#like did yall not learn from genshin
assmaster-8000 · 8 months
you guys do realise getting mad about sparkle 'slutshaming' aventurine is baseless when the fandom has been calling men whores and sluts pretty much since the inception of smutty fanfiction? why is it suddenly a problem if a character does it but not when real fucking adults call many 16 year old characters a slut? would you really be this angry if sparkle was a man and aventurine was a woman too or is that scenario a norm for you?
(also, if you genuinely believe she was slutshaming aventurine i feel like you have a very bad case of tunnel vision because its not the act of doing sexual deeds for sundays favor she's talking about. she's taking a jab at if aventurine did something outlandish and out of nature to pwomise his widdle corporation wouldn't hurt penacony (yea right wise guy type of tone). i feel like any other hyperbole would have gotten her point across. if anything it feels like she's making fun of his inability to be vulnerable or be on the end with disadvantages because aventurine is always big on being in bets and deals where he has the power)
((and yes im aware sparkle is the type to make discriminatory jabs at people given the sigonian situation and her masked fool status but again it does not necessarily mean this is specifically targeted at his sexuality because it's just very out of place))
also, if sparkle DID use a slur against romani people
why are you more upset at the character than the company?
you do realise sparkle can't code her own dialog, right? there's real people at the hoyoverse company building making her say these things. whether or not it makes her a good or bad villain doesn't matter because you're just targeting a fictional character instead of holding hoyoverse responsible. you do realise that by wringing your panties into debating about sparkle, you're just overlooking the real cause of it? it's like green shopping and carbon footprints all over again. we're so focused on pointing fingers at all these irrelevant figures that the true heads behind it get away scott free.
if you're upset about the use of the slur which is very much understandable so i mean this specific sentiment in the most genuine way possible; highlight hoyoverse's role in this. you already know hoyoverse does a bad job at handling cultures outside of their own so it's not like it's something outlandish to hold against the company.
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alexa-fika · 8 months
Detectives and Red Cheeks ( Heizou x child!reader)
A/N Had to feed the genshin monster yall, Let me tell you my genshin era was second only tk my harry potter Era,I was on the page refreshing for new fanfics and new story quests, Never played though 😂, just watched someone else do it and enjoyed the lore
Dividers by @/saradika
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Heizou sighed. He had been looking over a case for the past hour, and his keen senses were not blind to the watchful eye of their sibling, who he deduced was trying to keep themselves hidden, though he never stood a chance to spy on a detective of his caliber
“Reader, what are you up to?”
They make a surprised sound at the fact that they were so easily spotted, the tiny patter of their feet sounding against the wooded floor as they stepped away from their hiding spot
“How did you know I was there?”
“Well, as a detective, I am accustomed to sensing my surroundings. You never stood a chance against your brother’s keen intuition and unmatched abilities,” he smirks
“So? Is there something I can help you with?”
The small child kicks at their feet, suddenly finding them more interesting than staring at what they had come to learn was a stare they were not able to hide anything from.
Heizou chuckles before his expression softens, and he crouches down to a level similar to that of the child’s.
“So, we’re you just… spying on me? That a big no-no, you know?” he looks at you with his bright emerald eyes, a light smile plastered to his face
They shrug
“I got bored.”
“Bored?” he says, raising a brow, but his facial expression remains unbothered
“So… you got bored and decided you just want to follow me and watch me solve a case? You normally complain when it is time for us to go home, you love running around outside,” he says, chuckling
They receive another shrug as a response
“But I want to spend time with big brother.”
“Is that it? You could have told me it wouldn’t hurt to have a partner,” he chuckles as he picks the small child up and ruffles their head
“Do you want to help me with this case I have been working on?”
“Then sit right there, and let me tell you what I’ve gathered so far.”
He takes his small sibling over to his desk placing them on his legs. After sitting down, he begins giving them a rundown of all the information he has managed to gather so far.
“Im always impressed with your ability to follow along so flawlessly… would you like to tell me your thoughts on the case now?”
“I don’t think it was this person,” they said, pointing to the first picture of two that he had laid out as possible culprits to the case
Heizou hums in agreement.
“Why do you say so?”.
“They don’t have glasses in any of the pictures you have, Heizou-nii, and you said that the people saw someone with glasses near the place and that they found glasses at the scene, too.” They said, pointing to all of the pictures
“That person has glasses; they’re not the same as the one you found, but people have an extra or two on hand, and sometimes they are different,” they said, pointing to the second picture that Heizou had in his line of suspects
“But you already knew that Heizou-nii, didn’t you?”
Heizou smirks at you, impressed by your deductive and analytical skills.
“Yes. I did already know about that, but I wanted to see if you would be able to see it as well; it seems you have been watching me work more than you’re letting on. Your big brother is so proud of you,” he ruffles the young child’s head once more as he smiles brightly at them.
Their cheeks glow a dark tint of red as they turn around in their brother's lap, hiding their face in their chest
Heizou laughs at his sibling's quick switch of attitude the moment they are complimented
“You’re so cute, you know that?” he says while stroking their hair as they continue hiding their face in his embrace
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To my one piece fams, yall ive got so many ideas with the latest reblog I did on prompts, henrioo and Lee pulled trough, if you din’t see it go to my feed and check it out, don’t be shy send in a request 🫦.
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fictionfixations · 3 months
im BACk at the wuthering waving
ngl i really want to join scar he seems very interesting (unfortunately we dont have that choice. no but IMAGINE a game like this but choices we make matter. like like yknow uhh. i mean the only one i can think of rn is like. detroit become human, which has a bunch of branching paths. so like imagine a choice can lead to a wildly different outcome. and so like. we can choose to trust scar or something. IMAGINE. i mean that'd probably go into spoiler-y territory considering idk one side might say something, the other might say something contradictory. or like something that players on a different path dont learn so its complicated. and also probably very hard to actually do. but i just. really adore games like that ngl)
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yes i havent even made it to 1.1 yet LMFAO
anyway i dont know what they did but oh my god its so much less laggier (the only thing of note is that im stuck in the loading screens for longer. but i mean honestly i have other things i can do in the meantime while waiting so its not a big deal)
like. i can. actually go through cutscenes and its not just slideshow bullshit that i have to go watch someone else go through it for the cutscene (you know the cutscene where we see general jiyan(?) fighting while we're like nowhere near him? there was so much delay cause it was struggling to shift to jiyan cause it was showing the other stuff with i think the tacet discords? instead so the voices were playing and im just sat here like wtf is going on i dont even see yall what are you doing)
and and i can actually fight and know that my failings are not that its lagging me so i cant dodge. its just that im bad at dodging LOL
also i cant remember but im pretty sure you cant dodge by jumping i think youre meant to dash from it but uhm
i briefly played the solo leveling game so i keep pressing space to either start sprinting or to dodge an attack. which. its kinda funny cause i find myself pressing space playing hsr which is a game you cannot jump in. man, the confusion of playing games with different buttons for actions so when you switch to another you press the wrong button. funniest shit ever ngl (i remember i played genshin and like this one roblox game. decaying winter. and. so they had different buttons for picking up stuff, cant remember which one was e or f. but so. i press the pick up for genshin button out of habit. and then it causes me to place down a bomb LMFAO. i cant pick it up. and if i press f again [its more if i hold it but still] it explodes so i have to pray i didnt spam it, or pray that i didnt accidentally stick it on me because that can happen haha. ..or even that i didnt stick it on a teammate on accident cause friendly fire is a thing)
i feel spoiled though cause hsr and solo leveling have auto so i can just chime in occasionally while something else fights for me. but its like. games like wuwa and genshin (and solo leveling because even with auto i control me. i just have it on because i tend to forget to use like the skills) you have to spam attack. so my hand hates me LMFAO (me typing all this out doesnt help either but uhm i dont know the meaning of giving my hands a break)
anyway pulling plans: Jinhsi, Scar (hopefully), and Camellya..? i think? the the the flower person who called us a seed LMFAO (i keep wanting to think of her as phantylia because for whatever reason the name 'camellya' is hard to remember so uh if i ever misspell..)
also another thing of note. it kinda keeps tripping me up when the dialogue advances without auto. i mean it makes sense cause its going through it along with the character's movement so its not like they can just stop them from moving waiting for you to go to the next dialogue box
but sometimes im doing other stuff and listening to the dialogue but im going to go back to read it because a mix of voiced dialogue and reading the dialogue myself helps me remember best
but uh i get distracted. very easily. so sometimes i need to reread it multiple times to get it to stick, so i kind of wished wuwa had like a log that you could check to go back through peoples dialogue during the actual convo.
genuinely cant remember if its been like that in 1.0 but to be fair theres only so much room (and its still readable anyway)
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i wanted to try speedrunning to act 7 (tbh i dont think im even at a high enough like union level(? i think thats what its called) to go through most of the story) but ive underestimated how tired id be
its probably so pixel-y im sorry its cause i dont play full screen so its all smaller-ized (and probably because im playing on the lowest graphics)
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but like im sorry jinhsi its just. scar. is. so. cool. AGHHHh
off topic but it always bothers me how in slowed down scenes like this or where characters are in a sort of stasis where they're doing an action but its slowed down for whichever reason (you can see it in anime a bunch) and the character talks a shit ton and im just sat here like how are you speaking that much in this time frame what ???
like the card cant be moving THAT slow can it?? or if so couldnt someone just strike it down before it hits or something?? maybe i shouldnt be trying to apply logic to this. or maybe it is possible and im just very tired so i cant think straight idk
now this is in no way a complaint (i do like this scene) im just nitpicky and have never had the opportunity to express my thoughts about things like this ngl
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anyway uh. upside to wuwa in case this turned out to be a very negative post (in which oops)
its never . i. cant recall the terminology. you know when too much is running and your laptop just turns everything off abruptly?
its never done that solo leveling has (and now i never play it without a fan) hsr has but only when ive put it at high graphics cause i wanted to experience it if genshin has, i genuinely cant remember
i cant read roman numerals except 123 idk what act this is but wooo im stopping here now
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
PLS YOU’RE SO FUNNY your pspspsps is too strong I’m back with more asks hello how are you I’m loving your takes on sagau! I thought of a contribution by the power of the pspsps imagine like the languages in teyvat are based on the nations’ real life counterparts (like Japanese for Inazuma) but like only loosely. So creator knows like exactly 3 words in Japanese and think they’re gonna take that and somehow make it work but they get there and understand NOTHING. They finally understand like one word but turns out it means something completely different in this version of “Japanese” so they think someone told them hi and they said hi back but they’re just going around saying “fuck” and no one wants to tell them
ANOTHER ONE YUHSSS LURING BACK IN FOR MORE im doing well tysm for asking ya flatterer!!
aw u think im funny??!! 🥰 well geez here i thought i was just going feral over sagau/isekai genshin stuff and it was like a dam burst and all yall were just coming down with me funny or not 🤷‍♂️
(Hey askers look ive got cookies 🍪🍪🍪 :) if u ask smth ill give u one!!)
Nice to know the humor translates, but holy fuck this ask is like 10x funnier than anything ive written so far or come up with LMAO PLEASE NO ONE WANTS TO TELL YOU-
This is exactly what Portugese vs. Spanish is like i stg
Im not fluent yet but i know a decent amount of spanish at this point, but when i was first learning it i ran into some Portuguese and couldnt really read it and was like?? Oh ok maybe this is too many vocab words i dont get yet, and showed it to another person who spoke some Spanish and they were like ".. Uh, wtf is that?? What is that???🧐😟 Thats not even Spanish, but why is it almost???" And they just kept trying to read it so hard bc they thought it was so close it should work 😭
Anyway the point is i feel like that is just you in this scenario over and over again lol
Its like teaching a little kid language and they happen to pick up the cusswords the best,
Omfg ur around Beidou about to head to Inazuma (bc i like to think u traveling with Aether/Lumine and they r sweet enough not to abandon ur weird ass)
And Beidou just keeps cussing in Liyue's-almost-Mandarian-Chinese-but-not, and ur like trying to pick smth up bc it sucks none of ur little bits and pieces of lang. from ur world have worked so far, and she keeps saying this one word over and over again, to this angry looking Liyue guy, oh hey wait a minute, that's the Mandarin word for "hello"!! Maybe she's using it sarcastically?? She smiled afterward, oh Kazuha's laughing!! Maybe it means smth different? But they still look positive abt it so eh, cant hurt, and you sort of know how to say it!!
"你��� !! (nǐhǎo)", you do a little wave too :)
(I just used straight mandarin for this pls tell me if not right-)
Hey you did it! Sort of, you didn't really do the tones right, and you look over to see if they got it, and oop-
Everybody froze and looked at you, before Beidou starts screaming laughing, Kazhua's wheezing so hard he's leaning on a barrel nearby, the traveler is trying to keep it together, but u can see Beidou's ridiculous laugh is contagious and is spreading rapidly to crew members and to the traveler,,
The angry Liyuean man no longer looks angry, oh, he's leaving, welp, you can tell u did smth funny, but u havent a clue what u actually said
Every now and then Beidou will come up to you and try to teach u more Liyuean words, but anytime the traveler sees it they shoo her off, she has a shit-eating grin on her face, while the traveler looks unamused or is at least trying to hide their amusement
(There r so many characters that will take advantage of this and only try to teach you cuss words, at least at first, CHILDE, kaveh, VENTI, Itto, BEIDOU, Xinqiu the little prankster, ppl i can think of quickly god i gotta look at a character list)
Beidou BEAMS anytime u say "nîhâo" now, and gives u a thumbs up everytime 👍
You learn much later that you probably should just give up trying to say any of your world's lang. That sound equivalent to each genshin country's lang. bc apparently the few words you know from them are either random shit like "egg, bowl, etc." Or straight up explicit "fuck, shit, piss etc."
I didnt have too much to add bc that is a GREAT AND HILARIOUS idea all on its own (esp if u did it in front of more serious characters or situation)
So pls forgive if lackluster writing happened!!
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jihyocentric · 2 years
hi hi hi lumi im here!! i saw the last answer u did for my last ask and ive been meaning to respond but i've just had no time and been a bit stressed so it took me a bit, and im sorry abt that, but im here now!!
nahyo really is just a couple of possessive codependent losers and yknow what i think they're perfect like that. and so does jeongyeon apparently lksjfklsd
no but i can totally see jeongyeon loving what nahyo have but also being nervous to intrude, especially with how her and jihyo started off on the wrong foot but watching nayeon give jihyo her little lesson abt jealousy definitely helps improve it
awwww for nayeon it goes: bff jeongyeon to roommate/crush of my dog jeongyeon to girlfriend #2 jeongyeon that's actually adorable
all the jealousy is def gonna lead to some MAD sexual tension on all sides i think that's perfect
and there we have it that's 3mix yall!!
-🐶 (im really tired rn so sorry if this isnt as extensive as some of my other asks but i promise im seeing them and appreciating them!! <33)
oh things will get steamy between jeonghyo for sure! but right now all i can think about is fluff... and about being busy it's just like i've said before, don't worry about it, take your time and take care of yourself anonie!!
took a bit longer to answer this bc now that i'm free from college i've been resting (and by resting i mean playing too much genshin impact)... yes i am ashamed.
but here's a little jeonghyo thingy in puppy!hyo au 🤍 late thanksgiving hc i guess!
jihyo has been trying hard to like jeongyeon.
jeongyeon's loud laugh still scares her, but she was sure she'd get used to it just like she did with nayeon's. jihyo's ears are sensitive, but she still finds it the cutest thing when nayeon laughs loudly, and punches her shoulder, so maybe jihyo could accept jeongyeon being loud that as well. after promising to nayeon, jihyo really started to try and accept jeongyeon as a whole.
the thing is that nayeon was never a nuisance, and jihyo never had to learn how to like her. even when she was still getting used to living with nayeon, jihyo has never felt bothered by nayeon's unique personality, always head over heels for her. sana and momo, nayeon's friends, never scared her either, so jihyo didn't know why jeongyeon triggered her that much. apart from her being jealous of jeongyeon with her owner, that is.
after weeks trying to accept jeongyeon's presence, jihyo would still go after nayeon when her owner had to answer the door. jihyo could sense jeongyeon's presence from afar, and she had to check her scent each time, so that she knew there was no threat and jeongyeon could go inside their home with her approval.
"are you going to do this every time?" jeongyeon asks jokingly, not moving an inch while jihyo reached closer, sniffing her clothes.
jihyo moves away, happy with her little research. jeongyeon still smelled like jeongyeon. nothing different, which meant there were no threats that jihyo could sense or other people's scents in her. jeongyeon's scent was strong and present, one of the best jihyo had ever found in a human. nayeon's was still better, sweet and acidic just the right amount. too bad that jihyo and mina were the only ones with a sense of smell sharp enough to notice those things.
"she likes it." nayeon comments, pointing at jihyo's wagging tail. jihyo quickly tries to prevent her own body from exposing her feelings, but the attempt is useless. "what did you bring for us?"
"pumpkin pie for your sweet puppy," jeongyeon says, charming. jihyo looks at nayeon and pouts. jeongyeon was cheesy and only nayeon could call her puppy. maybe sana too, but it always made jihyo flustered and nayeon didn't like it one bit.
"don't say that. 'puppy'. that's for me only." nayeon pats jeongyeon's shoulder. "let's get inside, sana and momo are here already."
jeongyeon frowns but accepts nayeon's request. jihyo moves to sit on sana's lap, a bit bored after playing with mina and momo the entire evening and not being able to put together the lego figure that was supposed to be formed once all of the pieces were in place.
"hey there, cutie," sana coos at jihyo, allowing the puppy to rest on her lap. jihyo could be clingy, and that's when she was the most adorable. at least that's what sana always thought. unlike mina, who could be very picky at times, jihyo was always up for a good cuddle.
nayeon was setting the dining table by the time jeongyeon came from the kitchen. for jeongyeon's luck, sana gets called by mina to help her and momo with the legos, and jihyo no longer has her warm lap to sit on. instead of waiting for nayeon, jihyo looks at the only lap available, and it happens to be jeongyeon's.
"'m going to sit here." jihyo states rather than asking. jeongyeon is taken aback, but she certainly doesn't refuse jihyo's approach, letting nayeon's puppy sit on her lap. "you're warmer than sana," jihyo mutters, her head falling back against jeongyeon's shoulder, body relaxing.
it is certainly a surprise for nayeon when she goes into the living room and finds jihyo sleeping on her best friend's lap, ears twitching and tail swishing softly, as if she's dreaming. she looks at them fondly for minutes and almost forgets to call them for dinner.
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husbandohunter · 3 years
Stardew Impact [Genshin+Stardew Valley/xReader]
Part 1/3 Kaeya, Diluc
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Synopsis: “A mysterious phenomenon brought you and your s/o to an unfamiliar world: Pelican Town! Without the power of Visions, the two of you begin to learn the life of what it takes to be...a farmer?”
Coming soon...
Albedo and Childe
Zhongli and Xiao
(A/N): So the brainrot was real in this one. I planned to add Albedo for a Mondstadt edition but kinda went overboard so I gotta split this one into parts too. Wordcount_almost 2k spspspsp
• Already has the whole year planned in his head. Literally if Diluc were to play this game, he'd have a booming farm within year ONE. Calm and collected through and through, though the new environment raises alot of questions, as long as you were still with him, Diluc ain't complaining
• The town welcomes you two with open arms. It was all thanks to the attire. Diluc wore his usual dark coat adorned with regal gold while you had a dress made of Liyue's finest silk, one that he bought for you. Needless to stay both of you reeked the aura of rich aristocrats (Mayor Lewis is pleased that greedy bastard)
• Once the farm was permitted to your owndership, Diluc began to think of ways to turn it into a vineyard. He was a businessman afterall. Although the staff back at the Dawn Winery were the ones who tended the field, Diluc still knew a few things about planting due to his childhood days Master Crepus would bring him out to their yard and demonstrated the process of gardening. He still remembers those days clearly, doing the very same this moment with you.
• Occasionally works at the Saloon bar. It was the perfect opportunity. As you took care of the farm side, Diluc continues to look for more ways to increase the income while gathering information from the folks around town. Gus LOVES to have him over, like he's just so efficient and reliable! They soon become good friends saying if Diluc were ever to own a wine stock, he would gladly buy from him.
• This is why Diluc would stay a little later due to just chatting with the people from the bar. One time you walked into the Saloon only to the front desk with Emily alone. Turns out the others were in the other room, too busy playing a game of pool. You decided to leave him be since it was rare to have Diluc so relaxed in leisure activities. Thus in the end, you spent your time chatting with Emily until a whole hour has passed before your lover notices and apologizes for losing track of time.
• Everything felt like a dream because it was his dream. To live a life undisturbed from chaos, his duties and the dangers that lurk in Teyvat, Diluc grew fond of the domesticity. There was nothing he loved more than to spend his hours by your side, day after day, returning home to your freshly handmade meals.
• Spring: Already up and early planting the parnersnips (I'm very soft for gardener Diluc you see). What do you expect from a workaholic? Even during his leisure time you would often find him near some plant as he does consider this hobby quite therapeutic. But when it rains, Diluc would be standing beside you with an arm around your shoulder, smiling contently as you lean into his touch. He gazes through the dripping window and silently admires the current progress you both made on the farm.
• Between the two annual spring festivities, I would say the flower dance. Diluc is a private man and would prefer to take things where no eyes were on sight. But with a little bit of nudging from Gus (your wingman), he gives in and leads you to the center stage. Elegant. Graceful. The way you two moved together became the talk of the event. Though, Diluc was already used to people staring by now, all he needed to do was to ignore them and keep his focus on you.
• Summer: No blankets in bed. Nope, its bloody hot in Pelican Town. He tends to stay indoors or anywhere with shade, in other words, his work hours in the Saloon increased.
• Diluc always has a nice cold drink prepared for you if by any chance you were to pay a visit after a whole day of labour. It's a habit he's made subconciously as if it would be a natural occurance for you to enter the door. His colleagues would ask him who did he make that drink for? Honestly so cute i cri
• Moments like these remind him of Mondstadt, where he quietly wipes the glasses while listening to you talk. Your voice is soothing. Sun rays peek from the side casting onto the umber tables, reflecting a rich golden light as the radio plays a soft song in the background. It's so peaceful, the town was small hence not many people visited the bar, Diluc came to appreciate this warm privacy (plus no Venti and Kaeya which is a huge pog realization).
• Autumn: Harvest time baby. The kegs are full and the sheds are full of kegs. This season was huge stonks and the house ended up getting an upgrade. Diluc is the type of man who wants to make sure that his spouse wouldn't have to work another day of her life. I reckon this is why he's so ambitious because he wants you to have the best and you deserve the best. (Husband material. Slap a ring on him ladies).
When there was no more work left to do, time would be spend peacefully exploring the woods. While you skipped a few steps ahead as the leaves crunched beneath your feets, Diluc follows slowly from behind. He sees your back but his eyes stares somewhere far beyond whats in front of him: His future. 
It was such a stark contrast to the one he envisioned before. One filled with uncertaintly, blocked by darkness with no silver lining in sight, endlessly wandering as he drags the claymore against the ground. There was never a day in which the Darknight hero wouldn't think of Mondstadt. Leaving the city in the incompetent hands of Ordo Favonious while Abyss Mages continue to lurk fuels him to find a way to return as soon as possible and yet...
"Higher big sis!" Jas tightens her hold on the ropes as you pushed the swing with all your might. She laughs, like a child, it was full of innocence and joy. Later Vincent came in and nugdes you, asking when his turn will come.
"You wanna go too? Alright alright don't worry," waiting for Jas to come down, you lift the boy up so that he was seated safely on the chair, "3..2..1 go!"
He wonders if he could just be a little selfish for once.
• Winter: Best man to have in this season. Every morning Diluc would find himself restricted in movements due to a pair of arms around his waist and legs entangled with yours. Turns out you've been doing it subconciously because he's just so warm (Diluc keeps it lowkey and pretends to sleep longer cuz of it)
• Haha looks like the portal is gone, guess we'll be stuck forever :)). No kidding Kaeya would be so down to stay here for the rest of his life and the best part is to spend it with you. He doesn't show a shred of concern regarding Teyvat, not like he's easily shaken by events that are abnormal, but you can see that Kaeya is truly and genuinely happy. (You're stunned).
• Oho we also have this marvelous landscape just for the two of us? And a cozy little cabin to go along with it as well? This should be fun~ 
• Of course Kaeya would also know a few things about planting, just the basics since he did grow up with Diluc. When they were kids, Crepus would give each of them their own pots so they can grow their own plants. It eventually became a competitive thing where whoever's plant grows the fastest gets to eat the other person's dessert for a year (no one wins. They end up sabotaging each other which Diluc started first, thinking it'll be funny as a joke).
• You are, and will be going on dates with him. In fact, the amount of dates you two went on increased since then. The townspeople would call you two "lovebirds" since he's practically by your side 24/7. 
• I mean he doesn't have the responsibilities as a Cavalry Captain anymore so what else is there to do?
• Would attend all annual events no matter what season. 
• Evelyn constantly gushes how much of a wonderful pair you and Kaeya make and often is the one who provides Kaeya a fresh bouqet of flowers for him to use as a gift. George on the otherhand just rolled his eyes mumbling something along the lines of "youngsters these days" and "crazy hormones."
• Befriends Pam. Love for beer plus somewhat cynical attitude? They get along real swell! She starts sending some recipes into the mailbox of course saying if yall ever need a hand, let her know.
• Spring: I can see Kaeya be switching back and forth between caring for the farm or taking quests posted on Pierre's bulletin board. He likes to keep things interesting, learning the ways of the new world while also getting to know the people around town.
• Would NOT return Mayor Lewis' shorts in which he found in Marnie's room. It's such high quality blackmail material. Kaeya is currently plotting what is the best way to use it to his advantage.
• He didn't tell you of course.
• Summer: There are no blankets because he is your blanket. Since your cabin was small so was the bed. That's why he has to hold you so that no one falls off when rolling over. Either he hugs you with your nose close to his neck, or your back against his chest while spooning you or holding hands if sleeping on your sides became too much. Yall need a serious house upgrade.
• For some reason Kaeya becomes more energetic in the summer. He lets you rest in the shade while handling the farm work for the time being. If you guys got a pet it would be a cat. Hes the first one to refill their bowl every morning outside.
Another day passes as summer comes to an end, the town’s Mayor invited you and your lover to see the annual Dance Of the Moonlight Jellies. Kaeya being the opportunist was delighted to come along. Locking the door of your house, you follow him down the path and made your way to the beach.
Everyone from town was already gathered by the docks when the sun had disappeared down the horizon. You stood by his side in a space far from the others, watching  the candle boats set off to ride the waves, lighting up a small ray of light for creatures to find. 
“Wow,” your tone almost above a whisper, “If only our friends back home could see this too.”
“Perhaps,” he says. Kaeya slips his fingers into yours and you shot him a curious glance, “But let us enjoy this moment shall we? Just the two of us.”
And there they were. A sea of luminescence radiating colours of brilliant blue with hints of green like a city of laterns floating in a world below. Their image reflects in the star of Kaeya's eyes as he wonders, where would they go? Where would the light lead them? They were so free with nothing to worry, so serene just like the sea and unknowningly, he squeezes your hand. It was a sense for confirmation. One to remind him that this moment was indeed a reality he wishes to keep.
Autumn: Finally a house upgrade and a kitchen!! Because it was harvest season, you guys end up making a set of delicious meals with all the recipes the townspeople gave you. Kaeya can cook since he lived by himself back in Mondstadt. Most of the stuff he learned to make were food that can be accompanied by alcohol though...
• Ahah remember Mayor Lewis' lucky shorts? He found a use for them. It was displayed on the stands during the Stardew Valley Fair (Oh my how did this get here? Must be the wind). Ends up buying a Rarecrow for the farm when Lewis bribes him not to tell this to anyone.
Winter: This was mostly an indoor season for the both of you. With the existence of television, nights would be spent until morning while watching movies at the couch. A blanket drapes around your shoulders as extends to his.  Oh and don't forget the hot chocolate! 
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mqnasluvr · 4 years
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skinship headcanons | genshin impact
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pairings; jean x gn!reader, amber x gn!reader, albedo x gn!reader
mentioned; kaeya, lisa, huffman, sucrose
warnings; suggestive themes ( jean ), all lowercase, not proofread
word count; 1.7k but half of it is albedo
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jean is not the touchiest person out there, but she does enjoy holding you. not too big on pda either; the most you’ll get out of her in public is maybe a quick smooch on the cheek and hand holding🛐 other than that, shes quite reserved.
her hugs are very comforting, but the first couple of times it was awkward on her part. she was used to giving barbara and klee hugs, but this was different. she wasn’t sure where to put her arms, and if anything she got more frustrated the more she hesitated.
once she grows accustomed to it, she’ll be fine. she enjoys the warmth and innocence of hugs, especially if you’re taller than her.
like i said, in public she isnt very touchy. while running errands she does keep you close though, and enjoys holding your hand more and anything.
behind closed doors shes a little bit bolder, but still shy overall. she’s not sure if she’s moving too fast for you so she waits until you initiate any type of physical contact, then takes it from there herself. it took her a long time before she managed to get the courage to kiss you tbh
one time when you two were in her office, amber walked in on you “distracting” jean from her work.
“y/n, i have to get back to work, please,” jean adverted her eyes from your gaze, embarrassed. she kept looking at the door, mentally asking herself if the door was locked or not and getting more nervous as the seconds passed.
you sat straddled on the young womans lap, her hands loosely placed on your hips. holding her face in your hands, you guided her face back to yours. “you work for way too long,” you frowned. “and i’m bored. there’s nothing to do in here.”
“the library is just across the hall—“
“if i read another book my brain will implode.” jean sighed and shook her head.
“please indulge in me just this once? please jean?” she stared at you blankly, her resolve quickly deteriorating. a couple of kisses couldn’t hurt, could it? she looked up at the clock in the corner of the room, then back at you.
sighing for the umpteenth time that day, she nodded. “just for a little while-“
before she could finish speaking, you pressed your lips to hers hurriedly, not wanting to waste any time. jean barely ever separated herself from her work, and refused to accept help from anyone else. you almost never had time alone with the acting grand master— you weren’t going to miss your chance now.
the kiss was not heated whatsoever, just very.. clumsy. and needy. on your part, at least. jean tried her best to slow you down, gripping your hips as her face heated up.
“jean, lisa needs you for somethi- oh,” amber nearly dropped the papers in her hands, immediately covering her eyes with it instead. you whipped your head around and stared at the girl wide-eyed before she spoke up again. “d-did i come at a bad time? i am so sorry, i’ll um. i’ll go now.”
jean couldnt look her in the eyes for WEEKS
it was painful
but overall, she likes physical affection, shes just nervous :,)
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amber LOVES touching you!! she’s 100% okay with pda. she isnt as forward as maybe kaeya or lisa, but she’s still rather bold. sometimes she forgets youre in public too, which ends up drawing a lot of attention to the both of you.
when you two go out on dates she is always touching you. hand in hand, arm around waist, whatever. theres always some type of physical contact, no matter what.
it’s so PAINFULLY obvious that you two are dating but for some reason she didn’t think that anyone knew ?? one time huffman saw yall kissing in an alleyway u really aren’t slick🤨
she loves cheek and forehead kisses, but likes receiving them more than giving really. shes a hyper one, and these kisses fluster her enough to make her quiet down. ( it’s so cute )
she often picks you up to hug you, spinning you both around in circles in an almost bone crushing hug. other than those times her hugs are really soft, but the energy is still there. ^^
have i mentioned that she is affectionate?? because she really is. she does respect your boundaries though, but if you feel uncomfortable you’re going to have to speak up on it because she won’t notice.
in private her clinginess is amplified by 10.
“i’m trying to cook, amber,” you mumbled, struggling to stir the paste sauce in the pot. all you were trying to do was make dinner for the two of you, but around 5 minutes ago she came up behind you and wrapped her arms around your arms and torso. you could feel her bury her face further into your back.
“mhm, and it smells really good too,” she hummed. you groaned, and she just giggled.
“i’ll be done in like, 20 minutes, amber. you can hug barron bunny in the meantime,” you tried to pry her arms off of you but she started whining.
“that’s too long.”
“no, it isnt,” you turned around with a spoonful of pasta sauce, motioning for her to open her mouth. she slurped the sauce and gave you a thumbs up.
“see? its good, right? well it wont get much better if you keep clinging to me so much,” she stayed quiet, but at least loosened her arms around you so that it was easier to move. you lightly patted her hand. “thank you.”
“whateverrr,” she drawled, and you couldnt help but laugh.
the pasta was in fact very good
in the end, shes the exact opposite of jean, and youll need to slow her down a lot :,)
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as far as physical contact goes, it’s literally the last thing you will ever find on his mind. he’s too caught up with other things to think about physical affection
he does love you yes, but he doesnt show it through physical means. he does more gift giving, like when he sees a pretty flower that reminds him of you while going out to find starsilver shards.
if you want a hug or anything out of him you’re going to have to initiate it first— it’s foreign territory, and it’s not something he’s particularly interested in, so he doesnt feel the need to indulge in it
however the first time you two cuddle you can tell that he’s hooked. and he does a terrible job at hiding it.
now, he insists that you sit in his lap while he is taking notes because it “helps him focus better” and because “he’s so lonely”
we all know that aint true lmfao
he also really likes it when you play with his hair. please play with his hair, especially when you want him to get away from his studies. physical contact is completely foreign to him so something as simple as a scalp massage will make him melt 🛐
whenever he refuses to get away from his work, sucrose always asks you to step in because he wont listen to her
“y/n,” sucrose quietly approached you as you conversed with kaeya. you turned to her and nodded, albiet a bit concerned. sucrose never really needed you for anything, what did she need now that she couldn’t do herself?
kaeya took this as his sign to leave, but not before giving you a quick pat on the head. “yes, sucrose?” you said. “did something happen?”
she nodded meekly, watching kaeya walk off. a little bubble of guilt formed in her stomach from interrupting. “ah, i need your help with something. you see, mr albedo has been doing research non-stop on a new thing that has caught his eye since yesterday afternoon. i’ve tried to get him to put his research on pause, but,” she adjusted her glasses. “he doesn’t listen to me. i was hoping if you could maybe convince him to take care of himself?”
you pinched the bridge of your nose and sighed. he was doing it again. but you couldnt really blame him, he was terrible at keeping his hyperfixations under control. “i’ll take care of him, sucrose. don’t worry.”
she visibly relaxed at your words. sucrose flashed you a smile of gratitude, then waved and walked off to finish her errands in mondstadt.
it didn’t take him very long to notice your presence behind him. you were practically glaring at him, but there was no true anger behind it. wordlessly, albedo turned around in his chair and looked up at you.
you crossed your arms. “albedo,” you started, and it took everything in him not to sigh at the inevitable lecture.
“sucrose sent you, did she not?” he propped his arm up on the armrest of his chair, leaning his face into his hand as he gazed at you nonchalantly.
“of course she did. why aren’t you taking breaks?” he turned his chair back around, but you sat on the desk he was working at. you placed your hand on top of his papers and he shot a glare at you. it didnt phase you in the slightest.
“i have work to do. it’s much easier to do it all at once than stop inbetween.”
“have you at least been taking care of your basic needs? when was the last time you ate, or drank water?”
your eyes softened when he looked away.
hopping off of the desk, you grabbed his hand and pulled him away from his work ( gently, of course ). he barely protested.
you started muttering about how he needs to take better care of himself while pouring him a cup of water and making him a simple sandwich. he was a bit disappointed in himself for making you worry, and ate the food you gave him guiltily.
you pinched his cheek as he ate, giving it a light tug. he slapped your hand away playfully and a bit of the guilt he felt lifted when he heard your laugh. “i’m sorry you have to go through this for me.”
you shook your head. “you just need to learn how to stop yourself. you’re smart albedo, i’m sure you’ll figure it out in no time.”
he finished eating his food and, uncharacteristically, pulled you in for a hug. albedo rested his forehead against your shoulder, relaxing even further when you weaved your fingers through his hair.
“...i’m sorry, y/n.”
“stop apologizing.”
“okay. sorry. oh-”
you laughed.
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The Missing Guardian | Prologue: Act I Scene I | Mondstadt: The Outlander Who Caught The Wind
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A.N. okay! so first chapter of a new series im starting! its a series rewrite of the genshin impact plot. i had always wanted to do one of these, and with my comic obsession, if you read marvel/dc comics youll find some crossovers hints. hope yall enjoy as i finally start to write and get on some type of schedule. its also one in the morning so imma head to bed :)
Word Count. 1,633 words
Page Count. 4.8 pages
Synopsis. When you’ve finally found a home in a set of twins who travel across worlds, setting out to enjoy your time with them; learning everything you could while traveling from world to world. But this time was different, because this time, someone stood in your way from continuing forward, from going home. You watched as your family was torn from you once again, leaving you stuck in a world alone with only a guide, the memories of a life long left behind, and the hope of finding them once again.
[ Series Masterlist: The Missing Guardian Mini Masterlist ]
[ Act I, Scene I ] [ next scene ]
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Prologue Act I: Scene I | Monstadt: The Outlander Who Caught The Wind
                So, what you're trying to say is that you fell here? From another world?
                But, when you wanted to leave and go back to your world... Your path was blocked by some unknown God?
        You could only nod at Paimons commentary, watching as she floated next to you, a small hand to her chin as she looked deep in thought. Looking forward to the vast openness of the ocean in front of you, memories flashing before your own eyes as the pain settled in your heart, the wind slowly picking up before the tears filled your eyes. It hurt to think back at what happened, to how you lost them, the two people to found you after being lost for so long.
        That carmine red outlining the dark abyss shaped like a star would haunt you as a woman walked out, snowy white hair and the bandages around her legs flowing around her as her voice seemed to break through your skull, demanding your attention while the twins next to you could only look up in confusion. The anger in those golden eyes was enough to make you take a step back, you've never met her- Hell, you've never seen or heard of anyone like her, so why did she come at you with such ferocity? Even her mere presence contrasted with the ivory, baby blues, and gold of your surroundings, the heavenly area around you tainted with this... Unknown God.
        "Outlanders, your journey ends here." She demanded, the portals behind her sharpening with the wave of her hand. Lumine took a step forward, her shock evident in the small gasp she let out before speaking, determination and confusion spilled across her features.
        "Who are you?"
        "The sustainer of heavenly principles." She responds quickly, bringing a hand up to her line of vision with a small red and black cube in her hand, twirling it causing the ground beneath you to tremble, Aether looking between you and his sister. Shaking your head, you bent your knees ready to jump, the engines in your heavy boots started up, as your mask appeared on your face once again with only a light touch to the earpiece.
        "The arrogation of mankind ends now." The ground lit up around you, red and irritated with magic you haven't seen before, your boots shooting you into the air as Aether and Lumine jumped- following your lead as they pulled their golden swords and allowed their wings to manifest, holding themselves in the air.
        It was barely a second, before you moved forward with the twins by your side, your hands moving to the Quads in their holsters and taking them out for another fight. You only thanked whatever Gods in your own world were listening, and that damn mentor of yours, before your mind went back to the battle at hand- requiring you to fly around and dodge the large amounts of glistening red and gold cubes that came in your way, blocking you from the target of the Unknown God.
        Before you knew it, the end of this battle came quickly, an explosion from the mere speed of you, Lumine, and Aether stopping right before the Unknown God to attack.
        And that second was all she needed to do what was needed. 
        Her gaze fell upon you, making you shiver in fear, before you flew back and blasted a beam of energy at her from your Quad, only for it to be absorbed by a cluster of cubes. Your voice came out robotic, echoed with the technology that covered your face, you eyes moving to see the cluster of cubes enveloping the twins that were once beside you. 
        "Aether! Lumine!" They only looked at you in horror, fading once the cubes covered them whole, returning to the Unknown God in a hollowed and golden version of her twisted and unique weapon. She watched the rotating cube with wide, uncaring eyes, giving you enough time to circle around her and attack once more- throwing the handheld mines from your belt onto her form, the beeping accelerating once it met her skin, and an explosion following quickly. 
        By the time the smoke cleared, and before your mask could scan and gain some sense of recognition, the cubes that protected the Unknown God attached themselves to your outstretched hand, closing in on you while maintaining the explosion you caused. Eventually, it all settled into one cube that contained your hand, before you followed the same fate as the twins.
        "Wait! Don't go! Give them back!" You managed to scream, desperation in your voice, as you watched another family be taken from you once again, your vision fading into darkness and your heart breaking once again.
                And just like that, the god took away my friends.
                Some kind of seal was put on my being, and the power I had was gone.
                And while I had the freedom to travel the universe, worlds, and entirely new realms.
                I was now trapped.
        "How many years ago was it? I don't know, Paimon. But, I've gotta. I have to." You answered Paimons question, still looking out to the sea in front of you, mask now hidden into the earpiece that decorated your left lobe. The leather of your jacket warmed you from the cool breeze of the sea, the bodysuit underneath regulated your body temperature in any environment, but you specifically used it when in space when you held the title of Guardian. But you couldn't afford to think about that now.
        Not when there's a chance of finding Aether and Lumine. 
        "After I woke up, I was alone- until I met you two months ago." You finished, looking over to your floating friend, who only turned as she spoke.
        "Yeah. Paimon really owes you for that. Otherwise Paimon likely would have drowned... So, Paimon will do her best to be a great guide!" She smiles, hands on her hips while looking up to you, seeing as she always chose to float around chest-level when around you. You sighed, a weak chuckle escaped your lips before you sat up from the sand, brushing off the back of your cargo pants and looking towards your guide for this new world- patting her head and making sure to be careful of the crown that hovered above her.
        You had only hoped Paimon would do most of the talking for you anyways, due to Tevyat’s language being foreign even to your ears and tongue, a feat for a Guardian of your reputation. A decent understanding of the oral part of the language under your belt, you found reading to be easier, since it did look similar to some scripts back in your own world. Your thoughts were cut off as Paimon spoke up, calling for you to follow her as she sped ahead of you, following the path from out of the beach to the grassy area ahead of you.
        "Awe, the path ends here. I guess we'll just have to climb, huh?" You rolled your eyes, shaking your head while you started to heave yourself up the large rock, Paimon taking notice of this.
        "You mean I have to climb the rock, P, you just have to float." You laughed, reaching the top with a grunt before she whined about floating taking as much energy as walking or climbing. It wasn't bad, you've climbed a lot worse in even more horrid situations, but damn did that take a good breath from you. You'd have to work on rebuilding some of your stamina while traveling here, and possibly need to find some supplies to settle somewhere for a bit, maybe even collect whatever currency they had here.
        "Well, let's take the route we planned! We're off to... a Statue of The Seven!" She smiles with glee, before a questionable face appears as you both move forward, her head turning towards you as you attempt to take in much of the scenery and areas you could. Your heavy boots only crushed the poor underbrush and grass that came into contact with it, your belt that was filled with gadgets and such clinking with the sway of your hips- hitting the holsters.
        This world is beautiful...
        "Which of The Seven are you looking for exactly?" She asked, making you shrug your shoulders at her, hands up as you walked towards a nearby tree- picking up the strange orange fruits and packing them away before moving forward. They looked like some weird crossbreed of orange and pear, but, you hoped it would taste as good as it looked.
        "To be honest? Any of them. They should have some idea of what happened, but even then, The Seven are gods in this world- and from what I remember of gods... they aren't too sane to say the least." You said, reaching a small cliff side that overlooked a lake with a statue near the edge of the small island in the center of it. 
        "That's a Statue of The Seven!" She pointed in its direction as you gave her your full attention, your finger going to touch the back of your ear to signal that, mindful of the metal to not trigger the activation of your mask.
        "There are a few of these statues scattered across the land to show The Seven's protections over the world. Among the seven gods, this god controls the wind. Paimon's not sure whether the god your looking for is the Anemo God, but... Paimon'll take you to the Anemo God's place first, and there's a reason why~" She muses, giving you a small wink before turning around, allowing you to follow her down the path to the first Statue of The Seven.
        To the first step towards finding Aether and Lumine.
        Your journey has started.
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chaosinanutshell · 2 years
It was a joke yall, you're getting an angst cause Im a crybaby who overthinks things way too much >:')
Im feeling that Albedo x reader today so thats what yall are getting
Summary: Reader overthinks about the relationship because of the silence of the other side.
Angst to comfort? I dunno the ending part is just up to your interpretation ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ go crazy
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It's been a few days. Actually scratch that, its been weeks, almost a month. You don't even realize it with how repetitive they've gone by.
In those weeks you would barely see your lover Albedo. Always up in the cold, windy mountains searching for the truth of the world. Same old, same old everyday.
The first few months of the relationship were filled with love. So much love, morning and nights start with a cute "hi" accompanied by giggles and end with an "I love you" and a kiss. Comfortable silence filing the lab as he works with you just sitting around and reading. Stolen glances at the other as they focus.
Where have those days gone, you wonder. The walk from Mondstadt to the tree in Windrise in the cold windy night is a quiet one. However its not the quiet you're used to. No warm hand to hold, no arm to swing with yours, no Albedo.
Your aware of his mission, discover the truth of the world. You learned that he loses interest in things he finally found understanding of or by other means. It's understandable however nevertheless strikes fear into your little heart.
Would you just be a test subject for future reference? Or were you two friends for long that he didn't want to let you go because of rejection. Was it because he did not want to hurt you but like you down slowly? 'That plan already failed then' you think.
The stars twinkle and celestia shows its self to the world below it. The tree sways and howls with the strong wind, as if it had been exposing how muddled and crowded your head was. The river runs softly however, just as the tears do on your face.
Something will happen, whether you like it or not.
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Yeah this is gonna be my first real genshin story post so go easy on me unless ofc you're blunt, thats fine too.
Send me an ask? I'll write anything except that NSFW (those are only for my mind)
Anyway have a wonderful day (。・∀・)ノ゙
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hello!!! i'd like to request a piece of 🍰 please <3 apologies for incoming info dump about my Entire Life :| & thank u so much darling!
basic information — i use she/her and i'm bisexual, an infj, and a scorpio. a yachi kinnie :)
appearance — i'm a 5'0 asian girl with long black hair and dyed caramel tips! my body type is petit and skinny - lack of butt, unfortunately, but i got some tibby! overall im pretty tiny and always look younger than my age lol. i also wear glasses because i am Very Near Sighted, and my clothing style is a weird mix between cutesy-pastel-female-kpop-idol fits, indie teenage girl, and faux cottagecore.
personality — i'm a rather introverted person, but i'm trying my best to work on that. i have depression, anxiety, and adhd, but i'm always telling myself uplifting things and trying to work on my mindsets, so i'd like to say that i'm also sincere and compassionate! i'm also very adaptable and easily influenced by the behaviors of people around me. i think at first impression, i look standoffish and judgemental, but i think it's because i lack the confidence to say what i think and express my emotions, which i'm also working on! once i'm comfortable, i think i'm a very funny, intelligent, and caring person (i'm an extremely sensitive person and receptive to others' emotions — i cried a LOT watching karasuno v shiratorizawa 😐), but i can also tease and be a little sarcastic if the relationship calls for it. i get very affectionate and touchy with close friends too! long story short - i might seem awkward and quiet, but give me a moment— i'm trying, and i'll get there eventually, and i think that'll be worth waiting for. :)
hobbies — i like to do visual art things, like sketch pretty anime boys and also cross-stitch and make calligraphy! i'm a bullet-journaler :) i also love love LOVE learning languages and about different cultures, especially asian ones. i think i'm a pretty studious person when i get into it but i do procrastinate a lot T____T i'm also super into playing genshin impact, but i easily hop interests, so one day i'll be on this and the next, it's something else i'm rambling about. get ready to get ur ear talked off about wtv i love that week <3
likes + dislikes — i like anime, bts (!!), and otome games :> i also enjoy desserts, boba tea, flowers, and sudoku puzzles 🥺 i'm also a lover of learning, asian cultures, and dogs (also cats, but mostly dogs!) <3 i reallllyyyyyy want a pet snake one day too 🥺 family is also very important to me because i'm the youngest of 7 children! i dislike spiders snd working out (seriously the last person to want to do any type of fitness). all that "moving" jazz... volleyball is the only sport i'll probably ever even bother to learn the rules of LMAO but do not expect me to play i will eat the floor </3 my arms are sticks and i will simply embarrass myself
what i want/need in a relationship — i have a pretty idealistic idea of romance - i want someone perfect, but i know that's not realistic. at the very least, i want someone who loves me very much and is honest about that. they also need to let me be affectionate and clingy, and will be the same way back, even if it's just a little bit. i'm someone who needs love and affirmation rather consistently, like a freaking plant. i NEED someone who'll make sure i'm doing things and being productive, and someone who will actively encourage me to both be a better person mentally and physically get things done. they also should be able to take care of me (i'm a youngest child so i like being babied~) <3
this is very long, apologies! thank you so much for your wonderful matchups, they're so detailed and you work very hard on them, i can tell. thank you for your hard work!! kisses 4 u! <3
@mochiiswan ok I see you stealing my husband from me 🥲
Romantic Matchup
Bokuto Koutarou
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How yall met
Girl you were just having a bad day
Nothing seemed to be going right
So you showed up for school in a rather gloomy mood
Bokuto didn't know you
But he still didn't like how sad you seemed
So he approached you
He basically just started making small talk to try to cheer you up
You dont know why but his energy did seem to be having a positive effect on you
Bokuto really liked talking to you
And he was glad he was able to cheer you up
The bell had rung signaling it was time to go to class
But bokuto didn't wanna leave you
So he asked if you wanted to come watch his volleyball practice after school
You agreed to go
You went to his practice and bokuto found himself trying to impress you
He didn't know why
Yeah he straight up yelled that…
While you were in there…
After a quick advice break from akaashi
He asked you out on a date :)))
What they love about you
He loves that you try to improve yourself
It's one thing to have issues
But to acknowledge those issues and to want to fix them truly makes a strong person
So he loves that you love yourself enough to improve on yourself
And he WILL help you in any way he can
He loves how sensitive you are
Bb boy is sensitive too
So he's glad he's found someone to cry with when a dog dies in a movie
(Also do any of you cry when a dog dies but doesn't when a human does? No? Just me?)
He loves how you value family
Im convinced bokuto is a family man
He loves his parents and his sisters more than anything
So he's glad he's found someone with the same values as him
You can't tell me ocultos love language isn't physical touch
Come on now
You will get all the physical affection you could ever dream of
Favorite things to do together
Ok hear me out
He just likes going to the pound…
And looking at the animals with you
He likes volunteering at the animal shelter with you
You+cute animals=happy bokuto
Random HC
You drew him doing a spike once and he bout cried
Keeps the drawing in his phone case and pulls it out to brag
You take me as a hopeless romantic
And good news for you
Bokutos a hopeless romantic too :)
So your relationship is the closest to perfect relationships can get
He 100% keeps you on track
Mans is like a personal trainer istg
However don't expect to be productive with him around...
He did try to get you to play volleyball
And you did in fact eat the floor </3
When Virgo and Scorpio join together in a love match, these Signs that are two apart in the Zodiac are brought together.
Their placement gives the relationship an intense karmic bond
The Virgo-Scorpio couple is loyal and deep, with very strong ties.
Virgo and Scorpio enjoy working together toward acquisition: Virgo wants order and Scorpio wants power.
Both of these Signs are about resources, including inheritances and property.
This couple is very service-oriented and known to be dependable.
They like to lend a hand to a friend or to the community.
Additionally, Virgo can be withdrawn — while Scorpio is more opaque and outgoing.
Because of the disparity, both Signs can learn from one another if they can agree to meet halfway.
Virgo is ruled by Mercury and Scorpio is ruled by Mars and Pluto.
This combination is very heated, thanks to Pluto’s influence.
The two Signs unite to form the basic foundation of human relationships — Mercury’s communication and Mars’s passion.
Mercury and Mars go well together; Mercury is about the conscious mind, and Mars is about the passion of romance.
Scorpio is rambunctious and intense, and Virgo is attracted to this energy.
In turn, Scorpio needs the loyalty and practicality inherent in Virgo.
Overall Aesthetic
Are you bored yet - wallows
Strawberry Mentos - Leanna Firestone
Hey Lover - Wabie
Mystery of Love - Sufjan Stevens
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closer-stars · 4 years
As I did say, I would write something for new years since Christmas just wasn’t it for me lol. Okay so I’m writing this around the last few days of 2020 and I have to admit it’s been a wild ride. In the midst of not knowing how this year would go for me, I ended up creating this blog to cope with a lot of worries. 
As a result, I met new people. I made new memories with the people who decided to follow this blog for.. i don’t know what reason. I’ll admit my earlier works make me embarrassed. But hey, if the users like it then... Thank you. 
I honestly don’t know if I improved as a human being or in my endeavors but: I’m alive and I guess that’s what matters. 
The shitscram of a year has come to a close and we’re entering 2021 with a lot more than just the usual hope and determination to better ourselves. There’s still a lot of worry and concern of what’s coming globally (especially with what the news has been showing), and personally for each of us. Regardless, I wish all of you to have a year that helps you blossom into a stronger and better person. 
to the constants: @barsformars @yeochikin @hwaberrykiwi @jeongyunhoed @yeocult @rosy-wooyoung
I’m.. very awkward with these bear with me LOL. I just want to say that I’m proud of you for surviving the year and it’s shittiness. Thank you for dealing with my Weird messages at weird hours. Whatever happens in the upcoming year, I believe in you aheh. Technically, you guys have been my day 1s esp for this blog LMAO so yes. 
to the genshin bebis: @fvae @jwyfldr @inkigayeo
if we could cross servers, i would’ve crossed servers for yall LMAO. Anyways, I wish you guys the best in the new genshin content and seeing all your posts makes me happy. I don’t know what’s happening behind the screen but I want to let you know that I hope genshin and your other passions help you through life. credit to cam: should we do a genshin x atz writing collab/event or something
to the people i want to get closer(-stars jk) to: @yunwoo @yungidreamer @fairyofdusk @miniyeo @hwacinth @toffee-hwa @hwanami @atinykidult
i’m not the best at keeping up with convos so bear with me on this. >< Truthfully, we have yet to talk more often but I hope we become closer or talk more often one way or another this year? Also, i hope you guys are safe despite all the circumstances!! :< 
to the people I look up to: @vocalyunho @hongism @thelargefrye @aasthrielle @daybreakx
hello i love your works even if i’m not a fan of the group. seeing all the ideas and plot lines you come with is amazing and i’m learning a lot from you guys HAHAHA. fuck i’m shy
To the users that constantly reblog my works/comment on them.. I love you. Thank you for sticking through my works despite me sometimes not liking them. I’ll do my best to make more stuff or at least create something that you will like still ;; 
 everyone who I wasn’t able to tag, if you are reading this.. Please know I wish the best for you this coming 2021. I know things are scary still but please know this person believes in you! Thank you for sticking with this blog and user. Let’s get ready to punch 2021 and make it a year to become a better version of ourselves!
A song recommendation from me heh: Get Up - Golden
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actualbird · 3 years
Opening Line Tag Game :DDD
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
was tagged by @dont-offend-the-bees!! thanks for the tag, newt!!!! ur dghda fics holds a special place in my heart even though ive sailed away to fandoms afar.
well, here’s the first lines of the past 20 fanfics i posted onto my ao3, starting from most recent going back!!
When he gets home, Signora is leaning against the door of his apartment. (something like a death wish, Genshin Impact)
It’s a somber affair, when it’s time for Azhdaha to fade away. (it's a hard rock life for us, Genshin Impact)
Azhdaha is born into a world of darkness. (you give me miles and miles of mountains, Genshin Impact)
It starts with one of Jean’s many romance novels. (what's inside? that's causing this malfunction, Genshin Impact)
Ajax didn’t think about it much, before. (i forget the difference between seduction and arson, ignition and cognition, Genshin Impact)
The ceremony is a small affair. (if it was important, we would have remembered, Genshin Impact)
He wakes up alone, shaking and bathed in darkness. (our endless and impossible journey toward home is in fact our home, Genshin Impact)
Kaeya doesn’t have baby pictures— what with the whole abandoned by his birth father at the ripe age of six at the doorstep of a winery tycoon shebang—but ever since he did get adopted, Crepus Ragnvindr took basically a million pictures of his two boys through every single year of their life. (angry react, Genshin Impact)
How strangely time passes; sometimes it soars like a feathered sliver in the sky, hopeful and free. (it's time to leave and turn to dust, Genshin Impact)
Thankfully, Charles is the one manning the bar when Kaeya gets to the Angel’s Share tavern. (ain't i the best you had?, Genshin Impact)
Life as a Fatui grunt isn’t as fabulous as the Snezhnayan rumor mill makes it out to be. (we don't even have dental..., Genshin Impact)
Here’s the thing: Childe’s career was going fucking great. (put your hands on me, Genshin Impact)
In the beginning, there was a land that was left by the gods to rot. (take this cup away from me, Genshin Impact)
Childe is in a domain hunting down intel when things go a bit fun. (taste of poison paradise, Genshin Impact)
Everybody in Pelican Town knows of the new resident, but knowing anything substantial about him is something else altogether. (a fullered blade and a scalpel, Stardew Valley)
Ronnie’s known for quite a while that Harvey is, well...endowed. (baby, you got lucky cause you're rocking with the best, Stardew Valley)
Ronnie has always been different from other people. (legend has it that the moss grows on the north side of the trees, Stardew Valley)
Spring comes, as it always does. (that's what seasons do, Stardew Valley)
The universe lurches. (just enjoy the show, Polygon Cyberpunk Red)
It comes in stages, not all at once. (not quite 20/20 vision, Hades)
can you believe these past 20 fics were ALL posted this year???? I WROTE 20 FANFICS IN 5 MONTHS....ON GODS THIS PANDEMIC HAS GOTTA END, SKJDFHKJSDF.
anyway //steeples hands. some patterns ive noticed as i put this list together
i almost always use the first sentence to establish either setting or premise. i guess i do this because, personally, when i enter a scene, the first thing i want to know is what im supposed to be physically experiencing or what im supposed to be emotionally focused on, if that makes sense? i need to Know!!!!! which means that my first lines honestly, in my opinion, are a bit boring akjfkbjfkjbfd. i gotta set down the bedrock or else everything else will be wobbly!!! i write my fics like i construct a fuckin jenga tower, i swear akjfbakjsf
something i do keep in mind with all my first lines is the very simple yet integral rule: a sentence’s purpose is to do what it needs to do, but also to make the reader want to read the next sentence. this, i guess, is why nearly all of my first lines feel like a cliffhanger. thats on purpose because what i want to do with my first line is get u to keep reading. in a sense, my first lines are working triple time. they 1) do whatever it is they need to do for the story, 2) establish setting/premise, and 3) push you onwards to the next sentence like a baby sea turtle waddling to the ocean.
related to “triple time” but that was something i learned from a brutal fiction professor who was wonderful and intelligent! but also made me shift out of the fiction track in college HAHA. his basic belief was that sentences cant just be doing One Thing. you’re going waste a lot of time and a lot of words and lose your reader, if you go at things like that. sentences have to multitask. i am very aware of this with opening lines...
and last but not least, all these opening lines undoubtedly suck on their own HAHKJBKDFJDJF
i....dont think i have a favorite opening line of all of the ones i listed tbh. like i said, all my opening lines, on their own, dont exactly Wow, so im lukewarm about all these haha. i think....this is indicative of me having to step up my opening line game......
//jazz hands. anyway theres that! and as for ppl to tag, i am notoriously shy when it comes to writer tag games, but im breaking my shyness to tag @listentotheshityousay and @theinternationalacestation . 
no need to do it if u dont wanna, friends!!! jus know i adore yalls’ writing so very very much
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animeheadspace · 3 years
Hey congrats on your milestone!!! If it isn't to much trouble may i have (male) tokyo revengers matchup please. My pronouns are she/her. Im a Capricorn, my Mbti type is infj-a/infj-t. I tend to be shy around new people but I can be somewhat loud with people who im close to. I have medium length brown hair, green eyes i wear black glasses,pale skin and a lot of freckles. My height is 5'0. My aesthetic would be cottegecore mixed with oversized sweaters. Im not very athletic and im not a big fan of sports but i love to go roller and ice skating. I also love to read books and to also cook and bake food. I also like to garden. I've been playing the violin for 6-ish years. I love animals and im planing on becoming a wildlife veterinarian. I like to Watch nature/animal documentaries. I also like sweets. Some things i dislike are people who bend or ruin my books and people who speak over me when im trying to talk. I like "cozy" video games like stardew valley,Minecraft,animal crossing, the sims. Im not a big fan of fighting games especially shooter games but i do like specific fighting games like genshin impact and legend of zelda. I love music, I can listen to any genre and like it but my favorites are indie,bedroom pop and classic rock. sorry if i spelt anything wrong. Hope im not bothering you :)
Hope your having a good day/night :)
hi babe thanks for asking so sweetly and for congratulating me :) i finally got to you *sobs* 
i feel like you and kakucho hitto would be perfect for each other!! i’m not going to lie, i haven’t even read the manga yet, but i do know enough about him that he’s a calm enough person, and is definitely someone who can match your energy. he’s obsessed with how wholesome you are!! from everything about your cottagecore aesthetic to your height, he considers you his family, someone he would die for undoubtedly, just like izana. i think that you’d probably meet kakucho super unexpectedly - you were taking a puppy you were babysitting to a walk around tokyo, holding on to its leash a bit laxly. however, the puppy suddenly ripped itself out of your hands, deciding to paddle its way all the way to kakucho’s expensive shoes as he stepped out of his very expensive limousine. your heart dropped and hurried over to pick up the puppy in your arms, worriedly apologizing to kakucho. eventually you asked him for his number to make up for his time, and he gave it to you, despite assuring you that it was completely fine. after setting up a small coffee date, kakucho learned so much about you, as you did (you never really expected that someone so rich would agree to go to your local coffee shop). needless to say, he didn’t let you pay, and asked you to go out on an actual date with him. blushing, you agreed bashfully. 
from then on, kakucho fell in love with you. his favorite activity to do with you is probably to ditch his expensive attire, and just go on nature walks and pet cafes with you, because he knows how obsessed you are!! he also pays for all of your bookshelves and books that you read, ensuring that he never even folds a page accidently, and definitely also dedicates an entire corner of your house for you to just sit and read and be able to jam out to music as well. he’s so supportive! he wants you to be an amazing veterinarian and definitely watches your nature documentaries with you. he doesn’t really want you to involve yourself with the gangs he involves in, so your exposure to his co-workers and such are very limited, just because he really wants to protect you to the best of his ability. izana tho, for some reason, you and him hit it off. you just understood izana, so it was never awkward for kakucho to invite him over, welcoming him with your own two arms. and izana likes you a lot too!! sometimes you even get izana and kakucho to play genshin and animal crossing with you whenever they have time to spare lol. yall last forever, especially because you both are so similar in personality; i already know that~~
i hope you enjoyed this! and please, you’re never a bother, feel free to pop back into my inbox or my messages if you ever want to talk or to rant :)) have an amazing day/night too!!
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