#i saw your icon and url in my inbox and was like /pos
archived-and-moving · 2 years
you have read a lot of the wings au so I hope you don't mind me sending this but. would you mind me using you as an information source real quick?
if you don't mind then my question is: how much do you know about Phoenix (the girl)? Like her purpose in the story and how she got to where she is, what she does, her relationship to the people around her, why she's important.
The thing is I know all the answers to those questions but I've lost track of just how much has actually been shared in the story so. not ideal for writing! I thought you might know some things though!
anyway that's all; I should've kept more thorough notes instead of using vibes but I didn't so I'm here :). no pressure to answer but I hope you have a good day/night!
Quil I'm so sorry, I wanted to try and give you a much better response, however my time is quite squished at the moment, and I figured you want an answer somewhat quickly because you wanna include something in the upcoming chapter(s).
So, please take my late-night assumptions as I try to answer these questions to the best (which admittedly isn't great) ability:
What is Pheonix's purpose?
We don't really know! Girly has something to do with the monsters, (she's tamed one after all) and she was present during the decimation of the gnome village, and she knows about the gnome's journal and doesn't want Murad to know about it.
My memory is fuzzy, but it seems that she's a huge part of the Neverseen/Pheonix's plans to stop the mistake that they'd created.
How'd she get there?
Honestly I don't remember! You could have mentioned it once or twice, but she could have been scooped up off the streets, have a family, or she could have been created like Sophie was for the Black Swan.
My assumptions lean more toward the former, simply because of the way that Murad and Fintan both seem to treat her, along with the tests that they conduct.
What does she do?
You got me there! She seems to be incredibly intelligent, but we haven't gotten a confirmation of abilities other that chatting and taming the monster that she treats as a companion.
Murad: She definitely seems afraid or at the very least intimidated by him, probably because she knows what he's done to achieve his goals.
Fintan: Seems more nurturing, I remember him described as taking her hand a couple times and thinking that he may be a pyromaniac who's sanity is probably out the window, but he still has some kind of parental/mentor instincts in him.
Sophie: A little afraid, but desperate enough to get away from Pheonix and Murad to give her clues and help her escape from the facility.
Why's she important?
I'm dying to know honestly. Brain is scratching for an answer but it is not coming up with much. She's playing into this big plan but how? Bestie I cannot wait to find out.
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