#i never even watched rvb
s4nnyside · 4 months
my copy of rvb looks different here /j
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lucifer-kane · 1 year
Not to talk about Grimmons again but it's buck wild to me that they're them and they're what they are but the fact that Grif literally has some of Simmon's organs in him, after Sarge makes Simmons a cyborg. Idk it's just like. They hate each other, they're in love with each other, one of them has the others organs/skin in/on him. What the fuck
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asphodeldreams · 2 months
drawing for donut week is weird for me because one of my favorite things about donut is the various ways he interacts with other characters/his surroundings. which means in order to celebrate that part of donut that i really enjoy i will then have to draw full scenes which i famously do not do lol
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seriemorder · 11 months
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the future nessa seriemorder wants
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carmarriage · 5 months
red vs blue restoration blew such huge chunks im actually mad. like completely enraged. and i wouldnt have it any other way. rest in peace you son of a bitch
#like under the conditions it was made. i can understand why it is the way it is.#but i would genuinely be hard pressed to imagine a way it couldve been worse.#they brought tex back. which is like the number one thing they should have never done under any circumstance. leave the poor woman ALONEEEE#wash had absolutely nothing to do except act like an idiot for no reason and Be Crazy. leave him alone too#carolina showed up just to immediately get her shit kicked in. she doesnt even say a single word to tex so what was the point#and i fucking love tucker so im biased but WHAT!!!!! HOW DO YOU DECIDE TO DO META TUCKER AND FUMBLE HIM THAT HARD!!!!#tucker doesnt get a single line reflecting on Literally Being Tortured for (from his perspective) TEN YEARS????#not a single genuine emotional moment for him???? just gets up and says ''oww that sucked. bow chicka bow wow haha am i right fellas''#the blues got shafted so fucking hard. they barely interact with each other. they get no resolution at all.#wash and tucker didnt even talk. i dont think they were ever even in the same frame. if you wanted me to kill myself you couldve just said#also i havent watched s15-17 since they released and i didnt bother with rvb0 but when did doc die. huh#carolina said something about ''what happened on chorus'' and HUH? did i just miss that completely. what the fuck#also where is donut. he wasnt even in this. im assuming something happened to him that i just dont remember during/after s18 but i miss him#sorry for being so mean lmfao i dont usually like complaining so much but man...........#they didnt even make grimmons canon. smh my head#anyway rvb ended after s13 ❤️ yayyy
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spearheadrampancy · 5 months
i said this in the tags of a previous reblog but i need non-rvbs to understand just how terrible the shutdown of RT is.
this is not just a case of a group of fandom weirdos being overdramatically sad about rvb or AH ending, this is a group of people angrily trying to hold onto something ephemeral that shouldnt be ephemeral.
the RT site will be wiped out of existence on the 15th of may. yes, okay, there is a logical argument that if it's losing that much money then it should go down. but it's not just the site. RT have said there's no guarantees that even the youtube accounts will remain by next year. there's a lot of content that isnt on the youtube channels now. there's even more content that was never on the youtube channels.
to people who arent into rvb, or any of RT's content, this should be a warning. this can happen to any media.
this is why media preservation is important. make backups of the stuff you love. make backups of the stuff you dont love. make backups of the stuff you hate. its important to somebody, and its important to society.
media is a reflection of people's thoughts, their hopes, their dreams. to stand and watch media be irreversibly removed because it is deemed "unworthy" is to go against the concept of media creation itself.
yes a lot of RT content is shadowed by the company's underlying toxic culture, but you cannot argue that this company and the content they made is responsible for so many great things.
this isnt a fandom thing. this is a media preservation thing.
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docdufresne · 1 month
how r you so good at drawing (halo) armor. You’re literally one of the best I’ve ever seen. Tips please if possible? (specifically for the shapes of the armor)
Oh god heLLO; I'm super bad at explaining my process of drawing RvB armor, as it's been multiple years since I've done it up until recently, so I'm super rusty but I will do my best to explain myself!!!
I've never made any sort of tip guide or tutorial, so please bear with me!
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USE REFERENCES!!! This can go for renders from the Halo games directly (ArtStation was a great place to start, I'm not sure how things are post AI ""art"" surge, though) but at the very least, screenshot the heCK out of the series from whatever season you want to draw. There are a lot of different angles, and after they started to animate, it made it easier to get references with arms up or splayed out to the sides, or legs bent and hand motions!! Depends on what you're looking for!!
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For this Reference, I used a Halo 3 render, as well as the Caboose-isms poster render. There are more clear renders out there, I'm sure!
First step that I take in learning to draw a new set of armor is color coding the sections that I'm going to draw, and then labeling them with points of interest that make me remember the detail later; Like grooves, or a bevel that looks weird or silly. Color coding and labelling the parts made it easier for me to break it down into smaller bits to draw piece by piece, bc let's face it; Armor can be super tedious and daunting, especially if you're just starting out.
Remember It's ALL SHAPES!!! IT'S JUST SHAPES!!!! Break them down into more simple shapes to find what works best for you! Keep it loose in the sketch stage, so you don't get lost in the pesky details
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Remember that the armor goes on TOP of a body, and isn't a part of their body! Halo Infinite dOES have prosthetics that are a bit smaller than the armor, which adds depth and flavor to your armor though!
When in doubt, draw it larger than you mean to, and size it down to fit your other pieces!
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SIMPLIFY IT!!! TRACE TO LEARN!!!! Really just figure out where the pieces go and put them together like a puzzle! Armor is simply just, hard, and there's no easy way to learn quickly how to do it efficiently and well; It really does take a lot of practice and trying and sketching and watching clips and staring at other's art to maybe notice shortcuts or even details you didn't notice before!!
But the biggest tip that I can give you is just, don't be afraid to make "bad art" don't be afraid to draw "bad armor" !!! It doesn't have to be perfect, the details don't all have to align on model 100% of the time! All of my art, paintings and all, have things that I fudged or missed, or messed up on and didn't notice, but I still have fun painting and drawing because I like making people laugh with my comics and I like having them feel stuff about my paintings!
Sorry if this wasn't what you were looking for, but I hope this helps even just a little bit!!
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major-comet · 3 months
one of the things that’s most interesting to me about red vs blue
[and this is true of a lot of the shows i’ve watched over the years (here’s looking at you, star trek and rwby volumes 1-3), but i find it particularly true for rvb]
is that the writers seem to have very little grasp on what some of the most interesting and compelling parts of the show actually are, especially from a character perspective
so much stuff only gets kind of brought up, or honestly never even really touched on that would fully be enough to compel me as a character plot for an entire season At Least
like the whole “sarge is apparently some kind of robotics/surgery Wizard because not only did all of simmons’ cyborg parts not get rejected, none of the bits of simmons that grif now has rejected either. this is a medical miracle and it’s something about the pair that is almost Never brought up” thing. they barely even acknowledged that simmons has a whole ass robot arm, much less that grif is physically almost as much simmons as simmons himself is
or the “hey actually epsilon kind of just taking over as “church” actually has a lot of potential for body snatchers-esque horror that they never ever lean into” that i was talking about the other day
or how they only really explore the deeper effects of ai-human integration from a negative aspect - o’malley and the meta and such, but don’t *really* dive in on the effects it might have on a pair that works really well together. epsilon and carolina kind of get the closest to that, but even then it’s still pretty surface level. where’s the weird shit about a pair slowly becoming more of a *we* and those boundaries of human and ai blurring into human&ai in a way that feels not parasitic, but symbiotic? where both parties are not only aware of what’s happening, but perfectly content with it? like maybe i just have venom on the brain, but the ai are like the coolest shit burnie ever wrote and i feel like even though they drive the plot for huge chunks of the show they were barely explored. (i’m saying that delta and york should have had weird freaky mind sex. hello is this thing on-)
or the implication (confirmation? idk man it’s been a long time) that sarge may have been an ODST is actually a Massive addition to rvb’s underlying (and i think sometimes only dubiously intentional) themes of “once a soldier has outweighed their perceived usefulness, the government will not hesitate to cast them aside completely, no matter what they sacrificed for the cause, and this has negative lasting effects not just on that veteran but on society as a whole” that they do kind of sort of explore with locus a bit, but the implication that sarge was highly specialized and did a lot of particularly risky shit for the unsc only for him to, unbeknownst to him, wind up as a training dummy for soldiers perceived as “better” than him (and not even really that, picked explicitly because florida thought he would be totally harmless to the alpha) is INSANE and “sarge was an odst” mostly exists in rvb canon just as a joke but Jesus H Christ, man
there’s so much great material here that just got totally ditched for something else and it makes me SAD sometimes
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On the first day of the Festival of Unleavened Bread, the disciples came to Junior and asked, “Where do you want us to make preparations for you to eat the Passover?”
He replied, “Go into the city to a certain man and tell him, ‘The Teacher says: My appointed time is near. I am going to celebrate the Passover with my disciples at your house.’” So the disciples did as Junior had directed them and prepared the Passover.
When evening came, Junor was reclining at the table with the Twelve. 21 And while they were eating, he said, “Truly I tell you, one of you will betray me.”
They were very sad and began to say to him one after the other, “Surely you don’t mean me, Lord?”
Junior replied, “The one who has dipped his hand into the bowl with me will betray me. The Son of The Swordsman will go just as it is written about him. But woe to that man who betrays the Son of The Swordsman! It would be better for him if he had not been born.”
Then Church, the one who would betray him, said, “Surely you don’t mean me, Rabbi?”
Juno answered, “You have said so.”
While they were eating, Junior took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.”
Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. I tell you, I will not drink from this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.”
When they had sung a hymn, they went out to the desert.
Then Junior told them, “This very night you will all fall away on account of me, for it is written:
“‘I will strike the shepherd,
and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.’
But after I have risen, I will go ahead of you into the State of Vadam.”
Caboose replied, “Even if all fall away on account of you, I never will.”
“Truly I tell you,” Junior answered, “this very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times.”
But Caboose declared, “Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you.” And all the other disciples said the same.
(Did I copy and paste Mathew 26 17-35, then replace some names with stuff from rvb and halo? Yes. Have I seen any episodes of rvb? No. Will I watch? Eventually.)
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mincedpeaches · 3 months
I know everyone loves to make japes and jabs about the queerbaiting of Grimmons (including me) but my hot take is was that it was never truly queerbaiting until at the earliest S15. Never in a single mainline season of RvB before 15 did they truly queerbait Grimmons. The qualifier for queerbaiting is to keep LGBT fans watching while not aliening their mainstream audience, but I do NOT think they looked at their fanbase comprised majorly of reddit users and thought "okay lets tease the minority shippers too to make sure they stay watching". They did not even consider the fangirls, for years. Rooster Teeth never needed to do that until their company was on life support.
The cracks in seasons 1&2 about them being an old married couple and to stop the pillow talk etc etc? Normal 2004-era "gay people haha funny" jokes. Only in current year can those things be retroactively construed as bait. Behind the scenes stuff? Also mostly jokes of the time.
So what about the storage closet sex? Even hotter take: that was more a straight up a jump to ship teasing. Like there was hardly any "bait" there. They had sex. Period. That was the Nov5th of grimmons. Only after THAT did they bait, because of how they never actually talk. About the storage closet sex. And only allude to it and Them(tm).
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scribbleboxfox · 5 months
I feel like I've been a bit harsh towards RvB these past few days. Admittedly, emotions have been running high with the show ending and all that.
I do love the show, and I'm glad we got something of a definitive end. I think if it had happened sooner, it would've made me (and maybe you, too, reader) a lot happier.
Restoration did have its highlights. The voice acting was fun; Caboose's new VA sounded awesome, and honestly Caboose really carried the season for me. It was nice to see some of the newer characters (Dylan Andrews and Agent One) again. It was REALLY nice to see Tex again. I loved the 479er cameo, too.
Now that it's all over, I'm stuck reflecting on the show as a whole and what it meant (and still means) to me. When I first started watching Red vs. Blue, I was pretty depressed. But then Season 13 happened, and suddenly I was writing again, after going through a period where I was certain I'd never tell another story. Not only that, but I was drawing not just for school and work, but for fun! There was a period of time in my life where the only thing I was drawing was RvB-themed art; be it either general fanart or art for my fic. That's changed now, obviously. I've branched out a lot, but I doubt my skills would have improved as much as they did, as rapidly as they did, if I hadn't fallen in love with this show. I also made so, so many friends because of RvB. One of them, I even live with now!
It's funny — sitting back and looking at the big picture, now — how much of my life was shaped by this one show. Where would I be without it? I'm not sure I want to think about it.
Anyways, this is all just a long-winded way of saying "thank you, Red vs. Blue." It wasn't always a perfect show, but I think it's imperfections are a large part of why it has such a creative fandom. And I'm glad I got to be a part of it.
Bow-chicka-bye-now, you funky little space marines. Thanks for everything. <3
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heroictoonz · 4 months
What is your favorite RvB arc? What’s you’re favorite RvB season?
(I ask them as two different questions cuz sometimes they don’t always match up: my favorite arc is Recollection but my favorite season is 10) :)
Now, I’ll preface this with I have yet to see past season 16 for my own reasons (though I intend to watch them now) but Chorus has always been my favorite seasons full stop. Favorite season? Yeah still Chorus.
Chorus makes me insane cause it’s Tuckers best set of seasons and personally I wish they would write him like that again. I wish they’d write all the reds and blues like that again. I really do just thing they were the best seasons for the characters especially my favorites.
Watching a character who for so long was nothing more than a walking sex joke have to face the fact that he had to step up and be a leader is insane to me. Not even to talk about the fact that Tucker through this whole time is under so much pressure in so many ways.
Firstly you have Wash and Kimball constantly telling him that he can be better that he can do better and where they think they’re working to uplift him they’re really just unknowingly bringing him down cause Tucker physically can’t see himself as anything even close to a capable soldier
Tucker has like actual fucking insecurities but we never see them cause he’s got so much bravado to him to mask it all like THIS is when we see that it’s so fascinating
Also just lots of people die in RvB and most the MCs don’t bat much an eye even when they cause it but Tucker’s reaction to getting some kid killed in a mission that he was supposed to be running is fucking EARTH shattering
Also the characters in this arc are so amazing. From Locas and Felix to Kimball and Doyal and all Polomo and all them like god what an amazing supporting cast holy shit
Anyways best arc best set of seasons full fucking stop I have seen RvB in it’s entirety at least five maybe six times but the Chorus arc I have watched more times than I can remember I will just flip on those three seasons and go ham
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doubleodonut · 5 months
i really did want to like this season going in but ugh. like hearing oh it's written by burnie directed by matt, the seasons i don't like got entirely retconned (petty. i know. no shade to people who like the shisno trilogy i was just eh on it), clearly meant to be a return to reconstruction-era format in some way. all sounds fantastic. unfortunately
basically everything from sarge's death onward felt entirely un-earned and un-genuine. this is probably my biggest sticking point with it all. rvb has been extremely good at making these incredibly silly characters do emotional moments well in a way that feels true to the characters- the finale to season 13, for example, is one of the best bits in the show, imo. and that's a really delicate balance! because fundamentally, these characters are built on comedy, and often being mean to each other, and making genuine interpersonal moments between them can be a really tricky business. the emotional moments in restoration, for me, leaned way too far into the sappy side and as such felt entirely un-genuine, starting with sarge's speech and continuing for the .. most of the rest of it.
now, some other bits would have felt really good if it weren't for their surrounding stuff, if that makes sense? like. after sarge's death, simmons becoming first-in-command and immediately discharging grif. that's really good. that's REALLY GOOD it feels true to their characters and earnest in a way they would be. but the surrounding problems that i mentioned already made it land a looot softer than it should have.
the whole retcon thing was...really unclear, frankly. like, it was sort-of-stated in the trailer, but when the season opened with dylan, as well as the reveal of wash in the hospital, carolina doc and donut being gone, i'd figured that oh, the retcon implied in the trailer HADN'T actually happened, church's simulations just included the stuff that happened. (and also, you should be able to tell what's going on in a piece of media without having watched the trailers..) but no, the retcon was apparently real, this season took place directly after the chorus trilogy. just not communicated well.
where were carolina and donut. like, we know doc'd died but, like. where are those two. donut just ISN'T there (only just mentioned by dr. grey at one point and simmons at another), and carolina is. missing, for some reason, until she's needed for the final fight. given carolina's absence for most of the thing, her moments with tex also felt very underbaked.
the "doc's been dead the whole time!" twist was stupid i'm sorry. i feel like it could have been done well if the rest of the season was better but as it is it just feels cliche. i think i get what they were going for- we never saw the final climactic fight of season 13 because church never saw it, now coming back after however-many-months, we as the audience weren't filled in on how that battle happened, making a surprise "actually, x died!" thing narratively interesting. it just wasn't done well, imo
the meta as a villain was .. just strange as it was played out. the idea of meta!tucker? tucker stuck in his own body while being puppeted by the epsilon-fragments-as-meta? or even, like what epsilon thought was going on, tucker straight up heel-turn? that fucking rules. i am SO into that idea. but i really didn't like how it was done. epsilon-meta was just..goofy. their lines all sounded like a cartoon villain. so much threatening and so much..talking? like, compare to alpha-meta- silent save for the interconnected whispers of the ai, focused, driven, not having long protracted villain speeches. not that villain monologues are BAD, they just don't feel right for the fucking meta! it made them as a villain feel weird and, again, pretty cliche. also, like, the bit where they held the sword to simmons' face and started monologuing threateningly at him? just didn't fit with what we know about the meta at all. the meta would have fucking stabbed him without hesitation that was some felix-type shit
(now, maybe this was the influence of the "host" between either version of the meta. like, maine is silent, so maine-meta is silent. tucker is super chatty, therefore so is tucker-meta. that would have worked if a) tucker was actually the meta rather than just A Meat Puppet and b) the dialogue actually had any resemblance to how tucker talks rather than Stock Villain)
jumping off the topic of epsilon/tucker!meta. tucker was so stiffed this season. the meta could have been piloting a robot body and it would have made 0 difference. the torture scene didn't land and had basically no actual purpose. as others have pointed out, an ACTUAL villain!tucker could have been pretty fucking cool if done right, and would have been a really interesting twist on the meta. i think meat-puppet-tucker could also have been done interestingly, if we saw more of tucker and his conflicts with the ai, or, like, even what happened leading up to the meta Happening after the end of s13. but tucker, one of the imo most interesting and best characters in the entire show, just had almost no influence, purpose, no character development, nothing.
perhaps most damningly of all, it just. wasn't funny. there were a couple little jokes here and there that got a laugh out of me, but there was no sustained comedic energy throughout the thing, and a lot of the bits (church's youtube exposition, the zoom bit) dragged on for WAY too long. i cant believe they did the "ehh.......it's right behind me isn't it" bit entirely straight.
overall, i felt this season is overall underbaked. there were some very cool concepts, bits, and ideas, but all together just did not work.
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cryo-genics · 4 months
So, little sap moment from me.
As someone who's been in the RVB fandom for 3+ years actively (still ongoing now) and has been watching it on and off since I was a wee lad, around 11 years now
This fandom holds some of the most genuine people I've seen and is honestly one of the most non-toxic fandoms I've encountered (I can say this because I'm also a COD bro)
Really glad to be here and just spending time here, it's nice. I appreciate this internet corner we have, and even if parts of it are toxic, I've never seen it so good on you all! 🫡
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taki118 · 7 months
The news that Rooster Teeth is closing has me rushing to buy all the Red vs Blue dvds I didn't currently have. I always thought the series would be available so I only bought it when I stumbled onto them irl it was a fun game to me. But knowing the series could potentially go away has me panicking. See even as I fell out of love with Rooster Teeth as a company, Red vs Blue always remained as one my favorite comfort shows. Despite not totally agreeing where the series went over the years I never stopped enjoying unlike RWBY which lost so much good will for me that I can't really watch the early seasons.
Red vs Blue is one of those constants for me no matter how many times I watch it no matter what state I'm in if I need a laugh I turn on RvB and I can laugh and feel satisfied in the joys as well as the tragedies. The notion it might not be there is terrifying to me so if a piece of media means something to you get the psychical copy as soon as you can, so you never have to worry about it being taken from you.
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awakefor48hours · 5 months
As I'm rewatching TADC, I'm beginning to realize that in the near future, we're probably going to see more indie projects and I actually think that it has the potential to be good for the entertainment industry as a whole.
As time goes on, more people are pretty much only using streaming services but streaming services have a lot of problems with their platforms. The subscriptions are getting more expensive, there's so many of them, and a lot of the shows are getting cancelled in their infancy (some after being greenlit for more) despite their popularity.
Since 2019, Netflix alone has cancelled dozens of shows such as Dead End Paranormal Park, Julie and the Phantoms, Inside Job, Lockwood and Co, Warrior Nun, The Baby-Sitters Club, Raising Dion, Shadow and Bone, The Oa, I Am Not Okay With, A Typical, Anne with E, and much more.
This list doesn't even touch on other streaming platforms but I'm choosing to focus on these shows from Netflix (probably the most well respected streaming service) because I feel like it gets to the root of the problem. A lot of these shows were cancelled in their infancy despite having had high ratings (once again, some of them were even greenlit for more seasons). I almost never hear about shows ending anymore, I only hear about how they get cancelled after a season or two.
With both streaming services and cable not really giving creators the most certain platform, doing indie projects seems like the best bet and it works really well for both the creator and the audience.
To go back to streaming services, the amount of streaming services in the world are only growing and not everyone has the ability to pay for all of them but even the people that do pay for a lot of streaming services can't watch everything. I've mentioned this once but my parents are subscribed to 5 different streaming services, that's so many but they still ask me for help to pirate about once a month because they want to watch a show that isn't available on the streaming platform they use. That is ridiculous and I fully believe my parents should be allowed to watch whatever they want. (Just like my parents, I'll gladly share the piracy sites I use but it's through DMs only, I promise I'm not scary I cry watching kids cartoons).
But when it comes to shows on YouTube, it's available to basically everyone with a Wi-Fi connection and I fully believe it's the main reason why shows like TADC, Lackadaisy, Helluva Boss, RWBY, RvB, and more were able to get their level of popularity. They're on a free to use platform and can be shared to other people just as easily. Also when creators post their show on YouTube, it's much easier for people to make gifs and edits (which, let's be honest, are the real advertisers of a show) because YouTube lets people take screenshots/screen record without any hassle.
*If you want to know how to screenshot/screen record DRM content (things like Netflix, Hulu, CrunchyRoll, etc), I do have a post about here.
Along with the fact that it's more available to the public, it's also more available to the crew and creators. A few years ago, Dana Terrace (creator of The Owl House) made a tweet introducing a new character to the show but the tweet got popular because admitted that she had to pirate The Owl House in order to watch it.
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(Since it's cropped in this screenshot, in the top right corner is a watermark of a well-known piracy site for The Owl House).
Imagine working for a company like Disney and not have the ability to watch your own show. They couldn't even give her complimentary mp4 files or even a subscription to Disney+ despite the fact that without her the show wouldn't exist. It's really annoying to see this but when it comes to shows like TADC, that problem doesn't really exist. You can just watch the episodes for free on YouTube.
Also, the fact that the episodes take a while to come out really makes the fandom feel a lot more united. The wait time between episode really kills the binging aspect of TV and I'm in full support of that. Ever since streaming services started to become the default way to watch TV, binging culture has gotten really bad and it can be pretty isolating to people who have busy lives.
Take me for an example. Someone like me, a single adult who has no kids and a terrible sleep schedule (ignore username), can stay up until 3 in the morning binging shows without too many negative consequences. But I have friends who are married/getting married and have kids/planning on having kids, meaning that they don't have the same amount of time as me. I can finish binging shows in a day or two which isn't a pleasure my friends have and it also mean I can't talk to them about it because they're only on episode 2.
I also feel a lot more comfortable donating to these indie projects because the money goes directly towards the creators and crew. When the WGA strike happened, creators explained how they got paid (you can watch the whole video here), and the quick version of it is, they only get paid the amount of times someone watches and episode, they get paid thee residuals from the subscriptions which is so little that it almost feels criminal. When you really put it into perspective, donating to 2 dollars to a GoFundMe and watching the show three times on YouTube is going to do more for a show then paying for a 15 dollar subscription and watching it 10 times.
YouTube definitely has it's problems, I've been subjected to whole ass adults saying "seggy" for nearly a decade, but when you compare it to the current state of streaming and cable, it seems like the best option for both the creators and fans.
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