#i realised i never posted star burglar here ??
bleucalire · 4 months
Hello! I found you through Star Burglar and your art is amazing! It's so cool that you get to work on the anime you love. If it's okay to ask, how did Star Burglar ended up becoming Star Raider? Also was this person the original design for Risa? They look so cool :0
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Hi ! omg thank you so so much for liking Star Burglar !!! (Such an old drawing haha it’s funny to see it now)
At first I wanted to give him a stern/very cold-blooded detective counterpart. This one was actually an android ! Then when I made my graduation movie, i couldn’t chose between making the detective or the burglar the protagonist, so I kind of fusioned them, and that’s how Oscar was born : cute detective apprentice the day, flashy sassy burglar at night !
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But yes, I kept the stern mood for his sister, Risa ! Thinking of it, that android kind of split in two in the end haha
As for the title change, that’s a very good question. They never asked me.
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girlbattled · 5 years
hola m’angels , i’m min ! twenty-two ( aka gettin old ) , from the gmt timezone ( aka will be awake when everyone’s sleeping ) , and i use she/her mainly but i don’t mind anythin else . if anyone happens to wanna go wild with me over anime, robert pattinson / zoe kravitz as batcat, or riot games dropping way too much shit on us on the 10th anniversary pls hop into my ims or give me a little ping over on discord at 𝖓𝖔𝖊𝖑 𝖒𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖓#0252 .
* drum roll pls * i present to you sloane janeway !
underneath the cut is a little bit about my baby gorl. her bio, fun facts, some wanted stuff, etc etc. if you fancy plotting w her it’d be super cool if you liked this or if u came to me, either in my ims or discord ! i’m super down for anything & loan is a total mess so pls throw stuff at me . ♡ ♡ ♡
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trigger warnings     :     abuse,  physical  abuse,  neglect,  destructive  behaviours,  alcohol,  drugs,  sex,  overdose.  if  i’ve  missed  any,  please  forgive  me  and  let  me  know.
the new york janeway’s, you’re sure you’ve heard of them before. cyrus janeway, a stockbroker with far too little time on his hands, flanked by estrella janeway, his personal assistant turned life partner. they gave birth not longer after the wedding of the century to their eldest son, their pride and joy, cole janeway. he was to be the golden child, the heir to the estate... that was, until sloane came along.
from birth, sloane was a vicious departure from her family. she was unplanned, unexpected, perhaps unwanted was a stretch but it certainly wouldn’t have been far off the mark. her birth nearly destroyed the reputation the janeway’s had so carefully cultivated for themselves, nobody could quite believe cyrus and estrella would be so stupid, but along she came regardless. a spanner in the cogs.
for the first few years, sloane didn’t feel the difference between herself and cole. whilst he kept his distance, which she had always assumed was because she was five years younger and a girl, she never believed there to be bad blood. she was dressed up in countless fancy dresses, her golden locks repeatedly brushed and subjected to numerous chemical treatments, and even her skin somewhat speckled with makeup even as a toddler. estrella always seemed like she was trying to make up for something. it didn’t take long for sloane to notice.
she began acting out at the age of six, when she realised acting the pretty and perfect princess did not get her what she wanted. when she was quiet, she was ignored, but when she was loud? at least the help scurried to her, at least her nanny cradled her in her arms, at least cole’s personal butler gave her a look full of love rather than scorn. it wasn’t long before she was hanging out in the kitchen rather than the dining hall, the quarters rather than her own room.
as she grew older, however, her acts grew. countless times her mother woke to find her dressing room trashed, her father’s hunting trophies ripped to shreds, her brother’s endless awards from school all in the garbage. they tried to discipline her, cyrus even hit sloane a few times, but all it did was make her angry. instilled a fire within her. when they locked her doors, she climbed out of the window. when they barred her windows, she broke the door into splinters. when they replaced the door, she ripped up the floorboards. sloane was a loose cannon. and things were only about to get worse.
for the most part, she’d kept her nuisances to the confines of her “home”, only wishing to get back at her parents for neglecting her for so long. only one night, when she was fourteen years old and had finished her latest act of malcontent, it was cole who chose to deal with her. he, as a nineteen year old male who’d grown a considerable amount of bulk as star of his college football team, proceeded to beat the shit out of her. 
turns out, the brother she thought had simply never been on her wavelength had never been on the same planet as her at all. he despised sloane. despised everything she was and stood for, and made sure she knew as she was spitting up blood on their pristine carpets. 
the next day, sloane strolled into school. no makeup. joint hanging from her lips. typical upper class attire replaced with torn jeans and a shirt far too inappropriate. when people asked her what had happened, she had simply replied, ‘ you should see the other guy. ’ and birthed a new persona.
sloane’s way of coping with what her brother had done to her, and what her family had allowed him to do, was to fall deep into the cesspits of teenagedom. drugs, sex, alcohol – she’d done it all by the age of eighteen. yet somehow, the part of sloane before, the part that was simply a bratty child with a short fuse, was gone. now she was a danger. she held a wicked grin and too many scrapes to count. she knew no bounds, understood no loyalties, screamed at the top of her lungs as if she were attending the world’s wildest rager. on top of it all, sloane was the maximum party girl. nobody cared what she was going home to, because all they cared about was where she’d be at 1am on a friday night. she became the family wild child. photos of her strewn over the papers. consistent beatings and beratings from the men in her family did nothing to drown out the buzz she received from the attention she’d craved her entire life. sloane was finally getting everything she ever wanted, why did it matter where it was coming from?
as a final resort, her family shipped her off to hollingsworth. here, away from the prying eyes and judgemental glares of the horrid new yorkers, sloane somewhat thrived. forced into economics by her shithead father, but enjoying every test she aced and spat in his face, she fell quickly into gamma rho alpha and, by the time she had finished her freshman year, she was well in line to be vice president. she was still a wreck, still doing anything she could for the attention and limelight she craved, still bouncing off the walls in an attempt to get her desired adrenaline rush, but what little responsibility she’d been given allowed her to finally form connections. friends, best friends, but anything more than that? things like love, compassion, altruism? she wasn’t even sure what those were.
♡     personality.
uncritical. if there’s anything sloane is, it’s uncritical. she’s never held judgement against anyone in her life, and would never hold judgement against anyone who came to her to admit a heinous or strange deed. she’s heard all sorts, from strange sexscapades to near deaths, and to each of them she often has the same reaction – a loud chortle, followed by disbelief and a desire to know way too many details.
venturesome. to try and stop the blonde from heading out on an adventure is a task mortals would find impossible. a true ‘yes girl’, sloane has never been one to say no to anything, and to never back out of something she said yes to, no matter how bizarre or dangerous the situation might become. she’s always first into the fray, first in line of all the girls to beat the burglar up with a hair straightener, first in line into the abandoned building, first to jump off the roof into the pool.
allegiant. whilst sloane’s loyalty is almost as rare as unicorn blood, it’s possible to receive it, and when you do it’s something you’ll never lose. she sticks by those who have managed to put up with her, unable to let them go even when they do her dirty. 
graceless. a. clumsy. bitch. if you’re expecting sloane’s etiquette lessons to have stuck with her, you’re very wrong. the girl trips over her own feet more times than she can count in a day, always has at least something broken, fractured, or sprained, and has certainly won the award in gamma rho alpha for ‘most freak accidents in a single day’.
chaotic. everything about sloane is a nightmare come to life. she drags people down, deep into the depths of places they never thought they’d be, wishes for them to destroy their lives like she’s destroyed hers. to say she loves to see the world burn would be an understatement. she loves starting and watching drama, getting into fights, smashing up homes and belongings, getting into relationships she shouldn’t be in. trying to stop is nigh impossible, the chaos is almost an addiction, and she’s not ready to give it up.
needy. despite it all, she’s still the same girl who was never loved. not truly, not by anyone, and perhaps somewhere deep down she still craves that. she’ll leave you on read for days but god forbid you do the same to her. she’ll have a one night stand and dip right after but never lets her flings leave her life without something to remember her by. she drunk calls the exes she let get away, tells them she loves them and calls them a pussy in the same sentence. no matter how much she tries, she can’t hide the part of her she thinks is ugliest at all, her desire for others.
♡     fun facts.
an avid skateboarder, she picked it up in an attempt to ruin the family image even further when she was fifteen but it stuck in a surprising way. she now tends to ride it over campus, and has broken at least three in her time here.
massive stoner. whilst sloane openly dabbles in most drugs, weed’s the one that’s stuck with her, and it’s the only thing that slows her down. she’s a much nicer person when she smokes and she tends to have a preference for indica over sativa.
fucking bosses her major. economics, despite all its complexities, is something sloane is just naturally adept at. she takes a picture of every grade she gets with her middle finger in front of it, posts it on facebook and tags her father. he blocked her over a year ago.
besides that tho she’s stupid af. a lot of people think she puts it on bc of her grades and bc . . . she does everything for kicks, but no, she’s just kinda ditzy. a lot of people also think she’s just a straight up cheater and hasn’t gotten her grades herself.
nicknames are loan or jane, jane’s reserved for those she’s closest to tho!
♡     wanteds.
fellow  sorority  sisters     0/?     ⟶     self-explanatory! positive, negative, etc etc etc. i wanna plot w all her gals so bad lmao. besties, literal sisters, clothes sharers, secret smokers, party gals, enemies, girls who’ve slept w each other’s exes, all of it bABY.
economics  pal     0/1     ⟶     i’m thinking this person goes to sloane for help with everything and sloane pretty much does all their work for them. she doesn’t care bc it’s easy, and the other person blesses her and thanks her all the time. it’s a quiet agreement, so whilst it’s no secret bc sloane hates keeping them, it’s def hush hush. this person is one of the few who actually believes sloane’s as smart as they say. can also be a business student or smthn with similar classes!
super  soft  bestie     0/1     ⟶     ok so this is male only for a dumb reason i’m rly sorry. i had this plot before where my old muse sloane’s based off had a really sweet, selfless soft pal who was a dude, but they’d never slept together, she’d never even flirted somehow, and he was the one person in sloane’s life who always had her best interests at heart, and she defended him tooth and nail against anybody. the most unlikely duo ever and i want it back. she knew he never wanted anything else from her and that’s why it was so easy for her to attach, but bc this other person deals well with affection and is very reassuring, she never feels needy around them.
people  she  skates  with     0/2     ⟶     people she met down the skatepark or at a typical hangout before meeting them at hollingsworth. when she’s with them she’s pretty chill, though they’ve def been responsible for saving her ass and driving her to the ER a few times.
people  she  smokes  with     1/3     ⟶     oh shit whaddup stoner gang? lmao sorry anyway, yeah, again self-explanatory but! a lil more interesting because sloane’s very different when she’s stoned. she’s calmer, talks slower, and lets people get a word in and doesn’t try and get everyone involved w her hare brained schemes. these people probably actually enjoy her company! how wild?
new  yorkers     0/?     ⟶     sloane’s underwear has been plastered on the front page of most nyc tabloids and she’s the daughter of two massives in the industry, new york natives will know her somewhat. they can use that against her, they can empathize, or we can concoct some real dramatic shit. people who helped her fuck someone up, and now theyre keeping it quiet? someone she slept with who’s come to hollingsworth with their girlfriend/boyfriend? an addict she started on pills? yikes, lots of opportunity tho.
exes     0/2     ⟶     whew boy. we all know by now sloane’s a hot mess, right gang? so let’s see some people she’s messed up in the past. tOTALLY open to more exes and the more crazy the plot u bring me, the better. i lov angst just like anyone else does.
the  one  she  didn’t  ruin     1/1     ⟶     the one person in her life sloane walked away from without destroying, aka, the one she let get away because she realised she was going to harm someone she severely card about. she would’ve ended things with this person rather than pushing their buttons, would’ve been faithful and honest in their relationship, but dipped bc she’d let herself get involved too fast, too soon. definitely a name she’s forbidden her friends from bringing up.
lifeline     1/1     ⟶     let’s be real for a second about drug use, you can do it responsibly, but when you don’t, you can get in some serious fucking trouble. this person has always been there to stop sloane from od’ing. she only does hard drugs at ragers, so her risk is a bit lower than expected, but when she does them she does them. she’s a serious risk, and for some reason this gentle soul has taken it upon themselves to get her stomach pumped, take her home, clean her up, and give her a warm bed to stay in. they don’t speak much away from these nights where she has this vulnerability (she’s definitely mumbled things about her past to them), but that could very well change.
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wbtrashking · 6 years
✮ bnha fic reclist ✮
my friends...i’ve been obsessed with bnha these days, and there are some absolutely spectacular talents in this fandom!!!
fics organized by ship + rating. all fics are completed on this list! ✧✧ for highly recommended!
[[update: mar 10, 2018 - 2nd reclist here!]] [[update: apr 23, 2018 - 3rd reclist here!]] [[update: may 21, 2018 - 4th reclist here!]]
Rating: G
✮bold and bright | ryuzaou | AU
→summary: Todoroki works as a detective in a world of heroes. One Pro Hero reports to him constantly without being asked, and if Todoroki is honest with himself, that Pro Hero is incredibly goddamn cute.
✮ i won’t just buy you a rose ✧✧ | aknightley | AU
→summary: Shouto decides to visit his mother for the first time in years, and decides to stop at a flower shop along the way.
He freezes in place, and before he can move again someone is bustling through the door behind the counter, all messy hair and wide green eyes. It’s a teenager, a little shorter than Shouto but probably the same age. He’s got a wide smile and there’s a smudge of dirt on his cheek, which instantly draws Shouto’s attention. His fingers itch to rub it off.
✮ elipsis | realisticallycynical | future fic
→summary: After six years, he guesses things were bound to be different.
✮to be near you | viscrael | future fic
→summary: He doesn’t have a basis of truth for this, but—Shouto thinks Midoriya’s hands would look smaller against his. Stronger, but smaller.
Shouto wants to check, just to see. He wants to press their hands together, fingers spread out for comparison. He thinks this as he watches Midoriya writing methodically for the nth time that morning; he thinks this when they sit together at lunch and the other clutches his bento, smiling; he thinks this when they’re sparring and he manages to catch a wrist in his grip. He thinks this, and thinks this, and thinks this.
✮sunburn | decidueye | canon-compliant (post S2)
→summary: Shouto has conversations with his mother, and is slow to realise that he's falling in like.
It’s funny, Shouto thinks, how little he really knows about himself. His own emotions always take him by surprise.
✮Continued w/ more ratings + ships under cut!
Rating: T+
✮petal steps | pitviperofdoom | AU
→summary: Against all reason, he brings life and color to a world of dead and dying things.
✮combustion reaction | katarasvevo | future fic
→summary: Todoroki Shouto is easy to fluster.
This one Izuku figured out from the countless hours they’ve spent, well, not studying, and doing other things instead. He also just kind of picked up on the signs the more they got to know each other, the instinct pretty much as deep-seated as breathing. (Izuku blames his hero analysis hobby). And there's the simple fact that when you’re close enough to a person, you tend to internalize their habits and mannerisms on a subconscious level—through sheer osmosis, if you will. Oh, yes, Izuku is close to Shouto, alright. Both in proximity and relationship status, as of now.
✮every cloud has a silver lining ✧✧ | sorethroat | AU
From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Concerning Midoriya
Hello Iida, It pains me greatly to be requesting this but could you please speak to the the production team about angling the camera upwards? We all love Midoriya, he’s a great guy, and he really does look so good in those new fitted trousers but it is negatively affecting productivity around here with our executive producer and we are falling behind. Thank you, Yaoyorozu Momo
or, Todoroki insists it's not unprofessional to have a crush on the weatherman.
✮a little pick me up | emmeri | future fic
→summary: So what if Todoroki had a thing for being picked up - for being held?
He thought he was entitled to things like that, as long as Midoriya didn't mind.
✮history has its eyes on you ✧✧ | aloneintherain | future fic
→summary: Midoriya looked over the occupants of the room with butter soft eyes. “We should do this again. Seeing everyone in one place … it’s like we’re back in school again.”
Todoroki said, “It feels like a family reunion.”
(Social media fic, counting down the five months to Class 1-A's ten year reunion.)
✮summer stars | pitviperofdoom | canon-compliant (post S2)
→summary: It's been judged safe to send the students of UA home to their families for the first three weeks of summer, much to the relief of everyone whose name isn't Todoroki Shouto. Luckily, Midoriya has a solution for him, and Midoriya Inko has a lot of love to give.
✮rush in my veins ✧✧ | theroyalsavage | AU
→summary: Midoriya Izuku has always been a fighter, so boxing seems like a natural extension of the person he already is. But it isn’t until he meets a dancer with eyes like ice and a smile like fire that he begins to reconcile violence with grace.
✮drink my thoughts | celestialfics | canon-compliant
[02:13 AM] todoroki: Are you awake?
Rating: E
✮black satin ✧✧ | andIJDC | AU
→summary: Momo and Jirou notice the way Midoriya stares at Todoroki during practice and it has nothing to do with how precise Todoroki's plies are and everything to do with how good he looks in tights. This gives them an idea to help their friend out with his romantic life.
Rating: T+
✮but you’ve already fallen (for me)  ✧✧ | deplore | future fic
→summary: When your incredibly ornery pet cat adores your significant other, they might just be a keeper. Alternately: Todoroki has a long over-due realization of oh hey, we're totally dating, aren't we.
Bakugou looks up at Todoroki with a withering gaze. “Do you expect me to say something like, oh yeah, I’ve come to love you with all the capacity in my withered fucking heart, sweetie? Because I really hope not.”
“I mean,” Todoroki says, “I didn’t anticipate my life ever taking this turn, but I do love you, so I kind of hope to have the sentiment returned?”
“This is the most embarrassing conversation I’ve had in my entire life and you should be grateful I wasn’t fucking outta here like ten minutes ago,” Bakugou says, getting up so fast that Todoroki wonders if he’s experiencing physical whiplash. Todoroki notes that the tips of Bakugou's ears seem to be turning an impressive shade of red.
✮nothing is better (than what we feel together) | curovogel | future fic
→summary: Bakugou gives one hundred percent in everything he does. This includes being in love.
“There’s a study,” Todoroki said very seriously, for he knew that Bakugou would not believe him.
“A study,” Bakugou echoed and tapped his foot against the floor.
“It said that men who kiss their wives in the morning live five years longer than those who don’t,” Todoroki looked right at Bakugou.
Rating: E
✮things that boyfriends do | mellyface | future fic
→summary: Bakugou is in no way his boyfriend, in fact Todoroki’s not so sure he can even go as far as to say they’re friends. But every now and then they do these kinds of things—that is, the kinds of things that boyfriends do.
✮silver lining | itsclowreedsfault | AU
→summary: "Shit," Bakugou says, again. To be honest, that seems to be his standard reaction to every fucked up thing that keeps happening on what's pretty much turning out to be the worst day of his life.
If he knew he'd be going from facing a burglar and nearly dying to having an angel appear at his place, then to finding out said angel has been kicked out of Heaven for his sake and feeling guilty as fuck about it even though it isn't even his fault to begin with, all in the space of an hour, he would've never gotten out of bed that morning.
Rating: T+
✮may i take your order, dipshit? | supercrunch | AU
→summary: So, like, maybe Bakugou wasn’t really the best choice for this whole pizza delivery shindig.
(Midoriya in love, Bakugou in denial, and way, way too much cheese.)
✮i’ve been looking sad (in all the nicest places) ✧✧ | dandelion_weed | future fic
→summary: Saturday finds Katsuki in front of Izuku's apartment, holding a box of expensive snacks for afternoon tea in one hand and Izuku’s goddamn poster in another. In his backpack are his change of clothes and toothbrush for the sleepover. He’s ready for war.
Katsuki tries his hand at apologizing, being a better friend, and maneuvering both his life and growing feelings for Midoriya Izuku, and succeeds with extreme damage to his pride.
Rating: E
✮oak tree | crunchrapsupreme | AU
→summary: Bakugou's words die in his throat as he glances into the archway of the living room to see a small crowd of people surrounding a guy with unruly green hair. His back is towards him, so Bakugou can’t see his face, but Bakugou's eyes widen as he sees the dude actually lift a girl up in the air over his head, then back down, and then up again - and it’s then Bakugou realizes the dude is legit bench pressing a fucking person.
"Yeah, I'm gonna ride that," Bakugou says.
✮let’s be alone together | lalazee | future fic
→summary: Prompt: Deku being aggressively forward in his pursuit of Bakugou, and how that big oaf would react to someone else actually making the first move.
“Are you going to spend your entire life wishing you’d kissed me or are you gonna grow some balls and fucking do it?”
Rating: T+
✮come @ me bro | sportsanimeruinedmylife | future fic
→summary: Bakugou works at a convenience store, flirts like a loser, blows up nineteen aprons, gets a hashtag trending for all the wrong reasons and maybe manages to make a friend.
Or...being Bakugou Katsuki is suffering.
✮bakugou’s competitive nonsense, volumes one through three ✧✧ | aliencereal | canon-compliant
→summary: Purely by chance, Bakugou kisses Kirishima for the first time on the same night Todoroki confesses to Midoriya.
This means war.
✮cultivating something so divine ✧✧ | redriotinggg | AU
→summary: "The only people that get to work here are those who can keep up with me. And you’re going to have to prove that you’re one of those people. You understand me?”
Kirishima nods and finds that he can’t stop the smirk that comes on his face. He was never good at backing down to a challenge. It’s terrifying and exciting all at once. “Yes, sir.”
(Bakugou's a world famous vet and Kirishima is his humble, gay new employee.)
✮coming up for air  ✧✧ | ellieb3an | future fic
→summary: Kirishima learns to cope with the trauma of having been trapped in his own quirk, and Bakugo helps him through it.
Alternatively: 23-year-old Kirishima and Bakugo finally figure out they're in deep with each other.
✮how they got detention for a week | eggstasy | canon-compliant
→summary: This is getting serious. Kaminari likes Bakugou well enough, as another individual in his class who is generally more capable than most of them and hasn’t yet tried to murder him personally, but that’s about where his good will ends. Especially where his best dudefriend is concerned (aside from Sero, but Sero isn’t a common sense deviant like Kirishima tends to be. Kirishima needs the supervision).
✮one to ten | chrapsupreme | canon-compliant
→summary: Kirishima attempts to climb the ladder of success and weasel his way into Bakugou Katsuki's explosive little heart.
Step one? He has to get to level ten.
✮downhill | eggstasy | canon-compliant
→summary: Bakugou sleeping in the common areas like it’s no big deal seems to give everyone else permission to be just as bizarre, and little by little Kirishima starts learning things about his classmates he never knew.
✮but i've got an angry heart ✧✧ | newamsterdam | AU
He’s about to open his door to go to the shared bathroom on this floor when he notices the scrap of paper that’s been pushed under his door. It’s a salmon-colored flashcard, the type that’s sold in 500-packs with multiple colors. Bakugou stoops to retrieve it, frowning at the message he finds written on it.
Hey neighbor, welcome to the house! I heard you knocking things around, yesterday, and I think you maybe punched a wall? Anyway, the landlady gets pissy if you put holes in the wall, but I have a punching bag! You can come over and use it, or I can move it into the hall, if you want!
There’s only one other bedroom on the fourth floor. Now, Bakugou crosses the hall to the bedroom on the right side, slamming the post-it note against the door.
Fuck off and die, it reads.
Bakugou Katsuki is not going to jeopardize his future a second time, and that means staying away from anyone who gets too close. Kirishima Eijirou has never learned how not to be close to someone. Of course, they end up as next-door neighbors.
✮slow it down (go easy on me) | newamsterdam | future fic + time travel
It’s at that moment that Bakugou realizes something is very, very wrong. He glances down at himself and sees scars he’s never had before along his arms, little nicks and scratches he’d never have been oblivious to. When he reaches up, his limbs feel longer, and as he staggers to his feet he stands several centimeters taller than he had, last thing he knew. He glances at the mirror, catches sight of his reflection, and screams.
One of the doors on the opposite side of the room bursts open, steam spilling out into the bedroom. A man crosses the room in quick strides, looking around for some enemy he can’t yet see.
No, not just a man. Kirishima.
When a confrontation with a villain throws Bakugou through time, he's forced to face a future he never imagined, and maybe something he can't leave behind.
Rating: M
✮a heart swelled to bursting | eggstasy | canon-compliant (post S2)
→summary: The summer training camp of Bakugou's second year at UA descends upon him with all the untamed fury of- well, himself, honestly.
PACKING CHECKLIST: ✓boyfriend (need to figure out how much he's willing to let him get away with) ✓people who claim to be his friends (deluded and in need of correction) ✓ptsd (that he absolutely doesn't actually have) ✓a healthy dose of denial (say it five times fast and that means it's true, right)
Rating: E
✮don't count on me to let you know when ✧✧ | newamsterdam | future fic
He can still feel Kirishima’s gaze on him when he finishes eating, so he shoots him a sideways glare and says, “Stop being fucking coy.”
“Huh?” Kirishima asks, blinking and looking away like that’d convince Bakugou he hadn’t just been staring.
“Man up,” Bakugou hisses at him. “If there’s something you want, then fucking say it.”
Kirishima goes quiet, again, and Bakugou can practically hear the gears turning in his head. If he keeps this up, he’s going to burn out whatever brain he still has. Just as Bakugou’s about to scoff and tell him so, Kirishima leans in so that their faces are too close together.
“What,” Bakugou says, every one of his muscles locking up as he fights conflicting urges to lean closer and edge away from Kirishima’s proximity.
“You stopped me, last time,” Kirishima tells him, lips curled into a pout. “Are you going to let me say it, now?”
Kirishima has always made things easy for Bakugou. But that doesn't mean that Bakugou's gotten any better at these things, even after all of these years.
Rating: G
✮could i but teach the hundredth part | terra_incognita | future fic →ship: n/a (genfic) →summary: Ito Matsu knows three things about her neighbor, Mr. Yagi: he's very skinny, he's very kind, and he has enough children to overthrow the Japanese government.
Or: All Might is retired, but his former students keep coming up with reasons to visit.
Rating: T+
✮the strangest thing ✧✧ | ladymerlin | canon-compliant
→ships: iida/uraraka, bg todoroki/midoriya →summary: The strangest thing is that they only really become friends because of Izuku.
Alternately: the one in which Uraraka and Iida bond over their unrequited crushes on one clueless Midoriya Izuku.
✮between friends | reapers | canon divergence
→ship: bakugou/kaminari/kirishima →summary: Denki is a lot of things: music-loving, mildly oblivious, in possession of moderate intelligence despite popular opinion - straight and monogamous just apparently hadn't made the list.
✮¥300 shampoo ✧✧ | kurikuri | AU
→ship: aizawa/yamada (eraser/mic) →summary: “Look at these split ends!” the stranger exclaims, still holding a chunk of Shōta’s hair between his fingers. “When was the last time you got your hair cut?”
“What the fuck are you doing?” Shōta growls, slapping the stranger’s hands away and fixing him with a firm glare.
“Let me cut your hair,” the stranger demands.
there are so many fantastic authors in the bnha fandom, and it would mean a whole, whole lot to me if you guys would check these fics and many more out!! i’m still catching up because i’m fairly new to the fandom, but i’m sure i’ll make another fic rec post in the future.
happy reading! ♥
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nintendoduck-blog · 6 years
The Ultimate Christmas Movie List!
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The Ultimate Christmas Movie List!
It’s that time of the year again. Merrymaking, friends, family, gift giving, eating and drinking – Christmas is most definitely upon us.
Christmas movies are a fun way to get in the Christmas spirit! Enjoy the best Christmas movies in no particular order, from old school classics like Miracle on 34th Street and It’s a Wonderful Life, to newer favorites like Elf and Arthur Christmas, for a festive evening at home.
I’ll admit, I also have that Christmas 24 TV channel on all the time over Christmas. I have a love for cheesy, predictable, cheaply made Hallmark Christmas movies. You know the ones where the two main characters find true love through a series of Christmas related mishaps? Usually involving a cute kid and the real father Christmas. Perfection.
The Ultimate Christmas Movie List:
The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992)
The Ultimate Christmas Movie List!
I am not exaggerating when I state that this is the best Christmas movie of all time! This is all despite some of the worst on screen singing in a musical of all time by Michael Caine – and some of the cheesiest song lyrics ever to grace our ears.
This movie is a masterpiece that celebrates a classic Charles Dickens tale, Christmas and Fun. It combines masterful storytelling with world class humour – with just a dash of pantomime fun.
Everyone needs to see this movie at least once in their lives. But you should preferably watch it once a year at Christmas, whilst snuggled up with loved ones and friends.
Polar Express (2004)
The Ultimate Christmas Movie List!
A modern yet retro take on the Christmas theme. The ideals and hopes of one young boy with new acquaintances and friends, are all express-bound for the North pole on Christmas Eve. An almost ethereal town-scene is created as Santa and his elves bring a certain rational to the festive gift-giving extravaganza. A real North Pole community, a real Santa and real helpers assist the film to appeal to both old and young alike. Most of the characters learn something about themselves on this journey north, largely courtesy of Tom Hanks’ ticket collector but in the end the festive feeling of warmth and goodwill rounds off a quite delightful film.
  Mickey’s Christmas Carol (1983)
The Ultimate Christmas Movie List!
An excellent re-telling of the Dickens’ classic. Also a wonderful reunion of classic Disney friends who have not appeared on the screen in a very long time. Characters from “Ichabod and Mr. Toad” appear in here (including Mr. Toad himself as Fezziwig) and of course, the original classic Disney villain, Pegleg Pete, take a terrific turn as the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. The Giant from Mickey & The Beanstalk is here as the Ghost of Christmas Present. Jiminy Cricket as the Ghost of Christmas Past. Goofy as Jacob Marley. The list of classic characters just goes on and on.
  Home Alone (1990)
The Ultimate Christmas Movie List!
Introduce your kids early to the ‘Home Alone’ movie, and I can almost guarantee they will love it. More over, it will become a Christmas tradition in your home for years to come.
Macaulay Culkin stars as Kevin, a young lad who feels like a fish out of water in a family who doesn’t treat him with any respect. This Christmas, he is accidentally left behind while his family flies to France on holiday. He isn’t all that upset about that, and enjoys all the trappings of being able to do what he likes in the house all by himself. However, he finds himself having to defend his home against a pair of idiotic burglars. Laughs and action in equal measure are ensured.
Christmas with the Kranks (2004)
The Ultimate Christmas Movie List!
This is one of those films that divides opinions. For some it’s rubbish, for others it’s a masterpiece. In my household the Christmas season doesn’t truly start without having watched Christmas with the Kranks. It’s a fun movie about a couple trying to skip Christmas because their daughter has gone to join the peace corps, but the only problem is they are from a very traditional christmassy neighbourhood, who are adamant they will follow the Christmas traditions i.e. putting up frosty the snowman. Great fun, never seems to get old (we’ve watched it for over 10 years now) and full of true christmassy spirit! We absolutely love it!
  Home Alone 2 (1992)
The Ultimate Christmas Movie List!
‘Home Alone 2’ is an exception in the movie world, it’s one of those sequels that is every bit as good as the first, if not better.
The quite brilliant Macaulay Culkin reprises his role as Kelvin, whose family, as strange as it might seem, somehow manage to leave him ‘alone’. He makes it to the airport this time, but whilst his family hop on the plane to their holiday in Miami, Kevin takes the wrong plane to New York City. Of course, the resourceful kid ends up having the time of his life in the big apple, but there are lots of twists, turns and adventures along the way. The rest of the main original cast are also in here, including the hapless bandits who have escaped from jail, as well as a wonderful part for Tim Curry as a hotel manager.
It’s funny throughout, particularly heart-warming towards the end, and just good fun. As the second doesn’t follow on from the first, you can jump straight in and watch it without seeing ‘Home Alone’, but I can almost guarantee that you’ll want to watch it more than once.
  Elf (2003)
The Ultimate Christmas Movie List!
Ferrell starts as Buddy, the ‘elf’ of the title, a baby mistakenly taken to the north pole and raised along with the rest of Santa’s elven helpers. As he grows up he can’t understand why he towers 4 feet over all the other elves, or why he doesn’t have pointed ears? Eventually, he learns of his origins and sets off to the big city to find his real father.
Once there, he becomes comically confused by the modern day interpretation of Christmas and starts to despair when the true spirit of Christmas seems to be lost. Think of this film as a cross between Dudley Moore’s ‘Santa Claus The Movie’ and Steve Martins ‘The Jerk’ and you will get the idea. Most of the fun in this film comes from Ferrell’s charming and at the same time manic performance, and he clearly carries the whole film, although the supporting cast are also strong.
A wonderful family film, this is one the most delightful Christmas films ever made!
  Arthur Christmas (2011)
      The Ultimate Christmas Movie List!
The plot centres around the dysfunctional Claus family – three generations of them, anyway – each beset by their own insecurities, age-related issues and family disputes, apart from the family matriarch, a kind of Christmas Wonder-Woman, clad in plaid sweaters and capable of phenomenal technical feats and knowledge.
Comparisons with that other animated Christmas features are inevitable, but where that was almost industrial in its portrayal of the Christmas concept, Arthur Christmas is delightfully cheeky and very British. Laughs abound, with a lot of fun being poked at Sat Navs, bright children, discordant family Christmas dinners, youthful enthusiasm and board games but, working on several levels, the film also examines frustrated ambition, competitive families and misguided motivations. It’s rare, but this film pulls off the trick of appealing to all ages yet avoiding sentimentality.
  Miracle on 34th street (1994)
The Ultimate Christmas Movie List!
Out of all the films which have a Santa in them, I have to say that this is probably the best. The story is basically this; Kris Kringle is the department Santa at ‘Cole’s’ and when rival toy stores realise that they are losing business, they set about trying to get rid of what they consider to be, an old loony who claims that he is Santa. But they are very wrong.
The plot of the whole film is great, the acting can’t be faulted, especially from Richard Attenbourgh who plays the role of Santa very convincingly. If you are looking for a nice festive film that you can warm to immediately, and that the whole family can enjoy, then this is the film for you.
    National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (1989)
The Ultimate Christmas Movie List!
For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Griswolds, Clark is food additives expert who works for a company that doesn’t appreciate him. He sets high standards for holiday events that no one can live up to and is notorious for dragging his grudging family along on every painstaking detail of every scheme.
But now Clark just wants to stay at home in the snowy Chicago suburbs for a ‘fun, old-fashioned, family Christmas’ and he’s going to let nothing stop him. His enthusiasm for the holidays manages to infect the audience and you’ll be rooting for him the whole way. He’s an anti-Scrooge and if you’re having a Christmas crisis then you need to watch this movie. Any disasters can be overcome.
But that’s easier said than done. He didn’t bargain on bickering family members, a house covered in non-working Christmas lights, a seriously over-cooked turkey, snotty neighbors making fun of him or Cousin Eddie and his family turning up unannounced to sponge some Christmas cheer off him. This movie has become a Yuletide classic in this house and must be watched every year. Since Christmas is full of annual traditions this film is definitely one you should add to the list.
  All 3 Tim Allen Santa Clause Movies (1994, 2002 & 2006)
The Ultimate Christmas Movie List!
There are some movies that just have to be watched every Christmas, and this is one of them. It is a feelgood film for a feelgood time of year. The story is simple. Scott Calvin (note his initials) is a divorced father who frequently lets his young son down due to his busy working life. That is until he accidentally kills Santa Claus. To his disbelief and dismay, and his sons delight, he has to become the new Santa. The film follows his changing life and attitudes and shows the newly developing relationship between father and son. There is nothing taxing or complex about this movie, just a heartwarming, funny story that is ideal for all the family. Watch and enjoy.
  How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)
The Ultimate Christmas Movie List!
Jim Carrey stars as the onion eating Grinch, who resides upon mount crumpet. Who’s contempt for the happy-go-lucky people of Who-ville has made his heart 2 sizes too small. When he decides to sabotage Christmas for all the residents of Whoville he comes upon little Cindy-lou Who, who teaches him the value of Christmas and family gatherings etc. As the story unravels you find out why his heart is undersized, and why he shuts himself off from Whoville. Anthony Hopkins narrates. An all round feel good comedy, suitable for all ages.
  Jingle All The Way (1996)
The Ultimate Christmas Movie List!
Who would have thought one of the greatest action hero’s of the cinema, would be in a Christmas kids film, about a father trying to get his son a turbo man doll for Christmas? Arnold Schwarzenegger plays Howard a man on a mission to get his son the present he has always wanted, TURBO MAN! Still even though it’s a kids film that doesn’t mean there is no action. It has comedy, action, happiness and a great level of Christmas fun.
  Santa Paws 1 & 2 (2010 & 2012)
The Ultimate Christmas Movie List!
It’s Disney, it’s got Santa Claus and talking dogs so how could it not be great family entertainment? Yes small children get locked in the basement by the wicked witch type character and yes Santa does appear to be on his deathbed but everything is made right in the end by love and the magic of Christmas, that’s what its all about. The movies tell a timeless story about love and Christmas in an enjoyable way and it’s great fun.
  Rise of the Guardians (2012)
The Ultimate Christmas Movie List!
This is a wonderful story for the whole family. It’s brilliant from the word go, just one word of warning, really young children might get a bit scared of the baddie! What makes Rise of the Guardians such a fun movie to watch is that it has the same story concept that made Marvel’s The Avengers fantastic. Team up all your favorite heroes against a common enemy, in this case it’s not against the God of Mischief, but rather the Boogie Man himself.
We have all watched Santa and Easter Bunny movies, but when have we ever seen them teamed up? The Guardians are a super hero team comprised with unique team members with specific skill sets. Sandy (The Sandman) has an intense, almost Japanese anime style, battle with Pitch using the powers of his shape shifting sand. E. Aster Bunnymund (The Easter Bunny) has an Australian accent and duel wields boomerangs that he accurately blasts demon nightmare horses. North is a warrior armed with two cutlass swords and drives a sleigh. Guardians may not have Joss Weadon writing and directing the movie, it does have the vision of Guillermo del Toro (Hellboy franchise/Pan’s Labyrinth/Book of Life) as the film’s executive producer.
  It’s A Wonderful Life (1946)
The Ultimate Christmas Movie List!
Frank Capra’s seasonal classic originally began life as a Christmas card and amazingly was a big flop at the time of it’s release. It was only through television showings that it became one of the best loved movies of all time. Strangely enough for a movie which turns up most Christmases. It’s actually a quite dark movie taking in despair and suicide.
James Stewart was born to play George Bailey and Donna Reed is beautiful as his wife and then there’s Henry Travers, unforgettable as Clarence the guardian angel. Sentimental without being slushy this is a movie that demands you feel good having watched it. An essential part of Christmas. Every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings!
  Scrooged (1988)
The Ultimate Christmas Movie List!
I watch this movie several times each year, starting about October time and finishing with a Christmas eve viewing! Its an excellent, entertaining, funny, emotional and heart-warming version of A Christmas Carol. The ending scene and end-title soundtrack never fail to bring a tear to the eye and a warm fuzzy feeling. Light those candles, pour the mulled wine and enjoy!
  The Holiday (2006)
The Ultimate Christmas Movie List!
A romantic comedy set in two locations; Surrey, England and L.A, USA. When Amanda breaks up with her cheating boyfriend, she decides she needs to get away from it all so she searches online for ‘vacation hotspots’. While trawling through the internet, she comes across a House Exchange. Where she meets Iris, a writer for who also wants to get away from it all. The two decide to swap houses for two weeks, so Iris jets off to L.A while Amanda is stuck in Snowy Surrey.All in all a definite must have in your movie collection.
  Meet Me In St. Louis (1944)
The Ultimate Christmas Movie List!
One of those nearly perfect movies: a film musical that incorporates its story and songs seamlessly. Featuring a cast of superb performers and all the technical ‘know how’ that Old Hollywood was so great at. Recreating a world gone by that the movie audience could step right into, in this case 1903/04 St. Louis, Missouri. Judy Garland added to her immortality with this portrayal of a young woman in love with ‘The Boy Next Door’. A family comedy/drama with dark overtones, this beautiful Technicolor musical is one of the great classics of Hollywood’s Golden Age.
  The Family Man (2000)
The Ultimate Christmas Movie List!
One of Nicolas Cage’s best performances. The Family Man is just great entertainment. Cage plays Jack Campbell who is a wheeler-dealer on Wall Street, wealthy, womanizer who loves his Ferrari! One night he says the wrong thing to an angel. Who decides to give him a glimpse of what his life could have been had he made a different choice. He wakes up the next morning in the arms of Kate and two adorable children! There are so many laugh-out-loud moments, as well as moments that will bring you to tears, and an ending that doesn’t spoon feed you an answer.
  Trading Places (1983)
The Ultimate Christmas Movie List!
Mark Twain’s The Prince and the Pauper has seen many incarnations from Disney to The Simpsons. But none have been as funny as Trading Places. Which proves just how funny Dan Ackroyd and Eddie Murphy used to be.
Louise Winthorpe III is a spoiled, snobby managing director at the Duke & Duke commodities brokerage. Billy Ray Valentine is a poverty-stricken street hustler. Randolph Duke makes a wager with his brother Mortimer that the men can be successfully swapped. The con is on as Valentine is plucked from the streets and Winthorpe is ungraciously dumped on them. There’s loads of fun watching him hit absolute rock bottom while Valentine quickly becomes spoiled and snobby himself.
Who cannot resist Eddie Murphy’s foreign exchange student disguise or Ackroyd’s Lionel Josef. Even the gorilla in the train is a brilliant character. For those of you who love dark, cruel comedies Trading Places is utterly essential. It may be very 80s, but it never gets old.
  Gremlins (1984)
The Ultimate Christmas Movie List!
Gremlins is one of those fantastic Christmas films that can be watched anytime. But has an added magic when watched during the Christmas season. It’s a film that nearly everyone has seen and so unites the land in the knowledge that a gremlin can only survive for so long in a microwave. The film is playful and fun, so as a child I loved it. It courted controversy when it first came out but it is essentially a family comedy and the violence is basically cartoon style and adds to the general naughtiness of the film.
The film was a marketing success with the cute Gizmo and a few Gremlins with distinct individuality. The humour of the film was typical of the emerging comedy-horror genre of the 80s. With other blockbusters such as Beetlejuice, Critters and Ghostbusters. The film was always going to be a success and a family favourite.
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