#i really like the lab Tommy headcanons
sing-me-under · 2 years
Design Headcanon: Dream and Tommy are both sympathetic shapeshifters who take form after the people around them. Tommy looks the same but his hybrid traits change, while Dream’s entire being takes bits and bobs of different people. However, after Dream traded his skin away to XD, he became unable to shapeshift anymore.
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offtherailsraccoon · 3 months
Any favorite dsmp headcanons? Or any of yours?
I have an entire Google doc dedicated to heacanons that desperately need to be revisited and rewritten so I'm SO HAPPY you asked this!! Though, I'm not sure where I got them because i usually come up with them by something extremely vauge, or something i saw multiple years ago revamped to fit my interpretation of the lore. Of course, I'll only put my favorites, otherwise it'd just be mindless rambling and written works I'm not proud of <3
—Tommy was Aroace and used both He/Him and They/Them pronouns, but prefered masculine pronouns to be used more often.
—After the “Prison Incident,” Tommy suffered slight brain damage, which rendered him unable to perceive depth.
Because of this, Tommy became embarrassingly clumsy. They would constantly bump into door frames, knock cups over, and stand too close to people.
—There was never a day that went by where Tommy didn't gain a new injury. It may have been an odd bruise on his leg or a cut on their face from falling, but he always had something new.
It was rare to see Tommy without bruises or blood staining their face; most of the time, it was just from whacking himself in the face or the near constant nosebleeds he got on a daily basis for no known reason.
—Tommy had an excellent resistance to food poisoning because of how strong his immune system was, thanks to them spending the entirety of their life consuming less than edible things, including: mud, dirt, moss, small rocks, various types of bugs, flowers, unidentifiable berries, bog water, playdough, rain water, blues clues toothpaste, a chunk of the Egg, random mushrooms, old cigarettes, seaweed, puddle water, uncooked meat, Wilbur's cooking, paper, puddle water, grass, bones, battery acid, raw salmon, worms, and occasionally rotten flesh, oddly.
—Due to dying so close to lava when Tommy was resurrected, it reset his normal body temperature to the unnatural warmth, leaving them vulnerable to the cold.
—Upon being revived, Tommy experienced a sensory overload—after being in limbo for over two months where there was no sensory other than the occasional “visit” from another occupant—and, much like his body temperature, his tolerance for touch lowered drastically.
—Because of the magic transferred from the Revival Book to Tommy, as well as the effects of the Blessing (<- a headcanon not yet developed enough to be put into words)—and probably bits of radiation poisoning from hanging out in Tubbo’s lab too often—they glowed a slight purplish hue, really only visible in the dark.
Tommy, simply wanting to cause chaos, had told Beeduo that he swallowed an entire glow-stick and the radiation he got from Tubbo and his workshop had reacted to the liquid inside, and, the best part, they believed him. (They didn't actually believe him, but they together decided against questioning him further, and instead chalked it up as another cryptid feature of his he didn't want to admit.)
—Tommy occasionally worked part-time jobs at Las Nevadas as a waiter or bartender for pocket money to give to Wilbur.
—Tommy had the same voice as Finn from the hit show Adventure Time.
—While Tommy had a wide variety of songs they listened to, he used to only have access to The Able Sisters and animal crossing soundtracks, given that technology and the ability to access other servers universe-wide was still fairly unexplored.
Because of this, on the rare occasion Tommy didn't have his headphones playing, they would often have audible hallucinations of The Able Sisters in the background.
—Tommy had a habit of biting or chewing on whatever was in hand, to provide a sense of comfort and security.
Often he’d hold his communicator just to chew on it, as an attempt to focus the strong emotion that clouded his thoughts into something physical. Or, more often than not, he’d bite his pointer finger and just hold it between his teeth, which would slightly muffle his speech.
Developed from childhood, the sensory stimulation mannerism originated as a coping mechanism for stress or uncertainty, but gradually evolved into a subconscious habit over time.
—Starting in early Logstedshire, Tommy had begun talking to themself both as a way to cope with the isolation and fill the achingly unfamiliar silent atmosphere, and to continue practicing their German, Spanish, Russian, and Dutch, so as not to get rusty with the languages. However, as time progressed, Tommy's quiet comments to himself turned into loud discursive monologues about both everything and nothing, bouncing incomprehensibly between five different languages, often lasting hours.
This habit had persisted even after his solitude had long since ended, meaning, anytime Tommy would get lost in their own head, he would begin to unintelligibly ramble aloud without realizing (much to the disgruntlement of Technoblade and many, many more).
Oftentimes, it worried Tommy, due to the fact this very habit was one of the first few signs of Wilbur’s spiral.
—Despite their insistence about being 6’ 2”, Tommy was at most 5' 11”. He molded an enlarged raccoon paw-print to the bottom of each of his shoes, to not only disguise his footprints, but also to make him appear taller.
The mold doesn't effectively hide his footprints anymore because of his runner blade where his right shoe would be, and when putting the raccoon paw-print next to the elongated groove, it created even more distinct footprints than before. (<- this last part is a tad outdated considering I now have the unwritten design trait of him wearing mismatched shoes, which wouldn't work with a runner blade)
—Tommy had a bad habit of spending days “tabbing out” (canonically dissociating, like seriously i can't make this up) in dark areas with little to no sunlight or light in general—like their house from paranoia, a random cave to gather cobblestone, or the church for praying—enough that they accidentally grew an increased sensitivity to sunlight.
He did this without anyone's knowledge, but Tubbo was usually able to tell by how much Tommy squinted and shielded his eyes when outside.
—Due to how unnatural it was, the use of the Revival Book caused aging in any dimension except Limbo to permanently cease in its victim. For that reason, Tommy remained nineteen even around three years after the ‘Prison Incident’.
Eventually, Tubbo and Ranboo became fully fledged adults with the responsibilities of a child, mansion, and even a nation, yet they still remained in close contact with Tommy despite the difficulties that came with maturing while he stayed the same nineteen year old he was. Even still, he provided a welcomed constant presence in their chaotic lives. (<- I view this as more of a au than an actual headcanon because I like the idea of benchtrio being around the same age)
—Because Tommy learned to stitch sutures before any actual sewing techniques for fabrics, the original L'manburg uniforms—although almost professionally designed with the help of Niki—were very stiff and hard to move around in.
That actually turned out to be most of the headcanons, my bad!!
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ryemackerel · 1 year
in my funny headcanon au (it still doesnt have a name RIP…), i find it so sweet that the youngsters from benchtrio look up to tntduo as inspirational figures. of course since benchtrio are still teens, tntduo are already well into their adult years, like early/mid 30s.
tubbo, tommy, and ranboo are all naive ol folks. all of them being younger than 18, none of them know any better. and ofc being a bunch of dumb kids, usually they love making mistakes, LOTS of them. however, their past traumatic experiences put all of them in a position where they can’t properly enjoy their teenagehood, stripped of their innocence really.
ranboo struggling with recollecting his past and facing the heartwrenching possibility of being an escaped lab experiment, even though for years theyve always believed they had a true family back at his homeland. however, they struggle with knowing that they never did.
tubbo shielding himself off from his loved ones, avoiding intimacy and masking his emotions as much as possible, heavy memories stemming from his rough childhood living with schlatt.
tommy still recovering from the grief of losing his older brother, overwhelmed with the thought of his family splitting apart again, and recovering from his own death from years back.
although their lives have improved so much more now, their pasts still dwell in the background. as teens, these three always strive to seek others that can truly understand them, find some common ground and relatability with others that have dealt with issues just as difficult as theirs. i feel like that’s why benchtrio bonds so closely with tntduo and attaches to wilbur and quackity so much.
being old as they are now, wilbur and quackity have gone through so much. wilbur with post-revival, quackity with openness, both with rough pasts. in a way, i feel like all of them got along because of these shared experiences.
tommy has always stuck with wilbur since the day tommy was born, basically siblings of the same blood that you can never break apart. wilbur was the very person that raised tommy until they found phil. she helped tommy through his worst times as a kid, and after revival it was tommy that helped wilbur out of the mess he was in.
both tubbo and quackity dealt with how schlatt treated them. tubbo almost looks up to quackity as a father because of how much he understands him.
ranboo doesnt look up to a specific person in particular, but has always wanted a place to fit in. after meeting the sbi, tubbo, and quackity, thats where he started feeling like he truly belonged.
i have no specific name for this au, but i love to think about the connections all of the characters have with each other, and thats been the main subject of the au. like one huge hub of folks that have found ways to get along, almost slice of life-ish, where although everyone still has their own issues, theyre all trying their best to enjoy their lives and recover. healing au? revival? i really dont know if i can find names that arent already taken, might need some help BWHAGAH! thank you lots for reading! :)
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regaliasonata · 9 months
Conner McKnight, Tommy Oliver
Character Ask: Conner McKnight
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First Impression
-Alright tbh, he didn't stick out too much to me. On one hand the idea of being selfish in not wanting to be a ranger is very understandable but he kinda came off as a jerk(and the women stuff he talked about got old fast...)
How I Feel About The Character/Impression Now
-Like him now, he still has his moments but Conner really holds a piece that each of the rangers give to the table to make everything whole.
Favorite Moment
-the moments where he fights or hangs our with Trent, there's also "Lost In Translation" which is always a nice callback.
Idea For A Story
-Based a bit on "Lost In Translation", Conner traveling the many universes to find his twin Eric.
-Conner/Trent and Conner/Ethan are really underrated. Squeeze in Conner/Dustin and we got ourselves even more of a party.
-Conner/Kira, obviously these two are best friends. Conner/Past Red rangers but it's mainly one sided as they either try to let him off easy or are annoyed by the pestering.
Unpopular Opinion
-Not sure how I feel about him being a leader, the idea is alright but I would've like to have seen Ethan probably taking control. Heck even Kira, though it's better like this so that way Tommy doesn't fully get the veteran card in having free reign amongst the group.
One thing I wish would/had happened in the show
-Too.Much.Forms....dude got three power ups and yeah I get each ranger having a super mode balances it out bit when the shield drains everyone else's energy and on top of that getting a battlizer it seems like overkill. (Plus if they ever adapted the Abaranger movie then he'd have 4....GIVE EVERYONE ACCESS TO THE SHIELD TO BALANCE IT OUT COME ON)
-He secretly wishes to have one of the other zords as his main.
-Due to seeing Abaranger he tapped into the grid and found other dimensions that have sentai teams and watches them like shows.
-He's got a thing for guys but still is new to it, just trying to understand a few things about himself.
-There's a secret wallpaper he has of the red rangers from the past teams....definitely not a crush thing, jokes aside he really admires some of the red's and wouldn't mind getting training lessons.
-During college Kira became a base player for a Japanese band and after attending a concert Conner became a japanese rock fan(TK from Ling Tosite Sigure, any Tokyo Ghoul fans out there).
-He actually attended the Wind Academy before Reefside but was forced to transfer back because his parents like to keep control over one sibling(seeing Conner the problem child), of course he retained an element and uses wind.
-Hugs, dude loves hugging his team.
-Sometimes it's nice to take the raptors or motorcycles out at night and stroll around the city. Especially when it's raining and he's got the music blasting from his speakers.
-Due to the dino gems the rangers each have a permanent mark from using them. Conner has a barely noticeable scale pattern on his neck leading down to his upper back, a bit like a cool wing mark.
-Conner will never admit it but he really loves it when a date, no matter guy or girl, gives him a bouquet of flowers. He's got a high sense of smell and the aroma rocks him to the core, reminds him of a simpler time and he even keeps one in his apartment.
-He became Trent's fashion model for two years and only relied on getting clothes from him because they are so stylish.
-He loves decoding with Ethan and even carries the blue ranger to bed sometimes whenever he falls asleep in his personal lab.
-Despite his best efforts he's hasn't been able to keep in contact with Tommy over the years. When they do meet up it's usually some small interactions like going to other planets or seeing other rangers. Due to this Conner went searching for mysteries himself and almost found Solon's ship on accident, in another timeline Conner became a Dino Fury ranger before 2023.
-Kira pretty much is like a sister to him and the two bicker all the time with the other team mates betting on who will be the one to make up in the end.
Character Ask: Tommy Oliver
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First Impression
-Cool as heck, especially with seeing him as a kid in DT and finding out he had more appearances with the series prior, like legendary as heck
How I Feel About The Character/Impression Now
-still cool and stuff, love the depth I've learned about him over the years and he's definitely iconic in my mind. A bit of a reach whenever he's put on a full pedestal all the time because it does take away from everyone around him so it's nice to have some atmosphere when gives spotlight to others.
Favorite Moment
-Actually have yet to choose one but his first morph in DT is very iconic.
Idea For A Story
-Trying to piece his soul together with the lost fragments(2 reds, 1 white, 1 black and 1 green).
-Tommy/Jason, Tommy/Billy and Tommy/Adam because I love these three.
-Tommy/Kimberly, Tommy/Katherine, Green and pink always an iconic duo.
Unpopular Opinion
-Too much focus on Tommy, yeah he's THAT dude and we know it but let's not act like there isn't any other iconic rangers throughout the franchise to speak about.
One thing I wish would/had happened in the show
-Just a scene or two of him brushing his hair or even having Jason do it....like imagine how fun that could've been.
-Blowing the dragon flute out of his suit for laughs like the famous JDF meme.
-Seeing him and Zeltrax have a moment considering Zeltrax as Terrance Smith and the colleague of both Tommy and Anton. Plus it's darker when you find out Terrance had no family or connections before them so he kinda died in the end as Zeltrax without anyone remembering him. Like imagine Tommy finding out that he indirectly caused him to become a cyborg. In a perfect ending Zeltrax gets some peace in his demise and both Tommy and Anton set up a memorial for him.
-No matter who he's dating Tommy is a complete diva about his hair and needs specific products to keep it managed. Whenever someone compares the couple he loves his significant other but hair is HIS domain.
-He's a former Loreal model and has so much money saved up from those days. Katherine said one day that she'd shave it off just for fun and now he sleeps with his door locked.
-Tommy loves cooking and has a meal no matter what team he's on waiting after a mission.
-The main reason why he wanted to make Biozords was to possibly make them small and have pet zords to hold whenever a day gets stressful.
-In secret he wants to be a pink ranger just once, like to see the hype but considering his status it he might ruin it for other pink rangers because then the label about them will all be washed away under Tommy's legacy so he refrains.
-Before taking up martial arts he was into gymnastics and fencing for two years, hence why he's such a good sword fighter. Though compared to Casey, the Shiba siblings and the Rafkonian knights he's outclassed.
-He scammed the Reefside school district out of 20 million dollars.
-He still has a few of Jason's shirts to wear.
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Ahh wait Metaru I just had a c!Tommy thought
How do Phil and wilbur and Techno react to him being forever 16 now? Seeing this kid that they all helped raise, never reach adulthood?
If I was in their shoes (Phil's, mostly) I would honestly be heavy grieving
Bc, you have here, a father(? I don't know if you subscribe to the philza parent theory) who has both of his sons taken from him, one by suicide, another by murder. And while you're still processing the crippling guilt of losing not one, but two of your children in violent ways, you learn that they've come back. But not as themselves. Or themselves only forever. Tommy unable to really age and Wilbur far too old than you remember.
So you have to unpack your grief of losing them, but they're not really lost? They're right there in front of you. But you still feel every bit of emotion that you did when they were dead.
And you don't really know all the effects of the revival, you don't know if they'll age normally or if they're stuck in younger bodies until they die, you don't know what they experienced down there (maybe you will, in time) and you just hope to prime that they can just live a normal live eventually and that the terrifying man that keeps harrasing your family can go away
(Sorry if any of this comes off as ableist, that's not my intention, I do relate with Phil a bit, just more on the sibling side instead of parental)
oh yeah in my Headcanons phil is technically Tommy’s father genetically bc tommy was made in a lab. he doesn’t see him like a son tho, he and techno were kinda like cool uncles to Tommy as wilbur raised him.
revival basically locks you back in your corpse, but Wilbur’s body was basically just scraps of bone at that point so he was resurrected as what he thought his body was like. Tommy was of course very well preserved :D so no they don’t age bc they’re like, technically not alive. which also means they don’t grow old so they’re theoretically ageless, but they only have one life and also are in terrible permanent pain! :D
‘twas fun for phil and techno to realise What Exactly the dude they broke out of prison then let just run free did to people. it’s specifically horrific for them bc Philza’s the angel of the goddess of death and techno's a devout follower of the blood god- the concept of limbo would be basically as horrible to them as if Tommy and wilbur were in Literal Hell for us.
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cyncerity · 2 years
it’s taking me a while to write and draw stuff cause of the injury i’ve been talking about and it making me feel like my brain has been replaced with a towel filled with piss so take some creature tommy au headcanons in the meantime (i would read the rest of the au for context also these are long so i apologize especially the third one)
tw: vore for the third headcanon, mentions of hard vore (none happen), and general mostly non-descriptive violence
-Tubbo still constantly checks in with how Tommy’s doing through Wilbur, even though he doesn’t want anything to do with him in person. Wilbur occasionally lets Tommy know that Tubbo is concerned about his well-being, and Tommy would be lying if he said that it didn’t make him feel a bit bad, but he’s more so just confused as to why Tubbo cares. After all, he’s the one who almost killed and permanently maimed the borrower, what does he gain from checking in on Tommy? Why doesn’t he want him dead? But turns out, Tubbo is aware of how badly the lab fucked Tommy up after Wil told him, and is cheering his human friend on from the sidelines in his mission to help Tommy change for the better. And once Tommy does change and see borrowers as people, Tubbo will be the first one to congratulate him and teach him about proper borrower culture. As for now, though, even if Tubbo doesn’t want to be near him, he’s glad that Tommy has someone who cares about him and who he feels comfortable with.
-Wilbur invited his tiny friend, Jack, over to his house and had completely forgotten about Tommy until he and Jack got there. Tommy introduces himself and Jack is immediately off-put when Tommy starts making a lot of comments about how good he smells and how he wonders if he tastes as good, and Wilbur is fucking terrified. This is far enough along that Tommy and Wilbur get along really well, and Tommy genuinely cares about Wilbur and doesn’t want to disappoint him (though he’d be hard pressed to admit it). So he won’t kill Jack for Wil’s sake, even though he really wants to, but that doesn’t stop him from making not-so-subtle remarks about how he wants to eat Jack. So Wil is high strung all night and Jack is just really really confused cause he assumes Tommy is a normal borrower.
-All of the creature lab borrowers were made stomach acid resistant, and whenever the creatures would disobey or fail at something, the scientists would nom them as punishment. Tommy nonchalantly mentions once that he can’t be harmed by stomach acids, so later when one of Wilbur’s friends comes over with a borrower, Wilbur panics, knowing Tommy hadn’t eaten yet that way. So, he noms Tommy, and this is the first time Tommy shows actual fear towards Wil. He’s generally very deadpan and sarcastic, but he’s getting bad traumatic flashbacks from the lab, so he panics and shifts, trying to claw his way out of Wil. Wil can’t get him out now cause he’s too big but Tommy can’t reason enough through his panic to realize that Wilbur is practically begging him to shrink back down so he can let him out. Tommy eventually passes out from exhaustion and fear and shrinks and Wil spits him out immediately. Tommy wakes up about an hour later, and Wilbur isn’t home. And he doesn’t get home that day. For the first time in his life, Tommy is left fully alone all night, and he’s only getting more and more worried. As much as he pretends to be entirely soulless, he does genuinely care about Wil, and he’s devastated to think that Wilbur abandoned him, even though he knows that’s an irrational thought. Wil eventually does get home at about noon the next day, and Tommy is all over him with questions, half worried and half angry that Wil would let him think he was abandoned. But that anger dissipates pretty quickly when he learns that in his panic, he caused some major internal bleeding for Wil, and he had to go to the hospital to make sure none of his internal organs were damaged by Tommy’s claws. He was mostly fine, but the doctors kept him overnight anyway to make sure he wouldn’t get worse. Wil still wasn’t fully better, and was still mostly bedridden, but had argued against anymore time in the hospital cause he was genuinely worried about Tommy after the kind of ptsd flashback he had. Tommy actually feels really really bad about this, and decides that maybe he owes it to Wilbur to be a bit nicer after doing that to him. Tommy still doesn’t fully let his guard down, and he isn’t automatically more genuine, but he starts to open up about what he went through at the lab, and lets Wilbur know how much it means to him that he’s been there for him. Wilbur thinks that suffering a little internal bleeding was maybe worth it. •adding on to this, Tommy sleeps in his creature form curled up like a cat on Wil’s chest from this point on.
-Wilbur mostly works from home, but whenever he has to leave, Tommy stays home. Tommy was never left alone at the lab and doesn’t know what to do with himself, so he just kinda runs around. Wil comes home early once to see Tommy doing parkour like six feet above the ground (well over a high enough height to kill him) so Wilbur decides that it’s time to give Tommy a hobby. He buys him a phone so at the very least he can entertain himself with youtube, but teaches him about gardening and music. Tommy especially loves listening to Wilbur play guitar. Also Wilbur gives Tommy coca cola for the first time after he sees that Tommy may have a blood sugar problem that the lab just ignored and he gets addicted fast, partially cause he likes it a lot and partially cause oh this is what if feels like to go long periods of time without feeling like you’re gonna pass out.
-Tommy hoards blankets and makes himself little beds with them when he needs a nap. Wilbur has a lot of blackmail photos. Ranboo gets all of these photos and has a separate photo album on his phone for them titled “Wil’s weird cat.” In fact, Ranboo made a collage of all the weirdest and most embarrassing (aka adorable but embarrassing to Tommy) ones, printed and framed it, and gave it to Will. It’s been hanging in his living room for over a month and Tommy has yet to notice it.
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daandyli0n · 2 years
aight. dsmp headcanons/worldbuilding that’s technically ideas i have for hybrids in general Outside of minecraft, but we’re using it for minecraft/the dsmp for right now. here we go:
(small warnings for dehumanization, mentioned traumatic experiences (mentioned abuse, car crash, almost death, etc), mentioned kidnappings, mentioned slavery, mentioned murders)
(also, this is about the characters)
-okay. headcanon/idea one: hybrids aged 2-7 mostly follow the instincts of their mob/animal half, making them act more like a younger member of said species.
this one is pretty straight forward. 
an example: a young cat hybrid might act more like a kitten, an avian would act like a baby bird, an enderman hybrid acts more like an enderman, etc.
there are very rare cases where the hybrid either acts like a regular fully human baby, or where they retain their behavior up until ages like 9 or 10. the oldest recorded age as of late is 12.
of course, cases where a hybrid retains their behaviors longer usually only occur if the hybrid in question was not raised in the correct environment or were raised ‘feral’ (aka, In The Wilderness).
how this applies to the dsmp: c!tommy. as i’ve mentioned (and is at least somewhat canon), he wasn’t fully raised by wilbur. he was created in a lab, lived in a village for several years, found tubbo and travelled around with him for about a year, and then was found by wilbur and taken in. he was one of those hybrid children who retained his more raccoon-like behaviors for longer than normal; up until he was 9, to be exact. i don’t really think i need to say why.
also: me attempting to find some way to explain the baby fundy lore we got-
-headcanon/idea two: reverting. aka, a possible trauma response for hybrids.
here we go, time to explain this:
so, basically, reverting is a form of a trauma response that hybrids get where their more nonhuman instincts take the forefront as a way to survive better after a prolonged traumatic experience. it got it’s name from scientists referring to what happens as the hybrid “reverting (due to lack of a better term) to their nonhuman instincts.” not...the Best way to word that, but it is a Way to word it-
as said earlier, it’s more of a way to try and survive better. a hybrid’s brain gets exposed to repeated trauma and basically goes “well...the Human Instincts clearly aren’t helping...so maybe the Nonhuman Instincts will help better!”
also, one final thing to note before continuing: it’s not like the hybrids act Completely like their nonhuman half. it’s more like they’re more quick to jump straight into those instincts during stressful and other traumatic experiences.
how it happens: it’s caused by prolonged traumatic experiences. so, nothing like, say, a sudden car crash or a near-death experience would cause this to happen. stuff like being in an abusive relationship or being tortured for several weeks or months, however, would be more likely to cause that to happen.
most of the nonhuman instincts and behaviors are involuntary for the suffering hybrid. they can’t control a lot of the these (stuff like hissing, puffing up fur/feathers, purring, growling, or making noises are some examples)
uh, ‘fun’ history fact! back in the Very olden days of minecraft history (think around the time of The Village That Went Mad, since i see this being a time this would’ve been normalized during), humans and hybrids...were Not friendly with one another. more specifically, hybrids were effectively taken as slaves, kidnapped from their homes and groups, straight up being slaughtered, y’know: nothing great. hybrids began ‘reverting’ as a way to survive (keep in mind, Out Of Trauma), and most of the humans just started using it as a way to say that the hybrids were less than human and not worthy of their respect. so guess what? Hybrids Now Have A Historical Issue With Trying To Repress Their Instincts When They Revert So People Will Still Respect Them. Great. just what everyone needed-
while there Are still mostly human communities, they still try to learn about hybrid stuff as there are many hybrids all around the world. so basically, c!ponk trying to learn about caring for hybrids as a doctor, both physically and mentally-
one final piece of info: it is possible to be a “late bloomer” in ‘reverting’. what does that mean? it basically means that you don’t ‘revert’ until After the traumatic experience is Over. no one is sure as to why this happens.
how this relates to the dsmp: c!tommy and c!quackity. let me explain:
c!tommy’s behaviors: hissing/growling (angry and/or scared), chittering (typically while anxious or stressed, but can just start doing it randomly), sprinting on all fours (typically only done while fleeing and then suddenly tripping. see: the logstedshire chase scene), lashing his tail similarly to a cat (angry, agitated, or anxious), climbing (he just has more of a compulsion to do this than just using blocks to build up), cleaning food or items in water (this is typically done while tommy isn’t really thinking about it), and (having the feeling/compulsion to) scratch or bite people as a defense mechanism (typically only done when he’s scared or angry, like when he feels threatened by someone (around dream, normally)). it’s also easier for him to become aggressive or try to run away from conflicts. i don’t really think i need to say where this ended up developing for tommy. he also ended up being a ‘late bloomer’, having ‘reverted’ towards the beginning of the bedrock bros arc. which, y’know, due to one of his biggest behaviors being chittering while nervous and he was trying to hide, wasn’t great.
c!quackity’s behaviors: fluffing his wings up more than what is considered normal amount (when he’s angry, agitated, afraid, or trying to intimidate someone), fluttering his wings (kinda anxious or angry, something he’d typically do while pacing around), and making a small ‘quack’ noise (typically when he’s surprised or caught off guard). he’s also just in general quicker to get aggressive. his traumatic events were his time in manberg (specifically with schlatt) and his time during new l’manberg (think about it: he was probably constantly stressed as well as worried that his home would be destroyed). his is slightly harder to notice due to his behaviors being, for the most part, slightly more exaggerated behaviors that most avians have (puffing up feathers, fluttering wings while stressed, etc).
so yeah, these are just thoughts about hybrids in general that i’ve translated over to minecraft/the dsmp. i tried to word this the best i could.
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conarcoin · 3 years
i really like the headcanon that c!tommy and c!eryn are little devil brothers who like escaped from the same weird science lab to terrorize the dream smp
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qhazomb · 3 years
my headcanons for everybody’s deal in “it was all a game” hlvrai settings, ‘cause why not:
Gordon- is 100% the player. There’s no real AI for the character ‘Gordon Freeman,’ he’s basically just a role to play and costume to wear for the player. Player’s first name coincidentally IS Gordon, but his last name isn’t Freeman, it’s Peters (”gordon FEETers-”). At first he acted like everything was real to not mess with his own immersion while playing, and then later he kept it up to avoid giving his AI friends an existential crisis after he realized that they’re self-aware.
Dr. Coomer- Self-aware AI, who as we know slowly became aware of his digital existence during the events of the game. Came to terms with it by the end of the game... but not quite with being stuck in just one game. Hence his goodbye message to Gordon.
Tommy- Self-aware AI, and knew he was such right from the start. First one to gain self-awareness. Acts like everything’s real to not freak the others out.
Bubby- Self-aware AI, didn’t realize he’s in a game until after Gordon beat the game, when Coomer and Tommy explained it all. (”Oh my god, I was fucking joking with that ‘I want to perfect my run’ bit, but- oh my god.”)
Darnold- Self-aware AI, realized he was in a game after exiting his mixology lab with his rocket boots. He ended up in an area of the game that had been unloaded, due to the player having moved far away enough that that area didn’t need to stay loaded in. Had a big freak out about it, but had come to terms with it by the time the rest of the Science Team went and found him post-game.
Forzen- is not a character with his own AI. That was just Benry fucking around with a random soldier model because he thought it’d be funny.
G-man/Mr. Coolatta- Self-aware AI. Second one to gain self-awareness, and knew he was in a game right from the get-go. Why he decided to become a father figure to Tommy is anybody’s guess. Actually comforted by the knowledge that he is in fact digital and not made of flesh and blood. Wants to try and keep the story of the game moving smoothly, and gets pissed at Benry for not doing that.
Sunkist- Self-aware AI. Made from scratch by fellow AI Tommy, and thus has always known that he’s technically not a real dog (he also knows that real dogs cannot fly and aren’t immortal. Sucks to be real dogs, tbh). Is a flat image of a dog instead of a full 3d model, because there were no normal dog models in the game, and neither Tommy nor Benry could figure out how to find one elsewhere. But they did find that stock photo of a dog, and Tommy was like ‘Yeah okay, that’s good enough.’
Benry- ...is not AI. He really is some sort of comsic being from beyond the veil, who somehow got Tron’d back in 2007, and has been stuck in a computer (and then this weird modded version of Half-Life 1) ever since. He’s the reason Tommy gained self-awareness; because Benry was lonely, and wanted another actual thinking feeling person to hang out with, and this desire lead to a random AI in the game to become a thinking feeling person. The rest of the team (+ Mr. Coolatta) gained self-awareness as just a byproduct, kinda. Whole lotta power went into giving a relatively simple digi-brain full sentience, a lot MORE than was needed for just one AI. So all the excess went into a handful of other AIs. Benry helped Tommy with giving Sunkist self-awareness, and finding the image to use for his model. (Tommy did the bulk of the programming for Sunkist, of course, he just couldn’t give his perfect dog’s AI full sentience like his own, is all).
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softdotnet · 3 years
C!Tommy headcanons because I miss doing these
-After his death, it's very easy for him to bruise/cut his face. He'll fall face first and BAM-injury. It's not uncommon for him to be walking around with a dirty bruise on his forehead or Band-Aids covering his face. (They're purple and green bandaids w/ stars on them from Ranboo and Tubbo. Big man shit.)
-He's a racoon and ferret hybrid. He's constantly hyper but the majority of his schedule is sleeping. He adores shiny things and hides shit on the regular. Once, he hid a ton of Techno's books under the mans own bed. Techno wasn't impressed at all. He also likes attempting to burrow into the ground (he's usually successful, you can sometimes find him happily sitting in a little hole in the ground near his home)
-Common hc that Tommy knows how to knit and makes things for his friends.
-He has a morning routine, curtesy of Puffy, and it consists of getting up almost as soon as he wakes up, and going out for a walk around the SMP, once he's back he eats a small breakfast and he's to set up a small goal for himself to accomplish. It's helped him a ton.
-He has his own chat that follows him around. They're little moths that cause problems and shit. The bigger moths, are donos and are the loudest of the bunch. Tommy has a love-hate relationship with them all.
-He and Ranboo have code words for incase one of them gets uncomfortable or feel unsafe. They became a thing during Exile and when Ranboo was visiting. Why would I tell you them? Code words are secret, dumbass :)
-He was born in a lab. He was a lab kid and was experimented on because of his hybrid traits. In his world, it's quite rare for someone to possess multiple hybrid traits. Ferret hybrids are quite rare as well. Tommy had escaped at age 10 and met Wilbur shortly after.
-Tubbo was also a lab kid and had escaped with Tommy when he was 11. His dad, Schlatt, had given him up to the lab thinking it would keep Tubbo safe. Tubbo, being a goat hybrid, wasn't put through much experiments, but he was kept alone for several long periods of time to see how it would affect the young lad.
-Tommy hates water with a burning passion, the only water he will willingly go into is Church Prime's holy water. The water makes him feel icky and reminds him of exile.
-Speaking of holy water, he's a religious guy. He goes to Church Prime regularly and prays everyday. Though, dying has made him start to doubt his faith and religion.
-Tommy has really long nails and takes really good care of them
-Tommy is missing one of his canines and the other one is really sharp. Two top and two bottom teeth are extremely sharp thanks to his Ferret and Racoon genes. Sharp teef, he has.
-Ranboo and Tubbo like to mess around with his ears. They're stood up and pointed but rounded out at the top and, in Ranboo and Tubbo's opinion, the cutest things in the fucking world.
-He has shoulder-length, maybe a bit longer, hair
-He'd listen to Amoeba by Clairo 100%
-Tubbo helps Tommy dye the white streak in his hair back to blonde. Tubbo knows how to do this shit because he dyes his hair blonde a lot. He used to have an ombre, then full blonde, and now only his bangs are blonde
-He likes strawberry shortcake and lemon cookies!
-He likes to paint his long nails but usually, Ranboo paints one set of nails and Tubbo paints the other. It's a cute sight to behold.
-He just wants everyone to get along and heal man thats all he wants
-"Tubbo! Ranboo! Look what I got for ya!"
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stellocchia · 3 years
So if you are still doing headcanon asks how to you feel to do c!Eryn?
So far he seems very fun
I am still doing them whenever I can! Sadly I'm a bit busy lately so it takes me a while to get to them...
But also yeah c!Eryn is giving us so much content I adore that guy
As for headcanons:
I really enjoy the headcanon of him and Tommy being created in the same Lab, but I raise you this: Tommy managed to escape ages ago, Eryn never did until now. Which is also the reason why he doesn't get that he shouldn't do certain things (like getting his bestie arrested) because he lacks a lot of experience in the outside world
Also, you know that his skin's arms are different? I always imagine the red one to be a prosthetic one, Edward Elric's style only more red. I don't know, it feels fitting
We also already know that they're really chaotic so just know that at least once they changed the entire color pallet of one of the staple buildings in the smp but only slightly. Enough to feel wrong but not enough for people to grasp what is wrong
when they learn about why Tommy got exiled (since they already know that he did at some point) their immediate reaction is "I can do worse, just watch me". The community house ends up in flames once more. They then live a sign in front of Tommy's house that says "Imagine getting exiled for burning 2 blocks of someone house and not even going back to finish the job. L"
Eryn is a menace and I love him. We needed some chaos around there
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grimaussiewitch · 3 years
The elytra event is in a few hours so here’s some my headcanons. Also, I have a post about my elytra headcanons so go there if you want to read me ramble on and on.
Tubbo: I really like tubbo to be both a bee and goat hybrid so probably built the elytra to assist in his wings. If he can make a nuke, he can make an elytra.
Tommy: Test tube baby grew wings after years of being a lab rat. The wings started to grow after he was revived but he hadn’t realised they were they.
Ranboo: Damn bro, your end heritage is showing. He has wings like the ender dragon and either forgot or didn’t want to show them.
Wilbur: Has wings like Phil, he didn’t have them until he was revived.
Techno: Most likely built his elytra after escaping prison. But I also came up with that after helping Phil so much, lady death came to techno while he was sleeping, did some magic and now techno wakes up screaming “HEH?” at his angel of death wings.
Phil: I know everyone wants Phil’s wings to have grown back or healed, but I like the idea that someone (most likely techno or Ranboo) built the elytra to assist his damaged wings. Fluffy angst people!
Quackity: Duck wings! He has hid them with bandages but with Dream in prison and thinking he has escaped, it’s time to sure who’s boss.
Charlie: Slime wings that covers over a very old elytra.
Niki: Either built her own with the help of either Jack or the syndicate. If not, has Phoenix wings that she feels comfortable showing now.
Jack: Mother f*cker built his elytra out of spite.
BBH: He just straight up has demon wings but never felt the need to bring them out because he thought it would be rude if he could fly but no one else.
Skeppy: Probably stole the elytra from Dream XD.
Fundy: Damn bro! You’re a salmon, a fox and a bird!? His grandfather’s genes finally appear.
Karl: Ends up with an elytra on his time travelling trips but doesn’t remember where, when or how. One side is black while the other is white. Probably later on paints the elytra with multiple colours.
Sapnap: Demon wings his dad. Really wanted to use his wings for so long but Bad kept saying no. Decided “f*ck this” and his fire like demon wings are here to stay.
George: He gains a pair of angel wings from Dream XD. That’s one way to wake up.
Dream: He stole them from the ender dragon and added some mechanical additions. It’s stored away in his ender chest.
Puffy: Helped a god once, they gave her the blueprints for making an elytra. It was stored away in her ship and only now has she got them back.
Foolish: Has always had wings but being that he is with mortals and such, he had to limit a bit of his powers. Decided to bring them out since he can’t use his lightning powers at the moment.
Eret: I love the idea that she grows monarch butterfly wings or has unlocked some of herobrine’s powers and can just straight up fly, the elytra is just part of the game, not the storytelling.
Eryn: Lab rat? Yes! Has grown wings because of their lab rat past? Yes!
Boomer: He brought the elytra with him and nobody could stop the froggy man!
Purpled: He is an alien! The elytra is from space! It got damaged when he crashed to earth so he has been fixing them for a while.
Hannah: I’ve seen people say plant wings so maybe that or she stole it from purpled’s ufo.
Punz: Definitely bought the elytra off of someone sketchy. I also like the idea of bee hybrid punz too.
Ponk: She’s a doctor and has spent time around Sam so he knows a thing or two about elytras. (Or they stole the blueprint from sam lol)
Sam: Like tubbo, sam is very smart so he definitely built the elytra. For extra angst, it was originally for Tommy.
Michael: Listen, I listened to WTNV, this man as a radio host has the same vibes. Dude just straight up has the creepy biblical angel wings and I refuse any other ideas.
Tina: She said she is a demon so Tina has demon wings but claims every cat person has them. (Much to the confusion of H and Ant)
Hbomb: Magical girl powers. That is all.
Ant: He wakes up to a mysterious red and white gift. It’s an elytra! There is no sender. It couldn’t be… you know… right?
Connor: If Connor had an elytra from smp live, probably just bought them back to the dream smp but was too lazy to use them.
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writingsbychlo · 3 years
Can I please request the happy ending to Thomas cuddling in the scorch?? Thanks!
the second part to this little tommy piece is under the cut.
this does not mean that headcanons are open, these are old drafts! don’t send me headcanon requests.
oh, he literally would not sleep
I mean, he would, but it wouldn’t be good sleep
waking up constantly throughout the night, reaching out for you when he’s between awake and asleep and forgets you’re not there
for a while, he questions it
a week of sleeping side by side and suddenly he can’t live without you
but since his time from stinging himself and starting to see things has been growing, things get a little clearer
he also has a lot of dreams, in the few and far between moments that he can sleep
things that he knows are memories, because they’re nothing like he could dream up
and he hates it every time he wakes up alone from a dream about you
because he’s falling in love pretty fast with someone who could be dead, and may not feel the same
as for you, well, you’re terrified
you’ve been stuck in a lab with minho for a long time
and for the first few weeks, he makes you laugh when you’re crying and he helps distract you from the pain
but after a little while, his humour breaks, and then it’s just silence
so for most of the time, you’re lost in your own head
you start going to a plan with thomas instead
and you imagine that instead of laying on a cold table in a lab, you’re in a field full of grass on a summers day, or on a beach, or even back in the scorch
you’d take anywhere over this, really
after a while, teresa starts to talk
she talks a lot when you’re on your medications of whatever she’s testing on you and you can’t focus much
she talks about thomas, and about you, and herself, and everyone
she’s silent when anybody else is in the room, but when it’s just you, she tells a lot of stories
and afterwards, when you’re alone in your room again trying to fight the pain of whatever it is, you think about the things she tells you
and you realise they’re all memories too
some of them are memories you don’t want, but some of them are memories you do
especially the memories about thomas
you try to piece them together until they’re clear
and it hurts
because you realise you’re pretty quickly falling in love with someone who you’re never going to see again
the hope of being saved left you long ago, and you don’t have much fight left
he’s just a memory that exists for comfort now
so, when he finally comes to get you, you don’t believe much of it
it’s all a bit blurry
the lines between where you’d go in your head to escape and what’s real
when he comes to get you, it feels like something your mind has made up
and you hate it because it feels like torture
and you’re not doing so well, you don’t believe a lot of it
you’re still sick, and it takes you a few days to get past that
and a lot of grappling with your own mind to adjust
you’re pretty much bed-ridden for a while
but your mind conjures up thomas to be there with you, so it’s okay
and minho comes to visit
and then minho makes a joke
a joke you’ve never heard before, so you know it’s not your mind
it’s like a harsh shock into a reality
becoming desperate to actually see thomas
especially when you find out he was fucking shot
sitting next to his bedside until he wakes up
crying quietly after minho tells you what happened to newt
sleeping in that same chair, brushing hair out of his face and holding his hand
he wakes up while you’re asleep
you wake up when he brushes hair back and out of your face
he’s just staring, but he looks so soft about it
“I don’t think I’m quite used to you being real again.”
“I know how that feels.”
“get in here.”
climbing in beside him, and trying to get comfy without hurting him
telling him about everything that had happened
telling him all about the island
minho had dragged you out for a few walks while you’d been awake
you’d seen some things, like the prettiest sunset ever and baby birds and a field full of flowers
eventually having to face the elephant in the room
because both of you were beating around the topic of it, not knowing the other had memories too
he is the one to break it first
“I have to tell you something. I’ve been having memories. of us.”
“oh, god, that makes it so much easier. me too.”
watching his whole face light up when you say that
like, the cutest smile ever
and when he smiles, you realise how close you are
your legs are tangled and his arm is around your waist, and you don’t remember when you started playing with his hair but you are
“it’s not our first kiss, but it’s what our first kiss should have been.”
and then he kisses you
so soft, and slow, and it screams ‘I love you’ without having to say the words
“I missed you so much.”
“I couldn’t sleep without you.”
“neither could I.”
taking him for a walk afterwards and showing him all the great things
seeing minho and his friends
and sitting on the beach together with some bread rolls and bowls of soup
trying to realise that this is gonna be forever
there’s no more danger, no more running, no more fear
there’s just the future, and whatever you want it to be
“you know, we’re gonna need a bigger bed.”
“we’re gonna’ need a bigger tent if you’re saying what i think you’re saying.”
“we can build a bigger one for us both. we have all the time in the world, but for now, the little bed lets me keep you extra close.”
“trust me, I’m not going anywhere, ever again.”
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king-casino · 3 years
So I now have DadTDM (the name I decided for Dan having made Tommy in his lab) brainrot, so here’s some headcanons:
-Dr. Trayaurus was the one to actually create Tommy. Dan walked into the lab one day and there was just a kid there 
-He was originally planning on finding someone else to take care of Tommy, but then he got attached
-Tommy was a very feral child. He just ran around knocking into things and yelling ‘POGCHAMP!!”
-He would like to stay in the lab whenever Dan was working on something. He would usually sit on the floor, playing with something
-He ran around outside a lot, and he always got hurt because of the cacti
-He constantly had band-aids and scrapes. He almost always had two band-aid on his elbows (Tommy doesn’t really mind it all that much. He thinks it made him look like his dad, who always wore elbow pads)
-He met Tubbo (whose dad obviously has to be Captain Sparklez) at the park one day. They became fast friends and were always hanging out after that
-While at the park, Sparklez and Dan sit on a bench as Tommy an Tubbo play. They’re like those moms at the park that are all like, “Kids, am I right? How old is yours?”
-As a kid, Tommy liked to hit people with sticks. Dan tries to stop him from doing it, but Tommy just whacks his knees with the stick every time he tries
-Once a raccoon got into the lab, and Dan tried to get rid of it but Tommy insisted that it stayed because it was his new best friend(besides Tubbo ofc). A week later it died and Dan had to make up some excuse about it needed to go to an Important Raccoon Meeting
That’s all for now but I can guarantee that I will come back with more at some point
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defectfile1wav · 3 years
Ok tell me if I'm wrong, but you said at some point that you liked that headcanon in which tommy was a lab experiment that, quote on quote "was a living weapon"...
But THEN you show us (it was pete? dunno I don't really know much people in earth SMP) one of these lab thingies and there is someone inside, someone who has child hands, and who could help protect wilbur...
(I don't know for sure but I'm pretty certain on this one >:DD)
- cobarde anon
Tommy being a lab rat, it's canon... I didn't made that-- it's in the wiki, he said it. Cc!Tommy said it.
Also... Yes that's Tommy, that's how storytelling works- It's part of the history-- I don't think you're dumb. I don't.
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Ok since one singular person asked for this the Big Explanation for Everything In My C!Tommy Design.
c!Tommy, in general, I always try and find a balance between my really soft style and c!Tommy's rougher personality. I draw him with soft features but very sharp eyes, both to make his facial features distinct from cc!Tommy and a contrast to c!Tubbo who I draw with less rounded features but much softer eyes. I try and keep his usual expressions slightly smug and self-assured, to get across c!Tommy's bravado.
I generally draw him with tanned skin, as I imagine he’d spend a lot of time outdoors. This does vary on the arc I’m drawing him in, though, for example he’s much less tan in Pogtopia because he has less access to natural light whereas he’s more tan in exile due to not having much shelter from the sun. This is also done to make the pale scar on his nose bridge more noticeable- it’s one of the two scars I draw Tommy as having from the beginning, as I feel it shows c!Tommy's scrappy, determined personality very well. The other scar is a long jagged vivisection scar which is there to show my labinnit headcanon lol.
While I draw c!Tommy with varying hairstyles and lengths, I always draw him with curly textured hair that’s a very pale blond. I also draw his hair as leaning to one side and partially covering his eye, similar to how I draw c!Wilbur's hair, to show their closeness. I also draw c!Tommy with similar wings to c!Wilbur and c!Philza- specifically, I draw them with the same starry night sky pattern I do with c!Philza, but a lot smaller and atrophied.
I really like putting lots of fun design elements in characters eyes because drawing eyes is fun and c!Tommy is no exception! I draw his eyes a very bright electric blue, and I use a small brush and very light varied colours to make them look like they’re filled with little stars. I also give him red pupils to match his main colour association in either the shape of a full or broken heart depending on the arc. I went with a heart design to show his hidden kindness and loyalty.
There’s also a lot of design elements that are admittedly there primarily because I enjoy drawing them, and less for any specific reason. The fangs do have the most reason, to help show c!Tommy's rougher personality, but I also just like drawing fangs lol. (I also draw him with braces in every arc, since I imagine he couldn’t get them removed in exile and he didn’t have the time to care afterwards). I also draw him with bioluminescent, starlike freckles and a strange blood colour which is also used to help texture the skin (well, slightly, it’s not super noticeable but it’s pink instead of red) which are both just things I like to draw.
Also, this is a small detail, but I always draw c!Tommy with a Church Prime necklace (unless I forget it which I do sometimes lol). It’s a good way of showing his faith through a quick look.
Fun fact, what’s probably most noticeable about my c!Tommy design is that as soon as Tommy made the joke about his character being made in a lab I picked it up and ran with it, specifically the idea of him potentially being a clone of c!Philza. I draw them with identical facial features and hair colour/texture, though a lot of the more supernatural features of c!Philza are toned down on him. That’s specifically because due to my hc that c!Philza is an angel and angels as ageless it’d be impossible to clone them exactly so c!Tommy has some random human/hybrid dna thrown in haphazardly (which also makes him a mess of instincts from pretty much every animal ever lol)
Disc War:
I really like the headcanon that c!Tommy was nine during the L'Manburg war entirely because its really funny to imagine c!Wilbur looking at this literal nine year old and being “yes, my right hand man, responsible enough to help manage a nation in my stead,” so c!Tommy is roughly 9ish around this time in my design.
During the early Disc War is probably the only time I actually draw c!Tommy as close to his actual Minecraft skin lmao. It helps show that, despite the fact I don’t hc him as human he is mostly just a normal kid. I don’t draw c!Tommy in the traditional red and white t-shirt entirely just because I want to make sure he’s not mistakable for Dave Strider though. I have him in a white button-up shirt, a red and white hoodie, cargo pants, and trainers.
During this arc, I draw c!Tommy's hair as fairly short and very similar to how I draw c!Wilbur, as this was back when he idolised his brother and I think drawing their hair so similar shows that well.
This covers the time from the beginning of the L'Manburg war up to c!Tommy's second exile to Pogtopia, so this design covers a period of years from when I hc c!Tommy was nine up until about thirteen.
During the war, c!Tommy wears his uniform without modification, except for of course wearing his Prime necklace, but afterwards he and the rest of the residents of L'Manburg (except c!Wilbur) slightly modified their uniforms to better fit their own tastes. Specifically, he wears his trainers instead of combat boots, loose trousers instead of shorts, and a slightly shorter and short-sleeved revolutionary jacket, for easier mobility.
During the war, his two canon deaths left him permanent injuries and scars. His death in the final control room, where he broke his leg during his desperate attempt to escape, left that leg permanently weakened (along with being badly scarred) and requiring a leg brace to help him stand and walk properly. The arrow through his skull during his duel with c!Dream left him with a large scar on his temple, covering his brows in crack-like scars which also leave him with frequent migraines.
During the L'Manburg arc, c!Tommy's hair in my design still looks like c!Wilburs as they were still close during this arc.
Since Pogtopia apparently lasted two years (which is probably from Cursed Timeline Lore but I love cursed lore it’s hilarious,) c!Tommy would be around 13 to 15 here.
In Pogtopia, I draw c!Tommy as wearing similar clothes to during the Disc War arc, however, I also add on a loose belt holding knives, to show c!Tommy's increased need for self defence along with his fondness for knives lol. I actually don’t do the bandanna design with c!Tommy and c!Tubbo a lot of people do mostly because I couldn’t figure out how to get it to work with c!Tommy's hoodie. They have an equivalent but it’s later on alas.
As c!Tommy and c!Wilbur get more distant, c!Tommy grows out his hair slightly, and wears it tied in the back in a short ponytail.
Oh I have a lot of things to talk about here >:). As a quick note to my messed up timeline, c!Tommy would be 15 here.
During exile, c!Tommy wears the same clothes as he did in Pogtopia initially, though due to lack of care and supplies, they eventually of course fray and rip. He also wears c!Wilbur's old ragged longcoat, even though it barely keeps out the cold, the smell of alcohol and cigarettes weirdly comforting. Over time, he rips up his shirt for bandages to the point he’s not wearing anything under his hoodie. His leg brace breaks and he makes a new one out of branches and leaves. (He could ask c!Dream, but he doesn’t want to be fucking reliant on him, relying on pity handouts like a child, so he won’t.)
Eventually, since c!Dream doesn’t exactly want c!Tommy to get hypothermia and die anticlimactically, he gives c!Tommy one of his capes. This is one of my favourite character design decisions I’ve made lmao. I specifically draw it looking too-big, despite the fact that doesn’t make much sense because they’re the same height, so it looks almost like he’s getting enveloped in c!Dream's green shades, and it also hides c!Tommy's wings which helps reinforce the loss of freedom.
c!Tommy gains… a lot of scars over exile. I mean he was literally hit by an axe multiple times. Specifically they’re primarily around the shoulders or the torso. I also draw him with a Glasgow grin, specifically curved to resemble Dream's mask, along with smaller, self inflicted, scratch and bite marks covering his arms. In addition, due to him barely eating I draw c!Tommy from this point onwards looking very scrawny. This is also where c!Tommy's pupils change from hearts to broken hearts! They never turn back :)
During exile, Tommy's hair grows out a lot, down to just past his shoulders, in a matted mess. c!Dream used to braid it at the back, like how I draw c!Dream's own hair, but it very quickly grew too matted with saltwater, mud, and blood to style :) :) :)
Bedrock Bros:
c!Tommy turns sixteen here during my scuffed timeline.
c!Tommy patches up the rips and tears in his clothes. He can’t fully salvage his cargo trousers, so he turns them into shorts. He makes his own shoes out of leather to replace the ones he lost. There’s a gaping hole in his hoodie pocket that couldn’t be stitched up. He'll patch it up later. c!Techno gives him one of his capes to keep him warm, fur lined and arctic blue with silvery snowflakes embroidered on. c!Tommy has to be reminded, or he puts on the green cape, turned a dull viridian from the sun, that makes him feel both safe and so, so afraid.
Scars heal, but never fully fade. Still, his eyes brighten again, somewhat, even if the bags under his eyes less disappear and more just turn a strange gold. He finally has the time to clean out his hair, and c!Techno ties it into a short, loose braid at the back. With the cape, he almost looks like c!Techno like that. Obviously, the visual implication here is to show that even though it’s obviously not exile, c!Techno is still suppressing c!Tommy's identity, albeit unknowingly (and the gold is from his constant eating of golden apples).
Final Disc War:
By this point, c!Tommy's back to just wearing his old clothes, tattered and frail as they might be. He finds his old sneakers, and day by day he sees himself in the mirror a bit more than the gunpowder on a battered trenchcoat, blood on a smiley face mask, wither rot on the edges of an elaborate snowy cape. He patches the hole in his hoodie with a piece of the fabric from one of c!Tubbo's old shirts. He lends him one of his too-small hoodies so he can do the same.
He still braids his hair, but in his own way, in a tightly woven ratstail braid more for convenience than for aesthetics. Character design wise, it’s another way to show c!Tommy's openly rougher personality than say, c!Dream or c!Techno, and so’s the patchwork clothes and rough shorts and scars. Like I said, maintaining a mix of rough and soft is very important to me in how I draw c!Tommy, and I’m very satisfied with how I pull it off here and in the next entry.
the story has handed me the opportunity to make my favourite boy undead. i will not pass up the opportunity to make my favourite boy undead.
After revival, c!Tommy stops aging, at least in appearance. His skin… less pale, more colourless and almost grey. One of his eyes glows a pure, empty white now, like ghosts do, and the white messy streak in his hair doesn’t glow but it’s white enough it might as well.
The injuries of his death bear apparent on his form. His limbs can bend at impossible angles, his entire body covered head to toe in bruises. Two black eyes cover his face like a raccoon mask, and the ugly mottled marks of strangulation on his throat stand out like a sore thumb. You cannot look at him anymore and not see that he hasn’t died. He avoids mirrors again.
There’s stranger things, too, like how he doesn’t bleed anymore, any cuts just revealing an impossibly dark void beneath his marble-cold skin. Sometimes he goes weeks without eating, the hunger only hitting once he realises. He feels so tired, so cold, in a way not even the touch of fire can stem at all. He doesn’t have a heartbeat, or breathe.
Initially, he was too tired, too out of it to even consider cutting off or dying the white streak. When he wasn’t, he’d soon learn any attempts were futile, dye fading in mere days, cut off hair half regrown in a week. It should bother him more, but he just feels numb.
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