#:O quill? In my inbox? What a day!!
archived-and-moving · 2 years
you have read a lot of the wings au so I hope you don't mind me sending this but. would you mind me using you as an information source real quick?
if you don't mind then my question is: how much do you know about Phoenix (the girl)? Like her purpose in the story and how she got to where she is, what she does, her relationship to the people around her, why she's important.
The thing is I know all the answers to those questions but I've lost track of just how much has actually been shared in the story so. not ideal for writing! I thought you might know some things though!
anyway that's all; I should've kept more thorough notes instead of using vibes but I didn't so I'm here :). no pressure to answer but I hope you have a good day/night!
Quil I'm so sorry, I wanted to try and give you a much better response, however my time is quite squished at the moment, and I figured you want an answer somewhat quickly because you wanna include something in the upcoming chapter(s).
So, please take my late-night assumptions as I try to answer these questions to the best (which admittedly isn't great) ability:
What is Pheonix's purpose?
We don't really know! Girly has something to do with the monsters, (she's tamed one after all) and she was present during the decimation of the gnome village, and she knows about the gnome's journal and doesn't want Murad to know about it.
My memory is fuzzy, but it seems that she's a huge part of the Neverseen/Pheonix's plans to stop the mistake that they'd created.
How'd she get there?
Honestly I don't remember! You could have mentioned it once or twice, but she could have been scooped up off the streets, have a family, or she could have been created like Sophie was for the Black Swan.
My assumptions lean more toward the former, simply because of the way that Murad and Fintan both seem to treat her, along with the tests that they conduct.
What does she do?
You got me there! She seems to be incredibly intelligent, but we haven't gotten a confirmation of abilities other that chatting and taming the monster that she treats as a companion.
Murad: She definitely seems afraid or at the very least intimidated by him, probably because she knows what he's done to achieve his goals.
Fintan: Seems more nurturing, I remember him described as taking her hand a couple times and thinking that he may be a pyromaniac who's sanity is probably out the window, but he still has some kind of parental/mentor instincts in him.
Sophie: A little afraid, but desperate enough to get away from Pheonix and Murad to give her clues and help her escape from the facility.
Why's she important?
I'm dying to know honestly. Brain is scratching for an answer but it is not coming up with much. She's playing into this big plan but how? Bestie I cannot wait to find out.
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eruden-writes · 2 years
Room & Board - Part 11 (Vampire x Reader)
Anon submitted this prompt: For the prompt submissions a vampire that feels guilty after feeding/attacking someone so they leave obscenely valuable ancient artifacts as payment/an apology?
Part 1 | Previous | Masterlist | Next
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Comments, tags, and reblogs are real motivators for me, too! (●ˇ∀ˇ●)
Also, my inbox is always open for asks, so don’t be shy!
x x x x x
The next day, Tabaeus doesn't greet you in the hall or the base of the stairs or in the kitchen. Between it being a new home and the tension the two of you suffered last night, you try not to look too closely into it. It's better if he's pouting or sleeping in his box in the basement. That gives you time to yourself.
And, more importantly, to study the journal.
After checking in on the sugar gliders, refreshing their water and available food as they slept in their little pouch, you retrieve the book from the anti-vampire box in your office. Settling on the couch, you run a finger over the cover. It's certainly an old book, bound in what you hope is animal leather. That finger traverses the edges of the papers, finding them thick and uneven.
It takes you a moment to steel yourself for what you'll find out. If you'll find out anything. You flip the cover open, carefully, and read the first page. Only a handful of words sit on the first page. A scrawling script, one that you can imagine was done by quill and ink, reads:
Property of Dr. Kieran Bennett.
You press your lips together. Okay, so it wasn't Tabaeus's journal. Or was it and his name is actually Kieran Bennett? Your brain is already buzzing with thoughts and theories and questions as you turn to the next, thick page.
March 10, 1882
In the spirit of research, I - Dr. Kieran Bennett - will be keeping records of the creature found in a long abandoned shed owned by one Thaddeus Thatcher.
As the account has been told to me, the town of Thistle had been plagued with "wolf attacks" on their livestock for the last half-year. A creature, big and shaggy and dark, appeared multiple times from the forest but would soon flee back into her dark recesses.
When residents of Thistle began to go missing, the townspeople accused the creature and began a hunt for it.
Over the course of three days, the town managed to flush the creature out. First, from a cave system. Then, from the aforementioned Mr. Thatcher's abandoned shed, upon which they caught the creature in a net and managed to shackle it.
It now resides in the local undertaker's basement, due to its need for darkness, locked in a cage with a collar around its throat.
I have yet to interact with the creature. I shall update upon progress.
So far, it seems Dr. Bennett is not Tabaeus. Part of your mind files the name away for later research. Perhaps the library will have some information, you think, as you read further.
March 13, 1882
It is largely believed the creature is a vampyr of lore.
As such we keep it fed on animal blood, which seems to suffice for the most part. Its appearance has confirmed it was feeding upon humans.
When it feeds upon animals, its visage becomes more animalistic. Inky black sprouts across the expanse of its body' its ears grow, becoming more akin to a chiroptera's large ears; its teeth become so large, the maw barely contains them and its eyes glow with the embers of Hell.
Adversely, when it feeds upon humans, it has the appearance of a man.
Without thinking, you raise a hand to your throat. Your palm is warm against the side of your neck, where two little scabs have made semi-permanent residence. Faintly, you recall that first night. How Tabaeus appeared so fearsome, so animal.
Had they been sustaining themselves on animal blood, until that point? Had they suffered an injury, resulting in hunting you down? Or was it just that you smelled so good to Tabaeus, for whatever reason, they couldn't resist?
We have yet to test any further hypothesis on the creature, though it has yet to harm anyone. On occasion, it has startled anyone that passes its cage with a sudden charge, but beyond that, it is capable of sitting for hours, doing nothing.
March 28, 1882
Sun burns the creature.
Silver burns the creature.
Cloves and garlic have no reaction.
We cannot test the efficacy of wooden stakes until we feel we are done learning all we can.
It makes the worst howling shrieks of pain.
My heart aches with every test, but we must learn all we can for humankind.
Your brows furrow, considering the slight jump in time. A little over two weeks of no entries, only to have rather scant descriptions of what they had found. Your lips press together, puzzling on the thought.
What happened in that time? Had Dr. Bennett grown closer to Tabaeus, at all? It doesn't seem like it, with the continued usage of 'it,' but you continue on, keeping an eye on the dates.
April 3, 1882
Tabaeus. That is what the creature calls itself. Doubtful it is a God-given name, but one assigned to the creature by the Dark Prince himself.
Though I find it hard to believe such a soft-spoken creature could be from the bowels of hell. Father Bartholomew insists it is, since the holy water burned its flesh. The screams had been wrenching, as two men of the town held Tabaeus down as the priest dribbled water upon its form.
Tomorrow, a renowned surgeon will come to town. The town's council knows this may hamper - if not end - ongoing investigation, but they hope to cut Tabaeus open to understand its innerworkings.
Perhaps there is a cure to wrench the unholy creature away from the source of evil consuming it.
Surgery? Your eyebrows tick up, the picture of Tabaeus's scars flashing in your head.
April 8, 1882
Dr. Forsythe has had to put off the surgery, due to insufficient - and often missing - supplies. It will take him time to attain enough to thoroughly investigate Tabaeus's anatomy.
I took the quiet day to question Tabaeus myself. In the past month, I have gained a familiarity with the creature few other researchers here have. I asked it questions, pressing it for answers, for I may not get another chance.
I also told Tabaeus this. Which seemed to loosen their lips.
Tabaeus remembers little of its life. They are scraps, unhinged and untethered. At times, it seems what Tabaeus remembers belongs to another source. They speak of the memories in an almost unattached way, at times.
It remembers times in ancient Europe and ancient Rome. Of travel with Nordic races. Of long journeys through deserts in Africa. It appears to remember so much of human history, but is incapable of tying it together in a coherent fashion.
Where it was born, it does not know.
How it became a creature of the dark, it does not know.
How it even functions is a mystery to it.
I do not think the creature lies to me, but it is most boggling how its own memory fails to function.
Perhaps there is a connection between its alleged longevity and the breakdown of its memory.
I do not know and I fear we will not find out once Tabaeus undergoes surgery.
April 13, 1882
I have attached copies of Dr. Forsythe's findings.
Pausing from the entry, you flip through the book, seeking these mentioned findings. Nothing seems attached or hidden in the pages. Likely lost to time or, perhaps, an intentional hand. You try not to think of it as you read on.
As an observer, there was much screaming and struggling. Tabaeus was restrained on the table. No anesthetic was used, so the patient could be aware and discuss should questions arise.
Very little talk happened. To be frank, I believe the lack of anesthetic, sedative, or even simply being knocked out was from cruelty on Dr. Forsythe and the council's part.
I digress.
They shaved Tabaeus, much as one would an animal, and cut into his form. They cracked his ribs for a better view. Tabaeus's insides appeared no different than a human's.
Except his heart was blackened, though it still pumped blood as a human heart would. Other than the odd coloration, everything seemed in proper working order.
By God's providence or cruelty, Tabaeus did not pass out of shock nor pain. They were awake and conscious throughout, sobbing or screaming at intervals. They would test their shackles and straps, the restraints creaking awfully under the force.
I was relieved when Dr. Forsythe stitched the creature up, but it was short-lived as he hinted at a need to revisit the site again in the near future.
Once the endeavor completed, Tabaeus could not stand, let alone walk. Four men were enlisted to haul the vampy back to his cage in the undertaker's basement.
I sat with him, quiet for a long time. No questions felt important enough to ask of Tabaeus, in such a condition. Even wrapped in bandages, I could see the uneven stitches trailing down his front in my mind's eye.
Tabaeus confessed to needing sustenance, to heal appropriately.
I offered to retrieve fresh cow's or pig's blood for them, but they shook their head.
"Human blood," it said, voice raw and cracked from screaming. "I need human blood to heal quickly."
Once more, your hand finds your throat. You already suspect what is about to happen.
I offered my blood, to which Tabaeus appeared startled at the offer. Their red eyes, puffy and ugly from their ordeal, found mine.
Instead of allowing Tabaeus to feed from my neck, I offered my wrist. They took it in a gentle grip, such a strange juxtaposition to their long, clawed digits.
The sensation of fangs plunging into one's body is both disconcerting and oddly alluring. I had closed my eyes as Tabaeus supped and images flickered through my head.
Images wholly foreign to me. Perhaps memories.
Whether they were Tabaeus's own or that of their victims' or something else entirely, I cannot say.
I only spoke to tell Tabaeus to stop, when lightheadedness made my thoughts fuzzy.
They did so, without argument. As they settled back in their corner, they murmured a small gratitude. Their glowing red eyes still on me.
I left not long after that, woozy from the interaction and intent upon a nap.
"What are you reading?" Tabaeus's soft words slap you across the face, making you sit straighter on the couch.
They eye you from the door between the kitchen and living room - where the basement stairs come up - with confusion, head cocked at your reaction.
You swallow a lump in your throat, trying to clear the heaviness away with a cough. Briefly, you consider hiding what you're reading. Maybe lying and saying it's a silly romance novel or something boring and technical. The longer you stare up at Tabaeus, the more you realize how miserable they appear.
They're wearing the same jeans and t-shirt from yesterday. Their hair is a tangled mess. Their cheeks appear sunken and bags hang under their red-rimmed eyes. It reminds you of someone who spent the night crying and frustrated and arguing with oneself.
There is so much obfuscation in Tabaeus's life, not clearly communicating feels wrong. Even if they cannot - or will not - be upfront, you can be. There's a small part of you that intuits there's something deeper, something more complicated, going on than what appears on the surface.
With your finger marking the spot in the journal, you hold it up. "I am reading Dr. Kieran Bennett's journal. It was in the anti-vampire box you gave me."
"Kieran?" That name makes Tabaeus's eyes fly wide as they strides over the distance between the two of you.
Something prickly climbs up your spine, but you shove it away. "Yes, do you remember him?"
They kneel by your knee, attention on the book in your hand. Tabaeus almost puts their hands on your leg, but hesitates and lets them fall to the couch cushion beside your leg instead. Their lips press together in thought, before they answer, "It is muddy."
You can't determine whether that is better than foggy or not. At least muddy implies there's something there to grasp, you suppose. Tabaeus's red eyes flutter shut, trying to pull the memories forth. Their head dips forward, their forehead almost touching your thigh. "I remember he was sweet, in person. A kind soul, but invariably a coward."
Their hand rises from the couch, softly touching their own lips. "He tasted of coffee and smoke and chocolate."
Something in your chest twinged, hearing such soft words about someone else coming from Tabaeus's lips. It almost sounds as if they are speaking of an old lover. Perhaps they were, you realize. Maybe you haven't gotten to it yet, in the journal. Or maybe Kieran was careful and didn't detail it in writing, considering the time and who would be the object of the doctor's affection.
Despite yourself, you find the question lighting from your lips, "What happened to him?"
"I... I am not sure," Tabaeus admits, their red eyes opening, but still not focused as their brow knots. They were still searching their muddled, conflicting memories. You watch as they raise a hand to their chest, rubbing along the spot where the autopsy scar cleaved their chest.
Though your stomach drops as they press at their own scar, you're not satisfied with that answer. With pursed lips, you turn your eyes back to the journal, lest Tabaeus's large, allegedly innocent, gaze interrupts your almost-damning information. "You told Kieran you had problems with your memory, as well. In 1882. That's almost 140 years of you having issues with your memory, Tabaeus."
"What?" Tabaeus breathes and you hazard a glance at them. The furrow in their brow has deepened, as if this is genuinely news to them.
"What am I supposed to believe?" You press, shaking your head as your tone further solidifies. "That you haven't had consistent memory for that long? Or that this is some sort of trick you like to play on humans?"
Your words make Tabaeus's focus swing to your face, their eyes wide with shock and pain. As if you even suggesting something like that was a slap to their face.
"Please, believe me, amata." Their voice crackles with desperation. This time, their hand does land on your knee, squeezing it gently. "I swear to you, I am not playing a trick on you!"
"That's a tall order, all things considered," you say, your attention falling to where their hand touches you. Their gaze follows yours and, as if previously unaware of the contact, Tabaeus jerks their hand away. A small part of you aches as they do so.
Slowly, the vampire tilts their gaze back to you, searching for something. "You think I am tricking you?"
Your eyes are finally drawn to Tabaeus's gaze, the pain that crimps their features makes their already obvious exhaustion worse. Do you think Tabaeus is tricking you?
Something in you can't give a certain yes, just as you can't give a certain no. As you think, your teeth sink into your lower lip. Why would a vampire go to such ends, just to get blood? Especially since Tabaeus could easily enthrall you and essentially make you their unyielding bloodbag. They have relegated a good chunk of their fortune to you, allowed you to buy a house, and seem into it when you are more domineering over them.
Or was it all a joke? A prank? Something to amuse themselves. Get a caring human to give them blood, willingly, while never having to fess up to their murderous past? That doesn't seem like the Tabaeus you know. Though you can't be certain the Tabaeus you know isn't a farce, there's something in you that's more sure of the vampire than it was in earlier instances of your partnership.
"I don't know what to think," you softly admit, rubbing the bridge of your nose as you set the journal to the side. "After last night, how heatedly you talked about Ewan, or even just werewolves in general, you talked like someone I didn't know."
"I, too, felt disconcerted." Tabaeus doesn't even hesitate in the confession. They heave a heavy sigh, their fingers fidgeting with the fabric of the couch. "I apologize for my behavior. I do not know what happened."
Your lips press together at the admittance, wondering how genuine their words were. Or if they were looking for an easy out in the situation. Again, something in you believes them. Maybe it's better to say something in you wants to believe them. But skepticism keeps you a little wary.
"I didn't feel like myself. I felt strange." Tabaeus shook their head. Their hand rises to their temple, tapping there. "There were clashing thoughts in my head. Rage and fear and disgust and hate. All for a person I never met who was a species I don't recall interacting with."
How Tabaeus talks about their experiences makes you think about how Dr. Bennett described their memories. As something detached from Tabaeus. As things spanning across multiple time periods.
That, coupled with their out-of-character reaction, feels like hints. As if you're closer to unraveling what it is about Tabaeus that makes them a mystery.
Once more, it sounds as if Tabaeus's memories - or some of them - are not their own. More than ever, that feels like the correct answer, but not the entirety of it. There's something you're missing. Something that is tantamount to understanding Tabaeus.
Pain throbs at your temples as your stomach cramps. With a deep breath, you loosen the thoughts from the grip of your concentration. The journal revealed more than you were prepared for. You should have planned better and eaten something first.
"I need breakfast," you finally mumble, realizing you have left Tabaeus hanging. You offer them an awkward smile, just as your stomach grumbles.
"As do I," Tabaeus sighs, a small and fond smile tilting at their lips. "Do you trust me to drink from you? Or should I suffice with cereal?"
"You're making me breakfast if I'm making you breakfast." Your retort is more playful than you feel, but you still muster the energy to stick your tongue out at the vampire. A little tension in Tabaeus's shoulders eases, relieved at the return of a more joking element to your interactions. Just before they move to stand, and perhaps even lean over you to latch onto your neck, you put out your arm. "Let's try my inner elbow this time, though. I want to go places and having to bandage my neck is such a pain."
The vampire settles back on their heels again, accepting your arm in their cool fingers. They hold you gently, giving you ample freedom to pull away if you change your mind. There's half a beat, where Tabaeus seems to be testing the waters, before they whisper, "You are too kind, amata."
You're about to ask facetiously if you're also a coward, like Kieran, but Tabaeus sinks their teeth into the flesh of your inner elbow. A sharp gasp escapes your lips, the pain sudden and bright in your synapses. Your head falls back against the couch, as your eyes flutter shut. Tabaeus waits, seeing if you'll stop him, before they begin to suckle.
That odd sensation of the blood pulled from your veins courses through you, making your stomach somersault. Though your toes curl, in a confusing mixture of intimate enjoyment and excitement, your stomach lurches with faint nausea. It's probably not a good idea to do this on an empty stomach, you realize.
The seepage of memories, you find, is less than when Tabaeus is latched to your throat. They are mistier. As if they're projected onto a fog, instead of a solid surface. It reminds you of a laser light show caught by clouds.
Some are memories you have seen before, in your feeding sessions. But there's always a new one to view.
Tabaeus parts from your elbow sooner than you expect. Or maybe you're just a little dazed, you realize, as you blink and lift your head up. There's darkness at the corners of your vision, but you see Tabaeus rise to his feet. They stoop over you, pressing their forehead to yours. There's a distinct beat when you believe they'll continue leaning and catch your lips against theirs.
But they don't, leaving a mingling of disappointment and relief meshing in your head.
"What would you like for breakfast?" They merely ask and you faintly smell the copper-infused heat on their breath.
"Crepes with hazelnut spread and bananas," you say, mostly as a joke as your lips curve at the corners. You don't anticipate the thoughtful look that crosses Tabaeus's features.
They cock their head to the side as they straighten. "Is there a recipe available I may reference?"
For a second, you narrow your eyes up at them, wondering if they are fucking with you. Tabaeus doesn't appear to be joking. And, honestly, you cannot say no to crepes.
You really should get Tabaeus a phone, you realize, as you pull yours from your pocket. After a bit of searching and scrolling, you find an easy looking recipe and hold it out to them. Tabaeus graciously takes the phone with a nod.
"It will be available soon," Tabaeus murmurs and turns to head into the kitchen.
Settling back onto the couch, you sigh and consider the actual chances you'll get an unburnt breakfast. It was hard to argue against Tabaeus's quiet assuredness. As you sink further into the couch, your eye catches on the journal.
Your thoughts loll about Dr. Kieran Bennett's words, the way he phrased things, what his relationship to Tabaeus was. There's a part of you certain the doctor wasn't entirely truthful in his entries. Whether he was taking care due to the time period and homophobia or due to the subject matter involving a 'vampyr,' you're not sure.
Although, the mental trek makes your considerations turn to Tabaeus and the subject of their jealousy last night. You jerk upright as a sudden thought careens through your head. "Hey! Don't you think about deleting Ewan's number, either!"
The rummaging around in the kitchen quiets and there seems to be a thoughtful pause. "Well, I was not planning to, but if that is an option..."
"Tabaeus!" You warn, as you push yourself off the couch and head to the kitchen. There the vampire grins at you and holds your phone high, out of your reach. They wiggle it, in teasing taunt.
The sigh you heave is put-upon as your gaze flicks from your phone to Tabaeus's face. Crossing your arms and leaning your hip against the counter, you choose a smarter route than pouncing on the vampire. "I'm trusting you to not delete his number. Okay?"
"Okay," Tabaeus sighs, lowering the phone. There's clashing emotions on their face. A sense of pride fighting against a small temptation. They hold your phone so you can see the screen, which hasn't left the recipe. "You can trust me not to hurt you, amata."
"Holding you to it," is all you manage to say before Tabaeus turns back to the stove, cooking the breakfast you requested.
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celtfather · 1 year
Carry My Song #626
Carry my song with you and the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #626.
Juha  Rossi, Wolf & Clover, The Dustbunnies, Santiago Molina, Téada, Banshee in the Kitchen, Rebecca Gilbert & Kellswater Bridge, The Chieftains, Cantrip, Clare Sands, Tulua, Brother Sea, Niamh Dunne
The Celtic Music Magazine is a quick and easy way to plug yourself into more great Celtic culture. Subscribe and get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free.
This is our way of finding the best songs and artists each year. You can vote for as many songs and tunes that inspire you in each episode. Your vote helps me create next year's Best Celtic music of 2023 episode.  Vote Now!
Two weeks after the episode is launched, I compile your votes to update a playlist on Spotify and YouTube. These are the results of your voting. You can help these artists out by following the playlists and adding tracks you love to your playlists. Follow us on Facebook to find out who is added each week.
Listen on Spotify and YouTube.
0:06 - Juha Rossi "Factory Smoke / Walsh's Hornpipe" from Irish Tunes on Mandolin
3:41 - WELCOME
4:25 - Wolf & Clover "The Bedroom Set" from Twelvemonth and a Day
8:38 - The Dustbunnies "After The Storm" from What Goes Around
12:32 - Santiago Molina "Zamba del laurel" from Desde un nuevo lugar
16:26 - Téada "Song  -  Oileán Dhún an Óir" from Coiscéim Coiligh / As the Days Brighten Pronunciation Oileán Dhún an Óir  -  ill - awn Doon ahn Ore Coiscéim Coiligh  -  kosh - kaym quill - ig
20:13 - FEEDBACK
23:38 - Banshee in the Kitchen "Exile of Maggie" from Band O' Shees
28:10 - Rebecca Gilbert & Kellswater Bridge "Red is the Rose" from Origin
32:23 - The Chieftains "Morgan Magan" from Bear's Sonic Journals: The Foxhunt  -  Live In San Francisco 1973
35:25 - THANKS
38:51 - Story of Clare Island Whiskey
41:18 - Cantrip "Time Will Cure Me" from Undark
45:51 - Clare Sands "Carry my Song feat. Susan O’Neill" from Clare Sands
49:33 - Tulua "Red Sky" from Rising
55:00 - Brother Sea "As One" from single
58:46 - CLOSING
59:29 - Niamh Dunne "Did You Ever Love Me" from Tides
1:04:35 - CREDITS
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, The Celtfather and our Patrons on Patreon. The show was edited by Mitchell Petersen with Graphics by Miranda Nelson Designs. Visit our website to subscribe to the show. You’ll find links to all of the artists played in this episode.
Todd Wiley is the editor of the Celtic Music Magazine. Subscribe to get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free. Plus, you’ll get 7 weekly news items about what’s happening with Celtic music and culture online. Best of all, you will connect with your Celtic heritage.
Finally, please tell one friend about this podcast. Word of mouth is the absolute best way to support any creative endeavor.
Promote Celtic culture through music at http://celticmusicpodcast.com/.
* Helping you celebrate Celtic culture through music. I am Marc Gunn. I’m a musician and podcaster. This Podcast is here to build our diverse Celtic community and help the incredible artists who so generously share their music with you. If you hear music you love, please email artists to let them know you heard them on the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast.
You can find a link to all of the artists in the shownotes, along with show times, when you visit our website at celticmusicpodcast.com.
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A special thanks to our Celtic Legends: Bill Mandeville , Marti Meyers, Brenda, Meghan Walker, Karen, Emma Bartholomew, Dan mcDade, Bob Harford, Carol Baril, Miranda Nelson, Nancie Barnett, Kevin Long, Gary R Hook, Lynda MacNeil, Kelly Garrod, Annie Lorkowski
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Every year, I take a small group of Celtic music fans on the relaxing adventure of a lifetime. We don't see everything. Instead, we stay in one area. We get to know the region through its culture, history, and legends. You can join us with an auditory and visual adventure through podcasts and videos.
In 2024, we’re going on a Celtic Invasion of Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man. Learn more about the invasion at http://celticinvasion.com/ #celticmusic #irishmusic #celticmusicpodcast
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Metta RavenHeart replied: "Thanks for the offer. Generally, I listen to your amazing podcasts when I am making my morning brew; or I am jeeping to my next hike here in the mountains of southwestern New Mexico.
I will spend St. Patrick’s Day celebrating the coming of Spring and the sprouting of my clover lawn. Who knows, maybe I will find a four leafer!"
Steve & Jane emailed: "Mostly just listening..and enjoying the music and wishing I could play like that.
Cooking bangers and mash. St Paddy parade March 10 and St Augustine Celtic Festival March 10&11, and St Paddy celebration in Ponte Vedra FL on Sunday March 19, watching TV to see Chicago River and Hillsborough River in Tampa died green"
Steve Marlow emailed: "Hi Marc , While I'm listening I am sitting on my narrowboat (my home) and perhaps doing little jobs? On St Patrick's day I will be in my local drinking a Guinness and listening to an Irish band ( local guys)"
Nannette Billings replied: "I  usually do house cleaning.  For St Pats day I'm making traditional Corned beef and cabbage and doing what I do any other day .🍀"
zachary gunter messaged me on Patreon: "Hey Marc, I was introduced to irish music through an album done by the 97th regimental string band. They focus on american civil war music. But on one of their albums, Irish chanty, if i remember right. I gained an appreciation for the irish/celtic genre.
Not sure if its possible, but if there was an episode based off of irish music focused on war songs sung in battle that would be an awesome episode.
Thank you for everything you do, ive been listening for years now off and on, and it never fails to make my day brighter."
Check out this episode!
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ruewrites · 3 years
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603 posts reblogged (76%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 3.1 posts.
I added 1,440 tags in 2021
#obey me - 475 posts
#obey me asmodeus - 219 posts
#obey me solomon - 135 posts
#rue speaks - 134 posts
#solodeus - 127 posts
#obey me lucifer - 81 posts
#ruewrites - 76 posts
#obey me diavolo - 69 posts
#asmodeus x solomon - 63 posts
#obey me barbatos - 61 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#when we fought over my tablet on the bed bc i kept getting got everytime you wanted to show me something (and it was this video) and then
My Top Posts in 2021
Diavolo: I wish I had friends :(
*Barbatos poofs out of nowhere*
*the brothers fall*
Diavolo: :O
Diavolo: I wish my Dad would come home :D
126 notes • Posted 2021-09-27 23:52:26 GMT
Some gay little headcannons because I'm gay and I feel like people forget that our faves are also gay. (Also give me your gay headcannons. I love seeing them in my inbox). Please take note of the way my brain starts to get into giggle mode the farther we get down the list, because you can't be gay and not chaotic. Those are just the rules my dudes. Also the entire cast is a disaster and only shares one brain cell. So.
Lucifer Distinguished Bi. Dresses smart, classy dad. Probably takes you out for lobster on the first date.
Mammon is a Bi Disaster. Disaster Bisexual. Man can't admit his feelings. Wants to be cool but internally is a mess.
Leviathan Demi and Bi. Also Trans Levi? Trans Levi. Netflix and chill except he will actually watch the show. Your dates may last more than one day binging 3 seasons of a show. But it's always fun!
Satan Distinguished Pan. Takes you out for salmon because Lucifer takes people out for lobster. Also cats like fish, and Lucifer won't be there. Did he mention Lucifer won't be there? Lucifer won't be there.
Asmodeus Pan and Genderfluid. He has the range, can be the prettiest princess you ever saw OR sweep you off your feet in the sharpest suit. Whatever the case, he will always make sure he is the center of attention.
Beelzebub Demi and Pan. Gym dates gym dates gym dates. Takes his dates for a kiss in the Arby's parking lot because the stars look great. And jamocha shakes are really good (Sponsor me Arby's).
Belphegor Also Demi and Pan! The best cuddling dates you will ever have. The best cuddles you will ever have period.
Diavolo DISASTER PANSEXUAL. Man radiates chaotic energy. Lucifer took him out for lobster. He set the lobsters free.
Barbatos Nonbinary Demi. Will make a special blend of tea for you. He treats it like a science. He makes sure it sceams you, but not scream at you. If your tea screams at you that means something went terribly wrong. Please don't drink screaming tea thank you.
Solomon Pan disaster. Took him little bit to realize he was attracted to men. He wasn't in denial, just a lil oblivious to his own feelings. Asmo definitely sends him straight into gay panic mode.
Simeon Pan. His lover will always be his lil dove, no matter what. I feel like he writes love letters with his own feathers as quills, but they're always sweet and flowery. No it's not because he doesn't know how to send and email... or a text.... it's just more romantic this way.
Oh AND! They're all poly/open to being poly too😊
Feel free to send in your headcannons as well!
130 notes • Posted 2021-11-21 01:00:13 GMT
Sometimes I think about how in Solodeus that Solomon is the boyfriend people would disapprove of and worry about despite Asmo being a litteral demon. Lucifer interrigates him before he lets him take Asmo out. Just something to think about.
138 notes • Posted 2021-08-15 18:42:43 GMT
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425 notes • Posted 2021-12-05 14:55:02 GMT
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Diavolo has a type
525 notes • Posted 2021-12-05 05:06:45 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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unfortunatelysirius · 5 years
「 ❁ 」PROMPT 「 ❁ 」
It’s a regular day of classes, and you’re sick. Remus is going to get you healed, one way or another!
「 ❁ 」AUTHOR’S NOTE 「 ❁ 」
Over two thousand followers? What the fuck? That’s crazy. Please accept this one-shot as a token of my gratitude, and get ready… FOR A STRING OF IMAGINES! Will Chocolate Frogs / Love Notes be updated? How about Not Your Girlfriend? Stay tuned and send me positive messages in my inbox pls! I feel like my writing is garbage and sometimes I really don’t know if I should continue troubling you all with my garbage :’)
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        WHEN YOU CAME INTO BREAKFAST THAT MORNING, Remus Lupin knew something was wrong. Your face was pale, nearly white as a sheet, and Merlin, your eyes. Red and puffy, the space beneath them deeply purpled. The way you walked, all lethargic and clumsy, screamed I’m not feeling well. But when Remus asked…
       “Oh, I’m fine.” And it might have taken all your energy, but just for Remus, you put on your most dazzling smile. So bright and happy, it felt like the sun had finally come to graze the Earth, gleaming at him all ablaze. For half a moment, Remus believed you.
       But you didn’t eat your food. You didn’t join the banter, or attempt anymore smiles. You sat glumly, shoulders tucked inward. It was so bloody obvious, yet only to Remus, who knew all your ticks and mannerisms by heart. Just by watching you, he felt foolish for even momentarily thinking you were fine. That you didn’t need a visit to the Hospital Wing.
       You were lying. This whole I’m alright act was just a farce.
       Remus wanted to demand you go back to your dorm. Right in front of all your friends, ignoring the way you’d blush and fidget under their scrutiny. He didn’t like the way you kept coughing and sneezing, the way you looked a moment away from passing out. The redness in your nose, like all the red in your cheeks had been suctioned away, made it obvious to Remus that you had a cold, at the very least, but…
       There was a part, a very annoying part, of Remus that doubted. That was uncertain. Even after seeing it all for himself, he didn’t want to be suddenly, hopelessly wrong. He didn’t want to embarrass you all for nothing. This part, the part that made his Gryffindor pride squint in mortification, made Remus’s mouth stay shut.
       And the group of you sat and laughed and ate, all until it was time for Potions.
       On the walk there, you seemed fine. Your smile was less forced, and your legs functioned perfectly. You talked with Remus, telling him about the recent essay grade you got in History of Magic; boy, were you happy. Remus forgot all about his suspicions, caught in the way his heart swelled anytime he was around you.
       Then, the inevitable happened.
       When you and Remus reached the classroom and sat at your assigned seats beside one another, you fell into one of the longest, hardest coughing fits Remus had ever seen. It lasted several seconds, made everyone in the room twist and turn to see whoever it was that was hacking, and when it finally stopped, you looked even worse for the wear.
       Your face was sweaty and ashen. The redness in your nose was gone, replaced by a ghostly sheen. And Merlin, you had to feel miserable. The sorry attempt for a smile you sent Remus afterward, to assure him you were fine, would even make a goblin wince.
       “Y/N,” said Remus. His shoulder twitched, like he wanted to reach out a hand but rethought the action at the very last second—and all he could do was stare at you, anxious and worried. “Are you alright?”
       “I’m fine,” you croaked. “Something in the air, I guess.” A laugh bubbled out of your mouth. You obviously did it to convince Remus you were fine, thinking it would sound normal and not painful, but it did the opposite. Like your voice before, the laugh was nothing more than a croak, cracked with ripples and grated with gravel.
       Remus’s brows drooped, cinching into a frown that spanned his entire face. And your own smile fell.
       Why are you so set on lying? Remus wondered. This all made no visible sense to him; your actions were so unlike you. There’s nothing to be ashamed of in being sick.
       “Y/N, what—”
       Professor Slughorn walked out of his office, cutting off whatever it was that Remus was about to say. The man, a jolly smile beneath his whiskers, threw out an arm; he said, “We’ll be continuing our lesson on Draught of Peace. Take out your quills, make notes—there won’t be any brewing today!”
       The room came alive with the sounds of students taking out their supplies. Maybe the same should have been said for Remus, but he was too preoccupied with looking in your direction, watching for any sudden changes in your mannerisms. It occurred to him, then; how could he be an attentive student when all that mattered to him was the way you were slumped over the tabletop, sniffling with your eyes droopy?
       Trick question. He couldn’t.
       Remus raised his hand. Professor Slughorn was turned, talking to another student, and damn it! The man wasn’t paying attention to this side of the room. Remus grew frustrated, and he opened his mouth to verbalize said frustration—
       There was a loud screech, then a plopping sound as something hit the floor. Everyone flinched.
       “What was that?” said the professor, glancing from one innocent face to the next. While searching for a source he caught Remus’s high-flying hand. “Oh, Mr. Lupin—what did you need?”
       “Uh,” was all Remus could articulate. He glanced beside himself, wanting to get a good read on your face to know what amount of anger to expect later—but. Wait. Where did you go? Your seat was empty. “Y/N?”
       Then Remus saw it. At first he was confused, wondering where you’d gone, assuming the worst, all before he’d glanced down and he saw the start of a human body. Oh Merlin, thought the boy, feeling his heart stumble and sputter. His eyes flickered from your Y/H/C hair to your soft, pallid skin, trailing until he found your eyes. Those beautiful Y/E/C eyes, the very ones that he loved so much, weren’t open. They were closed.
       “Y/N L/N’s in the floor!” said Eric McLaggen. He hit Remus’s shoulder as he jet upwards, for a better angle, and damn if it didn’t take all of Remus’s will-power not to growl. “Is she dead?”
       Remus glared at him. How daft could one person be? “She’s not dead!” he snapped. His inner wolf wanted to bear its fangs, evoke visible fear from the idiot, but… Y/N needed medical attention, now. “Professor, she needs to be taken to Madam Pomfrey.”
       Professor Slughorn’s eyes were wide, like two eggs. He waved a hand. “O-Oh, of course,” said the man, looking relieved to have the problem immediately resolved. “The two of you are excused from today’s lessons, Mr. Lupin.”
       “Thank you,” said Remus quickly. And another screech echoed throughout the room, as he pushed out of his seat. He dropped to his knees beside you. A nimble hand went to your hair-part, tracing its way down your temple then to your jaw, stopping at your chin. His eyes were now on your lips. They were a shade paler than usual, like the moisture had been sucked out of them completely. And there wasn’t a proper term for how pale your face had gone. Pale as a ghost? Ashen like a witch? No. Nothing compared.
       Remus didn’t know the best way to pick you up. He was afraid he’d hit your head on the table, and then he’d have to wallow in self-pity for the rest of his sorry existence. She feels cold, thought Remus, as a hand went to cup the back of your head, another limb slithering around your backside. The rest of your body felt just as cold. What sort of ailment caused such a reaction—going hot, then cold? Going from red to white?  
       He shook his head. He helped your unconscious body up from the hard ground, ignoring the penetrating eyes of his classmates, their burning stares. They didn’t matter, not with you in his arms. Even as Slughorn watched from his position at his desk, as Eric McLaggen’s eyes drilled into the side of your slacken face, all Remus could think—all he could care about—was what Madam Pomfrey would say. What she’d diagnose you with. What she’d give you to help with the effects.
       And Remus left.
       It was hours later, when the sky had turned the color of nightshade, that you awoke.
       You were confused. The room was alight with fluorescence, polka-dotted in different hues of white, brown, black, and blue, and beside you, a familiar sandy-haired bloke was slumped in a chair. This situation, it was strange. You couldn’t think of a reason for being here, unless you’d been knocked in the head by a Death Eater wannabe. Now that you thought about it, that didn’t seem so far from realistic…
       “Y/N?” groaned from the chair. You jumped.
       “Remus!” was your sorry excuse of a response. Like a squeak, really, and if the lights were dimmed, you surely could have been mistaken for a chipmunk. “I didn’t know you were awake.”  
       “You shouldn’t be awake.” Remus looked at you pointedly. He’d finally grasped consciousness, and the fatigue that normally plagued him had vanished. His concern for you made him more alert than usual. “Madam Pomfrey gave you something to help you sleep.”
       You smiled sheepishly. “Oops?” When his expression remained deadpan, void of any amusement, you dropped the smile. Now you could be interrogative without guilt. “What exactly happened? Why am I in the Hospital Wing?”
       “You don’t remember?” Remus looked surprised. “You were sick all morning before you fainted in Potions.”
       The memories rushed back rapidly, faster than you could count them. Regardless, that tiny sliver of information was enough to make you blush in embarrassment. It was shameful you tried to hide your sickness, especially when you ended up making the situation much bigger than being truthful ever would have.
       “I’m sorry,” you said. You didn’t even bother trying to keep the shame out of your voice. “I should have just come out and said I was sick… Merlin, how will I ever face Professor Slughorn? Or McLaggen?”
       Remus, almost unknowingly, put his hand over yours. Your heart went aflutter with nerves, and the worst part of it all was how utterly calm Remus looked. Did he know the effect he had on you? Judging by that smug (read: unreadable) look on his face, he totally did. “I’ll be there. You won’t be alone,” he told you.
       You hugged him. Nerves be damned, you hugged him! “You should be a nurse.” You giggled. Now that your ailment was miraculously (read, again: magically) cured, the rush of redness in your face could only be termed as a blush.
       “A—nurse?” Remus blushed—not that you could see it. “No…”
       “Nurse Lupin,” you said in a sing-song voice, squeezing him real tight. “Has a nice ring to it, huh?”
       “Sh-Shut up, Y/N!”
       Who wouldn’t want Remus Lupin as their designated medic?
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seyaryminamoto · 4 years
Do you think they could make Azula gay in the netflix live-action? Many people in the fandom seem to think she had a thing for Ty Lee. I don't see it, but do you think they could retcon the show just to pander to shippers?
Somehow I knew this sort of question would pop up in my inbox one day. I just did. Such foresight powers I have (?)
Anyways, the answer got pretty long, but I hope it’s comprehensive enough in regards of why I don’t think it’s likely, why, even if it happens, we shouldn’t freak out about it regardless of if it negates our headcanons, and why, on top of it all any characterization the ATLA cast gets in the liveaction should be judged as part of a second timeline, removed from the first, and analyzed as such.
Alright, first of all... despite what popular opinion these days would have everyone believe, a character’s sexuality and sexual identity are not the only relevant and important factors in them; in fact, I wouldn’t even call them the most important factors unless you’re outright telling a story with very specific socially critical purposes in mind. Yes, you can deal with these subjects in stories that aren’t exclusively about sexuality, and yes, it offers important representation to communities that were largely unseen for the bulk of human history. But making a character’s entire story arc revolve around nothing but sexuality and their struggles because of it is actually a failure at offering good representation? The point in having media featuring representation in the form of diverse fictional characters is based on allowing minorities to see themselves in this kind of content and for majorities to understand these minorities and their stories are just as valid as theirs are. If minorities are reduced to a single aspect of their multifacetic lives, the only thing the story in question would achieve is turning a character with the potential to be dynamic and complex into some flat minority stereotype, throwing away the countless human complexities through which media can tell rich and important stories that do provide genuine, quality representation to these communities.
Ergo, if Azula were written as a gay character in this Netflix adaptation, this aspect of the reworked character should not, and frankly, CANNOT, be the only thing that matters about her. Azula has a large role to play in this story, a role related to the war, her family, her friends and her nation, and a lot of her complexities stem from how she deals with all these subjects, none of which have anything to do with romance or sexuality. Therefore, I’m pretty sure a lot of us loved her character for reasons that had nothing to do with her interactions with potential love interests, whether they’re of her same or opposite sex: Azula has always been SO MUCH MORE than whatever we’ve headcanoned her sexuality to be, and this is something I hope everyone keeps in mind for this liveaction show.
We need to stick to our priorities, to a fault, as Azula’s fans: whatever sexuality or love interests she’s given, if she’s given either thing to begin with, her story isn’t exclusively about that. So, if Bryke decide to alter this aspect of her original characterization by dialing up Azula’s love life, it’s not the driving aspect of the character and it’s not the only thing we should be concerned with when it comes to her new portrayal in the future liveaction show, regardless of whether said sexuality agrees with our headcanons or disagrees with them.
Alright, then. After that particular clarification had been made... I’m of the opinion that Bryke have indeed pandered to shippers and fans in the past, namely in their sequel show and certain later announcements related to it, announcements that were basically the LOK version of “Dumbledore was gay all along but I thought it’d hurt the book sales and that’s why I only said so in a press conference after the final book was a bestseller and my bank accounts were overflowing” (by which I mean, the last-minute sudden “Aiwei (the dead guy) and Kya (Aang’s daughter) are also gay” comments Bryke made post-Book 4 to convince people they were aboslutely pro-LGBT and their world was very diverse despite said diversity only became known in the final scene of the show and was never portrayed positively or properly through these side-and-background characters...?).
So, would I say, categorically, that Bryke would NEVER write Azula as a gay character if they thought it’d make their show more popular? Nope, I can’t. I really don’t trust them enough to think they’ll prioritize top-of-the-line storytelling over pandering to the crowd that will cheer them on most loudly.
The story they told with Azula in ATLA, despite what certain people are convinced of, had a very straight-forward message, one that I didn’t like very much, especially since that message seemed to render irrelevant the character’s incredible storytelling potential and remarkable complexities. Where Azula could have been so many things, in the show’s finale she became some sort of flat, sad warning stating: “don’t try to control people through fear or they’ll turn against you and you’ll end up all alone.”
As much as I have no doubts Bryke will want to incorporate new themes and somewhat “update” ATLA into more progressive times, I really doubt they’ll sacrifice the story they’re apparently so proud of having told through Azula only to pander to a specific part of ATLA’s audience. For that matter, there’s been a growing movement promoting many same-sex ships and trans interpretations of virtually ALL ATLA characters, so if they were to pander to the fanbase through Azula, why her? And if they do pick her, why stop there? If they do stop there, then they’re not being inclusive enough with their fandom. Why satisfy one portion of the fandom and not satisfy the other ones too? :’D
Worse yet, accusations of foul play will absolutely be guaranteed to rise when a potentially gay Azula isn’t given a redemption (because, considering the latest Azula-related comments by the creators and comic writers, they’re not likely to do it this time either), because “irredemably evil lesbian trope, that’s so sexist and homophobic!” And with that, the long, glorious time ATLA has spent as the golden, poster child of western animation will suddenly be overrun with the very same hysterical purity police that has overtaken all newer fandoms and filled them with antis who attack creators, writers, actors and other fans for creating or supporting “toxic” content.
Point and case being... if they don’t stray from the story they already told, they have a slam dunk since a lot of people will love the show if it’s virtually the same as the one they watched when growing up. All they have to do is alter a few events, maybe expand on a few things, stall the story for a few more years so the actors can age realistically and not be overworked... and tadaaaah! You have a blockbuster! Change fundamental aspects of characters by adding new factors to pander to certain fan demographics? You’d basically be poking a wasp’s nest and hoping they will turn out to be honeybees instead, ESPECIALLY if the character being coded as LGBT is either evil or fated to die, as both those tropes are what seem to incense that side of fandoms more than anything else.
If they want to write Azula as openly gay, they’d have to alter her general character message and whole arc to avoid the guaranteed problems I’ve pointed out up here. Paired with this? They’d have to retcon their recently established “the Fire Nation became homophobic in Sozin’s time!” canon imposed by LOK’s comics, so, if they stick with this tidbit of recent LGBT info, a gay Azula would most likely have to be a highly repressed lesbian who can’t even accept herself? It’s not impossible to tell that story... but it kind of feels counterproductive, and absolutely discouraging too for people who are struggling to come to terms with their own sexuality to see themselves reflected in a repressed character who most likely will meet the same depressing end she does in ATLA.
Now, my final point: again, I can’t say it’s impossible that this might happen. But EVEN IF Bryke decide that this is how their new story will work, and the new Azula will be gay, and they change everything so it’s non-problematic and they successfully avoid being chased with pitchforks by the purity police...
A new characterization doesn’t negate the one from the original show in the least. The first ATLA is what it is, a finished product that can be judged and interpreted in a thousand ways, and has been, for the past 10+ years. A new canon does NOT overrule an old one, a thought that I’m sure the very same purity and nostalgia police I’ve mentioned will absolutely adhere to once the new story changes ANYTHING and they don’t like it. Whatever new possibilities they test out with a new story don’t have to be taken as facts that apply to every iteration of the characters. For reference, imagine judging every Marvel comics character for the actions and behavior of their MCU counterparts. Imagine people raging at Peter Quill in the comic books because he’s in love with Kitty Pryde and how DARES he cheat on Gamora with her?!
... Just how would that make any sense? :’) Likewise, it would make no sense to behave this way with ATLA and its future liveaction adaptation. What happens in the liveaction concerns the liveaction. What happened in the original show can serve as a guideline for the liveaction, if anything, a frame of reference, but they can (and will) change elements in the story as they please in the new adaptation. However similar as they might be, they’re TWO stories, and they should work perfectly well as standalone shows.
Let’s look at it from the opposite POV, to further illustrate my point: if the new show SOMEHOW made Sokkla canon, unlikely and damn near impossible as it is: that doesn’t make it canon in the original ATLA. Hence, if I were to run out in the streets screaming Sokkla is real and endgame in EVERY POSSIBLE VERSION OF ATLA, the entire world would have every right to throw rotten eggs at me and tell me to shut the fuck up because it’s not true, it’s only real in the liveaction, and that doesn’t have any bearing on the original show.
Same principle applies with a potential gay Azula :’) Even if it happens, it’s liveaction only. The original show remains what it is, and her characterization there can be interpreted and derived from as we see fit.
To close this answer, I confess that I, personally, have next to no interest in this liveaction remake. I can’t even say I’ll watch any of it. For one thing, I’m really annoyed by the trend there is these days to turn animation into liveaction, because it seriously feels like an underlying way to say that liveaction is somehow the superior choice for audiovisual storytelling and that really grinds my gears. Animation has been fascinating media for me for years, I’ve always felt it’s more versatile than liveaction, and if I ever happened to write something that gets an onscreen adaptation, I’d probably choose animation over liveaction even if I’m not given a choice on the matter :’) So, for starters, I’m not happy with the notion of a liveaction remake for this show. If they wanted to remake ATLA and had chosen to do so with animation, I’d definitely be much more interested. But this way? Uh... not my cup of tea.
So, whatever Bryke want to do with this new product is absolutely their business (same as it was their business with ATLA, frankly). People will criticize it, that’s a guaranteed thing, and people will love it, and people will be angry, and people will be happy. But I’m probably not going to be one of any of these people this time around. The only way I would likely enjoy that show would be if it’s a genuine, critical overhaul of everything they did in the original show, reworking many key aspects of MANY characters, no matter if the main anecdote remains intact. And considering how highly self-critical the recent ATLA-related content has been, I doubt I’ll get my wish. So... good luck to everyone who wants to watch this liveaction, have fun, I won’t spoil it for you by dumping on it this time as I did with the comics, but I certainly won’t be joining any of your parades much either :’D
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idontworkforsega · 5 years
My queen! Your majesty! I have come here to ask of you a prompt! For I know no other who is better at the precious sonamy more than you! Please accept my humble request for a classic sonamy fluff! A jealous blue hedgie included is this prompt will be greatly appreciated!!
Jealous Classic Sonic!?!? Yes? All of that?! (Also, thank you, you’re so sweet >///wn///
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(Art is by @drawloverlala Or her DA->(https://www.deviantart.com/drawloverlala) who has given permission to let me use her art as a Preview Art Image for my prompts! Please support her as well!)
If you’d be okay with me using your art on my prompts, please send me a message letting me and @cutegirlmayra know!
PROMPTS ARE CLOSED. DON’T SEND ME ANY PROMPTS UNTIL THEY REOPEN! That will be when all the current prompts in my inbox are completed. Again, DO NOT SEND ME PROMPTS AT THIS TIME. (People are still sending them in, so please stop or the prompts will never re-open T-T)
*Also, this blog is for organizing my prompts for fanfiction. When prompts reopen, please submit prompt requests there. :)b
A jingle and a click, then there was music sounding through Classic Amy’s headphones.
She nodded her head, enjoying the classic rock that kept her heart upbeat as she stretched, getting ready to run.
She had been training for so long. All she wanted was to manage that loop-de-loop so she could keep up with Sonic.
One time, while pursuing her darling Sonic, he had raced through one. She saw him curl up and bolt off like a slingshot in a pinball game.
Her heart sank as she stopped rushing after him and skidded her feet against the moist and furtile ground of the earth, the grass bending to her force.
“Oh… Dear.” her face slowly recoiled in its joy as she faced the terrifying obstacle.
A full loop. No stops, just a drop if you slowed down…
A death fall.
The last time she had been through a loop-de-loop, she was being hauled off by a metal version of Sonic.
She took courage, stepping back with powerful stomps to work herself up to it. With a wiggle of her butt and straight up to her tail, she charged at it.
Needless to say, she flopped and her poor face was red with the trauma.
She didn’t even get to the curve…
So today, she was going to face up to her fear and overcome that death loop!
Her nostrils flared with bravery once again, her body honed for speed and balance, there was no way she would skid her face against its slick dirt coating this time!
Unbeknown to our little heroine, a certain Sonic The Hedgehog was sitting happily in the shadows of a few camouflaging trees. He had been passing by when he saw her in her workout clothes, her classy sweatband replacing her girly clothes that were now jazzy kinda workout colors and designs.
Immediately, he popped his popcorn–so to speak–, and set up camp.
He had heard the horrible PLOP from behind when she had first attempted the loop-de-loop. He had stopped in curiosity and flicked an ear back, racing over a ramp he had previously scaled to see what had happened.
It was a conflicting moment. He wanted to rush over and make sure she was okay, but he also didn’t want her seeing him laughing.
She had the saddest look on her face, and his snickering ended as he waited for her to call out to him in help.
Except she didn’t.
She surprised him by remaining silent, wiping her eyes and the bright dirt from her face, kissing her own booboos and glaring at the obstacle that had previously blocked her from following him the rest of the way.
He had stared almost mesmerized by the way she held her own. Where was the doting cry of help? The wimpy, whining high pitch voice? Was she really not going to cry out for him to coo and comfort her?
It’s not like he wanted too, but… he was prepared to do it, that’s all.
Now he felt a little confused, and seeing her prepare to take it on again today, he decided to watch from a distance and just ‘spot’ her, if she did end up getting hurt.
He flopped his hand and poured another shoveled amount of popcorn into his mouth, swishing it around to mush it up and watched as she took a runner’s stance on the ground.
Arching her butt up, she then took a deep breath and angled her body, looking up with pure determination as she raced up the loop-de-loop.
His eyes followed her, swallowing and reaching for his drink’s straw when his eyes fell flat to the ground again.
Another PLOP.
“Wah!” she cried out, making his eyelids lower a bit as he waited for her to cry out to him.
“Ow… Umph.” she rubbed her head, “…Maybe I gotta get a firmer footfall. Curl up on the ending?” she worked it out in her head, and again, Sonic’s grip on the drink tightened slightly.
She wasn’t aware of him.
Why would she call out for aid?
Why would she ask him for help?
He ‘Pfft’d and continued to flip through music CDs, deciding on a hit and letting it play.
When she tried again and PLOPPED, then he turned the music up louder.
“Offph! Darn, gotta go again… huh?” Her music was drowned out by another’s, and she looked over to excitedly see Sonic bobbing his head to his hard punk rock.
“Oh, Sonic! What are you doing here?” She dusted herself off and then held her hands together, the typical puppy-love he was used too seeing from her.
He put on shades and gave her his best ‘cool dude’s smile.
“Oh? Are you here to… to…” her eyes slightly shrunk in fright. “Watch me?”
He seemed to wave it off, suggesting that he was there to watch her really do it, if she did manage it.
A fear suddenly rose in Amy, and she held herself a moment. “O-oh…” she looked away, ‘Is he really going to sit there and watch me fail?’ she looked back at him, lowering her head.
He continued to bob his head to the music, making Amy think he was agreeing silently to that inner thought.
She puffed up her cheek, “Well, I won’t have it!” she told herself out loud. “That Sonic’ll respect me!” she huffed and turned her backside to him, her quill sticking out and shaking in rage as the rest of her head’s quills followed shortly after in her anger.
“Just watch me then! I’ll do it!” she stretched again, “I’ll make it over no matter what!”
He took off his shades again, hearing her from a distance. He smirked to himself. There was no way Amy Rose wouldn’t ask for her sweet hero’s help.
She’d fall again, this time on her butt, and beg for him to show her how, or just carry her through it.
She’d dote on him, but he’ll just have to live with it.
He sighed and shrugged, as though it was inevitable and he should just take it with patience.
However, as the day went on, Amy kept getting bruised up by all the falling…
Now Sonic was getting concerned.
His toe tapped in the air, his arms folded, and his tolerance going down…
He didn’t want to watch her fail… it wasn’t amusing seeing her hurt and then getting up to do it again.
That was just stupidity… right?
She rubbed her eye, on the verge of tears from that last fall, actually getting about decently high on the first stretch before rolling down it again. She looked behind the loop-de-loop, then moved to see the curve and attempted to curl up.
“…Well, she’s got the right idea.” Sonic didn’t like talking much, especially to others. But something about Amy not giving up… not reaching out for him… made him suddenly jealous of her unrelenting charisma.
She was so naturally likable.
He sunk further in his chair, the music turning to a Song that’s lyrics annoyed him even more.
‘She’s a well-oiled machine! Beauty queen of the world! She don’t need a man, she don’t want your hand, OW! She’s a star~ In her own right! She’s a star~ With just her own light! She’ll shine through the night, leaving you crying! Wishing! On her own beautiful face-! That somehow you could be apart of her space!”
He clicked it off, not liking it anymore.
But Amy turned around, “Hey! I liked that song!” her cute little voice sent a chill up his spine. Why was it cute!? When at all other times, it was usually so shrilly and out of place?
He turned it back on though, mumbling incoherent words as the song picked up again.
“Bright light shining, she’s a five-star, golden lottery. She has the courage to face her demons. She controls the ring, she’s the tiger working through the jungles to face the king! She’s the queen of her own galaxy! She don’t need no help, she’s the best! She’s got the whole world wishing on her-bright-staaarr!”
She did jumping jacks to the music, breathing in and out as she curled up, trying to speed in place but was getting dirt everywhere and wobbling too much in it.
Sonic’s anger mark was throbbing on his head, listening and watching her struggle without so much as giving him any attention at all.
“She’s the best! Don’t require the rest- she’s a star! Star, star-ar-arrr! She’s a well-oiled machine! Beauty Queen of the world! She don’t need a man, she don’t your hand, OW! -click-”
“Hey!” Amy uncurled, looking back to Sonic, “I said I was-!… huh?” she looked to see an empty chair.
“Sonic?” she turned to look around, before seeing he was right beside her on the other side, sizing up the loop-de-loop. “Wah! Oh… you scared me.” She touched her chest, breathing hard as his speedy appearance spooked her. “What’s wrong? Gonna show me how it’s done?”
He nodded.
“Hmph. Took you long enough. Why weren’t you helping me before? I just need some pointers, then I can do it!” She gripped her hands together, eager to learn and get through her latest struggles.
“Ah…” he turned to her, surprised again. She was waiting for… him?
Was he just being that selfish? Thinking he needed her to ask him over when he could have been right here helping her all along?
“I like to take on challenges, but it’s way more fun with a friend!”
There it was.
The cutest thing Sonic had ever seen.
A positive attitude.
He shook his head, smacking his cheek a moment as though to get his thoughts back to where they needed to be.
He was still jealous of her obvious moxie to do it herself, but he was also strangely attrac-… EHEM, impressed by her diligent resolve to get it done herself.
“You need more speed.”
“Well, that’s obvious. Coming from you.” she folded her arms, but he was again taken aback that she didn’t freak out at him talking.
It wasn’t like he socialized a lot… even Tails felt honored to hear his voice.
“Okay, Miss Rose, what else is so obvious?” His trademark attitude was showing again, as he placed the back of his wrist to his hips and leaned toward her. “Go on. If you already know what I’m about to say.”
Now her face shied away a little.
“Hehe…he… b-bu-but how do I do that?” she sweat-dropped, showing she really did want some advice.
He smiled, “That’s a little better.” He looked to the ground, “It just rained, right?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Well, your not getting proper footing so-”
“I KNEW IT!” she shrieked out, “I knew it was my footing!”
He waited, showing her his annoyance by just staring at her with a deadpan expression.
“…Heh…hehe… Teehee?” She knew he was a bit upset at being interrupted again, and with her being such a chatter-box, she acted cute about it and placed a finger to her mouth, looking away.
She was going to be silent now, eh?
“Anyway…” He rolled his eyes, “Try and curl up over by that patch of hill. If you run down it and curl, you should get a good start up. You could still fall a bit coming down, but that’s just because you aren’t as fast as me and Tails. Try and just get yourself to the other side, even if you fall doing so.”
“I’m not afraid to fall.” She said that strongly, standing bravely.
The song triggered in Sonic’s mind but he looked back to her to see her dirtied, banged up body and clothes again.
“…Yeah.” He looked worried, “I know.” he studied her eyes… “Just… Don’t uncurl this time. You’ll get pretty high up there.” He looked to the loop-de-loop.
For one of the first time’s since meeting Amy Rose, Sonic felt genuine concern for her safety.
“If you uncurl… you could get-”
“H-huh?! Crazy girl! I wasn’t done!” he saw her dart to the hill, and reached out for her. For some reason, this girl made him more animated than usual… “You’re not listening again! It’s dangerous! Just don’t uncurl!”
“I’m a star~ In my own right! I’m a star~”
“Crazy!” he called out to her, seeing her doing a little dance while she sang the previous song and got ready to sprint.
“With just my own light!”
“Stop!” he rushed to her side but she raced down while he moved up. “Don’t-!”
“I’ll shine through the night, leaving you crying! Wishinggggg-!” she curled up, gaining lots of speed.
“..No… No…” He shook his head, his heart beating fast. “Ammmmyyy!!!” It was a true cry of fright. Though he believed it was possible for her to do it, he was terrified she’d really get hurt if she fell that far, that hard, and that fast to the ground this time. He took off, curling up, and heading up the loop-de-loop after her.
She scaled the first roll. ‘On my own beautiful face, that somehow, you could be, apart of my spaaace~’
Time seemed to slow down, two blurry and balled colors flying up the loop-de-loop.
Through the spinning, Amy could feel herself start to fall, and Sonic saw her ball form leaning towards the other side.
‘Will she stay curled?’ his thoughts turned to joy as she hit the other side and rolled down, not breaking her curl.
He uncurled in his joy, reaching his arms out, “You did it!!!” he shouted in praise before smacking his head against the other side of the loop-de-loop. “Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow…” He smacked back and forth all the way down the ramp…
She uncurled safetly down at the bottom, “Yay! I did it!” she cheered as well, turning to see Sonic smack a few more times down before lifting up a ‘thumbs up’ to her.
“Hehe! Now I can catch up with you~” she flirted, poking his face that was buried in the ground. “You know… I thought about uncurling… just to make you catch me.”
He peered up, a slight glare in his eyes.
“But then I heard how loving your voice turned when you thought I didn’t hear you… I didn’t want to upset you, only play around… so I decided to really, truly land the ending. I was scared. I fibbed about not wanting your help… but I’m really glad you were here.”
His glare softened.
“I’ll always want you by my side, Sonic The Hedgehog! And now, I can always be beside yours!”
Under the earth, she didn’t see his kind smile.
He lifted up and shook the dirt off, now his bruises would match hers.
“Rascal.” he winked, playfully.
“Hehe~ Only for you~” she puckered up but he sped off. “Hey! You can’t hide in a loop-de-loop now, Sonic! Teehee~” and sped off after him.
The popcorn was tilted over, and the boombox stayed quietly posted next to the turned over chair…
(Jealous of Amy’s independence? Yes? No? Lol, I just wanted to make something new with the ‘jealousy’ theme XD I do it a lot, you know.)
Fanfiction Entry 602 (x)
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pantton-sandacers · 7 years
A Fantastic Journey
A/N: This is my piece for the Sanders Sides fic exchange! I wrote this for @3-has-charm I only had to use one of the prompts, but because I’m Extra I decided to combine all three. My prompts were: Prompt 1(sfw): Fantasy AU Prompt 2(sfw): They play laser tag, and take it very seriously Prompt 3(sfw): Having them be anonymous penpals, and then maybe an identity reveal I hope you enjoy! :) Read it on AO3 Summary: Virgil and Roman are anonymous pen-pals that use their familiars, Logan and Patton, to exchange letters. They play laser tag and discover some of their hidden feelings for the other. Tag List: @artisticlnsomniac @fandom-trash-5ever @mythicalquill @scaredysanders @screamingoutinrage Warnings: Vampire main character, mention of witchcraft, use of magic spells, SUPPER FLUFFY, 0 ANGST, that’s all I can think of. Word Count: 5,396 Ships: Prinxiety and Logicality. Familial Moxiety and platonic Logince.
Chapter 1: A Fantastic Beginning
Virgil floated back to his dorm room, exhausted from his long day of classes, knocking on the door, and waiting.  A few moments later Patton appeared in the door, “Heya, Virge! Come on in,” he gestured inside.
“Thanks,” Virgil mumbled, walking past Patton, throwing his book bag on the floor, and flopping down on his bed. He hated that stupid law of nature, making creatures like him unable to enter somewhere without being invited in. Even though it was his own dorm room.
“UUUUUUUGGGGHHHHHHhhhhh,” Virgil sighed into his pillow.
Patton sat on the edge of his bed after closing the door. He pat his back gently, looking at him with sympathy and related, “Same.”
“I got a new dumb assignment in lit, we’re supposed to do this anonymous pen-pal thing with another student by leaving them letters in their campus inbox.” Virgil propped himself up on his elbow, turning to look at Patton.
“Well, that sounds fun!” Patton encouraged.
“I guess, but you know I’m not a ‘people person,’ and the whole point of the assignment is to talk to a complete stranger,” Anxiety groaned.
“Well, I’m sure it won’t be that bad, how about you start on your letter? I’ll deliver it to their inbox for you if you want!”
Virgil sighed, “I guess.” He pulled out a messy sheet of notebook paper and a pen from his book bag, scribbling the message, “Hey. -V” onto the paper, folding it once and handing it to Patton, “here.”
Patton eyed the paper curiously, “Is that really all you’re gonna write? I thought the point of the assignment was to learn how to appreciate longer forms of writing in communication.”
“Ugh, look. It’s a start, okay? I’m trying my best to communicate with my social anxiety.”
Patton nodded considering this, “Alright, I’ll go take this to the inbox for you!”
Virgil chuckled, Patton was always unusually cheery, especially considering how dark and drab Virgil usually was. Though he supposed they balanced each other out in that way. He grabbed his book bag as Patton left, beginning on his other assignments.
Roman burst into this dorm room positively fluttering with excitement, “Logan!” he called out.
“Yes?” Logan answered, not looking up from his book.
“I was given a wonderful assignment in literature class today! We’re going to be appreciating forms of longer communication in writing by having anonymous pen-pals! We’ll write letters and put them in their inboxes!”
Logan looked up from his book at the mention of literature, “That sounds nice.”
“Yes! Oh, this reminds me of the older times when letter writing was the only form of long-distance communication. Letters of greeting, sadness, love, everything!” he sighed dreamily, “I cannot wait to get started!”
Roman pulled out a blank scroll, ink, and a quill pen, and began writing, in his flamboyant cursive, a letter of greeting for his pen-pal.
Logan was attempting to fit the scroll Roman wrote into the slot of the letter box on the assigned inbox when he heard a voice call out, “Hey!” followed by footsteps in his direction. He turned to face the man approaching him.
“We have the same glasses!” the other chuckled, pointing at their matching glasses.
“Yes, it would appear so,” Logan answered, unsure why this man approached him.
“I’m Patton!” a hand was extended towards Logan.
“Logan,” he responded, shaking his hand, still a bit confused.
“I noticed you were putting a scroll in my roommate’s inbox, are you by any chance my roommate’s pen pal?” he asked excitedly.
“Oh, no, but my roommate is. I’m his familiar and I’m delivering his letter to his pen-pal’s inbox for him.”
“Huh! Well, that seems familiar! ‘Cause I’m my roommate’s familiar and I’m delivering his letter to his pen-pal’s inbox for him!” Patton chuckled at his own pun.
Logan cursed the blush that crept onto his face. He didn’t understand why, but he found the other man’s laughter adorable. He turned his head so the other would not see, and luckily, Patton didn’t seem to notice. He chuckled politely in response to the joke.
“Hey, why don’t you and I just meet up in person to exchange messages? That way there won’t be as much of a time gap between our roommates’ letters to each other!” Patton suggested.
“Um, yes I suppose that would be more convenient, but how would we know when one of us had a letter to deliver?” Logan questioned.
Without hesitation, Patton answered, “I’ll give you my number!” he reached into his pocket, pulling out a piece of paper and scribbling his number onto it.
Logan’s heart jumped a little, Did he really just offer me his number? he thought. But he quickly dismissed the idea that any romantic implications might be hiding behind it.
“Here ya’ go!” Patton smiled brightly, handing the paper with his phone number over to Logan.
“Um, th-thank you,” he stuttered nervously, putting the piece of paper into his pocket. “I will send you a message from my phone. Uh, here’s my roommate’s letter.” He handed the letter over.
“Oh! Thanks! Here’s my roommate’s letter, but, it only says, ‘Hey’...” he trailed off, looking at the folded note, “I’ll get him to write another letter in response to your roommate’s letter!” he added brightly.
“O-okay,” Logan replied, trying not to blush at Patton’s bright, sweet face.
Patton grinned, “See ya’ later!” he walked off back to his dorm room, leaving Logan pink faced, and very confused.
Chapter 2: Logan’s crush
Logan entered his dorm room again, still bewildered by all of these feelings he was experiencing. He sat down slowly at his desk, his hands in his hair, palms pressed against his head.
Logan was so consumed by his thoughts that he only barely noticed Roman asking, “Are you alright, Logan?”
“Oh, um, yeah, I’m,” he turned around to look at his roommate, he sighed wearily, “I honestly don’t know.”
Roman scooted his chair closer to Logan, “What’s wrong?” concern heavy in his face.
Logan propped his chin up with his elbow on his desk. “It’s... I met the familiar of your pen-pal, his name was Patton. He saw me putting your letter in an inbox, recognized the inbox as his roommate’s, walked up, and he started a conversation with me.
“Patton made a joke about how our situations were familiar because he was also a familiar delivering his roommate’s note to his pen-pal’s inbox. He chuckled at his joke and... my face... got warm? And my heart started beating fast? I... don’t know what happened...” his voice trailed off.
“Well, it sounds to me, like you were blushing,” Roman offered.
Logan rolled his eyes, “Well I know that, but what I don’t understand is... why I was blushing...”
“Well, you said you blushed when he laughed, so you probably thought his laughter was cute.”
“But... why?”
Roman sighed, he placed his hand on his friend’s shoulder, “Love is a mystery, my friend. No one can truly tell why or how it happens. The best we can do is just accept it.”
Logan jumped from his seat at this, “Y-you, you think I’m in love?!?!!!”
“Well, maybe not ‘in love,’ but you likely have a crush, and there’s nothing wrong with that!”
Logan slowly began to pace the floor, “W-what do I do? I’ve never had a crush on anyone before.”
“Well, firstly, you might ask him for his phone number,” Roman replied simply.
Logan froze, eyes lighting up as he stared ahead, “He gave me his phone number,” he whispered to himself softly, remembering.
“That’s wonderful! He likes you back!” Roman cheered.
“N-no no no, not like that. We simply agreed it would be easier for us to meet up in person to exchange letters from our roommates rather than checking the inboxes occasionally for new messages.” Logan grabbed his phone from its place on the counter as he pulled out the paper with Patton’s number. “He proposed that, so we knew when there was a new message for us to collect, that we exchange phone numbers and text each other.”
“And he was the one that proposed the idea of the two of you meeting in person again?”
“Y-yes,” Logan stammered, typing the number into his phone, adding the contact “Patton.”
“Well, that means he wants to see you again!”
“I-I hardly doubt that...” Logan dismissed before considering, “Do you really think so?”
“Of course! Why don’t you send him a text?”
Logan nodded, sitting down again. He sent the message.
L: “Is this Patton?”
“Really?” Roman questioned, “That’s what you’re going to send? A bit dull don’t you think?”
“It’s important to confirm that I texted the correct number before I send anything personal.”
Roman sighed, then his eyes darted to the phone, “Look! He’s responding!”
Logan’s eyes were glued to his phone, anxiously waiting for his reply.
It sent.
P: “Yes! Is this Logan?”
L: “Yes, this is Logan.”
P: “Heeeey!!! :D”
The last message made Logan blush, why was this strangely cheery man making him so... flustered?
Roman glanced at the clock, “Well, I have a night class I need to get to,” he stood up, “I wish you the best of luck in winning this man’s heart,” he smiled, grabbed his book bag, and left before Logan could protest.
Logan hoped he could get through this without embarrassing himself.
Roman was always one to be very in-touch with his emotions, especially his romantic feelings. He was a very emotional person by nature. Logan, however, was not one for emotions, they complicated things too much for him. Logan thought of emotions as mere distractions, confusing and consuming his every thought.  But in the end, they balanced each other out.
Chapter 3: Patton’s crush
Patton did his best to contain his excitement until he was back in his dorm, and when he closed the door, he leaned up against it, a wide grin on his flushed face.
“Hey, Pat.” Virgil greeted, not looking up from his homework.
Patton started giggling, causing Virgil to look up curiously, “Pat?”
Patton started jumping up and down and flapping his arms in excitement. He turned into his avian form and began to fly around the room.
Virgil scrambled to hold down the papers attempting to fly away from his bed, stirred up by Patton’s flight, “Patton, what’s gotten into you?”
Patton landed, turning into a human again, arms still flapping, “I met a really cute boy,” he singsonged, grinning from ear to ear.
“Oh. Nice,” Virgil replied, looking back at his work, “what’s his name?”
“Logan...” Patton sighed dreamily as he stared at the ceiling, face still flushed as he lied on his bed, “I saw him trying to put...” Patton pulled the scroll out of his pocket and tossed it over to Virgil’s bed, “-this in your inbox, so I went over and asked if he was your pen-pal.
“He said his roommate was your pen-pal, and he was his roommate’s familiar. He was dropping his roommate’s letter off for him, so I made a pun about how that seemed familiar because that’s what I was doing! And when I told my pun HE BLUSHED!!! HE TRIED TO COVER IT UP BUT I SAW OUT OF THE CORNER OF MY EYES! HE LIKES MY PUNS, HE THINKS I’M CUTE AAAAAAA!!!!” Patton screamed into his pillow.
Virgil chuckled, placing his textbooks aside as he prepared to read the letter, “Did you get his number?” he joked.
“No, but I gave him mine! And he said he’d text me!!” Patton gasped as he remembered this, pulling out his phone and staring at it.
“Don’t expect him to reply immediately, he’s probably still on his way back to his dorm room,” Virgil commented.
Patton pouted, setting his phone down. “I guess... I said it’d be easier for us to meet up in person to exchange letters, and I gave him my number so we could text each other when we had letters to exchange. I hope he knew I was trying to get a chance to see him more often...”
Virgil shrugged, “Rather than staring at your screen why don’t you come over here and read this letter with me,” he scooted over on his bed to make room for Patton.
“Okay,” Patton joined him, phone still in his hand.
Virgil untied the red ribbon wrapped around the scroll before unrolling it to read its message.
“Greetings, pen-pal! I wish to tell you my name, but this assignment is meant to remain anonymous, so you may refer to me as “Prince.” I am a Fairy Knight Majoring in Folk magic, I’m 20 years old, he/him pronouns, bisexual, and single, (so you could say I’m... on stand-bi or I’m... bi myself at the moment!) I look forward to our many future exchanges, new friend! ~Sincerely, Prince ;) <3”
Virgil rolled his eyes, whoever his pen-pal was, he sure was dramatic.
“I like this guy already, those are some nice puns!” Patton chuckled.
Virgil set the note aside, resuming his school work.
“Um, aren’t you gonna write a reply?” Patton asked.
“Yeah, later though,” Virgil answered simply, not bothering to look up from his schoolwork.
“Oh, okay...” Patton’s let twitched, causing the bed they were sitting on to bounce.
“What?” Virgil asked, irritated.
“It’s just... I reeeeally wanna have an excuse to see Logan again!” Patton pouted.
“He hasn’t even texted you yet! How can yo-“
Patton stared down at his phone, reading the text
L: Is this Patton?
Patton replied to the text almost immediately,
P: Yes! Is this Logan?
L: Yes, this is Logan.
“He just texted me!!!” Patton beamed at Virgil before sending.
P: Heeeey!!! :D
Virgil sighed, “Okay, I’ll write a reply so you can see your crush.”
Patton hugged Virgil from the side, “Thank you!!!” He raced back to his bed, jumping onto it excitedly, and waiting for a reply.
L: Hello.
P: How are you? :)
L: I’m doing fine, how are you?
P: I’m doing well. :)
-Logan’s heart stopped, Patton’s smile could brighten up any room, and he knew the difference between ‘good’ and ‘well!’ Logan was absolutely falling for this man.
L: That’s nice.
“Okay, Patton, here’s my letter, go meet your boyfriend,” Virgil held out the letter towards Patton.
Patton jumped up, taking the letter in his hand, “Thanks! Also, he’s not my boyfriend... yet” he added with a giggle. He texted Logan excitedly,
P: I got a letter for your roommate! Do you wanna meet up by the fountain?
L: Alright.
P: Great! I’m on my way!
Patton put his phone in his pocket and walked as fast as he could to meet Logan again.
Chapter 4: First “date”?
Logan was determined to keep the pink off his face, but as soon as he saw Patton eagerly awaiting his arrival, his blush crept back onto his cheeks.
“Hey, Logan!” Patton waved.
“Hello, Patton.”
“Here’s the letter from my roomie,” he handed him the note.
“Thank you,” Logan put the note in his bag, “My roommate is attending a night class at the moment, so I likely won’t have another note for you until tomorrow.”
“Oh! Well, if you don’t have to get back to your dorm to get the note to him right now, and if you don’t have anything else to do, why don’t we hang out together?” Patton suggested, smiling.
“I, um, I don’t see why not,” Logan tried to remark casually, but Patton could tell how happy he was to spend more time with him.
“Great!” he grinned, “There’s a really cool combined coffee shop and library place downtown we could go to if you want!”
“That sounds nice,” Logan smiled, nodding.
“Awesome! Let’s go!” Patton turned into his avian form and took off in the direction of the coffee shop. Logan flew nearby him, hoping the wind on his face would cool it down and make his blush disappear, but it didn’t.
Roman looked up from his schoolwork as Logan entered the room, “Greetings, I was wondering where you flew off to!”
“I-I think I went on a date...” Logan stammered, staring blankly ahead of him as he leaned against their closed door.
“Ooh! Romance, do tell!” Roman leaned forward, his interest piqued.
“W-well, I saw Patton, he gave me a note from your pen-pal, and I mentioned you were at a night class. He said that we should hang out since I couldn’t get the note back to you immediately, and we went to a coffee shop and library place and we just... talked, for a while. It was nice spending time with him, but I don’t know if it was a ‘date’ or not.”
“Did he kiss you?”
“Did you hold hands?”
“Did he hug you?”
“Did he mention anything about it being a date?”
“No... I guess I just wanted it to be a date. We were probably just hanging out...”
“Aw, well don’t feel so down! I’m sure he wanted to get to know you better before asking you out on an official ‘date,’”
Logan nodded his head, “Yeah, maybe...”
“Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe I heard you had a note for me...?” Roman asked with an eyebrow raised, grinning eagerly.
“Oh, yes,” he pulled the note from his bag, handing it to him, “here.”
Roman jumped up excitedly, taking the note from Logan’s hand, and reading it over.
“Hey, Princey. You can call me V. I’m a Vampire majoring in Witchcraft, I’m also 20, he/him. That’s pretty much all there is to me, so, write to ya’ later. –V”
“Oh, he seems so charming! I can’t wait to reply to him!” he eagerly grabbed an empty scroll, some ink, and his quill pen, and began to write a response for his pen-pal.
Chapter 5: Just a Harmless Prank
Virgil came back to his dorm the next afternoon to see Patton sitting, pink-faced and smiling on his bed as he tried to focus on his schoolwork. Virgil raised his eyebrow, “Do you have another note for me?”
Patton nodded, handing him the note as he grinned, still thinking about how Logan’s hand brushed his as he handed the note to him.
Virgil untied the ribbon on the scroll, reading it over.
“Greetings, V! I am glad to be writing with you! You seem like a V nice person! (Get it? Because V is an abbreviation for “very!”) I have a question for you, and you do not have to reply to it if it is too personal, but, are you single? I wish to know in the case that I flirt with you and make your partner jealous. I am a bit of a flirt by nature, and I simply cannot help it. ~Sincerely, Princey ;) <3”
“Hey, Princey. No, I don’t have a partner, but if I did, he wouldn’t be the one you needed to worry about if you flirted with me. If you tried to flirt with me I’d probably cast a spell on you so you couldn’t take 2 steps without tripping for the next few hours or so. :) –V”
Roman read over his letter from his pen pal, “I don’t have a partner, but if I did, he...” “he...”
“How wonderful! A fellow queer!” Roman thought to himself, before dragging out his extravagant supplies to compose a response.
It was rather funny how different the two were in simply their forms of writing.
Roman would think over each word until its sequence was so flawless he’d managed to memorize it, copying it onto a scroll with a quill and ink, tying it in a ribbon once the ink dried.
Virgil, however, didn’t care if his response had the occasional crossed out word or scribble of pen on paper to test the ink, hastily replying on scrap sheets of notebook paper he had lying around so that Patton could deliver his response and see Logan sooner.
They were both quite different, but, in a way, they balanced each other out...
“Dear, V, Well you are quite the gloomy goober, aren’t you? I find your response to my last message to be V cute! You seem like such a nice person, I doubt you’d actually cast a clumsiness spell upon me for flirting with you. I look forward to messaging you more, ~Sincerely, Princey ;) <3”
Virgil smirked and chuckled lightly at Princey’s response, “Well now, if he’s going to challenge me like that, then I have no choice,” he smirk grew into an evil grin as he began to search for a certain potion he had in mind...
The next note Roman received was in an envelope, which was quite strange considering all of Virgil’s previous notes had been mere scribbles on notebook paper. Even stranger was when Roman opened the envelope and it emitted a small puff of smoke. The only written message on the note was an ‘upside-down smiling face’ with the signature “–V” accompanying it.
Roman was moving to his desk with letter-writing supplies to compose a response when he unnaturally tripped on absolutely nothing and fell face flat on the floor. He scoffed in great offense, with a hint of mild amusement, at the actions of his pen pal. Whether he realized it or not, he actually smirked a little, he thought it was cute how mischievous his pen pal was.
“Dear, V, I hope you find enjoyment in knowing my white pants are absolutely ruined from falling on the floor so much, and my hair is completely out of place from the sudden ‘wooshes’ of landing on the ground. However, I find your antics to be charming, in their own, devious way, Hot Topic. ~Sincerely, Princey ^‘3 <3”
“Dear, Princey, how terrible! However shall you go on with your hair out of place and a bit of dust on your clothes!/s Get over it, Pretty Boy, you can stand a little dirt on your outfit and wind in your hair. In other words, check your ego, amigo. Also, ‘Hot Topic’? Aw, you think I’m hot, that’s cute./s –Hot Topic”
“Dear, Hot Topic, ‘Pretty Boy’? Does this mean you think I’m pretty? <3 And yes, I do find you hot... somehow, ;) I rather like the nickname, ‘Pretty Boy,’ I think I will be using this from now on... ~Sincerely, Pretty Boy “3 <3”
Virgil rolled his eyes as he forced the blush in his face to go down. “Geez, I knew he was a flirt but I didn’t know he was that much of a flirt.”
“Sounds to me like someone has a crush!” Patton teased.
Virgil scoffed, “He probably says that to everyone he meets.”
“I meant, it seems like you have a crush on him!” Patton explained.
“Wh-! No! I barely know the guy.”
“Well, ya’ did call him ‘pretty boy’ in your last note, so...”
“It’s not like that, Patton, I was just mocking how self-absorbed he is.”
“And there’s another thing, for someone who’s so self-absorbed, wouldn’t it really mean something for him to call someone else, more specifically, you ‘hot’?”
“He doesn’t even know what I look like, why would it mean anything if he called me ‘hot’? Never mind that, why would he call me hot if he did know what I look like,” his face heated up, maybe it was from the black hoodie he was wearing or maybe it was from thinking about his new nickname and the words of his pen-pal.
“Maybe he thinks your insides are hot,” Patton suggested.
“My insides?”
“Yeah! Maybe he finds your spicy personality hot!” he made jazz hands.
Virgil slowly shook his head, “don’t ever call me ‘spicy’ again.”
“Aw, okay.”
“But like... I don’t even know him that well, you can’t just get a crush on someone you barely know!”
Patton blushed, looking off and thinking about Logan, “Well...” he chuckled, grinning like an idiot.
Virgil rolled his eyes, “Okay, so you can, but I’m not like that! I have to get to know the person first!”
“Alright, but whether or not you have a crush on him, he totally has a crush on you!” Patton gasped, “You should invite him to the laser tag meet up next week!”
“Patton, the pen-pal thing is supposed to be anonymous.”
“Yeah! But the assignment will be over by then! And you can meet each other in person!”
“That’s... true. Alright, I’ll invite him,” Virgil scribbled the invite onto his reply before handing the letter to Patton, “If I’m inviting Princey you should invite Logan.”
“Oh, do you I should ask him out on a date?”
Virgil shrugged, “I mean, that’s up to you, whatever feels right.”
Patton was silent for a moment, “Alright, I’ll go take this to Logan!” he smiled, then closed the door behind him.
Chapter 6: Asking
Patton hummed to himself as he walked, scanning the hall for Logan, until he spotted him, “Hey, Logan!” he grinned.
“Hello, Patton,” Logan smiled. Seeing a small blush splash across Logan’s face only made Patton more confident.
“Here’s the letter!” he handed the reply over.
“Thank you,” Logan placed the reply in his bag.
“Um, there’s some people planning a laser tag meet up next week, and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?” he asked nervously.
Logan thought for a moment, then nodded his head, “Yes, I think it would be an interesting experience.”
Patton beamed, “Great! It’s a date then!”
Logan’s face went red, “Wh-what do you mean, ‘a date’... what kind of ‘date’?”
“Oh, um, well..” Patton looked away from Logan, face flushed with embarrassment, he’d been so sure that Logan liked him back, but now he had doubts, “If you wanted to... I was kinda hoping that, it could be... a, romantic, date, for you and me?” He looked at Logan with a glimmer of hope but overwhelming fear of rejection in his eyes.
“Y-yes. I would like that very much,” Logan answered almost subconsciously with complete honesty.
Patton sighed in relief, looking back at Logan and grinning brightly, “Great! I’m glad to hear that! I’ll um, I’ll text you later!” he placed a gentle kiss on Logan’s cheek before near-skipping back to his dorm room.
Logan’s grin was wide when he opened the door to his dorm room, he began to giggle, pulling Roman’s attention from doing makeup, “Logan? What happened?”
The smile on Logan’s face only grew as he answered, “Patton asked me out.”
“He did! That’s wonderful! Oh, I am so happy for you!... You did say yes, correct?”
Logan nodded his head, “He asked me out, kissed my cheek, and went back to his dorm room,” he giggled, lying on his bed, completely flustered, but glad about it for once.
“That’s amazing, and I’m assuming you have a letter for me?” Roman added, eagerly.
Logan pulled out the letter, handing it to Roman, who grabbed it, excitedly reading it over.
“Dear, Pretty Boy, I’ve never seen your face, I have no idea how ‘pretty’ or ugly you are. There’s a laser tag meet up next week when this ‘pen-pal’ assignment is over. If you want to, we could meet up there, and then I could tell you where you stand on a scale from 1-10. –Hot Topic”
Roman grinned at this invitation, excitedly writing a reply.
“Dear, Hot Topic, I will gladly attend this ‘laser tag meet up’ and I look forward to meeting you in person! ~Sincerely, Pretty boy ;) <3”
Chapter 7: Laser Tag
In their last letters to each other, they exchanged phone numbers, both agreeing not to send any selfies, wanting their face reveals to be done in person.
V: Where are you, pretty boy? The game’s about to begin.
P: I’ll be there soon! Go on in without me!
V: Okay, whatever.
Virgil put his phone in his pocket, grabbing the blue laser tag pack and inputting the nickname “Hot Topic” to his shooter.
“Ready to go, Patton?... Patton?” he turned around to see his roommate gazing and blushing at his new boyfriend, sitting across the table from him as they held hands. Virgil rolled his eyes, smirking a little. “Hey, Pat, I’m gonna go on inside, okay?”
Patton only nodded in response, never taking his eyes off his partner who sat, grinning sheepishly across from him. Virgil chuckled and proceeded inside.
After a few minutes of waiting, the crowd had grown so much he knew he would never be able to find princey among all the people before the game started, he’d have to meet him afterward.
Roman ran up to the laser tag place just in time, grabbing the last red pack available and inputting the nickname “Pretty Boy” to his shooter. The doors opened and everyone flooded in, he supposed he would have to find Virgil after the game.
“Patton, we’re on two different teams, we can’t be holding hands throughout the game!” Logan stated.
“But I wanna hold hands with you! It’s our first date!” Patton protested, pouting.
“I understand that, I want to hold hands with you too, but strategically speaking, it’s-“
Patton shot Logan with his laser, “Got you!” he shouted before running off.
“Wh-! Hey!” Logan chased after him, laughing.
Patton was rather childish at times, which was very different in comparison to Logan’s normal, serious nature. Though, Patton was helping Logan to loosen up, little by little, and enjoy life more overall. In the end, they balanced each other out quite well.
Meanwhile, Virgil was taking this game very seriously, he used his inability to be seen in mirrors to his advantage, sneaking up behind others, hitting them when they least expected it. Every now and then he would turn into his bat form, his laser tag pack transforming with him as he shrank. He would observe the game from upside down, scoring himself many points.
Roman was enjoying himself quite well, he considered this game a walk in the park compared to challenges he’d faced before. Being so skilled in stealth he was easily able to hide in secluded areas, hitting people when they least expected it, though there was some sort of sniper that he could never see that kept hitting him. It was almost as if this person wasn’t even on the ground at all...
The game ended and everyone went to check the scoreboard. Virgil walked over, pulling out his phone.
V: Game ended, where are you?
He heard a ding from the pocket of the person next to him, they typed a reply out of the corner of his eyes as he looked at the scoreboard, ignoring the coincidence. Virgil located his nickname at the top of the scoreboard, tied with someone else, he was about to see who, when the person next to him hit send, making his own phone ding.
P: Looking at the scoreboard, where are you?
V: I’m at the scoreboard too, guess which place I’m in >:)
The man next to him scanned the scoreboard, gasping lightly when he located the nicknames “Hot Topic” and “Pretty Boy” at the top.
P: We’re tied for first! Good game!
Virgil looked up, confirming that they were, in fact, tied for first.
V: Good game. Can we meet up now? I wanna see you in person.
P: Absolutely! I wish to see you in person too! I’m the one wearing the prince attire with a Red sash!
Virgil rolled his eyes, chuckling.
V: Tad extra don’t you think?
He looked around to spot him when he realized he’d been standing next to him the entire time.
V: Dude... to you right.
Roman turned to his right, all his breath leaving him as he saw Virgil.
Time stopped as Roman soaked in the appearance of the man next to him, his beautiful black hair falling perfectly over his deep hazel eyes as his cheeks blushed, freckles standing out against the pink of his skin.
“Great Odin’s eyepatch... you’re so much more beautiful than I ever could’ve imagined,” he breathed.
Virgil blushed looking away, “You’re not too bad yourself, pretty boy,” he smirked.
Roman grinned, offering his hand for the other to hold, looking over at Patton and Logan, “Do you want to make this a double date?” he asked.
Virgil chuckled, taking Roman’s hand and nodding, “Yeah, sure.”
Roman smiled, “I’m Roman, by the way.”
“Well, Virgil, I look forward to our many future exchanges, boyfriend,” he winked at Virgil before they joined the other couple at their table.
~The End!~
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