#i really do wish hoyoverse was more careful with their writing
assmaster-8000 · 8 months
you guys do realise getting mad about sparkle 'slutshaming' aventurine is baseless when the fandom has been calling men whores and sluts pretty much since the inception of smutty fanfiction? why is it suddenly a problem if a character does it but not when real fucking adults call many 16 year old characters a slut? would you really be this angry if sparkle was a man and aventurine was a woman too or is that scenario a norm for you?
(also, if you genuinely believe she was slutshaming aventurine i feel like you have a very bad case of tunnel vision because its not the act of doing sexual deeds for sundays favor she's talking about. she's taking a jab at if aventurine did something outlandish and out of nature to pwomise his widdle corporation wouldn't hurt penacony (yea right wise guy type of tone). i feel like any other hyperbole would have gotten her point across. if anything it feels like she's making fun of his inability to be vulnerable or be on the end with disadvantages because aventurine is always big on being in bets and deals where he has the power)
((and yes im aware sparkle is the type to make discriminatory jabs at people given the sigonian situation and her masked fool status but again it does not necessarily mean this is specifically targeted at his sexuality because it's just very out of place))
also, if sparkle DID use a slur against romani people
why are you more upset at the character than the company?
you do realise sparkle can't code her own dialog, right? there's real people at the hoyoverse company building making her say these things. whether or not it makes her a good or bad villain doesn't matter because you're just targeting a fictional character instead of holding hoyoverse responsible. you do realise that by wringing your panties into debating about sparkle, you're just overlooking the real cause of it? it's like green shopping and carbon footprints all over again. we're so focused on pointing fingers at all these irrelevant figures that the true heads behind it get away scott free.
if you're upset about the use of the slur which is very much understandable so i mean this specific sentiment in the most genuine way possible; highlight hoyoverse's role in this. you already know hoyoverse does a bad job at handling cultures outside of their own so it's not like it's something outlandish to hold against the company.
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mayuichi · 10 months
“Oh, you're still here ?„
Arlecchino x Reader. No warnings!
note: aaaaaAAAAAAA that one isn't as good as the others but my brain ran out
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Official art from Hoyoverse!
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A child comes to you, handing you a card orned with drawings of trees and snowmen. “Look! That's my wishes to Santa!„ a smile creeps on your face and a chuckle escapes you. You carefully grab the card to read what the child had written.
“Dear Santa! I hope on Christmas we can all play together and that Father will be home with us!„ your heart warms up at the sweet words. You know every children in the orphanage hold Arlecchino dearly in their heart. After all, she saved their lives.
You hand back his card and gently pat his head. “That is a lovely wish you have made. I'm sure Father will be home to spend some time with you.„
You could feel an hesitant tug at your sleeve. A little girl looks up at you with big puppy eyes. “I... I don't know what to write on my card...„ she shyly admits. You chuckle quietly and take her hand to guide her to the nearest table.
Helping that poor child, you yourself hope your wife will manage to get home to spend time with you, but you'd understand if she can't. After all, being an Harbinger isn't an easy task now, is it?
You already met Pierro once, and Archons, you felt so tiny and vulnerable, as if he could crush you at any moment. You almost met all the other Harbingers in fact, beside Dottore. Arlecchino always forbids you to, she doesn't want this sick twisted doctor to try anything funny with you.
Once every children finished their cards, you gesture them to come over and give it to them. “I'll go deliver them to Santa~!„ is the plan, but you know that it isn't the case. You'll keep it to yourself and try to make their wishes come true, as best as you can.
You aren't actually working in the House of the Hearth, but since you are Arlecchino's partner... You are allowed to come and go as you please as long as you don't do any harm to the children.
As the last kid hands you his card, he takes your hand in his, pleading eyes. “Could you make Father do a card too ? It'd be nice!„ the others' eyes shine with stars at the thought. “I will.„ you promise, not even knowing if she'll come home, and that even if she does... How the fuck are you going to do it?
Anyway, it's only three days after that while you're chilling in your quarters, or more likely - Arlecchino's quarters -, reading a book, you hear the door shut close and her figure walking closer.
“Oh, you're still here ?„ she glances at you, tossing aside her jacket. “I thought you would've been to your house.„ stepping closer, she leans against the desk, taking the book from your hands.
“Still reading Princess Mina of the Fallen Nation? Wasn't it what you started when I left?„ she questions. Well, that is true that you're taking a while to read it, but... “I have been busy around the orphanage...„
Raising an eyebrow with a smirk, she places back down the book, “Oh, really ? How so?„ her voice drips with malice. It gives you butterflies. Your cheeks take a soft pink tint. “I helped with the children, of course... I tried to keep them entertained.„
She loves the idea of you taking care of a kid, that's a fact. Her hand reaches to the side of your neck, and you slightly jump at her sudden touch. “... Such a scaredy kitty. What have you done with the children? I hope they haven't caused any trouble.„
You quickly dismiss her words - or somehow worries - “No, no of course not! They are adorable!„ she chuckles, cupping your cheek, caressing it with her thumb while being careful to not hurt you with her nails. “Since it's soon Christmas, I.. I made them do some Christmas cards.„
Her eyes close, seemingly in thought, and she sits on the table. “Christmas cards, huh... What a stupid thing. How can it be useful?„ she opens her eyes once again, letting them bore into yours. “It isn't specifically useful but... It made them happy to do it, so I wouldn't call it stupid.„
“No, it's true. It isn't stupid. It is just very childish, and it doesn't surprise me from you.„ she teases, creeping closer to press a kiss over your nose. “I bet they love you.„ you nod. You couldn't deny what's true.
“They do, but they love you too. And they miss their Father.„ her eyes widen slightly in surprise, a deep chuckle leaving her lips. “Is that so... I am glad they recognize to who they owe something.„
You roll your eyes at her words. Suddenly, you feel yourself lifted, and pinned down to the bed. “However, I missed you the most. Would you be so nice to let me engulf into you again?„ she asks, but you know it isn't a question. It's an order.
“Wait...! The children want you to do a card too..!„ she shakes her head, “Not now. Right now I need to be with you. So anything else isn't important.„
She doesn't leave any room for argument. Her lips collapse against your in a fervent and hurried kiss. She claims your lips for the first time of the night, but clearly not the last. You are definitely in for a very long night.
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/ᐠ - ˕ •マ Ⳋ mayuichi's property. do not repost, copy or translate without permission.
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 2 months
Some Stuff I Should Probably Address.
Alright, For most of you lot who knows what fandoms I write for, this shouldn't come off as surprising to you:
But yes, this is about the Demand to Recasting Certain Voice Actors, Natlan's Characters Being Whitewashed, and my personal thoughts about these matters. They will be under the "Keep Reading" cut if you wish.
TL;DR If You Want to Avoid This, But Want Updates About My Blog: I am closing requests for Genshin and HSR for the time being. I will still be open to discuss HSR and Genshin, but not controversy. I'm sorry.
People Waiting For "Barren Lands, Final Wishes" Letters:
They're on their way, I promise! Unfortunately I haven't been able to make time for them as much as I wanted to, but they Will be out soon!
Now back to more Serious Matters.
⌨︎ Warnings: The Follow Will Contain Mentions of Sexual Abuse, Abuse, and Whitewashing. If I Missed a Warning, or Wrote the Wrong Warning, Please Notify Me Immediately!
Alright, first off: The Voice Actors of Sunday and Moze.
I frankly am not the kind of person who indulges in drama, nor do I like reading/watching them in my free time, but it can't be overlooked at this point. Griffin Puatu and Chris Niosi are quite the controversy recently.
For those who don't know, here's a (probably oversimplified—apologies, on that part) basic idea of what's happening:
Chris Niosi has been accused with sexual and emotional abuse by his ex-partners, as well as friends.
Now, the real big problem, however, is that Hoyoverse, the company who owns the HSR character by the name of "Moze" has decided to hire Niosi to become his EN Voice Actor, which is sparking a lot of disapproval, for Hoyoverse is being blamed for not checking his background/history well enough.
(For More Information About Him: Click This For an Article About the Matter.)
Now, I don't have much to say about Griffin Puatu, who is the current EN Voice Actor of Sunday, but judging from screenshots and tumblr posts I have seen by the Reddit post he wrote, many people are not liking him as well because Puatu is standing up for Niosi.
Now, my Personal Thoughts on the matter, and, as much as I hate getting into drama (apologies, these personal thoughts will be a rant):
Just why? I'm unsure who was at TRUE fault of hiring Niosi, and I don't have full context of WHY Puatu is backing up Niosi when people say he hasn't changed, but seriously, why?
As much as I really hate to say this, but honestly, with this amount of controversy around a game people download to have fun and enjoy, all of it is pretty much ruined for me at the moment. I'm fed up with this—Again, I'm not sure whose fault it was, but they seriously need to be CAREFUL.
I also don't believe that Niosi should have gotten the role of Moze (HSR), but at the same time, who the hell decided it was a good idea to get/give him the role? As I live under a rock, I didn't know who Niosi was. At the time of Moze's drip-marketing, I really thought it'd be cool—for the first time in a while, I actually felt excited for a character rather than the plot of a game. After hearing all this, and taking time thinking about it, I really just don't want to touch HSR content anymore at the moment. It's annoying, because HSR has really good content—it has the potential to be great.
I seriously just can't wrap my head around who hired this guy. I'm not going into Puatu specifically because I don't know much about what he wrote, and (again) I don't like getting into drama. My apologies on that part, but honestly? I'm just done.
Alright, Second off: Natlan Characters—Skin.
I'm pretty sure most people are aware of THIS controversy, but to simplify: Natlan Characters are too pale and it's inaccurate.
Geographically, it makes no sense. They're in warmer temperatures, they should be more tanned. On top of that, their skin tone DOES NOT MATCH their cultures, or where they're taken inspiration from. Hoyoverse are being boycotted (from what I heard) for whitewashing and neglecting to represent the people of said-cultures/said-traditions.
My Personal Thoughts?
COME ON, HOYOVERSE. Do better! It was one thing to drop Natlan Teasers about the characters, but seriously? Please, try a little harder! Genshin Impact has GOOD POTENTIAL—EVERYONE SEES THAT! But you can't make them tanned? Why?
This was the first thing that has been bugging me BEFORE the entire Moze EN VA bullcrap. Come on, Hoyoverse, do better. You are losing respect out here. I am so disappointed, and even that is an understatement! You are losing your respect and recognition as a worthy company brand! What is going on in their building???? Hello???
Someone better fix this skin tone problem soon. I am so fed up with this. As much as I love the characters they just drip-marketed, it's also quite unfair: Take Liyue, for example. Their culture and their people are represented accurately, as far as anime can go.
Natlan? Yikes, suddenly they aren't able to create that same amount of accuracy potential. Why though? What's stopping them? Why are they not doing what is ethically right?
Everyone's waiting for a proper answer, myself included.
Alright, With that all being said—the final Part: What's Happening to the Ghost Rebel's Blog?
Well, for starters: I need a break. I am not only disappointed, but mentally drained. I am so done with all of this, and I need an utter breather. I usually go on Tumblr to cool down or read some nice, wholesome writing posts I find on some fandoms I like. Now, however, I am in dire need of staying away from Tumblr.
I'll be on a little bit of hiatus from writing so much—but not for now, as I currently have an event going on.
However: I am no longer taking any HSR and/or Genshin requests until these issues are either resolved or fixed. That is my stance, and I hope you can respect it.
Yes, this will mean my blog will decrease in activity. However, I am still open to Genshin/HSR discussions—so long as they are not about drama/controversy. I think I'm drained from all of this.
To everyone who read to the very end of this post: Thank you for reading to the end, and I apologize if you were also trying to avoid witnessing these kinds of controversies. However, some things can't be overlooked.
Hope y'all are doing safe/good. Have a good day/night.
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yanfeisty · 2 years
tw : talk about toxic behavior.
Hi guys, I just wanted to talk a bit about Tighnari ENG VA's situation, I only like to post about cute or positive things and I don't like going into bad events but I felt the need to adress it. Quick summary about what happened, Elliot (Tighnari ENG VA) has been accused of horrible things.
This post is not here to explain everything that happened, if you wish to know more you can go search about it, just be cautious because it can be triggering, warnings are SA and gr*oming, he didn't admit every accusations so until proven guilty we can't really be sure of anything, but he still did admit some which are still horrible.
I hope the best for the victims and wish they can recover from it, I know it must be difficult so let's support them. The others VAs have spoken about it and I find it good they did, they must be extremely disappointed by their coworker and to have worked with him. The chance of getting a new VA isn't low since hoyoverse had already fired another VA for other accusations.
I will accept and still write about Tighnari, the character has nothing to do with his ENG VA and behavior, but I think it's understandable if you don't want to read about him because you have his voice in mind or it just makes you recall the situation. I'm saying this because no Tighnari artist or fan should be attacked, do keep in mind that doing content about Tighnari ≠ supporting his ENG VA, if you do in fact, defend Elliot and/or try to romanticize this type of behavior no matter if you condemn it in real life or not, don't interact with me, there are real victims out there they don't need people who glorify/normalize this issue by using fiction or other.
Finally quick psa, I saw many people saying they were surprised about it because he seemed like a good and funny person. Just know that bad persons hide their horrible action, they don't want people to know what they're doing because they don't want their life to be ruin, and they especially do this behind a screen. Please, be careful when you message anyone, strangers or celebrities, no matter how much informations you have, you don't know any of them personally and for the case of celebrities you only know their public persona, and when it comes to VA, remember they aren't the cute character you like, just the voice.
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seelestia · 2 years
yea ofc!! ayato will be more than happy to indulge you after all that hard-work :nod nod: ૮₍ ˃ ᵕ ˂ ₎ა yeaa it's like- i can be a lot more energetic online and when i'm with friends since we have that liberty! but in public not so much. like "please don't talk to me". jfdkadsfj literally me and bedo will be holding hands in the corner of a room,,that or i'm just hugging his arm. oohh nilou + layla! i relate to sucrose, albedo, and tighnari! hbu? :0 ~Lycoris
tysm, ly! i hope you're getting thru your semester too, hehe <3 i will latch onto ayato's arm like a koala and hold it hostage until he agrees to pamper me. which he would but not after teasing me to see how long i can 'last' being so grumpy LOL (/lh)
ooo, is it just crowds in particular?? maybe, you'd prefer quieter and more intimate places! i think that suits albedo really well too, heh. due to how observant he is, albedo won't have a problem noticing when you feel uncomfy in a room full of people (ahem, because he doesn't like it either /lh) — so, he'd always ask if you wanna go outside to get some fresh air <3
yesss, i picked nilou and layla because the vibes i get from you just scream pretty and daydreamer-like! i can deffo see the sucrose and albedo in you, but i'm vv curious abt the tighnari part... do you, perchance, mentally flick other people's forehead whilst watching them from a distance?? jfjkwkre, that'd be funny. (/lh /pos) as for me, i personally relate to venti, hu tao, and kokomi! the latter shows more of my calmer side compared to how cheerful?? and energetic??? i usually am online, hehe.
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ofc! i've been taking care of myself, but i sort of wish it didn't need to come at the expense of my time here <//3 (i'm working on it tho, so dw abt me! ;D)
FRRR. albedo is a canon blondie but i think he'd do really well with a cooler-toned hair color like silver or grey! (great, so he's turning into sophie now /j) even hoyoverse agrees with you, ly because they're not making it subtle with his constellation name. (chalk prince !!)
BUT IMAGINE THO. what if instead of howlbedo and sophiely, we have howly and sophbedo <3 will you be able to make him turn to goo instead?? fascinating, heh. what am i, a casting manager (/j)
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awww, ty! i also enjoy writing abt this sassy but warm-hearted fox of yours too <3 i still remember when sumeru first came out and i had two to three works dedicated to him, cyno + alhaitham somewhat in a row. the banters he has with the reader is just so fun to write fhjejekske. the next time i include tighnari in a work, i'll deffo have you in mind when i write his part! ;D
OH MY GOSH, YEAH. tighnari finds it a little, a tad, somewhaaaaat (a lot) endearing that you always start banters with him because it reminds him of a little bunny (which you are, hehe /pos) that's trying to nip on one of his ears. it doesn't count as picking a fight if he actually enjoys it, right?? speaking of, ly, does tighnari ever... flip your face... gracefully with his tail. ik he takes care of it a lot, so i assume the hit must be as soft as a cushion— (/lh)
("oh, no worries! you can rely on me," i try to offer a cheerful grin. but that front is about to falter as soon as the general mahamatra takes out a piece of paper from his pocket. is that a whole list?! i shall take the responsibility to be the best lysitter ever /lh).
ly, i am afraid to tell you this: but i cannot stand bananas. i cannot eat them with a straight face since i was five (ㅠㅠ), but i tolerate banana lovers <3 and that just means more bananas for you! ofc, as a good lysitter, i shall limit just how much you can get or cyno will come for me—
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"so, you're keeping secrets from me? is that what i'm hearing?" tighnari raises an eyebrow at you, but the smile playing at his lips makes that gesture seem less like a threat but more like he is teasing. OOOO, how do you think gorou would react if he was in tighnari's place instead?? 🤭 THEY WOULD. heizou is deffo the type to see me as a puppy and go, "heya, buddy!" but as soon as i puff into my human self, he immediately leans on a pole all cool and go, "oh— lia. hey, hon', didn't see you there. what's up?" he buddy-zoned me. oh yeah, and the sky is what's up. (/j)
hehe, i am but a harmless puppy who likes to nibble on people. i shall carry you on my back like a ship! (/lh)
MALL DATES. i'm instantly hoarding the bookstore and heading to a café afterwards to glimpse thru the books i just bought while sipping on iced choco <3 ayato would be so amused because of how enthusiastically i'm 'dragging' him into the bookstore LOL. i think heizou'd be as equally excited as me! he's on the hunt for some more good ol' mystery thriller books and i quote him, "seeing you so energetic is making me energetic. you should give a warning for being so contagious, don't you think?" end quote.
the brainrots, they keep on coming... ly, what have you done to me. (/lh) WBU?? >:)
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d'awww, i can see him just obediently waiting for your instructions as he holds the stirring spoon. it reminds me a lot of these cyno chibis! but for the second one chibi, instead of the weapon, he's holding up the spoon LOLL (defensively in case you smear flour on him /lh).
cyno says it's unfair, but even he is having a hard time enacting justice to correct that unfairness because... um, ly... very cute... cyno.exe error /lh)
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i've never had snickerdoodles before! ackkk, i'll deffo put it on my baking list >:) what's your fav pastry btw, ly? my personal favs are blueberry muffins and croissant with ice cream inside, hshhshsh.
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whispereons · 2 years
For those that don't know. This is EOS!Reader (Eye of Storm) who is isekai'ed into Genshin as an EOS created by @anemoarchonhoe Their lore and my lore may be similar but have differences.
This is dedicated to them and is only the beginning for this series. Yes, I am bad for starting a second series when I haven't finished the first. But writing is self-indulgent and so am I.
What a wonderful thing.
You could barely imagine a life where you could choose everything to your liking.
Born and bred to become the heir to your family's business, nothing was truly in your control. From the food you ate to the clothes you wore and the hobbies you had.
You felt trapped.
Making friends was a difficult matter too. Described as cold, quiet, and intimidating. Your background only further pushed a wedge between you and everyone.
By the time you finished college for a major you didn't care for, you were already aware of how lonely life was going to be.
Everyday you pushed your introverted self to act confident in front of companies to make deals. Quiet and stuffy meals you rarely shared with your parents were the only rewards you gained.
You still dreamed of just running away with the money you made to somewhere you can start over.
But could you really do it?
You had the power and money you wished for, it could help you finally be free.
The only thing you lacked was courage to try. Yet no matter how long you spent in your suffocating life, you never gained that will.
Instead you settled for small choices that gave you a brief sense of freedom to find solace in.
Petting a animal on your way home, impulsively buying a small snack that looked tasty, spending a few minutes to listen to street performers before dropping a tip.
A small oasis that gave you the energy to keep going.
Hoyoverse, a company that had grown and expanded after their games exploded in popularity offered a deal. They wanted to use your building's screens for advertisement. Specifically for Genshin Impact.
You were always careful when it came to the company. But you only read the description of the game before impulsively deciding to accept it.
That day passed in a flash and you went home early with your mind stuck on it.
Why did you do that? What pushed you to accept so readily?
Waiting for Genshin to download, you ordered food from that restaurant down the street. A favorite among locals living here that you were eager to try out.
Checking on your computer the game was finished downloading. Pushing away the minor nerves you booted up the game.
It was beautiful.
The scenery was gorgeous, the mechanics came naturally to you and the story drew you in.
What really mesmerized you were the characters.
Quickly becoming addicted you spent almost all your free time on it. Your work may have been completed first but you put the majority of your love and attention on the game.
All the money that were sitting in your bank account was used on the Battlepass and Welkin Moon. You were much more hesitant to use it on the banners.
At least until half a year later Venti's banner came along.
The first character that you fell in love with on sight. The figurine's, commissioned fan art, and merch that you collected decorated your once empty house.
The small keychain of him that you attached to your bag became the new object of your parents 'concerns'. For the first time you fought against them.
The proceeding argument was breathtaking.
You gained the courage to defend and stick to your decision.
You felt happy.
You felt free.
Awaiting your rare day off you rushed home. The newest event was the bartender event. It was a Mondstadt event focused on Angels Share. It was obvious that Venti would show up.
You were disappointed to say the least when Venti didn't appear even once.
Was it due to the lack of alcohol? Humming a tune you decide to get yourself a drink.
Specifically an apple cider, that you wanted to try due to Venti's favoritism for it.
Opening the fridge and grabbing the bottle your phone starts ringing. Sighing bitterly you answered already aware of who it would be.
"Y/n pack a bag, I booked you a flight that leaves in 3 hours."
Pressing two fingers on your temple to soothe the inevitable headache you bite out, "Why the hell did you schedule a flight without telling me about it and in 3 hours no less?"
"Watch your tone, there's not a lot of time. Everything is set up already, the details will be explained later." You can basically hear the sneer in your mother's voice.
"How am I supposed to pack the correct documents when you won't eve-" the 'end call' beep echos in your home like a gun shot. Gritting your teeth you slam the phone on the table and stalk off to your room.
This isn't the first time she pulled this bullshit on you and it won't be the last.
You stuff the plain and uncomfortable clothes into the suitcase.
Neatly folding away any documents that might come in handy along with whatever company details that might be having a problem.
A car is pulling up to the house as identification, electronics, and your wallet are tucked into your bag.
The bitterness has burned away leaving your voice cold and empty as usual. Slidding into the backseat with your suitcase flat on the car carpet you ask, "Father which airplane am I-"
"I'll tell you when we get there." You don't say anything after that.
Buckling your seat belt that familiar hot pool of shame bubbles up in your gut. At this point you consider it closer to being your family than your parents are.
Closing your eyes you mentally prepare yourself for the news reporter on whatever country you're off to. The assistants that swarm you filling you in on whatever meetings and lectures you'll be forced to lead.
You fall asleep with the thought of forced pleasentries and uncomfortable conversations.
It felt like barely anytime had passed when you wake up to screaming. Whipping your head around to observe the area, flames merely graze your face.
The plane is on fire.
Screaming and crying make your heart race as you frantically press the seatbuckle to release you.
The smoke and heat cause you to stumble as you grab onto a oxygen mask. It clears your mind as you see passengers frantically running around while others are curled up in their seats.
You try to ignore the limp bodies on fire.
There's only a few flight attendants and they aren't in any state to help anyone.
The mask can't reach very far so you ditch it for a piece of cloth and try to get to the nearest flight attendant.
You stumble over debris and hysterical people as the fire and engine roar in sync.
Slumped against the wall, you can tell that her leg just isn't right. Her arm is bloody and you can't see her hand. She's coughing and struggling to breathe, the sight makes your heart hurt as you push yourself faster.
Grabbing the nearest oxygen mask you kneel down and press it to her face. You try to ignore the blood you're touching as you yell to be heard.
"Wha-cough WHAT DO WE-"
You cut yourself off with a scream as the plane breaks beneath you.
You're falling
The change in pressure leaves black dots in your vision and your stomach churns at the speed.
That suffocating heat turns into icy wind that sends shudders through your body.
Your body is at the violent winds mercy as you fall.
Gazing up at the cloudy blue sky a thought echos through your mind.
Can I finally be free?
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sgcairo · 2 years
The part where dottore was thinking “what did he do right that I did wrong” you just wrote in your answer.. I like how directly came after it an example of babyttore sympathy. And I like how u still hold into dottore’s apathy along with his humanity, you are very good at characterization YOU ARE A BLESS. I like to think of signora being dottore closet friend bcz both of them lost their sympathy due past events. So I think she’ll be like “just accept that you two are no longer the same person, he used to be you but not anymore” yk what I mean? Yes exactly
I have written too many literary analyses to not be able to characterize my favorite evil buns! I'm glad that my analysis of Dottore actually makes sense because he does not make sense.
I'm going to be honest, I didn't actually consider Dottore and La Signora's friendship, mostly because I originally thought it wouldn't exist. Signora might be unsympathetic in her own right, but I don't think she's downright apathetic. I just think that she lacks sympathy for those who defy her, especially relating to Archons that let her dear Rostam die.
But also I'm so mad that they killed her character off. I have been fuming ever since they literally pulverized her- THE LORE! They can't just build up her lore and never expose it by killing her! That's a foul play there, and I'm going to call Hoyoverse on that bullshit because it makes me SAD. All the juicy lore, just gone.
Now, I did place Babytorre in the pre-canon timeline, just because I'm ✨extra✨ and wanted more La Signora characterization. I feel like her character could've gone so many ways, but by throwing a child into her complicated relationship with Pantalone, let alone the other Harbingers... There's just so much room to really explore her own thoughts, especially after the tragedy that was losing her lover and being consumed by her own flames.
I've always seen her as more of an aunt type, or even something of a motherly figure. In some of my earlier writings (specifically with Scapino, one of my other Genshin OCs), she may seem as if she doesn't care, but has a weak spot for children. Perhaps because they seem so helpless, and she knows how that feels. Maybe not as a child, but she knows how it feels to be lost, to not have a direction and only be guided by that little string of hope that's left, or only to continue because you haven't died yet.
Babytorre definitely doesn't seem lost, but she sees the way Dottore looks at him. Regret. Maybe even a desire to go back and change how things happened, jealousy, but also a hesitant touch to meet the kindness that the child has given him. Dottore may be heartless, he may be without empathy for even the most pathetic of creatures, but he's also at heart an ambitious dreamer, perhaps one that never learned any better. He's cruel. He's horrible in every way. Signora knows this well, as she recognizes her own terrible actions in the same way.
But he is still something of a human, whether it be the broken shadow of one, or misled soul that was never allowed to grow roots in the correct places.
That does not excuse his actions. That does not mean that his desire for that closeness to a frustrating degree is productive or on the right path. In fact, it could be considered obsessive, how far he's willing to go just for that touch, that recognition that he's still there, under all the masks that he uses to block out the words he does not wish to hear. And Signora will not refuse to tell him how it is, which leads to that very statement.
It's not that they're close, but Signora can see Dottore unintentionally harming the child with his own passion. And this is a kid, who isn't aware of how horrible the Harbingers really are. So she tells him how it is, with no remorse. She's always been painfully honest, especially with the brutal truths that the Harbingers aren't ready to hear.
"He isn't you. Stop trying to find the flaws in the past, you were never him in the first place. He was saved. You were not. The longer you obsess over it, the worse it will be. You can't go back. The only way is forward, Doctor. Choose wisely with your next move, it will make or break what you seek."
Dottore can't see past his own ego at times, and it takes that disillusioned truth to really break him down.
He takes those words heavily, but his future has no direction.
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