#i need the soder
heirofnepeta · 1 year
Feelin very -m- rn
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vinesaucejoelfacts · 3 months
𝔉𝔄ℭ𝔗: 𝔍𝔬𝔢𝔩 𝔴𝔞𝔰 𝔟𝔬𝔯𝔫 𝔦𝔫 𝔶𝔢 𝔶𝔢𝔞𝔯 𝔶𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔢𝔢𝔫-𝔥𝔲𝔫𝔡𝔯𝔢𝔡 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔶𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔶-𝔰𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔫, 𝔶𝔲𝔰 𝔰𝔦𝔤𝔫𝔦𝔣𝔶𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔓𝔯𝔬𝔣𝔢𝔰𝔰𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔞𝔩 𝔊𝔞𝔪𝔢𝔯 𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔱𝔲𝔰.
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walnutcookie · 2 months
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me whn i have money
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thekingofchungus · 2 years
i have to take The Test...................
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starrysimsie · 2 years
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Hey everyone! As a thank you for all your support I’m releasing this pose pack!  It contains 9 poses for 2 sims and contains a conversion of the Isla bag by Leosims!
Amazing lot is the Soder Studio by my talented love, @blackmojitos please check it out!!
I hope you enjoy!  
✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨
You will need:
Pose Mod & Teleporter X
LeoSims Isla bag conversion (hat) - Included
Do not reupload my content.
You may modify these poses.  
Do not claim my content as your own.!!
Do not upload to S!msdom/S!msfinds
✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨
Download here (Patreon, free)
✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨
To the people who look up at the stars and wish.
@maxismatchccworld @softpinefinds @emilyccfinds @aroundthesims @ts4-poses-masterlist @ts4-poses
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burntprops · 1 month
What I've been working on - part 1
I started making a Helldivers cosplay last month, kept it as a secret project cause I was unsure if I'd be able to finish it
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I saved up for an elegoo 3D printer earlier this year and got really into Helldivers 2, so I thought why not make a new cosplay for Anime North 2024?
Initially wanted to try my hands at 3D modeling the whole thing, but there just wasn't enough time so I bought the print files from Galactic Armoury
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This is my first time using a 3D printer, took me almost a month and multiple burnouts just to troubleshoot it and get it working properly for printing.
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Even when it was working fine, I still got some messed up prints that I had to weld back together with a sodering iron.
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Weather was cold and rainy in April so after I got the parts printed I had to wait for clear weather to sand and prime them.
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I got impatient and thought it was sunny one day, went out to paint just to get rushed back inside because it started HAILING!
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I honestly haven't considered just how much sanding printed parts needed until I started working on this, it's definitely a lot of work still even after the parts are printed.
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This was the result after 3 weeks, armour painted, still need details and padding!
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myth-blossom · 8 months
Maybe #13 for the 'only one bed' prompts?
"I can take the floor?" "No it's alright, besides it's big enough for the both of us."
Thank you for the ask, Spicy! 😊 I hope you enjoy! ❤️
“Did you say ‘one room’?”
“That’s correct.”
“Our reservation was for two connecting rooms…”
“I apologize, Mrs. Rieper, but according to our notes, you requested a single suite for tonight.”
Diana sighed internally. Soders, you bastard.
“Oh yes, I remember now,” she chuckled, accepting the keycard from the hotel clerk. “Thank you.”
47 watched her curiously as they took the elevator to the ninth floor. She wouldn’t lose her cool facade just yet, not until they were in the safety of their room. Sharing a bed with her agent was not part of the plan, and neither was the lack of a safehouse or three connecting flights instead of the direct flight she had initially booked for them. 
Diana knew her superiors weren’t pleased with her joining 47 in the field, but they had no other choice for this elusive target. 47 needed a cover to get him safely in and out of the only event the target was planning to attend in the next six months, and she was the only person he wanted for the job. Being the Agency’s best operatives, Diana was able to convince the board to see it her way, but she knew Soders was determined to make her pay for their special treatment. With nearly 11 hours before the mission left to sleep, she worried he was already successful. 
They entered their suite with its well-functioning air conditioning and unloaded their luggage. 47 quickly swept the room for bugs as Diana looked awkwardly at the plush bed looming nearby.
“I’m sorry, 47. This was not planned, I promise you.”
“I think so, yes.” She thought she saw his jaw clench, but perhaps she was imagining things. 
“I can take the floor?” he offered, loosening his tie.
“No, it’s quite alright,” she assured him. “Besides, it’s big enough for the both of us.”
They quickly settled in for the night, their travel woes weighing heavily on their shoulders as they neared the relief of sleep. 47 switched off the light and laid on his back as Diana faced the wall, both doing their best to keep a respectful distance so the other could rest easily. Unfortunately for Diana, she was unable to grant her body the sleep it craved.
“Can’t sleep?” he asked eventually, his voice breaking the still of the night.
“No,” she admitted. 
“If you’re uncomfortable, I can—“
“No, it’s not that. It’s the mission.”
“What about it?”
“There’s a lot riding on this, 47. Soders wants us to fail.” She sighed and clenched the blanket in her fist as the air conditioning switched on. “We can’t afford mistakes, and I fear I will make one and put your life at risk.”
“I see.” He paused and laid on his side facing her back. “Do you know why I asked for you?”
Diana kept silent.
“I trust you,” he said simply. “You won’t make a mistake.”
She turned over to face him in the darkness, shivering at the room’s chill as she settled. He reached out and gently rubbed her arm from over the covers for warmth. She smiled softly at the gesture.
“I…thank you, 47,” she murmured. “I won’t let you down.”
He continued to comfort her as they quickly drifted off to sleep, his arm coming to rest protectively over her waist.
“I know.”
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Wesker Headcanons for a partner who likes pet play? (Bonus points for kitten play)
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@mr-bas00nist I'm writing your request I just have no idea how to write Weskers fat ass cheeks (n balls) in your face okay
I need to fix my sleep schedule so I'm still very tired so forgive me for any grammar mistakes or silly writing as I'm running off of hot pockets and orange soder
nsfw under the cut (brief mention of breeding) no pronouns nor anatomy specified
-Very into it, loves seeing you on your knees, acting like an obedient animal for him
-He'd really love to collar you, tugging on your leash while you're sucking him off, urging you to take more of him down your throat. Just the thought of you essentially worshiping the ground he walks on is like a dream for him
-I think he'd like to watch you crawl around like a pet, on all fours and most likely naked with just a tail/plug in you and ears on your head. It'd be so humiliating for you and that'd make him love it all the more, watching a blush creep up on your face as you crawl around like a dumb pet.
-Something else I think he'd enjoy would be degrading you and praising you like a pet, using positive and negative reinforcement to train you into a little pet he can use whenever he feels like it
-"You're doing so good for me kitten, just a bit more." "You stupid mutt. It looks like I need to train you more."
-He definitely talks about putting a litter in you no way he doesn't
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squishy-says · 2 months
Any way you need me: a willry smut fic
Overview: henry is obsessed. Not the normal "i think your so cool" obsessed. The "i need you to control me and my mind" obsessed. Will is more than aware, and he just wants to please his puppy.
Content warning: nsfw themes
Part 2 of 6: desperate
The sun was starting to set, letting a small stream of golden light into our office. The pizzaria had closed for the day, leaving only a handful of employees with me and will. Still flustered from our earlier interaction, I pretended i was designing a new animatronic. Really i was just waiting for will to finish the rounds to make sure the restaurant was properly in order.
I heard him walking down the hallway, and into our open office.
“Henhen, are you busy tonight?” He asked, walking over to where the animatronic torso was propped up. “I can't figure out why this wire is faulty. I need you to stay late.” He glanced over expectantly.
“Yeah, i can stay. Do you want me to come look at it?” I said as nonchalantly as possible.
“If you have a minute,” will rolled up his purple sleeves and reached for a sodering tool that i knew for a fact wasnt plugged in.
What is he doing??
I walked over and he started talking some nonsense about how the wire wouldn't trigger the light in the eyes at the right time. However, i saw that the wire was perfectly fine.
I reached for the wire. “Will, it should be fine,”
He reached for my hand, interlocking his fingers in mine. I stopped everything, slightly hitching my breath and leaned into him.
“That desperate, darling?” He whispered.
“No, I just wasn't expecting it,” I breathed deeply.
He laughed and leaned into my ear. “Dont lie to me henry, your desperate, arent you?”
“Yes,” I said, looking into his eyes. Those silver eyes…
Suddenly, he pushed me back into a wall, hand locked at my head. He grabbed my other hand and did the same with it so I couldn't move.
“H-hi will,” i said nervously.
“Shut up,” he hissed, and then he kissed me. One kiss turned to two, turned into him biting my lower lip, enough to be painful but not to draw blood. I moaned slightly and he took the opportunity to explore my mouth with his tongue.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door. “Boss?”
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magentasteam · 1 year
I kinda wish we lingered more on 47’s loss of Grey after he and Olivia finished their alliance. Maybe him remembering more brotherly moments that we get to see or have him look at the scar on his hand. I know that him wearing Grey’s jacket was supposed to represent his respect and mourning for his dear friend instead of showing his emotions , but I think it would’ve been nice to have him an emotion overload moment for both Grey and Diana. I wish there was more time, INDEED. Just right after Grey died, 47’s already reminiscing about times with his wife lol.
But then agaaaaaaaaain…I think how it was played out was for the best despite my wish. After all—Diana is 47’s only weakness and they needed to make that clear to tie back into Soder’s disapproval of him at the facility. So when he sorrowfully says, “She wants me dead…” it hurt much more since he only broke down when it came to her.
Either way, those last few cutscenes went hard.
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Day 12 cuz its 2 PM for me :3
hewo again.,.,, today I'm gonna pull up an all-nighter just to continue the VHS for Mari <3 I think It's almost done but I still need time And I'll probably make a yt account just to post the VHS there so I could link it here later after I'm done
But for now.. Still no words to describe how amazing and wonderful you are :D
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Sunny, sincerely, from all my heart.. You're doomed. /lh If count me as my SOXIEDI Basil, You have 2 Basil's simping for you already. SOXIEDI, and another side blog I have. @ask-basil-omori
Just remember to let me know when it's done! I really want to see it! (Also if I haven't said it already i really like ur art style soder)
Better than a Rolex.
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bitchfitch · 2 years
I went to Michael's with my cousin yesterday...they had stained glass kits....should....should I do it?
The kits have precut glass (which cutting the glass was my main concern) and are $20 and a hand sodering tool was $30. Is that reasonable?
yeah i went and looked them up, for a starter set to let you dip your toes in they look good enough.
but please do not buy any of the soldering irons from Michaels. they are Way over priced anf not safe to use. like you can get the same level of quality from hobby lobby for 8 dollars. (the quality is bad and a massive fire risk) (i know bc the soldering iron i bought from HL is the same one Michaels is selling and uhhhh there's a Reason i don't use it anymore))
the iron is the one thing I'd say you should get a good quality one to start with, the risk you're taking with a bad one is just Way too high. You're also going to need a soldering station to control how much electricity is running through the iron at any given point to avoid it getting Way Way Way too hot and destroying itself, your project, or you. You can buy your station separate from your iron if you'd rather just get the cheap one but something like this from home Depot is safe while being a reasonable price:
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it doesn't need to be this exact model. all it needs is a station and that flat chisel shaped tip.
Weller is a good quality brand, like, at the stained glass shop i go to they're the only type of iron they sell and a slightly older version is what I use
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dolokhoded · 1 year
i NEED TO draw
insanegirl therapy
turning ladies
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teehee · 1 year
i need to have a massive soder… pespi….
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thottybrucewayne · 1 year
I need a fuckin sodering iron :/
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ellenchain · 1 year
but after that there was just ...nothing
that summarizes those dlcs perfectly. All flash, no substance.I was so hyped by greed's beginning - 47 on the floor, clearly something is wrong, Diana's voice drowned out and then..... nothing.
It could have been great, but it lacks a proper story.
You could have had 47 overcoming the sins or have him face off against people who embody these sins (Soders could have been Envy. Lucas could have been Wrath, Olivia could have been Pride. ) But nope.
Or you could have done something different than just yet another escalation. I like that Lust was different, a mystery to solve. Take that concept but go further.
Gluttony could be me just taking everything that's not nailed down just in case I need it later. Another wrench just in case, better take that third screwdriver, so many apricots
Truly a missed opportunity, IOI 😶 I was also hoping that previous characters would embody the sins. After all, 47 was a really good fit as Greed (he's doing it for the money a bit in the end - and because he doesn't know what else to do with himself, let's be honest). I would have liked it if there had been a bit more story…
Lust was okay, I was most worried that they would do it 100& straight, but to my surprise the partners change and Lust can even have a woman by her side. That's when I tipped my hat to IOI; where they usually want to flatter their dudebros they didn't.
… the apricots made me laugh 😂 It would be so easy for IOI to make it more fun - Challenge No. 1: collect all apricots on the map!
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