#i remember i missed her after s1 sm
acecroft · 1 year
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You were part of my thesis at Quantico.
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sflow-er · 6 months
i dont mean this in a weird way but ive never seen anyone point this out ( prob bc its a bit weird to but yk ) but from the first season versus later on august looks like hes lost So much weight like his face just looks sm smaller ( dont mean this in a weird way to malte at all bc he also mentioned lisa asked him to workout more and get leaner before s2 so it was definitely a concious choice ) but i feel like it shows the progression of his ed well like with the scene with sara in s2 when shes in bed and hes staring at her he looks so skinny ☹️ crazy no one in show points it out or they dont show it more
Thank you for the ask, anon!
I want to preface this by saying I have zero interest in August or Malte's physique as such. I am way too old and way too ace to find him attractive or unattractive, and I strongly condemn any kind of body/weight shaming and judging people based on their physical appearance.
With that being said... I do think August is meant to have lost weight since S1 and that we are meant to make the connection to his disordered eating, body image distortion, and compulsive exercise (which I believe is not only related but also the presentation that we see the most often).
It is in fact mentioned once in S2E1 when the third-years meet at the party. August says he missed the trip to the Seychelles because he doesn't want a beer belly for the last semester. Of course, the real reason was that he couldn't afford it, but the excuse prompts Vincent to wonder out loud if he actually lost weight over the holidays. They don't talk about it any further, but as the scene comes very soon after we saw him eating that bag of kale/spinach as a meal, I think it serves as another hint of his issues escalating. This also makes sense if you consider his S3 explanation - he was at a very low point after Wille rightfully disowned him, and there was probably quite a bit of noise in his head.
I can't remember if I've read/seen the interview with Malte that you mentioned, but I do feel like I've heard the detail before. They could have also used makeup etc. to make August look leaner than Malte.
In any case, I think it's pretty realistic that people around August don't peg his ED for what it is. Again, this really isn't my area of expertise, but as far as I understand, disordered eating is still primarily seen as affecting girls/women, and most people only have a limited idea of how it can manifest. So if you're a young man like August and/or your ED presents differently from what people typically assume, it can easily go unnoticed.
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anxious-witch · 3 months
Part two of main four's birthstones, this part is on Crystal and Niko's.
Part one is here
Now, Crystal, my fav fiery Aries. Her birthstone is either diamond or bloodstone depending on which website we look at. So let's unpack both, shall we?
First of all diamond, who is forged in the dark, under immense pressure is already quite a lot like the transformational journey Crystal goes through in S1, while she is missing her memories and under a lot of stress both due to stress of the cases and literally being stalked by a demon ex.
Many cultures believe that diamond crystals cleanse, restore, and balance the mind, body, and soul. Because of their brilliance, they’re also associated with the power to illuminate the mind and provide mental clarity. In addition, diamonds are thought to magnify emotions and energies.
Diamond is also one crystal that doesn't need recharging, unlike the rest who require recharging from the Sun, the Moon or similar sources of energy, depening on their peoperties. But the diamond's energy comes from within, given they amplify whatever energy is around. Which unfortunately can mean they amplify negative energy too, so one must be careful when using it.
As for bloodstone, this one is also very, very interesting choice for Crystal.
In Greek mythology, bloodstone was called heliotrope and was believed to have the power to turn the sun red. In legends and mythology, the bloodstone is said to be formed from the spilled blood of Christ. It is also said to have powerful magical properties and to be able to protect its owner from harm. It is should be kept away from children as it may cause them nightmares. The bloodstone is also known as the martyr’s stone or the miracle stone and is thought to bring good luck.
Martyr’s stone? That should be kept away from children because it causes them nightmares? Seems quite fitting for someone with Crystal's powers. Another very important aspect of bloodstone is connection to ancestors.
Like its name suggests, Bloodstone connects to our bloodstream. Tapping into your bloodline with this stone can help connect you to your ancestral lineage and awaken any knowledge that they may have.
Y'know. Like Crystal who quite literally gets her powers from her connection to her ancestrals??? Like. Holy fuck. I love this stone for her sm.
Last but not least, Niko! An Aquarius, with amethyst as her birthstone.
As it is the February birthstone, amethyst has always been linked to love and romance. However, throughout history the gemstone has also been connected to luck, good fortune and general positivity. The anonymous poem below sums it up nicely:
The February-born shall find
Sincerity and peace of mind,
Freedom from passion and from care,
If they, the amethyst will wear.
Let her an amethyst but cherish well,
And strife and care can never her dwell. Anon.
So for Niko, a character that is quite in love with the idea of love, this definitely fits. The same website talks about how amethyst is associate with non-drunkness and a clear mind, and while alcohol isn't prominent in the series, I think we can say that Niko is the one that keeps a clesr head when others get caught up in their emotions. She shows this brilliant after Charles and Edwin come back from hell, using her knowledge to make sure they get to stay where they are.
It (Amethyst) calms and stimulates the mind, helping you become more focused, enhancing memory and improving motivation. Amethyst assists in remembering and understanding dreams. It relieves insomnia. Encourages selflessness and spiritual wisdom.
Amethyst is also know to relieve grief-and we know Niko is grieving her dad, which makes her vulnerable to the sprites in the first place, making her seek out something that reminds her of her dad.
She is also incredibly selfless and despite being the only non-powered human among the main four, she has incredible awarness of the spiritual world, and accepts things like ghosts and sprites even before seeing them.
All in all, I think these are very fitting for the main four.
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palettepainter · 1 year
So happy to hear you liked the Jamie x Rand fic!
Do you have any headcanons about Jamie? Like her relationship with Janice or anything like that?
*chuckles and rubs my hands together* Oh, I have headcannons alright (and it was awesome I love Jamie and Rand sm!! They've got my opposites attract dynamic loving heart in their hands) this ended up a lot longer then I thought so I'll stick general headcannons at the top and then my thoughts on Jamie's and Janice's bond at the bottom! I discussed some of these ideas with @teds-topia who also writes Muppet works on AO3!
General Headcannons:
-I can't remember if this was said in the series but to me if felt like it was implied, Jamie is the younger twin
-Unlike Janice, Jamie's voice is very clear, she lacks that laid back, hippy drawl to her tone Janice has. She only ever sounds like that when she's drunk
-Jamie, as opposed to Janice, isn't much of a social butterfly. She's happy to add to a conversation if she feels like she can contribute something to it, but overall, she's a very driven, work focused person (picture S1 Twilight from MLP)
-Also unlike Janice, Jamie has a very straight laced job in marketing. She's a fine worker and quickly rose to the head of her department, she runs a tight ship but is actually quite fond of her work team and her job
-Despite her being the head of her department she's a very accepting person. When they where in school Jamie was one of the few who totally accepted Janice's hobbies, so she's pretty unphased by things others would consider weird or bizarre
-Always dresses very smartly, often in a blazer
-Jamie also has the ability to detect lies, however she is not allergic to them like Janice (Jamie still questions if one can actually be allergic to lies or not-)
-Can do large calculations without the need of a calculator
-She loves desk plants and is the type to give them all names. She's also heard that talking to plants can help them grow, but she gets very flustered when her co-workers overhear her quietly whispering words of encouragement to her cactus
-Since she works in marketing she can sometimes, unintentionally, come off as a little intense
-She doesn't like Floyd, it's not that she hates him, she just really, really, really, really dislikes him. She often feels awkward around him and is unsure of what to say so avoids him for both of their sakes. She also doesn't hold her tongue when she is forced to talk with Floyd, unlike Janice who often tries to see the good in every situation. Floyd tries to be nice, he's one of the few that knows of Janice having a sister, and he knows Janice misses Jamie deeply.
-She keeps an old picture in her wallet of her and Janice when they where younger
-While she does like to eat healthy like Janice Jamie isn't opposed to eating cheap microwave food or snacking on cold lasagne
-She likes routine and order, her parents never-ending support sort of back fired and it gave Jamie a strong people pleasing attitude, so when things change and she doesn't know how they'll end or how people will feel about her afterwards so she shy's away
-Behind her facade of professionalism she's actually a rather nervous, dorky individual. She enjoys documentaries on the rainforest, treating herself to an at-home spa day, going to zoo's and awing at the koala's and interior decorating
Jamie's and Janice's relationship:
-Janice and Jamie where born to two very normal, average, if a little dull and strict at times, parents. They both worked your typical 9-5 jobs with their mother taking on less hours after Janice and Jamie where born
-They where a lot closer as kids, in primary school they loved pulling the prank of pretending to be each other, confusing their poor teachers. All harmless fun, they never got into any real trouble (aside from the few times they snuck frogs and wild mice into school in their pockets). It was when the two entered their teens and went into secondary school did their bond hit a bump in the road
-Janice was a friendly student. She was bright, got along well with her teachers, and was totally unphased by classroom bullies (or so she let them believe)...but she wasn't the brightest bulb. Janice did very poorly with her grades, only really excelling in art and music. Jamie on the other hand, was very good academically! She was considered the "teachers pet". However, where Jamie excelled in her learning, she sort of sucked at making friends, preferring to instead keep to herself or shuffle behind her sister who was always the better one with talking (best way to imagine Jamie in school would be S1 Twilight from MLP)
-With Jamie being the nerdy kid with no actual friends she grew up very lonely in her later years at school, and clung to Janice fiercely. Jamie would always, always shut bullies down if she heard them muttering about her sister, she would always help Janice with her studying and try to phrase their studying material in a way she'd understand, she'd always support Janice and her weird fascination with crystals (Jamie didn't really understand Janice and her unusual hobbies relating to crystals, aurora readings and yoga, but Janice was happy and that's what mattered to her). Janice was Jamie's confidence boost, her rock to lean on and shield to hide behind when social stuff got too much, and in turn, Janice turned to Jamie first when it came to help with her homework, or to gossip about the newest energy reading she'd picked up from the new student that joined
-Years go by, Jamie graduates with high grades while Janice barely scrapped by. Over the years of the two being in school their parents ended up pushing Jamie a lot. Janice insisted her talents simply lied else where, which her parents took as her being dismissive of her studies. Janice's and Jamie's parents weren't cruel, but Janice never felt truly understood at home (it's referenced in some of the muppet movies that Janice's mum in particular often disagreed with her way of living). Naturally, their disappointment and frustration at Janice only turned into a reason to push Jamie to achieve high grades
-Jamie did genuinely want Janice to be happy, but she also wanted her sister to...well, get an actual job that paid in something other then "good vibes". Sure her crystals looked nice, and Jamie was glad they made Janice happy, but aurora readings and trapping negative vibes in crystals wouldn't pay bills. So, Janice gets a job, she bounces around a few but eventually settles into a groove of working in a hair saloon. Jamie goes off to have some high paying job, their parents couldn't be prouder! But Janice is not happy, in fact, she's utterly, down right miserable. In a spur of the moment like situation Janice quits her job and declares she's leaving to find her destiny, it didn't exactly go down well at dinner with their parents.
-Janice packs her things in a huff and despite Jamie pleading for Janice to not leave, to not go, to please just stay and they can talk this whole thing over and have a good laugh tomorrow if she'd just stay, Janice insists she's going. Both of them where emotional and may have said some hurtful things, things that neither of them really meant. (side note Jamie totally didn't spend the following weeks sick with worry, totally didn't buy some crystals meant to wish good luck to loved ones in hopes Janice would be okay and come home-). Jamie felt like Janice leaving her alone and that made Jamie scared, and Janice felt like Jamie was just siding with their parents by not believing in her
-This idea was discussed with @teds-topia: Years go by where the two don't talk but life eventually leads to the two sister bumping into each other when they're young adults, when Janice and the band are passing through Janice's home town. By some coincidence, Jamie happened to be in town for work, and the two end up wondering into each other. After their shock and unsure greetings, the two begin to relax, just a smidge, and talk about how life has been treating them. Jamie admits she's very happy to see Janice, glad that she's home, glad that Janice has come back and they can make up and be sisters again
But no, Janice happily tells her that she's joined a band, that they're just passing through for supplies, that she's on a spiritual journey discovering her calling. Isn't is wonderful Jamie?? Jamie does not thin it's wonderful, she thinks its stupid. Janice was just- just going to follow around a bunch of strangers around the world just for some dumb spiritual journey malarkey?! Jamie it crushed at the realisation that Janice really didn't come back for her, to say sorry. Janice is hurt that Jamie is being so rude and dismissive of her journey of growing. Another argument breaks out, the band beginning to awkwardly glance over at the commotion that sounds less than friendly, especially from their laid back, always happy Janice
The two sisters storm off with a huff, Janice unnaturally grumpy for the rest of the ride on the road. When Jamie gets home she promptly screams into the nearest pillow she can grab, then kicked the door and bruised her foot. She swears up and down that she is thoroughly done with Janice! To hell with Janice and her stupid soul growing journey. So what if she wanted to travel to god-knows-where with a buncha weird strangers she barely knew, if things went south it was gonna be her fault! She didn't need Janice anyway, hpmh! (Jamie still keeps that picture of her and Janice from when they where kids, often finding herself staring at it in thought when she's feeling lost herself, hoping that Janice is remembering to eat well and that she's doing okay, where-ever she is)
-I'm not too sure how these two eventually make up and become family again but I imagine it ended with the two gross sobbing and hugging
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hii i wanna hear about your fav barbara momentss
(also hope you feel better soon <3)
ohhh i love this question sm !!! i actually have a lot of them. anyway here's the list in random order:
1. all barbara + montoya scenes in s1. they're so fucked up and i was amazed that there's canonical bisexual character in the show. also in love w Barbara smoking weed in Montoya's apartment. she was so real for this (not for weed but depression) 2. that little dialogue between Oz and Barbara, when Oz shows at Barbara's flat to see Gordon. like "Men 🙄" "Don't i know🤗" THESE LOSERS DESERVED TO BE BESTIESSSSS!!! 3. when she visits her parents and they ask her about Jim and Barbara answers that they're happy. for the love of god MY WOMAN IS B RO K EN!!!! i love her. also i love this strain between her and her parents. i wish we saw more of their interactions 4. of course. of fucking course: barbara's psychotherapy session w lee. GREATEST WLW SCENE EVER FILMED!!!
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5. okay there's super fucked up scene i don't even remember episode or season (i think it was s3?) anyway. jim had massive hallucination and there was elevator and barbara was in elevator boy uniform AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD I DIDN'T KNEW I NEED IT SO BADDDD. oh my god she looked awesome in this scene. also im in love with barbara being character who leads the mc through his consciousness. my girl was the narrative in this scene upd: i found screenshot of this scene!!! it's s3 ep7. i need to rewatch it. probably download and make edit. idk i love her sm here for no reason
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6. scene where barbara shot butch at the end of s3. like this is literally peak of female rage and this is so cool that they show that barbara haven't forgot him for assaulting in s1. such a snake move from her. she was waiting this for so long. and she looked so satisfied w herself there. im prod of u girl🙏 7. everything related to her duo with Edward in s3. look at these sneaky pricks. i loved their duo so much i miss them (ofc i felt sorry for Oswald. but they had such chaotic bi swag it's amazing) "let's make gotham BEG" YASSSSSSSSSSSS YOU GO GIRL!!!
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8. SCENE IN THE NARROWS. SCENE IN THE NARROWS. SCENE IN THE NARROWS. IN S4. dear god im eating this scene FOREVER. it makes me feel THINGS. im insane about Lee and Barbara's interaction here. Im insane about Lee here. Im insane about Barbara here. i love their transformation here. both character's and relationship (they almost handled conversation w/o mentioning Jim). also peak of romance. to me. (and kind of. "im a fool to want you" by frank sinatra vibes. to me) and. GREATEST WLW SCENE EVER FILMED N2!!!
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9. "Barbara Queen! 🥰" scene. my girl slayed SO HARD. (also it took me to play m2 to understand what "capiche?" means lmao) look. look at her. she's a queen indeed
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10. i posted this scene several days ago, anyway. jim visits barbara's club and shots smth, then tabitha raises a gun at him in return. and barbara's annoyed "seriously?" brings me so much joy lmao. she's so done with them
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11. her arrival in s4. I LOVEEEEE HER SM IN S4 ITS INSANEEEE. i love everything about her. she's so cold. she looks gorgeus. she's depressed. she's my everything (my pfp speaks for itself lmao😭)
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12. and when she visits Oswald in s4. i don't remember what happened in this scene but im talking bout this one:
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i loooove how calm she is here. and how sassy oswald is she's observing things. she's calculating. i love her
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13. of course. of courrrse: bride scene in s2. not to say that i like her in s2 much buuut. this is a certifed thompkean scene and barbara is obviously having psychotic & obsessive episode here and it's so interesting to watch
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14. also i remembered scene in gcpd, i believe it was s2? anyway barbara comes to gcpd and calls jim and asks him "how do i look?" i love her outfit and that she beat up Jim after this. also i see parallels w virus!lee coming at gspd in s3. they're so girlfriends (i need to draw this au where they unite against jim ohgodddd) upd. i found someone's edit with this scene:
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15. "this woman isabella. nygma said she was a librarian, right? who kills a librarian, i mean what's the motive?" and then she realizes oswald killed isabella. she looks SO HAPPY with herself. "you kn.. you know them!!! 😦😦😃😃" and i think she thought "omg bestie i've done the same thing to my ex!!!!" back then 16. scene in s5 "honey, im still amazing😌" IM IN LOVVVVVE WITH HER THERE. LIKE. OH MY HER VOICE SOUNDS SOOOOOO LOW AND KINDA HOARSELY. YOU CAN TAKE ME NOW. IM ON MY KNEES OH MY GOD. also she looks so good in red 17. s4: "did you guys ordered thai?" "no" "good, cause i don't have any" *shots everyone in the room* i love her being rough and cold sm ohhh 18. when she's entering arkham in s2 having lana del rey vibes. queen 19. also i love these scenes in s1 when she discovers that selina and ivy was living in her apartment. idk there's something so soft about that 20. "disco vampire haircut" of course. iconic scene 21. "remember me?" when Nygma n Barbara took mayor Aubrey hostage. she's so sassy 22. this certifed thompkean scene. ofc. girl youre not fucking normal
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23. and this one from s5 which i still haven't watched BUUUT ughhh THEM. wives.
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there's more but im tired lmao. anyway i think i love almost every scene w her (except for s2. idk idk her psychotic episode portrayed a lil bit too cartoonish i think? idk this shit is actually way more scary in real life. also highly sexualized relationships w tabitha. i mean its ok if they had mostly sexual relationship and i aprecciate this as aro but y know. it could be portrayed way mooore elegant and subtle. or rough, doesn't matter) and THANK YOU SO MUCH for this ask. she's my comfort character and it's always nice to think about her😫😫💞💞💥💥 and i hope you're doing well too!!! actually thank you for this ask once again thinking bout her made me feel better lmao 😭😭😭
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booasaur · 2 years
All your points regarding s2 were very valid, I just wanted to say that Kristina said in an interview that Toya had left because of family related issues, and Toya still has a close friendship with at least some of the cast members. I really hope she wasn’t mistreated or felt pushed out by any of the cast or crew of WN.
Right, same. But I've loosely been following the BTS news since s1, secondhand through a friend, and Toya went from being very excited about shooting s2 to no longer being in Europe and wiping some WN-related stuff from her SM. She posted some stuff that sounded unhappy as well, but as I didn't save screenshots and can't remember exactly what was said since it was relayed through the friend, I can't accurately reference it and don't want to actually include it in the evidence, so to speak. I only bring it up to explain why my feelings are pretty ambivalent. I might not even have remembered it correctly, after all, or it could have been unrelated, and it's entirely possible it was a combination of things for which nobody was at fault.
And another anon:
didn’t mary’s actress leave the show bc she’s in a new show
I didn't watch the interview with KTY mentioned above but I assume it's accurate, and I do remember seeing Simon Barry's interview answer about Toya that said it was for personal reasons, so I don't think so.
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Maybe still part of a combination of reasons, I suppose.
I don't want to keep going back and forth on this since we just don't know what went on, including me. As I said, even if it's entirely amicable, the end result, what we saw, is more what I want to focus on and we just really missed Mary.
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my-mt-heart · 1 year
Hey MT! Marketing anon again. I noticed a couple of questions around AMC not announcing Melissa’s return and their S11 Caryl crumb tactics—so I figured I’ll add more thoughts. Again this is just my speculation from a marketing perspective. Take it if it resonates, or leave it if it does not. ❤️
Here are my thoughts on the announcement: I’m sure they anticipate Melissa trending on her birthday and the premiere in June. So if they plan on making an official announcement, it may be near one or both days to help them generate more buzz. 
But I read somewhere that CP and the stand-in with Melissa’s description are shooting on May 11th. If Melissa is present on a location that isn't private, then I’m not sure how they’ll hide her from fans. So it's also possible that they'll announce her return before any unofficial photos can get out.
I’m sure AMC understands the damage it will do to their reputation if the photos come from anyone but them. Anyone—even Norman. I don’t believe they’ll allow him to post unofficial confirmation when they can rebuild some of our trust by announcing and “doing the right thing” first.
Here is my speculation on their marketing tactics: I think they understand that the situation is different now than in S11. Because if they didn’t, I don’t think we would have received a single drop of news about Melissa. The intentionally vague mentions of her from the cast/crew keep us generating buzz and building that hype. Which means they’re moving away from triggering fears to lean more into the audience's desires. And possibly gauging the reactions. 
I believe in March-April, they were building the level of awareness in the audience to take them from “she’s never coming back” to “Melissa is involved somehow”. Because the trust is extremely low, and they need to rebuild it first. Now most fans are starting to believe she’s involved somehow. So if they announce now, the reaction won’t immediately be disbelief or a demand for more proof. But fans will mostly get excited about the official confirmation and go into FOMO mode. 
I’ll elaborate. It is very possible they may lean on what we call Fear of Missing Out, aka FOMO marketing. Many companies use this technique. If they announce her return, I think the official trailer will follow shortly after. And if S1 episodes drop AFTER the official confirmation of Melissa’s involvement, then peer pressure will generate buzz for them—because we’ll see endless tempting (Caryl-centric) clips, stills, analyses, tweets, teasers, and edits on SM. 
At this point, whoever posts a picture or definitive news of Melissa instantly gets a boost in trust and reputation. I’m sure AMC understands the damage it will do to their reputation if the photos come from anyone but them. Yes, even Norman. I know they defended him from harassment (and not their female actresses *eyeroll*) in the past, but I don’t believe they’ll allow that boost to go to him when they can benefit financially from it first. 
If the announcement does come through before the show airs, it may be vague. It could even be a Carol teaser (which will make a stronger impact than a news blurb tbh). However they announce it, they'll try to maintain the "big surprise" element before she’s revealed on the show. And it may mean they're confident in their storytelling to hold Carylers' attention (because they could hide her till the last minute if they really wanted to).
I leave you with this: Please remember that your feelings are valid, and falling for these techniques only makes you human. Marketing is meant to appeal to the audience's emotions. It just sucks that there are unethical ways of utilizing it.
If you ever feel the urge to direct your ire at people connected to the show who are just trying to do their job or keep their job (or lost their job)—please remember that AMC is the reason we lost the Caryl spinoff. So they’re the ones that have to fix it. Getting Melissa and Caryl back is just the start. 
I hope this helps somehow. Caryl on. ❤️
Hi again :) Thanks for coming back to share more of your thoughts. I think a lot of this makes sense, and it would be nice if AMC started steering away from fear tactics because my guess is it's just going to backfire. Like you said, the trust is too low (for good reasons). And also like you said, it's unethical. Always has been, but especially after last year. Actually, it says a lot about what they think of S1 if they have to trick people into watching it xP
I hope AMC "does the right thing" by confirming Melissa is filming so we can stay hyped for S2 at least, but I completely agree it's just the start. I want riveting storytelling for Carol and Caryl, not just ploy after ploy.
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devitalise · 1 year
i agree with ur thoughts on s2, here some of my in depth thoughts though:
stuff i didn't like
- i totally agree about carmy not being as big of a presence in this season, i understand they wanted to show that he absolutely isn't ready for a relationship, but imo if ur gonna do that u gotta go bigger? crying in the fridge and getting in a fight with richie who we know he'll easily make up with isn't that big of a deal to me.. i would have loved to see a huge break up that made him confront his inability to let himself be happy AND claire reminding him of hs, home and michael (they kept hinting at this and all we got was one panic attack scene? ok)
- i actually didn't mind claire. it was very clear she was just a plot device from the start and i def wouldn't mind there being more depth to her character, but they had chemistry and the actress did a great job. idk i rly liked her character, but disliked the narrative surrounding her (i started rolling my eyes by the 20th time someone mentioned carmy liked her in hs, we get it!)
- i hate what they did to marcus, i don't see him as a bitter guy who yells after getting rejected idk what the point of that was since it got resolved in 10 min
- ebra's arc felt a little unfinished, like a scene or two was missing? but other than that i think it was great to see him struggle with smtn and more of his friendship with tina
- maybe a me thing, but i missed some of the surreal elements s1 had (the cooking show, the literal bear, the cage, the nightmare..)
things i liked
- literally everything else. the acting, dialogue, direction, lighting, you name it i loved it. the comedic moments were so good this season, richie and fak were standouts for me.
- just when i thought this show couldn't possibly overwhelm me more, but the christmas ep proved me wrong. it could have been shorter (the tiff and richie scene was especially long), but jamie lee curtis was too captivating for me to care all that much
- despite there being a lot of things i dislike, this is such a short list for me? i fucking love this show sm, and s2 was a great comeback as far as i'm concerned. not as great as the first, but still a banger and i can't wait to see what they do next <33
hi babe sorry i kept remembering and then forgetting to answer this and then i didn't want to drop spoilers the same week as release because i can't put your ask under a cut but it's been a month now so i'll go under the cut to hit your points
i didn't completely hate the fridge breakdown like him not being able to be there for such an important career milestone because he kept putting things above the bear opening?? fitting and deserved to me!
yeah i feel the same about claire like after a certain point none of the claire carmy scenes were offering me anything new. i wasn't learning anything new about carmy and didn't feel like the plot was moving along either. and the sex scene?? EW (not in a puritan sex way but carmy is sooooo sexless to me i don't want to see him breathing into this woman's face all sensual like creeps me out)
yeah that was sooo???? HELP! glad they got over it at the end of the ep they'll be fine
agreed about ebra! not completely there but i think he'll shine in s3 if there is one in the same way tina came so completely into her own this season. (love tina!)
yeah absolutely! there was a whiff of it with syd in the last ep with the ticket printing and ep2 where she's going around eating food but more weirdness would have been appreciated idk
i'm gonna rewatch s2 in a couple months i think to really see how i feel about it the further removed i get from watching it the better my memory of it is for me so i'll see how that goes
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charmixpower · 2 years
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💐 Flo hairstyles explained 💐
You know? Despite the only Winx member to not be or explicitly retconned into a princess, drawing this made me realize that out of all the Winx Flora's style is easily the most classical princess. Which I think it really cool. Elegant is the word I'd use to describe Flora. You've probably noticed that all the hair style collections have a bit of a theme to them, and Flora's is braids! I think braids both match her elegant vibe, while also being practical for digging though the dirt so I had a bunch of fun putting different braids on her
Also the one thing I'll give the later seasons props for is doing more with her bangs. I see you
On to my individual thoughts
Classic Flora: I gave her a braid because she's an elegant lady. Plus it fits her cottage core vibes so well AND it's practical for gardening!!! Perfect hairstyle, everyone else can go home
Alternative: I have nothing much to say aside from this style of top would look great on Flora, and this is a much smaller cuter alternative to a normal braid. For when she wants her hair down but with some cute flair to it
Crown Flora: ok so I've been pretty loudly annoyed at how all the girls have long hair in the later seasons, giving them all the EXACT same silhouette, and it drives me crazy. After Musa grows out her hair I wanted to chop someone's one to two seasons later to fix this problem. Stella would never chop her hair, and neither would Aisha. So that just left Bloom and Flora, and I remembered how gorgeous and regal Tears of the Kingdom Zelda looked with the short hair with the crown braid, so I immediately gave it to Flora and she looks so beautiful ahhhh!!!! I swear she'd just be able to convince people she's a princess just with her vibes. Also s1 casual party Flora outfit supremacy
Date night: This is a pull through braid!!!!! It was the main reason I wanted to draw Flora with a bunch of braids!!!! It's a beautiful thick braid that perfectly captures the cottage core vibe and they look like upsidedown hearts!!!!! It's soooo pretty!!!!! Absolute Flora going on a date night!!! I picked out a pretty sorta corset dress for her, and half circle earrings, to compete the look. I love it so much
Disco Flora: This is absolutely on of my favorite Flora hair styles, maybe even in my top two. It's just so beautiful. It's the one of the very few times a high side ponytail works, and it works so well. It's a giant ass twisty braid!!! It's so beautiful and so thick and I just love the way it looks. Flora my beloved!!! It's the main reason I will say I like the s3 disco outfits despite the crimes. This hairstyle is worth it
Cozy Flora: This also doubles as a gardening look. I really love the way the top bun looks with the short hair. I think it would look a bit silly with long hair? But it looks so beautiful with the short hair and I just love it so much. I gave her fam shaped earrings bc just bc she's chilling doesn't mean she has to go without. This outfit is pretty clearly inspired by the s4 painting bc omg miss Flora in red so beautiful I am in love with you ma'am
Guardian fairy: I really didn't have an event for this one? I just saw a picture of Flora with flowers in her hair and a different one of her in a halter top, and I combined them to make them both better into this and it's just so pretty. Flora is really made for high ponytails. I love the flower in her hair, and this shade of pink is probably one of my favorites of my favorite color so I'm super biased towards this outfit. I love it sm. I imagine she's doing a formal event at Linphea, not as formal as other planets, as the new guardian fariy
School formal: I do not understand how Flora's original hair worked,, so it's gone now. It has sections of lighter color hair giving it a pin cushion look??? I could of just done normal space buns and ignored the pincushion aspect, but I remembered her s4 pajamas hair and I really liked that so I put them here. I also changed her top a little more to look more like a dress. Obviously the leaf earrings for the soul
Gala attendee: Flora goes full elegant!! She gets the full crown braid here, with flowers in it!! She's rocking the flower princess look, especially with the drapey dress I picked out for her all that time ago!!! It looks so good and I love it more bc of my new found Flora in red obessesion her bangs are braided this time, which I think is such a look. I left some hair for her bangs tho... mostly because I can't see Flora without them XD
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inmyarmswrappedin · 4 years
Admittedly it’s been awhile since I watched Skam or looked through their instagram posts, but in my memory it always felt like the instas were just used to give another glimpse into the characters, never anything really flashy, and the way each character used their accounts always felt really true to who they were. But I think the remakes use it way more as an extension of the storylines and it feels less realistic? (For lack of a better word) Like a lot of posts just feel like pure
staged fan service (see: Wtf, Skamfr) or they go a little overboard with content (see: Druck) that goes beyond what I’d actually envision the characters “sharing”. I don’t know if that makes sense? And I could be idealizing how Skam used it too, since like I said it’s been awhile since I looked at the og stuff. But yeah, I feel like the remakes have turned the social media aspect of the shows into a bit of a cringefest. 😳 What do you think?
Hi anon 📳 Sorry for the delay, I think this is a very interesting ask, and I wanted to think about it a bit before answering.  
I’ll leave aside the question of realism, which you noted yourself you used for lack of a better word. I think at this point the discussion about the way Skam approaches “realism” is more nuanced than how it was used when there wass only one Skam.   
I guess I would say that Skam used the instagram accounts mainly in two ways: 1) so the characters could all show how they wanted other people to see them, and 2) as the cherry on top to a character arc, when the character would post something more vulnerable on his/her ig account. 
I think in general the remake teams didn’t fully get the point of the ig accounts because these teams weren’t really fans who followed Skam as it dropped. They came to the ig accounts as a finished product. 
Skam France posted a veritable torrent of content for s1 and s2, and I think some of it was really good. I really liked Yann’s ig account, for instance. I thought his posts really leaned on Jonas’ political side, which not all remake Jonases did. I also liked that the girl squad would hang out at random places (like a Sephora and a park iirc) without Manon, in s2, to show how Manon was growing distant from the squad because of her relationship with Charles. 
But one thing that started with Skam France was creating ig content for every clip. So that when a clip dropped, a bunch of pics and stories from every character involved in the scene would also drop. I think this is just not really necessary? Most high school students don’t document every school day like this, or even document every time they go to the movies, meet up to discuss fundraising ideas, go buy some snacks at a convenience store, and so on and so forth. 
On the other hand, we also have to allow for the idea that technology marches on. When Skam was airing, ig stories were still pretty new. Most people posted memes and random shit to their instagram feed, rather than to their stories. Nowadays feeds are more curated, and stories are for shitposting. So one aspect of how Skam used igs, which was to post content that would clearly define a character (such as Paradise Hotel memes for Eva, cheesy inspirational quotes for Vilde, or news clips for Sana) would probably all just go on stories nowadays. Compare the Skam igs with the Skam Austin igs in s1 (or, like, your memory of the Austin igs, since FB deleted them............), which were also created by Julie Andem and Mari Magnus, and we can already see some changes in the way teens used instagram (even allowing for cultural differences between Norway and the US). The pics would look “better” as in more professional, better lit, better angles used. Whereas the Skam characters seemingly would take a pic and then posted it, it was as if the Austin characters had taken a bunch of pics and posted only the really good ones. I also don’t remember the Austin characters posting memes either to their feed or even to their stories. 
When it comes to Druck... I absolutely agree that I don’t really buy high school students would post that much content and so personal, and it also loses the effect when there’s so much content posted. For instance, Nora’s Nov 13 post is the first time Zoe appears in Nora’s ig feed, which was a momentous occasion because Zoe confessed to her sister that she felt judged by Nora. But Nora had previously posted so much Zoe content on her stories, that the milestone of posting Zoe to her feed went unnoticed.
But then on the other hand, Druck has a limited episode runtime (where Skam didn’t) and viewers have consistently responded favorably to the Skams developing storylines on social media away from the main. People ate it up when Isak posted pics of his life with Even in s4. And I don’t necessarily dislike the concept of giving more meaning to certain lines or moments by adding context over social media. E.g.: without social media, we would have little to no idea what Finn and Zoe argued about towards the end of the season. Thanks to the chats we do, and thanks to the ig content, we’re actually invested in Finn and Zoe working out, because we’ve seen them act coupley in so much content. What about Kiki and Carlos’ apartment? Would we care that much about it if there hadn’t been so much content of the gen 1 characters “renovating” it? 
Since we’re talking about different remakes, I admit I’ve never been a huge fan of how much content the Skam España characters posted. Much like with Skam France, I feel like sometimes they just shot content to go with the clip, pretty much to promote the clip in a way, and when I look at their feeds now, I just feel there are so many generic posts that are super cute, yes, but don’t really tell me anything about the characters or what they were going through at the time or what they wanted people to think their lives were like at the time. To be clear, a lot of their posts do tell me stuff about the characters and what they were going through and what they wanted people to think their lives were like. But many of those posts could be gone and I wouldn’t miss them. For me, it’s the difference between having Mari Magnus, who for so long was Julie Andem’s right hand woman and assisted in every step of creating Skam, come up with and post the ig content, and hiring someone like Gominuke, a well-known influencer, who knows how to use ig to promote a product. While we’re talking about the way a social media manager’s background and personality will affect the sm content for the Skam, Druck hired Farid-Philippe Bouatra starting with s2, and he was really good at coming up with reasons why introverted characters such as Matteo would post consistently (#MatteoMonday and #FlorenziFriday). 
Anyway. Obviously Skam France hiring professional photographers for their sm content and posting these photoshoots to the characters’ accounts is cringy as all fuck, and no one beats Wtfock at generic, bland posts that don’t say anything about who a character is, what they’re going through or what they want people to think their lives are like. There was a time where I was slightly salty about Wtfock characters posting more memes and shitposts than the Skam España characters, but that all went away after oh, the 20th generic food post coming out of Antwerp. People come at Nora Grace for her feminist posts, but do we want to talk about Zoë’s abundance of shallow “girl power!” (I will not call those posts feminist) pics? Or what about literally monetizing the social media by having Kato post a legit ad for makeup? 
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bensonstablers · 4 years
What do you think of how beth hired a hitman plotline. Like?? I get it it . makes sense after what he did to her and after she shot him , but i hate it sm. I know that were never gonna get cute sweet scenes with them i just miss the energy thay they had in s1 n s2. I rly hope we get more of the enemies to lovers storyline in s4 .
Hi, anon! Firstly, this got long and I’m sorry, I know you asked but also, I think I ran with it a bit too much :’) Secondly, I did do a quick read-through of this so hopefully my rambling makes sense lol
(I put the whole thing under the cut to hopefully save some people from having this clog up their dash, particularly on mobile)
Sooo, I’ll be honest, I really like the hitman plotline, haha. I do totally get why it’s not everyone’s cup of tea though! And to be honest, with it being an ongoing storyline, I could always change my mind about it during season 4 / once the season is over :’)
But as of right now, yeah, I like it. I do think that Andrew McCarthy’s performance as Fitzpatrick helps a lot with it. I know we haven’t really seen that much of him but I enjoyed what we have and I also like the scenes he’s had with Beth (and even the brief interaction with Annie and Ruby). Honestly, I will truly lose my mind if he interacts with Rio as well especially if we get Beth/Rio/Fitzpatrick interactions lol (I can’t remember if there’s been behind the scenes stuff to suggest if he does or not?)
But, yeah, the actual plotline... I’m having fun with it! I actually like that it was spread out during season 3? Because when you put the specific scenes together, it’s not really that long. At least not to me, haha. I, personally, wouldn’t have liked it / I would’ve felt unsatisfied if it was done more quickly. I liked that there was an episode basically for each stage?
Max wanting revenger in 3x07 brought about the idea
Beth bringing the plan to Annie and Ruby in 3x08 made the idea an actual possibility
3x09 was the actual hiring of the hitman (which wasn’t super straight forward)
there was a bit of a lull in 3x10 but it also allowed for things to go wrong and to give a pretty big chance for Beth to call it quits on the idea
and the point of no return in 3x11 with Beth choosing not to call it quits and the girls believing the hit had gone ahead
Like, that’s 5 episodes and I couldn’t imagine all of that being crammed into any less.
I mean, if Beth does end up calling it off, I think it would be more satisfying if that happened after the hitman storyline has been going on over multiple episodes. Especially with her having to interact with Rio while waiting for Fitzpatrick to make his move (and with Fitzpatrick disappearing constantly and moving at such a slow pace, haha). A lengthy storyline would also make it more interesting if it turns out Rio knows about the hitman lol. Basically, I just think it’s more satisfying for it to be on the longer side that the shorter side. I think it would have felt really pointless and underwhelming if Beth decided to hire a hitman and then an episode or two later, she was like “lol nevermind” :’)
And, sure, it could just never have been introduced but I do think the show has  established that Beth could never do it herself after 2x13 and I think it would be out of character at this point for her to assume Rio wouldn’t want to get back at her considering he was gonna drag her out of that bar and kill her if she didn’t drop the pregnancy lie. I think their biggest issue is that even if Rio decides (or has already decided) he doesn’t want that kind of revenge ever, he’s not going to tell her that and because he isn’t going to tell her, she’ll continue to assume it’s him or her and thus, the hitman will continue to be on the table.
Now, I could change my mind and feel like it’s dragged out too much by the time we reach the end of it in season 4 (if it ends but I’m sure it will) although I’m pretty confident I won’t change my mind? Especially if there are deliberate steps forward with that storyline (i.e. it isn’t dragging along just for the sake of it) and it’s mixed up a little bit (like with my aforementioned need for Fitzpatrick to interact with Beth and Rio at the same time, haha). Not to mention it seems the interactions with Beth and Rio will not only continue but potentially become deeper (or: more personal) and I think it could continue to be a great way to offset the Fitzpatrick stuff and raise the stakes so that regardless of how it concludes, it’s going to be way more satisfying than if it was over before it’d truly begun.
Also, going to the rest of your ask about their interactions, I also miss their season 1 and 2 energy! It was so much fun, even if it was a bit of a rollercoaster, haha. It does give me hope though because while I do think that things will continue to be rocky between them and they might genuinely want to kill each other from time to time even after the hitman plot is over, I do think more of that s1+2 energy will slip back into their dynamic? More flirting, general banter, maybe some teasing, more innocent-but-not-so-innocent touching, and just generally fun, possibly soft, possibly get-a-room interactions to bleed in with those darker, more "I want to kill you” type of feelings and moments, haha.
I don’t know, at the end of the day, I’m having a good time with it. The pacing works for me (so far) and it’s been entertaining enough and I like the potential for the future. Also, with 2x13 ending the way it did I do think the hitman plot was a good way to continue on from that considering the broken dynamic between Beth and Rio and still (in my opinion) give the chance for that dynamic to mend and change. Of course, if 2x13 didn’t happen the hitman plot wouldn’t exist but it did happen and I like this route they took after the fact, to be honest.
Also, possibly just me, but if we ever do get (really) cute scenes and more soft scenes with Beth and Rio, I would love it so much more knowing that literally 5 minutes before they were at each other’s throat and maybe threatening to kill each other again lol (at least for a while anyway).
I do hope that overall it balances well enough for you during season 4, anon, and that you get to see their previous energy again! Like I said, I get why it’s not everyone’s cup of tea and I know what it’s like to watch storylines that aren’t entirely your thing so hopefully, whatever direction the writers have gone in with it, we can all have some sort of a good time with it while it’s part of the show :)
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staliasjeronica · 3 years
Riverdale S5 Ep18 Thoughts *Spoilers*
Thoughts under cut to keep tag clean :)
- My boy Fangs giving Betty a free drink <3
- The twins 😭😭
- God Lili is such an incredible actor I wish she was able to truly show it (aka not cringe scenes where she’s pretending to be badass)
- OH THAT’S CHARLES I WAS LIKE?!!? WHO TF? But omg their voices are so good?!?!!? Lol they amplified s1!Betty by a million fshdjf
- “Those seven years we lost after graduation” acting like you two were supposed to be together? He cheated on you with your “best friend” but anyways at least I know VA are bones after this episode
- Britta living at the school aw my poor sweet child “THERE’S NOTHING DEVIANT ABOUT YOU” wait but the Choni parallel?! I love Toni sm
- fuckkkkk Lili’s voice 💕💕💕 “And I miss my mother”
- “Jones, does that work for you?” FUCK ME UP. I know that they’re currently fake dating but still MUAH “You could just ask me to be your real boyfriend” shut the fuck up I am going to collapse?! “I’m trying to tell you I like you” JABITHAAAAAAA RISINGGGGGG “I could be perfect for you, I might be lazy, a loner, a bit of a stoner"
- Jabitha kiss has a million times more chemistry than any bh scene we love to see it thrown in everyone’s faces <3
- “Glamazon” lmao but poor Betty watching her mom spiral 😭😭
- Jeronica eating at the same table muah nah but Jughead always gets her references smh why couldn’t Jughead have stayed </3 LET JERONICA HAVE AN ACTUAL FRIENDSHIP YOU COWARDS
- Polly’s ashes </3 “tell Betty to stop being such a brat” god we missed out on Cooper sibling arguing and rivalries it’s so not fair :(
- Considering I lost my mom a few months ago this hits so hard, and just trying to get out and do something is so relatable.
- Veronica and Jughead finally having that comic like friendship but did she have to say redacted that was so??? weird. But Archie staying at the station just so he didn’t have to be with Veronica I giggled for the demise of Varchie
- “to your false gods” so is yours Penelope??? shut up
- Penelope so offended but this bitch really
- a licensed stockbroker… isn’t that what Veronica is? I don’t know jack shit about any of that shit so sjflajdfkaljsfl I just know “wall street” and money that’s it
- Again, Lili’s voice <3 and also Charles and Polly singing is so good FUCK we deserved so much more
- Betty drove Polly away?? We saw her for two seconds and she was getting into drugs and gangs and shit while living with you… I know she’s just lashing out but damn :( “She died because of you” no but my sister saying the same to me about my mom this shit fucking hurts poor Betty
- “Can we check in” his face was immediately “ugh why…"
- He sees himself in Riverdale and Veronica sees herself in New York mmhm but like that’s literally what s5 before time jump said and so it’s like???????
- that handhold was so platonically romantic wtf
- A BETTY AND KEVIN SONG!? does this mean they can actually act like friends now instead of it being all Betty and only Kevin when they need him for two seconds?? Aw her leaning her head on Kevin’s shoulder
- Aww Kevin and Betty’s hug <3
- TABITHA GO OFF! Defend Jughead muahhhh
- Jughead’s hands rubbing over her arms FUCK Stalia had that too omg we love ships with immense chemistry! Bughead 0 Jabitha infinity AHHHHH THE KISS AND THE SOUND OF THE KISS?!! I’M DEADDDDDDDDDDDDDD
- Toni going to Cheryl for Britta 🥺💕 “I loved you, and I felt your love. And I know the huge capacity for love your heart has.” FUCK we love Choni
- Veronica initiating the breakup is just so good since she’s the only one who ever put any effort into thee relationship.
- “go back to dating” then what the fuck are you doing now?? Is there a difference???????
- BETTY STAYING IN RIVERDALE FOR HER MOM, AND ALSO ARCHIE SEEING HIMSELF IN RIVERDALE FIVE YEARS FROM NOW?! BARCHIEEEEEEEEE RISING (sounds out of pocket but I know what happens in the end/in the promo for next ep so)
- This is lovely but also does this mean Betty stops trying to be an FBI agent? Hopefully she can be an investigative journalist or something instead because it fits her so much better
- Lili and Madchen’s voices in this song muah so beautiful
- I still find it so interesting that when they don’t have bhva they can actually write better
- wait you’re supposed to bury ashes…? isn’t the point to just pour them someplace the deceased would like and put it in jewelry—
- “I think I love you.” “I think I love you too” I knew it was probably going to happen with the baby and such but where did these feelings come from? Toni and Fangs never showed ANY hint of romantic feelings I—??
- FANGS SINGING? OH a kiss okay-
- VARCHIE BONESSS YASSSSSS FINALLY we’ve waited for this for four seasons!
- This funeral scene though is so </3 I was about to ask why Penelope’s there and then I remembered that she’s related to them asdfghjkl
- VEGGIE AND BARCHIE, CHERYL BEING KIDNAPPED AND SET ABLAZE LIKE SHE’S A WITCH?! BRO WHAT oaky but this promo slapped… we miss them being good at promoting and writing better (s1 we miss you) it’s still crazy but it’s not overly and annoyingly obnoxiously insane to where it’s boring and dumb af I can’t wait!
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lena-haloways · 5 years
Couple tag game
Thanks again to @skameverything for the tag! 
Rules: answer this 20 questions and then tag as many other people as you want
Couple: Zoenne
1. When did you start to ship them? I shipped them from s1, especially since the “seppe” scene and now after s2 they own my heart
2. How much do you ship them 1-10? 100000000..
3. Why do you ship them? They’re just so cute and hot at the same time, the way they love each other, they would literally do everything for one another, and both of them are amazing characters, senne is one of my faves ever, the way he is with zoë is incredible ahh babies 💕
4. My opinion: I don’t like them / they’re meh / they’re okay / I like them / I love them / I’m obssesed / they own my heart / they’re my otp
5. Favorite scene? I love EVERY SCENE of them, choosing is so hard, but I have to say morning after the panic attack scene. Like that is the cutest thing ever, pure love and a perfection
6. Favorite quote? “Zoë, I fully support you.” ugh senne owns my heart
7. Favorite social media post? Their first posts of each other, we didn't expect to be blessed like that and they are the first noorhelm to go official that early and I appreciate wtfock because of that sm
8. An underrated moment of them? I never know if anything is underrated hahah but I just remembered the car scene where they say ‘I love you’ for the first time and that scene is actually so nice, I love how caring is senne there offering to revise formulas again, wishing her luck, saying that he loves and even that cute little interaction later in the school hallway
9. The most hartbreaking moment? Senne finding out. I remember how they turned hell week into two weeks and I just wanted it to happen already thinking I would be ready and I wasn’t. It broke my heart for both senne and zoë and hearing her cry at the end of the scene was just too much for me to handle
10. Funniest moment? Probably s1 extra original scene in ep12 when zoë offends him and senne turns that into a flirt ohh forever grateful for that scene
11. The song that reminds you the most of them? Nightcall, like they own that song since it was used twice, for their first kiss and the reunion 
12. Favorite change they made from the og? Making senne escorting zoë to the police station and encourage her to report him like that! scene! is! so! important! Also, senne moving in with zoë instead of london!
13. A change from the og you didn’t like? I’m forever bitter we didn’t get a singing scene, I wanted that sm :(
14. Something you wish to see from them? More domestic moments!! Living together!! Moving in day!!
15. Favorite moment in s1? Ep12 scene in the school hallway
16. Favorite moment in s2? Honestly all of them but I'll write some. Them laying in the grass being all in love, senne opening up to zoë, saying he can't be without her anymore and then tickling her is just a perfection. Zoë giving senne the key of her apartment is the cutest ever, they were finally so happy. Him finding his blanket in her room and her saying 'busted' I loved that moment sm
17. What do you love the most about them? Their patience and support and just in general their love and chemistry
18. What do you miss the most about them? Everything, I literally miss everything about them
19. Any headcanons? Sooo many ugh but right now I just want that singing scene!!
20. Random thought about them? Where can I find a Senne?
I tag @exo-neukdae-minyeo @wtfocklvr @lemonnougat​ @lalleloockx @miasmoak 
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alishasboe · 5 years
tagged by: @scottstiles thank u very muchly <3
Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions (below the cut), don’t cheat. Tag 10 (or however many) people
legend of the seeker
jane the virgin
game of thrones
1. Who is your favourite character in 2?
JULES <3 loml, an angel, a smol bean whom i adore and want the best for (also like all of the girls??? and maddy became a fave after the finale, also rue)
2. Who is your least favourite character in 1?
ummm... honestly don’t have a least favourite but, probably phillip in perdition and if you know me you’ll know why...
3. What is your favourite episode of 4?
um a knight of the seven kingdoms bc my GIRL brienne became a knight and i was so proud of her, orrrrrr the episode in s2 where shae, tyrion and bron are doing the drinking game (only for that scene i paid no attention from s1-5 of got, my only concern was shae)
4. What is your favourite season of 5?
s3 or 4 as amy and jonah became a couple because THAT was the best slowburn romance i ever saw in my LIFE
5. Who is your favourite couple in 3?
jane and michael (rip i miss villadero sm)
6. Who is your favourite couple in 2?
rue and jules 100000%
7. What is your favourite episode of 1?
i have toooooo many but probably Torn or Dark
8. What is your favourite episode of 5?
All Nighter (some great jokes, also amy and jonah content which is my number 1 priority these days)
9. What is your favourite season of 2?
just the one season, so season one?
10. How long have you watched 1?
embarrassing but since it aired in australia so like 2009?? then i forgot about it for like four years and then got back on my bullshit in 2015
11. How did you become interested in 3?
i was very randomly wikipedia-ing bridget regan bc i was like ‘hm i remember how much i loved her, wonder what she’s doing these days??’ and it said she was gonna be in jtv which i’d seen like 50 ads on tv for as it was gonna air, so i was like ‘hey why not, i’ll watch it for b’ and then i did and i’ve been a fan ever since (*cough* till season five *cough*)
12. Who is your favourite actor in 4?
sophie turner or emilia clarke
13. Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
lots, always lots...
14. Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3 ?
jane the virgin, simply bc there are more... but i’ve probably rewatched lots more.
15. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
literally none of them, life is hell in westeros and i envy no 1 (or maybe ned, boy got out early, would love to have my head cut off before the real shit hits the fan)
16. Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
jesus no, but i’d say rose is like cersei equivalent, and petra is sansa, and jane is .... too pure to exist in westeros. and rafael is like jon snow (figures bc i can’t stand either of them) and michael is theon, pure and dead.
17. Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple?
richard and nicci, they don’t know it but they’d be a pretty cute and terrifying power couple. (also like... the books if you get my drift so ya)
18. Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
jane the virgin is all over the place but it seems to have a more riveting and original plot (although i’d probably rather watch superstore) 
19. Which has the better theme music, 2 or 4?
got bc i’m pretty sure euphoria is just ‘euphoria’ as the title card with silence... which is strange and it stays there for too long, also i mean, game of thrones theme is award winning.
tagging: @grobglas @bellkaties @princes-jasmine @cypheramnells @wvntersldr @sophieturner @vans-dyne @wonderworman and anyone else who wants to, mutual or not, you can just say i tagged you <3
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reigensarataka · 6 years
Have you ever made a fic rec list you could link me to?? If not what are ur fave fics???
what’s are ur fave klance fics overall?
do you have some nice fluffy klance fic recommendations? pls i need sustenance
ive been putting this off for so long now bcs i never save/bookmark the fics i read nd i can never remember the titles BUT i managed to dig some of them up so!!!!!!! under the cut bcs its kinda long wuwhwuhw
Cut to the Feeling by usernicole
“Let’s do it again,” Keith says breathlessly. “Here and on every planet we come across. Let’s get married on every planet we can.”“Are you joking?” Lance asks, incredulous. “You really want to get married to me on every planet we land on?”“Yes,” Keith says, voice high pitched and shaky with residual adrenaline. “Yes. Every planet. If it feels like this every time, let’s get married ten, twenty, a hundred times.”
 “Let’s break records. I want the universe to see us and be jealous.”
Or: Five times Keith and Lance get married, and one time they don’t.
my good bitch. my dude. if u havent read this then PLEASE do urself a favor nd read it asap…. like i shit u not this is probs my all time fave and its just them getting married on every planet nd. its just. idk just rly gives u that warm feeling in ur heart u know……
call me, beep me by orphan_account
(00:31) Do you think she gave me the wrong number on purpose?(00:31) Or was it a genuine mistake?(00:32) Like maybe she writes funny and I misread it?(00:32) Some of the numbers do look a little dodgy…(00:33) Cause, you know, her threes could very easily be poorly formed eights? And maybe she writes her sevens like her ones?(00:45) What(00:46) The(00:46) Fuck???(00:47) Oh good, you are awake!
where lance messages the wrong number and things kind of snowball from there
a classic from the early fandom days, rly popular so yall probs read it already but text fic nd just. yah its cute…..
A Light In The Dark by usernicole
Far away from his friends at the castle, Keith’s only way of communicating with them is a battered old phone. This is maybe going to be harder than he thought.
A long-distance, friends-to-lovers fic, set during season four.
u might not know of this but i am one huge slut for these kind of fics nd all i gtta say is this shit rly changed my goddamn life (i think there r two parts but im not sure if i read the second one so!!)
blue notes by mothpoem
This laughter, here and now, is hushed, and soft as rain, and Lance can feel it against his face, in warm puffs of air. It’s a laugh reminiscent of a furtive secret, like something only Lance is allowed to see. He watches it run its course in the near-pitch black of the observatory, with starlight gleaming weakly against Keith’s pale face, and that’s right about when Lance’s heart gives a few foreboding throbs, heavy on the bass, as if to say, they’re here (they being romantic feelings for Keith Kogane, Lance’s former mortal enemy and current friend).
Oh, he thinks to himself, with sudden and startling clarity. I’m Fucked, capital F.
its not finished nd i havent even read chap 2 yet but its a rly good take on lances pov from all the moments from s1 (also the garrison *eye emoji*) with keith nd. yeah.. its good……
and we dream of home by mothpoem
“Then come see me,” Lance murmurs, and it makes Keith’s heart pound behind his breastbone. “Us, I mean. Once a week or something? Like mental health check-ins. We can just hang out, or…or go on low-priority, low-stress missions? Scouting, or flower-picking for Coran, or supply runs. Dumb stuff. Just…so we know how you are. I don’t want…I mean, we all miss you. And I don’t want to sound presumptuous, but…it feels like you’re not…not okay, Keith.”
Well, Keith thinks, a little weakly. He never really stood a chance, did he?
“Okay,” he says, right away. No fight. No refusal.
His life is a hell of a lot easier when he lets himself cave under all the ways he wants Lance’s luminous attention, and company, and friendship. All the ways he wants Lance, full stop.
another one of those fics set during s4……… once again nothing to add just. please read it…… i loved this…….. sm………………
Moonset Deep by MilkTeaMiku
  All his life he’d been told to make sure he was never seen – it was what all the children were taught from the moment they were born. Never let a human see you, never fall in love with a human, and most importantly, never kiss one.
For Lance, humans were a mystery. He’d lived beneath the surface of the ocean with his shoal his entire life, and had intended to remain there. He knew the danger humans posed to his kind, and what would happen if he came close to one. That’s why, when he found one drowning, his first instinct was to save him.
He’d never been good at following the rules anyway.
mer au!! i started reading this a rly long time ago and im on chap 27 i think…. but this ones good…….
can we burn it slow by saltylances/stereostars on tumblr
“Sweet dreams, pilot.” A wink. “Make sure not to drool over me too much.”
Keith thrusts his middle finger over his shoulder as he steps out of the room, but he can’t hold back the smile that kicks up the side of his mouth. When he dares a look back, just before the doors are about to slide shut, he sees Lance kiss his fingertips and blow air over his palms at Keith.
It makes Keith wonder if it’s possible to fall any harder.
In which alternating snapshots between Keith and Lance lead to their eventual relationship.
WUH i love anything saaj writes….. a masterpiece…. also please read ‘so what are you waiting for’ too………..
under your feet the dirt turns to gold by laallomri
“I like you,” Lance says in a rush.
Keith blinks.
“That is—” Lance clears his throat, shifting his weight uncomfortably. His hands are still in his pockets, his shoulders still hunched. “I like you—I like-like you. Like, in a more-than-friends-way like you.”
For a long moment Keith can only stare at him, astonishment and disbelief and cautious delight warring for dominance. And then, because he’s an idiot, because he spent a whole goddamn year in a goddamn shack in the middle of the goddamn desert and has no idea how to be a socially competent person, because he’s Keith, he says, “That was a lot of the word ‘like’ in one sentence.”
In which Keith has about a dozen chances at happiness, and sabotages (nearly) all of them.
yummy……….. this one rly hit the spot my dudes……… i think there r 2 parts too!!
Sweet Quiznak by CheckeredCloth
“You’re really into him,” Hunk mutters, and wow, Lance’s face is on fire.  Hunk is killing him.
“Look, read into how you like, Freud, just make sure that if I die Keith knows I totally would’ve mowed his ass like grass.  That way, I can laugh hysterically at his emotionally-constipated expression from the afterlife.”
Or: Lance is badly injured and has a few skeletons in his closet.  Or maybe just the one.
a classic…. one of the first fics i read so i dont rmmbr much but yeah……
Stormchasing by sinelanguage
This isn’t how Lance intended to spend his vacation, chasing after Keith’s premonitions. But here he is, and he’s one hundred percent blaming Keith for all the trouble they’re about to get into. Keith makes bad decision, Lance makes mistakes, and both of them are stuck together on a space pirate adventure neither of them asked for.
if im not wrong i think this is one of those handcuffed together fics… also rly cute……
we’ll make it, you and me by asexualrey
“Keith, if we make it out of this alive, I’m going to kiss you.“ 
the description gives it away….. yall know what tf goin on……..
Public Displays of Affection by VaraderoBeach
Lance held his breath. He knew, at this rate, they’d have two options: fight with what they had (which was Keith’s knife and team spirit) and hope they can skirt by with the help of the locals, or submit and become prisoners to the Galra. Neither situation was ideal. Lance looked to Keith, at his eyes and his eye lashes, the curve of his nose and the pink in his lips. He knew it was bad timing, but he really wanted to kiss Keith before whatever happened, happened.
But when Keith turned his body to face him and said, “Kiss me.” With the same amount of emotion one would say, “Hand me that stapler,” it threw Lance completely off guard.
ft that scene from the winter soldier (i think??) yeah…… good food………
something as true as this by astrolesbian
“You better fucking call me,” Lance says, and reaches out to rest a hand on his shoulder, and smiles, sad and bright all at once. “I’m not taking no for an answer on this one. Okay?”
“Okay,” Keith says.
and lastly yall shld know since this is the THIRD TIME im putting a fic like this on this list that i love this shit nd just….. yeah……….. op snapped
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alexcabotgf · 5 years
i was tagged by @myrcella (thank you sm 💕💕💕)
Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions, don’t cheat. Tag 10 (or however many) people.
Prison Break
Game of Thrones
Desperate Housewives
House MD
1. Who is your favourite character in 2? miss cersei of course
2. Who is your least favourite character in 1? t-bag because fuck that guy
3. What is your favourite episode of 4? either the plane crash episode or the eli scruggs one
4. What is your favourite season of 5? oof season 3
5. Who is your favourite couple in 3? jack x kate all the way
6. Who is your favourite couple in 2? cersei x jaime
7. What is your favourite episode of 1? probably the one in s1 where they finally break out of prison, or the one in s4 where michael has to choose between saving lincoln or sara
8. What is your favourite episode of 5? honestly so many, but s04e15-16 
9. What is your favourite season of 2? season 4
10. How long have you watched 1? started watching it on may 5th, 2017 so two years
11. How did you become interested in 3? i got obsessed with evangeline lilly after watching battle of the five armies in dec 2014, so i was watching her filmography the following spring, but i was saving lost for the summer; and there was also a girl in hs who liked the show so we would often talk about it and i was like hmmm i definitely have to watch it
12. Who is your favourite actor in 4? felicity huffman don’t @ me
13. Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5? i mean house is probably my most watched show EVER and i’ve loved it since i was 12 but i hated everything after 6x06 so i guess i’ll go with prison break
14. Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3 ? lost cause it has more episodes
15. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be? i almost went with lynette but then remembered that she has like 5 kids so no ma’am bree cause she’s good at cooking lmao
16. Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work? yeah
17. Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple? sara and veronica *chef’s kiss*
18. Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5? ..........lost
19. Which has the better theme music, 2 or 4? game of thrones
tagging everyone who wants to do this!
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