#i really like their dynamic because it's like. synth named flower and guy who likes gardening
mspaint-flower · 5 months
vflower meets willow
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ambiguous gender flower pals
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Final Fantasy VII Remake Review
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Year: 2020
Platform: PS4
I finished this game shortly after posting all my main single-player series Final Fantasy reviews. I was still digesting it and thinking about it to put together my review.
The Shinra Electric Power Company rules over the city of Midgar, and the eco-terrorists AVALANCHE stop at nothing to try and prevent the life essence of the planet from being used as energy. Barrett, leader of AVALANCHE, hires a mercenary named Cloud Strife for their bombing mission on a Shinra Mako Reactor. Cloud doesn’t care much for the greater cause and only wants his pay. But then, after a mission goes awry, he meets Aerith, a flower girl who is the descendant of the Ancients. He quickly finds himself wrapped up in the greater conflict against Shinra.
Final Fanatasy VII Remake has one of the best gameplay styles of any Final Fantasy game. It’s that good. It seems like after all these years, this is what Square really wanted to do. Since this was released after Final Fantasy XV, it’s pretty much the successor to its gameplay. While Final Fantasy XV has you more or less spamming the attack button with occasional spell casting and item usage, Final Fantasy VII Remake has you much more involved with the Materia system, abilities, and guarding/evading. One notable example is that Final Fantasy XV always told you when you should guard in order to counter, but Final Fantasy VII Remake has you figure that out on your own.
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The abilities are so goddamn flashy and cool during gameplay. Tifa’s moves are quite possibly the most awe-inspiring.
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My only complaint is locking onto the enemy during battle. You have to press down on R3 to lock onto an enemy, and I sometimes found that jarring with the camera controls. Sometimes I accidentally disengaged from an enemy and missed an attack. Since your moves are dependent on an Active Time Battle system, you can waste a turn if you get hit while conjuring a spell or taking out an item. That sometimes made me go “REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!”. But in the long run, those were very small gripes. The battles are so much fun.
Since the game follows only the Midgar portion of the story, it’s linear. But you reach sections where you are free to roam around and do sidequests before continuing with the main objective. I’m sure the later releases of the remake will feel much less constrained. But this remake does a good job at expanding upon Midgar without feeling too redundant.
Jesus Christ. This game is gorgeous.
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Both in-game graphics and pre-rendered cutscenes. The switch between a pre-rendered cutscene and in-game cutscene has become much more seamless than ever before.
If you remember my Final Fantasy XV review, I mentioned how NPCs and other in-game animations seemed stiff and stilted. Final Fantasy VII Remake takes steps to remedy that. Characters have more fluid movements and everyone’s lips move a lot more. However, lip movements can come off as awkward. My friend was watching me play, and during one in-game cutscene they said “Something looks weird with their lips.” At times, lip movements seem too dynamic when the character is standing relatively still, which comes off looking like Mr. Ed the horse trying to talk.
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Despite those small awkward things, the rest of the game is extremely polished. Remember how blocky Final Fantasy VII was? We now finally see these characters and the world of Midgar brought to life in beautiful HD graphics.Like holy shit. Everyone looks so beautiful.
Before I played this game, I was a Tifa stan, but now, ho man, they made Aerith so much more appealing.
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And Tifa shines better than ever. I’m very tempted to just gush about her but here is just a couple enticing gifs.
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Imagine playing this game and still thinking gamers are oppressed.
Final Fantasy VII Remake follows from the start of the original game up until the party leaving Midgar. Square plans to release the rest of the remake later.
I have to say, they made the story a lot more engaging than the original. That may seem like blasphemy, but the dialogue and voice acting was just so damn good. Some of my favorite moments included the banter between Aerith and Cloud. Like I said, I wasn’t into Aerith that much until I played the remake. She’s just so damn cute and charming. One of my favorite parts was when she said, “Shit” and almost fell, after mentioning how she didn’t need help climbing a ladder. Her voice is so lovely and amusing to listen to. The growing romance between her and Cloud doesn’t come off as forced or cringey, because we now spend so much time with Aerith.
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Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie have much more important roles in the story. This gives us a greater sense of Avalanche as a ragtag group.
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Entire chapters focus on them, especially Jessie. I cringed a bit at Jessie to be honest, despite her popularity. She now comes off as a copy of Aerith in the sense that she comes on strong to Cloud. But really strong. Like “I want that D right now” strong. Cloud has officially become your usual anime boy who is good at everything that can make any woman magically fall in love with him. So that whole thing made me roll my eyes.
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There are some new characters inserted, such as the SOLDIER Roche. I thought they were going to do more with him but, apparently not. The new characters can be a bit “meh”, such as Chadley. Johnny isn’t a new character but may as well be since his role is so expanded. He was probably the most annoying, constantly calling Cloud “bro”. That gave me some bad flashbacks of Prompto’s modern-speak in Final Fantasy XV.
The remake adds a certain new plot element that you’re not sure at first where it’s going until it’s revealed at the very end. The ending can be a bit out there, as the original storyline is changed significantly. SIGNIFICANTLY I was curious if this game would make sense to first-timers, but, probably not when you reach the end. The ending heavily relies on you knowing the original game.
My only complaint about the story was how they started the motorcycle chase cutscene. That was my favorite cutscene of the original game, with Cloud driving down the stairs and the group getting into the car. I liken it to the barrel scene in the original Hobbit novel. But like the Hobbit movie, they made the motorcycle scene pretty outrageous. Like so over-the-top that my initial reaction was to scoff at it. It also struck me as awkward, because there were many moments when the bad guys could have shot them but just. . .stood there watching Cloud kick their asses.
Some people may be upset by how the remake ended, while others find it cool. I thought it was cool. But at the same time, now I want an official “remastered” Final Fantasy VII too. Just a game strictly like the original but with vastly improved graphics.
The music was pure eargasm. There were many moments when I fanboyed screaming “THIS IS THE SONG! YESSS!” They remixed the songs so well, from the battle theme to the Shinra theme, and the Wall Market theme. Everything you loved about the original soundtrack but MORE gusto, more pomp and circumstance.
A couple complaints though.
1 – I think the focus on making the music more orchestrated takes away the mood of the original music. I missed some of the synth and electronic from the original game because it related well to the technological city of Midgar. The synth and electronic featured in the original game gave off a brooding, darker mood.
2 – I didn’t like what they did with the Crazy Motorcycle music.
Notable Theme:
It’s difficult to find pieces of the original soundtrack as of today, because Square is taking them down from YouTube. Still, some people have managed to keep up some of the coolest tracks from this game. Unfortunately, the videos have gameplay footage, which could be spoilers, technically.
I’ll just leave it as this:
The Jenova battle theme is a much longer piece in this game, but it pays off at the final quarter of the song.
Trust me.
The remake does the original justice. We waited so long for this game and it delivered, unlike Final Fantasy XV.
I don’t think a first-timer would really appreciate it though as much as a fan of the original game would. Sure, there’s nothing stopping you from just going into it without knowing the original game, but there are things that one wouldn’t understand unless you played the original game. In that sense, the word “remake” is a bit misleading. Maybe they’re “rebooting” the entire Compilation of Final Fantasy VII? It seems like they’re going for what they did with the newer Star Trek movies, if you catch my drift. But I can’t say for sure exactly where they’re going with it until the next game comes out, but it seems that way to me.
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dad-victoriam · 4 years
I have one official character each for Fallout 3 and New Vegas, but In Fallout 4, I have like, three. Two Minutemen Generals and a Railroad Agent. Can you tell which play-through I started while bored and stuck in quarantine?
Lupe Campbell
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Pale Blue
Sexuality: Bisexual
Nicknames: General, Madam President, Ma, Lulu
Preferred Weapon: Custom Laser Rifle
Faction: Commonwealth Minutemen
Best Friend: Nick Valentine
Love Interest: Preston Garvey
Has never done anything wrong in her life ever.
Preston knows this, and he loves her.
They have Team Mom and Team Dad Energy.
Sturges says they’re gross about it, but one time they got in a fight and he nearly cried because he though they were going to break up.
Is freakishly strong and constantly concerns and astounds people watching her carry and lift things.
Once physically lifted Hancock up over her head and carried him to the time-out corner when he was antagonizing Danse.
He lives in constant fear of being manhandled again.
Her karma is so pristine it’s practically blinding.
Loves helping Nick on cases, always looks for an excuse to wear the trench coat and fedora.
Has unique sense of fashion, thinks the Minutemen General Cosplay is high couture, only wears high-waist Mom Jeans.
Had joined up with the Brotherhood for a little bit, but after Danse got kicked out she left.
Actually, what happened was she stormed into Maxon’s office, lectured him in a way only a mom could, told him she wasn’t mad, just disappointed and then left the Prydwen and hasn’t returned since.
Maxon locked himself in his quarters afterwards to brood, not to cry, he definitely didn’t cry.
(He cried a little bit)
Danse joined the Minutemen after that. It was like the Brotherhood, but they were as loyal to him as he was to them. It really helped him cope and renewed his sense of purpose.
Lupe and Preston are proud of him.
Everyone jokes that he’s like their son behind their backs. Hancock got caught once (see above mentioned physical lifitng).
Her Mom Energy is so potent that legit most of the companions and even some of the Minutemen and Sanctuary settelers gave her the nickname ‘Ma’
Does not drink, does not smoke, what does she do?
She delivers Justice.
Fox Hawthorne
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/ Her
Hair Color: Ginger
Eye Color: Green
Sexuality: Lesbian
Nicknames: Whisper (Deacon) Renarde (Curie)
Preferred Weapon: Silenced Sniper Rifle
Faction: The Railroad
Best Friend: MacCready
Love Interest: Curie
Closeted Pre-War, had a family to please her mother, actually pretty sad, doesn’t like talking about it except where Shaun is concerned.
“Fox” is not her real name but she refuses to tell anyone what it really is and there’s no way for them to ever find out for sure.
Deacon once snuck down to the vault to see if it was on record somewhere only to find out she was one step ahead of him.
She hacked the records and wherever her true name had been was replaced with a string of emojis.
Codsworth is programmed to call her “Miss Fox” and does not understand the fact that she has another name so he’s no help either.
She can NOT stand staying in Sanctuary (too many memories) and renovated the Red Rocket station nearby to keep her stuff in.
A settlement formed around it and they’re pretty friendly with their Minutemen neighbors even though Preston is constantly trying to get Fox to join the cause.
She will not, she thinks the outfits are tacky, but secretly still goes out of her way to help settlements.
Curie loves it when she does that.
Her relationship with MacCready is summed up by ‘Pure of Heart, Dumb of Ass / Lesbian’.
Do Not Separate Them.
They platonically raise Shaun and Duncan together.
“This is our dad, and this is our mom, and this is our mom’s girlfriend, Curie.”
Two Snipers Out In The Commonwealth Doing Sniper Things.
He literally pouts every time Fox leaves him at Red Rocket to do Railroad Missions with Deacon.
Curie keeps him company, they get along stupendously.
Other than Railroad Missions, or Settlement Rescue Mission Dates with Curie, Fox and MacCready are joined at the hip and are off doing dumb shit.
Always return to Red Rocket with broken noses, dislocated shoulders, cuts, bumps, and bruises and Curie has to patch them up.
Fox claims her kisses have healing properties.
She’s flirting, but Curie thinks she’s serious and has offered to kiss MacCready’s wounds as well.
He had to politely decline multiple times for fear of facing certain death via sandman kill.
The weirdest trio in the Commonwealth.
No one understands their dynamic.
It works because all three of them are the awkward third wheel of the friendship.
Gender: ???
Pronouns: They/Them
Hair Color: ???
Eye Color: ???
Sexuality: Pansexual
Nicknames: Commonwealth Cryptid
Preferred Weapon: Molotov Cocktail
Faction: Commonwealth Minutemen
Best Friend: Dogmeat
Love Interest: Hancock
Has good intentions, but bad methods.
Takes their title as General of the Minutemen very seriously.
Makes sure every settlement has enough food, water, and defense.
Spends hours decorating and making them look nice.
Could have a promising future (or past?) in architecture and interior design.
Intelligence stat is either 1 or 10, no one knows.
All their strategies are chaotic and crackpot but like; they work???
Chooses the Sarcastic response 100% of the time.
Low-Key devout member of the Children of Atom.
Wears assault gas mask and only ever takes off the mask when they’re furious and deadly serious, or you know, when they’re going to sleep.
Legitimately no one, not even the companions, knows what they look like, or even if they’re human or not.
Hancock knows, because he’s seen them naked, but refuses to tell anyone because he lives for the chaos and will constantly make up fake shit just to fuck with the rest of the group.
Hancock is the only living individual who knows what their face looks like.
Piper tried to see if Shaun knew anything and was like, “are you not even a little curious?”
The kid just shrugged, and like, messed around with a Laser Sniper Rifle he was making and was like “they’re my parent. That’s just how they are. I like them the way they are”.
MacCready swears up and down that he saw them turn their head 180 degrees like an owl one time.
Hancock backed him up, but he was huffing jet and laughing his ass off the whole time so no one knows if he was serious.
Gives “let’s get this freak show on the road” a whole new connotation.
Can only shop at Diamond City Surplus at night because Crazy Myrna refuses to sell to them.
She thinks they’re a synth and will not take “No, I’m Jangles the Moon Monkey” as an answer.
Definitely did blow up the Prydwen.
Stole Maxon’s jacket.
Has the Cannibalism perk.
It’s just practical, there are lots of dead bodies everywhere and food is scarce. If they eat a raider, then somehow, somewhere, there’s a Fancy Lad Snack Cake left for a starving orphan to eat.
No one else seems to see it this way.
Loves Brahmin.
I mean, really loves them.
 Will stop whatever they’re doing to pet one if they see one.
If they’re working as part of a caravan, they’ll call them Ma’am and apologize for disrupting their work, but will still pet them.
Caravan Guards who see this behavior: ?????
Maxed Stealth and Pickpocket perks
Is a Little Sneak Thief
All their armor has Chameleon Legendary effects.
This stresses everyone out because that means they can be anywhere at any time and oh my God, where are they? I know they’re in here with me, where are they???
Once snuck up on MacCready (accidentally) and pulled an actual full swear word out of the guy. It was loud.
And it was the Fuck word.
It’s Bo’s proudest achievement.
Was totally on board with being the Overboss of Nukaworld until Gage suggested raiding Commonwealth Settlements.
They take their title as General of the Minutemen very very seriously.
They took off the mask, and all of Nukaworld saw their face that day. T’was brutal.
I’m talking “Rip and tear until it is done”.
I’m talking heavy metal theme music and everything.
It’s a nice and peaceful little trader settlement now. Bo planted flowers everywhere.
So, did you guess which one I started cuz I was bored in quarantine, yet? Did you guess all three? You would be correct.
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I was tagged by @elbereth-varda a couple of days ago. Sorry it’s taken me a while to get around to this!
I’m tagging @goldoans (about whom I’ve known much of this information for years, but I could use a refresher because we just started talking frequently again recently), @visirion, and @coroebus if she has time (#TheGradStudentLife).
Zodiac Sign: Aries.
Which Of The 7 Sins Fits You Best: Sloth, secondarily lust.
When picking a brownie, do you pick the middle, side, or corner piece? Corner.
When it comes to sound, which is prettier: Violin or Piano? Violin reaches higher heights but piano is more consistently pretty—the Hank Aaron of instruments.
List your OTP’s here, as many as you can think of! Lúthien/Beren, Sam/Rosie (both from Tolkien), Mamiina/Rodoreamon (from Simoun), Shiki/Mikiya (from Kara no Kyoukai), Charles/Sebastian (from Brideshead Revisited; note that this is a “they’re so bad for each other and obviously they shouldn’t actually be together but I’m fascinated by their dynamic” OTP), Guy/Virginia (from Sword of Honour, also by Evelyn Waugh (lowkey they’re both complete fucking disasters and objectively even more horrible for each other than Charles and Sebastian but neither of them has anybody else who really understands them DON’T JUDGE ME)), Maddie/Julie (from Code Name Verity)
What colour lightsaber would you have? Green! It’s my favorite color, although lightsaber green is far from my favorite shade of green.
What is your aesthetic? Lowkey Nathan=mixed woodlands, autumn leaves, Mark Knopfler, Japanese soft rock, hot drinks, blooming lilac, cough drop wrappers, flip phones, Ordinary Form Mass said simply and without any gimcrackery, button-down shirts, socks and sandals, SCARVES, unfashionable glasses. Highkey Nathan=crashing surf, lonely lighthouses, synth-pop with super-sugary production but a really strong driving beat, Florence and the Machine, Pre-Raphaelite art, ghosts and goblins, Puritan graveyards, stained glass windows of the Blessed Virgin, Latin Mass, half-sized bottles of prosecco. Both Nathans=Old books, antique clothing, shin-hanga art, Wedgwood.
Hogwarts house? Hufflepuff.
Which one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse do you think you could totally be/want to be? If I absolutely had to choose, Pestilence.
Aliens or ghosts? Ghosts!!!!! 
If you could live in any past era, what one would it be? I’ve thought about this extensively and what I’ve decided is that, while I’d balk at actually being thrown back in time as I am now, if I could start my life over again I might be more “with it” if I had grown up in the last decade before World War I and had my years of productive adulthood in the twenties through early sixties. I certainly wouldn’t claim that the same could be said for everyone, and this is making the pretty big assumption that I could avoid seeing combat.
Would you ever swim with sharks? Sure.
What’s your favourite word? Jeopardize, gibberish, hoedown, tatterdemalion.
Favourite band? Florence and the Machine always, and I’ve been really into Metric lately.
Have you ever wondered, even for a moment, what another human tastes like? …I can’t say I have.
Fire or ice? Both.
Light or dark? Light as long as it’s not too harsh.
What’s your favourite romantic troupe? Angsty reminiscing, going down in history together.
What’s your favourite quote of all time?  “When in Rome, do as you done in Milledgeville.”—Flannery O’Connor. That or the entire firefly passage from The Makioka Sisters. 
What’s your favourite holiday? Christmas!
How far would you go to keep the person or thing you love the most? I’m worried that I wouldn’t go as far as I’d like to say I would. Perhaps in a pinch I’d pleasantly surprise myself.
Who or what are you most loyal to? Current reigning king of trying super-hard to make the answer stop being “number one” and start being “God and my neighbor.”
What’s your favourite flower? Lilac, clover, and echinacea. 
Favourite amusement park ride? Water slides or carousels (bullshit baby rides, coward, normal).
Favourite board game? I’m not as into board games as I used to be but I was one of those monsters who actually enjoyed Monopoly when I was younger. I still really like Clue.
What’s your favourite meme? Shoop da whoop then, shoop da whoop now, shoop da whoop forever.
Favourite ice cream flavor? Raspberry or coffee.
Disney character you are going to FIGHT: That bad guy from Frozen who wasn’t Hans (Hans could kick my ass, as could obvious answers like Gaston).
Last book you read/book you are currently reading: Finished a reread of Wise Blood, just started Wuthering Heights.
What characters are your “children,” so to speak?  I can’t think of any at the moment but I know there are some.
Favorite comic series? Peanuts and Calvin and Hobbes.
Favorite Tim Burton movie? Of the ones I’ve seen, probably Big Fish.
What character, and it can only be one character, do you ship yourself with?  I kind of want to be part of Julia Flyte’s healing process and have her be part of mine, but she probably really doesn’t need another marriage.
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