#i really would fall into the pit fall of thinking i cant be manipulated because i can see it happening and i Just Wont
buff-borf-bork · 1 year
love swwsdj and i love jack
and i love how every other scene with this man has me talking to the screen saying either
what does that mean??
2. that is so deeply concerning my guy
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frenchphobic · 3 years
long fucking post on why a c!dream is a shitty person and probably should not have a redemption because it is unpog
honestly i just want to refute dream apologists thats why im making this post. i think that dream as a villain is interesting but i think that trying to make him out to be secretly a good guy is just bad ngl. also /roleplay and all
tw for abuse and mentions of suicide
dream as a villain
dream is a villain. he is chaotic evil according to wilbur, deliberately does not stream to appear less sympathetic (and yet), and is set up as an antagonist to tommy who bears the title ‘hero’. dream is not a good person, no matter how you look at it or try to justify his actions.
‘but he wants to unite everyone to be a big family :((’ the ends dont justify the means believe it or not. having a vaguely positive goal does not excuse the actions you’ve done. it also goes hand and hand with saying dream is correct for punishing tommy the way he did because he acted up. if i socked you across the face and then suddenly said ‘sorry there was a roach on ur face’ does that make it okay? probably not i still punched you, enacting an unnecessary amount of violence. thats a very simple analogy i will admit and there are more complex comparisons. another example off the top of my head is say a child just scribbled all over you walls with crayons. would hitting them be a justified answer? if u said hes thats really fucked of u go seek help u loon. violence as a punishment is very toxic, just because it gets the job done does not mean it is okay. at the end of the day, you still committed this act and the harm you caused is real, having a good motive doesnt suddenly make it okay.
‘but tommy causes all of the conflict’ the disk war wasnt even caused by tommy, it was sapnap and then tommy got involved. and the reason why tommy even caused conflict was because of the discs, because he wanted them back. and most of the time there was a level of antagonism from another party, such as schlatt exiling him, dream taking the disks in the first place, dream threatening l’manberg. and if dream wanted to end the conflict so badly, why didnt he just give tommy back his disks? tommy upfront said everything started with the disks, so he wants them back so he could end the conflict. notice how after tommy got his disks back he has been staying out of conflict, apologizing to everyone, and the only bad thing hes done is try to scam people but everyone does that. this would have been the most peaceful option, yet dream chose the path that would further antagonize tommy which then draws everyone else into conflict. why did dream need to have leverage over tommy so badly? why did he want to hold power over tommy so badly? its because of control, and that’s ultimately dreams end goal. sure he wants a big server family, but would said family have a free will?
‘but dream is sad’ the thing is dream is completely at fault for everything that happened to him. he pushed away sapnap (and george ig). he tried to take control over the server and their possessions. literally everything that happened to tommy. literally everything involving ranboo. villains can be sympathetic, i am not arguing against that. but it does not mean that they should be left off the hook. that doesnt mean u should ignore the shit theyve done because ‘oh no theyre sad’ because it doesnt make anything better. dream had this shit coming for him.
now people also skirt around calling dream an abuser. which is fair ig, its a very loaded word. its much easier to say manipulated. that being said, dream can classify as abusive. and no, tommy is not abusive. abuse is about control and a power imbalance. dream has power over tommy, but tommy does not have power over dream, at least not in the way dream does. he’s taking back power to stand up for himself, dream uses power to control.
the reasons i listed for why dream is from the Domestic Abuse Intervention Project so if u want a source on that, there you go.
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using coercion or threats: dream often threatened tommy, such as the pit thing and often employed violence on him. while normally this could be attributed to Normal Minecraft Player Go Smack. minecraft mechanics cannot always translate to real world since violence is pretty normal in minecraft however we also need to consider the context of the scene. dream gave an order, tommy refused, dream applies violence, tommy submitted. thats why its a threat, it has tangible effects that can correlate to real life.
using intimidation: dream blew up logsteadshire as a punishment. dream also destroyed tommys items anytime he visited. dream also hit tommy with his axe i believe. he killed mushroom henry, one of tommys pets.
Using Emotional Abuse: dream guiltripped the shit out of tommy for just hiding things and pinning the blame on tommy for just wanting his own private items. he definitely played mind games on tommy, pretending to be his friend. honestly i probably dont even need to go as in depth because it was so obvious.
Using Isolation: putting him in exile in the first place. destroying the bether portal so no one could visit tommy anymore. i really dont think i need to expand upon that.
Minimizing, Denying, and Blaming: dream in tommys stream when he got trapped said that exile wasnt that bad. he does shift the blame onto tommy for logsteadshire being blown up, even though dreams reaction was entirely unjustified for not listening and hiding.
Using Economic Abuse: see this is where i attempt to parallel minecraft mechanics to real life. obviously, there is no monetary system in place, so when i mean economic, i will use valuables such as armor, food, etc in place of currency. the idea behind economic abuse is to limit the victim’s resources so that they are dependent on the abuser and cannot escape. dream only really allowed tommy to have the armor he gave him while not giving access to armor so he does not regain a sense of power, and in the prison stream, dream holds all the potatoes which puts him in a position of power over tommy. this argument is more ambiguous i feel cause the whole minecraft mechanics thing is kinda weird so u don’t necessarily have to take this part in.
i feel like i need to emphasize this very strongly because dream is not a good person. abuse cannot and should not be a response to someone. its an awful mentality to have. i just want to prove the point that dream is not a good person, his reasons absolutely do not justify his actions.
what makes a good redemption
redemption arcs are tricky. when done right they are great. when done poorly, its a slap in the face. rn im going to establish a formula to what makes a good redemption with an example.
the most well known example of a good redemption is zuko from atla. first, its the magnitude of what theyve done and why. zuko did commit some shitty actions, since he was in a position of power in the fire nation but its because he is a child being abused and wanted to regain honor. zukos real awful acts was season 1 and the whole betrayal thing. thats not to say that zukos actions suddenly are okay, he did shitty things. but its something that can be traced to a higher entity or seem less malicious then the other villains. the thing also about the magnitude of actions is that there is a certain point of atrocities that there is no redemption. some people simply cannot be redeemed because the actions they commit are so ingrained in their character or the action itself has serious moral issues that it would just be wrong.
the next is acknowleding what they did was wrong. a genuine reflection on the self and analyzing what they did and why it was not okay. zuko realized what he did to uncle iroh was bad for example. he turned his back on his father, realizing he didnt and shouldnt seek acknowledgment from someone as heinous as him. its pointing out your actions and going ‘hey, this wasnt right i should not have done this’ and not even excusing ur actions. its also going straight for the root of the problem and figuring out to stamp it from the source. just because a character is sad does not mean they are reflecting, sometimes they are attempting to garner pity. it has to be direct and clear acknowledgement of the injustice.
and finally, an important part about redemption arcs is the actual redemption part. its when you make amends. zuko made amends with katara by trying to help her get revenge, he fought against the fire nation and tried to make things more peaceful in his rule. he apologized to iroh. an important part of the amends section is that it does have to be a genuine desire to change and become a better person, not to change a person’s perception of you. the thing is u cant expect a person youve hurt to forgive you. you cant expect people to be sympathetic towards you nor should u attempt to make urself sympathetic. u shouldnt be expecting a pat on the back or an award. redemption is about internal and character change.
why dream should not be redeemed
ive already established the key points to a good redemption (imo) but heres where dream falls short. his actions are extremely heavy so redemption may not even really be possible. abuse is not something you can wave off so it does cross to the point of fucked up. acknowledgement of what he did was wrong? all he said was that he changed, yet never explained why he changed or was too vague. he needed to label specifically what he did and bring it up. attempting to make amends? he’s been doing the exact opposite in fact he continues to manipulate tommy and ranboo. its not a genuine change. he is still repeating the cycle and has given no indication of ceasing. at the moment he does not have any signs of redemption.
and the thing is most of the attention around a dream redemption comes from either justifying his motives (which i do want to emphasize does not make anything suddenly okay) and because he is sad in prison sad face. these are not good reasons. its gonna pain me severely to bring this up but snape from harry potter does have some form of sad character ig yet he very much abused his authority to bully children as old as 11 just because he said ‘aight gonna die’ doesnt suddenly make his general bigotry and abuse suddenly okay there is a threshold. again im so sorry for using harry potter as an example none were coming to mind and i needed a popular one i do not like harry potter please dont say i do i would pass away.
and the last thing to consider is the audience. keep in mind that the audience is composed of minors and while yes there are adults, minors are the main component of the fandom. keep in mind that there are quite a few people who can relate to tommys character because they might be in the same position or have gone through his experiences. tell me what kind of message does it send to that audience that abusers can be redeemed. this is not a narrative u should push to this audience in these situations and the writers are seemingly aware of it. remember how in exile tommy spiraled into a suicidal mentality? consider how fucked of a message it would be if he just committed suicide instead of escaping abuse and attempting to recover from his experiences. tommy did an excellent job in not going that route and having a message of ‘it will not get better’. its the same thing here. victims are not obligated to care for or forgive their abuser, and portraying an abuser as sympathetic might fuck with the message a lot, even change their perception in that ‘oh, maybe my abuser was right, maybe they had a reason for treating me the way they did’. this is not to say that every victim watching this will internalize this message, but people also look up to these characters. there can be a degree of influence from the story onto oneself and thats the dangerous part.
all in all dream is a shitbag asshole and probably shouldnt get a redemption because it would not be pog thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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dyketubbo · 3 years
Wilbur is a Prince of Heart fucking bite me
*clears throat* now that i have your attention please watch as i become mentally ill and explain why wilbur soot is a dirk strider kinnie. all /rp of course. analysis under the cut because i talk. so much.
basic summary: wilbur is destructive about emotions, he destroys others emotionally and most notably destroys himself for being emotional, he wants to be in control and spirals when he loses it but ultimately falls down mentally from broken trust and a misguided want to care for and about others. he lashes out at perceived flaws and puts people into titles, such as putting himself as a villain, and perceives himself as a negative force overall but is unable to stop caring and as such can often turn to using how much he cares into a destructive force. he needs to learn how to healthily let go of control and how to trust others. he used to care healthily and needs to relearn how to do so, but the fact that he is growing into becoming a healthy heart player when he fell due to untreated destructive tendencies is a signifier of being a prince
oh classpects my beloved <3 as a heart player (thief of heart :]) wilbur is absolutely a heart player and anyone who says otherwise is Wrong. anyways what people not super into the classpecting buiz dont know is that while aspects can have certain aesthetics tied to them, they arent defined by those aesthetics, and sometimes themes present in characters is uh, just them being characters and doesnt have anything to do with classpects. thats why every canon heart player in homestuck has something to do with romance (especially failed romance), but being a heart player does not mean youre inherently tied to romance, not really. also characters are often influenced by others and that can mess with things, but classpects are an ultimatum, you have to look at the whole arc of a character to classpect them, and thats hard in a story thats not done yet like the dream smp
but anyways. aspect is more about worldview, its how you see things, and it can either be something youre born into or something you grow into (which is determined by your class- for example, tommy is a knight because hes always had a connection to blood [which is also why i like knight more than thief, because as a thief, thief classes take their aspect and did not always have them, but tommys always been connected to blood, to relationships, in a literal sense he protects {knight} his relationships {blood} and sticks by them {also knight}]) which i think is why it can be so hard for people to agree on one aspect- you have to consider whether or not that character always embodied it or if they grew into it. in a world of unreliable narrators, worldviews have to be actively read into and you have to often push what a character says aside because they may be straight up lying. and because theyre lying, that can affect how they come off and their actions and words may seem disconnected when they arent
wilburs hard to get a handle on his class because of how often he contradicts the fuck out of himself, his aspect is easier to figure out because we've known him long enough to see how he fits into the heart mold- he cares about others, definitely! but he does have a vaguely inherent selfishness about him (calling l'manburg *his*, destroying it because he cant have it, because he's paranoid and doesn't think theres a chance of it ever being what it was meant to be, even when hes given the chance to have it again he destroys it instead because he doesnt want to try and fix it, claiming he doesnt care even though he destroyed it because he cared too much). unhealthy heart players can be cunning but impulsive, perceptive but emotional and falling into gut instincts. exploring their own identities and others identities as well, placing importance in titles and roles and all that jazz, and what parts of this are played into or not is determined by class
wilbur is a prince because princes have a significant projection of self importance. but because princes either destroy their aspect or through their aspect, and are active destroyers, they can often destroy things (or people) if they believe its not working correctly, or if theyre losing control. unhealthy princes can often lash out and destroy others and themselves for perceived weaknesses, and will often focus on themselves. unhealthy princes often start thinking theyre the root of why theres so many shitty things going on. princes in general also try really hard to compensate for insecurities and do by justifying what happens to them with narratives that they deem to be correct. they arent actively malicious, but if they see a perceived flaw it can often piss them off and cause them to lash out
wilbur loses control (and i must note here, he also loses trust, and accepting that you can trust others and that its okay to not be in control is a sign of a healthy prince) and spirals because of betrayal and paranoia, and that only makes him want more control over what happens so that he cant be betrayed again. he tries to destroy his own emotions, becomes distant and untrusting, tries to destroy others emotions by stating his own current worldviews and stating that they cant trust others and that hes going to destroy what and who they care about. however, because wilbur is still emotional and still cares, as a apart of his character, he still often backs out of destruction (or offers himself up to be destroyed instead, "if youre going to kill anyone kill me"), its in his most conscious moments that he shows that hes not as malicious as he wants people to see him as. he sees himself as a villain and as the cause of all bad things, and encourages pursuits of power because he sees control and power as good things
tommys quote of "he treated other people badly because he wanted to be treated badly" (paraphrased of course) works well here for why wilbur is a prince. he destroyed because he wanted to be destroyed, destroyed lmanburg and hurt others and drove them to hurt others (the pit) because he saw himself as a destructive force needed to be taken down. he wanted to be in control of his life, his safety, others safety, of his possessions and of the narrative, and it all swirled into him wanting to be in control of his own death. bards are too passive, they invite destruction rather than cause it, wilbur can be mistaken as a bard because of how he often acts with tommy, but that can also be seen as a princely thing of trying to be in control of who he cares about
also the lying about what he cares about feels very prince of heart lol. bitch saying he doesn't care about l'manburg then staring wistfully at the van.. yeah. he cares. but it serves his goal more to pretend he doesn't. l'manburg itself was a decision driven by emotion, it's an emotional priority, and that's why wilbur cares about it (heart move), but wants to destroy it because he feels like the original emotions he put behind it are gone and corrupted and that he and others no longer deserve it (prince move). as such, he clashes with tommy, who cares about it because he got a family from it (blood move) and wants to protect it and keep everyone involved safe (knight move)
you could argue that wilbur fits classes like witch because of how he manipulates emotions and others but i think that lays way into how revivedbur is currently acting and not how wilbur is as a whole. he's too driven by impulses to be a witch, and i think a witch wilbur would be way more actively villainous than a prince wilbur, however surprising that may sound. princes are destructive sure, but ultimately their downfall comes from whether they trust others or not, and wilbur only trusting tommy (and maybe phil? im waiting to see more interactions between them to see if wilbur is going to really be open to phil or not) isn't enough to save wilbur from his spiral. he needs to learn how to healthily release control and how to trust others, how to step back and snap out of thinking he knows best. also i feel that it's a bit easier to see when princes are full of shit than it is to see when a witch is full of shit lmao, at least from a personal perspective, of course when you're a viewer of the story it's easier to see manipulation than it is when you're apart of the story
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ace-oreos · 4 years
this goes with my other thing cause i just cant stop thinking about it. Like how does alpha feel knowing that everything, everything he and his brothers suffered, from training to war, was all for nothing and just a plot? Like he was ordered by the head of the separatists! Hes so loyal to the republic like that knowledge has to hit him. So i guess how would he react to finding this out?
Ack I’m sorry this one took longer than the others but I’m so grateful for the prompt and I would love more! Alpha is one of my absolute favorites and this particular scenario has been really fun to explore.
Part II
What comes next is a fragmented series of revelations that don’t appall him so much as affirm the unremitting doubt that has been eating away at him ever since the order first went down. 
The first develops out of an assortment of sources, accumulated intel never meant for his eyes. It’s not enough on its own, so Alpha pieces it together as he goes. It’s one unpleasant jolt after another as he unearths obscure scraps of intel that gradually come together to form a plot so elaborate it takes him days to make sense of it. 
(Although he considers Jango a father in the loosest of terms, it’s nonetheless jarring when he finally begins to comprehend the significance of Fett’s role in the undoing of the Jedi - and, by extension, the galaxy itself.) 
(We were never meant to have this power.) 
It doesn’t take him long to discover that Palpatine’s deception runs deep. Near as Alpha can tell, the hut’uun orchestrated the war from the very beginning, starting with the creation of the Grand Army. No wonder he recruited Jango; he must’ve known no one else would stand a chance against the Jedi.  
So he’s a traitor, Alpha dismisses in an attempt to ward off the uncomfortable feeling that leaves his chest tight and his stomach twisted. Aruetyc hut’uun. There’s nothing you can do about it now.
(But if they were capable of killing Jedi, he finds himself thinking on more than one occasion, why not the Force-user who declared himself emperor?) 
He’s hardly one to reflect on everything he has experienced, but more and more he finds himself looking back, all the doubts and questions of why he’d spent so long suppressing threatening to surface. Jango had instilled a sense of purpose in each of his trainees, but even Fett couldn’t stop them from asking why. 
(What did it cost?)
(Everything, he wants to say.) 
Because no matter how he frames it, there is no denying that everything he and his brothers endured was meaningless. They’d walked through hell for… what, exactly? 
He remembers the cadets on Kamino, untouched by the war, their faith in the righteous ideals ingrained in them since birth unshaken by death or despair. They were just kids, weren’t they?
We were never just kids. 
Since Alpha had never bothered placing his trust in the Jedi - he never could escape his father’s legacy - he resorted to the Republic instead. It was corrupt from the start, but he felt that maybe that would carry him through the war, once upon a time. Every soldier fought for something. 
And maybe part of him thought the Republic was something that could be fixed, once the war was won. Something they could heal after those years of carnage. So when he learns that Palpatine also oversaw the Separatist forces, the irony isn’t lost on him. 
Taking out Grievous and Dooku wouldn’t have ended the war. 
Palpatine had a contingency for that, I’m sure, he thinks bitterly. 
He likes to think he isn’t shaken. 
Truthfully, he experiences a sense of disorientation unlike anything he has ever known. He’d clung resolutely to his loyalty to the Republic because it had been the one constant throughout his life. The idea that Palpatine manipulated both sides - demanded they lay down their lives without reward or acknowledgement of their sacrifice - and pitted them against each other for his own twisted ends cuts deep. 
Alpha finds himself desperate to recover that sense of purpose. He can’t sit idle, content with whatever hand the galaxy deals him. And if he can’t find a way, he’ll make one.
It’s early days still, but he knows instinctively that history will repeat itself one day. The Empire will crumble - destroyed by its own monstrous ambition or by a galaxy that will finally stand against its tyranny. 
Although Alpha isn’t entirely sure how he fits into this, he has a feeling that if he and his brothers changed the course of the galaxy once, they could very well do it again. 
And even though finding something to stand for means they could just as easily fall for it, he thinks it might be worth it. They’d fought and bled and died for something before, even if it had proved to be nothing more than a senseless plot in the end.
Alpha-17 bides his time, watching tensions grow as the Empire struggles to establish itself in the wake of the Republic and the Jedi Order. He’s made it this far; he intends to keep going, salvage the situation however he can.
Wait for it.
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babyloniastreasure · 3 years
right so i just got done crying on and off for the first three hours of my day and i think i deserve a bit of unloading into the internet about it
dont mind me i just,,,dont have a support system anymore lol and i need some kind of fuckin release. feel free to ignore
so the last week in particular has been extremely rough and today I almost asked to go to the hospital in the hopes of like, idk. getting some sort of help. I have never been this depressed or hopeless before in my life and I’ve never had so much nothing as I do now. I lost all of my friends and my only support. I don’t have anything to look forward to. I look at my projects and my art and I can’t stand them because everything has memories attached to people who hate me and want nothing to do with me. People who have ignored me for five fucking weeks after telling me “We want to fix this.”
i’m hardly sleeping. im constantly exhausted. im physically nauseous because i cant eat from the stress and anxiety, granted i remember to eat at all or have the energy to get up to get anything in the first place. emotionally im an absolute wreck. I can’t focus. nothing is enjoyable. there’s nothing TO enjoy, because everything i had before was everything they took away. I’ve been left in the dust after they told me they still cared. so clearly that was a lie. if they cared they wouldnt have left at the drop of a hat like that
Even my family has noticed that i’m not okay and they’re starting to ask questions. i feel bad every time i brush them off but I cant let them know how bad things really are. i cant tell them that every hour i have to fight the urge to hurt myself again. that every time i have a second of free thought i think, hey, wouldn’t it be so satisfying to make yourself bleed again? and yes! it would be satisfying! but that’s not a pit i want to fall into again. it had me for years and it took even more years to break. and even though I have the awareness to not go through with it and can recognize it’s not actually going to help in the long run, it’s so exhausting when that’s my first go-to solution. And like yeah I usually have those thoughts anyway but I’ve had such a great system of friends and people I love who love me also that it was easier to get past. There were people there for me  who cared and because I knew they cared I could get through the rough patches. But now I don’t have those people. I don’t have any support. There’s nobody who cares about me. So then my loneliness gets to me and i get even more depressed and anxious and I keep spiraling, and those thoughts get worse and harder to fight off. it was those thoughts of intense “lets hurt ourselves really badly :D” that made me want to go to the hospital. I literally had the thought of “If I go to the hospital and they say I’m not severe enough to be admitted, I’ll just grab a pen and stab my leg to prove to them I need help.” Which is neither good nor healthy, but it would be so easy
instead i ended up crying for three hours and started thinking the circumstances that lead me here
and like. i will admit, and i have admitted dozens of times, hundreds of times to myself, that I made a mistake. I know that. I told them that. That was the first fucking thing I said. all i can think about is that singular, one, individual, tiny little blunder. and how despite me acknowledging it and coming clean with it and trying to talk about it, it was blown up and out of proportion and thrown in my face. they took my misstep and every single one of them twisted it and manipulated it into something far from the truth, something that painted me as a terrible person, as a secret asshole, as a huge toxic influence, as a deceitful and unappreciative person. They all threw out everything about our friendship in favor of ignoring what I’d said and assuming something far from the truth, the truth I laid out for them no less.
and then when i asked if i could clarify and communicate, they told me no. then blamed me for not communicating!!
thats all i ever tried to do! was communicate
From day one the group said hey if there’s a problem, be open with it and we’ll talk about it. we communicate to solve problems because we’re all friends and cherish each other.
what a load of shit.
i tried to communicate. I laid out my problem and then everybody else got involved, said I wasn’t allowed to talk about that with them, then they called me back like some kind of court and judge and jury and told me because I didn’t communicate, I was being kicked out. That’s not fair. I wasn’t treated fairly. I wasn’t even allowed to clarify whatever the hell they thought. They straight up told me no, you can’t talk about this with us. That’s not communication. That’s hypocritically shutting me down.
“Communicate with us Jask!”
“Okay I will send communication”
“Op! You’re not allowed :) We agreed you can’t talk to us :) You’re being kicked out :) Oh But Don’t Feel Unwelcome We Want To Fix This.” Then they all fuckin. moved into a space without me in it. That’s not welcoming. That’s exclusionary. That’s not communicating either. I’ve been handed a double standard that I can’t do anything about because I’m not allowed to even say hello to these people
How does anyone expect things to get better if I’m not being given the chance I was promised? its been. five. weeks. I’m ? so fucking tired and sad and alone, waiting every fucking day in the hopes that someone is going to actually talk to me again. then I finally pass out in near tears at 3am because another day has passed with none of them caring enough to even ask if im okay
and like. i desperately want to talk to them. i dont know what id say but. i dont know. i dont know. im not allowed to, for one. they made that crystal fucking clear. but again what would i even say?
do i say im sorry? i apologized dozens of times and it never made a difference, they ignored my apologies from the start and im certain they ignored the ones at the end too. and im terrified of saying sorry to the only person who really matters in this situation because im certain she’s going to cut me off if i even breathe in her direction
do I say that i miss them? what’s that going to do? it feels manipulative to say that. like hey pity me into talking to me again? i cant do that. im sure none of them miss me anyway so why would i put myself on the spot like that
do i admit im afraid to talk to them? again that also feels, bad, because the last time i admitted a feeling it drove them all away in an instant. and like also that feels like im backing them into a corner where they have to respond. and i dont want to force that. so it feels like talking is making the same mistake that made them kick me out. and like. what if...talking really does make it worse? what if talking is what ruins it even though talking is what they told me they want?
again there’s the double standard. be honest and communicate, but if you’re honest and communicate you’re rejected outright and made into the bad guy.
at this point its been so long
and i’ve deteriorated so much
i dont know if like. i just. i dont know...if more deterioration, if more waiting, and more dashed hope is worth it ?
i dont even know if they still want to repair things. what if they dont? what if they never did? what if they lied? what if they sit in their little group and talk poorly about me? what if they made bets about how long it’ll take me to leave or unfriend them like my isolation was some sort of game? what if they think i hate them? what if they really DO hate me? what if they moved on and want to forget about me? what if they regret knowing me at all? what if they wish they never knew me? what if they’re happy without me? what if 
oh boy i started crying again
what if this entire month of waiting and crying and wishing and grieving and hoping and loneliness was a waste of time? what if this was all for nothing? what if i never get to talk to them again? i. man. i just. i really really really miss everyone. i miss them so much. i miss them so fucking much. i dont know what to do. I m. fuck. im miserable. i wish i hadn’t said anything i wish i had kept my mouth shut i wish i never tried i wish i never did any of that i wish i had my friends i wish i could go back i wish i could talk to them
if i didnt say anything at least i’d be happy and id have everything and i would have my best friends in the whole world and id, fuck man thats really it, id be happy. im  so fucking awul
im so. i. i cant see the scvreen i need to go wash up and stop
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bloodsbane · 6 years
okay, here are the variables. kris at the moment of falling throguh the closet wakes up in the underground and frisk at the moment of falling down mt ebot wakes up in the dark kingdom. The player has no control of either characters actions. their choices are their own.
ohhh i love this! what a fun question to think about! 
okay so... that wording is really fun too, because it means everything that happens beforehand also stays exactly the same until the moment they ‘fall’. and we’ll say for the sake of having each world function that they still have a SOUL, but it’s fueled by their own will rather than the will of the player.
so, for kris:
they just entered the closet with susie. they were hesitant to go, and then when they fall... if we’re not in control, than whatever ‘force’ was controlling them is absent. because frisk is alone at the start of UT, lets say kris also begins by themself (susie doesn’t come along with them). 
so they woke up being controlled by something, unable to manipulate their own body for the whole morning, then they get bullied and cant seem to defend themself, then they enter a strange closet that turns into a pit, and wind up in some dark cavernous place all alone. i’d say they probably feel pretty freaked out! 
then we consider the fact that, if everything leading up to that point is exactly the same, kris will end up meeting characters who look exactly like their family, and many of the monsters will resemble people they know from the neighborhood but just slightly... off. same names and everything. 
i feel like kris wouldn’t trust flowey. they’d be at first comforted, then freaked out by meeting a toriel who doesn’t recognize them, but trust her ultimately. they’d also want to leave, and would be reluctant to fight her. i don’t think kris would kill any of the monsters, especially the very small skiddish ones they encounter at the start. i think when toriel tells them to be careful and to be good they would take it to heart, and by then kris would understand that they don’t seem to HAVE to hurt anyone to get by. 
im gonna try and generalize the rest from here so it’s not a total step-by-step summary of how i think things would go, hah, but i think in essence... kris COULD manage a true pacifist ending. i think they’d be very wary of everything/one, but ultimately they would enjoy exploring this weird world full of very friendly creatures who seem comparatively less cynical to some of their counterparts in deltarune. they’d have very mixed feelings about fighting asgore, but some things in DR hint that their feelings toward asgore aren’t wholly positive, and i think kris would be willing to FIGHT (and then SPARE) asgore as required. 
i think the biggest issue might be whether or not kris shows flowey MERCY after that fight, but given that kris grew up with an alternate version of asriel, they may see enough of their brother in flowey (even without knowing they’re the same) to show MERCY to him. 
and then the rest goes as it does. dunno if kris is as much of a shipper as frisk certainly is, but they’d be down for helping alphys and undyne. they’d be very freaked out by the dark lab i think, and everything leading to the end would be SUPER WILD for them.
honestly? going at undertale from this perspective, it could very well read as a sort of ‘coming of age/exploration of inner turmoil’ sort of story. this is something of a given, considering the way these two worlds are structured to mirror one another. but think about it: their parents are divorced, now literally separated by an entire world stretched between them. it has themes of power and choice, only this time kris actually has the ability to choose. for the first time (?) in their life, their actions hold real consequences - their choices matter! and if we’re to speculate that the player taking ‘control’ of kris is a frequent thing that happens, this may be one of the few times in their life they’ve really been able to explore themselves and an environment on their own terms, completely. no stuffy small town, familiar but unfamiliar faces, no one and nothing to fall back on... they really gotta navigate this place on their own, grow as a person. it even works with asriel being ‘absent’ throughout most of the game; that could read as their conflicted feelings about their older brother, the fact that he left for college, etc.
all in all, i’ll say we can stay optimistic; i have a feeling kris could achieve the true pacifist ending naturally, or if not, at least a neutral ending. if we wanna tie things up neatly and play by the same rules, they’d then exit the underground back in the supply closet with susie, who would have gone on her adventure with...
this one would be a lot more simple, given the nature of the game/world (and the length of DR). frisk is exploring mt. ebott, falls down a hole, and wakes up looking different in some dark cavernous place all alone. they walk until they find susie, and HONESTLY it may be a toss-up whether or not susie sees frisk and thinks they’re kris. obviously frisk is much smaller, but frisk isn’t the only one who got a wardrobe change. susie might assume frisk’s younger appearance is part of this weird place and whatever changed their clothes and gave them weapons, etc. 
for the sake of simplicity, let’s go with that route: susie assumes frisk is just kris, and they look different and act a little differently because of Weird Magic World Shenanigans. frisk would probably just go along with whatever susie said with little to no comment anyway, so it works. i’d say unless you wanna go hard with the ‘frisk is nonverbal’ headcanons, there wouldn’t be a way for susie to know and frisk just wouldn’t correct her. at most, they’d be surprised she keeps calling them the wrong name, but a name that is kinda almost similar...
anyway! from then on i think the game would be mostly the same. go along with the prophecy, try not to fight anyone, etc. Since DR’s world works more in a ‘your choices don’t matter’ context, frisk may naturally be at odds with some of what happens... there may be moments where they really want to make a choice, to change something, but end up feeling powerless, which is a feeling we don’t often experience in undertale (which is kind of the point). 
however, we don’t know anything about frisk’s background, unlike kris (which i’ve talked about before). we can assume they’re a goofy, playful, friendly, kind, helpful, creative, empathetic, passionate kid, but we don’t know what their home situation was/is like, or how they’d respond to an environment where they can’t utilize their free will often. i suppose you could say, in a way, they end up in the sort of position kris starts in before they enter dark world, when we were controlling them: being pulled along a set path, unable to deviate or make meaningful choices. 
sure, frisk gets to make some friends, they can still SPARE others and show MERCY, and the fact that they could FIGHT or try to do real harm to others isn’t relevant because we know frisk, as a character, wouldn’t do that (again, WE would do that, not frisk). But it doesn’t matter, even if they don’t utilize that choice it wouldn’t matter, and that’s the point of DR. 
I feel like the end would be much sadder for frisk. they defeat the spade king, they say goodbye to ralsei, they do not understand susie’s strange reaction to seeing ralsei’s face even in the slightest. they go with their new friend back...
and they are alone, all over again. 
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imriya · 7 years
K Drama List
Okay yeah I told myself I wouldn’t do this but I lied. This is a list of all the K Drama’s I’ve watched. Ratings and all
1. Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-Joo
Rating: 8/10
This was it. This drama got me hooked onto drama’s! It was so cute and carefree and the iconic ‘Do you like Messi?’ line still gets me every damn time! I loved the chemistry between the leads and although I thought I would get second lead syndrome, it was impossible not to fall in love with  Joon-Hyung. The only reason it didn’t get a 10/10 was because of the other dramas I’ve watched
2. Thumping Spike 2
Rating: 2/10
I don’t even know why I finished this drama but this was the worst drama I have ever watched! I stopped watching for a while because of this. The storyline, the acting, the girl was incredibly annoying and so was the second lead. Honestly would recommend this to anyone who wants to quit dramas cold turkey
3. Uncontrollably Fond
Rating: 9/10
TEARS! THERE WERE LOADS AND LOADS OF TEARS! I am not an emotional person at all so the fact that this drama got me to cry was just...honestly I cant! I was hooked from the second episode and finished this within 3 days even though I had finals that week. Bae Suzy took some getting used to but GOD DAMN KIM WOO BIN AND HIS AMAZING ACTING SKILLS! just get your tissues ready is all im saying especially for the last episode
4. Goblin
Rating: 9.5/10
I watched this two days after recovering from uncontrollably fond only because i saw it all over twitter. I was super skeptical coming into this but I just couldn’t help myself and it was probably the best decision I have ever made! The acting from the whole cast and the cinematography was just brilliant! At no point of this drama would you be bored I can assure you that much. I fell in love with the Grim Reaper and the whole twist it was just brilliant! I still tear up when I think about this drama. I went through more tissues for this more than any other drama I have ever watched
5. Heartless City/ Cruel City
Rating: 9/10
THE TWISTS OF THIS DRAMA OH MY LORD! At the end of every episode you are guaranteed a twist you would have never guessed! This drama kept me on my toes and kept me up at night. The acting was amazing but at times the female lead can get on your nerves so just be patient but the female interactions are amazing and I wish more drama’s gave us that. The male leads were all hot af which makes it so so easy to watch but really the friendships and relationships is what keeps this drama so amazing. it’s more of a psychological thriller than it is a romantic one but if you do want to get into psychological thrillers then i would highly recommend this one
6. W: Two worlds
Rating: 5.5/10
I didn’t finish this one because it got wayyy too repetitive. It was good for like the first 12 episodes then I had to force myself to keep watching. I liked the concept of a comic book character coming to life and switching between worlds but I thought it dragged on for way too long and just couldn’t bear to keep watching. The chemistry seemed a little forced but the acting by Lee-Jong Suk was the only reason I kept watching - amazing!
7. The Heirs
Rating: 6.5/10
THE SECOND LEAD SYNDROME IS SO BAD SO PREPARE YOURSELVES! I was recommended this by a lot of people to watch with Boys Over Flowers but after watching this and suffering my second lead syndrome I just couldn’t keep watching. It got too draggy and too repetitive at times like yes I get it - You’re rich and she is not. The female character was incredibly annoying but other than that and the second lead syndrome this was alright. My favourite character will forever be Chan Young that little cutie
8. City Hunter
Rating: 7/10
This was...wow! The stunts and the cinematography was amazing! Hats off to Kim- Sang Joong for his amazing portrayal of Lee Jin Pyo! This drama will really keep you on your toes especially with all the fights and the couple of twists
9. She Was Pretty
Rating: N/A
I couldn’t get past the 3rd episode. It bored me from the start and was incredibly cringy at times. Maybe I will try to watch it again but I just couldn’t watch the whole ‘oh i used to be pretty but now im super ugly.’ trope.
10. Scarlet Heart Ryeo
Rating: 3/10
Reminder: that this is a personal opinion list
Every time I tell someone I didn’t like this drama I get very bad looks but I just couldn’t with this drama man! I forced myself to finish it. It was really interesting at the start and I loved it but after the 13th episode (and I know cause I looked) I was so bored and it just annoyed me to no end. This drama really put me off period dramas and till now I can’t watch any. The first lead and her fizzled off and the fact that almost every guy was in love with her just made me roll my eyes. The drama dragged on for way too long and the ending sucked. This is probably the worst one I watched after Thumping Spike. I stopped watching drama’s for a while because of it. The only saving grace was Nam Joo Hyuk
11. Legend of the Blue Sea
Rating: 9.5/10
THIS WAS THE CUTEST DRAMA! I put off watching this for a while because of the whole mermaid thing but I regret it so much! It was so cute and the acting was on point! I cried so much during the last episode oh lord! The love story was funny, moving, so well developed and it was adorable from start to finish! This drama will make you laugh, cry, pissed off at times but it was just...I wish I could erase my memories and watch it again! Warning: you will fall in love with Tae-O
12. Bride of Habaek
Rating: 4/10
I was so disappointed with this drama, i had such high expectations and it just...Okay so I finished it because of Krystal and Gong Myung and how adorable their relationship is. This drama was adapted from the manga and i have to say that the manga was way better. The lead actress was so annoying and other than ‘I am a God you can’t treat/say/do this to me’ Nam Joo Hyuk really doesn’t have any other lines. Watch at your own risk.
13. School 2017
Rating: 9/10
THIS WAS SUCH A GOOD DRAMA! It was adorable while also teaching a lot about society nowdays. I loved the fact that it was supportive rather than pitting leads against leads like drama’s usually do. It was so cute and funny and just made my insides go ASJSFJSFJSHFSF because of the chemistry and how relevant the stories were.
14. Strong Woman Do Bong Soon
Rating: 9.5/10
THIS IS THE CUTEST DRAMA IF YOU WANT A BREAK FROM CRYING OR LIFE! Min min and Bong Bong OH I CANNOT! It was funny and cute and a little supernatural but trust me you will love it! This one will make you roll on the ground and pause just to squeal bc CUTENESS! Get me a guy like him pls
15. My Secret Romance
Rating: 8/10
This is kind of like Strong Woman but without the supernatural powers. A lot of resemblance with the whole CEO and girl who is working in the company except this one involves a one night stand and a female lead that can get on your nerves a little but other than that it was adorable and cute and definitely gives you a break from the crying dramas
16. Oh My Venus
Rating: 8.5/10
So this is a story about a fat girl who wants to lose weight and gets (read as: manipulates) a world famous trainer to help her boom they fall in love. It was really cute and the relationship between all of the cast just does things to my heart! It’s really worth the watch and the ending just had me on the floor! Also abs abs abs abs ERRYWHERE
17. While You Were Sleeping
Rating: 9.5/10
I just finished this drama like 3 days back and OH MY GOD! BEST DRAMA I HAVE EVER WATCHED! The chemistry between the two leads killed me! The twists and the character development and the directing and the cinematrograhy and the ACTING OH MY GOD! I have never watched a drama like this before! The supernatural and the real life scenarios were just...WOW!
18. Descendants of the Sun
Rating: 9.5/10
THIS FRICKIN DRAMA! I finished this in 2 days! It was that addicting and amazing! Both the lead and the side couple were brilliant! The acting was amazing the chemistry was even better! The fact that they also focus on the rest of the cast and the growth development of every single damn character is what got me! THE OST FOR THIS IS STILL ON MY PLAYLIST! I love this drama so much it’s in my top 5
19. Healer
Rating: 8.5/10
The reason it took me so long to watch this was because I read somewhere that it wasn’t worth the watch and that person is wrong! The concept of this drama is different but all episodes work towards one goal which i wanna say but will be a spoiler. The ending will have you shook
20. My Love From Another Star
Rating: 8.5/10
THIS FRICKIN DRAMA! It was really good and I loved the chemistry (which I know I say a lot) but really man! Chong Seong Hee is like an onion -  she has layers and there is also an alien but really man this drama killed it! I had very low expectations from it and it seriously proved me wrong. There is this one scene with the lead’s camera...just...get tissues. I teared but did not cry bc im a strong woman with no emotions
21. Pinocchio
Rating: N/A
I couldn’t get past the 7th episode. It bored me and I just found myself rolling my eyes at it a lot. I will try and rewatch this one day but just not any time in the near future.
22. Fight For My Way
Rating: 9.5/10
I COULD NOT STOP WATCHING! This drama was amazing! 4 best friends who just live life and the character development and the romance and friendship is literally goals! It was lighthearted but also got serious when it needed to be! It’s amazing and I would totally watch it again and again! I love Ae Ra’s aegyo she’s adorable <3
23. Suspicious Partner
Rating: 8/10
The start was a little rocky but after that it really grew on me. I would watch it in between classes and what not the cliffhangers just had me biting on my nails and the romance didn’t seemed forced or anything it was overall pretty alright and as a law student i loved the law part of it hehe
24. Hospital Ship
Rating: N/A
I will definitely be coming back to this but I had to stop midway for a bit. I loved the slow burn romance and also how that wasn’t the main plot of the story. I also loved the character interactions and how you can literally see the growth of each character after every episode.
25. Cheese in The Trap 
Rating: 1.5/10 
This drama is just super creepy with the stalker and his ‘dark tendencies’. It had me cringing and hating the fact that I had to keep watching. The only saving grace was Baek In Ho with his witty banter and constant support. The SLS is really strong in this drama. Baek In Ha was just cringy and annoying overall 
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rhuemis · 7 years
recently ive been struggling a lot more than usual and ive had this rising frustration directed towards myself and my situation which doesnt much translate well into how i express myself. ive just sorta been sinking into this pit that every time i feel as though ive found my footing i just fall straight back in and im finding it really hard to cope, especially with christmas coming up and some newfound self-doubt which has been breathing down my neck with everything i do
and its hard for me to find any sorta help or even emotional support with this because of my aforementioned issue with communication. everything i seem to say people take the wrong way and i honestly dont quite get what im doing wrong. i used to be a major crybaby, i’d cry at the slightest bit of resistance i found, but that also led to me being walked all over a lot but this past year ive felt that people are construing everything i try and say as either being weird or way more aggressive than intended and its giving me crazy whiplash
 and, im sure, this post will be taken as whiny, repetitive,and possibly rather irritating and all i can really say is im aware
im aware of everything i say, of my own image, of how i fall into the pecking order
i see it and its got me at a bit of a loss at the minute
im not sure quite whether its my rising paranoia or if it’s just taken me so long to notice but even the people im surrounded by in my day to day life seem to be growing tired of me and my fumbling to try and say the right thing and its getting out of control. ive been far too anxious in just normal day to day life of saying something incorrectly and mixing up what i was trying to say, or getting the tone wrong, or literally everything else that could go wrong and despite how careful im trying to be i keep ending up either floundering hopelessly in social situations or stepping on far too many toes
im tired and i want to die, my suicidal urges have been rising and dropping seemingly at random and in times like this i crave change and i get increasingly pent up if i dont have the means to do what i feel i need to do to get out of this hole. combining that with my pre-existing mental health conditions and youve got somebody who’s very drained.
i dont want to be bitter and i dont want to bring that onto the people around me.
i have things im paranoid about,things that genuinely keeps me awake at night, that could be solved or at least helped if i actually voiced them to my peers but ive botched so many regular conversations recently that im genuinely just terrified of speaking to them at all, let alone about this
like, how do you say to somebody ‘hey, my heads been telling me that you all secretly hate me, have horrible conversations about me behind my back, think im dumb, aggressive and obnoxious,and conspire against me but i know that all of this is most likely just fabricated by my own self-depreciative mentality’  without seeming: a.) manipulative b.) annoying c.) whiny d.) self-pitying e.) accusatory
how do i ensure that they know that i know that its my own fabrication and that hearing that its not what my head is telling me it is would probably be enough to at least relax enough to properly work through it? 
‘just like that!’ you probably just thought but heres the the thing, im terrible at translating any of this into verbal conversation. even if i were to just learn that phrase and repeat it i have some weird cognitive dissonance problem where i’ll say words out of order, or even just the letters in the words out of order, and then if that happened i wouldnt feel like i’d be taken seriously
and i wouldnt want to risk it being an online conversation ((Despite it being the best form of communication for me)) because my typing habits make me seem far more passive aggressive or even down right aggressive than im intending to be and i dont want to sound as though im pointing fingers as opposed to genuinely asking for help before i actually just break
i want to be able to communicate and read people well 
i want to go to the gym and change this hideous appearance that is tied directly to how people perceive me
i want to be better at the things i try to be good at and be able to kick myself into actively studying as opposed to procrastinating
i dont want to be like adam
i dont want to be like jess
i dont want to be like james
i dont want this, i dont want any of this
i wish i had the means/time/money to change everything about myself but i cant
i need help and i dont know how im gonna find it 
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lupismaris · 7 years
For the tv series ask: Black Sails!
Oh boy oh boy oh bOY
1- favorite character of all time?
James Flint McGraw. 100%. Granted, John Silver is so close behind him that its a tricky choice. But James is without a doubt my favorite character. Both because of his story, how well i relate to it, and because hes just an over dramatic shit who has never had an ounce of chill. I love him.
2- character i used to dislike but now love?
I never outright disliked him, but Charles Vane really grew on me through seasons 2 and 3. I think seeing him grow as a person, become himself, and stand for something greater than just gold made him a really wonderful character in my mind. Im in denial, at the very least.
3- character i used to like who i dislike now?
Dufresne. Like holy fuck dude you rip out a mans throat with your teeth and im thinking youre gonna be so much fun and then you turn into a weasly little shit who throws slurs at disabled people and betrays his crew. Like nah boy. Nah.
4- character im indifferent about?
Honestly i think eleanor, while being fascinating, interests me the least. I cant pinpoint why exactly, but while i respect her struggle and her various victories, she kinda exhausts me at times.
5- character who deserved better?
Miranda Hamilton and Mr Scott. Both get picked because they were such phenomenal people and their endings, while serving plot, left me feeling a tad bitter. Ill add Charles Vane as an aside, because im still in denial.
6- ship i cant get into?
Eleanor and Vane. To me, it seemed too toxic and too manipulative to be healthy and truly love. But thats just me.
7- ship i wont get over?
FlintSilver and FlintHamilton, aka the two canon ships that will haunt me until i die.
8- cute lokey ship?
Idk i like the idea of Ben and Billy. Its cute. Also Vane joining the poly trio of jack/anne/max because he needs love. And ot4 madi/silver/flint/thomas.
9- unpopular ship i enjoy?
Eh, i cant think of one?
10- ship that should never have been?
Im not crazy about eleanor and rogers but tbh i think youre not supposed to enjoy that one so idk. Not a fan.
11- favorite moment or story line?
Aaauuugghhh ok uhm well fuck, the entire “finding out about thomas” plot line like holy fuck, the “flint and silver carrying each other through the darkness” plot, the “max anne and jack figure out how to be happy” plot, every moment that flint cannot contain his sass, blackbeard being the king of no chill, jack rackham judging the world and woodes rogers, madi just existing, flint being violent against people who wronged him, flint being shook by powerful women like all the time, flint being 100% dad and 100% done, silver killing duresne after being called half a dozen slurs like goddamn i am still recovering from that, silver being a delightful little shit every five minutes, every monologue that flint has, know no shame-
Literally there are too fuckin many
12- plot you think should never have been written?
Its not something that shouldnt be written, but something i wish we saw more of, and thats madi and silver’s relationship. We dont get a lot of time to see them fall in love, and id have liked to see more of their growth together.
Also im in denial about charles so theres that.
13- first thoughts?
I had expected Black Sails to be like every other gritty, dark show about white dudes on tv. I had heard tidbits of good things but wasnt willing to be impressed. I mean, i love pirates, the whole aesthetic and idealism of pirates, i enjoy period pieces, and i enjoy a good bit of well choreographed violence. But the likelihood that it would be just like every other show on tv made me wary at first, so i put it off for a while. But when my boyfriend binged seasons 1-3 in as many days, i caved, expecting to be disappointed.
14- my thoughts now?
I have three Black Sails tattoos planned. I have “Know No Shame” in the bio of almost every social media account i use, i have been adding all the books mentioned in the show to my library, i have been telling everyone i come across to watch this show, i dragged my girlfriend into the abyss with me. I have cried more for this show than i have cried over any other media, and that includes any superheroes or harry potter or books.
The story morale, of love being our guiding principle, of fighting for who you are and your place in the world- the fact that the lead protagonist is an emotionally vulnerable bisexual man, that there are multiple queer characters and poly amorous arrangements, disabled characters who are strong and treated with respect, that the notion of liberation and freedom and the darkness being a home when civilization casts us aside-
This show has effected me in ways i would have never in my life anticipated or prepared for. I dont think i will ever be able to fully express the impact this show, this story, and most importantly these characters, have had on me as a person.
The simplest way to say it- it has made me braver, more willing to face the world as i am.
And maybe thats ridiculous. But what the show has given me, the lessons spoken by the characters, has given me footing, something to look to when im afraid.
Lmao so yeah thats black sails im gonna go hide in my pit of pirate despair now
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politicalfilth-blog · 5 years
Trump Says The Fed Is More Dangerous Than China As Debt Hits 22 Trillion
In this video, Luke is joined by G Edward Griffin and Josh Sigurdson to discuss the evergrowing deficit that has now hit an astonishing 22 trillion dollars. Trump Says The Fed Is More Dangerous Than China As Debt Hits 22 Trillion.
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Researcher of creature from Jekyll Island and of course world better half but in this video that’s happening between Donald Trump the Federal Reserve and even the president warning that the Federal Reserve is a bigger threat than China Buffet $20. It’s just so ridiculous 22 trillion dollars what’s your take on it okay I think it’s all theater it’s been there for a long long time is ridiculous show is 21 trillion. The fact of the matter is that the honest business about worried about that because they know it’s just a question of who’s going to get stuck with the bill and so that’s the theater they were playing through and I I get kind of fed up looking at these newspaper accounts worthy the journalists are playing what are we going to do about this problem is the problem except until the whole thing and then all the guys are probably over in Costa Rica someplace and we’re stuck with the bill, 20 to $20 with a vast amount of that what’s your reactions and any additional guys want to add to that keep on going out to you know 30 40 50. It doesn’t really matter what it is a number of different Empires they died with their currency so they can friends until the currency becomes worthless at one point where people’s like I can’t afford food anymore like look at you being in in France in the jail is on the yellow they are that is the symptom of it the other Wes moon is a symptom of like all these dead that gets created all these money that’s constantly gets printed out into the economy and going to be the breaking point where you just snap so we have like the Arab Spring for example where it just people can’t afford any more food or do you know the general Necessities in system is just going to go, wow that’s my point of view mean we’re seeing the bigger kind of general effects of it with just the prices of basic necessities going up everywhere meanwhile the whole system’s rigged. The government just keeps borrowing more money just blatantly and financing just the most ridiculous craziest projects I mean I mean a lot of people are in a way to this but some of that kind of your take on this job a bigger license is servitude and we know who they’re in servitude to the government’s and I think that’s one of the main takes away from this is what are we doing to protect ourselves of course there’s many different ways to protect ourselves lots of solutions, dad just said there that he’s fed up with this it. I think that’s a no pun intended of course but I think that there was a bit of a pain there because once people realize that the Federal Reserve System is pushing them into servitude they are losing their losing their purchasing power everyday to go to work at the tax they are losing money off their paychecks I think it’s absolutely disgusting. But I do see a lot of solutions out of that and those Solutions also include a sad to know if I cash flow out and you know I obviously throughout history Racine that and of course centralized cryptocurrency for the time being not saying that especially what is going to happen down the line with that for the time being I mean competing currency systems are great and we got to get out of the legal tender sit down and stop being a debt slave because of course they shutting down a bottomless pit of debt you’re forced to ask for a ladder up from the government and the banking system which perks you in perfect servitude right where they want to say that to me unless and I take out of it a geographer I still want to emphasize the incredible work that you’ve been doing for decades warning people hate pretty corrupt what they say they’re doing and now we’re finally in position will it ever ever kind of kind of Reckoning. Zimbabwe but is the system just bulletproof with the United States spending so much money and and I kind of just see this continuing on for I don’t know how long but could this go on forever.
Well I don’t think it can go on forever but I admit that it has gone on a lot longer than I thought it would without the bubble bursting but I think we time in history and that is the globalization of the monetary system we talked about making a One World Currency but he actually we’ve we’ve almost already gotten there when we consider that the u.s. dollar is the you know these the primary dollar exchange around the world all the major Financial transactions are either done in in dollars or the can be converted to dollars rate quickly and send the accounts are settled in dollars so that gives the people in the United States a unique opportunity and offer us an opportunity to this kind of Angola rest of the world because we create the dollars doesn’t like you don’t even have to print it anymore just shows up in a computer so we can make dollars pretty easily when go to the payroll. Having assets and offset by liabilities we go through and we were at able to do this at the expense of the rest of the world because they were hungry for our dollars because that they were exchangeable for their current season for goods and services is coming to an end I don’t know how fast is going to come up already and I don’t know how long I can continue but I do not think it can go on forever the difference is in my view that it might not end the same way it has always ended before.
It is always ended before as a a complete collapse as near me as stations are fall because of this and that people and governments are overthrown because of this but there’s something else going on here since this is global which means a single authority of governance the whole thing come together where there is no Escape you cannot walk out on the doors anymore there are no doors and they’re all in there none out and so what they’re talking about new currencies and now they’re talking about digital currencies and cryptocurrencies and they the government send that central banks are drooling over this because that’s going to be an end to cash and then the cash. Physical impossibility you have to leave your monetary wealth in the system is it now you’re kind of if we allow this to happen I don’t there are no doors out of course and there’s no way for us to apparently to escape from it in anyway and people need to realize this is more of a possibility then you think I remember where it was two years ago I landed in India when I have to go in and make sure that they declare their income how much money how much cash they had so they could pay taxes on a bigger scheme here that states and of course, which is also very important as we know China and Russia are also our big component of this Josh and World alternative media and John I’ve been talking about this also in great detail on their Channel but the last kind of comment. Wanted to bring you guys just to kind of finish this off and kind of have a general discussion is with Donald Trump because Donald Trump what’s your kind of assessment and take is he a part of the game as part of the sky is he playing along there they’re having disputes about the budget.
20 to 20,000 that doesn’t really matter it’s just more theater but how do you guys assess it whoever wants to take it first because that’s very important when you look at the history of the Fiat system for example you look at a thousand years if you functioning fiat currency I might be a little bit.
Thousand years have gone by but today we have information we have the internet we have the access to we are changed Ed Griffin’s work the creature from Jekyll Island we have access to a lamb and I think this is really important because no matter what Trump does residents don’t have a say over that they can make little attitude adjustment but I mean honestly how many times you have to explain if a president goes inside I had II optimistic that president can change all this I think this is going to be more on the people and Innovation on the market to replace that system and obviously I talking about the fat and how it’s a dangerous thing that sits on more of a risk than China find that interesting because if you consider the fact that China is what the International Community seems to be heading to work doesn’t matter whether it’s at China or the Federal Reserve. It’s complete nonsense we have to look to ourselves decentralised compete currencies and stop depending on people to manipulate money and make money for us because it’s nonsense has never worked in historically enslave Millions upon millions of people this whole system with having a central bank we just got to learn and with what Trump is saying that the FED is the enemy will look at what Bank of Japan is done because that’s where we’re going like Bank of Japan Orleans 86.11 percent of all the etf’s they bought stocks about real estate maybe go back to the speech of Ben Bernanke in 2002 when it was put in as a governor not that chair at the time but at the governor he said that you know we need to look at what kind of menus call Alaska salmon need to buy to prop up the economy and he said you know the printing press will never fail if we get deflation we will print enough to conquer the deflation with invoice because if you get. Equation in India economy that’s the mortal enemy of the Keynesian dead by System where you always got to get more debt to pay off that ever increasing interest that doesn’t exist you will have a complete collapse and that’s what they just going to ride it yeah I believe they’re just going to keep on Printing and I believe I found Trump has like zero to nothing to say about that like it’s all set up as a separate entity the Federal Reserve and all of its underlying an old like the exchange stabilization fund that it has he no hiding around in the world I believe they are like a huge part of this whole thing trying to you know use their counterpart he’s probably not with the office is to have around the world feel like o’hare’s a hedge fund over in China they could buy some assets just make it seem like that the FED is all okay but then you have these guys over here you know actually manipulating like right now you’re seeing like the Depeche fat is kind of selling off assets but meanwhile there the other you know Bank of England bank of Japan and and. The other big ones are actually loading off center bank balance sheet globally 3% so it’s like it’s not going down like they’re buying more more assets because it’s a Ponzi scheme you can take for a Ponzi scheme as a guy said I forgot his name and and that’s what this is It’s a massive Global Ponzi scheme that’s run by whole bunch of criminal banksters that he’ll get paid dividends on their investment in the Federal Reserve and then you not going to have you know Donald Trump said he can say everything that he wants you know with the best of intentions but you’re not going to stop this entity that separate from the Garmin to my phone. I’m trying to stay focused on not the original question. Biblical quotation by their fruits you shall know them other way of saying it is actions speak louder than words and I’ve begun to think a lot about those phrases likely because from the day that mr. Trump was elected and we all had many of us at least had so much hope that he was actually going to do something in these areas that we were left with the words but not the action issue after issue we’ve seen the word come on all is finally something is going to happen we’re going to build a wall or whatever it is we’re going to solve this problem has always spoken very suspiciously about the Federal Reserve but he’s never done anything about it which is now in his defense in the law of the Federal Reserve Act which is a cartel agreement that was legalized by Congress and which it says that the president really can’t do nothing about it except a point the chairman of the board. And that kind of thing but he has no control over it and then the Congress has no control over that’s what Congress agreed to give away its power over the monetary system in this is a stupid thing called the Federal Reserve Act I know they said he has appointed to his cabinet some people who were the Federal Reserve and he has a pointed to his people who are kind of woman he said when we got to put an end to all these Foreign Wars but then increases the military budget and does just the opposite I’m back to this thing that actions speak louder than words and that’s my present level of skepticism at the moment let us see what happens I think you’re hot and again 22 trillion dollars just hit today in the comments. Your financial economics theater that we’re all going through and person I want to thank and poko expect a lot more coverage what’s important topics Independent Media thank you again so much watching stay tuned for more here on YouTube, we are change.
The post Trump Says The Fed Is More Dangerous Than China As Debt Hits 22 Trillion appeared first on We Are Change.
from We Are Change https://wearechange.org/trump-says-the-fed-is-more-dangerous-than-china-as-debt-hits-22-trillion/
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chatoyee · 6 years
i can’t sleep. every little thing about summer last year all the way up until now is running through my mind. i was trying to read last night, yet I couldn’t focus — what use is it trying to distract yourself if the thing you’re trying to distract yourself with also reminds you of what you are so desperately trying to evade? if even not much more productive at all, i ended up hitting my forehead with the book instead because i was just moping about.
last summer has been on my mind a lot, simply because i spent so many nights crying over how ridiculously in love i was with someone who treated me as if he loved me too, yet his words never matched his actions. he told me he didn’t feel that way, yet the way he looked at me was spelling out something completely different. his arms around me with each embrace — tight, warm, comforting. neither of us wanted to let go each time. i could lean into him, and most of all, i felt safe and at ease. hugging him again recently reignited that recognition of the warmth he has within him. his words with me, too.
march 2017. sitting on a bench on campus after our lecture together. we sat there for hours upon hours. from the late afternoon until the late evening, just talking—i was smiling from ear to ear all the way back home after that. sitting in the library café with each other—sharing blueberries; flicking paper bits at each other; me picking the said bits from his jumper that he wore to work that day, and his smile as i did so. that night we went out together—drunken kisses after unspoken words of mutual hunger for one another; it had been stirring for awhile, i could tell. i asked him: how long had you been waiting for that? he told me he’d been waiting for a long time.
that night was a major first for me. it’s when it all came crashing down; my ultimate epiphany. wasn’t that his intention all along? to make a good girl go bad? the allure of tainting such a pure soul, he couldn’t resist. he changed me in ways i had originally thought unimaginable, unfathomable. with the scrunching of toes, nails digging into sheets and his back, all the while he made mine arch over and over again; it was something i’d never experienced before. a drunken moment turned into a night spent beside him until the light of the morning. it streamed through his curtains, and i remember it being around six in the morning.
hurriedly leaving turned out to be a good thing; it only meant that i could return to see him the following day. in my moment of frenzy, leaving my bra there was just another excuse to see him one last time before easter break. sober, yet still drunk off what seemed to be adoration. he gifted me with two deep kisses, that afternoon, just before he left to return home. and in my mind, that must have meant something much more than what he would say after the break, while we met after our very first exam of the term.
“...just like that letter you gave me.” a sheepish smile came from the both of us, right at each other. “i’m sorry,” was all i heard. everything else seemed to have been drowned out by my own head swirling, but his actions contradicted those very words.
june 2017. another sweet encounter. his words again, “are you okay?” as he held my hands in his, while sitting right opposite me. it was a warm summer evening. we’d chosen to sit outside with our ciders, at the last pub on our little ‘crawl.’ this was after he told me how he was anticipating a bright future, and how he looked forward to starting a family after working on the career ladder. a little boy in the backyard to play footie with, and a garden to tend to would be great. don’t think i didn’t remember that. it was as if he was doing all of this purposefully, because that night was another night full of drunk kisses and fumbling with each other’s buttons and zips.
camila cabello and machine gun kelly’s song that summer seemed to have been written for us. he was so proud of the bruises he left on me, and i couldn’t resist. his hands around my neck, and all the rest. darling, did you intend on turning me into this kind of person?
even as we met again after my return from abroad, my mind is still reeling from what happened that night. i missed your touch in a way that doesn’t even make sense. we aren’t supposed to like each other in that way; friends aren’t supposed to do that with each other. we’re just friends, aren’t we? friends don’t look at each other like that. friends don’t try to find each other in a crowded room, approach each other and rest their hand on your side so casually. platonic, hm?
he has never been good for me personally. academically, he was the only one who would ever encourage me to challenge my own thoughts and ideas. “but why?” “but don’t you think that it is structural?” “feminism provides the opportunity for individual emancipation.” god, his mind is something else entirely, and it was probably that for which i completely fell. he opened up a part of my mind that i wasn’t even aware that i had. yet his dabbling in all sorts of things is something in which i could never see myself getting involved. too daring, a little too much.
you’re playing with me because you don’t know what you want. and i know that because you told me yourself. very recently, in fact.
but i hope that he realises that everything i told him about the other person rings true. it might be a little too late once he figures out what he wants. i fell for somebody else this year, and my mind hasn’t been able to stop going in circles just thinking about him.
the words i told one of my bestest friends on friday—i cant remember the last time my words have seemed so heartfelt and so honest. she asked me, “but isn’t there something about one sided love that is just so romantic and pure?” i couldn’t help but disagree. nothing gets better than looking at the person you adore the most and realising that they are right there in your arms, their eyes also looking at you in a way you never thought would be possible again. kisses that feel so deep that you could get lost in them over and over, from just dreaming of them. that sensation from within you that arises as you pull him closer, listening not only to his words but also that pit-a-pat from his chest. his fingers dancing through your hair, moving it from your eyes so you can see him a little clearer.
isn’t that what you’d rather savour, rather than an unrequited love that makes you writhe in pain at night, as you try to stifle your unrelenting sobs at two in the morning? what is romantic about that? what is romantic about wanting someone so badly that it literally breaks you apart? i want a love that loves me back. that looks at me as if true bliss is right there in front of them with our breathing in sync, arms tightening around my waist, our skin touching, and the tingle of pleasure still present at our fingertips.
i think it’s the least i deserve after three and a half years of more pain than love. i loved him too, yet it was with him that i also became acquainted with this phenomenon that is too often ignored: falling out of love. i’m sorry, if you are reading this. i wish i had the strength to have told you long before it all broke down, but i didn’t even want to recognise that feeling. i just hoped that ignoring it would make it go away. i thought it was just another rough patch but it really wasn’t. i’d fallen out of love with you a long time before we ended it, but it was because of a fear of not knowing what came next that made stay, as well as that fear you instilled in me, stemming from your threats of suicide and your incessant gaslighting in other ways i don’t even want to recall. you know what happened, and i don’t want to recount them.
i admit to my fair share of wrongdoings. that’s what inexperience does to you, as well as being ignorant of what is actually healthy. you were my first ever official boyfriend. you even met my parents. i thought it was smooth sailing from there. but it only got worse. your jealousy and controlling, manipulative behaviour peaked. i hope you’re in a better place now, doing better things and with better people. i dont hate you. i hope you don’t hate me either. we were young and naive, and you had issues. i’d like to think that i’ve forgiven you, but i don’t think it’s that easy to do so. i know that i’ll never forget all that happened though. you ruined all the trust i had in you when you told others of that one secret i have never told anyone else. the one that ruins me from the core.
since then, i’ve told my roommate. i broke down crying, actually. i’ve been thinking about it a lot because i’m due to go back soon, and i’m scared. i’m absolutely petrified. maybe i’ll tell others about it one day, when i’m a little braver. it’s not all your fault, but i’m worried that what happened with you will happen with the others too. it would have dire consequences. i’d rather kill myself than let anyone i don’t want to know, find out.
but i guess that’s it for an hour of writing, right? i’ve written enough tonight. it’s now two in the morning. it’s two in the morning, and i miss that feeling i had sleeping beside the man i never thought i’d end up falling so hard for. i hope he’s doing okay. i’ll always be praying for you.
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