#i really hope answering this publicly doesn't cause any problems!
miscling · 6 months
an anonymous secret for the "blow up my inbox" post
my girlfriend and I live together and both have ADHD and so constantly wandering eyes, it's accepted that if we'reon the sofa together and we're on our phones the other might see what we're doing. 2 days ago I accidentally saw some messages between her and a friend of ours and all I saw was her saying she's planning to propose to me soon!! I have no idea when or how much of a plan she has but I've not been able to stop thinking about it and I can't even talk to her about it I talk to her about everything 😅
and now I have to hope I didn't put enough detail for her to recognise this story because I think she also follows you 👀 (we both have hypnokinks lol)
omg this is such a juicy secret i was like, unsure whether or not i should post because ooooooo
(but also congratulations!)
the chaos gremlin in me wants to offer advice that should under no circumstances be followed unless you really think it'd be funny and you'd get away with it without blowing up your relationship:
beat her to the punch: make your own prep, and when she enacts whatever plan you think she has, swoop in at the last second with your own proposal. Alternatively, and perhaps less competitively, show up with your own proposal just after hers, so that you don't invalidate her efforts.
run your own game: maybe she meant for you to see? if you both have the wandering eyes, maybe she thought you might see. maybe she likes to live dangerously? leave clues to your own impending proposal and see what she does.
plan a post-proposal surprise: when she does it, have a surprise for her ready to go. something memorable, so it becomes part of the story. you can't learn there's a plan in motion and not do anything!
come clean: admit what you saw, but then, suggest brainwashing it out of you! after all, you're both hypnokinky. once you've forgotten all about it, she can pop her plans and let you remember! (disclaimer: this is probably much harder than the stories suggest, but if your adhd memory is anything like mine, you'll probably forget entirely with the right hyperfixation)
so there you have it! miscling's patented relationship advice!
um... i may have got a little carried away there...
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svtskneecaps · 1 year
qsmp ghost investigator au dump
here is everything i spitballed into my sibling's texts. apparently their discord was "thriving on it". i'll divide this into categories and attempt to format it as reader friendly as possible. god almighty i hope the keep reading below this paragraph works
there's a main investigative squad formed by roier, cellbit, fic, pac, and tubbo
roier is in charge of their social media accounts
mike is their former college roommate who they constantly bring up and declare has died, except every time he comes up the way he died was different. he's actually a really successful movie producer (or something) so one time they do a live stream for a milestone celebration and in the last ten seconds mike comes flying out of the left side with ghost stage makeup and tackles pac off the side of the screen and they never address this publicly. any time someone asks what happened to pac they answer "who's pac" including pac
cellbit gets extremely disappointed when the perp isn't supernatural
roier is thrilled when the perp isn't supernatural because the peter parker in him loves taking the piss on a billionaire publicly
fit has photographic memory (à la canon screenshots)
pac is extremely good at breaking and entering
cellbit is an old fashioned polaroid kind of guy bc digital cameras don't capture ghost evidence as clearly
roier swears by digital photos bc he likes photoshop (he carries rolls of film with him in case cellbit runs out)
fit has an auto shop. tubbo and ramón work in this auto shop. this is a headache for everyone involved but at least the auto shop was already a thin disguise for experimenting with homemade pyrotechnics so things exploding isn't a big deal
whenever the team has to do a distraction, the only two options are 1) manipulation 2) explosion
when they get caught in a bad spot, pac plays on sympathy, roier plays dumb, tubbo plays along, cellbit pretends to belong, and fit uno reverses
they commissioned jaiden for their logo. she also beta reads the scripts
richarlyson works for mike. sometimes he joins the investigation crew as a cameraman on loan. fans have learned to recognize when richas is behind the camera because the camera doesn't shake when the monster of the week appears because homeboy does not fear death. cellbit knows mike will end his bloodline if anything happens to richas (and would probably end his OWN bloodline) so he tends to be double stressed when richas is behind the camera
the team has a house, courtesy of mike, because god knows a ghost hunter's salary probably can't pay for one
bagi belongs to a "rival" investigation group. she and cellbit talk MAD shit every time they're in the same room. they are also both incredibly fucking smart and often end up working together to crack the tough cases while continuing to smack talk each other
bad is also in the rival investigative group. he is very clearly a demon. this is never commented on.
skeppy is a ghost except bad is the only one who can see him. anyone who calls skeppy imaginary is shouted down by bagi. bagi also believes skeppy is imaginary
tina is the safety net / brawn for bagi's team. she trains in hand to ghost hand combat with etoiles because she is Not Human and can punch ghosts. bagi does not know this and she just thinks tina's super cool and super talented and super badass. tina definitely thinks bagi has realized she is Not Human but they haven't like had a conversation about it but bagi's super smart sooooo
dapper is the "guy in the chair" for the rival investigation team. bad tends to ask a question into a radio (or seemingly to thin air) and immediately get the answer via text. sometimes cellbit will wonder something aloud about various ghost types or signs ("they heard scratching in the attic, so that could be caused by--") and almost immediately get cut off by bad's text tone as bad reads aloud dapper listing off three paranormal options as well as potential structural problems and rodents having an extremely fun night, at which point bad cuts himself off with "LANGUAGE" or "OUT OF POCKET"
the main team thinks dapper is just short until they realize that no, dapper is actually like 14. bad's like WHY DO YOU THINK THEY STAY IN THE VAN???
baghera makes and posts music and consults for bagi's team. cellbit is scared of her and also desperately wishes he could poach her for his own team but she only answers jaiden's calls
pomme has a ghost gun. it was a gift from etoiles. she accidentally took foolish's head off with it one time. his head grew back and that was how they learned he was Not Made of Meat. this was not particularly surprising, because bad is still her part time dad. it still scared the crap out of pomme the first time it happened because the ghost gun SHOULD only work on ghosts but foolish is in a weird enough state of undead that he qualified.
foolish was thrilled to have a spare head, hence "the first time"
vegetta is a famous architect. he calls foolish to ask which paranormal team he should consult on whether a property is haunted, because vegetta trusts his partner of unspecific relationship's judgement, considering foolish is Not Human. foolish's answer usually depends on how spiteful he feels towards tina and bad at the time of the call
bonus, i really want maximus involved in one team or the other but since he hasn't interacted with bagi yet i can't decide his role or anything concrete. but just know that's in my brain.
EPISODES (in no particular order:
foolish summons bad during a sleepover with tina and then thinks it'll be funny to summon paranormal investigators (bad also thinks it's funny). they decide to play a game of "can the investigators figure out who's the immortal". it is revealed to the audience in the end of the ""episode"" once all the investigators have left that all three of them are immortal. bad and foolish devolve into yet another argument over which one of them won based on a win condition they somehow came up with and agreed on without ever consulting each other. tina was actually the winner. roll credits.
quackity owns a casino. he hires the team to look into some demonic activity his patrons have been reporting. he spends the entire investigation and episode demanding they find the demon and exorcise the demon and generally shittalking the demon. they spend the entire episode questioning more and more how quackity's casino stays in business as everything they learn about it and him does not inspire confidence. it is revealed that ironmouse is the demon and is also singlehandedly keeping the casino in business because she fucking loves gambling. quackity immediately changes his tune.
antoine calls the team because he's KINDA worried by the latitude and longitude he keeps finding on the walls at the company he works at, written in what looks suspiciously like blood. unbeknownst to them, bagi's team was ALSO contacted, by baghera. they eventually discover the recipient of the messages is etoiles. after an incident at his previous employment he is half ghost and can now fight ghosts. the messages were from an entity that attacks things when it gets bored and it may as well fight etoiles because etoiles is the only one who has beat it so far. they meet in various back alleys and restaurant parking lots to go at it and get drinks afterward. the entity has no idea how to speak any modern languages but Fighting is Universal.
pierre is a wine baron and claims there's a unicorn who watches over his family's vineyard. it's been part of the brand since inception and it's taken mostly as propaganda and old legend until people start actually catching glimpses of a unicorn around the vineyard and the rumor starts to spread until roier "investigative journalist and old money hater" drags the team to go on a tour of the production line in hopes of blowing the case wide open. fit, pac, and tubbo are in charge of distractions while cellbit and roier sneak away to explore the vineyard and track the unicorn.
the unicorn is pierre. roier ends up finding this hilarious and while his journalistic spirit cannot allow him to NOT expose that the unicorn is fake, he ends up calling it "a white horse with a taped-on horn" instead of the face of the company in a fursuit. pierre sends the team wine periodically as thanks and also because roier still has a picture of him in a unicorn costume in the woods.
fit and pac do a wine tasting together.
wilbur contacts them because ghost slime has taken up residence in the guest bathroom and while his daughter insists slime is part of the family, phil is coming with his son (chayanne) to stay with them for a festival or something and wilbur doesn't feel like getting roasted by the middle schooler who is his brother because the bathroom smells like algae and wet dog so he needs the team to babysit slime until phil leaves town. slime spends the entire time going through windows and walls with no warning and scaring the piss out of everyone. one time he was in the cabinet when cellbit was going in to make his midnight coffee and his scream sent everyone in the house into emergency mode. roier would have FULLY put slime through the wall if slime were corporeal. lucky for slime, and their wall, slime is not.
jaiden works at an escape room and her boss reaches out to the team because he is FED UP with some paranormal entity that keeps drawing on walls and moving shit around and throwing things and tripping him and he wants it GONE. jaiden is extremely fond of bobby and bobby is extremely fond of HER, so she reaches out to the team and asks them to NOT do that and just pretend or something. so the team goes in and pretends to investigate and stuff. roier and bobby feud in the background. by the end of the episode they're besties.
the episode concludes, shockingly, with the boss and bobby gaining grudging respect for each other. somehow. the boss threatens to reveal bobby's existence to the internet at large as a publicity stunt every time bobby trips him in the hallway but never actually does. bobby stops throwing things at him (as much). the themeing of the rooms shift so the drawings and moving objects fit in. the boss is mariana.
from this episode on bobby periodically appears in the team's house, because it's my au and i make the ghost rules
the end season villain is a guy who ran the biggest corporation in the world who died under mysterious circumstances. the corporation has a duck mascot for no reason in particular hahahaha. they're a company like nesquick or aquafina or amazon or something yknow REAL assholes.
the team is contracted by the billionaire's nephew (forever) who took over the business when he died and is extremely overwhelmed by 1) running a business on this scale and 2) all the paranormal bs happening in his office (which is where the former CEO died). he also happens to be cellbit's ex. this is highly awkward.
because i hate billionaires but like forever, let's say forever was contacted by the villain solely because the CEO does NOT want any of his immediate underlings to get the company and thus only reveals his blood relation to forever IN HIS WILL. except forever is A Good Dude and is trying to grasp the full scope of the company's corruption and dismantle the shitty practices while still keeping the employees paid, despite his only business experience being his current position of running a boardwalk/beach. this ends up being the cause of the paranormal activity: the CEO is panicking now that forever is trying to 'ruin his company'.
the episode ends with the CEO briefly succeeding in possessing forever, and the combined forces of the ghost teams bring him back and send the CEO to hell.
somehow the billionaire is involved in or mentioned during previous episodes.
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lwasanta · 1 year
Helloo! I wish you the best of luck to deal with the things going on your life rn, and I hope you're okay.
Well, I really love this event, and I think it's very especial to the fandom, so I would like to volunteer to run the event this year if you think that's possible (and it doesn't causes you any problems)! I don't know how to do it, but I'll do my very best to make it work and make it happen!
You don't even have to answer this ask publicly, you can just DM me in case you believe it could work without causing you many hassles!
Good luck with everything my dear friend, I hope things go smoothly for you!
(And thank you for creating and making this beautiful heartwarming event happen the past few years!)
Everybody say thank you to Cherrie!
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monzamash · 7 months
one thing that i think is really causing a lot of trouble is that journalists are just lumping everything that's happening (horner allegations, jos verstappen/red bull conflict, max to merc, FIA corruption, all of it) into one question and asking drivers like "oh, what's your take on everything that's going on?". like... there is a lot going on
and i don't think it's wrong of drivers to not want to get too involved in the FIA's dealings and other teams' inner dynamics. like for them, all that is just probably "noise" and "distractions" and has nothing to do with them
BUT the problem is that the harassment allegations are being lumped in with those things that are (in my opinion) way less serious. and then when drivers call everything going on "noise" and "distractions", it makes the allegations seem like they don't matter. the journalists are asking stupidly vague questions, and the drivers are responding in stupid ways. because they really should all be separating the allegations from all the other shit going on
however, i do just think people should keep in mind that when drivers are saying these stupid things, they aren't (except in a few cases) being asked about the allegations against horner directly. they're just talking about everything going on generally. that still doesn't mean that they aren't fucking idiots for not realizing that they shouldn't be conflating everything into one answer. like seriously, how hard is it to keep all the drama and rumors that you're allowed to not care about separate from the very serious allegations that do actually affect your entire sport and aren't just "private matters"? 🙄
*cracks knuckles* (also full disclosure it’s morning here in aus so i’m not caught up on any recent updates so lmk if there are any x
this the biggest story in f1 right now and I refuse to believe that anyone in the paddock is naive to that. the jos stuff and max going to merc story all links back to the original reporting of sh so at the very least, those stories are front of mind. the example that stands out in my mind is both daniel, perez and nico because they were definitely talking about the red bull situation and decided to dismiss it (and go as far as to defend the person). the others maybe could brush it off as generalisation but then i just think that they’re burying their heads in the sand about it. i also think some drivers would talk about it passionately bts but don’t want to catch heat publicly (don’t love it but i hope for some this has created some discourse in their personal lives to warrant a conversation - same goes for the average person too) but who knows.
and this might be an unpopular opinion but i agree at least in part with what Valterri said about the media eating this up because it’s fodder for clicks. it’s been grossly misrepresented in all aspects of the sport from the drivers to the pr teams to the journalists… so i don’t expect there to be some almighty savour to come out and restore our faith in the sport but I know for damn sure that there is a long way to go and a lot of work to be done if we want women and other communities to feel welcome in sport generally - not just formula one.
expect cricket australia because the captain of the national team sent an unsolicited dick pic to one of his coworkers and was sacked into non existence and it was beautiful. they’ve obviously fucked up with other things but for the sake of my argument, we will leave it there lol
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madchild-dennis · 1 year
Sometimes I ABSOLUTELY CANNOT with God.
I was about to post a God persistently trying to persuade me to change my no dating stance and my stance about the Asshole. Plus telling me to rough design the MAIN PALACE.
To then see Maliek walk in as an answer to my response to God. Reminding me that the replacement is also there READY.
Trust me I was just going to post about being swayed and wavering in the moment but in the end, my answer is always the SAME. However, God is persistent because it's time and I need to be READY, hence the Palace designing.
I really cannot with GOD, too damn determined.
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I used to stressed about the Main Palace designing, but now I'm good doing it on my own. But damn I keep forgetting things I'd want. Plus the intricacies of the functionality and making sure things are able to be executed properly and optimally. Plus privacy and security. There are so many things that are necessary. Yes, I'll get it professionally done, but I know what I want in regards to the feel, wants, and the type of experience I want at the Palace. So that's why I'm designing a rough plan. But the details and final outcome with the things I want, feel and more will be professionally done, for sure. So I don't mind this. I didn't want to stop my lil mini vacation I had relaxing and watching a HILARIOUS K-drama but I don't mind changing to focus on what God ask.
Now the asshole. Yes, I COULD forgive and forget. But why should I? Give me ONE GOOD REASON. Love is not a good reason. Nor is "God said" a good one either. Because God said and SHOWED me an amazing man in early 2021 in regards to a future marriage with him. Then God called me married and especially during that period that shit was worst than any fucking man or husband. Because I've met men and even if they were or were NOT hyperfocused on sex, and they were according to what God told me all that time. "He loves you..." or "He wants you..." or some other fucking shit along that line. Would NEVER do what he did to me. Even the fucking rapist (I'm calling the guy who nearly raped me such) would never do what he did. In fact up to even court with the hopes of my changed mind or more still would never do what he did to me. It's harsh because the rapist, his friends and family want to cause me harm or more. If I wasn't charging him, he would do whatever he could to get what he wants. But not what the asshole did. Why?
Because they all see my value, have feelings for me or care enough not to do certain things or want me in discomfort (if I accepted their offers) in hopes of something or simply because they liked me. MANY would jump loops (if I accepted it), do what they WOULD NEVER for anyone else, because they know my worth. Even if for them it is in hopes for a lady to lie down with or stick their dick into. I did NOT have to suffer if I wanted to take the MANY offers. In fact, some would follow all my rules including no sex or no relationship, but I know it would be wrong and emotionally hard for them. So, I chose discomfort instead. What did that shit do when I was in problems? Exactly.
Plus I could hold unto the fleeting few good moments. BUT dude gaslighted me about them. ACTED LIKE IT NEVER HAPPENED. Swore to me and more that I was lying. AND SO MUCH MORE. So, his WISH IS MY COMMAND. Therefore that shit brought NOTHING good to me from the moment we met till now. WHY SHOULD I FORGIVE or GIVE HIM A CHANCE HE CLEARLY DOESN'T WANT OR CARE.
If we are going to go to NOW or say let go of the past and have faith or hope. Okay. Where is his faith or hope or fucking obedience. What also fucking pisses me off is I take all the fucking risk while that shit WAITS until it's CONVENIENT for him. NO FUCKING SACRIFICE or only does it AFTER I share how it would benefit him, publicly. Like when I stated God said to sponsor him and get the forms for it. Those who were following remembered how QUICKLY the little shit showed up at the bookstore. But can't post a fucking picture or share the truth. In fact, here's another thing.
I ask him to make a sacrifice from EARLIER IN THE FUCKING YEAR. I said stop school and come to me. If he comes after, then I'll make him my concubine. This was before the whole action of deleting and death certainty consequence:
But the shit continued with life. Well now that the shit should be finished with exams and more I will share this. So if he change now, it makes no fucking difference. If he did as I told early enough or just did it. At some point we would come together and talk about his schooling and education and we both would come to an agreement as to what to do. Which could mean letting him complete the year and then finish school abroad. I did say that at the end whatever we decide WE DECIDED. Or if it was too late, then pray the absence from exam still goes in his favour. Or we go together and I wait outside if we agree to complete the year. That's because I'm not a controlling person, nor like forcing anyone to do what they don't want to. I don't like it done to me why would I do it to others. Hence wanting a partnership.
But too bad for the little shit. He CHOSE SCHOOL over Obedience. he chose it over God, that Marriage and more. He chose it over me. He chose something he can do over instead of a human he cannot replace. I hope he failed the semester. Plus I have ABSOLUTELY NO use for a concubine. I do not need his fuck up family's manipulative and disgusting genes in my children. I already have a heir and more. So I have ABSOLUTELY NO USE for him, even if God forces me or persists on him. IT'S A NO.
Then Maliek. Maliek isn't a big issue other than his pride, feelings and I'm sure he is with someone else. The thing is, I was falling hard at a time God was all "you'll loose salvation if you wavered". Then I cared, then I wanted not to loose salvation. Then I wasn't all, "I DON'T GIVE A FUCK if I die or loose salvation." Then God was on my ass to be "perfectly obedient". However, what many do not understand, as of October onwards of last year, anyone God provided and I liked and wanted for my future and as the replacement would be the replacement. NO matter WHAT Raheem did afterwards. So, like Nicholas, if I wanted him as the replacement, we wouldn't be having this conversation. In fact, I maybe would have been pregnant already or something of that sort.
Anyway, despite being hurt and we both keeping our distance, he still checks on my posts, and more. So, he knew my stance change. In fact, I sense he wants to try or attempts. However, out of fear that I would leave him for the asshole, he keeps it to himself. I'm pretty sure he is waiting on him to die as I say or for me to convince him. With the die thing, I think, just the act of me moving on, would be one of the tools God will use to kill him (Takotsubo cardiomyopathy). If not that, there's drowning, car accidents, killing, slipping & falling and hitting his head or more. Anything God want to use will be the tool. However, there has to be FAITH first. There's ALWAYS has to be FAITH in the mix. He has to try, then once I'm completely sure and satisfied with the option. Then there's nothing left, but to remove the asshole. Which God will do and would have done. That includes if I wanted and could see a future according to God's plan, with Nicholas. Plus if I have to convince him, I would still have to do so even when Raheem's dead. So, that's a NO on that.
Plus the last I know (a few weeks ago) he happily has a girlfriend. I mean he looks contented. Not trying a stunt or flaunt or make me jealous like he has slightly done before. But happily with whoever. So I am definitely happy for him and keeping my distance. So, that one was entirely up to him, during the times I was open to dating. Now, it's still kind of up to him. However, he has to be willing to take the risk. That's loosing someone he is certain about (the girlfriend he has now) for the POSSIBILITY, I change my mind if he initiates a conversation. However, I ain't having that convo with a taken person. Yep, it's a dilemma.
BUT NONE is my problem, I'm happily designing so a none issue and they are men who seem fine without me. Plus I'm surely happy without them.
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I don’t know if you have said you won’t talk about the T & Miss J situation. If you did forget this ask. If not what do you think about both company doing nothing about it? Or are they doing something behind the scenes? Until last night i was still thinking i really don’t give a f about them. But now the talk on the street is someone got into her cloud and that’s how they got the pictures. And now i think it’s frightening for someone anyone really do be on the receiving end of something like that.
I hope they are ok more importantly that she is Ok cause it’s her privacy that has been made public, it’s her cloud. Mr T to an extent cause he is in the pictures but for me i couldn’t bring myself to worry about him. But her i feel for her and it seems like it’s not the first time.
And if in a cruel world all this shenanigans is like a pr stunt or something 🔪
T & Miss J, that sounds like a drink name, lol. No, I have no policy on not talking about this, I actually answered a few asks last week when the leak rumor started.
As to the companies approach and their current public silence on it, this is how I see it. Concerning the breach of privacy and hacking someone's IG account or iCloud (it's still not sure what is the origin of the photos), YG is the company that could make a statement because this concerns Jennie, the idol under contract there. Her account was hacked. But just because they haven't said anything, it doesn't mean nothing is being done. Fans shouldn't expect instantly to be in the loop in regards to this issue and how it's handled. Since this is no longer just a mere dating rumor, but something much more serious, perhaps the approach is different. Fans trending hashtags on twitter and demanding a public response is certainly out of concern, but it's also for their peace of mind because they the fans feel the need to know that something is being done. But since they're not in they haven't gotten a response yet, it might translate for them as the company doing nothing to protect its artist. At the same time, the leaks started last week with gurumiharibo posting the photos with their own watermark, but now it escalated, so it does make me wonder why that person was still able to do what they want and still wasn't stopped somehow after so many days. It's a sketchy situation and everyone thinks they have their answer, but at this point, the reality is that we simply don't know.
As to the fans reaction, I think it's quite interesting what's happening. They spent days (some of them are still doing it), making threads to debunk the photos, calling themselves photoshop experts to prove the photos of Tae and Jennie are fake. Of course focusing primarily on proving they are not dating, more than on the aspect of this being a harmful breach of privacy that could lead to the leaking of other personal information, which in my view, is the biggest concern. But now that photos of Jennie with Rose in NY and a mirror selca with Jisoo were also posted, there is a shift in conversation because I guess they are finally allowing themselves to realize that this is way more serious than someone editing photos of Tae and Jennie to fuel a dating rumor. I haven't seen anyone trying to prove the Jennie and Rose photo is fake, that someone took photos of them separately and edited them together. Everyone simply acknowledges it's them. So this points to the actual problem fans had up until now, which was simply not wanting to acknowledge that two people are dating. The more they denied that, the more photos kept leaking. As fans that call for the protection of Tae and Jennie, unfortunately their priorities in the beginning were those of typical stans who cannot accept even the possibility of them being in a relationship. So now it lead to this point.
Hybe doesn't need to make any statement, unless they want to publicly acknowledge that the dating rumor is true or not, which then again, it's not something that is mandatory. Not saying anything could mean different things, especially compared to their approach towards dating rumors in general, which were quickly denied. They are not doing it now, especially since it's way bigger than some article on Pann based on imaginary lovestagram. So perhaps they simply don't want to get involved or Tae himself doesn't want for any statement to be made. We can't possibly know. My point is, fans demanding Hybe to speak up about the leaks of Jennie's photos is not realistic because it concerns an artist from another company.
The situation is still unfolding and everyday now, something else may come up, which is a scary thought. I feel sorry for Jennie because someone hacking a phone and reveal private photos is not something that anyone wants, especially in the context of the world to see. I hope something gets done as soon as possible and as much as I wish this could be a learning lesson for those who are first and foremost more concerned about their idol dating and not about how that information got out, but I'm not getting my hopes up.
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patrickpattersxn · 2 years
P, A, N, I, C - 13, 6, 4, 10, 17
P - Philosopher - Are they particularly philosophic? What do they believe is the purpose of life? Do they have any particularly strong convictions or ideologies?
no, he's not philosophic at all.
patrick struggles with the idea of a life's purpose. to dilute someones life down to one sole reason, it seems menial and sort of cruel.
don't get in his way, he won't get in yours & technology was made by the devil and it smells fear.
A - Advocate - How do they show their support for others? Are there any causes that they publicly support? Why?
he's. just. there. like a stray cat. or a big plant. if someone want's patricks support and he cares enough to give them it, then he always makes sure he's wherever that person needs him.
he's not a demon, he does support causes. lgbtq+, kids in care, healthcare, human rights - he doesn't give it a second thought to support these causes. he just does. people should be allowed to life their life without judgement.
N - Navigator - What’s their sense of direction like? Do they have a set path in life that they’re planning on following? What do they do if they’re knocked off course?
patrick knows his life plan. it's been mapped out for his brother and him since they crossed the threshold into the bodaway household and became a part of the bodaway family dominion. when patrick is knocked off course, he'll do his best to push himself to get back on track
I - Inventor - How creative is their thinking? Do they seek out the opinions of others or rely on their own ideas? What’s their problem solving approach?
he finds new ways to smash up his phones and laptops every time he needs to. that's creative, right? there are a few people in his life who's opinions and advice he seeks out - paxton, persephone, hayden...
patrick's problem solving approach is panic and hope it works out for the best
C - Caregiver - How do they give/receive care best? Do they care for everyone or just a small number of people? How do they react to someone in need?
patrick is a dumb dumb. he's not great at identifying what people need in terms of care but he tries his best and that really shows. he only tries when he's around people he cares about. patrick is selective of who he cares about, he's been burned before. he keeps his circle small to his family/extended family. if someone's in need and it's an emergency, it's probably not patrick you want to call for.
4. what is your muse’s happiest memory?
patrick doesn't have many happy memories. when hayden took in the pattersons is the most obvious one.
6. what is your muse’s favorite kind of weather?
dry and sunny, no nonsense
10. who does your muse consider their best/closet friend?
already answered
13. what would your muse consider their best physical feature?
his height? he can reach the top shelf when you need him to
17. what was the best/most thoughtful gift your muse has ever received?
his life. hayden saved him and took paxton and himself in. he owes hayden everything.
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Hi!!!! I was wondering if I could do a request where the reader goes to an exo concert and doesn't tell them and they see pics/vids of her there & getting along really well with them and they get into a fight becos he's jealous?? Sorry if that doesn't make sense...
He didn’t realize it was you at first; he had been sent a bunch of videos of EXO hanging out and it completely confused him. hat is until a bunch of tweets started spreading, questioning you about how long you had been a fan and if Jin was with you at the concert. It was then that he realized that not only did you go to their concert and not tell him, you were hanging out with them backstage, sitting with them on the couch, dancing with them, being close with them. He was a little annoyed to say the least. He wonders why you didn’t tell him, getting concerned over why you would want to keep that a secret. When you got home he was waiting on the couch, television off, phone in his hands.
“Yah, you could have just told me you were going to a concert. You don’t have to hide things from me, especially when I have time off, you should let me know if you already have plans so I don’t feel stupid waiting to spend time with you all day…” His words started out kind, he didn’t want to be mean, but they gradually got more harsh as he spoke. It took you back quite a bit, you hadn’t expected such a harsh reaction from him.
“I got the tickets a while ago, I didn’t know you would be off today so I didn’t think it mattered. Next time you have time off feel free to go off on your own, I don’t want you to waste anymore of your time.” You bit back with hurt evident in your tone. God he felt like an ass.
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He’s not the type to get jealous easily, he knows you love him so he has no reason to. That is, until he sees photos of you hugging Chen, the same guy who admitted very publicly that he had a crush on you. He couldn’t stop the anger from building up. 
When you got home he wasn’t there. For the next week he didn’t come home and the only explanation he gave you was that he was ‘busy’ and would ‘be staying at the studio for a while’. It didn’t take you more than two seconds to realize he was mad at you but you couldn’t figure out why, and it certainly didn’t help that he wouldn’t answer his phone no matter how many times you called or texted. The boys didn’t have answers for you either.
The final straw for you was when you went to finally visit him at the end of the week. You brought him food just in case he was hungry, hoping he would at least talk with you. But when you knocked he didn’t answer. You knew he was in there cause when you knocked the music stopped. For good measure you knocked once more. Hearing movement you thought he was coming to let you in; instead you heard the sound of the lock clicking. You didn’t want to believe it but when you tried to twist the knob you realized he wasn’t unlocking the door, he was locking you out.
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He didn’t want to be mad at you, you weren’t doing anything wrong, but he still felt twisting in the pit of his stomach as more videos popped up of you enjoying your time with the other group. He didn’t stop watching the videos even though he knew they were only making him worse. Instead, he watched them on loop until you got home. And the anger was unleashed on you.
He had argued with you for over an hour about how you were too close with other guys and how you were making everyone doubt your relationship, even him. When he said he was doubting your relationship you couldn’t help but be wounded. You knew you didn’t do anything out of line and yet he was trying to say that he didn’t have faith in you anymore.
“Well if you can’t trust me then why are we together?!” You shouted with pure anger flowing out of you. He seemed a bit startled by your question but fired back with just as much rage,
“If you’re going to keep being like this then maybe we shouldn’t be!” 
Silence filled the room, both of your chests heaving. His with anger as he calmed from his rage. Yours, yours was heaving as you attempted to hold back the tears that were so dangerously close to spilling out. 
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He knew he was spiraling when he saw the images; he knew he needed to ignore them. You weren’t doing anything bad. You weren’t even being touchy with them. Yet he was freaking out. You could easily be with any of them. He could see it i their eyes when they looked at you that any of them would be happy to have you at their side. You didn’t have to stay with him. You could leave him.
The door opening broke him out of his trance and he jumped to his feet.
“You’re really coming back here after hanging around all of those guys?!” He questioned. You were clearly caught off guard buy the anger he spoke with. You didn’t think there should be any problem.
“What are you talking about Nams, I live here of course I would come back here.” You were so confused about his attitude, but he took it as you not taking the situation seriously.
“I’m surprised you didn’t go home with one of them. You like spending so much time with them so you might as well.” Oh Hell no. He saw it in your eyes as soon as he said that. You were not about to have any of his shit tonight.
“Do you get my permission anytime you hang out with a woman, Namjoon? No. Do you tell me where you’re going and when you’ll be coming back everyday? No. So why the fuck do you expect me to do that? I can hang out with whoever I want, whenever I want; and if you have a problem with that, then you can take your jealous ass elsewhere. When you get over yourself you can come back.”
i can see anyone he dates having to be just as scary if not more than him
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(him after you go off)
From the moment you walked in the door he was cold toward you. He wouldn’t be mean or rude to you at all, but he wouldn’t hug you when you got home, he wouldn’t cuddle you when you laid next to him in bed. He didn’t act the same as he normally did and you automatically knew that something was up. He wouldn’t tell you at first, letting himself simmer in his own anger. After a few days, though, he was tired of keeping it to himself. 
“You think I’m being distant? Well maybe that’s because you can’t keep your hands off other men! It’s a concert, not a strip show, so why were you getting all close with them?! Why did you come home wearing one of their jackets?!” He had let himself stew for so long that when he finally boiled over it was a jarring moment. There was so much anger that you had to admit you were a little concerned.
“I was cold and they didn’t want me getting sick on the way home, Jimin. I didn’t do anything bad so I don’t see why you’re mad at me. Yes I was close with the, I’ve been a fan for so long I was so happy to meet them but I didn’t do anything that you don’t do with your fans. So stop it. Stop being mad at me and go back to being my Jiminie…”
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He would be straightforward about his issue. As soon as you got home he would want to sit down and talk. He couldn’t keep the annoyance out of his voice as he confronted you. He kept saying you were too close to them and how everyone was going to spread rumors about you now; he started ranting about how you caused so many problems for him now, all because you went to a concert.
He was stunned when you started yelling at him. Of course you didn’t like what he was insinuating! He had no right to say that you were causing problems over something so minuscule. He bit back at you, arguing that you were to irresponsible, that you should have asked him to come with you or not gone at all. And that’s where it got bad. It went back and forth, arguing over little things said and done by the other that made the two of you annoyed and when the arguing finally stopped you were both red in the face, tears running down your cheeks. It felt like a breakup even if no one said it was. 
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This is the only boy that wouldn’t be starting a fight. Don’t get me wrong, he was so jealous just seeing you be around them. But, he would get bratty more than mad, and it was almost more infuriating than a fight.
When you got back he wouldn’t greet you. When you said your hellos to him he would just ignore you, turning up his nose. As you got changed for bed you asked to borrow one of his shirts. And this is where it starts.
“Why don’t you ask one of your EXO boyfriends for a shirt.” It was muttered but still held the bitterness. Ah, so that’s why he was being so cold. You rolled your eyes, grabbing one of his shirts anyway, before climbing into bed. You tried to curl up with him, like you did every night. But he turned over and moved over to the edge of the bed.
“Really, Jungkook? Can’t we just cuddle and go to sleep?” You groaned.
“Go cuddle with your EXO boys.” You grit your teeth and grabbed your pillow. You slipped out of bed and stomped out.
“I’ll sleep in the spare room then, since you want to be such a child.” He wouldn’t respond to you at all but you could hear him let out a igh as you closed the door behind you. You hope he regrets it.
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pickledchickenetti · 5 years
(pt 1) I'm a woman and am happily married to another woman and I don't understand why everyone was so upset at Krista. She openly supports marriage equality and has defended it. She has close LGBT friends (I know having black friends doesn't make you not racist but in my experience people that have been opposed to my sexual orientation stop being friends with me) and advocates for LGBT persons to be included in the church and conservatives to accept us.
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Hi friend, thanks for your thoughts! I don’t know your background, so I hope that my answer doesn’t come across as condescending or rude as that is certainly not my intention. My opinions on Krista’s stance on gay issues are strongly colored by my experiences, which I have no problem admitting. I’m sure plenty of other LGBT folks have different feelings, which is totally fine. For what it’s worth, I saw more people upset with Krista over her posts about abuse victims not remarrying after a divorce than I have over any of the LGBT posts she’s made, but I’m not going to pretend that I haven’t regularly made critical comments about her LGBT posts/stances here. 
In order to be fair to her, I decided to go back through her blog (on Tumblr, not her other blog) and re-read her posts on gay issues in order to make sure that I’m not taking other people’s comments about her or vague memories I have of old posts and projecting my own frustrations with other conservative Christians’ opinions onto Krista.. I’m going to do my best to source anything I reference via links to that post, but I apologize if I miss anything. 
I will also be focusing on issues regarding people who are sexually attracted to the same sex (using the blanket term of “gay”, which also represents bi/pan/etc.) for this post. I am cis myself, and your question references your same-sex relationship and family, so in this case it feels appropriate to stay in my lane and not offer opinions on a cis person’s stances on gender issues as another cis person. I do not mean to exclude gender nonconforming people from the overall LGBT community in any way. 
The oldest about posts I can find from Krista about anything gay-related are anons asking her opinions. I’m fairly sure that this is the first one, where she essentially gives a fairly neutral action that could be interpreted as “I don’t think being gay sends you to hell” or as “I think gay people can go to heaven too as long as they repent of that sin along with the others”. She does not make it clear what her opinion on same-sex attraction specifically is, as another anon then pointed out in this post. Does her tone in addressing the anon bother me? Yes. Does she have the right to call out people she feels are being rude to her? Also yes. 
Early on in the post she says “First, you missed out on a lot of people. It’s actually LGBTQIAAP.” (likely referencing the anon saying LGBTQIA), and it’s just a personal pet peeve of mine for straight people to try to act like they have any authority on things like the acronym, but I realize that that’s just me and she also has no way of knowing the anon’s sexuality so perhaps it was one straight person (sarcastically) informing another straight person of a perceived shortcoming. Perhaps not. She then goes on to defend her refusal to give a “straightforward answer” by, in my opinion, continuing to dodge the question. 
Further down she brags that she “was actually named best advocate at a national moot court competition this past year arguing that Title VII protects against sexual orientation discrimination”. Now maybe I’m wrong, but it’s my understanding that moot courts aren’t typically events where you’re expected to defend your own personal beliefs, but events where you are assigned a stance and have to argue it regardless of what you believe. If that’s the case, mentioning that is irrelevant. If it is not the case and she was able to choose that stance, bragging about it for some sort of ally point is, in my opinion, arrogant. 
She ends the post by saying that her LGBT friends “are entitled to all of the rights, privileges, and safeties that I enjoy as a straight woman. Who you love and who you’re attracted to does not change your place in society or the rights that you have or opportunities you should be able to pursue.” Sure, your sexual orientation SHOULDN’T change your place in society or your rights, but it DOES. It absolutely does, and to say that LGBT folks are entitled to the same rights as straight women is, at best, misguided. Krista is a lawyer who has, in theory, interacted with multiple members of the LGBT community, so she should realize that regardless of what should or shouldn’t be true, LGBT still DON’T have the same rights as her in many states, and even in states where legally we have the same rights we still live with fears she will never experience. 
As for the claim that Krista is “not only tolerant of my family but accepting” and that she “accepts me and defends my rights”, here are my thoughts. I don’t want to be tolerated. If you’re cool with just being tolerated then more power to you, but as someone who is merely tolerated by a number of Christians, it really hurts and feels extremely de-humanizing. I do feel that “tolerates” is an accurate word for Krista’s stances on gay people (with the possible exception of the gay friends she claims to have). I do not feel that Krista “defends” gay people and our families beyond her belief that she is legally obligated to uphold the law. She has said that she is “totally fine with gay couples adopting”, which is a positive. She has also said she feels families with same-sex couples should be treated like “any other couple”, which again, is a positive. I guess I just don’t feel like that’s the same as defending. She recently admitted that she has never voted for a Democrat, and while I understand why someone from Vermont might see third-party candidates as viable (because in many Vermont races they are), she has to realize that voting third-party for president is throwing away your vote in the current political climate. Beyond voting, what is she actually DOING to “defend” gay people? Nothing she has ever said makes me think she’s using her privilege to truly defend us to her conservative Christian circles. Unless proven otherwise, I can’t help but feel that she’s able to talk a (vague) big game about being supportive without actually doing any supporting. 
I have recently said that it is my belief that she thinks gay sex/acting on same-sex attractions is sinful, even if our marriages should be legal. I will admit that I formed that opinion largely based on a private conversation I had with her, and which I will not share publicly without her permission. In going through old posts, I came across this post, which I feel also supports this opinion. An anon says that they can’t see any good qualities to overcome “when the thing they disagree with is gay rights/gay marriage/that being gay is a sin”, and that they’d “say the same about someone who identified as a Nazi or a white supremacist”. In Krista’s response, she literally says “But, by the same token, you and I are talking right now, and hopefully, I’m not reminding you of a Nazi”. That statement seems to imply that she falls into at least one of those categories or else why would she remind the anon of a Nazi? In another post she also says that “I do believe that all people are responsible for their sexual BEHAVIOR”, which seems to imply that there is something sinful about sexual behavior between people of the same sex. 
If we want to get down to it, this is the post that was the cause of my initial feeling that Krista was not a safe person for gay people. If someone asks you if you think being LGBTQ+ is a sin and your answer is to tell them they are trying to “stir division”, it is only fair to assume that you think they won’t like your answer. If I ask someone their belief on that subject, I am asking because I want to know their opinion. This anon echoes the same sentiment. If she’s really worried about “stirring division” she should have just ignored the question. 
To anyone still reading at this point, thanks for sticking it out with me. Honestly Krista’s recent posts (paired with some events in my life offline) have really got me thinking, and I have a lot of things weighing on me. I’m glad that you are able to feel that as long as she believes you deserve the same rights as she does it’s fine. I hope you continue to feel safe in that. Unfortunately, many of us aren’t that lucky. Many of us have lived too much of our lives feeling disgusting and broken and worthless because of teachings that that same God she worships and we were brought up to worship disapproves not only of any relationships we have, but of an inherent part of who we are. The biggest reason that I continue to speak out against Krista’s posts is because I just need any scared or confused young gay teenagers in the church to know that they don’t have to settle for being tolerated, and no matter who thinks they’re sinning, they’re not. 
Krista’s posts (in the context of the rest of the blog) would have devastated me at one time in my life. When I speak out against them, I’m usually saying the sorts of things I wish someone would have said to me then.
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lordendsavior · 7 years
I honestly feel so bad for the fans hopeful Harry would mention their blm signs. But, maybe I'm too cynical, I don't think any amount of discourse will change his opinion on speaking about it publicly. I don't think Harry doesn't believe in the blm movement, I believe he does it's just... he doesn't talk about things that are hard to talk about.
OK, Irarely talk about it here, so I’m gonna use this message as an opportunity, butit’s not gonna be coherent, that’s for sure. Sorry lol. Let’s start with Harry.I don’t see him as an activist. Nothing that he has done so far has been anactivism to me, but acts of support, kindness, being open and inviting, statinghis opinion (and more than that avoiding to state his opinion), etc. I don’tshare the expectations, that some people in the fandom have about him – Italked about it when he was on Quotidien and answered the question abt equalityrights, I didn’t agree with him, but that in no way changed my overall opinionof him, cause I simply don’t need his approval/big political statements, he’snot that person for me. I like when he does something that I agree with, thatis close to my heart, but that’s it.
Now when itcomes to the Black Lives Matter movement, I really don’t feel like the rightperson to make comments, cause it’s not my place, for many reasons, mainlycause I’m white, but also I live in a country with one of the most homogenous societiesin Europe (in terms of race, ethnicity, nationality, religion etc.), so ourproblems with racism are completely different. Our racism and xenophobia comein the form of not wanting immigrants, doing everything to maintain the statusquo, and of course your typical gross jokes and stereotypes, just to mention afew. The societies where the Black Lives Matter movement exists are verydifferent from my society. I wholeheartedly support the notion of BLM, but the reality of it is not something I know, not because I wouldn’t like to but because I don’t have the experience and the insight knowledge (even the knowledge of a white person living in a society where BLM movement is active and relevant), so tbh I’m not sure howto show the support, I’ll reblog a picture now and then but it feels so irrelevant idk. Anyway,moving back to Harry and to the reactions of people, every single black personcan feel however they want about Harry now and it’s none of my business.They understand and feel what the movement is better than me.
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