#i must say candy and barnaby are not the best of friends
sidegiullaascrivess · 4 months
If requests are open... Could youuuu write Skid and Pump playing video games together? Like some spooky party game or smth
a/n: awee!! that's such an adorable prompt:(( also, thank you for the request! hope you enjoy this!
°★Skid and Pump playing video games together★°
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word count: 460
warnings: none!
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There must be no better way to bond than playing video games, let it be during Halloween or not. And so, little, adorable giggles meet comically loud and fast-paced footsteps as the two children go downstairs in delight, with Skid having the game cassette in his small hand, hastily followed by his best friend.
After the former places the disk in the speficic fissure of the console and turns the TV on, the two don't hesitate to hop on the couch as soon as they reach it, the impact on the soft cushions making both bounce before they properly sit. The screen enlightens their bodies as the title of the party game Skid bought is revealed, making him and Pump smile with glee, the two giggling while pressing “Start”.
As they play, they quickly maneuver the joysticks to their leisure, having fun in their own world, fighting and going on adventures as they would usually do outside, carelessly; as one would say, in that moment, they were just children being children. Two small children who would laugh at the occasional jumpscares rather than, as it would be expected, be scared of them. Under Lila's presence at the other side of the room, they occasionally are checked on, and receive snacks and candies whenever they'd ask them.
I think they'd play something along the lines of Billie Bust Up! or A Hat in Time, specifically because I don't believe Lila would let them play games for a more mature audience, but Barnaby and Snatcher would definitely be two of the scary, in their opinion, aspects they'd enjoy. Mix them with the Super Mario Party saga and there you go, the kind of game the two would play all day and night, if possible.
It would not always be and indoor event however, because hanging out a lot meant exploring as many places as possible, and no wonder they would find themselves in an arcade building while celebrating the spookiest day of the spookiest month. That would lead to two scenarios: the first, being them preparing as many cents as possible to just enrich the staff while playing without a care in the world; and that's how they'd leave, without even looking back for a glimpse of their small paradise, without even realizing they may have, may have not broken the various games, as a result of one or their many, usual shenanigans, and that would specifically be the second scenario which, guess what, would appear more frequently than thought. Mess or not, overall, they would play roleplay games, Pacman, unironically because of the ghosts but surprisingly, rhythm games! After all, they can and will be groovy effortlessly with the right spooky vibes!
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immagrosscandy · 4 years
[At Divination]
Talbott: *sigh* I hate Divination so much
Candy: then why are you coming in the first place? i thought you'd choose something different
Talbott: That’s not your concern
Candy: ...dude, you don’t stop complaining about how divination doesn’t make sense, still i’m watching you failing to read my palm
Talbott: Well, why are YOU taking it? You are as skeptical as me, you make fun of Trelawney and you’ve slept in the corner of the class with Jae more than once.
Candy: i don’t have a choice this game doesn’t have other classes to go i was curious. of course it wasn’t my first choice but i wanted to know if it’s possible to watch one's future through a crystal ball or something.
Talbott: Is that so?
Candy: yeah, but at the end it dissapointed me like everything in my life
[The class ends, and everyone go outside]
Barnaby: You know Candy, I’ve been taking these clases since you’re here
Candy: what?
Barnaby: I thought it was gonna be fun spending some quality time with you, since you’re really funny and cool. And boy I was right! Even though you don’t talk much, when you do you always light up the mood
Candy: awww, Barnaby
Candy: but why are you telling me this?
Barnaby: Maybe Talbott has the same reason but he’s just too shy to tell you. After all, he always seems to enjoy sitting and chatting with you, talking about things I don’t understand and touching each other’s hands
Candy: ...
Candy: you... you think so?
Barnaby: Yeah probably! Don’t get your hopes too high tho, you know I’m not the smartest
Candy: ...yeah
Barnaby: Candy why are you smiling so widly? It’s kinda creepy, no offense
Candy: allergies
Barnaby: Wait wait wait, are you allergic to teacups? Tarot cards? My cheekbones?
Candy: yes, all of them
Candy: hold the phone. is that really the reason you take divination?
Barnaby: W-well, not only I'm really interested in divinations and predictions, but you also told me Paula takes this class as well, so I thought I could try it and we could talk about it
Candy: so that’s the real reason you beautiful son of a bitch
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benscursedkid · 3 years
cookies and CANDY canes
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synopsis: candy and paula return home for the holidays. saying goodbye to their friends and hello to the christmas spirit, the vigiere family try to figure out how to celebrate christmas together after all that’s changed.
↳ for the @hphmsecretsanta event
pairing: mainly just the vigiere family celebrating xmas but there’s some slight candy x talbott and paula x barnaby because i couldn’t help myself.
genre: they’re just chilling but mostly fluff ig with only a slight sprinkling of angst.
word count: 4.228
a/n: hi, candy!! merry christmas if you celebrate that!! and well, if you don’t happy holidays! i am your secret santa for this year! it was nice to get back into writing and i love candy and her family. they’re so interesting and they were very fun to write for! i tried my best to write them authentically and true to character so i hope i did them justice and i really hope you enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it. i’m sorry for this excessively long preamble but i want to wish anyone else who may be reading some happy holidays too!! enjoy <3
↳ word of caution, there’s a quick mention of talbott’s living situation written according to my hc but if it’s a bother, i made it very easy to ignore :) and i apologize for any grammar mistakes
↳ the vigiere family belongs to @immagrosscandy
December 17th, 1990.
The clunking of the train, after a while, isn’t so bothersome anymore. In fact, listening to the rhythmic way it works while watching snowflakes fall out the window―slowly, one by one―it lulls Candy into a strange place of contentment. The sky outside is gray and lacking color, but it still finds a way to instill comfort, like a light warmth settling over her. It looks rather like a blank canvas, so white and malleable. The thought manages to make her smile.
So absorbed in it all, she almost jumps when a hand lands easily on her shoulder. She turns and everything else comes back. The voices of Barnaby and her sister bickering (read flirting), the train’s whistle, the idle, distant chatter from other compartments. Yet none of those are what catches her attention.
“Oh, sorry,” Talbott apologizes quietly, retracting his hand. “I didn’t know you were asleep.”
Candy blinks and shakes her head. “No, I wasn’t,” She assures him and he nods slowly, whatever he had meant to say lost somewhere in the scene. “Was there…something you needed or…?”
Talbott seems to remember himself and shrugs with a casual effort. “Just tired of their racket is all,” he says placatingly. “I thought to ask you about your holiday plans if you don’t mind humoring me.”
A short laugh leaves her, her expression a mold of dry amusement. “Nothing grand, I assure you. Probably just the usual. Y’know, putting up a tree and making cookies to each on the couch and watching my mum try and help Paula with Christmas dinner. The works.”
“And your brother?”
That’s a bit more complicated. “He says he’ll be there but,” Now it’s Candy’s turn to shrug. “It’s a little hard to tell with him these days.” She shakes her head and turns back to him. “Enough about me even though I’m sure it must be riveting. What about you?”
“Nothing grand,” He mimics with a tiny smile pulling at the corners of his mouth. “None of us are particularly cheerful. We’ve, uh…” Talbott’s tiny smile slips downward into a puzzled frown. “We’ve kinda just started to be close so they wanted to do more this year, but given the likes of us I doubt that will mean much more cookies and candy canes.”
“Oh, have you tried the new every flavor candy canes from Berty Botts? I heard it’s part of their new Christmas collecti―”
But Candy doesn’t get to finish her thought as a thick glove connects forcefully with her face. She turns, a scowl set deep into her face as she glares at her sister.
“Finally, earth to Candy!” Paula sighs dramatically while Barnaby does his best to hide a chuckle. Traitor. “I was trying to ask you a question.”
“Right, because now I feel so inclined to answer it.”
Paula and Candy do not catch the look shared between their witnesses as their bickering goes on. But as the train gets closer and closer to the station, their smiles get softer. The snow outside falls slowly but them a little faster.
They will be home soon.
Candy stomps her feet at the door to get rid of the snow, Paula already shedding her hat and their mother not too far behind. Paula is talking of course, probably telling some exaggerated story but Candy can’t really hear it, too caught up in her own mind. It is not here in this house. No, it’s all the way back at King’s Cross, standing in the station.
“I know we said no gifts,” He had started as they waited for their respective guardians to arrive, shuffling slightly closer to her to avoid raising his voice. Candy’s expression must reveal something for Talbott immediately. “But it's not really present worthy anyway. I’m…not very good at gift giving so I figured I would just go for something simple that I knew you’d like.”
“Talbott…I didn’t get you anything.”
“Good,” He declares to Candy’s exasperation. “Because I’m sure you’d do better than me which would make me feel bad about my very low effort idea.”
Without any more preamble, Talbott pulls a large bar of chocolate out of his trunk, his gloved fingers gripping the best they can to the treat. Candy reaches out to take it from him and softens just slightly at the sight. It’s her favorite but of course it is. Talbott has always been a better listener than a talker.
“I know it’s not much but it’s the only thing I could think of. I don’t usually do this whole gift-giving thing so I’ll have to work on it but I figured if a bar of chocolate could at least remind you just a little bit of me over the holidays then it would be worth it,” He clears his throat and his mouth is pursed into a pout, but Candy is sure the reddening in his cheeks is not because of the cold. “Because I know I’ll be thinking of you.”
Candy doesn’t know what to say. Talbott nods stiffly in understanding and she manages to smile at him in gratitude.
“Thank you, Talbott.”
“Happy Christmas, Candy.”
“Merlin, she’s doing it again.”
Candy’s daydream clears and her surroundings come back into focus. She’s on the couch now, her sister looking at her with arms crossed and an eyebrow raised. Candy looks back at her flatly, instantly on the defensive.
“Excuse me?”
Paula rolls her eyes and sighs as their mother joins them, taking up the spot on the armchair. She tucks her feet beneath her and resigns herself to watching their quarrel with thin amusement.
“You were thinking of Talbott again, weren’t you?” Paula smirks, big talk for a little sister. She looks to their mom to offer her an aside. “He gave her a gift before you got to King’s Cross. Chocolate, obviously, and now Candy’s swooning.”
“Oh, save it, Paula. Don’t think I didn’t see the way you practically malfunctioned when Barnaby gave you a gift,” She shoots back, not willing to take this disrespect lying down. “I swear, you had actual hearts in your eyes.”
“I did not!” Paula huffs, her mouth dropping open in protest. Candy merely snorts disbelievingly and mouths a sarcastic ‘okay’. This only seems to rile her sister up further and she opens her mouth again to retort but their mother beats her to it.
She brings up a silencing hand, her posture lax and not that of a disciplinarian yet her expression is appropriately tight and terse. “That’s quite enough girls. You just got home. Don’t you think you can find a better use of your time?”
It’s not a question but after sharing a look of sour understanding with Paula, Candy replies to it anyway. “Like what?”
“Are we putting up the tree today, Mum?” Paula asks, her posture loosening at the idea, her eyes sparkling infinitesimally.
Both sisters look, now in a ceasefire, look to their mother expectantly. Christine swallows thickly and her expression reveals nothing. “We will be waiting for your brother to get home before we do, Paula.”
“And when will that be?” Candy comments more than asks, her tone more rhetoric than curious.
Christine pauses. “It shouldn’t be long now. Maybe you can put your present under the tree once we put it up, Paula.”
Paula nods but the tiny bit of excitement she had before is gone. Blown out like a candle. If either of them notice it, they don’t mention it. Candy sighs and stands, walking over to grab her trunk.
“Well, if that’s all then I’m going to unpack my things.”
Paula and her mum mumble vacant replies and Candy wheels her trunk down the hall to her room. Her eyes wander and, for a moment, catch on the refraction of light against a glass frame.
The photo is common enough, nothing too special looking. Hell, Candy’s even wearing a sweatshirt way too big for her tiny frame and Jacob sports a bandaid visible on his knee. The only one even smiling is Paula, gap toothed and shining. In the loop, Candy watches her younger self strain to stay still, looking back off into the distance. Paula blinks furiously as the camera flashes and Jacob…well, he doesn’t look like he feels much at all. When was this taken? Eleven―twelve years ago?
The sun in the background is setting and Candy thinks there’s likely something poetic to be said about the sun setting on that part of her life but she can’t be bothered to think of it now. She turns away from the picture and finishes the walk to her room.
December 19th, 1990.
Her quill pauses on the parchment, attempting to conjure up anything of interest in her holiday break. With how cold it is outside, Candy has remained strictly inside the past two days and there’s only so many board games and rounds of charades one can play. At least she can see a little color in the sky now. Pastel blue is much better than grey.
Luckily, her thinking is interrupted by the sound of the front door. There’s only one person that could be.
Candy drops her quill without thought and pushes out of her chair. Her hands tuck into her pockets as she leaves her room, her footsteps muted by the new rug in the hallway.
Her mouth opens, ready to offer some sort of quick retort but she hesitates at the sound of hushed voices. Her brows furrow and she leans closer.
“―lo, Mum.” Comes her brother’s voice for sure.
A moment of silence passes. “You’re late, Jacob. You were supposed to be here two days ago.”
A heavy sigh follows. Tired and a little ragged as though he were expelling much more than just a breath. “I know, I’m sorry. I had a few more things to take care of first.” He whispers back.
Candy can practically see the look their mother gives him. The one that hovers somewhere between the average frown and a scowl. There’s a ruffling sound and she imagines Jacob shrugging out of his coat, hanging it up on the coat hanger by the door.
“I hardly think that whatever you were doing was more important than being here with your family, Jacob.” Her mother chastises but her tone is flat, the disappointment only something someone accustomed to her mannerisms could sense. “We’ve been waiting for you.”
Jacob doesn’t respond. Christine pushes on.
“What if someone followed you? Then you’d have led them right to the rest of us!”
“Mum, no one followed m―”
“If that were the case then we’d already be screwed.” Candy interjects, revealing herself by coming around the corner. She leans sideways against the wall, her eyebrows raised slightly in a sense of casual arrogance. Her body language is loose and disinterested though the revelation that she’d been eavesdropping alluding to exactly the opposite.
Another pause. Neither of them look away from her. They both stare in muted shock, as though they were biting back their expressions. Both appear to be unable to respond.
She saves them the trouble.
“So,” Candy begins as though the exchange she just witnessed had never happened. So casual you’d think she was commenting on the weather. It is rather poor. “Will the tree finally be set up today? Now that Jacob is here?”
Jacob and Christine blink in unison. They nod.
“Yes,” Her mother confirms, her voice a little scratchy. “It will.”
Candy hums in acknowledgement and turns her head to shout down the hall. “Paula! Jacob’s home!”
A beat. Shuffling. Her door opens. Footsteps.
Paula rounds the corner, covered head-to-toe in what could be considered obnoxiously Christmasy pajamas despite it being the middle of the day. But Candy is certainly not one to judge.
She shuffles into the middle of the room, looking back and forth between Jacob and Christine.
“Hi, Paula.” Jacob offers lamely as way of greeting and Candy snorts in quiet laughter. He sends her what she thinks is meant to be a glare but it looks far from threatening.
“So, you’re finally home, huh?”
“Great!” Pauls claps, rubbing her hands together like a cartoon villain. “Does that mean it’s tree time?”
Candy thinks she catches a smile on her mother’s face.
“It does.”
Which, of course, is all to say: Currently, Candy makes herself comfortable in the armchair as Jacob, Paula, and Christine all struggle with the tree lights. They attempted to hang them on the tree when there’s still a tangled ball at the end. With all three of them squeezing into the corner of the living room, it offers them little space to actually hang the damned thing.
Candy snickers and takes a small sip of her hot chocolate, nodding her chin towards the tree. “It looks a little crooked from here, guys.”
Paula huffs and drops her section of the lights, causing Jacob to scramble to catch them before they reach the floor. “Then why don’t you get off your ass and help us? Hm?”
She looks to Jacob and her mother…who both pointedly look away from her.
With a dramatic sigh, Candy pulls herself up onto her feet and shuffles over to the tree. Her mum hands her a small sector and Candy frowns as she sees how tangled it is. With another sigh, she reigns herself to sitting back down on the couch and meticulously begins the detangling process. Paula grins satisfactorily and Candy sends her a small scowl.
It doesn’t take long for them to figure out the tumultuous light task and they quickly move on to ornaments. It doesn’t hit her until they’re halfway through the generic box of bobbles her mum bought why this task feels so redundant.
“Why are we even doing this all by hand, anyway?” She asks at the tree, struggling to reach a higher branch. She gives up and hangs her red bobble somewhere else.
Silence follows her statement. With her back turned to the tree to grab another ornament, she doesn’t see the look shared between her mum and her brother.
“Well,” Jacob starts, his voice slightly hoarse and he clears his throat. “I think it’s a nice idea, Candy. It, uh, brings us closer together. Y’know, with…quality time…”
Candy shakes her head but doesn’t disagree and returns to her professional task of ornament hanging. They settle into a semi-comfortable silence for a short while. Only the sounds of shuffling feet and ruffling branches break it up. The only sign they have that time has passed is the darkening of the sky outside.
“What’s that?”
All heads turn to Jacob at his interruption. He’s pointing off towards the couch and Candy turns her head to look―
“N-None of your business!” Paula blushes slightly, scooting over to stand in front of it, successfully blocking it from Jacob’s view. “Besides, it’s not yours anyway so what does it matter? It’s nothing.”
Jacob doesn’t take her word for it and walks around the tree to get a closer look but Paula shifts again to stand between him and the mystery object. Candy frowns in confusion and looks to her mum who also watches on with barely distinguishable amusement.
Candy shifts in her place to peer around Paula.
She smirks.
“Oh. That.” Candy snickers, casting her sister an evil look. “That’s nothing, Jacob. Just the present she got from her boyfriend―I mean, her friend, Barnaby. My mistake.”
She waves a dismissive hand and Paula glares at her. Jacob, on the other hand, arches an eyebrow at the both of them, adopting an expression of suspicious interest in their new conversation topic.
“Boyfriend, huh?”
“No,” Paula denies in irritation, crossing her arms over her chest. “No boyfriend. Barnaby is just a friend―”
“Aw, don’t say that, Paula. He’ll be devastated to hear that.”
“Candy,” Paula seethes, her face flushed thinly in annoyance. “Shut. Up.”
“Paula…” Jacob starts awkwardly, his chest puffing up and Candy doesn’t even make an effort to cover her laugh.
“Hey,” Christine mumbles but they all hear it. Most of all Paula who clearly will accept any excuse or chance to change the subject. “Look, the tree’s all done.”
It takes Candy aback and she takes some backward steps to take in the sight of a completed tree.
Hm. Well…the garland (since when was that put up?) is a little crooked and the lights are definitely crooked and some of the ornaments are too concentrated in one area with a couple of empty, patchy spots that probably should be taken care of but…it could be much worse, she decides.
Laughter proceeds her thought and Candy realizes she has said it aloud. She smiles.
They all share a brief nod of proud accomplishment before Paula claps and leaves to grab some cookies and candy canes from the kitchen.
December 24th…or early 25th, 1990.
She was having a good sleep tonight. No dreams, that’s how she likes it. No chances of nightmares. She can’t remember the last time she slept that well. It’s quite bothersome that she was pulled from her sleep, all because of a parched throat.
With a dragging sigh, Candy throws her blanket off and rubs sleepily at her eyes. She’s not sure what time it is but she knows it’s far too late to be awake.
Her feet touch the cool hardwood floor and she pulls a smaller blanket around her shoulders with her eyelids still fluttering open and closed. She pads out of her room not-so-quietly, her footsteps heavy like leaden weights. The floorboard creaking beneath her.
The winter draft chills her bare feet. She turns the corner and it’s the first thing she sees.
A figure, hunched into a seat on the rocking chair in front of the window. She can hear the window whistling from outside, but otherwise all else is silent. Despite the noise she’s sure she made to get here with the creaky floor and her stomping steps, the person does not move. They just continue staring out at the moon peeking through the trees, watching absently as snow falls.
Candy takes another step and Christine turns her head to look at her in what she thinks is supposed to be some form of greeting or acknowledgement. But from a stranger’s perspective, it would seem that the mother and daughter are simply staring at each other without purpose.
Without a single word spoken between the two, Candy looks away and walks over to the fridge. It doesn’t strike her this late at night to use magic and so she finds herself manually looking for an appropriately sized glass and getting herself some water.
She doesn’t take a sip. Instead, she strides lazily over to take a seat on the cushion in front of the window. her mother just watches her, content to remain silent.
Candy brings the glass to her lips. She offers Christine a nod. Of sympathy, understanding, or merely in greeting she doesn’t really know. But her mother seems to find something in her stare for she smiles in what Candy can only define as gratitude.
They both look back to the moon and forget about everything else for a while.
Definitely December 25th, 1990. Christmas.
The pillow hits Candy’s face offensively, an attack if she’s ever known one. Paula says something or other about Christmas and presents and ‘get the fuck up’. So, naturally, Candy takes her time rising from her bed.
She yawns and runs at her eyes, staring at the ceiling. She tries to keep her eyes from closing but Paula pounds on her door so Candy groans and pulls herself together. She runs a brush through her hair and ties it quickly into a braid before pushing open her door.
Walking into the living room, she can see through the windows lots of snow. It’s not a shock really because it’s been snowing all week but it’s still a pleasant sight to be greeted with on Christmas morning. The sun isn’t shining though but it’s a small price to pay for the scenery. And her family—Jacob, Paula, and her mother—all sit around the tree shoved into the corner of the room. Jacob on a pillow on the floor, her mother in the rocking chair, and Paula on the couch, glaring at her for her tardiness.
“Oh, wow, she’s alive.” Paula rolls her eyes impatiently.
“Yes and lucky for you I’ve decided to grave you with my presence. You’re welcome.”
“Stop,” Jacob sighs, waving his hands in a ceasing gesture. He points to the tree and picks up a random gift. “Let’s just start opening these, yeah? This one’s for…oh, me.”
“Open it then.” Paula says back, all traces of her earlier attitude gone.
Meticulously, Jacob pulls the wrapping paper apart and beneath is a medium sized long box. Popping the lid open, he finds a thick black coat. The fabric looks soft but durable from where Candy sits on the armchair. Jacob studies it for a moment before looking at the signed tag on the wrapping paper.
“Thank you, Mum,” He offers Christine what Candy would call his most comfortable smile yet. Looking at it, it reminds her of the smile he used to have. Years and years ago. “I needed a new one.”
Christine nods. “I’m aware. The one you always come back in is nearly torn and don’t think I haven’t seen those scorch marks. I never ask about it because I doubt I’d be happy with the response but I figured you’d get some good use out of this.”
“I will.” Jacob assures her and that ends that.
She points idly to another gift close by. “That one is for Paula. Pass it to her, would you?”
The rest of the morning is spent like this. The gifts all get passed around, greeted with various levels of enjoyment and satisfaction. Paula’s present ended up being clothes and a pair of shoes. Trivial to Candy, but she knows Paula likes them. Which is why she went down the same path and got her a nice jacket. Jacob gifted Paula yet another pair of shoes but there were more for functionality than fashion and Candy a few tubes of expensive paints. Most of her gifts were of a similar sort, not that she’s complaining. And Jacob received a fancy wand holder from his sisters since his last one was ruined.
Then came time for Christine’s gift. A collective effort to purchase from a muggle store, Candy will admit she was particularly excited to watch her mother open this one.
“It’s from a muggle store?” Christine asks, slightly suspicious. She eyes the gift as though she were struggling to see through it.
“We all think it will keep you entertained while we’re off on our own endeavors.” Jacob supplies helpfully, though from the look on her face it doesn’t appear to help Christine any.
She opens it slowly, her brows wrinkled in between and her lips pursed in a curious frown. Once she gets to the box with a display of the gift on it, she sighs at a loss.
“What is it?”
“It’s a television—”
“It’s so cool, Mum,” Paula cuts Jacob off and he and Candy share an exasperated look. “You can entertain yourself! You can watch movies on there.” She says the word movies with a reverence rarely associated with her.
“It’s like, moving pictures,” Candy finally elaborates, her typical amused smirk on her face. “Except they all come together to tell a long story. Not to agree with Paula but it is pretty cool.”
Paula huffs and Jacob manages a laugh. Christine’s eyes spark just a little in a way all too similar to Candy’s as she studies it. “I see. And do any of you actually know how to put it together?”
They stop and look at each other. Embarrassment and a small dose of hope that someone else will speak up.
“Uh, no,” Jacob answers when it becomes clear they are all in agreement. “But it should come with a manual. Hopefully we’ll be able to put it together with magic.”
“Bing, Bam, Boom, problem solved,” Candy snaps and nods over to the last present still sitting under the tree. “So, Paula, ready to open the gift from your Lover Boy?”
Paula flushes spitefully and opens her mouth to argue most likely but she gets cut off by the ringing of the doorbell.
None of them speak so Candy rises to her feet with a shrug and walks over to the door. Paula complains, stating that she still hasn’t even started dinner yet and they’re already behind schedule but Candy’s hand is already on the door.
Four carolers, to be precise. All dressed up warm and snug, cheeks and noses rosy and smiles split wide with holiday cheer. Candy frowns at them but their spirits do not waver.
Shuffling is heard behind her and the carolers watch as her family joins her in the doorway, possibly roused from her lack of reaction. Their gazes flit between the four of them with a healthy dash of doubt.
If she had seen herself, Candy would say it looks rather similar to the ending of a superhero movie.
“H-Hi, Happy Christmas. You must be the Vigieries. We’ve just stopped by to spread some cheer—”
Paula groans.
It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas.
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shinyrockalaska · 4 years
Hanukkah at Hogwarts
Hello, this is a fanfic I wrote about my MC, last year, when some of Hanukkah days fell on Christmas. I'm now posting it for everyone to enjoy.
Summary: the Hogwarts Mystery friends celebrate Hanukkah with my half-jewish MC.
Word count: 1.5k
I sat down in the Christmas theme decorated great hall, but with a sad face. Seems like the rest of my family already got their plans for the holidays. Well, not really, but my mum decided yet again to visit her relatives, alone. That led to my dad deciding to take my toddler brother with him and celebrate Christmas with his own family. When I think about it, ever since Jacob went missing my family didn't got to celebrate any holidays at all. Not together, at least. Even now that I've found him I still don't know where he is, and I'm starting to doubt my family will ever be normal again.
"Hey what's with the sad face?" Rowan asked, sitting down next to me.
"Guess who's staying in Hogwarts during the holidays.. again.." I said in a fake-happy voice.
She gave me a sad smile, "I wish you could come with me to the tree farm but my entire family will be there so there's no place left.." "lucky you," I murmured, and she immidietly apologized.
"It's okay," I said, "technically I can spend Christmas with my dad, my little brother and my dad's family, but.. that's the problem."
"Your dad's family is a problem? Seriously I'm sure any of your friends would be happy to have you over you know.."
"No, no, it's not that.. just.. I'm tired of celebrating Christmas."
She looked surprised. "that is a sentence I never thought I would hear anyone say.."
"I mean, I guess it doesn't really matter what the holiday is if you spend it with the people you love, but.." I sighed, "you know I'm technically Jewish, right? I miss celebrating Hanukkah. I haven't got to do it ever since Jacob's gone missing and my mum slowly drifted away, you know.."
"Oh, yeah.." she said awkwardly, "well.. what do you usually do on Hanukkah?"
"We do a lot of things, like lightning the menorah. There's a place for 9 candles in it and each day we light one more candle than the day before. Starting with two candles- one, because it's the first day and the second is a candle that lit up the other candles. It's called shamash."
"That's sounds really interesting! How many candles do you lit? For how long? Why?" Rowan asked, curiously.
"I've never counted how many.. but we do it for eight days.. starting with two and each day we add another candle so-"
"44 in total. Continue please."
It was always impressive how quick and smart Rowan was.
"We do it because.. years ago.. oh no I barely remember! Something with a rebellion against greeks, the second holy temple, and a cruse of oil that was suppose to light the menorah for only one day but it lasted eight days so it was a miracle.. see, this is exactly the problem of not celebrating this holiday for so long!" I said frustrated, but Rowan continued to ask questions despite my despair.
"So it's a holiday about miracles. That's really nice! What else do you do?"
"W-well.. because of that cruse of oil we eat lots of food with oil. Not very healthy I must say, but tradition is tradition. We have latkes, which is kind of like a potato or cheese pancakes, and sufganyot, it's like jam filled doughnuts, but it can be filled with anything, really."
"So for eight days you light up candles and eat oil." she sounded a little judgemental but the way she described the holiday was funny.
"We don't have to eat things with oil, you know.. just a tradition." I laughed, "But we also get to play with a dreidel, it's a four sides spinning toy, that we play and bet on chocolate coins and we get money from relatives sometimes, and it's just.. a warm, cosy holiday?" I smiled, "I don't know how to explain it, I feel warm and peaceful inside, just remembering how fun was this holiday.."
"It does sound nice.. when is it exactly?"
"It already started but-"
"So let's celebrate! We've still got tonight, we can ask the house elves for the right food and we can light the menorah and play that game with that thing you said and-"
"Wait but I don't have any of those things how am I supposed to get them now?"
Rowan smiled at me, slyly, "You say it like you never invented a charm.. we'll use transfiguration of course.. come on!"
"I'm really glad that all of you get to go home for the holidays," I said.
I was sitting in the great hall now, with all my friends around me. It was all empty since everyone else were busy packing.
"I wish I could stay.." Barnaby sighed, "I'll be okay but my family isn't very nice, you know.."
"Yeah, me too" Ben murmured.
I rolled my eyes at him. "Your family's great. You're the one who's not being nice right now."
"It's not my fault they don't understand anything about magic and don't know what I've been through.." he shrugged.
"Yeah, ever since last year Beatrice acting.. you know.. and I don't really want to be stuck with her in the same room for the entire holiday.. " Penny agreed with him.
"C'mon guys, cheer up!" Charlie said before anyone else could complain about going home.
"Wait what are we doing?" Liz asked, as if she suddenly realized she was sitting with her friends. "I lost focus.." she admitted.
So I explained everything I explained to Rowan before, about the holiday, and how we plan to celebrate it.
We decided to meet up in the empty charms classroom, since Rowan already got premission from professor Flitwick to use it. Badeea, as the artist, volunteered to make a menorah, after I explained to her how it should look like. Meanwhile, I tried to make a dreidel. I couldn't just transfigurate one from nothing, so I decided to use a sneakoscope that I got from Jae once, and designed it as much as I could to look like a dreidel, with the right letters.
By sunset, when everyone met in the empty classroom, they were all excited to celebrate the holiday with me.
Badeea's handmade menorah looked beautiful, it was colourful and made out of clay. She even brought candles that Talbott conjured for her ("I picked candles in warm colours, for your warm holiday," she laughed.)
I set up the candles on their right place in the menorah, as everyone sat down in a circle around it. Then, I lit up the candles and said the blessings while everyone cheered.
"So what's next?" Andre asked as Rowan took a plate from behind her back, and showed us what's on it. "What's this?" Talbott asked and I smiled, "it's called sufganyot. Basically like a doughnut but with no hole and it's filled with jam." "Sweet! Give me some!" Tonks cheered while grabbing a few off the plate.
"Tulip, you've got those Candie I asked you for?" Rowan said with a smile on her face. "You know I always have Candies with me," she answered while showing us her bug full of candies. "I couldn't get those chocolates you told me about but candies are always good!" She explained.
"that's so cool! I'm surprised you managed to get the right food from the kitchen and bring so many candies!" I said.
I showed them the sneakoscope, "that's not how a traditional dreidel looks like, of course," I explained, "but we can still play with it. We need to divide the candies equally between all of us, then each round everyone will put one candy on the center of the circle and then everyone in their turn will get to spin the sneakoscope. See those letters I wrote on it? If it lands on this letter you get all the Candies in the middle and everyone have to put another candy, and so on."
"Sound's fun!" Chiara was the first to put a candy in the middle. "Prepare to be defeated!" Diego said, excitedly.
We started the game, and we played until bedtime, not noticing how time passes as we enjoy ourselves.
Barnaby was the first to lose, since he ate all his candies, rather than putting them in for the game. To no one surprise, Jae won, but he shared the candies with everyone, anyway.
"That was really fun! Thank you for sharing this holiday with us!" Penny said with joy. Everyone nodded with agreement.
It made me so happy, seeing all my friends celebrating my holiday, and enjoying it as much as I do. "you need to thank Rowan," I said, "She's the one who organized all of these.. I really appreciate it. That was seriously the best Hanukkah ever."
Happy Hanukkah!
To anyone who celebrate and seek representation as much as I do😂
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slytherin-puffskein · 5 years
don’t cry, snowman.
Don't cry, snowman, not in front of me Who'll catch your tears if you can't catch me, darling If you can't catch me, darling Don't cry, snowman, don't leave me this way A puddle of water can't hold me close, baby Can't hold me close, baby
summary: Instead of celebrating Christmas at Hogwarts as he usually does, Laurent King decides to help out at his aunt’s bakery. A surprise comes to him, hilarious for many, despicable to him. Oscar Whelan is here to give him support, but Laurent realizes that he might be the one to give support instead.
notes: Merry Christmas, you guys!!! Here is a mix of fluff and angst!
- - -
Hey Laurent.
Are you having a good time at Hogwarts? I sure hope so. I can’t say I’ve been having a lot of fun, honestly: Exams, studying, exams, studying. Oh, wait, I forgot something else. Exams again. There you go. Now you can understand what I have to deal with.
But let’s turn these frowns upside down! I often say that, huh? And you seem to hate it an awful lot, judging by the way you roll your eyes whenever I say it. Heh! What are cousins supposed to do, besides annoying each other? Anyway, I’m getting off topic. Christmas holidays are coming! Are you staying at Hogwarts, or coming home to your dad’s? I’m not twisting your arm or anything, but if I’m honest, the bakery could really, really use your help. We’re about to face the Christmas rush, after all… but fear not! We have an idea to deal with it. And believe me, it’s going to be really, really fun. You like fun, don’t you? So think about it, please! Mum, Dad and I will greet you with open arms. How about you spend Christmas with us as well? Your old man doesn’t seem to appreciate the holiday as much as he used to… anyway. Write me back!
Laurent should have expected that his cousin was manipulating him as soon as he had read the words ‘it’s going to be really, really fun’. Of course such sentence would be used to catch his attention, how had he been so blind? I promise you, Cyril had said as soon as he had set foot into the bakery, coat still on and heavy luggage numbing his fingers, it’s going to be a blast. Like a fool, Laurent had believed him, because hey, it’s Christmas. No one gets tricked on Christmas, right?
Newsflash: Laurent has been extremely, terribly, badly wrong. He has been, as unlikely as it sounded, tricked, and the fact that it was coming from Cyril came across as a huge punch on his pride. Since when was he able to do such thing? Wasn’t he, like, too earnest to pull this sort of thing? Decidedly, Laurent didn’t really know his cousin. If at all.
As he pulled out the Christmas Elf costume out of a fancy, shiny bag, Laurent went quite close to grab his stuff and leave. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” Somehow, his brain had done all the equations needed, and he had exactly figured out what was about to happen. Remnants of memories came to him, ones of a conversation he had overheard between his aunt and uncle:
The holidays are always a good time to promote our bakery. Just what could we do, hm? Organize some kind of event, perhaps?
He had paid little thought to these words, but, Merlin, he should have. Maybe then, he would have answered differently to Cyril’s letter.
“I’m dead serious, Lau. Mum got the best of the best of ideas! I swear, let--stop walking away, let me tell you, sit down and have a croissant and just listen!” Reluctantly, Laurent did so, but took himself a macaron instead. “Now, what do kids like, huh? Sugar! Of course they like that! And what does our bakery sells, you ask?”
“Cyril.” A sigh heaved from Laurent’s lips as he titled his head, half annoyed, half fearful. “Just tell me what I have to do… though I think I have it figured out by now.”
A smile came to grace his cousin’s features. What a handsome man! anyone would have said. What a prick, Laurent was currently thinking. He knows exactly what he is doing. Oh Merlin, I should have stayed at Hogwarts. I could have been sipping hot cocoa with Barnaby. BARNABY! And now-- “Well,” Cyril spoke again, brandishing the costume proudly. “We made a deal with the local mall, we’re gonna host a Meet Santa stand! Isn’t that, like, the best idea ever? I’m tellin’ you so! Dad’s gonna dress as Santa, Mum’s gonna be Santa’s wife. And I will be the kind man offering free pastries to children to encourage them, and their parents, to visit our bakery! Which leaves you--”
“As the lovely Christmas Elf.” Despite how disarrayed he seemed, a smile curved his lips, because even he had to admit it: the situation was hilarious. Anyone would have laughed at Laurent, so why not do the same, huh? Maybe it will help me deal with this. Just… smile and laugh, my guy. Smile and laugh.
“The lovely Christmas Elf indeed! You’ll take pictures of the kids when they sit on Dad’s— Santa’s lap. You’re going to be great!”
Smile and laugh. Smile and laugh.
* * *
Smile and laugh. Smile and laugh. Despite repeating himself these words like a mantra, shame kept blossoming inside his chest, spreading through his entire body until it even reached his fingertips. I. Look. Ridiculous. This is the day I die, most definitely. Oh Merlin. Wait a second. Do people from my middle school come to this mall…? Oh NO, they definitely fucking DO, this is the fucking local fucking mall. Dear Merlin, this is it. Leave orchids on my grave. My life is over. And it’s going to end with me wearing shorts and thighs.
Striped thighs with the colors reminiscent of a candy cane, along with a bright green shirt and shorts as well as a ridiculous hat. To top it off, he had to wear pointy shoes… and fake elf ears. Not to mention the glitter his aunt insisted to put on his cheeks.
My, you look lovely, she  had said while combing his hair with her fingers, trying (and failing) to make them look more proper. Your mother would be proud. You know, she had quite the Christmas spirit! She wanted to name you Noel, but eventually settled on Laurent. Laurent hadn’t said anything, had simply forced a smile, but only one comment only floated over his mind: she wouldn’t have been proud to see me wear such a ridiculous outfit, believe me.
Prideful, much?
Seeing the kids happily yelling at the sight of who they believed to be Santa Claus made all of this somewhat worthy, however. After photographing kid after kid sitting on his uncle’s lap while listing to him the gifts they wanted, he had almost, almost forgotten about his ridiculous outfit. Hell, he even became sort of playful; chatting with children and pretending to be an actual Elf from the North Pole. They were mesmerized, needless to say, and none of them had seemed to notice just how fake his ears were. Well, I’m making them dream. That’s good. Dreaming is the best thing to do.
He had forgotten about one tiny, tiny thing, however. The day before, he had been… well, no need to sugarcoat it: he had been horrified at the thought of looking so ridiculous. And so, in the depths of his despair, he had called his best friend Oscar Whelan and had… well, ranted quite a lot. And made sure to apologize at the end of the conversation once he realized how had been acting. God, I must seem like the biggest drama queen, huh? You’re not seeing it right now, but I’m blushing like hell. He had heard Oscar’s laugh, then his voice. Come on Lau, I called you to whine when I lost my favorite book. I was almost crying. Tell me who is overreacting, now? Alright, maybe still you because it was an amazing book, but you get my drift.
That had made him laugh. Oscar always made him laugh. But as he showed up near the stand, his little sister propped up on his hip, Laurent wasn’t laughing at all. In fact, he was pretty sure his features had gone white. Oh. My. God. Of course he would show up, his sister loves Santa Claus! The thought of hiding behind one of the fake Christmas trees crossed his mind, but he ultimately shoved it away. No, come on. I can do this. I handled kids seeing me like this, why not Oscar? Why should I be embarrassed? Ignoring his heart that was hammering against his ribs, he made a step towards the lineup only to notice Oscar had vanished… and had, actually, made his way over the fake snow to him.
Laurent cut him, however. Since they were standing a few steps from Santa’s chair, he immediately grabbed Oscar’s wrist and pulled him away so that people won’t think he was thinking of cutting the line.
And as they were far enough, Laurent’s burning cheeks came to hit him full force. “Why are—”
Oscar’s smile was already present, and wasn’t about to leave, Laurent was quite sure of it. As opposed to Cyril’s smile, however, it wasn’t annoying him. Not at all. In fact, it warmed him up, and made him believe that, hey, maybe Oscar seeing me in that costume isn’t that bad after all.
“Aw come on, you exaggerated on the phone! You’re adorable!”
Nevermind. Laurent playfully smacked Oscar’s arms, a smile on his lips. “Don’t say that! I look like a huge idiot, have you seen my hat? The glitter?”
“When Aine begged me to go see Santa at the mall, I firstly knew I couldn’t resist to her smile. And then, it dawned on me: I had to accept anyway, I couldn’t miss the opportunity of seeing such an adorable elf~”
At the mention of ‘elf’, Aine finally pulled her face away from her brother’s shoulder, landing her gaze on Laurent. Immediately he got ready to put on his Christmas Elf act, but was most surprised when the girl blew a raspberry, clearly unimpressed.
“You aren’t a real elf! You’re Laurent, Oscar’s friend! I know, because, because he tells me a lot about you and--”
“And suddenly you aren’t tired anymore, little one?” Oscar piped up. Laurent was so busy shoving back his embarrassment as far as possible, he had made no notice of his friend’s blushing cheeks. “Shall I assume that you pretended to be so that Big Brother Oscar would carry you? Hmmm?”
Little Aine giggled, and began grabbing at Oscar’s hair. As messy as always, just like Lau’s. “Sorryyyyyyyyy.” And then she shifted her attention back to Laurent, staring with wonder at him. “You’re really cute!”
“Isn’t he?” Oscar commented. “Look at that costume. Makes me want to pinch his cheeks.”
“Oscaaaar!” Aine suddenly exclaimed. “We need to get in line! I don’t wanna miss Santa!” Her excited expression just made Laurent realize how adorable children were. Maybe he could have one, someday.
If he ever finds someone to love. Right now, he has very little hope, but that was surely stemming from typical teenage angst, to think you aren’t made for anyone.
Oscar pretended to let out an exasperated sigh, but never did his smile leave his lips. Aine giggled, then yelped as Oscar put her on his shoulders. “Alright, kiddo, let’s go meet your idol. Do you think he accepts autographs? I’ve got a friend, she loves Santa and would love an autograph… what d’ya think, Lau?”
Aine’s giggle only became greater, and Laurent couldn’t help but play along, scratching his chin. “Mhm, that’s a good question, Oscar. I am no true Elf, so I cannot say for sure since I do not know Santa that well… but I’m certain he’d be glad to.” And he winked.
Oscar winked back. “Got it. See ya, cutie.”
Laurent’s reply was instant: “I’m not cute! Not in this costume! I’m ridiculous!”
"Hmm, alright, Ridiculous.” Oscar titled his head, and while many would have told him to shut up, Laurent was too busy admiring the glitter of joy in his eyes. And after all, despite how he was acting, he wasn’t annoyed at all. Oscar would never do anything to truly annoy him, he knew very well of his boundaries. “No, I don’t like that nickname. Nuh-uh. What can I call you, I wonder? How about Elf Man? Got a nice ring to it if you want my opinion. Alright then. Elf Man it is!”
Laurent’s reaction came so suddenly, it even took him by surprise. One minute he was smiling, the other he was roaring with laughter, hands on his ribs and eyes squeezing shut. Oscar Whelan truly was able to make him feel happy, wasn’t he? He tip toed to ruffle his hair, then, with a flick of the hand, gestured him to go. “Go, now! My lunch break’s soon, how about we all grab something together?”
Oscar’s smile was the softest thing he had ever seen. “I’d love that.”
* * *
Right, they didn’t immediately eat. Oscar’s little sister was so excited about the fact that she had finally met Santa Claus that they had to tire her a little before they could sit in peace, and so they had visited some of the many, many shops that the mall held… while Laurent was still in his costume. He has been so enthusiastic about spending time with Oscar, the thought of changing clothes hadn’t even brushed his mind.
Another thought did, however, but he quickly shoved it away: the desire to tell Oscar everything. About himself. About his friends. About his school. About what was, basically, his secret life. The life he was hiding from his best friend. Maybe we can just sit there, and, after we eat, I tell him everything. Hey, Oscar. I’m a wizard. I’m a wizard and I go to a school for wizards. My friends are wizards. Oh Merlin, I’m saying the word ‘wizard’ an awful lot, am I? Anyway. Please accept me. Please remain my friend. Please don’t be freaked out. And don’t tell anyone. I know you won’t do such thing, but still.
The bitter truth, the one that he cannot tell him anything, quickly hit him, tightening his chest and making him stop in his tracks to breathe deeply, thus birthing Oscar’s concerns. Are you ok, Lau?
Yes I am. Don’t worry about me. He remained still for a moment, shoved all of his fears aside, and kept on walking. In order to make him laugh, as they visited a toy store, Oscar decided to joke around with a teddy bear, holding it and talking with a ridiculous voice. It worked, and even Aine began to laugh as well, and eventually got hungry. They all finally sat down to eat at the food court, savoring the delicious pizzas they bought. Dessert came fairly quickly, and while Oscar paid Aine a delicious chocolate milkshake, he and Laurent found themselves enjoying a bowl of candy cane flavored ice cream. Each holding a spoon they happily ate, and conversation came soon enough.
“How are things with Alyssa?”
Alyssa Buckley, known to Laurent as Oscar’s girlfriend. According to his letters they have been dating for two months, but Laurent had never gotten the opportunity to ask questions about her. After all, he would rather talk of this girl with Oscar while face to face… and that was exactly what he was doing at the moment.
Unexpectedly, his friend’s smile wavered, and he took himself a spoonful of ice cream. “We broke up. About a week ago. I got so caught him in the Christmas craze, getting gifts for everyone, that I forgot to tell you… sorry.”
Oh Merlin. I fucked up. Now he’s going to be sad over his breakup. Stupid Laurent, stupid Laurent! An apology immediately came, but he was surprised to see Oscar shrug.
“I’m not… I’m not as hurt as I think I am supposed to be, oddly enough.” He took himself some more ice cream, but didn’t eat it immediately. He simply stared at his spoon, the usual sparkle in his eyes flickering, threatening to die down. “I must sound like a jerk, no? I just… I had the feeling it will end up like this. I had time to prepare myself for it. After all, it always ends up like this with people I date.” That last sentence held great bitterness, and Laurent could only helplessly stare. He had never dated. Never kissed. How could he possibly be of help? “No matter how hard I try,” Oscar spoke again, lowering his spoon and looking down at his hands. “My… My mind always turns back to the same person. Every time. Even though I know I have no chance.”
Now, he had to say something. The words naturally came, without him having to think them through: “You don’t know that, Oscar.” To punctuate his words he reached for his hand, intertwining their fingers slowly.
Oscar took a brief look to their linked fingers, sighing. “Believe me, I do.” His gaze went to meet his, and Laurent’s heart bled with disarray as he saw the look in his eyes.
The joy had vanished, giving way to pure despair coupled with a silver of acceptance. He was heartbroken, but willing to endure it, to give up on his love, as if he felt he wasn’t worthy enough. How painful, Laurent told himself. I can’t imagine how that must feel...
A horrible silence, caused by Oscar’s sadness, settled in and Laurent knew one and one thing only: he could in no way handle seeing his best friend like this. I need to cheer him up. That’s what I gotta do! I’m his best friend, it’s time to fucking deliver! His mischievousness provided him with an idea, and he was quick to take a spoonful of ice cream. He moved as if to eat it… but then suddenly pressed it against Oscar’s nose. “Y’know, if your nose gets red because of the cold, you could be Rudolph for the Meet Santa stand~”
Merlin. It’s a terrible joke. Fuck. He had feared his plan wouldn’t work, but his shoulders relaxed as Oscar began to laugh softly, previously flickering lights of joy steadily going back to life in his eyes as he reached for his own spoon. “You want to play that game, King? I’m sure you will look adorable covered with ice cream~”
He inched closer and Laurent raised his arms to protect himself, pure laughter shaking his shoulders. “Ack, no! You’re gonna ruin my makeup, Whelan! And the costuuuuume!”
“Don’t worry, I won’t ruin your amazing costume.” Oscar giggled, moving his spoon towards Laurent. “I insist however, you take it, I’m not that hungry.”
Laurent was fairly quick to eat the ice cream. After all, how could he possibly miss such opportunity? He gave Oscar a smile, one that, he hoped, conveyed all the love he held for him.
“Keep hope, Oscar.” He said. “You’re an amazing man, anyone would be lucky to date you. I’m sure the girl— or guy that you like reciprocates your feelings. If not, they’re an idiot.”
Silence clung to the air again, but it was a comfortable one. At last Oscar turned to his sister, who was drowsing on her chair. “Well, I guess I have to bring this kiddo back home. How bad do you think my mum will kill me if she learns I let her drink that monstrous amount of milkshake?”
“Really bad. I’ll bring flowers to your funeral.”
“You better.”
They stood up and while Laurent expected Oscar to pick up his sister, he instead stepped forward to pull him into a hug. Right, it’s true, we always do that before we leave. But this hug… it’s… It was the most loving hug he had gotten from Oscar Whelan. Right, all of his hugs were loving, but that one’s love felt stronger. Much stronger, and Laurent allowed himself to sink into that love by hugging him as tight as possible. They swayed together for a while, just a little.
I love him so much. He’s the greatest friend.
As they pulled away, Oscar pressed a kiss on Laurent’s forehead, then carefully picked up his sister. “See you, Lau.”
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theadstark · 6 years
Now that Year 5 is soon over..
Let’s see what Year 6 has to offer!
But before we jump into conclusions and theories, let’s talk about the end of Year 5. I’ve read some quite interesting theories, and I couldn’t be more excited. Some say it will either end with a shock factor, or a Jacob-related cliffhanger, and I might agree with these folks. Just like the Harry Potter series, our story is also beginning to approach a darker part, and something tells me our reunion with our brother will be bittersweet. We heard a LOT about Jacob, but what is actually happening to him? Is he trustworthy and a brother we can rely on, or the opposite? Another thing confirmed that we will have a Celestial Ball, that’s for sure. Dating has always been wanted by fans, but are we actually going to be with our loved one? Let’s hope for the best. What will happen to Patricia Rakepick, since the position is cursed? Is she really able to break it, or she’s no exception. She clearly has a connection/history with Jacob. So many unanswered questions, and we can’t do anything but wait. 
But let’s focus on our sixth year.
New classrooms (and classes) will be unlocked! Astronomy and Divination
Personally I have always been excited when it came to classes. I remember my first Care of Magical Creatures class, or the first time I set foot in the DADA classroom. Not only do we get two more classrooms (Astronomy and Divination classrooms) but we will also be able to visit the Astronomy Tower. (they are not the same thing, apparently.) Observing the stars, maybe have some quality time with your love interest? Don’t even mention the divination classroom! Look how funny the History of Magic classroom already is with all the games, candies and teasing - imagine what will be going on in there! Since we will have two more classes, that means two more teachers will be introduced; Professor Sinistra and Trelawney. In the Great Hall, there are many available seats, so it shouldn’t be a problem, should it? New places will be unlocked! 1) Whomping Willow - I kinda hope we will have something Marauders/animagus related stuff going on, maybe meeting Lupin, etc. For what any other reason would a person visit that tree? It’s dangerous, so MC must have a good reason to go there. 2) Owlery - writing and receiving letters... got it.. but to/from whom? Maybe we will find Jacob, but he will need to be hidden, and that will be the only way to communicate with him? Like a Sirius-Harry relationship? kinda? I would like that  3) Centaur Camp - TORVUS storyline CONFIRMED! Why would a Hogwarts student go there all by himself/herself? Do not worry, our favorite centaur will be back. 4) Leaky Cauldron - still a mystery to me. Let’s not forget the fact that we may get more locations/places, God knows how many hidden places are out there that we cannot see (yet). Like, we can’t enter the Kitchen unless we have a quest leading there.
Dating and people: I think in Year 6, we will have much more romantic encounters. Things are already heating up at Hogwarts; we had a chance to confess our feelings to Penny and/or Barnaby, and who knows what the future holds for us. Sadly, I don’t think Bill will be an option, since this year is his last one. But I’ve seen people (including me) who are interested in Charlie, or Merula or even Ben! 
Back to Bill - he will be gone. I really can’t imagine my Hogwarts life without him at this point. We always had someone stronger, more experienced and older we could always go back to for some advice. Not only is he a realiable and trustworthy friend, but to many people he’s much more than that. Will he completely disappear? Does this give Charlie more screen time?
The appearance of our MC:
Year 1 - I am 11. Year 2 - I am 12, still okay. Year 3 - I am 13, puberty happens. Year 4-5; why do I still look like an eleven year old kid? I SO hope that the developers will take their time to change our characters, because at this point, it would be ridiculous to leave them like that. Give us more options when it comes to editing our face/hair/eyes etc. you hear me guys? Provide more options, and we will happily do your job and change our characters. I mean it shouldn’t be that difficult to create an extra tab in the “dressing room”, where we change our height/body and bammmm, we look older......, right?
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