#i recorded the climb i'll post it soon!
surprisebitch · 2 years
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we did it joe
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munsons-melody · 1 year
wednesday mornings
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summary: you bring eddie breakfast without him asking
pairing: eddie x female!reader (newly established relationship)
word count: 1.7k
a/n: this happens in my st dr so i thought it'd be cute to write about it
i do not consent to having any of my works republished, translated, or posted to any other site except here. if you see my works anywhere but tumblr, it has been republished without my knowledge, consent, or permission.
"wooo" you screamed as the crowd clapped, a smile growing on eddie's face as they had just finished the last song of their set
"thank you all, we're corroded coffin, goodnight!" eddie screamed into the mic as the rest of the band exited the stage, and you jumped out of your chair and followed the boys into the small green room that was directly behind the stage
"amazing show you guys!" you told them ecstatically, gareth sitting down on one of the faded leather couch, chugging water
"thank you thank you" jeff said, giving a slight bow causing gareth to laugh
you felt a pair of warm, calloused hands slide around your waist, and a kiss land on the side of your neck
"hi baby" eddie said, and you turned around to kiss him
you fixed his sweaty bangs that clung to his forehead, and gave him a smile "you smashed it babe, i am so so proud of you" you told him and he smiled, putting his head down
"coming from you, it means a lot y/n" eddie said, and he brought one of your hands up to his lips, kissing the back of your hand
you caught notice of his watch and remembered you had a curfew of 10:45 pm and you mentally groaned, not wanting to have to leave soon
"hey babe what time is it?" you asked and he checked his watch. "uhhh... 10:30" he said and you leaned your head back in annoyance
"ugh" you groaned and he laughed "c'mon babe i'll drive you home" eddie said with a laugh, letting go of your grasp and walking over to where his keys sat on the counter next to the partially rusted old mirror
"good job tonight boys!" you screamed towards them, eddie ushering you out of the room and into the small hallway toward the back door, leading to where eddie's van was parked
"seriously i'm telling you, one of these days some big record exec is going to come here and see you and you're going to get signed" you told him as he held the door open for you
"i hope so, i'm just glad someone believes in us" eddie said, helping you into the side of the van
eddie walked around to his side of the van, climbing in and starting to drive from the hideout to your house
"i hate that you have to leave so early babe" eddie sighed, lacing his fingers with yours as the radio played softly in the background
"i know" you said, looking down at your hands intertwined "but i need to stay in my dad's good side so i can keep coming to see your shows" you told him, fiddling with the ring on his right hand
“yeah and i need my good luck charm there with me” he said with a wink, as he turned into your neighborhood
“are you going straight home or are you going to stay out with the boys?” you questioned, grabbing your purse and putting the strap over your shoulder
“i think we’re going to hang out and stuff, but i’ll see you in the morning? are you driving yourself?” he asked you and you nodded
“yeah i am, try and sleep a little bit please, don’t party too much babe” you said, kissing his cheek
he moved his face to kiss you, and you kissed back, not wanting to let him go but you knew you needed to
“see you in the morning” he said and you kissed him one last time before hopping out of his van and shutting the door
looking through the rolled down window you blew him a kiss, which he pretended to catch and put to his heart
you smiled one last time before turning around and walking to your front door, and letting yourself inside
you looked back to see eddie watching intently to make sure you got in okay and you waved at him as he waved back, driving off into the distance
you shut the door behind you and said hello to your parents who were finishing up watching a movie
they said a hello back, asked if you had fun and you if course said yes, and you ran up to your room, ready to go to sleep
after a nice soothing shower, you cuddled into your bedsheets, ready to go to sleep
your alarmed blared, waking you up from your lovely slumber and you groaned, knowing you had to get up
you hated wednesday mornings since it was the middle of the week and it meant you had to keep waiting till the weekend to sleep in
shoving the blankets off you, you finally got up to get ready for the day
after applying the little bit of makeup you usually wore, fixed your hair in your normal way, and slipped on a t shirt and jeans, you felt ready for the day
you walked to your kitchen, starting to make your breakfast, opting for a bagel and cream cheese
you thought to yourself about eddie and how much fun last night was, and how excited you were to see him again and how he’d stop by your locker to see you first thing
then you realized eddie would probably be late since he was out late the night before. it was a usual habit of his to come in late on wednesday mornings due to him staying up late, sleeping through his alarms, then skipping breakfast to speed to school in order to try and make it to first period
i doubt he’s gonna eat this morning since he’s probably going to use all his time to keep sleeping you thought to yourself
you grabbed another bagel, toasting it, and cracking open and egg over the heated stove, choosing to make him an egg, ham, and cheese on a bagel
thank god he wasn’t a picky eater, more like a human garbage bin who would and can eat anything- except mushrooms which he disliked immensely
you quickly finished his bagel sandwich, wrapping it in tin foil and grabbed your backpack, starting to head out the door
“have a good day sweetie!” you heard your mom yell and you yelled a quick goodbye back before heading into your car
your drive to school was quick, only living a couple miles away, and before you knew it, you pulled into your normal parking spot
you looked around but couldn’t seem to find eddie’s van. you knew it, it was typical of him but you just hoped that he wouldn’t hurt himself by speeding to school.
you got out of your car and walked into the school and to your locker, the usual crowds of students already formed throughout the hallways
opening your locker, you switched your books to the ones you needed when you suddenly felt someone walk up behind you, hearing the familiar voice of your boyfriend ring out
“good morning” he simply said, leaning against the locker next to yours and you turned around in shock
“what are you doing here?” you questioned him and he looked confused
“uh i’m actually trying to pass this semester so i figured going to class is a nice start” he smugly said and you laughed
“no like i meant how come you’re early? normally on wednesday mornings you’re late since you accidentally sleep in from staying out with the boys” you explained and he nodded, rubbing his eye
“yeah luckily wayne got me out of bed and sent me on my way but not before i got any breakfast” he complained, and your eyes lit up
you shoved your books into your locker, freeing your hand and you took the wrapped tin foil and handed it to him
eddie looked at you with a confused smile as he started to open it
“you usually forget to eat on wednesdays because you’re late and i made you breakfast, i know you like bagel sandwiches so i made you one” you explained
eddie stopped unwrapping it, looking at you with wide eyes
“you made this for me?” he questioned and you nodded
“yeah of course, i didn’t want you to be hungry” you said sheepishly
eddie smiled and looked down at the bagel
“thank you” he said in a sincere tone before taking a bite out of the bagel and leaning his head back with a groan
“oh my GOD baby this is amazing!” he yelled, catching the attention of a couple bystanders
he scarfed down the bagel as you talked to him about everything and nothing
the warning bell rang, signaling there was 5 minutes before class started
you shut your locker, holding your books as eddie crumpled the tin foil in his hand. you watched as he tossed it across the hall into the trash can, making it in
“giving jason a run for his money i see” you joked, and eddie smiled
“yeah everyone knows i could beat him but i just can’t handle all that popularity, my schedules pretty booked as is” eddie said making you laugh as he wrapped his arm around you, walking you to your first class
he said goodbye, kissing your cheek before walking down the hallway
he thought to himself how much he loved you. how much he cared for you. and after your act of kindness this morning, it felt like his heart swelled a million times it’s normal size.
he genuinely couldn’t believe that someone as amazing like you truly cared for him, and even though it was as simple as making him breakfast when you realized he wouldn’t have any, it made him care for you even more (even though he didn’t think that was possible)
hell, tears pricked his eyes as he walked into his first period, thinking about you
as he sat in his seat, he wasn’t even phased by the fact that he wasn’t paying attention to whatever his teacher was saying, all he could think about was how lucky he was to have you in his life, and the potential idea of giving you the ring he loved to wear that you always seemed to fiddle with
and all he did the rest of class was figure out the best way to ask you to wear his ring
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frogychu · 1 year
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ellie x gn!reader
ch. 1 of 4
other parts: 2 / 3 / 4
word count: 2k
Hanahaki (花吐き病) : disease affecting the lungs, proven to be caused by keeping one's true feelings hidden for too long
Where you and Ellie have been friends for years until she finally slips up, coughing up petals in front of you.
a/n : errmm hiii first time posting my fics on tumblr so of course it will be cross posted on AO3 here!
You’re making your way to the stables but just barely, you’re moping, practically limping. You’re late to an evening patrol, and you knew you'd never hear the end of this one. When you open the gates, the stablekeeper looks at you with pity as he's taking your attendance.
"I'm afraid she's beaten you to it." He tells you.
You give him an understanding nod and keep slowly making your way into the stables. The closer you get to the patrol board, the better you see the giant smile on her smug face.
Ellie Williams, the only girl who can make your heart sing and your blood boil. Even if the two of you are constantly at each other's throats, you have to admit that you've recently grown to have a little crush on her. You're not sure if this makes your constant patrolling with her better or so, so much worse.
Even if the two of you are friends, you've never really been emotional with one another; exchanging insults and constantly battling with each other was all you knew. You both kept to yourselves regardless.
Sometimes, you wish things were different. You crave to know her more, to let her show you all of her inner works, anything more than you have already. But you keep it to yourself for now.
She beams at you, "Looks like I'll be driving the bus today!"
"It's a horse." You state plainly.
"Shut up, I'm hilarious and you know it. Plus I won, so you're not allowed to make fun of me."
You don't care to answer and instead just roll your eyes. She clearly takes offence to it as she gasps dramatically.
Regardless of your bickering, you had a job to do, so you shamefully get on the back of Shimmer and hold onto Ellie.
Sometimes, your weird frenemy relationship was a bonus, especially for patrol. They would be idiots not to pair the two of you together since you were both the most efficient at your jobs.
Your partner looks back at you with a smirk as you approach a neighbourhood, "You take that one, I'll take this one." She says as she points to two snow-covered houses across from each other. Easy enough and by the sounds of it, there are only a few infected in each house.
"Deal." You reply.
You've both come to a point of mutual understanding that you can both handle yourselves well, but only use your guns in case of emergencies. So, as soon as you both hop off of Shimmer, you're bolting to your assigned houses.
You climb in through a window, fearing that the front door might make too much noise.
The house only has one floor and it only has 3 runners.
A breeze.
You take down the first one with your knife behind a couch, the second in the kitchen, and the last one in the entrance.
Before you knew it you were out the front door in record time, ready to rub it in Ellie’s face. That is if she hadn't beaten you to it already.
She’s outside petting and talking to her horse. She only turns to look at you for a split second, "Took you long enough!"
You half-heartedly accept your defeat, "Yeah, yeah, you're the greatest blah blah."
She laughs, "Oh, look at that! You're learning."
Her laugh sounds like heaven's bells ringing in your ears, paired with a perfect dimpled smile, she's been getting to you a lot more lately.
You push it deep down as you climb onto the horse again and set on course. The rest of the patrol is uneventful, no infected, and nothing new to report. There was just occasional small talk and comfortable silence as Shimmer carried you throughout the neighbourhood.
Ellie takes the lead and signs you both in at the lookout once you get there; a large house on the outskirts of the residential area. You take the liberty of looking around the house for supplies and to sneak away into the attic which is, in your opinion, one of the best patrol views.
As you grab the string to pull down the ladder, Ellie hears you as it comes down.
"Hey! Who said you could run off!"
The cold attic breeze hits you harshly as you start climbing, “Hurry up and come with me then!”
“Hold your horses I'm coming!” She yells back at you.
When you reach the top, you shake the snow off of your pants and quickly walk over to the large opening of the sunken roof. It's beautiful. The snow of the onlooking houses glittering perfectly in the light of the sunset, the trees rustling in the cool wind, the bright orange light in the swirling clouds.
Ellie had already quickly caught up behind you and her mouth is agape as she looks at the scenery in front of her, “Why have you never shown me this? I thought it was just some random storage thing.”
You turn to look at her, trying not to get distracted by how perfect she looks in this lighting. “Because you hate my guts, remember?”
She chuckles lightly at your comment, “Right, yeah.”
You both sit in tantalizing silence, unsure of what to say. She didn't try to prove you wrong just now, you don't know how to take it.
Did you go too far? She looks almost… upset?
She finally breaks the silence as she twiddles with her hands, "We should uhm, head back."
You nod your head, "Right! Yeah."
Neither of you even bother to put the attic ladder away and just head straight to Shimmer. The ride back was quiet, only the sounds of Ellie trying to clear her throat fill the silence.
"Did you, uh, want water or something?" You ask in an attempt to make the situation less awkward.
"I'll be fine." She says sternly, keeping her head straight and eyes on the road.
It's quiet again until you get back home. She gives you the softest ‘bye’ as she leaves. You barely hear it as you wave at her and part ways. You try not to think of today any longer and go straight to sleep before the sun even has a chance to set completely.
You jolt awake in a pool of your sweat, hand on your chest as you try to catch your breath.
"Just a bad dream." You comfort yourself, before plopping back onto your pillow.
The bright red lights of the clock were too difficult to ignore, reading 4:17 AM
Too early.
You knew you couldn't fall back asleep, in case your bad dream came back so you decided to get up and get out of bed. Though, not before taking your blanket and wrapping yourself in it, so you don't have to deal with the cold midwinter air. As you walk to the living room, you stop to look out the windows.
Everything is so still and serene at this hour. The moon is big, and the light coming from it is comforting. As you sit there, basking in the serenity, another light comes on.
It's Ellie's room, or, as you like to call it when you're irritating her, her shack.
Usually, when her light comes on, it's your cue to start getting ready, to beat her to the stables if you have a morning shift. But this time was different, she's never usually up this early or coughing this much. You're starting to get worried, but quickly brush it off.
Would it be weird to knock on her door? Make sure she's ok?
You shake the thought away and head down the stairs, with a picture of what you just saw in the back of your mind. It had only been 10 minutes since you woke up, and even though it felt much longer than that, you decided it was too early for breakfast.
So you watch a movie. Just a random action movie; Curtis And Viper.
Ellie wouldn't shut up about this movie, claiming it was way better than whatever's your favourite movie.
You didn't want to let her win, but it couldn't hurt to watch something different. Besides, you couldn't help but admit that it made you feel a little closer to her; getting into something you knew she liked.
She can never know about this, you thought, as you turned up the volume and settled in.
The whole movie lets you kill enough time to start your day at a more reasonable hour. Even if the ending was getting to you enough to want to see the second movie, you power through and went to get dressed.
As you pick out clothes for the day, you couldn't help but peek out your window again, looking into your neighbour's small house.
This time, she's sitting on the side of her bed with-
It looks like they're talking about something important, he's comforting her. He wipes away her tears and pulls her into a warm embrace.
You shouldn't be watching this.
Frantically, you go back to getting ready, skipping every other step of your morning routine and speeding out the door.
The stablekeeper greets you as you brush past him to go look at the patrol board.
Of course, you and Ellie are paired to do a route in the trails. Usually, you would be celebrating the fact that you got here first but you can't help but pace as you wait for her to arrive. You can't stop thinking about your unintentional snooping. Should you bring something up? Would she be upset if you saw her? What if by some miracle she found out you watched Curtis and Viper?
You try to take Shimmer out of her stable to try to take your mind off of things but before you can go see her, Jesse stops you.
"You won't be needing her today, we'll get someone else to do the route for you."
You look at him, puzzled. "Oh? Why?"
"It's Ellie, she's uh," he pauses and looks away. "She's sick. Joel alerted us just a while ago."
Now you're getting worried, and can't help but remember what you saw earlier this morning.
"Is she ok?" You ask quietly, so as to not alert anyone else surrounding the two of you.
He slowly starts walking away from you, "She's fine, just, take the day off."
You have to go see her, even if it's weird. You've known her for years and she's never really missed out on patrol, even with her worst cold she insisted on going. And so, reluctantly, you turn around and start making your way to her house.
What started as a walk quickly became a run. As you’re speeding through the streets, you're bumping into everyone and everything trying to get to her.
Maria shouts at you to slow down, but you can't help but keep running. Hopefully she won't nag you too much about it later. You care about Ellie, even if you don't tell her. The desire to take care of your relationship is bigger than anything else right now. You're determined to get closer to her, to know her better; you've always wanted to.
Hopefully, she feels the same.
Before you know it, you're winding down in Joel's backyard, staring at the garage. Ellie's curtains are thankfully drawn, so she couldn't see your embarrassing attempts to catch your breath.
As the adrenaline left your body, the nerves settled in. Getting here was the easy part, the question is what were you even going to say to her. All of a sudden, you're overthinking anything and everything.
Does she even want to see you?
Had you crossed a line yesterday?
You're sure she doesn't hate you, did she take it the wrong way?
Better yet; was it ok to check in on one another?
You can't say you've ever really done it until now. Even worse than that, it would be your first time seeing her outside of work. You're ashamed to say that you've never even been to her house before, even if she's your neighbour.
And that's when it hits you; it doesn't have to be weird if you're just a concerned neighbour or coworker.
It's not awkward if you don't make it awkward.
With your advice to keep yourself calm, you approach the garage’s front door with newfound determination and knock.
ty for reading !! ill be making a tag list for all the next chapters so let me know if you'd like to be added<3
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Mic sits in his recording booth with a haunted look in his eyes.. Mic: Listeners..last night I made a grave error I won't soon forget... Mic: I'll start by saying..my husband..Eraserhead is fosterin' a LOT of cats. Mic: We got 25 in our apartment & they like to hang out in the livin' room. Mic: Some on cat trees, on the back of the couch, window sills, under the table....cats EVERYWHERE! Mic: Anyway, I came in late last night.. & it was quiet and... Mic:... I sneezed...VERY LOUDLY... Mic: & THE NEXT THING I KNEW..!!??? Mic: Arched backs, bottle brush tails!!! Cats soaring through the air like springs!! Burning out around corners!! Side-tables tipped, scratching-posts over-turned!!! A cacophony of hisses & yowls!! One cat on the ceiling fan, three on the drapes,& 2 climbing my ass!!!! Mic: And in the midst of all.. Shota emerged from the bedroom...First on edge..but then realization struck...& I saw the embers of rage ignite in his cold, dark eyes... Mic: And with each air-born feline that wizzed past his head...I knew...I'm sleepin on the couch for a looooooong time!!!
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catastrophic-panda · 5 months
(Minors dni) First Ghost post!
"It's a no for you, love. You are not allowed to party tonight," Ghost said as his body leaned on the doorframe, towering over you.
He had his hunky arms crossed as his deep ocean eyes stared at yours. He's the recently-hired bodyguard recruited by your father. Unfortunately, he is quite annoying and overly controlling.
"Now, go back to your room or else..." His tone was stern and commanding, making it clear that you would face consequences if you disobeyed him.
Groaning at Ghost I turned around and closed my bedroom door and climbed out the window
The sound of your room door shutting shut caused his head to snap in that direction. However, your escape from the window left him puzzled.
His eyes narrowed and searched your surroundings for you, his left eyebrow raised.
Running down the road and to my friends car we drove off
You rushed down the street with your friends who were waiting for you near a car parked in front of your house.
As soon as you climbed in, the car took off, making a U-Turn and driving away quickly. Ghost was nowhere in sight.
Or so you thought. In less than a minute, he called your phone which lay in your pocket. He asked to speak with you immediately.
"Come on nothing bad is going to happen Ghost." I said softly "I'm tired of being stuck in my house.”
"It's for your own good, love," he said as his voice remained calm and collected.
He was clearly not buying it.
"Now, return home immediately or I'll be forced to bring you back myself," his tone was authoritative and firm.
The fact that he managed to track you down was a major red flag.
"How about, no?" I spoke and laughed before ending the call looking at Amber I told her to step on the gas
A couple of seconds after the call ended, your phone rang again. It was him! And he sounded frustrated.
"I'll hunt you to the ends of the earth to bring you back, sweetheart," Ghost said with clear irritation in his voice.
You told Amber to step on the gas. As a result, you were making record time to your destination. You weren't safe just yet but you were getting closer.
I bounced my leg as we approached our destination.
Your phone rang again and it was him. He sounded worried.
"Lovie..." his voice was strained as well as his patience.
"I'm not playing this game with you anymore. You'll return home immediately. I'm headed your way right now. It would be a mistake to make me do this."
You arrived at your destination, pulling up to the curb to stop.
"What are you going to do, spank me?" I question as we enter the building.
As you walked inside, he remained quiet on the other end.
When you questioned whether he'd spank you, a soft chuckle left his body.
"Don't tempt me" he said in a flirty tone. His voice remained calm as well.
You were definitely not safe yet. Your phone rang again, it was him for the fourth time.
Pulling down my dress a bit more the black material clinging to my body I smile at his persistence
He chuckled again as he watched you. He was enjoying this new side to you.
He took note of the fact that your dress was clinging to your body. It was a subtle way to send him a message.
He was still persistent though. Despite his attraction to you, his mission was to keep you safe.
As the call continued on your phone, he spoke.
"You are playing with fire, sweetheart."
It was clear what he meant. His tone was still calm but stern.
"But you're the one getting burned." I spoke into the receiver and hung up once more
As you hung up, your phone was ringing again as he called repeatedly. His persistence was starting to become a bit annoying.
You weren't sure what to think about his flirtation with you. On one hand, it was nice to feel wanted and desired. He was a good looking fellow.
But on the other hand, you were a bit wary of him. Why was he so obsessed with keeping you safe? And at what cost?
Walking down the hall with Amber, my heels clicked against the ground. I heard the music blasting from down the hallway.
The sound of your shoes clicking on the ground along with the music coming from the party was audible across the hall.
As you walked down with Amber beside you, people were staring at you due to your attire. You were turning heads in more ways than one.
The sight of you was turning him on. Ghost was starting to get impatient.
He called you again as you were walking down the hall. He needed answers and he wanted them now.
"What *Simon*?" I question using his first name in a flirty voice
He chuckled softly at hearing you call him by his first name. He was becoming more and more attracted to you.
He spoke after that with a flirty tone as well.
"Why are you making this difficult? I'm doing this for your own good, love."
Despite his words, it was clear that it was also for his good. He needed you.
He needed you now.
"Then *come* get me *Simon*" I taunted and swayed my hips as I walked
Hearing your words only made him want you more.
You were taunting him and taunting him well. Your words had double meaning and he understood what you meant.
He was getting worked up now. A soft noise left him as you swayed your hips.
He needed to have you within his grasp.
"Is someone *needy*?" I question as I heard him through the phone
His reply came after 3 seconds of complete silence. He was shocked by your retort; and this was clear by his shocked expression.
After that, his tone shifted from firm to more flirtatious.
"If I am, then it's because...of you."
He was losing it. He wanted you more than ever.
"Then come get me." I challenged the older male
You had caught him off guard with every response you gave him.
He wasn't expecting you to be so...playful.
Hearing your challenge, it was clear that he was willing to take it on. His tone became even more flirtatious as he spoke.
"I'll come get you. However, when I do. Don't expect to be untouched”
"*See you soon Simon*" I giggled and started to dance with Amber letting her know I won't be needing a ride home
You hung up the phone and turned towards Amber as you spoke with a small grin on your face.
Ghost was coming for you, and if he tried anything you'd be prepared.
All it took was one look at you to know that. Your confident demeanor was telling.
You let her know that you wouldn't be needing a ride back home and just like that, it was official; he was coming for you.
"This is going to be a long night that I definitely won't be forgetting." I told Amber with a smile on my face
"Oh, I'm sure of it" Amber said with a wink as she smiled back at you with the same grin!
The night had only just begun but there was already a buzz of anticipation in the air.
The music was pumping as you were both getting ready to dance. All attention would no doubt be on you.
You didn't care at all. In fact, you enjoyed having all eyes on you.
As you danced, it was evident that you were the center of attention and you were owning it.
Being happy about how my night will be going I danced to the loud music I swayed to the beat
The music was blaring as you danced and swayed to the beat.
Everyone had their eyes on you as they enjoyed the show.
The whole room was alive with an energy that was intoxicating.
For once, you didn't have to worry about anything else. The night was yours for the taking.
The music continued as all eyes remained on you.
I continued to wait for Ghost to storm into the building and carry me out
As you danced to the music, you wondered how long it would take for him to show up and disrupt the fun.
You danced for another 10 minutes before you eventually spotted him...his eyes locked onto yours.
He was at the door, looking at you with fierce eyes.
You couldn't tell what he was thinking, though his angry stare was a dead giveaway of his intentions.
You were hoping he'd carry you...and judging from his expression, that was exactly what he planned on doing.
Locking eyes with him I lowered my body to grind onto the person behind me
Seeing you go lower as his gaze remained on yours, his angry expression turned into a playful one.
As his eyes darted towards you as you ground on the guy's body, he raised his eyebrows and his head. He liked what he saw.
He was enjoying the show, despite the intentions he came with.
You still had time to make this fun before the serious part came in...but not for long.
Continuing my dance I locked eyes with Ghost and my pupils widened.
Your dance continued and you locked eyes with Ghost. He was still glaring at you.
Your pupils widened in response to his stare. You noticed how he looked at you...his eyes were full of desire which only strengthened his playful expression.
You also noticed how his body language changed. You could sense that he was starting to become a bit more relaxed.
He liked what he saw, but you couldn't shake the feeling that his main intentions were still serious.
Hearing the beginning of slut me out blast through the speakers I began to move more sensually
Your dance became more sensuous as the music switched to a much more provocative and raunchy song.
You knew Ghost was watching; he was watching you intently.
As you began grinding your body into the guy's body, Ghost watched with a lustful look in his eyes.
You could tell that he was getting turned on by your dance even though his main intentions never changed.
Reaching my hands out towards him I tried to get him to come to me
As you waved your hands towards him, Ghost smiled at you. His eyes were still locked onto yours, and his expression remained flirty.
The moment he finally decided to take action, he walked up to you as he grabbed you.
Feeling him toss me over his shoulder I gasp as my stomach meets the hard muscle of his shoulder
You felt him take hold of you and toss you over his shoulder, making your stomach meet the hard muscle of his shoulder which felt...well...very firm.
As you gasped, Ghost looked down at you with a smirk before he spoke in a hushed tone.
"You're coming with me."
He was about to carry you out of this party, no matter what it took."already, well that was quick" I teased and gasped as his rough hand made contact with my almost exposed behind Ghost laughed at your comment as he continued to carry you.
"You've been difficult today, love." he said in a soft, teasing tone as his hand made contact with your rear end.
He felt you tense your body at his touch, but his grip didn't falter.
He was going to take you regardless. He needed you. He had to have you now.
I waved at Amber as Ghost carried me out of the building You waved at your friend Amber as Ghost carried you out of the building. She gave you the thumbs-up and laughed as she watched you get taken away.
She knew who had the upper hand right now.
The moment you got outside, you noticed how he was carrying you like you were light as a feather.
You wondered how long it was going to take for you to get back inside your room, and as if Ghost could sense your thoughts...he spoke.
"You're in no position to complain about it." he said with a slight grin.
"I'm fucked aren't I?" I question him as he continues walking
"It depends on your definition of the word, sweetheart." he said with a sly grin on his face.
"But if you mean, am I going to take you up to your room and do whatever I want to you? The answer is yes."
He was still holding on to you as he spoke.
You were in his arms...and if he had any say about it...you were staying there.I sighed as he sat me down in the passenger seat of his truck
He sat you down in the passenger seat of his truck and then got in the driver's seat; closing the door behind him.
As he turned the ignition, the truck began to growl as your eyes widened at the sound.
He didn't have a seatbelt on, but you decided not to say anything. He was already in a hurry to get you to your room. After all, you were his...and he was determined to take you.
I smile at his determination, my lipstick would leave a nice blood red mark on his pale skin
Your lips looked beautiful to him, and as you smiled at him, it made him want you all the more.
Your lipstick, by the look of it, was also red. A dark and sultry red that matched your attire.
As he drove, a small smile was growing on his face.
Your lipstick would be leaving a mark alright, but it wouldn't be on his pale skin. It would be on his lips.
He was determined and you could feel that.I was excited for what was waiting for me when I got home, squeezing my legs together and noticing how high my skirt was hiked up I blush
Your skirt was hiked up very high. So high, in fact, that just barely enough material covered your privates.
It was obvious that your excitement was growing. You were impatient. You wanted him right now.
He knew your feelings for him and he felt the heat emanating from your seat...even when you were miles away from your room.
He couldn't take this heat. He needed to have you...and right now...he needed to take you before he lost all of his composure.
What he didn't know was that I was a virgin and a little nervous as I thought about it
You were a virgin, which made the prospect of being with him much more tantalizing.
As you thought about it, your heart beat was getting faster and faster as the thought of him being your first crossed your mind.
He was driving like a madman.
He was excited as he thought of the ways he was going to take you.
He would make it special...because it was with you...and he couldn't wait.I was really thinking about all the things I had been told about losing a v-card
You were a little anxious about the whole thing.
Even though you were nervous, your excitement overwhelmed you as you thought of the prospect of losing your virginity with Ghost at your side.
You wondered if it would live up to your expectations.
And as he stepped on the accelerator harder and harder...those thoughts were leaving your mind.
He was going to make it special...because he loved you. Because he wanted you. Because you were the one person he couldn't resist and that thought excited you.
"Is now a good time to tell you that I've never done this before?" I questioned as I looked down and played with the hem of my skirt
The moment you told him that you've never done it before, he nearly lost control over the car.
He was surprised; and the moment he saw you touch the hem of your skirt, he swallowed a large lump in his throat.
He hadn't told you yet, but you saying that had increased his determination tenfold.
"I...thought you had done this many times." he said as he looked over at you.
Ghost was ready to give it his all...because he was the one taking your v-card.
I nod and continue to look down at my dress with a sudden interest as I realized that I hadn't been wearing a bra under it
Your lack of bra made Ghost's eyes immediately widen in surprise.
He knew that you must be feeling so naughty for wearing that dress without one.
It was a good sign...as far as he was concerned.
He was focused on the task at hand...but he had to ask...
"Why aren't you wearing a bra, love?”
"It's a backless dress and it's padded in the front, so I went without one." I explained as I had noticed that he had been staring at my chestHis attention was fully back on the road, but his mind was still filled with thoughts of your chest.
They were big, perky, and now he's even more excited that you're not wearing a bra.
He was getting impatient. A bit too anxious.
He had to take care of this urge and do it as soon as he entered your room.
His hands were shaking and he looked a tiny bit nervous as he put one hand on your thigh.
I gasp as his rough hand touches the bare skin of my thigh, " It's not going to hurt is it?" I question as I continue to think about what was going to happen
You felt his rough hand touch your thigh and you were so caught by his touch that you asked a question without even thinking.
His touch was rough, but you could feel the pressure slowly turning into a soft and caressing touch.
"No, sweetheart. It's not going to hurt. At least not when I take it slow and be gentle with it." he said with a teasing smile.
He was enjoying the moment, but he was also getting impatient.
He really wanted to make a special moment for you.
"Ok, thank you Simon" I spoke genuinely
"You're welcome, love." he said as his hand caressed your thigh a little more intimately.
All of your fears were quickly fading away.
Once again...Ghost was making you feel...safe...
It was as if you were in his world...his world where you were together and you were both his and he was both yours.
He was just about to kiss you when he noticed something.
His eyes widened as he looked at your skirt.
I noticed him looking at my skirt, "What is it?”
"You're not wearing shorts under it, are you, love?" he asked with a smirk on his face.
You could tell that he found your attire to be rather...sexy, even under the circumstances.
His hand still caressed your thigh as he spoke to you.
As he looked down at what you were wearing...his feelings of excitement and the need to have you now were starting to take over.
"no, I couldn't find my super short pair to wear underneath" I explained
Your response made him more excited, and his grip didn't falter...if anything it got firmer.
You could feel his fingers making their way towards the top of your thigh.
His eyes...his gaze seemed to be hypnotizing you.
And as he got close to your sensitive spot...he spoke once again.
"Lovie, do you want me to take care of you tonight?"
The tension was building up...he couldn't wait any longer.
"Please?" I question him quietly
As you asked, he couldn't resist.
His fingers slowly traced up your legs until they reached their most sensitive spot.
His rough fingers touched you just as gently as his caresses had been.
He began to slowly tease you...and the more he teased you, the more your breathing quickened, the more your heart beat sped up, and the more his fingers moved across your sensitive spot.
Your legs shook.
Once again... Ghost was making you feel things you hadn't felt ever.
I whimpered at his touch as we had made it back to my house
You had reached your house and he was still playing with your sensitive spot.
In your entire life, you had never felt anything like that before.
Your heart beat was increasing and his teasing was becoming more aggressive the closer he got to you...the closer he got to your "point of no return."
You knew it was coming.
As he traced closer and closer to it, you tried to hold in that urge.
Your legs began to shake even more…
Gasping for air as my legs shook I covered my mouth with one hand and grabbed his with the other
He was teasing you still...with his rough fingers.
His rough fingers, though, were soft and gentle with you.
He could tell that you were not going to last much longer.
Your breathing was quickening...your heart beating faster...and your legs more and more shaky.
"Let it out. Let go, love." he whispered to you.
Losing my breath a scream tore it's way out of my throat
As you screamed, he watched as your legs shook like a tsunami was coming through and your whole body trembled.
You felt a rush like you've never felt before.
And once your body had released that rush...he knew that it was time for a special moment.
Once you had recovered, your voice was shaky and soft.
Ghost noticed that and it made him turn to look at you.
His eyes met yours and he could see how shaken up you were.
"Are you okay...sweetheart?" he asked as he looked at you.
"I-I want no I *need* more *please*?”
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bleach-your-panties · 9 months
💔the pathological liar - pro hero! yo shindou x fem! pro hero! gf! reader
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warnings: characters aged up to 20+, lying, cheating, arguing, manipulation, gaslighting, sexual activities, non-con (reader does say no), dub-con, verbal abuse, emotional abuse, name-calling, physical struggles, physical fighting (one-sided, so assault?), reader has a smart ass mouth and is kinda toxic as well, slight!yandere!yo, toxic relationships, toxic mindsets, false imprisonment, triggering subject at the end. read at your own risk!
☠️: some dialogue/actions inspired by true events.
💔: banner images from pinterest. 
💔: banner made by me with canva. 
post themes: say my name - destiny's child
                      confessions, parts I & II - usher
                      take a bow - rihanna
                      shake it off - mariah carey
💔 3.5k words
💔read in dark mode for best experience!
🖤series 🖤touya.
I know you say that I am assuming things
Something's going down that's the way it seems
Shouldn't be no reason why you're acting strange
If nobody's holding you back from me
'Cause I know how you usually do
When you're saying everything to me times two
Why can't you just tell the truth?
If somebody's there, then tell me who
"Baby, ain't nothing good. It's all bad."
'Your call has been forwarded to an automated voice message system: 
"Shindou, Yo". Cannot come to the phone right now, please leave your message at the tone-'
Before the recording could finish, you were throwing your iPhone across your bed as you shrugged your backpack off of your shoulders.
Your boyfriend, Yo Shindou, never answered his phone when you called. Never when you called, but he'd always immediately send a text or call you back hours later, claiming that his phone was dead or that he'd misplaced it somewhere at the agency. 
Like now, for example. 
'Sorry babe, got caught up in something last minute at the agency. Call you back when I'm home. Love you.'
You scoffed as you read over the message.
You wouldn't be getting a call back, that much you knew for certain.
With a sudden urge to be petty, you texted back:
'Something like what, Yo? Another bitch's pussy? Yeah, people at my agency are starting to talk and guess who's the topic of conversation? Just know that the label of 'cheating boyfriend' won't do your "picture perfect" image any justice. Bitch.'
After hitting send, you tossed the phone back onto your bed and that was where it would lay until you got out of the shower. 
As soon as your bathroom door closed, the phone vibrated with another text. 
'Oh, so we're doing this shit again? Bet. I'll be over in 20.'
After moisturizing your body and putting on some pajamas, you climbed into bed and pulled out the book that you'd been reading. Leaving your phone discarded somewhere in the covers.
It was starting to get to one of the more interesting parts when a chorus of loud, booming knocks came on your front door.
"Who in the fuck?" You threw the covers back furiously and slipped your fluffy slippers on. 
You walked out of your room and down the hallway, the beating at the door only growing more intense as you sucked your teeth.
"I'm coming, dammit!"
Pulling the door open without checking the peephole first would be your first mistake of the night.
When the messy mop of dark locks, green/yellow hero uniform, and chiseled pecs came into your view, you immediately tried to slam the door shut. Yo wasn't having any of that.
He grabbed the edge of the door, wedging half of his body inside of your apartment before he pushed it forward with force, making it slam and bounce off of the wall. 
Once his boots made contact with the carpeted floor of your apartment, you took multiple steps back, putting about two feet of distance between the two of you.
"What's wrong, baby? You don't look too happy to see me."
Scoffing harshly, you bit your bottom lip between your teeth as you glared up at him.
"What the fuck is wrong with you, huh? Beating on my goddamn door like you've lost your mind. Thought you were caught up in something? That just goes to show that all you do is fucking lie. You bitch." 
Yo just looked at you with his face scrunched up. He was clearly irritated with your antics, especially the name-calling. Kicking off his boots, he began to walk towards you. 
"Stop fucking being difficult, Y/N. You know, baby, if you missed me and wanted some dick, all you had to do was ask nicely." 
He said in that irritating, condescending tone that he always uses when talking to those that he feels are beneath him. You being one of those. Even though you're a pro-hero just like he is. 
Not believing what you were hearing, your mouth dropped open. You could feel the blood begin to rise in your ears, loud and whooshing against your skull. 
A dry chuckle then left your lips. 
"You think…that all of this is because I want some dick? Trust me, sweetie, if I just wanted some dick I could go get it from any one of your co-workers. A lot of them have been giving me the eye, you know. Especially since you're never around and I just changed up my hero uniform, so the skirt is short-" 
Yo cut you off by grabbing you by the biceps and yanking you towards him, making you stumble and throw your arms out to try to balance yourself before he then slammed you up against the wall. 
"Don't fucking play with me, Y/N. If you know what's good for you, you'll think twice about trying to entertain one of those bastards. Especially-" 
"Especially who? Bakugou? Oh, he'd be my first choice if I were to step out on you." You smirked up at him. 
He snarled. Your smirk widened as you could physically hear him grinding his teeth. 
Yo was quiet for a moment, just glaring at you as you stared right back at him with a bored look on your face. You even went as far as to yawn.
"Yeah, it's not so fun when the rabbit has the gun, huh?" 
He didn't answer, but instead pulled you off of the wall and hoisted you up over his shoulder. A big hand came up and smacked forcefully against your ass. 
"That's alright. I know how to fix you." He chortled darkly, moving away to begin walking down the hallway to your bedroom. 
"I don't want your community ass dick! Put me down, Yo!" 
He just ignored you and kicked open the door to the room. 
"Sure you don't. You always do this shit to get my attention, Y/N. Catch an attitude, start a stupid ass argument, and then I fuck it out of you. Same shit, different goddamn day, baby." 
Yo said after tossing you onto the bed, making your forgotten phone flop onto the floor. He gave it a puzzled look. 
"Oh, so that's why you seemed so surprised to see me. You didn't read my text." 
He chuckled, reaching to grab your hip to flip you over onto your stomach as if you were a pancake. 
Rough hands began to caress your feet, ankles, and legs, all the way up to your inner thighs and bottom of your ass cheeks, just under the hem of your nightdress. 
"No panties? Yeah, you were definitely planning on getting dicked down tonight, you needy little slut." 
Your back arched off of the bed at the painful stinging of Yo's slaps. His hands felt heavy as lead as they connected with your soft flesh. 
"Where are you going? Thought you liked when I spank you, huh?"
Yo wrapped an arm around your waist to bring you back when you tried crawling up the bed to escape him.
"Stop it, Yo…hurts…" You whined. 
"It hurts, Yo, please stop." He mocked. "Stop being a fucking brat, then."
He grabbed one of your ass cheeks and squeezed hard, making you moan out involuntarily. 
"Moaning like this but you don't want my dick? I bet you're dripping fucking wet for me right now, Y/N. Dare me to check?"
You didn't respond, which prompted Yo to do as he suggested and slip two fingers underneath you between your ass cheeks to get to your slick folds.
"Damn baby, all this for me, yeah? Only me."
He growled. With his large hand, he covered your entire bare pussy and activated his Quirk.
A harsh shiver wracked through your entire body, another soft moan leaving your lips. Yo only pressed harder, moving his fingertips to graze over your clit repeatedly.
"Y-Yo…please, daddy…" You whined, making him smirk down at you. He increased the vibration of his fingers along with rubbing your clit from side to side.
"Say you're sorry for bringing up Bakugou and I might let you feel this fat dick next..." Yo rested his upper body against your back and snaked his free arm under you to hold you up off the bed just a bit.
"No..I'm…n-not sorry. I meant it. Oh fuck!" 
Yo grimaced before grabbing you and flipping you back over onto your back. 
"What did you say?" 
Your e/c eyes were wet with unshed tears as you frowned up at his handsome face. You didn't falter.
"You heard me." 
"I thought I told you that if you know what's good for you, you won't even think about that motherfucker!" He seethed.
"I obviously don't know what's good for me if I'm still fucking around with you!"
Before you knew what was happening, Yo had pinned you to the bed by your throat. Moving between your legs, he used his knees to spread them.
"Yo, stop!"
"Shut up, bitch. You'll learn to stop pissing me off one day."
His belt hit the bed as he undid it, his black pants and underwear soon following it. You tried to pull your legs up, but he surged forward, pushing his hard dick inside you with one thrust.
Head falling back against the soft mattress, you couldn't help but keen as Yo began a rough, fast pace. He gripped your calf to pull you closer and stretch you open wider for him.
"Yes, Yo…right there! I'm going to cum!" 
Yo grunted in response, trying to hold back from cumming himself.
"Yeah, baby? My fingers got you all ready to cum on my dick? Let it go then, oh shit." 
He sped up even more, making your free breasts bounce outside of your nightgown and the headboard hit the wall. It already had a small dent in it from your previous heated romps, but neither of you seemed to care very much.
It could be painted over once you moved out.
"Oh God, I…!" 
Your release splashed against Yo's pelvis and drenched the sheets beneath you.
"Ah, fuck. Yeah, made that little pussy squirt, huh? Stay still for me, baby. I'm about to nut." 
Your eyes widened. "Yo, no. You're not wearing a condom and I haven't replaced my NuvaRing yet!" 
It had been out for five days now while you waited on your doctor to send in a new prescription. 
That didn't stop him. Either he was too deep into his impending orgasm to hear you, or he was flat out ignoring you. 
Blind fury clouded your vision while Yo's was clouded for a completely different reason altogether.
"Damn…" He breathed out, making sure to stay deep inside you until he was finished cumming.
Once you got your bearings, you sat up abruptly, making Yo stumble back onto his elbows. He sucked his teeth once he saw your angered face. 
"What's wrong, sweetheart? You don't want to have my baby?"
"Yo, we're both in our early 20's at the height of our hero careers. We're nowhere near ready for a damn baby!" 
The raven-haired man was about to respond until a soft, vibrating sound silenced the both of you.
You slowly swung your legs over the side of the bed, searching for the source of the noise.
Bending down, you surveyed the floor briefly. Your forgotten cell phone lay halfway underneath the bed.
It's not your phone going off. 
Yo could've been mistaken for a ghost; you watched his face blanch white while he patted the pockets of his discarded pants searching for the missing device.
A race against time, but you spotted it first.
With the rectangular device being tangled in your covers, Yo almost knocked you off the bed trying to get to it, but you were way faster than him. It was already in your hand.
tatas💕: my appointment is at 3pm tomorrow. are you going to be able to make it?
You scrunched your nose and swatted Yo's hand away while reading the text.
"Appointment? What is this about, and why does Tatami need you there?"
Cold e/c eyes turned to stone while you watched Yo fidget nervously. This is one of the only times you've seen him like this; the other when he asked you out for the first time.
"Y/N…do you love me?"
"What kind of question is that, Yo? If I didn't, would I still be with you?"
Your nose scrunched. Something isn't right…
You knew all about Tatami. Yo's ex-girlfriend from high school. He told you that he broke it off during their third year because she was becoming too clingy. You'd even met her once, when you had a joint mission with her agency.
"Say you'll never leave me?"
Oh hell no. He was asking too many questions now.
"What did you do, Yo? Huh?!" 
He just hung his head. His phone vibrated again in your hand. 
Everything that I've been doing is all bad
I've got a chick on the side
With the crib and the ride 
I've been telling you so many lies 
Aint none good, it's all bad
And I just wanna confess, it's been going on so long 
Girl I been doing you so wrong and I want you to know that 
"Everytime you called my phone, I wasn't at the agency working overtime…I..I was with Tatami."
A long, loud sigh left your lips. Your free hand came up, knuckles resting against your forehead.
I don't want to look, but I know I have to…
"Y/N.." Yo warned.
new message
"Y/N, please, baby…"
tatas💕: i know the doctor said that we won't know the sex until about 20 weeks, but i can't help being so excited! we're possibly going to have a little yo running around soon! 👶🏻
Your grip on the phone tightened. 
If I could turn back the hands of time 
And start all over I would
Instead of everything being all bad, baby
Everything'll be all good
I know today is the day that I end all the lying and the playing and the bullshit, girl 
"Y/N, I'm sorr-" 
Your knuckles that you'd been resting against your forehead went across Yo's face at the speed of light. You punched him hard as hell in his face, making him tumble over and off the foot of the bed. The sight would've been hilarious if you weren't so fucking pissed.
"I knew I was right…." You chuckled. "I fucking knew it. You knew that she was pregnant, too. You've known for months."
Yo looked up at you with big, watery eyes full of regret. Almost like he was a different person entirely. 
One hand clutched his throbbing cheek. You'd hit him so hard that his lower lip busted. His perfect face would soon be discolored black and blue, across his forehead, nose (that was also bleeding now), and right eye.
"I'm sorry! Baby, I'm sorry!" 
"SHUT THE FUCK UP, YO! YOU'RE ONLY SORRY BECAUSE YOU GOT FUCKING CAUGHT!"  You raged. You lunged off the bed at him and started hitting him everywhere, as hard as you could. You even grabbed two handfuls of his black hair and yanked his head around.
Yo finally grabbed your arms and pinned them against your chest. You'd grown exhausted, so you just let yourself fall against his naked chest.
A bitter chuckle, then the tears, hot and angry. You couldn't hold them any longer as you looked up at Yo, staring at his swollen, beaten face.
"You're so fucking ugly when you cry. What the fuck are you crying for, huh? I'm the one that got cheated on. Lied to, played with, manipulated." 
"Not only did you fucking lie to me and cheat on me, but you fucked around and got the bitch pregnant, too. This has got to be a joke."
Yo slowly crawled up from the floor with you in his arms, blood dripping down his nose and lip, staining the carpet, then the bedsheets while you covered your face with your hands and sobbed. 
He cradled you gently and laid his head against yours, lips kissing at the temples.
"Baby, please…we can work this out. I don't love her. I love you, but I…I still want to be there for the baby…"
Your brokenhearted wails only increased in volume.
"Don't cry, baby. I promise I'll be here for you and our baby, too."
Three Months Later 
Yo made good on his word to be there for you.
Shortly after his "confession", you found out that you were pregnant as well.
Tatami is currently six months along, while you're only three.
Turns out that all of this was a part of Yo's twisted plan. 
Instead of your late birth control being due to your doctor's or the pharmacy's incompetence, it was Yo who called the doctor's office pretending to be your husband and had them cancel your refill request. 
Yo then demanded suggested that you take time off from hero work while you were carrying his child, which you slightly agreed with, but still did so with reluctance.
You don't know how he did it, but you guessed being one of the top 20 heroes carried with it a lot of weight for him to be able to take off enough to make it to all of yours and Tatami's appointments.
He even moved you out of your apartment and into his. Into your own room. 
The reason that you had your own room was because Tatami ended up losing her apartment due to being out of work, so Yo moved her in as well. 
With the way that the living arrangements had been set up, you and Tatami might as well have been sister wives.
To attempt to keep things "fair" between the both of you, Yo would designate certain nights where either of you would get to sleep in the room with him. So neither of you would feel neglected by him.
His heart was in the right place, wasn't it? 
Even when you could clearly hear the whispered moans and soft creaking of the bed from Yo's room on Tatami's nights.
No matter how you tried to make yourself not hear it. 
Yo didn't want you stressing out, he claimed, so he bought you many expensive gifts and gadgets to help you get a good night's rest.
None of them worked. 
Not when the walls in that apartment were paper thin.
Many nights you cried and raged to yourself. 
Obviously all of that stress wasn't healthy for the baby.
Which leads you to today.
A pair of dark sunglasses hiding your eyes along with a long trench coat and hat to conceal the rest of your persona.
They were loud and jarring as you walked in, but your world had gone numb three months ago. Now you were trapped inside your own world as you stepped up three flat steps into a white, brick building. 
A ghost clutching a brown clipboard only made the atmosphere even gloomier before whisking you away from the judgemental eyes and into a plainly decorated room with blue walls.
She read over the papers first then handed the clipboard to you, one more questioning look being shot your way. 
You just gave a simple nod.
"You have reached the voicemail box of L/n, Y/n. I can't come to the phone right now, but leave me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!"
Yo sighed heavily and put his head in his hands before standing up to walk out of your completely barren bedroom.
Before he closed the door, he whispered softly,
"Why, Y/n?" 
Your location on his phone showed him exactly where you were.
Gotta make that move 
Find somebody who
Appreciates all the love I give
Boy, I gotta 
Gotta do what's best for me
Baby and that means I gotta shake you off
a/n: i think this piece was a pretty strong start to the series! i'm really proud of it! stay tuned, there's plenty more bullshit to come!
*remember, if you get angry enough at your partner that you feel like wanting to put your hands on them, just walk away! 
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accidentalshifter · 1 month
[May 11-13, 2024: Card-carrying members of the Shitty Dads Club.]
⚜️ TW: My Mikaelsons are a ✨️ problem ✨️ and don't play nice at all. Death, sex, blood, violence, manipulation, and dark themes will probably be present. I don't condone any of the actions taken by these vampires, I'm just recording them. For science.
Shifting Notes:
This one is super long-winded & describes in painful detail the first course of a dinner with the Original, Elijah Mikaelson. Italian restaurant is the scenario setting. Please, let me know what you think if you manage to get through this mega-post 🙏
Astrological Timing: Sun in Taurus, Moon in Cancer. The Taurus & Cancer combo is the best of both emotional and material comforts like food, sensuality, & the home environment. Cancer more than Taurus is concerned with heritage. An ideal lunation to continue having dinner with Elijah and talk about our family's histories. 💧 Water sign moons 💧 like Cancer are ideal times to shift as well since the energies are more malleable.
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⚜️ To fully tap into & immerse myself in the scenario unfolding in my DR, I start this shift by listening to "Dinner and Diatribes" by (my Lord and Savior) Hozier. Watching the music video alone helps me visualize, sense, and be at La Avena in Mystic Falls.
⚜️ So, I just wanna take a small moment of time to remind everyone that I am dressed in ratty-ass clothes, battered boots, and an old T-shirt that's stained with beer inside my DR right now. And I have just walked into a fine, fancy Italian restaurant off the street with a man who (evidentally) oozes enough 🥵 sex appeal 🥵 to make the waitress (who I swear is Liv) ignore this indiscretion entirely. I feel so uncomfortable & out of place. It's got me fidgeting with Elijah's handkerchief. Nobody sees me doing this, however. (Maybe) Liv is currently monopolizing Elijah's attention by making pleasantries with him as we walk to the reserved table with the red rose placed on it.
⚜️ This brief window of time where Elijah's eyes aren't glued on me, I use to look for any emergency exits in La Avena because this is my TVD DR & you can never be too prepared for shit to go down! I don't spot any obvious exits. But that could just mean that the exits might be near the restrooms (which is past my line of sight, obscured by a trellis that's covered in climbing jasmine). Also, I notice a fully-stocked wet bar in the back and double doors to the kitchens. There might be an exit in the kitchens, too. But I don't think I could realistically get back there on the sly without causing a weird scene. Maybe I could say: 'I was looking for the bathrooms, sorry??' and act clueless? There's no use worrying about it now, I guess. Elijah is still being a perfect, oddly accommodating stranger. So far...
⚜️ Getting back to the scenario, Maybe?Liv has brought Elijah and I to the table with the single red rose decorating it. It's sequestered within a cubby formed by trellises. Providing the aforementioned "privacy" that Elijah was guaranteeing me earlier. Piano music begins to play softly over the speaker system. (Isn't that Chopin I'm hearing???) Maybe?Liv says: "I hope you find everything to your liking, Mr. Mikaelson!" Elijah replies with a casual, "Yes, this is quite sufficient, thank you." I'll be true here, guys. I was a bit overwhelmed by all of this and it was really hard to stay synched in my DR-self. I had to focus on just breathing, focus on the moment I was in. Tune out the chatter of my anxiety. Elijah yanks me back to the present when he pulls out my chair for me to sit in.
⚜️ I shake my head & tell Elijah that he really doesn't have to do that. But he just says his classic line: "Oh, I insist." Then, he reassures me that there'll be plenty of time to dispense of formalities but that for now, chivalry isn't dead. As soon as I'm seated, Elijah sits in his own seat, & the waitress hands us both our menus. I remember wondering what I should do with the handkerchief at that time & tried giving it back to Elijah. Instead, he pointedly ignored my attempt and immediately began ordering stuff. I don't think he even looked at the menu. "Sparkling mint water for both of us, olive focaccia, stuffed artichoke hearts, and...a seasonal platter with your marinated mozzarella to start. Please and thank you." Elijah says. I blink, confused. Did he think his order out beforehand? And what makes him think I'd like any of that?? Maybe?Liv leaves before I can re-ammend Elijah's order. I end up shoving the handkerchief in my bag that I've left underneath the table, tucked out of the way.
⚜️ Elijah seems to pick up on my thoughts because he tells me candidly that sparkling waters have always been his favorite at the Italian restaurants he goes to. And mint was one of his go-to's because in his words: "It provides a refreshing breath to an otherwise heavy meal." Elijah also mentions that it's a good way to stimulate the appetite. He says this while taking the folded, clean napkin by his side, flapping it out & tucking it into his shirt.
Observation: This is yet another innocuous comment that seems normal on the outside until you really think about what he's saying. Especially the "stimulating appetite" part. He probably distastes human food (since he's a vampire) and uses the mint to stimulate an appetite that would otherwise find repulsive anything that wasn't mortal blood.
⚜️ I try to follow suit. But I wasn't born with fancy pants on, so I end up just placing the napkin in my lap instead. It's a tad bit (a lot) embarrassing.
⚜️ "Now, then. I've asked you a lot of queries about your family, Ms. Webb. So, I believe it is only fair to tell you about mine." Elijah tells me about how, far back ago in the Mikaelson family, his ancestors began to migrate south with other, Northern clans at the time due to plague and famine. And that they eventually became integrated with English Europeans. I remember he noted the 1100's as a key time period. He also mentioned that "Mikaelson" was just a bastardization of the original one, changed when his family integrated with the Europeans.
Observation: I don't know if any of this info that Elijah is giving me right now is true. Or if it even fits into TVD canon without some severe liberties being taken. This might just be exclusive to the Originals inside my DR...
⚜️ Before I can stop (Z) from saying the first thing that flies out of her mouth, Z says the first thing that flies out of her mouth, and it causes me to glare at her in "ghost mode" as Elijah entertains her with a chuckle that I'm pretty sure was forced. 'So, you're like from Vikings, then?' is what she asked.
⚜️ Elijah Mikaelson explains that there was no such term as "vikings" for the Northmen back in the time. "But, yes. We were vikings according to modern standards." He goes on to say that the Mikaelsons were most likely trying to escape clan feuds for a better life in the new world. And that by the 1700's they'd landed in America, crossing the cold Pacific to find a better home.
Observation: I notice he's telling me this in a way that kinda feels more like a first person account of an event rather than cool family history that he's researched on a genealogy website. Is he yanking me around with this? Am I overthinking???
⚜️ Maybe?Liv shows up with bottles of the mint sparkling water just as Elijah mentions the cold Pacific ocean. The bottles are curvy blue glass that's corked. She makes a show of uncorking each bottle and pouring out the water into glasses that she provides us with. I notice she pours for Elijah first, sneaking in a shy smile in his direction while she does. I am an afterthought, attended to afterwards with none of the warmth she had a second ago. Maybe?Liv hurries off without a word, then. Probably to go check on orders in the back of the house, idk.
Observation: She *looks* like Liv but she's not acting like canon TVD Liv. I don't think Canon!Liv from the Gemini Coven would be fawning over a bloody vampire. Much less an Original. Maybe it's not Liv. Just...some kind of exact, alternate, pod person Liv that never experienced the horrors of Kai and is thus just an ordinary girl with no significant trauma?
⚜️ Elijah raises up his glass to toast in salute to "new, enriching conversations." I follow it up with my own toast to old, dusty history & laugh. Both of us take a sip of our glasses at the same time. However, I notice him staring a hole into my head the entire time. Is this a vampire thing or just a Mikaelson thing? It's starting to grind on my nerves.
⚜️ "Returning to what I was elaborating on about surnames," Elijah says after properly toasted, "where exactly...do the Webbs hail from? Do you happen to know?" Ah, here we go. He's trying to pry out more information from me just like Mrs. Anne at Mathewson. What the fuck kind of family mess has Will left me to clean up? Everyone's so curious. It is getting to be a little much. You'd think I'd have scripted this in my DR but I didn't. My original ideas actually painted the Webbs to be social pariahs like Vickie Donovon or the Travelers were.
⚜️ Before I can stop Z, words are flying out of her mouth, unedited by me. My DR-self tells Elijah that all she actually was told was that the Webbs were clothing merchants & textile salesmen that settled in Mystic Falls with the rest of the Founding families. And that the Webbs were English. But beyond all that, she's totally stuck in the dark about any family history. Elijah mentions that he finds it curious and odd that William neglected to educate me on my family history since its a part of the social environment here amongst the "Founding" families. I can note the slight residue of disdain on the word "Founding" as he said it. (Z) doesn't seem to notice as she's too distracted being bitter to care.
⚜️ "Well, I don't know if I've mentioned this before," Z says, despite me trying to project that exposing vulnerable emotions like this on the first meeting with anyone is a cry for help, "but I was adopted. There's a lot of shit my Dad didn't think was important for me to know." My DR-self takes a visibly-upset swig of the sparkling water. Elijah seems to grow sad hearing this and says, "I apologize if my comment came out insensitive..."
⚜️ Z shrugs, taking a sip of mint water as if to clean out the residual of a bad taste from her mouth. "It is what it is, you know? There isn't much to be done about it now..." Z can't bring herself to look at Elijah. Her eyes trail away from him and the table they're seated at to gaze at the interior of La Avena. For a moment, she seems to be more interested in the grand piano positioned near the bar than in Elijah Mikaelson. Meanwhile, I notice that Elijah is again carefully considering his next choice of words...
⚜️ "If it's any consolation," Elijah finally says, "I know what it's like to have a difficult father who was very...hmm. He was..." For once in this whole damn scenario, Elijah Mikaelson isn't eloquent. He's searching for the right words and coming up short. His jaw is tight, brow furrowed in purest concentration. He's probably stuck replaying his shit childhood memories inside his head in this moment. It shows on his darkened face. Z blurts words out from her mouth again. This time, (Z) has managed to sum up the truth in one simple word for Elijah:
"Asshole?" My DR-self offers with a grin, "He was an asshole?"
⚜️ "In a manner of speaking? Yes." Elijah nods in agreement with Z, then continues, "And cruel. And inflexible. Mostly to my little brother..."
⚜️ A moment of silence falls over Z, Elijah, and I. The only thing that can be heard is the piano music over the speakers and the noise from the cooks in the back. "Yeah..." Z and I say in unison. Then, to break the tension, Z decides to make a joke:
"Sounds like both our dads were in the same club!"
Elijah's dark expression suddenly breaks into one of amusement. He chuckles. However, it sounds kind of hollow...
⚜️ My DR-self stands up & enthusiastically raises up her glass in a second toast. "Here's to surviving shitty dads!" Z exclaims with a surprising amount of gusto this time, "It isn't like you can pick your family, after all..."
⚜️ I've been so immersed in DR that I didn't realize that my "check engine light" that I've referred (many times before) in this shifting journal hasn't "come on" yet. I think this time might be the LONGEST I've sustained shift before having to come back to a mostly very winded, exhausted CR body. Unfortunately, life has a way of fixing things. The cat in my CR started yowling for attention and I snap back into my body. Elijah, La Avena, and my DR-self melting away from my senses like a mirage in the desert.
⚜️ Since scheduling shifting adventures via astrology seems to be working well for me, I decided to go back in the next night & pick things up where I left them with Elijah. The Moon is still in Cancer (in the later degrees) and the Sun is solidly in Taurus still. There is an interesting T-Square between the Moon, Chiron in Aries (wounded childhood identity and healing it) and Pluto in Aquarius (social change and transformation). This seems to be a great time to continue that talk about family, childhood, and ancestors with Elijah.
⚜️ Still listening to "Dinner and Diatribes" by Hozier to tap into the vibes of this scenario. In my earlier shifts, I used a combination of star fish position/sitting down on the floor, deep breathing, robotic affirmations, and tea to shift. But during this Elijah bit, I've been experimenting with moving around or sitting down on a chair while shifting. I've been in motion, though. I'm still not sure if this way is my favorite. There's some things lacking in it that laying down & mantras has flawlessly.
⚜️ This time, the shift comes seamlessly & without effort. I feel the cold glass of water in my hands, see a flash of cobalt as Elijah raises his glass up, returning my toast. My eyes stray on his signet ring: lapis lazuli and gold forged into a magical talisman to keep him from frying in the sun. Elijah takes a sip and then pauses to catch my lingering gaze. "Although, I do believe that family exists as the people you keep picking. Even if they've given you no reason do to so."
⚜️ Maybe?Liv has shit timing. She returns at this very minute in the conversation with the platters of appetizers Elijah ordered. I guess she's just doing her job, though? Liv places the platters down and introduces each one out loud as if we couldn't take a wild leap at what they were by looking ourselves. I notice she's speaking (pointedly) to Elijah again. I'm curious just how down bad she is for Daddy E because this is some...behavior. And something I wouldn't expect from Canon!Liv. If she is Canon!Liv.
⚜️ "Is there anything more I can get for you, Mr. Mikaelson? Refills?" She asks hopefully. Elijah gives her a winning smile that doesn't reach his brown eyes. "Nothing for now. But, I'll be sure to let you know the instant I do." Z and I do catch sight of something else reach Elijah's eyes; a sort of flicker. A darkening of them. Like the brown of his irises somehow got deeper & more interesting than before. Maybe?Liv is silent for a second. She nods and then just walks away without a word.
Observation: That was totally compulsion.
⚜️ As soon as I realized what just happened, I decide to pretend I never saw it. Z decides that's an excellent idea. The both of us swipe up an artichoke heart and give it a taste. It's not too bad. Not something I'd personally go order myself, but not bad. Elijah interrupts me. He says that: "It's better tried with the Aoli sauce." Then, watches me with a sort of anticipation I wasn't expecting. I dip another artichoke bite into the sauce and taste it. He was right. The Aoli sauce does makes all the difference. It was salty, creamy, and savory with a hint of grassiness to it that was still not entirely unpleasant. Z perks up like a kid, beaming as she chews her food. She seems to really like it. Elijah smiles, "I thought you'd enjoy that addition."
Observation: It slipped past me for days that Elijah ordered artichoke HEARTS for a snack and he's making me eat them. Kind of paints his enjoyment of this moment in new light... The Mikaelsons really DO like their hearts. I hope this isn't foreshadowing.
⚜️ "You know," I say, trying to refocus this dinner before it strayed further off course, "Getting back to our dinner topic; William owned an orphanage called Miracle House. It's the huge brick building, the one up past Old Wickery Bridge. It used to be the original Webb estate before Will remodeled it." I can hear Elijah say, "Fascinating", but I'm unsure of the tone. I can't tell if that was sarcasm or genuine here.
Side Note: This seems to be another case of my TVD DR has a mind of its own. I let Zoey explain the orphanage here and the info just kinda flew out of my mouth that it was past Wickery Bridge. I never scripted that but oh well. Learning lore about your DR you never knew is fun!
⚜️ Z continues to spill our tragic backstory to Elijah while I plead for her to reel it back in with absolutely no luck. "It was...where I was adopted. Along with my brothers & sisters. I guess I got blessed in some ways; most kids didn't make it past the paperwork, got sent to group homes, or just aged out...but me? I got picked by a Founding family. What an honor, right?" I yank back control for a small moment and cut in, saying "Anyways! If you want to explore a place with tons of history, that'd be the place. You could say each brick in its walls has a story to tell." Then, I lean in conspiratorially towards Elijah and whisper softly, "Plus, the town says it's haunted. So, there's that." Elijah seems intrigued by this information.
Side Note: The strategy I have for telling him this is sort of mean. I know that currently, the orphanage has either been burnt down (or destroyed in some way) or is still in the hands of the Augustine Society. If it's the 1st option, there's not going to be much for him to find there. If it's the 2nd option, Elijah will have to figure out how to, uh...navigate that. Since I'm pretty sure Mystic Falls knows that vampires are back by now. I'm certain this is (at least) Season 2 TVD given the presence of Elijah himself. If he gives me any shit on it later, I can just feign innocence. "You had an issue with the Augustine Society? What do you mean? Isn't that just the book nerd club at Whitmore? It isnt? Gasp."
⚜️ This is when the ✔️ check engine light 💡comes on and I get yanked back into my CR again. It's taking me much less time for my body to recover but I was still wiped out the next day...
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thepaperpanda · 3 months
I Want To Be A YouTuber || Venom & Eddie Brock drabble
Summary: In response to Venom's demands, Eddie creates a YouTube channel
Warnings: none, just Venom being insistent 😁
Word count: 1067
Authors: Cass & Rouge
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Although Venom was persistent, he was the only one who persuaded Eddie Brock to do dumb things. Eddie always listened to Venom primarily to make him shut his mouth and hush him; it never lasted more than a few minutes. Eddie was this time persuaded by Venom to start a YouTube channel.
Venom exhorted Eddie, "We're unusual! Take us to the world. We'll be famous like Kim Kardashian!"
Eddie finally agreed to Venom's idea after almost two weeks. "I can't believe we are doing this..." Eddie muttered as he set up the camera and the background. The youtubers he saw all had nice backgrounds. "I am really unsure about this, V... What are we even gonna record?"
"You must introduce yourself, punk," Venom instructed firmly and loudly. "You must explain who you are and why you are opening the channel," symbiote responded. You wanna get some pussies? Don't get in front of the camera with that stupid grin of yours. You have to present like a cool, bad guy. Girls like bad boys. Say something like ‘Yo, I'm Eddie Brock and I've gotta show you what I got after that fucking meteor hit our planet’, yeah?" Venom joked. "Like cool banditos, yeah?" Symbiote advised. “We’ll be recording us. We’re cool, yeah?”
"There's no way I know how, but I'm gonna say you watch too much YouTube," Eddie pointed out.
As Eddie sat in front of the camera, he turned it on and began recording. "Hello! I'm Eddie, and welcome to my channel! Many of you may wonder why I have a channel, but I'm special in some way since I have this little buddy," Eddie said as he tapped his shoulder.
Out of nowhere, Venom appeared, grinning to the camera and licking his fangs. "Hello there, punks, I'm Venom and I'd love to meet you all, especially your lungs, brains and livers. But that's a story for another time. In today's episode, we're going to demonstrate our awesome abilities by eating bad guys."
Eddie glared at the symbiote. "Venom... Really? You can't be that aggressive. We need to be nice and likable so people will watch us."
"Don't worry, we know our role," Venom reminded and his tone softened. "So once again, we are soft Symbiotes, we came from outer space and we're happy we found him," Venom said, pointing his head to Eddie. "He's a dumbass, but we love him."
As Eddie hugged Venom, he said, "He is an asshole, but I love him so much. He can be rude, but he is a great friend."
Venom's head was petted; Eddie earned a low grunt of happiness from the symbiote.
"I hope you'll enjoy our channel and whatever we do here," Eddie added, smiling to the camera.
As Venom licked Eddie's cheek, he added, "We'll prank people in public."
"I don't think this will be possible, V. I have a job, I can't run around and prank people then upload them on the internet," Eddie said, turning off the camera. "Now I just have to edit it and it will be ready to be posted on our YouTube channel."
In response, Venom nuzzled Eddie and added, "Edit it as soon as possible."
Eddie nodded, "I'll deal with this now. I have nothing better to do," he grabbed his camera and walked to his computer.
Venom asked, "Can you give us that delicious cheese you have in the fridge first, punk?"
"I'd appreciate it if you left me something to eat, too," Eddie gave Venom a careful glance.
In order to get his cheese, Venom disconnected from Eddie and crawled to the fridge
The camera was connected to Eddie's computer when he commented, "You look funny, V." As he waited for Venom to return, he began editing the video.
After gliding back to Eddie, Venom climbed onto his back.
Eddie petting Venom's head asked, "Are you happy now? I am almost done."
Venom held a piece of cheese in his paws and chewed it. “Eddie, you edit it? We'd like to see it. And yes, it's fine now. Cheese was tasty."
"Yes. I am done," Brock presented the video to Venom.
Venom's white eyes widened as he exclaimed, "We can upload it! Look, Eddie, we look like a top model. I meant us, not you, but you do look great too. Upload, upload!"
Eddie laughed, "Yes, we do look like Top Model." He quickly uploaded the video. "Let's go eat something now. We will check the reactions tomorrow morning."
The next morning Venom awoke as first, although this time he was disconnected from Eddie. He was still nuzzling the man's shoulder. "Eddie, get up, get up. It's morning! We have to check reactions!" Symbiote licked Eddie's cheek as soon as he opened his eyes.
As Eddie sat up and rubbed his eyes, he murmured, "Wait... Wait... Just let me wake up." In a few minutes, Brock got up from bed and opened his laptop, sluggishly turning it on.
"C'mon, punk, we can't wait!"
Eddie yawned and opened the page with their video, then scrolled through the comments at the bottom.
Venom stared at the man, asking, "What, and what, do they think we're ready to start yet?!"
Eddie muttered, "Well... The comments aren't really nice... Read them yourself, V."
As Venom read, he became more enraged. “What a nasty, fucking shits. Can we eat them?!"
"No, Venom, just forget about this idea, and let's stick to the newspaper," Eddie sighed.
"No, no, no. We've got to eat them. We've got to eat those fuckers," Venom claimed, showing his fangs.
"No, Venom. We only eat bad guys, not people who dislike us."
"When they don't like us, that means they're mean. That's what makes them haters. Haters are bad people so we can eat them," Venom concluded after a few longer moments.
Eddie sighed and petted Venom's head as he said, "It's not always like that. Maybe they're right. It's not our thing."
With an angry voice, Venom said, "But we love you and you did a great job, Eddie."
"Let's eat something tasty, shall we?" Brock suggested, trying to get Venom's attention away from YouTube.
"Yes," Venom replied, wrapping his arms around Eddie. "We love you."
Getting up from the chair, Eddie said, "I know, Venom. Let's go to your favorite place and order whatever you want."
Venom grinned widely. "Yes, that's a very clever idea."
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saelterlude · 3 months
Gushing About Zhu Hanbin and Jing Yanqiao in The City of Musicals S2
The City of Musicals (S2, at least) is kinda like The Voice. 24 musical actors, 3 troupes, covering musical numbers, elimination every episode. Season 2 focuses on young/fresh talents.
I was on a Zhu Hanbin(LG musical actor) binge and got really into this show once I found out his frequent CXS counterpart, Jing Yanqiao, is there as well. Now seems like the right time to make this post since JYQ's birthday is soon (April 13th!) and everyone barely knows him so, to begin here's a cute interaction they had on weibo after what I can only assume is a Link Click rehearsal.
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You can access the full episodes here. But I'm going to discuss and link each performances under the cut.
Oh yeah, before I start. I have notes of the context of some performances (not including them bcs I only researched some and not all), so if you like any of them and would like to dive deeper or just wants the context in general just ask and I'll share what I have. (That said, the 10th is Ied so I might be busy and took a while to answer)
Scouting stage (Ep.1-2)
They are sorted into groups of three and perform together as the same character.
For Forever from Dear Evan Hansen
Performed by Sun Tiecheng, Zhu Hanbin, and Wang Haoran. I love ZHB's expression in this performance, it's very innocent and hopeful but also with a hint of hurt? It fits the vibe of the song. It's a really nice, soft and hopeful performance. ZHB's expression really paid off since he got scouted into 2 troupes. Funfact, ZHB and Wang Haoran are classmates lol, they didn't know the other auditioned on this show before they got sorted together. Their third teammate felt very awkward lol.
Dans Le Noir Je Vois Rouge from Le Rouge et Le Noir
Roughly translated to "In the dark, I see red" performed by Alladin, Jing Yangqiao and Tian Ye. It's very good, dark and angry vibes. It's from a French rock musical so yea I really like it. I know I wanted to highlight JYQ but the original rap that Tian Ye (right) arranged is definitely the best part of this performance. The three of them worked really well together. Also, Jing Yanqiao was asked if he felt pressured performing with his seniors (he's still in school) and he answered yes, but most importantly he was intimidated by their heights. so cute lmao. Don't worry JYQ, you're still taller than ZHB. This is also 1 of the only 2 groups where all three performers get scouted.
Sidenote: I found the original song and I've been translating it to practice my French lol. In fact, I found a recording of the whole original musical.
Round 1 (Ep.3-4)
Each troupe prepares 2 Duo performance and 1 solo performance.
No Longer Human from No Longer Human
Performed by Sun Sankai and Zhu Hanbin. Yes, as in the Osamu Dazai novel. ZHB played Yezang (Oba Yozo) the protagonist of the novel and Sun Sankai played Osamu Dazai the author. So this is an existential conversation between author and his character. That's probably why this set design is creepy, but in a good way! An amazing duet, very powerful vocals from both of them, a very nice listen. But damn those hands are wobbly and every time I watch them climb up it, I worry if its gonna fall. Also, camerawork feels like something out of a 2nd Gen K-pop music show lol. And ZHB is barefoot for some reason... If I caught it properly it's bcs he's scared of falling off the hand? I need to double check but understandable.
Therapy from Tick, Tick..., Boom!
Performed by Jing Yangqiao and Feng Difei I couldn't find the cut version of this performance so you would have to do with the timestamped link of the full episode. This is such an adorable and fun performance. I love the cutee original phoneline choreography they have and how their voices work together. Also, JYQ and Feng Difei playing couples and going on a date bcs the coach tells them it would help their chemistry. Why are they lowkey kinda cute though. The post-performance interview of this reads like a blind date interview istg. The interview keep asking questions like what JYQ got her for her BDay and if they have made each other mad like the characters in the musical, etc.
Round 2 (Ep.5-6)
There are 2 troupe duo performances, and 2 cross-troupe trio performances.
The Other Side from The Greatest Showman
Performed by Sun Sankai and Zhu Hanbin. This one is so good, soooo good. I already liked the song before but their voices fit this song really well. Then you get to see, ZHB can dance y'all. I like how energetic this performance is, they really ran around the stage and walk across the table. Special mention to Sun Sankai who practiced that hat kicking trick to perfection, he got to a streak of 100 successes during practice. And to the bartender too, I love his expressions.
In A Crowd of Thousands from Anastasia
Performed by Jing Yangqiao and Feng Difei Yes, it's these two again, playing a couple again lol. Yes, they also went on a date again to prepare for this performance. (In fact, they're paired in a new musical "Love Myth" airing next month) Truly giving off a romantic, magical, and almost fairy tale-like feels. I love how sweet it is. The mini-them also did a good job with their performance. Fun fact about this one, JYQ played in Anastasia musical before this show and is still currently playing in Anastasia, both as Dmitri, just like he did in this performance.
It's Not Me It's You from uhh pretty sure it's an original rap based on disney villains. So it's from Disney, I guess.
Performed by Jing Yanqiao, Zhao Qianlong, and Zhou Mohan. I can't take this performance seriously, not with those outfits LMAO. JYQ as Gaston looking like Winnie the Pooh instead, I can't. That said, the rap is really good, I like the flow, I like the beat, it's great. I jusst, those outfits lmao. Even JYQ posted on his weibo how the outfit simply wasn't it. I can add the photo he took in the rb but pls just watch the performance.
Round 3 (Ep.7-8)
Each troupe prepares 2 duo performances again.
Disappear from Dear Evan Hansen
Performed by Jing Yanqiao and Zhu Hanbin. Yes, they both performed together in this one! I couldn't find the cut version again, sorry. IDK why, maybe it's copyright? For now, timestamped link. I can't explain why, I really like this performance and I really like their dynamic. Their voices also goes nice together but I know that already from watching them together in the LC musical. So yea, this is good. Though, ZHB being projected as JYQ/Evan's hallucination of Connor is kinda goofy looking. Also, so far ZHB has been kind of type-casted as the innocent boy or bright-eyed young man in need of guidance type so to see him playing a more aggressive/leading character (though not by much) is nice.
(JYQ doesn't have that problem, literally he was scouted by the troupe bcs they feel 'he's young and thus can be molded into anything'. ZHB did have to help him perfect the anxious boy act for this performance.)
Quarterfinals (Ep.9)
A trio performance from each troupe, along with a single cross-troupe performance.
Believe in Miracles from Ultraman (yes, the superhero show)
Performed by Sun Sankai, Zhu Hanbin, and Jing Yangqiao. Original skit. Both JYQ and ZHB act as students to Sun Sankai's teacher. The song sounds vaguely familiar to me, maybe that's why I like it so much. It's very fun, rock vibes. JYQ intentional voice crack in the beginning cracks me up. It's a very energetic song too, makes me want to pick up a guitar and jam along. (No, IDK how to play the guitar beyond the basics lol). It honestly looks like they were an idol group or something. (LC Idol AU anyone?)
Goodbye Cassini from Cassini
Performed by Zhao Qianlong, Zhu Hanbin, and Tian. I'll be honest, not a big fan of the skit, it is better enjoyed as just a goodbye song to a beloved space probe, but I am a huge fan of the song (Original ver. here with subbed lyrics, it a got more opera? vibe to it. both ver. are very good though.). I've been randomly humming 'Goodbye, my Cassini~' for days. I am so tempted to make a fic based on this song. Tian (the girl) really carried this performance with her angelic vocals, it's so great and heartbreaking. Her heartbreak at having to leave her friends behind and knowing full well they're never going to meet again. If you're watching this one, I highly recommend you wear your headphones. Trust me, it will cleanse your ears. And if you want to skip straight to the song? 5 minute mark.
Semifinals and Finals (Ep.10)
The semifinals are duo performances of an original musical number. The finals are a solo performance from the top 2. They are available on spotify and youtube music.
The Greatest Show from The Greatest Showman
Performed by the top 4 contestants: Zhu Hanbin, Miao Mengqing, Jing Yanqiao, and Zhou Mohan. I don't have a lot to say about this one. Really nice performance, a bonus to a great episode. Yeaay, both of our LC boys got into the top 4!
Performed by Jing Yanqiao and Miao Mengqing To be honest, not the biggest fan but maybe that's just me not being a fan of historical drama in any form. JYQ used a fake facial hair, so that's something too I guess. That said, it's pretty nice to listen to and the dance/sword fight choreography is really cool. (Though as someone who used to do choreographed fights, I feel kinda dissapointed it's more sworddance rather than swordfight.) Miao Mengqing's voice is really powerful, just listen to her. Unfortunately JYQ was eliminated here, but he reached the top 4! I'm proud of him. He also learned the choreo and to play the uhhh (it's 1am, lookup instrument nme later) in only a week. So that's cool.
Don't Believe him
Performed by Zhu Hanbin and Zhou Mohan. This one I highly recommend. This song is an emotional banger and I've been listening to this on loop for days. The choreo and staging is good too, although there's one part that I think is a bit goofy (thankfully it's not too distracting). The fight/struggle choreo they did here have more power than Assassin so I really like it. Really cool, makes you wanna punch a bully, I love it. ZHB played a bullied kid and Zhou Mohan plays ZHB's 'perfect' dream self who wants to keep him in this dream world and away from the hurtful reality. This song (as well as Assassin) is available on spotify and yt music, but the live version is 10x better because it captures the emotion better. You can hear ZHB's desperation and sadness as well as Zhou Mohan's anger and frustration, it's great.
Lonely Mountaintop from The Devotion of Suspect X
Performed by Zhu Hanbin. It's good, I enjoy it. Though as a final song I do kinda wish he picked a song with more power? IDK. It's still good though, it's emotional, I love the build up, the set design is pretty, and the song fit his voice really well. ZHB won 2nd place with this song. Congrats on your hard work!
Miao Mengqing won first place and honestly? She deserved it, she's so good. But this post is focusing on our LC actors ZHB and JYQ so uhh. Please watch her final performance singing "I Have Nothing" here, it's so great, she's great, I love her voice so much.
Fun fact, JYQ did not vote for ZHB in the finals lol, he did it right in front of ZHB too and I'm pretty sure at that point they were already announced as cast in the LC musical. (Sorry ZHB, but I too would vote for Miao Mengqing there)
Last bonus (which I'm not gonna link) before we end this post. In the 3rd episode, around 20minutes in Zhu Hanbin and Jing Yanqiao did an advertisement for their water sponsor together and they're very awkward, it's funny to me.
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iwantjaketosullyme · 1 year
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ꜱɴᴇᴀᴋ ᴘᴇᴇᴋ: 𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐞 ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ᴘᴀʀᴛ Ⅴ: ᴀᴘʜʀᴏᴅɪᴛᴇ, ʜᴇᴀʀ ᴍʏ ᴘʀᴀʏᴇʀ
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a/n: i realise it's been a while since i posted the last chap so here's a sneak peek of the next ! pls bear with me guys i'll get myself together eventually, thank you for your patience <3
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
Breaking out into a jog, Lo'ak feels his heart beat so fast that he can hear his pulse pounding on the walls of his head. Giddiness overtakes his being, dispelling the bad thoughts that had begun to root themselves in the soil of his mind. 
A lump of anticipation rises from his chest and settles in his throat as he halts his jog up the walkway to climb nimbly up the length of a familiar mangrove root, his sure-footed grip on the bark a testament to his childhood spent scaling up trees. Muscle memory takes over as he positions himself to do what he has done every day for the past month, what he had been waiting to do all day. 
Once he is close to the top end of the mangrove root, Lo’ak leans his side against it and props himself up, ensuring the perfect vantage point to watch you from. This particular root is located in a spot just shy of being opposite the healing tent – close enough that he can see the inside if he tilts his head at the right angle, but far enough that he would not be seen by those inside the tent.
What is she doing right now? Has she taken a break from work? Has she eaten yet? These were the questions that plagued Lo’ak’s mind endlessly. It was as if a tangible connection had synthesised between the two of you on the day that you met, and you had become an extension of him – you just didn’t know it yet. With no further advancement in his pursuit of you, and yet no sign of these thoughts abating, one day he decided that he just had to find out for himself. 
Harmless curiosity had sprouted into mild observation, which turned into memorising your daily routine, which had now graduated into syncing his routine with yours. He’d begun to make a habit of coming to this spot post-training, after finding it on the fifth occasion of watching you. 
From here, he can sit in his little nook, make his little notes about you and adapt his little fantasies about the life the two of you could share. Once upon a time, in what feels like the distant past, his skin had burned with an itch that could only be scratched by the most reckless of activities. But as is the norm in nature, the tides have changed, and so has he. Isn’t it ironic? Where he once would not have deemed the day complete without wreaking havoc in one way or another, his favourite part of the day had become finding out about yours. As he looks on at you now, he records the gaps in your routine, gaps he hopes to soon fill.
By this point, he knows the script of this play by heart (you still have his unwavering attention, though). You’ll let out a sigh of exhaustion, the hectic day spent attending to others catching up to you. Next, you’ll massage the knot in your right shoulder that’s been giving you trouble for a little while now, lips forming a frustrated pout when the niggling sensation refuses to leave. 
You should spend less time fussing over everyone else’s wellbeing and focus on yours for once, he thinks. But he supposes that’s what he’s there for – one of these days he’ll be by your side, ready to rid you of your burdens, even if it’s just a knot in your shoulder. Alas, that day has not yet come. For now, Lo’ak will settle for the simple pleasure of observing you from the shadows. 
Next, you’ll gather your belongings, bid goodbye to Ronal and Tsireya, then stand up from your corner of the tent ready to leave for the day. Lo’ak tilts his head at the angle he knows is best, ready to watch the same scene as always play out in front of him.
In the very same moment, the watcher, unbeknownst to him, is being watched. The predator stalks her prey with great stealth, waiting for the right time to strike. She creeps towards him slowly, until she is standing at the base of the mangrove root. Her neck is craned, narrowed eyes scrutinising his figure perched atop the other end of the root.
“So…this is what you’ve been doing?”
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
a/n: thanks for reading lovelies, i hope u enjoyed this tidbit ! who do you think it is at the end? let me know your thoughts or just drop in for a chat, i'd love to hear from you guys !
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harocat · 4 months
For the ask game... 37, canglan
So I was going to write canonverse, but then @crisdrawsandcries posted figure skating AU art, so I wrote the beginning of figure skating AU. There is no actual dancing in this, but there will be eventually of course. Also I'm used to writing for THE figure skating anime fandom where I did assume a level of knowledge, so if any of this is confusing, I apologize. I'll probably add some footnotes.
It’s not that Lanhua was a bad skater. Objectively, you could not be someone competing at the elite level without being a good skater. There were thousands of athletes that did not manage to reach the heights that she had.
But, he remembered the one year, when they were both younger, that she had managed to reach the Junior Grand Prix Final, and he did catch her free program. She was older for a skater competing in the junior division; eighteen and soon to turn nineteen, and she had finished in last place with a disastrous short program. Her free skate was gutsy and mostly clean, and she climbed up to fifth, but whoever coached her jump technique should have been banned from the sport forever. She had one of the worst hammer toes he had ever seen. She slowed down and came to almost a complete stop before she jumped. Her flip edge was abysmal. 
Dongfang Qingcang did not usually pay attention to other skaters. They were irrelevant to his goals. The athletes in his own discipline could not beat him, let alone those in others. But he did remember that Lanhua had been loved. Her skating skills were immaculate, her spins breathtaking, and her musicality was second to none. And she was cute, apparently. She had a bright, slightly silly personality that appealed to fans. Not that he was paying attention, but he did recall her almost falling on her face on the way to the Kiss and Cry after that free skate. People found that charming, supposedly. 
Musicality, grace, emotional expression, were all things that fans loved. “Bare your soul on the ice” or some such. Changheng skated like that, and for that he was maybe, more popular a skater than Dongfang Qingcang was. But the results did not favor him. Perhaps if he spent more time cleaning up his quad lutz than he did working with modern dance troupes, he could actually win a few gold medals to go along with his endless collection of silver. 
Because none of that alone brought results. Changheng’s fangirls did not decide whose name would be etched in the history of the sport. The victories were not his, the world records were not his. 
 Lanhua vanished from international competitions only a year or so after that Junior Grand Prix Final. She’d been forced by age to move up to the senior level, and she couldn’t hold her own there, quickly overshadowed and outscored by several other skaters from her federation. It was the fate of so many young skaters. Dongfang Qingcang’s younger brother had been one of them. Though perhaps Xunfeng could have gone further in the sport if— never mind. 
His father had always told him to focus on only himself. The enemy was nothing more than a distraction, and who they were was irrelevant. On the ice there was only him, and in competition, the only skater that mattered was him. He stood atop a podium so high above the other men he skated against, that they were not worth breaking his concentration for. He was the prodigy. He was the son of his father’s dreams. There was nothing that could break him if he merely did what his father told him. Skated like his father told him. Ate like his father told him. Lived like his father told him. Dressed like his father told him. Practiced until his father told him to stop. 
His father was wrong. He had always been wrong. 
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practically-an-x-man · 8 months
This has been sitting in my Google Docs practically since Stranger Things s4 came out, and I've done nothing with it since then (haven't had time with my other WIPs), so here you go! It only about half of the first chapter, but it went down well on the page.
Anyway, I'll write the full thing eventually and I'm sure I'll make some changes to it, but I felt like posting this first bit since I felt pretty good about it.
Pairing: future Eddie Munson (and maybe Steve Harrington?) x OC
Words: 2.5k, unfinished first chapter
As if it wasn't embarrassing enough to be held back for two extra years, now the school had decided to take matters into their own hands. 
In a word: humiliating. And that wasn't a term he used lightly. Eddie typically renounced shame as an overrated and generally useless emotion, but this was taking it a step too far. 
Every Tuesday and Thursday after school, sitting in the library as some geeky kid with perfect grades and no will to live tried to accomplish what dozens of professional teachers had failed to do. They all did it the same way: long-winded lectures, going page-by-page through the books, then most of them eventually just giving up and sliding Eddie the class notes. And they all wore that small stupid half-smile… smirk… thing. That blend of trying-to-be-friendly mixed with oh-you-poor-thing and a little bit of thank-God-I'm-not-like-him. And a little bit of fear. Always a little fear of Eddie the Freak.
He was no stranger to this. It wasn't the first time the school had tried this. This was… Tutor Number Five? Six? The first one this year. And all the other ones were off to college to become doctors and lawyers and other professional-people, and Eddie was left in the dust.
His best record: three months. Three months of the library-lectures, dutifully plodding on in search of that just-passing D+, and then his tutor - a tall ginger girl with more freckles than she had hairs on her head - just stopped showing up. Oh well.
His worst? Nine-point-five days. Some squirrely-looking kid with glasses and a reddish-purple scar across his cheek. Eddie didn't even remember his name, he was gone that quick. He figured he must have spooked the kid somehow, because he ran off in the middle of the session. Hence the point-five.
Really, it wasn't that bad at first. Annoying, sure, but it was clear they all just saw him as any other kid in need of tutoring. The indifference was relieving, if a little dry.
Three years in, though, he'd built a reputation for himself. He didn't mind having a reputation… when he was on his own turf. Or even neutral ground, the lunchroom or the courtyard. But the library was their turf. Geekville. Population… not Eddie. Which just made him feel like he was swimming with the sharks.
This particular shark was small. A lemon shark, maybe. A dogfish at best, ready to gnaw at his ankles. She was even smaller than Dustin, though it was hard to tell with most of her figure hidden behind the table and the stack of books on top of it. Her hair was somewhere between dark blonde and light brown, tied back out of her face in a braid. She was lacking the expected glasses-and-braces, though he could see the Badge of Geekville painted all over her Purdue University sweater. Early Decision, he guessed. Maybe even graduating early. She'd be out of his hair soon, then.
"Ashley Kinzler," his counselor had said, "I think you'll like her. The two of you share a few common interests."
Yeah, right. he thought back. 
Ashley Kinzler looked up as he approached, and flashed him a smile that was, of course, all straight white teeth. Maybe he wasn't so wrong about the braces, then. She must have had them at some point. Her top lip seemed to disappear when she smiled. Her bottom lip wasn't swayed quite so easily.
It wasn't the usual sort of smile he got. At the very least, he didn't see any pity-the-lost-cause or fear-the-Freak in there. That was a start.
"Ashley, right?" he guessed as he climbed into the chair across from her.
"Edward." she deadpanned in response, that smile falling, and Eddie blinked. She had gray eyes. Stony gray eyes, not a hint of laughter, and she said his name (full name, no less) with the same tone as the principal whenever he caught Eddie skipping class.
Jesus H. Christ. This was going to be some fresh Hell if this was how she was going to-
Ashley Kinzler broke out in laughter so suddenly it made Eddie's head spin. He blinked again.
"I'm kidding!" she laughed, sticking out a hand, "Only my dad calls me Ashley. It's just Ash."
Just Ash. The girl who, within five seconds of meeting him, pulled the rug out from under him (and usually that was Eddie's job). Whose gray eyes, eyes the same color as… well, ash, were now gleaming with humor. Eddie relaxed. He liked this one. For now, at least.
"Got it." he said, baring her a toothy grin of his own and shaking her offered hand, "Nice to meet you, Just Ash. I'm Just Eddie."
She laughed again, apparently ignoring the way it made a few disdainful heads turn in their direction. Maybe she wasn't quite as meek as her teeny-tiny dogfish body would imply.
His counselor's voice echoed in his head again.
"She's got a four-point-oh GPA and has taken half the AP classes at Hawkins. If anyone can help you, it's her."
"So, um," Ash stammered, tapping her nails on the desk a little nervously. She had on black nail polish. All black, all ten fingers. Eddie found that a little interesting. He would have expected… purple, maybe. Or blue, like a soft blue? Not black. That seemed a little too intense compared with the rest of her.
"Should we get started?" she asked finally, drawing his eyes back up to her face.
Sooner we get started, sooner we get this over with. Sooner I can go work on setting up tomorrow's Hellfire session.
"Alright," Ash said, "Three strikes." 
Eddie's brow crinkled, but he recovered quickly.
"It's gonna take a lot more than three strikes to get me through pre-calc." he replied with a grin, "Can I interest you instead in a game of bowling? Y'know, where strikes are a good thing?"
"No, no, that's-" Ash cut herself off with a breathy chuckle, "That's not what I mean. It's a game- well, sorta. It's how I start all my tutoring sessions. But we don't have to do it, if you don't want to."
"I like games." Eddie said, leaning forward across the table, "Hit me."
"Okay… here's how it works. We take turns. You say something you think is true about me, I say something I think is true about you. Every time you get something wrong, you get a strike. First to three strikes loses." 
Ash gave him a challenging grin, "But I always win."
"Oh yeah?"
She shrugged, eyes still gleaming. "People make more assumptions about me than you think."
"Straight A's." he said, tilting his chin at her. Ash gave a singular nod.
"Metalhead." she returned, an equally easy assumption. 
"You're in band." he guessed. Another nod.
"Percussion." she answered, "And… you play guitar." She gestured at his hands, and Eddie realized he had been picking at the calluses on his fingertips. 
"I'm making this too easy, aren't I?" he said, dropping his hands into his lap with a grin. Then he tilted his chin towards her, "You're going to Purdue."
"Strike one." Ash responded, a conspiratorial smile twitching at her lips. She tugged at the sleeves of her sweater, "This was my mother's."
Her gray eyes flicked over his figure, lips pursed as she hunted for some sort of clue.
"That lunchbox," she said, gesturing to the black tin box by his elbow, "That lunchbox doesn't contain food, let's put it that way."
"How'd you-"
"I pay attention." she responded vaguely, "But don't worry." She pinched her fingers and drew them across her mouth, "My lips are sealed."
Eddie pressed his lips together, but nodded.
"You're going to work in crime. A lawyer or a detective or something." He didn't have much evidence for that one (well, except for everything about this conversation), but he had a hunch.
And sure enough, Ash nodded.
"The last book you read was for school." she guessed.
"Nope." Eddie replied, popping the "p" for dramatic effect, "Strike one."
The second Monster Manual was sitting in his backpack as they spoke. Not exactly fine literature, but it definitely wasn't for school.
"You're probably into Cyndi Lauper or Fleetwood Mac." he countered.
"Strike two." Ash replied, then shrugged, "They're not bad, but not really my kind of thing."
"What is your kind of thing?" 
"That's not the game." she pointed out, flashing him a cheeky grin. "Did your dad teach you guitar?"
"No. My uncle." he responded, careful to keep his tone from sounding guarded. She meant it as a harmless question. So he just tilted his head and smirked at her. "Strike two for you."
"You are a tough nut to crack, Eddie Munson."
"And you… have never done anything stronger than Tylenol."
Ash frowned at that one, as if it were a hard question to answer. After a long moment, she nodded. 
"I'll give you that one. Hospitals don't count."
"Hospitals?" he repeated. Ash shot him a warning look, gray eyes going stormy. Eddie decided it was probably best to back off.
After a moment, the storm clouds gave way to clear skies again, and her eyes flicked over his shirt. Ash smiled, as if she'd just cracked some great code.
"You got the Hellfire Club thing from X-Men." she said, "Which means you… are more of a nerd than you let on."
"Not bad." he admitted, glancing down at the stylized demon on his shirt. He looked back at Ash, drumming his fingers on the table as he thought through his next play. "And you have a sister, don't you?" He thought he’d seen her before, here or there, and sometimes she was accompanied by a girl a few years younger.
"Stepsister. I'll count it." she responded, "You don't. You're an only child."
He nodded.
"Dog person?"
"Yeah. You haven't cut your hair since middle school."
"Yeah. Neither have you."
"Cheap. But you're right." Ash shrugged, "English is your best subject.”
“What, did they show you my grade records?” Eddie challenged, leaning back in his seat, “That’s cheating, you know.”
“Nope. Those are confidential.” she countered effortlessly, “I can just tell. You like telling stories. You like being a part of the stories. Which means English is probably your best." 
His eyebrows must have lifted straight to his hairline, but he nodded.
"You’re good.” he huffed, competitive annoyance sparking through him. Eddie chewed his lip, dark eyes flicking over her as he tried to pick out another clue. She was still picking at the hem of her sweater, fiddling with a loose thread. It was her mother’s, she’d said. And she had a stepsister, which meant one of her parents had gotten remarried at some point. He was willing to bet it was her father. 
And just like that, he had his guess.
“I'm sorry you lost your mom."
"Damn, Munson," she muttered, "Though I guess I set that one up, didn't I?"
"Just a little." he admitted, though he felt a pang of guilt for having guessed correctly. Was the game usually this intense when she played it with other people?
"You like making people laugh." Ash guessed a moment later, looking at him with those inscrutable gray eyes. It was like she was looking straight into his mind and plucking out all the thoughts that sat there. The next time he put a wizard into his Hellfire campaign, he was sure he’d give the wizard the same sharp, all-seeing gray eyes.
"Who doesn't?" he pointed out, remembering at once what she’d said.
"But I mean, you'd do anything for the sake of a joke. Like standing on lunch tables." Ash replied. He couldn't exactly argue with that.
"Yeah, alright." 
The game seemed to be moving into tougher territory, past the east and obvious assumptions and moving into more difficult realms. And he wanted to give her a hardball.
"You… have had a crush on the same guy for years, but you won't ask him out because you're afraid of rejection. And he's probably on the basketball team."
And Ash laughed.
"Hell no! Those guys are assholes." she blurted, shaking her head, "Strike three, Munson. I told you I always win."
"I guess we'll have to have a rematch." 
Despite the game, he still didn't know all that much about her. But, maybe even because of the game, he was curious. 
“I suppose we will.” Ash agreed, shooting him a warm smile, “But another time.” She drummed her fingers on the table, and Eddie found himself wondering once again at that black nail polish. He was sure it didn’t mean anything. She probably just liked black. Enough people did. But he had a hunch.
“So,” she started, sliding a notebook off her massive stack of books and flipping it open, “Tell me about your day. Any day. What do you like to do?”
“Aren’t we supposed to be doing pre-calc?”
She pressed her lips together for a long moment, debating how to respond. Her fingers were tapping on the table again, and Eddie could have sworn the rhythm sounded like a few of the drum fills in For Whom the Bell Tolls. 
“We could, if you really wanted to get it over with,” she finally said, “But I don’t think you’d retain much. I don’t mean that in a rude way- not at all. But it seems like that’s not your kind of learning, and it’s not really my kind of teaching either. I think this’ll go a lot better if I know a little more about you.”
He found it a little funny, how quickly she could switch from tutor-mode to what sounded like genuine friendly conversation, then back to tutor-mode just as quickly. He still wasn’t entirely sure what to make of her.
“I could start, if you want.” she blurted a moment later, “If that’s more comfortable.” She didn’t give him a chance to decide, just leaned back in her seat and smiled.
“Hi, I’m Ash Kinzler. I’m nineteen years old, and I’m a senior. I grew up in Muncie, and my family moved to Hawkins two years ago. It’s me, my dad, my stepmom and stepsister, and our dog. Her name’s Layla. The dog, I mean. My stepsister’s name is Isabelle. Let’s see… I’ve played percussion since I was in sixth grade… tried out for All-State once but didn’t make it past the district level. I’d love to be in a band sometime- like, a real band, not a school band. I like music and horror novels and word puzzles, and I’m planning to study law in college.”
“Wait, you’re nineteen?” Eddie asked, so focused on that part that’s he barely heard the rest, “But-”
“Yup.” Ash replied, apparently reading his mind, “Long story short - very short - I ended up in the hospital and had to re-do my freshman year once I got back. Don’t ask, because you’re not getting anything else. Your turn.”
He didn’t miss how cagy she’d gotten at the mention of the hospital.
[And that's all I've got of it so far, didn't even finish the first chapter, but I really enjoyed the energy of it. Definitely need to go back and give it a little more attention once I have the chance.]
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bwobgames · 1 year
Previous First
"Is. Is this it? How has this incredibly flashy looking man managed to get away from authorities every time? At this point, i am actively hoping for some type of fraud"
The weird guy gets into a motorcycle, The police force gets into their car and give chase
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"Is this your first car chase?"
"Yes, have you been to many?"
"Oh, all the time! Sometimes, we let the criminals get away a bit so we can have a cool chase scene, I appeared on TV for it once!"
"Wow, thats so smart!"
"Im definitely posting this recording on my blog"
They get out, and they find the motorcycle in the wall of a poorly lit street, near an alleway.
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They look around for a minute
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"Welp, we did our best. Time for dinner"
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"Lets get burgers"
"But what about pizza"
"Um. What about, the report?"
"Oh yeah, whoever makes the report needs to say we were here for an hour, no, make it two"
"...Well, this case is closed. I guess I'll stick around for more evidence but this should keep my client content."
"God, I hope the guys from the capital are better. These didn't even look for clues! Even just me could catch him if I tried!"
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"In fact.
I could try.
I dont want to go with those guys anyways "
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"Ugh, if Im pursuing a criminal, I am getting out of this uncomfortable jacket, and that ugly hat.
I hope this case ends soon so I can shave again.
And a haircut, I need a haircut"
One climb later
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"Maybe I was too harsh on those guys, i would also prefer burgers to conquering the vertical axis"
The wind blows, He looks up
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And completes his mission
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He caught the criminal
"There he is. That winged fucker"
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safetycar-restart · 1 year
omg omg omega!fabio and comfort after a long/bad race. or he’s angry and goes to his nest and comfort ensues from there. (also thanks so much for talking more on motogp because i have never heard about it until you started posting it❤️)
Aw firstly, I'm so glad you're enjoying Motogp! Remember that you guys can always send me questions if you're confused about something to do with the sport and I'll happily help out. I love Motogp so much and it's criminally underappreciated on Tumblr so I'll always be up for helping new fans with it.
Anyway, omega!fabio!!
I fully agree that he just dives into his nest after a bad race. I think he has two moods after races: he's either very happy and excited or he's very sad and frustrated. There's no in-between with him, no race that he ends just feeling okay. It's always one of the two opposites.
And either way, he wants you.
If he's happy, then he'll want you to go out with him! If he's sad, then he'll want you to comfort him in his nest. (And if you aren't there, then he MUST FaceTime you. He has to. And not just a call, it must be a FaceTime because he wants to see you.)
The moment the race was over, you went right to his motorhome and into his nest, making sure that he had enough blankets and pillows in the room to add more to the nest if he wanted and checking that there were enough snacks for a small army.
Then you climb into the nest and wait for him.
You used to wait outside his nest, never wanting to enter it without his permission, but he would get genuinely distressed at the thought of his alpha choosing to wait outside his nest. To him, his nest is a space for the two of you, not just for him.
So yeah, you wait inside.
And after a length of time that is probably too quick for him to have adequately answered the media's questions, he comes barrelling into the room. He runs to the shower, showering in record time and then slips on a pair of boxers (bright orange) and dives into the nest.
You open your arms, letting him crawl inside. He goes straight for your neck, nuzzling there to get your scent and purring lightly when you run your hands up and down his back.
He doesn't say much at first, just lays there and gets his cuddles. You think he needs the time to decompress, but you've never actually asked him what he thinks about.
Eventually though, he'll look up at you and ask for a kiss. You give him one, of course, and then ask if he'd like to talk. He'll end up ranting a little then, complaining about what happened while hiding in your arms.
It very rarely stays at just the two of you though.
Fabio has many friends in the paddock, most of whom he has taken under his wing and who he sees as pack. When he's upset, they all make their way to Fabio's motorhome. Pretty soon the nest is full of people. Fabio stays in your arms mostly, but he's so much happier knowing that his pack are with him.
(Though he will inevitably kick them out when he wants a knot)
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zeldaelmo · 2 years
Congrats on 500 followers. As for my request' I'd be interesting in a post-Majora's Mask story where Link tells Zelda some stories about the masks he obtained.
Hey @dontasknotyourconcern! Thank you for your request! The story is a bit on the silly side — happy OoT zelink is too rare. 😄 If you like a more serious take on the post-Majora's Mask situation and their relationship, I recommend you look into my story "Somebody that I used to know", if you haven't already.
A chest full of surprises
"This is where you live?" Zelda asked, following the tug on her hand toward a memo board. 
Link grinned. "Look, these are all the records I hold across Hyrule."
"Wow." Zelda pulled her hand free and roamed the room. "But you don't even have a painting! Just… necessities! Oh, what's this?" A yellow something peeked through the crack of a chest. 
"That's… stuff I brought from Termina." His nape was red and his laugh high-pitched.
Zelda stepped back. "Excuse me, I didn't want to pry."
Her hand caught hers. "It's alright. I'll show you."
Together, they pushed the heavy lid open. 
Whoa! So many colors! And materials! Stone, wood, and feathers!?
"Masks…" The word was a hollow whisper beside her. His eyes were cloudy and although he fingered the yellow fabric, he was far, far away. "They give me different… abilities." 
Zelda ran her hand up his arm, squeezing a light pattern. He grinned half-heartedly. "Look." Up on his head, the yellow thing went, and he wiggled his head around, tearing a smile from her.
"Bunny ears? Cute."
"Yeah, they make me super fast. Really cool. Come!" He flashed down the ladder and around the clearing of Kokiri Forest like the wind. She could hardly make him out! 
Climbing up to her again, he gave her a high-five. 
"This one's fun, too." He panted, pulling out a feathered mask. "It lets me… ah, just look."
Down in the clearing, he played a march, all kinds of small forest animals joining him. Oh, he looked so cute! Zelda clapped her hands.
Back in the treehouse, he fished after another mask. "My favorite," he announced, smirking lopsidedly and snatching his shield. "Cover your ears."
He slid the ladder back down and put the mask on. It didn't look… extraordinary. Dark blue, with a white symbol on top. She leaned forward— BOOM!
"Link!" Zelda screamed, nearly falling down. 
Smoke swirled through the grass, revealing a figure gasping for air.
"Link!" Zelda shouted again. She should help him, but what if it exploded once more? 
"You should have seen your face!" Oh, the moron was laughing! Just you wait! 
He beat her to it and flew up the ladder. 
"Link, I thought you—"
He laughed, his arms spread for a hug. "That was the fun of it!"
She shooed him. "Don't get that grime over me or Impa won't allow me to visit you again!"
A pout appeared on his face, but he put the mask back.
"What's this? It's pretty." The mask Zelda held sparkled in the afternoon sun. 
"Ooooh…" He laughed hoarsely, snatching it from her hands. "It's, uhm, the couple's mask, but you weren't supposed to find that yet."
"Yet?" Zelda erupted in laughter. "Do you have a crush on me, Link?"
"What? Never! You're a girl, how gross!"
"Sure…" Zelda teased, already leaping down the ladder. 
"I'll get you!" Yellow ears flopped behind her and soon, he tackled her to the ground, bopping a black spot on her nose.
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Hi!! Just made this art acc, I'll be posting paintings, drawings, recordings of songs (I just started writing my own as well!), and other stuff I make
anyways I'm Lucy, I use all pronouns and I'm aromantic and omni
Fun facts: I love nature and being outside and stuff :)) I love hiking and rock climbing but I have a grandpa knee so that's a lotta fun, I hate sports cause competition makes me anxious, I love thriller and romance novels, I 'm allergic to like every plant and also like every animal (anything with fur basically) but I don't care and frequently cuddle with my adorable gremlin of a dog. She's a pretty princess <3
I'll probably open commissions for drawings/paintings soon, idk (also it might be on Etsy, I dunno man computers confuse me :D)
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