold turkey. Food is the same. Starve yourself. Dieting wont work. YOU NEED TO STARVE.
-It's so sad seeing u like this. So fat, so pathetic. If it weren't for them, you would have a scale. But I know u would hide it in the corner, or under the bed. You would hide it like a coward bc u cant face the reality of how fat u are. Wasn't it so embarrassing to see almost 300 fucking pounds on the scale at the doctors? Aren't you ashamed? U should be. Think about how good u will feel when u see the weight coming off of u. Ur not gonna ever reach ur gw if you keep fucking eating. So stay away from the goddamn food.
-U know what's better than stuffing ur face with shitty food? Watching the numbers go down on a scale. Watching ur skin get clearer. Eating juicy, nourishing fruits and vegetables and feeling satisfied instead of brownies, hamburgers and other crap that you'll only regret. Eventually having all the clothes in the store fit, never having to find ur size exclusively online. Never having to look in Shein Plus again. Never having to cry in the dressing room again because ur muffin top wont let u zip up ur jeans. Having smaller, perkier breasts instead of saggy disgusting ones. Being able to wear short shorts, skirts, low rise, and bikinis without worrying about ur stomach and your ass and your thighs and ur arms. All of it is gross and lumpy because of cellulite and fat. Imagine heads turning in admiration, instead of disgust. Having a hot body when everyone around u is out of shape or obese. Having curves, but not because of fat but because of the shape of ur body. All this fat makes you look misshapen. Losing fat will make ur hips and butt look bigger in comparison. Isn't that what u want? Having stores that always cater to ur size. Not having to shop online or in places like Torrid or other plus-size shops. Not having to pay EXTRA because they need to use EXTRA FABRIC because ur that fucking fat. Being able to go to thrift stores without dreading it because u know they will have something that fits u, instead of moping around and looking at the household items instead because theres no cute clothes that will fit ur pig body. Being able to wear tight clothes without looking like bread baked around twine. Being able to wear high heels without ur feet hurting after 5 min because u have to put so much fat and weight on stilts. Having a body u can show off instead of hide. Being able to go out without makeup or fancy clothes and still look beautiful. More defined facial features, neck, visible cheekbones. Not needing to wear a bra with everything bc ur boobs are too big and saggy. Not having to wear shapewear or tummy concealing jeans. Spending less money on food and feeling great about urself.
-Don't u even want to be beautiful? Think about it. Is stuffing ur fucking face beautiful? Would a beautiful person eat like u? No. You're disgusting. Beautiful is bones, Collarbones, hipbones. U keep saying you wanna look like them but you clearly dont- because u keep fucking eating like the goddamn pig u are. Go to ur room. Drink the water. Close ur eyes and imagine urself running ur fingers down your ribcage. Can't feel them at all rn can you, fatty? Imagine what it would be like to feel ur hipbones. Imagine ur fingers not looking like sausages. It would be wonderful, wouldn't it? Oh, ur hungry? Too fucking bad. Remember the joy u felt when you saw the weight go down? Embrace that. Remember that. Never fucking forget what ur fighting for. Imagine getting lighter. And lighter. And lighter. Eventually, ur at ur first gw. Then ur second. Wouldn't that feel great? Well, youll never get there if u keep eating like that. Dont. Fucking. Eat. You can be like those girls in the pictures. Ur shirts will be baggy and u wont look like a blimp. U can wear low rise. U can wear crop tops. U can wear miniskirts. All in public, with no judgement. Not only do you look fucking gross wearing them now, but they're impossible to find in ur size, because someone as fat as you SHOULDN'T be wearing that shit. U look stupid. Think about all the pants u have ruined by your thick ugly thighs rubbing together and making a hole. Think about all the crop tops u second guess wearing out because you look disgusting. Think about all the clothes u see on shein, but u can never buy, because they don't carry ur size. Think about how youre a size fucking FOUR XL on shein. Absolutely disgusting. Imagine being able to buy what u want, wear what u want, and feel beautiful doing it. That sounds good, right? It takes time. The more u eat, the longer it'll take. The more you give up on urself the more impossible it will feel to be skinny again. So start TODAY. NO EXCUSES.
If u were skinny, men would approach u
If u were skinny, you would finally feel desirable
If u were skinny, men would catcall u on the street
If u were skinny, you'd get all the attention u never had
If u were skinny, u wouldnt feel like a burden
If u were skinny, u wouldn't have to keep making them upset every time u throw a tantrum about ur weight
If u were skinny, the men in the system would feel less dysphoric
If u were skinny, you could wear whatever u wanted
If u stop eating, u wont be the "ugly girlfriend"
If u stop eating, u wont be embarrassed about eating in public
If u stop eating, your boyfriend could actually pick u up
If u stop eating, your parents would be so proud.
Some reasons to keep starving!:
-No more muffin top -No more shame -U can look good in skirts/tights -You wont be built like a fat airpod anymore -Losing weight will make ur butt look bigger in comparison -U wont be the fat one anymore -U can look cute in baggy shirts instead of gross -No more embarrassing jiggling -Won't feel dumb for running or jogging in public -Wont feel gross for eating in public -No more chubby cheeks n double chin -U already have a round face. The fat makes it rounder. U look stupid -Ur arms wont flab -Better, cheaper cosplays (please, like anyone would wanna see u as u are right now in a Panther cosplay!) -Small and dainty wrists -Long and slim fingers -Bony hands, ankles -Skinny back. Beautiful rib cage. Hip bones. Collar bones. -U can actually be picked up! -Beautiful and tiny stomach -Skinny jeans will look better on u -You will actually be able to wear low rise, crop tops, etc -You'll look better as a gyaru/mcbling girl. No one wants to see a fat gyaru -Knee high socks wont constantly roll down -So many cute outfits u have always wanted to wear -Simplest outfits make u look good, even pj pants and a tshirt -Being someone's goal -Your legs will look longer -Cute underwear and pjs -Men in the system will be less gender dysphoric -Littles in the system will be less age dysphoric -Remember, ur helping all of them. -Getting random compliments from strangers -U will finally be good enough.
10 Questions for you, before eating;
Am I going to be happy with myself after I eat this?
Am I really hungry, or am I just bored?
Am I really hungry, or do I just like the taste?
Is this food what I planned on eating today?
Will this food nourish me in a healthy way?
Have I drank water yet?
How much have I eaten in the last 24 hours?
If I had to eat this in front of a live audience, would I be embarrassed?
What would my parents say about me eating this?
Is this food worth my misery in being fat?
->Be patient. U didnt gain all that overnight, so ur not gonna lose it overnight. ->Flavor is temporary but the weight gain is permanent. ->It's nobody's fault but ur own. ->Do it for ur future self ->Don't get overwhelmed by ur ugw. Take it one day at a time. focus on ur first gw. ->More water and vegetables, less junk food. Be careful with fruit. ->Chew sugar free gum+ice to control cravings ->Picture urself being skinny. Never forget what u COULD look like. ->Go outside a lot. Look at other people who are thin. Don't u want to be like them? ->NO EXCUSES!!!!! ->Always look at this document before eating. ->Keep going. U can do it!!!
Diet Rules:
-Keep starving. Hunger comes in cycles. It may hurt for 30 min, but eventually, the pain will go away and u will be fine again.
-Drink water and tea, but don't drink any sugary drinks.
-Carefully examine calories. Always.
-If u cant count calories (ex home cooked meals,) be VERY mindful of portions and what ur eating.
No red meat or bacon.
No sweets or baked goods or anything of the sort.
Keep bread and carbs to a MINIMUM.
Avoid cheese whenever u can, try to cut out as much dairy as u can
Eat lots of chicken and egg whites. No egg yolks.
If ur eating pasta, eat it plain or with a TINY bit of red sauce
No butter.
Dark chocolate when ur craving sweets
GREEN TEA GREEN TEA GREEN TEA (or any detox tea)
Avoid very salty things
-Stay fit. Make sure to do workouts or at least stretches every single day.
-If u binge, suck it up and start again. Don't lose faith.
-Drink at least 2.5L of water a day
-Take vitamins every day
-Weigh urself in the morning
-Exercise before u eat so u will be losing fat not calories
-Wear tight/bulky clothes when exercising to sweat more
-Drink warm water before u eat and cold water after u eat
-Get out of the house and distract urself whenever u need to eat
-If ur rlly rlly hungry, go smoke a cigarette. Then u will have to take all the time to go outside, smoke, come back inside, shower then get dressed again. By the time u do all that (plus the nicotine,) you probably wont be hungry anymore
-Look at thinspo/instagram comments/tumblr pr04n4 when in doubt
-When u want to binge or are binging take a shot of 2tsp apple cider vinegar to stop cravings
You want them to be able to put their hands around your waist, but you can barely fit your hands around your wrist. You want to go days without eating but you can hardly do 24 hours. You want hipbones but you can't even see your ribs. You want a thigh gap but you cant see past your stomach. You want to be thin and dainty. But you have no patience. Things take time. But you're so impatient that you think after just a week that nothing is going to change. So you binge. Then you start up again. And you stop and binge. You have a recurring habit when you dont see results fast enough you need to stop. Stick to your plan for a day. Stick to your plan every day until those days become a week. And then two weeks. And then a month. Maybe three. Then you start getting the results you want. First, you couldn't even fit your thumb and middle finger around your wrist. Three months in it's your thumb and your pinkie. At first, twenty four whole hours of starving was torture. Three months later and the pain is your drug. First you had a stomach you felt embarrassed in. Three months in and all ribs are visible and your hipbones stand out through your jeans. First, you wore holes in your jeans where your thighs rubbed together, the dark marks on your skin from the rashes of chaffing whenever you wore skirts was a constant reminder of your struggle. Three months in and your legs are elegant, they no longer touch and you feel free. Three months in, you're skinny, you did it. You will be thin. You will be beautiful. Skinny. Tiny. Dainty. Beautiful.
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30 tips and tricks for thin body So here are some of my favorite tips that I find really helpful (and true) for being thin… #1 Drink a cup of water right after you wake up, it gets your stomach working #2 Don’t drink diet coke, it still has sugars in it #3 Take contrast showers (hot water, cold water, hot water…) it gets your blood flowing and fat burning #4 Spinach has a very little amount of calories #5 If you don’t like sports or exercise take up walking. IT BURNS CALIRIES AND DOES SO MUCH GOOD #6 For fat burning the best exercise is intensive fitness (or any kind of cardio) or power yoga. #7 Don’t eat 4 hours before sleep #8 Always eat breakfast. If not, your body turns on suvivior mode and saves calories #9 Get a good night sleep #10 Drink green tea #11 Eat nuts and avacados but remember, they have fat. Healthy fat but still fat. #12 Avoid salt #13 Avoid sweetened yoghurt, they might say that it’s healthy or something but buying non-fat or sugar yoghurt and adding jam or berries is so much better #14 This is a hard one… Don’t weight yourself every day, you’ll go crazy. Weight doesn’t change that fast #15 Don’t stress if you’re not losing weight, sometimes you build muscle mass and burn weight but fat and muscle looks completly diffrent #16 Taking a fast day once in a while is not bad but once you don’t eat for 6 hours your metabolism slows down and you loose less calories #17 Eat as little processed foods as possible (pasta, rice, meat, sauces…) #18 Don’t eat sugary foods also don’t drink sugary drinks. Even juices, they have lots of sugar. Drink water, tea or fresh squeezed juices. #19 Pineapple burns calories #20 Half a grapefruit beforebreakfast helps you burn fat #21 When picking out food seasoning choose something without salt #22 Buy jeans that are a little bit too tight, it’ll keep you motivated #23 Sit with your back straight and abs flexed. That way you’ll strengthen your abs #24 Don’t just do 300 crunches and hope for a flat belly. No muscle needs that many repetitions, take up different ab workouts. #25 Don’t eat when you’re not hungry #26 Drink a big glass of water before every meal #27 Eat as slow as possible. Chew everything till it’s almost liquid, then swallow. #28 Stop eating before you’re full. #29 Don’t drink while eating or right after the meal. When you eat, you’re lighting a fire in your sromach, as you’re drinking you’re flushing it. #30 Keep yourself busy. Go wor a walk or a bike ride. Go shopping. Meet a friend. If you’ll sit at home watching tv shows, you will be more likely to stary binging BONUS TIP!! #31 Do things that make you happy.
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