#i said shes an innocent woman johnny is here being toxic
I got told today
"You better not be a lesbian because you have horrible taste in woman"
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andossp · 2 years
my cancellable toxic trait is that i think that the outcome of the depp trial was good and people saying that this is a woman's issue are dead wrong. men can be victims of domestic abuse. there is audio of amber admitting to hitting depp, theres audio of amber saying that no one will believe depp if he speaks out, and on top of that she threw a bottle and cut the tip of his fucking finger off. this isnt about women. this is about male victims of domestic abuse being taken seriously by the media. we absolutely should not be idolizing johnny depp or acting like hes some perfect innocent baby but amber literally lied on the fucking stand when she said she never hit johnny! there was literal audio video evidence that she hit him. yall are clowny out here saying that no one will ever believe a woman again. we believed amber heard when she wrote her article. depp lost a lot when that happened including reputation and now its been proven that she was lying.
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cunninghamchrissie · 2 years
People ignoring Depp's behavior is crazy. But Amber is in no way innocent here. She was arrested for domestic violence on her ex-girlfriend back in 2009. Amber and Johnny are both toxic af. Please do not change the narrative by sweeping this woman's own disgusting behavior down the drain. There is literally audio of Amber telling Johnny "people won't believe you" after she ADMITTED to abusing him. They are BOTH mental.
do you ppl not fucking fact check anything in your lives???
finding this took 5 fucking seconds of a google search. stop believing any bullshit you hear online.
Following days of reports that Amber Heard was arrested for domestic abuse against an ex-girlfriend, Tasya van Ree, in 2009, van Ree has responded, saying Heard was “wrongfully accused.”
“In 2009, Amber was wrongfully accused for an incident that was misinterpreted and over-sensationalized by two individuals in a power position,” said a statement van Ree released on Wednesday. “I recount hints of misogynistic attitudes toward us which later appeared to be homophobic when they found out we were domestic partners and not just ‘friends.’ Charges were quickly dropped and she was released moments later. It’s disheartening that Amber’s integrity and story are being questioned yet again. Amber is a brilliant, honest and beautiful woman and I have the utmost respect for her. We shared 5 wonderful years together and remain close to this day.”
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angelqueen04 · 4 years
Hamliza Month, Day 22
@megpeggs @historysalt
Craft Daughter Summary: Eliza’s latest round with childbirth yields a surprise.
Eliza stared down at the babe nestled securely in her arms. While childbirth had become something of a routine for her, this being her seventh child, Eliza could honestly admit that the result of this delivery was, though not entirely unique, still quite unusual. Eliza was used to birthing boys, and done so every time before this, save for her dear Angelica. In all honesty, she had long given up on ever seeing another daughter born.
And yet, here she was, hold a baby girl in her arms.
A finger appeared alongside the sleeping child’s face, caressing her soft, pink cheek. “She’s so tiny,” Alexander murmured as he sat down beside her on the bed. Eliza glanced up at him, taking in the quiet awe on his face. “Was Angelica this small when she was born?”
In truth, she hadn’t. Angelica had been a round little thing, adorable in her chubbiness. This new little one hadn’t the meat on her bones that her older sister had had at birth, and Eliza couldn’t help but be concerned about that. She would have to watch her carefully, making sure that she was fed regularly and often.[1]
“She’ll do just fine,” Eliza said, pressing her lips to the child’s forehead. “She’s a Hamilton. Hamiltons are strong.”
Alexander laughed softly and ran his hand over the back of her head, pressing her lightly to lean against him. “That they are. It comes from their mother,” he said.
Eliza let herself relax against him, not taking their eyes off this little one. “Born just in time for a new century,” she commented.
“Indeed, she was,” Alexander agreed. “It shall be something for her to tell her children one day, that she was one of the last children born in this century.”[2]
Eliza nodded, but then asked what was, perhaps, the most obvious question. “Whatever shall we name her?” She and Alexander had stopped discussing names for a girl after Johnny was born. The last weeks she had been carrying William had been far too stressful for both of them to think of names for a child, boy or girl, and so William had not received his name until after his birth. For this one, they had simply assumed that they would be adding another boy to their stock and had planned based on that assumption.
“Oh,” Alexander said brightly, “that’s easy enough!”
She paused in her perusal of her new daughter’s face to look up at him quizzically. “Is it?” she asked.
Alexander’s gaze was warm and loving and he leaned in to kiss the tip of Eliza’s nose. “Oh yes,” he assured her, “very easy.” A teasing glint entered his eyes as he said nothing further.
Eliza rolled her eyes. “Darling,” she said slowly, “I have just given birth to a child. I am exhausted. Now is not the time to play games with me, so it’s best that you be straightforward. Come back tomorrow for me to be more responsive to your joshing.”
He gave her a mock-pouting expression, but accepted the truth of her words. His eyes turned back to their daughter and, if possible, softened even more. “She shall be Eliza Hamilton,” he said simply.
Just five words, and yet they could have knocked Eliza off her feet, had she been on said feet. She gaped at him. Never, even back when they had still talked about naming potential daughters, had they ever mentioned naming a daughter for her. Angelica had been named for Eliza’s dearest, most wonderful sister. Some other names Eliza and Alexander had discussed during the times she had carried Alex and James had included Catharine and Rachel, the names of their respective mothers. Alexander had even considered the name Anne, for his beloved cousin.[3] Never once had Eliza’s own name come up in conversation, nor had Eliza much considered it.
“After me?” she managed to say.
Alexander nodded. “Who better to name our girl for, than for the strongest, most forgiving woman in the world?” he asked, his expression losing all levity. He was clearly quite serious.
Eliza could feel her cheeks flush at his words, and she let her head rest on his shoulder so she could look down at the baby again. This little girl was, she supposed, a symbol of forgiveness. With the old wounds dredged up and new wounds inflicted by his pamphlet two years before, they had not had an easy time of it. There had been times when she could not even bear to look at him, and Alexander knew it. On one occasion, she had all but fled from him to Albany, just to get away from him.[4]
In the end, she had found herself with a choice – let her marriage crumble to nothing under the weight of her husband’s sins and miscalculations, or to seek to infuse it with new life, to let it grow anew, let it grow stronger. On the face of it, it had been an easy choice. Throughout it all, Eliza had never ceased to love her Alexander. Love does not die easily, and hers was strong, even after all he had done. But in truth, forgiveness is perhaps the hardest thing to bring about, and it came slowly. Even after returning from Albany, determined in her choice, none of it was easy. There were days when someone would say something, however innocent, that would prod at those old wounds. But, as time passed, those instances happened less and less.
Alexander had certainly done his part. He too had been just as determined to have their marriage survive, and wanted to prove himself worthy of her forgiveness. He worked to be more considerate of Eliza, of the family, taking them into consideration when he made important choices that would impact them all. At the very least, he discussed those choices with Eliza, instead of unilaterally choosing for all of them, as most men did.
In now, here they were, bound together more tightly than ever before, and with a new baby to love. Eliza could not be certain of exactly when this little one was conceived of course, but she could count. Sometime in late February, or perhaps early March, she guessed. Alexander had been home for much of that time, and they had enjoyed a great deal of time together, both with the children and when they were alone.
Yes, this baby had been conceived in the spirit and letter of forgiveness, and had been born into a family that was a bit storm-battered, but all the stronger for it. She was a blessing, and she would be loved all her days for it.
Eliza looked up at Alexander, and she smiled her agreement. “Eliza Hamilton,” she murmured, and then leaned up to press her lips to his in a sweet, tender kiss.
Eliza Hamilton snuffled, and then did her best to nuzzle even closer in her mother’s embrace.
[1] Eliza Hamilton Holly was, it appears, a sickly infant, enough that Alexander was quite concerned about her, and wrote as much to Eliza, insisting that she write to him often about herself and the children while he was away.
[2] Alexander could not know that little Eliza would never have any children of her own. She and her husband, Sydney Augustus Holly, would remain childless, and would also, from what I can see, live their entire married life with Eliza. Mother and daughter appeared to be especially close, and so Holly moved to the Grange with them when he married the younger Eliza in July 1825.
[3] This would be Anne Lytton Venton Mitchell, Alexander’s first cousin. According to Michael Newton’s research, she did a great deal to cover the cost of Alexander’s educational expenses in his early years in the colonies. Clearly, she continued to mean a great deal to him, and he even penned one final note to Eliza about her the day before the duel, claiming that he was “under the greatest obligations” to her and asking Eliza to do as much as she could for her.
[4] See Day 6: Toxic.
Personally, I consider the birth of little Eliza to be kind of the zenith of Alexander and Eliza’s happiness, one they would spend the next several years falling from. Less than a month after little Eliza’s birth, they would endure the sudden, unexpected death of George Washington (on Alexander and Eliza’s wedding anniversary no less). The loss of his political mentor/benefactor would leave Alexander even more reduced in the political arenas than he already was, and, as many biographers have pointed out, Alexander would suffer for the lack of Washington’s guiding – and sometimes restraining – hand. From then on, they suffered one loss after another. Peggy died in 1801 (though they seem to have been expecting it, since her health had been in decline for some time), as did Philip. There was one semi-bright spot in the birth of Little Phil in June 1802, though they had also lost Martha Washington just short of two weeks before that. Eliza’s mother would die suddenly in 1803, and so would Angelica’s ten/eleven-year-old son, Alexander Church. Then, of course, Alexander himself would die in the duel with Burr, and then Philip Schuyler would follow his son-in-law to the grave just a few short months later in 1804.
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fruityutas · 4 years
the devil wears prada
mafia!lee taeyong x female!reader
Tumblr media
lowercase intended, not proofread
!this story is a work of fiction and the characters used in it are in NO WAY like this in real life!
Let me know if you want to be on the taglist for this as i’ve decided to make one
genre: thriller, fluff if you squint hard enough, ANGST
p.1 here
summary: lee taeyong is a cold-blooded mafia leader, not meant to give or receive love. what happens when an innocent bystander turns out to be the most beautiful woman he’s laid eyes on? 
✰ warnings: cursing, blood, murder, descriptions of wounds (man does taking nursing classes help with that lmao), violence, toxic relationship, suggestive scenes 
 “i'm afraid i can’t let you go, sweetheart.”
 “ah, i see you’ve finally finished. please take this brat, i’m getting quite tired of looking after her.” the new man laughed at your captor.
 “you take the front seat, Jae. i want to sit with our little friend.” The man that was watching you climbs into the front seat of the van while the new man gets in the back with you. he looks at you for a while before sighing. you try not to make eye contact with him, fearing that if you do he might get angry.
 “why did you walk through such a rough part of town so late? i mean, it was like you’re asking to be taken by someone. luckily for you though, i’m not a creepy old man, just a, how do i put it lightly? i’m not a good person for sure, but i don’t kill random people so you’re in the clear on that.” you stay silent and still avoid his eyes. he sighs and scoots a little closer to you. “what’s with the silence, little lamb?” you grimaced at the nickname he gave you. his hand gripped your chin firmly and he brought you to look into his eyes. “answer me.”
 “i was studying late and took that route home because all the busses were done running.” he sighs and lets go of your head.
 “well, you’re stuck with us until we decide what to do with you.” you let out a shaky breath and scooted away from him, burying your head in your knees. you don’t see it, but the man named taeyong looks at you with pain in his eyes, knowing that you won’t ever be allowed back to your family or home.
the van’s doors open and you look up and squint at the bright lights of what appears to be a garage, although much bigger than any you’d ever seen. 
  “get up, you need to get inside so we can all assess what the hell to do with you.” you slowly climb out of the van, and taeyong grips your arms to help you.
 “So what is this place exactly?” you ask as you walk with him and the other two original men.
 “this is our meeting house. you were probably told who we are by the target that you were initially thrown in with, am i right?” you nod but then shake your head.
 “well, he kind of told me. all i know is that you guys are called nct.”
 “ah, well he was right about that. i hate i have to introduce myself in this fashion, but i’m this mafia’s leader. my name is taeyong.” you suck in a breath and nod.
 “i suppose that means i can’t leave you guys’ sight huh?” taeyong gives you a tight-lipped smile while holding open a door for you. it led to a beautiful kitchen that held two younger men.
 “those two are chenle and jisung. they’re the youngest in here, but don’t worry, they’ve never been on actual missions yet. they might be around your age?” they truly looked like kids, barely out of highschool.
 “i guess, i’m 20 so probably not though.” taeyong chuckled. 
 “well you can babysit them sometime, seeing as they are 18.” they both turned to the two of you and looked confused before shrugging and smiling.
 “hello, i’m chenle. taeyong, who is this?” this one was slightly shorter than who you assumed to be jisung, and spoke with a loud demeanor, while the latter stayed quiet, staring at the floor rather than looking up to the rest of you.
 “this is a special guest, she’s going to be here for a while, so treat her with respect.” taeyong eyes the two boys with a playful glint in his eyes. 
 “you can call me y/n.” chenle nodded and glanced at taeyong, his lips forming into a smirk at the sight unbeknownst to you. taeyong was looking at you with a warm smile on his lips, one that hadn’t come out from hiding even when johnny was around.
taeyong had never seen such a beautiful woman before. the pure fear that radiated off of you when he first saw you made taeyong want to take you in so only he could have you. it wasn’t a caring type of want, but a controlling want. taeyong loved to be in control, and you were never exposed to anything like this before, so he knew he could comfort you and form you to be perfect for him. when you clutched onto him in the garage, you only sealed your fate stronger, you weren’t going to slip away so easily now that taeyong wanted you to stay.
 “ah, y/n, can you please help us cook this?” chenle asked with a cute smile. he and jisung had gotten really close with you in the three days you’ve been in the house. they would always ask you to play games or help them make something to eat. you treated them like your little brothers, always being persuaded by their cute pouts.
 “of course, what do you need me to do?” you poked your head into the kitchen and smiled. chenle and jisung were both hovering over a bowl of what appeared to be cake batter. “now what in the world are you two doing?” you chuckled at the sight of the two boys struggling to make a cake. they giggled and moved aside so you could take over.
 “ah, taeyong, look! y/n is so nice she helps us cook!” you turn halfway looking at taeyong who had entered the room silently, but smiling. he comes over to you and presses against your back slightly while putting a hand on your waist. you blush as he puts his head on your shoulder, giggling in the process.
 “you should tell them to cook it themselves so i can take you somewhere else, huh?” taeyong’s sultry voice hit your ears and you almost dropped the whisk when he started to kiss your neck lightly. he chuckled before pulling away, only enough to turn to the others in the room. “hey, you two. i know for a fact that you can cook this together, so why don’t you? i’m taking our lovely y/n for a little while to show her something.” the two boys nodded and giggled mischievously before taking the bowl and stirring the contents perfectly fine. taeyong, without taking his hand off your waist, guided you out of the kitchen and towards the stairs. you had never been allowed up there before today, as your bedroom was conveniently located on the main floor of the house, along with chenle, jisung, jeno, jaemin, and renjun’s rooms. they liked to call themselves the ‘dreamies’ but you always shook you head and laughed when they said that. taeyong had told you from the first day not to go up there, because you hadn’t been introduced to the others yet, and they took anyone they didn’t know as a threat. they of course knew of you, but you weren’t exactly well-accepted within them. jaehyun had already established this form the first time you met him, and mark always avoided eye contact when speaking with you.
 “wouldn’t you like to know why i’m taking you up here?” taeyong’s teasing voice was like a melody in your ears, a song you could listen to forever. you shrugged and held onto his arm the closer you go to the top of the stairs. 
 “i’m sure it’s for a good reason, you told me to never come up here.” he turned and smiled at you.
 “i actually do have something to show you, but you have to promise to keep quiet when i show you, ok?” you look at him with curiosity written all over your face.
 “uh, ok. i won’t be loud or anything.” your mind races with thoughts of what it could be. was he finally going to dispose of you? what if he locks you up somewhere? or what if he killed your family and was about to show you their bodies? you pushed those thoughts out as far as you could, he had been very nice to you and that display of intimacy in the kitchen wasn’t imagined, so why would he hurt you? well, for starters he was a mafia leader. ‘right’ you thought. ‘a deadly and cold-hearted one at that’ you shook your head and looked at his profile while he walked you to the destination. you couldn’t deny that he was gorgeous, his strong jawline and pointed nose. the scar beside his large eyes stood out to you the most, where did he get it from?
 “i’m assuming you are worried about what i’m about to show you, but it’s not bad, don’t worry.” his voice interrupted your thoughts as you both stopped outside a large door. he opens it and moves to let you in first. you walk in cautiously but relax once you realize that it’s a bedroom, that you assume to be taeyong’s. it’s decorated with very minimalistic items. greys and whites are the main colors, but here and there are little splashes of color. taeyong picks you up and places you on his plush bed before sitting next to you, guiding your face closer to his with his hand. your face is surely red with the closeness of the man in front of you, his beauty captivating. “what i want to show you is something you have to agree on, ok princess?” you nod your head fervently. he smiles and tells you to close your eyes before gently kissing your lips. you don’t hesitate to kiss back, caught up in the feeling of his skin on yours, a fire burning deep in you. when taeyong breaks the kiss you whine at the loss of feeling. you take his face and pull him in for another kiss, and he smiles into it. the only noises in the room being the smack of lips on lips. taeyong takes the lead after a few moments, pushing you gently down on your back while he crawls over you. his hands make their way to the hem of your shirt, tugging up to take it off. you comply by lifting your torso, only breaking the kiss for a second. you do the same to his shirt, and soon all your clothes were off and strewn across the room. “i’m going to pound you into this bed until you’re screaming my name, princess, until everyone in this house knows it’s me making you feel good”
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deppsjournals · 4 years
JD vs. NGN... a message
To Johnny Depp,
“We give you flowers filled with our love, then build you an eternal garden” - @deppsjournals
I’ll admit, I deleted Tumblr simply because it was toxic. My mental health worsened through spending hours on it, obsessing over thing I should definitely not be focused on. 
Anyway, I'm back here now to talk about Johnny Depp, and how f***ing proud I am of him. For 4 years, he’s been slandered as a ‘wife beater’ by just about everybody in the media. He’s been a victim of ‘woke cancel culture’, and condemned for a crime he did not commit. Now, he’s coming back healthy, and fighting for justice more than ever. 
For fourteen days, he has been the man that we all look up to - honest, kind and most importantly, human. for many of us, Johnny has been a role model, somebody that has made us comfortable in our own skin. He's made us realise our worth, our passions and he’s made us happy. And for four years, we have returned exactly the same, and we have never given up on him. 
Now, this case hits pretty close to home, as my brother is also a victim of domestic violence. His ex, much like AH, paints herself as a pretty picture surrounded by fire - but she is the fire isolating this innocent painting. However, they both came back, thriving and demanding justice; and that’s where the courage comes into place, that is how this case is influential. This case not monumental in giving male victims a voice in a society where they are voiceless. 
And the evidence is there. The evidence is in Johnny’s favour, it always has been, always will be. To me personally, Johnny’s addictions are in fact irrelevant. He has been open to them, admitted to his struggles, and from what we’ve seen, it simply does not equate to him being violent or a said ‘wife beater’. 
To stand up in court, to watch the woman who abused you tell lie after lie, and still walk about with a smile - well, is there anything simply worth more meaning? When I say I am proud of this man, it means I cannot articulate a cohesive sentence that describes my gratitude towards him. 
And then there are the gifts he’s been getting. The support outside of court. The flowers, they’re beautiful. They are a symbol, a symbol of not only our love and support for Depp, but they show us as a structure that have helped him rise, rightfully, to the top of the game where he belongs. 
And the love Depp has been given, the deep and invincible support will protect him from the toxicity of the media. And here I'll leave you, probably for a time until the verdict is announced. 
But, in spirit, for the past four years and forever, I will be here. 
p.s. dino-cast 
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sierratheory · 4 years
It's because of the whole "I always believe women" concept that men are afraid to come forward about abuse from women. If a woman were to say she was drugged and taken advantage of and the man said that wasnt true, people would take the womans side. If a man were to say it and the woman said that it wasnt true or it was consensual, lots of people would still take the womans side. The double standards need to stop. All genders can be subjected to abuse, dont be sexist. Red, you are amazing
I literally cannot stress this enough. Especially in light of the whole Johnny Depp/Amber Heard case. While I personally think they were both toxic, I think her abuse created the situations in where eventually he had to defend himself, but I don’t think he’s entirely innocent. I digress tho.
There are way less, if any availbale shelters for men fleeing domestic violence, or single fathers. This isn’t to say that the majority of domestic violence is perpetrated by men. But that is not always the case.
If she wanted to make claims against him, even just publicly rather than pressing charges she could. I’m sure Luke and the rest of that squad would support her. She has more support, and access to more funds than he likely does, she could do a lot of she had the evidence to back it up. She did this one song that fans say is about abuse. Imo it isn’t even about abuse. She’s letting them slander and attack Alex it says a lot. I’ve compared it before to Stitches by Shawn Mendes. No one is out here saying someone was physically abusing him.
Abusers often isolate people from their supports. Alex and Sierra were surrounded by people very frequently if not constantly during their X-Factor days. Someone would have known or noticed, or Sierra might have confided in someone. She is close with her parents from my understanding. Given today’s technology, it’s very likely if she was being abused she would have documented it. Until there is actual proof other than people’s (who aren’t Sierra) feelings that Alex was abusing their precious Sierra. I’m not going to perpetuate that vicious slander. That’s not victim blaming or shaming. That’s the reality that we live in. Women do make false claims (so do men) and it can ruin people’s lives.
The difference here is Sierra hasn’t made any claims. She planted a seed and let stans do the rest, it leaves her hands clean. Thusly she can’t be sued for libel or slander. My guess is because she doesn’t have the evidence to back it up. In this house we do believe and support victims and in my opinion it’s Alex who is the victim here, of slanderous attacks. I could really rant on forever but I’m gonna stop now.
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