#i prefer just rey or rey of jakku.
raehs · 5 months
rey nobody is okay in theory, esp when not taking it too literally. but i’ve always seen it as somewhat of a negative thing, or an insult. rey has always been a somebody. just because her parents weren’t as well known as the skywalkers or someone similar doesn’t mean they’re nobody. they’re important people and have always been somebodies, even without the added lore and even if they’re related to obi-wan or satine. and in star wars, everyone is important and can have an impact on the galaxy (as shown in r1 which was a movie about “nobodies”).
noun: nobody;
a person of no importance or authority.
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antianakin · 22 days
i saw that you put finnrey as your “most potential” ship and i was just wondering what makes you see them as more romantic over a platonic relationship? especially considering the finnpoe presence lol
and to be clear, definitely not judging you or saying everyone has to prefer finnpoe, i just haven’t seen very many people talk about finnrey as a romantic pair, or at least i haven’t interacted with it, so i’m curious for your take :)
I'm going to start this with a disclaimer: I do not dislike Finnpoe at all, I actually quite enjoy Finnpoe as a ship, I think that Finn and Poe's dynamic in the movies is (mostly) enjoyable, and I do think there is an obvious foundation for the interpretation of them as romantic based on what we see in the films.
Finnrey are pretty obviously set up as a future romantic couple in TFA, to the point that the person who wrote the novelization has said that that is how he wrote them because it seemed REALLY REALLY OBVIOUS that that's where they were going with that relationship with what he had seen of it and he was pretty surprised when future films didn't follow up on that. There is arguably more explicit set-up for Finnrey in the first film of their trilogy than there was for Han/Leia (and also Luke/Leia since their sibling relationship wasn't established yet when ANH came out) and even for Anidala in their respective first films together.
It's Rey that Finn goes back for, fulfilling a place in her life that she's been waiting on for literal years, becoming the first person Rey feels like she can trust. Finn gets jealous when he thinks that Rey is going back to a boyfriend on Jakku. There's an entire running gag that is about the two of them holding hands, something usually pretty connected to romantic couples. Finn only joins the Rebellion because he cares enough about Rey to want to go back to save her (and he also answers his call of destiny by doing so, as visualized by him being given and then using Anakin's lightsaber as part of that decision). Rey answers her own call to destiny when she calls Anakin's lightsaber to her, something she only does in order to save Finn after Kylo has injured him. The two of them impact each other's storylines in a way that NO ONE ELSE DOES.
I also personally feel like Finn and Rey were originally built as CO-LEADS in TFA, neither one was supposed to be "the main character" over the other. They were BOTH intended to be Force sensitive, BOTH intended to become Jedi, BOTH intended to be the awakening in the Force. Their connection was the whole heart of the story in TFA. Allowing them to be love interests for each other just helps cement that. Finnrey being allowed to remain love interests throughout the Sequel trilogy could've helped keep Finn from being sidelined, it could've helped keep REY from being sidelined, it could've allowed Kylo Ren to remain a villain, it could've helped keep some of the more interesting themes of TFA from being completely and utterly dropped.
By comparison, Poe was supposed to die in TFA. He and Finn share maybe 2-3 scenes total with each other, which are split up between the very beginning and the end of the second act of the film, leaving a LOT of time in-between where neither we as the audience nor Finn in universe even SEE Poe (and he mostly disappears when the third act on Starkiller Base starts up, too). Giving Finn a love interest that isn't Rey also opens the door for him to be sidelined in favor of Rey. This is something we can actually see done intentionally in TLJ with Finn and Rose. It pulls focus from what was set up as the focal point and heart of the narrative in TFA (Finn and Rey's relationship) and provides an excuse for why Finn isn't taking part in the bigger storylines with Rey.
And last but not least, I don't personally believe that there was ever a snowball's chance in hell that Finn and Poe were ever going to become an canon couple in a Disney Star Wars movie (it wouldn't have happened in a Lucas-run Sequel Trilogy either, but that's not really the point here). Finnrey could've. You can even argue that it SHOULD'VE happened and that it WOULD'VE happened (if Rian Johnson hadn't come in and decided to ignore everything that was set up in TFA). And Finnrey theoretically still HAS a shot at being made canon. It seems a LOT more likely that if they continue to explore the characters in the future that we'll see Finn and Rey get together romantically than that we would see Finn and Poe get together romantically.
So while I like Finn and Poe, I don't feel like there was real potential that actually got squandered in the films when they didn't happen, whereas there was ACRES of potential for Finn and Rey that got completely thrown away, and doing so really hurt both of their characters and the trilogy as a whole.
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ember-owlet · 5 months
flip! rey skywalker headcanons
a/n : no one asked for this but i love star wars and if this blog is one thing its catering to niche agere content ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ how has no one talked about her baby potential yet?!? she is so baby!! /lh /pos
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cg! rey skywalker
a caregiver that would never want her regressor to feel abandoned. she'd make it extremely clear that if the situation were ever too dangerous that she'd leave you in the care of someone she deeply trusts but would immediately return to you once she knows you both are safe.
however, she is an extremely headstrong caregiver, she wouldn't give you the time to argue before she's off to find a way to spoil/protect her kiddo(s). once she had made up her mind it would be extremely difficult to break her out of the thought.
it would also be very hard to convince her to bring you into situations where danger is present. she would rather throw herself in front of a speeding freighter than to consider putting you in harms way.
rey forgets that she's talking to a person with a younger mindset and will either ramble on about the complexities of a ship's engine to a wordless audience or entirely too blunt in her tone for a sensitive regressor.
she loves to playfully argue. to her its a battle of wits as though she were back home trying to talk her way out of a situation and she can't help but want to win. in turn the crew would sigh at the addition of another sharp-tongued little rebel.
rey would naturally be very sensitive and wary of her surroundings due to her upbringing on jakku. she could be reading a book silently in one moment then immediately dropping everything in another to check on you at the slightest indication of danger.
that doesn't mean she wouldn't encourage letting her kiddo branch out creativily, rey would always have something to keep her kiddo's hands busy and out of trouble.
i'd like to believe that she'd prefer a home bustling with laughter and life alongside the occasional mess than a sterile and silent environment; she had spent far too many nights alone in a deserted wasteland and the silence can be defeaning.
loves kiddos that have a passion for learning / discovering new things.
her methods of teaching would be informal, having her kiddos learn by experience and helping to build their understanding of the world from personal findings.
even if a problem were too difficult to solve alone, she would support you regardless of the outcome (especially if she knew how much it meant admitting that you needed help in the first place).
there's nothing that would make her happier than to see her regressor's wide eyed expressions to the beauty of the world around them- from the awe of lifting their toys by the force or their relief in finally solving a problem themself you could often catch a glimpse of her beaming at you with an unmistakable pride.
regressor! rey skywalker
the biggest dork the galaxy has ever known /lh
is extremely blunt. and impatient. but an extremely generous and optimistic little one.
despite being of a younger mindset she'd still be able to tell you if you were doing something wrong to a device/vehicle. (ex. sitting in a cockpit with you while you show her the different tools to fix something below while she shakes her head or repeats a simple "yes/no.")
a tinkerer at heart! there's always something in her hand to fidget with or scraps that she could fix/create into something entirely new. she'd be the greatest little sidekick at holding or helping with simple tasks.
loves to learn more about the galaxy around her, and will never tire of learning about what it means to be a jedi.
regressed or not she loves to play! it won't take much to get her into the spirit of adventure, just the scraps around her could keep her entertained for hours.
absolutely adores any verbal praise given by a caregiving figure, she would sit stewing in her accomplishments that she'd replay in her head for the rest of the day.
extremely stubborn if things aren't done her way, oftentimes fixating on something for hours/days until its done the way she wants it done.
though not extremely physically affectionate she would like to remain physically close to those she cares about. there's always a small part of her that worries she'll end up alone again.
if left unsupervised be prepared for the consequences. (/lh /silly) you may return to a little rey with scrapes and bruises from practicing tricks with her staff or the home in dissaray from her attempts at "honing her jedi skills".
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izunias-meme-hole · 4 months
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I just wanted to keep track of all of Palpatine's appearances throughout the three trilogies within a single post, and the more that I pondered upon it, this post ended up turning into me spewing out my thoughts on the topic, so let's commence.
Tbh I honestly feel glad that we had him back for the sequels in particular. Like you don't just introduce the concept of Darth Plagueis The Wise and a desire to gain immortality in the prequels, and NOT take advantage of it for the films that were supposed to be the sequels to the Original Trilogy.
Also in retrospect, Snoke as his own entity... is still unimpressive as a character, but considering that JJ only wrote and directed the first and final films in that trilogy, its kinda apparent now that if he had full control over how the trilogy would've went, Palpatine would've still been the true final boss while Snoke would've just been the false final boss and a proxy for Palps (it just would've been established before the third film). In all honesty, this is indeed the best possible choice that the sequels could've made. There were enough gaps in there for Palpatine to have a presence, even if everything in the trilogy wasn't planned thanks to everyone just having a ideas stacked ontop of ideas, and having Snoke act as a scapegoat behind the First Order's creation while Sidious puppeteers it all in the back was a good way of doing it, despite the shoddy execution of it.
As for his connection to Rey... I like them being biologically related, but I honestly would've preferred her to be his "daughter" rather than his grandchild. A "defective" clone of himself that he had dumped onto Jakku to die due to a lack of force sensitivity, and when he would soon figure out that she was the one who bested Kylo and gave him "unnecessary feelings," he would immediately shift gears to trying to set her up as a successor to him and inheritor of his soul. What I'm saying is that grandpa Palpatine is fine, but deadbeat dad Palpatine is so much fckin' better.
And his demise? Instead of what we got, I would have preferred this. A straight up beam clash force struggle between a one armed Rey & the Jedi force ghosts and Palpatine, with the old sith overpowering her like this, until Ben, Luke, and Anakin's force ghosts joins the picture and Rey ends it all by sending all of her "fathers" UNTILIMITED POWER right back at him, complete with a full detailed look of the shock and utter denial on Palpatine's face as his body and very spirit are literally turned into nothing by his hated enemies and his own flesh and blood. Basically a mashup between these two scenes.
So yeah, I just wanted to ramble a bit about this topic.
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dalekofchaos · 10 months
My thoughts on Adam Driver's interview on Bendemption/Dyad/Reylo not being planned.
As much as I love Reylo, I honestly would've preferred Supreme Leader Kylo Ren as the big bad of the sequel trilogy.
And honestly? The vibe I got with Rian is he still intended for Kylo Ren to go down the path of the big bad. It was the studio who chose for the result we got because they saw how big the Reylo fandom got, but wanted to appease all sides, hence the stupid result we got.
A part of me feels like the entire trilogy was building up Kylo Ren as the villain. If it were his destiny to abandon the dark side and The First Order, he would have either joined Rey or left in exile and eventually return and join Rey to end the war together. But that didn’t happen. Trust me I wanted that to happen, I wanted Rey to convince Ben to stop the fleet, take her hand and come home and while Rey flies the Falcon, Ben goes to Luke and Leia to make amends. Then Luke and Ben together would stop The First Order on Crait.
But here’s why I think TLJ was setting up Kylo Ren as the villain. In TFA, Kylo Ren killed Han Solo, but did not yet fully embrace the dark side. The deed split his spirit to the bone, which made him unbalanced and conflicted. He was so conflicted that in TLJ, he was unable to pull the trigger to kill his mother. At this point, he still felt a call to the light. Also, in ROTJ, Palpatine said to Luke, “Strike me down with all of your hatred, and your journey toward the dark side will be complete”. While Luke resisted temptation, Kylo Ren did not. When faced with the opportunity to kill Snoke, he didn’t hesitate. I see him turning the lightsaber to strike true. And now, foolish child. He ignites it, and kills his true enemy! At this moment, his journey towards the Dark Side is complete. Then, after the fight against the Praetorian Guards, Kylo Ren was given a chance by Rey to be redeemed. However, he went straight for the throne. He went straight for power. Even during the Battle Of Crait, knowing very well that Leia was probably in the base, Kylo still gave the command to take no prisoners. He was now willing to kill his mother and even ordered that the Falcon be shot out of the sky with both Rey and Chewie on board. He killed Han and Snoke. He was willing to kill Leia, and he indirectly caused Luke’s death. From this point of view, Kylo Ren has fully cemented himself in the dark side and it was a shame we could not continue this path and a shame they just HAD TO bring back Palpatine.
To me Kylo Ren is what Vader could've been had he reached his full potential. A Vader who was never wounded on Mustafar, a Vader who killed a close family member and his master. He is the villain they were looking for, but no they had to course correct.
Now yes, it would've been sad that Ben dying unredeemed as much as Ben dying after being redeemed. My suggestion is if villain Kylo happens, we could either get the following
Ben lets the light in and surrenders to Rey and does what he should've done and call off the fleet. Ben makes peace with Leia and it ends with The First Order and Resistance signing a peace treaty, while also symbolizing the balance in the force and peace in the Skywalker family
Exile. After embracing the light and doing the right thing, Ben knows he cannot live the life his family wanted for him. He cannot live a peaceful life with Rey after everything he's done, so Ben goes into exile on Ach-To or Jakku to repent for the life he lived.
Atonement. Basically what should've happened in TROS. Ben lives and has to separate from Rey. He takes the Falcon and goes to snuff out First Order holdouts and releases the systems that was conquered in his name. To make things right and the movie ends with Ben walking off into the sunset like an old Spaghetti Western like ROTJ was originally meant to end.
Paying for his crimes. Kylo Ren refuses to let the light in and gives into the dark side fully. But Rey won't kill him, not after promising Leia. So Rey would disarm Ben, destroy his lightsaber and sever Ben's connection to the force. So he cannot harm anyone ever again. The war is over.
The First Order would be put on trial. Kylo Ren, Hux and Phasma(ideally she lives and faces punishment) would be put on a Nuremberg styled trial as they are tried as War Criminals. Just the thought of the FO leadership facing a Space Nuremberg tribunal is too fun to think about. Just imagine Ren, Phasma & Hux backstabbing and shit-talking each other in jail. Then we see the people who are the victims of their atrocities. Finn and the various Stormtroopers who were forced as children to kill for them. Eila and Kel from SW Resistance tells everyone exactly what Kylo did to their home planet of Tehar. Kazuda Xiono and the rest of the Hosnian Prime survivors will voice heartbreak and outrage for what Hux did, while Hux reminds everyone “I am not alone to blame, Supreme Leader Ren was there as I voiced the plan to Snoke, he did not object and stood by and watched from a distance and did nothing he is just as guilty.” Both Poe and Finn will come forth as witnesses to the massacre of Tuanul. Rey will then come to Finn and stand as witness to the murder of Han Solo. Rose will voice what the First Order did to her home and how Hux confirmed it when she was aboard the Supremacy. R2-D2 will come forth showing the footage of the Jedi massacre. Rey and Poe will come forth and say they were victims of torture by his use of the force and Rey then say “I gave him the chance to turn his back on the FO and save the Resistance twice, to save his mother and he still chose to let everyone die and he almost succeeded on Crait. and still gave the order to wage war until the very last man” Literally everything is stacked against them and finally, Kylo, Phasma and Hux will get their say. Phasma will be unapologetic for her actions. “I grew up on a hellhole. Each day clawing my way to stay alive. I killed my own family. Went from clan to clan. Then one day The First Order came. I saw my opportunity and I chose them. I saw power, strength, order and unity. And I did what I had to do to get to where I am today. I do not regret what I’ve done in the name of The FIrst Order or rescuing children and forging them into an army the likes of which this galaxy has never seen.” Phasma then looks at Finn and her former Stormtroopers. “Only you chose disobedience and cowardice instead of greatness. I don’t regret it. That’s the difference between us. I know what I am, and I embrace it. I’m proud of it. I fought for everything that I have, every bit of what I am.” Hux will go on a Nazi like rant, saying the New Republic was a lawless and corrupt state that usurped it’s rightful government and it deserved to die! He shows absolutely no remorse whatsoever, only pride. “WE COULD HAVE DESTROYED THE LOATHSOME RESISTANCE, IF ONLY OUR SUPREME LEADER DID NOT LET HIS PATHETIC EMOTIONS CLOUD HIS JUDGEMENT!” Hux will say “LONG LIVE THE FIRST ORDER!” and does his salute and expects his former men to do the same, only the former Stormtroopers doesn’t do anything but look down in shame. Kylo Ren will show just as little care or empathy for his actions. Basically he will say the galaxy fell without Imperial rule. Without the example of Darth Vader. He will dare claim “I became a stronger Vader, one not held back by sentiment or compassion. I killed the past and became better for it. I was abandoned by everyone, but came back to burn everything down. I do not apologize for ANYTHING I DID! I AM PROUD OF IT. I AM THE SUPREME LEADER AND MASTER OF THE KNIGHTS OF REN, WHERE WOULD YOU BE WITHOUT ME OR THE FIRST ORDER? A CORRUPT GOVERNMENT THAT ALLOWED SLAVERY AND A LAWLESS GALAXY? WE BROUGHT ORDER BACK TO THE GALAXY! I UNITED YOU AGAINST ME AND YOU BECAME STRONGER FOR IT! YOU ALL NEEDED ME! WHERE WOULD ANY OF YOU BE WITHOUT ME? Do what you will, I know what we did was right.”
WIth that, The First Order Triumvirate is sentenced for life in prison. Phasma still looking as the sole survivor. Hux uttering threats. In one final moment, Kylo Ren would be taunting Leia and Rey. Goading them all to sentence them all to be killed by a firing squad. Leia turns away with Poe wrapping an arm around her, Finn & Rey supporting her.
Even though I ship Reylo and love what Ben Solo could've been. Even I understand that in the context of no redemption, dyad or Reylo existing. Kylo Ren ending the trilogy as a disgraced and jailed war criminal seems to be the only realistic solution the more I think about it. Leia doesn’t lose her son but he faces consequences for his crimes. He absolutely must face the consequences of his actions and spend the rest of his life imprisoned for crimes against the galaxy and the Republic. Kylo Ren does not get to have a happy ending. He stood by as Hosnian Prime was wiped out, he killed Han, Luke and wanted to kill Leia, Finn and Rey and countless other atrocities. He chose his path and he has to live with the consequences of his actions.
But overall I'm glad we got Bendemption and Reylo, even if it ended poorly, but ultimately I recognize Carrie Fisher’s death radically affected the plot of Ep IX for better or for worse.
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dynastymuses · 10 months
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now you're just a page torn from the story I'm building  
selective, mutuals only indie rp blog. i am over 25, so anyone under 21, i prefer not to interact with 
all I gave you is gone tumbled like it was stone
canon divergant pirate based colin bridgerton @pirtecolin edits blog @dynastymusesedits resources such as gifhunts, psds, and templates blog: @dynastymusesresources II rules II what i do II
thought we built a dynasty that heaven couldn't shake
as such all muses are over 18 (some have been aged up) 
thought we built a dynasty like nothing ever made
i am very open to crossovers, as well as oc’s, but plotting must be done.  if i am not following you, please do not send me in character memes. i am mutual only! 
thought we built a dynasty forever couldn't break up  
fandoms include: bridgerton, various period drama, star wars, lord of the rings/rings of power, wheel of time, shadow&bone/gisha verse. 
It all fell down, it all fell down, it all fell down 
all of my characters as of now (🍊 is high muse) (🌊muses i want plots for) (🧁new muses) starter calls open starters
Bridgerton Verse
anthony bridgerton 🍊
benedict bridgerton 🌊
colin bridgerton🍊
daphne bridgerton🌊
francesca bridgerton🌊
gregory bridgerton🍊
penelope featherington🍊🌊
philip crane🍊🌊
michael sterling🍊
sophie beckett🌊
kate sharma🍊
gareth st.clair🍊
prince freidrich hohenzollern🍊🌊
king george freidrick 🍊
lady agatha danbury🌊🧁
queen charlotte of mecklenburg-strelitz 🍊🌊🧁
felicity featherington🌊🧁
posy reiling🌊🧁
lucy abernathy 🧁
alina starkov 🍊🌊
kaz brekker🍊🌊
inej ghafa🌊
nina zenik🌊
wylan van eck🌊
genya safin🌊🧁
nikolai lanstov🌊
tolya yul bataar🌊🧁
matthais helvar🌊
lord of the rings/rings of power
samwise gamgee🌊🧁
wheel of time
rand al’thor🍊🌊
lan mandragoran🍊🌊
siuan sanche🍊
egwene al'vere🍊
elayne trakand🍊
Star Wars
luke skywalker🍊🌊
qui gon jinn🌊
obi wan kenobi🍊🌊
padme amidala🍊🌊
poe dameron🌊🧁
han solo🌊
Rey of Jakku 🌊🧁
osha 🧁
master sol🧁
the musketeers
d’artagnan 🍊
queen anne of austria🌊
charlotte heywood (sanditon)🌊
lord babington (sanditon)🌊
young stringer (sandtiton)🌊
Yelena Belova
Kate Bishop
Tandy bowen
Karolina Dean 🍊
Marcos Diaz 🍊
Esme Frost 🍊
John Proudstar🌊
Hank McCoy 🌊🧁
Chase Stein 🍊
Scott Summers 🍊
Charles Xavier🌊
Jennifer Walters
Sersi 🍊
Barry Allen 🍊
Beth Chapel🌊
Barbara Gordon 🍊
Dick Grayson🍊
Mary Hamliton 🍊
Virgil Hawkins 🍊
Pamela "Poisin Ivy" Isley 🍊
Kate Kane🌊
Clark Kent 🍊
jenny kord🌊🧁
Selina Kyle 🍊
Dinah Lance 🍊
Gar Logan🍊
M'gann M'orroz 🍊
Tommy Merlyn🌊
Sophie Moore🌊
Yolanda Montez
James Olsen 🍊
Anissa Pierce🌊
milagro reyes🌊🧁
Donna Troy 🍊🧁
Bruce Wayne🍊
Courtney whitmore  🌊
hank hall/hawk 🧁
dawn granger/dove 🧁
oliver queen 🧁
TVD Verse
Marcel Gerald 🍊
Elena Gilbert 🍊
Jeremy Gilbert🌊
Tyler Lockwood🌊
Elijah Mikealson 🍊
Hope Mikealson🌊
Lizzie Saltzman 🍊🌊
Magnus Bane 🍊🌊
Clary Fray 🍊🌊
Simon Lewis🌊🧁
Alec Lightwood🌊
Fate:The Winx Saga
Terra Harvey🌊
Bloom Peters 🍊🌊
Beatrix 🌊🧁
Edmund Pevensie 🍊🌊
Lucy Pevensie🍊🌊
Peter Pevensie🌊🧁
Jill Pole🌊
Eustance Clarence Scrubb🌊
the umbrella acaddemy
Deigo Hargreeves🌊
Five Hargreeves 🍊🌊
Klaus Hargreeves 🌊
Sloane Hargreeves 🍊🌊
Lila Pitts🌊
one tree hill
Julian Baker
Jake Jagelski
Nathan Scott 🍊
Clay Evans
Sav Bhandari 🌊
Fiona Coyne🌊
Clare Edwards 🍊🌊
Jake Martin🌊
Drew Torres🌊
Wednesday/Addams Family
Wednesday Addams🌊
Enid Sinclair
what we do in the shadows
colin robinson 🌊🧁
Guillermo de la Cruz🌊🧁
nadja of antipaxos🌊🧁
lazslo cravensworth 🌊🧁
nandor the relentless 🌊 🧁
the boys/gen v
hughie campbell🌊🧁
annie january / starlight 🌊🧁
billy butcher🌊🧁
kimiko miyashiro🌊🧁
queen maeve🌊🧁
other period drama muses
francis valois (reign with some historical influences) 🍊
Sebastian de poitiers (reign)
tom jones (tom jones 2023)🌊
henry tudor (7th) (the white queen/the white princess/the spainsh princess with some historical influences) 🍊
richard plantagent  (the white queen with some historical influences)🍊
elizabeth woodville (the white queen/the white princess with some historical influences)
anne shirley cuthbert (anne with an e) 
marie antoinette( marie antoinette (itv/pbs 2023) with some historical influences) 🍊
(king) louis bourbon (16th) ( marie antoinette (itv/pbs 2023) with some historical influences) 🍊
captain henry ossroy  (mr malcom’s list)🌊
selina dalton  (mr malcom’s list)🌊
dido elizabeth belle (belle 2013)🌊🧁
camlia dunne (daisy jones&the six) 🌊🧁
tim laughlin (fellow travelers) 🌊🧁
jane bennet (pride and prejudice) 🧁
elizabeth bennet (pride and prejudice) 🧁
emma woodhouse (emma) 🧁
Other Scifi/Fantasy
Lucy Caryle- Lockwood&Co🌊
Anthony Lockwood-Lockwood&Co🌊
Wendy Darling-Peter Pan/Disney 🍊🌊
Elinor Fairmont-First Kill🌊🧁
Juliette Fairmont-First Kill🌊
Kat Harvey-Casper🌊
Harvey Kinkle-Sabrina The Teenage Witch/Archie comics🌊
Wyatt Logan-Timeless🌊
Arthur Pendragon-Merlin🌊
Scott mccall-teen wolf 🌊
david nolan/prince charming-once upon a time 🌊🧁
graham humbert/the huntsman-once upon a time 🌊🧁
mary margret blanchard/snow white-once upon a time 🌊🧁
Rapunzel (various media)🌊🧁
other medias
Alexander Clearmond Diaz-red, white, & royal🌊
Lacey Porter-Twisted🌊
Henry Stuart Fox -red, white, & royal🌊
Glimmer-She Ra🌊
Haley Dunphy (modern family)🌊🧁
Alex Dunphy (modern family) 🌊🧁
Janine Teagues-Abbott Elementary🌊
Clare Devlin-Derry Girls🌊
Gregory Eddie-Abbott Elementary🌊
Jim Halpert-The Office🌊
Ben Wyatt-Parks and Recreation 🌊
chidi anagonye (the good place)🌊🧁
eleanor shellstrop (the good place)🌊🧁
janet (the good place)🌊🧁
original characters
elisabeth barlowe 🍊🌊🧁
jacquetta covington 🍊🌊🧁
maxwell danbury 🍊🌊🧁
dylan lyons 🍊🌊🧁
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all-the-things-2020 · 8 months
Family Is More Than Blood
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Summary: After the defeat of the First Order, Poe, Finn and Rey are in need of a break. They take on one final mission from Leia and discover some truths about family.
Note: This is a sequel of sorts to “Finding His Way” as characters from that story appear in this one but it is not necessary to read it first (although there are spoilers if you don’t!).
Word Count: 5500+
Rating: PG
Finn was trying to keep it together, but his two closest friends were fighting (again) and he was sick of it. After the Battle of Exegol, things had been wonderful. They were alive, they’d won, the First Order was in shambles … and now he couldn’t get through a single day without having to referee an argument between Poe and Rey.
The problem was, people could not shut up about Kylo Ren. They came to General Dameron asking for reparations for what Supreme Leader Ren had done. Then Poe tried to explain that while yes, the Resistance sympathized with their plight, and yes, the Resistance wanted to do everything to help re-establish peace and prosperity in the Republic, they needed to talk to their senators, because the Resistance had no political power. And then Rey would complain that no one was focusing on the good that Ben (yes, she insisted on calling him Ben Solo) had done in the end and then Poe would roll his eyes, and Finn would have to step in before Rey tried to force choke him.
“I am tired of being stuck in the middle,” Finn told Poe one night as they were getting ready for bed. “You two need to work this thing out.”
“She’s too stubborn,” Poe insisted. Finn just gave him a look.
“Oh, right, she’s the stubborn one.”
Poe shrugged and said, “Is it my fault you have a knack for making friends with strong-willed people?”
“So you admit you’re stubborn, too?”
“Yes, I admit it. I not only admit it, I own it.” He kissed Finn’s nose. “You know it’s one of the reasons you admire me so much, my refusal to back down in the face of impossible odds. Face it, it’s the only reason we beat the First Order.”
Finn laughed. “I thought that was your colossal stupidity.”
“Well, that, too.” Poe kissed him again, but Finn wasn’t going to be distracted so easily.
“You still need to talk this out with Rey,” he said. “I told you, I’m tired of this shit. Don’t make me pick a side, okay?”
Poe sighed. “I’ll try to talk to her tomorrow, but no promises.” He checked his data pad. “We’ve got a briefing at 0600. Let’s continue this in the morning, if that’s okay?”
“Fine by me. Night, babe.”
BB-8 beeped goodnight from its charger in the corner. “I said ‘babe,’ not BB,” Finn said, shaking his head. “Your droid’s almost as annoying as you.”
Poe pulled him in for one more kiss. “You know you love us,” he said, flicking off the light and crawling into bed.
“Yeah,” Finn said as he slid in beside him. “Yeah, I do.”
Rey Skywalker preferred being alone these days. It was ironic, after all those years on her own on Jakku, but she was still mourning the loss of Ben and the only person who could even begin to understand what she was going through was Finn, who was so busy right now that he hated to bother him. They had their daily Force training session, but the rest of the time he was busy co-generaling with Poe, and she certainly couldn’t bring Ben up around Poe.
She had finished running her Jedi training course for the second time that day, but she still wasn’t ready to head back into camp. Too many people were still celebrating the demise of Kylo Ren and the rest of the First Order.
“Hey, got a minute?” She was surprised to see Poe heading her way, and even more surprised to see that Finn was not with him.
“Of course. What’s up?”
“We’ve got another delegation from the Inner Rim coming in this afternoon, and I just wanted to talk to you about … well, about …” Poe was not normally this awkward and she didn’t need the Force to know what he was getting at.
“Did Finn ask you to talk to me?” She crossed her arms.
“Yes,” Poe said. “He did. Look, he’s tired of us bickering …”
“We do not bicker,” she said firmly. “We discuss.”
“Okay, but we discuss very loudly and it makes him uncomfortable.”
Rey felt her face soften. “I know,” she said. She felt bad for Finn, who just wanted everyone to be happy, especially the two most important people in his life. “I just …”
Poe closed his eyes. “I know, I know, you wish people would stop focusing on all the bad stuff he did … but Rey, except for that bit at the end where he saved your life, it was all bad stuff.” He held up his hands to keep her from responding. “I am grateful that he saved you, believe me, I am, but that doesn’t mean he gets a pass for everything else he did.”
“But …”
“No,” Poe went on, his voice already rising. “Just … no.”
“I’m not asking you to forget everything that he did, just to forgive him,” she blurted out.
He shook his head. “You don’t get it, do you? I can’t forgive him! I can’t ever forgive him for what he did! To Luke’s students. To his own father. To Leia. To Finn. To the whole goddamned galaxy. To .. .to me.”
“He redeemed himself,” she insisted. Why couldn’t anyone understand that? He had sacrificed himself, not just to defeat Palapatine but to save her life. He had literally given his life for hers.
“Maybe he did,” Poe said bitterly. “But it isn’t enough. Not for me and not for anyone else.”
“I know he hurt you …”
“Hurt me? He damn near broke me, Rey!” His voice cracked and he turned away. “You know what? I’m done. I’m done arguing with you about this. We are never going to see eye to eye on this and I’m not going to hurt Finn anymore. So I’m going to hold my tongue and I’d advise you to do the same. Because he asked me not to make him pick a side.”
He walked away without looking back at her. “And we both know he’d choose you,” she whispered. She couldn’t imagine her life without her best friend Finn in it, especially now that she’d lost Ben, but she was under no illusion that he’d put their friendship ahead of what he had with Poe.
Poe Dameron was exhausted. Every damn day there was more and more to do, and even with Finn and Rey and Connix and Rose and everybody else around pitching in, he never quite got caught up. How did Leia do this by herself? It didn’t help that the rest of Black Squadron were out flying missions and he hadn’t had a chance to fly in nearly two weeks.
“General?” He looked up to see Connix tossing a data chip onto his desk. “I found this while I was finishing filing away the last of General Organa’s things. It was addressed to you.”
He picked up the chip. “Priority?”
Connix shrugged. “I think it’s a personal message. There were no encryption codes or anything. It just said ‘Give to Poe.’”
He checked his data pad. Twenty minutes until the next meeting. He slid the chip into the data port and braced himself to hear Leia’s voice. When the message was done, he removed the chip and put it in his pocket. This might just be exactly what they needed.
“A mission? From Leia?” Finn was intrigued but wary. “And just you, me, and Rey are going?”
“Yeah,” Poe said, shoving another bite of food into his mouth. They were on a lunch break between meetings and had maybe another five minutes before they had to get back to work.
Finn sat back. “Are you sure about this? I mean, you two aren’t going to kill each other or anything?”
“Of course not,” Poe scoffed. “I think this is perfect. Half our problem is we’ve been so stressed out we’re getting on each other’s nerves. This will give us a chance to relax and just … be us. Not the Jedi, not the Generals. Just Poe and Finn and Rey.”
It did sound nice, but Finn was still skeptical. “And exactly how are we going to find the time to get away? We barely have time to eat and shower as it is.” The timer dinged on his data pad as if to emphasize his point. They had five minutes to get to the next meeting.
“Don’t you worry about that,” Poe said, grabbing a piece of fruit and stuffing it in his pocket.
“Important Resistance Business,” Rey said. “You’re just going to walk in and say we’re going to disappear for a week on Important Resistance Business and expect everyone to just say ‘Okay, have fun?’”
“Why not,” said Poe. “Who’s going to argue with us? We’re the Generals.”
She shook her head and looked imploringly at Finn. “Don’t look at me,” he said. “I told him it was a stupid idea, too. But how could I say no to that face?”
Poe batted his eyes until Rey collapsed in laughter. “I think that only works on you, Finn. But okay, we’ll give it a shot. What is this secret mission, anyway?”
Poe pulled the data chip out of his pocket and handed it to her. “Here. Finn’s seen it already, so hang onto it when you’re done. We’ll need to put the coordinates into the Falcon’s computer before we leave.”
Three days later, they boarded the Millenium Falcon, just the three of them and BB-8. Surprisingly, no one had kicked up much fuss when Poe announced that he and Finn and Rey were going away for a few days (although a few people had expressed surprise that Rey was part of the mission, for some reason). Finn was feeling much better about the whole idea now that it was really happening. Poe and Rey hadn’t fought once since the mission came up and he was hoping that they were over the rough patch.
There was one awkward moment when both of them tried to claim the pilot’s seat, but when Finn shot her a look, Rey backed down. Thank you, he mouthed at her. He knew Poe was itching to fly and it would do him a world of good to take the controls on this mission. Rey could fly whenever she wanted, but Poe had too many responsibilities these days.
Once Poe was happily ensconced in the cockpit, Finn motioned for Rey to join him in the main cabin. “Call us if you need anything, flyboy,” he said. Poe just waved a hand vaguely in their direction, “accidentally” making a somewhat rude gesture.
Finn slid into the booth around the holochess table. Rey sat across from him. “Thanks for letting him fly,” he told her. “He needs this.”
“I understand,” she said.
“And … thanks for cooling it with the Ben stuff,” Finn went on cautiously.
She looked down. “Poe made it abundantly clear that he and I are never going to see eye to eye on that issue.” She tried not to sound bitter, but it was hard.
“Hey,” Finn said, taking her hand. “I know it’s not easy for you, but … it’s even harder for him. You’re Force sensitive; even when Kylo — sorry, Ben — messed with your mind, you had some protection. Poe didn’t have that. Doesn’t have that.” He sighed. “He still has nightmares. Like, really bad nightmares. Ones where it takes him a few minutes to realize where he is; that it’s me, not Kylo Ren, beside him. Every time you defend Ben, it makes it worse, I think.”
“I didn’t realize it was so bad,” Rey said, closing her eyes. “I’m sorry.”
“Just don’t tell him I told you,” Finn said. “The great Poe Dameron has an image to protect.”
She huffed. “The great Poe Dameron has an ego the size of a small nebula.”
“Yeah,” Finn chuckled. “Ain’t it great?”
The Falcon was on autopilot, so there really was no need for anyone to be in the cockpit right now, but Rey settled herself in the pilot’s seat anyway. The boys had gone to bed and she wanted to give them a bit of privacy, even though she knew they had probably fallen asleep right away, given how tired they both looked. She sat cross-legged in the seat and closed her eyes.
“Be with me,” she muttered. “Be with me.”
She was getting better at summoning the Force and the spirits of the Jedi who had come before her, but she had one particular person in mind tonight, one she had yet to contact. She relaxed, breathing deeply and smoothly, letting her mind open and spread out into the galaxy around her. She could feel the bright spark of Finn’s presence, somewhat dimmed by sleep, but still a clear beacon to her Force-sensitive mind. Poe’s presence was blurrier, less noticeable, entwined with Finn’s so closely that she wouldn’t have noticed it if she didn’t know him so well. Other than that, there was nothing else nearby, just a vague impression of the vastness of space and the multitudes of life that teemed within it.
Slowly, she teased apart the threads of the galactic tapestry, seeking the brighter threads that led to people and places strong in the Force. As the ship sailed through the darkness, she followed one thread after another, searching for the one that meant so much to her. “I know you’re out there, Ben,” she whispered. But once again, none of the threads led where she wanted to go, and after several hours, she roused herself from the pilot’s seat and sought her own bunk. She slept soundly, though; she had all the years of her life before her to find him, and she knew it was simply a matter of time.
Gael 23 was a small moon orbiting a sullen purple gas giant. Five of the moons were inhabited, with Gael 7 designated as the capital of the colony. It was Gael 7 that controlled access to the system, and it was full of bureaucrats.
They docked the Falcon at the spaceport, waiting their turn for processing. “Well, this is fun,” said Poe after they finally got a message indicating that they had moved from number four to number three in the queue … after waiting for an hour and half.
Finn shrugged. Having spent most of his life under the First Order, he was used to bureaucracy, and he knew there was no use fretting about it. They’d get in when they got in.
Rey was fiddling with BB-8’s antenna, which the droid had managed to damage while roaming around the ship, hunting for rogue porgs. Poe put his feet up on the dashboard and eventually fell asleep. He was still catching up on sleep, Finn knew, and he didn’t begrudge him the rest, even though Rey made a face when he started to snore lightly.
Finally, after three and a half hours, the comm pinged. “You have moved to the first position in the processing queue. Stand by for further instructions.”
Poe snapped to attention and Rey put away her tools. Finn stretched his arms and got ready to go.
They were instructed to leave the ship and proceed to a counter where they were each given a set of forms to fill out. By hand. On paper. They were then directed to take the forms to another counter where the information would be entered into the computer system before they could move on to the actual customs office.
Finn hated paperwork. The First Order had been full of it, but at least it had been easy enough to fill out, since most of the time all he had to do was input his designation and the rest was automatically filled out for him. The Resistance had paperwork, too, but Connix and her staff pre-filled most of it and just passed it on to the Generals for signatures. Gael 7 paperwork was in a class of its own.
“I don’t know half of the information they’re asking for,” he muttered to Rey.
“Neither do I,” she replied.
“Just fill in what you can and leave the rest blank,” Poe suggested. “If they really need to know, they’ll ask for clarification; if it’s not important, who cares?”
So Finn and Rey answered as best they could (Finn was pleased to note that Poe had left quite a few blank spots on his own forms) and they passed the sheaf of papers to the clerk at the second counter.
She was dispassionate and incredibly slow as she perused each page and began inputting the information into her computer terminal. Every time she came to a blank slot, she made a little sigh that implied that only uncultured barbarians didn’t know all the minutiae that Gael 7 found so important. Still, she had no problems until she came to Finn’s paperwork.
“This is incomplete,” she said, shoving it back at him.
“No more incomplete than hers,” he said, pointing at Rey.
The clerk tapped imperiously at a blank line at the very top of the page. “No family name.” She shook her head. “We cannot process paperwork without a full, proper name. Our system will not accept single names. Please provide your family name.”
Rey shrugged at him. She’d started using the Skywalker name after her visit to Tatooine, but Finn still went by a single name.
“I … don’t have one,” he admitted. “I don’t know who my family is … was … whatever.”
The clerk pursed her lips. “I cannot process paperwork without a complete name,” she insisted.
“He. Doesn’t. Have. One,” Poe told the clerk, but she was not impressed. “I am sorry,” she said, although she clearly was not sorry in the least. “I cannot proceed with an incomplete form.”
They were at an impasse. The clerk sat behind her counter, clearly ready to wait as long as it took for Finn to miraculously develop a last name.
Rey rolled her eyes. “Oh, for heaven’s sake, just put Dameron,” she said. She elbowed him in the ribs. “Everyone knows it’s going to be Dameron eventually anyway.”
Finn was confused. Poe was blushing. Rey looked smug. “Wait … what?” Finn managed to say.
Rey shook her head, took the form from the clerk and wrote “DAMERON” in the space after “FINN,” then handed it back to the woman, who happily began inputting Finn’s information into her computer.
“I kind of wanted to take him home to meet my dad first,” Poe said to Rey. She smiled.
“I still don’t get it,” Finn said. “What am I missing?”
Poe pulled him aside, squeezing his hands. “You really are spectacularly naive sometimes,” he said with a gentle smile. He looked into Finn’s eyes and suddenly Finn knew this was important. “It’s customary to introduce someone to your family before you ask them to join it,” Poe said softly.
It took a second, but then it clicked. “Oh!”
Poe reached under the collar of his shirt, pulling out the chain that always hung around his neck, with his mother’s wedding ring dangling from it. He unfastened the clasp and held it out to Finn. “I’d hoped to do this somewhere more romantic — and maybe a little more private — but what do you say? Want to make it official?”
“Yes,” Finn said firmly. “Definitely yes.” Poe fastened the chain around his neck and then kissed him.
Rey cleared her throat rather pointedly after a long moment. “Um, guys, I’m really happy for you and all, but we need to move on to the next counter.”
They finally landed on Gael 23 and walked the short distance to the town where the Djarin family lived. Rey led the way, while Finn and Poe trailed behind her, holding hands in a decidedly un-general-like manner. She could see why the Djarins had come to this planet, if they were hiding from the First Order: aside from the bureaucratic ordeal on Gael 7, they’d had to dodge several rings of debris and a severe electromagnetic field to reach the surface of Gael 23. Anyone coming to this town really had to want to get there.
When they reached the house, Rey deferred to Poe to take the lead. Leia had left the mission to him, after all.
The door was answered by a man who looked to be in his early thirties, with dark hair and eyes. “Mr. Djarin?” Poe asked. The man looked wary.
“Yes,” he said carefully.
“General Poe Dameron of the Resistance,” Poe said, holding out his hand. “I’m here on behalf of General Organa.”
The man relaxed a bit. “Oh, you’re here to see my parents,” he said. “Please, come in.”
He opened the door and ushered them in, pausing only to look askance at BB-8. “Um, sorry, no droids. My dad’s got a thing about droids.”
BB beeped indignantly, but Poe shushed him with a hand motion. “Of course,” he said. “BB, wait out here, buddy.”
They stepped inside a modest, but very welcoming home. The door opened directly into a large general living area filled with comfortable furniture and a scattering of toys. “It’s okay,” Djarin called out as they walked into the room. “They’re from the Resistance.”
Three kids popped out from various doorways, followed by a woman about the same age as Djarin. “Should I get Grandpa and Grandma?” The oldest child asked, a boy about eleven years old.
“Yes, and your uncle,” Djarin said. “And call Aunt Mirdala. She might want to be here.”
Poe was used to having an audience; after all, when you are a general, giving speeches to the troops is part of the job. But this was an unusual audience. Five adults, four kids and … one very small green person who was vaguely familiar.
He cleared his throat, not quite sure where to begin. “I’m sure you’re wondering why we’re here. I’m General Poe Dameron, this is General Finn Dameron, and our friend Rey Skywalker. We’re here on behalf of General Leia Organa, who unfortunately is no longer with us.”
The man who had answered the door quickly introduced everyone. “I’m Cabur Djarin, this is my wife Talia, our children Mica, Bryn, and Danna, my sister Mirdala, her son Ronal, my parents, Din and Mariana … and my brother, Ad’ika.” He indicated the alien child, who was tucked between Din and Mariana.
Din stood up and held out his hand to Poe. “Welcome,” he said. He was probably about the same age as Poe’s own father, early to mid 60’s, with a strong grip and a charming smile. “You’re here about Ad’ika, of course.” The smile wavered a bit.
“Yes,” Poe went on. “And no. I mean … yes, we’re here because of him, but no, we aren’t here to take him, if that’s what you’re afraid of.”
Everyone exchanged a look of relief and the level of tension in the room dropped sharply. Mariana jumped up and crossed the room to take Rey’s hand. “Your name is Skywalker,” she said. “Are you Luke’s daughter?”
Rey looked taken aback. “No, no relation, actually, but … he started my training. And now that he’s gone, it looks like I’ll be the one who’ll be training your … Ad’ika. Eventually.”
Finn rescued her. “Things are a bit of a mess right now, but Rey is trying to figure things out. And she’s training me, so by the time your son is ready, hopefully between the two of us, we’ll know what we’re doing.”
“Leia left instructions for us to let you know that the threat from the First Order has been eliminated,” Poe continued. “You don’t have to hide anymore. Palapatine, Kylo Ren … they’re both dead. So are Leia, and Luke, and a lot of other people.” He sighed. “Look, we just want you to know that you’re safe, and when the time comes, Rey and Finn — or one of their students — will be there for Ad’ika. Leia explained that his species ages much more slowly than our own, and it may be years before he’s ready.”
Mariana patted his arm. “Welcome to the clan,” she said.
She pointed to a shiny piece of armor plate on a shelf against the wall. It was emblazoned with a stylized mudhorn skull, and propped next to it was a beautiful Mandalorian helmet.
“Clan Mudhorn,” said Mirdala, proudly. “Dad used to be a Mandalorian.”
Suddenly, it all clicked. No wonder the little green guy seemed familiar. Poe looked between Din and Mariana and the beskar on the shelf. “Ever get that X-wing?” Din asked.
“Uh, yeah, actually, I did,” he stammered. “That was you?”
Finn stepped in. “What’s going on?”
“I met them when I was a kid,” Poe said. He closed his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath. “They met my mom.” Finn took his hand and squeezed it tight. Poe opened his eyes. “She .. she died just a few months after that,” he went on quietly.
“I’m sorry,” said Mariana. She wrapped her arms around him and it felt good to sink into a motherly embrace again. “She was a lovely woman. And I’m sure she’d be proud of you.”
He sniffed back tears. “Yeah, I know she is.”
After a moment of silence, Mariana released him from her embrace. “Well, now that we’re all family, let’s sit. Eat. Enjoy ourselves!”
Cabur and Talia disappeared to the kitchen to start preparing food, while Mirdala offered to make drinks.
“I think I like this family,” Finn said in Poe’s ear. Poe couldn’t agree more.
Finn sank back on the couch next to Mariana. Rey was still eating, and Poe was on the floor with the kids playing with some toy spaceships, reenacting the battle of Exegol.
“So,” Finn said quietly. “Tell me about Poe’s mom.”
Mariana reminded him a bit of Leia, but she wasn’t intimidating in the least. She bumped her shoulder against his and said, “I only met her briefly, but I really liked her. She seemed like the kind of person you could count on. I think we could have been friends.”
Finn nodded. “I wish I could have met her,” he said. “He doesn’t talk about her much, but I know he misses her. A lot.” He fingered the chain around his neck. He was still a bit overwhelmed that Poe had given it to him.
Mariana patted his arm. “We’ve all lost so many people; it’s important to cherish the time you have with the ones you’ve still got.” She smiled at him. “You’re young, you’ve got your whole lives ahead of you. When I was your age, I was a slave. My family had been killed by the Empire, and if anyone had told me then that I’d end up happily married, surrounded by grandkids, I’d have thought they were crazy.”
“A couple of years ago, I was a First Order stormtrooper,” Finn confessed. “So I understand.” He looked at Rey and Poe. “If anyone had told me I’d have a friend, let alone a family, I’d have laughed at them.”
“I noticed you two have the same last name,” she said, nodding at Poe.
Finn felt a blush spread over his face. “Well, not officially, not yet, but they wouldn’t let me past customs without a last name, so Rey suggested I just start using it now.”
“Send us an invitation to the wedding, okay?”
“Definitely.” Yes, Finn really did like this family.
Yavin 4 was a beautiful planet. Rey always appreciated planets that had vegetation. After growing up on Jakku, she still found herself in awe of greenery. After a couple of days with the Djarin family, Poe had suggested they detour to Yavin before heading back to base.
“You can drop me off back at base first,” she’d insisted. “You don’t need me tagging along while you introduce Finn to your dad.”
“No, I want you to meet him, too. And there’s another reason I think you should come, but it’s a surprise.”
Now they were approaching the Dameron farm as the sun began to set. The transport skimmer dropped them off at the gate and before the droid had even started the engine back up, the front door flew open and Kes Dameron came running out.
The two men embraced, and Rey felt a tear come to her eyes. She barely remembered this, the love of a parent and a child, but there were echos in her memory. She was glad that at least one of her friends still had a parent around.
“Dad,” Poe said. “This … this is Finn.”
Kes didn’t hesitate to crush Finn in an embrace as well. “Welcome to the family, Finn.”
“Umm …” Finn muttered, clearly overwhelmed.
“And this is Rey,” Poe went on.
Kes let Finn go and pulled her in for a hug. This one wasn’t as exuberant, but Rey could see where Poe got his penchant for excellent hugs. It seemed that neither of the Dameron men held back when it came to expressing their emotions.
“Welcome, welcome,” Kes said as he released her. “Come on inside, before the bugs start biting.”
The house was just as comfortable as the Djarin home, but felt like it had been lonely. Kes showed them to their rooms so they could stow their bags, and then they gathered in the kitchen for the most delicious meal Rey had ever had.
“If Poe cooks half as well as his father,” she whispered to Finn, “you guys can expect me over for dinner every night.”
“Deal,” Finn replied.
After the meal, Kes suggested they retire to the screened in back porch for drinks, but Poe had another idea.
“I’m going to show Rey the tree first,” he said.
“You really want to leave me alone with your boyfriend?” Kes teased.
“Fiancé,” Poe corrected. “And yeah, I don’t think you’re going to scare him off.” He held out his hand to Rey and led her outside.
“A tree?” She asked. “Really?”
“I told you I had a surprise for you,” he said. “Come on.”
They walked across the yard and through a small gate in the back fence. The path dropped down along the slope of the low hill the house was built on. Near the bottom, they stepped between two flowering shrubs and entered a clearing. In the center of it was a large tree that practically shimmered in the gloom. Rey could feel the tree and she gasped with delight.
“It’s a Force Tree,” Poe said. “Luke Skywalker gave it to my mom when it was a sapling. It’s been growing here practically my whole life. I thought you’d like to see it … and we can take a cutting before we leave. If you and Finn are going to revive the legacy of the Jedi, I think you’re going to need a bit of help.”
Rey wrapped her arms around her friend. “Thank you, Poe,” she said. This time the tears flowed freely down her face. “It’s … it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”
“You’re welcome,” Poe said, kissing her cheek. “I know I get on your nerves sometimes, and there’s the whole Kylo Ren thing, but … you’re part of the family, too. I’ve known for a while that you and Finn are kind of a package deal.”
“Can I stay out here?” She asked. “You guys won’t mind?”
“Stay out as long as you like,” he said. “You know the way back to the house. We’ll leave the back door unlocked for you.” He hugged her again. “I’d better go rescue Finn from my dad’s interrogation or he might decide to give me the ring back.”
“That will never happen, and you know it,” she teased. “If anyone in the galaxy was destined to be together, it’s you and Finn. Now, go.”
Poe left and she walked forward until she stood under the tree. There was no breeze, but the leaves rustled lightly as she approached. With each step, she felt the Force flow through her more strongly. When she reached the trunk, she laid her hand against the smooth bark and closed her eyes.
“Be with me,” she whispered.
The tree seemed to sway a little, and she gasped. When she opened her eyes, the clearing was glowing with the ethereal blue light that always accompanied a visit from a Force ghost. She caught glimpses of Luke, Leia, and the other Jedi who had helped her defeat Palpatine, but there was one figure that stood out clearly. He was tall, dark-haired, and his face lit up with a smile that she’d only seen once before.
“Ben,” she said. “I finally found you.”
His embrace wasn’t as substantial as the ones she’d gotten from Kes and Poe Dameron earlier, but she didn’t care. Leaves fluttered down from the tree, catching in their hair, as their lips met for the second time. The Force bond between them strengthened and she knew she would have no trouble reaching him now.
“Tell Dameron I’m sorry for everything I did to him,” Ben whispered in her ear.
“I will,” she said. “Every day, until he finally forgives you.”
Ben laughed. “I hope you’re planning to live a long time, then,” he said. “That could take a while.”
“The war’s over,” she said. “We have all the time we need.”
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I forgot a bunch of stuff so I am resending this for the blind dates.
I am ISTJ-T, 5'3 with red curly hair. I don't have a preference in terms of gender like at all.
I like nature, reading, writing, and singing. I am especially into musical theatre, I also play piano and flute. I like to go on walks in the forest, or just sit on a log and think for a bit. I am a bit of a head in the clouds person, and struggle a bit when it comes to social skills, which is definitely not helped by my social anxiety. My love language is definitely quality time, I live going on walks with people or just inviting them to my house to hang out.
I am a bit of a self proclaimed nerd, especially when it comes to things like Psychology, Linguistics, Ancient History, and oddly enough Typewriters. I also still love putting together Lego sets, particularly Lego Architecture ones.
Sorry for having to send it again <3
And I'm sorry for taking so long to get back to you! I got a little burnt out on these blind dates for a bit there, but happy to circle back on the ones still waiting in the inbox now. I hope you like your date!
Your date is...
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Before she gets swept up in her destiny to become a Jedi, Rey is a simple, solitary girl on Jakku who would love nothing more than to create an intimate connection with someone. Even though she's nervous for this date and fears her social awkwardness will put you off, she manages to come across just confident enough to put your own anxieties at ease. It's almost like she has a sixth sense for when to start a conversation or allow comfortable silence to settle in.
She will take you to explore the ruins of an old star destroyer, one of her favorite spots. She'll relish the chance to explain all the parts of a ship to you, what they do, how they work together, and she'll find it cute when you make analogies to your experiences with architecture building LEGOs. She loves all your special interests and would not mind if you wanted to ramble about them while she scavenged for some good parts to sell.
If you wanted a second date, the best way to impress her would be to take her off planet to enjoy a forest walk together. She will be in awe of the greenery, will be surprised at how walking can be enjoyable (rather than a simple means of transportation), and will blush very hard if you held her hand.
Blind Date with a Star Wars character masterlist
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Rey Gives No F*cks About the Grandfather Paradox
Okay so since nobody’s suggested a fic under these terms, I ended up expanding on this post on discord and things snowballed. We kept to the basics of the entire plot revolving around Rey really hating her grandad and leveraging her blood relation to not be unalived about it.
With contributions by @atagotiak​, @dracothulhu​, @thepallaspalace​, and several others. The title comes from @gelpenss​.
The basic thing I absolutely need is this: Rey gets thrown back to the middle of the clone wars, and the subsequent plot leans in really heavily on her being, genetically-via-clone-dad, the daughter of the guy running the entire galaxy.
Nobody knows what to do with her.
The timing is mid-TCW for the past (because I want Ahsoka there) and vaguely between Episodes 8 and 9 because I... never watched E9 and don’t want to worry about the timeline. The only things that matter is that Luke is dead (he can die as he did in canon) and that Rey knows she’s Palp’s granddaughter (not the way she does in canon).
We'll say Luke found out from Anakin's panicked force-ghost and just went "well, fuck, okay, I should tell her this before she ends up in a situation like mine and finds out mid-battle or something."
Luke, prior to time-travel: Okay, so, now that I'm dead I know some things I didn't before. Like who your parents were. In the interest of full disclosure because I was in a very similar situation and I don't want you learning the way I did, I'm just going to come right out and say that your father was a clone was Sheev Palpatine. Rey: ... Luke: Are you okay? Rey: I don't know who that is.
(She grew up on Jakku, the history education was a little subpar.)
Setting The Scene
Imagine Rey showing up during or immediately before the clone wars. There’s this phenomenally powerful feral teenager from a desert backwater who tells you that if you ran a paternity test, it would probably pop up the Chancellor. She may or may not bring up cloning. She accuses said Chancellor of being a Sith Lord.
Your other phenomenally powerful feral teenager from a desert backwater, who may not be a teenager anymore but only barely, is very offended by this because Palpatine’s a Very Nice Old Grandfather Figure, but also he’s a little full of side-eye because if the blood test comes back as proof, then Palpatine had a kid and didn’t even know about them, or lied to Anakin, and that’s! Bad! Family’s important!!!
Palpatine hears about this daughter he apparently? Has? And is very confused because the timing doesn’t match up with ANYTHING he was doing, so the kid isn’t natural, and he says as much. (There is an explanation! It’s not a correct explanation, but he does come up with one.)
Finn and Poe and BB-8 all get dragged along because why not have the gang there? Nobody that’s already born, because [handwave] conservation of souls or something, IDK, point is the only person dragged along that’s even remotely close to already existing is Luke’s Force Ghost, who mostly hangs around begging Rey to be less impulsive. Finn is good because he is a nice polite boy, but for actual useful information they need Poe. The unfortunate situation is that the three do not land together. They land at the same time, in completely different corners of the galaxy. This means that nobody is there to curb Rey being her most impulsive self.
Time travel Rey knows two things. Luke’s dad ends up evil. Palpatine has always been evil.
She can solve one of these problems by killing the other, yes?
Rey: Ready to Rumble
See, the initial idea was this: Rey tried to break into the senate to kill Palpatine, got arrested, and then used the "he's biologically my father" card to get out of jail free. (Force Ghost Luke follows her like “please take five seconds to think this through.”)
It would be very, very, very funny if The Force just dumps her in a flash of light in the senate building and she just attacks Gramps on sight. Just a shouted "YOU!" and no-hesitation attempted murder.
Palpatine has no idea what's going on.
Rey took maybe two seconds to get identity confirmation and then started swinging.
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[Image Description: An individual in a green metal helmet with an eye slit, holding a pistol. In the upper left, upper right, and lower middle are the phrases “I do not know who I am...” “I don’t know why I’m here” and “All I know is that I must kill.” End description.]
Of course, she gets arrested. There are Master Jedi in the Senate. There are Clone Troopers. Palpatine isn’t the weak old man he pretends to be. Of course she’s stopped.
But she isn’t executed in time for Palpatine to stop her from ruining his entire reputation.
Immediately after Rey fails to kill her Shitty Granddad, Luke's ghost shows up and begs her to not talk about the Sith thing because it will completely undermine everything she's trying to do. Pass off the attempted murder as something else!
Rey, panicking: "that fucker left me on a desert planet for 10 years!" "You owe me 19 years of child support you son of a Hutt!"
The Jedi have to do the investigation, because the girl showed up with a laser sword, and the conversation is, uh... interesting. (“Where did you get that lightsaber?” “I got it from a mysterious old pirate lady I never met before. I don't know, I was being shown around by a smuggler and a Wookie.”)
Interviewer: Why did you try to assassinate the Chancellor? Luke: Say it wasn't assassination. Rey: It wasn't assassination. Int: You weren't trying to kill him? Luke: Assassination has to be politically motivated. Rey: This was, um... not political. Assassination is political, right? Int: You mean this was personally motivated? Rey: Yes. Int: I see. What personal motivation? Luke: Jakku! Rey: He's my grandfather. Int: ... Rey: Possibly father. Nobody was very clear on that. Int: ... Luke: Tell them to run a paternity test. Rey: Oh hey, a blood test would tell us which, right? Int: ............ Rey: I spent ten years as an orphaned scrapdealer on Jakku. He's my father. I'm kind of a little angry. Int: ........... Luke: Good job, kid. You bought yourself some time. Int: I'm going to get a medic to see about that parternity test.
Obviously, it comes back positive. Congratulations, Sheev, you’re the father.
Rey comes with a ready-made built-in excuse for hating Palpatine that nobody can question or fault her for!
Rey, pouring Truth into the Force: I didn't even know I was related to the Chancellor until a few months ago, but it's his fault I grew up the way I did, and he should take some responsibility!
The entire thing is mostly kept hush hush but someone leaks it to the press and Palpatine's ratings tank.
"Chancellor, I think we'll need to waive family visitation until she wants you a little less dead." "I would like to find out why she wants me dead, and indeed, where she came from." "...sir, for your own safety--"
Who would win? A master plan years in the making spanning decades of manipulating and work? or One (1) paternity test
"Okay, so, Rey Palpat--" "Ew, no, I don't want his name." "You--okay. Sure, we can understand that. Is there a name you would prefer to put on the paperwork?" Rey, who would have gone by Skywalker in honor of Luke but can't do that when Anakin is right there and all: "Can I think about it?"
Rey: I don't know what I want my last name to be but I know I don't want his, and most of the people I’d want a name from have famous families like you... Luke's ghost, pointing out the Literal Nobody that she cares about a lot: How about Solo? Rey: ...Solo, then.
(A few months later she runs into Poe again and he offers for Finn and Rey to both take his name because honestly they need SOMETHING but at that point she’s already decided on Smuggler Dad.)
Backtrack a bit. We’ve got a bigger cast.
They all arrive separately. Poe, for one, does better than Rey, who is aiming for a murder, but not quite as well as Finn, who is currently being adopted and hidden like a secret cat by a bunch of Alpha Clones on Kamino. He vibes with the names-or-numbers thing. He doesn’t necessarily tell them where and when he’s from, but he’s very sweet and a great liar and they adopt him wholesale anyway.
The Finn situation is just... "Buir Ti, we need you to hide this man, we've decided he's our little brother but if Nala Se finds out she'll make him leave."
Of course, this leads into Shaak Ti teaching Finn how to Jedi.
Maybe consider Finn needing to almost be tricked into learning Jedi things because he willfully forgets it could apply to him. Finn does not like to think of himself as special, which is super valid, but frustrating for Shaak Ti when it comes to, you know, getting him to acquire knowledge. Finn's training at some point is "here, levitate objects with the Force to entertain the tubies." It’s a lot easier to convince him to practice when it involves the babies.
(Everyone on Kamino looked at Finn and went “oh I love him I’m keeping him and teaching him things.”)
(He’s just very lovable.)
Poe, meanwhile, buys the trust of Anakin Skywalker via R2D2 declaring BB-8 the absolute most baby of droids. R2D2 met BB-8 three hours ago but.
"Hey Obi-Wan this is Poe I met him like five days ago but R2D2 says he checks out because his droid is a baby." "That's nice, Anakin, did you know the Chancellor has a daughter who tried to assassinate him in broad daylight yesterday? Because guess who had to stop the Chancellor from getting assassinated by his daughter in broad daylight yesterday."
A summary so far:
Finn, on Kamino: Hey, um, I don't know where this is, but it's not where I was a few minutes ago. Do you think you could get me a comm? What's your name? Poe, on [dice roll] Denon: Oh, hey, you're General Skywalker? Nice to meet you, I'm so sorry about my droid, she's a little excitable and thought your R2 unit looked like a friend of hers-- Rey, on Coruscant: DIE, GRANDFATHER
Finn: [Peacefully vibing on Kamino, unaware of the chaos and bonding with the clones] Poe: [Trying to explain how he knows someone who tried to kill the chancellor and defend Rey] Rey: [Arrested for trying to kill the chancellor]
Just... just...
Anakin: Some guy ended up lost on base yesterday with his droid, how’s your day going? Obi-Wan: I had to stop someone who claims to be the chancellors daughter from murdering the chancellor after she seemingly blinked into existence in the Senate building. Poe: 😐
(Poe: Oh, so that's where Chaos^2 went.)
Poe: In her defense, she is his... well we don't know if she's his daughter or granddaughter, but she's definitely related to him, and she definitely grew up in a shitty situation that was his fault, so...
(Poe is trying very hard to explain this and not get arrested on the military base.)
As you’ve probably guessed, what's especially funny about all of this for me is the fact that Palpatine is fully aware that this girl shouldn't exist, but can't find a single piece of evidence about where she came from. He didn't start any experiments that could result in a female child, and he didn't have sex in that period of time, so where the hell--
Rey spends so much time in jail... BUT they do eventually assign her a Jedi Master. Possibly before she actually proves her evil grandfather is in fact evil. Most votes went to either Plo Koon or Obi-Wan. Plo, because he’s dad-shaped, and Obi...
"Obi-Wan, you already raised one feral desert child with implausible amounts of power, you handle this." Rey in return is very "Sweet, you vaguely remind me of Master Luke," and nobody knows who the hell she's talking about. Obi-Wan is NOT on board with this plan, she'd really be better off with Plo or like........ Mace.
Reunion Tour
What I need out of this is the eventual Finn and Rey reunion scene that is just excited screaming while someone in the background explains to Shaak Ti that yes this is apparently Palpatine's terrifyingly force-sensitive daughter who hates him.
(Finn senses Rey’s approach and just. Gathers the everyone to wait. He’s just :D REY MY FRIEND REY GUYS MY FRIEND REY IS COMING.)
Anakin shows up with Poe--just a guy who signed on to the military, no big deal--and then Poe and Rey are EXCITED and everyone's just like "Cool, how do you know this literal terrorist child?" And Poe has to scramble and "Uhhhhhhhhhhhh she saved my droid from a scrapheap once and BB-8 is basically my child so I owe her one."
Rey knows that Anakin ends up evil so she’s maybe not actively hostile but definitely very “I’m watching you.” That said, she vibes with him on a lot of things that he maybe doesn’t actively notice.
Rey picks up a snake, snaps off the head for venom avoidance, and starts biting off chunks. Obi-Wan's reaction: [undisguised horror] Anakin and Ahsoka: Ooh, where'd you find that? (Obi-Wan: And now I’m up to three feral children.)
What Does Palpatine Even Do?
OBVIOUSLY at a certain point, Palpatine is just phoning up every ally he has to figure out who broke protocol to synthesize a daughter for him.
So of course, Palpatine blame Plagueis.
She'd have been born five or so years before Naboo, just a few years younger than Anakin. It's such an EASY theory to build a conspiracy around. It is ENTIRELY WRONG, but it’s plausible! And anyone who might have been involved to say otherwise is probably dead!
A random bio-kid shows up you can’t possibly have contributed genes to? Maybe it’s the evil bio spark that did it.
Palpatine tries to placate her with the ‘my genes were stolen for an experiment and I didn’t know’ thing. It doesn’t work because her actual main complaint is he’s evil in her future but he tries.
It'd be a struggle to even get access to her, because of the aforementioned “maybe don’t try to talk to the daughter(?) that hates you” thing, but you know who Palpatine does have access to? The Chosen One.
Rey kind of decides on her favorites early on (she gravitates to Dad Energy and Sad Old Men so Plo and Obi-Wan are on her list, and that means decent time around Anakin and Ahsoka). It's really easy to talk Anakin into helping to some degree because "he'd like to connect to a daughter he never knew" and "a child of her power on a planet like that, you'd know her struggle, my dear boy" and so on. Anakin tries to connect! He tries to play up Sheev’s kind political work and how it can’t have really been his fault! It doesn’t work. Rey does not believe a word of it. Mostly she doesn’t even seem to hear him.
Rey's just like "...oh right, you're the melted mask that Kylo Ren was always ranting about," which means absolutely NOTHING to Anakin, but he mentions it to Palps, who loses his goddamn mind trying to figure out what she's talking about, because it also means absolutely nothing to him.
Here’s the thing: Rey’s already decided that Obi-Wan is cool, because Luke said so, and Plo Koon is dad-shaped, and she also gravitates towards earnest kindness in general, like she made friends with Finn real quick, so Ahsoka? Already getting along great.
She doesn’t dislike Anakin, really, he isn’t evil yet, he’s just... meh. She’s a little suspicious and she likes him less than the others but... Anakin.
Rey, to Anakin: You are my least favorite. Anakin, to Palpatine: YOUR DAUGHTER HATES ME???
And he goes from “she’s a lil standoffish” to “she doesn’t like me” to “she hates me” as is normal for Anakin.
It’s just an escalation of this one time Palpatine wants Anakin to not have rifts and trust issues with a person, at least not until later, because he needs information.
Meanwhile, that very moment, Rey is just like "huh, nobody here is listening to me about how make a sixth-hand carburetor work, where's Luke's dad?"
Anakin is venting to Palpatine about how hard it is to talk to Rey, and she's over in the Temple just like "Hey, that guy was useful last time, I should ask him," but also she only ever thinks of him as Luke's Dad.
(At one point, Obi-Wan is having a bit of a break down, and then Anakin starts having a breakdown about that, meanwhile the clones are (badly) trying to hide Finn behind their backs, Rey is watching Ahsoka practice and being like "I want two lightsabers," and Poe is trying to keep R2 from stealing BB-8 and Force Ghost Luke is just face palming in the background.)
(Rey deserved a saber staff, maybe one that can detach and turn into a jar’kai set. Possibly a pike. Mostly I just wish she got more chances to whack things with a big stick.)
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clanoffetts · 3 years
Rey Skywalker NSFW Alphabet
Rey Skywalker x F!Reader
warnings: 18+, nsfw, mentions of trauma
this is stream of conciousness, so it's a little messy, but i'm proud of it nonetheless.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
i feel like rey is really cuddly after sex. like she wants to be held, kissed, and told how good she did, how good she made you feel.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
She loves arms. they’re toned and strong, and trust me, she sees you staring while she works on the Falcon or her saber.
She likes your hands. She loves holding them, kissing them, guiding them as she shows you how to fix something. they’re softer than hers, and the way they feel all over her body is heavenly, especially with how touch starved she is.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
When Rey comes hard, she comes hard. It takes a while to get to her squirt, though. But when you’ve had her splayed on her back all evening, your tongue and fingers pumping in and out of her, telling her what a good, strong girl she is, and then have her ride your face ? with your hands groping at her tits, moaning into her cunt? you’re going to be drowning in her cum.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
At first, Rey considers all of her desires as ‘dirty secrets’ because she’s never had sex with anyone before, much less been in a relationship where she can ask for things. But once she’s comfortable, she’s telling you everything. The first fantasy she shares is having you use the torso wraps of her outfit to tie her ankles to the bedposts, and keeping her from squirming away while you overstim her
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
not very. who on jakku was rey going to fuck? no one, that’s who. she’s out of all their leagues. but she doesn’t have experience with masturbation, and knows what she likes.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
she likes being between your legs, sucking at your clit. she’s got a massive praise kink, so feeling you gripping at her hair, moaning, and evening closing your thighs around her head is non-verbal praise, and she loves it.
but she’ll always like laying on her back, you laying on your side next to her, running your hands all over her while whispering dirty shit in her ear.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
she can be goofy!! when she’s not utterly wrecked, which doesn’t take long, she’ll crack jokes and be sarcastic.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Rey’s brown hair isn’t just on her head. And she keeps her pubic hair trimmed, but doesn’t do anything too drastic. She was a bit scared at the beginning, she’s not naive or stupid, she knows the “popular” preference is clean-shaven, and she’s relieved that you don’t care.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
She wants to make everyone proud out of the bedroom, so ofc she wants to please you in the bedroom. And she sees that as taking care of you, physically and emotionally, because that’s what she finds romantic. so she’s always telling you how pretty you are and what she loves about you in the moment.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Rey has quite a bit of experience with masturbating, lbr. but once the two of you have sex for the first time, she can’t get off as easy by herself. but, you gotta do what you gotta do. she likes comming you if she can, having you purr praises and instructions in her ear while she touches herself.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
i think she liked being tied up, until kylo, that is. now, just her ankles to the bedposts, maximum. maybe a spreader bar, since she does have more movement with that.
maybe a bit of light exhibitionism, too. she’s an adrenaline junkie, so….
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
preferably, the comfy bunk in her room on the resistance base. but, when rey’s horny, shes needy, and she’ll let you touch her anywhere from the empty briefing room to the ‘fresher.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
compliment her and she’ll lose it. she’ll get all blushy and quiet bc what's she supposed to do?? accept a comment without getting nervous and blushy??? and when you compliment her, her mind goes straight to how you compliment her in the bedroom. and then, she’s just standing there next to you, nipples hard under her layers of clothes, aching for you.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
After Rey’s capture and torture by Kylo Ren, she can’t do bondage anymore. Like i said earlier, she can do a spreader bar, but that’s it, and she’ll need time to heal. it’s too much, too many memories. And she’s terrified of a memory of you melding with a memory of Kylo.
she also won’t hurt you. why in the world would she hurt someone she loves so much?
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Rey loves loves loves giving. she loves everything about it: being encompassed by you, your noises, your squirming, your praises. and it’s all for her.
she does like to receive, though. she likes your hands on her stomach to keep her in place, the murmurs of “good girl” and “fucking gorgeous” against her cunt drive her insane. the murmurs often make their way into her meditations, if she’s not careful.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Depends. At first, it’s urgent but it’s still sensual. Then, it evolves into sweet, slow, even lazy sex, trying to distract yourselves from the stress of the galaxy.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Between being a leader in the Resistance and training to carry a whole religion on her back after the Skywalkers are gone, quickies are kind of necessary. It’s not her favorite, but it’ll do.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
She’s game to experiment, but she doesn’t take too many risks. The light exhibitionism is about as risky as she’ll get. She is scared of getting caught and ‘overstaying her welcome’ with General Organa and the Resistance.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Rey loves overstimulation, there’s just something about you making her come over and over again while she grips onto you, the sheets, etc. so she can go for a while. And don’t think the Force doesn’t help her.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
I def can see her using the Force if you’re ok with it, esp later on when she gets into topping/domming you and gets advanced enough in her Force use to use it in the bedroom.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
I can’t see her being a tease when she doms. I think maybe she tries, but her preference is to overstim you and shower you with touches until you’re shaking in her arms. She’s a protector at heart.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
She’s got some gorgeous, sweet needy whines. But the sultry voice she puts on when she doms, it’s not exactly deep, but it’s warm and it’s commanding, yet fairly quiet. When she comes, it’s often silent screams or groans.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Rey has super sensitive nipples. like, really sensitive. She could probably come just from your mouth around them or your fingers twisting at them. And sometimes, when her nipples just get randomly hard during the day, her clothes rub against them and she comes to find you just so you can pull her into a closet and toy with her nipples.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
azz n tiddies idk what to tell you. she’s very pretty but u know that
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
She’s insatiable at the start, she loves eating pussy and being fingered by someone other than herself, but it’s also the connection and the interaction of it all that has her hooked.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Fairly quickly if she’s been overstimmed, esp if you’ve got her in your arms and are petting her hair while the two of you watch a holo. When Rey has you in her strong arms, she waits to fall asleep until you’re asleep
@mandaloriandin @justwastelandbabyy @jangofettswife @delusionsxfgrandeur @rexsjaigeyes @tibbietibbs @zinzinina @thiccumz @latenightsthoughtsnstuff @deathwatchnightowl
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juuls · 4 years
Hi Reylo community!
Latest edit: First of all! —I am more than happy to help people who want to give podficcing a try, just send me a message and we can work out details, figure out answers to your questions, etc. I would just love to see more people recording podfics!
It’s easy to be a podficcer; nothing special is needed and I’m happy to provide tips for simple podficcing! In fact I sorta ramble about my process here in this Answered Ask and include 3 basic tutorials.
To the Reylo community at large (writers, artists, readers, lurkers, everyone!): If you could pick one of your, preferably, complete (or at least a fair number of chapters in and being updated) fanfics that you would like to have a podfic made out of... which would it be?
I’d love to create a list of works where authors have given permission to podfic their fics, whether short or long, and to contribute to the new Reylo Podfic Collection!
But I’d love to use this tumblr thread as a.... thought exercises, I suppose, and permission, too, for people to podfic your work.
While I do do podficcing for Marvel... it just makes me want to do so much more Reylo stuff! There’s so few pieces out there compared to the bevy of Marvel stuff, but honestly, every time there’s a new (Reylo) podfic—it breathes new life back into the fic, the author, the ship, the fandom..... plus you personally feel awesome for the performance high and for bringing a smile to the writer’s face. That’s the best thing ever and I adore doing it, no matter how ‘simple’ the podfic may be.
So, AUTHORS, which of your fics would you like to see podficced? Blanket permission for any?
And READERS!!!—which of your favourite fics, short or long, G or T or M or E... would you love to listen to, or think deserves the verbal treatment? :D
Old, new. Canon-Compliant, Modern AU. Canon-Adjacent or Post-Canon. Post-movie Fix-It or forget-the-movie Fix-It. Gen, Teen, Unrated, Mature, or Explicit. A/B/O or Soulmates. Bendemption or Renperor. Senator Ben or Jedi Ben. Fuck-Jakku Rey or Must-Return Rey. Hopeful Rey or Antagonistic Rey. Blocked Force Bond or Open. Good or evil. Take his hand or don’t. Pre-Canon, post-TFA, post-TLJ, or TroS—I don’t know her.
Come one, come any, come all! What would you pick to podfic?
Pod together with us!
I’ll keep the list of approved fics updated if we get enough replies! I do so hope we do! I love Reylo, you love Reylo, who doesn’t want their fic put to voice? And also, let’s breathe some new forms of life into this fandom! Celebrate it with me!
(Sometimes there are already podfics done for a particular fic but you can always 1, welcome another for your own fic, and 2, request of an author to see if you can perform an additional reading of their fic—each podfic is different and special in their own way.)
Do you feel how awesome this could be?
They do.
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Blanket permission for any of these user’s fics: *
TheOriginalSuki [[“Maybe skip the Welsh epitaphs, ha!”]]
Politicalmamaduck [[Tall Tales of the Western Wilds has previously been podficced by @luminoustico and @quickficradio 🧡!]]
Perry_Downing [[Devotion has already been podficced, and Powerless, Thwarted, He Knows, and Unbidden claimed.]]
EllieCarina [[In My Bloodstream has been claimed.]]
DragonWhiskers [[any completed works]]
PalenDrome (nerdherderette) [[any and all fics, ships, fandoms]]
Podfics welcome for specific fics (permission given): *
Delicious Ambiguity by Juulna (~24.8k)
Shadowed by Juulna (~5.6k)
Little Earthquakes by LochTayBoatSong (~5.3k)
the breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you by LochTayBoatSong (~36.1k)
Asking Price by SouthsideStory and ReyloTrashCompactor (~33.2k, 13/15 chapters)
Things Not Seen by SouthSideStory (~13.8k)
Chains by Veggieheist @veggieheist (~295.5k, 67/? chapters) [[contact author as they wish to re-edit the beginning of the fic]]
Dream House by sleepyowlet @sleepyowlet (~11k) [[“I read it out loud to myself and because I wrote it with the Dreamlands cycle as background noise, it has the same kind of feel to it. You just need to find a podficcer who can read consentacles without cracking up.”]]
Camera Shy by Sophia Ravencrest @sophiaravencrest (~23.8k)
Blades Crossed by the-reylo-void @the-reylo-void (~27.1k)
enemies-to-lovers by the-reylo-void (~59.6k) **
Within Monsters by AnonymousMink (~132.6k)
Hiraeth by TheOriginalSuki @theoriginalsuki (~47.9k)
Blood is Thicker Than Whatever This Is... by DragonWhiskers @belovedunderwing (~1.5k)
Siren’s Song by DragonWhiskers (~22.5k)
Specific fics we’d love to see in podfic form and currently awaiting permission from their authors: [[fics granted permission moved to ‘Podfics Welcome’ list]]
Ashes of the Empire by Skyelo_Ren @dancingpenguin57 (~128.4k)
The Moon, the Sun, and the Star Inbetween. by Silvershine @silvershiner (~120.1k)
can’t turn off what turns me on by audreyii_fic @audreyii-fic (~26.1k)
Tactical Surrender by destinies @destiniesfic (~155.8k)
Claimed with permission:
landscape with a blur of conquerors by diasterisms @kylorenvevo (~362.9k) and To Kingdom Come (~145.7k) [[claimed by @isitcoolthatisaidallthat18]]
In My Bloodstream by EllieCarina @jackpotgirl (~103k) [[Claimed by @juuls — awaiting pre-production edits, recording will begin, soon followed by posting, in a handful of months]]
connected in the deep and Split Soul by Juulna (~2.5k and ~1.3k each) [[short ficlets currently claimed for practice by @lochtayboatsong]]
Powerless by Perry_Downing @perrydowning (~213k) [[claimed by @juuls and will begin work on it in early- to mid-January]]
Sky Marked Souls by AnonymousMink @anonymousmink (~22.3k) [[claimed by @isitcoolthatisaidallthat18]]
Thwarted (~358k), He Knows He Needs To Stop (~140.5k) and Unbidden by Perry_Downing (~183.8k) @perrydowning [[claimed by @isitcoolthatisaidallthat18]]
* “Please claim” even if just replying to this post or sending me an Ask or DM so I can edit the post. Mutiple podfics are flattering to the author but some podficcers really don’t like to be ‘one of many’. Absolutely valid. You can even create a placeholder AO3 ‘podfic’ and link it as inspired by said fic, so people can see that it’s being worked on... as long as permission has been granted first, or course, sillies! :)
** Although an unconventional fic format, this fic can certainly be podficced by using (1) different tones of voice for thoughts, fic summaries, different sorts of text, and/or (2) different tones of pings/chimes/whatever for the text messages from different characters, and/or (3) adding in an extra line of, for example: *ping* “text message from thekyloren reads as follows…” OR (4), if you want to get fancy, you could have some friends assist you by recording any of the messages from ‘their’ character. That would be a lot of fun, in fact! Another option is (5) where you would split your recordings and give an audible indication to read the message, followed again by a new audio file, etc. Only problem with this approach is if there are too many breaks in the audio and you end up going from one to the other too many times in a row.
And please, reblog and spread the word for this project! No project can operate by its lonesome; it needs help from the community it belongs to. ❤️ Here’s another link to the Reylo Podfics Collection!
Thank you so much!
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mixelation · 3 years
okay wait here's my star wars sequels 'script doctors' hot take. you actually can't just fix what we were given because the movies do not have any cohesive thematic elements or argument or, like, a thesis that runs throughout the movies in any sort of way. because there's no identifiable element to unify the movies, you can't do a real script doctor because there's no 'spine'/core story to work off of. like you can tie up plot holes or cut boring subplots but that's just polishing up a mess. like, one of the reasons the original triology was so good is because those movies (or at least the first two) are very 'tight' about the story & themes they convey. even the prequels at least have the backbone of Anakin's tragedy to work off of if you're trying to 'fix' them.
so my preferred fix is to just play with entirely new characters (rey, finn & poe) and not try to drag out whatever happened in the OT. they could have largely cut the old trio out and only had their appearances be cameos rather than major contributors to the plot, and then not had the sequels be particularly related to the OT at all, sort of how the Mandalorian draws from established lore/previous movies but isn't reliant on them to tell its own story. kylo ren then would have just been a regular sith antagonist without a tragic backstory and flat redemption arc. however if they wanted to go with a continuation of the skywalker legacy & then also with the theme of 'forging a new future means discarding traditions which no longer work' and the ongoing saga of the original trio failing their direct legacy (kylo ren), then they needed to cut poe.
(this makes me sad, because I really like Poe.)
i think a lot of 'fix-it' solutions to the sequels run into what i call the 'kylo ren problem', which is that if you're continuing the legacy of the OT then it seems obvious you should include a Han-Leia kid, but also if you include that character as an antagonist then clearly they need to be redeemed bc they're the precious main character legacy. you could just make him a protagonist but also everyone associates him with being a villain so much that this seems lackluster, so people focus on trying to fix his redemption.
anyway, i have been running the numbers in my head since the raise of skywalker came out, and if you want to keep the kylo ren element (which I think you do if you're going the route of continuing the original trilogy rather than making up an independent set of films), then i think... i think you have to show his fall on-screen in the first movie, so that you can see him as a potential protagonist and then route for his eventual redemption in the third movie. and if you do that the way i'm about to propose, then poe becomes redundant.
okay, here's what i would propose, if i found myself in some sort of very meta time travel fix-it fic where disney put me in charge of the new star wars movies and demanded i had to have skywalkers so they could milk recasting the original actors: we keep finn and rey essentially as-is, but we make kylo ren the third member of the trio. before anyone loses their shit at me, this would require massive rewrite of his character-- like i'm going to say 'kylo' from here out, but this is essentially a new character and honestly i would have made the leia-han baby a girl but whatever
so we have for movie #1:
finn - honestly i thought about nixing the first order all together, but finn's character concept is the coolest in the entire sequels trilogy. we keep finn breaking through his brain washing when he's sent to massacre a village, but for this movie the big bad authoritarian person/main antagonist is phasma, not kylo ren. finn steals a ship & escapes on his own & crash lands on jakku. maybe we keep the 'map to luke' mcguffin but finn has stolen it himself as a 'fuck you'/'doing what is right rather than what you are told' moment. also this finn is force sensitive and gets to be a jedi later, fuck YOU, movies
rey - rey is still a garbage collecting desert orphan on jakku. she still runs into finn & a trading outpost or whatever that was and offers him help. i think i would lean into her more as a engineering genius and maybe she decodes the mcguffin finn has stolen and is like YOU NEED TO GET THIS TO THE NEW REPUBLIC :D and finn is like: actually i cannot be seen by the new republic? because i don't understand why the first order was pitched as the people in charge that needed a 'rebel' group instead of just like a terrorist organization vs the fragile new democracy set up in the wake of the empire. anyway finn does not want to approach any sort of republic authority because he is secretly a fleeing storm trooper/a reformed terrorist but rey is very gung-ho about finding him a ship
this ends with them trying to find a pilot with a ship to get off-world a la a new hope, and they find kylo ren in a seedy bar. everything about kylo is meant to call back to han solo's swagger except maybe a dark haired woman? please? so the audience is like 'ah yes, the han solo replacement.' kylo is NOT interested in going in to rendezvous with republic authorities for unstated reasons. when rey very conspiratorially reveals the mcguffin kylo makes an incredibly put-upon face and is like well..... indicating he recognizes the right thing to do here but is hesitant to actually go along with it
however the first order shows up and we get that scene of everyone fleeing to the millennium falcon together. the argument over what to do with the mcguffin continues on ship but is interrupted by han and chewie showing up in almost exactly the same way as in TFA, and kylo makes a definite oh SHIT! face and disappears. han meets rey and finn and is like 'YOU'RE not the flyboy who stole my ship??' and the whole confusion with tentacle monsters still happens but THIS time it's resolved by kylo showing up last minute with a lightsaber fight. like it's a very dramatic reveal and han and kylo are mutually like YOU!!!
and the backstory we get is that luke's jedi academy dissolved in some unspecified tragedy* that made him go hermit and also for kylo to become very disillusioned with the whole jedi thing and fuck off with his dad's stolen ship
*i'm not sure what the specifics of this tragedy would be, but i think it must be some sort of outside force wiping out a bunch of luke's students but ALSO involve luke making some sort of bad call so there's an element of guilt/blame
and then i'm less sure what the details of the rest of the movie would be like, but i want hints at a shadow sith figure talking to phasma and also showing kylo being incredibly jaded with his old life and being conflicted about being reunited with his dad. rey can still randomly find anakin's light saber and have her freaky force vision?
so maybe we still have the dramatic show-down on starkiller base, but the plot point are: phasma herself shows up to confront rey & finn. she's accompanied by the shadowy figure implied to be her boss, who reveals a red light saber (and has, like, a cool black robe and mask design for toy marketing reasons). rey gets her first light saber fight while finn engages phasma. MEANWHILE, we keep the plot beat where han dies except this time kylo fails to prevent it. as he has a breakdown over it, the shadowy figure leaves right before finishing rey. finn rushes over to her, takes the light saber, and uses it to defeat phasma.
we get a "aren't you so pathetic?" speech from fake darth vader to kylo, followed by some emotional manipulation, and the scene ends with kylo following the figure.
rey and finn stagger in with chewie to find kylo gone & han dead and they both reach different conclusions but i can't decide which would go for which? and i think maybe kylo leaves his lightsaber behind so BOTH finn and rey have legacy lightsabers; whichever one sympathizes more with kyo keeps his
and then in the NEXT movie we would explore how rey & finn's paths to understanding the force differ, maybe sticking one with luke and one with leia? kylo ren is the antagonist of this film but because we've already seen him functioning as a likable good guy (and while he's a villain in the sequel, we'd also show him holding back from doing 'crosses even MY moral line' thing a few times), his one-movie redemption arc will work better. also i guess we can introduce poe as leia's favored general/ace pilot
i'm not going into more detail because i think i'd have to really think about how rey & finn's backgrounds affect their approach to their paths forward. like maybe have kyloe ren already friends with rey at the beginning of the movie so she's the bright-eyed 'there's still GOOD IN HIM' character? but anyway: there i fixed the kylo ren problem (which i think could also be fixed by just not being obsessed with milking the original trilogy and removing him entirely, but if WE WANT TO KEEP THIS ELEMENT.... there u go)
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pacificwanderer · 3 years
OTP/Shipping positivity post! 💖:
Being as it’s That Time of Year, how would your OTP help each other through the seasonal blahs?
Hey Nonnie!
What a nice ask :) It sure is That Time of Year, whew. Weather's been pretty nutso where I'm at, so it's nice to think of things that aren't that.
OTP I write the most about is Reylo, so I imagine that Rey'd have a pretty hard time with things being dark at like 4 p.m. (depending on the seasonal patterns of wherever they live, let's say Naboo, which I'm gonna imagine is like Italy, so it's coldish rn lol).
Defintely think Ben would be super aware of this, though he's mostly okay with the weather given that he spent a lot of time on Chandrila and Naboo, both are fairly mild when it comes to weather. Nothing like Jakku. The sun is endless in Jakku and, at first, Rey's okay with the darkness. The stars are stunning in the winter cold, but it does get kind of draining.
Long post. More under the cut:
Ben encourages her to wake up earlier in the day, which isn't really her preference now that she doesn't have to scrape by, but she does it. And it helps a little. He also grabs some fancy sun-lamps to help with the SAD, and those are also nice. Fortunately, the ancestral home on Naboo is equipped with a great sauna/heated pools, so even in the winter, they can enjoy a swim.
Getting to bed earlier leaves more room for *other* activities, which helps lift both of their moods. For them, it's a gift to just be in each other's presence after feeling alone for so long. There's nothing like being able to reach out and feel the other one laying there, sleeping softly.
For so long, the voices in Ben's head told him he wasn't good enough. Wasn't worth loving unless he could prove himself. But they're silent since she came into his life. Now, the only voices he hears are hers and his. Sometimes, their voices blend together as their thoughts become one. Sometimes, it's just an energy, a feeling of contentment that helps buoy the other as the days go on.
Rey thought she'd gotten used to being alone. Even when she was with the Resistance, it didn't fee like she had anyone who truly knew her--someone that accepted the light and the dark within her. But Ben knows. Somehow, he's always known. And that's made all the difference.
In the end, small moments add up and bloom into happy memories, so even when the darkness is at its peak, they both know that they're never far from dawn.
Cheers, Nonnie!
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dreaminghour · 3 years
Star Wars WLW Week Day 5
Enemies to Lovers! What if the Galaxy Far Far Away had a Competition of Sports for Peace? What if Rose was a swimmer for the First Order, turned for the Resistance, and Rey was an independent pentathlete who always showed up where she wasn’t supposed to be?
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“Would you prefer to have this conversation in private?” Rose spoke through her teeth.
Around them there were still the sounds of others changing and chatting, feet flapping across tile, the echo in the showers.
“That depends,” Rey said, stepping closer to speak more softly. “On whether you’d just be taking me to some of your buddies where they can kill me for trying to access someplace off limits.”
Rey was within inches of Rose’s face, and she saw the look of dismay that seemed to flit across her features for a moment, but before she could fully take it in, Rose’s expression was hard.
“So why didn’t I just turn you in? Why would I deal with you at all?” Rose murmured.
Rey braced herself on either side of Rose, hands flat against the lockers and looking down at Rose with an unwavering gaze.
“What game are you playing?” Rey’s voice was the ghost of a whisper. “What do you want from me?”
4015 words / violence and vulgar language / warning: major character death
Rose had spent enough time in old Imperial gymnasiums to have the artificial voice automatically pipe up in her head when she began to walk even slightly faster on wet floors: “No running in the pool area. Accident and death may occur.”
She hugged the towel closer, feeling the chill air so much more harshly than the cool water. In the water she was warm, never more free than when she’d been swallowed whole, cutting through the distance like a knife. She left the huge wave pool area and stepped into the next hall, almost as large, with dozens of tracks spanning the pool, dozens of swimmers from across the galaxy sprinting across the water.
Rose didn’t immediately see the slip of a woman she’d been looking for, but narrowed it down after she saw another pale-skinned human climb out of the water and they shook out short blonde hair. The only other Human she could see was still striking across the water with even strokes, not the fastest being in the pool, certainly, but keeping an even pace.
She could talk to the other swimmer about that, she considered, pace and endurance. She’d been making a mental list of approved topics with which she could approach the unknown woman from Jakku since she’d first seen her snooping around the Officers deck the other night.
“Just make sure you don’t spook her,” her handler had said. The man was disguised as a janitor.
Rose had taken to eating food her roommate didn’t like and spilling it when she needed a moment to herself.
“Is she known?” Rose had asked.
“She’s nobody.” He’d shrugged. “Don’t play hero. You aren’t in the business of saving nobodies.”
“No, I want to save everyone,” Rose had fiercely whispered back.
Rose had been picked up by the First Order when her homeworld had been annexed — before it had been boiled into a hunk of rock, that was. She’d grown up in the wild ocean and had momentarily been bewildered when she’d been recruited for the Galactic Peace Competition.
The First Order wanted to be taken seriously, she’d realized as she’d been given an honorary military rank and supported in swimming and engineering. In the wake of the Empire’s fall, it was hard to find good schools, so she was happy to have her schooling paid for. In the back of her mind, however, she suspected that once the First Order began to push closer to the New Republic territories, her military rank would no longer be honorary...
Assuming her own people didn’t kill her sooner. The First Order ruled through fear, and Rose had reflected privately on more than one occasion that if people were scared enough they would be willing to risk nearly everything for a chance at something better. And that was before the Storm Troopers had begun defecting. After that, when a rebel pilot was caught and passed her a memstick with a chance at doing something more, she’d become a mole for the resistance.
It had always been a part of her schooling contract that she would be expected to perform at competitions of endurance swimming on behalf of the First Order. While others made fun of the athletes, they had adopted a kind of half-numb feeling about their own craft. She suspected that all of them had moments where they achieved a kind of clarity which showed them how horrible things were as well as how unimportant they were in the grand scheme, possibly how harmful their participation might be in a certain regard. But those insights were so drenched in the endorphins of their physical exertions, that it seemed as though nothing mattered at all.
Feeling as though she might be able to make a difference, Rose decided, was worse.
She focused on the duck-like flap of feet on the wet tile, of the panting and splashing of the swimmers, and tried to think through her approach one more time.
“Hello,” she mumbled under her breath, getting closer to the woman’s lane. “Think I spotted you trying to break into the Supreme Leader’s Quarters. Planning to burgle or murder?”
As though she’d heard her, the woman’s gaze snapped up from where she’d been staring at her hands on the rim of the pool, pushing herself out of the water, drenched in the smell of chlorine bleach, her hair covered in a little plastic hat.
“Hell,” Rose said.
“What do you want?” the woman asked. Her accent didn’t sound like Jakku. Maybe that was part of her cover. But who was she covering for?
“Haven’t seen you at any meets before,” Rose said, smiling, standing her ground. “I make a point of making friendly with the other Humans.”
“Really?” The woman spat water onto the ground near the drain. “We Free Worlders aren’t too lowly for First Order grunts like you?”
She pulled the goggles off her eyes and the cap as well.
She wasn’t particularly remarkable looking. She was thin like a whip and Rose’s mother would have said she had “good bone structure” and yet Rose was caught in the intensity of her look. Her expression was a mixture of both trying to intimidate and trying to understand Rose.
“I go to a lot of these,” Rose said, trying her next tactic: babbling. “It isn’t just for the First Order either, when I was a kid, I entered a lot of system competitions, quadrant, too. I know Jakku isn’t near Hays Minor, but even so… you’re good.”
“Hays Minor?” Something other than hostility finally flickered across her face. “Your system was under embargo, wasn’t it? They do mining?”
“They do. Did. It’s no better than frag now.”
It was pity, Rose realized. This woman felt bad for her. She wasn’t terribly in the mood for it, but she’d take what she was given.
“My name’s Rose Tico.” She held out a hand.
“Rey of Jakku,” came the reply. And Rey took Rose’s hand.
… …
“The bigger the competition, the more waiting time,” Rose said.
They were standing beside the pool, waiting for the droids cleaning the spill of ice from a hockey-prank gone wrong to be cleared. Rey still wasn’t clear on what hockey even was, but Rose seemed to think it wasn’t worth watching, so Rey gave it a pass for now.
She reasoned that if she survived assassinating the Supreme Leader, she would treat herself to any whim she could afford.
Rose was proving to be a bit of a thorn in that plan.
She had the feeling she’d met Rose before, but couldn’t place where. The best she could say was that the night she’d been trying to break into the First Order’s officer’s deck, she’d had a feeling which felt like being watched.
It might a lot of time spent waiting around, waiting for practice areas to clear, for scores to be revealed, for someone to misbehave — but Rey had the distinct feeling that time was running out. If she couldn’t get close enough to the Supreme Leader to stab him in the eye, deep enough to get to his brain, she was hoping to get someone high enough in the food chain in order to throw a wrench in their plans.
Rose, with her black bathing suit, red First Order logo on the back, was one such opportunity which she would waste no time making use of.
It didn’t matter if Rose came from a planet which had been destroyed by the very people she wore the uniform for, if Rey felt any pity for her it was because she saw Rose for the misguided fool she was. Or else, Rose had something else to her that Rey didn’t understand.
Nor did she have time to understand what was going on with Rose. She was not in the business of letting her heart bleed for strangers.
Rose had done plenty of swimming competitions, and was in fact doing the endurance swim as well as the triathlon, though she didn’t anticipate doing very well in the latter. She was one of several entrants for the First Order. Rose had been competing as an endurance swimmer since she’d been a child, and she stressed the fact that she wasn’t even the best swimmer from her home planet.
A dead planet. Rey couldn’t help but feel bad for her. She let the thoughts fade away.
“So did you learn to ride orbaks on Jakku?”
“Huh?” Rey turned to look away from the droid shoveling ice into the garbage chute.
“Part of the pentathlon is riding an orbak and shooting a blaster, right? A pistol blaster, to be precise, able to shoot a finer point.”
“Oh, right,” Rey turned back to watch the path to the changing rooms be cleared.
“Orbaks aren’t native to Jakku, I thought,” Rose said.
“They’re not,” Rey agreed. “They were imported and really took to the northern plains, apparently. A kind of luxury animal for the wealthy.”
It wasn’t a lie, but that wasn’t where Rey had learned to ride orbak. She hadn’t actually learned. She’d always been good with animals and hoped that when it came down to it, she could rely on that. Blaster shooting from a speeder, she could do. She hoped that translated to orbaks.
Growing up on Jakku, Rey had acquired a strong appreciation for bathing with true water. In space, as on Jakku, there were rigorous processes for reclaiming water. On an old Imperial station such as this, linked to a planet with vast water resources of its own, was a kind of extravagance Rey had seldom seen before, certainly that she’d never been able to indulge in before.
Rose stepped under the stream like it was nothing, and the showers filled with steam as they rinsed off. Rey was surprised when Rose came back from her locker in a shirt that didn’t even cover her midriff and shorts. Rey always bundled up after a swim.
“I know you asked me about other competitions, and I said I’ve never,” Rey said. “But is it possible we have met elsewhere, maybe?”
“I don’t know…” There was something hesitant in Rose’s expression which seemed to be hidden, making Rey wonder. Rose caught her look and lifted her arms above her head for a stretch, giving Rey a look at even more skin than before.
Rey doubled over to dig into her bag, made sure her goggles were in the correct pouch.
She knew Rose was watching her, and she settled her thoughts on the sounds and vibrations around her, even those she couldn’t easily account for. The feeling of being watched. She whipped her head around.
“You!” Rey pointed a finger at Rose in case there was any misunderstanding. “You’re the one who was watching me that night!”
Rose looked panicked at that, which seemed to confirm Rey’s suspicions.
“Would you prefer to have this conversation in private?” Rose spoke through her teeth.
Around them there were still the sounds of others changing and chatting, feet flapping across tile, the echo in the showers.
“That depends,” Rey said, stepping closer to speak more softly. “On whether you’d just be taking me to some of your buddies where they can kill me for trying to access someplace off limits.”
Rey was within inches of Rose’s face, and she saw the look of dismay that seemed to flit across her features for a moment, but before she could fully take it in, Rose’s expression was hard.
“So why didn’t I just turn you in? Why would I deal with you at all?” Rose murmured.
Rey braced herself on either side of Rose, hands flat against the lockers and looking down at Rose with an unwavering gaze.
“What game are you playing?” Rey’s voice was the ghost of a whisper. “What do you want from me?”
“Who says I want anything?”
Rey made a little growling noise in the back of her throat.
“It seems like you want to get yourself killed,” Rose said, knocking one off Rey’s arms away from her and beginning to walk away. “I just thought…” She turned back for a moment. “That we could help each other out.”
And that was all she said, she picked up her duffle where she’d dropped it on the floor and walked out. Rey was confused. Was that how First Order grunts intimidated their enemies? Why did she feel colder now that the other woman had left?
She clenched her fists and stood up straighter. She didn’t have time to worry about some First Order softie. She had her own agenda.
… …
Rey approached the entrance to the First Order quarters just after the troopers had passed by on a perimeter check. She was good, whoever she was. As Rose watched her move in the shadows, barely visible even though Rose was looking for her, she wondered who this woman was. Had she really come from a dust orb, did the Resistance really have no idea who she was?
Rose pulled back a little as Rey began to work on the lock, but just as she was getting the panel open to bypass the electronics, Rose heard the radio static of a patrol coming back. She didn’t have time to think much more about it, she strode up to Rey who immediately whipped her head around.
“You!” Her voice was quiet enough not to carry too far.
“Sorry to keep you waiting!” Rose chirped and slipped the bathrobe she’d worn out of her room onto Rey’s shoulders. “Patrol’s coming,” she said under her breath.
With a practiced gesture she slid the panel in place beside the door, and while Rey reattached it with her mechanical kit, Rose punched in her code. It would register her in the log as her as having entered this sector, but she was technically allowed.
Once they were in, however? She wasn’t sure what was next.
“If I get a chance to kill the Supreme Leader, should I take it?” Rose had asked one of her first handlers, when she’d freshly joined the resistance.
“No,” they’d said. “You’re a valuable source of information, and the likelihood of you getting close enough is bad enough. The likelihood of you being able to take him on without help is close to nil.”
But Rose wasn’t alone now.
Rey thankfully didn’t comment on what Rose was wearing: a uniform pajama set that all the First Order athletes were given. It was dark grey, with black piping and not very warm. If the bathrobe hadn’t been integral to disguising Rey’s fat less innocent catsuit, she’d have asked for it back.
They didn’t speak as they walked, not really, as they passed an officer Rose huddled closer to Rey and giggled.
“I know!” Rey whispered, sloppily. “And when he asked if you were really that flexible, I thought the Captain’s eyes were going to pop out of his head!”
Rey blushed furiously and ducked her head as the officer they passed sneered at them.
When they rounded the corner, Rey pulled back a little to glare at Rose.
“What are you playing at?” She hissed.
“I’m not playing,” Rose said, her voice low. “I’m helping you not get yourself killed.”
“Are you taking me to your Supreme Leader?” Rey’s look was nearly poisonous.
“Only if you promise to help me kill him,” Rose replied, nearly speaking directly into Rey’s ear
Rey didn’t say anything, but she began to move more readily again.
Rose had never actually met Snoke. She’d seen him in holovids and heard his voice piped through the ships she’d been stationed on at various times, but when she just strolled into the Supreme Leader’s bedroom and found him at his desk typing on a keyboard, she had to stop short.
“If you’ve come to inform me that the leak in the grand refresher still hasn’t been fixed, I suggest you leave before I turn around.” The most powerful Force user Rose was aware of sighed and set his device down deliberately before turning around. It seemed to take him a moment before he figured out who they were. “Ah,” he said before turning back to his desk. “Some of our fine athletes.”
Rose couldn’t bring herself to look at Rey, but she could feel the terror trying to claw itself out of her chest. Numbly she felt Rey take her hand.
“Just a moment,” he said.
The two women looked at one another.
Supreme Leader Snoke, the strongest Force user of the First Order, stood and Rose saw that beneath his robes he was frail for a humanoid. Despite growing up in a Human community, she knew there were plenty of differences between the various beings that populated the galaxy, that differences were not indications of strength.
Even so, the sense she’d always had that there was something wrong with the Supreme Leader was heightened as he walked toward them.
“Please,” he said. “Come in.”
Instinctively, despite being in her pajamas, Rose settled into parade rest after stepping a few more paces in. Rey followed suit after a moment.
Any other high ranking officer of a certain type who had two young women in his chambers at this late of an hour, would have assumed something licentious, or proposed it. That was the cover Rose had used to get them to this point after all.
She’d heard rumors about Snoke’s appetites over the years, but Rose did not think that either of them suited him, or that anyone who did would live to return over the threshold. That is, whatever things he hid from view, there was no left to tell of them.
So when Snoke did not ask them what they came for, when he merely looked at them both, passing an uninterested eye over Rose to look at Rey again, she knew she had limited chances to get this close to him again. No matter what Rey’s story, whatever her motivations for being this close to Snoke, Rose had to take the opportunity.
“You,” Snoke said, something changing in his posture, his hands coming together so that the fingers could twist the ring he wore, a massive black stone set in gold and surrounded with unreadable marks. “Why have I never met you before?” His interest was palpable, he seemed to forget about Rose, stepping closer to peer down into Rey’s face. “Why has someone so powerful in the Force never been presented to me, before?”
When Rose had met her most recent handler, the one who was set specifically for this mission at the Galactic Peace Competition, she’d asked again: “If I get a chance to kill the Supreme Leader, should I take it?”
Snoke’s hand shot out to touch Rey’s forehead and for a moment no one moved, only the faint sound of an air recycler spinning near noiselessly beyond one of the vents, their breaths caught while Snoke forced them all to freeze. Kriffing fuck. What the hells was Rose doing?
Her handler had looked at her, his hands stained with the red chili sauce of fermented cabbage, and he looked ferocious.
“Do not hesitate,” he had said.
As soon as she could breathe, Rose launched herself at Snoke’s back and threw one arm around his neck. He reeled up from Rey who grabbed handfuls of his robes to keep him from spinning away, and Rose brought the screwdriver Rey had handed her around and drove it directly into Snoke’s neck.
It took less time than she’d expected, but it seemed to stretch into unthinking time all the same.
Rey wrenched the ring from his hand as he’d stumbled, folding it between her hands and the room seemed to grow close with air. Snoke was frail, Rose had been right, he sank to the floor, seeming to be no more than a pile of bones. He died wordlessly, gasping for air with gurgling noises.
They didn’t dare make a sound, Rose’s hands covered in blood, Rey cradling the precious stone to her chest.
… …
When Rose awoke in a cot, Rey was there, smiling into her eyes, holding her hand.
“What happened?” Rose asked.
“You killed him,” Rey replied softly.
“I remember.” Her voice was raw. “I meant after.”
Rose looked as bewildered as Rey felt. They had gone back to her dormitory, notifying her handler of what they had done (after they had stayed as long as they dared to see that the barren carcass was staying where they put it) and then they’d sat on Rose’s bed, the soft sounds of her roommate like a pantomime of peace.
The games had been delayed, neither of them had competed, but Rey suspected Rose did not see it as a great loss, despite her history. They’d been snuck out that same night, and shepherded toward the homeworld of the New Republic in utter secrecy. For herself, Rey was glad she hadn’t had to prove her cover story. Orbaks or swimming across the flooded innards of fallen Star Destroyers… it hadn’t mattered in the end.
“Rose!” A handsome pilot had greeted them on the roof, his dark hair whipping around his Human face. “Bet you didn’t expect to see me again.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t—”
Rose was still badly shaken, but the man had taken her blood-stained hands in his like it was nothing.
“Poe,” he’d said. “You saved me once. Time for me to return the favor.”
Rey didn’t know when it had happened that she’d taken Rose into her arms, and the slightly shorter woman had rested her head on her shoulder and fallen asleep. All she knew was that when they had arrived at some dark and desolate base, one of the most famous faces in the galaxy was gazing at her for confirmation.
“Is it true?” General Organa had asked. “Is he dead?”
Rey could only nod. She then remembered the ring she’d taken and held it out to the General who looked at it.
“If nothing else, if he isn’t truly dead, then this will make things much harder for them.” Her eyes had been bright in the darkness, a crown of grey hair framing her face. “Thank you.”
Rey had shook her head, arm wrapped around her sleeping ally. “Don’t thank me, thank Rose.”
The medic said Rose was recovering from shock and after another check up a few days later, allowed her to leave the infirmary. They were told that she would still have to take it easy.
Rey thought that given the mild antics she had seen among the people on the base that resisting a chance to celebrate would be impossible, but she found a small dining room, and they found an amenable droid willing to serve them, and nothing world-rocking happened. Well, aside from the fact that Rose let her sit close by her side, and held her hand, saying “don’t leave me, please.”
Her voice was quiet sometimes, but always had this firm cadence to it, that made Rey feel like she could have heard her even in the wildest desert storm, winds howling around her. If Rose had said, “I’m here, come to me,” Rey could have found her.
They were found by two men, eventually, and for a second Rey was worried that they would be bothering Rose for some romantic reason. Not that it was any of Rey’s business, but she did want to find out what it meant that Rose wouldn’t let go of her hand.
But then Poe sat down next to Rose and the other man rested a hand on his shoulder, a pure white smile shining in his dark brown face. “Don’t be too charming,” he said. And the look that passed between them was clear as a blaster bolt.
She thought she was settled, until the man sat down next to her and said, “I’m Finn. Leia said Snoke was interested in you? Do you know why that is?”
Under the table, Rose gave Rey’s hand a little squeeze.
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dalekofchaos · 4 years
I wanted a coherent redemption arc for Ben Solo that actually EARNS redemption. Not just save Rey. I get the vibe that if Leia didn’t sacrifice herself(horrible message and send off) or if Rey did not heal him, he would still remain Kylo Ren and would either still service Palpatine or take power for himself and he would force Rey to choose him or her friends would die.
So what is my problem with how poorly executed the redemption was? He’s only doing it for Rey. Not because he genuinely had a change of heart, feels remorse for his actions and wanted to finish what Anakin started. He wants to do it for Rey and Rey only.(even in the novel it’s made more clear that’s his only reason for turning) that was one of the things I was dreading(women are not rehabilitation centers for damaged men, yikes) I honestly would’ve just preferred Ben staying Kylo Ren if it wasn’t an actual redemption arc and not just rushed bullshit and then dying to achieve redemption. As much as I ship Reylo and like Ben as a character, Kylo Ren being the villain would’ve been best if there was no actual redemption  arc.
Also a side note. Rey being a Palpatine should have been complete bullshit. Kylo lies to Rey in order to get her to sink into darkness just so together they could strike the Emperor down and take power for themselves. Have the scene on Ach-To explain this. Luke tells Rey that “The Emperor had no children or heirs, you were born on Jakku, Ben lied, your power is not his, it is your own.” Then Rey would admit, “I really am no one?” “Just because you come from nowhere doesn’t mean you have no place in this story. My father was born a slave, won his freedom and became one of the most powerful force users in history. Even me, a moisture farmer turned pilot and became a Jedi Master,  came from nowhere. You are Rey. That is all you needed to be and your power is your own.”
Then if my suggestion of Kylo killing the Emperor and taking power for himself happened. Just spend the final battle of Kylo taunting Rey. Insisting that without him, she is no one and her place is by his side. Everything that she attained came from him. Then finally let Rey have a moment   where she finally stands up to him. Rey finally rises up and claims. “My power is my own. I am Rey from Jakku. My lineage does not define me and you don’t define me either.” Then Rey has a “I don’t need you to tell me who I am”/”I have nothing to prove to you” moment and wins the fight. Rey exorcises Palpatine’s spirit, severs Ben’s connection to the force and leaves Ben alive so he can stand trial for crimes against the galaxy as Supreme Leader. 
Then it ends with Rey on Tatooine as per normal and Rey saying “I’m Rey. Just Rey” and we see  could see two things. Rey and Finn holding hands as they watch the twin suns as was the cut ending or Rey, Finn, and Poe, as it fades into the twin suns. source
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The message being that Rey rises up, embraces who she is and has found her family and doesn’t end up alone on a literal graveyard. 
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swanimagines · 4 years
“Hello! Could I request a preference for a first date with Luke Skywalker, Poe Dameron, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Rey, and Finn (Star Wars)? Thanks!!” @multifandomlover121​
Characters: Luke Skywalker, Poe Dameron, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Rey Skywalker and Finn.
A/N: I hope you like it Sim!!
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Luke Skywalker
- You met him back when he was living with his uncle when you were just children, and as you grew up playing together, your friendship turned out to be feelings towards each other. He was so nervous when asking you to a date, even though knowing perfectly well that you had feelings for him too (you were the one who confessed first). He believes in something simple, so he got some snacks and you went to watch the sunset and cuddling.
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Poe Dameron
- You met back when he was a pilot in training, but it took some time before he realized how amazing you are. He’s asking you to a date after he has completely charmed you, because he doesn’t want to take any risk of you not saying yes. And if you’re up to it, he would love to take you on a flight. He knows how to get those G-forces feel exciting, making spins and loops and he smiles if he gets you to yelp or laugh. Afterwards you’ll get some food and talk and get to know each other better. Or if you don’t like flying, he can also make it “just” a dinner date.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi
- You have known each other for a while, and Obi-Wan’s feelings for you have been growing gradually. He tries to forbid himself to feel anything to the last straw - he’s a Jedi and Jedi’s can’t have relationships because such feelings is a path to the dark side. But after his feelings just get stronger, he confides about them to Yoda, because he trusts Yoda the most with matters like that, because Yoda’s the wisest and most experienced. After some interviewing, Yoda gives Obi-Wan his blessing and you two go to a date. He doesn’t really know what to do though since he has never been on a date, so he asks you if an evening walk would be okay with something to eat. You agree, knowing that the city of Coruscant is beautiful when it’s dark. Your date ends up being one of the best, and your feelings for each other deepen greatly.
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- You got to know each other when you were both junk gatherers, and she has had feelings for you for years, so she’s ecstatic when you agree to go on a date with her, but tries her best to keep herself together. There’s not too many options to do on Jakku, but Rey makes some simple food and you spend some private time at her home. Your date ends up being full of laughter and joy, and you realize that you, too, have had feelings for Rey for quite some time.
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- You meet after he and Poe arrive at the base of the Rebellion for the first time, and Finn immediately starts developing a crush on you. He has never dated before, so he doesn’t got much ideas for a date - so planning it falls over Rey and Poe (who got him to admit his feelings towards you in the first place). They propose that a safe way would be a dinner, or if he wants to be a bit more bold, he could take you to a theater or watch a band. In the end he lets you choose what you wanna do because he doesn’t wanna fail. But whatever you choose, the date will be magnificent and you start to fall for Finn too.
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