#i need to to squeeze them like dog toys til their eyes pop out
rocksandmirrors · 1 year
idk what happens in my brain when i see a drawing of the losers kissing, but it's awakening something unhinged for sure
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vanchlo · 4 years
Under The Bed / Chapter Two, “Harry”
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ABOUT: Josie Stephens was having a hard enough time at her mere age of five, having to start Kindergarten and move to a new house. Little did she know that it all would get a lot worse that first night when a monster popped out from under her bed, changing her life forever. Inspired by the 1989 movie, Little Monsters, one of my childhood favorites, I began this story in 2016 and recently fell back in love with it.
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WARNINGS: Mild swearing
WORD COUNT: 5.3k words
"I said, who are you?!"
"Calm down, ya big baby! I came from under yer bed an' I scared ya. Now, what does that big brain ol’ brain of yers tell ya I am?" he replies, and it takes a few seconds before the answer pops into my head.
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It's not the easiest to remember, but when a monster just happens to pop out from under your bed one night, it's not something that you can forget.
The moving trucks were pulling away from the house. Finally. No longer was the front curb crowded by their orangeneness and height. At last, the few big guys walking in and out of the trucks holding all of our stuff were too. I didn't want to move, and I didn't like the new house. It smelled weird and the staircase was like a mountain that I had to climb every day with my short five year old legs. All of my toys were in boxes that were stacked in my room. Nothing but my new big girl bed, a lamp and Mr. Snuggles, the stuffed duck, took up my scary big room that was all mine. But, boy, were there boxes. There were ones labeled in Mom's scribble, 'Josie's clothes,' and ‘Josie's toys' and 'Josie's books.’ Blah blah blah. 
All of this moving business seemed pretty stupid to me. I liked our old backyard better, and that we didn’t have a staircase I had to struggle to climb too many times a day. Lastly, I moved away from Betsy who lived across the street, and Mollie who lived on the corner. I had nobody to play House with or have tea parties with. I think that was the worst part of moving to this stinky, new house. I had to leave my old friends, which meant that I had no friends at all. Maybe Mr. Snuggles was the only one but he couldn't talk, and tea with only two people is boring. I had a new scary bed and bedroom. A new, big house to get used to. Painting the new, cracked sidewalk with chalk didn't sound like fun. 
I had no friends, and I felt so alone.
Dad closes my door behind him and Mom, mumbling one last 'sweet dreams' and a kiss before the creaky door closes. The room is cloaked in darkness, making new sounds I don't like and that scare me. The Scooby Doo night light next to my bed is the only light there is, except for the faint streetlight out the left window. Otherwise, it's pitch black, so much so I can't even see my own hand in front of me, and that's when I know it's bad. Lying there under the new, cold, and scratchy sheets, I stare into the dark trying to fall asleep. Mr. Snuggles' fuzzy yellow head is tucked under my chin, and my pink blankey;s clutched to my chest. The sound of cars outside is a small hum through the window, and I can hear the muffled noise of my parents talking downstairs.
It feels like I've been lying here for hours, making me wonder why Mom said that 'I should be out like a light after how tiring today was’ when I just can't fall asleep. But, I don't know, because I didn’t do much else besides sitting on the rickety swing outside. I sat there with Mr. Snuggles watching Mom, Dad, and the moving men bring stuff into the house. Bug Juice after Bug Juice and a mini bag of Oreos was for lunch. 
After a while, I hear the lights flick off and the bar of yellow light under my door turns to black, their work done for the night. My parents' voices get closer as their steps creak on the stairs and disappear down the hall, and then it's quiet. Too quiet. Shutting my eyes, I take a breath as I hold Mr. Snuggles closer and breathe in his familiar scent. But then there's a small click and when I open my eyes, the nightlight is out. Not soon after that, there's a scuffle and my bed lifts on the one side only to fall back down to the floor with a thud.
My heart is thumping in my chest fast and I'm sinking down into my Hello Kitty covers, pulling them over my head as my nervous breaths leave my mouth loudly. I suddenly hear somebody else breathing and the sound of footsteps. Quickly, I'm pretty sure I'm going to die and Mr. Snuggles is going to die with me. No, not Mr. Snuggles. A pair of hands rips the covers down off of my face, but I keep my eyes squeezed shut.
"Are ya serious, ya think bloody bed covers are gonna keep ya safe now?" a thick slow voice says, one that sounds . . weird. It sounds like a boy, an older one than me, and he says his words all weird. "C'mon now, open yer eyes already."
I shake my head, not knowing why I'm doing it but I do. Mom always says I'm stubborn and don't like to do what I'm asked of, whatever that word means. "Oh my god, just open yer eyes," they groan, and I don't know why, but I do. I hear a loud 'boo!' and a pair of hands shake my shoulders, making me scream but a hand comes over my mouth to stop it. A strong musty smell surrounds me. "Bloody hell, ya gotta pair of lungs on you! Keep it down, will ya? Don' wanna wake yer parents an' have 'em come in here. 'd lose me bloody job an' 'd only make yer life mo’ of a living hell if that happened, I swear t’ it," they mutter, voice high with alarm, and ending in a creepy laugh. His tongue makes a weird sound, but I can't see him. I can only hear him. For a second in the dark, I see two hovering green circles above me that don't go anywhere, and then tiny little blue dots appear out of nowhere.
Breathing hard and fast and trying to protect Mr. Snuggles, I open my mouth and bite down hard on what I think is his hand. It tastes gross, and it's cold. He mutters a loud 'ouch!' and then there's creaky steps, his musty smell going away, but only a litte. "I can' believe ya fuckin’ bit me, ya li'l brat!"
"Who are you?" I nearly shout, words feeling weird as my voice shakes.
"Be quiet, will ya? You'll wake yer parents- how many times do I gotta say it?!"
"T-tell me who you are, now!" I bite back, slowly sitting up and hearing sounds from across my dark room. "A-And what did you do with my nightlight?"
"Ya want it so bad, then here, have it," he says, something scuffing against the ground before suddenly it's back in the wall and it's all lit up. "Yer sumthin', arentcha? God, never knew why you goddamn kids liked some stupid dog that talked, anyways. I bloody hate nightlights, they don't really do anythin', do they?"
"I said, who are you?!"
"Calm down, ya big baby! I came from under yer bed an' I scared ya. Now, what does that big brain ol’ brain of yers tell ya I am?" he replies, and it takes a few seconds before the answer pops into my head. I hug Mr. Snuggles tighter to my body and breathe him in, my eyes growing hot and watery.
"Oh my bloody god, dontchu cry. No, no, no, dontchu fuckin’ cry on me," they say really fast, letting out a loud breath at the end. The tears fall down my cheeks long and hot, Mr. Snuggles taking the brunt of them as I hold onto him for dear life. "Please, I hate it when you lot cry, 's bloomin' annoyin’ an' it hurts me ears . . Yer not s’posed t’ do it ‘til afta I leave, ugh. Please stop yer cryin' already, Josie."
I sniffle and lift my head after a second, trying to find him in the dark, whoever he is. But, I still can't see a thing. I think he's across the room towards my closet, but I don't really know. "H-how do you know my name- who are you? Tell me already!"
"Okay, okay. Will ya ever shut that bloody mouth of yers? 'm uh, well 'm a monsta, if ya hadn't figured that out already. Yer a bright little five year old, figured you'd know that by now," they reply, and then there's footsteps. They're getting louder and, so I think, closer.
"How do you know all this stuff about me?"
"That's not even that much, ya brat. I know loads 'bout ya. Know yer birthday, even what time you were born down t' tha second. Know ya hate spiders and frogs, think they're gross 'cuz they're all slimy an' squishy. Know ya jus' moved from yer old house t' this one t’day, an' that ya think tha basement's reaaaaal scary. Also know that yer scared of unda ya bed, as ya should be, an' that tha biggest thing yer scared of 's tha dark," he replies, and even though I can't see it, I know that my jaw is hanging down. Who is this person- well, monster, and why does he know so much about me? How?
"How d-do you know all that, and why do you know it?"
"'s me job t' know that stuff 'bout you, Josie. I only get sum stuff, y’know, tha stuff that matters t' me an' I need t' know. Now, why would I need t' know what yer scared of if 'm a big scary monsta? I bet ya can answer me that one, Josie Posie," he says, and I gulp loudly. Thinking about it for a second, I peek a look over to my door, or in the direction I think it would be in.
"No, no, dontchu even think 'bout screamin' or yer really not gonn' like me, Josie," he warns as I sniffle. I can taste the strawberry chapstick on my lips as they open and I yell the two words.
"Mommy, Daddy!"
"Ugh, ya've really done it now, Jose. I thought ya'd learn yer lesson, but guess not. Thanks a fuckin' lot," the boy mutters quietly. There's a tickle on my ankle before a scuffle, and my bed rises and dips again. 
The lights click on outside my room. I hear fast pitter--patter before my door flies open, and the light turns on. My mom comes in first in her pink bathrobe, pulling it around herself as she rushes over. Dad’s hot on her tail in a Packers shirt and checkered pajama bottoms.
"What is it, sweetie?" Mom hums as she stops in front of me, her face looking sad as her brown hair is all a mess.
"There was a monster in my room! He came from under my bed, and he was all mean and scary!"
They look at each other before pulling me in for a hug, playing with my hair and giving me kisses on the head.
"Honey, you probably just heard something. It's an old house and it makes noises sometimes, but it's nothing to worry about. You're just fine, there's no monsters under your bed because there's no such things as monsters," my dad says, sitting beside me and putting an arm around me.
Mom wipes my tears away and smoothes back my hair as they shush my worries and calm my mind before helping me back under the covers. There's about five 'no's when I ask if I can sleep with them, Dad looking more upset than Mom about it until they leave my bedroom with another 'goodnight' and a 'sweet dreams.’ The room is silent and still, except for the hovering Scooby Doo head lighting up the floor around it next to me. My eyes stay there as the warm blankets hug me. With Mr. Snuggles and blankey close, I shut my eyes and try to get some sleep, like Mom had said.
They fly open when I hear a sound, and I whimper when my bed moves again.
"Ya think yer a smart one, d’ya, Josie? Ya can’t get ridd’a me that fast, love," the boy murmurs, his footsteps creaking on the wooden floor. "They didn't believe ya, did they?"
A small 'no' comes from me as the blankets surround me in a warm cocoon, but I suddenly don't want to be lying here anymore. I want to sit up and see him, but that thought scares the bejeezus out of me the second I think about it.
"Didn' do a lotta good cryin' fer mummy an' daddy, now did it? Maybe ya should think 'bout that tha next time, an' see how good of an idea it seems."
"What do you want?!" I say, my lips bending into a frown as I pull myself up to face my closet, wishing I could see his face. But again, all that's there are the little blue random dots that seem to be in the shape of a rectangles or something, and the bright green dots.
"'m a monsta, love. Already told ya that, what d’ya think I want?"
"Are you really a monster?" I whine in question, feeling like there's a circus happening in my chest.
"Yeah, sure I am."
"You're not telling me a fib?"
"Nope, promise me black li'l monsta heart," they say, and I take a shaky breath as my heart thumps in my ears. Holding Mr. Snuggles as tight as I can, I swipe my tongue across my dry lips and stare into the darkness. The ceiling fan overheard whirs softly, the only sound in the room besides my loud breathing. "'m not tellin' ya a fib, Josie. Promise ya that. How d’ya think I came out from unda yer bed, anyways?"
"How am I supposed to believe you? I don't know you, and I can't even see what you look like when you're talking to me. Danget, I don't even know your name o-or if ya have one!"
"God, yer a feisty li'l one, arentcha, doll? Take a breath, would ya? I dunno, ya don' hafta believe me I s'pose, 's upta you on that one," he replies, and I only grow more confused, heaving a big breath. "Don' get so bent outta shape over it, 'm just yer monsta an' I scare ya. Yer not s'posed t' know me name, 's jus' how it 's, I reckon. Tha's all t' it, really. Now, if I did me job an' yer all scared outta yer socks an' everythin', 'll be off. Got other li'l tots I gott' scare besides yerself, y’know."
"But-," I chance, learning I was two seconds too late. There's a flick of something moving past the space the Scooby lights up, and my bed moves. e's gone. "No fair!" I shout, falling back onto my pillows with a plop. Tugginig my blankets back up, I mutter annoyances to Mr. Snuggles, picturing him replying and agreeing with me.
Then there's that sound again. Like a shoe against carpet, or something like that because Mom never lets me wear my shoes in the house, so I can't be sure. "Sweet dreams, Josie Posie! Oh, and sleep tight! I hope all the beddy bugs bite. 'll see ya later, ya li'l brat!" the squeaky scary voice says again before there's another scruff and I hear him leave, wherever in the world he came from.
Turning over with a whimper, I pull the covers over my head and shut my eyes, trying to think of happy things like sugar plums and fairies. I try to forget about what just happened, and the fact that I have a monster under my bed- my own scary monster.
The next day was unpack this and unpack that. Move this and move that. To make it plain and simple, it was boring, it was hot out, and I didn't want to ‘fill up my new bedroom,’ like Mom and Dad kept saying to try and make it sound fun. But it wasn't. Because I couldn't stop thinking about the night before when that thing came out from under my bed. After awhile it just melted down into a bad dream or something I had imagined, because I'm a kid and that's what kids do, right? I must have dreamt it or made it up. 
"It's looking nice so far, isn't it, Josie?" Mom says, looking around at my room staring to well, look like a bedroom. There's my dresser, and my little table for tea parties with my favorite stuffies sitting on the chairs. Clothes are beginning to get hung up in my closet, the bookcase against the wall just needs some books to make it look better and not so sad, and a nice pink rug sits by my door.
"Yeah, I guess," I say sadly, taking a seat on the purple beanbag in the corner, watching Mom turn towards the door when Dad comes in holding another box. He pushes his combed back blonde hair off of his sweaty forehead, wet patches showing under his armpits as he turns to walk away after setting down another box.
"Hmm, I wonder where we should put this," Mom says quietly to herself, holding an old shoebox of something or other. Taking a few steps, she crouches down to push aside my pink Hello Kitty comforter.
"No, don't!" I say, standing up fast and running over to her.
"Why noyt" she replies, looking at me quickly. I glance to the empty space under my bed, now that she's pushed the fabric to the side. When I see nothing but the dark wooden floor, I no longer worry, but now I'm confused. "You don't still think there's a monster under there, do you?"
"No, but maybe a really scary dust bunny," I joke and she smiles before pushing the stray box under there and standing back up to get working on things, because she'll never believe me, anyways. Dad and her didn't the first time, because who would believe me when I tell them there's a monster under my bed? I don't even know if it was real myself.
After a while, we take a break and all sit under the shade of the tall oak tree in the front yard. A pitcher of lemonade and hot dogs with potato chips is for lunch as we sit at our new picnic table. The hot June sun beats down on us as Mom and Dad quietly talk about where to put the couches and which would look better in different spots. I nibble on a crinkly yellow chip, looking around at the new neighborhood. And I wonder if I'll ever get past the cold fear settling in my stomach about this new house.
Mom kisses the top of my head, smoothing my hair back with her hand before disappearing into the hallway where Dad talks to somebody on the phone loudly. The door closes with a squeak and I turn over with a huff. I hold Mr. Snuggles and blankey as close as I can before closing my eyes, willing him to not come back. Please, please, please. Please don't come back, please don't come back. I fall asleep mumbling it under my breath, the Scooby light protecting me from the darkness, like Mom said. But I don't know how much I believe that anymore.
"Wake up!" a voice shouts, and I jolt awake to find somebody bouncing on my bed. "Bloody hell, get yer arse up already!" they say again, and as I rub my sleepy crusted eyes, I recognize the voice and how the words sound funny. It's the boy again, and he's back. It's the monster.
"I was sleeping."
"I can see that, but ya aren't anymo' so wake up. Did ya know ya snore? 's bloody annoyin', if ya ask me," he mutters, something hard like his leg not far away when I stretch my own out and touch him. They recoil from the cold sensation and I hug them back to my body.
Taking his words carefully, I reach over slowly to find the smooth metal chain and yank it hard to bathe the room in light. A scream leaves my lips when I lay my eyes on him, and as if things are moving in slow motion, I see his yellow tinged eyes with bright green circles roll into the back of his head. Next thing I know, he's practically lying on top of me with his cold gross hand over my mouth. My hurried words leave my mouth in muffled murmurs as his bad breath fans over me.
"Dontcha know how t' keep quiet, ya brat?" he spits, shaking his head of dirty brown curls, making them move and dislodging hair from around the two small yellow horns poking out of his head. One on each side, but that's just the first of it. "Scared ya, did I? Good tha's me job, ya li'l bugger. Now, if I take me hand off yer mouth are ya gonna promise not t' scream? Told ya last night what'll happen if ya do it again."
I nod my head slowly, taking in every part of him. His round head slowly nods too before he removes his hand from my mouth and sits back, letting me get up too. Crossing my legs, my eyes stay glued to him as he turns his head to I guess look around my room. "Looks like a bloody pink pixie threw up all over yer room, 's a bit much, innit?" he says, playing with his bottom lip as he scans my bedroom. A few boxes still sit there waiting to be unpacked, but for the most part my room is all made up. I swallow, and he looks over at me, his eyes going over me. "Ya forgot how t' speak or summat?"
"Y-You're really a monster . . I'm not just imagining it," I whisper, my words going all kinds of places.
"Sure am, Josie Posie. No point in really lyin' 'bout it, now 's there?" he says, breaking eye contact as he stands up. And I find out quickly that he's tall. Another twelfth thing I've learned about him in the last minute.
He waltzes over to the corner of my room where the tea table sits along with a shelf holding pull out baskets with different toys in each. His long pale fingers wrap around one of the handles and tugs on it, picking a red headed Barbie out and making a disgusted sound before stuffing it back in. "Yer such a girl, arentchu?" he complains, his blue tinted skin not bothering to push the basket back in before moving onto my bookshelf, picking up a light blue and purple book. "How ironic 's it that ya have this book, huh?" Turning to me and flashing the cover at me, I see that it's Monsters Inc. I want nothing more than to go back to sleep, I think.
"What does that word mean?" I say nervously, his movements slow and careful as he flips through the book and tosses it onto the floor carelessly, ending right side up on an open page. Looking back to me, his crazy brown eyebrows go up as he looks at me with his bright green eyes. I realize that's what I saw last night glowing in the dark, his neon eyes. "The word starting with an 'I'."
"'ironic'?" he asks, and I nod as he takes his time walking around inspecting my stuff, picking up Beary Jones and petting his soft brown fur. "It uh, I dunno how t' describe it, really. Means that sumthin's funny in a weird way, I guess."
"Whatever," I say, my head falling onto my pillow as I get back under the toasty warm covers.
"Ya can't go back t' bed yet."
"And how come?"
"Cuz, I haven't scared ya all good yet. I can't go yet 'til I have," he replies, running his hand over Beary Jones' ears before pulling at his red overalls. In a blink he rips his head off and white cotton is falling down onto the floor like snow.
"No, not Beary! Why'd you do that?"
"Would ya shutup already, ya nosy li'l brat? 's just a fake stuffed bear, get over it!" he snarls, flinging it onto the red table. Beary's head sits on the floor sadly, getting squished by his grimy black sneakers as he walks back over to me. I shrink into the covers as he approaches. "I scare ya all good yet, Josie Posie?"
I reply with a soft 'no' but as he gets closer I move back, reaching the other side of my bed until I'm almost falling over the edge. His pale face, a shade of light blue, gets closer and closer to mine. The little blue dots like freckles covering his ghostly skin look like little flattened balls of playdoh before they're gone, shouting a 'boo! My back hits the hard floor. A whimper leaves my lips and I hold my achy elbow as tears well in my eyes and my bottom lip quivers, turning away when he walks around the corner with a laugh.
"Go away!" I yell at him, my voice small and weak and the crying isn't helping.
"Yer such a li'l baby, ya know that?" he smiles, crouching down. A holey black t-shirt clings to his sides amongst his muscly arms covered with black pictures and words. Pants the same color and just as old and beat up are on his legs, but they're tighter.
"I said go away, I don't like you!" I repeat, smushing my face into the fuzzy white rug next to me. Hot tears spill from my eyes and wet my hot face. My heart thuds loudly as I sniffle with each sob, no matter how quiet I try to make them. He begins to say something I think, but I stop him, "No! You're mean and I never asked for a monster, I hate this new house and you're making it worse! I hate you I hate you, go away and never come back!"
"Josie," he says softly, whatever his stupid monster name is. "Hey, look at me."
"Why should I?"
"Cuz I said so, now look at me, you li'l shit," he says angrily, and I pull away my sweaty teary face to look up at his. It's blurry, but it's blue and weird and dirty. Reaching his hand out for a reason I don't know, I look between it and his face before opening my mouth and biting his finger.
"You li’l fucker, ow! Why d’ya keep doin' that, ugh?!" he swears. I get up from the floor and dash out of the room and down the hallway. "Yer really gonn' get it now, Josie! Thought you weren't gonna be too bad, but now, I dunno anymo'." I hear lastly as I turn left down the hallway, and I stop in front of Mommy and Daddy's door. I take one last peek down the hall to my bedroom where the light flows out into the dark hall, hiccups leaving my lips as thoughts bubble around inside of my head.
Wiping my tears away, I change my mind and when I step back into my room, I find his dark, dusty figure with his back to me, picking up something off my dresser. He must have heard me because he turns around and looks me in the eyes only for a second, and then his crazy green eyes fall to the Disney snowglobe in his hand. Little balls of snow fall down onto the castle from in the Magical Kingdom.
"Please don't break it, that's my favorite. I got it from Disney at Christmas time," I cry.
"Won't if ya promise not t' bloody bite me again," he shrugs, looking to me for an answer and when I nod he puts it back. He runs the tip of his finger over Tinker Bell's glittery wing, walking over to my bed and pushing the cover back off of the floor.
"Where are you going?"
"Told ya last night I got other kiddies t' scare, an' if 'm bein' honest, 'm quite sick of you fer tha day, so 'm off," he answers, sticking his long legs under my bed. When I take a step closer, I notice that they've disappeared and it's just the tops of his legs and the rest of him still there. But that doesn't make sense, so much of this doesn't. "Breathe, Josie, 's jus'- 'll be back tomorra, try not t' bite anybody else while 'm gone, sound good?"
"O-Okay," I say slowly, playing with the sleeve of my princess nightgown.
"God, you are such a girl, 's bloody terrifyin'," he says, shaking his head. I open my mouth to say something. "Whatd’ ya want now?"
"You never told m-me your name."
"Well tha's for me t' know an' fer you t' never find out, innit now, Josie Posie?" he smiles, winking one of his green eyes at me. I sigh and throw my hands up, feeling the soreness when my elbow moves and I wince, whining a 'that's not fair, you're never fair!'
"Tone it down, will you?! 's jus' a name, dunno why ya wanna know so bad!"
"Well, if you're gonna be scaring me every night, I want to know."
"My goodness, 'm in fer a load of trouble with you, aren't I?" he shakes his head, looking away and to under my bed where it's just brown wood and the beginning of dust bunnies. Rubbing his big, pointy nose, he lets out a loud breath and I see his wacky eyes once more. "Tha name's Harry. Now, I really best be off. Sweet dreams an' ya betta not hope tha bed bugs bite!" 
There's nothing left but a whisper of his words and a whoosh after he slid under my bed, making me wonder ten new things that I don't know what to think of or what the answer could even be.
With a huff, I wander to the door and find the lightswitch. With a last look to the empty space under my bed, I flick the light off and dash to my bed quickly, even though I know there aren't any monsters under my bed to get me. Well, I can't say that anymore, I think, as I bring Mr. Snuggles back into my arms. And I don't know what to think of that really, and how it should make me feel.
But all I know is that I'm kind of looking forward to bedtime now, and getting to see my monster, Harry. He’s kind of . . what’s the word? 
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ivarsrideordie · 6 years
Best Day Ever
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Must be 18+ to read. No if, ands or buts.
Pairing: Alex Høgh Andersen/Ivar the Boneless x Reader
Warnings: Role-Play, Smut, language rough sex, BDSM and aftercare fluff.
This is NSFW.  You have been warned.
Title: Best Day Ever
Words:  2,367
This will also be posted to my  AO3  account in the future.
There is no Danish in this except the normal nicknames and pet words.
If there is Danish written into the story, I just put ((insert text)) at the end of the sentence or paragraph.
If you would like to be tagged, comment or message me. I’ll be happy to add you.
You looked at the clock.  “Fuck.  Only 4:30?!  When will this day be over?”  You sighed.  Another hour passed.  Your phone dings.  
Message from Alex:
I’ll b a lil l8 love.  We need 2 do a few more takes.  Jeg elsker dig.
Great. You sigh again.  If this day couldn’t get any worse.  At least you were getting off work now.  You got on the elevator.  As you descend, you realize you left your keys in your desk drawer.  “FUCK!” You accidentally screamed in frustration.  You rode the elevator back up and grabbed your keys.  You were finally on your way home.  You climbed into your new 1963 Chevy Corvette.  You loved this car.  Alex had bought it for you when your Nova finally kicked the bucket.  He knew you always wanted one.  You were so excited when you had seen it.  It is such a pretty shade of gold with a black drop top.  As you made your way through the hills, you admired the countryside. Everything was in bloom.  Your allergies were going wild but you didn’t care.  You loved feeling the wind in your hair.  You needed this after the day you had.  Once home, you had time to feed the dogs.  Gosh.  Those puppies sure are getting big.  You giggle as the three of them pounced you and licked every square inch of your exposed skin.  
“Yuck guys!  Now I need a bath!”  You try getting up a few times unsuccessfully.  You finally distracted them by grabbing a toy and throwing it across the pen.  “Freeeeeeddddoooooommm! Haha!  Take that you little shits!”  You cackled all the way to your house. Once you got inside, you kicked off your shoes in the mudroom.  You dropped your keys on the kitchen table.  “Ugh.”  You had forgotten to get the mail.  “Oh well.  I’ll let Alex get it when he gets home.” You thought.  You flipped on your iPad searching for your favorite playlist.  The sweet sounds of Beethoven filled the rooms.  Slowly you strip.  Your body hurt from a few nights before when you celebrated Alex’s birthday.  You smile in remembrance. You turn the knobs to the shower and step in.  Gods, the water felt so amazing.  You closed your eyes as you leaned against the stream. You mind drifted off to Sunday.  You bit your bottom lip as you remembered the sight of Alex’s growing cock.  How it sprang forward from his pants, hitting his stomach.  How wonderful he tasted on your tongue.  You pick up your loofah, getting it nice and soapy.  Your hands trail across your breasts, slowly massaging them.  Your loofah scratched over your nipples.  It reminded you of how Alex nipped at them.  You let out a small involuntary moan.  Your hands slip down to your folds.  Your mind wanders to the night he role played with you. How he took what was his.  How his inner Ivar was unleashed.  You felt your body shudder.  Your face flushed.  Your fingers wander to your aching clit.  
“Oh, Gods Ivar.”  You moaned out.  You were just about to come undone when you heard Alex clear his throat.  There he was grinning at you and crawling to the shower.  
“You called Lille Mus?”  A wicked smile spread across his face.  “What am I going to do with you min elskede?”
“Oh my king!  I’m so sorry!  I know I’m not supposed to touch myself while you are gone.  I just couldn’t help it.  I was thinking of you and...” Ivar interrupted.
“Oh you were, were you?”  He growled.  You could see the lust grow in his eyes.  “Get on the bed now slave!”  He commanded.  
You turned off the water and stepped out.  Ivar stopped you.  “Grab your brush.”  You do as you are told.  You heard him slither behind you.  Your heart beat in excitement.  This is just what you needed after this hellish day.  
“Kom på sengen med din røv op slave!”  He hissed.  ((Get on the bed with your ass up slave!))
You get on the bed and lay on your stomach.  Ivar crawled on the bed. Your heart was pounding so hard it felt like it was going to come out of your chest.  
”Ivar. My king...”  He interrupted again.
”NO! You will not say a word.  I caught you fucking yourself in there! You are going to be punished.  You know I am the only one that can touch your pussy.  It is mine.”  His voice grew dark.  
Your body shivered in anticipation.  You felt his rough hands run up your thighs to squeeze your ass.  Suddenly you felt searing pain.  You whimpered.  Ivar had picked up your wooden paddle brush and began spanking you.  Pop!  The sound of wood hitting skin.  Ivar ran his fingertips lightly over the pink skin.  Pop!  Pop!  You bite your lip as tears begin to form in your eyes.  Ivar ran his fingertips over the welts forming on your bruising skin.  You feel the heat of his breath against your ass.  He slowly licked and kissed the reddened flesh.  You lightly moan into the pillow.  Ivar bit you.  
”Ingen støj slave.”  He growled quietly.  “You will only cause yourself more pain.”  He paused.  “Or is that what you want?  Hmm?”  He pondered.  “I think that is what you want.  I shall give it to you.”  ((No noise slave.))
You whimpered.  What harm could it do, right?  Ivar took that as a sign.
“Ah, yes Lille Mus.  I see you want to be punished more than I had ever imagined.  Good.  Good.”  You heard him chuckle.  “Do not move.”
You heard him crawl off the bed and into the other room.  Once he was in the other room you heard him jump up and run to his game room.  “What in the hell is he doing?”  You wondered.  Alex ran back to your bedroom.  You heard a thud, then the sound of him crawling.  
“I have a surprise for you min eleskede.”  You feel him pull himself onto the bed.  He slid in between your legs.  Your already wet folds tingled.  You felt your juices trickle down your lips to your clit. “If you make a sound, I will punish you.  If you are quiet, I will give you pleasure.”  You nodded in agreement.  “Good.  Let’s get started.”  
All you could think was, ‘Did he get the whip?  He obviously didn’t get the blindfold or you would be blinded by now.  What else did I get?  What in the hell did he get in there?!’ You wracked your brain until you felt it.  Fuck!  It was the feather.  
Ivar ran the feather lightly up the back of your legs.  You were stifling a fit of giggles.  He lightly brushed it across the inside of your thighs.  You felt your core tighten up in excitement.  Juices drip from your cunt.  
“My my Lille Mus.  You are awfully wet.  Whatever are we going to do?” He chuckled.  He rolled you over.
“Oh, sweet baby Odin.”  You thought.  His eyes were dark.  Ivar bit his lip as he looked down at you.  A wicked grin formed on his face.  He looked to your dripping cunt. He lowered his head to your warmth.  His breath hot against your pussy.  He placed a hand on each thigh.  He looked up to meet your eyes.  He had a smug smirk on his face.  Ivar parted your lips with his thumbs.  His tongue made its way to your pussy. He lapped up your juices.  He licked from back to front, flicking your clit with the tip of his tongue.  You reach down to grab his head.  You pull him in closer as he frantically flicked your nub. Your fingers entangled in his hair.  He groaned as you pulled his hair.  Your body quivered as he engulfed your sweet clit in his mouth.  You throw your head back, letting out a loud moan. Ivar stopped.  Shit.
“Oh, my Lille Mus. Now I must punish you more. What to use?  What to use?”  He looked between the brush and the feather.  He grinned evilly.  “Roll over, slave.  It is time for more.”  Ivar licked his lips.  His face grew dark, yet he smugly smirked.  You comply with his demands.
Ivar picked up the brush again.  Pop! Pop!  POP!  Tears filled your eyes. That last one smarted.  You heard him whisper, “I’m sorry!  Are you okay?”  You just nodded your head.  Alex was immediately back into Ivar mode.  He massaged the reddened skin from the last spank. He crawled closer to you.  You felt the tickle.  Oh, Gods!  Ivar ran the feather between your thighs.  This time he didn’t stop.  He lightly slid the feather up and down your pussy.  You immediately cum. You let out a small loud gasp as your body writhed.  
Alex giggled.  “Well, at least I know not to do that for punishment.” You both laugh.  
“Åh lille mus. Vil du se på din fisse. Så våd. Så saftigt. Jeg skal smag dig. Jeg må få dig til at skrige.”  He hissed.  ((Oh little mouse.  Would you look at your pussy?  So wet.  So juicy.  I must taste you.  I must make you scream.))
Ivar rolled you over.  His mouth engulfed your clit.  You arch your back and grab the comforter tightly.  He put two fingers inside you.  Ivar curled his fingers inside you at a fast pace.  His tongue frantically circling your clit.  He could tell by the way you were moving you were about to cum.  He went in for the kill.  Ivar sucked hard on your clit while he finger fucked your pussy.  You couldn’t hold it in.  
You wail, “Oh Ivar!  Oh, Gods Ivar!”  Your body violently shuddered in a sweet orgasm that filled your body.  You couldn’t control yourself.  You wrapped your legs around Ivar’s head.  You felt him smile against your lips as you pull his face closer.  Your body still shuddering.  He pulled his fingers out and cleaned you from ass to clit.  Your overly sensitive clit made you arch your back as he cleaned it.  He looked deep into your eyes.  Ivar crawled up you.  You felt his cock straining to be released from his basketball shorts.  He kisses you wildly.  You could taste yourself on his lips. You part your mouth allowing his tongue to probe yours. Your tongues entangle with each other.  You reach down between his legs, sticking your hand down his shorts.  You grasp his cock. Slowly, you begin to stroke it.  Ivar moaned in your mouth.  He pulled away from the kiss.  
Alex broke character to remove his shorts.  His engorged cock springs free.  His member is raging and ready to release.  He began kissing your stomach.  Your breasts.  He nipped at your nipple while his hand pinched the other.  You moan as his tongue swirls around your nipple. Your hands entangle in his long mane.  He moaned onto your breast and bit your nipple.
Ivar came back to play.  “Du troede du ville narre mig? Du troede jeg ikke ville høre dig, min kærlighed?”  He grinned.  “Let me show you what you deserve.”  Ivar thrust his cock into you with one fluid motion.  He bit down on your shoulder hard, groaning at how tight you were.  You dug your fingernails into his skin, scratching him along his shoulder blades.  ((You thought you would trick me?  You thought I wouldn't hear you, my love?))
“Ah, fuck lille mus. Jeg elsker det, når du klemmer min pik sådan.”  He hissed.  His pace quickened.  You squeezed your walls harder against his throbbing cock.  Ivar growled as your walls milked him.  With every thrust, he got louder.  ((Ah fuck little mouse.  I love it when you squeeze my cock like that.))
You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him closer.  The sound of his balls spanking your ass made you crazy.  You rolled your hips into his.  Ivar was grunting and growling like a wild animal.  His teeth nip and suck at your skin.  Any flesh he could find.  His lips found yours.  You plunge your tongue deep into his mouth.  He sucked your tongue hard.  You moaned into his mouth.  His tongue probed your mouth.  Ivar lifted his upper body.  He looked you deep in the eyes.  He violently thrust cock inside you as far as he could.
“Cum for me.  Scream my name.  Let me see your eyes when you do.”  He growled.  His pace quickened.  Harder.  The music of skin on skin slapping.  The intensity of his eyes.  The way his tone muscles flexed as he slid back and forth in your pussy.  You felt yourself slipping again.  You wrap your arms around his back, digging your nails in.  He let out an intense grunt as you drag your nails down his back and sides.  You spread your legs farther apart, allowing him to delve deeper.  
You moan out, “ Ivar!  My king!  Oh fuck, don’t stop my king!  Don’t stop.  I.. Ivar..  IVAR  IVAAAARRR!”  You screamed out breathlessly.  That’s all he needed to hear.  His pace grew erratic. His arms faltering.  The sheer pleasure across his face was enough to make you finally fall over the edge into a long intense orgasm.  You scream out, “OH FUCK!  IVAR!” as you both release.  His cum filling you.  He fell on top of you, breathless.  He slid his arms under you and rolled you over on top of him.  You lay your head on his chest.  You could hear his heartbeating.  
Alex kissed you on your forehead.  “Jeg elsker dig, my little mouse.” He drew small circles around your skin.  You look into his blue eyes.  
“Jeg elsker også dig.” You whispered and smiled sweetly.  ((I love you too.))
“So, what shall we do next?”  He asked.  
Grinning ear to ear you said, ‘You will see.  You will see.”  
You feel his body relaxing.  His breath becoming shallow.  Soon Alex was asleep.  You sighed.  Yes.  This is exactly what I needed after today.  “Thank you Alex.  Thank you Ivar.”  You quietly said. Alex stirred.  He mumbled something incoherently.  You wrapped your arms around him tightly and listened to his heart and breath as you fall asleep.  
@lisinfleur  @therealcalicali​  @missrobyn81​  @dangerousvikings​  @ivarswickedqueen​  @bang-kim-bap​  @michaeliskindahot​  @heathen-whore​  @vikingsbifrost​  @hvitserksgirl​  @mblaqgi​  @ivarsshieldmadien​  @captstefanbrandt​  @funmadnessandbadassvikings  @titty-teetee​  @ethereallysimple​  @ivars-snowflake​  @babydoll7478  @inthenameofodin​  @ivarsheathen​  @microsmacrosandneedles  @trailerthoughtstexas​  @ivars-heathen  @wichesterwife27​  @cbouvier23​  @tierneygonzalez​  @dmv49​  @ivaraddict​  @akamaiden​  @readsalot73​  @moondustmemories​ @jxylynn-eliz​ @tayachristopher​ @ivarlcthbrok
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saya-milky · 7 years
Sayaka and Miyuki’s Big Adventure, Chapter Two: Osaka Station, Here We Come!
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Sayaka and Miyuki have been best friends since they were four. When Miyuki comes up with a plan to sneak away from Namba Kindergarten one day, Sayaka is a little hesitant. But after an exciting afternoon of candy, train rides, and peach soda, things take a scary turn when the six-year-olds find themselves hopelessly lost in the middle of Osaka. Will Sayaka and Miyuki find their way back home? Who knew that such an ordinary day would end up becoming the biggest adventure of their lives?   
Previous Chapter: The Big Fluffy Tiger Chapter Two: Osaka Station, Here We Come!
          “There are too many people…”
          “Don’t worry, Sayaka-chan,” Miyuki reassures, “just hold my hand until we get to the ticket machine.”
          The six-year-olds make it to Namba Subway Station unscathed, but, despite it still being a bit too early for normal rush hour, the underground complex is already swarming with what appears to be the entire population of Japan. Sayaka stops walking only a few meters from the bottom of the stairway and backs tightly against the wall as if trying to disappear into it. She watches warily as an unending horde of people pours through like a raging river right before her eyes. Sayaka is frozen, feeling as though she might get swept away.
          Fifteen minutes ago, Sayaka was still safe and sound in her classroom. But then, instead of getting on the kindergarten bus like she’s supposed to, she tiptoed through the front gates and hid from her teachers with Miyuki. The two children waited until the coast was clear before taking off in the direction of the train station, where they then took on two busy crosswalks, one scary dog, and three doting grannies along the way. Considering the events that have already taken place that afternoon, Sayaka is already feeling pretty overwhelmed. It’s no wonder why she’s starting to have some second thoughts about their little escapade.
          “Come on, I see the machine over there,” says Miyuki, pointing. She pulls on her friend’s hand, and Sayaka reluctantly follows her lead. Miyuki weaves through the sea of kneecaps and bottoms, somehow managing to forge a path towards the ticket kiosks. They emerge near a row of machines underneath a large, colorful map of subway network lines, stations and train fares.
          Miyuki lets go of Sayaka’s hand, takes off her backpack, and digs inside for her purse. “Mama showed me how to buy tickets. All you need to do is press the kid button and the number it costs to get there.”
          “Miyu-chan,” Sayaka says, taking a look at the map, “I can’t read these kanji.”
          “But we know what ‘Osaka’ looks like, right? The first kanji is ‘big.’ Let’s look for it!”
          Both pairs of eyes scan the map, but after a couple minutes of no success they have to come up with another plan. Miyuki looks around at the many people currently buying tickets, hopping up and down occasionally to try and get a peek at the kiosk screens. An elderly lady comes up in front of Miyuki, blocking her view, but this ends up giving her a different idea.
          Reaching a hand out, Miyuki gently tugs on the granny’s blouse. “Um, excuse me...”
          The lady turns, and as soon as she sees the two children staring up at her, she smiles and bends forward so she’s closer to their eye level. “Oh, my. Hello!”
          Miyuki gives the granny a charming smile. “Do you know how much it costs to get to Osaka?”
          “Yeah, me and Sayaka-chan are going there!” Miyuki opens her purse and shows off her thousand-yen bill. “I have money!”
          “Let’s see…” The woman glances at the overhead map to confirm the correct fare. “Well, it costs 230 yen to get to Umeda, but for children it should be about half. Are you two all by yourselves?”
          “No, not Umeda! We’re going to Osaka,” corrects Miyuki.
          The granny chuckles. “The subway doesn’t stop at Osaka Station. You’ll need to go to Umeda. Osaka Station is a very short walk from there.”
          The elderly lady can hear the confusion in Miyuki’s voice, so she gives her a reassuring smile. “Do you want me to help you buy your tickets?”
          “Yes, please!” Miyuki chirps excitedly. She turns to Sayaka to flash her a smug grin. The granny brings them to a ticket machine and assists in selecting the correct buttons. She even lets Miyuki insert the bill all by herself. The machine whirrs and whizzes for a moment, then out pop a pair of tickets. Five coins of various sizes and colors roll out into the change tray. There are two identical silver coins, one bronze coin, another silver coin with a hole in the middle, and one large gold coin.
          “There’s your change,” says the woman. “Now you keep that money safe, alright?”
            “Okay,” Miyuki promises. She scoops the coins into her purse and takes the tickets, handing one to Sayaka. “Thank you, Granny!” 
          “You’re welcome, dears.” The granny reaches into her own purse. “Would you like some candy?”
          But when the woman looks up again, Sayaka and Miyuki are already gone. Surprised, she spends a few moments looking around for them, but the two young children easily vanish into the bustling crowd. As a matter of fact, the youngsters are able to slip by relatively unnoticed by anybody as they pass through the ticket gate and descend the staircase leading to the subway platform.
          They reach the bottom step and Sayaka crinkles her nose. “It smells funny down here.”
          Miyuki giggles. “Did you see how many coins are left? We can play the crane game so many times!”
          “Do you really think we can win my tiger?”
          “Mm-hm!” Miyuki comes to a stop at the end of one of the queues of people waiting for the next train.  “Maybe we can even win two.”
          “Are you even good at crane machines?” Sayaka asks. She kicks her shoe against the ground absentmindedly. “’Cause I’m not…”
          “Yeah! Just wait ‘til we get there and I’ll show you.”
          Sayaka hums, wondering if her friend is telling the truth. Miyuki’s only six, just like she is. Her biggest brother is already eleven and even he only wins toys from crane games sometimes. Her papa couldn’t win the tiger for her, so could Miyuki really do it?
          For the next couple minutes, the kindergarteners wait in silence for the train to come. Sayaka wonders if there are butterflies in Miyuki’s tummy too. Her friend never mentions it, so Sayaka can’t tell for sure.
          Soon the platform starts to tremble and rumble as a train approaches. A powerful gust of wind nearly knocks the children off their feet, and Sayaka instinctively steps back a bit, just to be safe. The Midosuji Line train is silver and red, and it’s still moving too fast for Sayaka to count the number of cars, but it slows more and more before eventually coming to a screechy stop. The doors slide open and several passengers emerge. The last to step off was a lady pushing a baby in a stroller, but once the path is cleared, the line to board moves fast. Miyuki and Sayaka find themselves nudged and shuffled into the train car by eager passengers behind them.
          The subway car is packed with enough people that Sayaka and Miyuki don’t even have to look to know that there aren’t any empty seats. Instead, they squeeze into a corner by some hand rails. Sayaka watches as the car doors slide shut behind them, and she grips the metal bar tightly. Whether she likes it or not, she and Miyuki are now on their way to Osaka Station. There’s no turning back.
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