#i need to get out of cas oof
hunterevie · 1 month
Story - Cas’s new wardrobe
Pairing - Castiel/Dean Winchester
Rating - Teen
Word count - 2230
Summary - Dean decides Cas needs some new clothes now he’s spending more time on Earth. Not trusting the Angel to go and pick out some flattering new outfits for himself, he decides to take the angel clothes shopping.
Since they got him back from the empty, Cas had still worn that same stupid get up. The suit, the tie that sometimes is tight but other times just hangs loosely around his neck, and that dorky tan trench coat. In the past it didn’t bother Dean, he was so used to the angels clothes he barely gave them a second glance. But now whenever he looked at Cas he could just see that confession of love; the tears in his eyes before he sacrificed himself and was taken by that black goo.
That was why Dean needed to get him a new wardrobe.
He found his husband in their little cave. A pile of fiction books around him on the floor. Everything from crime, horror, romance and drama. Ever since they had given up their hunting days, Cas would just sit and consume as many books as possible. In the last month he believed he had managed to read through at least 100 novels. Being an angel meant he was able to consume the words on the page more quickly.
Or at least that was what he claimed. Dean didn’t know either way.
“Cas come on, we’re going clothes shopping.” Dean informed him, pulling him away from the current book he was reading. A Clash of Kings, the second of the Game of Thrones books. One that Dean had been meaning to read but Branns story just bored the hell out of him and every-time he tried he found his focus waning. Cas looked up from the pages, raising an eyebrow at his husband whilst replacing the bookmark in the pages.
“Clothes shopping. Why?” The fact he even needed to ask that question was a good indication they this trip was long overdue.
“You mean aside from the fact you have been wearing the same clothes since I first met you in that barn?” Cas looked down at them, opening his trench coat and examining the suit.
“No I haven’t.”
“Oh I’m sorry. My mistake. The trench coat is different.” Dean responded, rolling his eyes and shaking his head. Disbelieving that his husband was even disagreeing on this one minor point. “Come on Cas, wouldn’t it feel nice to have a whole new wardrobe?”
“It would. Maybe I do need some more clothes.” He said, thinking to himself before looking back to his husband. “But you don’t need to come with me. I can do this on my own.” Oh no, that was not going to happen. He did not want to see what kind of weird and bizarre things Cas would come back with if he was let loose in a clothing store alone.
“Er…no that’s okay. I don’t mind coming with. It could be a fun couples activity.” The little tilted head and eye squint was enough to show Dean that Cas didn’t believe him.
“You don’t trust me to buy my own clothes.”
“It’s not…okay yes it’s that. Come on Cas you don’t have a great record in dressing yourself. I mean look at when we found you at Aprils? The colours were all off and just didn’t look right together.”
“Dean, I was homeless and my suit had blood on it. I didn’t exactly have many options in the clothing department.” Oh that was a bad example. Dean felt bad about that one, he completely forgot the April incident happened when Cas was at his most vulnerable.
“Well…how about when I found you married to that woman…” Dean started, wanting to move on as quickly as possible.
“Yeah Daphne.” He did his best to stop the malice coming out in his voice when he said her name. What kind of woman finds a guy with amnesia and marries him without finding out who he really was? An oddball. He was just grateful they didn’t consummate that marriage. He could barely contain his possessiveness as it was. “You were dressed like some bible bashing house husband.”
“I had little say in what I wore then. Daphne was very specific on how she expected her husband to dress.” Oof, two and zero for Dean there. Neither was a very good example. Not knowing how to respond to that revelation about Daphne he just got back to the matter at hand.
“Okay well, I’m going to take you shopping anyway. So come on, I’ll meet you in baby in 5.”
Cas grumbled about the need for having a chaperone to buy new clothes all the way to the store. By the half way mark Dean was starting to become annoyed, knowing his husband wouldn’t let it drop he made a deal. Cas could pick out some clothes he would like to try on, and Dean would pick out some he thought his husband would look good in. It seemed to appease Cas somewhat and he was a little happier for the remainder of the journey.
When they arrived they both did their own things. Cas choosing the, likely dorky, clothes that he was used to wearing and Dean going for things a little more comfortable. Day to day clothes rather than suits and shirts. By the time he had finished, Cas was already in the changing room trying things on. He took up residence on the sofa outside, sending a message to say he was there for Cas to show what he had picked out. He scrolled through the latest news as he waited for his husband to pop out in his first outfit.
He was not surprised when he did.
“Cas…that’s basically what you already wear.” Dean said when Cas walked out dressed in a black suit with white shirt on. The only difference was the red tie he wore and the fact it was slightly more fitted. Whilst he did look good in it, and Dean was more than happy for him to buy it, it did defeat the purpose of a new wardrobe as he was keen to get him away from these kind of clothes.
“I know but I feel comfortable in it. And it’s very good quality.”
“I get that. We will get it. Your suit could probably use an upgrade anyway. Let’s see what else you picked out angel.” Cas skittered back into the changing room, emerging only a couple of seconds later with a new outfit. Dean could only chuckle, it was obvious he was using his grace to get unchanged and changed quickly. Clearly deciding that changing like a normal person was too onerous.
“A cardigan Cas really? You look about 80.” It was brown and just not a very nice colour. One that you probably would find on your grandad in.
“Well I am older than time itself Dean.” Smartass!
“But you’re in the body of a man in his 40s so no. Not that.” With that he floated back into the room. Again emerging less than a couple of seconds later. Dean really hoped nobody was seeing this on CCTV. That would result in some uncomfortable questions about how his husband was so quick to change.
“What are you a bee surgeon?” The heated glare from his husband didn’t stop him from being happy that he came up with that line. Chuckling to himself as Cas just continued to show his displeasure. It was a bright yellow shirt, which would have been bad enough, but for some reason there were large black blobs on it. It was one of those shirts he would probably buy Cas as a joke, but wouldn’t expect him to wear. The fact he picked it out for himself was a concern to Dean. “I think a no for that sweetheart.”
And it continued like that. Cas modelling what he had found and Dean providing harsh critiques on each outfit. Out of the 20 or so, Dean liked only 3 and they were put in the to buy pile. The rest were hung back up ready to be put back in the racks. One thing that Dean noticed was his husband didn’t look for trousers outside of black slacks. No jeans, nothing comfortable for the bunker, just those uncomfortable suit trousers that he was so used to wearing.
This was exactly why he didn’t want to leave him to do this alone.
“Okay. Now my stuff.” He picked up the pile of clothes next to him and handed them to his husband who eyed him sceptically.
“There’s no flannel in here is there?”
“Oh sweetheart, you couldn’t pull off flannel.” A small chuckle came from Deans throat before he moved forward and pressed a chaste kiss to Cas’s lips, aware he hadn’t kissed him since early this morning and missing that connection to his husband. “Come on scoot. Try on the clothes.”
When Cas shuffled back into the room, Dean could feel the anticipation coursing through his veins. Excited at the prospect of his husband wearing some of the nice t-shirts he picked out for him. Knowing that he would look good in all of them.
When he came out in the first outfit, he wasn’t disappointed.
It was a nice dark red polo shirt. The arms stretched nicely across Cas’s thick arm muscles, almost straining to keep them in as he crossed his arms ahead of him. With it he picked out the nice navy jeans that Dean had found. They rested nicely on his hips and pulled tight against his thick thighs and bulge, leaving almost nothing to the imagination.
“Wow Cas, you look…so so amazing.” Dean breathed out, standing again and making his way to his husband. Sliding a hand up his bicep and squeezing a little. Oh yeah he was a good judge of clothes. Unable to stop himself, he crowded his husband back against the wall. Pressing his body close as he took his lips for another kiss, this time harsher than the last. Small shivers went down Cas’s spine as he felt hands rubbing up and down hips, a tiny whimper left his lips as his husband deepened the kiss. Massaging their lips together and pulling stuttering little breaths with every movement. It took Cas all of his strength to not just whisk them back home.
When they broke apart they stayed connected, foreheads touching as Dean played with the collar on the polo shirt. The world had condensed to just them, they were in their own little bubble and as far as they were concerned nobody else existed at this moment.
“You’re gorgeous sweetheart.” Dean verbalised again.
“I guess this is on the yes pile then?” Cas asked with a smirk on his lips, bringing a small snort of laughter from his husband.
“Go try on the rest of your clothes angel so we can get home.” Dean responded, patting him lightly on the hip before kissing him chastely one more time. They uncoupled, Dean going back to his seat and Cas back to try on the rest of the clothes.
If Dean thought Cas looked good in the t-shirt he hadn’t seen anything yet. When he emerged he was in the black leather jacket that Dean thought was cool, but didn’t expect Cas to be able to pull off. But oh, he pulled it off. The leather jacket was accompanied by a black low v necked t-shirt, showing his elegant neck off; as well as that some lovely black jeans also.
This was such a great idea by Dean. He knew his husband was sexy without clothes but he could never imagine how gorgeous he would look with clothes on.
“Yes?” Cas asked, Dean couldn’t talk anymore. He shifted his legs, trying to get more comfortable and nodded his head. Aware that his mouth was slightly agape. Cas just nodded and pushed back into the changing room, leaving his husband to stare at the door in shock. Wondering how he managed to nab such a hottie.
By the end Cas had decided he liked everything Dean had picked. When they went to pay the overall cost came to just under $1000. More than Dean expected but as they would be paying with a credit card they wouldn’t ever pay off, Dean didn’t mind.
After loading everything into the car, Cas grabbed his husband. Pushing him against baby and kissing him hard on the lips. Using tongue to gain access and lick into Deans mouth before pulling away. One hand running up his back and playing with the soft hairs at the back of his neck.
“Thank you for this Dean. I love my new wardrobe.” Cas whispered, leaning forward and kissing him again.
“I’m glad angel. You look so good in it all.” And he did. He was getting hot under the collar seeing how amazing Cas looked in all those wonderful new clothes. Smirking, Cas leaned forward. Lips ghosting against Deans ear, causing his husband to shudder at the hot breaths.
“Maybe next time, we could come update your wardrobe. Make you look less like a lumberjack.” When he pulled away he was laughing, upon seeing Deans offended face the laughs became harder. Shaking his head he walked over to the other side of the car, popping open the door and sliding into the seat. Giggling hard to himself with every movement.
Dean couldn’t wait to get him home and get him back for that one in the bedroom.
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shallowseeker · 7 months
SAM, if I were your brother, I'd have hit you in this episode. Or at the very least put hair-dye in your shampoo!
Ok, so I finally finished re-watching Don't Go Into the Woods, and I noticed that Sam is doing the same thing he did with Claire Novak a little bit!
So, at the start of the episode, he doesn't even seem all that aware of the stress Jack, Dean, Cas are under. In the previous episode, Peace of Mind, Sam is wrapped up in his own grief and failings, and Cas steps in to mentor him (note Cas also wanted to let Dean get some much-needed sleep).
Here, in Don't Go Into the Woods, Sam starts out gung-ho about the hunt, but by the end of the episode, he's clamped onto his moral-fixation-of-the-moment, inspired by the case-of-the-week, where a Dean-and-Cas coded sheriff has lied to a son to protect him.
And here's the thing. I's a little bit true, right? Dean is tiptoeing around Jack, chipperly telling him that "his mission is SHOPPING!"
Sam's being sanctimonious-Sam here.
Because... Dean's been the one trying to take care of Sam AND Jack when Sam was running everyone ragged by diving into case after case (when Sam was trying to forget about losing the AU hunters).
Now, weeks later, Sam suddenly checks back in to trying to be apart of the co-parenting village.
DEAN: So telling the kid--you think that's the best idea? SAM: What? You don't? DEAN: It doesn't make his life any better, you know?
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Oof. Ow.
Dean is so sad.
He knows something is wrong with his kid, but he doesn't know how to fix it. BECAUSE it's not simple.
But Sam? After weeks of being "out of it," Sam has hyper-focused on The Good (simple) Thing (TM) he thinks is gonna fix it.
For Sam, it's simple. Don't lie, and everything else solves itself! :D Talk it out, and all your problems will just melt away.
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DEAN: I took care of it, okay? We took care of it. SAM: No, no Dean. We did not take care of it.
(BRB, hitting Sam with a newspaper. )
Dean was trying to include Sam as a kindness here (especially since Sam's been AWOL), but Sam is framing this as a "Dean is so controlling" issue. In fact, it's a part of the larger "Sam is checking out," one.
And hey--we are absolutely sympathetic to Sam checking out, to using hunting to ease his turbulence. He's not the only character to do so!
However, Sam is a character that tends to check out, come back, and immediately go into sanctimonious LECTURE mode and that’s frustrating:
SAM (judgily): No, no Dean. We did not take care of it. You did.
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Yeah, Sam. That's kind of the whole friggin' point here!!!
For weeks now, Dean and Cas having been taking trying their darnedest to care of YOU, of Jack, of everything! Dean is even the one who checked in on the phone with your friend ROWENA.
Cas is going the other direction, taking on too much. He's out trying to take care of things ON HIS OWN AS YOU SPEAK. Dean's on the hold-down-the-fort-homefront, and Cas is on the big-solution-oriented-battlefront.
All Dean does is exhale a little. "Ha..."
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SAM: And do you think you really took care of it the right way?
Sam. Sammy.
Anyway, so Dean. He's hit with this...blunt, hamfisted unkindness from Sam after his Michael-possession and superhuman efforts to take care of everyone, so he scrambles.
DEAN: "Jack said he was fine."
And obviously, Dean knows Jack isn't fine.
HE'S the one that was wanting to give Jack more space and time before going hunting, after all. (See: beginning of this VERY episode.) Sam wasn't even thinking about Jack's wellbeing at all. It hasn't been on his radar for weeks at this point. He wanted to take Jack on a hunt to make himself feel better!!! Sam was the one berating Dean for not wanting to bring Jack along and sassily reminding him that Jack was (via Donatello) "is in the clear."
And so, Sam does an about-face here. Inspired by the case, he identifies lying as Theeee Issue:
SAM: "He's a kid. And when we were kids, how many times did we tell dad we say were fine just to make him happy?"
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Like you did earlier this very episode, Sam?
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In the context of the last few weeks and his cluelessness in the beginning of this episode, wanna know why Sam is using this issue as a crutch?
Because now that Sam's checked into the village parenting club again, he's latching onto something that's easier to control than everything else: words.
Cause Sam's simplifying the whole sitch.
(It's why Sam's boundaries with Jack tend to be "easy-mode" parenting, like his berating Jack's sugary sweets/diet. These are tasks that allow Sam to remain "the good guy in Jack's corner" without doing the "hard-mode" parenting that turns the parent into a Bad Guy.)
Sam thinks talking out "the truth" will magically fix Jack's complex issues...ones Sam's been conveniently ignoring for weeks.
And Dean is being so beautifully understanding about it. Acquiescing and trying things Sam's way.
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Sam slinks in the background at first, letting Dean do the greeting and the talking at first, waiting for his moment to swoop in and provide "sage, Sammy-time advice" That he has no doubt been rehearsing silently in the car.
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And Dean...despite shielding Jack from the truth, is being honest in other emotional ways. He emphasizes how he didn't particularly like the gross parts of the hunt. Camaraderie.
[[Aside, in the very beginning of the episode, Sam judgmentally raked Dean over the FUCKIN' COALS for jumping at the sight of the dead body. "How many years you been doing this job, Dean? You're embarrassing me here.")]]
Enter Sam. Parent mode activated!
God help us.
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DEAN, comically annoyed that Jack didn't get the beer...
....and MAYBE wondering if Sam's bull-in-the-China-shop parenting is going to work right here at this ill-timed moment or not.
The thing is, Sam is right about some aspects of this! It's a good thing to talk to Jack about his powers! Like how Cas needs to talk to Jack about the snake! How Dean needs to stop being so afraid of the truth that he goes into denial mode.
At its base, the Sam method tends to chafe.
Jack's been INCREDIBLY defensive lately, something Cas and Dean know well and have clearly talked about with each other freely. In Peace of Mind, they both used the snake to talk to Jack soas not to trigger Jack's defensiveness.
But Sam? Sam's been way outta the loop. And it shows.
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SAM: Jack LISTEN. Dean and I wanted to talk to you about your powers.
And again, I'm not saying Sam's wrong. He's just...unfortunately very Sam about things even when he's right. He's able to occasionally give good advice, like to Mary about AU Bobby!
There's no real...100% wrong stance here.
After all, maybe it would've been better for Jack to come along with them (or maybe it would've gone terribly)?
Aside// And Dean may have good intentions in wanting to lie to protect his son Jack, but Dean definitely doesn't want his partner Cas to lie to him to spare him pain.
(Or, actually, via the script, that's not quite true. He SIMULTANEOUSLY wants Cas to tell him about the snake, and he DOESN'T want Cas to tell him about the snake. Lol, oh the spouse-codedness of that.)
ANYHOO. Dean gracefully enters the conversation, trying to be frank but IMHO clearly having misgivings about this approach and timing:
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DEAN: It was crappy of us not to tell you. You know, we were trying to be nice. 'Cause we care about you. But because we care about you, you deserve the truth.
And Jack has a moment of indecision here, clearly thinking about his own lie. Ordinarily, Jack might come clean about how his powers injured someone (and then healed them). But not now. Not with how things have been lately.
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Here...psychologically wounded from consuming Michael's grace, feeling flat inside, feeling guilty and disconnected from everything...he remains quiet.
Not to mention, Sam's up in his face like this:
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Jeebus. No wonder Jack didn't say anything.
Make no mistake, Jack is annoyed by the constant hovering. He says as much in Game Night, and something about this cerebral-scripted-Sam-method IMHO works the least with Jack.
(We see that in Tombstone, too.)
I think Dean realizes that Jack's withdrawing here, that this method, despite it's moral clarity, wasn't entirely effective or successful for getting through to Jack:
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At least with Cas, Jack allowed himself to get mad, to speak freely. (Same with Mary in Game Night. He lets his real emotions show.)
But this? Sam's pushing?
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He shuts down:
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Dean tips his head back, like "Oh crap." Perhaps thinking to himself, HOLY MOLEY THAT DID NOT WORK AT ALL.
He even makes a Cas face about it:
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And the fun part is: Jack knows that Dean knows.
You can see it in the flash of side-eyes he gives Dean here before turning back to Sam. But when Jack looks back to Sam, he does this little "I'm so innocent" act. (But Dean' isn't going to push because, historically, Jack hasn't liked that.)
And Sam? Sam looks overjoyed because he's a dumbass who missed...everything.
Dean on the other hand...is...more understanding of the fuck-all progress that actually made here. He swings his arms like, "Whelp. That was useless."
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DEAN (sarcastically): Great. And I guess I'll go get some beer.
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catcze · 2 years
NSFW!! 18+ ONLY !!
⠀「 “Can you kiss me?” 」 
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Reblogs are greatly appreciated !! ⠀  
「 FEAT : 」 Kazuha x gn! reader
「 ### : 」 Fluffy smut, but still very much smut.
「 CWS : 」 reader n Kazuha have been fucking for a while now before the fic starts lmao, so mentions / aspects of overstimulation. established relationship. starts kinda soft w/ the reader needing a break !! which Kazuha provides ♡ then it gets spicy again lmao. use of baby, sweetheart, and love for the reader. rough sex towards the end. spanking. breathplay / choking. slight breeding kink. creampie / cumming inside. slight dacryphilia / crying during sex. everything is 100% safe sane & consensual ♡
Collab entry for my beloved @anantaru​ & @bluexiao​ ‘s Sweet N Spice collab ♡
Pls excuse if the pacing is off I haven’t written smut in a hot fucking second and the editing is like barely present lmao I forgot how to write smut alr im very rusty fucking sue me
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Imagine getting fucked from behind by Kazuha, right. Like, getting your guts rearranged kinda fucked. 
Your legs shake every time he thrusts into you, and your upper half is splayed on the table at this point, arms shaking too bad to keep you up. 
Tears gather at the corners of your eyes, threatening to spill, and you lips are parted with breathy ‘Ah-ah-ah’s  every time he bottoms out into you. The grip he uses to pull you back deeper on his cock is tight enough that you just know there are gonna be bruises tomorrow. 
Kazuha leans over you, his chest pressed against your back and his cock pushed so deep inside you, enough that you could feel him in your belly.  “Baby,” he hums, breath caressing your ear. “Sit up.”
“Ca-an’t!” You gasp when he thrusts in again, your eyes rolling and your brain struggling to form words. “Please, please, I can’t— I’m too tired— ”
He sighs, his hips stilling with his cock only halfway inside you. Your eyes widen for fear that he’ll leave you like this— dangling on the edge with and needy. You desperately try to push yourself up like he wants, but your arms are like jelly from all the times he’s already made you cum. Overstimulation had made itself known a while ago. All you can barely manage is an inch off the table before falling back with a small ‘oof.’ 
“Poor baby,” Kazuha cooes, a calloused hand stroking up and down the length of your spine. A small whine leaves you. “Do you need some help?”
You nod slightly, still worried that he’ll leave you, and quietly mumble, “Uh-huh.”
A sudden rough spank on your ass makes you squeak and jolts you forward an inch or so off of his cock, your ass smarting. Shit, he really hadn’t held back with that one.
You sniffle, and your hips twitch just the slightest bit, which earns you another hard spank. No sitting for you tomorrow, then. 
But as much as you’d like to say something, anything— whether it be begging so politely for Kazuha to fill you back up, or to tell him to get on with it and stop fucking around already— nothing escapes you more than hard, ragged breaths and the occasional sniffle.
It’s all you can do to duck your face down into your arms, hiding yourself away.
“Sweetheart?” your boyfriend asks, his tone much gentler than before. There’s tangible worry in it. He wraps his arms around your middle, pulling you up to lean against him, your head still bowed but no longer obscured. 
“Sweetheart,” Kazuha tries again, pressing his lips to your neck and holding you close. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you? Talk to me, love, please.”
You laugh breathlessly, though it comes out as more of a wheeze. How amusing— mere seconds ago, it had been you pleading so desperately.
“’m okay, Kazu,” you murmur. A hand of yours twitches, trying to raise, and Kazuha immediately twines his fingers with yours to give the back of it a kiss. “Sorry, I just… need to catch my breath.”
“No need to apologize.” He squeezes you reassuringly, resuming his soft kisses. “Do you want to stop?”
You shake your head. “Just need to breathe real quick,” you say.  He presses a kiss to the crown of your head and rests his cheek on you, falling into comfortable (if not still a bit worried) silence. Kazuha holds you and draws circles on your skin, more soothing than sensual, and when you regain feeling in your arm, you take it and cup the side of his face, pulling him to where you can reach.
He stills, watching you with a half-lidded gaze as you press a fleeting kiss to his lips. “Good to go?”
You nod, less weary after a few moments of rest, and give him another quick smooch. Endearingly, he tries to chase it, and there’s a laugh caught in your throat.  “Yes, please..”
He laughs, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Still want me to be rough with you?”
Again, you nod. You catch his gaze and give him your best pleading face— “Can you kiss me first, though?”
“So polite,” he murmurs, and a shiver travels up your spine. As you asked, he presses his lips to yours in the way that has your heart feeling like it’s about to burst, swallowing each whine and groan that escapes you.
His cock, no less harder than it had been earlier, twitches. As you kiss, he thrusts shallowly, accustoming you once more to his length. There’s no rush as he kisses you and works himself back into you, and after a while— 
You fucking moan, eyes widening as the full length of his cock fucks its way into you. He stretches you so nicely, leaving you gasping as his hips pin yours down and you squirm.
You escape from the kiss to fall forward on the table, your thighs clenching as your moans and gasps start back up. Kazuha keeps fucking you like he never stopped— he pounds himself in and out of you, making you whine and groan and squeak every time he opens you up. A hand finds your thigh, the loud smack! of it echoing in the room. His hand digs into the meat of it, squeezing hard enough for you to gasp. 
“What— ha— what do you want, baby?” Kazuha murmurs into your ear, draping himself across your back, making himself feel whole inches deeper inside you. 
“Full—“ you whine, when he pushes back in and fucking grinds his hips against yours. “Wanna be full wanna— ah!— be stuffed wanna cum— Kazu I want you to fill me with your cum please please please—“
“Anything else?”
There’s barely anything in your head— just thoughts of his cock and his cum and how fucking deep he is. Tears form in your eyes and your legs tremble, but you have to at least try. 
“Want you to breed me,” you gasp, pushing back the slightest bit, “I want your cum to drip out and —haah— want you to fuck it back inside. Wanna be choked. Please.” 
Kazuha groans, his one hand finding its way from your thigh and around your neck. “Breathe in for me, baby. Now exhale— good, ” he says before it tightens around the sides of your throat, effectively giving you the lightheadedness you so desire.
You squirm in his hold, a hand wrapping around his wrist, just holding. When he flexes his grip, he doesn’t miss how your insides tighten.
“I’m gonna fuck you now, baby. Gonna breed you until you’re nice and full,” Kazuha says, drawing his hips back then fucking back into you all at once, pulling you back onto his cock until you see stars. The pace he sets has you shaking in his hold, your eyes rolling back with every rough thrust of his hips. Whines and gasps force their way around the hold on your throat, and wet sobs of “Kazuha, Kazuha— ah! Kazu, please,” each time he stretches you out with his cock and brushes the deepest part of you. If he cums that deep inside, you think hazily, you’re going to be so full.
With Kazuha’s pace stirring up the overstim from your past orgasms, your release comes within sight in no time. Each of his thrusts hits exactly where you need it to have your spine feel like gelatin and your toes curling. Tears of pleasure gather and spill past your lashes as you lose yourself, getting closer and closer to coming undone on his cock. 
“You’re breathtaking when you cry,” a kiss is pressed to your cheek, so tender and at odds with how his cock buried inside of you has your legs shaking. The hand around your neck squeezes, enough to have you gasp, as he draws himself out of you until only the head of his cock remains before pulling you into his next thrust.
“You want to cum right, baby? Go ahead then— I’ll fill you up right after, I promise.” And oh the way he says it is so sweet, and the clench around the sides of your neck makes you lightheaded and tunnel visions you on how full you feel and how good your boyfriend fucks you that it all comes to a head.
With a whine of his name, you shut your eyes and cum— so hard, you might as well have blacked out then and there. Kazuha rubs your back with his free hand, murmuring how you’re so good for him, how you’re squeezing his cock so well and right and making him feel so good. Do you know how good you’re making him feel, baby? There’s a hitch in his breath, a strangled moan, before he spills his cum inside of you, filling you up to the brim and making you feel so warm and full. 
Kazuha swears under his breath as he eases you off his cock, taking a moment to appreciate the sight of his cum spilling out from your hole and down your thighs. Your legs still twitch from the remnants of your orgasm, paired with all the ones before it. 
“You did well taking all my cum,” he says softly, easing you off the table and into his arms, careful not to jostle your exhausted state. 
You’re drowsy— eyes barely able to stay open. Things are a blur from there— sometime between point A and point B, you find yourself in your bed, swaddled in blankets, so warm and comfortable. You feel Kazuha press a kiss to your temple, and before you fall into a deep sleep, the last thing you hear is— “Rest well, sweetheart. I love you.”
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monstermoviedean · 14 hours
oof man i have enjoyed destiel and cas a great deal but the more i rewatch and explore meta lately the harder it is to see any of that as actually any good for dean. even from a platonic perspective. like all of the heavy lifting is always on him and cas is just.. so terrible for and to him so much of the time - sometimes unknowingly sure but largely with full awareness and he never apologizes or grows from any of it in any kind of meaningful way which makes even his (arguably) good intentions meaningless. the highs can be so high don't get me wrong but the lows are just egregious. and constant. most of the time it feels like cas exists entirely to either create new problems or make existing problems worse lol idk just venting i guess. cas is a great character and i love how messy he can be but he gets off way too easy in canon and especially fanon imo.
first off, this ask made me want to give you a very big hug, anon. so if you're so inclined: *very big hug*
(long response ahead)
i probably wouldn't go so far as "terrible" but that's just me! i would say that a lot of the specific issues cas has lead him to actions that activate dean's specific issues. the big one for me is cas needing to feel worthy and capable, which leads him to do things on his own pretty frequently. that is absolutely understandable and valid for him, and i don't want to criticize him for it. it just happens that this is varying levels of upsetting to dean because he cares about cas, worries about cas, and doesn't want cas to leave or be silent for extended periods...which cas often does.
where i will criticize cas is how no matter how many times dean begs cas to keep him in the loop or hell, just even pick up the phone every once in a while, cas never really changes this behavior. i think there are a lot of issues between dean and cas that are caused by different needs or unintentional miscommunication of those needs, but this stands out to me as an area in which dean has a specific need, he communicates that need clearly, cas clearly understands the need, and cas ignores the need.
i do agree that cas is less apologetic than he could be and does not meaningfully grow in terms of some of his most harmful tendencies. i'm like, 50/50 on whether that's a cas issue or a writing issue. i think it's probably both, but the balance shifts day to day for me honestly. also i think you could make an argument for this problem being one that is manufactured by chuck, if you wanted to. but that doesn't make watching it any less frustrating.
cas creating or exacerbating problems - i hadn't thought about this! i think after s6 this tends to be more of a writing problem than a cas problem, but i do see what you're saying. and that makes it even worse in that basically cas sees himself as an eternal screw-up, and the events of the show don't do a lot to contradict that. it's possible that cas thinks the one thing he didn't screw up was dying to save dean, and that fucking sucks. that sucks hard.
cas getting off too easy in canon - agreed. and i think it's partly because dean almost always forgives him, very easily. i think dean acts as our emotional conduit for the show, so if dean forgives cas, we're supposed to forgive cas. and he almost always does! cas getting off too easy in fanon - EXTREME agree. i'm expecting angry anons just for suggesting cas sometimes does things wrong lmao.
now, here's why i still love destiel and always will (and if this doesn't work for you, no worries! just my two cents). i think all of their issues have a simple, if not easy, fix: time and space. if they could just stop running, stop feeling like they're under attack from a million different angles, take a second to breathe and think and reflect in safety - they could address a ton of their issues. a lot of unintentional miscommunication happens because they're in a hurry, or they get interrupted, or because there is something so pressing and urgent that they can only talk about plot-specific information and anything else feels extraneous. if they get a second where they can sit down and say, hey, this has been bothering me, can we talk? they can address it.
i think for a lot of their relationship dean is so scared of cas leaving that he leaves many things unsaid, afraid that revealing too much will scare cas off. but after 15x18, when he knows for sure that cas wants to be with him? i think dean would find it much easier and less scary to talk to cas about how cas' actions affect him. i also think cas would be more willing to listen and understand dean's feelings, and to talk about his own feelings. i really believe they could make it work if they weren't constantly in crisis. and we have only ever seen them in various levels of crisis.
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erasabledinosaur · 1 year
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yall in the mood for some wips? well how about some over gooey disgusting wips? im talking about the stuff i wouldnt usually share...
i put the gross stuff under the cut
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lately when i need help work-shopping colors ive been using CAS and turning things grey. its actually been helping me a lot.
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working on wall galleries can get messy. i ended up putting big foot outside on the back porch, dude looks way cuter out there now
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making decisions when you are indecisive sometimes means having a bunch of clutter out. oof.
(okay is it indecisive or am i just workshopping ????}
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working on lighting. before i had a lot of hot spots (i.e. the light was so bright that i was starting to lose detail in areas and they were turning white), the lamps looks more white than pink that’s been tweaked by changing some to dim and moving others. counters look like they match better now too.
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took out some walls to clutter the shelves (i need the walls up to do so and that room is too small to see the shelves with the walls up...it was a whole thing). the roof is fucked up but ive just been hiding it so you dont see it in photos.
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Lazy Duchess Catalog Search Mod is literally a game changer for me. usually i have to scroll through a ton of cc - not all of it well organized - to find all my junk but now I just search and instead of hours of work im done in like 30 minutes when doing clutter. TIME/SANITY SAVER. FYI i ended up picking the red ladder.
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 i just think the bathroom is looking cute. and those are potatoes, but theyre cute potatoes so...
(if you want a good example of a too bright light source look at the framed print in the bathroom. I need to move and/or dim a light right now to bring back detail because that picture is mostly WHITE)
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next i need to work on landscaping, pool and lounge (plus an extra studio...frick)
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bigmouthlass · 5 days
Title:  After Closing
Series: House Rules At The HQ, part 3
Author:  BJ
Fandom:  Supernatural
Rating:  Explicit
Pairing:  Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester
Synopsis: The things you see when you linger after closing time. 'You' are a young woman who just started working at Rocky's, and when you linger over your sore feet you see something you weren't supposed to.
Tags:  AU, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Pamela Barnes, Female Reader, Female You, Donna Hanscom, Anna Milton, Castiel, Meg Masters, Charlie Bradbury, Benny LaFitte, Team Free Will Polycue, Rocky's Bar, Wincest,
AN:  Where it all started. I'm hoping to get as much Plot crammed into this segment as I can, leaving me free to porn my horny little brains out.  All recognizable intellectual properties are owned by their respective creators and holders of any copyrights or trademarks. This is a not-for-profit work of fan art and protected by Fair Use.
Can’t say you weren’t warned, you think as you peel your foot out of your shoe.  Be ready, the boss had told you, because Friday and Saturday nights are when we make up for all the cash we don’t make the other three days a week.  The crowd?  Massive.  The drunks?  Impatient.  The band?  Fucking loud.  The fighting?  Now you know why there’s a first aid kit everywhere you look.
We’re not a date spot for hipsters, we’re a dive bar for people who work for a living, Pamela had told you as she made ice packs for the boss and some friends of his who’d broken up a riot in progress.  Advice?  Take some Krav Maga classes and, she’d held up a fist smeared with blood from split knuckles, protect your hands.
“I dunno, I think she’s getting the hang of it,” you hear a voice say as he walks into the back room.  You’re tucked into a corner, sitting on some upturned milk crates and waiting for the Advil to kick in before you head for home.
“Told ya,” you can hear the smile in the boss’s voice.  “It’s in the eyes, Sammy.”
“Yeah, okay, whatever,” the other voice says.  The boss’s brother Sam, you remember.  You’d only said hi on your first day a few weeks ago.  Sam had been flying out the door to hit the road for some work trip or something.  “Did Pamela and the new girl leave already?”
You hear a soft thump and rattle and a surprised oof! noise.  Then something, a soft wet noise you can’t place.
“Jesus Christ Sammy,” the boss says, low and hoarse.
“Missed you,” Sam says, just as low and horse.  “Don’t wanna wait until we get home.  Do you?”
The boss snorts, “Look who you’re asking.”  More of that wet noise that you just can’t--
No way.
You peek around the corner and bite back a gasp when you see . . . oh my God.  You feel your face burn red as you behold your unfairly handsome boss and his equally unfairly handsome brother kissing each other like they want to eat one another alive.
“How many times?” Sam asks harshly, one hand jerking at his brother Dean’s belt.
“How many times what?” his brother Dean asks back, catching his balance as he leans against the break area table.
“How many times have you fucked since I’ve been gone?  Don’t lie either, I’ll just ask around.”  Sam’s got his brother Dean’s pants open and you feel your eyes bug out of your head when his big hand disappears into the opening.  You can’t tell but-- oh yes you can, the shape of knuckles poking against cotton as Sam fondles the organs beneath and makes them hard.
“Just once,” Dean confesses, his knees buckling as his brother Sam does something twisty.  “Meg and Cas.”
“Did you get to come?”
“No,” Dean your boss and Sam’s brother says, all grouch.
Your mouth goes over your hand to catch a gasp as Sam squats at his brother Dean’s feet and jerks his pants and underwear down.  You want to turn away, you really need to turn away-- fuck, what you need to do is rewind time and leave on your aching feet.
Too late now, and you cower in your shadowy little corner, unable to tear your horrified eyes from the sight of Sam blowing his brother Dean.  And not in a porn star, theatrically groaning, constantly turning towards the camera kind of way.  Sam’s shaggy brown hair sways as he bobs his head.  Dean tosses his head back and moans, his deep voice sending shivers through you.  Sam pauses and you can just make out obscene wet gulping noises as he holy fucking shit deepthroats.
Dean’s fingers clench at the edge of the table like he wants to snap off a piece.  “Jesus Sammy,” he says, “you really did miss me didn’t’cha?”
Sam pulls off and you shudder head to foot at the sight of Dean’s . . . at the sight of your boss’s and Sam’s brother’s dick standing at attention.  The grand total of dicks you’ve seen live is . . . one, attached to a boyfriend who dumped you after you dropped out of college.  “What do you think, jerkwad?”
Dean yanks Sam back to his feet with a hand in his hair.  “You want it bitch?  Think you can take me?”
“I’ve been ready for that all fucking day.”
Dean steps back.  Sam presses the heel of his hand against the very clear bulge in his slacks.  Very clear, very big bulge.  “Drop ‘em.”
Your eyes just about fall out of your head as Sam unzips and shoves down his pants.  Oh my God, he turns around and bends over the break room table, and you just about faint when you see a twinkle in between a couple of pale butt cheeks.
“Cute,” Dean drawls, but with a raw edge.  You bite down on your finger as he steps in close.  The angle’s wrong for you to see what exactly he’s doing.  Doesn’t matter, Dean narrates.  “All lubed up and ready for me.  I’m touched.  How long have you had this in?”
“Prepped as soon as I got off the plane,” Sam says.
A subtle wet noise makes you feel a little sick to your stomach.  “Oh and it’s the little one,” Dean says, teasing.
“Wanna feel you,” Sam says, looking back over his shoulder.  The angle has his eyeline almost even with yours and you freeze, praying God he doesn’t see you ogling like a pervert voyeur.
Because that’s what you are.  You’re so wet you can feel your panties sticking.
“C’mon Dean.  Just fuck me already.”
“What if I don’t wanna?” Dean says, so low and teasing you whimper.  “What if I wanna just blow a load all over your ass and take you home with balls so blue they bruise?”
“You asshole,” Sam growls.
“March in here like you’re King Dom but here you are all bent over and begging.  Giving me kinda mixed signals here Sammy.”
Sam rises, grabs, twists, and you gasp as Dean’s back hits the wall opposite the break room table.  You hear a quiet, indistinct murmur and a soft cuss.
You duck like a mouse into a mouse hole as . . . as . . . as Dean your boss and Sam his brother cross the back area.  Dean has Sam’s necktie wound around his fist and Sam has Dean’s dick gripped in his.  They should look awkward but they don’t, moving in time with each other so they don’t stumble or trip as they hit the door into the lounge.
That’s your exit cue.
Yeah right.  Your body’s struck still, held tight between a whole lot of shock.
What in the name of almighty fuck did you just watch?
The question circles your head on repeat, as you sit there with your one sock foot.  From the other side of the wall you can hear voices, deep and indistinct.  They fall quiet and you feel your heart stop imagining what must be causing the quiet--
“That hurt, bitch!” you hear Dean your boss yell, and that breaks the lock.  You jam your foot back into your shoe and run.
Two days.
Two days of nights you could only sleep after stuffing a rag in your mouth and playing with yourself.  Two days of opening the text doc of your resume and closing it ten minutes later because you know full well the job market is shit for college dropouts with almost no job experience.  Two days of wondering just how in the hell are you going to face Dean your boss when you’ve seen his dick in another man’s mouth.  Specifically, Sam’s mouth.  Sam his brother.
You’re not sure which part of that has your brains more scrambled.
You’d think finding our your boss is gay, and fucking his brother, would nip the incipient crush you’d had on him since the moment you met him in the bud but it hasn’t.  The thought of looking him in those beautiful green eyes makes you want to vanish into the null zone.  You’d thought that . . . but no, the boss looks at most women that way.  Shit, isn’t he supposed to have a girlfriend?  The way he and Pamela tease each other, you’d’ve figured if he’d be into anybody it’d be her.  Certainly not you, at least ten years younger, not as pretty, far less worldy.
There’s no help for it.  You can’t afford to be unemployed.
You punch in and get to work serving a light midweek crowd.  The big screen TV’s tuned to the Stars/Oilers game and the patrons are content with beers.  Pamela mans the bar and you run the drinks.  The boss barely grunts a hi at you before disappearing into the manager’s office.
“Quarterly tax time,” Pamela says when she sees you looking at the door.  “Dean and paperwork are not friends.”
You jump in your shoes.  The boss is leaning outside the office door.  The game is over and you and Pamela are at work bussing tables.  “Can I talk to you a minute?”
Oh God.  You’re fired.  You are so fired.
On numb legs you walk into the office.  The boss takes a seat behind his desk, the chair creaking beneath him.  “We need to have a meeting.”
Behind you the door thunks shut.  You jerk around and see the boss’s brother Sam standing beside the door, his hand splayed across the wood.  Your heart hops up into your throat and starts hammering.  If you yell for help, who’ll answer?  Chuck the house drunk?  Doubtful, he’s slouched over a notebook at his usual spot.  Pamela?  Would she bother?  You’re alone in a room with a couple of very big, very violent deviants.
“Okay, have a seat,” the boss clasps his hands and leans his head onto them.  You don’t so much sit on the other chair as collapse.  You put your hand in your pocket, where you keep a can of mace.
“Take it easy Dean.  She’s scared to death,” the other man says, making your head jerk around again.  You’ve never liked having people in blind spots.  Looking down at you from his great height, a blink of understanding crosses his face and he moves to stand next to his brother your boss.  A Mafia don and his caporegime deciding the fate of an innocent bystander who saw too much, you think.  The Mace can is in your hand but your fingers are too numb to work the snap on its little holster.
The boss sees the angle of your hand.  “Stand down sweetheart.  We’re not gonna hurt you.”
You’re too freaked out to form thoughts.  All you can do is let events unfold.  Like a coward.
“Okay, first of all,” the boss says, “we owe you an apology.”
“What for?  I didn’t see anything.”
You don’t know how they do it seeing as how they’re not sharing an eyeline, but the brothers exchange a look.  “Uh-huh,” the boss says.  “Here’s the deal.  Yes, Sam is my brother.  Yes, we’re fucking.  It’s a long, long, long . . . very very long and complicated story.  Yes, we also fuck other people.”
“We’re both bi, and we’re both poly,” Sam adds, sitting a hip on the edge of the boss’s desk and leaning back just a little so he’s not looming.  Both times you’d seen him before he’d been wearing a suit and tie; he’s dressed casually now, in a lumberjack plaid shirt and dark jeans.  Your brain reminds you that you’ve seen this man ass-up and begging for his brother’s dick and you feel your face burn.  “We both thought the place was empty.  I’m sorry, we should’ve made sure before things . . . escalated.”
Silence.  You’re not sure where to even begin digesting the lump you’ve just been fed.
“Look,” the boss says, his tone gentler, “if knowing that weirds you out so much you can’t work here, we understand.  We’ll help you look for another job and give you a good reference.  The café a friend of ours works at across town always needs waitresses and dishwashers.  Hell you’ll probably make better money there too.”
“All we ask,” Sam says, “is that you be discreet.  We like our life here, and we don’t want to have to pull up stakes, again, because the wrong people found out about us.”
A double-tap on the door.  “Hey,” Pamela says, sticking her head in.  “You two done with the full disclosure?  We got a bachelor party looking for tables.”
“Shit!” Dean jumps out of his chair.  “Sam--"
“Right,” Sam says, hitting the door running.
The party’s small, but they are rowdy.  Sam’s job, near as you can tell, is to stand by the door and look mean.  He’s surprisingly good at it, and you can see more than one fella take a look at him and decide discretion is the better part of valor.
So you’re thinking as you run pitchers back and forth from the bar.  The party kills two bottles of tequila along with the beer.  With an indulgent smile from the boss, pizzas are ordered.  “Extra salty toppings,” he says to you in a low voice, a naughty twinkle in his eye.
You’re firmly in the groove, barely paying attention to things other than making sure you’re smiling and moving fast, when an arm wraps around your middle and you’re suddenly in somebody’s arms.  “Hey there sugar, gimme little kiss,” a barely conscious voice blares in your ear and somebody’s mouth slaps off-center on yours.  You gag at the taste of booze and cheese and imminent vomit.
You hear a shout and somebody else yanks on your arm hard enough to strain your shoulder, making you yelp.  A hand slaps itself onto your ass and a tongue shoves into your mouth.
“Dean!” Pamela shouts.
Dean’s head jerks up from where he’s pouring a fresh pitcher.  He barks his brother’s name as he vaults over the bar.  The guy who has ahold of you yells as Dean grabs his arm and twists it up behind his back, slamming him face-first into one of the ceiling support columns.
“Apologize to the lady and walk away,” he says, low and threatening.  Your knees wobble and Pamela guides you out of the way.
At the drunk guy’s nod, Dean yanks him to where you’re standing.  The guy fixes eyes on you and says, “Yeah, shorry.  Ne’er happen ‘gain.”
Dean nods.  “Now I’m gonna call you and your friends some cabs.  Bar’s closed.”
“What?  We’re just getting started, asshole.  Another round!”
“I said,” Dean says, and if he was threatening before he’s menacing now, “the bar is closed.”
The guy glares at you.  “Fucking cocktease.”
The next thing you know the guy’s folded over a gutpunch.  “Aw shit,” you hear Sam sigh, and the fight is on.
“There goes another zero-star review,” Pamela sighs as she hands Sam an icepack.
“Fuck ‘em.  That’s business I don’t want,” Dean says flatly.  He looks at you and says, “Four whiskeys.”
“Dean she’s underage,” Sam says.
“Her sister’s picking her up.  Right?”  At your nod, Dean repeats, “Whiskey, Pam.  Now.”
“Yes Master,” she grumbles, filling four shot glasses one right after the other.  Sam and Dean each pick one up, clink them together, and throw them back.  Without a word, Pamela refills their glasses.
Hesitating, you pick yours up.  “Here’s to your first month as a full-time employee.”  Dean lifts his glass.  “Cheers.”
“Um, okay,” you say.  Dean smiles as you tap your glass to his and set it to your lips.
Jesus Christ it’s like taking a shot of pure ick that burns on the way down.  Chuckling, Dean whacks you on the back as you cough.  You cry out in pain as the impact jostles your arm.
“Shit!”  Dean sets his empty glass on the bar.  You jump at the touch of blunt fingertips over your black T-shirt.  “Easy.  I’m just trying to make sure that asshole didn’t sprain your shoulder.  Can you--” he lifts his arm and rotates his shoulder.
Another hand splays across your back, fingertips pressing against where your shoulderblade slides over your ribs.  You carefully lift your arm and circle your shoulder in a big shrug.  “Nothing feels out of place,” Sam reports.  “How does it feel?”
“Sore, but I can move it,” you report.
“Here,” Pamela says, sliding over a glass of water and a dish of spicy peanuts.  She hands you a couple of pills.  “Naproxen.  Eat some of those first.  Believe me you do not want to take those on an empty stomach.”
“We’ll put you on light duty tomorrow,” Dean says as you stuff a handful of peanuts in your mouth.  A sudden look of chagrin crosses his face.  “Um . . . I mean, if you still want to work here.  I meant what I said-- you want to walk, no hard feelings.  Just give me a call, or if you don’t feel okay talking to me call Pamela.”
Sam’s hand flexes against your lower back, rubbing gently.  Dean’s hand presses above Sam’s.  Between the two of them you feel yourself relaxing.  You can remember the . . . horror . . . you’d felt, watching them touch each other.  It feels irrelevant.  You’re safe here, between them.
“Hey,” Sam says.  “Did that guy hurt you?  Or any of the others?”
“Just my arm,” you report.
“Go ahead and call your sister,” Dean says.  He tics a head at the mess still to be cleaned up in the lounge.  “We’ll handle this.”
Later, when you’re in your room checking in the mirror for bruising, you think things through.  Could something as elemental as incest just get . . . swept under the big sheet called None Of My Business?  Is it any of your business?  Dean and Sam are clearly consenting adults and whatever awfulness brought them together, they’re clearly . . . well you don’t know them well enough to say whether or not they’re thriving.
How you feel about it is irrelevant, you decide as you lay in bed, the Naproxen working to keep the discomfort in your shoulder down to a dull roar.  You need the job.
Eighteen months later
“And here, is to Rocky’s newest bartender!”  Grinning wide, Dean raises his beer bottle high.  “Fully licensed and legal.”
“Congratulations sweetie!”  Also grinning wide, Donna kisses your cheek and gives you a great big hug around the shoulders.  Meg whacks you on the bicep, which for her is like a deep loving kiss on the mouth.
You sense the love but don’t really feel it.  A series of unfortunate events have had you living in a homeless shelter for over a year now, and your move-out deadline is looming.  Every time you get enough cash scraped together for a security deposit and first and last months’ rent, something bad happens that wipes out your savings.  You make too much to qualify for Section Eight and with no kids you don’t qualify for much else.  Even with Dean as a reference, a lack of credit history’s made finding anywhere habitable difficult.  Your options are down to rent-by-the-week motels and the roach traps south of the highway.
In the gathering twilight, the remains of a huge barbecue cookout litter two big picnic tables.  Dean’s still wearing his KISS THE COOK apron, smeared with grease and sauce.  Their dog Miracle’s circling the table begging for scraps and Sam’s feeding wilted greens and half-eaten fruit salad to Jellot the pygmy goat.
Meg squirms on Castiel’s lap and feeds him another strawberry, chasing it with a kiss.  “You’re too sweet for your own good Clarence,” she tells him.  It’s funny.  “Hi, I’m Meg, I’m a demon,” were literally the first words she ever said to you but around Castiel she’s positively cuddly . . . in a thorny and scary way.
A sharp whistle brings everybody’s attention and Benny emerges from the house carrying a cake crowned with a single candle.  You feel your smile tremble when you see your name spelled out in frosting, lettered like it’s pouring from a shaker to a martini glass.  Since your sister kicked you out, it’s felt like around your boss and his “friends” is the only time you feel cared about.  A hungry part of your spirit drinks of it like a thirsty plant drinking water.
“Congratulations cherie,” Benny says as he sets the cake on the table.  You clap with everyone else and blink back the tears standing in your eyes.  After cake somebody -- probably Donna -- will drive you back to your room at the “transitional housing” center, with the shared bathroom and the shared kitchen and the shared lounge and the shared “counseling” sessions that’re basically a snotty bitch who’s never known hunger condescending to give you life advice--
“Make a wish baby,” Donna says, and you blow out the candle.  Benny gives you a kiss on the cheek as he bends to slicing and plating.
Dean checks his watch.  “Where the hell is Anna?”
“Chill dude, she’s on a beer run,” Sam says.
Dean’s reply is lost when you take a bite of the cake and register the rum burn.  You’ve come a long way since Pamela poured you that first shot of whiskey; the rum makes the chocolate and cherry flavors dance on your palette.  Benny grins when you moan.  “My gran always said the road to a woman’s heart is paved with chocolate,” he says, his Cajun accent making the words all soft and liquid.  He glances up when a set of headlights sweep up the driveway.  “And there’s the beer angel.”
He's right.  Anna climbs the step to the terrace a moment later with a case in each hand.  “Reinforcements,” she says, hefting them onto the table and accepting her slice of cake with a smile.  She gives you a kiss on the cheek as she slides into a seat.
“All right, now that everybody’s present and accounted for,” Dean says, standing.  The table goes quiet.  Both of them have that trick, you’ve noticed.  When a Winchester calls for quiet, the room shuts up.  “This meeting of Team Free Will will come to order.”
You roll your eyes as you stand.  Dean and his nicknames.
“Woah there cher, where’re you runnin off to?” Benny asks, intercepting you as you head for the house.  Big hands on your shoulders and a dancerlike turn and you’re walking back to the table.
“Family meetings are closed, right?” you ask.  You’ve been asked to wait in the kitchen during one a few times.
“Actually that’s what we want to talk to you about,” Donna says.  She pats the seat next to her.  “Sit down hon.”  Donna comes off as sugar-sweet and corny charm, the kind of person that reminds you way too much of your cousins who’re fascists for Jesus.  But underneath the fake swear words and overwhelming cheeriness beats a heart of pure iron-- she’s the one who taught you how to handle a gun and throw a punch.  Among other things.
Donna’s arm goes around you as you sit.  Benny comes up behind you and rests his hand on your other shoulder.  “Easy darlin.  Nobody’s biting you.”
“Not until you ask me to, and you better ask nice,” Meg grins.
“Meg,” Castiel chides her.
“Sorry.  Serious now,” she says.
Dean waits a pause to let the table be quiet.  Looking at you, he says, “So you know Charlie moved out a few months ago.”
“Yeah.”  It had come as a surprise.  You hadn’t thought there was any issue with Charlie living in the oddball polycue that is Team Free Will.  Until, that is, Charlie had come into Rocky’s one afternoon with her eyes red.  At Dean’s hug and gentle, “You okay kiddo?” she’d wailed.
“I love you guys,” she’d sobbed, “but I can’t do this any more!”
Turns out she wasn’t as flexible as she’d thought she was when it came to her orientation, and she’d been so mortified by her discontent she hadn’t told anybody.  She’d left town with her secret girlfriend Dorothy.
“So we went down our contact lists, looking for new residents,” Sam says.  “If we want to keep the renovations on schedule we need another income.”
“Makes sense,” you say.  God knows you’ve heard Sam cussing over the household ledgers often enough.  Then the penny drops and you look between the expectant faces focused on you.  “Wait a minute.”
“Told ya,” Meg said.  “You all owe me ten bucks.”
“You suffer from a low self-image girl,” Benny says, as he and everybody else pulls out wallets.
“What, you want me to move in here,” you say.
You wait for the snicker and the subsequent mocking laughter.  It doesn’t happen.
Since that fateful day you’d walked into Rocky’s and basically begged for a job, you’d figured out a few things about yourself-- you’re not cut out for higher education, you’d found a home in hospitality work, and you’re a much more sexual person than you’d assumed as a teenager.
Plus, you like girls too.
“Look, it’s okay if you wanna take a few days and think about it,” Sam says.  “We’ll totally understand if you don’t want to trade a communal situation for another communal situation.”
“And there’s the tiny detail of everybody fucking everybody else,” Meg says dryly.
“Not everyone thrives in a multiple partner situation,” Castiel notes in his subdued voice.  “We’ve had several people leave since we’ve taken up residence.”  ‘We’ being Sam, Dean, and Castiel.  The dynamic there is complicated.  You’re not sure of the full backstory, only that it’s probably a reason Castiel’s marriage failed and he wasn’t allowed joint custody of his hellion daughter Claire.
“And we never, ever, want to make you feel like you can’t feel safe or be comfortable in your own home,” Anna says.
“So here’s the deal,” Sam says.  His messenger bag is never out of reach; he digs into it and pulls out a manilla folder.  He opens it and slides it across the table to you.  “It’s a thirty day lease agreement.  You kick in for groceries, agree to pay a share of the gas, water, electric, house phone, Internet, yard care, pet bills, and taxes.  The house ledger’s always open so you can see where the money’s going.  Chores are done in turns and everybody chips in for the yardwork and repairs.”  He pauses, letting you scan the official looking document.  The second page is a list of blanks for signatures, everybody’s names printed under blue ink scrawls.  The slot with your name is at the bottom.  “Give us a month.  After that if you don’t wanna stay, we’ll help you find a place.”
“If the idea of living in the house is unacceptable to you, you can stay in the loft until you can find an apartment,” Castiel says.  “I’ll stay in the vacant room in the meantime.”
“One way or another you’re not going back there,” Meg says, surprising you.  The freelance artist and bass guitar player’s on record with not giving a damn about anybody except maybe Castiel and she still gives him plenty of grief.
“Why are you doing this?” you ask, feeling about to start bawling like a baby.  “I mean, a-a-after Bela, and-and Zeke--"
“Geez,” Donna says.  She touches your shoulder and lets you hide, quietly weeping against her shirt.  You smell rum as Benny bends to kiss the top of your head. 
“We were waiting for you to ask if you could crash on the couch,” Sam says.
“Yeah right,” Anna snorts.  “I told you-- she was brought up so right she’d eat glass before asking for help.”
“Hey.  Honey, here, look at me.”  Sniffling, you look at Dean.  He holds out his hand.  “House rules.  You don’t belong to me, or to Sam, or to Donna, or anybody else.  You belong with us.  All of us.”
“Darn tootin,” Donna agrees.  “Stay with us sweetie.”
Stay.  It’s that word that makes you reach across and place your hand in Dean’s palm.  His fingers close around yours, big and hard and very gentle.
Sam lays his huge meat hook over your joined hands.
Benny lays his paw overtop the pile.
Anna and Meg and Castiel add their hands.
Donna slips her fingers into the knot.
And Dean lays his other hand to top the pile.
A month later, you cross out the date on the lease agreement, write a new one a year hence, initial the correction, and settle on the couch with your head on Dean’s leg.  Sam files the paperwork in his bag and sets it aside, relaxing back into his favorite armchair.  Out of deference to all day spent on his feet at the café, Benny’s reclined back with his huge sock feet elevated.
Dean slips his fingers through your hair as you all watch TV and eat--
“Oooh!  Carmel corn!”  Meg lifts your feet and plants herself at the other end of the couch, dropping your legs over her lap.
“Car-a-mel,” you correct.
“Repeat it all you want doesn’t make you right,” Meg singsongs.
“Shut up Meg,” Sam and Dean say together.
AN2: Okay, that's the setup out of the way. Bring on the smut!
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startswitheff · 1 year
Rating: Mature
Relationship: Dean/Cas
Word Count: 7590
Read on Ao3 HERE
“I would like to court you, Dean.”
Dean, who had barely begun his first cup of coffee for the day, was only half-listening. “Wha-?” he mumbled around a mouthful of Choco-Crunch Balls.
Cas waited for Sam to finish quietly choking on his smoothie in the corner before he repeated himself.
“I would like to court you, Dean.”
Dean dropped the spoon, and a small dribble of milk fell off his bottom lip. “O-okay?” Dean met Sam’s eyes from across the room in a desperate glance. “Uh. Thanks, Cas. I’m really flattered and all, but, uh. Why?”
The angel folded his hands neatly in his lap and leaned forward earnestly. “Well, I’ve spent millennia observing human mating rituals, and I know you are a man who believes in family and tradition. Given your affinity for the pseudo-medieval habits practiced in Charlie’s LARP universe, I have decided after much reflection that,” and here Cas paused, seeming uncertain for the first time this morning, “that this would be the best way to-” and here he honest-to-Chuck blushed, “to win your heart.”
“To- win- Dean’s- heart.” Sam had crept over from his perch on the counter and when Dean looked over he could see the bastard barely managing to contain a gleeful grin that was sliding all over his dumb face.
“Yes.” Cas’s answer was firm, but the angel had folded slightly over himself in his chair.
“Um.” Sam took a moment to shove a giggle back down his throat. “Not to nitpick or anything, but, uh-” he looked over at Dean and there was a manic gleam in his smug expression, “don’t you have to, like, announce your intentions to his father and, I dunno, ask permission or something?”
Cas appeared to consider this gravely for a moment, then nodded. “Perhaps, yes. If John Winchester were still alive I would likely have approached him first with the matter.”
Dean scoffed and rolled his eyes. John would never have allowed an angel who was also a man to court his son, geez. Even if he’d been okay with the whole also-liking-dudes-thing - which, Dean was never sure, to be honest - he woulda put paid to any “intentions” with a shotgun to the forehead and an invitation to “get the fuck out.” With a shake of his head, he forced himself back on topic. Which was - he was being courted?
“As he is deceased,” Cas had continued speaking while Dean was processing internally, “I need only approach the head of the household, who, traditionally, is the eldest surviving son. That’s you, Dean,” he added helpfully.
"Yeah, thanks, pal, I picked up on that," Dean muttered, glaring in Sam's direction once more as his brother didn't even bother to try to hide his snigger. 
Castiel nodded solemnly. "Please consider this notification of my intentions, Dean." 
Dean forced himself to nod. "Right. Consider me notified." 
Then, with a flutter of wings and the scent of ozone, Cas was gone. 
Dean had a good almost four seconds of silence in which to try to begin to even remotely process what the ever-loving fuck had just happened to him before Sam burst out into loud guffaws and fell off his chair. 
Dean kicked him with the toe of his boot, but other than whuffing out an "oof" between giggles, Sam was undeterred in his hilarity. 
"Hey, fuck you, Sammy," Dean growled, shoving himself to his feet to start putting away the soggy remains of his forgotten breakfast. 
"Oh my god," Sam panted from the floor, "did you hee-hee, did you hee-hear him?" He wheezed, swooping an arm over his abdomen as if he were in pain. Served him right. "He wants to court you, Dean!" Sam went silent, writhing in paroxysms of mirth that left him completely breathless. There was a good chance he’d asphyxiate in the next thirty seconds, if he were lucky.
Dean stepped over him on his way to the fridge. "Nothin' wrong with my hearing, Sam," he muttered as he shoved the milk back on the shelf. He stared at the contents of the fridge for a few seconds, allowing the cold stale air to bring some semblance of coolness to his overheated face. Why the fuck was he blushing like a maiden here? 
He slammed the door shut and stalked to his room, not pausing until the solid wood of his door blocked out some of the incessant giggling coming from the kitchen. 
This was ridiculous. What the fuck was the angel thinking, saying he wanted to court him? Who said that? And why now, of all times? 
Cas was his best friend, had been almost from the first day he admitted to having doubts and showed Dean he wasn't the dickless robot he'd assumed all angels to be. And yeah, that whole "profound bond" thing had some merit; Dean would never allow some of the liberties Cas took with his personal space from anyone but him. Saving the world together made you take some intimacies for granted, he supposed. 
But courting? For real? 
Read the rest here!
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wormstacheangel · 2 years
happy nov 5th. im still in shock and traumatized.
People returned from Chuck’s Thanos snap and the world went on not knowing about the sacrifice that was made to keep it from turning into nothing.  Months passed by in a blur and his life continued on. He wanted a chance at normal and he worked hard to try to capture just that. Not for himself though but in the name of the lost future that always involved sand, sun, and his little family that could. 
Normal didn’t involve any of that. 
His family was scattered. Lost. Still a little bit angry but still trying with a text here and there. 
The sand was mostly dirt and pebbles from the lake’s shore and the sun seemed to always stay hidden behind the large trees but it also made him feel safe. Who knew being a bubble boy is who he was gonna grow up to be? Safe in his own little space in this sad piece of rock.
Not alone though. Dean was never alone. 
“Okay,” Jack walked out with his raincoat on and a bright sunny smile on his face to contradict the setting sun. “I’m ready.”
Dean got up from his rocking chair, groaning as he did so cause he is now feeling all those times he was thrown through a window, and motioned for Jack to lead the way toward the ugly teal-colored truck. Nice to see the rain at least giving it a wash considering Dean has been asking Jack for a week now to do that. For a second he wondered if it was Jack’s doing, the rain appearing the week of the anniversary of the worst day of his life. 
But he stops himself from asking. Wondering what Cas would say and knowing damn well that Cas would say some shit about this day also being hard on Jack. 
“You’re not the only one who lost someone that day, Dean. Jack also lost a father. He needs you just as much as you need blah blah blah.” Imaginary Cas rambles on but Dean knows he’s right. 
Dean jumps into the passenger seat, shaking off the excess rain from his hair and watching as Jack buckles up for the drive. Scrunching his face in concentration as he turns on the truck and the windshield wipers clear the view of the road for just a few seconds before it blurred back up with the rain. 
The rain echoed inside the cab of the truck, loudly banging against the metal before Jack plays the same cassette tape—one that never leaves this truck under Jack’s driver rule—and Ramble On slowly filled the empty space. 
Dean doesn’t flinch anymore. He looks ahead and wonders how many times Cas listened to this damn thing. Wonders how many times Jack will listen to it. Wonders if these songs will ever stop haunting him with memories that can never be possible. 
“I’m thinking we can buy the flowers first.” Jack sounded unsure but smiled at the road. 
They’re going into town now, Jack’s new power came in handy in making them all forget ever meeting them the first time, wanting to celebrate and not just mourn the loss of someone they both loved so much and felt overwhelmingly guilty about. So they’re having a funeral. Emphasis on the fun.
“Yeah. We can do that.” Dean had a list in his pocket but he knew most of that Eileen or Jody can take care of. He can handle the food and decorations. They both can. “What kind are you thinking about?”
Tangerine was playing now. 
“I don’t know yet but I’m sure as soon as I see it I will know which one is right for Cas.” The kid was confident and Dean didn’t doubt him for a second.
“I’m sure you will.” Dean sent him a smile, before watching the tree line thin out around them. He wondered if they were cutting trees down the closer they got into town. “We should get some donuts while we’re there right?”
“Of course.” Dean chuckled at Jack’s serious response. Eyebrows knitted and stiff nod just like his Father. “With sprinkles.”
“I’m gonna make all of them sprinkles. I don’t need you and Kaia fighting over the only sprinkle donut again.”
“You ate it!”
“Yeah, well, only cause I got tired of you two bickering like a couple of-oof!” The seatbelt tightened around his middle and Dean placed a hand out to grab at Jack while the other gripped at the dashboard to stop his head from slamming into it. 
The sound of the screeching wheels rang in his ears before nothing but heavy breaths and the sound of The Rain Song playing low in the speakers were left. Everything else was quiet. Before Dean could ask what the fuck just happened, the world went still again. 
Dean looked out into the dark road, the windshield wipers clearing it from the rain just enough for him to notice someone was standing there. Just far away enough that the headlights don’t shine on them but even drenched, Dean can recognize him. 
Jack and Dean watched as the figure limped a little closer and a familiar tired little smile shined brighter than anything in the last year. 
Dean’s chest tightened up, his muscles freezing as he watched Jack push open his door and run out into the rain without a second of hesitation. He was jealous that jack can just do while Dean cowards inside. Watching the reunion through the fogged-up glass. 
But how can this be real? How can he be back?
“Do you really care?” Dean asked himself and no. Not at this moment. At this very fucking moment he did not give a single damn about the hows and whys. They’ll figure that shit out later. Right now…
“Cas?” Dean unbuckled himself with shaky hands. “Cas.” He pushed the door open harder than he should have as he jumped out of the truck. His feet dragged on the pavement as he made his way to the front of the car. 
What if it’s a dream? What if Dean reaches to touch him and he poofs out like a ghost?
But none of that mattered. Right now…
Right now all that mattered was he was back.
“Cas!” Dean didn’t stop to hesitate or think. Instead, he went in for the hug, wrapping his arms tight around the familiar body. Holding him close as a promise to never let him go again. This is where he belongs. This is where he should be. This was the normal he has been chasing all these months. It was with him. A normal life with him. Hiding his face in Cas’s shoulder, he whispered, “I missed you. I missed you like fucking crazy, Cas.”
Dean felt the arms wrap around him in return. It was just as strong. “I missed you too, Dean. I’m sorry I’ve been gone for so long.”
Dean pulled away just enough to look at him. Examine to make sure he was alright. “Yeah. Too damn long. Stop doing that shit.”
Cas nods. A smile warming up his face through the rain or tears. “I will.”
Dean felt his lungs finally breathe as tears start to fall. He gently held Cas’s face between his hands, those curious baby blues watching his every move, before muttering a, “Fuck it.” and leaning in to finally kiss the man he has fallen in love with over and over again. 
And nothing in the world has ever felt so right.
When he finally pulls back he watches as Cas's eyes flutter open, eyelashes covered in rain, and hair laid flat to his forehead, looking like a dear in the headlights. Move with caution written all over him.
Dean smiled back to reassure him, leaning in to give his lips a soft peck before whispering, “Let’s go home.”
Cas smiles back, relaxing under the touch before nodding. “I would like that.”
Jack honks the horn of the truck, loud enough to make them jump, before yelling at them to get in. 
“Come on! We need to call everyone and cancel the funeral!” Jack told them, handing Cas his phone. “You gotta call Claire. Now! She was mad when we waited too long to tell her you were dead again.”
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babiebom · 1 year
The Woman Who Fell to Earth(prologue)
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A/N: I am almost done with Doctor Who and I am trying to find ways to procrastinate finishing because I do not want it to end. I am obsessed with the Master which is the worst decision I have made seeing as he is not in every single episode. If you are reading this and enjoy it, feel free to give me constructive criticism on things I can improve on. I'm trying to write my own book and would like to write it as well as I can!
Tw: none? Maybe blood, and cursing?
Genre: multichapter fic
WC: 1.1k
Next Masterlist
Blinding light and burning cells takes over her entire being. The fire that shot through her veins made her want to cry out in pain, every single atom of her being burned with the fire of a billion dying stars. Dying and regenerating had never been easy, no matter how many times she had done it. She could feel the hair growing longer out of her head, she could feel her legs shifting growing longer and shorter before settling at the length they wanted. By the time she was done she was breathless, exhausted, and in dire need of a nap. 
The Tardis was aflame, thanks to her recent regeneration and she struggled to try and get it under control, losing her grip more than once as she tried to get the machine to land somewhere safe. The Tardis shook and groaned as it plummeted down towards whatever planet she had ended up on, ignoring her attempts in favor of saving itself. Things exploded and burst as the flames licked up the walls, destroying everything in its path. While this was normal with every new life, it was still painful to watch someone, something she cared about, be destroyed even if it would give way for something new. 
The woman is flung away from the console, her bones jolting inside her as the Tardis finally crashed onto what she hoped was solid ground. Taking in a deep breath, gasping for air, she flings open the doors to take a look at where she had landed. 
Green grass waved softly in the breeze, the stars twinkling so clearly, the woman almost thought she wasn't on Earth, but the smell of the lake and the dirt and the feel of oxygen in her lungs comforted her, as if she were in a place similar to home. The inside of the Tardis exploded behind her, making her lose her footing and launching her outwards. With a soft 'oof' the woman lands on the ground, face down into the grass. 
"What the fuck?" A small voice sounds from above her, it sounds dangerously close to being a kid.
"Hey, language!" She replies without thinking, still face down.
"Ma'am?" She looks up to see a young boy, light freckles across his face, dark hair fluffy atop his head.
"Ma'am? Oh…so I'm a woman again, cool." The woman rolls onto her back, then quickly jumps up to her feet, wobbling in place. 
"Are you okay?" The boy asks, eyeing the Tardis behind her. 
"Um, yes, well I think so, well, not really…do you happen to have somewhere I could take a nap?"
The boy tilts his head in confusion, so the woman gestures to the Tardis behind her as if everything should've been obvious. "My Tardis is kind of…indisposed right now."
"It's on fire." The boy replies, eyes darting up to the blue box then back down to her, looking quite unamused.
"Yeah, that's what I meant. Now about that place to nap."
The boy sneaks her into his room, which was very easy seeing as his room was in the basement. The woman looks at him as if it was normal for her to have someone sneak into their homes, as if the old police box she had fallen out of normally caught fire and appeared out of nowhere. 
"So," the woman begins while settling on the couch, "do you sneak strange people into your house often?" 
The boy quirked up an eyebrow and shook his head. The woman nodded in relief and looked at him quite seriously. "Good, you shouldn't bring just anyone into your home. You shouldn't trust everyone you meet."
"So I shouldn't trust you?" He asks, the woman shakes her head in response.
"Well, I'm not included in that I'm the Doctor! Of course you can trust me!" 
"The Doctor?"
"Yup, that's my name!"
The boy stares at the woman in confusion, they're both silent for a second before she begins to hyperventilate. "So…"
"Sebastian! Right! I'm going to pass out very soon! Thank you for giving me a place to rest. It's very kind of you."
The boy nods as the woman opens her mouth as if she's going to speak again only for her body to slump over forwards, crashing into the floor below her. With a gasp, Sebastian hurries forward checking with his eyes that the woman wasn't injured or dead. It only takes him a second to decide that he's going to get her back onto the couch, and it takes all of his strength and ten whole minutes to move the woman's body in a way that looks somewhat comfortable and to put a blanket over her so she doesn't get cold.
He watched her for a while, she was perfectly still, as if she had died except for her chest rising and falling with her breaths. He settled in his bed, not really believing he had witnessed this woman appear out of nowhere, and let his mind wander with explanations of who she could possibly be. She had said words he didn't understand completely, like referring to the police box as a Tardis. He wondered how she got it to move and how she got it to catch on fire. Maybe he could ask when they wake up in the morning. He's going to have to sneak her out of here anyways, though he doubts his mom or new step father would notice anyways. 
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Waking up in the morning, Sebastian's eyes immediately find the small couch in the corner of his room. His heart and curiosity deflate upon seeing the couch empty, the blanket laying messily on the side of it. He fought the tears that threatened to leave his eyes, telling himself that being disappointed and feeling abandoned by a person he didn't even know was stupid, if his dad could leave him why wouldn't a random woman?
He got dressed in an almost frenzy, his clothes messy as he emerged from his room and into the kitchen just in time to be able to eat breakfast before he had to get on the bus to get to school. He ignores the disappointment in his chest as neither his mother nor his stepfather ask him if he's okay, both of them more preoccupied with his younger sister who was babbling and making baby noises as she received attention from her parents. 
He leaves the house alone, sad and wishing the woman and her Tardis would return and take her with him, or that she would at least answer his questions before disappearing again. 
He knows she has to be real, he knows that one day he will see her again.
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bunbeeplays · 5 months
The Lemon Legacy: Generation 1, Chapter 74 - Nailed It
It's been a busy time for Xander, constantly working on the restaurant. Today, Moses and Ian are helping him set up the instruments that the band, The Main Squeeze, bought. Ophelia isn't expecting the visitor that shows up at her door but it's a pleasant surprise, nonetheless.
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Ophelia: Hey, what brings you here?
Drew: You better not have any plans. We're doing a spa day.
Ophelia: What? Really? You don't strike me as the spa type.
Drew: We've been planning band stuff out, I figured we both need an excuse to chill.
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Drew: We can get massages, get our nails done-
Ophelia: Who are you and what have you done with Drew?
Drew: Come on, nonbinary people can get their nails done too! I just can't get those big ol' claws you like so much cuz my guitar strings would rip them off.
Ophelia: I'm in.
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In the time they've been attending yoga classes at this spa, neither of them have ever taken advantage of the other services besides the pool. This will be a nice change of pace!
Drew: Sul sul! One wrench and a buffalo wing tea for the lady!
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It also happens to be Night on the Town, so their drinks are free!
Ophelia: Woooo, Night on the Town!
Drew: It's like 11 AM.
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Drew: So Xander said after they get the stage set up, it's all done?
Ophelia: Basically, except a few finishing touches. He's been so secretive, I can't believe Moses and Ian got to see the place before me.
Drew: We'll have plenty of time to see it when we're performing there.
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Ophelia: I'll finally get to see it tomorrow! I'm so excited.
Drew: You should be! That's why we've got to get you fresh in-game painted nails instead of CAS nails.
Ophelia: If you wanted to get your nails done, you don't have to use me as a scapegoat.
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Drew: Hey, we're here for our 12 o'clock.
Rita: Ah, Mx. Padilla, hello! And that must be Ophelia.
Ophelia: You booked an appointment? What if I had said no?
Drew: I may be skinny but I'm not afraid to throw you over my shoulder.
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Alex: Alright, prepare to be pampered, Miss Lemon!
It was sort of nice having her hands massaged before getting her nails done. Definitely worth the money!
She goes for something a little more glamorous than usual. Treat yourself!
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Drew also likes their manicure, though they're not exactly the glam type.
Drew: Brings me back to my grunge days in high school. Sure hope there's a revival soon.
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Ophelia autonomously put on a face mask before the two part ways for their massages.
Ophelia: A deep tissue massage won't hurt too bad, right?
Lana: Don't worry, Miss Lemon, I'm a trained professional. I did all my certifications online!
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Ophelia spins into a robe and lays down on the massage table.
Lana: Now just relax and let me take care of those sore muscles.
Ophelia: Okay…
It feels nice at first… until the masseuse digs her knuckles into her spine!
Lana: Oof, this is a big knot.
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There are parts of the massage that feel good… and there are parts where Ophelia feels like the masseuse is trying to fold her into an origami swan. Stop pulling her shoulder back like that, lady!
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Ophelia practically hobbles off of the massage table.
Lana: Hope you enjoyed!
She certainly did not. She feels bad for not tipping but not tipping is better than chewing her out for jerking her around the dang table!
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Ophelia admires her nails while waiting by the pool for Drew.
Drew: Watcher, I feel like a new Sim. How was that massage?
Ophelia: …Great.
Drew: Great! Let's slam down more free drinks and take advantage of the pool!
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Somehow relaxing in that ridiculous pool floatie did more to ease her aching back than that dang massage did. Drew the party animal isn't used to sitting around, so they do a super splash in their lounger, which is something I didn't know you could do.
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Ophelia, the wise and mature future matriarch of this legacy, does her own super splash in her lounger. Hey, this is their day to have fun, so she's going to have fun, damn it!
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Ophelia: This was fun, Drew. I really needed this.
Drew: Glad to hear it, dude. I've gotta head home. Text me tomorrow about how cool the bar is, okay?
Ophelia: You got it.
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Xander comes dragging in pretty late, and very tired.
Ophelia: Well hello there, Mister New CC Hair. Way to pick a haircut that's eerily similar to your other one.
Xander: I'm a pretty adventurous guy, but my hairstyle is one thing I'm content with, Lemon Cake.
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Ophelia blathers on about her day as they eat a late dinner, and Xander nods and smiles along.
Ophelia: You okay? You've been quiet.
Xander: Just sleepy. Your nails look very pretty.
Ophelia: Thanks, sweetie. Let's finish up and I'll tuck you in.
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Xander: Tuck me in?
Ophelia: Yeah, good boys who work very hard deserve to get tucked in.
In all fairness, she did tuck him under the covers. She just decided to tuck herself under there too.
I can't stand these two
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mlobsters · 9 months
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supernatural s13e2 the rising son (w. eugenie ross-leming, brad buckner)
kind of pissy and upset that crowley is actually dead-dead and it was such a weird anticlimactic sendoff that i didn't even realize it while watching. so seeing his dumb little topside throne room i'm getting all weird and protective over it being his space.
sure felt like a problem behind the scenes and i was avoiding looking it up and well, this is wholly unsurprising
via screenrant
Not long after the Supernatural Crowley death, there was a moment on X (formerly known as Twitter) in which executive producer Jim Michaels hinted that Crowley and Mark A. Sheppard might not be done with the series for good. However, Sheppard responded by accusing Michaels of intentionally misleading fans and stated bluntly there were no plans for him to come back at any juncture.
oof, and the nycc comments summarized by looper
"Once they decided they needed to do something different [with the direction of the show], they tried to get rid of me without telling me that they were going to get rid of me," Sheppard revealed during a solo panel at 2018's New York Comic Con. Never one to mince words, Sheppard expressed his disappointment with his demise on the show, continuing, "I'd gone from being the smartest character on the show to being the dumbest character on the show in two seasons. They ran out of what to do." Needless to say, he did not leave the show on the best of terms.
oof x2
asmodeus, great, sure ok. now he said it the way i thought it was pronounced originally (asmo-DAYus). and then on the magicians, they pronounced it asMO-deeus. i believe they're all accepted pronunciations?
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the magicians s1e10 homecoming
the white suit and the thick accent and the speechifying, it's giving confederate general slash colonel sanders vibes. the foghorn leghorn knives out treatment. also feels like he's doing an impression of someone. i keep thinking mcconnaughey but i don't know why, different accent
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eyes rolling into the back of my head
i didn't think the show could get bad enough that i wouldn't be able to finish watching, because i have such a strong attachment to sam and dean... but i feel like that they might be proving me wrong
DEAN You can slow down, you know. That’s stuff’s not gonna disappear. SAM Ever seen you eat, Dean?
seriously. one of my least favorite character traits
that interaction was cute, mainly because jackles seemed way more... i dunno. relaxed? and that little small expression to sam where he widens his eyes to jack getting what teleport is, just feels really natural. also his voice seems slightly different? more like jensen's actual voice dropped a little instead of putting on the voice for dean. less raspy, more resonant and rounded sounding but still deep. well and likely that's been happening and i just didn't notice or they're doing the audio differently
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wheezing over the perspective of this making sam look like gandalf with the hobbits on the couch
speaking of resonant voices, donatello the new prophet that i 90% forgot about
JACK Is that why Dean hates me? SAM Dean doesn’t hate you. It… Look, sometimes the wires in Dean’s head get crossed and—and he gets frustrated, and then he mixes frustration with anger, and—and fear. JACK Why would he be afraid? SAM Because Dean feels like it’s his job to protect everyone. And right now, we need to protect you. But we may also need to protect people from you. JACK Maybe I’m not worth all this. SAM Your mom thought you were. So did Cas. So do I.
i'll take sam talking about dean every day of the week but eh. grating on me a bit this thing with sam being calm and reasonable and dean being stubborn, either it has happened a lot in the past couple seasons or i'm being grumpy because i'm unhappy with the show in general
BARTENDER I hated my old man. I ran away myself. See, my mom would never stick up for me. But… (sighs) you know kids. No matter what, they still want the old man’s approval. Well, that’s how it was with me, just… DEAN You know, that’s, uh, that’s how it was with me, too.
frustratingly in-character that dean will dump out his emotional issues to randos. and oh no it was actually the latest bad guy demon
so whatever fic i read that i thought was about purgatory i'm wondering if it was in this hell-au/apocalypse world because this is more like what i was expecting from purgatory. gray and dirt
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sitting down to talk through their disagreement in obnoxious slatted light
SAM Point is… if you and I are gonna do this, keep Jack on the right side of things, then—then we have to be on the same page. DEAN Okay. Well, that’s the problem, though, Sam, ‘cause we’re not on the same page. Like, at all. SAM All right. You know what? I know what’s going on here. DEAN Oh. Okay. Well, please, tell me, what’s going on here? SAM You thinking Mom is gone and Cas is gone, and that Jack can’t be saved. Dean, after everything we’ve gone through… We just lost people we love, people who have been in our lives for a long time. Everything’s upside-down. I get it. But we’ve been down before. I mean, rock bottom. And we find a way. We fix it because that’s what we do. And Jack w—wants to do the right thing. Jack’s scared to death of who he is, and he’s scared of you.
very rousing speech, sammy. i'm not feeling it but sure
listen. this is the most ridiculous plot choice. 1) we need to protect jack and take him to the bunker because angels/demons/etc all want him, tried to get him warded via tattoo 2) not-hunter donatello shows up so hey, jack can stay with him because things got tense yesterday. he doesn't need that close of protection that we should tolerate unnecessary tension. 3) oh no. general colonel sanders has found him and now he's gone ;( big sad face
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who choreographed this fight scene??? laughing and distressed. stunt person getting some up close and personal time with jackles's (or his stunt double's) crotch/ass
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often wondered why they never throw the angel blades, since they're dime a dozen these days. can't have anything too op though right, why they had to melt down the colt. also sam's hair seems to be sort of reverting more to that... s10? styled-ish bob thing
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foley of the outside sounds is very nice and interesting location at least
the monsters crawling out of the pit very slowly was so so cheesy, good grief
every time we check in with mary and lucifer i'm wondering how she's not going to die from dehydration. and michael and lucifer are gonna have a little throwdown punchout, sure
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SAM These yellow-eyed things just keep on comin’, huh? DEAN Mm—hmm.
how it feels as a viewer too 🥴
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this episode had some new angles and lighting and getting a little more creative in shot selection, so that's nice at least. also less music? there's still some score but i think like this sequence not having music is really effective. and hey this guy directed 11x04 baby too
JACK Exactly. What the hell am I? I can’t control… whatever this is. I will hurt someone. DEAN You know, my brother thinks you can be saved. JACK You don’t believe that. DEAN No, I don’t. JACK So… if you’re right? DEAN If I’m right… and it comes to killing you… I’ll be the one to do it.
i'm all for them having a kid, because why not. you know i eat up that domestic bullshit with a spoon. but this very clear setup of a character arc for dean and jack and whatever, just feels very set up.
i keep thinking about how like, if xyz that happened in this episode happened in s4 or something, i think i'd genuinely appreciate it then. but like.. we have been down the same path so many times now, i can't really appreciate the things anymore. i don't want to hate everything, and i'm really trying to come into each episode with limited baggage and appreciate when i can because otherwise i will just give up. this is the only thing i do in the evening after the kids are in bed. if i hate everything about it every day, i'll have to find something else to do sooner rather than later. but i'm also invested in completing it. if i've made it this far.. buh. anyway.
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cinamun · 2 years
I need your help sis! I'm so overwhelmed looking at my mods folder. I know we need to clear out cribs, default eyes and script mods. I have so many mods, especially CAS and BB. Where do I begin? How did you do it? I am ready to get back to my Blackburns. I've done twisted mexi, UI cheats, mccc, cas columns and dark mode. I feel like I'm missing some other major ones though.
Oof! And it is definitely overwhelming! I took out every gameplay mods and mods that affected CAS and added sub-menu interactions. Basically, I followed this:
"This patch will affect more mods than usual because it’s for a new lifestage, an EP with many new features, and a Live-mode Sim pie-menu reorganization! It will also break door, gate, and baby CC." 
That whole thread is super helpful and if I saw on tumblr or that page (which I still have open) that something was fixed, I download and replace it. I think that's the simplest way to do it. Especially for folks with a lot of mods. I did this one by one and then tested with gameplay.
As it turns out, doors and gate cc still works! At least that is what is being reported in the thread I linked. I'm experiencing issue where sims holding babies don't sit in chairs they just kind of bend their knees in the middle of them. I'm not about to take out all of my cc chairs because its happening with base game chairs too. I think it might be a batch fix thing.
S4S might be updated this weekend which will help a lot. Good luck, its a lot! BUT, at this point, almost all of what I removed I've put back in because they've been updated.
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theyarebothgunshot · 2 years
I decided to watch the movie Tombstone, which I haven't seen since I was like, maybe 10 years old (the censored, edited down to allow for commercials version that was on cable lmao) and woooowwwwww there's a lot of homoerotic subtext between Doc Holliday and Wyatt Earp. Also Val Kilmer was doing The Most in this movie. I love that in spn Tombstone, Cas quotes him, in a movie that is like a catchphrase generator; I think his experience of losing his grace made him really resonate with Doc's end-stage tuberculosis. Plus the whole being in love with his best friend thing (Doc, when Wyatt suggests he shouldn't be in a gunfight while coughing up blood: "that's a hell of a thing to say to me, Wyatt Earp." Doc: "Wyatt Earp is my friend." Someone else, forget who, but basically was saying Doc is out of his mind to get involved in this mess: "I got a lot of friends." Doc: "Well I don't."). I need to know what kind of face journeys Dean was having while watching this with Cas.
-Honeymoon Anon
oof, the allegations just keep on keeping on huh....
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mrkis · 1 year
this is a submission written by ellie (@thetypingpup). you don't understand how fucking much i enjoy these reactions and how she feels reading twlg LMFAO. i have already read through and responded to her via discord (as she was kind enough to send this as soon as the final dropped) please enjoy reading this as much as i fucking did LMAO
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The last federalist paper (for now lmao)
Good lord this is nerve wracking and emotional. I’m literally shaking as I’m typing this. But we’re here. We’re at the last part, and I’m writing my last condemnation of that man (unless i come up with more to say bc i probably will lmao). I’m gonna do the same thing as last time where i’m gonna write the reaction as an essay while I read, so somewhat intelligent, lots of screaming. *deep breath* ok here we go
Full disclosure, I have trust issues with these types of stories so I did skip to glance at the end first to see where this went, and so far all I have to say is huh…I did not see that coming.
Ok now to see how we got there.
Omg what’s this? Actual thoughts…ABOUT MC? Positive thoughts that aren’t just about sex?? What the fuck???? Omg i’m really taken aback by this so far holy shit. And omg not him being worried for mc? Is that worry on your face sir? Where’s all this coming from holy shit this is what i’ve been waiting for from him the whole time what? Fuck better late than never for that man, better late than never. Jeno’s right tho he is spending an awful lot of time with eunbin. Might wanna…might wanna address that sir.
I will say tho that scene with jeno is the first time we’re seeing the exclusive thing be acknowledged from mc’s side. Again better late than never. Treading a lot of ground in this part wow. Jeno’s the number one best friend so far here. 
This is just the chapter of surprises bc not that man is the one to be like “we need to talk”. Not mc being the avoidant one. Not me almost crying at that kiss scene. Which is crazy bc I read the spoiler, but in context it's a gut punch. This has been nothing but surprise after surprise so far. Wheeeeew that was a clusterfuck of emotions omfg why do I feel for both of them WHAT THE FUCK CAS WHAT THE FUCK???
"Jaemin feels conflicted." Bitch I feel conflicted bc there were some egregious bumps in the road before getting to this point with that man. I would know I wrote about them at length lmao. And I be if he had a gun to his head he still couldn’t list five of mc’s personality traits. Welp, let’s see how he atones for all that. 
“I wish I could pull an Eunbin and leave on a trip.” AND I OOP. ANNA OUUUUU. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW WHAT THE FUCK WOOOOOOOOOOOOW. Ok wow. Just….wooooooow. I can’t even say anything intelligent. The words are on the tip of my fingers, but all I can type is just….wooooooooow.
I’m loving the dynamic with the three besties too. Like yes mc is the main character, but i’m so glad the others have established storylines and the dynamic btw them is really fleshed out, and it’s all displayed so seamlessly through their interactions. It’s giving euphoria in the best ways.
“You hardly know anything about him, and that’s because he doesn’t let you” YES EXACTLY THANK YOU. oof there we go some acknowledgement. At the very least tho, mc knows some things. Surface level things, but still some things, things we've seen, which is still more than i can say for that man at this point. So far what do we got from him? Uhm…he likes the sex, he likes the emotional support, thinks you’re pretty, and…that’s what we got so far. Ah well, we’ll see how that changes leading to the end.
OMG YANGYANG MY MAN. MY BOY. the way i was internally screaming throughout that whole scene. Poor guy I feel bad for him, but i’m glad it was a blurting out of ‘hey actually i like you and i wouldn’t do that shit to you that he did’. As much as i personally would’ve loved to see that, i am glad that he respected her enough to keep that part to himself and just comfort her. Once again proving that he cares so fucking much about her omg. In another universe this would be a different canon event and these two would be together bc the tenderness? The care? The heart wrenching confession of ‘i love you’ whispered so quietly it could easily be lost to the wind? The tug on the heart strings? The way we got so much more of how he actually feels about mc than we ever got about that man in tens of thousands of words? The way all of this affection for her came through in a few paragraphs? *big sigh* in another universe. In another universe. Alright let’s see what’s going on with that man again fack.
Yeeeeeeees. This yangyang confrontation yaaaaaaaaaaaas. Bring it oooooooooooooon. Ah damnit he doesn’t beat his ass. He should’ve had one good punch in. nah but on some shit, dramatically, this is a perfect follow up to the previous scene. Yes he technically betrayed mc’s trust, but fuck it someone had to get the ball rolling, so it makes perfect scene. 
Ok i’ll admit, when that man’s heart sank when eunbin finally admitted her shit, i smiled. I smiled real big. I had a grinch smile on my face. Serves him fuckin right after everything that’s happened. Oh we cheered. Oh we cheered and clapped. More pain more heartache for that man he needs to suffer. I still don’t know why that man was spending so much time with her to begin with after he claimed to be done with her before, but at least that time is over. Oh wait a minute now what’s this? Acknowledgement? Self awareness? He finally figured out the problem with having eunbin around? Just surprise after surprise this chapter wow. 
“Do you realize you were the one that broke the rules first?” “Enough with that fucking name” GET HIM AGAIN FOR ME. GET HIM. WHACK HIM. DRAAAAAAAAG HIM. Wheeeeeew my head is spinning omfg. GET HIIIIIIIIIM. FINALLY oh my god you have no idea who cathartic this is. The way it still wasn’t her verbally agreeing at all, at any point, and just that man decided “hey we’re exclusive now” and still going along with it. Like what now she’s saying she agreed to this? Where was this before?? That does still bother me quite a bit I cannot lie. But still GET HIM AGAIN.
Ok here’s his apology. Hmmm…I feel like he’s got a lot more to apologize for (see previous essays lmao), and again besides the sex, the emotional support, and now a more apparent attraction, still don’t know what it is about her that he’s drawn to. Can he name those personality traits or do I need to grab the revolver? What is it that he likes as a person? As a human being? I guess that’s gonna be one of those unanswered questions. I guess that’s the way life goes.
The ending is very sweet tho don’t get me wrong. The love making is very sweet. The epilogue is very sweet. It’s very cathartic and really made me emotional to read. Now, is he still that man? Am I still his parole officer? What’s the verdict? Well I just finished the chapter and so far I have to say hmmm…I guess Jaemin is in the clear FOR NOW. He’s done his prison time. We’ll call this probation then. But I will be watching for him in the upcoming parts of this college series, and I’m more than prepared to make a citizens’ arrest if I have to I will be the first one to jump his ass.
Fuck this was…such a journey. This was such a fucking journey. And honestly this journey even transcends this work. Like yes this work is masterfully done, one of the most enriching immersive experiences I’ve ever had with a fic, but I already told you that lmao. Through this I joined the discord, met some incredible people and made some incredible friends. Through this I met you, and you’ve become such a special friend to me and I value our friendship so much. I appreciate the fuck out of it (see what i did there please clap). I’m proud of you Cassie, for putting in all this work, for seeing this through to the end, and for cultivating an incredible community with your amazing work. 
 I was going to end this with something cheesy like "the real way life goes was the friends we made along the way", but i'm moreso sitting there like the fish in bags in finding nemo all like...now what? Lmao will be tuning in for your future work!
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Southern Comfort (8x06)
Soooooo much to unpack in this episode. Settle in, this could be a long one...
Ok so the brothers have a brief but heated conversation about Benny that amounts to
Sam: He's a vampire, why is he still "alive"?
Dean: He's my friend, idk.
Sam: What about Amy? Remember MY friend that YOU killed?
Dean: Character growth? 🤷🏼‍♂️
Not a great conversation for resolving anything, but it dragged some things out into the light of day, so it's a start. And it showed that Dean is working on developing some layers to his worldview, slowly, painfully, but he is working at it.
And then there's Garth. Gotta love the scrawny little weirdo. In his fringed jacket, joyful enthusiasm seeing Sam & Dean, ridiculous ringtones, and doing his best to fill the gap in the hunter community left when Bobby died. But Garth is always a good touchstone for the brothers, oddly astute and more aware of them than they are, and he gives them something to align on, namely, their shared reaction to him. And even though Garth was getting all Bobby's idiosyncrasies wrong, he did make a damn good point...
Garth: Bobby belonged to all of us, Dean – not just you and Sam. 
Because while Bobby was second dad to Sam & Dean, they aren't actually the only people in the world, a fact that Dean frequently forgets. It's not Dean's fault that even in his mid-30's he still lacks emotional maturity, he had a shitty childhood that set him way behind the curve on developing that way. He's working on it.
Then an Amelia flashback scene that finally shows us something sympathetic about her character. Of course it's a parallel to Sam & Dean, because of course it is. Her husband went and joined the military, without consulting her first and then got shipped off and died. Oof, that sucks. So she was adrift, exactly like Sam was, and they just happened to drift across each other's paths. No wonder they gravitated towards one another, they were licking the same wounds. The difference was that Sam's lost loved one comes back. Oh and her husband was named Don, similar enough to Dean for ya?
Sidenote: I love all the digs at the confederacy bs, because, yeah, they lost the war. I do not care who is offended by my thoughts on this either. Unfollow me.
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Garth: Hey, uh, Sam. If you ever need to talk, I just want to let you know that I'm here. About anything – you know, life, uh, Dean, you.
Sam: I'm okay. Thanks.
Garth: I mean, it just seems like you and Dean are talking but nobody's listening to each other.
Garth gets it, he sees it. Oh boy, 'nother Amelia flashback. Yep, matching sets of issues.
And now Dean is possessed. There is a whole lot in the conversation, so I'm just going to compile the highlights...
Dean: You should have looked for me when I was in Purgatory. You never even wanted this life. Always blamed me for pulling you back into it. Everything you've ever done since you climbed into my ride has been to deceive me. Drinking demon blood, check. Being in cahoots with Ruby. Not telling me that you lost your soul. Or how about running around with Samuel for a whole year, letting me think that you were dead while you're doing all kinds of crazy. Those aren't mistakes, Sam. Those are choices! I might have lied, but I never once betrayed you. I never once left you to die. And for what, a girl? You left me to die for a girl? Benny has been more of a brother to me this past year than you've ever been! That's right. Cas let me down. You let me down. The only person that hasn't let me down is Benny.
Sam actually didn't have much to say, he admitted that he's made mistakes, but he doesn't push back too hard against Dean. Two very good reasons for this.
Dean has a gun aimed at him and is currently possessed by a nasty spectre who is out for blood.
Sam actually feels guilty for exactly what Dean is upset with him for after all, to his credit, he doesn't argue about it that much. This is not to say that Sam doesn't have valid beef with Dean, but in this case, Sam's conscience agrees with Dean. Sam's just still processing all of it.
And then, of course, Garth saves the day by punching Dean (ballsy move for our scrappy little hunter) and he pinpoints precisely wtf is up between the brothers.
Garth: You can't change the past, amigo. Stop being a idjit! With Bobby dead, you and Sam are all each other has. And that's not so bad, man.
Ugh, another flashback. I always forget how many flashbacks there are in this season. Like, yes, a well-timed flashback is a great narrative tool, but they are way over used here. I love the show, but at a certain point I wish they'd just give us the whole story and move on. Whatever, that's a me problem.
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sarah-dipitous · 2 years
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 18
"Hell House"
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: Yes. 100%. I wouldn't be going to a place that's referred to as Hell House especially knowing "it goes after girls." (I have lost count of what I would and wouldn't survive, so....sorry)
AND I WAS RIGHT! Their injuries, even the ones on their faces, are mysteriously healed. (Thanks, Cas? Maybe?)
I am very excited for this Winchester prank war.
Listening to the kids recounting their time in the Hell House and how none of their stories match up in ANY detail except for whose fault it was they were there...amazing
I don't believe Craig (Greg?)'s backstory for it. Like, I don't think he's lying, it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Or maybe I'm just thinking this is a vengeful ghost thing when it might not be.
Is this...is this the first encounter with the ghost facers??? omg om g yesssss. ...mmmm maybe not. Still very funny to have them encounter other ghost hunters.
Dean's mad Sam got him good...
OOf. How much of an asshole must this kid be if his friend would rather go into the Hell House this soon after a reported death than make out with him?
Is the symbol....one from Meg's warehouse altar?? (It was not.)
Really Dean? Itching powder?? That's immature and LOW, but I'm still proud of you for it.
Okay...now I'm once again thinking these guys might be the Ghost Facers (I hope I'm right). And I've keyed in on the line about how this ghost hunt is their ticket to "the big time. Fame. Money. Sex...with girls" who...hey boys? who have y'all been? What is the implication here? (Though the fact that these two are supposed to be nerdy loser foils to Sam and Dean...even though Dean constantly calls Sam a nerd and says things like "this is why you never get laid" when Sam *checks notes* knows or has found out something relevant about a supernatural being. ANYWAY) For a show that was supposed to be so targeted toward white cishet guys, THIS IS STILL JUST SEASON ONE.
(I can't wait for Sam to probably win the prank war)
There are three minutes left, which includes end credits, and I can't believe the solution was arson. I love it when the solution is arson.
These guys WISH they were Shane and Ryan.
So the prank war ended in a truce between the brothers, but they pranked the proto Ghost Facers pretty hard
"Been On My Mind...": (Prediction: Considering what we got last episode, I'm gonna go with no) I was right.
"The Doctor Dances"
The strange solutions just keep coming tonight. I forgot yelling "Go to your room!" worked (at least for some time) in this episode.
Jack mentioning Pompeii for a alien...time travel...con job makes me sad he wasn't even, like, in the background for the time Donna and Ten were there. Can you imagine if (along with seeing Karen Gillan and Peter Capaldi) you just saw Jack running romancing random Pompeii citizens while trying to pull off a job? Would have been genius. And all this was in RTD's original run!! He could have made it happen!!
Omg. THIS episode starts (or maybe just HAS) the whole banana thing?
Well DAMN, Nancy! This dude's "messin' about" with the butcher you say? Are you...well, that's shit to hold that over him as blackmail.
Oh to be a haunted child punching its way through a wall. What the absolute fuck.
"You don't even know how to read or write" "Don't need to. I've got a machine!" Sounds about right.
Jack and Rose (....am I watching Doctor Who or Titanic?) ganging up on the Doctor "talking about dancing"...superb
I love the implication that as soon as we left Earth, we just started fucking every alien we could. The Captain Jack Harkness Rule or whatever it's called is so real
There are certain kinds of body horror I can take, but bad special effects of someone's face turning into a gas mask....still no.
If there was anyone you could tell the future to, it's someone who wouldn't possibly be believed if they told someone else, but you took a huge risk there, Rose.
Yeaaaahhhh!!! I did remember that Nancy was Jamie's mom!
Oh. Oh, I'm...I'm just..."Everybody lives, Rose. JUST THIS ONCE! EVERYBODY LIVES!!" It's such a wonderful moment.
Normally, I'm not a fan of doctors gaslighting their patients, but this doctor telling the one woman that perhaps she miscounted how many legs she had when she came to the hospital? You know, on account of the war? I don't even know what to say lol
This scene with Jack would be sadder if I didn't know that he lives to see the end of the world.
(...aaaaaaaaand then they bring back the Slitheen for next episode...)
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