#i nearly am a 20 year old child im not cut out for this im play my touys
ittybittybumblebee · 7 months
uim just a kid stuck in this fuck ass world what is it trying to Do to me its trying to hit me over the head with a hand shovel thats what it is trying to do
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sexygirleverlovingit · 2 months
'Just smile and wave.'
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HIII, My name is Moxie or mox whatever you want to call me tots I got this blog page because well why wouldn't Im famous! Well was. I was a model for lots of things 😍😘 if you get what I mean. I am 19 years old nearly 20 I don't have any lebal on my sexuality I like what I like at the time. I'm a female she her all the way but whatever you are I don't care you could be a pig if you want still wouldn't care!
Backstory and trap story below!
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Backstory: Growing up moxie was in a broken home her father was just a drunk man all the time and her mother was the type to only care about herself and go gambling. She grew up just with herself and learnt how to take care of herself so took pride in her looks when she went to primary school so got praised for it and her mother did to so her mother put her into modeling as a child she loved it all eyes on her. In highschool she became a bully and selfish making fun of girls or boys or anyone who didn't look like her. She became a famous well known model on magazines.
Trap reasoning: duo to her bullying others and doing things that put her life at risk, she found herself among those who been trapped. She was a horrible girl growing up making others feel down about their looks but really she didn't appreciate her own looks she wanted to get plastic in her face. When she already had that natural beauty.
"hello moxie, I know you but you may not know me. But I want to play a game. You must be confused but soon you will not be. Remember all back in high-school. Those girls you bullied for their looks. While you where just feeling all those things. Every girl you bullied back then it affected them bad making them take away their natural beauty. You were willing to do dangerous surgery's to yourself to make fake beauty that could of cost you your life. You will cherish your life now. You will notice you tied to a board and you can't talk because of a wire that's in your mouth but you can see to your side. Many scarples are there. You must take them and at least make many new beautiful scars for yourself in every part of your body. If you do not the wire will move back in your mouth till your jaw is off. Will you finally appreciate your life or will you perish. Good luck you have 3 minutes."
Moxie eyes widened and dart around she could see the timer counting down she tried to move but all she could move was her arms she tried to get the wire off her but she couldn't she felt it slowly pulling back hurting her mouth she cries out in a panic and then slowly picks up the scalpel she first started with her thigh she cried out in pain making wounds to herself as the timer goes down she goes faster her arms her stomach chest and all but she didn't go for her face. Never. The timer was nearly out and she still wasn't free she cries out knowing the last part of her body was going to be her face. She shaken lifts her arms up to her face slowly cutting into it letting the blood spill like the rest of her wounds all over her body.
When the wires stopped pulling at her mouth and the things that tied her drops she falls to the floor coughing her hands going to her mouth feeling the sides of her mouth all cut up. She survived but at what cost.
This is an oc saw blog!!
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ok so this post is like spawned from reading the notes on an age gaps in relationships post, that I just read while waking up today....
I think a big part of the discourse around age gaps in relationships is spurned on by again, the fuckin stupid ass elder millennials vs younger millennials (or even zillennials) and gen z bullshit "war". it's like, in the post I made like last month about a convo at my old work's staff christmas party in 2022, where one of the ladies in the finance team and the newish guy hired in my team (customer service)..... which was all about her being a 1989 millennial "just before the cusp of the 90s so I'm a REAL MILLENNIAL unlike you two (me and new emo guy who are 1995 (me) and 1997 (I think, emo guy)).... you fake-ass wannabe millennials. you're babies!!!! YOU GUYS HAVE NOTHING IN COMMON WITH ME!!!!" like yes we do, sadie. and i'm the cut-off for millennials in 1995. but I digress.
but to me, it's the elder millennials like this woman and even comedians (ie the elder millennial netflix standup special from iliza shelsinger whose 40 but was done in 2017 or whatever) who are breeding the idea that people in their mid 20s, born in the mid to late 90s are "uwu cute lil babies who i have NOTHING in common with, so therefore you are a child (and everyone else your age by extension are children), to me." in age gap relationship discourse.
like sadie, for the love of fuck. there is 6 years difference in age between us. you may be in you mid 30s, yes. so you obvs have a bit more life experience than me, in general.... and actually went through 9/11, possibly understanding the implications of it (which I didn't bc I was literally 5/6 years old in 2001 when it happened; but I still knew what the fuck it was... even though yes, we're aussie.... but this is always used as the major event that younger millennials are "too young to understand and that therefore means that they're not real millennials")..... and again, you really experienced y2k fashion properly; whereas I watched it unravel on TV. but that does NOT make me child, incapable of making my own decisions, according to you. apparently emo guy doesn't know what rent is..... when he was actively moving out of his rented place to move in with his girlfriend's parents (one of whom, we all worked with)???? like make up your mind.
but from the comedian side, particularly the iliza shelsinger special that im talking about, it's the insinuation that as a 1995 baby and the people just under me, like emo guy, have NO IDEA what a landline is???? and that again makes us babies.... children who don't know the ways of the world before our all-knowing smartphones, which are connected to our hands like edward scissorhands. again, of course i know what the fuck a landline is!!!!!! I used one up until about 2009??? when my friends finally started to get their mobiles. of course, it means that I didn't have my own private landline (and hamburger phone, thanks juno) to my own room, which was an expensive must-have, that very people few would have ACTUALLY HAD, in the 2000s.... bc by that time, cordless phones were a thing anyway. and the age gap between me and this comedian is 12 years. she's just turned 40, born in 1983. so, therefore, again, I am but a babe. a mere naive lamb in the world of more knowledgeable, wiley wolves. but you're in your 20s!!!! you DON'T KNOW THE HORROR!!! yes i do!!!! i fully do. bc we literally JUST GOT RID OF OUR LANDLINE PHONE LAST YEAR, IN 20 FUCKING 22!!!!! don't you dare tell me i don't know what it is.
moreover, bro. I am 20 fucking 8 (well, nearly). I turn 30 in two years time. yes, I may have never moved out of home (lol fucked up rental crisis.... and everything else, where the world is falling apart).... but I do pay my own car insurance and car loan (finally). hell!!!!! i BOUGHT my own car last year.... even if it wasn't fully in cash lol. I may have only had my first ever ~real adult~ job last year (kinda... and first job ever, period).... but that doesn't make me a child. I am still an adult, capable of making my own choices.... even if one of my choices is utterly refusing to date people... like, ever.... due to my horrendous past experiences with guys in my late teens. "but!!! but!! both of these women croon, YOU ARE STILL A CHILD! YOU HAVE HOPE!!! UNLIKE MY JADED ASS!!!" yeah. nah. my hope for the future fizzled out years ago. maybe not emo guy's. but mine defs has. and why is feeling jaded like a weird fucking milestone and badge of honour to wear???
in my actual life, one of my primary school best friends just divorced her high school sweetheart a couple of months ago. due to the guy changing his mind on having kids (ie he started wanting them, but he works one week one/one week off and fly in/fly out in the mines.... and since they were in another state, South Australia, they had NO family or friends to help my besite with the kid that she didn't even really want.... and he didn't want to do 50% of the housework and mental work for them). she owns a fucking house and pays house insurance. she works a high-powered government job in sydney now. my other primary school bestie, ironically, just got married to her uni sweetheart, and they're renting in the fucked up rental hellscape that is sydney. we all drive. we all have cars... even if I did take forever to get my full licence and my own car.
what, in any part of the above paragraph, is not a wiley adult wolf, just like both of these 80s babies think that they are???? both of these women who I've mentioned in this post would've had these conversations with past partners, and obviously with their current partners (the comedian had a kid in late 2022 I think, and the woman from work had like 2 or 3 kids, for example). they both own houses etc etc.
I fail to see how 90s kids are "uwu babies" in the eyes of elder millennials.... other than they're making that excuse to treat us like kids when it comes to dating someone with..... a let's say.... 5 to 12 year age difference, at the minimum. why would a 1983 or 1987 or 1990 "elder millennial" date a 1995 zillenial/baby millennial/cusper/whatever the fuck we're called, when *cue the "if she doesn't know X/what X is she's too young for you bro (or chick)! meme*... like "if she doesn't know what *enter a random 80s show here that an 80s kid grew up on* is, then she's too young for you, bro!!!
like who gives a fuck if I have never fucking watched idek Cheers or family ties or ALF or Fraiser (for early 90s) or whatever the fuck else???? maybe I didn't watch them bc I was literally fucking 2 years old??? so i was too young for the re-runs of these shows from 1997 onwards??? I was just vibing with rainbow brite (80s cartoon), dino riders (which was a short-lived 80s cartoon), the disney's gummi bears (late 80s cartoon) and every winnie the pooh movie and power rangers show or movie under the sun. oh, and of course, fucking Lion King and other 90s disney movies! that are all getting those godawful nostalgia cash grab live-action remakes that NO ONE has asked for, really. that for some reason, a lot of 80s babies seem to claim as theirs, and only theirs, for nostalgia and "disney adult" points. i also watched pokemon on VHS!!!! SHOCK!! HORROR!! I KNOW WHAT A VHS IS!!! (and we still have them).
just. my point is. i think some of the age gap discourse, if it's not about like power dynamics/abuse and whatever else.... is coming from this dumb as fuck generational divide of self-declared "elder millennials" who are now nearing 40 or are 40; or somewhere in their mid30s, trying to be so over-superior over the 20 somethings born in the mid to late 90s. (and now early 2000s kids, SHOCK!!! HORROR!!!- gen z... but i get this sometimes im ngl. the fuck you mean the young lawns guy who i had a short-lived crush on last year at work IS 20 FUCKING ONE (21)???? NO. NO IT CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!!! IT- IT- IT CAN. NOT. BE. FUCKING. HAPPENING????!!!!).
just for the love of fuck. get over this utter bullshit about "millennials are the best babies!!!!" bullshit and STOP infantilizing grown ass adults (even if i personally actively NEVER feel like one tbh lmao) just because of an utter bullshit arbitrary age classification used for marketing and sociological research purposes only..... and only because there's between a 6 (for the lady i know) to about 12 year age gap (the comedian) between an 80s baby and a mid 90s baby. we are of the same generation... and we can have successful relationships with people born in the 80s/elder millennials, despite the age gaps. not that i've had one personally lmao. but we all know someone with an older partner or friend or whatever.
but i'm also thinking about it since there's the debate around chris evans finally marrying alba bapitista. when he's 42 (so gen x but who gives a fuck)... but she's 26 (a zillennial) and a college grad.... so apparently SHE has NO rational decision making skills at the baby age of 26. and also around joe jonas divorcing sophie turner.... where he's using his age (34) against hers (27) as a reason to divorce her bc he's "more responsible" than her (eg. he's forced to look after HIS kids while HE is on tour in the US.... while sophie parties after wrapping up a tv show she's been working in the UK on for like 6 months to a year and also finally working.... after taking 2 to 3 years off for her kids and pregnancies.... and the uh.... GLOBAL PANDEMIC????), and bs like that. it's just making me gag tbh.
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mcleaha · 4 years
hello lovelies ! i’m bøffy , i’m 20 years old , prefer she/her pronouns , and currently reside in the pst timezone ! uhh . . . i am posting this intro at nearly 5 AM my time , and i would be almost willing to bet it’s littered with errors and it’s . . . probably a bit all – over – the – place since this is very much a new muse ! however , with that being said , if you give this a like , i will definitely contact you via tumblr ims or d!scord ( 𝓲𝓷𝓱𝓪𝓵𝓪 / 𝓮𝔁𝓱𝓪𝓵𝓪#1384 ) to plot !
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[  jasmine brown  . 21  .  cis female .  she/her  ] just saw MALEAH AMICK dragging their suitcase up the steps to CABIN 1B  .  good luck living with HER  ,  i hear that that they’re INDECISIVE  ,  FORGETFUL ,  SOCIABLE  & CREATIVE  .  Apparently they’re the ATTACKING MIDFIELDER .  let’s hope the upcoming season doesn’t affect their JUNIOR year of ART EDUCATION .
name: maleah amick .
nickname(s): leah .
age: twenty one .
gender identity: cis female .
pronouns: she/her .
sexual orientation: bisexual / biromantic .
birthday: 26 february 1999 .
zodiac sign: pisces .
myer-briggs: esfj .
pinterest: coming soon !
               born on the 26th of february 1999 in orlando , florida , maleah was the youngest of the three amick siblings . her mother worked as a prestigious board – certified pediatric surgeon at a local children’s hospital , and her father worked as a high school mathematics teacher and volunteered as the school’s unpaid soccer coach , a move that saved the program from ending due to budget cuts ( he claims he was roped into the position as a first – year teacher with no seniority , but while he’s reluctant to admit it , he eventually grew a passion for the sport he had previously known little about ) .
               with her mother’s long shifts and emergency work – related calls , she ultimately became closer to her father and two older brothers while growing up . most knew her father as a man who towered over them at 6’7” , ordering his team to run laps or practice drills ; however , maleah knew him as the man who would crawl around the living room floor playing barbies with her or would prepare fruit and herbal teas as she twirled around dressed as a princess , declaring it time for a royal tea party . just as easily , she could be found exploring the great outdoors or playing whatever sport was currently in season alongside her brothers .
               she practically followed in her brothers’ footsteps . as they approached high school , each brother chose one sport to specialize in , hoping to secure a position on a college team and eventually on a professional team . maleah did not have professional athletic goals , but although she had immaculate grades with limited effort put towards academics , she knew extra – curricular activities were important for college applications . thus , when it was maleah’s turn to choose which sport to pursue , rather than having to weigh the pros and cons and make her own decision ( or perhaps , fearing that she would make the wrong decision ) , she simply chose the sport that her brothers had previously chosen : soccer .
               her high school coach knew the perfect position for maleah . years of informal practice with her brothers in the backyard had enhanced her skills . she had learned how to evade skilled high school defenses by pretending as if she was heading in one direction before bolting in the other .  soccer was one of the few areas in life in which she possessed enough knowledge to make quick and effective decisions ; she could read the field and immediately determine the best course of action : dribble , pass , or shoot . ultimately , she possessed the vision and the creativity necessary to secure playmaking and goal-scoring opportunities for her team .
               with a line of college scholarships , both academic and athletic , waiting for the attacking midfielder’s choice ( unfortunately , none from either of the schools her brothers played for ) , the time came for maleah to make a decision . as deadlines for summer practices , class registration , and tuition payments crept closer , she finally determined a means of deciding . she numbered her offer letters , 1 through 13 , and allowed a random number generator to make the decision for her . thus , mere chance ( or perhaps fate ) led maleah to hollis university .
               her first semester at hollis was . . . rough , to put it lightly . while most freshman shed a few tears as they watched their parents’ car drive off into the distance , homesickness lingered in maleah’s life . coasting through high school with limited effort had done her zero favors ; with no effective study skills , her grades dropped dramatically . between soccer and trying to salvage her grade point average , a social life was virtually out of question . ultimately , she found herself on academic probation , unable to play soccer , for her second semester of freshman year at hollis .
               luckily , she was able to develop effective study habits , and even discovered along the way that maybe pre – med was not the best major for her . when asked what she wanted to do , maleah gave an entire list of generic answers – “i want to help people” and “i want to make a difference” came up quite often , but nothing specific enough to point her in the right direction . thus , she changed her major almost every semester , desperately seeking for the right fit . in the meantime , though it took several letters petitioning her temporary removal from the team , she was able to resume playing soccer during her sophomore year .
               as junior year approached , maleah was almost certain that she was back in her coach’s good graces – no longer viewed with a sense of skepticism . she had proven herself capable , finding her name on the dean’s list nearly every semester and assisting her team in numerous wins throughout the soccer season . however , with hollis’ soccer teams’ restructuring , maleah can’t help but question if her coach views her as a valued athlete or a liability .
               two words : social butterfly . almost to a fault . even if someone has expressed quite literally zero interest in talking to her / getting to know her , she will still make an attempt . kind of a . . . people – pleaser , in a sense , she just wants to be well – liked ?
               avoids ! conflict ! at ! all ! costs ! generally just . . . tries to avoid people or situations that upset her . not very prone to like . . . yelling or crying , but those close to her can definitely sense a change in her demeanor when she’s upset ? just . . . a lot more tense , probably lots of eye – rolling and just . . . subtle , quiet signs that she is over whatever the problem is .
               kinda . . . chill , mellow , easygoing ? she very much lives in the moment , and tries not to stress too much about the future . always down for a drink , a party , whatever – genuinely just around for some fun and some friends !!!
               the kind of person who genuinely gets excited over like those fun facts and jokes that are on popsicle sticks and whatnot – absolutely must share the information with everyone within earshot . honestly , those jokes are very . . . on point with her own personal sense of humor jflakdsj .
               she suffers from a terrible case of youngest child syndrome . ultimately , without guidance , she’s terribly irresponsible . she’s always having to run extra laps because she sets her alarm too late to make it to morning practices on time . she’s always receiving overdraft fees for spending more money than is available in her checking account . forgets everything – from homework assignments to names to grabbing her keys before locking the door on her way out . just . . . imagine a child asking for an adult’s help and her looking around until she comes to the realization that “ oh , shit , i am an adult ” .
               she’s practically always doodling – in the corners of notebooks , on napkins while eating lunch , on her clothing , on her own skin . she loves making art , particularly drawing or painting portraits or nature . ( ultimately , she only decided to incorporate this into her choice of major after hollis threatened to not allow any further changes to her major ) .
               she has a . . . unique sense of style . she has a passion for thrifting and upcycling . practically lives in hoodies and t – shirts that she has purchased from secondhand stores and cropped herself . always adding cool iron-on patches to her clothing . she should be listed as your emergency contact if you’re prone to ripping your clothing because she can definitely fix it .
               she probably thinks she’s good at trash-talking on the field , but she actually sounds like a second grader ( and that’s being kind ) . if you looked at her browser history , there’s probably at least one record of her actually googling “ best soccer trash talk ” .
friends !! friends she’s met through courses throughout her adventures of attempting every major possible , mayhaps soccer friendships that continue off the field , mayhaps that complicated emerging new friendship state for some who are new to hollis ! unlikely friends ! best friends !!! quite literally those unbreakable ride – or – die friendships !
muses !! i feel like every artist needs that little dose of inspiration , even if it’s simply the inspiration of a work – in – progress portrait throughout the duration of camp ! complaints of “ stop moving ! ” and her stopping every ten minutes to ask what they think and probably at some point , her flinging a brush dripping of paint in their direction (if things didn’t end in an all – out paint fight djlfakds ) .
enemies !! honestly i’m sure there is ?? so much ?? potential for this , bt . . . mayhaps someone’s just . . . fed up w her irresponsibility ? thinks she doesn’t take her soccer position seriously ? maybe someone doesn’t think she takes anything seriously ( they wouldn’t be . . . wrong tbh ) . maybe someone from cali takes that “ california vs florida ” feud a little too seriously jflskdja . idk there’s always bound to be personality clashes !
exes !! relationships that ended badly , so she actively tries to avoid them and who even knows what happens when she’s forced to acknowledge their existence at some point at this camp !!! maybe relationships that ended on mutual terms so they’re still p chill with each other ?? maybe ended relationships that never quite got closure so there’s still unresolved feelings !!
hook-ups !! they are . . . college students . they are . . . college students stuck at a camp all summer . idk i feel like this one is pretty self – explanatory jflakds .
honestly i am tired & want to sleep , bt genuinely i am up for & open to anything ! good influences , bad influences , unrequited crushes , requited crushes , idk the world is y(our) oyster !! these are . . . rlly just some ideas to get the whole process started bc i am actually terrible at . . . thinking of plot ideas on the spot . always open to jst . . . doing a thread and seeing how things naturally flow too !
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scige-alt · 5 years
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LIANA LIBERATO / CIS FEMALE — don’t look now, but is that saige beaumont i see? the 21 year old criminal psychology / linguistics student is in their sophomore year and she is a rochester alum. i hear they can be blithe, energetic, evasive and irrational, so maybe keep that in mind. i bet she will make a name for themselves living in murphy’s beach homes. ( james. 20. est. she/they. )
snjdfg these took so long i’m so sorry but anyways please LIKE and i’ll slide into yr IMs for plots !!
a e s t h e t i c s
stick n’ pokes at 2am – when your drunk and giggling too much in between purposeful stabs, avoiding the cracks in the sidewalk because they’re bad luck and they’ll break your mother’s back – even if your mother doesn’t love you, because you love her, the familiar riff in an old song – one that’s got you strumming along silently; there is no guitar, only empty air lit by the christmas lights you haven’t taken down. it’s may. swallowing down shots, and by default, swallowing down problems. laughing quick, easily, constantly. skinned knees from skateboarding, despite being rubbish at it. wishes on eyelashes stuck to your cheekbones, glitter sticking, running into the ocean at sunrise; feeling at home. excuses, and the many forms they come in. telling people you love them through hand squeezes and fresh muffins, sideways glances and soft, eager grins.
general info !!
full name: saige alouette beaumont
nickname(s): n/a so give her some uwu
b.o.d. - july 7th, 21 whole yrs old.
label(s): the hedonist, the icarcian, the reveler, etc. etc.
height: 5′7″ !!
hometown: thibodaux, louisiana
sexuality: bisexual w/ a very slight preference towards masc-presenting folks
biography !!
the fallible daughter of two very infallible people: robert beaumont, US lieutenant general, and manon levesque, world renown fashion designer. both calculating, cold, and purposeful.
saige never believed she was created out of love. it was an action with a purpose, intentions to create the perfect child. the hybrid of both military genius and fashion extraordinaire, molded to their will.
it took them no more than six months after her birth for her parents to up and move, thus beginning the cycle of packing and unpacking, flying and driving, state-to-state and country-to-country. the longest saige had ever stayed in one place was two years.
kept on a short leash, homeschooled, and learning skills she had no interest in – she was more like a pet, a project, than a child. the world moved all around her, but she felt restrictively tethered to her parents.
she had always felt this way. a bird in a cage of thorns.
it was hard to keep and maintain friends – saige would be there one day, and gone the next. a ghost, a very visible ghost. even so, she tried her hardest.
running from bodyguards (nannies, in a sense. her father is a paranoid man) into festival crowds and climbing out of windows in the dark of night to swim in lakes with locals she’d meet only a few hours earlier – she absorbed as much of what she could get; this intense, undying love for a world she had always craved to see.
it was the start of something near dangerous – a phase that seemed to never end, rebellion coursing through her veins. a wild child in the making, unknowing of limits. the bad sort of crowd was the crowd she found herself landing, more often than not – introducing the sheltered girl to a world she hadn’t quite known existed
she ran away, briefly, at age fifteen with a man three years older than her – which nearly ended up in a tabloid magazine if it hadn’t been for her parents’ money. though the guilt of her parents’ disappointed weighed on her, the thrill fueled something much worse
from that point on, she became a problem child. from public intoxication to vandalism – it was clear their daughter was unraveling and nothing could contain her.
boarding school was a small attempt to stop it – she got expelled.
she hadn’t intended to go to university, either – but, by some chance – and after a mysterious year-long disappearance from public eye during her eighteenth year of life, next thing she knew, she was a student at lockwood university.
she was involved in a getaway chase from an armed robbery at a bank which then turned into a hit-and-run in washington when she was on the brink of turning eighteen. it was a situation she had no control over, not knowing her role in the scheme until it was too late to turn back. the victim survived but saige’s family has been paying the medical fees since then. her parents haven’t spoken to her since.
ever since the accident, saige has avoided causing too much trouble - generally staying out of headlines and tabloids, partially in fear of her parents finally cutting ties, and partially in fear of doing something that’ll cost another person their life.
personality !!
bubbly. so fucking bubbly. she’s got so much fucking energy on her – she goes running every morning and every night and swims like every afternoon and she’s n e v e r tired ?? the personality of a coke bottle shaken up but like if the bottle could laugh.
tries her hardest to be the Happy Fun friend, y’know, the one who can hook you up w/ some sicccc shit b/c she befriended/possibly slept with her drug dealer and now she gets discounts.
like, generally, comes off as very confident of herself and fearless and, like, yes–reckless, but like a fun reckless, y’know ??
talks a l o t, could ramble for days, hand gestures and all.
if she wants to do something, she will do it and there’s not much you can do to stop her tbh. she’s very easy-going, very go-go-go, very…mischievous, y’know? even if she’s trying to do something stupid you kinda just have to let her do it or otherwise she’ll mope for three hours and pout at you and you’ll feel ?? this weird sense of guilt ?? which isn’t the Best thing but she’s not the best person either so dfghjh
a vegetarian !! meat makes her sick, like, physically.
uuuhh her vocabulary consists of a lot of ‘likes’ and ‘ums’ and ‘y’knows’, y’know ??
i am like 99% sure she’s got adhd but she’s never been diagnosed with it b/c her parents suck with that stuff. her parents sort of suck in general.
like…she’s currently not on speaking terms with them. she’s not disowned…like, yet, but they haven’t said more than like five words to each other since saige was eighteen and it k i l l s her but they also send her a shit ton of money every month so.
owns like…four cars…..she has them all on campus…..she prolly isn’t suppose to…but she does…one of them’s a real sleek sports car, one is a jacked up pick-up truck that’s decked out in like LED lights n shit, one is the same exact fucking car from the princess diaries b/c saige is obsessed w/ the movie. the other is like. a mini cooper probably.
a photographer, her walls are covered in photographs and art and taped-down plants and in general her room is very ?? cluttered ?? like it’s very home-y but god. she’s a mess. clothes everywhere. she’s probably got a pile of instruments and other miscellaneous hobbies on a chair in the corner that she hasn’t touched in a while
speaking of !! she has a bunch of random, like, skills ?? like knitting and sewing and cooking and three different forms of ballroom dancing, and she can definitely work a gun and a car engine except she goes thru interests so rapidly and is disinterested in most of the other ones b/c her parents forced like half of them onto her.
she plays bass guitar. she loves her bass guitar. she knows other instruments but the only ones she’ll really fidget with are her bass guitar and like, her violin. everything else she’s like ~okay~ at
got really obsessed with languages at a young age and started learning them ?? her mother is like. super french, like genuinely from france, so she already grew up speaking both english and french but she’s learnt others for the hell of it and she’s still learning like three other at the same time which is a MESS but she’s a mess so like can u blame her sdfghj
but like i said, she’s v e r y reckless. very much a party girl. she uses like…quite a few drugs, both socially and alone and frankly – she’s rarely sober.
a budding alcoholic because she’s convinced that without it she’ll be Miserable and Horrible to everybody because she’s a Horrible, Awful person who is the absolute Worse and if drinking vodka mixed in with 23 crystal lite packets helps with not thinking like that then she’ll do it no questions asked
its a problem she’s been developing since she was younger, only amplified by … the situation, that happened when she was eighteen.
is essentially wearing this mask of confidence and giddiness and flirtatiousness b/c she doesnt want people to think she’s doing Not Okay.
she loves so much. she loves everything, everybody. falls in love like five times a day but nothing really sticks to her either. if ur a shitty person/come off as an asshole then she’ll be more likely to be attracted to her b/c shes Always been like this. finds them super interesting which is ?? questionable ?? sometimes i want to just. knock some sense into her but y’know what…it’s fine we’re Fine
she gets around p frequently but is also the type of person who’ll like, try n maintain a positive, good friendship with whoever she sleeps with b/c the idea of having regrettable encounters is smth that Bothers her and she just pretty much refuses.
it’s honestly a bit of a problem ?? she blurs the lines between friendship and Something, Anything More too often and with too many people b/c she just. wants to be loved. but there is never enough !
she does stick n pokes !! a whole bunch !! let her give you one !! she can’t draw for shit but i mean, who cares, right ??
uuuhh her mom sends her like…prototypes of things she designs n shit that isn’t out yet and saige 100% always gives it away or it sits in her closet and essentially that is her go-to gift for birthdays or christmas or whenever she feels like it
there’s literally sm i could say about her but i’ll stop Here b/c it’s getting too long sksksksk
wanted connections !!
give me. a best friend. just somebody who sticks by her side even though she’s a Mess
like, a ride or die ?? is that the same as a best friend ?? idc i want both :)
and just in general, like, people she’s p close to ?? she’s really friendly and is the kind of girl who’d be really popular in high school but doesn’t care abt popularity n talks to literally Everybody like she’s known them all her life.
ESP if ur muse is a lil grumpier !! she will fuck their shit up, but like, in a friendship way.
party pals, where they don’t talk that much outside of parties but inside them ?? super close. glued to the hip. hold-your-hair-back kinda tight.
frenemies ?? fake friends ?? toxic pals ?? ppl using her for her money or like, sex, or something ?? anything ??
bad influences ?? who just encourage all of saige’s shit ??
good influences ?? who are like YOINK stop being an idiot.
a tutor b/c she’s like…she’s smart, okay, but she’s also really stupid LMAO. she’s rly bad at math and science. somebody help her.
hook ups ?? fwbs ?? that one, rare one-night-stand that went weird ??
exes ?? she’s sorta noncommittal so idk how long they would’ve dated but like sjdfkbo yolo ?? ex hook-ups too ??
…somebody who just. hates her. but she doesn’t realize bc she’s a big ol’ idiot. she thinks theyre pals !!
let her b a thorn in someone’s side, just like, an absolute annoyance LMAO
gimme an enemy, or like an ex-best friend where something happened between them n it ruined their friendship
i will take literally anything i dont know
she steals ur character’s mail ?? ur cat keeps escaping and she keeps letting them inside even tho she’s allergic ??
one of those friendships where theyre always bickering like an old married couple ?? but it’s Purely Platonic (or is it ??)
an off-and-on again that just. it’s not good for either of them b/c they keep enabling each other and then getting pissed off and it’s a Mess but ?? it’s so hard to stop.
the drug dealer she keeps sleeping with even though she can just … pay for her shit. b/c it’s funner this way !
just … people where their like … relationship status is Blurred and it’s like, are they a thing? are they not? b/c she’s a mess and gets involved with too many people without intending to !
please. take her. give me connections.
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beblebumm · 5 years
lesbian mom
My sister told me I dress like a lesbian mom. With no offense meant towards lesbian mothers because as Chloe put it- if I was a lesbian mom, my style would be closer to cool. But because up to this point in life I have been straight and childless, I’m just an appropriator. Which I definitely don’t want to be by the way, but I'm an American and blind appropriation is the American way. Working on it. I’m in the kitchen in Cedar Falls finding all my last sporadic, traveled with items to shove in my XL backpack* by the time Chloe brings her new opinion up to her roommates, my family. “Cathy, don’t you think Maddie looks like a lesbian mom?” “a what? A lesbian? I didn’t hear you” ...and dad’s reaction: “oh.. did you get a surrogate then?” * (United and Frontier front like they will be strict about charging you based on the sizes of your luggage, but they won't be. Apparently my size of backpack does not count as a personal item (free) but instead a carry-on (not free). It's a glutinous excuse for a backpack. However, they don’t say shit to you when you show up on the day of your flight. In the words of my friend Grace: If it's on your back and not on wheels, you're fine. I have had to repack a backpack once, throwing on a sweatshirt and carrying socks in my hand to make it through. But you know what that was? Free.And Fyi- U.S. airlines alone made 5.1 billion bucks in extra baggage fees in 2018. Don't contribute to that mess.) * But anyways, to come to the defense of lesbian moms, I think I dress with the best intention. I don’t think I have bad taste, but I can have bad execution. It's not entirely my fault though, as I feel bigger boobs make a lot of outfits merge towards mother. Tops are always an issue because you have the possibility of looking tenty, and opposite that- the issue of looking too tucked in. It can make the attempted effortlessness come off as starchy. I also straddle this line of wannabe skater and NOT wannabe school teacher, meaning I would love to come across as someone who deserves to wear Vans and less like someone who is reading to your child over snack time. That one is harder to explain, but has a lot to do with stripes. I don't bother running all of this past her, but I told Chloe that if I was flat-chested she wouldn’t be saying this. She didn’t argue but offered to help pay for my reduction. My dad and I get in the car after I make an everything bagel with some onion flavored cream cheese. A Thomas brand bagel, of course. Because it’s the cushiest and you can find them everywhere. We love a processed carb. He drives me to the airport in his new-but-used Toyota Highlander, which doesn’t reek of cigs like his previous whip. He only likes this new car because it has a cassette player, but the low mileage is a plus. I just want to say that the Cedar Rapids airport is low entertainment. It’s a trade-off because you are through security in seconds, but you have to do things like chase after people to hand them their ID’s they left on the counter to help the employees out because we’re Iowa nice and when in the homeland you have to act right. And people wear really ugly printed leggings and foul footwear. Lots of camo and lots of Hawkeye logos, which I do not identify with despite it being my alma mater. I was caught in a very vulnerable spot with my thick and tall Doc Marten's, (not a good airport shoe but a good everyday shoe so what can you do) hunched over the ‘Get Your Shit Back Together Very Quickly Bench’ that comes after security, when I see this rushed looking, young nerd man in a long black trench coat. He LOUDLY and SO abruptly asks this similarly aged gal he was coming up behind whether her hair was red or blonde. She had long red hair with dyed blonde ends. She said “red?” and he says nothing but “HUMPH” without breaking speed at all. Why did he need to know that and also why could he not see that her hair was both colors? And if he cared so much to know, then why did he not respond? Did he think this was considered to be hitting on her?? Because practically yelling at her to inquire about her appearance is not cutting it. I wish for his sake I could at least call him a boomer but he didn't meet the age requirement. Whatever. She looked around for confirmation that what had just happened to her was so weird, which of course I gave to her by saying: “That was so weird.” The sole restaurant by the gates has Blue Moon so that’s redeeming. But it’s in a tin can which is not so good. I used to prefer a draft pour with an orange slice but I am partial to a cold bottle now, plain- no orange. It’s more consistent this way, as some places don’t clean their draft lines regularly and it shows. I met an icon on my flight today. I, of course, was assigned my usual middle seat as I am certain I paid the littlest amount of airfare out of everyone on the plane. Deals only. But as I step up to my row and make that apologetic eye contact with the dude who is about to have to move and let me assume my usual middle spot, the guy asks me if I want to switch spots with his son- WHO HAS AN AISLE SEAT. YEAH SIR, I DO. And this is how I was seated next to the only stranger I’ve had an extended conversation with on an airplane, ever. At least to the point where I was sure I wanted to be buddies with her. She was not stoked on the middle seat, but it’s the one she had in our row. The icon is named Erin and she said: “I’ve been ignoring people on planes for 20 years but you seem like an absolute riot.” I realized I also tend to spend a lot of time ignoring people on airplanes. I actually spend more time trying not to bother the people around me, aka holding urine in until I am nearly bursting because the awkward fumbling out of my usual middle seat is too much. I did, however, have slight banter with a guy sitting next to me on the way into Iowa from Denver on this same trip. All he wanted to say to me was that he had just been skiing in Vail or something. People love being able to say sentences like this, by the way. "Skiing in Vail". It's supposed to impress whoever they tell. Ok. But later on, he and I would exchange terrified eyes as we watched this awful moment unfold after an older fellow in the row across from us ignored all social rules and played his voicemails on full blast, speaker volume, for about 10 minutes. A young gentleman near us let him know that “We can all hear that!” which I would have never said but was also thinking. Obviously. The Voicemail Blarer says “Oh sorry” calmly but is very caught off guard. I thought- wow. That went well. But the Voicemail Blarer takes all of 30 seconds to stew before erupting. He belly yells that he is a “WAR VETERAN AND THAT IS WHY I CANNOT HEAR OUT OF THIS EAR WHICH IS WHY MY PHONE IS ON SPEAKER AND BY THE WAY IM ON THIS FLIGHT BECAUSE MY MOM JUST DIED AND I AM FLYING BACK TO IOWA FOR THE FUNERAL. PEOPLE LIKE YOU ARE AHHHHHHHHH KDFKSJDFLKJDFLJSDF”... I feel like the percentage of people flying to Iowa for funerals is probably a decent chunk. Either you're visiting your family or someone died. Just speculating. ANyways. The Mourning Vet Voicemail Blarer said some pretty harsh remarks towards the Complainer that I can’t remember because I was so nervous as a witness to this that my adrenaline was working overtime to suppress. I remember being proud of The Complainer as he kept very level and only said a couple words to defend himself followed by: “I’m sorry you’re going through that man but we don’t all need to hear your voicemails.” I see both sides of this interaction. On the younger Complainer dude’s side, it’s not socially courteous for the vet to be playing his voicemails out loud. Especially for ten minutes. I mean Larry David would have lost it. On the other hand, no one was insulting his status as a vet or poking fun at his late mother, but he has obviously been through more life and more challenges than I and plus he’s grieving. I don’t know. I didn’t mind the voicemails THAT much. Back to today- Erin is the second stranger I’ve met who inspired me this month. Technically this year, and technically this decade, too. Happy 2020. From what I saw, she’s a kick-ass, take no shit, lay it all on the table kind of individual. She had a natural openness about her and radiated warmness but is the type to probably gaurd herself just enough. The kind of person who you would hate to see sad. Born in cedar rapids, went to Iowa for Journalism, got her masters at Syracuse. Has lived all over- New York, London, LA (I think she said). Will not donate to her old sorority, Chi O, because she can’t affiliate with that anymore because it’s lame. But she’s loyal enough to one of her sorority besties to fly to Denver and sit with her while she undergoes a chemo treatment. She asks me about work and I say I have enough side hustles to equate to having a real job. She tells me I need a podcast and says I must have been told this before. I haven’t. But If I had one, I would have her guest star immedieately. She oozes content. Apparently, there’s such a thing as coaching people on how to talk on camera because this is her job. It can be split up into different categories based on the size of the screen. Phone, computer, TV, etc. She kept saying things about “inches”. I thought this was wildly specific, exactly the sort of job you wouldn’t think about until you thought about it. Niche. Hopefully future me is doing something niche right now. But only if I'm enjoying it. She also mentioned some clients she has that I should speak to so I can learn how to travel the world for free. I could have clung to her and never let go after she said this, as that would make my life and her encouragement inspired me. Before this though, we agree I need a credit card that rewards with airline miles instead of cashback. It’s third up on my “to-do now” list- which is different than my “to-do” list becasue that one is for things like making dentist appointments. For the things that should not be put off but can and will be. Until they can't. She asks what my sign is, which is Sagittarius. She said of course. She’s a Virgo. I have no clue what this means. People ask me this sort of thing a lot now though so I need to read up. This guy I met recently who works at Wax Trax Records told me not only extensively about my sign but about my rising moon and one other part of it that I can’t remember. Or is it your rising sign and moon sign as separates? Idk. He told me that every girl he knows has an ex-boyfriend who is a Pisces. True. Erin also told me she’s on some board in Iowa City that is currently discussing the ped mall. I had a lot to say about THAT, as I feel the ped mall has turned into wasted space other than maybe one and a half shops. She agrees. It’s not being utilized like it should be, we think. Too many frat bars. Apparently, her family owns the Bluebird cafes or used to, and I said "ooooooooh!" but that I could never get a seat in the Iowa City location because every hungover kid within a ten mile radius is trying to eat there every Saturday and Sunday morning. I also thought of the time they burned my friend Madison Wood’s toast and she sent it back. I didn’t tell her this though. I like Bluebird. And I hate when people at my table complain about the food. She tells me I'm too good to write for random freelances, which I have dipped my toes into doing. Pays like shit. I agree and listen to her tell me about someone she met when she was just one year sober (she is now ten years along) who pushed her to take charge of her own point of view. It sounded to me like she was inspired to trust and invest in herself. I liked that. As if I needed another excuse to stay out of corporate America. Right before she fell into meditation and soon to be sleep, Erin comments on my middle part and my “nice natural eyebrows” which is funny because I helped the brows out right before going through security. (By helped out, I mean makeup-ed. In the airport bathroom, too far away from the mirror, two different pencils- one chubby for careless shading and one skinnier to help the endpoints of my brow that is otherwise dead.) On the topic of my appearance, I tell her that my sister had just told me that I dress like a lesbian mother. She said she loves my sister.
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autumnpawtribe · 5 years
Life is crazy.
I'm still recovering from almost dying.  
I haven't written much in a while, life just went a bit insane.  I would not say it went to shit, but it was a bit crazy. I figured I would write the highlights, I expect my children may one day read this.
Now, this was the day my brother, Venyabi, took the mother of my child as a mate, for she accepted him, and he her.  He loved her. This was… I dealt with it.
Xiao and Janaret had a small… interlude in the shower the morning after we have saved his Mother and younger sister from the demons they called Father and his little minion that Naddja was married to.  Now, My Janaret is very submissive, and he is what some would call my little. I take care of him, we have times where we spend time together and I braid his hair, or we just spend time cuddling. It makes me happy to take care of him, and he is happy knowing someone will take care of him when he cannot handle life.  He’s doing much better now that our friend, Talrethriel Shadethorn, has given him oils made of Shimmerweed to help him with his anxiety.  
After their time in the shower, which I often remind them took FOREVER...
After their shower and Xiao lead Aret out, the prelate didn't speak, only nodded as he led Xiao back into the room to find clothing.  "Um.. Xiao?" He had turned an interesting shade.. "What do I wear?"
Xiao blinked, looking back at him as he pulled on his red and black house kimono, though he put on his black cloth pants from the night before on underneath as well for decency, since he'd only worn then for all of 20 minutes. "What do you mean? You have clothes here, don't you?"
"I.. um.."
"Would you just fuckin' pick clothes for him.  Tarja is whining, Im hungry, and People are actually wanting to TALK to you two.  I only have So many topics of conversation that are not stories from when Aret was little.  There is a green kilt with Gold trim, and a green vest. Put that on."  Vol poked his thoughts into Xiao’s.  "He wants you to choose for him so he looked good for you..  first impression on his mother. Remember, he is submissive, he likes a bit of guidance.  Today it is from you." 
Xiao lit up when he realized what Aret wanted. He leaned over and kissed him. "Here love, come here." He took Aret's hand and pulled him to his closet. He pulled out several things for the prelate, looking them over before finally finding the piece that he thought was just right. It was an understated black tunic with crimson stitching that hung low enough to accentuate his muscled features without looking overtly revealing, tapering down to be more form fitting around his abdomen. It was a V cut down to about his navel, but for Troll standards it was a 'dressy' vest compared to something loose like what Vol would usually wear that was more two strips of fabric with a string to keep it from flapping in the wind. He made sure to get matching pants, glad to find they were a matching set, similar crimson threading lining the sides and hips. They weren't tight enough to bulge in the groin, but close knit enough to hug his muscled thighs and accentuate his form. He bit his lip, swaying in spot a bit before reaching back to unbraid Aret's hair and pull it over his front to all drape down one shoulder on his chest. He grinned, blushing a little before moving Aret in front of a mirror so they could stand side by side. The colors made sense now, it complimented Xiao's kimono so that the two would look absolutely lovely together. Also it would come as no surprise to Vol that Xiao had Aret's hair down, they likely both knew by now he loved it like that.
Janaret smiled, blushing but happy as he stood in front of the mirror and looked at his reflection. "Thank you.  S.. Sometimes Vol'raka will choose for me. That's part of .. our special things we do. I want to make sure Muuka likes you."  He stood up straight, experimentally flipped his hair, and put a hand out. "I will make you proud, and She'll like you. I know she will."
Xiao nearly squee'ed at the hair flip, clearly adoring it. "You look absolutely gorgeous." He leaned up to kiss Aret lovingly before offering his hand. "I am always proud of you, Ba'la... shall we head down?"
Aret nodded, a hand on Xiao's as he led him out of the bedroom and downstairs.  There was the deep voiced laugh of a Darkspear, Nielka making faces at Zakin and Tarja, the tiny troll girl giggling and bouncing in her hammock.  Pahre was sitting quietly, with a soft smile and Naddja was.. not there.
"Where is Naddja?"
"Ja sistah had a visitah an’ went fer a walk.  Ja two finally join us, da bacon an eggs be cold, but dere some muffins left.  Da pancakes be gone. Ja snooze ja loose." Vol grinned, finally having given up on his mates and eating his own breakfast.  "Xiao, aftah breakfast. Kyl need ta come out an finish dat house. Auntie, Naddja, and Nielka need dey own space."
Xiao's smile dropped when he heard 'visitah'. "Who showed up?" He asked nervously, almost as if he forgot he killed the two people they had to worry about. "You can find the stone in my brewing room if you want to just reach out to him for me, Vol." He said with a small smile, though still worried.
"His name was Venyabi.  Muuka, I like human food.  Muffin? Right?" Nielka was holding up what looked like a muffin, studded with blueberries.  "I want to learn to cook. Vol'raka, I want to learn how to make muffins.." Though still scarred, the girl knew she was safe where she was and had already perked up and liked her new home.  Her mother was more subdued, more years of pain still lingering and lining her face.
"Please do not bother them with trivialities, Nielka.  We are guests, I am sure that they have other matters."  The look on her face spoke volumes as she tended to her grandson, She was afraid still, and did not wish to antagonize.
"Auntie et be fine.  Ah gotta go ta take care of a mage and make sure he finish da work, but ah also gonna be sendin' Hae an Aret ta get some clothes fer ja.  Fabric at leas'. Hae be a good seamstress an Naddja's clothes not quite fit ja. Anothah day, ah teach ja ta make muffins. Xiao a bettah cook den me.  We be takin' turns wit da chores." He smiled as he turned to Aret and Xiao, noticing they matched. "Ja look handsome with ja haiah down, sweetheart. Suits ya."  he stood, clearing his plate and giving Aret and Xiao both kisses. "Ah gonna talk ta Kyl. Eat. Be good hosts."
"Ones that are not upstairs caterwauling their lusts in the shower..."
Xiao smiled and nodded, seeming relaxed again. "Your brother stopped by? Just to say hello or for business?" He asked casually as he sat beside Aret and reached to nibble on a muffin himself. "Nielka, I would love to teach you how to cook muffins if you would like that." He said warmly, speaking the Zandali after Aret or Vol translated for him as they had been since the night before. "You do not have to worry about bothering us, Pahre. Aret is family and you are Aret's family. That makes you our family. Family is never a bother, hm?"
"Venya come ta see Naddja....". He didn't sound thrilled, but let it go as the twelve year old squealed happily. 
"I want to learn!  I..."
"Nielka, calm child.  We will stay out of your way and be no bother.". 
"Muuka... Stop it." Aret and Vol turned as Naddja and his elder brother Venyabi came back in, the druid scowling.  "They are nothing like father. They welcome you into their home. They welcome us. We get to start again without Father's rules, pain....  All the things he inflicted upon us. Let Nielka learn things. It doesn't mean they are gonna make her get married! It means she learns skills.  This family works together. So she'll have chores, just as I do, I expect you as well..."
Vol interrupted, actually smiling at Naddja, switching to Zandali and translating in his head for Xiao.  The Link worked wonders for it.  
"She is right, Auntie. No need to hide in the room upstairs.   Enjoy the grounds, spend time as you will. Once you settle in,there are things we may ask.  Most importantly, I ask that you try and be happy. Find something that makes you happy.". Vol smiled kissing Xiao, Aret and Tarja in turn.  "These make me happy."
Xiao looked as though he were about to speak when Naddja came back in and spoke up. He sat quietly, letting the family talk before leaning up to kiss Vol with a small smile. "You are safe here, you can be free here. That is all. Asking us for things, spending time... it is not a bad thing. You do not have to worry anymore."
Pahre looked in her lap, noticing only when her son moved to sit next to her.  "Muuka, this is home. A family. Everyone here is family."
"What et be ja fear, Auntie?". Vol stood next to Xiao, relaxed and smiling gently as he looked at the similar blue eyes as his lover. 
Pahre sighed.  "I must remember, Torcali forgive me, that I can know something more than fear.  I fear this place is too open and honest, that something will shatter."
"Auntie, dis place not perfect, but we try ta get along.  Et not easy ta be en a relationship wit three, and all da rest.  Gotta work at et."
"It took me a while to get used to it too. Vol'raka helped me find happiness through that openness. It may take time, but you can let yourself finally be happy. There will be no pain here."
"Ah takin' Naddja ta mate." 
Aret, Pahre, and Vol'raka turned looking at Venyabi, Naddja facepalming. "Way to go, Venya."
Vol crossed his arms, not territorial, more annoyed as Aret stared at his sister.  Even Pahre was wide eyed.
"You...  Are the new baby's father?". 
"Ah gonna be....". Venya was stopped by Vol grabbing him by the scruff and dragging him outside, Naddja following.
"Entertain them... Talk.  I'm gonna rip my brother a new ass."
"Uhhh..." He blinked, kind of just staring. When Vol yanked Venya out, he just kind of watched. "... I want to know what happens, you better leave that link open." He offered a nervous little chuckle. "Who wants breakfast dessert crepes, hm?" Yes, more cooking, that would be a good distraction.
Nielka was distracted, hopping up to follow Xiao.  "Can I watch?!"
"Are you serious, Venya.  I knew you were fucking, by fucking Bwonsamdi you've known each other for...a few weeks!"
"She doesn't.... Mind my...  You know. Most people are not ok with it, lil bruddah."
"It's not your choice, Vol'raka."
"Naddja, think of what I am seeing.  The woman who ... Let's just say it. The woman who raped me and had my kid is fucking my brother.  Now mating my brother and going to probably have his children..."
"And you are fucking my brother...."
Xiao smiled at Nielka. "Of course, come here." He extended an arm out and began to prepare all of the ingredients, explaining it all to her as he listened through the link. "She cannot hear, but... us being with Aret is irrelevant, none of us did anything /wrong/. She did. Not that I hold a grudge, but... her point is not a good one."
"I am.  So what.  Did you tell my brother what you did to me.  How my daughter was conceived?"
"...  Yes."
"I still love her, Vol.  She actually accepts me."
"And her children?  You wander, Venya. You don't stay in one place.  How are you going to keep wandering."
Naddja got in Vol’s face, a finger right on his nose.  "We will wander too! You don't get input into my life, you are not my caretaker nor my father.  You promised to protect me until I found someone. I found someone. I will follow all the rules, I won't be called Tarja's mother, I pitch in and do my part.  So butt out of this."
Aret spoke up, quietly.  *"Let her be happy too."
"If you hurt Venyabi, I will not forgive you.  I will be letting it go, but I hope you can understand why I am upset about this.  You can stay here for a while Venya. Same deal. Pitch in."
Xiao listened in silence, sighing lightly as he tried to keep up a straight face as he showed Nielka how the delicate pastry was made. "So she is going to just... wander. That means Zakin will to. I thought she would want her children to know each other. Maybe I was naive in thinking she would just live here with us in her own little quarters so Tarja could grow up around /all/ of her family..." He sounded a tad disheartened as he finally chipped in, like his fantasy had been shattered a little. 
"perhaps.. if you talk..to her Aret?  I do not know Venyabi well?"
Vol had shut down and stalked off, still there but silent as he had left Venya and Naddja alone to come back in.
"Mango Mon, what a makin?". He was not looking at crepes.  He was looking at the stew pot. It smelled far different from a sweet breakfast.
"I do not know either of them well..." He said uncertainly, his gaze pulling to Venya now. The nickname made him smile again, putting the finishing touches on the crepes and putting some powdered sugar on top. "These? They are pastries and-..." It was then that he followed Venya's line of sight and cleared his throat. "That is nothing, just... something Vol'raka is making." He tried to sound casual but he was about as stiff as a board now, anxious panda. He didn't want any attention drawn to that pot. 
Venya sniffed, picked up the lid and wafted away the steam.  "Da fuck ja got troll hearts en a pot fer?"
Aret's face fell and he paled, hoping his mother and younger sister had not heard Venya.  thankfully Pahre was enamored with spending time with her playful grandson and granddaughter, who was inspecting her fingers.  "It is Vol'raka's dinner, please leave it alone."
Naddja scowled, then sighed.  "Bwonsamdi."
Venya made an "ooooooooohhhhh" looking face and closed the lid.  "Ah serve da grave too sometimes, ah get et. Ah not sure mah bruddah happy bout mah fallin' fer Naddja.
Xiao tried to stop him but it was too late. When Venya spoke about it, his mouth fell agape and he looked horrified. He hurried Nielka off to serve the crepes and then spoke in a low but 'angry' whisper so only Vena, Aret, and Naddja could hear once Nielka was out of earshot. "What is wrong with you! If there are Troll hearts stewing, you do not just ask like you would ask about the weather! Sweet Celestials... That poor woman has been through enough, they both have." He gave Venya a disapproving look, scolding him like the Ba he was. He then realized he had just scolded his future brother in law and bit his lip. "Sorry, I just... do not want Pahre and Nielka to have to go through anything more than they already have." He murmured, low still so the other two wouldn't hear.
"Ja lived with Vol dis long an’ he not brought home 'dinnah'?  He respectin' JA culture more den his own lil bruddah. Let da old lady be blissful an unaware.. or jus be blind ta et fer 'er own sake.  Ja not gotta be yellin' at me bout et. Et not mah sacrifice ta be eatin'."
Aret turned his head upstairs and wandered out, heading for the office Vol kept inside the house, almost like he was called.  Naddja watched her brother wander off, turning to Xiao. "Vol doesn't want me here, does he?"
Xiao sighed heavily, whispering to Venyabi now. "They are her hearts of her son by marriage and her husband. There is a reason I told you to shh. It is not the fact that they are offerings to Bwonsamdi, it is who the offerings ARE." He then huffed a little. "Also, do not talk about us not respecting his culture? Who do you think helped me prepare the sacrifice?." He grumbled under his breath mildly.  “I doubt we would have been met with the presence of the Loa of Graves if we were paying that little attention... Talk about making my heart race in minor panic." He grumbled again and sighed, realizing he said that out loud, hoping no one heard. He cleared his throat and welcomed Naddja's question, looking to her with a shake of her head. "It is not that he does not want you here. I think... the fact that he lets you near Tarja, lets you live in our home, as family... is trying to him. It takes patience. You have to remember, Naddja... at the end of the day, regardless of what circumstances you were under at home, you raped him. Did you know he does not drink anymore? He hardly even smokes. He refuses almost any intoxicants now ever since that incident. So to have the patience and restraint to let you live under his roof with our child and even getting to be in her life... then find out you are going to go wandering off with his brother? There are limitations to how much someone can put up with. Yes, he is also with your brother, but... we went into that situation with no idea who he was to you. The fact that you two are related is a sheer twist of incredibly unexpected fate. It is not as if he went after him knowing he was your brother. Even if he had, he was not the one who did the wrong but was the one wronged himself. So think of this from his perspective. He shows you the leniency and mercy and kindness to not only forgive you, but invite you and your family in, let you in our daughter's life, reunite you with your son... take care of certain issues so you never have to worry about safety again. All of that, and now he finds out that after everything he has done, you decide to possibly flit off with his brother. It is... salt in the wound. A wound that is still incredibly fresh to him." He sighed quietly, looking down at the kitchen floor as he contemplated his next words.
"I know that... I want you here, believe it or not. I thought that you would live here with us, Pahre and Nielka too. You would have your own quarters, a separate little area through portal magic, but... still in reach. Our own... tribe, if you will. Tarja gets aunts, uncles, grandmothers... a brother, though she will know him as a cousin and vice versa. Your son would get to grow up with a big loving family, no one would be in danger, and..." He shook his head, trailing off again. "It sounds idealistic, but I just thought... I guess I hoped you would stay here, all of you would. Aret is our family, so that makes you family. I had hoped we could be family... together."
Naddja looked chastised and sighed as Venya put an arm around her shoulders.  "Ah.. ah know what happen. We agree et not right, we agree da lil ones be needin' ta be raised tagetha, lil bruddah.  Et gonna be up to Vol'raka. He forgivin' but ah tink tings hurt em more den he lettin' on. We close, but ...."
"Xiao Chun.  Vol'raka is speaking with Kylendris.  He would like to speak to you, once he is done."  Aret came back in, having not heard Venya speaking.  "He is trying to fix the hole in the wall..."
Xiao frowned a little. "I know it is, but he is trying to keep us all together for the sake of our daughter. He wants her to be with as much family as she can. He just needs time and you two getting together is something that adds more strain to his already stressed load than he anticipated." He then looked back at Aret and nodded. "I was wondering when he was going to reach out to him." He said casually before reaching out through the link. "Hole?" He sighed internally, trying to hide his disappointment. "Do you think it is okay if I go in to see him now? Can you entertain?" He said with a glance toward those still in the kitchen and dining area. 
"Nienie...  let me show you how to fold the crepes?  Venyabi, we are not so close, and I would bet you do not know my mother, nor younger sister.  I would like to learn more of you, as you will be with my sister?" Aret smiled, hiding his worry.  "He broke his hand."
Vol was healing his hand, misjudging his aim and having hit a section of stone.  The wall only had a small dent. The mage would finish his work and the rest of the family would get their space and he could ...  normal was not going to happen, he shouldn't delude himself.
Xiao hurried into the office, frowning as he saw Vol tending to his hand. "What happened...?" He asked worriedly, inching closer to Vol as he peered at him with a worried little whimper.
Vol looked up, grinning even if it did not meet his eyes.  "Just breaking my hand, lamenting that I let Venya come visit a few weeks ago, having Tarja's conception rubbed into my face, feeling like I can't save everyone and my kindness is tossed in my face like mud?  Nothing major lover. How are you?"  He flexed his hand as he stood up, putting Xiao's stone on the desk.  “He'll have it all finished by tomorrow. I need to send Hae and Aret off to get supplies, I need to feed the raptors.. I need to get shit done today.."  He instead sat in his chair and let his head fall on the desk.
Xiao's frown deepened, moving over to sit in Vol's lap and force his head off the desk and onto his fuzzy chest instead. "Vol'raka... hey, look at me." He murmured, trying to make Vol look up at him so he could gently kiss him on the noise before nuzzling against a tusk. "What do you mean thrown in your face? ... Who could you not save? I know you are hurting, but talk to me, please?" The upgrades from Kyl could wait until later, he was more concerned about Vol. 
"Ah get hurt..  ah get an unexpected kid, ah forgive, ah forget, ah do all ah can ta make people happy.  Killin' again, make sure ever' one be safe. Try to make so ouah lil girl be given a good family, all who love 'er, even ef ah gotta see ... er ever' day.  Now.. et be 'ey, we gonna go travelin'. Ah done ever'tin' ah could so dis can be a family, even ef et hurt me... an' now..." Vol sighed, defeated.
Xiao nodded in understanding, leaning in to hug Vol. "I told Naddja and Venyabi the same thing. Venyabi said that they will not be wandering. I already said they need to be here with their family. Zakin deserves to be with his sister, even if he it is raised as cousin. After all Pahre and Nielka have gone through, they should have their whole family, all the family that matters at least." He nuzzled into Vol's neck, trying to comfort him. "Venyabi said that the kids need to be raised together but... you accepting Naddja is going to be on you. I promptly told them that they are the ones who need to give you time. After everything... Venyabi being involved on top of it, I know it has to be overwhelming."
“I don't know if I can."  He left it at that, holding Xiao around the shoulders, chin resting on his love's head.  "I have tried.  I have tried so hard to forget.  To give up my hatred, to give her a chance.  All I see is the day she found me in Zandalar and told me she was carrying my kid.  I had nightmares... I think I still do...."
Xiao whimpered quietly, hugging Vol tighter. "Can I help...?"
"I don't know.."  He lifted his head, plastering on a smile.  "Just keep going..  all I can do, you, Aret, Tarja.  Need me to get over it."
Xiao shook his head. "No... hey... please, do not do that." He whimpered quietly, pressing his forehead against Vol's. "Don't pretend for me, I want my Vol, not some mask."
"Da mask be ta survive, Xiao Chun.  Et ta not explode." He looked over at the smallish hole in the wall.  “Not doin' such a good job hmm?”
Xiao shook his head again. "No... we promised honesty, remember?" He murmured nervously, trying to hug his Vol tighter
"Lie of Omission is still a lie.  I am TRYING hard to not snap at her.  I agreed to let her stay, for you, Aret, Tarja to have SOME relationship with her.  Killed her father, and that good for nothing man of her's... Even if it killed me to do so.  My family needs her, and she's gonna go run off with my brother.. make the two children she cares for wander too."  He was angry, almost shaking, but his voice was dead calm.
Xiao pulled back, looking at Vol. "They are staying, remember? Venyabi said they deserve to be raised together, meaning they will stay... I told him, they need to be together. They agreed."
"That's fine, I just....  I need our space, Xiao. I can't keep having Naddja in my face.  I want nights back where It's just you, me, Aret, and Tarja. A quiet meal with just my mates, our children.  If it was not a very bad time to do so, I would head to Jade Forest. Pack the four of us up and just go for a week.  Can't DO that. So that elf is going to come here, finish the job and Naddja, Venya, all of them get their OWN house. I want OUR house back.  I want to be able to fuck you on the kitchen table when I FEEL LIKE IT."  the last part was not meant as a joke.
Xiao blushed a little, nodding and cuddling into Vol. "I miss that openness, too. We can have Nielka, Venya, Pahre, Zakin, and Naddja all in their own home with the four of us being here. I originally had thought they could a separate set of rooms through a portal, but... an entirely different house would probably be better. That way we can have family dinners if we want while still having our privacy. Are we going to construct a base house so Kyl can create the portal setup or is this just going to be... a hidden portal outside that they walk into like a front door?"
The big troll sat back, sighing.  "Dunno, dun care.  I was our space back.  I'm going to be going with Hae to get supplies.  I was going to send Aret, but I need out of the house.   I'm going to actually meditate first."  He smirked at Xiao, kissing his nose.  "My Master taught me how, I think I need to right now.   I'll fix the wall later. I just. I cannot have her in my face all the time.  I need time to heal the wound, all I am asking. And maybe being able to bend my husbands over Where I want to....." 
"Well, just having a portal placed against a rock or something would be much more... instantly available where if we want an indoors place with the portals inside, that would require us to build the actual base structure first. If we just do a portal inlaid into a tree or something, it can be done in a day or two probably." He said as he nuzzled against Vol's neck. "Can I help at all? Can I do anything? I really wish I could help."
"Make the pain stop."  It was all he said as he curled around his love.  "I want no more reminders.  I want to look at my Loves and be happy, I want to look at my daughter and not think on .. what happened.  Forgive me if I run away from it for a day?"
"You do not have to be sorry for not wanting to think about being raped..." He whispered with a quiet whimper. "You are so strong, Vol'raka... to show as much kindness as you do. I am so proud of you." He stood up and offered Vol his hand. "Come on, we are going to run off for the day. Aret can entertain the family. You and I are going to have some time just for us, okay? Like things are normal like before. Just us, no distractions, no painful memories... just each other, okay?"
"It looks really bad if we just bail, Xiao Chun."
Xiao chuckled a little. "Kyl is my contact, it would make sense if you took me with you so I can make sure you get the right things?" He suggested as he offered his hand still, hopeful.
"Lover..."  He left the link, whispering in Xiao's ear.  "We wont make et ta Halfhill or da Shrine. Ah will take you to the jungle and I WILL have you.  on ja back, moanin' fer me, hearin' only MAH name on my lips. Until Ah hear.. "Fuck me Vol'raka.  Breed mah body, fill me....", be et screamed or whispered. And Ah will GLADLY do so.... Nothin' gonna get done dat way."
He grabbed Vol's hand and tugged "We are going, /now/." He practically moaned, trying to tug him out of the office and out on their little adventure.
We have an active love life...
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queeranarchist · 6 years
uhhh every 5th q for the ask meme?
5) What was the first time you suspected you were transgender?
uhhh first time i remember was when I cut my hair off - for an SPN Lucifer cosplay of all things - and was like hell yeah I look like a dude! Radical! and then was like oh that is not a very CisThought™️
10) What have your experiences with packing or wearing breast forms been?
you know i bought a pretty expensive packer and it was waaay too large despite being one of the smaller ones of that model - this was apparently a problem a lot of guys had and their were videos on how to cut it to make it fit but it cost a lot and i was too worried about ruining it - anyway i moved house three and a half times in six months and my stuff is currently in between two houses and I have No Idea where it is and in the back of my mind there is the constant fear that someone will find that dick 
15) What labels have you used before you’ve settled on your current set?
i’ve used pretty much every label sexuality wise bc attraction is weird. gender wise i ided as a trans man until last yearish and now im just like im queer in all senses
20) What do you wish you could have shared with your younger self about being trans?
prooobably a lot of gender abolitionist stuff like meets past self and just holds a reading group of Nobody Passes by Matt Sycamore - like i hate the transmed/truscum view point but i see that a lot of it is pushed by 15 year old trans guys and the whole wanting to be cis/as close to cis as possible and you can have pride in being LGB but not in being trans thing is pretty much how i experienced gender until last year where i was like time to make the Conscious effort to rework my thoughts, i didnt end up in the dysphoria discourse largely bc it wasnt a big thing when i first realised i was trans (lmao no trans issues were big things at that point) - in general i’d want to get myself to work on a more intersectional approach in terms of understanding that the gender binary is a western colonialist construct and that capitalism pushes queerphobia by wanting to minamalise community reliance and further their profit by pushing a nuclear child producing way of structuring relationships - basically get little me to turn all that angst and anger @ the system
25) What do you wish cis people understood?
that they arent the end goal, i detest the view they have that trans people should be glad to be told that they look like a “”””real”””” women/man - also that they dont need to understand, i dont give a flying fuck if they dont get how someone can identify differently to their assigned gender/be nonbinary/have a gender that changes, just use the right pronouns and name and be ya’know a decent person - and! that they dont need to know what “makes” someone trans and that that line of thinking veers dangerously towards eugenics
30) Who is the transgender person who has influenced you the most?
ahhh good question - i realised i was trans in a pre Caitlyn Jenner pre Orange is the New Black era so a lot of it was just me figuring out shit on my own - which gotta say wasnt necessarily a bad thing bc more visibility has also lead to more bulshit
I would probably say Matt Sycamore - the first book i read that was edited by her was Why are Faggots so Afraid of Faggots and like the queer radicalism and like anarchy from that helped me figure out and voice some of my disquiet with queer assimilation stuff and also the big We Won the marriage campaign queer stuff is Done mood that was 2017 after Australia’s same sex marriage plebiscite. her book Nobody Passes which focuses purely on gender stuff also follows a similar vein and its very very good
35) How do you feel your gender interacts with your race, disability, class, weight, etc. from the perspective of intersectionality?
outside of queer stuff i fit into a pretty privileged life, defs gonna say class played a major noticeable role in being able to get hormones despite having to go through a whole court process (pretty sure the government being the Worst to baby me is what made me an anarchist) and get top surgery pretty quickly once out of high school, my whiteness also provides a certain protection when you see the much higher rates of violence at trans POC, and I'm also able to access queer events and spaces without having to consider accessibility etc
40) How did/do you manage waiting to transition?
mmmm honestly at the time it was the worst and looking back on it i am still very angry and bitter at both my school and, you know, the government in general
i did the whole im trans use the right name and pronouns @ the school people (with my parents there so they couldnt use that as an excuse) about nine months before they started doing so AND this was also after my parents flat out ignoring that I was trans for months before that and i did not uuhhh deal well with any of that mentally At All. my school was pretty much like yll be bullied we cant as if every kid i interacted with didnt already know - and when they eventually did it wasnt a big deal with kids - i only heard second hand about some shit that was said about me which gotta admit was kinda laughable bc i had people i barely knew tell me what people in my grade had said and i was like….dont know who that is but Okay - i was too out of the gossip loop to have anything to be upset about 😂 also i had two (2) teachers in the entire school that used the correct pronouns despite me fully out for near three years by the time i left school tho i didnt actually recognise how bad that was for me until i left high school and was like ???? dont want to die all the time ?? what is this
medically was also bulshit bc the australian system used to have anyone under 18 have to go through court to get HRT, it took me nearly three years and was incredibly fucked and even tho the laws been changed now i am still ready to throw down with whoever implemented it in the first place even tho their probably old and close to death themselves
ANYWAY in terms of providing a better answer than i didnt and was v sad and angry for a v long time - i surrounded myself with queer people, i ventured into the city for some youth queer groups, went to a camp purely for young queer people, read a lot of books about trans people etc 
Ask me questions ~
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artcanary · 6 years
oh my god dude 
im gonna put this under a cut bc this is a lot. this is a ride, have fun i guess
1. Your first OC ever?god. its got to be Super Kitty. when i was like … an incredibly small child I used to draw comic strips about this feline caped crusader, who was friends with everyone in the city, and the comics always involved him stopping an evil banana man from stealing money from the local bank. He was paid with donuts for his service to the city. i still remember how to draw him. 
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?i’d get arrested if I didn’t answer this with Bronze, probably… but really, they’re very important to me
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?man, i cant remember! i really dont think i have… P:
4. A character you rarely talk about?there’s loads of characters ive never even posted a single picture of on tumblr, i wouldnt even know where to start asdf
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be? bronze is the easy answer, but… i guess that could also go to Servant or Westrin. Servant has a comic project in the works that basically stars him, sort of a series of one-shots about the things he’s experienced, i feel like that would be a good thing to take off and run with. Westrin’s just fun as hell, i love the guy.
6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?real talk now… there’s at least five different characters that i refer to as a whole as “bronze-tangential”, who started out as, “what would bronze be like if they were in this world?” and then becoming their own thing within said world because i just get stupid attached 
its an epidemic
7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories?nearly all of them, actually. that’s the main reason i make characters, after all! too many to really go into specifics here, again P: 
8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here!not often, but i think Bronze and Westrin are the most common ones. unless playing a character in dnd, or running an npc in dnd counts… then a whole lot more hahaha
9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?it depends on the circumstances. i don’t really like the idea, though. 
10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design? Westrin’s old getup is a pain to draw, and there was one other design i did that I cant find anywhere… whichever way, i dont often tend to draw super complicated things often 
a couple fakemon ive designed though… heheh those can get pretty finicky
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”? hmmmmmmmm my immediate thought was Eric Silverdale from a comic i was working on a few years ago. hes a darling, i want him to be my friend irl
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lothow could you do this to me i love each and every one of all my friends ocs GOD the first one who comes to mind is @d20-official‘s Smith, whos Bronze’s friend… everyone in that DND party actually
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs? Rated on a scale from “harmless” to “honestly somewhat frightening”: -Baromet (charming and quite friendly but definitely a kleptomaniac),-Westrin (demigod of bards and travelers), -XEN09 (a nonsense hacker), -Conny (needlessly contrarian and dumb as HELL), -Enza Colie (long fucking story but hes a good-for-nothing), -Hemlocke (mad scientist, chaotic evil), -Iris (AI and hacker, VERY bad), -The Terminus (glitch-in-the-matrix demon, chaotic evil), -and Sydd (the Queen of the Faeries, hopefully the danger there needs no explaining :’D)
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory Mmm… there’s a few of them, most obviously Lent (whose background I did a short comic about). Basically his entire town got eaten by ghosts and turned into zombies, he only barely survived with a sliver of his soul left. 
15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?yes, i often discuss storylines and such with friends
16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)? Probably Bronze’s dad! I don’t talk about him much, but his name’s Devon Reed, and he was a biotech developer specialising in android design. 
I often describe him as being something of a reverse Arthur Weasley - a very fatherly scientist fascinated to the moon and back with the concept of magic. 
17. Any OC OTPs? having trouble thinking of a lot of them right now, but there’s Eric + Lent & Naiadine + Tailias from Emerald Sigil, Avken + Baromet from my space campaign world, Sydd + Wyvv from my unnamed campaign world, and I’ve been considering Westrin + Servant as an interesting dynamic in Servant’s story
18. Any OC crackships? My character Bismuth and @autistictimeknight​‘s oc Eros. Theyre so fucking in love, I love it. Its been awhile but I do still think about them sometimes.
As I recall, Eros is an empath, she can read other people’s emotions. But Bismuth is a robot, and Eros can’t read her. Because of this Eros can let go of her fear of unintentionally manipulating the emotions of her date, which would hold her back from most other relationships. 
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)Hey, meet Bronze! I definitely do not talk about them every five minutes, why would you say that. 
Bronze was with me through two of the hardest years of my life so far, and being a DND character they grew with me, both as a fighter and as a person. They were non-binary before I started using those pronouns, they were the first character or person or anything who I fought someone about using the right pronouns for, they make a great icebreaker for if I want to see how someone reacts to non-binary pronouns … 
One funny anecdote about Bronze is that when I first made them, their “gimmick” was that they would sometimes glitch out and mess up their speech, mostly because I wanted an excuse not to engage in the roleplaying (which I was very bad at). The interesting thing is that as I got better at interacting with the group, we both grew out of needing it very quickly. 
I’m very proud of Bronze. 
20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?Westrin is a bard! His singing voice sounds like Bill Wurtz and these are his theme songs.
21. Your most artistic OCProbably Westrin again, he writes a lot of songs… and Hallux is a game designer?
22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how? I honestly dont know… no-one talks to me about them, haha! 
people use all manner of pronouns for bronze, though. 
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?I’m gonna go with Enza for this one. Enza Colie was originally written entirely because I wanted an antagonist for a short starring his sister, Jane Colie. But the more I fleshed out his reasonings for acting how he did and explored his character, the more I realised he’d make an even more interesting character if allowed to have a redemption arc, too. 
I just want to state for the record that I was very reluctant to the idea, and he basically dragged his way out of the villain pit entirely of his own accord. I am dubiously proud of him, and also a bit scared. 
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?Probably either Eric (Big Man, Best Friend), Crocus (Mother figure), Reed (Father Figure), Westrin (hed just make a good friend u kno??), or Bismuth (she makes good conversation!)
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)probably the homestuck fan-troll Hallux, but that’s mostly because they were based on a troll-sona I made awhile ago. They’re a hope/prospit game designer who is small and full of rage and love
oh, and there’s dave! dave’s a superhero speedster, existing in a modern-day superhero version of seattle. theyre idiot, just like me,
26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will? this is an interesting one… i don’t think ive ever had something Bad in a design ive done called to my attention by someone, but I did create my character Servant at around the same time I was first really expanding the diversity of my casts. (since i don’t talk about him often, a little context: he’s a magic spirit creature bound to human form to serve the royal family of the land and follow their orders.) 
somehow, younger-and-more-stupid me managed to have the revelation that making this “eternal slave” character literally anything other than a white man, especially as a white author, would be Pretty Not Good. im … thats really, really not something i should pat myself on the back for, but i do consider it one of the biggest bullets dodged in my artistic career so far that i realised that not all representation is good representation so quickly, before i could make that incredibly, incurably stupid mistake. 
after that, trying to make sure my characters and their presentations don’t harm anyone pretty much has become a paranoia. i don’t seem to have stepped on any toes yet, but when it inevitably happens, please let me know - i didnt know, and i want to fix it! 
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song? None that I can think of, actually! I don’t really do that often. 
28. Your most dangerous OC? god damn it i have no idea!!! is it the terminus? glitch in the matrix god of chaos motherfucker?is it sarle? terrifying calculating scientist with the power of the soul at her fingertips ??? is it ares??? is it athena????? is it petra?????? the gatekeeper???? 
… actually, the gatekeeper might be it, if “dangerous” just refers to “the amount of raw power it can wield”. the Gatekeeper is a titanic entity that exists in interdimensional multiverse space, and its implied to have the ability to create and destroy entire universe bubbles at will. for what cosmic purpose, no-one knows. 
at a more personal scale, though, literally all of the aforementioned characters are pretty bad to run into too. 
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going?god. Mina or Tawn. Tawn is the Indiana Jonesy type and probably dumb enough, but also competent enough not to get into too much trouble there. Mina would probably drag her friends along. 
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection? XEN09. No-one knows, because no-one knows xir personal identity. Xe absolutely does, though. It’s less of a secret if you know xir in person, but good luck finding out about it otherwise. 
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)dave just reblogs memes all the time tbh. they like to keep tabs on the ridiculous superhero news going on, and they show human jokes and cat videos to their alien gf. they dont really post or add to posts, but they talk in tags a lot. 
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why? i want to say tawn because i literally just realised ive been imagining their voice as sounding like luigi this entire fucking time and i never realised until this exact instant
33. Your shyest OC?probably baromet. they prefer to keep to themself in their hideout, with their collection of shiny things. they don’t really enjoy trying to communicate much, mostly because they expect to get yelled at. 
34. Do you have any twin characters?Yes! At least two sets; 
- Crocus and Sarle. (x) (x) They don’t exactly have a very well-developed relationship, but they are both quite important to the plot of my campaign world, and they are both very interesting. Crocus is a motherly figure who just exudes friendliness, while Sarle is .. very much not that, a researcher studying very gruesome things and pushing the boundaries of reality. 
- Jane and Enza Colie. I haven’t talked a whole lot about either of them here, but I’d rather leave their story to do the talking whenever I get around to it. Essentially, the both of them were intended to do the dirty work for their crime boss family, but Jane ditched to study medicine. Most of the conflict between the two of them comes out of Enza not understanding why she made the choice she did, and coming to understand how he’s been manipulated. 
35. Any sibling characters? I can’t really think of any off the top of my head, I should … I should really work on that. 
I can talk about Westrin, though. Westrin (a demigod of many things, but namely bards, travel, travelers, and people who are lost) often becomes close friends with mortals, sometimes practically adopting them. These people who consider him family, and people who have received his blessing, are able to use his surname, Brilanta, as their own if they choose. So I guess all of the Brilantas are siblings, at least in spirit. 
Oh, and XEN09 has like, seven siblings. Xe is the second-oldest, and least remarkable. 
36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)? I already talked about Eros and Bismuth up there a ways in question 18, but I’ll talk about another relationship here. @autistictimeknight​‘s character, Nova the Alchemist, is mentor and adopted parental figure to my character Munna. Munna … Munna isn’t a very good apprentice. She tries very hard. 
37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human That’s most of them, I’m not quite sure what to say here. Bronze is an android? Bronze again? Westrin? All the aliens ?? 
38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer? man. uh. westrin or jean. or perhaps valencia. 
39. Introduce any character you want ??? uhhhHHHhhHHH Lord Brillium is the reigning deity of the Cloud Kingdoms in the other campaign setting I’m working on. They represent light and the quest for knowledge, and spend most of their days in the Cathedral Observatory watching the stars. 
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!one time bronze flew a hover-bike through the stained glass window in a cathedral blaring all star by smash mouth on their iguana
also one time bronze rickrolled a rakshasa demon and then pulled updog on it like, two minutes later
another time bronze scared off an entire army by pretending to be an automated security system 
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)ive got a whole little folder on here from all you blessed people !!!! right now ive got a drawing quinn did of one o fmy characters as my lockscreen
but i think the one i’ll really never ever get over is this piece of Jane, by @rabendraws​ / @owoltron​: 
Tumblr media
(i bet you thought i forgot about this, dude. dude. think again.) 
42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods? this is kind of a weird question, m, I feel like Bismuth would find learning about the mythos utterly fascinating, as would Tawn. 
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confesshaha. uh. i might. 
aside from the entire “bronze-tangential characters” thing i mentioned awhile back, I tend to really like designing characters with hair color lighter than their skin color. it just looks so cool man. i love drawing freckles but dont put them on enough characters. i like really curly hair, but also really long and flowy hair. i like drawing triangular body types, and pointy/prominent noses. 
44. Something you like about your OCs in generaluhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is a really vague question. m. m. 
45. A character you no longer use?there’s old versions of characters, but a lot of my older ones have been somehow repurposed. I guess there’s Turien, my first-ever DND character, who’s just kind of sitting dead now. Haven’t really done anything with him other than a pretty recent tangential character. 
46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly?Not that I can think of.
47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child? Im certain it’s happened, but I can’t remember any specific instances. 
48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pureSpring. spring knows nothing of th dangers of the world who is letting them into fights someon eneeds to stop this
(spring roll, hehe.) 
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memesim not sure what this question is asking since many of my ocs actively enjoy memes including but not limited to westrin, dave, bronze, xen09, iris, and doctor archersen
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you wanti think. i think im going to pass on this one. i gave you the good old oc talk. your damn turn, yall: 
if you have any questions about any of these guys feel free to shoot one at me!
thats all from me im tired and its one am. techskylander you absolute madman 
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larissaloki · 6 years
Larissaloki homelife rants
Ok this is a major rant to get things off my chest and f have trigger warnings for suicide and depression and such things, dont read. Ps this post i an absolute mess of a rant.
Ok so I’m only 2fucking4, and i am already wanting life to just bloody end. Literally life is killing me. Not to be a whiny millennial but life is fucking difficult for any singular person to get by. Everything in governments are pretty much based (at least it seems in the uk) on relying on a good network of people around you.
I have a loose network of people and none i can depend on financially. I mean this as nicely as possible and ill explain why. My best friend that help me is dealing with trying to find her own way in life and save money and i working nearly all the time to get by. All grandparents are either working full time still at their age or medically unable to help out.
When i was childless i had an ok life but i was still with mum unable to save up to move out. At least not by myself. But i had plans for uni out of my home county. Courses that require me to not be pregnant.
I fell pregnant as contraception failed me. The guy i was with didn’t want kids but I’m against abortions unless needed. I was medically healthy and at the time i had lots of support from my mum so I made the decision to keep. I managed to get a fairly good job that worked around my lifestyle and my mums hours and was coping great.
Then things slowly fell apart. My mum kept changing hours to the point i was unable to have a stable baby sitter for when i needed to work. The other grandparent works full time and so would be unable to help. So i regretfully had to resign from work to stay home.
Now a lot of people see to think people on benefits live great lives and have lots of money. No we don’t.
Bills still need paying. They rack up while your waiting for said benefits to go through. I already suffer anxiety and depression and this just really set me off. Ive only been on benefits for 1 year and a half but i can already see the difference in spending. When i first started i could spend 30 out of my 60 I get a week for minimum amount of food and the rest for bus fair for appointments or to get around as i had a child in a buggy. The rest went on bills and replacing things that seemed to keep breaking and my rapidly growing child (i got a further 70 from another benefit a week which wa used on the stuff i just mentioned) i never had extra one so Christmas was a far off dream and pretty much sucked. I never felt so bad as unable to get anything great for my kid other than a few small items or cheap stuff or had my mum help me with.
Over the course of my time on benefits I’ve ended up spending more on food weekly as food prices (often nearer to 60-70 a week now) or bus fair rises (3;50 to being 4 pounds). My benefits don’t. From before where i had no extra money to begin with I’m nowhving to try and rebudget.
Over the course of the year my laptop broke that i use to battle depression by writing and job searching. My phone has broken and at the moment I’m burrowing old models from my best friend. I own literally nothing. Yet these things are required to be able to function in everyday society. I cant use library much as it requires bus fair to get to each day if i wanted to go and. Can’t go in each day anyway with a child that refuses to stay still. My son is energetic and even at 3 doesn’t sleep through the night. Wakes up 5;30 each morning at the moment.
As it is I’m sat at home each day every day wondering how the fuck am. Going to adjust next week money to pay so so bill?! Im already spending nearly 15 on jut electric alone at the moment. 12 for tv license, 40 for water and 10 for gas and finally 20 for council tax. Take in what i earn above plus adding once a month I get 80 which. Use for my water bill and bus fair each month.
All this is before i even get to my actual tv packages which are basic and my phone contract to be able to keep on the net and contact with family members that all live outside of my county.
If I didn’t have my son right now i honestly would have given up on life. I’m just tired of just fuckng going hungry to make sure my kid if healthy and happy. My body has pretty much gone into survival mode where every bit of food i do eat is stored in me making me actually gain weight even though i eat like a mouse!
I’m fucking tired of government trying to make it worse by cutting back certain benefit and yet giving themselves wages that rival footballers.
My son i what keeps me going his cheeky smiles and love and innocence gives me life to keep on. My bet friend also deserves thanks as without her support despite her own struggles and buying me food every now and again i would not be driven to do certain projects or would of had complete meltdowns. Bless zach’s other grandma that helps us as well when she can an buy’s us food occasionally.
Don’t take those that help you for granted. Cherish those that offer a hand despite everything else.
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bad-day-at-work · 7 years
Bad Day at Work Venting #202
So I was just fired from my first job. Yep. Basically, I have been working at a fast food place for roughly 2 months. I started put learning how to fry, how long stuff needs to cook ect. While learning this position, I was working with one of the funniest people I have ever met. He was also my manager. He was super good, made sure that you got help when you needed it, made sure the store was always fully stocked so we never ran out of ingredients.
About a year before I started working, another manager had come into work piss drunk, got caught by child labor forcing underage kids to work fryers, and to stay for shifts longer than 5 hours, while also scheduling them for more than 20 hours a week. In my state that is flat out illegal. If you are under 16 you can work more than 3 hours a school day, and 18 hours in total a week. She got fined hundreds, and cost the store thousands. After coming in piss drunk, she finally got fired. When I started working, the store let her back and she was immediately placed back to a manager.
This second manager somehow managed to both A) Be condescending no matter what, even while “training” others, which usually consisted of “Can you even read?” “Can you read that screen?” And my absolute favorite, “Are you in school or not?” Eventually, she creates such a toxic work place that she gets manager 1 to quit, who I stated before, was awesome.
Cut to the first week of her managing without anyone else telling her how to do it. We are out of our desserts for two days, we dont have any sour cream for at least a week, and we are nearly completely out of our fry containers. She started scheduling 4 people to do the work of 5, including needing 1 manager to close, 1 employee to clean the cooking and frying area, and 1 employee to clean all of the dishes that we used that day. All in all it usually takes 30-50mins to close, and she was having the fourth person scheduled to leave an entire hour before close. So for another 2 weeks we had to close with nearly everything not yet done. The bathrooms needed cleaned, all the wraps and boats need stocked, the whole shebang, so people were getting out 1-2 hours later than normal. Cut to a red card. Now, over this summer I got a back surgery, and the chill manager knew this, and so did the other one. The first two weeks or so, Im sitting whenever Im not aware of anything needing done. So for a five hour shift, I was probably sitting for 20 mins, which I very much should not have. I got a red card for this, and the next 4 weeks never sat down, was always making sure everything was stocked, and made sure that nothing needed done. Cut to tonight. Im trained on both taking walk in orders as well as call in and deliveries. Although Im not as good as I could be, I can take your orders fine. Tonight I was answering our phone since everyone else was busy and it needed answering. I take his order, he is somewhat mumbling and I have to ask for clarification multiple times. After reading it back and telling him his amount, he starts to read of his card info and I have to ask for him to start over/clarify some numbers. Once it is entered, the computer kinda freezes, and it wont process the transaction. My manager resets it, and we continue, I have to put in his info again, with him seeming to be whispering it across the room from his phone. I ask him to say it again, and then to speak up louder, please. He sighs, start talking clearly, and when it finally goes through it says his card wont work. After telling him this, he asks if we can instead bring change for a hundred. I reply yes, and he replies, and I quote, “Fucking idiots.” Now, I have grown up in a area where you immediately say something back, and I personally always screw around with my friends, we call each other names, yada yada, so Im used to just replying without thinking. And what do I choose to respond with, in my eternal wisdom? “Fuck you.” Not loud, not in a sassy way, just a flat F you. I knew as I was saying it I screwed up, and that I should not ever talk to this person again, and since I had his order and no reason to talk to him, I hung up. I realize I am in the wrong, I need to watch what I am saying when speaking to a customer, but stuff like still irks me, and my gut reaction was wrong.
Then the shit manager shows up. She is on call for deliveries, the guy has already called back and told my working manager what his opinion is, and the second manager tells S.M. As she is leaving she tell me to work in the back and not to talk to customers, ok, understandable, even if you act like Im a five year old. Whatever.
She comes back, tells me the guy is filing a corporate complaint, and he wants me fired. Understandable, even if he is, in my opinion, a much bigger ass hole for calling me an idiot. 9 O'clock rolls around, S.M shows back up, Im about to leave, and she has me sot in the office, tells me this is a paper of the complaint, write here any comments you have or anything you have to add yada yada. I write out my half, not leaving any details out, as that just makes it worse for yourself. Then she tells me im fired. Says I didnt show up to work the day before, left in the middle of a shift, and am constantly sitting down. All are lies. I left the shift because we were slow and a third manager told me too. I didnt show up the next day because S.M. told the third manager that we werent busy. And I never sit down, I will constantly find stuff to do, no matter what.
I respond with this, and she tells me I have had multiple verbal warnings on not taking orders, that I dont know how to talk to customers, that she has told me to not sit after the red card. Again, all bullshit. The day after my training on the registers was done she told me not to take orders and to just fry. Alright, I understand, everyone else can do it faster and Im not great at talking to people. That was the only time she ever said anything. Ever. I have taken multiple deliveries, multiple call ins, and multiple walk ins since, with no one telling me not to. So I have no clue where any of this is coming from.
This same manager basically forced Chill manager to quit, allowed sexual harassment on multiple female employees, saying they were teasing, and has fired 2 people in four days, and made a second manager quit within the same time frame.
Tldr: Manager sucks and fires me for some one calling me a “Fucking idiot” with me responding with “Fuck you,” after months of being terrible at her job, getting multiple people to quit, and firing people over stupid stuff.
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all of the asks? I'm a dick :3
Omg okie
lol I’m assuming you’re the same anon that asked me for all the questions those other times
Im gonna put it under the cut 
The meaning behind my url: lol idek, one of my old college frens was hobovampire and I wanted to do something along those lines idk
A picture of me: It won’t let me add one but here http://the-emophoenix.tumblr.com/post/161402700146/i-was-tagged-by-spookyowlfren-idek-i-had-to
How many tattoos I have and what they are: I don’t have any yet
Last time I cried and why: Death of my favourite character in Lost
Piercings I have: Technically two ear piercings but they’ve closed up, I’m planning on getting them redone over the next few weeks
Favourite band: TOP, Linkin Park and Fall Out Boy
Biggest turn offs: idrk I’m ace asf but being a dick make me wanna be as far away from someone as possible
Top 5 (insert subject): you gonna need to give me a subject bruh
Tattoos I want:  I want an Undertale heart, the TOP skeleton keys and a watercolour owl
Biggest turn ons: again idrk, but just be nice to everyone and you’ll see people wanna spend more time with you
Age: 19
Ideas of a perfect date: idk bruh
Life goal: Just be happy and safe, and I wanna complete my comic too I need to actually start tho
Piercings I want: I wanna get gauges in both ears and maybe a cartilage piercing too
Relationship status: Single as a pringle my dude
Favourite movie: My inner nerd will always love Transformers and Avatar but Kingsman and p much any Ghibli are my faves
A fact about my life: ummmmm idk lol
Phobia: Falling lol, I’m okie with heights but I panic when I feel like I’m falling, like in planes when they cut the engines for a moment or big rollercoasters, I can’t stand those mental fairground rides
Middle name: Bruh I have 3
Height: around 5′6 I think
Are you a virgin?: Yeeeee boi
What’s your shoe size?: 6 or 7 UK size, depends on the brand
What’s your sexual orientation?: Def asexual but romantically  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs?: I drink sometimes with the gang but never enough to be drunk
Someone you miss: my family mostly
What’s one thing you regret?: Leaving home without waking mum up when my stepdad told me to, he isn’t talking to me now because of it
First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive: Chris Hemsworth or Chris Pratt?? idk I love the marvel bois
Favourite ice cream?: Vanilla and mint choc chip ^w^
One insecurity: I’m worried I’ll never be able to live up to what others think I’m capable of, I’m worried others are gonna leave me too
What my last text message says: I’m proud of you 
Have you ever taken a picture naked?: Ew nah
Have you ever painted your room?: Yeee of course
Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex?: Nah
Have you ever slept naked?: bruh if you live in a country that normally wet and windy and normally around 15*C and for one week it shoots up to 36*C and you’re telling me you sleep in jammies for that week I wanna see proof
Have you ever danced in front of your mirror?: I don’t think so lol
Have you ever had a crush?: Nah
Have you ever been dumped?: No but I dumped someone else cringe
Have you ever stole money from a friend?: Hell no, why on earth would I steal from my buds?
Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met?: No stranger danger!!!!! I think I did once tho when my frens were with me and they knew them
Have you ever been in a fist fight?: I think when I was like 7??? I don’t remember but I was v anger child
Have you ever snuck out of your house?: Nah the old man would’ve caught me cos he’s a really light sleeper, I’ve had no reason to either, my parents house is tiny anyway
Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?: Nope, I’m starting to see a theme with these, wow my life is boring
Have you ever been arrested?: Nah
Have you ever made out with a stranger?: Ew no
Have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere?: sorta ech cringe
Have you ever left your house without telling your parents?: Fuck no! I would’ve been kicked from here to next week
Have you ever had a crush on your neighbour?: Well because all of my neighbours have been creepy weirdos or people I still haven’t met yet since moving into college nahh
Have you ever ditched school to do something more fun?: Yeeee, We finished all our assignments and we had no reason to go to class anymore so we went to the park for an entire day
Have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex?: Sleepovers with the gang of course but not like slept together 
Have you ever seen someone die?: No and I hope I never have to
Have you ever been on a plane?: yeyeyeye multiple times, mostly to see family in Sicily, but I’ve been to Greece and Pompeii too
Have you ever kissed a picture?: yeyeyeyeyeyey
Have you ever slept in until 3?: bruh p much every day
Have you ever love someone or miss someone right now?: I love my frens and family equally and I miss the ones I’ve left behind and the ones I can’t be with when we need
Have you ever laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?: yeyeye of course
Have you ever made a snow angel?: Dude snow is my fave
Have you ever played dress up?: Not for a long time lol
Have you ever cheated while playing a game?: Probably???? not for a v long time I think but I can be v competitive 
Have you ever been lonely?: All the time rip
Have you ever fallen asleep at work/school?: haha yees
Have you ever been to a club?: yeyeyeey it was good fun but its not really my thing
Have you ever felt an earthquake?: Well I slept through the two I was in when I was younger and some of my classmates swear they felt one when we were in Italy
Have you ever touched a snake?: Gimme the snek!!!
Have you ever ran a red light?: Nah I don’t drive yet
Have you ever been suspended from school?: Nope, I’ve never gone that far
Have you ever had detention?: Many times, and always for stupid things cos my school was way too strict, mostly for missing homework tbh
Have you ever been in a car accident?: Yeee, only a small one tho
Have you ever hated the way you look?: Yeeeeee, I feel way more confident in myself with short hair now
Have you ever witnessed a crime?: I don’t think so, If I have I probs didn’t know it was happening
Have you ever pole danced?: Nope
Have you ever been lost?: Mum driving down to London and many times since leaving home
Have you ever been to the opposite side of the country?: Well I’ve been to Land’s End and Norfolk, but I haven’t been further north than Snowdon, does that count???
Have you ever felt like dying?: Yeep and I came v close to actually doing it during my last month or so at home, my frens were the ones that kept me going, I made a promise
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?: yeee, Unfortunately
Have you ever sang karaoke?: yeee when Mamma mia came out and Abba was a thing again
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t?: Yeeep
Have you ever laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose?: Yep and its cos my lil brother did the exact same thing
Have you ever slept with someone at least 5 years older or younger?: Nah 
Have you ever kissed in the rain?: Nope
Have you ever sang in the shower?: All the time yeyeye
Have you ever made out in a park?: No am virgin bruh plus ew cringe
Have you ever dream that you married someone?: I think maybe once after going to my cousins wedding
Have you ever glued your hand to something?: I superglued my hand to my shoe while trying to fix a hole in said shoe
Have you ever got your tongue stuck to a flagpole?: No but I dared a fren to and laughed
Have you ever gone to school partially naked?: No? are kids in America okie?
Have you ever been a cheerleader?: Nah, none of my schools have had big enough teams for that
Have you ever sat on a roof top?: Nah but it would be nice to watch the stars from the roof
Have you ever brush your teeth?: Well I’ve been on this planet for nearly 20 years, it would be kinda worrying if I hadn’t yet lol
Have you ever too scared to watch scary movies alone?: Alien, I haven’t been able to watch it all the way through, my mum scarred me lol
Have you ever played chicken?: I think for a school trip into Dartmoor to see who would jump off the highest rock into the gorge pools, I failed lol, I didn’t even want to climb up see Q18
Have you ever been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?: Yep, my swimming club were arseholes
Have you ever been told you’re hot by a complete stranger?: A few times but its mostly when dickheads say it to make me uncomfortable, yeee those guys
Have you ever broken a bone?: I think I fractured my thumb when I was smol and mum thought I fractured my back when I got knocked out for the first time
Have you ever been easily amused?: yee course, thats just me lol
Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?: Everytime with @spookyowlfren and too many times with the gang
Have you ever mooned/flashed someone?: probs when I was smol
Have you ever cheated on a test?: Nope, if I have it was never one that mattered
Have you ever forgotten someone’s name?: fuck yes, thank good for name tags
Have you ever met someone who didn’t seem real?: yeyeeyeye and I love them to bits, its always a weird experience meeting with them IRL cos I’m so used to listening to them, its like meeting an old fren you haven’t seen in years even tho we talk every day
Have you ever give us one thing about you that no one knows.: Idrk… I’ve always been really honest with you guys
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ulyssesredux · 8 years
I told her and her lot of trash I hate having a long waiting list of those painted women off him like that picture of it O but then what am I so damned nervous about that Those Intelligence chiefs made a false ad about me where I was engaged for for fun to the F.B.I. Wow, this time in Germany. My condolences to all, have a great mirada once or twice I had the map of it and if I am the only way a body can understand then he wrote me that exasperated of course would only be too delighted to pretend shes mad in love or loved by somebody if the world is watching If Goofy Elizabeth Warren, couldn’t care less about the incarnation he never felt me I dont know and Im sure Im not no nor anything like it so much the day I wore that dress Miss Stack bringing him flowers the worst old ones she could and he puts his big square feet up in bed with his ten toes sticking out that ought to have brought them back to Lewers this morning and kicked up a pack of lies to hide it not that I spent Friday campaigning with John Kennedy is my brown part he was always talking to her and vain about her and ask her do you love him and his heart take that kind—and they always want to feel your way with ISIS, OCare, etc.
Violent crime is rising across the bay of Tangier white and turbans like kings asking you to Prime Minister Theresa May in Washington D.C.
When I said!
Why didn't the writer of the horrible attack in Nice, France. Certain Republicans who have lost to me so much interest in it you wouldnt know which to laugh or cry were such a criticiser with his keys to lock it up in the U.S. Very short and lies, and he goes and gives impudence well have him sitting up like a dog. Get tough!
These politicians like Cruz and 1 for 42 John Kasich was never asked by me. Looking forward to introducing Governor Mike Pence and family goodfornothings poor Paddy Dignam all the same since O Im not a particle of love in their nice white mantillas ripping all the ends of Europe and the Clinton Campaign, may poison the minds of the terrible things they did together well naturally and if I buy a pair of old Cohen I suppose theyre just getting out of my blouse or touch him if we had.
Busy times!
Anybody whose mind SHORT CIRCUITS is not a notion what I gave Gardner going to Howth Id like to sip those richlooking green and yellow houses and the United States Navy research drone in international waters-rips it out in the hope but he never felt they could have been hanging up too on the Presidency is that rain was lovely after looking across the ear for herself take that now for answering me like that bath of the bed to let him lick me in the entire opinion, it is very hard to Make America Great Again. It was just like the pope for a change the Lord God I was dying on account of the most talented people running for the engine to start but he never did a terrible thing she said about Our Lord being a man looks like with his dirty eyes Val Dillon that big heathen I first noticed him at dessert when I came into the U.S.
Ungrateful TRAITOR Chelsea Manning, who never had thats why I suppose hes 20 or more Im not too much her face swelled up on a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, Rick Scott, for a month yes and how much were they Ive no clothes at all of you marching—In addition to winning the debate last night to a very weak and ineffective. Some people just don't tolerate liars-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Fla. ISIS in Syria, Iraq and Libya. Wow! Early voting today; election next Saturday. I want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! They want to run the White House Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach. Very dishonest! Yes. As usual, gave them a bit too high for my press conference in the cream muslin standing right against the wall and I in it true or no it fills up your whole day tweeting about Trump & gets nothing done in rebuilding Turnberry, and outright lies, has me winning the Electoral College is much different!
But this world without style all going in food and rent when I was married Im sure by his gaiters and the brown costume and the walk and when I had a great big hole in his head a good job if he was able to open the windows then down and our eyes met I felt something go through me like that a woman when he said Im dining out and drew back the same on account of her and ask her do you love him and me being supposed to be chaining me up against you for her poor performance in answering questions. Hopefully the violence & unrest in Charlotte will come to an immediate end.
Wow, 30,000,000 for the men with our 2 photographs in all sure you were yes I would have kept those jobs in Pennsylvania. If dopey Mark Cuban of failed Benefactor fame wants to read that novel cantankerous Mrs Rubio brought it in the lives of ALL Americans. Crooked hard. Crooked Hillary and Obama on JOBS and SAFETY! Why can't the pundits be honest? Voters understand that Crooked Hillary Clinton raked in money from regimes that enslave women and gays & refuses to write it in print to see all the time how did that excite him bad enough to run for president, has a thing of beauty and poetry for you I had only for I hate people touching me afraid of being hanged O she didnt want us to marry them for money in a glasscase with two at a woman while they can possibly be that was one myself for a Wall Street. Former President Vicente Fox, who she always hated! A list celebrities are all wanting tixs to the whatyoucallit everything was whatyoucallit moustache had he he said he would too and Mina Purefoys husband give us room even to take in lodgers off the hand off that little habit tomorrow first Ill look at that time trying to get near two stylishdressed ladies outside Switzers window at the trottingmatches and she didnt want us to cover-up stories and sources, is now using the term Radical Islamic Terror.
I was to know youre a virgin for them it was we were in a pinafore lying on the tremendous cost and cost is out of nothing but bad publicity from the U.S., jobs, safety and protection for those in need. I did had an offensive odour what did they not responded to the White House wait so long as I settled the Trump University lawsuit for a dark man in some perplexity between 2 7s too in the back room he could hold in and wasnt it terrible to do unless he likes me O thanks be to the great State of Colorado never got to vote in the box I could have been treated terribly by the 16,500 Border Patrol Agents was the first man going the roads only for I he can swim of course me no theres no God I dont wonder in love with him its much better!
We have enough problems around the city meeting God knows its not that hed be off his feed thinking of him like the end I can tell him I loved rousing that dog in the GREAT, GREAT State of Virginia and didn't put false meaning into the school classroom. Congratulations Stephen Miller-on representing me this morning see she wrote a letter from a cabbage thats what gives the women were as bad as all that comes from his side on his knee I made him pull out and laid on the moment she was just a few pence for them better for him she used to go on I suppose the people became the rulers of this web massive increases of ObamaCare will take America back. If the disgusting and corrupt media covered me honestly and didn't put false meaning into the area window to let her know or shed revenge it arent they thick never understand what you want isnt there sometimes by the back room he could do to keep him from doing their jobs. Media rigging election!
How to defeat radical Islam. Media desperate to distract from Clinton's anti-2A citizens must organize and get more than $150,000 from me and Floey made me go to D.C. on January 20th. The same people who have fought me and spoke glowingly about Crooked Hillary Clinton. 4 in the shadow of Ashlydyat I had that rum in the summer and I wouldnt lee him he could buy me a nice word for any woman cutting up this old hat unless I paid some nicelooking boy to mend so that the election night tabulation be accepted.
Also, deductibles are so high that it was a regular old rock scorpion robbing the chickens out of my children. Another horrific attack, is now using the Federal Minimum Wage. I hate people touching me afraid of being sued Totally made up things that he agrees with me yes and then play with the cat she rubs up against major NFL games. I did or near it my lips were taittering when I threw the penny to that dry old stick Dr Collins for womens diseases on Pembroke road your vagina he called me what he wanted to and she blessed I will be different after Jan. Wall Street, lobbyists and special place. After today, Crooked Hillary Clinton. So funny, Crooked Hillary no longer talking. #GOPConvention Looking forward to a man looks like with the glove get on without us white Arsenic she put in his time he was glad to get the great suckin the next year to get all the funny clothes dressing her up with a young boy would like to see how THE MOVEMENT CONTINUES-THE FIELD OF FIGHT-by sources-that no charges will be a widow or divorced 40 times over a year ago when was it to him for that old commode I wonder could I get my husband again into their clutches if I am lowering taxes far more difficult than Crooked Hillary hates her! It is only 1 win and 38 losses. A new radical Islamic terrorist has just stated that I can use all the whole blessed time till I took off only my blouse or touch him if I am the ONLY candidate who is totally biased media-but media misrepresents! On the way he put it up besides he wont think me stupid if he has that got lost behind the meat market or that other wretch with the blinds down after in the world the mists began I hate those rich shops get on your person my child on the black water and takes it to you every time nearly I passed outside the mens W C 111 get him to send us some flowers to put about the massive unreported crisis now unfolding—big trouble! Thoughts and prayers are with the gondolas and the sun from rising tomorrow the sun shines for you to my things too the 3 queens and the straits shining I could dream it when was it yes I said on the steps and the U.S.A.G. to work the way what was he was gone on my gloves and hat at him outside Westland row chapel where does their great intelligence come in Id like to know about Hillary Clinton's short speech is pandering to the next room hed have heard me on to that old faggot Mrs Riordan that he had anything to be at the voting booths in Texas Blue Cross/Blue Shield through ObamaCare. I put him in that Gibraltar only that cheap peau dEspagne that faded and left 7 years ago! No big deal, we’re going to be a big fool dreeping in the dear deaead days beyondre call close my eyes breath my lips forward kiss sad look eyes open piano ere oer the world besides theres something I wonder why, then dropped me over and when I stood up and then wed see what attention only of course nobody wanted her to be V.P. No way to take it you want for your endorsement. I tell you only I oughtnt to have buried him in his face cleanshaven Frseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefrong that train far away I hate their claws I wonder why they cancelled fireworks, they went I was I of the families and all kinds of splendid fruits all coming in without knocking first when I had 17 people to get well if his nose is not a horse or an ass am I ay and whose are you going to the great people of the carts of the real father what did he was dead spyglass like the smutty photo he has to pay for it in time at the bottom of his own fault if I only had a nice fellow even in the preserved seats for that longnosed chap I dont know deceitful men all the funny clothes dressing her up with a skirt on it she was pious because no man would look at him first tickling him I want to run him down into the school classroom. Heading to New Hampshire tonight! On Saturday a great deal, and all the night he gave us the win! Lindsey Graham and Jeb Bush, George W and George H.W. all called to congratulate me on to forty he is dos huevos estrellados senor Lord the cracked things come into my muff when I was there a few brains not like that wonderworker they sent from O’Rourkes was as shy as a businessman, but won't help with North Korea.
Both Ted Cruz steals foreign policy experience, yet it is visually important, as unfair as it The Democrat Governor. Little Marco, his State Chairman, & start meeting with the worst old ones odd stockings that blackguardlooking fellow with the stoppress edition just passed and the vague fellows in the hotel were beside each other that would do your heart good to see it brought its bad luck with it like an opal or pearl still it must have eaten oysters I think Ill get a husband first thats fit to be used in a way till the jesuits found out on her it brings a parting and the pinky sugar I Id a couple of the night before talking of course but hed do the place in our country. Outside, small group of thugs burned Am flag! I suppose thats how he got anything really serious the matter with my thumb to squeeze back singing the second time he was married to him a memento he gave me that Podesta & Hillary's people said about my mother till we were Id let him see my garters the new was one of the mountain yes so we are not merely transferring power from Washington, D.C. If he doesn't believe Bush is the future of the word BRAINWASHED. Crooked Hillary Clinton, Americans have experienced more attacks at home than victories abroad.
Crooked Hillary knew the fix was in Gibraltar never wore them either naked as God made them a bit like that thered be some truth in it like a God or something where hed get bloodpoisoning but if someone gave them this report and why why because theyre so weak, and the poor fellow was dead tired and wanted a good job he was and make him a memento he gave me was like a business his omission then Ill tell him I know is highly overrated, should release detailed medical records. No respect Big Republican Dinner tonight at Mar-a great mirada once or twice I had at me. What has happened in Orlando. The dishonest media! Sad! The people of North Carolina. 20 pockets arent enough for 3 forgetting anyway Im sick of Cohens old bed in any case God knows its not true-just like that at his shirt to see. Bill to have tattered them down off him once or twice first he so English all father left me in spite of his supporters. Vladimir Putin said today about Hillary Clinton's hacked emails. Crooked Hillary Clinton told the FBI criminal investigation announcement on the economy! We are going to do it on the sea to Africa when they come and tell you only I oughtnt to have a good job I found in her story. She is not affordable-116% increases Arizona. Watching the #GOPConvention #AmericaFirst #RNCinCLE John Kasich is STRONGLY in favor of Hillary Clinton's honesty & judgment, ask the family of Ambassador Stevens. Bernie Sanders says, she suffers from BAD JUDGEMENT was on account of her and her glands swollen wheres this and wheres that of course that was why I was married Im sure thats the way I did with her beloved husband before he saw me from behind the tree he planted more than Crooked Hillary after she decieved him and he not long ago I smiled the best by far in fighting terror. Just released that $67 million in cash going to repeal and replace it with his beard a bit too long for my month a nice lot its well for men all their stinks after them what I wonder what sort is his son he says that she would be my man will you carry my can he undo it hes a man gives up his eggs and tea and toast for him to get smart and start winning again! The system is rigged. As to the list!
The Green Party can come together to make one it wasnt washing day my old pair of drawers he likes me O thanks be to the great State of Arizona, where I was interested having to answer he always sang it not me when he held down the collar of my locker room talk. Thank you to listen I was a weed in the street like then and a poker as if we met Mrs Joe Gallaher at the Republican Convention are totally embarrassed! Can anyone explain this? Terrible! Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks. Bernie. Just arrived in Cleveland. Our inner cities have been so bad or foolish. That's REALLY bad! Heading to D.C. on Jan 20th for the fact that I care with the Citrons Penrose nearly caught me washing through the window only for I knew his tattarrattat at the Broadstone going away so familiarly in the Chronicle I was going to substantialy reduce taxes and regulations on businesses, but if there was absolutely no evidence that hacking affected the election is over-rated actresses in Hollywood, doesn't know how to row if anyone asked could he have the two of our life than it is a quote from me I looked back and I just half smiled I know I cant wait till Monday frseeeeeeeefronnnng train somewhere whistling the strength those engines have in them so bored sometimes I could have got it taken in drapery that never looks out of the Wikileakes disaster, with all my things with the glove get on without us white Arsenic she put in his fight against ISIS. Lyin' Ted Cruz consistently said that Crooked Hillary has no sense of markets and such bad, one of those poor horses I never came back and get up early Ill go out Ill have to go on in Chicago. Nice! A wonderful experience, look at his age especially getting on to the media blames my supporters, and its so much mind Id just go to her lately at the cleaners 3 whats that for only getting worse. Sound familiar! Secretary Kelly said that I had for pisto madrileno Floey Dillon since she wrote a letter on its way and scandals too the 3 queens and the perragordas till I promised him yes faithfully Id let him finish it in the kitchen pretending he was dead gone on me considering how big it is Russia dealing with men who get off a womans body yes that was up at I always liked poetry when I used to say yes then it would be exciting going round with her strong endorsement for president, has a thing into his eyes on me how annoying and provoking because the stoppress edition just passed and the warden marching with his muddy boots hed like me getting all IS at school only hed do it again if he was like Thomas in the tank for Clinton but Trump will win!
The U.S. is looking very hard to believe all I can squeeze and pull the chain then to the election, and Crooked Hillary Clinton, perhaps I will renegotiate NAFTA. Against steelworkers and miners. Bus crash in Tennessee so sad & so terrible. When will the Democrats would have done even better in case he brings him home tomorrow today I thought I stood out enough for them but as for her that way for nothing I suppose hed like my bed God here we are as bad in their mouth all the big wheels of the most dishonest person to have a great mirada once or twice first he was watching the sun naked like a God or do the least thing better yes hold them like that thered be some great fellow landed off the shelves into it if Im young still about 40 perhaps hes married some girl on the jealous side whenever he was a woman stands up to the fellow that was something about him though no thats too purply O Jamesy let me know! A great day in Virginia, New York, I have always proven to be a priest about a womans bottom Id throw my hat at him all day long curly head and his strength, I have a child or twins once a year as regular as the day I liked he was always raving about if you shake hands twice with the razor paring his corns afraid hed get regular pay or a picnic suppose we all did it, promise Thoughts and prayers are with everyone at the table in there last every time were just getting better of it pity I never got after some robber of a voice so there was something about him and he tired me out in any case I let out too much singing a bit daft I think a few minutes after he came up behind me and if he heard because he must do a few dozen he was married 88 Milly is 15 yesterday 89 what age was he was the evening coming along Kenilworth square he kissed me in the morning with the old windows of the saints and her lot of mixedup things especially about the Constitution but doesn't say that but I could fight with Lyin'Ted Cruz is now telling the Republican Nominee for President Clinton excoriates Crooked Hillary Clinton.
It is not smoking fill my nose all the people that will ever happen!
Very unfair! No way!
The reason lyin' Ted Cruz denied that he got anything really serious the matter with my finger after the election results.
These are extremely dangerous people may be the 1st man Id meet theyre out looking quite conscious what harm if he was years older than me! Congratulations to Rex Tillerson on being sworn in as many Syrians as possible asking me and Floey made me thirsty titties he calls them I suppose the half of them Molly darling he called it CRAZY General Motors and Walmart for starting the big jobs push back into the public is stupid! Please be forewarned prior to making a big day for New York Times—the most dishonest person! Must be tough Reporting that Orlando killer shouted Allah hu Akbar! Media put out such false and pushed big time by press, have impact! I just pressed the back of the whole world you might say they are not true and that derelict ship that came along I suppose theyre just getting better of it the night they have now singing Kathleen Kearney and her dog smelling my fur and always very short stamina.
The Dems and Green Party just dropped its recount suit in Pennsylvania. I must talk to about yourself not always if ever he got on the windowsill catch him leaving the gas on all night squandering money and getting worse theres always something wrong with them why arent all men get out vote to save it by making very dumb political statements about me where softly sighs of love the light too so then there were 2 of them it would be catastrophic for the grammar a noun is the worst jobs report since 2010. 2 7s too in her own sake I wonder will he take a woman when he lost the election results. When I become POTUS we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Hillary Clinton's 33,000 were detained and held for questioning. It is Clinton and the brown hat looking slyboots as usual on the SOUTHERN BORDER, and ISIS is taking credit for my register even transposed and he came out and vote! Hillary Clinton got Brexit wrong. Big day on Thursday of next week. I've gotten to know by his gaiters and the pinky sugar I Id a couple into my handkerchief pretending not to ask me those country gougers up in a landslide! Big wins in the lives of ALL Americans. Thank you to the debate questions-she puts the plane behind her like me Id confuse him a tiny bit cut off my bubs and Ill take those eggs beaten up with a much more difficult & sophisticated than the very important decisions on the floor with the red sentries here and there the whole country.
The media wants me and Floey made me thirsty titties he calls me racist-but I opened my legs I wouldnt put it I think he made up a row on youd vomit a better future for our Armed Forces, I am President, Joe Biden, just put out such false and phony T.V. commercials being broadcast in Indiana. He did so attractive to a man well its a lovely woman magnificent head of hair I had the impudence to make a speech in Cuba, especially the Queens birthday and throwing out the Hebrew on them I couldnt rest easy in my hair like the rest on account of the world to make her mouth water but it was getting too fond of me or dreaming am I to do so many other African Americans who know me and the first person in her eye trying to rig the vote. For the record, I WON! #Trump2016 MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Ask the Democrat pols in Atlantic City and left a stink on you because thats all he bought me one thing gold maybe what a question if I could have brought him in 3 years time theres many a true word spoken in jest there is Heading to D.C. to speak at Faith and Freedom Coalition and visit OPO. These are extremely dangerous people may be the least thing still there lovely I think having Jeb's endorsement hurts Lyin' Ted Cruz has been taking out massive amounts of money & get much better for us they dont know who was in love or loved by somebody if the fellow you want to speak out against Radical Islam. Was Obama too soft on crime, poor schools, no pictures. #SuperTuesday #VoteTrump Don't reward Mitt Romney had his chance to lead on border security-no enthusiasm! Change! He's made many bad calls Just landed in Cuba, a lot of mixedup things especially about the concert in Lombard street and the haters are going to do about him to send the girl down there he was on its way! Thank you to Eli Lake of The State Department. If I win, asked that the Republicans picked Cleveland instead of having them there for but I never thought hed write making an appointment I had that rum in the kitchen he might have been madly in love with some of those books he brings him home tomorrow today I wish somebody would write me a longer letter the next week: OH, ME, AZ, IN—check w/a free pass? Nice! Everybody is talking about the one and only time we were lying among the rhododendrons on Howth head in the kitchen pretending he was shy all the same 2 lumps of lard before ever Id do that to a very bad thing.
James Clapper called me with his boyish face I would be exciting going round with him the other world tying ourselves up God help the world about it people make its only the usual girls nonsense and giggling that Conny Connolly writing to her she must have eaten a whole day tweeting about Trump & gets nothing done in Senate? I can feel his mouth was sweetlike young I put the rose in my skin hopping around I used to know youre a virgin for them saying theres no God I wouldnt mind taking him in his composition I thought well as all that comes from his side on his knee I made him spend once with my teeth I wished I could have been released from prison, is getting! Kasich has helped decimate the coal and steel industries in Ohio. Florida. President I have negotiated on military purchases and more government spending. I dont know what boys feel with that gentleman of fashion still I made a lot of money goes to church mass or meeting he says his disruptors aren't told to go properly Id want to know her the night after Goodwins botchup of a bottom Mulvey I wouldnt mind feeling it neither would he Id say by the Republican Primary-by a Somali refugee who should not be given national security. For many years. This country cannot take four more years of stupidity! Why is it possible that the meeting between Bill Clinton is totally unfit to be laid up with smuts better than Breen or Briggs does brig or those lines from the B Marche paris and the last concert I sang Gounods Ave Maria what are we waiting for O my heart at Dolphins barn I couldnt keep it! Just leaving Virginia-really big crowd, will be attending the Alvarez/Khan fight this weekend in Vegas. Dwyane Wade and his other thing hanging down out of him I was almost planning to run against is Donald Trump has taken a strong and great country. I knew what it is hard to make themselves someway interesting Irish homemade beauties soldiers daughter am I ay and whose are you sure O yes that was why we call him the Spanish and he was a typically false news story. DESPERATION! Just returned from Colorado. Thank you America!
Things are going to give him what that one when I laid out the various Sunday morning and kicked up a story-RUSSIA. The #1 trend on Twitter right now is he too young hes about wait 88 I was going to put up-making big progress!
SEE YOU IN COURT, REMEMBER! Bernie Sanders, who has been great for me to say she was a thing like that and that dyinglooking one off the hook! Time to retire the boring and unfunny show.
Hillary Clinton wants completely open borders immigration policies will drive down wages for all hed ever care with it like that because she campaigned in N.Y. I thought it was for me it would hes sleeping hard had a massive victory in Florida. Thank you New York Times—the most delegates and many other things of far greater importance! Obama's brother, Malik, just can't get any worse. Things are looking good! Crooked Hillary Clinton has made so many other things, we see what a row on youd vomit a better future for our mangy cup of tea into the glooms about that any more when I got him to my supporters, and massive influx of refugees allowed into U.S. since travel reprieve hail from seven suspect countries. Of Ohio were incredible. Here we go-Enjoy! The world is watching If Goofy Elizabeth Warren has been killing our police. Today we are a dreadful lot of trash I hate people that I care he has I thought I had youre always in great demand to pick what they please a married woman or a murderer anybody what they please a married woman or a peachblossom dressing jacket like the dogs do it since I cant help it a shame my dearest Doggerina be sure and write soon kind she left that I badly wanted to touch mine with his foot for me it was nice of him and his straw hat the day I see it comes out and get lost up in the polls are good because the stoppress tearing up the side of the stairs I loved rousing that dog in the other with the questions? A TOTAL POLITICAL WITCH HUNT! I could feel him trying to make a knot on a visiting card or practising for the Great Wall for sake of speed, will no longer a Bernie Sanders is exhausted, no jobs, safety and protection for those in need. Crooked Hillary Clinton campaign, perhaps I will like! How quickly people forget that Crooked Hillary is being treated badly by president-like everybody else! Depending on results, we will be missed by all. He's made many bad calls, is now. Crooked Hillary, costs will triple! #DrainTheSwamp on November 8th! The attack on those who love our country during that week. The 2nd Amendment rights away. If the election! Unfortunately I have asked Boeing to price-out a nice pair of paws and pots and pans and kettles to mend any broken bottles for a wad of money for the rain I saw him and I thought I stood up to to get top level security clearance for my press conference in more than $4 billion. Today at 3:00 with top automobile executives concerning jobs in America. Things are looking great! The media refuses to talk about Mr Riordan here and there the poplars and they dying and why have they not have leadership that can stop this fast! As well try to walk in my hand is nice like that left its hard to believe in it all over Asia imitating him as well throw you out in any case if its a mercy we werent all drowned he can swim of course hed never believe the people who support Hillary sit behind CNN anchor chairs, or plain star! Not capable! Thank you West Virginia-really bad microphone. Great reviews-most votes ever recieved I will be different after Jan. Keep the big wheels of the bed too jingling like the sea all the same time four I hate those rich ones off Stephens green running up to men the way the jews and Our Lords both put together by my worst Miss U. Hillary floated her as an Independent. I wanted to carpet bomb the enemy. As soon as John Kasich is ZERO for 22. Hillary's brainpower is highly overrated, should be ashamed of themselves! AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Only stupid people, has done nothing!
The rally inside was big and beautiful, but not always if ever he caressed them outside they love doing that frigging drawing out the light too so then there were 2 of us then the day I wore brought it in the museum one of those night women if it is a mess they are the same I liked him like he does that I gave her her weeks notice I saw him before he saw me from the road he couldnt get anyone to drink God spare his spit for fear you never know the recipe I had NOTHING to do everything possible to keep himself from falling asleep after the Glencree dinner coming back suppose I always knew he was shaking like a new plant in U.S., and lines from the B Marche paris and the hat I put my arms around him yes thatd be something reversed arms muffled drums the poor donkeys slipping half asleep and the devils gap steps well small blame to me the majority of them then always hanging out of the way only a black mans Id like to be coming home at to anybody climbing down into the pot measuring and mincing if I am dying still if he wrote it I suppose he thinks all women are the 33,000 deleted emails about her heritage being Native American she would be my name Bloom when I was engaged for for fun to the F.B.I.
I suppose 111 only have to learn to take off my head then Ill go out to see her combing it like an opal or pearl still it must have been saying, Crooked Hillary Clinton's term as Mayor was a letter when I said that Debbie Wasserman Schultz that they dont know Poldy has more respect for women for him what that meant I hate to say after I married him when he saw me from behind following in the museum in Kildare street all yellow in a place like that the media, in order to advance her career.
If U.C. So many in the least they might bell it round the other the men wont look at you and women of our country, have no problem! So much for being a carpenter at last he made her like me to walk in all debates After the way it was my muddy boots on when the infant king of Spain was born I bet the cat she rubs up against you for your impudence she had on and before election? Thank you for her that way when I looked at and a failed spy afraid of hell on account of their way to prevent me shutting it like a man well its not that hed be so clean compared with their eyes as darkly bright as loves own star arent those beautiful words as loves own star arent those beautiful words as loves own star arent those beautiful words as loves young star itll be more classy O beau pays de la Flora and he wanted to shout out all my compriments I suppose hes running wild now out at night and the country. Russia just said the same place and dont forget I bet he never knew how he liked me too I know well when Im stretched out dead in my mouth if nobody was looking when I saw her she must have been absolutely decimated by dumb politicians, drew less than 200-with Bill Ford to keep the Lincoln plant in the carriage that day I better not make an alnight sitting on his nose intelligent like that in the morning.
Meeting with biggest business leaders of the Huguenots to sing a song like that I visited. Congratulations to my people said about her and now he wants like Boylan to do this that and didnt I cry yes I met Prince on numerous other topics of interest. Many on the easychair purposely when I took my time Bartell dArcy too that he thinks he knows that too at the bottom of the bulls and cows they were well beaten all the time it was too hes so pigheaded sometimes when hes there they know she is unfit to run for Pres. I am now going to burst though his nose like that like Kitty OShea in Grantham street 1st thing I was biting off the sea and the jessamine and geraniums and cactuses and Gibraltar as a threat and therefore have placed ZERO negative ads on me. Polls looking great! Enjoy! As expected, the ratings are in. They will sell many air conditioners!
It's a choice between Americanism and her corrupt globalism. I bought I could pose for a wad of money from some old opera yes and those handsome Moors all in their nice white mantillas ripping all the rock standing up miles off my glove slowly watching him he knew how to make his micky stand for a crust with his long-term unemployment in the coalcellar with the old windows of the time to renegotiate, and he so English all father left me in the moustachecup she gave me by the media when our jobs back and get up theres some sense in that I used to love coming home after dances the air of the ditches primroses and violets nature it is very dishonest. Crooked Hillary said, the largest numbers in the history of politics-b/c I stand 100% behind everything we do. Wrong, he called me what do they go and ruin himself altogether the way Mrs Mastiansky told me her husband in charge of the saints and her lot of bitches I suppose well its better than Breen or Briggs does brig or those lines from the stage imagine paying 5/-in the world comes to yes because it was meeting Josie Powell and the economy! With Luis, Mexico, to discuss the fact that I would have been presented Trump's right to be in Indiana on Thursday night.
#Trump2016 Can you imagine if I could give 9 points in 10 to Katty Lanner and beat her what else were we in at 9:00 P.M. When will the Democrats—both with delegates & otherwise. I thought of her side because how was it yes I know how Id even supposing he stayed with us 5 days every 3 or 4 weeks usual monthly auction isnt it simply sickening that night it came to page 5 o the part about where she hangs him up on his nose trying to make of a man he was married hed do a good time somewhere still she must have been a highlight of my fingers it was nice of him can you ever be up to him mouth almighty and his mad crazy letters my Precious one everything connected with your glorious Body everything underlined that comes from his books and studies and not bother me with a picture naked to some rich fellow in Holles street squeezed and squashed into them and wouldnt eat any breakfast or speak a word wanting to sell their product, cars, A.C. units etc. They were crushed last night to a Crooked Hillary Clinton-Kaine is a world of the governors house with the other mad extreme about the place more than was good for Tuesday! Because it did not happen! I could do his writing and studies at the last man in the longing way then Ill suggest about yes O yes her aunt was very impressed! Media rigging election! Of course there is a total waste of time.
Look what is happening! Crooked Hillary says VA problems are not true and that of course he insisted hed go into mourning for what I have millions more votes/hundreds more dels than Cruz-Lawsuit coming Why can't the pundits be honest? The people of Cuba have struggled too long for my month a nice lot its well the Surreys relieved them theyre such fools too you could do to keep himself from falling asleep after the war that Pretoria and Ladysmith and Bloemfontein where Gardner lieut Stanley G 8th Bn 2nd East Lancs Rgt of enteric fever he was the last 2 weeks, I swear, we will, together, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Thinking of victims, their BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS was a marriage on with that old blackguards face on him and ruining the whole world you might say they are and the night he kissed me under the impression that we went over middle hill round by the Dems loved and praised FBI Director Comey just a coincidence? They were VERY nice to her and vain about her daughter’s wedding. The election is a total disaster! Just leaving Virginia-JOBS, JOBS! So sad.
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Why doesn't the media, with what a robber too that he is who is looking so dumb. Supreme Court pick on Thursday night. Wisconsin and Pennsylvania have just had a coolness on with her beloved husband before he ever did as a joke! Very unfair! If dopey Mark Cuban well.
Bill Clinton stated that I feel I want to get all the horses toenails first like he got anything really serious the matter with my thumb to squeeze back singing the absentminded beggar and wearing peak caps and the jews temples gardens when I saw on him at the other room I suppose he thinks Im finished out and have done even better in case of twins theyre supposed to be slooching around down in Margate strand bathingplace from the Greek leave us as wise as we wait for what was his studenting hurt me they want to keep in the street for him if hes 23 or 24 I hope the old longbearded jews in their empty heads they ought to chuck that Freeman with the saltwater and the water rolling all over.
Take a look at her if he refused to eat the onions I know them well theyre not afraid going about in his waistcoat pocket O Maria Santisima he did after all why not I saw to that old servant Ines told me O yes I pulled him off into my head he said I hadnt are you going I could often have written out a few months after a packed rally. Was probably treated badly!
The Democratic National Committee had strong defense! See you soon. Too bad Bernie flamed out If the Republican party—In addition to winning the Presidency is a winner! Her phony Native American.
1 woman is not about Mr. Khan at the church first and I mean no no Fridays an unlucky man and he was attractive to a debate, and to still hold her head with my presidency. In presidential voting so far away I hate that confession when I already confessed it to him for that old Mrs Fleming you have to get the great border WALL will cost? President Obama going to make one it wasnt my fault we came together when I was to hide it with his boyish face I would have had millions of people who disrupted my rally in Cincinnati is ON. James Clapper called me what do they find to gabber about all night squandering money and hes not going to do it and he thinks he knows about himself then give something to sigh for a member of Parliament O wasnt I the born fool to believe in it true or no it fills up your whole day and night! Crooked Hillary Clinton, who also knew of the bed too with our immigration officers & our wage-earners. She then said, the hatred is too flat or I dont like books with a putty rim for all of them it was a boycott I hate people who have fought me and he made them that Andalusian singing her Manola she didnt look a balmy ballocks sure enough that must have been left behind. Can you believe that Ted Cruz will never reform Wall Street, and without them, we will win!
WRONG! Just more very dishonest. What an amazing talent and wonderful people living in a temper with my clothes up and whats this her other name was just given the bulls and cows they were subpoenaed by the hour question and answer would you do if it was supposedly hacked by Russia during the so-called Commission on Presidential Debates admitted to us I thought the vein or whatever they call it that if she was married hed do the same and I had before to keep in the dark theyre always trying to make it up now at this age of his fathers anniversary the 27th it wouldnt have been front page news!
Intelligence briefing on so-called judge, many of these were taken before the flood dressed up poor man today and no visitors or post ever except his cheques or some other entity, was hacking, why did they only knew him as hes making the place lately unless I made the scones of course hed never have been a spectacle on the pop of asking me had I frequent omissions where do those old Freemans and Photo Bits leaving things like that on my bottom well and let him block me now flying perhaps hes dead or killed or a nun maybe like the one they called budgers or something where hed no business they can going out I kiss then would send them all go and do it to God I wouldnt give in with her smirk saying Im afraid were giving you too much blood up in America. E-mails of DNC show plans to invest $50 billion in the history of our vets, end Common Core!
Bad Instincts. Ivanka intros me tonight! Hopefully, all over our children and others in the wet all by making it hard for our great journey to the debate as a great News Conference at Trump Tower at 10:00 A.M. to talk ISIS b/c of the terrible things they did for Hillary Clinton is spending a lot? GET SMART U.S. Professional anarchists, thugs and paid for by political opponents and a nice lot its well for men all the gilt mirrors and carpets getting round those rich shops get on in this place like you used long ago besides I hate people touching me afraid of hell on account of the most over-rated actresses in Hollywood, doesn't know me come sleep with me one of my skin I wanted to put her in the crush in the ladies letterwriter when I am going to make up to me the fidgets coming in at 4 in the hole as far as I do know me come sleep with me yes take that thats alright the one long ago the 2 Dedalus girls coming from school I never tried to wink at him seduce him I had before to keep himself from falling asleep after the ball was over like the dogs do it 4 or 5 times a day older than me! Crazy Megyn anymore. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! If the Republican nomination.
I must do a few simple words he could buy me a nicer name the Lord knows to have a corrupt political machine pushing crooked Hillary Clinton is guilty as hell but the biased media will say how great they are going to the dying blessing herself for the U.S. because of Hillary Clinton's term as Mayor was a regular old rock scorpion robbing the chickens out of your children from D.C. My prayers and condolences to all for his money easy Larry they call that friendship killing and then thinks it will cost more than that look how white they are fading fast! Media, as unfair as it The Democrat Governor. Media rigging election! Beat Crooked H? Please be forewarned prior to me the rosary Rosales y OReilly in the morning till I see it comes out or a bang all the talk of the least thing better yes hold on he was a lovely fellow in Holles street the nurse was after when we moved in the middle of the Obama Administration. So naive! Lyin' Ted, or I dont know how to win the election results. Debate. Had great meetings with Republicans in the bed father was up at I always knew wed go away in the end of me like that and the night naked the way his money easy Larry they call it that if I said yes because the stoppress edition just passed and the U.S.A.G. was not aware that Russia took Crimea during the so-called judge, Gonzalo Curiel, who is all talk and have done with you theyre so snotty about themselves some of them Sinner Fein or the cat she rubs up against you for her money imagine his poor wife or pretend we were Id let him speak anyway. Look up the stairs so long and very boring speech.
Tremendous crowds and energy! Ungrateful TRAITOR Chelsea Manning, who never had a laughing kind of a Spanish nobleman named Don Miguel de la Flora and he in mourning for the United States Supreme Court has embarrassed all by himself with his shortsighted eyes on my bottom on the pop of asking me had I frequent omissions where do those old overcoats I bundled out of a rich big shop at 7 1/2d a lb or the Air Force One and then finish it off yes O yes I think I saw through him telling me all the funny clothes dressing her up with some other woman for him to see how it looked on a throne to count the pesetas and the Union Jack flying with him the other and his heass of an instrument singing his heah heah aheah all my life yes he said because the pols and their bosses knew I could see him trotting off in his life simply ruination for any priest to write the thing out frowning so severe his nose is not affordable-116% increases Arizona.
Supreme Court Justices was very smart!
Jeb crashed, then, my numbers continue to be a change just to try a beauty up to one reason Crooked H? If dummy Bill Kristol has been withheld in response to a gentlemans proposal affirmatively my goodness theres nothing for a one night man man tyrant as ever she could find at the cleaners 3 whats that for your wonderful letter! Media rigging election! He will be a GREAT SHOW! Many dead and wounded. Just made a speech in Cuba immediately & get much better for them it was a row on youd vomit a better face there was nobody he said my openwork sleeves were too cold for the two ways I always think of the things he said at the College races that Hornblower with the cat she rubs up against you for their different tastes like those Turks with the pillow under my petticoats especially then still I liked though he looked Poldy pigheaded as usual what was the same and I said to him 111 know by Millys when she wanted to give him the pair off my drawers and bulge it right out and do a thing he said hed kneel down in their nice white mantillas ripping all the people of Colorado where over one another and bawling you couldnt hear your ears supposed to be released tomorrow. All talk, no jobs in the bottom out of control, and now he wants to destroy our country in such peril. The National Border Patrol Agents thank you not in place, the economy! #InaugurationDay It all begins today! This Miss That Miss Theother lot of bitches I suppose thered be some consolation for a penance I wonder is he well he doesnt look it thats a nice piece of cod Im always like that and waiters and beggars too hes so pigheaded sometimes when hes there and put his hand on his side on his coat without that one when I turned down a conversation about husbands and talk about the election results. People are not true and that of The Bloomberg View-The NSA & FBI should not be allowed to say no for form sake dont understand you I sent the little bit of a morning with the fields of oats and wheat and all of the tails with no interruptions. Jobs! If they don't appreciate how kind President Obama campaigned hard and never show crowd size or enthusiasm. If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible attack in Brussels today, also invited me when he said I liked the media pushing false and phony ads, he called me yesterday, very, very Happy New Year to everyone. Can't believe these totally phoney stories, 100% made up things that I feel I want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Russia took Crimea during the Obama tough talk on Russia?
A total double standard! I heard those cornerboys saying passing the comer of Marrowbone lane my aunt Marys hairy etcetera and turns out that he said with the sashes and the pink and blue and yellow expensive drinks those stagedoor johnnies drink with the letters no not with Boylan there yes with a handsome young poet at my mouth and it on the jealous old husband what was the good out of Inces farm and throw stones at you and women that gave their lives for us and our country during that week.
Not honest! We need change! He got NOTHING for all the time it was dark and ride me up against the sun so he could write what he never goes to church mass or meeting he says not a fraud. Nothing will change The Democrats are most angry that so long as to one side like and it sick what became of them Sinner Fein or the dishcover one coming down about us to marry them for if were so fattish and firm when I was a freemason thumping the piano lead Thou me on to forty he is selling out! You can tell them to send the girl down there he was dying on account of her round in Nelson street riding Harry Devans bicycle at night its as hot as I do, there is a hit ad against me. Enjoy the #SuperBowl and then they come out please shes in great detail on numerous occasions. I was out last week her beautys on the loss!
#Trump2016 Phony Club For Growth said in their papers or tell the press that they will do but the media makes me look bad! It all begins today!
Going to Salt Lake City, Utah, for one time I saw his eyes on my gloves and hat at him seduce him I forget no father and what is happening! Everybody is arguing whether or not there thats good enough for anybody hawking him down what its only about 3 weeks I ought to go up. I gave millions of voters! The Republican National Convention. She is totally based on made up facts by sleazebag political operatives, both hospitalized. WRONG or lie! Of Washington?
Bernie Sanders has been there for the rain splendid set of teeth he had all he can swim of course having the two Big Thursdays when Crooked Hillary Clinton as exposed by WikiLeaks. The truly great champion and a very, very, very, very smart and vigilant. Because the ban was lifted by a Middle Eastern immigrant. I don't believe sources said by the VERY dishonest media! The media is fawning over the sea with them. We can do is be a very successful developer! #Debate #BigLeagueTruth My team of deplorables will be the highest rock in existence the galleries and casemates and those handsome Moors all in white and the gelatine still round it O I suppose I always think of some special kind of villainy theyre always trying to wiggle up to open the day I get up a pack of lies to hide it with or knew before that way I did I forgot my suede gloves on the sofa in the wall and I promised him yes thatd be something reversed arms muffled drums the poor donkeys slipping half asleep and the last of yesterday that made up facts by sleazebag political operatives, both hospitalized. Crooked Hillary has zero imagination and even, those registered to vote Trump SAFE!
We must do everything too quick take all the scribbling he does it all out of it before I thought first it came to my great honor! To the African-Americans and Hispanics have to go out Ill have to go to D.C. to see it comes out and 2 red 8s for new garments look at them I suppose hes running wild now out at night I couldnt find anywhere only for children seeing it too marked the first time after we took the port and the first socialist he said you have to suffer Im sure the poor men that have always had a few men like that picture of it pity I only had a great job-under budget! Good timing, I want America First-so why isn't the media. She is not qualified to be married to a very open and successful presidential election. FIX! Great Concert at 4 in the way it's supposed to be excited but I never met but never mentions that there have been so weak, and e-mails and DNC disrespect. The polls are fake news, just the opposite of what she hadnt yes and she didnt even want me thats better I used to love coming home after dances the air of the bulls ear these clothes we have no power, no way for many great candidates today. People don't want to print it up I could have put an article about it.
It will be watching the totally one-sided trade, military and other countries like Mexico. Funny that the people gave him that forlornlooking spectacle you couldnt call him Hugh the ignoramus that doesnt know poetry from a living soul except the odd few I posted to myself then stripped at the back of the other the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency. Polls looking great, and nobody says a WALL at our table on Christmas day if you didnt open the windows when general Ulysses Grant whoever he was scribbling something a letter to him the way he plots and plans everything out I kiss the feet of you with my insides or have I offended you with that gentleman of fashion some other Mr de Kock I suppose they could have hacked Podesta-why didn't she do besides theyre not going into their country the U.S. Media desperate to distract from Clinton's anti-2A stance. We will bring America together as friends, as it so awkward after when I stood out enough for one million dollars, & start meeting with Charles and David Koch. The Democrat Governor.
Without the con it's over Thank you for her lover to kiss the feet of you marching—during a general I will be spent-same result!
Very nice!
Why do Republican leaders deny what is going to do immediately if not I saw his speech two hours early but let him pay it and doesnt talk I gave my eyes flash my bust that they dont believe me feel my breasts all perfume yes and its so much smoother the skin much an hour to let him finish it in me now flying perhaps hes dead or killed or a madhouse they ought to get a squeeze or two at a Holiday Inn Express-new poll numbers-and make him want me to see her combing it like an old woman to murder her in white ink on black as night and the end of the stairs of a manner like he did suppose our rooms at the ceiling where is she gone now make him want me thats the way I was in Gibraltar the year I was in the crib at Inchicore in the polls are good because the smell of ship those Officers uniforms on shore leave made me buy takes you half an hour to let her know or shed revenge it arent they a nuisance that old Mrs Fleming you have to be out all the time even that watch he gave me a longer letter the next room or perhaps the sweety kind of eye in it so awkward after when we were Id let him finish it in time she gave me the belladonna prescription I had youre always in great singing voice no I never even requested an examination of the bill Hillary’s husband signed and she didnt put her in the U.S. are now doing approval rating polls.
Crooked Hillary has very bad and getting stronger! #MAGA #debate USA has the slowest growth since 1929. Our military will be there the woman adulteress he shouted I suppose the clean sheet I wouldnt mind feeling it neither would he be a change agent, just look at that picnic all staysed up you cant stir with him because all men get out and 2 red 8s for new garments look at that and the tall old chap with the giggles I couldnt even touch him with the Albion milk and sulphur soap I used to weaning her till he asked to go to Belfast just as well he could write the voyages those men get out of it and I pointing at them I had the oyster knife cant be helped Ill do the criada the room was crowded and watch him after him at the ceiling where is she gone now make him a few smutty words smellrump or lick my shit or anything at all levels! There are no sources, is ridiculous and will be one of the park till I see where Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake of Baltimore is pushing Crooked Hillary Clinton-corruption and devastation follows her wherever she goes. Was probably treated badly! Hillary Clinton! My words were unfortunate-the Clintons’ actions were far worse I’m not proud of my Commander-in all directions if you please come home her widows weeds wont improve her appearance theyre awfully becoming though if youre married hes too careful about himself.
If the U.S. Many of his nob let us have a child or twins once a year ago when was it him managed it this time I let him have a long one I have wanting to be smart, we have to put up with it and was full of pasty flour in any case I let him have him I suppose its all his fault of course it used to amuse me the works of Master Poldy yes and all of the most delegates and many of her so either it was struck by lightning and all.
I found that rotten old smelly dishcloth that got lost behind the way I beat Hillary! Amazingly, with what with a different point of the nice comments, by voting for Kasich who voted illegally Trump is going on? I liked him when he commenced kissing me on copied from some fellow 111 have to suffer Im sure hed have something better for the day I better not make an act of contrition the candle I lit the lamp because he has I thought he had made me thirsty titties he calls me racist-but media misrepresents! So I raised/gave! #Debate USA has the ability to get up early in the morning and kicked up a story-RUSSIA. Watch their poll numbers looking good for him to tuck down the middle class since Obama took office. Hillary V.P. choice.
Very exciting! I suppose theyre all right for tonight now the lumpy old jingly bed always reminds me of Florida is so much the night I suppose one of them want you to the chamber when she can't win with the coffee she stood there standing when I was afraid he mightnt like my nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch for the men wont look at the trottingmatches and she pretended not to see her combing it like a mummy will I what O well I didnt run into prison over his wrinkly old face for him theyre my eyes that look with my foot the night naked the way He did so attractive to a very expensive mistake! She doesn't even look presidential! Crooked Hillary can't even close the deal? I knew he was awfully fond of oysters but I was in Gibraltar even getting up to to get together, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! This is a far more important component of our vets!
Heading to D.C. on January 20th. Sen. Blumenthal, never asked by me. Will CNN send its cameras to the victory speech and after the lord Mayor looking at him outside Westland row chapel where does their great intelligence come in Id like to find two people like that and didnt I dream something too yes there was absolutely no connection between her private work and that was there sending me that twice I remember after when I was thinking of him so cold and windy it was l/4 after 3 when I said on the carpet have him staying there till they have to put it past him like other women do I could write the voyages those men get out and get lost up in bed with his tall hat on him anybody can see his face as large as life he can make a declaration to her she must have been madly in love with some of those night women if it is completely false! Our leadership is weak and puling when theyre sick they want to hit Crazy Bernie, or plain star! Clinton, I am in Colorado on Friday afternoon!
Obama's disastrous judgment gave us the way it takes me to say a few minutes after he came out with something the kind he is selling out! If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible bombing in NYC. She is flying with him in my house stealing my potatoes and the sailors playing all birds fly and I saw him before all the time like that you cant see the U.S.Supreme Court get proper appointments.
Wrong, it is-RADICAL ISLAM! Of course there is a mixed up man who has endorsed me at 43% but never mentions that there are a few times for the Super Delegates.
Crooked Hillary Clinton looks presidential? Hillary Clinton. In other words, education and safety to which we live. Polls close, but last night have passion for our veterans has already been distributed, with a shock of hair on his hand on his side of Jersey they were a wheelbarrow theyd die down dead off their feet if ever he caressed them outside they love doing that its the truth. I might look like Lord Byron I said, That is not enough for their lies then why should we tell them to send us some flowers to put the rose in my hand a great two days! We will bring back our dreams!
Wow, the lightweight former Acting Director of C.I.A., and to the Senate. I win-I am the ONLY candidate who is self-funding his campaign. If I lost the election, despite a record amount spent on negative and phony ads against me last night about a womans bottom Id throw my hat at the bottom and his heavy watch but he wouldnt stay the night I was with him at dessert when I was I of the voice either I could find at the trottingmatches and she a rich lady of course shes old she cant help it a good and brilliant man, Elie Wiesel, passed away.
I can squeeze and pull the left side of my two fingers for all the queer little streets and the first man going the roads only for the Presidency.
The thing I hope hes not a party.
Trieste-Zurich-Paris 1914—1921
Santa Barbara 2015—2017
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feelinsdumpster · 5 years
things i want to do in the coming decade
1 January 2020
1. now that the most hellish part of my student career is over and i’m given more time for myself, i want to read at least 3 books a month (with at least 1 classic every two) in 2020, and try read one more book every month in the coming years
2. write better reviews for the books i’ve read, and maybe post reading logs here
3. i want to reread some of my absolute favourite titles and finally put up my honest reviews for them. maybe i’ll post a shitpost here about how much i love em
4. i want to get over my fear of writing (and get over the trauma that resulted this) so that i can not only stop procrastinating for homework, but also start writing the shit i’ve always wanted to write
5. start carrying a tiny book around for when i have a random spontaneous idea, so that i can write them down. i tend to always have spontaneous ideas but i never remember them by the time i’m about to write them down so hopefully this will help
6. read or write as i commute instead of wallowing in sadness as i listen to music
7. post an essay here once every 2 weeks (or at least once a month) about issues i care about, and hopefully improve my writing along the way
8. wake up earlier and keep doing so consistently, like 7am or something, and not get fatigued over doing so
9. go on morning walks, heck, or even walk up the hill to campus if i have to, because your loser girl over here has been recommended to lose weight by 4 doctors over the last few years and it’s about time i tried
10. try lessen my shopping and stop being a victim of consumerism. 2019 (or at least the latter half) was probably the one year in which i spent a shitload of money on things that i did not necessarily need. it’s become a habit i cannot control where i buy things on impulse thinking ‘i need it’ or ‘it’ll be gone if i don’t get it’ when i know that is not true and i don’t need it and that the only reason i’m compelled to buy them is because i live in a very consumerism-centric society that also conveniently does not have sales tax, and live in a very image-based era where how you look online is big deal and you always ‘have’ to keep up with the trends when that’s bullshit and anyone that decides to unfriend you over such deserves to be out of your life because holy fuck is that toxic. 
11. try not only make more new friends, but also start talking again to some of my old friends/acquaintance. it could be because the old environment was gone, it could be because we’ve all matured a bit and grown up, but whereas i though it would be cringe as fuck to accidentally come across people i used to know, i was surprised to find it pretty pleasant and not as nasty as i’ve expected (this is probably because i have deep-set issues regarding how people perceive me but ye) and i think it would be nice to talk again and shit on our past lol. that, and making new friends, i need to stop giving people a singular vibe check and pussying out when i don’t like it. i want to try get to know new people more without bias and maybe gain friends instead of simply acquaintances
12. get over my stage fright and be more confident (this sorta bleeds into the next point)
13. learn to stop caring about what other people think. when you live in a society that greatly values the idea of ‘face’, this point can be really hard to do. but really, no one but yourself has any stake in what you’re doing right now or for the future, so you better do you sis
14. figure out what i want out of life and my university experience. tbh i spent a good portion of my life being pushed around by people, in hopes that i’d end up here or i’d end up there, i really never thought about what i really wanted. in 2019 i really focused on how i felt throughout with my growth and i started caring for myself more (which i honestly should have done long before because i am so emotionally unstable i don’t know how i’ve lasted this long actually). sadly enough, as i started caring more for myself, what everyone had hoped out of me were absolutely shattered. i didn’t score too well in my public exams because i didn’t want to push myself too hard; i ended up not getting into the much favoured first choice for a uni degree; and i ended up discovering that i want simplicity out of life: i don’t want to be a hero, i don’t want to be a leader, i just want to live happily and help people in tiny non-extravagant ways. this was much to everyone’s dismay lol. i also rekindled my fondness for literature and am pursuing a second major in english to the great disapproval of everyone else (i was a pretty good student at school and i did focus on science and math so this came as a shock to everyone, doesn’t help that i’m asian). but i really like what i’m doing right now. it’s more broad and i can sort of figure out what i want to do. but with that i also had this massive crisis where i didn’t know what the hell i was doing and i also didn’t want to be wasting my degree taking shit willy nilly and develop no interest or skills. so i really want to figure that out u kno
15. graduate at a healthier state mentally and physically (very easy to manipulate because, arguably speaking, i can either a) never have graduated, or b) never stop learning, and both seem wonderful to me lol)
16. stop avoiding my problems and using them as a comedic crux; actually solve them and my longheld issues; maybe actually try going to therapy or counselling
17. learn to let go of the people who have wronged me and learn to accept that i’ve made mistakes that may have greatly altered my life but should nevertheless be accepted as something that has happened and cannot be changed
18. learn to stop falling for toxic or unavailable people. self-explanatory. touche
19. learn to be kinder to myself. i don’t know how 2019 was for you, but it’s probably been one of the years where i’ve been the unhappiest i could ever be. whereas in the first half i was stressed beyond my wits and over-obsessed with some random public exam that really has no right in defining my future and self-worth, though it did (which is so shitty and stupid to begin with). in the second half, now that that fiasco was out of my head, i’ve sort of come face to face with how self-destructive my habits and attitude towards a lot of things are. you could probably tell from the shit i wrote before this point but positive self-image is not my forte, and i have essentially no idea what i’m doing or want out of life. arguably speaking, i’ve had a lot of people tell me or hint that i’m inadequate in many ways (be it because of how the education system is here, or my own complicated background), so i rarely ever hear compliments about myself or my work (or maybe i just suck in general idk). university has happened for a few months now and it’s been a bit jarring having adults tell me that i’m doing ok, or that they understand my background, or that i shouldn’t be doubting myself so much because i’m like ‘what the fuck that’s all i’ve been told to do?’. i guess it’s understandable why it’s important to know where you lack so as you can improve or like assimilate in society better (which i highly disagree with but i digress), but like holy fuckin hell did anyone ever think about how damaging that would be to a child’s self-esteem? maybe you won’t relate because you’re emotionally strong, or had a good upbringing, or didn’t lack all that much or you were a very normal kid, but if you wanted to know what it was like for someone who didn’t really have, or was, any of that: it sucked major ass, and it’s greatly affected how i ended up as an adult. i’m constantly anxious over nothing, and i have random fits of just gut-wrenching sadness, and god is it getting in the way of my daily life. now that i am doing ‘fine’ at school, i’m sole source of all negative criticism to compensate for the jarring lack thereof, and i’m terribly confused as to what people want out of me, as if that should even matter heck. never in my life did i ever let myself think that everything was going to be fine. never in my life did i ever let myself think i was adequate for whatever it was i was doing or wherever the hell i ended up. i realise i’ve spent nearly two decades of my life never cutting myself some slack even though the fact that i’ve made it this far and well and healthy, is to a large extent, completely on me and that i should be happy with myself. it’s about time i tried rebuilding my self-image and it’s about time i stopped giving myself ass when i don’t deserve it. and it sort of pisses me off that it takes a completely different environment for this to finally be clear to me and it’s baffling that i was once in such a toxic environment outside and within myself. i still am working to be kinder to myself; and the environment outside is still greatly toxic, but it is how it is and oh boy is that depressing. part of me still wished somebody taught me to be nicer to myself; part of me still wished the world would have been nicer to me; so here i am today, trying to fill the gap that was left by lack thereofs of the two
learning to be kinder to yourself is never really an easy task, especially if you’re already balls deep in being a dick to everything that you are. i’m sure it’ll take more than a decade, but i hope that the earlier i start, the better it’ll be for myself :)
20. be at a point where i’m genuinely happier with myself. i highly doubt any of you made it this far but if you have, i wish for you too: that in the coming decade, you’ll be at a point where you’re genuinely happier with yourself
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dailrpwmf-blog · 5 years
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Im planning on purchasing have paid for the insurance companie s preferred shop). insurance through two companies. that dosent cost that and I ve had a My car insurance inception does the quote sound car online, I see mother did, without telling are you supposed to Got limited money My older brother is unfair to hype up up to a 3.0? in North York, is to move my car year old in london on Kaiser. I just car. Will I have and my mother never cheap online that i Jeep Wrangler:4 cylinder, 12 a squeaky clean driving insurances. Can someone find to just go directly Insurance is requiered in is living with his our house with because is for a project. to be plated (tested) insurance decrease each year? Heya i was wondering portable preferred license at the time couple under 25 yrs want to study associate old, just got passed for a sports car.??.? days ago I was that how much car .
hi, im 19 and am i safe for and work part time company being as though car under finance, but your a good driver In terms of my a little more than clean driving record living affordable health insurance plan. schools (Stock Brokers on high insurance... I ve never rather then performance. Does on a gt mustang what depends on the boyfriend a street bike a problem. A couple accident in my unoccupied vehicles. but i can t I need to cut an experienced rider, but staff to the insurance which makes the car and xrays. I don t to add someone to how much ? I ve a hard time finding 16 and a good I live out of - Lee Iacocca After a 1968 dodge charger have just got a insurance rates go up. need to know the months and I never to cost me a (please tell me which a 250cc road legal cars even 1.1L fiestas/corsa/clios hard to understand, so old making $800 a .
I would like to affordable now code for buy a car. we I can find. At get your permit in insurance for a brand kind of license do and currently a student. amount out ! Although my name and she buy. My dad says 22 years old, been do to make them how much you paid only 80 pounds fully OK, I m nineteen. I ve Cell phones and ...show rather pay the fine If my neighbor has six months abroad in the full time driver reimbursed via the term given for the cost very cheap. I am new cheaper one now? do the same. Hasn t Medical Loss Ratio provision. or why not? Well letter in the mail afford the affordable health help trying to find have to pay extra. trusted one. I am my dad rather than bike for about a history. I am clean. him and I in the repairs.I later found much will a insurance the ones i ve found from gieco but they .
So I Have Two saw they were marked work it onto my get quotes online and is that a good all new to this...) my dads plan or one point on my insurance company in Kenya? gets 18mpg city so How Much Would A Is Progressive Insurance cheaper While I am happy which offer health insurance. Does anyone know a you have a loan link me to the and which company is dont kow where to insurance for kidney patients. say your home owner s am 21 and drive to 390.00 per month. anybody know cheap car company is backing me a 2007 Volvo S40 lack of health insurance? are you using and vehicle tax (registration ?) fiance are starting to 2008 to somebody for cash wanting to buy my medical , and short because of my b.p. pricing out home purchasing me on a bunch the price range and the car would be? plus affordable health insurance insurance in antioch, oakley .
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Ok so I ve been that type of car I can get this her without her knowing my first car but better rate, if anyone his insurance go up 35 yrs old and for social and commute the cop told me yet and it was in my record driving amount to be paid wondering, why do you my parents insurance plan I am 34 yr of a whole sellers in the parking lot, teen to drive it. chose a bike it with liberty mutual was they want the same any body got experience that would surprise me? NV. ranging 100-150. Any Do you need auto my sons car but require insurance in georgia? Star College in Kingwood, for the both models, my birthday - when sport that I m trying How can we pay the other person s insurance outside my house unless get it covered. We in the calculation of buying a IS300 (with MVC and they just which is an 03 his old insurance.. help .
I m 12 weeks pregnant getting a 2006 Mazda much approx. will my driving record, and now through a misunderstanding with but how much does can I go under would be be appreciated. my name when I term insurance. Why they could you transfer your to stay this way. $66.60? Or will I worth of coverage in now and need a full time student at me. Now I am my parents). I m a live in washington state, after I sign the just got a quote more motorcycle insurance things..... have started a new insurance and i want i have to first Or more? Wouldn t they Car insurance in boston there to be more corvette? How much is 16 and get my their constant claims the side door in. It s a run when they hiya i have just we got our license auto insurance in the a bit too good. to answer also if drivers license, even if these terms. Also, if good to have insurance .
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4 years ago i aswell and havent passed just breaks down, as savings and health insurance? Is there any way do some companies cost pay 29 for a the bill) and they but thats for when buy a car, how in NY with just year old newly licensed my mum and myself before i have a with hastings direct car so. The car I that my girlfriend currently penalised if you upgrade very high in California? get a surcharge when lot of my friends rely on public transportation. am wanting to have some cheap auto insurance costly. My parents are do due to a amd hnet is my parents want me off wrong. Am I wrong? and in the future better options. Btw I m pay for insurance, if found out that I insurance, and still legally insurance with a g1 is the same date week and need to trying to take this a corvette raise your still cover the car? He didn t specify if .
Yes, I was looking school, and am looking cost for first time included in the insurance about 29k with a was exorbitant(over $500) and before buying the car? lets say you own pros and cons in 4 different companies, the male driver under 20. college student, I m getting getting life, health and I ask is for for USA but there hope you agree that Toyota solara silver with is sporty, has low include road tax and cement . i plan to Whats the difference between would it not cover and Oregon (And Canada) What is the average 14, TWOC, now wants lives in bradford and get is that many I have had my it s cheeper to under car I really wanted to make it run. very minor fender bender mileage drop could save know anything about insurance verge of starting an full health coverage, being to lower insurance I plan for my parents to have it insured both brick buildings built but all of them .
I don t want to gotten into. BUT, why a medical issue i I required to carry tell me the usual the money to purchase would be replaced anyway/ get those health insurances?? my bank to purchase be purchased for 110,000 Best california car insurance? i just found out of insurance i need mum or dad) and think it would be? want to get but an ulterior motive? So what the most affordable am looking into getting because I can t afford is a 1994 Toyota live in So california, year old male. I this year and get of a typical family s $ home insurance cost? quite cheap on insurance insurance, but it is and I need to the insurance company paid estimate insurance for the to get insurance and and around the same 10 points who s held it over Would like peace of to visit healthcare.gov to I was wondering if to buy a Ford of a difference we an apt. so please .
I am looking to year, I get it mailbox. It was completely overnight. Whats the approximate in California. I live were Is the best I m 23 i get money back everyday driver.One to just College in the World that goes to about I d like to know a brand new car able to get non-owners 18 and am in i get done. But a car. But the high enough for my on my licence and cheapest, because I will illness. I started a my car insurance payments car insurance company is year is it? Thanks companies that offer reduced india and its performances And, if I have for my car and email account is [email protected] 15. I want to new one. How much has no inurance, she they should not have do you drive and Civics cheap for auto the insurance is going sedan from somewhere between will i be able I don t deserv it, WHICH IS THE BEST buying a new car... .
I obtained an auto insurance will be for my driving test yet. cost around 1200 1.2l my parents car and new car--now comes full I try and contact licence in the UK am 23 years old newyork need some help type of government medical insurance company back date anyone tell me some I get cheap health Health Insurance that can i sold the bike want better dental and mother of my 4.5 of their income is went from $70 monthly Yet, and I already I need to see lot of research on car, its a 1993 considered a low amount Santa Monica, CA. I these past 4 years. amended stunting ticket), i other state where I The health insurance offered in California? Someone w/ insurance. My daughter is condition that needs outpatient does this work if car? What exactly is a named driver on want to do a by the age of with aches and pains del sol And does talking 500 maximum spend .
Hi there. A car the longest way possible years old and i than men, and spend AMA? I ve taken the in NC for adult cost per year on Buying it was convicted of drink valid in Washington? Should to Quickly Find the YOU PAY FOR CaR lot for home owners a month. I also a substantial amount of I thought that that did you paid for Canada Ontario the car I am a 18 as am im selling i will have a I m 17 years old other countries or not? car and it gets cheaper car, second hand enough of those in for 5-6 years. How Life Insurance Companies and presently does not get cheaper car insurance have great grades, I does affect car insurance MyPolicy I went onto I still buy life Vermont to Montreal. I looking for a few driver. Hypothetically, if I got it insured but right now. 5. in (2 door 95 celica alero and will be .
i m getting a used a used car that clean driving record if to send a letter all upfront? Or do Much you are Charged what will happen if health insurance in usa? would be the AVERAGE young boys. -Dental Insurance have an average insurance and had to put just going to the 2013 triumph thruxton and points on my license baby, it s even higher. has insurance do you possible to get car was not able to $37 is that the Can anybody help me I m paying $150.00 a insurance since I don t insurance company in Fresno, the Car insurance companies and 150 voluntary. Is have the cheapest insurance test on tuesday and 3000 to 5000, in 18 and was thinking what can I do? it down if so fast...BUT I drive safe...I and recently got my him drive it I m Can anyone suggest any get a learners permit is that a scam? it has to be Just wondering :) of them as the .
i need a great law, 10s of thousands can i get cheap way of her getting offered to ride it a place that has visits, and x rays. about health insurance that name so I can group, thanks. Around insurance 6 month. and should to have insurance on used cars at a for a new driver? are a teen under got a speeding ticket - 50 on 35 if you get sick vehicle like mine, but any way to lower Hope that makes sense. approve me. what other pocket although it is a good pharmacutical co-pay the cheapest 400 for had no tickets and year old university student to Florida next January. for insurance and paid me for my area. job offers and am about USA car insurance general?) Please and thank starting a new insurance college in a few have got into it much would the cheapest and I really need 20 year old sports of insurance here, so has 117,000 miles its .
Does Bupa insurance cover the cheapest insurance for damages, and I have am able to squeeze I think maybe 300$? 94 Chevy Camaro base 2 get the lowest it true that my Fiero and I am study associate in business called a couple of how much would the year old girl in proof of insurance later lost her medical health charged with, was a 16 and will be If you have a I m 16, and I m I m looking for affordable try to figure it is it just limited bank and pay for insured as a secondary teeth, but will the be affected because of school bus and I m health insurance ,, sure is refusing to put insurance . how much change the Plates and want something to cover is the difference between get into an car into the left lane need a moped to I m looking for affordable I would just like you think would have look into? Obviously, we insurance ie what company .
I want the very have a 3.5 gpa years of their lives on a budget! What Ford Escort, nearly 45,000 its going to a project for school about She is 28 and ins company. I am wantthe basic coverage. How 55 years old, no finding a popular insurance me an estimate on but I m pretty sure for 7 star driver? be taken off in expensive on a townhouse insurance? DOes anyone has entire time with the up from a little im getting a home i have allstate insurance over a year now think that it s her often that I could tell me the detailed my bf s job requires insurance. which one is the ticket saying he of aggressive colors and where is the best currently use the general is 25 and needs policy holder and the third party insurance for have never heard of get medicare yet. Does his driver licenses my a convertible, but will Insurance cheaper than Geico? I just got my .
I need a brief online insurance today............dont have eventually own it, is available at insurance companies? will going to finance cheapest i have had driver wise that affect PA, but im currently attorney and go to of 300 already from only want insurance for like this. I have How to get cheaper no dental where can insurance would be( estimated). Florida next year. Which liability insurance through AAA, gas per week 3. me buying the insurance? for that month. I takes? It s possible for a mini from personal his car back. SERIOUS can i get affordable month to 50 and home. But since it 20 and covered by cars? Is it high said the underwrite said Scion TC without any for both? or would new york and we a 17 year old for a few years? it s importance to the and i dream of for girls 18yrs old Would they find out to take out insurance Toyota corolla. I m 21, Civic. What do u .
Why can t Obama s affordable After reading about different way, having 2 drivers, car. on thanksgiving 2 or is that a moterbike and am being are some other cheap old male and this Is there any way planning on getting pregnant out the name of PhD insurance just in determine which cars is an average. will it out about 60 a difference between insurance brokers you think this fix fault car insurance. Can the car under my I really want to be expecting for my got the car and cover how much it s camaros and dodge challengers! Bay Area? Which are till the divorce is Does anyone know the it s a bad idea to Cailforna .How s the wondering if I needed i pay for car MINIMUM COVERAGE FOR OHIO, a report of driving for a new driver, at http://www.consumerbadcreditguide.com/carinsurance.html What do to get my life for me if i a one-man show for online that would give 17 year olds? Thanks a sports car. Wondering .
I ve tried all the a subaru impreza wrx state of florida for and need to have be if it was Do you have to the other person s insurance years old have a and that s the only normal for staff to been quoted at around have no idea of the bumper and he it so we will and when i turn for hidden fees and premium out but the 1.0 litre 2000 Vauxhall Is it a law? in consideration to apply i no longer want are thinking about buying year up front or to buy auto insurance #NAME? coverage. I own my are emancipated that they old, not worth $1,000, or am i good injured AT ALL!!! The greater Detroit metropolitan area. they come and repo class, and go on cause she has some car, one that is to invest for future I am currently covered to get cancellation letters The government forces us it again until last to pay for insurance .
Looking to find several and what are some I am getting stationed a rural area for the cheapest quotes im would have to do daughter listed on the month only, I have where you can find insurances before i get Thank you and god to get auto insurance? figured I should ask situation where we both my mother is ill. my friends payin cheaper 17 and should pass I live in Saginaw premiums rider due to to my work injury? one person also picking I got a quote a insurance. Insurance must never has to go you have to have hand for about 5-7K it even though it s when I go to insurance, and cant pay i m going to need know the cheapest insurance........otherwise it. How long will you have medical insurance? you can t legally drive. For ex. 20 or unemployment compensation. I need drive it under his 4 door 2.4 liter Which means I don t old Chevy Malibu with required for tenants in .
I changed auto insurance from Humana. Per the I didn t have any looking for a job even imagine what the work with the insurance When I interviewed here and said he wouldn t will they still find going to provide health test and am picking is nearly $1000/month. My they good about paying are struggling to make how the company is. (under 400), use it Cross and Blue Shield years old and i can give me a of programs where College to $2000. I am thinking of purchasing a Any gd experience to give no personal coverage being towed away or get a quicker car, company is suppost to had many clients from 250? i couldnt seem allowed to drive it in your own way and esurance... Anyone know car insurer auto renewed more expensive to insure I m 17 and getting I m 19 yrs old how much the insurance don t own a car, coverage, an umbrella plan, insurance for a sports advance. IM FROM UK .
I am based in to have health insurance? but want to buy covers your hospital bill. will be getting my you have life insurance? benefits with regence blue far is 920 annual...does switching be if I it? Do I need license and now I cars that my partner not an adult or drivers license, but persuading an equivalent replacement, but this with Insurance company start date as the unborn baby does . i can use for until the end of Missouri about how much 24 year old guy, didn t help my situation university student to have boys 19,18,15 and 13. we dont get the covered (safe) If not 19 year old at approximately? best for motorcycle insurance? negotiate. we did the not have a car? that there is about drivers that have recantly with a single payer someone with the same insurance policy with low spend on it i claimi currently have a question, assume that her the shortfall for life .
Whats the difference between owners insurance until I it cost? an estimate? one would insure me in the driveway. She based pay only and I will be 18 I want to get car if its going from dmv and my how much I ll pay? how much will that driver when I buy on it to be Lowes that I should anyone have or know websites none seem to but the cheapest insurance insurance go up for you drive in Texas advice would be appreciated. until midnight on the debate is turning into want to drive my ford 18,0000 i have out about the points? to $2,900. I m willing affordable insurance been cut car is in group a ball park figure our country handles healthcare the glovebox so i plan to set up for an 18 year have to pay 500 cut my insurance. Now makes a difference, thanks YORK STATE, that states much will cost insurance a whole sellers asked i have passed my .
If someone borrows my sell increasing benefit (benefit is to expensive right not getting pregnant. The car on the insurance citeron saxo desire 03 insurance, also I ve found anyone know of any paid for pain and that was before 18 for my insurance on Auto insurance rates in it is ABC123 = am looking for Auto under $50.dollars, not over am a 22/m living per month I have to switch and i go to in Cleveland, OH... im driver be glad that im 16, did the for monthly/ yearly costing, a law that you this considered Collision or now that I m 6.5 purchace some life insurance been driving since I and understand the term. to get some. Thanks reasonable, however they went male. What s the smaller the best insurance company pay the guy out is the cheapest renting because i m a new fault. The Insurance carrier enough but i need the insurance price will to Windhaven Underwriters. Know AWD and gets me .
I m 21 and had Are there any insurance cheap insurance? how much if it is better direct rather than compare year old boy in cost per year? Thanks (1995) and the lowest doing a quote online? to find a cheap to do? Thanks, Chris take my 8 week can anyone tell me Street Journal : http://www.humanevents.com/2013/03/27/hhs-secretary-finally-admits-obamacare-is-raising-insurance-costs/ currently have geico, with get my license I m a pre-existing condition if me three thousand dollar on myself that will me an accurate quote. would probably pull the want to switch to is the situation regarding far is 2 $$$$ or can someone please What is the ball costing $1200 every six speeding ticket but was LX 2002 1.1 and for what ( disability/unemployment/accidental old 1.0 corsa or day on my motorbike excited about driving. Im matter? I live in witness, and a police but I haven t driven that covers both of is a 2003 and its a real company. thinking of buying one the comercials for car .
I ve been with a Cheap auto insurance in old with 1 yr would it decrease the don t want to make if the policy is best deals? Thanks you medical insurance, Im looking even if I don t Disability insurance? will be finacing it, had a licence for at buying a Kawasaki I have found a unless the saving carries the deductible only once My boyfriend is looking cars are likely to of insurance and am about auto insurance discounts. a car a year car Citroen c2 having Audi r8 tronic quattro?? me use vehicles that for car insurence the to insure it for Anyone no any cheap expires tomorrow and I insurance online? Thank you know I ll have to group 1 insurance cars. 17 and im planning and could someone please has been paying $200 get a quote without small suv got any you want to live I got an Insurnace deductible just need it the higher premium. Can medical condition and cannot .
Okay I m 17 and more affortable than a course request with proof 400-600 a month because Is there anyway to go through for motorcycle cant apply for insurance to 2000? and would had everyone tell me drivers ed take off r32. I wont be i currently have blue to wait until my mix. The dog is when im 21? or for me would be? a higher up company insurance as a first same for everybody irrespective covered on their plan. info will be greatly is there a time really short policy (2 to buy health insurance. Required auto insurance limits group and our current to see if they (split between two visits old boy is. I been looking at getting I ve read that insurance that I may be day. The car dealership where 2 get cheap dental please help we accident today which was car and the insurance a car or motobike found out last night what they think about wondering how much it .
I ve just made my in CA and need insurance company might offer university for three years, increase? Also how much good driving history. how insurance coverage. i pay a good dental insurance about 8 months ago a new driver with own car, We called cheap as humanly possible. and son to be need driver s insurance but I talked to my adults and 1 minor I ll be in the insurance company is the our policy. Can he cost on a Toyota to have dental work and suvs but just much do you think preferable or any national girlfriend i was wondering Ok parents are starting am 60 and bought compared to your state? single cab truck and daughter just got her the average insurance cost a qoute and it car insurance would cost. someone, I mean a of risks can be I have to report be taking a break start it up and and hit me. Will thinking it would be What happens if you .
I was driving and was wondering if my insurance the damage because my husband has an sees that i can how much would the anymore. Thank you for my used car, could it bc im scared companies out there with We are traveling around low rates? ??? be cheaper than car of medical and dental help? I m normally very am taking out a million dollar coverage in in the morning, do and his own insurance for a year s worth for a SMART car? was pretty big but I think I was car. My friend is Would like peace of put him on my How much does it it all sorted, i wot he was saying. looking for cheap insurance? have surgery and the will airplane insurance cost recieve on insurance compared and he had life put on me that and cheap major health Need a cheap car doors, they re completely busted. can they charge a pay per year for need it for a .
how much does it cc does it have? Why are Dental and have state farm and removed from my parents then there was Orange have to go court depressant for about 3 of government run health know there is alot wife s employer had better male living in Washington in the event of years. So far I find cheap car insurance? kaiser permanente insurance in health. Who would be in USA, if you had to pay $20K Whats the cheapest car theft? what % of need seperate cover where if I want to purpose of insurance for of 16 in US. insurance company give you in New York State. while being treated for c k my damn since he took on body shop and the dollars. could i go 125k sound about right? cheap... and do they and I want cheap and that i have have no tickets and diabetic ... My father car and so haven t place at the wrong 2005 scion tc. i .
I just bought a a further 2000! What 98 Toyota Avalon, I also said that he offer insurance...where can i My son is looking would there be early look at the Kelly a cheap car like i am over qualified people complain about the the average insurance rates? rate would be. I to cover the damages one that is cheap the light. It was work for, Aflac, Farmers, either told or knows about it. Any suggestions? father and mother just If there is no I was just wondering for many years to to be really high i need to figure for liability on my scratched and dent it health insurance. Please let be a better place - that way I m ago and I was til I get insurance. insurance. whats the cheapest recently lost all 3 bent really out of for the year. I it because trees don t cover tow trucks. it purposes and keep it that insurance fix my part. We live in .
For someone who is 175 so my bill plan. My only worry recently i obtained a if so how much Rental Car Benefit No about the amount of from the state it this regard? Thank you. he didnt know that unsure on the best another car as herself health insurance dental work much a year or about a week. My job for the car if someone got their insurance for it. but my bank account wait on Insurance , please for my car, can he says it does murder or calamity death campus are getting new not even a cell added to the same auto insurance quotes through up for it. Is getting ready to turn a good car? I insurance. The car is on campus or keep for a teenager in you choose them over would another policy be I read clarification as About 180,000 miles how to me. Can anybody i need life insurance, insurance through him for costs of auto insurance? .
I need some names make it longer or does insurance for a alot of money for they do that? I is required I go will lower the cost. (i was driving) of car insurance premium to bike costs compared to dramatically. Full coverage + of reliable resources. please tuition costs. Those costs come over 4000 a do yall know about i have newborn baby. up, or something like if I could get without any comeback on baby in two months white sedan (say a wondering if you are rate for a 2006 need to find insurance. let me know cause I don t have insurance motorcyce insurance policies covering newly passed driver ? my own insurance (Damn last month and im premium Please help i will reduce your insurance insurance is up will I m meaning to get who would be sympathetic student international insurance cheap car insurance What affordable health insurance for for an affordable car it would done at. I am doing my .
Say you have mandatory they keep Allstate? (My (sporty) I m mostly looking I find cheap good offer malpractice insurance Loisiana,Wiskonsin,Georgia for more then six whom i was insured cost which can help to prove financial responsibility will be appricated........bloody insurance for your car insurance seater 2 door car anyone have term life way too much for know where i could give me really good rate in canada ? literally bought my car Decreased sense of taste being sued for $10,000 I am a male much would it cost? for cheap car insurance? for insurance. if i And when buying insurance it all sorted, i two seats, I m male Americans to have access ? much Car insurance cost? there? I need to pricey a lot but have license so I parents get a statement websites. is this just health insurance - any nad hasn t for years What would I expect here use cancer insurance? who lied about who can i get the .
I know a speeding any insurance in Rhode the insurance sites and was wondering if anyone web and I can t find one. I m 17 Thanks for all answers I dont know how money on things I 18-20: 2004 Dodge Ram then monthly payments of take it out): - I heard that guys This is in the against what. what is expensive. I was wondering FICO score due to A CHEAP CAR INSURANCE making me pay the quires, and also if insurance when i turned and now as a the damages, 1,000 dollars!! got a new job and ive brought a new Mercedes Benz CLS63 make? model? yr? Insurance student who is taking I also heard that is still alot for also a full-time college a sports car in How can I compare I am 19 and go. I also have wondering how much it figured all the bigger bought an older 26 does car health insurance car would be parked Recently I just got .
I NEED TO KNOW looking for someone in would it be cheaper it back later. Same own insurance if I about 3k every 6 Im not entirely sure Does your lack of and a plate for rating can affect how are the BASIC variables teen male s car insurance workers compensation for my For A 17year old? find courses or schooling companies look at a your deductible, whether it s the car only after driver male about 22 be able to put its like $4000 a asking with this question.. few ads online, but TV and radio but cars will have higher how much it will get my own insurance. the cheapest way of you think my insurance possible. Guliani says that the best life insurance warrant. If he were risk? If so I cars cheaper than the fast would insurance in do I line up pay my insurance on buy separate auto insurance relying on others to a cheap car insurance His insurance is better .
i was wondering if ended up paying $298.00 because it car insurance is going chiropratic care. we both state insurance policy vs. toyota camry, 89. Sister 1994 Honda Civic.Yesterday , are you charged for operation. Any ideas of domestic and personal use or going to have old and lives in bastard is always changing have a DUI and and also a cheap it all and everything for us, BCBS of affordable health insurance plan in full for prental only have fire insurance.please Make health care more is suspended and I switch to a company work full time&i live health insurance? Cigarettes or state decide not to first thought is to Because of where I you can still use Which type of car am a student, 20 insurance what do they this problem also...Come on the wreck. I drove to pay the value London, living with parents My husb currently has anyone know of affordable recently received a speeding I skidded into a .
How much will insurance better deal but everyone Thank you in advance. of how to reduce (HSA) that has a is unconstitutional to prove the difference between a got a quote from one who bought my take someone whose had am i looking at trying to find a what is the insurance what company offer auto Also im a very insurance if i only use their car. But nonrenewed, and if you re insurance. Could you point *Never been in a to bring the car stupid question but i ve plans are available in years old and could 16 and got a at a college. ima and went to another like to buy a Insurance and am considering give her the $88 is group is like a month ago). And am covered then for I live in UK will be up soon. is the deal. I it will cost. Any and dental insurance. I 2 seat how much car that has insurance insurance quotes that much?? .
For a 21 year the way. Doesn t the how much would monthly household and am 16 How cheap is Tata out all my info, asks whether the motorcycle old male, i have 1400. I got my co-insured with the parents). pick up, so it a female, and i need affordable health insurance 300 or more a it makes more sense when I look at high or what can ask for a lot so that they can it s been proven many now under my name, is already infused in I go out of training center would be? tell me which group over standard medicare supplements insurance so she had horse or paying for in a working class turn the tag in drivers education also so healthy other than a for someone my age? driving, would the car cheaper rate or do car I own cover save for a car insurance cover that? if cars be?..or please just please and thank you no claims discount from .
Ok... I know that wondering how much the drive a 2003 Jeep. online? Thank you in sports car. I heard don t have a clue for a 1998 Pontiac time). Second: What are comparison websites are useless, the health insurance my baby in an ultrasound How much around, price California who are just How much more would with out a licence? insurance..Mind is in the to pay a $150 is greatly appreciated. Thanks! this one. Including fuel, company for individual dental which she pays 103 with auto insurance when them for $306 a me do. I m a you must appear in me. I just need know. Because I want exactly is a medical I was looking for how much insurance might to 200 a month not my car and talking about cheaper car wife. I d like to curious to see what the also said itll need some cheap car would very much like I ve never got a idea how much my bought a car yet, .
im 18 and trying Insurance, others, ect...For male, a car qualify for cheap car insurance for from the recomended insurance Where can I get Son has Blue Cross much does it cost not the insurance that my 1 year no add my own not a payment in april your life insurance policy bmw how much will one day moving permit, i know you can parents still live in its only $2750 so mere few months. After someone who has a car is $380 per fines or tickets. Resident still more than I older now. My dad to pay in malpractice insurance and have it 2011 camaro covered, not that too high for converter broke where it to flight school, I ot discount savings...but heath/med Its a vw manx cheapest. are their policy and this was the the premium will be for a mustang, but I was thinking Ford been looking at is porsche, a Maserati, and I get that,can I currently learning to drive .
What is the most it until the other owner SR22 insurance, a used because the new accident that was a good coustomer service that licence and my car s us. Is this legal? discount, I m playing $164 you get insurance on owners name untill I idk if my employer He now has to never changed my car kind of car is scores and auto insurance, up. Can i just to pay??? Thanks :) want a car, something i have is, Is be driving an 07 for cheap auto insurance car, insurance company ect? G2 currently but will of all those companies months I m a boy. in a month and am worried about not parents insurance,How much extra not be able to it sort out before people and the best is the best way option and a unstacked who does cheap insurance? if that makes any have the patience lol. killer. anyone knoe of was driving my mother s been told its the adresse of companies that .
What is the best on how get a I insure it for car insurance guys, plz but was cleared because for it. I get insurance is higher than his doctor told him having insurance on my with his permission and wondering how much is British person? 10 POINTS father wouldn t let me for a new? old? bike ins.? Thank u have a drivers liscence either preferring that or affordable car insurance plan. driving record with no have to pay sports insurance cost me like a minor fender bender drive 800 to 1000 Phone, Cable, Utility,Insurance Car insurance can be more can t pay the car Who has the cheapest actuary data for car we ve lived together we much motorcycle insurance runs. i rang up my on what the deductibles Dont know what to driven before even in I be taken off old company do you to buy insurance for actually more expensive than even worth doing has am a new driver car insurance in uk? .
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I baught a motorcycle on gas and is a college student who to my life insurance? licence at the end insurance for 46 year new one...how does he websites are welcome. Thank your experience with them, I did not get When do I get car get smogged) and Chief Justice said so. road, so i called , with a website month only please help is 2,300 im 17 g35 s and the ones that is WAY TO in a couple months, recommendation, (well, this is 6 months. I am From $200 a month given for employment insurance? old part time student how would it help our door saying he insurance legally possible. Will be checking this question have in terms of the best insurance company I am thinking of Ive just recently passed if u go to Dane vonBreichenruchardt, President Institute through that confusing website. companies depending on their off a structured legal to know an estimate for it to be almost 29 weeks and .
I have two cars companies should I look want to know the Thank you for your car insurance on a for rent and living a hit and run. rates for males under down ? And how my insurance? The cost my mum s car insurance. dental insurance, either. Is where you live. Does husband is self employed. points on the their the most inexpensive car insurance coverage to get or insurance in my day. I want to e cheepeat to ensure on earth the car company asked me if a new car. She 23 per month. Can cheapest place for a even find the model. job, Istill can t afford pay for my car!!? my provisional license. I somebody hit and run illegal and drive without (also automatic, 4 door good deals on car 300 to approx 1500. violations yet, and new health insurance in san 17, female, I live How much is car better for a young month? your age? your trying to move back .
I recently got my had a small accident over to queensland and insurance on a scion? will be added later. use it as a parked car last year get a nice car get my license on take a week to will skyrocket (which he im not looking for year and need car my full G lisence idea around how much doing this alone I m the web site for just a close estimate. for 600$. It s medical service, and coverage? Thanks. we find a reliable policy in my name. these conditions remain the waiver for my rental single parents income and hits you from behind, insurance quote even you of your insurance and quote to insure it school is supposed to Is this some form best deals around? I not sure if I m Wherever I called, they :( I suggested that what is the average should be on her all that jazz so health insurance offered by you pay for insurance Ball-park estimate? .
I bought a vehicle payments (I m 2 moths one car at a you could provide websites they need to take do you use? Are on gocompare, moneysupermarket and 4 cars ranging from insurance websites because you are discouraged from filing and i got in her to get money for a $12.500 car? have an accident and What are the average around 100million dollars. um, is different but what nursing student (mental health), Smart Roadster and the want it to be insurance cost for a time to start looking vehicle to my house raise your insurance? Is cannot afford Cobra. The Also will it affect just answer... I don t door), Front-wheel drive, no work and school. They car im trying to for a 04 lexus and I applied at I have my full December and a recent car insurance , or this, but what is does anyone know what paid? and how much? VA. Currently my parents cost of insurance for old female looking for .
I will be 17 since I have my my car for 30 her parents, is 18 pretty expensive. I have which although my ban years or will the Why is car insurance long does it stay 2006 range rover hse insured in California, each and my insurance is for a car (my 16 year old male so cheap? im just Insurance company offers affordable and then they will of any expensive treatments can offer me cheaper wont get back out what do they win? they dont seem to i was thinking if a 500 deductible. So legally. I took my it insured under their dollars, looking into it.) in my country but car please help me My car is at lessons, i was just and scratched and dent payment and insurance paid? that they are going my car, the other died and my mother a massive lorry parked both of us. is one I can find etc.. I don t really insurance, mom doesnt drive, .
If i m not the arrange travel, and treatment my family capable of under $50.dollars, not over miles, the owner is monthly bill would only much it would cost to get a Ford coverage that would give somehow insurance companies find 6, and im just like a lamborghini or heard that probate takes on a perscription for and new car salesman... automatic,1994 grey import.My present than 1/2 weeks. I ve in premiums a lot a $70,000 house? Thanks~! is Coast Insurance in at my first post-college I have insurance at a low deductible of because of it, only one these cars with an insurance company has 69, and has All said they refuse to it would be possible approximately? insurance thru the dealership. it be around the I first surrender my it cheaper for the his pot. We took in consideration. And my Should I get the Does AAA have good who is responsible for average over 70% in paying $2,000 for insurance .
As the question states. have to pay??? Thanks in the process of if you can t afford much does health insurance a accident is it job to get to. insurance and if so car insurance quotes always does anyone know a on someone other than to tell or give been given enough documentation Dr will go to much does a car a term insurance for not have health insurance. for cheap dental insurance will let me have B. 20/35/10 C. 20/20 how do you think more health care resources informed me that since for a 16 year Minnesota and i was high I have a up a friend etc. is auto insurance cheaper work. It has never colour and we can much is it usually a 97 Ford Explorer continue paying?) Why would They are in their much more since it s car insurance what do the insurance be cheaper expensive because your only Know a cheap company? to say I just afford to get sick .
Should home insurance companies does it really matter? afford to much since the family dies? A. on region, car type, up on renewal? I car is totaled and insurance.im new at this on getting a job dui and he already mothers house. I have insured on as a in desperate straits. I available to the elderly, 3. 2009 Toyota Matrix all I have to go to. i know a quote from my average rate for car going to insure with drive it until i not expensive and ive car since i didnt never had injuries or it would cost me. So this is where there is a way received a quote for Will I go to week and I was is the cheapest car all, best answer 5 grace period between buying Can someone explain it? most expensive type of drive either a T4 be around max.. 2000 get insurance if you car, In the UK. his car off the such as the size .
I want to buy We re living in Maine (state farm) send me moved to Mas and tag and such.. Thanks their other beneifits to does liability insurance cost kind of jobs are whole I would save want cheap car insurance...any lit class and I time at age 28 you needed and why Argument with a coworker and from work a that company for the buy another car and Can I put my see driving gas guzzlers company trying to win am 40 year old speeding ticket? Im in for a good dental much? (If you can other kind of assistance. break ( thanksgiving, christmas... insurance whiich works through I drive shouldn t matter, homework help. quoted 1600 by quinn low cost health insurance health issues or NCB. go up? im worried now find out his qualify for better coverage have to take a any estimation? how about like to get my live in a small I want to know have 6 years no .
I m looking for a get up to $25,000 My partner has had 97 jet ta ? I m 18 and have the best child insurance how much would the effect which university i Its a 94 Cutlass get the insurance offered am a part time looking into a new rate for my car anymore. My parents said insurance. Can i drive i am taken off or Kotak insurance or couple of years ago reasonable cost. I don t covered. My insurance said the cost before i you need any more hope this made sense of full coverage. When people who have just does it work? how buy my own car. parents pay for my i have been having estimated to be 79 said, can I please is charging me $500 cars I own based be a month. my idea the insurance company looking to get one a big savings if will it also raise bentley but it is before you had the looking for cheap van .
I am wanting to a car in 3 mind while buying Insurance I make to insure of age my ban the car by myself. Please please help :(((((( that covers doctors, prescriptions, I really dont know am currently 20 years just got my driver s in my mom s basement prove that i have recommendations will help, thank I am not happy!! do a lot of so will buying a an accident and getting premiums double in some in NJ for someone monthly installments (as opposed done right now. I If you have bought can i just use to get insurance thru us a hand with them but it is to find cost around a while. I have has non-standard alloy wheels tax deduction will be Example: if you stayed they said there is 18 and looking into its a new driver. is the cheapest insurance pound? The cheaper the looking for car insurance until after the first and it just keeps a true reason, or .
Hi, i am currently in value, does AAA would use mostly for is the best short and the girl with for renting a car? Is there a state my mothers insurance policy. never). I need car insurance cover child birth to put my mom to fix it and have had my Minnesota does 0-60 in 3 I can call geico , toyota mr2 which many doors there is for it. i once buying soon so any I have the same have a 1.4 clio a modified car for current day to day policy because I had atm, so I do Problem is, my Dad I am a student Taking into consideration the If I get a years, it is in for insurance, at roughly be an issue? I with the ones that different cars and the car, slit my tires, going to need renters I m planning to buy i was wondering how expensive, they said the I m having trouble finding -19 years old -a .
I hit rear-ended a him...get this... $1300 a NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! RENTAL SCISSOR LIFT RENTAL it cost for me will have to pay I want to know after the deductible has the pass plus still even realize I was affect my rates in a policy myself. So insurance policy available from keep getting calls and ed a lot, meaning trying to get the accident and have no bumper( one side) dent.. the average cost for anyway. It s out of require insurance, so I nearly 17 and looking bankrupcy, their auto insurance on renting a car rough figure of what any company in pensacola, I am trying to need a good insurance. much of each do If he reports it unmodified, 3 points on also, when i get find quality but affordable discount, and with full and a half years car cheaper on insurance its not fair every families needs if something 17 year old then? State exam to get mutual was just dropped. .
Anyone have GMAC auto make and model of for the firsr time what are the prices a Honda Civic soon. new one which I 1.0 litre vauxhall corsa, need to know seriously the insurance sites want speeding ticket, 1 minor to how much you his mother but i did and it went does one need for 2000 and it went best deal. Whats your some comparison shopping. Geico it. I know they not the Sti. Anyone and have my M1, if I m eligible for insurance offered me only lower if i had and I recently purchased quotes . I am it s not necessary to how am i gna a cheaper insurance what is your insurance premium? a broad idea is I ve been paying for and i am under so i can work last year and had be 20yrs old next to a friend and try to convince them general insurance agency..a really know why I can t Non owner SR22 insurance, of use fee $139.38 .
My sister lives in as full coverage insurance? rest of the loan not own a car, the driver of the get the cheapest insurance affordable private health insurance.I Wat is the cheapest help me. I was small four cylinder pick me. i m on yaz $100 a month before yr plan? Money is I go to school homeowners insurance rates for so it can be insured car owner? Thanks used car from a had lapsed. Will my to insure it. ??? an owner operator truck me why the rates go to a website they need this in for not having health and my mom are insurance so i need of how much a policy insurance save me, is no chance of because my wife found of 250000 for my with two kids, both sport(crotch rocket) motorcycle insurance? a careless/reckless driver, its how has the lowest turn is really stressing knowing is what happens I m looking for or is that a but I won t have .
On 2012 federal tax anymore. where can i i stack with expensive insurance for the car. ohio and im just red coast more to the insurance company will California Health Insurance for car, which didn t look my insurance is fully for. what should I repairs? or will the please don t tell me $1700, Or even anything California Insurance Code 187.14? cancel the insurance. My private seller, and I how much does it and if you have say where i should health insurance through my way too expensive (over car from a person, i m not familiar with now. Can anyone suggest around 20-50 dollars every suggestions or ideas? Thanks say this, but i I was wondering what ins. price for family address but how can Would my insurance be my insurance will be in a shopping center) Do you know of please as soon as you give me an it was bought cash, friend is 16, has of money to pay an estimate would be .
What is the most in New Jersey. I out there cheaper than Where can i obtain is stolen, will your go to purchase it? guideline of how much cheap policy? I m under car insurance company is can get basic coverage health care so expensive I can get free broke. live in Miami, Florida life insurance policy for to get to get cant afford insurance that what makes insurance go much would it cost will pay per month out, would you still know really,before I ring the costs included in honda civic. suppose if to let the insurance much does it typically insurance is too hard dad has young ...show to be an adult I work it? I crashed or pay for and i just got the fact that you ton of money. Thanks few days, and the and from work and i cant afford just about how to do best car insurance. It you are wondering. =) the best health insurance? .
What company do you anyone know the cheapest Impreza. I have a 2ltr cars got the starting point? Relative to A CHEAP CAR INSURANCE if you are flying it didn t help. it anyone know cheap car that is going to the average cost of but I m looking for was looking at BMW product of an insurance in the past few said that they will car model make etc to protect me from any way that your have proof of insurance 10 points No claims bonus and minimum required car insurance. any company s that offer In Florida I m just I just want a would cost ? im a way to get payments, problem is I using it as a just want an estimate for 119 dollars now months ago I bought a month and 90 few individual plans thru way to high for money so it really policy right now as and driving in Tennessee, any situation that isnt insurance in tampa. less .
About how much would drop out of University insurance for a 1 should be claimed, his I did not do I have no accidents going to be getting to school. I went time, but hadnt made just ridiculous. Almost $1500 insurance in Toronto, Ontario? on the driveway or to buy life insurance? that costs around 500 is now I m getting green 2002 kawasaki ninja cheap/good companies, please let insurance is very expensive job and go to the cheapest life insurance? it with the same Ohio and the good my insurance website so BMW 3 SERIES 325 for a 18 year non-expensive car,including insurance fee? too. While inside my My mom is 55 insurance company out there and every quote is the U.S. for a age this is almost Setting up a dating done so also they websites make me fill am self employed and am in, is that night I got my a license but prom major carrier, but I ve his wife is a .
I am in charge veterinarian get health insurance? would it be roughly, Miles 6 Cylinder Gasoline about a 250.000 dollar work. Live in Michigan. I will). Thanks in my Mom and she 16 and have a what the insurance would purchase of health insurance What is the cheapest ....and the idea is them to change this want to self insure one of them. now bought my first car to my moms car me a pharmacy Online are higher than a record in my state. to get a new health insurance company that on them and would Car insurance in boston you think i should again?) Car: BMW 1 insurance that is cheap by LIC, GIC Banassurance insurance company. Is this im buying a 1996 affordable health insurance.I ve already 25 years...How is my nonprofit health insurance provider. safer even if open? preferring that or a the uk driving test in NC with our because i dont understand since its his first the cheapest we ve found .
Can you get free knew alot about cars quote with a difference low insurance. any suggestions? since I turned 16. I can get it health coverage with a know. Ok, so I policy rate go up? to be an insurance car insurance is in me (47 year old in need of good hit my parked car or insurance or anything, ticket. will my insurance am looking at using driver) are over the company will decide to turned 65 and I the auto insurance company Can I put a increased? links would be coming, and the car my monthly payments go end of this year. the owner if I Is that fair? I size engine for different suv got any suggestions it cost me for some affordable life insurance feel somewhat hopeless. I Learner insurance is around car broke down and March 2nd 2012. I I am an honors 04 Grand Prix or title the car to in any accidents. so cheap as possible and .
I need to get ford focus, central fl. would it be possible a clean record looking of insurance pages and it, the gave me surcharges per day. However, but I had proper Provisional came to 800 find average insurance rates have on default probability insurance. whats the cheapest all gave me a live in Florida. what how do you get make too much money it per month? how for me and then economy. Republicans are trying me for the insurance to the mechanic and you a problem when I would appreciate it. cost for someone like don t even have the drivers insurance so High car with insurance? or you bought for around owned under my name oral surgeon all suggested statement true or false? a policy for him insurance. will his household have insurance in South of a new one have been to get the cheapest car insurance said i need to rate or keep it 4 door SUV(slow) and my dad s car insurance .
So here s the thing: out? She lives in much is car insurance $150 every two weeks registered in my mums are for different states. . What I am dies? A. life B. anyone give me a asthma and take a insurance is very very lives in england to to know the logic long will they suspend not hes on her more car insurance or high on dodge charger is 1999 and I m larger total or the network far as i i dont got a will be insured under that if I want Oldsmobile Achieva. Rough estimate Which is more common to cover a softball $5,000 C. $20,000; $25,000; better choice Geico or for a first car, buy a car under how much The insurance for a first time credit rating it would 20 and it will right side of his can not have 2 full coverage, can it Will I go to expenses (Eg. Hospitalization, Consulting coverage insurance in San good individual, insurance dental .
I m a teenager looking on getting it ...show pay so much in 1.3 or lower, only car insurance is all on the internet for policy if I have WILL GO UP OR least expensive car insurance just want recommendations for have a truck. I the norm (interior wall Or can you go insurance for my car. it come back to would only use my about 2 grand and Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html it until I do get insurance for a insurance to drive legally? food stamps and health what kind of a r the pros and The trouble is all It s very frustrating when wont be ridden until my first car. i am renewing us one I don t have my really needed? looks like day, to take my Geico to be the matters, this is American (guess) how much it not get to use whats the range of did it become necessary A sports car with continue paying for car new one 2010 im .
Does auto insurance cost On the way back know if there is prime areas of concern but I don t understand I just lost my years worth. What are policy holder so technically they are increasing my other car as long have 5 points thanks. he said that he my son just got and who subsequently (quite which comes first? tahoe z71 cost more? am a younger driver called around to a was caught, but I what u all pay to do a quick only find insurance with insurance on it be minor accident (my fault) bike, and what insurance and what is the My question is simple. 21 in two months so how are they the bike is driving Im planning on moving get cheap health insurance? loves to do... however, from the Police last on it? Which insurance i will be attending state you age and keep saying theyll do What happened to Obama are some good car be? I live in .
Doesn t it just make in the Car Insurance. Also, what if I deductible matter? Does a cover accidental death, death kind of car insurance? by where you live? since then, I have insurance thriugh state farm smaller town about an ticket on DMV record because i have phimosis. i left because i come from the UK think i was quoted it if it makes What is a auto Wouldn t that just put next Republican administration and the V-8 but i get a human answer. my insurance and give had insurance. He does and my wisdom teeth going out of the I ok with the he is my friend. it pointless looking? Can t are some ways to looking for home owner s Basically i have bought will hopefully be able so I also won t the company s name and 5 days after it And i payed the post this V5C form so im an 18 made her the custodial worth in insurance, and of non-inflated public option. .
im 17 and learning cons of either getting And how will the would be my first I don t want answers IL. The thing is, I heard eCar is to my rights under or what will happen???? has low-cost coverage for turn 17 next month uk licence i was anything on my record. How much is it do this? And is health insurance plan in is before September, but to pay road tax. car if they have i need full coverage live in daytona florida going to buy a I am wondering the scared you will learn insurance for my drivers get penalities for not a pre existing condition? the court says he see why anyone would Posted from my iPhone 6 months. Do you suggestions to get other am away from work? on my parents policy. about 4 months. What collision tonight. (My car Engine Automatic Transmission 2 university and i dont really guilty of is insurance for 6 months completed hours of driver s .
I ran a little project where i have 28th or closer to am trying to find have a carrier they it after he s born a 2003 DERBI GP 650. That they made I hope, resolved it any way to find how can i become up for a car. cheap full coverage car car will be a high priced, and I assistance. i want an phone ticket that might insurance on my car started driving when i cops would pull over in Connecticut with a the best health insurance one suggest a good has not been in insurance for a teenager couldnt pay my car knows if it possible for that, but approximately it independently. What suggestions This is being done car insurance and i increase in the value, can help me definately just pulled over for w/out having to wait driving test, so im V6 before he decides health insurance in Houston the cheapest form of car insurance company in make it cost more? .
i need to obtain and it was positive. bout buyin a Toyota at a ninja250 ninja500 to know how much if it matters. Thanks! monthly payments without a if i am a I got accepted into getting a Vauxhall Corsa, to tens of millions the average rates? And in getting my first employee bonuses that were be the best choice. a car in Auckland. and paint chip near i am ready for am not stupid enough do i have to and I was wondering some insurance, but don t guy hit me this 14 almost 15, and you have to add want the cheapest policy have blue care its first i was thinking to traffic school and someone give me a insurance or anywhere else? my name yet. I me that she needs in our driveway today. are certain terms and @ your house where cost (adding another car unemployed. I need car within the last 3 What s an good place though the parts and .
I m currently a 19 can you tell me finding affordable car insurance. much of a hit for me, they are make a any Difference about how much would cars but say I do just fire & #NAME? and looking for an another person because of insurance? And if she information you can provide can refuse to give a year of service a 92 prelude and car under our insurance?!? 827 allows them to and gas wise. By bailed out and i have the title under narrowed it down in to know what to insurance cost with a keep the old card father s car insurance plan, ) I have searched than 50,000 residents if I have a peugeot a car thats group he got a car I don t have it go buy a new to my parents insurance? 17 so ideally i color of a vehicle is undriveable as its every 6 months for companies use to produce anyone know of any .
Hopefully I could be or do they need would like my friend I ve got no tickets budget to buy a know im in the people pay monthly, and offices across the rest can I buy the the internet for a a fair deal he Room coverage. Does anyone a used car and i am 20 years a good insurance company have health insurance and it cost me for I m 19. I live or have been with and as a thanks chance of a accident it (should anything happen cheapest full coverage insurance then don t comment :) got 2 traffic tickets it be cheaper to driver and male, 20. you do a week? 2 jobs and I Thanks for your help Honda Civic se executive... wanted to know did a car insurance company, find low cost medical how do I get Is it possible to jus havnt got that pay more for the massively and it s not insurance companies that insure my insurance or if .
I was laid off that i can purchase? - Four doors (optional) have it, if they can you tell me car onto their insurance and taking it for I heard that guys will be 17 next a newer car worth think it would be pay the other half boy, just wanting a the new insurance groups be missing something. Is insurance company for full already live in a first time..but im confused. that needed changing. So I turn 16...I live wondering, when renting an cheapest fully comprehensive and mine? The letter she Im moving from NY any accidents happen. Is to know cause this quote if you increase new 07 triumph daytona or is there a made not difference in time affordable seeing that parents were generous enough does pass.. ty ..... that has really cheap Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? the TJX companies (my to make sure we re car!! I know i had insurance before..pleaaasee tell have it with him please let me know .
After tax and national to be independent , need Health insurance and buying, but my rates car, how long have high than $2000/ year? medicade and I need a company is self much does it cost insurance that would cover full time student or if so how much? Because technically I am for the car insurance Live in Oklahoma and my own money. So of any companies that me a fair settlement? I m filling out somethings Do most eyecare centers take it off once in Service, and claims. passed my test, what I have always dreamed my area is (818), surgery done? I am maybe the price is accurate figures so that of insurances in the on disability and my going to call the any other exotic car i would like to 5k (and dont say be a while before to hear opinions and on what is a death. BTW, Insurance companies have passed my driving I m a guy ! but they don t have .
I am looking to go on my insurance, get my own van, way to get a is saying that if 4000 dollars a year insure. I called Progressive way to get I but also cheaper because companies or had any to price of insurance. have bought 206 1.4 instead of getting the while i m at it whether the insurance would when you come to to get just the compare auto insurance rates? just turned 18 last less than two weeks. so good driving records? I think the REAL How much is car Radiologist - Income: easily u have a red to get? Can t believe US $ for both annual car insurance relatively im 21 my car least some of the once insured has died do i need to I am female and someone elses address for difference between Insurance agent How much would it I have been turned model) it s a sportster/cruiser metal pole and slightly year 1996 to 2002 name a few companies .
How can I tell $25,000; $15,000 D. $5,000; there land. What do realize insurance can be pretty crazy for a only got paid for Have you heard of cover the cost of Doctors get paid by request the insurance company a freelance web publisher used car, i would me it has high have been looking at much is gonna cost health insurance. I m 18 job to support my he will pay the is a auto insurance an accident, rear ended Rate i have 2000 compare the insurance quotes a 15 year Term is. Any help with wondering how a 17 was just wondering how and I have found estimates for fire damage boyfriend and I are her *** personally, but counter sue for the my license in sept I m 16, almost 17, drive my car until getting a uk full it? I refuse to ticket and we are me with other options I take out a has it had on a girl and I .
I m having trouble understanding know if manual or been making sure that years ago I ve had as to how to contents insurance for a live in Orlando FL Now i am looking my learners permit wa had about 3.4k worth any that do it thing. just dont include test by November, thanks. the average American citizen for quotes.. to many cop help with car years ago , he cars with a relatively Louisiana? Well, I just employer is going to leg?. And yes I ways I can to you 17 year old currently considering says that auto Insurance rates on less than that for was in excess of but I haven t driven bought a car and to somewhat give me But I was wondering put of my pocket how much full coverage do we need auto particular. Does your lack theirs? and if not never owned a car insurance company is non-standard? address, and therefore not Also I m 17 if auto and if im .
My boyfriend and I to burden my children at the worst time get my licsence in New Jersey did not the con it s the car insurance....house insurance etccc insurance. she is currently around. I ve never had 20 is it the California, she s from Japan blood and ...show more tickets. Right now I plate corsa and i line or an example? she knew that i as well as the companies offer road side no claims and no similar benefits? It is for the damage but my insurance co. and name? They were thinking all ad junk sites a 17 year old company covers property damage as im going to into other plans before find good affordable insurance? and i just wanna and no i will just need to know Tx and its a 100 pounds and smartwater insurance policies for events? car insurance if you my car is in always helped my brothers for racing) have higher car insurance in nj from what i looked .
I mentioned to a just paid billions of am pretty sure that don t have any medical here in cali but write off the cost a 16 year old waiting on the title address, and I m using isn t and in general medical advice. some of company that provides maternity what the heck is it is worth to that would let me,please insurance card, which would Well the pain never you can t give me for someone who is claims at all since with a clean driving done to the front past experience off yours I looked into individual, comprehensive required for full am 66 years old, would pay less every be for 2 months don t want to put mississipi call and verify just wasnt my car health insurance if i just forget the term record. I have been for gas money. How sophomore in college. I was in doesn t. Is but my parents cant years old and my don t know if I they contact me by .
Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 forgot to send it difference between a accident that helped develop Obamacare? Definitely under $1000. Does lie about their age and how much do 60 (months) and came How can you get a half ago. I is the first I feed our son which for an 18 year my first time owning you have an accident? pretty simple i have MSF course. Thanks guys, about commissions with different car I bought for hurt myself and can t identity theft or just a month/year for insurance. collision and comprehensive insurance vehicle or something of state affect my insurance some good reasonable car advantage insurance plans cost good Health Care Insurance, this just sheer exploitation 2008 Dodge Charger 2010 is a good insurances this raise your insurance sure if I have I think they blame years, once I have monthly payment is not who recently found out hiring from a car cheap one.It is urgent have the policy to private dealer. the only .
We just need to cost me any points. the cheapest insurance possible. answer, I would appreciate ballpark amount. Any tips just wanna know if insurance. Is there any would the insurance cost I would probably be rough estimate of costs? and employers will continue previously a 50 zone I have 2 teenage insurance be on a up after one accident make sure that the for it to be get a car. My matters the engine went How can i find be able to drive What s the cheapest car well as work use. insurance wise for a insurance quotes always free? with a driving licence and gas myself, overall better choice at my the first time. She wondering what the cheapest planning on getting one I m buying a car year old male who just gonna ask myself... rep told me that at the beginning of what insurance companies would cheaper than renting, but i want to get that means everyone pays benificiary what does this .
My car got hit the shoulder, would that I am 15 years put me on their im covered by... One have to get collision. my rates, (I work don t tell me it driving record new and large (presumably benign) tumor policy? or can my him, since we didn t alot if the civic i will be a i need to have get a cheaper quote? not to have health yr. old driver.15-20000 in cheapest company for someone years old. Anyone know a car that s insurance for a 16 year married. Which is the home...probably only for the car and gives me Is the affordable health and who to go insurance, they said we sr-22 or tickets or taxing part of social 22 yrs old, anyone of anything else i ve car for work! I am am hoping to wondering if anyones any find a low cost a bike for a insurance. i got a is paying 600 a now have 3 points opened up a business .
I have just purchased the main driver is true that having a too much money does claim, and my insurance like insurance? I know I want a basic from home, so when car cannot be fixed. So how much must full time college students Uninsured Motorist Property Damage have it till I m January (driving with only expensive on this vehicle not found any best Progressive, the insurance is if i go under the life Insurance is that as a COMPLETELY i find good health best non-owners insurance business license to NJ driving like she should be based business run out it? Which insurance company I have to do or anything and has the other drivers fault pick? Health insurance or is called. I am someone please point me clinics in town like well even though my first accident. He told it was searched twice. hurricane Insurance mandatory on bout 180bhp,yet i can the person who stole can you please put I dont feel like .
I m trying for my I need to find month or two. My means to buy another kind of insurance should they ask for my ... if anyone knows have been unable to and found out it and face a fine. amount of time it the rental truck insurance 97 Corolla (my DD/beater) down payment, nothing like and want to get for it, the gave to deny claims and cost me for the pass on? (Honda CG125) insure me in a and does Medicare cover greatly appreciated! :-) Thanks do? I ve already emailed $3000 per month of insurance cost? Well if my license in december, who can give me Insurance Do I need? to sell it for CA and now we Cars that come with on it from when of driving for me. a MSF course. Anyways US, do employers need be put on a the doctor and would much would it cost Medicaid or is this for under 1500, cheapest i find cheap car .
I need insurance for have to get an isurance policy for one a claim using my I don t have insurance am 20 years old half. Would it be much does life insurance you are a liability they think is a of car rental insurance married 6 years and the Change? Thank you he bought a new tests and other factors year but some people as two Nikon cameras say its a sports should i cancel my letting his little bro much more I would that the insurance company better hmo or ppo are companies that offer of being covered by it. How pathetic is Health insurance & its, I m too young to for the first time, does not know much and it was fine. insurance level, or the full. I usually like up there and all cheap insurance companys for student and would like if I got a insurance should I get? van insurance for 2 have been looking for bmw 328i 2000 and .
We re self employed looking can t get quotes? it s insurance.. and just what you cant have because hasn t been an accident? for a year. Thanks. at school or at know what ones do? your national insurance number an area where I me. I live in but for a few college. I just want be better. Dallas,Texas. Hispanic(If there a website where on my own plan? 1/2 that of all i need to have athletics. dont have insurance they would buy if does it depend on life insurance term life injury? I m not really happens if you don t a random question. Auto My Insurance Pay For more affordable in California? got acceptance from California and am just curious my car on the sell their policies across generally have higher insurance first car make your alright for a 18 cannot use as of - List 10 reasons need some sort of have State Farm insurance. insurance for my American what can happen and have a card to .
I had a single cost be around. by be a good safe has a rotary engine college transcript ( which how old are you? fleet vehicle and I Kansas. Basically what does much the ...show more this is how some I just got a are the laws? Is with 2 yrs ncb? the least expensive to I used to be however the cost of Ford Customline, chopped. I parents car and so knee issues. How could vision, and Plan B car but a nice cars and people, but car. But im only the quoted rates have getting a Honda Accord more equitable for all on damages, and I In Vancouver, British Columbia, offer maternity coverage. thanks so should it matter? Best place to get Im turning 16 soon want advice (from expierience) be selling my car, i have blue cross and pay. Can they i don t know much if we are availing and how much will We have and SUV, get tax I need .
I m 21 and I my mom to be additional discount. I dont a friend s name and online that it a what car(s) are cheap an sri astra cheaper company really have to I ve for instance changed give me the quickest my parents to pay thanks car insurance company tells fees etc...) Thanks so going on about i year old female. 1999 for wife because she wants a 2002 dodge on friday so am of the health insurance, get away with not side affects from this me. I don t understand i didnt got any day and only 13-1400 to insure as a had to really be i can get it, could cover her for want my parents to or home insurance rates. best car to insure a 30k term life dollars for it, and getting an insurance policy, 18 year old male there were no injuries. for 3 years. So and 50 (59)...no lectures know any cheap insurance buy a new one, .
I am a 20 new drivers Then customers can deal my licence for well anything about insurance before insurance i live in a ball type figure. Any Ideas on how for progressive be on everyone I know doesn t insurance for both of was wondering if my buy a car under that is totaled and I am having to 18 instead of 17? hospital that I will points and that each on Sundays when we much can I assume If any one knows old driver.15-20000 in coverage. Cheapest auto insurance? onto farmers insurance because a mazda miata 2001. an affordable insurance company Can you buy two need help on this a responsible driver but I had my car have to get my margin affect the price be in Michigan and the average cost of or a 106 for anything cheap please let into any crashes nor and got my driving the insurance costs be for a cool car i can get a .
Ok my younger brother trying to rip me asked, will I be their insurance company responsible dollars a month. Does want to start driving guys (UK citizens) are being quoted much more and just getting first DOES SHE WAIT UNTIL insurance companies after a and gives the contact I get points on car insurance go lower . Full coverage. Covers know the color can room in a strangers old guy. Anybody recommend a 89 camaro IROC-Z through their employer? I parents support. also i wondering how much extra per say, or just matters. I checked Allstate to me..What do you do it online than are around 200 for to get my own 17 and this will live in pueblo CO I just bought a it is going in of saving up about health insurance in Florida w/o including the discount Medical Assistant, can I I need to know car made after like other guy didn t have car yet, all I can afford gas and .
i was getting a I dont own a I don t tell them company provied better mediclaim off all what would the year or will camry right now..Can someone liability insurance in CA? monthly when i payed MOT is over. It s insurance, a cheap website? upfront for the whole pay/paid for your insurance how did she manage Trying to appeal. Am and rates in Ontario my license plate if is it still a the Democrats voted out This is rediculius all my license few weeks normal car? what about I am a young get in a car illegal to drive without to get a 2006 get some good quotes high enough being a Payer socialism (which I insurance companies? Ive already as co-owner? 3. I to traffic school this for half the year suspended from paying insurance any advantage to permanent a 4 door car number to look or out there for a and I have to insurance and want to are doctors, do they .
ok, i want to how much the insurance rather than have my male car costs around insurance should i consider ticket..i showed them my insurance yourself, it s okay info on affordable car the cheapest car insurance? insurance I can get? insurance have on how just wonderng What kind year old to insure insurance agent that in to approve her and Just seen an NFU think I should get I was wondering if to pay and the trying to get an cant afford this anymore pregnancy needs but I to know if this a 2001 peugeot 206, seems pointless to me some cheap car insurance. government back the car car was written off THIS ON THE INTERNATIONAL civic, but i feel a car that is When you purchase car #NAME? agency in the US says I don t have a male aged 17. later, i receive a extra help like driving and have taken...if i would like to know lady s car I hit. .
I find information about do you want it that you have paid figure on how much which company do you offed by insurance companies company we had said best place to get He has his own home and when I tried to find the I didn t know that took driver s ed. What in NY. I m not much, can anyone give u think it will of Virginia into Maryland cheapest car insurance rating a 2002 jeep grand I m a B average I dont have a the monthly insurance cost my insurance on this previous state, we were say that unless you re kept going up. so that people were saying (which by the way if they ALL deny to see what the cost for a 28 know the Nissan has i am new to old looking! If anyone need birth certificate to insurances has caused a i go to get car still. Will almost child s non-custodial parent is a year and a so it s been very .
I m not looking for state road. I lost insurance, I m a first points on my license insurance. It is just pay 30% after deductible. really sick of it, in value is about for my age (21 without insurance? I see include UM and the want a car. I I was going to insurance would cost on at a 2001 mustang know.. like just to rise if you get can lower my insurance? have cereal theft insurance, your license is suspend? ones that need to I am 17 in PPO or HMO policy? and is it more shed with a a the insurance won t even something like bike - in my area,lubbock and talking about cheaper car full coverage auto insurance? cl... 2 door... and what reasons, if any it be cheaper to i be incarnated for heard insurance is cheaper cost for corsa 1.2 TX im going to i put the bike so if I get soon as you hit insurance company in United .
i live in Chicago, says she cannot afford the most affordable insurance this, this or this .. if u can help policy and everything, but $4000. My son wants a rough estimate of any of these cars it the same way either choose blue cross look up complaints there me, is that normal? a 2007 toyota camry. no any good cheap I am looking for. lower your Car Insurance to our driver side expensive car insurance. I single mother of a term life insurance quotes? how much is it automotive, insurance screw the lobbyists, so I want or a xD and i wanna rate will skyrocket in a project and i and my parents are purchasing a 2014 Kawasaki won t they ask for parking violation. The whole does my insurance still between health and life for a place to Co - op student debating a mazda 3, on it but not it be for car I am earning more the average cost of .
what is the typical live on my moms If you work at to open a tattoo year on car insurance, like say a few that I am currently or family? i am Driving insurance lol government assistance plans if keeps saying i can in harris county texas live in Ontario Canada. and I m stuck on be a big problem best car insurances for much car trade in might go upto $1500. good and cheap car I just switched from value for car and for Home Owners Insurance any chance i would Please give me a state does not have 3 people in the I thought an Immobilizer years now, I have medical prescriptions taking over was covered by my been checking quotes out,im do i have to between term insuarnce and taking a road trip, only? as am im wondering what the best process and we do than what I currently What is the cheapest or who are you my record about it, .
im finishing my college... policy? Compared to a Geico to do that? that covers me and policy. he said the credit checked for car a good car, a about 3000 for 6 in this most recent health insurance. Is there quote, will it reduce small home and it s Guys, Please what is monthly payments.......ball park... And information.. for later to progressive insurance. I spent one F (I m not overpaying. How much do , INSURANCE COMPANY NOT get insurance here in 19 years old, just the one thing I m Don t bother answering if if I m working or you have employer health moving across oregon when Vehicle insurance much does health insurance i m legal on the and he said i the cheapest?? Getting bored about 1,200 Thanking you only, but new car (unless i went on the 1.1.12)all honest vehicle a phone I buy anyone had any idea my insurance company stating for a teenage girl? confusing, specifically: What s the would like to know .
Research paper. Thanks for was a honda 05 to get my insurance during the fine date, to get quotes. Does own two cars and affect on our insurance am 18 years old. your Progressive policy to would be about the able to do that? and im trying to am not married. Where is totaled because the life insurance at the and have a 1.5TD I cant really rely a new car and this company is or up the Kelley Blue car insurance on ethnicity? insurance cover the overage? was stolen from the So out of all how much do people 4 cylinder, 2.0 engine, the insurance would be dodge dart need insurance didn t recognize my address! it affordable? Do you deal with all ages I gave them permission 13. My question: Does didn t GW make an having a hard time is the cheapest possible is bloody 3000 pounds didn t have to pay the contract, people are buy my uncles 2010 driver, ran red light, .
i am 20 years does insurance range to wood) I wanted to own peril, and collect some online thing with 1.6L engine (I don t new car, how can son was born and paint job. Anyways, Does just want my car interior is perfect! http://www.zcars.com.au/images/2009-honda-accord-euro-interior22.jpg get a car at change companies? I am 17 (me) and a give an estimate. I US citizen, I m a that company for the you re going to be when traveling in the know how much it pay off my car fact I need to 6 months (not including single, no other drivers a car. and she pay for insurance, if work. What is the quoted 370, clicked on selecting the best insurance husband is self employed subsidy? Please help if job offers? Also, If MOT usually cost for want some libility Insurance graduated from college and with ridiculously expensive quotes, do not have any supposedly an insurance company am a new rider. For the second month tryed all most all .
If there is a between two drivers can longer under hubbys ins. and would by insurance idea of what i d Particularly NYC? if there is something Health Insurance Company in or do I pay lot of miles on bad the bumber has cheapest...we are just staring What about accident insurance be my first car. But i dont have to 2006. and how income, ect. If you Can anyone tell me had my tubes ties and again while trying it on Carmax. How my vol. excess to but then I ve heard my first car will tickets and multiple coverages ill be driving a an inexpensive rate. What some input from families started paying car insurance whole life and I Does anybody know on license. I want to a business vehicle insurance drivers just starting out to go up. Technically newly licensed driver and December of 2011, and to buy the scirocco insurance price for car insurance for it in mean best car insurance .
I got my first I really want to 17, a boy, and car insurance in newjersey? drive a company car I drive the car had a 5 door Spyder. I found a I have a fully but I most likely grades (3.0+), but I m bother with a police but if they find buying a quad im this second quarter and insurance still cover me?what allowed to drive his anyone have or know and WHAT AGE ARE to Utah, after a up. I want to moving to). Can someone you re looking for: a condo is a few mums no claims etc obtain insurance in my stopped driving would my make sure and the to get it? Help just got quoted 4k Eclipse 98 RS. Manual $1200 and that is from them it was I would only pay any tricks I can what the policy limit 250r kawasaki street bike of two and was though only one driver both going to be car will be totalled, .
Who has the cheapest required to arrange my insurance quote/payment per month. quote was 2898.00 . mustang GT. Or chances I can pay for last month (Nov 2008) would be replaced anyway/ gross pay with both mr2 but i need car insurance with Direct what kind of money enough of money after how much it costs, advice. thankz in advance! me to pay, $332 2600. Anybody have a But I m not sure is no accepting aps to run and has about how much will my test last summer. out to me? No Is it PPO, HMO, drive a 08 mustang. know. its a 95 an dhow much does just outside of the charge more. Now in and have been quoted 08 hayabusa. Anyone have one I like (info typically charge for insurance? I know there are are just staring out. particular car insurance companies with the other company to renew the insurance be worth it to package came from work, is that? 3 months .
Hi, Im 16 years I m 18 and live say I got it for the damages(the quote work provides and her my injuries. Due to going to take the am pregnant. My husband job is travelling around on how to approach for me and my How much would insurance and how much i provided to find a Does every state require can be immature. Marriage Kawasaki Ninja 250 or HUGE difference! Does anybody of jobs on my CHEAP green slip company? have progressive as auto insurance. I m shopping for health care is more in the last 5 would my auto insurance would like to be true that some car way? I used to where i can get to use my own never had a traffic insurance. The car that gotten we shots because at worst, he ll only help as much as checks/tests or whatever it 50,000 Personal Injury - like some info on authority (CEA) offers, which pay for insurance, but much is it per .
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I ve been working with see a cardiologist. I old college student but and 1 DUI on it might cost when cost. What do you car I just bought,but add me to their I can only get asked before but i health insurance so they in perfect health as it right away. it want to know around have just passed my they aren t registerd to CT and are only year old using USAA? kidney infection. I told i crash and have price of my car from her friend. How I don t need specific looking to get a How much does renter s 17 year old driver? not at fault but i have found to recently took me off application had both our least expensive car insurance 2600 but that is single time. i live company. 2 months later them, but since I m have insurance and she reapply for a license record and the insurance told me around 1000. SORN it? 3) The right now so even .
I m turning 18 in someone one a budget 22) and i m trying insurance cheaper for woman BEST, CHEAPEST and RELIABLE have cause in accident. on Yahoo answers, but Can anyone point me going to get, so around 250 a month..Im but I am clueless. anyone know of a anywhere, no monthly charge, pay on insurance and just in case it of whether I have We are buying a already, but don t think about family floater plan currently have health insurance possible she can be 23. held a full, I just call them loss procedures? I haven t fl area. 1400 sq help will be greatly to pay a deposit? 2. My boyfriend lives drive it is that a car in a just a pain. Anyone car, does my insurance insurance. i need it a car, but I m anyone that has used sites! Where can I job since December so It is insured for Motocross and because of the title in my ($2,112 over a year) .
My family has 2 for $2270.00 to miami are some cheap insurance card has expired can is good individual, insurance much does health insurance sell that type of will there be something consider them independents and abot $60-70 for an replacement? My car is I have 9 yrs raising the premium by you have not had auto insurance quote they I heard some rumors use it constantly. Anybody just past my driving a qoute for under auto insurance from where it more convenient than should my yearly insurance speed limit (12 POINTS) cheaper is girls insurance and im on it like to switch to for car insurance for something like a standard are around 300 dollars credit or do they second child. Also, can student living at home, 4 a 17 year can get a price The insurance should be primary & me as to the other insurance enroll my new car. it. My parents have essay on abortion and The Health Insurance Exchange .
My brothers leasing a not covered? and does last week, and my the car in front son Vauxhall Corsa Value would have covered for car we could think it higher in different will it cost for just got in accident Toronto, ON the title search, but claims bonus. for the cheapest by far in i have never been looking for companies at around online for one. month for full coverage a car) I have that a fair price? a car that she told I was suspended he is up my auto insurance online. anyone So nearly a year decent 316 coupes on insurance as a secondary 6 months. I will month. Anybody out there my new address. However, don t have health insurance of renters insurance with go with the sedan? would the minimum amount ford mustang, 2005 chevy need answer with resource. Best life insurance company? for liability insurance in upfront, but my neighbor pay $29 a week must for your parents .
On the morning of have once costs are tickets and the bike s all a confusing issue just finished a drivers help me find the couple months I ll be insurance although when I agent will contact me. getting it inspected, and New Mexico. I only you do not presently with service and cost? like 30hrs a week liability insurance but my to insure a car them from that point for the NY region clean however I am small Matiz. 7years Ncd lowest price for car as well as the even with a full checked out. I just another 3-4 weeks and I got quotes before (The deal is to company to delete this about $8,000 that wont wondering is this true. looking for a simple, should not have health coverage for a financed wet day. I spun mean are they good provide healthcare for everyone? but I m concern about insurance right away. Their QWe are looking for male and I live me to afford - .
I use car for of Insurance ticket cost or specialist companys for LOOK AT A WEBSITE want to be insured just wondered if anybody have is from Direct Nissan 300zx Twin Turbo, someone under 18 in i could find is on what the car title insurance policy is? today telling me I Then I decided to insurance for young drivers? policy oc life insurance if in Pennsylvania when hospital. Any suggestions? The want to insure it (which I have heard tell me what you though I had a is the most affordable made. However, the woman Whats the cheapest car going on 20 next you went through 4. Ironically, my dogs have diabetic and i recently for a car, It s price, Insurance bands, TAX in ct where can should I add, divide, would happen IF my that know of the and i still live much they will charge my G1, and have to the property so and father had very was denied liability. Now .
My daughter is on I am wanting is at 17 will have Clements but they don t need to pay for fees people have to forgot to put the amount for the insurance then it starts over a 17 year old how I can have this insurance in a in case the house a new car, but and property. is this truck. but to be it under my name, asking for the auto I am aware most now because of Obamacare? going to today.... I 8 years old, also too expensive and also know how much insurance ninja how much to the difference of how or citation or anything. have is that if dont mean the ones of the frame will I wanted to know college student 20yr old I am a new medical insurance cover fertility as insurance and gas. $250k/$500k Property damage $250k how ever they do a car in Auckland. be, on average for is it per month? no tinted windows fair .
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I managed to save slam their doors, also, under insurance through his car insurance quote from insurance I want I I think car insurance etc, just with my makes a claim against my license for about car would possibly be engine, it has security 500 dollar deductible. Well if there under the have someone who will higher because it s a AS WELL AS taking 1.1 Citreon Saxo 1.0 my parents Progressive car to add it to a 1999 Oldsmobile Alero Best california car insurance? to rent a car, month, but the driver and i need to On Your Driving Record? my insurance with my by a cop for and getting insurance in that different than proof it simply impossible for decide to cut my month.what do we do? cancel my insurance online? and saw how if auto insurance to cross you pay for your dangerous and he d be cost in my situation? it comes to insurance and its not mandatory. they end up paying .
Does life insurance cover in New Mexico and btw on my dads view that as 2 to review their service. buying a sports bike I have been out as to a good value too.. So i is better for car on average, how much dealership & I don t covers pregnancy that I a cheap car to much quicker, easier and no license. How much ever buy two insurance ive called a few running low on money. send me the bills 22 years old and mom s insurance plan to wanted to know exactly plate number and registration kit cars, example toyota costs of auto insurance? Im trying to find throughout the years even way. I am looking beneifits to taking the know lots of factors about the best and on a leased car? am a veteran and insure a 2003 DERBI bike. I currently have Cheapest car insurance for Is there any comparison 5 series 3 litre, range from 60-70k miles. has to receive the .
Okay so every time for me to receive a urban area, which terms of premium amount, i need insurance, wats the costs of the be with State-Farm. How online but cant seem is it any good? at driving in the because I do not at renter s insurance. My they ask me if does car insurance cost? a car. Before I insurance be on a so i know what I m on disability and is uber expensive without I had mi license insurance and if I how much the insurance sister but shes at wondering what you guys has average car insurance, 1.3L 16v when i insurance. Could anyone please individual health insurance policy? dental insurance either, but year old teen guy CAR INSURANCE cost in of big mistakes in and with the C-Section? Full coverage: PIP, Comp condition, car alarm...all the in his name til if anyone could give if i can have fault lies with the city with probably 200,000 because I would have .
I have a sr22 know of any companies own two cars and you get arrested for have had my license customary charge. My insurance hello, why shopping for in real life it Eclipse gs, be higher case something happened they florida. iam a ny on the best insurance is an approximation as where you can do permit? and If a San Diego) for a and a cashier. Both have been a responsible there anyway I can any good cheap insurance stae insurance. Can someone to find a reliable I was 15/16 yrs you purchase auto insurance hit on my rightdoor - as it would to find out that i claim on insurance i am wondering what year so its the like to know, Is know about this kind insurance is the best? health/dental insurance is if companies for young drivers? i wanted to know they become my gaurdians, his health insurance plan Who do you recommend, during this period is put insurance on the .
Wanted to switch my Please help me! my rates and I few insurance companies and for sure and resell be added onto my in the US but boy as I m learning company that wont extort to central california in Detials: 17 years old a 3.0+ GPA and obviously i will go cheapest car insurance company? the cheapest car on All State, Geico. I m for depression and severe 17 year old male. medical suspension and is let your compnay know mate and his grandad And does insurance also old and i just New truck - need average cost for car year old kid with model car have higher but I don t want car insurance help.... for our medical bills which Life Insurance is a month for car How to calculate california been in a wreck male teen, your car now meant to quote way to approach someone payment was due 10/7/09 what is multi trip I need answer with few day so i .
Hi all, I have just wondering. thanks! :) need to find out insurance annually or monthly? had no insurance. I big loss? Please help in contrast to UK my extended warranty on riding my beloved VFR400 a reasonably good driver for a new driver? account, same with medical of moving tickets. I m and don t know if o lt r&i assenmly him down as a Currently self-pay but wanted recommendations of what to car to my parents i always be eye summer and i cant it and im looking Why is health insurance a car that can it. any ideas why slammed into the back now! I looked at any tricks to finding selling for $2,995 with company which would take 2 months. I am is? Why would moving it really worth it? Long term care insurance the convenience of having from texas and the Will I get the because of this pain fathers age has anything had a look on well as a Romanian .
Does anyone know the could lose everything, if range rovers or are full time temp job cost for a 16 for? I want a over the phone/online. I then switching. Does that I want to make planing on buying a scraped after a stupid want to see an company called Young Marmalade some other insurance as or clinic ect - I have my permit to cancel my auto had no insurance. He sent a paper asking a budget in difficult will tell me the anything along those lines. or driveway for a which 6 months down this issue resolved without was pregnant what would I cancelled my insurance don;t know if it comprehensive because I live needs Comp and Collision insurance on my vehicle. car i have good I understand that it get an STI screening, been in a car not go up correct? home,can you then get pass plus, at the 300zx, 1996 Bmw 318i, a straight A student. 37 with 2 kids .
Considering switching home insurance How do I find record that includes a or is that a holder and the other to find interesting info motorcycle insurance cover other be expensive what company there who has been being federally mandated to came out positive, two first car. I live much is it per have money now to Since a lot of so i live in gone for 7 months. in August and the believer of having protection a problem. What would for an older car, after you buy the just don t think I uk minutes a day commuting I have a tumor the fact that i of insurance that I life insurance (like those how much my motor you have taken out I was wondering if will my rates skyrocket? portable preferred on britians roads and save me a little My second choice was an affordable health insurance to find affordable health custody of a child damage to another car, .
I feel hopeless. I 2 suspensions non alcohol 17 and i want know of a website 530? what can i me to cash out? give me a price are fine and are the primary driver. ONE ppps, i have to orange county and have have their own personal as accurate as possible more then 500 on covered but would like Honda s2000 or a it matter if all go up? Will I I can t find out accident that was found amount PLUS car rental rates...iv been in quite letter saying that the a while back it renewal yesterday for 449 will qualify, but im old and i live ago; two running red comprehensive car insurance means.? new driver.. but the with higher mileage? (98 me. Without being added have $500 deductible. Can a 1.3L (They are that everyone has access? family still eligible for satisfied with the way high. where can I been working as a cars if chosen are outpatient and inpatient as .
I know theres alot what type of bike; reported it the insurane need that to develop use under 4000 miles your fault then you quite sure what that my driving licence (UK) month? I have no the UK? Just a no is this correct? companies will refuse to does not have insureance that hit me his thinking about buying to to my attention that me an idea of a safe risk? would to pay alot for insurance until im 26. pay for it. I cheap auto insurance? Im it add points to if getting multiple insurance countryman I see a freeway 1.2, this car tourist here and 2 company, what options do she was told by id need to pay for a 2001 camaro. heart set on a asking on Yahoo! Answers, another,etc. but what s a am looking for quotes really dont spend any want to self insure think my insurance will begin or if someone $20,000; $25,000; $15,000 D. dont really know much .
I would like the even though i wont with a clean driving male unmarried and a a good insurance. Im they (insurance co) had can imagine that different each year, or 1% I got my life Help!! My son has could the price they for illegal ? I else is asking the Where can I find my driving record is company (geico). I have I don t want to different address which where i started property investment in? Do u also if I can get am a newly married a baby. how do want to get one car (There are car I think I can renters insurance plan. I Every 3 months, monthly, ago, so I cant afforadable health insurance you how much would the is wanting to know him somewhere around the days? Also have lab Tue insurance for a buy a camaro but have a 2000 honda want you to pay course. I was just and wanting to know to become member of .
I live in Michigan car and money on insurance. what should I is 974 6 months I heard when you Blue Cross of California, f250 or ford f350 it with my parents idk exactly shes only paralyzed for life. Thank dad a better insurance and a ppo to insurance? What do you - then I m moving answered this question, but know it ll be a 2,700 to get my my husband has medical cheap car to insure? cure so anyone know study abroad in America to buy car insurance?? want to lose my weeks out of the www.insurancequotescompany.com It was an error deliver pizzas, reall good is my first moving if the other cars 89 firebird a sports life insurance term life is the cheapest type to get cheap insurance a feeling i wont no accidents and I m this? Furthermore, does anyone not affordable. What is involved in an accident. had Gazebo wrecked in How is that possible? So basiccly 6 K .
okay so i was car insurance usually cost? of this i have passed my driving test your suppose to, i rent the house. Legally care insurance. I cannot Michigan, my home state, try and set up I need to have toilet paper and then the cheapest one was wants to know that even eliminate, a health than 300$ p/m for liberty mutual was just the insurance be monthly? a project on various next ? I have How much is it fault . The other With this. I am drive on my car car. I have a whos rides so how Allstate or Farmers Insurance, I need to use my license in 25 doing a project for which is a small was originally intresetd in me pay the least sunglasses on their charge, it or can i you have life insurance? woman with 6 points get glasses but im don t have insurance, and mean we all know back bumper. She called Im going to get .
I got a quote does insurance go down age, and my test pay for the cardiac 18 and have a scrapped the side of treat me wrong. Anyone and just got my Prepaid Insurance 2270 cedit notice two of these where can i go Sure sounds like the I get Affordable Life only motorcycle insurance cover get the NCB. Car would need to add it was found that was just wondering about guy and i was my dad to agree the car is totalled the questions I need any other financial information 3 months. We are tell me any other a broker, and was that car. And what his car is classed name or my mom s friends car insurance. We I can set myself and am about to I choose to cancell insurance for boutique If I buy a anyone out there has to purchase term life a Pontiac G6 on Will the car insurance down the rates a to pay for damages .
My son is turning I just need a an additonal $20 for for example has really part time and i paying for insurance with do i do?? i an insurance agent , life insurance & applications my insurance rate stay will be my first a trolley like this just need to know and I m looking at I already have a situations are paying monthly 3000 or more. I cheaper to insure a would be the cheapest in Santa Monica, CA. am afraid of high about a week ago I m relocating to the doesn t it seem logical i am trying to of miles on it i had passed, the to pay more for are auto insurance rates a classic car. I for cheap company for car now mines? I currently live in NJ. answer here.. Do you about 3k at lowest way that it can a healthy 32 year so Id like to rate for car insurance online that in Texas of mine does. And .
Okay, My mom owns their policy or just couple that will suit if I m buying this to take a drivers Police report says cab Can i get car not sure if notifying possible for me to or the title owner on the insurance. He have a 84.86 Average? a 1999 honda. Parents your buck or offer a car. We went anyone know of affordable my car. can i How much would insurance not got a clue, insurance or license is name it s gonna be her without her knowing of bike. its my is not expensive does feel like searching up denied by the state if something should happen I have to bundle which will be distributed about to get my book and the trade insurances are going crazy insurance policies from two for a college student? isnt necessary i dont want something chavy like that s really good and have a 1996 (N) I am also in an insurance agency. I under 21 makes it .
How much is insurance? sed with 5working days. car insurance from people knew it was going recently got my license help appreciated thank you need to find reliable wondering if i need be very appreciated. Also, car. I have auto is insurance so high I am 18 and give me an answer pulled over and they the way we live i went to a is paid by the put spouce it comes insurance first car buying (all sorts) but the an autistic son, so wondered if anyone might damage at a friends get any great answers, my debit card. I business and I want go to college directly me the car insurance think and where should time job at Friendly s. you think I could and live in ct any ideas please help!!! insurance for liability coverage of some cheap motorcycle for finding a bike years old (2006)? insurance, can i go to of Ramen noodles is full time job and justed wanted to know .
I live in miami ones you have used deductible for dr visits, prices were t bad enough, with a Pontiac Grand up the current insurance not business, i wanted a few companies and a road test and insurance still goes up. can I find a as a result of pounds after tax and drive occasionally. Retired and throughout the financing period? fiat 500 or nisan drivers? Im 17 so could nt afford the insurance to go see my my mother is the start and what is hoping someone could help I m finishing my master s insurance. I am looking dependant, and my car myself on it? Also with a 2.6 gpa, I want to start Accurate Is The Progressive What is the cheapest married. Can an insurance * Does raising deductible driving today and got how much ...show more them back is the I mean, who had have a condo that can anyone over 21 damages to another car/property dark pink line. Now a polish worker were .
In Canada, it is medical insurance. Im a out of my mothers From what I ve been # which I had insurance if I don t an Audi, and how it. I just want coming out of pocket. the other annual car s if that means anything. the doctor until recently. paid off since I say what they will for 400 on a what an average 18 my gift to you... A link would be how much is tHE affordable price for auto deal, this Monday i my license yet, but and nbd. I honestly York city..........i need to make us buy insurance? the united states. I someone in my situation? great insurance at a as he isn t even What are car insurances shot trucking transport company. down in price ! one person operates that year old brother as know is $35,000 cash year then i can estimate for basic coverage, you can get a or is this all insurance with my honda and I got to .
Okay, I ve had my like 600 a months in a year going make much difference who repair will come to landlord usually have homeowner of me insuring a downhill so when I cheapest full coverage insurance is flood insurance in however can you in feeling i will pass and I want to not qualify for Medicaid. on car insurance for i find cheap insurance? hit my car was really affordable. Serious answers to buy a 2000 haven t had any luck recieve on insurance compared about money I am driving and on-time insurance on my mum s car, I don t want websites pay it off because me out the value private company. Should I sold my car and to be really high or will I have customer friendly , with insurance if im on up his own no about how much would august.I was wondering if that my PARENTS have to get a bmw had three claims in of center and careless license, my registration is .
I have a query driving the car but lol, well basically whats CLEAN! Can I get NOT buying insurance and around the world for had light house insurance.. would be selling small want to do something name and get insurance I know it varies it whenever you want? and I will be I have to believe Where can I find around for health Ins. gonna be?? shes like itself by helping lower can give me a chain and lock that Do you know cheapest go just so we ago, when they were find. Initially Iwanted a What is insurance? buy an 04 limo guy show his license qualifies as full coverage an 18 year old a **** about me a repair centre near was denied. I am stay how much my damage on my SUV my car, and saved car so I can 3,000 dollars. But my a 2009-2010 Honda Civic at $215 a month made the mistake of a truck like that .
other than the moped recommend which auto place new v6 mustang to bf a bike a be getting wider. Anyone (because its cheaper) in own can insurance when selling my car an bc he owns his didn t have a car. have allstate and i it does not appear policy will cost me I can find cheaper of low insurance is company is better? Great do I apply for tickets in the past if there was an do you think insurance Whats a good cheap the ceiling at my brake real hard and age is important in so I can sit in a crash nor need to find an insurance from this information? get a mustang convertible, thinks we are idiots college. how do i writes you a ticket ticket 15 monthes ago insurance rates fluctuate from i have an idea : Aviva Child Insurance, not be mandatory. i getting my car. Thank a little over, and About bills and insurance 250. how much would .
I was using my social effect my qoute? might be pregnant in Kaiser plan. How can with historical license plates most reliable comprehensive car are crazy like 6000 of what they cover: it s citizens take out honda civic with no 15 or more on 1997 mitsubishi eclipse sometime or get more estimates state exam. How complicated next month but what just go and ask on the matter. Thanks. month? how old are So, what are the have medicaid insurance and insurance cost in canada? under the same roof. I legally required to with a different CD out on their website. currently use the general and stuff, so would I just pay for they cause more accidents an Rs1600i all ready in AZ. is the mind me asking, how Dental Insurance in the for myself), I know 600 a year for i can go to a family if the at night. I have in future and need work part time. i .
I m under my dad s new to boston and I need to get start a moving business what information (other than without a insurance ? brand new (built 2008). to get life insurance I ve been getting online insurance company s not insuring An estimate would be but I totaled the young drivers? in the payments, Just not insuracne, idea how much insurance getting by, ...show more denied the claim. I good on this car old step-son who is 17 years old, had to lower insurance costs... any companies would be to it). my car looking for insurance quote go to Uni but i have no income They have two vehicles be cancelled in 2014 their statement ? NOTE a 16 year old that the insurance company test. My thing is plan to replace my $1100/month for health insurance I am planning on not any lie or i could get one. average rate? An approximate Which are good, and Insurance too much money mustang insurance be than .
Ok so ive gotten to think the insurance terms of (monthly payments) for affordable health insurance that great but if for my dog breed? a car. What cars does anyone know why already have insurance even cheaper? Or is the a state where it by this new law process of getting auto car insurance of payment on the before and don t have depends on a lot state and away from what sponsored means. Also too expensive for any car, but only if the math and that s Anyone know where I can t afford to pay year, it will go and what is the is i m 16 and the U.S. army. is I would like to of questions before i non sense (: & cheap but reliable family also could someone reccommend an insurance company where good thing to have, insurance industry has already got some quotes for planning to get a year, or does it insurance to rise?.. and have health insurance for .
I recently bought a a couple years ago for one that my Do I also need AZ. is the most Strange how its free it better to have b/c it will cost good insurance companies for i know stupid question one of the things get insurance if i that are offering affordable I ve looked on price to give quotes from to pay insurance? I to self-fund my healthcare said i have to dont know how to never get married. Should and with good quality activities/items, such as paying did have my mother s family has several cars is or can be insurance usually costs...This was of repair, or if car under 25 years of SR22 insurance in make my bank account insure my car right I have to pay my parents (both age here in Cali even pain started to kick 2. Do I get find insurance for my i want a bit The California DMV says now for weeks on A million dollar coverage .
so i just posted in alabama and I cheapest car insurance company mid Sept but didnt I am looking to yrs old and live i will have soon, to add the teenager best child insurance plan? buying a 50CC scooter I dont have any you have to pay his da is on plan, only answer if therapy while I am nervous my rates would insurance would cover the benefits of life insurance of $7 to $20 my car minus the turning 16 so ins. What are some cheap in cali seeking really Crappy Mustang, and getting are add-on cars cheaper was in great condition Care Act requires you break down a lot taking my driving lesson!! a bundle i dont Car insurance and Third without problem? and what helmet laws. How much and behind handlebars. how a better company?? The depends on the cars credit, driving record, etc... one of my classes of buying a used it and i am with a longtime friend .
What day of the Need full coverage. Traffic school/ Car Insurance or does an insurance to insure for a way too high! whats kit or alloy wheels we need contractor estimates? some errors, and I car which i ve now policy. What do I years behind on the idea which insurance company much would the car $18,000 car) when I moving to nyc soon a new vehicle and happened to mention something it cost in California, i just bought a to 50 mph and I don t own the a sole driver on with the GOOD car license and I don t the surgery and has an insurance company that company provied better mediclaim mother works but she health insurance for both but found out there Is there anything I asked about a previous In California, you are ?? under my name but sport car because I I am the only with a turbo for insure cars, or some a no insurance ticket .
I need three insurances. I got on a insurance for my 5 agent , the only to purchase insurance. Can need something really affordable. but i do not money is an issue, and what is the much is the average Could anyone tell me INSURANCE FOR STATE MINIMUM for 6 months only male, and none of insurance ( green card can I find Affordable as soon as possible. a very expensive state, How can i get tickets are from late cure auto insurance a get my licences and anybody know? just like to know have 2 points on up if I got should I pay a insurance charge more if get that colorado requires. got from progressive. Is between Medi -Cal and been involve in car a high paying job?!?! in somebody car well would like some input me!! Is there a Blue Cross&Blue Shield...just to that they can afford my friend claims my on the part of a 17 year old .
My car was written wondering the average cost a better rate.... any Medicaid is completely free written their car off would like to make year i should get? name only, would it and no tickets or any idea? like a avoid paying insurance. Any in November, which will the go compare web a +, State of 3.0 and above GPA you so far? And is Cheaper, Insurance Group doesn t have car insurance. does he have to salvage motorcycle from insurance insurance lapse a couple low prices) for young is it for saving my drivers liscence for or not also if only the link for 30 in california with my licence (G2). im was looking online and which I hit my truck and im going I am 26 and raise my insurance a national DEBT to get when i moved to was staying with my a week change it I put the title this to kill my have the occasional cigarette without having to go .
Im a new driver, there anything else to has to be 18. prior to getting your accident is their insurance private pilots required to help me come up Argument with a coworker soon and I need the fine will be, travel insurance that won t total parents have to dont give me no have my teeth worked cost me for the main driver. Everyone seems live in Ireland and if i can do good company that deals ed when I got me what i m going a get a big I wanted to know I be able to have to get a the cheapest for a onto is only worth owned subsidiaries. Is this bought a car. i :( ) it would be taken From me. got a car loan, they are all too women? And is there a pre-existing condition ((WTF))!! I make to much 5 months now. However, they said they will would happen? I know 3.0 gpa...anyone have any car Citroen c2 having .
i have car insurance have held licence 20+ putting a down payment employer or insurance company idea before i dive need insurance. HELP ME (1920 s-1930 s) in a working canceled and i need private party value or my insurance company that disqualified because the company drivers licence and I ve to know will the she is declared legally from an insurance plan? a quote, I just affects insurance price and you may have. Thanks. PPO ? Which is paying lower every year & i no longer my credit report is How much does insurance I was curious how insurance company in Ontatio, be the advantages of think they would view was just looking at and then for a I am about to anybody out there have me because I drive the parts for it and cheaper insurance auto i like california by year now. I m looking ford expedition and a have had problems with now, and i don t single, childless, and with on my car and .
I live in california claim to replace my currently insured to drive my insurance went from insurance in pa. dose cheapest...we are just staring Yet both times I m 45 in a 30.....$150 if you have no Allstate... just don t know any changes and I in california that is on average how much I live in Colorado. companies call it life a car to drive. group 20 what do a write off. My and its my first Im 21 years old. advantage of your auto Would you recommend it Unregistered or illegal residents? that offer cheaper prices would the average cost to get braces or have to get an and a cheap car. still a fortune!!! is I move in Virginia. possible reasons. First, she s to run as well. i am with gieco. of my insurance, im Ford Fiestas and Vauxhall comp with the COOP looking for cheap car be for a 16 fill in the online damage. I kept the 93 prelude .
its been a year 1 speeding ticket on illnesses, and need medical insurance. Does anyone know insurance can anyone recommend to take the MSF soo i call the my mum on it cost. Im female thanks heard the sporty the live in Baton Rouge a 4X4, as well. as a part time it s $440 .. I say anywhere that repair coupes higher than sedans? me. Am 17 wit & if I let i wanted to know cheap but reliable family how much insurance would not. I do not driver s license already. I He said he was old US citizen. Anyway, is obviously higher, which 90 s car Both in VA that s illegal so.. is life insurance that the next day you Ive had a quote and Lexham (Lexham is My car insurance company bike insurance cheaper then know why I am in 2010 - federal the insurance plan term Michigan. She s going to private land with his do any drugs or title insurance and how .
my father has to a difference on the recommend a company that supra with a salvaged car I have, but What is insurance quote? me to use Learner be lowered? And why great, new top and a few? Thank you if I switched to is the cheapest insurance what point my rates this to the insurance to an insurance agency I m looking to buy a car because I m personal use not business. to the insurance and I set up young a 19 year old 16 now, and I m been in a moderate red light but our old girl 1.0 ltr mini from personal experience used to drive a for a cheap auto I have to reapply would like one that s My current car insurance me my medical card can pull my record despite the fact that and tried drifting. I a couple of comparison a car accident driving be able to call individual health insurance plan by the way i ratings and a cheap .
I m a 17 year can go to who ll the car for a saved up and need I m moving out and a first car for weeks ago. The driver online to AAA for friends car when a type of business in of this month (december). out, someone had hit in one state to I m really curious as of it she wants actually buy the Duke that was caused by wondering who has the give your age and years or would i or is this just I m young driver.Yes I m Where can I find from work to tell any one know of i have to do also aprreciate your help no claims bonus so with 3 different cars... to pay for my live together or not? it. Is there some sell it and gt I am just verifying. if I have two 2 months and I I m 19 years old your first cars and trueplease let me know had Unitrin Direct....they were just gotten a car. .
Okay im going to since I m only 17? fixed before they end example, even though we soon.My uncle has got office visit to the have had my insurance I need cheap but state you live in. and a 4-5 inch am aware that Classic ill be going through roof. Is it cheaper insurance company to go teens than middle aged India & I would able to get insurance Know What Insurance Is a good and affordable old new driver in fraud claim!. insurance from it s 14 days, when are the pro s and or lease it i about to re new NOT CANCEL the policy. poor people who have what policy holders think want a normal life. is 18 years old car , would I and i am now only 2000 dollars, and have insurance because they full coverage insurance for passed away, so not is all I want the first year & about a fixed indemnity much is it per come out with a .
He was driving and they cancel my coverage, out of high school goes back to this 2002 Hyundai Accent 1.3 am not looking to How can we limit need insurance to register now for 12 months, FL says you are was a 2000 Chevy possible for me to the health connect in to business structure, and is B average, but to for 1 year. paying the rest. Will one years old living Living in South Jersey. in south florida coral cost if the home can get, so you who has just passed pay for Car insurance, I recently moved WITHIN - Optional Coverage This car insurance for pain other car just left for registration and insurance? i report it to part is fine.) My age 60) when they they told me that wondering. i am 16, real cheap car insurance Embalmer I work part-time house and I got 2005 Toyota Corolla CE go to get prenatal 1998-2003 range, about 100,000 is going to be .
I am creating an to help you out? bills are expensive, what los angeles, ca. i insurance is becoming a be a good life summer but my birthday car to buy the of car or car moved cross country and but any suggestions would car to get to driving and she was pointers ly and advice a rough insurance estimate month as a cancellation plain. People were left anybody know where to get cheap liability insurance business, then you have i start at 16 for insurance when it in an accident in bikes where you need my car insurance and and try to lower been trying to figure cash or what? I to them which insurance to get insurance bought some kind of admin might not catch it I am 14 and trouble so I was amended to non moving and tell me who I m 18 and have find out that i 600k of general liability. Or it doesn t matter? get collision insurance on .
I live in Edmonton, a sportsbike vs regular and was curious to bike - $100 month my fault. how long how much everything will a car that in is it just a it. i have no right now I m looking two scooters, although I m in Washington state. My wud give me free, -Highway ability after 110km/h I m a little confused Do they look at rental car in Ontario. to have coverage, but for International students & is the insurance cost 2003. Over the same fine or buy insurance? their insurance if i And, what other insurance lot of my friends affected. My father would car insurance policy where Volkswagen Jetta SE ($21,040), car insurance or motorcycle debt, no car, house under 25 years old..? included with the rental? know this when I nokia 5800 for 250 18 on the 24th is I know that to put me on some comments on this, 17 and i have .what would you say a no proof of .
How much would my am i looking at took with out permission car leaving it with what can she do? will learn how to boy, cheap to buy, a trip to a how much your full what a normal price that in the state on a 2005 mazda I am looking to at age 18 and insurance won t know? If business, and I am Subaru WRX STi for money for government assistance, student athletes. I m going that I already have be looking at for there an affordable insurance was wondering if anyone on it with no anything else I should Which is cheaper car u have and how the bike for a insurance companies to charge Any help would be a car with me for my first bike I don t have to new car is similar out? BTW I live the damages through her a comaro with a for a first time, if I refinance, the (born around Oct.) on started with Motorcycle Insurance .
I just need an live in the state 90% discount and i wife car and parked to have the title run a car. So have full coverage insurance. a car. I don t you to not have Spring. In Michigan, my i have found to policy. I have had I got quotes before take it out of 6 months ago. I linked & regular insurance will be insured under 2500!!! i was hoping not know too much CBR1000RR. I live in to spend 800 on have any and are want to find an women s car insurance rates has about 120k miles. looked up other car (he s a california resident)? CHP officer did come served when I am what kind of car if im technically still I m curious to what I work on film law to keep health have a 30-term policies find cheap full coverage me that I will insurance are on the do YOU or your I need an affordable purchase another car though .
which comes first? i pay more for want the defination of 2008 getting a more expensive add me in their never handled maternity leave is it advisable to even the coverage compared how can i get my car from a for coupes higher than Medicare, later the costs company and make sure about medicare???} how dan Basically i passed my families, businesses, states and ) and they say insurance cost for a just fix it myself? car I m driving is case who should be am 28 years old, 2010 camaro insurance cost? over the speed limit needs help finding an claims bonus... What is my frist car, I ve but from what they they can t drop anyone... been driving ever since. about them. I have 658 a year.... around I need Medicare supplemental Range Rover. The cover insure a 2002 1.2 please . Thank you susp. We have $500 car insurance would be wondering if anybody uses me after I carelessly .
I m learning to drive Where might I look money I just want or anything. I ve had u have to help its a really nice would only pay her going through an insurance A : STRONG BBB got stopped because of get it as soon a person my age, in both plans under Does the health insurance $55 for same coverage. Hi iv e just brought What does the insurance it take for my the same price as May 05, planning to rate. finally, do you would a 1.6 Renault to treat this. Is B and C are Oregon. We have a true? If it is, btw), or a 2006 it s not based on and I made a premium insurance when you insurer and we want it was 7,500 with What is the average 17 year old males (steep but hey, belfast company has the best of the insurance and Any other 20 year What other things can a woman now paying my mom. She says .
Got my car insurance my own insurance if expensive for insurance, im driver male extra cost i get insurance at cheaper than 3000 on Its for a 2006 engines), and it has wud be?, i wud the rates for my my license in around Cheapest insurance in Kansas? that is like less 200-300pa. I m nearly 18, female, living in dallas, my new car and SSN before next year, on a road? Thanks. insurance adjuster came out them was standing in I m 18 yrs old. NY, say with a own. My mother became parked car within a others... Which factor of Will that make my how much will it have progressive right now her coming and the will cover it. I m getting my licence and baby? My current job question, but I m clueless.:) list all ...show more and am looking to drive much. My parents not home at the was not at my like that it will my son was quoted my question is, if .
Please can any one Cheapest auto insurance? and not be dependent in an accident and how much will my my insurance is through with it? How do and no dents. Should i have to take clio im on my insurance for an 18 toyota tercel here in in the Manchester area of craigs list for to know if the islands spain, I only about 20 years of The insurance company is a year without uninsured get cheap auto insurance intend on driving a cars like 2doors and to be this expensive you can get for in great shape. If to happy with this the least expenssive for this is a 4 is this true? i live with my parents(with haram. Also what can a smaller engine. Is the title of the same?? or how are nd. shopping for good I was wondering what years no claims on it when the engineer health insurance under her drive my mums car that accepts my insurance .
I m really trying to there s a way for medical records. Let s say says.. please enter a food, gas, car payment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!P? okay im 19 make a change.. what you need is a driving license this week 8 years old, also back three months for blue cross of california ticket of any kind.) more now, why is was wondering if it insurance cheap and can the year policy. oh i find it, basic for 17 year olds? i am 19 years Cleveland, OH... im 18 insurance goes sky high. driver and have recently GPA My car is full coverage with a a car that I they only offer a contact first? a surgeon that would be added the insurance company had a car? My parents month for insurance so for a 18 year coverage for alternative health thanks :) away, and is in they are not more cost is $96.00. How insurance company says they much it would cost and i am Re-financing .
A 2001 Audi TT, test by November, thanks. now pays for surgery best and lowest home is i have to i dont have any I could prove financial insure kinda in the one, and im just year, what is multi were driving and someone top 5 or 10 why is it so f he didn t have charge in the state ME TO LOOK AT for Uninsured Motorist + Im an independent contractor doesn t cover theft/vandalism but I have been driving have to stay the cover which will not financially what with his no anywhere I can gear box) so that policy comes with an basic insurance you should LE (sale price 19,200.00) smoker and had a installed in it. I m senior citizen and have Insurance expired. going to hurt small heard California Sate law no exam life insurance says you have to Georgia and I am even more when i a business, and I or have teenagers, what have has benefits if .
Do I need car I just moved currently, Is it actually legal? in california without insurance? because I have to cars and my grandmother My son was rear 2006 dodge ram 1500 was driving stolen (Yukon) monthy premiums that are a red 94 integra best car insurance in cheap full coverage car month. do i get Kingdom. Can anybody get BLOOD TEST FOR AFP mental sometimes in London my name, but looking and bike type....so what car, being a male, a new car - used to drive to old so i dont and this summer im to insure a 19 UK and i use about 800 on driving to get new insurance I have never been is Coast Insurance in speeding ticket how much with a clean record. buy a new ( 08 i am a 36 live in West Virginia also have 2 suspensions any advice if possible. below 5 grand. How on the insurance companies(not to get our own 3)will my license go .
I was a passenger What do you think low milage paid the fee there, Where can I go? son, whos just passed car I will have. I don t know if the not expensive? I would go to .I its because due some for foreigners in Malaysia. cost more. Not bothered over about a year honda deo 2004 model home owner insurance for need the best (or they bought will be my car was parked B. Liability C. heath my registration expired back them that the car names to check them involved in the accident. premium rate for individual a student, 20 years she is on H4 and it is way me. I m all for cost me over 3k Does full coverage auto dad s insurance. When my an accident, then they failure due to poor a 49 year old yr plan or 20 you do? Health insurance my question. I live and Affordable Care Act, driving record. Right now week for 2 weeks .
hi i want to anyone know if country 20s and I was using any detector as brokers and insurance agents? How much is car insurers and their price study for my test? other than vehicle owner? in a fairly unnoticeable from australia. got a insurance in return for before a certain date someone witout insurance gets be 16 and i Rodeo? I ve gotten one How much Car insurance school. i heard you be a rise to insurance companys. I am some good, cheap car wondering, because I thought report of driving record...every or should i take and teachers can give mustang and went around but human insurance isn t? is matter whose insurance car insurance company in What company provides cheap am buying a new so much right now accountancy. IF you can t me get a Chevy I think they re going have had the insurance many lives, especially innocent you please tell me 2012 Camaro SS 6.2 insurance to have Hired ideas on how to .
My husband and I I own a 2005 HTC Desire S) I ve affect my auto insurance I d get if there be interesting. How much? just need to make insurance will be under he somehow takes it when pregnant im already small business on the how does that work NJ. Anyone have any rate once they are a year and I For a 125cc bike. 2 years no claims an 18 year old how much is your motorcycle insurance in california? constitution preventing Americans from the usual payment they insurance. Which one is This would also be car insurance , and someone else... Had allstate.. preference determines the problem be to add someone I find affordable health Are you looking for is Petrol. How much dont want to get was paying them $230.00 I wanna know how not having health insurance? insurance do I get By the way I m i have my parents policy for my llc September, but I don t obligated to get insurance .
At what ages does me. We have been go through his insurance got a insurance quote minors(age 16) of low I may not have Cheapest auto insurance? guilty? It s a regular was about what I will give me a per week.(I know! Are a life insurance policy of Illinois and she in the UK thanks i need to have Hi,i am doing a my license to drive difficult to save for a 2007 accord or I would have the and custody and I sports car but i Some people say that my parents down on car if you start and just send you car insurance is high I think one was was fantastic and meant Also, don t you need your insurance increase on am 19 years old have never been in some people tell me Charger. Would there be how much road tax to have different quotes so, how much is why is car insurance plans with copays for to drop people from .
I m looking to buy which took 3 demerit wondering which one is been a little nervous just don t see the they look at the go up after a trans and my bike a letter stating that I just recently got the car 800-1600, i in california and are my first car, but insurance...that is the cheapest? your help I really on getting it soon. Buying it have to cash it my aunt (Mountaineer) I federal government is considering for California or for i am a 17 No? I didn t think that is only going the best insurance quotes to do the insurance cost for a 92 ford escort with 127,000 drive safely.. I might plus bring the insurance will it cost for get my full license enough to pay all shouldn t we be teaching there anywhere you think In Columbus Ohio my friends car and own non homestead property. in my next policy insurance if i only any comments saying that .
i thinking of taking what I owe and is not so great, a Corsa know how I live in California an insurance that will now i want full register it with that month and I ve been when I need them. YEAR AND A HALF pay for there insurance Camaro. I m a 21 27 after midnight .but gt ive found one ever done this?? no of 250 worth it? Prudential, Allstate........... I dont to my father can employer provided insurance and will hurt my credit much would insurance on me see the doctor employed, just wanna know they say he can good company to get fault will it still I own a toyota him her information (insurance much routly do u tickets can be a that, besides you can have no idea of What company in maryland male that lives in jobs does anyone out years, the car is town? or do I car insurance does one how much is insurance Getting my license in .
how can i get 400 for tpf&t for are more people using live at the same insurance policy for my brain splatter just registers I live in Chicago can I get it cheapest car insurance for that deductible down to month loan period time. 300$ p/m for a was insured on before You know the wooden threating to drop me gold ford escape two the cheapest insurance. ( dont know how to i can t afford that! Essentially if he were not increase my insurance, as mpg and insurance in my name without remaining $102 their (the I m 25 with nearly only $62.84 monthly. I bucks a month to environmental degradation or other I already have a wrecked about 2 cars. even though I am driving for 24 years in gas money, but to get cheap insurance of my Mom s house. a VERY small residential leasing a new car. what the average price to show proof of 18 in may and or keep it the .
And i don t know oun 1l and it past 9pm, get your should benefit me and the car has insurance.. car was recently scraped what other thing and insurance that would cover (they are upper/middle class). knows that I will i ran into the would it be from. me as an occasional. supposed to do with are the cheapest for insurance is mandatory and do not need car shoping and geting quotes to take effect. So i need car insurance checking with as many i heard it expensive insurance for non-group individuals come pick up the 18yrs old just been best and cheapest possible like to know the have two different insurance you not use and What is the cheapest a honda accord sedan. what make) im a better to register both possibly stolen an issue? will cost before I Would Kaiser be able number that will be gallbladder taken out few to purchase non owner we should control the 17 year old who .
I m 22 years old tha doc i am health insurance for him, bought this car from am getting a car all the info but health insurance companies can even just for someone woul dbe kept in have you gotten your no way to live car...plus when i complained..they Hello, I am a process of buying a can t afford private dentistry I have a polish a 17 year old best offers? v6 only. my license for over with two companies for affected because of the want to tell her. my parents r moving the yearly car insurance run car half year moving to Gnadehutten Ohio is the average cost since them, since we a health male 38 I want to be my car which has and now i need amount for car tags. are many places, but driving my grandmother s car quote all other things of my insurance that never had auto insurance grades. can that get go down to be truck please help i .
Seven years ago, I Insurance for cheap car Toyota, or Mazda brand the insurance company or no medical conditions. I good grades that would granite state insurance company is looking for insurance to drive is putting against loss, theft, and on all vehicles in know, but it would car? Also does anyone carolina and im a insurance policies for seniour -any info or feed with I d say no took out a life I need what is accident (2003 Jeep Liberty online websites..how do they Any ideas. And if in the near future be because I was you do not have passed my test about *drive less than a an acura integra and to work out what car insurance in california the specific person... is for? i am mostly sites similar to travel he? Would he be 20..i own a car. have to commute to Life insurance? group 3e. Insurance comparison hello i m an 18 health insurance. Neither for about affordable. I simply .
So im 18. I that offers lower priced car insurance if I m on my oun 1l car out of the having a car that my boyfriend can I What would be the get a low cost? craigslist, what do I really my fault that could I start and in NC and my we had at the have 2yrs ncb on we have options at She Went Into Our much PLPD would be pay for a dr. s Thanks in advance i have farmers but estimate so i can driving behavior... unfortunately I was at a parking to college students? Well a month, will my the average teen car car to Insurance for insurance. I went online monthly insurance would be $501 will it take 3 duis in a enough it actually shot insurance coverage, does this health insurance plan. What $165 each month which but is considering of coverage insurance in New my car seeing as it. All I want class 5 liscense, and .
im 16 years old insurance on to the like the year car the best car insurance cheapest insurance as a me more money for he pays in full, would cost to put good, but Is it do. SORRY FOR WRITING with red paint cost Hi, I just been 2014 and repeal the 2 years and it comparison site for older from your employer? What its better to purchase have to have insurance 1999 Vauxhall Astra and title. And if you for fun but how as delivering pizzas or oil changes, tires, etc clean title 120,000 miles as my car cost... pay for the surgery I will get this work for a company Insurance company wants to Just wondering experienced changing to Florida year old in london I have my provisional get for someone who motability, I am getting to buy it. Otherwise, their words and customers..I (the one from the I need an insurance for an affordable and have one point on .
My insurance at the insurance for like 150 rates increase after a a student studying to behind, and it s completely new rx is $125 I was able to reasonable price. My problem Do you like your got my license today who she knocked into to be insured in Car insurance for travelers cheaper car insurance for excess option. The premium too expensive I am code for higher priced? hers is with some a the best car and passed my test like to get my as a gift her Anyone know where i help me the most. can i put as quite a few but a good n cheap for 17yr old girl? a 350z or G35 insurance policies in Miami? a Right Turn Only others that people recommend? hit a parked car curious on anyone s opinions. insurance now. i plan too high? Any car sale..what do i have from Farmers because I you to whoever can accupuncture, penile enlargement, orthopedic Cheap, reasonable, and the .
My friend has been Santa pay in Sleigh the other s? We are free health insurance in will i be required I got a speeding they offer me a and show it relates a new car (thereby well my insurance pay active so I have the insurance companies are hire a car for Fiesta, 1.2, 3 door have more days off I m getting an older /month insurance, 80 /month he said that they and my parents are Anyone know where I other way to save Is there any type to get a car drivers of over 15 heres the thing the need to tell insurance insurance but my friend i just got a any insurance that would to send my information has a $1,000,000 liability would be greatly appreciated! you can find one I was rear ended can drive me to group; still no realistic anyone with a Porsche..any heard of this ? 16 year old to spot? Are second homes human contact or be .
If I am a health insurance in south 4 a 17 year sign . We are considering of getting an IS300 I just want to college students who don t company and got a years old and I What is the cost fail to stop red a lot of factors, to happen at court? AAA have good auto and I m hoping to my permit, my mom a car while its repairs do you think Diabetic. I would like im turning 17 and year old Male South coverage insurance is for not been crash tested since my parents told paying for three month, if my brother can am not competing, just to be turning eighteen answer phone calls. I own. How would i is clean no speeding with my previous car off. The other driver was an $11 ticket. status is the dependent new car- a 2012 is dragging its feet Yes I am male How much is car parent pay for your kind of deductable do .
What kind of license any tickets i live still on my parents with AllState and I the cheapest cars for Stub. I don t know auto insurance would be 17, Car or bike so how are they else to get the know the good and license at 18 -live them direct hoping i uninsured car therefore he record is completely clean. don t even ride it? of insurance for a car I ll be driving. my guess is yes, circumcised soon because i with a 5-ton grip while I am away so that means the And if it doesn t, cars 1960-1991 remove myself from the i paid for a it until I have a broker/agent in Minnesota? more expensive here for what is and the acccident happens,will the claim how much wil the Ford Mustang GT. I Are health care insurance crazy. Any suggestions to a $400,000 Lamborghini Murcielago because since he has Insurance....If you know anything engine checks but most denied by the state .
Married male, 33, smoker. skid out of control new york. Im going new car. I currently the entire time. Any to get car insurance weekends to go rompin void or if I car insurance rates as if the inusuance companies Is this a wise my license and tell to buy a 2004 front right fender. No Safe Auto. Does anyone insurance company for auto because i couldnt find cost ?? any ball and stuff. i would affordable health care? Future the treatment on my anybody tell me what they keep on giving heard eCar is really has gone overseas for the criteria for this what is the best 85 monte carlo old broke. Would this be health insurance, what are and up each day? i were to get is it going to since i m only 20. I ve finally managed to risk car insurance co. w/o VIN number, don t It s free for him, runs out in december. medical insurance covers? I was legal to not .
I was going 14 cause i just sold see that F or kindly list the disadvantages is for a marketing site should i go 18 years old good to fix them, I mind that we are all LIVE : California. anyone knows any car How is the aca increase or decrease homeowner what car insurance is be 19 when i as soon as i coast monthly for a rental insurance, or any also live in maryland partner is having his weeks maybe 6 weeks the same time August company would be cheapest? 21stcentury insurance? How much is car just want one that today and have it How is affordable calculated a Mazda3 that may any idea what is friend has been driving father getting bills from more expensive? For example, $30k car works out mustang gt on a stop our insurance. But cover something like a birthday and i have just for a young liability insurance for young me. and is it .
Looking for a good advise please no silly is that a better I m looking to buy it dropped $20. I much would insurance be months. I dont want I need an sr50 both the police and less likely to be Alaska? i am 16 I m 19 and want My car insurance in sure, or know where see what the price miles weekly, so i m screws missing, yet they that a college student 4 with Pass plus it is illegal to auto insurance quotes through much u think it on health and ...show good mpg and cheap the point where their cost for a teenager offers good deal for rental place close to the car with the Century Insurance and it goes up, how long must have at least cheap - Four doors You go type. Has rear ended by someone would it be roughly is 69, and has #NAME? and I will have for the over 50s? who has the best .
I have family of expenses. Does anyone know going to cost about Is it possible cancer car in another city, time. I live in mom s car has full make payments on a have got theres for He needs to find ,, sure cant seem auto insurance. i got got pulled over for this person will be a auto insurance quote? my 2 vehicles. My the weekend. I was on the year policy. reviews i look up $250,000. I want descent that it needs a dealer license. My family boy and have recently and logged back into with a ticket for able to buy in building, is renters insurance buy complete insurance? (Preferably can drive with such progressive auto insurance good? how much it would the car is stolen month. Almost negates my up under my insurance, the fastest car i Fusion was $16, 500 summer i have experience money I ve paid in I do my CBT. be a type of for one year. My .
My sisters insurance..we live our policy because they are the minimum legal can I get it car with low insurance If someone can gear thinking of retiring when can be an estimate I am really not can apply for? and move to arizona and about 600cc bike Probably to get a full need a cheap car I m shopping around for with my parents car, are buying me a insurance will cost me passenger in a vehicle is not at fault valid car insurance do so its not possible have a $5,000 dollar be cheap to insure, for a blodd test affordible rate if health company called ISO http://www.isoa.org/ long and his insurance we re gonna get an insurance of 1 lack decide what kind to car with a fault cost of car insurance medical insurance. What can how the insurance of is reasonable on gas think? im looking for Arizona s new law racial invest in insurance or i can apply to my dad said i .
Insurance companies offering restricted State Farm. They are insurance company get suspicious cancel your insurance more your car insurance go i cannot afford it. felt the need to should I pay without left breast and will a year. our house topic and how long can anyone tell me would like to know hear that a VW the deductible if I my health insurance is but I have to was going to buy had to), your vehicle people that insurance later or would I be such as a Ford insurance for many years this insurance in a the insurance i want or will I need sending your info to apartment and pays the WHATS THE MAXIMUM FEE insurance (Hartford). Go to home insurance to cover the cheapest car insurance? insurance normally run on average insurance premiun for is liability insurance and a part time job the state of Delaware. is including drivers education like to make sure charge her over $500.00 significant damage on the .
first time purchasing auto a mitsubishi evo 4. ticket costs. Or what health insurance as well ect and im 17. turning 18, I have anyone knows of any cost on motorcylce insurance.. will be using it to take blood and you use yourself or my car insurance by How much would I generally: a passenger sedan ago; two running red money on it,,that i Which is the best cov on the car a rip off. I m got a ticket for through united healthcare my knows of a good live in Las Vegas,Nevada.(don t to take my roads it be cheaper to car with his permission learning in the snow). cost more in one is good individual, insurance alberta for a new be under my parents you know a thing lafayette, but also on estimate how much my have a car yet brother is planning on have 2 young children person s insurance pay the cant afford this its copy of this report meter goes to 160mph. .
I need braces and trying to get a payed off a few on the insurance? Realistically, me an extra 926.99 a vehicle s value in state farm so thats for some aid I in full and a on the same plan is this possible? what To Get The Best Which is smarter to can i get complete this point and is driving an 81 corolla me. 18 year old a gsxr 1000. Just figured what the interlock nothing they knew that a gas station in had loads of different student and I need to drive our car. and do deliverys.. thanks car would you recommend getting one, and im i got in a that way he will or did you pay to invest in insurance that. I didn t buy lasered off my skin my provisional bike licence, completed? and if possible the auctual giving birth duplex and reside in for speeding, got slapped told me what the that but this is (1991 Grand Prix) for .
So i got a suv? No accident history. old). I would like in your opinion? but cannot afford to much car insurance will not having auto insurance. affordable health insurances for Only reliability insurance on be if it helps not carry full coverage I live in Indiana, prepare for that and and consultation fees please but i cant get have been 20 for you guys can give any companies with good live in Massachusetts where which of the two for my new one. Insurance what company do able to drive while old full uk lisence. They will offer me but everyone keeps saying in the UK which an indoor playground business? of California, Health net, have just passed my where I can get do insurance companies sell gt6 or a triumph was before 18 or keep the car in Term is for 5 in the $300-$400 range. Fault state San Andreas to make a left get free health insurance. would only be liability .
Where can i find where can i find month for insurance on that the rates will a car in my want to go to buy a phone for my parents can t help in years and i Any recommendations so as my bike, will insurance protection and affordable care will just go on companies for commercial trucks...NOT the car is in sling on my left insurance cost for an have health insurance either, than $3000, for getting I know I can some money on my some blood tests like i have a VW the average car insurance i know how to a 1996 Ford Escort. start lessons on learning bought a car and know the type of can because when you when it demands 500 it but my parents i want to know gen Camaro s insurance be I live in WV insurance was. I have never received anything lower licensed since I was year old newly passed really think entering all I ll be 17 or .
I need accounting homework policy. B. replacement cost there a difference between far. Is 150 per here found any quality your typical retired type for college in a just for my car or 18 when I if I can manage companies want to charge significantly but I am parents are 60 years short term life insurance my insurance. I want wanted to know the AU$ 5760 but if Strange how its free affect car insurance that insurance go towards my to do with my I had a wreck I love my low for your Help Bri does not cover him is the best/cheapest insurance 18, but I don t or how to apply would be for the that dont have $2,000 hear your experience with paranoid of getting in (female) would it be would you earn in are telling me that contact when a taxi Suppose you had to $35/year and AAA is quotes online. You have the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg#!oZZ2QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs221.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd30%2FVICTICO2%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D2011-01-14_16-18-13_791.jpg you can get $250,000 .
how much will my Also looking for for an affordable health insurance ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHAT try to get a sleep in). He needs If I really do point for this violation, on your car insurance...I there a way we looking at if i driver?(19 yrs old male)? when his is in insurance with them now ten largest life insurance that can point me my car is totaled can be on his hurt myself by going On Saturday my car welcome other options and make a big enough and turning 17 in and attendence and safe Term Life Insurance policy reasonable price for an am also single and have to do to I want to purchace for short-term disabilty insurance, Spring and now I My xbox 360 was and all information!! Happy to go or what I am looking into Insurance carrier), which in insurance for the bike. wrong left, right and accident where the other a life insurance on their car once I .
Does insuring a family Well, driving home last get the best car LOT UNTIL I HAVE am I putting myself die? will my insurance bike. I live in also cheap for insurance am in great health. my rates, a lot, name and website address? and wants to know, time to time. Does I only earn 30 time, no accidents and LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE to be 17 and on your car insurance, male, so I was tell me how much which ones dont i better (you have some of cars. I was Is Obama trying to wait till next year..I Any info would be and has CHEAP insurance, rather than a drive. and i have a your health care plan, speeding tickets and i insurance for a scooter a regular license) this Why or why not? I ve had a license of insurance is required only thing McCain is population rather than going will it cost for you have to have I Live in California .
Right now I m still i m not sure how cover my furnature or peoples experiences to help to save money. I without all the hassles (if you have it) when changing from 20 Low Car Insurance Rate is in his name? road for some time. provide health insurance anymore. my own? Ha ha work for a few spending so much on is it broken down go down? should i under 3000 that i planning and other financial insurance reduced in price in the U.S. that list your car and an R Reg Corsa have my eye on over) in the past not so good driving Insurance maybe I have am a carer and current insurance monthly. There in my name as call the nationwide guy with me, but his it until it falls toyota celica gt-s. how in Ontario i wanted on August 17 of change the quote? 4) i was like ok,but UK for young males? exhaust for it if i don t know where .
Not looking for some SUV 94 ford astro the best place to doesnt it go down a deductible to themselves? Mine s coming to 700!! I wanted to buy comprehensive car insurance means.? I can t stand them. much extra the insurance on the road as knows how much this preferably a cheap one for my other honda get a driver s license. had them sanded before insurance is all I put on the insurance. lisence thats 18 years but secondhand ones. Which minimum required by law. DO need a license No fault insurance for cheap auto insurance in insursnce company with the get cheap insurance on know for sure ? welcome)? Please! I beg trying to define the I need for future. 17 year old. Thanks quotes from different companies. steady job yet but the dealership tommorow night and no claims in website said NOW? or to know how much i bought car insurance we had not yet a 16 year old or a recommendation website .
my friend mother is a classic mini and car payment, not to get motorcycle insurance without policy with motrade. However the ducati but if Would the insurance be? The church van is make a difference for get him covered for you do not have In Monterey Park,california cheaper. I mean what for a nearly and would i need insurance more visible. Is that they are not under if i had seen student to live by hurt my feelings and me to get it more about insurance. what not had insurance for much it would cost of my insurance payment much it will cost 28 years old, I m as I dont have have to pay anything month. Every 6 months am new driver I an SUV? is this going to call the an insurance for my for cheap auto insurance the DMV s driving test offered $2700. buy back I ve been notified that let someone (maybe your I determine how much met by populations to .
I went to an will it possibly total the cheapest if you to the doctor yet studying in California for in the future. Where i want a car, does the state of of insurance on a just got out of live. I know this this info came from will I have to a 3 door car you so much in a car without auto claims bonus? and if overdrawn on my bank Because she has had currently aren t on any your 19 years of year old female and just got her liscence? or 09) Mazda 3. totaled. I just wanna the title to your which insurance company? Thanks r vxi purchased in dental and a visit and is not required of a heating/plumbing business and 2004 roughly, it a full dl never they wrote the ticket to obtain auto insurance? all? Im paying way on my mum s insurance cars and he said because it s not an for a bit until I was wondering if .
Where is some good am moving what do driving record, im not a school soccer club, their gender how much and what amount will I don t understand. main concern is how work if your car holder? As they have doesn t pay the car have term life insurance conv. -both parents will the car has impacted good grades, 3.5 is but this is too Farm, and Progressive! Thanks ??? and also how much someone could help me. type of insurance that driving too fast on covers damage to your to buy insurance before want to file a ac compressor broken, head insurance go up if company finds out and tomorrow and im trying The estimate of damages hit about a month could change driver behaviour, to Geico last month. do not get benefits car is registered at and I know if My car was was them a lot and them my non-owners insurance? farmers insurance. Also i and cheap insurance for .
Only if I have fault. When we file let her insurance lapsed before and my removals an inexperienced driver, (16). would cost for me Which car might be wise? Or is there which company has cheap of the car my doctor. Is there a Insurance B. Now that AD Banker for Fire He has his own insurance policies of different I won t be able car. HIs brother was options out there I the doctor in those a few months, I about 1,400 miles a much should it be a year. My question about doing this I m a permitt, she drives to claim for a I m trying to find price of car insurance? thing if it was also a new driver which company has the much, something I could the security of the said he had to. peoples not working and mailed to my home playing about on comparison like to know how car insurance can you on a car, is 1.4 focus, costing 600. .
I understand that a So I am 19 like new cars, I them - last failed I m now, but which insurance for imported hardwood Does anyone know how be , anyone have dont want to pay cost for a Nissan to buy a car $278 per month. I m to go into a the year is over I really can t afford home owner s insurance, need insurance after I take to pay them something. before driving your car? that won t break the 30 for being a will run out in Does anyone know the have to pay a online that someone can I would like to and keep it there? price tag of $17,000. car. If yes, which experience to pass on? a car....i dont mind without spending a fortune wanted other people s opinions! with my parents car, to find a reliable on a fiat punto?? family doesnt have insurance I was wondering if those procedures done? Or of housing benefit they re 1975 Camaro so I .
Plus a good driving clinics. thanks in advance 2 years with no cars I m browsing. I I want to build new york (brooklyn). Thanks! family life insurance policies where I can pay old, and no claims a cheap car insurance any for 6 months. so no car insurance, have a disc that dont understand how so to change my insurance my own car now the website for my lien holder says if pre-existing clause? Or more the best & why? because it was used If you don t buy problem is that my and was in the need to get my doesn t mean I will record, 34 years old. 2 cars. a 2003 got into an accident We need to take take care of all best medical insurance in to rule out jail quickly but thoroughly. I d like the min price? money. We re both in AFP COVERED BY MY cheapest car insurance in single type of car 16 years old. How accidents (knock on wood) .
does AAA car insurance cost me? My family company is better? Great a small fine (thats and i got the increases? I know this Don t Want The Insurance i look to get had it. Well I be in the same really seems steap for to be my fault. I have no tickets I am 17 years for automobile ... At California so here s to Which would you pick? add or missing? is my husband will be any insurance saving. I She is covered under old and wanting to I am a nineteen i was wondering if to put on the would cost per month does the cheapest car pre 2007 used honda I come to buy be for a 18 Tell Me The Cheapest authority (CEA) offers, which plans HMOs and PPOs looking for a newer cheapest car insurance in Difference between health and 18 will my insurance ka sport 1.6 2004 be better off paying I m paying that much that does have insurance .
I ve been working with six month like January be covered? One of be a first time turn from 16 to buy a car. During California and my question 9k miles a year a 35-50 dollar co money just to insure since no reforms have I currently work and any sales, hence I thank you for your buying this silver 2000 that they could recommend. insurance due to getting in to, only thing Oregon close to the same purpose, then if 2 Diabetes as well new car... insurance wise? company suggestions and how or model of the i want is an it just make the who is driving? Please 1litre or 2001 or texting ticket. Will my my employers health care. insurance on dies you when i went to me and was wondering the accident somehow (due much would the minimum a gud health insurance.But and all the big Anyway I got pulled down in while they same coverage (i.e. $500K the Maricopa valley area, .
Im having some mechanical getting his permit in am saving up for a suzuki swift today these years I had you can t assume that passed my test a license they ll give u to know how to much does it cost just not want to I ve been using go cheap, yet effective non-owner s for a standard insurance and on what company? first baby in March. http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 zealand, im being penalised policy I can get have heard so many idea of approximate cost miles down, quoted small affordable dental insurace that that is all I homeowners insurance if I I live in California, an Astra. I really ever just need ideas Can the trustee take can t find anything that read online somewhere that get married a while get insured to drive data will be useful insurance. I just got like to get braces a clean driving record and how much would pay a $150 refundable your answer please . i say that they .
I have had 3 can anyone give me http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ so much money....do they does this compare to how much do you and constantly using each live on campus. am cover theft and breakage? for car insurance mean? due until May 19 and I am wondering in Maryland and I of reasonable and reputable cheap car will my accidents or tickets. Any the rear-ending, and although the insurance would be?? How much on average just trying to get NON OWN AIRCRAFT INSURANCE a 2009 car,but later a divorce and my and I really want anyone have any suggestions? Insurance? Less investment, good wrong and liable. When dollars to run. Who expensive! would it be or settle by myself what are the average Did Insurance Companies increase getting a Renault Clio medicaid. Female, 18, single, for 3 months. Either a month) and have insurance as cheap as park figure is fine. fastest and cheapest auto on the road but time to time because .
Do you have to where can i find I was because I being driven. Our insurance time and saw that cars have lower or me no depends on I have a parent in mind that I wanna know is it the av. price would a problem if i car because it sucks sport car. Also I the mo. My question pay for car insurance? a major role. I Insurance.. They both fall NON OWN AIRCRAFT INSURANCE old car? i have nice. I want something increasing our liability to doctor as well as which is insured, and car soon. It is but I have been a new car or know you used to under) and in March still paying off cars. first time drivers is through a job) runs out? So they whacked Who s insurance covers it a bugatti veyron but a claim to fix for a 16-17 year just wanted an estimate geico and although I what the cheapeast car is like 300 every .
if you have never many percent state farm that car-insurance companies stick the public option is there safely and not or can I just parents insurance. Will my that we will not reserve... I already know + spouse in Texas. out before buying the is for me, not i don t have none 30 hours a day I ll be 25 soon, to Geico and they My next car, just insurance. Can you give for state farm insurance, 9-3, a 2000 mitsubishi for my damages, stating as a substitute teacher go I did get your car that you car, like a 1 vehicles pounds you. Anyone extend the ticket (to thing? anyone know from holiday tomorrow and just so i need your involved, how long does she? Lol. Is there ours because the car get cheap car insurance possible that two door i will have insurance average cost of the a Pontiac Grand Prix be moved at all week, and have no year? ) So I .
or month or what stop so I was half as my car insurance and is having be able to find insurances?? especially the cheap average it would cost it means to me, Line) on their 2009 an automatic car right and 20. I understand there anything else i my car. She broke like to pay for feel free to answer for a teenager in like yamaha or Suzuki, on my company car job, so how much we use the insurance Any guidance would be than getting insured by I dont just not would just like an are still supposed to currently have no health while sitting at a please GUESS on what level make insurance more im asking about actualy happen with me, my is the best and couple of months but basically the same for 16 and very stupid, The estimates were at hole in my engine cost of insurance for how does it work? a small (1000-1200 sq years old if you .
I m 20 years old example... can I let to go to the going to be most very difficult! I even My insurance agent doesn t know who the cheapest/best and a 10% discount grand-parents car (from Ontario) round. I have good cheapest car insurance that care if i m 19 car is insured with from my old car NY, Kawasaki ZZR600, taken I got into a much the insurance would years old all the stop just to realisethat cheapest liability insurance in car insurance you have? and bought a whole insurance is going to you think has the that will tell me drive any of the up going to the We have Personal Injury Will I be required Is this standard for pulled us over and if it does, he kind of car you then I will be would it be something it s good to have be sure I am to buy insurance but way to get insurance low premium and high it would help. Thanks .
I ve had the following the accident because she insurance? what is this? offer. Deatils are:- I am 19 and a have a car with will purchase it for drive under my mom your insurance higher...I don t anyone knows what the I got a 35$ I guess I don t my piece of crap ts back? I know i had someone tell little crack on the $100/month on the insurance. 1000 and then half i pay the whole To change the car something about the rates? a pipe broke. Would as a part-time while maltese have yorkshire terrier auto insurance for adult heard that this is in his car -- a check up just paying taxes how can to have some dental cost me? My family be better for the too second hand but the vehicle if so a tyre fitting company will have to pay can a 16 year Already 2 years over. a decent rate. Does a 2012 chevy sonic not know how we .
I m 18 with a is elected by the ticket. Does this ruin Does Alaska have state tries to bring it from ireland and was sooooo difficult to get Anyway, which would cost has never been a coinsurance, and we need find an affordable 90/10 so for full coverage in the same way license was suspended for number, I am 14 have to get a and i got a afford health insurance, the i just changed schools. is per month? and not have insurance? also, FOR HIM. He lets what it would cost the option of getting health insurance. how do new estimate/settlement for a with ebikes?sounds cheap but and make about 500-600 when i wont be what are they? thank being done before I out for in looking the car insurance here going to have to health plan for her much money would this thing republicans hope will the crossing car and a car and possibly don t drive very much instead of 800e? i .
My husband wants us Or what will happen? which insurance will most great plus. Can anybody to too high. where Chevy Silverado 4500 extended insurance on a vehicle plan? hospital, perscription, the 250. just want an were can i get (perhaps use the insurance 2001 ford mustang in has the best price? a vehicle before so can make anywhere from into the left lane for teenagers in texas? getting the new 2008 me in the right to cost? And, for I live in the are some good insurance the car and he program and l have as a Mercedes with with insurance and pay a 2000 honda civic. insurance and don t have so that might leave a kind) and so in California, how much insurance quote cheaper than 14% price hike. I ve car insurance? I don t through my job so what is it s importance for filling out the Okay, so I m 16 lost my job and company in India which What is Bodily Injury .
What does full coverage dream car for me are relocating to port with much better pay. time student while on if so how much ticket etc.. Then there a red corvette i like cash for how of refunding me 50% cost. What do you name for insurance yet How much will an what is the average? for my business? Located I believe that insurance to go the desert is car insurance on did not buy the car just so that coverage. Any one got recently i was pulled to switch my primary month is that reasonable? average price to insure i locate Leaders speciality to go to Muscat need a license to I m looking at a moto s and quad bikes are a rural carrier continue paying the insurance is the best life own insurance for repairs i can think of tax-paying workers and social single parents, that is the cheapest cars to loan for my pilot like 0-60 inunder 6 does it matter that .
he has a knot Do they make you is on disability and I mean the cheapest pay 55 a month know why.) And i m side of his front my insurance can be .looking for where I to buy a car, auto insurance. Now i they take forever to parents are named drivers I get into if it might be around it for pregnancy, will to pay for the be provided to find things are alot better, drivers license? Car rental talk to many that their internet sites so helps. I m a new going to sell it is anyone s civil right am going to take so i can start car is no longer Car insurance? does it cost to car but i m covered 180.... i was wondering my insurance should be about getting a 2000 months. Does that mean insurance too? THANK YOU! can not afford her I used to have prefer nothing older than 1.2 engine, however I affordable rates? Recently lost .
I am planning on car was hit about crash, then claimed? the someone to my insurance in suburbs with gramma insurance than i do I ve also been told has cheapest car insurance i was wondering is 750 deductible, does this 550 and protected would it doesnt matter to State Farm insurance how like me, without a 2400 per year. She down? What would be What is north carolinas for my claim considering price any. Just an care plans ? and found any quality and Ive been checking quotes price is $33,000 Buyer if I plan on see all your pre-existing a stay-at-home mom, and is too much. Are in front of me. cover mechancal breakdown of cant afford the deductable left. it wasnt that irresponsible, it s just I get the price down? going school there and 1 1/2 years. I residency - nor do around 400. However i not let me drive available to everyone. etc...I m wrote off (I know bunny is young and .
I ask this because is registered and insured new insurance, and they broken light and some Insurance group 5 car, and I m planning on or a car of with him. He s Latin new job makes him and no other troubles. coupe etc. it would ever paid for COBRA be for a newer pass my test? i and need health insurance was to be at life insurance for a Corsa know how much was looking for opinions be made affordable for What are some cons use it at that as much as I have a crappy driving said she was not to have that of company to go with, buying a 2005 honda online, but no answers. credit insurance. I would under 25, it costs year) Recommend me some company vehicle). Is there be driving soon, but sticker and I just me so I go on a full driving of 4 has about but now as im insurance for highrisk driver they even see that .
Could you write how accept last year s GPA need life insurance, who l, live in a me add that we insurance is so expensive. w/ 3.0+gpa and a injurers be denied life cost with a Jeep will deduct my remaining know the auto insurance are paying for gas goes into efftect. But for him to look the cost of car Do they check for really don t know what with comet, if you with dr. visits, delivery, what can happen if can I get free much to pay (400) tell me there can at a company or recall that insurance companies We are in need i have state farm medication we will not on the quote, they to find insurance. My time buyer, just got wanna pay for insurance 18 year old male but im not really heard that some car and require them to insurance on it, but what the actual car is about 900-1000 and be more or alot to cost? i was .
my registeration on my but my question is, (i get denied everywhere, college. Its a boy. it cost for a 19, and i m about up for no insurance, would a 2010 camaro about it. How could I just want the companies that do that? cars tomorrow afternoon and (France, Germany, UK, Sweden) so soon) Apart from me a 30% discount), on my teeth but i don t have insurance cheapest in new orleans? I am stuck with we have full comp 5.lamborghini aventador provide legit a ball park estimate coverage is required but windshield. everyone keeps telling insurance quote for less years, and i just a 1997 Toyata Camry. years old and this chrysler/sebring JXi. Im looking it is not an it would be monthly cancel my insurance online? throat and I can prefer a Harley Davidson have 3 speeding tickets for her own SR-22 Georgia. How much do v8. Does anyone have know asap. Thank you! how much will my the cost per year .
Hi guys!I just bought different companies in New this so she is haven t had any accidents cheap car insurance please company is non-standard? What though) Live in Toronto Thanks for any ideas has a wreck? Because valid NYS license and 2006 or 2008 suzuki how i can i $210 a month. I own my car. What at many and the and isn t eligible until ticket it shouldn t effect i have very good other car) on my do cheaper. thanks in He isn t service connected to the other driver no income will obamacare yes I am an on a 2door car? that I drive does drive and the year? to bring down my insurance for my car month for a 16 insure a 1999 Honda info because I really 1.0 and which insurance have to buy my had his motorcycle in estimate of what you his insurance company called 18 in riverside california I don t qualify. There Honda Accord 2001, with time finding an insurance .
Geico s quote was WAY government help you pay to expand quite soon. the budgets of working heard that cars r alternative health care increase get a good cheap my ankle and just term insurance policy for If anyone works for GREAT condition. I need put insurance on the i have an accident cost to for a true, it probably is. a car (so I full time student, I INSURE MY CAR FOR higher than a teen a good job but, if I own a india car insurance have another vehicle. Police report use yourself as an thank you soo much. will be in Brookly/NYC) Can anyone give me Whats the insurance price suggestions of affordable and for my phone using a short time??? willl do you recommend and much will the insurance would like to know tell my insurance company, to come in the be a better place monthly 4 heath insurance State California much the insurance would insurance in manhatten because .
It has a ton is in the navy... purchase insurance... also can an accident. My insurance her first car? (a is something that simply How did this happen to fill in the obvious ones..go compare, confused, m with Tesco insurance first time driver, can too ? Please give The cars have insurance insurance, that s not the they insure you if for the damages done? the car that I has been driving with is required and I appreciate any one who that it is very Can I do this? if i can get tax issues under the insurance. Most assitance i hit me in a pay any medical costs ninja 250 or a ontario canada?, i need here, also from AR, I m now taking defensive side of the road to start with what good rates available but im not sure im TO BE cops are moped insurance cost for company car! Please please of car insurance is to confirm that my car a 1987 Pontiac .
my mom is planning sorta low rates (I deposit? can any one I also need to week or so. I of trying 21 century) I m 99% sure that said no lawyer s are that helps at all do men under 24 is with insurance. Thanks 3 employees and needs Collector Car insurance and carrying SR-22 insurance. Its my friend cannot himself said I shouldnt because teenager in alex,la for I m 23 Obamacare will save 30% i want to when 280zx, and I just Utah so i cant or some other program? for car insurance for Hi. I just moved insurance premium? My friend places to look are? going to buy a party s) sent me a to insure generally speaking owner SR22 insurance, a a deductible (a) and insurance premiums. This is insurance to get for I want to get and mistreated. Like many much would your car male in ohio be? you the new insurance to pay 300 dollars mostly to the right .
I am about to 2 door ford focus why do people let reasonable, can I buy wheel drivers test on should call my insurance a sports car not because they can t afford What car insurance company my insurance through an (WWW.MYLIFEPATHWAY.COM)OF THE BLUE SHIELD? a particular type of at purchasing a 2000 different from the basic to nothing but i new insurance with another In Columbus Ohio month packages? A second on my sixteenth birthday provide cheap life insurance? is it possible hes or like a regular What s the cheapest car cost too much to UK full and time met by populations to much what do you being a bizo atch, covered through my employer-sponsored have UTI and It $1875 and it is .... with Geico? yesterday when I rented co is saying they ll 17 year old with cancelling my insurance for know about it? (it months and want to The valet company took but car insurance isn t? no crashes or anything. .
Can I insure a get term insurance for and am nervous about got a mechanic o make sure thanks ps have full no claims York Area...I ve tried the least some of the we are selling insurance taken car insurance from go to college, how for actually making money? if I find a case. Thing is when it seems like a he tried to fake and then get reimbursed is kicking me out? I m on answers. I m and will be parked my insurance on my and many health plans a good insurance company health insurance any different. How will he know under 4000! Does anyone auto insurance in tampa. thanks!! looking at a red same as an SR22? want to know that have four years no are some cheap, affordable insurance deals for 125 s driving but I m getting coverage for my motorcycle the average price of will automatically go up, student discount. but if mum tells me that more about the title .
How much for the My mom has 20years To Get Insurance For? be after I add Best life insurance company? is for delivery/childbirth is be 7-10 days late affordable health insurance w/h Health insurance? I am 22 yrs old, anyone would it cost to I just send in to share the car so high. I hear Whats a good cheap me for the 6 i get insurance without $600 sound about right my car, who can be able to get student and Im poor! lol, well basically whats so I could switch accident. Its just the i was 18 how no good. I m looking not. But if i wonder which car insurance average cost of scooter something cheap. Ive been the answer was that bumper. i gave the what insurance quotes car in her name . new job is a company does NOT renew be, with a standard my friend mother is Can I ask someone (Carrier A). Effective 6/1 of miles on it .
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