#i need to write more for silver orz
merakiui · 1 year
Mera this is so out of the blue but if I may entertain you with the thought of bunnygirl darling with sb Silver (or Epel!!)... Both of you being close due to the fact that you two grew up surrounded by adults.
Nobody thinks of your relationship with your stepbrother as odd when they see you two hand-in-hand roaming around the village... They don't think much of it when you start smelling like each other or when you start clinging to him a bit too much. They don't see the lingering touches while you two are in public, and they certainly don't know when you're being filled up by him at home.
Being the only bunny beastman in the village can be hard, especially when there aren't much books on them. But that's alright because your SB always helps you out when you start feeling all hot and bothered every few weeks!
Its honestly a surprise that you haven't gotten pregnant yet, but with how often you're being fucked dumb, it's only a matter of time!
orz bunnygirl darling who feels so comfortable around sb!Silver because he just has such a calming presence!!! No wonder why animals flock to him; he’s a sweetheart. It was Silver who found you, starved and injured in the woods, and he’d brought you back to Lilia, who had decided to adopt you on account of giving Silver a sibling! Since then, you and Silver have grown to be such good friends and family. You share everything together, and Lilia couldn’t be more happy to know his precious children are getting along so wonderfully. Of course, knowing Lilia and his keen senses, he knows a little more than what others in the village know. They think it’s cute when you hold hands when shopping, but then time passes and you’re both much older and so it isn’t very cute anymore. But Silver’s just so honest and he means well; there’s nothing lewd underlying his genuine affections for you, right?
No one knows he fucks you for hours every day when you start feeling so hot and sticky and insatiable. No one knows your step-brother fills you with as much cum as you can possibly hold, until it’s all spilling out and staining the sheets. No one knows both of you have surpassed the line of platonic and toe something a little more physically intimate than what’s normal for family members.
And when you do inevitably fall pregnant and you travel into town to shop, Silver at your side like a protective guard, everyone is left to wonder who your lover is. You have such a pretty pregnancy glow. They’ll never know the man standing beside you, who’s your step-brother, is responsible. :)
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About the frozen fandom ask :
🎨, ✍️, and 👗
P.s remember to get enough sleep~
@like-redhead-probably I got enough sleep I swear ;-; actually I overslept TBH
🎨- Favorite fanart(s)/ artist(s)?
I’m gonna limit my answers to those who are currently active in the fandom otherwise we will be here all day xD. Anyone who has seen my tags knows this  to be true. My favorite fan artists are:
@giuliaciulia89 - because asdfghjklssh have you SEEN her line art?? And her expressions?? And how she does shading and color (with markers!! Traditional Art YO!!) literally is just... takes my breath away. Her recent Hogwarts Elsanna commission was absolutely delightful, but I am always delighted to see her original content as well such as her 101 Dalmatians au and her All For One And All For Love Three Musketeers au. It has so many mysteries, I’m very intrigued. Watching her process is very relaxing as well, like *sketch, sketch, sketch* and suddenly WHOA, there’s like, a whole concept outlines in no time at all. Incredible
@zero-kiba - because while much more active on Deviantart, I am ALWAYS extremely gay for Copper! That’s been going on 5 WHOLE YEARS Y’ALL! I stayed up until the sun started creeping through my windows catching up on every single page that I’d missed out after about 2017 when I started working full time. Zero-kiba’s work is BOMBASTICALLY expressive and really hits that mark between UTTERLY badass and heart-meltingly soft. Also do yourselves a favor and read their other works too! Tip of the Iceberg is Copper characters in a comedy setting, The Realm is 65 pounds of concentrated whoop-ass, and The Whole Shebang?? Gay has hell. Really gay. I cannot stress that enough (also it’s a little self plug - I help make that one alongside Zero-Kiba, daughterofhel and giuliaciulia89)
@ice-bjorn - because like.... do I even need to....expand?? Y’all have seen my tags. Ice-bjorn’s got the kind of content that just pulls you up short. Doing something? Concentrating? Not anymore you’re not! Ice-bjorn posted new art and you’re gonna FEEL ABOUT IT for the current conceivable future! Unbelievably emotive, you can see all the hard work that goes into each piece (including writing!!). I’ve gone OFF in my tags so many times about their stuff and I aLWAYS anticipate doing it again XD I can’t possibly pick a favorite piece, but this one gives me the warm fuzzies (Edit: although I did link another further down)
@jabs-wocks - because they constantly surprise me. One day ADORABLE! Next day ANGSTY. Next time? New style?? New type of coloring?? Always has a great sense of humor and unique ideas. Also, such an enabler xD Always makes me want to make something in turn <3 Like, remember when I went OFF with that angsty piece of Anna drowning after the dam collapses? Or when I nearly ditched my (already very long) project to idea bomb on about their Skadi!Elsa piece? Yeah, I love their work very much
 @gracepago0314 - because I’m a long time fan from when they had a different username! Great style, strong short comics, and WOW have they come a long way! They already had such a strong aesthetic, but seeing their work at the top of 2020 was such a treat because it was SUCH a change! I loved seeing what I recognized about their unique style and getting to see all the ways they’ve improved and expanded! Also that reincarnation au goes straight for the heart ;-;
✍️- Favorite fanfic(s)/ author(s)?
Limiting my answer to the same for the same reasons. Many of my favorite authors are no longer active, but my heart is very big, and I am always making room for new stories and writers to love!
@fruipit - because every time I get an email from ao3 that they’ve updated I go ballistic. Every story I have ever read (or reread... many times) by them is just SO INCREDIBLE. Their writing makes me make bad decisions: like fighting sleep to make it through one last chapter xD Their work makes me ask questions, their stories flows like a needle and thread, their diction makes me believe. I have nothing but the highest praise for Fruipit’s work, they’ve been writing for years and continue to pick at that gentle thing called wonder. Choosing a favorite work of theirs is GENUINELY DIFFICULT, but I love Risky Business, Koselig, and When Spring Comes very much. Tiny Hearts is a riot tho xD Oh wait and Who Dares Wins! .....Look just... go read Fruipit, you won’t regret it xD
@arendellesfirstwinter - because after years and years they just bang out one badass story after another. Their most recent (and with the dawn, what comes then?) has reduced me to tears twice. No. Three times, I reread a chapter. Their writing is exceptionally raw and pointed, but they are never angsty for angst sake. Their prose has the kind of weight one gets from having a huge amount of intent and care for what they create, and the characters they foster along the way <3
@daughterofhel - because I enjoy the simple pleasures of comedy. Literally just makes me laugh. Her dialogue SLAPS. Her world building is effortless (well, it’s not, she works very hard but it FEELS effortless, which is quite the trick xD). Her stories just WORK, her scenes are so alive and colorful and I adore how she makes characters interact even under the most RIDICULOUS prompts xD Exceptionally creative and silly, I guarantee she will surprise you for the better
@themountainsays - because every story idea is completely fascinating. Even if it’s not like, written yet? Just idea bombing or musing? Totally cool, I love reading them because you can feel the excitement behind them. Or the spite xD. Ara’s writing is also almost lyrical, it’s lovely to read, and honestly? Read out loud too! I’m a huge fan of spoken poetry/spoken stories and Ara’s always gives me that vibe. I’m behind (orz) on Creatures of the Arctic, but it’s SO FUN, I’m always keen on updates :D
@theseerasures - because I adore their frohana stuff. So freaking much. Kristanna + Icebros with so much tenderness that I just stare at my screen and go “holy hell someone MADE that.” Reading their work is like... being given a soft blanket to wrap yourself in, receiving a mug of hot chocolate, and then being told “Okay, now here’s a story that’s going to make you feel feelings really hard,” and you kind of nod back like, “Okay, seems fair.” Idk man they just get me real good, every time. For years.
👗- Favorite outfit? One you’d like to see?
Picking a favorite is hard! But please for the love of god: bring Anna’s military-esque jacket/dress to the silver screen. Holy hell. I’m such a sucker for how absolutely DASHING Elsa and Anna look in masculine/military dress. @giuliaciulia89 and @ice-bjorn both here and here get me xD But I also love their highly feminine outfits? Anna’s coronation dress in F1 is a fav and of course Elsa’s ice-dress is iconic, but my absolute favorites? I don’t know, they’re all so beautiful...
Oh! You know what else I’d want? Casual wear. They’re always dressed up for adventure! Or a fancy party! Let the crew relax more! More day-to-day, more cozy pjs! Kristoff in a big oversized shirt, Elsa in Fifth-Spirit inspired sleepwear, Anna in clothes made by their new Northudran family - complete with little hexagons but like, lined with soft reindeer fur <3. I’d love to see them when the world isn’t falling down around their ears, for more than 5 minutes, please ;-;
Thanks again for asking!! I know this is a few days late but I hope my jabbering made up for it ^_^
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Okay, so I actual don’t write angst scenarios (bc I’m a baby and I am way to emotional invested in my own writing orz) and THAT is why this could have been WAY angstier than it is right now and I know out there are literal ANGST MASTERS who probably would have done way better with this request than me, b-but… Even though it is not THAT angsty(some of you guys are probably like, pf, angst? Have you seen angst before, Celine? This is puppies and rainbows compared to some real angst; and I know... I am just rly bad with angst so it is rather... a little drama and then happy end? XD); Though, I was super happy I could write for my owl son Bokuto; I am just bad at refusing a request and I actually quite liked the idea, actually; ugh I hate letting you guys down, sorry anon, but I hope you can still enjoy it a little ;A;
No. No please. This couldn’t be happening right now. Looking at the pregnancy test between your fingers you started shaking, trying hard to not start crying. How could this have happened, you were always using a condom, since most of the birth control pills you took affected you negatively.
Reality hit you, it probably broke a few weeks ago, that was the only logical explanation, but this… this was not the right timing. You were only 20 and your boyfriend had a very promising volleyball career he had been working on ever since you knew him.
Right now, you were glad that Bokuto was at a meeting with his team, because you couldn’t help but cry, however you also made a decision, a decision that would be hard, but would save his career, because you didn’t want to be the one ending everything for him.
You knew Bokuto, he would take responsibility, he would be there for you and that is exactly why you wouldn’t tell him, because you wanted him to chase after his dream and not be worried about you and your child.
“You’re acting weird, F/N…”, Bokuto’s curious golden eyes were examining you. You jumped a little. “What? No, Kou, you are only imagining things, I guess I am just tired.” You tried your hardest to distract him with something else, talking about how his training was going. It had been two weeks since you found out you were pregnant and slowly you knew it was showing that somebody was growing inside you. You couldn’t run away any longer, today it had to be done. Just hearing how excited your boyfriend was, hooting like a little kid who got a candy he was talking about how he felt spiking the ball, having a professional team behind his back. You only laughed, you liked hearing him this excited and it made everything a little bit easier.
At night, when Koutarou was sleeping soundly beside you, you gave him one last kiss, his cute little snort making your eyes all watery. “I love you, Kou, so much, please forgive me for being selfish.”, whispering you combed through his freshly washed hair, before you carefully removed his arms around you, not waking him up.
You kissed the envelope one last time, a tear dripping down on the paper, before putting it down on the kitchen table so your boyfriend, no, ex-boyfriend, could see it when he would wake up in the morning- thank god not even an apocalypse could wake this man. Wiping away your tears, you took your car keys, since you had packed your suitcase yesterday, knowing that today would be the day, and you hid it inside your trunk, only taking the things that were most precious to you and you needed for a new start.
Looking back one last time you rested your hand on your growing belly, softly stroking it, whispering, “I’m sorry you won’t meet your Daddy, but I’ll make sure to tell you about him, I promise little one.” Turning away, you started your car, leaving your current life behind.
The next morning, Bokuto was waking up, but you were not in his arms, which was a very rare occasion. No, rather, your bedside was cold as if you hadn’t even been sleeping here tonight and soon, the worry hit him. You had been acting weird the last couple of days, he could see and feel it, so this worried him. Quickly jumping out of bed he rushed through your apartment, opening every door, calling out your name with his typical boisterous voice. “Where are you, F/N?!”, he bit his bottom lip when he entered the kitchen, searching for you, but you were nowhere to be found.
When he saw the envelope he could feel his stomach turning. This was not true, right? This was just a letter, you were probably just shopping, right? He didn’t have to worry, right? He was this close to falling into one of his depressive states, before even reading the letter, so he tried his best to get it together, as he reached for the envelope, opening it and reading what you had left him.
Dear Koutarou!
I know, when you read this you probably know what is going on but are in denial.
I am sorry, I never thought I would one day have to write a letter like this to you. Kou… I am gone. Please don’t look after me, you won’t find me.
It’s childish, right? I couldn’t even be adult enough to talk about it face to face with you, because I knew you would have tried to stop me and me being weak when it comes to you, I probably would have given it. But Koutarou, I had to make this decision.
I know you probably overthink everything, now. If you did anything wrong, but let me tell you – no. You did nothing wrong, you were always there for me, I had so much fun being with you and I felt loved and I loved you too, Kou, there is no one on this planet I love more than you, please don’t think this was easy for me, but some decisions in life hurt us deeply, this is one of them.
Kou, please don’t think about me too much, concentrate on your career, I want to see you on TV, so don’t ever give up. Be happy again, find someone who can make you truly happy.
In love, F/N
His knees were weak, his legs shaking, gripping the letter tightly some tears made their way down his cheek. “But, F/N… no one can make me happier than you…” and that’s when he broke down on the kitchen floor – sobbing.
Of course Koutarou tried calling you, but you had changed your number and even though you said not to search for you, he tried, he tried to find you, but you were gone, like you said.
Months went by and one hot summer afternoon a scream echoed through the hospital room. You had a lovely little baby girl, naming her Natsuki and she had the same sparkling gold eyes as her father, well… to be honest, the only thing she had from you was her cute little nose and the shape of her eyes, everything else was Bokuto – and it hurt. But it also made you happy.
Years went by and you tried dating, but no one ever made you as happy as him, so after four dating fails, you decided to stay single for a while, dedicating all your love to your little Natsuki and whenever her Dad would be seen on TV you made sure to tell her; you wanted her to know and whenever she would ask why Bokuto was not with you two, you just told her, “I’ll tell you when you are older, Natsu, I promise.”
Bokuto himself also tried to go on with his life. Even though it was hard, he knew there was nothing he could have done to prevent this, you made your decision to leave him and he had to accept it. At the beginning he felt a lot of hate towards himself and it affected his performance, however he made sure to not let this chance of being on the national team slip, so he got himself together again, thinking “Watch me, F/N!”
It was pure coincidence. His team came back from China and they all finally deserved a holiday after fighting with everything they had, getting them the silver medal. He was alone when he traveled all the way south to Okinawa-Islands. He needed to just do nothing for once, so this was perfect, however he didn’t think this would happen.
It was the third day after his arrival, he was just walking alongside the road, the beautiful ocean sparkling in the background, when he heard something. It was a laughter he hadn’t heard in over 7 years. Wait, this couldn’t be it, right? Ah, but there it was again and this time, there was also your voice, “Natsu! Don’t run, you’ll trip!”
On the other side of the road, there you were, a grocery bag in your hand, the other covering your mouth a little. “F/N.”, it was not really loud, but it was enough for you to halt for a second and look to the other side and there he was. “Kou…”, the bag of groceries fell out of your hand, your eyes wide, he still looked like before, only a little bit more mature. “Mommy, what is it?”, Natsu grabbed your hand, concern in her golden eyes, before she also looked across the road, curious as to what you were looking at, or better who you were looking at…
Natsuki had seen her father multiple times on TV, giving interviews and playing on the court, so when she saw him, it was crystal clear to her, that this right here, this was her father. Her face lit up and even though she was a very well behaved and raised child, right now she just sprinted full force over the road, without thinking or looking. “DADDY!!!”, screaming, she didn’t see or hear the car coming down the road.
Bokuto couldn’t believe it, there was a little girl by your side calling you mother and she looked… so much like him. So, you were pregnant? You had raised a child all on your own these past 7 years. Why? Why didn’t you say anything, he would have taken responsibility. Shocked, he couldn’t move at all when the little girl screamed, her arms wide open, running towards him, when he suddenly heard a car and as he slowly turned his head, it started honking and a terrible squeaking sound was heard from the friction of the stopping wheels on the road, your scream in the distance, “NATSU?!?!”
Thankfully his legs were reacting way faster than his brain was, because if he would have waited any second longer… He started dashing too, grabbing the little girl under her arms and only centimeters away from hitting the side mirror of the car, he wrapped his arms around her, stumbling to the other side of the road, before completely falling down on his knees, kneeling in front of you know.
You were shocked, your knees were weak and you thought your heart was about to stop beating. Tears were trickling down your cheek, you thought that was it. When the car came to a halt, the driver screamed through the open window, before driving off again, but you couldn’t care any less, right here, right now, your daughter was save and the one who saved her was no other than her father himself.
Bokuto was the first to react, he rose from his position, now standing in front of you, Natsuki clawing at him like her life depended on it, she was clearly shocked too and before anyone could have said something Bokuto was raising his arm and only a second later he also pressed you against his chest. “Kou…” You didn’t want to, but you couldn’t hold back and started sobbing, clawing at his shirt, the other hand holding onto your daughter’s hand, gripping it tightly.
Natsuki looked up, tears streaming down her face, before she reached out to touch Koutarou’s cheek, making him jump a little before turning his head to look at her and even though she was crying, she had the most radiant smile on her lips that he had ever seen. “You are finally here, Daddy…”, before breaking down completely, crying and sobbing, she buried her head into his chest.
Bokuto was almost crying himself, all those years, he never knew about his little family, but now that he held you both in his arms, he knew one thing for sure, “Yeah… and I’m never leaving again, little owl!”, because he would never, ever let you go, not after finally having you in his arms again.
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bigmoodword · 6 years
Writeblr Friends Tag Game
thanks for the tag, @quartzses!
1. what genres do you write? usually fantasy, and within that genre, usually urban fantasy. beyond that, think scifi and horror. breaking away from the fantastical with [ stray ] is me trying something new.
2. what’s on your reading wish list at the top of my reading wish list is black leopard, red wolf! relatively new, the novel’s an african-inspired fantasy epic with gay leads, and i just...? i didn’t know how much i needed it in my life until i read about it.
@mvcreates and i are actually trying to put together a [ writeblr book club ] for this book, because it’s just... fjdklgjdl. but moving on, next on my wish list is the original dune, because it’s high time i actually read the thing, yeah? and following that is the left hand of darkness. scifi classics abound.
3. favourite character from current WIP this is such an awful non-answer, but i don’t really have a favorite. orz 
while lily’s the most fun to write, i think i’d most enjoy a cup of coffee with carter irl. on a personal level, i probably most identify with annie and luis, because their family situations draw from different facets of my own. but none of that really screams favorite to me.
4. some writing tropes i really like the unreliable narrator is my absolute favorite. i never fully trust a book’s perspective character and the ones that reward my skepticism are just... well, they’re my bread and butter. P;
i also really like well-executed dying dreams and deconstructions. i’ll honestly take every woobie iteration you can throw at me, and i realize these are all major downers. ahhhhh. i promise i like happier things too, like hearts of gold* and redemption arcs.
*meaning pro-sex worker in general. i squint very hard at stories that make a big show of “oh, they’re a good person despite their profession” and how they’re somehow better than their peers, because all that? that’s hot garbage. stop it.
5. the story behind your wip’s name stray hints at some of the wip’s themes, such as change and general rootlessness. there’s something about finding oneself on the outskirts of society, about slipping through its too-wide cracks, then experiencing the cruelty of indifference. it fundamentally changes you, and for me, the word captures that helplessness. noun or verb, it’s small and negligible--dangerously so.
now, that all said, it’s honestly just a working title. i imagine i’ll want to change it after a few drafts. we’ll just have to see!
6. are you a pantser or a plotter? i am a huuuuuge plotter. outlines, timelines, full-fledged character profiles, you name it. i’ve probably got it and more. but again, stray’s my attempt at something new, so excepting broad strokes (there’s still an outline!), a lot of this wip is happening via the pantser method.
7. do you post your work elsewhere? no, no. i am, how you say, shy. like tiny purple flower.
8. do you also read/write fanfic? if yes, for the same genres? i have mad respect for the fanfiction sphere, but i generally don’t read or write it myself. shoutout to the warrior fandom, though, because that’s as close as i ever came.
9. your favourite dessert, because why not box chocolates! i like surprises. <3
and today i shall tag... [ @mvcreates ][ @crypticsx ][ @el-queen ][ @silver-wields-a-pen ][ @lemonayyyyyde ][ @scottishhellhound ][ @quilloftheclouds ][ @penzag ][ @confunderewrites ]
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athina39 · 6 years
smut wip
• smutty wip (that’s ~50% done) (who am i kidding this is probably just 25% orz) (sorry senren i haven’t had time to write in the past 3 weeks T__T) + title: anatomy of a love story (the cock, the brain, the heart) + summary: Dazai holds a meeting for his squad in the conference room. Chuuya is there, blindfolded and gagged, in full display. + tags: blindfold, exhibitionism, mild petplay, obedience kink, smell kink, voice kink, sensory deprivation, possessive behavior, body worship, bandage bondage, enthusiastic consent, verbal humiliation, frottage + part one (outsider pov), two (dazai pov), three (chuuya pov)
That’s the first and last thing that comes to his mind, which is definitely the wrong thing to think about, given that they’re here to… to discuss strategies. …Right? But his eyes are glued to the front of the room. Not to Dazai-san, no. Nobody dares to establish eye-contact with the youngest Executive in Port Mafia’s history. No, his eyes are focused somewhere a little bit lower.
Even the newest recruits know Dazai-san, and once you know Dazai-san, you must know about his partner. Nakahara Chuuya. Petite frame, crackling firepower. Nobody’s been able to even get a scratch on him. And there are ex-JSAFs in those that have been initiated last month.
He feels a little bit justified, because he’s pretty sure that everyone else’s eyes are also focused on the same sight.
Nakahara Chuuya.
Everyone knows Nakahara Chuuya.
Knows the rumors that he’s the strongest martial artist in the entire Port Mafia—possibly in even its entire history. Knows the whispers about him being able to shoot an entire room filled with trained, experienced assassins without needing an actual gun. Knows the anecdotes about how the subordinates assigned under him, as well as anyone who’s been remotely linked to any of his operations, all stubbornly reject the idea of being assigned under anyone else. Knows about the tales of heroism that are more suited for superhero comics rather than underground mafia, about how he takes charge in spearheading attacks and ensuring that no lives are lost in vain. Knows about the stories of an easygoing superior who memorizes all of his colleagues’ faces, who treats everyone to a sumptuous buffet after a mission, who is in charge of a running tab for all of his subordinates under a good half of the bars in Yokohama.
Knows the gossips about how he’s the dog of the youngest Executive in Port Mafia’s history, how he’s leashed to the organization by one Dazai Osamu, how he’s prone to wholeheartedly following any and all of the Demon Prodigy’s whims, commands, orders to the letter, even if it means exchanging his own life.
He’s scoffed about the last point, upon hearing it.
Even brainwashed slaves aren’t able to achieve that level of loyalty. Human nature just doesn’t make it possible. That’s not even counting the fact that the two of them are well-known for bickering and fighting to the point that there’d be violent outbursts and property damage. That’s also discounting the reality that Nakahara Chuuya is strong enough to pulverize anyone’s skull, even without using his Ability.
So, he’s chalked it up to exaggeration. Dazai Osamu and Nakahara Chuuya are known to the entire underworld as soukoku, after all. The most dangerous and devastating pair in the underworld. It only benefits the Port Mafia if everyone thinks that they’re such a solid pair that not even death could tear into their teamwork.
…Chalked it up, that is.
Right now, his eyes are probably wider than a rifle’s scope.
He’s vaguely aware that there’s a number of figures and charts on the white-board screen in front, the overhead projector giving it a hazy glow, transmitting the information from the laptop that Dazai-san had previously plugged in.
Just vaguely.
Unlike the usual conference rooms, this particular room is set up differently. As though to emphasize the difference between ranks, there’s no one long table where the attendees could sit around in a loop around the presenter. Instead, there’s one oak desk up front and center, one wingback armchair behind it. The desk is constructed in a way that there are no drawers underneath, making the occupant’s legs visible to onlookers. There’s no clutter atop the desk, only a laptop resting on the rightmost corner.
There’s only one seat in the entire room.
High-ranking members of the guerilla squad are subjected to standing stiff with their back ramrod-straight, nearly flat against the wall.
Nakahara Chuuya is on the carpeted floor.
How long he’s been there is anyone’s guess, but his knees are tinged a dark pink. Carpet burns. Unlike his usual many-layered outfits, right now, Nakahara Chuuya is only wearing two things. A pale cream blindfold—a bandage?—and a black choker that serves as an actual leash. The end of the leash rests on Dazai-san’s hand.
Like this, it’s easy to see the beads of sweat that dampen the edges of the blindfold, that weighs down the russet curls and sticks them close to the man’s forehead, cheeks and nape. It’s easy to see the dark pink flush on the other’s cheeks, running down on the other’s clavicle and upper chest, the same heated blush that makes the rippling planes of his back glow.
As though to correct his earlier assumptions, Nakahara Chuuya shifts to crawl in all-fours, moving from where he’s been seated outside the right-hand side of the table. With liquid grace, he avoids catching on the wires as he’s nimbly able to situate himself between Dazai-san’s legs. For his part, Dazai-san looks bored and unaffected, like there’s nothing new about parading his naked partner that’s crawling toward him like a dog begging to be petted.
Nakahara Chuuya remains on all-fours, once he reaches his destination. His cheek rests against Dazai-san’s knee, his back curved so that his backside is displayed prominently, showing everyone that there’s one more thing that he’s wearing. There’s a flash of silver, like a bullet, nestled in-between the heart-shaped ass-cheeks. If every single person in the room holds their breath—they’re only able to hear the pronounced breathing from Nakahara Chuuya, as well as a faint whirring sound. A vibrator.
He gulps, feeling his tongue grow heavy and his mouth go dry.
He tries to conjure a disgusting image inside his mind. A two-week corpse exposed in garbage dump during a heatwave. Maggots crawling out of spoiled food. His old organization’s wrinkly prune of a boss, belly-dancing.
It doesn’t work.
He’s too tense to even think about looking down to shoot a chastising glare at his tented pants.
Dazai-san doesn’t seem bothered by the fact that every one of his subordinates are literally standing stiff in front of him, blood all rushing south as they gape in similar states of shock and arousal at the display.
In fact, Dazai-san doesn’t bother with introductions, knowing full well that everybody in the room knows his identity and the purpose of this meeting.
Dazai-san starts discussing things such as the current figures for the establishments under their squad’s territories, current expenses and inventory information about their personnel and artillery. There are graphs about the trends for their expenditures and casualties. There are a lot of things that he needs to pay attention to.
But his eyes are glued on the powerful-looking thighs that are covered in a golden sheen of sweat, as Nakahara Chuuya seems intent in rutting against Dazai-san’s shoes and pants leg, undulating motions rippling like waves on a beach paradise. Both of Dazai-san’s hands are on the desk, no tremors of any sort on his body, not even a twitch on his leg.
The Demon Prodigy is quite well-known for having a silver tongue when it comes to small-talk, seducing information with dark eyes and an even darker voice promising intimacy. He’s especially popular amongst the ladies—though not so much the lovely flowers who work under Ozaki-sama’s purview.
For a moment, he thinks it’s because of the fact that Nakahara Chuuya isn’t a woman.
But then again…
His gaze zeroes in on the choker wrapped around that pale neck. Dazai-san’s left hand is on the desk, the black loop of the leash on his palm.
If he’s so disinterested about men, would he really be here, dragging his dog along, naked and writhing for everyone to witness?
Of course, given that he’s a Demon Prodigy, it’s also entire possible that he’s simply doing this as a punishment? Is that how he’s able to maintain his composure so well?
Nakahara Chuuya seems to sense this too, because he starts letting out breathless moans as he tries harder to rut against a clothed leg. His head dips forward, slowly sliding his cheek from a knee to Dazai-san’s inner thighs. Dazai-san doesn’t seem to notice it, simply continuing his slide presentation about the current affairs of the Port Mafia and the guerilla squad. Nakahara Chuuya whines when he’s unable to delve as far as he can—because Dazai-san’s foot is apparently pressed against a stomach, preventing his dog from getting too close.
There’s a couple of seconds of tense silence, punctuated by the moans emanating from under the oak desk.
The steady melody of Dazai-san’s speech has stopped!
He lifts his eyes away from the glorious sight of the rippling muscles moving along with Nakahara Chuuya’s movements. Dazai-san’s expression is colder than usual, like his subordinates’ distraction is within his expectations, yet he’s still disappointed in them. He wants to cry out that this is injustice, true unfairness! They’re mafioso, not monks! Actually, scratch that, he’s 100% certain that even hundred-year-old monks would still have their blood stimulated by the feast in front of their eyes! Even an actual block of ice would melt from the heat radiating from that pink-flushed hole fluttering around the silver vibrator lodged inside!
Of course, he hasn’t managed to literally stab his ex-superior in the back to escape a certain hellhole that is a two-year war over resources in the Continent by being foolhardy. He keeps his voice down—the one thing he can control at the moment, because his cock twitches inside his pants when Nakahara Chuuya simply continues trying to wantonly rub himself all over Dazai-san’s leg, seemingly unaware of the audience behind him.
…He hasn’t led a pure, sheltered life, at all. He’s seen a lot of things in his lifetime—war carnage, villas filled with drugged sex slaves, whorehouses that could regulars of opium dens blush. He’s seen a lot of things—and there’s nothing more wanton than the sight in front of him, all that power and grace tucked away to give room to a sexy little thing trying to get their master to pay attention to him.
For a terrifying moment, his not-foolhardy self is captivated with the urge to step forward and slide his hands over the delicious cords of muscle starting from the backs of his knees up to the curve of that neck. Unclasp the choker and transfer ownership of the leash to him. He won’t be like Dazai-san, who’d sit there impassively and continue talking about boring things such as the Port Mafia’s future and the guerilla squad’s achievements. He’d start by petting the hair on that nape, dragging upwards so he can get a stable hold of those curly locks, loop them around his fingers so he can systematically drag that beautiful face over his cock.
It’s only a moment, because Dazai-san’s cold expression drops several degrees further, before he starts speaking again. Presentation slides change, more charts and numbers that don’t make sense to him. Nearly all of his blood has pooled south—the only thing left in his brain is the hardworking part that’s stopping him from doing something drastic, like begging pitifully for Dazai-san to let him have just one taste of that glorious body. It wouldn’t be so bad, right? It’s not like Dazai-san wants him! It would be such a shame if nobody would pay proper respect and attention to those curves, to those moans…
Eventually, Nakahara Chuuya tires of trying to smear the pearly sheen of his precum all over those slacks. He starts crawling upwards, showcasing off his great sense of balance that doesn’t require his Ability’s assistance when he situates himself on Dazai-san’s knees. Dazai-san doesn’t close his legs and he doesn’t move his hands away from the laptop, one hand resting on the mousepad and the other holding on to a laser pointer so he can highlight whatever bullet point he’s on. It means that Nakahara Chuuya has to hook his ankles on Dazai-san’s calves, as well as balance his weight so that he doesn’t topple off gracelessly from his new seat.
Dazai-san doesn’t look bothered—actually, he looks like he doesn’t even notice that there’s someone who’s crawled up to his lap. There’s no change to his demeanor, his actions, his timbre of voice. There’s no change on his breathing and there’s no beads of sweat forming on his forehead or collar.
He’s seen countless things in his life, but he truly hasn’t seen anyone this frigid.
He doesn’t waste time forming opinions about the possibilities of Dazai-san’s sense of aesthetics or humanity being especially faulty. He’s more focused on the fact that Nakahara Chuuya starts moaning louder and thrusting against Dazai-san’s groin, collapsing his upper body forward so that his forehead is leaving sweaty patches on Dazai-san’s lapel, so that his nipples are occasionally rubbing against the tailored suit, so that his getting more friction than before.
He dry-swallows once more. The definitely-not-foolhardy him briefly entertains a thought of upending his entire life savings and offering them upon this altar, for a chance to see Nakahara Chuuya position himself another way, so that he’s facing Dazai-san’s squad instead of his master. In a work environment where every minute could be his last, he’d surely die a happy man if he can have a close look as to how temptingly red Nakahara Chuuya’s cock would be, at this moment.
There’s no discernible rhythm to Nakahara Chuuya’s thrusting and moaning. He’d spend a couple of minutes slowly dragging his body in lazy waves, then he’d suddenly speed up, like he’s suddenly losing control of his hips in his chase for pleasure. And then it would subside, like he’s catching grips of sanity, like he’s remembering that there’s nothing worse than revealing one’s weakness in front of the Demon Prodigy.
They’re halfway through the presentation when Dazai-san coldly calls for a five-minute break.
Nobody moves.
Nobody matters to Dazai-san, apparently, because his idea of a break is to apparently break the pet on his lap.
And because nobody moves—not to adjust their pants, not to run to the nearest bathroom and relieve themselves, not to jump off the Port Mafia Headquarters as a means to escape from this strange haze—they’re all able to witness the next set of events.
Dazai-san’s indifference feels like a crushing weight, affecting him even though he’s safely a few meters away. As though he’s the one with the gravity manipulation Ability. There’s boredom in his countenance and his voice as he asks, in a volume that’s almost too-loud in the enclosed space, “What do you think you’re doing?”
And almost as though it’s an agreed-upon sign, Nakahara Chuuya’s entire form trembles and he loudly moans out a, “Dazaiiiii…”
He’s simultaneously awestruck and baffled by Dazai-san’s self-control. He’s standing at a fair distance away, yet his cock jerks from the heady desire dripping out from that moan. To be assaulted in close-contact of that neediness… he’s not sure anyone could survive.
“Such an unruly pet.” Ever-so-flatly, Dazai-san continues, “You make a mess for your owner and you can’t even bark properly?”
Another full-body tremor, the rippling of those back muscles truly an enchanting sight. And then, a choked-off moan that tapers off to a purr.
There’s a sudden stinging sound.
Nakahara Chuuya mewls.
Another stinging sound. Nakahara Chuuya arches off his back, making his asscheeks more visible. Alongside the fact that there’s a reddish handprint on one of them. On his other cheek, the culprit for the stinging sound and mark is still present, the hand gone from its spot on the mousepad and is instead disciplining an unruly pet.
“A dog who knows how to purr?” There’s a bandage over his right-eye’s side, but there’s an impression that his right eyebrow is raised. “Are you actually really stupid?”
Dazai-san doesn’t wait for an answer, only delivers five more strikes against the pert, wriggling ass on his lap. Each spank against the sweaty skin is punctuated by the sound of flesh slapping together, by that back curving and stretching taut, by shamelessly loud groans that logically should be barked ‘woofs’ but are stretched out so that it ends up being closer to an unintelligible moan.
Dazai-san’s expression and intonation doesn’t change when he rests his hand against the reddened skin, cupping it so that his blunt nails are resting against the reddest parts, as though to remind his pet about the lesson. “Hmm. So you do know how to properly act.”
In response, Nakahara Chuuya rests his right cheek against a shoulder, openly pants and even lets his pink tongue loll out. After a few seconds, he drags out another ‘woof’.
…He’s starting to think that he’d go through the rest of his life getting an inappropriate boner whenever he even thinks about barking. He’s torn between wishing that the five-minute break gets extended to five hours and wanting the five-minute break to be over immediately so they can all be put of this misery.
And there’s really nothing more apt than describing this as a ‘misery’.
Here he is, witnessing a one-of-a-kind beauty be abused and played with, but he can only stand-still and watch with a gaping mouth. His fingers twitch with the desire to touch, to possess. He wants to be the one to pluck the strings on the other’s body, wants to be the one to tease out those degrading sounds out of the man’s throat. Just five minutes… no, even just fifteen seconds! To be able to come close to such a paradise, even a handful of seconds would be more than enough!
As though to laugh at their plight, the Demon Prodigy calls out a callous observation, “Hmm. You’re acting like some dog in heat.”
Nakahara Chuuya wriggles, nodding frantically that it’s an outright wonder that his blindfold doesn’t slip off his eyes. Gone are the usual heated responses made of rude, vulgar words—right now, it’s replaced by something equally heated and vulgar, because that pink tongue darts out and licks at the cloth under his mouth, painting a wet sheen over Dazai-san’s black necktie. Dazai-san’s hand tightens around a black cloth and tugs.
Even while blindfolded—and possibly drugged?, because there’s just no way that the Nakahara Chuuya would allow himself to be humiliated like this, right?—the legendary synchronicity between the two seems to be still in-effect. Of course, the remaining alternative is that Dazai-san has physically trained his pet…
He dry-swallows again.
He watches, with wide, eager eyes, as Nakahara Chuuya moans and slides downward, smooth as a rivulet of water, until he’s kneeling in-between Dazai-san’s outstretched legs. Palms and knees are flat against the carpeted floor, ass sticking out.
No matter how unobtrusive the desk’s design is, it’s not enough to broadcast every single thing that’s happening under it.
But he’s not a fool either.
There’s no mistaking it—Nakahara Chuuya rubs his face against a clothed groin. And then there’s a deliberate slide—of the pet successfully dragging the zipper down simply by using his teeth. The smoothness of the motion can either be due to the man’s gifted physical abilities or due to the fact that he has lots of practice. Either way is enough to stoke his arousal.
He holds his breath, as he watches.
It’s unmistakable, the bobbing motions of Nakahara Chuuya’s head, delving deep until it’s certain that his mouth closes in on the base of his master’s cock. There’s a ‘hnnghh’ that slips out, but it’s drowned by the slick sounds of spit generously being laved all over a certain someone’s dick. And then, some rhythmic choking sounds as Nakahara Chuuya angles his head, presumably to lessen the pressure as he enthusiastically deep-throats Dazai-san… Dazai-san who still looks bored.
Before he knows it, his breathing has aligned with each sigh that slips out of Nakahara Chuuya’s mouth. It just so happens that the sigh happens each time he draws away from the cock that he’s enthusiastically slurping away from, like he’s feeling a profound sense of loss whenever he has to have his mouth and throat free of intrusion, like he can’t bear to be apart from his treat.
And what a treat it is.
Nakahara Chuuya sighs when he’s parted from it, lets out a thrilled moan once it’s inside his mouth, sounds of sucking and slurping unmistakable.
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lovechuunyuu · 7 years
KiraFes 2017 - 3 / 4 Day 1 Fan Report
So I went to KiraFes 2017 day 1 on March 4th. This was my third year participating in KiraFes! :3
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Zoey and I took a taxi (my first taxi experience in Japan!) to Yokohama Arena. There were already girls lined up (what time did they get up and get there!?) but the line wasn’t too bad in my opinion. We waited for 4 hours and along the way, Misae joined us before they started selling at 8:45.
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I only got one thing.
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Once we got our goods, we went to Tully’s and stared at the pamphlet. Eventually, we killed some more time and we lined up to get in.
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Of course I took pictures of the flower stands! xD
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Even though I hit for the first application period, I got stands seats… orz but it turns out that the venue wasn’t too big!
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After going in, I decided to go to the restroom and barely got to my seat right when they started.
I’m sure you can find a set-list for KiraFes somewhere! And as for my brief fan-report, I’m gonna just talk about songs for each group/singer that left an impression on me some parts will be out of order, okay? Each singer/group sings two or three songs and then change. xD
Trignal started things off this year with Update a Day. I think they were a bit nervous but I was really excited that they started off KiraFes! There was a cool 3D screen in addition to other screens. I didn’t like Wing’s hairstyle that much… even with his hair, I still love him. He gives out such great fanservice!! He waved to us a lot!! Egu’s mushroom hair was cute and Ryohei looked really good. <333
I screamed when I heard Blazing! I really love that song! (especially when it was performed at Trigal’s live with suit) but <333
Kamiya sang a few song that I thought was cute. He started off with a cute song as the second one up.
And of course the one that left an impression on me was that one song Ism Rhythm. A 40+ year old man doing hip thrusts and a sexy dance. He was holding the mic stand suggestively as well. And even did a hand motion to his err crotch. XD LOTS of screaming and fangirls dying. I was just really amused that he did it like it was nothing. XDDD
Oh and when he sang his official cover of “Nagareboshi,” it just made me miss Miyu. (Because it’s originally Miyu’s song but this is Kamiya’s cover… and it’s the rock version of it).
NamiDai was the third person up! XD
I remember he sang pretty cool songs! He danced a lot!! For one of his songs, a part of his jacket glowed in the dark! We were like oooooh!
Kakki was the fourth one up! My first thought was, “Oh, he was definitely a bit sick last year for KiraFes.” Because his voice was a lot deeper last year but this time, he sounded fine! He definitely has a unique way of singing! Othello was a really cool song! He put on a hat for the song.
Nobu was the next one up! At one point, he came out with a traditional Japanese outfit and did a cool dance with a Japanese fan! For another song, I clearly remembering thinking, “Wow… he can do body rolls.”
He was the last singer for KiraFes. Nobu talked about things that gave us a lot of FEELS… I can’t really remember what he said but they were very heartfelt. He talked about how there were many kinds of “Daijobu?” (Are you okay?) and how we are supported by those around us… that kind of talk. I think he also said the other members in Kiramune encouraged him to write the song. <3 Then he asked for everyone’s cooperation for the next song: 8piece. It’s a really great song!! He sang, “Daijobu” and the fans follow up with “Daijobu.” Nobu looked so emotional and looked as if he was gonna cry. AHHHHH ;w; As he was singing, these paper (actually I found out later that they were styrofoam) birds were released and flying around. I thought they were 3D images for some reason. XD Later I found out that some of them had signatures from the Kiramune members! XD
Yocchin looked really good! He sang while playing the guitar! At first it was acapella so it was nice. His voice also didn’t sound as rough as it usually did when he sung the song.
There was an ad-lib song… more like a song of him talking and he was using a megaphone for that song. XD I could hear him pretty clearly with the megaphone compared to the microphone. It was pretty interesting! I felt a bit confused because I had never heard such a song before.
Uncle Bomb!! sang pretty cool songs. There was this one song which sounded like a Spanish song… and they brought out these gold or silver capes and danced with them (think of bull-fighting capes).
The talk corner happened after every member/group sang two or three songs. It was a bit awkward with NamiDai trying to lead the convo. XDDD If you have seen him, you would know he’s the awkward one in the group and usually gets bullied by others… even by kouhais. XD The other members didn’t try to help. They couldn’t understand what he was trying to say and neither did we. XD
He even started a random topic going, “What do you do when you first enter a hotel?” So random! The other members thought it was a weird question as well. They were like, “What do you mean what do you do??” XD
At one point, Kamiya and NamiDai talked about something relating to their age and Wing went, “Shouldn’t you go, “Jiji janai!” (I’m not an old man!) in a cute voice. If you know Wing’s catch phrase… His catch phrase is “I’m not an old lady!” NamiDai asked him if he was a “bishojo (girl)” and he said he wasn’t. xDD When asked about the gender, Wing says that his gender is unidentified. XDDD He’s seriously so cuuuute!
When Kamiya left to get ready for the next song, I felt like the talk corner got even more awkward. Ryohei led the convo.at one point asking if there was anything the members wanted to try. NamiDai said he wanted to do something like the Tarzan kinda thing? XD
Anyway, after Nobu ended KiraFes, he left the stage and the fans began to chant, “Encore!” Though actually not everyone was saying it at the same time. XD
Encore time!
Then all the members came out and they sang Ever Dream!
Kakki started with Lesson A to B!!! You know how there was a break in the song? Well, Ryohei came onto the stage with other staff. The staff had an AB paper taped on his/her front or back? Kakki asked what they were doing here and Ryohei announced that they’re the AB team! Ryohei’s blood-type is AB. (Which made me miss Miyu because he’s AB too!!). Kakki asked Ryohei what a typical thing people with AB blood-type experience is. Ryohei answered, “When someone asks you, “What blood-type are you?” And then you answer, “Oh, AB.” And then he/she goes, “O-ohhh…” XDDD Like that reaction. It was really amusing. And then Kakki continued with the song and Ryohei joined in for a few parts! AHHHH
Wasshoi – Yocchin sang this song! And later on, Egu and Nobu joined and waved flags.
Panorama Soda – Trignal sang the song and toward the end of the song, the spotlight was on NamiDai and Kakki. And they were both laying down on beach chairs with sunglasses and sipping from a fancy glass with a flower on it (cocktail?). They were acting cool with the sunglasses. Trignal looked at them as if asking them, “What are you doing here? What are you doing?” kinda look. Ryohei tried to bother Kakki but Kakki just ignored him, acting cool. XD
Next was Kamiya with Harebare Heart!
Want You – Nobu sang the song and was eventually joined by Yocchin and Kamiya… and they even did the cute dance!!! Then they gathered together and Nobu suggested that they danced together so they did! Then Nobu suggested that they blow a kiss at the “I want you!” part. And each of them did it!! Kamiya did it with an unsure face. Yocchin seemed to exaggerate it if I remember? Then they did it together at the end!!
Funky Wave – NamiDai sang it and we participated in the wave! It’s a really fun song! Then toward the end, Trignal came out with a big electric fan and aimed it at NamiDai while Kakki threw big pieces of paper at him, which hit his face. All of the Kiramune members minus Kamiya joined in for the dance for Funky Wave. The dance moves looked like fish flopping. XD And Kamiya came at the end to do a tsukkomi.
I was so happy to hear Get Together! It’s one of my favorite songs
Then each of them gave a closing comment.
And finally, announcements were made!
Kiramune fan-meeting in Kyoto on July 30th!!! Egu, Ryohei, Kamiya, Yocchin, and NamiDai will attend!
And Trignal and Nobu joint live on September 30th and October 1st!!! When it was Trignal’s turn to give announcements, Ryohei dragged Nobu to read them. XD OMGGG Nobugnal! This is the first time I’ve ever heard of a joint live so I’m really excited!
I always enjoy attending KiraFes!!! It’s great to see all of them singing their songs although I missed Miyu. ;w; I will apply for the Kiramune fan meeting and try for Trignal and Nobu’s joint live if possible! I wonder what it will be like… xD
This should be the last of the fanreports I needed to write! I don’t think I’ll write one for Servamp! xD It’ll come out in DVD so... :3 Anyway, until next time! :3
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dollofdeath · 8 years
Long Dream [2/7]
Series: Joker Game
Characters: Hatano/Jitsui; Miyoshi is there too
Rating: G
Summary: Hatano wasn’t one to read shoujo manga, but there was something familiar about this author named Kunio.
Words: 3584
Notes: Modern AU/Reincarnation AU; Spin off to Déjà Vu (KamiMiyo); I feel a bit odd about this chapter, especially because I’m not quite sure about Jitsui’s character?? So sorry if he feels off, especially past Jitsui (he’s sure, uh, something) orz ;; but anyways *jazz hands* here it is, chapter two~
Ch. 1 | You can read this on AO3! Thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoy~! o/
Ch. 2 - Jitsui I: Our Next Time
As the man who would become known as Jitsui entered the designated training location, he felt neither stress nor ease, neither excitement nor dread. Odd, considering he'd spent the prior days pondering the weight of his decision, but in this moment he didn't quite feel anything.
Well, that wasn't completely true. Perhaps he did feel a bit out of place.
While he'd been anticipating the other trainees to fit a particular image, seeing it for himself made him realize how he stood out. He'd heard comments about his pretty face and his smaller physique all his life, but he'd learned to ignore them and he'd like to think he'd learned to have gotten over them as well. No longer was he intimidated by sneers and mocking gazes, but as he saw how much bigger and tougher the other trainees looked in comparison to him, he felt an extra need to prove himself here more than ever. There was a reason he'd been chosen for this spy training facility and he would live up to the Lieutenant Colonel's expectations despite what others thought.
But no matter how soft-spoken and caring he was supposed to be, that didn't stop him from wanting to smack the grin off his seat mate, who so blatantly ignored his attempts at being friendly in favor of talking to the men seated in front of them.  
Had it been under different circumstances, Jitsui wouldn't have thought much of it. It was nothing new for people to snub him, but he'd thought the other trainees would be above such quick judgments or would at least bother trying to be polite on the first day. As it was, he couldn't really call the man out since it went against his assigned persona and he would have to live with that, he supposed. There was no need to cause a scene on the first day over something like this.
Even then, it felt strangely isolating as he sat to the side. A scan of the room showed that a majority of the other trainees had already struck up conversations amongst themselves as they waited for the session to begin. Normally, Jitsui wouldn’t be opposed to the silence he found himself in, but he thought it unwise to not make at least some acquaintances. Fortunately, there appeared to be another like him; sitting by himself in the back was a man whom also didn't meet conventional standards what with his youthful face and shorter stature. Barely sparing his seat mate a glance, Jitsui put on a polite smile and went over to the man. He would make this work in his favor.
"Hello," Jitsui said as the man nodded at him in greeting.
"Hey," the man said non-committedly.
"How do you do?"
"Could be better, could be worse." Like an afterthought, he added, "And you?"
"The feeling is mutual, I suppose," Jitsui said, pausing as he took in the chatter of the other trainees. Already, it seemed like they were forming cliques and groups and whatnot. "Not much of a social butterfly, are you?" He asked, keeping his voice light and pleasant.  
As if he'd just said some sort of dry joke, the man snorted.
"I could say the same of you." The man gave him a once over, looking rather unimpressed. "What brings you here anyways?"
It was good that the man seemed competent enough to be suspicious of him, but it wouldn't do him well if he wouldn't cooperate with him. Either way, Jitsui carried on.
"'Here' as in this facility, or 'here' as in right here?" he asked, tilting his head to the side.
The man merely raised an eyebrow, his eyes holding only the smallest hints of wariness.
"'Here' as in what do you want from me?"
Jitsui didn't take any offense at the accusatory tone but he didn't reply immediately either. Instead he looked back out to the other trainees as if to illustrate his answer. In his peripheral, he saw the man's eyes follow his and if he was seeing anything that he was seeing, then he'd see alliances forming -- alliances that could work against the both of them should they see fit. And if they were to survive in this training facility, they couldn't do it individually.
Returning his gaze back to the other man, Jitsui saw that he was still staring at the others with a blank expression.
"I just think that us small people should stick together, no?" Jitsui said, a suggestion rather than an insistence. Still, as the other man looked back to him with those droopy eyes of his, he thought his words had done the trick.
"Fair enough," the man said, offering his hand to shake. "Hatano."
"It's nice to meet you, Hatano," he said, shaking his hand. "My name is Jitsui."
As Hatano returned his smile with a lazy one of his own, Jitsui decided he’d made the right choice. He'd made an ally for now. And perhaps he could get along with this Hatano man.
Jitsui had long become familiar with the sounds of pencil scratching against paper, the scritching noise as he sketched a comfort of sorts. The amount of erasing he'd done had stopped frustrating him some time ago, knowing that he was just one step closer to perfecting his story as he brushed away the eraser bits. As strange as it sounded, the manga making process was one of the few times Jitsui truly felt content. Of course, he often felt like murdering a man or two as he worked, but it was his creation in the end -- his own little world where he could lose himself in with the familiar characters. Or rather, familiar character.
Despite the taller stature, unkempt silver hair, and ice blue irises, the droopy eyelids of Le Loup 's main character was a constant reminder of the man dearest to Jitsui. "Whom had been dearest" was probably a more accurate statement, but as long as Jitsui kept on writing Shimano's story, he could pretend that Hatano still existed. And as far as he knew, there was nothing to prove otherwise. At least, that was what Jitsui told himself whenever doubt began to swell up.
Still, he didn't dwell on such thoughts and continued his cycle of sketch, erase, and repeat. At one point or another, his life began revolving around Le Loup -- maybe it was when Fukumoto and Odagiri (finally) admitted to their relationship or maybe it was when Miyoshi had tried moving on from Kaminaga -- but regardless of the reasoning, he dedicated most of his time to it because it was almost as if Hatano was still by his side. Little by little he'd been given inklings of the true Hatano during their time spent together, where they shared more than they should've as they grew closer; that was the Hatano he wanted to remember, to immortalize with his work -- the ray of sunshine that somehow made his way into his heart.
And, if he had to be completely honest, a part of him hoped that Hatano was really out there and would reach out to him one day.
For now, Jitsui settled on recreating Hatano's experiences told him about albeit with a fantasy twist. He'd never be able to go through what Hatano had for himself, but imagining how everything played out was fun in its own right. Sometimes it was like he could hear Hatano's voice when he wrote Shimano's dialogue and see the fluidity of Hatano's movements as he drew the action scenes. But if he had to be honest, Jitsui's favorite feature to draw was Shimano's eyes -- his droopy, ice blue eyes that held the same fire Hatano's did. He spent more time on them than he liked to admit, but it was so easy to lose himself in them --
"I'm home."
Jitsui tore his gaze off the paper to see Miyoshi entering their apartment.
"Welcome home," Jitsui said, quickly forcing himself to get back to work. He saved admiration for when he was alone, especially after that time Miyoshi pointed out the similarities between Shimano and Hatano. Though he'd shut him down with a remark about his hair, that didn't stop Miyoshi's all-knowing smirk from popping up whenever he worked.
"My," Miyoshi said, taking a seat across from him. Jitsui didn't need to look up to know that he was gazing over his work with amusement. "Did you even go to school today?"
"Why wouldn't I? I got home early is all it is." Not that he'd ever say it, but he'd specifically created his schedule so he could have as much time to work on his manga as possible.
"Right. I just don't want you dragging behind in your school work, Kunio-sensei."
Without pausing, Jitsui gave Miyoshi one of his cold smiles. To his credit, Miyoshi didn't flinch.
"Are you doubting me?"
"Of course not; you're one of the most capable people I know. I'm just concerned," he said without any hints of actual concern.
Now it was Jitsui's turn to be amused.
"You? Concerned?"
"It's one of my father's conditions after all." No amount of training could ever cover up Miyoshi's disdain for his father, his smirk falling just a bit. While Jitsui could relate to a certain degree, he never missed the rare opportunity to exploit Miyoshi's weaknesses.
"You never struck me as the type to care about other people's orders," he said, more teasing than mocking, as he continued sketching away.
"I could care less about what that man wants." In his peripheral, Jitsui saw Miyoshi straighten his posture and raise his chin high. "I just don't have the means to support myself. Not yet, anyways."
"It's amazing how all it takes is one man with money to have some control over you."
Feeling Miyoshi's eyes burning holes into him, Jitsui kept his smirk to himself.
"It's just a minor setback," Miyoshi said, to which Jitsui hummed in response.
"Things have certainly changed, haven't they?"
Miyoshi made no reply nor any indicator that he heard him, but Jitsui didn't mind. He worked best in silence anyways, when he could concentrate completely on the story he told -- on his memories of Hatano. He wanted to give them the respect they deserved, the care they needed. Hatano had never been the most detailed storyteller, telling him only the main points and expounding only when asked, but Jitsui clung onto every word nevertheless and worked with what he had.
He clearly recalled what Hatano had told him about his mission in France, of how he'd instigated a riot and lost his memory in the process, of how he'd gotten wrapped up with members of the French Resistance and helped them escape from the Germans. It was the scene he worked on now, the image of Shimano nursing his bloodied head and his allies tending their own wounds as they discussed an escape plan forming piece by piece. More often than not, Jitsui wondered about how Hatano had truly felt throughout his missions. Things would be easier if he were there to discuss all these things with him. Things would be easier if he were there in general.
"I saw something interesting today," Miyoshi suddenly said, cutting through the silence and more importantly, his concentration. "Two somethings, actually."
"Is that so?" Jitsui asked, only half interested. Miyoshi would never waste his time with meaningless chatter, but he had a deadline to meet. Even then, nothing could prepare Jitsui for what he was about to hear.
"Hatano --"
They were three simple syllables composed of three characters, yet somehow Jitsui's body came to a standstill as Miyoshi spoke them. His hand stopped abruptly as it hovered over Shimano's face, Jitsui trying to register what he’d just said. Though he'd often heard the name in his dreams and repeated it plenty of times in his head, hearing it spoken out loud was a rarity.
"-- and Kaminaga."
Jitsui barely heard him say Kaminaga's name, but he tried to remain calm. To think, not only was Hatano around but Kaminaga also. As he looked up, Miyoshi wore an unreadable expression.
"Are you sure it was them?"
"I wouldn't have told you if I wasn't."
He really wouldn't. Miyoshi wouldn't lie about such a thing, especially when it concerned him as well. Not to mitigate Miyoshi's own problems, but Jitsui was still trying to come to terms with the fact that Miyoshi had seen Hatano -- alive and in the flesh. Part of him thought it unfair that Miyoshi got to see him first when he'd spent the better part of his life wondering about him, when he'd been hoping that he'd been reborn also, when this was his Hatano. However, now wasn't the time for any resentments.
"How were they?" Jitsui asked finally, hating how shaky his voice came out.
"I don't know." Miyoshi said, much to his disappointment. "I... didn't get the chance to talk to them."
Jitsui would've gladly called Miyoshi out on the pause he'd just made had the situation been different, on how obvious he'd made it that there was more going on than what he told him. But Jitsui's own mind was still numb from the news, still letting what he'd heard sink in.
"That's unfortunate," he said instead. "But they must be around here, shouldn't they?" Mechanically, he resumed sketching. "I suppose you'll just have to find out next time you see them, then."
Miyoshi didn't respond immediately, but from his peripheral, Jitsui saw him clutch at his chest -- his heart -- perhaps a hint to whatever mishap may have lead Miyoshi to miss his chance today. How ironic, Jitsui thought, that the once perfect spy had become so flawed. Or maybe it was more like he was allowed to be flawed now. Nonetheless, the moment of vulnerability didn't last long and Miyoshi looked up to him with a smirk.
"Of course," he said with a different kind of confidence than his usual -- this one more determined, filled with meaning.
Jitsui only smiled back before looking towards the pages of Le Loup in front of him, Shimano’s droopy eyes matching his gaze. As glad as he was for Miyoshi, his thoughts drifted off to Hatano. He wondered if he and Hatano would have a next time as well.
Perhaps their next time would come sooner than Jitsui expected.
Miyoshi had since gotten bored of watching Jitsui draw and left him alone, which he was thankful for, but the sounds of his phone ringing interrupted his much needed solitude. He had half the mind to ignore the call, but seeing that it was from his editor/publicist/whatever-the-fool-was-calling-himself-today and knowing how he got when ignored, Jitsui answered.
"Good afternoon, Gamou," Jitsui said, positioning his phone in between his ear and shoulder as he continued working. "Is there anything I can do for you?
"Afternoon, Jitsui," Gamou said, sounding tired, the kind of tired he got whenever Jitsui insisted on adding extra blood to a scene. "Yes, actually. Whenever you can get to it, can you hand in a signed autograph? Some kid is asking for one."
Already, Jitsui added it to his mental to-do list. Autographs weren't exactly uncommon, but on top of finishing the next chapter, restocking on supplies, and getting his own schoolwork done, they weren't top priority. In fact, he'd just gotten a stamp to sign things off.
"Don't worry, I'll get it done. And whom am I making it out to?"
"Let's see..." In the background, typing noises could be heard from Gamou's end. "I believe his name is Hatano."
Hearing that, Jitsui froze and his phone slipped from his shoulder and clattered against the kotatsu top. Faintly, he heard Gamou calling his name and he scrambled to pick it back up.
"Are you okay, Jitsui?"
"I'm just fine, thank you," he said, trying to keep his voice even. "Just to make sure I heard you correctly, you said Hatano, right?"
"That's right. Ryousuke Hatano."
Jitsui's mouth dried up. Simply Hatano could've been anyone and despite what Miyoshi told him earlier, Jitsui didn't want to assume. But Ryousuke Hatano was too much to be happenstance. He remembered Ryousuke as the name Hatano had taken up for his mission in France and it seemed that the recurring theme for the reborn spies was for their names to be a combination of the names Yuuki had given them and an alias they'd taken up.
This had to be Hatano. His Hatano.
"I see, thank you. If it's no problem, may I have his address? I'd like to send it personally."
There was a brief pause where Jitsui could imagine Gamou’s brows furrowing and and his eyes narrowing, like whenever Jitsui thought it'd be a good idea to kill off yet another character.
"Can I ask why?"
"Do I need a reason?" Jitsui asked, adding an extra edge to his tone.
And then there was another pause where Jitsui could imagine Gamou recoiling in fear like the first time he laid eyes upon him in this lifetime.
"No, no," Gamou said rather dejectedly. "Just... I'll text it to you, all right?"
"Of course," Jitsui said, his demeanor taking a one-eighty. "Thank you, Gamou," he added in that sickeningly sweet voice of his.
"It's no problem," Gamou said, trying to keep whatever dignity he had left before hanging up.
Setting his phone down, Jitsui looked back to the panel he was currently working on, where Shimano stared right at him. Try as he might, he couldn't bring himself to continue sketching. How funny that his whole career had started with his one desire to see Hatano again, but he didn't expect it to actually come true. But it was happening -- would be happening if things worked out well. It must've only been a few seconds since Gamou ended the call, but Jitsui couldn't sit still now. As dear as Shimano was to him, Hatano was dearer still and he didn't want to wait for Gamou's text.
Checking his business email and social media accounts was something Jitsui rarely did, having been banned from posting things himself without Gamou's approval. Apparently his messages and statuses had been "scaring away the demographic," and as ridiculous as he thought it was, he complied. It was easier letting Gamou handle everything and he'd never been much for social media anyways. But if it meant that he could read Hatano's words for himself, it was worth a try.
His inbox held nothing of interest, but fortunately something came up on his Twitter account. Right on the very top of his conversations was a user with the display name “hataYES” and an icon of a black cat. Jitsui had never clicked on something so quickly in his life.
The last message had been sent from him (well, Gamou) a few minutes ago but considering the blue checkmark, it'd been seen, so hopefully that meant he'd be getting a response soon. In the meantime, Jitsui read the rest of the conversation, which didn't consist of much but held a lot of significance nonetheless.
Hey! How do you do? I'm a huge fan of yours and was wondering if there would be any opportunities to see you in person?
Just with Hatano's greeting, the corners of his lips tugged up as he recognized the meaning behind Hatano's words. If only he hadn't made the decision to keep his identity private, then maybe they could've planned some sort of meeting. Or maybe if he'd just gotten the chance to talk to him first, then Gamou wouldn't have offered an autograph instead. But no matter. He could make this work. If Hatano was willing to go with what Gamou suggested, then surely he was up to something too and Jitsui would meet him halfway.
"You look particularly happy," Miyoshi said, emerging from his room. As he poured himself a glass of water, he gave him that all-knowing smirk of his, but somehow it didn't annoy Jitsui like it usually did.
"I just feel good today." Jitsui simply said, rereading the message for the umpteenth time.
"Hm, should I be expecting the police to come asking about a missing person?" Miyoshi asked, a teasing lilt in his voice.
"It's nothing like that." Jitsui set his phone back down again, the message burned into his memory. "But I think I found a certain someone."
Miyoshi blinked at him, his mouth opening as if to question him but shutting it once it seemed to click. He didn’t give any witty remarks or any snide comments, much to Jitsui’s surprise, but he smiled -- one of those rare, genuine smiles of his -- as he walked back to his room.
"I hope things work out with your someone then."
"Thank you. I hope so too."
With the click of Miyoshi’s door closing, Jitsui cleaned up his work space, leaving behind a clean piece of paper and a pen. He couldn't concentrate on working right now, thoughts of Hatano flooding his mind. It would be a while until he had more free time to make any visits, but he'd at least give Hatano the autograph that he agreed to take. An autograph with a generic message and stamped off at the end wouldn't cut it though. He needed to send him something meaningful and worthwhile.
Not wasting any more time, Jitsui began writing, knowing exactly what to say.
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merakiui · 2 years
BRO I FEEL STARVED! I love Azul and the way you write him but you know what I love a lot more? THE WAY YOU WRITE IDIA!
I need- I need more thoughts for Idia aka.the ultimate discord mod™(affectionate)
—can I be the Eel anon?
Omg I’m happy to know you like the way I write Idia! He’s so filthy and shameless. orz I’ll share some very scattered ideas!
✧ Idia feels like the type to be a danganronpa mastermind (he would be a Tsumugi fan). He gives me Mikan vibes—someone who is shy and always anxious but becomes bolder when pushed to the edge. I think he’d subject everyone to a death game if it was an au in which that happened. It would be run and funded by STYX, but all anyone knows is that if they can survive a few days and escape death they’ll be rewarded in more ways than just monetarily. Maybe you’re the prize or maybe you’re forced to participate. Magic use is not allowed, but most of NRC’s students are little cheats so someone’s going to break that rule eventually.
✧ I remember how wild the Japanese side of the fandom went when book 6 was just beginning (when STYX had kidnapped the students) and I remember seeing so many theories and art about what he might do to study and torture them. Thinking about how clinically detached Idia might be if he’s studying you. Maybe you’re a creature born from Overblot, but you take on a human appearance and seem to genuinely think you’re human. Dangerous creatures like you have to be contained and properly observed, but for some reason you act just like a harmless human. Idia knows blot is dangerous, but he can’t help slowly falling for you the more time he spends on the other side of the glass.
✧ Idia but he and Azul swap personalities, so now you have a very confident, silver-tongued Idia and a very gloomy, sleep-deprived Azul who thinks everyone is a normie. >:)
✧ Idia who, when he finds out you’re a female, decides to kidnap you alongside the NRC students. But he keeps you in a separate enclosure and it’s not to study you. It’s to train you to be a perfect housewife for him, starting with chores and working the way up to pregnancy once you seem more willing. Idia definitely has a breeding kink, but it’s more that he just likes the concept of filling you up until you’re so cock-drunk and watching your body shape itself around pregnancy. The trio’s breeding kinks are more rooted in mer instincts because the goal is to have children with you, whereas Idia’s not really a big fan of that. But if it’s you he can try to do his best.
✧ Idia has a voice line about how he wouldn’t be able to live with another person, as having a roommate was terrible enough (very paraphrased from his ghost marriage home screen lines). So imagine being his roommate or housemate and he rarely leaves his room, only contributes monetarily (he probably pays for the entire apartment because he’s rich), and you never truly get to talk to or connect with him. But unbeknownst to you, Idia is watching you through the cameras he’s situated in your room and he’s been stealing things from you (undergarments, jewelry, makeup, a shirt, a sock, etc). He’s so creepy, but he becomes even creepier if you bring someone back to the apartment, whether a friend or a hook-up.
✧ thinking about fwb with Idia, but it’s online. So lots of phone sex, lots of exchanging of explicit images (imagine talking to this guy who calls you his kitten and has the smallest dick energy, but when he finally sends a photo back he’s massive. T-T), and even occasionally playing online games together. Idia becomes obsessed with you and quickly gets jealous if he knows you’re out actually living your life when you should be spending it talking to him at all hours of the day.
✧ something something apocalypse au and you take shelter with Idia, who becomes very obsessed with you and won’t let you leave because it’s so dangerous out in the real world.
✧ Idia who is researching a mer darling! He keeps you confined and finds that interacting with you is much easier than interacting with others. Maybe it’s because you don’t speak much of his language or it’s because you never seem to judge him critically. Either way, he loves his mer and wants to keep you forever.
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isadorator · 8 years
A Fic Year in Review - 2016
It's that time again~ And I wrote so much this year, holy shit. As usual, any concrit and comments are welcome~~ (as are requests, when open lol)
what are THOOOOSE a superhero's holiday
Oh jeez. Both these fics got way more attention than I thought they would. But I keep underestimating the ML fandom tbh. The first was basically me goofing around and I somehow ended up promising to write a sequel since everyone wanted one (which I...still need to do.....). The second was a flag for both my descent into ladrien hell and also a return to my nsfw ways orz;;;;
you are gold and silver (1/2)
IT TOOK. SO. L O N G. TO WRITE THIS. Although this fic is firmly in AU territory now thanks to being beautifully jossed by canon, it helped me realize just how much I needed to grow in order to write romantic intimacy in a believable way. So, I made it my goal to work on it until it was up to my own standards.
(I...still need to finish this fic too......)
jackady ladrien drabble prompts (1/2):
fan merchandise
artistic muse
stuck in a small place
never have i ever
i want to touch them
jackady ladrien drabble prompts (2/2):
damsel in distress
beauty facial masks
visible marks
ice cream sandwiches
volpina ladrien drabble prompts (1/9):
the 4 times adrien pretended to shower to hide from ladybug (and the 1 time he was actually showering when she calls out his bullshit)
tried to kiss your lips but i missed
staring into each other’s eyes
Ah, the plan being put into action! With the release of actual ladrien eps, I had the perfect excuse to write romantic scenario after romantic scenario using submitted prompts. Which also meant I accidentally created a secret love affair AU and wrote more smut whoops. Still, they were super fun! I took a break halfway through to write some Inuyasha-inspired marichat that just would not leave me alone (also fun).
(....I promised to write a continuation of the 'never have i ever' prompt, didn't I alrjkdsflaks. AND TANGLED AU SHIT I ALMOST FORGOT)
volpina ladrien drabble prompts (2/9):
they go on a date together
soulmate au
“i love you. i’m completely and utterly in love with you. please don’t get married.”
the one time ladybug actually catches adrien in the shower
ACTUALLY in the shower
“of all the people i could’ve gotten stuck in an elevator with and it just had to be you.”
More ladrien prompts/romance practice~ The music prompt is still one the most cracktastic things I've ever written lol. Managed to make two more AUs with this batch that I've already started to expand on: the soulmate AU and the auteur AU. Lastly, in a surprise twist, the fucking elevator prompt managed to gather over 1k in notes. Probably because I ripped off Sailor Moon but. Still.
volpina ladrien drabble prompts (3/9):
another shower scene
away from home
“you have mom’s smile.” he said this to ladybug once, but he thinks it again and again and again. but ladybug is better: she is real.
calling bullshit
untitled continuation of a comic by pozolegirl
volpina ladrien drabble prompts (4/9):
under the covers
mega nachos
“i heard that the spots on your bodysuit corresponds to chakra points? so… what happens if i touch this?”
cute nose/forehead kisses
their first time
“i need you to pretend we’re dating…”
“is there anything you’re not good at?”
More Volpina prompts! Again, I like experimenting with them :D Also wrote a continuation of that Christmas comic because it was just way too cute~~
ladrien june 2016 drabble prompts (1/6):
love poem
i can show you the world
first love
everyone can see it
shower scene
it’s a trap
sins cannot be undone
ladrien june 2016 drabble prompts (2/6):
jealous fangirls/boys
“you have her smile”
gabriel | hawkmoth’s reaction
it’s not you, it’s my enemies
secret dating
window kisses
Oooooh boy. The triple whammy of Ladrien June, Ramadan, and starting my summer job. I was excited to have a month dedicated to just ladrien (as if I hadn't already dedicated most of my year to it lol) but fell behind pretty quickly thanks to my lack of free time. I aim to finish them this year!
And Ramadan. Man. It always sends my mental health straight into the toilet. Not because of the holiday itself, but because of the way my family treats it. Idk. I tried to flush away the bad feelings by punching out 'sins cannot be undone' in one night. And it helped, I suppose. It's definitely the rawest thing I wrote this year and I still have very strong feelings about it.
three sentence prompts:
ladynoir, spy au
nino and marinette, karaoke au
ladrien, bodyguard au
ladrien, superman/lois lane au
adrien and tikki, baking au
alix and kim, and the one-time-max-actually-won au
alya and marinette, vigilante au
adrienette, foreign countries
ladynoir, and the elevator game/ritual
Between work and writing various wips that I still haven't posted yet (*coughcoughconjugalvisitcough*), I only posted stuff from this meme. I had fun (the goal) and the adrien&tikki kwamiswap AU one is still my fave |D *slams fists on table* LET ADRIEN BE A BAKER!!!!
untitled continuation of a comic by geek-fashionista insomaniac and the chaton pile
UMMMM My summer job ended by this point, so my only excuse for not posting much is it's all tied up in unpublished wips and...I was freaking out about starting school next month for the first time in y e a r s;;; Just some drabbles for the sidekick AU (not mine) and my own, sleep-deprived ideas (that I...still find hilarious alkdjfhalksd I DID NOT EXPECT ANYONE ELSE TO???)
volpina ladrien drabble prompts (5/9):
embarrassing hobbies (aka: adrien is secretly a popular ladynoir fanfic writer)
mlnsfweek prompts (1/3):
make 'em blush
we've got time
"i can’t believe we survived" sex
wet dreams
STILL REALLY STRESSED ABOUT SCHOOL, which translated into a lot of writing. Did a couple of Volpina prompts, including time ≠ water. Which. Got way more attention than I expected;;;; And that I...also promised to expand on......;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
And then #mlnsfweek hit and I'm actually really proud of myself for finishing the whole week, even if it was late~ /o/ Did some random scenarios, including some futurefic for the timebreaker AU. I still cackle every time I think of the wet dreams prompt tbh XDDD
volpina ladrien drabble prompts (6/9):
inside a video game
horror movies
“who crawls through someone’s window at 4 am to go for ice cream?!”
aching muscles from running all over the city, and then: "would a massage help?"
discovering their sensitive spots
“so close” from enchanted
As usual, more Volpina prompts in between school and wips. Not really much to say except it was around now (or maybe September? My memory is horrible) that I realized I had developed a pretty good grasp on romance and could start working on upping my daily wordcount. I really want the mental stamina to complete a chapter fic one day...
mlnsfweek prompts (2/3):
School REALLY started to pick up in difficulty and I signed up for a fic exchange and a fanzine. Despite really wanting to, I didn't have time or energy to do more than one prompt for the #mlnsfweek redux, but I plan to complete it~ I have Ideas.
oh, the things i do for you (the bubbler remix)
volpina ladrien drabble prompts (7/9):
bruises and scars
cold hands, warm hearts
I'm never, ever committing to more than one fic deadline near exam time ever again. I nearly died last month as I rushed to complete these fics, my studying, and prep for my vacation that started right after exams (I'm still recovering;;;). The remix is currently the longest fic I've written to date, including my wips! Holy shit!!!
Both were done very last minute, but I'm pretty happy with how they turned out. I tried to finish the last of the Volpina prompts before the end of the year, but alas, time was not on my side. Better luck next year~ :'D
Total Year’s Output: ....58,718 words;;;
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted?
.......This is almost twice as much as I did last year. I actually passed the NaNoWriMo standard. Oh my god. There is no fucking way I would have predicted this last year. And that's not counting all the wips aaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH—
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January 2016?
Uhhhh, Bustier/Mendeleiev, definitely. Also DjWifi?? I just wasn't into it at all last year, but now I'm rooting for them. Also, I did not expect to write this much smut, but here we are. ALSO MARIE/ADRIEN/MARINETTE AKA THE OT3 AKA LOVE SQUARED (the homestuck in me will never die)
What’s your favourite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest.
Happy...? Hmmmm....There's stuff that makes me laugh, that I'm proud of...
...I know it's not published yet or even done, but...probably conjugal visit. Not only is it chock full of my favourite type of ladrien, it's...sort of my thesis on emotional intimacy? It's proof of my progress. I look at it and I can feel my determination to grow and to move on from the mental rut I was stuck in for most of my life, that I won't let my past keep my from recognizing my own emotions and learning empathy, not forever.
(Maybe that's pride and contentment and hope more than happiness, but I'll damn well take it)
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year?
I ALWAYS SAY THIS but...I really want to finish my wips.....and I want to start an actual chaptered fic. Not a one-shot collection or a drabble collection. Long, plotty, gen or romance (or both!!), chapter fic. I want to write something that will keep people up all night, lying to themselves when they say 'just one more chapter'. I think I actually have a shot at completing one now, at my current skill and confidence level |D
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royaltyjunk · 7 years
Brighter - Ch. 4 [T, Perceval/Cecilia]
I need to get better at setting deadlines holy moly
Also… is it just me or is it taking me a lot longer to write something these days?
Eh, probably just me
Disclaimer: I don't own Fire Emblem
IV: Light
~ / . / . / ~
A year after Roy and Lilina's engagement, and a few weeks after their (in his opinion, somewhat extravagant) wedding, Perceval asks her to move in with him. He stumbles over his words a bit, and Cecilia has to stop him multiple times to chase off people trying to record them or snap pictures of them, but he gets his point across, and of course Cecilia agrees.
"Why did you even bother asking her?" Mildain asks, pushing Perceval his wrapped sandwich over the café counter. "She basically lives with you anyways. And you know that her mother is supportive of you two no matter what. Well, unless you cheat on her."
Perceval rolls his eyes, handing Mildain his work ID. "I just don't know if Miss Alessandra would have been okay with taking over Cecilia's house again. I know she almost went crazy last time because Cecilia's father did such a poor job of keeping Miss Alessandra's house clean."
Mildain frowns, pausing his tapping on the cash register. "Wait, what?"
"Miss Alessandra had to go live in Cecilia's house, so she got Cecilia's father to look over her house. When Miss Alessandra got back to her own house, it was in all sorts of disarray. The only people she trusts to look over the house now are Cecilia and I. And only if we're together."
To that last statement, Mildain makes such a suggestive noise that Perceval wonders how he ever became friends with him (he knows how, though - but only because it was also the time he became friends with Cecilia).
Perceval takes a few days to get a copy of his keys though, so they're constantly trading hands even before Cecilia officially moves in. At one point, Cath nabs them as a joke, but causes them so much stress that everyone learns never to mess with either of them when on a frantic search for something vital - or else they'll get threatened by both the Head of Economic Enterprises and the Head of Security.
Or course, Miss Alessandra agrees to their moving in together, and she takes a good chunk of Perceval's time making him promise not to do anything Cecilia wouldn't want, or not to break any of her possessions on purpose, and especially to respect her boundaries. He vehemently agrees, and Miss Alessandra believes him when he says he'll uphold them. He hears that Cecilia gets the same treatment from his mother, but knowing how much Amber Eques absolutely dotes on her potential daughter-in-law, she's probably prepared a list of Perceval's weaknesses for her.
(Unfortunately he's proven right when, while he has his back turned to Cecilia while unpacking her belongings, she drapes her arms around him and uses her foot to tickle the sole of his. What results is the worst tickle fight in the history of tickle fights.)
Still, the moving in goes well, and the busy Saturday afternoon turns into a calm Saturday night, where Klein, Clarine, Lalum, and Mildain crash their house without announcement. After apologizing to Perceval and Cecilia for the heart attack, they promise to cook dinner. Cecilia quickly declines Clarine access to the kitchen, but lets the other three in.
"Why won't you let me in the kitchen?" Clarine complains, pouting.
"Because you almost set our house on fire last time you tried to bake a pizza," Klein yells from the kitchen.
"But now I'm the third wheel," Clarine counters, staring with mock anger over at the other side of the couch, where Perceval and Cecilia are cuddled against each other.
"You should have brought Rutger then," Perceval replies.
"He's in Sacae!"
"Oh well," Cecilia grins, and Clarine crosses her arms.
"You're welcome, Clarine. I just don't want you burning down my house."
"Who said that? You two moving in together is going to make it a lot harder for me to distinguish who's saying what while I'm trying to read everything I wrote down while eavesdropping."
"Good gods, Klein. You can't even tell the difference between Perceval's voice and Cecilia's voice?"
"Wait, what do you mean by eavesdropping!?" An indignant sputter from the living room sends Klein into hysterical laughter, and they end up losing their best chef from the laughing fit he's having.
Eventually, they all settle down for a comfortable dinner, and spend the rest of the night flipping through old photo albums Cecilia and Perceval dug out that afternoon. At one point, Klein points out that Perceval was wearing nail polish all throughout his elementary school years, and all Perceval can do is point to Cecilia. Another time, they count all the times Mildain had actually smiled for a picture outside of class photos. The answer was, unsurprisingly, zero.
Cecilia and Perceval chase them out of their house when it's close to midnight, laughing when Clarine makes a face and threatens Perceval loudly from the car about doing "unsavory things to Cecilia when they slept" as they drive away. Perceval rolls his eyes, but he obviously takes Clarine's words to heart because he doesn't do anything unless Cecilia agrees. He even asks if he can hug her, and Cecilia looks at him so incredulously that he just shrugs and says, "They're scary."
"I don't care if they're scary," she smiles, patting Perceval's cheek. He squawks in protest, and Cecilia laughs. "Whoops. I forgot."
"You know my skin doesn't react well to that lotion…" he mutters, wetting his hand towel and wiping off his cheek. Cecilia just flashes him her picture perfect smile, and it's hard to be mad at her after that.
The night that follows doesn't seem like any other night since they've spent so much time together, except when Cecilia wins, she's struck with sunlight, and the other side of the bed is empty. She sits up, rubbing her eyes and stretching.
"Perceval?" she calls.
"In the office," his voice comes from a distant part of the house, and she slips out of bed, pulling on actual clothes and tossing her pajamas on the bed. She makes her way across the hallway to the propped open door of Perceval's office.
"You're working this early? On a Sunday?" she frowns.
He shrugs. "It's not really work. It's more legal paperwork about your move."
"Oh. Do you need anything?"
"I'm… actually pretty hungry," he admits, sifting through the piles of paperwork in his office.
"Why didn't you say so?" she grins and skips downstairs, opening cabinets and pantries to collect the ingredients to prepare for breakfast.
It's then that she finds a green box in his kitchen cabinets, tucked away under the boxes and bottles of spices and dried herbs. What's suspicious is that the box is the same shade of green as her hair, an iridescent green that would catch his eye from anywhere.
She's still trying to figure out what could be inside it (ignoring the nagging thought in the back of her mind) when he walks into the kitchen, a wad of paperwork in his hand.
"Cecilia-" he pauses, his eyes wide when he sees the box in her hand.
"Oh, Perceval," Cecilia smiles, setting the box down. "Is that more legal paperwork?"
"Yes," he croaks, his gaze not leaving the box on the counter. She takes the papers he's holding, and he snags the box, tucking it into his pocket. Cecilia gives him a strange look as he slips out of the kitchen, and he gives her a nervous smile over his shoulder.
"So? What is that box all about?" Cecilia asks him eventually, when she goes into his study to return the bundle of papers. He's standing in front of his desk, and when she asks the question, he freezes up. With an annoyed pulse behind his movements, he takes the papers and sets them down on his desk, sighing as he turns and looks at her.
"Cecilia… what do you think it is about?"
"...I thought so." Cecilia closes her eyes. A smile spreads across her lips, and Perceval touches her shoulder.
"Yes," Cecilia murmurs, breaking the silence.
Perceval blinks, and it takes him a moment to realize what she's trying to say. "...Really?"
Cecilia opens her eyes, staring at into his brown eyes. "I've loved you for as long as I can remember, and I probably will keep loving you. Why wouldn't I marry you?"
He runs his hands through his hair, a distant yet joyful look on his face. "I… to think, I had a whole speech written out."
"Was that what you were annoyed about?"
"Yes," he admits sheepishly. "I was annoyed I didn't get to say my speech. I had it all memorized too."
Cecilia gives him a gentle shove. "I love you. Did you really think you needed a speech to convince me to marry you?"
Perceval rolls his eyes, and she smiles. He leans his forehead against hers, and her smile grows wider. Cecilia's fingers find the edge of his shirt, and she clenches his sweater. He cups her cheeks, and she leans forward a little, their noses touching. "I love you too," he breathes, and Cecilia laughs at the smell of mint in his breath.
"Can I have my ring now?" Cecilia questions, smiling. "I'm curious to see what you picked out."
He kisses her gently, his lips lingering against hers. "As you say," he murmurs, his lips brushing against hers.
Cecilia grins, detaching herself from Perceval when he pulls away and walks around his desk, pulling open a small drawer. He withdraws the bright green box, flicking open the box and taking the ring. He places the green box down on his desk and walks back to Cecilia. She folds her hands behind her back.
Perceval opens his fist, revealing a thin silver ring decorated with one emerald.
"Lalum and Lilina both agreed that getting something simple was better for you," he states, and Cecilia smiles.
"I think it's perfect."
She stretches out her hand, and Perceval takes it. He slips the thin ring onto her finger, and she grabs his cheeks, kissing him as hard as she can. His lips curve into a smile, and his hands rest against her waist. He pulls her closer, and she savors the gentle touch he has, the unspoken words behind his actions.
Cecilia's eyes are bright and her cheeks are rosy, and Perceval can't help but let his smile grow bigger.
"What is it?" she asks softly, brushing her fingers against his cheek.
"Nothing. Just… thinking."
"About what?"
"About how I love you."
Her only response is to pull him in and kiss him again.
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ever-searching · 8 years
About: Cain Locke
The Basics:
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❖ Name: Cain Locke ❖ Age: 21 ❖ Deity: Nald’thal, the Trader ❖ One good trait: Curious ❖ One bad trait: Doubtful
❖ One bad habit: If he sees something which piques his curiosity, he might ignore more or less everything else. At worst, this could lead to him walking into a trap, but so far it’s just made him feel (and probably look) awkward in social situations.
❖ One good habit: He tries to keep his mind open to multiple points of view before making his judgement, which also means that he doesn’t discriminate by race.
❖ One habit they can’t break: Forgetting to sleep and eat properly while studying. He knows that it’s not a good habit, but he is ambitious and something of a perfectionist.
❖ One they’ve broken: Does ‘assuming the worst of everyone’ count? It took a while before he could even convince himself that the people of Arrzaneth Ossuary weren’t just planning to use him.
❖ What they’re afraid of: Being abandoned or left behind, especially due to a permanent injury or something else which makes him “useless”. In addition, while it’s not strictly a fear, Cain doesn’t like sleeping in the same room with other people unless he can be sure that he will wake up before them.
❖ Their parents’ names: Walken and Airell Locke. Their whereabouts are unknown. ❖ Their siblings’ names: No living siblings. ❖ Other relations: None, or at least none he can remember or would care about.
❖ Favourite childhood memory: Before Silver Bazaar became mostly a fishing settlement, there was something akin to a carnival at least once. Cain doesn’t remember it too well, but he has vague memories of vibrant colours and lovely smells… and, above everything else, his parents being happy due to having helped to set up stalls and such and getting paid well.
❖ Favourite childhood toy:  A simple and small toy boat made by his mother.
❖ Embarrassing story: When he was younger, he got annoyed with the reddish orange streaks in his hair and tried to get rid of them by rubbing coal into them. The end result was a child very much smeared in coal whose mother cut most of his hair off.
❖ Favourite family member: His father, Walken. After an incident which made her health took a turn for worse his mother would turn at times even unresponsive, so Walken took care of Cain’s basic needs and even occasionally took the boy with him when he went fishing or working. He slowly got more sullen as work got more scarce a year or two before Calamity, though.
❖ A story about that family member: Walken once took Cain with him when he was hired to load some crates from the into a travelling merchant’s cart. His original idea had been to have Cain run off to play with the other local kids while he worked, but he instead found the boy trying to lift one of the crates (to little avail, of course). Cain was rewarded with hearty chuckle, a pat onto his head and “you’re one stubborn kid, aren’tcha”, and the memory stuck with him because it was one of the few occasions when he got praised. (I’m sorry he didn’t have a very nice childhood)
What they prefer:
❖ Coffee or tea? ❖ Showering in the day or night? ❖ Taking baths or taking showers? ❖ Writing or reading? ❖ Platonic or romantic love? ❖ Iced tea or lemonade? ❖ Ice cream or smoothies? ❖ Cupcakes or cake? ❖ Beach or mountains?
tagged by @kilieit​ (via being a member of @polaris-fc​) tagging anyone who wants to do this and hasn’t done it (i.e. my network of FFXIV players is still minuscule and I don’t know anyone orz)
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