#i promise i don't bite <3
backslashdelta · 3 months
Hey glumblr! @mdverse and I think you're all super cool, so we made a discord server for all of us to have a place to chat together! We'd love it if you joined :)
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daniel-nerd · 1 year
if we’re mutuals here dm me, I want to get to know y’all!! and if we’re not, we could be:3 I don’t bite I promise(unless you’re into it hehe)
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teethkid67 · 7 months
i guess nows as good a time as ever, if you like my art and feel inclined to use it as a pfp or header or in an edit or something do a man a favor and at the VERY least tag me , asking permission would be courteous as well
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signalintercept · 28 days
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// I've got 3 replies along with a few asks to get to first, but putting the feelers out to see if anyone wanted something more plotted!
I'll be reaching out to whoever likes this post.
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page-matcha · 5 months
can we be moots?
Sorry too scared to ask off anon argh 😅
of course! <333
Omg don't be shy 😭 I love making new friends and meeting new people c:
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united-as-one · 10 months
//Alright peeps! I'm on Discord too! If you wanna plot stuff and chat with me about stuff whatever it may be, you can add me here!
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tvrningout · 8 months
i'm finally writing some more starters from that one-liner call i made a bit ago, and when i tell you i must be feeling better bc i'm struggling to keep it short and not have an explanation waiting for y'all in the tags ASDFG the writing mojo is returning and i'm having to contain it :' ))
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bearsbloods · 1 year
a clockwork orange fans be my friend . talk to me ple ase
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I think you missed my fic. Should I rb it and tag you again?
hi! so far, only the entries that came in on friday have been read & reblogged. saturday's entires will soon follow. if you think that your entry has been missed, please just send us the post via dm, thanks!
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shadowglens · 11 months
story: 1, 3 romance: 2,3 for olympia 🤓
tav as companion asks
1. how does your tav advise the player character when it comes to the dream visitor?
olympia is conflicted herself, and expresses this to the pc. she knows the dream visitor is highly suspicious, but oly is a big believer in fate and ultimately the dream visitor is the only reason they're all still alive. she advises the pc to go along with it for now and give them the benefit of the doubt until they prove themselves an enemy or reveal their true intentions. she thinks ingesting further tadpoles is a very bad idea though and will disapprove if the pc begins indulging.
3. how do they react to astarion biting the player character?
in the first conversation you have with her after the bite scene, olympia just glances from the pcs neck, to astarion across camp, and then to the pcs face with a raised eyebrow and small smile that looks equal parts amused and concerned. she makes a comment about hoping the pc knows what they're getting into, but she doesn't disapprove. if anything, she gives astarion snark about it. this party banter can trigger the next time astarion and olympia are taken out together:
astarion, noticing oly looking his way - "why my dear olympia, don't tell me you're curious?" olympia, in a sweet, joking tone - "of what it looks like when a vampire is burned from the inside out by light-infused blood? unlikely. but it was sweet of you to offer." astarion grumbles but doesn't reply. the third party member just snickers.
2. does your tav need to be flirted with to start the romance, or will they approach the pc themselves if approval is high enough?
olympia will happily and openly flirt with the pc if they have high approval, although she will also check if the pc is okay with flirting (and the future potential of it going somewhere) before she keeps at it. she's not ashamed of her feelings but she also doesn't want to make the pc uncomfortable. alternatively, bold pcs can initiate flirting with olympia fairly on, and oly is pleasantly surprised by this predicament.
3. are they a polyamorous or a monogamous option?
monogamous :) being commited to one person is very important to oly, and i don't think she could spread that out across multiple partners.
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the-casbah-way · 9 months
Ok.... I have an amazing fanfic idea but the problem is, is that its heavily inspired by your dtl fanfic, in terms of vibes n shit
Its not a direct copy, but it is similar bc its a human au and the main character is deep in his depression and its a slow burn (and for a good hot minute the main character and his love interest are friends with benefits)
The fanfic has nothing to do with natm, but... Dirirjr I have no idea what im saying I don't want to copy off of you and I will try my best to make it nothing like your fanfic but there will be a lot of similarities
Idk, is all of this ok? If not i won't write this fanfic
i suppose it depends what you mean by 'heavily inspired'. if it's similar enough that you think it could pass as a copy then maybe that says something. but on the other hand, if the only similarities are the ones you mentioned (human au, depression, slow burn etc) then that's not an issue because those are extremely vague and broad tropes that aren't unique to my fic in any way. there are a million different manners of spinning those tropes without intentionally copying someone else. everything my fic does is pretty predictable and cliche so it's not like down then left is strikingly original in any particular sense. i'm not going to act like i created something inimitable. however i have had people copy my writing or try to replicate my writing style in a way that's very obvious and i'm not ok with that, but like i said, the specific points you mention here don't mean that your fic is going to be a copy or imitation of mine. everyone's fic is inspired by something that came before it. but i will say that if there are going to be A Lot of similarities to the point where my fic and your own will be extremely similar then maybe that's not ideal. especially since you should write a fic because you have an idea you want to work with in your own way and for your own reasons, and not for the sake of wanting to simply transplant someone else's concept into a different fandom. if your actual concept and execution is unique then you're all good. i don't know. this is hard for me to answer because i don't know any details and i'm not sure of the extent of the potential similarities, and also because i've had issues with people copying my writing a lot in the past. if you want to message me or just send an ask giving me more detail about why the fics would be similar then please do, because i don't like people copying or lifting from my work but it doesn't really sound to me like that's what you're doing. and at the end of the day people creating things is good and people taking any kind of inspiration from what you make it also good, so i don't want to discourage you unless there's a good reason. so yeah. please do let me know more if you fancy it because as it is i'm not really sure
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lowkeyremi · 9 months
i just realized i only have 6 mutuals on here i need to branch out but im scared 😭
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zombiemackerel · 1 year
🐭 <3
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mashmouths · 10 months
if i post my spotify wrapped will you guys be niceys
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taegularities · 1 year
i will be so sad if you don’t continue cmi🥺
babe oh gosh lemme smooch 😭 i would be so sad, too.. there are so many amazing things left that they'll experience and that i wanna share :( don't worry though, let's see how cmi10 goes <3
(actually, the full truth is.. i've said this here before, but these days i've been so unmotivated to write bc whenever i drop an update, my mind stupidly goes "ppl don't care about you or your content anymore" 🤧 which also ties in with the fact that i barely have time to write and then hope even more that the effort's worth it when i post.. and that sucks so much bc i love these two to bits. it's also odd how much cmi interaction has changed and lessened since like cmi6/7, when it was at its peak. the notes are still there and i'm so thankful for them (and to those who still interact!!), but i promise you any kind of convo means more than any like 🥺)
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asktheblueidiot · 2 years
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I guess a self promo wouldn't hurt!
Hello, I'm an ask/ rp blog for Goggles from the Coroika series! Open to anything unrelated to the Splatoon manga series tho!
Reblogs or likes are appreciated for this post!
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