#i really really like that scene in the game tho omgggg
crestomancer-art · 1 year
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🖤 beloved 🤍
(no spoilers please, I'm only 2 endings deep 💦)
(update: finished all endings 😭💗💗💗 they're in love your honour)
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rlljayhon · 4 months
5/12/24 (heppi mothaz day)
"if you're everybody's friend, your own enemy is you" - derived from mike tyson
anywho! i am doing worse in regards to managing my feelings! yippee!!!! idk why is liking someone so annoying HAHA thankfully denise told me something that was a slap to the face and it kept me in line lmao umm I think I deserve better like I should be looking for a relationship where I feel wanted! but alas I do not respect myself nor love myself enough to do that!!! i mean I wasn't actively looking for something before this whole situation occurred which is why I'm "okay" with where I am at??? i guess??? and they have already made it pretty clear they just want to stay friends, and they don't really do anything or say anything that makes me think they are interested either!! so why do I still feel this way!!! it isn't going to go anywhere!! blahhh!!!! i just need to do a better job of keeping things casual methinx!! bc if they like changed their mind (which will never happen, just a hypothetical) like I would have to think, do they actually like me for me??? or just the attention they get y'know??? baggage baggage catch me at LAX bc I be carrying around all this damn BAGGAGE!!! on the plus side! i have learned that I really like someone who has a lot of qualities I wish I had heh also I do not know if I would wanna be /w someone who is like loud and as energetic as I am LMAO I like the dynamic of being silly and making someone embarrassed in public like not in a bad way but I guess causing a scene HAHA bc me and another goofball I think I would get tired of that and it would be like,,, too much of myself
idk i think im just gonna ride it out until either one of us meets someone or decides to call it off! i will be pretty bummed when that happens, bc I mean yeah all this sucks but I mean I am still having fun!! well that day/situation/talk is inevitable like thanos' snap so it is just a matter of when I guess also on tik tok today I got recommended a one shot manga like its just one chapter and it was this cute little romance called parasol alliance and I liked it a lot so I looked for more one shot mangas -> I found a website and sorted by most popular and I found one I really liked! it was really cute!! but towards the last like 20% of the manga IT BECAME A FUCKIN PORN!!! WHATT!?!?! i mean,,, I wasn't gonna stop there yknow I was already invested n gotta see it thru HAHA it was just so silly like I did not expect that shit at all, and all the comments on that website are just a bunch of thirsty ass weeby girls going like, omgggg he is soo hottt HAHA I guess its like the fanfic to hentai manga pipeline or some shit
--------> Had to add in some shit after reading the last post
I LOVE THE KASAMAS!!! <3 anakbayan has been great for me like having a whole new group of friends is so nice and everyone is so fun and it is so so so amazing to know we are all together fighting and working towards the same goal!!! but also even tho everyone likes me a lot I find it sometimes hard to relate bc I'm in the like 10% of the org who is straight LMAOOOOO but that is okay!! i am just so excited to be done with finals so I can game and fuckin work out and read manga and WORK and learn more about the Phillippines!!! also probably buy a balisong and learn more kendama tricks too lol
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borrelia · 2 years
spoilerless opinion: it balanced comedy and suspense SO well, it was super enjoyable. i loved the characters ESPECIALLY em and her fucking awesome gay girl fashion. the plot twists were So juicy and cool and the buildup for them was MASTERFUL it fit together soooo well. and omfg the special effects... the design.. the SOUND... its so creative its a home run fr go watch nope
spoilerful opinion under the cut bc omgggg
god the BEAUTY MWAH of the motifs in this movie. the heywoods introducing themselves by reminding you that the First film was a black man on a horse... and then at the climax you got a guy shooting with an oldschool analog film camera A Black Man On A Horse. the visual echoes of the flags and the air dancers AND jean jacket’s fucked up threat display.
AND IM OBSESSED WITH MR PEELE’S LIVE ACTION AKIRA BIKE SLIDE YEAHHH me n my friend in this packed theater the ONLY ones to point at it like “aha!” but that was such a fun moment omgggg
and like sorry but fdhsfhgdsf gruffly singing one eyed one horned flying purple people eater in a very serious tone does NOT make that a seriuos song i was just fucking laughingggg maybe its supposed to get a laugh out of me but the scene was just too serious otherwise i wasnt sure dfhgfdsg so fun tho
like im still processing so much trying to figure How The Fuck jupe got into the alien summoning game. bc it hasnt just been the last 6 months its clearly been the whole 3 years hes been around right? you dont call your tourist park “Jupiter’s Claim” and not be already planning to host aliums right? and the way that shoe stood... that couldnt have been jean jacket but somehow the gordy stuff isn’t just trauma on its own. theres some kind of direct link between his obsession over the most traumatizing experience of his life (and man the way they have him talk about it to em and oj was Perfect like just generally a really well-done scene) and his connection to jean jacket.
is it Just that he sought that feeling of being the only one spared, the only one with a bond to the beast? is “Jupiter’s Claim” really just a coincidence?? it can’t be, bc i remember in Us there were so many subtle visual cues that played into the story (adelaide’s plain clothes reddening with blood as the story continues, her daughter’s rabbit motifs). maybe it’s supposed to be like. the characters didnt choose this for a Reason but the story did yk? hmmmmmmm googling nope ending explained i guess LOL (joking)
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stonerbughead · 4 years
Maria watches friday night lights (#33)
I’m back, I’m back! So here’s what happened...I watched 5x10 on October 1, never edited my note about it, then ended up taking an inadvertent break from watching until now. Idk why, but i needed a break from like...watching tv i hadn’t seen before. Anyone else have that habit of watching things you’ve already seen when you’re going through an anxious period? Starting a new job in the same month as the 2020 presidential election fit the bill, and i wanted to really immerse myself in the final three episodes of this amazing show properly so i decided to wait until i was feeling it! Anyway to the like three people who enjoy my recaps, i hope you enjoy these last four recaps.
So without further ado, aforementioned Oct 1 recap, now edited and underneath the cut:
5x10 yoooo I have never been so amused by Buddy Garrity in my life + TIM so here we go:
TIM RIGGINS RETURNS?! Yay!!! (This is my reaction just from seeing him in the “previously on.”)
Eric’s getting recruited at a ~fancy~ restaurant! Oh shitttt
“That, right there, marks the end of the East Dillon Lions football program led by Coach Eric Taylor.” “...It’s a crate of oranges.” “Yeah, and it’s from the sunshine state. From Florida! And that can only mean one thing—year round sunshine and college funding.” Lmao alarmist Buddy is hilarious and actually not wrong here. Lol incredulous Levi: “you got all that from a crate of oranges?!”
#OperationGetTimOut!! Is Eric going to speak for him as a character witness?
I *knew* that phone call from Oklahoma Tech wasn’t gonna be good. Ohhhhh Vince you should’ve listened to Eric~~~
Oh shit everyone’s buzzing about “losing their kingmaker” and it’s playoff time! Love a good car radio scene. “So how was it honey, are we moving to Florida?” Lol
“Dad, maybe we should just talk to Coach. I need to be focused on this game on Friday night, getting my spot back.” Yes Vince stand up for yourself, take a break from those meetings! I am fearful of his dad’s true reaction tho.
“Expelling Epyck, that was a good start.” Omfg some of these teachers are too cruel! That is a severely traumatized child, ma’am!
“Impromptu speeches...” “Impromptu means not planned, Buddy.” “Okay, then promptu.” I’M LIVING for these Buddy and Levi interactions omg hilarious.
“A man can’t leave if you erect a statue in his honor.” “A plaque?” “You got money for that?!” I cannot omfgggg Levi and Buddy should take this show on the road!
Tami’s “Oh Levi you are too much.” That’s a nice way to say “fuck you” for making her take a personal day to go speak on a panel he TOLD her she’s speaking at? Smh this is why staff needs unions.
Lmao Buddy is being so extra with Eric, I can’t
...and enter Billy, here to ask Eric a favor...
“Tim Riggins? One of the best fullbacks in the great state of Texas? The boy my girl fell in love with? Yeah I’ll do that.” Damn Buddy has a crush on Tim Riggins too!! I get it dude same.
“I believe in loyalty, Billy. Sticking with your people, through good and bad.” SO EXTRA LMAO
“Hey coach you going to Florida?” “I was planning on going home and I suggest you do too, Tinker.” Ugh poor Eric having to deal with all of these rumors and the team being endlessly curious right before the playoffs!
Awww Tami’s excited about the Florida houses. “Three years with a two year option.” Damn. Aw the way that Eric looks at Tami and you know he wants to give her everything she wants 🥺
Omggg now Buddy is making the players talk up Eric Taylor 😂 his scheming truly kills me
Becky and Luke tossing a football, so precious!
Ah, there’s more to life than college football, Luke! “No one wants me.” “I want you.” Aww Becky.
Aw Billy is getting so frustrated trying to write his speech for Tim. “It sounds ridiculous.” “No it doesn’t. You’re a good brother.” Oh Mindy 🥺 fuck prisonssss he should not feel like his words have so much bearing on his brother’s literal freedom!
Yes to Vince going to Eric and agreeing to earn his way back! That’s the Vince we know and love!
I love Eric telling Tami about Tim’s parole hearing. “You going to do it?” “You bet i’m going to do it.” My heart! The way there’s no question about it 🥺
Andddd Vince’s dad predictably refuses to let up with the recruiters. But this time Vince is standing up to him!
Yesss Vince, walk away! Especially after his dad yelled at him like that; this is not your life, it’s Vince’s!
“Don’t whack her. Just a little love tap.” LMAO Luke, Tinker, Becky, and a pig. Luke is giving Tinker pageant advice for Tinker at a competition with the pig?? I can’t, that’s weirdly so cute. Becky clearly finds it cute.
Omg Tim in his all-white prison uniform I HATE THISSS
OMGGGG “I don’t want Billy to speak, he’s done enough damage.” Fuck this is gonna fuck Billy UP. But also fair...I mean, Billy DOES tend to be a fuck up?? Isn’t that how we got here?
Yessss Tami going off explaining that standardized testing isn’t the end all be all!!
“what would you have us do, meet with every kind in the state?” “Yes I would.” to a round of applause. GO OFF QUEEN TAMI TAYLOR
Yes Coach Taylor! Give us one of your epic speeches!
Poor Tim looks like he has a lot of self hatred sitting here listening to Eric talking about him 🥺
“I asked him to be an assistant coach because of his character off the field.” YES
lol Buddy Garrity getting up to speak even tho he’s not on the list 🤣
“He’s like family to me.” OH BUDDYYYY he’s coming through with a full time job for Tim when he comes out?????? Tim’s smile of relief.
“It’s time for you to let Tim Riggins come home.” YESSSSS
AW Tim sent Eric letters from prison?? My poor babe. “I’m sorry I didn’t visit more.” “I’m sorry I let you down.” “You didn’t and that’s not why I’m here.” IM EMOTIONAL
Holy shit Vince’s dad is STILL not letting up? “I’m your father. I know what’s right.” “that is enough! Get off his back!” “He needs a father, not an agent!” YES REGINA GO OFFFFF she finally snapped!
(It’s wild how Coach possibly leaving is being used in this fight in Vince’s family. Oh, Dillon!)
Oh shit Billy is yelling at both Becky and Mindy, clearly very affected by what Tim said at his parole hearing. “You did everything you could and that makes all the difference.” Aww Mindy, and Billy apologized! Too much stress for such a young family! Also unrelated but Mindy looks mad hot for the athletic banquet.
Awww I love getting to see the other teams stand up. Yeah cross country, yes girls volleyball!!!
Man, playing a sport in Texas that’s not football must suck, look at that insane applause for football vs. weak for everyone else
Buddy giving Gracie a lil t-shirt and saying, “clear eyes, full hearts...you know it?” And they’re all like “can’t...lose” and Gracie giggles! Ok that’s cute af
Omg the tension between Jess and Vince!! “Jess, I miss you. I miss you.” 🥺 aw yeah she blew him off for her brothers
Wow they made it to the playoffs for the first time in 25 years?? Well here comes Buddy’s All Hail Eric Taylor pageant. Lmao
Awww these heartfelt addresses from the team members on how much Eric Taylor has changed their lives??? Manipulative, Buddy, really. He knows what he’s doing.
Yesss Eric, give Tami that massage. See y’all, this is what being a good man looks like.
“It had the desired effect. It sure made you think twice about leaving Dillon.” “It’s a hell of an offer. I’d own that building. They have funding.” “Mmm and oranges. Don’t forget about oranges.” “Mmm that pool.” They wanna leave.
“You know what I want more than anything right now? I wanna bring these boys to state.” “I know you do.” “They deserve it.” “I know they do. But after you do that, this offer is something to think about. Because you deserve that.” Ugh I know I say it a lot but since we’re in the final four episodes now and I’m mostly talking into the void anyway — god, what a model of a wonderful and gentle and loving and communicative marriage! I am continually floored!
Becky with cowboy boots at Luke’s farm works. And ooh Luke’s mom said hi to her?? Progress!!
Aw they’re talking about how pretty they find Luke’s farm as he tries to imagine a future here in Dillon. “I have an amazing imagination. I see your next game, and you’re winning.” Awww Becky is such a cute girlfriend.
What a cute shot of Luke and Becky on the farm, “you ever think you could imagine living on a farm?” “Sure.” AWWW
Vince at Eric’s door on game day?!!! He’s asking Eric not to take the offer to Shane State when he’s supposed to already be at the field house!?!
“Having you as a coach is one of the best things to happen to me. I don’t know where I’d be without you. Either in jail or in a ditch somewhere.” Damn forget Buddy this shit is from the HEART
Eric tells him to get in the damn car and tells him he’s starting!! “You know what your problem is? You ask too many damn questions.”
AHHHHH TIM IS HOME! Showered in a flannel! My heart! He salutes Becky with a beer!
Aww Billy is so excited to have his brother home.
It seems uneasy in the home. Coming back from prison is hard.
And here they go, heading onto the bus with signs and cheers!
“I’ll tell you, this is an away game, but you look around here at the community tonight and the young players that I have playing for me, and the character they got—no matter where this community goes, that’s home.”
Damn Eric just announced he was planning to stay home in Dillon to the press. “you’re full of surprises, aren’t you?” says Tami. “I love you.” and with the FNL theme song playing aghkliyb I’m not ready for the final three episodes ahhh!!!
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wincore · 4 years
AGREEEE, WORKING OVER THE WEEKEND IS THE WORST esp since im in uni full time and i work 9-5 on the weekends which means... no breaks for me ever.. 🥲
MASSIVE CRUSH ON OIKAWA OMGGG I SUPPORT THIS!!!!! but i am unfortunately much older than 15 and still enamored by 2d men 😔 life’s rough like that HDJWKDJ YES ATSUMU CAUSES PROBLEMS ON PURPOSE.. HES THE WORST!! btw.. ive heard that the oikawa to atsumu stan pipeline is very real... so if u get to s4.. u may develop atsumu brain rot like me 👁_👁
OOO alright run on, extracurricular, vincenzo, true beauty, love alarm, & perfect crime. NOTED!! ive actually been meaning to watch extracurricular for a while now, it looks so interesting!! now that it has the wincore seal of approval i must watch 😤 OMGG SAKURADA DORI I SAW HIM IN ALICE IN BORDERLAND!! super good show but really gore heavy at some points 👁
ahh ok thank u for the reccs, ive been thinking about starting demon slayer too!! shoplifters sounds really interesting :oo crime??? i havent watched a full movie in a while so i will def check it out!! THESE R ALL GOING IN MY NOTES APP.
NEXT YEARRR omg it sounds far away but i know time passes so quickly nowadays so I WILL WISH U LUCK ONCE AGAIN 💛 i hope u update us when the time comes!!
UGHWHHD EVEN THIS SYNOPSIS IS MAKING ME MISS UR WRITING?!? I LOVE THE WAY U WORD IT... “given a choice to pretend, you find that jaehyun is the lesser of the two burdens to bear” AHHHHHHH omg “he’s in a relationship and doesn’t rlly care about the soulmate system” THIS IS ALWAYS SUCH A PAINFUL SCENARIO IN SOULMATE AUS PLSS!!! Wait is the soulmate of yn gonna be an oc/vague character or another member :O EITHER WAY... PAIN! THIS IS GETTING ME SO EXCITED AND U HAVENT EVEN MENTIONED ANYTHING ABOUT WHAT JAEHYUN’S LIKE IN THIS FIC YET
RUNWAY CHARACTER CAMEOOOS YESS I LOVE RUNWAY YN!!!! i actually reread it last night and ugh i was reminded how much i love yns personality... just the process of experiencing all tht self doubt with them!!! so real & makes u root for them :’)
“if jeno plays edward i need him to that apple scene like taemin did” WHHHHHWJDJJWJDBW THIS MADE ME CHOKE ON THE WATER I WAS DRINKING LMFAO
GODDDD THESE TROPE/MEMBER PAIRINGS, HARD AGREE HARD AGREE!!! HAECHAN AND RENJUN ARE E2L 100%!!!! i think bc the ppl in the bff2l category cant convincingly hate yn back LOL
“gets complimented on his lyricism often but like every song’s about you” STOPPPPP HES SO PERFDCT FOR THIS TROPE!!!!!
OMG I SEE EXACTLY WHAT U MEAN ABT SICHENG IN ROYALTY/CHAEBOL AUS... i think like u said it’s because of his poise & the way ppl are generally in awe of him but also bc of his reluctance to open up!! more reserved until he trusts u... funny and kind but sometimes perceived as aloof... those r some prince tendencies! “what are corporate businesses but modern day kingdoms” LMFAOOWJDJ SERIOUSLY THO
“mans really said i will not give you any onscreen idol personality to work with” HDJWJDJWJSJ LITERALLYYYY this is why i have trouble reading jaehyun fics sometimes bc sometimes they can feel “inaccurate” but its mostly just bc there’s no Standard Personality Stereotype to go off of. but a random & uncommon trope i think he’d pair well with is exes to lovers!! Yes im basically just a jaehyun + angst advocate.
“i think most of them would pair well with bff2l??” FACTTTTTTT and no im not just saying this bc its one of my favorite tropes.. heh... i think i told u this before?? but ur like the main reason i started enjoying e2l!!! i didnt like it before bc i love the PINING in bff2l but then i started reading ur works n was like OH SHIT! THERES LOADS OF PINING HERE TOO...
i think yangyang is not bff2l or e2l, he is in his own category which is Annoyer2Lover HDJWKDJ ex: troublemaker, wasted nights
OMGGGG I DID NOT EXPECT ROYALTY AU TO HAVE SUCH A LARGE LEAD IN THE SURVEY??? and cryptids is so low 😔😔 cmon guys, vampires r fun!!!
WE R LITERALLY WRITING ESSAYS TO EACH OTHER RN BUT I LOVE IT 🥺🥺 its a such a nice break to read ur response when im burnt out from studying!!
“—and when this whole game you’re playing is over, you’re going to say I rejected you.” ?!?!???? THE WAY JAEHYUN IS A LITTLE SHIT! THEIR PERSONALITIES ARE BOTH SO FUN PLSJWJDJEJ IM MORE EXCITED NOW!!
pls disregard the part in my last ask where i asked abt romeo roulette.... i had no idea all of the information i needed was sitting right in front of me 😔😔
- tata
WHAT 9 TO 5 ON EVERY WEEKEND???? the system has failed you this honestly feels like a villain origin story 😭 when does it get better???
ALSO let me answer the other asks separately for better readability lol we really out here writing essays GOOD THING i have practice writing but like. this is infinitely better to write 🥰
PLSSS SOMETIMES I WILL SEE AN EDIT/TIKTOK OF OIKAWA AND BE LIKE DAMN I REALLY NEED TO CATCH UP I MISS THIS MF also are you daring me to ruin my life for 2d men bc i will do it without hesitation. wait till i watch hq again and get that atsumu brainrot with you he seems annoying enough for me to like ^_^
AND YES PLS I WAS SO ABSORBED IN IT!! extracurricular was the most gripping show i’ve watched in a while like yes enough teen romance give me two unhinged teenagers doing crime 🤩 AND OMG??? THAT’S WHERE WE SAW HIM TOO and although niragi was literally vomit-inducing human trash, sakurada dori is like. a good actor. except i hated coffee&vanilla which starred him it was literally so cringe i couldn’t 😭 i blame the writers for that though. IM EXCITED FOR S2 OF ALICE IN BORDERLAND THO i really like horror (and i can tolerate gore if ive been desensitized enough) and like i read the manga too!!! the games were really interesting (although morbid).
😭😭 MY NOTES APP IS FULL OF RECS FROM FRIENDS ALL OF THEM HATE ME FOR NOT WATCHING THE SHOWS BUT LIKE. i binge 3 or 4 at a time and strike them off and then go 6 months without watching a single tv series hhh.
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I SURE WILL UPDATE !!! it’s so exciting to think about grad school sometimes :33
AHHH IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE IT AND THE PREVIEW TOO SGSDJKDS there’s a few differences in the actual fic i think bc i changed up the language (and i dont remember what else bc i refuse to look at my writing) JAEHYUN RLLY IS A LITTLE SHIT he’ll be like hm yeah im pretty chill :) and then proceed to beat yn at her own game at times. (she wins mostly dw) the fact that i made her soulmate cha eunwoo like girl if i were you i’d crash their relationship 🥱 (jk) but like. jaehyun too is 🤩 despite being dry af
ASDKDSKDS YOU REREAD ALL (ALMOST) 19K WORDS ??? IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE THAT FIC SM AAAAHHH IM FEELING LIKE AN ACTUAL AUTHOR 🥰 i loved runway yn too they were like boss attitude with 20% anxiety.
LOOK JENO BETTER BE PULLING MOVES LIKE THAT TO IMPRESS THE GIRLS 😤 if he hits himself in the forehead with the apple, bonus points bc that was true comedy (as invented by taemin)
AND YES. LIKE I KNOW MARK HATED DONGHYUCK SO MUCH HE WANTED TO LEAVE SM BUT LIKE HE’S TOO NICE WITH EVERYONE ELSE 😭😭😭 i cannot picture him pissed off apart from that summer fight </3
thinking about dejun getting rejected by a girl he wrote a song for. rip brother.
IM GLAD YOU PUT THAT INTO WORDS BC THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT IT IS!!! he’s got all of these regal qualities but he’s still human ykyk so it makes for the most amiable person on earth 😌 i love this characterization of him!!
oof exes to lovers with jaehyun... i had a similar idea a while ago (with theme song sincerity is scary by the 1975) that i discarded bc i don’t think i’m cut out to write that 😭 (YET) so i will keep this is mind. u r so right about jaehyun feeling inaccurate bc it’s like he’s very mild in personality onscreen sometimes?? so him having strong personality traits makes me go 🤔🤔 that man is overreacting. (jkjk but like you get the idea)
WAIT RLLY OMG BC OF ME???? i would never enjoy e2l irl bc irl dudes are 🤢🤢 and if they annoy me i will end them. but in fiction the mutual pining and initial disgust at yourself for liking the other??? helllooo 🤩🤩🤩 especially if it’s in a romcom style <3 bff2l is also better in fiction bc if the relationship doesnt work out irl and the person become uncomfortable with me i will just get annoyed jskshdl
LMAO YOU ARE SO RIGHT ABOUT YANGYANG HE’S JUST THAT™ DUDE skgkhs he feels like someone fun to hang out with but he would annoy you the whole time. also he is cute 🥰
AND EXACTLY!!!! IM HAPPY FOR ROYALTY AUS BUT CMON. LOOK AT THOSE VAMPIRE TEETH. feel like media ruined vampires for people 😔 
THIS IS SUCH A NICE BREAK FROM STUDYING HONESTLY!!!! im like working on two semi-large projects AND studying course and out-of-course material simultaneously so my brain is a little fried. thank u for this 😘
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dachi-chan25 · 4 years
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I had books that I either loved or hated so idk maybe I need to do another unhaul to ensure I read books I'll actually enjoy.
1- OtherEarth (Otherworld #2) by Jason Segel
So this was a big disappointment. It started out fine, but I had this bad feeling about what the twist of this book would be about 50% into it, and then the twist comes and it was just as bad as I feared. Honestly I don't even know if I wanna continue with the last book, I have it but honestly I can't say I am looking forward to it, it wasn't just the plot that fell down but the characters felt pretty inconsistent and yeah not a fan.
2.- Fireborne (The Aurelian Cycle #1) by Rosaria Munda
The only thing I knew going into this was that it was inspired by Plato's Republic and that it was similar to Game of Thrones, so maybe that is why I found it pretty underwhelming. Like yeah I could see why it was based off the Republic with this system of education (tbh I still found it pretty basic and very much alike to other social systems I've read in other YA books) and there was some intresting tid-bits but not enough to keep me intrested. Now the characters, I liked both individually (unpopular opinion but I liked Annie more, I thought she had real potential but it was wasted because the moment she and Lee have this romance her character completely lost herself on thinking about him and what he did all the time) but I do not think they worked together romantically. There is some potential drama for book 2 but I am not intrested in reading it.
3.- The Mistress (The Original Sinners #4) by Tiffany Reisz
This book was so good. Yeah it was super predictable, but the drama tho. I really loved Layla, she gave us an outsider's insight on Søren and Nora's relationship, and she is just the sweetest that I instantly knew she and Weasley were gonna get together. I cried at that last confrontation scene with Nora and Marie Laure and I am so happy that Nora is back together with Søren because they are truly a good couple despide everything.
4.-Gods of Jade and Shadow - Silvia Moreno Garcia
I LOVED it. Ever since I saw the cover I was sold. This book I feel like it was meant for me. Like our protagonist Casiopea Tún is a dark skinned mexican girl of mayan descent in the 1920s who meets one of the lords of Xibalba and goes on a quest to help him retake his throne???? And on the way he falls in love with her so much he is about to forfeit his divinity to have a chance to be with her. I just, it was so beautiful, I felt my culture was really represented here, and it's so wierd to see the 1920's represented in Mexico I don't believe I had read something like this before and I will read anything Silvia Moreno Garcia writes from now on. Hopefully we will have a second book for this because that ending makes me wonder what adventures Casiopea will have.
5.-Little Gods by Meng Jin
This book blew my mind. The structure is perfect for the themes . Su Lan was a truly fascinating character though I felt very sad about her, always wanting to escape her past and thinking she was so undeserving for anything good in her life and still fighting to go on. The ending was so good, and all the cast of characters made an excellent conection between the past and the future.
6.- As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner
Yeah I am a pretentious ho. I was very intimidated by this book (and anything written by Faulkner really) and I was really having trouble understanding the book at first because the prose is so particular (there are sentences that read like Shakespeare, some are almost Biblical stuff and then most of the dialogue is this very coloquial english with very poor ortography) and as English is not my first lenguage I struggled. But then we get to Addie's death and all this odyssey the family goes through to bury her, and it was so beautiful and exciting. I especially loved everything about Addie's chapter, she was so much better than her husband and she deserved better than what she got. I really liked Dewey Dell and Darl. While I hated Anse Bundren with a passion so the end really made me angry like waaaaat this selfish asshole gets everything he wanted and then some??? But I got why it made sense for the book. So I definitely recommend this, but my advice is to let yourself glide through the book, do not try to understand or make sense of it as you start it because then you become frustrated like it happened to me at first but it's a really beautiful book so I am really considering reading more Faulkner.
7.-Chosen (Slayer #2) by Kiersten White
I enjoyed this book so much. It's a very easy read and we get some growth on Nina and Artemis. I liked the idea of the Watcher's Castle being a refuge for inofenssive demons. And omgggg I fangirled SO hard when Oz, Harmony and Clem appeared (my fave characters, like literally I only need a Spike cameo in these books to be completely happy). I really wanna see Nina meet Buffy in real life and ahhh I am excited for whatever the next book will bring us.
8.-Out of Salem by Hal Schrieve
This is perharps my favorite book I read this month. It felt so relevant to things that are happening in the world, but escapist enough to bear it. For starters I love a good urban fantasy setting, and this was it. Z was a great non-binary protagonist (the fact the author is also non-binary also helps) like it was pretty original to make them a zombie when necromancy is viewed as wrong in their society and they get discriminated for it even though they knew nothing about how it happened to them. And their friendship with Aysel (lesbian muslim werewolf girl!!!) and Tommy (shapeshifter boy) was amazing. Like the way this book translates real life bigotry and social injustice to this magical creatures was truly amazing I recommend it to everyone of any age. Especially middle graders as this book is meant for that age group and I feel this is an amazing diverse read for that age group.
9.-El murmullo de las abejas de Sofia Segovia
Realmente este libro es precioso, soy una super fan del realismo mágico y este libro realmente me toco el corazón. Aunque he de admitir que entre a este libro sin saber nada, y bueno que este libro pega diferente en el 2020, yo no tenía ni idea que este libro nos presentaba la Pandemia de Influenza Española de 1918, y bueno es bastante triste leer todo lo que paso cuando nosotros estamos pasando épocas muy similares. Simonopio es un personaje divino, poseedor de una sensibilidad y una inocencia verdaderamente fuera de esta mundo, y la forma en que la familia Morales lo adopta y lo abraza tan profundamente dentro de la familia es realmente hermosa. Fue muy difícil leer acerca de Anselmo Espiricueta porque puedo ver de donde venía todo ese odio y esa ignorancia que terminaron en tragedia y no puedo dejar de sentir lastima por él a pesar de todo el mal que hace durante el libro. Recomiendo mucho esta lectura.
10.-Riot Baby by Tochi Onyebuchi
A book so relevant in our current times. So powerful and impactful even if the book is pretty short. We get to see how the systematic racisim at work. We get to get a glimpse of this awful reality through Kev and Ella, two gifted siblings that have lived this experiences in different ways and they cope with this in vastly different ways.It was such an intimate read I cannot begin to describe how angry and sad it made me, but also very glad I got to read it because we need to keep being aware that this is the reality for black people all around the world and they don't get to shy away from it so we shouldn't either we should see, learn and fight as hard as we can to change things for the better.
11.-Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
I re-read this book to have it fresh in my mind before the new series airs on July. And I liked it better now than the 1st time. This world is so scary because I see so many realistic elements it shares with the present. I felt a lot for Lenina (for everyone who lives in this world really) because she wanted more than what the society had to offer yet was so deeply conditioned as to what was right that she could just supress her emotions with soma. This book is of course full of racist and sexist stuff (cuz woman and indigenous people can never win) but I feel it helps to get a feel about how fucked up society is as a whole. In the reservation woman are subjected to the usual slut shaming and gender roles we get in our society while in London we get a world in which woman are judged for not sleeping around and being happy and infantile. Like it seems controling woman and their relationship to intimacy and sex is always a bit theme is classic dystopic books which makes a lot of sense given it works like that in the real world too. Same thing with indigenous people being treated as savage to congratula te ourselves for being so much more "civilized" never stopping to think how deeply fractured and flawed this may be. We also get explotation and brain washing of working classes and all that fun stuff. Really and amazing book eerily accurate tho.
12.-Brick Lane by Monica Ali.
This is the story of 2 very different Bangladeshi sisters with very different temperaments making their way through life. Nazneen is a very dutiful daughter that marries the man her father picked for her, moves to London, though her husband doesn't make her happy she tries very hard in this foreign country with so many desires of her own she wishes that she always supresses because of her upbringing. Then we have Hesina, she was always beautiful and runs away with a guy she was in love with, later he abandons her and she gets jobs and loses them because different man keep making her fall for them to abandon them later. Different as they are this 2 Sisters keep relying in each other through letters. I thought it was very moving, and I really liked the ending for Nazneen while Hasina left me feeling worried and unhappy.
13.- Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
I was very hyped for this book and I am so sad I didn't like it. I just didn't feel the world building was cohesive (we have space travel but we don't have baths??? And rapiers as weapons??? Most of it felt like aesthetic decisions) the characters felt very one dimensional to me. And the plot was all over the place, just when I thought I knew what it was about it takes another turn and introduces so many generes but it did not feel natural at all so yeah I will not be reading the next one.
14.- Luces de Bohemia de Ramón Maria del Valle Inclan
Me pareció una obra maravillosa. Definitivamente captura el espíritu creativo bohemio.
15 .- Don Juan Tenorio de José Zorrilla
Yo adoro el Tenorio, sin embargo si que he de decir que prefiero la versión del Burlador de Sevilla de Tirso de Molina pues siento que el final es más adecuado. Me parece que aunque la prosa es hermosa Doña Ines pierde mucha agencia en esta versión, me recuerda mucho más a Angelina de la obra "El Honor del Brigadier" que la versión que hizo de ella Tirso de Molina, definitivamente se romántiza mucho más está figura de seductor canalla en esta versión, aun así es una historia arraigada en México, es una tradición para mi verla cada Noviembre, este año me temo que no será posible así que disfrute muchísimo leerla.
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adecila · 5 years
Game of Thrones 8x02 - Live blogging
So I watched the leak (I still have it...) and I took notes. Walk away while you can, babies, for this shit is the real shit. 
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Aaaaaand CUT
Jaime vs Dany
Omg one man with one hand. 
LMAO I LOVE the look Dany gave Tyrion. Bye Tyrion fuck off.
“This goes beyond loyalty” omg Brienne pls don't. Fuck this lame ass hoe.
”You vouch for him?” “I do.” Jaime's small smile OMG. 
Lmao Sansa trusts Brienne with her life bahahahah when last season she send Brienne away afraid she'd side with Arya. Inconsistent writing.
What does the Warden of the North say?? Omg someone hug Jon pls.
I loooove Grey Worm!!! Yas I love how when Dany gets up everyone else does too. Finally some fucking respect for the fucking Queen. 
Omg Jon leaving tho???? Omg omg did I low key predict this in my drabble?
Tyrion vs Dany
Lmao a fool? Fuck off Tyrion. You done fuck up dude. You fucked up so badly my dude.
Gendry's dick is so fucking hard right now.
Jaime vs Bran
Ohhh apologising. Good. LMAO “YOU WEREN'T SORRY THEN”
No oh hell now did he just pull the “I wouldn't be the person I am now...” fuck this. 
Haaaa told ya Bran wouldn't tell them he pushed Bran. Boom called it confirmed!
Tyrion x Jaime
“She didn't seem so sure about you”. LMFAO bitch get rekt. 
“WAS SHE LYING ABOUT THE BABY TOO???” Tyrion's face tho... mhmm
“You.loved.her.anyway.” - gurl ain't that the truth.
Season 1 callback! Uh oh what did Jaime see??? Ah Brienne!
Dragonglass on the battlements to stop wights from crawling up on the wall.
Jaime x Brienne
Uuu some actual battle prep fuck yeah!
Jorah x Dany
So so sweet mah heart. Oh Jorah!!! Broke my heart!!! You're breaking mine now omg. I am so emooo.
What suggestion??? Did he tell her to speak to Sansa? Fuck Royce. OH WAIT at least he bowed lmao. HE GOOD FINALLY SOME FUCKING RESPECT
Dany vs Sansa
Lmao inconsistent writing... Sansa trusting Brienne suddenly...
“He loves you, you know that.”
Yes !!!! Sansa apologising. Thank you. Finally recognising she was wrong. Thank you Sansa for proving my point.
Cute bonding. Hands holding. DAENSA FUCKING RISE 
Omg that Brexit mindset tho. Smh. Bye. AINT NOBODY GOT TIME FOR TORIES
Gilly!!! Davos!!! Some people!!!
So they are moving all the women and children to the crypts.
Omg that little girl. I bet Davos gets serious Shireen vibes. MAH HEART JUST GIVE DADVOS BOATIE SO HE AN BE A GRANDADVOS
Tormund x Edd
The Umbers? :sob: 
The big woman still here? LMAO
Battle prep - war council
Loved the entire scene. 
Bran omg Bran... and the NK? Interesting. Interesting. So he says he will act as bait. Ok nice. Also I loved the Starks interactions. 
Did I predict Jon hastily leaving the war meeting? You know I did bitch. LMAO at this point I am 2 for 2 with my drabble and Jon avoiding Dany. Although we know we ain’t getting any jonerys smut now.... but still bitch, did I call it or what??? 
Missandei x Grey Worm
Omg poor Missandei wtf racists fucks Omgggg plsss yess take her there.
Jon vs Sam then Edd
Yes Ghost finally. Fuck you Sam. Fuck you. Lmao I am Jon and Jon is me. 
“And Now our watch begins.”
Ugh bye Sam. Really wtf sam that was fucking shitty bff act. Jon’s reaction was top notch. 
Jaime x Tyrion again then Brienne x Pod x Davos x Tormund aka the Merry Band
Nice stuff, not too long. I loved it. Lovely !
Arya x The Hound x Beric
I love this. Bahah Miserable old shits. Ohhh so that's when Arya gets ideas hehe.
Arya shooting arrows again. God bless. 
That spear thoooo amazing. MY FUCKING FEELS. 
“Your first time with a woman???” Arya wtf omg omg. 3. Omg ARYA YES BABY.
The Merry Band again
Interesting that Tyrion thinks they'll all survive. He called her “Ser Brienne of Tarth”!!!! Fook tradition. Yes she did!!! Lmao Pod staring into the camera like he's on the office.
Yes yes Ser Brienne I love this song. 
Jorah vs Lyanna x then Sam
Omg my baby Lyanna 
Heartsbane - lmao Sam you think your father taught you that??? ME THINKS JON TAUGHT YOU MORE THAN YOUR DADDY YA SHIT.  I was wrong Sam is referring to Jeor! He says to Jorah “Your father taught me... ”
Fucking hell why didn't Jorah say more?
The Merry Band again
Jenny's song... wow wow wow chills fuck me I have so many chills. The couples!!!! Very much Lord of The Rings!!! LOVED IT!!!! 
Jonerys finally
Who's that? Lyanna Stark!!!!
Nooooo omg I know where this is going....
The horn interrupts them. The WW are here. No sign of the NK yet. 
Ready for battle.
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the-nysh · 5 years
Opm s2, ep1 live reaction
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Just watched it and here to post my excitement! ;A; I am so happy and honestly relieved, oh gosh, it’s as faithful to the manga as it could possibly be! (No recaps or filler padding, I’m glad!) :’D No major complaints from me (because my priority right now watching this is to relax on my break from moving). They’ve made plenty of touch ups/edits to the scenes from the pvs, so the visuals back then can’t be fully trusted compared to what they’ve improved on here. (They’ve done as much as they could considering the studio’s lack of exp in action scenes, though we’ll see if it’s ever improved further for the bluray release.) Most importantly, it captures the same spirit and hype we all know and love, but most of all it’s FUN. Ahaha omg I’m so excited for more! Especially after seeing all those teased upcoming clips in the credits. AHHHHH!! I’m on fire. 8’D  
Transcript of my live chat reaction (going in blind) with @rayadraws:  
the-nysh: i've seen no reactions to it yet, so i'm going in blind!
rayadraws: I want to scream on tumblr but gotta give people chances to watch first Aaahhh
the-nysh: HHHHHHHh
rayadraws: Tell me your thoughts later!!
the-nysh: maybe i can just livereact to you! 8'D ahhhhhh the immediate dorks are backkkk
rayadraws: Yes!!! You’re watching now right?
the-nysh: omg king's drumming engine! XD (i'm trying to yeah ahahah) in before the movers come back from their lunch break
rayadraws: Aaahh I LOVED the first scene lmao Shiny
the-nysh: i love how it just goes immediately into the main manga scenes no recap or bullshit or anything
rayadraws: Yeah!
the-nysh: the crowd animations look totally fine to me! :D genos: "i believe that gentleman is king" buahahaah omg wow how formal
rayadraws: Omg when you can, later viewing maybe, compare the final version of the rocket punch with the trailer version
the-nysh: :O !
rayadraws: They added a lot!
the-nysh: oh shit! i'm not there yet akjfghg but sweet to know they edited things!
rayadraws: Aahhh I want to scream re a particular scene... when you’re done XD
the-nysh: akjfhkhg g4 just showed up 8D
rayadraws: Hhhhhh Battle of the shinies
the-nysh: so far there's little nice bits of animated character movement, like when saitama and genos turn heads and stuff
rayadraws: Yeah, granted I first saw it on a small blurry livestream but I can def live with this animation
the-nysh: honestly it looks totally normal/fine to me no complaints
rayadraws: Yup!
the-nysh: uwaaaaah king's bathroom breakdown!
rayadraws: He’s so STRESSED
the-nysh: it's drawn really nice and detailed here
rayadraws: <33
rayadraws: H I M right????
the-nysh: HIS OST TOO!!!
rayadraws: Yes a sweet remix!!
the-nysh: AHHHHHH yooooo rocket punch! hue saitama....'do you need help?' heh wah there's king, all the way home already :'D
rayadraws: Yessss When you’re done with that scene I need to SCREAM
the-nysh: oho fuckk;;; waah king's little smile playing his game~ SUDDENLY SAITAMA IS RIGHT BEHIND HIMMM
rayadraws: MMMMM look at THAT EGG
rayadraws: His FACE
the-nysh: WE'RE ON THE 22ND FLOOR THRU THE FUCKING WINDOW AHAHAHA yep classic egg saitama's FACE is SO interested in him like ohhhhhhh????? are you like me? HAAAAAAAAH king's scream of 'stoppppppp!' in agony XD OSHIT BACK TO GENOS
rayadraws: Hhhhhhhh
the-nysh: classic incinerate and flashy spin away with style ohohoho
rayadraws: Hehehe
rayadraws: TIME 4 RAVE PARTY
the-nysh: ayyyyy saitama finally prompts king the big question of why he ran away~~~ genos is fighting in your place~ suddenly BURD ahahaahaha ah! genos' face is edited in that quick laser dodge part it's such a short shot the panning doesn't even matter cause he's thinking to himself
rayadraws: Mmmm
the-nysh: hhhhhhhhhhh start of king flashback~ eg eggg egggg!!! 8D i see him!
rayadraws: Yesss
the-nysh: whoooosh, genos fire extinguisher strats 'i know someone who's stronger'~ yohohoho oh ayyy also his face is slightly edited here too~
rayadraws: Hehehehe Yeah we really couldn’t trust the trailer, they changed a lot!
the-nysh: hhhhhhhhh suddenly~ all angelic feathers floating after the scream/roar confession~
rayadraws: Hehehe
the-nysh: yoooo king flashback for the scar on his face~ !!!!! huhuhuhu!! i hear a young egg voice!
rayadraws: YES
the-nysh: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;A; kakgjghhj the!!! the face recognition!!!!!! AHHHHH the panels drawn just like the manga!!! a;kjhguhagkuhilligh
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rayadraws: THE CHANGE
the-nysh: AHHHHHHHHHHH HANDSOME EGGGGG soft egg counsel :')) 'just get strong'
rayadraws: THEIR WHOLE EXCHANGE was so STRONG so much emotion!!!
the-nysh: (tho i do wish the soundtrack was more swelling with feel here, it's a bit minimal but it's all good) huehue, egg will come back to play more games now and then~ :'3
rayadraws: Yes...
the-nysh: oh! suddenly genos back with kuseno and the parts he recovered
rayadraws: YES
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YOOOOOOO TERMINATOR GLARE OF DEATH wub, back to the HA oh WAIT i know this scene, ahahaah omg it's coming
rayadraws: Hehehe
the-nysh: all those criminals gathered~ ;D SONIC! yohoho, there he goes, showing off~ ayyyyy oh! FUBUKI! ayyy her face is edited too :D yooo everyone's all 'there's something about saitama~' omg they're all converging up to meet~ ahahah genos vs sonic event (with fubuki) happening soon!
rayadraws: Yesssss
the-nysh: lul now it looks like fubuki vs sonic XD ahahahaah egg back with king playing games i feel like i recognize that game tune HAHAHAHAHAAHAH BROKE THE CONTROLLER YESSS OF COURSE
rayadraws: Of COURSE
the-nysh: OH WAIT SHIT! suddenly end credits (wow i just realized we never got an opening) staying tuned in for anything after~ (garou where are youuuu)
rayadraws: I think it’s like at the corner?? Or was on cr at least...
the-nysh: oh wait! i think it’s the op song played here for the credits! ayyyy all those flashes of characters (wah the bang+bomb combo attack and yooo garou face!)
rayadraws: Yesss
the-nysh: elder centipede!
rayadraws: YES
rayadraws: Hehehehe What did you think of the whole episode??
the-nysh: omg this feels like a comic book with the name graphics, ahaha holy shit that one animated cover page of the egg rage screaming oh! hey suiryu! :D (waaaah it was fun and very faithful! no complaints!)
rayadraws: Woo!!!!
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(^oh I was definitely not prepared for that tease! 8′D)
rayadraws: YES.
the-nysh: i'm fucking laughing at all the quick shots of derp tatsu in between things XD
rayadraws: All the tatsus!!!
the-nysh: epic eggggge omgggg the song end, from super srs egg to WAH BOOP CUTE EGG AKJGJGHJ! AFTER CREDTIS SCENE! I SEEE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU
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rayadraws: Hehehehe
the-nysh: this is gonna be so fun i'm on fire HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH it's over ;A; i'm so happy!!!!! absolutely no complaints! it was as faithful as it could possibly be! :'DDD
rayadraws: Yesss Vs g4 was glorious and we have bigger fights coming up!!!
the-nysh: hype hype hype hype 8'DDD
(Disclaimer: a more critical eye may be applied upon later rewatches, but for now I’m happy with what we got. Definitely on board for more!)
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rqs902 · 5 years
😈🙌👋🖼 anskskdld the yaa one is gonna ruffle ur feathers i already know it :)))) and 🌶
😈 who is your bias wrecker?
omgggg this was actually so hard to choose…. i half really wanna say jin fan bc im weAK for his breakdancing and his stupid pickup lines and his perfect smile and side profile and his dumb selfies 
BUT im gonna have to say my bias wrecker is YE ZIMING because i just cant get over how talented he is, like he says in 大人物 / VIP “My rap like a god” but also he dances well (taught other TIME group kids the dance as part of the “outman” group – an incredibly sad but kind-hearted group of boys – he’s a super supportive friend, like the way he always says such nice and sweet things about the other trainees) AND sings really well (and plays piano!!! please watch this is you havent already, i was so AMAZED)
and is hilarious!! (like when he magically does a perfect impression of mc jin 😂😂😂) 
and is adorably soft!!! vlogging with his fluffy dog YB and calling her his daughter
🙌 most underrated performance 
ummmMMM oh man, im caught between Brave, I’m Sorry, and VIP…. WAIT HOW ABOUT “A SMILE IS BEAUTIFUL” AKA THE BEST BROS alsdkjalsk… ok ill pick i’m sorry because i really like that song for gu landi and yao chi’s gentle voices opening the song in what is my favorite song opening on qcyn (PLEASE APPRECIATE THESE BEST FRIENDS AND THEIR AMAZING VOICES), feng junjie and his all-around undeniable stage talent (the child who deserved way more than he received), xia hanyu stealing the show, zhou shiyuan taking full advantage of his deep voice, wang jiayi for his subtle and skillful vocal nuances and shen qunfeng showing us he can not only do hype rap like in VIP but also this subdued style too wow i love this song
👋 most overrated performance 
probs rebuild tbh haha the song is like kinds weird to me still(?) like its not one of the qcyn songs i listen to on a regular basis…. even tho i really liked a lot of the kids in it…….
🖼 what was your favourite youth arts academy moment?  
HAHAHAHA THANKFULLY I HEARD LIN MO WAS GONNA BE IN EP 11 SO I WATCHED THAT EP :) and you best bet my favorite yaa moment involves him hahaha im gonna have to pick the LEGENDARY moment where lin mo and shi zhan are playing that shouting game with the headphones and lin mo cant stop giggling bc he is an adorable child and thinks shi zhan is cursing out chen youwei and meanwhile wenhan yells “dont say the words in your heart!” jokingly implying that lin mo secretly wants to curse out chen youwei HAHAHAHA and shi zhan’s like “WTF ARE YOU LAUGHING AT??? WHAT’S SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOUR BRAIN??” and lin mo just ;;; keeps ;;; laughing;;;;; ahhHAHHAHAHA I LOVE HIMMMMMM this moment just MADE yaa for me… ive been waiting for good lin mo screentime since ep 1 and finally…. after 11 weeks….. :’))) watching this just makes me laugh and smile like an idiot every time ❤
🌶 who deserved top9 the most besides the ones that made it?   
HAH i almost dont want to answer this question bc i could go on a whole rampage about why lin mo deserves to be in top 9 hes been on this road for 7 yrs, taught a bunch of the popular kids how to dance, takes care of everyone around him better than he takes care of himself, TALENT, worked his butt off and has the personality to be loved but it just wasnt shown BUT im instead gonna say if i had to pick someone who i actually wish had made it into top 9 (and actually had a chance of making it), id say lian huaiwei. (not that i would kick out xixi for him, i really wanted both of them to make it) but seeing huaiwei go from performing on “the coming one” to now “qing chun you ni” i feel like… hes definitely improved, worked hard, has such a admirable attitude and personality, had everything it took to make it, except a company to back him up. do i think this had something to do with him not making it? yes. and i wouldve loved to see him as a “not visual” in top 9, shaking up the idol scene that so many people have told him he doesn’t belong in. i just hope he can go off to do great things on his own :) 
send me qcyn/unine asks!
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angelxiu · 7 years
xiumin emoji ask game ✨
🎬 genre of movie you’d like xiumin to star in?
➜ i actually had to sit and think about this question for a while,,,probably another sageuk but he is a prince this time ajkshdsaj 
romance would actually be great~ even tho he did it with his web drama, i want more of sweetseok~ tho romance tragedy is okay too in my book pls dont hurt me
oh!!! actually!!! a mystery genre would be amazing!!!! detective minseok omgggg 😫😭💘 and remember him being in crime scene??? sakjhdaj he was so cool i’m crying;;;
💯 a gift you would get xiumin on your 100th day anniversary?
➜ asfgsdhjshksdj either a pair of earrings or a good vacuum cleaner;; 😳
💌 something about xiumin that inspires you?
➜ this question. omg. i have so many things to say about this that i could probably write a whole ass essay about it.
minseok obviously has stage fright; he often trembles when he sings and gods, it’s so obvious sometimes that i cry. but you know what, he goes on the stage and always, always does his best anyways. when he got off on the wrong note during that samsung play the challenge event, his hands fidgeted a lot but he continued singing strong despite being so visibly nervous and oh my god. i just. had to pause and breathe. because he was really inspiring in that one moment. as a person who isn’t very good at speaking irl, i admire that he puts himself out there even when he’s nervous about it. and he succeeded beautifully. i felt so, so proud in that one moment. that, too, is just one example.
now okay, you could say he is celebrity so of course he had to speak, whether he wants to or not. but remember the fact that he persevered through so many obstacles (there was a talk somewhere that said his teacher in high school actually discouraged him from going to auditions and stuff but he went through with what he wanted and if that isn’t admirable idk what is) just to get where he is now; whether it’s people’s opinions on his weight, the hate he gets daily, how he doesn’t know what his position is in exo, friends leaving, their extremely tough schedules and even his phd. idk what else he is facing in his personal life too but he goes through all that but minseok, all of exo, really barely complains about it. minseok and all of exo really constantly does their best every time for the greatest performance they could give. they are amazing.
at this point i’ll just list a couple more things if not this answer will get too long asfghjgs;;; the way he does his 110% on anything he does, his time management, his honesty, his pursuit in what he loves, the beautiful words he says or writes,,,,and omg i can’t think of more because i got emotional lmao but basically minseok inspires me a lot and often 😭💘
🐱 favorite xiu-stans? 
➜ if you’re a minseok focused blog, can we be friends? akdshkj
@lovesxiu @minseokbias​ @xiudaengerous​ @starxiu​ @xiubyuns​ @minsok​ @seokchen​ @gummyminseok​ @elparaisodeminseok​ @babyminseok​ @mniseokk​ @uminbean @xiumens @xiumnis @minniedeer @minsoek @exordiam @xiuxiuxiuminseok @minsoek-l @smartseok
thank you for filling my dash with lots of minseok 💞 
i’m so sorry if i missed anyone;;; tbh i need to follow more minseok-ls 🤧🤧
😇 first impression of xiumin?
➜ i actually don’t know how to phrase my first impression of him;; i was really, really attracted to minseok when i first saw him tbh,,,he and junmyeon caught my attention the most but at that time, minseok was the one that really made me search up their names. what i thought was that he is…beautiful. really pretty. especially his eyes, which i think a lot of people would agree on too. i honestly got into kpop because of exo so uh i didn’t think there were people as pretty as him and was shocked lmao
but personality wise, i watched showtime to get to know exo better and i thought that minseok was really…quiet and cute but also bold when he needs to be. i thought that he was extremely relatable when he said he wanted to talk more as his new years resolution;; when i started to watch his fancams and varieties, it strikes me that minseok is truly an admirable person. an idol that you actually can and want to look up to;; he is such a good person and he quietly supports the group and he is steady too;;; omg this got too long but yeah, i didn’t and never will regret having minseok as my ult at all 💕
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swagirii · 7 years
NY JM Concert
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I was really tired to begin with because I do not live in NY. I live 3 hours away from NY. So I just planned a whole day to be spent at NY. This part is like annoying probably so you can skip it if you want HAHAHA but I had to work until 1 am on Friday night and slept for like 3 hrs and caught the 7 am bus to NY. I slept for another 3 hrs in the bus and got there. Ate dim sum MMMmmmm my first time :-) but how do you not get the liquid to be all over your plate. I’m such a noob. and went shopping at soho WHERE SWINGS AND GIRIBOY WERE THE NIGHT BEFORE but I was shook because a shirt was like $50. so I left and went to time square and went to line store remEMBER this is all new to me because I’m like a country girl who raises cows for a living. loljk. idk. pls ignore. anyway so... after that I was pretty exhausted and it was like 4 pm ish. Met up with another friend (so now a party of 3!!!) and decided to head over to the concert place.!!! omg so excite. I wasn’t really excited at first because I was pretty tired from the whole day but while walking to stage 48 like I was getting excited LIKE HELLO I WILL MEET JM IRL AND NOT ON COMPUTER EVEN THO IT FEELS LIKE A DREAM RN
So I got there and the line was pretty long even though it was like 6:00 well I guess I don’t know how long concert lines are because this was my first concert. ;-; and meet&greet people got to go in at 6:45 pm. So we went in. and they did this extra search of our bags and touched under my boob to see if I had a gun. (even tho nochang can just kill me with his chingchangchong) and threw my water bottle and my friend’s hard boiled eggs away (LOOOOOL). we got there and the meet&greet was some booty tbh. OK BEFORE I WAS GONNA SLEEP IN THE BUS WHILE GOING TO NY, I WAS THINKING OF EACH THINGS I WAS GOING TO SAY TO EACH MEMBER OKAY BUT THAT WAS ALL RUINED BECAUSE IT WAS LIKE “meet&greet” and just take a group picture and gtfo. ._. So it was our turn and my friend was the first in line for the group so she went in all awkward like “hi...” BECAUSE IDK C JAMM LOOKS SO MUCH LIKE C JAMM ON THE INTERNET. LIKE THEY ALL LOOK THE SAMEEEEEEEEEEEE I CAN’T. IT’S TOO REAL. and she stood next to C Jamm and he was like “wassup wassup” HE’S SO NICE AND HUMBLE like he’s the cutest potato thing. and I think I was standing next to Swings? I don’t even remember, because I was wildly searching for Giriboy like I CAME ALL THE WAY TO SEE YOU WHERE ARE U I need to hold your hand IDK ASDKFLASDJFA;SDF. and Swings was just trying to make us stand so we can all be in the pic. then I saw Giriboy behind me like on the step kind of thing AND HE DIDN’T HAVE HIS GLASSES AND WAS WEARING A BLACK BUCKET HAT and kinda looked like 
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THIS WITHOUT THE GLASSES and like hello every1 he was NOT WEARING GLASSES !!!! I CAN’T so I was like omg.......... and he just kinda looked at me so I was like “I’m a big fan of yours!!!!!!!” and THEN ALL OF MY FRIENDS GOT ENCOURAGED AND WAS LIKE ME TOO me TOO and he just kinda nodded as a thank you multiple times. :( I WANTED TO HEAR HIS VOICE ok sike. im gonna chill. but still highkey regret that i was not being extra during the “meet&greet” because the staff were like don’t bring ur phones no selfies BLEHLAHELBLEHLA BLEAH ok whatever good bye and i didn’t notice any1 else during the picture bc i forgot abt them soz
and the concert didn’t even start until like 8:00 pm and i was mad bc they kept playing hiphop music other than JM like i was ready to go rain shower idk and some ppl blocking the view in front of me my friend asked if they could squeeze us in bc we couldn’t see and they completely ignored me after the first word. :-) well they moved after that so its ok but anyway... like whatever :)... the show started with osshun gum and im sorry but ive been out of this scene for so long like i forgot who he was like i know hes from high school rapper but i didnt even watch the show :-) rip but he was so cute i know hes 1 year younger than me like HES A BABY (bgm: shes a baby zico) and he was dressed “normally” too so he looked like a normal person and it was just cute ok but i didnt know his songs so i felt bad. 
the next person was han yohan OMGGGG U KNOW I ACTUALLY LOVE HAN YOHAN BECAUSE IDK LIKE IM INTO THOSE ROCK THINGS NOW and he played curt cobain BECAUSE IM CURT COBAAAAAAIN 300 km, I’m Sorry, and then later super saiyan with black nut OMSDFKLASJDFKLASDJFASKGJSD F ok. Enough said. This is better explained with the live. goodbye. I just love. and hes the only one who actually sticked w the schedule that was pre released before concert lol
and then it was the love of my life giriboy and he was supposed to perform zoa... wybh and then hogu but he started doing mix it up but whatever i was shouting like crasy so WHATEVER OK and he did all these weird cute moves... like icant believe it happened in front of me. i feel like its a dream. :( i hope he does it again in my dreams. and did hogu then ended. 
i was proud to shout all the lyrics (NOTICE ME)
then it was nochang like omg i love him because for the longest time i thought he didnt wanna be on stage because idk... gossips and his interviews... but he was the best on stage he looked like he really enjoyed and we were like TUUUURNNNNN UUUUUP ok but tbh no one knew his lyrics... bc they’re too sophisticated4us but he did emancipation, ching chang chong, and turn up and he was wearing all black again. but took his hat off a couple of times. his head is pretty. he actually stuck to the schedule too omg i feel like giriboy was not feeling well or something :( or he was more concerned about his single 
then it was black nut omg YOU GUYS KNOW HOW I HAVE A THING FOR SKINNY GUYS im just kidding but i love black nut and he killed it today with his porn hub shirt on hahahahaha first he did honmono which i dont rly kno because i been living in a cave for so long and then it was silky bois like BOIIIIII HE DID THE AUTOTUNE THING LIKE HE SANG IT but it was good and hes the only one that was all smiley throughout the concert and remember he always used to wear sunglasses but like no sunglasses today and like... he was the best eye contacter :’) omggg so cute and then he did 100 like kill all of em i was screaming
then it was bill stax OK LIKE I KNEW NONE OF HIS SONGS IM SORRY BUT I FORGOT HIS NAME CHANGED TOO RIP :’( I NEED TO BE GONE FROM THIS WORLD and then we did giddiyup? like that song with the horse with c jamm and nochang it was lit because that’s like an old song and everyone knows that EXCEPT NO ONE SCREAMED  수컷말쉿 except me like WHERE ARE YALL but anyway... then it was c jamm he did know and puzzle which was like... idk those songs... i really need to get on my game maaaaneeesss
and then swings was being v soft today and was like this is for the ladies and did 듣고있어? and some other SONG THAT I DON’T REALLY KNOW THE NAME OF BUT THOSE WERE SWEET SONGS AND IT WAS NICE BECAUSE HE WAS BEING FUNNY WITH ALL HIS GESTURES LIKE KISSING FROM HIS HAND like where all this confidence come from i need some and then he did bulldozer which was #lit i kinda wish he did 양아치 or 괜찮아 but it didnt happen its ok
then it was da whole crew with sushi rain showers and carnival OMG WHEN CARNIVAL STARTED WITH GIRIBOY i cried ok i didn’t but i almost cried because just. like. IM HEARING IT LIVEEEE HELLO i was shook. and sushi was ok except they added some extra lyrics for the live i guess and i kinda didnt hear the lyrics and rain showers was lit as alwaaaaaays
they didnt really talk like esepcailly giriboy because i know he doesnt talk in general but its like in american so i guess he was done. i hope hes happy
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ticcytx · 8 years
(mostly about the first zone, and some early things you see once you get the explore the whole world) (spoilers, probably, read it only if you have completed at least the first zone (part 1) AND you fixed your tablet (part 2))
I’m so hyped woooh, I honestly don’t know what to expect for this game storywise, I avoided all the spoilers like a mad, I don’t want to know anything, don’t tell me anything, read only if you played already/you don’t really care about small adventure spoilers. (I will divide these posts in main quest points, so you know where to stop if you aren’t there yet.)
Awakening, first zone:
Just woke up and I’m already messing with controls of items I don’t have, Link animations are sO CUTE, what a dork. And boy JUMPS that’s so weird, I will miss the rolls.
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The intro is so pretty and artsy and movie like I’m going to cry.
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What is this I never saw anything like this in my whole life, a precious ???
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Ready to burn everything down
Soooo, being silly apart, the details are INSANE, look how many things there are to explore, I can’t believe this is the smallest zone of the map I’m already lost, so much things to explore...!!!!
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Interesting. I still have to make my idea of when this game is set.... the presence of the WW symbols def cut out the majora timeline. I know everyone is about the post future ocarina/windwaker timeline, buuuuuut... what if it’s in the doomed timeline: Ganondorf wins, sages imprisons him in the sacred realm, post alttp, post the legend of zelda and zelda II.... it was a ruined timeline after all, and the only one with Ganon as immortal entity, pure suine rage.... oh well it’s too early for this kind of rambles, I guess they will tell us more in the future.
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.... this is fineeeee.
More exploring, oh my god the enemies are stronger than I expected and weapons keep getting destroyed like breadstick I WANT A REAL SWORD *cries* Well I guess the amount of gameover I will get in this game will be embarassing.
And the cooking is silly and funny omg, just throw everything you have look at him HE IS SO HAPPY!! FOOD!! now I’m hungry
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Also the Golem in the forest really scared me, I couldn’t even run away that a rock smashed me like a boiled potato. Rip Link for the 11th time. I appreciate that the game respawn you like 2 mins before you died, like “listen child, you can’t beat it, just run, love yourself). I beated him later tho, Just needed a good weapon.
Explore explore, getting all the shrines, guardians are scary, and I still have to meet the walking ones. Who decided it was a good idea to build tons of them, I bet they will all revive at some point in the later game, so every chill zone becomes DANGER. (just my theory).
Aaand the sheikan tablet is so cool aaah so basically you have all the important items super early, so you don’t have to go back in zones because you didn’t have a bomb to open a cave, I love this game.
Post first 4 shrines, talking to old man
Sooo old man is King Hyrule ohohohoho what a surprise I wasn’t expecting that at all.
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Mah boi
... 10.000 years. Why Zelda games have this ABSURD concept of time, I mean, I can get the 100 years of post calamity but 10.000??? when it was even set sdfghfg they really love to make fun of zelda thorist, don’t they? I will get an headache to try to make a sense of this mess.
Got Paraglider!! I guess we are ready for our big adventure, yuhuuu good bye first zone, you looked scary, and I bet it’s like.. kindergarden. Can wait to be killed in less than 2 minutes.
Exploring around the first zone
Guess what I wasn’t killed in less than 2 minutes! But I got a horse!! sdfd they are hard to control help.
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I can’t believe I can have a punk horse.
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Doggo got the tail I repeat, DOGGO GOT THE TAIL, important update, good job doggo, take a some meat.
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I can’t believe all NPC have an unique look and a NAME. I thought she was some important person, but then noooo everyone walking in this realm is different, this game is INSANE.
And now on the creepy things I saw in my first walking around.
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that’s a huge storm of bats oh my god, their eyes turn all RED when attacking, better if I get down...
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that’s... is that normal...?
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....... this is not normal..... what is... is that the moon ??????
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THAT’S NOT NORMAL AT ALL, WHERE DO I ESCAPE SHIII II ITTTT well I guess I’m dead. (suprise: it doesn’t kill you... yet.)
This is the creepiest thing I saw so far, I hate this game oh my god I was like yelling at Shiny “I saw the creepiest thing” “me too” “it was red” “YEPPP” “THE FUCKING MOON” we are good at avoid spoilers to each other.
BTW! I got my Wolf Link amiibo
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A good doggo. Has more hearts than me. He hunts down every things that move. Don’t kills the foxes doggo. Also aggro all the enemies around. Bad Doggo.
(Part 2)
Kakariko Village, meeting Impa
it makes me laugh that Kakariko is now a ninja village, omg I love their design. And why everyone is so sassy, EVEN LINK IS I love some of his replies. Lmao Impa, I bet we will see her in some past memories like super young and hot and cool. Also Paya is cute, she will grow up a crush on Link 100%.
Also Impa: Link go to that village. Move! me: nah I will explore lake hylia bye. I will never finish the game. 
This game is INSANEEEE omg how many thing you can explore, I lost myself tons of time, also it’s a droug can’t stop playing GOTTA SEE THINGS *cries* well I guess I will never draw again.
Sdsfdfdgfd the GREAT FAIRY, didn’t take picture, but of you are around Kakariko, take 5 mins to visit it, totally worth it. Also stealing all the fairies, life safer, who need bottles anymore, we are in the 10.000 post something, this is the future.
Getting the tablet fixed, Hateno/Finterra (ita) village
So I was totally exploring randomly, and I found this village like “whoooo this one is so hidden, I’m totally off track, am I?  Then I figured out that it was where I was supposed to go, asdsfd success?? Got fancy clothes and a HOUSE please tell me it’s worth, I had to sell all my pretty gems. I can save a couple of weapons tho at least, I have some sheikan shrine weapons I don’t want to destroy yet *hangs them* good.
Asdsfdgd the camera thing, oh my god this means I have to take picture of EVERYTHING to complete the album... sigh, another thing I will lose my life after I guess.
Memories unlocked, first memory found
Ok so I was looking at zelda’s pictures and I recognized a place and it took me 1 hour to find again sfdgfd I’m smart. I also visited it before Impa asked me to actually find one, why I’m so impatient adsfgd
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I’m in love.
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WHY THIS GAME IS SO PRETTY AND MAKES ME CRY INSIDE sdfdgs I will never stop to yell about it... omgggg also this scene was super nice and sweet aawww, now I cry more. Also ita dubbing confirmed to be nice enough to not make me cringe, thank you *prays*
Stay tuned for more ticcy adventure, I love this game help.
Also Bonus thing I should be quiet about because it’s spoiler (? not about story tho) and I was so WOW when I saw it,but I also want to yell about it so beware. Hints: it’s green, it flies and it was near the lake.
So I was chilling around getting some strong weapons from lizarfos and....
... what is... that???
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I hadn’t the camera yet then so I couldn’t register it in the tablet MMMMH I hope to see it again! It also killed me, good thing I had a fairy with me. I discovered later that is not a boss, and can’t be killed, you just get a scale from it for future sake. And apparently there are others around the worls, o h my god this game Is INSANE
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goodbye dragon ;0; sorry if I shoot you with an arrow
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stonerbughead · 4 years
Maria watches friday night lights (#17)
wow 4x06 was such a rollercoaster ride! Here we go:
Okay this Matt and Julie scene with the two of them making out in the car demonstrates so much about why I love them —tho I’ve surmised there will be more trouble ahead before they get their happy ending. Julie remembers she has something to tell him; they banter about her being pregnant with twin aliens; and then she tells him she’d been meaning to surprise him with tickets to a music festival in Austin before his dad’s untimely death but is totally cool with not going if he doesn’t want to??? It’s like ugh these two are so cute and care so deeply for each other my heart 🥰😭 “The chapter said that when your dad dies, you should probably most likely go to a music festival.”
the rest of my flailing under the cut:
Omgggg that assistant coach who annoyed me earlier in the season is back with a vengeance making wild claims they can’t hold up ON CAMERA I am Eric Taylor in this scene
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Damn I’ve always loved Tim and Lyla — I mean especially in season 3 and OOOOOH boy this reunion banter and make out sesh into Tim’s trailer had me fanning myself! super predictable when Lyla comes to see Tim at his TRAILER on “midterm break” but no less hot!
Oh shit Matt and his grandma got $$$ from the military? He gotta go to art school now, bish!
“I don’t understand why people keep asking me why I’m okay, I’m fine.” Honestly my partner started getting annoyed by people in this way after his dad died too, grief is WEIRD and hard!
I love watching a teen show where just taking off for a music festival for two days with her long term boyfriend is the big scandal.
Omg Landry you’re still talking about Tyra to Jess?! Stop doing this, bro! Lol Jess slaps him in the face right after I typed that. nice.
Lyla and Tim’s chemistry is still off the charts!!!!
Yeeeeesh that Becky and Lyla introduction was pretty yikes
Lol I love the assistant coach being tight-lipped with the reporters now re: the lions’ “guaranteed win.” did Eric chew him out lol
More in This Is That Shit I Like: Matt and Julie eating sandwiches on their car roof on the side of the road talking about how romantic it is! “Good sandwiches I put my heart and soul into.” Cutiessss but also sings to Saracen: ~you must deal with your grief, babe~
Jess’s relationship with Vince intrigues me. And I love the introduction of Jess’s dad’s bbq joint as another watering hole in East Dillon.
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Becky, yikes, don’t go off on Luke, he was being so cute and respectful! Also he is much more age-appropriate than Tim and you are letting out your anger about your unrequited Riggins feelings on poor Luke!!! (Forreal am I supposed to like Becky? I have mixed feelings.)
baby Grace yelling “uh oh” as Tami leaves an angry voicemail for Julie lol
“Show them your ring, Tim.” Wow okay never change Billy Riggins (jk you should def change a lot of things)
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“I think she asked me what it was like being pregnant.” Yes go off, Mindy, and Billy, don’t speak for your wife!! Lol Lyla’s gonna ride the bull? I love that Lyla and Mindy eventually got along.
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awww Tim is so still in love with her, my heart! “You missed me.” “You had no idea.” Swoon
Omg this Becky and Lyla convo broke my heart and was super uncomfortable. Becky legit said, “You’re so lucky. You’re super pretty.” What does one say to that? Silently walking away with an awkward smile is all I could manage too, Lyla 🙈🤦🏻‍♀️
Are the panthers making fun of East Dillon players for watching game tape in Sears? Their blatant classism is gross, Oh wow, assistant coach finally steps up, nice! also obligatory fuck JD McCoy
Back to back Matt and Julie dancing in their hotel room and Tim and Lyla bedroom scene “thanks for coming back” “you’re welcome” my heart (you know the angst is coming but I love the soft moments we get first)
Awww vince’s mom wants to come to the game clean 🥺
Tami being unable to think about anything but Julie and not knowing where she is makes so much sense!! (oldest child vibe is reallll here) but damn she’ll have a rough transition if Julie goes away to school
Oh no Tim thinks Lyla will stay in Dillon baby noooo
“I know but I hate it, i don’t want her to go.” Oh Tami it’s so hard 🥺
WOW did not realize Matt didn’t know Julie wasn’t allowed to go to Austin until Landry called. It’s really cute that the reason saracen’s upset is bc he wants Eric and Tami to like him and that was not cool of Julie, at least let him decide if he wants to break the rules too!
Aw fuck there it is, what’s been bubbling under the surface all season: “the responsibility of having to stay in Dillon.”
Omg Vince’s mom actually showed up!!!
Oh whaatttttt they’re all sad they lost? Don’t be, babes! This is a sick underdog moment, y’all put up a fight against a team you thought was gonna slaughter you!!!
Gotta love the early 2000s indie band appearance concert trope!!! although yikes this fight, Julie desperately screaming “I love you” as the band plays!
Tim with the forehead kiss for Lyla at the bus stop fuck me up
Ohhh the thematic “stay” theme for both Tim/Lyla and Matt/Julie is just so *chef’s kiss* this show is a gift
“It was nice just to get away with you.” “I love you Julie.” “I love you Mattie.” Feels like a goodbye, man. Like they both know it’s not working right now by circumstance even tho they love each other 😭🥺
Julie breaking the fuck down when she gets inside yepppp! “I think he’s leaving” ME TOO 😭
Tami immediately putting her head on Julie’s shoulder is that good mom shit even tho she’s def gonna ground Julie’s ass later lol
“Do you have a broken heart?” “Was she the love of your life?” Why does Becky talk like the cringey Riverdale writers. I hope people won’t throw things at me but Becky annoys me and her soulmate speech is a stretch
“Becky.” “Yeah?” “Shut up. Please.” Lmao same tim 😂
Oh shit Matt issss leaving damnnnn! Dramatic Trauma Rama! feat pretty footage of matt driving away
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stonerbughead · 4 years
Maria watches friday night lights (#8)
I don’t trust the McCoys or tyras cowboy!!! or: 3x08 - 3x09
-Katie McCoy needs to get her ass out of Tami and Eric’s business, this whole thing with the overpriced house feels sus.
-Lol Tim looks so strange in New York City
-I hate Buddy so much, he really at this coach’s bedside one second and then a SECOND LATER is harassing Eric about having JD’s personal coach hired to replace him. The audacity!!!!
“Welcome to New York City, son.” Yepppp Jason needed a little dose of reality actually. Sorry babe. Also lol they clearly only filmed in Times Square or within like three blocks from Penn Station.
-Y E S to Tim being so hype about going to see a broadway show
-Eric is just as sus of Katie McCoy as I am.
-Riggins thinking of a plan to try to help Jason! Oh that’s pure. In his Sherpa jacket. We stan.
They’re cute!!
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-Cash said “I’m gonna try my best to be faithful to you.” Really?? ugh Tyra you should not have taken that call before this college interview. But you can do this still gurl!!!
-wait how is Tim here with Jason and not at football practice? Didn’t he just decide last episode to try to go to college for football?
-omg i love this dinner scene at the Taylor house! Eric x Tami and Matt x Julie at the dinner table is already an amazing dynamic but while Matt and Julie have their wide receiver agenda and Eric and Tami are in a fight about this house?! I’m dead! Amazing!
Just this entire scene was magic:
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-ewww no tyra’s gonna go with Cash just bc the interviewer didn’t like, rave about her to Tami? Nooooo I just know this will not end well.
-omg Jason rehearsing what he’s gonna say to Erin in the back of a cab with Riggs roleplaying for Erin, what a good friend
-oh this is so New Jersey. I wonder where they filmed. Aww Jason has a little family! That’s wholesome.
-can’t get enough of Tim in this Sherpa jacket. Anddd oh wow can’t believe Billy and Mindy’s engagement after five weeks of dating didn’t end well?!?!
-Tami, you look so hot!!! What you talkin bout feelin old on your bday? We stan you at any age
-oh boy nationally televised playoff game is a greattttt set up for an episode let’s fucking go
-lmao @ the student council girls coming to Landry and Julie’s lunch table threatening to pick a winter formal theme without Tyra
-wowwww this fight between Grandma Saracen and Matt’s mom! Too real. Poor Matt in the middle.
“So the angle I’m gonna for is it’s really just about climate change.” YES Julie YES i dont even need to know the context, you are correct
-omfg Tim is not taking a shot before going to talk to this college recruiter while his girlfriend is outside trying to give him a ride!
-Lyla is right to call him out for not taking it seriously 🤷🏻‍♀️ tho damn she’s cold for kicking him out of the car. “Well you’re drunk so you’ll be warm.” Oh boy I couldn’t do it, riggins looks too cute on the side of the road complaining about how cold it is.
-oh Tyra come home! This man is the worst!
-yesss Lyla and Mindy bonding over the riggins boys being idiots. We stan but we’ll stan more if their next scene passes the Bechdel test...I know it won’t
-omg yes to Lorraine and Matt’s mom immediately getting excited together when they see on screen that Matt’s being put in the game and racing to get to the stadium!! We love love
-life’s too short for Tyra to be stuck in some dingy bar drinking a beer while her scummy cowboy boyfriend gambles
-Omgggg Cash did NOT just say this to Tyra: “Sit down, I didn’t say get up!” YESSS she’s finally getting up to leave, please gurl! You deserve better than this!
-awww I love that Eric knew Tami well enough to know “the only birthday party she could have ever wanted” is alone in a hotel room with him
-oh no Tyra the timing is terrible :( oh but she needs help :( ohhhhhh so many emotions
-lol Tami still grabbing the champagne and chocolate on her way out the hotel room to pick up Tyra on her big bday night really sums up why she’s an amazing character
-lol Lyla and Mindy drunk together is funny but also Lyla chill you and Tim just had a fight, you didn’t break up
-Lmaoooo and then Mindy goes right back to Billy when he shows up. Classic.
-Tami and Eric are out here literally rescuing Tyra from an abusive cowboy! #texas #inventedmarriage
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