#i love your story and my notes have some stuff about pheonix but not a lot
archived-and-moving · 2 years
you have read a lot of the wings au so I hope you don't mind me sending this but. would you mind me using you as an information source real quick?
if you don't mind then my question is: how much do you know about Phoenix (the girl)? Like her purpose in the story and how she got to where she is, what she does, her relationship to the people around her, why she's important.
The thing is I know all the answers to those questions but I've lost track of just how much has actually been shared in the story so. not ideal for writing! I thought you might know some things though!
anyway that's all; I should've kept more thorough notes instead of using vibes but I didn't so I'm here :). no pressure to answer but I hope you have a good day/night!
Quil I'm so sorry, I wanted to try and give you a much better response, however my time is quite squished at the moment, and I figured you want an answer somewhat quickly because you wanna include something in the upcoming chapter(s).
So, please take my late-night assumptions as I try to answer these questions to the best (which admittedly isn't great) ability:
What is Pheonix's purpose?
We don't really know! Girly has something to do with the monsters, (she's tamed one after all) and she was present during the decimation of the gnome village, and she knows about the gnome's journal and doesn't want Murad to know about it.
My memory is fuzzy, but it seems that she's a huge part of the Neverseen/Pheonix's plans to stop the mistake that they'd created.
How'd she get there?
Honestly I don't remember! You could have mentioned it once or twice, but she could have been scooped up off the streets, have a family, or she could have been created like Sophie was for the Black Swan.
My assumptions lean more toward the former, simply because of the way that Murad and Fintan both seem to treat her, along with the tests that they conduct.
What does she do?
You got me there! She seems to be incredibly intelligent, but we haven't gotten a confirmation of abilities other that chatting and taming the monster that she treats as a companion.
Murad: She definitely seems afraid or at the very least intimidated by him, probably because she knows what he's done to achieve his goals.
Fintan: Seems more nurturing, I remember him described as taking her hand a couple times and thinking that he may be a pyromaniac who's sanity is probably out the window, but he still has some kind of parental/mentor instincts in him.
Sophie: A little afraid, but desperate enough to get away from Pheonix and Murad to give her clues and help her escape from the facility.
Why's she important?
I'm dying to know honestly. Brain is scratching for an answer but it is not coming up with much. She's playing into this big plan but how? Bestie I cannot wait to find out.
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thepilotanon · 3 years
Lesson Time!
So, for the babes who actually take the time to read posts and my responses, here's a little interesting lesson about comics and it's branched franchise, because I keep getting messages about why I'm "picky" about certain requests/opinions about some stuff.
(*I have a four year degree and a legit career in comics and writing that also transitions to filming/industry content, as well as minors in writing, history of comics and writing material in various forms. To put it simply, I've gone through the deepest pits of Hell to write 24 page papers per topic, and have met and worked with various people who have been in the Big Name Places. Not going to go into big words and detailed links, but it should get the point across).
There are various versions of characters in big name comic companies, such as DC and Marvel. There is no one version, minus the original made by the original creators, that is considered true canon. Even that is debatable from the original creators, and how they feel about their original creations. This is done for (mostly) to gain a wider audience to bring in more income and popularity; it's the most common and normalized behavior with big name companies and content creators to insure that they can keep banking, as well as keep jobs open for up-and-coming artists and keeping the craft alive.
While it is known that fandoms come in all forms and shapes of characters or plots, it does not give anyone the right to dictate or gate-keep certain points of something that is not theirs, nor in their control of canon. Majority of the time, creators "give up" the rights of their original ideas and concepts in favor of the next generation or other group of people who like it, but don't like it enough to consume the products, when they make it big.
(Note: Usually, content creators will be willing to give up the "rights" to their characters, mostly in favor to carry on the story and give new artists/story-tellers a chance to keep content alive and going. Some others, depending on the publishing rights and their contracts, will be able to keep their content in their names and could allow others to carry on - with limitations - if they're still alive and keep it solid. Example will come with Stephen Hillenburg, creator of Spongebob, who wanted his creation to remain just that one plot and no spin-offs/prequels, and, since his death, Nickelodeon is now aiming to make numerous spin-offs. Naoko Takeuchi, creator of Sailor Moon, has sole ownership of her content and is able to monitor what is being made of her creation, such as the early 2000s live-action TV show and musicals, and raised hell over the anime adaptation of the Three Lights).
That's why there is various versions of Batman, who was created in the late 1930s; where there's the original bachelor and cape crusader, the retired-but-rehired old man Batman, the various sidekicks who inherit the cape and carry on the legacy and "rebirth" of Batman. Where he gets together with different women and "settles" in various plots, never stating the change or how it really happened (unless you purchase the specific series).
That's why there is, like, ten versions of the X-Men plot with the Dark Pheonix, and what comes after. There's various couples that became "canon" in the specific series, and a very different "canon" couple in the next. Where Wolverine married Storm, or Storm married T'Challa/Black Panther, or Wolverine got with Jean Grey. Rogue's difference in obtaining her powers/abilities in the comics versus the films differentiate in favor to paint her character in a different light, where the "new" audience would understand her better and like her quicker.
The main point of doing this "sharing" of content is to make more bank, but to also allow creativity and acceptance to various audiences. The original concept of comics and other content as a whole was to create an accepting environment, where the creator can put themselves into stories (example would be Krazy Kat by George Herriman, where it's noted how the leading character is influenced by the creator's ethnic, sexual, and gendered identity; or George Lucas' creating Luke Skywalker in his image growing up and wanting to explore the world). Many fans can take how they will on the content given, warp it to make them feel emotionally connected to both the story and story-teller, and be able to share and help add on for the future, whether it's being hired by the same company or organization, or contribute to the fandoms.
It's not fair for fans and fandoms to mock or criticize other fans for which version they like or prefer over the other. It's not fair for fans to say "this is how so-and-so character is suppose to be" or "your opinion on this-or-that character/plot is boring/inexcusable/not canon and wrong". That's not what 99% of comics, books, movies, TV shows want.
You can enjoy the content you like or make to contribute to the fandom, and you don't have to be a fucking prick about it. Learn how to share and stay in your lane, because everyone is allowed to enjoy what they like and share their love and thoughts openly with others - you don't have to ruin it for everyone else.
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therobotmonster · 4 years
It took me 30 years, but I finally beat Battletech: The Crescent Hawks Inception for MSDos.
Was it worth it? On a qualitative level? No. But in terms of nostaliga and as a reminder of what CRPGs used to be? Yes.
Note: Kiddos are encouraged to read this post as a “uphill both ways” rambling old man yarn about “back in my day”
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Battletech: The Crescent Hawk’s Inception was an RPG for MSDos and a bunch of other ancient computers. It’s old enough that 3-color CGA is a startup option.
This is CGA, for the kids out there:
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And yes, that is a Pre-Lawsuit Pheonix Hawk on the title screen, or, as everyone else knows it, the Valkyrie/Veritech from Macross/Robotech. Also, the Crescent Hawks are a group, so it should be “Crescent Hawks’ Inception’. Get it together Infocom from 1988!
Hilariously, the stolen Valk design pops up throughout the game, from its start screen above to the animated mini-cinemas you get in combat...
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To, in a beautiful stroke of irony, the copy protection quiz you take each time you do a training mission.
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A copy protection scheme that may have been the easiest to guess in history. For example, the part highlighted in the above screen? That’s the “Foot Unit”
The one place the Pheonix Hawk doesn't appear is as a playable mech or enemy. You find one at the end of the game, and you don't get to use it, as its a sequel-tease. I forgot to take a screenshot, and ts behind a massive door puzzle I didn't save after... so, not gonna.
The game plot is pretty basic. You start off as a cadet training to be a Mechwarrior, the planet gets invaded by a rival house looking for a cache of lost tech on the planet put there by your missing-presumed-dead-father, and you have to gather up his old Mechwarrior buddies the now-defunct Crescent Hawks, and find the cache and get it off world before the baddies get it. 
You do this by wandering around a lot fighting random encounters until you hit a couple of story triggers that lead you into a massive locked door puzzle in an underground complex that’s nothing like the res tof the game. 
It was a pioneer in making very little gameplay seem huge by throwing a giant map of nothing at you, a tradition that continues to this day. Though the map might have been a form of copy protection, as without the in-box map you'd find stuff by luck alone. In fact, the game is fascinating just in how it weaves the illusion of a lot from very little.
The sprites are charming, at least. All three of them. Yes. There are exactly three character sprites. One human, recolored 3 times, and 2 battlemechs, recolored 0 times apiece.
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The Battlemech sprites are charmingly vague, one for the Locust/Jenner non-humanoid mechs, one for everything else. The red mech doesn’t just walk, it STRUTS, and when you get multiple mechs in your squad, they walk in unision, amplifying the effect.  As for humans, they had to be to scale (roughly) with the mechs, and at 320x200....
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Meet Jason (our hero) and all other humans. Your other party members are red, all other NPCs are gray. This is one of the things I love about this game. He's so delightfully vague in his chubby little... environment suit. When I was 11, this guy was the perfect neutral mask, a bumbly tic-tac man upon whom I could project myself.
That little blue tic-tac man is probably why all ASCII-based games I tried to make in BASIC used the omega symbol as the main character.  
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For reference, this is Jason from the cinematics, in his EGA red-pink glory. Sadly, he is not a barrel-shaped blue cyclops w' a yellow eye.
The map is, as previously stated, irresponsibly large, as the only random encounters are combat with various combinations of mechs and humans on foot. Humans that will attempt to charge a 30 foot tall war robot with a crossbow. But there's a lot to love in the game: 
While deeply exploitable with the save feature, you could invest your money in stocks at the bank, so that while you wander from town to town you make some scratch. 
There's a play mechanic where recruits are randomly double-agents that you find out by watching them with the scan option in combat. 
The dozen or so mini-cinematics are charming and evocative. 
What seems like a pre-programmed loss at the end of the tutorial area can be escaped with some clever piloting, netting you an early Battlemech. 
And while it won't dump you into a loss state like tons of games of its time, screwing up by getting your mechs destroyed can make the game substantially harder by forcing you to play the game on foot.
Moreover, it doesn't really have an experience system, you raise in skills with training and use.
You max your pilot skills early and thus you aren't incentivized to fight for XP. Fighting nets salvage, but the parts can only repair your mechs up to normal health, and the scrap-metal monetary rewards are minor. So if you don't need cash you can dodge combat with no reprocussion, and unless you greatly overpower the enemy combat is a matter of attrition. As you're on the run and are being hunted, this makes sense, even if the "mechanic" is probably accidental. 
The game is one of those in-between games, when gaming was moving from early 8-bit pure-play-mechanic style games and inscrutible text adventures to the NES/Shareware era reinessance. Impressive in an era when games came on individual floppy disks, and elaborate pack-ins/manuals  mainly existed to make up for hardware limitations. 
With some polish, it could have been a great game. If there were more sprites and more mechs (there’s only a handful), more varied random encounters and a lot more stuff to find in the world it would probably have been a landmark game, but it was hamstrung by hardware limitations and overshadowed by the flashier Mechawarrior game, a first person combat sim that featured primitive 3d graphics.
Still it was a game where you piloted a giant robot that came out when I was 11, so the magic was going to be there. 
You can play it online for free, here.
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spacenerrrd · 5 years
Don’t Judge A Book By It’s Cover: Chapter 8
Sander Sides
Word count: 1338
Characters: Patton/Creativity, Virgil/Anxiety, Patton/Morality, Logan/Logic
Warnings: Deceit character (known as Declan in the story), mention of previous bad relationships
Summary: Logan runs a library in a small town, allowing him to share his love of books without feeling left out. His business partner and friend Roman helps by running the bright Disney themed cafe that attracts more people to stay for longer. The two clashing but a somehow perfect match of friendship went their days peacefully in their small community until one day a new pair of brothers; Patton and Virgil moved into town and showed the owners a new way of life.
Chapter eight: Is That Tension?
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7
Logan was walking around the library, organising the books that were left at the front desk back to their places on the shelves. They made a heavy sound when they made contact with the shelf. Logan liked that sound, despite it being quite a repetitive and simple task. But the idea of order and making that order calmed Logan’s racing mind. As he moved through the aisles of books, he didn’t notice the shorter man who followed behind him until the man couldn’t help but speak up.
“Hi, Logan!”
Logan jumped, dropping the pile of books that were in his arms as he spun around to face Patton.
“Oh my goodness gracious I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you!”
“You’re… You’re fine Patton…” Logan cleared his throat and straightened up his tie to try and regather his composure. “I just wasn’t expecting to see you this early.”
“Oh yes, well I got to finish work a bit early and so I thought I would pop in and say hello!”
“Ah, that makes sense.”
They stood there. Patton, with a bright smile on his face while Logan tried to think of something to say. 
“I don't think I have asked where you work…”
“Oh, uh, I work downtown. You probably don’t know it.”
“I know a fair amount of places around here Patton, maybe if you just told me I-”
“It’s really just a small corner shop, like real hidden and stuff, you wouldn’t know.”
“Ahh, I see,” Logan nodded, not noticing the relief on Patton’s face when he finally dropped the subject. “Well, I should pick these books up and get back to work.” He knelt down and started picking up the books he had dropped. There was a light thump in front of him. Looking up, he couldn’t help the small smile that was on his face when he saw Patton picking up some books. “Thank you.”
“It’s no problem, Logan! I thought I might as well help you since it was my fault. Plus, I have nothing else to do apart from helping you with these books.”
Logan nodded, starting to explain what jobs he had left as they both went around to stack the books.
“Have a nice day!” Roman waved off the last customer of the afternoon tea rush. With a smile on his face, he started going around and collecting the dirty dishes. Humming Bippity Boppity Boo from Cinderella, he didn’t notice the new person who came up to the counter.
“Damn baby, I forgot how good you looked in those pants.”
Roman immediately stood back up, turning around from the dishwasher to look at who spoke. “What… you’re not supposed to be here Declan…”
“Yea well, you were supposed to marry me once we got out of school, so we can’t all get what we want,” Declan smirked, taking off his bowler hat. “So what are you doing running a cafe? I thought you were going to perform on a stage?”
“I… I’m getting there…” Roman saw a familiar hoodie just behind Declan and almost felt the edge of his lips twitch up. “I have customers, please leave me alone.”
Declan turned around to face Virgil, growling at the back of his throat. “Fine, but I’ll be coming back Princey.” He turned on his heels, bumping into Virgil’s shoulder as he walked out.
Virgil frowned at Declan, walking up to the counter and pulling his headphones around his neck. “Damn, who pissed in his breakfast?” He laughed, but he cut that off when he really took in Roman’s face. “Ro, are you ok?”
The prince like character shook his head, lip starting to tremble. He slid down the counter and pressed his head back against the cupboard. He jumped a little bit when he was pulled into someone's lap but as soon as he recognised the jumper the tension left his body. He leant into Virgil’s shoulder as tears started to roll down his face. “I’m sorry,” his voice cracked as he spoke, displaying his vulnerability.
“Hush now dorkus, there’s nothing to apologise for.”
They sat like that until Roman’s sniffles had quietened down. Virgil grabbed him a pillow and blanket from the children area so he would be more comfortable on the ground. (Roman insisted that he would be fine to get back to work, but Virgil wasn’t having any of it and insisted that he would run the cafe for the rest of the afternoon.) Once he was sure that Roman was ok, he got up and started cleaning up the dirty dishes and taking orders for the cafe.
Roman admired Virgil with a smile. Despite his hand tremoring slightly whenever he talked to a customer, he made the coffees to the best of his ability and took care of the cafe very well. He couldn’t help the small smile on his face as he watched him with a sense of pride. But his eyes were getting heavy and when did he suddenly get so tired? It didn’t matter, because he just snuggled further into the blanket and let his eyes fall shut.
Logan and Patton both stopped in their usual track to the cafe when they saw Virgil standing behind the counter, wiping down the surface. They both stood there for a few moments, staring at the unexpected image. 
It was Logan who moved first. He walked up to the counter and stood in front of Virgil to get his attention. “Where’s Roman.”
Virgil looked up and pointed down at the ground. “Sleepin’, he had a breakdown after someone came in to visit.”
Logan’s eyes widened. “Was the man taller than Roman, brown hair, smug face, wearing a hat?”
“I, uh, yea. Yea that seems about right.”
Logan gave a single nod. “Thank you for letting me know. I’ll make sure that he gets home and is taken care of.” 
Virgil nodded back, looking at Roman for a moment before he spoke again. “Will he be ok?” He asked quietly.
“Yes. It may take him a few days to be back to his normal self, but I am sure he will contact you before then. He has taken a fancy in you.”
Virgil blushed but smiled. “Ok,” he mumbled before throwing his bag over his shoulder and leaving the cafe. “See you later Logan.”
“Bye Logan!” Patton waved at him, smiling wide at Virgil before the two brothers left the library.
Logan smiled and waved back, turning with a sigh. He finished off the last packing up of the cafe before he went around to get Roman. He picked the man up by supporting under his knees and back. (This was the best way for Logan to pick up the hunk of a man. He’s had many chances in getting it down pat.) Then he walked out of the library to take Roman home. It was a struggle using the keys while carrying a bulky man, but Logan managed to swing Roman’s door open. He pushed it closed with his foot and brought the man to his room. He got him out of his prince uniform and into his pyjamas (another thing he has had practice in) and tucked the man into his sheets. Going into the kitchen, he grabbed a glass of water and some pain medication to place on Roman’s bedside table as a just in case for the morning. He also left a small note, saying ‘Call me when you get up.’ and left it with the glass. 
Logan looked at his best friend. Even though he was asleep, Roman looked exhausted. He would need help over the next few days and although Logan wasn’t the best with emotions, he was determined to be there for him. But for that to happen, he needed his own sleep. So he turned around and closed the bedroom door carefully to not wake Roman up. Then, he started to head home through the wind, which closed the front door with more force than Logan intended.
A/N: I’m sorry this took so longggg. Hopefully, I’ll get the start of the next chapter going before I get swamped in school againnnn :)) also I have a feeling my tags aren’t working or people aren’t liking my recent writing after my break I had to take due to school work :((
Next chapter
@deathbyvenusftw​ @moonlightinwater​ @princeanxious​ @roman-is-a-gay​ @coffeekeyboardsss​ @ocotopushugs​ @thepoolofthedead​ @sanders-sides-things​ @angered-turtle​ @gayrobotalien​ @rebaobsessions​ @a-ghosts​ @catsandrandomness​ @fricksonsticks​ @v-blue-writer​ @hanramz-the-fander​ @your-username-is-unavailable​ @emphoenixcat​ @daughterofsomnus​ @anaveragegayfan​ @louisthewarlock​ @saro510-mp4 @6tick6tock6​ @nienna14​ @fandomsofrandom​ @notalwaysthevillian​ @thestoryoferissur​ @at-least-seven-pretty-potatoes​ @virgil-crofters​ @thatgaydemigodnerd​ @ijustreallylovesanderssides​ @221b-quote​ @bubblycricket @charlielgbt @why-only-have-one-fandom @jesjessode @thrown-out-pasta @athenashipsthings @tisithelittleelephant @aroundofapplesauce @muliphandomer @icequeenoriginal @virgilsandersisme @emo-nithtmare @follow-pheonix-inside @depressed-potato-bean
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futurewriter2000 · 7 years
Unexpected ~ Part 1
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A/N: Finally! I have been waiting to write this for so long but since this is probably going to be along one it might be in two parts. The request is really long and I wrot this like so long ago but always edited it or rewrote it. I really hope you like this @la-rosa-de-valaina23 and the second part Will be posted soon-
Summary: The reader is expelled from Ilvermorny, due to her little dark secret. Fred takes an interest on her, soon becoming the bronze trio and getting in a mixture of feelings with Fred.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Ravenclaw reader
Part 2
Being different than others was good. But not always. You loved the attention, but no too much of it. It was hard to explain how you got here, a complicated story that was destined for you since even before you came to this world. It was never your intention to become what you are, nor you mothers. It was just, wrong place wrong time. Never the less, here you were in this big old room, framed photos on the walls and an old man sitting in front of you. He had kind blue eyes with long silver hair and light skin. Being what you are you could practically know more about him, than most people here. You took a deep breath in and taste the air surrounding you. ‘Half-blood and...old? Really old.’ you said to yourself, furrowing your eyebrows. It was weird, because there were all kinds of emotions in the air. You couldn’t point them out, but the strongest one was pain. You looked at him, his gentle eyes, smiling at you. How can a man so kind feel so much pain?
“ (Y/N)(Y/L/N). “ he smiled, but you remained quiet. To be honest, you didn’t want to be here. You had friends back at Ilvermorny and you were happy there. But when they found out your secret, you were immediately expelled, not given the chance to explain. “My name is Albus Dumbldore. I am the headmaster of Hogwarts. This school has been here for many years miss (Y/L/N), founded by four great wizards and had great wizards attending it, good and dark. But never, have we had someone like you miss (Y/L/N). What you have, is a gift. Perhaps Ilvermorny didn’t see it like that, but we would love to have a witch such as yourself in our school.” he said, getting up and walking over to his Pheonix.
“I can’t control it.” you mumbled quietly, looking down on the ground. 
“Do not worry, miss (Y/L/N). People can control their power, only if they try.” he smiled and walked back to his desk, where an old hat sat. “I heard you were placed in a Pukwudgie. Magnficent house may I say.” He than took the hat and walked closer to you. “This is our Sorting hat. It will sort you to one of four houses: Slytherin, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. Are you ready?” he asked quietly, pointin the hat towrads you.
You looked at the hat and back to his blue eyes. Honestly, you didn’t know if you were ready. But getting a letter where you can study, despite your condition you had to take it. Your mom did say you will make new friends here. So instead of pouting you shoud be happy. New beginning, right? You nodded and he put the hat on your head. 
You felt the hat moving on your head. “Hmmm, what do we have here?” wondered the low husky voice. “ Daring and strong. Perhaps Gryffindor?” asked the hat, moving again on your head. “No, no. I also feel power and a lot of talent you have, but not Slytherin either. I see a curious mind, clever yet also lazy. “ You felt another movement on your head. 
“I don’t want tot rush you, but could you make up your mind already and not ruin my hair during it. “ you interrupted the hat, making Dumbldore laugh. 
You felt another movement on your head and some humming in your ear. “RAVENCLAW!” 
After Dumbldore took the hat, he called his Head Boy, Percy Weasley. Percy came down quicker that you could say Quidditch, proudly wearing his Head Boy badge. Firstly, he gave you a quick tour around the castle. It was beautiful. You especailly loved the library. It wasn’t that much special, but you loved the smell of old books and facinating stories. Percy explained everything. From the founders to how he became a Head Boy.When he explained Quidditch, the famous wizarding game you have always loved, you felt sad. You always wanted to play it, or at least try it, but since your condition, there was no chance you would be allowed to play. 
After the two of you walked the whole school, it was time for dinner and the both of you headed towards the Great Hall. It was just magnificent. The four long tables, candles floating in the air, sudents smiling and laughing with their friends.Seeing them, made you a bit nervous. The only person you knew right now, was only Percy and Dumbldore. 
“There is every table for each house. I’m in Gryffindor, so my table is over there but I would love to introduce you to a few Ravenclaws.” he smiled down at you. 
Percy is quite stiff for your taste but after all this walking around Hogwarts for the entire day, you grew very fond of him. Yes, at first he was tense and overconfident, but after the tour he relaxed and was a pretty chatty guy. You walked to the students wearing blue and silver ties. Percy came behind one of the girls and wrapped his arms around her. He gave her a kiss on the  cheek and she immediatelly turned around. 
“ Hello love.” A huge smile appeared on the blonde girls lips and she immediately kissed him back. “I want you to meet Penelope Clearwater, Ravenclaw’s Prefect. “
The two of you shook hands and she offered you a kind smile. “Please, call me Penny.” 
“I’m (Y/N).” you returned a smile.
“(Y/N) here has just transfered from Ilvermorny and was sorted into Ravenclaw. Maybe you could show her around, get her into the Ravenclaws tower.” said Percy, smirking at Penny
” Come sit.” she chirped, as she scooted over, leaving you a seat  After Percy disappeared to his house table, Penny nudged you in the ribs and put a playful smile on her lips. “Handsome. Isn’t he?” 
“Is it a trick question?” you quirked an eyebrow and smiled. 
“I know he might come out as a boasting and proud king of Hogwarts, but he is completly different when we’re alone.” she blushed. 
Back at the Gryffindor table Percy sat down next to his brothers and his sister. “Oi, look who it is. Our  precious Head Boy.” teased George, trying to touch his badge, but was immediatly pushed away by Percy.
“I have just come from my Head Boy duties, as you can see.” said Percy, fixing his  Head Boy badge and opening a book in front of him. 
“Then what were you doing with that girl?” asked Ginny, lifting an eyebrow.
“What girl?” asked Fred and stared at his brother. “Percy, with a girl who is not Penelope? That cannot be possible.” 
“ Percy becoming a real playboy, huh.” continued George making Percy roll his eyes.
“What girl?” asked Fred impatiently and scanning the Hall.
“Are you blind? The one sitting next to Penelope, you moron.” said Ginny, grabbing Fred’s head and turning it towards the Ravenclaw table. 
Fred’s eyes widened, when he saw you laughing with Penelope. Your smile was bright and loving. Gorgeous (y/h/c) hair falling down your shoulders as you excitedly talked to Penny. “She’s pretty, Perce. What were you doing with her?��� 
“Irish dancing. What do you think? She is the new transfer from Ilvermorny. Got sorted into Ravenclaw so I intruduced her to Penny to show her a bit around. I knew it would be hard getting to classes, since she is new, so I have a complete faith in my Penny, that she will take care of her. See, they are already friends.” smiled Percy proudly, looking over to the two of you.
“Why did she transfer here?” asked Ron, stuffing his mouth with chicken wings.
“Don’t know. Dumbldore didn’t want to tell me. He only said for me and the other Head Girl will have to have an eye on her. Why am I even telling you this? This is Head Boy stuff.” he suddenly realized. He then turned to Oliver, who was sitting next to Harry and explaining him some Quidditch stuff. “Oi, Oliver. Can I borrow your notes for today?” 
 “Yeah sure. I already put them on the table in our dorm” replied Oliver, without even looking up from the piece of paper he laid in front of Harry. “Anyways as I was saying this new Hufflepuff Chaser is....”
“What year is she in?” asked Fred all of a sudden. 
“Who?” asked Percy, looking back on his brother.
“Voldemort.” he spat out sarcasticly. “ The new Ravenclaw, you git.” 
“She is your year. I think you three have Transfiguration and Herbology together. Not sure though.” said Percy, looking down on his piece of parchment again. 
“Why are all of a sudden you interested in her? “ asked Ginny, grinning at Fred. 
“Well dear sister. I think our brother here is in loooveee with the (Y/H/C) over there. “said George and put his head on Fred shoulder. 
Fred, pushed him off and grinned. “ She’s pretty. If she is in Ravenclaw, she must be smart. She has a beautiful smile. Why wouldn’t I like her?”
“Because you haven’t even talked to the girl. If she was hanging out with Percy, then there is probably something wrong. She could be like Malfoy or even worse... like You-Know.Who.” said Ron.
“Again with the drama Ron.” sighed Fred. 
“She is not like You-Know-Who, Ronald. What was really weird was, that when I asked her about Ilvermorny, she begun to talk about this Puktudgay or is it Putwudghey, not sure..anyway she avoided all the quetions-” 
“It’s a Pukwudgie. It’s a house in Ilvermorny and was named by James Steward, after the fiercely independent magical creature the Pukwudgie. The Pukwudgie house is sometimes considered to represent the heart of a witch or wizard. It is also said that Pukwudgie favours healers” prattled Hermoine with a big smile on her face.
“Thank you Hermoine for this useful imformation.” retorded Fred sarcasticly, turning his eyes back at you. He didn’t know why, but he couldn’t get enough of you.
“Anyway...as I was saying. She is not like You-Know-Who, I’m just saying she clearly doesn’t like talking about her life back at Ilvermorny.” continued Percy.
“Interesting.” said Fred, rubbing his hands together. 
“Seriously Fred, you are scaring me.” said Ginny. “If you love her, than just go get her.” she teased.
“I don’t love her. I just find her interesting.” 
The next morning you were woken up by Penelope and she took you down to breakfast. Since yesterday you made quite a lot of friends and everybody seemed to like you. ‘Making friends is easy.’ you thought to yourself. It was really different from Ilvermorny. Back there you couldn’t trust anybody, not even your own friends.
Suddenly a tall boy with light brown hair and green eyes aproached you. “Hello.” he smiled at you.
You returned him a smile and replied. “Hi.” 
“My name is Terrence Higgs.” he introduced himself and offered you a hand. 
“We have Divination together. I thought, since you are new, I could escort you there.”he offered kindly.
“I would love to.” you said and stood up. You took your books from the table and left your friends. Most of the girls were smiling like crazy. They couldn’t believe you were here only for a day and got asked to be escorted by a cute boy. 
As the two of you were walking down the corridor you noticed his green and silver tie. “So? A Slytherin? Heard you guys are kind of the bullies at this school.” you smiled, holding your books against your chest. 
He chuckled and looked at you. “Yeah. We do go by that reputation, but not all of us are the same.” he said and looked at your books. “I can carry them if you want?” he asked and pointed to your books.
You didn’t mind carrying the books, but they were heavy and who knows how long is it to the Divination class. You gave him your books and shook your arms. “ Thanks. So how come you decided to ecsort me to my class?”
“I saw a pretty girl and I needed an excuse to talk to her.” he winked, making you slightly blush.
“Not wasting any time, are you?” you smiled.
“Go big or go home.” he replied, slowing down. His arms already hurt a bit so he put the books on the shelf and shook his hands. You tried to reach for your books, but he immediately interrupted you. “No. I got it. Just needed to shake them off a bit.” he said before grabbing the books again.
You giggled and took the book on the top of the pile. “Let me carry at least one of them.” you smiled. “So?What’s the story of the not-mean Slytherin?”
“My story? Well, my mum works for the Ministry of magic and my dad for MACUSA in America.They are divorced, but I live with my mom here and come visit my dad in America during the summer and holidays. So you can say I already picked on some american slang. You could say I am very hyped when I go to my dads for the summer.” you chuckled to his british accent using american slang. It just felt weird him  saying it. “Anyways. Started Hogwarts when I was eleven, got sorted into Slytherin like my mom and dad. Made the Quidditch Seeker, but got replaced by Draco Malfoy.”
“Malfoy? The Slytherin prince?” you furrowed your eyebrows.
He snorted of laughter. “Yeah. You could call him that. Or just a big pain in the ass. Always talking about how much he hates Potter and the Weasleys. Funny. They have a lot in common. All three of them are powerful purebloods, dads working for the Ministry....”
“I met a Weasley. Percy I believe.” you interupted him.
“Percy. Ambitious little git.” He chuckled. “ Honestly, you need to love the guy. He grows on you very quickly.”
“I noticed.”
“The Weasleys. There is seven of them: Bill, the oldest, already graduated. Charlie, the Dragonologist, also graduated. Then is Percy, the most ambitious one. I always wonder how he never got sorted into Slytherin. Maybe it was because all Weasleys are sorted into Gryffindor. Anyways, then there are the Weasley twins, pranksters of this school. Legendary may I say, kind of envy them. Then there is Ron, also friend with Harry Potter, angry little fella always on a verge of punching someone. And the youngest is Ginny, the only girl.” he explained.
“Aren’t you just a pro on the family trees? “ you teased.
“God you have no idea, how many times I hear about the Weasleys and the Potters around the dungenous. It’s exhausting hearing Draco always complain. I kind of envy you for being in the Ravenclaw.”
“Should I be scared for the Weasley twins pranking me?” you asked.
“I don’t know. Probably not. I saw one of them staring at you yesterday during the whole dinner.” 
“Oh. How did you know he was staring at me, unless you were also staring at me.” you nudged him lightly on the shoulder.
He blushed and immediately turned away. “Okay. You got me, but how come we not. You are gorgeous.”
The two of you talked the whole way to the Divination class. You liked Terrence and the two of you spent the whole Divination giggling and laughing, instead of paying attention to the class. When you met his friends, such as Adrian Pucey and Marcus Flint, you knew why the Slytherins have a bad reputation. They were always teasing the two of you from the table behind yours, making inappropriate comments and throwing balls of papers. You felt your blood boil and all you wanted to do was turn around and ripp their heads off. But you couldn’t afford that, because of your stupid condition. You know what would happen if you would turn around and start yelling. First, your eyes would start glowing, second your breath would become steam and third, you would transform into a 10 feet big monster. 
“Come on mate. Cut it out. It’s not funny.” said Terrence turning around to face them. 
“Protecting your new girlfriend Higgs. What a gentleman.” replied Marcus.
You turned around and glowered at them. “If you say another word, the one needing protection will be you.” you barked and they immediately shut up.
“What was that?” asked Terrence, smiling.
“They pissed me off. I had to say something.” you said, turning your eyes on the paper.
“Yeah, but how did you do that?” he asked, pointing his index finger to his eyes. You furrowed your eyebrows in cunfusion, being completly clueless. “The glowing eyes.” he spat out. 
“Oh?! That? Umm...just a little trick I learned from my mom.”you lied, turning your head away from him, so he didn’t see your red cheeks. You felt kind of embarrased. You didn’t want to scare the cute guy away with your dark little secret. Not now when you finally started having a normal life.
After the Divination class, you had Herbology and you had no clue where that was. You looked at Terrence, basically begging him to help you and he just gave you a light smile. “I have Potions, but just follow the Ravenclaws. Down the corridor, then turn left towards the Great Hall, then right to the end of the girls bathroom and left again. You can do this. I believe in you. “ he said and lifted his fists in the air.
You took a deep breath in and turned around. Not even one Ravenclaw was on sight. “ Shit.” you sighed and looked around again. You walked down the corridor and ended up facing two other corridors. One was left and the other one was right. ‘More like maze not a fucking school.’ you turned around again hoping to see someone but it was deserted. “Well, he did say left.” you mumbled and turned left.
After five minutes of wondering around this stupid maze, you ended up at another intersection. Probably your 4th one. “Fuck.” you cursed under your breath.
“You lost?” said a girls voice from behind.
You jumped so high in the air, you thouht you were flying. She scared the hell out of you appearing out of nowhere. “Holy shit.” you panted, leaning on your knees. You looked up to see a small red-head smiling down at you. “You gave me a heart attack.”
“Sorry. I just saw you come to this intersection for the fourth time in five minutes and I figured you had no idea where you are.” she giggled.
“You waited three times before coming to help?” you asked, still feeling your heart racing up.
“Third time’s a charm.” 
“Fair point.” you said, picked your books and fixed your posture. 
“My brothers have Herbology, which means you might be looking for the greenhouses?” she questioned.
“Yeah. “ you conifrmed.
“No wonder you got lost. Greenhouses are not even in the castle.” she laughed and started walking. “I’m Ginny by the way. Ginny Weasley.” 
“Ginny? Percy’ sister?” you asked her, trying to keep up with her quick pace. For those short legs, she is sure damn quick walker.
“Excatly, but I prefer to be reffered as the future Quidditch player. My brother Charlie was a Seeker, Fred and George are the Beaters and Ron hopes to become the Keeper after Oliver graduates. I prefer the Chaser position.” she beamed at you.
“Wow. Looks like you have the whole team in your family.” 
“Yeah. Fred finds you very attractive. He couldn’t stop staring at you during dinner yesterday and today over breakfast he became utterly jealous when he saw you talking to Higgs.” she continued to babble, turning around the corner and almost losing the sight of her.
“Oh, so he’s the one.” you smiled mischiviously, feeling flattered. “I heard one of them was staring at me yestereday.” 
She suddenly stopped, making you almost drop your books again. You looked up to see a a big greenhouse and back down to little Ginny’s green eyes. “A word of advice. If you want to stay out of trouble, stay away from them. They are like magnet for this things.” she smiled, turned her heel and disappeared.
“Thank you!” you yelled but weren’t sure if she heard you.
You walked to the door and opened them. You found Gryffindor and Ravenclaw students turning around and staring at you with their googles and their earmuffs.”I’m sorry I’m late. I’m new and I kind of got lost.” you appologised.
A plump lady walked from behind of group of students over to you. “Oh, don’t worry dear. We’ve been just looking at the First years’ Mandarakes. Today we will be discussing Venomous Tentacula. Dangerous little things.” she smiled and pointed to the giant eyeless head with fangs and surrounded with leaves. “We will be paired into groups for three. So why don’t you take a seat next to mr’s Weasleys over there.” she said and pointed to the two ginger head boys, standing and smiling at you.
“Yeah, sure.” you said quietly and walked towards them.
They both moved away, so that you were left a seat right on the middle. You put your books down and looked up to one of them. He was smiling down at you, his eyes specially set on your necklace. ‘Sorry Ginny.’ you told yourself as you remembered the words she has said to you.
“So you must be the new transfer.” said one of them, not really sure which is which.
“And you two must be the famous pranksters I keep hearing about.” you smiled at them.
“Only by reputation. We are also very handsome looking lads.” said the other twin, making you snort of laughter. “I’m Fred and this is George.” 
“(Y/N).” you replied and shook both of their hands. 
After five minutes of silence Fred, who was standing on your right leaned on the table, quickly followed by his brother George. “So, (Y/N). Want to ditch this class and come to Hogsmeade with us instead?” 
You gave a curious look and sighed. “You know I was warned about the two of you.” 
“Probably by that Slytherin Higgs.” spat George.
“Actually, by your sister.” you replied, shocking the both of them.
“I can’t believe our innocent little sister would do that to us. Prevent us from making a friend.” Said Fred, putting his hand on his chest and pretending he’s hurt.
“So? You coming?” asked George.
“I can’t. She said this is going to be on our N.E.W.T’s.” 
“Yes, but you can also read about them in a book.” argued George.
“And this is the only chance you will get to curse in front of proffesor.” you smiled at him.
He furrowed his eyebrows. “What do you mean?” he asked just before the plant was put in front of him. “Blimely!!” he yelled.
“What is it Georgie?” 
“This thing bit me!” he yelled angrly, pointing at the plant and leaving you laughing. “Oh you think this is funny. Why don’t you go near it?” said George and moved away from the plant.
“ I’m good.” you replied stepping away and accidentally stepping on Freds foot, tripping and falling right into his grip.
“Woah there pretty lady. You should watch where you step.” he said looking down at you  as his arms were wrapped bellow your breasts and your head laid on his chest, hearing his fast heartbeat. 
He put you back on your feet and you immediatly felt a rush on your cheeks. ‘That was unexpected.’ you thought just before the Tentacula opened her mouth and fired a spiky-spored like ball towards you. Luckly for you, you quickly ducked.
“Bloody hell!” yelled Fred from behind, getting hit by another spiky ball. “ I save you from falling and you don’t even bother to protect me.” he looked at you. 
You and George just looked at eachother and started laughing your heads off. Proffesor Sprout came over to Fred and pulled out one of the balls, leaving Fred yelping from pain. “ Now, now mr. Weasley. It’s not deadly, it will only leave a scar.” she tried to comfort him and pulled another ball out.
“Shit, that hurts!” he yelled, making the two of you laugh again. “Yeah, you two just laugh over there while I die here from pain.” 
“Now, who’s the drama queen.” said George, still laughing and holding his stomach.
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