#i need to erite this
bwoahtastic · 2 years
Max not being very experienced in bdsm dynamics so he’s not being honest with Lewis about a lot of things. Max breaking a rule and Lewis tells him he’s going to spank him, just with his hand nothing extreme. And he takes Max looking nervous as just nerves for his first punishment. Spanking was a green item on Max’s list after all. Max panicking and safe wording, he looks so distraught. Lewis is so confused and he’s not sure what he’s just done wrong but Max looks like an absolute wreck so he consoles him. Lewis holding Max and going into aftercare mode, just getting the sub to calm down. Max cries the whole way through the explanation, that spanking can’t be a punishment. Lewis trying to make spanking a red? And it makes Max panic even more and beg him not to do that. Lewis is so lost and it’s breaking his heart to see Max like this. Lewis sitting Max down and forcing them to have the difficult conversation of what’s going on in the dynamic. Lewis maybe having been under the impression that Max has done this before? It leaves him feeling like such a bad dom and he’s spiraling quite a bit. Max not being entirely sure what to do but he crawls onto Lewis’ lap and tells him that he’s been so good to him. Helping him with all the difficult things. Telling lewis that he is such a good dom and there’s no one else he would trust enough to see him like this. Lewis coming back up and he holds Max really close. It’s left them both feel bad about their roles, but it’ll get better. Lewis learns to coax all the information out of Max, taking note about what Max babbles about in subspace too. He lets things slip about kinks and Lewis tries to bring those up naturally. Max also learning to trust Lewis more and although he’s not the best at asking for what he wants he learns to talk to Lewis about how he felt during a scene. They do their best to figure it out
Oh plsss them having a little list where Max can make something green or red if he does/doesn't want it or yellow if he only wants it when he initiates it or its talked about plenty in advance. He put spanking on green so Lewis assumed it was okay and Max didn't specify anything.
Them doing their first scene (maybe they only slept together before that a few times and that's how they got to talking about doing scenes snd entering the dom/sub relationship or Max hesrd from someone else thst Lewis is very good snd wanted to try with him) and Lewis is under the impression max is experienced enough to know how important communication is not realising this is Max's first ever scene...
Max enjoying it a lot at first, getting restrained a bit and Lewis softly murmuring how good he looks and how he is going to look even better on his cock and he thinks it's all going fine! But then he flinches as Lewis strokes his thumb over his hole even when Lewis told him to stay perfectly still, so he needs to be punished! Max panicking so badly when Lewis tells him he will be spanked and he already feels so bad, close to sub space and being horrified he let down his dom enough to need punishment. Max needing a lot of care, being held and soothed and Lewis still isn't quite sure what happened but gets the ipad to change spanking to red (he would have a fancy tablet just for that so max can make changes easily ofc) but it somehow makes Max get even more worked up and he starts crying all over again!
The conversation about their dynamic is difficult and Max is very hesitant to be honest still and it makes Lewis feel like a bad dom, like he isnt trustworthy and he spirals quite a bit himself. He thinks Max is an experienced sub because he submits so prettily and easily and that makes it worse for him, because Max should know to talk to gim then and he clearly doesn't want to...
Max snuggling up on Lewis's lap and gently clinging on while murmuring how good Lewis was and how much he enjoyed his firdt time besides the spanking! Lewis being confused and making Max admit he isn't experienced and finally more comes out!
Plss Lewis learning how to ask Max questions so je doesn't overthink and then refuse to answer, and also listens to his pretty boy babble when he is in subspace! And plss Max learning to trust Lewis more tooooo🥺
Maybr Toto was somewhat of a mentor in the dom regard for Lewis so they go to him together, to have someone guide them q little in how to talk and to ask the right questions, and there Max finally opens up about why he doesn't want spanking to be punishment and some other things thst are hard no's for him, bu4 he also darws to admit a kink he thinks is embarrassing but Lewis happily wants to indulge him in!
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oyasumi-dove · 10 months
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rappaccini · 2 months
the way gw!les shippers think the dynamic is lyra and will from his dark materials but it's really jonas and martha from dark, but if the writers were dumb enough to think jonas and martha's relationship was a positive star-crossed lovers story instead of a toxic death spiral of a romance with literally apocalyptic consequences.
the way this ship would go so fucking hard if it at ANY point acknowledged how terrible it is for both parties and that the only way to escape the cycle is for miles and gwen to own their flaws, surrender attachment and refuse to be together at all
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choism · 11 months
GUYSSSSSSSJWJDNWJWNDNDNWBDJEJ i need to see wooyo smorch sannjust once
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sludgedyke · 11 months
had a good night!!!! at first it kinda sucked bc I was stuck in the corner sitting next to some asshole who I know is a semi regular at new wave but then the table next to use emptied out so I moved over there to talk to my friends easier. and I killed it at West end girls omg. I was sooo unsure but. nooooo the while room was cheering for us :3
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ulalalune · 1 year
Fucking crying, is that why he spend so many days down there... poor dude was struggling. He had no picture books. ( TДT)
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whoopsie-daisie · 1 year
Can y'all fucking tag your IG fanfic correctly pls??? I'm trying to see race weekend updates and I'm having to scroll through these long ass posts about chuck leclerc and Y/N soft launching their relationship on ig LIKE I DON'T GIVE A SHIT I WANNA KNOW WHAT DANICA SAID ABOUT DANIEL
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The aurora borealis?
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At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the country? Localised entirely within your ward?
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tielesiti-eftu · 8 months
insomnia can suck my nuts dude
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picklewednesday · 10 months
who excited for 2 tests within like 3 hours
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sceneboyfriend · 11 months
Ladies and gentleman the Barbie introject was misformed and is now Vanessa. Not sure what happened here. Unsure of what to do next.
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acrayday · 1 year
cafe/bookstore rambles
its that time of the month where i throw my thoughts out into the tumblr void (i have to wait on a package and thus cant draw). so theres this cute bookstore cafe combo store close to my college and like ive been inside and sat around but i like never got anything, so im like kinda excited about going there tommorow, im not even the biggest fan of reading, but they have a good selection of english books, they also have dice so i might just get a drink and like a set of dice
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plaguethewaters · 1 year
actually not shutting up about this I am mourning the Rafael luna plotline. it was my favorite!!! of the entire book!! - not even mentioning June and her whole deal with retracing her parents footsteps and the problems she has with following her dreams, or Alex and law school, or Nora and her actual fucking personality that doesn't really shine through at all in the movie (no numbers, really?), or Ellen's actual parenting and care for her children, or Bea and her struggles with addiction, or Catherine and her overwhelming grief - but Rafael!! my boy!!!
Like for one, Alex most direct connection to his father's family and heritage. Another immigrant poor kid pushing himself above and beyond, after horrible sexual harrasment and everything a gay man of color would suffer in a position of power - and something that Alex saw, and for once thought it was someone like him, and that he could do the same for another kid down the line. Like that's one of the main reasons Alex went into politics in the first place and such an important part of his character methinks.
And then it also hits Alex in his hopes, and his kinda idealistic and naive view of the world - the betrayal, it's consequences and it's causes, kinda show him the grittier, uglier side of politics, and that the world isn't always filled with people that want to do good. And then!!! the realization also helps him realize things about how he views himself and his own future, which all turns into the law school thing that I'm mad aren't there.
I'm not.mad about the movie btw I loved it - all the actors put in their very fucking best and Zahra is in my dreams rn. But like. this is why I kinda wanted it to be a serie and not a movie y'know? Obviously for the movie they chose to focus on the main characters, but I feel like that comes at the loss of many others - mainly female ones, and I don't think that a coincidence y'know.
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caitlinbueckers · 3 months
HI SLUTS!!!!!!!
Miss u guys sososososos much here r some things that have been in my MENTAL!!! :
KK PAIGE AND ICES LIVE THE OTHER DAYYYYY ZHZHSNXHSNSHZHhdbbsdhbdbsjshs ok why . Is kk me like actually don’t piss me off I will make it EVERYONESSS problem <3
But ouch bc . I can tell Paige rly hates thinking ppl r mad at her 😔😔 my pooks plz
Also sorry but….. Caitlyssa </3
Idc what anyone says please suck my balls backwards they actually r so annoying ab each other??? lyss is laying that strap something nasty anywayz
Cc x reader pt 3
Kate martin angst/smut bcuz idk she just . She’s just looking too good lately i have to make it tragic
Paige reader stuff but idk I’ve been rly think ab pazzi don’t sue me I guess
KINDA WANNA ERITE FOR EMILY ENGSTLER???? Need to see more of her games since she’s doing hella bench work this season 😓😓😓
Ok thatsall. I love u smooches xxx come talk to me on anon
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zealouscanonindeer · 3 months
You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you might find, you get what you need.
Book : Kali flame of samsara
Pairing: Ram Doobay x Devi Sharma
Warning: none
Rating: Teen
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Flowers embroidered the high walls of the Doobay estate, clinging and spiralling down the pillars, gently swaying with the silent breeze as they hung in patterns from the arches. Delicious aromas invaded the senses the moment you walked though the stately double doors of the main entrance. The whole place was alive and buzzing with activity. the reason for this? Raj Doobay's upcoming wedding to Amrita Rai.
Yes, while the occasion wasn't the most joyous for certain parties all in all there were no real consequences,save the personal ones of this particular arrangement.
As the carriage halted,Devi hauled herself out , her body aching from the travel but she wouldn't miss it for the world. Amrita had, at one point been her closest, dearest friend, and although such was not the case anymore, she still cared about her and often times felt sorrow at her situation.
In that , it seemed Amrita had grown up faster than Devi. while devi still lingered onto notions of love and marriage coexisting , Amrita had long ago compartmentalised them, realising that what she wanted came at the price , a price she was willing to pay.
While their recent encounter had thrown both women off balance , it seemed devi had been once again reminded of the harsh reality. And now, this set up served to rub salt to a wound that in her estimation would never heal. She gathered her deep blue saree, pushing away the threatening emotions as she crossed the threshold. She was instantly hit by the social atmosphere. She was still taking it all in when a small body collided against her. She looked down to see Aditya Thakur staring up at her.
In recent times, he had accompanied Erit all the more often and back when Kairas was still managing the affairs of the sharma family, all the younger heirs would spend time together with nothing particular to do during the meetings.
"Where have you been? I don't see you at meetings anymore?" He questioned.
How could she explain this to him? She herself couldn't comprehend her own reality, much less put it across to a eight year old.
She rolled her eyes, putting on a silly expression and tickled the boy while saying " Uh.. Boring stuff keeps me away from all the fun you're having. "
The boy giggled, pulling her hand to lead her to a game of cards he was currently playing. As they neared the seating area, she saw his entertainer was none other than the younger Doobay.
Ram locked eyes with her, neither one ready to look away and end the moment. His attention was pulled away as Aditya made himself comfortable on Ram's lap.
"I'm on Ram's team this time. Devi, he always wins. " He informed her.
"Oh really? Let me see how he wins this time around. "
"Please take a seat Miss Sharma, let me serve you your defeat. " He teased as he began handing out the cards.
Both stared intently at their draw, eyeing each other, hoping the other would give something away. As the game progressed, Devi began realising she was on the losing side, not one to back away she came up with a better way to win.
She looked at Ram, fluttering her eyelashes before mouthing something to him. He arched his brow, smirking. Discarding his Trump cards in the next few rounds, he let assured victory pass him by.
"Looks like Miss Sharma has been paying more attention to cards than her business affairs. What exactly does Kamal mentor you for? "
"Behave yourself or people might back away from their promises."
"Not when they want it more than me. "
Devi glared at him with his self assured smirk as he consoled the Thakur heir who was dismayed at Ram's loss.
"You know, how about some other game? I heard saraswati is really bad at chaturanga. You'll most definitely win. " Devi suggested.
As the young boy scurried off to find her, both welcomed each other's company. Ram slowly got up, holding out his hand for her which she readily accepted as he led her away. Once they reached a secluded spot, he turned to face her.
"Tell me. "
"What? "
He only gazed at her knowingly before her carefully constructed walls broke away and she shuddered from the emotions.
"It's only that this whole wedding has been making me feel like this" She trailed off not knowing how to explain it to him, that she was wavering from what they both already knew. It was becoming increasingly hard to accept reality. " Unsteady. " She finished.
Ram nodded. "It's making you question things.... About us. "
"Yes and no. If anything it makes me want this more but suddenly hope grows in my heart.. I.. I'm scared. Ram, I can't help but wonder how this is going to end. "
"Don't say that. " She knew him to speak the truth but for just this once she wished he would lie to her, tell her it was possible that they could exist beyond the shadows. But Ram Doobay would never be one to do that, she recognized that.
He walked over to her as she sat in the window, kneeling down and resting both his hands on her knees.
"Devi, I will do everything in my power to make sure this does not end..."
Her heart hammered so rapidly against her chest. Had he just confessed to her the possibility of a future, did he wish for what she ached too?
She got up suddenly, pulling him up with her. Her insecurities and the anxiety in her heart subdued. While she still couldn't fathom either of them belonging to someone else, for now it seemed enough.
She cleared her throat, wrapping her arms around his neck before adding in sotto voce.
"Enough of all that now. I believe I made a promise I must keep. "
"Oh you must. "
Their lips met, his warm arms enveloping her as she pushed into him, wanting to be closer than ever. She continued her affections as her lips attached to his neck, moving up towards the angle of his jaw. He gave her an appreciative groan as she smirked in pride at eliciting these sounds from him.
Finally breaking away, they gathered themselves and made their respective timely exits to make sure no one noticed their absence.
From her balcony, Amrita Rai stared in disbelief at her childhood friend and the man keeping her company. She realised now why Devi seemed so in anguish to hold marriage apart from love. She had after all been done the kindness of receiving requited love. After months of stoicism, Amrita, in her solitude, felt tears roll down her cheeks.
She laughed in mirth at the goddess's will. Devi and her both ached desperately for what the other had but somehow,even in their pitiful state, they both had received exactly what they needed.
I want to start a taglist so if anyone is interested pls let me know☺
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Professor membrane smut pls
I beg
No topic needed
You kept kissing him, pulling him into your studio apartment.He was so inexperienced it wasn't even funny. The funny fact was he even asked you to have sex with him and guide him because apparently, he's never had sex. The one and only Professor membrane was a virgin. Surprising, right? The question that was floating in the back of your mind was, "You have children. How could you be a virgin?" But it didn't matter, right now.
Pushing Membrane down on your cheap squeaky mattress, you manage to take your shirt off, revealing an old used bra that was lacey. You could feel him staring through his dark goggles. Ogling at your breasts.
You put your hands on his head, getting ready to take his goggles off. But he stops you.
"The goggles stay on." He says strictly.
"Oh~ the big famous scientist scared of me seeing his eyes?" You teased.
"You could say that..." Membrane answered reluctantly.
You ignored him and moved down to his crotch and began rubbing his erection.
You pulled his white signature lab coat aside and saw he was wearing blue "SCIENCE!" Boxers. You smirked at him. And he was turning red.
You heard a faint voice above you say.
"They were on sale...."
You put your hand down his underwear and through the bushy black pubic hairs and grabbed his cock. His girthy veiny cock.
You pulled it out, inspecting it.
It wasn't that big but it was bigger than average. Though you had to give him that it was wide and girthy. Veiny and hard standing for your eyes to see. Heavy hairy balls hanged below him.
It caught him off guard when you grabbed a hold of his member and began rubbing the top of his cock. The tip spurting beads of pre-cum. Rubbing them all over his member to create a heavenly feeling for his dick.
"You ready the famous professor membrane?" You asked, smirking widly up at him.
He looked down at you with his mouth open slightly in awe. He nodded slowly.
Then you looked down and began to suck on his tip. Making him jerk in his spot. And whimper. Is this what it felt like to get head? It felt amazing. He should have done this sooner and not have paid you to do this. He felt guilty. But he didn't want to die a virgin. But he didn't want to have actually sex the first time. He just wanted to feel headed for the first night. So, he found you. A young girl who was in her early 20s and had tons of experience with sexual stuff. She worked at one of the cheap stupid bars as a bartender. He found her when he was passing by in a car and saw her walking from the bar to her home. He felt something in his heart sparkling at seeing you. He just needed you to do it. Take his virginity away from him.
So now here he was sweating and shaking as you take him whole and swirling your tongue around the tip of his cock.
When he finally came. It was thick and a lot. Salty and white as eggnog. He was gripping your head so hard. And it loosened when he finally came down from his high and pulled his cock out of your mouth and watch you swallow his big load. Also made him feel something deep in his heart.
Maybe after this you could actually take his virginity away and maybe be something more than just a fuck buddy.....
But, we will have to wait and see.
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