#i redownloaded the app just to make this joke
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allan leaving the kendom
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dragonloanshark · 2 years
every few weeks I delete tiktok and my life is instantly better yet I always redownload it thinking that maybe This Time it will go back to the fun video app it was in 2019
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jjhonanana · 1 year
I wanna baby-vent about Social Media stuff lol
(Putting it under a “read more” so if you don’t wanna read, you don’t have to 🫶🏾)
So I am semi-formally taking a break from Twitter; kind of in protest of the rebrand and slightly because I want a break from the obvious toxicity of the culture on there.
For me, Twitter really helped me build up some much needed backbone when dealing with college drama and friendship drama that was super immature and a lil traumatic at times, so I’m not completely disgusted with the app as a whole.
Is it toxic at times? Absolutely.
Is it a hell hole? Of course.
Did I need to submerge myself into an almost zero-stakes environment where I could be slightly dickish at the defense of myself and not have weird anxieties that someone would beat me up over defending myself? Apparently yeah
Did it help? Yes, very much so
Now, in terms of Tumblr, I’ve had some really good memories and enjoyed browsing it in my youth. But now, I’ve been gone for so long and been so out of the cycle of using it as both and app and browser site that I feel clunky and weird using it now. I love the idea of having a blog somewhere and just talking about stuff I enjoy and sharing silly little no-stakes accomplishments like buying a trinket or making a successful joke. But now I’m so engrossed in professionalism and preparing to be an adult in the real world that I feel so clunky and weird in my own body when it comes to operating in the public eye.
I think the point I’m getting at, I guess, is to say that I think I need to set a goal for myself of using tumblr to be clunky and weird until I get un-clunky and un-weird in expressing myself “unprofessionally”, as well as just enjoy a site that’s fun and not speed racing into a mega-collapse while the world is also mega-collapsing.
Yeah, I think that’s it. I guess this is my official new start to tumblr?
Or I might just give up tonight and redownload Twitter and pretend I didn’t make this huge statement.
It’d be funny either way lol 🤷🏾‍♂️🫶🏾
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citydumpsterrat · 1 year
Four years ago I skipped my hometown after an especially nasty breakup. I didn’t want to see what my ex was doing or any of the fun stuff my friends were doing that I had to miss out on, so I deleted Facebook and Instagram.
After that I felt like a huge weight had been lifted from my chest. I never noticed how much worse I felt leaving those apps than I felt when I entered them, so I never redownloaded them. I only recently made a new instagram where I only follow close friends I see regularly. It’s unbelievable the impact it’s had on my self-esteem and negative thought patterns.
Two weeks ago I decided to delete Tik Tok, as it was draining my phone battery and I’m out of the house a minimum of 12 hours a day.
I have read 3 books in the last two weeks. I’ve started projects I promised to friends years ago. Once again, it’s unbelievable the impact this has had on my self-esteem and negative thought patterns. I’m not as angry.
And I don’t even follow supermodels or anything like that. I follow regular people who cook and clean and make silly jokes.
When I told my closest friend I was planning on deleting the app, she said “I think that’ll be really good for you”, and that really bothered me.
Why would it just be good for me? This friend in particular is always knee deep in online drama, follows trends at a drop of a dime, and is always telling me about how something mundane and harmless she saw on Tik Tok made me far more angry than o realistically should have.
All of this to say, human being we’re not built to take in the constant stream of information that we do. I think deleting most of your social media would be good for a lot of us.
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bluslushy · 2 years
I'm, one panic attack and one fursona design away from becoming um jammer lammy
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rpf-bat · 2 years
24. "Do you want to go out sometime...?" || "Like a date?" || "Y-yeah, like a date" Joel/Niko... maybe with a little teasing Niko as in recent prompt about make out in public, it was so funny ;)
Here you go! I feel lucky I get to write Niko/Joel so often lately lol. This one wound up being surprisingly long :0 It’s 1,103 words.
“Hi,” Joonas grinned as he opened the door, to invite Niko inside. “Thank you for coming!”
“Don’t I always?” Niko smiled back, as he walked into Joonas’ apartment. For a while now, the Helsinki boys (Joel, Joonas, Niko, and Aleksi) had a tradition. Every Sunday night (when they weren’t on tour), they would eat dinner together, and hang out and drink beer. It had actually become Niko’s favorite day of the week.
“What are we eating tonight?” Niko asked, as he took off his jacket, and hung it on the rack by the door.
“Baked salmon,” Joonas beamed. “It’s almost finished.”
“Awesome. Hi, Joel!,” Niko greeted, when he saw the band’s other singer, sitting on Joonas’ couch.
“Oh,” Joel scowled, barely looking up from the hockey game he was watching. “Hey.”
“What’s his problem?” Niko asked Joonas in a whisper.
“Who knows,” Joonas sighed. “He’s been acting out of sorts, since yesterday afternoon. Can you help me set the table?”
“Sure,” Niko shrugged, following Joonas into the kitchen. He grabbed four plates out of the cabinet, while Joonas peeked into the oven, to check on the salmon.
“You said Joel’s been cranky since yesterday afternoon?” Niko repeated, as he grabbed forks from a drawer.
“Yeah,” Joonas nodded, sticking the pan back in the oven. “He’s been in a terrible mood.”
“I thought about it, and I realized I might know why,” Niko confessed. “Yesterday, he asked me if I wanted to go over to his place, and hang out. I told him I was busy.”
“What were you busy doing?” Joonas asked curiously.
“Oh, I matched with some girl on Tinder,” Niko shrugged. “So, I went to a bar on Iso Roobertinkatu to meet her for drinks. But, we didn’t really hit off.”
“Oh, of course he got upset,” Joonas blinked, suddenly understanding the situation. “He’s jealous.”
“Well, if he’s jealous of me, he can redownload the app,” Niko scoffed. “I know he deleted Tinder like a year ago, because he wasn’t having any luck. But, we’re both famous rock stars now. I’m sure he could find a girl to go on a date with, too!”
“No, Niko,” Joonas sighed, pressing the bridge of his nose between his fingertips. “It’s not you he’s jealous of.”
It took about twenty seconds, for Niko’s brain to catch up, and realize what the guitarist was implying.
“Wait…you mean….?”
“Yeah,” Joonas nodded. “He’s felt that way for a while, dude. I thought it was obvious.”
Of course it’s not obvious! Niko thought, his heart racing. People should just be straightforward and say how they feel. You know what? That’s what I’m going to do right now.
“Joel!” Niko barked, as he strode back into the living room.
“Why are you shouting?” Joel grumbled. “I’m right here!”
“Do you want to go out sometime?” Niko asked, point-blank.
“….What?” Joel blinked, turning the TV off, to make sure he hadn’t heard Niko incorrectly. “Like, a date?”
“Yeah, like a date,” Niko grinned.
“Where the hell did that come from?“ Joel reddened. “You can’t just randomly ask someone…”
“Porko says you’ve been pouting since yesterday, because I went on a date with someone else,” Niko explained. “So, do you want to go on a date with me?”
“Do you…,” Joel stammered, still not quite believing this was real. “Do you actually want to, or do you just feel sorry for me?”
“Hell yeah, I actually want to!” Niko laughed. “Dude, I’ve thought you were good-looking forever. I just didn’t know you were interested in me, in that way.”
“You think I’m good looking?” Joel repeated, still looking quite baffled.
“Of course! I think you’re second best looking guy in Blind Channel,” Niko joked.
“Let me guess,” Joel snorted, rolling his eyes. “The best looking one is you?”
“Do you disagree?” Niko smirked.
“I…,” Joel blushed. “No, I don’t disagree with you. I…I think you’re really handsome, Niko. I always have.”
“Alright then,” Niko decided. “I’ll pick you up at seven o’clock tomorrow. Dress nice.”
“You two are going on an actual date?!” Joonas gasped.
How fucking long had he been eavesdropping?
“Uh, yeah,” Joel said shyly. “I guess we are.”
“Can I tell Aleksi when he gets here?” Joonas asked.
“No!” Joel said quickly, turning red again. “It’s not his business.”
“Since you two are dating now,” Joonas grinned mischievously, “are you going to kiss?”
“Huh?” Joel bleated, turning pinker than the salmon they were about to eat. “No! Of course we’re not!”
“We’re not?” Niko pouted.
Joel’s blue eyes flicked back over to Niko’s green ones.
“Because,” Niko confessed with a sly grin, “I kind of want to. …Do you not want to kiss me?”
“I mean, I do,” Joel admitted. “But this is so sudden, and it’s way too awkward, with Joonas standing right there!”
“I can leave,” Joonas offered with a wink.
“But….it’s your fucking house?” Joel protested.
“I just realized I forgot to buy salad, to go with the salmon,” Joonas shrugged. “So, I need to run across the street for a second, and buy some from the supermarket. That’s cool with you guys, right?”
“Sure,” Niko grinned, silently thanking Joonas for being such a good wingman.
“Okay, byeeeee!” Joonas called, giggling as he ran out the door.
“…What the hell?” Joel mumbled. “I don’t think he actually forgot the salad.”
“I don’t think so, either,” Niko snickered. “But….I think we’re alone now.”
His eyes fell on Joel’s lips. He’d been attracted to them for a long time.
“So…can I kiss you?” Niko asked.
He enjoyed watching Joel turn even redder.
“Y-Yeah,” Joel said, his voice barely above a whisper. “You can.”
Niko didn’t have to be told twice. He leaned down, pressing Joel’s body into the back of the couch, and kissed him on the mouth.
Joel seemed stunned at first, as if part of him still thought he was dreaming. But, soon, his body began to respond. He kissed Niko back, his hands winding into the other man’s long, dark hair.
The kiss deepened as Niko straddled Joel’s lap with his thick thighs. He withdrew his tongue from Joel’s mouth, and placed a second kiss on Joel’s neck.
The sound that came out of the blonde’s mouth as he bit down was loud, and Niko smirked. I wonder what other sorts of noises I could make Joel….
His thoughts were interrupted, by the sound of a knock at the door.
“Fuck,” Joel swore. “That must be Allu.”
“Then I guess,” Niko said, reluctantly climbing out of Joel’s lap, “we’ll have to save the rest of that for our date tomorrow.”
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mr-humphries · 2 years
Okay now talk about sieglinde assaulting ciel and sebastian coercing beast and the nun into sex!
(Honestly, I haven't re read the manga, I had to redownload a manga reader app for this)
I'd also like to say I am in no way defending the characters 👁👁
Ok so, I'll start with the Emerald witch scene.
During this scene, Sebastian and ciel are in a castle chamber, Sebastian preparing Ciel for bed as usual because the kid is utterly fucking useless at any normal standard of living, and they catch Sieglinde eavesdropping on them.
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In this scene in particular, I do think that the WHOLE thing is a misunderstanding.
I'd like to put this into perspective, being locked away, qnd only seeing the same people for a whole 11-13 years of your life, never seeing an outsider until a moment where people enter, a guy around your age and his butler. Sieglinde hasn't necessarily been taught to keep hands to herself or really anything about sex in general.
And with that I'd like to point out, she gets her information from books, and since wolfram is the only man protecting her who she sees more as a guard dog than a man its easy to become misunderstood.
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When she touches Ciel, he, rightfully so, reacts in a negative way that sieglinde doesn't understand, and she reacts negatively to that.
But now that she understands that it was bad and she shouldn't do it, she never does it again.
I hate to bring in a different mangas and stuff, but a prime example of this is the umbrella scene in "Classmates" where Kusakabe holds Sajou up against a fence to kiss him, and it being in public, which is where Sajou pushes him away, telling him no again.
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And as a consequence of this, sajou breaks up with him.
But guess what happened after?
Kusakabe learns Sajou doesn't like PDA when there's people around, and only gets a little more comfortable towards the end of "Classmates" and during "Graduates".
All these characters are around the same age bracket (teenagers), and they have no experience with relationships, let alone sexual ones.
Do I think what sieglinde did was wrong? Yes. Do I think she should be COMPLETELY demonized for it? No. She's a child, man. A child who doesn't even know what life outside her village is like and grew up mostly around women.
That's not a sex offender, that's a lesbian /j
Jokes aside, sieglinde has done the bad thing, suffered the consequences, and not done it again. It's how children learn. If she was a repeat offender and constantly groped someone, then yes, what the fuck is she doing, but it was one moment. And just one.
I'll start off with the manga while I have it open.
And as sebastians an adult, not a lot to explain.
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In BoC, Sebastian is 100% completely coaxing the poor girl into sex. He, in his own words, says "the prey is deceived with sweet words and dragged into the darkness". And that's what demons do, deceive humans, its whole heartedly in his character to do something like this to get to get he wants. Just like how he did ciel, took advantage of him going through something traumatic to set up a contract in trade of his soul, albeit, not sexual, but its still deceit with a sugar coated glaze.
The nun scene in the anime, I find is completely on the opposite side of the spectrum.
(I'm not happy about having to look up this scene)
From what I remember, the nun was already attracted to Sebastian, him being conventionally hot and such, it was much easier for sebastian to just flirt with her and show off to her.
It begins with sebastian just asking the nun about herself to get some answers, there are no traces of hesitation only flustered stuttering, which is when sebastian makes a move on her, before giving her an earthshattering bang /hj
In my opinion, the nun wasn't coerced, in fact, she was completely on board with it, girl was just really nervous and shy, but she didn't say no or nothing. However, people view that scene in different ways, whether from personal experience or just an icky feeling from the scene altogether.
And since its not necessarily Canon to the manga, and was meant to be a joke for some funny ha has by the producers, i feel this doesn't really build on sebastians character at all. However, to each their own, we love opinions here.
Thanks for the question anon, really got me into a writing mood LMAO
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serenityseventeen · 3 years
Love & Letter: To The Thirteen Boys I've Loved Before
The Third Letter
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To: Hong Jisoo/Joshua
From: Y/N
To Joshua,
this is a letter for you, confessing my true feelings because I can't do it in person and I never will.
I also want to apologize for overhearing what you said a few hours ago. I don't know if it was sincere or if you just wanted to make an excuse and hide your feelings. Don't worry, I'm not thinking that you did the second one. I believe that you truly don't like me back the way I like you. I truly believe that you told your friend that with full sincerity. You denied it when he asked, “Do you like Y/N?” because you don't like me in that way.
Honestly, when I heard that from my bedroom window, I was heartbroken. Of course, that's because I just found out the guy I was beginning to fall in love with didn't like me the same way. I didn't cry, just sat in the corner of my bed, in the dark, listening to sad songs.
“Do you like Y/N?”
You chuckled and I can picture you covering your mouth habitually.
“Y/N? Why do you ask?”
“I'm just curious.”
“Well, you two hang out a lot lately.”
“No, I don't like Y/N like that.”
The conversation is still fresh in my mind.
Joshua, hope that we can still be friends. I hope that we can still be neighbors. I know that you're a good person inside and out, Joshua. If I can't love you in the way I do, I won't love you at all. I don't want to ruin the neighbor-friend relationship we have even if I want more than that. You're a great guy and I mean that.
I still have the shirt you gave me but I've stuffed it behind my closet so that I won't have any traces of you. I want to stop my feelings for you as quickly as possible because I know, I would still have to face you, talk with you, and see you. If I can't tuck away these feelings, I'll fall deep. I just want someone to come into my life and take me away from you. That's how much I liked you, Joshua.
I want to ask you, am I being too obvious with my feelings? Are my insecurities showing to you? When you see me, can you tell that my heart is jumping because of you? Joshua, I think you're aware of how I feel but you're just not accepting it because you don't want to hurt me, am I right?
That shirt that you gave me, I can't just return it to you out of the blue, it's probably too strange, right? If I did, you would realize that something was up with me. I can't let that happen now so I'm writing you this letter.
I think about the day we both had our first interaction a lot. It was the week after your family moved into the house next to mine. You were watering the flowers in the front yard and got distracted by a bird. I remember, as I was walking by your house to my bus stop at the corner of the block, I caught a glance of you waving to a common brown bird.
Thinking about this meeting made me laugh. I didn't know I would meet a person in this kind of way but apparently, I met you like this. Just one second after I turned on my music and plugged my left ear, water just splashed on me! For some reason, I wasn't angry, I was just flustered and a bit amused.
I froze in the middle of the sidewalk and when I turned to you, I guess I looked intimidating? You bowed so many times and kept on repeating your apology.
Of course, you didn't know that you looked so cute while bowing and apologizing.
I guess you told your mom about it while expressing how sorry you were. When I came back home from school, your mother confronted me to give me some food. I don't know if you knew about this but she told me that she was sorry for you getting me wet this morning.
The next day, you came up to me with the shirt, continuing to apologize. I think that sparked our friendship. Soon, we were inviting each other over for a barbeque. Your family and my family were both small so I guess it felt like we were just one big family having dinner, cooking outdoors. It makes me feel guilty for thinking of you like that but was I able to help it? No, not really.
Gosh... Am I writing too much? It's not like we did much together. We talked a lot. You talked with me a lot. You also helped me whenever I was having a hard time with schoolwork. At first, you seemed like a mature and gentleman type of guy but the closer we grew made me realize that you're a bit playful too. That's a quality of yours, Joshua. To me, it seemed like our personalities fit perfectly.
Of course, you don't see it that way though. I was probably just a friend that helped you get used to the area. I think I was able to tell you just about everything because you were so trustworthy. You were just a friend I was desperate to keep but that desperation led me to grow feelings for you. In time, I'll get used to it.
There were times aside from when we talk that made me fall for you. To you, I'm probably nothing more than a sibling-like neighbor. Do you treat me like a sibling because we both have none?
Sometimes, you would fix my hair for me, tucking a strand behind my ear. Sometimes you would pat my shoulder and compliment me, saying that I looked good. You always remind me to be careful. You always remember things about me that I don't.
Sometimes you would joke around, saying I had something behind my ear, or in my hair, and then you'd give me a flower. I noticed your love for grass because of that.
Why are you such a warm, gentle, and kind guy? You've only fed me sweet moments.
Even your warm smile is always stuck in my mind. Do you know how much comfort I receive from your smile? Whenever I look into your twinkling eyes, I always feel my heart skip a beat. The sun seems to always be on your side, making you glow.
Do you know that whenever you're focused on creating bracelets and stuff, you look handsome? I don't want to sound like a fangirl, but I think you look attractive when you're focused. Plus, you create each bracelet with so much care and sincerity that it makes me wonder when I'll get one. They are all so pretty.
I also want to ask this.
Gizzy. Who is she to you?
I first met her when I was going to your house to return a cup that your mother gave me. Gizzy was standing there with her twin brother and she asked me who I was. At that moment, I knew what kind of person she was. You seem to be friends with her twin but she always tags along to your house.
Joshua, I don't know if you can tell, but she's not right for you. I know that you know she likes you, but please, whatever it is, don't date her. If you do fall for a girl like her, I'll be questioning myself all year long.
I'm deciding not to love you anymore but I'm not writing this piece of advice out of jealousy. You two are truly a bad match. I don't want her to change you. Once she does get you, she's going to make you distance yourself from me. I can tell. She doesn't like me and I don't like her either.
I'm sure you know yourself better, Joshua.
That's just a piece of advice that I'm scared to say to you. Maybe one day I'll tell you to not date her. For now, I'm going to stay silent and act as if I don't have any opinions. I don't want to distance us and since you're my neighbor, I especially don't want to make you angry.
I also noticed that you don't get angry easily, which makes me think that you're scary when you're angry. You seem so angelic that I can follow you to the deepest ends of the world, giving you my whole trust. Even if you do get extremely angry at me one day, enough to yell at me, I will still trust you fully. I can trust you with my hand when on the edge of a cliff.
You did get slightly angry at me a few times and whenever I think of those moments, my heart still beats nervously.
I remember once when you were extra sensitive and I accidentally provoked you by continuously asking how you were feeling and you sort of snapped at me. I don't blame you though because that day, I must have been annoying, worrying about you too much and getting too much into your business. The feeling... It was a bit shocking.
After that, you could tell by my expression that I was shocked and you apologized, saying you didn't feel well. I apologized too but whenever I thought of that time, I would feel my heart grow heavy, even though you had patted my head that day.
Joshua, I hope that you can find someone good for you. It won't be me or Gizzy. Find someone that you truly love.
I hope we can still be friends because you're a really great, amazing person. I hope that we can still be friends, neighbors, continue having our barbeques and family gatherings. I'm determined to fall out of love with you so that I can see you as a brother-like neighbor. I want to have that kind of close relationship.
Let's be good friends and neighbors.
You won't even know I ever liked you.
I hope you'll just think that way.
Your friend and neighbor,
© serenityseventeen
6/19/21 - 5:48 pm
a/n: A few days ago, I powered off my phone since the keyboard was laggy (it does that whenever I copy and paste too much) and it had to go through a factory data reset, which meant I lost all my data since I don't use an SD card... I had to redownload everything, including apps, music, etc. THANK GOD I moved all my writing to my Google drive. Sigh, I wanted to write but I had to redo everything and I lost all of my plot ideas for my requests...
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Do you write fic, or would you? Because your Max and Daniel retirement post? Max letting Daniel finger him open on the couch! AT LEAST HE CAN STILL SEE THE VIEW
Firstly, thank you for liking my Joni induced Maxiel haze. She is a gift, I am merely a vessel for the message.
Also I do not write fic! I've never written anything real or substantial before, just the headcanons in my notes app. I think I wouldn't be very good at actually putting my thoughts into any real plot or dialogue, or character voice (which i think would be the part I would struggle with the most). But I do LOVE to ramble on in the tags under posts (sorry to all the OPs) and to anything in my ask box. So please come back if there is anything you would like to hear from me! And just for you, (because this ask is old im so sorry) some extended Help Me: Where does a house become a home? (not alone. not alone) Maxiel below.
Max gets the cats a few months after Daniel leaves. They run around behind the brakes sometimes when he goes on the sim, and his laundry room smells like cat piss for weeks before he he buys baking soda for it like he sees on google, but when they purr at Max's legs when gets them their food in the evenings he secretly relishes in the feeling of something needing him. Not that he has to do it secretly anymore. There's no one around to see him scrunch his nose up to Sassy's, scratching behind her ear as they sit on the couch, and the makeshift fence Max puts along the balcony keeps them safe.
Alex comes over to see him sometimes. He was always a good teammate. Laughed at Max's jokes and didn't pretend to understand why Max thought Dumb and Dumber was the best movie ever made. Max likes Alex, and the cats seemed to like him too even Jimmy who always hides in Max's sim room when he has company over. They like to make you earn it, cats do. I reckon that's the difference. He thinks Alex is probably right.
He gets a notification on his private instagram account one morning.
"DannyRickyBobby03 has sent you a video"
He's deleted and redownloaded the app too many times to count.
Max opens the chat to a story from albon_pets from the day before, a video of sassy chasing an electric car toy zipping around the living room as Alex laughs in the background. The caption across the bottom of the screen reads 'Must be genetic!!'
Max clicks back into his messages with Daniel, scrolls up through the occasional memes and pictures from the Melbourne GP from that year before thumbing back to the end.
Don't let Albon crash the car out too far! I read once that cats can chew through netting if they're stubborn enough.
Max laugh reacts the message, switches over to his safari app to close his "portable cat carriers" tab, and rolls over in his bed. He has to pick up more treats at the store today, he's running low.
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iocity · 2 years
Idk if I’ve ever told this story, but like before I redownloaded tumblr (after four years) my friends would make references to tumblr memes. But I didn’t know (bc all I used was instagram on occasion and youtube). So I literally thought they all had like inside jokes, and I was like, “wow my friends are so creative and funny a heem heem whimper whimper is so funny and hilarious and stupid I love these guys.” I genuinely was so impressed by their new terms and sounds, and then I downloaded this app and realized that I was just fucking stupid. I still love those guys tho.
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sexydeathparty · 2 years
'I Just Want To Be Courted!': Bridgerton Is Back And It's Making Us Question Modern Dating
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Our favourite regency-based drama, Bridgerton, is back. And it’s making us all want to be the diamond of the season. 
We’re half-joking, of course, because most of us wouldn’t want to be a woman in the 19th century. Women now have autonomy in relationships and thankfully don’t have to marry the first duke, prince, or man of “social standing” that looks their way. But Bridgerton has made us reconsider some elements of modern dating, just a little. 
In fact, there’s even a new dating show called The Courtship, which sees contestants taking on the costumes and customs of the past in the quest for love. It follows the likes of Bridgerton and Pride and Prejudice and sees one woman seek love, regency-style, across the English countryside.
There’s something romantic about a man being intentional with you and reading poetry to win your heart. And clearly, we’re not the first to wonder if it’s time courting made a comeback. 
Here are just some of the ways the show is making us question modern dating. 
Watching Bridgerton is affirming once again that I would very much love to be courted. I wanna be fucking wooed man. Wtf is a fire emoji on a selfie you can go to hell with that sir
— Bolu Babalola (@BeeBabs) March 26, 2022
it's always "wyd" and never "you have bewitched me body and soul" or "you are the bane of my existence and the object of all my desires" pic.twitter.com/ICgfF70x1b
— athena (@earthmuses) March 26, 2022
Bridgerton is so cute i wish dating was like that instead of the modern day talking stage when a boy is nice to u for like a month and then decides he is bored like where did we actually go wrong as a society
— raman (@lNDIGOVIOLET) March 27, 2022
I'm about halfway through the 4th Bridgerton book and it just further proves my point that we shouldn't settle. I love when books make me feel like this... And then I remember what the modern dating world is like and I refuse to accept it as is. pic.twitter.com/pUMihilicf
— Samantha Dawn (@SamiDawni) January 25, 2022
Can we start dating Bridgerton style? Balls and courtships lol. And if you get caught being naughty with a woman you gotta marry her now. 🌚
— ade onibada (@SincerelyAde) March 27, 2022
Bridgerton is really making me redownload dating apps…if no one tells me that I am the bane of their existence I’m personally suing Shondaland
— ✨ (@ADropOfMagic) March 28, 2022
Bridgerton making me believe in fairytales yet again. No hope for my dating life at all😂😂😂😂
— Tiah X (@__tvh) March 26, 2022
Don’t get me wrong, I love being a single woman in my 40s but I do like the idea of a cut off! Giving up on finding a hubby at 30 when you don’t find one in your season or via family & being a contented spinster sounds fun. It would’ve saved me 12 yrs+ of bad dating! #Bridgerton
— Nina Russell (@sunflowerninja) March 26, 2022
How did we go from courting bridgerton-style to ‘yo can i get your snap’
— Hajra (@hajra1805) March 27, 2022
Watching Bridgerton makes me wanna know why men stopped courting women cause I totally want to be courted, being recited poems and so on? And men standing up from their seats once I approach? Bring back men having manners and treating their potential partners as royalty
— 💜☾ (@julisheart) March 27, 2022
Bridgerton courting > some random guy pressing his horn as you walk on the road 🤦🏽‍♀️
— Amz ✨• booktwt • (@onlyabookaway) March 28, 2022
I cannot do another extensive talking stage!!! My next relationship I need a 2 week courting period, then marriage. Just like they do in Bridgerton
— themoment🖤 (@seizeetheemomnt) March 27, 2022
Hear me our. What if…we had a courting season like Bridgerton? But like… less misogynistic
— Miki Minach (@BuryMeInChanel) March 27, 2022
Let's bring back Courting, chivalry and wooing please 😍#Bridgerton
— Di Wo Fie Asem 🇬🇧🇬🇭 (@ChocolatGodiva) March 27, 2022
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How Can I Put Myself Out There When I Don't Even Feel Confident?
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'It Set Me Free': How It Feels To Come Out As LGBTQ+ Later In Life
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Love Is Blind Proves Once Again How Western Beauty Ideals Dominate Dating
from HuffPost UK - Athena2 - All Entries (Public) https://ift.tt/rFQvLZx via IFTTT
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wanderedaway · 3 years
Getting a new phone.
1. Brand new.
2. NOICE camera. Much better than the last one. You can SEE the frizz in my hair! And the detail and whiskers on my cat's face! 😭
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3. It's big. Not too terribly big, but it makes a difference.
4. Tumblr looks awesome, especially the edits and gifs! I can't wait to make a new wallpaper for it.
5. Runs much faster and smoother than the old one.
6. More space for apps. 🥲
7. Easy access to the micro SD card.
8. I got to upgrade for an affordable price. ☺️
9. I know longer have to save gifs on my phone to use in text messages.
10. Soooooo many emojis.
11. It's a new phone! 😭
1. Set up takes AGES.
2. You have put in all your contacts. And the ringtones and the notification sounds (because I'm insane and have to have them personalized so I know who is calling or texting me at all times before I even see it.)
3. Redownload your apps.
4. There's no memo app. 😭 I'll need to find one to write my ideas/snippets in when I don't have my laptop with me. (And transfer all my old notes. 😬)
5. Learning where everything is.
6. Learning the functions. Everything just has to be different.
7. I can't take it apart like my last one in case I can fix myself. 🙃 (Just have to make everything difficult than it needs to be.)
8. Different USB hookup, so I gotta get an a new back up cord.
9. Just got a new case for Christmas, but jokes on me, gotta get a new case for this one. 😅
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yoosungiib · 7 years
Your blog just turned into my favorite! Your writing is beautiful!
Wow!!! I’m so glad my bog is one of your favorites and that you enjoy my headcanons that much. It’s totally ok to ask anonymously. I understand being shy - I can be shy myself too~ :) I hope you enjoy this! It was a fun request!
RFA + Minor Trio jealous w/ an MC’s obsession over a character from a dating game
★ Yoosung ★
This boy is a yandere so of course he absolutely hates that you play dating games.
He knows that they’re fake but god, he’s jealous.
He wants you to giggle from his jokes the way you giggle at that game. He wants you to stop dropping everything that you’re doing just to play the next chapter of the game.
He hates that game, and he especially hates that character with the blonde hair and blueish eyes.
Poor boy wants to snap the AI’s neck he can’t stand hearing you talk about it.
Yoosung usually just smiles and pretends it doesn’t bother him until he opens a package to find a fucking body pillow and he f r e A K S.
He feels really bad afterwards because he yelled at you, but you’re not upset. You found it amusing how jealous he got.
You promise him you’ll control your obsession a little and you assure your yandereish husband that you love him and only him.
Boy blushes and gives you tons of kisses before whispering into your ear, “I’ll show you just how much better I am than that AI.”
Pillow goes flying out the fucking window.
♪ Zen ♪
“All men are beasts, even in games.”
“You’re not as bad as Yoosung, are you, Jagi?”
Really doesn’t mind at first because they’re not real people.
In fact, he finds it cute how excited you get playing the game. He loves how red your face get and the little dimples that appear around your smile.
All is good.
Until this one new damn character was introduced to the game.
And you were obsessed. And I mean obsessed.
You talked about him all the time, had him as your phone background it used to be you and Zen!!! had figurines, clothing…
Zen couldn’t handle it anymore and finally took your phone while you were in the shower and deleted the app.
You kinda played him by saving the game and being able to redownload it with all your data. So Zen, sucking up his pride, admitted to be a little annoyed and jealous, wishing you would direct all that love and obsession back towards him.
Those puppy eyes Zen gave you had you apologizing immediately and promising to not talk about the guy again. You were smacked by reality that you had the real thing right in front of you!
❀ Jaehee ❀
Doesn’t understand the appeal, but ok, that’s your thing.
Thinks you could be spending your time more productively, but again, ok, that’s your thing.
She really doesn’t have a problem with it until she finds out that your phone is filled with pictures of a specific character you like.
Jaehee never thought of this before… but pictures of her used to fill your phone.
Tries not to let it get to her because she knows the woman/man in the game is not real, but still, she can’t help but feel a little jealous.
Jealousy gets a little worse; she finds herself growing bitter towards the game and your constant talk of it, hates seeing the screencaps in the RFA chatroom, and bloody hell she had a dream where she found you cheating on her with one of the characters.
Jaehee doesn’t want to ask you to delete the game or even admit that she is jealous of an AI, but she feels like she should say something.
“H-hey, what if we play a game together?”
When you guys play a few rounds of Clue, and winner gets to do whatever they want with the loser~, Jaehee realizes just how silly her jealousy is.
Because you are all over her and there is no mention one of the damn AI while you two are together.
She decides to mentioning the fact she was ever jealous is pointless.
Because. Overall. You. Are. Hers.
☂ Jumin ☂
Bruh, how do you even have the game?
He loves you, ok, but privacy is not his specialty.
He knows everything about you, what’s on your phone,
And he disapproves gravely of the dating games on your phone. In fact, he got so envious that he nearly made a deal with Seven to get the apps deleted and blocked from your phone.
Because he has to remain cool and collected, you have no idea that he hates the games so much. He knows you have them, so you presume it’s ok. I mean, not like he’d have a say in the matter whether you had them or not.
But god, he is livid. He hates those damn games. 
Why are you playing them?
Straight up asks you one day if you love them more than him.
“W-what? Jumin, they’re not even real. You’re my husband! Of course I love you more.”
“Than why are you playing games where you date people?”
Explaining the appeal is hard to do, but in the end, internally he tells himself it was pretty silly of hi to get jealous over fake people.
☺ Seven/Saeyoung ☺
Pretty sure he has a whole bunch on his phone too, because hey, this is Seven we are talking about. He lives for this shit.
But god forbid you have them.
He watches from afar, aka CCTV, as you obsesses over the characters in the game.
His sadistic side comes to light a little bit as he forcefully pulls the phone from your hands and has you pinned to the bed.
Oh boy.
Knows deleting the app isn’t enough. He isn’t dumb. You can redownload it.
So he puts a virus on your phone, and all your information gets wiped from the face of the planet.
You can not go on your games, get any of your data back.
Can’t talk to the hot AI’s!!!
“Don’t be sad, MC! You can play with me~”
❆ V ❆
For a while, he doesn’t even know what otome/dating games are,
So he has no idea you even play such a thing. And when he finds out? Not really bothered at first.
It’s just a game, and nothing that.
But then there was this  one character who you were absolutely obsessed with. You started dressing like the guy, hanging up pictures of the guy V cringes and you always smile at your phone when he ‘appears’ in the game.
What’s this feeling I’m feeling…?
V’s never been jealous usually people are jealous over him so this is a completely new concept to him.
And of course he happens to be jealous over a video game characters.
Wants to be the diplomatic and good husband and just talk about it with you.
He brings it up and you feel really bad. 
It was never your intention to make him feel jealous!
“Gah, Jihyun! I’m so sorry, honey. I’ll never play the game again!”
“Oh no, MC, please, I’m sorry. Play it as much as you want! Just don’t do that characters… what is it called? Route? Can you just reset it or something?”
☻ Saeran/Unknown ☻
Hates it.
Absolutely hates it.
And his jealousy is transparent to everyone,
So of course you try to minimize your obsession, but it can be really hard. So you’ll never play the game in front of him, or you’ll tell him you’ve stopped playing all together.
But he walked in on you playing it on the toilet one day and while your pants were half way down your legs you were chasing him trying to get your phone back.
A g g r e s s i o n is his initial response towards the game half the time.
Will yell at you to stop, can be a little harsh at time; “Do you realize how pathetic it looks that you’re talking to fake guys?”
Begrudgingly apologizes and defends his actions by saying you shouldn’t play those games when he’s your boyfriend.
He gets a little annoyed with himself for being jealous over an AI, which triggers a bit of his anxiety. 
When you realize that is happening you feel absolutely terrible. And then he feels terrible because as much as he hates the games, he doesn’t want you basing decision around how he feels. 
After a heart to heart discussion on your feelings and a whole bunch of kisses and cuddles, you guys make a deal; You’ll not play the game as often if he doesn’t get so worked up about it.
Really, it’s just a game. There should be no stress over it. 
“Hm, ok,” Saeran says before a smirk crosses his face. “Come here then. We’ll play a game of sorts together.”
✌ Vanderwood ✌
“That is probably the stupidest thing I have ever heard of.”
Really thinks you’re wasting your time playing all those otome games. Those games and some pictures of you two are what practically take up all the space on your phone.
He says you could be doing something much more productive, like cleaning, for example.
Vanderwood will get a little annoyed when he gets home from work and he sees you lounging on the couch talking with AI’s.
But he’s the last one to ever admit he is jealous.
So he does the obvious thing to get you away from the phone and more attentive towards him.
Really, he seduces you a little bit, gets you hot and bothered and then shows you just how awesome the real thing is~
And then he tazers your phone.
Check out my masterlist page to see rules for requests!
*** Until Christmas 2017, REQUESTS ARE CLOSED
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thereviewr-blog1 · 7 years
Emoji Movie Review
If you haven't seen this movie, I’m going to summarise the movie, then explain what went wrong. So here it is, everything wrong with the emoji movie in a nutshell.
1. Summary
Gene (our protagonist) is supposed to be the ‘meh’ face, a face where you are not allowed show any emotion, the problem is, he has emotion. He explains how his parents our pros at not showing emotion, so he has a standard to live up to. He is told he will work at the texting app, where he gets his picture taken and it’s posted on the user’s (Alex’s) message, where it’s sent. He gets a tour of the facility, but when he gets his picture taken, he freaks out, so the emoji sent is deformed. What makes this even worse for Alex is the fact it’s being sent to his crush, Addie. Meanwhile, there’ s this sub-plot with High Five emoji (James Corden), when he sneaks into the ‘favourite’s club’. There’s a board meeting after Gene’s incident, and  Smiler (the chairwoman of the place) says that he needs to die, because Gene is a ‘malfunction’ Gene escapes with High Five after the security bots try and destroy him. High Five tells Gene that they need to find Jailbreak to fix this. High Five explains that Jailbreak helped a princess emoji escape from the texting app. They go into the dark web and get plagued by internet trolls, they find Jailbreak, who tells them they need to reach Dropbox, the security bots find them, so they escape, landing themselves in Candy Crush, Gene is thought to be a candy from the game, and they escape from that app, Jailbreak says that she knows a shortcut to Dropbox from the Just Dance app, she warns them not to push the big red button in the Just Dance app once they reach it. High Five presses it and they have to dance there way out of the app. The security bots find them, download a dance protocol and try to catch up with them. It is then revealed that Jailbreak is the princess emoji who escaped form the texting app. High Five wonders if she can call birds with a whistle. While all of this happens, Gene’s parents have an argument about what to do, Gene’s mom says that she’s going to find her son. Gene’s dad says that he is a malfunction himself, causing Gene to have it. They go and rekindle their relationship in the Instagram app. Smiler sends some security bots after them and they distract the bots with a cute cat video on YouTube. Meanwhile, Alex has his phone in school, and the Just Dance app turns on, embarrassing him in front of his entire class. So he deletes the app just after Gene and Jailbreak escape, leaving High Five in the trash section of his phone. Gene and Jailbreak escape from the app, and go through the Spotify app, where they ride along some of Alex’s songs from his playlist. They rescue High Five, leaving a pile of other programmes to die. Smiler upgrades a security bot illegally, and the Mega Bot chases after them, they escape into Dropbox, but they can’t get past the firewall, they try everything, but they don’t know his password. High Five says he found an email in the trash meant to be sent from Alex to Addie. They use her name as a password and lo and behold it works. Gene says he likes Jailbreak, she rejects him, and he becomes the ‘meh’ face he was meant to be, not showing any emotion. The upgraded bot takes Gene, and Jailbreak whistles, summoning a bird (Twitter) to chase after him. They disable the upgraded bot, but not before Alex takes his phone to the store to get it deleted, While their entire world is crumbling around them, High Five and Gene send a text, where Gene transforms himself into a .GIF and sends himself to Addie. Alex sends the text, and he says that he doesn’t want his phone deleted, and all of the deleted software magically redownloads itself in less than a minute.
2. Flaws.
The film doesn’t explain anything, and none of its jokes are funny at all. How do emojis reproduce? They have genetics, otherwise Gene wouldn’t have his father’s malfunction, so how? Why did they even need to go through any of the apps? Because it seems that they didn’t need to, Jailbreak says it’s a shortcut, but they end up coming out of the other side of the app, so they could just run through the wallpaper. Why didn’t Gene’s face turn into a GIF the first time he made a lot of faces? What was the point of the movie? The director said  (I’m paraphrasing here) it was to say that it’s hard to not be something you’re expected to be, but every character admits to the stereotype at least once in the movie, for example, Jailbreak being a princess, and she says her magical-bird-summoning power is a myth and an offensive stereotype, and then she just casually goes and admits to it. How come it took Alex’s phone 5 minutes to delete itself, where the software is irreversibly destroyed, one minute to just reappear? How do internet rolls end up in the trash app in a phone, when they are profiles? If someone deleted the Tumblr app, would all profiles suddenly disappear, No! So then why would this happen in the movie? Phones don’t even have a trash app, do they? When Genes parents explore in the Instagram app, they look at one of Alex’s pictures of his trip to Paris, which somehow has the entire city frozen in time, including BEHIND where the picture was taken. They play around with some of the filters, select one, and the picture changes itself to night time, and lamp posts turn on, and the moon comes out, and the sun is setting, and many other flaws. None of the characters are likable, and the soundtrack is not good either. Also, in the first ten minutes of the film, There are roughly five poop jokes, most of them said by Sr. Patrick Stewart!
The pint is this movie is bad, and I struggled to find any redeeming features in the movie apart from the fact its only an hour and a half long, but there you have it, all the flaws in the emoji movie.
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brawlinglove · 8 years
***Disclaimer – I use male terms in this post due to the fact that is the only gender I have interacted with whilst trying to date. I’m sure these issues happen with all genders but I am only speaking from my experience and do not wish to insult or upset anyone in the process of sharing my thoughts and interactions***
It’s already March and I’m already losing faith in 2017, or shall I say, I’m losing faith in my dating life in 2017. I’ve been single for over half a year now and I feel like I’m ready to get back out there and date people. However, I don’t know whether its just my complete lack of allure or what, but it seems to be completely impossible. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had quite a few awkward conversations with potential dates but it always fizzles out in the end before anything happens. This got me thinking, and talking to my friends and I don’t seem to be the only one experiencing this. It seems as though we’re living in an age where people don’t actually know each other and can’t successfully meet new people unless the promise of immediate sex is there.
For example, my last relationship happened by accident. I had made a Tinder account years ago whilst in sixth form with my friends – just as a joke. We would send crude pick up lines, make people laugh and then joke around with the people we knew on there. However, one day out of boredom I looked on there myself and swiped some guy and then bam, the next year and a half of my life was with that guy. In hindsight, that is so much time wasted because it didn’t even teach me any valuable dating skills. So when I became ready to date again, I redownloaded the app and explored. I also recently did the same thing with the app called “Happn”? I’m sure you’ve seen it advertised on Facebook. It’s a dating app that shows you the people you’ve interacted with or walked passed and gives you an opportunity to show an interest in them. Both of these apps have proved to be a complete load of old shite.
There seems to be a common theme with the majority to males I happen to talk to and that theme is casual sex. Since when did casual sex become the only thing people are interested in? Have I just always been blind to it? Am I ridiculously old fashioned? A prude? I don’t know the answers to these questions but I sure wish I did. Every man I have spoken to on Tinder or Happn (or even old friends on Facebook for that matter) only ever seem to be interested in “something casual” or a “fuck buddy”. Why has it become so hard to find someone who just wants to go on some dates and see how things go?
honest but disappointing
still don’t know if this is a joke i just don’t understand or what?
I think that it’s because we live in such a self-love, independent, get what you want when you want it society. People are so used to getting everything they want so quickly nowadays. The internet is instant, the coffee is instant, the replies are instant the attention is constant – people don’t want to wait for anything. Therefore, dating just doesn’t happen anymore.
Whats that I hear you say? I’ll never find a date online? Only sex? Well, I thought that too – so I’ve moved onto the real world. Deleted the apps and started exploring the dating world in face-to-face meetings. This is now where we realise that my appearance and crippling anxiety probably play a big part in my lack of luck. A couple months back I tried chatting to a really attractive guy I had mutual friends with on Facebook – but nope, that didn’t go too well (that could be because he used to be friends with my ex but oh well). Then I tried meeting people whilst on nights out (when I feel my most confident) and it was going okay…until I got the horrible experience everyone has had – a fake number. It didn’t break my heart because I hardly knew the guy, I just didn’t understand why he did it. I mean, I didn’t even ask for his number, I just asked him how to spell his name…
Then there is also the problem of customer service. I work in retail and my job literally requires me to talk to everyone that walks through the door and I have absolutely no problem with that, in fact – I enjoy it. However, I’ve often had the heart wrenching experience of temporarily falling in love with a stranger. (Everyone has done this, don’t lie to yourself). I’ve met some really attractive, interesting, funny guys whilst at work and the worst thing is that they are temporary. They’re coming in to buy something and never return. Gone. Bye bye. Maybe see you in a month or so maybe not. This happened to me very recently and I have kicked myself multiple times for not even asking for his number. Even so, this guy probably has a girlfriend at home or maybe even an entire family, I shouldn’t even be thinking about it. The problem is that those interactions are the most I can find this day an age without the words “casual” or “nothing serious” being involved.
Getting a guy’s attention nowadays is hard and getting them to realise that you’re interested is even harder. Where do you even meet people now if not at a bar or a club? Mutual friends? That’s always difficult because if it ends badly then someone will get left alone. Maybe it’s because of me – I’m not saying that I’m perfect and that everyone should want to date me, god no. I’m just wondering how anyone in this world can have a conversation with the ideal person without them immediately expecting sex from you. Am I missing the point? Why can’t life be like a Nicholas Sparks novel?
    Dating in 2017 ***Disclaimer - I use male terms in this post due to the fact that is the only gender I have interacted with whilst trying to date.
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subtlestepout · 6 years
Someone asked me why don’t I post anymore or am online as much and honestly it’s simple. For me at least.
Don’t get me wrong- I still use my social media when I am bored but it’s so weird. I don’t want to really be connected with my social media I’m that sense. People are actually fucking shitty honestly and me saying this doesn’t mean I care for them- I just rather not give people anything to talk about ?? That’s why I just mainly post on my finsta bc those are followers I think are actually cool.
The people on my main account just make everything feel so fucking superficial and fake. I’m not with it.
It’s like everyone is in a race to be better than someone else, do better. It’s just not cool. There’s also this guy I had the biggest crush on and that fucking went to shit because of his immature as friends and they’re honestly immature. This isn’t me just blabbing and talking crap about them. They still message me just to mess with me like what,????? for what????????? Obvi I don’t reply but like seriously? This the shit I mean- people are stupid as fuck and I honestly rather not because if I do then I will get ugly.
I just rather not put myself in a predicament where something makes me get out of character. I like who I am. I KNOW who I am... much more than others(bc I’m still getting to know myself)
I know I don’t need to post selfies to know I’m beautiful. I don’t want to feed Into the whole “likes” “who liked my post” “who saw my story”
I see everyone does that shit.... yeah.
But is it healthy?? I don’t think many of us understand how unhealthy it is to constantly be on Instagram... looking at your own story... looking at who saw your story....
IT IS NOT HEALTHY MAN. It really isn’t. We are wiring our brain to make it a habit and that’s why most of us truly can’t quit social media.
Everyone claims to have self control but I just laugh. It’s a joke and everyone is not honest with themselves sometimes.
If you think my post is bullshit then try it yourself- you don’t have to delete ur account but the app... and see how many times you find yourself redownloading the app.. I am guilty of this. But it makes me aware- that there is a problem.
Im working on it everyday. I don’t think I’ll ever stop using tumblr though... this app is amazing. It’s a personal diary.
Thanks for reading this- whoever did. I hope that was food for thought and take everything with a grain of salt. I mean well- always.
Happy Wednesday.
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