#i remember watching this ep a month ago and feeling confused at the turn. but aside from that it is very enjoyable
kerorowhump · 9 months
so far the only eps that I'd recommend an italian audience member to Necessarily watch in original as well are 14 and 36b
I've already discussed why I think that is with 36b, but with 14 a couple of dialogue variations effectively muddy the reason for keroro's switch after his plans are turned down by dororo
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"So that whoever looks at Pekopon will give up trying to invade it and will instead fight for universal peace."
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"That's the most ridiculous strategy I've ever heard!"
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"I knew I shouldn't have discussed this with you. Farewell!"
This (that I've already translated) (additionally, it doesn't make sense for him to say this at this exact point of the story just yet, and it's not a reasonable motivator for what happens next, unlike the original dialogue)
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"Enough! It's time to put an end to this! The moment has come to truly commit to conquering Pekopon!"
What I think this transposition epically fails at in this episode and story is the fact that the BEING AN INVADER thing is really important. It's not specifically about the plans of his being half assed or him being turned down (not Just that), it puts light on the fact that THEM AS INVADERS is what's really at odds with what Dororo wants, and the reason why he's not joining them, which is what Keroro wants. By putting emphasis on stuff like "my plans were more pathetic than his, how could I laugh at him?" when later on he still ridicules Dororo's plan to Angol Mois... makes the character turn all the more nonsensical to me. It makes it hard to understand why he would go from what just happened to standing up to Natsumi instead of say... apologizing to Dororo. In the original, he stands up to Natsumi to regain a proper sense of being an invader, which is what he thinks he's failing at that Dororo wants from him.
Even the final change of
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(translated here)
Draws away from the actual point, which is that before being invaders and comrades in a war, they are friends. That it wasn't about the plans or failing as an invader, it was about keeping peace on earth and working together. It does come across in ita that it was about making it up to Dororo as well, but I think this is further helped in the original by the focus of the flowers plan being ABOUT EARTHLINGS seeing the flowers and being at peace (something that is later referenced again by Keroro when he plants them), not warding off ALIEN INVADERS. And even though in ita Keroro does later mention this (in a rather nice adaptation in my opinion) like "can't wait for earthlings to wake up and see this", since it wasn't previously mentioned by Dororo, it ends up coming across as a thought born innately from Keroro, and not something he's echoing but not quite yet understanding (further sustained by what he mentions next with it being a gift from "enlightened keronians" to the "primitive pekoponians").
All in all, Dororo is interested in making earthlings happy, and Keroro desperately wants Dororo to join him again. No conquering plan he makes up could possibly achieve that. Another nuance that I think the ita added (or enhanced?) as a result to this is that Keroro also feels guilty on behalf of the other more malicious invading alien species, and this is a way for him to apologize for them and prove that his platoon is different and doesn't mean any harm.
This is something that's true to the actual character too, as he's often seen talking about what he'll do once he rules earth (like ep7, Mois' introduction, at the end; or even ep 5, talking to the toystore owner), and obviously ep 14 is tackling this as well, but it's more on an implicit level imo.
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slytherinshua · 11 months
FAVOURITE genre ➳ fluff. warnings ➳ crying. spoilers for weak hero class 1 ep 4. pairing ➳ jihoon x reader. wc ➳ 783. a/n ➳ i was rewatching this scene and it really does always make me cry and then i thought of this fic idea 😭
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Your snack bowl had been discarded and you didn’t even remember the last time you had blinked. Your eyes were glued to the screen of your laptop like some kind of hypnosis was occurring. The small teddy bear that your boyfriend had won at an amusement park for you a month ago was clutched tightly in your arms, serving its role as emotional support quite well.
You were in awe at how thrilling the scenes of the drama were. And, though violent, it was quite beautiful the way the fight scenes were choreographed and executed. You had visited Jihoon on set a lot while he filmed, but you never could tell quite how the end result would turn out. The final released version of Weak Hero Class 1 did not disappoint, though.
You were on episode 4 already even though you had only started earlier this evening. You only took one break to get more snacks and emotional supports (your blanket and the teddy bear). The show was already pulling at your heartstrings— or maybe it was your boyfriend’s phenomenal acting. 
The episode was nearing the end and Sooho, Youngyi, and Sieun were in the hospital after the fight with Gilsoo and his gang. An adoring frown etched on your face at the sweet scene. Sieun was very different in character to Jihoon, but there were similarities you could spot and it made your heart warm.
[ What’s your deal? ]
[ What? ]
[ I mean, you… You’re so warm-hearted. Your eyes, how you behave, how you speak, and your face. It feels awfully strange. ]
Tears welled in your eyes, finally escaping and cascading down your cheek as Sieun smiled. The first time he ever smiled. You sniffed and pressed the back button to replay the scene, too immersed in it to hear the sound of the door opening in the background.
And you were still crying on the couch by the time your boyfriend walked into the living room. The episode had finished and the computer screen was black. Jihoon was confused— you had sounded happy and excited just a couple hours ago when you texted him and said you were going to watch the drama, so why were you sad now?
“What’s up?” He asked, moving your empty snack bowl to make a spot on the couch for him. You tried to wipe your tears and turn to him, but one look at your boyfriend and all you saw was Sieun, triggering even more tears. 
Jihoon panicked. “Baby, what’s wrong?” He pulled you closer, holding you in his arms and scanning your body to make sure you hadn’t hurt yourself physically.
You tried to form a coherent thought to answer his question, muffling a response into his shirt, “He’s just…”
Jihoon furrowed his eyebrows, “He’s just what?”
“He’s just… so… cute.” You sobbed, hugging Jihoon tighter.
“What? Who’s cute?”
You paused, a smile slipping onto your lips as you caught a hint of jealousy in his voice. You waited until he nagged you again about who this guy you thought was cute was before you finally told him.
“You’re crying because of Sieun?” He questioned curiously.
“He smiled, Jihoon.” You told him again, this time with even more emotion.
“I know. I acted out that scene.” Jihoon said helplessly. You weren’t crying anymore and his earlier panic had subsided, but instead he was left confused as to why that particular scene had left you in such a state.
“I wanna hug him.” You frowned, replaying the scene again.
Jihoon stayed silent at your comment, not bothering to bring up the fact that you kinda were hugging Sieun right now, since Jihoon was Sieun. But he just smiled and pulled you a little closer to his chest.
“Baby.” He mumbled softly.
“Am I your favourite actor?” 
You sat up slightly, pulling away so you could actually look at your boyfriend’s face. “No, I think I like Hyunwook more.” You deadpanned.
Jihoon frowned, “But you were even crying over me. You haven’t cried over Hyunwook.”
“Who says I haven’t?”
Jihoon whined in protest at your teasing and you giggled and snuggled closer to him again.
“Isn’t it a bit too violent for you to be watching, though?” He whispered.
You frowned, “You expect me to not watch something my favourite actor is a lead in?”
“Are you sure I’m not your favourite actor?”
“Favourite singer? Probably. Favourite boyfriend? Definitely.”
“I’m your only boyfriend-”
You shushed him with a laugh, “But favourite actor? There’s some competition. But, hey, at least you won the other two categories!”
“I’m your favourite actor.” He muttered as if to convince himself of the fact and kissed your temple.
“Whatever you say.”
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ misc taglist (let's be real, it's more like park jihoon taglist): @yeonjuns-redhair
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iamanartichoke · 3 years
Fic prompt: If you feel like doing another hurt/comfort with Mobius, I would love a version of that end scene where Loki's freaking out but it actually is our Mobius. So Mobius listens to everything Loki has to say, and then they just kind of...take a breath, I suppose, before whatever they're going to do to fight Kang - perhaps Loki gets some tea, and/or an actual meal, a little sleep maybe (has he eaten since that cake on the train or slept since that brief nap in ep 2??), or whatever comfort-y stuff you want - I just need that sweet fic healing lmao.
@scintillatingshortgirl19 Thank you for the prompt and I hope you like it! <3
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Summary: Takes place at the end of episode 6, where instead of saying "Who are you?" Mobius knows Loki and they pick up from where they left off in the void. Word Count: 1956 Author’s notes: I'm not feeling super confident with these prompts, so please don't judge me bear with me as I dust off my little writer-brain gears and try to find my footing with these new characters and characterizations.
Completed prompts.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Mobius is saying, holding his hands up, but Loki can’t stop talking. The words are spilling from him; he’s tripping over them, and from the look on Mobius’s face Loki knows he’s not making sense, but still, he can’t stop.
“He’s set on war,” Loki babbles. “We need to prepare, Mobius.”
“Hang on.” When Loki pauses to take a breath, Mobius reaches out and places his hands on Loki’s shoulders. It’s almost comical, the way he needs to reach, as Loki towers over him. Yet Loki feels very small, too, and doesn’t protest the contact. “You’re speaking faster than my brain can process words. Breathe, okay? Start at the beginning.”
Loki doesn’t know when the beginning was. It could have been the moment he’d leapt up and grabbed Sylvie’s arm before she could land a fatal blow to their enemy; it could have been all those days (or months, or hours, Loki has no idea; time, for him, has completely ceased to exist) ago that he’d landed in a Midgardian desert and the TVA immediately swarmed upon him.
“You’re not understanding me.” Frustration colors Loki’s tone. “There’s no time to stop; he’s - they’re - coming.”
“You’re right, I’m not understanding you.” Mobius lets go of Loki’s shoulders and rubs the back of his neck. “I want to, but you gotta slow down and fill me in, okay?”
“Maybe we should take him somewhere,” says B-15. Loki had barely noticed her but now he steps back, his gaze flicking from her to Mobius, taking in the confusion on both of their faces.
“You don’t look so good,” B-15 adds, taking in Loki’s appearance. He must be a sight, he realizes; his hair is matted and tangled and he feels grimy, his skin caked with so much dirt and blood from injuries he doesn’t remember getting.
But, what difference does it make? Loki turns back to Mobius, desperate. “Mobius, listen to me. Sylvie and I -”
“Come on.” Mobius cuts him off. He moves in, taking one of Loki’s arms. “You can tell me everything, okay, Loki? I just need you to calm down and to come with me, preferably before you pass out. Hauling around a five hundred pound demigod wasn’t on my to-do list today.”
Loki bites back a sharp retort. He’s vaguely aware of B-15 taking his other arm, and it’s only once Loki’s shoulders slump and he allows himself to be led away from the shelves that the exhaustion hits him. He’s been running high on adrenaline for hours, and now that he’s moving slowly, supported on either side, all of that energy seems to drain from him at once. His knees buckle.
“Careful,” Mobius says. Were it not for him and B-15 holding him up, Loki is certain he would have collapsed. He squeezes his eyes shut and focuses on placing one foot in front of the other, not caring where they’re going. The archives, the time theater, one place is the same as another.
They move through halls that are bustling with activity, minutemen running and disembodied voices crackling over speakers. They don’t know it’s pointless, no amount of hunters in the field will matter or make a difference.
He thinks he says so, or perhaps he just imagines he does. Neither Mobius nor B-15 acknowledge him, at any rate; they only keep moving and after awhile, they arrive at the dormitories, where Loki has not been since the first day Mobius brought him here as an official TVA employee.
“Why are we here?” Loki asks, confused.
“So you can get a shower and a change of clothes,” Mobius says simply, “and then we can have some coffee and you can tell me what happened after the void.”
Loki sighs, and then nods, resisting the urge to insist that everything else could wait (until when?), because Mobius isn’t understanding the precariousness of the situation, but he knows it won’t do any good.
“Fine,” he says instead, giving up. The sooner he does what Mobius asks, the sooner Mobius will listen.
He’d not realized just how badly he needed that shower and change of clothes until he’s scrubbed the dirt and blood from his skin and allowed the hot water to beat over his sore muscles and rapidly-forming bruises. For lack of anything else to wear, he puts on a clean suit, fastening the cuffs firmly around his wrists and buttoning the collar up to his neck.
He’s sick of this outfit; he never wants to see it again but, without his magic, he has no other choice.
In the dormitory kitchen, Mobius is brewing a pot of coffee. He looks up when Loki walks in, and his mouth quirks in a half smile. “Better,” he says, “but you could still probably use some sleep and a meal.”
“Stop fussing,” Loki snaps, irritated with Mobius’s sudden desire to hover over him like a governess hovering over a petulant child who won’t eat his peas. “I hate coffee, by the way.”
“You’ve never had my coffee,” Mobius retorts, sounding unbothered. “Just sit down, okay? You still look like hell, is my point. When’s the last time anyone fussed over you, anyway?”
Loki makes a scoffing noise as he drops down into a chair at one of the small kitchen tables. “I’m sure my mother did at some point, I don’t remember.” Actually, he remembers very well that it was always his mother who looked after him when he was sick or tired or lonely, until he’d grown too old to allow himself to seek her out for comfort.
But he doesn’t want to think of his mother, who is lost to him and perhaps lost to the real Loki as well, the sacred timeline’s Loki, if enough time has progressed and Malekith has indeed run her through with a sword and left her bleeding out on the palace floor.
Loki shudders as he thinks of it, remembering the sight of his mother’s lifeless body projected onto a screen. He’d been helpless to stop it, utterly powerless, just as ultimately he’d been powerless to stop Sylvie.
His mother, dead. Sylvie, lost to him. The timeline destroyed - the end of everything. The weight of it all crashes over him; had he not already been sitting, the sheer despair of it would have brought him to his knees.
Loki drops his head into his hands instead, thinking back to Mobius’s words that first day: you were born to cause pain and suffering and death.
In retrospect, Loki knows that Mobius was merely fighting dirty, using whatever words necessary to break Loki down - the ends justify the means, and all that - but he wasn’t goddamn wrong.
How could Loki have ever believed, even for a second, that he could possibly change?
We write our own destinies now, he’d told that creepy little clock hologram, and she’d smirked, seen right through the words because they were rubbish and they both knew it.
Good luck with that.
Loki doesn’t realize he’s crying until Mobius sets down a steaming mug of coffee in front of him. He lifts his head and rubs tiredly at his tear-stained cheeks, unable to meet Mobius’s gaze as Mobius sits down across from him with his own mug.
“Here,” Mobius adds, reaching into his inside blazer pocket. He pulls out a slim, red candy stick wrapped in plastic and hands that to Loki as well.
Loki stares at it. “What is this?”
“Something better than grapes or nuts,” Mobius says dryly. “It’s a Twizzler. Popular Earth candy. I’d say don’t tell anyone I’ve stashed a bunch, but …” He trails off and shrugs, glancing around at the kitchen with forced amusement. “Doesn’t really matter anymore, does it?”
He pulls out a second Twizzler and unwraps the plastic, then bites into the candy. Loki watches him for a moment, and then imitates him. “Gross,” he says, after he’s taken a bite. It’s a very bland candy, with texture not unlike rubber. “Think I prefer grapes.”
“Well, maybe Twizzlers are an acquired taste,” says Mobius.
Loki finishes the Twizzler anyway, and then takes a sip of coffee. He does usually dislike coffee, but either he’s hungrier than he’d realized or Mobius has a gift, because this cup is actually quite good.
“Okay, now let’s go back to the beginning,” Mobius prompts, after a silence. He drums his fingertips against the table. “What happened? I’m assuming you were able to enchant the murder cloud?”
All of the words that had been spilling from Loki’s lips before, so desperate to be released, now get stuck somewhere in his throat. He wraps his hands around his mug and takes another sip of coffee, wondering idly how long it had been since he’d actually had something warm to drink. Or eat, for that matter. The train on Lamentis, perhaps. A moment ago, a lifetime ago.
“We did,” he finally says. Despite the coffee, a chill breaks out over his skin and he sets the mug down, choosing to fold his arms as if to fold into himself for warmth. “We made it past Alioth and found him - the one who’s responsible for all of this.”
Just like that, the words are no longer stuck. Loki pours out the entire story, starting from when he and Sylvie had crossed the threshold into the citadel and ending with his own tumble back through the tempad’s portal into the TVA.
But he omits the kiss, only mentioning that Sylvie had distracted him to get the upper hand. He’ll never speak of it - either that Sylvie had used his feelings for her in order to betray him, or that he’d fallen for it (of course he’d fallen for it; for a few seconds there, he’d let himself believe - but, it doesn’t matter, it wasn’t real, and there are bigger problems now).
“She closed the portal before I could get back through it,” Loki says. He notices that he’s twisting his fingers together so tightly that his knuckles are turning white. He forces himself to stop. “I can only imagine she finished the job after that because, well.” He barks a laugh that sounds, even to his own ears, broken and pathetic. He used to be so good at maintaining a cool, calm facade but it, like so many other things, had been steadily breaking apart, piece by piece. There is very little left to guard the scared little ice runt who trembles at the core.
“Look at the timeline,” he adds; he laughs again and rubs his eyes against a fresh wave of tears.
For a long time, neither of them say anything. Loki finishes his coffee and Mobius eats two more Twizzlers before another word is spoken.
“So we lost.” Mobius’s voice is hollow. “We lost before we could begin to fight.”
“I’m sorry.”
Mobius shrugs. He runs a hand over his short, gray hair before letting out a laugh of his own. “He Who Remains,” he repeats, more to himself than to Loki.
Loki allows a beat to pass. “We have to try to fix it, Mobius.” The only way to ease the weight of his guilt, Loki knows, is if he goes back and tries to make it right - or to die trying.
“How are we supposed to do that?” It’s Mobius’s turn to rub his eyes. His shoulders slump and for a moment, he looks very tired. Older. Loki studies him and wonders, fleetingly, if the real Mobius is someone’s father. “I don’t even know where to begin, Loki.”
“I might.” Loki straightens. Deep down, beneath the anguish, a seed of determination has taken hold and he focuses on that; a lifeline. “But you’ll need to trust me.”
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ficklefics · 3 years
Burden To Keep - Zemo x Reader ~ Chapter One: Saviour
Five years ago you were kidnapped by a mysterious group lead by a man only known as Critical. Five years of experiments. Five years of torture. And then in a blink of an eye, you're free. Three men, your saviours, asking you one question: where is the serum? But it could never be that easy. You join them as politics and terrorism throw you across the world, the hunters and the hunted. And through it all, there's him.
(starts towards the end of ep. 3, between Madripoor and Riga. will deviate from canon to an extent, but will likely follow the plot of the show loosely. planning for this to be a short series!)
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The unlikely trio of allies made their way through the compound, dead-set on their purpose. Zemo had informed Bucky and Sam about a supply of super-soldier serum, purchased from the Power Broker six months ago, being kept in this facility. They were on their way to Riga when the information came through, and a quick pit-stop wasn’t an issue if it meant possibly getting evidence that could help them.
For being owned by a client of the Power Broker, the place was poorly defended. Sam came in by the air and drew their fire long enough for Bucky and Zemo to get past the outer wall. Reuniting in the courtyard, they took out the remaining guards and shut down the emergency siren.
Now they followed the path their intel had provided through the strangely unprotected building. They came across a few men with tactical gear and weaponry but dispatched them with ease. Posts seemed abandoned as they got closer to what was marked as a storeroom on their map.
“A lot of security for a storeroom,” Sam had commented when Red Wing brought back the scans. “That’s where it will be,” Zemo assured.
A long corridor marked the final stretch. The security cameras lining it were all thankfully deactivated as Zemo lead the way.
Rounding the final corner there was a lone guard in front of a solid door. Seemingly distracted by his radio, he didn’t notice anything wrong until Bucky’s metal arm was throwing him against the wall, knocking him out cold immediately.
On closer inspection, there was a slat at waist height in the door, and a glass window layered with metal and covered from the inside. With a wrench, Bucky broke the handle, forcing his way into the room.
What they found was not a store. There were no shelves or crates. No serum.
What they did find was a makeshift bedroom. In the corner stood a woman, a bloody shard of glass held in their direction.
The tray of food sliding into the delivery box set into the wall woke you from sleep that morning. The breakfast was the same as it had been every day for the past five years: two slices of buttered toast, a glass of orange juice, and a dish of assorted pills. You downed those first, barely feeling them pass through your throat as the orange juice followed. The toast disappeared quickly – they would get pissed if the tray wasn’t back within ten minutes.
“Another day in paradise.” You sighed to yourself, resting back onto the bed.
A few hours later, the sound of movement outside drew your attention. Drawing the window cover up slightly, you peered out at the guards talking in hushed German. Avengers … fucked … serum … Over your time here you had managed to pick up a surprising amount of the language. One guard left, leaving the other to stand guard at the door to your room.
The Avengers. You may not have followed them closely, but it was impossible to live in the West and not know who the superheroes were. But five years after they had failed, five years after half the world turned to dust, you had no idea what to expect. It’s better than this. That much was true. If they really were Avengers, maybe they were here to rescue you.
You paced your room, unable to hear anything else other than the occasional crackle of the guard's radio. Not knowing what was happening was like having a worm under your skin. Periodically you would check the window, hoping to see something, anything other than the guard.
That didn’t take long. You were peering out just as the group rounded the corner. Suddenly, panic filled you. These men weren’t Avengers. At least not the ones you knew. And if they weren’t Avengers…
You hurried back, almost stumbling on your feet, and grabbed the water glass from the desk just to smash it against the wall. The biggest shard sliced into your skin but you barely felt the pain. Backed into a corner, terrified, you listened as they knocked out the guard and broke the handle.
This was it.
The first man into the room was tall, with dark hair. What was most notable about him though, was the arm made of black and gold metal. He stopped at the sight of you, clearly confused. Behind him stood a slightly shorter man wearing goggles and some kind of armour. They both seemed familiar somehow, but you couldn’t put a name to the faces.
“What the hell is this?” The first man muttered as the other lifted his goggles, revealing warm eyes that narrowed at you. A quiet cough sounded behind them and they moved further into the room to let a third man step in behind them. He was shorter again, but only a little. He narrowed his eyes at you.
“Who are you?” You brandished the makeshift weapon. You didn’t know these men. You didn’t know if you’d be able to take all three of them. But you weren’t going down without a fight. “Why are you here?”
“Sam Wilson.” The second man stretched out a hand, seemingly trying to calm you. “I’m an Avenger.” That’s how you knew him. The Falcon. You vaguely remembered seeing him in the back of photos, never quite taking centre stage. “That answers the first question.” “We’re looking for a serum that’s supposed to be stored here.” You turned towards the man with the metal arm. “The serum…” You’re mind immediately flickered back six months.
There were only six of you left in the dorm. The prison cell you called home. Weak from exhaustion, the countless tests, the years of suffering, it was easy for them to drag you out one by one. To strap you down to a table and inject burning liquid into your veins. You screamed through the gag as your body was set alight.
“Do you know where it is?” “It’s… it’s gone. I…” Could you really tell them where it was? You didn’t know their intentions. They might kill you. It seemed to register that you were afraid, that you weren’t a threat. The men exchanged a look, a silent conversation passing between them.
“Okay. Look, my name’s Bucky. What’s yours?” He took a step forward, not so much to threaten but to test how you would respond. Your shaking hand lowered, but you didn’t drop the glass. “(Y/N). (Y/N) (Y/LN).” “What do you mean gone? Where did they move it?” “Why should I trust you?” “Look, you’re a prisoner here, right?” Sam spoke up. You nodded. “We can help. We’ve got a jet, can take you anywhere you need to go.” “But only if I help you.” “She could be bluffing. We should leave.” The man in the back said this, shifting on his feet and glancing back over his shoulder. “Shut up Zemo.” The other two snapped in unison.
You couldn’t risk being left here. No matter who these men were, they were far better than those who held you prisoner. “I’m not bluffing. The serum is gone. I’ll tell you more, but your friend is right. We need to go.” The man in question, Zemo, was examining you even more closely now. His stare sent chills through your body. It was as if he was inside your mind, pulling it apart, exposing your secrets. “He’s not our friend,” Sam interjected. “Come on.” He stretched his arm out once more, gesturing for you to join them, and you dropped the glass, skirting around the bed. “We’re getting you out of here.”
You followed without question as they lead you through the building. Despite spending so long here, you had never seen more than brief glimpses of the endless corridors. Out through a hangar, the sunlight blinded you. Five years without the sun. No time to take it in. The four of you exited through the main gate – there was no one left to stop you.
A mile or so out a truck sat waiting. It had been hastily covered in branches, which Sam and Bucky pulled away quickly while Zemo stood at your side. You could feel his eyes watching you.
Once it was clear, Sam sat in the driver’s seat and Bucky stepped gracefully into the truck bed which had benches on either side. A hand on your upper back ushered you forward and you obeyed, taking Bucky’s outstretched hand and letting him help you up. You sat beside him as Zemo joined you. He sat opposite, hands on his knees and gazing past you. The engine started with a rumble and Sam took the vehicle back onto the road. You travelled in silence, the only sound the turn of the tires on the gravel and Bucky’s occasional sighs. You kept your eyes fixed on your hands which fidgeted with the hem of your shirt. This didn’t feel real. What if it was all a dream, or, even worse, a trick? A simulation to see what you’d do, and any moment now your rescuers would reveal themselves and send you back to an even worse hell.
Bucky seemed to catch onto your anxiety, resting his warm hand on your shoulder and giving it a reassuring squeeze. It helped a little.
Soon enough you were arriving at an airport where a plane sat waiting. You followed the men up the stairs, Zemo and Bucky in front and Sam behind you. What you found was nothing like what you were expecting.
You had imagined a military operation, crates and weaponry, nets against the wall, functionality over everything else.
Instead, you had been shown into a luxurious jet. Spacious, with leather seats and dark wooden tables, a plush carpeted floor against your bare feet.
“Wow.” You couldn’t stop yourself from gasping. “Danke,” Zemo smirked at your reaction. “I am rather proud of it.” “This is yours?” He nodded. You chuckled, almost in disbelief. This was it. You were actually free. Once you were in the air they would never be able to touch you again. “Take a seat, (Y/N).” Sam gestured towards the chairs. “It’ll be a few hours before we get to Riga.” You’d never heard of the place, but it didn’t matter. It was far away from here.
Settling into a seat towards the back of the plane, away from the three men who sat together, you closed your eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.
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ladyc0312 · 4 years
A Jikook Guide to RunBTS: 66-80
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Things in this batch start out a little slow, KM-wise, but seriously pick up around the Toronto episodes. It features the episodes where both RM and Jin ask if JK and JM are a couple, so it includes the giggly hand-push game that helped make me a jikook believer! 
As usual, let me know if I’ve missed anything or should take another look at something. :)
Ep 66 "BTS in a Comic Book Cafe Part 1" (Ep: 2 / KM: 1)
The one that I can’t help but feel would be more fun if I was more familiar with the comics involved, but the guys make it cute anyway
3:08 - This is a little hard to see because they use weird angles and cuts, but JK sings a piece of a theme song and JM catches his eye and sings with him.
9:23 - JK leans in over JM's shoulder to see how many people are on the comic book page
10:18 - JM does the same when it's JK's turn
BEHIND 10:29 - JM jokes around with JK and does the playful chest tap thing
Ep 67 "BTS in a Comic Book Cafe Part 2" (Ep: 3 / KM: 1)
BEHIND 7:28 - JM asks JK if there's a comic book he wants and says he'll buy it for him if so
Ep 68 "Heart Pang" (Ep: 1 / KM: 0)
The one where I can't for the life of me understand the board game they are playing
Ep 69 "BTS in Toronto Part 1" (Ep: 4 / KM: 5)
The Toronto one where Jikook wear matching denim shirts while going to Niagara Falls, getting lunch, and playing games
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2:36 - RM says there are certain people who will struggle with the wake up challenge. JK and JM readily seem to admit it's them. 
6:29 - JM hangs back (to walk with JK?) when the rest of the group starts heading for the Falls.
8:06 - There's a "teleporting" moment where Jin is in between JM and JK, then the camera cuts away, then it comes back and jikook are next to each other. They stay next to each other as they walk on.
9:52 - You can see jikook interacting in the background.
12:25 - JM takes a photo of JK and gets him to giggle, then they huddle to look at the pic.
13:56 - JM puts his arm around JK and takes a selca in the background, causing RM to ask "what, are you a couple or something? Both wearing denim shirts?" He says it fairly seriously for a line that seems like it's supposed to be a joke and they don't laugh or say anything in response - it looks like JM looks away and flips his hair while JK shifts and awkwardly rubs his forehead. You can also see a quiet exchange after between RM and JM where RM says no to something, then nods at JK. Unclear if it's related, but including it just in case. 
15:25 - JK doesnn't try to distract JM while he did the staring contest like he did with Hobi. When Jimin passes, JK is the only one to clap. 
18:04 - Quick moment where you can see JK start to rub the arm of JM's shirt before the camera cuts away.
18:50 - JM laughs and touches JK's chest after JK loses the rocks paper scissor game, too.
19:53 - When the other five walk away and JK is doing something with his mic, we don't see where JM is.
22:02 - JK appears to help JM with something with his camera in the foreground.
BEHIND 4:12 - After JHope scolds JK for letting Suga pour everyone's water, JK goes to pour JM some water, then puts the pitcher down. JM seemingly tries to help him out by saying it's a new trend for the oldest to pour water. 
Ep 70 "BTS in Toronto Part 2" (Ep: 3 / KM: 5)
The Toronto one where the guys go shopping, pick beds, and play games
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1:15 - JK slows down to walk side by side with JM.
2:00 - When JK messes up the game he was confident he'd win, JK laughs and playfully shoves at his chest.
7:23 - When JK loses a game and has to buy the others hoodies, JM sneaks a hat into the pile while JK has his back turned. RM rats him out.
8:01 - JM quietly puts the hat back in the pile, then walks over and hugs JK.
8:40 - JK walks over to Jimin to show him something (sunglasses he wanted?).
20:30 - When they're all joking around about whether they can fit four people on a bed, JK moves JM into an L-shape and then lays down nested with him.
BEHIND 0:09 - JK calls out "Jimin-ssi!" and tosses JM that hat he bought him.
4:49 - When the guys are all stretching and JM is in an inconvenient place, JK calls him "Jimin-ssi" again, essentially feels up his calf, and then pushes his upper thigh, all purportedly to get him to move over.
5:28 - JK kneels down behind JM, who's on all fours, and holds his hips to correct his position (I am literally just describing what happens in the clip, but I kind of feel like I'm writing porn, here...). JK then picks Jimin up to move him over a bit. Both giggle as JK starts to stand up and then the camera cuts away.  I can't even begin to think what exercising looks like for these two when there aren't cameras on them...
6:55 - JK reads out the words on the Jimin shirt they're all wearing, which happen to be, "BTS Park Jimin, I love you! I root for you! I'm ARMY!" with a huge grin on his face. Jimin laughs - no one else does - and then jokes that they should wear the shirts back to Korea, prompting JK to tell him "bye!" and wave while giggling. 
7:37 - Jimin shows the parts of the shirt design he would change by poking JK's chest, and then JK and JM share a fairly steamy look until RM interrupts. 
7:52 - JK folds up the shirt so JM's face looks weird and Jimin points to him doing it and laughs. No one else does.  Man, these two were really in their own world this whole Toronto trip, weren't they?
8:02 - JM tries to give JK some advice on the game he's about to play. Before starting, JK starts what seems like it's going to be a silly pose, but ends up being him dragging his fingers down his face, neck, and chest. Sadly for JK, JM wasn't looking. Happily for us, we can look as much as we want. 
8:18 - When JM wins a game, JK claps for him. You can probably guess by now that he's the only one who does. 
10:09 - JM steals a piece of steak, then JK does some cross-cut teleporting to come over and sink down into a chair next to him. JM overdoes making his eyes look big and innocent (perhaps hoping to get caught and scolded?).
10:35 - JM makes Jin move when he takes JM's seat next to JK I feel like just the Behind for this episode needs it's own jikook rating! And most of it is watching JK lead the guys in a workout. If you're going to watch just one Run Behind, consider making it this one!
Ep 71 "BTS in Toronto Part 3" (Ep: 3 / KM: 3)
The Toronto one where the guys have dinner, have breakfast, and play games
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14:28 - Maybe nothing, but just to note it - in this and the next shot, you can see JM heading towards where JK is lying back on the couch after losing a game, then there's an abrupt cut and everyone is in a totally different position. 
29:20 - JK tells JM the "super-pancake" he made is for him since he has to do the penalties. 
BEHIND 6:59 - JM says that he thinks JK will want to eat and calls out for him.
Ep 72 "BTS and Mafia" (Ep: 3 / KM: 2)
The one in which we learn that BTS is so terrible at the Mafia game that it almost comes back around to being impressive 
3:10 - When Jin says JK is suspicious because he isn't talking, JM defends him, saying "you know he doesn't talk much." 
8:34 - JM seems to direct his appeal to be spared to JK.
18:16 - JK compliments how well Jimin is doing at the game.
20:13 - After Jimin says he's ARMY, JK asks, "do you like me that much?" Then there's a quick cut and Jin is doing a Jim Halpert face at the camera.
28:03 - Confusing maybe-moment - let me know if it's clearer to anyone else! - but after JH is sending finger heart guns, JM points gun fingers directly at JK for no apparent reason. 
BEHIND 2:39 - Before they start playing, JK predicts that JM and Jin will be good at the game.
Eps 73-76 “Run BTS Drama Parts 1-4″ (n/a)
The ones where BTS spend four episodes making a “comedic” skit
01:09 - After JK explains that he had a wisdom tooth taken out, Jimin adds the info that they had to take out the whole root.  09:10 - Even though V is the "director" of Jimin's scene, JK speaks up and takes over the role, saying that directors use informal language and repeating twice in informal language "Jimin, let's go!" He continues speaking informally when Jimin messes up and JK scolds him.  11:40 - When it's JK's turn to deliver a line and he gets nervous about remembering it, JM reads it out loud for him. He also says as soon as JK delivers the line that he did the best job and adds to Hobi, "he doesn't get embarassed, I told you."  16:26 - It's a little hard to see for sure, but it looks like Jimin votes for JK when it's time to choose who should be the skit's director. I'm going to be totally honest with you guys - I didn't rewatch these episodes past this. I first saw it months ago and remember being disappointed and fairly bored through most of it past the first half of the first episode - I don't find the skit funny and the behind-the-scenes stuff isn't amusing enough to make a four-part episode about. I’m sure there are others who completely disagree with me and no judgment if you don't share my opinion! But I'm doing this guide for fun and I don't want to spend two hours rewatching them. 
I don't recall a ton of jikook beyond the above - I think there's a moment in part 3 where JK is getting tired and Jimin offers to take over slating for him. So, anyone who is a fan and knows / finds more jikook moments, please let me know and I will update this guide to reflect that. Otherwise, let's happily move along. :)
Ep 77 “Food Guest Part 1″ (Ep: 4 / KM: 5)
The weirdly-named ones that are prob better translated as "food connoisseurs" but the specifics of the foods theme don't really matter because JIKOOK  
07:41 - When Jin says JK and JM will be competing in a palm-push game, JM says he's already lost (because JK is strong).
07:55 - I'm fairly certain that, if you're a jikook-er, you've seen this moment. It's so unabashedly flirty a description can't really do it justice.   JK and JM are supposed to be playing a game where they put their palms together and shove to see who can make the other lose their balance. JM shoves lightly at JK's chest before they even start the game, then both start giggling. Still giggly, JM asks if JK's ready and JK says he is. JM pushes at JK's palms and JK just swings his arms back as they look at each other and smile. Jin interrupts to ask, "are you a dating couple?" (that's the most direct translation - V app translation is "are you two together?"). JK and JM both laugh, the latter so hard that he spins around, thus losing the game. 
17:08 - JK is staring so intently at Jimin on his knees with a blow-pen in his mouth that he completely misses RM trying to give him a high five. Jin has to call for JK to please respond to RM before JK looks away and returns the high five, laughing and apologizing. He looks back immediately after. 
BEHIND 0:58 - JK gives JM a shoulder massage while holding his chest as JM makes satisfied noises. I've seen this clip in compilations before, but hadn't realized it was also from  this episode. It's really the gift that keeps on giving! 
4:29 - Just prior to the above palm-push game, JM reaches out to do something to JK's sleeve (I think?). The camera cuts before we see clearly.  
4:31 - Slightly different angle of JM and JK giggling at the start of the palm-push game.
7:11 - Reveals that RM actually tried to high five JK and was ignored TWICE before Jin called JK's attention away from JM on his knees with a blow-pen in his mouth. 
Ep 78 “Food Guest Part 2″ (Ep: 3 / KM: 3)
15:00 - JK jokingly asks what the answer is and Jimin giggles at him as the on-screen text says, "how adorable." Unsurprisingly, the others are less enamored. (JK's biggest fans = 1. Jimin  2. Run BTS on-screen text writers)
BEHIND 9:56 - JK watches JM dance playfully, then wiggles his own hips, seeming to want JM's attention. Jimin smiles and starts to say something that gets cut off. 
10:03 - JK films JM as JM dances and smiles while looking into the camera. Jimin is doing silly dance, but JK zooms in on his joyful face. He quickly licks his lips as he watches. 
147 notes · View notes
The Best Worst Kept Secret
Hello!! I am back with yet another fic! I decided to give y’all some fluff this time as a treat. I wanted to finish this before yesterday’s ep but I got tripped up on one of the sections. So this just kind of ignores canon a lil and takes a path of its own. Enjoy!!
AKA: The one where everyone finds out that Gil and Jessica are together
Gil tries to contain himself for about the hundredth time that night. He should have known she wouldn’t listen to him. It’s in the Whitly’s nature to go against everything he says. The second he knew that Jessica had an invitation to a charity discussion with their latest suspect he should have pulled the plug. It was absolutely absurd to send her in there with nothing more than a wire taped to her to catch anything duplicitous that might be said.
He should have known.
When they heard glass breaking and the connection drop his team rushed in. It was on Dani’s insistence that he stay behind. It was driving him absolutely crazy not to know what the hell was going on in there.
So he paced.
Finally, after what seemed like ages the door opened. She steps out, looking all the same if not slightly more disheveled than when she walked in. He notices she walks with a slight limp, he makes a mental note to wave down a paramedic the second he gets the chance. But it disappears once her eyes meet his.
It feels like the air is sucked out of his lungs as she walks to him, a half smile on her face that masks the fear and exhaustion lying beneath. He wants to ask her what happened in there. He wants to know what the hell went wrong. But all he can think about is that he could have lost her.
That sound could have easily been Wilkes knocking her unconscious, dead before Dani and JT can even reach her. Another missed opportunity. Their window slammed shut for good this time.
He doesn’t think.
She opens her mouth to speak but he just presses his lips to hers, pouring all of his fears and hopes into those few seconds that he loses himself. He’ll be damned if he loses her before kissing her one more time.
But he isn’t losing her. She’s alive and he can feel her heart thundering against his chest as her hands hover between them, unsure of what to do. Then he remembers everything that happened. Her fears and boundaries that he definitely just crossed way too quickly. 
He pulls away just as she starts to respond and her face almost makes him laugh, her eyes are blown wide, jaw clenched but then she smiles. That warm, effusive smile that digs deep into his chest every time he sees it.
“Don’t scare me like that again.” For a second he wants her to tease him, that it wasn’t her fault that things went south.
“Yes Lieutenant.” She answers with teasing smirk. Back on her game just as quickly as he threw her off. And god help him.
The sound of a throat clearing makes him remember just where they were. JT stands just a few steps behind her, hands in his pockets. Jessica blushes, her jaw dropping open as she stammers for words once again.
“Mother!” Malcolm’s call saves her from whatever she was going to say, her motherly instincts taking over as she rushes to him, despite her hurt ankle. He shakes his head with a small smile as he watches her go.
“So,” JT strolls up, rocking back and forth. “You two?”
“Not a word.”
“I didn’t say anything!” He casts a look to the two Whitlys, Jessica fussing over her son like she wasn’t the one in a hostage situation just minutes ago. “Just didn’t know you two were a thing.”
“We haven’t been for a long time.”
“Well in that case, don’t let her slip away.”
“Do not.” Jessica’s voice dips with the warning, her threatening tone lacing through the words. 
“Don’t what?” Gil smiles, mirth sparkling in his eyes. She’s seen that look hundreds of times in Malcolm, she’s more than familiar with what follows.
“Whatever you were thinking, do not.”
“I wasn’t thinking anything.” He puts his hands up in mock surrender and she almost falls for it. 
Almost comes a little too late when the jet of water hits her straight in the chest soaking her blouse. “Are you serious?” She tries to be angry but when he tilts his head back laughing it sends blush rushing up her neck and to her cheeks. “I am going to kill you. I didn’t bring any spare clothes.”
“At least I know my murder will be solved if Malcolm’s on the case.” 
“Hilarious.” She drawls, trying to suppress the shiver that rolls up her spine.
“Fine, take it off.”
“What?” She stammers for a second. Just as quickly, she recovers, a smirk forming on her face. “I thought we’d at least wait until after dinner.” She watches his eyes go wide when he realizes what he’d said, his head turning as he chuckles nervously. She bites the inside of her cheek as she undoes the buttons, tilting her head in a tease.
He is right behind her though, shucking off the turtleneck he’s wearing and tossing it to her instead. “There. Now you have something dry.” She presses her tongue to the inside of her teeth rolling her eyes at him but puts it on nonetheless.
“How do I look?” She does a little spin for effect, feeling the heat in her cheeks rise once again as he looks her up and down.
“You look beautiful.” He’s about to walk towards her when there’s a knock on the door. They’d been expecting their food to arrive any minute, she’d just hoped he would’ve taken a little longer. Gil steps back leaning against the counter. “This isn’t over.”
“Promise?” She flips her hair over her shoulder before going to answer. She swipes her purse from the table along the way. She doesn’t even look up when she answers the door. “Hi, ok so that’s $29 and-”
“Gil, I thought you were cutting down on the takeout since we order so much at the precinct-”
The two of them stop at the same time realizing that they weren’t talking to who they thought they were. Jessica looks up from her purse meeting Dani’s confused gaze. Why was she here and why did she have their food?
“Ms. Whitly.” Dani seems just as shocked as she was. Eyes falling to the very recognizable turtleneck she was wearing. “What are you doing here?”
Jessica has to bite the sarcastic remark before it slips off her tongue. 
It is not helped when she hears Gil slide up behind her. “What’s taking so long?” It only takes a sideways glance to know that he is definitely still shirtless. He goes rigid when he spies Dani and from the look on her face she’s almost certain the poor girl is ready to bolt. “I’ll go get a shirt.” She mentally curses Gil as he dips into the safety of the bedroom and away from the awkward questions.
“How long have you two been…” Jessica frowns when she realizes that her tone doesn’t sound nearly as interrogating as she expected. Rather a little guilty, she partially wonders if she ever found out that Jessica had overheard their conversation all those months ago.
“It’s new.” As in literally under a week, she thinks to herself. She’d hoped that they could keep this under wraps as much as possible. “We didn’t want to tell anyone until we were certain.”
“Not even Malcolm?”
“No.” She sighs. As much as she loves her children, they’re equally nosy and while they want the best for her, she knows Malcolm is still looking to get revenge on her for when she meddled with his first date with Eve. “I just,” She casts a look to where Gil had disappeared to, the fear and sadness momentarily taking over. “I don’t want to mess this up again.” Not for herself. Not for her children who cherish him like a father. Especially not Gil who she’s slammed the window shut so many times. Every single time he just gave her that same understanding smile. Even if it hurt.
“Well,” Jessica snaps her gaze back to Dani, remembering that she wasn’t just lamenting to herself. “He looks happy.”
Gil chooses that time to come back while she’s still locked in her own thoughts. It’s all she can do to excuse herself to the kitchen and leave them to talk. She finds the bottle of bourbon they’d planned on opening later trying to quell her shaking hand as she pours two glasses. All of her ease has disappeared, replaced with the knot of tension pulling her further into herself.
She’s just about to go check when she feels to arms wrap around her from behind. “What’s wrong?” He asks dropping a kiss to her cloth covered shoulder. Of course he could tell something was wrong just from her standing there. He’s always known her better than anyone. “Talk to me.”
She spins in his arms, her hands coming to rest on his chest. She bites the inside of her cheek. “Are you happy?”
He drops his head, shaking it with the same soft smile that makes her heart skip. “Of course I am.” One hand moves from her back brushing the hair that had fallen across her face. “I’m happier than I’ve felt in a long time. I’m with you.”
“Even if-”
“Yes.” He stops her before she can ramble off any scenarios. He’s not letting her push him away, not this time. His thumb strokes her jaw and her eyes fall to his lips. “Even then.”
Finally he kisses her, and it tastes like a promise.
“Are you certain there’ll be nobody here?” Jessica grasps Gil’s arm as they step into the restaurant. By all means, it was perfect. Out of the city, away from prying eyes of photographers looking to get a shot of her, far from the legacy of her name. Just a nice, fancy restaurant for a first date.
That thought send a whole new wave of anxiety through her.
Gil had asked her to dinner, officially, to celebrate his closing of a case and her sealing the deal on a new realtor’s space. Finally they have some time to themselves again, maybe for the first time in weeks they can see each other for more than fifteen minutes for a quick meal before she’s called off to a meeting or Malcolm calls him for an update on the case. 
He seems to sense her unease as he slips his hand over her’s giving it a gentle squeeze. “Just me and you.” She softens at his smile, her hand reaching up to trace his jaw. For a moment she thinks she could say the three words that have been stuck on the back of her tongue ever since they’ve started this again.
“I-” Her breath catches, choking on the words once again. She quells the frustration before it can even cross her face, instead pushing away from him. “I have to go to the restroom. Will you get our table?”
“Yeah.” If he caught what just happened, he doesn’t let on. She steadies herself by focusing on each step. Gaining back her control with each careful stride. That is, until her eyes fall on a booth across the room.
It’s the laugh that draws her attention. A sound she’s become familiar with the more the woman hangs around Malcolm. Her laugh has been something that made her son smile brighter than she’s seen in years. It’s instantly recognizable.
She’s sitting with a group of women, from what she can tell they’re sisters. Similar in appearance enough to be related at least. They’re so caught up in each other that Edrisa doesn’t see her. If she’s quick enough she can just slip right into the bathroom and be back to Gil where she requested a private booth.
She’s so focused on the group of women she doesn’t see the waiter round the corner talking to a coworker. Not until she crashes into him, wine glasses tipping from the tray and spilling all over the front of her dress. The force knocks her to the ground flinching as the glass sprays across the floor around her.
“Jess, oh my god!” Gil runs up to her, careful of the shards to help her back to her feet.
“Ma’am I am so sorry. I didn’t- I wasn’t-” She barely hears the rambling apologies when she can see that the person she was trying to hide from is now looking straight at her, along with everyone else in the damn restaurant. 
“I’m fine.” She dismisses with a hand. “I’m going to clean up.” She knows her tone betrays everything. She hasn’t caused such a scene since smashing the camera of the man who tried to sneak pictures of Malcolm while he was sitting on the swings with Gil only months after Martin’s arrest.
The quiet of the bathroom is a welcome change as she steps in front of the mirror. She’s an absolute scene. Hair rumpled, face flushed with embarrassment. The dress that she spent hours trying to pick out by herself all but ruined. The stickiness of the wine already making her uncomfortable.
What if she can’t do this?
The knock startles her out of her thoughts. She shuts her eyes gathering herself, “I’m fine Gil. Really, I’m not hurt.”
The door opens slowly and the person in the doorway isn’t him. Rather Edrisa who swallows heavily before stepping inside. “Do you need help?”
“I’m fine.”
“Are you sure, cause yknow wine stains even black clothing- which is, awful, right? Like, how dare it? Isn’t that the fundamental rule of black?”
“You should probably start blotting, that looks like expensive velvet.” She passes her a cloth napkin that she must have snagged from the table when she got up. “That’ll clean up better than the paper towels. Trust me.”
Jessica wants to put up a fight but just sighs, accepting the help. “Thank you.” She carefully blots the stain, eyes falling on the woman who rocks back and forth looking like she wants to ask a hundred questions but is barely refraining. “Before you ask, yes. We’re dating. No, it hasn’t been for long. This is our first actual date. Yes, we were trying to keep it secret.”
“I knew you two were together!”
“What?!” Jessica’s head snaps around, her tone coming out angrier than she intended.
“No! I mean- No!” Edrisa stammers. “I didn’t know know but I knew. You know?”
“Well, it’s like. It’s like in the movies. It couldn’t be more obvious that the two people who’ve known each other for decades are going to be together in the end but it’s this will they won’t they. It’s the miscommunication and the boundaries. He’s a widower. But there’s all this tension.”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“You’d have to be blind not to see how you look at each other.” She smiles tilting her head. “You’re head over heels for each other.”
“Are we really that obvious?” Edrisa gives a half shrug and Jessica lets out the breath of frustration. “Well, I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t tell Malcolm.”
“Oh! Yeah, totally. I mean, wouldn’t want it getting out before you’re ready.”
“No, we wouldn’t. Not yet at least. It’s new and I don’t want to mess this up. I just want to keep everything discreet.”
“One hundred percent. My lips are sealed.” The silence falls between them and for a moment Jessica wonders if she’s going to tell her something else. A thought passes across the woman’s face before she waves it off. “Well I should get back to my family. Have fun! Don’t do anything you wouldn’t want your kids to hear about.” She laughs and Jessica just chuckles nervously. “Right. Going. Bye!” Jessica follows her out the door relieved to see Gil standing there with a worried look on his face.
“Sir.” Edrisa nods at him passing him, but as she’s about to round the corner, she spins around giving him a double thumbs up with a wide grin and a wink.
“Do you think she’ll tell?” Gil asks once he’s certain she’s gone back to her family.
“Honestly? I have no idea.”
“Gil.” Her warning comes out huskier than she intended it to. She’s trying to focus on the paperwork in front of her, stacks of royalty agreements, press issues, and editor’s notes scribbled on the words of her own writing are enough to drive anyone mad. She partially wonders if this is how he feels when pouring over case files.
He hums against her neck and her control almost snaps. His arms wind around her torso scooting her closer to him on the couch. 
“Don’t you have a case to work on?”
“Just finished.” She feels him smile and she sighs putting down the file she was studying. “Not my fault you look so good in glasses.”
“They’re reading glasses.”
“Doesn’t matter. You still look good.” She bites her tongue, cheeks blushing with the compliment but she leans further into his touch. “Take a break.”
“We’ve taken 3 breaks in the past 2 days.”
“Are you complaining?” She tilts her head, pretending to think about it for a minute. That only encourages him more as he trails his kisses down her chest.
“Gil,” She tries again but all of her will is gone the second he hits that spot on her collarbone. “You’re horrible.” She pushes him back using the momentum to swing a leg over his lap so she’s straddling him. His wide eyed look of wonder is enough to make her laugh before she captures his lips with hers. Her hands rest on the back of the couch while his slide down her thighs pulling her impossibly closer.
She begins tugging at his turtleneck that he has carefully tucked in. “We should move.” He whispers in between kisses and it’s her turn to split into a wicked smile.
“I dismissed everyone this morning. We’re all alone.” His jaw drops and she tilts her head back with a laugh.
“Who’s horrible now?” But his lips attack her neck again and she just laces her fingers through his hair letting the sensation take over.
She’s ready to lift his shirt over his head when the sound of the door opening and shutting calls her attention. They both freeze, chests heaving trying to catch their breath. “Mom?” 
Jessica lets out a stream of curses under her breath at the sound of Ainsley steadily approaching. She pulls herself off his lap, quickly fixing the buttons that she didn’t notice he’d managed to snap open on her blouse. Gil does the same, tucking in his shirt where he can and taking a file to drape over his lap. She runs her fingers through her hair and picks up the file she was working on as if nothing had happened at all.
“There you are! You won’t believe what happened today! Oh, hey Gil!” Her eyes bounce between them for a moment, but if she suspects something she doesn’t let it show. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m helping your mother with her book.”
“You’re letting Gil read it?” Ainsley pouts, reminding her of when she was little and she didn’t get what she wanted. “You told Malcolm and I we’d have to wait until it was released.”
“I believe I told you I didn’t want you reading it at all, but nevertheless. What’s happened today?”
“What do you mean?” It takes Ainsley half a beat to remember she came home for a reason. “Oh. I just got the word that they want to kick off Joseph Lassley after the whole incident. You remember, right?”
“Well they want to give me his spot! I’m going to be the head reporter!” Jessica jumps up going to hug her daughter. 
“Oh, darling, that’s wonderful!” She squeals. “I’m so proud of you!”
“Congratulations Ainsley.”
“Thanks Gil.” She beams practically bouncing back to the door. “I have to go. I just stopped by to tell you in person, didn’t feel like over the phone news.” She hugs Jessica again and she squeezes her daughter back just as tightly. “I have to go tell Malcolm.”
“Go! We can celebrate tonight!”
“Whatever you want, darling.”
“Can Gil come?” Jessica looks back at him and he seems shocked at the request but nods with a soft grin.
“I’d love to.” The look of adoration makes her chest feel so tight that it hurts.
“Awesome. Love you. I’ll see you later.” With that hurricane Ainsley is gone. She lets out the breath she was holding turning back to Gil again.
“That was close.”
“Um, Jess?” Her eyebrows furrow when she realizes he’s looking at her chest. Her blouse is slanted, having missed one of the buttons in an effort to get them back together quickly.
“Shit.” She casts a look towards the door, fixing the buttons while she does. “Do you think she noticed?” 
The scream is distant but loud enough to still carry into the home. “MALCOLM HOLY FUCK.”
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
“Jess if you pace any more you’re going to burn a hole into the floor.” Gil leans against the table, eyes watching her as she walks from end to end.
“He’s late.” She checks the clock again for confirmation, and yes, Malcolm was officially half an hour late. “I told him that tonight was important and that I needed to talk to him.”
“Can you blame him? The last time you said dinner was important was to harass him-”
“Don’t finish that sentence unless you want to sleep on the couch tonight.” Gil raises his glass in mock surrender sipping on the scotch. “Why are you so worked up about this? You know he’ll be thrilled. I mean when he was a kid he basically begged me to move in.”
“It’s not about how he’s going to react. It’s just,” She sighs finally settling in a chair. “He’s the only one we got to tell for real. Everyone else figured it out.”
“For a profiler, he’s shockingly unobservant when it comes to family.”
“Oh trust me, I know.” She smiles with a small laugh. “I thought for sure he was going to catch us that day in your office.”
“I can’t believe we did that.”
“Oh, poor JT.” She laughs, the tension in her chest finally easing a little. It’s enough that she misses the door opening.
“Mother, sorry I’m late. But on the brightside, I’ve got this beautiful 14th century broadsword that-” He stops, his eyes falling on Gil. “And Gil’s here.” He glances between the two of them with a suspicious look. “This isn’t some kind of intervention is it?”
“Not exactly.” She straightens herself, feeling the anxiety bubble in her stomach all over again. Everything up to this point had been amazing. Sure when they were apart, Malcolm tried to help them get back together, but what would he think now? Would he be upset? Hurt to know that he learned last?
“Mom, is everything ok?” Her expression softens, he only calls her mom when he’s worried about her. She’s given him far too much to worry about lately. She takes his hand in hers with a reassuring smile.
“Your mother and I wanted to talk to you. And this is something that’s important to us.”
“Ok you’re both acting weird now. I’m used to her. Please don’t turn on me too, Gil.”
 “Malcolm.” She sighs because she knows this is how he acts when nervous. He can’t stop talking, a habit he’s picked up from the medical examiner she’s noticed him lingering around lately. “Sunshine,”
“Oh god, she brought out Sunshine. I’m in trouble.”
“No, kid, you’re not in trouble we just-”
“Gil and I are together.” She finally blurts out, before pursing her lips together. Malcolm’s head snaps towards her with a mixed look of wonder and disbelief.
“Like, together together?”
“Is it serious?”
“Well I hope so considering he’s moving in.” She tries for the joke but Malcolm just short circuits, leaning back in his chair running a hand over his chin.
“How long?”
“2 months.”
“2 months?” 
“Well, kid. Your mother and I wanted to make sure it stuck this time before we told you.”
“Does Ainsley know?” The two of them pass a look and they can practically see as the dots connect in his head. “Oh my god the couch. She called me and was talking about Gil, and the couch. She didn’t make any sense. Oh my god.”
“We wanted to tell you for so long. But it didn’t feel like the right time.”
“Is that the bet that Dani and JT have going? If you two are together?”
“Not exactly.”
“What? What do you mean?”
“It’s more like when you’ll figure it out.”
“They know?” 
“Well they figured it out the same way Ainsley did.”
“Not like that! JT saw me kiss your mother after the Wilkes case,”
“Dani was a few days later. I stayed the night at Gil’s and I answered the door thinking she was our takeout.”
“Did everyone find out before me?”
“Well we were sure Edrisa was going to accidentally let it slip.” Jessica shrugs.
“Edrisa knows?” 
“We ran into her at a restaurant where some said it would be safe away from anyone we could run into.” She shoots a playful glare at Gil who raises a brow at the challenge.
“How was I supposed to know the Tanakas were in town?”
“Oh my god.” Jessica turns her attention back to her son who looks as if he’s going over every single interaction he’s had for the past 2 months in his mind.
She swallows heavily, taking his hand again and getting serious. “Are you ok with this?”
The question seems to snap him out of his spiral. His eyes finally fall on her with a clarity and hope she hadn’t seen for a long time. “Ok with this? This is like, something I thought about since I was 12. Gil’s basically my dad. And if you’re happy, that’s all that matters to me. Are you happy mom?”
“Oh Sunshine,” She chokes back the tears building in her eyes, her free hand tracing over his jaw. She wonders how the hell she got so lucky. “I’m very happy.”
He turns his attention to Gil. “Are you?”
The look on Gil’s face almost takes her breath away. “I haven’t been this happy in a long time.”
“Good.” Malcolm smiles and Jessica is certain her heart is going to burst right out of her chest. “Now, when are you going to propose?”
“Am I getting a little brother or sister?”
“I am fifty two!”
“So was Janet Jackson.”
“You’re unbelievable.”
“Oh I’m just getting started. I’ve got twenty one years of meddling pent up and ready to unleash.”
The sounds of wheels sliding across the linoleum breaks Martin’s deep focus, he abandons his latest project with a wide grin. “TV time already, Mr. David? I felt like I had a good half hour in me still!” The man doesn’t answer, only moving to set up the equipment with the same boring monotony as he did every day. Honestly, you’d think the man could show a little more life.
It no longer matters when the TV powers on, just in time to see his daughter’s smiling face, with a warm greeting that feels especially for him. He bristles, the same sense of pride that fills his chest any time he can see his children in their element consuming him. He can’t help but shift in glee, scooting closer to the screen.
“Is she wearing L’agence again? You know, that’s her mother’s influence right there. I was always more of a Brioni man, myself. Italian. Swear you’ve never felt something so soft in your life.” Ainsley picks up her papers, tapping them against the desk, signaling she’s diving into the latest news. “Shh, she’s starting”
“Why don’t we start off tonight on a good note? Lighting up the social circles and buzzing all around New York, daughter of John and Carrie Milton, Jessica Whitly is engaged! You may know Jessica Whitly as she was the ex-wife of the Surgeon and is my mother.” She grins, and he swears he can see Jessica in her. The mischievous glee of knowing that his world is falling apart sparkling in her eyes. “Tabloids were lighting up after spying Ms. Whitly with a ring on her finger, and it is with great pleasure that I’m the one to confirm the rumors. Ms. Whitly is engaged to the head of major crimes, Lieutenant Gil Arroyo. The two of them met during the arrest-”
“Turn it off.”
“Martin,” Mr. David approaches, ready to apprehend if necessary. It won’t be, he can control himself.
“Turn it off!” He snaps. He blissfully does and Martin revels in the silence, if only for a moment. “How could she not tell me? Me? I didn’t even know she was seeing anyone again!” He pushes the chair back pacing from end to end, or as far as his rope would let him reach. “I had to find out by a broadcast. The news.” He scoffs, noticing that the man across the room’s shoulders are shaking with laughter. “Did you know about this?”
“Yes, I received the news about a week ago.”
“A week ago.” He falls back onto his bed with a sigh. “My boy didn’t even tell me! And I really felt like we were connecting again! ”
“And my girl! Oh you know her mother set her up to do that just to get at me. Ainsley would never stoop so low as to address tabloids. They’re so beneath her.” He rakes a hand through his hair, “and Mr David, Et tu, Brute. Leave me alone, I’d like to suffer in peace.”
“I guess I shouldn’t tell you I got the invitation in the mail yesterday.”
It’s all he could do but turn his face to scream into his pillow.
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steve0discusses · 4 years
Yugioh Ep 36 S4: Seto Joins Dragon Wife in Hell
So I dunno about you guys, but 2020 aged me like a lot in just these 8 months, so I figured it was time to embrace the feeling of being on death’s door and I decided to learn Mahjong. So I could truly embrace the ancients and vibe in their natural habitat.
Anyway, once I learned some Mahjong lore, some parts of Yugioh just open up. Namely--Seto’s dragons. Like a whole lot of stuff about early Seto Kaiba that confused me at the time just makes so much more sense now.
But unfortunately, he dies this episode, and he never pulled out his Blue Eyes White Dragons, and it’s just like...
...but my Mahjong deep cuts...
Like every episode I’m just rubbing my palms together in anticipation that someone will die, but like...I never get to talk about how in Mahjong, there’s only 4 white dragon tiles, but if you have 3, you can steal the fourth white dragon from another player’s discards, and that when you that, other stuff happens...I don’t get to talk about that because Seto’s hella dead.
So lets just get to the death. Dartz decides to make all of our soldier frenemies attack Pharaoh--because that’s all he needs to raise the Leviathan. Like Dartz doesn’t even really need to finish this game. He just needs Yami.
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Seto picks up that these friend (and Pegasus) soldiers that Yami refuses to kill are probably going to end the world very quickly so he decides to do something about it. If this were a blog where I talked about cards instead of Mahjong, then I’d dive into the intricacies of what that even was.
But, we’re not, so lets just talk about Pegasus.
(read more under the cut)
This guy harnesses some psychic energy he’s got leftover from S1 and communicates directly to Pharaoh’s mind.
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So, hey, what was that about Pegasus not having powers anymore? Like? He’s still doing this? He’s still psychic and he very clearly can still make blank cards so like...I guess you can take out the eyeball and make him nicer, but you can’t take out some of the effed up magic side-effects. (like there was a comment I didn’t respond to (which, sorry about that, been a little nuts over here in California), but apparently there was a movie in between seasons where Pegasus saved their lives--so he’s legit good now...there was a DLC where character arcs happened.)
Which kind makes you wonder about Marik, but we’ll probably never see him again so o well, save it for the fanfiction.
PS Yami is totally fixating on that eye we can’t see, right? Like...it never outright tells us, but does this spiritual Orichalcos manifestation of Pegasus still have the golden eye? A human eye? Or no eye at all? Just skin?
Not like it matters because Seto does some sort of card shenanigans that undo the whole friends that are soldiers thing like it never happened.
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MMMMM I don’t like these weird legs on Yugi. Don’t like the thighs it gave to Joey. No! I’m seeing like this skin-tight silhouette of half an ass right now and I really don’t like it.
Along with other card things I won’t go into that consumed most of this episode, Seto finally got hit by a...well, I mean you can clearly see it in the next cap.
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So, in Mahjong, there are 3 types of dragons: a white dragon, a red dragon, and a green dragon. I used to think it was really lazy that we’re just calling monsters straight up “white dragon” or “red dragon” in this show, but now it makes more sense because this whole time it was probably baby’s first Mahjong reference but I’m too Western to know that.
Anyway, the white dragon is funny looking because it’s a white tile--just a completely blank white tile. I thought it was a wild card at first but nah--it’s a white dragon in a snowfield--which is a very funny Dad joke from 200 years ago we’re still doing today. But, often, instead of a Dad joke, they’ll just make the white dragon tile a drawing of a blank card, like this:
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Kind of funny that the guy who’s shtick is white dragons, ended up with his soul in a blank card. Was that a mahjong reference? Probably not, but I noticed it.
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And mahjong aside, the show paid it’s respects to Seto dying and so he took his sweet time passing on. It’s still not that much respect. We aren’t gonna get that amazing Joey death sequence from S3 that took like half an episode of scene-shredding for our mains to recover from, but like...Seto was very determined to keep going, despite not having a soul.
He even finished his turn of cards, as if to just spite Joey Wheeler for that one time Joey hella died before killing Marik.
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Shippers rejoice, it’s a Yami and Seto Kaiba death sequence. If you squint really hard, it might even be an embrace. I mean they both have very sharp duel disks on, and if Yugi’s closes for whatever reason, it’ll snap Seto’s head clear off, but what other “hugs” do we really get on this show?
And as for Mokuba, he was quite tragic this episode. I mean it’s Yugioh, so it’s not like you’re gonna cry or anything, but Mokuba just doesn’t really have anything else going for him without his brother so it is legit like...man Mokuba gets a lot of crap thrown his way and even when he’s happy, he still has to live with Seto so just...Mokuba...
Again we get this bubble effect of other people trying to enter the Orichalcos which happens just a Hell of a lot this season. Like Dartz probably has never had a single person WANT to go in the green zone in 10,000 years and then these bizarre children happened and they just want to bounce off that thing like a jello pudding.
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I think it took over 5 minutes for Seto to die, and he was very, very, VERY angry the entire time. Just fueled by literally nothing but rage. Could probably go a couple more episodes if he had taken a nap in the KaibaCopter, but alas, even Seto Kaiba eventually runs out of fumes.
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Anyway, another Mahjong fun fact. The dragon tiles are considered an “honor tile” and how many times have we heard Seto--who is such a scumball--go off about his honor? It can be hard to use honors tiles because their rate of success is lower, so when Seto’s like “I have to live up to my dragon’s honor or I can’t keep these in my deck” could he be like...making a Mahjong pun as well as a literal reference to whatever he defines as honor?
...Again, just a Mahjong reference I noticed, but probably not what they intended at all. Which is Good Enough for this blog.
After he tragically passed on, and Yami delicately put his body on the ground, -- Dartz decided to make this moment very funny for me, instead.
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Not as good as Yami the both times his body was chucked casually across the screen this season--but a very good toss, nonetheless.
I have made so MANY clips of this season!
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Tristan and Tea kinda just stood there this entire episode while this was all going down and like...I know they can’t really do anything else at this point but like...can someone give Mokuba a hug???
I can’t believe Valon was the only guy in this entire show about friendship who knew how to hug people. He was in prison since he was 9, and then was raised by freakin Dartz, why is he the only hugger?
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PS, apparently Seto’s yummy soul was enough to make the Leviathan open a single eye-ball in curiosity.
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Mokuba out there flinging so many insults that he got everyone else banned from watching devil cards. It’s like sports competitions in Middle school with that one kid who won’t stop cussing. That one kid who is the reason everyone else has to sit through a boring ass assembly about sportsmanship? That’s Mokuba.
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Now that everyone is ‘passed out’, we can get to the juicy stuff only the olds talk about--which sounds a lot like I’m about to do another segway into talking about Mahjong again, but I’m actually all out of the Mahjong juice. Again, I’m ass at Mahjong.
(and like...the peanut gallery died in the original version, right? I know to never trust a “they’re just sleeping” line in Yugioh.)
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Dartz telling me he dragged that ass length blue hair across Egypt?
I would say that it must’ve really thrown people, but then again, their Pharaoh looked like...that.
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So Dartz ended up wandering the earth for 5000 years, cursed to live immortally, unable to revive the great Leviathan, wallowing in his failure. Sentenced to suffer the entire existence of humanity that he never wanted to see survive anyway, unable to die himself.
That’s an interesting plotline that I wish I saw more of. I really like the idea of a supervillian who is already past his prime, who’s already burnt out, who’s so far removed from what happened that he’s fully accepted his demise and is just wandering around out of habit. But, most importantly--that changes my math. That’s like...5000 years he wasn’t slurping no souls because he was too damn depressed. So I’ll append the Deathcount. One second.
OK so we can just subtract 7.3 million from what we had, leaving us with: 7,805,844,047. Barely even made a dent but...eh...when you got the current population of the Earth in there it’s really hard to make a dent in that thing.
PS I still have that google doc where I keep track of the deaths, we have 55 lines of entries, haha.
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Yugioh is interesting because you do have some racial stuff going on here where Yami is SO OLD that he doesn’t remember not only his own name--he doesn’t remember what he looks like. He’s even seen it a few times in hallucinations but like...Yami legit doesn’t know what it is to be an ancient Egyptian anymore. It’s been a hot minute, and he still sees himself as a pale skinned Yugi clone when he spiritually manifests in the show. Because the modern day, set in Japan, through Yugi’s eyes--that’s all he knows about life.
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Dartz was so impressed by Pharaoh’s magic powers that he knew--he just KNEW that this Pharaoh with the worst hair would be the yummy soul for the Leviathan tummy. But unfortunately...
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This is a show that has had so MANY overlapping apocalypses that I did have to sit back and kind of count off on my fingers which crazy person this would be about.
Honestly? Either Seto or Bakura...guessing Bakura because we haven’t finished his storyline yet and I know that he’s the big bad of S5. But man...Dartz was just like “oh...no thanks to that guy. I’ll just take a nap for 5000 years, BIG no thanks.” and it does make you wonder...
...oh...so that’s why you didn’t bother Bakura in this timeline.
It also helps make Bakura even more of a threat. Again, Bakura is great because he’s just constantly leaving nuggets of what a threat he is and then just...disappears for seasons on end. The Bakura we’ve made in our head is probably way more awful than what he may end up being.
But for now, it’s fun to just fill in the gaps instead.
anyway that was it for this episode, I’m off to pretend it’s Thanksgiving week and will look forward to drowning my anxiety in a 16 lb turkey shared between four people.
Anyway, I brought up the cat that falls asleep on metal rods so I have to do this:
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And for those that are new, this is a link to read these in chrono order: https://steve0discusses.tumblr.com/tagged/yugioh/chrono
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sunshine304 · 3 years
On to eps 25 + 26, my friends! It’s heating up!
Yang Jin was concerned because he saw Yu Wenzhi’s troups – but he definitely, absolutely was NOT concerned for Li Yan, no no! XD They keep on going together, but only... for 5 min or so? Until Li Yan tells him to go help A-Fei in town, since she can make the rest of the way herself (that worked so well before...). It’s cute how Yang Jin doesn’t want to go, but she makes puppy eyes at him and so he leaves.
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I guess in the long run that isn’t such a bad decision to send him to A-Fei’s aid. 
Poor Li Yan of course meets an outpost that’s already infiltrated by Disha. At least the man helps her instead of selling her out. And then it turns out that Li Sheng didn’t even include a message, just sending her away from where the attack will happen. Oh Li Sheng... He could have thought about how the outpost might be in Disha’s pockets, though, since it wouldn’t be the first time. Anyway, Li Yan steals a horse and goes to find help.
So much stuff is happening at the same time! Yang Jin asks after the Intinerary Gang who surely will help him (good idea), while Chuchu listens in on the Elders talking about how Li Sheng is very likely dead. She is devastated. T_T
Yu Wenzhi starts distrusting Kou Dan, because she now mentions a rumoured hidden path to the 48 Strongholds. She’s all like, “What, it’s just a rumour.“ and even I side-eye her for that. He wants to set a trap for A-Fei and leaves.
Meanwhile, Xie Yun has already strongly hinted to A-Fei that it would be an advantage if they could get YWZ to distrust at least Kou Dan. A-Fei uses YWZ’s ruse for just that, basically telling Gu Tianxian that this was an assassination attempt lead by Mingfeng Sect. 
OMG the kiss by proxy!! I flailed!! Give me moooore! ♥
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XY is off to distract GTX while A-Fei looks for YWZ's new hiding spot. But before that she stares into space, thrown by XY's proxy kiss. I swoon along with her. XD
Li Yan meets Li Jinrong, who was on her way back anyway since she missed her husband yet again. The army seems to have some problems, though General Wen is… perhaps downplaying? Anyway, LJR now knows that 48 Strongholds is under attack and hurries home.
Shen Tianshu has waited out the fire, it seems, and is now in front of the main gate to the 48 Strongholds. Also, YWZ’s private army has arrived. All in all, this huge combined army consists of about 30 people; 6 of them leave to find the secret path. I can’t get over the fact that the mean villains only have so few people! You really didn’t have a budget, huh? XD I mean srsly, there are definitely more people hiding at the 48 SH! XD
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Look at his smug face! He always squints smugly at everyone, he’s so weird! XD
Love how XY is leading Disha around. Also happy that Wang Yibo could do lots of wirework in that scene, since he likes to do that stuff. XD Meanwhile, YWZ feels super threatened. Rightly so, asshole.
Aww the Elders Zhao and Zhang at the 48 SH want to go fighting! I actually enjoy that this show has many older characters as well.
Aaaand A-Fei has found YWZ! And she fights! And then there’s Yang Jin and the IG to the rescue! I love how they’re all fighting, while YWZ just stands there and watches with Kou Dan protecting him. Kinda. I cheered for the IG just fighting with big sticks and whatever else was at hand against that trained (? I assume) private army with swords – and they win by brute force. XD
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A-Fei is all confused and Yang Jin explains, “I met Li Yan on the road and she started crying. She’s so annoying, I can’t say no to her!” He is so whipped. XD
YWZ really is a totally useless fighter. A-Fei reaches him and overpowers him easily. What kind of position does that guy have in the government? Doesn’t seem to be an army position… Since they won they want to get Disha to stop the attack on the 48 SH.
Meanwhile I fucking knew it that Ma Jili would betray them! Did he actually kill that one Elder? Or did they really encounter Disha and the Elder got killed there? Hm.
Anyway, look at Chuchu grabbing a sword! That was cool, you go queen! Though she didn’t get to use it, I’m sure there will be another chance for her to fuck some shit up!
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A-Fei is so devastated that Uncle Ma betrayed her. I feel you, A-Fei. And then Uncle Ma feels guilty (or… was also misled by Kou Dan?) and fights KD, which doesn’t end good for him. 
That fight between A-Fei and KD was really cool. Loved how they used the end credits song! I’m a sucker for that song! A-Fei gets her revenge and doesn’t even watch KD die.
Seriously, those poor kids will all be so traumatised. Yeah in CQL they all went to war at 19 or so, but they at least all had fighting experience in a real life situation against monsters, fierce corpses and whatnot. The kids from 48 SH grew up sheltered with this kind of fighting just a theoretical exercise. 
OH nooo Xie Yun uses the super power needle! O_O He sees that 48 SH will likely lose (how, against only 20 Disha ppl, IDK…) and decides on that, because he can’t lose A-Fei.
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Look at his conflicted face!!!
He also throws some exposition in there, that Chuchu’s necklace is the main key for the HTYS which he is looking for. Okay. Whatever, now pls fuck Shen Tianshu up, my man.
He does. He also tells A-Fei that he wants to enjoy himself here. (Meaning he doesn’t have long afterwards anyway and wants to go out with a bang I guess. T_T) STS is shocked because it seems that Xie Yun has some SERIOUS FIGHTING SKILLZ.
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This is getting really long... XD
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Xie Yun fights and it's pretty cool! A-Fei also keeps fighting, but she gets weaker, and also seems overwhlemed by the situation. I can’t blame her.
And then Li Jinrong signals her arrival and Shen Tianshu kinda panics while A-Fei decides that this is a good moment to faint. She does a lot of fainting in this show.
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Have this gif for the drama of it all. XD
Yay, Chuchu has found Li Sheng! She had to wade through some corpses for that at the river bank, but she is a badass and doesn’t care. MVP Chuchu! ♥
Excuuuse me!? STS punches (!!) Li Jinrong's horse. Seriously, asshole?! WTF?! LJR fucks him up anyway, destroys his metal hand (he later has a new one so I guess he just... has a lot of these things lying around?). Disha + YWZ’s troups finally retreat, and Chuchu immediately tells them where Li Sheng is. He is now safe, yay!
Okay this shot of LJR is really cool.
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There LJR goes again with her tough mother routine. XD A-Fei is awake and happy to see her; she also aks after Xie Yun, and her mother is like, “Do you know who he is?” and A-Fei conveniently does not mention that she knows he's royalty and just tells her the important stuff like, “He does poetry and songs to make a living.” LJR just dismisses her with, “We'll talk about him later.” Oh oh.
Cute scene with A-Fei and Li Sheng, who tease each other good-naturedly. Li Sheng now can admit that A-Fei is better than him at martial arts, but he doesn't want to give up – perhaps he'll manage to be better than her one day anyway? ;D I like his growth so far.
Xie Yun comes over to flirt and invite himself into A-Fei's bedroom. XD But this time A-Fei flirts back! It's the, “I know I'm good looking, but you have to pay money to stare at me,” and A-Fei answers, “You can stare at me too and we'll call it even,” scene. XY is surprised and delighted. XD
That whole conversation between these two. ♥ T_T A-Fei knows XY so well by know that she sees through his act of putting on a happy face whenever he's worried. She wants to ask so many questions but doesn't because she thinks he won't answer them honestly anyway. T_T And she sincerely asks him if he's alright. T_T He's obviously thrown by all of this, and he talks around some things and yep, he isn't really honest. And then she asks too many questions anyway and he uses her accupoints to knock her out. My God, just talk to her!!
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And there's the other ship that's shyly circling each other! Chuchu and Li Sheng have an awkward conversation, because now that it's not live or death they don't know how to act. XD He wants to look for Chuchu's brother and they perhaps could live at the 48 SH? *puppyeyes* I mean seriously, where is that kid?!
Shen Tianshu is pissed, Yu Wenzhi is too. He's going on about how Xie Yun (=Xiao Chuan) should be dead, damnit, since he was poisoned 10 years ago with that super rare and deadly Bone Piercing Blue poison (we remember, the one that 9th Madam Duan also suffered from until Li Zheng helped her). We get STS exposition that a master must've helped XY so that he survived (and the master should've died of it), but now that XY used the power needle his meridians are no longer blocked and the poison is free to circulate again = He only has a few months to live. OH NO! T_T They don't know if he's also looking for the HYTS but want to keep looking anyway; Disha masters are sent out after the two men yet again bitch at each other. XD
Sometimes it's nice to actually get some exposition here...
There's a funeral scene at 48 SH with cool music and all of them swearing their oath again to do their best with a clear conscience before Heaven, Earth, and themselves. That “clear conscience” idiom is really popular I think?
A talk between Xie Yun and Li Jinrong. She thanks him and seems sincere enough, but she also seems wary/distrustful of him (well, he fetched her ill husband to go to war again, sooo...). He yet again circumvents actually answering her questions about his former master (although I assume she at least has a hunch who he is), and he tells her she should perhaps be nicer to her daughter and compliment her from time to time. Well, I guess he's dying anyway and hasn't anything to lose. XD
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She comments on his pale complexion, is he perhaps ill? Wow the passive-aggressiveness in this scene from LJR. XD Then she hands him a sigil to pass the guards and basically throws him out. Charming. Good start into that in-laws situation. XD
OMG Li Sheng sends pastries to Chuchu! ♥ And Li Yan is all excited, like, “Yes please fetch your little brother, I always wanted a little brother, that would be awesome!” XD
Xie Yun and A-Fei have a romantic stroll under the not-moonlight. ♥ They are holding hands, be still my heart! ♥  While they are hand holding we also get a MV of their best moments so far.
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She tells him she's working on a gift for him, and she wants to help him look for the HYTS since it seems to be a shitty thing and she doesn't want it to fall into Disha's hands. Xie Yun would like to stay at 48 SH and of course doesn't tell A-Fei about his talk wit LRJ nor that he's, you know, dying. It's obvious that he will leave without her because he doesn't want to drag her into this (the trope of “I know what's best for you without giving you a real chance to make a decision yourself” ugh) and also because he's fucking dying. OMG. T_T
We end with A-Fei knocking on his door the next morning (where he very obviously isn't anymore) to give him her gift. Before she can actually see that he isn't there Chuchu intercepts her, so A-Fei tries to give her back the necklace. Chuchu is all like, “Nooo you keep it, it's far saver with you!” so there's that. This will surely be important later. The two girls leave for town to fetch medicine, while Xie Yun sits near the river and sadly plays his flute. T_T
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maryniss · 3 years
The Hero
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Fandom: Sk8 The Infinity
Summary: We found out who built Carla.
Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom
Nanjo Kojiro | Joe
Nanjo Kojiro | Joe/Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom
General and Up Audiences
ofc it had to be a rewrite of the preview in ep 9
Kaoru being soft for once
Kojiro being a total simp
had to rewrite it cause the first draft got deleted
Notes: hihihi matchablossom is the coolest name for a ship pls im dying i love them so much. btw, kojiro means hero in japanese. ahahahahha
also fuck adam
and the palm trees
also inspired by a convo with my bestie @seleneslyre-writes​
Why Kaoru loved Carla so much was a mystery for Kojiro. It wasnt even that great. What could she do? Just some little tricks here and there.
Well, one thing was certain. Kojiro regrets that he built Carla for Kaoru. Or, he doesnt regret it. He loves that his friend has something he treasures so deeply. He really wants Kaoru to be happy. But, still. There is this feeling in his stomach, the same feeling he has when his soup is just a little too salty, when his carbonara pasta have just too much parmesan.
Kojiro sighs and the fire on the stove does too. It is really not the time to actually be thinking about Kaoru. Especially not right now. When his pink-haired friend sits in front of him, waiting to eat something.
"Oi, are you trying to starve me to death?"
Ah, Kojiro knew this would happen. He should just focus on his food. Just his food. Just the food he was making for Kaoru...
Ah, he just remembered how Kaoru used to skate. Before Carla. Before Adam left to America. When Kaoru skated, he was feral. It didnt matter that he could get hurt. It didnt matter that he was getting the corner at a wrong angle. It was simply amazing to watch Kaoru skate then. If he was sincere, he probably fell for him when he first saw him skate. It was probably spring and Kojiro was going back from school. How old was he? 16?
Anyway, the weather was warm and all around him sakura flowers were swinging. He remembers that his feet were cold for whatever reason and that he wanted to go home as soon as possible.
He didnt see the guy with the skate. If his hair would have been a different color from the flowers that were around him, maybe he would have.
Kojiro and Kaoru clashed and fell on the hard asphalt. The sakura flowers were all around them. Or maybe it was just Kaoru's hair; Kojiro couldnt distinguish them.
And, yes that was the moment he fell. He fell hard. Never in his life had he fell harder. Even when he broke his femur and almost died. Never has Kojiro in his life been so deeply attached to something.
He tried to lie to himself weeks after that. He would say to himself that he has not fell for a skater boy. It was probably the hair confusing him.
Yeah he decided that was it.
"Ko-ji-ro" Kaoru's voice made him forget about the sixteen year old Cherry Blossom and reminded him that he still had to serve food to his clients.
"Hm? What did you say?"
"Huh? What are you thinking about? It is not fun to mock you if you wont even pay attention."
Kojiro nodded his bead mindlessly. It wasnt like him to be so sentimental, to think so much of the past. Actually, it wasnt like him to think at all.
"By the way, the food is burning." Kojiro looked at Kaoru. Then at the food. Boy, did he wish Kaoru would just joke.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck.", said he as he turned off the stove. Well, there certainly was a problem.
"Ok, big mindless gorilla. Now, I dont have patience for you to try again."
Kojiro opened his mouth just to close it again. He was shocked that he actually burned it. This hasnt happened to him since he was 15!
"Dont you have anything to drink?"
Kojiro blinked and looked at his friend's bandages. He finally spoke some coherent words.
"You sure you can drink like that?"
Kaoru relaxed on his chair and looked at his friend, a provocative gleam in his eyes. His hair was quite messy and damn that was the hottest shit Kojiro has seen. For some reason.
Come on, Kojiro. You have to stay calm. Calm like pasta. Pasta is good. Pasta is calm.
"Ok, ok, I’ll give you something to drink, but not too much, okay?"
Kaoru grinned and his golden pupils shone. Outside the restaurant, people were minding their business, not even looking twice in their direction. It felt as if they were secluded from the rest of the world. Just the two of them. Just the...
Fuck, Kojiro. Remember that pasta is good. Pasta is cool.
Kojiro got a bottle of wine from under the table.
“What is that?” Kaoru looked sceptically at the bottle of champagne.
“Just a something I bought from the local store.”
“Of course, I wouldn’t expect such a gorilla like you to drink something of quality.”
“Maybe your tastes are just too refined.”
Kojiro poured a glass for his friend and one for him, too. Kaoru smelled it and made an unpleased face.
“Hey, if you don’t want to drink it, you dont ha-”
Kaoru gulped the glass and slammed it against the table. Kojiro could see the lingering liquid on Kaoru’s lips. He would love to bend over and kiss them...softly...soft lips...
“Ok, but you’ll pay for it.” Kaoru scoffed.
“I can afford some cheap drink. But why won’t you pour yourself a glass? Then you wont say only I drank.”
Outside the restaurant, the people did not pay a second glance to them. It was as if they were the only people existent in the world. Only the two of them..
Yeah he’d like that.
One bottle of champagne later and Kaoru had almost fell asleep. His hair was sprawled across the table, covering his face. Kojiro gently brushed it aside, tucking it behind a bandaged ear.
He loved this man so much and he had has since ha was 16. That’s why he built Carla for him after Adam left for America. After he had been rejected. When Adam left, not only Kaoru got hurt. Kaoru changed; he started to skate carefully, as if to not get hurt again. And it broke Kojiro’s heart to see him. 
It took Kojiro five months to build Carla. He didn’t know how he did it. He hadn’t sleep for days, he remembers. But, it was worth it. It definitely was.
“Mhm-take your hands off me, you big fat go-aaah.” Kaoru yawned and the corners of Kojiro’s mouth went upward. He sighed, stood up and gently took Kaoru into his arms. The man seemed to be somewhat lighter than before. Kojiro frowned.
“...know...you...hero...” Kaoru mumbled something with his face hid in Kojiro’s broad chest.
“Mhm? What did you say?”
And all of sudden, Kaoru woke up and threw his arms around Kojiro’s neck, pulling him closer. He started kissing his face. He kissed every single inch of dark skin, Kojiro’s nose, Kojiro’s cheeks, Kojiro’s eyes.
The milky moon’s light was entering on the window, throwing silver shadows over their bodies. Kojiro was... well he was simply amazed. Never had this happened before.  Never had Kaoru kissed him so softly and affectionate. And, yes, maybe it was because he was hurt, but it didn’t matter. Kojiro loved it, loved it so much, goddamit! Why had to be Adam that broke Kaoru’s heart? Why should this beautiful man stand some where else than in his arms, where he knew that he could protect him?
“Have you wondered why I always loved Carla so much?”
Kojiro didn’t say anything. He didn’t really want to know, for some reason. Actually, if he would be honest with himself, he was kind of jealous.
“You really are one dumb gorilla.”
Kaoru smiled and his body relaxed in Kojiro’s arms, whom tightened his grip.
“It’s because you made it for me, Kojiro.”
Also, a bonus that i want to happen:
Kojiro didn't came to see the race. Oh no, there was only one thing he wanted and he would definitely get it. He eyed the target. Adam was on the stage, playing his stupid game with cards and whatever. That was perfect. that way, everyone could see. Kojiro tightened his grip on his skateboard. He reached the stage in no time and patted Adam on his shoulder. "Oh, who is-" He slammed the skateboard in his face. "First, this is for breaking Cherr's heart." He punched him in the stomach and it took all he had to not punch him way downer. "And this is for breaking Cherr's face." Ok, so that was already done. No, all he had to do was to resolve the teenage love drama he had to witness some days ago. Kojiro took the mic. "Langa! Stop wasting your fucking time here. Go and see Reki!" And, with that, he left. After all, he had someone waiting for him at home.
*** maybe i ll do a fic for what did langa afterwards? idk :)
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Failed party, money in drawer, communicate, move house, move boxes, drive in van, walk to shops, buy noodles, think it’s the end, see whole bus of soldiers in Beijing, new area, walk in darkness, think about leaving, leave, think its temporary, in taxi, post stupid photos, check and check again phone, think people with goggles on my plane are over reacting, take off my mask to eat, keep taking off to loosen, arrive back in London. Tube. Cold. Pub. Party at WeWork. Exhibition at Dulwich Gallery. Farringdon. Drugs and drinks. Brockley, South east London. DJ. Ethiopian food. Morley’s Peckham. Walking on the River. Photographer friend’s house. Canal cycle. National Gallery. Car crash, Dalston. Omar Souleyman. Corsica Studios. Meet girl, back to my friends, back to hers, sex. Morning up to mum’s best friends birthday, Covent Garden restaurant. In a van, Sunday roast. Chisenhale Gallery. arebyte Gallery. Getting worse in China, seems nice and easy and calm in England. Camberwell beers and more. Second-hand book shops, Charing Cross Road. Courtauld. Leafed through a book about a man who lived his entire 86.5 years in East London. Still talking to the same girl back in China. Both believe I’ll be back soon. Chicken wings. West London, meal. South London pub. DJing somewhere inside. Kent, see grandma. Rave, Bermondsey. Friends from Israel and Germany arrive. More drinks, more drugs. Mixing friends. Gay bar in Bethnal Green for old friend’s birthday. Acid, confused and hilarious. Tate Britain. Serpentine. Cranes on the bridge. Liverpool Street film screening. Feels shallow, but good. Begin regular E Pellici sojourns. Primrose Hill with Dad. Beer festival with Keaton and co. Peckham, school friend’s house, bad vibe. More drinks, more drugs. Working on first music compilation with Slowcook and Fafa. Begin watching all of the Studio Ghibli movies. Watching Breaking Bad. At some point have huge argument with my brother, it went like this: He came home from work and I was sitting watching Breaking Bad, he asks, “Have you been like that all day?” I either took it in the wrong way or picked up on a sly dig. It was probably me, but at this point I was pretty self-conscious and worried about going back to China and whether or not I would have a job back there. Was getting surprisingly pissed off with my brother mentioning his work, felt like an affront to me. Weird. He goes crazy (he has a short fuse), punching a wall, ready to fight me. My mum is pretty upset. A few days later I go into his room and try to patch things up. Turns into a deeper chat. He feels like I haven’t been a good brother to him, he gives the example of not looking out for him on his first days of school. I say I’m sorry, it’s because I’m a bit scared and insecure. In retrospect I regret a little laying so much weakness on the table, seems his interactions/ways of acting around me have changed a bit. Still not sure how I feel about it all. Considered getting a gold tooth with Matthew. Play with cats, enjoying them more and more. Rave in Dalston, good music from Asia and beyond. Looking at magazines. Not doing much work at all. Being out and about instead. Go to Norfolk. It’s beautiful, but get way too drunk on first night, sick everywhere, wake up naked in sick. Massive fucking shitshow. Majority of people there have no choice but to act weirdly around me now, which is understandable. Still some nice aspects. One girl there surely hates me a lot. Tate Modern. Art stuff by self is good. Corsica Studios, semi-art, semi-music event. Mr. Bao for first time of many. Radio in Tottenham. Take drugs. Pubs. Drive to Asda with brother to stock up on food. It’s March and the reality of the pandemic is hitting. More canal cycling. First and only group chat on Zoom. BH Funk. Probably have taken cocaine and messaged one of three or four girls numerous times by now. If there’s one, in the cold light of day, horrible and disgusting thing I’ve done too much this year it’s this. Incessant messaging of poor girls that I know will react (although increasingly they don’t, I manage to alienate even close friends in this way). Southbank and The Mall with Nick. Reading about Wuhan. List of good texts. Continuing to do some writing. Making WeChat posts for guī WeChat, including mix series and miniessays. Greenwich park with Matthew. Grime quiz online. Delivering food regularly for my mum’s school. Hackney Marshes with Luan. Epping Forest with Mum and Dad. By this point probably have woken up feeling sorry for myself in Ludo’s flat, after untold amounts of alcohol and cocaine. Online rave. Beijing artists only mix. Go to Switzerland, pass through Italy on the way. Its breath taking, the mountains, the expanse of scenery, not used to it. Climbing up mountains with no one around. Rolo and Patrick and Rita smoke too much weed. I really, really, really still hate smoking it. Feel a bit annoyed how long we spend sitting around while they smoke, but this is way outbalanced by the uniqueness of where we are and the beauty all around. Producing more and more, actually getting somewhere. Cooking more and more food. Reading more and more, like: Black and British, The Corrections, Real Fast Food, Bass, Mids, Tops, Zadie Smith, Olivia Lang, Graham Greene, JG Ballard, Monica Ali, Mo Yan, Jenny Zhang, John le Carre, Naked Lunch, Nabokov, Bukowski, Zora Neale Hurston, Wiley, Bitcoin, Murakami, Judith E. Butler, The Painter of Modern Life, Maupassant, Chekov, Video Art, Gravity’s Rainbow (couldn’t finish), Anaïs Nin, The Net Delusion (couldn’t finish), The Establishment and how they got away with it (couldn’t finish), Roddy Doyle, The Secret of Scent, General Intellects, Women In Love, The Intelligent Investor, Lyndon Johnson. Victoria Park more often than I can remember. To Chrissy’s house. Mile End Park. Very regularly sitting on the river in Wapping. Bring the chessboard and play Ludo sometimes, people smile and look at you differently when you’re playing chess and drinking beers versus just sitting and drinking beer. I May Destroy You. Industry. The beautiful wide expanse of Hackney Marshes. My incessant quest to reach 1000 followers in Instagram. More cycling, and I hate to say it but it really was: Here there and everywhere. Margate with my Dad to see my grandma in hospital and saw the Turner Prize exhibition. Light blue like scrubs, the sky and sun felt eternal. Swimming in dirty water. Make a DJ mix of old 2000s Road Rap. Eat cheese in Peckham. Cycle along the canal north, keep going and going through Tottenham, past Enfield keep going, it’s mad how quickly it becomes quiet fields on all sides, arrive to some kind of lake, swim and then back to the centre of town. Outside a Hawksmoor church in Shadwell ate chicken with Karim and Ludo. DJing. From my bedroom window saw a big crane in the middle of the night sitting on the canal. Begin developing the second DCCY compilation this time with BULLY magazine. Go to a house in an old school in Camberwell. Discover new secret riverside spots in East London. Finally give up my apartment in Beijing. Mile End park. Cycle further and further East to a pedestrian bridge I didn’t know existed. Get onto the beach and into the Thames water. Interview Akito. Begin writing more, after few months of wiling away the summertime. My friend Emmy gets married in Rwanda, I give him some money as a wedding gift which he tells me he used to buy his wife’s dress. Protests in HK always on TV. Get more into finances, crypto and trading, and just saving in general. Had sex with an old friend. Now meeting a girl I first knew years ago in Beijing. More secret river spots. Keaton has his baby, Noah. More times on Hackney Marshes. Barbican conservatory. Watching more films, try to watch all the films of some directors including: Jia Zhangke, Bong Joon-ho, Edward Yang, Wong Kar-wai, Apichatpong Weerasethakul. Decide to watch all of the infamous lauded series, go through Breaking Bad, The Wire and The Sopranos. Go to the seaside for a few days, camping also. Henry Wu album launch in a car park in Bermondsey. Go to visit Keaton’s baby for the first time. Good photography exhibition at Photographer’s Gallery. Go to Wallace Collection again. August. Go to Berlin. Swimming in Berlin lakes until I get an ear infection. It makes me drowsy and lethargic, but still seems to spend all my time cycling around the city. On one night cycle for hours to a rave on the outskirts of the city. Like a lot the abandoned airport in Berlin. Oh yeah, vaping. Found a dead bumble bee. Speak with Nevin about projects. Write a piece about the future of the art world for a magazine being started by Nevin’s friend in Canada. Go to Lithuania. Walk around Vilnius, get too drunk by myself. Get to the Curonian Spit and Nida, beaches and new friends. For the Nightlife Residency project. For a short while life is like on a desert island of new food, new people, new locations, quiet and new meaning. Go to the Russian border on the beach. Cycle to the road boarder and get stopped by the police. Go nude on the beach for the first time. Sauna, sand dunes and forests. DJ out for the first time in ages, this time with Nono. To Kaunus and try nice and stodgy Georgian food for the first time. Hackney Wick back for party. Meet a ginger girl online and go on a date. Wallace Collection again. Free beer and pizza. White Cube. National Gallery, Titian. On BBC Radio London with my Dad. Riverside beers. Saw a lost swan near my front door. Meet Keaton near his work, one of many times. Making more and more music, getting better. Decide I need more organisation and clarity, put everything I’ve done on a blog. More or less long since given up on my job at M Woods. But don’t really begin looking for anything new because it’s still sunny. At some point I start getting benefits money. Go to see La Haine in the cinema. Someone blocks me on WeChat because of me. Some pub somewhere. Sunday walks and breakfast with my parents. Go to an exhibition in Woolworth Road with Muzi. Realise how nice it is to run to Victoria Park along the canal. Vicky Park in general. Dinners at friends’ houses. Museum of London. Walking with Michael in some countryside near London, surprising how quickly things turn green. Break onto a pier in Wapping with Jack. Battersea Park. Tate, Bruce Nauman. Old Street Weatherspoon’s with Keaton, drugs. Central London cemetery. Chinese in Camberwell. Chinese in Aldgate. Italian in Camberwell. More and more exercise, running, weights and yoga with my brother. Sadie Coles. Nick, Central London. Gucci Mane. Hampstead Heath more because Ludo and his flatmates are nearby. Ludo’s now house more for days and nights of you guessed it. Borough Market more, with Emma. Alexandra Palace walk and famous sandwiches after. Tate Britian new lights. More time at Muzi’s. Signing up for cycle courier. LYL Radio show. Shave head. Take acid and it hurts my stomach. Camden Arts Centre with Muzi. Christmas party with friends. Birthday. Cake with Muzi, presents and Indian takeaway from family, walk in Vicky Park with Ludo and Karim plus battered sausage and chips. Christmas at home nice and warming meal. Evening to Ludo’s place with more friends. Boxing day with Matthew, pints and then more at his house in Peckham all night long. Next day is tough! Giant turkey sandwiches, turkey soup, turkey curry. Buy first NFTs. New Year’s Eve stay in at Muzi’s, one drink and a cake.
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jawnjendes · 5 years
the truth hurts but secrets kill | shawn mendes
chapter 8/?, university au, shawn x goth oc
AN: lol the taglist didnt work on my last chapter so if you havent read but i’ll show you my teeth pls do eet. anyways this chapter is an angsty buildup full of angst. my specialty.
***let me know if you wanna be added/removed from the taglist
masterlist | playlist coming soon
"Where do you live?" Annalise asked for what felt like the thousandth time.
"Do you even think she's capable of answering?" Patrick said, his arm supporting Alessia's waist as he helped her stumble down the university road.
The Lyft to campus went without any major issue. Alessia did not puke in the car, she merely leaned against the door in the backseat. Annalise had gotten annoyingly chatty with the driver, talking about childhood trauma and the inevitability of death. She claimed it was practice for when she's a real therapist, though the driver was trying to focus on the road. Patrick left the driver a generous tip through the app.
The three of them were left just close enough to the dorms, but there was still a walk to be had, and it felt like it was taking centuries with how much Alessia slowed them down. Annalise kept looking around at the dark surroundings as they paced with her pocket knife in hand. Alessia mumbled something incoherent, her head lolling from side to side.
"I've never heard of that building, where is it?" Annalise asked her.
"Dude, you're gonna have to take her back to your place," Patrick told her. "I don't even think she knows her own name."
With a reluctant sigh, Annalise closed her pocket knife and wrapped her arm around the smaller girl's waist. They were approaching the corner where she and Patrick would typically part ways. Alessia noticed the shift and leaned all her weight into Annalise, mumbling under her rancid breath. It wasn't her first time babysitting a drunk toddler, but that doesn't mean she likes doing it.
Patrick was kind enough to walk the two girls up to Annalise's dorm. Alessia was swaying ominously in the elevator, like she wanted to be cradled like a baby. She was definitely ready for bed.
"Ya casi, mi vida," Annalise said as they stumbled down the third floor corridor.
"Why do you call her that?" Patrick asked. "’Me veeda.’ Isn't that what you would call your boyfriend?"
"It's the same thing as a waitress would call you sweetie or something," she replied. "Or the way you'd talk to a toddler. A drunk one."
She managed to pull her key from her back pocket and give it to Patrick. He unlocked the appropriate door, and the three of them were met with more people and more loud music.
Apparently, Stella hadn't planned on staying alone this Saturday night. She was on the armchair, with Camila squished in right next to her. They weren't alone, either. Shawn and Brian were on the couch, each holding a beer. All four of them stared at the two goths holding the short normie up on two feet.
"Oh my god, you're right on time!" Stella exclaimed. "Shawn's working on an EP! He's giving a us a preview! And he made another duet with Camila!"
"Este guey se puso peda," Annalise said with mild snark, gesturing to the girl on her arm. "I'm gonna put her down."
"You're gonna kill her?" Patrick asked, his blue eyes wide. "Damn, I didn't know you hated her that much!"
"Shut up, I brought her here, didn't I?"
She did not look at the guests on the couch as she carefully led Alessia to her bedroom. She ignored Patrick starting up a conversation with everyone. She had things to do, and it was hard enough with her fluffy mind racing.
"There we go, my dear," she said as she sat the intoxicated girl on the bed. "Acuestate, mija. Tomorrow's gonna suck, but you can rest now."
She patted Alessia's head before moving to take off her sneakers. Then, Annalise took her phone from her jacket pocket and plugged it into the charger on then nightstand. Before she could sigh in relief that they all made it back alive, she heard a voice at the door.
"Hey, you."
When Annalise turned to face him, it was like a million fireworks went off at once. Her entire body froze in the best way, and the air in her lungs was knocked out of her. He's even prettier in person.
"Someone have too much fun?" he asked, nodding towards the now sleeping Alessia.
Annalise could not tear her eyes away from his face long enough to think of an answer. All she wanted to do was stare at him for the rest of eternity.
Then, Patrick came up from behind Shawn, an amused grin on his face. "Bro, she's high as a kite right now."
Shawn looked confused for a moment and then turned to him. "Ann doesn't smoke."
"She used to all the fucking time last year." Patrick was still grinning. "She wanted to have fun tonight, so I gave her a hit of my pen."
"So you drugged her up, eh?"
"I'm not your bro. Don't you care about her health at all? Don't you remember she was in the hospital a couple of months ago?"
The grin faded. "I care about her and her freedom. Not that I have to explain that to you." Patrick excused himself.
Annalise heard every word, but her wide eyes were still on Shawn. She was stepping towards him before she even realized, and then her arms were going around his middle. He was still warm and soft and he smelled good. It was like personified crack. Annalise smiled as her head rested on his chest. "I love you, my baby."
Shawn hesitated, but he hugged her back. "Love you too." Then he pulled back, his hands on her shoulders. "Where are you gonna sleep?"
"The couch." Annalise's fingers were gripping the back of his t-shirt.
"You sure? Wouldn't you rather come stay with me? I'm leaving soon anyway."
Annalise giggled so much her voice squeaked. But she frowned almost instantly. "Don't be like Chad."
"Who's Chad?"
"No one important. I think sober Annalise is gonna be mad at you."
"What? Why?"
She pointed to the sleeping girl on the bed. "That one told high Annalise some things. Sober Annalise might not even remember, but if she does, she'll probably talk to you on check in day. Like, actual talking this time."
"Why can't we talk now?" Shawn asked. "I think high-you will be more understanding than sober-you."
"High Annalise is stupidly in love with you. We'll get nowhere, my dear."
He chewed the inside of his cheek as he gazed down at her. "Yeah, you always call me cute names when you're on drugs. Like that time in the hospital. And all those times you got high with me. Oh wait…" he trailed off. "Every time I asked you to smoke with me you said you didn't trust me enough. But tonight you trusted somebody else, eh?"
She giggled. "I knew you'd be mad at me too. We have much to talk about, baby boy."
In theory, the reason for Alessia's disappearance the following morning would be that she remembered the tea she spilled upon waking up and now she wanted to avoid the wrath of the goth girlfriend. In reality, she wouldn't be entirely wrong.
Even after sleeping for twelve hours, Annalise couldn't get those bits of forbidden information out of her head. She had dreams about catching Shawn and Alessia having really loud sex, but she woke up to hear her roommate doing exactly that. Then, she had a recurring dream of Shawn admitting to cheating on her, except this time he had twelve versions of Henry the orange tabby surrounding him. The last dream she remembered having was one where she ended up back in the hospital, and that she was given no anesthesia for her surgery. She had her stomach removed, and she watched every drop of blood and guts come out of the gaping hole in her body.
She woke with a start after every one of these vivid dreams. Maybe it was the after effects of being stoned, but she felt uneasy for that whole day. She typically binged to her heart's content, but the hospital dream was still on her mind. She allowed herself to have a Lunchables, but not much else.
Then, Monday rolled around and Annalise found it difficult to act like a person. She got out of bed, had an unsatisfying breakfast. She did it, and that's the only thing that matters right? Screw all the other feelings. The paranoia she felt after the Abnormal Psych lecture about eating disorders doesn't matter. The impending embarrassing discomfort  from sitting alone at a table in Bio Lab doesn't matter either. Who cares about the sad ache in her chest after seeing Shawn and Alessia leave their class together? Who cares if they're still in high spirits even though they knew that Annalise knew? Who cares?
Annalise doesn't, that's for damn sure. She was perfectly fine. She pushed herself out of bed today even though she wanted nothing more than to induce a coma on herself. Who cares if she still felt shitty after?
Although, she was putting off the impending chat with Shawn until check in on Saturday. He had to know it was coming, why else would he just stop texting her?
Unless he's already with Alessia, and therefore playing me like a violin. Maybe Shawn was just ignoring me to make me go crazy.
"Oh, for fuck's sake," Annalise whispered as she put on her headphones. She was glad she caught herself slipping, she didn't want the wide-eyed crazies on display as she walked out of the Social Studies building.
Her steps were slower and more careful as she picked a song to play from her phone. After settling for Halsey, she pulled out her black, round sunglasses and put them on. Gotta hide them nightmare eyes.
Maybe… perhaps… I need to check in earlier than normal?
"Don't be stupid," she told herself.
It wouldn't hurt though, would it? Maybe he would be happy to see me since I would be breaking my own rule. Unless, of course, he's hanging around Alessia again. Perhaps he doesn't care anymore.
The only solution Annalise had was to dump herself on the couch in the dorm and play Tetris 99 until the thoughts and feelings sorted themselves out.
When Stella came home, she knew the drill. She sat on the couch and ranted about her day. She rambled on about her fascist history professor and the lack of a GSA club on campus. Then, she mentioned a Halloween party coming up at one of the frat houses, and that she needed a hot costume.
It was the month where Annalise and all her spooky darkness was socially acceptable, and she couldn't even be excited about it. A different type of darkness was taking over, and it was stupid that it was over a boy. Why did she have to be so dramatic? Why was she so goddamn crazy?
"I'll pick your costume," she said over Stella's rambling.
She paused, her brilliant hazel eyes wide. To say she was surprised that Annalise cracked so fast would be an understatement. But she smiled. "Would you? Ooo, can I pick yours?"
"Ah, I don't think I'm gonna do anything for Halloween this year."
"What? But it's your favorite holiday! You need to come to this party with me! Buddy system, remember?"
"Is that the only reason-"
"Of course not, you dummy! We haven't spent enough time together since the semester started! Let's go find some costumes, yeah? I'll even let you dress me up as scary as you want!"
Stella's a good friend. Annalise should really try harder to spend time with her. Why didn't she try to be a good friend in return?
They went to the local costume store that Friday. It gave Annalise a wonderful excuse to not go to the gaming club meeting. She really did not want to reflect on the Bart adventure, or see just how bad she fucked up Chad's nose.
After returning to campus with a dark but still cute witch costume, Stella was summoned to Camila's dorm. She thanked Annalise for the lovely costume choice and practically abandoned her. Annalise couldn't find it in her to really care. It was only a few more hours until Saturday.
She had barely settled herself on the couch when her phone buzzed. For the first time this week, Shawn had texted her. Annalise held her phone up, staring blankly at the screen. Her heart should be pounding right now, shouldn't it?
"Hey, I know check in is tomorrow but I can't make it at our usual time. I have a gig tomorrow night. You should come and we can talk after."
The next text was the address to the lounge he would be performing at.
Any other time, Annalise would have been happy to know Shawn was performing again. But he cancelled on her, knowing that he was in trouble. Is that what it took for him to start booking shows again? Was this just an elaborate way to avoid Annalise? Perhaps this was just some form of reverse psychology so she wouldn't go to the gig.
You can't psych out a psychology major. Of course Annalise was going to this gig.
However, she had a mostly sleepless night, really unable to shake the fact that Shawn was probably avoiding her. When she finally did sleep, she slept too much. Annalise woke up in the afternoon and was late for work. She had planned to ask if she could leave early, but she didn't dare try anything now. The gig was at eight, when her shift ended. She ended up going to the lounge in her work uniform, a button up with the dealership name on, and baggy slacks. Not exactly the sexy outfit she had planned during the late hours of insomnia.
The show had already started by the time she got there. As she was showing her ID to the bouncer, she heard Shawn's voice over the mic, and she felt something for the first time in days. Her stomach felt tight as she slowly stepped into the lounge.
The turnout was decent. Every single table and bar stool was occupied, and all eyes were on the band performing on the stage. Annalise looked around for any empty space; She wasn't dressed her best but she did want to be anywhere but against the wall opposite the stage. Her eyes spotted the group of people standing directly in front of the stage.
It was the normal group of girls who swooned every time Shawn blinked, but there were also three other girls that Annalise knew all too well. They were jumping and singing along to Lost in Japan, not a single care in the world. Annalise wondered why Stella didn't tell her that she was going to this event, but the way she looked at Camila as they sang to each other said enough. Maybe they chose Alessia to be their new third wheel too. So Alessia was too embarrassed to face Annalise, but not Shawn?
Annalise always stood in the back of every one of Shawn's shows, knowing she would stick out like a sore thumb in the midst of the usual fangirls. Not that that's a bad thing, it just wasn't her usual place to be. She figured that showing up at all would be enough.
Perhaps Shawn already had enough. Three of his friends were already cheering him on, and surely he had more of them scattered in the audience. Not to mention, the people here that didn't know him were going to adore him by the end of the night. Besides, Shawn most likely invited her as a ploy to get her to turn it down. She wasn't needed here. Annalise chewed the inside of her lip as she back up towards the exit. She stepped outside, away from the people trying to get in, and she pulled her phone out. She composed a new text:
"Hey, I'm drowning in work so I won't make it to your show. I'll meet you at your place later so we can talk🖤"
taglist: @normalcyisoverrated-beyou @ilsolee @mendesromano @1-800-khalid-mendussy @kitykatnumber @strangerliaa @iloveshawnieboi @poppyshawn @shawnsunflower @shawnvvmendes @ruinhoney @someoneunimportantxx @calyumthomas @yourdeflightfullyleft @havethetimeeofyourlifee @shawmndes @wronglanemendes @chillingbythesea 
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supersimmer2018 · 4 years
The Chae & Zhao Legacies Ep#1
*WARNING* There is mature content in this story nothing to be alarmed over, there is some strong language in this episode. Above all this story hasn't gotten to that dark place yet.
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                              The Chae Legacy, Episode #1
It was late Saturday night, that was the night that my life had changed forever. I had it all, a place to call my own and the hottest girlfriend who I've shared everything with since the time we were kids. We were so much in love that at the age of 16 we've decided to get engaged.
  Of course we knew that we should wait until we were a little bit older to actually get married. Life was good, except... I had a secret that nobody else knew about. After moving into our own place I started to get more and more depressed. After a while I did turn to drinking, it helped keep me from losing my mind.
  Through the course of my drinking it had also lead me to drugs. I was really good at hiding that part of my life. That was until my girlfriend accidentally stumbled upon something that I had left open on my browser history on my laptop. She had found messages and pictures, not to mention videos of things that I so carelessly left open for the world to see.
 After finding out that she had found those things on my computer it of course lead to a fight. I tried to tell her that I had no idea on how those things had even gotten on my computer. But that was a fail, so I did what any guy would do. I simply just grabbed my car keys and left.
So of course I went and had some drinks at my buddies houses. Shortly after having one too many, I somehow managed to drive myself over to my best friends house. But before I get into that, lets take it back a few months before all hell broke loose.
                                               ~3 Months Ago~
It was early Monday morning the sound of the alarm had jolted us out of a deep sleep. There was nothing like waking up to the most beautiful girl in the world. Never would I have thought that Carelis and me would ever be a couple, much less having our own place to call our own at the age of 16.
 Of course none of our parents loved the idea of their children living on their own. But that never really stopped us from doing what we wanted. Carelis was a very strong outspoken person that voiced her opinion's. Of course we both knew that the real reason why our parents were so upset was because of the whole sex part of our relationship.
Carelis: Mm, good morning.
   She said in a moan, as she stretched as she rolled over to face me. Gently I place my arm over her looking at her with a smile.
Niko: Good morning to you too. How'd you sleep?
Carelis: Like a baby. I suppose we should get ready for school.
She said as she rolled her eyes while lacing her fingers between mine.
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Carelis rolled over to get herself up out of bed, but before she could I pulled her in closer to me as I kissed her neck. She hated when I did things like that.
 After kissing her neck she had let out a soft little laugh that was muffled by a moan. Sure school was important to us, I just couldn't help myself. After all I was a 16 year old.
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Carelis: Stop it, we have classes to...
Niko: Umhm...
Carelis: Niko, we can't be missing school.
Niko: Whats one day going to hurt? Hmm?
 I said as I whispered into her ear. I knew that I about had her convinced.
Niko: We can stay home, and watch movies... I'll even cook us some breakfast.
After had said that she finally caved and agreed to skip school just this once. It was nice having someone to have and to hold. Someone to talk to and come home to everyday.
  She was what made my life worth wild. There was nothing that could ruin this perfect day, or so I thought. Moments later there was a loud knock on the door of our apartment. Carelis turned to face me yet again stopping me from getting up out of bed.
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Carelis: Don't answer it, maybe they'll go away.
 She said with a laugh.
The knocking only got louder and louder. Carelis rolled her eye's moving off of my chest so that I could answer the door.
Niko: I'll get them to go away my sweet.
 I said as I kissed her on the forehead. Before getting out of bed I through up my arms in the air and stretched before standing on the cold wood floor.
Niko: Chill the hell out I'm coming!
 I yelled.
Making my way down the hall, I knew that I was about to go off on someone. It was early in the morning and someone was already pounding on the door. The morning had started off in a good way only to end up going south already.
 As I made a fist with one hand I reached out and opened the door with the other had. My fist was already raised in the air ready to make contact with the persons face.
Niko: Have you any idea what time it is!
I shouted. I opened my eyes in time to see that I was about to hit one of my best friends, whom I haven't seen in years.
Eli: Bad time?
He said as he scratched the back of his head with that kid smile of his.
Niko: Eli! Good to see you, please come in.
  Eli made his way inside, I closed the door behind us. I haven't seen or heard from Eli in many years it was amazing that he was able to find where I lived. Eli had moved away with his family when his father got that job up in Sunset Valley.
 It was hard to lose a very close friend, he and I had grown up together as babies. Both our parents all meet in the same college many years ago. If it wasn't for our parents, we wouldn't have became the best of friends.
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Eli: Wow, what a place you got here. You living alone?
Niko: N-no, actually I live here with my girlfriend.
Eli: Ooh? Anyone that I know?
He asked with a smile.
Niko: Actually yes, remember Carelis from grade school.
Eli: Shut up! You two? That's awesome, honestly never saw that coming. And your parents are okay with you two living together?
Carelis: Niko, I'm just going to head to class this day's already ruind... Oh my god, Eli!
 Carelis shouted in a high pitched scream. She was even more excited to see him than I was.
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Eli: I hadn't expected to see you here!
Carelis: When did you move to San Myshuno?
Eli: Actually I didn't. I came back to Newcrest two day's ago, I talked to Niko's mom and dad and they said that he had moved an hour out side Newcrest. So they gave me your new address.
Niko: You better be going if your going to make the next bus. I'm going to stay home and catch up with Eli.
 With that said Carelis walked over to me after giving Eli a hug goodbye, and kissed me before she walked out the door. Today was starting to turn into a really interesting day.
Although I would have much rather spend the day with Carelis, but I suppose that spending the day with an old friend wouldn't be so bad.
Niko: How's about some breakfast, hungery?
Eli: There's no way that you can cook.
Niko: You'd be surprised. Take a seat, I'll get some food going.
 Eli took a seat at the table while I got everything out of the refrigerator to make something to eat for the two of us.
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Niko: So where are you attending school?
Eli: Honestly, I haven't decided.. Look we're best friends right? So can I tell you something without you judging me?
 As I continued to cook our food, I was starting to worry that whatever it was that he wanted to talk about wasn't going to be good news.
   Judging from the tone in his voice, I could tell that this was something serious.
Niko: Eli you're like a brother to me, of course you can tell me anything.
 I heard him take in a deep breath before he could find the words to tell me what was going on. There was a long pause in the room.
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Eli: I didn't move back here with my family. My dad kicked me out of the house, I literally had to get here on my own. I called your mom to find out where you lived. And well, here I am..
Niko: Hold on... Why did your dad kick you out? You two were always so close.
Eli: I really don't want to talk about it, at least not right now. But I did want to ask you if it'd be okay if I stayed with you? Just until I can get a job and a place of my own.
Finishing up the food, I grabbed us both a plate and we both sat at the table eating our grilled cheese. I could tell by the confused look on his face that this wasn't the kind of breakfast that he had in mind.
 Not that it mattered, after all food was food. He took a bite of his grilled cheese, as he took a bite out of his sandwich his eyes lite up.
Eli: Holy shit this is good! It's no eggs or bacon, but you've nailed it!
Niko: Simmer down, it's just grilled cheese. After all I did make this for us as kids.
Eli: I had forgotten how good your grilled cheese was.
I really didn't feel like bombarding him with question after question, but there was something inside of me that was telling me to get to the bottom of this. Honestly I knew that there was something that wasn't adding up. And whatever that something was I knew that it wasn't good.
 After I finished my food, I glanced over at him only to see him looking down at his plate.
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Niko: Alright talk. What happened to have your dad kick you out.
Eli: Not right now, Niko can't you just drop it for now? I don't even want to think about it.
Niko: Do I need to call your mom and ask her? Because I will...
Eli: For fucks sake! Why can't you just not worry about it! I've already been through hell, and I sure as hell don't want to relive that hell again.
I could see the sadness in his eyes, regardless of me wanting to know what went down between him and his father. I could see that now was not the time to keep asking questions.
Niko: I'm sorry, I just hate seeing you like this. Look you can stay here until your able to get back on you feet. I'm sure that Carelis wont have any objections to you staying here.
Eli: Thank you, that's the best thing I've heard so far. I promise you wont even know that I'm here. I hate to ask this but mind if I use your shower? It's been a few day's since I've had a hot shower.
 Right after I had told him that he was more than welcome to stay there was a small smile that formed on his face. Even though I wanted to know what exactly had happened, I would have to wait for him to tell me when he was ready to do so.
Niko: Yes of course shower is down the hall first door on your left.
 Eli pushed himself up from the table and headed down the hall and into the bath room. I was still dying to know what exactly went down between him and his old man, but for now I had no choice but to let it go.
                                                  ~Eli's P.O.V~
 As I walked into the bathroom I clicked the door shut and locked the door. I still felt very lost, having been kicked out of my parents home. I honestly didn't know how my dad could be okay with kicking out their 16 year old son.
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If Niko were to ever find out the reason as to why I was kicked out of my parents home...
  " I should have known better than to... damn it!" I yelled in my head. This was all my damn fault, nothing I ever did always seemed to backfire.
Niko: Hey, Eli I'm going to head down town. Would you like to join me?
 I turned off the water to the shower, and opened the shower door.
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Eli: Yeah, sounds like fun I'll be right out.
For now at least I will enjoy myself with my best friend. I wasn't going dwell in the past, what's done is done there was no changing anything now. This secret of mine was best kept a secret.
 Though I knew better as to think that Niko was going to let this go. Maybe in time I would feel up to telling him everything, but for now he didn't even want to think about it.
I grabbed the only pair of cloths that I had with me back on, and dried my hair and walked out the bathroom door. There stood Niko standing there by the front door waiting on me.
 The two of us walked out the door and headed to the elevator. I wasn't going to allow this day to be ruined just because of me. So from here on out I was going to be nothing but happy.
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                                               ~To Be Continued~
So this Legacy isn’t yet going to be a for sure thing here on Tumbler, this is just a test run to see where things go with it on here. This is however a story that is still on going in the Sims Amino community. If this episode does well then you can expect more to come. If you’d like to read ahead look for me on the sims amino on the amino app this story is really getting good hope you all like it!
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kettlewrites · 5 years
my first and last — k.seungmin
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   your lover: 『 kim seungmin 』
                            »» pick another path? ««
                        『 song - i’m serious - day6』
you met seungmin on twitter almost four years ago
sept 4th would mark the four years, also known as day6’s debut date where you met a screaming and spazzing seungmin on the blue bird app
you could recall the first time talking to each other like it was just yesterday
day6, jyp’s first actual band had debuted with their song congratulations
you were definitely looking forward to it as you had watched their debut content for a while now and knew you were in for a treat
especially with metaphorically having your bias, jae’s, name tattooed on your forehead with how whipped you were for the tall boy
while watching the music video, you live-tweeted the entire experience
mostly through typos and illegible sentences, but one person who you hadn’t remembered becoming mutuals with could totally understand
and that’s when the first reply that would turn into years of friendships and thousands of back and forth DMs was sent
and that’s when you took it among yourself to send a DM to who you first came to know as minnie
and that’s how you met your best friend with the power of day6 and their amazing music stop sleeping on daysicc
now with almost four years down the line, there wasn’t a day where you went without talking to seungmin
most days you spent talking via many text messages or still screaming at each other over DMs or even just indirecting each other until the other catches on to all lead back to regular ole text messaging
but there were days where you spent talking over the phone, which was spent mainly screaming at the other for almost any reason no matter how small
or it was spent when the other was having an extremely hard time and needed someone to talk to
then there were days where you both facetimed for hours and even fell asleep during calls
with whoever was the first one to wake up screaming at the other to wake up
you just couldn’t imagine a life without your best friend, even if your parents didn’t understand it
which leads to the reason of why your parents didn’t understand it
seungmin was in korea while you weren’t
which lead to misunderstands from both of your parents as to “what if seungmin was an old man trying to kidnap you” or vice versa for his parents about you
they’d never understand
because seungmin was there for you whenever people in real life wasn’t
and even with the hours upon hours of a time difference, the two of you were willing to risk sleep if that meant being able to talk to the other
now.. there was also another problem
about a year ago
after being friends for a solid two years as well
you started developing extremely strong feelings for seungmin
and you really did not know what to do with them
but one day it got to the point where you couldn’t hold them in anymore
and you had to tell him, even if it was in the middle of the night for him and absolutely cliche of you to fall for your best friend
luckily, he felt the exact same way
he laughed at first, which was chaotic because you went through a whirlwind of emotions
was he laughing at your feelings? did he not feel the same? did he think you were stupid for falling in love with a boy you haven’t met who was tens of thousands away from you? but o h god his laugh is amazing. please keep laughing. seungmin i love your laugh why are you doing this to me?
then softly smiled before jutting out a “same”
“same?” you looked confused which probably didn’t reflect well over a terrible webcam
“yeah, same. i’m glad you said something because i was about to go crazy soon.”
“go crazy ahhh go stupid ahhh” shut up vic
“what do you mean?”
he laughs again, “i’ve been dropping hints for so long now y/n!! why did you think i talked about long distance relationships so often? plus i told you to listen to i’m serious so many times i thought it was obvious!”
of course that made you feel like a complete idiot for being so oblivious of his feelings for you too
but he couldn’t say much either since he was just as oblivious
but that made you two go through a rough patch for a quick second
okay. it was only for like a day but after spending two whole years of talking to seungmin everyday it felt like an eternity
“you’re so far away… and we’ve never met either.” you said while sulking, even if he couldn’t see you
“but it’s what the heart wants. we could try visiting whenever we have longer breaks from school. we can make this work if we try. i really like you.”
you didn’t know what to do at first, because you both had valid points
but after spending an entire night tossing and turning while thinking you finally made a choice
what if you missed out on something that could change your life?
you never would know if you didn’t take a risk and try it.
and that’s how you started dating your best friend seungmin
for the first few months was quite difficult due to missing someone you’ve never met and craving for the other person even more now
although seungmin and you worked through it with increasing the amount of video calls and phone calls just to put a temporary fix on the yearning of the other
then it came to the first i love you which although seungmin fighting with you that it wasn’t the first because you both would say it to each other while not dating
“but it is the first because we mean it in a different way now!” you whine with a pout
“well then with your logic, my first i love you was months ago.” he laughs which left you confused
“what do you mean?”
“i said it when you fell asleep over call.”
“you’re such a cliche.”
“says you.”
now after working through your difficulties, seungmin and you were stronger than ever
as lovers and as friends
and you had an even bigger surprise to tell him with your first year anniversary coming up
“hello~ earth to y/n~ will you stop looking at jae pictures and look at your boyfriend while he sings to you?” seungmin pouts, causing your attention to break from your phone
“hey, it wasn’t jae i was looking at.”
“then what was it if it’s not the ‘love of your life’ or not me?”
“just my plane tickets to come see you.” you smile, knowing that the slight lag from your internet connection would delay his reaction
“wait what?”
“seungmin i’m coming to see you,” you giggle while showing your phone to the camera, “i leave in two weeks, right when school lets out.”
now those two weeks to you felt like an eternity because of the amount of excitement you held in your body to finally meet the person who you called your other half
to finally be able to hug him and hold his hand
to finally be able to talk to him in person, face to face and not just through two screens
but they finally came and you were finally on your way to kim seungmin
the flight was long but bearable, probably due to the willpower of “love” helping you not throw yourself off the plane because of crying babies and strangers who didn’t understand the concept of personal space whatsoever
but you lived through it and now you were breathing korean air
you hauled your suitcase behind you as you went through the gates, a soft smile on your tired face after going through an hour of immigration paperwork but again the willpower of love was incredibly strong
after a few minutes of scanning the large airport that was extremely crowded, you finally laid eyes on him
it didn’t feel real
you were in the same room as him, breathing the same air, only a few feet away from each other
you felt the tears streaming down your face as you ran towards him, dropping your suitcase and attacking him with a giant hug
and a kiss, one that was sudden but still melted into a soft and intimate one
your lips completely melting with his and you could feel the surge of sparks flying all throughout your body and veins
you could melt into a puddle right then and there if possible
you were kissing him. you were hugging him.
he was real and he was finally in your arms.
“oh my god.” was the only thing you could say for the next minute while he held you so tightly in his arms
“oh my god this is finally happening.” you cried, leaning your forehead against his shoulder, “i can’t believe this is happening.”
seungmin cupped your face into his hands and raised your head so that you could meet his eyes. he took in every detail of you and couldn’t believe it as well.
“you’re even more perfect in person.” he smiles, causing your heart to swell even more.
“i will have a heart attack from the amount of emotions my heart is going through right now.” you laugh, still crying although now seungmin used his thumbs to wipe your tears away, “you’re taller than i imagined.”
he laughed at your comment, “maybe you’re just shorter than you think you are.”
“ouch.” you teased, now finally calming down and coming back to your senses
after another minute or two of just standing there admiring each other’s presence in real life, the two of you decided it was time to let you get settled and probably get some proper rest
as you laid on the couch in seungmin’s arms with a movie playing softly in the background as the two of you talked, you felt a sense of happiness you never knew you were able to feel
and apparently seungmin could sense that too from his question of why were you smiling so hard
“i just can’t believe i’m right here in your arms. i also can’t stop thinking about how i’m so lucky to have met you and literally met an angel who captured my heart.”
he squeezed you closer to him before pressing a kiss on your forehead, “i’m suppose to say the cheesy things y/n~ but i feel the exact same.”
“i love you seungmin.” you say with a yawn while cuddling into his chest
“i love you so much more.” he whispers as he runs his fingers through your hair, “and i’m so glad to have met you.”
and you felt asleep in complete bliss and happiness
finally meeting your first love and finally being able to close the distance of thousands of miles between the two of you
and this was all thanks to a band who the two of you were going to go see in concert
but shh seungmin hasn’t told you yet but he knows you’ll be so over the moon because he is too
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smoaking-greenarrow · 5 years
Could you maybe write a speculation fic for ep 7x13. Maybe with Stanley breaking into Olicity’s home and kidnapping Felicity & Will to torment Oliver? I’m totally in love w/ your account.
I didn’t have time for a speculation fic last week :/ But for the first time in a while, Arrow actually succeeded my expectations! I literally do not have a single note on what I’d change. If I were to write a speculation fic, it would’ve been incredibly similar to what we saw happen with the Queen family in 7x13 (although the paralyzing drug and Stanley’s backstory were incredibly creative details. It’s actually much cooler than what I would’ve come up with). 
I do have this story that I wrote after the episode Stanley escaped from prison, though. If you wanna check it out, anon :)
Soooo how about 7x14-ish stuff instead?
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After Oliver came home, Felicity never thought she’d step foot in Slabside again.
Yet, with the way their life together tended to snowball, twisting and tumbling unexpectedly, she probably should have prepared herself better for this. She should have been ready.
Being ready, or rather not being ready, is the exact thing that compelled her to come back to this awful place, though. An annoyingly persistent need to seek the truth.
As the guard closes the door behind her, Felicity sees the man who can answer her questions. Although he looks so much smaller than she remembered him. Maybe being drugged and paralyzed, sitting between the two most important men in her life made Stanley Dover seem more intimidating than he did now.
Now, he is an inmate again. Pale, exhausted, and scared. Just as Oliver must have seen him all those months ago. He seems frail. Like a man who couldn’t hurt a fly, if only because he doesn’t look capable of it.
But Felicity made sure to do her homework on this man. Any man, woman, or metahuman who carried a grudge against her husband warranted digging from now on.
“Felicity?” He sees her through the glass, waving as if she’s a friend rather than a failed attempt at murder.
She couldn’t begin to understand someone like Stanley, nor did she really want to. But she didn’t come here to fight with him. So, Felicity plasters on a smile, coming over to sit and slowly picking up the phone. She waits until he does the same. “Hi, Stanley.”
To his credit, Stanley looks ashamed. He averts his gaze. “I never thought I’d see you again.” His eyes flicker up to her, sparking with something that makes her shiver before he asks, “did Oliver send you?”
“No,” she shakes her head. “Oliver won’t be visiting you. Stanley, I wouldn’t get your hopes up. You won’t be going anywhere near my husband.”
His lips twitch, and then a curt laugh escapes him. “You’re protective. Fierce.” He nods, “I could always see why Oliver fell in love with you, Felicity. I told you, I know him better than anyone. I’m glad that he found someone who deserves him. Adores and appreciates him like the hero that he is. You’re the only person left in his life who is worthy.”
Pausing for a moment, Felicity catches her breath. She’d just been thinking a moment ago how weak and pathetic Stanley had looked. She’d almost felt bad for him. But as he speaks, she’s reminded of how dangerous Stanley Dover is. And how she needs to make sure he never sees the outside of Slabside again.
“That’s actually what I came to talk to you about,” Felicity answers. “You said something the other night...and I need to ask you about it.”
Leaning closer, Stanley grips the phone, “okay, Felicity...ask.”
“You said you needed to warn Oliver.”
Stanley leans back, his eyes on her face. For what he lacks in sanity, he makes up for in awareness. Felicity realized last week that there isn’t a point lying to this man. He would know. She’s hoping that transparency will earn her honesty. “This is about those friends of his, isn’t it?”
Felicity sighs, “you told him that he can’t believe everything they say. That you’ve done things to protect him. And I can’t seem to get your words out of my head, Stanley.”
“Oliver didn’t want to listen...”
Lifting her jaw, Felicity looks into the man’s eyes. “That’s what I came here to do.”
After a long pause, one where Felicity knows that Stanley is trying to read her and she keeps her eyes uncomfortably focused on him, he finally speaks. “That Ramirez man who Oliver puts his neck out for again and again...and in return, Wild Dog gets him sent right in here.” Stanley seethes, and Felicity can already see him escalating. “And the metahuman who thinks she’s helping him, as if a badge is what he needs. As if a police officer is a worthy title for Oliver Queen.” The vein in his head forms as his face grows red, his voice getting louder, “I had to hurt her,” he grits through his teeth. “I had to take her scream.”
With her stomach rolling, Felicity stares at Stanley, feeling abnormally fascinated by him...now that there’s a thick glass between them that keeps his violent, terrifying actions away from her. The last thing she needs is to be a target for someone like that.
“Oh my god,” Stanley’s voice breaks her from her thoughts, her eyes snapping back up to him. But he’s not looking at her face. His gaze is on her stomach, where her hand had instinctively moved. Seeing the look of realization on his face makes Felicity’s hand fly away from her belly.
Stanley’s eyes travel back up to hers, and she knows that he knows.
Standing up, Felicity steps back without a word. “Wait!” He calls after her, his hand slapping against the glass. She shouldn’t have come. It didn’t do any good. “There’s more you need to hear, Felicity! Listen! You have to listen!”
“You’re not telling me anything I don’t already know, Stanley,” she shakes her head, clutching her purse tightly on her shoulder.
“It’s about John Diggle!” 
Felicity stops, turning back to look at the wild expression in the man’s eyes. The desperation. 
“He’s not the man that you and Oliver think he is.”
One thing that makes Oliver more nervous than the people behind any of his scars, is a silent Felicity Smoak.
His wife always has something to say. When she’s not offering him profound advice and support, she’s probably babbling like the adorable genius he’s used to. He knows that she’s going through just as much as him, but it’s always unsettling if Felicity doesn’t have an opinion to give. 
Oliver expected her to have a hard time with this. He just hadn’t expected her not to let him hear it.
He wants to hear it.
“Felicity,” Oliver glances at her as he drives, noticing the way she’s picking at her nail polish. He frowns, reaching over to cover her hands with one of his. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” she answers, her eyes widening a bit.
“You’ve been saying ‘nothing’ for days now. Talk to me...”
Felicity fidgets, playing with his index finger, her eyes focused on her lap. “Let’s just get to John’s, okay?”
He sighs, trying to figure it out as he watches her. “Is it William?” Oliver asks lowly, squeezing her fingers. “I know we told him we’d visit in a couple months, but I can call Samantha’s parents...maybe we can take a weekend trip to Central City.”
“It—” she purses her lips, “that would be great, Oliver. We should.”
“Felicity,” he whispers, “please. You’ve been acting strange since William left. What’s going on with you?”
Hearing the hurt in his voice, Felicity looks back at him. And she smiles, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. “Everything’s going to be fine, Oliver.”
He blinks, feeling his shoulders tense. “Going to be?”
“We can talk about it later,” she soothes, “we’re almost at John and Lyla’s.”
Oliver hesitates, turning onto their street. “You’re scaring me, Felicity.”
“Honey,” Felicity forces a laugh, rubbing her hand against his arm. “I need you to trust me.” He nods, and she returns it. “Hopefully John can clear some things up,” his wife mumbles as he parks.
She gets out of the car, hurrying towards the house, moving like she can’t wait to get away from him. And Oliver takes a moment to let out a deep breath before he follows.
Putting his arms behind his back, Oliver steps behind his wife, leaning down to her ear as she knocks on the Diggles’ door. 
“Hmm,” he whispers, letting his lips touch her skin, feeling that shiver run through her as he presses his chest against her back. “You know that I have very effective ways of getting you to tell me things, right? I’m prepared to put the salmon ladder back up if I need to, baby.”
“Oh, no-ho-ho, mister,” she shoots him a glare over her shoulder. “Your sweaty and naked self is what got us into trouble in the first place.”
His eyebrows push together, confusion on the tip of his tongue, but the door swings open. “Hey, guys,” Lyla greets them with a smile. “John’s just putting JJ down for a nap. Come on in.”
They follow Lyla inside, and Oliver can’t help but notice that Felicity only grows even more tense as they walk down the hall. And when she sees John, Felicity crosses her arms. “We need to talk.”
Closing the door to his son’s bedroom, John raises his eyebrows at her confrontational tone. It surprises Oliver, too. “Okay,” Dig says slowly, “about what?”
“The ghost initiative,” she cocks her head to the side. Oliver freezes, watching as John and Lyla share a look. Felicity laughs in the silence. “Well, that’s not quite denial I’m hearing.”
“We needed to bring the initiative back,” John explains, glancing at Oliver. “I was going to tell you,”
Felicity steps in front of him, forcing him to look at her. He does, and for the first time, Oliver clocks the guilt in John’s eyes. Remorse that he directs right at Felicity. 
“Is Diaz on the squad?”
Diggle sighs, running his hand over his face, “Felicity...Diaz has a connection to a criminal named Dante. ARGUS needs to find him, and Diaz is our only shot at it.”
“So...” Felicity shakes her head incredulously. “You’re working with him. You’re working with the man that tried to kill my entire family.”
“We need him.”
Oliver closes his eyes, dropping his head. “For what?” He sighs, understanding what had Felicity so tense.
“Intel. Dante runs an organization called the Ninth Circle. It’s like a high-class black market. Items are sold through underground auctions...things that people have no business getting their hands on. Based on what Diaz has told us, Dante has access to nuclear codes, bombs, and plenty of other weapons that could kill a whole lot of people.”
High stakes. It irritates him that this is the first he’s heard about it. Oliver shakes his head, glancing between the three of them. “When is the next auction?”
“Tomorrow night,” Lyla chimes in. “The team is going on their first mission. We were going to wait...but Diaz says that Dante has his hands on something incredibly dangerous.”
Felicity scoffs, “and you believe him?”
The aggression in her voice surprises Oliver, and raises more than a few questions. “How did you know about that Lyla and John resurrected the squad?”
Her eyes snap to him, and she lets out a sharp breath. “Stanley told me.”
“Stan—” Oliver stalls, his jaw clenching. “When?”
“This morning,” she holds her chin high, pushing her shoulders back. “I may have paid a visit to Slabside.”
Oliver’s eyebrows shoot up, ready to talk about that. But Lyla cuts him off. “It’s not a matter of believing Diaz,” she draws back the conversation. “It’s just that we can’t take the risk. Diaz said that the last time he was in contact with Dante, Dante was after a powerful virus. One that could wipe out an entire city if it’s exposed in the air.”
Oliver freezes, knowing exactly the weapon that could do that. One he’d seen in Hong Kong. One that had almost leveled Star City. “The Alpha-Omega virus? How the hell did this Dante guy get his hands on something like that?”
“Most likely...it was stolen from ARGUS and given to him,” John mumbles. “Like I said, this isn’t someone to mess around with. We have to take him seriously.”
“Fine,” Oliver nods, pausing for a moment. “You better just make damn sure that he stays far away from my family.”
“Are you ready to tell me what’s bothering you,” Oliver finally asks, keeping his eyes on the door of the venue. But he feels his wife turn her head to look at him from the passenger seat.
“You want to discuss this here? In the middle of an ARGUS mission?”
“We’re not technically in the mission,” he purses his lips.
Felicity snorts, “no, we’re just stalking it.”
“We’re—” he huffs, throwing a glance at her. “We’re observing.”
“Sure,” she shrugs, her sass coming out in full swing. “That’s probably what Stanley the Stalker calls it, too.”
Letting out a deep breath, Oliver shakes his head. “Speaking of Stanley...let’s talk about your trip to Slabside yesterday.”
“Let’s...not,” she groans.
“I’m getting worried about you, Felicity. It’s not like you to keep things from me...”
“Ah,” she nods, raising her eyebrows at him. “I forgot. That’s your thing, isn’t it?”
Oliver cocks his head to the side, “you’re really upset about something.” He frowns, “deflecting isn’t really your thing.”
“What are you,” his wife rolls her eyes. “The expert on all things Felicity Smoak?”
In response, he shrugs, “only if there’s some kind of award for my expertise...” Oliver relaxes a bit when Felicity chuckles, a smile spreading across her lips, just as he’d been hoping.
“Look, Oliver...” she sighs. “There is something that I need to tell you. Something we need to talk about. But I need you to trust me when I say that we will. And that everything is okay.”
He analyzes her for a long moment, “you’re okay?”
“More than,” Felicity smiles back, lifting her hand to graze his cheek, her fingers gliding down his neck to the collar of his shirt.
“When do you think you’ll let me in on this something, then?”
“Maybe when we’re not stalking our friends,” she scrunches her nose, making a face.
“Uh huh,” Felicity laughs, her fingers squeezing his shoulder. “Observing.”
“Okay,” he breathes, checking the door one more time before he turns his body towards Felicity. “Come here,”
She grins, meeting him halfway. Oliver hums, combing his fingers through Felicity’s hair, brushing his nose against hers.
Her lips barely touch his before gunshots and yelling interrupt them.
“Wait here,” he grumbles, moving quickly out of the car and towards the building. By the time he crosses the street, people are screaming, running from the door as the gunshots grow louder.
Oliver makes his way inside, taking a moment to assess his surroundings. 
Lyla and John are back to back, fighting off armed men in suits. Turning his head, Oliver clocks Diaz near the bar, dragging a man’s face across a countertop of broken glass. He also notices Carrie Cutter, China White, and Joe Wilson, all fighting off Dante’s men.
Identifying the ones he needs to worry about, Oliver joins the fight. He steers clear of Diaz, but watches John and Lyla’s backs, as well as Cutter, Joe, and China.
Dig’s team might be lacking in numbers in the fight, but they have the skill. And it doesn’t take long for Dante’s men to begin retreating. “Is he here?” Oliver asks John, looking around the crowd.
“I saw a group of them run out the back door as soon as the shooting started. He’s probably long gone by now.”
Without a word, Oliver rushes back to the door he’d come through, knowing immediately that if Dante had planned his escape route behind the building, then Felicity probably noticed something. Which would be fine...if his wife didn’t have a history of stumbling into trouble. “I left Felicity in the car back here,” he mumbles, pushing through the crowd.
Oliver bursts through the door, his eyes landing on the car. And Felicity is still inside it. Thank god. 
As soon as his wife sees him and the others, she unbuckles her seat belt and opens the door.
He reaches the car before she can get out, kneeling in front of the open door. “Dante came out this way,” he explains. “Did you see anything?”
Felicity nods, her eyes wide. “A car pulled up right next to me,” she huffs, “I think it was him that they picked up. Oliver, I think I know what Dante looks like.”
“And you managed to stay in the car,” he raises an eyebrow at her; impressed and pleased, but also surprised. 
Felicity just nods, her shoulders slumping. 
“Hey,” Oliver puts his hands on her knees, his eyebrows furrowing. She’s pale, looking a little too shell-shocked for his liking. “Are you okay?”
“Yes,” Felicity breathes, shaking her head. “That was just...” Her hand slips from his, moving up to her stomach. Just as quickly, it drops, and her eyes fly back to him. “You’re not hurt? You’re okay?”
Oliver stares up at her, nodding slowly. “Let’s get home.”
Blinking, Felicity purses her lips, “Yeah, I just,” her face drops, and she holds up a finger before she’s suddenly pushing his hands away, climbing over him to get out of the car.
“Felicity?” He jolts up, chasing after her while she runs towards the nearest bush she can find. And his heart hammers in his chest, concern rising in his throat while she vomits. Oliver quickly reaches for her, adjusting her hair out of her face just in time to avoid a mess.
When it’s over, she stands upright, pressing her hand against her mouth and closing her eyes. 
He knows, as surely and as confidently as he knows the woman he married, that something is wrong. It sets a knot in his chest, making him want to take Felicity’s lead and empty his own stomach’s contents in the bushes. Something is wrong.
As much as he wants to comfort Felicity, bring her home and take care of her, he also knows that she’s not telling him something important. Keeping something from him. “You need to tell me, Felicity.” He pleads, his voice barely above a whisper.
She releases a deep breath, knowing just what he means. “I’m pregnant, Oliver.”
His mind goes completely blank. And he stares. She stares back.
Before he can even think of a response, of anything, John and Lyla catch up to them. 
They dive right into planning; discussing Dante’s whereabouts and next moves, explaining the transfer processes of the squad. 
Felicity eventually looks away from him, listening and nodding as John and Lyla fill them in as if they were an intended piece of the mission tonight, rather than party crashers.
And Oliver tries to focus. Felicity seems to, so he does his best to listen.
But all he can think about is what she said. 
Felicity is pregnant. With a baby. A baby that is also his baby. They’re having a baby together.
Once the initial shock wears off, approximately five minutes after his wife had dropped the bomb on him, he’s feeling antsy. But he realizes quickly that it’s not a nervous kind of antsy.
It’s an excited one.
Clearing his throat, Oliver places a hand on Felicity’s back, interrupting Dig. “We need to get home,” he blurts.
John glances between them, “yeah...okay. Thanks for your help tonight, Oliver.”
“We’ll call you when we know more,” Lyla offers.
“And Felicity...” John looks down at her, pausing for a moment. Then he gently pulls her into his arms. “I’m sorry. I would never do anything to hurt you or your family. I love you, you know that, right?”
As she pulls back, Felicity blinks away moisture in her eyes. Tears that appear to surprise her as much as they surprise Dig.
Guiding her back towards the car, Oliver waves to John and Lyla, who each stare at Felicity with varying levels of confusion and concern. “Sorry,” she babbles, “hormones are all over the place—I don’t know why! I mean. What?”
“Honey,” Oliver mumbles, “home, now, please.”
“Right, bye!” She waves as he pulls her to the car. 
Felicity glances up at him as they walk away. “Oliver, you’re pale...maybe I should drive.”
He shakes his head, helping her into the passenger seat. “I’m fine.”
Once he’s behind the wheel, he catches his breath, his hands on the wheel and his eyes on his wife. His pregnant wife. “Home,” he whispers, glancing away and starting the car.
“Please say something,” Felicity finally speaks after long minutes of silence, her voice small.
Oliver glances down at her, surprised to see how anxious she looks. “When did you find out?”
“Dr. Schwartz told me last week. After she tested our blood,” she explains. “I just didn’t want to mention it so soon after William...”
“And you’re sure? I mean, there’s just—there’s no way that this could be wrong?” Oliver whispers. 
He’s so ready and willing to let go of his last bit of doubt. The last dark spot in his mind wanting to hold him back from accepting the happiness that wants to overtake him. Felicity bites her lip, and nods.
Taking in a deep breath, Oliver releases it slowly. 
As he drives towards the apartment, he can feel Felicity’s eyes on the side of his face. Gently, she rests her hand on his leg, getting his attention again. “Tell me this is good news, Oliver,” she whispers. “I’m scared...but I really want it to be good news.”
“I’m scared, too,” he answers lowly, honestly, offering her a smile. “But we’re in it together. Baby, this is better than good. I didn’t think it was possible for you to make me happier than you already have, for me to love you more than I already do...I’m excited, Felicity.” An unexpected laugh bubbles in his throat. “There’s so much to process, but I’m excited.”
He shifts his eyes from the road, taking a moment to appreciate the gorgeous, perfect smile that crosses her face. “I’m excited, too.”
And there’s nothing else they need to say in that moment. Nothing that they both don’t already understand. Nothing that can’t wait until they’re home. When he can look into her eyes, touch her, hold her.
Celebrate with her.  
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ofvivicnnes-blog · 5 years
                 hi everyone ! my name’s 𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖒 and i’m really happy and excited to be here ! i was in a group a v long time ago that had the points system before, so it’s really cool to be a part of a group that has a similar concept ( so shout out to the admins ) ! anyways, i’m 21+ and my pronouns are she/her, but they/them is okay as well. i’ve had kehlani’s mixtape on repeat pretty much since it came out, i have an affinity for writing intros at 2am while simultaneously working on editing themes, i’d let yeji choke me with her ponytails, and jackson wang owns my ass ! this is my very first time i’ll be playing kang seulgi after seeing exactly one (1) image of her on pinterest, and i hope i can do her justice with my mess of a child, vivienne ! 
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“who are you & what is one thing that people would know you for ?” 
‘ i don’t know who i am -- i’m a lot of things. on the surface, i’m a daughter. i’m a former idol and a girl who’s still chasing her dreams. i’m vivienne, always, but i haven’t discovered who i am underneath all of that yet. one thing people know me for is my personal life. it’s not all that pretty. ’
“if there is one thing you could change about your career, what would it be ?”
‘ hm, i don’t know if there’s anything i would change, but i wish there were some moments i could have done a bit differently. my career as been great, but it’s nowhere near perfect and it never will be. ’
“what are you willing to do to be in the top ten ?”
‘ anything, but within reason. truth be told, i’m not afraid of anything that might get thrown my way, but i’m not saying i would throw someone under the bus ... not yet, anyways ! ’
name  :  vivienne ba-rom park.
nickname(s)  :  viv, vivi, & v.
age  :  twenty-four ( 24 ).
birthday  :  february 8th, 1995.
zodiac  :  aquarius.
moral alignment  :  chaotic neutral.
gender  :  cisfemale.
pronouns  :  she/her.
height  :  5′6″ ( five foot six inches ).
hometown  :  santa clarita, california.
nationality  :  korean-american.
ethnicity  :  korean.
occupation  : former k-idol, solo artist & dancer.
label(s)  :  the intangible concept, the lost soul & the sybarite.
aesthetics  :  glittery eyeshadow, roses on silk sheets, stained wine glasses, wire rimmed glasses, bare feet in the mornings, messy ponytails, ignored alarms, clear boots, shoes with red soles, messy bedrooms, diamonds, gold jewelry, oversized sweaters, strawberry chapstick under red lipstick, sexual tension, golden sunset, hickeys, long eyelashes & flushed cheeks, fuzzy socks, bright lights on a stage, disco balls, concerts, screaming until you lose your voice, love confessions, holding hands, sharp eyeliner, face masks, ripped denim jackets, fluffy clouds, drinking with friends, red wine, ignoring texts & making eye contact with someone you like.
          vivienne park was born on a cold ( california cold, that is ) february morning to na-young & nam-il park in santa clarita, california. vivienne was a happy baby that brought her parents joy, as they only had intentions to have one child and give them the world. if only the young couple knew that their daughter would grow up to be something like a thorn in their side, expensive perfume, 
          middle school was the time when the couple noticed a chance in their daughter. she wanted to be dropped off a block away from her school, she had a terrible habit of defying her school’s uniform dress code & mostly kept to herself, never inviting friends over for typical things like sleepovers. after watching from afar, vivienne’s parents questioned their daughter as to why she was acting this way. turns out, she didn’t like that her parents drove an older car in comparison to the other kids, whose parents drove newer & fancier cars. she thought the school’s uniform was stupid & it was hard for her to make friends with the other girls because she didn’t have the latest clothing trends or the latest gadgets.
          to put it simply, vivienne believed that she was supposed to have more & that she was ENTITLED to having more, but her parents weren’t able to provide that. her father was an elementary school teacher & her mom was a nurse, so the family lived comfortably, but nowhere near as lavishly as her classmates. vivienne wanted the pricey handbags & shoes, the beautiful blown-out hair & essentially whatever she wanted, so there were a lot of over the top arguments between vivienne & her parents whenever they said, ‘ no, vivienne. you cannot have a handbag that costs a semester’s worth of tuition. ’ 
          despite her slightly selfish & materialistic ways, vivienne was very interested in music at this time. she spent a lot of her time singing in her church’s choir & she was in the theater club at her school, so her life completely changed when she was introduced to k-pop by one of her friends in seventh grade. she immersed herself into the genre & became the girl who spent her time learning the choreography to her favorite songs. by the time high school rolled around, vivienne set her sights on becoming an idol & while her parents thought her dream was a little far-fetched, they eventually allowed vivienne to leave santa clarita for seoul in order to audition for one of the companies. 
          she lived with her aunt for a few weeks before she successfully auditioned ( at the age of fifteen ) & moved into the dorms with fellow trainees. vivienne thought she was doing well, but during her time as a trainee was the first time she felt constant rejection due to always being overlooked when it came to debuting. so, she trained hard for two years & debuted with her group NIGHTMARE x PARADISE in 2012 ! vivienne was the lead vocalist & rapper of the trio, went by ‘vivi’ & they debuted with their ep twinkle. NxP found success with their group & their debut was very well received. they remained together until early 2016, after vivienne was the last to debut as a solo artist with her ep i just wanna dance.
          after NxP’s breakup, vivienne’s bandmates found success in their new ventures, while vivienne slightly spiraled. she was now 21 & after spending the last four years with her bandmates, so she wasn’t really sure of what to do next. vivienne took a hiatus from music ( minus one song she released with far east movement titled don’t speak ) & she then found herself in a relationship with an idol from another company ( think jennie & kai with the way their ‘relationship’ was exposed ). hmm, if i’m being honest i’d love to have that as a wanted connection ( if it fits with your muse ! ) they tried keeping it on the down low since her boyfriend wasn’t supposed to be dating, but a few sneaky fans of his group snapped pictures of them leaving a hotel, so that sparked off a lot of controversy.
          vivienne’s boyfriend had been training to be an idol for a very long time & she didn’t want to be blamed for ‘ruining’ their career, so she decided to end the relationship after four months of dating secretly. one thing that continued to happen was the hate she received on her socials for dating the previously mentioned idol. vivienne liked to believe that she was a girl that didn’t allow anything to get to her, but the constant berating & harassment caused her to delete her accounts and move back to california, where she decided to debut as a solo artist. within a few weeks, vivienne found herself in yet another scandal when she was caught leaving a club with some prominent figure in los angeles, which caused her to fall under the scrutiny of the media & the public once again.
          she was dubbed as something of a sleaze, so she decided to start living up to that title. she returned to social media, but fans of vivienne during her NxP days were a little confused at her new personality ( which is all truly a well constructed act ). the scandal brought her some attention, so she released remember me, the theme song of the disney film coco in 2017. she released her first song as a solo artist, over my skin, in 2018 & signed to columbia records. currently, vivienne’s working on more music & other ventures, but doesn’t really know when she’s going to be releasing anything. vivienne currently lives in a super cute dtla apartment & she finally stopped being a punk towards her parents, so their relationship is better than ever !
          as for her personality, vivienne is very much the girl who puts on a facade. that’s not entirely weird when on stage because different eras usually means a different ‘personality’, but to the public she kind of carries herself as the girl who doesn’t care & she’s like a sexual deviant aka sexually liberated, but in reality she’s the polar opposite. to the public, she’s the girl who’ll be plastered on supermarket tabloids because she got a little too drunk at an album release party or she got papped with some other guy. in reality, she cares ( probably too much ) about what other people think of her, she hates when she feels like people are talking about her when she’s only a few feet away & she truly wants to be liked for who she is & not for what she can do. while her debut as a solo artist has been well received, she does sometimes get overwhelmed with the feeling that she’ll never reach that level of stardom again. tl;dr: she’s actually really nice & really wants to do well in her chosen career, especially now as a solo artist but she’s more than likely going about it the wrong way.
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sunshine304 · 3 years
I am so so sorry that it took me this long to continue my LoF watching posts! RL, y’know. Ep 26 felt like a good place to take a breather, as well, so that’s what I did.
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 Anyway, let’s move on to eps 27 and 28!
It’s exposition time! Zhou Fei and ChuChu are at a tea house and hear about an army deserter who was trained on the Mountain of the Immortals (has this been mentioned before... IDK), was poisoned and became a monk. A-Fei thinks this story sounds familiar (indeed it does, indeed it does...) and ChuChu remembers having read sth like this in a book (the book of ... Peng Lai? I think?).
Oh look, Huo Fort becomes relevant again! I forgot about them. Anyway, Huo Lintao, who is now the boss and seems to not be well liked basically everywhere, wants to fight Disha and invites people from Jianghu to his Destroy Disha Assembly (God, I just love that name XD). Li Sheng & 48 Strongholds get an invite and he wants to investigate. Huo Fort is also... attacked by random cultivators I guess?
Meanwhile, let’s check in on Yin Pei! He still can’t deal with his internal injury (loss of internal power? still not sure; I’m assuming it’s sth like severe damage to a golden core in xanxia or even complete loss of one) and scours Old Daoist Master Chongxiao’s rooms for the Phoenix Pill, which... I think gives you lots of power but is also really super dangerous? 
This show sure has lots of useful but also dangerous power restoring/improving pills and needles, huh?
Anyway, Yin Pei takes the pill. He does not feel so good. Uh oh.
Li Yan and Yang Jin go in search for A-Fei again – uhm, didn’t A-Fei simply go into town with ChuChu? Why are they searching for her again, other that Yang Jin wants to fight her because one obvious defeat isn’t enough? I'm guessing there has been a time skip again...
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Meanwhile, at Disha Manor! Shen Tianshu is nursing his wounded ego I guess, while Chu Tianyu, an older member, is now supposed to take care of all this drama, but he doesn’t really want to because he’s retired. How many weird members of Disha are there?
Oh okay, so Yin Pei goes kinda crazy because of the scabbard since it seems to be gone, takes more of the Phoenix Pills, which is a fucking stupid idea, we get some exposition that this might turn him into a demon of some sort, and then he kills Chongxiao for the scabbard because he thinks that the old master wants it for himself.
Which, you know, isn’t true, but that’s what you get for being so secretive, I guess. Chongxiao actually wanted the scabbard so a forger could make lots of copies of it, so that Yin Pei can keep the original one. *sigh* Well, too late now. Yin Pei also meets that evil guy from way back in ep 7 or 8 who’d fought Chongxiao and Li Sheng, who calls himself the Black Judge (I’m too lazy to look up his name and hope he doesn’t really become that relevant). 
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I’m kinda sad that Yin Pei simply seems to go the “Oops I’m super crazy now“ route instead of having a more interesting redemption arc. I also... don’t really know what he wants to do now? He’s got the scabbard of his father... Are there still people alive he could take revenge on? Disha I guess?
But! The song that plays while Yin Pei confronts Chongxiao is awesome! I'm in love.♥
Back to the main characters, thank you! Xie Yun is really ill and freezing, the poison taking its toll. He’s at the same inn as two new characters (noooo, no more characters, have mercy!) Zhu Chen and Zhu Ying of the small Zhu sect, who are there for that assembly. They eye XY and feel sorry for him. We instantly know that these are Good People.
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Aaaaaand introducing another new character, Ying Hecong, Poison Doctor! I know he’s relevant because he’s got a poster!
Of course Zhou Fei just misses Xie Yun in that inn. *sigh* But then she meets Li Yan and Yang Jin there, which is nice. 
Yet another new character!  He’s Black Tortoise Ding Kui and has henchman that are dressed in a rather peculiar way. Is this now the same as with that Azure Dragon guy, and I don’t really have to remember him? He’s from the 4 Guardians Mountain (speaking of which, where tf is Mu XiaoQiao!?).
Okay okay I see now. Everyone is in LingLing for that meet up with the Huo family! Madame Nichang is there too! Ah my beloved! ♥ She tells Xie Yun to follow his heart, and not be stupid and only think of his end. 
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Xie Yun is all evasive of course, and then he meets up with Cheng Zichen who of course is also there! Because of this he finds out that Zhou Fei is there, too, which puts him into a conflict. Because his running away was going so well, dammit!
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On to Ep 28!
Xie Yun hides out in the carriage with Ling Yu of the Feather Robe Troupe, who slyly comments on him running away from Zhou Fei. He’s sad and says that it’s not A-Fei’s fault and that he’s just an unlucky person who is not good for her. T_T Kill me, why don’t you.
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A-Fei has learned a lot and notices XY’s ruse, yay go my heroine!♥
She catches him and they fight, and she asks him about the poison. Zhou Fei obviously suspects ahhhh! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ But of course when XY seems happy that she was looking for him, she goes all haughty again and is like, “It’s only because of the HYTS!“ (although no it was mainly because of him and she looks light she might burst into tears any moment now, too...)
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They get distracted by the procession of Black Tortoise Master walking by and A-Fei knocks XY out. They’re even now! XD
Nice to see the whole gang together as A-Fei drags the unconscious Xie Yun to an inn! ChuChu my beloved! ♥
OMG Li Sheng and Yang Jin getting into this peacock fight! XD Li Sheng scolds his sister and Yang Jin is super pissed about it. Li Yan is looking sooo smug, like “Yep that's my very own protective himbo!“ XD
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Then Li Sheng is sent off to find Madame Nichang because she at least might know what to do about Xie Yun.
Ding Kui arrives at the Hui Fort. If I understood correctly... Hui Lintao wants to... kill all the cultivators when they arrive for his assembly? Or just those other cultivators that are randomly attacking him? There's traps in the forest they have go through. He specifically mentions that the traps are set after Daoist Master Chongxiao’s design, so hm might Li Sheng be of great help here later? Anyway, that old guy from Disha is there and seems to find all of this very funny. I’m confused.
Mu Xiaoqiao my love!!!!!!! He’s back!!!!  For about 5 seconds but there he is, looking fabulous! ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
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Ding Kui (who... has left the Huo Fort I guess) wants to work with him and reminds him of his debt to the Huo Fort. I had forgotten about that.
Oh let’s check in for about a minute on Yin Pei, who is still crazy and slaughters some people... uhm somewhere. He also now calls himself the true Master of Clear Light. [at least I think it’s supposed to be his new name?] Nicely written on the door in blood. Okay then.
But the instrumental of his song plays in the background, making all of this much more epic, so it’s fine.
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Madame Nichang arrives, is shocked, and states that Xie Yun is poisoned, as A-Fei feared, and he has a year if he doesn’t use his internal force anymore. A-Fei is devastated and we get their love song while she rubs his (supposedly) ice-cold hand. Oh my heart. T_T
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Ying Hecong arrives because he wants to see the poisoned guy! XD He has never heard of tact. 
Since A-Fei is desperate she lets him in, and we get some exposition in bits and pieces. Ying Hecong first assumes that XY must’ve been poisoned about a month ago (which fits the fight against Disha, where he used the needle), but wonders how that could be because Lian Sheng (the poisoner known for bone piercing blue) has been missing for a while longer. He lets slip that he isn’t actually a doctor, uhm yeah....
Oh not A-Fei is so sad and crying, nooooo T_T She’s angry at XY, asking why he had to meddle in her affairs and then leave to just die somewhere alone. Oh nooooo.  ಥ_ಥ ಥ_ಥ ಥ_ಥ
(side note: easy scene for Wang Yibo, just lying there the whole time, no lines for once XD)
A-Fei gets the Tianmen Lock from Madam Nichang (a special lock that has a double lock mechanism that is very difficult to open. Md. Nichang actually alludes to this lock being very useful for lovers and I’m like... okay XD). YunFei are kinky as ever, nothing new here – A-Fei is so pissed at XY that she doesn’t want him to have the chance to run away again. XD
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Loved how XY complained about the lock destroying his posture. XD And how Zhou Fei’s like, “It’s not my fault you’re bound like that, Li Sheng is to blame!“ while the flashback tells us, that uhm no, he’s not. XD
Ending with A-Fei telling Yang Jin about the Hai Tian Yi Se. Ah they’re important relics it seems. Well whatever. XY listens in.
I really need to keep on watching, it seems stuff is happening.
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